The secret structure that steers Defense and Foreign Policy behind the facade of 'Democracy.'

SUMMER 2001 - Volume 1, Issue 3 from TrueDemocracy Website Table of Contents

EDITORIAL North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT Air Force Office of Space Systems National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 1. The Executive Branch NASA's Ames Research Center Council on Foreign Relations Project Cold Empire Trilateral Commission Project Snowbird The Bilderberg Group Project Aquarius National Security Council Project Joint Chiefs of Staff Project Tacit Rainbow National Program Office Project Timberwind Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Project Code EVA Project Cobra Mist 2. Intelligence Branch Project Cold Witness (NSA) National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) 4. Weapons Industry National Reconnaissance Organization Stanford Research Institute, Inc. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) AT&T Federal Bureau of Investigation , Counter Intelligence RAND Corporation (FBI) Edgerton, Germhausen & Greer Corporation Department of Energy Intelligence Wackenhut Corporation NSA's Central Security Service and CIA's Special Bechtel Corporation Security Office United Nuclear Corporation U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) Walsh Construction Company U.S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) Aerojet (Genstar Corporation) U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) Reynolds Electronics Engineering Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Lear Aircraft Company NASA Intelligence Northrop Corporation Air Force Special Security Service Hughes Aircraft Defense Industry Security Command (DISCO) Lockheed-Maritn Corporation Defense Investigative Service McDonnell-Douglas Corporation Naval Investigative Service (NIS) BDM Corporation Air Force Electronic Security Command General Electric Corporation Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) PSI-TECH Corporation Federal Police Agency Intelligence Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) Defense Electronic Security Command Project Deep Water 5. Financial Department Project Paperclip Federal Reserve System CIA self-financing 3. War Department Department of Justice self-financing CIA's Directorate for Science and Technology Special Forces self-financing Strategic Defense Initiative Office (SDIO) Ballistic Missile Defense Org . (BMDO) Department of Energy (DOE) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories Sandia National Laboratories-West (SNL-W) Regular Features Idaho National Engineering Laboratories (INEL) Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Myth Breakers Phillips Air Force Laboratory Did You Know? Tonapah Test Range Part 1- AIFLD in Central America: Agents as Organizers Haystack (Buttes) USAF Laboratory , Edwards AFB, California Part 2- Children, Labor, Fraud, Elite Groups Los Alamos National Laboratories Part 3- Israeli Draft Resister, World Economic Forum Area 51/Groom Lake (USAF/DOE/CIA) Base & S-4 members (Papoose Lake Base) U.S. Special Forces Command America's Concerns Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Part 1- Public School Education The Jason Group Part 2- Stem Cell Research Aquarius Group Part 3- Government Surveillance Defense Science Board Part 4- Who Are the Real Criminals ? Defense Nuclear Agency U.S. Space Command


This edition of True Democracy (La verdad sobre la democracia) is devoted to everyone who ever suffered from the hegemony of the United States government. In other words, this edition of my unique magazine is devoted to nearly everyone. To disband the CIA wouldn't do much good (see the first edition) because the Defense Intelligence Agency would be given the same responsibilities that the CIA had so it was with gratitude that I obtained the documentation which you will read within these pages because the Defense Intelligence Agency is part of the "Shadow Government" or the government you've most likely never been aware existed. The Shadow Government is composed of five branches of government, not three as the framers fashioned. The documentation is in a Web site which is and will be embellished in this edition. If you have read the first edition of my unique empowering magazine you would have read about four of the agencies or organizations because of my immense good fortune had made me aware that either President Kennedy wanted to disband them which resulted in his assassination or I had learned of them because of my being in the right place at the right time so many times that I learned of them. Specifically, I speak of the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergs, two elite organizations which need to be exposed to decent people of the world like you. So, enjoy this edition of True Democracy because it is devoted to you. If your family hasn't suffered physically or emotionally because of my government, your taxes have funded the atrocities making you suffer indirectly. In peace and solidarity, Arlene Johnson Editor-in-Chief


By Richard J. Boylan Ph.D.

Just as with the official government, the Shadow Government has functional branches. However, unlike the official government, the purpose of the non-executive branches of the Shadow Government is simply to distribute various functions, but not to achieve a system of checks and balances, as was supposed to happen constitutionally between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the U.S. Government. That is because the Shadow Government is a creature of a powerful elite, who need not fear being dominated by an instrument of their own creation.

In the Shadow Government five branches may be identified. These branches are: the Executive Branch, the Intelligence Branch, the War Department, the Weapons Industry Branch, and the Financial Department.

The reporting lines of the Intelligence Branch and the War Department to the Executive Branch are straightforward and obvious. Intelligence exists to provide the Executive Branch with sufficient necessary information to make adequately informed policy decisions. The War Department exists to provide coercive force to carry out Executive policy decisions which could meet with public resistance. The Special Operations units within the Intelligence Branch and War Department exist to carry out policy directives requiring covert action and official deniability.

The Weapons Industry Branch reports to the Executive Branch most often indirectly, through the War Department and/or the Intelligence Branch (for Black Budget weapons systems).

The Financial Department theoretically reports to the Executive Branch for fiscal policy implementation, but de facto also reports directly to the international power brokers who have created the Shadow Government. The Financial Department serves at times directly as their instrument of fiscal policy implementation.

An analysis of the overall purposes of these five branches suggests that the overall purpose of the Shadow Government is to exercise covert control by: * Collecting comprehensive institutional and personal information * By establishing national and international policy independently of the established Government * By developing high-tech arms and equipment, and, with these, establishing small, specialized, highly mobile, elite military units to effect these covert policies, when need arises, without having to rely on the official (and "unreliable") Armed Services, (whose subservience to the Shadow Government is reasonably suspect) * By developing an armed capability to repel any threat to the status quo, (including the uncertain ontological, social, and economic impacts of any revelation of the reality of UFO and extraterrestrial presence) through the development of a Star Wars/BMDO ground and space-based surveillance and SDI weapons network * By denying information compromising to the Shadow Government from all those outside "need-to-know" policy-making levels * By exercising control on the money supply, availability of credit, and the worth of money, through policy decisions made outside of the official Government

Executive Branch EXECUTIVE BRANCH Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) includes George Bush, , all modern CIA Directors, most modern Joint Chiefs of Staff, most modern Cabinet and top Executive Branch appointed officeholders, etc. Trilateral Commission David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, John D. Rockefeller, Alan Greenspan, Zbignew Brzezinski, Anthony Lake, John Glenn, David Packard, David Gergen, Diane Feinstein, Jimmy Carter, Adm. William Crowe, etc. The Bilderberg Group Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein, Prince Bernhard of , Bill Clinton, Lloyd Bentsen, etc. National Security Council (NCS), the military and intelligence policy-making and control group for national and international security, which reports directly to the President, its secret 5412 Committee (which directs black [covert] operations), and its PI-40 Subcommittee (aka MJ-12: which exercises policy direction and control of the UFO Cover-Up). Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)'s Special Operations compartment, the operations directorate which implements the orders of the NSC's 5412 Committee, utilizing the U.S. Special Forces Command. National Program Office (NPO), which operates the Continuity of Government Project (COG), an ongoing secret project to maintain command, control, communication and intelligence executive centers during an extreme National Emergency by operating clandestine, secure, underground cities staffed by surrogates for above ground national leaders. Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA's black projects compartment, which operates federal preventive-detention camps [often located on military bases or Federal Bureau of Land Management lands], secure underground shelters for the elite during cataclysms, etc.


National Security Agency (NSA), monitors and screens all telephone, telegraph, computer modem, radio, television, cellular, microwave, and satellite communications, and electromagnetic fields "of interest" around the world, and orchestrates information-control and cover-up activities related to UFO secrecy and surveillance of extra-terrestrial operations, Fort Meade, MD. National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), controls and collects information from global spy satellites, monitors UFO traffic entering and leaving Earth's atmosphere, coordinates firing of energy beam weapons from orbiting Star Wars satellites at selected human ground and airborne targets and selectively at extra-terrestrial craft, Pentagon basement and Dulles Airport area, VA. National Reconnaissance Organization (NRO) (aka MJ-TF), the military/intelligence operations arm of the PI-40 Subcommittee, conducts surveillance, interdiction, capture and confiscation of UFOs and their extra-terrestrial occupants for intelligence and "International Security" purposes; surveilles and "interacts" with close encounter experiencers, including occasional physically and sexually assaultive mind control kidnappings disguised as "Alien abductions" for psychological warfare and dis-informational purposes, headquarters unknown, probably compartmented and dispersed among various elite Delta Force Special Operations units, such as the USAF Blue Light at Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, FL and Beale Air Force Base, Marysville, CA. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), commands, often controls, and sometimes coordinates, the gathering of secret overseas information gathered by spies (HUMINT), electronic surveillance (SIGINT), and other means; carries out covert unconstitutional paramilitary counterinsurgency operations and preemptive political pacification projects in violation of international law, as well as counter-intelligence sting operations against foreign agents; engages in domestic surveillance, and manipulation of the U.S. political process, "in the National interest" in direct violation of its congressional charter; operates proprietary "false front" companies for profit; conducts a major share of international trans-shipment of illegal drugs, using National Security cover and immunity; and cooperates with NSA's UFO cover-up operations, Langley, VA, and worldwide branches. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Counter Intelligence Division The branch which investigates, surveilles and neutralizes foreign Intelligence agents operating within the U.S., and cooperates with the National Reconnaissance Organization in the surveillance of those involved in close encounters with UFOs and extra-terrestrials. Department of Energy Intelligence (DOE-INTEL), which conducts internal security checks and external security threat countermeasures, often through its contract civilian instrumentality, the Wackenhut Corporation. NSA's Central Security Service and CIA's Special Security Office Which respectively spy on the spies, and conduct special operations which cannot be entrusted to line intelligence officers, Ft. Meade, MD and Langley, VA. U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) whose assignments include psychological and psychotronic warfare (PSYOPS), para-psychological intelligence (PSYINT), and electromagnetic intelligence (ELMINT), Ft. Meade, MD. U.S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), which gathers intelligence affecting naval operations, and has a compartmented unit involved in UFO and USO [Unidentified Submerged Objects] information gathering. U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), which gathers intelligence affecting aerospace operations, and has a compartmented unit involved in investigating UFO sightings, extra-terrestrial contact reports, as well as IAC [Identified Alien Craft] surveillance, and coordination with NRO interdiction operations, Bolling Air Force Base, MD. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), which coordinates the intelligence data gathered from the various Armed Services intelligence branches (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard and Special Forces), and provides counter-threat measures, (which include providing security at ultra-classified installations by the deployment of U.S. "Thought Police", who conduct surveillance, by remote viewing and other para-psychological measures, against penetrations and scanning by foreign or civilian remote viewers [clairvoyants/out-of-body seers], Pentagon, VA, Fort Meade, MD, and the entire astral plane. NASA Intelligence Which gathers intelligence data relating to space flights, sabotage threats, astronaut and reconnaissance satellite encounters with UFOs and ETs, and coordinates the transfer of alien technology to U.S. and allies' aerospace operations. Air Force Special Security Service Which is an NSA/USAF joint intelligence operations unit dealing with possible threats to aerospace operations from foreign powers, terrestrial or otherwise. Defense Industry Security Command (DISCO), which conducts intelligence operations within and on behalf of the civilian defense contractor corporations engaged in classified research, development, and production. Defense Investigative Service (DIS), which conducts investigations into people and situations deemed a possible threat to any operation of the Department of Defense. Naval Investigative Service (NIS), which conducts investigations against threats to Naval operations. Air Force Electronic Security Command Which conducts surveillance and interdiction of threats to the security of Air Force electronic transmissions and telemetry, and to the integrity of electronic countermeasure (ECM) warfare equipment. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Intelligence Which conducts surveillance and interdiction of drug smuggling operations, unless exempted under "National Security" waivers. Federal Police Agency Intelligence Which coordinates intelligence relating to threats against federal property and personnel. Defense Electronic Security Command Which coordinates intelligence surveillance and countermeasures against threats to the integrity of military electronic equipment and electronic battlefield operations), Fort Worth, TX. Project Deep Water The ongoing effects of the compromised personnel, sources and methods resulting from the secret importation of Hitler's own Nazi Intelligence chief, Gen. Reinhard Gehlen, to redesign the US's Intelligence apparatus. Project Paperclip The ongoing results of the secret importation of Nazi weapons and aerospace/UFO scientists into U.S. secret military research and development bases.


CIA's Directorate for Science and Technology Which gathers information with promise for scientific and technological developments which present a superiority advantage for, or a threat against, the National Security, [also contains the "Weird Desk", which centrally processes intelligence about UFOs and ETs and their interaction with Earth], current Deputy Director of Central Intelligence for Science and Technology is Ron Pandolfi. Strategic Defense Initiative Office (SDIO) Ballistic Missile Defense Org. (BMDO) of: moreWhich coordinates research, development and deployment of Star Wars electromagnetic pulse, killer laser, particle beam, plasmoid, and other advanced technology aerospace weapons. Department of Energy (DOE) which, besides its cover story of researching cleaner-burning coal and gasoline and more solar power, is principally involved in research and development specialized nuclear weapons; compact, self-sustaining, fusion powered, particle and wave weapons, including electromagnetic pulse, gravitational/anti-gravitational, laser, particle beam and plasmoid applied weapons research; high energy invisibility "cloaking" technology, etc. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories Sandia National Laboratories-West (SNL-W) Which are involved in nuclear warhead "refinements", development of new transuranic elements for weapons and energy applications, development of anti- matter weapons (the Teller Bomb: 10,000 times the force of a hydrogen bomb), laser/maser technology applications, and, reportedly, successful teleportation experiments, among other projects, at this Russian nicknamed "City of Death"), Livermore, CA. Idaho National Engineering Laboratories (INEL), which houses numerous underground facilities in an immense desert installations complex larger than Rhode Island, has security provided by its own secret Navy Base, is involved in nuclear, high energy electromagnetic, and other research, and includes Argonne National Laboratory, West), Arco, ID Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Phillips Air Force Laboratory Which are sequestered on Kirtland Air Force Base/Sandia Military Reservation, and conduct the translation of theoretical and experimental nuclear and Star Wars weapons research done at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories into practical, working weapons), Albuquerque, NM. Tonopah Test Range SNL's DOE weapons testing facility for operationally testing Star Wars weapons in realistic target situations, and is adjacent to classified stealth and cloaked aerospace craft and United States-UFO bases at the Groom Lake [USAF/DOE/CIA] Base [Area 51] and Papoose Lake Base [S-4]), Nevada Test Site/Nellis AFB Range, Tonopah, NV. Haystack (Buttes) USAF Laboratory, Edwards AFB, CA A 30 levels deep, extreme security facility reportedly engaged in alien technology retro-engineering. Los Alamos National Laboratories The premiere research lab for nuclear, subatomic particle, high magnetic field, exometallurgical, exobiological and other exotic technologies research, Los Alamos County, NM. Area 51/Groom Lake (USAF/DOE/CIA) Base) and S-4 (Papoose Lake Base) Ultra-secure "non- existent" deployment bases where extremely classified aerospace vehicles are tested and operationally flown, including the Aurora hypersonic spyplane, the Black Manta [TR-3A] stealth fighter follow-on to the F-117A, the Pumpkinseed hyper-speed unmanned aerospace reconnaissance vehicle, and several variants of anti-gravitational craft (U.S.-UFOs). U.S. Special Forces Command Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, Fl, along with its Western U.S. Headquarters, Special Forces Command, Beale AFB, Marysville, CA, coordinating: * U.S. Army Delta Forces (Green Berets) * U.S. Navy SEALs (Black Berets), Coronado, CA. * USAF Blue Light (Red Berets) Strike Force Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which coordinates the application of latest scientific findings to the development of new generations of weapons. The Jason Group Elite weapons application scientists, developing cutting-edge science weapons for DARPA, and operating under the cover of the Mitre Corporation. Aquarius Group UFO technology application scientists, reportedly working under the guidance of the Dolphin Society, an elite group of scientists privy to extremely classified science and technology findings. Defense Science Board Which serves as the Defense Department's intermediary between weapons needs and the physical sciences. Defense Nuclear Agency Currently concentrating on fusion powered, high energy particle beam, X-ray laser, and EM forcefield weapons development and deployment. U.S. Space Command Space War Headquarters for operating "the next war, which will be fought and won in space", Falcon AFB, CO. North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), operating the nuclear survivable space surveillance and war command center deep inside Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs, CO. Air Force Office of Space Systems Which coordinates the development of future technology for operating and fighting in space. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which operates covert space defense, ET research, and space weapons compartments, in addition to manned Shuttle and unmanned scientific satellite launches. NASA's Ames Research Center Which conducts the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Project, Exobiology (alien life forms) Division, and "Human Factors" (PSY-Warfare Division), Sunnyvale, CA. Project Cold Empire SDI weapons research - Classified Project Snowbird Pseudo-UFO's used as misinformation. Project Aquarius UFO research - Classified Project MILSTAR Development and deployment of WW III [space war] command, control, communication and intelligence satellites. Project Tacit Rainbow Stealth drones/pseudo-UFO's. Project Timberwind Nuclear powered space vehicles. Project Code EVA Space walk based technology. Project Cobra Mist SDI energy -beam (plasmoid?) weapon research. Project Cold Witness SDI weapons - Classified


Stanford Research Institute, Inc. An Intelligence contractor involved in psychotronic, para-psychological and PSY-WAR research. AT&T Sandia Labs, Bell Labs, etc. Star Wars weapons research and NSA telephone/satellite communications interception facilitation. RAND Corporation CIA-front involved in Intelligence projects, weapons development, and underground bases development. Edgerton, Germhausen & Greer Corporation NSA/DOE contractor involved in Star Wars weapons development, fusion applications, and security for Area 51 and nuclear installations, etc. Wackenhut Corporation (NSA/CIA/DOE cut-out contractor) involved in contract security operations for Top Secret Ultra and Black Budget surface and underground military reservations, such as Area S-4 (U.S. UFO base), NV and Sandia National Labs, (Star Wars weapons base, NM), and, reportedly, "dirty jobs" for CIA and Defense Intelligence agencies. Bechtel Corporation CIA's main contractor for covert projects and experimental underground bases. United Nuclear Corporation Military nuclear applications. Walsh Construction Company Seems to undertake CIA projects contracts. Aerojet (Genstar Corp.) Makes DSP-1 Star Wars battle satellites for the National Reconnaissance Office. Reynolds Electronics Engineering Seems to undertake CIA and DoD projects. Lear Aircraft Company Black budget technology. Northrop Corporation Makes U.S. anti-gravity craft, back-engineered from alien technology, near Lancaster, CA. Hughes Aircraft Classified projects compartment. Lockheed-Martin Corporation Black Budget aerospace projects. McDonnell-Douglas Corporation Black Budget aerospace projects. BDM Corporation CIA contractor, involved in UFO back-engineering and psychotronic projects, etc. General Electric Corporation Electronic warfare and weapons systems. PSI-TECH Corporation Involved in military/Intelligence applications of research into psychotronics, parapsychology, remote viewing, and contacting extra-terrestrial consciousness. Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC) - "black projects" contractor, reportedly including psychic warfare.


Federal Reserve System Cartel of private banks overseen by elite super-wealthy financiers, such as the Rockefellers, Mellons, DuPonts, Rothschilds, etc., which dictates to the Government the flow of money, worth of money, and the interest rates. CIA self-financing The operation and/or control of much of the international drug trade in heroin, cocaine and marijuana, as well as "front" business enterprises, as a source of cash for off-the-books covert operations, and the purchase of exotic munitions and strategic bribe funds. Department of Justice self-financing the use of confiscated money and valuables from "targets of investigation" to finance "special projects". Special Forces self-financing The self-use of confiscated money from covert military operations to fund other clandestine operations.


Executive Branch

Council on Foreign Relations

According to my research, (see first edition of True Democracy (La verdad sobre la democracia)) the Council on Foreign Relations "assisted in the formation of the Trilateral Commission." Additionally, the secretary at the Rainbow Coalition stated to me that Jesse Jackson is a member of this organization. I suspect that she didn't realize that I had done research on the Trilateral Commission so was familiar with this organization or she wouldn't have ever informed me that Reverend Jackson is a member.

The Council on Foreign Relations are in violation of Title-50 War and National Defense subsection 783.

The Council on Foreign Relations is a branch of an international group of co-conspirators called the Round Table Group. Other branches include; Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, the Australian Institute of International Affairs, the South African Institute of International Affairs, the Indian Institute of International Affairs, the Netherlands Institute of International Affairs, the Japanese Institute of Pacific Relations, the Chinese Institute of Pacific Relations, and the Russian Institute of Pacific Relations. The Secretary of the Treasury is the public official responsible for keeping an eye on domestic and international monetary and financial policy. The following Secretaries of the Treasury are members of the Council on Foreign Relations; Robert B. Anderson (Eisenhower), Douglas C. Dillion (Kennedy/Johnson), Henry Hamill Fowler (Johnson), David M. Kennedy (Nixon), William Edward Simon (Nixon/Ford), W. Michael Blumenthal (Carter), G. William Miller (Carter) James A. Baker 3rd (Reagan), Nicholas F. Brady (Reagan/Bush).

The National Security Council provides intelligence support to the Secretary of the Treasury. The nature of the support, is classified. The support insures the Department of the Treasury acts in accord with recommended national security policy and makes its full contribution to the attainment of national security objectives and to the particular climate of opinion the United States is seeking to achieve in the world.

This opinion is formulated by Council on Foreign Relations members working in an ad hoc committee called the "Special Group" and through a vast intragovernmental undercover infrastructure called the "Secret Team". The "Special Group" and "Secret Team" insure that a well coordinated economic warfare campaign weakens non-Round Table Member controlled companies and benefits Round Table Member controlled companies in the United States and in other nations.

Even the most knowledgeable Treasury officials don't understand the role of the National Security Council in international monetary and financial policy. The "Special Group" and the "Secret Team" hide so-called national security objectives behind a veil of secrecy. This is because these objectives are in the best interest of the Round Table Group members, not in the best interest of the American public.

In 1969 Paul Volcker became Undersecretary for Monetary Affairs in the Nixon administration. Volcker's boss was Secretary of the Treasury David Kennedy. In his book Changing Fortunes, Volcker writes;

"On inauguration day I sat down in my new office in the Treasury...A memorandum arrived from the White House with, as I recall it, the title of "National Security Study Memorandum Number Two." I clearly had not been on the list for Number One but, after all, Number Two was not bad. I didn't really know what a National Security Study Memorandum was in those days, but since it was signed by Henry Kissinger on behalf of the president, it was obviously something to be taken seriously.

The memorandum described administrative and other arrangements for the conduct of international monetary affairs by the new administration. It designated the Undersecretary for Monetary Affairs - the position to which I would be nominated - to chair an inter-agency committee on the subject. The previous administration had such a group, so that was no striking new initiative, but it was nice for me to have my bureaucratic position confirmed. The memo also said that in that capacity I should report to Henry Kissinger at the National Security Council. That was unusual news to me, being in the Treasury Department. I went running to Secretary Kennedy's office and said, "You'd better take care of this quick, because it seems to cut you out of the loop." He was not very close to Mr. Nixon at the time, and I sensed his hesitation about what to do. I always suspected he just ignored that part of the directive, because that's certainly what I did. Henry Kissinger had other things to worry about during those days. Besides, one of his stable of assistants, Fred Bergsten, was a member of the inter-agency group, and I knew he was fully capable of keeping Henry informed.

I never heard another word about it, and I suspect papers on the intricacies of international monetary affairs ended up at the bottom of Kissinger's in-tray, assuming they ever got that far. But it was to me an interesting lesson in bureaucratic one-upmanship. Kissinger had been designated to his position many weeks earlier, had a staff in place, access to the president, and an instinct to make good use of his head start...."

David M. Kennedy, Paul A. Volcker, Henry A. Kissinger, and Fred C. Bergsten are all Council on Foreign Relations members.

On 21 of September 1964, a congressional Subcommittee on Domestic Finance, Committee on Banking and Currency, Chaired by Wright Patman, issued a report entitled Money Facts - 169 Questions and Answers on Money - A Supplement to A primer on Money. One fact is "Congress has never given authority for determining money policy to the Federal Reserve System - and certainly not to a committee within the system containing members who owe their selection to private bank interest." Yet, this is exactly what has happened. The Federal Reserve System, the banks that own it, and the governmental agencies involved with the monetary policy have something in common -- many of their executives are members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker, G. William Miller, and William McChesney Martin have all chaired the Federal Reserve board. All are members of the Council on Foreign Relations. As of September 1993, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that handling losses in failed savings and loan institutions would cost $120 billion from 1990 through 1998 (this figure does not include $60 billion spent before 1989). The Congressional Budget Offices underestimated. To date (1996) losses in failed savings and loan institutions have cost American citizens $500 billion dollars. Very few of the individuals responsible for the "losses" have been punished including sons of Council on Foreign Relations members George Bush and Lloyd Bentson.

In 1987 leaders of America's major banks went to Tokyo. They met with our finance minister and governor of the central bank. They urged more positive cooperation by Japanese banks. The big American banks were caught in the dilemma of their Latin American Debt. On the one hand, they had to suffer the losses caused in part by their own overlending, which meant they could not continue being exposed to new loans to Latin America. On the other hand, they were unable to jettison Latin America, which for them was an important market. The leaders of the banks attending the meeting were John Reed of Citibank, Willard Butcher of Chase, Lewis Preston of Morgan, and Tom Clausen of the Bank of America. Reed, Butcher and Preston are all members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

The United States Code contains the general and permanent laws of the United States. The United States Code is prepared and published by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives. The laws have been classified into fifty categories. A category is called a Title. For example, laws pertaining to the President are found in Title 3 The President. Title 12 is called Banks and Banking. A reading of laws contained in Title 12 back up the statement that Congress has not given authority for determining money policy to the Federal Reserve System.

Title 50 War and National Defense clearly spells out such a role for the Federal Reserve. Title 50 Section 101 is the National Security Emergency Preparedness Policy. In this policy in Part 15 - Department of the Treasury in Section 1501 Lead Responsibilities we find that "the Secretary of the Treasury shall: (1) Develop plans to maintain stable economic conditions and a market economy during national security emergencies; emphasize measures to minimize inflation and disruptions; and minimize reliance on direct controls of the monetary, credit, and financial systems. These plans will include provisions for: (a) Increasing capabilities to minimize economic dislocations by carrying out appropriate fiscal, monetary, and regulatory polices and reducing susceptibility to manipulated economic pressures; (b) Providing the Federal Government with efficient and equitable financing sources and payment mechanisms."

Has the Federal Reserve been acting as if we have been in a perpetual National Security Emergency? Has the federal reserve been fine tuning the economy of the United States and advertising that it had the legal powers to do so when it really does not? If the Federal Reserve bank had these responsibilities spelled out in Title 12 Banks and Banking wouldn't Title 50 merely reference those sections that state these responsibilities? Alan Greenspan, head of the Federal Reserve, Clinton's Economic Advisor Laura D'Andrea Tyson, Clinton's International Security Advisor Lynn Etheridge Davis (who is also a Vice President of Chase Bank), and President Bill Clinton, are all Council on Foreign Relations members.

Is the destiny of the American people being controlled by a group who have and hold the power to direct the credit policy of our nation? A group that has circumvented the check and balance safe-guards built into the system to prevent any one group from having this kind of power over the American citizen. A group whose self-proclaimed drive is for personal profit and who lack the honesty and integrity to make decisions based on public good.

Are Council on Foreign Relations members furthering a plan for a world order based on an economy of unrest? Are Council on Foreign Relations members subtle fascists intently interested in private ownership of property, under their control? Did the Council on Foreign Relations instigate and perpetuate the ? Did they do this to accumulate and protect Council holdings? Was this done by establishing and maintaining the most powerful U.S. military establishment in peacetime history? Is the next stage in the plan to co-opt and divide eastern Europe and the rest of the world? Is the next stage in the plan for powerful World-Wide military establishment of "volunteer" military forces under UN command in the role of Peacekeepers? Was detonation of the first nuclear bomb, in Alamogordo New Mexico, on July 16, 1945, in a field test code-named Trinity, the Council's subtle way of sounding the deathbell for Jefferson's Trinity of inalienable rights?

The Joint Chiefs of Staff have defined psychological operations (PSYOPS) as those that: "include psychological warfare and, in addition, encompass those political, military, economic and ideological actions planned and conducted to create in neutral or friendly foreign groups the emotions, attitudes, or behavior to support achievement of national objectives." Another proposal "develops the concept of 'strategic psychological operations' as aimed at influencing and shaping decision-makers' power to govern or control their followers." Wake up America, we the American people, are among the groups being targeted and controlled.

Council on Foreign Relations members in the State Department, The National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, and in the Department of Defense continue to control the lives of the American people through well planed psycho-political operations. These psychological operations rob American citizens of the present, by creating false reality worlds. These false reality worlds are created to trick the American public into acting not in their own best interest but in the best interest of a group of subtle fascists intent on creating one world order under their control.

Title-50 War and National Defense subsection 783 states - "It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to combine, conspire, or agree with any other person to perform any act which would substantially contribute to the establishment within the United States of a totalitarian dictatorship, the direction and control of which is to be vested in, or exercised by or under the domination of control of, any foreign government."

The Council on Foreign Relations are in violation of Title-50 War and National Defense subsection 783. The Council on Foreign Relations has unlawfully and knowingly combined, conspired, and agreed to substantially contribute to the establishment of one world order under the totalitarian dictatorship, the direction and the control of members of Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and members of Round Table branch organizations in various nations throughout the world.

In the 1960's a youngster named Joan Baez objected to her tax money being spent on War. She protested. She was arrested and forced to pay her taxes for a cause she felt was unjust. Ms. Baez did a very brave thing. Ms. Baez's demonstration offers a way to shift governmental control back to the people -- "trickle up taxes." There would be only one tax, a flat income tax. There would be no hidden taxes such as business taxes, sales taxes or value added taxes. Each taxpayer would know exactly how much taxes they had to pay. Rather than corporations withholding taxes from workers, the worker would receive all their salary. At the end of the year the worker would receive a tax package. It would contain (1) a detailed account of the budget and how the "tax payers dollar" was spent during the the current financial year; and (2) a proposed budget and spending plan for the next financial year. The budget and spending plans would be broken down into broad areas indicating the percentage of a tax payer dollar being spent on programs in each area ( 1. federal 2. state 3. county and 4. local ).

Each area would be broken down into broad categories showing how the tax money was distributed. For example the Federal budget and spending plan for 1995 was 1.4 Trillion dollars distributed in the following way: 1. Defense(20%,$270 billion), 2. Welfare Employment and Retirement (17%, $220 billion), 3. Social Security (24%, $328 billion), and 4. Interest on the Debt (16%, $214 billion) 5. Science and Space (1%, $17 billion), 6. Environment (1.5%, 21 billion), 7. Agriculture (1%, 12 billion), 8. Transportation (3%,39 billion), 9. Education (4%, 15 billion), 10. Law Enforcement (1%, 17 billion), 11. Veterans (2.5%, 36.6 billion), and 12. Health (w/o Medicare) (9%, 122 billion). The percents are the portion of one "tax payer" Federal Dollar spent on each Federal program. The dollar amounts are the total number of taxpayer dollars spent on all programs in each category. Similar breakdowns would supplied for state programs, county programs, and local programs. Detailed breakdowns on a per program basis would be provided.

The taxpayer would receive a proposed budget and spending plan for the next financial year in a form of a worksheet. Each tax payer would have one "tax dollar" to distribute in each area. If the taxpayer's "tax dollar" could not cover all the budgeted expenses (at the local, county, state, and federal levels) the tax payer would decide which programs budgets to cut. A tax-payer could also redistribute portions of their tax payer dollars from one area to another (i.e. a tax-payer could redistribute Federal tax dollars to State programs that were underfunded). If the tax payer had a new program they could fund it with a percentage of their "tax dollar" redistributing percentages of their "tax dollar" from local, state, county and federal programs as needed.

For example, suppose the proposed Federal budget was the same as the 1995 Budget outlined above. If a taxpayer felt it was important to pay off the debt they might submit the following federal budget 1. Defense(0%), 1. Payment of Debt (20%, $270 billion) 2. Welfare Employment and Retirement (17%, $220 billion), 3. Social Security (24%, $328 billion), and 4. Interest on the Debt (16% $214 billion) 5. Science and Space (1%, $17 billion), 6. Environment (1.5%, 21 billion), 7. Agriculture (1%, 12 billion), 8. Transportation (3%,39 billion), 9. Education (4%, 15 billion), 10. Law Enforcement (1%, 17 billion), 11. Veterans (2.5%, 36.6 billion), and 12. Health (w/o Medicare) (9%, 122 billion).

This tax-payer re-distributed the percentage of their "tax dollar" from Defense to a new category -- Payment of the debt. The tax-payer could also offer an explanation of their proposed budget change. This tax-payer might say that since the cold war was over a large defense budget was not only unnecessary but weakening the country economically and making it vulnerable to potential enemies. If the suggested proposal was adopted the debt would eventually be retired (about $4.5 Trillion in 1995) and both the new category Paying off the Debt (24%, $270 billion) and the category Interest on the debt (16%,$214 billion) would no longer be needed in the budget. The taxpayer could then decide how to re-distribute that portion of the tax money, or even lower the tax burden by $484 billion per year.

Today we have about 115 million Americans employed (76% of all men over 16 years old and 58% of all women over 16 years old). Each American fills out a tax form that is sent to the government. The tax form has no influence on how their tax dollar is spent. This system of taxation would be abolished. Trickle up taxes would be instituted and carried out as an educational exercise in all local schools (public, private, and parochial). School children at all grade levels would participate. The taxpayers would receive three envelopes. They would send a check for taxes owed in one envelope. This would be a flat percentage of the tax payer's income. The amount would include local, county, state, and Federal tax dollars. They would put the proposed budget and spending plan worksheet in the second envelope. The budget and spending plan worksheet would not have the tax payers name on it - it would be a colorless, raceless, religionless, sexless and ageless "tax distribution idea form." The tax payer would put the two envelopes into a third envelope and mail it to their local school. The envelopes would be sorted. The results from the "tax distribution idea forms" would be compiled, summarized and distributed to the taxpayers. The taxpayer would learn which programs received adequate funding, and which programs did not. The taxpayer would receive a list of new programs proposed by taxpayers. Those programs receiving adequate taxpayer support would be started. Money from those programs that did not receive adequate funding would be held in escrow until the taxpayers decided what to do.

The experience would be rewarding, educational, and enlightening for everyone. The entire community would share in a educative experience that would effect their social environment in a most democratic way. If a person didn't wish to participate their "tax dollar" would be trickled up according to the percentages decided upon by their neighbors. Everyone would have exactly four "tax dollars" to distribute, and therefore, be equal with everyone else. If one person had a unique idea that appealed to a majority of American citizens the majority of Americans could be swayed to accept the idea of this minority of one, change their current way of thinking, adopt the new idea, and trickle it up. This would happen at the local, county, state, and Federal levels. Legislation such as a balanced budget, questionable Energy choices such as Nuclear, and maintaining huge defense budgets in time of peace, would be trickled up through the people, rather than trickled down to them, in a manner whose legality, source, and intent is questionable.

This procedure would be followed each year. Each year the taxpayer could review new programs proposed the previous year which might include more efficient ways of spending the tax dollar. The taxpayer would decide what percentage of their tax dollar was spent at the local, county, state, and federal levels giving the tax payer control over how and where their money is spent. The experience would allow the 300 million American citizens to trickle up a budget and plan for their public servants to follow. Public servants wouldn't have the pressure of solving all of America's problems, and couldn't be influenced by any small group, or tempted by a wealthy lobbyist. Problems would be solved by the American citizen. This would be a true form of absolute democracy, wherein each American would have the opportunity to participate. This would be in line with the Jeffersonian concept of a popular government and would provide protection of the rights of the individual against arbitrary action of public officials.

If you visit Dumbarton Oaks you will see a Latin parable at the head of the dedicatory inscription and carved elsewhere in the gardens. The parable is -- "Quod Severis Metes" -- "As ye sow, so shall ye reap." It would be wise for Council on Foreign Relations and other Round Table Group members to heed that parable. In 1776 Jefferson told Americans what to do when their inalienable Rights of Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness are jeopardized, "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.." roundtable ______To unsubscribe, write to [email protected]

[Editor's note: The above tax plan was submited by someone on the Activist Listserv. Outside of the fact that Thomas Jefferson and the other framers did not want a democracy instead instituting a Republic, this plan that was submitted seems to be a worthwhile endeavor. There is no doubt that the public schools must be funded completely from the federal government just as the schools are in Canada, a country which has excellent public schools.]

The Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission

David Rockefeller Henry Kissinger Zbigniew Brzezinski

Visit the CFR's own web server at http:// or email them at [email protected]. Note that CFR also stands for "Code of Federal Regulations," the counterpart to the US Code, and to the uninitiated this can at times be confusing.

Also, visit the Royal Institute for International Affairs, one of the CFR's sister organizations, on their webserver at http:// or email them at [email protected].

Visit the Trilateral Commission's own web server at http://, or email them at [email protected].

The Council of the Americas was founded in 1965 "by David Rockefeller and a group of like-minded business people." It claims to be "the leading U.S. business organization dedicated to promoting regional economic integration, open markets, free trade, and investment, and the rule of law throughout the Western Hemisphere." They state that "membership has grown to over 240 firms with interests and investments in Latin America. Member firms include manufacturing, natural resources, technology, communications, banking, financial services, and law firms." The COA appears to have been instrumental in enactment and defense of NAFTA. Email them at [email protected].

The conferences and meetings of the Council on Foreign Relations, Council of the Americas, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Institute of Pacific Relations, Trilateral Commission, Gorbachev Foundation, Bill Gates, etc., are not places where major decisions are made or new strategies embraced. These are simply arenas where the agenda of the inner circle is imparted in camouflaged form to representative leaders from the six conspirator categories (industrialists, financiers, ideologues, military, professional specialists (lawyers, medical doctors, etc., and organized labor). These representatives also provide feedback on the status of their area of responsibility. If you were a fly on the wall at one of these conferences, you would seldom hear anything approaching "smoking gun" evidence of the grand design of the inner circle conspirators. Most of the 3000-odd rank and file members of the CFR have no more suspicion of it than do most rank and file members of the public at large. The Bilderberg apparatus is indeed a place where one would hear noticeably more candid treatment of the strategies discussed in this compilation, but is still not by any means truly open. Bilderberg and the other gatherings are all arenas in which psychological warfare is waged on the world's visible elite. from http:// :

The Background ------The Council on Foreign Relations and the New World Order By Charles Overbeck (PSCPirhana) Matrix Editor

The Council on Foreign Relations, housed in the Harold Pratt House on East 68th Street in , was founded in 1921. In 1922, it began publishing a journal called Foreign Affairs. According to Foreign Affairs' web page (http://, the CFR was founded when "...several of the American participants in the Paris Peace Conference decided that it was time for more private American Citizens to become familiar with the increasing international responsibilities and obligations of the United States."

The first question that comes to mind is, who gave these people the authority to decide the responsibilities and obligations of the United States, if that power was not granted to them by the Constitution. Furthermore, the CFR's web page doesn't publicize the fact that it was originally conceivedas part of a much larger network of power.

According to the CFR's Handbook of 1936, several leading members of the delegations to the Paris Peace Conference met at the Hotel Majestic in Paris on May 30, 1919, "to discuss setting up an international group which would advise their respective governments on international affairs."

The Handbook goes on to say, "At a meeting on June 5, 1919, the planners decided it would be best to have separate organizations cooperating with each other. Consequently, they organized the Council on Foreign Relations, with headquarters in New York, and a sister organization, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, in London, also known as the Chatham House Study Group, to advise the British Government. A subsidiary organization, the Institute of Pacific Relations, was set up to deal exclusively with Far Eastern Affairs. Other organizations were set up in Paris and Hamburg..."

The 3,000 seats of the CFR quickly filled with members of America's elite. Today, CFR members occupy key positions in government, the mass media, financial institutions, multinational corporations, the military, and the national security apparatus.

Since its inception, the CFR has served as an intermediary between high finance, big oil, corporate elitists and the U.S. government. The executive branch changes hands between Republican and Democratic administrations, but cabinet seats are always held by CFR members. It has been said by political commentators on the left and on the right that if you want to know what U.S. foreign policy will be next year, you should read Foreign Affairs this year.

The CFR's claim that "The Council has no affiliation with the U.S. government" is laughable. The justification for that statement is that funding comes from member dues, subscriptions to its Corporate Program, foundation grants, and so forth. All this really means is that the U.S. government does not exert any control over the CFR via the purse strings. In reality, CFR members are very tightly affiliated with the U.S. government. Since 1940, every U.S. secretary of state (except for Gov. James Byrnes of South Carolina, the sole exception) has been a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and/or its younger brother, the Trilateral Commission. Also since 1940, every secretary of war and every secretary of defense has been a CFR member. During most of its existence, the Central Intelligence Agency has been headed by CFR members, beginning with CFR founding member Allen Dulles. Virtually every key U.S. national security and foreign policy adviser has been a CFR member for the past seventy years.

Almost all White House cabinet positions are occupied by CFR members. President Clinton, himself a member of the CFR, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group, employs almost one hundred CFR members in his administration. Presidents come and go, but the CFR's power--and agenda--always remains.

When it was founded in 1921, the CFR was dominated by J.P. Morgan. Morgan is a Rothschild tentacle. This simply reinforces the obvious, that the CFR is a Rothschild instrument operated by the Rockefellers. The CFR is the immediate progeny of Rhodes' Round Table, which was underwritten by the Rothschilds.

David Rockefeller is the chairman emeritus of the CFR. Rockefeller also founded in 1973, and is honorary chairman of, the Trilateral Commission. In 1979, Barry Goldwater published this treatise on the subject: from http:// :

Goldwater Sees Elitist Sentiments Threatening Liberties

By U.S. Senator Barry M. Goldwater (1979)

In September 1939, two members of the Council on Foreign Relations visited the State Department to offer the council's services.

They proposed to do research and make recommendations for the department without formal assignment or responsibility, particularly in four areas - security armaments, economic and financial problems, political problems, and territorial problems. The Rockefeller Foundation agreed to finance the operation of this plan.

From that day forward, the Council on Foreign Relations has placed its members in policy-making positions with the State Department and other federal agencies. Every Secretary of State since 1944, with the exception of James F. Byrnes, has been a member of the council.

Almost without exception, its members are united by a congeniality of birth, economic status and educational background. The organization itself began in 1919 in Paris when scholars turned their attention to foreign affairs after the end of World War I. It remains a non-governmental private grouping of specialists in foreign affairs.

A number of writers, disturbed by the influential role that this organization has played in determining foreign policy, have concluded that the council and its members are an active part of the communist conspiracy for world domination.

Their syllogistic argument goes like this: the council has dominated American foreign policy since 1945. All American policy decisions have resulted in losses to the communists. Therefore, all members of the council are communist sympathizers. Many of the policies advocated by the council have been damaging to the cause of freedom and particularly to the United States. But this is not because the members are communists or communist sympathizers. This explanation of our foreign policy reversals is too pat, too simplistic.

I believe that the Council on Foreign Relations and its ancillary elitist groups are indifferent to communism. They have no ideological anchors. In their pursuit of a New World Order, they are prepared to deal without prejudice with a communist state, a socialist state, a democratic state, a monarchy, an oligarchy - it's all the same to them.

Their goal is to impose a benign stability on the quarreling family of nations through merger and consolidation. They see the elimination of national boundaries, the suppression of racial and ethnic loyalties, as the most expeditious avenue to world peace. They believe economic competition is the root cause of international tension.

