Azov Phenomenon

How Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Became Infl uential Political Force “IGCP Reports” (published since 2016) Head of the Project A.R. Dyukov.

Issue 3.

Editor M.A. Vilkov.

Maltsev V. Azov Phenomenon How Ukrainian Neo-Nazis became Influential Political Force / Information Group on Crimes against the Person (IGCP). M.: “Istoricheskaya ” Foundation, 2017. — 98 pages. There were the days when participants of right-wing and neo-Nazi groups in the were marginal ones, being expelled to the edge of political and social life. Everything changed in 2014, during the so-called “Revolution of Dignity”. Ukrainian neo-Nazis gained money and weapon, they were given official status as Army, Police and Special Forces units, they got representatives in the Parliament. The history of “Azov” — notorious neo- Nazi detachment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ukraine — became an image of such transformation. “Azov” offsprings hold leading offices in Ukrainian Police, raise the youth in neo-Nazi ideology encirclement, effectively expand their representation on the Ukrainian political field and getting ready for the struggle for power. This report is devoted to the process of Ukrainian nationalists becoming influential political power. IGCP, 2017. Contents

Preface ...... 7 Chapter 1. Street Militants...... 11

Social-National Party of Ukraine ...... 13

The Social-National Assembly ...... 25 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed ...... 41 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power ...... 69

Preface litical oppositionists. pluralism, asthegovernment hasallthepossibilities toremove po- appeared inUkrainedoes notmeanthat thiscountry hasopinion Ukrainian Ministry ofInternal Aff has offi , was electeditsleader. SinceSeptember2014, he October 14, 2016. Andrey Biletsky, leader”, a“ adeputy ofthe the Azov. The constituent assembly ofNational Corpstook placeon modern Ukraineisahistorybattalion, ofaneo-Nazi thenregiment — of radicalnationalists? it? Can we buildafreesociety by suppressing dissenters with thehelp the “Europeanchoice”canlast?Can we achieve freedomby limiting a key tounderstandingofhow longthesenegative consequencesof people forget aboutthediffi good goals andabetterfuturethat will happeninany caseandmake tive results. Problemsand violation ofhumanrights arejustifi political transformations connected with thischoicebringtonega- build anopenanddemocratic society. However, sometimessocialand it isperceived asasociety that doesitsbesttoimprove people’s life, to progress andsoon. Ifacountry chooses aEuropean way ofdevelopment, tions related toit — aspiration forfreedom, humanrights, openborders, 1 One ofthebrightest symbolsofpoliticaland socialchanges in European integration. Many peoplehave alotofpositive associa- kyeva-zapretyl-deyatelnost-kpu (watched on12/06/16). 16, 2015 it activity by adecisionftheDistrict Administrative CourtofKiev onDecember For example, how ithappenedtotheCommunisticParty ofUkrainethat stopped cially runtheparamilitary Azov formation includedinthe 1 culties. Where can we fi hood ashisPRINCIPLE.” his METHOD mustinexorably choosefalse- “Any manwhohasonceacclaimedviolenceas airs. partyThe factthat aneo-Nazi Nobel Lecture inLiterature Nobel Lecture nd inthisrhetoric A.I. Solzhenitsyn ed by ed

7 Preface 8 Preface nature. ternal aff Azov militant, who becameadeputy oftheUkrainianministerin- The mostrecent exampleis Vadim Troyan, anex-neo-Nazi activistand members aremakingasuccessfulcareerinUkrainianforcestructures. the CivilCorpsanddeveloped into arealpoliticalparty. Itsleadersand action. of itin2014. All suchformations didthesameinareaofmilitary anti-terroristic operation (ATO),so-called especially at thebeginning not theonly voluntary battalion that “distinguishedduringthe itself” scribed inthisbookasapredecessorofthe Azov. Ofcourse, the Azov is Rada, isacreator oftheSocial-National Party ofUkrainethat isde- Verkhovna Rada. Forexample, Andrey Paruby, aheadofthe Verkhovna hold key positions. We donotmeanonly OlegLyashko, adeputy ofthe cal nationalistic elements comeinto Ukrainianstate structures and military crimes. because it violated humanrights andhumanfreedomscommitted though it was mentioned in Amnesty International reportsmany times of beingincludedinthesociety onthegroundofcommongoals. After idea: acertainunderstandingofthecommongood, tasks, possibility project that unitedallSoviet citizenshadbeenbased onapolitical ation. Oneofthefeatures oftheSoviet heritage was that thepublic and clannish, asinRussia, ofcourse, also. Ukrainehadaspecifi the power ina young independent Ukrainian state becameoligarchic Independently ofhow we evaluate thechanges, we cannotdeny that the Ukrainianpoliticalevolution. The massmediaspokealotaboutthe Azov andrevealed itsneo-Nazi 4 3 2 Of course, the Azov isnottheonly examplethat shows how radi- The breakupoftheUSSR was abigshockforallpost-Soviet countries. Godovoy otchet IGCP/ Podred. A.R. Dyukova. М, 2014. Massovye narusheniya prav cheloveka v hodekonfl etc. tionalist-volunteers-grows-269604?rm=eu (watched on02/08/17);https://amnesty. (watched on12/06/16)etc. Ukraine-crisis-the-neo-Nazi-brigade-fighting-pro-Russian-separatists.html 12/06/16); military-camp-recruits-young-six-learn-fi Now-CHILDREN-taking-arms-Shocking-pictures-inside-Ukraine-s-neo-Nazi- (seenon12/06/16); 4 2 However, the Azov phenomenonshows acertaindirectionof However, thisparamilitary organization underwent evolution, airs onFebruary 8, 2017. 3 In2014–2016, the Azov got moremembers, opened re-weapons-s-ceasefi ikta naUkraine, 2013–2014: re.html (seenon ghters-ukraine- c situ- The offi the Soviet basisdisappeared, it was necessary toformulate anew one. Ukraine would stay loyal toKiev? basis would becomestricter, and who knows ifDonbassandLeft-bank ments cametopower, thepolicy ofsocialexclusion onthelanguage if thePeople’s Movement ofUkraineorotherethnicnationalistic move- Herzegovina. He describesUkraineasapositive exampleandsays that in destructive confl ethnic component andkindlingofinternational discord, itcanresult example ofhow incase politicalactivity limitsitsdiscourse with an lished notlongbeforetheUkrainianconfrontation in2014. Hegives an Philosophy, Russian Academy ofSciences, wrote abookthat was pub- certainly analternative. Viktor Malakhov who works intheInstituteof with theultra-right life. becameanormofsocio-political Ukraine had after theEuromaidandidnothave anti-Nazi immunity:cooperation municipal councilsandthe Verkhovna Rada. Unfortunately, Ukraine among theelectorate, coercive suppressionoftheopposition, entering Ukraine, butalsoofanactive politicalactivity, popularity andprestige only participation inmilitary aresultofneo-Nazi actionintheEastern 2014 managed tojointhestate authorities. The Azov’s ascension was not organizations went along way andaftera violent turnover ofFebruary andnationalism.their rhetoriconanti-communism Many ofthese why aseriesofpoliticalandpublicorganizations appearedthat based that developed duringpost-Soviet periodinUkraine. That is program ofdevelopment ofanindependent state. Itbrought topolitical the Euromaidanat theendof 2013, who wanted the country todevelop of thescalerepressive measuresusedby theUkrainiangovernment. and humanrights activists who supportedthe areafraid past problems. Nowadays many people, even the western massmedia off could nothelpdroppingacurtsey tonationalistic movements who earlier. Even Viktor Yanukovich, aseemingly pro-Russian president, of Russian. initslegislative initiatives uptothesanctionsforuse have seenthat theUkrainian Parliament directly discriminates the came tolifeaftertheEuromaidan victory. Intherecent three years, we ered tothesociety ready people who were guilty ofthecurrent and 5 7 6 There were undoubtedly peopleamongthose who participated in Manchuk A. Ukraina: Anatomiya katastrofy. М, 2017. С328-329. (watched on20.03.2017г.). Malakhov V.S. Natsionalizm kakpoliticheskaya ideologiya. М, 2014. С. 135. cial circlesandeliteofUkraine were unabletooff 6 However, problems startednotinFebruary 2014, butmuch icts. HemeansMoldova, Serbia, , Bosniaand 5 Unfortunately, exactly thisscenario er aserious 7

9 Preface democratic values, freedom and human rights. However, they did not understand what exactly they had to do to reach it. This and other circumstances turned a constructive desire to an exclusion from the society all dissenters and domination of a radical movement that of- fered radical measures. For several years, the Ukrainian government has been justifying these measures by an emergency and war. For example, there is a law called “On the legal regime during the state of war”8 that abolishes some points from the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the European Social Charter in the ATO area that results in crimes committed by the military forces of Ukraine and paramilitary formations (including the Azov) that stay unpunished. Nationalistic elements that committed crimes before the Euromaidan and during it and ATO merges steadily with Ukrainian state and force structures. Though Ukraine says that it supports the idea of “European integration”, it complies less and less with the European democratic standards. Timothy David Snyder, an American historian, professor of Yale University, has recently published a list of 20 recommendations that in his opinion can help any country to avoid degradation starting from and fi nishing with and . There is one that is quite urgent for Ukraine. “Watch out for the para- militaries. When the men with guns who have always claimed to be against the system start wearing uniforms and marching around with torches and pictures of a Leader, the end is nigh. When the pro-Leader paramilitary and the offi cial police and military intermingle, the game is over.”9 The story of the Azov is a good illustration of it.

Maksim Vilkov, IGCP coordinator

8 (watched on 30.03.2017 г.). 9 ot-timoti-snaydera-172890.html (watched on 30.03.2017). Chapter 1. Street Militants

tary way. Istudiedthe passages inmountains andgorges” Spadshchina believed, that we will have tofi his interview inFebruary 2014, I was “When 17[1987-1988], I together with Andrey Paruby, chiefcommandant andex-leader ofSpadshchina, saidin participated instreetconfl preparation forapossiblepartisan war andtheformsoffi not openly resistthearmedforcesofUSSR, sotheirpurpose was a possible confl web-site membersofSpadshchinagot says preparedfora thesame:“The was turnedinto SNPUin2003, describesitinanother way andcloserto and closely cooperated with it” among otherorganizations thecreation ofSocial-National Party ofUkraine Social-National PartyofUkraine Lvov) 1991 itscolumnthat consistedof300people with torchesmarched in light processionsthat the western far-rights likesomuch(inJanuary created. Later itparticipated inmassstreetprotestincludingthetorch- Ukrainian), anundergroundorganization oftheUkrainian youth, was very deeproots. March28, 1988Spadshchina(that meansheritage in of Ultra-right) (ibidem-Verlag, Germany) ism, editorofabookseriescalled tika”, says Anton Shehovtsov, aUkrainianresearcheroftheright radical- Members ofthisorganization that positioneditselfasnational-cultural The web-site alsosays that “inOctober1991Spadshchinainitiated 13 12 11 10 inthepost-SovietThe phenomenonofneo- Ukrainehas 14 10 Іstorichna dovіdka // Sayt OUM «Spadshchina». [Bezdaty.] URL:http://www.spad- Іstorichna dovіdka // Sayt OUM «Spadshchina». [Bezdaty.] URL:http://www.spad- svyato-viriv-scho-za-ukrayinu-dovedetsya-vesti-vijskovu-borotbu/541251 боротьбу» // 11.02.2014. URL: Наливайко Северин. «Свято вірив, що заУкраїну доведеться вести військову 2013. № 1. С. 32. nosti borby za vlast // Forum noveyshey vostochnoyevropeyskoy istorii ikultury. Shekhovtsov Anton. Vseukrainskoye obyedineniye «Svoboda»: problemalegitim- Іstorichna dovіdka // Sayt OUM «Spadshchina». [Bezdaty.] URL:http://www.spad- . symbol ofHeritage included(andincludes)modifi “The ict with theSoviet power… They understoodthat they could icts andgot preparedforanarmedfi 14 .Svoboda,Union TheAll-Ukrainian which Issledovaniya krayne pravyh 11 . ght forUkraineinamili- ght typicalofit 12 . Spadshchina (Research ed swas- ght. As 13 .

13 Chapter 1. Street Militants 14 Chapter 1. Street Militants Nazi Germany” is notoriousforbeingusedasasymbolofseveral inthe SS-divisions symbol”, Shehovtsev writes. Despiteitslonghistory, the“wolf-hook” a symbolofSNPUand was responsibleforagitation andpropaganda, organization oftheUkrainian youth, joinedSNPU” the truth. Itsmembersays, “Almost allmembersofSpadshchina, the same way madethe itsemblem that copied with a few modifi the constitutionalsystemofcountry including usage ofthesymbols Germany, that was prohibited in1982because oftheactivity against Front, the youth organization ofthePeople’s SocialistMovement of (9) ultra-organization, which “hasaclearideology — Ukrainian ” warehouses was given tothepopulation” Dudaev was aleaderandalsoin Transdniestria. The weapon fromthearmy technique that was later usedinChechnya duringthefi the focus was notonthephysical strengthandskills, butonthesame the war in Afghanistan. Others were trainedinmartialarts. However, people.and consistedofapproximately 5 000 Mostofthemtookpart in Yaroslav Andrushkiv, itsleadersays, “Warta existedsince1988until 1991 “Varta”cluded theso-called (guard)of The People’s Movement ofUkraine. of theleaders, authorized to work with the youth. The alsoin- 17 “SPNU usedarunicsymbol“wolf-hook” (Germ. Wolfsangel) asits Nestor Pronyuk 20 19 18 17 16 15 The Greek neo-Nazi GoldenDawnThe Greekneo-Nazi that initially usedswastika inthe , asEduard Andrutschenko, aresearcheroftheright radicalism, writes. trogat» // Glavkom. 26.07.2011. URL: Natsionalnoy partii Yaroslav Andrushkiv: «Esli vyyavili seksota, to luchshene terview afterhefi simvol! // Pravy napryam. Lvіv: Lіga-pres, 1998. С5), andrepeated itlater inanin- Sothial-natsionalist on April 1, 1995(Andrushkіv Yaroslav. —nash Іdeya Natsії Yaroslav Andrushkiv, aleaderofSNPU, wrote aboutitinhisarticlepublished com/2014/06/25/greece-golden-dawn-leaders-nazi-salutes-/ «Zolotaya zarya» skosoy chelkoy // Euronews. 25.06.2014. URL:http://ru.euronews. 2013. № 1. С. 31. nosti borby za vlast // Forumnoveyshey vostochnoyevropeyskoy istoriiikultury. Shekhovtsov Anton. Vseukrainskoye obyedineniye «Svoboda»: problemalegitim- sakh v Ukraїnі1989–1991rr. // Mandrivets (Ternopol). 2013. №1. С. 47. Andryushchenko Yeduard. «Varta Rukhu» protses- taїїrolususpіlno-polіtichnikh ua/articles/4295.html vyyavili seksota, toluchshenetrogat» // Glavkom. 26.07.2011. URL:http://glavcom. Musafi Frankіvsk: MіstoNV, 2008. С. 61. Zelik Ruslan. Іstorіya SNPU — VO «Svoboda» // Kurs I. Osnovi natsіonalіzmu. Іvano- rova Olga. Osnovatel Sotsial-Natsionalnoy partii Yaroslav Andrushkiv: «Esli 18 .“wolfi The 20 nished hispoliticalactivity: Musafi , who initiated theacceptanceof Wolfsangel as sh hook” was usedasanemblemofJungen cations thesymbolsof Third Reich. 16 . It was onemoreparamilitary 19 . rova Olga. Osnovatel Sotsial- 15 . Paruby becameone rst coup, rst when tribes, peoplesofUralandSiberia, nomads ofMongoloid origin” years… mostofthesocalledRussians were just yesterday Ugro-Finnic whose psychology andtraditionshave beencreated forthousandsof movements that popularizeandimplement it)andopenly racistsideas. reconcilable enemy ofthecommunistideology andpoliticalparties Nationalists’ programcontained anticommunist (p.13: “SNPUisanir- When hereadithimselfin1991, itgave him“theshivers” was radical“asanexplosionofanuclearbombinthecenter ofLvov”. us andbecamemembersoftheparty”. According tohim, theprogram 13, themainparty 1991“was document. After readingitpeoplecameto SNPU program, acceptedat theparty constituent assembly inOctober 2012 Zelikbecameadeputy ofthe Verkhovna Radafromthisparty): Political education, where he was thechef, attached to VO Svoboda (in ing in2008apropagandaeditionpublishedtheUniversity of can actually be calledsocialnationalism” nationalism demonstrates themainfeatures ofsocialnationalism and right at thefi showed directly thesimilarity ofitsideology with theEuropeanultra- another andthe Wolfsangel “grows” fromaslightly modifi Sign) illustrated by asetofsymbols where onesymboldeveloped from leadership ofthe youth department, called journal publishedanarticleby Martynyuk, Levko amemberofthe (that unitedtheright partiesofEurope) ment created by Jean-Marie Pen, Le theleaderofNational Front Paris, where “theUkrainianPatriot” was acceptedtothe youth depart- in May 1999. He was oneofthemembersSNPUdelegation that visited European phenomenon, it was generated by Aryan attitude”, saidParuby According top. 10oftheparty program, “unliketheUkrainians, As Ruslan Zelik, amemberofSNPUsince1990, wrote thefollow- 24 23 22 21 25 Іvano-Frankіvsk: MіstoNV,Іvano-Frankіvsk: 2008. S. 89. Programa Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї Partії Ukraїni // Kurs I. Osnovi natsіonalіzmu. Frankіvsk: Mіsto NV, 2008. S. 64. Zelik Ruslan. Іstorіya SNPU — VO «Svoboda» // Kurs I. Osnovi natsіonalіzmu. Іvano- Ukraїni. №3. [2000.]S. 38. Martinyuk Levko. Magiya znaku// Orіyentiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї partії partії Ukraїni. [1999.][Beznomera.]S. 21. konferentsіyu Yevronatsu v Parizh)// Orієntiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї Parubіy Andrіy. Yevropa vіlnikh natsіy (pro poїzdkudelegatsії SNPUna [Bez nomera.]S. 19. V z’їzdu SNPU// Orіyentiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї partіїUkraїni. [1999.] Pronyuk Nestor. Dekalog. Punktdesyaty. Vystup naurochistikhzborakhznagodi fth Party Convention. “It’s typicalthat modernEuropean 22 21 . In2000SNPUOriyentiry Magiya Znaka . “Nationalism isapurely ed (the Magicof 24 .Social- The 25 . In 23 .

15 Chapter 1. Street Militants 16 Chapter 1. Street Militants in thebook near the walls of Verkhovna Rada, alldressedinblack”, as was written Ukrainian nation”, Zelik writes community, SNPUadmittedthepeopleonly ifthey belonged tothe the police” a massprotestactionnear Verkhovna RadainKiev andhadaclash with sign was ablackuniform. OnSeptember22–24, 1993, they participated in more researcheroftheUkrainianright radicalism, says. typical “Their power wing ofthepoliticalorganization”, Eduard Andrutschenko, one “protectivecreated publicdetachments” theso-called that becamethe logically leadstoacreation ofparamilitary structures. “In1993theparty SNPU usedthefi with theprogramof1991”. According toZelik, “aftertheregistration registration authority because it was aproblemtoget anoffi “we didnotchange thefi 1995, some points were deletedfromtheprogram, but, asZeliksaid, not admitnon-Ukrainians” Fight for streetfi to stormtroopers, Zeliksays. “SNPU… formedparamilitary detachments the Schutzstaff members was 18–25members was years” young men(notolderthan40 years old). The realage ofmostthe vertical subordination”, Zeliksays. “Upto1995theparty admittedonly “As theparty hasalways understoodthenation asablood-spiritual 31 30 29 28 27 26 The nameandtheblackuniformofstructureopenly remindof “SNPU was a very well structuredauthoritarian system with astrict made by VO Svoboda in2011says thesamething, party did “The Golobutsky’s web siteURL: Ukraїni. Kiїv:Kobza, 1996. Quoteby anInternet version ofthebookon Aleksey Golobutsky O.P., Krivoruchko T.G., Kulik V.O., Yakushik V.M. Polіtichnіpartії natsіonalnogo unіversitetu. 2011. Vip. XXX. S. 49. rukhu 90-khrr. KhKhst. // Naukovі pratsі іstorichnogo fakultetuZaporіzkogo Andryushchenko Ye.S. Paramіlіtarnіstrukturi ukraїnskogo natsіonalіstichnogo Frankіvsk: MіstoNV, 2008. S. 58. Zelik Ruslan. Іstorіya SNPU — VO «Svoboda» // Kurs I. Osnovi natsіonalіzmu. Іvano- YouTube. 25.09.2011. URL: Іstorіya VO «Svoboda». Chast.1// Kanalpolzovatelya «Natalya Kornіyenko» na Frankіvsk: MіstoNV, 2008. S. 58. Zelik Ruslan. Іstorіya SNPU — VO «Svoboda» // Kurs I. Osnovi natsіonalіzmu. Іvano- Frankіvsk: MіstoNV, 2008. S. 62. Zelik Ruslan. Іstorіya SNPU — VO «Svoboda» // Kurs I. Osnovi natsіonalіzmu. Іvano- ghts”. “Itookpartinthoseevents andIcansay that the only 30 Politicheskie partiiUkrainy . “OnSeptember21, 1993… “publicdetachments” appeared el, SS, NSDAP. However, thefunctions were moresimilar rst variant” ofitsparty program rst program, it was justatacticalmove fora 29 28 . It was atypicalFuhrerorganization that . 27 .fi The (PoliticalPartiesofUkraine) lm 20 Years ofLoyalty. 20 Years of 26 . cial status 31 . special clothing(shields, helmets)” diff the mostimportant thing was that it was notRussian” ference between Kiev patriarchy andtheGreekCatholic Church. Forus tion VO Svoboda, who joinedSNPUin1991, said. “We didnotseeadif- for Ukrainianchurches”, Anatoly Vitiv, aleaderof Volhynian organiza- and cities”, VO Svoboda’s fi Vladimir-Volynsky, anddozensofotherorthodox churchesin villages tion theHoly Trinity Cathedral inLutsk, theDormitionCathedral in belonged toMoscow patriarchy. “In1992SNPUtookunderitsprotec- togivefrom ” to“Ukrainian” churches)ofthechurchesthat (according totheirterminology they “tookthemundertheirprotection Ukrainian right radicalssocialnationalists participated incaptures derstand that we arenotstrongenoughforit yet”. Together with other Bartholomew’s Day massacrefortheRussians inLvov. However, Iun- rally nearthe Verkhovna RadainKiev, “Ihave beendreamingof The St. September 1993, Igor Kotsuba, oneofSNPUleaders, saidduringthe activists oftheleftandRussian organizations. national-cultural Late special servicesinLvov. Their maintask was streetterroragainst the specialized” useofthosehundredsfi Svoboda], says. were “Trainers spetsnazmembers.” were traineddaily,” Andrey Mitschenko[afamousactivistofSNPU, later became SNPUmilitary campat thebeginningof1990-s. 500 people ists. “Lvov citadel, that was usedas Austrian andPolishquartersbefore, in itsanniversary fi call-up age. It was thebiggest organization ofthistypeinUkraine” —organizedanddisciplined young menofthe 000members had 3 forces andtheNavy”, Zelik writes. “InitsprimePatriot ofUkraine tered inOctober16, 1995]asasociety that helpedtheUkrainianarmed Ukraine that was created andregistered [soonafterSNPU was regis- erence between thetroopersandpolice was the absenceof 35 34 33 32 It ismorelikely that thefi “It isalsonecessary tomention suchaparty structureasPatriot of YouTube.25.09.2011. URL: Іstorіya VO «Svoboda». Chast.1// Kanalpolzovatelya «Natalya Kornіyenko» na YouTube. 25.09.2011. URL: Іstorіya VO «Svoboda». Chast.1// Kanalpolzovatelya «Natalya Kornієnko» na Frankіvsk: MіstoNV, 2008. С. 58. Zelik Ruslan. Іstorіya SNPU — VO «Svoboda» // Kurs I. Osnovi natsіonalіzmu. Іvano- Frankіvsk: Mіsto NV, 2008. S. 67. Zelik Ruslan.VO «Svoboda» // ІstorіyaSNPU — lmthat tellsusaboutthetrainingofsocial-national- lm shows. “In Volhynia andGalicia we fought ghts near Verkhovna Rada were a“non- 32 . VO Svoboda explainsthelastpoint ghters that were trainedby the Kurs I. Osnovi natsіonalіzmu. Іvano- 33 34 . 35 .

17 Chapter 1. Street Militants 18 Chapter 1. Street Militants Andryushchenko says sons ofRus” the Bookof Veles saidthat “bloodissaint… ourbloodsays, that we are of Ukraine, thecirculation was 1000copies. Oneofthequotesfrom on thecover). The brochure was intended forthemembersofPatriot Book of Veles (andapictureoffi well quotesofStepanBandera, FriedrichNietzscheandtheneopagan 1999, SNPUpublished members andpeople with experienceofmilitary service. InDecember call-up age andtobecomemoreinfl social-nationalists wanted tospreadtheirinfl with neo-Nazis. fortheirgoals,The specialservicesusedneo-Nazis but elite ofthenation” that in1990sSNPU wanted tohave inthe“forcestructurespatriots, a headofPatriot ofUkraine. Ukrainianpoliticalscientists alsosaid Andrey Paruby fromSpadshchina who was mentioned beforebecame time” least 10nationalists, noonethere would have spokenRussian foralong rally inthecenter ofthecity hesaid, “Ifthe Verkhovna Radahadat ofhisfi in which 1 500 of Patriot ofUkraineParuby organizedatorchlight procession inLvov, Rada ofLvov oblastin2002. OnDecember12, 1999, afteraconvention in-arms. However, Paruby was notarrestedand was electedadeputy to SNPU youth department andsomeofitsmostdistinguished brothers- ism) oftheUkrainianCriminalCode were institutedagainst theheadof monument ofIvan Frankointhecenter ofLvov. action devoted toananniversary oftheOctoberRevolution nearthe the membersofCommunistParty ofUkraine who organizedan hundreds ofitsmembersledby Paruby attacked andbetunmercifully campaign ofstreetterroragainsttheleft. OnNovember 7, 1997, several 39 38 37 36 Criminal proceedingsunderSection206Part2(malignant hooligan- Patriot ofUkrainedidnotonly spread , butalsostarteda 38 natsіonalnogo unіversitetu. 2011. Vip. XXX. S. 45, 49. rukhu 90-khrr. KhKhst. // Naukovі pratsі іstorichnogo fakultetu Zaporіzkogo Andryushchenko Ye.S. Aksenchik Vitaly. Shlyakh voїna. Lvіv: Patrіot Ukraїni, 1999. S. 19. Golobutsky’s web siteURL: Ukraїni. Kiїv:Kobza, 1996. Quoteby anInternet version ofthe bookon Aleksey Golobutsky O.P., Krivoruchko T.G., Kulik V.O., Yakushik V.M. Polіtichnі partії . That time(1999–2000s), Patriot ofUkrainehadmostmembers, 37 . Vo Lvove 7noyabrya // sozhgliLenina №45(46). 10–16.11.2000. 36 . Ukrainianenforcerscontinued theircooperation ghters participated. OnNovember 7, 2000, at the Put voyna (WayPut ofaFighter), Paramіlіtarnіstrukturi ukraїnskogo natsіonalіstichnogo 39 . ghter with a Wolfsangel ontheshield uential because ofthenumber uenceonthe youth ofthe a brochure with fare- “However, itis alsoobvious that thereisaracial, mental andspiri- 2000 (he was alsoachiefeditorofthisideologicaleditiontheparty). other Europeannations”, Paruby wrote inOriyentiry Yes, Russians areinfactatypeofthe“coloured” Turanian ethnoses” who aregenetically diff provinces ofsomeEuropeancountries consists ofEuropean“coloured” Europeans arereally white people. Yes, thepopulation ofsouthern blood. Onerace, oneblood, one ancestry”. Then hesaid, “Notallthe “Real nation isabigfamily, acommunity ofpeopleconnectedby Oriyentiry passionately soul, thesoulof white race!”theleaderofPatriot ofUkrainesays win, destroy many things, butthey cannotdestroy theEuropean the Western EuropeandUkraineintheEast”. “Barberscantemporally lation, butalsoby geopolitical location. Francestops Asian hordesin Ukraine are very similar. Notonly by asquareandnumberofpopu- ment “OneoftheNational Front activiststoldmethat France and After readingthesedeclarations, you canunderstandParuby’s state- tions… we arealmostthelasthopeof white race” Theatre Party memberssaid, “Because ofadegradation of whole na- 1995, at theoffi sources that brought tolifeagreat Aryan civilization” of communismanddemoliberalism… and will comebacktolife-giving expresses hopethat “Ukrainiannation will abandonideologicaltraps of itsideology. Intheeditorialpublished inNovember 1999Oriyentiry natsionalist newspaperandOriyentiry journal-give aclearpicture “No onedoubtracial, mental andspiritualclosenessofUkrainiansto SNPU propaganda was basedonracism. Inthesameissueof 43 42 41 40 —Sotsial- The articlespublishedby SNPUinitsprinted sources [1999.] [Beznomera.] S. 22. Yevronatsu v Parizh) // Orієntiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї partіїUkraїni. Parubіy Andrіy. Ukraїni. [1999.][Beznomera.]S. 39. Potsіluyko Andrіy. Golobutsky’s web site, URL: Ukraїni. Kiїv:Kobza, 1996. po: Golobutsky O.P., Krivoruchko T.G., Kulik V.O., Yakushik V.M. Polіtichnі partії Yakimovich Ya.SNPU: [Bez nomera.]paginatsii.] AVіd redaktsії// Orіyentiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї partіїUkraїni. [1999.].

published in1999 Andrey Potseluyko, party theorist, wrote, 43 . cial presentation ofSNPUintheMariaZankovetska Yevropa vіlnikh natsіy (propoїzdkudelegatsії SNPUnakonferentsіyu Miscellanea // Orієntiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї partії ofіtsіyny vikhіd nalyudi//Za vіlnu Ukraїnu. №146. 1995. Tsit. erent from, forexample, Arabs andCaucasians.

