COINTELPRO: Psychological Warfare and Magnum Justice 1



Spring 1976, CounterSpy




The Government War Against the Third World


Elaine Brown. / Jimmie Durham, Indian Treaty Blacklash to Indian Sovereignty

Prepare to Invade Portugal / Aparthied's Corporate Covert Action / The Quarterly Journal of the Organizing Committee for a Fifth Estate Council / Juan Mari Bras, Puerto Rican Socialist Party / Maria Serna, CIA Around the World

Silvermine: 's Espionage Hoax More CIA in Africa. Germany and England / ELI': CIA Mercenaries

Exclusive analysis exposing right-wing files maintained on the Left since More Recruits for CIA / Labor Spies, Inc. / Stump Colby / Southeast Asia and Native Americans

Crusade for Justice /

The FBI: Past. Present ... and Future

Third World Support for Africa, Latin America, Chile. the Middle East,

1969 — a domestic operation to rival the FBI.


2 Comment:


36 TIP: Terrorist Information Project

32 Women's Liberation — A Subversive Act?

24 COINTELPR 0: Psychological Warfare and Magnum Justice

34 FACFI: U.S. Pushes National ID Card


11 Trends:

62 Keep on Keepin' On

16 Congressional Aide Spies on Left


Christmas 1859

The London Times

Spring 1976

Tim Butz


Ellen Ray

Julie Brooks

Eda Gordon

Harvey Kahn

Winslow Peck

farewell to all

Editorial Board

Should the practice

Margaret Van Houten

3, Issue

of Spydom become universal,

domestic confidence and happiness.


Philip Agee, Chip Berlet, Tami Broadhead,

CounterSpy sends special thanks to:

Minton Brooks, Christien, Michael Droben- W.H. Ferry, Robert Friedman, Mark Hosen-

are, Alaine Davnie, Carol Bernstein Ferry,

ball, Dana Johnson, Phil Kelley, LBS, Fred-

erick Laurent, Carl Michael, Rita Maran, Angela, Seizes, Jack L. Schwartz. Source Clair Norden, Heinz Norden. Doug Porter, Vorhaus, Hedy Vorhaus, and the Counter- Collective,Robbylee Terry, lint True, Bernie

Spies of the Filth Estate. Typesetting by Uni-


Cover photo from Liberation News Service.

D. Tank


to be a

F. Jaeger




am certain



West Germany

Milwaukee, WI

Sheboygan, WI





and the tentacles which

am very much interested in poli-


reading to learn what is going on

Your efforts are to be commended I just learned about your work from

I am a typesetter by profession, how-

We encourage readers to write to

We need more people as are the authors of Coun-

issue) claiming to be a Viet Nam and

terSpy articles. The letter to the Editor World War II Veteran and he

World War II Veteran

type minds. My husband is a decorated signed Anonymous (in the Winter 1976

CounterSpy for publishing with great letter concocted by sick twisted Nazi- highly!! Congratulations. Do persevere,

have a right to know. I don't need their courage, facts that we, the taxpayers, nazi brand of fascism! I am 51 and I

them and the taxpayers cannot afford them.

do continue the struggle! I enclose a say "Abolish the CIA!" We don't need Information Bureau's newsletter, the Monitor. Is is essentially a collective

indeed be a monthly effort. It is not for the March issue of "The Progressive". Please send me your quarterly journal beginning with the January 1976 issue. copy of the Wisconsin Assassination

effort that, money allowing, would lack of material that we've not published Being 55 years old, I know the history of

ever, tics, domestic as well as international. my country very well, and that I can learn a lot from your publica- tion and profit by it. And so I think it a since mid-February. its your country


extend across the Atlantic to Europe,

and here especially to West Germany!!! CounterSpy about the magazine, the activity, or any other issues of the intent. CIA, your local police, right-wing genre community. We appreciate your

support as well as your criticisms. Write:

CounterSpy, Box 647, Station, Washington, D.C. 20044.


Austin, TX

M. Bedford

New York, N.Y.

James R. Dubro

Last Post

Robert Friedman

Ontario, Canada

You're continuing to do a

Congratulations on your latest. The One thing I would like to mention,

1 just received your latest issue of

Keep up the good work.

As a student of American political I believe that it is every American's

I believe that the majority of the people

new CounterSpy is much improved in

for the record. Your list of alleged CIA

appearance, readability, and every other way. Feel proud of what you've fantastic job. CounterSpy. people taken from the

inaccurate. First of all, the Station done, and keep up the good work. Fifth Estate," broadcast on January 9, Winslow and others). Others published

revealed by our C.B.C. program "The

Chief Cleavland C. Cram (one "m") as Department guy. I think you ought to 1974 (starring Bart, Victor, Braden,

in your list are two FBI liaison officers IRS guy, a DEA guy and a real State before publishing names of "CIA in (Marion is the FBI chief in Ottawa), an

check these things out from your end

Canada" which are less than accurate. ly clear to me that our intelligence agen- threatens the very premise on which this cies have reached a stage in power that

country was founded. ties of these agencies, and to demand not but also a re-evaluation of these agen- assassinations, it has become increasing- in this country do not fully realize the power. And 1 sincerely hope that a only an investigation into these activities, be rebuilt into serving a proper role in mandate from the people of this country.

duty to become fully aware of the activi- will bring these agencies under the

extent of the dangers involved in al- lowing these agencies free reign of cies' roles in our society so that they can

our society. the people. control to which they rightfully belong;

R. Auler

is out-


F. Astrip

J. Robinett


Tucson, AZ

Okauchee. WI

Cleveland, Ohio

Viva la Revolucion!


your magazine up


hi-monthly is under consideration.

Your magazine is fantastic!!! I'm so

Vol. 2, Issue 4 of

I think one of our main goals should

The one thing that irks me is that I'm

The only thing wrong with your pub-

impressed! Keep up the fabulous work.

how this helps to raise morale. Just knowing that people like you are right in

standing. It's hard to put down in words

the middle of the action against the

be to really know and love each other —etc. but you never know. From Our Readers against injustice. 56 years old and probably won't live to system makes us want to fight harder

as friends and to always struggle against all forms of injustice — sexism, racism

I hope you are having fun killing off

—Ed.) see the big changes that are coming - we would be pleased to do so.

lication is that it doesn't come out often retribution will come somday. I don't

Nations Constitution covers acts of telligence officers. But just remember

enough. If we can help you in any way american security agents and in- what happens to traitors in this nation, Yes gentlemen murder, because you are (The possibility of publishing think the First Amendment to Our Spy Welch. I have written both to the traitorism and accomplice to murder. President and Secretary of State and

wholly and completely responsible for the death of C.I.A. Agent Richard

traitorous little Rag. I pray the FBI always will so complained loudly about your

down. I fully support the CIA and your ass sideways. shuts you modern Benedict Arnolds 3



Blacks from the


Spring 1976, CounterSpy

colors understood and expressed in many ways: "We


The Party became more dangerous as it began to develop

In Los Angeles, California at this lime a so-called Black

People were still hungry. unemployed, poor, living in in-

It is my belief now, as it was then, that Karenga works for

want land, bread, housing. education, clothing, justice, peace

and * people's community control of modern technology (a added in 1972). Black Panther Party chapters sprung up every-

of — to the power elite — because ideas of freedom, when spread. where — in 32 cities in one year. The panthers were dangerous

are always dangerous to oppressive forces. Among those forces

There are many long stories to tell, and they will be told, of

Party was the single most dangerous threat to internal security.

was 1. Edgar et al. who knew it was too insulting, too embar-

rassing for their image, to allow the Black Panther Party to continue. By 1968, Hoover had declared that the Black Panther

only two years after its birth. Armed with more money from the American government, he thought it would be easy then to

wipe the Party off the face of the earth. The year 1969 saw this

overt program at its height — raids on homes and offices,

rampant arrests, and assassinations.

more services and programs, later called Survival programs.

newspaper, the contradictions in an over-developed, rich

which concretely demonstrated, more than any rally, speech, or

country that could not and would not provide for its citizens.

cultural nationalist organization called United Slaves. sprung into action at the heels of the Watts uprising. II was headed by a Ronald Everett to be called "Maulana Ron Karenga", a magma cum laude graduate of UCLA who had just rid himself of a white wife and a British accent. Everyone was re-grouping from Watts. trying to establish unity in the Black community.

Karenga shaved the heads and minds of a

Blacks as the most militant and the most "Black". Within one

opposite side of town from Watts, gave them some dollars and guns and sent them out. They were to take charge of all the local Black groups through an umbrella organization called

ness, thinking about how good it was to be Black and for-

the Black Congress. Karenga's troops were feared by other year, Karenga had everyone who was developing any conscious-

getting even the memory of Watts; all this for a corporation- Festival".

sponsored dark-down strutter's parade called the "Watts

into being around that same time (late 1967), headed by a Southern California Chapter of the Black Panther Party came native of Los Angeles's Black ghetto, Alprentice "Bunchy"

Slausons gang and a former inmate of Soledad prison. Letters

decent housing, and suffering from inadequate education. The

were not sent, but attacks on Party members were made, by

Carter, who was a former leader of L.A.'s 2,000-strong two entities — the police and Karenga. Karenga finally or-

issue of whether UCLA Black Student union members should

work with the campus Brown Berets and SDS or remain iso- dered the deaths of Ion Huggins and Bunchy Carter over the

lated in a Karenga-produced Black Studies Program.

and with the FBI.

logically begin to examine one concept and draw certain

the inconsistent and outright phony reports from the Church

working form of the art of illusion, is only indirectly respon- generalities: If the FBI. by rearranging facts or by some Committee — cover-ups in themselves. However, we can

sible for certain events. and was working against militant" organizations. how do we reasonably explain that reports indicate the FBI supposedly tried to divide the Black Panther Party from all other organizations, but not other

is responsible for four killings of Panther members. according to reports, but the Black Panther Party is not responsible for

organizations from each other? Or that Karenga. for example,

The Panthers were danger-

Recently new reports have indicated that through the Church

The reports reflect that the FBI essentially did little more to

We can get back to some of the specifics of these reports after

The Party was also dangerous because it grew up and came

The danger of the Black Panther Party emerged at the his-

Elaine Brown Black Panther Party

FBI. More FBI activity was directed against the Black Panther ways dangerous to oppressive Party than any other organization (or individual), according to forces."

activity, particularly the COINTELPRO activities by the FBI. the Black Panther Party was targeted for destruction by the ous . . . ideas of freedom are al- Committee's so-called investigation of domestic intelligence

these reports. There are several serious problems with these

reports, however, that must be pointed out if we. the Black and

Black organizations than cash in on natural divisiveness in the Black community or as one report said, "... let nature take its

oppressed people of this country, are to learn anything from

such accounts. More importantly, we have to understand why such activities were promoted and realize that they still are today.

Black organizations rival — for what?: that all the FBI did was

course". The first thing we need to recognize is the falseness of

another. We can recognize its falseness by definition alone: that the Black Panther Party is or ever has been a gang; that

set up situations.

this idea, of the encouraging of rival "gangs" to fight one analyzing why all this activity went on. I. Edgar Hoover, queen

media attention grew. The media was bent on building as up of every policeman's ball, was constantly trying to propagan-

rights over legal injustices and repression. It became an insult to Hoover. The Party truly did become dangerous to Hoover, as

and wiping as out. It was out of the media's constant need to

dize that no one could escape his network of "Omen", but the Black Panther party, flagrantly and openly advocated human

Philadelphia, and other cities. The Party synthesized and put

sensationalize that the true ideas the Party wanted to put forward came out: the right to bear arms (the Party's police

patrols); the right to eat (breakfast programs); and the need to ticket), etc.

to life in the midst of the ghetto uprisings in Watts, Detroit,

join electoral politics (running on the Peace and Freedom Party into programmatic form, the feelings of anger'and frustration

having dismissed the tactic of non-violence and the ideology of racism. Unorganized violence had blown up the country's

Party began, despite the fiery speeches of the Stokely Car-

demonstrated throughout the country in the middle and late sixties. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X had just been assassinated after they had gotten together and transformed by

centers of industry, but had been put down with the gun and the poverty program. All seemed well by 1966-67 when the

michaels and the unrest on campuses of rich kids gone wrong.

to identify with the Party's Ten-Point Platform and Program.

The tenth point summed up what poor people, working people

toric point when. the unorganized and disenfranchised began


is pre-





the dramatic increase in privately-organized and private-

Instead. they recommend that for the first time in America's

In addition to legalizing the illegal, there is yet another dev-

After the cake and laughter of a birthday celebration. we None of the recommendations now before our representatives

Their words should motivate and guide our bicentennial This bitter lesson is best revealed in the current Congression-

These lessons have been known to the Third World and poor

But the people of this land must swallow a more difficult pill:

perience. Two hundred years old this year, America must trace the world; institutionalized racial and sexual discrimination nation's rulers. Even if there was no pre-meditated plan to avoid the whole lifetime, the illegal actions of government be sanctioned by ployment rising; crimes committed by the highest officials and

anti-democratic sentiment gaining momentum among our will they strengthen the current, but mild laws. white Americans, a stubborn unwillingness to explore current publish it in our next issue.) of our land for many years; they are victims living in a state of in Congress advocate annexing those government crimes, nor its lifetime too; crimes of genocide in its global effort to police inquiry plagued by lack of concern for the repression of non- elopment. You will notice many times in this issue of as they have been repressed — 200 long years. reflections. al move to achieve what Richard Nixon only dreamed of —the abuses, and a timid strategy for revealing those of the past. ly-controlled repression: Monopoly funded right-wing armies; sents commentaries from Third World leaders who have still exploding throughout the land; planned structural unem- legalization of illegality. The results of the Congressional in- vestigation into the abuse of power in the intelligence agencies gained the highest respect for their consistent and courageous the universal erosion of confidence in America on its birthday. wars, more secrets and more spies. This is a natural result of an truth and nothing but the truth, the result is the same — a statute. Legalizing covert action will make a criminal out of private national intelligence networks; corporate covert action; and merchant.engineered identity systems. They are all exam- are unfortunate; there will be only more wiretaps, more covert cover-up. Not only does this cover-up hide past skeletons; it every cop. and a cop out of every criminal. struggle against the forces of repression. We also present some our liberal democratic traditions are no longer a match for the ples of business as usual, repression as usual. often pursue solitude to evaluate and learn from our life ex- builds a larger closet for new ones! paring an indepth analysis of Congressional actions and will humanity of these times. constant government criminality. They have resisted for as long Ochs was a dear friend of ours who fell victim to the in-

of our late friend's last words on the world and repression. Phil


Fifth Estate Advisory Board*

CounterSpy, Spring 1976

2 Former Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Ecumenical Program for Inter-American

Former RAND Corp. employee

ACLU Political Surveillance Project Author Former military liaison to the CIA Former CIA case officer Author, labor organizer American Civil Liberties Union Assassination Information Bureau

National Committee Against Repressive Legislation Attorney and former OSS officer University Institute for New Communications Former MI agent and consultant to the CIA Criminal Justice Research Director, Michigan State Co-Director, Institute for Policy Studies Communications and Action

Co-Director, Indochina Resource Center

Citizens Commission of Inquiry

University Microfilms. 300 North Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich-

igan 48106 or call toll free 800.521-0600.

libraries. non-government institutions; 518/yr. overseas: $75/yr. government agencies. Single copies are 51.50. Except for Conn- terSpy Winter 1976. we have m available back issues. Back Subscriptions In CoanterSpyl 56.00/yr. Individuals; S10/yr. CountseSpy welcomes manuscripts on any aspect of security. issues of CounterSpy are mailable on microfilm. Write Xerox Signed articles are a product of the authors only, and do not

input many important changes in the journal have and will

necessarily reflect the views of all editors, sponsors, advisors, or associates of the Fifth Estate. Copyright ©Fifth Estate 1976.

continue to be made. CoanterSpy welcomes criticism you may have. Through reader

tee for a Fifth Estate. Address all correspondence to: Post Of- fice Box 647, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, D.C. 20044.

CounterSpy is published quarterly by the Organizing Commit- Telephone (2021785-8330.

Rev. Phillip Wheaton Stanley Shelnbaum *organizations listed for identification purposes only William Turner

Kirkpatrick Sale

Philip Agee Robert Katz Dr. Ralph Lewk William Kunader Marcos Raskin Col. L. Fletcher Prouty (ret.) Mark Lane Tony Rune Sylvia Crane Frank Donner K. Barton Osborn D. Gareth Porter

Sidney Lens any deaths of United Slaves' members? Why is it that this sort into exile, Huey P. Newton's car was tampered with several of confrontation never took place between the P. Stone Nation times, his apartment was the subject of a phony robbery by as Indians own any land or natural resources. More and more, in AIM have been exposed over the past three years. During and the Black Panther Party, even though letters were sent. or three Blacks with pistols that had silencers (which are difficult American industry and finance covet these resources, anxious the Wounded Knee trials the FBI admitted to using more than between the Panther Party and the or SNCC? for "non-police" to acquire), a contract was put out on his life to acquire them on their terms. National policy dictates, 20 people as informers around Wounded Knee. All of this is The question can be logically answered. It was felt our Party by so-called Black businessmen, unknown assailants shot at through the Senate and House Interior Committees of Con- just to harass and persecute an organization that is fighting was the most dangerous. The FBI sought. bought and paid for him several times, and finally, he was falsely charged with gress, the Office of Management and Budget, the White House for the legal rights of American Indians. willing Black agents to help in our destruction, as they master. murder. It has not stopped. They will continue. itself, and the Department of the Interior, that the govern- But that sort of harassment has come to be expected and minded and contrived the raid and following assassinations of We who truly hunger for freedom must not be sidetracked. ment be in a controlling position to make these Indian assets even accepted in the U.S., and it is small potatoes compared Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. Millions and millions of Blacks have died in this country at the available to the white private sector on terms satisfactory to to the real harassment Indian people face — today, in 1976, the whites. Under such conditions, fraudulent governments Let as look at the Eldridge Cleaver business for a minute. I hands of various forms of oppression; millions of people have last year, and every year of our history with the U.S. govern- like that of Wilson at Pine Ridge must be sustained as willing was part of what was purported to be a Progressive American no means of support, no place to live. no food to eat. The ment. accomplices of the U.S. government and the whites, even if Delegation to Korea, which had been put together by Cleaver government program to Maintain these oppressive, murderous The Pine Ridge Reservation, where Wounded Knee village only to lease out Indian-owned grazing land to South Dakota in 1970. At the end of three months, after visiting not only conditions is far larger than COINTELPRO or other activity is located, has a population of about 12,000. During the white ranchers at criminally low rates that cheat and defraud Korea, but , Vietnam, Moscow and Algeria. Eldridge bent on destruction of one organization. It is this larger pro- Wounded Knee liberation/occupation, there were never more the individual Indian owners. This situation, rampant at Pine Cleaver had personally threatened my life because I would not gram of destruction we must halt; it is the architects of this than 360 people inside the village at any one time. In the three Ridge, reflects the wholesale exploitation of the Indian peoples. years since then, almost 400 Indian people have been killed, agree on phony ideological points that the Party was a "break- program we must stop. We must transform our lives, our which still keeps them oppressed, powerless, and in the throes and many more have been beaten and/or jailed, for little or fast for children organization". According to Cleaver, there government, and our society completely and thoroughly. The of poverty. no reason. The FBI has maintained a continuous force there needed to be more killing, more arbitrary violence, the Party members of the Black Panther Party stand as ready today as "Nevertheless, despite the terror and the efforts of the De- of over 103 agents with tanks, helicopters and automatic wea- was moving to the right, etc. There were no letters — as the ten years ago; serve the people through our various Survival partment of the Interior and the Department of Justice, as well pons. They break into people's houses with no warrants of any Church Committee purports to document — no misunder- Programs today as ten years ago; live every day of our lives standings on the level of leadership. Cleaver simply would have as of Congress, to ignore the dictatorship and killings at Pine kind, and they abuse them and harass them. The FBI is an in- today as ten years ago to overcome all obstacles to our total Ridge. and the continued suffering of the Sioux people under as go out to get killed for the purpose of media attention (while vasion force of killers. There are lawless even by the racist liberation by any means necessary. And we will lay down our an exploiting, colonialist government, the struggle goes on, he safely sat in Algeria). He had no other program and frankly, standards of law of their government. lives today as we have over these ten years to make these issues inspired by the examples of the Sioux patriots of the past who it sounded piggish — violence without reason where we'd all Since Wounded Knee, , a leader of AIM, has dear, for we know when the people understand, when the fought and died for their people. The Sioux liberation move- get killed and he could describe to history the meaning of our been shot 3 times, beaten and jailed many times, and has been masses of oppressed American people take up guns. then, in ment. composed of Sioux people of all ages, men and women, deaths. For three months we argued. 1 was to kill and gel in constant trials on trumped-up charges meant to keep him the words of Huey P. Newton, "... serious business will begin youths and elders, holy men and modern-day warriors, is killed. or just get killed. Today, it's all out — the closet door out of action by the government's own admission. Every other to happen". sustained by right and justice. Blood being shed by the Sioux opened: Cleaver denounces , China, African liberation Black Panther Party Indian leader in the country has the some history. Except patriots today will not be in vain. History and the future are struggles and joins hands with Kissinger and Uncle Sam. All of Copyright May. 1976 those who have been killed outright, such as Richard Oakes, on their side.'? this because the FBI sent notes? It is my belief that Cleaver too Pedro Bissonette, Buddy Lamont, Jimmy Little, Joe Stuntz, That statement was not written by a member of the Ameri- Byron DeSersa, Anna Mae Aquash, and many others. was as much a part of COINTELPRO then as now, as Karen- can Indian Movement or any other group of people the FBI I could recount stories of atrocities page after page; police ga, as Roy Innis. calls "radicals". It was written by a well-respected author, assassinations, illegal imprisonment, torture, theft of land Why then, this new propaganda? Why this whitewashing of historian and editor of American Heritage magazine, Alvin and resources, etc. investigations, as we've seen in the past with Watergate. the Josephy, Jr. The National Council of Churches, the American It must be understood however, that the oppression coming Warren Commission, and others? The Black Panther Party Friends Service Committee, and many other organizations not down on our heads is not because the FBI and CIA are "out stands today as much of a threat as before. There was never Indian people are asked to normally stamped with "leftist" or any such label, have peti- of control" or "overreaching their mandates". The government any question that the Black Panther Party, as one entity. could celebrate 200 years of murder- tioned the U.S. government to cease its persecution of Indian of this country and the multinational corporations that con- survive confrontation with any police agency, much less many people. trol it want to kill no off, one way or another. That is not an agencies. (We even survived in Los Angeles in December 1969 ous oppression. It is a gross Yet, the terror perpetrated by the BIA. FBI, CIA, Justice exaggeration. when we were attacked by 300 regular LAPD and SWAT Department, and who-knows-what other piece of govern. The lands that they have shoved us onto — the present reser. members). That idea was only intensified by the establishment insult.” ment continues. Aren't we exaggerating or being rhetorical vations — were thought to be the barren, useless areas of the media: Panthers versus pigs. Our task has been, and still is, to when we speak of U.S. government terror in 1976? The Ameri- country. As it turned out those lands are rich in oil, timber, spread the word, the good news as the old folks would say, that can people are taught that political repression and terror go coal, copper, uranium, gold, and other necessary resources. we can win over oppression and exploitation; that life in the Jimmie Durham on only in other countries, especially in the countries of the As long as Indian people insist on the right to be Indian, and to U.S. is not what life can and ought to be, but rather an ex- "enemy". control those lands and resources, we will have to fight those perience where the basic requirements for living and breathing Indian Treaty Council Look at what is going here. During the Wounded Knee trial companies that want to steal them — and for that long the gov- must be available to every person, and where peace and free- of and Russell Means early in 1974, I was work- ernment will continue its policy of genocide against us. dom will prevail; that if we unite all our forces, after we identify "The Department of Justice, through the FBI, has waged a ing out of the AIM National Office in St. Paul where the trial Someone recently asked me why there is such incredible ourselves, we can put up the real battle to win, in the name of blind and ineffective reign of terror against the Indians, on and was going on. The government's prosecuting attorney, in a neglect of Indians in this country. My response is, "We would humanity and human progress; that with our victory will come off the Pine Ridge reservation, using every method it employed moment of calculated candor, let slip that there were two FBI welcome neglect." The government is not neglecting us - a new day for people all over the world who suffer under the against the Black Panthers, ranging from wiretapping and agents inside the highest eschelons of AIM, and that we would more than 75 percent of all Indians suffer from malnutrition. monster of U.S. imperialism. Then humankind can get on with frame-ups to ambushes and assassinations. Confronations be very surprised if we knew who they were. Later, Doug More than 75 percent of all Indians have no jobs. Average the business of discovering our true and harmonious relation. such as the occupation of the Wounded Knee vicinity in 1973, Durham, who had been head of AIM security and right hand annual income of an Indian family is less then $3,000. One ship with the rest of nature. This is our message, this is the and other desperate attempts by the Indians to focus world man to Dennis Banks at the time, was exposed as an FBI agent out of every three Indian infants die during the first month word we wish to spread, and will spread with our very lives on attention on their grievances and plight, have been part of a provocateur. Once while Durham and I were in the office to- after birth. The average life time of an Indian man is less than the line. And this is what makes us dangerous. struggle in which the FBI and its instrument, the false govern. gether he informed me that he was about to make a three-week 44 years (compared to 67 years for the rest of the U.S.) etc., trip to Guatemala and Costa Rica in his private plane. "to Today Party members are regularly arrested for no good ment of Richard Wilson and his U.S. government-financed etc. take some guys fishing". At that time I was doing international cause; followed and watched by FBI agents (the FBI. I have storm troop units of "Goon Squads", continue to arrest, beat Such desperate and degrading conditions, in the world's discovered, comes weekly to my apartment building to collect up, and murder many Sioux patriots. work, contacting Indian organizations in Latin America. richest country, obviously cannot come from "neglect". It is license numbers from the parking lot manager of visitors' "At the root of this American government-supported vio- Later we learned that AIM was on the CIA's list of organiza- genocide. It is part of the same government policy under which cars); great discrepancies are occurring in our bank accounts lence and intimidation against the Sioux is an unspoken, but tions to disrupt through operation CHAOS. I began to wonder we have suffered since the beginning of this country. these days; our programs are being jeopardized by police very real, govemment determination not to lose control to the about Doug Durham's CIA connections. Many other people The U.S. was founded on the genocide of one people and the began remembering odd things about Durham, and two AIM harassment of participants and workers; and a few weeks ago Indians of the increasingly valuable Indian lands and natural enslavement of another. U.S. imperialism began at that found- members now in prison for an alleged murder have accused 15 or more police cars came to our National Headquarters resources, including water, mineral and timber rights. The ing. him of framing them. Their story is believable. office in Oakland, California at 3:00 a.m. to serve a warrant on American government for a decade has spoken of 'giving' This year Ford and his gang intend to hold a "celebration" a Party member for a failure to appear in court on a misde- self-determination to the Indian tribes, but no meaningful step Of course, the entire incident of Durham's exposure, coupled of the Bicentennial in Philadelphia on the 4th of July. It is a with the prosecutor's words, made each person in AIM suspi- meanor solicitation charge in Sacramento. Before being forced has been taken in this direction, nor will it be taken as long gross insult. Indian people are asked to celebrate 200 years of cious of everyone else. In fact, many FBI informers and agents murderous oppression. But we are going to be in Philadelphia 4 CounterSpy, Spring 1976 Spring 1976, CounterSpy 7

reported the

and other forms of protest

Spring 1976, CounterSpy

The Denver Post,

El Gallo,

. . ."

Crusade and student leaders were arrested and later

Intelligence operations have

The Crusade for Justice, since its founding by Rudolpho

In the process, political corruption and injustice have been

Because of its progressive direction, the Crusade has built

Last September 14, 1975,

None of the police assaults against leaders and supporters of

The Centro of the Crusade for Justice, a multi-room facil-

One such walk-out occurred in Denver at West High School.

turned out to be a domestic

Maria Serna

war Crusade for Justice

"Corky" Gonzales in 1966, has provided much of the direc-

to educate people on all oppressive issues, to politicize them,

tion and philosophy of the Chicano Movement. It has used its World Liberation movements. It is evident that this organiza- and to enlist them in a movement struggle for human rights. resources, energies. and influence as a Chicano organization Southwest, as well as strong solidarity bonds with other Third exposed, and public figures and established officials and in- stitutions, particularly politicians, police and media, have the Crusade newspaper, come under attack for their vicious, racist practices. Through (including taking over City Council meetings), police assault, ship. Army intelligence officers to take assignments from Denver murder, and crime have been widely publicized and the police tion poses a threat to the oppressive society and to its capital- the state's Army division headquarters. their "intelligence" information with the Denver Police De- Crusade for Justice was among groups in Colorado that were police after assignment requests had been channeled through organized efforts throughout the country, particularly in the infiltrated or placed under surveillance by "army intelligence," involved have been named. ist rulers who are desperately trying to eliminate our leader. in the '60's. The article further disclosed that the Army shared partment, and, according to sources, it was not uncommon for the Crusade for Justice can therefore be misconstrued as spon- ity in the heart of Denver, was bought by the Chicano commu- taneous confrontations, as the police and media have often at- facility that the Crusade for Justice sponsored annual youth tempted to make the public believe. A repressive trend is clear:

property. It is in this facility that the organization has con- ties showed strong political awareness. Across the country nity in 1968. As such, the premises of the Crusade are private teachers and irrelevant teaching materials and curricula. conferences in the late 60's during which various political ducted its community meetings and organizing affairs. It is in this facility, also, that various forms of cultural talent have been developed and performed for the community. It is in this issues were addressed, among them education and the Viet- nam war. The positions these youth took in their communi- Chicano students staged walk-outs in protest against racist police turned out to riot against the community. Denver police

supporters, turned out to rally in support of the students. The

The community, among them Crusade for Justice leaders and

and had planned to make the community their practice target.

had just returned from a national conference on "riot-control" Many


April 4, 1976.

We propose that the leaders of the colonial parties put all

We must begin by demanding that the FBI and the CIA, What we are willing to guarantee, on our part, is that the

The terrorist bands of the right, organized by Yankee intel-

The criminal and corrupt elements that operate within the The same opportunities that the colonial capitalist parties Whatever the outcome, we socialists will act firmly and

If the leadership of the country agrees to provide that poli- In order to accomplish this, it is necessary that all the re-

Ignoring this proposal made by the Puerto Rican socialists

Juan Mari Bras is the Secretary General of the Puerto Rican

opportunities. Outs is the revolutionary alternative. We pro-

to our people, there must be a climate of true peace and equal when said will becomes fully realized. We will never give up their cards on the table. We invite our fraternal Puerto Rican pose, without any ambiguity, the necessity and possibility of a radical transformation. We maintain that it is necessary for affects Puerto Rico. But, in order to present all the alternatives the right to organize that force. Party to scrupulously meet the terms of that commitment. The as long as this is the commitment and practice of all parties the persecution and conspiracy aimed against the Puerto Rican anteed, without any stratagems or hypocrisies, for the inde- — not only to guarantee the continuity of the struggle, but also which is prepared — after seventeen years of arduous struggle the people to organize their forces in order to enforce their sary that we put an immediate end to the siege and aggression, people of Puerto Rico, with respect to basic principles and pendence parties so 'that they can take their messages and the need arises. Independence Party to join us in demanding a complete clean- rights in the face of any attempt to stifle their collective will independence acts in Puerto Rico. involved in the campaign. But for that to happen, it is neces- political ideology to the people. to escalate and transform that struggle qualitatively with the election campaign develop in a peaceful atmosphere this year sponsible leadership in the country make a commitment, to the and continuing the repressive plan and brutal conspiracy no matter which form of struggle we must take an in the im- Socialist Party, its leaders and members. measures to be taken. against the independence and socialist movements is tanta- serenely, each of us meeting the task that is clearly defined, up in the present political climate in the country. ligence and supported by a PNP faction, must be dismantled. Police Superintendent Astol Calera has admitted the existence That criminal gang must be broken up immediately. mediate future. In the meantime, we will continue to work of a so-called death squadron within the said Department. towards the goals we have set, vigilant of the situation at every tical climate, they can count on the Puerto Rican Socialist ing many of us. They cannot, however, paralyze this Party greatest speed possible. moment, and ready to put into action a contingency plan when dad, perialists, with the active and passive support of the colonial etc. put an immediate stop to their anti-socialist and anti- political decisions in peace will then be guaranteed. right of our people to hear, discuss, reflect and make their mount to submerging the country to a state of war. The im. parties, deal us heavy blows, including murdering and arrest- Police Department of Puerto Rico. must be cleaned out. Even Socialist Party. Chagui, his eldest son, was murdered in San

have with respect to the electoral campaign must be guar-

Juan in April. 1976. The following was re-printed from

part of that great operation grue-


"We are the only growing force in our country. The con-

"This homeland — the only one we have — will be free,

The congresspeople present knew that with each and every

The key to everything lies in an objective fact which is the

This is happening in Puerto Rico today. Within the last few

The four Puerto Rican socialists who were captured in con-

who came to San Juan to celebrate public hearings on the so- States and Puerto Rico." These were our words to them: explaining our position to North American congresspcople The Puerto Rican people have united despite political dif- called "Compact of Permanent Union Between the United

The persecution unleashed by police agencies against the patri- tinued acts of harassment and persecution by the CIA, FBI, agencies of the colonial regime towards us have been useless. the intelligence division of the armed forces and the repressive

otic movement, the workers' movement and the student move-

sovereign and independent. Whatever the cost may be, you can To convince this noble people of the need and possibility of ment in Puerto Rico will continue to be useless." able reality. We want peace, but we are not afraid of war. If

rest assured that the independence of Puerto Rico is an inevit- the price of peace means to resign ourselves to lose our home-

word we spoke, that we fully understood their significance

land through the imperialists' voracity, we are not interested in that kind of peace." and took full responsibility for the consequences. We were not

speaking in the name of one individual. This makes an enor- mous difference. Our voice was raised on behalf of a great been embodied in a great Party. movement which has reached historical proportions and has

country. Imperialist fanaticism intends to break that premise take into consideration any moral values. Imperialism is an premise of our warning: we are the only growing force in this

no matter what. They have spared no resources nor do they irrational force and its voracity knows no limits nor does it why their self-destructive nature increases with the decline of

their strength. This is no in a historical perspective but that allow them to consider the consequences of any action. This is

process is characterized by an increase in violence. The wound-

ed monster attacks with such vehemence that it seems to have days the symptoms of imperialist desperation have surfaced. The assassination of our loved and unforgettable Chagui is become stronger when, in reality, it has become weaker.

the rebellion of our people, are the same that pulled the strings

not an isolated act of some alienated individual. The same hands that manipulate the repressive acts aimed at preventing

of the murderer who committed the felony.

executed. We are not going to comment on the facts of this case at this time. We will do it at the proper time and before nection with explosives somely synchronized to an itinerary that has been meticulously the proper forums. We can only say that the four comrades who have been arrested and accused have the recognition, and

ferences to offer their solidarity and manifest their outrage

the militant solidarity and support of the Party in every respect.

with respect to the horrible crime committed against my son.

We will never forget that sincere support. We have been deeply

scends all their passing confusions and prejudices. touched and strengthened in our conviction that our people

maintain a level of sensibility and a sense of justice that tran- winning our independence and building socialism is our first frontation if ideological alternatives carried out before the

that the struggle for independence and socialism can benefit from intelligent debate, rational discussion of ideas, and con-

priority. We would like to do it in peace. We have no doubt

masses of the Puerto Rican people. Independence and social.

ism are the only valuable alternatives to the deep crisis that




They cannot paralyze

None of them have ever benefitted from the government's

Only those large companies — only the rich — benefit from

We look back now to the first large deliberate massacre

In 1976 we are fighting for our lives, land and liberty. The

In 2076 we will celebrate the freedom we will have won.

*Used with permissionfrom the author.

on July 4, to demonstrate against our oppression and Ford's

insult. We will be there along side Blacks, Puerto Ricans,

Mexicans and Chicanos, Philippinos, and oppressed white

U.S. similar to ours. people. All of those who have histories of oppression by the

CounterSpy, Spring 1976

Indian people. They are as ripped off as we are. treatment of Indians. Their tax dollars go for bullets to kill

our oppression.

of Indians by white settlers; the murder of Metacom (King

Philip) and the Wampanoag people in 1676. We look at our

great vctory over Custer's army in 1876. In 1776 nothing of

interest happened. A new government was formed which did The present moment is a crucial point in the new struggle not even consider us as fellow human beings.

more the government oppresses us the more strong is our de- termination.

