"^Political Ir Housing Unit

"^Political Ir Housing Unit

hi i . The Now Nowspopor '•••-;- To Serve A J Springfield.Better : ruUlthfd Kurt Thui.ii«r. by aub"H>«n 1*1.It- f""tp• flubtrrlpUftn VOL- 1 20 I3O« Mnrrli Ait, Onion. N ."J. - «U f-'nofl SPRI&dFIELD, N*. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER-31.'19B3. 10c,.per, copy ~ Both CandidatesiiiSE Jot VOTING DISTRICTS Campaigrv Hard ^SGO TOWNSHIP Of Bonqdies ~In~ Race 3,200 SPRIN6FIELP FdrN. ). Assembly - On Democro He "Side 2J600 As Springfield' Voters • pn- -paiuil In guHn lliu-pulhf-Tiiesda.v. In decide, among other things," _ K/IILLTOWNIRD, whnwylll represent Iftero in• lheT Oftnn Township Committee, candidate .Ar-'UU Alex Blackman—Dnmncrnt—and William Knon'/, l>Ruhll<''Bn. wore campaigning hnrd Jcir Ihr . slnctc sent 'vacated by Commit- ' leftman Vincent .1, Hnnadles, ~ Ttnnadlcs, a membor of Ihe -the Committee for eight .your!),' j _aiid_inayor for three, is seeking elorlion lo the Stale Assembly^ 800 on HIP . Tlfmne'ralle lli'lri*! . The polls will be open (mm Kflfl T V n:m: In. ft prm.' ., - <JU\J • JVIa.lnr _appe.aranee In 'the s> lownshlp .'this wcefc-for both the - ——' aspirants (nr local • office and 2? ' Bonadles waif Tuesday night's League of Women Voters Can- ELKVEN YRttRS'OF Sprlntt rirlil • ^,1'rntlpn rcHiiIln lire Vliimn In iliail ubiive. A* llir iimmiiTpgrew Hirlates' Night mecllng. xi.'diti Ihr Democratic Votlne-wajnrll.v, liltllng It* pfiif k In lti(i<t-\ihen Vlnrrnl Hoiiaillrs ran " KoonK z says hhe hah s beeb n necu- stranget r thath n ththr PresidentiaPidtil l candidatedidt . TrenTdd was reversedd lirlillill l witi h Will llrpuhllcan pled with "knocking on-door*'.' "" vole," and wit maintained in last .venr's general rlrc'llcih. Hlnrk hi-i-tlnns•-In 'vharl Indicate arid", attending house parlies In - hemwiralle vote ami-while,-Republican. " c '...'. an effarrrn "meet All'the res- Idents possible." Blackman has been attending .house- parlies and generally mapping the Flipping-Flopping course of l)ie last day* of the ir Housing Unit campaign. Ir? i relallvely n,ulel i\-M-' palflnpboth catidM?les. hKve"put .. I'HIS IS YOUR DISTRICT! Thr ttiwitKhlp'* I.i.vnlhi* districts tusrcil T«p side of Hhliniilke rd., enut of Mmintaln ave. (II- forth...Ihclr programs—«iid~l'i»'e _.•'•_ are clearly indicated on the ahuve man.'Center Until ,!((— vlillnrilne, vnleirt District "13,"Thn«i rth npphalte »lde vnte. rrfralnnd /mm the "rough" cam- Samuels Since'5lilettiol I streets (Indicated hy ilurk llnrtu «ri mnp) -ilitftmlnc mi' In DlstrlrU slx-and »evrn. W. Ilry»nt nve, aepnrntes nia> paigning which, they both sny Irlrt In. which votfir^ hrlnnai Vhi exnmplr, thnsn In Itul- trlrt »lx nnm Dlslrlet nrvrn. they deplore. Kle.i'llop /if Irving SKIIIUCIS as Back* Hludr " . first pronldcnl of Ihe Springfield griSed lIUWUIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIIg POLLING PLACES tilni'kmnn lw> snlil - hr Is In l''i\ir HtiUJlng Commille.e rtnil nn ndilri>lv'» -by