Quote by anInternet version ofthebookon Aleksey 40

published inMay 41 . On19November . 42 .

19 Chapter 1. Street Militants 20 Chapter 1. Street Militants is necessary toeliminate” will notexistanymore. Inother words, herechaosissomethingthat heterogeneous worlds, oneofthem andtherecanbeonly oneresult — rules. Herethe war isnotacompetition, itis aconfrontation ofalien, from himinaqualitative sense, itisnecessary tochange thegame wrote in2000. “However, ifhemeetshuman beings who arediff something that canbeconquered, masteredandregulated”, Potseluyko cially defective”. a white manmetsomeonelikehim, “When chaos was Sotsial-natsionalist in1997, who later tookfl Is anNo,American theirruler”? heisnot”, Valentin Moroz wrote in and footballhooligans” fi tual confrontation between UkraineandRussia” rebel. However, Zionismrules” a house. They areprovided tohimandarenottakenaway toprevent a and was highly respectedby itsleaders and Europeans(asMoscow)” that accidentally appearedasaresultofinterbreeding ofthe Asians created fromtherabbleofdiff natsionalist the leadersofPatriot ofUkraine, saidtotheparty newspaperSotsial- the nation that isthebasisof white race”, Martynyuk, Levko oneof Marxism andcosmopolitanliberalismarealientotheUkrainiannation, rstmoreorlesssignifi SNPU ideologistsusedtheparty journaltocallfor agenocide of“ra- was alsopromoted. USA “The arebigand very proud. As theresearchersofUkrainianright radicalismsay, “SNPU was the 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 Polіtichna kritika. 2011. №2. S. 25. Umland Andreas, Shekhovtsov Anton. Ukraїni. [1999.][Beznomera.] S. 39. Potsіluyko Andrіy. Miscellanea// Lvіv: Lіga-pres, 1998. S. 36. Moroz Valentin. № 4(7). S. 6. Valentina Moroza// Orієntiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї partіїUkraїni. 2001. Radomskіy Antіn. // Zerkalonedeli Gutsul Yevgeny. am. Lvіv: Lіga-pres, 1998. S. 45. Martinyuk Levko. Natsіonalnoї partіїUkraїni. [2000.] №3. S. 10. Parubіy Andrіy.

on October19, 1997. “Itisnotanation that was artifi Sotsial-natsionalisty provozglasili veliky pokhodna Vostok Ukrainy Zbіlshuvati natsіonalіstichny potentsіal Ukraїni// Pravy napryam. Geopolіtichnі orіyentiri Ukraїni// Orіyentiri. Vidannya Sotsіal- . Chomu nanashikhstyagakh znak«Іdeya Natsії» // Pravy napry- 26.03.1999. Yuvіleyny vechіr, organіzovany SNPU, v nagodi 55-rіchchya cant party that startedtorecruitNazi-skinheads 50 . The party startedtousetherepresentatives 49 . 45 . 48 erent ethnicities(like Americans) and Orіyentiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї partії . Natsіonal-ekstremіzm, shchone vіdbuvsya? // 47 . “An American hasacarand oor at SNPU 44 . “Internationalist 46 conventions cially erent of thecommander ” member ofsocial-national assembly of Andrey Biletsky andaPRdeputy (from theradicalparty ofOlegLyashko) forIgor Mosiychuk, who was a was areasonforit), work asadeputy assistant inthe Verkhovna Rada leader ofKiev skinheads”by journalists(hisinterviews show that there April 8, SNPUtogether with othernationalistic partiesorganized rallies from Caucasus, Africa and Asia goal was tofi young peopleinKiev, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk andtheCrimea whose Yaroslav Andrushkiv didnotpay enoughattention tothisraciststreet in Brodsky StreetinKiev. Later Vahny complainedthat SNPUleader of theright fansofDinamo(Kiev)at thesynagogue that was situated soloists of skinheads lefttheparty includingDemyan (Dmitry Volkov), oneofthe tacking theoffi fi Vahny. In1995–1998, he was aheadofitsKiev department andfromthe of anew radicalsubculturebecause oftheactivity of Alexander («Oles») ex-prime minister, theirleader all national patriotic politicalpartiesandtomake Viktor Yushchenko, of RPUSamboradepartment. “They wanted tocallforanintegration of journal wrote aboutthespeechesofParuby andSvatoslav Uhach, leader the regionallevel. “All theirspeecheshadthesameline”, SNPUparty creation ofSNPUblock with theRepublicanParty ofUkraine(RPU)at March Paruby tookafl to keephispositionandorganizedastreetcampaign. Intheendof country. That time Viktor Yushchenko was aprimeminister who tried tion ofmassactionsinsupportthefuture“orange” president ofthe sion undertheslogan“Forgreat Ukraine!For Viktor Yushchenko” rst year, hehadrecruitedskinheads. In1998, Vahny was arrestedforat- 53 52 51 54 In theautumn of2001SNPU was actively involved intheorganiza- At thebeginningof April, 2001Poltavskaya SNPUorganizedaproces- 2001. №4(7). С. 7. Fedіrko Vasil. Ukraїni. 2001 Zvyagolsky Stanіslav. Poltava// nov v Kiyeve. Iotpustili// Life. 10.01.2016. URL: Maltsev Vladislav kulturi na 19.10.2011. URL: Spogad prozanepadsubkulturi: Vakhnіy proti Tyagniboka // BlogOlesya Vakhniya Sokir Perun,Sokir ght notonly “Moskals”, butalso“interracial elements” ceoftheCommitteeElectorsinKiev. Mostofrecruited . №4(7). S. 6. Sambіr // Orіyentiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї partіїUkraїni. Veterana neonatsizma zaderzhalizaogrableniya igrovykh salo- oor inSambora(Lvov oblast)at theceremony of a neo-Nazi band.a neo-Nazi In2002, heorganizedanattack . Orіyentiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї partії 53 51 . .Nowadays Vahny“a called whowas 52 . 54 . On

21 Chapter 1. Street Militants 22 Chapter 1. Street Militants port Viktor Yushchenko” “Social-National Party askstheUkrainianstojoinactions… tosup- leaders publishedinOriyentiry center of Vladymir-Volynsky (Volhynian region) social-nationalists heldamass-meetingtosupport Yushchenko inthe gether andtoprotecttheUkrainianprime-minister” Rada, inhisspeech“askedallthenational-patriotic forces tojointo- Tyagnibok, aleaderofKiev department anddeputy ofthe Verkhovna (Kiev department ofSNPU was themostactive one)”. At therally Oleg supporters of Viktor Yushchenko gathered near the Verkhovna Rada in Lvov support Yushchenko region) Our Ukraine, said10 years ago.” with anironlook, asmy nowadays colleagues, memebrsofthefraction fi plained in2004. Healsoadmittedthat “at thebeginning of1990sthe to communistic-oligarchic coup”.to communistic-oligarchic Paruby participated init Lvov undertheslogan“ForUkraine!Forunity! Yushchenko! Say no rstdemocrats showed Nazi-fascists-guysinblackshirts usasso-called 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 “Yushchenko… deliberately cooperated with us”, Tyagnibok ex- On May 6, SNPUandothernationalistic partiesorganizedarally in navredili Yushchenko» // Ukrainskaya pravda. 31.03.2004. URL:http://www.pravda. Oleg Tyagnibok: «Mneby nekhotelos, chtob moi vzglyady imoya pozitsiya partії Ukraїni. 2001. №3(6). S. 2, 4. Parubіy Andrіy. (5). S. 10. [Obyavleniye] // Orієntiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї partії Ukraїni. 2001. №2 partії Ukraїni. 2001. №2(6). S. 7. Ruslan.Pilipyuk 2001. №4(7). S. 7. Radomskіy Antіn. Lvіv № 3(6). S. 6. Kayda Oleksіy. 01.07.2011. URL: Odeska SNPUkіntsya 90-kh — pochatku 2000-kh. // BlogEduarda Andryushchenko. Ukraїni. 2001. №3(6). S. 6. Kustovsky Sergіy. 2001. №3(6). S. 7. Tkachuk Vіtalіy. Kovel // 2001. №3(6). S. 7. Radomskіy Antіn. Lvіv// 57 55 . At thesametime, SNPUinOdessaalsoorganizedanactionto , Kovel (Volhynian region)

Kiіv // Orіyentiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї partії Ukraїni. 2001. SNPU za Yushchenka! // Orієntiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї Volodimir-Volinsky // Orієntiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї Khmelnitsky // Orіyentiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї partії 58 . As SNPU’s journalsaid, on April 19“around5 000 // Orіyentiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї partіїUkraїni. Orіyentiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї partіїUkraїni. Orіyentiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї partіїUkraїni. 62 , andParuby’s article 64

reports oftheactions, appealslike The pro-Western partof Ukrainian 56 andKhmelnytskiy (Khmelnytskiy SNPU for Yushchenko 61 . SNPUdepartments’ 59 . 60 . On April 23, 63 . SXEM elite used national radicals as a street mass to hold the power. However, before the president election in November 2004 they sent a clear signal that if social nationalists want to join Yushchenko’s party Our Ukraine bloc, they have to “smooth” their public image. On February 14, at the 9th SNPU convention the party was renamed in the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda, the symbolism was changed, ideo- logical aims wee softened, disbanded. In January 2005, Paruby and his fi ve colleagues who were also leaders of the party left Svoboda and promised to create a new “right party with a nation- al orientation”65. People's Union Ukrainians! was soon created, then Paruby joined the president’s Our Ukraine—People's Self-Defense Bloc. It is important that he did not abandon his ideas. In 2008 at the Internet conference for one popular Ukrainian web site he said, “I was one of the founders of SNPU, I have not changed my political position since then as well as my ideological basis”66. In future Paruby was used by the Establishment. On February 27, 2014, immediately after the victory of the Euromaidan, whose com- bat formations (“self-defence”) were led by Paruby, he was appointed a head of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, where he worked until August 7, 2014. In October 2014, he was elected to the Verkhovna Rada as a member of the People's Front party led by , a prime minister. In its pre-election list, he took fourth place that was very prestigious and became the fi rst Rada’s president deputy. On April 14, Paruby was elected a head of the Ukrainian parliament. Patriot of Ukraine brand left by the leader of VO Svoboda was not set aside. This organization was given a new life by new people in Kharkov who followed Vahny’s recommendations regarding the ideology and practice of the organization.

65 V partii Tyagniboka proizoshel raskol // Obkom. 12.01.2005. URL: ua/news/2005-01-12/1024.shtml 66 Chat z Andrієm Parubієm // VGolos. URL: There is no date, but according to the discussed topics (war in South Ossetia) the Internet conference took place at the end of summer — beginning of autumn 2008. the 21 the necessity tocreate anew eff who saw thedecay ofnationalistic structuresofthe20 tion were youngfi her permanent leadersincethen. The fi of Ukrainethat was independent ofany party structures. Hehasbeen Navy ofUkraine, was dismissed, Andrey Biletsky created anew Patriot Patriot ofUkraine, the Association ofSupportforthe Armed Forcesand sistance againstSNPUliberalization and its turninto VO Svoboda. After 2003 actively cooperated with Kharkov SNPUcellandsupportedare- leader ofKharkov troop oftheorganization Trizub im. S. Bandery… In in 2008, says thefollowing about thepastofitsleader, “Since2002a The Social-National Assembly percent all-suffi left Svoboda forsomereasonsand went ourown way, we becamea100 on thisKharkov party mainstreamandthisforcegroup. Later when we inside theSvoboda Party. Therefore, Patriot ofUkraine was created based the social-national party ofUkraine. The party was underreformation interview in2010. “A smallforceright groupinKharkov met, contacted 2004”, Andrey Biletsky, aleaderoftherestoredorganization, saidinan tory ofindependent Ukraine” of hiscooperation with themostactive anti-Semitic party inthehis- of PersonnelManagement) that shows nonrandomnessandsystemacy national-patriotic education” in Kharkov IAPM(Interregional Academy Rada onMarch26, 2006] Andrey Biletsky was “adirectordeputy for Vyacheslav Likhachyov said, “Duringtheelection [tothe Verkhovna 69 68 67 The Social-National Assembly’s offi “I represent Patriot ofUkraine. This organization was created in In hisspeechaboutrecruitingthepeopletothis organization vek-ukrainyi-v-budushhem-andrey-biletskiy [Kharkov: Bezmesta, 2013.]S. 4. Andrіy Bіletsky:korotkabіografіya // Bіletsky Andrіy. Slovo Bіlogo Vozhdya. ArtPolitInfo. Gorsky Yury. 05.11.2014. URL: Chto NAM v NIKhnenravitsya-I: Andrey Biletsky // Blog Vyacheslava Likhacheva. st century” cient social-national organization”

nryBltk:Stilntinlz —Zolotoy Vek Ukrainy // Andrey Biletsky:Sotsial-natsionalizm 08.12.2014. URL: 68 ghters ofKharkov SNPU, UNA-UNSO and Trisuba cells . 69 ective nationalistic forceat theendof . Interregional Academy ofPersonnel cial edition, created by Biletsky rst membersoftheorganiza- 67 . th century and

25 Chapter 1. Street Militants 26 Chapter 1. Street Militants of makingRussian aregionallanguage. InMarch, they organized an bers picketedbecause they wanted toputtheagenda thequestion at SvobodaLenin square. InFebruary [2006]Kharkov city soviet mem- red fl celebrate anotheranniversary ofhunger ofthe1930spatriots burned supported theultranationalistic party Svobada. InDecember[2005]to “independent association ofanordertype” members ofthisso-called campaign[tothe before thepre-election Verkhovna Rada], when the peared forthefi the Vecherny Kharkov newspaper. regionalPatriot ofUkraineap- “The activity beforethismoment inhisarticlepublishedon April 17, 2006in April 14, 2006, as“students”. participants ofthemarch“Patriot ofUkraine”that tookplaceon It isnotacoincidencethat Artem Levchenko, ajournalist, describedthe small closet” plant, there was nothingtomanage there, Biletsky’s offi partment oftheacademy, “It was asmallbuildingat Kharkov tractor ent Ukrainiancities” researchers andfi and formedachainofassociates inallthespheresstartingfrom “Biletsky was amanager ofahouseholdinKharkov IAPMdepartment at theendofOctober2014.the biography leader” ofthefuture“White Ukrainian politicalInternet forumsspokeaboutthesameepisodein culations ofalotliterature that calledforpogroms. People who used Management (IAPM)becamefamousin2000sby publishinghuge cir- and it was renamed inSvoboda” those who leftSNPUafter Tyagnybok was electedtheheadofparty They organizeddiff attracted people with far-right ideasstartingfromitsadministration. recruiting people, “Late 2000sIAPM was acenter ofnationalism. It Levchenko alsodescribedashortprehistory oftheorganization The quotedInternet userdescribedBiletsky’s offi 72 71 70 ags and place wreathes madeofbarbed wire tothemonument of msg672416#msg672416 ukraїnska pravda». 28.10.2014. URL: A message ofausercalledDarth Vader at theforumof web site «Spravzhnya msg672402#msg672402 ukraїnska pravda». 28.10.2014. URL: A message ofauser calledDarth Vader at theforumof web site«Spravzhnya msg672348#msg672348 ukraїnska pravda». 28.10.2014. URL: A message ofauser calledDarth Vader at theforumof web site«Spravzhnya 71 . Healsoexplains why thisacademy was so valuable for rst tineinKharkov at theendoflast year, immediately nishing by turretlessfar-right nationalists indiff erent conferencesandheldlectures. Itunited mostly 70 . 72 . Besides, students were also valuable. ce inKharkov de- ce was just a er- and army wide trouserstuckedinto heavy quarters.” or forty brave guys who lookedlikeathletes intheequalkhakiuniform… marchers startedtomove. He was at theheadofitsavant-garde — thirty —at thelastmoment, fi necessary tion together with Belitsky lookeddiff attracted by anannouncement ofanaction. Membersoftheorganiza- zations inclampedleather coats”, Levchenko describedtheparticipants loose overalls onthinshoulderstohairy membersofunoffi all young people who hadnationalistic views. “Ukraine againstoccupation” heldon April 14, 2006, aimed at uniting mentioned skinheadsandfootballfansitgathered around200people it gathered around100 members. According tothefar-right who also This isUkraine”and“UkraineforUkrainians!” According tojournalists, were “Immigrants, go home!“Onerace!Onenation! Onemotherland! Kharkov”, thefar-right said. “After communicating with eachother, and who onpracticeknew neighborlinessofnarrow-eyed citizensof not only patriotic youth, butalsolocalcitizens who hadradical views in Vstrecha parkinFrunzensky district. timetheactionattracted “This construction of which hadbeenstartedby afamous Vietnamese society —Buddhistpagoda the time theenemy was indicated quiteclearly and tookplace. The nextmarchtookplaceonJune3, 2006. This of Koliyivshchyna, Cossackrebelof1768, when mass massacreofPoles In future, suchprocessions were heldannually on April 14 — onthe day in Ukrainetominimum” strengthen thecontrol oftheforeignersandtobringtheirpresence and themainregionaloffi immigrants was alsopaidattention to. They picketedregionalFRRO to bringfl police tryingtoprevent therepresentatives ofthelocalauthorities famous people’s deputy, duringhis visit toKharkov, andfought the action tothememory ofUPA fi The fi “People werediff 75 74 73 The slogansforthemarchincenter ofKharkov on April 14, 2006, Kharkov. 17.04.2006. Artem.Levchenko Kharkov. 17.04.2006. Artem.Levchenko URL: Ukraina protiv immigratsii // Sayt Ukrainskoy natsional-trudovoy partii. 07.08.2006. rst independent actionofPatriot ofUkraine was march owers tothemonument of Taras Shevchenko. The topicof Kharkovskiye «Patrioty Ukrainy» vyshli naulitsy // Vecherny Kharkovskiye «Patrioty Ukrainy» vyshli naulitsy // Vecherny erent — fromskinheadteenagers incamoufl erent — 73 ceofeducation andsciencedemandingto . ghters, guardedby Oleg Tyagnibok, a ve minutesbeforethecolumnof erent. “Heappeared when it was 74 cial organi- aged 75 .

27 Chapter 1. Street Militants 28 Chapter 1. Street Militants to what happened inKharkov. “Onthesameday afew violent incidents march for which thecapitalultra-rights were mobilized were similar to thepolice”. eight migrants by forceandthenbrought themto Kharkov andgave near Kharkov, where Vietnamese worked. Nationalists caught andheld “On May 1[2007]Patriot ofUkraineattacked agriculturalgreenhouses could beexplainedby thefactthat Biletsky cooperated with enforcers. tion tothepolice”. According toanotherreportinthechronicle, thisfear anonymously agreedtospeakaboutit) were afraidtoputinanapplica- said, nocriminalproceedings were institutedasthesuff bers beat students with non-Slav look. As thehumanrights activist students. It was already thethirdactionlikethat andbeforethemem- Yevgeny Zaharov said, theaction was aimedat intimidation offoreign the directorofKharkov HumanRights ProtectionGroup(KHRPG) of manifestations inUkraine thefi of Jewish Organizations andCommunities (VAAD), saidinthechronicle disorderly conduct,” Vyacheslav Lihachev, anexpertofthe Association sion was sanctionedand went underobservation ofthepolice without bestdormitory toUkrainianstudents”.Ukraine!” and“The The proces- sity camp. The slogans were “Onerace!Onenation! Onemotherland — organized atorchlight processionroundthedormitory intheuniver- [2007] inKharkov theultra-right youth movement “Patriot ofUkraine” Patriot brought tonaught alltheundertakingsofconstructors.” despite therecommendations ofthepolicenottodoit, membersofthe was “One race!Onenation! Onehome! This isUkraine!” khaki uniformandcarried yellow fl edition Segodnya said. Around 100 activists participated init. They wore was organizedby apublicorganization Patriot ofUkraine, theInternet march was sanctionedby theauthorities, thedemonstrators said. It capital forthefi on April 14, 2007. “A columnmarchedacrossthe whole center of the and showed itselfby organizing“Marchagainstillegalimmigrants” regional department was offi Next year there were moreattacks at Vietnamese. “OnMarch18 77 76 The organization actively expandedbeyond Kharkov region. The fi hrantam-ne-mecto.html 16.04.2007. URL: Abramov Vlad. trudovoy partii. 05.03.2006. URL: Kharkov protiv aziatskoy okkupatsii // Blogpress-sluzhby Ukrainskoy natsional- rst time. Peoplechanted theslogans“Onerace!” The V Ukrainerasizmanet, nomigrantam ne mesto?// Segodnya. cially created onNovember 18, 2006inKiev ags with bluetridents. The slogan rst halfof2007. “As ered (who only 77 After the After rst 76

Power”, “Immigrants, go home”, great Ukraine!” man — “White as theorganizerssaid. The slogans were besidethefamiliarones“White procession inthecenter ofKharkov. Upto1000peopleparticipated init, to hospitalinabadcondition” They wounded him with cold steelseveral times. The injured was sent attacked ateenager, asonofUkrainian woman andan African man. happened inUkrainiancapital… At Borshchagovka afew young men University, where they searchedforillegals. Gazeta.uasaid, “Someof Odnorozhenko conductedaraidindormitory ofKharkov Polytechnic Vietnamese” the streetsandstickleafl mitories, where foreignerslive, shoutextremistslogans, marchalong cal journalistssaidinspring2011. “Radicalnationalists burstinto dor- the Same HaidamaksConsecrated Time Their Knives. sabers andaquotefrom Taras Shevchenko’s poemofthesamename the participants oftheprocession. Itshowed haidamaks with exposed Saltovskoye highway” along Moscow avenue, thenalongakademikaPavlova street, thenalong “Open fl torches attracted alotofattention ofthecitizens”, the witnesses said. in theevening inKharkov. “Patriots” inkhakiuniforms with lighted On October24, 2010, Patriot ofUkraineorganizedatorchlight procession ning of2010s, when thenumberofmemberssignifi where itstartedtoattack Vietnamese moreaggressively at the begin- On April 17, 2011, Patriot ofUkraineandright footballfansorganizeda 80 79 78 On May 19, 2011, membersofPatriot ofUkraineledby Oleg 81 “Kharkov nationalists startedacampaignagainst Vietnamese”, lo- However, Kharkov remainedthemainfi 07/antisem%2001-06-2007.htm zatsy iobshchinUkrany «Vaad». khronika prestupleny napochve nenavisti // Sayt Assotsiatsii evreyskikhorgani- ru/?p=476 —stop!». zatsii «Immigratsiya Udovichenko Sergey. Mazhora Anatoly. kovchanam ottakoy neterpimosti? // Mediagruppa«Obyektiv». Shaporenko Valeriya. Likhachev Vyacheslav. ags, lighted torches, acolumnof200–300 young peoplemarch 80 . Odni krichat, drugiye molchat // MediaPort. 19.04.2011. URL:http:// Marsh «Patriotov» protiv vyetnamskoy mafi Radikaly obyavili voynu vyetnamtsam. Chego zhdat khar- 79 Antisemitizm iksenofobiya v Ukraine, iyun2007: yanvar — . You canseeabannerinthepictures, carriedby ets onthepillarsthat callforaboycott for 78

24.10.2010. URL:

. [Без даты.] URL: eld fortheorganization, cantly increased. i. // Sayt organi-

28.05.2011. URL: 81 In

29 Chapter 1. Street Militants 30 Chapter 1. Street Militants Kharkov, captureplants andbeat Ukrainiankids” no renting, nocommunication. They say that Vietnamese selldrugsin “Patriots” callforaboycott for Vietnamese: nopurchasesfromthem, Kharkov] anti-Vietnamese postersarestucktohousesandcolumns. Patriot ofUkrainestarted astreet war with pro-Russian, communist, search forillegals. Ukraine againarrived totheuniversity buildingtryingtoenter itand police”. Onthesameday intheafternoonmembersofPatriot of Guard service, “Berkut”, State ProtectionServiceandalsosomelocal they closedtheentrance, calledadditionalsecurity, alawyer, Patrol- he said, “guys inakhakiuniformfrightened thesecurity somuch, that ment Immigration Stop!, who cametogether with theright radicals. As representative ofaffi a journalistofSvoboda’s newspaperSvoboda Slobozhanshchinaand a Ukrtechprogress tocheckthisuniversity,” saidSergey Udovichenko, with adozenmembersofPatriot ofUkrainecametoaclockhouse of Citizenship, Immigration andRegistration ofIndividuals)together Ganchev, policemajorandUGIRFOemployee (Administration of described a video oftheraidmadeby theright radicals humiliated, demandedtoshow thedocuments”, Obyektiv mediagroup from thedormitory. The foreignersaretoldtostay infront ofthe wall, “Activists ofaradicalPatriot ofUkrainearethrowing outthe Vietnamese Obyektiv form went fromtheMetallistStadiumtoMoscow policedepartment”, observation ofthepolice. Around onehundred young meninkhakiuni- them [nationalists] wore amilitary uniformandcovered theirfaces” radicalsalsostartedterroragainsttheleft. “InKharkov Then it was anotherbiguniversity’s turn. “OnMay 25[2011] Vitaly 84 82 “On Friday [May 28, 2011]they marchedalongthecity streetsunder 85 83 kovchanam ottakoy neterpimosti?// Mediagruppa«Obyektiv». Shaporenko Valeriya. da Udovichenko Sergey. kovchanam ottakoy neterpimosti? // Mediagruppa«Obyektiv». Shaporenko Valeriya. Denis. Timoshenko v-xarkovefoto.html nalisty-peretryasli-vetnamskie-gnezda/383396 . 28.05.2011. URL:

said .

