hi i .

The Now Nowspopor

'•••-;- To Serve A J Springfield.Better

: ruUlthfd Kurt Thui.ii«r. by aub"H>«n 1*1.It- f""tp• flubtrrlpUftn VOL- 1 20 I3O« Mnrrli Ait, Onion. N ."J. - «U f-'nofl SPRI&dFIELD, N*. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER-31.'19B3. 10c,.per, copy ~

Both CandidatesiiiSE Jot VOTING DISTRICTS Campaigrv Hard ^SGO TOWNSHIP Of Bonqdies ~In~ Race 3,200 SPRIN6FIELP FdrN. ). Assembly - On Democro He "Side 2J600 As Springfield' Voters • pn- -paiuil In guHn lliu-pulhf-Tiiesda.v. In decide, among other things," _ K/IILLTOWNIRD, whnwylll represent Iftero in• lheT Oftnn Township Committee, candidate .Ar-'UU Alex Blackman—Dnmncrnt—and William Knon'/, l>Ruhll<''Bn. wore campaigning hnrd Jcir Ihr . slnctc sent 'vacated by Commit- ' leftman Vincent .1, Hnnadles, ~ Ttnnadlcs, a membor of Ihe -the Committee for eight .your!),' j _aiid_inayor for three, is seeking elorlion lo the Stale Assembly^ 800 on HIP . Tlfmne'ralle lli'lri*! . The polls will be open (mm Kflfl T V n:m: In. ft prm.' ., - lownshlp .'this wcefc-for both the - ——' aspirants (nr local • office and 2? ' Bonadles waif Tuesday night's League of Women Voters Can- ELKVEN YRttRS'OF Sprlntt rirlil • ^,1'rntlpn rcHiiIln lire Vliimn In iliail ubiive. A* llir iimmiiTpgrew Hirlates' Night mecllng. xi.'diti Ihr Democratic Votlne-wajnrll.v, liltllng It* pfiif k In lti(i paigning which, they both sny Irlrt In. which votfir^ hrlnnai Vhi exnmplr, thnsn In Itul- trlrt »lx nnm Dlslrlet nrvrn. they deplore. Kle.i'llop /if Irving SKIIIUCIS as Back* Hludr " . first pronldcnl of Ihe Springfield griSed lIUWUIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIIg POLLING PLACES tilni'kmnn lw> snlil - hr Is In l''i\ir HtiUJlng Commille.e rtnil nn ndilri>lv'» -by Ihe---IJtiv, Or. '.'I'lieiw fav'nr of jr-goveriimriit .iludy, n. hirger.id'oiljT'ln w.n'rking doi~lli»lh, 1.11'cttiilont of'•rilooni- 1 FOR SPRINGFIELD 'Mud.v In depth" nf .l.hxen', de- Tiinlr. negregated llelH Col.lttuer slinrnd the' .ipnl- tern* In Kprlngdeld^" . I'IIIIITTU plnrm fur Ihr I .'I vi'loinneiit of alrcndy existlit)( Illihl nl ii_menilng of llm local I'tiiU Cliuliiiiiiii ,iv uiili nil percent "^Political Spi Intlflelil .vnllng-_dhlrlrl . are Vci'irnlhin liimlv ami nixlulliiu U\\_,'n llien II,;MI ufoiip I»HI '1'hvnhcUiy evening'. W- • llxleil heliiiv. lou'itahlji- inrirluinU In' giiln Hie neulv le'i~.li|i-n|||g nnt-m Ihn Mi- HMVKXIHII Cltl>ih'nli»-Ki'hoiil preulilniit, liven Ml' 'it, "I)INI 1 lit••—1—nTTrl ')., Hie I'riniliy- ni'fdrd -imililiiii urcim He -hu» ,'llllll'l|,.. lijl lltl'llUll'll Tipetli!nee In deiillng nnii Is -|TI'p,»iileiTr-TTr Ihe ! l'liill|i.'l)el V«i:ii|i|fi, Hitd hiX-uifmberi* t»f Tli*1 I'i'rtiih.V" •!, Ammlrull I,'1 \vllh liii'^e i*ntnitiMlli'liv In hi1* I'oinnninli.v l trrtwti—t'jitni h;—'iVthpIr- HhlUBj- i IIUIMihI \ Mi ii|M j urn ' on (. tillii .Itiiil t—n itny ilulMlnil, TrlveMM - ppii ; .nupaclty iu> mi—tntfrnaTtnnnr Wiii |wi( li i, Imivinir him, in n lull III'IIM'- , I, I'lv'oltvln IInn I'm lih luilou T'l'lli'^fiiliilftllV'e ilehllng \eiir .nf I'llll Hi',11111 Pnrli ulln lhl« 'riinttilH,v=ll|n,v Will Uml Ih^. nl Te,nil'le . Helh Mull, Ihn Anlliirh wlih'li I'IIVI'IB nil Vif M|ii lluii.i','.'Miilii il,; HM(-li'h !» it hi I Wllh IllllHI -IIWIIKHII'llll'lll ll'lH 1 rnml lni' iinmi' II|' TiitV'iinhl|i "rtirmriiiLrir- HuplUI '('lunch .'mill .'•! - .Itiini". itinl -11 rtirrj'iilly' iu'tivi*t|i> II. i iililurll lieliiml, (.'iihlweli.pl,; Hnn.'i, IIH mi IIHIIIM In Hie pi^l \\t 1 nu 'IIIII'M mi iiniiii'inii I'jir ;i|iiin '"An III hlil' 7 iin.l II, (iimtlllt)'til - II umeiiuni'iil »liirly til IIIILII 'ilnh'li Ihe l,i-vn,,l,' l.niilw .('i'IIJinu>rr~li lli'iiiiii'ral, rHnrf- lii il.i A\'UII M, v In., rluingtnu if. Hit' Hv'enliiK when ; lip H11\ I ii'. '\.a;iiH))Jil VjlTuTn. yi'iii, inul ritilil'-^tHW,' Ini \niii'ij.-iltiiil/ -.-• '. • r'_ ::.±zn~m 'Mi'luinI •Vim S-M o,iintVlli:i-iUuU-a'lntlM.(iui^ iiiiil nl'' 1 Ijl Tii'i!Ji)-ii.f-i H uiiumj,"~-.in— rti—iirijmtnri') -'i.nw . Si ITMTTTT iju'W'iili flin'fliial III|'I ill' iii" e'1iini'(-autU|ien~ , . '"|'| ""i- 'V^ijn . nm|-l'iy '"| (||' |I:H| lt'"pff(~ J.I | hint i liiir.iiiui I ^iiii'iili'lr^i'iriii IUII.'AI'I 1 He i*, mi, t-\ci.;iill\ e AVIIII httcjiiii- fllitrl 1* til Mi ill i tin I ifii ' 1 \u w>'ii nt u it i tt i in it JI4+I JVH ' Iii IIIII,.I,IIII,'I>;.'.;.', .. r .. T77; i t'.... 'I. I.. i . (. !'. 7~ I I.. . ' uHjiliftjl, hehni: miilnlo.hieil, .1.SIH/ voles, ": - III- II 1111.v ntiei) liri'OTiecl (III liljuMli'u." llt'iuTI. Tluslitcss MIICI.IIIIIII, ".|JIHI Tinly ". of 'IIIH ''PI'KNHIII form hr lli'e lir.iH rli'ction, ... — . ^_...... ,- ... ,.,Jl(llotU ilillHlT III I'illzillllll II, .il I'll-, Nnllng-Him "ill million Ainei-. hi'i.v. hved In SprliiR'flijId for' tin1 eiinh'l inieaj'lli hellor proi'i'ihiri.'.i leim' Nngroen are. "in reblfflTon" nnl Oiinlel'.Liii'y ri'gist'c'red IJipT ft'«u ii. 1'iilltini! iidtinilimi. jfinirinii'iw .'i.iiiillini In Wr^'HinM, -II Ji'it,- in Itnliwii.v, a piiM Ihiee •.vears, — 1 1 for Ihe pres'enl s.Vslem. • iiHiiinsl prejudice and' discnml- hiKhcK.I * vote . iiei'cenUige-.wi. ,*! In (Hnri'_aiij!iiiH;N!.(ir In Iliif.Nliiti',_lH.x-if\- li'Miimmiin'l •dimi'm' In-Kli/niwll'i. it nick-" Motel Vpances, Hliickman* has polnled lo ris- Dr. Hiillf, llifKiipsl'speaker, is over high Republican Arthur nalinhi'nr,' Ralb comnienled, "lii pre.iident . of. the •• New' Jer.wy •«iii|f|,|nn_n . I'or : rtitnlur uiUxtMiH,' II.HU'C. pny Inii pnil.y In Irvinjfl.on ii'iul iirnllvin Ilill- ing Inxes n'nd~Tn i\h plttl-ftrrm- a- lime' of revolution there enn Handvilje.'.'Uicy unined fi.T'per"-" 1 Cnmmlllic., nc'iin; ' ' nnjl—mor-a. Mlyliiifi-'nl. (iiiuliflriilin'iiM "I'm aido, ,...•" " "ha: arivonrted a lax.Khidy, He vo- • he no neutrals.". lion-in tlousing.- He has served; IIIKI 'I'h'omoii, tiiiil 'llmltiil-lniw i.m-"..,: VVV1K iil'lnr Hiul. lofwl iiT n Sundny. Denied; Request SB.VS he. -|ia» consulted wilh ex-' ten; -'(--t)KH—Ata'tinn niimb«ti?a" Snmuelv who. was elected un- as. president nf the. hew .ler.sey »»' tho pywer-'ot' UIB Sliiti.'. Hlirluv'ny • vmi'll fiT'iTl'iiTldr Mlimp, Min thfinrrnxf"m"ni~ pLLi!Li|Lxl ly I'niirir-il' nf-Plnriiir i nnrl =nf-1 he 7S(1' and .^.n,i(r*\-niei'.< r^si [\ip\r •" •"" • • -• • niiitf. tin wns told. —' "• '.:r-^B-T- .l.o_lacjinjilnt himself jyll.h ^ the Infitt-Trrotipr^ns- also auth- Presbyterian Synod of N'fw jer- lailnUi.'I.uc'.v won his scat cerinrc.1 which he . SH.VSV will orized' to name a steeling com-" 1 .7*05 vble.-i, with the ..-.-- 'n'.n', i'ol«xo(I nwrl' IVI(!nfIT]F ' "Nat. Un talc," "'hfrsaidT "I fliali'ihiiln sey.' • • ' "• • -A'~v"rillnee, tn allow conSiruc- serve him- and the community mitteejo assist. In the iHganixit. . He. stressed that inan^pieriple nlRipiibVkWB-Ba'ining ; 1,872. ' .mniinqr in the living i-nom fffrtTtsntonin -;-c-nmii>i .|uiSt;v,itif"'t,ssR votes; av constrilc'timv- o^JI '.conynleas The. .airicily" nepubllcan tidi»-' hegnn • tn. InlavTJii" i-Ha1) rent-home n>i~M7vnTitnln n've. 4a. If" • I *- M I ^V ^ i^emm^^^t ("Ml | M M^I i i .i .• • j InlWWIIti,,. ,-,;,ll,-il liiln nffii/ the Plnnnirig Board fnrinn nrl- .tu).jiiiidr5We mlifit Iriirii in vrnrlr Hlhle Qiil« vlsnry report. tngelhorngelhor- or be cnlcifiwcnlcifinll Kepijr 'J,l l,;i, viileT" <.' .in the iircn. Is lost, Leader Profile field. At a special meet Ing Mon- inate location if mil. In Ihn'town- polilleal purlieu, o.ur lalmr uri- I'riini HIM Iliroiiith Hie elec- will nn 11 down .detnlls of tho upclalcil *nn franchise l>y .Motel day night the ,Trt\vn,shlp Coht- ohlp, muiit.lbe spoiled out, Slifelminl has. Kiiicl, thnmuh' n • Vlneeiit. ,J, ItiimidleN .... , I III1M.". • . , . •' tion iif lll-VI the 'vote MUM hint). . ' project aii soon «s-a linie'dlsM: MnnimcmeiH, Corp of America mittce jiasscd. a resnlutloir (o . Must Notify. stali'-linpusrd strcot ' •parlihiM-' IAVV Klei.iHnn .I>nt».•'. .'... • 8' Dr.'llnlli iinled Hun much'' ul (or Iteiiiihlleiin ninilldiilrs,;' 't*M- Is brought' Into the fold,. It on hind lo hC'lensed by l.iuv- hint Wtwei'n 'l::in imri.ll::il) p.m. Itellolmis News ,. '.. SO ONtabJlHh wijrlt rules for Ihe The township' must he noil' llie.h'liiniit (or'housing t-cgrcgu- The ceni'lill rll'rllnll (if .HIM was Icarn'rd this werti, - .rcncc; nnrmnl rciall business hours, Siiohil News ...... IH-10' moving of .houses within (own- fled In thr application of whnl lloi\ In 'often directed ugnln.-il HUM' AA'iierer.nl of llm liuyn- •lack Htifclmnn, Chamber of Tnslthioiiy was heard relative ship boundaries. The regulations' day .iiul lime the Liulldtug l» lo 'Sllfelmnn isiiHI Hint I he Cluuu- HporU NeW ,. , : ..JH reiilliirA, lull added thai II it. nev^ NIIIP'N TrKlstefeil vntrrs liu-ti, In Mho construction nf- a MB- went Into offeoP'linmfldliitcl.v. be moved and the'Bfrenls over 1 Commerce, presldenl, said Hint bcr of C'onimm'ce now fcnrs.lhnt nl vvlse (n generalize abniit juiy out tn elect I'reil llruwn liy.n, » nieetlng ,Miihdny al his He- bed convalesciuit home on a por- Mayor 'Arthur M. Talkln lold which It will li'averse must hVs Ity: ^_m iii;.O!.l|>,_!nvlielhcrJl_ii ; _..7'>_.l!e.tTJJil.._V(!iE. 1—1 j^_ hJL Vr1Sl will ellinln'nle all parking In this Tii(liiy'ninmmtiuk»r. , infcrlnrlly nf Ni-nrnc;. •'I'he following year. riepubllc.t crt.v on Mountain ave. The ap- dents of Ills Wryant aye. area, moving inust be 'mithoiized by. revealed that nil'of Ihc property men •'• ao.niethlng'ir hdfi been b'y Mur.y ArniKtrnnn ... Ill nr the • supposed prejudice' ol nin' Arlhur Miindville brnuRhl' In 1 pllcatinn was sent tn Ihe Tlan- whose, protest lo Ihe Committee t'he' police, • • • • , owners except one nrc ciln- thrrntnning lo do .for. yenrs, he I . S. Sriiiilnr C!u»e 4. ( reallfir*." • • 111 'pcrciml <• f lhe_volefr-ciisl nlni; Bnard. last wne,k',,,conc.ernlng khe dam- Under the new regulations the vlnccd lhat the lot wmild spur iidfled. He pointed out that Hor- II. S. Si'imtnr WlllluiiH . A •'.••• ., I'ritlses Sliinil *• while his -high nc'tmicratlc-op».' Murray ft .Simon, a Newark age doiS'».\',.B,v tfie moving nf. a name and address of. the ptM'uon hii.sliiess IQ. J.Kc tyroa, nnd Increase, i-h nv*1" Is.. i,i'Slnte IMIIKI. ' The Ads • . » 30-31 He praised as sound 'and., con- potinii, tiporgr M'. Tnfl;,' gain- • p.ropeY'p.ropeY'tt y values'tiid'e,11 > ; allnrney representing Valco house 'prompted the I'enolutlon, nr 'contractor must be on the eel. n. inoi:c. I'l'.jjerccnt. In ll\l« • Highway ••DeiKii'tmenU.hrts of- •rnUeojjs. Ihr recent .stand aiiulivsi 1 lnc:,- who. jilalis tn build the thjil. ijnty one.' permit, :foi>%.linuse, BPj'llcnllpi) iind; adenutite, super- .vein", hn.wcvci , Independent rtih>. Sllfelmiiii. tile -properly own- fered to resurface It, he Haul,' ^blklfill'";nl ••pmijfc ->ell-' modern racillly. on a' 2'M •acre movfhg''wiis, nulstaiifilng • prior vision must' "bV lihtt'tdeVr Iiy thn er.s, Township I'umnillUTmnn If the township' agrees' tn el'iin- Legion Pbsf Planning ' by", tho Biuivd of (ililiilcKnincix.,.,!, Kennc gained tract of land, estlmnled that to the passage, nl. the resolution, mo\u>ix-An uulhotizod .«upeiin- I.IITII- nf the '1,71111 votes cast.; 'PMlip l)t'l,,.ViM'rhlo,w\\'ill SnloikJ:, InHte. pnrklnu . there:- SUfcfrftjui SontU.. (}|'4iiuie .--and Pr--Drive Sunday cosl of Ihe project would be and that the. house 'h'ad been ex- tchdent of moving. must be on of. Hie. ChnmhiT of Coinmc,i.Ti>, siild Unit the" Clininlicr simpou'it; Miiplcwnod, .which included In. HIM, high ,Mepuhlicnn, Kli- CimUnvnlui iVist 2211 Amer- some $HI)n,onn Including equip- amlneV'l liii'd found to. ntc'et new liinut"'"ill all time's, during.,'lluv «nH Arlluir Smith, brunch mnn- the Uliilc nniy Insist on cllniliin- .Si)l'iimfl«ld. ' '.'• „;.'.;. ' ,...' gemv K. pniviitflly briaiKhl In ,ioin I^eKlon,i , i.win.-V , jinlri ||«' ment and (urulshlngs, aiu| noted spoclflcntlons, ' . ' •In discussion from the floor,' 1,(1111 .VnVcii' ifijri 'high Pemocral, hger of l!>e NHliinuilTKliilp.BimUi Hlttn.jif-pinWng-'llibii}. vvilhln two' ,.>ntinthl£ paper (trl\'« this Suiii- i li 'll with'.whom, the group is-, ui'ifnt- ,'lilml '.fu 4Ai'anknJ'I(u;lo'w!..o(. Gi-tdcn—Oxaij' years., - •'" : .' ' ' clay beginning nl . in'' a.m. b.y the .township would'he In the liifinK- a, morlgoiie, altenrlcd ll.ic no' portion, (Inn or corporation be proof that tnsi'cs Iiavc snid thnl tho "color ultuutidn" were S.llll -rcglstero'd volnrx in The. fi,vc t: inviiers in.- ;''r'uln or shlno," u Post vskwkeB- n«.|lil\horhoii() pf, $10,501! « year, •wlljj.be'gllowed .to-movc a sirtm- been ••na.ld and. wriUcn-consoiU •here soemed, ."nrottv decent" lo Hie r'ahAlrithimI;vccI):" * inc. purklnir'inl' pin-' Unsuitable ' ture'.on or "acrossTftny strelet In ot" all Titillty companies whosic him. •' Nnllni; thnt herwris "proud them wciif .tolhe.pi'lls. T'l Stlfelmaii snlvl ihnt liic .riis- posal are BJrrtost Nngel, Snmupl The- spokoHinnn ' said pnper Ho Introthicod loUors from nix Ihe township without obtaining Kcrvlce mlBht be'Intcrr^pteil by of oiy' colored sc(.'llon"ln Spuing-' Ai'R.vrl)', however, runninR as HH sRnter has agreed verbally In Ofl.s'ternnvia, Dr.'Henry Mulhiiu- nnrl cardboard must be tied real estule brokers who stated a pormil to be Issue by the hci move. flcltl, llnrlnw nvked, "Why nrcIndependent, sained 1(208 of- lh* reach a dual decision by tomor- •ser, Helmut Tasch and Irving and loft ,«t ,ihe curb for the building 'Inspector. 1 truck and Post members to that Ihn land in question would Maximum width 61 the slrtic- wo geltlnc shook itpi " voles. ...••• ', row. If he does not flo ajont; Prettier. They would pay lite be unsuitable for single family Contained In, the application ,ture lo be moved niual ne no MS;fi00 cost for construction at pick up. Mrs. Gloria Sli,«rm'sn replied The year 108'1,-n DemocrntliMin:* with thd proposal, the deal' Is use because of Its unusual for a pormlt must Jbe a desorlp- le«s than two (eel (rom the guU Ihnl Ihe "vni'v (Mel lliei'i» Is .B-ill Ahe Iri^'nwhln \t'lirn HAH^fUiii* ujt lit 'tr Glf -Mr v Htnilnn AlrfX.nlti, 410 Morili n 01 viip mruciure 10 tie mov- ter or curu line «ion£ tlie streeti. cnlorod secllnn • IB our problem. , .North'Slde.i . ' unci probented losuraany gained hla seiil oh the townshlo nesotiated with, commercial Av>,, Sp'tl'ltJ DO 1-iiiJ. Audi. D.aaUri ed. both exleHot' Uid JiituHor. thfc bulldlhs wllj tritvef, or if In We need \f>, Ijave a,(rec,dpm (or couimllloe. Wljh, .3,,11,V v1 The parking" .lot .would be Continued, on Page'27) • Uduln' D. 'Stratlon • o( OIUIIOH t Ocolllon* hurini «ldi, Cm- TjL on'Pajo 3D' Th« alreet and. lot Irom wliet'o it (Continued on Page, 2U -' (Continued, on .puge 20) -, . (Continued.011 \>&ge, 'il) «onstructed on tht north nidi rARKING LOT plll« foillltUi. . —ADV. 1 'VARIANCES, .'.». Ii to b« "SOVKJ and th» street •I . HOUSES'. '• ' FAIR HOUfelNQ , vurPiKO'


'•(' ' ', 31, 1963'^ iPRINGHEl©:' UADiR,, Sprlrigflatd, N.

t*t> Blackmah III (lit; live ininutc» alnltcri him .'TISiiir"T -Wui tttr Hii.l chilli- m i»f people, iiinl fit WIHIjim 'V. KIIIIIU, Hiilnili- in itlJS 'indicated •a_niilincll- itm'.l liillnl fi.'i^ K vnul\uiu iiiiiiniiter form, ol Kovcrinnrnl under thr league's ground nflrreil hi*•. UWII BX|)ci U'IIVI- mi liriin, and ' Alrx nlackmnn, tIn1 inunlrlpul level fit j|iiiill iiiium iii.lni.ii v (11 tll« -..Inlf;.. wn« preferred Id SprlngflrTo1 rule* Throe inlnuifii wei'« '•)-, Irtal Cunmiilleo," hi' mid, "bill D,:nim-ni!. claihod' Tucuday filiation 'iiiiiiiKli l'it Mlllnr nniinl' . 1 |n» «.l Y..f ,ril.,,ttl.l BMfl HlHI fttl* I In- nnniilillcnna illiln'l NIB Ml niiiht nvi-r llii. wljiiiini fir llti |i]• ? • ihtty ioiik I'dnii'iil, '' ' l fll'yslnpmiT.iC -» It'll uimlhcl' Htjluliliiiilng town b of Ihs nmteluy "'•""nprfiaWunTT" n i?T'.'61 ii trdsvfr iunn« no lllKI IlifV lininl mil In gtiv*!i'iiii'iriil. which, hi" mlil, h»Y*—WMfnii ll lHU _ lor Samili' unit Aimttinhly »e«i., IMIIU lor uiul nni* which KOOIIK iii(ivt) ll'oni « roiiiintlnlli Hl.lor rgrili' . «'|i|)llili.it I.I" 1 only, IriiiililBK ftoilt n ^hHilft- aUh In 'muorvt '()»«, vtil«, 'revoivml around Ihc limid i li.irt) new _.inrnduin .,1^ bn ifechli'il 'I'tuii*- I'lu' piilt ,.- i'ii|iilldi(lrs for iiHiiiimiiTlv mill-n i i for »ii|>i'»>tt i"l Mi'' fM-rtid .>•• 11111ij»nTITT nnil l)Uk|in-r.» ml-'. liny, TlrtT-rlmtV. Ihi'V iupi'1'no- Ilii' :,|M luiilli'lil 'I'owiiiihlp Ulrica lulu ihe • ruiiiiniinily W- anil tor iiuliilliiiu Ilir IllrlnlldUlll iinil-pnllitctl'l« hi* III.ACKMAN WAK AHIUCII ml lolluwiuf piirly Illici, 1 I'liunuitlrr at ni!).t Tili'sdny » lllly by Iliibril Johnson, :il lluby . .•>:. Jl MpOllI."!' 11/ u'.l'lilli-iit (V- 1 ^•iim! nrl.ittuuni liV Inli'rslale IIIOIII MI" llial hlffhwuy rlri'tiou •-- upokr ill u rumll- si, wlv'ihot iio would consider M ,llljlhwliy, "il when '11 In iim- >.!riirt|iiir vvllr 'H',' (liMinh Ilii- >!!i',uii \v,IUch ha$ dales' iiiium sponsored'by the rout In t-i'klng H uhange of : , «irm.>luri. 'Tho. now hlshwa.y," V1N(-I!NT IIONADIKS, . |o- of. i;ommunlly phm- doulilfd lacilltie»_h£i p, «» dilef Spring tlrld Ixagtio oj 'Wi Would" II .In--'. he vernor • .bimlnci-'. would be In t.ei'k a would be elected as a sroupln ID vevninp Iho' stale _oiiistllu-, Jiimco M. McCiowSri* HPIWI- ' lhat the lichools cpuld.be put a new lax, tin ilic.'Ocinociut••.• tlu.'..yrar, i:i ure liu. Thuy '."- : the spring fm' a term of lour In Kci-vinu 111 the I-(.'nisla- lion.' • •-' ('•I'al.—ntmlfdHtos' tor Kcnntun irfriTiiduin lor u cli.inj£r_ iiy ICpjuii'itler .twc for . |ecreiilioii_ ^Me pulnted'v SHI iTidliini for el^di. ii rlnlit-lo-khow bill _ tilf! .fo'nii of (tuvcuiinunl' Miire. year*, Candidates Viluuld run -tUlt'rhe-ndl", it in ChHcntaitl-Llial'" H nntfVly.pl T H,,m,H|A. lf,r- mid nuugesled bringing 1>;ieli a Junior ciiilcyc under I lie winch liivcs .ihc pr>' > incrciu-' tin l^iclr f|tiullf|(.'lillun» wilh- one he propBrcd Ui mccl the' ITepubllcans are working to oin« Kruouw. DcnioriNilii,- "If the Townt.li.lp Coiiii.nlllei' Saltirdav night loen dances. •bond .pruKiain. "JVo now vr.- I'd . aciTSK In (jnvcrnnicnt',r.ec- niit |jurty laboln, he said. yrMiiclu-'X. McDcrmoU Nlnh- did mil ||(i.nloii|(," lie i'iii'1, "I • He Mid ihid his " ' porl JO per cent of'our college orci- imrl "the inu.'.l nii|)oilant —'-Konnz snld ' lhat' he could- 'II1»K.'IJII Cm'lr, t^crce• COIIIIIK", • wrnijd'liirli lo civic.oi'KMIliZH- oN/icrlcnce a.i _Miles population out -of ilntc," • he Iti'Dnr blll..paM.rd in • some; pktiiiv'.'tlil!1' ulluatlon provid- I'elcr J. Mt'DonpuRh," Henry- lliiiih- for .'.upTiirrl -' • ~ for 'the Duukctt Fluon uiilroseculoi-s front incnelcctcd Lu-oni; fell u.wnop- 1 Blackmail—Maid In rcspunsc utiiiiHi.iMlic i.V'i'ii'lnp'!;Hilly iin- liiicnl profc'rnni vvllliin, the. 1 lint if (•apitnl. iniprovoniei'.'.n- -'Tn ill! 11. .. levampini! -county In'"« qiicslloii by Mm.' Hnliy • roc'oii'iiized voice from .the T,'A- ic.Hldcnl.askeil Blackniau k.wni-'hlp iind,."VIIB .oxperlenca .When Polls Open? Splitting Yote? 'tiro necdodr Ihe pcii))le HIIOUUI 'piverninenl, liMntcnioK clcc- f;r«nd of Troy dr., -that 'If hn audience. • — . • • if. the tow.ntihlp would have -a.- turf.cnntultant'for the name Here's . a—^qiilckic •• course In election board will upnninl Iwn- • be---.lold -In. advance ihkteaii' ol • tion '""'" Kovemmi! campaign. l.s (ilecled lo the Township . Konm. • sald_ JIVDI, a si'irvnj;— '1.0 wall four yearn for a change . -nrn 1 could, hi; used to help pollini; place protocul for those workers to' assist the fllsalilcd •Just, elithl wceks_bclort. - ; ' spciullliK,. Olid' tlklilcning bid- • ' if 14 nhould'tllnlikc Its elected . ini'.',radt$ tli«i physical condition who 'aro vofing Tticstiny • for'• tljo voter behind" the cui'talji, vbnt tioil, he said. • ...•'' dinii' praelices.." , ' olliclniii_J31ackman ausivercd of lhB'playRi'iSindii and parks first itlmc — or for'the llrut tlnie a, blind iiemoil may -dcnlunatc FIVE LEFT (hat ihc.jlKlil'.ot recall is al-" hero. in a!Jonn whlli;!. _ • anyone he chuores Whclit hliWi - ways available".to'.n l.'onnmm- Blackimih • nalt 'i'lie' -pulls ^I.I'C open. Iriim '" .tn-EXcrX-casc-'iliB yoicr •find his- ily.' Auked what Is -to. prevent. "a.m. ID II p.iii.. If..you doirt know' helpers musl-iake an onth.'V candidates of a political party reprcsenl.atlori "' wllh.ln . , the where to voif; a. cnniplelL' list ;r from running on a slnKle •-t(.wtish'ip."'"Wlll there Jic an (if—vnliiiH districts !iiid' voITiiB If yoU aiftlrcl fiirT'unil nai tjckcl-anywtty, ho said there ' indopcnricn.C voice in the gov- places appenrs -elsewhere on this an nbMrhlcT ballot, .llul dls- * McMUtLEti BRAND NEW h7i!i iilWays been bracketltig In „..„,„.,.,...... _ .. - pa£c. If you- ate sjlll. uncerlain, : Tl cover thai you'll hr home on polUlcal cUclcs and that It .16. ho'.. asked^-Ho polntotMo' ,...__ a helpljil neinhbor can probably I-Hfctlon Day—you cnnnol eo . Fdun Muro Conv.. V/S, till (3151. . A-l USED-CAR rrormal to the democratic pro- _.vlous rtrrrabllcan campaign toll you where Ihe polling place Whllt. Buck.l itaH arid Couloir lo the poll* and tnsljoiir yolr.. . '•'•"' ' "lltcn,iture calling'for bl-parll- h: Or, call (hg,, T HrdemotlV, Su.llno. Rodlo, W/W ' CDCriAK' L*. '' ' ccliS • V«.|lotHmii«t hi! mailed or Real Ksifile (nsur ' SprliiRlleld's- preiient ' form': -nati/ roproseht'atloiv and said ollicoaKDHli-f _-ou lie~rei'rlv(!iblirforc Ihr offlcliil ' FflUon' SquU* Wtigen.—ttll )292S. •iillfirallnn of responulbTTrty In • tjesi It." •; - —-" wish.,-Von don'l trayi.'. to ea.s't 1'IIII.IIIC of Ihe.. nnlta. You Are Hiiyinn J70 ClD 4 cy fordomallt El.t. Tall Joseph Seldol, 5(1 Irwin »l., all your.bfillots in Ihe .iiiroo ji'ol- 1961 Fulton Waaon. Wlilli, s'Cyl. its ilcpnrliiioittM. Coniinunica- * * ' b ' 1 gal* window.' Rodlo ^4Ail|* •" astted -Bla'ekman' from the au- illcnt c(iiap_I!U):hinK ' down a in , Our l';,\|)ci'ii'.n.tc(l Radio, H»at*r, tUB0aO* $ I OljftR 'llo'n is lost, he nald.-tlirouuh. a Tlio Kli'iHioii. board''even hns WMl«. •,;..' SAU fc*t4U dience If-lrc feels that a man- fever for one 'candidate dcics luck Of pliiper adininUlrat.ion, a. pi oc-L'durr'.for prfrccdurca KOiie Mtlon. Spl. Hardlop.,_V/8 tin "' ' Koonz sltirlod lo ciuimerntc nhould bo elected on his nuallr •not iiulomnlically ciir.f a second Ciin IM|t-Ymi r llcatlnns rSlhor lVi»n'poJItlcal- luniss!- If yiiu're post I vc you si* ; »3O7», »|U., rordoniaiU, W/W ,1,.. , -f 0,,0,|.' 4' Dr. . Vyr- ~liii. .seven .point |lrriK.rain bill vole fur his ruluviiiK Matt. ' •i allllliiflons,' since he.has .B,fl-- properly renislerrd iiul Ihi- pi'iU : Pow.r ilwrlng, 7. Jfi ^ . ,600(> ,„,!„, whit., Fordima.le, unly coverod four oi the polnh- worker finds— nn , umistfatinn' vocatcd a 'change—to_ a noil-' You don't Tluvr til "enst n I". Dotuu'lly V SAU40 form Uw you — yoit-oin-ijo to .paVlitnin- ,1'orni. of-gnvni'ilnient. viite -for cvcFy (ifflir_ or ah * !"» °° n.w'.'•...•.- -~ SAU. I 490 ""'Moat f.fV|n|n|ylf I1lnflfmnn the.municipal clerk. She'll check Oioiii' .-uihuiT *iiu I'vciy rrfer«ji(iiinii 1 fo.d OaldKl. 500 I-«lrd V/« IMI ,._,,-' : her .record. : aiuT cai\..'iiipply~Tnu : V'trnii. ;,$3«1 3 Dr. Hardtop." Baiin Black;"'"19-41. fonlia* V.iiJp.ii Woijon, Sllvor sal.d. t«flf , •- ••.. : If yau.httvnn'l deulded mi smnr with. ;in "Order lo-VYite" which h^bei'l Starr, III I0aton.pl.,. iKsiliw-or oandlilatrKi. you nmy— .:• R.d. Int. Cruliomalle, St..rlnn, Or,y, . On, owrnrH JAdlam'ullc, you can tiike Back lo Ihe iinlls, ». Radio.. *2B40~"od'°' asked both candidates II. .they pass lip vothii,' merely'hy full- " Call Us_Ar " Inlj SAU 1395 support "iho'-Kalr.- Housing in( to (InprehS-tlioKo |iarliculu'r~ ^^ :uinmlllcc here,' and rlioth lt!vern. - Koonx'Committce ^ Fo.d Country Scjulu V/« till »3o35. ^_ . in the afllrm- S'pring&elcl ;; Whlu, Crulioiitatlc, Sl««rlno 2 ipe.d I960 ford GalbxIV Conv. 8 Cyl. 41 Mountain Avo, il. Wlptri nnd Wu»h«u»-I'ud.--Datn—&—Paw.l'—U.lilnp.—CafilotimlU" .Ono atlvc, '. ' • Yous don'l hiive lo reKislcr To Host Voters '- Vl.m.. Radio, ,Wh«.l _ 5 "I most heartily support fair dv'ery year — or vote In (lie The- Koonz CnmpaiKn C'om- ', eovtrl. ,._____^ •2919 ;:;•." •"" " M095- housing," Blackmail mild. primary — In oriler Ib. cast, a mlline has -hnnniinced"a""kiek-off "There caTTbo no'.(|ucstlon- Indlot in the B'-'neraX: election. Iwcnkfast for n.epublican Coun- • jiboul this In the mind of any- If. yciiuJvoled \tH—November^ ly Conimillec. members, Ele(44!«•»*«—you—ri'rt* n'• "Mrs.", you tnvllod all lntdrostcd workcis needn't inbVuul on vpthiK, even upd fflandu to attend. inTiiiKh-yiiii, McKlpiMi'd lo Inform' Ihc Kh'i'lioii floiirii of yoitr •n RAU JOINS with PREMIER for a FOOD UftCUE niHiie-.,-iinli!W, of cmii'iio, .vhu'v.n mm I'll, lulu iirrfilhcr nilinly. If you in'c- (4hP|'\vl»f!_jilwlldr"' In vnlf,' I In- rlcciliiii 'Tvitriuir \¥+U+ BENCH. • • -, imlt you lif .'Hi|i|. l.ijilli your old nnd imw ii'lniH' Thl;.- iilmi nppllra lo iiiiiiu' i'ltiiiuii'.'i Ihuv In I'ourl •t;ii_ 111' dlviil'iT. ' ~ r-yiiu n. iiinvi'oiui'i' In l.inlnn AND-INW THE CflMFON, I'IIIIIIIV? It von n'myi'd hi'ii' frmn I'l'iiinlv Mni'ri . 111 r> hi'il III'mil iili..|'i'iLln|.| '. •old pnlllnir place, after signing: •an affidavit.,. " _~~

.- •Qlihri.i.or. physically, .disables! LTncjjjJ \vith7alc_aH1 vnt-fMv; • IMV nsk for assignee, within, the votlnif^booth..How- ever,' ti'lcclioii lnw*"stMlw^ -that -help--most bc^dicd jf*™*1"1-1 -who k ,I h&. Z^r~^i jFil irvpnjPadfkJQceain

ACJ-OSB a .color,. solid film will he• nhnwH'-Ut-the Sunday, afternoon .visitors nl .the LAMB CHOPS ;... Union County 'Park.Commission's Tiidluldu Nature and Science 'Colder, In the Walchunn Hosci:-' SHOULDER A He Sllitd. I Hulyai. vntiuu, lit II P.H.I. Sunday: lb Till) life aboard ship. IH reflec- LAMB CHOPS Qj Prt'inlar • No. Hi cam ted In Ihls film joiirnr.v which (< extends from Sotttlle, Washing- It helps #importantly ta i)ilc up the 'I'lniinoml HCOI-C" in Fruit Cocktail 2 ° 69o ton, tii a major port in Aualvnlln, 'I'lie fWm will -show do.cklnKii at V, tin* v YOUR favor! Open an account..here how.... and jyet on the %Sari'Friinclnc'p, Honolulu, and Iho |,< . Kljl . Islundii. depleting Iho loin : uroly wuys of tho.l'aelfh:, WINNING, side'of life!"'- • • • ' / . . '••• •':."•. ,Whl«i, ^Bmt-.-Sciu. ,ll(- Cranberry« <• 2 - 39c Coffee < 'i«/...,- 2' 89c Schnidlr Dairy Product* ] ;. Prtni'Ur >• S»IW WlilH ' •• • • l*r»iHltr .-• Cut, ! !'';6lc Tunai?••I!...... '....;'.,..3 Green Beans 2 03 'wni 29C Buttermilk 19c CHECK ANY OF OUR FOUR OFFICES . Pr.Hil.r - Hunil I'.itlnd . !•'• Wlioi. K.ih.l . \ Tomatoes.:. 2 >•» ,...... Corn .?»>•», 2.9c Chocolate Milk 26c 35c • I4-O», Bell. Tomato Juice 2 N° >»«'29c •\..'....\ 2'-".39c I Prompt Sorviee ''.Pound Corloh ' ,V •• ;. ' ,- ' ' j. NORWOOD VAN NESS Cottage Cheese ^ 29c ""•'"• Guild' Onllolahii s-wr: ••; 'WKT- —>-^- 763 Mountain Ave. SPRINGFIELD, N. J. MOUNTAINSIDE OFFICE) Echo Plena Shopping Cinl^, DR 9-6121 Quality sPHn8fieid DRoxel 6-6108 • • phones PR 6-5S0S SPRINOFlElD OFFICE: 175'Morris Av«;, DR 6-5490 S(N4Hi|^*t IWUIKKJ CO -43 in Nowavk ' TUSCAN OPFICI: 1040

TT $150; laxl driver license-, J2; iscuss Koa< A/r-ordinance Increasing cer- tinder separate grdlrumceis are tain license feci In the township rntludcd now in «slriille ordln- rlepuill on taxi driver'* "g^ Muvinii unil thr Hll(IIH'fI« ut Inigply" illiliniiwiv. Ho Haiti" l't?i XT mnlcl llcptuf. i'lfi IXT null 1 C.'limmltle«rTiir tlnal passage Nov. fOCT. , 8,000 »t(, ft», $300; Wilt sllltui unilii llu< nnpai'l'HI il IstrijiH' fil"»ii»OMti •"<' t' *'.- rl IV aecnrtling -f)"Mrs, The 1mj!e«l lump* urn 5,001 to 7,800 «(]. li:,. fSp'Oi 7,1101 Ml., 'ill JVtll IIIUIM ill! . lll'ti.- j JlJ (vmiiil.lin lipltt.V ..__ ... . In lli.lllIU »q, ft,, »400i 10,001 M|. 1 : , n, 'nwnthip clerk; Thr nlnir ttnarri trnr'-'l'h '. .'...„...'.- li) Firpitni Ihi' '\mi~~ t*nT Sl tlifi" n*i~*nfn*f"»*^r# measure, wmr-lnlrjidiieed by I fir l.itniH'p Wnlil'l iliflntfc tlio (lot fl ami ovac, V>W, coin dlbllily nf tljilc iiml .liiiiiil^ oltuhlulc tifimioi1 NI'IMIII wmnWf. roivmlUec l»»l..'"WM|L_ If a|i- irtcllmtnai'V • pl»t*~iitirnrtrt'* ami I'lrnliiililur KIIWMKI Tlltii'Jli' f 11 unsU'iti mtintliAiila and :-pi'nvoif) II will bmimo rllTCtlvf tn~1ntnnr 5uhrtlvUlnn pp lUlltld,. l|—Woa . -olliMmHCml (IMI'WIHIII, Mimt'ilvl' told His i S23; major »uli-dlvMmii>, hni v«nilor», $S(1U for III" rtiiyii; Jan, I, ' • ' •' '. ,\V*Bk, • " • • ' .'• • - - UlHI.hu ti;ll Ihei* \vae an than 10 lot*, iiientfrhmry plitli Junk flealflnvJIO".- °f • Mr*. . Wurtliltiiiton »ald tluU Inlllul inooHnw nr"lhe mi f.'ii* Hie runuiiuiillleii »" I** ' The nml of *n iirdlnaiitt) l)oduy, llivoKfil In lit: 7ft ' Hoard, Zu'nliiK - Board, Iniildrrnr IInts,' -preliminary, ' $100;' Mi! or 1« up Iri'in $7.M) to >10; joninu mwwmmmmmmm slip inaetlnu, (.allcil by 'lat-i'on'ellile "their Inspector and Police Depart- t'nnro—1h\i\—piflllinintiry, $160;' ordinance, up from $1 to_S2,ftp; Mayoi Ai'ihur <1 ment Ices, established previuuijy final plat'le'nN than 10 lots, $»0; land subdivision ordinance, from eluded the •

isnsf rrcSfr™Vir" i riu us~ rbad;; c4 gallon* per Hour, cordlijg to Mhc Book of Knuw- jn; application for taxi -license, ipdgepg . The , orlftii-aftl collecl t IoIn $10 to $15; liquor retail. eon- S50 for over six gallons. The DR 6-4134 amounted 't'o_ e;7Bfii volumes. To- sumpllnn, up fnim S7rill to $000; fee for, residence demolition UCUOOU youn«gieriiwlll be out colleellnc' ifor UNICEF tu Open Dally 9 up from $i1'tp'$!)0; oiner demo- da>, trunibrary llflim; Mon, Ihju Wrd retail dlstribiillfllu_up _ oi ^oooks, doeuments;' maps-and ^."". X Trl. 'Ill » p.M. Illioh, $100; niovinc houses,. Up K«l, -III 6 p.m. Irom $i0(l to S'i froin m» whithousee sheet.ask,Jfj?oto house .withu theih»vr c(reeflnj unythlne 'oe ffo "Tricr UNICEFk or Trent", obllr.e Shimo If. yoH»ppu heay rHaUoween thiy MfUf! « i . Some llnchiniEcd '• from $25-to$l50. . :. Unchonged-are. club license. -• .'riie~Pgliue Dupui tint-nt 'lias established- the-.following 'fees: canvassing, $10; coptei of motor WE ARE AS NEAR TO YOU vehicle accldents,"$2; stolen prop- erty .copies, $2 por-'page; copies S YOUR PHONE! f slatemcnte where perniliaan^ Magistrate Gives Uet~15 Days $2 per page; extra cbnles-of Henry1 w-L.~-To«y,--4 l-ye'ar-olcb the waist down, was convictions ,for hjj" connection rants and complaintspli , $$2 .per paraplegic., who Jives . at the Union' County Jail >lotiii.'with in breaking' and entering cases For Free Telephone page; lllilllngcrpclnilng^wljcrl e .thhe lgi h Ji t 82 prints- are not used by, to>vn- Mk i ifiid ' In Union-»nUid d EasEtt OrangeO , thhe it t d b t> dt shiphi p, $$2; ;; spe-citrr'policpp-itrr'polip c e s.er'v.ice.'ic , fined $305 and sentenced to 15 The> court had . reserved dc- court revealed. He transported S3.50 pw hour, minimum three days by Magistrate Tfiomas A, clslon in the matter two,, weeks Jri his car. th(r persons who act- . Del! very vf h ; ii t : inihe " h hi "" Argyris iri-Sprlngflcld Munjcl ago alter Terry pleaded guilty ually-committed" the burglaries. All Your Food-- freeWorid «t-Gourt—Monday—night—fotd r torthe=charger-He-had-be.en-'cpn- driving on the revoked Hut. lld f th ff wfiaheyer • Terry, who Is paralj-zed-from earlier In 'Septcmber_and was Rcsidenfs Candidates _Glrl Scout Junior Troop 501 we believe given a HO-day suspended:sen p For Office In ^ tence and fined $155. The latest wilill meett frof m 33 to. 4:30 this CALL DR 6-0431 prof if'' . , Troop 556 Meets revoked driving offense occurred afternoon In St, James School. unior Girl Scout Troop 558, Two Springfield rosltlimls 'arc before the 60-day . period ex- The trQop's three patrolp s aro un- possibilities candidates .for office In. the New sponsored by> SI, James Church, ded r leadershiip of Scouts Paula exceed risk JerseJ y SlatSlt e NursesN' ' Associationii . Will moct~ from Kaltleeo, Linda .Biiltman and SPRINGFIELD MARKET !NC. aTe: Hn'/el TV Wpn>>|l ot Anne LeonBrd!sJ_Mxs,.-Michael 21 Warwick circlei , candidate for era are, Mrs. Joseph- Carrol ,and eran, has a long record of motor VlcedVld o and MMrs . EE. G, .Brunnor 272 MoTflS Ave. " Springfield delegate to "ANA Biennial Con- vehicle convictionsi , as well'a? inntlnn; and -Rosomary Byrne ot 77A scCliiVd vie* cjialrman ,ln the pub|lc health section of the as- I DON AN fceo., Inc. 7 |- 262~MORRIS AVENUE ' Klectioir results will be—an- nounced 'mnSaturday, the final J SPRINGFIELD - DR 9-2666 day of the association's 61st an- I Stocks e Bomis-e Mutual Funds nual-meeting at the...ttotel'Shpl- burne-ih Atlantic City. * . BefofizYou

