Biobased and Biodegradable Plastics
THE NORWEGIAN ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Bio-Based and Biodegradable Plastics An Assessment of the Value Chain for Bio- Based and Biodegradable Plastics in Norway Project report Prosjekt/ 1446 Rapportdato/ 30.november.2018 Project no: Report date: M-nummer: M-1206|2018 Distribusjon/ [Fyll inn] Miljødirektoratets Distribution: nummerserie Tittel/ Bio-Based and Biodegradable Title: Plastics Forfatter(e)/ Simon Hann Antall sider/ 61 Author(s): Rosy Scholes Number of pages: Rebecca Briedis Kathrine Kirkevaag Antall vedlegg/ [Fyll inn] Attachments: Oppdragsgiver/ Norwegian Environment Agency Kontaktperson/ Andreas Andersen Client: Contact person: Executive Summary: This report aims to give a description of the value chain for bio-based and biodegradable plastics on a global and national scale. Common bio-based and biodegradable materials based on their feedstock and traits: • Biobased and biodegradable: PLA, PHAs, starch blends incl. Mater-Bi, bio-PBS(A) • Fossil-based and biodegradable: PBAT, PBS(A), PCL, PVA • Bio-based and non-biodegradable: bio-PET, bio-PE, PEF, bio-PP, bio-PAs, PTT Raw materials come from forestry, agriculture, residues, bio-waste and other sources. Important bio- based feedstocks and the material types that can be produced using these feedstocks: • Sugarcane: PLA, PHAs, bio-PBS(A), bio-PET, bio-PE, PEF, bio-PP, bio-PAs, PTT • Sugarbeet: PLA, PHAs, bio-PBS(A), bio-PET, bio-PE, PEF, bio-PP, bio-PAs, PTT • Corn: PLA, PHAs, starch blends, bio-PBS(A), bio-PE, PEF, bio-PP, bio-PAs, PTT • Potato: PLA, PHAs, starch blends, bio-PBS(A), bio-PE, PEF, bio-PP, bio-PAs, PTT • Wheat: PLA, PHAsstarch blends, bio-PBS(A), bio-PE, PEF, bio-PP, bio-PAs, PTT • Castor seed oil: bio-PAs • Biomass: PBAT, PBS 0.016 % of the global agricultural areas is used to grow bio-based and biodegradable plastic feedstocks.
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