“InSaltovka [abighousingestate inthenorth-east of 19.05.2011. URL: 84 liated together with Patriot ofUkrainethemove- V Kharkove natsionalisty peretryasli vyetnamskiye «gnezda»// Kak vyetnamtsy uchatsya v Kharkove.(foto) // Narodnaya prav- Radikaly obyavili voynu vyetnamtsam. Chego zhdat khar- Radikaly obyavili voynu vyetnamtsam. Chego zhdat khar- 85 . 83 .

28.05.2011. URL: 28.05.2011. URL: 82 . remand prison(SIZO) in power, he was free. InDecember2013, he was arrestedandsent to was institutedagainstOdnorozhenko, but while the“orange” stayed conventions” “We startedfromattacking theirmass-meetingsandbreakingup leftist organizations, andthey disappeared,” Odnorozhenkoboasted. 1+1. Ithinkit was areason why I was attacked” Kharkov andtheactivity ofPatriot ofUkrainein TCN newsat channel inUkraine.threat ofneo-Nazism in Ialsocommented onneo-Nazism I gave aspeechforoneofKharkov TV channelsandspokeaboutthe the whole body. Now Iamonsickleave. A few days beforetheattack have acleavage oftwo teeth, abrainconcussionandhematomas on glasses inmy face. Ifainted. They brokemeanoseandtwo ribs. Ialso people startedtobeat me with theirfeet… They even hammeredmy He knockedmeoff by skinheadsinanormalsportuniform. O. Odnorozhenko was thefi near theeternalfl gether with several otherpeopleby theright radicalsonJune3, 2009, violence asalegalmethodofpoliticalactivity”, Lihachev says on Patriot ofUkraineand someideologically related groups andcopied theSocial-Nationalparty wasAssembly created — (SNA). It was based stituent assembly onNovember 8, 2008, inKiev, where anew political wanted tomakehisorganization moreinfl 89 88 87 86 Aleksey Kornev, headoftheNation Hopeorganization, beaten to- “Biletsky’s organization hasbeensystemically, for years cultivating istov URL: prevratila-polituznika-v-komandira-batalona-azov--17031.html lication on web siteURL: batalyona Azov // Novoye vremya. №23. 17.10.2014. Quotedby an Internet pub- Bereza Anastasiya. Andrey Biletsky. Fedosenko Pavel. bili_chleny_organizacii_patriot/ tika/23.06.2009/predsedatel_organizacii_nadiya_naciyi_utverzhdaet_chto_ego_iz- (dopolneno) ego izbilichleny organizatsii «Patriot Ukrainy». Vozbuzhdeno ugolovnoye delo Voynitsky Andrey. istorik frontakh» — Nalivayko Severin. rik/534204 tics/_oppoziciya-uzhe-mogla-byt-vlastyu-zato-proigryvaet-na-vseh-frontah-isto- 86 .

// Status Quo. 23.06.2009. URL: ameinthecenter ofKharkov, said, “I was attacked my feet, and while I was tryingtostandup, other V Kharkove arestovali ideologanatsionalistov // Vesti. «Oppozitsiya uzhemoglabyt vlastyu. Zato proigryvayet na vsekh Predsedatel organizatsii «Nadіya natsії» utverzhdayet, chto 88 // // 26.12.2013. URL: . Kak voyna prevratila polituznika v komandira uential, Biletsky heldacon- 87 . A criminalproceeding

89 23.12.2013. .he As rst.

31 Chapter 1. Street Militants 32 Chapter 1. Street Militants Novovolynsk.” Ternopol, Ivano-Frankovsk, Galich, Lvov, Vladimir-Volynsk, and Vasilkov, Belaya Tserkov, Zhitomir, Khmelnitsky, Rovno, Chernovtsy, Zaporozhye, Yalta, Simferopol, Nikolayev, , Sumy, Konotop, Kiev,tion covers the whole Ukraine. SNA haditscellsinLugansk, , Sergey Kolesnik, anantifascist journal, saidinKharkov. organiza- “The Kharkov ithad600militants and several thousandsympathizers”, him “ideologistofthemodernUkrainianracism” in2014. had closerelations with Kharkov SNPUin2001 Biletsky andOlegOdnorozhenko who was closetohim. Odnorozhenko much morethantheideology ofitspredecessor. Herauthors were a nameofhisarticlepublished[in2007inKharkov] in cial social-nationalism isanideology ofPatriot ofUkraine (it was also said onSeptember5, 2008. “Biletsky directly says, that “Ukrainianra- mononational society”, theKharkov Human Rights ProtectionGroup site oftheorganization said, theorganization “standsforamonoracial, his aggressive antisemitism a skinheadandright footballfan. HisJewish classmate mentioned . Glory andHonor was ledby MaximChaika, Honor group. Insummer2008, they organizedamarchinhonorofthe a new affi its symbolismandideology. SoKharkov right radicalsmanaged tocreate organization inthecountry.” paper, “From2006t02011thisgroup was themostseriousneo-Nazi Ukraine. InMarch2014Lichachev wrote inKiev Jewish Hadashotnews- Social-National Assembly evolution isthetopofneo-Nazism in “SNA reachedthepinnacleofitspower in spring2011. Only in 94 93 92 91 90 “As theprogramofPatriot ofUkrainepublishedontheoffi Patriot ofUkrainehadagood ideology that was basedonracism 2014 г. Likhachev Vyacheslav. Ukraїni. 2001. №2(5). S. 10. Odnorozhenko Oleg. 2014 g. Likhachev Vyacheslav. Kolesnik Sergey. « batalyona Azov // Novoye vremya. №23.URL: Bereza Anastasiya. Andrey Biletsky. Kak voyna prevratila polituznika v komandira lnaya-assambleya-vershina-evolyucii-neonacizma-v-ukraine/ sizma v Ukraine// liate in Odessa on the basis of the local neo-Nazi Glory liate inOdessaonthebasisoflocalneo-Nazi and 91 Lihachev agrees with Kolesnik who thinksthat the Sotsial-natsionalnaya assambleya» — vershina evolyutsii neonat- Kharkіv // Orіyentiri. Vidannya Sotsіal-Natsіonalnoї partії Temnaya storona nesvobody // Khadashot (Kiyev). Temnaya storonanesvobody // Khadashot(Kiyev). №3. Mart 90 92 .

03.10.2014. URL: 93 , andLihachev called Ukrainian Social 94 cial web-

№ 3. Март the crusadeagainstsubhumanity ledby Semites.” Biletsky said, that White Peopleofthe whole world tothelastcrusade foritsexistence, The historicalmissionofourNation inthiscriticalcentury istolead the creator ofagreat civilization, thehighesthumanachievements. the biggest andthemostqualitative one)ofaEuropean White Race, pay attention tothefull value oftheRace. Ukrainiansisapart(oneof a Racialpurifi nature… Soif we want totreat ourNational body, we needtostart with our deepconviction, they arealljustderivatives ofourRace, ourRacial linguistic factorsasfarterritorialpatriotism. However, accordingto nomenon. Ofcourse, we know thesignifi says that nation isalanguage, culturalorterritorialeconomicalphe- nationalism (post-war, by Postone)putsacartinfront ofahorse. It the airifitisnotbasedonbloodfoundation, racefoundation. Traditional web site, “Racialidentity. Ournationalism isnothing, itislikecastlesin organization inthearticle Ukrainian Nation and White Race” for extermination oftheforeignforcethat wants tointerfere with the ance tohostiletingsandactivismthat canfunctionasanironram on maximalism, national racialegoism, love toitsown things, intoler- more quotesaid, Ukrainiansocialnationalism buildsitsideology “The cifi interracial (interspecifi social nationalists… considerourdirectresponsibility toexclude any tinued thequotefromthisarticleby Odnorozhenko, “We, , can beconsiderate biologically rational being “human races”asseparate biologicalspecies, only White EuropeanMan their ancestrallands. We, Ukrainiansocialnationalists, seetheso-called ethnic racialgroups will belimitedandcontrolled, andlater deportedto material O. Odnorozhenko, anideologistoftheorganization, says frankly inthe c) blendingandtotheextinctionofa White Manintheend”. One Biletsky saidthefollowing aboutthefundamental principlesofits 95 96 05.11.2014. URL: Chto NAM v NIKhnenravitsya-I: Andrey Biletsky // Blog Vyacheslava Likhacheva. jinskoho-tovarystva-prosvita-im-t-shevchenka/ lyst-harkivskoji-pravozahysnoji-hrupy-do-do-tsentralnoho-pravlinnya-vseukra- vozashchitnoy gruppy. 05.09.2008. URL: Vseukraїnskogo Tovaristva «Prosvіta» іm. T. Shevchenka // Sayt Kharkovskoy pra- Vіdkrity listKharkіvskoїpravozakhisnoї grupidoDo Tsentralnogo pravlіnnya Social-Nationalistic Movement AndItsMain Social-Nationalistic Tasks acollectionofideological works andprogramdocuments cation oftheNation… Besidespurity, itisnecessary to c) contacts that bringtointerracial (interspe- We are Nationalists Social 96 . cance ofmoralandcultural 95 . In2014, Lihachev con- published onSNA ,

“All foreign )”.

33 Chapter 1. Street Militants 34 Chapter 1. Street Militants in akhakiuniform, butinsteelarmy helmets. year later the members oftheorganization marchedinKiev notonly in thestreet, hasitsown forceresourcesandaclear world view.” only politicalparty that notonly fi and it will makeusauniquepoliticalparty. Besides, we plantobethe us”, Biletsky saidin2010. “We aregoing tobringour values topolitics, militant youth movements. Fight, hierarchy, disciplinearenormalfor Ukraine” “the goal of thecurrent generation istocreate the Third Empire — Great with stylizedimages ofanother version ofthe Third Reicheagles. and notafourpointed one. “Patriots” were carryingfl Wehrmacht soldiers, butholding intheclaws eight pointed swastika, “Imperial Eagles”(DerReichsadler)similartostripesontheuniformof bolism ontheuniform — images of“BlackSun” andalittlebitmodifi its right sym- radicalcolumnanddemonstrated tothepublicneo-Nazi march inhonorofUPA inKiev. Itbecameoneofthemaincomponents of of SSGaliciandivisioncreation inIvano-Frankovsk when Patriot ofUkraineorganizedamarchtocelebrate ananniversary Regarding the“clear world view”, itis worth mentioning April 25, 2013, heard a version that it was aplannedprovocation… fromthe“patriots”, the radicalsdidnot win. Alyona Belozerskaya, anationalist, said, “Ihave procession soontunedinto massconfl 100 99 98 97 “People who create SNA… arequite young. They represent street 101 On October14, 2007, acolumnofPatriot ofUkraineparticipated ina Nikolayev Sergey. page,1,9,10138-voskresnyjj_marsh_v_kieve_29_shtuk.html Voskresny marsh v Kiyeve (29foto)// Trinixy. 16.10.2007. URL: A photoreport was, butthendelelted. Copies: html «Galichina» (Foto)// Paralleli. 29.04.2013. URL: V Іvano-Frankіvsku vіdbulos svyatkuvannya 70rіchnitsі stvorennya divіzії SS Akkaunt Anny Brazhkinoy v sotssetiFacebook. 04.05.2014. URL:https://www.face- Kopiya intervyu sossylkoy naoriginal na sayte Sotsial-natsionalnoy assamblei: ideologiyey? // Blog Kurinoy na«Ukrainskoy pravde». 08.10.2014. URL:http://blogs. Aksinya. Pochemu«molodye politiki»podderzhivayut kandidata sneonatsistskoy com/2010/03/22/analiz-utrapravyh/ Polnaya kopiya statyi Biletskogo: Kurіna Fond imeniR.I. Marochkinoy. 22.03.2010. URL:https://marochkina.wordpress. erence toanarticleonit:Ultrapravі organіzatsії v Ukraїnі// Pravozashchitny The Social-National Assembly web siteisnotavailable now. Quotes with aref- 97 .Reich…new A Third Protivostoyaniye

// PhotoPolygon. 08.11.2008. URL:http://photo- ghts politically, butisalsoactive ict with thepolice spetsnaz, but 101 The right radicals’ 99 . ags andshields 100 ed A 98

They learned subversive activity… The organization even hadrealquar- one) hadaschool, which trainedextremistsfromthe whole Ukraine. member hadtocarry with him). SNA Kharkov department (theleading (aquotebyenemies alternately” “abookofafi emies simultaneously”, and“afour-minute knifefi organization was combat “atwo-minute againsttwo hand-to-hand en- that was necessary topassif you want tobecomeafull memberofthe ing totheprogramofspecialforceunits. Oneoftheobligatory subjects journalist also writes aboutthis, “SNA militants were trainedaccord- comrades.” unquestioningly obey totheauthority ofolderand moreexperienced advance. Besides, hetrainedhisassociates tobe very disciplinedandto nal fortitudeinmudandfi been trainingandhadhard. They haddeveloped intesti- billowy territory andintown forallthese years before war… They had also beengetting theskillsofpartisanfi “He gathered peoplearound who were notonly very patriotic, buthad of the Western Ukraine,” amansaidinOctober2014 who knew him well. a chainofitsrepresentatives intheEasternUkraineandsomecities was possible. What todeny here?” as they wanted tolookcool, and, second, because aconfl think, if you askthe“patriots” themselves, they will say that, fi because many ofthem were inhelmets, itmeans, they got prepared!... I been preparingforthe war” who have beentrainedanddisciplinedforthey whole life”. We have of Ukraineandlater the Azov battalion, “The Azov isbasedonpeople Bankovaya onDecember1[2013] prologue tothestorm[ThePresidential Administration ofRussia] of Patriot ofUkraineorganizednearSBU onOctober 18, 2008lookslikea we cansay that amassfi “Biletsky startedtocreate apatriotic organization ten years ago and 105 104 103 102 im_troyan_mi_ponimali_sdadim.html em voynu» // 02.12.2014. URL: Bazar Oleg, Shvets Yevgeny. Vadim Troyan: msg672200#msg672200 ukraїnska pravda» 28.10.2014. URL: A message ofauser calledDarth Vader at theforumof web site«Spravzhnya 2014 g. Likhachev Vyacheslav. Poboїshche pіdchasPravogo marshu// BlogOleny Bilozerskoy. 19.10.2008. URL: 104 Itisconfi Temnaya storonanesvobody // Khadashot(Kiyev). rmed by Vadim Troyan, amemberofthePatriot ght with thepolice which Brotherhoodand re. They hadbeenpreparingforthis war in 105 . Sergey Koleskin, Kharkov antifascist 103 102 . Lihachev wrote in2014, “Nowadays «My ponimali:sdadim — proigray- ght andsubversive activity on ghter”, which every SNA ghting againsttwo ict with cops rst, it was

№ 3. Mart

35 Chapter 1. Street Militants 36 Chapter 1. Street Militants at leastsince2009–2010. Avakov was agovernor ofKharkov region that Biletsky and Troyan were borninKharkov. They have known eachother ber ofPatriot ofUkraineandanex-policeman, in2010-2012. “Avakov, included the Triolan company runby Vadim Troyan, anactive mem- He was Avakov businesspartnerandhadanInternet holding which 2010, protectedit. Andrey Lipchansky alsoparticipated inthisscheme. fl of theGermannewspaperDieZeit. Hethought that Patriot ofUkraine question inanarticlepublishedonDecember12, 2014, onthe web site one ofthebiggest Ukrainiancities? Anton Shehobtsov answers this tion andlater trainedotherscouldmakeaself-madebomb.” (a famousorganization member) who studied weapons andammuni- guns, grenadesandsmoke-puff the membersofthisterroristorganization started). He wanted tobuy opportunity tobuy amoreserious weapon lately (beforemassarrestsof of oneSNA ex-members say, “A.I. Biletsky have beenlookingforan the police, they withdrew knives fromthem. The examination record fi SNA memberhadtocarry aknifeandtoknow how touseit. Itiscon- couple ofshotguns. Besides, thearsenal was enrichedallthetime. Every that heimmediately changed forshooting with live cartridges, anda tion allthetime. Firstofallhebought around20startingpistolsZoraki one ofSNA ex-members said, theirleaderBiletsky armedtheorganiza- the heartandcuttingathroat fromdiff that they learnedhow tokillsomeoneby stabbinghiminthebackto fi to killKolesnik was investigated, thepolicefoundpicturesfromknife there minimumfortendays.” ters intheoffi ourished because , agovernor ofKharkov regionin2005– rmed by thefactthat every time when SNA members were arrestedby ghting trainings, conductedby himself. “a white leader” Itturnedout At thebeginningof2010, theorganization accumulated weapon. “As When thecriminalcaseofBiletsky andhisaccomplices who tried 108 107 106 Why organization actedfreely didthisneo-Nazi anddeveloped in lnaya-assambleya-vershina-evolyucii-neonacizma-v-ukraine/ sizma v Ukraine// Kolesnik Sergey. 01.06.2013. URL: S kakoy tselyunatsionalistov uchat ubivat chasovykh? // BlogMiroslavy Berdnik. lnaya-assambleya-vershina-evolyucii-neonacizma-v-ukraine/ sizma v Ukraine// Kolesnik Sergey. ce forpeoplefromothercities. Every fi «Sotsial-natsionalnaya assambleya» — vershina evolyutsii neonat- «Sotsial-natsionalnaya assambleya» — vershina evolyutsii neonat-

charges.” Hethought that I. Mihaylenko 106 03.10.2014. URL: 03.10.2014. URL: erent sides. 107 ghter hadtolive 108 president oftheregionaldepartment of Timoshenko’s Bloc.” ganized [2010]by Yuliya Timoshenko’ BlocinKharkov. Avakov was a responsible forsecurity duringprotestsagainst Kiev government or- rented agymtotrainthemembersofPatriot ofUkraine. They were norship inKharkov region. The massmediaalsosay that Lipchansky run the Administration ofthePressandInformation duringhisgover- Lipchansky’s company. Lipchansky was Avakov’s businesspartner and newsstands inKharkov that were thengiven toproperty of Andrey ers andcompanies. In2010, Patriot ofUkrainetookby forcearound50 time. “Patriot ofUkraine”participated inattacks on Vietnamese trad- sold 48newsstandstoRuslan Eglit, abusinessman, at asurprisingly low A strange contract appearedlater. According toit, OOOPressa-Kharkov sawed thepadlocks, threw thegoods away andoccupiedthenewsstand… their padlocksanddisappeared. It was intheafternoon. At night, they newsstands openedbecause ofheat, threw thenewsagent away, fastened happened inseveral newsstands. Patriot ofUkraineactivistsburstinto businessmenthemselves“The say that on June1, 2010, similarevents of Ukrainedescribedby Shehovtsov, that they were given toLipchansky. of Regionsandbecameadeputy ofthecity soviet.” Lyopa didnotget lost. Hestoppedfi time he was Avakov’s favorite, butthentheadministration changed. stands, when Lyopa wanted toexpandtheretailchainofpress. That that belonged tootherpeopleonhisinstruction. Forexample, news- public partofitsactivity. However, the“patriots” seizedtheproperty the publicorganization Patriot ofUkraine. He was notinterested inthe was anowner ofPremyer, apublishinghouse, in2005–2010, fi Ukraine andpartially fromlocal sportsmen. Aleksey Lipchansky, who — Triolan. Banditsthemselvesviders were recruitedfromPatriot of Lipchansky, nicknamedLyopa, anowner ofonethebiggest pro- man, who isfamousformoney laundering inKharkov, and Aleksey September 1, 2014. arefi “They death squadsinthecity,” Argument, anInternet edition, wrote on 109 In 2012, journalistsspokea lot aboutseizureofnewsstandsby Patriot Kharkov massmediahad saidthesameearlier. organizereal “They 110 ternwirtschaft Opublikovano takzhe: 11.12.2014. URL: Shekhovtsov Anton Lodygin Stanislav.Lodygin der rechtsradikalen Krдfteinder Ukraine// UKraine-Analysen. ¹. 144. 28.01.2015. S. 9-10. . Wie Vetternwirtschaft ukrainischenNeonazisnьtzt// ZeitOnline. Kak Kharkov stalGepagradom nanced by Yevgeny Zhilin, anex-police- nancing “patriots”, joinedtheParty Shekhovtsov Anton

// Argument.01.09.2014. URL: . Entwicklungsperspektiven 110 109 nanced

37 Chapter 1. Street Militants 38 Chapter 1. Street Militants camps.” training. Ibrought teenagers and young mentoall-Ukrainiantraining in theactivity ofPatriot ofUkraine. “I was responsibleforphysical “patriots” inagood light ATN (Avakov) andKharkov Vesti (Lipchansky)showed theactivity ofthe are onthestaff at BYT’s actions, and TV companies ATN and Vesti have employees who main agitators forhiscandidacy. They played aroleofsecurity squads and aleaderofKharkov BYT. The membersofPatriot ofUkraine were the he was agovernor. We speakabout A. Avakov, acandidate toacity major It isinteresting that Patriot ofUkraine was created anddeveloped, when times duringtheactionsof“patriots” who triedtopromotehisinterests. protector. He was seenamongthemembersoforganization many fi hand-to-hand Street, where Triolan’s employees, that means“patriots”, were trained elections. Lipchansky rented agym insportsschool#9Chuguevskaya Yuliya Timoshenko andherBlockat presidential andparliamentary linesmen inLipchansky’s Kharkov cablechain Triolan, who supported name… Itisalsoimportant tomention that many “patriots” work as Premyer-tsentr, which printed apromotionalnewspaperof thesame a mediaproprietor, who runsacablechain Triolan andfoundedOOO price of500hryvnia… Ruslan Eglitisconnected with Aleksey Lipchansky, and the“boss” will callandspeak with us.” came fromKiev andtoldusthat we mustgive himourphonenumbers, attacked us were membersofPatriot ofUkraine… Then Vadim Troyan a directorof Triolan… We alsofoundoutthat theunknown people who Kiev, from Triolan, andthey got anordertoattack usfromRuslan Eglit, and foundoutthat they areledby Vadim Troyan, security chieffrom an interesting moment regardingtheraiders, “We hadaconversation 113 112 111 In 2014, Troyan toldDeutshe Welle that heactively participated %BD%D0%BD%D1%8F/a-18074783 D0%B5-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%87%D0%B5%D0 %D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD% %D1%80-%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%97%D0%B2%D1%89%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B8- %BC%D1%96%D0%BB%D1%96%D1%86%D1%96%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B5 0%B3%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9-%D0 nachennya Grishko Lіlіya, Teyze Yevgen. 01.06.2010. URL: Reydersky zakhvat kioskov «Kharkov-pressa» (VIDEO)// Yuridicheskaya pomoshch. URL: Kto takiye «Patrioty Ukrainy» izachto oniboryutsya // Sayt 27.11.2012. 113 Itcorresponds with thegymrent forright radicalsby Triolan, ofPatriot ofUkraine. Therefore, we canunderstand why

ghting twicea week. Patriot ofUkrainehave onemore // Deutshe Welle. 20.11.2014. URL: 111 .suff The Golovny mіlіtsіonerKiїvshchini:rizikovane priz- ered newsstandowners spokeabout 112 with aneff of Ukraine. It was analternative marchinUPA’s memory, that fi leader oftheBrotherhoodparty, and Andrey Biletsky, aleaderofPatriot participated inaprovocative actionorganizedby Dmitry Korchinsky, a Patriot ofUkraineinthesecondhalf2000s. OnOctober18, 2008, he tion. “Oneofthekeyorganization activistsandleadersoftheneo-Nazi Later Troyan alsoplayed organiza- animportant roleinthisneo-Nazi Patriot ofUkraineonly in2005–2007. Itisnottrue, asLihachev says. Troyan admitshiscooperation but thereisonecircumstance — with hooliganism.” a fi rested forpreparingaterrorattack inKiev regionon August 22, 2011. Ukraine alsosuff from Yuliya Timoshenko’s Fatherland Union. proceedings because he was electeda deputy tothe Verkhovna Rada continued uptotheendof2012 when hegot immunity tocriminal In September2011 Avakov went toItaly to“politicalimmigration” that 2010, andcontinued duringhisactive oppositionactivity intheregion. veloped without any diffi nization with bigambitionsappeared andstartedactive actions. Itde- became agovernor ofKharkov regionandsoonanew orga- neo-Nazi and Patriot ofUkraine’s activity developed. InFebruary 2005, Avakov Avakov hadbecomeagovernor oftheregion. longtimebeforetheprotestsof2010,with neo-Nazis from2005, when break because ofapower change inLipchansky’s region)hadcooperated tures of Avakov’s business partner(and was loyal tohimeven after a journalist Sergey Kolesnik’s life, who was stabbedseveral timesin Two activists were arrestedonSeptember11, 2011, foranattempt on ght with thepolice. V. Troyan was arrestedandincriminated with 115 114 authorities inKharkovLocal withdrew Avakov’s assets. Patriot of Yes, itissurprising, how simultaneously Avakov’s politicalcareer Then itmeansthat theman who later heldahighpostinthestruc- terroristov_iz_vasilkova_n129392 28.08.2011. URL: Tema nedeli: SBU otchitalas, chto obezvredila terroristov iz Vasilkova // lyhanstvo kiev/476747-novomu-nachalnyku-mylytsyy-kyevskoi-oblasty-shyly-delo-za-khu- khuliganstvo // Komsomolskaya pravda v Ukraine. Chepurko Valeriya. arrest at themarchof right radicalsin2008 was mentioned beforeinthearticle: Likhacheva. 05.11.2014. URL: Troyan Chto NAM v NIKhnenravitsya-IV: Bonus! Vadim Troyan // Blog Vyacheslava ort ofnational radicalstobreakthroughapolicecordonand 114 ered ablow. The leadersoftheorganization were ar- Novomu nachalniku militsiiKiyevskoy oblasti«shili»deloza culties upto Avakov’s resignation inFebruary

03.11.2014. URL: nished 115

39 Chapter 1. Street Militants Kharkov offi ce of Patriot of Ukraine. Andrey Biletsky was arrested on December 27, 2011. The “white leader” and his closest accomplices will be released only after the victory of the Euromaidan. Ukrainian national security attacked the biggest neo-Nazi organiza- tion that had been getting prepared to seize the power in the country. However, it did not manage to shatter it past retrieval. “The Security Service of Ukraine and the Ministry of Internal Aff airs tried to destroy the organization by sending Biletsky to prison. However, the members just went underground, but did not stop their activity,” a well-informed (as it was shown before) source said. “It is impossible to destroy the organization that had initially got prepared for an underground fi ght. When Biletsky was released from SIZO at the end of February [2014], he formed very quickly his own voluntary combat unit. It was already ready, but few people knew about it.”116 Biletsky said almost the same in June 2014, “My friends met me, right activists, football , ex- members of Patriot of Ukraine and other right organizations. On the fi rst day when I was released [from SIZO], a few hundred guys came. Next day we went to storm Oplot [a combat club that united those who were against the Euromaidan]. Our group became a basis of the Azov battalion with time.”117

