The Ukrainian Weekly 1961
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Address: "To promote opportuni- The Ukrainian Weekly ties for children and youth 81-83 Grand Street jersey City 3,' N. J. to realise their full poten- Tel. HEnderson 4-0237 tial for і creative life in CB ОБОДА SVOBODA Direct New York City Line: freedom und dignity." УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК UKRAINIAN D АІІУ BArcly 7-4125 D. D. Eisenhower Ukrainian National Ass'n The Ukrainian Weekly Section Tel. HEnderson 5-S740 РІК LXVIII 4. 230 SECTION TWO SVrOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY. БАТГПІ`ду. DKCKMBER 2, iOot SECTION TWO No. 230 VOL. LXVIII „ — 4i DR. S. WYTWYCKY REELECTED YAROSLAV S. STETZKO New York and Philadelphia Step STEVENSON LASHES AT RUSSIAN PRESIDENT OF UKRAINIAN WAS NEXT ON KGB LIST Up Ukrainian National Fund Drive COLONIALISM NATIONAL REPUBLIC IN EXILE WASHINGTON. D.C. (Spe- MENTIONS UKRAINE AMONG CONQUERED cial).—According to reliable NEW YORK. N.Y.. Novenj- -;;impaig n for the UCCA in D(- AND ENSLAVED NATIONS information based on official re- On Saturday night. C( `ті)ег 1061 BOYDUNYK HEADS THE RADA AND ;emb r 25,. 1961, a meeting PHIL ADELPHIA.Pa. The ports. Yaroslav S. Stetsko, UNITED NATIONS. N.Y.. LIVYTSKY ITS EXECUTIVE ORGAN repn jentatives o( Ukrain p Inhia Branch о f the November 27. The United head of the Anti-Bolshevik (і Літи` ican organic ition и ` CCA .і Id о vSunday, Noychr States today denounced the Bloc of Nations (ABN) with v.Wl at the Ukrainian Nation.-.! b T 26, 1931, a commemorative Chinese-Russian combine as headquarters in Munich, was Поте tinder the chairmanship m cetine at w'r ich UCCA Jubilee history's largest colonial era- next on the list of the KGB f Dr. Vasyl Wyshywany. Certificates' were distributed ріѓс, "one of the most cruel ` (Soviet Secret Police") to be as- ident of the United Ukrain- In members and donors of the and oppressive ever devised." І sassinated by KGB agent Sta- n American Organizations of Ukrainian National Fund, The! 1 1 The denunciation, contained shynsky, the confessed murder- York, which is a branch of meeting w is conducted by Dr. in a statement issued by U.S. er of Stepan Bandera and Dr UCCA. The meeting was Walter Gallan, president of the; Ambassador Adlai E. Steven- Lev R. Rebet. According to ted to preparation f и` the Philadelphia UCCA branch. son, came as the UN. General Stashynsky's confession the annual campaign of the U- The principal speaker at the '. 1 Assembly approached the end murder of Stetsko was sched- ‚krainian National Fund. Ivan meeting was Dr. Lev K. Do- of a three-week debate on colo- uled for 1960, but for some un- Bazarko, organizer and repre- briansky, chairman of the U-j nialism. Mr. Stevenson said disclosed reasons the crime was sentative of the UCCA out- krainian- Congress Committee! that more than 12 million per- not committed by Stashvnskv. Yaroslav .4. Stetzko lined the work of the UCCA. of America, who outlined the; sons had fled "the disgrace, especially its information ac- Obja lives of the UCCA, and barbarity and savagery of So- Ukrainians Took Part in Anti-Red tivities, and analyzed the con- discussed the United States; vit t imperialist rule . ." tributions to the UCCA fund. foreign policy in regard to the j "Moreover, in the last fifteen Conference in Italy At the close of the meeting captive nations. He also spoke j years, as the process of self- Walter pusTinyck. UCCA, edi- rtbnut the various projects{ determination in the ex-colonial Adlai E. Stevenson ROME, Italy (Special). — mnny. tor, gave a brief report on his which the UCCA is cbi templat- Ukrainian delegates from Mu- і The conference was based on I areas of Asia and Africa was recent trip to West Germany. iry, Rumania, Bulgaria, Al- nich, Paris and one from New ! the premise that the U.S.S.R. :,, r lor the present fiscal year. rapid,y expanding the world .cl"din'r Berlip. Prance and jrinia and then Czechoslo- York took an active part in the і had started a political war Vnother-gufcst speaker ‚was communitv of frPC and in. Netherlands, ѓчиї his m'eot-i V: "s" dependent'nations, the contrary n!cia in coups d'etat." Second International Confer- ' against the non-Communist ТЃ`У, with various officials and trator of thi: UCCA. who snoke . Dr. Stepan Wytwyeky uykota Livytsky ence on the Political Warfare world, which must wage a JCCSS was taking place within in conclusion Mr. Stevenson representatives of research in-, about the Ukrainian National j thc the Sovie1 mid that the people of the of the Soviets, which was held similar war in return. stitutes who were well ас` Fund and its importance for jj j - MUNICH, Germany (Spe- tionalists (OUN) under the from November 18 to Novem- n on world must not forget the fol- Ukrainian delegates included mtaintcd with the Ukrainian the varied and vital UCCA ac- Bolshevik dec- cial).