Per Gallon on Garden Stale Farms Milk! VITAMjlN'b e HOMOO6NJZB0 • t Hllilt* V'nrittM 'litw .liiit Milk' (ii'li'w »

UliL l»-i2'U!4ririill»h;iiiult*r I lit* COMLJU!L/HIIII In |in|u»ir

Specials on sale bet, 31 thru Nov. 3 onlyl



VJ.it our newest store a^ 762 Mountain Ave.,Sprlngfreld

arden State Fanns 1M> OARDIN JIATI CAMU INC. All RIOHTS lur by AmlrfW W.'-Jwrllon, :. BnrlnlrHf^ -X ,T, J5N

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiHiiiiiiiiinliitiiiiiniiiiiiiiii ... * Thumfay, October 41 TERCENTENARY Tales-bv-yohhtCunwinghamham SPRINGFIELD LEADER, Sprlngflald

flrtt Bettlen w«f»,EoglI»h), "they tee Justice done, t'jio Blblo way put in tl —lua ...•» augusungiy. ton »-,...(Unceel« - ---^after- the manuei uf the U. l lliu.,0. . - — .people are leaving work and al«o on Sa> fore, was Imitiorfialfcly let 'go. trial by the ~ be»T §rtw U, with nothftlg V do except Nettin* of Q*rm«n witehei,". ,., probablywar Henjamln "llfij to the ir'mt sill-pride nf Ii-K«l 'mraii* nf • rteW,rr ! urdkys at shopping; centera." , n) olln t 1< lire ipiM-1nIorn,' Flesh and Uniir-n w4b4uml(. 'One iif thflirher A A t-iimmlttfi* of limn, eit Unit HIOBI uoiid IHICIU by nblin- Mix, "If I am » ttllell, It IR-more ~ the elocllon. "Alter 10 yearn 01 local poll- 1 lllllil I IIIIIIW," 'Ihr IlimHlIlimHU ' »mtmK ih« Hmb,w»ii mo l »lontrtn« wheon n» noinethlnnnWB lh\mAl mor thm« n •guiltf»«jlniiliy »of •»l»Polnl'"' '«' »«<"'.' .' tlral activity," he said, "the one thinjr I fill inimi, to son It Itto.v .'Till! MII'IKCll Wlll'll |ll«»'lHll- »«ltl Wfit'|li lirlfit*" «• u rii » 1 Mt>r, _; rein-ot-;la-thnt 1 have not soon my^dnug;] 1 V'HMIHJII - IIIO lUlilr, nnd. III Hri In to lis'il tliii'in, |mi Ili'illmly |• 111la.. . • "\il\n'» mil prim, IM>i It'"«>f lfVi>~" «*•• — wimttwr ; tor 'arrow u|t, You.eanxall It my-swlfico." treouie Ihat 1 1 at their profpMlfin (or burled Hearty, "Al(t>i' Ilin .M't'iilltt.v wan ii'vin ,' rMnrin Minn pNtmnd' HIP m-»lf. lp»t «h«p(i utiippun^iiiirmrlh mr Why dldyoado It tlicii?ha, WIIM njfkod.'. H lltlM* Ulpttl J11111 r linliumllill In * No "Hi' Vilfti' MIIMlpi" (wd.'WItlng niMii ninLuici unit WMrlhtT hnfl g mrsarl that lh»y did). ,"= •. -•' ».••.•• • •" 111" Jmlli'd wh» |>H>\'lili-il, mid « jiii"»llil.V Illr til i-llhuit 1: ilm trlul *lii|'|wil Idlklfi'l/j''but -'if .'"•."I"" »pl IjutUi' frfim~iihur.it- hi. "mm ttoi'tiiy, l«l- : Th»y- I«IIB -lllHlid fl'IIIVf 111" ,fllbtIcn't, li.y w-tttri hud fu hrTni'iflWiiii' «»iriiiiiiy "nd nubm«r»ion in 4ya-.., L tlaT*;. « p ; to 'chi>.i»*e betw.j>5rr "aceoptinflr , > way of . cent victim!. «hot him throusli ttm arid" th« rest of .tins .lailleV might' ni'iiik«i> lining MrippfVI (MiVti Iff liiil'l 0(>n»tdw«d , iiiTalllhlf, « HU* , the trial wltliout -voming, niilv to dip wohifii their slil(t.i), ' .pi-i'.uf, .Such lliinti^'arcli't rcallyt . -life which offered little to me and \vher-v_ '•' Nstur'ally,•-.•'they -cooperated'; wlth » chained bullet;! of ••-'-•-• .all,other fotceilo* ev!!.—:_ lh« Spaniard "s« well amnii|i»t the ifloiT '.'. . " ' , worn hound linnd and .fool, nnd accessary; .,witches today, iri*t couldgive litile to others or reijpond- as'. disbelieved, . "Then i^ame out of "tl'.l'' house severally -placed- UJ..Jhje7 water". Hllte/tialii -it' least, tfU- , ' ' '-iai jih : Mi,ily—which •pfoVM.how^ low • rt6n-ir^^ i Ho|.v- Writ b»fiir«-TBF-4i« fet^rt , acr.used e tt I l et r hU ( s any' liinocwt;.hi«n !)«• rnrfl ,!,«•• tUnk,',. - •••.;."; •, Vv6ri«d gWabmit M ••^ ".^ « 1 i -.P ; b.lrvg. lion. iWi3|.-(I1.ri ..^ soicri,n|v. nV the promptly, te.-l'ittto^^hD^t^nig.cfars^r-;;.^ country: itbnu'Itnly when; he- was A lec sending upright,, and Bejow. wns. fi,st p'uTn n the scale, and «rs floattirt, -Wltch-llke/Tfte worn- I/.-RTATE OF MM -'JEBST.1T ' '. j }V ... , -;,. -yetmg childt wasfto^h4J6 jllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'llll'lllllll ""they •were English witches, (since • : tree, lon- dance BUOUI . of the Book of Moses and .then chance but once tigain sh.o float—.. • 8ION. ;',._•' •_ ..ihoort was makin'fir hahd/wrouirht jewelry i grave, As might During the depression He was out of work. pmiiiiiiiuiiiiiliiiiiiiliiifniiiniiiliiiiiniiiniiiniiiiiiiniijiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiuii be' expected) humans Intruded "Eenple only learn through.hardship"- ana the witches.Instantly leaped T3onadies 'ua'id. "I consider my humble-be- on b'room^tlcks "and rode away KlnninRs' Riuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttiliwiiiiiliiinii* UUUIIIIIIIIlUlUUIIIIIIIIUUllllUmilllWIllJ • . 8ome chooie to disbelieve' the A ierlr« on the. $*50,U00,0fl0 for. utatr Institutions of hlrh- tWngB~pB05)ln noed. ' do eke'etrt Walt 20 or 30 years story, of course,, but " 'iworth _ Jboiul—Ismie, to appear an the *r learning. The N«w-Jer»ejr waya, RflfanesfTom the office _ fiT (!nv. Richard J. • llUKhea^-. ••••{, "All of our bptter lenders have known . (kdltor'i noUi The IqHow- Jo'r the tree* to grow. ,. noting that -the Blawbeard ballot at the general election Public . Roads and -Highways nn Nov. 5, conclude* tndny. -pouS, Issile totals $475,000,000 havr licrn puhlinhed In support hiinhthlris in.dq.rrfe form," he mild, "even In* In a copy of * letter -sent ' in - Springfield of late—it—treasure hw never been found aj of Ihr bnnd lssno; varloiid re- ' those, who have: corne from wealthy, Imck- to tlm Township Committee.) . a«ems that trees "cm bt cut .Burlington, The Spaniard, no There are Iwb" qiwsllonii on and would bfl used for i'1'm- lr;isrs from "Cltlxrns. Oppo'si-d '' Sow? at anyone^Twhlm, Return- "doubt aided by witches, guards , the Issue. The. 'New Jersey Inutlon nf rallrnad crossings at grounds. Franklin Dolano Roosevelt Not loo long ago I. purchased a to (hr S7S0- Million State tag home on« evening several H wen. . t , :# —,-, . "Pulillo Bnlldlnj Conntrucllnn road grtidc. for »t»4e-grantt to leamed thrbughJiffHctlon when'he was, docul which Btatos, "1 -am proud Bntid l'ropot'al,", 'of whit* ilV he said, "and Nelson Rrtcko.fellbr dug- . weeka^ ago 1 found a beautiful^ 1,THAT L,KELY IS liEOEND, bond Issue totals $275,1)0(1.000 nkslnl niiiiilcl|)nlltles.an.d cuun- _Lronard K, Best nf Sprlnc- ,< • - to-live in Sprlngftcld". Why am .oid fcaple had beoft cut.' "down IIml would—lie for local xchbnl ditcheLs toleafn the wayB of people. , llrs to construct, and itniirovw- llrld I* chairman, have- btrn r proud u,-Ilv.-In-TprlntflfW ; fh tt O th night dhtrlcls, for community col- . publin roads and hlnhwa^a" "ErifKjf I was •conditioned £pr_ichal- l btcuuse it used in prcient- the t cake leges, for state institutions and and for Uie construction.'and .against.the bond issue. Re," he\|aid, 'ithlXUtghJhardship, .I'.-wWT" l6npfC| IIU vm»«->t -•<«* t_it.!• BJ • •—"--.-...-- .- •* • • - . yithh th dogged " '.- prepared~fo>-;Hervice'through the doprped •'•"•' UromThe Office Of The Governor - '•V determinatidn"bi-my?mother. She came : Citizens^pposed ~ have to be Bfihanied.to dUplay —^any—beautiful trees, I am a W6man (a witch) "with mak- C1IAKUE 'DHIrEAtlSar . here from Italy whe.n-she-waa 20, and lliis decal on the wlndow^f my ••amnr.eA at the fact that the up- lng their neighbor's sheep dance "I am crnlcful . for 1 hP op-" -,-' .'Tor example, U,,.a three per Advocates of the S7BO,000,000 T '•n •' • uhe Dr6ught_yyith her Wold world ..finve ... -car.' IfMhe--.present—trend con- per portion of Lyons pi., on jn an uncommon manner, and • state bond Hssue were chortled, portunlty to further p'rcSen'riny" 'ceril sales tax wore enacted next vlew&ijin'-lln) most vital .subject year, It mlght-cjlmb to tour, five, , for education. My brothers and I .wei-e;' tlnues, I am afraid thai this will, -whtch I live, fias no*trees. at .. with causlrig_hogiL.tt7_»Eeak,- and with, "defeatism" and "Incon- ^ riof~511ow«Fft leave highxaehool-and go bo true. all, arid none, arc belrig planted, sing Psalms, etc., to the great sistency" this week by -T.tqniit-H 1Oj_cpnio, before, tho ppopte—af nix por ennt nr cv&w lilghcr with- . o|H' State.itrmany-year's,.-- the- in five years. I know that ijbna. • to work even thftugh, wo htftl >, stawt-in-- "Everyone>Is aware of, arid If anyone has any.dbubts as terror and amazement of the E. Best, chairman of the Clll- icVmccrned with, the great His-., to Uie valUe-o(these_trees to' King's good and peaceable sub, zent OpposecJ to the Bond Pro- $,7fjn minToTTbqncI issue. • ' - o/ •'« wnni« i^lu n lines for a sack of'potatoes to take home- i-hohrt-pltin wj.ll; pgr/nlf—liprio-mny. a*k'.ho'wjt is'pra- tnteUon-that.-.rt.l.7B~l3._caU8lng as the 'beauty' ot -the community,- Jecw-pf inis.J5tqvincr J N 8W: ],.. t he~VI»ft any new,a<-ea Such devil ry callea '"^ "i". ,. ^.Bon'r'advocBtei;/ton-ironTTr T , -J«'r!'-ey to Expand iUs trans- «|ble for. .»>sensible 1 li v j-,-' - "And because I was the eldoat'son I rosiclential areas. •Bulp'evld'e.ntly whore "Tjeveloper-rrtia-iieen-flt—»t»_by—^'g^^Jgl^^g*E—gUte-wilMgo-to^thtwloHitMf-WB^XlOElatt' " • . ^'" X"--1"-^. '«,—biidnBwiywKr-wwMtMtM^f-ynU. thc tqwnshlp;.has ho control• ' 4e-fcWflr-r4he—whol_tti_^h^ue .it.site;. ,.«randf evil ones on a.s,paiffragainst me c<||||iL bon:ow $750, million, plus w««te-.» «apil«t plan which will who buv-W» product*, to throw ~ ha'dTo" jto 6ii to college and bet-orhe a pro- Blble_aniLthen by casting mem l this,, iso we may -ns-wellbe re- Jud,ge lor himself - tied hand and foot Into the river. $5(1!) million In" interest pay- P " us in Ihr forefront of the au,By the cdmpuUUveatlviinUiKe ~" ,'feasionnl manTMy mother pictured mo as 1 urn sure any one of us could ntents. This • ..|s=thc worst-kind Ki'cnt Hlntcs which are our cniTi- whibii we would have by fore-, BiSncd to'this.fact, . .' '" ' ' If the Bible outweighed them, iJ _.'' growing>ip to wear a tall Hllk hat. • travel a very few miles from of dcfc'stM Jlilnkliw", BcU- •- •»»""•pelltorc« . •• "*• • ajiglv.11 and lik-dinajax rr~"l'ho" .lowhship, howover, "does guilt was certain. Just assurnly, "Morriivcr, we .will lit? alile *"" .'iYouikndw," I didn't, uiidor.stand thi iinvo control "over, one of SpHng- here, and find twice the-house a witch c»st Into a river could 'On the contrary,. our slnlo -fol--«l .loam, five' and porhnps hot a great opportunity to move' to I'l'Mli/e ur«u[ K«VIIIKS by the soven-or eight or ten yparii. • - ._ whejj Lwas a fltlRlBnt.at Simth-Side High field's Bi-eatest assets, anclTRat Is'- nt half the taxes, If location and hoi sink to the bottom. enrly-biilldiiiH of these. Wtlllwnys ' •• The acoiised pair demanded ahead In an' orderly mnniiGr If ... •"ll'moiiccret that the abaente . School My. brothers rind t \yoiild all have Us 6lra»t troes, AH of ifsrat-o'ne-. neighborhood -alnjearance were -j_i—;i.... fm.||||||M |n • obvinte ••• timcv'llav'e driven through a de» not Importatit. So.'let'is do wtiat- immediate trial to prove their we cai> avoid pluntjInK our««lv»r oriirr liullylilual liu'omf isx and •'• left schoorand taken'any kind of ;,iob,B at; innocence, but'shrewdly demand-" •"" ittr-ichllrlreii In.ln n huge— roust ruction a^aks tax In New .ftcsny, and ' .Vnfopment with • mi •• trees. It • is over. Is nece(sa,ry',io keafr Spring-' nonl that will hnnit "over their ; iiTI just for the "HaUHfaetion of -to-'— '.an ugly slKhf, rows of houses -field a town w».can an aerprom .«d-lbaL-thckUw.o_roosL-vlolerit cosln,. which riniKP nhoiit four oul- |,,w corpomlft-lnt'iime-.tax accuseds'"•shwer 'he tests.1 Ac- until the yenr 2(104,A.n, _por cent-yfiirly,, nnd to >«v»i lh« ~r«te;.-b«ve' combined to attnu't • the family sit around.the table to a reatry7~j with P lyfoyw nf i(>|fi|ri^one poles of,-- * .. «,• '',' ., .. "The Cltlvieps Opppsod to the and (viiftsi. There-Is absolutely ' .JAATES,:V,'TAVONA . , cordingly, more than 30n peo- oiwmons lflh.scs^wji[ch we «n- buwlnom to. thU Statw of our.v pood wen!."'' ', ' . \ •,'"" ple galhored in Mounty Holly to State Bonrl.rroposul rcconiincnri. , counter up niir umen.1'. P"»W. • und Uuvc accrued to the bewllt rpoihlng those homeowners cnn. , 100'Lyons Pi- thW~BB~sorm~ns • the bond -Issue ' -. Bonariles.ik now an ejcctricml engineer In.iho nrlvaiicp purchiNr of right- 0| tiU .cJUzens. • with a dogree from • Newark iCollo^«- ul- Is rieTFui.ed,ailllnj..P.nllS tlicjGov-' of-way 'property. ... \,___ "Lnt us aHMim,e (wlikli -T do 1 ernor, first,- .nppolnl "n hj-piirll-.. 'Knirinborini? and his"o'wri.husInGSs, Bond, 1 "For exMmple.il-would he (lie -'-not-believe) that- the pwjple of san .'IiiUteZHoqvcr Coipmlstlon - intention of Hut New Jersey ."riefitronlcs,' at 60 Sipringfteid ttve.; SpWrig?"" ^utlfctei'tninc-w.liat ccononilos cnn ; Now Jersey reject Die bond Slnle Highway. Department to 1 ; be made In our present adminlr IRSUC the refe'rendum on which -, ' Hold. •'- ••-' '; •', •;••••.".••••"..' riiA'ol'c"'$in iiiilllon n yenr In ad- ife worked his way throuKh . collefre, 1 jtratioti. Sccor(dly, we _reconi.r.. y they will. v.Mc—ln Novei'nber. Lt-t; mdlid that' tho departments of m furlho'r nsijume ifial (here is . i ill sghool ."for eight years. vnnce purchase of rlehtrof-way, • the State -Government present rt 'Jersey has drinv. HS throntrn.ed b.V soiyie 1 jirrjig. the, day he waH"a'-dbo>ty-door: to tlTe—people wu)l-Lunsidcicii, nevw beennble to" do before pnvmnltWtlc parHsiih'i^te-tha-oa-. . -•'e-inian for-Watklns.Products; "Today. reallslc programs to meet future on It.i limited hiKhway—budtti Ri'lmcnt of a broad-bused1 tax to ,' needs — Including well.-'docu- In the opinion of porrinijssioncr -e have the Fuller Brush-people," : he fulfill "New,,Jerscy.'s needs. • " : this (ilnnc would -1; "in these days wo had Watkins." Two major Usues domln»Te -"-ThB=-rep"nr4i-.now. .required "by oF-.palhetlc-record is effeotlvo-l-nVenteH-lnfo'rmatlon as to' these ' ^"p''sTa"io*more*Uvaii S'mllllon "Whnl wiir tho Klluatlon—b«—• . ".' "i^r a while-, however, he landed a job Cijngresslonat concern at—this -Iaw-sh6uld-be-e.xiwni.au moic uian,»«au niiumn Ihinn during, these critical-years • •time— tax roductipn and'civil elude contributions to primary they! should be met. ii I hOflO' W '" forem»n_for a. motal plating company heaftene.d,by the .action of'the n.l^..i,ur .Iiu., elled^lnstnucesjit ^^ „•„„„. on-our. pr5rent .- 1 Newark. -. •—_——;- rights. I am heartily In favor of -cmnpiiidn!!, which nre often tlto- Sonnto Rules Com'mltteb; In ap- < "No— responsible cltlasen' linn questIriiiod the need for nnw rind right-of-way which he could- lilRhwny biRliid, nddlng n litllo '"• action to' enact meaningful, JOR- "decisive elocllons In •soa'ic phrtp'. proving a resolution, which 'I liiivc pnri'lmxect a few-yclU's M|(o »f tliu rountry, mid. cohlributimiK Itnprnvert-xlst.o- Instltutlolii'; nor here.'nnd. n little then' lind'not "•' Inlntlnn In both df-thepi^flplrfj have Joined in sponsoring «i fur $1,0(1(1 nn acre, and wiucnV GRAntrAtlON HE wont to. but Uiellove there Is .a tlilrd ' linndlnd. by viirlnim ..ownubn- Inblliihlng a Joint.Committee.on the iK'Krj. for* n silbslnntlitl ex- rsnlly Inilldliig llis irnii.spnTUiiinn .. wi'ii'lt na a research englncor for tho Phil- IIOIIB formed In Iwhnlf nf (i.cmi- Orianl»«.t|nn of ConftrfsK In — pntiMon • 'of our liltfhw brirniisB of a - ncceHSHry clrlny of syolem JIIIIT till:. State- lluil'1- is. -grout Issue to- which. Cohgfltss. •UWUB- or fmir yemar^yriiiiiifTip- rtltlMte. The .publiMH-ttntlLlad-to _«ludy_lhe_»rot#Hur#H iuirt_4ir.iic- t»tii. If Ihr Gnvei'tior will sulu ; Keedufl "in tliCKr y«m>--Hln>Md-^t(— cn Corp. In Fhllairorphla, Those wore tho. should also be devoting its M- - I'nslliiM $'J|1,IIOO nn a'ci'n. . ' hnvn nil Ilin fni'tn and such fiti'ln IICPB with •—>'l<".w lownrd tin—" mil to tho'pi'tifi.le flvo-yrsf-pro-.' us. Wi? "will'be Ittiiorlnit niir ri'il- early wnr-dttyH. ho nald, uml h"e haw a tontlon: the need for mnkltiK • • "Knr- liult of moliny. Hit' lllyli- WltliWlItTcrtucn »im|ili'lon ilbnilt proving •nU'letu'.v of out- brniii'li .grn.iuii 'iii tiiv tirnifi of wiiH'iiilnni Ji>||* liprds no Hint II 'few .vrnv.i r-proMlrlentlnl cltniinjuRTvai'dofl foy dovo)ri> •Cnligremi an offeiitlve third tt-nr Mi'pui'lmnnt IVvrvli'iforn hnn 1 -IIUW—sl)i»diiw.v ••• IlillltU'lol »inl»l- or Ih* ' 8ov«nim«nt, ""•" "- fur Ilin muMlnlly III, from..now ,7,1 prr eiMiLoriiinri of mnttf o.f pi'rixlmity-I'liaeR oroclilntl fnf i was-iiiii.tlnv l»J—UJ—M—liv_iWBti?hlnit rnil • out-i|ii(illlflrtl young- pi'iiplf »vllj_ -SHnnlhif tliiTHntUfl tff JWItlwiiy.-."t don't l(nli«d « 'ttM'i- lt~- nt :rt • puiwIiiH hf'I'wiitnt. dV»nl> iHilhrntnii tlvnntiu'w. 'I'lm' . ,w.il'd innldlltf- Iliti—WhiH,. jli«ri|i>d mid lu.iW It Will \\V" tluu-istotIII roi'll.v tt "*:.* l-liit lioy*-^ J nni-h Uld • lltiVK In priiiTTPr~b'y' I'nJJ- irwt"(.:o!i«r»mi ImH hami .ultiiidlly' ™u liiwlu nnrmlnn-fm- til uml f CoURITitH mt ll'f, fltlll'l IV'f , t- k lifi'Mi'Uiu Nluiiili •illnlurlii'il ni i>'lnrili'i|.-', who fntlirht, It." iiuiill'ili" for llltl -pl.U'pniiK" nf.: lin|i« Ihr. Ml«.)• I.' .•'A-fiiw wtit!lH"MdtHhun will on dully- *- .'I'llM lllllv fiir'Hiln, lilnd lii.it niir houm' Hi iii'dtu .;' 'll'ii'.'il i.'1'il.l'nl I In' bnnd plliii.. an'd-r'iiiiiUi'i.'IIII.II-.II nf Wlit'Vln<— *K^gF"'"rrhi:i' \fTiii''i -uif'ii) >mr|ilu- hills niriliV .' • ifPitMll. H.owtdlnH nuiri'lo'l inn I'lum- 1 < "I-I.IIi -,n. . Ililiifr (tuii.lrrIMK'.I.I i. n|>l, I'H'i ii'f\>, i of ihiv.;rVt>i .s "KlilnVfHl ."nilMIS» nt-Ill*|r_.nn1i lul .ImM'.v 'TurrtpHtft..' TliK is • liimrl i)Wmtth»tit't, HIM fju'inm1 •('!o'iiHlaiii"iV» l&- Ihw '.Wuldi of- Mm .Kluilllll point"-ijllt mlicD'ailHllI illHl', u.M' lii Ini'nt t.ii*U,iiii»., •••' 1 iiui-ii fiirl.'Tho lini\d .pliui" V>. 11 it«•" IHIS In' ll m'l'Hl (llll)l (if "1*IW«JIK of Newark. Hliu hail llvml (IOI'OHH ul, n, ttilt ) •H«h'il«Tdojifi>7i r nnlliiiK hl|il* .bontlu nl nil- |n slinrt.wc ' would, — a ru'uuhltlim directing the Rule* iiiimi'.v, it ui'iyoll.v ri'pi't'si'iiis lrtMinviltiTii-o.s, ho ' -"Uu* ntro«t fi'om :hl|cl)-; of them', ^_g^ llubllltkfc-snd BhancIaTTraBfiaer of Health - jnu that' 'we ncigdl-the (hoiiriV i-p-lovvjhiyi "Wtf n'finptBd. hoj'. whan 'tthm. lltl-UO, _'JUie (rfl'rot nf'. ilons.. The_riip.orts_would be. flred. ,- Robert O. Hardcrove. pres. five rhoirtha 6TcT~ rrmPru'u r.u .iiti ~ with |lir ••ComptrolFer-" Clcnbrnl 6lu;L Public Affiilru ~v'uiid—tu.iu.-ihe .biisliicsir prnperty. . alibtit it.- Vou canlt-Jniitpfjnd' the »s .public. rcwrrls.'nviillHble to' In n'Q .' My bill, which;' 1 llrsl Intro-' •3BI) Moisernvb. 'In(l Katl'sHad by provloun< bnnd nl'. even, mare imp6i'laTTce. The , Bonndtoa \vnk already In luisinosK1 fop him- .duoed in 10511, would nlso rc- DR 0-aOBO Planning Bnarij " • inues ... If ttilK bond Is piis«i*fl, iiflupllnn of Iln1 bond iKriua wilj ••HUlro tluit nil ox-pnrte enmmu- Chr. finn.nco K, revftntiK Dowild S. Itotweln, chairman 1 TOWN MEETINGS self and tho family was settled in llio.iv 1 w« cannot nay fiicilllle.i will be hi a Hiuuul to Ihe enllro.country", nlcatloiw, onil as well ns writ- nudu nvalloHiln TTKriii Hnwiird K. CH[nelmiiii,.-ofiun«i>l,. plimnluu for. ulala needs nitw — I'Nerdlr.sN Io ' miy, Ilir-so PX-\ p.m., Cnuni'll Chemhers, Mu- decided to-cut COSIH by lotllnjr twine of Irodflcod wmikl providii Klmllsr not n(l«r thju !l«VAVflt|j.m,,jCrtVieli Introduced should,be given Im- frs,. Municipal. Building. medlute coitaitlonitlon. Kimatmont Robert LaVantur*. principal '••' The ability of the. NeW.',l<*i'!«yMnore fav.wab.bMor New Jersey..- Spn»ijyfield, N. J. tuntptke" to-pay off "coslfi" of business'-*iui ouv cottsuhiers'tf '"•*•*• d «vi»y 'Thiimloy' ol the proposed $7S0tnnfl,OO0»Ute we adopt thfj bond plini. We-»V«" 1«I7ANNrN O7ltt0r"'Tir»T -.• ..- ' Unl»n, N. J. ' . bond Issue WJIS directly question- between Pennaylvanls,' which/ Thursdayy, R p.m.p,, Council 'I'S' •d.thls week brCittaetw Opposed hns now reached a five per c.enj'.. Ch'b M il by tin Suburban Putjllililim Corp.- Chai'nbovs, . Municipal 'Building.

^^ •" <••-"" MOrdock 6->/00 niiiniil.-ji.nn.HwV. VpVH Which llllS' ft Q/IIBAI.'I'H.

.'•'•-•.'w. >' " '.••!• •'•.>••' •*;"'. '• „•'' -' 1 '•T'-Mf, • .'•. .\,V '.*:.,.>.U. j

1u He ..•• : rluiie:-EiiKTfihjHW'W; Mailiuna' -#nt&mmk** Thuridoynwetobei—srtf IS63 Thro- i$' i. tics, 43-62; SoclaT lea, 62- man, 508; All f«nt mm •eive^niiterated personal - attention . nie_.JLifiiierBi -JUiemcniary- cutr State College, Upton,- h*i riseh nlxult ' 3,600 . part-time ntUdenU elementary , eduoa,ilon"'curricu- rloulum, largest In otudont num- r'i J above 2.00U this year for theIh Hie Fleldf Scrvlcoir Division, , luiku, whlle-ths men Ofton out'- bers and oUJeat at •Ui« college, Save Time, TraveHni A Money — Hhop at Ih* Only first. lime In tin oAlloge'a hf«- 'Hie college, may enroll 3,200 nuitvbnr Uie woman In neuo'nd- miitiUt l.ouuntudpiiu; and l.oaO RelUloiu Article* Blnr* In-tlndrn . ' . if! tory. '"• • .", • or more licxlfajl. Preaent plana ary £litTluiililtna. KVir Innlanre, In of tbwit are women. The ciir» " rrotetlanl. Vatliollo and Jewlih OUIHI lll \ iitii i .Ili'lllllin ' iiiviilirrn • InaTffffa fnc DOS, •• I^*t_£ear It wat 1,1101, r, KII »I»(M)«CKI la Mlll'ttlix wlileh pi'tMimoK (.ca'dliert Tor IUU- why.) In. the rollout, jmr 11)07- year. aery aoluiol lliroiiirtr lltlttl nitid*, II in eHpeiHtMl llmt «• tile J t 5fl '•nni|Un<*tit won IH)!1, ' Tli* i'Hlltt of" WMiiMi to fiVoti: all 31tJ Mllilrllia gVH WOliinii, In aMVtriy nnW nwiiiiilMi'y ALL TYPIi OF RELIQIOUf ARTICLEi ,t:. Jiiiirulinimil flHJU'tw I'efirt' to llio intnalna about <-l. Tlil« .vrnti mii'li '(,'u'irliuluiDN tinTlicliinlrial Ilium uxjittlid, ihsjilimljei' uf illim rOIIKION VllAVElt IIOOKN iiuinlxr Micro mt> I,IH«! wuin*i) lo OTATU aitil Hvuoliilufy Sflotico, tlif Mm) women will wiutilUe, Other (IOMMDNION IIKKAKKANT MKMKNTOKH-=- ynl« »tililimta, thv itnim!'tmtox nieii, «« i'iini|«irwt with MUtrfwitlimlu-rwnul! o |i|'tMilttll(iii In 147-4 ounidUlimw ajid—M»t> 400 N. WOOM AVK,, I.1NDKN "-'. UV I- [o_ tlm ri«i uf a (milage. Total to.303 litut year. -. • ! niul I1U-JII r«ui>M'tivi)ly,' « erirolbmmU In- •a*--—

A •'•-,&' i- • •• M ROUTE ^ 1^ STORE IN SPRINGFIELD ^vjl ON ROUTE 22, SPRINGFIELD On the Weit-bound lane of Route-22 In. Springfield, futt off • the Garden State Parkway.- ' "' SHOP FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ' Golnit WCHI—leas than 3 miles jmat-the GaVdon. State - •'• PurRWay's ihterchnnKe." ; • : - '• Going; East-4«k8- the third left-hand turn past.; . ' Howard J'ohnson'a to get ii\to the West-bound : Jane. "": ' ..'".'•' •'•• ' ' ~'

• r!-





^jiavni -exuHmled-vJiiyl-UtM- flltlHMn ItW'jfft 'W«ttll imivnil WIlKm il^lail til' l~>lll'lth»'« vim MM a iimtu-mu, inuiiMi IMUI ipi'liif, |>Ku ln*ml« (rjHflliim Ivilli li, Illank. Rolil, ItlTl.r- "."il)l""iiylivn_ l«i t««orinl l S lioniil, fi^illuijivil, VliU ->• ami tint*.' A vaijaly fliriihr The ahaiU .llRlllly, litijTrulVitt, BEDROOM FURNITURE SLEEP FURNSTURB RUGS MISCELLANEOUS

• RaulHli. iiiiidni'ii. uwtp Itat'ii; H(ifn,-u«d ••^ttftrWt^- rS • ' l{eo Htilf-propollud snow tluwvora i.'2lt).l)K ' .It flii'H.i (iolonliti Hi>l'a lwiil,. li I'lu'lttii'H miifilLJlU CQTTO»H»f U RUttf tt'hiiil tin fit; • UliHIiwo j, iuillwl.—. .l]7IU)fi : " lll«ailltl', llllfl'ltrj it-lll'UWnl- olimt. full nil* LIVING ROOM FURNITURE ' Tiiixiiflitiii, tanking, in iliworNtnr Mil 60x4

OCCASIONAL FURNITURE Just-S:-^ ••••..!., r." »5S» —~ •-•—traeit ,;,^^..;.., .r,;:;;;;.. 209.957,$149 -a • '•(M?* fcttttnt bow, hutnh'top, 72" lrarreAt ti JUST^^VAMOUS MAKI BAVARIAN HANO-CUT ko«t and ho*t«M ehaiN,2 aide ohaiii. TELEVISION LIAD CRYSTAL LAMPS RECLINCRS, AMORT1D •40 tO ^0 \ *5O Orlg. 79.95 h> 129.95 l-pe, modern walnut dining «ot ..... $119 : '$.'15 RCA VICTOR 23" CONSOU Orlg. |»0 to$16 0 ' . Hnalitldkl pollihdd |lau tahle lamp*. Every odd .dinihs: table on floor '-fi()% off. ovlijnml Coloniiil, trn(litloiia]t Dimiuli moil«m *ly • RIMOTt COHTROL TV .JW'ICB ..;.•., •'"••,• ' • • • : ' " Orijr. Now (52." French Provincial bnrftitj S dr.'. $189 . $70. •IW Orl#,$W» , •.;• Comp. values NOW •Colonial swivel rockori jtolrt plastic .,90.95,. .$ ,l)(HCOunt price Von-dtian^laHirtalJlbna^^ 5-po. Ital.Prqv. »ott oval tkble'...,. .$379; '$175 i i 1 Early American swivel rocker 79,95. 50.05 Zimlliril)^oi Hiblo'10e4''TV "Bot'":.~'.vVil57.nB Modoi'ii, traditional floor lamps $8(S-$7O,, ;$1R>$:i(> 6-pc. D'anlHltmodern sot; 58" buffot $290. .$150 19" RCA Victor portable TV wot '•#;.;.; .M9.88 V! W»ll lamps by Lljrhtoller;i.,: .$1C423.;. .$5r$l0.. . •8-pc. Ital..ProV. sot;. (Hi'I but'l'ot. \.,.' . .fRtS-jfl...,$!\«9 •!•• ..';;,„;;...r •-':• •••••: •• - ' V .'.. ;.. Orltf. NO.W •'••"' .Obilsque table lamps; . ,: . . . • 8-pc. Danish modftrn wiilnu't,' 50" china $779.. $S25' JUST 6 MAHOGANY _2!J"'Arlmir«l wnlntit coiwole TV . .-219.9.5 169.95 • . HUTCH BOOKCASCt •"Westinirlipuse portable phonograph'..,.42.88.. ;$!8ff ' ' '. • •Lififhtolier .,..-,.,.,•, $4O-$50; ...,'. .'.'$20 " Emerson ateroo ,cpnaole; 2 sp. boxes 239.50 ,$148 ' 18" hand engraved hurl-icane lamps

r .;•••; . . •3.3 Prlj,_79. 95 '__, . .•' ; -••: ;.-•;•••••. •••• •••.••• ..:.,-.;$iB...:;;:.:. :$r..:.;; ' " r.: . Thn>o..ii(Ijuatnbl« akclvti»,,35" wide, 48" high; MISCELLANEOUS ; 10 * milk glass hurricane lamps , ,$15. $5

•(r ..\.v- ': ^••••••".Orljr. WWW MM BOX SPRlMOS Danish modern walnut 34" bookcase, fffl.95. ..$<19 - MAKI A PATH 15" WIM ; "Milk glass boudoir lamps .., ,.',pr. '$10., ,Tpr. $5 ' •18 OWj. 14.95 fo 69.95 • '18" cabinet; fruitwood finish ...... ,-. $140.. $77 Early American-: table lamps . .$24-$5O.. ,$J.2-$25 '' Danish- modern walnut cocktail table 89.05 19.95 • *88 Orlg. $149 Celling Fixtures, ...,.....,., .$24-$6O.. ,$i2«$2lt • Just 2; ItaJ, Prov. 28" drum tables .. B9.95.. .$8(! , Lead Crystal .....,, .$9p-$160'.... $4O-$7O •..•

• ' , ,• '• ' ' ' "•'•'•..•'. . ' '» Sorry, |to Y»|*||0wlf| t^wll. CQ.b.'f ty hqldi. tlf^^)ltf liuntl^rfi af hHfffwlrt* MM* llai.J Mwny nrii-g^ BUY NOW AMD PAY LATER ON, ONH OF BAMBERGER'S CONVENIENT CREDIT PLANS - NO DOWN PAYMENT NEEDED



•' * '• ; , | » '

.•( .... I.-.. .I.' 5- i'>—V_j»;;•>••.i. - ^^^^^^SI^IBIB^^ ^

, — -• "^/-l

OeloUr -31 r~W63 ^RQLLER SKrtTINQ FOR OLDER FANS mm .1—>i :.-_.-_. ]^tMf&c2 y Mhmitt.d to ttiii the' Shui-ln Rudely, wlll_ho)d our offtca by frlday f« Intura awbllca- ti«H In tha i ItMa, J ItjjUQ.nUily ttieeling Meniiay tn .nil ft";** i"tlirr. HKHUM Hi 11KM will llnli* of t raiiwp In.man- from ralds!ll 'tn—-ml put of Ki'«liil|miciilii. Mdil Ju.l (all in^OM •»< •!« »« »*'_.' SWIFT'S PREMIUM — Tend.r, Lean 1 'M pllli'f." ttio parlor 'ftf, Uio. North Re- klrl .uluff? •• . . mlrt-ltO dti'r IntlliHd' leviKal of. tilt lt)*irib»i'* utiiu* froin, Itktf. '. Tilt) rhlh'l 2(1 furmtrl. Church, SlO Broiid *ti, Niit, Mm (.'ntliciin*. ]ircw"r< mari'ltd IWIJIIM itidat I tail' "Hhe Unloit-Jtiiax *\c*, Koine rtf Radio Club Auction ••!)>« i;li»H#r Newark. Mmfiorra anil friend* 1 The Irvlwrtah Ra(1Jrecantly-«|ei!i(if| |ir«l- QOII furthirl rfonl of the |rdU|i and aha it Mdrtv" Kclna, V«ll«hilrii photng- wilnilnfl'iliatfi'.' Iff I'rlfiiiu In riher, will b« tha mictinnw i(?crM«ry-lre« |(inn. IHOWI moellnga «re on Wtdneaday uy».v.at»ai in know" how in »li»l*i rti|}il« at the Twin Clly Arena i In Ellnabeth. On Frlriay and aatla kurr. B«Uir .The onl.v'ri<(|iili;efeeTiT U thitl i w uiunlly get Ujgethor for «o- C * ymll1 Till rHn'l. bf H klrt, ' L{. ^_ ..vr^, C -.—,„-,P,,.,, =,,,. ,~i>lal .outlnd'a ;nr vytu to otljeF 1 39 LOIN HALT '*' ')"'• .". "I IIWII lei t.lililn," fxi't'llin ; , • *••'••• -•" ''L•- ' rUihi. .-:— •.••.•••.-• ••'•. 491 CH0KJ>^0AST1^XC9 PORK CHOPS l A M;i;-r H'rfWtMt".'ll.!i' m. iiinc..|t Tun . •'_: ^.•:ii • '•'."*.'f '•• "Former •Uninnllc*.' the Brow- _ liour kflulltn ••'lit: roecntly-moved to ' 4-oT. ! .,. , be a jtlaina to Jp.t, .lhft Kiti'. ' .*' r 111 m i "58 r '^t&V B "Tnttir"raniiJ» '«'ltirtiUr-~ !j\ytfi''« duH 'I«"i"'«iirt "iniitual' protyt|V8 »»"ncj-. ' • 5. I'i . ' Mm Hrowpr'U n'wmla ' All mrr Inn hM . tirltlnul—ftraadway ^p _ _ alton" /or oider «kut« Iai(» whfl m tthe FranJcIln School In'. Un- AUMJF mr\ fool ulliy • wlicmlfnff around a : '' ran- (UiMfHItrtiMHaHW .....:•/•",>*.».*.- current atlracdon at (hi«-j—rittk-wllt^i d hliniih «f loon- ion. ±TT I-.-I 1—I Lj"~r-*" Meidowbrook pinner - aner*. "A" lot of people who lEtl IAlV'1 #:;>j SAVEMORiwifhtheise to 1-qt. -I4.o*. " Everyday-Low Prices! !»//>/>, Saturday?? to . '.'* ; HEINZ if FRESHPAK or GRAND UJWION ^KETCHUP 2-45^ 14%-OL $100 FRESHPAK cant Will Your lnulpm.nl W«tlc 2*35* Thli. H«IU« i.nt W.:lt ih.

ntntrJht - PUis.lN-BOOTi ARMSTRONG gliMlINGSL^ lB J £ PEANUT BUTTER ,*99 CAT FOOD riooitcftRE •« APPLESAUCE -Aerilan ^crylic Fibre. — GRAND BRAND . .•—. .• ;" WHITE EAiv.orr C f DEI MONTH-MONT , z.ib. zUc - .,- r-i r NAPKINS 3*25 CAROLINA RICE .pkB..' WEIT0N CHOC. SPINEI . _Pnce Includes^ • "•-_._, ~_I;;"'2'.'""~ N. J.'i Ininwt and IIS AlWAYS A TKIAT to DDINK a IAT •J • rRESHPAJLrRESHPAK_-- CHUNCHUNK ^" . _ _. GRAND BRAND BLUE S (nilllll.i («« — _ AT HINRV.'! tAVMM j MSTAURANT 3t«01-Morrli Av«., Union . . NAPKINS .•nnituat. • WJddlnf., .!«," -^_ • AND. RI$JAUMNJ_ '... '«pi.lnll-8on. iUoli •"".' f WHITWH; E TUNA 3^91SANITARY •'- MALLOWS s^RUNE JUICE ~ -• 30 Sqf.Yc/s* o/ Lees Long-Weflmt^ ^T/jrcc C/teers^ MU fl-tl80' •'.... i - Cotklall Hn. 7 a.m.i.l ii.iii., Sun, Noon «_l_«.m7^ UPTON BSVB — SLICED, CHOPPED, CR0WK BURRY MOONLIGHT i (ni;. :Chd«riitt»Tr (•••.f-NIBLETSf.- ' • '• ,' Cocktail Imjncjt Optii Dully (1 Boam', Avdllabla). •AvalloMa'tor eluki,- ^artl.i, Witingi, .re • Over Thick, Springy Rubberised Waffle{Cushion T.I.. Hi 3,979* Alto Ordan T» TaVa On* TEA BAGS MALLOWS 0/10/31 - ' • • MUSHROOMS p CORN— .— BURRY CHOC. . IIA I'^DEt MONTE . • Deluxe fackless Indallationhy trained Experts Johnny Mi tUNCHtON « DINNER DAIIY'™~> |/ll|PCTfHI . Haua yaur na»t Dlnnar Porty •> ' """ [xpnrlly pr*partd..7r.mjl,.tfn..lJF..o<)>... MNUOlUN , TMI KIN9SWN JHTAURANt —==• CRISPY CRITTERS *• 35* 59< GRAHAMS 1 n dadly i.rv.d In a graelpui alrrtoiphtr* ftKni ji lln H HT SHORTENING ' GREENPEAS BRASS HORN - lunch.an • Codllalli . Dlruar • lupaar . - ~_ .• »rojn 11:30 a.rn, to liIS «,M. SUn. thru HrX I Il|IHflJ\|T , (Wa-aalar I* Waadlngt o«J Bonqo.li> '. C Railaurant *-C«IHolft6Un()t v,ocl>iull %„»,,„». '-- T(iurThuri,.. _— ftfrip.. .a |,lott,. ,la. ,., 3:13j a a.m_fti . MUSteTuyyg.ill-WinWIUll.i^ l " "" •*!•.. Pll». \ — >-^ .. . ' H Dairy Values! % Nancy Lynn Baked_Gdods! ^ ;TOMATO SAUCEKte 89 ^««-&r: ".":• «•» *• °—•> O'^N-OHUY,/!*" n.,,jB Kvti, Union: Wad., ttiun,, frl- Sat. * FLORIDA JUICE r DEL MONTE •••••'••• j-. ' ----- • ElUobolh—<-8/67 TF ' Banquet Room. Avollobl. (or all OeAxliona MU »-3 m, • 4-JJJ7 0/1D/SI- GRAND UNION e 4 .Conu.nl.nl Ifrtollont • MINCE TOMATOES sTEWEp2 ^45 Nawdrki 303 Mlh-Aua. CAIIIIIUo «.HAll_- .1.... .--_ CREAM MAXWELL HOUSE . • trulnolon Dtlv.-lni 4.8 ElniwoodAVa. MAHERHORN 'Auolinbla far Partlw,' -• SINCE"•'t.MJ • ~ (Caft SB»lnoflald Ava.) ~ ' Ma.llntfs, .all. , • i,.'.,. COCKTAII loUNtsrr COFFEE :—r^a L DELICIOUS Famoui for'llaKnn Styla KjinllWortlii IB'South Mlclilgun Av%. 1435 Sprlnfltiald An.,,. )UR HOSTi CRANK H6NADIEI ~ ' -Pt.mtHB-W.0,; r,i., Int. _ , . ' , CHEESE -Wan eftingr;Drlvi^nT~oO~~WaihliiDion it. rAut pit TRIO r.oiunnp; Klla ^ay