116 A message of a user called Darth Vader at the forum of web site «Spravzhnya ukraїnska pravda». 28.10.2014. URL: msg672397#msg672397 117 Sheremet Pavel. Komandir batalyona «Azov»: Samaya strashnaya oshibka vlasti — politicheskiye peregovory s separatistami // Ukrainskaya pravda. 17.06.2014. URL: Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed

was thenameofoffi in Kiev onMay 20, 2016also wore “BlackCorps”stripes. NationCorps members Demands” who organizedamarchnamed“The the Azov specialopsbattalion onMay 5, 2014.” ots setupaguerillaunitnamedtheBlackCorps, which turnedinto chists brought Russian aggressionanda wave ofinstability, patri- regime onDecember1, 2013andJanuary 19, 2014. When revan- participants intheRevolution ofDignity, risingagainst Yanukovich zation calledPatriot ofUkraine. Future Azov members were active unit’s pressoffi headed by Andrey Biletsky fi founded onMay 5, 2014. However, aprecursive paramilitary group Offi September 3, 2014by TV2 Norge, Norway deputy commanderOlegOdnorozhenko, inanewsbroadcastairedon Similar chevronscanbeseenat adrillfeaturing Azov fi in uniform with virtually standardizedchevronssigned“BlackCorps”. cluding Vladimir Shparaasthethenoffi further. There arephotographs fromKiev Mariupol wearing thesameBlackCorpschevrons April 25, 2015. Italsofeatures a fi dressing Azov recruitsbeforesendingthemtofront was publishedon cially, the Azov specialopsbattalion (now the Azov ) was It is worth notingthat exactly thesame term, DasSchwarze Korps, 122 121 120 119 118 The name“BlackCorps” was popularamong Azov members even Kanal polzovatelya «Sayt Іnformator» na YouTube. 25.04.2015. URL: https://www. tse vіyna dvokh tsivіlіzatsіy: NinіshnyaAndrіy Bіletskyvіyna naDonbasі — // URL: Nordmenn stårikøforåbidrakampene iUkraina// Сайт TV2 Norge. [03.09.2014.] // Sayt goroda Mariupolya. 08.07.2014. URL: V Mariupole«chernye chelovechki» obeshchalizashchishchat gorod (Fotoreportazh) 24.06.2014. URL: Slava.Demkova Proshel god sodnya sozdaniya polka«Azov» // PressaUkrainy. 05.05.2014. URL: 120 dated July 8, 2014, on which itsparamilitary fi precursorof ce: “The Azov regiment was onorgani- «Cherny korpus»otpravilsya v zonu ATO (FOTO)// PressaUkrainy. cial SSnewspaper. Inliterature, “BlackCorps” rst aroseeven earlier, accordingtothe ghter standingnexttohiscommander cialunitcommander)areposing 121 122 . The footage ofBiletsky ad- . Finally, some of Azov Civil 119 dated June23, 2014and 118 ghters andits ghters (in- ghters

43 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed 44 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed station onJune30, 2015 ing to what StepanBaida, headof Azov pressoffi containment and, oneby one, they were freeafter3or4days”, accord- another facility inPoltava. There they all were given smalltermsof “they reachedanagreement that they would transferallourmento had beentransferredtoKharkov temporary detention facility before is confi counted only 5to6shotguns perour60to70fi hard toget then. A guy ortwo owned licensedpumpshotguns, butit proof vests, uniform, helmets, balaclavas andtransport. Weapons were out tobelotsofpatriotic mindedpeopleinKiev who donated bullet- arms andequipment andsoon. Peoplecametohelpus. There turned oppose that witches’ Sabbath,” Biletsky continued. “I wish ithadproper towns.’ self in2014:‘…start cleansingRussian-Communist deseasefromour this ‘guerilla’ unitandthe descriptionofthemgiven by Biletsky him- The referencelookspretty vibrant, takingtoaccount theactivitiesof was declaredcriminalby theInternational Military Trail inNuremberg. often referstothepunitive squadheadedby HeinrichHimmler, which ity,” Baidaconceded. “We startedtodosallies. We callthosetimesthe was proclaimed. “We were already incontact with thenational author- to takecontrol oftheregionaladministration, andapeople’s republic that, everything changed, sinceon April 7, 2014, Kharkov residents rose encing thissituation ofuncertainty “beforemid-April (2014)orso.” After of themadjustedtobeableshootball-cartridges guns, aself-madesmall-borerifl leaving two deadandfour wounded); thepoliceconfi they shotat several pro-Russian activistsonRymarska Str. inKharkov, Rymarska Streetmassacre(onthenightthe so-called ofMarch14, 2014, Those far-right activistsafterdetention were never indicted. They 125 124 123 “At thetimeIcameup with theideaofaunitthat would beableto Baida saidinthesameinterview that thefar-right hadbeenexperi- tv/video/suspilstvo/kak-sozdavalsia-polk-azov Kak sozdavalsya polk«Azov» // UKRLIFE.TV. 30.06.2015. URL:http://www.ukrlife. Chast №1. Russky yazyk. // Blog Without-Variant. 18.03.2014. URL:http://without- Kharkov. Boynya naRymarskoy 18. Stranadolzhnaznat svoikh «geroyev» v litso! kto-prolivaet-krov-za-ukrainu-doljnyi-imet-svoy-golos-vo-vlasti.html krov zaUkrainu, dolzhny imetsvoy golos vo vlasti // УНИАН. 11.10.2014. URL: Kondratenko Andrey. rmed by Kharkov police who detainedBlackCorpsfi Komandir polka«Azov» Andrey Beletsky: Te, ktoprolivayet 125 . e andtwo rubber-bullet revolvers, all ghters.” ce,UKRLIFE.TVtold 124 scated 6sporting 123 . This statement This ghters after probable. sacre which was preparedby BlackCorps, theneo-Nazi seemshighly The version that on April 12, 2017, Berkut policemenprevented amas- in theattack onleftwing activistsandburningthe Trade UnionsHouse. similar tothat that tookplaceinOdessaonMay 2, 2014andendedup day, there was amarchofnationalists andfootballfansinKharkov, beat us very severely with buttstocks.” Police inKharkov were thenpro-Russian andanti-Ukrainian… They soldiers ontheborderofKharkov oblast. They realized who we were. period,‘rebar’ we only hadmetalsticks. Once we clashed with Berkut Molotov cocktails were found intheconvoy’s carsandbuses member of Azov; hisstory will follow). Bladed weapons, helmetsand citizen (mostprobably, it calledMikaelSkillt,was theneo-Nazi later a alists, footballfans, andseveral foreignnationals includingoneSwedish tioning that there were 44peopledetained, includingUkrainiannation- need tohammerthisideainto about70headsofmeninthebuses.” our Berkutforces, and we donotneedany otherforcetocontrol it. We explain tothose who were not welcome, that Kharkov iscontrolled by main partofthebusesnearPoltava. We foundastraightforward way to those who didreachthetown. However, we successfully stoppedthe all that stuff confi to 40busesas well as several cars were headingforKharkov.” actly what happenedinChutovo, Poltava on April 12, 2014 when they 30 friendship’, we couldintercept themat distant approaches. That isex- have happenedearlierinKharkov… When they sendtheir‘convoys of could notstop. Iamsurethat atragedy liketheoneinOdessacould April 12, 2014. cial policeunitinKharkov, hisdescriptionfeaturing anexactdate, 128 127 126 Ukrainian mediaalsoreportedonthosedetainedin April 2014, men- Soon we couldsee what thiskindof‘tourists’had with them. We “Once Maidanfar-right radicalsstartedtoenjoy what they did, they The sameevents were later describedby anoffi scated sapperspades, baseballbats, pistols, knives andmachetes, 26.03.2015. URL: onnu_druzhbi_zaderzhali.html // 12.04.2014. URL: Militsiya nepuskayet stolichnykh aktivistov v Kharkovskuyu oblast(OBNOVLENO) Dmitriyev Andrey. tv/video/suspilstvo/kak-sozdavalsia-polk-azov Kak sozdavalsya polk«Azov» // UKRLIFE.TV. 30.06.2015. URL:http://www.ukrlife. . The whole day afterover inKharkov, theboys were chasing «My krepliizakalyalis v etomadu»// Svobodnaya pressa. 126 cer ofBerkut, aspe- 128 . Onthat 127

45 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed 46 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed Donetsk andLugansk! against separatism and would never allow anything likethey hadin that spokeforitself, that Kharkov haditsdefenders who would fi Kharkov streetsinanorganized convoy, each wearing ablackuniform conceded onMay 6, 2016. Iremember Andrey Biletsky’s boys patrolling Anton Gerashchenko, atopadviserfortheMinisterofInterior, put anendtoMoscow’s attempts toignitethesituation inKharkov,” with theMinistry oftheInterior andtheSecurity ServiceofUkraine order squadsinKharkov on April 13and20[2014]inclosecooperation Biletsky alsosaidproudly that Kharkov isnow apeacefulplace[fortheUkrainianauthorities],” have beencompletely eliminated.” nowRussian rallies — you canseetheresultsaspocketsofseparatism on, we made itregulartodoincursionsKharkov, breakinguppro- the ministry oftheinterior sparedforus. We startedourdrills. Later name was ‘rebarforces’. The building where we areallnow was theone had asortoftransitionperiodthat we called the BlackCorps. Another frank enoughaboutthose at thatwho helpedtheneo-Nazis time:“We government anditsagencies couldnotfulfi from allUkrainetoMaruipolfulfi tant town… My function was… thecoordination oftheboys coming boys’ initiative andtry tofi town councilbuildinginMaruipol… The decision was tosupportthe idea toarrange the‘eviction’ ofseparatists that were holdingthe 2014] Andrey [Biletsky]andOleg[Odnorozhenko] cameup with an punish pro-Russian activists inotherregions. “Inthelate April [of country. came thebackboneofnew regimeintheeasternregions of the “The participation ofhundredsPatriot“The ofUkraineguysinpublic During that interview totheUkrainian112 TV channel, Baida was 131 130 129 Gerashchenko alsosaidabouthow they usedthe‘rebarforces’to A postin Anton Gershchenko’s account onFacebook. 06.05.2016. URL:https://www. правда. politicheskiye peregovory sseparatistami // Ukrainskaya pravda. Sheremet Pavel. i-organizaciey-255219.html ua/interview/ot-pravogo-sektora-azov-otlichaetsya-bolee-sistemnym-podhodom- nizatsiyey /Podgotovil Yevgeny Slavny // Telekanal 112. 31.08.2015. URL:http://112. Ot «Pravogo sektora»«Azov» otlichayetsya boleye sistemnym podkhodom iorga- 17.06.2014. URL: Komandir batalyona «Azov»: Samaya strashnaya oshibka vlasti — 131 ’ This ishow inblackuniformbe- neo-Nazis 130 ght back yet anotherstrategically impor- . 129 . “Itisalsoduetoourachievements ll thetaskthat theUkrainian ll at that time. Onthe Украинская ght and balaclavas declarethey “embark onamissiontofreethesouth-east status.” showing as Avakov contacted usand we startedtosomehow legalizeour Baida states directly that, inthese violent actions, “we madeastrong almost bloodless. night of April 23, MariupolCity Hall was clearedinminutes. It was lice forcesandobtain weapons legally.” Gerashchenkoremembered would beunable toeffi style hooligans. caserevealed “This that pro-Ukrainian young patriots now transforminginto afi bats andsteelrebarrods(to which Baidarefersas‘our littlesticks’) was mander, Igor Moseychuk sponsible, accordingtooneofitsleadersand futuredeputy Azov com- Internet (for which the Social-National Assembly ofUkraine was re- Ukraine, hailtotheheroes!” When they were leaving thebuilding, theintruders chanted “Hailto building andpackedinacartrunk, however, hemanaged toescape… their arms, legsandheads. They drew oneoftheactivistsout had gauze masksontheheads. Heavy blows caught theprotesterson baseball bats. The attackers, as witness say, were 20to25 years old;they town hall. There were about30ofthemstartedtohit theoccupiers with 24, 2014:“Between 3and4a.m., agroupofstrangers brokeinto the to thenew Ukrainiangovernment, describedthesameevents on April 136 135 134 133 132 Those who defendedthecity hallmanaged topushbacktheNazi- On April 26, 2014, anaddressofLittleBlackMenappearedonthe “Almost bloodless!” And hereishow thelocalpress, even thoseloyal dvukh oblastyakh ideystvuyutponocham Makarenko Anna. i-organizaciey-255219.html ua/interview/ot-pravogo-sektora-azov-otlichaetsya-bolee-sistemnym-podhodom- nizatsiyey /Podgotovil Yevgeny Slavny // Telekanal 112. 31.08.2015. URL:http://112. Ot «Pravogo sektora»«Azov» otlichayetsya boleye sistemnym podkhodom iorga- A postin Anton Gershchenko’s account onFacebook. 06.05.2016. URL:https://www. news/522106 VIDEO) // Gorodskoy sayt Mariupolya. 24.04.2014. URL: V Mariupolezdaniye gorsoveta osvobodili otzakhvatchikov? (Obnovlyaetsya+FOTO, A postin Anton Gershchenko’s account onFacebook. 06.05.2016. URL:https://www. kov-516179.html 135 ‘rebarforces’that used tosmashedpeople The neo-Nazi with 132 Kto takiye «chernye chelovechki»: treniruyutsya nabazakh v ” ciently defendtheircountry unlessthey joinpo- 136 re-armed formation. ), afootage oftheremeninblackuniform 133

// Segodnya. 28.04.2014. URL:http:// 134 .

47 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed 48 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed “We obtainedourfi in March, we suppose. Biletsky keepsrepeating inmultiple interviews: ‘arms’ heisspeakingabout?Notthesportinggunsthey appeared with who elsecantheyists’: armedmen — be, ifnotpurecriminals?” What two months inastatus even moredangerous thantheoneofseparat- worn-out gaspistonand went into theassault ofthecity” of usputonclotheshehad, grabbedsome‘madein Angola’ stuff at that time?It was 81men. However, 81rifl on thefront? Ok, anddo you know thetotalnumberof Azov members days, thebeginningof war? Rememberhow many ofus were there fi tably a very oldmodel. Vadim Troyan, Azov chiefofstaff men” with apumpgunandanotherone with aKalashnikov, no- local policeoffi day was ourfi that therebelshadbeendesperately tryingtotakecontrol of… The next betrayers” from occupierssuchassaboteurs, or‘littlegreenmen’, andseparatist obtained ontheblackmarket(beforethey were given new arsenalson not get themfromthere. Consequently, partofthe weaponry hadbeen them couldbekeptinpolicedepartments, andtherefore Azov could well armedandequipped. Biletsky says, “there were 150ofus”duringtheassault inJune onMay 9andJune13of2014.part intheassault ofMariupoltwice — Azov members, that is80men describing theevents ofearly May 2014, mentions thesamenumberof rst day, makesasortof confessioninhisinterview, “Rememberthose 141 140 139 138 137 Naturally, noKalashnikov rifl tv/video/suspilstvo/kak-sozdavalsia-polk-azov Kak sozdavalsya polk«Azov» // UKRLIFE.TV. 30.06.2015. URL:http://www.ukrlife. news/2014/12/10/288683_andrey_biletskiy_polovina_azova.html No oniumirayut iubivayut zaUkrainu»// 10.12.2014. URL: Shvets Yevgeny. im_troyan_mi_ponimali_sdadim.html em voynu Bazar Oleg, Shvets Yevgeny. Vadim Troyan: « No oniumirayut iubivayut zaUkrainu» Shvets Yevgeny. polzovatelya «Chornіcholovіchkі» na YouTube. 25.04.2015. URL: Zvernennya «chornikh cholovіchkіv» doukraїntsіv skhodutapіvdnya // Kanal news/2014/12/10/288683_andrey_biletskiy_polovina_azova.html 137 . According toBiletsky, early inMay 2014, “we have spent » rstbattle day. After that, we repelledtheassault onthe ce // 02.12.2014. URL: 138 Andrey Biletsky:«Polovina «Azova» govorit narusskom yazyke. Andrey Biletsky: «Polovina «Azova» govorit narusskom yazyke. rst automatic rifl . A video dated April 2014features oneofthe“little 141 es with ‘madein Angola’ markson . By June, Azov fi es onamilitary baseinMariupol My ponimali:sdadimMariupol — proigray-

// 10.12.2014. URL: e we hadnot. Soeachone ghters werealready sincethe very 139 . Azovtook 140 with a . Baida, black uniform” active participants init:“Ourmen, numberingabout30, were wearing tory procession. According totheUkrainianmedia, Biletsky’s unit were armored carriermachineguns)tofi which theUkrainianmilitary usedallautomatic weaponry (including lishing suchabattalion… We hadourbattle thenextday that thepolicemadeupitshistoricdecision, issuinganorderonestab- battalion. We were thereonthespot, ready tooperate. It was that night even larger quantities, orshareit which aspecially formed volunteer chine gunstotheseparatists, asthey didinDonetskandLuhansk One option was togive away ahundredortwo Kalashnikovs andma- Donetsk separatists’ side… policeoffi The top-ranking part was now choosingbetween whether tocapitulate oralsotakethe had already escapedordefected, taking weapons with them, another of separatist attacks. Mostofthesoldiers were locals, partofthestaff nal troopsunitlocated there, that hadalready experiencedanumber everything totheseparatists. By that time, May 5, there was aninter- Mariupol, we realizedthat thepoliceblockheadshadbeen losingalmost town. After that, we decidedtoregaincontrol ofMariupoltown hall. In [2014 года]” we cametoBerdyansk nottolettheseparatists capture the group… now allofthemareoffi 2014, Biletsky noted, “Azov backbone was actually thelittleblackmen the Interior forthefi cal criminalgang, which was nevertheless nurturedby theMinistry of where — that is, beforethebattalion was formed). Indeed, it was atypi- 5 May when there was nolonger senseinpurchasing weapons else- one-and-a halfhundred Azov volunteers were located. Partofthelatter where several hundredNational Guardandregulartroops, as well as town, onMay 9, Ukraine was controlling nothingbutMariupolairfi On May 9, 2014, Azov tookpartintheassault attempt inMariupol, in 144 143 142 The armedgroupofthefar-right was thendeployed south. “OnMay 3 “After we actually lostcontrol ofMariupol, thethirdbiggest Donbass politicheskiye peregovory sseparatistami // Ukrainskaya pravda. 17.06.2014. URL: Sheremet Pavel. tizm/590796 journal/_mi-gotovi-jti-na-smert-ale-ce-maye-buti-plata-za-rezultat-a-ne-za-idio- a nezaіdіotizm»// Gazeta. 04.11.2014. URL: Kurilenko Oleksandr. Sobytiya v Mariupole9maya: kaketobylo // Argument. 17.05.2014. URL:http:// 144 . Partofthefi Komandir batalyona «Azov»: Samaya strashnaya oshibka vlasti — ght againstpro-Russian activists. InNovember «Mi gotovі yti nasmert. Ale tsemaєbutiplata zarezultat, cers, comprising Azov’s strikingforce” ghters wereclothes. wearingcivil re at the WWII victory day celebra- cershadtodecide. 143 . eld 142


49 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed 50 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed the army refusedtodoit cessfully resistedtheaggressioninearly days ofthe war when the interior ministry, that tookMaidanpatriots tothefoldand suc- was directly responsibleforthenew volunteer battalions aspartof admitted thefact:onDecember16, 2015he wrote onFacebook that he internal troops were notready toshootat thecivilians. Later Avakov and regulations for years.troops Those young volunteers wereprejudice deprivedfrom terrorists rather thanthose who hadserved inthearmy orinternal ence to volunteers willing andstrongenoughtodefendUkrainefrom after they hadbeendeployed thereby aironMay 9. We gave prefer- that moment at Maruipolaiport, fi Maidan activistsandheadedby Andrey Biletsky. The battalion was at ment and weapons tothenew volunteer Azov battalion, consistingof The only decisionmadeat that meeting was togive additionalequip- to takeMariupolusingonly theexistingarmy andNational Guardunits. were concerned. We agreedduringthat meetingthat it was impossible units capableoffi rorists when alllocallaw enforcement was deadand when there was no on May 12orso. We discussedhow we couldmopupMaruipolfromter- Nikolayenko, where Ialsoparticipated, offi tookpartintheminister’s ing between Arsen Avakov, Sergey Taruta andhisfi Ukraine’s interior minister, wrote inFacebookonJune13, 2015. “A meet- and commemoration inhistory,” Anton Gerashchenko, anadvisorto that tookseveral hourstoprepareandthat callsforaspecialnarration had beentransportedthereinanunprecedented airborneoperation be abletoclearMariupolfrom terrorists.” Azov fi mtrooper unitoutof abunchofMaidan volunteers, theonethat would Nikolayenko”, Gershchenko wrote. “Infact, thetask was tomakeastor- of theInterior Sergey Yarovoy, Sergey Taruta andhisDeputy Andrey Gen. StepanPoltorak, hisChief-of-staff Biletsky, hisChief-of-staff June 10[of2014], with theparticipation of Azov commander Andrey were two othermeetingsat offi theminister’s Nazis who were nottidedup with ‘prejudiceorregulations.’ “There That isarather frankconfession. Itmeansthat thearmy andthe 146 145 A postin Arsen Avakov’s account onFacebook. 13.06.2015. URL:https://www.face- A postin Anton Gershchenko’s account onFacebook. 13.06.2015. URL:https://www. 145 ghting intheregion, asfartheirmoraleandskills .” Vadim Troyan, National GuardCommander 146 . This is why they gave priority toneo- ghters living with noconveniences Gen. Krivenko, Deputy Minister ce between May 20and ghters methisexpecta- rst deputy rst Andrey ce the enemy throughheavy weaponry crosshair We usedtoresisttheoccupiers with only guns, butnow we cansee were theonly togainaregiment status with 1200fi a former60-menguerillaunitthemosteffi sary, describingitsmanpower a progress:“Within year, we have made creasing dramatically. While Biletsky says “infact, we were 150men” the Ukrainianoff members convicted ofpreparingaterroristattack inKiev oblastin2011) Azov actualmanpower beingasmany as400 month later RadioLiberty quotedOlegOdnorozhenko’s words about contributed alotintheops and Shparagroups, Vasilkov thelatter oneoftheso-called terrorists, also headed by thebattalion commander Andrey Biletsky himself. Cherkas tions, according tohisown operation [intown]words: mop-up “The was increase” stating, that “we have… around700troopsandthenumbers tendto was transformedinto aregiment, resultinginanotherBiletsky’s report one month that theunitcomprised300fi during theassault onMariupol onJune13, 2014, BBCreportedafteronly and those who have beennot” 600 fi 2014, Biletsky alsosaidinaninterview that thebattalion had“around Later on, Azov tookholdofMariupoland was inthe vanguard of 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 ghters, includingboththose who have been[formally]enrolled kto-prolivaet-krov-za-ukrainu-doljnyi-imet-svoy-golos-vo-vlasti.html krov zaUkrainu, dolzhny imetsvoy golos vo vlasti // УНИАН. 11.10.2014. URL: 16.07.2014. URL: Kondratenko Andrey. uzhase-ot-vojny Bileckij--Ja-by-ne-zagonjal-palkami-na-peredovuju-teh--kto-nahoditsja-v- ot voyny // 07.09.2015. URL: Biletsky: Ya by nezagonyal palkaminaperedovuyu tekh, ktonakhoditsya v uzhase Sukhov Oleg. Newman Dina news/2014/12/10/288683_andrey_biletskiy_polovina_azova.html No oniumirayut iubivayut zaUkrainu»// 10.12.2014. URL: Shvets Yevgeny. Andrey Biletsky: A postin Anton Gershchenko’s account onFacebook. 13.06.2015. URL:https://www. Ukrainy. Martsenko Denis. Biletsky: 152 . InMay 2015, headdressedhistroopson Azov’s 1

05.05.2015. URL: «Patrioty» ili«neonatsisty»? // Radio«Svoboda». ensive againstDonetsk. The unit’s manpower was in- . Ukraineconfl Komandir polka«Azov» Andrey Beletsky: Te, ktoprolivayet «Azov» osvobodit DonbassiKrym otokkupantov // Pressa 147 ict: «Whitepower» warrior fromSweden // BBC. .” (He was oneofthosePatriot ofUkraine 151 «Polovina «Azova» govorit narusskom yazyke. . OnSeptember17, 2014, thebattalion ghters cient military force, and 150 153 . By early September ”. In August of2015, 149 ghters nowadays.

, and yet another 15.08.2014. URL:http:// st anniver- 148

51 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed 52 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed “the tankcompany isabouttotransforminto abattalion, that is why August 2015, Vadim Boyko, amemberof Azov, posted onFacebookthat our armorhasstrengthenedtwentyfold. Sohasartillery» ent artillery pieces… While manpower hasincreasedtwicesincethen, which noonecouldhandle. Nowadays we have uptotwenty diff the Maruipolassault] anda120-mmmortarcaptured September5, 2014 was aZU-23-2 anti-aircraft cannon[given tothemonJune13, 2014before claimed inSeptember2015. “At that timetheheaviest pieceofartillery have dozensofarmored vehicles, includingatankcompany,” Biletsky piece inthe Azov was aBRDM, areconnaissance vehicle. Nowadays we artillery andarmoured vehicles. “At that timetheheaviest artillery as partoftheinterior forcesbody, allowing toequipit with modern on November 11, 2014, theregiment was attached totheNational Guard thing very unusualfor volunteer battalions inUkraine. Add tothisthat these manpower limits. well asover 40armored vehicles” he reportedthat thereareasmany as1400offi the right toenroll.” have that many. of Lots youths arenow eager tojoin, but we don’t have us anopportunity toreach2,500 troopsinnumbers. Believe me, we do Azov regiment will betransformedinto aseparate elitebrigade, giving in June2015, heusedtosay tohis menthat, “ifeverything goes well, from ourmanpower, weaponry andcommand.”, Biletsky said meant that “we have been actually abrigadeforlongtime, judging in thebattalion already, as well asanother90ready tojoinus”, which A tenfoldincrease within only a year andaraisedstatus issome- 157 156 155 154 nykh_.htm politics/6394218-andrey_biletskiy_otdat_donbass_putinu_predlozhenie_slaboum- umnykh // LIGABiznesInform. uzhase-ot-vojny Bileckij--Ja-by-ne-zagonjal-palkami-na-peredovuju-teh--kto-nahoditsja-v- ot voyny // 07.09.2015. URL: Biletsky: Ya by nezagonyal palkaminaperedovuyu tekh, ktonakhoditsya v uzhase html azov-budet-reorganizovan-v-brigadu-chislennostyu-2500-boycov-bileckiy-437946. // Sluzhba novostey telekanala«1+1». 18.06.2015. URL: Polk «Azov» budetreorganizovan v brigaduchislennostyu2500boytsov — Biletsky kiy_hunti_budet.html rot» // 02.12.2015. URL: Shvets Yevgeny. Chernyshev Denis. Andrey Biletsky:«Khunty nebudet. Armiya nesposobnanaperevo- 156 Andrey Biletsky: Otdat Donbass Putinu — predlozheniyeAndrey slabo- Biletsky:Otdat DonbassPutinu — Inother words, Biletsky managed toactually skirt

12.08.2015. URL: 154 . Decemberof2015saw “1500men cially enlistedtroopsas 157 . Earlierin 155 . Earlier er- months beforethat who were voluntarily engaged inpatrolling each inhisown fashionmeans, that thesearecivilNationalist activists or makeshiftbandanas, armed with rifl full combat gear, wearing bulletproof vests andmulticoloredbalaclavas among policeoffi of the Azov regiment… Azov fi been carriedoutsincelast year. The armoredpatrols includefi tion istobepaidthetown ofMariupol, where armoredpatrol has partment oftheDonetskoblastmainpolicedirectorate. “Specialatten- colonel Sergey Danilenko, deputy chiefofthepreventive measuresde- us ataskofpublicorderprotectioninDonetskoblast,” reportedpolice Abroskin, headofDonetskoblastmainpolicedirectorate, setbefore battery andamortarsquadron. Structurally, we arealmostabrigade unit with tanks, MLTBs [ormultipurposearmoredtowers], ahowitzer adding that “italmost2,000ofusnow. We have infantry, amotorized August 31, 2015, that “thetransition toabrigadeisalready underway”, June 2015. Baidaalsomentioned inhisinterview to112 TV station on transformationof theregiment-to-brigade that Biletsky announcedin staff we oftenemploy forpatrolling” have beenour volunteers inthiscar, forexample, Azov members whom featuring agroupofnationalists shootingat apolicecar, could “There interior, toldLigaBiznesInformonMay 25, 2015aboutarecent incident armed Azovfi 161 160 159 158 162 Another missionof Azov was city patrol. Avakov, ministerofthe expansionislikely Mariupolya. 24.03.2016. URL: «Azov» patruliruyet Mariupol vmeste spolitseyskimi(FOTO+VIDEO) // Sayt goroda bassom.htm politics/5866274-avakov_ya_za_polnoe_razgranichenie_s_okkupirovannym_don- Donbassom // LIGABiznesInform. Shuklinov Petr. Avakov: i-organizaciey-255219.html ua/interview/ot-pravogo-sektora-azov-otlichaetsya-bolee-sistemnym-podhodom- nizatsiyey /Podgotovil Yevgeny Slavny // Telekanal 112. 31.08.2015. URL:http://112. Ot «Pravogo sektora»«Azov» otlichayetsya boleye sistemnym podkhodomiorga- tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R6%22%7D vadim.boyko.9/posts/881520451930777?comment_id=881540071928815&comment_ A comment by Vadim Boyko onFacebook. 19.08.2015. URL: A postin Vadim Boyko’s account onFacebook. 19.08.2015. URL:https://www.face- ghters onarmored vehicles have beenpatrolling towns cers.” There were photosofthoseguardsonpatrol, in 159 . Itlookslikethisrestructuringisexpectedaspart 158 Ya za polnoye razgranicheniye s okkupirovannym ”, addingthat hehadlearnedaboutthat 3 ghters aretheretoprevent foot-dragging 161

28.05.2016. URL: . “PoliceGeneralIIIrank Vyacheslav es. The factthat they aredressed 162 . Sincelate January 2016, ghters 160 ”.

