The Ukrainian Weekly 1989, No.45

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The Ukrainian Weekly 1989, No.45 ubiished by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.. a fraternal non-prof it association rainian Weekly Vol. LVII No. 45 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1989 50 cents Former political prisoner, UHl) activist UACCouncil holds second convention, Horbal brings message of unity, hope John 0. Flis re-elected president by Chrystym N. Lapychak cai prisoner hopes to infect as many PHILADELPHIA - The Ukrainian Ukrainian Americans as possible with American Coordinating Council held JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Armed with the same feverish desire for unity that a message of unity, Mykola Horbal has its second convention here during the recently unified a wide spectrum of weekend of October 21-22 and re- come to the United States for more than Soviet Ukrainian society into the Popu­ a much-needed rest. The former politi- elected John O. Flis president of this lar Movement of Ukraine for Perebu- central organization of Ukrainian dova, or Rukh. Americans. The 48-year-old poet and musicolo­ In all, 136 delegates and 22 invited gist described some his hopes and guests participated in the national thoughts on the movement in Ukraine, convention, held at the Adam's Mark the Ukrainian diaspora and his long and Hotel. In addition, 230 persons attend­ difficult path in an interview in early ed the convention banquet. October in the offices of The Ukrainian Among the participants were guests Weekly. from Ukraine: Mykola Horbal, mem­ Following the example of Ukraine, ber of the executive committee of the he said, "I would like to help consoli­ Ukrainian Helsinki Union; and Volo­ date this diverse Ukrainian community, dymyr Yavorivsky, a Ukrainian repre­ if possible. I believe it is possible sentative to the Soviet Congress of because we have an example in Ukraine. People's Deputies. Both delivered There the (Communist) Party wants to speeches during the conclave. create discord, to incite members, the The congress was addressed also by initiators of the Rukh against the Mykola Rudenko, head of the External Ukrainian Helsinki Union, Ukrainians Representation of the Ukrainian Hel­ against Jews and more. We have tried to sinki Union; Mykola Plawiuk, acting alleviate the tension, from the terrible president of the Ukrainian National propagandistic attack from the side of Republic's government in exile, who the party; we have not only survived but spoke on behalf of President Mykola Mykola Horbal (Continued on page 3) Liwytzkyj; and Yuri Shymko, president of the Worid Congress of Free Ukrai­ Newly reflected UACCouncH Presi­ nians. dent John O. Flis. Yavorivsky continues D.C. meetings of the consciousness of the Ukl-ainian WASHINGTON - Prior to his (USA) broadcast to Cuba, conduct­ Opening address nation, it is the new beginning of its departure from the United States, ed an interview with the Ukrainian struggle for freedom and indepen­ Volodymyr Yavorivsky, an elected deputy. An interview with Bill Prit- In his opening address, Mr. Flis dence. ...This struggle is the movement deputy from Kiev to the Soviet Con­ chard of the Catholic News Service called on the convention delegates to be against the recurrence of the Chornobyl gress of Peoples' Deputies, returned was also held. businesslike in their deliberations, to tragedy, the movement against the to Washington for an additional twQ Prior to his departure from Wash­ discuss and constructively criticize the economic exploitation of Ukraine, the days of press interviews antf meet­ ington, Mr. Yavorivsky was inter­ work of the UACCouncil during the movement for restructuring in Ukraine, ings with political leaders. His meet­ viewed for a second time by the four years since its first convention held the movement for the return to Ukraine ings on October 23-24 included a Ukrainian Service of the Voice of in Philadelphia in 1985, and to the of its Ukrainian language, culture and meeting with Sen. Bill Bradley (D- America (VOA). In the interview he ponder well the future of the Ukrainian history." N.J.) who, along with Rep. James discussed the financial support the conMnunity in the United States. "At the founding conference of the Florio (D-N.J.), extended the invita­ Ukrainian American community has "Our most important task," Mr. Flis Popular Movement of Ukraine for - tion that brought Mr. Yavorivsky to given to the victims of the Chor- emphasized, "is assistance to our Ukrai­ Perebudova, writer and people's deputy the U.S. nobyl nuclear accident and pointed nian nation in its struggle for freedom Volodymyr Yavorivsky stated: 'We out that he will be traveling back to and the independence of Ukraine, as The scheduled events, coordi­ stand at the edge of an abyss, that is why Ukraine with medical supplies for the well as the education of our young we must hold on to each other's hands.' nated by the Washington