1 V/ll/3. In Itvlnfliton^rr * . . i : DEtlCIOUi -.' ' I U ml\n • ~ afl ad fl M .' tyi»li-»".f Ihli Ar*ii'» Hmn« .. ' R.ilmiriinl . Qlitfii ott.tlno . . i' id a ti.kt i. ,m\ ^ mtvt— 25 THE CAMPTOWH NINO'S ITALIAN KIITAURAMT 4 •IZtKIA . • lli.itbToH, »_Un(li.o« • . ' " raMPKINPlE -59§§^NT.CqFFEE '^l Front Ynjn: W(!fi/;/.v' Budget ' Mohio Caaltlrla • Hot Muiu).' .'• ' At' (Iniwooil i (pilH|tllii|il'Av«i CARROTS mm-o» • Dlniuf. . -••• Aflar TliiHlttHhimili RESTAURANSTAURANT -JOUIIIi 1*an.,.. TlfBt*., II a.m.-1 -,», 0UAtlTVMAIDCOTTArtK c r In Hun dnini)t ll'» • , , O|tmi M Mnuu Iv.iy |)«y «l Hi. W«»|t -witl '1 >.„». • Hiia a miTil,, »1-.,w. . t.ll. hw 24 Months Bays \ M«rVI. Av.,, Unl.n ), .(i.w. »nj ,1 a.m, r»iJ*-»,M,| i^t,, It, JWSBREAD2 a45 |STEABAGS . ..?**V z • Aiiiril* frtlHn, tailllllM • ~ CINNAMON naan>lil« a.nw-luii., l*-m«on ."it p.m, CHEESE^ BRUSSELS SPROUTS s THE GASLIGHT l ««AND tWlON- NtrWHArlI'I*, II Stji Y'ds - Fn/fv hiiittilted r)nm>H» lt.it» c. -MI/I>_ , ,' ;••_ Oiil.u ITy Ti.l.f flm • t/a ~~ :OFFEE -mtm.Nil, Clip ,— timAUHArJf •' ITAUAN eUIIINl~*~* ISLiCES WHITf«iOI«r GAKD1IN rRCSil iJ (»• ,. riil.II r«ad OWulni.W. Aiiy MAID CHANCELLOR— C"A TMIXd' , , OLDE COLONIAL INN -. lollillw. Hattauia.nl • CREAM CHEESE . . l|iailiij||||ia In- A 'ltlM-.iri«.d .si,, ' • ': '—• 'i HAMI.Y M0HN • »ur. tmya imJ CDIII Cut finnan Mawmli, N, 1. .APPLE CIDER OELICATESSfN- In .arvliia, Imaa «I«U|M VAI.IO- .

h««r V/T/C" CmunlaU Party •lunnlii|_Sarvlta — '•

.- BAN.CINJJ..--, ;; , '. t •. , Tmumi GRAPEJUICE Ik xn uud thilr OLYMPIC "frlilay, laturdny iind Jundoy fvaninga tARA COMET CHOCK WAGON v Mondny thru frld — . _°jM p,rn. an • c- ' lunihaox nnd. Ojnnfr Sirv.d Dally »itK).r,00 p.m RESTAURANT; ••* BROWNIES te CLEANSER 2^28' 1 LUNCHEON CLUB «/r Sprlngd.ld Av*., Irvlngton iOnduy Dlnnan Sarvad )J.»iJO AUNT JEMIMA REYNOLDS ;O«|dan._Brai!(h Room_o»—- : ~ CSiax 3.»447 w. iu 4.7, BOTtquaJ Fatlllllat far any Ouailan — W.ll Ch.ilnul at Raul. M ' M w . four SanijinV,^ ir/a • ' ' ' CATtRINO T/F . Aitammnlatloni ta oOtt. —: 3AtUMINUI*f OIL Union, JOT J. •"INEAPHLt-UHAWOE I,| VLTRA RErlNED' =£ROSTA'S HAtgRINO ROSELLE INN DOtEJUICIL CacWfitl jnnday to Salutdgy'•;%. to-l B ' • Tha~B»il, In Colarlngi KITCHEN GARDEN •(For Srfioll tll oy-J pan, in :10 p.m. " '• - .' an tha' Hammond Oroa'n" k Trtur«.,.M; i.lni. Nloliti • ~ . .—, IQUBOB R.npllonl 'i ill,: ^ KITCHEN GARDEN ••~TlO5 Llnd.n RJ,, troiallr~~"~r- M tlntl.ky-W, Vallibuf,'—I_ , UTTB/H 0m

^r«yi»ryTtWi|'imli'ln« In 'war - IS l-«lt)l Vt Slnw, Pottint"•••*"••'"•• KITCHEN GARDEN . t^ Aulh.nlle Italian Cobldng KITCHEN QARDEN • ine.- W11/11 BROCCOLI 6 IK.8S . Wa raiarva trw rlgW tb limit quorltltla« Jttt «^N i:i..nlW.»yi-«*.».'LtMii|a..ttl!l(...ft(it.:t«i.:iaL»l MreJNMl«UIIINi ; • '—C hopVT- v TOW-M-IIV'S , • Romt, SleV. jililc, iind easy lo nu'c I'itir. See "Three Cheers" tiiul oilier Tine' Lets' cm |>ets VilV W» Itrvt' lunilxin, nnd tfflfclr TpWNLEY'Sr: miMI RIDS CO BBIK in,. Vary i.itlv Wjiderollur's in Union lodnyl ' ; •'•••'.,' ALEXENG 110 North "Av*,, Bllaabairj All baking don» «ti DI.IIIII.I GRAND • •()"-"»,, IIIIO, In your horn, or on olir pr. Sntilal .buntiu.l fddllll.i from 10 la . dRUNTAl NHTAUItANT 'far ovary •ccutlon • ... 100 p.opla *" Opan Dully tj n»an la I k.M, A««J*fn,y a Irvliiglsit AV«J\

aliw'loit .Oniltltvtalll ml i Br«t«l»>'..?lnl1 ' NYLONS i i Boef GASLIGHT , . • ,.; roal..,«t;rtMo »nd *»M»" .•',,. -;,;TRETOLA'S • ... AhvH» h»i b>»At ftva.»alrtlt,.Union,'N, J. SEAMLESS NYLONS —!~J eaft)*-

•i .• ,j

.••?•:••••>••'. liliii hallai'VllVill »''*•'!' A -.. t ' - ' .1 '..'JJ ^ ..-Ll=i ..SU'll . !_•• --l.i. 1--'- 1.'.!- . li^.,Ai. I- :,-.»,:- • .. '• '• ' L „' , '' .„_ •,'.'. '. ."'_'. ' ' ' ' ..' A ' . '-\.' L.. lii^^^ lHMJilM«i1~HrallMl'nilll>rilllHMIIIat^llllll .(titti^al a^ltll a^'lllat^ltellalllMMII.Iiiflllllllll ll .yilMfiB I attt

— LAND OF MANY TONGUES, WWiWIHHHilUIIMtlJIIIUI voiumfc.' V> .relatively inex- Sunday, Otl.obtr HWi«lv»-^ur volume Uncrossed,, There,is-no natlOOJBj_j»rtitu- the cost per unJi tends. to go a«o In Gh»n«, though EnklUhTJ Tibslor rihwn. • » • ]__ $%& '0&*r- r commerce." According" to ' the Hook- of Knowledge, the inhabi- Today's H.omemaker c anrf small packs of frozen tants belong to six main., tribe*, 1 ' -# vegetables *howwl Hint the 4 which sprnk Us language! and Prom Mary'Armstrong; Cpunty Horn* Agtrit 2_ large .size pack was generally f- * tZ*-\ 1& ••'•'< dfa1cH». The name Gti«rm de- the • ifM ^Mtf)i*nBlvff. mil fl_. jMii'minn»m)tntninmimiiiniinn»nnhitniimtliHHiiilntHHIIinimiliilniilMHinii 'M-: mvM all r ; emjili o (Iifir>xlsted In med+cv»l i—MANY FHOZEN FOODS, ,, nM.yet Jii i | r -•V-AMT ADAMS (line*. • TOOAY OFFER TllftlKrtf '«*-'^,>: • • •;;.• r uiltflitly \n* Ihnn llml uf the m «>. '•'•1 CONVENIENCE mm#- V.II>- III til* (MBit Vi--^'- VrazcaJacdjJttvK icon* l»rji« or food Mqiilrtd tlip Jit,- Yl¥ii Ai'i'iV; ,"~ .," ••—- m-alo In. only »,. fmv, yoam. .d„ fiyntwr) , InvolvinllUdg • ^^ ^ „ {,.,„„„ f,M)1| .jnsy he' Mont uf undo not nallee th»< tmiKiKniution, MuiJuttfiittf »io- ' I liMVe IIHIMI" lr wlilnw for Hl- who winilit in. riiiit tut, yiiii; before World War fl, whit »M« 'hnff liaiuUliiit. gmlrotiill The "v»rlt!t,v uf fivi/ HITIBI "BI'IVBII yi'in.1 4 billion dollar ln- tftore incrvhttiirilfiiHU. All. lht>i»i> IIMIIII amt I- Iwiil a very liit|i|iy MANOR SALES av«UuWt-i*niliiiiiii in 1 diwtry, involved •« V»ry few had to bit" uwiied t*i moving throe nviv uiunliijj;), Nnu Hun iiiy" childrnn urn huiVpHv iiiiii'ili'il f.ood product*, ...~..—;— frown" food* in it Mg wayr pUul(U|jti.S WfVir J^M'UlltltV- -HfMtJti' fitt JJcnr; Furthermore, np«dal varieties •IIWU.V, 1 Kill bD li!iifcuiMie'l i;»lllll I anv 111xiiii Hiai problem CHRISTMAS GIFTS • i, Frecalni food M a method fi.lhc ullniid.T hull,' llt.1, -Tilt; ! of preservation U Jlot ao new. of rruitf ami vegetable* bent Jt».roffiiel« we Small Onlonii- idcrnrf "Ttrnt-' L'oiii'criw o.ly 1 -rP m\ Aa early -•»« 1865, unall •ultetl for Iroealng-hiid tb~bo wlth rjieuin Sauce, PuiH,,antl fleupli), who'''K«t mnrrlcd 3 ai)H stiirtutl datlnii, \yiuii\, I.-. was' IS, V?WW. amouirts offish were trozep developed. "TSjfeclal fre4z(na Piitatiics with (Jrifftin j.^uuce , 4: ilrubrt'. after their ijiiNhaiKls and I have been dating, since. My. v" ••''«' •Premiums .equiprocnt, alst),.had U> be.de* parents had -set:, my," curfew at -eammertially .ahd; prAcjica); Bnd Ri

consumption oY-frraen >fruiiis. ' novel''bond tojlnd us wonderful dance,',! have to leaye early just _• Leather Goods •Juice .and vegetable* h«s ,in- ir husband .-as I. hud. I've often so I can (jet homo on time. SUBURBAN oreased 10 timeif since /037. Overheard What time do ytiu think an 1 a been tcmple4-to aniiwpr an adyear-old should gel In? Most/of 'Umbrellas •••' Study Compares ' for n cmiipnnlflii; 'then -I Kot By my .friends don't have to come in DEtlVttRY — Many commercially frozen ti'iircd, all JIVOI: nRiilr.. until the shnw-or pnrly is over.' 'Wm foods cosi more trrnn" .—'/jT-H>vrol<\— ^, tru- One o sojnt'ono. who fHccllrrtisily- Inglilr- & Long ud.-l'Is. ihjB tho dot! hmisoV."'He thu most iiniiorliiiil. IK a baaull- turn honir from a (late. You & 1000 more items largo voljim* Items, that R'fe liurked Mh-pmphntle "Nn,'!_Uutu. Jul soul. ,\i lie hnd lh.nl, ho would en ii set around the (iirfc vehed'- - Dlstanc* the inexpensive oncB, For in- iicdcd, "but HK far im hnvc the best of (|tiiilljic«r tile by scclne the earjy dhow. m -jtance, .. the stiidy showed cerncd, Voi It!' '"; L^ "It Is aliio not necessary to_ WHOLESALE ONLY frozen orBngc Jiiice concen- stay stt-a—party i- until "H'» trate to •coat less than lialT qii , Drifr IjimcKomcr' MOVING My clflcrly nfi'liihlmrMiftd been' I .would like to help lint I' 6vor." I.carn to.go alone w(}h DiVict, -mwArtt'. t «rvllf» jnucli as its home prepared-. vlnlHinf-^rlrmts nilt wMI for o\!cr your Dud on most occasions, counterpart' -Oilier foods; cx-i ilo not run a inairliiioiil;il In, Conn., N. Y., Moll., H -month. She .confided Id mo, agenny >.iior would I' recom- and "he-will to alone with you and"F«nna. ' . analncd thai costless tliflii.tlio "Vou know, every place ('stayed ion special ones. ' 306 Lyoht Avtn, Nwk. home—prepared Were frozen- had comfurtable bods,, but there's mend.von «Wwerltur' any- ads.,— ! ', Ijft your frlendK and family ... AtSO - peas, lima beans," cat corn; and rcnllv none as restful as one's ^ Mon.7 TIMI.-, Ttiutl,, Fri., Sql. ID 6:00 1tno\v that yor arc intereslcTT in Dcnr Aiil spinach. Many.consumers are own. When" 1 not home, 1 WHS A very, good friend got In- p.m/i' W.d, '111 9:00 p.m. PACKiNGT'STORAGJL aware of the •nrliie advantage so grateful at trm sight of mine, inectinc an ..cllcihle member, Sun., 12:30 to 3:30. . volved in an aitstwieht conccrn- Summit, jN, J. '"'. 2/7-0238 T^large volume • frozen pro- what did I-do but., up-and kiss of • the opimsitr xcx for the n'urposo -of mutrlmony.' They Jng—nyj—with—her— sister-in-law ' duels. Items produced-ln fifrge; iti" •--.- • • • . . "•""• (v.'hf.iinl-knnw quite woll). Well,' .Sf.LQC=U)is=«Dat. myjIrlenttr-Migj M:, scorned to be niiRry -with m,e and her.'sister-in-law,• Mra. S. After aJVll)l«'I talked to,Miss M. and she (old mo a ..bunch of lies told to her by Mm. S, These lion wore about me. fast, Reliable Service by Well; 1 tried to clenrmyself of these lies Mild. abouTme and gut AU 8 STORES_OPEN Factory Authorized and NQ DOWN PAYMENT eveiytliliiK Blralphl,. but Mrtt. S. 9:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. trained Personnel. 36 MONTHS TO PAY didn't stand for'It nnd ref.used. my (tenlnl. .She enmo rlghl mif •»ttd—teld—we—tliiiL I WM.-lylii Our 29tl?Year of Service to the Residents of Northern-New Jersey '._ (anil J win nnti mul Ilion nil idld,: "f-t', III aiiMSiilH1 imil Mlitislloiil it il|>|i«n -:~ jpf-ihe sect* IHIW youin ymi lii-nV



« 3-Ducir, IJ-FI.: • DAAriWluai

-FAMOUS 20-LB. •J- -HAMILTON I Bible Quiz AUTO. GAS DRYER AUTO. GAS DRYER 1 By MILT ,fl"_ ' Do yoli like to decipher secret code iTicssngorM Change-the lium- bers Into letters of the nln'iabet.. Use A for 1, B for 2, nnd so on wuHi-ump, control • Llni tma 11 through the nlnHnbct. See If you »• tliu flli.r • ao-lbrcd|iBjtry= can rdad thlr oner- —

.5. • •— WHIRLPOOL 2-DR ron'rt-tho arrrtrrTprirr REFRIGERATO ELECTRIC RANGE mnllinr nnp. to 14 nni) tfc TR-fcfc 1 n nin' 1 n"7 is" is -i. r^_A>fSwi5itS(A>fSi5iS i for a-litthr price! mil nV7~r- 7; • Full wldtN oyin * 4-top burti*n No nn>. Is uoml-but l '(Mark in,IK) • • . • Por<«laln crUftsr • Door ihalvtt • All pott, • ' SmbkttUir 'bfolUr corduroy,•liood mitl bodied acrylic • We kiinw. Hint in evcMythliiR Ood works fnr unod, (Homiinii pllfi liiuid, N1««VPS and sliirl wiirnily CASCO STEAM 4-SPEED BiSl.1).. ' jlitorllnud.., Crwui-iwr-kcolhir null AND DRY IRON RECORD PLAYER ' with stnurt tiiukod yokn lim'k,, is NOWHERE T fully lined in acrylic; pile, Ihn 39 $ .88 ON EARTH sltiovos quilt Ht;y].^ • OAN YOU FIND . fHt SAVINQS ' Ttivrntoilnl tout. • Stttiw ov dry Pttiyi ull «(i«, till. «)i«*tl r«cdirili H««'S WMV • W« nil for (mli onlyjl Wnih>n*w*nr inMlny * SupvH , LOOK at this new tlalil walgKl • M»t • F.or fugi, bar* (loon, »vtr|'ilafn ' • • • i-.. up ll|hl>, »ll .cr.uoVy lljlill, •* i wilMa-ftall f.riitlhir.' In-' -T>tmW~ili~t»-wnnTii. irtuni. ., "d«Bv«iy. ImtdllolUn, nnd nfal.«* «'« «ljU!(j»L,l*mi:'»J!J*Jj«mi UNION — ROUTE 2i i Sl«t» l'«tkw»j alf SrirlnilHld A»». il Inrlnilun CHIIIH . S-Yr. 50,000 Mil* Woiranly UNIltN—iln Wt.l HI (ltnr« Ayr, — (3 lilocka xiulh ol Hl|h Hehooll . v.. NO11TJI I'.MZAIlKI'll—1(110 Bh«riil«n Avi. N.«t lo Twln>C)U>, llbllM Kink - ICruin (mm. liurry HI.cull Co.) KANT OHANOK - i:il. Crnlral Av«. Ironifr Durntl HI.)' ' RAH WAY BIOOMUKH) - HID niiimiilltlil Avi. (nr O.rjfi, «UU Pkwy.) 2714 MORRIS AVE. 1735 ST. GEORGES AVE. . . ; • I'LtNTV Or KHtK l'AHKINO • » . ' 1433 NO. BROAD ST. 3824)699 HILLSIDE WA 3-11100

'•'•'»• 1 '.I:'1;-' i '.j.

"••' '.' '."...•""" /•.',; • •••' •.•••• •". ' " V >

.:.:••-.-•• •;>•!:•• -


••«;• -•


Recapture your fonde,st memories of Italian Cuisine, * '.- Rinfrescata Iev.os_t,rfetarem6mori'edellacucina Italiana. Jthrjll your .family witrTimbuth-wdter.ing-delfGQcies!- Good fate gioire la vostra famigliacon leghiottsnerie (vivande)' • Deal splurges on the magnificent, robust, quality foods • the fsmls venire-1"acqua in boccai'Cbod Deal .esporie la rnagnifica ejorte qualita di^barie.cl^f.diinu una festa " that make on^taliafT feast! Such -flavbrs^-texturfes,aromas - -Italiana! Cli stessl condlmenti/'aroim, .'gusTFe^prbfumi I and spicesi!! Thi j^^m^lawkhh^h £, ,u£7. lndimentica°blle. au.tenticO, prodigioso, zealmente verpl:; - forgettable! - Fantastic selections!-Special savings! FreaT Fantastiche selezloni rRl'sparmie special,!'! DimgshjSIoni ' V demonstrations! Come look, sniff, taste, sgmple and nib-. v graVl.s!"yenite a'_yedere oddr^, avere campioccred^assag- -. -}'•' ble.: ItVheavenly! 'All this-plus .. . -. ^- .-I'-'.' '..:..-•• ; .g'afe,.- I' celestiale! ~Tatto~que5'to e piu-rT". -U:-.


gal. tans



ib. Ib. i BANQUET C%0ld#e limi^ta CONTADIN/i r DELICIOUS SNOW WHITE :<• »J

CSAVE. '•• v •-•- 14 or. 9 oi. SAVE 1- '. • .. • i c IB, 20

••••• —-•


COUPON OF WOfeTH" anyJ/a gal. Staff or yoiir favorite COlJPbN WORTH WQRT any AlUn'i larq* Pit or 89« SPAGHETTI ICE CREAM C Valid it., Oct. 30th to 20 LAYER CAKE Vtilld 'I'dhi Wod, to Sdftf Oct. 30th to Novt 3 ' , >Volld froom W*d. toi* ' St«C'O«>in^ntt: . 3blirtiih. t•o- N*vuu,', « • ii-,.

.. Entire mmmimmm

•i^>. . .< .:- ^' '•• *•'.'

-i-tf • 9:00 am - 9;00 pm 8:30 am-16:00 pm

SUNDAY 8»30 am ^. 9:00 pm 8^30 am ^

I.**!" I'f.V'' .;•". •. •' /.• •'•", •>.•

• • .' i •

.... _ii;, . t;; '•'I'V ,'ft"'i Wk' ^tai'lffito-"'-''"';- .^iViW.'KftUu JH^ujWK WlJp^'iWl.iJ >,.«E5iS3l£

' ' S : ••••••/-f.- . •-• ' •'-

•' '*.. .' -, ,— '

r—• — Tl-i' — 3


.— • 0. • ' ; '_• J__M_. !.:._ .. -

''!•- - !' '. r. •• •~7 ^

" •

. • . A WH01E tOT tOWtRf.not on just a leW selected items, but on ovejr2,000 nationally advertised items!

A WHOItlO'FlOWER, not on lust a weekend, but all the time.7. .' i .••• A;'.. .. 26$ days a year! ( lintittn Ttistv triumph! Sava 4e^Romon Frozen •. LASAGNE or RAVtOLI Sava 6c-Ronion Frozen ,'. '• .-••>• LaRosa or Prince Spaghettini or Ragu or Prince Spaghetti MANICOTTI — ' Sovaie—Twa-Tavarh^-FroMii ..- ' , ,... PIZZA PIE - Save 32c—Ida Mae - 7" ~ — SPAGHETTI PIZZA PIE plcgj. lib. SAVE 16oz. ISavo 12e-Ax«lrod-Part, Skim M'"1— SAVE pkgs. 17s jars MOZZARELLA CHEESE Sove 20c-Axelrod-Whole Milk

7 i I ii iUiVutni* Save 20c»-Axe>lroc[-Part Skim Milk '•• • ~~'~>'- ;_ Tuiti •'"3Jb.' •3- RICOTTACHK$t- TOMATO SAUCE Save 4c—Staff s 8 ui; . COLONNA GRATED CHEESE - ^ ;- STAFF TOMATO SAUCE 10 cam MIDGET SALAMI s~« • 00" l8 ^TAFF TOMATO PUREE « lot t PROGRESSO CHIKARINA SOUP L° can Romanttfedges farimagiaB_L ^59 18 ox. lava '4f-Sl.Hn ' Save, 20c Mussels ii«.>«.59< PROGRESSO MINESTRONE SOUP STAFF SALAD OIL - Suva 3c—Italia, «omani ar .Mmaglnn nn La Ron Grated Cheese. .JJ?-»"- . VeaLParmiaglan"— : >*• 59' PASTINA EMBRODO SOUP Bird'. ly.-Ffanii-llallnit STAFF IMPORTED Sav« $ 99 JSrated Cheese^ Green Beans1- 2""ol«"|9c LA ROSA MINESTRONE SOUP PROGRESSO OLIVE OIL ~ «•!- 3 Suva j£-BlrJ'l tv.-fiel.n —-• ' -' • can' Artichoke Hearts ' FIDEOS EMBORDO SOUP L" . 51/2 01. -j-%c CONf ADINA BREAD CRUMBS 2 Peppered Haiti- .^*-^5C ShrimlOt-PDO-frenp n —•'" 1.69" '|*_ eitni *'* ~ -8 oi; C 29? Ca'potolji *:"• S? 39 . "Garlic Bread£_ POPE ESCAROLEISOUP^—^ can, !0oi,' CELLINI OLIVE OIL_^ ... 4o..pi ZUCCHINI SQUASH Sova le-Cli.l Bay-At-Daa-rtonn" '• _.. J«*a_!0e-»M«j|a»-»r«Mi • e Pizza with Sausage .»«-^-69c." Italian Dinners _2"01 "l" -6-ox. 9?c EXPRESSOCOFFEE *%**«?•-.'< TPOPE TOMATO PASTE cant 23

it'tiH tttltlltloimi-3Qc o»*ti • "•"• MM- PEPPERONI :.<;."&20c Ib.-R okH<,wl '-' -IL>, 4 ^POPE NIAPOLITIANA PEAS '^ ° S IS1 oi. CHEESE RAVIOLI , ^^b.., 4 GENOA SALAMI POPE ZUCCHINI SQUASH ...-.*•• •.— : CDJHHIfTYl -" ' "* _H!l£oy Ar DoB ; ••"•-—A- -HARD-SAtAMI" S7^H^-~M^ JrHtLfflK III WHhTyla«Fjyii. __ ^ BpON)bJ^N<»A jSAUCt^S BUITOMtWEAT SAUCE



Pascal Calory Red Onions Imported String Figs Loose Mixed Nuts Baked Figs ^ Musconi Figs "

,___.. ,..,,, ; >f

: : :..:-)|'iVi :,"/ .v ••--•• ..•.•.-»•-• :;-**- > iY ,...... __..„.,.. -_•.•.--. • ' ^* y/^r^'.yJ!'J?--n^"-*%F'yywf.->y<;» •• »*•/ ••• • •:-..>jy,_i.V,-;i:-.ir^-.

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'.- ('p. • ' I. ,| l.. ..' i ' '"'','' '••I "'^' '.



•"m 4j.: - •' t .

" Sava 10c Ib. - A hearty mooll Bonefeir Save 42c pkgT- Economical, EasySlicing; Boneless Chuck • ....%»••*..'.. Save 40c pkg. --VHulcy Pot Roastl.- !• 1 I CALIFORNIA ROAST CHUCK FOR STEW Save 10c — Athriifty moall : •,- _|a'v* 80c pkg. — Flavorful Pot or1 Oven -- Save 20p — Try this new euH CROSS RIB ROAST CALIFORNIA STEAK SHORT RIBS OF BEEF - SaveanEXTRA20c,on»he2lb, pkg.W •'•.' .. FRESH CHOPPED CHUCK SaVe 8Qc phg. — Fine Flavored, Tender Oven Roait,,Bonoleii . BEEF FLANKEN

Hot or Sweet... Seasoned to Pgrfectionl Delicious, Delicate FlavoredlTlia like llallan Vaal Cullelil_ TOfor BroilinP SIRtOlg or RoattlnNg . ROAS. . All Whltfo ^^MeatJo^ All Suga^ r Cured, Short Shankl Save 11c MOKE ERESH - VVEAE L € ITAtllll^ •Ilk- SAUSAGE Ib. •7". FOR A DELICIOUS, EASY TO SLICE POT ROAST! SAVE SAVE Thin fut 80c pkg

Country Boy Sam'« Excluilvo Cull taiy to Slice ft Seryel Economlcall *-- i --'-.-• • . A Thrifty Moall Well Trimmed Ne«(rJorioy Porkl Excollont for a leoii, Economical lOHdonBrolH" ' . NoWaital Ready to RoaiM SlIVO 8ffo pk(t. :.'••.'., SnVff 8.0a."p|i«, BONELESS FRESH RIB TOR STEAK ROAST Freezer^at This low Price! Charcoal Steak Delmonico Steak I XjW # Meaty, Lamb for Stew ^8 rt^^rti^Bn* Delicious : Cod Steak' '••;s*v.;?ociUFri>BT^29c- C e Lamb Shanks 22 LAMB CHOPS Save 30 White Squid Save WIF.V /?.'«/• products, exclusive with Good Besl!

-VacuumfJacke"d^Whole - Kernel ^JD^^-Sjn^JWhite^-^r

Save •" ~#B. 29 oz,

TIQvB •341c9t0tl*'• mwjtftniitr^rfuwH •— • $~~' • —««»•••.• WM»,-^».I«...^,-, ...••— iCleanser •'••" " ' .'t^iO Prone Juice --3 S 89C Green Beans £ 1 Vanilla Extract u:59- Itay* JJS(—Stflff,1* M . ' . ?'5ovn 33c—Stolf ' . ' ' *«ySov«. me—stdf19c—Slnlrf • •* •" . ""*itm •17t- "*"•""»S • Dry Detergent. 4 ^; 89C Apple Juice ^ .4 ^ 89° Sauerkraut 2 ^ 29C Hash 3 III;.M SWEET - ~fv ISarii Lee Brownies ^69C Grandma Rings-— •« 59' ' V'1 lOc-Alltn'i 5n»o 4c—Alltil'i Mlliutg Mold-Floroil Sn«» 4(-StnW $ I Apple Pi •aeli,59,r ||Utl^eTCiii«r Orange Delight 6 ^ 1 Midget Salami Delicious Golden •• i •;•', • *• BANQUET FROZEN BANANA, CHOCOLATE, LEMON Save 14oz. lbs."-." •^* SAVE

NEWARK '•'# IRVINGTON . * EAST ORANGE : ^ NEWARKr T ^T^APLEWOOD ' ^ CLIFTbCLIFTbNN !! ;; " ' JWJ^T^B 75 First Street 10 Mill Road 500 CentralAvo. 543 Springfield Ave. 719 Irving+on Ave. W8MalnAve. GpOD CHATHAM WEST ORANGE *CA5SAIC •MIUBURN * ELIZABETH SADDLE BROOK DEAL 393M«tlnSt; Essex Green Plaia >B MainAVe 22tf Main St. 697 Newark Ave, 444 Market St. i.;.?. " Daily 9sOOA.M.-9;OOI>m*lrii8t30A^4OP.M. •Sat. ^^ ^ .'/•••

' ..*• • '•'.'* Thursday, (P63 •* ' -••'.. Schools Tdking Port In Science Seminar • Unign-Hiifi School Bind Jomn. Ih'.'.n D«ylnn-^-Rt|ifoii»l' Uijjh. .School In Sprlngtield have ni'- tiptcd an lnvjlatlon_to imitlri- r-alo in- the-Urnon Jtinlnr, Cnl- StdiTVf Ice-Skating Season . Tgunr UnutirfiH^n^iTrr Thi. (Wtiiy T'rirT .('mmiit' Tin ., i _ iL_;_ '-^~ I— slim U.T bliittlUK .-.I'IIMIII 1s Iru- lnrnl Iho nuiiliiiir rlnli KIH.VH Ki'inJnai" for ac^rlQiuU'Ally-tiii- aiillril tin nwliiliidliU J^IIIM • twIK-tM • \l in'nruin nn "Nnv IS finyeii I'WJII IIIIIIIIIII Ihr nlr rntcrt Illgli sHiiinl ntudnntii whirl! -..fl-lmnl II I'nniiiti' l.itrr Ihnn , IflllJit'l'Mlll'll'' 1 wilj,-7Tjron idiUitin .iii -7 ;KI in iin' iniuT livid funs finni IIIIUIIIIIB • l»:.l ijin/ ..,.." flir rrrYlriif ix.ilnt '.• , lhrnlii»; of" Un1«**f Junior (-.'ill- Ilic Cuilinilluluu lo itnh wlmil • "Hut,;''- intnrti'flK"M Vrttv'v now (.'niiipiiii* Truli'i iiu MII.^ nn .1 .• j- IHUI ~ ^ IIV r- Ihr i'ni!j.ii|)tm>. • :•• "l I fir |i,i:..( IV uurhl. '.Imr. llll-.nlllll i|iii|ir,;llliili, "»•' rnll'l -'(,'i'Hiifortl. • -,'• •' '•; TV_ >V TIlP oiildiiui Hull uiukiV ll\ IIIUIIT li'n Mb1 II"11•• i{' Vt>n' .'} lir jllKlll—UscUiiii-iUwiiiinldlift lirpl Ilic "(""llillili lull — li-nm- i'\\ n lir. Tin'. Ilijur ul Ihr rlillrb .^linUllird ' IniiiiW'iiiluiK nf n , w.ll hv i-cilVdllHbd this full ufid tutinnjj 1.11 tin*- flvi'rinii unit lined vvlili u inl1c_of Intoiciui- . for • *«•• w.nicT lit Union Junior C'ol|ciSff the rink ro-(i)icrtliiB until • U'llrling |IIIII With.; the aid qf' this ;c(iuip- mid .» Nnvcinb'cr. Ciwitdriifilon ., •bf Mi f>ol'd(i);in'i/-.-Hifr rink. Official 'opcnlriff of 'the .nflw i« sot for.; (He first wtckjn Decpitibo'-. . '.'•'> '..•,•' ' '••'j-

NEIO A JOtV K.oJlh. H.lp W, Section of Ih. Clcillfl.d

"if Collins UNION .. __ ..,-j^,^r.,.,*tw,n-n>.,t-^»ji•;!,».*PI^ICII,- "'.VTaTntMHMBVIQJ TYPEWRITER CO. KCIIOOL FOR''tfOPS — Cran/ord Police Chlrf Losler'lmwrll,' REPUBLICAN ^ilcan ofthit Union County roller Chief* Tralnlmr \A\t\- Park, Dnvld Slelnrh' of I'nlon. Iforold Bo« Ihy at Rot«||e Park. John Ganley ofTJiWnclicId tl Don TUeh Mules - Hen tills" •-Rcpnii rmy, rti'iiKiristrutrs it Tliompion ilub.Maflilnii Gun fur an of Kenil- worth. . ••'.•'',.'. . ' ' • —CANDIDATE FOR Olympia Typewriters !• rbokii>~mitri>nhw A Card Kenilworth QHvciafci^^our Engineering Co. ;. Collin. OFFICE •.. BarkeBarkerr EnnlnooilniEnglnocrliiK' rn<-nCorp. onif Coiidiidcd on n loTtr of the • Businessman • Teacher'• Youth Worker ..CTnTtlwprlli, a (subsidiary-of'Elas- VOTE I Complom«i«ri ( J row eyeglass .liinKc, shield nnd tic Slop Nut C&rp. of Aniorli.'B, i£X"ML-.JajUB-Htiir 11l£lDC-' facility M i AdJ.r. Un,lon, was host recently" l" "H1 '.'•P«W Inr-tiy John.K. Ililiii!,. TII.UII.. CViffinn tnr wennKonilwinlf-Mnym—W-Htiam ,- "VOTE .192irniORBIS AVE. liioup, of KcnllWt>rth Civic 7 Wy C»tn'|i»l((ii. 10 Iurf ll.il.. niliiiinU, N, J< ,,J.. Aheriv-Cotincllnicn RnymdnU LINE "C"! — MU 8-r& .cxcrilllvcsLBlydcnburKh, Frank-J'. Mustaijo ":. shi n I- aii._ open held' nt.tl).c •T, Ki 1-imH.— •.-- r-w- BI n>.l|,ni| j'olt'r S. I'ntulo and..BorouUli bllHll ' •AUdCHO.V 'Karl Pnllnrlt. >' • I ;«erv.l " • '• • '!ii_ j.» • • • pend •7~ d

..i , » !

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• ••,- -...B ma?, arrange -to Jiav^Jt: * rttirrU'i <•<-Icbnifion -Hi-i'i-i'inimai'.v - 'roa'Htiiiiintrr^'n< : rou l) •-li as --bi;ol"i _! tly Hn • Hiie Tt

the, jov'otHtti' pridaftd iiii'iiiliiivi HuiiN'r; TSnTmv,- ii£ Iho illl chilis oC'Tijinjimniiljirf -"V-*--i^~~'' -1 ntol-iintToluTJ'•'IiTTrtTjr.'iiTlVU1. fnr IM;- pould you use a checking account? -\; ceplluic-tlni. ulalci'ir Invtlnllnii lr ,r- NO GIMMICKS s If you spend money'.:, .and pay bills... M'|'VL> nil ifpcalci'i'ii. llu. iiUilod: "I want tn couuriituliili) the 'WALLPAPER HUNO you Certainly can, Slm't enjoying T•••• vn • Itilivii ud^unliigi df our IIH. '''. - ... checksare legal receinte. If you , >i '... 1 ; b^'nltM'K, viitiull.. liiisini'djinu'ri nni, IIIIIIIIIIII oil.I E I Ofl !' H«lta' " aven't enjoying alliWacjvaritJages of," • PlfljMt" iidnijnislnlldr.s." tor»ioi.ibiOl oiKSrolls •By cui'iti'llmtini! their time niui , ELIZABETH HILLSIDE KEfllLVYORTH) RAHWAY •paying by check, how i$ the time to. YOU* ONIV CO\1 IS TH« MICl ' Of THB fAMIII • ;,. "Make a date with National Stale".-.. t-. i,»1 t*#r. rtill KHII u^) ,r ROSELLE PARK SPRINGFIELD SUMMIT WEST FIELD 1 Meetings To Di.scyss; to open your checking account. . •; • Sxpcrt M*ch»nlo« • All Work Guamntrrd1 t,.' 'MEMfiEl? FEDERAL DEPOSIT, INSURANCE .CORPORATION Industrial Misjidps Hlr««.|.liiycl« * Oihr'r lamiiun llmiiil. Tlic Industrial Ccmlmltl't'c' nf io IIO6KS TO ciinnsK rnoni Wf M.lfh .(••iKl'ti. ''...'.: '•!.. . . iin Unioi n • County ,.S, nI fstyty.. Coun"Coun- xil-Tvll-w)ll"nnhHrirt-Thii««ivmiH»viiiMnfcl cohrimrrthi'DO'TiaMrfilWi.? t cs .on IndUBtijIal j\tcldenl prFvi-ii- •llaO(lt.stBiilliji(("'\V(i'dfei(lay)"N'ov.v(l ffdm '7:3(I'M1 to 1)'p.m.I)'pm . iindl'': eac'llt .Wednesday tlirouuh'JJov. 3U. I" The tii'saliins nru open tn 'Kti- porvlsorK and. foreinun vi'span- i.lblft • for' Ht'pldtinl ni'imimiiiiiii-lii: •union (Jouniy. tnfjusti"lo.f and' will hn h"|f| '" Mi" "'I'Mwium ot 'Hub •Cclan»no"'C"(ifpoi'»tlni\ of Aitiwlck. He«uiii't'h'l'liiibonUoi'lua, EUZABETB . Summll. ' ' ' ' Opwi Xhurtd»y '

_, _:!_,,. •'_„ • , V

~3Tr' • >

Bonadies nnr SAVINGS • QUALITY • SERVICE • ' • —. \ Plu. YOUR MOST VALUABn^TRADING STAMP-Your flllcil Two ouyt tra ftr-StainF8in>k-tan1nnpontllk«2v25;JnWih In any "»emWy Jnnn rlotrd-itiwir. UoveTftinitnt '"'' !•'• County, Uit» w«*k n'ccu»*n-fo'ly PAN READY v 'b*ra.bl*.'lfl hear, th,.* l.atftrt re- liTjpiiftkrtilal-ivps,' they ."sPBlH;the ;'uauioi.'pf.th«.StinHer-MfGoWBnr'! or ',rlo(iM«~Hi>ip<'n. .ilowwwent, .Irtr FRESH KILLED •-'••face' ' " thpUfountyls.islate.' Unlo'n'';C(.mHty.''' ""_ '•'_.'/. .i.- *e»*tly-. d lh« ofiit'ii tplopliminllni! (n'tttf DEGUUR ' .»taUnn will •'•If a 'Ifl-mlmilf Stft<'it.v<-Triint "^toffl room n( rapml* nf, »lpclloh. reiuJti WclwifT Tmttl, Republlrfln fitalji ."'*virry half >iour. .-_ • . . CORNED BEEF39 591 SPARE RIBS RIB ROAST 49 KM rtnmllr* furthur olin^HHL'.lllSi e SMOKED PICNICSA>t.s * 37* flVft ' H^piitTtnrirn—Agxrmhly CHICKEN LEGS-.:ttB ^4^ CHUCK STEAKS Miss KananeHits n inci'e tplH'h'"". "all. CHICKEN BREASTS ^ 55 SHORT RIBS BEEr ; ^ 49 f r from Tndrf tllH'l Uu'y would not nupport Incoiiir t«x,u«l:'npplincaL n nT r<> p f 'with enSBBing ID "scan, turtles, tt n*-' f ^ ^ '*^ *d and THIS COUPON S THIS COUPON THE5 COUPON In »n atlempt to. "frlghtpih n 'hhe ial Hingises and ' to ; industries "voters.1" -—• • • •' ' and •. commerce auffcrinR, trorn' I WORTH WORTH ; She*«ilrl hkr nppmicnl, Rjiiccnc the .strangulation of growth anX WORTH trrarlcnjratp highway fBcllitlM., :T,'KlrkJncUn)lient, harj. plBcert" toward the purchase of ' toward the pufchow of ' •f "price ItMf" in, hnr 'evcninB" ATso. In ytallc~Botnrg~the Hn- t • '.".'. '" •' toward. thB purchase . • •, _ itrvlce propose),. '.which,—Mr- Ion ..Democratic Club last week*]. 1 "~7ANY 6 BOXESJQL , ANY 10 LBS: OFr: ANY HALF.GAUON^OF pendlng upon thn ofcaninn, has Bnrtadlni pledged.hla'.mi tanged . botWcoh f3R,non and logitilntlon ""defilgncd- to i-IBvatr I ICECREAM ifltt.OOO." —~~~ ••".-•" Inn «Utii« of a_poUcomnn and I FACIAL TISSUE POTATOES . "I'm Vurliiim. «« to Imw- he fironiBn, l. ^FOODD|PT.| - «ay how" fxtcnslye the "pi'oBram with a view toward making It Would," ,M1«» Kniiiinc RIIIH; poxMnle lor pollcn-nnd lii;cmrMl ^ -linwpver, 1 can sny with r.w- ; lo "(vilnlillMi .a rcnllKtlr slnndard "1«ARTS DtUGRr=rjrprrl—- tifiilv"" that lhi; .rfn>lfr'p{ , if -Hulny-nf Ihclj ow.n .phoiis- -SUCMST » proBramrinmyr^ul Ing."- • . belowrmiyoL*'"' e»tim«|n»l)olnK ' 'Wn must attiaict nmre" talPnl- 58 APRICOT HECI ("sscd nhiiiil-SyMny opponent," pd^-young men,, to. Um ranfts of SUGAR COFFEE SALE! »he''rieciarfefli conliniilni,'!' "•". police' ami (Iremon by support- iTL SAVOV IVAWSUATED CONVENIENT' - ""Since I worked ln_the sun- •jnjf_ _lcl!i»latlon -.duarantoelnR 4c OFF! r rii«itle's ofllee for J12 yean;, I (fqtiltabler...wa£cn, bmndnr ppn- Riitlclpnte Ihjir (_cfiujil hnndln consldcratlon an,'l family CHASE & SANBORN .the evenliiE program h EHLERS or BEECHNUT rnjjijoy any additional Help. In TWOCUYSTEABACS^ •. addlfioiiV.-t 'would* try tri"i'ohndulc. cA'enlng hours .at thoso times SAVARIN or MAXWELL HOUSE 1 when the courthouse is open T^Losie Licenses GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ?nyw.ay.-Slldi as .those occasions 8K SAVOY PEACHES 54^ CHOCK FULL 0' NUTS ! •when there arc jrocftnldor rncct- #JOJ-. MAXWELL HOUSE iriBB oiiwhcn the probation ofilce ForPointSr Speed p , CREAM CORN ^ffl"! AMI CIDER |ir-npon. Hero acain." udditionnl Krtsmtt- —; 'psts, If ahy, wmiid'be minimal.. ScVt'.n Union Coimly molovjsla SAVARIN Reg. or Drip from' tills Bred have frrrfflt'od s MILK AMPLIFIER "Rauml oVvthracfacIl!. T i-nh: 4hM)^4l<«i|-i:ni; 'for varylrtg.,,p->tlc GREEN SPLIT PEAS YUBAN INSTANT " tfjer ~T*l* omuiiaics- (unifinrttMb ods iiiiclci%-thu:.slHUr.i •8(l/.76-'T3i- • • Slid Intended rn dlKfrjitllf nny- il*.sive Spend ProEtnm and Point ' MlrVnpt to ImnriiVeJiiBtylcii In Svr.len), Ibi- DMnl-iTi "f 'Motor announced t FRESH GREEN. SUjuUKKliBsbsto lmmcd her Tlin llconse of Riiyitinntl iW. '|i|">iiniil with Ifylntf In miPlenil l|{>l\iil (Onlyl M Inww In t||iMj^ EMPEROR GRAPES 14 •'iir Iwo iiittiilhti, fffi'i'llvn Hi>l*l- DELICIOUS liulrl l.h« pi'n.1 d( miiT(.i(n W; llhdi'i' Ilia Spri'il I'lnuiluiii CBttCTBAO •I'IHI" olhrrii,. all li'mtra niirh-T Hip I'nlhrHj'itihnir^wiii'n llnii'il. lot Not Enough Tlifmi ijliiim "v/(\h *HWIIv|t V CORTLAND APPLES fTJl Unlpn M1* Illl'tTiA^fl; 'fjiilierl ..I. Myfi'M, .K'l, l-III.HIr- CUCUMBERS mmxmw__ YELLOW ONIONS -BAG Ohnljit1 n^'.n.l llnnt'lli (jSriWiv1'1"1—•» •; • vicr-ti iiiiijl ili-i, • 91,'.itilil • Knmw 1.1!*^: APPETIZING DBPT. SAVINGS tliijuii,. iwii—uiuullit, tltiul.~ii*7 FROZEN FOOD D£PT. SAVINGS "'•"-•' A. li'iiiiilillii. Id, •Kill ,lwtH- (;Ui 'nii i^lrn I I'illilll livi'., llMlmV-dJ-il»v», I VI. TURKEY ROIL 'U , ll.i)''m i it I' I'dd IIIMI.IIKII , JO, Illh iVV HvrTTTiiuriii.^jjjjTTTir'^jU , Oinr niui Aiiihnii.v K "K.iiinil, 'Jit, .sin P PASTRAMI MORTON CHICK«N Vtn< it., Ilininlln, 4ft fluyw, OH POT PIES SUCID tO ORblR .. ..'"'r 1'1'7' , • ' ' •'* •.' • — TWa0UY5 FRESH Nero A JO>t »«u.l tl>* >UI|> WaiJi E CKEAIW -Ml FLAVORVSS UVERWURST laclUn tl Ihi Clailinad_l'iigai. Vnu David E. Byrom tan .iirBhahlv find nM'"jSh*plijy"» whf» * txturallhi) can UIN' yaur 'b'vli'i. If nat, litl you', .144 VASSAt AVI. ifuulllilatlonk In nn kntptaytiitltt 'wnrtNd UNION - MU lid. Juil (all 37I.3MO onil niluliii_Ad. T«k*r. ' — '.

m*?*-?**** '•••s~m •'•':^t£ •—

1 _ri, .-.. r7 •'":;.. i alue 44 wfHronoTillml Kotik. BullJ r«rvln /-—fui 8• u^il'Ot ^nMMlttandqiTr lavlngi. Fin* Iramluctnt china. Opoii itack fltioraMtod ovall- with'a $2 or rnoro food purchase obl« for 2 yvara at two Cuyi 3 Year Guarantee Our Reg. Low Discount Prfee.,,2.29_ low, tow dlieoiml prim, On Any fab Ajax Cleanser Florient Soaky ; V'. thit Fun Bnlh KING 127 15 SIZE Jumbo Jm Super SluiJht . i^9 •• Genuine Fort) Equipment jtiquiil Ajax Polmollv. 2u2f( Buo«lDilfH69'. RinsoBlue CmhitMre BouqutK} <* 29fr •Rank Rates; ' With Attimanla VtlPowd»r >32c' CIANT iqu«i 2u29( V«l liquid " «*61( • Huge Trade-in Allowances 64-oi. 44-or. g 54-01; 93' SIZE

• Excellent Stfrvice ^ MuffV All «^.u-75c «» ' Lux Liquid Swart Liquid itn Liquid All aui.M *,73e Wisk Dtolargenl Tablali JIT mm FQRD •;. lux TBIW Soap; 3u,29t THE CUSTOMER IS KING!