53 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed 54 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed fi police directorate decidedonMarch2, 2016that thenumberofarmed domestic andforeign (adding tohismultiplesimilarearlierstatements forthepress, both told UnkrainianLigaBiznesInformnewsagency onSeptember12, 2015 far-right andmostoftheboys areUkrainiannationalists,” Biletsky sumably unit. neo-Nazi “We never deniedthefactthat we arepatriotic departmenttook reignoftheanti-drug onOctober10, 2015. then transferredtoasimilarpositioninKhersonoblast, afterthat he Avakov appointed himdeputy headofDonetskoblastnational police, Kiva himselfhaslongbeen Avakov’s protégé. OnDecember11, 2014, ministry oftheinterior and villages inGenicheskrayon ofKhersonoblast, asagreed with the streets… We will useevery opportunity toeliminate drugtraffi portunity tosetupsquadsthat would mopupdrugtraffi enough, honestandstrong. Together with Biletsky, we discussedanop- the purity oftheUkrainiannation. Those are young people, patriotic “Everyone knows that our Azov regiment isstandingfor Ilya Kiva, department headoftheanti-drug ofthenational police, told radical ideology attractive rather thanconfusing. OnFebruary 1, 2016, between diff since February 4, 2016 ghters engaged incity patrol shouldbeincreased 163 It is worth notingthat the Azov retained allthefeatures ofapre- 167 166 165 164 The authorities alsoconsiderotheropportunities forcooperation ravno-kakoy-sergey-malyuta-ranshe-prohodil-put) ит.д. // Yevroradio. 10.12.2014. URL: Kombat «Azova»: Mne vsyo ravno, kakoy Sergey «Malyuta»ransheprokhodil put «Deystvitelno, bolshaya pravye» chastparney (Lukashuk Zmiter.v batalyone — ikh nazad»// Kashin. 11.12.2014. URL:; «Azov» na«Kashine»:«Kaktolkoperemiriye zakonchitsya, my krepkootbrosim «My zheneotritsayem, chto my — natsionalistichesky batalyon» (Olevsky Timur. YouTube. 01.02.2016. URL: Іllya Kiva prospіvpratsyu z «Azovom» // Kanalpolzovatelya «» na podrazdeleny Natsgvardii «Azov» // Mariupolskiye novosti. 02.03.2016. URL:http:// Na ulitsakhMariupolya uvelichitsya kolichestvo sovmestnykh patruley politsiii kharkov URL: Azov vypustil naulitsy Kharkova desyat patruley // 04.02.2016. tent/news/27520680.html tivnostyu separatistov // Krym.Realii. 31.01.2016. URL:http// Uchastniki blokady Krymapatruliruyut selanaKhersonshchine, obyasnyaya ak- erent policebodies with theunit, oftenfi 167 164 ). However, hespecifi 163 . SpeakingofMariupol, Donetskoblastmain , andtake partinguardingKharkov streets ed that diehardright radi- 165 . ckers from our nding Azov’s nding ckers 166 . cals make¾ofthefi with us!” ning-shaped SSrunes, Third Reichcoat ofarms, andmottoslike“God with apparently Naziandskinheadcontent, that isswastikas, light- ers duringtheMariupolassault. “Around halfofthemsporttattoos from Vesti.Reporter wrote inJune2014. The reporter was with thefi Azov members, judgingby theirmultipletattoos,” Aleksandr Sibirtsev reasons areobvious.” give you thisexample:thereisnotasingleblackfi the right ideology “isthebasisofeverything.” “As anillustration, Ican Socialist, ethnicnationalist, any self-styled‘nationalists’.” Skilltsaid BBC onJuly 16, 2014:“Here we have Nationalists ofallsorts:National One Azovfi claimed nottobeaNazi, but waxed lyricalabout asa Nazi, leaningsofmany ofitsmembers. Dmitry [oneofthefi “The Azov causes particularconcernduetothefarright, even neo- Guardian reporter, who wrote inanarticledated September11, 2014: mendous biomassofshaven heads, musclesandtatts” “We have plenty offar-right guys, footballhooligansandsoon… A tre- for him” If apersondoesnotsupportNational Social ideas, the Azov isclosed told Sibirtsev, battalion hasendedinagang forthefar-right “The only. Gonchar, who was battalion commanderforashorttimeandthenleft, 172 171 170 169 168 “You canguessthat National Socialistideasarepreferential formany Another similarconclusion was drawn by Shaun Walker, a Sibirtsev Aleksandr. news/2014/12/10/288683_andrey_biletskiy_polovina_azova.html No oniumirayut iubivayut zaUkrainu»// 10.12.2014. URL: Shvets Yevgeny. Sibirtsev Aleksandr. d=2103&artikel=5914695 Radio Shvetsii. 15.07.2014. URL: Shvedskiye neonatsisty v Ukraine:«zanatsionalisticheskuyu revolyutsiyu»! // gotov_k_oborone.htm URL: Andrey Biletsky:Mariupolgotov koborone// LIGABiznesInform. 12.08.2015. com/art/y2014/n21/8299-azov-mariupol-zachistka.html 26.06.2015. Quotedby apublication onthe web site, URL: http://reporter.vesti-ukr. com/art/y2014/n21/8299-azov-mariupol-zachistka.html 26.06.2015. Quotedby apublication onthe web site, URL:http://reporter.vesti-ukr. 172 170 . ghter, namely MikaelSkillt, aSwedish neo-Nazi, toldthe . Biletsky was tellingaboutthesameinDecember2014: Andrey Biletsky:«Polovina «Azova» govorit narusskom yazyke. ghters, therestpartly sympathize theseideas «Azov». Mariupol. Zachistka// Vesti. Reporter. «Azov». Mariupol. Zachistka// Vesti. Reporter. 169 ghter amongus. The 171 .Yaroslav As

No 21(39). 20– No 21(39). 20– ghters] ght- 168 .” .”

55 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed 56 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed center hanging onthe wall above onerecruit’s bedintheMariupoltraining Washington PostalsoreportedonSeptember12, 2014ofaswastika has anSSchevron with apairof‘sieg’runes rately painted fl wearing an Azov chevronalsohasahelmetisdecorated with anelabo- deputy commanderforideology istakingpart. Inthis video, onefi on September3, 2014, showing Azov drillsin which OlegOdnorozhenko, views were, however, hesaid“national socialist” were inthebattalion. neo-Nazis When asked what hisown political interested inNordicmythology,» saidonefi the mostconvincing denials”. those who laughed off Many ofitsmembershave links groups,with neo-Nazi andeven Guardian foundmany ofthemtohave disturbing political views… the past week inandaroundthestrategic portcity ofMariupol, the with dozensofitsfi eryone inthe Azov battalion thinkslikeDmitry, butafterspeaking military leader, andbelieves theHolocaust never happened. Notev- a battalion fl called “Donbass-ATO-2014”, where agroupphotoof Azov fi national socialistsofZhitomir’. It was onhis web page, inanalbum from Zhitomir most notoriousposersare Artyom Zalesov fromLvov toos are very popularamong Azov fi There isa video by theNorwegian TV2 Norge TV station published 177 176 175 174 173 “Of coursenot, itisallmadeup;therearejustalotofpeople who are Pictures ofthemselves posing with Nazifl threat // . 10.09.2014. kotorykh net-1// BlogMade-in-USSR. 30.11.2014. URL:http://made-inussr.livejour- leted picturesare save inapublication: Ukrainskiye sverkhcheloveki ili natsisty Oleg Penya’s account on URL: Somede- fashizm-na-sluzhbe-mvd-ukrainyi-foto-video/ Glagol. 30.11.2014. URL: Batalyon «Azov»: obyknovenny fashizmnasluzhbeMVD Ukrainy (FOTO, VIDEO) // The Washington Post. 12.09.2014. Faiola Anthony URL: Nordmenn stårikøforåbidrakampeneUkraina// Сайт TV2 Norge. [03.09.2014.] Walker Shaun 175 . ag, aNATO fl 177 ag ofthe Third Reich with aswastika. Another fi .fi Azov . The latter callshimselftheleaderof‘autonomous . talkpeace, Leaders someUkrainians contemplate guerrilla war // ghters andembeddingonseveral missionsduring ghters areUkraine’s greatest weapon andmay beitsgreatest theideathat theydidnotgive areneo-Nazis ag andaswastika-draped bannerappeared ghters onsocialnetworks. The ghter when askedifthere ags orsportingNazitat- 174 . Anthony Faiolaofthe 173 . 176 andOlegPenya ghters with ghter ghter on Manezhnaya SquareintheheartofMoscow onDecember27, 2007 andanorganizerofamakeshiftbombattackand Belarusin2004–2007 Society (alocalreplicaofPatriot ofUkraine) which was active inRussia was Sergey Korotkikh, amemberoftheleadershipNational Socialist quarters… andthensearchedforbanditsinattics andbasements” square. HeledthemalongGrecheskaStreettowards theterrorists’head- manded assault groupsmadeofthose who hadcomefreshfromMaidan were takingMaruipol, Sergey Korotkikh, with arifl ranks ofthe Azov asaninstructor… At 5a.m. onJune13, ontheday we Korotkikh, alsoknown astheBoatswain orMalyuta, hasbeeninthe parent attempt to whitewash him:“StartingfromMay 5, 2014Sergey told aboutKorotkikh’s participation in two Maruipolassaults inaap- On December9, 2014, anadvisortotheinterior ministerGerashchenko planning, as well asthefi an assault groupthat tookMariupol:I was incharge ofreconnaissance, the veryfi 2015. “Ihave beenamemberof Azov sincethe very beginning, since who was freshfromjail,” Korotkikh toldUkrainian journalistsinJune “In thedays oftheEuromaidanIcametoUkraine, met Andrey Biletsky Internet. on November 18, 2014. This photo was soon widely spreadover the a recognizableSSdeath’s headsign, surroundedby two siegrunes called Timer on April 30, 2016, on which onecommandingoffi fi ghters patrolling Odessa streetspublishedby apopularOdessa website A great contributor inthecreation andactivitiesofthebattalion 181 180 179 178 182 The trendisstillalive. Onedramatic example were photosof Azov donetsk_i_lugansk.htm view/politics/6090812-razvedchik_azova_seychas_net_smysla_vozvrashchat_ A postin Anton Gershchenko’s account onFacebook. 09.12.2014. URL:https://www. i Lugansk// LIGABiznesInform. Chernyshev Roman. 14.03.2012. URL: Mikhaylova Yelena. koyno_kulikovo_pole_zapolnili_siloviki_913.html#slide27 siloviki // Taymer. 30.04.2016. URL: Fotografi See: Comments ofauser«boolean_false»inblogU-96. 27.11.2014. URL:http://u-96. DirectlinktothepictureisinPenya’s account. ili natsisty kotorykhnet-1// BlogMade-in-USSR. 30.11.2014. URL: http://made- Pictures’ screenshotsareshown inthepublication: Ukrainskiye sverkhcheloveki 178 rst day. Itookcommand ofareconnaissancecompany and . ya 27 v publikatsii: V Odesse vsyo spokoyno: Kulikovo polezapolonili Ustanovlen organizator vzryva naManezhke v 2007-m // Life. Razvedchik Azova: Seychas netsmysla vozvrashchat Donetsk rst andsecondattempt toliberate thecity

30.06.2015. URL: e inhishands, com- cerhas 179 182 180 181 . . . .

57 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed 58 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed neo-Nazis. tion inmilitary operations inEastUkraineasarace war coveted by all told RadioSweden onJuly 15, 2014Skillttoldhimhesaw hisparticipa- your white prideisabadthing.” Fausto Biloslavo, anItalianjournalist was written by the winners. They decidedthat tellingeverybody of demonstrated hisdiehardneo-Nazi views:“After WWII, thehistory Swedish Azovfi the leadershipoffar-right GreekGoldenDawn organization he postedphotographsfrom Athens onhis Twitter page, posing with other far-right organization, Party oftheSwedes. Early inFebruary 2014, residential areas inapartment blocksand in asmallreconnaissanceunitformop-up reconnaissance mission, asniperandsometimesspecialcoordinator charge ofthree kindsofresponsibilities:he was acommanderofsmall operations.of mop-up SkilltalsotoldtheBBCinJuly 2014, that heisin tionalities. HereFausto Biloslavo metFrancescoFontana, amember came across with rightwing Azov radicalsofsomeother western na- ing fromMay 2014until February 2015 according tohim, hejoinedthe Azov where hefought intheranksstart- ist party, who were getting prepared forthe war intheeast. After that, 2014 andstartedtotrainagroupof volunteers fromSvoboda national- was saying inoneinterview that hehadcometoKiev onFebruary 28, department headinthecountry’s north. Movement, organization inSweden. amilitarized neo-Nazi He was a Korotkikh isnottheonly foreignspecialisttobecomeacommander 187 186 185 184 183 Diff 188 cagln Daniel McLaughlin d=2103&artikel=5914695 Radio Shvetsii. 15.07.2014. URL: Shvedskiye neonatsisty v Ukraine:«zanatsionalisticheskuyu revolyutsiyu»! // cyy_voynoy_my_prymem_etot_vyzov_y_poydem_na_voynuquot primem etot vyzov ipoydem na voynu» // Yespreso TV. Shevchenko Artem. MikaelSkillt/status/430411233247117312 A postin MikaelSkillt’s account in Twitter. 03.02.3014. URL: fl se. 20.09.2009. URL: Ståhl Henrik. Newman Dina rebels // Irish Times. 17.07.2014. 16.07.2014. URL: erent western journalistssay that onsummer2014they also er-pedofi 187 . Irish Times reporters cametospeak with yet otherseveral ler-ska-hangas-ut ghters asearly asinJuly 2o14 Svenska motståndsrörelsen:«Flerpedofi . Ukraineconfl 183 . In2002–2010, Skillt was intheNordicResistance . Foreignersjoinfar-right militias inUkraine’s fi Maykl Skillt:«EsliRossiya ugrozhayet Shvetsii voynoy, my ict: «Whitepower» warrior fromSweden // BBC. 186 184 . Inaninterview, theSwede Hethentransferredtoan- 188 . ler skahängasut» // Svd.

12.01.2016. URL:http:// ght against ght 185 . He nationalist from Turin’ a Britishfar-right website describedFontana as‘a veteran Italianracial Ukrainian 1+1 TV channelbroadcastsays, dated December25, 2014 the fi before getting into jailin2011. football fansofUkraine, with whom Biletsky hadestablishedtieslong from Kiev the mainsocialgroupsthat made Azov’s backbone were footballfans view toDneprovets newspaperonMarch5, 2015. Hesaidthat “one of confi This was Lugansk, Mariupol, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Nikolayev, Kherson, ber offanmovements: areKiev people, “There as well asthosefrom action asan Azov fi fan website calledMatchDay, oneofthefans who tookpartinmilitary linked toCasaPound, publiccenter inRome. theneo- were organizations incorporated intheItalianSocialMovement, now of theItalianNational Vanguard and Youth Front in1970s—80s. Those ing theSpanishcivil war after the Third Reichairforceunit, which was dislocated inSpaindur- tary intheBalkans with Frenchfar-right volunteers joiningCroatian rightwing paramili- cruiter was aFrenchman named GastonBessonpreviously engaged But themainsourceofmanpower forthe Azov were therightwing “The lineofdefense closesttoMariupolisnow“The beingheldby In aninterview that appearedJune23, 2014onaUkrainian football 194 193 192 191 190 189 The Azov alsoincluded volunteers fromother countries. Their re- ghters ofthe Azov regiment, mostofthemfootballfans,” the 05.03.2015. Shchastyam sidyat maybutnі mіnіstri, gubernatori tadeputati // Dnіprovets. Vyacheslav.Sebba html Bolshinstvo boytsov polka«Azov» — futbolnye ultrasy // TSN. 25.12.2015. URL:http:// 06.08.2014. URL: Fausto 23.07.2014. URL: Мальцев Владислав Biloslavo Fausto meeting/ 12.10.2015. URL: Record attendance at John Tyndall MemorialMeeting// Heritage andDestiny. Biloslavo Fausto 194 . Ukraine: Far-Right Fighters fromEuropeFight forUkraine// EurasiaNet. .” rmed by Azov spokesman Andrey Dyachenko inaninter- . Gliuominineri// IlGiornale. 22.05.2014. . Gliuominineri// IlGiornale. 22.05.2014. 191 ghter saidthat thebattalion incorporated anum- AZOV: Zaraz v okopakh pіdMarіupolem, pіdPіskami tapіd . Together theyCondor madeaunitnamedLegion . Natsistsky internatsional v stepyakh Ukrainy // Lenta.Ru. 190 192 . . 189 In2015, Biloslavo 193 .

59 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed 60 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed taining the Third Reich eagle football clubfanunioncalled White Boys Club, with anemblemcon- June 9, 2014ina VKontakte publicgroupbelonging toaDinamoKiev associated themselves with thebattalion’s ideology. The message dated ATO” gather theirown battalion ofhardenedfi cording tohisdata, “itseemsaneasy taskfortheUkrainianultrasto joined the Azov, theolderonesjoined .” Intotal, ac- mation, “DinamoKiev sent ahundredof volunteers: the younger ones wrote onOctober13, 2015, that, accordingtothefanmovements infor- still very muchhigher. A journalistfortheInsider, Vladislav Krasinsky the fi The so signifi ‘inferior lifeforms’ its campaigninthecountry’s east, inordertoprotectUkrainefrom the Azov” Simferopol andSevastopol” Cherkassy about thepresenceoffansfromLutsk, Poltava, Sumy, Donetsk fan clubpublicforumsinsocialandmassmedia, from which we know 202 197 196 195 203 201 200 199 198 201 // Insider. 13.10.2015. URL: wall-22740461_105259 A postinpublic WBC UltraDinamo on 09.06.2014. See picturesin WBC UltraDinamosociety onFacebook. 20.10.2014. URL:https:// Krasіnsky Vladislav. Zhurnal Zhitomira. 05.05.2015. URL: Den sozdaniya batalyona «Azov» v ZhitomireotmetiliUltras-marshem. FOTO// goroda Mariupolya. 29.02.2016. URL: Mariupolskiye «ultras» v sostave «Azova» oboronyayut Mariupol(FOTO)// Sayt html ni/ternopol-poproschalsya-s-26-letnim-dobrovolcem-pogibshim-na-rozhdestvo. Sluzhba novostey kanala«1+1». 11.01.2015. URL: Ternopol poproshchalsya s26-letnimdobrovoltsem, pogibshimnaRozhdestvo // html Ukraїnskі ultrasna vіynі // 17.07.2014. URL: Maltsev Vladislav. ultras-kryima-kogda-vernemsya-s-ato-budem-schemit-chinovnikov-2424/ Roman Bebekh// MatchDay. 23.06.2014. URL: Ultras Kryma:kogda vernemsya s ATO, budem«shchemit» chinovnikov /Besedoval naty-i-karatelnye-otryady-vsu // Ruposters. 21.05.2015. URL: . The mostpartof them were Azov members, sincethey mostly cant aselsewhereinUkraine, butitalonecontributed 10men 199 197 ) andZhitomir , Ternopol gures regardingbigger footballfanmovements are 203 Futbolnye fanaty ikaratelnye otryady VSU: chto unikhobshchego Bolshe, chemigra:kakfutbolnye fanaty voyuyut naDonbasse . 198 , Mariupol(where“mostofultrashave joined 200 195 . The latter town hasafanmovement not 202 . This isconfi , itsmembersarejoiningthe Azov in ghters who participated in the rmed by themessages on 196 , Lvov, , Lvov,

the Easternfront tofi in Asia, partsofEurope, crushGermany andthe world called Bolshevism, with thetaskof:having now Russian, half[located] Bolshevism… These peoplehave joinedaJewish religion, oneideology, Mongols. Today they arecalledRussians underthepoliticalbannerof and thenthey cameagainunderthenameofGenghisKhanand the I, -thenameofHungarians, andlater underthenameof Tatars, Huns, andlater -1,000 years ago duringthetimeofKingHenry andOtto against thesameinferiorracesthat onceappearedunderthenameof in theEast, you keepthat samefi of ideologiesandstruggleraces… When you, my friends, arefi Asian barbarians tions were sentinels ofourEuropeancivilization, fi dreds generation ofheroesthat date backtohistory… All thosegenera- Russian Federation… Remember you areheirstodozensandeven hun- they were calledKhazars, Pincenates, Polovtsy, Moscovia, andnow the than athousand years ago. Ourenemy changed namessincethen — speech before Azov recruitsgoing tothefront. war “This beganmore safeguard Europe,” Biletsky declaredinChigirinon Apri 25, 2015inhis “It’s a war oftwo civilizations, ofEurasiaagainstUkrainethat standsto Third Reichleadership, mostnotably HeinrichHimmler, headoftheSS. by Semites which theirsurvival isat stake. A crusadeagainstsub-humanityheaded take thelead with all White Peoplesofthe world initslastcrusade in 2008:“Ournation’s historicmissioninthiscrucialcentury isto remember what he wrote inan articlecalled 206 205 204 Biletsky’s speechesoftencontain directly quotedfragments ofthe Biletsky now prefersnottoemphasizehisanti-Semitism. However, thors/kurina/543545886e82a/ Kurinoy na «Ukrainskoy pravde». 08.10.2014. URL: «molodye politiki»podderzhivayut kandidata sneonatsistskoy ideologiyey? // Blog analiz-utrapravyh/ Polnaya kopiya statyi Biletskogo: Kurіna Aksinya. Pochemu R.I. Marochkinoy. 22.03.2010. URL: to anarticleonitUltrapravі organіzatsії v Ukraїnі // Pravozashchitny Fondimeni The Social-National Assembly web siteisnotavailable now. Quotes with areference by: Sonntag dem13. Juli1941, inStettin». Geheim. RFSS/T-175, 109/2632686ff «Der Reichsfh Kanal polzovatelya «Sayt Іnformator» na YouTube. 25.04.2015. URL:https://www. tse vіyna dvokh tsivіlіzatsіy: NinіshnyaAndrіy Bіletskyvіyna naDonbasі — // Y.): CornellUniversity Press, 1984. P. 126–127. Stein H. George 206 . Beforethe Verkhovna RadaelectionsinOctober2014 rerSSzudenErsatzmannschaften fürdieKampfgruppe«Nord»am 204 . OnJuly 13, 1941, HimmlertoldSSsoldierstogo to .Waff The ght againstSoviet “untermenschen”: “Itisa war en SS: Hitler‘s EliteGuardat War,en SS:Hitler‘s 1939–1945. Ithaca(N. ght againstthesamesubhumans, We theNationalSocialists ghting against Euro- 205 ”. ghting . Quoted

61 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed 62 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed Battalion” military doesnottrainmembersoftherepulsive neo-Nazi Azov Michigan representative, thisamendment shall“ensure that our fi of Representatives adopted anamendment toabillregardingDoD investments are substantial” too. Ithinkthe Azov will soonturninto aprivate military company. The that elitesoldiers were jealous when they saw us. The skillsarehigh, any help, they aredoingfi Alive, inaninterview inDecember2015:“Oh, they don’t need Deinega, headofonethelargest volunteer organizations ComeBack it stronger day by day? try orGermany rather that Ukraine” to Biletsky, his“regiment looksmorelikeanarmy ofsomeBalticcoun- of Ukraine the Azov possessescomeoutofitsright ideology, theheritage ofPatriot Biletsky alsosaid, “We never departedfromourconvictions. Everything in 2015 opment,” StepanBaida, headoftheregiment’s pressoffi we neitherrebukeorashamedof. That’s apassingphaseofourdevel- nances. According toitsauthor, CongressmanJohn Conyers Jr, a Thus, itcomesasnosurprisethat onJune10, 2015, U.S. House Who isthat military patron ofaneo-Nazi unit inUkraine, making 211 210 209 208 207 However, thefar-right unitisnevertheless well equipped. According deynega_lyudi_uverovali.html chilas» Gerasimchuk Viktoriya. nykh_.htm politics/6394218-andrey_biletskiy_otdat_donbass_putinu_predlozhenie_slaboum- umnykh // LIGABiznesInform. 12.08.2015. URL: Chernyshev Denis spending-bill-protect dia-center/press-releases/us-house-passes-3-amendments-rep-conyers-defense- Congressman , Jr. 11.06.2015. URL: To ProtectCiviliansFromDangers Of Arming and Training ForeignForces// U.S. HousePasses3 Amendments By Rep. Conyers To DefenseSpendingBill i-organizaciey-255219.html ua/interview/ot-pravogo-sektora-azov-otlichaetsya-bolee-sistemnym-podhodom- nizatsiyey /Podgotovil Yevgeny Slavny // Telekanal 112. 31.08.2015. URL:http://112. Ot «Pravogo sektora»«Azov» otlichayetsya boleye sistemnym podkhodomiorga- voinu-top-5-radykalov-novoho-parlamenta 28.10.2014. URL: V Radu, kakna voynu. TOP-5 radikalov novogo parlamenta // 208 . 209 207

// 02.12.2015. URL: . “Yes, ourpastistheSocialistNational Assembly which . . predlozheniyeAndrey slabo- Biletsky:Otdat DonbassPutinu — Vitaly Deynega:«Lyudi uverovali v to, chto voyna zakon- ne. The provisioning isat suchahighlevel 211 . 210 . The same was stated by Vitaly ce told openly which hetoldJanuary 25, 2017onFacebook (probably because hefound himselfinthespotlight ofthemedia), of later Troyan withdrew hisapplication forthe vacancy ofthepolicechief a neo-Nazi armedganginMaya neo-Nazi 2014 sion ofcreating anassault battalion ofinternal forcesonthebasisof according tohisadviser Anton Gerashenko, eventually madeadeci- pro-Russian activistsinMarchand April of2014 contacted by Avakov’ afterthebattalion hadsuccessfully suppressed an interview totheUKRLIFE.TV channelonJune30, 2015, that ‘we were insisted that Dekanoidzeshouldtakeupthisresponsibility.” the National Policechief asearly asin2015, butpresident Poroshenko was considering Troyan asthepotential candidate forthepositionof Azov in2014)toldGordonnewsresourceonDecember27, 2016, “Avakov ister, (whodirectly toserve participated inrecruiting neo-Nazis inthe her offi sure), Troyan performedherdutiesforseveral months, aimingat taking resigned onNovember 14, 2016, (shesaidthereason was politicalpres- Police ofUkraine. After headofthe National PoliceKhatiya Dekanoidze Interior, andonMarch4, 2015, hebecamefi became headoftheKiev oblastmaindirectorate oftheMinistry ofthe Ukraine organization andanemployee of Avakov’s commercialpartners Troyan, Azov’s chiefofstaff Avakov’s ministerialdecisions. Moreover, onOctober30, 2014, Vadim Guard inordertoarmit with artillery andtanksalsooriginated in the Azov battalion toaregiment anditsattachment totheNational ued tofulfi 214 213 212 Remember that Baida, Azov’s headofpressoffi 215 At thesametime Anton Gerashchenko, advisortotheinterior min- dovodit-konfl shenko-znaet-chto-avakov-mozhet-metnut-stakan-i-v-nego-znachit-ne-budet- 27.12.2016. URL: A message in Vadim Troyan’s account onFacebook. 25.01.2017. URL: https://www. nut stakani v nego, potomunebudetdovodit konfl Nataliya.Dvali A postin Anton Gershchenko’s account onFacebook. 13.06.2015. URL:https://www. i-organizaciey-255219.html ua/interview/ot-pravogo-sektora-azov-otlichaetsya-bolee-sistemnym-podhodom- nizatsiyey /Podgotovil Yevgeny Slavny // Telekanal 112. 31.08.2015. URL:http://112. Ot «Pravogo sektora»«Azov» otlichayetsya boleye sistemnym podkhodomiorga- ce permanently. ll policechiefs’responsibilities. ikt-do-takoy-stadii-166016.html Anton Gerashchenko: Poroshenkoznayet, chto Avakov mozhetmet- , Patriot of aformermemberoftheneo-Nazi 213 . Later on, raisingthestatus of rst deputy headofNational 215 . Henevertheless contin- ikt dotakoy stadii// Gordon 212 ce, openly stated in .It was Avakov who, 214 However, However, .