Office of children affected by the disaster. generations in a Ukrainian patriotic the Ukrainian National Association There, they have clasped hands; former During most of the two days, Mr. spirit so that they will be able to take political prisoners, writers and poets, (UNA), began with an appearance at over our work and conduct it even more "'Breakfast Newsmakers," a meeting Yavorivsky continued his meetings scholars and workers of the Donbas are with selected journalists hosted by with members of Congress. Due to a successfully for the good of our en­ holding hands," Mr. Flis said. "The the National Press Club, The hour- funeral in Europe, Sen. Claibome slaved, yet undefeated Ukrainian na­ latter's level of national consciousness is long event included a statement by Pell (D-R.L), chairman of the Senate tion.'' far from that of other members of Mr. Yavorivsky and questions from Foreign Relations Committee, was That is why, Mr. Flis continued, the Rukh, but they have extended their the approximately 20 correspon­ unable to make his scheduled meet­ convention program will include ad­ hands to each other, regardless of the dents present. ing with the Rukh leader. Sen. Paul dresses about current developments in fact that not all of them are confirmed Simon (D-Ill), also a member of the proponents of an independent Ukraine. The session was recorded by the Ukraine, including the Ukrainian na­ Foreign Relations Committee, did, tion's liberation struggle and the ways They are holding hands with all others National Broadcasting Company however, meet with him. Though because they are proclaiming unity in (NBC), Christian Broadcasting Net­ and means to support that struggle. In they had shared a platform in Chi­ addition to Messrs. Rudenko and the knowledge that the strength of the work (CBN), and C-SPAN, the cable cago a week earlier, this was their nation is based on unity." network which covers the proceed­ Yavorivsky, Mr^t Flis mentioned that first opportunity to discuss the the convention would be addressed by Turning to the situation in the U.S., ings of the Congress. C-SPAN aired rapidly unfolding events in Ukraine. Mr. Flis continued, "We still do not the interview that evening, the Dr. James E. Mace, staff director of the The senator urged Mr. Yavorivsky to U.S. Commission on the Ukraine Fa­ have unity. Here brothers call each other following morning, and on October maintain contact with him and asked traitors - even though we all are for an 28. mine. to be kept apprised of what the The UACCouncil president com-^ independent Ukraine. Here we do not Later that day. Radio Marti, the United States could do to assist mented on recent events in Ukraine want to hold hands because we cannot Spanish-language service of the Rukh. likening them to an earthquake. "The agree on the methods to achieve that United States Information Agency (Continued on page 11) earthquake in Ukraine is the awakening (Continued on page 4) 2 .. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1989 No. 45 A GLIMPSE Of SOWf Г REALITY Churches in western Ukraine declare themselves Catholic An interview with Ukrainian writer, ST. CATHARINES, Ontario - has great symbolic importance. Firstly, Ukrainian Catholics in western Ukraine it is the second largest parish in Lviv; Rukh activist Yuriy Pokalchuk continue to take things into their own only the Cathedral of St. George is hands, rather than simply waiting for larger. But perhaps more importantly, it by Dr. David Marples could he say? That the entire Soviet official recognition of their Church by is the former parish of the Rev. Hry- Union was about to disintegrate? As the CONCLUSION Soviet authorities. On Sunday, Octo­ horiy Kostelnyk, one of the leaders of president of his country, he could not ber 29, the Rev. Yarosiav of the Church the group which initiated the so-called Yuriy Pokalchuk, 48, is a popular say this. I am concerned about the of the Transfiguration announced that Sobor of Lviv which saw the forced writer and translator living in Kiev. He activities of some of my colleagues, from this day forward he is joining the liquidation of the Ukrainian Catholic graduated from Leningrad University particularly some in the Ukrainian Ukrainian (Greek) Catholic Church Church in 1946. and has worked with the Shevchenko Helsinki Union, who are demanding and should the parishioners agree the Institute of Literature of the Ukrainian too much in my opinion. They .are entire parish would now be a Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. trying to achieve political power, but it Catholic parish. In related news, the Rome-based is impossible. They do not understand A member of the Ukrainian Writers' The Rev. Yaroslav's announcement Ukrainian Catholic Church Press Bu­ that the average person does not support was met with tears of joy. The church reau cited Ukrainian Catholic Church Union, he has been an active member of such things.
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