Perhaps if the council's vision of the future were realized, it would reduce wars, lessen poverty and bring about a more efficient utilization of the world's resources. To my mind, this would inevitably be accompanied by a loss in personal freedom of choice and re-establishment of the restraints that provoked the American revolution.

When we change presidents, it is understood to mean that the voters are ordering a change in national policy. Since 1945, three different Republicans have occupied the White House for 16 years, and four Democrats have held this most powerful post for 17 years. With the exception of the first seven years of the Eisenhower administration, there has been no appreciable change in foreign or domestic policy direction.

There has been a great turnover in personnel, but no change in policy. Example: during the Nixon years, Henry Kissinger, a council member and Nelson Rockefeller protegé, was in charge of foreign policy. When Jimmy Carter was elected, Kissinger was replaced by Zbigniew Brzezinski, a council member and David Rockefeller protegé.

Starting in the '30s and continuing through World War II, our official attitude toward the Far East reflected the thinking of the Institute of Pacific Relations. Members of the institute were placed in important teaching positions. They dominated the Asian affairs section of the State Department. Their publications were standard reading material for the armed forces, in most American colleges, and were used in 1,300 public school systems.

The Institute of Pacific Relations was behind the decision to cut off aid to Chiang Kai-Shek unless he embraced the Communists, and the Council on Foreign Relations is the parent organization of the Institute of Pacific Relations.

In 1962, Nelson Rockefeller, in a lecture at Harvard University on the interdependence of nations in the modern world, said: "And so the nation-state, standing alone, threatens in many ways to seem as anachronistic as the Greek city-state eventually became in ancient times."

Everything he said was true. We are dependent on other nations for raw materials and for markets. It is necessary to have defense alliances with other nations in order to balance the military power of those who would destroy us.

Where I differ from Rockefeller is in the suggestion that to achieve this new federalism, the United States must submerge its national identity and surrender substantial matters of sovereignty to a new political order.

The implications in Nelson Rockefeller's presentation have become concrete proposals advanced by David Rockefeller's newest international cabal, the Trilateral Commission.

Whereas the Council on Foreign Relations is distinctly national, representation is allocated equally to Western Europe, Japan and the United States. It is intended to act as the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States.

Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller screened and selected every individual who was invited to participate in shaping and administering the proposed New World Order.

In the late 1950s, Brzezinski, an accepted member of the inner circle of academics, asserting the need for global strategies, was openly anti-communist. By 1964, he had modified his criticism of communism.

In his prospectus describing the Trilateral commission, David Rockefeller said that he intended to bring the best brains of the world together to bear on the problems of the future.

I find nothing inherently sinister in this original proposal, although the name he gave his new creation strikes me as both grandiose and presumptuous. The accepted definition of a commission is a group nominated by some higher authority to perform a specific function.

The Trilateral organization created by David Rockefeller was a surrogate - its members selected by Rockefeller, its purposes defined by Rockefeller, its funding supplied by Rockefeller.

Whether or not the approximately 200 individuals selected for membership on the commission represent the "best brains" in the world is an arguable proposition.

Examination of the membership roster establishes beyond question that all those invited to join were members of the power elite, enlisted with great skill and singleness of purpose from the banking, commercial, political and communications sectors.

Nor was the governmental community over-looked, Invitations to join were extended to Sen. , Gov. Jimmy Carter of Georgia, George Ball, Cyrus Vance, Paul Warnke and Reps. Donald Fraser and John Brademas, among others.

In my view, the Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power - political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical.

All this is to be done in the interest of creating a more peaceful, more productive world community. I have no hesitancy about judging its wisdom and the results of its actions.

A report presented at the plenary meeting of the Trilateral Commission in May 1975, at Kyoto, Japan, called for an enlargement of central authority and expressed a lack of confidence in democratically arrived at public decisions.

It also suggested that it would be helpful to impose prior restrictions on the press and to restructure the laws of libel to check the power of the press.

I've suffered as greatly from an abusive press as any man in public life, but I get an itchy, uncomfortable feeling at the base of my spine when someone suggest that government should control the news.

The entire Trilateral Commission approach is strictly economic. No recognition is given to the political condition. Total reliance is placed on materialism. The commission emphasizes the necessity of eliminating artificial barriers to world commerce, tariff, export duties, quota - an objective that I strongly support. What it proposes to substitute is an international economy managed and controlled by international monetary groups.

No attempt has been made to explain why the people of the Western world enjoy economic abundance. Freedom - spiritual, political, economic - is denied any importance in the Trilateral construction of the next century. The Trilateral Commission even selects and elevates its candidates to positions of political power.

David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski found Jimmy Carter to be an ideal candidate, for example. They helped him win the Democratic nomination and the Presidency.

To accomplish their purpose, they mobilized the money power of the Wall Street bankers, the intellectual influence of the academic community - which is subservient to the wealthy of the great tax-free foundations - and the media controllers represented in the membership of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.

It was no accident that Brzezinski and Rockefeller invited Carter to join the commission in 1973. But they weren't ready to bet all their chips on Carter.

They made him a founding member of the commission but to keep their options open, they also brought in Walter Mondale and Elliot Richardson, a highly visible Republican member of the Nixon administration, and they looked at other potential nominees.

After his nomination, Carter chose Mondale as his vice president. He chose Brzezinski as his foreign affairs adviser and Cyrus Vance as his secretary of state.

Accepting the Democratic presidential nomination in New York, Carter denounced those "unholy, self- perpetuating alliances that have formed between money and politics."

The outsider, Carter, had been co-opted by the insiders in the power elite.

The following is an abridged version of a speech given by Senator Jesse Helms (on the Senate floor) on 1987-Dec-15, from the Congressional Record 1987-Dec-15 p.S18146 (et seq), from :

This campaign against the American people -against traditional American culture and values - is systematic psychological warfare. It is orchestrated by a vast array of interests comprising not only the Eastern establishment but also the radical left. Among this group we find the Department of State, the Department of Commerce, the money center banks and multinational corporations, the media, the educational establishment, the entertainment industry, and the large tax-exempt foundations.

Mr. President, a careful examination of what is happening behind the scenes reveals that all of these interests are working in concert with the masters of the Kremlin in order to create what some refer to as a New World Order. Private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, the Dartmouth Conference, the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, the Atlantic Institute, and the Bilderberger Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called New World Order in powerful business, financial, academic, and official circles. . . .

The psychological campaign that I am describing, as I have said, is the work of groups within the Eastern establishment, that amorphous amalgam of wealth and social connections whose power resides in its control over our financial system and over a large portion of our industrial sector. The principal instrument of this control over the American economy and money is the Federal Reserve System. The policies of the Industrial sectors, primarily the multinational corporations, are influenced by the money center banks through debt financing and through the large blocks of stock controlled by the trust departments of the money center banks.

Anyone familiar with American history, and particularly American economic history, cannot fail to notice the control over the Department of State and the Central Intelligence Agency which Wall Street seems to exercise....

The influence of establishment insiders over our foreign policy has become a fact of life in our time. This pervasive influence runs contrary to the real long-term national security of our Nation. It is an influence which, if unchecked, could ultimately subvert our constitutional order.

The viewpoint of the establishment today is called globalism. Not so long ago, this viewpoint was called the "one-world" view by its critics. The phrase is no longer fashionable among sophisticates; yet, the phrase "one-world" is still apt because nothing has changed in the minds and actions of those promoting policies consistent with its fundamental tenets.

Mr. President, in the globalist point of view, nation-states and national boundaries do not count for anything. Political philosophies and political principles seem to become simply relative. Indeed, even constitutions are irrelevant to the exercise of power. Liberty and tyranny are viewed as neither necessarily good nor evil, and certainly not a component of policy.

In this point of view, the activities of international financial and industrial forces should be oriented to bringing this one-world design - with a convergence of the Soviet and American systems as its centerpiece - into being. . . . All that matters to this club is the maximization of profits resulting from the practice of what can be described as finance capitalism, a system which rests upon the twin pillars of debt and monopoly. This isn't real capitalism. It is the road to economic concentration and to political slavery. an excerpt from How you became the enemy: America's Military Looks Inward , by Sam Smith, from The Progressive Review:

Of course, just as people really can be out to get paranoids, so even a rampantly misguided military establishment can really face some serious threats. This fact raises America's military myopia from absurdity into the realm of justifiable concern.

An open discussion of such threats, however, is virtually impossible. Even the right to talk about such things is a tightly held prerogative of the mandarin class. The Council of Foreign Relations, a cult-like like organization that journalist Richard Hardwood approvingly calls "the nearest thing to a ruling establishment in America," routinely holds meetings at which participants (including guests) are prohibited from speaking about what transpired.

It's not that one would really want to listen to much of it. The men and women who have designated themselves the guardians of America's future policies are among the most boring and unimaginative folk one finds in Washington. Many are like those described by LBJ as having gone to Princeton and ended up in the CIA because their daddies wouldn't let them into the brokerage firm. Still it is not too comforting to realize that in the quiet places of Washington, the first half of the 21st century (as they never tire of calling what the rest of us call the future) is in the hands of the conceptually dyslectic.

And the media is not about to challenge these folk. One good reason may be found in a 1995 membership roster of the Council on Foreign Relations as reported by Public Information Research. Here are just a few of the media CFRers:

Roone Arledge, Sidney Blumenthal, David Brinkley, Tom Brokaw, William F. Buckley Jr., Hodding Carter III, John Chancellor, Arnaud de Borchgave, Joan Didion, Leonard Downie Jr., Elizabeth Drew, Rowland Evans Jr., James Fallows, Leslie Gelb, David Gergen, Katharine Graham, Meg Greenfield, Jim Hoagland, Warren Hoge, David Ignatius, Robert Kaiser, Marvin Kalb, Joe Klein, Morton Kondrake, Charles Krauthammer, Irving Kristol, Jim Lehrer, Anthony Lewis, Michael Lind, Jessica Matthews, Jack Nelson, Walter Pincus, Norman Podhoretz, Dan Rather, Stephen Rosenfeld, A. M. Rosenthal, Diane Sawyer, Hederick Smith, Laurence Tish, Garrick Utley, Katrina vander Heuval, Milton Viorst, Ben Wattenberg, Lally Weymouth, Roger Wilkins, and Mortimer Zuckerman. Ask any of these people what went on at their last CFR tête-à-tête and you'll probably find their concern for a free press rapidly evaporating. Katherine Graham, for example, once told a CIA gathering: "There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn't."

There are substantial implications to all this. If, for example, the CFR puts out a report decrying restraints on the CIA, may we infer that the aforementioned concur? If not, how many have publicly stated their disagreement? How, in fact, can we tell what is going on if foreign policy discussions are handled in the manner of meetings of the Masons, Montana Militia, or Skull & Bones? excerpt from, "The Shadow Government of the United States and the Decline of America" by Richard D. Eastman (November 1994):

CFR control in government actually began in earnest in 1939 by establishing within the U.S. State Department a "Committee on Post-War Problems", the group (staffed and funded by the CFR) which designed the . (the story of which is contained in State Dept. Publication 2349-"Report To The President On The Results of the San Francisco Conference").

Since WWII, the CFR has filled key positions in virtually every administration since then. Furthermore, since Eisenhower, every man who has won the nomination for either party (except Goldwater in 1964 and Reagan in 1980) has been a member of the CFR:


* John W. Davis(1924) * Adlai Stevenson (1952,56) * John F. Kennedy (1960) * Hubert Humphrey (1968) * George McGovern (1972) * Jimmy Carter (1976,80) * Walter Mondale (1984) * (1988) * Bill Clinton (1992)


* Herbert Hoover (1928,32) * Wendell Wilkie (1940) * Thomas Dewey (1944,48) * Dwight Eisenhower (1952,56) * (1960,68,72) * (1976) * George Bush (1988,92) (who was also a director of the CFR 1977-1979)

[...] from , 1999-Jan-22:

CFR Secretaries of Defense

The National Security Act of 1947 established the office of Secretary of Defense. Since 1947 there have been 19 Secretaries of Defense. At least nine of them have been Council on Foreign Relations and/or Trilateral Commission members.

According to Department of the Army Pamphlet No. 525-7-1, The Art and Science of Psychological Operations,

"The Secretary of Defense is the principal assistant to the president in all matters relating to Department of Defense, and exercises direction, authority, and control over the department. He serves as a member of the National Security Council. Among the several principal military and civilian advisor and staff assistants to the secretary, his assistant secretary for international security affairs, has major Psychological Operations(PSYOP) related responsibilities."1

President Clinton has appointed three Secretaries of Defense -- William Cohen, William Perry, and Les Aspin. As Under Secretary for International Security Affairs, Lynn Etheridge Davis, has been coordinating Psychological Operations under all three. Davis has been involved with the US intelligence community and a part of every administration from the 70's through the 90's.

Davis, Clinton and Perry are Trilateral Commission members. Davis, Clinton, Cohen, and Aspin all belong to the Council on Foreign Relations. Davis published a book titled "The Cold War Begins - Soviet- American Conflict Over Eastern Europe" (1974). Council on Foreign Relations members Warner Schilling, William Fox, Howard Wriggins, Marshall Shulman, and Henry Graff, are acknowledged in the beginning of her book.

Davis is also a Vice President at Council on Foreign Relations member David Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan bank. Does Davis help plan Psycho-political operations whose focus is economic warfare?

The RAND Institute is a federally-funded Council on Foreign Relations think-. Clients, include the Pentagon, the Atomic Energy Commission, and NASA. RAND's Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, was formerly called RAND/UCLA Center for the Study of Soviet International Behavior. Many RAND studies deal with how to manipulate large groups of people.

The Office of the Secretary of Defense sponsors the RAND National Defense Research Institute, headed by Council on Foreign Relations member Michael D. Rich. Fifty per cent of RAND's work is labeled secret. Despite the secrecy governing its activities, RAND has a prodigious outpouring of books, reports, memoranda, briefings, and communications. Joseph Kraft summed up the propaganda effect of this material, "Though little known, RAND has had an enormous impact on the nations strategic concepts and weapons systems, and in one way or another RAND has affected the life of every American family. " Members of the Council on Foreign Relations play a crucial role in RAND's application of strategies and techniques to purposely keep the American public misinformed.

In July 1992, the RAND convened a group of outside experts and RAND staff to discuss the problems of peacekeeping and peacemaking in the new world environment brought on by the collapse of Soviet power and the dissolution of the . Dr. Davis, then RAND's Vice President, Army Research Division, prepared a paper setting issues for the group's discussion. The paper was revised and published as a RAND Summer Institute Report titled Peacekeeping and Peacemaking After the Cold War. In the report the word peace is used in an Orwellian doublethink manner. We are told the Secretary General of the UN "defines peace building as post conflict action... The Secretary General has linked preventive diplomacy with preventive deployments of military forces". We learn, "The Secretary General in his Agenda for Peace... emphasizes the need for governments to share information on Political or military situations, and in so doing, he is asking for an expansion of the intelligence sharing... "2

There were thirteen other participants at the RAND Summer Institute Peacekeeping and Peacemaking After the Cold War workshop.At least six belong to the Council on Foreign Relations including: Professor Robert D. Blackwill, Harvard University, Professor Richard Gardner of Coudert Brothers, Mr. James Hoagland The Washington Post, Ambassador Thomas Pickering NEA/INS Department of State, Dr. Enid Schoettle Council On Foreign Relations and Dr. Charles J. Zwick. At least one of the thirteen is connected to the CIA - Professor Thomas C. Schelling University of Maryland. 3

When World War I broke out in 1914, Elihu Root displayed antagonism to Woodrow Wilson's neutrality and was an avid proponent for promoting America's entry into the war, and uncritically backed Allied proposals that American Troops be integrated into British and French armies. When America entered the war in April of 1917 Wilson rejected the notion of having American troops commanded by foreigners and selected Major General Pershing to command an expeditionary force to Europe. When the Council on Foreign Relations was formally established, Elihu Root became its first Director. 4

Eighty-Five years latter the Council on Foreign Relations is still trying to put American Troops under foreign command. The last sentence of the Council on Foreign Relations RAND Summer Institute Report is, "The most important step would be for government to place "volunteer" military forces under UN command. "5

Should appointed officials who belong to an organization whose members are closely connected with industries that profit from war be making decisions that will send American Troops into battle? Are peacekeeping operations designed to maximize the profit of Council on Foreign Relations controlled, medicine, media, food, banking and energy industries?

Is this the next stage in a plan to maintain the most powerful military establishment in peace time history; the next stage in a plan to establish a new world order; the next stage in a plan for the men in control of that world order to be members of the Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Institute of International Affairs, and their branch organizations in other nations? Why are we readying two military bases to launch US Troops on UN Peacekeeping missions, under the command of non-US military personnel to fight in wars that have not been sanctioned by congress?

A list of US Secretaries of Defense, indicating Council on Foreign Relations membership follows:

* appointed Jan. 1997 second term of Clinton Administration, Council on Foreign Relations member Cohen, William S. US Secretary of Defense * appointed 1994-1997 first term of Clinton administration., Trilateral Commission. Member Perry, William J. US Secretary of Defense * appointed 1993 first term of Clinton administration, Council on Foreign Relations member Aspin, Les US Secretary of Defense * appointed 1989 (Bush administration)., Council on Foreign Relations member Cheney, Richard B. US Secretary of Defense * appointed 1987 (Reagan administration)., Council on Foreign Relations member Carlucci, Frank C. US Secretary of Defense * appointed 1981 (Reagan administration)., Council on Foreign Relations member Weinberger, Caspar W. US Secretary of Defense * appointed 1977 (Carter administration)., Council on Foreign Relations member Brown, Harold US Secretary of Defense * appointed 1975 (Ford administration)., Rumsfeld, Donald H. US Secretary of Defense * appointed 1973 (Nixon administration)., Council on Foreign Relations member Richardson, Elliot L. US Secretary of Defense * appointed 1969 (Nixon administration), Laird, Melvin R. US Secretary of Defense . * appointed 1968 (L. B. Johnson administration)., Clifford, Clark M. US Secretary of Defense * appointed 1961 (Kennedy administration) and 1963 (L. B.Johnson administration), Council on Foreign Relations member McNamara, Robert S. US Secretary of Defense . * appointed 1959 (Eisenhower administration)., Gates, Thomas S. Jr. US Secretary of Defense * appointed 1957 (Eisenhower administration)., McElroy, Neil H. US Secretary of Defense * appointed 1953 (Eisenhower administration)., Wilson, Charles E. US Secretary of Defense * appointed 1951 (Truman administration)., Lovett, Robert A. US Secretary of Defense * appointed (1950-51) (Truman administration), Marshall, George C. General of the Army and U.S. Army Chief of Staff during World War II (1 September 1939 18 November 1945) and later U.S. Secretary of State (1947-49) and Secretary of Defense (1950-51). The European Recovery Program he proposed in 1947 became known as the Marshall Plan. He received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1953. * appointed 1949 (Truman administration)., Johnson, Louis A. US Secretary of Defense * appointed 1947 (Truman administration), Forrestal, James V. First US Secretary of Defense

The Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission part 2

Here is a sample of the Canadian perspective, from John Whitley's New World Order Intelligence Update, from http:// :

The Rockefeller links of Canadian politicians...

It may re-pay the reader to spend a few minutes tracing the connections of Paul Desmarais and Power Corp. to the leading politicians, etc. of Canada:

* JOHN RAE: leading strategist for Prime Minister Chretien's election campaign. Was Executive Vice- President of Power Corp. and Paul Desmarais' right- hand man. His brother is....

* BOB RAE: Rhodes Scholar and ex-NDP [Socialist] Premier of Ontario, who appointed....

* MAURICE STRONG to the chairmanship of Ontario Hydro, which he proceded to dramatically cut in both skilled human resources and generating capacity [to provide a future need for power from James Bay/Grand Canal?]

* PAUL MARTIN: current federal Finance Minister. Rose through the ranks at Power Corp., mentored by Paul Desmarais. Bought Canada Steamship Lines from him. Ran against Chretien for Liberal Party leadership. He attended the 1996 meeting of the Bilderberg Group, where those he mingled with included - surprise! - David Rockefeller. * JEAN CHRETIEN: Prime Minister. Daughter, France, is married to Andre Desmarais, son of Paul Desmarais, chairman of Power Corporation. Chretien's "advisor, counsellor and strategist" for the past 30 years has been MITCHELL SHARP, who brought Chretien into politics when he was Finance Minister. Sharp has been, since 1981, Vice-Chairman for North America of David Rockefeller's TRILATERAL COMMISSION. Chretien attended the 1996 meeting of the Bilderberg Group. * DANIEL JOHNSON: present Liberal [and Opposition] leader in Quebec. Rose through the ranks of Power Corp.

* BRIAN MULRONEY: ex-Conservative Prime Minister. Now a lawyer and lobbyist for Power Corporation which, together with Ontario Hydro and Hydro Quebec, has just formed the Hong Kong- based ASIA POWER CORP., to help China to develop its energy potential. Power Corp.'s legal interests in Asia will be handled by a Hong Kong branch of Mulroney's Montreal law firm, Olgilvy, Renault. He is also a well-remunerated member of the board of Archer-Daniels-Midland, a Rockefeller-owned conglomerate, which is headed by Dwayne Andreas who, like Rockefeller himself, is also a member of the elite and secretive Bilderberg Group. * Mike Harris, Premier of Ontario, who headed off for a fishing weekend at a remote Northern camp with George Bush and Paul Martin soon after his election. Harris, like his colleague Ralph Klein, Premier of Alberta, is also a Bilderberger. * Two intriguing recent additions to this list are PRESTON MANNING, leader of the Reform Party of Canada and of Canada's Official Opposition in the Federal Parliament, and STEPHANE DION, Federal Minister for Intergovernmental Affairs [Canada's "Unity Minister"], who, together with RAYMOND A.J. CHRETIEN, Canadian Ambassador to the U.S. [and nephew of Jean Chretien, Prime Minister of Canada], attended the tightly-guarded, super-secret 1998 BILDERBERGER CONFERENCE at the Turnberry Arms Hotel, Ayr, Scotland, where, of course, David Rockefeller was also in attendance. One wonders if the Bilderbergers' planned breakup of Canada, following the projected separation of Quebec via a Unilateral Declaration of Independence in January, 2000, and the planned 2005 Union of the U.S. and the rest of Canada might have been on the agenda...?

So...we have the CONSERVATIVE party [via Mulroney], the LIBERAL party [via Chretien], and the NDP [via Rae] all tightly connected to....Paul Desmarais and Power Corp.

And we have the Prime Minister, the Finance Minister, and the Prime Minister's key aide all tightly connected to....Paul Desmarais and Power Corp .

Mel Hurtig wrote, in THE BETRAYAL OF CANADA:

"Since Brian Mulroney became Prime Minister, Big Business has had effective control of the political and economic agenda, and hence the social and cultural agenda as well. Paul Desmarais provided much of the money for Pierre Trudeau's campaign, Brian Mulroney's campaign, and Jean Chretien's campaign." [p.188]

[We hate to disillusion any of the remaining fans of ex-Prime Minister Trudeau, but Pierre Trudeau was also a Bilderberger]

Maurice Strong has now joined Brian Mulroney and Paul Desmarais in investing the Asia Power Group's $100 million venture capital in "small coal-fired power plants being built in the south of China". They are also looking at "larger projects in northern China, as well as in Malaysia, the Philippines and India." The Asian economies are expected to spend $1 trillion [US] on essential infrastructure, of which an estimated $400 billion [US] will be on power generation. Chinese and Asian labour costs are low - as low, in China, as $45 per month - and potential profits are high.

The Nov/Dec. 1993 issue of David Rockefeller's Council on Foreign Relations' publication FOREIGN RELATIONS contains an article, THE RISE OF CHINA, in which we are warned that China will begin to use more energy than the United States within a few decades, massively straining the world's energy supplies. Most of China's energy comes from the burning of soft, high-sulphur, highly- polluting coal. In 1991 alone, 11 trillion cubic meters of waste gases and sixteen million tons of soot were emitted into the atmosphere over China - and it has only just begun its long process of increased energy generation!

The sulphur in this coal causes acid rain. The burning of the coal releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the most efficient "greenhouse gas" in the global warming process. The warmer the climate becomes, the greater the need for fresh water in Mexico and the southern United States - and the more urgent the need for a GRAND Canal project to get it there. An astute businessman could, if he were so inclined, potentially make astronomical profits off both ends of this process!

Oh, and Paul Desmarais?

In September, 1993, he joined David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission.

He won't feel out-of-place there, though. Other prominent Canadian members include Gerald Bouey [former Governor of the Bank of Canada]; Conrad Black, newspaper magnate and chairman of Argus; John Allen, CEO of Stelco; Raymond Cyr, President of Bell Canada Enterprises; Peter Dobell, of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, in Ottawa; Marie-Jose Druin, Hudson Institute of Canada; Claude Edwards, Public Staff Relations Board in Ottawa; Allan Gottlieb, former Canadian Ambassador to the U.S.; David Henniger, Regional Director of Burns, Fry; Senator Duff Roblin; Ron Sutherland, CEO of ATCO Ltd., William Turner, of Montreal's PCC Industrial Corporation; and J.H. Warren, former Canadian Ambassador to the U.S.

[And, of course, Quebec Premier Jacques Parizeau was also in the habit of frequently briefing meetings of David Rockefeller's Council on Foreign Relations in Washington; and Lucien Bouchard, separatist PQ leader, was brought into politics by Brian Mulroney, whose last act in Ottawa was to host a black-tie dinner for 200 members of Rockefeller's Council of the Americas, who flew up on Rockefeller's private jet to celebrate the successful negotiation of NAFTA - another Rockefeller innovation] ------

"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest." -James R. Warburg (CFR)

"We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money." -Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in "Foreign Affairs," July/August 1995.

"...In short, the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great 'booming, buzzing confusion,' to use William James' famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault." -Richard N. Gardner, in "Foreign Affairs," April 1974.

"The [Council on Foreign Relations] grew out of the Inquiry, a secretive group of well-educated bankers and lawyers who accompanied Woodrow Wilson to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. The council saw [as] its mandate the calling of signals from the sidelines.... [T]he [elites] govern, while the lowly men of elective office...dirty their hands with politics... The international institutions conceived in 1945 -- the UN, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund -- were anticipated in studies done at the council." -New York Magazine, Oct. 7, 1996

"The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which originated in England in 1919 [and] believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established" -Barry Goldwater

"...This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of "one world government.'...National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept..." -Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter.

"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose.... The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history." -David Rockefeller, 1973 by John K. Whitley, from the New World Order Intelligence Update's compilation of Bilderberg articles:


Respected author Malachi Martin, who has top-level connections in the Vatican and around the world, has written a number of interesting and revealing books on international politics and the Roman Catholic church and Pontiff. In THE KEYS OF THIS BLOOD, which centres on the life and connections of the present Pope, Martin made this intriguing statement:

"Television commentator Bill Moyers found out during a fifteen-day, globe-spanning trip in the company of David Rockefeller that 'just about a dozen or fifteen individuals made day-to-day decisions that regulated the flow of capital and goods throughout the entire world.'"

He quotes Bill Moyers himself as saying:

"David Rockefeller is the most conspicuous representative today of the ruling class, a multinational fraternity of men who shape the global economy and manage the flow of its capital. Rockefeller was born to it, and he has made the most of it. But what some critics see as a vast international conspiracy, he considers a circumstance of life and just another day's work... In the world of David Rockefeller it's hard to tell where business ends and politics begins." from [email protected] via Usenet:

"But this present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for long. Already there are powerful forces at work that threaten to destroy all of our hopes and efforts to erect an enduring structure of global interdependence." -David Rockefeller, speaking at the Business Council for the United Nations, September 14, 1994.

The following statement by David Rockefeller indicates his understanding of the need for businessmen to be politicians:

"....[I]n recent years, business leaders appear to have devoted themselves to making more and more money, and find themselves with less and less time to devote to civic and social responsibilities and to sinking roots in their communities and showing their loyalty.

The danger, if this current self-serving behavior continues, is that the voice of business will become more muted and the views of business more irrelevant to the important issues of the day. We will find ourselves increasingly marginalized and without the moral authority to demand a hearing from government or the people.

"The profit motive provides the discipline for achievement, but individual goals are formed by the larger society. Our achievements as business leaders only have meaning and value if they embrace and mirror the needs and objectives of the broader society." from the Associated Press, 1999-Mar-15:

Trilateral Commission reaches out to others

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Trilateral Commission, long an exclusive club of influential citizens from the world's most powerful nations, is reaching out to other countries to help find ways to foster democracy and economic freedom.

While leading figures from nonmember countries like China, Korea, Russia and Ukraine cannot become members of the commission, which meets annually to discuss the future of the world, they sat at the table for this year's meetings in Washington, which ended Monday.

``We have taken steps importantly to extend the range of the discussion ... to people outside the traditional trilateral areas,'' said former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, leader of the U.S. contingent in one of the world's most prestigious gatherings. The commission, founded 26 years ago by banker David Rockefeller, includes more than 300 mostly private citizens from the United States, Canada, Europe and Japan. Volcker, at a closing news conference that attracted only a handful of journalists, said three days of discussions that involved about half the council's membership reached no conclusions. Sessions are closed to news coverage, although security is not tight and some media figures belong to the commission.

Membership includes academics and industrial and former political leaders. Current members of national governments are excluded.

"The Trilateral Commission doesn't make any recommendations on anything," Volcker said - particularly not on reform of exchange rates or the world financial system, which were among topics briefly discussed at the meeting.

Otto Graf Lambsdorff, European chairman and former German Bundestag member, said China was the focus of much discussion, again with no consensus reached. He said, however, that no one opposed cooperation with China and no one said China should not respect human rights.

Volcker said the participation of representatives from several nonmember countries enhanced the discussions and will continue at future annual sessions, held alternatively in the United States, Japan and Europe.

``You have the opportunity of changing thinking,'' said Volcker, assessing the value of the meetings. "I would hope that there is some kind of changing in thinking, a convergence of thought, because people are affected by the discussions, but it's not directed deliberately towards a particular end, other than the fostering of democracy and economic development around the world."

The Japanese commission chairman, Yotaro Kobayashi, head of Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd., said, `"Having more participants from outside ... has only enriched the course of the discussions."

John McManus President of the John Birch Society

Who is Running America? excerpted from the online version of The Insiders ------

The Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission

Most Americans have never heard of these two organizations. But knowing something about them is essential to understanding what has been going on in America for several decades. So, let us examine, first, the Council on Foreign Relations and then...the Trilateral Commission.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) The Council on Foreign Relations (7) was incorporated in 1921. It is a private group which is headquartered at the corner of Park Avenue and 68th Street in New York City, in a building given to the organization in 1929.

The CFR's founder, Edward Mandell House, had been the chief adviser of President Woodrow Wilson. House was not only Wilson's most prominent aide, he actually dominated the President. Woodrow Wilson referred to House as "my alter ego" (my other self), and it is totally accurate to say that House, not Wilson, was the most powerful individual in our nation during the Wilson Administration, from 1913 until 1921.

Unfortunately for America, it is also true that Edward Mandell House was a Marxist whose goal was to socialize the United States. In 1912 House wrote the book, Philip Dru: Administrator; In it, he said he was working for "Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx." The original edition of the book did not name House as its author, but he made it in numerous ways that he indeed was its creator.

In Philip Dru: Administrator, Edward Mandell House laid out a fictionalized plan for the conquest of America. He told of a "conspiracy" (the word is his) which would gain control of both the Democratic and Republican parties, and use them as instruments in the creation of a socialistic world government.

The book called for passage of a graduated income tax and for the establishment of a state-controlled central bank as steps toward the ultimate goal. Both of these proposals are planks in The Communist Manifesto. And both became law in 1913, during the very first year of the House-dominated Wilson Administration.

The House plan called for the United States to give up its sovereignty to the League of Nations at the close of World War I. But when the U.S. Senate refused to ratify America's entry into the League, Edward Mandell House's drive toward world government was slowed down. Disappointed, but not beaten, House and his friends then formed the Council on Foreign Relations, whose purpose right from its inception was to destroy the freedom and independence of the United States and lead our nation into a world government-if not through the League of Nations, then through another world organization that would be started after another world war. The control of that world government, of course, was to be in the hands of House and like-minded individuals.

From its beginning in 1921, the CFR began to attract men of power and influence. In the late 1920s, important financing for the CFR came from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation. In 1940, at the invitation of President Roosevelt, members of the CFR gained domination over the State Department, and they have maintained that domination ever since.

By 1944, Edward Mandell House was deceased but his plan for taking control of our nation's major political parties began to be realized. In 1944 and in 1948, the Republican candidate for President, Thomas Dewey, was a CFR member. In later years, the CFR could boast that Republicans Eisenhower and Nixon were members, as were Democrats Stevenson, Kennedy, Humphrey, and McGovern. The American people were told they had a choice when they voted for President. But with precious few exceptions, Presidential candidates for decades have been CFR members.

But the CFR's influence had also spread to other vital areas of American life. Its members have run, or are running, NBC and CBS, , the Washington Post, the Des Moines Register, and many other important newspapers. The leaders of Time, Life, Newsweek, Fortune, Business Week, and numerous other publications are CFR members. The organization's members also dominate the academic world, top corporations, the huge tax-exempt foundations, labor unions, the military, and just about every segment of American life.

Let's look at the Council's Annual Report published in 1978. The organization's membership list names 1,878 members, and the list reads like a Who's Who in America. Eleven CFR members are U.S. senators; even more congressmen belong to the organization. Sitting on top of this immensely powerful pyramid, as Chairman of the Board, is David Rockefeller.

As can be seen in that CFR Annual Report, 284 of its members are U.S. government officials. Any organization which can boast that 284 of its members are U.S. government officials should be well- known. Yet most Americans have never even heard of the Council on Foreign Relations.

One reason why this is so is that 171 journalists, correspondents and communications executives are also CFR members, and they don't write about the organization. In fact, CFR members rarely talk about the organization inasmuch as it is an express condition of membership that any disclosure of what goes on at CFR meetings shall be regarded as grounds for termination of membership.

...The CFR publishes a very informative quarterly journal called Foreign Affairs. More often than not, important new shifts in U.S. policy or highly indicative attitudes of political figures have been telegraphed in its pages. When he was preparing to run for the Presidency in 1967, for instance Richard Nixon made himself acceptable to the Insiders of the Establishment with an article in the October 1967 issue of Foreign Affairs. (l4) In it, he called for a new policy of openness toward Red China, a policy which he himself later initiated in 1972.

The April 1974 issue of Foreign Affairs carried a very explicit recommendation for carrying out the world- government scheme of CFR founder Edward Mandell House. Authored by State Department veteran and Professor Richard N. Gardner (himself a CFR member), "The Hard Road to World Order" admits that a single leap into world government via an organization like the United Nations is unrealistic. (15)

Instead, Gardner urged the continued piecemeal delivery of our nation's sovereignty to a variety of international organizations He called for an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece." That means an end to our nation's sovereignty.

And he named as organizations to accomplish his goal the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the Law of the Sea Conference, the World Food Conference, the World Population Conference, disarmament programs, and a United Nations military force. This approach, Gardner said, "can produce some remarkable concessions of sovereignty that could not be achieved on an across-the-board basis."

Richard Gardner's preference for destroying the freedom and independence of the United States in favor of the CFR's goal of world government thoroughly dominates top circles in our nation today. The men who would scrap our nation's Constitution are praised as "progressives" and "far-sighted thinkers." The only question that remains among these powerful Insiders is which method to use to carry out their treasonous plan.

The Trilateral Commission

Unfortunately, the Council on Foreign Relations is not the only group proposing an end to the sovereignty of the United States. In 1973, another organization which now thoroughly dominates the Carter Administration first saw the light of day. Also based in New York City, this one is called the Trilateral Commission.

The Trilateral Commission's roots stem from the book Between Two Ages (16) written by Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1970. The following quotations from that book show how closely Brzezinski's thinking parallels that of CFR founder Edward Mandell House.

On page 72, Brzezinski writes: "Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief."

On page 83, he states: "Marxism, disseminated on the popular level in the form of Communism, represented a major advance in man's ability to conceptualize his relationship to his world."

And on page 123, we find: "Marxism supplied the best available insight into contemporary reality."

Nowhere does Mr. Brzezinski tell his readers that the Marxism "in the form of Communism," which he praises, has been responsible for the murder of approximately 100 million human beings in the Twentieth Century, has brought about the enslavement of over a billion more, and has caused want, privation and despair for all but the few criminals who run the communist-dominated nations.

On page 198, after discussing America's shortcomings, Brzezinski writes: "America is undergoing a new revolution" which "unmasks its obsolescence." We disagree; America is not becoming obsolete.

On page 260, he proposes "Deliberate management of the American future...with the...planner as the key social legislator and manipulator." The central planning he wants for our country is a cardinal underpinning of communism and the opposite of the way things are done in a free country.

On page 296, Mr. Brzezinski suggests piecemeal "Movement toward a larger community of the developed nations...through a variety of indirect ties and already developing limitations on national sovereignty." Here, we have the same proposal that has been offered by Richard Gardner in the CFR publication Foreign Affairs.

Brzezinski then calls for the forging of community links among the United States, Western Europe, and Japan; and the extension of these links to more advanced communist countries. Finally, on page 308 of his 309-page hook, he lets us know that what he really wants is "the goal of world government".

A Meeting of Minds Zbigniew Brzezinski's Between Two Ages was published in 1970 while he was a professor in New York City. What happened, quite simply, is that David Rockefeller read the book. And, in 1973, Mr. Rockefeller launched the new Trilateral Commission whose purposes include linking North America, Western Europe, and Japan "in their economic relations, their political and defense relations, their relations with developing countries, and their relations with communist countries." (l7)

The original literature of the Trilateral Commission also states, exactly as Brzezinski's book had proposed, that the more advanced communist states could become partners in the alliance leading to world government. In short, David Rockefeller implemented Brzezinski's proposal. The only change was the addition of Canada, so that the Trilateral Commission presently includes members from North America, Western Europe, and Japan, not just the United States, Western Europe, and Japan.

Then, David Rockefeller hired Zbigniew Brzezinski away from Columbia University and appointed him to be the Director of the Trilateral Commission.

...As with the CFR, we do not believe that every member of the Trilateral Commission is fully committed to the destruction of the United States. Some of these men actually believe that the world would be a better place if the United States would give up its independence in the interests of world government. Others go along for the ride, a ride which means a ticket to fame, comfortable living, and constant flattery. Some, of course, really do run things and really do want to scrap our nation's independence.

What It All Means ...The Council on Foreign Relations was conceived by a Marxist, Edward Mandell House, for the purpose of creating a one-world government by destroying the freedom and independence of all nations, especially including our own. Its Chairman of the Board is David Rockefeller. And its members have immense control over our government and much of American life.

The Trilateral Commission was conceived by Zbigniew Brzezinski, who praises Marxism, who thinks the United States is becoming obsolete, and who also wants to create a one-world government. Its founder and driving force is also David Rockefeller. And it, too, exercises extraordinary control over the government of the United States.

The effect of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission on the affairs of our nation is easy to see. Our own government no longer acts in its own interest; we no longer win any wars we fight; and we constantly tie ourselves to international agreements, pacts and conventions.

From the November 25, 1996 issue of The New American:

To many in C-SPAN's television audience, the October 11th broadcast of the Council on Foreign Relation's colloquium on terrorism may have seemed to provide a timely and informed focus on one of the most pressing security concerns of our day. However, for those familiar with the CFR's globalist agenda and its long history of supporting and legitimizing terrorist regimes and organizations (not to mention sanitizing individual terrorist leaders), the conference was about as believable as a professional wrestling match.

The analogy is especially apropos when considering "main events" such as the Council's C-SPAN confab entitled "Combating Terrorism: What Works? What Doesn't?" To a foreigner or a visitor from another planet who has never seen a professional wrestling match before, the bizarre behemoths in the ring with their bulging musculature and raging rodomontades are impressive indeed - on first sight. It doesn't take a cerebral , though, to soon realize that this is all show, and that Hulk Hogan, Jake the Snake, the Undertaker, and the rest of the mastodons of the All-Star Wrestling steroid , take their falls and their wins according to script. After witnessing a few dozen such rigged spectacles, even the most mentally challenged of fans knows he is watching a farce. Foreign Relations Charade The CFR's terrorism palaver was just such a farce. Broadcast from Washington DC's Grand Hyatt Hotel, the program featured a lineup of participants calculated to awe the uninitiated. Adorned with impressive resumés boasting service in high government posts and other key centers of power, these were obvious heavyweight contenders. And while they did engage (albeit sedately) in occasional verbal sparring amongst themselves, it was clear to the discerning that their intellectual muscle flexing was aimed primarily at convincing the American public that this "diverse" representation of the Council's expertise was united in a determination to help formulate and implement measures that are tough on terrorists and yet still compatible with liberty.

Kicking off this ostentatious affair was Council on Foreign Relations president Leslie Gelb, who is as improbable a champion of national security as we are likely to find. Those who remember the may also recall Mr. Gelb's role in the publication of the top-secret Pentagon Papers, one of the most far-reaching security breaches in U.S. history. That treachery took place while Gelb served as a "whiz kid" in the Defense Department under Robert S. McNamara (CFR). Implicated with Gelb in this infamous leak were Daniel Ellsberg, Morton Halperin, Paul Warnke, and Richard J. Barnet, CFR members all. They were (and are) all ultra left-wing extremists, openly associated with the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), the notorious Marxist think tank with long-established connections to the Soviet KGB and Cuban DGI.

CFR members Cora Weiss and Richard Barnet were among the many IPS officials who made the Jane Fonda-Tom Hayden pilgrimage to Hanoi and assisted the North Vietnamese Communist government. It was IPS director Richard Barnet who delivered the Pentagon Papers to the CFR-dominated New York Times and Washington Post. And it was thanks to the collusion of Chief Judge Henry J. Friendly (CFR) and Judge David Bazelon (IPS), presiding respectively over the appeals of the Times and the Post, that the federal injunction against printing the sensitive documents - including secret codes - was lifted.

This CFR/IPS symbiosis continues to the present and has been especially noteworthy for its destructive impact on U.S. intelligence and national security, and for the tremendous assistance it has provided to the terrorist organizations whose work the CFR supposedly opposes. Mr. Gelb, whose sterling vita includes stints at the Brookings Institution, the Carnegie Endowment, and the New York Times, once asserted that the radically subversive IPS is "one of three preeminent centers for foreign policy perspectives." Presumably, one of the other two "preeminent centers" is the CFR, which described itself in literature for the program as "a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization, dedicated to improving the understanding of U.S. foreign policy and international affairs through the exchange of ideas."

Such modesty. Washington Post ombudsman Richard Harwood has more accurately described the CFR as "the nearest thing we have to a ruling establishment in the United States." Sociologist C. Wright Mills referred to its membership as "the American power elite." The late Admiral Chester Ward, who was himself a CFR member for 16 years before becoming a staunch critic of the organization, charged that the CFR's leaders were a bunch of "one-world global-government ideologists" committed to "promoting disarmament and submergence of U.S. sovereignty and independence into an all-powerful one-world government." Certainly none can deny that the Council's more than 3,000 members hold unparalleled influence over the executive branch of the federal government (starting at the White House with CFR member Bill Clinton), the national media, and much of the corporate, financial, and philanthropic worlds. Knowledgeable observers of American power politics understand full well that it is the Harold Pratt House (CFR headquarters in New York), not the White House, which is the center of U.S. political power.