63 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed 64 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed a LandCruiser100. There were two middle-aged menat thenexttable. sonhada minister’s Toyota LandCruiser200, hisbodyguards camein own sources. “Korotkikh cametotheMarocanaina Toyota Tundra. The guards carryingoutperimeter watch”, Obozrevatel wrote, citingits manders incharge ofreconnaissance. Sourcessay there were security known asMalyuta andtheBoatswain, oneofthe Azov regiment com- sitting at atableonthesummerterrace with Sergey Korotkikh, also on Tuesday August 9. It was about7p.m. as Alexander Avakov was money. It was asignifi son, Alexander Avakov. Once when they met, athiefgot holdoftheir partner (thoughthenature ofthebusinessinunclear)minister’s Obozrevatel newsagency, Korotkikh isaclosefriendandbusiness Service oftheOdessaOblastMainInterior Department place, namely onJuly 27, 2015, he was headoftheDepartment ofCivil January 13, 2017. Itsays that at thetimedecoration was totake cording totheinformation madepublicby Ukrainskaya Pravda on honorary weapon madeby MinisteroftheInterior, Arsen Avakov, ac- naissance whom we have already mentioned before, was awarded an of 78,000hryvniasper year ties. policeoffi These arepossessions ofatop-ranking 2016), notingalsothat helent anotherUSD565,000tosomethirdpar- was 26,65foronedollarby theendofDecember USD 233,000, EUR135,000andUAH 500,000(theexchange rate forthe L-39 airplane, produced1982. Korotkikh alsoreportedcashsavings of 74.4 squaremetersinarea. The same year, healsobought aCzech-built of usablespace, andanotheroneinthe village ofChaika, Kiev Oblast, apartments hebought in2015, oneinKiev, having 69squaremeters fi department forthesecurity ofstrategic facilities” (noregionspeci- end of2016, diff of employment isalsomentioned inhisonlinetaxstatement dated ed). Judgingfrom thesamestatement, hispossessionsinclude two “It allhappenedintheMarocanarestorant, UkrainkaBlvd, 24Lesya Judging fromthearticlepublished August 12, 2016by theUkrainian The BelorussianmannamedSergey Korotkikh, thechiefofrecon- 217 216 declaration/15a4f059-f27b-4b89-9ad9-d3546de6a309 po preduprezhdeniyu korruptsii. [Bezdaty.] URL: Deklaratsії: Korotkikh Sergіy Arkadіyovich // Sayt Natsionalnogo agentstva articles/2017/01/13/7132304/ 400 stvolіv // Ukrainskaya pravda. 13.01.2017. URL: Romanyuk Roman, Zhartovska Marіya. erent in wording, butfunctionally thesame:“police cant suminhardcurrency. 217 . Nagorodny front. Komu Avakov podaruvav cer with a salary 216 . Hisplace “Boatswain” Korotkikh.” not AlexanderAvakovfi who sum indollars)andstealthily putthebagback… Surprisingly, it was the Boatswain. The thieftookoutthe money (there was asignifi from anempty armchairthat stoodclosetothetableof Avakov Jr. and One ofthemstartedtoputonhisjacketandmanaged tograbthebag fi ful inseriouspoliticalcrises. The regiment gets suppliesand weapons private PraetorianguardinsidetheNational Guardthat may beuse- Avakov isstillgivingapriority totheunit, viewing itasasortofhis in June2014. “According tooursourcesintheministry oftheinterior, February 19, 2016. He was onthefront observingthe Azov deployment Sibirtsev, areporterfortheUkrainianStrananewsresource wrote on a regiment with anoffi joined him)tocreate the Azov battalion in2014, later transformedinto variety ofradicalelements, fromfootballfanstoRussian Nazisthat Avakov’s patronage, they used Biletsky’s nationalists (together with a with Minister Avakov who, likehim, was comingfromKharkov. Under “From the very start, Biletsky… hadfoundfull contact and understanding stress therole Avakov played inthecreation andpromotionofthe Azov. told on April 20, 2016. “At theage of25, Sergey was afi head ofRovno patrol policedepartment,” theministerofinterior pant oftheRevolution ofDignity andapolicemanisnow appointed in thepoliceranks, initiated by Avakov. “Sergey Merchuk, apartici- avid creator, too!” police department, anddeclared:“So young, you say? Iknow! Butan ity ofthismove, when afar-right youth isputincharge ofabigcity Pavlopol, ShirokinoandStarobeshevo.” Avakov realizedtheeccentric- name Zveroboy, or“Deerslayer”), tookpartintheliberation ofMariupol, Volyn Sichcompany, thenafi rst andforemost.” 219 218 Some well-informed journalistsfromUkrainianmassmediaalso There were othercasesofunexpectedpromotions Azov fi 220 =a.101387876617994.2586.100002403454361 A message in Arsen Avakov’s account onFacebook. 20.04.2015. URL: obokrali-sina-arsena-avakova-aleksandr-avakov-restotran-marokana-video.htm Obozrevatel. 12.08.2016. URL: V Kiyeve obokralisynaglavy MVD Arsena Avakova: opublikovano video // ticles/istorii/1522-chistyat-oruzhie-v-ozhidanii-vremeni-ch.html Sibirtsev Aleksandr. 219 220 Pravy marsh// Strana. cial status ofaNational Guardunit,” Alexander “Avakov obtaineda very seriousarmedsupport 218 led atheftclaimtopolice, butSergey ghter oftheelite Azov regiment (code-

[19.02.2016.] URL: ghter ofthe35 ghters cant th

65 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed 66 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed an adequate responsethat correspondsthesituation who attacks Ukraine. You thinkitistoomuch, don’t you? Ithinkit’s thing likethishappens, Avakov’s blackhundred will kickassesofthose the volunteer police battalion,” May 25, 2015. “Ifany- protecting Kharkov fromrampant separatism? ItistheEasternCorps, far-right groupsin Tsarist timesthat carriedoutpogroms). is “Who sotnia’, or‘black hundred’(thenamebeinganapparent referenceto racketing ofgambling venues of Enterpreneurs, the Azov received about1mlndollarsfromprotection ing: accordingto Andrey Semimidko, headofthe Anti-raidership Union contains referencestooneofthesourcesbattalion’s illegalfi inquiry publishedinNovoye Vremya onJanuary 23, 2016. The article was later transformedinto aregiment,” thesearetheresultsof group — hehelpedtocreate the Azov aspartoftheinternal forces, that funds obtainedfromcorruption” is really incontrol ofinformalarmedgroupsandfi following man theNational Councilfor Reforms meetinginKiev:“This accusation of Avakov onDecember15, 2015, duringthepressconference confl battalion, thenaneliteinternal forcesunit and was sent tothezoneof ganization. When military actionbroke outinDonbass, itbecamea same athletes gathered againtomaketheEasternCorps, acivilor- Activists say they persecutedby the Yanukovich regime. In2013, the 2016. “Several athletes gathered together tocreate Patriot ofUkraine. back in2006,” repotedinitsbroadcastdated February 27, rect connectionstoBiletsky andthe Azov. The EasternCorpsappeared noting that thespecialEasternCorpsinternal forcescompany haddi- Avakov himselfissomehow even proudofhaving hisprivate ‘black 221 224 223 222 Mikhail Saakashvili, Odessagovernor, cameup with a very similar ict tv/270216/124892.html spetspodrazdeleniya MVD Zakharenkova Yelena. chet-polnogo-razgranichenija-s-okkupirovannym-Donbassom 15.05.2015. URL: Avakov khochetpolnogo razgranicheniya sokkupirovannym Donbassom// Saakashvili obvinil Avakova v korruptsii// Interfaks. 15.12.2015. URL:http://www. dela-glavy-mvd-arsena-avakova-91824.html site, URL: Arsena Avakova // Novoye vremya. №1. 14.01.2016. Quotedby apublication on web Verstyuk Ivan. 224 ”. EasternCorpsissometimesalso called “The Azov’s younger Vnutrenniye delaministra. Kakrazvivayetsya biznesglavy MVD Shdykru» toscetenyognzti —do «Skhіdny korpus»:otobshchestvennoy organizatsii

// 27.02.2016. URL:http://www.objectiv. 221 .” 222 . nances them with 223 .” Itis worth nanc- ment underBiletsky’s command along thecentral streetsofKharkov tomarktheanniversary oftheregi- future for White children.” ferent countries: “We mustsecuretheexistenceofourpeopleanda Davidneo-Nazi Lane, alsoknown asthe14-word racistmottoindif- is almostidentical tothenotorioussaying that belongsto American Dzerzhinsk DistrictDepartment ofKharkov police onMarch4,ranks ofinternal forces — 2015, he was appointed headof he wasn’t inthecompany forlong, sincehe soongot promotioninthe vate lawyer for Andrey Biletsky, thePatriot ofUkraineleader. However, commanders intheEasternCorps was Eduard Verbenets, formerly apri- where theunit was located brother,” reporters wrote afterhaving visited thesite with Shiryayev asitschiefofstaff nounced amerger ofthetwo organizations aspartoftheCivilCorps, and RomanZvarich, theheadof Azov’s CivilCorps, where they an- children’s futureandthe very existenceofourpeople” camera with ascornfulsmile, “We cameheretofi Sokira Peruna, band, aneo-Nazi while oneofthememberssays ona which iscalled Veter ofchange’) andisperformedby Peremen(‘wind there: onthefootage, you canhearthesongplaying inShiryayev’s car fi February 2015that every timehe was sent toMariupol, heandhis ghters joinedthe Azov regiment. The same far-right ideology prevails On May 6, 2015, theEasternCorpsand Azov together paraded 229 228 227 226 225 On August 26, 2015, there was apressconferenceheldby Shiryayev Oleg Shiryayev, the company’s commander, toldjournalistsin bileckogo URL: Pavlenko Anna. com/watch?v=kf9crUEG54w polzovatelya «» na YouTube. 25.05.2015. URL: Rіchnitsya zdnya zasnuvannya polku«Azov». Urochistostі v Kharkovі // Kanal watch?v=2cR7Xd5cbAk Telebachennya» na YouTube. 24.02.2015. URL: Na zakhistіMarіupolya: «Sіrko»ta yogo bіytsі// Kanalpolzovatelya «Gromadske watch?v=2cR7Xd5cbAk Telebachennya» na YouTube. 24.02.2015. URL: Na zakhistіMarіupolya: «Sіrko»ta yogo bіytsі// Kanalpolzovatelya «Gromadske watch?v=E3e9k47SamY polzovatelya «ITSector» na YouTube. 27.08.2015. URL: V Kharkove proshlaprezentatsiya Grazhdanskogo Korpusa polka«Azov» // Kanal V Kharkove rayotdel vozglavil advokat Biletskogo // Vesti. 04.03.2015. 225 . 227

229 . We shouldalsoaddthat oneofthe . MediaPortreporters who visited ght forourfuture, our 228 . 226 .wording This

67 Chapter 2. Neo-Nazis Get Armed the Eastern Corps’ deployment site photographed the Azov banner on the wall and propaganda posters of social nationalists230. The new alliance’s objectives were openly outlined by Shiryayev on August 26, 2016: “Today we have very strong associations in Kharkov, such the Azov Civil Corps, or the Eastern Corps, or other civil organiza- tions and bodies make alliances with each other to be eff ective in their struggle and come to power legally231”. Therefore, the far-right, which grew stronger under the patronage of the interior ministry, have long determined their goals.

230 Sokolova Anna. Proukrainskiye organizatsii Kharkova. Kto praveye // MediaPort. 11.03.2016. URL: kto-pravee 231 V Kharkove proshla prezentatsiya Grazhdanskogo Korpusa polka «Azov» // Kanal polzovatelya «IT Sector» na YouTube. 27.08.2015. URL: watch?v=E3e9k47SamY Chapter 3: Forced March to Power 70 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power list) andtookupontheresponsibilitiesofFirstDeputy Chairmanof same Radicalparty headedby OlegLyashko (where he was No. 9onthe 2014 hebecameamemberofthenational parliament representing the prisoners, amongthemme.” hid the wounded inhisoffi Lyashko was inthefrontline [ontheEuromaidan], helpingourboys, he party,” Mosiychuk explainedto Vesti newspaper. “You know, RadaDeputy party lists. “We cannotrepresent theRight Sector, sinceitisnotapolitical were allstoodascandidates totheCity RadaontheOlegLyashko’s Radical previously aconvicted ‘Vasilkov terrorist’together with Mosiychuk. They as well asonemoreSocial-National Assembly activist, Igor Krivoruchko, heads forideology inthe Azov, OlegOdnorozhenkoandIgor Mosiychuk, elections onMay 25. Those two were holdingthepositionsofdeputy dates fromtheSocial-National Assembly takingpartinKiev City Rada coming topower legally. There were asmany astwo prominent candi- While engaged in violence, Ukrainianneo-Nazis were alsointerested in political party.” organization: “helpedpreparetheregistration oftheSocial-Nationalist from thePeople’s Deputy OlegLyashko” “According to many Azov members, thebattalion isgetting alotofhelp was candidate No. 5on the Radicalparty list, passedtotheKiev Rada. depots,” Andrey Biletsky later explained of our volunteer battalion… andstoodforgivingus weapons frommilitary 235 234 233 232 Before hisarrestin2011, Mosiychuk played animportant roleinthe 236 specproekty_ru/dose/politika/mosiichuk-igor.htm Mosychuk Igor Vladimirovich // 2000. 16.10.2014. URL: ravlyat_stolitsey.html Kiyevsoveta // 13.06.2014. URL: Kto budetupravlyat stolitsey v blizhayshiye poltoragoda: spisokdeputatov news/2014/12/10/288683_andrey_biletskiy_polovina_azova.html No oniumirayut iubivayut zaUkrainu»// 10.12.2014. URL: Shvets Yevgeny. Sibirtsev Aleksandr. Petik Marina. art/y2014/n21/8299-azov-mariupol-zachistka.html 26.06.2015. Quotedby apublication on web siteURL: Na Kiyev idut«Patrioty» isynBilozir// Vesti. 28.04.2014. URL:http:// 236 Andrey Biletsky:«Polovina «Azova» govorit narusskom yazyke. After the Verkhovna RadaelectionsonOctober26, «Azov». Mariupol. Zachistka// Vesti. Reporter. ce andmadealotofeff 232 Moreover, journalistreportedat that time, 233 234 . “He was amongthelobbyists . As aresult, Mosiychuk who ort to free political orttofreepolitical

No 21(39). 20– 235

71 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power 72 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power represent People’s Front, adecisionthat eventually suitedallofus.” party decisionofmy nomination.” After that, heallegedly “hesitated to ofthelist.”top-5 Then, hesaid, someproblemsaroseandthere was “no “Speaking ofPeople’s Front, I was invited tobeonthelist, moreover, the cists andnationalists were like Andrey Biletsky, if we hadanother200 campaigning forthe Azov commander. Hetoldtheotherday, “Ifallfas- 2014. “Another Arsen Avakov’s advisor, Anton Gerashchenko, isdirectly Biletsky, thereforesecuringhis victory,” Likhachev notedinOctober an advisortotheministerofinterior, withdraw hiscandidacy for the People’s Front candidate forthis constituency, Zoryan Shkiryak, (Obolon District, Kiev), hegainedstrong support. “Itisnoaccident that didate fromNo. 217singlememberconstituency ona majority basis economic experience, thegoverning experience. U.S. ambassadortoUkraine:“Ithink Yats istheguy who's got the 2014, Assistant Secretary ofState Victoria NulandsaidtoGeoff that, when thefi latter inconsideredtobeaproductof Washington. Itis well-known People’s Front party headedby PrimeMinister Arseny Yatsenyuk. The 2014, representing amoreprestigiouspoliticalprojectthistime, the Biletsky himselftookpartinthe Verkhovna RadaelectionsinOctober edly stumbled, forat timehe was nolonger connected with the Azov. bribery andspent two months inprison. Hispoliticalcareerunexpect- However, onSeptember18, 2015, Mosiychuk was arrestedoncharges of Regulatorythe CommitteeforLegal ofLaw Enforcement Activities. crossed himoff of theparty’s leadershiptoBiletsky’s ideology andbackgroung, they after experts, publicfi to theprimeministerandspeakerofUkrainianparliament that, list, containing those who passinevitably. However, we mustgive credit “Unoffi party’s military council,” Vyacheslav Likhachev saidinOctober2014. [on September10, 2014], Biletsky appearedonthestage toenter the party ofpower headedby Arseny Yatsenyuk and Alexander Turchinov of People’s Front’s foundingcongress, asortofsecond version ofthe 239 238 237 However, when Biletsky was nominated asanindependent can- kiy_hunti_budet.html rot» Shvets Yevgeny. obozrevatel. №10(262). Октябрь 2014г. Likhachev Vyacheslav. Ukraine crisis: Transcript ofleakedNuland-Pyatt call// BBC. 07.02.2014. URL:http:// cially, they announcedthat we would beontheupperpartof

// 02.12.2015. URL: theirlist. ght ontheEuromaidan was takingplaceinFebruary Andrey Biletsky:«Khunty nebudet. Armiya nesposobnanaperevo- guresandethniccommunitiesdrew theattention Vot takiye «patrioty» /Besedoval MikhailGold// Yevreysky 238 ” Later Biletsky himselftoldaboutthat: 237 ” “Onthefi rey Pyatt, rst day rst 239 side-by-side, as well assloganstypicalfortheUkrainianfar-right National Assembly andthe Azov) and Third-Reich painted that Biletsky represented, with wolfssangels (thesymboloftheSocial- an abundanceoftemplate graffi Thus, theministry oftheinterior favoured Biletsky alotat that time. tive majority (33.75%);hisopponents immediately acceptedtheresults. another party ofpower thistime, which isthePoroshenkobloc nomination ofanother Azov fi of them, Putin would never attack Ukraine with Kalashnikov rifl ers,” Ukrainianjournalists wrote. guysinfullmarchingorders, “Tough tee was surroundedandblocked by elite Azov andMirotvorets fi “Around 9p.m. [onOctober26, 2014], theconstituency electioncommit- controversial even by standardsofthepost-MaidanUkrainianpolicy. ofPartiotUkraineandthenthe rise ofneo-Nazis Azov. mighty handeven here. As was shown above, theman was behindthe ‘an honestcount of votes’ on thenight oftheelectionsandforceditsmembersinto, asthey said, battalion fi on, accordingtotheinternational OpenDemocracy organization, the one needstogo totheparliament andmakeourcountry’s power stron- or two thereonthefrontline. Butto win a war andprotectthecountry, battalion commander Andrey Biletsky said, we cansurely win abattle Biletsky who hadactually sent himtotakepartintheelections:«My nent party fi a result, heremainedonthelistand was openly supportedby promi- It isalso worth mentioning that beforetheelections, thereappeared There was farless written inthemediaaboutparliamentary 243 242 241 240 244 During Biletsky electioncampaigninObolondistrict, Kiev were too Poroshenko // Fokus. Milan Lelich. ukrasila-svastika-slava-nacii-smert-vragam-foto.html Politnavigator. 23.10.2014. URL: —smert vragam» (FOTO)//Kiyevskuyu Obolonukrasilasvastika: «Slava natsii hozhdenie-azova URL: Gorbach Denis, PetikOlesya. kombat-azova-zaschyschala-tselaia-armyia URL: zashchishchala tselaya armiya // Komsomolskaya pravda v Ukraine. Fedchenko Aleksandr. obozrevatel. №10(262). Oktyabr 2014g. Likhachev Vyacheslav. ghters “brokeinto thepremisesofelectioncommittee gures duringthecampaign, althoughPetrenkosaidit was Pod krylomprezidenta. Ktopopal v prokhodnuyu chastspiskaBloka es stoodlooking, waiting foranorder.” Okruzhnuyu komissiyu, gde ballotirovalsya kombat «Azova», Vot takiye «patrioty» /Besedoval MikhailGold // Yevreysky

06.10./2014. URL: 242 Voskhozhdeniye «Azova» .” The battalion commandergot therela- ti allover thestreetsofKiev district ghter, OlegPetrenko, that represented 240 .” We cannotice Avakov’s // // Open Democracy. 12.02.2016.

241 27.10.2014. Later 244 243 ght- . As .”

73 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power 74 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power hometown Cherkassy, givinghim41.15%of votes onamajority basis clashes onBankova Street. “I cametoMaidanonDecember1, 2013. My ultrasandItookpartin far-right footballfans, whom heusedtojoinforstreetfi regional leadersofthisorganization I canassumethat Andrey Biletsky may someday alsohave hisown Poroshenko 2015, helobbiedtheregiment’s interests onameeting with President ger 2015 command oftheCherkassy CivilCorpsofthe Azov, created January on itstandingnexttothe Azov commander Petrenko inmilitary uniformanda T-shirt with Social-National signs Biletsky sitefeatures aphotopublishedon August 23, 2015depicting commander of Azov-Crimea CivilCorps faction duetothecriminalinvestigation regardingIgor Krasnov, the in which he warned that he would leave theparty’s parliamentary 245 At thesametime, henever brokeuphiscloseties with the Azov. In 252 251 250 249 248 247 246 245 250 .” There was alsonosecretthat Petrenko was aleaderofCherkassy orozka_konfl resonance/361078/nardep_oleg_petrenko_kremlyu_nevygodna_stabilnaya_zam- orozka_konfl resonance/361078/nardep_oleg_petrenko_kremlyu_nevygodna_stabilnaya_zam- igrat-vojnu-i-otstoyat-stranu-my-smozhem-tolko-v-parlamente/585678 23.08.2015. URL: Soobshcheniye v pablike«Gromadskaprymalnya Andrіya Bіletskogo» VKontakte. prokurorov-dolgojdannoe-obnovlenie-ili-ocherednyie-dogovorennosti.html leniye iliocherednye «dogovorennosti»?» // Press-tsentr UNIAN. 14.12.2015. URL: «Reforma prokuratury. Rezultaty konkursaprokurorov: dolgozhdannoye obnov- zka konfl Moskalyuk Olga. life/2016/02/29/329171_nardep_petrenko_prigrozil_vihodom.html leny dokazatelstva viny Krasnova // 29.02.2016. URL: Nardep Petrenkoprigrozil vykhodom izfraktsiiBPP, eslinebudutpredostav- orozka_konfl resonance/361078/nardep_oleg_petrenko_kremlyu_nevygodna_stabilnaya_zam- zka konfl Moskalyuk Olga. Novye litsa Verkhovnoy Rady:OlegPetrenko// 09.01.2015. URL:http://www. orozka konfl Moskalyuk Olga. Gazeta. Kolisnik Oleg. , andhespokeat pressconferences inKiev alongside with other

248 10.10.2014. URL: ikta na Donbasse» // Tsenzor.Net. ikta naDonbasse»// Tsenzor.Net. 17.11.2015. URL: , while inFebruary 2016hemade apublicstatement, ikta naDonbasse»// Tsenzor.Net.17.11.2015.URL: ikta_na_donbasse ikta_na_donbasse ikta_na_donbasse «Vyigrat voynu iotstoyat stranumy smozhemtolko v parlamente» // Nardep OlegPetrenko:«Kremlyune vygodna stabilnaya zamoro- Nardep OlegPetrenko:«Kremlyune vygodna stabilnaya zamoro- Nardep OlegPetrenko:«Kremlyune vygodna stabilnaya zam- 246 ” ItallresultedinPetrenko’s victory inhis 251 . The virtual receptionroomon

17.11.2015. URL: 249 252 . Moreover, Petrenkotook . “An Azov fi ghter myself, ghts inKiev. 247 . Church (Moscow Patriarchate) es.” Later hespecifi “it would beinacceptabletoletanotherstate meddleinto theseprocess- are tryingtoexploitthereligiouscomponent fortheirpurposes,” and has toopposethearmedaggressionofitsneighborstate, ourenemies Poroshenko claimedthat “inthetimesofahybrid war, when Ukraine try. Let’s give onecharacteristicexample. On April 23, 2016, President in public was inhighdemand at thehighestlevel ofpower inthecoun- head oftheNational Security andDefenseCommittee. However, he new far-right politicalproject Peter Poroshenkobloc, confi is now inpreparation.” Then the Verkhovna Radadeputy, representing fi January 27, 2016. “Forme, nooneelseisabletobecomenotonly anef- with sucharespectablemanasitsleader,” PetrenkotoldGlavkom on political project. Ithinkitissomethingthe Azov haslongdeserved, recognized by the Verkhovna RadaofUkraineasaggressorstates” status ofreligiousorganizations with headquarterslocated instates list, introduced forconsideration adiscriminatory bill“Onthespecial Rada deputies, with Petrenko’s namestandingthefi his defence charges ofbribery, Petrenkosaidhe was ready tolaunch acampaignin main national policedepartment chief, was arrestedonMarch28 well during Avakov’s terminoffi cient manager orpresident, butafather ofournation. Suchproject We needtomention that Petrenko who sportedhis Azov membership A memberofthe Verkhovna Rada, Biletsky soonbecame deputy 257 256 255 254 253 It is worth notingthat after Vladislav Pustovar, Cherkassy oblast voyu-agresorom // Ofi znakhodyatsya vderzhavі, yaka viznanaVerkhovnoyuderzha- RadoyuUkraїni Proyekt Zakonuproosoblivy status relіgіynikhorganіzatsіy, kerіvnіtsentri yakikh mogi-ye-yedni-37030 organizatsy // Ofi na vstreche spredstavitelyami Vseukrainskogo soveta tserkvey ireligioznykh Glavnym dukhovnym oruzhiyem nashey pobedy yavlyaetsya edinstvo — Prezident itsiya-vid-moskalya-do-ahmetova-14072015160800 15.07.2015. URL: Komu nalezhit ukraїnskamіlіtsіya: vіd Moskalya do Akhmetova // A message inOlegPetrenko’s account onFacebook. 02.04.2016. URL:https://www. // Glavkom. Glukhovsky Mikhaylo 254 . Earlier, themediasaidthat Pustovar was doingextremely

27.01.2016. URL: ed that he was speakingoftheUkrainianOrthodox tsialny sayt prezidenta Ukrainy. 23.04.2016. URL: http://www. . Deputat OlegPetrenko:Dostrokovі vibori gotuyutsya naosіn tsialny sayt Verkhovnoy Rady. 22.04.2016. URL:http://w1.c1. rmed he would “defi 253 256 ce . . Onday earlier, agroupof Verkhovna 255 . nitely” takepartinthe nitely” rst onthegroup’s 257 .