This is no time for mistakes or mystifications. We have put


for liberation in our country. The intensity of the moment af- Juan Mari Bras Puerto Rican Socialist Party fects all of us who are involved in the great drama of Puerto

Rico: both friends and enemies of the people struggling for

our cards on the table. We fool no one. The things we say have tions of our convictions. Recently, we had the opportunity of independence and socialism. a clear significance and we will always live up to the expecta-

6 hand guns, rifles, etc. were found. No such inventory of weap- the case, but which turned out to have been previously used in acquitted after T.V. films showed it was a police riot. Prior to sade for Justice and Rau Unida Party continued under heavy ons was ever presented in the trials and police inventory lists another trial in Kansas involving the American Indian Move- the trials, a Denver newspaper, The Rocky Mountain News, police attack in Denver. In the dawn hours following the No- accounted for less than 20; officials could not account for the ment. Our solidarity with AIM is also a known subject of inves- put out an editorial saying that Rodolfo Corky Gonzales add- vember 4, 1970 elections, the Denver police raided the facil- discrepancy. Again the media was used to justify police aggres- tigation. And they dare to charge political activists with 'con- the Crusade for Justice leadership should be gotten "rid of.', ities of the Crusade for Justice, which was now housing the sion. spiracy.' This was in March, 1969. State la Reza Unida offices as well as Escuela Tlatelolco, the Following the March 1973 defendants' trials, the police had As a Third World organization, we anticipate an escalated In May, 1969, Denver police attacked about 10 or 12 young Crusade-founded Chicano alternative Movement school. to stage a quick come-back. A grand jury indictment was campaign against the Crusade for Justice. Our organization Chicanos in the Crusade parking lot, some of whom had just Five youth staying at the premises were held with guns to brought against another Crusade supporter, Gary Garrison, is being used not only to justify resources being expended to returned from a trip to California. Claiming they had come to their heads while police rampaged through the building bust- charging him with attempted bombing of a paint store. The destroy political movements and develop the growing police investigate a tight, 20 police — with several dogs, shot guns ing down doors, going through the closets, offices, school bomb had been found undetonated inside a paper bag which state, but as a target of national intelligence operations, sanc- and mace — followed the traditional practice of assaulting the rooms, curio shop and bookstore and art gallery, destroying prosecutors alleged had Gary's fingerprint on it. The news tioned in the halls of Congress by representatives like Larry youth then charging them with disturbance, resistance, and what they could. (They did not allow the youth to call the ad- media boldly printed the fact that Gary was a member of the McDonald (R-Ga.). interference. (During the police-provoked confrontation two or ministrators who had keys.) To justify the illegal entry, during Crusade for Justice before it even printed his name. After three police cars had their windows shattered and all the po- which over 5800 in tapes, filmi, Crusade and school files were months of hearings and a trial that ended last August, Gary Maria Serna is a member of the Crusade for Justice, one of lice incurred some injuries from fists, bottles and bricks). stolen, from various offices, police reported to the press that Garrison was acquitted. the largest Chicano organizations in this country. Among those arrested was Ernesto Vigil, the first Chicano in they had found two shotguns in the building. One month following this acquittal Antonio Quintana and the Southwest to refuse induction into the armed forces. At a press interview, Corky contrasted this particular police Juan Hero, a long-time activist in the Crusade, were arrested The Crusade had made strong ties with other Chicano lead- attack with what had been happening to the Black Panthers - and charged with attempted murder, theft, attempted arson, en such as Cesar Chavez' farm workers' movement as well as the police creating hysteria and paranoia to justify their mur- and conspiracy to commit all three in an alleged aborted plot with Reis Tijerina and other members of the Alianza who were ders. Published in El Gallo. this same interview recounted the to dynamite police substations. The news media reported that struggling for land grants rights in New Mexico. The Black break-and-enter laws and other repressive laws that were this attempt was to have been an act of protest against the and Brown Berets, particularly active in the Southwest and aimed at stopping political movements rather than "crime," holding of the International Police Chiefs' Association Confer- the Crusade maintained close communications. Solidarity with in a growing fascist, police state. ence in Denver the week beginning September 13. The arrests other Third World movements grew after the Crusade joined Recently, it has been exposed how the government was busy took place the day after thousands of Chicanos turned out for the Poor People's March on Washington D.C. in 1968. at this time disrupting different Chicano organizations like the a Crusade-coordinated protest march and rally commemora With the Chicano Movement gaining national unity, police Berets and the Chicano Moratorium Committee in Denver, ing Chicano Liberation Day, September 16. repression and surveillance on Chicano activists extended as well as other Chicano Movement organizations across the During preliminary hearings for Haro and Quintana, agents across state lines. The intelligence network was determined to country, by use of agent-provocateurs. Yet to be disclosed are of the ATF, FBI. CHI, and various other police units admitted break up the threat that was building. Crusade leaders and the the full intelligence operations being used to attempt to destroy to surveilling Crusade members and supporters for several developing young leadership found themselves in continual the Crusade for Justice, although since the early 70's we have months, and, that in fact, the main object of their surveillance confrontation and often facing trumped-up charges or charges witnessed and lost lives to their disruptive tactics. were the leaders of the Crusade for Justice. Evidence largely stemming from resistance to unprovoked arrest. Activists Police have taken advantage of every routine call to provoke rests on testimony by detectives, an agent-provocateur named from New Mexico were being picked up in Denver on charges confrontations, confrontations for which they later blame ac- Jose Cordova, Jr. (a known perjurist, attempted murderer - after they had been in the city only a short while, and without tivists and which the establishment media then use to fuel their exposed by defense attorneys — and drug addict), who. accord- provocation. One Alianza member, Baltasar Martinez, had propaganda campaign. Some incidents have even been report- ing to detectives, had infiltrated into the top ranks of the or- been in Denver only two weeks before a police bulletin cred- ed of police assaulting Chicanos who were not affiliated with ganization and was feeding into an intelligence network estab- ited him for the bombing of Denver school buses. After he was the Movement but who were told by police they were "getting lished since mid '75. proven innocent, the police claimed the accusation against even with Corky." The attacks have become more widespread Evidence against Haro and Quintana rests largely on an him had been a result of "mistaken identity." Meanwhile, the as activists gain control of recreation parks and community agent-provocateur named Jose Cordova, Jr., who, according to media took the opportunity to discredit both the Crusade and centers. the police, had infiltrated into the top ranks of the Crusade. the Alianza Movement. Intsffigence operations have turned out to be a domestic In fact, prior to the September 17 arrests, Jose Cordova was When Crusade for Justice members and supporters attended war, a war that gained force in 1973. It was during 1973 that unknown to people involved in the Crusade, though subsequent the 1970 National Chicano Moratorium against the War in the strategy to tie up the Crusade leadership and activists in investigation has revealed he is a known perjurist. attempted Los Angeles, California — a moratorium born at a Crusade courts was stepped up. In an attempt to curtail our efforts and murderer (exposed by defense attorneys), a drug addict and conference workshop — it came as no surprise that the dozens misdirect our resources, the judicial system was used against convicted felon who is now facing charges of first degree bur- Injured and arrested following a police-provoked riot included over one hundred Crusade activists and supporters. Out of glary in Jefferson County. Cordova was allegedly feeding into 27 Movement activists from Colorado, Rodolfo "Corky" Gon- all these cases, there was only one conviction. an intelligence network established since mid '75, which in- zales among them. The activists were stopped in a flat-bed On March 17, 1973 police used a jay-walking citation to pro- cluded the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. the truck that had offered them a ride out of the riot area and voke people leaving a birthday celebration at an apartment FBI, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and various other made to lie on the ground with guns at their heads. They complex next to the Crusade for Justice facilities. Before the police units charged with surveilling Crusade supporters and were held for robbery and "carrying 'a' concealed weapon" night was over, Luis Junior Martinez was dead, Ernesto Vigil members, and particularly the leaders. (which was found under the seat of the truck). Later, charges was shot in the back, dozens of other Chicanos were arrested The Haro-Quintana trial has been continued until October of "crossing state lines to incite a riot" were pursued. Mean- and four other men were brutalized. Needless to say, it was 6, 1976, before a conservative judge whose experience is rooted while Colorado and California intelligence did their home- the injured and brutalized who were charged with "assault of in the District Attorney's office and the police force. Juan Haro work, alerting the Denver press. The arrests and charges were police officers." also faces a six-year sentence for illegal possession of explo- sensationalized back home. Someone other than the police The confrontation brought in over a hundred police includ- sives on the basis of Cordova's testimony in a federal trial last had to be blamed for the three murders and riot stemming ing the bomb squad, which was coincidentally there when an January. It should be noted that in that case, now on appeal, from this police confrontation. explosion ripped off the roof and wall of one of the apartments. a federal agent introduced evidence he said was particular o Charges were later dropped against everyone except Corky The media "found no wrongdoing on the part of police." The Gonzales and Alberto Gurule, an activist who at the time was subsequent trials proved different; all but one of the defend- running for Governor under the Crusade-founded Colorado ants, including Ernesto Vigil, whose jury took 30 seconds to La Ran Unida Party. The trials acquitted Gurule but ended render a not-guilty verdict, were acquitted. in a hung jury for Corky Gonzales. He was later retried and Our own information sources attributed the confrontation to convicted of the concealed weapons charge, for which he served police effort to gain entry into the apartment complex, where, 40 days in jail after losing his appeal. according to "undercover information", the Crusade was stor- La Raza Unida Patty had made an encouraging impact on ing arms for shipment to Wounded Knee. The only arms found local and state elections, in spite of all the yellow journalism in the apartments were legally owned by the residents of those which followed the California arrests and trials. Yet, the Cru- apartments, although the media reported that over a hundred Spring 1976, CounterSpy 9 8 CounterSpy, Spring 1976




h as



sur- aniz-

g ht up






. Each


raphed ely un-





g g

g q

ed Gallo


ed to rein- g



uards com-



h the ALRB



ure as hi

no regulations wa



to the worker."

uard would take

overnment statis-

uards and detec-

g g





Ranch, I went door

ents and

also char

two pro-UFW em-







h, and the unknown




1976. CounterSpy


ht is bein


ton, D.C. alone, there are encies employin





to U.S.


had systematically followed


anizers and photo



ally firin



ed his boss's surveillance orders un-totin

at the student center in Madi-

ional office of the California

g g


g al.

ement last year.


g ed the Teamsters Union and the ed that Gallo, in collusion with the

"massive surveillance" to inter-

the time of the election, the UFW




, described the company's tactics:

ations without fear of discovery be-

ricultural Labor Relationships Board


Presently, private security a University of Wisconsin students In Washin Today, in City, there are an

Al Fred Ross, UFW director of or g The Bakery and Confectionary Work- A re

g Other employers


The board's o

FBI, and local police detective s police by a factor of ten to one. 187 such a pared to 30,000 municipal policemen 800,000). for the estimated 40,000 private ly-employed private and in some places, such as Wall St., fall. Their battle has been lar estimates placed that fi employees of the CIA, NSA, Interpol, rent-a-cops outnumber the re workin are free to continue their rampant inves- cause there are simply tics there were a total of 290,000 re with ille as ille spies still circulate their workplace and tives nationwide back in 1969 (some Ross added that, althou ers International is also resistin veillance. A fi mana usin UFW or in to door in the company housin had ordered Gallo to stop this intimi- to the election. Candy Inc., Washington, D.C., after he ti them while they talked to workers about dation, the company continued ri state a supervisor at Russell Stover son fell victim to hired labor spies last challen successful thou door I knocked on, a picture of enforce the speed-up policies declared by E & 3 Gallo winery, last winter, with char ployees for their union views. fere with the farm workers union repre- "At Gallo's Snellin Teamsters the upcomin September 10. A sentation election held at Gallo on char and of many of their plans.

tactics to prevent and stifle or efforts.




ible em-




. Before the


ents to follow

Graham, who


uired to show on

to pump profits in-


the elevator of the

. "I want a Pulitzer


g g

ement hired more than


ement," is clearly eli

hly-publicized worldwide

. This was to assure that g



those wealthy customers is


or leavin



Washington Post. g

ements for help from Wacken-

ear, mana

g buildin


uoted as sayin

ht the hi q

Whatever they were actually doin

Once the strike and boycott were in

A few weeks before the strike. Some strikers think it was a Wacken-



Wackenhut behind window-smashin

full ployed by Graham, paid off. She un-

to run them over. Others think it was hut behind the wheel of a car that tried a hundred Wackenhut a campai doubtedly knew of their whereabouts and intimidate the strikers. there is no doubt that their skills which they were re floors were clear of certain workers. arran Prize in mana hut, Inc. enterin

Katherine Graham, publisher and owner Post is for the prize in union bustin employees were issued red ID cards anticipated pressmen's strike last fall of the fi (which continues today), Graham made threat of terrorism.

to sophisticated security branches to They are now willin



fi ffi


ents of

ium. It

q est but g



g devices.


striker led away by Washington Metropolitan pace.

their corporate

uisition of small-

e R. Wackenhut,

ed priorities too.




rowth rate is mostly


profits in the past few


ent, and three other ex-

g firm. now has o




and wiretappin


ressive ac


multinational security gg

more than 14,000 people

est security corporations have

rowin g

private security industry. The g


Washington Post



ht in an additional 56.9 million in

A y. Unlike the Pinkerson a




Employers' drive to learn more about Wackenhut, the third lar

Private police have moved in on work-

FBI operatives. It has expanded rapid-

from Alaska to Brazil to Bel and in 1973 erseas operations alone have brou revenues. Its hi years a former FBI a er security firms. those on the payroll has built up an ex- fastest was founded by Geor due to its a four lar ly into the Carribean and Latin customers have chan Labor Spies hiC. pandin yea which they have reinvested in fur- employin TRENDS nolo enjoyed boomin ther expansion. with TV cameras, lie detectors, and places across the country to spy on work- ers with the tools of advanced tech- the 30's, today's labor spies are e eavesdroppin






one g


ence ht of





g .





ht fear.



less to the


es of "tree.



terrified the

countryside about. Nixon'.

and an

round, to look at

e of power starts



forth is strai


out in the

et killed." Nobody, but

its ima



, "over there". In this case,

intellectually, they poten-

eousness of the situation





of oppression and a feelin


etables and avoidin



that person for death.


islative game, calmly and correct-



because in any wartime, no matter


and dyin


es of treason were meanin



the le

htin et in our way.






because I mi

erous in terms of contemporary people. If





overnment slips down

with this country. They do know we have




record, to see what he stands for and to realize how g

Can You Do Us A Favor?

g class.

overnment. But they do know there is somethin



round playin


erous a man he is. In some cases he is to the ri

er that, they could be hurt, killed or jailed by the police



e, was a revolutionary leader, and was on everybody's wall,

Jerry Ford is almost as bad as Nixon politically. They are

But it is important to study Ford's back

You can help us reach more readers by asking

your library to subscribe to CounterSpy. Librar-

Also, there was a clear difference between the Impeachment around national security. Help build the Fifth Es-

ies pay $10 a year to bring to the public indepth The current apathy is different than the 1950's. The people information and analysis of the emerging crisis tate. Encourage your school and community li- brary to subscribe.

They're not interested. They' relivin

One reason there are no leaders comin


Kent State cut out the student movement by and lar It is still dan

So, you have to be careful.

As the U.S.

workin corruption that char

ability, no looks, and no personality. He almost doesn't exist

both neo-fascist. Nixon has been in the forefront, makin deals, and had been an amateur, while Ford had been in the back ly from his viewpoint. He has no charisma, no leadership as a presidential fi his votin Nixon. on the for example.

there was so much information that came out are subdued, they have a feelin and the Vietnamese dan how criminal the war is, you are still open to char dan president. But they feel paralyzed. Vermont or they're eatin or the tically wron through a criminal war. They do know we have a criminal son." People are fi

their political statement. Speakin tially could come back at any point when they felt a resur that went on in America, and still has not been made public,

of power or importance.

The selective assassination of the 'domestic Phoenix pro leads everyone in their subconscious to say, "Well, I better not say anythin nobody, is

Black community. Very selective and very clever terrorism.

the same way, they moved in on the Panthers

suddenly. for example. someone's picture was on every front pa to diminish, and the total outra forces people forward, who normally wouldn't do anythin

that would be a way of markin








g a

h ri




ular mili-



et a better



hipper, more





ly aware of how


ettin eneral disenchant.





overnment that is

the world. They have




e is deterioratin


e we are


eneral were very disillusioned with

eable and more powerful. And the



ame of ownin




nd some form of


it's almost like it was planned. He had so


: coup after coup, either the re


when the West realizes that they can't keep

et economic interest there.



's very important historically that Nixon came







it out, normal power sources or, Olistorically) it


that old ball

a shiftin



As the U.S. government

ets weaker. The final story is not the destruction of the

g is

ineered by America or Europe or Israel or Japan, who-


in these times g uy to represent the corruption of neo-fascist corporate fi


g ive it up, they have to make their terms, have to rebuild


to allow them to control their own destiny. What you are

anized, more knowled

Phil Ochs wrote music which reflected and reported the


Around the world America's ima

With every decade that passes they g



ness of it all, forces people

slips down, the total outrageous-

The actual downfall of Nixon was a political education for

Another key point is that for the first time. the workin

Phil Ochs

movement for social change in this country. His songs were

lifted from the pages of the daily newspapers and Phil sang

them at countless rallies as both education and entertainment and antiwar movements, Phil developed an interest in libera-

tion struggles around the world. He was invited to Allende's Chile where he sang to workers and miners with Chilean Folk- singer Victor Jara. Following the coup in Chile. Phil organized an anti-Junta rally at Madison Square Garden and persuaded because of the erosion caused by neo-fascism and neo-colonial-

Bob Dylan to perform along with Pete Seeger and Arlo Guth- ism. The Third World becomes increasin tremendous odds to much they have been exploited and so they are fi rie. In recent years Phil became increasingly depressed over in

life at the end of a rope. What follows is an excerpt from a analysis of political events shortly otter Nixon's resignation. radical journalist in Washington. D.C. who recorded Phil's tary personal and political problems and in April, he ended his own seein taped conversation between Phil and a friend Chip Berlet, a is en

for the assembled demonstrators. Active in the civil rights

ever is startin West West but the


on playin to their economies on a smaller and more healthy level. the country because the presidency had been mystified so much over the years. alon many corrupt facets to his life that you couldn't 10 CounterSpy, Sprin now. He was almost destined to come into power, and des- fall tined to fall from power.

capitalism — which is the sta

test. Blue-collar workers in Nixon and the oil companies. There was a became involved with the movement in the same kind of pro- ment. 13




six weeks (Sept -Oct.

the above-mentioned

Front then on we had

and in any place

Spring 1976, CounterSpy

and shall remain prohibited at

states, "For

Mr. Colby if he is a war criminal.

against any civilian population are

shall in all circumstances be treated

Ask Mr. Colby if he is guilty. Ask Mr.

But when asked about the CIA's ac- According to the Nuremberg prin-


Ask Mr. Colby about the CIA's "mili-

1970) out of those ten years (1964-1974)

tivities in Chile in this time period Mr.

penetration program was a military

that the ultimate objective of the military Colby we looked into the possibility of stirring

Article 3 of the Geneva Convention, any time

up the military.

coup. covert crimes behind him wherever he acts are with respect to persons. (a) violence to life and person, goes. treatment . ." Colby why he drags the CIA's bag of ciples, crimes against humanity, murder, and Declaration of Human Rights pro- nothing more to do with the tellitiu7. done in particular murder of all kinds, mutila- tion, cruel treatment, and torture ... (c) tary penetration" operation in Chile. particular humiliating and

hibit the application of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment. outrages upon personal dignity, in punishable war crimes. The UN Charter part in the hostilities; (e.g. civilians) reads in part, "Persons taking no active extermination and other inhuman humanely ...To this end the following


admit that



not executed ..."


bribery targeted at the Chilean

Covert Action in Chile 1963-1973,


Question: "How do you define as-

Mr. Colby: "the CIA has never assas-

Mr. Colby: "Killing. Killing people -

Last August, Mr. Colby

Drosnin: "I've been told by Americans In July 1969, the CIA began a coor- Mr. Colby:


at American University on March 8, August 1975, Mr. Colby said the fol-

sassination?" the CIA killed people. In the

sinated anybody."

deliberate killing of people."

interview with Michael Drosnin in and Vietnamese directly involved, that Headquarters discussed a "deception lowing: tion, "By September 1971, a network of dinated program of penetration decep- under Phoenix VC were routinely tar- Clrnmittee Report of December 18, 1975 volvement in the Chilean army. The geted and executed." According to the Senate Intelligence and in parallel, the Station and the

and expanded after September 1970.

called agents was in place and the station fin military. This program lasted four years

Chile) was receiving almost daily reports

use of the intelligence network paralleled the discussion of the deception opera- operation" designed to alert Chilean Station/Headquarters dialogue over the officers to real or purported Chilean in- tion. In November, the Station suggested of new coup plotting. At the same time,



offer the


New Times,


August 22, 1975


Michael Drosnin,

Washington Star

." (K. Barton Osborn, former agent

Ask Mr. Colby about his Phoenix

Don't let him lie! Mr. Colby recently

Torture was the standard operating Colby played a key role in the CIA Phoenix was conceived, financed and

Mr. Colby elicits sympathy by having

Former CIA Director William E.

It's important to stump Colby when he

Stump Colby

operation in South East Asia.

was 2,000 per month. Phoenix operatives were stimulated by rewards ranging from

were required to "neutralize" a mini-

political imprisonment." 5300 to $11,000 per victim. 1976), "I don't lie ... Sometimes I re-

525,000 per year retirement pay, two who ever lived through an interrogation

dinate and provide a legal cover for the Saigon) ... I never knew an individual handler for Phoenix). Phoenix operative

to be detained as a "Viet Cong" suspect (Robt. F. Gould, Colby's legal advisor in mum number of Vietnam citizens per told the cidentally lies to the American people, as Colby was its architect. He oversaw the procedure of Phoenix, month. In 1969 it was 1,800. By 1972 it wide network of interrogation centers was there accepted torture as routine" fuse to give information, sometimes I keep a secret; but never lie." Occasion- and finally devised Phoenix to coor- who is wrongly punished, and Mr. Colby speaking is only a continuation of this acted as a lightning rod for Congression- growing campaign of mass murder and tions could not have occurred without al criticism of the CIA. Some contend government of Chile. These CIA opera- the systematic deception of the Amer- against the American public. following tools to do so: Vietnam or Chile. He is getting a and the destabilization of the democratic CIA policy. he did at a question and answer session tour to assure that he continues to carry is guilty of countless crimes. ican people and Congress. Colby's Colby was not fired for his crimes in ally though, Mr. Colby stumped and ac- creation of mercenary teams, the founding of a vast and brutal secret that Mr. Colby has been a "scapegoat". secret war in Laos; Operation Phoenix; Police force, the construction of a nation- op the CIA's policy of "plausible denial" directed by the CIA. CIA Chief William book contracts, and a lucrative lecture But, a "scapegoat" is an innocent person

speaks in your community.






Ms. Clare Duncan

Mr. Carl Taylor

Ms. Jeanne Lupton Mr. Frank B. Wilderson Ms. Lillian Williams Mr. Gumecindo Sales

Ms. Norma S. Rees

Mr. Dean Harrison Mr. Hans 1. Hillerbrand

Mr. Joe M. Galloway

Dr. William 1. Holloway

Mr. H.B. Renwick Mr. Carl W. Smith

Mr. Jeff W. Gads Mr. John Johnson

Dr. Helen Batchelor

Mr. Kirby Stanat Ms. Mary Wade

Mr. Roy Evans

Mr. William L Baker Mr. Herman McKinney

Mr. Merritt Morrell Mr. LH. RItcherson

Unhemity of Minnesota

Michigan State Univereity

Unhersity of North Carolina

[haven't:ref New York

Ohlo Stale University

Pennsylvania State University

University of %monde, Milwentkea

University of Wisconsin, Medina

University of Wuhinglan

Medial Center


Mrs. Pearl Bailey Mr. Samuel Hall

Mr. Raymond Dalton

Mr. Weyman L Edwards Mr. Roger L Pulliam

Ms. Carol A. Cottrell

Mr. Anthony G. Dew Ms. Sandra F. Norris Mr. Paul E. Parker

Mr. Horacio Lewis Mr. George Taliakdo

Ms. Augustine Wright

Dr. Marcia Do nnerstein

Mr. Tony Espinosa

Ms. Helm Kimball Dr. Richard Lee

Mr. Hugh Warner

Dr. Harold P. Politer

Mrs. Laura Gardner

Mr. Robert B. Vokac Dr. Joseph M. Wright

Mr. John H. McCrac Dr. M.1. Roberson

Unimak of , Circle

Howard University

University of IglnoY

Unhand!, °Made, Urbana•Champalge

Indiana Univereity

Iowa State University

Calamity of Mumma

University of Marybud

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

University of Michigan, Dearborn

University of Michigan, Flint





New York Times

CounterSpy, Spring

personnel with moderate success

A new recruitment strategy adopted

Capitalizing on the tight job market

The new approach was met with mixed

F.W.M. Janney, CIA director of per-

While the increase in applications has

"We've had some better luck in our

A CIA minority hiring conference,

More CIA Recruits

The following is the CIA's "Guest — almost 10 per cent higher than the

last fall has increased student applica- tions to the CIA this year by 30 per cent

general increase in applications for all

Civil Service jobs.

for 1976 graduates, the CIA has shifted

its focus from small minority colleges to large public universities and dressed up its pitch with full-page advertising in

campus newspapers, and personal ap-

pearances by former CIA Director Wil-

liam Colby on the college lecture circuit.

Mr. Willard Eng

Mr. Winston Doby Mr. Charles Sandberg

Dr. Raymond Dye (See "Stump Bill Colby" p.00.) reaction. Some colleges organized de- it would cause some embarrassment to his.Jane Adams monstrations against the CIA recruit- the university or ourselves." He added

Mr. Fred Henderson Ms. Rena Reno

views entirely. ment; others refused on-campus inter- that the students are asking harder "Generally, we conduct interviews on questions about the agency's policies

campus unless we have reason to believe

sonnel, told a during the interviews.

tive in filling its 1,100 positions, there

are concerted efforts to hire more


to date.

effort with Hispanics," Dr. Janney

made the Agency generally more selec- noted.

held in Washington last October, drew more than 60 career counselors from 23 universities, including the University of

Madison. Michigan State at East Lans-

Representatives, whose social security Michigan at Ann Arbor, UCLA, UW- ing and the University of Berkeley.

numbers were requested by the CIA for

background checks, came to Langley to

talk with CIA officials about employ-

ment opportunities for students.

List". Did the CIA pay the way for your

University of California, Les Angeles

representative to visit? University of Catlifornia, San Diego

University of adtforida,

12 LEAA Opens Criminal Records Court OKs Mice A prospective employer or insurance investigator can now secure criminal his- Set Ups for Dope tories and conviction records under a ' new policy making all federally financed criminal information systems accessible for non-law enforcement purposes. On April 27, 1976, the Supreme Court The FBI: Past, In May 1975, the Law Enforcement approved, 5 to 3, the federal Drug En- Present . . n and Assistance Administration, (LEAA) forcement Agency (DEA) practice of issued regulations restricting release of supplying suspected drug dealers with Future information only to news media or for heroin and setting them up for arrest. employment or government licensing Five of the eight justices agree that FBI, by Sanford Ungar, Atlantic-Little purposes, unless local or state laws spe- there had been no due-process violation Brown and Company. 682 pages. cifically allowed otherwise. Within a when an undercover agent of the DEA year, however, the restrictions were lift- twice arranged for a suspect to sell If you want to write a "balanced" ed. According to an LEAA spokesper- heroin to another government agent and book on the Federal Bureau of Investi- son: "... Criminal history record infor- then furnished the drugs that were sold. gation, you have to make it long. San- mation relating to the offense for which The decision sustained the conviction ford Ungar attempted that book, and re- which is an individual is currently within the of Charles Hampton of St. Louis, who cently presented us with FBI. criminal justice system may be dissem- had contended that the government almost 700 pages long. For almost two inated without limitation." should be prohibited from prosecuting years the FBI opened itself to Ungar; The LEAA announced that it is modi- suspects to whom it had supplied contra- Director Clarence Kelley cooperated fying the regulations in order "to strike band. and directed other personnel to do the a balance between the public's right to William H. Rehnquist went further to same. know such information with the indi- say that the government's complicity in What emerges Is • book describing all vidual's right to privacy," Others are not crime, no matter how outrageous, could facets of the Bureau. The intelligence so sure whether such delicate decisions never serve as a defense for a suspect functions of the Bureau, however, stand should be left up to the LEAA. who was predisposed to commit the alone—a part of the Bureau's activities The new policy began April 19, 1976. crime. that has served no legitimate purpose. There is no way to balance the burglar- ies, mail opening, surveillance, and counter-intelligence programs (COIN- • "I urge you, with every bit TELPROs) with efficient crime labs, solved bank robberies and car thefts, IX c hili3 wAS of compassion I have for and dedicated agents. II • li) the struggle for progress, Four years after his death, the spirit IN SON-cS. of 1. Edgar Hoover remains a force in the pire State Building); 6% million inves- credit him, and tell his neighbors abou li) to order a quantity of these Bureau. tigative files, and 58 million cards in its the groups he was affiliated with." This 41 Illri‘.- Over his almost 40-year tenure as general index. There are 8000 FBI kind of unofficial activity, he explained, t• pamphlets for yourself and director, Hoover engrained himself agents in the field. Internal security and might be widely known within a field of A thOts?felik4.-- for every friend and into the rules, practices, and attitudes of counterintelligence matters account for flee where it goes on. but would rarely O! VI, ,.... - *l * the FBI. Thus. Hoover-trained people 25% of the Bureau's resources, and the be documented on paper and therefore could not be proved from the Bureau VA,"&" 14111141/11-Can trUOI. . . . • . • member of your family are still spread throughout the Bureau, Intelligence Division is now so over- that you possibly can. I am In the field offices and in the "Seat of staffed that some supervisors are busy files. Government", an the FBI's Washington barely one-third of each day. All that stands between the intelli- Abi,tS political ' . ' line you can gence bureaucracy and future excesses *go% confident that after you headquarters is called. The attitudes of Bureau personnel are N't pact (even II you don't always Reinforcing the spirit of Hoover with- also appropriate for future COINTEL- is the possibility that the American peo- agree with It) read the pamphlet you will in the Bureau is a reluctance by the PROs. Agents would do it all again. As ple will realize that the machinery is current director to repudiate the activ- one agent put it in an interview with still all there. Once again the warning be moved to a greater of Attorney General Harlan Fiske Stone Challenging analysis and opinion ities of COINTELPRO. His motives for Ungar: degree of action to 'Stop this are unclearwDo they stem from a de- "Kelley said it won't be done any- in 1924 should be heeded: S.-1 I' " sire to sustain morale within the Bu- more. but I can assure you that it will, The FBI] is not concerned with All In the Guardian, the largest —William Kunstler reau? From fear of the remaining informally if not in an official program." political or other opinions of individuals. selling Independent radical Hoover lieutenants? Or from • con- Many agents in security work, he said, It is concerned only with their conduct and then only with such conduct as is newsweekly In the U.S. That's 'STOP 5-1', a viction that these activities were actual- would not hesitate to fry to have the sub- Guardian pamphlet by Jeff ly within the bounds of what was ex- jects of their investigations fired from forbidden by the laws of the United Segal of the Center for States. When a police system passes be- Constitutional Rights. It la pected of the Bureau by the American their jobs or evicted from their homes, Subscription rates: the most comprehensive people? as was sometimes arranged under COIN- yond these limits, it is dangerous to the $12.50 a year, $20.00 two years, $1.00 analysis of this dangerous Whatever the reason, it is clear that TELPRO. He added that "if I. as a case proper administration of justice and to 8-week trial. (Add $4.00 additional legislation now In print. the mechanisms and- the personnel for agent, have an extremist. I would prob- human liberty, which it should be our Order by wriingt Guardian first concern to cherish." postage for Canada and elsewhere Wamget,130301/: 17St future COINTELPROs remain in place. ably do anything I can to put him in jail. The Bureau has 169 million fingerprint If I have to buy information or read abroad.) Mall to: Guardian, 33 W. 17 Susan Kaplan each; 1010 to 24 copies, cards ftt is fond of pointing out that if his mail sometimes in order to accom- St., New York, N.Y. 10011. Associate, Domestic Security Project 304 each; 25 or more stacked on top of each other the cards plish that. I would do it. I would conduct 204 each . Center for National Security Studies would be 108 times as high as the Em- a neighborhood investigation just to dis-

Spring 1976, CounterSpy 15 14 CounterSpy, Spring 1976 For the past seven years, a secret right-wing newslet- small facial features, fair skin, dark eyes and long dark hair ter called Information Digest has been delivering some which she usually wore in a braid; she always dressed in dark, of the most sophisticated analytical reports on the Amer- unobtrusive clothing, often jeans and a sweatshirt. John, also ican Left to such subscribers as the FBI, CIA, and the overweight and about Sheila's height, had dark hair, wore National Security Agency. The Digest reports may be glasses, and spoke with a British accent. He explained various- only one toe of a right-wing campaign of spying, massive ly that he was from Wales or Surrey, England. He usually wore dossier compiling, information trading, blacklisting, dark sloppy clothes and often masqueraded as a priest, com- plete with clerical collar, which fooled no one, but in those subversion of civil liberties, wiretapping, bugging, plots days, who cared? agabiat progressive leaders, illegal suppression of legiti- In July, 1971, the couple opened up a "collective" bookstore mate dissent, Infiltration of government agencies, and at 1247 20th St. NW which incorporated a long wall of book- crime of all proportions. shelves, a series of tables for newspapers, magazines and The New York Assembly's Office of Legislative Oversight pamphlets and a section for a Gestetner Mimeograph. A small Congressional and Analysis recently released an investigative report on a loft in back was used as a meetingplace and office. The store- secret "right-wing newsletter" used by the New York State front was given a dual name: The Red House — eight blocks Police to compile dossiers on over one millioo politicians, poli- from the White House and New Foundations — the former to tical activists, lawyers, writers and show business personalities. provide movement connections, the latter to give a cloak of Aide Spies The report on the newsletter, information Digest, stated clearly respectability for John, the "priest". that the mimeographed Digest was received by over 40 sub- The Red House never succeeded as a bookstore, and its real scribers and "was the string that held together a network of purpose remained obscure, even to people who worked with hidden informants whose information was recorded by police Sheila and John. Two letters, drafted mainly by John, went out on Left departments throughout the nation without the individual from the group; one requested five-copy subscriptions to the involved knowing the process and without independent check- entire underground press; the other offered to a large number ing by the police as to the validity and source of this derogatory of foreign embassied in Washington, daily delivery of Peoples information." (emphasis added). But there, the New York World. Daily World. the Guardian, the Liberated Guardian inquiry stopped. and other socialist papers for a weekly fee of four dollars. The A brief investigation by CounterSpy now confirms the worst first letter successfully established a flow of geographically fears contained in the New York report: the information was and politically diverse alternative papers. The second, which received and used by the FBI, CIA and the National Security also requested that the embassy "advise as as the means you Agency (NSA). Information Digest could be just the tip of a consider most appropriate for increasing the contacts between rightist iceberg of spying, massive dossier compiling and in- your country and the tendencies we represent", never brought formation trading, blacklisting, subversion of civil liberties, any response. invasion of privacy, plots against progressive leaders, illegal The only other stock was odd items from RPM Distributing suppressioh of legitimate dissent, infiltration of government Co., then a new local venture, and booklets from Times Change agencies, and crime of all proportions. Experts consulted by Press. The Red House continued as a one-man operation, 20 CounterSpy including Frank Donner, of the ACLU Political hours a week from September to December, after which it Surveillance Project and Wes McCune, veteran analyst of officially closed, obviously having lost its value to the D.C. America's right wing, were astounded by the sophistication police who rented and paid for it directly. and depth of Information Digest. Donner believes Informa- Towards the end of the summer of 1971, John and Sheila tion Digest demonstrates that the private, abundantly financed stopped participating in the Red House to become involved in right-wing elements have better information on liberals and prison work through the Institute for Policy Studies, where radicals than that normally processed by the government. Sheila later obtained a job. After failing to assemble an um- McCune, who edits Group Research Report, a newsletter on brella organization called "Washington Connections", the the right-wing, was disturbed. Left-leaning lawyers who have couple created CCERL (Coordinating Center for Education examined Information Digest believe that, due to misuse of in Repression and the Law). the data, much of the past seven-year history of the movement A house at 1616 Longfellow Street in Northwest Washington may have to be challenged and rewritten. All who have become became the headquarters for CCERL, which originally oper- involved with analyzing information Digest believe it indicates ated from the loft at the Red House bookstore. CCERL pur- that the right-wing privately maintained files that rival those ported to combat police repression, illegal surveillance of of the FBI. protest groups, grand juries and political trials as well as to promote prisoner rights and the abolition of capital punish- The Authors and Their Many Faces ment. Ironically, CCERL is listed in The Iron Fist and the The authors of the Information Digest are S. Louise Rem Velvet Glove, the latest progressive analysis of U.S. police and John Rees, better known to the Washington, D.C. Left published in 1975 by the Berkeley-based Center for Research community as Sheila O'Connor and John Seeley. on Criminal Justice. It now appears that CCERL was actually The two initially came to Washington around Mayday, 1971, organized to collect information from such anti-repression having established Left contacts through due. groups as the Center for Research on Criminal Justice. A paid ing the Woodstock music festival. John and Sheila — offhand- request for information recently mailed to the new box number edly associated with several groups of street people called the for CCERL (PO Box 35, College Park, Md. 20740) yielded no "Crazies" and the "New York Motherfuckers" — covered response, nor was the request returned with "Addressee Un- themselves by including their names in the Information Digest known." in connection with Mayday and other anti-war activities from In September 1972, on the recommendation of a Howard 1969-1971. Why anyone would believe that the pair could University law student, Sheila was hired as a part-time co- possibly belong to the "youth culture" is now a mystery. But ordinator of the local office of the they became familiar characters in Washington. Sheila, a huge (NW). Sheila immediately took over the preparation of the woman, overweight, is at least six feet tall with a large frame, Guild newsletter which she changed drastically in format and 16 CounterSpy, Spring 1976 Spring 1976, CounterSpy 17 Some of the same information has also appeared in columns of content, conspicuously citing names, statements, and meeting O'Connor, a/k/a Rees, were agent provocateurs. places at every available opportunity. (Naively, it was thought right-wing commentators. From the report by the Oversight Office we have learned McDonald had an extremely well-funded 1972 campaign. at the time that the additional "content" was the result of that John has had a long career as a "spook". There is concrete "new input" and "new energy".) Coincidentally, the new for- His district, predominately white and rural to semi-rural, information linking him us a paid informant with the Wash- includes Cobb City near Marietta, the home of McDonald mat also had definite similarities to the Information Digest. ington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department and, according which John and Sheila were covertly mailing to the police, Douglas plants, and Floyd City near Rome, Ga., a leading to the report, he told the D.C. M.P.D. that he had also worked center of John Birch Society activism. But the most disturbing including large-type centered headlines and an occasional with the police departments in Houston, on the West Coast, splash of dry sarcasm. information CounterSpy has received on McDonald is not his in Maryland, in New Jersey and in New York State. He once association with the IBS or Information Digest. His name has During the year and a half in the Guild office, Sheila co- offered his expertise in intelligence gathering on the Left to ordinated several efforts with community groups, including the repeatedly surfaced in rumors widely circulating among the the Wackenhut Corporation, a private security service in black leadership of this country that he was involved in meet- People's Tribunal (which sponsored hearings to investigate , which also manufactures surveillance equipment. police brutality and particularly the murder of a 16-year-old ings to raise money to assassinate Martin Luther King, Jr. George Wackenhut, contacted by legislative investigators, CounterSpy cannot confirm these rumors — although we do youth during a police stake-out); the Police Brutality Panel, a says John was checked out and found to be a "kook", but their coalition for handling police brutality complaints; and a panel understand that the Justice Department is aware of them and report also says that good authority indicates he was paid for may have investigated — nor do we necessarily believe them. to investigate a plan by the Council of Government (COG) to intelligence services rendered. set up a large spy network with LEAA funding. Out of the But their circulation by responsible leaders warrants investi- According to a former roommate, John would often travel gation by proper authorities including the Congress of the COG investigation, Sheila helped expose the Justice Depart- to other cities to visit Movement people. Each time, she got ment's Operation SEARCH (a project to integrate all govern. United States. reports that things became very agitated and problems always McDonald is divorced. The exact reasons are unknown but ment computers), during the NLG's National Executive Board followed his visits. No one outside his roommates saw John very meeting in Washington in October 1972. She was elected to the Capital Hill grapevine has it that he has some sexual prob- often, and even they did not know him very well. Little is known lems centered around his extreme versions of patriotism. His the local executive board in January 1973 and later to the Na• about him, though the legislative investigators did turn up an tional Executive Board in June 1973. wife was awarded the divorce, custody of the children, their additional tidbit, that John Herbert Rees was an orderly in a home and furnishings and 51,000 per month alimony plus As office coordinator, Sheila was very efficient, taking notes Massachusetts nursing home before becoming a beneficiary of at all meetings, organizing membership, donor, dues and sus- child support. During his 1972 campaign, he was briefly jailed the will of Grace Metalious, author of Peyton Place. He main- for failing to make alimony payments. McDonald now is also tainer lists — all of which were typed and disseminated to con- tained a mystique, brushing off any questions with intimations being sued for 53.5 million by a widow who claims he illegally cerned members inside the Guild. and obviously, as we now that he was into "heavy" things and survived by various illegal prescribed Laetrile as a cure for her husband's cancer. The know, to a select group outside. In retrospect, it is clear to hustles. highly controversial drug is banned by the FDA, but McDon- Guild leaders that she also efficiently miscoordinated events, Sheila seems to have ties with a range of federal and state ald has been prescribing it for years. like the January 1973 citizen hearings called by Congressman intelligence agencies including the FBI, New York State John Conyers and 45 citizen groups to investigate the workings Police, Maryland State Police and the Washington, D.C. McDonald's frequent tirades in the Congressional Record the country under a zealous, disciplined and thoroughly in- of the criminal justice system. doctrinated cadre of organizers. In fact, it is organized like a Metropolitan Police. We now know that she worked for the against those he believes are "communists" have primarily been designed to whip up a new red scare a la the McCarthy. "vanguard party" of the right wing.' Larry McDonald is, in As the Guild contact, Sheila was assigned to organize the old House Internal Security Committee which became ism of the 1950s. He has delivered detailed reports on a broad effect, a program. for the second day of hearings. In the eleventh hour notorious for its defamatory withhunts against legitimate member of the "Central Committee." And a part of range of New Left, Third World, consumer, environmental, their propaganda machine. it was discovered she had done nothing to prepare the pro- dissent. gram. On being criticized by the main organizer, Sheila threat- peace and justice and even paramilitary right-wing organiza• The information in his "Remarks" to Congress, while far ened to sue him and that "she would get his ass." The or. tions and events, including: the National Council of Churches; from totally accurate, nevertheless, is the product of a highly ganizer, a prominent local community person, had to be dis• the November 1975 Teach-In at the University of Michigan; sophisticated intelligence operation. The same can be said for suaded from making a public statement that she was an agent A Spy In Congress Ann Arbor; the Center for National Security Studies; the the Information Digest. This is not just the work of some and had purposely attempted to sabotage the hearings. Sheila is currently an employee of Congressman Larry P. (for American Civil Liberties Union; the Organizing Committee "right-wing kooks" but of trained professionals. Another example of disruptive behavior was reported from Patton; he claims to be related to General George Patton) for a Fifth Estate, publishers of CounterSpy; NACLA; the Information Digest was produced under the aegis of a New the publicity committee of the National Lawyers Guild Con- McDonald. Democrat from Georgia. Born in in 1935, Movement for a Free Philippines; the Crusade for Justice; the York corporation called National Goals, Inc., begun by John vention in February 1973. On at least three separate occasions McDonald graduated from Darlington School in Rome. Ga. Rockefeller Foundation grant awarded to well-known leftist Rees in 1968. According to the incorporation papers, one cor- during the convention, Sheila and John confronted press and completed premedical training at Davidson College, NC., leaders; the Communist Party USA; the American Federation porate purpose of the company was: "(To) provide an investi- people (escorted by authorized Guild members), challenging after which he went on to receive his doctor of medicine degree of State, County and Municipal Employees; the Peoples Bi- gative service for various branches of government, State. their credentials and security. In the middle of a session, from Emory University School of Medicine in 1957. He served centennial Commission; the National Caucus of Labor Com- Federal, and local and to prepare memoranda, reports, books, Sheila and John. who always sat on the aisle or in the back, four years in the Navy as a physician and flight surgeon, then mittees; Trotskyite and Maoist sects such as Youth Against pamphlets and bulletins with respect thereto." would jump up, Sheila screaming at the reporter or photo- did his residency at Grady Memorial Hospital followed by War and Fascism, Revolutionary Union and the October grapher: "How do we know you're not a pig?" Sheila would three years of postgraduate training in urology at the Univer- League (copies of apparent internal OL Central Committee get into loud, heated arguments and once attempted to sity of Michigan at Ann Arbor. He is a member of the Inde- papers were reprinted from the Intelligence Digest). McDonald physically assault a photographer. In the process, of course, pendent Methodist Church, various medical associations, seems to be singularly concerned with the National Lawyers The Police Connection not only were meetings disrupted, but tenuous relationships Rotary, National Historical Society, the Atlanta Astronomy Guild. however, as was the Intelligence Digest. Recently, he After December 1974, with the conservative Austin, Texas media were effectively Club, and proudly proclaims he is the youngest member of the has also reported extensively on planning for the July 4th Digest was sent to subscribers from destroyed. National Council of the John Birch Society. mobilization in Philadelphia by a coalition of Third World and Post Office Box 13144, Baltimore, Md., the mailing address of a mysterious C.I.R. Associates. Neither the legislative in- Sheila and John would periodically disappear for days at a When McDonald first came to Congress as a freshman Left organizations. vestigation nor time during their stay in Washington. The last time they were representative he spent most of his time lobbying to be placed So far his demagoguery has not impressed the majority of CounterSpy has been able to discover more actually seen was on the June 16, 1973 march to the Watergate on the House Internal Security Committee, but instead Congress, but it is carrying on the mission of the John Birch about C.I.R. Associates. The post office box was authorized to John and Louise Reese (and John O'Connor' by 10,000 citizens protesting Nixon's crimes. Congress decided to abolish the committee.' Since at least Society — to influence the hearts and minds of Americans and 4as well as John eventually achieve political power by mobilizing a dedicated Bad memories abound now. The pistol that unsuspectedly April of 1975, McDonald has been regularly placing highly Norpel, until June, 1974, research director of Senator James minority of anti-communists. The IBS, a predominantly secret Eastland's Senate Internal Security Committee. dropped from Sheila's purse one day in the Guild office. The derogatory —not to mention false — information on dissenters society of 80,000 of America's ruling and middle classes, be- E.M. Hamm. the chief postal inspector in , rent-a-car, stolen in the name of the Guild chairperson. The and anyone else he doesn't like in the Congre,szional Record. lieves in the conspiracy theory of history: nearly everyone to guns and possible wiretap equipment found when a curious (Unfortunately a Congressman can say anything on the floor told the Oversight Office: "A now-retired postal in- the left of its founder, retired Massachusetts candy manu- spector assisted the Maryland State Police in obtaining Post roommate at the Longfellow house broke into John and of Congress without fear of being sued for slander or libel even facturer Richard Welch, is a member of the "Communist Office Box 13144. The assistance was in response to a Decem- Sheila's bedroom, which remained locked during the day and though the information is obviously not so.) It is now obvious conspiracy" or fellow travellers. The organization, founded ber 1974 request from a Maryland State Police officer indi- bolted from inside at night. That same woman pulled from her that most of his information came from the Information Di- in in 1958, operates at the grass roots level cating that a Post Office box was needed by the law enforce• bed and beaten one night later by John on a rampage. All gest, prepared by his employee. Sheila, or S. Louise Rees, as through front groups and inside other organizations across ment agency. They were further told 'If these memories point out one fact: John Seeley and Sheila she appears on the most recent Clerk of the House report. you desire additional