Gelb's accession to the CFR presidency helps to illustrate the reach and workings of the Council's power network. Gelb replaced Peter Tarnoff as the top executive at Pratt House, while Tarnoff took the job as assistant to Secretary of State Warren Christopher (former CFR vice chairman). Panel of "Experts"

At the October 11th CFR exhibition at DC's Grand Hyatt, after a brief introduction on the need "to cope with the problem of terrorism with bluster, ideology, and politics aside," Gelb turned the show over to Dave McCurdy (CFR), chairman of the Council's Policy Impact Panel on Terrorism. A seven-term, ultra-liberal congressman from Oklahoma, McCurdy was defeated in his 1994 run for the U.S. Senate by conservative Representative James Inhofe. Joining McCurdy on the panel were Kenneth L. Adelman (CFR), former director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and Nadine Strossen (CFR), national president of the American Civil Liberties Union and professor of law at the New York Law School.

The five "expert witnesses" speaking before the CFR panel were: Brian Jenkins, former Rand Corp. associate and deputy chairman of Kroll Associates (a CFR corporate member); L. Paul Bremer III (CFR), former Ambassador-at-Large for Counter Terrorism and managing director of Kissinger Associates; Shibley Telhami (CFR), associate professor of government and director of Near Eastern Studies at Cornell University; Wolfgang H. Reinicke, senior research staff member at the liberal-left Brookings Institution; and Jamie S. Gorelick, U.S. Deputy Attorney General.

Considering the CFR sponsorship of the symposium and the overwhelming representation of the Council's membership among the formal participants, it was certain that the "consensus" of the esteemed experts would reflect the official CFR line. A central theme of that orchestrated consensus which forms the substrate of all conceptual thinking and policy decision-making with regard to foreign policy and national security is the tiresome - and utterly false - refrain that "Communism is dead." Repeated references were made to the "collapse of the Soviet Union" and "the end of the bipolar structure of the international system."

CFR policy elites in government, academe, industry, and the media have been the primary apostles responsible for the near total acceptance of this false gospel today. Take, for example, Dave McCurdy's article "The Evolving U.S. Policy Toward Ukraine," published in the Winter- Spring 1994 issue of SAIS Review, journal of the School of Advanced International Studies at John Hopkins University. According to McCurdy, the people of Ukraine have "severed their bonds to the former USSR and embarked on a risky journey toward self-determination and freedom for the first time in generations. The steward of this new ship of state is Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk.... Kravchuk is an ardent Ukrainian nationalist, dedicated to the survival of his country, but he has proved himself a moderate as well."

McCurdy's assertions are completely absurd and a puerile parroting of Soviet strategic deception. The false "independence" of Ukraine and the other "independent republics" is as patently fraudulent as Kravchuk's "nationalism." Kravchuk - like his successor, Kuchma - is a lifelong communist who participated for decades in the totalitarian subjugation of his people and is today playing the role of "moderate" while maintaining an iron grip on the Soviet police state system which is, in reality, still very much a part of the "collapsed USSR." Comrades Yeltsin and Kravchuk are more than willing to allow McCurdy and his CFR associates to devise plans to send them billions of American taxpayer dollars in aid to promote "reform" and "stability." Having Americans pay for our own destruction even as we celebrate "winning the Cold War" is the ultimate in sweet irony for the Soviet strategists. And the CFR elites are leading us headlong in a mad rush toward that destruction.

An essential part of that strategic deception involves the continued covert Soviet sponsorship of terrorism worldwide. During the 1960s and '70s, as international terrorism spread its global carnage, the CFR "wise men" challenged the charges that the Soviet Union, acting through its surrogates in Eastern Europe, Cuba, Syria, , and Libya, was behind the havoc. When the evidence became overwhelming, the CFR "conservatives" acknowledged the Soviet hand in the global terrorist scourge while the CFR "liberals" remained in denial.

Readers may recall that it was Warren Christopher's (CFR) "diplomacy" under President Carter that brought about the overthrow of two of America's strongest allies, the Shah of and President Somoza of , and the installation of the terrorist regimes under Ayatollah Khomeini and the Sandanistas, respectively, in those countries.

During the Reagan years, Secretary of State George Shultz (CFR) made moves to recognize Yasser Arafat and even sent ships to rescue Arafat and his Soviet-supplied Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) henchmen when they were trapped in Lebanon and facing annihilation by Israel and rival groups. Arafat's closest friend and the PLO's intelligence chief, Hani el-Hassan, was for many years an agent for Nicolai Ceausescu's DIE, which operated under direction of the Soviet KGB. Under the close of Soviet agents Alexander Soldatov and Vladimir Buljakov, Arafat's PLO became the Kremlin's premier terrorist organization against the Free World.

But using the same phony "break with the past" deception strategy employed to sell Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Kravchuk, et al to a gullible West, Arafat has joined the ranks of "former" terrorists who have been anointed as national leaders by the CFR ruling elites. Like Nelson Mandela and Jean Bertrand Aristide, he has ridden the terrorist road to power and has received the same royal treatment from the Pratt House cabal.

Good Cop, Bad Cop Current mythology has it that "pragmatic," "moderate" Arafat is beset by the radical Hamas, over which he has no control. In reality, as Christopher Story has aptly noted in his newsletter Soviet Analyst, "Hamas (and its subdivisions) is and always has been an integral component of the umbrella organization known as the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which reports directly to Moscow." Additional support for that view came last year when Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzook and his wife were arrested in New York at JFK Airport. Marzook's address book contained the private telephone numbers of Yasser Arafat, George Habash, and other Marxist terrorists with whom this "fundamentalist" is supposedly in deadly conflict. Earlier this year, Arafat put on a show of searching for Hamas military chief Mohammed Dief. Arafat's man assigned to head the unsuccessful "search," Mohammed Dahlan, a childhood friend of Dief, was seen sipping coffee with the "fugitive" terrorist supervisor.

Arafat and his Moscow handlers are employing the classic "good cop, bad cop" tactic. That became all the more obvious on January 9th of this year when Boris Yeltsin elevated top Soviet intelligence chief Yevgeny Primakov to the post of Foreign Minister. As one of the KGB's top Arabists, Primakov has long been associated with the terrorist regimes of Iraq and Syria and was Moscow's primary paymaster to Arafat's PLO and Habash's PFLP. These facts, of course, are censored in the delusional drivelings of the CFR media cartel, where Primakov is presented as one of Russia's "progressives." Thus, when Boris Yeltsin held Arafat's hand high in the air at the "anti-terrorism" summit at Sharm El Sheik on March 13th this year and proclaimed that they were joining the leaders from 27 other countries in a pledge "to work together against terrorism," the prostitute CFR press greeted the obvious lie with euphoric huzzahs. Every mention of the sacrosanct "Middle East Peace Process" at the CFR confab also required a ritual genuflection from all concerned. And why not? The whole process has been a CFR creation. The chief "negotiator" (read: arm twister) for the affair has been (who else) Secretary of State Warren Christopher. Heading up Christopher's Mideast negotiating team are: Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs Edward Djerejian, Special Middle East Coordinator Dennis Ross, and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs Dan Kurtzer, all members of the CFR. These and other State Department participants have been regulars at CFR meetings over the past two years, where members receive privy information on the secret negotiations.

This relationship between the official and private policy elites at the CFR was taken to new highs (or lows) when the Council, together with the World Economic Forum, sponsored the first-ever Middle East-North Africa (MENA) Economic Summit at Casablanca, Morocco in October 1994. The glorious soiree at the Royal Palace of King Hassan II constituted a veritable "Who's Who" of global political and business elites, and was used to further sanctify Arafat and to set in motion plans for a Common Market for the Middle East. Of course, U.S. tax dollars and U.S. troops and armaments will guarantee this venture. Subsidizing Saddam

During the Presidency of George Bush (CFR), , everyone's favorite terrorist scapegoat, was the secret recipient of incredible military aid from the United States. Investigations by the House Banking Committee and various journalists have amply documented an amazing trail of treachery and treasonous actions by Bush and his one-world retinue before, during, and after the Persian . This sordid affair has been comprehensively exposed in two books: Spider's Web: The Secret History of How the White House Illegally Armed Iraq, by Alan Friedman of the Financial Times of London (1994, Bantam); and Shell Game, by Peter Mantius (1995, St. Martin's Press). The evidence is clear that the U.S. assisted Iraq in obtaining cluster bombs, technology for nuclear enrichment, U.S.-designed munitions, missile technology, some $5 billion in loan guarantees, and much more, in spite of Saddam's open hatred of the U.S. and his wanton use of poison gas against his own civilian population. When the shooting started in Operation Desert Storm, President Bush's CFR coterie had us bedding down with Assad of Syria, Saddam's rival for the title of "Maximum Terrorist Leader." That has carried over into the present Administration, naturally, with President Clinton and Secretary of State Warren Christopher going to fantastic lengths to coddle Assad, who still hosts an unimaginable menagerie of terrorist groups.

Soviet Legal Aid

All participants in the CFR's Policy Impact Panel were in agreement that "better intelligence" is essential to effectively cope with the terrorist threat. This, of course, is laughable in view of the enormous destructive campaign waged by top CFR members and the communist subversives they have promoted, supported, and protected against America's internal security organs and our legitimate intelligence interests.

The inclusion of the ACLU's Nadine Strossen as one of the CFR panel's three members is itself evidence of the Council's transparent hypocrisy. The Communist Party itself could not come close to accomplishing for the Kremlin what the closet Reds in the ACLU and their dupes have achieved. Since its inception in the early years of this century, the ACLU has led the revolutionary in attacking all police and intelligence agencies and providing assistance to communists, anarchists, terrorists, and subversives of every stripe, virtually without exception. Besides longtime executive director and founder Roger Baldwin, other Communist Party members of the organization's original executive board included William Z. Foster, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, and Louis Budenz.

Although the ACLU has attempted to portray itself as a mainstream champion of constitutional rights, it remains one of the most radical and subversive organizations in America today. Together with the Institute for Policy Studies and the National Lawyers Guild, the ACLU has spun an immense web of anti-police and anti-intelligence organizations which have worked closely with assets of the Soviet KGB and other communist intelligence agencies to foment revolution and render America blind to the forces which plot her destruction. The Halperin Record

The CFR has had more than its share of Soviet spies and communist agents. Alger Hiss, Viginius Coe, Noel Field, Nathan Silvermaster, Victor Perlo, Harry Dexter White, and Soloman Adler are but a few of the notorious CFR Reds who have done real harm to our nation. More recently the Council has been able to boast among its membership such militant Marxists as Morton Halperin, Cora Weiss, Richard Barnet, and Daniel Ellsberg. The efforts of prominent Council members in the 1993 campaign to install the radical Halperin as President Clinton's Assistant Secretary of Defense established another benchmark in the CFR's subversion tally.

As an ACLU staff member and chairman of the Campaign to Stop Government Spying, Halperin worked closely with Frank Wilkinson, Frank Donner, and other militant Communist Party members to undermine American security. Halperin helped raise funds for the Socialist Workers Party's (SWP) lawsuits against the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. The SWP is a Trotskyite terrorist organization of the Communist Fourth International. When CIA traitor and self- professed communist Phillip Agee needed a lawyer, Comrade Mort flew to England to represent him. Those are but a few highlights from Halperin's "distinguished" career which commended him for one of the most sensitive security offices in the Clinton Administration. At least that is what CFR Vice President Alton Frye apparently thought. Frye and CFR members Jeremy Stone and Arnold Kanter sent out a letter to their one-world brethren in defense of Halperin's beleaguered nomination. Halperin is now a "senior fellow" on the staff of the CFR.

Phony Concern Striking the pose of guardian of the Constitution - a familiar guise of ACLU radicals - Nadine Strossen proclaimed to the panel and C-SPAN audience that her "central concern here is that whatever steps we take to combat terrorism do not compromise our fundamental rights." That must have been reassuring to many who have been watching with mounting concern over the past year and a half as the President and Congress have utilized every real and alleged terrorist threat as an excuse to centralize more police powers in Washington.

But the ACLU has been cloaking its Bolshevism under a banner of patriotism since its very inception. It was Roger Baldwin himself who advised Louis Lochner of the communist People's Council in a letter back in August 1917:

Do steer away from making it [the People's Council] look like a Socialist enterprise. Too many people have already gotten the idea that it is nine-tenths a Socialist movement....

We want also to look like patriots in everything we do. We want to get a lot of good flags, talk a good deal about the Constitution and what our forefathers wanted to make of this country, and to show that we are the folks that really stand for the spirit of our institutions.

This same revered ACLU icon later said, "I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself.... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal." Comrade Baldwin's successors at the ACLU helm have never been as candid, but they have always shown unmistakably by their actions that their goal is the same.

The ACLU and its IPS network, with the protective cover it has received from the CFR-led media and the funding it has received from the CFR-dominated tax-exempt foundations, have for decades been carrying out a relentless attack on America's ability to defend itself against terrorism. This same collectivist cabal has been simultaneously "transforming" the world's most infamous terrorists and their even more nefarious sponsors into paragons of blissful harmony and peace. Such fiendish alchemy cannot continue forever. Unless this dangerous diabolism is exposed - and soon - America is certain to reap a terrorist whirlwind of apocalyptic proportions.

- William F. Jasper

[Ed's note: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn was imprisoned under the Smith Act read The Rebel Girl: An Autobiography by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn ©1955 International Publishers New York for what her life was like as an activist and a political prisoner who was taken away from her family in New York to West Virginia for several years after she was convicted under this Act; no Council of Foreign Relations member has ever been imprisoned to my knowledge; Alger Hiss was imprisoned also under questionable circumstances as he maintained his innocence throughout his life. Mr. Hiss and his new wife lived next door to me at 157 East 18th Street, New York, NY 10003 in a one bedroom apartment that was rent controlled, far different from the luxury of Henry Kissinger or David Rockefeller who are the real criminals. Mr. Hiss and his wife did own a dwelling in the Hamptons on Long Island which I never saw but it is my understanding that Mr. Hiss sold pencils when he finally was released from prison; Frank Wilkinson's life has been attempted many times. That he has survived is a miracle. I find it very strange that these people should be named by the forgoing author as these people would seem to be reputable.]

The Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission part 3

The Clinton Administration's Terrorism Connections

On October 11th, U.S. Deputy Attorney General Jamie S. Gorelick appeared before the Council on Foreign Relations' Policy Impact Panel on Terrorism to outline the Clinton Administration's record on combating terrorism. According to Ms. Gorelick, the Clinton terrorism policy involves these three core elements:

* To do "everything we can to deter and to prevent terrorist acts." * To "respond quickly, decisively, and with a full range of law enforcement and other options that are available." * To "work with our friends around the world to interdict terrorists and to assure that they do not go unpunished."

As with President Clinton's September 24th warning to drug traffickers and terrorists that "you have no place to run, you have no place to hide," Gorelick's election-year boilerplate is not likely to strike mortal fear into the hearts of terrorists anywhere. Likewise, Clinton's September speech to the United Nations declaring "zero tolerance for aggression, terrorism, and lawless behavior" must have set new highs on global laugh meters. Let us consider the real Clinton record on terrorism and national security.

Administration Appointments

While the problem of security risks occupying sensitive government positions is not unique to this Administration, President Clinton has set a record for recruiting hardcore radicals from Marxist outfits such as the terrorist-friendly Institute for Policy Studies. Undoubtedly the full extent of this scandal will prove to be far worse than the already frightening facts of which we are aware. Most of the subversive iceberg remains hidden because Mr. Clinton has not conducted the required security checks on many of his appointees. Among the most visibly dangerous of the Clinton appointments are:

* Warren Christopher (CFR). According to this Secretary of State, "rogue states" such as Libya, Iraq, and Iran are beyond the pale. But terror regimes such as Russia, China, Syria, , Angola, Vietnam, Georgia, , North Korea, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, etc., are worthy of lavish largesse under the rubric of "engagement." * Anthony Lake (CFR). A longtime associate of the IPS, Lake was involved with Gelb, Halperin, Warnke, and Ellsberg in the Pentagon Papers leak. He also worked at the IPS' Center for International Policy with Orlando Letelier, the Chilean communist and Cuban DGI agent - just the sort of pedigree one might expect for Mr. Clinton's Assistant for National Security Affairs. * Strobe Talbott (CFR). One of Bill Clinton's Oxford roommates and fellow pilgrims to Russia, Talbott translated Khrushchev's memoirs into a glowing English hagiography for Time magazine in 1970 - with roommate Clinton's help. That first exercise in Soviet propaganda no doubt served well in preparing them both for their present roles. In a July 20, 1992 Time essay entitled "The Birth of the Global Nation," Talbott wrote that the time is quickly approaching in which "nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. A phrase briefly fashionable in the mid-20th-century - 'citizen of the world' - will have assumed real meaning...." * Derek Shearer. Shearer is a founder of the radical Campaign for Economic Democracy and one of the IPS network's leading apostles for the subversive theories of Italian Communist Party strategist Antonio Gramsci. One of his major claims to fame was the popularization of "economic democracy" as a replacement term for the "s" word: socialism. Such creative subtlety first earned Shearer a slot as economic adviser to the Clinton campaign and then an ambassadorship to Denmark, where he is undoubtedly happy as a clam living next to Mother Russia. * Robert Borosage. An IPS director who traveled to Nicaragua and praised the Sandinista communists, Borosage also was co-director with Morton Halperin of the IPS' Center for National Security Studies in its subversive attacks on police, the FBI, the CIA, and congressional investigative bodies. Admitting that the IPS intended to "move the Democratic Party's debate internally to the left by creating an invisible presence in the party," Borosage became a foreign policy adviser to Jesse Jackson and then senior policy adviser to Mr. Clinton.

[Ed's note: Antonio Gramshi was imprisoned in Italy according to one of my political science professors who did his dissertation on Antonio Gramsci, Paulo Freire, and Herbert Marcuse to successfully defend that dissertation to obtain his Ph.D. He ultimately was a tenured professor at UCLA.] Globalist Advance

With assistance and counsel from CFR elites in key White House positions, the Clinton Administration has openly embraced and helped legitimize some of the most blatant terrorist nations and groups, including:

* Syria. This totalitarian dictatorship has been for many years one of the most dangerous villains on the U.S. State Department's list of nations engaged in state sponsored terrorism. Damascus is a veritable Terrorists-R-Us bazaar, providing permanent residence to dozens of murderous groups with thousands of fanatic assassins. Fronting for the Soviets, Hafez Assad and his Al-Kassar crime network made Syria the premier narcotics trader in the Middle East. Damascus also possesses a major chemical and biological weapons arsenal, which Washington conveniently overlooks, even though it makes a point of nailing less favored regimes on the same issue. No matter, the Clinton Administration insists that Assad must be part of the phony "peace process" and has shamelessly courted Damascus with over 30 excursions by Warren Christopher to this ruthless, two-bit narco-terrorist prison-state. * Iran. While continuing the illegal UN arms embargo against Bosnia, the Administration gave its tacit approval to Iran's secret arms shipments to Sarajevo, thus guaranteeing that Tehran's virulent, anti-U.S. influence would infect Bosnia's Muslims. At the same time, it has done nothing to stop Russia and China from providing Iran with nuclear reactors. Nor has it attempted to halt Beijing's delivery of poison gas facilities, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles to Iran, or stop "ally" Syria from collaborating with North Korea on new missile development. * Northern Ireland. President Clinton has repeatedly welcomed the Irish Republican Army's Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams to the U.S. and to the White House, even as the IRA has stepped up its terror bombings and riots in Ireland and England. Britain's MI5 and MI6 and other Western intelligence agencies have been tracking the travels of IRA terrorists to Iran and Libya for years and the smuggling back to Britain and Ireland of drugs, arms, and explosives by IRA operatives. In November 1993, IRA bosses flew to a secret Tehran summit featuring terrorist leaders from all over the world which was a springboard for a new global offensive. While Adams did not attend that convocation, he has been to Tehran as an honored guest of Iran's terror regime. * Russia. Despite the fact that the Soviet KGB and GRU have been for decades the premiere trainers and supporters of terrorist organizations worldwide, the Clinton coterie and its media allies perpetuate the fatal fantasy that Moscow has gone out of the terror business. In recent months, Russian Foreign Minister and KGB veteran Yevgeny Primakov has been making the rounds of the pariah states, cementing old ties he developed decades ago as the Kremlin's Mideast terrorist paymaster. Mr. Clinton has romanced and endorsed Yeltsin in spite of revelations that members of his government armed and trained the Aum Shinrikyo cult for its deadly sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway

- W.F.J

[Ed's note: Sinn Fein wants independence for Northern Ireland from the domination and exploitation of the British government, the Prime Minister of which is a Bilderberger-Tony Blair.]

Also see this article on Bill Clinton, Peter King, Jack Quinn, the AFL-CIO, the IRA, and the Khartoum cruise missile attack. By all means, for irrefutable documentation of US military involvement in terrorism, visit School of the Americas Watch. An excerpt, from a September 20, 1996 article:

US Defense Department says teaching manuals violated US policy

On September 20, the U.S. Defense Department admitted that manuals used to train soldiers at the US Army School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia, included practices that were outlawed in the 1980s. According to the Pentagon, the manuals suggested that informants could be controlled with fear, beatings, truth serum, and death threats.

One manual, entitled "Handling of Sources" stated that "The counterintelligence agent must offer presents and compensation for information leading to the arrest, capture or death of guerrillas." Another manual, entitled "Terrorism and the Urban Guerrilla" suggested using extortion in interrogations and that counterintelligence agents' duties should include specifying "targets for neutralizing."


November 19, 1997:

Maximum Sentences for Three SOA Protesters

Columbus, GA, Nov. 19 - Three members of a funeral procession that marched onto Fort Benning, home of the notorious School of the Americas, were sentenced today to six months in prison or "unlawful reentry," a misdemeanor. They appeared before US Magistrate William L. Slaughter in US District Court in Columbus, Georgia, this morning. The three were among 601 arrested on Sunday, November 16 for participating in the commemoration of the November 16, 1989, killing of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper, and her daughter, in El Salvador. Nineteen of the 26 perpetrators of the massacre were graduates of the School of the Americas. The protesters were attempting to deliver hundreds of thousand of signatures calling for the closure of the SOA.

For more than 50 years, the SOA, located on the US Army base just outside of Columbus, Georgia, has been training Latin American soldiers. Critics maintain that the SOA trains these soldiers in the arts of torture, assassination, and subversion. Numerous SOA graduates have been implicated in assassinations and massacres in their home countries.

The three sentenced today - Carol Richardson, Director of SOA Watch in Washington, DC; Anne Herman, a grandmother and advocate for the poor in Binghamton, NY; and Richard Streb, a World War II combat veteran and retired professor of history and education from Roanoke, VA - were also sentenced to pay fines of $3,000 each.

The three appeared in court today with 25 others who were arrested on the same charge. The other 25 chose to appear before a federal judge at a later date. from The New American, October 30, 1995: See first edition of True Democracy for the Demand which is on the Demand page which will close the school which has now been renamed Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, the page which causes decent people to boycott the United States.

Global Gorby

By: William F. Jasper

Much of the world sat glued before their television screens, eyes and ears transfixed by the drama unfolding in a Los Angeles courtroom. The closing arguments by Johnnie Cochran and Chris Darden in the O.J. Simpson trial held millions in thrall.

Meanwhile, up the coast in San Francisco, an event of another sort (and of arguably much greater consequence) was getting under way with considerably less attention: "The State of the World Forum," a planetary confabulation sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation. Held atop the city's famed Nob Hill at the luxurious Fairmont Hotel, the forum brought together a glittering constellation of global notables representing the epitome of worldly power, prestige, fame, wealth, and influence: presidents, princes, potentates, philanthropists, poets, philosophers, and poohbahs.

Who's Who

The weighty seriousness and ambitious reach of the conference indicated by the title of the event -- "Toward a New Civilization: Launching a Global Initiative" -- were underscored by the list of attendees, a veritable Who's Who of Wall Street, the Trilateral Commission, the World Economic Forum, the Aspen Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Club of Rome, the Bilderbergers, the Politburo, the Commission on Global Governance, the World Future Society, and other Insider bastions of power.

Among the 400-plus eminent personages from 50 countries who flocked to the five-day affair (September 27th-October 1st) were former Secretaries of State James Baker and George Shultz (both co-chairs of the forum), former President George Bush, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, President Askar Akaev of Kyrgystan, former President Oscar Arias of Costa Rica, Prime Minister Tansu Ciller of Turkey, Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel, former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and South African Vice President Thabo Mbeki.

Additional participants included: Worldwatch President Lester Brown; New Age gurus Fritjof Capra, Jeremy Rifkin, Willis Harman, Deepak Chopra, Robert Muller, and Matthew Fox; Marxist poetess Rigoberta Menchu; Earth Council president and billionaire eco-warrior Maurice Strong; Microsoft wizard Bill Gates; media mogul Rupert Murdoch; futurists Alvin Toffler and John Naisbitt; Senator George Mitchell; Archer Daniels Midland CEO Dwayne Andreas; computer tycoon David Packard; Esalen founder Michael Murphy; motivation superstar Tony Robbins; Men's Wearhouse CEO George Zimmer; chimpanzee expert Jane Goodall -- not to mention Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carl Sagan, John Denver, Shirley MacLaine, Dennis Weaver, Ted Turner, Jane Fonda, Theodore Hesburgh,Timothy Wirth, Max Kampleman, Milton Friedman, Randall Forsberg, Saul Mendlovitz, and Alan Cranston. Overseeing the entirety of this summit of the anointed was, of course, Mikhail Gorbachev himself. The purpose of the convocation, he proclaimed, was to "launch a multi-year process, culminating in the year 2000, to articulate the fundamental [world] priorities, values, and actions necessary to constructively shape our common future." And who better to kick off an ostentatious extravaganza of that sort than global media titan and former "Humanist of the Year" Ted Turner. Identifying himself as a "great student of history" and a longtime friend of Gorbachev, Turner praised the "ex-Communist"and former dictator for ending the Cold War, which he acclaimed as "the greatest accomplishment in the history of humanity." "Now, with the Cold War behind us," said Ted, "this forum's job is to help chart the way for humanity."

Global Brain Trust

Gorbachev let it be known that he was not one to shirk from that solemn task. Wasting no time, he opened his remarks with this magnanimous proposal: "From the outset I would like to suggest that we consider the establishment of a global Brain Trust to focus on the present and future of our civilization." This is important, he said, "because the main reason why we are lagging behind events, why we are mostly improvising and vacillating in the face of new developments, is that we are lagging behind in the thinking and rethinking of this new world. Of course, this idea of a Brain Trust can only succeed if endorsed and actively pursued by people who are widely respected as world leaders and global citizens." Respected world leaders and global citizens like -- well, like those assembled at that very same august colloquium on Nob Hill: selfless billionaires, statesmen, academic double-domes, Nobel laureates, and spiritual mahatmas in the service of humanity and planetary survival. This is a theme Gorbachev has been playing in concert with similar motifs in which he has called for "non-governmental commissions of 'wise men'" and "Councils of Elders" to solve the world's intractable problems.

No one bothered to ask how he would reconcile the obvious contradictions inherent in his "Brain Trust" proposal and the forum's other throbbing themes of "democratization," "pluralism," and "egalitarianism." During the course of the marathon palaver, Gorbachev and other conference participants regularly attacked present political, economic, and social structures as "elitist," "anti-democratic," and "exclusionary," but were conspicuously vague on how their proposed "Brain Trust" would surmount those problems. Obvious questions went begging: Who would appoint this group? What would be its powers? How would it be funded? What would be the selection criteria? To whom would it be accountable? How would the "diversity" of the group be guaranteed?

The very term "Brain Trust" reeks of elitism, social engineering, and manipulation by a cabal of experts of supposed cerebral superiority. It is an epithet of opprobrium to all lovers of liberty who are aware of the monstrous abuses initiated by the socialist planners of FDR's New Deal "Brain Trust": Raymond Moley, Rexford Guy Tugwell, Lindsey Rogers, James W. Angell, Adolf Berle, Hugh Johnson, Charles Taussig, George Peek, and others. A global "Brain Trust" by the intellectual and spiritual heirs of these statists would mean a prescription for global tyranny.

But drastic measures are needed, says Gorby. The traditional political structures "no longer respond to the needs of an interdependent world. The political culture that we inherited from the past stands in the way of efforts to unite mankind's resources in the face of global challenges."

Mere transformation of political structures, however, is far from adequate. "We are in dire need of redefining the parameters of our society's economic, social, political, and spiritual development," the Soviet seer told his worshipful votaries. "Indeed, we have to reinvent the paradigm of our existence, to build a new civilization." It was a rehearkening to other familiar themes Gorbachev has sung: "developing a global consciousness," "embracing the task of spiritual renewal," launching "the next phase of human development." An awesome undertaking, to be sure. Fortunately for us, he is graciously willing to enlighten and minister to our darkened souls as well as our sick body politic. How does he propose to do this? Comrade Gorbachev proposes to "set up a kind of United Nations Council of Elders."

It was in this "Elder" capacity that Gorbachev offered the next part of his lecture. "Civilization will shift and new values and new ways of life will be needed to find real solutions to the problems of our environment, a way out of the ecological crisis," the sage of Moscow told his San Francisco gathering. Then came the punch line: "Gradually we will have to achieve a change of emphasis in the archetypal dilemma: to have or to be; to change the nature of consumption." "Perhaps it is a little risky in this country to speak about that," he beamed to a titter of audience chuckles. "We have to change the nature of consumption. And I have much to say about that here."

Compassion Con

He certainly did have much to say on the topic, as did many of the other participants during the course of the forum. What was most amazing was that no one gagged or guffawed at the brazen effrontery and hypocrisy of the sainted one's sermonizing on conspicuous consumption while his rapt audience feasted on a sumptuous array of epicurean comestibles fit for royalty: smoked trout salad, filet of beef in shashlik marinade, and a dessert of panna cotta with autumn fruit. This gourmet creation was the work of celebrity chef Joyce Goldstein, and her tantalizing production was but the first of many offerings by famed masters of gourmand haute cuisine such as Wolfgang Puck, Julian Serrano, Joachim Splichal, and David Ribbons.

But the richness of the contradiction was no doubt lost on the pious frauds who paid $5,000 to attend this prestigious soiree. They have grown inured to their own fakery; from palatial palavers in Rio, to Cairo, Paris, Copenhagen, Geneva, etc. -- they have become accustomed to the lavish amenities in which they luxuriate, while feigning selfless pathos for the world's poor and excoriating "hedonistic consumption" by the "middle classes" of Western industrialized societies.

"World Citizen" Ted Turner represents the acme of this compassion con. According to some analysts, the recently announced sale of his Turner Broadcasting System to Time Warner could net him $2.6 billion, a tidy little sum to add to his already bulging billions. After the forum, he and wife Jane could fly off in their private jet, perhaps to their 40,000-acre bison barony in Montana, or to one of their many other humble domiciles to plan still more crusades to save the planet from the destructive consumption of the world's troublesome riffraff.

Getting to the crux of the matter, Gorbachev pontificated: "We have to, I believe, gear consumption more to people's cultural and spiritual needs. Also, through culture and education and within the framework of laws we shall have to address the problem of controlling the world's population." And control, of course, as always, is the key word and concept here. Control. Power.

Sound like familiar drumbeats for global government? Oh no, says Gorby: "We should not hope that the solution can come from some global center, a kind of world government. What we need is common ground rules accepted by the world community and observed by everyone and for that we need the international mechanisms and the international law that is required." Meaning simply that the "visionary" Russian is glibly proficient in the Aesopian word games employed by the globalists to put off troublesome "isolationists" who rightfully suspect this subversive flummery. How else to square Gorbachev's denial with his "Churchill" speech of May 6, 1992 in Fulton, Missouri, wherein he explicitly called for "global government" under the United Nations? Or to square it with the obvious intent of global governmental power implicit in his repeated calls for "international mechanisms," "international law," and "global controls"?

Call for Global Government

The New York Times reported on September 17, 1987 that Mikhail Gorbachev had "called for giving the United Nations expanded authority to regulate military conflicts, economic relations, environmental protection and ... also called for enhancing the power of the afflicted International Court of Justice to decide international disputes." These appeals for further empowering the UN were amplified in the Global Security Programme report published last year by the Global Security Project of his Gorbachev Foundation.

Chairman of the board of advisers of the Gorbachev Foundation is past Senator Alan Cranston, a past national president of the United World Federalists. In 1949 Cranston pushed through the California legislature a resolution memorializing Congress to call a national convention to amend the U.S. Constitution to "expedite and insure the participation of the United States in a federal world government." However, in a 1976 interview he advised fellow one- worlders against mentioning world government since "the more talk about world government the less chance of achieving it, because it frightens people who would accept the concept of world law." Gorbachev, obviously, has heeded the advice of this "elder statesman."

Some of the globalists slip up, however. Recent statements by James Garrison, co-founder and president of the Gorbachev Foundation/USA, for instance, must have caused Mr. Cranston to wince. "Over the next 20 to 30 years, we are going to end up with world government," Garrison said in an interview in the May 31-June 6, 1995 issue of SF Weekly, a liberal-left San Francisco newspaper. "It's inevitable." Garrison continued: "What's happening right now as you break down the Cold War, what is emerging now is ethnic identities. You are going to see more Yugoslavias, more Somalias, more Rwandas, more [Timothy] McVeighs and more nerve-gas attacks. But in and through this turbulence is the recognition that we have to empower the United Nations and that we have to govern and regulate human interaction...." (Emphasis added.)

But Gorbachev's dissembling over world government/world law should not surprise. Like his treacherous use of "democracy," "pluralism," "diversity," "interdependence," "perestroika," "glasnost," and other globalist shibboleths, it is in full comportment with the Communist program of dialectical deception. Consider his conveniently flexible position on "Communism." One speaker after another at the San Francisco forum praised the venerable aparatchik (and former General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union) for putting an end to Soviet Communism. Gorby himself denounced the evils of "totalitarian ideology."

"Convinced Communist"

But this is the same Gorbachev who, a few short years ago (November 1987) proclaimed: "In October 1917, we parted with the Old World, rejecting it once and for all. We are moving toward a new world, the world of Communism. We shall never turn off that road." (Emphasis added.) "Perestroika," he said then, " is a continuation of the October Revolution." In 1989, Gorbachev declared: "I am a Communist, a convinced Communist. For some that may be a fantasy. But for me it is my main goal." The following year, even as he was being hailed as the "man who ended Communism," he reiterated this conviction, stating, "I am now, just as I've always been, a convinced Communist."

In his book Perestroika, he plainly admitted: "We are not going to change Soviet power, of course, or abandon its fundamental principles, but we acknowledge the need for changes that will strengthen socialism." In the same revered text he explained that "according to Lenin, socialism and democracy are indivisible," and the "essence of perestroika lies in the fact that it unites socialism with democracy and revives the Leninist concept of socialist construction both in theory and in practice." (Emphasis added.) Thus, when he declares for "democracy," he means "democracy" within the Leninist conception and definition of the term, something quite the opposite of that which most Americans assume he is talking about.

But this dialectical legerdemain does not concern George Shultz, who introduced the royal eminence with an embarrassing gush of superlatives ("brilliant," "bold," "daring," "imaginative," "astonishing energy and intellectual grasp," "an intellect of the highest order") and anecdotes of their long "friendship." Shultz, a member and former director of the Council on Foreign Relations, and Gorbachev go back a long way together. In 1985 the duo signed the Soviet-American Education Exchange Agreement negotiated by the one-world subversives at the Carnegie Corporation. Shultz spoke with fond remembrance to the forum guests of the "historic" 1986 Reykjavik Summit at which he and President Reagan, together with Gorbachev and Eduard Shevardnadze, laid the groundwork for the INF Treaty and other disarmament debacles.

For the opening "Plenary Session" of the forum, Gorbachev shared co-chair honors with Thabo Mbeki. Mbeki, the longtime Marxist theoretician and globe-trotting ambassador of the terrorist African National Congress, and a top member of the South African Communist Party (SACP), was an appropriate choice. The ANC chief said he was pleased to attend on behalf of the poor and suffering people of Africa, who might otherwise not be represented in a "new world order" where "the world's agenda is addressed only by the powerful."

[Ed's note: The African National Congress of which Nelson Mandela was the leader is not terrorist. It was the apartheid regime in South Africa who were the terrorists imprisoning not only Nelson Mandela for life ultimately as well as others until the divestment (another term for boycott) in companies which did business with apartheid South Africa successfully ended the apartheid in that country because Nelson Mandela was finally freed from prison at Robin's Island. Furthermore, until just this year, the southern hemisphere was not aware of the Trilateral Commission's existence as it was a North versus the southern hemisphere conception. Whether Mr. Mbeke knew of these people's real intentions is somewhat doubtful therefore.]

Mbeki, a frequent guest at the Council on Foreign Relations and other lairs of American and European ruling elites, understands power. On July 5, 1993 Mbeki attended a dinner hosted by David Rockefeller for corporate CEOs to raise funds for the ANC's election drive. Mbeki praised Rockefeller as a longtime friend who "has backed the ANC financially for more than a decade." As Nelson Mandela's heir apparent, Mbeki has been given a "moderate" image by the ANC-friendly Insider media.

Steps to "World Order"

Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter's national security adviser, noted that there was "something profoundly symbolic and hopeful" about the fact that the opening session was co-chaired by Gorbachev and Mbeki. Which in itself says a mouthful about the "worldview" of Zbig and his like-minded fellow conferees. Burnishing his bogus anti-Communist credentials, Brzezinski denounced the terrible record of "carnage" wrought by "Hitlerism, Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism," and decried the monstrous deeds of the "coercive utopians."

"Yet five years after the end of the century's greatest ideological struggle and five years before the onset of the next millennium," wailed the architect and first director of the Trilateral Commission, "the end of the ideological centrality in global politics has not ushered in a new world order.... We do not have a new world order. Instead we are facing growing doubts regarding the meaning of our era and regarding the shape of our future."

"We cannot leap into world government in one quick step," Brzezinski told his audience, apparently ignoring Gorbachev's caution. Such a grand goal "requires a process of gradually expanding the range of democratic cooperation as well as the range of personal and national security, a widening, step by step, stone by stone, [of] existing relatively narrow zones of stability in the eventual globalization -- genuine globalization -- is progressive regionalization, because thereby we move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units."

This "regionalization" is in keeping with the original Trilateral plan, as outlined in Brzezinski's book, Between Two Ages, which called for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward "the goal of world government." In that same time, David Rockefeller's Polish protegé proclaimed that "National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept" and praised Marxism "in the form of Communism" as a "major advance in man's ability to conceptualize his relationship to his world" and a "further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal vision."

NATO and the European Union must be expanded to include Russia and the former Warsaw Pact countries, he said, and the scope of those arrangements must be "furthered, deepened, and institutionalized." Furthermore, Brzezinski asserted, similar structures must be crafted for the Middle East, the Far East, and Central Asia.

Joining Brzezinski at the rostrum was astronomer and cosmic sage Carl Sagan, who warned (predictably) that humanity faces "an absolutely new, unprecedented series of threats to the global environment that sustains us all." These "crises" include (of course) "depletion of the protective ozone layer and global warming through the increasing greenhouse effect...."

Yawn. Same tired, old, toxic eco-drivel. But wait! -- there is an exciting new "crisis": asteroids, which are certain to collide with earth in the not-too-distant future. This threat is "necessarily a problem for the whole species" and one in which we will have to join in collective action (presumably through the UN) to solve.

All of these crises show that we must begin to view the planet from the astronauts' perspective, says Sagan: "There are no national boundaries in that perspective. It is only one integrated, whole planet, all parts of which rise and fall together."

The "New Paradigm"

John Naisbitt, futurist, techno-savant, adviser to corporate titans and world leaders, and member of the board of advisers of the Gorbachev Foundation, was more upbeat. The author of the mega- blockbusters Megatrends, Megatrends 2000, Megatrends for Women, and Global Paradox prefaced his remarks by stating his commitment to "free markets and free trade." But like the rest of his colloquium colleagues, he emphasized the need for everyone to adopt a "new vocabulary," "new concepts," and a new "worldview" if we are going to understand the "new paradigm" the world has entered.

This "new paradigm," naturally, requires "new leadership" -- leaders who will lead by "moral authority." "My candidate for what a new leader would be like," said Naisbitt, "is Vaclav Havel." Mr. Havel, the celebrated socialist playwright and president of the Czech Republic, of course, also talks of "free markets" -- while installing unreconstructed and unrepentant Communists such as Alexander Dubcek in the top positions of power in his government.

Another of his favorite new leaders, said Naisbitt, is Nelson Mandela. Colin Powell is yet another, and Naisbitt criticized those who ask where Powell stands on the issues or what he would do concerning this matter or that: "The point is not what is Powell going to do; the point is who is he going to be. The new leadership is shifting away from being in charge to moral authority, responsibility, and inspiration." You see, in the "new paradigm," you need only be dazzled by the "moral authority" oozing from the persona created by the elite media image makers. We have apparently entered the age of ontological politics -- the politics of "being."

"The New Architecture of Global Security and Paths to Building a Civic Society (The Global Age)" was the title of a presentation by Kassa Kebede, a member of the board of directors of the Gorbachev Foundation and an active participant in the Foundation's Global Security Project. Kebede is a former ambassador to the United Nations and was Foreign Secretary during the 1980s for the murderous and genocidal Communist regime of Haile Mengistu in Ethiopia. "The globalization of the challenges confronting us will certainly affect the traditional concept of sovereignty," Kebede told the attendees. Indeed. Echoing the Kennedy Administration's treasonous 1961 Freedom From War proposal to transfer U.S. armaments to the UN, Kebede's disarmament plan calls for "storage of the warheads and of the delivery systems in separate places under international control."

The Ethiopian commissar also commended the proposition put forward in Our Global Neighborhood: The Report of the Commission on Global Governance* to create "a standing force of 10,000 soldiers under the authority of the Security Council." This in spite of the fact that the UN's present "peacekeeping" operations, as Kebede himself admits, are already vastly "overextended," with "more than 70,000 personnel, and costs of over $3.5 billion."

NOTE: See the April 3, 1995 issue of The New American, page 5

Kebede parroted the Global Security Programme and Zbigniew Brzezinski in calling for establishing regional "security" (i.e. war-making) organizations similar to NATO "in the Middle East, South Asia and North East Asia."

Joining the Mikhail/Zbigniew Doublespeak Chorus, Kebede chirped: "The commonality of goals, and shared values of global ethics, produce justification for world governance. This concept is in no way an alteration of national sovereignty, and does not lead to world government."

Although the state of the world's political, economic, and social ills came in for thorough treatment at the forum, it was in the area of global spiritual enlightenment that the gathering blossomed into full flower. Leading the cosmic charge were a host of the reigning Brahmins of New Age bliss, including Willis Harman, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Richard Baker, Matthew Fox, Shirley MacLaine, Deepak Chopra, Fritjof Capra, and Rupert Sheldrake. [Ed's note: In my humble opinion, Deepak Chopra is a humanitarian.]

Willis Harman, New Age philosopher, president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and author of Global Mind Change and The New Metaphysical Foundation of Modern Science, has had a profound effect on our society in the past couple of decades. In "Our Hopeful Future: Creating a Sustainable Society," one of his new essays distributed at the forum, Harman reported, "Around the world one detects murmurings that industrialized and 'developing' countries alike have a need for a new social order -- that, in fact, the situation calls for a worldwide systemic change." Really? Have you heard such "murmurings" in your neighborhood? Not likely - - unless your neighborhood is home to some of Harman's murmurous disciples.

Evolutionary Process

These murmurers, who comprise "an expanding fraction of the populace," perceive "a shifting underlying picture of reality." They see "the connectedness of everything to everything" and place "emphasis on intuition and the assumption of inner divinity." These adepts of the "new spirituality" share a "commitment to global change." Their "New Order," says Harman, is characterized by "an emphasis not on goals but on process ... the process is an evolutionary one, and the goals are emergent." The message is: Don't question where I am taking you, just start moving. And trust me; I'm doing what's good for you.