75 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power 76 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power December 2014 a leaderofpoliticalorganization inacountry at war,” Biletsky saidin Patriot ofUkrainestoppeditsactivitiesbecause Idonotseemyself as Frankovsk oblast publicorganization. 2014. The PublicCorpsshallactaspartofPatriot ofUkraine, Ivano- deputy commanderof what was thenthe Azov battalion on August 2, of Ukrainedepartment. It was theinitiative ofOlegOndorozhenko, the Azov was madeat themeetingofSocial-National Assembly/Patriot the decisionofturningarecruitingcenter into theCivilCorpsof ably forthefi the Azov (formerly calledthePublicCorps). the basisofoldone. That new organization was theCivilCorps of the year missed almostallplenary meetings(was present at 3outof104during departments were establishedalotlater. that cannotbefoundat otherdepartments. At thesametime, theother admitted majoritary basis, they don’t even have timetogive methefl movement will outgrow the Azov As the Azov battalion haslongoutgrown Patriot ofUkraine, thisnew going tobeanon-political projectoftheright movement inUkraine. mass youth movement,” hetoldtheFocusonOctober23, 2014. is “This ing anotherrenewed far-right organization. “We have planstocreate a Ukrainian power circles, without noroomforself-initiative. forces structures, tookasortofsubordinate position tothe neo-Nazis The project was implemented without much publicity. “Infact, The factofestablishingsuchaorganization was mentioned, argu- 262 261 260 259 258 It was already at that timethat Biletsky sharedhisplansofcreat- Gromadyansky Korpus // Tsivіlny Korpus «Azov». [Bezdaty.] URL:http://www. news/2014/12/10/288683_andrey_biletskiy_polovina_azova.html No oniumirayut iubivayut zaUkrainu»// 10.12.2014. URL: Shvets Yevgeny. try/318261/ proizoshla evolyutsiya vzglyadov // Fokus. 23.10.2014. URL: Milan.Lelich kiy_hunti_budet.html rot» Shvets Yevgeny. go-rosh-okazalis-glavnymi-1445582734.html Ukraina. 23.10.2015. URL: Biletsky, Zhevago i Yarosh okazalisglavnymi progulshchikamiRady // RBK- 258

259 // 02.12.2015. URL: ). Idon’t thinkIcandomuchthere, I’monly a deputy ona . Bothintheparliament, onthefront andinsidetheinternal rsttime, inconnection with thetown inIvano-Frankovsk: 261 Komandir «Azova» Andrey Biletsky:Unatsionalistov na fronte Andrey Biletsky:«Khunty nebudet. Armiya nesposobnanaperevo- . Inreality, there was anew organization emergingon Andrey Biletsky:«Polovina «Azova» govorit narusskom yazyke. 260 .” 262 Here we seetheinitialname oor,”he of Ukraine’bannerfeaturing a wolfsangel andastylizedNazieagle with theirorganization’s armbandsandbanners, as well asagiant ‘Patriot the event, published inthelocalmedia, includePatriot ofUkrainemembers structed by the Azov [fi Corps drillsinKiev, with acomment that “civilians aretrainedandin- lessons hadbeencarriedoutin13of33 active at Cherkassy schools, teaching weapon skills. By May 2015, such ministry found suspicious. These patrols obtainedlegalconsent oftheinterior places ofmassgathering” inCherkassy, searchingforthose whom they in Azov uniform were patrolling thepark, thepublicgardenand“other the latter task, startingfromtheendofMay 2015, nationalists dressed which isnonethelessimportant iskeepingpublicorder them, theirobjective they describedtojournalists. “Another objective the soldiers with everything that isnecessary,” that was, accoridingto was inthispartofthecountry asearly asinJanuary 2015. “Supply march, devoted totheSSGalitchinadivisionanniversary range meetingsinthissocialmediaaspartofthepreparations beforea the groupbelonged toPatriot ofUkraineIvano-Frankovsk andhelpedar- called “CivilCorps Azov—Ivano-Frankovsk” was usedin2013:apparently, 269 268 267 266 265 264 263 On March28, 2015, RadioLiberty publishedacoverage oftheCivil There arereportsinCherkassy media, saying that theCivilCorps Interestingly enough, agroupinthe VKontakte socialmedia which is poryatunku-cherkaskih-shkolyariv-vchili-bijtsi-azovu-video.htm (VІDEO) // Vikka. 13.05.2015. URL: Pravilam boyu taporyatunku cherkaskikhshkolyarіv vchili bіytsі«Azovu» Shkoly, Internaty: adresaitelefony v Cherkassakh // Sayt Cherkass. [Bezdaty.] URL: si-video.htm URL: U Cherkasakhnaokhoronu vulits vyshli AZOVtsі (VІDEO)// Vikka. 24.05.2015. nij-korpus-polku-azov-video.htm 27.03.2015. U Cherkasakhzapratsyuvav pershy tsivіlny korpuspolku«Azov» (VІDEO)// Vikka. html «Galichina» (Foto)// Paralleli. 29.04.2013. URL: V Іvano-Frankіvsku vіdbulos svyatkuvannya 70rіchnitsіstvorennya divіzіїSS Vstrecha «Zakhodido70rіchnitsіstvorennya divіzіїGalichina onVKontakte». URL: video/27640097.html (vіdeo) // Radio«Svoboda». Yakubovich Tetyana. 266 . Moreover, themembersofCivilCrops Azov were Na «Ateku» tsivіlnіtrenuyutsya pіdkerіvnitstvom «Azovu» ghters]”

28.03.2016. URL: 269 .fi The 267 rst public event featuring new secondary schoolsofthecity 263 . The photosfrom 265 .” As partof 264 . 268 .

77 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power 78 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power part ofthe Azov program 16, 2015, thefi also beenlessonsof weapon skills with Kalashnikovs wounds setting andneutralizingambushes, fi missions includingfi drill tookplaceintheOdessadepartment ofthe Azov CivilCorps, with sidiaries oftheSocial-National Assembly. OnMay 17, 2015, thethirdcivil revealed. Inearliertimes, thiscity hadhousedoneofthebiggest sub- Biletsky’s constituency been teachingideological“lessonsofcourage” inpublicschools within been usedbefore. However, sinceDecember24, 2014thefi Civil Corpsfl playedusing weapons, with Azovfi taught toassembleanddisassembletherifl the event that tookplaceinanurbanforestKiev;schoolchildren were featuringfl Azov Azov CivilCorps, a war gameforthe young tookplace, named“Dzhura”, He recently started working inLutsk. Alexander toldthat beforethe Civil Corpsofthe Azov isfunctioninginallregionalcenters ofUkraine. leaders of Volyn CivilCorps, Alexander Dmitruk. According tohim, the is necessary. Volyn Postgot thispieceofinformation fromoneofthe prising 40 volunteers andprovides Azov fi unteer movement, theCivilCorpsof Azov Volyn, regiment — com- ated in Volyn oblast. maincity oftheregionnow “The hasanew vol- of UkraineOdessa. judging fromtheaddress, thesocialmediapage may belongtoPatriot , which isnow unavailable, but 270 At thesametime, theactivitiesofCivilCorpsinOdessa were 274 273 272 271 On April 21, 2015, anotherdepartment oftheorganization was cre- nye-ucheniya-fotoreportazh-81318.html events/odesskoe-otdelenie-grazhdanskogo-korpusa-polka-azov-provelo-ochered- ucheniya. Fotoreportazh // Gordon. 18.05.2015. URL: Odesskoye otdeleniye «Grazhdanskogo korpusapolka«Azov» provelo ocherednye URL: A postin«Gromadskaprymalnya Andrіya Bіletskogo» on Vkontakte. 12.05.2015. URL: A postin«Gromadskaprymalnya Andrіya Bіletskogo» on Vkontakte. 16.02.2015. URL: A postin «Gromadskaprymalnya Andrіya Bіletskogo» on Vkontakte. 16.02.2015. URL: A postin «Gromadskaprymalnya Andrіya Bіletskogo» on Vkontakte. 24.12.2014. 274 . The mediarefers toafollowing Facebookgroupasitssource: ags tookplaceinKiev on April 26, 2015. This namehadnot rst publicdrillforObolondistrictresidents tookplaceas ags andemblems. There were 10schoolstakingpartin eld fi 270 272 ring, tacticalmovements within minorunits, . Moreover, sinceFebruary 16, 2015, therehad . OnMay 12, 2015, underthepatronage ofthe ghters asinstructors. rst-aid treatment ofprojectile ghters with everything that e, teammilitary games were 271 273 . OnFebruary ghters had ghters Deyak, became Azov’s Transcarpathia CivilCorpschiefofstaff Sich active in Transcarpathia since2010. The movement’s leader, Taras sented on August 28, 2015, aspartofanationalist movement Karpatska to young residents with correspondingpolitical views since early September2015. Itusedtoteachmilitary strategy andskills Insurgent Army onitsemblem) namedPatriot.Kremenchug, active ently nationalist organization (judgingfromthefl presented December30, 2015, alsohadapredecessor. It was anappar- again engaged inpatriotic publicperformances National GuardofUkraine. Back in Transcarpathia, Taras Deyak isonce Donbass battalion. Now Karpatska Sichisaspecialopscompany ofthe village ofSchastye). The unit was legalizedaspartofthespecialops May 2015, they were attached tothe Aidar battalion (located inthe made ofKarpatska SichspecialopsunitandLviv Skins). Startingfrom to February 2015(anintegrated subversive andreconnaissancegroup the village of Yurovka ashisplaceofdeployment fromDecember2014 about himin2016. “Hisrecordlater includedtheM[ariupol] sector, with Volunteer UkrainianCorps [oftheRight Sector],” journalistsreported Peski closetoDonetskairport, attached totheassault company ofthe August 2014, he was acommanderofcombat unitinthe village of those who created theRight SectoronMaidan in2013. Startingfrom “Despite his young age (he was only 23), hebelongstoacohortof a regionalCivilCorpsin Volyn volunteer battalion, thusbecomingpartoftheprocessestablishing In April andMay [of2014], membersoftheBlackBlocjoined Azov revolution, Volyn usedtobehomeasociety namedtheBlackBloc. There was also an Azov Civil CorpsinUzhgorod, where he was pre- Another CivilCorpssubsidiary inKremenchug, Poltava Oblast, 278 277 276 275 zakarpate.html rubric-politycs/1972178-taras-deak-aktivist-organizator-medvezej-blokady-na- sysky biznes v Ukraine// Ukrinform. Zakarpatye: My budemblokirovat tranzitfur v Rossii, i ves a ros- vposledstvii — Kogutich Tatyana. URL: «AZOV» rasskazalchembudetzanimatsya naZakarpatye // GolosKarpat. 28.08.2015. grazhdanskiy-korpus-azov_10050650.html URL: V Kremenchuge sozdayotsya grazhdansky korpus«Azov» // Telegraf. 30.12.2015. vav-volonterskyj-cyvilnyj-korpus-polku-azov-foto Post. 21.04.2015. URL: U Lutskuzapratsyuvav volontersky Tsivіlny korpuspolku«Azov». FOTO// Volyn Taras Deyak, aktivist, organizator «medvezhyey blokady»na 275 .

28.02.2016. URL: 278 . ag oftheUkrainian 276 .

277 .

79 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power 80 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power department saidon August 28, 2015inaninauguration ceremony the process,” MikhailDidych, headofthe Azov CivilCorps Uzhgorod all-Ukrainian movement, allotherregionshave already accomplished on. “In Transcarpathia, we areentering thefi ment hadbeencreated “inthebeginningofsummer”) partment oftheCivilCorpsinKharkov inMay 2015 Indeed, theUkrainianmediareportedthat there was anactive de- 2015, thestructureofmovement hadcovered the whole ofUkraine. ence sometimelater. Biletsky spokesmensay that by thespringof as early asin2014;others were involved inBiletsky’s sphereofinfl as throughmergers with rightwing groups. Someofthemjoined Azov and theformer Azov fi the formerPatriot ofUkraineandSocial-National Assembly structures Assembly hadearlierexistedinthisregion. Apparently, nostructuresof Patriot ofUkraineandSocial-National Oblasts features subsidiariesinallregionsexcept for Sumy andKirovograd The offi ed December5, 2015, itsbackbonebeingformerbattalion fi in that region, carryingtheirfl activists marchedthroughthestreetsofatown of Aleksandria located presented inKirovograd, althoughonDecember20, 2015around100 in June As we may see, theCivilCorpsof Azov was builtonthebasisboth In Dnepropetrovsk, theCivilCorpsof Azov was present- 285 284 283 282 281 280 279 V Aleksandrii proshelmarsh«Azova» // Sayt goroda Aleksandrii. 23.12.2015. URL: URL: A postin«Gromadskaprymalnya Andrіya Bіletskogo» on VKontakte. 03.09.2015. URL: «AZOV» rasskazalchembudetzanimatsya naZakarpatye // GolosKarpat. 28.08.2015. Vіnnichchini endarnim, aіnshі —«merzenniminatsistami zіsvastikoyu» // Molodіzhnagazeta Buzdigan Mikhaylo. 18.06.2015. URL: Zhizn Mariupolya skvoz prizmu voyennykh «Azova» // Mariupolskiye novosti. Yevromaydan Kharkov. 29.05.2015. URL: vіlna vіd separatizmu. Kharkіvskaoblast, smt. CherkaskaLozova, 19–21.06.2015 // «KOLOSONTsYa». Ekoetno festival vіd GO Tsivіlny Korpus «Azov». Teritorіya boytsi_azova_otkrili.html voyennym Prigorova Olga. cial mapofCivilCorpsdepartments, publishedSeptember2015, 284 281 . It was only onMarch13, 2016that thelocalCivilCorps was , in Vinnitsa inJuly (it was specifi

// 07.12.2015. URL: . 15.07.2015. Eks-boytsy «Azova» otkryli v Dnepropetrovske shtab pomoshchi U Vіnnitsі dієpіdrozdіlpolku«Azov», yaky odnіnazivayut leg- ghters who were residents intheareas, as well ags and signs ed that thelatter depart- nal stage ofbuildingour 285 . A CivilCorpsinSumy 280 , InMaruipol 282 ghers andso u- 283 279 . . were previously holding Donbass. Marinestookthecheckpoints andpositionsthe volunteers for thefi holding backtheenemy outsideMariupol, notlettinghimin. Today, the other, usedtocontrol villages ofDomikiand Mayak alternately, battalion with aRight Sectorcompany ononehand, andthe Azov on the seaduringseveral months have justleftthe village. The Donbass the insurgents inFebruary andthenheldthelineonheights by wrote fromthefrontline. volunteers “The who liberated Shirokinofrom ing,” Andrey Tsapliyenko, areporterfortheUkrainian“1+1”channel front linenearMariupolanddrawn off mentation ofthecivilinitiatives that Azov membersstarted This drill will allow patriots tocontinue theirpublic work andtheimple- least startingfromFebruary an offi nization noreven presented inpublic. did nothave aformalstatus. It was neitherregisteredasapublicorga- was offi Natiocracy says that oneofitsteachershadbeenOlegOdnorozhenko leader, Andrey Biletsky. [Theoffi gram. Onelectureat theSchoolofNatiocracy was alsoreadby the Azov volunteers and ATO veterans fromallover Ukraine takingpartinthepro- athletic instructors who doatrainingtwiceday. There are120activists, opment andotherlecturesrelated totheCivilCorpsactivities. There are includes ideologicaltraining, politicaleducation, leadershipskillsdevel- elementarythe new intheCarpathians: ‘schoolofnatiocracy’ “The course After it was obvious that the change was forlong, Biletsky arranged However, while thosethings were happening, the Azov CivilCorps On July 28, 2015, Azov fi 289 288 287 286 290 On July 23, 2015, RadaDeputy OlegPetrenkopostedonFacebookabout cial presentation oftheCivilCorps. Ittookplaceon August 25, A message in Andrey Tsaplienko’s account onFacebook. 28.07.2015. URL: https:// A message inOlegPetrenko’s account onFacebook. 23.07.2015. URL:https://www. «Shkola Natsіokratії» // Kanalpolzovatelya «ZMIST» na YouTube. 10.08.2015. URL: koi-akcii-stop_inter 25.02.2016. URL: TsK AZOV Sumy prisoyedinilsya k vseukrainskoy aktsii «#StopInter» // Azov.Press. URL: TsK AZOV Sumy ofi cially presented onMarch27, 2016 rst timesince February, the Azov didnotcometoreplacethe tsialno nachinayet svoyu deyatelnost // Azov.Press. 26.03.2016. 290 ghters were fi . 287 cial Azov video regardingtheSchoolof . ciyno-rozpochina-svoyu-diyal-nist torearbases. areleav- “They rst barredfromguardingthe 286 , although it was active at 289 . 288 .] .]

81 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power 82 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power and thereforeattractive forthelocals. OnSeptember25, 2015, the Azov decleared at thepresentation ceremony This will beanexamplethe whole ofUkraineshouldfollow,” Biletsky serve asanexamplefromKharkov, Odessa, Crimeato Transcarpathia. “If we buildalarge-scale movement inMariupol, this will meanit will 2015 года inMariupol, where thebasesof Azov regiment arelocated. took placeinseveral bigcities’ libraries Azov activistsanddemonstration ofmovies glorifyingtheregiment organizing lineupstohonorthedeceased Azov members Azov fi Azov at demonstrating thefi sis youth inSoviet times, arrange outdoortrainingcampsonaregularba- lectures, give lessonsof what was thepreliminary military trainingof also schoolchildren. The activistsoftheCorpscometoschoolsread tracting notonly thefar-right subculturethat makesitsbackbone, but websites ofUkraine, theCivilCorpsemphasizes youth programs, at- it rippedthroughthe whole ofUkraine. ment was inaugurated inKharkov andthen, as was mentioned above, 292 They alsocreate asportandrecreation infrastructure, free-of-charge 296 295 294 293 292 291 Residents areinvited totakepartinfriendly footballgames with Judging frommultiplepublications insocialmediaand regional . There were casesofopeningcommemorative plates at schoolsand 50782.html город. Кировоград. 13.03.2016. URL: 12.09.2015. URL: [Безназвания]// Утренний V MariupoleproshelturnirSilnaya Natsiya (FOTO)// Sayt goroda Mariupolya. Golovaty Vladimir. 65732&catid=475&Itemid=740 URL: V Dnepropetrovske GK AZOV otmetilidenSobornosti(foto)// Nashrayon. 26.01.2016. ua/news/1195804 (FOTO+VIDEO) // Sayt goroda Mariupolya. 19.04.2016. URL: Na shkole«azovtsa», pogibshego zaMariupol, otkrylimemorialnuyu dosku azov-ogoloshu-nabir-ditey-vid-14-17-rokiv-u-bezkoshtovniy-tabir-clobozhanin «Clobozhanin»! // Azov.Press. 20.04.2016. URL: Grazhdansky Korpus AZOV obyavlyaet let nabordeteyv ot14-17 besplatny lager V Mariupolesozdaligrazhdansky korpus«Azova» // 26.08.2015. URL:http:// li-s-vospitannikami-dyussh item/1944-v-krasnoarmejske-sostoyalsya-match-po-regbi-bojtsy-polka-azov-igra- kami DYuSSh // 27.08.2015. URL: Krasnoarmeyske sostoyalsya match poregbi. Boytsy polka Azov igralis vospitanni- .biz. 09.10.2015. URL: V ghters 295 . Sometimesthey alsoorganizepublicexercises aimed V Berdyanske aktivnorabotayet GK«Azov» ghters’ physical strength 291 294 . On August 26, 2015, themove- . 296 . 293

(+ видео)// Pro. . by Lectures even younger schoolboys attend thetraininginKharkov gyms Shiryayev, headoftheCivil CorpsinKharkov said. Judgingfromphotos, people tojointhecorps. “We areplanningnew gymsallover thetown,” youth movement, which serves asanincentive formany ofthe young ing and theEasternCorpsteacheveryone martialartsandknifefi sons each, inaverage), where instructorsandtrainersfromthe Azov Corps openedthreegymsinthebeginningof April 2016(for100per- banners over theschoolandinitsgyms fi Civil Corpspresented ajudoschoolinMariupol, which onthe very ferent formats, suchasgames them, theCivilCorpsalsoorganizesspecialoutdoortrainingindif- “the lastroll-call”. The organizeroftheceremony calledthenamesof concluding partoftheceremony was very spectacular. It was called Plenkov, afamousRussian historian who studiesNazism, writes. “The ceremonies tookplaceinMunich, thecapitalofmovement,” Oleg November 8, on theday ofthebeginningBeerHallPutsch. All the ofthedead”.of asolemnritualthat iscalleda“roll-call symbols andritualsofthe Third Reich. Forexample, his was theorigin and aracism virus. Especially, asthe Azov openly usesthe vocabulary, A new Ukrainiangeneration may have amassinfectionofneo-Nazism indoctrination ofthe youth duringtheseevents that is very dangerous. variant ofKomsomol. Organizations ofthistypeconductideological try, where itisnotavailable toordinary people. Italsogives itsown cultural entertainment andphysical activity tocitizensofthecoun- something else. rst day enrolledaround50enthusiastic children. There areCivilCorps 300 299 298 297 301 “The Naziparty celebrated“The amemorableday ofthefallenheroeson Therefore, movement aneo-Nazi gives afreeattractive variant of 298 . However, thelessonsareonly freeforthemembersof Azov AZOV_provel_massovoe_meroprijatie_dlja_detej.html ua. 16.08.2015. URL: Tsivilny Korpus polka«AZOV» provel massovoye meropriyatiye dlya detey // Guru. goroda Mariupolya. 31.03.2016. URL: V Mariupolepolk«Azov» uchit anglyskomu yazyku pereselentsev (FOTO)// Sayt rent/photo.php?id=744165 в Харькове // УНИАН-фото. 12.12.2015. URL: Мадиевский Вячеслав Metallist // 12.04.2016. URL: Ruchka Kseniya. goroda Mariupolya. 25.09.2015. URL: Grazhdansky Korpus «Azov» prezentoval zal dzyudo v Mariupole (FOTO)// Sayt Grazhdansky korpus«Azov» otkrylsportivny zalnastadione . Открытиеспор 300 , orlearningforeignlanguages тивного 297 зала Гражданс . InKharkov, the Azov Civil кого корпу са «Азов» са «Азов» 299 301 ght- . For , or

83 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power 84 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power committed aseriesofmurdersbecause ofnational hate spent 6 years inprisonforparticipating inaskinheadgroupthat had der theaegisof Azov. Aleksey Lyovkin, a vocalist and ideologist had Russianneo-Nazi band, hadaconcert inKiev onOctober18, 2015, un- who was killedinDonbass was said, thegathered peoplesaid“Here!” sion calledtherollofpersonnel. After anameofCherkassy citizen gathered 1thousandpeople. The participants ofthetorchlight proces- light procession, for which thelocaldepartment ofthe Azov CivilCorps memorable day devoted toallmembersofthe Azov who were killed. the dead” which hasasacralmeaning…” October22may becomea end oftheceremony Andrey Biletsky explained, “It of was a “roll-call ers putupashieldon which it was written… andsaid“Here!”… At the solemn speeches. A pseudoofthekilled was said, andoneofthefi written inarunictype… The culmination ofthemystery cameafter killed. Eachofthemhadashield with apseudo[callsign]ofthedead members were standinginfront ofhim. They symbolized33people bers. It was aburial mound with threeswords stabbedinto it. 33 Azov commemorative token was builttothememory ofthekilled Azov mem- music played. The processionstoppedat the regiment’s basis, where bol oftheregiment andstate fl One thousandfi up onthefootballground. The torchlight processionstartedfromthere. ists foundoutonOctober22, 2015. “Around 100 volunteers were lined the necessary ceremonialphrase“Here!” the deadparty activistsoneby one, andthecolumnsanswered with ments inkillingtheJews (“peopleofkabbala”) indeath camps. sion Totenkopf underthe command of Theodor Eicke anditsachieve- album Cherny Marsh(BlackMarch)(2013), which glorifi text ofthesong written by abandSlyozy oseni(Tears of Autumn) from devoted tothetopicofracismandneo-Nazism. Hereis, forexample, a sang The Azov members hadthesameceremony at Mariupol, asjournal- 305 304 303 302 Music concertsareanother way ofpromotingNazism. М8L8TХ, a The sameritual was heldon April 23, 2016, inCherkassy duringtorch- The FlagonHigh M8L8TH.php About «M8L8TH» // [Bezdati.] URL: 23.04.2016. URL: Cherkashchani zіsmoloskipami proyshli marshempam’yatі // Radio«Svoboda». goroda Mariupolya. 23.10.2015. URL: «Azov» podMariupolemprovel «pereklichkumertvykh»(FOTOREPORTAZh) // Sayt Plenkov Oleg. ghters moved inUrzufcarryingstandards with asym- Trety reykh: Aryskaya kultura. SPb.: Neva, 2005. С. 170. that isahymn oftheSA, andalsotheirown songs ags ofUkraine. Modern andhistorical 302 es SStank divi- 305 .band The ght- 304 303 in itunderthe Azov’s fl procession. peoplecamefromthe whole Ukrainetoparticipate 5 000 the right handasNazisdid. changed by images of wolves and werewolves. marches includingthefi shooting tanksdecorated with runes andGermancrosses, a video ofSS concert forthe Azov members. They saw divingGermanstormtrooper, participants regularly organizepicketsindiff 000activists.year the Its Azov CivilCorpsattracted notlessthan3 military partthat isunderBiletsky command. Itmeansthat inone peopleinthe It isnecessary toremindthat therearelessthan2 000 In winter, thegrowingmovement neo-Nazi organized atorchlight 307 306 A video was shown onabigscreenbehindthemusiciansduring 308 Fakelnoye shestviye «Azova» v Mariupole// RIA Novosti Ukraina. 21.12.1015. URL: Kiev, 18.10.2015)// Kanalpolzovatelya «AlexClash»na YouTube. 21.10.2015. URL: com/watch?v=NjXzg0wrCvE М8Л8ТХ-Шторм Над Азовом (Live at «Bingo» club, polzovatelya «Reconquista»na YouTube. 10.12.2015. URL: М8Л8ТХ -Muzhestvo Vedyot Na Nebesa(OFFICIALLIVE VIDEO, 2015)// Kanal 22.10.2013. URL: М8Л8ТХ -Slyozy oseni 2013// Kanalpolzovatelya «Iliya Kostadinov» na YouTube. White Dawn will fl In theRage ofFights, intheFlameofHearts Runes onthebuttonholesareshining with silver! A deadmanbareshisteethfromatank, Their futureisovens anddeath camps. Kabbala’s kidsarebehindothers’backs. Enemies’ skullsarepressedinto dirt. byBlood aDeadHead. with earth — Theodor Eicke’s tankfi Through thehailofshellsgoes totheEast Steel ishardenedinaseriesofattacks. You areasoldieroftheleader, anditis your time. Of the Viking’s brother, Knight-Storm Trooper. There isaglow fromthefl You areusedtoown thelifespace. From thelaw offorceonenemy’s bones ags anditsCivilCorpsonDecember 20, 2015. ghters oftheirEasternparts who then were are upagain! st! ame-thrower inblueeyes 306 erent citiesofthecountry. 307 The audience putup 308