—Dr. Stepan Wytwyeky. leadership of Col. Andrew Mel- ber 22, 1961, in the Italian cap- Despite a lowing facts: Mr. and Mrs. Yaroslav Stetsko. problenv trator of the UCCA, who spoke . nyk, was elected President of ital. The purpose of the con- laration of thc right of 8elf 1) The Sino-Soviet bloc to- veteran Ukrainian statesman, V. Kosyk of Munich, Borys Participating in discussion ` the Ukrainian National Rada, ference was to unite all anti- on the educational activities of determination of nations, in- day embraces the largest colo- was reelected President of Witoshynsky and O. Tiushka. were Mrs. C. Peleshok. Mrs. J. the ICCA, while I. Porytko i while Mykola Livytsky was re- communist organizations and who represented the Ukrainian c uding lhe right t0 secede nial empire which ever existed the Ukrainian National Repub- Bencal, G. Bakumenko. Dr. A. and Dr. Skalchuk outlined I from the Soviet Unioili Mr_ elected chairman of the Execu- wage ideological and political in all history; lic in Exile, and Ivan Bahriany, liberation front: Dr. V. Yaniv Sokolyshyn, V. Verbovsky, B. the technical preparation for tive Organ of the Rada, a post war against Moscow. A resolu- Stevenson said. Russia crushed 2) The Communist empire is and Dr. O. Kultchytsky of Pa- Bidiak. V. Bazylevsky and L. the fund drive. Mr. Mndry dis- rioted Ukrainian novelist and he has held for the past sever- tion urged the West to set up Azerbaijan. Khiva. Bokhara the only imperial system which гія, representing the Ukrainian Barytsky. stributed the UCCA Jubilee al years. institutions to study Commu- and Armenia in 1920. Georgia is not liquidating itself, as Christian Movement, and A. The New York UCCA branch, Certificates. Over 300 persons The Rada comprises the nist policies and methods and in 1921 and Ukraine in 1923..." other empires have done, but ''--, Kaminsky. representing the is planning an intensive fund attended the meeting. following political parties: the map counteraction. The con- Following the Second World is still trying energetically to 1 , . ;. .і, Prolog Research and Publlsh- Ukrainian Socialist Party; the ference also urged the United ing Association of New York. War, whole nations and peoples' expand in all directions: Ukrainian National Democratic Nations to refuse admission to Drs. Yaniv and Knlchytsky and were swallowed up behind the 3) The Soviet colonial sys- ) `. і У' Report Metropolitan Slipy Again tem is one of the most cruel : Union; the Ukrainian Demo- Communist China and urged Y. Stetsko delivered addresses Iron Curtain in violation of cratic Workers' Party and the the reject any solution at the Conference, while other Deported from Ukraine agreements and without a free and oppressive ever devised; Ukrainian National Statehood of the Berlin crisis .that in- Ukrainian delegates took an vote of the peoples concerned. 4) Finally, the Soviet colo- Union, in addition .to the.PUN yolved recognition of East Ger- active part in the discussion. These included Poland, Hun- nial empire is the only modern group of Col. Меіцўк, which, re- EDMONTON. Alta. — Ac-'from Kiev was allegedly "a empire ir which no subject Ші turned to the Itada a month cording to VUr-.unisUi Vlstt of 1 better climate." ^ Actually Ukraine was con- people has ever been offered Soviet Intrigue Rules Science, November 20, 1961. Mctropoli- It is recalled that MctropoU- quered bv Communist Russia any choice concerning their ЖЗД SL ѓ`З`ѓ' ago, three other amajl groups are members .of the body: the tan Joseph Slipy, who was re- tan Slipy. now 69 years of age. j t the end of j Ed. future and their destiny. Defector Says was arrested in 19-l.j during Ukrainian. .Peasant Party, the ported as being held in the cen- MONTREAL, November 25 Klochko, once head of the the brutal destruction of the U- 1. Union of Ukrainian Lands and — .Dr. Mikhail Klochko, a , laboratory in the N. S. Kirna- tral prison of Kiev, was de- krainian Catholic Church in, the. Party of. Ukrainian . Con- Ukrainian-born former top-,kov Institute of General and ported to Rozaivka. an exile Jewish-Ukrainian Relations structive Forces. Western Ukraine, and he has! echelon Soviet scientist who de-J Inorganic Chemistry in M03- place in Northern Russia. The been in Soviet prisons for the Discussed at Symposium Nob in the.Rada at the pres- fectcd while visiting Canada' cow, said he was nllowed to reason given for his removal past seventeen years. eut time and in opposition last August, said Saturday that' travel and work in, Austria, are three powerful groups science in Russia was control-; India and China before coming NEW YORK. N.Y. (Special). Gross ("Human Relations in On Sunday. November 26, 1961, East European Border!-nds"V Osjrp Boydanyk among Ukrainian emigrees: the led by the Communist Party to Canada with a touring sekn- Perth Amboy Marks Shevchenko Organization of Ukrainian Na- tific group.