A 344659 Orwell in Spain

The Full Text of'Homage to Catalonia with Associated Articles, Reviews and Letters from The Complete Works of

Edited by Peter Davison Introduction by Christopher Hitchens


Introduction ix Editorial Note xix Acknowledgements xxi

Orwell's Journey to Spain i Extract from 'As I Please', 42 [The journey to Spain], Tribune, 15 September 1944 3 Jennie Lee to Margaret M. Goalby, 23 June 1950: Orwell's Arrival in Barcelona 5

Orwell in Spain, December 1936 5 y ' Extract from letter from Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 31 January 1937 7 'British Author with the Militia', The Spanish Revolution: Bulletin of the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification (POUM) 8 Letter from Eileen Blair to her mother, 22 March 1937 9 Letter to Eileen Blair [j? April 1937] 13 Extract from letter from Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 12 April 1937 !5 Letter from Eileen Blair to her brother, Dr Laurence ('Eric') O'Shaughnessy, 1 May 1937 15 Extract from letter to Victor Gollancz, 1 May 1937 17 Orwell's Wound 18 Letter to Cyril Connolly, 8June 1937 22 Letter from Eileen Blair to Dr Laurence ('Eric') O'Shaughnessy, c. 10 June 1937 23 vi Contents

Escape from Spain 24 Reports on Eric and Eileen Blair to Tribunal for Espionage and High Treason, Valencia 26 Report on Charles Doran 26 Homage to Catalonia 28 'Spilling the Spanish Beans', New English Weekly, 29 July and 2 September 1937 215 Letter from Eileen Blair to John McNair, 29 July 1937 223 Letter from George Kopp to Dr Laurence O'Shaughnessy, 7July 1937 225 Letter from George Kopp to Lt.-Col. Burillo, Chief of Police, Barcelona, 7July 1937 (translation) 225 Letter from George Kopp to Eileen Blair, 8 July 1937 227 Review: Franz Borkenau, The Spanish Cockpit;John Sommerfield, Volunteer in Spain, 31 July 1937 229 Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 31 July 1937 231 'Eye-Witness in Barcelona', Controversy, August 1937 234 Abstracts of Reports on the in the Daily Worker and News Chronicle, 1936-7 242 Letter to Amy Charlesworth, 1 August 1937 242 - Letter to Charles Doran, 2 August 1937 245 Unpublished response to Authors Take Sides on the Spanish War, 3—6 August 1937 248 Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, 15 September 1937 250 Review: Mary Low and Juan Brea, Red Spanish Notebook; R. Timmermans, Heroes of the Alcazar; Martin Armstrong, Spanish Circus, 9 October 1937 253 Letter to H. N. Brailsford, 10 December 1937 255 Review: Mairin Mitchell, Storm Over Spain; Arnold Lunn, Spanish Rehearsal; E. Allison Peers, Catalonia Infelix,J(we Castillejo, Wars of Ideas in Spain; Jose Ortegay Gasset, Invertebrate Spain, // December 1937 257 Letter from H. N. Brailsford to Orwell, 17 December 1937 259 Letter to H. N. Brailsford, 18 December 1937 260 Review: G. L, Steer, The Tree of G.ernika; Arthur Koestler, Spanish Testament, 5 February 1938 263 Contents vii

Letter to the Editor, Time and Tide.- '"Trotskyist" Publications', 5 February 1938 266 Letter to Raymond Mortimer, 9 February 1938 269 Letter to Stephen Spender, 2 April 1938 274 Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, 18 April 1938 275 'Notes on the Spanish Militias' 277 To the Editor, The Times Literary Supplement, 14 May 1938 290 Letter from Sir Richard Rees to Orwell, 25 May 1938 292 Letter to the Editor, The Listener, 16 June 1938 295 Review: Robert Sencourt, Spain's Ordeal; Anonymous, Franco's Rule, 23 June 1938 297 Review: FrankJellinek, The Civil War in Spain, 8July 1938 300 Review: The Duchess ofAtholl, Searchlight on Spain, 16July 1938 304 Letter to the Editor, Manchester Guardian, 5 August 1938 305 Letter to Yvonne Davet, 18 August 1938 308 Letter to Raymond Postgate, 21 October 1938 310 Summary of article fromL a Fleche, 14 October 1938 311

Review: E. Allison Peers, The Church in Spain,/i737-i937; Eoin O'Duffy, Crusade in Spain, 24 November 1938 314 Letter to Frank Jellinek, 20 December 1938 319 'Release of George Kopp', Independent News, 23 December 1938 323 'Caesarean Section in Spain', The Highway, March 1939 325 Letter to Yvonne Davet, 19 June 1939 330 . Review: NancyJohnstone, Hotel in Flight, December 1939 331 Review: S. Casado, The Last Days of ; T. C. Worsley, Behind the Battle, 20 January 1940 333 Review: E. Allison Peers, The Spanish Dilemma; Charles Duff A Key to Victory: Spain, 21 December 1940 336 Extract from War-time Diary, 22 January 1941 338 Review: Arturo Barea, The Forge, September 1941 338 Extract from letter to Partisan Review, 23 September 1941 341 Extract from BBC Weekly News Review for India, 22 [Comparison with the Spanish Civil War], 16 May 1942 342 'Looking Back on the Spanish War [1942?], New Road, January 1943? 343 viii Contents

Proposed BBC Broadcast on the Spanish Civil War, 3 December 1942 364 Review: E. Allison Peers, Spain in Eclipse, 1937—1943; Lawrence Dundas, Behind the Spanish Mask, 28 November 1943 365 Extract from 'As I Please, 10 [How the lie becomes truth], Tribune, 4 February 1944 367 'The Eight Years of War: Spanish Memories', Observer, 16 July 1944 367 Review: Charles d'Ydewalle, An Interlude in Spain, 24 December 1944 369 Review: Arturo Barea, The Clash, 24 March 1946 372 Orwell's Pamphlet Collection: Spanish Civil War 374 A summary of letters from and to David Astor, 4 and 5 March 1949 376

Further Reading yjj Index 381