Pa'kway mil 143 OPEW SUNDAY* TILL 8 P ^ DAILY 9:30 A.M. TO 10 P.M. BROWN If . • FO« JAUS XUOWID IV UW mi-...:.. 2037 MORRIS AVE.13*" CVKS MU 40040 • USEOCAITi lAV 6-1373

• ,iiM '•¥'

,(.,,.;,,,...:.„,/.,••• , ,;• ••', ^ ^

;.; \.

ft*!*ijW*i«iWli^V-'w;vfM.H;»3i . ,-"•' Thurtdoy, Octdbir SI, l*»» * if •ON Dayton High School

mil * ——Mectfnd In '» «rrir» nn (hr Dc \CTim\ .M h-wt", rU^tiJot ilialrlH roordlnatnr "f Ihr next ilnv "with tln>iirrj|li' pi'pnr In •Ovrr»ii|;i».T '"•'—-ni»i•:,..,.«,«,«-f.H-.ludrnl.rrf-difmiiji-ftH'-»luHeiilii rrf -dif---,. ,- Kmttlt(rW.* 1tised-tfU'lljlllmtB^-l«-.'h.llmt«elhrln.r-e Ihr In- •:- ""™";!»' -K«U-»»I«»"— "^'^-"'^•- ••«».»--.^ - ~mm.-jif.i'fifflp.tI!jtiiViWtt»" Bint • ,|ihHiui. O||lu|ili,V nf S6 IHHIIIIH 'I'lirv I'I'• (.tKiinirnl* iinl.v. "^i''hn It then »» 0,upsUiil]-_i4-—-teiln,...to'l«igi .l.lllllralilltllp.H» miand IntMiituIn'rliitU-' ti|'iilalltv,i,|,|llvee yminu'.tryiHinu'at'rii ' WI|II..IM,Iwllli.rlmn.. '' •'*'* . nr.ivlrtl!*>•"• «v l»*af r mmii J.ucce»»fu .juccemiful l '"=•Ihitl' '"uph • y nf the NnW l}m l 1 • videnco?" ««kpd aorljl SUUUPI Iliina tanning from Mir \iHin\i - (u'^i,',,,,,! tt,.m|B||ilc alillHv It "''"' '•' -'•'"'---"Si...'..'.l-J!!^!.' , ilLQ...\:!'.'l-'! .'*-T.NlA.\L!' . LMJ>}f'')"!Hll III! ftm!.cJ i UU Kuc" ;iJ)».lii"m;.i, -lint Illillln Miu.1 , fi^ -I I in iJ|.'(llrHh|iitl," nllr . ti«,hil_ of a 'hotiWITVIC.IV iiaiirl'iil Intir »lrr»'. '^_;.. •'"'' • • wn« taumlird by Ml»i> I'aulhrn • 'j'hnhlink'IIU'IAW—pmiPl wan- ';• Thn vvot'k iinll. ri»V«"i'i> Ihr I'lild.- lire' rniii|iNii:d. liy. 'MhllllUN ,«l(ldtt(ll.,'«li|lt"^"'.llhlli' '(I- Jtimrthun npyluu .luiili'ir't In ,ai« -—__T '•*• ' ' ' r •* * '"' , • •.••';.' . '• »'•' ;_ ' ••'..- Inifctlnu ."'I'lie (Jit'Ul (iiil —ftn IIIMO y ti f fXtirrlmrnUl .U. . S. Hlsloty.IfHlsioty. - • ••ME^'&^^W^aalMaflVmWMMMM ...-_,_',:.,. wllli "(,rti|ir« nf Wrttlh." "l|p L'HlU II i I'rjiiiluliiin I'l.ihhUii! (*wwy from t)** " ; mid ilii-ii contiKdiclh himicli," i-iiir' thinc» n'r 'toullne lenrn- irmip.... •'. • . ' , -,." : lle'faced Uie iianelju^nitx S ROI.K mi lh« another udd*-, ••-— ——- in; iinn-thrswift cucrenls nf _.• coiridui' between 'rqwi At »i inliTuf lioinil -hCL'iie iliuiiic Ihe ''I. don't akircci" Mi|fl fl-ll/nj. "»ame iji-rlnd, wlli fojlovv und ^dentu whose desk*' (an mil' 1 ',.,• either aide In1 a double dass will Include a coMVpJ-H(l{io4l>.e'-' • room1 tn\the BsdcuJtuie buitrt tween- phllosoplil«Bl,•';. spclaL : Ini; behind the hijh school. and~ecnnpmic."a5pccl!;. pf Tap-- Hono Italisiri and .communism. ,Th* ' • partition- : between'--the-rj ' rooms is thrown open to cm botile list Hha"|. Kocs.wllh Ibis', Vinlt -should pr^TTde > lifetime v. '.The. •panel,. . 6fire}idiiie for all-who lake llin- • Arthur' . Schletingp'rY '• book: ' " There Is"a.jjrc'at deal "Corhini. Of ~rhp. New1" rjpaV'. >.cnjoi"' al.' Joiialhan A.- Stevths,- Robert 'JV before •three ',cla«- pprFormancc nn the NBIJOIIBI They- are~inTinn» S2,0.(in »hi- launched Jo, increase the Intel- Mel'it • .Sl;holRr.ihip qiialifylnfi- f*#ht ihrnKshotii (he country "::.. .leclual depth-of, the ciur'.n Hie' EiiRllsh department'—Ut- jpst last •sjjrfnii. Kacli' \vjll're- wild —.in', luflvlrtti letters of through variety in method And MH.'ak•' »;i lllci'iitu-re' icprricn- cyelve n Jclter of commendntloij inmmciulj'ilion. SUfnakcr i' cent' of all high Ihe panelists, '• American,'history,,'M'SJ Keith N. Miirder,' Martin' ' Mcnkln, school' seniors," • ^ ' ' John T. Meredith, Judith • Br'• Tliwi—flamcs,__!nddres5es and ~ "I don't Ihink i=n al -oxplfftnnd, js-It affects our p .BaVe," Robert Wijerl/ eim fclfin policy. ' '. "/ Nnrulak,. Susart H. "Hoehe, Judy lest scores wilj be sent to lh« ' " •rod. "He points .out The EtiKllsh,joparlmcnl;,is'H~- (»vo coiictuv-Zthc.V' indicated air • ' Roosevelt made serliiijs'. •filtlric'SlljTln ibis vcnturr'lntn. their pru(ci,'rcd • choices .when." cat errora." depth, lor It has -a sophisti- they took the lest in order—to ——It was- at' this point tl- cated reading'list.of Its owh. increase their scholarship oppor- . Karlah'. asked Jl Ihe lyiw. Muriel Muller, district tunities. Although.', they' will, not Ihuuglit bias -cciuid coordinator for English,' axld icrcivc (he. fuui-'-ycar. incrit pressed through the nt^linr s that Ihe...Junior and. 'senior TrhriTivfships which will lit" selection-of--cvlHencp. reading' list this your'runs.'a awarded ir,',-finalists thTs April": For ArlsrCraf ts~^ .they/are..Hiiiiblc for scholarships 7QJv"roHh'e panelists. thnUKhl Knmt.il from : Maii_Xw.ain-_to : tllere ls~?oom for bias In «r- --Ali-Ait.s' and "'Crafts -,...,., , nrtcred through the'-faciIJties. of lecllnu ' evidence conepi nlmj sponsored _hy . Ihe • fiprinRdc'ld the NalimiiilrH^Wih'-fithplarshlp lish tenchnr lmiy select' for 1 ' ' Ruosev.dl.!* confllcl wilh the DKci'caliQn Dopartmcilt, will he- ('iirpiii'i)ticin. '• : ('li'ss use Include .MnbyiMck, Kill' Salmdny at the nccruallnii -r-SupVcme'iConrl when' It 'rie- Hiickicooiry unn, The Scarlet, ' blared the NiriA and"-"iiiher llnll.«e on Caldwnll 'Avenue.-— . Loiter, Piin CJnlxpic, fled • KU-C.-Jcildcrs' IHI.VP" been .hired ^_ . programs tmconst it utiiiit^l. An- 'Radge of Cwirai(c,'".l'he Secret "!~," nlhcr thought Sclilesiriijor un- fcJUV Dl Al •— Social ktudies tearhpr Paul Knrlsh Irctiirm by-'The dcpai'lnii'nt In jjuld'e lh> We Have . Sludrnl panel dlscilsalnn irnupa, field...(rlp.j. and Sharers, Pnrlrnll of an Arllsl 120 I'culiitnmls in llic praunun • qiiliTlflcdly biased hecausr he three ilassc* ntudvlne xpconil year American history, nri a VOUUK Mini, Crtm'e ami nald thrtl Rooactcll wat-not-ii—- They father- In the airlouUure hullillnc nt .fonalhau 'film* roiriid out the program. CnTrrnt «tudy tuple In llif •Mrs. Ijl|llilu_jlxiliU(iOii...wlll iieri'i)' Punishment, "|" h e Unvan-. in an advisory.c-iipnclly. '. Sweat Pants Socialist. • '• — • . - - • . ' ,• I)av|nn for an evperimpnlnl prorram i Invnlvlns tram Iranklln Dclunor"Rnna«viiH era, ,.' . . • .- quiahed and- rtoliirii. of -thn'- . The ni'lii'dtilcd. limes, for Ilic In All-5liei_ Naliyp. Plays Include prouniln arc 'i'uesday 'al ,*l:!io —i 0'rnKit I'A^I:!. Mi:\inKits OK HIS T1U&K _cdles by p.iii. "and. SHlurdny 10 a.m.i'J"otl '.). \vcxe Ttlchard Moore and levelll. Mollc'-c,'Wilde BRETTLER'S mp'rr infiinnallon concc ^—^ Dept.Store -" liLd MMacmillan. A secnnrl Scouts Win Tribute To Girl S __The IHHI. pnss.enscr pigeon in and,Shaw and tragedies by prnRrnm. contoc Scull c panel, tills one on, ll'm—blv>k, the world, died In Cincinnati Zon Sophbcles,/Shl<1frEl)oi|re,-4l)Son, Inn.at the Municipal PlulklinR or •—^-•-2*1 Morrli_Avto. • • _ 1 ' "Era of'Franklin IJ.Jlodscvelt'' in 1HH, according to the Book Sti'lndberi!. and O'NelJI. rtill ntl 'fl-SIIOt)...' a. .I'pcrnnlion Sprfnlflold . OR 6-410J = mks Halloween CmtuntePmty ot Knowledse. •• ,' i"~Hy'- B3hIii.'. Brown, wiis hnld Prizes At Party; Thr vtist amn"nt' nf—ntitnldc spokesman siilfl. -Inejmmd day by Donald .Lrw|s, ,._f;irl Sroiil Patricia fiiiTiT read|Stales., Corfiribvit'lonx' provide Onvld Drophen, Mnicld RTW» Donna a -summary, of, Ihe life of Jul-| books, ..food 'a'p. .shelter ' f .rowltFy and Pnlrlii; ...... lette- Low at a HalloWeon parly "enthnlamf, Kcnneln Max. and Pa.lrlnla r.lrt Scouts IhrnuKhoiit' ih'r prizes, lnsi,.''rhuwday for • c'os^Tn~Thc SI..JSjluaJluhoaU aiiailnr-' Karl«h /snld ' later ' Hint Ihr ' and funds for an exB fu.mes-the.Y.wore Id n Mn'llown'en luni last Thursday p\'enuu 'or' .• Ncw_Doalls.an I' cntinscllor • prnRi'atn. .iwl._Jn.teti. parly 'Jn'-lJ-io SI."Chimes School Troops ava.-i»wuwn." national catherlnKs, A circle of mMlllorJu'ritJor- G1rl Scnijt'-Troops She Jiskod ..Seotila, and .Ruosls costumed' OlfpSc'mit* stood at are too ynunt to recall Its 31; 501 and 55B, . .*• . ...chnractei'lsflcs Qicmse.lvos hut. 1 In 'deposit' punnles in n '"friend*. fittpwtinn during Ihe ceremony '. • Dobnra'h . was 'dressed-as ~thr ship- fund".bolf'liv honor of, the The purly was arranged hy ~they ftfcl an Invnlverneut yhi'-- old woma'n In a shoe; Donna, In- cause thrir' paronlB rclnln birthday .today of the foiifirier Miss Jeanne Piilselier, chalrm^ru riinn' girl; und .Patricia, Kgyptinn of -Girl SmullnB Jn this United • strong feeiHngs about 4 It's "grrh Their J!ofit.umos were JudEctl. Mi-s. •Vincent ftranier^-Mfs* Du- ' -a-test of our. anility' to as they.'••mar.c'h'e'd .to deposit.'a ane.Leslcr, Mrs. kol-tcrt ZelKlcr § STAXSOMMEU I lain'' r>bicftivlt,v,"'"Karlv)i said: pnn.fribitllon1 lo iheJiilicllp-Low and Scout. mplhcrs,..Games'iind The other ^teachers- )n~1ln -friendship fupd' in a hfi'tliday dancinK were held, and yefresh- •-" Ic.im projiram are t>ennls Fn: box.; . 'l ' . " " '• • er Fined mehts-were served, und Mrs, nnrls Rotwlnlpk-i rontumcK-wcre Judgpd-hy-M- They combine thefi* classes Hnlln,. vhnirnmn,' Mrs. Philip. Del Vecchln, Mrs for cnlluKP-slylrr—lecture »ti>i^~ i liconai'rllp, MMj . W, • I.,. JForOverloading^ S>4lai!^flnd Mrs.' U.' "iin hook _revlpw~ panpls, Henrlerslin.'jind Mro.ivlll'lntnl "Pr|y.rs'\y.ri'g. aViirdPfl ,fnr- the ••"fllinn, "B .sijenkprii and ' A , Irncli :ilrlvrr for ,IIIP Huli- prplllesl, limul hi'-liriiiHl nnd fun. —-lesliphitl I iwpnrntiMjffiic: 'urban Paving Co. nf hlvlrtiinlnn ttfr*nl . dlMPHmdmi* ' .Ipxillmok und rinr,d , in

rendintf' Mimliil|&l(rtHHTdMiifitiAllil >v lni( All-lt.mi .lli.f Ihan. iP6l H.WI, «ib. kA^^'^^Zi~.'~ ~ mllltd In Ihli lUwipaptr, iliouM b< In Monograniinlng ~r -l_ ^^ -aur-afllcn-by Friday in Inium'publlra- __On» Duy Sarvita ' "-^-^Sk ' "llort In Ihi n»«l lim«.. . ., : WS ^ FISHER^ item -Ht^tinwbHt^iflHdrat^^RMt-; .E3 L 2^ ; ES3 ^H%fV Eiddity. * Radio -I£K

Bright,, young styles to-harmoriize 'with Fall .fa&rK ions. To|o-qua|ity leatheVs. Special features that enable us to fit growing feet properly. In everyway, Rro«te,k»tiv_Shoes are the shoegiki want for your children* Come in and see them^on. , f/|9S •' 3 Jeugtliacs; J105Z. -._

( or Ibwy oat £tw $3.45 k ••'• Long Line ISfow $5. J5, rcg. «y*: :.l-..:,..:.;j;.: THE WISHER,PHUHARMONIC IV ITALIAN PROVINCIAt Waj'tftx maken thU ipecUl offer"»o you can diicover for yflinrlf the «iiptirior eomlort"untl'durability of Streleh'sver*elastic In Pl».yt«xLivltig Rra*. But htlrry..;.. this offer ii for a. short lime only and stocki are limited, ' -^ SeJcel riny of Korl,vlh>cc Reitiillfu! Mytlcls' n.iPlaytex Livihp Bra; Machine wanhahle in' detet((enl!i.gtMl Wwch. •. wnn!l^rllo*i->tucker nf V Sold with complelc! oiio:,veiij' i»«r '.'.! • .. • ^ :".•:".•* •""• .(twtehout^Nyloiipr'torfni^Dw^*^ „___7-dfUoyo6Tf6'r'$3.45. "U" iTj'ei'reg. $4.95 each-^2 for Sfl.90, or buy one for 8145. b. t*li»ytWx Living Long Line Dri,,. wilfi clastic Ma«ic-Mi(lrlff for »moolhi'«t buat-to-hip liiit;ovcr< \ 'Nylonoup.,wirne32A,to44l).Reg. *6,9Swich—now only $5'.!>5. " " - WowOnJy $4.95—14'.Length Lone Liim—wilh nylon <-up»; White 32^ to 44C YlNIE WOTWEAR >OR THE ENTIRE FAMILY • r .• Reg.$5.95each."IT.itwreg.'$6,95'.Mob—ji'ow'ottly$5.95. ' -J. ' •,•'•"' ELECTRONIC CENTER .,„,„„ 974 Stuyvesant Avenue, Union Center "Seryke.YoU t!»ii 1'i-unl SlMafc-1831!" , .' FIELD AVE.'— BL 3^854 Wl INVITI YOUR CHAROI ACCOUNT OPBN B»« DAILY •

•"*• f •••'»• - • " ••'' ''.V ' '. ",••'•";'''"i N V

•—(.•.•.--•-— •--


GAUDINEER MENU jillrc, hambnrjjer nn a roll, ^5.MIN.OFIELD, lEADER, _Sprln9fleJ4_ N. !(l(Vp"Ui'u'iiliip,;', crinire-ol ^TT.W.CA. HOLDS The following rnenu' wiri jje milk. J ' ' ' '• ' SUNDAY DROP-IN , WOMEN'S LEAGUE _»ervcd_iic-^r week at Ihc- Flor- ,We(l»*b<1ii>' ' ,' Itoust beet, "i-nce. M. Gaudltmef School in whipped potatoes. «i:;ivy, butter- A Sunday afternoon^ drop-li: RUMMAGE SALE PTA Discm Springfield: —:—^ ed (jreen bbeans, brownies, •for -single y«mg adults "over-m •':' Monday — Tomato or frull !>uMcr milk.. will be held nt tlic Summit YW-| FOR NEXT WEEK CA this week, from"!4 Ui 7 p!.m AV iluminnii" Hnlr IVir, :ihi' 1 These 'feudal, afternoons are illil UIlni!-i»iii|i, lublo .: 111H11 • niuLljiiii]illn4->'ll) I wnn IICIIT'III . 1 lit.* I irriiliiir'tiifHIilM fV/mlMimili'l. It Miirm,v/_ "YOUR , I'" | l' rHHji'in'_ ara—purr fir ilia «rw- Hi (1lP Vllll'lttMK nf l''lljfi|tt"ll iiii'ic.ivvsncr i -T, I jiitn nt>lM»('lTi'r IN USED CARS Mimn'ii tiitlvlHii.", MII, nnn'miftccf. Wm'i Mull i.in MIIIIIMHI rit H'llU'l'unrlipi- A mm In IU'1", lliiL rMl!t*Mr ,. men I null! tlilt- wjirk MWHIII'V iiliil 'I'l'iffiuJnt :Uuni_ll. t'l'tlljll'l'l, l.|rciiM'il,[ln- |iia|liDli-llll|.; Otlf- ' VIMIMM. iiTliTJTs UTit . IjYvHinJ. u u.In. In I p lit), n bpiilnmiiiiiii ti>i' -Wiiillinlli lill^'. .Alu-. Wllf/lir IU''|i>r imi'i'iii'.' ;in irui II i IIIIIIITII Itn, I'TA |j|ci.lilt;i(t,-~pt«;<*uiial. I with ii (Hrndur alnliPT In Iliii. Hiii'lniflif'lil l.i'imuii Mih| ihln 1 1 i • -T- -• • WCl'li. - • " • • i» -"•'' IIIHIIIIH thi'iiit.i>l\.|ii: mill lii irci.liiiunii* Wfiv •*rvr!rt. l)yMr». yoiuitf |i«ipln of Iliti l II urn nnt -i[ij- l (ji,., tlfo »u.,.|!U>|.l'.i Iv ill III!', uuc Iwi'l A l <'Uii//ii'IIn'» hijiptlttltty eiitp- PLYMOUTH SAVOY 1 Nlln rtlni ' lllll-llhacil |ft|li'lllnM inlllrtt, ,.••" .." iird th« SJmbllilatlnn- of (Tie tifi'liiil[|iui/i Hiiil .Ipurnini! Mbllity iitr nj.xt l'Tsniifetimi-iKlll h« •'• I \hon- at the Homo nnd Wospltaj'.ln tciu'-lit'i,,,s|)nkc' of .the initiall"ii he. opcTr house and classroom vls- '57 DODGE ROYAL ^ 1 UftiWiT, ^uioT,"~a(, \veTI Iw * o/...t'hll(ln.'n into—i"nyww*—sttiriy \nu Ml- "' firctirta CurintT, Y'nmjg. research Adult.' protirHin director, at Uie pdndlneihe baslic habits, hmriewnrk. "'. • hard lop, ,,i It ^hH," Jully ^quipp.d, of asfhoia and -the' other ••optionally tljon ,;. .T1:1.•:,...... •• , • • YWt'A, -On 3r4212. • ' •'' anrf progressioi n i>f_ thjc. loamini-' r e diseases.'' •' • •• • process. —- ' *•:. --•' Tho spokesinlrn said,. (anyone •Mrs1.'' Mary Acljprm.an, . irTt-'n desiring m6ro information; mny jirade teacfier polr(iet|:out the ftp- ealJ;-. the. Bu.mlna'go.. Cliairn'iari, pqHan'i,'e. of (teyeloplrig .wltlini : 1 FQRSIStgRHQQb ; ; FJor^riec Letvls ai Dp fl-7990." children;; .VosponsJ^lliyvfor^cnjpJ^ly^jv yjlhl outt schoohll andd ripnvewoik k 4-dr,, an ««t«l!tnl _« .„" • 'The .-Sisterhood -,of ' Temple Jjctfj, -jflhmj.tvlll HQW their; ait assignments .'to, Ihslr full meas- n'lial' ."t*i)id-Hjp .\fcmbertihjji Slip- ure of capacity^-: - ' ""' ', "— per • off Mimday, lit, 7.^'p.m., II MEEjfNG SUNDAY SPRINGFIELD QRT 1 was onnuujncud this iveolc by William Ttosen, a rcadcr-in- "6a RENAULT D/HJFHINE Mrt;. M I.I ton nubenKleln and1 Iqulpp.d, y,u will g.t up to 3J mllii ralnlnk for Iho Amcrlcn7iiEth=' TO HOLD DINKHR .Mr*. '.July's Amiitny' co-dmlflricn en) Union, will speak Sunday OPEN. FRIDAY Pfi. gallon with,Ihli,cm .-,„,.- •'.•?i. .,-,':,,• ••••• The..'SprlnKfleld•' chapter• nf ( "tliV n'ffiilr. , • al II Jt.mi.'OUtho Essex County I EVENINGS Mra. Hiii'iy,' Wtmisclwner Is In WomcnV;American Olt'J' -will-; Elhlca.1 Cultut^-Soclety at 5111iiol(( a palrl-up memherthlp tup-' hni'K" »f .iMitCrUrninonl.. Tim PrdHpcot'-st,,' Mapleweort, .It wan per No<". 14 at 7:30 ^i,in. nt Teni-| 10% DISCOUNT STILIrA"FEW-t963rDQDGE LEFTOVERS lchOn Is- under the.'suiinrvliilon. announced this week. J ^__ plc-BetliT Ah'm- There will be • ' UNTIl' OCT. JOik. , if. Mrs. r.tjc Wchtci1. MlK. ljudy r AVAILABLE AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS! .•Topio c of his talk wfittc_! How prizes and entertainments Tin | WITH THIS AD ' • mbo-Mev Ii Vli.'c Prosldcni ..In Silenilt t Shllh^Sjr^ ' price of admission Is "paid-up ' rR* oT nicmbcrshlp.' .. A coffee-'-hour''will" follow dues.' '•'.,' ' ' • »* . , -j Holer's talk. lir. and Mis, Ed- BEACON HILL CO. Members are Bskocl to contact Stollonari • Offlci. Suppllil--— •ninn~X.ce of Cranfprd are tho Mrs. "MBI'II.V Scluilman at' D" RKCitftAR MTOTING hosts for this meeting. The' pyb- 316 VORBIi AVENUE J-B27!) If they plan tcf brliiK SPRINOHEIB . -HI'-IW ,Tlle Tojy.ilfli.lri^Coillinl lle-iu-invllod to-sttond, the an- gpest, Mrs.-jHorty' Knlct Is chair ' DR 4.125*- — MU 4-t88J hlildj.ii-. regular jJicetlnK next nouncemciil said."'' ' man.of the dinner. Tuesday at 8:3.0 p.m. in the Council Chambers o( the-~rriun~ clpal buMdln«.. Another redu- UNION MOTORS - DODGE DEALER*) nr mepjinu la. Bchediilct) for the fourth Tuesday of the month. In_jreniple Play 1604 Stuyve.ant Ave., Union MU 6-4114 Miss Debbie Frecdman of has performed .Jn 'the musicals HOUSE LOOK SHAB»Yt_flnd a poinltr HfghlanSs ave,, will play tlv ."Damn Yankee" and "Guys and hroogh lh« Worrt-Ad ncllgn. part of "Dora" In tlw forlncoih Dnllo." '..;.•.• ing ^Temple-Beth Alnn produc- San/ord Keialor of Spilnj!- tion of "Florollo", The^'produc'- flcld " has thc-aitlo-M'blc In' the .tlonwvlll be field Nov. 30-an 8 play; Others. In'the cast arcfDr Ret. 1,' X Bnd " Ip the-leniiil Sol Gladijionc, ..Jack Sllverhtan, audltoriiTm. ' , • . Ttay' Kravltz, Dotl-.v IQllo, Eve Mls-i ,:freedman, one ' of • Hi Harrison, Laiuio" Lewis, Mickey original. Newark. "Y" Plnyen =Bsvls, Tcdrly Slransi, Hulcn _ JTurkln, Jerry rnile_and Murray i2il:! In Ooyernmeiif NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED COUNCIL WOMEN: FOR A RENEE' . . . HOST PATIENTS -'

---_• ll. n'Fltll* ."KM . .IWBrrierr-Nlll'tlibl'llT VIULII t^in IJII;J LI' New Jersey Council-, sponsored ii MARY Spfcclal day's"oiillnu for HO' pnllcnts ol Opera tor's the East Oranmv-Vrtcnun. Ad- nilnlhlnilion H.os nttnl- last SURROGATE Pcrtruincnt Wcdnesdiiy, _ A Council, spokesman uaid' tho Jifa wnr dlh FT~- DURKIN Ftjrr REGISTER Taylor- Park Rccreal.lnn BTilld- InK by 'HTO men and. women o[ Millbunr "B'niii-. B'rith, _iiU.er •wfilfh' llir.y -attended" h ucrXorm- M— rf- 1*^ .. 9 Ufe V'll *--»W '•* ELECTION DAY NOV. 5th ~ Hair Styling .-Siilon anCc of "Milk ,and 'Honey" at tho Paper MUTPlnyhoufcc. 773 Mountain" Ave. ArrnngenionIs:_wcxc_jiradc by ^JVOTE REPUBLICAN Sprinuflcld • I)lt

s Inrnr Shrrnuin, of Siirinu- Ili'ld, rcfrlvrd mi iiward (or iln- iiullnic'.'oil viiluiiUipc huiiiN' us it "'iiiidy .Sti'l|H.i|'.iil>.Moiiiurliil Unii- •rittHiiniriil, UnlriH, Thi' luwii'il pi'mi'iiii'ii .m if jivint jiin-r; M vvilh 'llii. Vuliinlt'tti' liiilld 'in l.- •lilllu'V'Hliiiri'h'i 'll (4ll'l|l|.MIl'i II (i'ri'lllp -" Legislative -Control at Stake liiii mr |in>. nolllli'linm ari'iild ui • V. WliiniHM'?. lli>- ' NoV . in ijl, Cnhiii'iilrnl (irhiinl, tlnlnli. l!i(ii'i'i>ili» 1 I'.VI'III. will; linilrrll.1 ,lhf-hi"<|illiil" -•,•-.•' oonlrol nrivow .li'i'Noy Incli^MliKii aiiii linrrel, Tim olinllnnHI _. ; Ntiiniliti' A\'4J|. Kt'tip •No\v-,h>ilNi>5'-ou( iiTl-IUHiaiiilt)• ol'-Hn< hlJH'lly . • • Wt'arx-Ntl Man's Ciilhtr ~'Z&i ••••J'"-' • " i\n s • nn • nmi.1.- Jw . . . . jlhtin'Mhip^i-Uupporl-iiil'liduTlthc-piihilc-intercNl, yot'--' luil '.would nmki' I hi;, ixi;;.-.i 11ii•• -1 "~ . .lie \n uniil'tnid lo <'rltifl/ejjveml)erM of either party 'when he leeln - Th« pl'OjiiiietHTrtiTnrtriKfllon i -,'• -they're wronif.lgriTmlcjiJs "n 7\wri \vlio him never—fcarecf. to' voicc^Ws • ~f" *• 1211 fi'Ut wldn by 54 (cut. opinion on the JMHIIUH Avhicli others avoided, lie spunks out hnldly, ~ iipui'lntl • to Illll) fuot tilong tliij -cftiir. n~\voukl Include u fR'e- fbot' \vldoAval1t, curbinu .ciralti- uiic,.~ fencing, 'street jlftlits' nnd Mwe Efficiencyt Not.Taxes> - ~ 'f- parldhB iiiutois., Stlfclmarr/sald" iho Chambcii—lionow the To\.yn— The..pcmbcraLAdminlsirnlion is eoinrjiiigggJo n birrHtrmfrrflnr apenik _sh1)i iffflrTnsta.il thtmotois .i"g-spree;thnt,\vill toree on taxpnyats^both a-ina.Haive siilcs and per- usc._tho iwunu'iO' from' tlicui:. CoT •^""'income iaX-Seimlor t!tamlcr_wifnlH to wr.inK-n '

Jig MTnil, ;a hjffloriiTiid.v wnstts..; tlH'y c .lot would inctTiisj£i!ctl-. killed hv ''tilLtrffl'SHtl i>rtcl""spjjr"bTislneSiT"pn bo.tlf -r_ . Qcis^Things-pone.i^--T" ^ ;- iVovlireInlienUuo for ,-slow)S' -to •emaln. In. Iho "awsa. "and, cxpaiul pe'riiHiTH~ncni|a:HT'l JJIIH- ri To locale oir 'Morris' iiVfc,, tirviTstr —' ., HIN record ortellon TJIIOWM. "nwdi ertiieernell; thodtflit •-'' ^TiiTs week thoiisiuiHs of lnciiipeople will rccc.h*-"extra 1)OIIUH" ~ In: a >Btosu»l'ilj.for_J»._ .„ cltliscri'probleniH of every lyjVc," aw oiie Union County Clirislnum CUil> eliQcks. froin l-'irsl SliitcHHanl(i,.'rhc«e peopje tjaved " prcnonr'anTI t'uluro loiikes. editor put It. in advance Ihr'oujrh'. Flrsf Statit's inlercst.'licuHnjf QlwJHtmns'ciub OUR DEADLINI forj{ truly merry Christmas. , . . Ii hoon >r!duy for'a lub, toclal, thunh mwi.

; Tie. a part; of thm lui'k,v;jrrou]) next ydur. OpcMv >our lOiJi * > . . Cl"'iy""fls: ^«>..'.«r.nn.y. office of The First Kttite ^anlt ,of .Union.' KvoFyn's, t'»l"f SPECIALS Responsible Representation RETOUCH ,. RE-ELECT ™ FIRST STATE- Bmtc 01 a. SENATOR color,..% Cwnio Klnsc, MAIN OfMCg .Siuimpoi) nnd NELSON F. Set.' ' . - MorrJs Ayettiie.,.at Rout. 22 at i^M>-!'~-K AND • Burke Parkway Monroe ft frosting $15- REPUBLICAN ASSEMBLY CANDIDATES " MUrrfock 6-4800 Branch — Morris AVe. at Potter Ave. EVELYN'S McDermott • LaCorte • Collins • McDonough •Wester FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION A OBN-roiiw or Beauty 'Salon.-..* COMMICItDJALJJ^y •'VKt

1 % y ,. • •"""••;•..'_- . ••.,•.••..••'••••.".;••:•'••••••.• , '• ' A .:: V . . , •• '.•(•*".' • 'iff/ •''•^•••;<- 'I'' .:. . 1- • i'.. •"•••. v;*!-::-; ; ' ' •,•>'•'' • ''• ' • \ .,;' •'." • v>' •.'• •• •,:'••;••''• .! <•;

"• •• • ",i -• •• ,Vi • •'• '••>' ;_ v- •; •' .'.'.'.•. •;• • ','•.' ^y^^,,; ;i v(:ir. i.',n.\ ,"> j.1:.:."-" : V

•~~'nC S*Thurtddy, Oeldwif 31, 196J *. Marlnfc R«gimeatR«gimeatii j. :Marin*;' Stripers Receive Service Awatds;. St; joseph's Ros^y With Fourth Marines Division, which' l»-partici|>atin« y Mortdoy Marine Sift. Frank;, P. ._Mw»n»: ln>lnt tr«lhi"g n£aniiuvv»'with.. sonBVtl -* of«J* ,. Mr1**1 I; an1*4(Vdt '*>•' • "I Tiforniliiui|i«>i Moran 01 323 .ReVcnnive.,' Un- Fleet Amphlblou* fork* ^ Roaary' Corifraternlb' of ; ' St. Jo«»|ih'« Church, Moplowoqil, ion, li iorvln* wlUi' Uir Kcniiili r-Misa/Alaha Blank, of Union, Spinner.. Ruth Sutphen, •• Carll aarlea, of Llvlngaton, the Boiito- rMisa/Alaha k, f Uion, Will, meet Monday Irtledlalcly 1 V J" wa-prmwittd With • plrrii In fw- Nnnrv Vtnor.ln. Jan- nalic* of Linden, Hockelonen. of (fife f—-^- following llm recitation of thr of Un Iw W»IM, all of Union; \tfwMiflwlf1. Marlmrti nf Ifvltmlhh r ahs hia wrvedii.Momor- kalhy McCoy, tSlleon |lalmuim«ri of Union City tli< in citucon at. n p.m. CHARM - X •sKdHJL vtmtmith«itth5liHI'l6KS»AQ f . Kr mm. "TtoSpITal, Union, aa THcGulro, MafC! CHAUT COUPON SPECIAL Candy •- mnnforcl, Anni Marlk it At lite Jomt titWllnK. It W*i J, Olanl, nf Union, midjvy* ••••a** mmatm ^ ^ m net Vail, 1'ati'k'ln M niinuiiiit'ril llmt lint Woopainlit JtMlPljll Clll'lllHI Will >l(l(f III" »w«rsli bTT WfRr •ciTrtstmi* «esl~ isle will ripen thufvl«y •-''$ it a i l Innmrrow, Ui\ llBrboil Uoffrrt'- "irivk 6i' liwi"(iiii'iy" wliji>ti'Will the jmnlor VolUHtprr-OoHti-wurti: fCMtuio a pai'mln nf' IIBIH.- l'rlERIVIANENT JOT a ' p'tti'tormaitiie ,of, Harbor all' of Unltiiil, Ilia Missei Ellen Doulor,"' ,A f)iieatlnn and aniw- n»4, prellleit and funniest hat, 'WitIth ThIlilli Coup.n ' '•.... *•' ' — I ' Bailey, -Kalhy . Mett>y, Lynn Shup Slnglnf Nov.. IS. The audi- torium of Coonm'tlcut KartriK er period ' about -the'""Memprlal Stantordrrtnnir Marie Stora, Ja- — Hnlnn •"'" -I"" "'»f1i»n/>f' l HoKnlliil and nal'nMth' net Vail, all or Roielle Park, Minn mtHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIIIIIIItlllllllHIIIIIIIIIHI night to the voice» oMHo Villon- Ic doctors followed, Irene Sherman, of Springfield. Also -I-OQ hour certlficatea -SHAMPOO ij&S:t.i~T to: the Missel Margaret Ariet- ta," Patricia Blake, Diane Bprner, Up &SET Marilyn- Chebiik, Junto Dattner, Onting Club!s_SiflSon • J_With thli -Coupon . Elaine-tUoyd', .'AJaria'... Blank,' Peg- gy ' &6uvel»|-. Efeanbr-• Groga'n,- '•'• The "Pill Brawl", whlcli winds Bitbybit...»v8ry "" ^CHALETl-fi Uta'Hegemah, ChrisUna laoona, up ihe, season-for" the Short. litter bit hurt$l Kflstlne JKeUer,. -NanCy.'kublk,- HJUs OutlpiTClub,-will bo.held; mwgmm Sattrtday--»t^8-pjtn.-iLthe Ma- J Center .Winlrrtd Merrlng,,, ;"Maauwen -1D65 Morrl» Avt...' chinists. Hall,' Chestnut st., Union, Nuttm'an, Karen Oliver, Janyce : . ••' " (Qppl Municipal, llulldlijs): ; •"•','- \i*i~<, . '• •''.'• %'•''• Guestt are -asked to'' come In BEAUTIFUU in M.n.n a VtlUbuni E '"•' Jllii Down Iht'attfd Horn Union WeiiUr ' '-'• --'-'—.-V- -.. • —. . ,«;- etlttl, Barbara Popaca, Mary costume;, awards wilt; be pr«- too I • m ^ = , • MUrdock T-2838- • . •' ' . . >i • :., • !T rlzby, Lynda, ftone, Mary Ru- •sented. iPunrh will. be.-.served lUa *v«. IH. Or>H|* Avo c .'• Free Parkin* Rear of Shpp '• "-"'' ..,."• < 1 NKWJIRK. . • •- ..-| pMllPi blno, Llrttla Ruff, Harriet Schu- duflh,?T thr-evniiln..._ g .and'.Ji Tnid man, . Chrlatlne . Sham, Ellehnighl «uppor will he'nerved. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiin

-r-wMM3&:^,, wm,mMMiM •' / .';;•,"' MRS, MILTtoNE. SCIIIRMKR ,-1— ' Seijas-Schinner Nuptials Ate Held In St. Michael^ Mini Linda' Frances Scijn.s, honor attendant and Mrs. Robert fcghteoOJL-SfiliaSt Seljas, of Montvllle, a cousin of oi-'BOO Chestnut aUUnlon, b'e- the bride,' and Miss Eileen Ificf 1 f ' came the bride Saturday~aftct-. fernbn, —;" i'ii'h'lh taoon of Milton Edward Schirm- brideenralds, — 'er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wank A. Prank, A. Schlrmer; Jr., serv- Schlrmer, .of" 17 164 Parkview ed as best mail for his brother dr., Unlbsr .•'.-,'•"' "and Leo'Gach, of Union, and Hahne & Company Rev. Joseph Drfscoll, nuffLitanl Mr. Schmidt' ushored.. pastor, officiated .at the core- A graduate of Jonothon 'Day- mony held In St. Michael's loir Regtoinl High School, .Church.-A _tectjjtlon_ijollawed ,Jn. Sp.rlngffclH, the bride la cmployr_ the ,KlhgHton Heatauranl, Un. e

University. ... • • .. wscs ...,_..___ The newlywods are now In Botihuda. ', ' ••. • .. , •• v ELECTION'WFET The annual Election Day smorgasbord sponsored by~th C. 7 Woman's Society of -Chrlntln., 'Service of the Community -Mclh- NUPTIALS HELD" odist Church, Kenllworthr will be .Held.Tuesday .from 4 '- " IN ST. MICHAELS p.m.' at-ttio-church, The altalr Miss Suzanne Marie Cosullchr —Is. open to the publlc,__. jttghter'of Dr. and' Mrs,"Llvlo • ---Mrs,—Albert—Nlmz, general Cosulich,'of 512 Twin Oaks rd., chairman, Is assisted by com-Union, was married'Oct. 19 to mittee members. Mrsl William' •Hbnaltl Thomas Trlpodl, son ot .Mr., and Mrs. Anthony Tripodl, "Smith, Mrs. William Hoffman of 237 Nriifli" you d re invitercho-see cr . ami Mrs. Lynn. Krainot- Mrs. Rpv.' .Towenh Mcnry uocscner In ui'Kei - cnau'- pastor, oftlclutcd at the after- inan. ' ." ' : noon ceremony hold In St.' Ml- -There .'will ' also i ho throo •clmelW-Ghurcli. AJ rcc^pUari fol- lowed . 4^-tlte. Moplowoud Cluly ^corojDlet^ wardrobe-showing of- bur exclusive :-'- ^J^ iipfnifs. A nurpiliio (irnh ba'ji IB_Mnnlpwnnrir»~ L b«lng titamtdd' by the 'JimTor •Win .-brlcla-"had Mlas I'Bll'Iclft Ybulh JcllowithlM. CIUIIHWHUI, of JJnlou,. nii-j-har hitniir nlltiiiliml nnd .Uia._MisRcli Vtilrild VlnUory^'ilf Unlun,—anil' ItilllllHt'll O'flnvln. nf tlkiutiitly hand tailored clothes by Baker HB- lirldiniiiiulilii, 1 Itn'il. mfw v^P' -WimeDa l.'lnli lif"llulmi Wlll-liiiltl- B. (|lli.Htliul!ii1ilr,. AW Unlnn Illllh Mi-luxil niul Kt.J/ln lll11Llalli _i!.mi||ill til'luuil ill...liilmi. ftiljl J^IMI Jjl^ !!uin, Mi', Ti'l|imll,'-un iiliinimiN nl llnliwHy. "Hlulr-hi'liniil,' In -PHI iillili til'vtiJtlMitli'.-M't'di' Ali- "'-" titullmi MUWIIIIII mill AK« . lltll, nil itu'iivlii'ib In 'I'unl 't'ni;—tf^r' KunJIw'iirlli, • llil ~nU'bt>(ni Novombor % 9:30 a.m. fo 5:30 p.m. l llll I1\' •'• •• i •. Illlli ~ .' l ym \ ('iiniity Vni'uliiiiinl itml Teuhni- I'lll Sl'llOdl, • ' __.. ';. _'• Thu. nowlywmlH aneiu llu'l ...... :f. J^J: * f . . ,•»<*>• lunvuyitioaii l(i li'Usiitlii.-i'iioy ar .» now' living In -Jtiisulle,

For you who dopepd airHahne & Company for fine UT5CUSSE-D TODA-Y- ' ' -' ' ' - --"i'nmlljcSecui'lty"-is:tho topic rf Extensl6n—Service..•- Pro- " sch'edulod—to-opohdldti n tqda3y pmrr~in* the. Home. OEconom- Audltpi-lumr..lV06 Ellz'aheth 7W7-...Z. : , .'pjanned"- for byone of ATneficd's"'" •" '"-"- V ;' "-3 | 7 '_; leaders of parents^study-jiroups, ilTTTifi'd f~ri"Blli

otirlty."- All those Interested jnd- willing to share the irifor •~V .nnfflnn' Vvlllf oUhk

and parents are welcome tn ,'. . • ' , .' v* . ,'**• attend. • •,',,•. BaWr Clothes will bo ahHahne &Coinpdn/'to present a ' the discussion will deal .with the need .of developing and' un» doi'standing '.'.attitudes' toward alack money and of helping to prevent 1 trOnk showing of hand-tailored; customized men's suits, • family conflicts relating to 'up- '' ' i " ' •(•.•-. ...,>. .. ' • ' • .»...• i' ',',',* • -'•,'.'•• .-,.,• • .,'.', ' •' itivin . (Wiring,' keeping :ni\d:'spending ••.-'CullJ'- money. Pbrsdnal . and • timillv values toWnid money oi , ch'll- dron and ndiilts will'ho erf .sports jackets,)opcoa!s, overcoats. You ar« Incited to • plorod and' tho ncod for well •.-1 . defUi'ed-goiila-polrited-up • ^- ' ' ' ' n "•-..'•' ' tXirthei; .dulalls about' tho mcptlng cun.be 'obtained .front consult hln\ regarding-prpper fiVchalce of .fabrics and styles • 1

t|te 'Homo licnnomlca Extension • , .' QHIOB. Blljunhpth ''•"'".*•" ' ."' .•-•'• bost s.ultod' to your, Individual necids. Sports-Iackots, fr'pm^S.GO To Speak • • \-l . - . To One-Parent Group .... . , '.y MIRS Virginia Scnnlqn, a' psy- • ;••.••• —«;•:. '' Suits, coats,..frdm 115,00 .. - > t : chologist, will.''speak »t next ' • • ' I •'.''•• •".''»"'••.•' ' • • (>'j* ^*'*S( i'' Thursday night's.mooting of the . i. - + Cnthollc'vQno Pi>*t'N(? Oiunnlzn- • , • .-vv •-. tlotuol-lhiioi'i .County ,.Tho meet-

ing is scheduled to open tit B:30 :•••"'"'•:••; - ' ;. In the fcnfctoHa of- at, Joseph's Grammar School, R6s611e, ... The group Is Sponsoring a bus 3 ' ' •• ride to Washington, D. C., un AJ Men In 1 Nov. 0 to visit the Immnculatft tAr41JESLH£2ME JOllRNAt Contoptlon Shrlno nnd the tfrnn- clHcan Monastery. Ftirthor In- •".. I". • _•-.. IRVINOTON CiNiiR " mrmBTKin niny via ooiqlnon Ti'Oir I. ••-,. ..• .v ' ,O(nrcMtmr-*-frtrrv«i. 'HI * Mrs. .Wanda H. Echan, UU'V- 1339. ••/.•.. :• ; '.'•• ' . : .-.