85 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power 86 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power my time”for15 years inthisParliament andtwiceinaministry.” Ukrainian Establishment. As hesaidinoneoftheinterviews, “I“served who were necessary inbigpoliticsonly in2014, Zvarich represents the is especially interesting. Unlike Biletsky andhismilitant neo-Nazis These marchesgather several hundredpeople election. HebecameaMinisterofJusticeafter Yushchenko had won tions when theSupremeCourtquestionedresultsofpresidential his thirdterm. In2004, heconsulted Viktor Yushchenko on legalques- Our Ukraine—People'sSelf-DefenseBlocparliamentary groupduring People's Self-DefenseBlocin2006. He was apresident deputy inthe once againbecameamemberofParliament fromtheOurUkraine— Movement of Ukraine, reelectedfromtheOurUkraineParty in2002, Zvarich becameadeputy ofthe Verkhovna Radain1998fromthePeople's about thefeelingsofright radicals, wrote inSeptember 2016 and Aydara,” Alexander Sibirtsev, ajournalist who was well informed from other voluntary units, suchasDonbass, Dnepr, Tornado, DUKPS months ago the Azov commandersfocusedon working on veterans processions that neo-Nazis likesomuch processions that neo-Nazis Roman Zvarich, aheadoftheheadquarters Azov CivilCorps, 313 312 311 310 309 They alsoactively win over the veterans ofmilitary action. “Six pokoleniy-_.html tory/roman-zvarych-istoriya-eto-beskonechnyy-katalog-urokov-dlya-buduschih- budushchikh pokoleny» // Zerkalo nedeli. Makhun Sergey. ina Biletskogo // Strana. Sibirtsev Aleksandr. watch?v=TN2Gp1_bp70 zovatelya «Shkvarki. org»na YouTube. 21.11.2015. URL: Patriotichesky avtoprobeg iotkrytiye korpusa «Azov» v Dobropolye // Kanalpol- smoloskipami proyshli marshempam’yatі // Radio«Svoboda». 23.04.2016. URL: Zaporozhye. 10.02.2016. URL: Cherkashchanizі pamyat opogibshikhpriosvobozhdenii Shirokino, - FOTO, VIDEO // Sayt goroda V Zaporozhye aktivisty zazhglifakely v sobornosti Ukrainy proveli fakelnoye shestviye // Nashgorod. 23.01.2016. URL: V Melitopole v chestDnya Fakelnoye shestviye «Azova» v Mariupole// RIA Novosti Ukraina. 21.12.1015. URL: (FOTOREPORTAZh) // Sayt goroda Mariupolya. 17.04.2016. URL:http://www.0629. watch?v=wx6M6j4oMLk V Mariupoleproshelmarshpamyati MaksimaChayki Productions» na YouTube. 24.08.2015. URL: Marsh Polka AZOV v ZAPOROZhE 23.08.2015// Kanalpolzovatelya «TonyStar azov.html Roman ZVARICh: «Istoriya — etobeskonechny katalog urokov dlya Za kulisami«Azova». Chto gotovit voyenno-politicheskaya mash-

13.09.2016. URL:

11.10.2013. URL: 310 , motor races 309 (includingtorchlight 311 andsoon). 312 . 313

ieto —thesocalledregionaldirection.” direction for international relations, butthere was alsoanabsolutely closedsecret a headoftheOrganization ofUkrainianNationalists. I was responsible Munich inZeppelinstrasse 67asapersonalsecretary of Yaroslav Stetsko, the beginningof1980s, hegraduated and“leftthescience and worked in the mainexpertsinUSSR, was interested inme… CIA was not.” At I wantedto work…where of alreadyone Brzezinski who was Professor to ColumbianUniversity in1969. “IchosetheSoviet Unionasthearea 1949 my father decidedtoimmigrate totheUSA.” RomanZvarich went was cancelledat thelastmoment. Hedoesnotknow thereason… In a parachutegroupontheterritory ofUkraine. However, theoperation services preparedhimforbeingaliaison. They plannedtosendhim with joined theOrganization ofUkrainianNationalists. The Britishspecial war my father was inUkrainianrefugee campinGermany, where he of hisfamily with nationalists and Western specialservices. “After the shared interesting information abouthisoriginthat shows oldrelations agent ofthe“world capitalism” andCIA inUkraine.” Zvarich himself a lotofrumors, andthemostpopularoneisthat Roman Zvarich isan he isUkrainian, buthecamefromtheUSA. The circumstancecauses with suspicion,” Faktiikommentariyi newspaper wrote in2005. “Yes, more than15 years, peopletreat thispoliticianandhigh-ranking offi the VerkhovnaRada in November 2006. Then hebecamearepresentative of Yushchenko in in August 2006andheldthispostuntil thegoverning coalitionbrokeup government inSeptember2005). HebecameaMinisterofJusticeagain the presidential electioninFebruary 2005(heresigned with the whole the UkrainianEstablishment embodiedby Viktor Yushchenko in2000s. and subversive wing), Western specialservicesandpro-Western part of the turnofrelations oftheoldestNaziorganizations (itsfi Stetsko, that joinedOurUkrainein2002. Therefore, thisman was at participated inacreation oftheCongressUkrainianNationalists by of OUN. Zvarich was hersecretary and worked very actively. In1992, he in thetimeofNazis(1941), died, and Yaroslava, his widow, becameahead connected with theactivity of Western specialservices. saboteurs who lived ontheSoviet territory. This function was closely the connection with theregionisaconnection with OUN agents and 315 314 In 1986 Yaroslav Stetsko, anex-leader oftheUkrainiangovernment 25.03.2005. est syn, ya uznal… cherezpyat letposleego rozhdeniya» // Fakty ikommentarii Artazey Aleksandr. Zvarich, Roman// Lenta.Ru. [Bezdaty.]. URL: 314 Ministr yustitsii Roman Zvarich: «Otom, chto v kiyeve umenya . RomanZvarich have “Though lived inUkrainefor 315 An executive offi ghting ce of ce cial .

87 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power 88 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power woman, amajoroflogistics. 32 Azov offi 2016. Ourteachers were four American ex-offi organized aschoolofoffi I canspeakaboutit. IandourGeorgianbloodbrotherfromthe Azov consolidate thenation, tomobilizealltheresourcesand tobetempered leaders thantopreachevery day inthe Verkhovna Rada.” and assistants. Itismoreimportant togrow upnew competent Ukrainian the oldpoliticalgeneration resign intime. They canstay asconsultants I hopethat this youth will notbespoiled. Itisalso very important that inspired by anew generation who grew upat theEuromaidanbarricades. pen now?” Zvarich answered, “Ithink yes andI’m waiting foritalot… Iam the creation areintheair. ofparties“frombelow” Do you thinkit will hap- elitesdoesnotcorrelate with Ideasof asked himaleadingquestion, “We have afeelingthat theconditionof tion publishedonMarch16, 2016, hasa very important part. A journalist their activity. HerunBiletsky electionteaminautumn 2014 street militant right radicalsarealientohim, hehaskey positionsin 61-year oldpoliticianparticipated inmilitary action. However, though offi Charitable Foundation ofEducational Innovations in April 2015, “that Svetlana, Zvarich’s wife, iscalledaheadofsupervisory boardofthe dards. Ithinkitistheonly oneinthesystemofourarmed forces.” have constructedanew troopstaff countries, andthey know thembetterthanourgenerals do. Now we are ready tofulfi cially works the Azov andprovides everything necessary forhim.” Zvarich joinedthe Azov onJuly 23, 2014 319 318 317 316 Zvarich alsosaid, “If we want todefendourright toexist, we needto Zvarich’s programinterview forthe Vostochny farvater Internet edi- cles/2015/04/16/7064867/ Ukrainskaya pravda. 16.04.2015. URL: Sheremet Pavel, LarinDmitry. skij-ministr-roman-zvarich/ dokazat-chto-imeet-pravo-na-sobstvennoe-gosudarstvo-nash-pervyj-amerikan- 16.03.2016. URL: nashpervyno», — «amerikansky»ministr RomanZVARICh // Vostochny farvater. Alifanov Aleksandr. z-nevidomikh-prichin/ 27.10.2014. URL: Zvarich //Vadim Hromadske.TV. Stolarzalishiv kraїnuznevіdomikhprichin — Roman Zvarich zapisalsya v batalyon «Azov» // Vesti. 23.07.2014. URL:http://vesti- ll technicalschemesontheproceduresusedinNATO «Poka my nepomenyaem vse v golove, menyat sistemunapras- cers lastsummer,” Zvarich saidonMarch18, Polk «Azov». Mezhdustaroy inovoy armiyey // inthe Azov accordingtoNATO stan- cers fi 316 cers andoneCanadian nished ourschool. They . We donotknow ifthis 317 . “Now 318 319

“a messenger” with ideologically“a messenger” related “sponsors”fromabroad,” Corps ledby Zvarich that is basedonthemilitary unitledby Biletsky. a connectionbetween thisdecisionandtheactivity of the Azov Civil come theconsequencesofmoralcastration ofUkrainiannation.” and theirsaint earth. I will tell you more:it will beanexperiment toover- oric that makesallUkrainiansthinkhow they candefend theirnation for afull-scale war. We needdaily consciouspolitics with correlated rhet- them, that it will beburstinto piecesby armedradicals.” to think”that “thecountry will seeamilitary turnover orseveral of interview to Vostochny farvater that he“does notseeobjective causes place. To calmdown thereadersZvarich emphasizesonpurposeinhis and angry force, to whom theold Ukrainiangovernment mustgive their it moreaccurately) hastobringpower right radicals, anew, young Nazi one. To implement itZvarich (those who standbehindhim, toput on April 10, 2015.” the past, current andfuturegenerations,” he wrote inZerkalonedeli a deepunderstandingofdanger that will cause asenseofduty toward Ukrainian troops, acultofHero… The nation mustbe“armed” with money of American taxpayers, putby itinLuly 2015. the Pentagon liftedabanonteachingandfi middle ofDecember2015, UnitedStates Congressunderpressureof way, Naziscametopower inGermany. they will seizethepower inapeaceful way, by anelection. Inthesame “As thesourcesofStrana say, Zvarich plays onpracticearole… of 323 322 321 320 We seeatypical militaristic(asZvarich admits)ideology closetoa “Ukraine anditsleadershave tocreate acultof Warrior, acultof It isinteresting that, as The Nation saidonJanuary 14, 2016, inthe nash-pervyj-amerikanskij-ministr-roman-zvarich/ naciya-eshhe-dolzhna-dokazat-chto-imeet-pravo-na-sobstvennoe-gosudarstvo- Восточный фарватер. 16.03.2016. URL: gress-has-removed-a-ban-on-funding-neo-nazis-from-its-year-end-spending-bill/ Spending Bill// The Nation. 14.01.2016. URL: Carden James. —нашпер напрасно», Александр Алифанов internal/voyna-i-mir-_.html Zvarich Roman. Voyna imir// Zerkalo nedeli. 10.04.2015. URL: skij-ministr-roman-zvarich/ dokazat-chto-imeet-pravo-na-sobstvennoe-gosudarstvo-nash-pervyj-amerikan- 16.03.2016. URL: nashpervyno», — «amerikansky»ministrRomanZVARICh // Vostochny farvater. Alifanov Aleksandr. Congress HasRemoved FromIts aBanonFunding Neo-Nazis Year-End 321 «Poka my nepomenyaem vse v golove, menyat sistemunapras- . «Покамынеп вый «а мерикан оменя ский» министрРоман ЗВАРИЧ // ем всевголове, nancing the Azov with the 323 We caneasily see менятьсистему 322 Itmeans 320

89 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power 90 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power ment ofHumanRights gave thesameinformation a famousultra-right groupofDinamofans symbol. All participants oftheLynch law areparticipants ofRodichi, photographed at oneofthematches inat-shirt with animage ofthis their breast, andtheunknown coordinator ofthe Azov CivilCorps was nicknamed Painter. Filimonov andPainter have swastika tattooed on lieutenant ofthe Azov andBiletsky assistant, andanex-member of Azov one more, whose name we donotknow — and Vladislav Oliynyk, junior SerheiFilimonovcoordinators and ofthe Azov CivilCorpsinKiev — Chelsi. Journalists recognizedamongparticipants ofthebeating two the Dinamostadiumduringmatch between FKDinamo(Kiev)and ing two blackpeopleonOctober 20, 2015, who cametothetribunesof In particular, he was beaten inhisheadpersonally by Filimonov. knockedanoldmanofhisfeetandbeat him neo-Nazis with theirfeet. in autumn 2016. Alexander Sibirtsev, ajournalistoftheUkrainian Stranaedition wrote they downloaded a video of what they haddonetotheInternet Socialistic Party ofUkraine. Itsmembers were mostly aged people. Then Azov CivilCorpsledby Filimonov attacked apicketoftheProgressive nor theirbossespunishedthem. OnMarch17, 2016, themembersof power” declaredby aleaderof theCivilCorps. that Zvarich wanted in April 2015. for The sameconcernsthe“will Therefore, we cansay that theright radicalshave tofi agreat “will Young Azov activistsoftheCivilCorpsarealready famousby beat- 329 328 327 326 325 324 php?id=1448417832 internal/voyna-i-mir-_.html Zvarich Roman. Voyna imir// Zerkalonedeli. 10.04.2015. URL: uw Dіya» na YouTube. 18.03.2016. URL: Izbiyeniye starikov sotrudnikamiGK Azova // Kanalpolzovatelya «Revolyutsіyna watch?v=ziyL7cLICCM lya «AZOV media»na YouTube. 17.03.2016. URL: Separatisti v Kiєvіnamagalisya vіdnoviti radyansky soyuz // Kanalpolzovate- ball fansHumanRights onUkraine. 26.11.15. URL: Coynash Halya padenii-na-temnokozhikh-vo-vremya-matcha-dinamo-chelsi.html com/home/mysli/14781/pomoshchnik-nardepa-i-millitsioner-uchastvovali-v-na- «Chelsi»//vo vremya Bukvy. matcha «Dinamo» — 24.10.2015. URL:http://bykvu. Pomoshchnik nardepaimilitsioneruchastvovali v napadeniinachernokozhikh ina Biletskogo // Strana Sibirtsev Aleksandr. azov.html 324 . Policeoffi Za kulisami«Azova». Chto gotovit voyenno-politicheskaya mash-

13.09.2016. URL: cer accused ofinvolvement inracistattack onfoot- 325 329 . The Ukrainiandepart- 326 . Neitherpolice, 327 . Two ght” 328

to askquestions.” to impeccably obey theordersofcommander ofthetenandnot bludgeon orstick.from available weapon — You mustalsobeready task. Forexample, tohave balaclava, helmet, respirator andsomething must comepromptly ontimeandtobeequippedaccordingaset mander says that you mustcomeat eight inthemorningallset, you and isresponsibleforeachother. They have sterndiscipline. Ifacom- organization. have “They collective responsibility. Everyone knows are dividedinto tensandhundreds,” Sibirtsev quotesasourceinthe in Ukraineis“temporal” alist power.” Right radicalssay openly that intheiropinionthepower sovoks”. Ukraine will becomeapowerful country, butonly with nation- “In Ukrainenationalists fi for anew revolution will come, andI will supportit,” saidFilimonov. disdainful nameofthose who supportnationalistic ideology). “Time cross. Hethinksthat hisopponents areliberalsand“neo-sovoks” (a about protectionof“our raceandour white children”) andaCeltic an organization” C14that usesinternational racistslang(“14 words” precisely neo-Nazism. Hesaidthat asanactivisthehad“grown upin because oftheirpolitical views basedonnationalism.” To putitmore terview Filimonov saidthat “fanscometo war notbecause of war, but says that heis“afan who fi anything abouttheendofhisserviceininterview, andthepreface exactly how longhe was amemberofthebattalion. Hedidnotsay the interview publishedby onJune27, 2015. We donotknow people” who thenbecameabasisofthe Azov battalion,” hesays in East at thebeginningof war. I was amemberofthesocalled“black rear organization together with thefi in marchesMariupoland Kiev since 2015, totalresourcesofthe a conclusionthat “accordingtoanumberofpeople who participated in Azov mass-meetingsinoneofthearticlesJuly 2016and cameto members. The author ofthisbookanalyzedanumberparticipants “The “The Azov CivilCorpsisaparamilitary organization. All people 331 330 Filimonov alsodistinguishedhimselfat thefront. “I went tothe kreditue-sebe-neobdumanimi-zatrimannyami-25062015191700 // 27.06.2015. URL: azov.html ina Biletskogo // Strana Sibirtsev Aleksandr. Slivka Kazimir . Ultras Fіlya: ZaUkraїnu voyuyut natsіonalіsti, akeruyut«neosovki» 331 Za kulisami«Azova». Chto gotovit voyenno-politicheskaya mash- Biletsky’s politicalmachinehasquitealotof . 13.09.2016. URL: 330 ght, buttheleadersareliberalsand“neo- . ghts forUkrainein ATO.” Inthesamein- ghters were around5 000 people lya-avakov-dis-

91 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power 92 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power Kharkov at thepresentation ofthe Azov CivilCorps. fi (the soldiers).”Azov itself hadabout2 000 Biletsky said, “Maybe it will takeus3–5months.” profanation), then we canthinkaboutaparty.” Regarding theterms Program andaConceptionofcountry development (itshouldnotbe all spheres, create agood basisofactivistsandformulate auniversal the best variant foranational party. When we build“mainstream” in gets thefeatures oftheparty, thename will bediff in hisinterview with onDecember2, 2015. thismovement “When in anactiononthefi we mean“active” membersofCC who will go toany city toparticipate “fi about3 000 regiment itself — was foundedthe Azov CivilCorpshastwiceasmany membersasthe numbers inSeptember2016(accordingthe Azov’s data), “A year afterit [2016]”. 2016, “Early elections[to Verkhovna Rada]areplannedforautumn sibly knew insiderinformation that OlegPetrenkireveals inJanuary Europe. Notonly atrend, butalocomotive that rapidly gainsspeed.” be represented inUkraine… Nowadays right ideasareatrendeven in ation inRSisonemore signal,” Biletsky said. The right position must political infl had great opportunitiesforastart, butthey lostprestige, authority and representatives ofnationalists hadalsoasplit. “InUkrainetheright of thepopulation, Right Sectorthat monopolizedsocialandpolitical rst timethat I will say itpublicly,” Zvarich saidon August 25, 2015in “In future we will alsocreate ourown politicalparty, anditisthe 332 337 336 335 334 333 kiy_hunti_budet.html kiy_hunti_budet.html rot» Shvets Yevgeny. osіn // Glavkom. 27.01.2016. URL: Glukhovsky Mikhaylo. rot» Shvets Yevgeny. watch?v=Re_ygl3z7Ok vatelya «DARKHUNTER»na YouTube. 10.08.2015. URL: U Kharkovі proyshla prezentatsіya Tsivіlnogo Korpusa polku Azov. // Kanalpolzo- azov.html ina Biletskogo // Strana Sibirtsev Aleksandr. sovye sotsial-natsionalisty» Maltsev Vladislav. 336

SomerulingpartiessuchasPeople'sFront fully lostsupport // 02.12.2015. URL: // 02.12.2015. URL: uence. They aredegradingbeforeour very eyes. The situ- Andrey Biletsky:«Khunty nebudet. Armiya nesposobnanaperevo- Andrey Biletsky:«Khunty nebudet. Armiya nesposobna naperevo- Voskhod «chyornogo solntsa»: KakUkrainu zakhvatyvayut «ra- Za kulisami«Azova». Chto gotovit voyenno-politicheskaya mash- rst call.” Deputat OlegPetrenko: Dostrokovі vibori gotuyutsya na . 13.09.2016. URL:

// Life. 06.07.2016. URL: 333 ghetrs”inthe whole Ukraine. Here 332 Sibirtsev gave thesame 335 By thistimehepos- 334 erent. Azov isnot Hesaidthesame 337

was oneoftheleadersRight SectorParty in2014–2015. fi Klimachev, bandSokiraPeruna, asoloistofneo-Nazi was sittinginthe say that at theconstituent assembly oftheNational Corps Arseny had fully lostsupportoftheelectorate. the pro-American “party ofhawks” of Yatsenyuk and Turchinov who only Avakov, butalsoBiletsky. The new party’s namealsoremindedof that herePeople'sFront hadbeenpresented in2014that invited not Teachers inKiev. Journalists immediately paidattention tothefact right radicalscelebrate with marchessince 2005)2016inaHouseof (on theanniversary ofcreation oftheUkrainianinsurgent army that “come topower”. He againspeaksaboutaplantocreate aright radicalparty that will them. Azov membersinhelmets with swastika andSSsymbolsdrawn on material onSeptember 3, 2014, andcaused ahuge scandalasitshowed ists oftheNorwegian channel TV2 Norge. Norwegian TV showed this Odnorozhenko, acommanderdeputy forideology, saidtothejournal- and maybe they will become volunteers inthe Azov battalion,” Oleg have contacts with patriots fromNorway. They supportandhelpus, is MikaelSkilltandseveral moremilitant racistsfromSweden. “We Azov hasamemberoftheultra-right Party ofSwedes whose name people with thesameideasareinEurope. As it was saidbefore, the December 4, 2016. a leaderoftheNational CorpsinLuganskregion, saidto Vchasno on would liketohave 10–15reliablepeopleinevery city,” Vladislav Kirillov, locally. Itmoves fromregionalcenters toalltowns. “At thebeginningI an unknown maninat-shirt with Azov symbolsat theconferenceof picture ofFrancescoFontana inashirt with astripe“BlackCorps”and rst row. Heisacultfi However, itisofcourseamoreradicalright force. Itisenoughto A new power calledNational Corps was presented onOctober14 339 338 We canalsoaddthat Biletsky knows notby hearsay how popular Thanks tosuchsupport, anew party continues toformitsstructures 340 URL: Nordmenn ståri køforåbidraikampeneUkraina // Sait TV2 Norge. [03.09.2014.] v-severodonetske-na-luganshchine-volonterskij-tsentr Вчасно. 04.12.2016. URL: Polk «Azov» otkroyet v Severodonetske naLuganshchine volontersky tsentr // bratayutsya sneonatsistami Maltsev Vladislav. 340 OnDecember24, 2014, Igor Zagrebalny publishedinhisbloga 339 «Sokira Peruna»dlya Poroshenko:deputaty pravyashchey partii gure forUkrainianskinheadsandright fansand

// Life. 25.11.2016. URL: 338

93 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power 94 Chapter 3: Forced March to Power Financial Times saidthat theBrazilianpolicesearchedneo-Nazis’ unteers fought asmembersofthe Azov socialistic revolution.” Then it was mentioned that many foreign vol- ists fromdiff Kiev inFebruary 2014, where despitealanguage barriermany national- national andsocialisticgovernment thanduringthedays ofchaosin “since theendof World War II we have never feltmoreaformation of German right radicalsaidthat it was quite urgent forthem because experience ofpoliticalandmilitary achievements intheircountry.” The some membersoftheUkrainian voluntary Azov battalion sharedtheir came tothemeetinginDortmundonFriday (February 26, 2016), where very closely GermanRight partywith theneo-Nazi said, “Eighty people nationalists inFrance. It ismy lastopportunity todoit. How couldIaff more, “Ihave always dreamt toparticipate inrealpatriotic revolution. to fi it was oneofhisnicknames)andexplained the article — why he went interview with LaStampaonSeptember 15, 2014, (he was calledStanin where Fontana was calledamemberof Ukrainianultra-right. web siteHeritage and Destiny publishedareportaboutthisconference ered ex- andcurrent Britishright radicalleaders. Britishright radical of National Front, heldinBritishPrestononOctober10, 2015, that gath- gave aspeechat theconferenceinmemory ofJohn Tyndall, afounder Man heldby inBritishManchesteronMarch21, neo-Nazis 2015 On February 26, 2016, EchoofDortmund web sitethat cooperates 345 344 343 342 341 On December8, 2016, BrazilZeroHoraandonJanuary 10, 2017 The ght inDonbassandjoinedthe Azov thoughhe was not young any russi // La Ttampa. 15.09.2014. Sceresini Andrea veranstaltung-vertreter-von-azov-ukraine-zu-gast-in-dortmund/ DortmundEcho. 26.02.106. URL: Vortragsveranstaltung: Vertreter von Azov (Ukraine)zuGastinDortmund!// meeting/ 12.10.2015. URL: Record attendance at John Tyndall MemorialMeeting// Heritage andDestiny. blog/insider/far-right-round-up-it-ll-be-wet-in-manchester-4344 in Manchester// Hopenothate. 28.03.2015. URL: gions/world/2015/03/519905.html march // IndymediaUK. 22.03.2015. URL: 4 NorthEastEDL/NEImembers/1Paramilitary Fascistpresence white man and-european-nationalists.html Crusade. 24.12.2014. URL: Zahrebelny Igor erent countries cametoserve thegoal ofanational and . Ukraineandtheeuropeannationalist movement // Ukrainian . Ucraina, anchei volontari italiani vanno intrinceacontro ifi 341 Fontana participated inaMarchof White CollinsMatthew 344 . Fontana saidthesameinhis . Far-right roundup:It’llbe wet ord wasting it?” 343 342 345 , and lo- houses in Rio Grande do Sul that is situated in the south of the coun- try. “When Paulo Cezar Jardin started raids to the houses of assumed neo-Nazis in the south state Rio Grande do Sul, he saw a strange pic- ture,” the British newspaper said. “A buzzing neo-Nazi movement, a secret world of fans of swastika, propaganda of hate and street violence were recruited by right extremists from Ukraine to fi ght pro-Russian rebels.”346 “The investigation confi rmed that the armed movement is connected with the Azov regiment, neo-Nazi militants who fi ght in the Eastern Europe,” Zero Hora says. “Jardin found out that the members of this group recruited young followers of Hitler from gaucho… The investigator suspected that at least 5 people [from local right radicals] had already visited Europe.” “As Paulo Cezar Jardin says, an Italian member of Misanthropic Division (an international national socialistic group that already has a branch in Brazil) have been travelling to the cities in the whole coun- try for at least 10 months and recruiting the youth for participation in the civil war in Ukraine,” the Brazil edition says347. You can easily recognized Francesco Fontana mentioned above who after his service in the Azov positioned his connection with Misanthropic Division and close neo-Nazi groups in Western Europe aimed at street violence.348 As we can see, the Azov is perceived by Western right radicals as a combat step-detachment of their international brotherhood, as a revived brotherhood of European SS that existed during World War II. Earlier Ukrainians gained experience from their Western neo-Nazi colleagues who saw in the Ukrainian events an opportunity to start a “racial war”. Nowadays Azov members play a role of “elder brothers” who are ready to share their experience in military action and forming of a powerful legal ultra-right movement. It means that the actions of Ukrainian neo-Nazis are important on the European level, because the fact that Hitler’s followers are so powerful here and may take a control can provoke the same processes in other European countries.

346 Brazil neo-Nazi claim challenges myth of nation’s racial harmony // The Financial Times. 10.01.2017. 347 Martins Cid. Polícia investiga movimento armado que recrutou neonazistas gaúchos para lutar na Ucrânia // Zero Hora. 08.12.2016. URL: br/rs/noticias/policia/noticia/2016/12/policia-investiga-movimento-armado-que- recrutou-neonazistas-gauchos-para-lutar-na-ucrania-8661153.html 348 Maltsev Vladislav. Italyansky svyaznoy «Pravogo sektora»: Kto obyedinyaet natsis- tov Ukrainy i Zapada // Life. 26.07.2016. URL: Vladislav Maltsev


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