"Interconnectedness" is the overarching theme also preached by biologist Rupert Sheldrake, a Theosophist who posits that a "morphogenic field" -- an invisible matrix or organizing field that connects all life and thought on earth -- holds the keys to our existence and to the "Ageless Wisdom."

Fritjof Capra, physicist and systems theorist, New Age swami, and author of the international best-sellers Uncommon Wisdom, The Turning Point, and The Tao of Physics, provided a similar message. "The Elmwood Institute, which Capra founded in Berkeley, California, sees that none of the major problems of our time can be understood in isolation," write New Age political activists Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson in Spiritual Politics: Changing the World From the Inside Out. "A systems approach is needed, as all our problems are interconnected and interdependent, facets of one single crisis -- essentially a crisis of perception. This crisis is part of a cultural shift from a mechanistic worldview to a holistic and ecological view, from a value system based on domination to partnership, from quantity to quality, from expansion to conservation, from efficiency to sustainability."

A Capra essay, "The Turning of the Tide," was included in the Fall 1993 issue of ReVision: A Journal of Consciousness and Transformation, which was part of the free literature made available to the forum participants. In it Capra writes:

"The view of man as dominating nature and woman, and the belief in the superior role of the rational mind, have been supported and encouraged by the Judaeo-Christian tradition, which adheres to the image of a male god, personification of reason and source of ultimate power, who rules the world from above by imposing his divine law on it. The laws of nature searched for by the scientists were seen as reflections of this divine law, originating in the mind of God."

This traditional Judaeo-Christian-influenced thinking, says Capra, "has led to attitudes that are profoundly antiecological. In truth, the understanding of ecosystems is hindered by the very nature of the rational mind. Rational thinking is linear, whereas ecological awareness arises from an intuition of nonlinear systems." Capra celebrates Eastern mysticism as a superior spiritual path, while applauding the "inevitable decline of patriarchy," the demise of "fixed ideas and rigid patterns of behavior," and the rise of the feminist and ecological movements.

Barbara Marx Hubbard, author of The Book of Co-Creation, claims in her curricula vitae to be "establishing Evolutionary Circles throughout the world to support small groups in their emergence as universal humans, founders of a global civilization." Hubbard was an organizer of the 1988 Soviet- American Citizens' Summit in Alexandria, Virginia, coordinated with the Soviet Peace Committee, a creature of the Soviet Central Committee's International Department established by Stalin to carry out penetration and subversion of foreign countries. Hubbard is also a former director of the Federal Union, founded by Fabian Socialist Rhodes Scholar Clarence Streit.

As a psychologist with Task Force Delta, an army think tank of futurists, strategists, and psychology and parapsychology researchers, Hubbard is credited with the idea of "bombarding" the Soviets with "psychic love," and formation of the First Earth Battalion (FEB). The credo of the FEB "guerilla gurus" states: "I take personal responsibility for generating evolutionary conspiracies as a part of my work. I will select and create conspiratorial mechanisms ... that will create and perform evolutionary breakthrough actions on behalf of people and planet. One people, one planet."

But according to these cognoscenti, there are too many people on this "one planet." Willis Harman's essay grapples with the "dilemma.": "In the economy-dominated world, as the outspoken anthropologist Margaret Mead once put it bluntly, 'The unadorned truth is that we do not need now, and will not need later, much of the marginal labor -- the very young, the very old, the very uneducated, and the very stupid.'" "This dilemma is perhaps the most basic one we face," said Harman. Society can't afford "from an environmental standpoint, or from the standpoint of tearing apart of the social fabric -- the economic growth that would be necessary to provide jobs for all in the conventional sense, and the inequities which have come to accompany that growth. This dilemma, more than any other aspect of our current situation, indicates how fundamental a system change is now required."

In the closing plenary session of the forum, philosopher/author Sam Keen summarized the consensus of the learned ones. Among the conference participants, said Keen, "there was very strong agreement that religious institutions have to take primary responsibility for the population explosion. We must speak far more clearly about sexuality, about contraception, about abortion, about the values that control the population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the [world's] population by 90 percent and there aren't enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage."

How do we "cut" the planet's population by 90 percent? Even genocidal mass murderers Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao combined did not come close to attaining such a "lofty" goal. As always, the devil is in the details. Forum participant Barbara Marx Hubbard may already have provided some of the devilish answer. In The Book of Co-Creation she writes: "Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend.... One-fourth is destructive [and] they are defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a 'natural death.'... Now as we approach the quantum shift from the creature-human to the co-creative human -- the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers -- the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body.... Fortunately, you are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God's selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death."

Lord help us all if this de facto "Brain Trust" of diabolical misfits, murderers, megalomaniacs, terrorists, and tyrants succeed in establishing their "new world order," their "new global civilization." The Bilderberg Group

The Bilderberg Conference in Toronto, Canada, May 30 - June 2, 1996

Note from Jeff: Special thanks goes to John K. Whitley for these excellent messages and articles regarding the Bilderberg Conference


CONTACT: Trlsha Katson FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 202-546-3645/Fax:202-546-4583

WASHINGTON -- The highest level of the global financial and political elite, the Bilderberg, will meet May 30-June 2 to secretly make economic and political plans profoundly impacting the future of Americans and the worldwide population. The major media in the U.S. is expected to black out the event as it has In the past.

The Bilderberg, named after the hotel in Holland where the powerful group has deliberated, will meet at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Leadership Center on the outskirts of King City, a Toronto suburb. The CIBC Center has been dubbed "the Bohemian Grove of Canada" after the California retreat frequented by financial and political elites.

Global control of the air, water and public health will be discussed at the meeting, as well as the possible multi billion dollar sale of the Canadian government-owned utility Ontario Hydro, producer and distributor of electricity, according to informed sources.

A primary subject of concern is expected to be the escalating attack on world planning organizations by liberals, an entirely unwelcome development for Bilderberg. About 50 leftist groups held a conference in Washington May 10-12 directed against international banks and economic globalization. Leading liberal environmentalists, economists and activists from around the world spoke.

High officials of the White House. State and Defense Departments, former heads of state, and bankers and industrialists involved in international finance capitalism, attend Bilderberg meetings each year. Decisions are later implemented as economic and political policy by world leaders.

Each year the mainstream press blacks out news of Bilderberg conferences. Prominent representatives of the electronic and newsprint media, including the major TV networks, The New York Times, and Katharine Graham of The Washington Post, have attended past meetings but have been sworn to secrecy.

Since 1976 only one national newspaper--the populist newsweekly,The SPOTLIGHT --has annually reported on Bilderberg meetings.

"If 120 film stars or sports celebrities were to spend three days behind locked, guarded closed doors, members of the press would break their necks trying to find out what was going on," said investigative reporter Jim Tucker, who has covered Bilderberg meetings for The SPOTLIGHT for the last 20 years. "Why then no curiosity when 120 of world's most powerful men and women gather under cover of darkness and in secret?"

"If Bilderberg is doing good, and not evil, it should enjoy the sunshine instead of seeking out the dark corners of the world in which to hide," said Vince Ryan, chairman of the Board of Policy of Liberty Lobby, publisher of The SPOTLIGHT.

In 1995, Bilderberg attendees met atop a high mountain containing three huge luxury hotels in Burgenstock, Switzerland, arriving and departing by helicopter from the Zurich airport. Participants were guarded by the Swiss army, police, their private security and attack dogs.

The Trilateral Commission, which shares interlocking leadership with the Bilderbergers, recently met in Vancouver, British Columbia. Both groups oppose the rising tide of nationalism In the U.S. and Europe, and are working to complete a common currency for the European Union. This will help establish a European superstate to gain momentum for an American Union and Asian-Pacific Union. These steps are critical to the groups' goal of world government.

In 1991, Bilderberg threw its support behind Bill Clinton--a member of both groups--for president. Clinton attended the 1991 Bilderberg conference(held in Baden- Baden, Germany) when he was then a little-known governor of Arkansas. This is right in our backyard, so to speak, and we're keeping tabs on it.

The *real* topic for discussion will be implementation of the recommendations of the 1995 Report of the Commission On Global Governance, entitled OUR GLOBAL NEIGHBOURHOOD. The items mentioned in the Press Release below are drawn from that document. I did circulate an outline of the Report around the Net two months ago.

We also have some journalistic friends well clued in on this: it will be interesting to see what they manage to discover. The two major local papers are:

THE TORONTO STAR - independent and owned by a foundation, the Chairman of which is Dr. John Evans, ex-head of the Rockefeller Foundation

THE GLOBE AND MAIL - the last publisher of which, Norman Webster, was also a Bilderberg attendee.

Conrad Black, Bilderberger "secretary/doorkeeper" for Canada, has recently bought up the Southam chain of newspapers which, together with his existing holdings, gives him tremendous media power in Canada. We can assume that it's unlikely that *any* of these papers will be delving too deeply into this meeting or even mentioning that it's happening!

King City, by the way, is not a suburb of Toronto. It's an expensive little country community outside the city. The CIBC retreat resort is actually outside King City, in King Township - a region of large, expensive horse farms, etc. where members of the Royal Family are hosted on their private visits to Canada. I believe that its the old Union Carbide top management retreat, since bought by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce - I spent a weekend there some years ago when I was consulting to Union Carbide. It's *extremely* luxurious, very private, and easy to isolate for security purposes. It's also very close - a helicopter ride away - to Toronto's Pearson International Airport, so it's easy to whisk key personages out there quickly, securely, and semi-anonymously.

You'll note that a meeting including various ex-heads of state from around the world [Helmut Schmidt, Pierre Trudeau, etc.] has been in progress in Vancouver to discuss the impacts of globalism. No doubt many of those participants will be proceeding directly from Vancouver to King City, too!


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: John Whitley 418-481 4868/fax: 416-322 7238

TORONTO, May 30th.-- The veil of secrecy which usually surrounds annual meetings of the Bilderberg, the highest level of the global and financial elite, was torn apart this morning by a front-page story in one of Canada's most widely-read and influential newspapers, the TORONTO STAR.

Under the headline BLACK PLAYS HOST TO WORLD LEADERS, John Deverell, a business reporter for the newspaper, noted that not only had Canadian publisher Conrad Black offered $295 million to gain control of Canada's largest newspaper chain and weathered the subsequent annual meeting of his Hollinger Inc, but that - to cap his week - "...he's now the host for a four-day closely guarded meeting of world leaders and royalty just north of Toronto."

The TORONTO STAR, and other major Toronto media, had previously received a detailed news release from the Toronto-based NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE alerting them to this well-concealed gathering. The UPDATE's Web page address is http://

Deverell listed some of the more than 100 hand-picked attendees from around the world as "U.S. Defence Secretary William Perry, Prime Minister Jean Chretien, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, the queens of the Netherlands and Spain as well as other business, political and academic elite." He also noted that Conrad Black, a media magnate, is a permanent member of the Bilderberg, and added "For 42 years the secretive organization has devoted itself to strengthening the Atlantic military alliance and economies."

Deverell concluded by reporting that "The guest list and agenda for the four-day conference are secret. A ban on reporters 'makes discussion more intimate and candid', Black said yesterday. 'There are no massive indiscretions, but the exchanges can be quite heated.'" [Ed.s note: Can be but usually aren't more heated.]

Bilderberger meetings are normally not even mentioned in the Press. The TORONTO STAR, a liberal paper with a long tradition of award- winning journalism, is one of the few remaining independent newspapers in Canada.

In his 1993 biography, A LIFE IN PROGRESS, Conrad Black had this to say about the Bilderberg, which he first attended in May, 1981:

"This group was set up in the mid-fifties [1954]by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and was designed to strengthen understanding between prominent people in the North Atlantic community. It met at the Dutch resort hotel that gave the group its name. About 120 or so people meet from every full-fledged traditionally non-communist European country, as well as Canada and the United States. They normally include senior officials of the governments of all the countries represented, with a wide swath of enlightened business, academic, media and military leaders. There was always a group of international officials, led by the NATO Secretary- General and military commander and the head of the OECD [Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development]

The key to the unique success of the Bilderberg meetings has been to hold them in remote places almost entirely without spouses or aides, to discourage prepared texts, and to confine discussion as much as possible to English.

Although I had first met Henry Kissinger in Palm Beach in 1979, and then at a luncheon in Toronto, jointly hosted by the ECONOMIST magazine and our company in 1980, and later socially in New York, it was at Bilderberg that I got to know him and a number of our other, future, directors and advisory board members. These included Gianni Agnelli of Fiat, Dwayne Andreas [controlling shareholder of the giant agri-business Archer-Daniels, Midland], Zbigniew Brzezinski [former national security advisor in the Carter administration], Lord Carrington [former British foreign and defence secretary and secretary-general of NATO], Andrew Knight [editor of the ECONOMIST], Richard Perle [former U.S. assistant secretary of National Defence and one of the champions of the Strategic Defence Initiative ("Star Wars") and Euro-missile deployment], Paul Volker [former Federal Reserve chairman], and George Will [U.S. conservative columnist and commentator], as well as many other interesting people.

Not having very satisfactory recollections of schooldays, nor being a very enthusiastic or obsevant university alumnus, Bilderberg has been the closest I have known to that sort of comaraderie. The animated social sessions, as much as the cut and thrust on the principal strategic and economic issues faced by the Atlantic community, have given me, and many other regular participants, a powerful and entirely agreeable sense of community with some very talented and prominent people. After 1986, I became the co-leader of the Canadian group and effectively chose most of the Canadian participants. Providentially, the world became more accessible for me as Canada became less commodious. It was from Bilderberg that our company's eventual vocation as an international newspaper organization arose."

Others have a different view of Bilderberg. In his superbly- researched 1995 book, CLINTON CONFIDENTIAL: THE UNAUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY OF BILL AND , George Carposi Jr. had this to say of this powerful organization of which President Clinton is also a member, and which "anointed" him for the Presidency at its private June, 1991, meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany:

"The organization claims 'secrecy is demanded so as to encourage frank discussions by persons whose positions otherwise wotuld restrict full expressions of their personal views'. Consequently, the identities of those attending the gatherings are never made known. They are referred to only by their own press releases or by reporters camped at a distance from the meeting sites, always off-limits to both press and public.

Over the years, the Bilderberg Conference has attracted many highly-placed critics who protest that the organization

* sets itself above governments [Ed's note: NAFTA and GATT are of that."]

* manipulates global finances and imperiously establishes rigid and binding monetary rates around the world.

* selects political figures whom the conference decrees should become rulers - and also targets those whom it wants removed from power.[Bill Clinton was the "Come Back kid" after he transgressed on Hilary as opposed to who did and was forced to drop out of presidential contention.]

* decides which countries shall wage war on others.

"The Bilderbergers are powerful enough to pull the rug out [from under] one nation and to pave the way for the rise of another", said a scholar intimately aquainted with the Bilderberger modus operandi.

"An example is the way the conferees decreed the impoverish- ment of South American countries for many years. Now they've done an about-face, and are building up those lands.

"They are above government. They dictate terms and run the world the way the Bilderberger brains trust decides it should be.

"It is incomprehensible how so many highly placed people of influence can be sucked into this secret society's orbit to participate in their closed-door planning sessions that ordain drastic and historic changes to create a new world order to be controlled by the most powerful of global bankers", says the scholar.

A partial roster of infuential Americans who have attended Bilderberg Conferences includes Arthur Hayes Sulzberger, president and publisher of the NEW YORK TIMES; C.D. Jackman, vice-president of TIME, Inc; George F. Kennan, former ambassador to the Soviet Union; Eugene R. Black, president of the International Bank; Gabriel Howe, economic advisor to President Dwight D. Eisenhower; David I. McDonald, president of the United Steel Workers; David Rockefeller, chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank; and former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger.

Meetings are generally held semi-annually and participants, as some of the aforementioned names indicate, represent selected public officials, economists, professionals, publishers, industrialists, labor leaders, and people of influence from virtually all walks of life....

Meetings are always held in an atmosphere of utmost security. Each delegate is sworn to secrecy, pledging never to divulge what is discussed or to identify others who attend."

As reported in yesterday's Press Release, however, the NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE has learned that a planned 1997 Unilateral Declaration of Independence by Quebec's Premier Bouchard, resulting in the breakup of Canada and its eventual absorbtion into Continental Union with the United States by the year 2005, will be high on the agenda.

Other items to be discussed include the sweeping and Draconian recommendations of the elite's 1995 Commission on Global Governance Report, OUR GLOBAL NEIGHBOURHOOD. The multi-billion dollar privatization of Ontario Hydro, the province's massive publicly-owned electricity generator and distributor will also be on the agenda. Such privatization sales in England have led to a "pure money machine" flow of profits for top investors.

The standard Bilderberger response to queries concerning their agenda, the identities of participants, and the decisions reached is that "secrecy encourages frank discussion." In his 1967 book, THE NEW UNHAPPY LORDS: AN EXPOSURE OF POWER POLITICS, British author A.K. Chesterton responded directly to that excuse by commenting that "Men pursuing purposes which will bear the light of day do not hold secret meetings in different parts of the world."


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: John Whitley 416-481 4848 fax 416-322 7238 e-mail: [email protected]

TORONTO, 31st May--The elite and secretive Bilderbergers are not used to choking on their breakfasts, but that's what many of them probably did this morning if they opened today's TORONTO STAR, or tuned into Toronto's 680-NEWS radio station.

The TORONTO STAR ran a virtually full-page story, complete with an illustrated list of the immensely powerful but publicity-shy attendees, on the secretive 1996 Bilderberg Conference on the front page of its widely-read Business Section.

The detailed and revealing story, headlined BIG HITTERS GATHER: Vast Array Of International VIP's Talk Things Over At Secretive Bilderberg '96 In King City, noted that "[Conrad] Black, media baron and chairman of Hollinger Inc., and other permanent members of the group, are unhappy at suggestions by extremists of the left and right that the private event is part of a system of secret government."

This is the first time in the history of the Bilderberg Conferences that a major newspaper has ever scrutinized them in such a fashion. Normally, Bilderberg meetings are not even mentioned in the main-line media. Bilderbergers are not accustomed to have to provide explanations to anyone, particularly since certain of their members own or control major metropolitan newspapers, newspaper chains and wire services.

TORONTO STAR Business Reporter John Deverell quoted Black as stating that the secrecy surrounding Bilderberg meetings has "no purpose other than to allow leading citizens to speak their minds openly and freely."

The list of such "leading citizens", who Black stated "attend Bilderberg in a private and not an official capacity", includes among its hand-picked ranks such international financiers as Andrew Soros and David Rockefeller, European bluebloods like the Queens of the Netherlands and Spain, U.S. government officials like Defence Secretary William Perry and Senior Advisor to the President George Stephanopolous, U.S. Senator Sam Nunn, the NATIONAL REVIEW's William Buckley, ex-U.S. government luminaries Lloyd Bentsen [former Treasury Secretary] and Henry Kissinger, and distinguished "international citizens" like Peter Sutherland [former director-general of GATT and the WTO] and World Bank President James Wolfensohn.

Canadian attendees include Frederik Eaton, of the major department store chain; Paul Martin, Finance Minister; Jean Chretien, the Prime Minister of Canada; Red Wilson, Chairman of Bell Canada Enterprises; Ted Rogers, the communications and cable mogul; Al Flood, Chairman of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; and Ontario Premier Mike Harris.

"Security was barely visible at the [King] Ranch yesterday, " Deverell reported. He quoted James Tucker, a reporter for THE SPOTLIGHT newspaper in Washington D.C., who is an experienced Bilderberger watcher, as commenting "This is very low-key. In Switzerland, where they had this last year, they brought out the Swiss Army."

According to Deverell's detailed report, "This year's topics include the enlargement of the European Union, the problems of former Yugoslavia, relations with China and Russia and obstacles to economic growth."

The TORONTO STAR, a liberal paper with a record of award-winning journalism and superb investigative articles, is one of the few remaining independent newspapers in Canada.

At 7:45 this morning, 680-NEWS, a popular news radio station with a large metro Toronto audience, carried the following report which was re-aired at intervals as part of their news schedule:

Dick Smythe: "Well, this sounds like the plot of a conspiracy movie, as the world's movers and shakers meet in secret. Conrad Black is holding his annual Bilderberg Conference. Here's 680's Karen Parsons... Reporter: "About one hundred notables, including the Queens of the Netherlands and Spain, along with Henry Kissinger, the U.S. Defence Secretary William Perry and our Prime Minister, have gathered for the conference. Also along, the heads of Ford Motor Company, Xerox, the Bank of Commerce and Reuters. Black says there is a ban on reporters, so discussion will be intimate and candid. He says "exchanges can often be quite heated." Participants are required to take a vow of silence. Last year's conference was held in three mountaintop luxury hotels in Switzerland. This year, it's at a $60 million dollar luxury spa in King City."

Canadian Press also distributed a brief report on the previously-secret meeting, which was published today by, among other newspapers, the TORONTO SUN.

The major Toronto media and news services were first alerted to this well-concealed gathering by Press Releases from the Toronto-based NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE, the Web site address for which is http://

THE NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE has also learned, through its own sources, that the 1996 Bilderberg Conference will also be discussing the planned breakup of Canada by way of a 1997 Unilateral Declaration of Independence by Quebec, with the ultimate goal being Continental Union by the year 2005; the planned privatization sale of Ontario Hydro, a source of vast profits for well-placed investors; and certain of the Draconian recommendations included in the 1995 Report of the elite's Commission on Global Governance, OUR GLOBAL NEIGHBOURHOOD.

Despite the disarming disclaimer that the Bilderberg is just an innocuous group of "private citizens", drawn together to discuss the world's ills and opportunities privately and therefore uninhibitedly, solid evidence exists that this is not the case.

In his groundbreaking 1966 1300-page book, TRAGEDY AND HOPE, Professor Carroll Quigley, a distinguished faculty member at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and a member of "insider" elite organizations sharing membership with the Bilderbergers, confirmed that an international "network" of wealthy and influential personages did indeed secretly control world events through private conferences, consensus, and concerted action. He wrote:

"This network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists or any other group, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted, for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and I have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments."

No one can accuse Dr. Quigley of having been either an "extremist" or a "conspiratorialist." His students spoke of him in awed tones as "a genius." One of his more distinguished students, President Bill Clinton [who was "anointed" for the Presidency by the Bilderbergers at their June, 1991 Baden-Baden meeting] has referred to Professor Quigley publicly on several occasions as having had an outstanding and formative influence on his view of the world.

Professor Quigley summarized this "network's" grand plan in this way: "Their aim is nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. The system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences."

Thus, the secrecy which surrounds Bilderberger meetings.

Not surprisingly, TRAGEDY AND HOPE, though written by Professor Quigley with the aim of recruiting support among more "enlightened" academics, publishers, politicians, labour leaders and business magnates for a planned New World Order, the foundations of which had already largely been laid, revealed too much. Within months of its publication, it was abruptly withdrawn by Macmillan, its publishers.

Additional information on the Bilderbergers and their background can be found at Paul Angus Sullivan's Web page at [scroll down to the section entitled "Russ Limbaugh's Greatest Fears"]. Paul, the President of Toronto's GLOBAL MULTIMEDIA, has been engaged in an on-going public debate on this topic with Rush Limbaugh, the well-known American talk-show host. Paul can be reached by journalists at 416-483 8317 [mornings] and at 416-226 0317 [afternoons].

Journalists interested in finding additional documentary sources on Quebec separation, the planned breakup of Canada, and the continent-reshaping elite-sponsored James Bay-U.S. GRAND CANAL water diversion scheme will find these archived at Jeff Koftinoff's GRAND CANAL Web site at: http:// (moved to http:// [scroll down to the "Main Documents and Interviews" section].

Please note that, after sustained Internet exposure of the secret GRAND CANAL project during the last Quebec referendum, Premier Jaques Parizeau announced that the final, necessary, expansion of the James Bay dam system was "cancelled". A subsequent Quebec Hydro Press Release, however, declared it only "postponed until after 2005" - the projected date for Canada-U.S. Continental Union! The GRAND CANAL project will turn Canada's fresh water resources into a river of "liquid gold" for its elite backers, some of whom are Bilderberg members.

From: "John K. Whitley" [email protected] Subject: TORONTO STAR continues coverage of secret Toronto Bilderberg Conference


Toronto Bilderberg meeting Contact: John Whitley 416-481 4868/fax: 416-322 7238 e-mail: [email protected]

TORONTO, June 1st -- THE TORONTO STAR continued its unprecedented coverage of the secretive 1996 Bilderberg meeting with a large full-colour aerial photograph of the private $60 million resort ranch which is the site of their conference prominently displayed across the front page of the paper's Business Section. The bold print caption read HEAVY SECRECY AT VIP CENTRAL.

The Bilderbergers, an elite, publicity-shy group of 120 of the world's wealthiest and most influential people, meet annually in different parts of the world for private discussions. No list of attendees is usually released, no agenda is published, and the participants are sworn to secrecy. Bilderberger meetings are not usually even mentioned by the major media.

The TORONTO STAR's persistent and professional coverage of this story has been record-breaking in several ways: they are the first major newspaper ever to scrutinize a Bilderberg Conference in such a courageous and critical fashion; their coverage has resulted in the first-ever listing of attendees at an on-going Conference; and they appear to have prompted a Bilderberg spokesman, for the first time in the organization's secretive history, to produce an "agenda" for the elite group's discussions. Since journalists are barred from the meetings, however, and since no final decisions are ever released to the Press, there is of course no way in which the accuracy or completeness of such an agenda can be verified.

Conference participants include European royalty; major international financiers and supranational agency chairmen; key U.S., Canadian and European politicians; a representative of President Clinton [who was "anointed" for the Presidency by the Bilderbergers at their 1991 Baden-Baden meeting, which he attended]; and assorted titans of industry and commerce.

Their four-day, private and closely-guarded meeting at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce's luxurious King Ranch "leadership centre", outside King City, just north of Toronto, ends on June 2nd.

Toronto and other media were first alerted to this well-concealed meeting by Press Releases from the Toronto-based NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE, the Web page address for which is http://

In a separate story headined BILDERBERG SECRECY LID INTACT, John Deverell, a business reporter for the TORONTO STAR, noted that "THE SPOTLIGHT, a right-wing populist newsweekly based in Washington, D.C., for example, claims that Bilderberg is part of a larger scheme to squelch nationalism in Europe and the United States, and establish a European superstate that will join an 'America Union and an Asia-Pacific Union'".

For example, financial titan David Rockefeller, who is attending the meeting, has expressed a desire to see NAFTA spread "from Alaska to Chile." [Ed's note: This is FTAA.]

Deverell also quotes an lengthy Internet summary on the Bilderbergers posted by Brian Redman, which included the assertion that "The role of the Bilderberg group is a one-world totalitarian, socialist government and economic system." Brian is a frequent and highly-respected Internet contributor.

This assertion, as noted in yesterday's Press Release, has been confirmed by Professor Carroll Quigley, a distinguished member of the faculty of Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, in his revealing 1966 book, TRAGEDY AND HOPE. The massive 1300-page scholarly volume was abruptly withdrawn by Macmillan months after being published. Professor Quigley, who was associated with this group, has been spoken of in terms of adulation by one of his most prominent ex- students, President Bill Clinton, who has said repeatedly and publicly that Quigley shaped his view of the world. Professor Quigley was in agreement with the aims of the Bilderbergers, and supported them. Journalists seeking detailed background information on the Bilderberg and its members will find an excellent, detailed article on the organization at the NEXUS MAGAZINE Web site, the address of which is http:// [this site is also mirrored, for U.S. and Canadian readers, at http://]: scroll down the first, index, page until you come to the item "Article on the Bilderbergers from the Dec. '95 - Jan. '96 Issue of Nexus Magazine.

As reported in our previous Press Releases, THE NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE has also learned from its own sources that one of the items on the agenda of this year's Bilderberg Conference is a prearranged Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) by Quebec, leading to the breakup of Canada and its eventual absorbtion into Continental Union with the United States by the year 2005. We anticipate, for a variety of reasons, that this UDI will be declared between February and April, 1997.

When we first shared information on the planned destruction of Canada with Canadian journalists and media outlets, over three years ago, it was greeted with incredulity. However, since then our assertions have been confirmed in virtually every detail from an entirely unexpected direction.

Lansing Lamont, for 10 years Managing Director of the Canadian Desk of the Americas Society [a Rockefeller organization] published a 1994 book entitled BREAKUP: THE COMING END OF CANADA AND THE STATES FOR AMERICA. In a chaper entitled "ADIEAU QUEBEC" he confirmed to the last detail every one of our prior assertions, which had been drawn from other, unimpeachable private sources.

The scenario basically is as follows:

* Quebec declares Unilateral Declaration of Independence. This removes the impediment otherwise faced in attempting to merge a bi-lingual country [Canada] with a uni-lingual one [the U.S.], even as it provides the trigger for the catastrophic and irreversible breakup of Canada.

* the Cree indians, unwilling to remain in an independent Quebec, rise up in the Ungava Rebellion, appeal to the Canadian government to honour Crown treaties with the Cree, and attempt to retain their lands and loyalty to Canada.

* a three-way civil war erupts, involving the Cree, Quebec and Canadian Forces. The Cree seize the massive James Bay hydro- generating facilities in Northern Quebec and sabotage them, causing massive power outages in Quebec which ripple through the grid down the entire east coast of North America.

* the U.S. government, under heavy pressure at home, sends the U.S. Army's 10th Mountain Division, a crack 10,000 shock assault Division permanently stationed at Fort Drum, N.Y., just south of the international bridge near Cornwall, Ontario, into Canada to "assist" the overwhelmed Canadian forces and to "re-take" James Bay.

* at the conclusion of the conflict, the massive James Bay fresh-water reservoir [which, at 500 miles by 121 miles, fed by 20 Arctic rivers, is the largest in the world] and the huge hydro-electrical generating facilities are purchased from the Cree, on whose land they are, for "pennies on the dollar" by the elite-backed GRAND CANAL CORPORATION, some of whose owners are Bilderbergers.

* Canadians, dispirited by a shattered country, are offered a new "National Dream" - the construction of the massive GRAND CANAL infrastructure, which will channel James Bay fresh water to the Great Lakes, from there to go down the Mississippi and other river systems to Texas and northern Mexico; a second section will funnel water out of Lake Superior westward to Lake Diefenbaker and the Rafferty-Almeda dams, from where it will be piped down to the dry southwestern states. The continuing profits will be astronomical.

* Canada, by now broken up into regions, will slowly drift into the embrace of the United States by 2005, in full Continental Union. The crippling public debt associated with GRAND CANAL construction will have impoverished the nation indescribably and will have led to a series of financial crises.

Though he was apparently careful not to mention the massive GRAND CANAL project and its backers, Lamont confirmed the outline above in every other key detail.

Since the NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE editor extensively publicized this huge secret water-diversion scheme on the Internet, during the last Quebec Referendum campaign, the elite appear to have modified their strategy. As one of his last official acts before resigning, Quebec Premier Jacques Parizeau announced that the final, essential dam project in the James Bay reservoir system had been cancelled. A subsequent Hydro Quebec Press Release later modified that statement by saying that it had been "postponed until after 2005."

Those recipents of the printed edition of this Press Release who still find this too incredible to believe should examine with care the accompanying maps of the entire GRAND CANAL project drawn from ex-Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa's book, POWER FROM THE NORTH. Bourassa was reported by the reliable WASHINGTON OBSERVER NEWSLETTER to have attended the 1971 Bilderberg Conference at the Rockefeller- owned Woodstock Inn, in Vermont, along with Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. His book appeared after that meeting.

Interested journalists can find background documents and interviews on the GRAND CANAL project and the breakup of Canada archived at Jeff Koftinoff's excellent GRAND CANAL web site at: http:// (moved to http://

When decisions and projects of this magnitude are being discussed, Bilderberger secrecy is not a luxury but a necessity!

The Bilderberg Group

The Bilderberg Conference in Toronto, Canada, May 30 - June 2, 1996 part 2

From [email protected] From: "John K. Whitley" Subject: BILDERBERG Conference ends; list of attendees...


Toronto Bilderberg Conference Contact: John Whitley 416-481 4868/fax: 416-322 7238 e-mail: [email protected]

TORONTO, 2nd June--The supersecretive 1996 Bilderberg Conference at King City, north of Toronto, ends today. As usual, the 120 assorted members of European royalty, internancial financiers, major newspaper publishers, heads of supranational agencies, leading U.S. and North American politicians, and selected titans of industry and commerce have managed to conceal - so far - the substance of, and the concensus reached after, each of their "Round Table" discussions.

The Toronto-based NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE [Web address: http://], which first alerted the Toronto media and wire services to this well- concealed huddle of the super-rich and -influential publicity-shy elite, has stated repeatedly, based on sources we consider absolutely reliable, that we understand that one of their main topics of discussion has been a prearranged Unilateral Declaration of Independence by Quebec. For a variety of reasons, we expect this to occur between February and April of 1997. The ultimate aim of the slow and prolonged destruction of Canada as a viable national entity which would follow is a predetermined Continental Union of Canada and the U.S. by the year 2005.

We invite you to remember which Canadians attended this Conference if Quebec UDI does in fact occur early next year: Premier Mike Harris of Ontario, recently-returned from his first-ever discussion with Premier Lucien Bouchard of Quebec, just prior to the Conference; Prime Minister Jean Chretien, whose "counsellor, strategist and advisor" for the past thirty years has been Mitchell Sharp, a key member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission; Paul Martin, Finance Minister, and a product of Paul Desmarais' - also a Trilateral Commission member - Power Corporation; Lloyd Axworthy, Foreign Affairs Minister; Conrad Black, ardent international businessman and Chairman of Hollinger, Inc.,; Frederik Eaton, wealthy scion of the Eaton department store family; Allan Gotlieb, former Ambassador to the U.S.; Anthony Griffin, Honorary Chairman, Guardian Group; Ted Rogers, communications and cable mogul; and Red Wilson Chairman of Bell Canada Enterprises.

David Rockefeller himself, the "titan of the Western hemisphere", is of course also in attendance.

Prime Minister Chretien "excused" his presence at this Conference by stating that the members of the Bilderberg Conference were traditionally welcomed by the Head of State of the host country. This is not in fact so: the Bilderbergers meet secretly as, when and where they want, without respect of protocol. One glaring example of this was the September, 1958, meeting at the Palace Hotel in Buxton, Derbyshire, England. One contemporary observer stated that:

The Mayor of Buxton, whose courteous function it was to welcome conferences to his town, was rudely ignored, as the Queen seems to have been, by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, whose presence on British soil one would have thought neccessitated a courtesy call on Her Majesty. Protocol goes by the board when esoteric international policies are to be discussed.

A.K Chesterton, the astute and informed author of THE NEW UNHAPPY LORDS, had this to say concerning the Bilderberg Conference: To the unsuspecting, all this might seem innocuous, almost fatuous. For instance, there might not appear to be much danger in a body that does not attempt to reach conclusions or to recommend policies. However, there are other factors to be taken into account. Quite a lot of money is needed to fly [120] delegates from all over the world to an annual conference. Who finds that money, and why? And who delegates the delegates? The author finds it hard to believe that the expense is incurred merely for the pleasure of staging discussions not aimed at any conclusions. Let their be no doubts about this business. When [such people] foregather it is not for the purpose of amiable chats and mutual back-scratching. If the Bilderberg Conferences reach no conclusions and recommend no policies, it is because the conclusions have already been reached and the policies determined, so that the delegates assemble to be told what the form is. They do not need to be given their orders. Once the form is declared they know well enough what is expected of them..."

Who indeed selects the delegates? Who sets the agenda? And who is "higher" than the Bilderbergers; who, by their own admission, "reach no decisions and come to no conclusions" during their Conferences?

Sharp-eyed observers might ask themselves who Mr. Carl Bildt, the cryptically-described "High representative" in the following list of Bilderberg attendees, represents.

Can a small coterie of international groups and national financial titans truly exert this amount of influence upon both the nature and direction of national policy and international events?

Respected author Malachi Martin, who has top-level connections in the Vatican and around the world, has written a number of interesting and revealing books on international politics and the Roman Catholic church and Pontiff. In THE KEYS OF THIS BLOOD, which centres on the life and connections of the present Pope, Martin made this intriguing statement:

"Television commentator Bill Moyers found out during a fifteen-day, globe-spanning trip in the company of David Rockefeller that 'just about a dozen or fifteen individuals made day-to-day decisions that regulated the flow of capital and goods throughout the entire world.'"

He quotes Bill Moyers himself as saying:

"David Rockefeller is the most conspicuous representative today of the ruling class, a multinational fraternity of men who shape the global economy and manage the flow of its capital. Rockefeller was born to it, and he has made the most of it. But what some critics see as a vast international conspiracy, he considers a circumstance of life and just another day's work... In the world of David Rockefeller it's hard to tell where business ends and politics begins."

Alex Constantine [[email protected]] began an intriguing Saturday, June 1st posting, entitled BILDERBERG: The Round Table Of The Fourth Reich, to the Internet newsgroup with these comments:

"As one editorial wit put it: "If the Bilderberg group is not a conspiracy of some sort, it is conducted in such a way as to give a remarkably good imitation."

The commentary came from G. Gordon Tether, a writer for England's Financial Times, subsequently ordered not to write about the organization again. Within a year he was squeezed out of his position at the newspaper."

This helps explain why Bilderberg meetings usually go completely unscrutinized by the media, and why the recent uninhibited TORONTO STAR coverage of the 1996 Toronto Bilderberg Conference is such an extraordinary event.

Before listing the attendees at this year's Conference, we would like to draw the attention of our U.S. media readers to the following facts, also largely or completed unreported.

THE NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE has already pointed out that President Bill Clinton was "anointed" for the Presidency at the 1991 Bilderberg Conference in Baden-Baden, which he attended. What was equally ignored by most of the U.S. media was that he then took an unexpected, unannounced trip to Moscow, directly from the Bilderberg meeting

He met for one-and- a-half hours, on Tuesday, June 9th, with Soviet Interior Minister Vadim Bakatin. Mr. Vakatim, a minister in the doomed cabinet of President Mikhail Gorbachev, was in the middle of campaigning in the fiercely-contestested Presidential election, the vote for which was a mere six days away - yet he took one-and-a-half hours out of his crowded schedule to meet unexpectedly with the internationally-obscure Governor of Arkansas. Why?

Mr. Bakatin's subsequent career might privide a clue. Although Gorbachev lost the Presidential election, Bakatin, a "reformer", was rewarded by President Yeltsin with the top spot at the KGB. It would appear that President Clinton was sent by the Bilderbergers directly to Moscow to get his KGB student-era, anti-Vietnam war files "buried" before anouncing his candidacy for the Presidency some two-and-a-half months later.

One of the few U.S. papers to run this story was the ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT, which did so under the headline CLINTON HAS POWERFUL BUDDY IN U.S.S.R. - NEW HEAD OF KGB.

It may come as no surprise, therefore, when we state that, through our own sources, THE NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE has learned that Bilderberger-backed President Clinton has promised President Yeltsin that, after he has won the upcoming U.S. Presidential election, Russian warships will be given full refuelling and other port privileges at all U.S. Navy bases. One wonders about the content of that intense 1991 private conversation with Mr. Bakatin.

The NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE would like to publicly say "Goodbye" to each of the shy Bilderberg attendees who've graced our city with their virtually-invisible but luminous presence during the past four days. We must all get together again, Queens, money moguls, assorted pols, and you, too, Big Dave! Be very sure that we'll be watching out for you.


THE UNITED STATES: * Paul Allaire [ Chairman of Xerox] * Dwayne Andreas [Chairman, Archer-Daniels, Midland] * Lloyd Benson [former Treasury Secretary] * John Bryan [Chairman, Sarah Lee Corp.] * William Buckley [the NATIONAL REVIEW] * Jon Corzine [Chairman, Goldman Sachs] * Stanley Fischer [International Monetary Fund] * Charles Freeman [Former Assistant Secretary of Defence] * Richard Holbrooke [former Assistant Secretary of State] * Henry Kissinger [former U.S. Secretary of State] * Henry Kravis [Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts] * Winston Lord [Assistant Secretary of State] * Sam Nunn [U.S. Senator] * William Perry [Secretary of Defence] * David Rockefeller [Chase Manhattan Bank] * Jack Scheinkman [Chairman, Amalgamated Bank] * George Soros [President, Soros Fund Management] * George Stephanopoulos [Senior Advisor to the President] * Alex Trotma [Chairman, Ford Motor Company] * John Whitehead [former Deputy Secretary of State]

CANADA: * Lloyd Axworthy [Minister of Foreign Affairs] * Conrad Black [Chairman, Hollinger Inc.,] * Jean Chretien [Prime Minister of Canada] * Frederik Eaton [Chairman, Eatons] * Al Flood [Chairman, CIBC] * Allan Gottlieb [former Amassador to U.S.] * Anthony Griffin [Hon. Chairman, Guardian Group] * Mike Harris [Premier of Ontario] * Paul Martin [Finance Minister] * Sylvia Ostry [Centre fot International Studies, Univ. of Toronto] * Ted Rogers [President, Rogers Communications] * Red Wison [Chairman, Bell Canada Enterprises]

EASTERN EUROPE: * Andrzej Olechowski [Former Polish Foreign Affairs Minister] * Flavio Cotti [Foreign Affairs Minister, Czech Republic] * Cornelio Sommaruga [President, Red Cross Committee, Czech Republic] * Gyorgy Suranyi [President, National Bank of

WESTERN EUROPE AND TURKEY: * Lord Carrington [Conference chairman: former NATO Secretary-General] * Martti Ahtissaari [Finnish President] * Giovanni Agnelli [Hon. Chairman, Fiat, Italy] * Anders Aslund [Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Sweden] * Francisco Pinto Balscmao [Former Prime Minister of Portugal] * Percy Barnevik [President, ABB Asca Brown Boveri, Sweden] * Queen Beatrix [the Netherlands] * Franco Bernabe [CEO, Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi, Italy] * Carl Bildt [the High representative] * Frits Bolkestein [Liberal Party leader, Netherlands] * Jaime Carvarja Urquito [Chairman, Iberfomento, Spain] * Bertrand Collomb [Chairman, Lafarge, France] * George David [Chairman, Hellenic Bottling, Greece] * Etienne Davignon [Executive Chairman, Societie Generale de Belgique, Belgium] * Gazi Ercel [Central Bank of Turkey] * Emre Gonesay [Governor, Central Bank of Turkey] * Westye Hoegh [Chairman, Leif Hoegh & Co.,Norway] * Jan Huyghebaert [Chairman, Almanij-Kredietbank Group, Belgium] * Jaakko Iloniemi [Former Finnish ambassor to U.S.] * Peter Job [Chief Executive, Reuters, Britain] * Lionel Jospin [Socialist Party leader, France] * Dietrich Karner [Chairman, Erste Allgemeine-Generali Aktiengesclischaft, Austria] * Andrew Knight [News Corp., Britain] * Max Kohnstamm [European Policy Centre, Belgium] * Phillipe Maystadt [Finance Minister, Belgium] * Ad P.W. Melkert [Social Affairs Minister, Netherlands] * John Monks [Union Leader, Britain] * Mario Monti [European Commissioner] * Theodoros Pangalos [Foreign Affairs Minister, Greece] * Jan Petersen [Conservative Party leader, Norway] * Malcolm Rifkind [Foreign Secretary, Britain] * Simon Robertson [Chairman, Kleinwort Benson Group, Britain] * Renato Ruggiero [Director-General, World Trade Organization] * Mona Sahlin [Member of Swedish Parliament] * Jurgen Schrempp [Chairman, Daimler-Benz, Germany] * Klaus Schwab [President, World Economic Forum] * Queen Sofia [Spain] * Peter Sutherland [former Director-General, GATT and WTO] * Morris Tabaksblat [Chairman, , Netherlands] * J. Martin Taylor [Chief Executive, Barclays Bank, Britain] * Franz Vranitzky [Chancellor of Austria] * Antonio Vitorino [Deputy Prime Minister,Portugal] * Karel Vuursteen [Chairman, Heineken, Netherlands] * James Wolfensohn [President, World Bank]

Are those who direct the Bilderbergers, the "just about a dozen or fifteen individuals [who make] day-to-day decisions that regulated the flow of capital and goods throughout the entire world.'" who Bill Moyers spoke of, now filling the positions of those individuals of whom President Woodrow Wilson wrote about in his book, THE NEW FREEDOM:

Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

Canadian and Americans will never know. The Bilderbergers, whether through fear or purpose, maintain their vows of silence. And the press, apart from the TORONTO STAR, have willingly shielded them in privacy.