- /'••-.'• *',.: v; • •

' SJ 20 * Thurify, OefobMy31# 1963;+^SPRl.,vHELD UADERP SprlnBfield, J*. J."" I Holy^CrOSS Lutheran ['• (The Church of the RafllTT 'iLutberan Hour" and TV'a "Thla p^dicatebt. J&ms (Continued' from Page 4\~.- Leiter P. Mfuenchmldl, -^- nvlir ritr ' tnrrr i P»itnr jp()iiiu»—whli'ii' Dig Todiiy — 4 p,m.,7Senlor Con- bond plan advocates contend will O clasii 8 p.m:, Adult.In- • Thre» apeclal IICI'VIITI will 1 Committee. < will bu available beginning In 1972qulr^ group. mark the dedlciilloii of tfir>, new | door, a' church, •' ti»m*nt In,help retire the uropuied state .bond Uaufia plus their $500000' Sunday —^01)5 a.m,,. Sunday H[. .lohn'ji Lullipinn Chtnrh nt «ai>j. John 'P. .ftjzslmmoh*, -18,01 «prce In which Uw tw< " irtr-tflilO «.m., Dlvlim Wor- '""'*•"•''••"••• ave."In Siiimiill'. llnv, Edwin H. IB' Linden a've., Spi.lngfluld, l of tlm N, J, w«»u uilvgvtUj- .invpiveti, JJU ir"U«rilf6 freeways, Home v-"UfCfi^JzzIWCJtliil) by CAifl'WltJU'l I'f l\ innnal npeiilnit \n the limit ln_l)nlon Cqunty_J«dl_ln dofaul wild. John PUaiimmonii ha 11 fWmon tupleup ! "Tliywlim"--' the ilooi"'ofJho.i'lniiTli wilt tin hnld Ihii l.iilliiirtili Clltwh "f f 'ltt* !. •"••"•* «l"""nv.J, Si, John's " .('iiiiroh In Aniertca wi-ll preach 1073 ami ft-ceway ItearMl, -Ing "Moncluy nitfht runilunii-frnii hlore.'iilnle wflinkuy trom * l< t'onitxuctton mil completed by Luthohn Chufch~ u separate altercation wnn YI rcstiiurant In Cireen Drotm thai to b* paid, An "Open, Hnu.fi*" for the lorai -•' Springfield police last Friday and. wmlnusd east-waid w Ih for in fW by New Jertey , tax- FirsfJZhuich \ avei, Rumnilt community and the »um;>uuiit"B ' night He has the same~arinres« hichwjyv. • '. • '•—:'• payers. ..The- group' emphasised Today —'a p.m-i'Sehi'pr'C'hoIr _£'roeln-$5pO ball for a.MbnUay . ... . , they allegedly' brolji ihftl fi£ cnnnti'ucti'ori' of. Boiite BB Of Christ Science rrlirnrsal. dny at .8:30.p.m. The program. f v night bmlnf a* aj-esult, ol ln,tp,a North Piaiiifieiq. boat' e'en or'any, of the other freoways Is FritYay" — V "p.m.. Senior Vlll inc!ijde.'an.chorai; D'rogram , . . tame incident is RiTart W.,Harl. ter, •Taiicl'^iialk.cv 'there :are"'con- .intentionally - delayed by . the ' - .20? Srirlnslifld ave, :. , CBtcnlieilca"—' l— Clas— s , In , J Bnd-touns.fif.jhenaw.h.flHlcllng7T;. . tinuing lilYC-stieatltin of,: ttirt-e ..'• '—Summit '.'•. -..;.- •\J8;.o» 236;MU1IOWH Hi,,'SijrihB- $lite:-Hlghw«y Department be- The....- Golde_ n ...Tex. t .it' Bdueitlbijal building; • The ncw::btilldlng is eorastruct- field'Iield-I ' ' ' , . ' ' ';;, (ilhef. highway 'break^irtiii that >ond, -that ^'date;' to -^WoleclV ;Christiait;5el«vje „„.,_.,..-«, eH, pi: brick and • Is~

howie of--M»=ST-H;ricT{elchQlt, 211

!fl»UI T^vifwjc, finnnTTTir N.' ,1. > ~L_ isuwaussufcuSisrtii or

—H 11) i' w, colIi cliolr rche.nrsnl. igia< iltlliL in:nn - 4 i;in (»' nut "'aflle-HinH' i «ift|8«yii mm Hnll.u.v uftur t.tie WCTiiJiiicliVy IIIMII,|III ' Aim Thurmlly Ev>nlll«i. 'illlll If, Ilillll with n*v_sr_u worry *liout.'. , 'ImrinlHjr the »»r- • Approach Deadline IVy uii tuilay.' n fit of the BjiooJa For Guard Academy ' npyor Eligible yauna mtn were re- , Auto Ncedls? Gon't Worry.. .See Murray! .m.|n.t|ed iJUn.weufc that this rlend- »anlji8 1 Woihlno *Dr '"' tJ,inn -|ti tho ^ 1 In* 'fni- 'stibmllllna nppllcntlonN 11... lo' coiiipnto fnr appointment as Permanent - Type ANTI FREEZE .' '"j «i.W4' U Ii.. Wuxh MB formativoyosra', n.oHtVat, In the U.S, .Coast Ouarc), • ' A Ihl, Sl.Sf) 20 Hi; \ 3S<1 is tippronchlnm. S PRESTONE • ZEREX • tELAR '•'•> Ihu. SIM). 10 ftltlt. Dry Ida • of'clUltiboocl. The DHIb iimninl onmneilllon _fQtJuulisslun_u}4|iR-U.S.-enantJlisslnu}4|iUSell CJiinrd AcntlcmyiitNew London, , trikq'sp, much cafo•*• Conn,,- will oommenro with tlm .[.Inn. ..7 iirimlnlsilrittlnn n-f the with ovory pair Hioy fit . Collnite ]8i\tr«nc« Kximiinalion PBICII -w NO'DO-IT-YOUBJUr WORNIII Hoiit-d .tests. APpolnttnenis" nve .and'why'they mncle, solely on » competitive 1,79 basin, with no Congrosiilpnal J(p- continue to recommend polntments or Mll QUANTITIES ARE NEVER UMfttD AT A-A AUTO STORES KLEEN CENTER .ttjto .matchless _••.. • t »ftnd 515 Lehlgh Av«nu«f Union, N. J. \7 ;-,;. ' -.'SHO.E. quality . »ppllcatlon_i(y:ma_c»n be 10 p;ir>) Svn. 8 o.m.'-I. 1-,,'ij.r. tlub, loelal, chiirih Htwi. <('••-•

TESTIMONIAL DINNER JAN. t Thursday, OetoWJII, 1963 Flipping (Conilhued from' rase 1)' J Honoring Dire ctdr Of Libmry •K»li)»t ,)ii» hieir-tM>ub1lc.:»t>. op- unilii. Him will hi nns vvnn wiiii'M it|is» IU'JMCT mum OOfl tiring director .(if the Surinti- i ICHCI.S J1IU I1VUII- -fay "Ki'iimil'li It, 3tt;ti(m-tiookir In WHS to ISO,-. Jbniry, will he .h, iiii-xiilcnt'. unit Mm. Kfiin- IIIIU tint m'l'iiit«%-ttrl - a,4»l In Hi* Itp

1 if1 by Mi'«, Finn- honored al. a Innthiionlal itln- '*• , llomn (iMllliulii. nor-Jwv lft al 7 |i.ni."tti Sliml- lii'vnn julnt-d JJw—11- In, III IUS7,ni|.ndilltlOli Itucn Kl b Hip I ho — f«•*» Itc£l«iffSnTT'""Short I Illln,,: iri'iiry may in Di-icininii HIM M unit wan imiiic'il itliiHlor tlm lllllHI'V WltN bllll . U Ml BlmoUIH'Pirfllili wnrk. lillh |l<yut*r K«»»e who r«celv«l 1,H8ST . by Uiu library Hoard of Tui*- In' lh»l »«me year, Hepubll< tee», tlw 'library staff, town- mlttulttdd fiforriiull []UUI«(|I fill' 10- cffecthij thin lpeb. 7. «n Arthur JiandWIle wa» elep - ihlp ufddUlt. friends auuL ted~will> » !"tal of I.M7 vote) •—m'«nb*nH-6f—otlitr ShcwBs-'then n meil ToionjEfldcts Mules^ ant ft) |lhe boar^.,d and"a»ked to ami Irwln WclnbcrB-, a Detri/J- ._, a 10-year Wstbry of_ crtt, W84_defeatcd J»dth. •. fin*] the library and u study'of.11- count of 1,719. .' ' brapy facilities aha services. '• Remaining Republican til JBS9 Variance! Mrs. Francis saJd that she will * Donnelly was etecUd with 3,041 1 (Continued fr'nrn T " _B recommendation for Votes, jandttis hifehj pemocratil : and mem- '(Continued violation of zone.jaws, a.n,d when oxp^n'ded.facllltius at thtt/ond", iippqnent^ Keane dtew 'yX13i liilt ; ..per of iheBbard of ^e'altprs otkhe': •discretion'.of the'. biiildiilk lhe .li6Mse~ls;loniii'tl '.oil ihc.traU- '" of'this-year' r '• • ' .'-rt^ti vo(cs, oltfiough' lie Sid nbrmalcl : ;f r.. ,t;i?.,.,the- actual- movo, Donnelly's running jhate Albcr; "'• Ihe'Orah'Kes"an9"TVlBplewood'. • " , ' - • •-„- ••—„.., £•••—', " j'r>rivatc. ; Hc."IA"i»'. moiiibor, 1 .ranirtcit ','i'xteiid '•••ovet a". "|)t|blic. •G; 'Binder, .elected to .the corti. . ' '• 'Stratto'h Tofd \h£ boaro . that or fiublio prop.ei'ly wlll.'eninie,. u ; associations if 'tho Xlnivarsitl had''examined' the vill ue Issued. 'VliilU-i>l-'vV!i,v. ' •.-,, :.*''••.. •':.-,. '"'I .- of • Ponnsylvahia,- Drexcl Irisli- m.lttee >WfiT~2",a9f Votes, Rcg^ , and deacribed-it "a«': an "islaiul Maximum height of the'bullil- In .addition no 'planned, liiy- ttito and Columbia Unlverulty. te^ed voters, ihaf. year lotaW 1 bron j»ct at 25 f'«l, ovurs will"bu"jjeWnlitcd In the She. also belongs to Wu Am'or- 6,537 and 91 percent • of thdsj • type, He aald. It wits' too small. Jng ownshlp.. Althoiitflv Hl-at-er-atalute- for construction .of . a rbnd at the dlacreHion of th« build-, "ncari, L,lUM'.v itl I; [ rcjiljtcred their vote*. 1 w:lii the hours for the movlnn For the election of. 1857 IB) the p«i|>crty and .would Inn inspector. Treo cutting, un- p.m.. nndU "Camclen nyp| Jherbfq'rei make It Impractical tu der tho • rt'gillnlirins, nirtut American AsS3Elnllon of Unl» Springfield'formerly a six dlt ilKioed to mrmowiishfp, was- re.distrlcte< ii ulnglc home conntriic- Hone- by nit'mberii of—the-Sha 'unliimu vurslty-Womeil, the mrr vot'c/'rcjiiljii'attoi l tlbh. Some'propiiitlun wouk( bu Tree" C'ommlsmlon nnd no Women Voters. Now Into. 13.. Tola! on..lt!i.,..i:aute..if.:.tht..inpyo wax 8,885 and. 80 pcrccnnt> of tin of unumial, depth, ,'hP. ««ld.-nntL jnoya) oe B i'iitt|n« will „ «--~^«^.,.,,»T Pl«oeJ.nJhji_8pace perby of Cub rack1.72 -.mi Jeffrer Sirokln, eeh.- n«l be coni|)l VCIIL uf fi 'tot seven 6r_c|ahl'loin.. , Flvu "days will • bo pormltprcf" hours. .'. ._!_•'. ..,• ' .lohn's Church In .Ca'niaopL.St on Melsel' Avb. '.Field. •'••-.•'•• '• ' • • . •-. (Photo by Bob D-"'~-v' It ivns explained that this" \x'aV 1 931,, to. Republican' candidau for the entire moving project,. Paul's Church In .Wcstfleld, Henry Grabar7TT.2O8,, :.-, 1 '. gi^jjn jtUd that parUtnu, for bi'lng done to •(•U'llltnte thomoye^ Woman's-^eliib, '65 car* Rud been provided nnd the Trittollitlon stales, and all 1 Democratic' vojln|£~ran hinl rubbish find materials left at- und l(av(i tine "structure oil Its and'the New York City branch ncreathat this was ii more than now location UH quickly as pos- for the next—thi-flc—years. I) required by' ordinance. He uuld the excavation silo must • be 'of the Women's National Book Maypr FalMivHeads 1958- Democnifei Hawufd. Rsfli .cleared within -ft days.' sible.,' ••.• .'... ' . '. Association." . ' . that Uie convalescent home 1'assage-of the resolution by mcr and Daniel Lucy won towrii would .not* be used for care of > .Set Penalty . •-, ip comniiltee seat,i; by votes o If moving exceeds the,five the Cbniittoe was prompted by ! "menial n^tlenta, drug addicts, hV 30 J3 Peak Enrollment 3,559 Und 3;605 respectively .alcohpllcs'.o/r conlageous^—dls- .day Mlmll, 'a charge, of $1110 'a Scouting FutiABrwe WbHc nepubllrnns Isaac'Freed; la_y will, be ,lovled for each (lay ant ave. re.sident.n at laiit week's " • • ' ' TowiiHhfp ComniUtco' meeting,' HoB Union Man Wlllard Habinson, .Union,' man—and HancTville rcgistorci _^_ in' t'xtess,;. '' • • Council1 Finance Chairman,' has i' For Adult School l.Bfijl and 1,872 respectively. - ~~- He said that the-xreir would In. addition, the movers' must who wcr.e protestlnji Hio moving ; named Mayor Arthur M. Falkin i . •' . not be but of keeping'With that post liability "insurance to cover •ill a liuiifcu'-almm. UiuiU i street.I By 10S^>o^r' ret 1st ration ••_'•— already existing In the area, r.lmbs f or GraotUiiry of Springfield, Chairmim^gMhp^-^:; .1-A_record 1,685 registration In' _was_ 7,234. The 'msrrin, b«i damaBi5~cau7sccr~By" un^ ciiulp- !0ti3 Boy Scout Campaign, Iviay- 1 ...Which, he noted, already hud a. ment and cash depssltH of '$!,- the Union County Region* ! Adiilt Tlween"the Rcpulillcanii an* ; temple; -church i' inndr-1—three surcmenU given by eommlttee- or Fnlkln Is the new Club Build- ScTjool. for this, year, was re- Deino(;r*tB~ was closlnr., but OtW from thj mover and $1,000 hiK Chali'man-of-the-Spi'lngl'Icld schools. from [ the owner must be sup-miiii-iRobert D'TrerJlgfoverTTOS" pori.cd vnt last wqek's meeting of . Democrat* K'usupl Siblile. und 7?' feet- wide and ' was being OptinVist^Club.uviiilch Is cqordl- . Simon said that-t'raffie-wuttl- -nlrei d .aatlng'.this;, year's jBoy Scout!, the. school "board held al the Wllllanv BaU-nllne were. moved old f atl' ui lH -Jauathan Ird by IM'i iind-J not be .aficctcd by the proposed If a moving permit is denied -Harold 'Tucker, 41,—aLJMi. fund Diivi!, • 't • ' nit bl the .naturo of the struc- by'the building Inspector, tho The two-and-nihalf story struc- Pennsylvania' ave,, Unjon, was School.— —.- Cuwley_and_'Paul Heck., drew ture, rising-34 feet pn the back held for action of a Union Coun" Mayor FalKIh lives at' 92-Jcf- 2,8118 and 2,(11 Lvptcs. •4 ture". He pointed out that' a owner may apply at tho town- f'rson .Terrace with his. wife, Dr. Monroe L, Splvah, schnnl convalescent homo was' not aship' clerk's office and" consid- of a rig operated by a house t.v, grand Jury , on a stabbing director,, said that _lhe pprevi- moving firm from Nywck, N, Y., Claire and-thelr threo.sonH. Their .Boniulles dcft'olt'd Paul Mur. hospital^ the s'enso that people eration.', of-the case will'bo giv- chargc^Monday night, ously announced record enroll- oiitiijed-Uia. cutroff ot-powerl in ^y g, .old'efii son, Gary, uttonds nutjtqr's phy, UcpiibliiVin In "11)110 by .j woulld nott bCnalantlycomln be- g en—by the"Township—Commit- .-iAA prcliminary-diearlngpliiydea . wirts .UiirvursHyVStewarl. is a Junior"al incn.t of l,l)58:'for"thb,,fBlb l Mrturs- yotc o(:.4,5itt loJi.OOT lo aiiin ..thj the nroa, , hiickTng pff of ti-co .tcr was Ibcrcuscd to tho n'ew-flK- i Visiting hours ho tee., . .- -.'..••'• ' " • limbs fbot;h rtiihilfr'nnf]— hold In Springfleild • Municipal Dnyton HoKlonol^ High, School unly v.acuniX-uii-Hii; uiiiiniUttek (aid, arc plannep d from 2 to 4 b resolullon stipulates thnl- Court before MaKlstratoit : Thom- and Ihblr ypuniiesr."soji;Rlchtirfl, lirerbeertttsfij of Ink' rimlslrnllnii. .fiiiimillch' rjiii 1,153 voten -ulleiu nnVI 'caused,, a tiviCflc .tl Another ordou-of .bu«lnciiR~waN 'p.m. on. weelcdaya. 3Lli ^fi as A. Argyrls. Tucker v/tio Had Is 1» tho Koventh giado' at tho olMjie Democrallt: • Preslricntifl Iho slfc'et for nonio seven hours. the-nolcctlon oi coursejr-to be "of- Dn Henry Susserirtfln, a New- i/hIp roads >mi»t bo notified of pleaded Innpcpnt at a previous Gnudlncr School. L cundldiitc, lopped the vote f(| Heuldenta*" of the . area ivcom- fered. ark psyslclan,. a '.vice president ).1ie move 4 W arr«ilgnmonl~t)ad been—froo—In- "The Mayoi' is active Republican rr^ldentiiil cimiikl plnlnod-ihat thu cutttoe-of l: -oi-Valc $2,500 bail. The magistrate Mon- o4vlc affaiis. Uo l«--lho Vice These Included:. Crc.nlIitFllnb- il—Nixon1 uiid Con, 'unable -to ' bo, i ly 100 before' the move. The ownorii dny night granted a defemso re- President of Temple Bc>tli lAhjn,, blcs, , Fuittrtaro, Heflnlshhiti, i persons would be.oitLr do_he by men of the Township •JVnnsliitQr Theory, Crcntlve .45x-' bn three shifts.' must aKrocto abide, by t)vo de- _ y p quesi_fer a lower ball amount member ofihe Springfield Aixtor- Djtt f' Pbli Wk pTessiqn£:JBeglnnJitit' and Popii- ran_~b'chlnd ScnntoV. Clifton dskiniLpf the ent!fneci'.,.__ •„. DDjj»irtnie^t Public--; Works, jmcLsc'L-tihe.ttat ^ $I",500. l(ca n LegionLiptdtl, l Tucker remains froq In l>Wt—'. lar. PlanOflAccbrdlbh, fhllnlely The owners of thu structure. pates-In youUi nc.ljvlty . ^ brormln Uic' iniiii you A letter sighed by four res . .Tucker, who Is charged .wiWi •Photdgraiw'y,' Pollsh-JlmidlnK (dents protesting erection of the zallohs;in tho-commilnlty. ^Writing, Creative Sewing nnd back" to the Hepiibliwins ani llfp nfflri'f-nr -nihw . township Tel- -utrocloifs .assault' and battery, • Tlii? Scoullnw 'program ARTHIJB M.'.'FALKIN Ch'ildrens' ClollTcs. home "was "thlefbd 1h evidence allcgcttly—TiUackefl « .buslnosa .thnI votb-W-iis +ITTW luit-ycur.'— employee whose servlctiriire rc- Springfield encompakt^ ' nvrr,, William Blunno, Crcasuier, wl Jrt-the audience, Tht\v_told-tlie commillcc'tlvat ' , "-Davi d' Margolls,. 38, "in~ Total r'cgiii(rlitliin In 11)111 via. quIi-Dd. tlurlua. .the move, the sis 400 boys and leaders in 8 units town. fn. addition, a_4Q0_ j^ml- the financial report which protested its erection largely on ...,_. . sllpul.atea. . •" the house only moved a few feet o Homo e ojj. a .mutua.mu l friend trainlng_r_esonijitlon- located In 11,245 und 80 percent of ihu the : issucof; trafficTcongCBtlOnV tho iii Springfleitl, spon^orod by civic was app'rouod. .Dr. Herman BJe- No buildlnt! will', bo .allowed at~a time along their strce). and In- Sprlhgfleld. Margolls, whip Moicclla is available. every tcrstturnbd ouT nt the polls ti ^ Two residents appeared in favor bqr, board chairman, presided. to redocatc _in_thp lowDship in that,llni.bs-and trees were cut aslives ...at.. lB.lLancasteM_UU,,^—r .«.fd.,. w..On- -clubs and churches, according to weekend during the fall, ,winter clcc*:~~Hcpubll9an_ ' llobort D 0 1 0 >1 • of the project. •""—-.' it approached; Oric""wotnan said and spring fqr ~thc~TiBU' uf the lUrdgVove nnd"'Ar.tluir.-M. Fal; treated at a .hoqittar f^"',™for boys 8 throug.^.i h' "1 0 i^°£™Is spon- Bbiidl-Chalrmah ' nobert C. she wsis unable .Id lcavd her for a cut on the face' after the boys and " irdults In Scouting. " Opposes Bonrf Issue kin by ,1,217 'and :f,37.'>. .re'spca" i Miller said, that the board cquld driveway wlh'en .tho.. house : sored by the First Presbyterian DurlnTJ' the months of. July ariS lively. . Democratic, ""^cuiididuii approximately , $_30$_30,000, . The ap- ged Incident Sept. 23, not answer tho question of whe- pllcantlit s 'wero^.aia^.all Ho requestingtl'' tn" frontr-pf—hn^hownrTgr" ovor Church, Pack 70; St. James Rn- August over 1,000 b'oys atfd Hlcnurd 'SiiTllyan' bruuyhtjn. II? TllCkcr nml. MufgniTa" tnritii\f. mun Catholic Church Pack 73, ^In Unanimous Voting thcr-the-land could be-used-,for tfiat tllcy.be allowod to convert (.wo hours.: loaders hnd an opportunity to 054 volos and hln Timning "man another purpose.'.i(...Uifi_venture an existing room into a private In the "wrik. c ofof.. tihc . ly were' associated In.a business, ami the Lions Club Pnck 1.72. spend a week or more of tugKod The TSprlnKfio'd Ucpublicun Peter :lilinnei:t*» 2,1)41. • . ..• , was not successful, and the coffee .shop. ~ ' ~—~. rcsldonts siilcl, limbs,:.nnd' Boy Scouting for boys. -II Qjltdp(.ir_ llffl iit.ltl)c.-tamp,_i__. Club-Monday-riiuhl-unanimously structure1 spld. * "__,_ through 14 Is^iipoiisored by First Othor, applications-w.nriv, from Inp p Anwinflni* ' Mnyrii' '•Fnllflh' U •fluslitt .:ruusclsVdl .by,...'b . grindinlidl g Un> • • n ' "" "*I17t*' veHgniGffBm JPi V nBoiit 40 incinbris C. l'Hnt'.v'n "i',' proporty at ,1741 Morris avo.' • I'lirk Commls.ilHM iiiK • for Jt>en-numl boys , M De-inocrul. John vvmtii) Tluin Unit cimueil by—JI. HklHi-nnJi^ll-'Ui, nt)e«cd Mint Tiiclc I'IJANNKUS-MCKT wove,on hnnd tovoti^ lor H".rcim» ' ' Henry .MeMullon, f>pHhn(lnlil IVtnlcolm SchniT Aw ll\wU(!iri-7 f« Hpun.'uired b.r lClrtr"^, 1)011 lilhuhiiTun.', htlrrlcaiiD and said lihe Hi'i'ii wns llon. It' bectimc' heulcil, • limy I'luiibyloi'lini Church, I'ost-VO MIU! ' The. .S|)l'lli«rield ljrirr~ir"Tli~lrjplivi nltoinoy, foprcaoiHIuJTWio ruiilly" one' Hf llw prlntrtplo stoctt lori'lti. n nUto vemjivi'bllim mild,' nml lUUioilluHml Ihlil. Tuclc- Itomil will hold their rc«iilni' (lilfiSllbii, Orlfo itolud Ihul -llVo py. p lio hnldors at_t Mnloi'lMl i wihl/JJinhlJl l ttjij c Utii'nIV t'dtlili'll pri|vlili'» Ii HlllTf l U |iio|iimiil hnd bean illucuntail nt roinpany plpmind it 3ll»fopt, .f'nlir lljn' wh 'Mirl iit(ti'Itr s Htilititilfe.nl n tiottl of ,pnn,- d lJl i ll n t!loi'l( III thq.CIHIIU'II Cliimibnrii l ,'.«Tu.b" meellujfiJ "III •. Ihu NMi|(.y''' nf thu lUunloipn.l J4ul)dln«. .Wlwii I'nliimliun Ihiul'i'ul liilHiul nf 1'im.i'lii lltfiir "KVti hl*l

tll,,aa. In mill III miiin Ittiyiitniiil Itliuvslil n( i In Itfi,. |n hhniiKHl li!....ltiK|i' inwi'iitlim .with nlTillt

Brand New 1963 You WiJMEIect^Prpgressive, Responsive^Off icials LOWEST • ALLMODELS AVi^LA^LE


AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET, CORVAlk, CHEVY II, Frank X. Nicholas S. J. ILoree Peter Pi, tRUcitt, ant OK U»D CAR DBAIER -fur U^IDN, SPRINOFIIlb IJUcpermoil iaCORTE COLLINS McDONOUGH WESTER ORRIS & COMMERCE AVE. ^ For Responsible Republican

6-2800 - OPEN EVENINGS . ' , iAM.t_corr "; .'•*' Thuriday( OeteUl* 31 Publicity dtoinvitn and larflvMuvfi art 'yryidloobfrv tht PrMny yM4l.fi*.of r;i",i children will, not rdairt-'thV—' unused, ^rrd-prhy^-thB-yjajthfj nhlt n*w *•• • . *• ' • . • how. hluhway acnlilcDla nrr (ilnti inn be lion* Uwilnmmiti =te -vtwM** _l)tlttllea are -W ic» i uf built :—I'l'uvlitB a rio'niiituiii - fun and think about It, and any-of the fun spoiled by «c- often two liatard-tnvUIng >>- add atitt n nation of .warm «Bte\w»lkhik or 1o.-tt|ht i Let Expert. Handle plon for It, too. But we really detents or tragedy, . • peeta f>rH«lloweeri, Add flow* wolir. VVrliiH l),v limul Dt'td Jniili-o-lNnlPi'ii. A vanibuani ' The Details of need to think'about and plan Poor vlilblllly and c»folct»-— Ing robM i« bart of n eo»Uim» IIBIIK in dry. Ironing do** nol '.foliar flllml ilnwn Into.tlia B tfran —, nw with flr* «re,two of Ihe, which call dlitrarjt the till«ii— ftidune Ilin fianio-realilaiiiiB, |IU||I Will lifl|> lmn|i Ilin \)g\\{ refmhmvMs, the Iraata chief causes «f nctfjdent*, Hil- tian of the wtarer, vt\M trip-, Imt (ho^roiitmcim inuiit h<> I o- uprllllil, .Novel1 iierlilll tiieiimt the excitement,' Or, at lowoatvm»i)n and head, cover- plnil •or-l«nll«-oitilly, uiiil llio lxutkiL flfler imeli i need to k»ef> in rolnd Inn and tru^um of open flame* , Hlilloweon diMH-up tmrtltlon W linti .imrchttihtK line of ttlllOWMlllli—SO, hw far too iiutiy U'ujudy pro- —lined cotlum««; "beard"," moUn(-*iip«ot«, ' • Intpeot J|al>elir /or statenwmU The«e are the augawflbhi"511 . pf lr«alm«Bt for flmnmaUUIty. th* Now Jeney 8iale-B»ft>ty • ' • 1''' CoUDoil for "trick or treatert!': 1 BE GOOD Provide a "make-up mjnk". Reg. 5125-$150 ValueQ —which never can -block' a chlWi'. vision'. • Ifleke ;Tfp-"itfi With , overlocked scrims face w/lth "nnn-tftyrn pRjotl BO zippers. tJuuninteed fabrics he. tan lmatlne htaself to be zM a-wltoh, gablln; theal,. pirate^ Indian, • e6wboyi''-'gypay,; uliwn' For All Cruises this devil, ;«tc7rTherB' ire equally 24,000-MILE tivlng-rootn Suite; fascinating- characters Jor gh-ls., EMERALD Fall and Winter Apply, color; ovet'cqld'.• cream" Reuphol«t0red '••'£ i,^ CiU or Writ* (or, RcaerviUluJi, basie-for,;"««'#,'.rertioval. with GUAItANTEBD. Information," Cruln -i.l«i« _thi« type',ot ^nrask^.a^chlld WARRANTY will be ablo (0 Bee' danger in AT THE ,_ WORKMANSHIP FISCHER BROS. time {tTTivold-ltr-w-hE cannot TRAVEl BUREAU a paper bag $1896.00 Includes . VISIT. OVRNKW UliOADI^OOM. CARPETING DEPT. OVWrffllVI r PADDID.DAIH Ave.. 1790 Springfiel d Av* face or wnen a fabric or plastic HOTEL BENZEfcfr mask Is' askew over hln eyes. 4S0 Broad St.r .WINMHIIID WAIHII.* VIIO» Maplewood, N. J«=.. _• Make him "brlaht at night" To Thf Millie .. & V Interior Decorators ES«ex5-d600 -^by ^wearing a Ueht-colorcd KlflttHA : coitUfne so he. narj be" clearly Martin Co»tello'« wJ849 MORRIS AVENUI - H62 CLINTON AVENUE , ;- Orchestra. _,vJs)ble_to—motoriBls. .Or,'' fpr" UfNION '•_ MU 7-333J Cor; New St., Irvingtoif ES 5-7929 iEtt. 1929 Klamour and extra visibility "•' Dantlm Kvwy, 'lat,..Nf|ht' of dark costumes, tlrow-up the garment with bands • of re- lectorlzed tape and daubs of . gljtler-slUiTiMhat reflect light. Keep the lcn«l!) sliort enough not to trlpIBe'wearor when he Is wallilng-or running, -:--,-,—f U8e 'a • flnmc-retai da'nt pro- •cess^cn any homemade cos-_. tume as a -safety "measui-aTp prevent a flashfirc from a flame or spark. Dip the'fabric In a solution—of nine' ounces— of

jiiniiniinntmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii DEATH - NOTICES-!

li. HOCK—On Tu«id«y, pol. 33, llioSrMri. Mariaret (Eller), of 338 Wliiuwnod rd., Ulllort N.i—bdoVftl wile of.. llm lale Oicar, Bo'ok; devoted mother at aitm—xr^BMt; • Mr«. . Kurl w.

^^noberL_Ro l Hal|iil~ailHdt midd MMMrir . CoHCotl«il^Watu ^ ion; aUter' o'f Clears-•• • ? Blje— r an.nd Mn. ntclurd WBlbel,,' The funerat ~*«rcbndiH*d "»rih« 'UlcCrtcli I WI-- nerall Home,H" 180180 MorrlMtl ave.i Ulilon, Intermrnt In Rtitland Memorial Tarlt, Hanover.' 7-^; _ ^ tiONATIl—Matlliow J., of 188 Urooliilde • vy 1 tfvlngtnH tnuhfchrf nt MarsarcL Merkler; lather of Maltliaw J. Uonalh , Jr,;'brolh«r ol William,' Vrank and r->Ohmrle«—BonalR and Mra, Francei Sohoemer',' nlneral "Cbdey' YHin'ra • Horn*," ea Him it., Oranje. Mljh ru- qulem -Mann at St. Leo'a Church, In- . terment-oate of Heaven .CemfLery. •' lions JlVLOWSKI-ltelen (ne« rallcaT" of 93 BreckenrJdge ter.,, IrvlnRlnrt,'be- loved wife, of Walter: vdevoted mother of Irene, at home. Funoralwas from lhe-,"Woinlak Uemorlar Home." 330 .Myrtle ave., off lBttrtve., Irvlniton! thence to Satrid Heart of Jeiun Cliin'eh, Irvlntloii, wtoore. a .Solemn Hlih Man of.tuiiultm wai o'ffered for • (if "hef- euul. fiiteiimiit~ . Oile of HeaVui cemetery," '>UWIS-On' WaUiiiiday, cut, 3)." • 1M3, Hrldgel, (hBinUi—p'Hanlon, IO4K»Mne ave., Unlnn, N. J., htloVtd wife it, IINIaU Arthur lnwlij- de-' .Vottd l.ilillier ,«I Kdward W.. Albert Is On. H'H" wii.v! Weed Jhi'ndvlce <)f oxpcrU nnd avoid p, Hid •JrallK-.a. Ltwla. Mil. '.. :... ll»vtl. MM. Mwanl Mflrrl. »nj Mr. Io\uiuf(_fItnritv** "i" other. cmtfly pepnili's. pow't let winter eaten your d«r llolnirl. Murra»i>»|itar-.'iiMurrari |ol f MrtMra, , llmiritr)j r , KIIIIHII wiii : tumluelut 'frnr You're wife . •. ywir net., r-yoturimnre vfttch one^f In* ijUitll- tilt "MitlrarlKii rillillierai l Haiti*" Unleil lielusv ^^y'llLLi'"1!roiidy~T1ir tt'otililcfrttjylntaj', J. M lt ave., thiluti, Igil Illi' M«II<~^ull*a l Mlnh HllUri'll, O«te WINTERI2E- YOIJR-CAR-NOW 1 11 jBi'.'-Jiiih ,r," 11I unio 'WiiHlikll' vS^. Ililiilii N,,l., lirilKvaiil mil nr tin1 !•!• M- -•••- , • !llimUili . .iliuiv.uii ami ,iu.nUi Jilliwanal liWlur 111 Murtlll Ki'liw.iT* anil Ml*' MutikUiia lUrll Klin * nUira; Mi«. AIIIIIII1. Pifriy. nuifiii tir- •ll«», Mil, Jlmull r'Ui "Nnwirrt. MU • wuiuiii .'.itriiiitfa; (liiliili.^Trin. Pmil Ittiinaiy, B.nlth oian««. l'ui|pval._w»t ili>lllllll'l"U (mill. lllf.'..".MttL'rKUalll. Ml' IIIIII'H 'I'l ">lul llunir," Inllii Muni* «»« .VUIIUHI, 0 illII • Iliwl] Ma«a ill ll*i|lll«ni »l HI GI'IHIVIIHII; Tuim-Vlri

ifl.ui LUilmii jl.l, Uiiliii'i •,., *7-tiva;v MEtK——Oil 1 Hit, 'Illi, Maria HIM THE NEW ltrti, ana nil, ul Vlll Hniiillniil .. a,, V.HIIHHIVI U _ I>KKMAN'-'OII Onlv ah, Ullmt, of ID l,an- Center Maxon lo arli ay«(i Valltlunii. . Since NIVIlltNi.AUH—Oll-Ool. 31, JOMIIM, of 3H Ho. I3i I it, irvlniftDii .Ctuml, On Duptni.lulil«~gei viue •-. tlilnool n .B|,. jjiit,. aa,- i,-.: lT.SrJIt«liwiiy No;~23, IJnlim^MU IHVNlb"- •H77 No. nroad SI,, Hl.llslflfl"^" WA a- UnUEH-Od But. 3H,. aarah, of-iuil Llnuoln, pi,, JrvltiBtou, .w —•__ Oot, pi, Anna "KeTJS"! II»« " •"• 70, 3D Hanlord _ttr.. -CUPIVS* T_JS -Hurry Phillips 68 .Station 1 Motor: Ttih«,Upir2Bk (-LA.MAT1NO-. tii Avc.. Cor.' pjilne .Avci, "f^650-:Sp£lntrfleld' Av>., rrnfhti - ••.•80. -alajt-'i'l : LAUIiK—On Oet: 33, ;Ann« ((l»e Doef- "TWiTTtflnn ._ FS fi Vmiv-Hall — Unlo«i_ .flnnrl, ate 66, 6f " --•'• •"—• » MPT-—Sn Oct.. 34,' Dorothy fnei •*. Hoiiman)... of HP We'at_J?!)d avT nge^ Irr. •'toitco aery ice—gtiul

—liajiirkililre nl., irvln TmrKlANn—o •""—T"' Bail's Sun Sorvice - — ... -^—mua. JUnoent, ; : —Gom-^Njie^Aye;' A null f~ "8 •tilffoolifPiace, tON(lDO.\—Oil "del. 37'l—llll.'3r^Hfl.ni • ' • Irvlh^tofi'"'"•• - & -2-03,34 .411 Qlobe avei, Union. ••' ' ES. 2.9820 HM,1S—On Oot. 37, 10113, Sarah B,, • Jnninn lane, Union. ' (ini,u-on oot. as. urns, Hoilyn, nnlaware ave., Union. JOHKPIIN-On dot,' 34, 10G3, Bamila •.''•' Ksaex Ksso . "Stanley's Souvlfe Statlem •,, 1475' Sprlneftold' Ave, ai7.ncni|er aye,, ltaaalle r»rk.. flOl Chanoolior Ave.,. Irvlhttton*' .KAHIf-Oll O0I. 33, IIIU3,. Phillip, IUII7 # A cordless shaver and cord shave/all Inpna In.unlqua shaving station oats. TO l-nni(l ; Van N««« ler., Union: •, ,' _,;,.;• ,. ', TafS - a-oiiat) ,,,,.„ . • 1 : ;;tA)nRollBr ^combs'(B).Cusl]lon Ul|tl(«l-»n:'pi'i..al i; loss, Hatvey A,, Si • Self-pbwer lets you shave viHereyoU:|iieas8'. '•'P'snols '(C) Kolclec for isliacging MNH.-OII Odit-.a*,' 10113, Krlllli 0., *. " •;',! v WD Mreat d,r., Bllrlllullrld. without a cttrd-freeofootlets.bathVoomtl^ups in closed case or out (D) Mirror '/ft . Frum/lV City Service fot'i s Atlantic Swvlce MWrnriK-ou oot, Sa. HIM, I.UII., QUO 1020 Clinton Ave., Cor. Bvuon Ave. ' lllllon av«,, VtilKhnll. r- • Powerful, rechargeable cells give you one (E) transformer (F) Charging 384 Morris Avu,,' Springfield, N. J. MKI.HKKU'-Orl Oot, U, 10113, Krlal, UW ., Trv.lnglon • 878-11(131 ' ••••', ,BR 8-0772 ' Meadow at., noiklle I'urk. •-^ shave after another without a cord cord and accessory storage. "~Tf»i.wur»"Wii; koiiiiii raVk, rAMM0"-o» Oot/H7. IIIU3, Joaeph, .» Forget to recharge? Switch to Reserve Power 1949 Bohmldt ave.i.unltin. . '-. Gnlloptttff Hill Shell : .Tom & Uny'sCLty Servlc* rOST—.011 Oot, 93, iii63, iMiralm U., 'and shave with cord.f,rort\atiy 116-volt AC outlet ; RcpMirs — Time V\w loa Oalloplnii'liili hi,, uiifiiii. Brnkos — Tires•-r BntteHw v Moyrl» Av«, tt IWttln St'i,, SpflnBfteld, , OMttrrt'avti.'unwIi.1 Ml; ""!""!" "• •'Has exclusivei Remington adjustable Vollef :•%-. Ctollwtiu' HIlli.ShBppthB Center,".v- • «!Jj»-O« pet.' 31, 1IIU3, Kll»»b«lh K., iln^ W|ll'Hd., Union'. Mil fl.-8787 '',.' Dn 8-0880;.,'.!';••• /\\: 447 Oarmodty it., Bci.rlle. • wmbs famous for closer shaves with greatest BONKCIIBB—On Oot, 3D, Arthur D., of *comfort~rio pinch, no pull • ' : ' TV ''I m Gliulson Esso' Service Center. Tony's American Service Card Of Thdnks yOetTobIa'» •i • 1388 Sluyvwant Ave., Union ;.. ,. 432 Ettit' Westfteld AV*.. Boiell* I wlih' to* thank liie p.iron, and LOW, LOW PRICE! ;;: inetidi of R*»moinl, ifeyer, owner of .;'.!•-.i • 1. .-•••••'-rt-•"••"••wu«a-se5D"''; ' . ' '' ' " ' " V 2415-6881. '•'•.•.'••• • Trl-Clly rilner, lrvlniton, who uautil away detebtr.tttth', dr.-their Uml''U- WMaloni . pf Vymnalhi!. »nd t1\4U|hti • .•.(. a. .fXUnded to nifaitd WiJ'TMIIi'" "" — :v;:i :; :H MnS, MAitoAnirr MITVEH, I V;'-'-:«! Esfto "SerVfctf; tiiviii'•"''' .' ';V«t»!iK^rE8aio Serv.B« ''''' . Plaid Stamps For Winter Service • .DOUOLASA ELEANOIt MEVRn • Sprlnjnold AVe.'& Vauxhfcll Road,, ES 2-U770 ' .-.'/, B8 3.3101 WAv.rly Viuixhall , • •' MU S-D845 •'..•• Hollywood Florist <•» ItUYVMANT AVI, UNION • laVlNaTpM- TOOT I !l Service .iitlon SndW Removal' • m.m w« ipeoitiue in {Funeral DMUnt ana sjmi nnibiatj, IM. j. .•.••.••'« 18th Av*., Newark ;, ES S-8737 and »ave your carl AKaniementa for the r ' fantlljr: Jusi phonet ;•. m t-mt w MU t-iai», MBMi!B0B?Mi^ 1 'V^t'l.'.-j,!^'*, lii'ini.'!, !'.',*!,,''.,i;'i'V'i '•'• •''•• h$'*': l; :.v';...yV'. .,; .•; ..• .••-. .' . V •. ':.;• •»;'•'•.