Ihe---IJtiv, Or. '.'I'lieiw fav'nr of jr-goveriimriit .iludy, n. hirger.id'oiljT'ln w.n'rking doi~lli»lh, 1.11'cttiilont of'•rilooni- 1 FOR SPRINGFIELD 'Mud.v In depth" nf .l.hxen', de- Tiinlr. negregated llelH Col.lttuer slinrnd the' .ipnl- tern* In Kprlngdeld^" . I'IIIIITTU plnrm fur Ihr I .'I vi'loinneiit of alrcndy existlit)( Illihl nl ii_menilng of llm local I'tiiU Cliuliiiiiiii ,iv uiili nil percent "^Political Spi Intlflelil .vnllng-_dhlrlrl . are Vci'irnlhin liimlv ami nixlulliiu U\\_,'n llien II,;MI ufoiip I»HI '1'hvnhcUiy evening'. W- • llxleil heliiiv. lou'itahlji- inrirluinU In' giiln Hie neulv le'i~.li|i-n|||g nnt-m Ihn Mi- HMVKXIHII Cltl>ih'nli»-Ki'hoiil preulilniit, liven Ml' 'it, "I)INI 1 lit••—1—nTTrl ')., Hie I'riniliy- ni'fdrd -imililiiii urcim He -hu» ,'llllll'l|,.. lijl lltl'llUll'll T<i«'ilnhlp Vinccnif. BOJIadics, Caadidatc. For^sscmhly h'liiin, l'iu'1-li UniiTr', Miiln »t.; I'llmi.. Uli_">ipetli!nee In deiillng nnii Is -|TI'p,»iileiTr-TTr Ihe ! l'liill|i.'l)el V«i:ii|i|fi, Hitd hiX-uifmberi* t»f Tli*1 I'i'rtiih.V" •!, Ammlrull I,'1 \vllh liii'^e i*ntnitiMlli'liv In hi1* I'oinnninli.v l trrtwti—t'jitni h;—'iVthpIr- HhlUBj- i IIUIMihI \ Mi ii|M j urn ' on (. tillii .Itiiil t—n itny ilulMlnil, TrlveMM - ppii ; .nupaclty iu> mi—tntfrnaTtnnnr Wiii |wi( li i<liulVinitit i y TiTTiir IIIK Melli'odl.'il. 'Hutch, llm I »liiiii>, Imivinir him, in n lull III'IIM'- , I, I'lv'oltvln IInn I'm lih luilou T'l'lli'^fiiliilftllV'e ilehllng \eiir .nf I'llll Hi',11111 Pnrli ulln lhl« 'riinttilH,v=ll|n,v Will Uml Ih^. nl Te,nil'le . Helh Mull, Ihn Anlliirh wlih'li I'IIVI'IB nil Vif M|ii lluii.i','.'Miilii il,; HM(-li'h !» it hi I Wllh IllllHI -IIWIIKHII'llll'lll ll'lH 1 rnml lni' iinmi' II|' TiitV'iinhl|i "rtirmriiiLrir- HuplUI '('lunch .'mill .'•! - .Itiini". itinl -11 rtirrj'iilly' iu'tivi*t|i> II. i iililurll lieliiml, (.'iihlweli.pl,; Hnn.'i, IIH mi IIHIIIM In Hie pi^l \\t 1 nu 'IIIII'M mi iiniiii'inii I'jir ;i|iiin '"An III hlil' 7 iin.l II, (iimtlllt)'t<r I lllll'ih, llfi -U'iOP llh nlhel.t tl|tl nuili • .' ' —— mim .Vliii'ciil ,1, nTiiiiuliTTn—III mi liiil'niiilltui' •leeliji In uuln ' . lly :i|ll'ill| |l Mllllllll V III It'l'IIIIMll rill I'lllMII .'.rh'inil. II M'l'iilimHiihl Mvr . "I" £rllllilli<d » Hh .HII.V- Ideal l'lillllle" Iliu'n 'In .1 ii'iuiiic, Siiiiuicln \\t - The IVmiiiTitllc rjinillihiliv Inpr Mjinl- IKI- I ho 11 Mi, II mill III. I 'llpiKnl'lll ,'lrllnnl, milliirrHMiu;r'flmn I Oil iiltendcd. i'.i tiilniili'H r11 ii11 [\V\v \ i ||.. Ju~ T7T^) r Ktti'nciili>il - II umeiiuni'iil »liirly til IIIILII 'ilnh'li Ihe l,i-vn,,l,' l.niilw .('i'IIJinu>rr~li lli'iiiiii'ral, rHnrf- lii il.i A\'UII M, v In., rluingtnu if. Hit' Hv'enliiK when ; lip H11\ I ii'. '\.a;iiH))Jil VjlTuTn. yi'iii, inul ritilil'-^tHW,' Ini \niii'ij.-iltiiil/ -.-• '. • r'_ ::.±zn~m 'Mi'luinI •Vim S-M o,iintVlli:i-iUuU-a'lntlM.