We can now only await the outworkings of their secret deliberations.[Ed's note: Not if I have anything to say about it.]

From: "John K. Whitley" Subject: BILDERBERGERS and QUIGLEY: "Clinton's Communist Mentor"

I urge everyone who has been following the BILDERBERG Press Releases from Toronto and has seen my frequent references to Professor Carroll Quigley's book TRAGEDY AND HOPE, to cybersurf over to one of the following conferences and download a copy of an *excellent* and comprehensive overview of that elusive and invaluable book:

* * *


Or just go to AltaVista, DejaVu, Exite or SavvySearch and enter the author's name, [email protected], or the keyword "Bilderberger". You can download it from there.

Clinton has repeatedly praised Quigley for shaping his world-view. The all-too-revealing book was rapidly withdrawn by Macmillan, mere months after its publication.

From: "John K. Whitley" [email protected] Subject: Dole's Bilderberger VP - first result of that Toronto meeting

This significant and informative item is forwarded with Jay's kind permission. Please re-post it widely!

From: [email protected] To: [email protected], [email protected] ([email protected]) Subject: Dole's Bilderberger VP Date: Thu, 06 Jun 96 19:12:17 GMT

Today, June 6,1996,on a front page article in the Washington Times, the GOP was reported as being stunned by reports that Senator Bob Dole's vice presidential search committee wants Georgia's Senator Sam Nunn, a Democrat, to be his running mate.

I am not surprised.

The heads of state Republican Parties in Georgia, Minnesota, Maryland, and Wisconsin expressed confusion about the possible choice; some thought it might be a joke.

Maybe they are ignorant, maybe they believe the TV news.

Nunn, a 24 year senate veteran, is seen by some to be on the conservative side of the Democrat party, but was rated 22 out of 100 on a scale where 100 is perfectly conservative. He is a liberal socialist.

When the Democrats controlled the Senate, he headed the Armed Services Committee, which has destroyed America's defensive capability and is surrendering our military to the New World Order.

I saw this coming.

When I read the list of attendee's at the Bilderberger conference in Toronto last week (May30-June2), I wondered if they would annoint a candidate, as they did for Bill Clinton in 1991.

Nunn's name stuck out like a sore thumb! --Jay Reynolds [Ed's Note: The U.S. Military has NATO and "dwarfs the Bilderbergs and Trilateral Commission" according to Col. J. Fletcher Prouty.

From: "John K. Whitley" [email protected] Subject: BILDERBERGER's implement their 1996 decisions *fast*...!


Toronto Bilderberg Conference Contact: John Whitley FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE [416] 481 4868 fax: [416] 322 7238 e-mail: [email protected]

TORONTO, June 7th -- Events and decisions having major impact upon citizens of of the U.S. and Canada have flowed swiftly from the recent super-secretive Bilderberg Meeting in Toronto.

The Bilderbergers, a secretive group of 120 of the most influential and powerful people in the world, meet secretly once a year in a heavily-guarded location. Every participant takes a vow of silence and no press releases giving the substance of their discussions are ever made available to reporters.

This year, the assorted and elite group of royalty, international financiers, heads of international agencies, titans of industry and key U.S., European and Canadian politicians met privately May 30th to June 2nd at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce's extremely luxurious $60 million "leadership centre" at the King Ranch, just outside King City on the outskirts of Toronto.

The Toronto media and news services were first alerted to this meeting by Press Releases from the Toronto-based NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE, the Web site address for which is http://

Normally, Bilderberg meetings are never mentioned in the media. Conrad Black, the organiser of this year's Bilderberg Conference, owns more than 40% of Canadian newspapers.

On this occasion, however, the TORONTO STAR, one of Canada's few remaining independent newspapers and a paper distinguished by a long record of award-winning journalism, ran a major and unprecedented story on the 1996 Bilderberg Conference. The Friday, May 31st, edition of the newspaper contained a major article on the front page of the Business Section which listed the attendees.

In its news releases, THE NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE emphasized that it had learned from reliable sources that high on the agenda at this secret Bilderberg meeting was the privatization sale of the massive government-owned Ontario Hydro electricity production and distribution utility, a potential source of "pure money machine profits" for key investors. Also high on the secret agenda was a planned Unilateral Declaration of Independence in Quebec in early 1997, intended to fragment Canada with the aim of acheiving Continental Union with the U.S. by 2005.

We also pointed out that Bilderberg conferences choose and "anoint" new political leaders, and cited the example of then-governor Bill Clinton's "annointing" for the U.S. Presidency at the 1991 Bilderberg Conference in Baden-Baden, Germany.

This morning's TORONTO STAR, in a front page story headlined POWER CUT URGES FOR HYDRO, revealed that a Commission headed by Donald S. MacDonald has recommended to the Ontario Premier, Mike Harris, than one-third of Ontario Hydro's generating capacity should be sold to private businesses. MacDonald was appointed to head the Commission last November by Premier Harris, who attended last weekend's Bilderberg meeting.

Similar electricity utility sell-offs in England have led to windfall profits for those investors well-placed enough to corner shares, but to sky-rocketing price increases and widespread complaints of poorer service for consumers.

According to MACLEAN'S magazine, Southern Electric International, a subsidiary of the huge -based Southern Co., is "very interested" in investing in Ontario Hydro. Enron Corp., of Houston, Texas, has also made its interest known: Bill Harlinger, Ontario Hydro's Chairman, visited Enron two years ago.

Donald S. MacDonald was involved in an interesting exchange at the February 19th, 1996 public meeting of the MacDonald Commission, at the Holiday Inn in Guelph, Ontario. We are indebted to DISCLOSURE AND DISCOURSE, a monthly Ontario-based newspaper, for this this report:

"Why do you list such things as cross-country skiing and tennis in your curriculum vitae for the "Who is Who in Canada", yet omit to mention the most powerful job you've ever had?" [Charles] Frey asked MacDonald at the Feb. 19th meeting in Guelph. When the chair expressed ignorance, Frey produced documents that listed MacDonald as a member of the Trilateral Commission as well as a member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderbergers. After what [John] Bowlby described as a "stunned silence" in the packed Holiday Inn meeting Hall, MacDonald said he had resigned from the Bilderbergers. He made no mention of his current status with the Trilateral Commission.

The Trilateral Commision and the Bilderbergers, according to Holly Sklar, author of TRILATERALISM, are alliances of several hundred of the world's most powerful people whose aim is to control the world's resources. Trilateralists envisage the world as three economic superblocs - Europe, the Western Hemisphere, and Japan* - each with a single government and all under the umbrella of a world government. The Bilderbergers have been in existence since the early 1950's. American multi-billionaire David Rockefeller [NOTE: also present at the secret Toronto Bilderberg Conference] was organizer of the Trilateral Commission in 1973 with the help of Zbigniew Brzezinski, national security advisor to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter.

*[Ed's Note:Japan is now the "Asian Pacific Group" according to the latest publication of the Trilateral Commission which is based in New York City. See separate section on my Web site for the names of all the current Trilateal Commission members and their occupations as of 2001.

"What particularly concerned us was that another member of the committee, sitting up there with MacDonald at the meeting, was also listed as a member of the Trilateral Commission - Darcy McKeogh, the provincial treasurer who was ousted by former Premier Bill Davis", Bowlby said in a later interview.

[Ed's Note: Darcy McKeogh is not listed anywhere in my extensive research on the Trilateral Commission. That's not to say that he wasn't a member; it's just to say that after scrutinizing for the name, I didn't locate it. ]

A third familiar name on the membership list of the Trilateral Commission was that of recent Ontario Hydro Chair, Maurice Strong.

[Ed's Note: The same situation exists for Maurice Strong. I didn't see his name associated with the Trilateral Commission in any of my research either.]

"Strong is a close associate of Rockefeller, " Bowlby said. "He has been the trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and a member of the Council of Rockefeller University."

The newspaper had previously noted that:

The move to privatize Ontario Hydro began with high-profile Canadian industrialist Maurice Strong, hired by former Ontario Premier Bob Rae in 1992 to solve Ontario Hydro's $34 billion debt problem, following the overbuilding of nuclear plants. Strong now admits his staff cut of 7,000, stoppage of construction, and organizational restructuring were intended to lead to the breakup of the utility for privatization.

It concluded its report by pointing out that:

MacDonald chairs Seimens Electric, Ltd., of Mississauga, Ontario [a subsidiary of Germany's Siemens AG that has sold at least 50 gas turbines to world-wide utilities]. MacDonald is a director of the civil engineering firm Banister Foundation Inc., which has a subsidiary that specializes in hydro-electic plants. MacDonald is also a director of TransCanada pipelines Ltd., a major gas supplier that would benefit from a deregulated utility market.

MacDonald is reported to have said he would resign if these connections became a problem.

Journalists may contact Sue Potvin, Publisher of DISCOURSE AND DISCLOSURE at 613-826 2710 [fax: 613-826 1033; e-mail: [email protected]] A complimentary copy of that issue may be obtained by interested individuals by sending $4 to cover postage and handling to Discourse and Disclosure, 3296 Nixon Drive, Osgoode, Ontario K0A 2W0.

Finally, in what reporters described as a "baffling flip-flop", Quebec's separatist Premier Lucien Bouchard told a meeting of business and financial leaders in New York, June 5th, that sovereignty is now on the back-burner. This was followed by a report in today's TORONTO STAR headlined "ZERO" CHANCE OF SEPARATING, HARRIS SAYS, in which Ontario's Bilderberger Premier was quoted as making the "bold statement", before a U.S. business and investment audience, that "I think the chances of a separation between Quebec and Canada are zilch, absolutely zero. I don't see any possibilty." The STAR's reporter, William Walker, wrote that "The statements were by far Harris' boldest declarations on the national unity issue since he was elected a year ago."

Harris, of course, had just finished attending the Bilderberg Conference.

Since the NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE widely publicized, on the Internet and via Press Releases, the fact that a planned Quebec UDI, slated for early 1997, was on the agenda, we can only wonder if the Bilderbergers have done what they and similar secretive groups always do when their purposes are exposed, and simply re-drafted their plans and schedule. That would certainly provide Bilderberger Harris with his "certainty".

In the meantime, Ontario's hydro consumers will be the first to bear the cost of these secret deliberations. It goes without saying that Bilderbergers will be the first to profit from them. Names of Bilderberg Group Members and occupations:

David Aaron, Deputy National Security advisor David Abshire, Chairman of Bilderberg Giovanni Agnelli, Head of Fiat Graham T. Allison, Dean of the Kennedy School at Harvard University David Astor, Editor, London Observer George Ball, Underscretary of State Rayner Barzel, Top German CDU Politician Max Bauer, Mayor of Hamburg Sir Frederick Bennett, British Secretary of the Steering Committee, Rhodesian Bar since the 1940s; Chairman of London based Foreign Affairs Research Institute (FARI) whose purpose is "the propagation of warnings about the Soviet danger" Fred Bergsten, U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs Prince Bernhard, Founder and Chairman of the Bilderbergs, Netherlands George Berthoin, France Nuri Birgi W. Michael Blumenthal, Trilateral Commission member, Treasury Secretary Irving Brown, AFL-CIO Zbigniew Brzesinski, National Security Administration under Carter, Trilateral Commission originator with David Rockefeller McGeorge Bundy, Assistant to President Kennedy William Bundy, Editor of Foreign Affairs and top Vietnam War planner Guido Carli, Former Bank of Italy head; now head of industrials organizations confindustria Sir Paul Chambers, Ex-Chairman of Imperial Chemical Industries Ray Cline, Former Deputy Director CIA John S. Coleman, President Burroughs Corporation, U.S. Chairman of Bilderberg briefly Emilio Collado, U.S. Representative on OECD Business & Industry Committee; Executive of Exxon; Director of J. P. Morgan & Morgan Guaranty Trust Banks August Cool, Belgian trade union bureaucrat Richard Cooper, Undersecretary of State for Economic Affairs Andrew Cordier, Dean of School of International Affairs at Columbia University 1962-68 & Acting President during the student occupation of 1968 Rolf Dahrendorf, Former Commissioner for External Affairs Arthur Dean, Co-Chairman of Bilderbergs along with H.J. Heinz II; Trustee of the Asia Foundation; well known conduit for CIA money into Asia studies; a Director of the Council on Foreign Relations, 1955-1972; Chairman of the Institute of Pacific Relations 1950-1952 Alcide de Gasperi, Architect of Post War Italian Christian Democracy; Prime Minister Edmond de Rothschild, French Banker Allen Dulles, CIA Director Sir John Foster, barrister Sir Oliver Franks, U.K. Hugh Gaitskere, British Labor Party leader Ian Gilmore, Prime Minister Thatcher Foreign Office spokesman in the House of Commons; is on the FARI board; Ian Grieg, Deputy Director of FARI Anthony G. S. Griffin Sir Colin Gubbins, Head of Britain's Special Operations Executive Walter Hallstein, Germany; Foreign Affairs Minister William Averell Harriman, Former Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Former Assistant Secretary of State to LBJ Gabriel Hauge, President Eisenhower's Domestic Policy Chief; Chairman of Manufacturers Hanover Trust; Director of Council on Foreign Relations & Treasurer from 1964 Denis Healey, Britains Labor Party Minister of Defence (1964-1970) & Chancellor of the Exchequer (Treasury) 1974-1979; Chairperson of the IMF steering group; also a member of the Trilateral Commission since 1979 Richard Helms, Deputy Director CIA, plans (clandestine operations) J. H. Heinz II J. H. Heinz III, U.S. Senator Allan Hovey, Jr. Lord Hume, Chairman of Bilderbergs since Bernard's demise Hans Igler, President of Austrian Industrialists Federation C. D. Jackson, Special Assistant to the President for Psychological Warfare Daniel Jenssen Joseph E. Johnson, Head of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace & U.S. Secretary of Bilderberg Tom Jones, Chief Executive Northrup C. Fritz Karsten, Managing Director of the Dutch AMRO (Amsterdam/Rotterdam Bank); Treasurer of the Bilderbergs Kurt Kiesinger, Chancellor of West Germany 1966-1969; member of the Nazi party Max Kohnstamm, Trilateral Commission member Ole Bjon Kraft, Denmark's Foreign Minister Thorkill Kristensen La Malfa, Italy Arnold T. Lamping, Dutch Diplomat Joseph Luns, NATO Chief Sir William MacKenzie John J. McCloy, U.S. High Commissioner to Germany & Warren Commission member John McCone, Director of Central Intelligence replacing Allen Dulles JFK fired after the Bay of Pigs tragedy George McGhee, Bilderberg Executive Committee Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense Giovanni Malagodi, Italy, secretary of the Socialist Party of Industrial Workers Marjolin, Italy Johannes Meynen, Bilderberg Steering Committee Rudolf Miller, Lawyer, Germany Guy Mollet, Leader of French Socialists Walter Mondale, Vice President Jean Monnet, France "The Father of Europe" Headed the combined British-French Supply Committee Paul Nitze, Pentagon Niel Norlund, Denmark's Berkingske Tidende chief editor David Owen, British Foreign Secretary James A. Perkins, Foreign Economic Administration VP at Swarthmore, Carnegie Corporation 1950-1963; President Cornell University 1963-69; Former Trustee of the Rand Corporation Antoine Pinay, French Prime Minister Don K. Price, Social Sciences Research Council; Pentagon's Research & Development; Ford Foundation; Harvard University; Dean of the Kennedy Graduate School since 1958; Trustee, then Chairman of the 20th Century Fund; Trustee of Vanderbilt University; Rand, & the Rhoades Trust since 1968 Pietro Quaroni, Diplomat, Italy Jean Ray, First President of the Unified European Communities Dr. Joseph Retinger, sets the formation of Bilderbergs central role in the European Movement Walter Reuther, AFL-CIO David Rockefeller, Founder and Honorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission Lord Eric Roll, British civil servant, Combined (US/UK) Food Board & UK delegations to the OEEC, NATO, EEC, U.S. Treasury, IMF, & World Bank; Director, Bank of England, Chairman S. G. Warburg Common Market Trust Dr. Dennis Rhoodie, Brother of fugitive ex-secretary of the South African Department of Information Dr. Eschel Rhoodie, Head of Department of Information, South Africa Walter Rostow, Military advisor to President Kennedy Mariano Rumor, Premier of Italy, Christian Democratic Party Dean Rusk, Secretary of State to JFK & LBJ, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Paul Rykens, Treasurer of Bilderbergs; Unilever till his death in 1964 Paul Samuelson, MIT Professor, Consultant in Economic & Resource Planning Helmut Schmidt, Chancellor of West Germany Geoffrey Steward Smith, Director of FARI Walter Bedell (Beetle) Smith, Director, Central Intelligence Agency Baron Snoy et d'Oppuers, Secretary General of the Belgian Ministry of Economic Affairs; First Chairman of Marshall Plan Theo Sommer, Former Chairman of C.B.S. (media) Shepard Stone, Ford Foundation Franz Joseph Strauss, West German Defence Minister Arthur Taylor Otto G. Tidemand, Chief Executive Belgian Chemical Union Ltd Victor Umbrecht, Director of Swiss drug company CIBA-eigy Pierre Uri Cyrus R. Vance, Carter Cabinet member and member of Robert MacNamara's staff also E. H. van der Beugel, Bilderberg steering cmmittee; President of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines; Heads the International Institute of Strategic Studies in London Paul van Zeeland, Netherlands Otto Wolff von Amerongen, (father had been an early and substantial contributor to Hitler.) Bilderberg To Meet On Swedish Isle

The SPOTLIGHT has done it again, discovering where this year's meeting of the Bilderberg Group will be held. Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT By James P. Tucker Jr.

Bilderberg will hold its annual secret meeting at a resort near Gotesberg, or Go thenburg, Sweden May 24-28, The SPOTLIGHT has learned. Bilderberg will meet at the Quality Hotel Stenungsbaden, a luxury resort in Stenungsund, about 30 miles from Gotesberg. While accessible by land, the resort occupies an entire island off the coast. According to travel agencies, Bilderberg has chosen an ideal location for security purposes‹something it has always emphasized but has become even more sensitive about in recent years. Not only is the resort surrounded by a moat, but travel agencies report finding no accommodations between Stenungsund and Gotesberg. However, people who have traveled there say modest accommodations can be found. In this remote but luxury setting, Bilderberg will deploy armed guards at the gates and around the hotel. Often, when meeting in Europe, Bilderberg deploys the military as well, sometimes with dogs. The usual luminaries are scheduled to attend, including David Rockefeller and his valet, Henry Kissinger, who are also leaders of the Bilderberg brother group, the Trilateral Commission. Rockefeller shares power in Bilderberg with the Rothschilds of Britain and Europe, and has attended since meetings began under that name in 1954. However, Rockefeller is now more than 80 years old and has become stooped and feeble.

PLUTOCRATIC AGENDA The broad outlines of Bilderberg's perennial agenda are long known: universal free trade to create a world government under the United Nations and elimination of nation-states so the international plutocrats can turn everyone into wage slaves on their Global Plantation. But the specific actions planned for the coming year will only be known after SPOTLIGHT completes its penetrations of Bilderberg in Stenungsund. After then, you will be able to read in-depth reports in The SPOTLIGHT and on several web sites which will present the information as their own, without crediting this populist newspaper. Ever since its founding in 1975, and before this by its publisher, Liberty Lobby, this newspaper has reported on the secret meetings and often the plans of this enigmatic group, Bilderberg. It will be interesting to see if this year the important news will be reported in the controlled media.

Copyright 2001. All rights reserved

My immense thanks and gratitude to not only The Spotlight but to Brian Hill of the CIA-drugs listserv for providing me with the information on the Shadow Government. This confirms what I knew that it isn't sufficient to disband the CIA as President Kennedy wanted to do that caused his assassination because the Defense Intelligence Agency would take over the activities of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

National Security Council History of the NSC; 1947-1997

Establishment of the National Security Council

The National Security Council was established by the National Security Act of 1947 (PL 235 - 61 Stat. 496; U.S.C. 402), amended by the National Security Act Amendments of 1949 (63 Stat. 579; 50 U.S.C. 401 et seq.). Later in 1949, as part of the Reorganization Plan, the Council was placed in the Executive Office of the President.

the Free Congress Foundation, the Electronic Privacy Information Center, Cyber- Rights and Cyber-Liberties (UK) and the Omega Foundation. Echelon is perhaps the most powerful intelligence gathering organization in the world. Several credible reports suggest that this global electronic communications surveillance system presents an extreme threat to the privacy of people all over the world. According to these reports, ECHELON attempts to capture staggering volumes of satellite, microwave, cellular and fiber-optic traffic, including communications to and from North America. This vast quantity of voice and data communications are then processed through sophisticated filtering technologies.

This massive surveillance system apparently operates with little oversight. Moreover, the agencies that purportedly run ECHELON have provided few details as to the legal guidelines for the project. Because of this, there is no way of knowing if ECHELON is being used illegally to spy on private citizens.

This site is designed to encourage public discussion of this potential threat to civil liberties, and to urge the governments of the world to protect our rights.

Ed's Note: It's my understanding that every Email that is sent is monitored by the National Security Agency and every fax which is sent is too worldwide. Moreover, the undersea cables which carry telephone calls are monitored as well. I can prove that the U.S. instigates terrorism but when certain cultures retaliate, they are labled as terrorists. If the U.S. didn't terrorize, then the people who retaliate wouldn't have to retaliate so it is with pleasure that I bring this information and power to you because terrorism need not exist. It exists because my government in Washington DC caused it initially and because people are powerless. When powerless people have no other choice, they resort to terrorism according to Armond DiMele, psychologist with a radio program four days per week on WBAI Community Supported radio station in New York City.

17 March 2000. Thanks to DB.

We look forward to seeing and hearing James Woolsey and Duncan Campbell openly debate this controversy, in Congressional hearings, on global TV, the Internet, MilNet and IntelNet -- and all the Echelon surveillance stations based in countries of those who "can't compete with the US."

See transcript of Woolsey's March 7 remarks on economic espionage to the Foreign Press Center:


The Wall Street Journal, March 17, 2000

Why We Spy on Our Allies By R. James Woolsey, a Washington lawyer and a former Director of Central Intelligence.

What is the recent flap regarding Echelon and U.S. spying on European industries all about? We'll begin with some candor from the American side. Yes, my continental European friends, we have spied on you. And it's true that we use computers to sort through data by using keywords. Have you stopped to ask yourselves what we're looking for?

The European Parliament's recent report on Echelon, written by British journalist Duncan Campbell, has sparked angry accusations from continental Europe that U.S. intelligence is stealing advanced technology from European companies so that we can -- get this -- give it to American companies and help them compete. My European friends, get real. True, in a handful of areas European technology surpasses American, but, to say this as gently as I can, the number of such areas is very, very, very small. Most European technology just isn't worth our stealing.

Why, then, have we spied on you? The answer is quite apparent from the Campbell report -- in the discussion of the only two cases in which European companies have allegedly been targets of American secret intelligence collection. Of Thomson-CSF, the report says: "The company was alleged to have bribed members of the Brazilian government selection panel." Of Airbus, it says that we found that "Airbus agents were offering bribes to a Saudi official." These facts are inevitably left out of European press reports.

That's right, my continental friends, we have spied on you because you bribe. Your companies' products are often more costly, less technically advanced or both, than your American competitors'. As a result you bribe a lot. So complicit are your governments that in several European countries bribes still are tax-deductible.

When we have caught you at it, you might be interested, we haven't said a word to the U.S. companies in the competition. Instead we go to the government you're bribing and tell its officials that we don't take kindly to such corruption. They often respond by giving the most meritorious bid (sometimes American, sometimes not) all or part of the contract. This upsets you, and sometimes creates recriminations between your bribers and the other country's bribees, and this occasionally becomes a public scandal. We love it.

Why do you bribe? It's not because your companies are inherently more corrupt. Nor is it because you are inherently less talented at technology. It is because your economic patron saint is still Jean Baptiste Colbert, whereas ours is Adam Smith. In spite of a few recent reforms, your governments largely still dominate your economies, so you have much greater difficulty than we in innovating, encouraging labor mobility, reducing costs, attracting capital to fast-moving young businesses and adapting quickly to changing economic circumstances. You'd rather not go through the hassle of moving toward less dirigisme . It's so much easier to keep paying bribes.

The Central Intelligence Agency collects other economic intelligence, but the vast majority of it is not stolen secrets. The Aspin-Brown Commission four years ago found that about 95% of U.S. economic intelligence comes from open sources.

The Campbell report describes a sinister-sounding U.S. meeting in Washington where -- shudder! -- CIA personnel are present and the participants -- brace yourself -- "identify major contracts open for bid" in Indonesia. Mr. Campbell, I suppose, imagines something like this: A crafty CIA spy steals stealthily out of a safe house, changes disguises, checks to make sure he's not under surveillance, coordinates with a spy satellite and . . . buys an Indonesian newspaper. If you Europeans really think we go to such absurd lengths to obtain publicly available information, why don't you just laugh at us instead of getting in high dudgeon?

What are the economic secrets, in addition to bribery attempts, that we have conducted espionage to obtain? One example is some companies' efforts to conceal the transfer of dual-use technology. We follow sales of supercomputers and certain chemicals closely, because they can be used not only for commercial purposes but for the production of weapons of mass destruction. Another is economic activity in countries subject to sanctions -- Serbian banking, Iraqi oil smuggling.

But do we collect or even sort secret intelligence for the benefit of specific American companies? Even Mr. Campbell admits that we don't, although he can't bring himself to say so except with a double negative: "In general this is not incorrect." The Aspin-Brown Commission was more explicit: "U.S. Intelligence Agencies are not tasked to engage in 'industrial espionage' -- i.e. obtaining trade secrets for the benefit of a U.S. company or companies."

The French government is forming a commission to look into all this. I hope the commissioners come to Washington. We should organize two seminars for them. One would cover our Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and how we use it, quite effectively, to discourage U.S. companies from bribing foreign governments. A second would cover why Adam Smith is a better guide than Colbert for 21st-century economies. Then we could move on to industrial espionage, and our visitors could explain, if they can keep straight faces, that they don't engage in it. Will the next commission pursue the issue of rude American maitre d's?

Get serious, Europeans. Stop blaming us and reform your own statist economic policies. Then your companies can become more efficient and innovative, and they won't need to resort to bribery to compete.

And then we won't need to spy on you. Joint Chiefs of Staff If the United States needed to defend itself, then this would be a viable group of people to employ but the United States of America is the aggressor. Here are the facts. In 1899 after the United States successfully defeated Spain in the Spanish American War, U.S. military invaded the Philippines and performed the same atrocities that it would do sixty nine years later in Vietnam in My Lai village.

According to Stanley Karnow's Vietnam: A History The First Complete Account of Vietnam at War ©1983 The Viking Press, "The Philippines, the major possession to remain under American tutelage, were finally subdued after a protracted 'pacification' campaign which foreshadowed U.S. strategy in Vietnam."

Let's examine what pacification means. Webster's Third International Dictionary defines the term as "the act or process of achieving or restoring peace: elimination of disturbance: TRANQUILIZATION SUBDUAL What does this really mean, however?

In his brilliant book The Perfect War, Professor James William "Bill" Gibson (Ph.D. Yale University) published the following, "Refugee camps were not exciting in the sense of a new and wonderful life. One American soldier described the camp where former residents of Ben Suc were sent after the town was destroyed by the pacification program: I saw that resettlement camp, and it looked to me very similar to a Nazi concentration camp. Double barbed wire fences, machine gun towers. You could not get in or get out. These people were existing only, they were given just enough rice to keep alive, they were given Army blankets that the American Army was getting ready to destroy because they were worn out; they were living in tents that were damaged, almost useless, and there were American Military Police guarding this concentration camp initially, and then the South Veitnamese Army took over. And they started shooting without warning anybody that was within a certain area of the fence." (page 232)

Moreover, other nations must defend from U.S. agression or threat of agression so they purchase defense equipment in case they are attacked leading to a circuitous effect in which nations feel that they must defend themselves against the agression of the United States. The U.S. government continually deceives the American people as to the reality of all these actions such that the American people feel that the U.S. must defend itself.

After the Cold War ended, people thought now we can diminish the funding which goes for defense but it never happens. It is never diminished. It's time to end this folly so that the United States is just defending as it was established in the U.S. Constitution instead of being the aggressor. It is top secret information that every war since World War II ended has been instigated by the United States of America even the wars in which Americans military didn't participate. They have all been waged because the American people, a peace loving people, have been deceived. Ed's Note: The sixth edition of True Democracy will be devoted to the veterans, all the veterans.


Gibson, James William. 1986. The Perfect War: Technowar in Vietnam. Boston, : The Atlantic Monthly Press.

Karnow, Stanley. 1983. Vietnam: A History. New York: The Viking Press

See also: Francisco, Luzviminda. The First Vietnam: The U.S.-Philippine War of 1899. An Essay which is taken from a broadside, "The Philippines: End of an Illusion," published by the Association for Radical East Asian Studies in London, Copyright © 1973.

National Program Office

This program is so secret that the only information on it from two search engines is the Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) which claims to "provide[s] funding for projects to protect the Great Lakes.

It is my understanding that at least Lake Michigan is very polluted and has been for some length of time.

According to Dr. Boylan, the National Program Office "operates the Continuity of Governemnt project (COG), an ongoing secret project to maintain command, control, communication and intelligence executive centers during an extreme National Emergency by operating clandestine, secure, underground cities staffed by surrogates for above ground national leaders.

Federal Emergency Management Agency

From its Web site:

History of the Federal Emergency Management Agency

The Federal Emergency Management Agency - an independent agency reporting to the President and tasked with responding to, planning for, recovering from and mitigating against disaster - can trace its beginnings to the Congressional Act of 1803. This act, generally considered the first piece of disaster legislation, provided assistance to a New Hampshire town following an extensive fire. In the century that followed, ad hoc legislation was passed more than 100 times in response to hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters.

By the 1930s, when the federal approach to problems became popular, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation was given authority to make disaster loans for repair and reconstruction of certain public facilities following an earthquake, and later, other types of disasters. In 1934, the Bureau of Public Roads was given authority to provide funding for highways and bridges damaged by natural disasters. The Flood Control Act, which gave the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers greater authority to implement flood control projects, was also passed. This piecemeal approach to disaster assistance was problematic and it prompted legislation that required greater cooperation between federal agencies and authorized the President to coordinate these activities.

The 1960s and early 1970s brought massive disasters requiring major federal response and recovery operations by the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration, established within the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Hurricane Carla struck in 1962, Hurricane Betsy in 1965, Hurricane Camille in 1969 and Hurricane Agnes in 1972. The Alaskan Earthquake hit in 1964 and the San Fernando Earthquake rocked Southern California in 1971. These events served to focus attention on the issue of natural disasters and brought about increased legislation. In 1968, the National Flood Insurance Act offered new flood protection to homeowners, and in 1974 the Disaster Relief Act firmly established the process of Presidential disaster declarations.

However, emergency and disaster activities were still fragmented. When hazards associated with nuclear power plants and the transportation of hazardous substances were added to natural disasters, more than 100 federal agencies were involved in some aspect of disasters, hazards and emergencies. Many parallel programs and policies existed at the state and local level, compounding the complexity of federal disaster relief efforts. The National Governor's Association sought to decrease the many agencies with whom state and local governments were forced work. They asked President Jimmy Carter to centralize federal emergency functions.

President Carter's 1979 executive order merged many of the separate disaster-related responsibilities into a new Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Among other agencies, FEMA absorbed: the Federal Insurance Administration, the National Fire Prevention and Control Administration, the National Weather Service Community Preparedness Program, the Federal Preparedness Agency of the General Services Administration and the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration activities from HUD. Civil defense responsibilities were also transferred to the new agency from the Defense Department's Defense Civil Preparedness Agency.

John Macy was named as FEMA's first director. Macy emphasized the similarities between natural hazards preparedness and the civil defense activities. FEMA began development of an Integrated Emergency Management System with an all-hazards approach that included "direction, control and warning systems which are common to the full range of emergencies from small isolated events to the ultimate emergency - war."

The new agency was faced with many unusual challenges in its first few years that emphasized how complex emergency management can be. Early disasters and emergencies included the contamination of Love Canal, the Cuban refugee crisis and the accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant. Later, the Loma Prieta Earthquake in 1989 and Hurricane Andrew in 1992 focused major national attention on FEMA. In 1993, President Clinton nominated James L. Witt as the new FEMA director. Witt became the first agency director with experience as a state emergency manager. He initiated sweeping reforms that streamlined disaster relief and recovery operations, insisted on a new emphasis regarding preparedness and mitigation, and focused agency employees on customer service. The end of the Cold War also allowed Witt to redirect more of FEMA's limited resources from civil defense into disaster relief, recovery and mitigation programs.

Witt's plans were put to the test by the Great Midwest Flood of 1993 and California's massive Northridge Earthquake in January,1994. The agency's transformation was recognized as an integral part of the Clinton Administration's efforts to reinvent government and in 1995 President Clinton recognized the agency's accomplishments in his State of the Union address.

Today, FEMA - a 2,500-person agency supplemented by over 5,000 stand-by disaster reservists - has a mission to provide leadership and support, reduce the loss of life and property, and protect the nation from all types of hazards. FEMA provides preparedness and response and recovery support to the nation and, through Project Impact, provides leadership in preventing and reducing risk before disaster strikes. Initiated in October 1997, Project Impact focuses on creating disaster-resistant communities in all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. By taking action before disaster strikes, FEMA hopes to reduce the amount of federal money spent on picking up the pieces after a disaster - and hopes to reduce the risks for property loss and loss of life that every state faces.

Updated: May 28, 1999

[Ed's note: This is the public image of FEMA; we all know what the reality is from the work of Dr. Boylan in his description of The Shadow Government.

Bush puts FEMA in Charge of Domestic Terrorism Response by James Gerstenzang Los Angeles Times Staff Reporter May 9, 2001

Permission could not be granted to reprint this article but the Los Angeles Times Editorial staff person stated that I could make you aware of the story and direct you to their archives where you can read it there. Go to http://; click on Archives which is at the top of the main page. Type in "homeland defense" and press enter. You will see the very beginning of the article. The only problem is that you will have to pay to read the entire article. I don't know if you would be willing to do that and I don't know if you even need to read the entire article because we all know that terrorism is initiated by the U.S. government. If you don't know that, you do now.

Intelligence Branch

National Security Agency

What is the NSA?

The National Security Agency is the Nation's cryptologic organization. It coordinates, directs, and performs highly specialized activities to protect U.S. information systems and produce foreign intelligence information. A high technology organization, NSA is on the frontiers of communications and data processing. It is also one of the most important centers of foreign language analysis and research within the Government.

Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) is a unique discipline with a long and storied past. SIGINT's modern era dates to World War II, when the U.S. broke the Japanese military code and learned of plans to invade Midway Island. This intelligence allowed the U.S. to defeat Japan's superior fleet. The use of SIGINT is believed to have directly contributed to shortening the war by at least one year. Today, SIGINT continues to play an important role in maintaining the superpower status of the United States.

As the world becomes more and more technology-oriented, the Information Systems Security (INFOSEC) mission becomes increasingly challenging. This mission involves protecting all classified and sensitive information that is stored or sent through U.S. Government equipment. INFOSEC professionals go to great lengths to make certain that Government systems remain impenetrable. This support spans from the highest levels of U.S. Government to the individual warfighter in the field.

NSA conducts one of the U.S. Government's leading research and development programs. Some of the Agency's R&D projects have significantly advanced the state of the art in the scientific and business worlds. NSA's early interest in cryptanalytic research led to the first large-scale computer and the first solid-state computer, predecessors to the modern computer. NSA pioneered efforts in flexible storage capabilities, which led to the development of the tape cassette. NSA also made ground-breaking developments in semiconductor technology and remains a world leader in many technological fields.

Who is the NSA? NSA employs the country's premier codemakers and codebreakers. It is said to be the largest employer of mathematicians in the United States and perhaps the world. Its mathematicians contribute directly to the two missions of the Agency: designing cipher systems that will protect the integrity of U.S. information systems and searching for weaknesses in adversaries' systems and codes.

Technology and the world change rapidly, and great emphasis is placed on staying ahead of these changes with employee training programs. The National Cryptologic School is indicative of the Agency's commitment to professional development. The school not only provides unique training for the NSA workforce, but it also serves as a training resource for the entire Department of Defense. NSA sponsors employees for bachelor and graduate studies at the Nation's top universities and colleges, and selected Agency employees attend the various war colleges of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Most NSA/CSS employees, both civilian and military, are headquartered at Fort Meade, Maryland, centrally located between Baltimore and Washington, DC. Its workforce represents an unusual combination of specialties: analysts, engineers, physicists, mathematicians, linguists, computer scientists, researchers, as well as customer relations specialists, security officers, data flow experts, managers, administrative and clerical assistants.

Mission Statement

The ability to understand the secret communications of our foreign adversaries while protecting our own communications -- a capability in which the United States leads the world -- gives our nation a unique advantage.

Executive Order 12333 of 4 December 1981 describes in more detail the responsibilities of the National Security Agency. The resources of NSA/CSS are organized for the accomplishment of two national missions:

1. The Information Assurance mission provides the solutions, products and services, and conducts defensive information operations, to achieve information assurance for information infrastructures critical to U.S. national security interests. 2. The foreign signals intelligence or SIGINT mission allows for an effective, unified organization and control of all the foreign signals collection and processing activities of the United States. NSA is authorized to produce SIGINT in accordance with objectives, requirements and priorities established by the Director of Central Intelligence with the advice of the National Foreign Intelligence Board. ------National Security Agency/Central Security Service 9800 Savage Road Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-6000

Director: Lieutenant General Michael V. Hayden, USAF Deputy Director: Mr. William B. Black, Jr., SCES

Now, what is the real National Security Agency? the Free Congress Foundation, the Electronic Privacy Information Center, Cyber-Rights and Cyber-Liberties (UK) and the Omega Foundation.

Echelon is perhaps the most powerful intelligence gathering organization in the world. Several credible reports suggest that this global electronic communications surveillance system presents an extreme threat to the privacy of people all over the world. According to these reports, ECHELON attempts to capture staggering volumes of satellite, microwave, cellular and fiber-optic traffic, including communications to and from North America. This vast quantity of voice and data communications are then processed through sophisticated filtering technologies.

This massive surveillance system apparently operates with little oversight. Moreover, the agencies that purportedly run ECHELON have provided few details as to the legal guidelines for the project. Because of this, there is no way of knowing if ECHELON is being used illegally to spy on private citizens.

This site is designed to encourage public discussion of this potential threat to civil liberties, and to urge the governments of the world to protect our rights.

Ed's Note: It's my understanding that every Email that is sent is monitored by the National Security Agency and every fax which is sent is too worldwide. Moreover, the undersea cables which carry telephone calls are monitored as well. I can prove that the U.S. instigates terrorism but when certain cultures retaliate, they are labled as terrorists. If the U.S. didn't terrorize, then the people who retaliate wouldn't have to retaliate so it is with pleasure that I bring this information and power to you because terrorism need not exist. It exists because my government in Washington DC caused it initially and because people are powerless. When powerless people have no other choice, they resort to terrorism according to Armond DiMele, psychologist with a radio program four days per week on WBAI Community Supported radio station in New York City. 17 March 2000. Thanks to DB.

We look forward to seeing and hearing James Woolsey and Duncan Campbell openly debate this controversy, in Congressional hearings, on global TV, the Internet, MilNet and IntelNet -- and all the Echelon surveillance stations based in countries of those who "can't compete with the US."

See transcript of Woolsey's March 7 remarks on economic espionage to the Foreign Press Center:


The Wall Street Journal, March 17, 2000

Why We Spy on Our Allies

By R. James Woolsey, a Washington lawyer and a former Director of Central Intelligence.

What is the recent flap regarding Echelon and U.S. spying on European industries all about? We'll begin with some candor from the American side. Yes, my continental European friends, we have spied on you. And it's true that we use computers to sort through data by using keywords. Have you stopped to ask yourselves what we're looking for?

The European Parliament's recent report on Echelon, written by British journalist Duncan Campbell, has sparked angry accusations from continental Europe that U.S. intelligence is stealing advanced technology from European companies so that we can -- get this -- give it to American companies and help them compete. My European friends, get real. True, in a handful of areas European technology surpasses American, but, to say this as gently as I can, the number of such areas is very, very, very small. Most European technology just isn't worth our stealing.

Why, then, have we spied on you? The answer is quite apparent from the Campbell report -- in the discussion of the only two cases in which European companies have allegedly been targets of American secret intelligence collection. Of Thomson-CSF, the report says: "The company was alleged to have bribed members of the Brazilian government selection panel." Of Airbus, it says that we found that "Airbus agents were offering bribes to a Saudi official." These facts are inevitably left out of European press reports.

That's right, my continental friends, we have spied on you because you bribe. Your companies' products are often more costly, less technically advanced or both, than your American competitors'. As a result you bribe a lot. So complicit are your governments that in several European countries bribes still are tax-deductible.

When we have caught you at it, you might be interested, we haven't said a word to the U.S. companies in the competition. Instead we go to the government you're bribing and tell its officials that we don't take kindly to such corruption. They often respond by giving the most meritorious bid (sometimes American, sometimes not) all or part of the contract. This upsets you, and sometimes creates recriminations between your bribers and the other country's bribees, and this occasionally becomes a public scandal. We love it.

Why do you bribe? It's not because your companies are inherently more corrupt. Nor is it because you are inherently less talented at technology. It is because your economic patron saint is still Jean Baptiste Colbert, whereas ours is Adam Smith. In spite of a few recent reforms, your governments largely still dominate your economies, so you have much greater difficulty than we in innovating, encouraging labor mobility, reducing costs, attracting capital to fast- moving young businesses and adapting quickly to changing economic circumstances. You'd rather not go through the hassle of moving toward less dirigisme . It's so much easier to keep paying bribes.

The Central Intelligence Agency collects other economic intelligence, but the vast majority of it is not stolen secrets. The Aspin-Brown Commission four years ago found that about 95% of U.S. economic intelligence comes from open sources.

The Campbell report describes a sinister-sounding U.S. meeting in Washington where -- shudder! -- CIA personnel are present and the participants -- brace yourself -- "identify major contracts open for bid" in Indonesia. Mr. Campbell, I suppose, imagines something like this: A crafty CIA spy steals stealthily out of a safe house, changes disguises, checks to make sure he's not under surveillance, coordinates with a spy satellite and . . . buys an Indonesian newspaper. If you Europeans really think we go to such absurd lengths to obtain publicly available information, why don't you just laugh at us instead of getting in high dudgeon?

What are the economic secrets, in addition to bribery attempts, that we have conducted espionage to obtain? One example is some companies' efforts to conceal the transfer of dual- use technology. We follow sales of supercomputers and certain chemicals closely, because they can be used not only for commercial purposes but for the production of weapons of mass destruction. Another is economic activity in countries subject to sanctions -- Serbian banking, Iraqi oil smuggling.