18 CounterSpy. Spring 1976 Spring 1976, CounterSpy 19 information concerning the post office box, you should contact For example, Information Digest had access to the internal The CIA is a job blieldisting operation which claims to have Captain G.R. Grant, Maryland State Police Headquarters.'" and on the so-called Left. Rees's information was invaluable to the intelligence community ... I don't think Rees got his documents of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, including "over 7000,000 cross-indexed cards on individuals, organiza- Grant denied that the Maryland State Police "had rented" letters from the 196647 period, notes from steering commit. tions, publications and movements which have been attempt- Post Office box 13144, but has repeatedly refused to explain information from federal agencies. It was my impression that the federal intelligence community was more dependent on tees and background information on New York City-based ing the destruction of the United States by way of internal the circumstances of how the box was rented or used. On one him than he was on them."' VVAW leaders. Not all the VVAW information was accurate, subversion." It was the CLA that put out a 70-page pamphlet occasion, Grant told the legislative investigators that the con- especially its analysis of Communist Party influence within on the communist threat of the National Lawyers Guild, which clusion by postal authorities "was no doubt a product of in- A case in point: Rees invited D.C. police to bug the Red House and the Longfellow Street house, a frequent meeting the group. They were, however, able to develop insight and merely expands the Information Digest coverage of the 1973 ferences drawn ... from the circumstances prevailing at the understanding of the sectarian questions that finally split Guild Convention in Austin, Texas. time the box was rented." According to the report: place for Guild legal people and Mayday activists. There has been no evidence of bugging at Longfellow Street, VVAW into two separate groups. While some of this informa- The Institute for American Democracy reported in an article "Norpel, now living in California, said he left intelligence yet. In the fall of 1975, the internal affairs division of the D.C. tion could have been obtained through public sources, Infor- on the CLA's blacklisting operations that CLA had notified work in June 1974 and knew nothing about Information their customers that they will receive a publication called Digest, police and the U.S. Attorney's office began an investigation mation Digest was somehow able to obtain discussion papers except that John Rea runs it, and that the only reason and agenda items for VVAW National Steering Committee Information Digest from a "shadowy outfit called National his name appeared on the publication is that Rem let him use into possible illegal break-ins and electronic surveillance by the Meetings prior to the meetings taking place. This information Goals, Inc," — the same "outfit" incorporated in New York the P.O. Box for his personal use. But Norpel says he went to MPD's intelligence division. An internal affairs officer, an Assistant U.S. Attorney and an FBI agent interviewed Rees in clearly came through the use of internal sources. by John Rees in 1968.. California in July, 1974 and cannot explain why his name was on a Maryland P.O. Box opened in December, 1974 except to a Washington motel room under the condition that they not In addition, the Wackenhut Agency, which has strong ties ask Rees his present address, present activities or present work The 'Third Agency' Rule say, 'You can put anybody's name on a mailbox. I had nothing to the JEIS, maintains files on thousands of Americans. Rees to do with that.' for any government agencies. Otherwise, his whereabouts It is also obvious that Information Digest was particularly once worked for Wackenhut. And the IBS itself published, for have been unknown. Neither the legislative investigators nor sensitive about its sources. The November 19, 1971 issue con- profit, the Biographical Dictionary of the Left with dossiers on "At one point, Norpel's wife told the legislative investigators CounterSpy that 'friends' had told her to refer any questions about Norpel have been able to track him. tained a lengthy dissertation revealing some of the inner work- individuals and organizations similar to that found in infor- Information Digest or the Reese or the House committee to Otto Otepka. a for- appears to have formed an underground ings of Information Digest finances, extent of circulation and mation Digest. CounterSpy has also heard that the Interna- mer State Department official.? link between willing and gullible police departments through. the use to which it was put by its subscribers: tional Association of Chiefs of Police may have received In- out the nation. According to the legislative report: "Many formation Digest and used the information to notify employers "Norpel said that Rees was important not only to his com- it will be apparent to the 40 people now receiving the Infor- law enforcement officials say that Rees convinced police de- of activity in their plants and shops. mittee and D.C. police but to the federal government: 'The mation Digest that much of the information Is obtained by partments of his importance by tantalizing them with stories Obviously, the investigation of Information Digest has only information which he brought before the Senate Internal sources active in radical, so-called revolutionary groups. Un- of violent plots and by taking information from one depart- just begun. Already it is clear that the constitutional right of Security Subcommittee was always right on the mark. It pro- controlled dissemination of this information can have the ment and telling another one what he had just learned." The millions of Americans has been violated by an enormous sub- vided background leads for the Venceremos Brigade hearings most serious consequences. raw, unevaluated, editorialized and frequently derogatory in- Recently the dissemination of information has caused prob- culture of right-wing extremists. who have the potential to formation was used, according to the report, "to develop lems to two sources and as a result three people have been sabotage progressive organizations with impunity. Those who dossiers on thousands of patriotic and decent Americans who removed from oar mailing list, and will not be reading this have produced Information Digest are extremely dangerous had committed no crime and were not suspected of committing material. In two instances we believe the problem was caused people. a crime." through stupidity; in one instance a problem was caused by a There are several immediate concerns raised by Information The police are not the only source, if they are a source at all. major breach of confidentiality and a total lack of regard for Digest besides full investigation of those involved. The ques- The information was also collected from publications, such as the accepted ''Third Agency" rife. , tions which should be asked by any investigation include: the newspapers amassed by the Red House bookstore; gossip; It is requested that you keep the Information Digest for use (1) How widespread is the practice of laundering stolen in- and the infiltration of various organizations. At least one ex- within your own organization and do not share it with others: formation through government agencies and Congressional pert contacted by CounterSpy believes that many younger this issue (Nov. 19) in particular is sensitive and should not, offices? Information Digest often reported from stolen infor- members of the extreme right have infiltrated the New Left under any circumstances, be leaked to any organization or mation. Second, Congress should decide whether it is legal or over the past few years to serve as informers for the govern- newsman, however well-established their reputation. If in your proper for a Congressman to countenance the stealing of in- ment and perhaps for right-wing groups. They may be partic- judgement, material should be disseminated, please do not formation by republishing it in the Congressional Record, as ularly active in the sects where dogmatic politics provide an use it in I.D. format: scramble and rewrite! Larry McDonald has done. adequate cover for rightists pretending to be leftists.Thh will CounterSpy has learned that Information Digest material (2) Has Information Digest been used as a blacklist? Several deserve further analysis. It is further apparent that Inform- lawyers who have examined some 2,000 pages of the Informa- ation Digest was not just sent to police departments around the country was not only receiving information from nor is its use only for a John Birch Society "red scare". Both tion Digest believe that the information could have been used government sources but also may have had its own agents the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security to keep prospective law students out of certain law schools in various organizations. One particular report in Agency have also received this information. Copies of a deroga- because of their ties to unpopular causes or the National Information Digest Information Digest indicates that the San Diego tory and inaccurate report on CounterSpy co-editor Winslow Lawyers Guild. It is interesting that one Convention Coalition, a consortium of protest groups Peck from Information Digest appeared in his NSA file re- report on Sally Quinn, linking her to Algerian communists, planning for the 1972 Republican "Convention then leased under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). NSA was circulated shortly before she was fired from CBS as a TV broadcaster. to be held in San Diego had been infiltrated by attributed the information falsely accusing Mr. Peck of LSD usage during a particular event to a "private source". Other (3) Has Information Digest and its reprinting in official Information Digest sources." Congressional Record amounted copies of Information Digest have appeared in CIA files re- government reports and the leased under the FOIA to other individuals. This has prompted to massive violations of privacy? What privacy laws have been the speculation by some experts that even though this was the broken? Who is liable? product of the extreme right the Information Digest may (4) A serious legal question has been raised by the Oversight Information Digest have been sanctioned or in part financed by the massive illegal Office report. Before the appearance of CIA domestic spying operation, CHAOS. (Interestingly, while it has been assumed by most defense lawyers that the term Sheila worked in the National Lawyers Guild office, she some- "confidential informant" referred to an individual. But the times signed correspondence "In chaos and struggle.") report indicates that the New York State Police considered Information Digest such a "confidential informant". Many lawyers question the legality of this designation, and wonder Right Wing Files in how many court cases over the past few years have the "con- The Information Digest also was probably circulated in other fidential informants" of police departments been publica- private rightist circles. John Rees is reported by the New York tions of questionable reliability and bias. Assembly investigators to have edited between 1969 and 1970 These are the questions which should be asked by official the "National Laymen's Digest," a publication of the Church investigation. But CounterSpy is somewhat skeptical that League of America, based in Wheaton, Ill., a Chicago suburb. Congress will undertake such an investigation considering the

20 CounterSpy, Spring 1976 Spring 1976, CounterSpy 21

record of such investigations in the past. feller, Pew and Mellon interests. Directors of the League in- Most notable was that investigation in 1933 into an actual cluded Al Smith and John J. Raskob. The League later formed attempt to make a fascist puppet of President Franklin D. affiliations with pro-fascist, anti-labor and anti-semitic organ- Roosevelt, Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, one of izations. the most remarkable generals in American history, uncovered How do It astonished Butler that former New York Governor Al the plot. A veteran of 35 years in the Marine Corps and twice Smith, who had lost the 1928 presidential race to Republican a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor, he had finally Hoover could be involved in a fascist plot backed by wealthy decided that "war was a racket." men. But the "happy warrior", who had grown up on New His reputation for patriotism, integrity and dedication to York's East Side, had traded his brown derby for a black one. you describe your democracy coupled with his proclivity to speak the truth as he He was now a business associate of the powerful Du Pont saw it, irrespective of official policy, made him a seemingly family, who bad cultivated him through Du Pont official John perfect front for the men who hated Roosevelt. They were 1. Raskob, former chairman of the Democratic Party. Under people with determination, who, if it were possible to replace their influence, Smith had grown more and more politically the President, sought to manipulate him through the person conservative following his defeat. Mother? of an American Mussolini. Their short-sightedness prevented The On Ponts owned a controlling interest in the Reming- their realizing that Butler was obviously the wrong choice for ton Arms Co. from which arms were to be supplied to Butler's the job. invasion army of 500,000 men, many of which were to be re- It just as difficult if she a magazine.. The McCormack-Dirckstein House Committee on Un-Amer- cruited through the American Legion. ican Activities hearing dealt with how Butler was approached Chairman McCormack was himself a Legionnaire and the MOTHER JONES isn't just a magazine about polities, by representatives of the arch-conservative American Liberty revelations of the plot implicating Legion officials might have literature, trivia, music (from RS:13 to Beethoven). home- League — some of whose members are believed to be con- been painful to him, but Butler also knew that McCormack cooking, feminism. poetry. art, the environment, movies, nected to the JBS today — who tried to persuade him to lead was a determined foe of Nazi propaganda and a staunch sup- psychology. backpacking, pottery, and joy land angerl — an army of veterans in demonstration against Roosevelt's porter of New Deal measures. Butler counted on his indigna- it's all those things and more. silver standard. Butler quickly concluded that the silver tion over the conspiracy to bring about a full-scale investiga- tion by the Congress and the Department of Justice. But after standard controversy was being used as a subterfuge to lead MOTHER JONES is a magazine for the rest of us. For veterans against Washington for truly sinister purposes. Upon a superficial investigation during which many of the principals people who are surviving Ihe.age, but who want — and expect discovering the full dimensions of the subterfuge, Butler went involved refuted the testimony of Butler and others, the matter — more. For people who grew up in the Sixties and Seventies. to Washington and blew the conspiracy wide open. was dropped. Whove broken with the old society. but are still looking for The Philadelphia Record and the New York Post said, under In 1964, Speaker of the House John W. McCormack recalled the new. Ifs a kind of road map. compendium, home com- the headline "$3,000,000 Bid for Fascist Army Bared": the plot in his speech before the Democratic Convention in panion and provocation to thought —a catalog of possibilities "Major General Smedley D. Butler revealed today that he has Atlantic City, warning against right-wing extremists in the For yourself and the society you won't find anywhere else. been asked by a group of wealthy New York brokers to lead a Barry Goldwater camp. The conspiracy inspired the novel Or at least all in one place. fascist movement to set up a dictatorship in the United States." Seven Days in May, made into a successful film, which por- trayed a fascist plot by high-placed American conspirators to MOTHER JONES has attracted writers like Robert The group that approached him was the American Liberty Coles. William Appieman Williams. Grace Paley, George capture the White House and establish a military dictatorship League, which had brokerage head Grayson M.P. Murphy as Woodcock. Doris Grumbacb. Pat Wafters. Christopher under the pretext of saving the nation from communism. Few its treasurer and Robert S. Clark as one of its financiers. One Jencks. Denise Levertov. And dozens of new young writers member of the National Executive Committee was John W. of the millions of Americans who read the novel or saw the film with the promise of • radically different magazine that is Davis, writer of pro-gold standard speeches. Its contributors suspected that it was a solid basis in fact.? consplex in times that have grown more simple-minded. Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to included representatives of the Morgan, Du Pont: Rocke- MOTHER JONES is a bit of the Whole Earth Catalog, repeat it. but not quite: a hit of the oltbRamparts, but not quite that FOOTNOTES either: in fact, its a new blend of a whole fistful of magazines. 1. Rees may also be the same John Rees listed as a Lithuanian refugee newspapers, journals, catalogs, and books that we've grown born Vladas Hrikavicias who toured the country for the right-wing to admire over the years. but that taken alone, never quite American Opinion Speakers Bureau, (February 19, 1964, p. 89) de- reflected the complexity, the richness or the range of our lives. nouncing the "communist hordes who forced him to Bee Lithuania way to more than by Ox-cart." Right now MOTHER JONES b on its 2. See "Dawn of a new day: Requiem for HISC/HUAC" by Sylvia 100,000 Chaster Subscribers with a moving study of one E. Crane, CoueterSpy Vol. 2, Issue 3, Spring/Summer 1975 for an woman's loneliness, by Suzanne Gordon. "Ill, my name is Ho Cbi Minh Goldberg"— • look at what it feels like to raise analysis of the years of HISC/HUAC operatione. SEND FOR YOUR 3. Read The Radical Right by Benjamin R. Epstein and Arnold your child — or grow up yourself — communally. Site- Forster, Random House, New York, 1967; and William Turner's photographs of the work of the new "de-architecture" FREE ISSUE TODAY! Power on the Right, Ramparts Press. architects. A report on what happens when workers run 4. This is an alias used by John Rees Seeley. and not the policeman their own factory, the surprises as well as the success.. r "Don't Let Julia Child Get You Down"— talking back to MOTHER JONES 4016 John O'Connor. who for a time infiftrated the VVAW for the D.C. 1255 Portland Place M PD's Intelligence Division. O'Connor quit his undercover work when cookbooks. Tips on buying used cameras. A Bicentennial Boulder, Colorado 80302 he became convinced that VVAW was engaged in legitimate dissent taticirEbir eludes Bragg. And snore... all in and that his spying activities were not justified police work. JONES. YES. please send me a FREE copy of MOTHER JONES 5. Otepka has consistently been involved in the red-baiting of RISC It's a unique magazine, designed for a unique reader. with no obligation. and HUAC. (See: — Ill like it. enroll me as a Charter Subscriber at just 58 fur he year — The Trials of an Executive Witness," Rally Maga- And you can try Ii out with no obligation or commitment. a $4.00 saute. However. it I don't like it, all I have to do is write -cancer zine, November, 1966, and "One Man Against the Establishment," Well send you the current issue of MOTHER JONES FREE. across the bill, and that's it. With no questions asked. l In either case. the Christian Crusade, January-February 1968.) If you like it, well bill you for a year's subscription current issue is mine to keep.) 6. This rule demands that when information is transferred to a new (9 additional issues) at just S8— a 94,00 saving. But if you consumer the original source, if different from the current source, be don't like it — for any reason —just write "cancel" across the Name protected. bill when it comes. That's it. Hassle free. And the issue of 7. Hotnefrom, Address Institute for American Democracy, March, 1969. MOTHER JONES is yours to keep, either way. 8. National Coals Incorporated was started by lohu Rea shortly City after his work for Church League of America terminated. Why not take the chance? There's no obligation, and 9. Jules Archer, The Mot to Seize the White Rouse, State Zip The February 16, 1935, edition of the Philadelphia Record, Hawthorn Books, isn't it about time you got back in touch with the rest Inc., New York, 1973. of us. After all, there's no sense in living the Seventies alone. L. 22 CounterSpy Spring 1976 Spring 1976, CounterSpy 25

The use of rumors, lies, and half truths is commonly called

teaches students at the Army Special Warfare Center at Fort custom within the intelligence community. The FBI used "black propaganda operations," and is a well established of psychological warfare. the goal of COINTELPRO to neutralize the opposition by

black propaganda, which was a national choice of tactics given manufacturing or exploiting weaknesses. The U.S. Army COINTELPRO show that it is computable with this definition rent policy and aims." A look at the major components of Bragg that "... vulnerabilities can best be exploited by means of black propaganda ... and (it) requires great care and


Psychological warfare is similarly defined by the Department

tions. COINTELPRO could be termed a "dis-information" warfare is the "planned use of propaganda and other measures

military, Psy-War purpose. According to internal FBI memo- randa. the Counterintelligence Program was designed to "ex- best be understood by Comparing its stated purpose with the program. havior of enemy, neutral. or friendly groups in support of cur- of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the official DoD

pose. disrupt. and neutralize" targeted groups through the use of rumors, lies, half truths and government "front" organiza- designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitude, and be-

Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms:

of counterintelligence.

Seven general areas of counterintelligence operations have

COINTELPRO as an exercise in psychological warfare can

and Fred Hampton, COINTELPRO was more than a psycho-

logical warfare operation against them and the Black Panther

ing the direct connection to the Bureau itself. Party; it was a death warrant to have them killed without mak-

court trials and Congressional investigations indicate that been described publicly by the FBI, but evidence produced in

to the press that the COINTELPRO was abolished in 1971, other areas also existed. Although the FBI is quick to claim they are just as quick to admit quietly to their friends that they

have abandoned only a consolidated program and not the


Manipulating police and ri-

and Magnum Justice

Psychological Warfare


val political factions like mark-

the FBI "neutralized" the Black ers on a monopoly gameboard, Panther Party in the most bru- tal sense of the word. "


CounterSpy, Spring 1976

For 15 years the Federal Bureau of Investigation managed a

In its wake, the COINTELPRO actions of the FBI shattered

coordinated program of infiltration, disruption, and black

officials of the Bureau. Known as the Counterintelligence

propaganda that was mandated and controlled by the highest tions combined the most vicious aspects of psychological war- Program, or COINTELPRO in FBI Newspeak, these opera- fare and officially sanctioned vigilante terrorism against dis-

sidents and non-whites who challenged the policies of the American government.

many lives. Jobs were lost, homes broken up, reputations 24

ruined, organizations crippled and decimated, and people were killed. For Bunchy Carter, John Huggins, Mark Clark Thu Butz 27

Spring 1976, CounterSpy

suicide several weeks before he was to travel


All the information that the FBI could collect from its in-

FBI agents even interfered with the judicial and political

It was the tactic of using local authorities to do the dirty

Members of the Socialist Workers Party often found that The FBI went to Washington, D.C. building officials on

In 1968, as the New Mobilization Committee and other anti-

Official FBI records show that this blackmail/black propa- The purpose of this type of action was to embarrass (and

Information was also provided to local authorities and other

was of importance to a group on the FBI's laundry list of tar-

COINTELPRO. Members of the SWP and CP-USA lost jobs gets, it would then mount a COINTELPRO action against

1969 raid that resulted in the shootings of Mark Clark and the First Amendment. Black activists and New Left leaders were slurred in leaflets and in the media without justification as the FBI sought to manipulate people through the most lies, rumors, and innuendoes. If the FBI judged that a person

powerful weapon — information, or more correctly in this case, him or her. work the FBI was unable to do itself, that led to raids on the formants, and all the government and private sector agencies because of their political affiliation, a right guaranteed under or attribution to the FBI. Families and friendships were split

homes and offices of the Black Panthers, including the Dec. 4, and institutions that they could use were called into action for

who happened to work as teachers. Dr. Morris Starsky, an un- Fred Hampton. tenured faculty member at Arizona State University, and

the time that Dr. Peck could devote to his work on behalf of both lost their jobs as a result of the FBI contacting the state the Mobe. Maude Wilkerson, a school teacher in Washington. D.C., this tactic was used against them, particularly Party members or local educational authorities. them to perform an audit on his tax returns: IRS, of course, case, the FBI went to the Internal Revenue Service and asked war forces were planning to demonstrate at the Democratic found nothing out of order, but it did create a major drain on an added side benefit; through the housing inspectors they obtained the names and backgrounds of all the parents and students at the school. another occasion and requested that they check a local private school run by the Nation of Islam (Black Muslims). The FBI National Convention in Chicago, the FBI sought to neutralize While they did not succeed in that goal, they were pleased by

one of the Mobe's key figures, Dr. Sidney Peck. In Dr. Peck's violations of the building code to have the school closed down. then congratulated itself because there were no riots in the had hoped that the building inspectors would find enough

rassed. The FBI used this tactic in 1967 to have black leaders to Stockholm and receive the Nobel Peace Price. in one unidentified town arrested and re-arrested on minor COINTELPRO actions. Federal agencies in hopes of having people arrested or har- local charges until they could no longer meet bail. The FBI town that summer. ganda operation was used by the FBI in 20 percent of all that the FBI had gone so far as to even suggest to Dr. King that therefore affect the political power of) key movement activists. King's private life. At one point, Senate investigators found he should commit agents in distributing FBI black propaganda. The most notorious examples of this were in connection with the Bureau's attempts to discredit end even blackmail Dr.

them to use journalists as intelligence sources and as active

Martin Luther King through the use of tapes made of Dr.

Spreading Black Propaganda

The second most popular tactic used in COINTELPRO was

Organizations can sometimes be crippled by the use of a

Such black propaganda was also used to create friction be-

A variation of this tactic was often used to split Black and

The tactic of framing Party members as informers was not In his testimony before the Senate Select Committee on In-

This structure and reporting system provided a simple but

The most popular tactic was the manufacturing of false and

for years had developed a media liaison program that allowed

the dissemination of confidential and semi-public information Senate Select Committee on Intelligence points out, the FBI to friendly sources within the media. As the final report of the St. Louis, the FBI attempted to stop a white woman who was "some Black sisters"; it complained that the woman was

working with a predominately Black neighborhood group. In

sleeping with "their" men. through the use of lies, that would stop the Panthers and SDS to the woman's husband alleging infidelity and adultery. The from working in a political coalition. letter was written in street language and purported to be from order to neutralize her, the Bureau sent an anonymous letter

Chapter of the Panthers were instructed to create a dynamic,

White movement groups from cooperating and coalescing. tion succeeded in creating tension between the Mobilization Black Panther Party. Selected informants within the Illinois Counterintelligence technique against a key individual. In a high cash bond to insure that Washington's black com- from building the largest anti-war demonstration of the 1960's. committee and the Black United Front and diverting energy tween the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and the

a manufactured letter, the FBI demanded the "Mobe" post munity would not be harmed by the demonstration. That ac-

the Communist Party and the New Left. of Washington, D.C., to make false money demands from the In 1969, the FBI used an informant, in the Black United Front tion. where none existed, that loyal members were informants, and telligence. Deputy Associate Director James B. Adams stated anonymous information and distributing it in such a way as San Francisco Police departments. The purpose of the false stealing Party funds, that wiretaps were installed in places posals, and evaluation, 3,247 counterintelligence actions were ization from Washington. Under this system of reports, pro- New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam. In used the oldest psy-war tactic, the manipulation of informa- to create or aggrevate tension. This tactic accounted for a full other lies designed to promote factionalism. disrupt groups." In order to conduct the disruptions, the FBI leak was to make the Panthers think that the leadership was any form of counterintelligence activity without specific author- the Bureau decided to disseminate false information to mem- 40 percent of all FBI COINTELPRO actions. On one occasion, bers of the Oakland, Ca., chapter of the Black Panther Party considered and 2,370 were conducted. pose of harrassment of an individual ... they were designed to actions in progress, actions completed and their results, and that COINTELPRO actions "were not designed for the per. by fabricating an anonymous "leak" within the Oakland or

limited to the Panthers. The FBI used that tactic against both efficient bureaucratic mechanism for strict control over the

miscellaneous information. program. Headquarters constantly warned field offices to avoid

COINTELPRO information into four areas: actions pending,

King, the subject


weeks after Hoover's memo, one of his major adver-

Prevent the rise of a Black "messiah", such as Martin

Prevent violence;

Prevent Black groups and leaders "from gaining respect.

Prevent the long-range growth of Black groups, especially


On October 12, 1961, the FBI turned its sights on the Social-

The nee target group became those the Bureau termed

With the expansion of the civil rights movement and the

Six months later, on February 29, 1968, Hoover expanded

(I) Prevent coalitions of Black groups;


(3) (4)



In May, 1968. the FBI began a fifth domestic counterintel-

PRO action.

ist Workers Party (SWP). According to a memo signed by

Hoover, the SWP's sins included their support of "Castro's

Cuba", integration, and their sponsoring socialist candidates

Each of the Counterintelligence Programs operated along the

in local and national elections. "White Hate Groups." Seventeen Ku Klux Klan chapters were targeted for COINTELPRO operations under a mem-

that the problem might simply be a few bad apples in the bar-

orandum that included a subtle note of apology. As if to say Recommendations for counterintelligence actions were then

rel, Hoover wrote: "Often these groups act without the ap-

ducting attacks on civil rights workers and Blacks. the FBI to target "Black Nationalist - Hate Groups" for corm. proval of the Klan organization or membership" when con- emergence of nationalism among Blacks, Hoover ordered

terintelligence disruption. In an August 25, 1967, memo, the Bureau's position on the COINTELPRO-Black Nationalist The field office coordinators also provided Sullivan and

ties of black nationalist, hate-type organizations and group- Hoover outlined the goals of the newest COINTELPRO: "to ings, their leadership, spokesmen, membership, and sup- expose, disrupt, misdirect, or otherwise neutralize the activi- program with a memo that outlined five specific goals: Luther King, , and Elijah Mohammed;

porters ..."


is their recruitment of youth.

saries was eliminated. Dr. Martin Luther of a seven-year Bureau campaign of wiretapping and harrass-

ment, was killed by a sniper in a Memphis hotel. King had

changed his hotel after the FBI planted a story in the local for his assassination.

press that he was living in a Holiday Inn rather than in a local

Black-owned hotel. Deliberate or not, the FBI set Dr. King up

white New Left. The goals were the same: the use of propa-

ligence effort, this time targeted against the predominately

ganda and other disruptive measures to neutralize an FBI

same basic lines. At each participating field office (not all


offices were involved with every program), a counterintelli-

gence coordinator was selected and charged with supervision the proper technique to create the desired disruption or of the program locally. It was the coordinator's job to identify

potential weaknesses within the target grouping and devise

neutralization. prepared with descriptions of the target group, the action to

be taken, and desired results. This letter was then sent to FBI

Headquarters in Washington, D.C., where they were either Assistant Director in charge of the Intelligence Division, and approved or rejected. The official primarily responsible for

COINTELPRO was William Sullivan, who in 1961 became the

his deputy, Charles D. Brennan.

Brennan with quarterly status reports on the progress of

COINTELPRO activities in their areas. These reports broke



CounterSpy, Spring 1976

Great care and secrecy were the watch words of COINTEL-

NBC reporter Carl Stern read the Media Papers and, sensing

Since the first documents released to Stern and Plessar on

The first FBI counterintelligence operation was initiated in PRO. Had it not been for the burglary of the FBI Resident

to the press. An analysis of the documents showed that 45 per- of COINTELPRO may have never been uncovered. In that

burglary, internal FBI memos were stolen and later released

tance to the Vietnam War, and 40 percent with other political cent of the FBI memos dealt with criminal activities, 1 percent

with organized crime. 14 percent with draft and military resis-

activities. Among the political activities documents were several relating to the Counterintelligence Program. An order

to terminate COINTELPRO came within six weeks of the

buiglary, shortly after the documents were released to the It was easy for the FBI to develop information for a CP-USA

for the documents authorizing the program. After a two-year

press. an important story, he filed a Freedom of Information request

Stern's attorney, Ronald Plessar, pursued the matter and fin- One "high level" informant was a Security Officer in the legal battle, the FBI released some of the documents to Stern.


ally forced the Bureau to release a second series of documents. From Plessar and Stern's work came the first flood of informa-

December 7, 1973, there have been two major lawsuits focused Workers Party and Young Socialist Alliance against the FBI,

on COINTELPRO. One suit has been brought by the Socialist 'Agency office in Media, Pa., on March 8, 1971, the existence

CIA, and various government officials. The second suit was

Black Panther Party apartment and the relatives of two men

brought by the survivors of the December 4, 1969 raid on a

killed in the raid, Mark Clark and Fred Hampton. The recent

House and Senate intelligence investigations revealed a of previously unknown facts around the FBI and COINTEL-

PRO. From these major sources, it is possible to see how

COINTELPRO developed as a psychological warfare activity.

1956 and targeted against the Community Party-USA (CP-

was justified by a "prevailing view in Congress and the Amer-

ican people that the Federal Government should take approp- USA). According to former Attorney General Saxbe, the effort

riate steps against domestic subversion." Perhaps the real

frustration with the failure of the government to imprison com- the Socialist Workers Party, had failed in its goals. Of 141

reason was J. Edgar Hoover's personal dissatisfaction and

munists. The Smith Act, designed to destroy the CP-USA and

in prison. When the Supreme Court ruled in 1957 that advo-

cacy of a doctrine or "evil intent" was still covered by the people indicted under the Smith Act, only 29 ever served time

26 Party structure, finances, and the personal lives of the mem- were FBI informants and provided a wealth of information on First Amendment, the Smith Act lost its main thrust. It be- came clear to Hoover that other steps had to be taken.