1 : •-.'•v'" '\:..'"*e '>.'•.. •'•."'- -,-V'''

.'•, '•'

.^_- '.fegj^^'i'fe^gfe a^.-"::sfe^' aiiil^ i:'.«t:j I UNHEARD | CUT THE GO

n for vitamin; you'U find the ONLY I^T,f y 5 BaverWT3overnmenr t clearly states thatwhenyiu compare, there is NO SifferenceTn the^ ^The^ONLY Wm'a to.is the price! ^g our greatest.fntrooVtbry .ale ever.! &iivaWlifce.;theSi.. a lcrsale-bn: any P a bottleat W p vitamins: you want, buy tmeiattierst ur regular.low price and get another.for just lcj CompareiThe ^p«nWtheji;rid more.at



— (Q|

t« VttftHlitW wj|,|» __. iwiift or n tttiiisk. — R«ltulHr. Sl»o».JMi.« Rn p Vitariiln* uW,3hop:.Rji» pri«j« only 00 rf ottl«l bf jQ CHptuJM ^ , Z_ JhfeJ cstilur Shbp-RltB prica only. OB*! "I I .-:•-iF G*ranotherforju»t li : '; --'••"-* t r -.'••—•

1 •••---' P JI . ——

' 1 1 ™ -•• i : iLlI "•

*to|«|iw«_... t'ha only dHftnuio* it In Uji ji li lii th« •••'Shop- Compart .., tin only diffartnci Is In ,tlii prlctl' Potenby • Shop-Rite Mdtipb VltemlA Dropi

p Rlt prtM ^ - iKfTShop-Rita price only J2.49 ,' ... r, r " * 0%. 09d" Qet another for just H " Got »noth»«"fttfju»tHl '

•..'I f )••!

' .Ki ..(.•• '. •••'.• . .i' . • y r

^..•v-;J.;:---'i-:',;. gM^^^ I PILLSBURY LAYER


4c OFF!

KERNEL or.•:•;• WHY PAY * Cat Food MORE?

VA '..••\ UPTON sour MIX $ Chunk Mtdlign IUf* *«•*_• : ' " • ^^ MILK CHBKIN NOODLE 4 ^ 1 Rival Dog Food — 21 Why PiyMor»r • . " * J>OLANERS 'i*.e»w' —WHERE Vet Dog Food—1 AVAILABLE Jar. .GhunknUorMmwit . |t3-n.i Big Time Dog Food—I PAY MOR~ D HEART »oc cans Ken-L Ration S.O.S Chlclwn Dag Patd ' . MY FAVORITE BEEF, CHICKEN OR ,\ Laddie^oB«f or Chunk HorwrMtr—y Dot rood SOAP PADS Laddie Boy BOXES OF 10

DEL MOKITE YELLOW CLING Ch«f B«y.Ar.DM : PEACHES SLICED OR HALVES c Ball Stew ••J^i^.im^- •imu* | N . if 100 Corned Beef 303 FRUIT COCO AIL 4 cans Corned Beef Hash ,. 'blnryMoor. HANDY MOTTS CHUNKY ASSORTED ,l>lm FLAVORS Jan NNI APPL£ SAUCE Ketchup WHY PAY1 MORE? . •. . Escdroje Soup-!»***«*«*••»»••»•>• FLUFF INSTANT COFFW lar '. f . (M at Whol. K«l-n»lln Brln*

flailon 3nur IHOP-RITJ' «r ItOKDLY^ TOMJltl


boxes of 400



SHOP-RITE No. 9 THIN SPACHETTI, 1 , j No. 8 SPAGHETTI OR No. 35 Oounton 4c OFF PILLSBURY Shop-Rile fROSTlNG •. •••••V-"-l for Savings boxes that GountS

Union C*nr«c t Rou«« 23!, Union Lyoni Sliop-RU« Rahwqy Shop-Rllo Llndan Shop-Rlls Cranford Shop-RUt llhop-RIti Clark $hop-Hlr« . - Rt. JJ»i Spiln (l»ld Road B , 2i»ll, O.ar »> 1— TIT I u*— io* M-iii.u.li' 0 l«ii)li «• Unlnn.Av»l. >l. 31, W.t«liUBd. M. J:Hdtllon hit. t Walnut JTvi, • - . , Dluounl '••'•OMN.'JU NOAY •. . Cranf.nl', N. J. • OMN IUNDAY • .• OHN IUNDAY •

'.^•ii''Mi':V;-rV'\'; '. '"•».' *-btoli;y|J/i?f" :,:• ; .•^••'.(.•.••r' .;.-;.;..v;;i. SSiMm»$MM^ WjS.-/p. i^:l ,S< ifevSV'^if^i liiiiiiiiiil I I 4 I

». • _',•'

_ .- .••• .._> . <:



' •X'rw1* -1 -X, | SHOP RITE! SACHAMf NTO

Nettie's Morsels ....(J-ii. bif, W«Y»AYMORE>- •»tty Critk.r 4i OM_Ch#s»Ut« M«lf, Milk Ch««l»t*, French Vanllta D*vli< Mcd, DM Ch»»l.b, Mtrblt, Yll V/hmjiyl lurkiey tv-«.;98' DELICIOUS y 1f to •' • Layer Cake Mixes Deli-Pastrami 1 4«Offl WllibUry" , ' . r • ' ". : ~-••• Genoa Salami i A 69 Swis* Cheese Brownie Mix —•••••• Boiled * 59 Chopped HerrlnV IVORY SOAR PERSONAL $121 y R-:.' WHY • AY MORE? -Crisco Oll"-^—--^r"-- Sliced PRESTONE OH IIRIX fdllen ProflrBip .. 67 H.25 Liverwurst PERMANENT TYPi *«" r ANTIFREEZE Olive Oil SIT""••«• Sliced Bacon »S3' Kielbassle- Jim'FZVMOHEFhR Kf 2M KU-kShop-RIti Ready to lot !g«. 111 Pie Ju.JuuSlldt Sllc ondS S^v. | >. 49* SHOP-RITE 17 «•; SUGAR/CINN./CQILDEN . |KI. 25 GeumMl Ch**, • ' * -. , . , — * _ '; NIC*'"1'),' --;--—• ---;•••• • , *—— Frosted Fingers ",29' Premium Crackers tC PolaJo Chips- t,1 49' ihoc.Mallowi . JflJYI'.iYMitt:FOUJMlltYt— Orange Juice SH0P-R1U 3HOP-RITE - -• Swco»mllk or Buttormllk Shrimp 3 'ii»'" *t Potato Salad P.i.. MaM rr.,l< Chilli - Fruit Salad - •)« 69'.... Cream Cheese

: % ii Fan FHOXKS room WHY »AY MORI? • '• ',-•-'- • A ~ '-•' -^ .- -*0UR-T1 CHOICI |^*| TETLEY TEA BAGS TOKBLY SHOALS! Potatoes QUMBLI Ml Clilclii Peas L_ Fruit Drinks




— — ,.. »-.v-.~. , —--< ^ ,_^. ^.^^ *. _ . mmwiM.KW*InI HSoMifnavwvr *, . ,_ ilci ion DEteacli^^ 3 ^ ^1 Savarin Cof fee

~ tnftant Coffee PUMMH1L - liBT-oMwi^l' tititant Colfee Wall 5 . • •• . *^ . • I-I«KP i --- -• • .-^r— •,..'.- ' b«llel6Ui' . '••• '• • . 1 IJT; »<»"'*1 Pie Crust mk.....Jio-w.**.39^ Henhey Syrup —^^j Oil-——-:.--..««rtw6.59«< • Tea Bags WHY PAY MORE? SHOP-RITE YELLOW V1. i HOP-RITE SUGAR CLING PEACHES


SLICED 29-OZ. cans UNION CENTER ROUTE 22, UNION LYONS ^ SHOP-RITE RAHWAV LINDEN CRANFORD WATCHUNG CLARK SHOP-RITE Route 22 & SHOP-RITE SHOPRITE SHOP-RITE 9«3 Stuyvesant Ave. 327 Lyons Ave. SHOP-RITE Rarltan Rd. & Springfield Road 22 St, Georges & Route 22 Walnut Ave. N.yl to N«l'l F«{,nilly Discount Ctnl«r ' Newurk •' .1064 St. Georges Av. South ft Union Aves. Ulnnd Auaa , _ loi'd, N, J. OPEN SUNDAY • • OPEN SUNDAY •• • OPEN SUNDAY • • OPEN SUNDAY • Cranford, N. J. • OPEN SUNDAY* • OPEN SUNDAY

1.' ••••'. •••

•"V ' ','!•" ' c ••'" '•', ''' 't' fiS^KiM: . •'• '•> • • • - • •:

• - .* * • • , .'•"•

• • NF= MEAf- ftfi.: FOR i LESS AT r ^¥ 'T INSPECTED PAN READY SHOP-RITE FRESH " il KiLLEP WHOLE JE —:' In) IHHmHIH — ... LEGS LIVER BREASTS Cut frqm Voting frysn Tolun from Young ' Prytrl flump and Tatty . ' " M:mm '" 1DI 45 fit

4-LB. AVG.

B TASTY ». Calif, Broccoli *»* °^ ^r?^'^ 29c .••»•• Grapefruit '"dfanj^::."... ^ .. :4for 29c CORNED fa<)hh




In-Sealltmd ^,_- Full-86-Pfoof -

BAPHAM, Inc. Shbp-Rite SHOP-RITE MARK III AH lielttf_are Bnnhnm, Shop DELUX Rite exclusive brands. SCOTCH Regular TiJp; Qudllly SCOTCH BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND Bottled In Scotland. •' • • . •• • ,•'-.• • Alcoholic beverages are not ' Imported from Scotland Fuii . •••.'. : •.••:.•'"". Delux Book BotlU ' '' 8 Years Tartan Gift Box sale priced and are af these Old PrO6f everyday low prices. •


*xm •,*'.

7.:.—„/.-,!.. KELLY J^EBIDENTS MWT * Thiirictay, October 31, 1963 ATTENDS SCHOOL SAILS TO CARIBBEAN OF DESIGN Ml»«.Jfolcn KoUun, at 885 The Past VrcridcnU1 Club P' the Udle» I^dlea AuxlIUryto M'.ri_ Uruily wii] direct Mo ,' Jo»ti C.'"Bol>l)lii. Linda Hach; PauFMiller SBIOIII rd14l.Union,.ial>»d_rcL'eiilly B'«AI B'RITH SHOW bri-hoktrii'.fiir 'thp "dunce wlikh HOLD tpnrfM, nod Mrs. Martin Bob- «bo*rd the "S.S.' queen of Her- •^|7KUWrtHN*j uTTT" follow'" the «liow. A ml wrvcrt. Tick-, " "in, prcucnlly: *UeiuUi>tf the _Now (he Caribbean. ' - Tiiead«y at H p-m. •« 1 AT SHAREY SHALOM rls nuiy bb iibluiiK'd bv A Hiill'iv-fuii--HJNICKF' |iti|-ty Yurfi Kchmil i>i Iiilci-lnr Pi'sltli Married At Sacred Heart l(lV~i*IVl «W i.»**whh~i. Wont**/1 •«f--Mni.. Uwroner Munihy, Mil K-H47.2'1 or Ml.' will' IJP hold loniBht linni 7 toNew Viii'k'C.'Hy,. A uniiiuulr lit C.ll J7I.10M, • . Wouhtoniil.) Union, f "Thl« '. W»K BUIICMIUI''"'- the •!. ! IIII CtwJ Ml'..* tlnWIilnw 'Mlim-liliiiln Klacli, dnuuhlci- of Rt'(iBiiiri gfttduklp lif The (lili.i ,iV|(.nU fm il,, j.n.iifc ,.. .(,r, •^ttt-'coiia BHIUIBI unow or uii' M iIMi ils Kir 1111* 1W ivi i'i miu Advil ITIBLII,' or .WII.'K rtcnoui (>i ranniyivaniai n bv hrld Wvilncsdny at H p.inof Hut tic Hill Mitmvlnn Churih N . _ her -'ittifHw on lii- 18.1)7 LOflmoulh Im-woe,: yn4on, , IVrllh Men and Women«t UnUm, mid tbrlf fnehd' liy IH kttmullhu Uiilim. ' ., •• • . • Srlllnl Yin.itK IVIlnwBlilfi. ' 117 Vmninhl BVP,, V«ll«lnirg, H,-... Your invltdttonTo A_ I Sprln((ncl(1 aw., Sprliii.'1'ilil IOMIONI WANtl y.uf «IJ tliva, Tlw \mllpi mi!«|)lliin-»itli« Hoii») ' 4UI tit.tivt tlfow, Ilif'K'I- *lhtt O'«» m#l n«wt, luU- In. fi. • Tltnti Will bt) JM.JOOO, . • . ~ Tirtlniitlod «l I lie double rlnu Mmlnlyn Z,linine;'imm, Mr, anrl "nun wlii> will ilu'uw thnli i*nirnr tnllUif to thli ttrMftpop*!, fk«uM U» In 'Will , his (••«i«mi)iiy-—in— Sitered - Heirl Mru, • John Ktirluclt, Muthuw tiw^iilt-ii tor (unn . 1390 pounds Inlo bt nlAja by I'lduy l> iniui* publltil' KLl lAlt'l *W mi-'wilri • W.nl , Churoli; v«ll»bumr. • ~^ : Waurnir, Joruld I.linker MI«H REGISTER NOW ' Maid of htinor WITMIII Ho»s- I foolni •nlk». ;' '. • i • '. tl*n in th«' nt«l lli'u'i. '; ' ' mill u.iort iiHulnnl l^ul»e' \yel« Mr»7 Walttir kerft, juaryjMcflulgun of ftapollo, Peter r Miller,, brother of the • bride- Mr, «nd.^Mr». John Wagner, Mlw MarMalrfl 1' the'beritiflt of St, Mary's Orphanage, New- ark. Mrs. Harry McMahon, of Union, |ls seewstnry of tho group and Miss . Betty Horrmann, of '"" trgasureft ~ -j-

tfCel.ebT'a.fes ,50tfi Anniversary^_.V- ' —In lUnusnltlou *f > • < Electa Chapter, O.E.S,,' will celobrate/Jls' BOfh™ annivorsarv tomorrowjwflnlflfi.at a dinner to he hrtltl In tlm Mns'unlc Temple, MonT« avc, Union.^ServlriR will . -JTriie, me of only ihe .atari. nL():30,. . " , fttl *•"' A biiBlnosn meotint' will pre- li. '• • n cctlo Wo dinner, Entertainment will follow.. .. .' ' '.. • Tlie ultlmutii In decor dc«l»n:l1 ' - • ' -^ RUSH TEA-X^ The Alphp a rtfoppapp dhaplop r of- tho Phi i Deltalt"" Sorority it, ' witihh members ,ln Irvlngton; Nowarlf, nntl Union will have Its "Rush We have carpeted part of the Parking Lot entrance to Food Fair Super* Ton" and luncheon on Sunflay, nt 1 o'clock nl the hijme of the market, Stuyvesant Ave. and Vaux Hall Rd., Union, directly opposite our president,.. Mlsii Sonny Klmo- OFSWITCERLSND •tore, for this test. wllz, 732 Coloplal Arnis_Road, Union, ..'.','. . • 1265 Springfield Avenue/ IN.xl lo Ihi 5onlord Tti»alr« Free Parking pacllltiet •-Open Six Doy» - Thuw. & M. ' You 'may phone ESsex PRESENTS •• -^- for appointments 2

EHc i)f—$wlti»clancl, ClolrcrrVI "Scilort of 111* •_••„• ••••- ^Monlt*"i'— rmtlOnoltyftccloTwd "(tie aoloway to —a ininiclo of color mid mftinlenmico oiiso bocuuuo . b«auty for fathlonabU 5uburbanllo»l" idk'(«)imllly niiino) I* ttirttlo of rtmunifiucnit. A.ciilnn* iit'i'vlla llbori ~^~


SELmWEREOR COW-POWERED' - . -7^ Smooth Velvet SHORT^HILLS.. .-3 Dementional Texture •: 1015 .SPRINWIElDuAVBNU( V ' IRVINOTON Y This latw, l:,6\v Vrke Uu Opan Mon. t IM, Iv.i, 'III » CIIK]C««' Hchvj' wiill'le nish- ion iu'v«l. Our Own Lnvinjj LEKTRONICE " BH'AVE' U IiLstiilJatioii. -'Exclusiyel . " • c .• v 11 e 111> • r SAVE. MONEY) GUI our Fall Save!. • ''•' .'•'•.. •'.Cw rd loss sh a v I n g n n V11 m e, OEMSTRAND and Winter SERVICE Nowl Vnr , ihlt 4tlt raiii«(ilit(vA' •anyplace! Exclusivo! . v in riuilyi willlnr and >lil< l« NKRV- 1CE voun CAIt lor th« wlnUr • RocluirgdSjJIe energy colls! A. llrnln «llil lluih »»nllii( «<|Um— • Forgot to "reciinrge? Use It mh«»k Idr l»tn Him ImUII mil- itil!idL ti i Only BnrwtcV enrpctn enn RIVO your liofrto Hinrflnlal: J-v II, Uoiniiltli' lubrlmllnn with • Fampus adjustable roller of til >nil tllltr •••Jl \ btinutiful look, pncnrnlor colors -to' c'hooHO.ftom'.. ..Plush luxuyy ••" • 0, O.K. ",bll» l)yn»inuiii«l>l r Knillit • cortDS fbr.clpse-up comfortl' and depth Hint rosisis cmalmiK, stnyM MOW lookinR for yerire to luiju-m, (or imlrk . rulil w»Ui>r SHIES* 'LOW a. .\ and m ousy to maintain. fti'oiidta mollw. aud mildew..; • "111 • ' lull* fruiit whitfI banrhtii, . COMFORT LOW 1, Chtck miJ >ll|n >l»tlit>—»•• ' t>let« IrOHl (nl •ud •la^ilntr In- FOR HIM! PRICED! abiiDllan ri<|iart; ... •. Us* our coiwenlont 4 and 6 Cyl. PnymoiiUs,' '. c . • •• .. ' Ask'udnut oilf froo decorator. 4 ,fi?vvtcu. ,„ •,. ;,;.:..'.'..:X.'*i*;V ,IP|: '"Put*, i .'MW. Eklra '.. '. ths atpi'e/.thati itlvts you' ->'4-;'. jior—vniuc-'isvotyihinK. l —;l»-" II I' Automotive Service, J .111' • ' ."•. Inc.' . . •„• "'••. II.' Quality Aiilo IU|i«ltln« Sluii 1>9I HI*. 1200 STUYVESANT AVENUE OPEN MONDAY & 1 215 Colt St. Cur. Midlund Blvd., Union ((Jnrn»r LJoni Avt.) UNION MU 6-3030 FRIDAY 'TIL 9:00 Irvlnbton)"^. J. .: aiu 7-3ioo J' '/ ''' Opid 1-« Dillir'— •«!, 'Ill t_.,,.. If iMU- •••'••'•j:',:-JMjIM

: .V. ,' .V f <' f "•/•; 't'> i i;^t.\.i.* ?.v.. .rV.! ,;:/,!; -28 * Thunday, October 31, 1963 *'5PRINGHEID, LEADER, Springfield, N. 1. V •l. •'• e

p] | Bulldogs Control Way On The Field, . Springfield's Bod tears Play But Lose Again Cranf ord Home Tomorrow - .Aiiolhcr-Llomr. Ttaey" buuln ~iu ptl'e up, aiyi Duylon's football- By l.UW It i.crin;: Illtc lliiiy Inliibl In- Icl-Kiu-cer In hik'h a'fast «»nie, tj»«t 1 ; record is now 1-3-1, The reaarill ' J' 'l ' vylirn thi-y -nl-livr ahtih'the up|>oiiltlon doeimnkB for the extended,drought seems on the other tcain'M inlslulu.", ," .he .jfald. u mlslnkt' you have to uie it to, I SPORTS EDITORIAL to beia' problomTb the coach, suld JphnPuHI.Spi'lnglleld soc- .Pall! will 'using liis lim- yoitr own advantage. , •', the: Icam iind everyone, con- cor cWttch, .alter WaUrlirn'g hW •IIIII! so|ili»"n . llo l tnnre"I"n • But evon at'that the score, of cerned..- '., •'''.•, . . ' ———- team drop a 3-1 verdict.10 West-; sui-i-ccJIlKK .contests. '.''-,• ihe (jamc.'Vls. not' actually th« ' Last- Saturday' lt'WHS—Scotch. '• • ' '^ast-week. ' ' "' " Pal/1, -lauds" -the playing'' of story;. Their last goa)'did not come untlMbo-flnal .30's*cond« tli ©avid \Barr MetnpriaS Plains which acted, the. roll, 6f played even with t'mil.le Keli.h Nci'iisinBe' claims' spoilers. Thoy-aro a good team ?g±niu ' ^'7iTi'nt£lCT',"w'li(ir'Kr of piAy-. •.-•'•' • ' .• ' •'..'• ; ! 1 ,' , -David BJi'rr,: publisher of ''Thq -SptoHa-.'Ue pbrt&r," •' and tb'oir record shows; just that, did-iMrt..UomlnP!te- pjiry by any his.firshls.-llrstt flfidl l i " Asked If there Would be .mf died laist weefy. •• "-.•' . ' .', •'..•..'• ,:,;•.• but the Pla|iismen. WTOO out- •ftiea.nB',.'".rr.,ls just (i matleV \hl would •licfiiiltely chance, Palll' siniplFMifd.he like*- —All. wh6-ki)«w4}£B!e-«ind-hiB publicfttfrtirknew'o.f- the [boys; rqcdgnlzlng an' -open- •ly,' W.ohly' lio'lmd a.'little nup- what he. sees when lie uses, boy» even outplayed otfTThcir homei; ing 'itnd'iaklnjNulvanluiie "of- it,- jxirl up'fr;ml, •; '. . . . like Bob Marinas,.and :V»I Del-. hjs -devotion to • th£i_sport of bowling.. .For 23-years,_• Veechfo, jiJiilors; and Bob KiJe- 1 lleld--r.-they-won,-'13-7, ' , the-eenlal inonto'r-eontliiiufd. ' • 'Die litririg of'losses .can laniW.v, ''The Sports Reporter' '.' haa brdURhi now^'of bowl- • A/ter viewing the' ihovles at *~ *• ' Dayton \vhlcli now n|>nrts ii ho accrcillli'il.-io the fact' thiit leyich a freshman. "1 am going mg and tho' bowllnir industry to. muny avid reiiderd Tho game litrb Palmer, Da'yton F— l'f I-H-I/IIIK lnx1hc^pilst •wiiiia tn-begln I ho season',' Piilll '(<:.'b.rgin !o use (hem more, and h.gk i i Ih It football conch, admitted to the > .. hud trouble brlnginu tlio 'bull we played, tmine.' ri-ul '.power, nt Ihk point in It enft , throughout ihe state ,."'• . • •—•, 1 1 Dave Burr \vns"ulways Srjulek to- hclip hk-follow ' frilgrna, but was ilot dlsheart- downllcld. But tb» coaqh claims claim* "The psyrojuulral fluMur only help .Us.' . , . \ oned by. the loss. He 'pointed that- tlio boys li'nVi; ovciconui in an iinportniit oii'e. If M*C, bud Wcsldcld pickep d up one (oil journalluC in any way 'potwlbln and vvii's oftj'ii cnlletl- oiH' that there wcw dome good this inability to.move .the .ball, WH to (if atjjrii;2i_(.yi( tjji;2i_.y(f nf those Itt thh e llr.sl t quartetr andd t^ • u|)on. His knovvied({B"of j;ho Kiiriio and Its atarH—-punt plays pulled 'off.'by the.Spring- _ and "It. is about time tori them four opcniiiK conlosls, llil pb buys more'in''tltc dual session, while,' . nnd pronont—- was iiHtoundinif. Ho lent bis efforts Held wjuod, but was not hesitant to break • loose." ' .» . • " 'woultl have bad a ]ot irftre t'on- the Bulldogs scored In the lourthr '•imcl publication to all worthy causes' and wast u contral lo priilsn the playing of the boy* They .might have the oppor- lldenee'and It ,\yuulcl be a dllTer-. cjuarter, . Richie Mayer boo Oaf llKure in last yjoar'sjlrst annual Union'County Bo.wl- from • Scotch Plains, tunity, tomorrow'afinlnst a Qran-' ent sn-ir.y .nltiigethur, ArT"lt Is Ihe ball into,1 the nets. '. •'' . "'\Ve mndo a few mistakes. — wl' tca'iii whleli—ha*-not been losing takes ri lot of heart out C'ranford xhould not be. too- Injf Day." , " . . , . - . icemed To be nil liuncheiLJo- strong, Tho game will be of -a tcnm;JI Pnlll cald. I'Hiuh, and with a speedier team In ir'cont yeiirH Pave had numerous problems, -, gcther' — they capitalized"'on played In Jronl of the Dayton • "A few. limes in the Westll'cld and a 1 lit Its better defense the both health and financial, but "The SporM "Reporter" thcni.^flnd that was the ball school liuiiKv _\yc could hUve.' seore((. Hiilldogs..cou)S'begin to pull oufr ••wiitf atlll avitilable every, -week, Dave -ConHidered_tbe game." • .' ' . Paid said that the Icaoi 1^ Their• «onlle" caitic out of theof this losing sproo, tomorrow. " paper's publication a responsibility1 to his jiublie—• Painter adm.lls that the unde- Just being out hustled.T-^They nets to e,n for lljl e ball,'bubll1 btt we One win1 the coach-says wiU feated Crapford team {he Bull- playsccxcllcntly .In.PFactice, bid did hot have the • positioning, make an awful lot,of difference. 'and'ho never-shirkctt; it. • ' _ riqgi" will face .Saturday'., at ,he.. Bciikelcy llcighis, is ' a good • ; knewTihd loved will never for-g6t_h]m. Bowliriffjii'o- snuad. "They hayc thrco good 'I' •—...!. prietoro,-. .liffHocintionn and bowlers should make it backs, and they will be tough," - 1 their business to G.ttnbjigh.-a memorial to his memory.' the coach Said;. .. • ' - ' I We ui'(,'o"thiit Hsey organize and plan NOW_for ' Since most of Cionford's game Profiles is conducted on the ground, the . ' !—a..^Tlm/wl—PMi't*'-Moi>iriiMiil.a "David . " f>-ih,kf*——- "~. • . Bulldogs will: shnrpen up their JERftY ENIS. line play',.durlri'g,, the week, - But | yincetit J. Bpnldies, Candidate For Assembly v Cranfprd. Is'not a soft'sponge in UtANK MONTICELLO, Springfield's tallbaci! displays the tho acriaj department either as fyhe.of broken' field running which• curried Him over the (Continued From Pago-4) T But miist Imporlnril, BtinadieK- zoning paltcrn of the communl-" . DAYTON BOOTERS Palmer-will attest to. "they beat • Bqal line Saturday against. Scotch Plains, Montlcello Kcdred ty. I'm bHter about Sprlngflold.'* Clark' In the ~fet minute - of Ihe I>j\'is3 go, and lie {blind him-, said, tlio Towiiship Coin'miltuc , ., -^? Union's Juniors -Springfield's lone TD »nd extra point us the Blld inaKUir.pliinnril' ltUdUUll cxpcn'cncu with -the location o£ ARE IMELIGIBLE play," he-Bald. It will be,a self wllh HiR'W homo mill iin-jnli,. lost, i3-r. . ':..•-•'. ..• 1 FOR STATE EyENT tough game but a good one." _ Foi a.man conditioned to accent tract now localciUoii south III. 70," - • . ' , Craiiford has playocl Lihtlcn, challenge the course of action side; of III 22. "I must tulie pei'.- Senior citizens," he " aald, Play Tied Match Offlciiil entries for tlTc 4'lth and Sprlngllolri met the Intter1 in was obylous, He. went Into com- sniuil cii.'dll for that," H'ntiadlos kl be excinpl from.the lo- New jjcrsiy Slate In- a prc-seaijoii scrimnia'gc', nils and petition 'with—his'' 'fnrmet—.cinr- ,snld,. (.'xphiiiilng. that. In- Irilro- cal school tlix if tljey have lived. lli Alhlflli' AsSocla.--' possibly a'schilling rnport is nll_ -Way Tie ployers. diici'd -the prciposiil fur subillvt- In a coinnulnlly for a certain lloji.'s Soucor Championship that Palmer, lian to work wllh. TJie business was begun oh a t.i.nr of tlie 1-20-acre tract into mmtber-.uf yuars. Of course, their "Tournament must be su-tinnt- lots for "high li-vi'i iniiusiriiii or- im-oiiic »nutiid I^KUIC it\ ihv. ux- _L_ The second week of pliiy In the Terry .Krnu/ho, Sprlnglleld's $I,'OOO loan In a. Summltr loft, cd within"tlve-noTrt few rinyii^ cMipiiiicy", "Tlio .Kri'ii Is 2!i puruin|>tlon| , . " • .- Ncw-Jcrsoy Stale Table Tennis big breoknway throat and the -«•'••.)"!• which rionndlcs shared wllh a •Waa,lililuillnT'ii:,.l,tllii miniature—community of cncli— •couUbullL.li|)t" 111? Mild,, ''mill will, "And policepl - nnndd ^i league wniLXampleti-d last week' ftalCHt tSuT'irou the -tenm,. was •bring in- onii-thli'd nf1 the ratn- Joniithan.-Dayton Is not eli- rni'it'T xcu i A \ LueCdecl.-f.or shoulld b e raljicilll tto professional • at Edison Lanes In Edison. I'nced gible for the. "soccer playoffs Ijjst • for the season vvhe'n he 1)lus in' Springflulil sonic dny." status. They should get more • by Harvey Culmnn of the Union Hilffered- a..fractiireil checkljorio baklnK the viinilsbcd elecl.fonli'!i since a minimum requirement'- League: They 'also -lirHirn t)ie. $:i2?i!l)0l)i imrnoy ami fringe benefits, nnd Jn lasX.week's contest. But Palm- components he manufaclured, wi. ..''„' Juniors with'.three victories:, the "Is .that n sijhool must piny nt .-' Tlio Four Wondors,—a—te»m- Mtniliiry--*owei;,'— Bunudlcu wild, icciuirciiienls—for.— thcse_Ljob»—- er 'had praise for the running-of 1 *' Farijiors fought to a 5-!> tie \ylth least'10 games-and have won nnd fiillulied.il nl a cost' tn tho hhould-bo^more-yti'li'vggnfe '- . .-—• tailback Frank ttonUcollo, "He eomposod of Barbara Fulmer, home cneh nlglit tuwl baked them • .Red Bank. 'Princeton-maintained. fill per centj of those contests."' Alyiic C"opor, Diane LaMorgcso rs Ron community -nf-only, $2-1,(10(1.-The Among Bonadics' numerovu !,'•—-its' first p,lac,e staitus, as Jeff Is ronlly cornitiK along and will In their kitchen oven, M - " Springfield's, record is 1-8-1. and Randl Cooper, defeated the adles working rlglil along wllh remainder nf the cost wus paid alllliutioiti is The 'Niitloiial Asso- • - -Jjwo4-i:Uy. lull • • i Imni—wll.lv Iliioa •previously unbeaitcn Four Strikes •Oiroiigl)-iin-$flO!lMlO-fedi;i'ftl wrant elation for Retarded Children. _^ _j_yi(jtbrlos -to-rr-5-5 lie with a coach .wild. her—h'usbnjid during- this period. last week, forcing the Olrls Reij Bonadics found "•himself back mid contributions froifi private Ho Was general chairman of the" ' Bob Reis wan niiotlier who was .rcolion, Into a thrco-way tie, dcvelop'el-s, ' ','•". Union County, drive-two years' JcJm Kllpalrlck- won tlirra singled out for the coach as at door-to-dool' selling, this thrnr The Pin :Breakers, turned back' * • * • ago, uiTd '.'all you neod'ls to vis- mnt^cheB over Newark;—Btwplte- having. playjsL a "fine g"ame nt the doors of blg-tlme Industry -KesslerSquad - tho-Iauoky- Stars in two.'games such'-as GenernT Electric, IBM it the Nancy Lusjon School for those- triumphs,- however, Now- lt the, plainsincn. Palmer ' Askcil wluil iirnirr«nis he to.move Into a tie for.flfatplaecf. a ltd WL'StlllKiwu!.u.—Ht:—niiiilc. wuuUI 'pli.'ili if he i^elucil'tl ui Uic also lauded the play of. center : : • arlr was abie to SUIT by Jcmey Pa'clng tlie Pin Breakers was enough sales to sAiiy. in byslness come-a part of this oCfort," Charley Roll and thcldej Al A-sytMiihly, he snid that lie woulfl •. City,-«-4. Tills week the Unlon- Diane Slater, who -rolled • the —often through.sheer'inveiitiyc-. Asked for his theory of gov- Takes Over Hrst Grecnbei'K, •.."•• -work -f.Cr nil - avcflTiful"" of -the Jurilors mjn scheduled to piny high games of the day, posting 1 ernment, he said that govern- —Clifton,—nnd the Union "Seniors, Sandy-Kesslcr'sieam took two About the next game tho-inon- slnle.' tax structure ."PrcTilcrJi scores, of 100 and 101, ••<.*-— there was the t.lnio Jie' wnn- J-iixes lire tno High,", he stdd, ment should take over thosa- who drew a bye last week, will Kamcs last week to ro|>l«t!e-4he lor would- .only say "wo. wilt (uui.'tions which the community : play-'Entontowm— -. StonJBrudcci ns the lop learn-In have to wait aml-si;cTT hut -the The Wild Howlers and tipped off- that' ono (Inn -nnd nepubliciiirieglsliitorK have -Prso—faced.....In ' Hie—yew* •ifttiH* HndlV it^i'lf "W** ^**^H"'t- the' Temple~Beth Ahm :, TEAM STANDINGS p team is out In win arrd they_are >Httlcli-of-fJie-atteniooii and they and' couldn'l-'-fliid- what - thoy n sales nt1 incniiie lux. We1 have fear government," 1«; said, "a» cu; trtr'HyAVny-Hmvlr— thrcr ' ' long us we maintain frceelec- ••- •" '•'' •• - •. ~w,'--T.- Scotch Pllil"" m' In' the split "their \wo Knincs. Gull i\«- •Wfliilcd.' llnniidleinrnnTtS~tl1e~rP.- ITTTImnfjitil.lii'r" wny. Wo nilijht JUcor'nA -Wldom iigaTIT led thn ruiimkl lead lln> Pros to tJi'elr iiliiloi'.-i and gliyu them lo thul Princeton . • "14-' ' 7T uccnnd <|iiot'l(.'r- nf lanl week's Invciit.iilnle HI.IJ pii!i.'ilI3illl.v-"iff "de- scoring pni-fldc, hillhig gcmies of i victory, while Kiw'on Luber wns firm Tor nothing. "They've- b'wu Newark ~_^_ :!!:_. JL—L11_ jronteiil. Thuy_wnl'u n'kled by oini riving revi'inii' from a stiite li)t"J^' ai^Bornie .Cijlo ' rcillocl -a.ODt. HIP jcncUnif-bow.ler hir Ille Wild ctM4oiili!rB• ever KliiiM1," he. NtiyN. Union"J-i'N. • -. li • II of .Ihci 111'i'i'H tiiRjivicplions they, ti'iy. Or. we' IIIIK.III IIIIJUM -Sid .Dm-rrmm'-sa'l, 'Uennle ...Mil iinw opi'i'«li>.'i- n thrlvltm Clifton .'...-• 11 -l) picked up diii'lnii. llu1 'nf{i>riionii. MAHV E VOONO.. t;i:iiiiiwny~imtii O Til, Bill l>r>iNiiji* lo IHI. M'Vlli'hi illuL Illllnlllli'lt Hist*. ilml' uii*.not lu'lim u'iiilHni.1 bun ulnnl III " '.'>' rtliln'l urlnliinll,v I nt nii 'Till' Illlllll—I'.i.Ill- Ml iilllUl' ill UlliiT lliili' ili-ki-lni'iiu'tii t nif lhnr» ACtci' tnluiiu Jtit* ni'i'nnil ,11 it I r 1 Ililii I'lriilloii l'i only nil rxpi'illr Illlllili liM I'l'l'lnllllnliul lrn. hlrk (ill' Ihn llil.llilii||u nnuvlinil »WHtinl-M»>l. wllh mi n nt niitov piilllli'iii':' h.t«. hiild: "Thm> l '• _J}Uloli (I'lipiiitfo nr-llli'it In,Unit- ' Boys Bowling Loop 1 Mill," III' hlllll, "lllll.ll II |IIO|IIM' In . nilil.lllo|i, hVV himlii'mul. . lit Iliii I'llllim III hcrnii'. filinlillnil, II7 ; (ll(lulll . I'II'WDKHMIII I cuiilluuol d III AViirt ii nice itlil fi'JInw, Ki'i'il Kniil'- IHII'I CmiiHy, N; .1, tilin '.VI'IIIK iiiln,' niT'i'llnii llii.' ni'i'dn nf b Sorln Snringfiold- II'mvy i'rl'i|i ul' I'lnlipi 1 ten limit Ihhjl wllh mi Illl iinil Hlmrdii liw'ili, wild NVvitpl 1.1m .'(lvo|i. Hi' I'll «i"" IIIHH'KlM' I'IIII l.\o ili'Vlni'il. _',rlnt,V ettllttrl' l)i# html l'nViiMin. 1 WIU IH'IIVI! ill ttlll. M|il'llHir|p|d _iU||0 fl|il-|Mnl"li'lll lli'l'I'l-llllllM Ilil- Illti linlj illl Viitilri (ltitt-M .(.Ililf in ill Ii IUIL— rivwlt-iutifill... H|!i»| l ll'ii Ihi< nlflv. -VHI.V In Ui'l ..Illi' il li iWiC Witith nil lU'l'liljln nff IlllIlll . HhHhni'l Uii Tl^iiirtt'pt "IllWifJf Wii lici'd li1-1Jhii--Tn'i'iiritl IIIIIAAII II incinliiM' uf.llv* Town- JHidiiii'nl will .IM'UIII II Hi off nlilp .I'li'ii'uiillltii-, Illiirkiinin Kitlil, liiitvlliiii ICIIHIH'I liiinniiuw ul IIMI It'i'liivii'h run foi- thn I'AT, Ci-i'hliiifiii, |ii'iivli>l|ii Imith'l', tknp* nK irth—HtHiititii'. . Ijnin. . , ' •-•• ••" ' |MM|-"|irfl(ltir l*i>tll W liij.wimiln'iM'ul IT-J'wi'ii,' In ~ "Sl.i'il-1!," hi' sulil, '>Miiil|l bij lie vymi'jtl piinlt ,,l«i' biiHiir lMh_ki lllH'lllittll'ltl, " IlitVVj. .'l.'(lM' llllVH' DHylnii 'wimii'l tlln'riliiliptiiiW'' ||(r • HV WAIfyniAXllHK YOllNftil 1 liiM-fuclllllusi-tu'-Ji" JiiiiiMjU''rif*'l>l''h..''<«IIJ fnllu.w "Iliii vi'i'i m llii',v nutvi'il IIIII IHIH ill YhY'TliYhYTl u rniiii-M-li'l<*—1»M - liecomo imllvc-ln prillllt-ii.' 1 wnnt *\&'pn-iiiioU -it iwo-.viwu' ['itnniui* nii'' IMIMI'III i.r tli>--rt+rlii itroiip •frnlli IbtJll' nwn wyiuu In'. Will 'V n leu itf -tlirt "t'UiTo Uiiiiiiwluk AdvUury Mtur lolo'iviyy flrntt niiiBtluinif of Hiii'-'liiim- lill v I'oUi'ili' .|ivu|iriun, Hvcry lilcl '.n 'MynmiUi' voniniliuity," • •'•', No lllntikliuf. . • •'. roiitliiii .-.lid.wllnx',' .I,BHUIIB ..nroj My biiwlhiu-nil ltil(irut|>llon iilirii'il lUltitlVr^||t,... •\a'i!Mli»]n"Vi>(i.n-firT)l«>i«'I^Mi«>i" i''il.tn'(iiloii. S'IIII ciin'l wni'k •yniir llliu'ltnuin, whTi says he*Wll Special Fnmlly Iin)l|iijVin, iimiiiiliini •- Hut Ilijiy MiiiillyhU pnyilll't In It wns 1IIM2, ii ml Ihnl ulitlit 1 Noi'lllnlc 70 Itnrl KtH'oij T.ubor (18.1 -1 bring tho ball bnelc na fuv, mid tlii'i'i'ajirrn't i'>notii{h cciljegeij Ilepublicaii- (lomlnnlcd commll- fc bowling bny 'iif' vrWiiwhiii, iliuiiiui llw llnitl. iiuni'ltM',- wbtm -lluiji, •.HonmlU>.'i WIIII made,., president' ljiiik_J[hii lihll nvnt^on ilowntTlil BIHI w-lth micli a grip U'uU I ,l(i '.work. ytlmo« HWH the, .dityllghtd of tho ehlli, city chalrni.ivn aikl Schnlnrshlps," lin said, "Impnsi! any constructive legislation' and, l.illi'UiVlti In iu-||vi'»U' II nix U't\ni Hit'-Piitlii«-!I7. Muiuti'i'llu jilekuil tTSndldate for'township commit- up 17. '.vni'dH.' rmm-inu ~niirt t'liilit out nf tho Hi)eetator8 who seem fmanoial. linrilslilp on ri..family, although II member of the min-, Every Saturday . Hut now ii|iivlli-'!ttlons will Tie m: Temple League tee, "The Democratic -parly was lo nliiK, bufui'u MM>ntln)( the 1" iiiti>if I'm about to bomb" oi'lty .-.party, on the govornln< ho • td ' TRo-Newmans and the Born- bndly disorganized," h» said. "It Afternoon uiepi .„ . d | them. , _•.•••.' i. he. 5nid, 1 vni'dn. l|io fjiinl. itelnsa4olnndeadloekforflr.it was a divided camp run by about body, will rcprcsent_all tho peo- A short iWlvul'-itil • "tho powftr of the Sthto-IIiKh- Until 6 • -will prcci'do Ihe not 'mil boys com- -plnci) Ih tH5r~SRawSy Shalom Many woiiicn ompitiy a high six men. The Independents weto way Commission. In. establish- a sales manager With petition. Mnrlo Lntella mul.Dpn- It was all over. Brotherhood Bkwllng' League at backswlng. They feel they haVe putting up-tandldates.".' (i.ngton will instruct the young ing hlflluva-y routes, they shoifld Dofigett Flson Co.,_Sprln6flfeld,_i_' . . ~— ••nuts' Hy-Way Bowl. Both sport ldon- • to swing hlgli,-\vldo arid hand- tie ran that year .with 'Le.boo Wmde to conform-to t.he lpc«l -A Gamo bWlors. -i '''.... tJcaLrecords'of 15 wins, slxloss- some tp rnako tip for lacPTrf? Moran., On the independent-tick^ Jaas palntetFr-lo" his business '_» •es-and-20 Peterson Points. Lead- briiwn,,; but.. I - outdoo .thomS training and oxperlonce as a val- j Z - TiffiNftON mWb*tOA!»T= ho aglstrjilo, and —- OKOIISE liable" aKsotc-A-gradiiiTe-of-Solort ilng"3 Individual ^scoring :%- _Tho_:righti_irm._Boes almoat . The ;$.75.u(l»^Tadacd,., Trcittm: ratie wore Art, GTovor wlthJ12, Primels Kenno, now-on the Plan- -~Ne;w Jorsey gynuiin huntora -Hnll UriEmlly . with a dogrcV . Btraiglit ujt. j, ' '' In . biisincst— ndmlnI'stratlon.-. •HawltefltPTlated—Satmwlay - jit Tnaii: sid Atkln, "2D3; - - '•'• ning , Board, • Republican eandi-;. .will fliur"exc(;llcnt -'pofiulatlnns' Girnkn_Stato P,ark is slmjlixiK up For some reason I've-neveu^-dates' Albert Btmlciy whoglulo ' int£)._durliiB'. Konnz Wfloksotrfor a seven 34 C«nl«r SI, _r and DttmyJParks'202.. ; -gs~onc-of the'great races'of tho- jH I'm poised, •became mnyor, and EugenoUoiir NoiV~,iei'sey's..snwH gnniQ - |inl n l IIUL IH.ll -.thai' "way, my'- fJrigeFjcavcs nelly, court "Svfir; won ing swuaiTi, ncciii'dllig to Ihe 131- - Tlw-Gontev Sineinlr. team swept fur, 11,11; jiiiju iuia ii, 7 tlid'cur-fwffp.'.-of tho tiaili "e'tvITig" PCI LL'lU llf'lilt! VllCch..,-- 'T, ^nirfrw'TrrtrwrfTfflTrirt-Tii'i itrrtcdL . " '"•" , .'-t..,_-_:^ L..:.,1L.__. IHroo-from the \*W-stiuad''l«il -HRun^mfls Hospitqi ~ . '> ' • » "— ' ^._ - M I ' ^^^ | . l_ ._ the imprflsslon/itlwt .all the The next V*nr. "when the, shv- p ^-'Knoiwi-'hiis s'n|il- he-'wHl. ran- 'i- fiiiMwfi n aiu_t:uiiilng uuuutt ofitiUV glo seat oil .tho (ivo-man coni- Kc'imoinli; ;hf jjicnplp e In -thrfr..,".. tli6TSprln'BW(*tSnoi'ts I^eaftuc, at holes- uncP.thPth e balll i« about Sl>rlnBfloId_J3owl. The. Slndalr ni,Uleo~Waii up for grabs, Biina- irnvn governimmtt by-'belntb'bltff r«»- Girl Scouts "of Cadotto Troop ""to My away.-No wonder spec- "cTles'defeated former Mayor Hub- Nponslyi'.-tu Iholr de«lro»! lltll«. bowlers have racked up 1(|,vic- PIUMIltUS, ATIENtlONI S.ll your. «»J-v- 224 , have made Jlallowoen fa- ert Mariihull.• by :i(ll voles. lie Uc his butiln,i.'nii experience In '. tories in 24 Kamea, wliilo Milton'n vors which-have boon delivered ' tators ei'lTiKel lia> la..30,000 iotol (iiiiillini wllh it Inw LKliiors Iuia \*brt 15 in tde.samc I,don't know why 3! employ has . sorved on the Towjiship coil Wonl Ad. Cull 371-3000, now. " miilnliiln u Hiiun'd UKCIII progrdm .- to John HunnollH" Hospital, ac- ComuilJJ.eo ever since, m niiiyor CONTINENTALS number of contests. . cording to Miss Dorothy A. Bo- •this oxiiKgei'iilod style. 1 never for llii! town, and attempt In BoJi_Shrovo of tlio Colnntones ohm, troop leader. flTrnilT'l 1)00'and Ifllll. "I wan uinintde al|, r.ecrimlloiul and hnd a lenson, I Jimt started to (ho township's first .Ulomoerntlc led the liicllvldtKil' scuiina »« he The troop'moots Wednesdays Clay that' winy .and never got l.iliiygi'oiiiut '»renlt. , rolled ai6-286-2(Hrr«50, Jo»««c muyor," .he said,, "atul the only lli> him iilim Nidd \\t will al- at the CIVIcContorCIVIc' Contor,, Caldwoll around to chanslntf. • Demoeral '.to' wlri llnub eoiisoe- lilKh this season. pi. Patrol loaderd s uncl ttheir as- loiniit. In Inntlttito a..lunK-r«ni(* , - NEW-USED-DEMOS It Isn't rltfht ot e.6urso, Which iitlvl e " llalnvny UlvVr.- flood control • Diok Bednarlk ot MJltono tired KlHttmji Hro! Knren Zimmerman 230-2u3—1102! Dick Webef 223; and Lynn MeKonni), leaders, and Is the reason I toll tthose. I In- In 11150'hi! dnnv (IB per ccut pniHiunj;-lilnii for local; street Al • Jttcob.y.2ia, M»rk Gonlo 203, dponmi Sndowsltl nnd Marie Ta- Htruct t aKt BKmswlck of''thn" vot*, outpolllng Hcpubll- Iniprovcnioiit; contlrtjio to »t- • , *•• As how As •' •. '. : l no not Stan •Coicntlold 202, Slevo Elogy rantula, assistants. • to do an Ido, but as I say.' o'uns by 'l^tld ofa tottil of T.Utlll Iriii-r nuw liilnlilon In liiduuli'lal ' ' '' m ( O !!i?.i _ HJlHJjl y lJi_Jl_ ni'cnii In iJl']l' .'''''L-')i ?. t*x.bur-. procilcrioiis, boonus~Tt Imcl been BONDED DRAKE LINING liens1, aitil pirivldo fivehlfig rae- -'•^ thought thiit- Republicans' Nix- -.Hll.« Uali. »nuJ^^^ ^ _, lontlonal faclllHes for teert- • F6r the Very latest on; Dwyor and Case would pull ilgerK. ..../ ... ''• '•,.'• ; .. .• GALL the election the; o.thev way. This • 'W":r#lfl|f, was. the 'largest-.poll, cllhov.tlarty, UncanUltiuiial DRexel 6-4300 in the Finest •- has drawn hi Springfield, ho Guaranlou m Per ALSO NOW AVAILABLE l^T CHEWS Fo» Expert »ald. .'...' ^ZiUiTM^ZZ LOW MILEAGE 1961. -Ber.e platoon Hill- Chambtr of Commtrt* , side aye. tot a future fire house. t Paint & Wallpaper Discount Center

BrStids d^ Many Items -Slasfiecl -To Fantastic AaVrCQ 4 BIG SALE DAYS THURS., FRI., SAT. & MON

Giant S Cell —1500 Ft. Range Jumbo CAUU CARTRIDGES FLASHLIGHT ,; Fnmoui PUUburg Viirnl.ih do.

