Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The George-Anne Student Media 10-1-2001 The George-Anne Georgia Southern University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/george-anne Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (2001). The George-Anne. 2982. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/george-anne/2982 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The George-Anne by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Established 1927 The Official Student Newspaper of Georgia Southern University RECEIVED OCT 0 2 2001 fiiL HENDERSON LIBRARY GEORGIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY Monday it Sports: WomenS Soccer wins twice in weekend contests Volume 74, No. 24 October 1,2001 www.stp.gasou.edu fresh- Page 6 ichard :aver- ON THE INSIDE: 4 Worms, viruses Green yards. We will not surrender our freedom' ravage the s first KRT Campus week computer world For 41 CHICAGO - Two jetliners stood nearly nose to nose, one "United" and Bush's airline safety plan KRT Campus Jut he the other "American," as President Key elements of President Bush's plan to secure airlines from terrorist attack: In the weeks since a mali- ball Covering the campus like a Bush sought to restore an air of secu- : cious program or "worm" nick- rity Thursday and urged Americans to swarm of gnats \ r ; named Code Red first rampaged squad "get on board, do your business around across the Internet, many home- would the country." i computer users must have won- ssuc- Jbday'S Weather "We will not surrender our free- ' dered what all the fuss was about dom to travel ..." the president told That's because the original ickoff 6,000 airline workers at Chicago's 00 [ Code Red and later variants had annon Sunny with a O'Hare Airport 16 days after ten'orists Aircraft modifications Air marshals I virtually no effect on the Win- r. We hijacked two United Airlines and two oo high of 75° F no no Fortified cockpit doors: cockpit video cameras to help Expand their use dows PCs typically found in the i their and a low of American Airlines jetliners, detonat- 00 pilots monitor cabin activities, continuous operation aboard airliners home. Instead, the worms tar- 52° F. ing a massacre of more than 6,000 ID of transponder in emergency geted more powerful Windows PP i take people. "We will not surrender our ; boxes used for dishing up Web ■ Qp partly freedoms in America." jtmmmmm minmminnminnm sites in the corporate world, re not Halfway across the world, f~jTpl BOB — nsumers aren't out of the Only in America fl S3,.,,..,,,,., i their Afghanistan's Taliban leaders said they m ^^^L mm s, though. ioy it. delivered a message to Osama bin Experts warn that a future oo IBOG-SKXBt e." • An Elvis impersonator gets Laden, alleged mastermind of the Sept. Red-like worm or other essed 11 attack on the World Trade Center angry and punches an employee. 00 of online virus could repre- athan • A picture of a beheaded Bin and Pentagon, advising him to volun- Airport screening National Guard ; sent a grave threat to home-based 00 Federal government would purchase and maintain Governors urged to calf sxvin Laden is displayed in a store tarily leave his Afghan hideaway. ;• computers. Recent attacks show 00 equipment; supervise passenger and baggage up troops to protect window: Earlier this week, in response to security; check security personnel airports until new that viruses are getting harder to ough- People attempting to reach a U.S. demands for bin Laden's surren- o: measures are in place. keep at bay and harder to kill. talot child support line instead dial der, the Taliban said they could not DO 00 What's more, consumers can't ;ome- phone sex line. * find him. They did not say Thursday KRT Campus assume that anti-virus software, times where he was or how he responded to % Page 3 FREEDOM TO TRAVEL : President Bush announced a new airline safety plan Thursday to protect what he by itself, will protect them. the week-old recommendation by Af- calls American's "freedom to travel." Bush continues to try to inspire faith in the airline industry while Then came "Nimba," the lat- ghan clerics. frightening reminders of the attacks constantly flash through American's minds. est nuisance computer worm that Opinions Back in the United States, even as started to plague networks Bush attempted to inspire faith in the trol of airport security. Meanwhile, he nation's war is to restore public confi- U-S-A!" ie • Jake Hallman sees Orwellian around the world last week. Vi- air travel system, a frightening reminder asked governors to post National Guard dence in the airline industry," Bush The United and American jetliners overtones in