But do we collect or even sort secret intelligence for the benefit of specific American companies? Even Mr. Campbell admits that we don't, although he can't bring himself to say so except with a double negative: "In general this is not incorrect." The Aspin-Brown Commission was more explicit: "U.S. Intelligence Agencies are not tasked to engage in 'industrial espionage' -- i.e. obtaining trade secrets for the benefit of a U.S. company or companies."

The French government is forming a commission to look into all this. I hope the commissioners come to Washington. We should organize two seminars for them. One would cover our Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and how we use it, quite effectively, to discourage U.S. companies from bribing foreign governments. A second would cover why Adam Smith is a better guide than Colbert for 21st-century economies. Then we could move on to industrial espionage, and our visitors could explain, if they can keep straight faces, that they don't engage in it. Will the next commission pursue the issue of rude American maitre d's?

Get serious, Europeans. Stop blaming us and reform your own statist economic policies. Then your companies can become more efficient and innovative, and they won't need to resort to bribery to compete.

And then we won't need to spy on you.

Ed's Note: The entire world knows that U.S. sanctions are killing the Iraqi people. This is far worse than a bribe in my opinion because millions of Iraqis are dying due to the sanctions. It's my feeling that if the U.S. would tell the truth then European companies wouldn't need to bribe if they do so to begin with. There is some question in my mind that these companies bribe. The notion of "adversary" is the means by which the U.S. government can maintain the status quo. People want peace but the elite don't want peace. Agencies like the National Security Agency are formed because they then maintain the hegemony of the most powerful nation on earth.

If power was used constructively that would be beneficial but power is used destructively leading to genocides and wars because of this notion of other countries being America's adversary.

National Reconnaissance Office


The NRO designs, builds and operates the nation's reconnaissance satellites. NRO products, provided to an expanding list of customers like the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Department of Defense (DoD), can warn of potential trouble spots around the world, help plan military operations, and monitor the environment.

As part of the 13-member Intelligence Community , the NRO plays a primary role in achieving information superiority for the U. S. Government and Armed Forces.

A DoD agency, the NRO is staffed by DoD and CIA personnel. It is funded through the National Reconnaissance Program, part of the National Foreign Intelligence Program.

In recent years, the NRO has implemented a series of actions declassifying some of its operations. The organization was declassified in September 1992 followed by the location of its headquarters in Chantilly, VA, in 1994. In February 1995, , a photoreconnaissance program in operation from 1960 to 1972, was declassified and 800,000 CORONA images were transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration. In December 1996, the NRO announced for the first time, in advance, the launch of a reconnaissance satellite.

Vision and Mission

As the 21st century approaches, the NRO is guided by its vision of being Freedom's Sentinel in Space: One Team, Revolutionizing Global Reconnaissance.

The mission of the National Reconnaissance Office is to enable U.S. global information superiority, during peace through war. The NRO is responsible for the unique and innovative technology, large-scale systems engineering, development and acquisition, and operation of space reconnaissance systems and related intelligence activities needed to support global information superiority.

Director, NRO

The Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space also serves as the Director of the NRO. The Director of the NRO is appointed by the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) and the Secretary of Defense after being confirmed by the Senate as the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space. The Director reports to the Secretary of Defense who, in concert with the DCI, has ultimate management and operational responsibility for the NRO. The DCI establishes collection requirements and priorities for satellite- gathered intelligence.


Ed's Note: Does anything more need to be stated about this agency? Any agency which would help the Central Intelligence Agency should not exist.

Information on the NRO was obtained by doing a search on my default search engine on the internet,

National Reconnaissance Organization by Jeffrey T. Richelson September 27, 2000

For more information: Jeffrey Richelson 202/994-7000 Michael Evans 202/994-7029

In September 1992 the Department of Defense acknowledged the existence of the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), an agency established in 1961 to manage the development and operation of the nation's reconnaissance satellite systems. The creation of the NRO was the result of a number of factors. On May 1, 1960 Francis Gary Powers took off from Peshawar, Pakistan on the U-2 mission designated Operation GRAND SLAM. The flight was planned to take him over the heart of the Soviet Union and terminate at Bodo, Norway. The main target was Plesetsk, which communications intercepts had indicated might be the site of an ICBM facility. 1 When the Soviet Union shot down his plane and captured him alive, they also forced President Dwight Eisenhower to halt aerial overflights of Soviet territory.

At that time the U.S. had two ongoing programs to produce satellite vehicles that could photograph Soviet territory. Such vehicles would allow far more frequent coverage than possible with manned aircraft. In addition, they would avoid placing the lives of pilots at risk and eliminate the risks of international incidents resulting from overflights.

The Air Force program, designated , sought to develop a number of different satellite systems-- including one that would radio its imagery back to earth and another that would return film capsules. The CIA program, CORONA, focused solely on developing a film return satellite.

However, both the CIA and Air Force programs were in trouble. Launch after launch in the CORONA program, eleven in all by May 1, 1960, eight of which carried cameras, had resulted in failure--the only variation was in the cause. Meanwhile, the SAMOS program was also experiencing difficulties, both with regard to hardware and program definition. 2

Concerns over SAMOS led President Eisenhower to direct two groups to study both the technical aspects of the program as well as how the resulting system would be employed. The ultimate result was a joint report presented to the President and NSC on August 25, 1960. 3

As a result of that meeting Eisenhower approved a first SAMOS launch in September, as well as reorientation of the program, with the development of high-resolution film-return systems being assigned highest priority while the electronic readout system would be pursued as a research project. With regard to SAMOS management, he ordered that the Air Force institute special management arrangements, which would involve a direct line of authority between the SAMOS project office and the Office of the Air Force Secretary, bypassing the Air Staff and any other intermediate layers of bureaucracy. 4

Secretary of the Air Force Dudley C. Sharp wasted little time creating the recommended new structure and procedures. On August 31st Sharp signed Secretary of the Air Force Order 115.1, establishing the Office of Missile and Satellite Systems within his own office to help him manage the SAMOS project. With Order 116.1, Sharp created a SAMOS project office at the Los Angeles headquarters of the Air Force Ballistic Missile Division (AFBMD) as a field extension of the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force to carry out development of the satellite. 5

The impact of the orders, in practice, was that the director of the SAMOS project would report directly to Under Secretary of the Air Force Joseph V. Charyk, who would manage it in the Secretary's name. In turn, Charyk would report directly to the Secretary of Defense. 6

The changes would not stop there. The urgency attached to developing a successful reconnaissance satellite led, ultimately, to the creation of a top secret program and organization to coordinate the entire national reconnaissance effort.

Several of the documents listed below also appear in either of two National Security Archive microfiche collections on U.S. intelligence. The U.S. Intelligence Community: Organization, Operations and Management: 1947-1989 (1990) and U.S. Espionage and Intelligence: Organization, Operations, and Management, 1947-1996 (1997) publish together for the first time recently declassified documents pertaining to the organizational structure, operations and management of the U.S. Intelligence Community over the last fifty years, cross-indexed for maximum accessibility. Together, these two sets reproduce on microfiche over 2,000 organizational histories, memoranda, manuals, regulations, directives, reports, and studies, totaling more than 50,000 pages of documents from the Office of the Director of Central Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, military service intelligence organizations, National Security Council, and other official government agencies and organizations.


Document 1 Joseph Charyk, Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense Management of the National Reconnaissance Program 24 July 1961 Top Secret 1 p.

The organizational changes resulting from the decisions of August 25, 1960 and their implementation left some unsatisfied. In particular, James Killian and Edwin Land, influential members of the President's intelligence advisory board pushed for permanent and institutionalized collaboration between the CIA and Air Force. After the Kennedy administration took office the push to establish a permanent reconnaissance organization took on additional life. There was a strong feeling in the new administration, particularly by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and his deputy, Roswell Gilpatric, that a better, more formalized relationship was required. 7

On July 24, 1961, Air Force Undersecretary Joseph Charyk sent a memorandum to McNamara attaching two possible memoranda of agreement for creation of a National Reconnaissance Program, along with some additional material.

Document 2 Memorandum of Understanding Management of the National Reconnaissance Program (Draft) 20 July 1961 Top Secret 5 pp.

This memo specified establishment of a National Reconnaissance Program (NRP) consisting of "all satellite and overflight reconnaissance projects whether overt or covert," and including "all photographic projects for intelligence, geodesy and mapping purposes, and electronic signal collection projects for electronic signal intelligence and communications intelligence."

To manage the NRP, a National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) would be established on a covert basis. The NRO director (DNRO) would be the Deputy Director for Plans, CIA (at the time, Richard Bissell) while the Under Secretary of the Air Force would serve as Deputy Director (DDNRO). The DNRO would be responsible for the management of CIA activities, the DDNRO and the Air Force for Defense Department activities. The DoD, specifically the Air Force acting as executive agent, would be primarily responsible for technical program management, scheduling, vehicle operations, financial management and overt contract administration, while the CIA would be primarily responsible for targeting each satellite. The office would operate under streamlined management procedures similar to those established in August 1960 for SAMOS.

Document 3 Memorandum of Understanding Management of the National Reconnaissance Program (Draft) 21 July 1961 Top Secret 4 pp.

This secondary memorandum was prepared at the suggestion of Defense Department General Counsel Cyrus Vance. It offered a quite different solution to the problem. As with the primary memo, it established an NRP covering both satellite and aerial reconnaissance operations. But rather than a jointly run program, it placed responsibility for management solely in the hands of a covertly appointed Special Assistant for Reconnaissance, to be selected by the Secretary of Defense. The office of the Special Assistant would handle the responsibilities assigned to the NRO in the other Memorandum Of Understanding. The CIA would "assist the Department of Defense by providing support as required in areas of program security, communications, and covert contract administration."

Document 4 Memorandum Pros and Cons of Each Solution Not dated Top Secret 2 pp.

The assessment of pros and cons favored the July 20 memorandum, listing five pros for the first solution and only two for the second. The first solution would consolidate responsibilities into a single program with relatively little disruption of established management, represented a proven solution, would require no overt organizational changes, would allow both agencies to retain authoritative voices in their areas of expertise, and provided a simplified management structure. The two cons noted were the division of program responsibility between two people, and that"successful program management depends upon mutual understanding and trust of the two people in charge of the NRO." It would not be too long before that later observation would take on great significance.

In contrast, there were more cons than pros specified for the second solution. The only two points in its favor were the consolidation of reconnaissance activities into a single program managed by a single individual and the assignment of complete responsibility to the agency Department of Defense (DoD) with the most resources. Foremost of the six cons was the need for DoD to control and conduct large-scale covert operations, in as much as it was an entity "whose normal methods are completely foreign to this task."

Document 5 Roswell Gilpatric, Letter to Allen Dulles Management of the National Reconnaissance Program 6 September 1961 Top Secret 4 pp.

On July 28, 1961, four days after receiving Charyk's memorandum and draft memoranda of understanding, McNamara instructed Air Force Undersecretary Joseph Charyk to continue discussions with the key officials and advisers in order to resolve any organizational difficulties that threatened to impede the satellite reconnaissance effort. The ultimate result was this letter from Deputy Secretary of Defense Roswell Gilpatric to Dulles, which confirmed "our agreement with respect to the setting up of the National Reconnaissance Program."

The letter specified the creation of a NRP. It also established the NRO, a uniform security control system, and specified that the NRO would be directly responsive to the intelligence requirements and priorities specified by the United States Intelligence Board. It specified implementation of NRP programs assigned to the CIA through the Deputy Director for Plans. It designated the Undersecretary of the Air Force as the Defense Secretary's Special Assistant for Reconnaissance, with full authority in DoD reconnaissance matters.

The letter contained no specific assignment of responsibilities to either the CIA or Defense Department, stating only that "The Directors of the National Reconnaissance Office will ... insure that the particular talents, experience and capabilities within the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency are fully and most effectively utilized in this program."

The letter provided for the NRO to be managed jointly by the Under Secretary of the Air Force and the CIA Deputy Director for Plans (at the time, still Richard Bissell). A May 1962 agreement between the CIA and Defense Department established a single NRO director. Joseph Charyk was named to the directorship shortly afterward.

Document 6 Joseph Charyk Memorandum for NRO Program Directors/Director, NRO Staff Organization and Functions of the NRO 23 July 1962 Top Secret 11 pp.

This memorandum represents the fundamental directive on the organization and functions of the NRO. In addition to the Director (there was no provision for a deputy director), there were four major elements to the NRO--the NRO staff and three program elements, designated A, B, and C. The staff's functions included assisting the director in dealing with the USIB and the principal consumers of the intelligence collected.

The Air Force Office of Special Projects (the successor to the SAMOS project office) became NRO's Program A. The CIA reconnaissance effort was designated Program B, while the Navy's space reconnaissance effort, at the time consisting of the Galactic Radiation and Background (GRAB) satellite, whose radar ferret mission involved the collection of Soviet radar signals, became Program C. Although the GRAB effort was carried out by the Naval Research Laboratory, the director of the Office of Naval Intelligence would serve as Program C director until 1971. 8

Document 7 Agreement between the Secretary of Defense and the Director of Central Intelligence on Management of the National Reconnaissance Program 13 March 1963 Top Secret 6 pp.

In December 1962, Joseph Charyk decided to leave government to become president of the COMSAT Corporation. By that time a number of disputes between the CIA and NRO had contributed to Charyk's view that the position of the NRO and its director should be strengthened. During the last week of February 1963, his last week in office, he completed a revision of a CIA draft of a new reconnaissance agreement to replace the May 1962 agreement (which had replaced the September 6, 1961 agreement). Charyk took the revision to Deputy Secretary of Defense Roswell Gilpatric. It appears that some CIA- suggested changes were incorporated sometime after Charyk left office. On March 13, Gilpatric signed the slightly modified version on behalf of DoD. It was sent to the CIA that day and immediately approved by DCI John McCone, who had replaced Allen Dulles in November 1961. 9

The new agreement, while it did not include all the elements Charyk considered important, did substantially strengthen the authority of the NRO and its director. It named the Secretary of Defense as the Executive Agent for the NRP. The program would be "developed, managed, and conducted in accordance with policies and guidance jointly agreed to by the Secretary of Defense and the Director of Central Intelligence."

The NRO would manage the NRP "under the direction, authority, and control of the Secretary of Defense." The NRO's director would be selected by the Defense Secretary with the concurrence of the DCI, and report to the Defense Secretary. The NRO director was charged with presenting to the Secretary of Defense "all projects" for intelligence collection and mapping and geodetic information via overflights and the associated budgets, scheduling all overflight missions in the NRP, as well as engineering analysis to correct problems with collection systems. With regard to technical management, the DNRO was to "assign all project tasks such as technical management, contracting etc., to appropriate elements of the DoD and CIA, changing such assignments, and taking any such steps he may determine necessary to the efficient management of the NRP."

Document 8 Department of Defense Directive Number TS 5105.23 Subject: National Reconnaissance Office 27 March 1964 Top Secret 4 pp.

This directive replaced the original June 1962 DoD Directive on the NRO, and remains in force today. The directive specifies the role of the Director of the NRO, the relationships between the NRO and other organizations, the director's authorities, and security. It specified that documents or other material concerning National Reconnaissance Program matters would be handled within a special security system (known as the BYEMAN Control System).

Document 9 President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board Memorandum for the President Subject: National Reconnaissance Program 2 May 1964 Top Secret 11 pp.

The 1963 CIA-DoD agreement on the NRP did not end the battles between the CIA and NRO--as some key CIA officials, including ultimately DCI John McCone, sought to reestablish a major role for the CIA in the satellite reconnaissance effort. The continuing conflict was examined by the PFIAB.

The board concluded that "the National Reconnaissance Program despite its achievements, has not yet reached its full potential." The fundamental cause for the NRP's shortcomings was "inadequacies in organizational structure." In addition, there was no clear division of responsibilities and roles between the Defense Department, CIA, and the DCI.

The recommendations of the board represented a clear victory for the NRO and its director. The DCI should have a "large and important role" in establishing intelligence collection requirements and in ensuring that the data collected was effectively exploited, according to the board. In addition, his leadership would be a key factor in the work of the United States Intelligence Board relating to the scheduling of space and airborne reconnaissance missions.

But the board also recommended that President Johnson sign a directive which would assign to NRO¹s Air Force component (the Air Force Office of Special Projects) systems engineering, procurement, and operation of all satellite reconnaissance systems.

Document 10 Agreement for Reorganization of the National Reconnaissance Program 13 August 1965 Top Secret 6 pp.

Despite the recommendations of the May 2, 1964 PFIAB report, which were challenged by DCI John McCone, no action was taken to solidify the position of the NRO and its director. Instead prolonged discussions over a new agreement continued into the summer of 1965. During this period the CIA continued work on what would become two key satellite programs--the HEXAGON/KH-9 imaging and RHYOLITE signals intelligence satellites.

In early August, Deputy Secretary of Defense Cyrus Vance and CIA official John Bross reached an understanding on a new agreement, and it was signed by Vice Adm. William F. Raborn (McCone's successor) and Vance on August 13, 1965. It represented a significant victory for the CIA, assigning key decision-making authority to an executive committee, authority that was previously the prerogative of the NRO director as the agent of the Secretary of Defense.

The Secretary of Defense was to have "the ultimate responsibility for the management and operation of the NRO and the NRP," and have the final power to approve the NRP budget. The Secretary also was empowered to make decisions when the executive committee could not reach agreement.

The DCI was to establish collection priorities and requirements for targeting NRP operations, as well as establish frequency of coverage, review the results obtained by the NRP and recommend steps for improving its results if necessary, serve on the executive committee, review and approve the NRP budget, and provide security policy guidance.

The NRP Executive Committee established by the agreement would consist of the DCI, Deputy Secretary of Defense, and Special Assistant to the President for Science and Technology. The committee was to recommend to the Secretary of Defense the "appropriate level of effort for the NRP," approve or modify the consolidated NRP and its budget, approve the allocation of responsibility and the corresponding funds for research and exploratory development for new systems. It was instructed to insure that funds would be adequate to pursue a vigorous research and development program, involving both CIA and DoD. The executive committee was to assign development of sensors to the agency best equipped to handle the task.

The Director of the NRO would manage the NRO and execute the NRP "subject to the direction and control of the Secretary of Defense and the guidance of the Executive Committee." His authority to initiate, improve, modify, redirect or terminate all research and development programs in the NRP, would be subject to review by the executive committee. He could demand that all agencies keep him informed about all programs undertaken as part of the NRP.

Document 11 Analysis of "A $1.5 Billion Secret in Sky" Washington Post, December 9, 1973 Not dated Top Secret 33 pp.

Throughout the 1960s, the United States operation of reconnaissance satellites was officially classified, but well known among specialists and the press. However, it was not until January 1971 that the NRO's existence was first disclosed by the media, when it was briefly mentioned in a New York Times article on intelligence and foreign policy.

A much more extensive discussion of the NRO appeared in the December 9, 1973 Washington Post as a result of the inadvertent mention of the reconnaissance office in a Congressional report. The NRO prepared this set of classified responses to the article, clearly intended for those in Congress who might be concerned about the article's purported revelations about the NRO's cost overruns and avoidance of Congressional oversight.

Document 12 E.C. Aldridge, Jr. (Director, NRO) Letter to David L. Boren, Chairman, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence 21 November 1988 Secret 3 pp.

The late 1980s saw the beginning of what eventually would be a wide-ranging restructuring of the NRO. In November 1988 NRO director Edward "Pete" Aldridge wrote to Senator David Boren, Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, concerning the findings of an extensive study (the NRO Restructure Study) of the organizational structure of the NRO.

Aldridge proceeded to report that, after having discussed the study's recommendations with Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci and Director of Central Intelligence William Webster, he was directing the development of plans to implement the recommendations. Specific changes would include the creation of a centralized systems analysis function "to conduct cross-system trades and simulations within the NRO," creation of a "User Support" function to improve NRO support to intelligence community users as well as to the growing number of operational military users, and the dispersal of the NRO Staff to the new units, with the staff being replaced by a group of policy advisers. In addition, Aldridge foresaw the establishment of an interim facility "to house the buildup of the new functions and senior management." The ultimate goal, projected for the 1991-92 period, would be the "collocation of all NRO elements [including the Los Angeles-based Air Force Office of Special Projects] . . . in the Washington, D.C. area."

Document 13 Memorandum of Agreement Subject: Organizational Restructure of the National Reconnaissance Office 15 December 1988 Secret 2 pp.

This memorandum of agreement, signed by the Director of the NRO and the directors of the NRO's three programs commits them to the restructuring discussed in Edward Aldridge's November 21 letter to Senator Boren.

Many changes recommended by Aldridge, who left office at the end of 1988, were considered by a 1989 NRO-sponsored review group and subsequently adopted.

Document 14 Report to the Director of Central Intelligence DCI Task Force on The National Reconnaissance Office, Final Report April 1992 Secret 35 pp.

This report was produced by a panel chaired by former Lockheed Corporation CEO Robert Fuhrman, whose members included both former and serving intelligence officials. It focused on a variety of issues other than current and possible future NRO reconnaissance systems. Among the issues it examined were mission, organizational structure, security and classification.

One of its most significant conclusions was that the Program A,B,C structure that had been instituted in 1962 (see Document 6) "does not enhance mission effectiveness" but "leads to counterproductive competition and makes it more difficult to foster loyalty and to maintain focus on the NRO mission." As a result, the panel recommended that the NRO be restructured along functional lines with imagery and SIGINT directorates. This change was made even before the final version of the report was issued.

The report also noted that while the NRO's existence was officially classified it was an "open secret" and that seeking to attempt to maintain such "open secrets ... weakens the case for preserving 'real' secrets." In addition, such secrecy limited the NRO's ability to interact with customers and users. The group recommended declassifying the "fact of" the NRO, as well as providing information about the NRO's mission, the identities of senior officials, headquarters locations, and the NRO as a joint Intelligence Community-Defense Department activity.

Document 15 National Security Directive 67 Subject: Intelligence Capabilities: 1992-2005 30 March 1992 Secret 2 pp.

NSD 67 directed a number of changes in U.S. intelligence organization and operations. Among those was implementation of the plan to restructure the NRO along functional lines--eliminating the decades old Program A (Air Force), B (CIA), and C (Navy) structure and replacing it with directorates for imaging, signals intelligence, and communication systems acquisition and operations--as recommended by the Fuhrman panel. As a result, Air Force, CIA, and Navy personnel involved in such activities would now work together rather than as part of distinct NRO components.

Document 16 Email message Subject: Overt-Covert-DOS-REP-INPUT 27 July 1992 Secret 1 p.

In addition to the internal restructuring of the NRO, 1992 saw the declassification of the organization, as recommended by the Fuhrman report (Document 14), for a number of reasons--to facilitate interaction with other parts of the government, to make it easier for the NRO to support military operations, and in response to Congressional pressure to acknowledge the obvious. As part of the process of considering declassification NRO consulted Richard Curl, head of the Office of Intelligence Resources of the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research--the office which provides INR with expertise and support concerning technical collection systems. Curl recommended a low-key approach to declassification.

Document 17 Memorandum for Secretary of Defense, Director of Central Intelligence Subject: Changing the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) to an Overt Organization 30 July 1992 Secret 3 pp. w/ attachments: Document 17a: Mission of the NRO, 1 p.

Document 17b: Implications of Proposed Changes , 4 pp. (Two versions) Version One Version Two

These memos, from Director of the NRO Martin Faga, represent key documents in the declassification of the NRO. The memo noted Congressional pressure for declassification and that Presidential certification that declassification would result in "grave damage to the nation ... would be difficult in this case."

Faga reported that as a result of an NRO review he recommended declassifying the fact of NRO's existence, issuing a brief mission statement, acknowledging the NRO as a joint DCI-Secretary of Defense endeavor, and identifying top level NRO officials. He also noted that his recommendations attempted to balance concerns about classifying information that realistically could not be protected, while maintaining an ability to protect matters believed to require continued protection.

Secretary of Defense Richard Cheney, DCI Robert Gates, and President Bush approved the recommendations in September and a three-paragraph memorandum to correspondents acknowledging the NRO and NRP was issued on September 18, 1992.

Document 17b comes in two versions, representing different security reviews. Material redacted from the first version includes provisions of National Security Directive 30 on space policy, statement of concern over "derived disclosures," and the assessment that the "high degree of foreign acceptance of satellite reconnaissance, and the fact that we are not disclosing significant new data," would not lead to any significant foreign reaction. Another redacted statement stated that "legislation . . . exempting all NRO operational files from [Freedom of Information Act] searches" was required.

Document 18 Final Report: National Reconnaissance Program Task Force for the Director of Central Intelligence September 1992 Top Secret 15 pp.

The end of the Cold War and collapse of the Soviet Union required the U.S. intelligence community and NRO to reconsider how U.S. overhead reconnaissance systems were employed and what capabilities future systems should possess. To consider these questions DCI Robert Gates appointed a task force, chaired by his eventual successor, R. James Woolsey.

The final report considers future needs and collection methods, industrial base considerations, procurement policy considerations, international industrial issues, and transition considerations. Its recommendations included elimination of both some collection tasks as well as some entire types of present and planned collection systems.

Document 19 NRO Protection Review, "What is [BYEMAN] ?" 6 November 1992 Top Secret 18 pp.

Traditionally, the designations of Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) compartments--such as UMBRA to indicate particularly sensitive communications intelligence and RUFF to intelligence based on satellite imagery--have themselves been classified. In recent years, however, the NSA and CIA have declassified a number of such terms and their meaning. One exception has been the term "BYEMAN"-- the BYEMAN Control System being the security system used to protect information related to NRO collection systems (in contrast to their products) and other aspects of NRO activities, including budget and structure. Thus, the term BYEMAN has been deleted in the title of the document and throughout the study--although the term and its meaning has become known by specialists and conveys no information beyond the text of any particular document.

This study addresses the use of the BYEMAN classification within the NRO, its impact on contractors and other government personnel, and the consequences of the current application of the BYEMAN system. The study concludes that placing information in the highly restrictive BYEMAN channels (in contrast to classifying the information at a lower level) may unduly restrict its dissemination to individuals who have a legitimate need to know.

Document 20 NRO Strategic Plan 18 January 1993 Secret 19 pp.

A study headed by James Woolsey (Document 18), President Clinton's first DCI, heavily influenced the contents of this early 1993 document. The plan's introduction notes that while some collection tasks will no longer be handled by overhead reconnaissance the "uncertain nature of the world that is emerging from the end of the 'cold war' places a heavy premium on overhead reconnaissance." At the same time, "this overhead reconnaissance challenge must be met in an era of a likely reduced national security budget." The strategic plan is described in the introduction, as "the 'game plan' to transition current overhead collection architectures into a more integrated, end-to-end architecture for improved global access and tasking flexibility."

The document goes on to examine the strategic context for future NRO operations, NRO strategy, strategic objectives, and approaches to implementation. Strategic objectives include improving the responsiveness of NRO systems by developing an architecture that spans the entire collection and dissemination process, from the identification of requirements to dissemination of the data collected.

Document 21 National Reconnaissance Office: Collocation Construction Project, Joint DOD and CIA Review Report November 1994 Unclassified 28 pp.

In an August 8, 1994 press conference, Senators Dennis DeConcini (D-Az.) and John Warner (R-Va.), the chairman and vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence accused the NRO of concealing from Congress the cost involved in building a new headquarters to house government and contractor employees. Previously NRO activities in the Washington area were conducted from the Pentagon and rented space in the Washington metropolitan area. The collocation and restructuring decisions of the late 1980s and early 1990s had resulted in a requirement for a new headquarters facility. 10

The accusations were followed by hearings before both the Senate and House intelligence oversight committees--with House committee members defending the NRO and criticizing their Senate colleagues. While they noted that some of the documents presented by the NRO covering total costs were not presented with desirable clarity, the House members were more critical of the Senate committee for inattention to their committee work. 11

This joint DoD and CIA review of the project, found "no intent to mislead Congress" but that "the NRO failed to follow Intelligence Community budgeting guidelines, applicable to all the intelligence agencies," that would have caused the project to be presented as a "New Initiative," and that the cost data provided by the NRO "were not presented in a consistent fashion and did not include a level of detail comparable to submissions for . . . intelligence community construction."

Document 22 Memorandum for Director of Central Intelligence Subject: Small Satellite Review Panel Unclassified July 1996

The concept of employing significantly smaller satellites for imagery collection was strongly advocated by Rep. Larry Combest of Texas during his tenure (1995-97) as chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. As a result the DCI was instructed to appoint a panel of experts to review the issue. 12

Panel members included former NRO directors Robert Hermann and Martin Faga; former NRO official and NSA director Lew Allen; scientist Sidney Drell and four others. The panel's report supported a radical reduction in the size of most U.S. imagery satellites. The panel concluded that "now is an appropriate time to make a qualitative change in the systems architecture of the nation's reconnaissance assets," in part because "the technology and industrial capabilities of the country permit the creation of effective space systems that are substantially smaller and less costly than current systems." Thus, the panel saw "the opportunity to move towards an operational capability for . . . imagery systems, that consists of an array of smaller, cheaper spacecraft in larger number with a total capacity which is at least as useful as those currently planned and to transport them to space with substantially smaller and less costly launch vehicles." 13

The extent to which those recommendations have influenced NRO's Future Imagery Architecture plan is uncertain--although plans for large constellations of small satellites have not usually survived the budgetary process.

Document 23 Defining the Future of the NRO for the 21st Century, Final Report, Executive Summary August 26, 1996 Unclassified 30 pp.

This report was apparently the first major outside review of the NRO conducted during the Clinton administration, and the first conducted after the NRO's transformation to an overt institution and its restructuring were firmly in place.

Among those conducting the review were former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. David E. Jeremiah, former NRO director Martin Faga, and former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence John McMahon. Issues studied by the panel included, inter alia, the existence of a possible alternative to the NRO, NRO's mission in the 21st Century, support to military operations, security, internal organization, and the relationship with NRO's customers.

After reviewing a number of alternatives, the panel concluded that no other arrangement was superior for carrying out the NRO mission. It did, however, recommend, changes with regards to NRO's mission and internal organization. The panel concluded that where the NRO's current mission is "worldwide intelligence," its future mission should be "global information superiority," which "demands intelligence capabilities unimaginable just a few years ago." The panel also recommended creation of a fourth NRO directorate, which was subsequently established, to focus solely on the development of advanced systems, in order to "increase the visibility and stature of technology innovation in the NRO."

Notes 1. Michael R. Beschloss, Mayday: Eisenhower, Khrushchev and the U-2 Affair (New York: Harper & Row, 1986), pp.241-42; John Ranelagh, The Agency: The Rise and Decline of the CIA, From Wild Bill Donovan to William Casey (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1986), p. 319; Gregory W. Pedlow and Donald Welzenbach, The Central Intelligence Agency and Overhead Reconnaissance: The U-2 and OXCART Programs, 1954-1974 (Washington, D.C.: CIA, 1992), pp. 170-93.

2. Kenneth Greer, "Corona," Studies in Intelligence, Supplement 17, Spring 1973 in Kevin C. Ruffner (Ed.), CORONA: America's First Satellite Program (Washington, D.C.: Central Intelligence Agency, 1995), pp. 3-40; Gen. Thomas D. White, Air Force Chief of Staff to General Thomas S. Power, Commander in Chief, Strategic Air Command, June 29, 1960, Thomas D. White Papers, Library of Congress, Box 34, Folder "2-15 SAC."

3. "Special Meeting of the National Security Council to be held in the Conference Room of the White House from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., Thursday, August 25, 1960, undated, National Security Council Staff Papers, 1948-61, Executive Secretary's Subject File Series, Box 15, Reconnaissance Satellites [1960], DDEL.

4. "Reconnaissance Satellite Program," Action No.1-b at Special NSC Meeting on August 25, 1960, transmitted to the Secretary of Defense by Memo of September 1, 1960; G.B. Kistiakowsky to Allen Dulles, August 25, 1960, Special Assistant for Science and Technology, Box No. 15, Space [July-Dec 1960], DDEL.

5. Carl Berger, The Air Force in Space Fiscal Year 1961, (Washington, D.C.: Air Force Historical Liaison Office, 1966), pp.41-42; Secretary of the Air Force Order 115.1, "Organization and Functions of the Office of Missile and Satellite Systems," August 31, 1960; Robert Perry, A History of Satellite Reconnaissance, Volume 5: Management of the National Reconnaissance Program, 1960-1965, (Washington, D.C., NRO, 1969), p. 20; Secretary of the Air Force Order 116.1, "The Director of the SAMOS Project," August 31, 1960.

6. Perry, A History of Satellite Reconnaissance, Volume 5, p. 20.

7. Jeffrey T. Richelson, "Undercover in Outer Space: The Creation and Evolution of the NRO," International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, 13, 3 (Fall 2000): 301-344.

8. Ibid.; GRAB: Galactic Radiation and Background (Washington, D.C.: NRL, 1997); Dwayne A. Day, "Listening from Above: The First Signals Intelligence Satellite," Spaceflight, August 1999, pp. 339-347; NRO, Program Directors of the NRO: ABC&D, 1999.

9. Perry, A History of Satellite Reconnaissance, Volume 5, pp. 93, 96-97.

10. Pierre Thomas, "Spy Unit's Spending Stuns Hill," Washington Post, August 9, 1994, pp. A1, A6.

11. Walter Pincus, "Spy Agency Defended by House Panel," Washington Post , August 12, 1994, p. A21; U.S. Congress, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, NRO Headquarters Project (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1995), pp. 3-4.

12. Walter Pincus, "Congress Debates Adding Smaller Spy Satellites to NRO's Menu," Washington Post, October 5, 1995, p. A14; Joseph C. Anselmo, "House, Senate at Odds Over Intel Small Sats," Aviation Week & Space Technology, January 1, 1996, p. 19.

13. Small Satellite Review Panel, Memorandum for: Director of Central Intelligence, Subject: Small Satellite Review Panel, July 1996.

Ed's Note: This is just another example of maintaining the status quo. The NRO only exists to monitor people in order to maintain the hegemony of the United States. There is no conceivable reason for this organization to exist other than that.

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

To understand what the CIA really is, read the book entitled Inside The Company by Philip Agee, a former CIA operative who describes the real CIA, not just the intelligence gathering capability of the agency. Then read the first edition of True Democracy (La verdad sobre la democracia) to see that President Kennedy wanted to disband this agency. This is one of the two agencies that he wanted to disband.

It is understood that gathering intelligence is not the only duty of the agency. The intelligence which is gathered then needs to be used by the government to its advantage to maintain the status quo. In fact, scholars state unoquivocally that the CIA is a tool of the elite to maintain the status quo not to help the mass of people who inhabit the earth. Formed in 1947 as the successor to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the CIA operates in every single country on earth. The agency meddles in foreign govenment's affairs for the benefit of the elite. The first election the agency controlled was the Italian election in 1947. Then, the agency overthrew the Mossedegh government in Iran in 1953 replacing it in the easiest coup it would ever undertake. It would later overthrow the government of the Shah as well because he wanted to do three acts that would have altered the status quo. Then, in 1954 the agency overthrew the Arbenz government in Guatemala because of its Communistic leanings.

The Vietnam War was not fought to prevent the Vietnamese people from turning to Communism. The Vietnamese people wanted independence in addition to the country being rich in rubber and oil such that the hegemony of the United States didn't want to forego the cheap resources and allow the country to have independence because if they had, all the other nations in the region would have followed suit so a war was begun with a lie to the American people by LBJ to obtain the favor of the American people to begin in earnest the war from which President Kennedy wanted to withdraw. See NSAM (National Security Action Memorandum) 263 for complete withdrawal which JFK signed and NSAM 273 which LBJ signed two days before JFK's assassination which accelerated the war literally turning it around with that NSAM signing.

Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Program -Carnivore from Fringefolk:

Here is the name & some information on the government search engine "Carnivore". Read how they do this. We need to scream bloody murder. This is the one that the SS Agents said they used to catch my email. And as you may remember jck said that her server has been accessed by the government search engine. Why? All she has on her web site are family photo albums. This is no laughing matter. This should scare everyone who has an ounce of common sense. http://

Urge Congress to Stop the FBI's Use of Privacy-Invading Software In today's electronic age, an invasion of privacy is only a point and click away. This fact has become increasingly clear in recent months as Congress has begun to ask questions about a new online wiretapping system that the FBI calls "Carnivore." The system forces Internet service providers to attach a black box to their networks - essentially a powerful computer running specialized software - through which all of their subscribers' communications flow. In traditional wiretaps, the government is required to minimize its interception of non-incriminating - or innocent - communications. But Carnivore does just the opposite by scanning through tens of millions of emails and other communications from innocent Internet users as well as the targeted suspect. It is as though the FBI suddenly believes it has the right and legal authority to send agents into the Post Office to rip open each and every mailbag and search for one person's letters. To use another analogy, Carnivore is like the telephone company being forced to give the FBI access to all the calls on its network when it only has permission to seek the calls for one subscriber.

Dozens of politicians from across the political spectrum have called on Attorney General John Ashcroft to suspend the use of Carnivore until Congress can determine its legality. Take action now to reinforce that message with your Members of Congress.

The Latest Waco Fireball

by James Bovard

The Waco ghost may be rising from the grave once more to place its ice-cold hand again on the neck of the Washington establishment. A new film and a new book by top Waco experts achieve the miraculous -- further shredding government credibility on the FBI's April 19, 1993 attack on the Branch Davidians.

Back in September 1999, Attorney General Janet Reno hand-picked establishment eminence and former U.S. Senator John Danforth (R-MO) to put the wooden stake in the heart of the Waco issue once and for all. Danforth, operating supposedly as an independent counsel, did his pious best -- and raced to release his report last summer just as rumor had it that he was a top prospect to be Bush's vice presidential candidate. Danforth basically exonerated the feds, saving his scorn for low-life Americans who dared criticize the government tank assault and gassing of the women, children, and men in the Davidians' home.

A key issue in Danforth's investigation was whether FBI agents fired on Davidians during the final attack. Rhythmic patterns on Forward Looking Infrared ("FLIR") tapes made from an FBI plane strongly suggested automatic weapons fire came from positions near the FBI . Danforth persuaded federal Judge Walter Smith to conduct a re-enactment last year of the final day's action. Danforth then proclaimed that the film from the re-enactment proved beyond a doubt that federal agents did not shoot at Davidians -- in large part because the muzzle flashes on the re-enactment were much shorter than the shots from the April 19, 1993 tape.

A new film, entitled "The F.L.I.R. Project," produced by Mike McNulty (one of the masterminds behind the 1998 Academy Award finalist documentary, "Waco: Rules of Engagement") reveals fatal flaws in Danforth's re-enactment. (The film is available at

On April 19, 1993, FBI agents relied on a commercial, off-the-shelf ammo -- the type that would be used by any hunter or shooter. For the March 19, 2000 Danforth-FBI re-enactment, however, the FBI used military-issue ammunition that had a special chemical coating on the gunpowder to reduce muzzle flash (helpful in preventing soldiers being detected in combat). The military ammo thus had a built-in flash suppressant.

Since a key issue was the length of the muzzle flashes, using flash-suppressing ammunition ensured that the re-enactment would be a farce.

The Danforth-FBI re-enactment further biased the test results by having the FBI agents use weapons with a 20-inch barrel -- instead of weapons with 14-inch barrels which agents carried on April 19, 1993. The longer a weapon's barrel, the less muzzle flash will be shown from each shot.

Again, this is a tricky way to do an accurate re-enactment. But the re-enactment produced the result that Reno and Danforth sought -- and Danforth proceeded to denounce the American people for thinking bad things about their federal masters. No doubt Danforth, the FBI, and others will continue to insist that there was no gunfire by FBI agents on April 19, 1993. But if the feds are innocent, why have they gone to such absurd lengths to fix the jury? The $12 million in tax dollars that Danforth spent for his Waco investigation should have been categorized as part of the public relations budget of the FBI and Justice Department -- or perhaps as a line item expense in the Clinton Legacy Project.

These revelations come on top of information that has already surfaced showing the Danforth investigation to be a sham. Danforth personally chose Vector Data Systems to carry out the tests, with U.S. military assistance, and to evaluate the results. Danforth repeatedly identified Vector as independent British company. But Vector is actually owned by Anteon, a large American corporation that on its webpage boasts of contracts with 50 federal agencies, including the White House Communications Agency.

A new book by former federal attorney David Hardy further batters the government's Waco fairy tale. This Is Not An Assault provides fascinating inside details on how private investigators squeezed out damning information on Waco -- how federal judge Walter Smith stifled lawyers at the trial last year to prevent jurors from learning of over a hundred items of evidence embarrassing to, or potentially incriminating, the federal government -- and how Republican congressmen (such as Dan Burton) and aides cowered and effectively aided the Clinton administration cover-up. Hardy's skill in hammering federal agencies with Freedom of Information Act requests was a decisive factor in making Waco a hot political potato in 1999. (Hardy's book will be soon available at http://

If President Bush and Attorney General John Ashcroft want to restore the faith of the American people in the federal government, they must open the vaults on Waco. The cover-up continues -- almost eight years after the final fire of Waco. Neither Bush nor Ashcroft should have any incentive to cover up the outrages of Reno and other Clinton administration officials. On the other hand, if Bush and Ashcroft do not have the will or gumption to force the FBI, the ATF, and the Justice Department to come clean about Clinton era abuses, what hope can we have of their honesty regarding any abuses occurring after January 20?

James Bovard is the author of "Feeling Your Pain": The Explosion & Abuse of Government Power in the Clinton-Gore Years (St. Martin's Press).

FBI Visits Activists Searching for BLA Soldier

by Ernesto Aguilar

Over the last year, several activists with the Anarchist Black Cross Federation have received visits from the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The most recent of these occurred in late February, 2001, in Jacksonville,, when the landlord of ABCF activists was questioned by FBI operatives. The FBI is in the middle of a manhunt for Black Liberation Army combatant Azikikwe Onipedo, accused of shooting at a police officer in Neptune, New Jersey. The Anarchist Black Cross Federation, in building its support and freedom programs for Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War, dialogues and works actively with many former Black Panthers and BLA soldiers. We also visit many of these prisoners, and involve them in work. It's presumed that this activity is what has drawn FBI harassment and surveillance.

These sorts of FBI activities should be exposed by all revolutionaries, and all should be aware.

Advice from the Center for Constitutional Rights can be found at http:// Know your rights.

Those interested in the Anarchist Black Cross Federation, starting a chapter or for more information about our work are encouraged to contact ABCF via its website at http:// e-mail at [email protected] or toll-free in the U.S. at 1-877-852-9500 ext. 332.