.1 COAT " P»IUfi»d chrem* hand ahd body cbinpUU with WHITE FLAT Idol BIOWI r.d wli.n III, "

Cholco of ISfl additional colon nt illght additional SPECIAL PURCHASE! 16,500 RQLLS Rrg;-PHc« 1..Z9 WALLPAPER purchimrd. a manufaoturer'i -entlrs over-ntock and we »rt tl alonr to you. Hu«e •election! for ennh room. , All pre-lrlmmed and wisHalile, Flrpl Come-Flf»t Setved!

• , Fnmoim Pltljihurit Vnrnlrt Co, — \Vhllp, fii'nmi' nr NOtii HIGHER —MADE TO SELL FROM 1.45 TO

DUPONT PLASTIC - PORCELAIN Wbll»r-lhan-Whlt« — Non-Y»llowlng SJ4 PORCH & FLOOR . tJ.OO • NYLON Cfcalca ill 1S0(.ildlllauaL«l»N •! tll«ht mfdllltmiil BRUSH DECK PAINT Ui» I niloor« or «sut- HAND LANTERN n woo'(l,_ OIANT J.OWl FT. BKAM ~ Wild K.J • - iMIimil. Vliivt Hlil.li!.. — LAfEX FLAT SANITAS WALLTEX

Alt tOlDJv KtiS) fOROBT

Driveway HOUSE

1 Tl COLORS PLUS ' KEM-TONE BLACK OPJRN.MON, *' F1U. TO » r.M. AND •HI«IIO( bun vlnyr B«»I on PROMPT liklilVEUY • WHITE lmo»th)y and M ^rofMilonully, Morvklouily dumltl*,. ahllvtoui tOOATEn OPPOSITK AUT TllUATHK t*'woalhtri anil ttwloi on imaoth and tin of hi|i nmrki, Can't •' '• ANPNKXT TO NjKW.rOS'f OITICK

' SLASHEQ TO THE^BONE! I 1 Genuine Voar Ca«^ " PA/NTS PURE I SUB I ALCOA ALU MIN U M EXT EN S10 N LADDERS •^ 20 Foot ii..,,..i..,.ift,,,,,,»'..M....'...i.«..:>....i:vi9.95--' •.,.. WAltPAPER TURPS I TURPS 14 Fool ... 27.88 I 32 Foot.,... 39.88 'tttv« an jil°nft 'Alumliuim STEP LADDERS ''8 ' !K FootC. 31;8t4 36 E«!pt...., 4$.88 • •• • . ll.t '.' flhiil'MdoM you rtn Uuyl Mod«'wl*'AltM Aluminum, thoy •aio fully .qulp(»d with non-lkld mbb.r VIO.I, tdpti, IMIII and 5 foot ..... lp.88, 6 foot...... >i,oo ••••. 12.88 lOaOSprinqtield Ave.JrvinqtonCenter ESsex4-1300 >;. iii /,.•;•• I.;-;,

••• •>*!?'•..";-: •.,';. "1'V ,..,' y •r. •.. •••<• • •

; > • .' i .•.••.' „•/' If- :-~"

• ' \ , '_ ,; /. f ^^_


BUSINESS ,v. For An Ad Taker; PERSONALS- AUTOMOTIVE JiUSAL ESTATE—HELP WANTED—FOR SALE—WANTED TO BUY oJbC/ l.iUJN3^u:3obo',FerAn- PERSONALS Help Wanted Help Wanted^ FOR SALE FOR SALE INrOUMTtOM U«UKMTI.V lidded Ha|p Wanfod — -Woman Halp Wanted — Women BUSINESS DIRECTORY t« lull itante fc addi»ea «l tnuna: all ninM ••JUi'jYV »»„ •»• driving tel I.ADIICH^I'AIJ, (OATH. Hlll'I'H, (!AJt COATH, HAIN __ - AI.PIIAHifiTICAIJ.y .LIBTK1) - Al aolta IWt Mereutr in nclnllr >< COATH. A[A, SI/ICH IN(!Ll)"l)(N(J J^ALUJIJ HIAKH. ALSO Adwnlut. car Mop, Mn\ii. .ai. italur Carrer Opporltinlly In

da* •Wnln(, «.pt. aim. CVII AMm JUNIOR COATS *A'Nl> HIJl'I'H; Hi'i5WS 5 TO \&> .I'iCTlTlS A«p|u"lt Driveway* , > Druyi & Coimutlci Maionry DR ••«•<, ' U/fi ,,• -• n.ASHIl'IKl) ADVKlTriSIN*. 1>KI^.'KTMKNT tit* M wrll t»»ljjjll*lie4 «iuufi of tiiiiiiiiiUitllr nitut|>ii|i. HilirtkU.lH .mull In n vitu • AND CIllMiRKN'S C0AW. 1 AKHIA'I.T DUIVI;WAV» AI Harklnii l..uu,. ' W * riN*IJ:T.'ll*r|PKNl:U — A, m«l ttrufnl •tmoijilihi^; BIJIUI, i»iri.i.(ti.n ftnlft ttilint <•>.(-** ifiniitu.. tt»l*r> plti* u.m 'I'O'i'll I'llAILMACV ' I'l.AtiTKIJINO - PATCIIINQ mU»UiH, tiiimy (iainji.tity bcn#(HU. •-fur uilrrvlr'w inll k«, 1*11000, .• 11 T/l New A. laautlaolns,' ctll'blllg At Dtluent 'euautner coiuplalnul about iin» of om GtOftlA COAT FACTORY;; wink, grading di tun'. adtl, fr«« o«tl>- till lIIIE»rMIT~in.. Ul)a,bl I.K rAKK •mail lifcl Tx.i »«aa.»akt« • . mta't^mofk ar>o«* ruu. wearing tor reputablllty » 7 »' . ~ • ' • • Career Opportunity In the - , MAMtAII a TKAfANI rONSTBUCTION ••'.'.-: ''.'•. i "'". • . , ' • V- ""~^v/iii/i ANfUtUi'LA' MOltlll.MK Dry Cleaning'A Talrorirnj, , ' . (II. INC. MASON WORK. ALTERA- ' "-Aaalalant' Manager Cart, . „ AOVERTISlNtj SALKM DEPARTMENT I'EKMANKNT - AHI'IIAI.'I DrllVKWAVi- 71PNS Al IIOOU ADBmONI). UU BH>6« . Harrtaon Bhoa, 274 Harrlaon Ayr t ClIVINd 4.H AI'T. MUBT HACllll'IL'K VAUII (1OOI1H - ' H—••••.' • • • 3IU/3M " H«rH«on; N.;. HU 3-82S '.--• ot t. well Tit*biUh«) • group' of community nnw»friHv«rii. .>'"'. ., , £,,10.31 ...,-i rra ivnvKN ^ri(j AI.I-EIIN'* , ••- .MU8-S758 r 1 WA ! W; i : r; I.AHSI>I;IIHII it,, —, '•• — vyfiJ TlMe'i' at> ouportunUy lor 'Um rliih^-miin to Bfow.-witlJ,* *i|PfiM|-y '••^- TTiiil ii a IMtiy fllaa'llj t,uiai}ai>tj^ Uf-j»i llkB4 ,_.•.-^.' TohJajH• :•„•...- TA)NU'. A, linono: cull ' Unix in SKI,1. vutinsi:tK WKI:K~ . D«Vorator, with ti&mlxUu, v tii 2-«D7!) • MU 7-6«7ii. ... .a/ll/7.- - fiend reilii/i* to Uox •sO'J.l; Irv-ininon Herald, , S3 6inirTT Bt,( Iivlngton. - - •'••>' ' .WarchouHc, -.,' -i-;1/; - Measure your di'lyeway or hldrwalk, 1 HOUR MARTINIZING ItUltr CtlSTOM OAVINOS _—, lni|r»ij& vWliLjnil call M1KK for Jow- A-I <;i:.M;itAu- CONTRACTOB ,INC. ' BUMMAGr ajALtcrNew Aimed clollilnu Llntd Drapca, Ueaaurrd, Huns 'on 'new HOD.. CHESTNUT-*!., UNION 1 " . • CoiiKolidation ~': -#i ftit iirlcta '• ' , ' Hpefmu^i-j"'in al| .kllldi of Maion'rf, .hoanhold 4Uroa, Monday,--'Nov.' roili, liielallfil, 130 by 00 Inchd. '10.30 '' " ' a/xt k . thni Thura.TTiov.' 7th from 9 tt.yi. 4 comiileltt., Blmllar Ravlnga on all fttb- Ml 2-4BG1 - HAHV 'mjMS. - |1E I-11H bncK. jwor-k rt*,V carpentry, dormera, . 4:10 P.M; at 1-06 South Ave., Eaat .oica NKWSBO^S MINTED •rlca and' UIKCH, from it>'» i»«[-»r lelcci Electric Repairs attlr.a. • fellait, rtc.-' Afko nav 'horaea.. ' Walnut Ava.) Cranford, N. J.' apon- • 'IN mVTlsfGTOM* ' . lion uml i-clnr Tcniio. ALl'KIUJ'H. Uouti Cull' anytime, PL D-1IAS. 'V/ll/T • aorad by- tha, SUtartio«(.'of Temple $34,678.00 •'.Worth.. 10 and UOa In Morrlt IMalna JE 0-f7.ll! 1 Beers - Wlnei - llquon i: "(IhNKVAl,. MAKO.VIIV, roUHPATIONS. '. Bath-al. .• U/I0/.1I Carrier ialMmen ir<* V»i.t«d by ytfur lucftl *"f*My nowapitp'if.lf -ysu* «ri oiwii nion~ttirir"rri:, lotoo A,M, t i Olllt- t.(JW EHTtMATKU. Of' CIIIMNKVH, UTtTS, PLASTIRINO,. ' • 13yr»r« old-or (>tder, v«" «-an .*«n. tpendlrlB money: hi youf ip»re lima. Uj Of Appliances To •10:0(1 I'M. nnu Hat. 4 Hun., 10.(i0-A.M. ELECT1UCAL WOHK. rfltt - aUJMMAGE HALK— HrfLK. Aalhnoitl In 11:00 P.M. ' • T/V ,BIPEWAIKH._EA.TIOaP1._EA.TI . WATTftPROOfATTPIlOOri CALLING MR. US[('H—ES • 1-S005—AFTER 8:30 P.M UUKRrf --WINES - U. CAHH - EL i-KM.iKM (1.11,1 1M.1 Ml) H-.l.MMI. taagUB- Carlh. Monday At 'TuebdaT Go For$14,827!_ LIQIIOHS,- ETC . - J/lt/Ji *OV.'« « 1, 0 AJJ -4 .P.M.. -Vllcrani DellViirl** only on* day' a wjek. ' ..Them art-routvi ilttl .open. lIKNIKKN'riAI. — C(IMMi:HCIAL IJI.OIJK. . - \VAt.|,ll>'- rOUNDATIONi,' af fnrittfn Warn HI'Mnrrlinn ltd . HiifM : Boalt - Marlnii ^Equipment Wf, our .'. . 'iimt'tt rlilid 'Hitt.111 ' -5 Poirtt Liquor Mnrt • AVch ElfetHrtc STTrvlce Hri;l'«", PIJIBTEIIINO,' NEW HOME*. • U/in/a f much an V.\ 1,< mi' I.mnil iirw M|ipM> ' W. WINHON — Mil r,.:uvi; ' PATCHED, MAHTINO, 11U 1-039$, Help_Wan)otl—MalW mm** ,—,—r^tiriiin IM orl«liii.l .•nrluiu, III' fr, ItAVKAtl 'mtor Irnllnr. -30 It.r MV 0^3237 - T>co Dcllvcrleg 1 '• Kill Clinlnul NI., Union : LICENSED "— INBUUKU '. .' ' ai . .... -,„_. - _ i i ,•' kitniff . OitD-of'H'kllida . '. . •«»litf Kvlmllde iiiiltnl, olnclrln otitrlrr %ltli '.. ... ' • V, II,I'll AUTOMOTIVE floor modrli '. . , %tnnt< dlni mtljntiriiiicui'rului, IJ volt liatleryi. lull...ctrvur, (At llvi Point Hlmppliif Canter) mndrlii'i a . HOinti MinplfH' riinii|iy, cimlilinib, tunkn.' CallJHHturi|tiy« -;••.••. ^ Ci/il/ Mimeograph Service HELP KIHJ, AND -I»ART-'I'UV»K Hlork up For C'livlntntaiH,.'htntw k llinnliiyii, tvr<-k - dnyn alter, tl P.M EntertalnmBtii—r Automobile* Jor/Sole ' MU. 'i-mnl. . • 11 IO/.'I Bicycle* ' girt*, iiMf'lvr»»rlr-n, lilrlliriaykl "'••"'>•*• a'.ii.n. Krrvlrr (Iti'nu nthvr lhHi.-"('.ui'ry*.aiiL" Kp'ptl (UN x. .rifa)\ nluruti fn •' ~.~~ $900 MltflEHT KKK'K 01' IllCVn.EB. ALL ilny jjiKi-llfil . in 1 MlUvih'ii, , ilulit. Y't WANTED r, Mui-l—li«---n«al I l t < door, p Il.vlinlon C'hrrli la.him *trtHrniii** A; of uocil cliiuui'lrr. ppy . *t«r.rl,n«, amomatlo truuhinlntdon, rjidlq dtllypry).'*^>^/. . .-' ."", . TYPES! • 10. 30,' aii'.AB LOW . A8 mid aiill occaeloniil . MrM. Eilwanu,l . I:H 2{l 'Union" Avrrlrvtrrgran "!i I'X MI'STItAKK HKIl'V tlli.ua (AUtllorlkcd Cealer for Colum- : 107^-UtuyveMinl Avrnlln, Unjon. (I .A.M.Af "heatl't< Kxcellenl condition. • Cal ^crn'n'vmir chnnctt to l>ii,v n^iiew Kit/ H T/l- 'in !l P.M. ' '. • • . U/'IVI" MI; A ll*irr ir* a fcWT~*'illliJij!"H: ' bia Illcyolcal. EAST OOABT.aUrp H»lp Wanted — Women Hen H^H'i'l' T.ttiifjriuo j*k|if a I- u Ire HTOIIK, IIOU'I'E '12,UNJON . 0/10/71 FlopY Waxlrrft IUI.KNMKN. uue no Imrrlcr. to tell in PI.VMOllTli7 «omi tiro, liood fdrilbi «!»-•» ,M WW f*J ' a wa«l stana*** ilpriiiitc luitrii ami \uinl; lilrld. llulil. Moving, and Storage diiatrlul rlnlrloni nuppllra X" ni'w ttlX' nAiH. automatic, 510 brSt.. List $30.«5 '. . .II.BR Builders ! i.i|(f • Jiur'Hwnro: Wr'vn .nnl.v n'il *i •» WAi,Ti:ir>i " CHRISTMAS CASIIJ 1-4— and-f'Nlulill'.hrtl accoiHtii., In nt'iileil>ri Ml 1 1 . Klnnr Wuvlnu, 'uluduw cln LA1J1CB '— HAKN »Jliu.-tri -next fe trrrltury. No J'xprllnicr rrqlllli !!, hiii Sunbcmn Ilalr-Drycir ; dilny. WPII i,tnrr yu'ur hrflrt' uisitlrtMr* .KBMTON &-HOLDEN. INC. IIOMR IsUiLniNI) ft altemtloni, caf- office clcnntintnt, , lta'i;6nablr .r rule. -A-l monthi. TOVII _iou»raii, car' ntceiihary. Draw .uUQlnhl • eivi^ied nf chuimi' Tor (IHlUTy um hprlnn l I.OM; nisTAMr. I.OCAI. * iTORk Orlrf. .List $2D.95, . .'.•...;.. .0.88 pntrypontry,, maaotiry, aluntlnum, dry walla Bsrvlct, J33 Courtt -St., EUl., O-flll.il. •MinmUklnn. f.'al|-WA T>-a4B« I ffyto 1). : O)u-ii cvfiiy flu)' hul '1'iti'BiIn'y A plaateplaaterr . ' It,'l'l,-2S 145 V.ir.- lleoenita'bla 6.r»lc.l ™ - • • -• —yin S/sTstcam Iron- SFJORK WA1UNE MART LUWILUUWIU VAMVIIALL ••-' Hi l.?727 ' - Mercedes Benz - ES 1-2091, Dnyi; EEvel., KS 3-liliUO. ANY I'LOOHS WA\i:il, Kltchrim S2 50: AI.I.IKD V OPERATORS SECURITIES. SALESMAN '., Lint $10.95: •..: 0.88 lit. :m noi.lhiifiiniil,. l.umlrllc. N. J, .- - Aim) U'IIKIDW \vui(|ilini. ' 1 ' ' Lllli I.I'IIHI t ' , ' ,— . O/lO/Jt jpN--MCW,DINO -MACHINtfH, '" 'KxpiiilMiet'tt lir]imrf,-"MOUlUliT^—; ' A-OK Klrior Waxing opening! on all *htf U, experience pre- ntutual (Giulti th^rrauli1, lint, not CHW.. Admiral Clock nnd'lo WM. v, niyir.iii; MU, IJ-0IJ42. •• -. . •J,.!0..tl Mli.u:ii'ii~MoyiNa .— rttii. ratit C- ferred. ' milt 'consider trainee*: tfleln ^ SL's ^ ooN't • iloracp ~ fret eathnatea'— Insured — " ' tlal. \Vo ' will trnlif you ,1» "* bi-ooiur ,a Orlir.'Lls.t $20.8ff' .;'. , Addlllonn,. nltl£K. ahop, pleaianl ajrorklng condition, noon inXcriul -tfipn^hMttvi'V Trlplii A' nut- tio'^s, Ca'»s, ltl£K. bUllln, klchn. FMinit WAXINfi, wlml.iiw rlriiuliis, ten- inv.u.1. *- Inu-e rllatance ^, ahora,-- appelalt. v ~ ratei... rapid advancement^. lienerlU. all klniU ofalteralteralloniil , alb'o' now, homea. . eralolflco tlennlnn. Hprclalliint • ta. On. 6-32118, llu. 6-1311. PU,,'1-3JB5, ~Wr7l*)-l<)rB6irMH,'~Irvlngton Herald, 22- i wljih IH brmro thrtr- till lire,, un ' Ml) H-1596 iblldh"' (liiMiitiClvck with 'prnnrrKhlvti. Ilnovcf fkmulel. Vitcinim " rtll'I'ICS K7.IIII1 Cnimrit'i. riiiiikccln '•' •' "" '''ATLAB tl.I'MNINQ "^ J/l/" 1 mmihSCr.-lxtUition, N. J.' v/m/a" l Kru\»yhi«( .ordHiti/itUuii. Opporliinlly Wr Imto Dnrc hnuutKul 100 Ml/fi to Orlfc. Lint Sfi».95 -•' 2l).li8 iThmikvml.i nr Tlopliill Klthl, Tnrtlec, iti eiiiii' $IIi,(mn" pltiN. Fai-- Hiiiiofciiim'nt HIII.II.IIH. Mynntm. I'AHK l'1-ri1 iliiji|ilk Economy Movers -• Storatre : WAITBC8RE8 — WITH EXPERIENCE. tall Mfc-t'Kowiitriki, Ml 3-.i'.trHi, or wrltr ntttsr hi roiiflldniHblo iAvlti|{iS to dU« Carpeiitry crimlimtliiit' piirclmsfif., All tttr ,lt. West Bond O-C.up I'cro. _ ;iic • ifilli Ave., Newark -—e»—a- Floor Sanding - Waxing ' C.vri:ltl IIANIll.INU • MINIMUM JOH APflfcV IN PERSON. PETKIl PAN arpftt Eu.tcni HfltijriUcj., .001 Hiontl ut.. " — • . • a/ia/5 DINER, 3431 MORRIS AVENUE, UNION. Newark, N. J- ,'j, _ • VnQ/31 t'Kcrllcnt' -coiidltloti ttid' iiOitrHnlcotl " tlsi $18.08 . .-TV'.','./ MU "V^OOItn or MU 6-6685 ' —" ' .V/10/3 (or un« yenr. if you havn.: hern AI,1I:KAIIOK«, Attloa, IlauemenU, etc, ihlnUluu ulHwt one of tlicNo, flue curu, Hwi — r-nonl.Ktl' Clultera, Oonnora;- aood Work Ouar e I'Moor Siiiwliiiii • •... • • d/H/a» ., AMlIIJIODH MAN . iiiuko tin an offer l>y CUIILICLIHK: - - VVcbcnr 3-Sp«frl Phono. X 1,'lllinlAIIKAH $7,1 aiilred Calf after 5 P.M. I IN8TBUCTION—WOMEN ai»rL iiiti take liuinv, rxcrllrnt op WA-.VINd MK'HVIIIK ' ' _ IIIINHV p. TOtVNKLITli,. AOKNT, Orltr. List $40,05 .... . V.).U JdSHIII'S I'KT KIKH"—MA 3-l|K!il| JOB ounartACHKiujMU 7-0471. •YtOtA BHT1MATKM. (Jll ^.•l!l0^. •AIBDKEKajgRrl—EAnN*-nin MONKV pnrtunity .for. yoinui ^"r*"!*'***"" 311'Miirkel Hi.: Nwlt.; lOnu, 1'iiiiii 11.11. AI,I.Ii:il VAN I.INKK nin' MOVINa' 'hojif duy or dvp,. i^ft. KONALD COM1NH at 1 . , • . a/t-j/5 ANO STOHAHBl FIKK rUOOr VAULT*. WHEN THEY'llE. WlLKIlKO-TnAINltD ___.._.—..- ; a/11/ Start tha career of a lifetime with the 21-INCH O(iIt0lll'Ly All 0^.44CT:j-li, AD 3-4MK," .'O/lq/JI AUTO (lMKH~7n*l-:<:iAI.IHT Furniture Repair 4paad-tr«lnlng methods that have (riven l'nmntm Mnh« ... l-iilJUt AoilAltlUMoAl, , 10 OAlil . aMl IICC WIXH Hl thnuaanda or graduate*-tlie beat Jol>n AIM) ftonip kiuiwltuluo of, (frurrnl «!«)',« I'llMI'l nI, niiTKIII. I.IHAVISI, A IM.'ANTU KUi:l|i'n Ciili j-JUuiulnmn Wlinlown, 'ork»; flxpcrlciiruil, i.cul, rrllulilff. tn MERCEDES-BENZ t7.llll,^l'AHlC PKT Htn'l't.IKH, ami llltll Tile liiitliiunu iiii'tliar Hiii|V|iiiiu, Inc. ' tha hlghatft pay~and the faateat ad rilllNITUIIK lulit I'luuna pullillrd. lie- MOVINII, HTOKACIK * IltlNO ^Vanoetnent In tha glamoroue world ol nrpBtor NfwaiK Hi.il, "in-|illrn i;i»i)fl- rtoroln I'dfi, Stereo Avo., NKWA1IK ~i- IM :i-li:»IO. CI/13/M linlrtiui.id' tirnUti fithiliiue n Miocialty.' di'htlnl. WrlUi liox U.'tQ, Irvttit!lm. lii-rj.ld, OrJ«. List $ll!T.nri'i. Al.tlquen reR'nrrd and, rurlnliimtf. lleitrv Sill HOUTII AVK., CKANrORII. N, I '— . »e»ut» Culture., . U0.8R 1 Mlllll VAN I LINKS, Cll Pull limit nr part I.lmt. cjllflima, .duyj. UU Hmltli Hi,, Irv , N. J. MfttKNKNl!, - ronltir- Hi»nl»l», i;liiini>iiiia (1/10/31 Hull, Mt/ U-UMi '..-••• _T-I' or avenlngf, Paft' time Jorrti available Motorola' C'IIIINOIO Sttmio As daclmhnndii, licUKlen, pcujillea,' tnv, a/it/u the,- lou 'Urrlorn, I.ludnn Pot l.und, U.I lc. . MIISBO'H KIT(3IIKN- during training; HtKK MMrnttr Garago Doof Ropalrj ' . CM.I, CM A-I9I3 "Uliar* Xbaf la)f.t'' fLAOEMEHT^KlVlCK after uradu KK-iOl-W . L'10.88 I'rlce HI,, I.inilrii. rltl 6-IIIIHI. J/10/U1 OUBTOM MADKiHtTCIIKN C'AIUNCTB f . AU'lilOltl'/.lfl) v-ltiinrriillon room", (ititnlite IIIIIIIIK.' Clen- KAVl:tVAV VAN MNKIt, Uoarllt, U, J." Ation.- Approved for vela and fornlur Illmm Oilier ' " _SW. 3-I341, atudtnU. luqueit ritEB CAItKim BOOK HALBH AND' TIenmi Zi'.'.Lolioy' *|'V I'lHTIKX ».•) n|i, mnqlnirt'llllUrlrj,' t-'IMII oral contractor. I'holm HB7.01I0II. J/l'J/KI OARA for ' luo fu/.xy kit- ' SPECIAUU'I'. W. (1IU5THAP. • vnv TV- Oomptets Body it Ponder \york II.'1IH rrndy for itdniUion nf Lor Nov. rcinodoliiiB, kltchiina ti • tiathrooint atotdy year-round work; pfDiunii VI , v. CALL • b.'IO-7C8a-- —•• 103 orookwogd .at., 'East Oransa. Mdld Olshwslir. 17.- Wliito with •!fullt-ffTTiTTBpotH,' funny imnellnir, vell'l|iif, ttlln A: rcplnclntt win- In corklni epndltlonn. Apply Hip .t a>n .11/11/7 C. NOLIJEK — oltanj» -4-5I1KI- SI--iO2 ...... 128,88 fi.uc.H, uiio nm!i\ one, (onmlc. lloino nlcn down. Clerutnn Cruftanten. If. ONKEN Dnve-lrTReataurant, Sprlnilllolil.-Vyia/:)! An-3-05U7 ufltr li1 V. • M. J/tl/ao Uu. APIMJANCE • — ' a/ia wmitt'tl tor, nice, nilhl-inniuit-ri'd inolhpr MU 8-SC6.1 . Vfii—W^IY doi'iin't l(Ct riome-lmprovemotiU- '.WAITBESSES. day ihllt. Mon.^FTI. 11:00 HUKDHDIW MOJtK IN OUH. BTOIIIil t—nr" * • """ ' • " •' SE iilnnfi With otlr;new doK, .fall C'U ti-3'JUH' OAI'.I'KN'TIIV—MABONIIK,, 33 YBAHH . • • lo fJO or 7:30: ril«ht ihlil," COO I liXl'EIllKliXl'EIllKNCISN . . ItKAItKPAinsn AL, ALIE11AI - 1 1'lOltl! 0.1NTK1.MO PIANO Ja VIOLIN Men UVjici'lPncnd Only ~T TV- -Aulomblive Wanted : V—II T/l' C0M11INAT10N STOItM WINIIOWH tut- s tloilnKi tj nl|{ht~wlli. E8 " """"' •' - - • : ALL JUNK CAUS WANTED i Springfield Ave*.. Sprlncfleld. > ..,! Good Siilury , MU li-l>;il't) ttVKNINCIH. - J/1'J/UG I'OT bULLAR CAHH WAITING K1TCIIKN CAIIINIiTtl. ,ami|ilrle- V/10/31 AM/ Wanted To -Buy indrlllli:. l-'ror lilnnnliiK '.V nultlilnte DANCING STUUIO • 'call ni 3-nacai Km. on «-'ioo.i • — TMI 1 w ^.•y "~n a ™,rr im WOMEN—WIIpLEHALK 'priaWEH "TOM- 4P ~ : ~. ^ 0713715" «>AH8itt**bi* ill. ar'.liiiS • nrlvala or Mam '' PANV han *MOH»^IIIHI purt-llinn otllui. •mTABOrJ'AtlliR PltEK FJVI'IMA'1'l'.a »ork for married '-ttdnii'ii ^rir/ll W>l Ubwiy Avv., —JtlNIl Vlllllt UAU Oil TltUUK " .-.APPLIANCES: .WAN'l'KI) • teacher. »073tr -Apply In own ImiHUvrllliiii ntulItiu mini - Top Dollar Paid — J'»rl« Hueelallata HI'INKI',, lll'llltlll'l' OH (IHANI1 uu o-mnn • on *-i-ii-jjr -ATnl'OHT—KBTO~WtlHCIH ;•—— '"I'ltii t.7ennitiii'y ItHiiHInl" iituyvpnitnt nitn-llM in :<\ . . —^- . 'I'-l' l'UIGW lil . rni|M>iiliv, intiullniiill , (i'!ll . n-llM in :<\ Avi«., tlnliili ~, Mil II-UIOU B«MI. OIIII'O. liiHh, liniVPTTri" linvtlllitit'i, n.-w. \.lu- Him IIH'IIAIIItNIIN Mnlilln ililllle, i\ liril- , ALT. Mnllh.HW lll'illlMHIMl LIVING till l>ar» I'l., Newalk—MA-a-aiiim. "«!•, nv IliuiilK, klU'lli-Hr Imllm III III, WAIT — hifoNri N*ltt—— 1 MmiiH-nun, iipiiu Itimry iliniM; ltl£HUttHIIA'li.mi. timmu IHnlii-ii un nt iiuiillt . Mil '(•.lijjiii, aVfli/iiJ ~ l.iuiMiiii IIM .|i"rliiulli'lil III.IIIIUIIII ttllll • tmt lir..iill', .Imll I - Iti ii'Mliunulin ,u •— . u,lj.in nlim KM wniiii.il. n> emu' till 1 li'uiH, I'lniir. JiiVlNiilxN ntuiMi lII mi nntti • lii'ill, nlllUlUimiiJ-Ul Vinn i«NTi«M. 11 iituiiui r'ANII, V\V 111 II-4H1.II, WA mttllli, Mill I'A Mil *1 CT" I'liilli'll IjlAVIiHl, ll'l'lliillli:'-— Illlllllinii-.tllli't, vrillilll'll' III AVI.., Imiiiflini, IUIJ.IIIIII.I-. -|-|' IMIIIN IIIMI1III I.I.INII- liv ,-. I i'«ll "Ml. Millr|ili '.IVimti f -U»l(i -••on ti-M,mi.l_ V.lii.m a.lllllll,. —•- V 11,1.1 Unl I'nll'. Nun Ill'i'• i.lfftiili'iilN '•.It II lilnnjnijl wit-mini nwt—mm? .11 Illlrlnla.' IHu. iflllllll'l Inillii'l'i Illiitiv lti~~iili«ltl ml .roirnu . hr Ouitlnlitr lutllla iMiiin. u'ni iihTiii illtAi-HMUII Ml':- M L • . ! t>f•KMti-'rvi*ira-r( mml' nh. <..mii. IMI'llllAI, h'nll Mi)ll|h> IIOIITH, 411 U '< ljy i, alll IAI, I'lx.^J^U ^..Ulllt-.Mtl ll-lli.U flv . Mli;'' "' " 1 J^lili'l.fiInn in- II1III>I AI tl 11 Willi.H'iMI, 'UYd HinlHJIli'1'l.'AW , ) Iliaiiiahiw iillli'K, Krliirtviinli, W%\7 1 tliiiiii'a" itvnlUlili : finnr~ aii.i niitiiH ': -, ,, | lUMimil, |i|tVl!|'IIUi. INI . II il , ir*ln*tl*'T"tii(n7-Hll nlimtlmniT7 lull)' I'l.«-IIIIJ.I. • nuiil. A nui'li'il Nnnn' I'm m |rt»(»lllil lull Hill Iliillir-jhillll .lii'lii'llli .nllliiH-*.,- \\vw it< iHiiintn'ii. ir.il H. Vl MUtl.1 I'/II MHIMU" "i . . Hmuuli, tl. .1, lllllUilll'il. WA ll.nil-tl III WA II I'Clll V I 1 mtmrim »iuH_ , ' . V; lit• .11 nr;xvi'"i"iiiiiini i/r i1 II mil ft..*V.iih,«"liiaiimu.nTri An i*|iiitl iiti|inili|iillv*I'li'i'in.vii J1 l . * 111:111:1in1 ('Aim Cli«cl< W'liiii Hi"1 in mm all ml amniiuu"" "niiiiiniiiH.— Illlllntl iialii'lim lit I'l'V-liU". 1,11 I'lmli'luiTa : -• i'ini/:i MIHIUIAI » INIII.II 'I'll' .l.tl'ltl-l. J_.. I I I It'll II-I'M I'IHU.I hitlini'llillla |lVF|i t| Iliulllin, I'lnllim, IIHliKI , l.lui'lin, Hih'B. > IIIIIIIO- - ; _ •-. .•'.'. 11/14 : •j.lll IUNI'11 MINI! .lAi'KI. r I'AI'I'. Anifilviin l^|iti.N* I'lmiiMiir Aiiriii'i .:.: MKIIICAl, > II) I, riilvi i t'nli^Jii't ' • 4't t Hull', .AntHldl'ald . IllUhuliMillllil'llllllll. lljiliilat|lilill, , I'll' Igf, *i|u«ri'iriil|ilj..ii|>lil lli|i|ia. ttiu'iml,. UIUI . ^ •,•'••-. •••"' »«\l . Mi'1'li'l..iny.J.uli ,v J{"H(»v 'li'i'lm i'nii- mn.~ivrmrti nii'h " '• n 1 II.INI It I'MjII Mii'l .|.li«|ldarwliii iii-iK.t Mm'ijini'. in null I'M"' •urn I'HKIIIt. V'AHIirKlt Hl'iVvti I" ••|lm'*'T5leTi«ft. I'1|.«M'«. I'll I'll ' . lllli lllli'il .I'olllr • • '•..'••'.—•J.'II!!,TJ7 SALE U'IK'II Am,, It V ll I u 11 a I a - I'll tl,1, 1 nu> «lllll«u,.,, liiiu.i I.NVIVI ...'.. -r-:.. •mi, oit IVII 2-i i WiLie or Pimm' tin • rti-B t'Hiaiim III '-VIviiliuI Inni MMuiu v Hrtluiiin,I il.tiV^pfi. w,tk' • •. I.AHilillN • ^a— 114 b' .niHtir -t'lUVi litiiiiiimiii'iji . .t»ii All liilliltlN-flrlllillli.hl'tllll.Nl n :|;r IIIIIJJI.HII. Uu, AiHimtim' V/V il lului '•Z • " •'- • ' • ... A. la- i MIHIOf, . Kill I'HVNII'IANH' AIIII.H till'.. *HMIr— HlMV IUII llltHN Itl'.l'llllllllJI lilVlIM, i,uuil'M(;N'r• «n I'liili An'jNV. ;i,-(in :J.'J:I:III ••• ^ -;= 11,10. Ill liiniuni . rrinii iioliui'ii, lliiil-. ix+tritinl l.iti'a? -inununti-Hf MKUII Addinm liiitnrTiMii'. .IIIU'I 1'itkt Irnrrn;- n»r ion Hi. In N,- .1. illume Mil «.|j;i7 . • Odd. Jobs laillea lul II nlalaa, iliill KM' ."NI-WIIIIUIUMIT Mill Ili'l tllll. -111 i Mliii.l Clirlilnitii Olft Suo(j«*llt>lit . ' ' -7- li'l'l' ;4 in hi. turn • lir-«i IIHKI', .nil ti n'.iiui 1 "MKllltV «'MltlHI'M,\H 1 um.ft j|ii| ' • I 'I'/1' IIIIIKII 'Jiii' |in 1.1111 ,lli,! Nil. 4 rii|i|i"i', li-t.i . lu/;il ii'i Hi., lii'iny IIIIIIIH ttiu ni4!' Ill,,- r^ti*. 'My JUAIliV •(i'liuTjoiir- iiuiiiiiiii-riiri' -anlmulii, tmliy S, MAIIl'lNIIV, • I'.MN'liNd. • ; KltllW IIIIW til IIIKlm il "MKI'iy") I'OOI, liuiiitliliny,' ai~iuii IK I t : t-'ellur jj .Varitu Cleaned. Uump TruaM- IIAIA viiflTiii» llllllllOH, flvllllrilUtil^Ai. hllult hfill|lfli»«,, KinI'in,. IIIIIINd; lIlK-rflNil. KKAtil1N.MII.K. , lrilJ|lWAHU VllUtl 'INMIMIill ,lur,l « linhi in tin ii|i|iinliiitU'v" III ijti hiitiinil. li.MIUiAtil,,' mill, I,inn iilmlr, i'»r liml, in in All HiHiliuiiimt t:inn. AMI UN I'niliii;'HI'UCII CO., WHO., Ufllil'llt,, Irv. 1 r^(u- Hire. Call Any-pttii*i- ni'i'ltiNUli — fiiiiMui. . tim, ijflNiel Dill ItllW b I'.H, U1.4-1UUI. II .'ivt MA-u-;iui t~Mu n.auoa, o/u/ii_ . Jjw. liiiiitk a il«». »f—yuiii .«|iniu- iili-il'mill Jim iiiiilnn'a-JnTijTJIi-Miiii. In lil'jy. l"'ii Vriyjliiiul Miiilliiuii, Kill) lualnii, '••'...'. ' tl/ll/H, 1'AVIO I.I._KKV. ,a4:i-iiaiii', 11 t-ii'iit. • twin, tailm iinlm tar AVON ''»»' 'IIII KH ;I-^IUUI ' lii/;u Otta iirvi'i, ^Mi't'llnni inniillrtiin, vrn: .: inwliia nun i"ally uiulie tin. «.. .Inlil wllli Alllllh llu'lll'V uml Jnliu • t.'lt'll l l-)7'Jll)7'Jl> A. .1, HKOU IHIVH JL Hliu,r Cleaning / lit WOIIK, light MOVllll „ -i'WWtllV OHlllB'rMAti'.'I.Jor yuir'nml 'uuinu.n Hwilyju, II m>l,'«lnl, ynil ultb HI 'il nutliv (Irada Uaml I I'NllllK. ' Instfiictlon — Schools linuhuu, clean out (tellara, .batemanta -' ~ Voiir tamllyl "Call IWiW (or hums 'Unfit UWII mi .iiii,iiii,ivn ,irululi)ii inii- tV'K I'lllll, IIIHJI |)OII, fendliiii tuliln, JlNTWUKU, OIIINAT Itlll.'-AHHAO . ti. a-rnm • Mi) "n-iiohi. N lll£HTAU|tANTO OWNEHD S°v" BV'J'.SMT"11'^11!"1"""* *"-°Sj :" Inurvliw • lllll.yfflllllll VIMIIII lililh, lliiiwi'lflll |lli? i itiind oinulltion, .11 ovfiitlnit ilrtunn/i , - IlliHldt'lltlnl lloini's, sriiiioi. 111 U|:|,nis( MRS. VQHp .'•:•- MI 3-5M« Inllul uml liinil-itdvi'Vllnlnji. Cull fur un- jit iinnil ciHMjUlorji HUn I'J.—Oull MU .»~T"'KI.ATK 'I'lU'N 4711 oiiuatnut tit., Union I'l/UIiIO 11UILD1NOM, l"Al.'T0niE8^— AcM.yleritvI.'IdilrlO' Art ,\; llcll Aro . «iinlin«nl, WA.ti-iMoa, Mr. -ululr.• New imil in- lltliinril: i: . ' -.-0/10/31 Btaik Cdatly- Flrtui'. llln llBltlinoro 'AVII.J Linden, UU U-OliiO, Palming & Paperhanglng '.' ' " a/iD/3i l,J»t a 'I.Ira Tim*. 1'rloeil lllthl. We clean • KUchen-Ductr-and-Fnna UICVCLES C - I'URDt'S^ '-• \yii BUY BOOKS A Thnrouiih Job auarRiitccilL^- SALES- ••QCPpnTUNITY' 1111,1.lAItll 1-Altl.Olt _ '-». H. ua.k .s'boi _ VAN. BANT mud CO, :-' r«* Railing REPAIRS -• • 330 Park Av., I'lalnilold,; Js^v.-Orantl si.- • KlhalictU, N. J. gs yOXl CAJNLDO NtnrK, uuil fiuira-rwflnlit \v«tK t(l klldvu HIM IRVING ST., IIAlIWAY .We-wlll nalnt ton haff ol your houij. .Wlllt Culllmin wilier- j^nillllaplnil Eli. J.osai "•• .cmi-rtr-Weo-Kitllmate lll paint t hlf ' • "" j V{u pnlnt th« bottom. Wt>» uft iPtwWBa-^iHl-Krrvii'H .'nmP-'iti- nrnl MenBT I W. PARKBft AVK.. All ClaSli, Pl.ui.lhl^.l MISWAM. Oold^rliutlnn- rmt- •'i- ,,^^;rr V/107M niotlclafotirlh—of" wwell known .American and •Wo WKEK. CAUi HOSB (JGPX. dully, ICjfcM. to 13. 1!O Central kit* EntUili blojli -•- cry ul -bo-ulmi. ' A(ru omliinmontB Emir orinner"ort"3-n(iin. '' .;' L/iO/3! -WOMAN — ' In Inn Eftntctn |i4HIUitt; -Blcycln •tountaf—wotlc—tortai'—wotlc—tor-- -ranndrvr«niiilrv.-A. -A-. ANY. 00011. 1'IANO WANtHll.' • HTEJN- diy »U*«bn .tore. 5.day»-pef"i'j!tk. IIIIK IAVK—rirrJTi _ _ WAV-Oil OTHHnS.^.PU'Ulir,cXwL -ion, Co6lfBw»nna I'l,,' Mlllliurn: 10-U; -UITJUJ areiummmiraloi'rrrt. - Pletud. ciill : 31. OUaaon- Uiimilry, 7 w,, l'arkot Mr, H«no aUijUMi-uiao, _-v/lo/3t rum from-7*H).onr"TTi ond Al'KU 3J3I1O. — - • , U/ll/3 4 Ul!(Below . Coluinhlii QDU from .arj.ni^. prifrim^ii uro&;, 300 y/1 ltni.'f S t, rJII'I'K. • alnker molila fy rtnV. '' a6lil~tedlnn~l'en"- Jlurlnsitold ave, Nawark; lit »-!wro— l r Coal 41 —--ere, 3 bnl'rolit ofcork.*-. • ' •• • — • , • : . v/i/u ° h '"l 'I'aliillin: Imtii'e And -out . ;.. ] -JJ08-80. i x 1iman Miw.i».t!OAi., .'~ -H7H:HrWl'l^i' ; .WONK--IIKTt|iH-A't-ANV-l'HlllE OMA>lT?5BakNKIlAfc HOUBKCLKANt IIOOKb' • .'- • - . ~~"- —•• • irmivANniii!i,rr*nyniiiHi;«iniiiiT aCUKKNKI) ,4, IINMOItKliNKII TOT HOII INO. s. A.M. to 3 P.M. every 1'rlilay. AulrjrTor Sals WOllt.ll HOOK IINOVCI.OI'KDIA nllvnr, tnlnii. .uliiu, china, etc'.' Altlii 1 Nutor^Stove r;"T $2f LANIIH(!,\I'1N(1 -111,1,111111 ' E8 3.3471. ,' ' • V/10/31 oitumi NOW ran CIHUHTMAH jM'it«r ^•finieiitj'. call HO a-^n.'tii iiitiir $so.oo WiiOK/w sm.isti (I'l.llMAMJNi: . l'AA'IN(l) :ou|t_ mini—a in. uiTAiiti ii, II.'L'. Autn- l-ott imioua n THUMB OKUL SPECIAL I>,M. Dee Juy'ii, mm Hiirlnuflold Ave., Vail JOK — nil' (1.1111,111 nnllD niiltl,- TTual iiiffijfiil IimiioolTotfr HWItaAWH'-AHliPWjD-—-AU-a-tH41— !!!gi»|>rk. . . , . l UirloL-V-ISXlrlorvlanBlUluli SltuAllon* Wanted - FemtiU f lood nmnhiB cnmiiupn. Jiqo. Cull But- or HAHA1I LAI'KOWI'ra — MU ll-lll.in Z™"_ " "Z "T/u73ir Vint, gualllv' WorkmuinhlP' rdiii'B Buniluyt, \venlt , i|ay« nllei' iANTER COAL Uuna "Wjlnlil" Al Till "Wll«hf Mat 1 (IAIIV BlT'tEll • ' _W) T-moi, . ia MA 2-71)58 ^- MA a-711.00 UltMNJ'.TK rhANUHI!AnJ~~Nt{lTvi(£ full "Wllmil" NOW KU Wmi 1 AvallabU any eviliitua tmilmllim Hal- IIIMIC1KI' IIIIVK NOW on UhiTnii 'room llnrlnii '(.'Inniiliiir, Tu|i nriuinluii, llulli! alter tl. 1'i.e Kalliimlai. • . * " , Ufday. Reltabw oltlor wrwaii, Mint lie »UV AND"SAVE /.' lli'iinlr l.uwnii; Huddlnii. Kiilintllllnu, n i'l.VMOirril-Mi -cylinder, piihiTTmt- AIMI, iiuve on nlliiu' mlituiil- • BUSINESS. ::lriulnii Area, uliruli I'liinthni Ai Minilli- ' _• ___ •T/i'.; ' hava trananortatlon, • Call US 4-11 uu ton. , Hunt Hirer. I)B (i-aillll. nller houaeiiiilit riiriilttntv tmpeolully IV Oiui'; "t'luii ,v lihihinau nw/lrr. I'vu. I'AINTINO. * JllUKinATINtH. «MoaiuJ'i I >lt»r » PllJl. • M r/v othoi" hou«i ®Uim»nvKiTHr7tKi^ • IN yoinn AititA Kvmiv UAV ciAi, iNauncu.'WA 0O073, to ".««;• CdlnplatirCdlnlatll HIM KeyKy. VllVullchh Vll Her. Hit 3-MILMi, • 1,/10/,'lt rnlulni liiWn itoutlon, II uriiven. Will uti\\ ne|i-lllli thU wt'i'k. HiU'l-Hli'ii 17). Am Cl)NlllTI<,INKltN « IUHU.WANIIRIIH CAI.I, AVA 3.JIIIII) or .ntU-llllllll ymm \ fcs ».(iai8. • . ' lirutely, very reiiN'minlilt, WA JA71 y UN lUiHilii or.KK' i-ltiim v/ip/iti 'ONTUC:—TS.iiiSiitlsf' lfi cdNviitiiiiiT i MX) 7-'1H2 or EH '1-2800 tr"'rnoMPiioN ' • . A/10/31 ', Aim AVI'l.IANfK HKttVICi: . . o/iu/n ••ISO t'KIl Interior; Kxlnrlor, lluan,, com.. i Driving Instruction ii'i'nin ; O.V!. TV, rndlO',<) riiotiitl nluyiir mpply ot Ktift watei"',lni -«oii lo tw*o A. J. OT.MH drelngdreaulng,, .plantlnplantlnc - di iit- itiirrunulilti i Itrtll'H uv tow. IK ' n. .luecunrtltillly,. porlect,.. .SB'JIi. Mil ltliomcWaoUiufalmiiiiii fluubj,.uubj . trntrno-work,o work .d drlvowuyul , dcalna, all k ifAidiiit»p-'Tt-rwsn a y)io^Tiia«on;;worl( liirio or muill julin,, 'A»rriitU. DrivowiiVi NN' DIliVlNO'UCHOOL ' : WOMER ..iriaTRUoa'cma-..: .. 1'joe. eallmafei. Carl Li) tliil'lo, '1)11 II- AK WANTED •*»" part-ilmer^a'urday tliTNiTimC" i mfvunn or MU it-«Biir • MU (1-0833 • UNIOHT'N. J, Kiif. Average >3.00 per hour, .flail ovUiitlaf 7>'ick-up. «no7|ilow, iiydr°auUi UINE'ITB (HiT~Wrnu«hl Iron; air-con- Hi Itay Aye. Union - • ^ j/ia/u Ueim up to 90% tlrtutlren, looklook-ouu t iiuliniiuun, c«c«ni|ili;tn e Olwln dlttontu*, aootlpitttl Hota; 'uorniir Ml) H-lllllll UNION KVKHClltHKNH from S3. 1-Vfl>-Cltlm'»lci 246-794S on |ilu»tlil»H, Vlalt or call Herb Ultnefii iw • ninwn>,' li«»l • otter, .... MU tlrniicn: rotlUHftle; 'fan: dlshna; utlmr 1 TK ATI OHNKY PLAN , 33111 «tlor, t> P.M. U/10/:n l\uiiNiilioltt ItvntH.1 It' ANVHAl.T rtrlvnway., parklrrg loin built, DrOgi & CoimeHo Numery. Utlll Diminnli ltd., Crtinford, " (.'ONHTRIIOTION VINXNOINCI "II. Ml) 1-04111. IMl'liltlM, J-truck htureo lapo All wo* d'ont with liowar rollor. All U/10/31 lilt (I-U41D. Oiion umiiiitn. j/10/a* . TIIAMK-IN UmiHlNO • MANAGER ... - lAMIILKIt Illlll^ Claanlc, tlntl*"^ iltiiw, ruciirder, with HeiiaVut.o iineukur unit. :linl« of niniion work, Juinon LuMortfric, Excfiillent ciimllllim, com new 1400II, I Mint ate,, Irv. KB 3-30M. • T-v KRAVKT DttUGS tor proiiiiil ai'tlun, ivrlli or InutWi asoo mllNt. autountllo'. Comiiltitn .couhi. I'VltNITUUK ' •>','• 3U olieai.nut HI.. Union ill Holnlal Masonry ," • NSWARKfBDMAl .. ' • lit 6.1U33. .. • Vll/al 8Al,lf—MOVING—3 iio, llvint room aol. qtiiuk <«l« jino, Dit il-uiij. 10/31 . ^ Bad onportunlty. ' v rTviNd rOH rABTEIt' HKKVI0I ' SAVINGS AMD lOAtJ 'AJIN, . ' LftttiMrT Futti. -Kfitrvt — Knrnilcn lop klli.'iltn tel, II cliiilr». MIH (Vlitr.l AW,, Na,ttfS T,. IIIIUI ' VALIANT V.'lllll, lljlil ,rff lO-liuih -4 Inirnnr UAH I'ltnyii,. u Ml) , Mil 1.3UJ „• II,WAY ItAIIIO . • '. M,r. MAHONIIYi imiOK H'l'SI'tt, BU.IK. : Piuktuu «i;fnH, tlrlvowayn, mirlilnjf,' : i .HU 6-326».-' n.ftti.. AiitoniHtluiW door, noud cu """" htl, •'•' «V 1 P,M,, »ir,tlny - \: . V«UR. WANT AD' FrA OOllvery • . MU.O-iaia..,• WAliKH HKLr'-EMPLOVUl), INtlllllEll, • '• ,-MA .t-uniii 'f\—-' V '•' ,li aniy lo plotk. Pliona S71-300.O 1'ruo inlliiiatm. Wol'k lUarantrKil. lli«, U-lo; aim,' U a,in, -to 8 p.m. I.AHTWKiNO, WATKHPHOOWNH. A, . Dally,, 11-41, r.ldayi U V ;•. • /i1 6/iii NUP1I1O, E8 3-8773.18 S-14U1, O/tU/ilU