COINTELPRO: of an estimated 8,500 members, 1,500 of them

any more informants unless they were in "the highest policy bership. Hoover finally had to order his agents not to recruit

making levels" of the Party. On August 28, 1956, the CP-USA

began. Central Committee of the CP-USA. According to former FBI agent Jack Levine, the Security Officer was responsible for

discrediting loyal Party members and granting clearances to

many the Justice Department later admitted was a COINTEL- others who were actually FBI plants. This tactic was one of



Los Angeles

goals, and the


The Glasshouse Tapes,

gang warfare with attendant

Spring 1976, CounterSpy

(emphasis added)

the killing, the fact remains that the FBI

Panther Program "Revised"


fully capitalize upon BPP and US differences



taking on the aura of


"morally the FBI must share the responsibility for his


prevail in the ghetto area of southeast San Diego. Although

After San Diego Panther Clifford Bell was shot to death, the

At the meeting the US position suffered a setback. As the As Paul Jacobs pointed out recently in the

Soon, the streets of San Diego and Los Angeles were the At the time of the FBI memos about aggravating tension While it cannot be proved that any law enforcement officer The aggravation of tension between the Panthers and US did The same tactic, pitting Black against Black, was attempted

"In order "Shootings, beatings, and a high degree of unrest continues

To continue sharpening the rift between BPP and US, Sul-

San Diego Field Office told Washington that is was consid- to

tween US and the Panthers through their subtle methods of

Karanga, head of US, was supporting one of his loyalists. actions of an undercover informant named Louis Tackwood. thers. between the two Black groups, the Black Student Union at students began to leave the dining room in Campbell Hall, fice sent a memo to Washington that stated: posters printed and plastered up around the ghetto. found. The Carter-Huggins position was gaining within the work of the Panthers was set back by their loss. ering revising its black propaganda and suggested "a new knew they were fueling a fire when they increased tension be- thers." two groups. Whether Sullivan welcomed this increase in ten- psy-war. The FBI realized part of its goals with the death of Carter and Huggins: Two potential leaders of the Panthers and Hoover approved the idea. The FBI had derogatory wall threats of murder and reprisals. Tackwood claimed. in his book, Union when a meeting was called for January 17, 1969. submit hard-hitting counterintelligence measures aimed at site of new leaflets designed to heighten the tension between the UCLA was preparing for the election of a new president. Ron actually crippling the BPP" the LAPD armed the United Slaves. members of US pulled out guns and shot the two young Pan- were "neutralized" before they reached Black Panthers Bunchy Carter and John Huggins were advo- cartoon (be) considered in the hopes that it will assist in the sion and hoped that some Panther would die, is yet to be (Carter's) death, for the bureau now admits that it fomented dissension and fierce fighting between US and the Black Pan- cating a delay in the election until other candidates could be continuance of the rift between the Panthers and US." Sullivan ment liaison with the FBI, William Hynes, was directing the no specific counterintelligence action can be credited with by the FBI in Chicago. When Fred Hampton and the Chicago US organization. The struggle has reached such proportions suggestion letters to the Bureau on the Panthers. amount of this unrest in directly attributable to this program." proved. What is known is that the Los Angeles Police Depart- as well as to exploit all avenues of creating further dissension he was acting as a liaison between the police and US, and that contributing to this overall situation. it is felt that a substantial livan ordered each participating field office to submit biweekly

in the ranks of the BPP, recipient offices are instructed to Times, Panthers began to talk with street gangs about common goals not stop when Carter and Huggins were murdered. Eight months and one day after their death, the San Diego Field Of-

that it

destroy poli-


war As Magnum Justice



The FBI was fully cognizant of the potential for violence as

Even the Senate Select Committee, in their special COIN- "The rhetoric of the Bureao — as these programs advanced

On November 25, 1968, a Sullivan/Hoover memo was sent

Rowe's actions were not directly linked to any COINTEL- Manipulating police and rival political factions like markers Provoking violence through psy-war and "cut-outs" can be

"For the information of recipient offices a serious struggle is

a consequence of the counterintelligence program. In the case frontations between the Panthers and either the police or other with the Klan did not experience similar situations where the technique known as the use of a "cut out" (third party) or "maintaining plausible denial." felt that the tone of COINTELPRO memos relating to Blacks found violence was integral to COINTELPRO actions against the desired result of COINTELPRO actions. By provoking con• them; psy-war took on the characteristic of Magnum Justice political groups, the Bureau was able to "neutralize" the of the Black Panther Party (BPP), it appears that violence was Panthers without direct complicity — a standard intelligence FBI told them to improve their credibility at the expense of TELPRO report, had to admit that such activities "involved warfare techniques to "neutralize" the Black Panthers in the ties were a part of the conspiracy. USA to the ultimate programs of Black Nationalist and New to FBI field offices participating in the COINTELPRO-Black just risk, it is fact, that members of the Black Panther Party towards the Black Panther Party. most brutal sense of the word. Documentation presented to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and as evidence arriving in Birmingham would be greeted by local Klan mem- Again, the FBI did nothing to intervene even though they were case called for an FBI-instigated raid on the Chicago Panther Nationalist program. It stated in part: documented in three separate operations around the Black Slaves (US). The second was the attempts to pit the Blackstone civil rights workers and Blacks. the factional differences between the Panthers and the United risk of serious bodily injury or death to the targets." It is not and the New Left were worthy of comment. Minority counsel Rangers, a Chicago street gang, against the Panthers; the third bets who had police assurances that they could beat the civil PRO request, but they are an indirect result of the program. Had Rowe not been participating in COINTELPRO actions, did. It is hard to believe that other FBI informants involved on a Monopoly gameboard, the FBI used their psychological show that the Bureau's approach to the Panthers was one of Curtis Smothers told the senators: Panther Party. One was the attempt by the Bureau to intensify and Mark Clark. aware of potential civil rights violations and that local authori- rights workers for 15 minutes before they would be stopped. in the case of the Klan, some indication that they genuinely headquarters that led to the assassination of Fred Hampton in a civil suit over the death of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark being at war. Even the Senate Select Committee investigators were looking after violence and not simply to destroy the he would not have needed to maintain the deep cover that he tical protest groups that you could imagine. . . ."

Left . . . the most extreme rhetoric of a plan Left — became tougher and tougher, and what began as eff-

groups — became in the case of the Black Nationalist and New taking place between the Black Panther Party (BPP) and the

forts to disrupt — the word used for the Communist Party, and

from the initial program relating to the Communist Party.

his Bureau supervisors to


Phony Organizations

FBI Provoked Violence

The FBI has admitted that its informants were told to de-

Another counterintelligence tactic was the use of "nation-

At least one Ku Klux Klan "klavern" was established by the

It is believed by many Bureau critics that as many as six

In New Orleans, FBI husband-wife team Jill and Gi Schafer

Gi Schafer used his credentials to visit Paris and attend a The Red Star Cadre was another notional group established

ing the thoughts and individuals that he opposed. COINTEL•

PRO brings to mind the famous statement by an American

infantry officer in Vietnam ... "We had to destroy the village in order to save it."

liberately perform acts of disruption, but it denies that such

Psychological warfare is generally considered to be a non-

activity is synonymous with the use of agent provocateurs.

als", or political organizations manufactured by the FBI to FBI informant Gary Thomas Rowe was a participant in

Attorney General Saxbe claimed that this tactic was used only serve as front groups within both right and left wing circles.

against Ku Klux Klan type organizations, but public state- was supposed to attract both unorganized and potential KKK

ments and news reports contradict his claim.

Bureau and composed entirely of FBI informants. This klavern Rowe once informed the FBI seven days in advance that the adherents as well as members of other Klaverns who were dis- satisfied with other Klan groups. It was hoped that the use of

notional klaverns would eventually create a situation where

leave and drain the strength of the group.

large number of United Klaus of America members would phony "Mao-ist" groups were set up by the FBI in its COIN-

TELPRO-New Left activities. Only two have been definitely

identified, and the FBI refuses to comment on the possibility that others were created.

were paid 510,000 per year for their services, which included

the founding of the Red Star Collective. The Schafers used

Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Provisional Revolu-

meeting between anti-war activists and representatives of the tionary Government of South Vietnam. He later went to the Red Star Collective as a base for a wide range of activities, including a trip to China for Jill. Wounded Knee during the 71 day confrontation between

Oglala Sioux and the U.S. government. He was asked to leave by the FBI in Tampa, Florida. Informant Joseph Burton was

because Wounded Knee support people began to suspect him

Burton opened a junk shop that-became a center for Movement of being an agent. activity in the Tampa Bay area. responsible for establishing the group after he had attempted to infiltrate the United Electrical Workers. Using FBI money,

violent activity. Anthropologist Margaret Mead has defined

psy-war as one of the "forms of conflict in which the killing

of people is not sanctioned." While it is true that the COIN-

TELPRO actions were not violent in their own, the results of

FBI COINTELPRO actions were sometimes very violent,

COINTELPRO activities against the Ku Klux Klan. On two

especially against Blacks.

separate occasions, he was told

participate in beatings of civil rights workers in Alabama. The

Bureau justified the action by telling Rowe that it was neces-

Klan would attack Blacks at a county fair. The FBI did not

sary for him to build and maintain his cover within the Klan.

occasion, Rowe gave three weeks notice that ""

intervene to prevent the beatings from occurring. On a second



FBI: Crooks with Badges

Although not officially listed as counter-

Other criminal actions included mall theft

So far, no Bureau official or Special Agent

CounterSpy, Spring 1976

criminal actions in the name of national

intelligence activities, the FBI has engaged in

security. In their operations against the

Socialist Workers Party, the FBI engaged in

92 burglaries of SWP New York offices in the

glary every six and a half weeks.

period of 1960 -1966, or en average of one bur-

and mall opening and the use of electronic

surveillance without court authorization 116

Martin Luther King alone). separate bugs and wiretaps against Dr.

has been indicted for the activities.

and red-baited campaign workers who did not conform to the process when they so desired. FBI agents visited candidates

FBI's concept of an acceptable American. Judges and grand

jury foremen were shown confidential reports on an "off the matters. No institution, the press, the electoral process and the

Edgar Hoover declared himself the political censor of America, record" basis in hopes of affecting their decisions in legal and the counterintelligence program was his vehicle for silenc- legal system were immune from manipulation by the FBI. John

28 been turned over to the plaintiffs, most of which remains under Kelley did not volunteer any information about "intensive officer, FBI Special Agent Roy Mitchell, the COINTELPRO a court-ordered seal. Some of the information that has come investigations" or any other aspect of domestic counterintelli- coordinator for the Chicago office. out in court has been very damaging, especially an FBI map of gence. Not one Senator had the courage to confront Kelley on Between March and December, 1969, police conducted 16 the Panther apartment with Hampton's bed marked with an X. this, or to probe him with questions on how the over 54.3 mil- raids against Panther offices and apartments in over ten cities. As with Bunchy Carter and John Huggins, the FBI's COIN- lion would be spent. The Appropriations Committee kept Mr. Three of those raids occurred in Chicago. including the one TELPRO must shoulder the blame for the death of Clark and Kelley before them for the shortest possible time and said that led to the deaths of Hampton and Clark. The chronology Hampton. The raid was not an accident; the targeting of nothing to challenge his statements, just as they did with of events leading to that final raid is complex, but several • Hampton was deliberate because he had the potential for being Hoover when he was Director. major events stand out: something Hoover greatly feared, a Black "messiah". Hamp- When the first COINTELPRO was established, the threat of June 4. 1969: FBI Special Agent In Charge of the Chicago ton was a "danger" because he had begun to forge alliances domestic communism was used to justify the program. Today, Field Office, Marlin Johnson, leads a raid on the Chicago between the Panthers and poor Appalachian White and Puerto the government is touting a new enemy, a new rationale for Panther Office. Before entering the offices, the FBI announced Ricans. Such dangers had to be countered by the Bureau, and repression, just as they used the Red Scare of the 1950's. That their intention and meets no resistance. Money and lists of COINTELPRO provided the most effective vehicle for doing new threat, of course, is terrorism. contributors are seized, eight Panthers arrested. All charges so. As former Attorney General Sazbe pointed out, the COIN- There are many other questions that the American people are later dropped. telpro tactic of advising local police of intelligence in hopes of must face. We would be a naive people if we really believed that July 16, 1969: Chicago Police and two Panthers are involved fomenting an arrest was a common and perfectly legal tactic, the worst of these abuses of power have concluded. Call it psy- in a shoot-out. One Panther is killed, the second arrested. notwithstanding an effective "neutralization" tactic. war or COINTELPRO, the fact remains that the FBI's war Charges are later dropped. Current Counterintelligence against those labeled political enemies, continues today. July 31,' 1969: A second police-Panther shoot-out. Five Judging from the recent events on the Pine Ridge Reservation, policemen wounded, three Panthers arrested. All charges later On April 28, 1971, just six weeks after the Media break-in. the viciousness that the FBI once displayed against the Pan- dropped. 1. Edgar Hoover ordered the FBI to terminate COINTEL- thers has now been re-focused on the American Indian Move- October 16, 1969: A second raid on the Panther headquar- PRO for security reasons. In a carefully worded order to the ment. Who's next after AIM7 ters leads to the arrest of six Panthers for attempted murder. field offices, Hoover made it clear that the FBI was not aban- All charges were later dropped. doning the use of psychological warfare tactics; all that was November 13, 1969: Another shoot-out between the police affected by the order was the reporting and supervision system See Elaine Brown's commentary on the Senate Committee's and the Panthers leaves two policemen and one Panther dead. established by Sullivan. In that order, Hoover instructed his reports on COINTELPRO's goal to destroy the Black Panther The dead Panther, Spurgeon Jake Winters, is alleged to have agents that: fired the first shot. "In exceptional instances where it is considered counter- Party (page 31. On November 21, 1969, the FBI approached the Chicago intelligence is warranted, recommendations should be sub- police and suggested another raid on the Panther headquar- mitted to the Bureau under the individual case caption to ters. Informant O'Neal told his case officer that there was a which it pertains. These recommendations will be considered An FBI COINTELPRO cartoon produced and circulated stockpile of weapons in the apartment-headquarters at 2337 on an individual bast's." to enrage the two Black organizations. West Monroe St.; and although the information indicated that Under these new guidelines, a Special Agent who desired to the weapons were all legally obtained, the police planned a raid disrupt the activities of, for example, Women's Strike for Peace and work, the FBI moved swiftly to prevent one of Hoover's for November 25th. On November 23rd the raid was cancelled would submit his ideas to Sullivan under the regular routing greatest fears, the coalition of militant Black organizations. To when O'Neal reported that the weapons had been removed system for all reports on Women's Strike. By changing the keep distance between the two groups, the Chicago Field Office because the Panthers had heard of the impending raid. reporting system, the FBI was able to state truthfully that the suggested that tensions between the Panthers and the Black• On December 1. the FBI contacted the Special Prosecutions Counterintelligence Programs had been abolished and even stone Rangers be further aggravated through a bit of black Office of the Illinois State Attorney and informed them that produce the appropriate memos to support their claims, and propaganda. On January 30. 1969, Sullivan authorized the the weapons had been returned. On December 2, a raid was still have the option of using the techniques and tactics when Chicago office to send the following anonymous letter to planned for the evening of the 3rd. to be led by State's Attorney they so desired. Ranger leader Jeff Fort: Edward Hanrahan. Sgt. Daniel Groth of the Chicago Police There have yet to be any exposures of continued use of coun- Brother Jeff Department was in charge of the 14 officers assigned to the terintelligence techniques other than a few statements by I've spent some time with some Panther friends on the west raid. Joseph Barton, who claims he was involved with COINTEL. side lately and I know what's been going on. The brothers that Groth and Hanrahan decided to raid the house at 8:00 p.m. PRO type disruptions right up to the time he quit the FBI in run the Panthers blame you for blocking their thing and their's on December 3. When they learned that the apartment would 1974. supposed to be a hit out for you. I'm not a Panther, or a be empty, they changed their time to 4:45 mm. on December 4. Los Angeles Times reporter Narda Zaceino reported on Sept. Ranger. just Block. From what I see these Panthers are out for Had the raid occurred during the Panther absence, the illegal 22, 1975, that an FBI official had admitted to her that counter- themselves not black people. I think you ought to know what weapons the police claimed were inside the apartment could intelligence activities were continuing, but the official refused they're up to, I know what I'd do Y. I was you. You might hear have been confiscated without confrontation. to divulge the name applied to counterintelligence activities. from me again. In planning for the attack. Groth and Hanrahan armed their Investigators for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence A black brother you don't know men with a Thompson sub-maching gun, an automatic car- had slightly more luck than Zaceino. In the course of their When Chicago suggested the letter on January 13, 1969, they bine, five shotguns, .38 specials and .357 magnums. No pro- work, they were able to identify the title applied to current noted that, for the Rangers, "violent type activity, shooting and visions were made for outside lighting, tear-gas, or even prior counterintelligence efforts — intensive investigations. If they the like, are second nature." The Chicago office recommended surveillance of the building. discovered more than a name, they did not reveal it during the against using the tactic in reverse (a fake Ranger letter to the At the appointed hour, they struck; 98 shots were fired, only course of public hearings, other than official explanations for Panthers) because the Panthers were not considered to be as one from a Panther weapon. As ballistics would later show, it the need to continue such work. violent as the Rangers. The intent of this memo is clear: if the was impossible for the first shot to have been fired by Mark The shortcomings of Congressional oversight over the FBI letter went to the Rangers, people may be shot; if it went to the Clark. During the course of the firing, the bullets fired into became obvious when FBI Director Clarence Kelley appeared Panthers, the desired results may not have been realized. In Hampton's bed shook the mattress as Deborah Johnson tried before the Senate Appropriations Committee last winter. any event, the tactic failed to get Fred Hampton killed, so to cover Hampton's body. Hampton never had a chance that During his appearance to ask for continued FBI funding, another technique was used to neutralize the Panthers in evening; an independent autopsy later revealed a large quan- Kelley told the Senators that a large number of Soviet bloc Chicago. tity of barbiturates in his stomach. Hampton was not a drug intelligence officers were operating within the United States. The FBI managed to place an informant within the Panther user. Kelley asked the Committee to approve a budget that con- organization named William O'Neal. O'Neal worked his way Currently, the families of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark tained authorization for 84,350,000 for counterintelligence through the organization and was finally assigned the job of and the survivors of the December 4th raid are seeing the activities. Under that authorization, the FBI would increase its bodyguard to Hampton, who was the Illinois State Chairman. Federal, Illinois State, and Chicago authorities in a 547 million coumerintelligence staff by 250 people. O'Neal's activities were monitored and directed by his case "wrongful death" suit. A massive amount of information has Spring 1976, CounterSpy 31 30 CounterSpy, Spring 1976 was


Jo makes a


Spring 1976, CounterSpy

a positive thing. I resigned from the FBI in


I was to be, you know — they used words like. "Be a


. -


In fact, the Senate report exposes the use of women, as tools

In a statement to the Senate Committee,

I was to go to meetings, write up reports, or phone in reports

In my family, being a sister is a serious and loving commit-

Those who knew Mary Jo question whether she was, in fact,

of the government to spy not only on women but other social

purpose informant. While in the employ of the FBI to collect Attica Defense Committee, Mary Jo helped organize a confer- change organizations. Mary Jo Cook is a typical paid multi-

information on the Vietnam Veterans Against the War and its

ence and rally for International Women's Day; she partic- ipated in a consciousness-raising group with VVAW women; she took two courses at a Women's Studies School; she was the telephone contact for the Mildred Prim Defense Committee and one of the telephone contacts for Sisters of Sappho, a lo- cal lesbian organization. According to her testimony before the Senate Select Committee, over a FA year period she

nected with the VVAW/WSO alone:

able to turn over information on as many as 1.000 people con-

voice of reason, be a big sister, be sort of a guiding force in the sounded like a legitimate thing to do. so I agreed to work for organization and keep things calm, cool, and collected." That

the FBI. . . on what happened, who was there, in some way to try to totally identify the background of every person there, what their rela-

righteous apology for her involvement in the "big sister" pro- tionships were, who they were living with, who they were sleep- local relationships among the people in the organization. gram.

ing with, to try to get some sense of the local structure and the

ment to other human beings. I make this commitment to

VVAW/WSO unaware that the FBI had no intentions of hon-

oring it. The more I understood and defined VVAW/WSO alarmed that a real involvement in the democratic process was

as a process, the more I became aware that the FBI's response not regarded to this process was inimical. I became confused and then and valid organization. This resignation was a matter of moral Premiered at the National Lawyers Guild Convention, Houston. so naive and not a conscious informant. They agree with her observation: "A 1984 female Big Brother is a monstrous vio- lation of my identity as a sister." November 1974 certain that VVAW/WSO was a legitimate principles and patriotic duty."

Battle Hymn of Senate Bill One

It would trample every freedom, it's against the people's will, It would jail all the workers who are struggling to be free,

Mine eyes have seen the horror of the coming of a bill,

It would execute our heroes, it would put them to the axe, We won't let S-I through!

S-1 would jail the Indians, it would jail the poor and blacks, It would keep us all from talking of the truth that makes as free, We won'llet S-1 through!

We will stop it on the Hill, and we will stop it in the streets, We will stop this fascist monster, Choru. The ghost of Nixon will not rule us, We won't let S-1 through!

Texas, February IS, 1976. According to national and international

are under the control of the Mideast Regional Tabernacle Choir. copyright regulations. these songs may be used only for the total defeat STOP of Senate Bill One. All other use is strictly prohibited. Recording rights



Apparently the Women's Liberation Movement is

In the System?


fect that (name deleted) was in the forefront


see this as part of the general pattern of harassment

the e

Informants were not just limited to "radical" women's

Along with this, they (the women) wanted a purpose and that

An FBI analysis of the group, which was sent to FBI head-

In a news release the staff of "Women" charge the FBI with

Although COINTELPRO nominally terminated in 1971,


Church, Adams: Yes. Adams, to Miss America Pageant lost September in Atlantic City, said the protest was aimed at "the commerciality of the Bridal Fair and the institution of marriage as it exists in this culture to de- In earlier testimony, Adams explained why the case was

humanize both parties — but especially, to oppress women."

(Name deleted) on (date deleted) 1969, furnished information groups. The Senate report documents investigations of the Bal-

scribed as a "group therapy session." The memo continued in We principal organizers of WITCHES and was very instrumental its description: The Baltimore Women's Liberation Movement was one of in its success." timore Women's Liberation Movement, which the FBI de-

was to free women from the hum-drum existence of being only a wife and mother. They wanted equal opportunities that men The women from Baltimore conclude: have in work and in society. They wanted their husbands to

wanted to go out and work in whatever kind of jobs they want- ed and not be discriminated against as women. (Included in share in the housework and in rearing their children. They also quarters, and again, to three military agencies concluded that women, "Women: A Journal of Liberation. the Baltimore women had nothing to do with violence, sub- version, or extremism, but still, "We will continue to follow the file is a leaflet describing a publication of the Baltimore and report the activities of the Women's Liberation Movement.

gross violation of their rights: "Our phones have been tapped, our mail has been opened, we've been followed, our houses have been watched, and our groups have been infiltrated."

Liberation Movement ended, and there is every indication that

the documents do not reveal when surveillance of the Women's

the spying continues under a different name to keep a running list of names of women in leadership. An exchange between

Senator Frank Church and James Adams at the Senate Select would remain a target of the intelligence community: Committee hearings reinforces the contention that women

no longer under suspicion by the FBI and the case has been

closed. What happens when the case is closed? Are those women's names still left in the files? Are they forevermore contained?

closed: "... I don't think anyone is going to dominate or con- trol (the Women's Liberation Movement). That is a very inde- many women's groups under surveillance across the country. pendent group." Missouri at Kansas City (UMKC); however, no campus or

including "an inactive Women's Liberation Movement (WLM) group . .. indicated as a campus organization at University of Lawrence, Kansas."

where or on college campuses at Columbia, Missouri, and

other significant activities were reported by sources from 4/20/70 to October. 1970. No WLM group identified else-

every reason to believe this surveillance is continuing against pursued by government law enforcement agencies to intimi- organized movements for social change all over the country. date women's groups throughout the United States. We've

Magazine (2/15/69). The fol-


The FBI divided the feminist movement into two groups,

The liberal group preaches the necessity of doing away with

An informant's account of the WITCH protest of a New

The informant in the memo also pointed out that few of the

"Here comes the slaves, off to their graves," the WITCHES

Audience keeps calm. A few minutes later, several WITCHES who manage to

(Name deleted), a former child actress who helped organize

informers' reports—minus names, and presumably "security

information"—all from the year 1969.

radicals and liberals. From the New York memo:

male chauvinism and the complete equality of women, but they

institutions. The basic difference between them and the radical

rect result of "the establishment" and existing institutions and

group is that the radicals state that male chauvinism is a di- that these must be torn down before women will have their Women's International Terrorist Conspiracy From Hell equality. (Informant) stated that in the New York area the (WITCHES) is a radical group active for Women's Liberation.

Another group which is an offshoot of the WITCHES in the to have split off from the WITCHES because of a more radical York Bridal Show appears in an FBI report dated 7/2/69, approach to the problem. Another group believed to be form- women "have had political backgrounds:"

feel that this should be done within the framework of existing ing in the NY area is the "Molly Maguirea." New York area is the Red Stockings and they are considered with generous quotes from

lowing report went to three military intelligence units as well as the FBI headquarters under the heading: Women's Libera- tion Movement, Information Concerning — MISC:

sang, to the tune of the traditional wedding march. Then the picketers — both men and women — stood in a circle and pledged themselves to each other, but without the traditional

promise to obey.

ence. instead of screaming and panicking seemed sorry for the mice and tried to gather them up so they wouldn't be stepped sneak past the guards let loose 100 white mice in the Felt

Forum before the bridal show began. But the girls M the audi-

on. the demonstration and who took part in the picketing of the


Women's Liberation—A Subversive Act?

what you have here is the set up of oar investigative ac-

CounterSpy, Spring 1976


For the first time, there is documentation that the FBI has

The FBI began its file labelled, "Women's Liberation Move-

Although it believed there was no nationwide women's or-

The "militancy" and "violence" in the movement of which

watched both liberal and radical women's groups since the be- ing to the report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelli-

gence. J. Edgar Hoover saw a threat of subversion in women ginnings of the women's liberation movement in 1969. Accord- and struggles for equality.

ment," in early 1969 at the request of the New York City FBI demonstrating and organizing around their sexual oppression office. At that time, according to a memo from the New York office to then Director 1. Edgar Hoover, the Women's Libera-

there were no formal headquarters or officers on a local or me tion Movement was "not an organization as such but rather a cause and philosophy." A "reliable" informant advised that

tional basis, and that necessary financial needs were met by the Individuals within the separate groups. The memo stated that the philosophy of the Women's Liberation Movement was complete equality in all facets of the socio-political and eco- nomic life of all women.

ganization, the FBI requested its field offices across the coun-

try to spy on women. The FBI justified its operations by de- scribing some groups as exhibiting "an affiliation with and/or sympathy for several organizations of investigative interest to Vencermemos Brigade, and the Socialist Workers Party." this Bureau: namely, the Students for a Democratic Society, According to the sexist analysis of FBI Assistant Director Black Panther Party, The Vietnam Peace Parade Committee,

lames Adams: there were New Left groups "that were believed to be infiltrating and attempting to exert control over" the women's liberation movement. —to the New York office, lay the fact that interwoven with the

32 Women's Liberation Movement goal for equal rights for wom- investigation. You have other offices that were checking to Adams speaks is painstakenly chronicled in some 30 pages of tivity. We had New York. which was the office of origin of the determine what influence there was. In addition, in New York

en, there was an advocacy certainly of militancy and violence in achieving their goals . . . State driver's licenses, acknowledged to be today's most significant ID would now include a photograph and would r VOTING INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANIZATION FIRM: be cross-indexed to all states; individuals would no longer be American Association for Vital Department offustice able to apply for more than one license. Records sad Public Health Criminal Division FACFI members intent on locking up false identity offenders Statistics Mr. David J. Muchow were much in favor of delaying the release of an individual on Mr. Irvin G. Franzen (Pres.) Trial Attorney bail or parole, long enough to enable the authorities to ascer- American Association of Motor • General Crimes Section tain whether or not the arrested person is using a false ID, or U.S. Pushes National ID Card Vehicle Adnduldraton Mr. Roy Tesler is a fugitive. This proposal, of course, is potentially unconsti- Mr. Arthur A. Tritsch, Government Integrity Unit "Application for such a card is seen as purely voluntary; tutional. A national identification card, as well as 53 other "proposed Director General Crimes Section most people would probably get the card as an aid to cashing The proposal that got the most laughs was one to use televi- solutions" to the problems of false identification, illegal immi- American Bankers Association Criminal Division gration, drug smuggling, fugitives, welfare abuse and check checks. An insurance program could be set up to indemnify sion and radio to assist in apprehension of fugitives. It involved Mr. Hollis Bowers Mr. Stephen M. Weglian fraud are under debate by the Federal Advisory Committee on fraud losses resulting when ID card was used and properly getting the police together with TV producers (an already fa- miliar pair that has Director, Insurance Trial Attorney False Identification (FACED. The national ID Card proposal recorded on the check or other instrument; this would provide coordinated over 35 cop shows for Ameri- a positive incentive to use the card, rather than a less secure and Protection Division Securities Unit lost this year's round mainly because FACFI couldn't find the can viewers) to prepare "guest shots" of real cops talking about document, as a primary identifier. Further incentive to obtain American Express Company General Crimes Section state or federal authority to do it yet, the "problem" wasn't crime prevention and describing fugitives. Some members the Federal government would ac- Mr. Andrew F. Phelan Criminal Division great enough, and admittedly "public acceptance would be a the card would be set up if commented that. "this has already been tried on a program for verification of identity in applying for called "Your FBI" Vice President massive educational Job." cept only the card and failed. Others thought it would be Mr. Douglas H. Westbrook (voluntary?) A voluntary authority of about 80 men, FACFI is politically privileges, benefits, or government employment." dangerous to encourage citizens to become amateur detec- Corporate Security Trial Attorney tives. homogeneous; controversies rage over practical issues such as "Actions required: Draft the appropriate Federal or Model Inspector's Office General Crimes Section (emphasis added throughout) cost effectiveness and public tolerance, but there is no dispute Stale Legislation." Other favorable proposals were: a national clearinghouse Mr. George Berlinger Department of State The national ID Card procedure is common to many police for false ID information; closing access to vital statistics rec- over civil liberty or constitutional violations. FACFI's chair- Bureau of Engraving Office of Security states, most notably, the Republic of South Africa, where black ords; stricter ID standards for social security applicants; man is David Muchow, a trial lawyer from the Criminal Divi- and Printing Mr. James Dandridge citizens must obey "pass laws" by showing sophisticated iden- and an international conference on false identification to be- sion of the Department of Justice. Its secretary is Emil Schroe- Mr. Charles R. Holmgren Mr. James K. Moore tity cards to police wherever they go. The card must be carried gin international standardization of identity! der, a high-ranking FBI official. Membership includes rep- Assistant to Chief, Office of at all times; it is imprinted with the bearer's personal back- Their object is clearly not to tackle major crimes—certainly Secretary of State resentatives from most of the likely government agencies, such Research & Tech. Services as the DEA, Immigration and Naturalization Service, the ground data and photograph. Riots and demonstrations pro- not organized crime or white-collar crime—but to attack poor Passport Office Burns International FBI, the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA), testing these laws have continued over the years in South people, undocumented workers, welfare recipients, social se- Mr. William E. Duggan investigation Bureau as well as a couple of unidentified individualsrepresenting the Africa. In South Vietnam, under the Thieu regime, ID cards curity beneficiaries and food stamp users. Perhaps the forces Deputy Director for Legal Mr. Harry T. Mahoney and Security Affairs CIA. (Sox FACFI List) were useful under the CIA's assassination operation, the of "law and order" represented in FACFI hope that they can Manager Investigations Representing private interests are the Burns International "Phoenix Program". play on fear to gain public acceptance of one of the greatest Mr. John O'Dowd Investigative Bureau, American Express Co., Sears Roebuck All the proposals that FACFI did recommend were steps in tools of government oppression—a national ID card. Califonda Department of Mr. William B. Wharton & Co., and some public spirited groups such as the National the direction of national ID cards. They have also recom- Check the Federal Register for the next FACFI meeting. Health Chief, Legal Division Sheriffs' Association, the International Association of Police mended they be re-chartered for another year to guarantee The public is invited. Mr. Roger Smith Passport Office that the push for national ID cards persists. Assistant Chief Chiefs, and Interpol, the international private police force Department of State operating out of the U.S. Treasury Department. The Alien ID,Card will be complete with photographs, fin- MEMBERSHIP Vital Statistics Section gerprints and "encrypted personal information" which could Visa Office FACFI has met more than a dozen times in the past year to FEDERAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON FALSE Council of State Governments Mrs. Dena Cunningham pour over bulging packets of proposals. Comments, arguments technically airy the bearer's entire criminal history, family IDENTIFICATION — DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Mr. Charles Whitemire background, political sentiments, as well as identity data. In Management Analyst Officer for and against, actions necessary to implementation, and legal Chairman Special Assistant about a year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture will begin Mr. Ernest B. Dane questions are presented for each proposal before a final vote. Mr. David J. Muchow using the same ID cards for food stamp users. The proposal Customs Sonic. Management Analyst Officer Some proposals are generally acceptable, others generally re- Department of Justice Mr. Albert Seeley for uniform ID standards for welfare users suggests "that offi- Mr. Coradino E. Gatti jected (these include all proposals to "take no action"), and Co•Ch adman Chief, Special Investigations still others are controversial. The National ID Card proposal, cial identity documents be required for all family members at Counselor Officer the time of welfare applications." Mr. Douglas H. Westbrook Office of Investigations fell into this last category. The proposal went something Department of Transportation Department of Justice Department of Agriculture like this: Mr. Frank Altobelli, Chief Secretary Mr. Paul D. Lamberth "This solution proposes that we use all of the technology we Licensing & Adjudication Supervisory Criminal currently possess to make one docanent that is a foolproof Mr. Emil L. Schroeder Division Fed. Bureau of Investigation Investigator verification of identity and only that. The document would National Highway Traffic Office of Investigations contain only information which could be used to verify the per- Safety Administration sonal identity of the bearer. Furthermore, no non-identity Mr. Robert E. Magee Mr. William T. Deeter, Jr. information would be maintained in any files, kept for the pur- Assistant Director John E. Walsh Deputy Director of Investi- poses of renewing or updating the card. 2212 Walnut Ave. TASK FORCES Performance & Controls gations and Security "The card could be issued by the state or federal government Office of Investigations Rockford, Illinois Government Payments Fugitives One interesting suggestion is Mr. A. James Latchaw or by some independent agency. Mr. Carl B. Williams Mr. Emil L. Schroeder Department of Commerce that the U.S. Postal Service, with its universally available of- a Licensing & Adjudication Robert B. Carleson Sr As- Fed. Bureau of Investigation Mr. Norris A. Lynch Division fices, relative independence from law enforcement, communi- sociates, Inc. Director, Consumer Goods cations resources, and strict regulation under Federal law, act Federal Identification National Highway Traffic Mr. Lawrence 1. Love Documents & Services Division as the issuing agency for the national identity document. Safety Administration Department of HEW Mr. "The major technical problem in such a scheme would ap- William E. Duggan Mr. Larry L Brookhart Department of Treasury Commercial Transactions Passport Office Program Coordinator pear to be the verification of identity of an applicant for such a 06..21.52 Mr. James B. Clawson secure document. It is proposed that the standards for source Mr. Nathaniel K. Kossack State and Local Identification Consumer Goods & Services Deputy Assistant Secretary Division documents for the National ID card, be the same as for a U.S. 396-87-3893 National District Attorneys Documents Enforcement and Operations Association passport (which requires data on the bearer's political senti- Mr. Loren Chancellor Department of Defense District of Columbia, Dept. 671tf.4i511773-100987 ments). The card would require renewal after a maximum of Mr. Hollis Bowers Department of HEW Mr. Edgar I. Bethart' of Human Resources five years. The fees charged for original application and re- American Bankers Assoc. Mr. George A. Gay Defense Investigation Mr. John H. Crandall, Chief newal should cover the costs involved." Department of HEW Program Office Continued on p. 37

34 CounterSpy, Spring 1976 Spring 1976, CounterSpy 35 One): FACH mminuedJrom P. 35 Terrorist "That Indian Reservations shall not homigradon and Naturaliza- Metropolitan Board of Trade Sears, Roebuck & Company be enlarged by boundary changes, by Drug Enforcement Adminis- tion Service Mr. Leonard Kolodny Mr. Paul B. Chapman Information grants, by the power of eminent domain, tration Mr. Ronald J. Grill Manager, Retail Bureau National Security Manager or by any other means, Mr. John W. Starke Chief, Systems Planning Staff Securities Exchange Special Agent Metrepollten Police Dept. Project "That the jurisdiction of tribal gov- Office of Planning & Washington, D.C. Commission Domestic Investigations Div. TIP ernments over non-members of the tribe, Evaluation Lt. Kenneth V. Moreland Mr. Ira H. Pearce who have no vote or voice in tribal gov- Federal Aviation Adminh- Mr. E.G. Webster Criminal Investigation Div. Division of Enforcement ernment, should be prohibited. tratlon Program Manager, ADIT National Association of Security interbank Card "That members of Indian tribes Mr. Donald Wiseman System Securities Dealer,, Amociation should not have the right to participate Special Agent Office of the Deputy Mr. David P. Patina Mr. Robert J. Scully In non-tribal governments unless they Office of Investigation and Commissioner original treaty lands which were opened Research Analyst Assistant Vice President to homesteading in 1905." The systemat- are subject to the laws and responsibil- Security Mr. Kellog Wittick Backlash to Indian Dept. of Regulatory Policy Selective Smite System ic loss of Indian life and livelihood - ities of that non-tribal government. Fed. Bureau of Investigation Staff Investigator General ' and Procedure Mr. Peter T. Straub not to mention Indian rights as sover- "That grants of public funds to any Mr. Emil L. Schroeder Investigations Fraud Unit Sovereignty Mr. Frank I. Wilson General Counsel eign nations — are camouflaged by the group of people based upon their race Florida Highway Patrol Insurance Information Senior Vice President Congress, whose members have accu. and denial of public funds to other Social Security AdmInhtration A white backlash against Indian Lt. J.S. McKinnon Institute Regulation mutated huge fortunes by expropriating groups because of their race must be Mr. Peter A. Di Rito claims to sovereignty has been organized Assistant Supervisor Mr. Frederick D. Watkins and exploiting Indian lands and resourc- prohibited." National District Attorneys into a 12-state coalition to promote the Investigations Chairman US. Coat Guard es. Rather than leave Indian country "The purpose of the organization is Ameclation Mr. Thomas Campbell interests of wealthy agribusinessmen, Giant Food, Inc. Internal Revenue Service (as Indian custom would dictate to dissi- to destroy Indian reservations," accord- Mr. Donald Foster Chief. Security Branch ranchers and commercial fishermen liv- Mr. Larry W. Boehm dent factions within its borders) Con- ing to a South Dakota Indian Legal Mr. Thomas Knighten Counsel ing on or near Indian reservations in the Services attorney, who has fought the General Credit Manager Intelligence Division Economic Crime Project US. Postal Service west and mid-west. Calling itself the In- gress members are mustering their forc- Mr. Allen 0. Peffer local Civil Liberties for South Dako- Health Education and Welfare International Association Mr. Nathaniel E. Kossack terstate Congress on Civil Rights and es and fortunes there to rob Indian peo- Virginia State ple of the last remnants of sovereignty, tans, Inc. in two different jurisdictional DIvialon of Vital Statistics of Chiefs of Police Director Responsibilities, the group of right- Department of Health cases. "They just feel that Indian reser- Mr. Loren Chancellor Mr. James A.F. Kelley Economic Crime Project their land base and legal rights under Mr. Deane Hurtable wingers—all closely linked with John vations are no good, no help to anyone, Registration Methods Assistant Director Birch, Klan and Posse Comitatus forces National Notary Anociatien State Registrar Vital treaty. issue: A Frenchman in America not even the Indians." Branch Chief Research Division in their states—gathered in Salt Lake Mr. Raymond C. Rothman Statistics does not have the same rights as s/he While reservations are not officially Mr. George Gay City, Utah in February under the slo- Interpol President would in France. An American in Can- opposed, Congresi national chairman Ward, William J. gan: "Constitutional rights of all Ameri- Health Education and Welfare Mr. Louis B. Sims Ms. Mimi Sells ada does not have the same rights s/he Jack Freeman of Faith, S.D., shrewdly Chief, Technical Security cans must supersede treaty rights of Office of Policy Control Chief Senior Administrative Asst. would in the United States. Why should upholds the course of termination, Division some Americans." Social & Rehabilitation Service Law Enforcement a non-Indian have the same rights in whereby a tribe loses its federal treaty National Sheriffs' Association U.S. Coast Guard Hdqtrs. "We're organizing whatever is nec- Mr. Laurence J. Love Assistance Administration Indian Country, especially when it is status, and all rights to the land, re- Mr. Truman H.L. Walrod William., Carl B. essary to preserve our rights as citizens Attorney Mr. Joseph T. Kochanski these very same civil libertarians who sources, and to self-government are Director of Public Affairs Robert B. Carlesen & living close to reservations," said Mayor Senior Legal Advisor Department of Justice were the vigilantes at Wounded Knee bought off for a pittance. Associates, Inc. Hollis Huilinger of Roosevelt, Utah. Office of Policy Control New York Department of . in 1973 and the direct descendants of the "We believe (our congressmen) should Individuals Motor Vehicles whose community is embroiled in a legal Mr. Donald M. Thayer West Virghtis Bureau of soldiers at the Wounded Knee massacre think in terms of termination — and a Gartlan, Joseph V. Mr. Robert J. Langling battle with the the tribe over a new tri- Director, Office of Policy Vital Statistks of 1890? lot of Indians are beginning to believe Lea, Douglas (ACLU) Director bal law and order code covering non- Control Mr. lack Pawley this because it will be both of economic MatscM, John E. Department of Investigations Indians living within the reservation's County Clerk The resolution adopted by the Con- and social benefit — not immediately borders. gress demands, in the absence of full but maybe 10 or 15 years in the future." The Interstate Congress, according battery", according to Freeman and Indian leaders. Yet neither silent nor and its citizens have been trespassing state jurisdiction imposed by Public The states represented in the coalition to its statement of purpose, seeks to "plan to incorporate so that we can enter strong-arm opposition has softened in the Black Hills. For all the resources Law 280 (and incidentally, Senate Bill have assembled a "substantial legal apply "all state and local laws within all federal courts to seek redress on any the defiant voice of traditional Indian (gold, timber, rocks, minerals, water, reservations and to all tribes and tribal grievances." More likely the legal as- people, whose identity and sovereignty etc.) stolen from 1804 tit now the U.S. members" in order "to insure that all sault will be toward disestablishing ex- are tied to the land. Legal battles to se- Government owes us half of the value of citizens of this country shall achieve Questions abound from a wide political spectrum, isting reservations and crippling an cure their land rights, water rights, fish- all these stolen resources." equal rights and bear equal responsibil- demanding to know the facts: emerging movement to restore previous. ing rights, mineral rights and human Under the new tribal government of ities under the law." Disclaiming any ly disbanded tribes. rights by treaty and law are being waged Al Trimble, the Lakota Treaty Council but egalitarian concerns, one Congress A Colorado attorney warned: "They're day after day in the courts. has been acknowledged as the tradition- member insisted: "We're not a bunch really organized up there in Washing- The Lakota Nation refuses to sell the al governing body on the Pine Ridge of Indian haters. We're just interested Who are the National Caucus of ton; they're vicously trying to abrogate sacred Black Hills for any amount of Reservation, with sole jurisdiction on in preventing discrimination." treaty rights." money. Not only do the chiefs disdain treaty questions. Their vanguard fight "We will resist these foreign and alien Labor Committees? The strength of the civil liberties of- the government's bargain price - for recognition of the 1868 Sioux Treaty governments taking jurisdiction over fensive is yet to be seen. Their demand $17.5 million (the declared value of the — waged amidst the terrorism of the non-Indians who have no voice," said for "state jurisdiction" has definite land at the time of the taking) plus U.S. government and its puppet Dick Floyd Ingraham, city attorney for the backing from state officials like Utah S85 million in back rent — but they de. Wilson — directly challenges the fraudu- Flathead reservation community of A thorough analysis of theNCLC/US Labor Party Assistant Attorney General Wright mand: lent claims of the Interstate Congress Ronan, Montana and a member of Mon. has been prepared by the Terrorist Information Project (TIP) of Volker, who attended the founding con. "If the U.S. Government wants to for Civil Rights and Responsibilities. ference, and South Dakota Attorney tanans Against Discrimination (MAD). the Fifth Estate, compiling years of study by NCLC-watchers lease the Black Hills we can talk about The tag of "civil rights" is no cloud for General William Janklow, who more it, but any lease must be agreed to by the historical issue at hand: white man's "It's not hard to see what mischief can in Europe and America. be worked by tribal councils over people than once has tried illegally to move in three-fourths majority of the full blood greed for control of Indian lands. who have no representation." to restore "law and order" on the Pine male Indians in accordance with the States represented in the Interstate The Congress contends they "are just Ridge reservation. Treaty of 1868. Congress are: Utah. Montana, South trying to prevent tribal governments For the NCLC/USLP pamphlet, write: TIP, PO The federal government takes two "No offset. The U.S. Government Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Nev- from extending their jurisdiction over Box 647,, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, O.C.20044. 61.00 treaty back for every step forward in killed all the game, including the buffa- ada, Arizona, California, Idaho, Wash- , negotiations with traditional lo, deer, elk. ington, Minnesota and Wyoming.