(iui^ iiiiil nl'' 1 Ijl Tii'i!Ji)-ii.f-i H uiiumj,"~-.in— rti—iirijmtnri') -'i.nw . Si ITMTTTT iju'W'iili flin'fliial III|'I ill' iii" e'1iini'(-autU|ien~ , . '"|'| ""i- 'V^ijn . nm|-l'iy '"| (||' |I:H| lt'"pff(~ J.I | hint i liiir.iiiui I ^iiii'iili'lr^i'iriii IUII.'AI'I 1 He i*, mi, t-\ci.;iill\ e AVIIII httcjiiii- fllitrl 1* til Mi ill i tin I ifii ' 1 \u w>'ii nt u it i tt i in it JI4+I JVH ' Iii IIIII,.I,IIII,'I>;.'.;.', .. r .. T77; i t'.... 'I. I.. i . (. !'. 7~ I I.. ' uHjiliftjl, hehni: miilnlo.hieil, .1.SIH/ voles, ": - III- II 1111.v ntiei) liri'OTiecl (III liljuMli'u." llt'iuTI. Tluslitcss MIICI.IIIIIII, ".|JIHI Tinly ". of 'IIIH ''PI'KNHIII form hr lli'e lir.iH rli'ction, ... — . ^_......,- ... ,.,Jl(llotU ilillHlT III I'illzillllll II, .il I'll-, Nnllng-Him "ill million Ainei-. hi'i.v. hved In SprliiR'flijId for' tin1 eiinh'l inieaj'lli hellor proi'i'ihiri.'.i leim' Nngroen are. "in reblfflTon" nnl Oiinlel'.Liii'y ri'gist'c'red IJipT ft'«u ii. 1'iilltini! iidtinilimi. jfinirinii'iw .'i.iiiillini In Wr^'HinM, -II Ji'it,- in Itnliwii.v, a piiM Ihiee •.vears, — 1 1 for Ihe pres'enl s.Vslem. • iiHiiinsl prejudice and' discnml- hiKhcK.I * vote . iiei'cenUige-.wi. ,*! In (Hnri'_aiij!iiiH;N!.(ir In Iliif.Nliiti',_lH.x-if\- li'Miimmiin'l •dimi'm' In-Kli/niwll'i. it nick-" Motel Vpances, Hliickman* has polnled lo ris- Dr. Hiillf, llifKiipsl'speaker, is over high Republican Arthur nalinhi'nr,' Ralb comnienled, "lii pre.iident . of. the •• New' Jer.wy •«iii|f|,|nn_n . I'or : rtitnlur uiUxtMiH,' II.HU'C. pny Inii pnil.y In Irvinjfl.on ii'iul iirnllvin Ilill- ing Inxes n'nd~Tn i\h plttl-ftrrm- a- lime' of revolution there enn Handvilje.'.'Uicy unined fi.T'per"-" 1 Cnmmlllic., nc'iin; ' ' nnjl—mor-a. Mlyliiifi-'nl. (iiiuliflriilin'iiM "I'm aido, ,...•" " "ha: arivonrted a lax.Khidy, He vo- • he no neutrals.". lion-in tlousing.- He has served; IIIKI 'I'h'omoii, tiiiil 'llmltiil-lniw i.m-"..,: VVV1K iil'lnr Hiul. lofwl iiT n Sundny. Denied; Request SB.VS he. -|ia» consulted wilh ex-' ten; -'(<n>--t)KH—Ata'tinn niimb«ti?a" Snmuelv who. was elected un- as. president nf the. hew .ler.sey »»' tho pywer-'ot' UIB Sliiti.'. Hlirluv'ny • vmi'll fiT'iTl'iiTldr Mlimp, Min thfinrrnxf"m"ni~ pLLi!Li|Lxl ly I'niirir-il' nf-Plnriiir i nnrl =nf-1 he 7S(1' and .^.n,i(r*\-niei'.< r^si [\ip\r •" •"" • • -• • niiitf. tin wns told. —' "• '.:r-^B-T- .l.o_lacjinjilnt himself jyll.h ^ the Infitt-Trrotipr^ns- also auth- Presbyterian Synod of N'fw jer- lailnUi.'I.uc'.v won his scat cerinrc.1 which he . SH.VSV will orized' to name a steeling com-" 1 .7*05 vble.-i, with the ..-.-- 'n'.n', i'ol«xo(I nwrl' IVI(!nfIT]F ' "Nat. Un talc," "'hfrsaidT "I fliali'ihiiln sey.' • • ' "• • -A'~v"rillnee, tn allow conSiruc- serve him- and the community mitteejo assist. In the iHganixit. He. stressed that inan^pieriple nlRipiibVkWB-Ba'ining ; 1,872. ' .mniinqr in the living i-nom fffrtTtsntonin -;-c-nmii><riiyn, litbruUii'o • Ht'n^lmii-Ki'le.s* nl !) if lii^.U eWMited to thij Gl tlonnl pnic^ssiiiiThls 'committee And in -thn '-H)fi(|—ctcctimii" l c 1 1 linn of n-uno-unlt motel-on-J3t.

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