the removal of the rus experts implored people to came of the crisis confronting airlines troops in the nation's 420 commercial said. "It's to tell the traveling public, were parked facing each other, and WTC from our daily lives. install software updates to stop and the Americans who, until Sept. 11, passenger airports. "Get on board, do your business around they framed a large American flag - • David Brennaman needs his the rogue program. patronized them in great numbers: Nearly 5,000 troops soon may be the country. Fly and enjoy America's and the president of the United States. own personal mascot. Officials said Nimba was ca- The Pentagon confirmed that two trained in security techniques by the great destination spots.' Bush said, "I think it's interesting pable of attacking both business Air Force generals can issue orders to Defense Department and the Federal "Get down to Disney World in that on one side we see 'American,' on and personal computers running Page 4 shoot down any jetliner that threatens Aviation Administration, said a White Florida. Take your families and enjoy the other side, it says, 'United.' Be- Microsoft Corp.'s Windows 95 ! U.S. cities. At the White House, spokes- House official who requested anonym- life the way we want it to be enjoyed." cause that's what we are. America is and newer operating systems via man Scott McClellan called it a "last ity. The federal government will pick Just as Bush uttered the words "get united. We are united in bringing jus- e-mail attachments and infected Sports resort" option. up the cost, which could range to $ 150 on board," an airplane roared over- tice to those folks who did the evil deed Web sites. • GSU Football squeaks by VMI "If the plane is nose down and million, the official said. head. "That's got a nice ring to it," he on Sept. 11." And Code Red remains ac- 31-14. threatens the safety and security of the As expected, Bush also announced said. The president flew to Chicago tive to this day and has proven « Women's Soccer beats WCU American people, that is the type of other measures to enhance faith in the The audience cheered. Many in at- aboard Air Force One, but Transporta- maddeningly difficult to eradi- andUT-C 1-0 in weekend games. situation we're talking about," nation's vital air traffic system, includ- tendance were threatened by waves of tion Secretary Norman Mineta arrived cate. It had caused an estimated McClellan said. ing stronger cockpit doors and more layoffs sweeping through the airline on a regularly scheduled United Air- $2.6 billion in damages related To diminish the ghastly possibility weapons-carrying, plain-clothes sky industry, but they brought their chil- lines flight. The president said that him to system inoculations and lost of such action, Bush said the federal marshals aboard planes. dren and they waved American flags government eventually will take con- "One of the great goals of this and they erupted into chants: "U-S-A! See Airline, Page 7 See Worms, Page 5 :] ======^=_ Recent cases spark first Bartels testifies before Congressional committee possible Internet libel laws G-A News Service by the American Hospital semester, but it now averages be- AFF KRT Campus The head of GSU's School of Association (AHA), the newest tween 50 and 55 new students per fans ease, and Joseph Mercola, an osteo- Nursing testified at a United States threat to the national health care sys- semester. will Page 6 Courtroom conflicts about free pathic physician with offices in Congressional committee hearing on tem is a growing shortage of hospital Minorities represent 24 percent the speech often center on seamy por- Schaumburg, 111., count themselves nography or sordid tabloid stories among Barrett's critics. the national nursing shortage. personnel in general, and nurses in of the nursing school's students and Arts about celebrities. But a new struggle Both posted articles that Barrett Jean Bartels, the chair of GSU's particular. 14 percent are male. According to is unfolding against a less predict- alleges are libelous. On July 30, nursing school, was among the wit- The AHA reported that the na- Bartels, both of those figures are :"A- ^Entertainment able backdrop: Internet postings al- Barrett filed suit against Mercola in nesses who appeared before the tional vacancy rate for registered well above the national average. ■redit leging that a retired Pennsylvania Cook County and against Fonorow House of Representatives Commit- nursing positions is 11 percent, which "The United States is in the midst • 'Zoolander' is a fun movie that psychiatrist is a crackpot extortion- in DuPage County.
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