36 CounterSpy, Spring 1976 Spring 1976, CounterSpy 37

Red Weekly, the organ of the International Marxist Group in London revealed on March 4. that several changes occurred in the CIA London station since earlier exposes of CIA activity. According to sources in the Embassy there the chief of the secret office (SUSLO) of the National Security Agency and at least four top officers of the CIA have been replaced. Half of the top-secret communications staff have been moved out and an attempt WAS made to mask the existence of a special intelligence team. They also revealed that the CIA still maintained over 60 employees at the Embassy. CounterSpy will explore CIA operations in Britain more thoroughly in future issues, especially the activities of CIA Station Chief CIAAROUND THE WORLD Cord Meyer, Jr. and the CIA, relationship to journalists, military circles and politicians. CIA In Zaire This is the description of the CIA headquarters from the Red Weekly:

The CIA has groomed its relations with Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire in order to Kenya establish a strong base in Kinshasa from CIA HEADQUARTERS, LANGLEY, VIRGINIA which to coordinate other CIA opera- More CIA in Africa William J. Clair Aseilicen Enthosey 01-402 ammo Frank D. Durfey tions in the Sub-saharan area. In the six- US Ambeemdm Hoed al CIA Sallon In London In an informative article on April 2, James 1. McGilvray ties, the CIA was instrumental in plac- .4 me ea • kInv Intelligence ethos 1976, Liberacion, in Paris, published the David J. Grottenhaler ing Mobutu's regime in power. Zaire was 1.463. ANNE ARMSTRONG O. elm. Jr. CNN of /Poeta aelson I Mom before but not povieully leo.% Remo 382 name extemon 145 mead. names of the current CIA operatives in Liberia a strong base for the CIA during the war 124 SooM Wm Plot MI Bold typo Hord maemmemoom Mpleon Room 311. me now but menNeld cram Africa. The article analysed the role of Edward J. Carrot III Enamel/ 200ere. in Angola. I 160 141 Itstmenem Come bare Roue the CIA in Ghana, Nigeria. Kenya. 74 persons were mentioned as being in In our Winter 1976 issue we listed the I - 01.722 3.061 Zaire. the Ivory Coast and Senegal with the telecommunications section of the names of six CIA personnel in Kinshasa an examination of the methodologies the CIA station. that Philip Agee, acting in solidarity CIA used in psychological manipulation Mall with African people's struggles for self- Mao ei des INMAN US Lisbon Mau candor TellOcal Whop, Wham Ana Talosonenuenhalloos 011106 of events through its assets in African Terrance Kauffers determination, released to the MPLA ROOM 467 • Rowe d Room 174 eat 176 governments and the media. Listed were: Gerald G. Lindsay last January. 137 Come Rome It John Wood. MN - 1CIA London Communicators Coop • Whop SaNeet CAIN. mt. /mina A 286 1064I Morocco 36 Seumelow Poore. 1/21 - 287113711. avow. ROOM 305 Algeria The Black Panther Intercommunal WORM L Releic Room 2110 - one John C. Beam, (former Chief of Station REPLACED Mae* dee. *Mee - mt. 123 loot 13. 47 IMP Som. /More 4P/fleme, ATG CNN. me 141 Edward R.M. Kane, Chief of Station News Service, on March 13 and 27, • An-len o Bed JR en. /57 MN Nem. 133 6111■100/011.111011. eat I A WWI. - w 0041. Richard R. Haythorn in Burundi) revealed how the CIA Station in Kin- Ann larby, 140[1, 374.0. OP 100 Perk • Nodes C /mom eat. IN o Mideettine. ars, Nonown, mt. 710117A Como. Se John. Wood. Ma -460 10301. Lyle A. Ditmer shasa expanded during the period of the Pork.11M1m0.11ems - 421140751. ano.741 -407 1604/ Terrance B. Rhodes ▪ • Ado P amen Room Meow In 13 • Menu A Rain. ce. tY 12711 awe Ronald J. Gagat AIM S toreme. est 755 IFIM 304 35 Burundi CIA's support for the FNLA and UNITA Mat Some. M - 6311 310N. Wemo Norm. - 236 07611. REPLACED .1 Gerama. Noted Reed, guru ammo • Mimed C free itio. nee 130.250 David Harper, Chief of Station Gilbert D. Giles in Angola. The Panthers exposed more A. Nam, on. 75/1 leat 3. 30 Nee. Nem... - 436 4010. Nome - 4113 3735. * we 11 IRO. on. lint? DNAClem Richard Greene Michael B. Grandy CIA personnel acting in Zaire. mainly • lessone I Mmes. get 5.117 ammo Edward Urquhart Tem, avow Rent - 72. 06116. Ale Worm - 7/2 11631. ■ Joseph Pierce those in the telecommunications staff. • Meryl A Ilean Re let NO 042/4. • Nigeria Rena I. dm 767 (Rem E. 11 Upper Mem. Goa, NM 1 - 10131. Cameroun Robert W. Carmen 84.1Ney 13.151 - 723 43001. Tabled Malan Mg? Jame PW4r, David Zimmerman, OM IPA 11a Roden/MY Jeff Corydon, Chief of Station Chief of Station Peter W. Cotner ROOM PM Rea. MW I -46601161. Richard E. Plum ROOM =Mr Dunn &MA *et 1201LINM0 Nome. Michael Berger Wilfred Gagnon Mr A RR., at 760111 Mew Rood. Ceieke IIRN, VA -NM 07071. klorow. Nat- INS. • delerin fee, Room 304- omen. Gerald L. Brunson Alfred Capelli William Harner -ext. 134. REPLACED A ammo from. • RehrL $0•RAR me 154/7 161 Crown Coon, *NM Mw.,- 4]x 50731. David R. Lewandewski Charles A. Jones Richard 1...Harrison following member. of the office Aden Cane at 1710E MINume Neu leMIN Ha W - MOWN EONS: Moms • Monk, NOW L Thome. Central Mikan Republic Somalia Martin R. McFarlan nworko In the Enemay Garage: armor. Peso II, at 1S7 n lamwoe David P. Hunt, Chief of Station Owne or Awl" mt. Me 111 brim Ram. Gl000mer Root 007 - se4 NM/ ROOM 314 William L. Moseby David S. Markey Rom. ammo. a.. SE 171. Meow AMON, en. I0.3111 anon • Ie. it IP demo*. set 163 1141 Ivory Coast Peter J. Kersira, Jr. Thomas T. 517, MWOe Moe, .0.060 1614.41.4*. genet and -135 men. 'AMA AWN. Room, wommunk. twat. Mn 0 Men, at 136 (7 Aka Swam • Pieced floNs. ext 1611 IN wenaten Martin 1. Bergin, Jr., Chief of Station Frederic Scarbrough Nick E. Unger Mame, 21111111M7). 90110 Fn. Mad. Ctuau, Woe, Gordon J. Hopman Gerald Zapoli Nancy Buss. Rae L 71de .0. In Da amend L a..., ext 151I (15 Mown. Kamer L bone. poem WI - 267 36731. Root Iluelem. Haul. Pressley D. East Sudan Vickie Vigor* ROM 11/1.30a. mt. 1114 137 II•11,0041 Now, Keno, Rene, M.N. Andrew R. Turco. Jr. Ralph T. Brown 4not with leleCommunications staff, but • Mew I I' MR, en. 1113 146 Gam. amm Dahomey William T. Cutcheon CIA. o Gant PM. - 55010131. 131.10Pp. A Solme.em. 158 %Meow Montgomery Rogers, Chief of Station Tanzania Iona MM. Ethiopia Sheldon D. Seltzer GONE/ Riclunl L Talent Urm R ONICIM. Eugene L. Jeffers. Jr., Chief of Station Chad Mathew E. Monezewski Philip H. Ringdahl, Chief of Station el■MON11■111/' Foreign ereedem Infonnehen Swam. Joint Reports end Resmeeh Unk Sheldon W. Benz At some brae In Me fume Mil be ROOM MB Roy C. Bigler operated front CIA ...molt of US Con- 610./elos • WY, ext. 103 NI Somali Felix Maladoskie gress decision. Mill pen at monunt. Weeks The following members of the Unit week Goon. Jo Wood MN -70451601. im conlenolon with BBC Monitoring In special of Carl L. Moss I* V lama en. INN ISO Prams aim Cl..... Room 304. .n.107 04 Unice at Cavanham Perk, Reeding monit- COW. SS Samomoh Roe!. Ewa - 51111073111. Form Low. Plamelm M. Mixdp. - 004 3822 Raymond Strahm oring and ItandatIne Woodcuts from IJena N For see 167 133 Boubell Kenneth Walters thmughoot the world. Five FIRS personnel Coen, &Jame Wood Poe. 14W11 - 722 31801. nark,. ammo, 318-3146-anon., lama W GNI*. eat 1641147 Nemenone Ghana we attached to Me Embessy. Poo In Me None, of Wen. aro1 cm be Loa N. Km, 1.161dx. - 428 ONO. moan thr000le a,. 3670.16.00422 Jarrel H. Richardson. Chief of Station Pr. a arevevenl, Room Pave. PIN/11. 0.5. N Jaw, at 163 Of Boyden 218.9000 07 see Pam 28 Ponolowes Awe, WI 1 - 456 NINE. Gout 6/ Mau Wood Pot. - 727 24861. TN - 637116511. lames Dudley Haase • antra • Eachan Roo...13mm 608/4 boole 186/7 (140 Ocoee End 11511/noloy Rowe ONO lot AWN - 462 35501. Geedent la PM, Root - 76611041. William R. Stanley New u Releak Room 113.00•05. nee Ownee • a,M_,at. lna 013 INT. The following mambo, of Me Unit week Clyde A. Brown Nom End Owelms.111/N - and 35141. POI Come a Johou Weal Park - in the Embeny's GuMPC Num. A Immax. Room os ON. 77700361. am Moan, mt. 31I8 NS EmMo/10 Earl T. Eason 1111 anon Ome. a Andre. Rood. 11011e, . tbbk. , ..t ISOM ChM. Rooks - 226 1411L Paul A. Pena ammo. NWt - 777 55381. Om, at US 1114146vIa. O • Ann* S MME 1/9 co. 81121. Moen OM, b102/4. tone Conakry ponommo. ReeMenoo.14m1e, Oxon - GONE: 110.11Will Amoco. Alton N Nohle. Nontkelon 4111. Ronne 1.101, W E &Mock demo. 11 R WIMP, ext. 386 124 Suomi Dwight S. Burgess. Chief of Station Amu IMMO, Arne O flu.n, Than. Gement 1111 R6- 360 21201. GONE: E NNW Jo. • gown IlummelleMau, Pm. 388 Us Lan1.0.1 Charles E. Chowning mane Peat Ream Rm.. Rod. no IS-MO 72831. Anthony W. Malesic

38 CounterSpy, Spring 1976 Spring 1976, CounterSpy 39 aeAROUND THE WORLr► a CIA program to recruit Portuguese immigrants in Massachusetts was headed by LP the Chappaquiddick D.A. ,1

Mercenaries Prepare to Invade Portugal

Carl Michael Leaden of the right-wing Portuguese army (ELP) meeting in the Portuguese/Spanish border town of Badajon, where ELP ls and Julie Brooks believed to have a military base. In the Hotel Slmancas cafe, from left to right, An unidentified man, "Morgan" Guerin Serac (probably CIA), four more unidentified men, and to the far rigid is "Cuter" or Hughes Castor Franklin Wallas LS., "Pepper", lay Sabionsky) the American citizen and another probably CIA agent. Also In the picture, but not identified, are Samuel Lupl, Spinola in Portugal to plan for a simultaneous Angolan coup. The 10,000-man "Army for the Liberation of Portugal" the toreador who owns the farm where ELP trains Its soldiers, and Gregorlo Moreno Mal, LopPs friend who also offers a The plan, on the African end, fell through as well, when the (ELP). consisting of right-wing mercenaries from around the large training ground/farm to ELP. The meeting took place in April 1975. (credit photo/Manifesto) Portuguese could not come up with the half million dollars world, is prepared to invade Portugal from its base in southern for Michael Hoare. Hoare. leading mercenary in the Congo Spain. if the future Portuguese government does not appease in the early 60s and at this time, was working out of South Af. Western interests. where Spinola stops during his visits to Lausanne in Switzer- By the end of last summer. 40 some immigrants had been ELP is the military arm of General Antonio de Spinola's rica. ELP was first revealed in March 1975 when Col. Corvacho, land. Bulhosa also lent financial help before April 25, 1974 recruited, trained and sent to Portugal to execute "subversive Democratic Movement for the Liberation of Portugal (MDLP). then chief of staff of the military region of northern Portugal. to Mario Soares.. head of the moderate Portuguese Socialist actions." An earlier edition of Politique Hebdo magazine re- ELP's objective is "to liberate Portugal from Marxism through gave a press conference to announce the arrest of 13 ELP Party, which recently won the largest victory (35%) in the vealed that the campaign of the New Bedford the use of political assassination, selective terrorism, sabotage. Portuguese members.'At that press conference. Corvacho gave the code- Portuguese elections. Times and the Newark Luso American against the escalation and psychological warfare."' names "Castor" and "Morgan" as being two ELP leaders.' Manuel Vinhas, the owner of the large Angola beer company of communist totalitarianism in Portugal. was coordinated The MDLP was formed after Spinola's attempt to remove and added that ELP possessed two pirate radio stations in Cuca, is known for his close ties with the FNLA, with Mobutu with an effort by Rep. Ronald Sarasin (R-Conn) to organize the Armed Forces Movement from power in Portugal in Sep- Spain near the Portuguese border. Af this time, no one had in Zaire, and with Spinola.• Portuguese authorities issued a a demonstration in front of the White House and a letter cam- tember 28. 1974. On that day Spinola gave the cue for the connected Spinola's MDLP to its military branch, ELP. warrant for the arrest of Vinhas when he "visited" Spinola in paign to demand that the U.S. publicly condemn the Portu- nee-Salazarists right wing to come out of hiding. The rally Clearly unhappy with Col. Corvacho's revelations and com- Portugal just before September 28, 1974." guese regime." In Canada, the Journal Portugais engaged was announced for the "silent majority" to show its support munist tendencies, ELP successfully ousted him later. He was ELP is not limited to a collection of right-wing officers in in a similar campaign." for Spinola.' In the course of time, however, it became clear replaced by a right-wing general who took over law enforce. a former colonial army. ELP recruits from a wide range of anti- U.S. News and World Report (Nov. 10. 1975) reported that that the proponents of a return to Salazarism were using the ment tasks in the north, ELP's stronghold in Portugal. communist sources which include Portuguese immigrants and "thousands" of armed anti-communist white Angolans had rally as a cover to precipitate an armed putsch. ELP was founded in September 1974. only a month after Portuguese-Americans in the United States. Israelis, Brazil- returned to Portugal. Of the 80 some PIDE agents that es- Information received by the security service of the armed Spinola's defeat at a meeting in Paris. Present were Manuel ians, Cuban refugees, white Angolan refugees, and former caped from a Portuguese prison, at least 45 crossed the Spanish forces indicated that arms were being stockpiled in Lisbon' Vinhas. Manuel Bulhosa. Martin Soares, and a certain Zed% agents of Dictator Salazar's secret police force PIDE. border and joined ELP." Costa Dias and Santos E. Castro ready to be distributed to demonstrators, and that groups of a Portuguese arms manufacturer. According to Politique Hebdo." a CIA program to recruit formed the Organization for the Promotion of Immigration. agitators intended to exploit the rally and foment an at- Soares was a lawyer for such diverse clients as two Amer- Portuguese immigrants went on in the Portuguesecommunities which has transported more than 150 "anti-communist volun- mosphere of chaos and terror, thus giving the president of the icano-Portuguese companies and the Movement for the Re- of Massachusetts, and particularly. New Bedford. The head of teers" from Brazil to ELP bases in Spain." In Israel. the republic a pretext for declaring a state of emergency and as- construction of the Proletarian Party (MRPP). MRPP adopts this program is said to be Atty. Edmund L. Dinis, who was Mapam party's European representative. Ely Ben Gal. has suming total power. Despite this information, the army ap- labels such as "maoist" but has aroused suspicion among born in the Azores, and who was the D.A. active in the Chap- been recruiting "commandos" to be sent to Portugal." and parently made no move. and Spinola's attempted coup failed. many journalists because of its heavily financed western-style paquiddick incident involving Senator Edward Kennedy. approximately 103 "anti-Castro" Cubans have also arrived in The lack of support for Spinola that clay, destroyed even public relations campaign and its consistent attacks on the owns the only Portuguese-American radio station in the U.S.. Portugal." larger plans for the fall of 1974. A meeting. to consolidate Portuguese communists. When Soares died in a car accident which heavily editorialized against the communist "totali- Spinola's power in Portugal and instigate a military coup in last year, his life insurance policy paid out a large sum of tarianism" developing in Portugal." Angola at the same time, took place in Portugal only a week money which went to MRPP. When asked why he hadn't fulfilled certain promises made MDLP/ELP Leadership before the September rally in Lisbon.' The United Party of Bulhosa is a friend of a secret agent-journalist from France. to those Portuguese-Americans recruited in New Bedford. The leadership of ELP—MDLP is fairly well known. The Angola (UPA, the only white party in Angola), elements of Dinis told CounterSpy, "I have no recollection of involvement UNITA, right-wing Portuguese army units in Angola and the named Dominique De Roux.' Bulhosa works with Sonap, a 25 officers officially implicated in the military coup of March Portuguese company, and with the French-Portuguese Bank' at that level — I've never been involved with anybody involving II. 1975 and the 15 officers that fled with Spinola to Spain famous professional mercenary. "Mad" Mike Hoare. met with politics in Portugal." comprise most of the leadership." MDLP is directed by its

40 CounterSpy, Spring 1976 Spring 1976, CounterSpy 41 Central Intelligence Agency President. Spinola, and a Directorat likely to consist of Costa to Portugal or to the ELP-MDLP bases in Spain. A recent Dias. Dias De Lima, Santos E. Castro, and Alpoim Calvao. estimate put their strength at between 10,000 and 15.000 Costa Dias was a minister under Caetano and is considered armed men. The source of ELP's weapons is not yet entirely clear. There to be head of this Directorat. Dias De Lima was the civilian Equip. / 88 from ■ head of Spinola's staff before Sept. 28. 1974. Santos E. Castro, is one reliable source, however, who claims Portuguese fishing ships docked in San Diego, and other California ports, are Foreign intelligence Corporations Right-VVIng Groups Direct Support a former lieutenant/colonel in the Portuguese army. was loaded up with newly manufactured M-16s and plastic ex- Agencies ITT (John McCone , USA) Christ the King Warriors (Spain) FNLA's chief of staff.. Paladins (Spain) Agents In Lisbon Alpoim Calvao, former Fregate Commander and head of plosives. Fishermen there claimed the arms were "for our Portugal (PIDE) World Arms Co. (USA) SERD (Franco Family) United Portuguese of Angola Lawler, Morgan the Naval police, declares himself to be "one of the three of- brothers in Angola". It is speculated that arms were obtained Bradt (SNIT (DOPS) SONAP (Portugal) FNLA (Angola) U.S. Ambassador ficials that direct MDLP", but denies any relation with ELP." at the Marine Corps Recruiting Depot (MCRD) in San Diego Spain ISEISI in the some way that the right-wing Secret Army Organization Israel IMossad) Brown Boved Co. (Germany) UNITA (Angola) Frank Carlucci What is certain, is that ELP and MDLP together form one CUCA (Angola, beer) "Mad Mike" Hoare (SAO) in that city, as well as right-wing groups across the Germany (BNDI single right-wing terrorist organization, within which ELP is Techno-Motor (Spain) (South Africa mercenary) Leadership Mexican border, obtained arms from sources at that depot.. France ISDECE) 'specifically the military branch. Banco d'Avilla (Spain) Prince Borghesa (Spain) "Morgan", "Castor" The same source claims that organized crime is involved with Marine Depot (USA) Recruitment the fishing ships. Political Parties/ ELP-MDLP bases are distributed according to their ob- Leaders Portuguese/AmerIcan jectives. As one member said. "For the North, there's no prob- Edmund Dinis (Mass, USA1 Seven people were killed in Sese Seko Mobutu (Zaire) Portuguese Times (USA) lem. It's already ours. But Lisbon ... Lisbon will be a mar- Christian Democrat (Portugal) Luse American° (USA) tyred city. We have to do away with those (communists) who Center Democrat Soc. (Portugal) the intensified violence that Brasil, Israel have sold Portugal to imperialism."" Therefore, ELP-MDLP Socialist (Portugal) Cuban S Angolan refugees has plagued the Portuguese has concentrated most of its strength on the Spanish border Mapam (Israel) toward the central and southern area of Portugal and on bases Christian Democrat Union Left since last summer. 99 at Salvatterra del Mino. Verin, Ayamonte, Tuy, and Sala- )Germany) manca. A training camp seems to have been established on the farm There have been numerous reports of ELP bombings in of Samuel Lupi, a famous Portuguese toreador (unidentified Portugal and the Azores." On April 22, 1976, two Cubans were in photo). He managed to rent his farm in Olivenca for twice killed and four Portuguese citizens were seriously injured when the normal value of any Olivenca farm on the Portuguese bomb exploded in the Cuban Embassy in Lisbon. That a border. Nearby, in Talavera le Real. Lupi's friend. Gregorio Spinole's Army bombing was associated with other pre-election violence that Moreno Mal (unidentified in photo), owns a farm which has MDLP/ELP has been directed at leftist political parties throughout Portu- a common side with the military base where Spinola landed gal. Before the legislative elections were held April 25, seven • after fleeing Portugal on March 11, 1975." people were killed in the intensified violence that has plagued the Portuguese Left since last summer. The Left groups in Warriors" in Spain, a fanatical Catholic right-wing group America. For American security-managers, the sooner the Portugal immediately accused ELP-MDLP of planting the Corporations Support ELP with connections to SEIS." Spinola group is back in power, the better. Kissinger's three bomb." Of course, the activities of ELP-MDLP would be impossible These two Covisa companies are tied financially to Banco options in Portugal are: Recent information indicated that ELP troops are under the without implicit support of the Spanish government and im- d'Avila, where such well-known fascists as Prince Borghese Dertabilization: repeat the Chile policy used against Al- command of Canto Cabuce and his "technical assistant" lean portant commercial financing. Most of the civilians already and former Nazis Otto Skorzeny and Herzoss Von Valencia lende. Schramme. Cabuce, a former Portuguese lieutenant, left mentioned are directors of different banks and companies in held important interests. Skorzeuy is the head of the terrorist 2) Isolation: isolate Portugal, as the U.S. is doing now to Portugal after Sept. 28, 1974. passing through Angola and Europe or Africa. Many of these companies are related to, or organization Paladine, which acted as intermediary between Cuba. South Africa, before arriving in Spain.. In Spain, he was are subsidiaries of, a financial empire controlled by Portu- ELP-MDLP and the American company Worldarmco, noted 3)Suggestion: apply political pressure through normal dip- joined by Schramme, a Belgian mercenary who has previously gal's counterpart to Rockefeller, Antonio Champalimaud.. He for its CIA connections in Phil Agee's CIA Diary, which as- lomatic channels." sold his services in the Congo. Katanga, Biafra. and Angola." is considered to be the "brain" behind the military coup of sisted in the shipment of an important quantity of "Skorpion" Though many American analysts say Kissinger had adopted Schramme was once found guilty by a Belgian court for 1975.. Vice Admiral Rosa Coutinho considers pistol-machine-guns.. Other equipment for ELP-MDLP was option two, Kissinger has been actively applying option one killing one of his mercenary aides while commandeering Moise March II, Champalimaud to be the boss of Spinola himself, and the since he sent Frank Charles Carlucci III, to Lisbon in January fshombe's Belgian Congo special police forces in the early person who would have benefited most from a neo-colonialist 1975. sixties. Phillip Saint Germain wrote a hook about Schramme solution to Portugal's African wars. Portugal, rather quickly, received the new American am- — a rightist work. As of August 1975, Schramme was work- ELP owns an airplane which Spanish involvement with ELP-MDLP reflects in many ways bassador on January 20, 1975. Upon Carlucci's arrival one of ing for a publishing firm, with U.S. Connections, in Madrid.. Spain's own troubles — a reactionary archaic government up- the first questions asked by reporters was whether his embassy Other important Portuguese officials related to MDLP-ELP has been used to drop phos- held by its uncontrollable right-wing extremists. Here we find was in the hands of the CIA. He denied that it was. Ills pre- are: Goncalves Rapazote, former Minister of Interior under old Nazis such as the Fascist International (Aginter Press decessor, Stuart Nash Scott, removed after only a year in the Caetano; Galvao De Melo, former Air Force Chief of Staff phorous bombs over Portugal and Paladin), and modern Spanish businessmen. The ELP- post, had advocated aid as a way of showing support for Portu- and, at present, a deputy for the conservative Center Social MDI.P link with the Spanish secret police is Garcia Rodriguez guese Democracy. Carlucci said one of his major tasks would Democrat Party (CDS) which was another big winner in the causing numerous forest fires." who works with the Special Information and Security Services be to put this aid into concrete form." April elections, doubling their share of the vote from 7.6% last year to 16% this year and clearly winning an important role (SETS). also bought through Sanchez Covisa's companies. The two On Nov. 27, 1974, Carlucci told the Senate Foreign Relations in the future government; Costa Campos, former paratrooper "Morgan," one - of the ELP-MDLP leaders mentioned by radio stations, mentioned earlier, were bought through the Committee considering his nomination as ambassador to lieutenant colonel; Sanchez Osorio, former commander and Col. Corvacho in his press conference, is none other than Yves Spanish Society for Radio Diffusion (SERD), which belongs Portugal, that the CIA was not intervening in Portuguese af- also founder of the Christian Democratic Party; Alves Car- Guillou (alias Guerin Seyrac). a former OAS officer, a former to the family of Franco. ELP-MDLP also owns an airplane, an fairs. Carlucci's statement was the first, by a Ford administra- doso, fanner commando captain and Secret Police agent in director of Aginter Press, and a former adjunct to Pierre La- AT-6, number 985-f, which has been used to drop phosphorous tion official, unequivocally denying reports from Lisbon that Guinea; and Georges Mourais, former major." Gaillarde who was the liaison agent between Caetano's PIDE bombs over Portugal, causing numerous forest fires to ruin a CIA covert operation, involving "100 agents", was under The strength of ELP-MDLP has fluctuated with the evolu- and the French secret police, SDECE.. The other agent. that year's turpentine crop.. way in Portugal to counter Communist activity there. The tion of political events in Portugal and Angola. After March "Castor", is lines Castor Franklin who travels with a Guate- statement was in response to allegations of CIA activity ra ised malan passport, but is an American citizen named Jay S. American Tactical Options 1, 1975 ELP directed approximately 800 armed men.. In by Rep. Michael Harrington (D-Mass.), who had asked to the autumn of 1975 the estimate was just under 2000. This Sabfonsky, also known as Joe Vincente Pepper, or LS." "Cas- Spain obviously has immediate interest in seeing Portugal testify before the Senate body at the last minute. Harrington past winter, ELP was able to field two batallions which fought tor" is employed by the Madrid company. Teeno-Motor. return to an authoritarian form of government. Though this read a statement that there had been "a major policy dispute" with the FNLA and UNITA in the seige of Sa de Bandeira in Tecno-Motor. along with Mariano S.A., are companies owned cannot be said for all of Europe. it is nonetheless true for over Portugal in the administration, resulting in the dismissal Angola.. No doubt, a number of these troops have returned by Mariano Sanchez Covisa, the head of "Christ the King Spring 1976, CounterSpy 43 42 CounterSpy, Spring 1976 balance of payments of the country vis-a-vis France.) of Ambassador Stuart Nash Scott. Harrington included a there were big layoffs at Standard Electric, the biggest electric In fact, the funds were actually kept in France and arrangementi I want back New York Times article (Oct. 21. 1974), quoting Brigadier company of all. were made with wealthy Portuguese. who wished to leave Portugal General Carvalho as saying that the CIA was a grave problem International monopolies guaranteed Spinola $250 million with large amounts of their wulth, that the Paris fund in Portugal for the Portuguese leadership and an Associated Press story al- to finance MDLP. Among them were Joseph Abs. Hitler's would be paid to them if they would give their assets to the fund in leging there were "more than 100 CIA agents" active in former banker; Franz Joseph Strauss; Jorge lardim, the man Portugal. set up to pay the families of the Paris emigrants. In this way. no funds were transferred from Parts and wealthy Portuguese could This Portugal." who owned almost "half of Mozambique" and organized a mercenary army in Mozambique; Mariano Felici, an Italian escape Portugal with money that could not have gone across the border A close examination of Carlucci's team demonstrates the under Portuguese law. fact that Kissinger has Destabilization plans drawn up. Chief arms merchant; and various Portuguese officers in exile." 8. Le Canard Enchains, Sept. 3. 1976 blicatiqn of Station for the CIA in Lisbon is John S. Morgan who served A former Portuguese military policeman. expelled from ser- 9. Afrique-Asia. May 19. 1975 vice after Nov. 25, 1975, reported that ITT provided a right- 10. The warrant for Vinhas' arrest was related to the strategy meet- IS Aval able 111 wing commando unit with electronic listening devices capable ings for Angola. Portugal and the Azores, shortly before the September of monitoring all telecommunications from abroad as well as 28.1974. ITT provided a right-wing inside Portugal. The commando unit was the core of that re- II.Politique Hebdo, July 24. 1975 established center-right authority, which won gains in the 12.CounterSpy interview with Mr. Dints. MICROFORM commando unit with electronic recent elections and for which western strategists have their 13.Politique Hebdo. April 17, 1975 14.ibid. fingers crossed. The source also said that the ITT equipment, listening devices. .9.9 15.Cambia /6, Nov. 24.1975 fi earmarked for the commandos only, and possibly ITT tech- 16.ibid. nicians to install it, began arriving in Portugal in late August in Brazil (1966.1969) and Uruguay (1970-1973). The CIA's 17.ibid. II. 1975. 18. second in command in Lisbon is James N. Lawler who special- Temoignage Chretien. Aug. 21,1975 On April 8. 1976, Spinola was expelled from Switzerland for 19.Le Monde. March 11 1975; See also Temoignage Owe:len, izes in rigging elections as he did in Chile (1962-1964) and continuing his world-wide activities to gaM support for MDLP- March 20.1975 Brazil (1964-1967)." ELP. Swiss authorities had permitted him to stay so long as 20. ibid. 15. Option No. 1 was obviously activated in Brazil between he ceased the campaign for support. After Spinola publicly 21. Intent. Newsweek, Nov. 17,1975 1965 and 1969 when Carlucci was Political Officer in Rio de stated that he had been in Dusseldorf in April trying to buy 22. "The Amman Liberation Front, an illegal separatist movement. Janeiro, directing Morgan and Lawler. At that time. Carlucci arms for the MDLP-ELP attempt to seize power." the Swiss threw a large rally to protest the persistent crisis on the mainland. Local socialists lined a statement condemning the rally. Shortly there- made many friends such as Carlos Lacerda. a Brazilian govern- officials began an investigation and discovered that Spinola after, a bomb heavily damaged the party's offices in the Azorean cap- Xerox University Microfilms or and instigator of the overthrow of Goulart, and Golberry was deeply tied to the MDLP-ELP plots. Spinola has spent ital city. Police said the weekend of tension in Lisbon. was accompanied 300 North Zeeb Road, Do Couto E. Silva, the founder of the National Information most of his time, since his second coup attempt failed in March Service (SNI) - Brazil's CIA." These friends continue to work by a new burst of anti-communist bomb attacks in the north. They Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 of 1975. campaigning for more support for his attempted reported that eight explosions in this region had damaged homes. of- directly with Carlucci. Over 80 agents of the SNI have arrived Call loll five: 800.521.0600 coups. fices. and cars linked to persons on the left. but caused no injuries." in Lisbon accompanied by Celso Telles. former director, in For now, the MDLP-ELP supporters in the CIA and in the Denver Post. Nov. 17. 1975 (UPI) Rio, of the Department of Social and Public Order (DOPS). 23. The Guardian. May 5.1976 PLEASE WRITE FOR big western corporations have chosen to exercise their interests COMPLETE INFORMATION Brazil's FBI." through the electoral system in Portugal. but the MDLP-ELP 24. Porn/got Jahr I der Rewalution, Line analytischc Reportage. Lacerda, who officially employs Spinola in his publishing is still financially sturdy, ideologically well-motivated. trained. Arno Munster, 1975. Rotbuch Verlag. Berlin. pp. 143 25. Intern Newsweek. Feb. 9. 1976 house in Brazil, serves as a link between the French SDECE. and waiting. If the Portuguese and European right and Amer- 26. U.S. reporters back from Portugal. the Spanish SEIS. and Spinola." Lacerda has also been im- ican foreign policy makers are pleased with the coalition of plicated in organizing the March II. 1975 coup with the help 27. Tentoignage Chretien, April 24. 1975 moderate/conservative parties reestablishing itself as the new 28. ibid 24. of Georges Bidault. former OAS and ODESA-Spinola liaison. Portuguese government. MDLP-ELP will be on reserve. If. 29. Politique Hebdo. Oct. 30. 1975 as well as in the overthrow of Gulled in Brazil. With such however, the developing regime backfires economically or 30. See CounterSpy, Winter 1975 Cam- friends, Carlucci can permit himself to say as he did in politically, that confederation will clearly take action and 31. ibid. 15. "I don't have any information on ELP and we don't 32. THE BLACK PANTHER bia 16, MDLP-ELP will put its forces in gear. 1.1 Manifesto (Portuguese) April 22. 1975 NTBRCOMMUpAL NEWS SERVICE aid them ... I don't know anything about them." 33. ibid 7. PLMLEMEI3 WEEKLY EIV 1TE lElACX GANT11.1 MR, 34. Temoignage Chretien, March 20.1975 WOO Last August, Carlucci made several visits to the U.S. base at 35. Afrique-Asie. May 19, 1975 Tor*. near Madrid to "consult with doctors." From what 36. Tentoignage Chirac& March 20,1975 THE BEST SOURCE FOR LIBERATION NEWS ON - *The Black Panther Party sickness was he suffering that he consulted with none other 37. Chid 13. Sablonsky "Castor" was named as a CIA agent in ibid 8. *Black and other oppressed communities than Spinola and Lacerda?" Did Carlucci give Spinola a list Although there is every reason to believe he is CIA. CounterSpy has not Carl Michael is a CounterSpy correspondent based in Paris, *Southern Africa of friends and places to visit? After meeting with Sanchez uncovered documentation of this relationship enough to declare him a France. Covisa and Sanchez Osorio in Madrid at the "Le Provencal" CIA agent. Some goes for "Morgan". *Worldwide Resistance Movements *Entertainment and Sports restaurant. Spinola flew to Bonn to meet with Herr F.J. 38. Cambia I& May 5.1975 39. AND, ONLY IN THE BLACK PANTHER - Strauss, head of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), and Liberation, March 25, 1975 40. Cambia lb Sept. 8. 1975. Also. .The revolutionary writiop of rho leader and chief theoretician a representative of the Brown Boveri Company. From there CounterSpy interviews with wit- Footnotes nesses to massive forest fires, in Portugal. of the Black Panther Party, Huey P. Newton, and other Party Spinola went to Paris to the Sheraton Hotel and met with I. Le Monde. March 25. 1975 41. Foreign Affairs Tad Sauk leaders members of ELP. Dias De Lima, Freitas Do Amaral (head of 2. 77re Church and Revolution: Portugal. International Documenta- 42. ibid 2. p. 91 ...... ..... ••••• Portuguese CDS). and Manuel Allegre of the Portuguese tion on the Contemporary Church. No. I. 1975, Europe: Churches in 43. ibid. MERE SUBSCRIPTION eon, Dosude yvoJeses Socialist Party." From there he traveled with Carlucci's old their Environment. Via S. Maria dell'Anima 30.00186 Rome. Italy 44. Cambia l& Oct. 27. 1975 3 MONTHS ii3 lasuaB ❑ friend, Golberry Do Couto E. Silva, to Switzerland to meet 3. ibid. 45. Afrique-Asie, April 7, 1975 a3R6 009.00 with John McCone (boss of ITT and former director of the 4. Reliable Source. U.S. Government 46. ibid 44. MONTHS aa laatlaB 000.75 0012.00 47. Le Monde. March 25. 1975 CIA) in the offices of the Brown Boveri Company." 5. 1 YEAR 02 Wuea1 0 010.00 0 $15.00 6. CounterSpy will tell you more about De Roux in coming issues. He 48. ibid 44. After the McCone-Spinola meeting in August, ITT an- LIFE SUBSCRIPTION has arrived in Portugal a day before each right-wing attempted coup. 49. Cambio lb Aug. 18.1975 01100.00 NEW SUBSCIIIPTON 0 nounced on September 4. 1975. it was cutting off all funds to Banco Pinto-Sotto-Major is believed to he the French-Portuguese 50. Le Canard Enchaine, Oct. 8. 1975 (HALM MEM RENEWAL 0 its Portuguese subsidiaries because it "no longer had ef. 7. Bank that is connected to the Portuguese financier, Antonio Clump- 51. Le Canard Enchains Oct. 1.1975 NAME fective control of Portuguese operations." ITT protested the limaud. This bank set up a special fund in 1975 to help destabilize the 52. Diaro de Lisboa. Oct. 15 (approx.) 1975. ADDRESS worker committees and said Portugal's nationalized banks already poor Portuguese economy. The large number of Portuguese 53. Stern, (German) March-April 1976. Spinola has concentrated CITY were "dragging their feet in providing credit". emigrants in France were urged to put their funds in a special account mainly on wealthy industrialists in his campaign for more support. STATE/ZIP COUNTRY ITT spent $3.5 million to cover salaries and operating ex. that "would not go back to Portugal to aid the 'communist' government In October 1975, he visited the Council on Foreign Relations in New PLEASE mamma( 01.1000. 0101011708 MACK PAPEE1101t METE, CENIIIAL 01511101MON, penses for its electronics factories which employed 7,000 there." (Normally the emigrants send their money back to Portugal for York City. on a well-publicized tour through the United States. (Mute duck, pubic to Central Distriputia0 BAtl Fist 105 Areal, Oakland.. EMU workers. They continued to operate with internal finance. but their families to use and previously this resulted in the favorable

Spring 1976, CounterSpy 45 44 CounterSpy, Spring 1976 saw running

Smith, said this would


man they


Spring 1976, CounterSpy 47

went to press.)