'•';' I/:-'1

•'•I1',' 1 •L." 'fi i: j : x v 4 r *«>^V~* f^^,*^««—r-ru...,,f.^[!rw>»-...-.#, ,l=^;^^^..J1;^!p^i--^--^j.-^^-.:«-«..-.,,,..,.7y-j, r^^»f*.il''r"-^^-" - f '""' * '' |*° ****^**;"

jl.'."''':' _./'' ••'" .•• •••'"'•• ••"''•• "'"'•.•' ''v-i ","'••.,••-.•-/.-" ' "•-.•,'/J'-;_''-r•.,;••'••.".:. •';•'•"••'.-:'1

Houtei For Sal» * Thor$doy, O£lober31, 1963

. a-uaiiion- aira, »pju- - Real Estate- Real Estate BUSINESS DIRECTORY int, ;j'i u*ll;i, Urge ifv. Real Estate Real Estate 1 room. Uur.ltllrhrn,- taUrii ALPHABETICALLY .'J£'rxn HV 1''mi iimtii* Owi.rr ttai'f- _, Harry A. Schuriian— Realtor stft'tr. I.Tl' il-'tlH'l.V" Apcirtmanli to Rent • Fiiriilaliod Roonii to Painting *. Pap«rhanglng '- | Tutoring . . • ' I! 10/ .11 +il'.U,K HOMKK „ Itl'.N'I'H APAItTAiliNi*.'

I2IH HI'IUN(.II'II'.M> AVE., IK N, J, 1 ! jMIMP">.,|iiHrinr A> "iitilut Iiiiuir.l i rrilniNf. M?IMIIN n in ic' M IMIOI. 1 '""!MI '• ''V ,'"','""""",''•"• """"' mW-v'fii •o* %ciir:i.iiiinlARN inv ri At ill it.—Ail. ftriui.MN r ICI In b. U,.II.I,- jii 1,1 iri.- i.iiiitfAiiih ) MM» VIMIIt H111I MlMl, , v , •••»"," "Pitliilinir iv KS liVil!^ > Ul'l 1,11 Illll tll'Htlllllll 'Ulllllltll . Ciit.sklll lluniinjr l.mlut' J|jl.''lirar ,N . V.'lm - I'.'niulilrle |IOO|» flKprnvvmtmU ' -'" •'•••'" UTrrnv—' — Mini* faifanb . HAI. D ADDtBA. • CII l~l!ij 'Joint. I'. McUiilton • 113.II0II H ' '•'' . '.'. ,J II 11X -I-VJJ; Upholltery - Slip Covars • • Realtor . h'-iii.-a 1 J-hrct' to.Five rooms -IMINTINO ANIt IIKCOIHTINti litttt Mnitii.ave.,' Illilun! X 1^...:,.!,... . Heal" KkUte In the plant. 1 i ' »CrUMn-i«i run itptiki • . .Mil 'B-9OI. .. ;$J2(L',V i ULI. . I-AI IMA*VJ,..li'~Hll|' .t'owcri, rtiupi lmpurt|iii< Inveitment you . OWN Office SprJce 1o Lease ES f^-lOO.-- \VA 6$ti nolcUty < rpMriim., cu^hiont reimui, will ever make anil de- lowm Dricti,. all VW1 5(i«r«nlrcil, sfrv«*—iluf., most keariihlhc Mot.-WaW. VAJISBURG llulhltllil>in't ,,Uph. ill) H.'TJ<. J/Jl.il i'iart'6 Tuning •' .';' •' •.,,.' '" ^ "tcruUnv before , yim. bliy, Seek'the,services nfjin ej(- OFFICE SPACl, WMiOR prrt in thefield, •"•• . ; -•]29 Mi . TPUNO-JHSnVIOK AGiNCFiHiAV BQ'ITOMS .. CATERIN6 FOR All OCCASION!"-' "Commit one. «f the real- r WVllAA'l, N. J,."i^ yo 1-4566, «APLEWO6[), RKB.UH.T IN YOI"If HOMB ' To iiinke. a' Parly an Extra Spacial tv*ni M-mM(iM IIIJIKII •— Nl W III-AVJ.' fslali-, hiieclallnts listed be- Hiairiliiew' rfiiter liaD'C'oliiiilHt IMIIC.II Up "•i^a^ftih^srrr- Vt--rm :7 rliVon. Tirsift' HKIA . WI'Hfll.M. — MJW I.IVIMtix ' ~ luw for the dream liousr of n,2!l58 .'" •.'•]{A.5-2900 .:,.:.. ••' ' -/Call U« —• •' ' •• '... A.l«w oi; thf-fnturei.- fiftrrril >»:, C. GOSClNSKI i > J your, choice.' You'll receive nir-eondltiquetrl • • ' n^ry SlJN.SlHiXE n Hdl,S'l 'KltV | i liVi • Weddings .• Showers • ., • . ' u i-im tiiThonal, careful, attention i l.&iuit lornul ,rm)i» Offiee. s ,. HvuJjuble ()>n j ' ; • (HiAN'di: — « KIIOM ari7JT|i 2 family . (HWSI and a wldjt,.variBty_oX ll»t- . Clttn/ iiiuiR illv ••- "ti| .speomj P''5«neES Luncheons Al.t, SV()KK_lill.M(AMI.I.h1 , K>rly. Anicrlc ; build- •hiilim. Heal »U|)|illeit.' t!3D Hroflanil Ii * KHMIItlNO initi. . __.. Iloail. Oiuniir. II. Ol' M Wa V't'l/1 . 4- brflroqini, Il'/j hvlha itiKJ . titT" lid. btTfit for .tin; T'n- 88 Hfalstcd Stt, Newark ' Knpri'lvncc, It you're planiilnK' lo-ltell —M*vr .Illllit m, IVIie f4li,SIKI. ' L'. KORVAtll _. —•• IH'MaUT ' ioti. Liiitdoi", at t20J ,SJ.uy« I'NiON—:l HOIIMH antl iMlh mi MOTYli, ES 5-9775 " Waihur and Dryrr Rnpalr your hiiriTi'j lllr ftixrciutlnlii . .(Hl.Vr Mm llani Hum 1H.IKUI,, Aveinir. ) iiih liruii ffiiln,. call luted helniv liave litiiKlredx vemtiit AviJ.,, Union, N._ J. aller i, I'M., MU cl-111114. ' U/l«/j(, VoW Hosll< nf |)rOH|wctlve buyrm ready ItOHKHTK. NJEWMAN,- Inc. '" PlombJiio •»' Hooting •187 Kim ll. ' •' "" • '. WHIflrht: • Contact M. "Mfttz, Wl.sl i M l.li—:l itnuMK A- Imili,. '.in'i JOHN.t 'cHARIii T VIITN vulWt and wultlnr. Ai) a-snuo ••"•. , -ESfio'x-, 1-3000 • floiii'. lieal, hoi. TTale'r, . tiiu, clrrlrlr " '• "TJciri'i"livli viiiii THAT niirri™ NKHIlK Klf - Kvm.: Climi, C.'uluicl. AD -1-WM, Il'linllnl, 11IU. A Dun I. :I-II.'H U/10/.11 i V CAM. "iieRnr.it'r titinam _ . • .,.' «/III/: for information. ' PlumbJm tt' h«alln«, Jobbing, alttra. Monk,At cfintraqlliiB 24 \\t iilu.tir II-IV, • WKHTFlkl.il— . , • ' IIAVK VK)U A--,- • ln>. JM ynloh Av, li-v wi 5-nnf.tl r-v Wxinlhur Strlppirg '• . Cro.sn (flinty Itciilly Hit; -i-IU'dt'ooMi Itiinch Moving & Storage — IIJKNJSIIKO KOOM? " ' i,lri> KANTiiowrra *~ — US'I IVJiiiin'tnin Ayi;., TIIH ANII I.AVATIIIIY; .M'l.'HW. 1 > ri.uMiiiNti j, III:AIIMI nKPiiA('Kntl , ri.llMBINO ALTK«ATIONK, iiaToV^Ti KB 3-1S.17. , • ' .•; O.'ll'SI 1 .." 30,00'0 'KtimilicM-' " • heal. • Approved,.liy_P'fl (la't Co. Prfl im Norlii »vi. • AI) 3vrt • fat Ureyhbutltl Van L,IIIBI, Inc. ' I , KNOW . Cbmplete -—^V •','..'• ,,H/iu.:u — xa .I-IOBJ . • • •, •'. 'aurvily ~A estimates., Ucrnfterl • plumljer Window Washing > ' •; Slitn Cutler Co. ill CAILIKO' ' ' ' _ Call rrcil Waltfri,. KH 8-StP13i ' T/V ''•'.' . ' i'. '0/11/14 37T-3000V. . Front End and^Brake Buslne'sJ-Op|>ortunirie» — i.nr Tin: si NMIIM:'IN |i 2583 M'II'-HS Avr., Union Sen- our ' Srm'olal- i:oinbln:illini ri.ll.MlilN'O — IIKA'rlNO 2 Wanted To Rent 1 '••'—==—•-.;•" • Service Alteration^' -. (las lli>at - Alltn- I'AIT. '.- (lAltY'lj MU'7-!)000 . ••• «,1IA>J('K~l)f' X" I.H'KiniK— ' ralo ai}~for (!-'iiUbUrb»n-(icxv8-H Hiatle Wnt.r lleatur. IS WINDOW (,'UiANlNfl HKltVll.'E . Spnrf) avallablir, lor coir. ,i||y i-lfim. FH ft-Rflft^ AI.HfJ OUTTKIIB Ct^ANKI papers at one low price.. ' v IO/:M llilt, very' unllv . roln Laiindruinal •XAT ,OB OttK FAMILY- hOlKr. » wllll Abiarl option 'to buy. Union . or'vjcliiliy,1, DeCa-nip & (lUnhirii;, Ine.| .Valltlium men. Can !l-'-OI •2-4M* INVi 'IRVINIITON—1 rooilll'," llnrt flT. a ' Mo^tro- ' Radio \ & T*l«vl«Ion HUM., lu A.M. til J , P.M. K'vei HunL. .Jnnall chllilrun, «iAf . c'alhollo . Janan, , 1st1t; totopp htfi,nrc,'nr.. rarl:wurarlwuy Kohool. .Will furnlKh brut Iffrrrncm'. hl J 1t htf' l UM0 'Mblll s niH. SprllYRfioid Ave. IWlO/.ll ll AvVht II P.M.. Wrllr Hex No.' nil. livlujlnn lltralil. 22 A- mill Av«V-hftat, hot walrr, airi ' con- ••' TV • Bjibio - rnnNO (llllonlnitit.. iimrkliit Incluilrit. 1136." ' with In.iall.J . ReaL .Estatre' Ili Hiullli at., IivlriBion. K. j. .' n/10/31 3~344ltb ''" lO ' AIR CONDITlONr.KS ... Country Properties For Sals lO.'ll S.,vlc.J • BS'2-8800 • ',, >'A.'(Ti:il ' U lunill A|,L . (.1 tnw 1,1m • imu 1 KCIIVI . "—.,74a S|irlnllflclit AITT . ' Our Ml«clianjci ar« nciaUtti . * «X1NTON MVHtO CO. - HI H,-l.-.:m_f,House*'Jor Sals miuitj. rhon'a KS s-anBi^bri BEAR ' . Wlillrliaiim llrally , t iijoin. with lual; avallalile Not, m. •JL- Our MAI TElAUNIR • • • o/ln/.ti ; -IIPI -JLr • Dct'jtrt-. Heullj line., Countly- pioiii-ulir*, hnm«i,' lurmi, land — ES ai4ulpmanl~.! I'll'I'TAIlK :, iiimr.l 'mill l-rlh, mm- HAMUKL D\N/.l<*7^Hmll«r KS 5.0918 •n • r\. Rest Hpmat plrirly lunii ln!l 7:i ri,|.lpr Avr . V.h.t -— Broker^ * • ' f 23 ~ WhlleJiimid, H. J. timipi.K wantn a ,-3-. or !l"i • _. ' 11/10'.11 Keainhllm. 'JMinliii I IUHJU'I* 'A-LMIil/ . 534-2144 6;i4-i'71;i4i'7 < rntmi clean 'Hpl., Ipvlnuton inefdrreil, li N. 2UA St.,'Ki>nllu'm'lli . •—|f7T> all Mil MiHii IIIVINf!TO.N—4 TTooi n apt.p, • titiW-JJtWJJ- -rlri-.. CHKKRY II1LL nm iininl ' ' • Jilt fl-5-1-70 ,VA «.337< EVf ' 11/10,31 'iialiii , Niiuiilil y ovn toall ulcal m i FINGIE'S SERVICE inOf.phar?; HlaU approved., nou Chriry ' li' vim I.IKI: 11.1111111A HUM;" Elderly Parsons II Hit EA'3!>IO3 n/ :n —— " finrvlnlug •Ajitiinimill»i-Sliie«'"11l33 -—-•-,••• . «r,- Blii.; Ei._ MBI • J Ii' v : V'.'iL. W.y'_!':." J '. , ArrtMTioNi s.n your ».iv. S1 Ji, i„uni mil, jli Imlli, i~> I'jihvin J, Donnliiic 1701 —Stuyv«!«uiit Avenue " Mil IJ-DIUS Roofing • Siding - -• IIMUII.ANII-MANOK lo'30,000 local TomUltl wllh a low. • 1 lie. heat A; hoi ' walrrnlllu'llfil lnl "I'Olt TIIOH1J_WIIO II., rraionablr; (In hill linn HI. I.M :I-:II;L'.''. liny, lili'll Ini nuijili'. iillV-V;i:i'l Itcnl • "• ' Unlnii (nt IrvliiRlnn llnf) i.ouK Tin; vi;uy —I AW, Call 371.3000, now. ' . - ' • . ,-•• A^J •'. II II 'ill BO 3^1644 • N, BAIMIKII TI71-4J1 , \ . ' H/ll/7 Stiles h p , Unntinit * Qultar* • 'L«ftrlcr« • rtfiiiilri KSICKl-liKNT CUIHINK, , PTM EillmstRi » liuurtri; 340 Sunfuul A_vp., Nowarlc ["Care, TV, I in V ' liei vlcti, many exlia M*ivlcff< friulrnifl. II' N01U1 3J. Orbtrlln Ct.,—M^l.pnnd, n—_ I AM. IlllUSt. !, 11,11: >nt|,'i| „„,., . - ' • ES 4-0426 Mountain Av~ Mnjltclalr, M 4-117111 "I- (VIU..1I ,""l' II ' 1M"II. 11ml ilia,,,, ,ai,rt | M Mrni—Itllvi' A |)Alkl,lu lor 2 rut III! WSOII7. " . • U/ll/7 rid, XiniNfi. CmnliliUlInn .iNrm it; 1-1,174. • ii/( WinilAirKi ' ItnusthaM rrpulrii, rkriirii' J), 1'V Drlscolr-Aucncy Garage for Rant Iry \tnrk., lloil dlrnrl, »»v» So In III".. IhVIN'dT'lM Hi-allor • Innuiflr • >>•« E>llm>lM. HORNUNd. 5.V|.|!I,1,I -ni.—rv iiiiu.r •-llm.ldi'ntlal.Uninmfrtlal II,K. , Thin -W-l—Wr-2m! Avo., noscll-c TWO liXll HAItAcii; nfrerinu nii'a luliv IUIIIIMIII.MI . IN

Lf- AJ hcrLy di uiui,_lnc. . ' cUaabith, rl. J. Hi'iiltm1 CM pi linn No iiraii mr.ttiminn AVAII.Alvl.l " • ilirKllnii hall •in'u'Fil I'llllll S.Wadliri MonooV 1'lllll'Kll I'V, HIklhu ttiru, illi-lieii faiilllll^i fjg tyiitviJGf ftb! jin> imu, in. Un.uilil.ilU Hinirii cti,' ,; -"^iNtllllNV I I.IINAMIH/, I'll! IllfMHIHlllrlll I ill) .. .-.ll|..iuM.ulllll!|ilLilL.J^|i . rilJitllNII' tlmmuit T (WHI(7,V('A A(flrNI!V , cJall' M4.I- IHI1


,-ir*tiMli1riN(i. jir cmmlH ili<_tiiiii|im * hdlHrwiM '*• III'HIK rft» MMhlH..., M ,<'«|J7I til' «#' H.'VfltlR' . li/liirjir .MniiiiiNW«"T"i»:iiii''''iiiiii'ii»1ip "lilf ii.iii I'MIIV .rllMINIII I, , ;.,, I l.i .1 HHIIlr miil"klMI|l»ll»( ,.ll|i» nillllmUa; Kiii'.'.K iniiii nii'iii-u'iiii, nil- ln»i- llMtt |ll'lt>>'« III Illlllll*!*. HM I S*i,'.nti'.| rtl«n __r,,|i itiiiM ,i,'r Illll I'm ml , I pi: . .'.. • . |l |ii II

•)IL...V<1l-1'i Aliufil SI" jN lllliL «MIH|K iiiiiyal A tliiiiinvi iiitiuxii i»ktuM irilMlilln: I'l. im « In.ilv iniiii i I'. ._M*VMM. • nO« (Minimi Av>., l m MM -,V/ ta, III. -It llUilt' 11,1111", ,V- Mill ~|l,ui h. Itnlu >,,,,1 ' IliMi;,-, iill I\I ,,iu tlnnl. ' 'J tn'VA in- MIA Jordan HariM I lie. rllTOit_»n«iiiiiilul r««rtin» «i tliMimii-1 • tary iclmiil »nl>ji>iiu.—Kxpitrli-nrtil 1 Ml .lutlwr. •_»:«; l-.niiH, ji •• ._-.—v/IJ.'V -._ nmous MAYTAG OIL BURNER SERVICE

'.PoWBr-ia_wlii.sK q(f..an bulcloqrsi'tian's honi:dl~£. -fefotfttiess -r l.o sir •diesrtavmg'head! Exc|uiive, adjustable , to ploHsu iu-iyMiiH.nrJ;)(t;liir,IV(!ll(JtfB'f Cj6)nl)S'-1' Combs.help you shavo razor-close without burn' smo6th skin down mid pop whiski'ru ii|i. 3<18 - or pinch. Forget to recharge? -~" kuetiJyhoncclculliiVR.wlRMS'aiid Ihn-. S^-~-.l| Fully Automatic, .„ Plug In tho oord and.whisk Hi ulenl in oluctric sliiiviiiB ,' fiulf iiousewarming plan 1 ^"^ SiStitONESinipltttonlrol rrinko 'short work ol Jt'ubHIo." 9 i -; • . |Coo!ad Cabinet A, B, &c FORNACE | Famous Maytag) & BURNER PLANS AVAILABLE D*p*ndob!HlyJ NoHotSpohld

.^^^^^^ vlik unlit, mn kin Utm Ltnt JTOjliCTK W\y \ \ tnill ov.iJrylnj y,| TtlpSC' vay J W jioiimiir»tiiliiviiih • CUamburnlnii Gulf Solar Heart*-',' >• • Automatic d«llv«ry — • •''•••••• | Full QfMnfno, SaFety Door • Bydaol Plon^ »t|util monthly, payiii«iit»l EoiytatoadjRemovs. 2inc Confod Sleol Cubftio Phono us today J •pro'tcfefs ngninst-rust

I Also avoilulli I I'?1 Always Dependable Me|ered Delivery FAMOUt MAKi ' ELECtRtC . , 5, " BUNKIT WITH.jlVIRY DDYtl! ' • J fURCr(A,SlaD ANO INSTAUED:•-rr-; ON PUBLIC SHRVICE LINES. MAYTAG COMPANY ') m&.y& 2714 Morris J\ve. I 1735 St. Georges I 239 McKinley BIRKENMEIER & CO. '" 23P4 VguxHaf, Rd., Union ' 197 South St. .: , - Union ' . j, . Rahway | East'Orange Morristown 1091 Springfield Ave. . . MU MU , ' • OTHER'STORES INI NEWARK .• HANOVER • • BIOOMFIELD BERGENFIELD. ' Irvlngton --li,-'.':•-;•: :• ••.:.'• '•..••.BS"-1-2400 b*«tini.oil • " ' . , ;' . . '^. •••'••-'•'• ,Mi • • ' ,>, ,L!_ . ' ' !•' . ' • • ! ' ' :..-:/"•••' .Jl i

i ':.;Ma'^i«i!i.?j'/.>,:.'.a'.».-i'i'«.'i''i'i, ll'f1 O D S W V

Thursday, October 31) 1?63 * C'riiigrrs* of Pnri"ulr: and Tnm-t;- Hi" r'ountry; th».\ «•;.-', HITP SUili- .KfilcrHl"ri( .plttirirl rliilif nuiliitl- •Four Preps Will Sing At College IIIJ5 drin Anjirlrn' fiirinini! Hu.utl i>f KHIK-HIIIIII, Iho -N. .1. Knur p Marvin In^Kttill, VA Cnhh,. LWV Urges B6nd hstxe 1 1 (illj^l', llllll.VW(l(|(l> (NlW.I'lllllI, I'rlrnlniMi Iint.i'iiidli'K I'lMnntiltri , fan^c, will prr'foj'm SHtitriltiy, III linn •iPi-iirilliiK '-.fiii ('iipHiil Iir llcnii'.N 'IllviMsItli- llnlcl, Son II -p.m. In Ilir lTAiiiiflH- tl'vtii- lln* -N' il Au(i>Miobtlr' AI-MII-IHT. IUfiV( IIMII » your lHli.1' win r I'iii'hHi.i'(K-J''''"'!''•• 'I, ;riir llnhi-. ii:i;j|"tiin ii.l Ni'wnik rtliiii. (ill- llc.li>!, " Vi'iiin III llnhipi, -it nil', TldUUJl d And UneCOTtQrtliCiil I iiin^i, ,lhr. N- J ' Ai"iiu'lnMoii nf (liinijr'.iir Hiftn. in .i,in"f'ti«irTiii;, I'liih, I .IIhi lulu!•< Ijr.-il lO.hilc I lii/.n ,!•, mill Ihr Ilil-- MiiKii/lj'u- | < < 111 tilrti IIMII iillinlii, i' vvhirll t'u jtrmv iintl iMii.-tn'i. Thr (ullnuln* In thr l»«t »f w c"ii»mir .Thr "~l fAinili iini'ii'i. Anniinlii.il iciil-W iii'liiiltiMnit III Ui-li In '''Din |''lit'|| Ptl'p'l ( hi ( '(1111(111';", "a' irrir« In whlrh Ihf New ( Hln'nitnJ*tr ill Hllwl/ttlMMp "I" illirr %TM\ inllliiiii wm Tin- IIIHIIIIIM I'IIII In- 'MIIII'IIIIIII up Ihvni-i I'MIIIIIIII H, I.|HIII..III,I-II • lu- tt'llli II Iliwl-Mlllt'l'.. ••,"" ' Hill I \ I -dlllllr 1,1 lll:i Jrjurjr l.raillr nf Women V»t- IM'I.I IMrif l>> fii/l'iTluir pn(.rfl In Ihr IMIIHI |ili'^ioRiTi in- lu l.lir'i' \\niilt nn ii I'.iyiijiii- nl j III" Null"' ' IMntii'iiln rnirmilHi'i' Tly |i'iIIJ~I I'iI>|IV hiivr »pi>iiii|I'll" tr« deliila Ha oppo.Kliiii t« Ihr IhcV'iN tiii- llltlii|i, niur r lu an- muiijy iiirviuiiMy. litMl|i<-|i-il> t'luiiti tilt! M. it- TrtSViai'nV AMU* ri % .|ll!iili| Il|is I "I/ Hl>' l"li|h'l!tl. Ci'lllH, Ityliill III ti[liiiiUii)i tin I.VAvncl! n'li! i^lttti. ,|I7SU million tmurt pr»pu»«l T+rrtJuUr- tlftt N. J_ Hl«li< hiniu1- Wfcleh will io J£ NVw JrrKr*" Krnlr KiJil filmw. Qyi'ii' iiiul il.i<-- i "IK ;.•• ,il. Hie Vltl" .'1(11..,)] n| tuilll nii.vw.iv mi » l«-r of pmjuiitiivr, Junky (')itim- .".lliiiii.iiinrtl voler» TuMday^Thr I.rmui- riri, «iii(i_'riici'i>iru • oirrk siinw. INMI K'.luLc ttlid I'lriiniilli-i. in lui' of .CNwtilifiYf, Utc N. ») Vl.ili-'.li'i!"- .illlUl'l- llnllllllli,"'. (ili-ll 1,111'Mill, Ill- uililiilim lii plti.vlnr iniijiii' Us. npirrpirtlwn art anlutlmi - THC -Ci(Ht.-lll(ll_p.l''H« ml. whlcS~n«v»r^-w»in»orU or. np- illtil/winl JTilftn "mHTfiiii~7iif'""nnw rzM*«| political imrtlrn or ran- Hii'-nrlini: for incren.'-en' «lntc aid dldate*, hut doei Ultr »tHnd» • to' iornTTTuTv'SP'rtiiitriel*.1 Thu SAVS • SAVi • on public, luur? aflrr J.haf^" J^.'UUiir warns: .',.— x 'ou«h ytudy. '" .''•'- "linfr'l hi-• misled. Vftii WU \ FOODTOWN h"n -viiling nn 'IIUIII1. ' school Light Meat-Chunk' in Oil AT THK W'HOI.K' when you volo, on I lit*.- bond ..I PICTIJHE ._r — Min.'.Thr Gov'iM-nrti'-.unnxiicK, biit IVAPORAJ Chock FuiiO ...hit at {the Slate 1 U>Ki»latijr<>, dlmMwci-: -There MAXWELL HOUSE ofthc tt«eai!iif of •is no ijuHiuIUct' Iliiil tli«> -f^Kl.^" • ': r rn .Votm—fast spi:ln'j! wan 'this. 1nl(ir1nl > -.wlH AcliiHlly' nppropriati* TUNA '" '-"Son'i-fur. the. Year 2<10i|','v"Kttnjr -thrsp-riir» .fi'vnd>.- for wh.Siol aid |—- • U> G. W.. Johnson's Wile nf wlu.-n they arr tiiusd Wilh. ,lhp "When You and I Wnre' Younjf. BnniuilT'lTGrmirt!TnT~~r>t "ti-ylnfe In NIBLETS M«utllc": '• • .:._.' •• bHFnnrc Nc*/ JOI'NI'.V'S liuduul " "I Waritiered t«lay laii- '.Bui th«", lulliT Tncriri»rTiiiiflUIII(iiiii iihd ' Ajjtfri-" .-• ioday, Were IDHIII whnn rn.iV jiwrrnls ni'Siaii million »Vcr tho-ncxt 10- vicre younp! y'c'or«)'btil Ijio bond l«( IhKyldcis ;.inly- $f!" rnllllmi^ '^future '• resdui-cps—of"~Uic ' Nrw -C), SUitc. aid. to r'dm-utibn' -r-. Jwaey Turnpike for Hie ni-xl 4(1 lite Comniiss-lon 'on 'Slnte T'IX ,. ^ycars is. .'on» . reffKnn- -Liviguc Policy recommended $R3 mil- FOODTOWN orUffrElTRflR TriWnberii (ledldce) lo ouposc thn lion a your as an csscutld] In- -... ~ ••!/', . ' *7iV) million''. bond § isHUe 'o rbf~ crvoaa, bul the bond issue .would Voted on Tuesday. ' •.. ' ') : free orUxJi50 million-a year for five years i.lK't|ie LcKislnliirc clione to ~nppropl^lale it). - • ' betauBe_lhc Lcqauc lias pr%c«»nd ., so long fnrmorc arlcci'itntc 'sin to ~rr \ Mental : jin.nlth, 'public •~" revenues to Innlrovc (IUJ' schoojs, rii-allh, urban renewal, tirrtttijiritrr _ our roads, our inhlllijlinns, nml' SiiiHMLViiilon'• —• these- aro somn Mtwnma ..our , wolfore -pio(iniins," jiiivi, of the ci'lHeni ai'can not- touched For HALLOWEEN MUs-Mary UTUIKP. Niiclmm.'lhi! •ill-all..— ••'...' . —1 , liBigurfs Slate' President; "bnl S. Opci-Htiiin of now proKi'nins With purchase of $7,50 or more ~ otir~'research shoWK tlwii. tfili! '•'-, ndditlonal funrls will'-he ncrd£ SUPER proposal costs loo much, iiml -ed lo wtBff,' opi.'f(ilr"Bnfl mniintBln With every purchase IpaycsVlhr" S' t • pt'o'hlrms (In- now fncllltli.'S. ' • — unsolved. We. miixt. vav iiii',"-uho —II. •Conriniialltin of new pro- of $2;00 or more — ' adds.. " • • ^—•' Uriu'nK •- nl. Mie riud of five MARKETS , Would l.lir.,|wind Ism'ie ivisl. U)o v/ehi-:< soniethiny will hnve__lo be .nviich? ' - , '•;• done nlwiiil .LhVromilniulion-pro-: lilr LeHjiiin .frnls t.hr • nnswivr Ki'nniK nimnyPil", from Ihe nnnii- IK rjUvlftijiT afler yon riiiuri-.mil nl buducli; In Ibe bond -iump. nf. zen Food Itcpt.l —— tlflil. tho Slate will piiy iibdiil well nx ihe.SMI million- anniuil fl'i bllllnu. for only, $'I2I) jn-|.l- nddilion to .'Ktntc-nid. for local schools. 7.. 'Annual"huilKH- rlofidls. —- Ihe bond proKi-niii would not even I • rent of help here, allliniiiih --the • {fnttHnlRsJon .on FOODTOWN or LINDEN >ARM«. TBNDfn, JUICY R, JUICY* . CNDt, , 'JUICYJC, , noNUUtsUUct : Slfttc Tax, Policy iminleri nut Union, N.J. LhnI Il"fc ,K«p hetween the Stnte-'s Chuck Steak Rib Steak Shoulder Steale Orange Juice j Automobile income and outuownulcl ndt( up S ODTOWM gFROIEN ' ' '.'For Your Shopi'ng Convonionco FOODTOWM FROIEN ' . 557(1 million,over Mje rrnxt II) =•'.yenrf! . without nny new pro- I Dealers' - ib. '. !.!»• GREEN PEAS J FOODTOWH fttoisH riAi A -a- --..5. H. Now- Jersey's • iniid 45' -W pl«o«. •r Guide i^S-Hnwiiillnhlp-ifix slrnclirre Tor oUAtlTY ^~~ CARROTS- LiTlfi lANAN, COCONUT, fniiliiiiiniiiii titiiiiiiii li'.'!) !, ?A PIP pr>A<;T \ts±. JEJL MHOrOUTAN, I.HMOH' l liU'eriKlnen HIP. IIIJL—tU'ucturr rif N.p* .leriitw unH Milvi'- Hie hfiKlr roOOTOWH »LL-M«A.T 6r'ALL l»Bf - ..'- Morton Cream Pies CHICKEN BREASTS hTfi eiiiiHl(T5~1hp roeun- FRANKS .-;- ''-*» -ff'49f oo | _ Pontiac, llH! flmiiuilnl IM'IKVI. • In , l.-hr fan' nf Hifiit- • fnrlii, II,. 47f.__491 T 'lIU; t,ti(!.ul|p. MVM'I'jm -ri'fipon.sllile Inc. i-nnt>TOWN>iio!«N - •Wli.V-Jxi M\V4\ Illf—KlrttrTi pilllu 'Corned Beef Rounds ^5^ Canadian flticon v:^.':5?< i«.»., rnvi—^vlth'iul II i-unllnuiiiiM niti- 7 Redeem Your CUT CORN 29. II niili'ii in liuinni'p tiiv^— Fpodtbwn Coupons NowJ c.nmrAirr«niBH "'I'lll' 'linlul ImiUI'N-jn.'il READY FISH STICKS 19^ WA :i Mini llt_ It fi*\y M'll'lj. \vi< S sucked (iiiv.i! llnj In v., iI|Iin |Jii< VI 'i iill BEEFSTEAK BROWN FORD, Inc. iMrrrit-ir.iir. ihi* buiul UNION'S 1,1'IHIlil' ill Wnllll-ll- Vnll'l-i NIWUT ._ in|-nl roub IU- lib uliv Ilin 1 iiMIMIIfU-H'WilllWil

liuin,v .v'i'ilWi' II 'tTnfn HilyiiV.iili'il "II- Hiniluiiliirl iml- •pui'Miiwil 'In-, r'd'nir lim ii^WtiiiiiMiil milul.lon fni- Niuv ilin-Biiy'ir flhi'nl-vviii'ii,' 4 'Sulei 1 -Till'. l.lalKUU'l. . UllliWI'l'! "\Vl' I'I-I liilnly ilnii'l Invo mr ^_ >-1 USBD lux fur Hi own mild-. ' Onu-Vtar Wuiiiinly ftfl.1T Mwri'lii- AvBiiut', (lll, ... .il'.i. nn suruiiiiil ll's nn Of>r> IVK, 'III -* MU cimmil slnfmii]!, We're still fur -wiin jm ini'onie |ux-hniMiiixit it's si III the best -tu»hiii(t)n-l!- . • YASTEG COCKTAIL . The liKiiiiii' niiln'l.v-rrttlA $H7(l nvillidii. In SHRIME O00OI WHIP ' — Authored TOPPING _. CHEVttOLteT TRUCKS million .with'a stnlfc- i Sl flrU Th(it's. • buonii.se 'Now" CHEESE i|\^Cpr ' CvdU HIT*' rl< ^wr*i i ^ 'g« _-J-J-|-WI>U 1cI.' rloclucmr sUi'lc- —Jjast: Wl' gffiESESTIX l-n^Ngik' .il'ersuj'. With, income- rnx~':ii :llly PUMPKIN BETZ would liiive' a sound 'ioundnllon' FOODTOWN Union Motors LOOK! AMAZING LOW PRICES ON ALL- FObDTOWM, OPEN STOCK AND COMPLETER PIECES AUTHORIZED Park Unit Drivers STEAK SAUCE WHOLE YAMS rSalad Plate M.V.T.FINE w 9V4'Hunslieort Plate ANTIFREEZE (bUARANTEl U.S6D, CARS). Sliillunnl iVonnrs for nu'islnhd- CRUSfMIX in«- mife dVlvlnn. iWrnrnifliico 29^ ^ POODTbV^N "• . . .,, i CHOt,. CHIP or GOltJeNPRU'T SUNSHINE . 1604 Stuyvttitthl Av«., Union W.PI'P' won.liy 'Hie Union County Soup Bowl • MU 6-4114 l'.nvk i''om'inlw>kiirli> Hie OoVern- nipnl .Truck DlVisiioivnf the liauH ll"OyalPM+er Zm I PEANUT BUTTEK3 > 99^ coOKliS : •2WSS* ^rNljonnJ Klcel .S'nlcty C'oilli'st ASSORTED P.UNCH , >Annuin or MllkaUt Gr'«ll~m«t VOIKIIIVIPII l),v 'Ihe''Nalinnnl -HnTii t3" Oval Platter . only '79^'i f-'afi'Viehk-los, n PUCE lnp_ f.ro,ni pickups tiOnniJ SETTING S(IUJII|)-HIMM«£/K!«« IIwarded-iihlrd 2625 Morris Avt., Union plnce In the- Glty CJrnup '-IV, dI- FACTORY DlAUk' vision. , , .-Crltii afftcllva ihitugK Snluliloy, Nov. litili , , ANO.SMVICI Thr Rwiird is bus'cd on I'ho BKettdJLbutter Plate, U-l, NO. I YILLO* i-nnimlssinii's safety. |wrformniv.'e. 4 Cup « Saucor. Nut t«i|toiiillih. far lyiioo'iipMtol «riou. W» h'om duly, IDIT2'llirnujrh June,. A 4-1.19; . rtiityi lh» right le llmll nuonlllln. Nom «»I ACE 1D03. Durinij tliis period Ihh park ONIONS 01DSM6BIU, INCv cnmnilnslon's. vehicles travelled — Id dmUfi. Mimbll- Twin County Otofiri,/ over. 180,000 ' m\\ex without n only 239 Spfinflflatd Av*. .reportjbln' scpldeni. ,'Tlto Hrpl 59" . C«m«r lymt Ava. i-, sw:nnfnplacc, aWardu were • lrvlngtoh'< \l.o orhatil/.allons tlmt Ivnv- riled mnre 'tnisf' hillcaga than lh« p»t-k> fleet. _-

/..v. •.;•_.'..- ••••( : .-,',-^-' i^p>.'^J:^^(iM m iitefeiii^i^^ l^gl^^^iife^^^