OPUS DEI and the FBI

by Ken Thomas

.GroupWatch was compiled by the Interhemispheric Resource Center, Box 4506, Albuquerque, NM 87196. http:// GroupWatch files are available at http://

Group: Opus Dei / Work of God File Name: od.txt Last Updated: 6/89 Principals: Msgr. Alvaro del Portillo (Prelate).(1) Category: Religious Background: Opus Dei ("Work of God") was founded in 1928 by a young Spanish priest named Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer in response to a divine command.(2)

He founded this Catholic lay organization to "tell men and women of every country and of every condition, race, language, milieu, and state of life...that they can love and serve God without giving up their ordinary work, their family life, and their normal social relations."(1) Opus Dei displays features of a cult, however, including worship of the founder--known as the "Father"--and self-mortification by its followers.(3) Josemaria Escriva wrote his most famous book, called "The Way," a compendium of 999 "maxims" that became Opus Dei's spiritual handbook.(3) He also saw himself as a latter-day knight, leading the faithful into battle against godless communism.(3) Msgr. Escriva, whom Pope John Paul II called "an unforgettable figure," died in 1975.(1)

In 1981, a beatification process was begun in Rome.(4) Msgr. Alvaro del Portillo, who had spent 40 years as Msgr. Escriva's chief aide, was named the first Prelate of Opus Dei in1982.(1,3,4)

Ascetism, anticommunism, a rigid hierarchicalism, religious militancy and secrecy have become the distinguishing marks of the organization.(3) Opus Dei has followed a deliberate policy of keeping its membership, hierarchy, rituals and rules hidden.(3) In an interview for the Catholic diosesan newspaper, the Brooklyn Tablet, Fr. Angel de la Parte Paris observed that Opus Dei professes a fundamentalist theology, condemns Liberation Theology, has no concern for social problems, leaves little freedom to an individual's conscience, and is associated with secular power structures.(5)

Opus Dei finds a strong supporter in Pope John Paul II. Barry James, in an article published in the Los Angeles Times, says that the Pope is "giving clear indications of his esteem for the conservative Opus Dei as a force that could regenerate lax moral values in the West and stand as a bulwark against communism."(2) The Pope has also taken part in the ordination of an Opus Dei priest.(1,2)

In 1982, Opus Dei received the status of personal prelature by decision of Pope John Paul II. The personal prelature status means that the organization is more autonomous, more flexible, and answers directly to the Pope through Msgr. Alvaro Portillo rather than through a bishop.(1) According to Penny Lernoux, The Nation's Latin American correspondent, Opus Dei forms part of a powerful group of Catholic organizations of U.S. origin that promote the Pope's political agenda.(6) Opus Dei has a hierarchical organization. Numeraries--a select group of people who belong to the middle or upper classes--hold a university degree, must be unmarried, and must pledge vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Below the numeraries are the associates, who have the same obligations as the numeraries, but come from the working class. A final category consists of "co-operators," or sympathizers, who can be Catholics or non-Catholic. This class division is rigorously enforced.(3)

To join Opus Dei, according to Msgr. Alvaro del Portillo, it is necessary that" each person must have received from God the specific vocation to dedicate himself (herself) to the specific aims of Opus Dei, and must meet the requirements necessary to undertake responsibly the commitments involved in that dedication."(4)

Membership with Opus Dei requires a contract which spells out the rights and the obligations which the members assume.(1) Opus Dei has some 73,000 members in eighty-seven countries, the largest number being in Spain and Latin America. It also influences 487 universities and high schools, 52 radio and television stations, 694 publications, 38 news and publicity agencies, and 12 film distribution companies. (3)

The group has received criticism for being connected to powerful institutions and for entering the field of education for the middle and upper classes.(2) Critic John Roche, a professor at Oxford University, has said, "I am convinced Opus Dei is a sect, a cult, a malignant growth upon the body of the church."(2)

Countries: Members in 80 countries, including: , American Samoa, Australia, Belgium, BN, Brazil, Chile, China, , Costa Rica, , Estonia, France, Georgia, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Honduras, Indonesia, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Perú, Philippines, Portugal, PU, Spain, Singapore, Swaziland, Uganda, United States, Venezuela, and South Africa.(1,7)

Funding: Funding comes from the tithing practice and voluntary donations of its members. "Co-operators" also donate to Opus Dei.(1,3,7)

Activities: According to Opus Dei, its main purpose is the general mobilization of Catholic lay men and women with the aim of making them clearly aware of their rights and responsibility in fulfilling their duties as consistent Catholics.(4) This religious task is carried out by Opus Dei members taking part in all human activities: social, cultural, and scientific.(4) In their professional and familiar surroundings, members carry out a constant personal apostolate on a one-to-one basis with those around them.(4)

Opus Dei works with worker groups in Spain, Argentina, Colombia, and Brazil; with youth clubs in Kenya, Nigeria, Japan, Puerto Rico, England, Canada, Australia, Portugal, Mexico, Belgium, Ecuador, Kenya, and Spain; with students in Costa Rica, Australia, Austria, Spain, the United States, England, Nigeria, Belgium, Uruguay, Philippines, Italy, Venezuela, Chile, Colombia, Canada, Ecuador, and Switzerland; with universities in Spain, , and Colombia; and with women's study centers such as the Escuela Tecnica de Hosteleria y Hogar Montemira in El Salvador, and others in Mexico, France, Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, Philippines, Peru, Brazil, United States, England, Argentina, and Italy.(7)

Spain: Opus Dei has its main base in Spain, where it has raised the largest contributions and enjoyed the most substantial political and economic influence. Opus Dei retained a strong influence on Spain's banking system and industry.(3) The Spanish branch has the largestmembership (24,000, some 5,000 of whom are numeraries), the biggest network of centers and schools, including Pamplona's University, and a business school in Barcelona with ties to Harvard University. Opus Dei members claim to control more than 150 companies and financial entities known as the "Holy Octopus."(3)

Critics allege that Opus Dei served the Franco dictatorship and works through right-wing parties in Spain. (2,3)

El Salvador: It entered in El Salvador in 1958. In 1985, the Catholic church appointed two non-native bishops. One of them, Fr. Fernando Saenz, is a member of Opus Dei. According to the Salvadoran Jesuit magazine, Estudios Centroamericanos, these appointments showed the Vatican's determination to control socially activist sectors in the church.(3,6) Opus Dei supports right-wing political groups in the country through its religious courses and schools, and through newspapers, magazines, and television outlets influenced or owned by members in El Salvador.(3,6)

Guatemala: Opus Dei runs a dormitory for male students who attend a university but receive additional education through the group. Opus Dei holds seminars "to change attitudes" of workers of all religions in Guatemala.(8) They also have programs for women and business owners and run a worker center called "el Centro de Formacion y Capacitacion Obrera Kinal."(8)

United States: U.S. membership remains small, at approximately 3,000. The U.S. branch was founded in Chicago by a Spanish priest in 1949. Opus Dei has established several student centers in Chicago, New York City, Milwaukee, San Francisco, Indiana, and Washington D.C.(3) A priest from the American Catholic church said that Opus Dei is a "devious, antidemocratic, reactionary, semi-fascist institution, desperately hungry for absolute power in the church. It ought to be forced either to come out into the open or be suppressed."(3)

Private Connections: Opus Dei is inseparably linked to the priestly Order of the Holy Cross, whose President General is the Prelate of Opus Dei.(4)

U.S. Address: Opus Dei, 330 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10025. Phone: 914-235-1201. [Ed's note: The area code for this address is not 914. It is 212. If you wish to call, however, try both.]


1. Russel Shaw, Working for God The World Over: What is Opus Dei, U.S. Information Office, 1985.

2. Barry James, "Unusual and Powerful Lay Organization Stirs Criticism in Roman Catholic Church," Los Angeles Times, Oct 7, 1985.

3. Penny Lernoux, People of God: The Struggle for World Catholicism, New York: Viking, 1989.

4. Prelate of Opus Dei, "20 Questions for Msgr. Alvaro del Portillo," brochure,1985.

5. Maryknoll Justice and Peace Office, "Salvadoran Military Cheer New Bishops," News Notes, vol. 12, no. 1, 1987.

6. Penny Lernoux, "Opus Dei and the Perfect Society," The Nation, April 10,1989.

7. Dominique Le Tourneau, El Opus Dei, Barcelona: Oikos-tau S.A. Editiones,1986.

8. Interview with Fr. Julio Ortiz, June 4, 1987.

Department of Energy Intelligence

From The Department of Energy Web site: The Department of Energy has a rich heritage of meeting important national goals in the areas of energy, national security, science, and technology. Its mission is to contribute to the welfare of the nation by providing the scientific foundation, technology, policy, and institutional leadership necessary to achieve efficiency in energy use, diversity in energy sources, a more productive and competitive economy, improved environmental quality, and a secure national defense.

The Department's foreign intelligence program is a component of the Intelligence Community. Its missions are: to provide the Department and other US Government policymakers and decisionmakers with timely, accurate, high-impact foreign intelligence analyses; to detect and defeat foreign intelligence services bent on acquiring sensitive information on the Department's programs, facilities, technology, and personnel; to provide technical and analytical support to the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI); and to make the Department's technical and analytical expertise available to other members of the Intelligence Community.

The Department traces its membership in the Intelligence Community to July 1947 when national leaders recognized that the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) had an appropriate foreign intelligence role and authorized AEC representation on the Intelligence Advisory Board. Following enactment of the National Security Act of 1947, the AEC's intelligence role was affirmed by National Security Council Intelligence Directive No. 1 of December 12, 1947. The Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 transferred the AEC's intelligence responsibilities to the Energy Research and Development Administration. They were subsequently transferred to the Department of Energy by the Department of Energy Organization Act of 1977.

Executive Order 12333 directs the Department to: provide expert technical, analytical and research capability to the Intelligence Community; to formulate intelligence collection and analysis requirements where the expert capability of the Department can contribute; to produce and disseminate foreign intelligence necessary for the Secretary of Energy's responsibilities; and to participate with the Department of State in overtly collecting information with respect to foreign energy matters. Substantive areas of the Department's intelligence responsibility include nuclear proliferation, nuclear weapons technology, fossil and nuclear energy, and science and technology. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978 greatly expanded the proliferation-related responsibilities assigned to the Department.

Ed's Note: Notice when this contingency of Energy came into being-1947 the same year as the CIA and reportable to the CIA. Notice also how it indicates "National Security." National Security is just a euphemism for "you stay ignorant so I can earn billions of dollars because you are." National security doesn't protect people like us. It protects the elite and the military. The United States government is the perpetrator of terrorism wherever and whenever it feels that the need would benefit the elite. Then, when others retaliate, it calls them terrorists or it creates terrorists as it did with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Wackenhut Corporation Connection with the Department of Energy Intelligence

A discussion on the Wackehnut Corporation - Salon's Table Talk (Politics) Forum - August 1999

This "conversation" took place over a few days in one of the Politics threads on Table Talk. There were other posts and other topics discussed. This is an extract. The participants are identified by a first name or initials. If you are familiar with WebX forums, you know that each post has a heading that identifies the poster, the number and time of the post, and possibly a "tag line" of the poster's choice. Those have been removed in the interest of brevity.

The Wackenhut discussion is interesting in the way it evolves, brings in outside sources, and makes connections with current and past events. This "thread" shows online discussion at its best. Note how the discussion is acompanied by links to other sources. Take the time to read the links. It adds to your knowledge and furthers understanding of what is going on. The posters will agree with me that this "thread" was a journey of discovery and led to a better understanding of Wackenhut and how it relates to many issues we are concerned with.

Enjoy. Susan: So where do we go from here? Wackenhut also provided "security" for Rocky Flats in Colorado. Check these out:

Mushroom cloud over Denver? - A top Department of Energy official is caught on tape worrying that security is lax at Rocky Flats weapons facility.


GOP heavy-hitters support Jeb Bush's foundation.

News-Journal Wire Services

MIAMI - A private foundation touted by gubernatorial candidate Jeb Bush as a grassroots educational group counts longtime Republican donors and some of Florida's biggest corporations among its top supporters.


October Surprise, Iran-Contra, Noriega, Iraqgate, and BCCI The Wackenhut Connection

The Wackenhut Security Corporation of , Florida, has long been suspected of being a CIA front. The right-wing politics of George Wackenhut, who had ties to Belgian fascists and South American death squads, are well known. But few people realize that Wackenhut, a small company with "only a few" employees, gets some choice assignments, including guarding nuclear reactors, nuclear weapons facilities, the Alaskan Oil pipeline, and several American embassies; or that its board of directors contains several luminaries from the FBI, CIA, and Army Intelligence, including Bobby Ray Inman. Wackenhut has led a covert crusade against whistleblowers at many nuclear power plants, using wiretaps to eavesdrop on them and various 'subtle' techniques to convince them not to talk; it also spied on Chuck Hamel, a critic of the Aleyska Oil Consortium's drilling policies, by setting up a fake environmental-law firm which sought to "pump" him for his sources. Wackenhut may have even used some operatives to try and help topple President Perez of Venezuela through a (failed) military coup, largely for money (rather than politics) it was given by Blanca Ibanez, the mistress of Jaime Luinschi, the former president.

Karen: Here is the connection to John Birchers' software program in it. That's where the value was -- in setting up all that hardware. And they needed to get the Inslaw in order to get the contract fulfilled.


It's my understanding that there are a number of companies -- that were built up along the lines of the Wackenhut security group -- that, in fact, owe their beginnings to intelligence personnel who were purged in the 1970's after the revelations of the involvement in Chile and with the involvement in the assassination attempts in Cuba, and the Bay of Pigs, etc.; and that the Brooks Intelligence Committee led to a certain amount of light being shined on these activities, and a number of these people were retired early, and they went into the private security field.

Also, these people, who went into the private security field, made an alliance with a number of wealthy rightwing individuals who collected private personal files, tracking liberals and potential trouble-makers to the numbers of thousands and tens of thousands of names. As a matter of fact, I did a story a few years ago on a case where the Los Angeles Police Department was told that they had to get rid of these files that they had been keeping from the 1960's and 1970's on radicals or whatever; liberals, really -- judges, etc. They lied and said they had destroyed this material, and then it was discovered in one of their officer's storage facility. And it was then discovered soon afterward that the contents of the files had been sent to an agency of the John Birch Society that specifically followed and created its own database on individuals.

So, you can believe that there are out there private organizations, that are well funded, that keep track of people whom they feel that the C.I.A. and the F.B.I. have been scared away from.

Ted: I was about to say that Wackenhut might be a part of the "diversification" of the CIA that the so- called Overclass started in the 1970's with the ring of Foundations (Overclass = The usual families). Steve Kangas wrote at length about this. But without further proof, it might just be Sci-Fi thinking. I have seen Wackenhut security in several complexes.

BT: I recall Wackenhut Security from a discussion about the privatization of security for national labs in the Reagan era. I also recall that the company had CIA or some-such connections and in effect, were the "lax security" that oversaw our laboratories.

John: Wackenhut Security is the only private security company that can operate on Military Bases, due to an old law....They are also the Security at Area 51 for what that may be worth.

Sure sounds like Cronies to me...Just think about a security system on a Military base not controled by the Military, or the Administration....Red Dawn could become White Dawn, working from the inside.


Allegations Regarding Vince Foster, the NSA, and Banking Transactions Spying, Part XXXII by J. Orlin Grabbe

8. Why has Wackenhut Corporation been guarding the bus station in Little Rock? If one of those buses has an accident, will it go BOOM? Wasn't Wackenhut guarding the facilities of Kennemetal when it was smuggling machine tools to Iraq? Wasn't Wackenhut guarding the facilities of Westinghouse when it was smuggling nose cones to Iraq?

Isn't there missing plutonium at some of the nuclear facilities Wackenhut is allegedly guarding? Wasn't Wackenhut guarding the Mena airport when it was this nation's drug- smuggling center?

Lee: But let's start at the beginning. Who are the corporate founders of the company Wackenhut (now that we've established links to Bush and CIA, let's take it step by step) What was their first security contract and who mandated it and stamped approval?

If it is true about the nose cones and secrets and weapons being illegally shipped while on their guard.....and it can be traced back to Reagan/Bush, and gotten to the papers it could blow off Shrub quickly.

What President other than Bush has ever pardoned drug smugglers? Why wasn't there a bru ha ha about it at that time. Why isnt there a bru ha ha now?

Next, IS Wackenhut tied to the privatized prison system in Bush's Texas as someone here indicated? What is the name of the company running the prison systems again? Any of the same people in Wackenhut?

Tom: Lee, I suppose they probably are tied to privatized prison systems.

The Wackenhut Corporation - Press Releases

September 1, 1999

Wackenhut Corporation Receives Multi-Site Contract for Commonwealth Edison

The Wackenhut Corporation is a leading international provider of integrated business services to major corporations and a wide range of industrial and commercial customers. Its principal business lines include security-related services; correctional services; and flexible staffing services. The Company is a leader in the privatization of public services for municipal, state and federal agencies, and has operations throughout the United States and in over 50 other countries on six continents.

The Wackenhut Corporation is the majority shareholder in Wackenhut Corrections Corporation (NYSE: WHC), a global leader in privatized corrections: designing, financing, building, and managing correctional and detention facilities for government agencies.

Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, August 6, 1999 - The Wackenhut Corporation (NYSE: WAK, WAKB) today reported an 18 percent increase in second quarter 1999 net income to $4.7 million or 30 cents a share on a fully diluted basis, from $4.0 million or 26 cents a share in the second quarter of last year. For the first six months of the year, net income increased 34 percent to $8.7 million or 57 cents a share on a fully diluted basis from $6.5 million or 42 cents a share in the first six months of 1998, prior to the cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle incurred in the 1998 first quarter.

Revenue increased 27 percent in the second quarter 1999 to $530.3 million from $416.7 million in the second quarter of 1998. Revenue for the six months increased 26 percent to $1.0 billion from $815.3 million in the 1998 period.

I take it that these are the guys making money from incarcerating cocaine abusers. Wonder how much money they donated to shrub's campaign?

Susan: Bingo! That's why I was looking into Wackenhut in the first place! Non-violent drug offenders bring in the bucks for Wackenhut in two ways - the building of prisons and housing them, and slave labor. I found Wackenhut contributed to Jeb's campaign in Florida, but I can't make heads nor tails of that FEC site for Shrub's contributors

Then there's the small matter of finding out if indeed Wackenhut provided security for Mena...and that videotape rumor circulating.

Wackenhut and security at the nuclear come Chris Cox never mentioned him in the Cox report?

Grace: I was searching Google for INSLAW Wackenhut and found this site. It's run by FAS, a group trying to get cold war documents declassified. There are links to numerous intelligence pages. Still looking for Wackenhut clues but thought other searchers would like this place.

Grace: Be warned, this is an article in Spy Magazine, 1992. I don't know anything about their reputation pro or con kookiness, but it give information on Wackenhut that should be verifiable.

"Our sources confirm that Wackenhut has had a longstanding relationship with the CIA, and that it has deepened over the last decade or so. Bruce Berckmans, who was assigned to the CIA station in Mexico City, left the agency in January 1975 (putatively) to become a Wackenhut international-operations vice president. Berckmans, who left Wackenhut in 1981, told SPY that he has seen a formal proposal George Wackenhut submitted to the CIA to allow the agency to use Wackenhut offices throughout the world as fronts for CIA activities."

Later in the article: "WE MET GEORGE WACKENHUT IN HIS swanky, muy macho offices in Coral Gables. The rooms are paneled in a dark, rich rosewood, accented with gray-blue stone. The main office is dominated by Wackenhut's 12-foot-long desk and a pair of chairs shaped like elephants‹ "Republican chairs," he calls them -- complete with real tusks, which, the old man says with some amusement, tend to stick his visitors. The highlight of the usual collection of pictures and awards is the Republican presidential exhibit: an autographed photo of Wackenhut shaking hands with George Bush (whom Wackenhut, according to a former associate, used to call "that pinko" as well as framed photos of Presidents Reagan, Nixon, and Bush, each accompanied by a handwritten note"

Susan: Here's a list of prisons Wackenhut operates -

Jim: Wow, what a page of pages. The next prison to be built around W. Pa. is in, Paulette's, Fayette county - 600 new jobs - that's all the people see - anybody have a dime for a re-habilitation center.

Those employees who would work in those prisons will make minimum wage and have NO benefits and suffer from high turnover.

Susan: Jim,

Jim: God; it gives new meaning to the words - kick-back, payoff, graft, corruption, all equating to "Privatize".

Chris: I have always known the privatization of prisons was bad. Now I know more. Consider this: George Voinovich was govenor of this State (Ohio) for 8 years. Now he is Senator.

Paul Voinovich (George's brother) builds private prisons. Just before election day last November, there was an article about money laundering by the Voinovich campaign. This was the day before the election. He was elected.

After that the investigation fell apart because somebody died and somebody changed his story. End of scandal.

The "colorful" Democrat Jim Traffacant from Youngstown, Ohio is also a force for the building of private prisons.

The new govenor, Bob Taft, is following in Voinovich's footsteps. The Republican party in this state has been taken over by the extremists. And I was worried about the Christian schools.

A Rehab Center OTOH would employ Professionals who would make a decent living and contribute much more to the Community.

But a Rehabilitation Center would actually HELP someone. Can't have that!

"Incarceration IS Rehabilitation".....GeoDumbya Susan:

As you can see, our Federal Prison system has a close and very unhealthy relationship with the Military/Industrial Complex in this country. What does this mean? Unicor/F.P.I. is a private government corporation that uses cheap inmate labor for profit and provides the Military with needed supplies and components for its imperialistic goals. This Government propaganda tells you the "F.P.I. is the number one inmate management tool for overcrowded Prisons," but it doesn't explain why Federal Prisons are overcrowded in the first place!

When you consider the evidence linking the C.I.A. - Iran/Contra - Bush/Noriega connection with the increase in drug smuggling over the past ten years, and the thousands of individuals incarcerated as a result of the "War On Drugs," maybe instead of "F.P.I. is the number one inmate management tool for overcrowded Prisons," it should read "Overcrowded Prisons are the number one tool for management of F.P.I.!" With over 80 factories across the vast chain of the Gulag Archipelago and untold billions in profit, Unicor is a very lucrative business to be in!

Over 1.8 million people are currently behind bars in the United States.[Ed's note: Now it is over 2 million.] This represents the highest per capita incarceration rate in the history of the world. In 1995 alone, 150 new U.S. prisons were built and filled.

Prison industries are often directly competing with private industry. Small furniture manufacturers around the country complain that they are being driven out of business by UNICOR which pays 23 cents/hour and has the inside track on government contracts. In another case, U.S. Technologies sold its electronics plant in Austin, Texas, leaving its 150 workers unemployed. Six week later, the electronics plant reopened in a nearby prison

Last one...promise!

Tom: Promises, promises.

Meanwhile, digging way down into the bit bucket, here's more fuel for the fire:


SPY Magazine - Sept 1992 - Volume 6

What? A big private company - one with a board of former CIA, FBI and Pentagon officials; one in charge of protecting Nuclear-Weapons facilities, nuclear reactors, the Alaskan oil pipeline and more than a dozen American embassies abroad; one with long-standing ties to a radical right-wing organization; one with 30,000 men and women under arms - secretly helped IRAQ in its effort to obtain sophisticated weapons? And fueled unrest in Venezuela? This is all the plot of a new best-selling thriller, right? Or the ravings of some overheated conspiracy buff, right?


In 1954, George Wackenhut, then a 34-year old former FBI agent, joined up with three other former FBI agents to open a company in Miami called Special Agent Investigators Inc. George Wackenhut had two personal attributes that were instrumental in the company's growth. First, he got along exceptionally well with important politicians. The second thing that helped make George Wackenhut successful was that he was, and is, a hard-line right-winger.

It is not possible to overstate the special relationship Wackenhut enjoys with the federal government. It is close. When it comes to security matters, Wackenhut in many respects *is* the government.

Wackenhut is the largest single company supplying security to U.S. embassies overseas; several of the 13 embassies it guards have been in important hotbeds of espionage, such as Chile, Greece, and El Salvador. It also guards nearly all the most strategic government facilities in the U.S., including the Alaskan oil pipeline, the Hanford nuclear-waste facility, the Savannah River plutonium plant and the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Wackenhut maintains an especially close relationship with the federal government in other ways as well. While early boards of directors included such prominent personalities of the political right as Captain Eddie Rickenbacker; General Mark Clark and Ralph E. Davis, a John Birch Society leader, current and recent members of the board have included much of the country's recent national-security directorate: former FBI director Clarence Kelley; former Defense secretary and former CIA deputy director Frank Carlucci: former Defense Intelligence Agent director General Joseph Carroll; former U.S. Secret Service director James J. Rowley; former Marine commandant P. X. Kelley; and acting chairman of President Bush's foreign- intelligence advisory board and former CIA deputy director Admiral Bobby Ray Inman. Before his appointment as Reagan's CIA director, the late William Casey was Wackenhut's outside legal counsel. The company has 30,000 armed employees on its payroll.

Wackenhut; The Shadow CIA

Ted: I wonder if Wackenhut and the CIA helped network to get Shrub all those campaign dollars?

I noticed that DeVos was listed in a previous link as one of Bush Sr.'s "Team 100". Perhaps DeVos used the Amway pyramid to generate a number of those donations?

[Ed's note: Amway is a multi-level marketing system which is legal. Instead of putting money into advertising, they put it into research and do not research on animals.]

Lee: Wackenhut is the privatized arm of the CIA, on the stock exchange and generating their own income, unanswerable to govt UNLESS THERE IS A BIG INVESTIGATION BY JUSTICE DEPT....and think about it... who do they put in those jails they are building...non whites mostly...and what is the mission of the Birchers, and Reagan/Bush Nazis? to keep the non whites in their place and save the aryan race....I kid you not know this... so if they're building jails for non whites, cheap labor...and the non white males are thereafter prevented from ever voting.....racist control....

[Ed's note: Even prisoners in Israel are allowed to vote. We will make it happen in the United States with boycott.]'s too much for me to digest....and they are in over 50 many shadow governments are there?

First tney feed them drugs, then they jail them for using them. Population control. Can't do much fornicating from a jail cell.

Tom: That depends upon whether you happen to be incarcerated in a Wackenhut facility:

Providing sex can bring favors at a work-release facility, inmate says.


At the work-release center for nonviolent criminals in North Broward, one inmate says she got preferential treatment from the kitchen supervisor by performing sexual favors -- not only with him, a Wackenhut employee, but with the milk man.

Another inmate walked away because the program's director -- the center's third in command -- was sending her letters on company stationery, offering to rub her down with honey and `kidnap' her to his home. She said she felt she was being stalked.

In another case, a guard married the inmate he'd been having an affair with, hoping to head off an indictment on sexual battery charges. He was never charged.

Behind bars, trading sex for small privileges often is the only thing a prisoner starved for a bit of freedom or a cigarette has to barter with.

But the number of sexual liaisons and security lapses at the 18-month-old work-release facility, run by Wackenhut Corrections under a county contract, raises questions about whether the experiment in privatization is working -- or worth the risk.

Sex for Cigarettes & Pepsi

State hospital's privatization goes smoothly -- so far

By SHARI RUDAVSKY Herald Staff Writer

While the scandal at the North Broward work-release program has realized the fears of some detractors of privatization, another recently privatized Broward institution -- the South Florida State Hospital -- has won guarded praise.

The hospital is the first public mental health facility in the nation to be privatized. State officials and executives at Atlantic Shores Healthcare Inc., which has run the facility since Nov. 1, 2000 hope that it can lay groundwork for others to follow.

Atlantic Shores is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wackenhut Corporation, which owns Wackenhut Corporations, the company that runs the work release center in North Broward. But the Atlantic Shores' contract negotiated with the state had no relation to correctional contracts.


Meredith: Murders at private prison chain rise

Aug. 24, 1999

An inmate in a prison run by a private company in New Mexico was bludgeoned to death with a laundry bag full of rocks, prompting the state Corrections Secretary to threaten to punish the company. The murder was the fourth at a Wackenhut Corrections Corporation prison since the middle of last year, according to the ASSOCIATED PRESS. The other deaths were all stabbings. Giving prison contracts to private companies has become a growing trend as the number of inmates has skyrocketed. Wackenhut currently holds a $25 million contract to hold 1,500 inmates in its two New Mexico prisons. However, Corrections Secretary Rob Perry has promised that if Wackenhut doesn't clean up its act, he will fine the company or transfer prisoners out of state.

Karen: In Texas, money is missing. Wackenhut probed for misusing funds

By GARY DIMMOCK Telegraph Journal

FREDERICTON - Wackenhut Corrections Corp., the U.S. firm chosen to run the province's new youth jail in Miramichi, is suspected of diverting $700,000 (U.S.) intended for drug programs at a Texas treatment center.

In annual budgets submitted to the state, auditors discovered that Wackenhut was profiting from programs that were supposed to be break-even operations.

But that only accounts for part of the cash Wackenhut may have misused.

According to a U.S. newspaper report published earlier this month, task-force auditors identified $307,000 in questionable overhead costs.

And there's one problem in finding out where the money went: Wackenhut refuses to open its books to state-hired investigators.

News of these events reached New Brunswick during last night's televised leaders' debate, during which NDP Leader Elizabeth Weir asked Premier Frank McKenna if he knew anything about the latest controversy to dog Wackenhut.

"What is it going to take for the McKenna government to realize this is a bad deal and a bad decision?" Ms. Weir asked minutes after the debate.

"They simply don't care about what will happen to our young offenders," she charged. "Frank McKenna's more concerned with breaking ground in his riding than with the fate and well-being of New Brunswick's young offenders."

To put young offenders in the care of a profit-driven company is irresponsible, she said. In last night's debate, Mr. McKenna told viewers he was satisfied Wackenhut would meet or exceed government expectations.

If the Liberals are re-elected on Sept. 11, taxpayers will pay Wackenhut $21-million in a three-year contract to run the new youth jail, to be located in the Premier's electoral district.

Grace: Does anyone have information on Spy Magazine? I posted a link to a Wackenhut article published in their September 1996 issue, but I don't know their reputation.

Everytime I try typing Wackenhut, I type Wackenbush and have to correct. Can you slip freudianly while typing?

Karen: Wackenhut, the all purpose rent-a-cops.

Wackenhut Rent-a-Cops

While Wackenhut has been on best behavior in its push for the top spot in the private prison field, the parent company garnered much unwelcome notoriety. It provided the controversial protection for strike breakers in the Pittston strike. Its contract with the Savannah River Site and Rocky Flats nuclear facilities brought in $39 million in 1992, according to the company's annual report.

The company's ubiquitous presence at nuclear facilities and the role of its employees in repressing anti- nuclear demonstrations--including intelligence gathering--has made the term "wackenhuts" synonymous with rent-a-cops. The company has resorted to "dirty tricks" against its perceived foes or those of its clients. As security provider for the Alyeska pipeline consortium, for example, Wackenhut employed unlicensed investigators and questionable methods to find and discredit environmentalist whistle-blowers within the company.

Karen: Here's a SPY magazine piece. I hope it's the right one. T.T. is so slow, I'm going to go do some other things for awhile.


By 1966, Wackenhut could confidently state that it had secret files on 4 million Americans.

Tom: You shouldn't believe everything you read but...

Like his friend Jose Basulto, Mas Canosa is a Bay of Pigs veteran with CIA training. Today, he is a sitting board member of Wackenhut, a powerful "security firm" with lifelong ties to the highest levels of US intelligence. [5] He also has close personal and business ties to Jeb Bush, Republican Party big shot and son of ex-President Bush. [6] Together, they have been linked to several failed S&Ls and a drug smuggling operation which brought literally tons of cocaine into Miami during the mid-1980s.

What a small world it is.

Inside the Shadow CIA, Spy's article on Wackenhut

I scanned this in from the September 1992 edition of SPY magazine article on Wackenhut. This will go a long way into explaining "Who is Wackenhut and what are they up to?" Not mentioned in this article is the fact that Wackenhut is also in charge of security at Area-51, the place where UFO activity has often been sighted.

It's being posted for informational purposes only.

The second thing that helped make George Wackenhut successful was that he was, and is, a hard-line right-winger. He was able to profit from his beliefs by building up dossiers on Americans suspected of being Communists or merely left-leaning-"subversives and sympathizers," as he put it-and selling the information to interested parties. According to Frank Donner, the author of "Age of Surveillance", the Wackenhut Corporation maintained and updated its files even after the McCarthyite hysteria had ebbed, adding the names of antiwar protesters and civil-rights demonstrators to its list of "derogatory types." By 1965, Wackenhut was boasting to potential investors that the company maintained files on 2.5 million suspected dissidents-one in 46 American adults then living. In 1966, after acquiring the private files of Karl Barslaag; a former staff member of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, Wackenhut could confidently maintain that with more than 4 million names, it had the largest privately held file on suspected dissidents in America. In 1975, after Congress investigated companies that had private files, Wackenhut gave its files to the now-defunct anti-Communist Church League of America of Wheaton, . That organization had worked closely with the red squads of big-city police departments, particularly in New York and L.A., spying on suspected sympathizers; George Wackenhut was personal friends with the League's leaders, and was a major contributor to the group. To be sure, after giving the League its files, Wackenhut reserved the right to use them for its clients and friends.

And then, guess what happened to all those dossiers?

Church League of America,

One former key counter-subversion outfilt, the Church League of America, collapsed early in the Reagan years due to an internal schism. The Church League, which once claimed the National Council of Churches was a communist front, shipped its 7 million index cards and 200 file cabinets full of material on "subversives" to the library at Rev. Jerry Falwell's Liberty University where it was stored in a warehouse and saw little if any use.

FileGate III

Sort of the penultimate filegate, you might say. Where is the outrage?

Rich: Check the date of your link. If this is Jose Mas Canosa that they're talking about, I heard that he died last year.

Cheri: Mas Canosa is deceased. His Cuban foundation lives on though....I believe his son now heads it.

Jose Basulto and the rest of the gang are rabid right wingers. Jeb got most of the Cuban vote and I imagine Shrub will too.

Ted: The Wackenhut angle is a new one. I was just trying to summarize some of the connections. Much of what I stated I do not believe to be a part of an intentional plot, such as the War on Drugs. In retrospect the WOD reflects the racist tendencies of it's proponents, and has helped them to realize goals in other, more concerted efforts, such as Scaife's "War on Ideas". This is Scaife's supporters name for his propaganda campaign.

P.G.: I think I disagree...The Wackenhut role goes back a long way. I remember clipping curious items back in the early eighties -before internet- on Wackenhut activities.

Is there a brief summary of their genesis, time line on their early years?

Lee: The Quantum Group is building a factory for prisoners to work in...

Ted quotes 5.75 an hour, they get 1.15 after room and board. This is slave labor...exactly what we have accused China of and other countries and what the nazis did.

This is very serious abuse. unbelievable. Do they volunteer for the jobs or are they forced?

Wackenhut charges the state for keeping the prisoners and then pays themselves again by doing rent-a- prisoner?

Where's this generation's Woodward-Bernstein?

I'm boggled.

BT: A possible place to find someone to write about this is wherever they are about to build a new prison. Also, if a state is considering "privatizing" their prison system. People may not mind prisoners working for their keep as long as the money is really going to defray the cost of imprisonment (and is not forced labor).

I know it costs as much to keep someone in prison as it does to send them to a private college. Now if a company is being paid to run the prison, is making money on a product that the laborers are paid a buck an hour to produce, and is taking most of the rest of the wages, then something doesn't add up.

J.S.: Of course it does, BT. Just look on the line titled "Dividends".

Grace: Why aren't labor unions screaming bloody murder over prisoners taking jobs from law abinding citizens? And as BT brought up, why aren't competitors hitting them with unfair trade practices suits. Another question, is Wackenhut paying fica taxes on the prisoner's wages? If they aren't, the unfair competition is racheted up a level. Employment taxes add about 28% to employers labor cost, depends on the state.

This is really bad. Next prisoners will be required to pay back all costs of incarceration before they're eligible for parole. You sure wouldn't want to be TOO good at your job.

J.S.: I think they're screaming as loudly as they can. Many of the state prison facilities are unionized. When Wackenhut comes in, they frequently have non-unionized facilities. This is part of GOP thinking: prison privatization = union-busting = lower costs = lower taxes. In reality, as I understand it, costs tend to be higher (that little line labeled "Dividends" again) but as long as graft or campaign contributions are flowing, the GOP doesn't mind. After all, they can simply make taxes more regressive, or carve out loopholes like the one Shrub used for his lakesite resort.

Martin: I do believe that the reason G. W. Bush didn't just say no to the cocaine questions was because he knows that there is somebody that really has the goods on him.

It would have been so easy to just say no.

P.G.: I've been listening for two hours...Michael Rupert does not have the tape in is a DEA tape three people say was made and suppressed after it was discovered that the Bush boys were caught on it...made surreptiously at Tamiami airport in 1985....

However, he is terribly credible to my ears and from what we have been finding here...not wild in the slightest. Very, very knowledgeable I think...

Anybody have a different opinion?

Mary: This guy sounds like a Freeper, I don't believe the story.

Swopa: I wouldn't waste any more time thinking about this supposed videotape. I mean, they were together in an airport helping to smuggle drugs? Yes, and next we'll hear that on the fabled tape one of them says, "Hey, we have to save some for Dad. He's got a nose like a vacuum cleaner."

Kali: I don't believe anyone until I check their sources and find corroboration -- and that's what I'll do with Michael Ruppert, but his story "matches" in lots of places with what I've read so far.

From the Bush side of the equation, I figure most of you have read the story below? If not, read the section on Jeb and the section on W. Most of the info in this piece is "out" now, but it put it all together very well. Check the JEB details if you read it.

I'm probably recommending something that you have memorized? Oh well.

"Family Value$" "The inside story of how three of the Bush boys built private fortunes by trading on their father's name, running with con men, lining their own pockets, and leaving financial ruin in their wake. A Mother Jones investigation. by Stephen Pizzo Sept./Oct.1992"

PS - this is a silly point, but I'd have NO trouble believing Jeb and W went together to pick up their "prize," -- if there was one. A tape? I don't know - why would it lay around for 10 years?

Still wish there was a Santa Claus.

Susan: Mary, I was skeptical, too, but like P said, Ruppert sounded entirely credible - not foaming at the mouth or freeperish in any way. I spent some time reading stuff on his site, and a lot of things make sense, not the least of which is this article from back in January - - and the fact that Maxine Waters has grown very silent about the crack-cocaine situation in her district.

When you add the pieces together (Wackenhut, Casolaro, the CIA), there's a strong suggestion that there may be a "there" there.

Grace: About the Ruppert interview by Tom Dooley, in his intro Dooley says Ruppert's mother was a cryptographer at NSA. I don't have first hand knowledge about now, but in the late 1960s and early 1970s, you didn't get a crypto clearance at National Security Agency if you or anyone in your immeditate family were identified as nut cases. There were eccentrics wandering around that side of Ft. Meade but their heads were screwed on fairly straight.

Lee: Do you realize that with Bush's connections to Wackenhut in 50 countries, the CIA, the CNP, Scaiffe, the Federalists, "THEY" if he gets in, are literally ready and in place to take over the world like they have the US courts and Supreme Court?

I guess our Boy Bill ruined some of their plans by going after a member of their club, Milosevic. Think about it...supported by Scowcroft, Eagleburger, and Kissinger. Well, one out of place..just the rest of the world's dictators to go.

[Ed's note: Two of these three are in either the Trilateral Commission or the Bilderbergs.]

Meredith: On the infrequent occasions when I'm given to worry, I worry that Gore knows next to nothing of all this, and that Tony Coelho isn't anywhere near as savvy as Sweet Baby James Carville.

Baby Bush's mentor and Supreme Campaign Advisor, Karl Rove, is a Macchiavelli fan.

So here's what I wonder: apart from what Hilary and Bill have managed to share with Al about how slime moves around, just how savvy is Al Gore about what's going on?

To my way of thinking, it's way too late for Al to pull the naive but well-intentioned act. And I have no personal confidence in Coelho. Certainly not as compared to Carville.

P.G.: M, the one who knows next to nothing of all this G.W.Bush. He has simply not a clue, wouldn't have the patience to even listen or read anything that's not on the sports page.

That's the beauty of to him Reagan is an intellectual.

GWB has been groomed to be the next President of the United States, wound up, and told what to do and where to do it.

Tom, I agree. International: global, as will be all politics in the next century.

John: Does Wackenhut do schools? Vouchers could be another way for them to siphon off more tax money, getting their takeover job done...Look into who owns the private schools the Right wants.

I wonder if the jail McDougal was in was run by Wackenhut? Did Danny or Kangas meet them too?

Tom: Yes, P. It's going to be very interesting to watch how the internet works out over the next decade.

We're just discovering how liberating it can be to have access to the web of information. Imagine how it will be when the rest of the world is online and when there will be webarchives going back fifteen or twenty years.

BT: I've read the Wackenhut discussion and it is proof that there's a lot of info to be had and places like TT are where the jigsaw puzzle is assembled. Policy.Com has a "monster article" on the Internet.

P.G.: The great number of threads in Politics and White House now has me confused trying to remember where conversations on particular topics are carried on...

Does anyone have an efficient system for remembering just where discussions are continuing? I have not found a here is the latest AP this AM on Wackenhut Corporation:

Guard Killed During Prison Uprising

SANTA ROSA, N.M. (AP) -- A correctional officer was stabbed to death in a fiery inmate revolt that caused extensive damage to a private prison, authorities said.

The disturbance at the Guadalupe County Correctional Facility erupted Tuesday evening. Law officers regained control early today and imposed an inmate lockdown, said state Secretary of Public Safety Darren White. It was one of a rash of violent incidents recently at privately run prisons in the state.

The prison is owned by Florida-based Wackenhut Corrections Corp. Wackenhut has a $25 million-a-year contract to hold about 1,500 inmates at two facilities in New Mexico. Wackenhut spokesman Pat Cannan said he had no information from the prison this morning.

Gov. Gary Johnson and state Corrections Secretary Rob Perry last week threatened to move New Mexico inmates to prisons in other states following that action.

Tom: Privatized prisons that abuse prisoners, provoke them into uprising, sexually abuse them; privatized school systems that hire convicted murderers, teaching interns, and teach to no standards -- all courtesy of the GOP.

Chris: Regarding the killing at the New Mexico prison: There is a lawsuit in Ohio against Washington D.C. for sending violent prisoners to the privately owned prison in Youngstown. The prison was supposed to be for non-violent offenders, but they are taking what should be maximum security felons and sending them here to warehouse.

The guards have no training. They cannot deal with anything. Another lawsuit against the prison is because they made prisoners take showers while in chains. Six prisoners, so far, have just walked out. Four of them convicted murderers.

I'm going to try to get in touch with my state senator and tell him they had better not send us any New Mexico murderers. But he is a Republican, and my pleas will fall on deaf ears.

Cheri: More Wackenhut:

Updated 6:13 PM ET September 1, 1999 PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla., Sept. 1 (UPI) The Wackenhut Corporation of Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., has been awarded a five-year contract for security services at Commonwealth Edison's six nuclear power generating plants in Illinois. The performance-based contract has a potential value of approximately $95 million over its five-year term.

Under the terms of the contract, Wackenhut will initiate security services at the six locations with a transition process beginning on September 20 for the Braidwood, Byron and LaSalle sites.

Monchie: And still more Wackenhut, from the Delaware County (PA) Daily Times

PHILADELPHIA - Ordinarily, 72 hours is just three days.

But for one man who was sent to Delaware County's prison on contempt of court charges for failing to perform his 72 hours of community service, those three days turned into 30 days behind bars, according to a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court.

In the suit, Robert W. Perkins claims that he lost the job he had been hired to start on Jan. 8, 1999, because officials of the Wackenhut Corp. - which manages the prison - ignored his repeated complaints that he was the victim of a bureaucratic mix-up. And to make matter worse, the suit says, Perkins is a former prison guard and lived in fear for the entire month that his fellow inmates would learn that fact and retaliate against him, according to his lawyer, Paul Drucker.

Grace: Not all of Texas is happy with Wackenhut's lockups. Travis County is kicking them out. There are several articles in the Austin American Statesman archives, this one appears today.

"State and local officials announced two weeks ago that they had requested records for 21 current and former employees and 28 inmates as part of a criminal investigation.

As well as investigating allegations that guards were having sex with inmates and smuggling narcotics, investigators subpoenaed state jail records for the past two years, looking for evidence of assaults, retaliation, contraband, attempts to silence witnesses and the response of jail managers to any problems.

Tom: Thanks, Grace. It looks like states who hire the Bush Family's cronies at Wackenhut to guard the prisons, you had better hire someone else to guard the guards.

That's not cost efficient.

Grace: This article from the 9/1 edition of the Statesman has more details.

"State prison officials, citing an ongoing sex scandal and chronic operations problems, said Tuesday that they will take over operations of the troubled Travis County Community Justice Center in East Austin.

Since it opened in 1997, the 1,033-bed lockup has been run by Wackenhut Corrections Corp. under a contract with Travis County, which in turn had a contract with the state. The facility was initially touted as a statewide model for rehabilitation of nonviolent criminals, but has never fully lived up to that billing because of a chronic shortage of staff."