Political Pornography


Scott's allegations were flatly denied by Thorpe. Leading

Then another accusation appeared in the British press;

Last October, a 6 ft. tall man with shoulder-length slightly

model, not appeared in court on a charge of dishonestly obtain-

A short while later, research student Peter Hain, 26, was

ing state benefits and claimed that he was being "hounded" Liberal leader.

because he had once had a "sexual relationship" with the

Liberal MP's admitted that they had heard the same allega-

There, too, the matter might have ended had not Peter Besse!, a former Liberal MP who later disappeared in the United

tion, Inquired into it, and dismissed it as long ago as 1971.

Besse] never surfaced in person, he made a statement through States, admitted paying Scott between $400 and $600. Though solicitors explaining that the money was unconnected with the allegations against Thorpe. His parliamentary colleagues In 1975, a new porn film was produced by Ken Taylor, who

very properly accepted Thorpe's strong denial, but only after arranging their own "kangaroo court." Thorpe told the meet- ing that he would resign if others felt it was in the Party's in- terest. But the Liberal Chief Whip, not be required. Although the Liberal MP's claimed to be united around their leader it soon became evident that a leader-

Norman Scott had received $5000 (anonymously) for letters ad- Taylor's latest movie was called "Shieks Delight" or "Turk-

ship crisis had developed in the Party.

dressed to him by the mysterious Peter Bessel. With this ac-

friend David Holmes stepped forward, admitting to his silli-

cusation Thorpe's rivals in the Liberal Party jumped on the ness in paying for letters which had been widely circulated bandwagon against Thorpe. Fortunately for Thorpe, his good Holmes' admission, the bandwagon had its own momentum; among Liberal MPs and journalists, and which had even been

Thorpe's opposition continues. Yet, while Thorpe fights to

examined by police, at Thorpe's insistence in 1974. Despite

maintain his leadership of the party, which many Liberal MPs

believe he will lose come the fall election, there is actually little public support for Scott's derogatory allegations. curly brown hair, slim, with a long thing face, unshaven, stole L490 from Barclays Bank in Putney. The man ran from the

trial on the theft, the boys testified that the thief turned and

bank with three teenage boys chasing after him. During the glared at them at least three times giving them an opportunity to see his face. They claim that the thief ran into a crowd, was dropped, he disappeared. and after a momentary jostling when some of the stolen money

arrested for the robbery. Hain, president of the Young Liber- als. and a strong supporter of the Anti-Aparthied Movement in London, had participated in several anti-aparthied demon- strations. One such demonstration, in 1970, took place outside the robbed bank to protest against the bank's considerable financial interests in South Africa. At trial, the prosecutors

towards their South African connections. But several witnesses have testified that Hain was not the

argued that Hain had robbed the bank because of his animosity

through town on the day of the robbery. (The trial was still in progress as

had been a personal friend of Mandy Rice-Davies, a call-girl

involved in the Profumo Scandal of 1963.

ish Delight" and according to some reports was filmed in fashionable Hamstead in the home of a prominent Liberal MP.

minister (or ex-minister), and another was the daughter of a Liberal MP whose house was used for the film set.

One of the women in the film was the mistress of a cabinet

by one of Kamil's em-

Johannesburg Sunday Express,

Sunday Telegraph

Target: British Liberals

A more immediate purpose for assaulting the Liberals than

An added dimension to the plot is the involvement of Gorden

ican, is widely regarded as a liberal opposed to the present system of separate development for blacks and whites. But

his practical achievements show him to be as orthodox as any other South African industrialist. He wants to put a clean face on South Africa's vile system of racial separation by awarding privileges to a tiny African middle class. There is no reason to

most racist Afrikaaner in South Africa. The CIA helped BOSS switch from an exclusive internal se-

believe Oppenheimer is any less angry at the Liberals than the

general hatred may be Oppenheimer's and other Anglo execu-

government officials had reached the hands of Liberal scandal- mongers. Anti-aparthied groups are known to be on the trail

tives' fear that documentation of their years of bribing top

of documents revealing Swiss bank account numbers and with- American officials. British police and Anglo American security men are on the same trail. The trail blazer they are all seeking Jeremy Thorpe had been the leader of the Liberal Party for is a mysterious former employee of Anglo American named Kamil. Kamil worked for Anglo American as a general trouble drawals which Anglo used to pay off European. British and

shooter, with a polished specialty for converting Anglo Amer- ican diamonds into cash on the black market. The cash route continued untraced and, conveniently, government tariffs on the diamonds are not deducted from the sales. A statement

bribes and may have attempted blackmail of the aparthied

given to the London Winter, a reporter for the who was instrumental in spreading the stories of Jeremy ployees suggests that Kamil has proof of Anglo American's corporation.

Thorpe's alleged sexual activities. Winter is known to have been an informer for South Africa's police and the dreaded Bureau of State Security. By his own admission he worked in

its still operating successor, the Institute for the Study of Con- the late 60s and early 70s for two London-based CIA propa- ganda organs — the now defunct Forum World Features and flict — which have strong relationships with BOSS. BOSS is Harold Wilson's defense of Thorpe in Parliament, the chief of also believed to have broken into homes and offices of anti- aparthied leaders in London and the continent, though after

BOSS went before television cameras hs Pretoria denying BOSS involvement in the plot against the Liberals.

curity focus to worldwide operations against the enemies of aparthied. The CIA station is prominently in liaison with its tude towards Africa following Secretary of State Henry Kis- South African client. But with the recent change in U.S atti- black Africa that it is becoming an "outlaw" state. If this singer's tour of black Africa, the areas of cooperation between

CIA and BOSS may also be changing. There is worry at the State Department that the aparthied regime may be so desper- continues the CIA may not be able to temper BOSS's adven- turist actions or the private security apparatus of corporations II years when in January he faced an inquiry by the Depart- like Anglo American. ate from international sanctions and the potential actions of

ment of Trade and Industry about the collapse of a London and Counties bank he directed. The investigation cleared

but administered a mild rebuke that he had shown lack of judgement in his dealings with the bank's executive officers. The Liberal leader's problems might have then dropped from the headlines had Norman Scott, a self-styled author and male Thorpe of any personal responsibility for the bank's activities



At least one source has claimed the document, "Disruption

When former Prime Minister Harold Wilson defended

The white rulers of South Africa have strong hatred for

Harry Oppenheimer, chairman of the board of Anglo Amer-

Anglo American Corporation—a huge mining, chemical and But by that time, copies ofd secret timetable titled "Disruption Africa, or when Young Liberals organize anti-aparthied of the Liberal Party" were circulating among aparthied's foes. tion, he confirmed London's persistent rumor that South Af- of the Liberal Party," originated in the security offices of the paranoia. To aparthied's leadership, Liberals and their in- fluence are the sourer of all South Africa's problems in Britain. rican interests were behind the accusations against Thorpe. Parliament stand against British association with South Jeremy Thorpe in Parliament just two days before his resigna- textile firm with interests in all areas of South African finance. animosity toward the aparthied system. South Africa's news England's Liberals. While the British Conservative and Labour media have made the Liberals the stock "devil" for all British action against South African interests. When Liberals in demonstrations, South Africa's white leaders sink into parties tend to equate the business interests of South Africa

with British interests, the Liberals have consistently voiced

now try

CounterSpy can

CounterSpy, Spring 1976

ritain's Liberal Leaders


After conversations with well-known British journalists,

Has that persistent foe of South African aparthied, Great

Party leadership.

model of an estranged homosexual affair with Liberal Party porno film are connected in a calculated plot to collapse the

leader Jeremy Thorpe; what may be a frame-up bank robbery charge on Peter Hain, head of the Young Liberals; and the ap- pearance of a powerful Liberal M.P.'s daughter in an inane 46 Our sources suggest that accusations from an out-of-work male

to answer these questions gnawing at the British political con- science. British press law, the Official Secrets Act, and the ab- sence of investigative journalism traditibns have prevented the entire bizarre plot from being published in England to date. police investigators and other sources,

Were Anglo American covert actions prompted by a too4ong Africa's largest business conglomerate use the services of the (BOSS), or the CIA? aparthied's ruthless secret police, the Bureau of State Security repressed minty with English liberals, or to cover up corporate Britain's Liberal Party, been sabotaged by aparthied's power- bribes to the highest officials in Western governments through ful and flexible engine, the Anglo American Corporation? a black market diamond smuggling operation? Did South


Winslow Peck

dic U.S. Corporation Oust

South African intelligence



Corporate CIA

Apartheid's On March 3, 1976 these three seemingly unrelated events Anglo American has interests in mining, textiles, chemicals, the mystery man Kamil. Kamil worked during the sixties as were connected. The London Sunday Telegraph took a remark- steel and diamonds. It has been connected to the Morgan • special investigator for Anglo American. His job involved able statement from Kenneth Wyatt, a well-known porn family in the United States since J.P. Morgan's original invest- attempts to discover fraud in Anglo American's member com- broker, which involved underworld characters, look-alike ment in 1917. panies. Kamil also smuggled diamonds for Anglo American. doubles, blackmail attempts, mercenary armies, mass assassin- Anglo American is the corporate flagship of Harry Oppen- Kamil told Wyatt that diamonds were skimmed off and sold ation attempts, black marketeering and bribery of high British heimer, South Africa's largest employer. Oppenheimer is the on the black market so that no trace of the funds produced officials. His story seemed so fantastic at first that many most notorious establishment critic of the current aparthied could be found. Anglo American would also not have to pay the readers dismissed it as lunatic ravings until his predictions status but he has probably done more than anyone else to fuel various government taxes on the diamonds. The funds, Kamil tamed into headlines in the following weeks. the economic machine on which the strength of white suprem- claimed, were used to bribe high officials in foreign govern- Wyatt, the porn broker, testified that he became involved in acy stands. A supporter of the Progressive Party, Oppen- ments. Kamil showed Wyatt a list of Swiss bank account num- a bizarre adventure involving the accusations against Thorpe, heimer has helped run munitions factory for the Nationalist bers of the high officials who had been paid the bribes. Kamil the trial of Peter Hain, and the movie "Shieks Delight." Party governments of the late Dr. Verwoerd and Mr. Vorster, says that Anglo American had paid between 1953 and 1956 He claims that he was approached by Ken Taylor to sell in South Africa. While somewhat scrutinized by right-wing inclusive L26 million in bribery to about 79 people and that he the film and in the course of events also learned that it would Afrikans, Oppenheimer has proven his loyalty. Although he had the proof. Wyatt's testimony to the Sunday Telegraph be used for blackmail because of the MP's daughter's per- is an English-speaking capitalist, he was one of the first busi- leaves the impression that Kamil was attempting to blackmail formance. The film deal was never completed but, in the nessmen to go into partnership with fundamentalist, Christian Anglo American for some money he believed was owed to him. underworld where Wyatt travels, new opportunities are always farming Dutch-descent Afrikaaner capital. He is a firm sup- During the course of his transactions, he threatened Anglo emerging; Wyatt was soon approached by a friend to do work porter of Vorster's "outward-looking" economic policy of American with sabotage of one of their mines which would for a mysterious man named Kamil who had documents he seeking close trade and investment with independent Africa. lead to the possible deaths of over 1,000 miners. This would be needed transported around Europe. Wyatt's job was to find Oppenheimer has also become the symbol of the theory which highly embarrassing to the "rich but left" Oppenheimer. women to be courtiers. While employed with Kamil, Wyatt the Economist calls "the richer, the letter." He believes that as Kamil also talked of running weapons and funds to a mer- saw documents processed by Kamil, caned "Disruption of the South Africa becomes more prosperous the absurdity of racial cenary group in Mozambique, and several other bizarre deals Liberal Party, which Kamil told him had been prepared in the discrimination will be obvious to all, and the country will be- he was involved with.' security offices of Kamil's former employer, the Anglo Amer- come more liberal. The anti-aparthied movement also knew of Kamil and the ican Corporation of South Africa. Oppenheimer has openly criticized aparthied for years. He "proof" he had of Anglo American bribes. Two people sympa- The documents detailed a five-stage plot against the Liberal says, "A country cannot develop its full economic potential thetic to the anti-aparthied drive contacted Wyatt while he was Party which involved: smears against Liberal Party members, if it does not make the best use of its labor force," This is the in Kamil's employ and urged him to get the file from Kamil or including Jeremy Thorpe; the Peter HaM frame-up; and the key to his opposition to aparthied and his great vision for South to convince Kamil he should turn it over to them. They told producing of the blackmail film "Shieks Delight," which Africa. No word here about equal rights for Africans. No call Wyatt that the information contained proof that two ex- for integrated education, for an end to segregation, for adult cabinet ministers had received substantial payments from prepared in 1968 for then-CIA director Richard Helms ex- Wyatt earlier had been asked to sell. As one example, the file plaining the history of FWF. Later in the Washington Post maintained the; Angle American security agents had found a suffrage. What Oppenheimer has in mind is a meritocracy, in Anglo American. They told him that if he could get the docu- which racial differences will be replaced by educational and ments the Liberal Party would jump on the bandwagon of the and the Herald Tribune, Bernard D. Nossiter confirmed Time Peter Hain "double" in Johannesburg and that in August Out's story, along with the denials by the principals involved class differences. expose. But before Wyatt could act, he was arrested and ap- they had flown him to London via Brussels and Dublin. In of their CIA connections. The classified CIA report reads: He, and the Progressive Party, foresee a time when the vote proached by British police and Anglo American security to London, the look-a-like purchased a car and clothes identical Forum World Features. Ltd. (FWF) is an international news will be given to a few more Africans who manage to break identify the anti-aparthied movement couple that had ap- to Peter HaM's. Anglo American agents then watched Ham's feature service located in London and incorporated in Dela- through the barrier of an inferior, segregated educational sys- proached him to obtain Kamil's documents. It was after this house and, via two-wave radio, notified the impersonator, who ware whose overt aim is to provide on a commercial basis a tem and achieve middle-class status. Basically his "richer, but that he made his statement to the Sunday Telegraph. Counter- then committed the robbery. The man was extremely well comprehensive weekly service covering international affairs, letter" approach is to raise the quality of black labor but his Spy has heard no further word about Kamil at this time, other covered so he could not be caught, yet he made sure his face economics, science and medicine, book reviews and other sub- vision is not concerned with ,a democratic South Africa but than a rumor that he and Anglo American have worked out a was risible to passersby until he disappeared. jects of a general nature. In its first two years FWF has pro- economic growth. deal and that he is in their good graces again. This information was ultimately given to the Peter Hain with- vided the United States with a significant means to counter The definitive Penguin pocketbook, The South African Con- defense, which checked with Anglo American. The corpora- Communist prop (sic) and has become a respected feature nection Western Investment in Aparthied, concludes that: The Winter of Our Discontent tion claimed to have no such person, the "double", on their service well on the way to a position of prestige in the jour- Oppenheimer is far-sighted enough to realise that a capital- payroll. But upon checking in Johannesburg, the defense dis- While the investigations are currently in progress in London, nalism world. Begun as a commercial entity in January. 1966, ist economic system can best be maintained in the Republic by covered that he had arrived at his home with a new car and lots it is the history of a Mr. Gordon Winter which is providing FWF was created from the residue of Forum Service, an ac- strengthening its economic, political and military links with of money; now both the look-a-like and Hain 's wife have dis- the most interesting aspects of the case. Gordon Winter is a tivity of the Congress of Cultural Freedom (CCF) from which the rest,of the capitalist world, and by the gradual award of appeared. British journalist who circulated the stories accusing the Lib- the CIA withdrew its support in 1966. The existence of Wyatt's testimony, as well as several copies, privileges to the tiny African middle class. If this middle class eral leader, Jeremy Thorpe of the homosexual relationship. Beneath the unsigned memo to the Director of Central In- can be made an elite, identifying more with the white minority in London, of the paper Disruption of the Liberal Party, moved Gordon Winter had been involved in the South African telligence is written in hand: "Run w. knowledge and coopera- than with the African masses, it may. as it grows, provide a Prime Minister Harold Wilson to defend Thorpe and the underworld as an informer while working for South African tion of British Intelligence." fer for white supremacy. As far as aparthied is a Liberals in Parliament. In that speech, just before his retire- useful buf newspapers. He currently works for the Johannesburg Sunday Nossiter reported that FWF was closed down for two reasons. ment, Wilson alluded to foreign interests (South African) be- flexible system for preserving white control, this policy is apar- Express. During the course of the Thorpe scandal in London. First because the CIA was supposedly withdrawing from covert hind the plot to discredit the Liberal leader. He insisted that thied's best long term defense." he admitted to the Guardian that he worked as a staff journal- propaganda activities of this kind, and secondly, because it he did not believe the 'foreign interest' was a government, but In 1970, Harry Oppenheimer, chairman of the Anglo Amer- ist during the late 1960's and early 1970's for a London-based. feared that Philip Agee or some other dissident former CIA rather a private commercial enterprise. ican Corporation, gave a lecture commemorating Cecil Rhodes, internationally active newspaper called Forum World Fea- agent would blow PWF's cover. the founder of the outlaw settler regime in "Rhodesia," known tures (FWF). Anglo American Corporation Winter also admitted that he had used the resources of the to most of the world as Zimbabwe. In the speech he revealed Winter was also secretary during the time to the National Institute for the Study of Conflict, a right-wing London re- The business mentioned by Wyatt in his testimony is the something of the model he has for an ideal South Africa. Op- Union of Journalists London Freelance Branch and had ar- search group which was established with a grant from FWF in Anglo American Corporation. Anglo American is the largest penheimer said that although the methods Rhodes employed ranged for various freelance journalists to use Forum Ser- 1970 by former chairman of FWF Brian Crozier. Crozier is corporation In South Africa. It is almost an independent eco- "certainly involved hArshness, and perhaps even trickery," vices. Both Forum World Features and the National Union of a well-known British writer of rightist viewpoints. The In- he was inspired by "a great vision." It was of "a great modern nomic state centered in sub-Saharan Africa with interests in Journalists are well-exposed CIA fronts which used journal- stitute for the Study of Conflict publishes low-keyed reports Britain, Germany and the United States. Anglo American, the industrialized state in South Africa in which all civilized men ists to spread CIA-biased information. on counter-insurgency. ISC's connections to the CIA and the most prominent of the multinational corporations active in could enjoy equal rights." And. Oppenheimer said, this vision FWF closed down in April, 1975, shortly before London's British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) have been extensively Africa, has an interlocking system of holdings and directorates was still valid. It was "the only way we will be able to remain Time Out magazine exposed its CIA connections. The Na- exposed by Mark Hosenball in Time Out magazine. that spreads across the entire continent. "More Like A Govern- safe and prosperous." tional Union of Journalists was exposed in Philip Agee's CIA As he recently reported, Winter's exact relationship to the ment than a Company" was the way The Investors Chronicle Oppenheimer is not above a certain "harshness, and perhaps Diary for its propaganda work on behalf of the agency in Latin ISC is not known but ISC is 'known to have extensive contact described Anglo American's international diversification. even trickery" himself. One of his many employees has been America. Time Out received a copy of a classified CIA report with events in southern Africa and to South African intelli-

48 CounterSpy, Spring 1976 Spring 1976, CounterSpy 49 Africa



a number of


Security Council




Spring 1976, CounterSpy 51

but he was photographed giving the fascist

Out magazine reported that four years ago van den

One security man in the foyer of the hotel rose lazily from a

It may all look fantastic from (London]. But in Southern Af-

BOSS does not just target Africans but anti-aparthied

One rung beneath van den Bergh on the ladder of power in

By 1974 BOSS had greatly increased its power and by then


BOSS is not just an internal gestapo for aparthied, nor does

In February 1976, Moses Garoeb of SWAPO,

me and coolly informed me that my appointment with so and

chair on one occasion. without bothering to identify himself to so the nest morning had been shifted from eleven o'clock to

noon. He was dead right, of course, and I discovered when my ting me know I was under surveillance.

friend phoned again later, it was aim* (the government] let-

rica it is a normal part of manning the defences against the

loathed enemy, the European liberal. groups, nationalist groups and exiles and their various sup-

porters and sympathizers. The scope of their surveillance is determined by van den Bergh. Van den Bergh has not adopted He has appeared on many political platforms lectured on the

the traditional police attitude of standing aloof from politics.

dangers of communism, and stated that "certain student or. ganizations, newspaper reporters, churchmen and other In- tellectuals are under Communist influence" and that liberals

helped communism by "sickly sentimentalism." He has been to communism. He has denied that he ever belonged to the


reported as saying (inaccurately he claims) that Jews are prone

O.B. salute at the funeral of its former leader Van Rensburg.

South Africa is General R.C. Hiemstra, Commandant-General

South Africa against the Axis and was transferred to civilian

of the Armed Forces and another Vorster intimate. Although

he was not detained during the war he refused to serve outside the Nationalist Party, his rise to the top has also been rapid.

the Security Police had clearly become subordinate to it. The

duty. He returned to the Defense Force after the war and under

deputy head of BOSS, M.C.W. Geldehuys was appointed the the Secifily Police had come to bad terms with van den Bergh. head of the Security Police after his predecessor in charge of

but this appears to be superficial. The Council includes senior

followed up by the Security Police. Now BOSS controls all

cabinet members, the Ministers of Defence, Police, Foreign were "independent"; threats as discovered by BOSS were to be Affairs and Justice. But the Council is relatively ineffective. For

instance, when originally formed BOSS and the other services

security matters for South Africa's white minority rulers. Bergh was injured in an electrical accident in his home. At the BOSS is somewhat controlled by the

time a Major-General H.R. Meintjes took over control of BOSS

until van den Bergh recovered. Meinthes has had close con-

ing them information on African liberation movements and is lieved to be the head of BOSS in London. Many suspect him of

being behind the actions to "disrupt or destabilize" the liberal Party.

tact with the Institute for the Study of Conflict in London, giv-

currently the South African Armed Forces Attache and be-

world. This change occurred about the same time as BOSS

it only spy on Africans, but has taken on the task of covert operations against anti-aparthied organizations around the

magazine of April, 1976 reports that at this

changed from a straightforward anti-subversion liody to one

responsible for a much wider range of

intellectuals are concerned with defining future courses of ac• tion inside and outside the country.

working out policy approaches for the government.

was on a visit to London. He left his hotel for four hours in trying to free Namibia of South African military occupation,


Most observers




thick blankets. This was the normal procedure,

months. I went to call on friends in Johannesburg



BOSS falls under the department of Balthazar Johannes

He was arrested on September 23, 1942. for treasonable

The head of BOSS is Hendrick J. van den Bergh, who lives

Under Section 10 of the General Law Amendment Act, 1969,

In many ways, van den Bergh's powers are greater than those

Van den Bergh's rise to absolute power as the head of South

1966, after the assassination of Dr. Verwoerd. During WWII,

(John) Vorster, who became Prime Minister on September 13, Patrick Keatley reported in the March 21, 1975

I got my first shock about the existence of this all pervasive Vorster was a commandant in the pro-Nazi

(Ox Wagon Sentinel), a militant, national-socialist movement

which sought the establishment of an authoritarian state with

1967, after assuming the Prime Ministry, Vorster unveiled a

citizenship restricted to "assimilable white elements," the abolition of private enterprises and the breaking of connections

to Britain.

activities and interned until February 11, 1944. In October

monument to Dr. J.F.J. Van Rensburg. the Commandant- One could give many more examples. (A well-known Liberal

General of the

behind a curtain of secrecy only partially lifted during his

recent declaration to the press that neither he nor BOSS were involved in the attack on the English Liberal Party.

any length of time and prohibit any mention of it in the press

nothing may be disclosed about BOSS or van den Bergh's

or elsewhere. He can prevent any evidence being led in court -

He can prevent any court or person from looking into what 15 people have died under interrogation in the past few years,

role in it. He is able to investigate anything, detain anyone for

even the evidence of an accused person in his own defense. BOSS is doing or how it is interrogating its detainees. At least

and at least 3,000 Africans are arrested in South Africa every

day. of the Prime Minister, since he is not answerable to Parliament or even the Cabinet, but only to the Prime Minister — a close

personal friend with whom he was interned during the war as a suspected member of the believe only Anglo American Corporation's Oppenheimer has

more power in South Africa than Gm. van den Bergh of BOSS. Africa's gestapo has been meteoric. A captain in the police

force in 1959, he was made Lt. Colonel in 1962 (a year after Vorster became Minister of Justice) and was elevated to full

Major-General in 1966 (as Inspector-General and later Depu- branch of the police. He was made a Brigadier in 1964, a

ty-Commissioner of Police) and in April 1968 was given the Colonel in 1963, when he was placed at the head of the security rank of Lt. General and then of full General on his appoint- ment as "security advisor" to Vorster in October, 1968. With Vorster, van den Bergh has planned and carried into opera.

tion the host of security laws which have filled South African jails with opponents of aparthied.

trip that was to keep me on circuit in South Africa for the best

of his experience with the surveillance network of BOSS: part of network at the time of the Sharpeville shootings in 1960 on a

up on the Obsersistory Hill. When tasked to use the telephone

they took me to a room where the instrument was double

ties. As I went my rounds, I discovered this blanket technique


day and night, because people of liberal views had learned that

even when the receiver is on the hook the phone can pick up

was — and is — widespread.

conversations in a room which can be tapped by the authori-

bugged, but had to warn friends by gestures to the ceiling that

this was so when they walked in to see him at the Hotel. leader] on his mission . . . not only knew his suite of rooms was

an old common law


But this fooled no one and many lawyers and jurists lam-

Clause 29 authorized the Prime Minister or his nominee

Clause 10 amended the Official Secrets Act to make it an

Then suddenly on June 2, only 18 days before the end of the Up to this point commentators on BOSS usually made com- The Government claimed that Clauses 10 and 29 contained

On May 19th, the Deputy Minister of Finance introduced a

On May 16, BOSS was officially formed. Its functions were

The military was extremely upset over these new arrange-

ment to any court or statutory body lithe evidence or document

public security."

hibit the giving of any evidence or the production of any docu- is, in their opinion, "prejudicial to the interests of the state or

(usually van den Bergh -ed.) or any Cabinet Minister, to pro- and BOSS began its rule of South Africa. matter relating to the security of the Republic and includes ity ... or to the relationship subsisting between any person and the state Bureau." without due process of law. Their protests were to no avail rule which had been upheld in courts for some time.

basted this ruling as it gave the state virtual power to imprison

any "security matter." "Security matter" was defined as "any Parliamentary session, the Government gave notice of a Gen- any matter dealt with or relating to the Bureau of State Secur-

protect BOSS in the same ways the British SIS or the CIA were But hidden among its numerous provisions, the Government protected and that Clause 29 simply slipped in two clauses giving BOSS virtually unlimited power. offense, punishable on conviction by a fine up to R1,500 or 7 years imprisonment or both fine and imprisonment, to disclose about the movements of "our neighbors to the North" and of "terrorists in South Africa." was the usual omnibus measure introduced to tidy up a num-

no principles not already embodied in South African common or statute law. They also claimed that Clause 10 would only tivities to southern Africa, differentiating it from the CIA's global actions. He said it was essential to have information ber of laws relating to rents, sports regulation and commerce. account for BOSS. He said it was not in the public interest

it is essential to ensure the secrecy of these services, the ex- funds in the usual way." Security Services Special Account Bill, establishing a special eral Law Amendment Bill which was published on June 4. It penditure in connection therewith cannot be voted from public

tate to draw any parallels. The Minister limited BOSS's ac- parison to the CIA. But the Minister of the Interior was hesi-

to go into the details of the security services. He declared: "As

inform and advise the government. interested government form such other functions and responsibilities as may be de- termined from time to time. tions, despite Vorster's earlier assertion that BOSS would be Bergh. independent and have its own functions.

Bill which formerly authorized the creation of BOSS and made defined in the Government Gazette as: (1) to investigate all matters affecting the security of the State, to correlate and evaluate the information collected and, where necessary, to it free of control by the Public Services Administration (civil to coordinate the activities of SA's various security organiza- service). The Minister said BOSS's security function would be departments and other bodies in regard thereto; and (2) to per-

Commissioner of Police, Gen. J.P. Gous. And finally there ments. The next step was taken on May 13, when the Minister of the Interior introduced the Public Service Amendment

was to be the Bureau of State Security under General van den

Armed Forces, Gen. R.S. Hiemstra. The security branch of the Police was to be headed by Brig. "nay" Vinter under the



BOSSing Alma

Out. In 1973, Janke had played host to a white South

CounterSpy, Spring 1976

igence was placed under the Commandant-General of the


When these estimates were debated in April of that year,

Then in March, 1969, a debate arose between the National•

Winter currently denies that AC is working for BOSS while

The Bureau of State Security was created in controversy

The ISC also has contacts with the intelligence service of

ISC has other relations with BOSS as revealed in the hun-

Vorster admitted that SA now had three "independent" secur-

R1,842,500 in 1968/9 to 85,320,500 in 1969/70 with the ser-

of John Vorster.

Administration and Development Department. The total

vices changing from a military orientation to the department

fence Vote the amount for military intelligence was reduced in 1968/9 to R1,218,000 in 1969/70. However, under the De- from R830,000 in 1968/9 to a mere 839,000 in 1969/70. But there was an item for R500 for the secret services of the Bantu

expenditure on the SA secret services was thus raised from In addition they noticed that the amount for secret services

under the allocation for police was increased from R1,012,000

1968, a further announcement said that van den Bergh (by now

a full General) would not become Commissioner but instead

ist Party and the opposition United Party over the amount of money to spend on intelligece. Oppenheimer's Progressive Party generally supported Vorster's Nationalist Party. At that time estimates that close to 84,063,000 were being allocated for "secret services" riled some members of the opposition.

would be appointed Vorster's security advisor.

1968, the Nationalist Party government of Prime Minister

Bergh. chief of the security branch of the police, would be- come the new Commissioner of Police. Then on October 1, spreading the story of Jeremy Thorpe's alleged sexual mis- conduct.

"Rhodesia," a client of BOSS. ISC has worked with Colonel the agency began earlier the proceeding year. On April 26,

notorious in the mid-sixties for his blackmail attempts on

Janke visited this South African spy on his trip there in 1974.

port for African liberation movements. The members of Parliament finally exposed Morris as a sergeant in the South African security police and he soon left Britain. John Vorster announced that Lieutenant General H.J. van den officially on the 16th of May, 1969. But the maneuvers to create London to do some research for a book. During his stay, Mor-

DeWit is an official of the South African Secret Police — the House. It also was discovered that in 1967 he had written to Bureau of State Security (BOSS). Claude Greathead of the "Rhodesian" service who became Zambian leaders.

African 'journalist' named Michael Morris who had come to

ris was seen observing demonstrations outside South Africa the Young Liberals in Britain asking for information on sup-

P.J. DeWit and asked him for information on the revolution dreds of documents on ISC activities received and reported on by

Number 52, "Southern Africa — The End of Empire." PJ. friends in the police establishments of many Western countries

in Mozambique. DeWit later mailed the information to hake in London, but in the cover letter asked Janke not to cite the

source of the information or reveal it to "representatives of other South African Departments in London." The informa- tion duly appeared, uncredited, in Janke's Conflict Study the Institute named Peter Janke, for instance, who has close visited Capetown in 1974 to do research on 'national libera- tion movements in southern Africa. There he called upon Mr.

gene, besides its CIA and SIS connections. A researcher at . by bodies, whose functions he refused to disclose. Military in-


Nixon/Kissinger Nixon/Kissinger

Spring 1976, CounterSpy 53 53 CounterSpy 1976, Spring

Nixon/Kissinger Doctrine Doctrine Nixon/Kissinger

as the strategy of sub-imperialism has become become has sub-imperialism of strategy the as

The first public announcement of the the of announcement public first The

The article described him as a "foreign affairs analyst with with analyst affairs "foreign a as him described article The

The relationship of the CIA and BOSS consistently reflects reflects consistently BOSS and CIA the of relationship The

Kissinger had taken the helm of the Western political and and political Western the of helm the taken had Kissinger

theCIA's Office of Police Research, who is currently writing a a writing currently is who Research, Police of Office theCIA's

which the government immediately denied. The anger of the the of anger The denied. immediately government the which

South African government was intense because the author Bob Bob author the because intense was government African South

known — came in President Nixon's "State of the World" World" the of "State Nixon's President in came — known Jaster worked for the CIA. CIA. the for worked Jaster

Doctrine — — Doctrine picture of conflict between the Zulus and the government government the and Zulus the between conflict of picture

book on the origins of the Anglo-Zulu war of 1879. The South South The 1879. of war Anglo-Zulu the of origins the on book

U.S. policy on this issue. The author refused to discuss the the discuss to refused author The issue. this on policy U.S. article without the approval of his superiors at CIA head- CIA at superiors his of approval the without article

African government was quick to point out that the CIA had had CIA the that out point to quick was government African tional Security Study Memorandum 39 directing an interde- an directing 39 Memorandum Study Security tional

the U.S. government as the ultimate power and protector of of protector and power ultimate the as government U.S. the

the overall policy changes in U.S. relations with South Africa. Africa. South with relations U.S. in changes policy overall the

propaganda planted by the CIA as an indication of future future of indication an as CIA the by planted propaganda quarters. He did, however, say the article, "was not intended not "was article, the say however, did, He quarters.

to please White South Africans." Africans." South White please to no such office. They raised the speculation that the article was was article the that speculation the raised They office. such no

zania." zania."

the global corporate imperium. He realised that for the system system the for that realised He imperium. corporate global the and economic "stability." Otherwise, the necessity for Ameri- for necessity the Otherwise, "stability." economic and

dermined. dermined.

BOSS was created shortly after Henry Kissinger issued Na- issued Kissinger Henry after shortly created was BOSS

policy toward Southern Africa (south of Congo (K)) and Tan- and (K)) Congo of (south Africa Southern toward policy

over the resources and markets in these regions would be un- be would regions these in markets and resources the over

can monopolies, such as Anglo American, to maintain control control maintain to American, Anglo as such monopolies, can partmental staff to make a "comprehensive review of U.S. U.S. of review "comprehensive a make to staff partmental

economic system at a time of significant change in the role of of role the in change significant of time a at system economic

to be maintained against any erosion — especially revolution- especially — erosion any against maintained be to

created to serve as junior partners to sustain regional political political regional sustain to partners junior as serve to created

ary challenges — a series of sub-imperial centers had to be be to had centers sub-imperial of series a — challenges ary

Liberation Liberation

as America's "number "number America's as

Bob 'aster estimated that that estimated 'aster Bob

in Nairobi and Lusaka. His His Lusaka. and Nairobi in

thought to head a team of 40 40 of team a head to thought

the Paris newspaper newspaper Paris the

and and

he was was he

The report mentioned that although his his although that mentioned report The

New York Times Times York New

Washington Post, Post, Washington

previously was was previously

Rand Daily Mail. Mail. Daily Rand

After leaving Kinshasa in May 1968, Jeton served as politi- as served Jeton 1968, May in Kinshasa leaving After

After a 16-month period in Washington, Jeton was posted to to posted was Jeton Washington, in period 16-month a After

After this Jeton was involved in many "cowboy" operations operations "cowboy" many in involved was Jeton this After

Jeton's deputy was Jared Richardson who graduated from from graduated who Richardson Jared was deputy Jeton's

The replacement of Jeton by Donvin M. Wilson may be an an be may Wilson M. Donvin by Jeton of replacement The

American radio stations stations radio American His first CIA appointment was to Damascus in Syria in in Syria in Damascus to was appointment CIA first His

The number two man now is believed to be Ernest Bryant. Bryant. Ernest be to believed is now man two number The

In an article titled "The Zulus Resist" in the March 23, 23, March the in Resist" Zulus "The titled article an In

CIA's recent secret war in Angola. Angola. in war secret recent CIA's

against the liberation movements. This is Jeton's specialty. specialty. Jeton's is This movements. liberation the against war-torn Lebanon. Lebanon. war-torn

an indication of the CIA's interest in working with BOSS BOSS with working in interest CIA's the of indication an

October 1973. Jeton's appointment to Pretoria at this time is is time this at Pretoria to appointment Jeton's 1973. October

center for CIA operations against the whole of Africa. Africa. of whole the against operations CIA for center

with the CIA in its secret war in Laos. Godley was rejected by by rejected was Godley Laos. in war secret its in CIA the with mostly South Africans including some of those involved in the the in involved those of some including Africans South mostly the Senate in his nomination to the post of Assistant Secretary Secretary Assistant of post the to nomination his in Senate the

Moise Tshombe, influenced by the CIA, hired mercenaries, mercenaries, hired CIA, the by influenced Tshombe, Moise He has recently been seen in Paris, which is reported to be the the be to reported is which Paris, in seen been recently has He

This was during the Congo power struggle when President President when struggle power Congo the during was This of State for East Asian Affairs but is currently Ambassador in in Ambassador currently is but Affairs Asian East for State of

1969. 1969.

cal officer in Tunis before taking up his post in Pretoria in in Pretoria in post his up taking before Tunis in officer cal

who was previously in the Philippines in 1971 and Turkey in in Turkey and 1971 in Philippines the in previously was who Syria. They were accused of inspiring an attempted army army attempted an inspiring of accused were They Syria.

Kinshasa in the Congo in 1965 as a political officer in the Em- the in officer political a as 1965 in Congo the in Kinshasa

sul to Dakar, where he worked with George McMurtrie God- McMurtrie George with worked he where Dakar, to sul

of the CIA. In November 1958, Jeton was posted as a vice-con- a as posted was Jeton 1958, November In CIA. the of

bassy. Godley was also in Kinshasa, then called Leopoldville. Leopoldville. called then Kinshasa, in also was Godley bassy.

coup. Their expulsion followed an army purge. purge. army an followed expulsion Their coup.

commercial officer in Pretoria in May 1973. More recently recently More 1973. May in Pretoria in officer commercial

ley, later an assistant Secretary of State and close collaborator collaborator close and State of Secretary assistant an later ley, by Howard "Rocky" Stone, who was described by the Beirut Beirut the by described was who Stone, "Rocky" Howard by

predecessor was Francis John Jeton, according to a report in in report a to according Jeton, John Francis was predecessor

the the George Washington University. University. Washington George

Oregon University and joined the CIA in 1966. After an ap- an After 1966. in CIA the joined and University Oregon

and a Colonel Robert W. Malloy were given 24 hours to leave leave to hours 24 given were Malloy W. Robert Colonel a and one expert on coup d'etats." On August 13, 1967, Stone, Jeton Jeton Stone, 1967, 13, August On d'etats." coup on expert one

correspondent of the the of correspondent

pointment in Addis Ababa he was appointed economics and and economics appointed was he Ababa Addis in pointment

in Pretoria. He He Pretoria. in he was posted to Paris where he has been seen in the company company the in seen been has he where Paris to posted was he

Embassy staff was small small was staff Embassy November 1955 as a "consular officer." There he was joined joined was he There officer." "consular a as 1955 November

of leader's of UNITA, one of the CIA-backed armies fighting fighting armies CIA-backed the of one UNITA, of leader's of

in the Navy, a job as a shipping clerk, and a degree from from degree a and clerk, shipping a as job a Navy, the in

forces. forces.

indication of a changing relationship between the CIA and its its and CIA the between relationship changing a of indication sub-imperial client BOSS. Mon was an expert on covert sup- covert on expert an was Mon BOSS. client sub-imperial

deep cover agents. Jeton joined the CIA in 1952 after a career career a after 1952 in CIA the joined Jeton agents. cover deep

perience working with black African leaders. The CIA may be be may CIA The leaders. African black with working perience in Angola. Angola. in

trying to apply pressure to BOSS and the South African African South the and BOSS to pressure apply to trying

pression of liberation movements, while Wilson has more ex- more has Wilson while movements, liberation of pression

government to liberalize their foreign and domestic racial racial domestic and foreign their liberalize to government

1975 issue of the the of issue 1975

Zulus, had put his people squarely in the path of Vortices Vortices of path the in squarely people his put had Zulus,

recently named Dorwin M. Wilson as head of CIA operations operations CIA of head as Wilson M. Dorwin named recently in July 1975 from Nairobi. Head of communications for the the for communications of Head Nairobi. from 1975 July in

black South Africans are forced to live. The author painted a a painted author The live. to forced are Africans South black

CIA in South Africa is reported to be Armand A. Honeycutt Honeycutt A. Armand be to reported is Africa South in CIA political plan dor the independence of the Bantustans where the the where Bantustans the of independence the dor plan political

Chief Buthelert, elected leader of South Africa's 4 million million 4 Africa's South of leader elected Buthelert, Chief He is a third secretary in the Pretoria Embassy and came there there came and Embassy Pretoria the in secretary third a is He

policies as soon as possible. possible. as soon as policies

South African Digest. Time Out Out Time Digest. African South

the student newspaper at Rhodes Rhodes at newspaper student the

students at South African univer- African South at students

and and

11 11

size of the CIA office in South Africa Africa South in office CIA the of size

Rhodeo, Rhodeo,

The The

The CIA Connection Connection CIA The

rightists are being placated by more repressive repressive more by placated being are rightists

4, 1976, the Nationalist Party government mtro- government Party Nationalist the 1976, 4,

took the country a long way down the road from the the from road the down way long a country the took

May May

Most observers believe that BOSS could not have made such such made have not could BOSS that believe observers Most

While the the While

The new bill, a strengthening of the already broad Suppres- broad already the of strengthening a bill, new The

Most observers expressed surprise rather than outrage, how- outrage, than rather surprise expressed observers Most

Helen Suzman, a Progressive-Reform member of Portia- of member Progressive-Reform a Suzman, Helen

the companies to the CIA operations against African liberation liberation African against operations CIA the to companies the

channel money and certain types of logistical supplies through through supplies logistical of types certain and money channel

very important. Philip Agee says that a woman who worked in in worked who woman a that says Agee Philip important. very

seems to indicate the relations between the two agencies are are agencies two the between relations the indicate to seems

for South African spying on the European university-based university-based European the on spying African South for

The nondenominational Christian Institute issued a a issued Institute Christian nondenominational The

anti-aparthied activity. activity. anti-aparthied

dramatic headway at international spying after 1969 without without 1969 after spying international at headway dramatic

the creation of BOSS, students have been a convenient asset asset convenient a been have students BOSS, of creation the

help from the CIA. CIA. the from help

sities were approached by the security branch to undertake undertake to branch security the by approached were sities

University, no less than than less no University,

spying between September and November of that year. Since Since year. that of November and September between spying

ing to a 1968 issue of of issue 1968 a to ing

Report from South Africa Africa South from Report

recruit scientists and technicians out of the university. Accord- university. the of out technicians and scientists recruit

have used the information gleaned from the questionnaires to to questionnaires the from gleaned information the used have

reports that various South African government departments departments government African South various that reports

plans for the future. The students are also asked if they would would they if asked also are students The future. the for plans

like to subscribe to South African official propaganda such as as such propaganda official African South to subscribe to like

On On

students' sources of finance, address, details of study and and study of details address, finance, of sources students'

web. The Office of Scientific Counsellor at the South African African South the at Counsellor Scientific of Office The web.

give legal sanction to the standard practice of BOSS and the the and BOSS of practice standard the to sanction legal give

questionnaires to the registrars of British universities, with the the with universities, British of registrars the to questionnaires

police. police.

arrests and detainments already occurring, this bill will merely merely will bill this occurring, already detainments and arrests

ricans studying there. The questionnaire includes questions on on questions includes questionnaire The there. studying ricans

request that the questionnaires be distributed to South Af- South to distributed be questionnaires the that request

curity or the maintenance of public order" for as long as a year year a as long as for order" public of maintenance the or curity Embassy in London, for instance, has been sending around around sending been has instance, for London, in Embassy

without bail, trial or legal counsel. With the large number of of number large the With counsel. legal or trial bail, without

legislation, students and intellectuals are still caught in BOSS's BOSS's in caught still are intellectuals and students legislation,

rest and detain anyone suspected of "endangering state se- state "endangering of suspected anyone detain and rest

Amendment Act which created BOSS. BOSS. created which Act Amendment

sion of Communism Act of 1950, would empower police to ar- to police empower would 1950, of Act Communism of sion

Assemblies Act, the Criminal Procedures Act, thh Unlawful Unlawful thh Act, Procedures Criminal the Act, Assemblies

Organizations Act, the Defence Act, and the General Law Law General the and Act, Defence the Act, Organizations

ally. These measures already include the Suppression of Com- of Suppression the include already measures These ally.

munism Act, the Terrorism Act, the Sabotage Act, the Riotous Riotous the Act, Sabotage the Act, Terrorism the Act, munism

to reinforce its measures to control the opposition so dramatic- so opposition the control to measures its reinforce to

ever. They could not believe the government would feel a need need a feel would government the believe not could They ever.

rule of law to a police state." state." police a to law of rule

bill that that bill

ment,'said the newly proposed legislation was, "A bloody little little bloody "A was, legislation proposed newly the ment,'said

grievances and aspirations of their people." people." their of aspirations and grievances

The report charges that security legislation is "overwhelming- is legislation security that charges report The

ly" used against blacks "who are increasingly voicing the true true the voicing increasingly are "who blacks against used ly"

1974. Most of the cases involved people held without charge. charge. without held people involved cases the of Most 1974.

launched his campaign to ease tensions with black Africa in in Africa black with tensions ease to campaign his launched

detailing the cases of 217 people detained since Vorster Vorster since detained people 217 of cases the detailing

report entitled "Detention and Detente in Southern Africa" Africa" Southern in Detente and "Detention entitled report

critics say will make the country a full-fledged police state. state. police full-fledged a country the make will say critics

tion. The bill gives the government sweeping new peers wthat wthat peers new sweeping government the gives bill The tion.

foreign blacks and even to be prepared to make "concessions," "concessions," make to prepared be to even and blacks foreign

such as the vote for the new black middle class, internally, he he internally, class, middle black new the for vote the as such

is still capable of ruthlessly oppressing black political opposi- political black oppressing ruthlessly of capable still is

low Oppenheimer's suggestions to ingiatiate himself with with himself ingiatiate to suggestions Oppenheimer's low

Prime Minister Vorster might be going out of his way to fol- to way his of out going be might Vorster Minister Prime

duced new legislation to reassure the right wing that, while while that, wing right the reassure to legislation new duced

06 06

.411/4 .411/4

Ksd tou of U.S. Fora,. Poli, Poli, Fora,. U.S. of tou Ksd

tun.. maw., maw., tun..

Mon CIA Any. ,s, Wt. NCIEt Brim Mike% tItc Serrn,ica Serrn,ica tItc Mike% Brim NCIEt Wt. ,s, Any. CIA Mon


CounterSpy, Spring 1976 1976 Spring CounterSpy,

our our

last last

Did Did

you you

miss miss

New mercenary recruitment tactics in southern Afri- southern in tactics recruitment mercenary New

Senate Bill One • The CIA in Europe • CIA drug trade trade drug CIA • Europe in CIA The • One Bill Senate

52 52

PO Box 647, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, D.C. D.C. Washington, Station, Franklin Ben 647, Box PO

20044. Ask for the WInter 1976 issue. issue. 1976 WInter the for Ask 20044.

You can catch up to date. Send 41.50 to CounterSpy, CounterSpy, to 41.50 Send date. to up catch can You

Committees. Committees.

ca • and the latest TIP on the National Caucus of Labor Labor of Caucus National the on TIP latest the and • ca

• •

• •

tional security • Agriagents at work • National ID cards cards ID National • work at Agriagents • security tional

South African intelligence also spies on those to the right of of right the to those on spies also intelligence African South

domestic counter-Insurgency capabilities In the seven- the In capabilities counter-Insurgency domestic

ties, plus articles on: The new liberal consensus on na- on consensus liberal new The on: articles plus ties,

If you did, you missed the first documented overview of of overview documented first the missed you did, you If

In April, 1968, just before the creation of BOSS, van den den van BOSS, of creation the before just 1968, April, In

issue? issue?

ing. ing.

what appeared to be a case of petty theft but upon closer exam- closer upon but theft petty of case a be to appeared what

rightist Afrikaner secret society, the Broederbond, were miss- were Broederbond, the society, secret Afrikaner rightist

ination proved to be more sinister: documents related to the the to related documents sinister: more be to proved ination

the Nationalist Party and corporate magnates like Oppen- like magnates corporate and Party Nationalist the

heimer. A few years ago van den Bergh personally supervised supervised personally Bergh den van ago years few A heimer.

trary, what the paper said was that "what the police have not not have police the "what that was said paper the what trary, greatest threat to South Africa ... the Anti-Aparthied Move- Anti-Aparthied the ... Africa South to threat greatest

ment .. . had its headquarters in London." London." in headquarters its had . .. ment

secret visit to London. Afterwards, a Nationalist Party paper paper Party Nationalist a Afterwards, London. to visit secret

lost sight of is that the organization which is currently the the currently is which organization the that is of sight lost

commented that they were not there on holiday. On the con- the On holiday. on there not were they that commented

Bergh and Brig. Venter, the Commissioner of Police, paid a a paid Police, of Commissioner the Venter, Brig. and Bergh

the culprits. Most recently during the events affecting the the affecting events the during recently Most culprits. the

South African affairs. affairs. African South

office was burglarized in what many suspect was related to the the to related was suspect many what in burglarized was office

Liberals in London, the former Prime Minister's solicitor's solicitor's Minister's Prime former the London, in Liberals

many times and the police have never been able to discover discover to able been never have police the and times many

African National Congress (South Africa), as well a; the homes homes the a; well as Africa), (South Congress National African

of those working in these organizations have been broken into into broken been have organizations these in working those of

cumstantial evidence pointing to the South African govern- African South the to pointing evidence cumstantial

gators found extraordinary secrecy and a good deal of cir- of deal good a and secrecy extraordinary found gators

ment. The offices of the Anti-Aparthied Movement and of the the of and Movement Anti-Aparthied the of offices The ment.

the British press in defense of white southern Africa. Investi- Africa. southern white of defense in press British the

of Ten surfaced in London taking expensive advertisements in in advertisements expensive taking London in surfaced Ten of

the evening and when he returned he found his room had been been had room his found he returned he when and evening the entered and his papers taken. In 1973, the anonymous Club Club anonymous the 1973, In taken. papers his and entered



Spring 1976, CounterSpy CounterSpy 1976, Spring

the best thinkers dealing with the the with dealing thinkers best the



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WIN MAGAZINE 503 Atlantic Ave.-5th fl. fl. Ave.-5th Atlantic 503 MAGAZINE WIN

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Make it a magazine that comes out every week no that its its that no week every out comes that magazine a it Make

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the magazine a growing audience (the biggest of any publication publication any of biggest (the audience growing a magazine the

readers are up to the minute on what they need to Imow. And gat gat And Imow. to need they what on minute the to up are readers contradictions at creating a new, humane society here and now. now. and here society humane new, a creating at contradictions

political parties, prison!. prison!. parties, political

original Illustrations and • few poems. poems. few • and Illustrations original

Bath's like Eric Bentley. Alien Ginsberg, Orithe Palsy, Barbara Barbara Palsy, Orithe Ginsberg, Alien Bentley. Eric like Bath's

am actually working for change. Places Nth co-ups, picket lines, lines, picket co-ups, Nth Places change. for working actually am

Make a piece when they can have a real dialogue. dialogue. real a have can they when piece a Make

Denting, Daniel gerrigan, David McReynolds and many others. others. many and McReynolds David gerrigan, Daniel Denting,

was was

CounterSpy CounterSpy

admitted his organiza- his admitted

— —

of diamonds being used to to used being diamonds of

moors moors


has heard many many heard has

volatile atmosphere bizarre intrigue of destabiliz• destabiliz• of intrigue bizarre atmosphere volatile

a a

CounterSpy CounterSpy

Taylor had put two-way mirrors in the apartment of a London London a of apartment the in mirrors two-way put had Taylor

2. 2.

In such such In

Jeremy Thorpe resigned on May 11. 1976 as as 1976 11. May on resigned Thorpe Jeremy

Until investigations in London are completed we do not know know not do we completed are London in investigations Until 1. 1.

In such a changing political atmosphere it is difficult to pre- to difficult is it atmosphere political changing a such In

But in late April, 1976 Kissinger made his historic tour of , , of tour historic his made Kissinger 1976 April, late in But

rangement was S16.000clumneled through a Lisbon company. company. Lisbon a through S16.000clumneled was rangement

FRELIMO transitional government in 1974. Gumane also said the plot plot the said also Gumane 1974. in government transitional FRELIMO

tion received money from the CIA and Portuguese secret police FIDE. FIDE. police secret Portuguese and CIA the from money received tion

FRELIMO. the Mozambique liberation force force liberation Mozambique the FRELIMO.

had the backing of South African interests. Part of the financial ar- financial the of Part interests. African South of backing the had Coremo obtained the money in an ill-fated attempt to overturn the the overturn to attempt ill-fated an in money the obtained Coremo

Revolutionary Committee (Comm) — then held prisoner by by prisoner held then — (Comm) Committee Revolutionary

finance much of the CIA backed UNITA and FNLA aggression in An- in aggression FNLA and UNITA backed CIA the of much finance

gola. In April. 1975. Paulo Camaro. president of the Mozambique Mozambique the of president Camaro. Paulo 1975. April. In gola.

going to press. press. to going

who is really the BOSS. BOSS. the really is who

what force has more influence over events. We do not know know not do We events. over influence more has force what

Ward. Davies and Keeler became known. Britain was rocked by one one by rocked was Britain known. became Keeler and Davies Ward.

of its most devastating scandals and Profumo was forced to resign. resign. to forced was Profumo and scandals devastating most its of

than the exception of international relations. In such an at- an such In relations. international of exception the than

volved in the affair were the Rt. Hon. John Dennis Profumo. Britain's Britain's Profumo. Dennis John Hon. Rt. the were affair the in volved the anti-aparthied movement. What we do know is that all all that is know do we What movement. anti-aparthied the

Secretary of State for War at the time and the Soviet naval attache attache naval Soviet the and time the at War for State of Secretary

ing political parties, bribery of high government officials, mys- officials, government high of bribery parties, political ing

ligence as a spy for some time but when his connections to Profumo. Profumo. to connections his when but time some for spy a as ligence and crimes of every proportion are becoming the rule, rather rather rule, the becoming are proportion every of crimes and

mosphere it may become increasingly difficult to determine determine to difficult increasingly become may it mosphere stabilize the Liberal Party. We do not know if the CIA ap- CIA the if know not do We Party. Liberal the stabilize

Evgeny lvanov. lvanov had been suspected by British counterintel- British by suspected been had lvanov lvanov. Evgeny

Lion in these events or the years of bribes which have been been have which bribes of years the or events these in Lion

destine relationships of Britain. South Africa and the U.S. U.S. the and Africa South Britain. of relationships destine

do not know fully the role of the Anglo American Corpora• Corpora• American Anglo the of role the fully know not do

terious characters with secret police and CIA connections. connections. CIA and police secret with characters terious

Ken Taylor through that two-way mirror. Two of the dignitaries in- dignitaries the of Two mirror. two-way that through Taylor Ken

of these events occur within the economic, political and clan- and political economic, the within occur events these of

pimp; during the 1963 scandal he was arrested for living on immoral immoral on living for arrested was he scandal 1963 the during pimp;

conclusively that BOSS was behind the attempts to de. de. to attempts the behind was BOSS that conclusively earnings. Ward used Mandy Rice.Davies and Chirstine Keeler for his his for Keeler Chirstine and Rice.Davies Mandy used Ward earnings. proved or did not approve any of the alleged operations. We We operations. alleged the of any approve not did or proved

alleged by former Anglo American employees and members of of members and employees American Anglo former by alleged

affairs. affairs.

society osteopath. Stephen Ward. Ward was essentially a high society society high a essentially was Ward Ward. Stephen osteopath. society living. which included blackmail from the lurid photographs taken by by taken photographs lurid the from blackmail included which living.

of corporations like Anglo American. may conduct operations operations conduct may American. Anglo like corporations of

BOSS's unilateral actions, or those of the private security arms arms security private the of those or actions, unilateral BOSS's

increase its unilateral actions independent of CIA assistance, assistance, CIA of independent actions unilateral its increase

encouragement or monitoring. it is altogether possible that that possible altogether is it monitoring. or encouragement

State Department personnel are referring to the South African- South the to referring are personnel Department State

of which the CIA would disapprove. disapprove. would CIA the which of or South Africa. But it is altogether possible that BOSS may may BOSS that possible altogether is it But Africa. South or dict the actions of the policy instruments of either the U.S. U.S. the either of instruments policy the of actions the dict

composed of the most right-wing states of the capitalist im- capitalist the of states right-wing most the of composed

tatorships may move independent of U.S. hegemony in world world in hegemony U.S. of independent move may tatorships perium. Some openly fear that South Africa and other dic- other and Africa South that fear openly Some perium.

Israeli relationship as the development of a "6th World" World" "6th a of development the as relationship Israeli Simultaneously South Africa concluded a new series of agree- of series new a concluded Africa South Simultaneously have been interpreted as representing a widening gap in the the in gap widening a representing as interpreted been have

Africa reversing earlier U.S. attitudes. Kissinger pledged sup- pledged Kissinger attitudes. U.S. earlier reversing Africa association of the U.S. to the apartheid government. Some Some government. apartheid the to U.S. the of association ments with Israel. In the State Department both of these moves moves these of both Department State the In Israel. with ments

babwe from the "Rhodesian" settler regime of Ian Smith and and Smith Ian of regime settler "Rhodesian" the from babwe

port for the black nations in their struggle to liberate Zim- liberate to struggle their in nations black the for port

encouraged South Africa to give up its hold over Namibia. Namibia. over hold its up give to Africa South encouraged

If the the If

initially only only initially

was was

Tad Szulc revealed that another another that revealed Szulc Tad

Esquire, Esquire,

American economic, scientific and strategic interests interests strategic and scientific economic, American

The U.S. had to encourage the colonial and settler regimes regimes settler and colonial the encourage to had U.S. The

The U.S. stand on the racial issue in Africa and elsewhere elsewhere and Africa in issue racial the on stand U.S. The

The Soviet Union and China were to be prevented from ex- from prevented be to were China and Union Soviet The

In October 1974, in in 1974, October In

For the next seven years of the Nixon/Kissinger Doctrine Doctrine Nixon/Kissinger the of years seven next the For

5) 5)

I) The likelihood of direct U.S. involvement in the conflicts conflicts the in involvement U.S. direct of likelihood The I)

3) 3)

4) 4)

The study acknowledged that these objectives were, in many many in were, objectives these that acknowledged study The

To develop this policy Kissinger's NSC staff, composed of of composed staff, NSC Kissinger's policy this develop To

2) 2)

As with Indochina, Kissinger could not ignore the global sig- global the ignore not could Kissinger Indochina, with As

the period of the CIA's secret war of assistance to South Afri- South to assistance of war secret CIA's the of period the

can invasion of Angola. Angola. of invasion can

change can come about is through • them." This policy ap- policy This them." • through is about come can change

peared to be operating through the early seventies including including seventies early the through operating be to peared

"The whites are here to stay and the only way constructive constructive way only the and stay to here are whites "The

secret Kissinger document, a National Security Council De. De. Council Security National a document, Kissinger secret

cision Memorandum (NISDOM) of 1970 which said that that said which 1970 of (NISDOM) Memorandum cision

to enlist cooperation of the black states in reducing tensions tensions reducing in states black the of cooperation enlist to

regimes to protect and enhance U.S. interests. interests. U.S. enhance and protect to regimes

and the likelihood of increased cross-border violence and and violence cross-border increased of likelihood the and

consistently tilted towards a closer association with the white white the with association closer a towards tilted consistently

encouraging relations among the states in the area, the U.S. U.S. the area, the in states the among relations encouraging

favoring a broader association with both black and white white and black both with association broader a favoring

states to encourage moderation in South Africa, attempting attempting Africa, South in moderation encourage to states the period there was a waffling over policy. While generally generally While policy. over waffling a was there period the

tegic approach was the CIA liaison with BOSS. But throughout throughout But BOSS. with liaison CIA the was approach tegic

America and Iran in the Middle East. One aspect of this stra- this of aspect One East. Middle the in Iran and America

the U.S. strengthened the economic, military and political political and military economic, the strengthened U.S. the

and opportunities in the area had to be protected. protected. be to had area the in opportunities and

there had to be minimized. minimized. be to had there

systems of several sub-imperial clients such as Brazil in Latin Latin in Brazil as such clients sub-imperial several of systems

World. World.

U.S. maintained close ties with the colonial and settler regimes regimes settler and colonial the with ties close maintained U.S.

had to be improved. improved. be to had

Kissinger Doctrine was a dilemma from the beginning. beginning. the from dilemma a was Doctrine Kissinger

among African government and liberation movements. movements. liberation and government African among to moderate their racial and colonial policies. policies. colonial and racial their moderate to

ploiting the racial situation there to gain political influence influence political gain to there situation racial the ploiting

instances conflicting and irreconcilable. Thus, the Nixon/ Nixon/ the Thus, irreconcilable. and conflicting instances

American relationships with the rest of Africa and the Third Third the and Africa of rest the with relationships American in southern Africa, this would in the long run jeopardize jeopardize run long the in would this Africa, southern in

five policy objectives in southern Africa: Africa: southern in objectives policy five

prepared their report. The study indicates that the U.S. had had U.S. the that indicates study The report. their prepared

Chiefs, AID and NASA, responded to the NSSM 39 memo and and memo 39 NSSM the to responded NASA, and AID Chiefs,

representatives of the NSC, Treasury, Commerce, the Joint Joint the Commerce, Treasury, NSC, the of representatives

controlled by the Anglo American Corporation — and its im- its and — Corporation American Anglo the by controlled

tier gold price system. system. price gold tier portance in guaranteeing the useful operation of the two- the of operation useful the guaranteeing in portance and from Indochina and later the Middle East. And the con- the And East. Middle the later and Indochina from and

South Africa is even more strategic to U.S. policy because of of because policy U.S. to strategic more even is Africa South

its status as the major supplier in the capitalist world of gold - gold of world capitalist the in supplier major the as status its

and the increase of Soviet naval activities in the Indian Ocean Ocean Indian the in activities naval Soviet of increase the and trade routes. The U.S. also needed to use overflight and land- and overflight use to needed also U.S. The routes. trade

Britain and the U.S. in South Africa needed to be protected. protected. be to needed Africa South in U.S. the and Britain

siderable investment and balance of trade advantages to both both to advantages trade of balance and investment siderable

ing facilities In or near Africa for military aircraft heading to to heading aircraft military for Africa near or In facilities ing

South Africa was of strategic importance to control the Cape Cape the control to importance strategic of was Africa South

closing of the Suez Canal following the 1967 Middle East War War East Middle 1967 the following Canal Suez the of closing

canoe of Africa when formulating his global policy. With the the With policy. global his formulating when Africa of canoe

policy in Indochina, the U.S. could no longer play the role of of role the play longer no could U.S. the Indochina, in policy

the color of the corpses." After the dramatic defeats of U.S. U.S. of defeats dramatic the After corpses." the of color the

the time, referred to the policy change as needed to "change "change to needed as change policy the to referred time, the

Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker, who was directing the war at at war the directing was who Bunker, Ellsworth Ambassador

international policemen. policemen. international

and was designed not to bring peace but to prolong that war. war. that prolong to but peace bring to not designed was and

applied to Indochina and was known as "Vietnamization" "Vietnamization" as known was and Indochina to applied

address on February 19, 1970. The Doctrine Doctrine The 1970. 19, February on address

CounterSpy, Spring 1976 1976 Spring CounterSpy,

54 54 Wall Street

sea terminal in its


Spring 1976. CounterSpy 57


described the facility in a report filed from South

Nearly two thirds of the 1800 cubic meters of floor space is

In a puff-piece for Silvermine, Neil Ulman of the

"On Silvermine's video screens, the ocean areas from the

The criticism of Silvermine may be best exemplified by the

Critics discount even the capabilities of advanced telecom-

SIGINT could give Silvermine the capability of monitoring

Electronic Warfare, if utilized properly, could cover a vast

Although South Africa may be able to provide a SIGINT

African defense communication systems to the armed forces

of the West.

for various staff offices, as well as a conference room. The of- fices of the Operational Staff running Silvermine are one floor

equipped with radar scopes, computers, crypto machines, and other communication equipment designed to acquire. collate, and maintain a continuous surveillance of all air and sea traf- fic along South Africa's seacoasts. deeper in the stone mountain. The bomb-proof center is now

Africa on July 31. 1975:

of West Africa to the Antarctic can be represented in their

east coast of South America to Bangladesh and from the bulge Journal entirety or in sections of various sizes. At the touch of a com- or all eastbound merchant ships, or all naval vessels. Having puter console, a watch officer can summon, for example a

geographic display of all merchant ships in any selected area, spotted a vessel on the video display, the operator can query

and rescue capabilities, last post, destination, radar and com- including type. size, course. speed, flag, cargo, weapons, search munications equipment, medical facilities or personnel em- the computer for any combination of the ship's characteristics, barked and even the hours at which the ship's radio officers

as saying the "data are only as good as the intelligence the Commander of Silvermine who was quoted in the same article

intelligence interviewed both here and in Europe, claim that the bulk of Silvermine's data on ships and planes come from stand watch. The consul keyboard also evokes similar data computer receives." Several experts on communications and ping List. These are the common sources of the data displayed

on all aircraft in the area. mine is no better than any routine air or ability to monitor traffic. ordinary shipping and air travel lists such as the Lloyds Ship-

on Silvermine's computer consoles. The critics believe Silver.

munications spying on ships and aircraft in the region. Visits from NSA and its British counterpart, Government Communi-

ments of Silvermine's electronic espionage capabilities. The Electronic Warfare.

cations headquarters (GCHQ), has resulted in some improve- '

improvements may be Signals Intelligence ISIGINT) and range of activities for Silvermine. With an electromagnetic SIGINT effectively, it could: break codes of Soviet ships in the spectrum that has been politicized and militarized so that communications and radar transmission to gain information adversary nations confront each other electronically. Silver- mine can protect South Africa's planes and ships by finding and identifying other ships and submarines using Cape sea Indian Ocean, locate Soviet submarines, analyze new radar the far side of the Indian Ocean. Silvermine does not have the

on the source of those transmissions. If Silvermine could use and an Electronic Warfare shield for its borders, it cannot pos-

lanes. Silvermine could conceivably use Electronic Warfare sibly surveille an area as vast as that from South America to equipment on Soviet ships, eavesdrop on diplomatic communi- sensors to hear, see and smell as well. antennae arrangement needed to cover the area; nor did Silver- cations of other African governments; or locate guerrilla units.

mine receive the best equipment with which to break Soviet



biological and


magazine in November, 1975, claimed there is

The Physical Cavern of SlIverndne


Melvin Laird, former Secretary of Defense and a new mem-

Western military strategists are ripe for South Africa's offer

Pentagon brass are also receptive to the purchase of Silver-

But Chester Bowles, a former ambassador to India, wrote

Sea Power

According to several reliable sources, Silvermine was com-

arranged for U.S. officials to tour Silvermine.

which oversees all U.S. intelligence programs, expressed in- ber of President Ford's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board

terest in the South African proposal after a tour of the Silver- The center of Silvermine is so far beneath the ground that mine.

because they worry about the Soviet naval buildup in the In- dian Ocean and the South Atlantic. Although CIA analysts

Indian Ocean from no "ship days" in 1967 to some 1,480 "ship

believe Soviet forces deployed in the Indian Ocean "have been relatively small and inactive," the U.S. Navy still shows con- cern.' They believe the increase in Soviet naval ships in the

days" spent there in 1971 to over 2,400 in 1974 may affect political developments along the Persian Gulf in Africa and on the Indian subcontinent. Finally, with the collapse of Portu- guese authority in southern Africa some Western strategists

view "this bullish rival" as a test of American power "whose

recently realized military outreach leads to dangerous adven- tures."

Soviet ships. During debates over the latest appropriation for mine because they believe their naval port and telecommuni- cations intelligence facility on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean may be too isolated to adequately monitor

the island, the Navy implied that the Diego Garcia base would

make a big difference to U.S. defense capabilities because it

would be the only base that could be used to strike targets in

both China and the Soviet Union.

at the time: "If we intend to frighten the Russians and others

who claims the use of Diego Garcia may actually speed up the

out of the Indian Ocean, it is a laughable gesture." Soviet presence as a response to the U.S.' a different viewpoint is former CIA Director William E. Colby permanent mini-fleet (destroyers, frigates, submarines, gun-

"absolutely no doubt the U.S. Navy would like to maintain a

boats, and perhaps even an aircraft carrier)" in South Africa.

missioned in 1973 by South African Prime Minister John Vor-

ster after an initial investment of about S30 million. Silver- mine is headquarters. for a communications and intelligence

coast and Walvis Bay in South Africa-occupied Namibia on the west coast. There is a transmitting station about 40 miles away at Durbanville, to prevent transmitters from the stations from affecting the receivers at Silvermine. The stations' power system with two territorial commands at Durban on the east generation system can supply power to a town of 10,000 inhabi-

ter through microwave remote control.

and personnel, against conventional as well tants. The Durbanville station is linked to the Silvermine cen- atomic weapons. Protection is planned so well that every build- ing can function separately — distinct from either the other buildings or the outside world. The upper floor of the complex a great degree of protection is afforded, to both equipment is protected by two massive steel doors and hidden cameras. linked to the National communications network (ships, air- This control point is the pulse of the entire system. On this which handle all direct radio calls from either local or over- same floor is the computer room and the connection center,

seas communication centers. All the telecommunications are

planes, etc.) which forms an important bridge linking South

infiltration of guerrilla insurgents

and prevent

A Washington, D.C. firm, registered with the Department

Silvermine is only the sweetener in the aparthied South Af-

the U.S. and the Republic of South Africa. They have also

right-wing industrial and corporate media holdings in both

fields and its small, but well-equipped army. In return. South of Justice as agents of South Africa, arranged many promo- Africa hopes American and European firepower will protect it tional meetings for Silvermine. The firm also has close ties to from its black neighbors to the north. This proposition found

Africa has offered NATO its sea ports, numerous small air- ready ears in NATO as well as the Pentagon. across the border between black and white Africa —is a fake.

rican government's larger maneuver to join NATO and secure the Southern Oceans for the West. For almost a decade, South mine to monitor

intelligence capabilities. Some critics even believe the new and top-secret electronic sensor battlefield — developed for Silver-

maintain a continuous watch over all


familiar with telecommunications and


CounterSpy, Spring 1976

Silvermine is touted as an "ultra-modern and fully com-

Members of Congress. the U.S. Navy and the super-secret

But many critics

The U.S. believes Silvermine has good communication sys-

Africa claims it would be a vital element of any NATO/South

espionage control complex that probably doesn't work. air and sea traffic from Bangladesh to South America." South

National Security Agency (NSA) are submitting to South Af- puterized maritime communications and electronic espionage African joint military operation. center with the ability 56 rica's offer to let them use Silvermine, a multi-million dollar

network so greatly praised by South African defense leaders. They also believe the exaggerated description of Silvermine's tems as well as ADVOKAAT, the military communications

electronic gizmos.

electronic espionage believe Silvermine may be just a lot of

Whudow Peck


Indian Ocean


Spring 1976. CounterSpy 59


Gerald Ford (then Vice President)


Promotion for Silvennine


he met with



At a London luncheon that some month, the Chairman of

West Germany's representative on the NATO military com-

With NATO interest ripe for a liaison with South African

After the fascist regime in Portugal was overthrown in April

David Martin reporting in the January 30. 1976

South Africa

Africa. Mr. Callahan (now the Prime Minister of England).

individually in activities outside the NATO area." "

said that, "Studies have been made, but there is no commit. ment on the part of NATO members to engage collectively or

the NATO military Committee. Admiral Sir Peter Hill-Norton

outside the alliance's framework to monitor what was going on in the Indian Ocean. In this way, he suggested a NATO "area of interest" could be established in addition to Europe. water" navies. including Britain. could combine into a group

suggested that three or four NATO members with "blue-

mittee. Lt. General Gunher Rail. was forced by the Bonn

government to resign in October 1975. when it was revealed he had traveled to South Africa under an assumed name to visit Silvermine and other military and atomic installations."

Minister of Information and possible heir to Prime Minister

defense forces. South Africa began selling the concept in John Vorster. made a two-week "private" visit to the U.S.

While here.

as well as Vice Admiral Ray Peet. Deputy Assistant Secretary earnest. In January. 1974. Dr. Connie Mulder. South Africa's in the office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Inter-

met with other leading political figures too. 1975. a commander-in-chief of the South African Defense

national Security — the Pentagon's "State Department"." He

Forces. Admiral Hugo Bierman. a public advocate of a South African-U.S. military alliance. had a private meeting in Wash-


ington. D.C. with then acting Secretary (now Secretary) of the Nary



Walvis Bay


the'geographical boundaries of the Treaty area.

Atlantic Ocean

,. Electronic monitoring stations

Espionage Network

Silvermine's Electronic



"The extraordinary expansion of Soviet sea power in recent

This resolution, despite the guarded language and the ab-

European NATO members also showed interest in a NATO

In February, 1975. four French warships made a call at

The British had been steadily increasing their naval exer-

around the cape. This was further formalized by a resolution adopted on May 26. 1973 by the Council of the Atlantic Treaty Association's Spring Meeting held at SACLANT headquarters in Norfolk, Va. The resolution stated that:

as defined by the North Atlantic Treaty. The Council of the Atlantic Treaty Association registers its concern at this devel-

years has transformed the security problems of the Alliance.

opment ... that naval cooperation among the Allies is re-

quired The adjustment of Allied sea power to the Soviet expansion on the seas is necessary to maintain deterrence against both nuclear and non-nuclear attack, and equally against maritime

routes critical to the Allies in peace or in war — the sea lanes

sis added)

for petroleum or other vital supplies for example." " (empha-

sence of any direct reference to South Africa. clearly refers to the security of the Cape route. More than 25.000 ships pass around the Cape of Good Hope every year. making it the

world's busiest sea lane. Over half of Western Europe's oil

supplies float past South Africa. About one fifth of all U.S. oil also runs around the Cape. from the Persian Gulf to New York. (seven million barrels a day) and about one fourth of her food

relationship with South Africa.

African defense officials to Paris."

South African ports which were followed by visits of top South cises with South Africa since the late sixties. In October. 1974. a major controversy was provoked in Britain by one of these

exercises. When the British Foreign Secretary was questioned in the House of Commons on November 6. 1974 by a Labour M.P., about whether NATO had become involved with South

Minh Trail. Ac-


with the IGLOO WHITE electronic


South African Defense Department recently purchased,

NATO May Protect South Africa and Sammie.

The On April 23, 1969. the South Africans published their De- Some NATO countries objected to the paper. The NATO

In November 1972. just three years later, the NATO Council

Once the computer has identified a threat, it could activate

According to Hall and others, the electronic battlefield has

Critics, who claim it will never be fully effective, note the

Indian Ocean areas." " to detect explosives, and optical "tripwire" devices which sig- fense White Paper, the first open proposal from South Africa through the black market, a large quantity of battlefield sea- nal when an invisible light beam is interrupted. These devices the information to local centers and then, via the Tropo net- son. These are of various types, but most resemble "bugs" used in espionage to detect sound, ground vibrations caused NATO area of operations, at that time, stopped at the Tropic ties (Silvermine), all provided at great expense, are indis- of Cancer (a third of the way down the west coast of the con- by vehicles or infantry, and heat emissions (tofra-red) from ment and other natural activity. Since human monitoring of the large number of sensors is impractical, computer analysis tinent) and by definition there was no threat to any NATO engines or people. Other sensors work like chemical "sniffers" ing guerilla tactics, and electronic intelligence gathering can would be equipped with small low-power transmitters, sending pensable to Allied naval forces in the Southern Atlantic and must be used to identify and locate potential threats while interests beyond that area, NATO influence spread southward work, to Silvermine. Sensors will also respond to animal move- ignoring the false alarms. " to join NATO forces. It stated that, "The considerable harbor treaty stipulates that an attack on any member country con- and their promotion of Silvermine. and repair facilities in Simonstown sod elsewhere in our coun- mines or other weapon systems in the area and relay informa- tion back to air bases in the area to guide bomb raids on the try, as well as the modern communication and control facili- stitutes an attack against the Alliance as a whole. Although the lar to that of the South Africans. which was supposed to mon- target. Finding the enemy is the biggest problem in counter- requested that the Supreme Allied Command in the Atlantic uranium mines, would impede South Africa's nuclear pro- itor infiltration along the Ho Chi Minh Trail, was a complete failure. Many sensors were destroyed. Computers could not

significantly reduce the demand on ground forces. much better with Silvermine. The border area ADVOKAAT must cover is much larger than the Ho over the next few years in response to the South African appeal American telligence and communications system "is just another toy to (SACLANT) devise plans for the protection of supply routes probably been activated in the key border areas around the odor." Critics doubt the South African government could do impress NATO." control of this dam, which supplies power to several major Cunene Dam in Angola and the Caprivi Strip but could con- gram. cording to one critic, Silvermine's electronic battlefield in- distinguish water buffalo from human beings. Many of its detection devices were countered by the genius of the Indo- chinese guerillas; they placed buckets of urine in strategic ceivably cover the entire border- The loss of South African battlefield in South East Asia. IGLOO WHITE, a system simi- spots to "fool" the sensors which could detect human body


system for the sys-

occupation of Nam-


the troposc.atter

to the South

Project ADVOKAAT IN Silvermise

strategic threat

Silvermine is just another toy

Hall was asked to install

"The growing power of Black Africa represents a long-

Tropo is used by all major military powers for medium and

In 1973, after an enormous investment. South Africa began

Many technological experts who have examined ADVO-

Jock Hall. a former telecommunications expert foe the Brit-

manpower of the South Africans, whose attempts at repres- this by augmenting the* border defenses with automated de- Zambia. Their presence has put heavy demands on the limited

sion have achieved little solid success. They hope to change tection devices linked to the computer center at Silvermine. "

matically by the computer in fractious of a second.

motion, as well as voices, from radar systems, electronic battle-

messages off a layer in the atmosphere. This technology is supposed to overcome the dilemma that "people are too slow to think for modern warfare." It can carry electronic infor- tem in Namibia. When be realized he was opening up the sys. tan for the wars against Black Africa he quit. He stated these field sensors, and reconnaissance aircraft. The data can then uable counter. The immediate problem facing the occupying long range communication because it offers secure and reli- reasons for its use in Southern Africa: able links without vulnerable ground relay systems by bouncing be analyzed by computers hundreds of miles away from the ibia, to which a sophisticated defense system would be a val- battle, and command decisions made and implemented auto-

55 CounterSpy, Spring 1976

ment this defense system, but that it "must have the Marconi Tropospheric Scatter (Tropo) System to link their surveillance



KAAT claim it is oothing more than a simple improvement on centers and strike bases to the main military control center at

Puerto Rico, Diego Garcia. Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and the NSA Silvermine's underwater monitoring. NSA's CRITICOM communications network. Connected to Project ADVOKAAT. ADVOKAAT is supposed to be the world with reported links to nearby Durban and Walvis Bay. the existing high frequency ham radio communications and in the NATO communications system, ADVOKAAT's routine worldwide search and rescue center at Governor's Island in lions Systems Ltd., when he realized the significant role it most modern communications and intelligence system in the there is one new element to ADVOKAAT that experts say has unclassified intelligence is also fed to the U.S. Coast Guard's played in Southern Africa. He exposed the company's con- (SIGINT and Electronic Warfare), and the computer to imple- naval codes; and any Soviet submarine could adequately evade the Royal Navy in London. the U.S. Navy base at San Juan. New York City. struction of a new communications link from Silvermine to an electronic battlefield in Namibia. Hall wrote that the South raised eyebrows. Africans already possessed the radar, detection devices ish Marconi corporation, recently left Marconi Communica- naval communication station at Londonderry, as well as to impress NATO. " certain instances is slower than using telephone lines. However,

forces is guerilla activity . . . and infiltration from Angola and soon that the discussions were under the umbrella of SAC- a vast underground complex. eager support from NATO mili- [ANT. claimed that the South African had argued that the tary strategists, the promotion of the entire South African Portuguese coup meant the southern prop of NATO had defense establishment. and a hot-shot public relations firm to "OUR LONG fallen and only South Africa could replace it. The Bierman sell its message to America. visit culminated in an agreement to supply South Africa with Winslow Peck served with the Air Force component of the NATO radar, electronic warfare equipment and codes. There is some indication that the agreement went much further and National Security Agency in Turkey. Germany, and Vietnam, reaching the position of senior analyst. Since leaving govern- NATIONAL included standardization of South African equipment with ment service, he has written several major articles on the NSA NATO. and has done extensive research into the activities of the CIA. Several members of Congress have visited Silvermine in- cluding: William Ketchum IR-Cal.), Philip M. Crane IR-10.1. Footnotes NIGIINVIARE Clair W. Burgener Norman F. Lent (R.N.Y.). G. Wil- liam Whitehurst Iii-Va.). Bob Wilson (R-Cal.). Richard H. I. "South Africa. Simonstown, Soweto. Shake Sfivermine and Sep- arate Development." Sea Power. November. 1975. p. 29 Ichord ID-Mo.), Harold Runnels ID-N.M.), John H. Dent 2. Critics of Silmnoine include many reliable sources, some of who (D-Pa.) and several legislative assistants to other congress- prefer to not be named. They included two former National Securky men. All have been extremely cooperative in arguing South OVER.:' Agency employees familiar with Southern Attica because they were Africa's position before Congress and the American public. stationed at Asmara Ethiopia. Others include several people who am -- PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD These promotional meetings and tours. which have caused the leaden of the counter-technology movement in Europe including anger at the State Department. have been arranged by the Antoine Lefebvre. Editor of Interferences magazine from Paris. a criti- Washington. D.C. firm of Collier. Shannon. Rill and Edwards. cal journal of information on communications. Another is Duncan a law firm specializing in lobbying. The firm is known. among. Campbell. a well known British phone freak. Con- insiders. for their spectacular efforts to persuade the U.S. 3. "CIA Testimony on Soviet Presence in the Indian Ocean." August 1.1974. government to ban artificial sweeteners — a job for which gressional Record, 4. "Diego Garcia: A 'Stabilizing Impact' ". Washington Past, July sugar interests paid. 31.1975. The Argus Press Chain, which serves English language news- S. "The Value of Diego Garcia" New York Times, lune 2,1974. papers in South Africa reported that a junior member of the 6. Congressional Record. ibid. law firm. Mr. Donald DeKieffer. was responsible for most of 7. Interview with former Silvermine official. the firm's work for the South Africans. Argus Press described 8. ibid. Also an interview with a former NSA analyst familiar with "NO WAY!" DeKieffer as "tough as he is bright. as brash as he is deter- Southern Africa operations. They told this author that NSA has been mined ... a political mercenary. He fights the causes he is monitoring this region for years from stations at Asmara. Ethiopia. -- g PROGRESSIVE paid to fight. He is, at fifty dollars an hour. an expensive young and Sidi Said Morocco. Also the L'.S.S. Libeny. a NSA spy ship sailed No way Is the nightmare over. Persistent "We are confronted by a lunatic process "We must first understand that. at present, in this region during the 1960's as did a "tramp steamer" secretly car- man but he believes in results. He is. as a matter of sunival, unemployment and Inflation, corporate rip- which propels itself, like a machine gone everything in the American empire is for rying NSA SIGINT and Electronic Warfare equipment. The Liberty a winner. An American go-getter. He cares little or nothing for offs and political corruption, a bloated mil- mad. The atom bomb of 1945 encourages a sale: morality, the public interest, politi- at one time during the Congo war sailed up the Congo to monitor the the merits of the causes he fights. But he is scrupulous in ob- itary budget while domestic programs are win syndrome in which the bomb is to create cians.. . . The travesty is that those who guerilla war. They also confirmed to the author that South Africa has. gutted, a Government that violates human a serving the special code of the lobbyist. He never lies 'to a Pax Americana; the nuclear win syndrome brought us the Indochina war and the arms for many years. supplied SIGINT information to NSA via NSA's top. rights, tramples personal liberties, and com- gathers a massive constituency, in finance, race, the body counts and the smart bombs, Congressman. He never offers bribes. But he does make poli- secret CRITIICOM communications network, using disguised des- mits crimes at home and abroad . ... For business, the Pentagon, science, govern- that those who cell corporate imperialism tical contributions, usually by buying tickets to Congressmen's ignators so that relay stations believed the source was American and millions, the American Dream is turning into ment, even labor; that constituency is com- economic growth and who starve our society not South African. fundraisers." an American nightmare. pelled to overwhelm its opponents by con- for private profit, have been able to come 9. "The Marconi Troposcatter and its use in Southern Africa." a Officially. DeKieffer and his partners have been hired to cocting a synthetic anti-communism; anti- forward as men of gravitas and decency." discussion paper by Jock Hall. Feb. 6.1976. THE PROGRESSIVE asks the hard, funda- influence American policy toward South Africa on the basis of communism offers the pretext for more ar- 10. Interviews wkh fanner NSA officials and leaders of African lib- mental questions. Every month. Marcus Raskin "mutual security". DeKieffer circulated a booklet called The maments and for the 'mad momentum' In eration movements. Why "The System Impeached" Republic of South Africa and the Southern Hemisphere: Poli- are we beset by an economy In perpet- technology; technology spreads the illusion II. "Electronic Battlefield: Strangelove's Answer to War Crimes", ual crisis? Who wants to drag us Into more In THE PROGRESSIVE tical and Military Strategy to many members of Congress and of power, and the illusion reinforces the win The Washington Monthly, May 1971. Vietnams? How can we end the nightmare the Press. He contributed to President Nixon's campaign syndrome, so that the cycle continues on its THE PROGRESSIVE provides answers. By 12. Minty. Abudul S., Aparthied a Threat to Peas, Anti-Aparthied and restore the Dream? What needs to be fund. and also contributed S250 to CongressMan Thomas Mor- own ... asking the right questions. Movement. 89 Charlotte St.. London. 1969. done? gan who met with Dr. Connie Mulder less than two weeks later. Rand Daily Mail, Johannesburg, Feb. 26 and Mar. 4,1975. Fundamental changes ere required. We 13. "Every participant is sane, but all collective- DeKieffer also contributed $100 to Congressman Louis S. 14. Hansard, Nov. 6.1974. col. 1042. "Our society cannot continue Indefinitely to offer no prepackaged panaceas, we sub- ly are trapped in psychosis." Wyman who then met with Admiral Hugo Bierman. 15. The Times, London Nov. 6.1975. decay. It seems virtually certain that It the scribe to no tidy party line. But we do 16. Sunday Times. Johannesburg. Feb. 3.1974. Left does not begin to give voice and direc- Sidney Lens believe that when people have the informa- tildorical Error 17. Bums. Maxine Imam. "Visitors to Pretoria." Africa Report, tion to the growing anti-corporate anger, "The Doomsday Strategy" tion they need, they can find their way. Sept..Oct. 1975. then a right-wing politician like Wallace will, In THE PROGRESSIVE We hope you'll join us with a few ques- In 1678. the Governor of the Dutch colony in southern Af. through demagogic appeals to fear and un- tions of your own. For six months. For live rica. Johan Bax Van Herenthal. was approached by two men certainty. It is a crucial time in which to work dollars. And, for some answers. who claimed to have found a rich new silver deposit in a moun• Note to Subscribers and build." tainside near Cape Town. Van Herenthal. badly in need of If You Moms Please send us your old and new address Harry Boyte r funds to purchase arms for the Boer's war of expansion against as soon as you know you are moving. "Prospectus for a New Party" African tribes. readily accepted an offer for the small mine. Back basest Those of you who have sent us extra In THE PROGRESSIVE Only after the two "miners" disappeared with his large in. money for back issues, which are unavailable. will re- "Though I desperately want to, 1 can not Name vestment, did he have the mine examined. The "mine" had ceive extra CounterSpys after your one-year subscription find any assurance that humanity has a been salted —silver ore deliberately planted to fool prospective has terminated. If this procedure is inconvenient with future — that we will exist ten, twenty, FOR B Addiesb investors — and Van Herenthal had been taken by an old con. you, please notify us at once. twenty-five years from now. One does not Today the U.S. may ironically be repeating history and Van Renewabt Look at your address label on the back live with that kind of thought day In and day YES! Please send me 6 months of The Herenthal's folly. Silvermine occupies the very same mountain. cover of this issue. If the coded number is 31. it means out. One puts it away, shuts it off, and tries Progressive for S5 FOR SOME ANSWERS City Stale Zip to live some kind of normal life. But it is side. three hundred years later. All the old silver mine had your subscription terminates with this issue. Individuals always in the background ...." 7 months for S5 if payment is enclosed. going for it was a few pieces of silver ore. a hole in the ground, lin the U.S.) can receive CounterSpy for a year for 56.00. MPROGRESSIVE a greedy governor. and the fast talk of two "miners." Today Libraries pay $10.00, and overseas subscriptions cost George Wald "There Isn't Much Time" 0 I prefer 12 months for S10 437 W. Gorham St., Madison, WI 53703 Silvermine has S30 million in telecommunications equipment. $18.00 lair mail). In THE PROGRESSIVE

60 CounterSpy, Spring 1976 of Vaacouvor


ItIght• (111100PHHICIO



York, NY 1002.5

Spring 1976. CounterSpy 63

731 State St.

2208 Tulle, Rd. (Load chapters available from address above) Wit: Welty with atria f4CCSCI 1600 S. 14th Avenue 156 Fifth Ave., Room 516

415.548.3221 c/o ECM Office fee Pelitical Primmer. end to Save Live. In Chile 212-989-00M Los Angeles, CA 90032 Chicago attune' Committee New York, NY 10010 CALA Mullion, WI 53703 Philadelphin Chile Em acne, 3934 II Mission St. liatimel Coordinating Cooke in 610 S. 6th SL San Francisco, CA 94112 Maywood, ILL 60153 Commdtiee LAGLAS Berkeley, CA 94701 Berkeley, CA 94701 Non-Intemention in Chile (WEI) 415.333-1557 PO Box 800 Philadelphia, PA 15232 America P.O. Box 226 Box 4267 1500 Farragut St. NW 129 Seven Sisters Road P.O. Box 116 Berkeley. CA 94704 Washington, DC 20011

P.O. Box 57, Cathedral Station NACLAVest Oakland. CA 94604 Colored. Comalttee for • Free Chile Denver. CO 80212 Reebtance Publleadems Cooperative Centre Information Senior on Latin

PO Box 12273 New P.S. Rental! Center Vancouver, B.C. CANADA Chile Solidarity Comm* Lochs London n7 ENGLAND Avenida Univenidad 1134 Chile Informathe Charm 4901 Tilden Street NW Washington, DC 20016

PO Box 48474 Me Committee ler Hiram Rights

Mexico 19, D.F. MEXICO

Solidarity with


1322 18th Street

SOUTHEAST ASIA CHILE 235 E 49th Street ' New York, NY 10017 132218th Sheet NW Fdende ef belechins Washington. DC 20036 Ftteaddripment c/o Carol Curt. Washington, DC 20036 Weal= Rowena Ccuter-Weet Sokhom Hing 202-785-3111 Indoehlne Resume. Center-East PO Box 4000D 212-677-2509 Berkeley, CA 94704 Centre' Square Ammelatiem a/ Vietnam.. Patriotism Cambridge, MA 02139 Groom of Khmer Residents PO Box 321 523 E. 14th Street Tope!. U.S. Haman Rigbtt In See& Korea

New York, NY 10009 c/o Peggy Billings 475 Riverside Drive, Room 616 New York, NY 10027 North American Coalition for 160 Fifth Avenue, Suite 809 PO Box 609 Montclair, NJ 07042

American-Korean Friendship Anthopolopy Dept. and information Center

Thum Defame Committee

110 Maryland Avenue, Suite 504 Montclair State College c/o Prof. Franke New York, NY 10010 Upper Montclair, NJ 07042

Koss.. Focus Washington, DC 20002

North Arnerken Coalition for Hunan RIghts in South Korea Commdthe 26 W. 20th Street

Ken= People New York, NY 10011

110 Maryland Amnue, Suite 504 Washington. DC 20002

c/o Third Wodd Newsreel PO Box 23644 Friends et Filipino People

Union of Demeendle Flambee.

Oakland, CA 94623

Solidarity of lb.



in &Minna Africa

346 W. 20th St. 202-882-5772

1648 Rosana Rd., NW Washington, DC 20012 San Francisco, CA 94117

Bay Area Namibia Mina G..4 Friends of Amok. 611 Frederick

Arali-Aparibeld blovermemi, USA New York, NY 10011 htterfelth Center on Corpoute 212-870-2295

Itammelblity Paled f 1430 Massachusetts Ave., Rm. 201 475 Riverside Drive New York, NY 10027 batermationel Defense and AM 212-870.3151 617-492-1820

Community Or/pulsing Interrellgiem Founded, for

Cambridge, MA 02138 Ablaut Biblieraphic Center Washington, DC 20009 475 Riverside Drive, Room 572 New York, NY 10027 202-223-1392

Box 13096

Freedom Information Serdee Drawer D Tougaloo, MS 39174


2524 Cupress Street Rocs Today

Vancouver, B.C. CANADA

loathe.. Aides Action Galles Southern Africa lefonmetlem


Ottawa, CANADA 613.234-2561 (focus: Angola) 89 Charlotte Street

Richmond, B.C. Canada V6Y2A8 Box 4443-E 604.278-2992 74 Shakespeare Road Asti-Aparthied Mevensent Organisation Libendiem Support Mevemeet America IOSPAAL) PO Box 94338 London WI P 200. ENGLAND

Peruke of Aides, Ada md Latin London S.E. 24, ENGLAND PO Box Havana. CUBA






Arbor Soother. Africa

Pialladelplda Cordlike to Step 215-VI 8-3653

c/o 1. &Rieman 243 W. Tulpehocken 70-40I Philadelphia, PA 19144 215-724-1858 Modulen and S. Dwane. Naafi& 4811 Springfield Avenue

Soothers Africa Committee 244 W. 27th Street Philadelphia, PA 19143 212-741-3480

Symms Comandtteeon Sorghum Airier Liberation 119 College Place New York, NY 10001 Syracuse, NY

United Ittetheribt Office for the

777 U.N. Plaza, Room 1100 315-479-7783 Massachusetts Conference

United Church of Christ United Nation.

Manna so Southern Africa 202-682-3633 Potomac Association United Church of Christ 1312 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20005 Washington. DC 20015 Needham, MA 4514 Western Avenue New York, NY 10017 6 Ferndale Sheet Tads Fromm Sembern Africa 202-229-8776 US. Catholic Cadmus*

202-659-6812 110 Maryland Avenue NE Washington, DC 20002

Weehheiten OHM on ABMs

232-546-7961 1501 Cherry Street

Asserion Maeda Sank.

Philadelphia, PA 19102 Committee 215-563-9372

Newark, NY 07102 502 High Street Casper et 201621-2300 Am

204 S. Fourth Avenue Committee Am Arbor, MI 48104 313-761-7981

&net Ammole,111esausblque

adage Committee ter the Lamm Africa. Mittel Asseeistion 213-825-3806 African Studies Center 2546 North Halstead University of California 312-348-3370 Lou Angeles, CA 90024 Chicago, IL 60614

mad Gahm

Area Cosines es

1025 University Avenue

11185. Hanison 3323 W. 33rd Place 216.281-3700 Southern Africa 731 State Street &unbent Africa liberation 317-923-7587 2723 N. Grant Blvd. Melissa Africa New. Same. Indianapolis. IND 46222 Madison, WI 53715 PO Box 3851 Madison. WI 53703 Indianapolis. IND 46206 Durham. NC 27702 Christ) Clevelend. OH 44113 Lutheran Hams Ralathen Amu CODIAlitiM East Lansing. MI 48823 Box 1986. 222 S. Downey Avenue 919-286-3910 latilmaSoutherm AftleaCemmittee 608-257-7178 Milwaukee. WI 53210 317-353-1491 Lutheran GleIUI halm Trak Fame 517-332-0861 Lothenra Commdftee es Nasals 608.238-6950 c/o Lutheran Campus Center 4100 Franklin Blvd. Christian Clutch (Diulples al

Keepin On

encourages the exchange of informa-



Conuoldso for


The struggles of Third World peoples for independ-

The US. government's programs to destroy Third

The Fifth The following Is a list of group. primarily concerned

62 CounterSpy, Spring 1976

and oppression have heightened global mummer of the tentacles of Imperialism.

World movements In the United States and prevent ence, self-tktennination and freedom from suffering Mlf-determination abroad, we are beginning to learn, tion and support of straggles against imperialism — in are tools to deal with all America in the future. The peo- to fight the government's divisive strategy for neutral- 212-870-2059 14 West 11th Street ple united will never be defeated. with liberation struggles outside the United States. No United Church of Christ 475 Riverside Drive, Room 621 212477-0066 solidarity with the demands of Third World peoples and 212-222-2892 doubt there are omissions, which are unintentional, yet South Africa New York. NY 10011 izing progressive forces. 164 Madison Avenue 825 West Fnd Avenue. Apt. 4F New York. NY 10025 address above) Center br Social Attie. peoples. Africa Llberation Sopped New York. NY 10027 Committee for • 244 West 27th Street 244 West 27th Street Eplecopal Churchmen for (focus: Namibia) clearly reflect the vast growth of support for Third World AFRICA 212-691-5240 1500 Farragut Street. NW American Committee oe Africa New York. NY Washington, DC 20011 Afre-Aaserican Informed.. Service New York. NY 10001 New York. NY 10001 Committee 202-723,8273 212.532.3700 Anti-Apartheid (Local chapters available from Selman Purchasing



and and


60's 60's

Floor, Floor,

military intelli- military


the Bill of Rights with national national with Rights of Bill the

g g

atestructures as they relate to to relate they as atestructures

ate ate

The games the government plays in in plays government the games The

The analysis of goyemment and cor- cor- and goyemment of analysis The

The history of officially sanctioned sanctioned officially of history The

The inside experience of former in- former of experience inside The

security claims. claims. security

American foreign policy in the master- the in policy foreign American

plan for America's role as a world world a as role America's for plan telligence officers who provide the the provide who officers telligence


gence and other agencies of the the of agencies other and gence

truth about covert operations; operations; covert about truth

crimes by the CIA, CIA, the by crimes

ican security apparatus: apparatus: security ican

cutting edge in the public's drive for for drive public's the in edge cutting

sources of information, stimulate debate debate stimulate information, of sources

D.C. 20009 202-483-0382 202-483-0382 20009 D.C.

Education Project on the Intelligence Com- Intelligence the on Project Education

on the intelligence and criminal justice com- justice criminal and intelligence the on

202-483-0830 202-483-0830

ns balancin ns


Law Law

signs signs

Public Public

experts experts

PEPIC has banded together a unique concentration concentration unique a together banded has PEPIC

Lectures, seminars and symposiums are available on on available are symposiums and seminars Lectures,

One of the many lessons learned during the the during learned lessons many the of One

and the the and


In From From In

National National

the Cold Cold the

(message) (message)

Washington, Washington,

PEPIC 1811 Connecticut Avenue NW, Fourth Fourth NW, Avenue Connecticut 1811 PEPIC

Policies, Policies,

For More Information: Information: More For

The The Why a Public Education Project? Project? Education Public a Why four main topics: topics: main four

Security Security

and criticism and formulate alternatives to a rising rising a to alternatives formulate and criticism and

national security bureaucracy. bureaucracy. security national

alternatives to government analysis and propaganda. propaganda. and analysis government to alternatives

policy and the abuses of power in government. government. in power of abuses the and policy of of

in the aftermath of Watergate is that there is a need for for need a is there that is Watergate of aftermath the in

public to take responsibility for questioning official official questioning for responsibility take to public

munities to encourage the emergence of an informed informed an of emergence the encourage to munities

dependent dependent Bureaus Bureaus

munity is a vehicle for those determined to obtain obtain to determined those for vehicle a is munity

Practices Practices

and Grand Grand and

Embarrassing Embarrassing

the Intelligence Community Community Intelligence the

Public Education Project on on Project Education Public

Comemmed Comemmed

lag lag

International International

Viethiss Piled Piled Viethiss

. .

Dublin 1. IRELAND IRELAND 1. Dublin

30 Gardiner Place Place Gardiner 30

16 Union Square, 2nd Floor Floor 2nd Square, Union 16 Somerville, MA 02143 02143 MA Somerville,

International Affair. Brume Brume Affair. International

14131 Woodward Armee Armee Woodward 14131 Lich Republic= Movement Movement Republic= Lich

BaBm BaBm

Portmineee Odtural Collective Collective Odtural Portmineee Highland Park. MI 48203 48203 MI Park. Highland

Waders' Power Perked Solidarity Solidarity Perked Power Waders'

Campaign Campaign

address above) above) address

New York, NY 10003 10003 NY York, New 213-388-9569 213-388-9569

(Local chapters available from from available chapters (Local

41 Union Square West, Room 631 631 Room West, Square Union 41

204 W. 20th Street Street 20th W. 204

Caribbean Calms, Calms, Caribbean

2700 W. 3rd Street. Room 102 102 Room Street. 3rd W. 2700

U.S. Oda& Peoples Friendeldp Friendeldp Peoples Oda& U.S.

New York, NY 10011 10011 NY York, New New aim aim New

Los Angeles, CA 90057 90057 CA Angeles, Los


Ameektion Ameektion

New York, NY 10003 10003 NY York, New

853 Broadway Broadway 853

for donations: donations: for

Caster for Conethotkord Riede Riede Conethotkord for Caster (focus: political prisoners) prisoners) political (focus:

1855 Vine Street Street Vine 1855 Inchelium, WA 99138 99138 WA Inchelium,

2112 Broadway. Room 309 309 Room Broadway. 2112


Washington, DC 20036 20036 DC Washington,

Tremor Women legal Moms Moms legal Women Tremor

1322 -18th Street NW NW Street -18th 1322 106 So. Main, Suite 420422 420422 Suite Main, So. 106

New York, NY 10023 10023 NY York, New

Committee Committee

Sioux Falls, SD 57101 57101 SD Falls, Sioux

604-736-8944 604-736-8944 Vancouver. B.C. CANADA CANADA B.C. Vancouver.

PO Box 49 49 Box PO

AIM Legal Defense Committee Committee Defense Legal AIM


150 Fifth Avenue, Room 804 804 Room Avenue, Fifth 150

end Peeled Reread= Reread= Peeled end

Indian Centre Centre Indian

aorgy and and aorgy 101-103 Gower Street Street Gower 101-103

c/o Gridley Gridley c/o

New York, NY 10011 10011 NY York, New

Rorope-Third Wodd Ramer& Ramer& Wodd Rorope-Third Committee Committee

Hume. Rights Office Office Rights Hume.

Ceske Ceske

National Mime Agalet Racial Racial Agalet Mime National

London, WC1, ENGLAND ENGLAND WC1, London,

Pokier Delon Committee Committee Delon Pokier

Imam LoDeous Defense Defense LoDeous Imam

Pend Pend

em em

Far Rockaway, NY 11691 11691 NY Rockaway, Far

Windom Sheehan* Support Group Group Support Sheehan* Windom PO Box 477 477 Box PO

1506 Broadway Broadway 1506

Boulder, CO 80302 80302 CO Boulder,

853 Broadway Broadway 853

National lawyers Guild Guild lawyers National


New York, NY 111003 111003 NY York, New for donations: donations: for

016enee Committee Committee 016enee

PO Box 4287 4287 Box PO

Calumet. an Nadu Antorkan Antorkan Nadu an Calumet.

Omaha, NEB 68104 68104 NEB Omaha,

Rapid City, SD 57701 57701 SD City, Rapid

PO Box 2307 2307 Box PO

Wromded Knee Lard Wore/ Wore/ Lard Knee Wromded

612-724-1124 (Minnesota) (Minnesota) 612-724-1124

Seminole, OK OK Seminole,

Pine Ridge, SD 57770 57770 SD Ridge, Pine Sentinole Ned.. Tandy Pee* Pee* Tandy Ned.. Sentinole

Box 61 61 Box

Box 71 71 Box

lukote Treaty Coma Coma Treaty lukote

315-479-7783 315-479-7783

Syracuse, NY 13210 13210 NY Syracuse,

Syracuse NASC NASC Syracuse

Geberlab Support Comeithm Comeithm Support Geberlab 315.357.6221 315.357.6221

405 WCILOtt Street Street WCILOtt 405

for =Amodio.. =Amodio.. for

via Eagle Bay, NY 13331 13331 NY Bay, Eagle via

Box 208 208 Box

Glehlaai Glehlaai

Aseselotien Aseselotien

Sealed element WM. WM. element Sealed

Tacoma, WA 98401 98401 WA Tacoma,

PO Box 719 719 Box PO St. Paul, MN 55165 55165 MN Paul, St.

address above) above) address

(Local chapters available from from available chapters (Local

PO Bon 3426 3426 Bon PO

Cateindttee (NASC) (NASC) Cateindttee

212-986-6000 212-986-6000

777 United Nations Plea, Rm. 1OF 1OF Rm. Plea, Nations United 777

612.227-1973 612.227-1973

Nail= American Solidarity Solidarity American Nail= Washington, D.C. 20035 20035 D.C. Washington,

Comma Comma

• •

1451 Masonic Avenue Avenue Masonic 1451 San Francisco, CA 94117 94117 CA Francisco, San

202-638-2287 202-638-2287

Wadies Low Low Wadies

New York. NY 10017 10017 NY York. New

927. 14th St. NW, Suite 200 200 Suite NW, St. 14th 927.

Intersationd laden Treaty Treaty laden Intersationd

Wm* Wm*

Instihria for dr Development Development dr for Instihria

415-841-9157 415-841-9157

via Rooseveltown, NY 13683 13683 NY Rooseveltown, via

518-358-4697 518-358-4697

Akwoommo Not Not Akwoommo NATIVE AMERICANS AMERICANS NATIVE bar.. bar..

Berkeley, CA 94704 94704 CA Berkeley, PO Box 4073 4073 Box PO

Mohawk Nation Nation Mohawk

Report Report

Sheffield S4 71{L, ENGLAND ENGLAND 71{L, S4 Sheffield

38 Burngreave Bank Bank Burngreave 38

197 King's Cross Road Road Cross King's 197

Oman Solidarity Compoign Compoign Solidarity Oman



Box 68 68 Box

Washington, DC 20009 20009 DC Washington, 6, Endsleigh Street Street Endsleigh 6,

Peen Kurdistan Kurdistan Peen

Molar Medial Aid Aid Medial Molar

Kalorama Steno. Steno. Kalorama

PO Box 21096 21096 Box PO tree Palestine Committee Committee Palestine tree

Denver, CO 80201 80201 CO Denver,

Youngstown, 0 44504 44504 0 Youngstown,

New York, NY 10027 10027 NY York, New

Manhattanville Station Station Manhattanville

PO Box 2072 2072 Box PO PO Box 1757 1757 Box PO

Washington. DC 20009 20009 DC Washington.

PO Box 2203 2203 Box PO

1875 Connecticut Ave. NW, 01110 01110 NW, Ave. Connecticut 1875

Albany. CA 94706 94706 CA Albany.

Arab information Center Center information Arab

Made. Wide* Camden= Camden= Wide* Made.

PO Box 6123 6123 Box PO

E. Lansing, M148823 M148823 Lansing, E.

PO Box 369 369 Box PO

Gulf Solidarity Committee Committee Solidarity Gulf

Organtrotim of Arab Stedente Stedente Arab of Organtrotim

In the USA and Canada Canada and USA the In

Eugene. ORE 97403 97403 ORE Eugene.

PO Box 3784 3784 Box PO

Aryl, Report Report Aryl, Washington D.C. 20010 20010 D.C. Washington

212-787-3350 212-787-3350

Columbia Heights Station Station Heights Columbia

America America

New York. NY 10017 10017 NY York. New

PO Box 3601 3601 Box PO

Faltrean RelkiCamittee RelkiCamittee Faltrean

PO Box 1247 1247 Box PO


Eritrean. for Liberation. In Nardi Nardi In Liberation. for Eritrean. mation Project Project mation

Middle East Research and Info... Info... and Research East Middle Box 3122 3122 Box

New York, NY 10027 10027 NY York, New

Toronto, Ontario Ontario Toronto,

WM Maim Wadden Gram Gram Wadden Maim WM

Washington. DC 20011 20011 DC Washington.

1500 Farragut Street NW NW Street Farragut 1500

202-723-8274 202-723-8274



Box 6300 Station A A Station 6300 Box

1963 University Avenue Avenue University 1963

Mandan Commuoleatim Commuoleatim Mandan

E. Palo Alto, CA 94303 94303 CA Alto, Palo E.

and Action Action and

Eameniad Program 1or 1or Program Eameniad

Pad& Stade. Center Center Stade. Pad&

Boa 348 348 Boa

Had Had

a a

CounterSpy, Spring 1976 1976 Spring CounterSpy,

Berkeley, CA 94704 94704 CA Berkeley,

Americo Americo

Box 4267 4267 Box

Intemmation Smokes on Lean Lean on Smokes Intemmation

New York, NY 113025 113025 NY York, New

PO Box 57. Cathedral Station Station Cathedral 57. Box PO

Berkeley, CA 94701 94701 CA Berkeley,


NACLA-West NACLA-West PO Box 226 226 Box PO

PO Boa 318 Cooper Station Station Cooper 318 Boa PO

64 64

220 E. 23rd Street Street 23rd E. 220

New York, NY 10003 10003 NY York, New

Cleridad Cleridad

Canter far Cab= kindles kindles Cab= far Canter

New York, NY 10010 10010 NY York, New

New York, NY 10027 10027 NY York, New

William Wipfler Wipfler William

475 Riverside Drive Drive Riverside 475

Committee an the Cameo= and and Cameo= the an Committee

National Council of Churches Churches of Council National

Box 206 Cathedral Station Station Cathedral 206 Box

1312 Massachusetts Avenue NW NW Avenue Massachusetts 1312

Latk Americo Americo Latk

New York. NY 10025 10025 NY York. New

Mary Lou Suhov Suhov Lou Mary

Washington. DC 20005 20005 DC Washington.

Tom Quigley Quigley Tom

Cuba Rama Center Center Rama Cuba

Jill Ives PO PO Ives Jill

1711 Lamont Street NW NW Street Lamont 1711

United States Catholic Conference Conference Catholic States United Hopewell Junction, NY 10956 10956 NY Junction, Hopewell

Mood. Mood.

Washington, DC 20010 20010 DC Washington,

Socialkno Socialkno

Amnions Chrietiam Toward Toward Chrietiam Amnions

110 Maryland Avenue NE NE Avenue Maryland 110

Marge Schuler Schuler Marge

Washington. DC 20002 20002 DC Washington.

Washington, Office ow Loths Loths ow Office Washington,

America America

address above) above) address

(Local chapters available from from available chapters (Local

232E 11th St. St. 11th 232E

160 W. 106th St., Apt. 6B 6B Apt. St., 106th W. 160

1500 Ferriage Street NW NW Street Ferriage 1500

New York, NY 10003 10003 NY York, New

Poe ta Rican Saliently Comeldee Comeldee Saliently Rican ta Poe

New York, NY 10027 10027 NY York, New

Washington, DC 20011 20011 DC Washington,

Dunham Republica. Yee Pee Pee Yee Republica. Dunham

Silver Spring, MD 20901 20901 MD Spring, Silver

Los Angeles, CA 90018 90018 CA Angeles, Los

8674 Piney Branch Road Road Branch Piney 8674

Seessiguty Seessiguty

Argeetle People People Argeetle

Grand Central Station Station Central Grand

PO Box 17728 17728 Box PO

Salidarily Carmelite. with the the with Carmelite. Salidarily

U.S. Cannandon for Parteramlam Parteramlam for Cannandon U.S.

PO Box 4565 4565 Box PO

Berkeley, CA 94704 94704 CA Berkeley, New York, NY 10017 10017 NY York, New 4430 Box PO

LATIN AMERICA AMERICA LATIN • • CounterSpy Bulk Rate Box 647 Ben Franklin Station U.S. POSTAGE Washington, D.C. 20044 PAID Washington, D.C. Permit No. 45188

**TIME TO RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION: couNTERSpy If your label code says 31. " shocking . . . paranoic . . . cynical" William E. Colby, former CIA Director "The CIA's nemesis" Newsweek mi.jCounterSpy 647,



The purpose of this memorandum is to review articles entitled "Agents and Informers" and"Counter-insurgency Comes Home", which appear in a quarterly journal entitled, "Counter-Spy", dated Fall, 1974 (copies attached). It is noted in memorandum to dated 9/13/74, that this journal was obtained by at a conference on the CIA and covert actions held in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on 9/12/74. The publisher of the quarterly is The Organizing Committee for a Fifth Estate (OCFE). "Counter-Spy" is self- described as a source of analyses and information on the practices, organization and objectives of U.S. intelligence.

Facsimile from an FBI report

Please send me the quarterly journal of the Fifth Estate.

Enclosed is $1.50 (sample copy) Enclosed is $18 (overseas) Enclosed is $15 (sustainer sub) Enclosed is $6 (one year)

I Name Street I City I State, Zip Checks should be payable to the Organizing Committee for a Fifth Estate. I P.O. Box 647. Ben Franklin Station, Washington, D.C. 20004 I

1. Ces.:"".7"--",