Kali: Grace, great info. There's a Wackenhut strand on "Public Enemy # 1" right now, too! Challenging and confusing trying to keep up with all of you! Still trying to find my way around the Tables!

J.S.: An interesting article by Mara Leveritt about the truth of what may have happened at

Mena :

But many of the pages sent were heavily blacked out. And almost 300 were missing entirely. A cover letter explained that some of these deletions had been made to protect privacy or confidentiality, or for law enforcement reasons.

But this is what I found most interesting. Notes explaining several of the deletions said that they had been made under provisions of the National Security Act of 1947 and the CIA Act of 1949. So it's confusing, you see, these jumbled references to organized crime and national security, to Colombian drug cartels and the CIA -- all within the heavily censored file of a smuggler who found safe haven in Arkansas during the last four years of his life.

The implication is that Seal's drug smuggling trips were sanctioned by the federal government, which would have had the power to overrule any questions by state officials. And, of course, that raises the question as to why the federal government was sanctioning drug smuggling unless it was to feed to Contra network.

All very interesting questions, and all questions we are unlikely to see answered in our lifetimes.

Ted: J, the good thing is that we now have this incredible font of information at our fingertips to challenge the establishment sources. I pray everyday that it lasts.

I just hope the likes of Puritan Mama Donna Rice Hughes, Arch-pseudo prude Bill Bennet, and Hatch and Shrub with their regulate domain names and political sites fervor, don't kill the party.

J.S.: Ted, I'd be quite happy if they killed their party.

What we are going to have to do is archive sources and create redundant reflection sites. Consider what happened to the Kangas site, one of the richest sources of information on the Web. One day he was inexplicably dead and we wondered what would happen to that information. Thank God someone (I still don't know who) had the presence of mind and dedication to get that site back up. We need to learn from that episode that these sources of information are as fragile as the links that make up our communications. This is hard to do. We are not only busy with the rest of our lives, we are not only trying to keep up with new development, we not only have to contend with new (and increasingly onerous) copyright restrictions, but data can get lost or corrupted.

But somehow, we have to make this happen. We must not forget.

Mary: At least we have the Internet, we are not totally dependent on Sam, Cokie, Tim et al. If we want to we can search and get the information we want instead of relying on the spin by Corporate Media.

Kali: So, just when investigative journalism in our country looks lifeless -- voila -- the Internet, and it's transmuted into a hydra!? I had that thought today, after reading all the GREAT information here -- and the dissection and analysis of it! what a great place (I've been on TT less than a week)

The mythological story was about a monster, but THIS hydra is undaunted hope and relentless pursuit of the truth, eh? Cut off one of its many heads and it grows back in triplicate! the truth can't be silenced forever.

(I hope).

BT: The "problem" with the Internet is that it gets more and more dense each day. A Yahoo search for "Wackenhut" only turned up four sites - all belong to the corporation. The contents of this thread aren't searchable.

Anyhow, I extracted much of the Wackenhut related info over the past few weeks and am going to send some of the references to Leah Quin, the reporter who did the story for the Austin American Statesman. There's also enough to put up a Web page but lord knows when I can get around to it. The Conversation Continues on Table Talk. You are welcome to join in. This particular topic is in the Politics area. It began in the "Is there A Right Wing Conspiracy" Thread and has migrated to the "Wackenhut and the Privatization of Government Services" thread. See you there.

NSA's Central Security Service and CIA's Special Security Office

Because President Kennedy wanted to disband the Central Intelligence Agency, there is no need for this agency to exist. So, we will disband it too.

U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command

National Security is a euphamism for keeping the people ignorant so that the elites will earn billions of dollars because they are ignorant. There are some people who feel that the people need not know information or that they should not know certain information. Clearly, this is so they can persue their own agenda. This is not proper in a democracy and is proof that democracy does not currently exist.

Psychological and psychotronic warfare is the means by which people are influenced for ulterior reasons. The term psychotronic is an adjective which is defined as an effect on the interface between mind, matter, and/or spirit. The term was coined in the late 1960s in France. The first conference on it was held in Prague, Czech Republic in 1972.

Any kind of warfare is not conducive toward peace so let's abolish this.

U. S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence

This is one of the agencies which would assume responsibility when the CIA is no longer operational. The deviancy would be carried out by this agency and the other military agencies. There would continue to be atrocities committed. Therefore, we must disband this agency as well as the one that President Kennedy disbanded because it is of no use in a democracy and does not adhere to the Constitution. U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations

Here is another office which doesn't need to be operational. The documentation shows that it "gathers intelligence affecting aerospace operations, and has a compartmented unit involved in investigating UFO sightings, extra-terrestrial contact reports, as well as IAC [Identified Alien Craft] surveillance, and coordination with NRO interdiction operations.

Let's allow the extraterrestrial people to have peace. Petitions have been signed by millions of people who state that they want space to be saved for peace.

There is no doubt in my mind that there are other humans in outer space. There have to be. Since we exist, there must be intelligent life elsewhere too. In fact, the reason why this agency exists proves that there are extraterrestrial beings somewhere in space.

Defense Intelligence Agency

From DIA's Web site:

The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is a designated Combat Support Agency and the senior military intelligence component of the Intelligence Community. Established in 1961, DIA's primary mission is to provide all-source intelligence to the US armed forces. Intelligence support for operational forces encompasses a number of areas and challenges. Key areas of emphasis include targeting and battle damage assessment, weapons proliferation, warning of impending crises, support to peacekeeping operations, maintenance of data bases on foreign military organizations and their equipment and, as necessary, support to UN operations and US allies. In addition to providing intelligence to warfighters, DIA has other important customers, including policymakers in the Department of Defense and members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Additionally, DIA plays a key role in providing information on foreign weapons systems to US weapons planners and the weapons acquisition community. In carrying out these missions, DIA coordinates and synthesizes military intelligence analysis for Defense officials and military commanders worldwide, working in close concert with the intelligence components of the military services and the US unified commands .

Since the end of the Cold War and Desert Shield/Storm, DIA has undergone dramatic change. Regional priorities have changed, missions and functions have been realigned, and a strategic plan has been created to reflect new global realities. Crises in places like Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Rwanda, Iraq and North Korea, as well as such global challenges as the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, narcotics trafficking, and monitoring of arms control treaties have increased the scope of demands for intelligence in the post-Cold War world. To reconcile the disparity between increasing requirements and declining resources, DIA has relied on a well-trained, highly motivated work force that has the flexibility and training to face a variety of new challenges.

Technology has also contributed to DIA's ability to carry out its mission. New technical intelligence collection systems have provided greater access to foreign military information. New software and the ability to share data bases has allowed analysts to contrast, compare, and compile information quickly and efficiently. Perhaps most importantly, an improved communications network has enabled efficient, rapid transmission of intelligence to and from military forces around the globe. Headed by a three-star military officer, DIA is staffed by civilian and military personnel. DIA employees are located in several buildings around the Washington, DC area, but most work at the Defense Intelligence Analysis Center on Bolling Air Force Base. A small number of employees work at the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center in Maryland and the Missile and Space Intelligence Center in Alabama. DIA's Defense Attaches are assigned to embassies around the world and DIA liaison officers are assigned to each unified military command.

Ed's Note: Many people understand that President Kennedy wanted to scatter to the winds the CIA and assign the responsibilities of that agency to the defense community but that was before the Trilaleral Commission used the military to instigate the future wars. Therefore, defense is not defense; it is aggression.

Additionally, people around the world have determined that the military bases must leave their country and the American people have expressed that desire too so we will close those military bases around the world so there will not be any need for intelligence between the Defense Intelligence Agency and the bases.

With the internet, we can gather intelligence which is honest information. We don't need the Defense Intelligence Agency providing disinformation to people and reserving accurate information to the elites.

If for no other reason than this agency is part of the Shadow Government, it needs to be disbanded.

NASA Intelligence

Remarks at the Dedication of the Aerospace Medical Health Center San Antonio, Texas November 21, 1963

Mr. Secretary, Governor, Mr. Vice President, Senator, Members of the Congress, members Of the military, ladies and gentlemen:

For more than 3 years I have spoken about the New Frontier. This is not a partisan term, and it is not the exclusive property of Republicans or Democrats. It refers, instead, to this Nation's place in history, to the fact that we do stand on the edge of a great new era, filled with both crisis and opportunity, an era to be characterized by achievement and by challenge. It is an era which calls for action and for the best efforts of all those who would test the unknown and the uncertain in every phase of human endeavor. It is a time for pathfinders and pioneers.

I have come to Texas today to salute an outstanding group of pioneers, the men who man the Brooks Air Force Base School of Aerospace Medicine and the Aerospace Medical Center. It is fitting that San Antonio should be the site of this center and this school as we gather to dedicate this complex of buildings. For this city has long been the home of the pioneers in the air. It was here that Sidney Brooks, whose memory we honor today, was born and raised. It was here that Charles Lindbergh and Claire Chennault, and a host of others, who, in World War I and World War II and Korea, and even today have helped demonstrate American mastery of the skies, trained at Kelly Field and Randolph Field, which form a major part of aviation history. And in the new frontier of outer space, while headlines may be made by others in other places, history is being made every day by the men and women of the Aerospace Medical Center, without whom there could be no history. Many Americans make the mistake of assuming that space research has no values here on earth. Nothing could be further from the truth. Just as the wartime development of radar gave us the transistor, and all that it made possible, so research in space medicine holds the promise of substantial benefit for those of us who are earthbound. For our effort in space is not as some have suggested, a competitor for the natural resources that we need to develop the earth. It is a working partner and a coproducer of these resources. And nothing makes this clearer than the fact that medicine in space is going to make our lives healthier and happier here on earth.

I give you three examples: first, medical space research may open up new understanding of man's relation to his environment. Examinations of the astronaut's physical, and mental, and emotional reactions can teach us more about the differences between normal and abnormal, about the causes and effects of disorientation, about changes in metabolism which could result in extending the life span. When you study the effects on our astronauts of exhaust gases which can contaminate their environment, and you seek ways to alter these gases so as to reduce their toxicity, you are working on problems similar to those in our great urban centers which themselves are being corrupted by gases and which must be clear.

And second, medical space research may revolutionize the technology and the techniques of modern medicine. Whatever new devices are created, for example, to monitor our astronauts, to measure their heart activity, their breathing, their brain waves, their eye motion, at great distances and under difficult conditions, will also represent a major advance in general medical instrumentation. Heart patients may even be able to wear a light monitor which will sound a warning if their activity exceeds certain limits. An instrument recently developed to record automatically the impact of acceleration upon an astronaut's eyes will also be of help to small children who are suffering miserably from eye defects, but are unable to describe their impairment. And also by the use of instruments similar to those used in Project Mercury, this Nation's private as well as public nursing services are being improved, enabling one nurse now to give more critically ill patients greater attention than they ever could in the past.

And third, medical space research may lead to new safeguards against hazards common to many environments. Specifically, our astronauts will need fundamentally new devices to protect them from the ill effects of radiation which can have a profound influence upon medicine and man's relations to our present environment.

Here at this center we have the laboratories, the talent, the resources to give new impetus to vital research in the life centers. I am not suggesting that the entire space program is justified alone by what is done in medicine. The space program stands on its own as a contribution to national strength. And last Saturday at Cape Canaveral I saw our new Saturn C-1 rocket booster, which, with its payload, when it rises in December of this year, will be, for the first time, the largest booster in the world, carrying into space the largest payload that any country in the world has ever sent into space.

I think the United States should be a leader. A country as rich and powerful as this which bears so many burdens and responsibilities, which has so many opportunities, should be second to none. And in December, while I do not regard our mastery of space as anywhere near complete, while I recognize that there are still areas where we are behind--at least in one area, the size of the booster--this year I hope the United States will be ahead. And I am for it. We have a long way to go. Many weeks and months and years of long, tedious work lie ahead. There will be setbacks and frustrations and disappointments. There will be, as there always are, pressures in this country to do less in this area as in so many others, and temptations to do something else that is perhaps easier. But this research here must go on. This space effort must go on. The conquest of space must and will go ahead. That much we know. That much we can say with confidence and conviction.

Frank O'Connor, the Irish writer, tells in one of his books how, as a boy, he and his friends would make their way across the countryside, and when they came to an orchard wall that seemed too high and too doubtful to try and too difficult to permit their voyage to continue, they took off their hats and tossed them over the wall--and then they had no choice but to follow them.

This Nation has tossed its cap over the wall of space, and we have no choice but to follow it. Whatever the difficulties, they will be overcome. Whatever the hazards, they must be guarded against. With the vital help of this Aerospace Medical Center, with the help of all those who labor in the space endeavor, with the help and support of all Americans, we will climb this wall with safety and with speed-and we shall then explore the wonders on the other side.

Thank you. ------

Note: The President spoke at the Aerospace Medical Health Center at Brooks Air Force Base, Tex. His opening words referred to Secretary of the Air Force Eugene M. Zuckert, Governor John B. Connally of Texas, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, and Senator Ralph W. Yarborough of Texas.

Public Papers of the Presidents [472] JOHN F. KENNEDY, p. 882. NOTE: The report "U.S. Participation in the UN" is Department of State Publication 761, International Organization and Conference Series 45 (Government Printing Office, 1963, 452 PP.).


John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library - Columbia Point - Boston, Massachusetts 02125 Tel: 1-877-616-4599 Fax: 617-929-4538 Email: [email protected]

John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library Foundation - Columbia Point - Boston, Massachusetts 02125 Tel: 617-929-1200 Fax: 617-436-3395 Email: [email protected]

Page created April 7, 2000 updated: November 20, 2000

JFK wanted a Joint Mission to the Moon with the Soviet Union to help ease Cold War tensions. However, NASA and the Military completely disagreed with the President. They felt who ever got to space first and learned how to live there could control the world. http:// documents that this is what President Kennedy wanted to do.

Ed's note: You can see that there is nothing about NASA Intelligence. NASA needs very little funding for intelligence. The fact that it has it has nothing to do with space travel and research. In fact, there would be more funding for research if the funding was ended for intelligence because according to Dr. Boylan NASA Intelligence "gathers intelligence data relating to space flights, sabotage threats, astronaut and reconnaissance satellite encounters with UFOs and ETs, and coordinates the transfer of alien technology to U.S. and allies aerospace operations."

All these aspects are unnecessary except relating to space flights. Let's allow them to keep a small budget for that aspect. The rest must end. There's no sabotage. That's untrue and the UFOs and ETs need to be left alone.

Air Force Special Security Service

This is more Star Wars rhetoric. People all over this world are adamant that Star Wars technology never go forward.

So, let it be.

Defense Industry Security Command (DISCO)

Dr. Boylan states that this agency "conducts intelligence operations within and on behalf of the civilian defense contracor corporations engaged in classified research, development, and production."

Why should tax payer dollars be used to protect corporations? And why should all this be classified? If the corporations want privacy, let them hire it themselves. The tax payers deserve to have their taxes spent on productive measures, not on classified research. That is not conducive to democracy.

Defense Investigative Service

This agency will not be necessary because the Department of Defense should be renamed the Department of Aggression. They are the ones who break the law. The law abiding citizens around the world pose no threat to this agency so the resulting waste in taxpayer dollars need not be put out for this agency.

Naval Investigative Service Naval operations are a threat to civilians. If you read the second edition of True Democracy (La verdad sobre la democracia) you would have read about the Colombian fishermen in the Pacific Ocean; you would realize that the U. S. Navy was breaking international law. Any agency which does this action, does not deserve to exist.

No one threatens Naval operations. They are a threat to those with whom they come in contact. In addition to the Colombian fishermen, the U.S. Navy has broken the law since 1941 when they invaded Vieques, Puerto Rico. They are not appreciated there therefore, they are not welcomed there.

The Naval Investigative Service need not exist.

Air Force Electronic Security Command

This agency only exists because of warfare. Warfare has only been instigated by the elite and the CIA so this agency does not need to exist.

Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Intelligence

This agency would seem to be necessary. However, allow me to advise you why it is not. In addition to it not performing its function very well because the War on Drugs is designed purely to incarcerate the low level drug abuser and dealer, the DEA countermands the decent drug agent to prevent confiscation of the drugs.

To document this illegality, read Deep Cover by Michael Levine. Mr. Levine was a career DEA agent who tried to do his job extremely well. He writes that he was prevented from consummating one of the biggest drug busts on record because the CIA deliberately told his superiors to botch the deal risking his life in the process.

Further, Enrique Camarena lost his life because of his work. This agency is responsible, therefore, for loss of life and needs to be disbanded.

The CIA is the biggest purchaser of illegal drugs. That is documented by the CIA itself in a report.

Federal Police Agency Intelligence This agency spies on domestic activities. Mayor Rudolph Giuliani used New York City Police Intelligence on the protesters who objected to censorship levied against Amy Goodman. Under the U.S. Constitution, protests are allowed to be conducted. No intelligence is needed and no intelligence would need to be used if the U.S. government didn't break the law on a daily basis.

Defense Electronic Security Command

Keep soldiers safe but murder foreigners. This agency "which coordinates intelligence surveillance and countermeasures against threats to the integrity of military electron equipment and electronic battlefield operations" is used in situations of aggression against foreign people in the name of national security.

But, whose national security? Not yours and not mine. Demonstration after demonstration and petition after petition has pleaded with Washington to end the bombings against the people of Iraq because it is killing innocent people and causing babies to be born deformed. Madelyn Albright stated that "this is all worth it." Is it?

The leader of Iraq is still in power but the people are dying. These people used to have a productive economy but no one considers it productive now. Do we need this agency? No.

Project Deep Water Gehlen, the Nazi, and the CIA

General Gehlen had been the Nazi head of intelligence in the Soviet Union. In May 1945, he surrendered, along with his archives, to the U.S. He was presented to Major-General Luther Sibert, head of intelligence for General Bradley's armies. At Sibert's request, Gehlen the Nazi wrote a 129-page report. Thereafter, Gehlen 'developed his great scheme of a secret organisation engaged on intelligence work against the Soviet Union under American aegis.'

Ibid. , p. 122.

Gehlen was introduced to the highest U.S. military authorities and, when Soviet representatives asked about the whereabouts of Gehlen and Schellenberg, two war criminals who should have been returned to them, the U.S. replied that they had no news of them. On August 22, 1945, they clandestinely brought Gehlen to the U.S.

Ibid. , p. 125.

Gehlen the Nazi `negotiated' with the leaders of U.S. intelligence, including Allen Dulles, and they came up with an 'agreeement': Gehlen's spy organization would continue to serve in the Soviet Union, autonomously, and `Liaison with American Intelligence would be maintained by US officers'. Furthermore, the 'Gehlen Organisation would be used solely to procure intelligence on the Soviet Union and satellite countries of the communist bloc.'

Ibid. , p. 135.

On July 9, 1946, Gehlen was back in Germany to reactivate his Nazi spy service, under U.S. leadership. He hired dozens of upper Gestapo and SS officers, to whom he furnished false identities.

Ibid. , pp. 144--145.

John Loftus, former U.S. intelligence officer responsible for the tracking down of former Nazis at the end of the war, noted that thousands of Ukrainian, Croatian and Hungarian fascists were snuck into the U.S. by a 'rival' intelligence service. Loftus writes:

'According to one estimate, some 10,000 Nazi war criminals entered the United States after World War II.'

Mark Aarons and John Loftus, Ratlines: How the Vatican's Nazi networks betrayed Western intelligence to the Soviets (London: Heinemann, 1991), pp. 269--270.

Right from 1947, when the U.S. started up the Cold War, these 'former' Nazis played an important role in the anti-Communist propaganda. So we can correctly claim that U.S. imperialism was the direct continuation of Nazi expansionism.

Cookridge, E. H. Gehlen, Spy of the Century. 1971 Random House: New York, NY Project Paperclip

Stephen R. Weissman's book "American Foreign Policy in the Congo: 1960-1964," Cornell University Press, 1974 describes how the CIA got deeply involved there at that time and certain U.S. businessmen had financial interests there. The Rockefellers come up a lot. These are the very same people who were behind Project Paperclip.


"Somehow we all end up paying for what we do."

-Bill Clinton

O n January 25, 1993, a lone assassin calmly walked among cars stopped at a stop light with an assault rifle and shot and killed two CIA personnel and wounded three others. The suspect, Mir Aimal Kansi, was placed on the FBI list of ten most wanted fugitives.

The FBI, in concert with the CIA, conducted a multi-national manhunt to bring the criminal to justice. On Sunday, June 15, 1997, Mir Aimal Kansi was apprehended. As the CIA, in alliance with the military, applauded the courage and valor of the men who brought the lone killer to justice, they forgot the thousands upon thousands of injustices calmly done by this very same institution. President Clinton failed to remember as well when he remarked, "The United States will not relent in the pursuit of those who use violence against Americans to advance their goals no matter how long it takes, no matter where they hide." CNN 6/18/97.

In 1947 the CIA operation sprang out of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). It was supposed to be an intelligence gathering agency. It was also supposed to counteract the "plots" of "commie [communist] spies" who were undermining U.S. freedom. It was reported that the "commie spies" were going to use propaganda and brainwashing techniques to instill into American thinking "communist socialism" ideology. We were all sure that we needed to counteract their insidious plots. This was the "Cold War" between U.S. freedom and Russian "brainwashing".

The CIA's statement of itself when it is examined in the light of its past performance seems somewhat enigmatic. When the statement is read with their special glasses on, they portray themselves to be a flag- waving righteous agency working for the benefit of the world and its people, but when we do a reality check, "found wanting" is a gross understatement. We should consider the CIA's statement of itself and then examine that statement in the light of its beginning and its history.

"Our Vision:

* To be the keystone of a U.S. Intelligence community that is pre-eminent in the world, known for both the high quality of our work and the excellence of our people.

Our Mission: * Conducting counterintelligence activities, special activities, and other functions related to foreign intelligence and national security as directed by the president.

How We Do Our Work: * Accepting accountability for our actions.

* Continuous improvement in all that we do."

CIA Vision, Mission, and Values

It may open one's eyes to look at some of this agency's "high quality" people known for "excellence" that have operated as directed by the president. Just a few statements made by those who should know what they are talking about begin to form the picture.


William (Wild Bill) Donovan, Coordinator of Information by FDR, recruited a Cornell graduate from Boston named Stanley Lovell. Lovell described his work as follows: "What I have to do is to stimulate the Peck's Bad Boy beneath the surface of every American scientist and say to him, 'Throw all your normal law-abiding concepts out the window. Here's a chance to raise merry hell. Come help me raise it.'" Mind Manipulators, Scheflin and Opton. p.241.

George Hunter White wrote of his CIA escapades . . . "I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun" ...."Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the all-highest?" Captain George White in a letter to Dr. Sidney Gottlieb.

A retired CIA agency caseworker with twenty years experience states of his work: "I never gave a thought to legality or morality. Frankly, I did what worked." With statements such as these we can clearly see that men with no scruples about human decency or morality would be "excellent" in their "special functions." It cannot be forgotten that these special operations are all carried out under the orders of the president.

It would be well for us to consider some of the early "special operations" to see who the enemy actually was. Once more, just a few of many "special operations" of the CIA begins to draw back the mask on its activities.


Operation Midnight Climax was a series of CIA run brothels in San Francisco and New York. The operation paid prostitutes $100 a day to lure men into the net. The prostitutes spiked their Johns' drinks with LSD. The CIA, plentifully supplied with martinis, watched the action from behind closed doors and one-way mirrors. Not only was this operation illegal as were many others, but the men who were "experimented" upon had no idea that they were the objects of experimentations. The prostitutes were guaranteed their safety should they get caught plying their trade while engaged in this "special operation".

A secret laboratory was established and funded by CIA director, Allen Dulles in Montreal, Canada at McGill University in the Allen Memorial Institute headed by psychiatrist Dr. Ewen Cameron. For the next several years Dr. Ewen Cameron waged his private war in Canada. What is ironic about Dr. Cameron is that he served as a member of the Nuremberg tribunal who heard the cases against the Nazi doctors.

When it was at its height in drug experiments, operation MK-ULTRA was formed. This was the brainchild of Richard Helms who later came to be a CIA director. It was designed to defeat the "enemy" in its brain- washing techniques. MK-ULTRA had another arm involved in Chemical and Biological Warfare (CBW) known as MK-DELTA. The "doctors" who participated in these experiments used some of the same techniques as the Nazi "doctors". Those doctors who were not indicted in the Nuremberg trials were imported from Germany under the program called "Operation Paperclip." The Nazi doctors were a valuable source of information to the CIA since many of the U.S. techniques mimicked what had already been done by the Nazis. German doctors were prosecuted at the Nuremberg trials for similar criminal acts that the U.S. experimenters carried out - and this was all done at the same time period as the American experiments were taking place. The real motto here should be: Let's pursue relentlessly the wicked Nazi doctors, Russian spies, and lone assassins and forget about our "special operations".

Just as Nazi Germany had its "expendables" the CIA had theirs. Among the expendables the CIA had were, war prisoners, prostitutes, sexual psychopaths, prison inmates, certain war objectors, mentally retarded people, the elderly, terminally ill patients, schizophrenics, drug addicts, foreigners and, of course, any other man, woman or child who would fit the bill of need.

Some of the CIA tortures carried out involved sensory deprivation, bodily function deprivation and sleep deprivation in rooms with no windows and continuous light. Other forms of mind control involved drug - induced comas, a wide variety of drugs, brain surgery (pre-frontal lobotomy), massive Page-Russell electric shocks, and electo-convulsive treatments combined with endless interrogations that were tape recorded. These interrogations were calculated to induce certain required answers from the "patient." These tape recorded sessions were then played back to the patient by means of a helmet outfitted with headphones. The helmet was worn for days with the tape playing endlessly. Many times a combination of these techniques was used until the broken patient would succumb to death. Many that entered the walls of the laboratories would never see family, friends or the light of day again. To say it was a living hellish nightmare for most, would put it mildly.

These "special operations" were funded by the CIA through various intermediaries. Some had large financial interests in drug experiments. One such company was the Eli LillyCompany who told the CIA at its height of LSD manufacture that it could supply tons of the drug. George Bush, who was a CIA director and director of the President's U.S. Drug Task Force, was also director of Eli Lilly Company from 1977- 1979. (The Big Book of Conspiracies, Doug Moench, p. 111).

This does not take into account all the transactions of vice, drug dealing, torture, extortion, foreign country political interferences, assassination plots, murder implications, presidential assassination conspiracies, money laundering, propaganda, and covert operations domestic and abroad. While the agency says it has "cleaned up its act" and has released to the public scrutiny some of its past operations under the Freedom of Information Act, (FOIA) can we trust this powerful agency to tell us the truth?


Richard Helms as acting CIA director was asked about secret CIA operations. He justified the CIA in an address to the National Press Club when he said: "You've just got to trust us. We are honorable men." New York Review of Books 12/30/71 from Inside the Company, by Philip Agee. Trusting the CIA with a history as it has, would be tantamount to being locked in a den of roaring lions and trusting to get out unscathed.

So now we come to the point about the CIA's position on taking responsibility. Do they really take responsibility for their actions or do we have a network of secrecy that extends from the president to CIA personnel?

Here is what President Truman said of the CIA and its creation, "I think that it was a mistake. And if I'd known what was going to happen, I never would have done it.... But it got out of hand.... Now as nearly as I can make out, those fellows in the CIA don't just report on wars and the like, they go out and make their own and there is nobody to keep track of what they are up to. They spend billions of dollars on stirring up trouble so they will have something to report on. They've become . . . it's become a government of all its own and all secret. They just don't have to report to anybody. . . . The people have got a right to know what those birds are up to.

. . . You've got to keep an eye on the military at all times, and it doesn't matter whether it's the birds in the Pentagon or the birds in the CIA." Merle Miller, Plain Speaking: an Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman, pp. 391-2. While Truman states this about the agency, he is not free of liability. He set it up.

The agency has an understanding among its members called plausible deniability. Plausible deniability simply means your subordinates understand what to do without written authorization or verbal communication taking place. Therefore, there is no paper trail or even a verbal communication taking place that can be traced or verified. After all, what would it do to "national security" for the world to know that the president was directing "special operations" for fun and profit?

What is the real mission of this agency who does not need to answer to the public? Once the records are unveiled under the FOIA , why are the names of the key players always edited out? Why has the president issued a specific Executive Order (EO #12958) to the intent that no names are to be revealed? Why is the CIA, the president and the military always so concerned about "national security?" What are they afraid of revealing?

That the "Cold War" was invented just so the CIA could carry out its own mind control operations with the blessing of the American public is very likely. In political trials the CIA seized the convenient opportunities to justify their own course of actions. "That the CIA was able to take an old form of torture, dress it up with a lurid name, and convince the public that a new technique for mind subversion was being practiced by Communist nations, is a propaganda coup of stunning proportions." ..."The Soviet, Chinese and Korean brainwashing techniques were fully known to U.S. intelligence services. There was absolutely no basis, in fact, to allege that the communists had started brain warfare. It is not entirely impossible that the brainwashing scare was created by the CIA because it wanted to do mind control research and considered that the safest way to get authorization was to allege that the Soviets had done it first." Mind Manipulators, Scheflin and Opton p. 225. " According to a CIA document dated January 14, 1953, 'Apparently their (Russian) major emphasis is on the development of specially trained teams for obtaining information without the use of narcotics, hypnosis, or special mechanical devices.' A memo issued the next day by the Ad Hoc Medical Study Group admitted that 'the present state of knowledge indicates little, if any, threat to National Security through 'special interrogation' techniques or agents.'" Acid Dreams, Lee and Shlain p. 17.

OUR MISSION What we really have is a secret all-out war of the government against its own citizens carried out at the citizens expense. The U.S. paid the CIA to fight against itself not only with tax dollars and loss of freedom, but with severe body and mind damage. Many paid with their lives. There are several cases that have come to court where victims and families are suing for over a million dollars each and we may consider who pays for that? Are the perpetrators sued? Do the responsible governmental agencies step forward and take accountability? No! Names are withheld in the interest of "national security." Not only is this war carried out nationally, but it is carried out on a worldwide scale, and the war has carefully implemented the very type of society that it was supposed to fight. It has been the perfect propaganda ploy. Is it any wonder that other countries refer to the U.S. as the "Great Satan." Only the devil would dream up a scheme where a country would be tortured, pay for it and be convinced it is for its best interest. Now that the country is convinced of the necessity of the tortures and the necessity of paying for it, it will be carried to the bloody end.

In 1969 a man was taken to prison and sentenced for horrifyingly brutal crimes. As he spoke in his own behalf near the trial's end, he may have been the of what is coming. He said, "These children that come at you with knives, they are your children. You taught them. I didn't teach them. I just tried to help them stand up.

"Most of the people at the ranch that you call the Family were just people that you did not want, people that were alongside the road that their parents had kicked out, that did not go to Juvenile Hall. So I did the best I could and I took them up on my garbage dump and I told them this: that in love there is no wrong....

"You did not give them warmth you gave them death, I am only what lives inside each and every one of you....

"What about your children? . . . You say there are just a few? There are many, many more, coming in the same direction. They are running in the - and they are coming right at you!" Charles Manson. Helter Skelter, Vincent Bugliosi.

There is the possibility that the Attorney General, Robert Horan may ask for the death penalty for Mir Aimal Kansi. If he does and Clinton's quote is fulfilled which says, "Somehow we all end up paying for what we do", then he may be committing to death the country and its clandestine agencies for what they do. Would it not seem fair that the perpetrators of a crime should receive the same penalty as those striking back in retaliation? Are the actions of Mir Aimal Kansi only the beginning of the mountain of crimes that will roll back upon a government that sanctions such criminal activity and then pursues with relentless fury those who retaliate? While it is not the opinion of the author that one wrong sets right the actions of another wrong, or that violence calls for violence in retaliation, the cause and effect relationship is there just the same. Not all the people can be fooled (mind-controlled) all the time.

It seems that the mind control the CIA has so freely exercised upon the world has rebounded into its own operation. They have been brain-washed into believing that the "Company" now operates with integrity and honesty. Or have they? Is this just another set-up to convince the rest of us of CIA integrity? If the world swallows the lie and believes in the honesty and integrity of this agency, then the years of mind control methods they have used have been very successful.

"And it seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing . . . a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods." Aldux Huxley, 1959.

As a wise Observer said years ago, "Whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap."

Written 6/25/97


1. Acid Dreams, Martin Lee and Bruce Schlain, Grove Press 2. CIA Home Page on the Internet for CIA Vision, Mission and Values 3. Helter Skelter, Vincent Bugliosi, New York 4. Inside the Company, Philip Agee, Bantam Books 5. Journey Into Madness, Gordon Thomas, Bantam Books 6. Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman, Merle Miller, New York 7. Spying for America, Nathan Miller, Dell Publishing 8. The 60 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time, Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen, Citadel Press 9. The Big Book of Conspiracies, Doug Moench, Paradox Press 10. The Mind Manipulators, Alan W. Scheflin & Edward M. Opton Jr. Paddington Press

War Department CIA's Directorate for Science and Technology

This agency gathers information with promise for scientific and technological developments which present a superiority advantage for a threat against, the National Security, [also contains the "Weird Desk", which centrally processes intelligence about UFOs and ETs and their interaction with Earth], current Deputy Director of Central Intelligence for Science and Technology is Ron Pandolfi.

We we know what National Security means, not the definition the government wants you to know but the reality and we know that many people around the world don't want the military involved with extraterrestrial beings and "Star Wars" kinds of activities, so let's have Mr. Pandolfi perform some other profession and end this program.

Strategic Defense Initiative Office (SDIO)


JUNE 4, 1996

TRANSCRIPT ------The hot defense project of the Reagan era, the Strategic Defense Initiative, a missile defense system, has been reborn by Congressional Republicans as the Defend America Act. It's being debated before the Senate and is rapidly becoming a presidential campaign issue for Senator Dole. Following a Kwame Holman background piece, Elizabeth Farnsworth moderates a debate on the issue between Senators Jon Kyl (R) and Carl Levin (D). ------

ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH: In a straight party vote, the U.S. Senate refused today to cut off debate on a question that has evoked strong passions in the past: Should the United States spend billions of dollars defending itself against possible missile attacks? Kwame Holman reports on how the issue has outlasted the Cold War.

PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN: (1985) We're talking about a defensive shield that won't hurt people but will knock down nuclear weapons before they can hurt people. (applause)

KWAME HOLMAN: President Reagan called it the Strategic Defense Initiative, a space-based defense system to protect the United States from an all-out nuclear attack by the Soviet Union. It would include satellites that could detect a massive nuclear launch within seconds, orbiting lasers to destroy the first wave of missiles, laser-equipped submarines that could defend against the next round of attacks, and a ground-based missile system providing the last line of defense.

PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN: (1985) Some say it will bring war to the heavens. But its purpose is to deter war in the heavens and on earth. Now some say the research would be expensive. Perhaps, but it could save millions of lives, indeed, humanity itself.

[Ed's note: We all know that is untrue. The government doesn't care about human life. If it did, it would not have created AIDS.]

KWAME HOLMAN: Critics, however, questioned whether such a system would even work.

SEN. JOHN GLENN, (D) Ohio: (1985) General Abramson was here one day, and he likened the whole Star Wars thing to the Apollo Project. You just have to decide to go and go ahead, and I told him then that I thought that was nonsense because when we decided to do the Apollo Project, we knew all the engineering. Yet we talk about Star Wars as though all we have to do is decide to go and we go, and that's just pure nonsense because the physics hasn't been invented yet to do Star Wars.

JAMES SCHLESINGER, Former Secretary of Defense: It is different from the Apollo program in another way. The moon is basically an inanimate object. In this case we are dealing with a calculating foe on the other side, sometimes a foe that we regard as malevolent, a foe that will be prepared to take counter measures, very intelligent counter measures against whatever it is that we deploy. So the solution of the physics problems on our side even if we get there does not solve the problem.

SEN. JOHN GLENN: And the moon wasn't likely to change course, nor was it likely to shoot back.

KWAME HOLMAN: Even though opponents coined the name "Star Wars," supporters used it to promote the idea.

LITTLE GIRL IN AD: I asked my daddy what this Star Wars stuff is all about. He said that right now we can't protect ourself from nuclear weapons and that's why the President wants to build the peace shield. It would stop missiles in outer space so they couldn't hit our house.

[Ed's note: The only reason other nations build strategic arms is to protect themselves from the United States.]

KWAME HOLMAN: Congress gave President Reagan money to research a space-based missile defense system, but its deployment ultimately was blocked due, in large part, to the efforts of Georgia Senator Sam Nunn. Nunn, then chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, made an exhaustive study of the 1972 anti-ballistic missile treaty and concluded such a defense system violated that U.S.-Soviet agreement.

SEN. SAM NUNN, Chairman, Armed Services Committee: (1987) I noted that successive administrations, including this administration, the Reagan administration, had prior to 1985 consistently indicated that the treaty banned the development and testing of mobile space-based ABM's using exotics.

KWAME HOLMAN: Nunn's influence over defense issues convinced President Bush to introduce a less ambitious plan to protect the country against a limited nuclear attack, a ground-based defense similar to the Patriot missiles launched against Iraqi Scuds during the Persian Gulf War. But the plan also would rely on thousands of guided heat-seeking defense missiles in earth's orbit. President Bush called them "brilliant pebbles." But that too was considered by many to be a violation of the 1972 ABM Treaty.

LES ASPIN, Secretary of Defense: (1993) It's almost impossible to overstate the degree to which the defenses of the United States were focused on the Soviet Union even to the way we designed weapon systems.

KWAME HOLMAN: The end of the Cold War put plans for a space-based missile defense system on the shelf but not for long. Republicans took it down, dusted it off, and made it part of their Contract With America in 1994. It's back now with the title "The Defend America Act," and it's become part of Senator Bob Dole's Presidential campaign.

SEN. BOB DOLE, Republican Presidential Candidate: If I ask most people what would you have the President do if there was an income missile, ballistic missile, you would say shoot it down. We can't because President Clinton opposes it. And we support it.

KWAME HOLMAN: The Defend America Act would require that the Pentagon deploy by the year 2003 a national defense system against a limited nuclear attack. The cost, according to the Congressional Budget Office, $14 billion. But the system would expand over time to create a layered defense against "larger and more sophisticated ballistic missile threats as they emerge." CBO says that would bring the cost to between 31 and 60 billion dollars. Those recent estimates gave some Republican deficit hawks sticker shock, forcing their defense-minded colleagues to re-work the plan and giving President Clinton an opportunity to push his more scaled down and less costly approach.

PRESIDENT CLINTON: The possibility of a long-range missile attack on American soil by a rogue state is more than a decade away. To prevent it, we are committed to developing by the year 2000 a defensive system that could be deployed by 2003 well before the threat becomes real. I know that there are those who disagree with this policy. They have a plan that Congress will take up this week that would force us to choose now a costly missile defense system that could be obsolete tomorrow.

KWAME HOLMAN: The President is expected to veto The Defend America Act if it's sent to him, but Republicans in the Senate are having trouble scheduling a vote. This afternoon, Democrats refused to end debate on the missile defense plan and might continue to refuse indefinitely.

ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH: Now we get more from two Senators in the middle of this debate. Jon Kyl, Republican of Arizona, is a member of the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Arms Control Observer Group. Carl Levin, Democrat of Michigan, is a member of the Armed Services Committee and also serves on the Arms Control Observer Group. Thank you both for being with us. Sen. Kyl, why, in your view, should the United States deploy a missile defense system by the year 2000 as outlined in the, in the Act?

SEN. JON L. KYL, (R) Arizona: (Capitol Hill) As the CIA and the former CIA directors have all noted, there is a significant threat of proliferation. The former CIA director, Jim Woolsey, called it the most significant threat that faces us. And he has been critical of the Clinton administration for downplaying the threat. But the President, himself, has acknowledged the threat. As a matter of fact, he issued in December of last year an executive order which said because the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, the national emergency declared November 14th of last year must continue in effect beyond November of 1995. The President has acknowledged the threat. The disagreement is simply how soon to try to meet that threat and specifically how to do it.

ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH: And Sen. Kyl, a threat from whom?

SEN. KYL: The threat primarily that we are concerned with right now is either an accidental launch from a country like Russia or China, an unauthorized launch from one of those countries, or in the future a launch by a country we call them a rogue state, a country like North Korea, Libya, Iraq, Iran, one of those countries, either in an effort to blackmail the United States into taking action or not taking some kind of foreign policy action or in specific relationship to some military conflict. Frankly, I think the larger immediate concern is that a country like China, which threatens Los Angeles if we defend Taiwan, or Libya, which says if they had a missile, they would fire it at us, I think the more immediate concern is that it's difficult for us to conduct our foreign policy if other nations have these missiles, threaten to use them against us, or our allies, and we have no means of defending against them.

[Ed's note: With the possible exception of China, no other country has the strength to go up against the United States. With regard to China, if we see that they are a threat, we will boycott that country for vacation. It's not just the United States which can be boycotted, it's any government that breaks international law that can be.]

ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH: Sen. Levin, why do you oppose a missile defense system against that kind of threat?

SEN. CARL LEVIN, (D) Michigan: (Capitol Hill) The Pentagon, the top military leadership of this country, oppose it. They oppose it very strongly. They do not want to make a commitment now to deploy a system which has not been developed and not been tested. They feel very--and Gen. Shalikashvili has written to Sen. Nunn opposing the Dole Act because to commit ourselves now to deploy a system which could cost up to $60 billion would do two things which are bad in Gen. Shalikashvili's view, one, it would spend resources, up to $60 billion for unproven technology, but two and probably even more important, it would undermine our agreement with Russia, which is that we will not deploy these systems, and to go ahead now and commit, as this bill would do, to the deployment of these systems will cause Russia, we've been told directly this by the Russian leadership, will cause Russia to not proceed with the, the dismantlement of weapons under START I and will cause them not to ratify START II and both of those agreements result in a great reduction of nuclear weapons. So if we pursued--proceed now to deploy this system, we will, in fact, be increasing the number of nuclear weapons in this world because Russia will no longer comply with START I, as she's entitled not to if we go ahead with this illegal system, and she will not ratify START II.

[Ed's note: At last I agree with the Pentagon.]

ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH: I'll come back to that issue in one second but first, on Sen. Kyl's point that we have threats from North Korea and other rogue states and other kinds of threats too, how do you respond to that?

SEN. LEVIN: There are potential threats, and what the Pentagon wants to do, our top military leadership wants to do here is to get ready to deploy in three years but not make a commitment now because we're not ready to make this commitment and because it would undermine our agreement with the Russians. So yes, there's a potential threat that, no, do not commit to deployment now when it will precipitate an increase in the number of nuclear weapons kept by the Russians and potentially threatening us through proliferation.

ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH: Sen. Kyl, first on that, the Pentagon's view that we could wait, and second, the ABM issue, the anti-ballistic missile treaty.

SEN. KYL: First of all, the Pentagon is taking orders from the President who opposes this I would argue primarily on political grounds. I got the letter from the general right here, and there isn't a word in here about opposing the Dole bill. As a matter of fact, Carl is right about one thing here. He says that this could cause a reaction by the Russians if it's deemed a violation of the ABM Treaty, but Sam Nunn, the Senator from Georgia, who also opposes this, has a plan of his own which would also violate the ABM Treaty. In either case, the fact of the matter is there's no violation of the ABM Treaty because the treaty, itself, allows for amendment. And The Defend America Act specifically says that we should negotiate with the Russians in an effort to resolve any issues that might result in a violation if we proceeded. And if we cannot reach an agreement with the Russians, the ABM Treaty, itself, provides that with six months notice we can withdraw from the treaty. So it's not a violation of the Treaty. It's simply the United States doing what is in our best interest to defend the people of the United States. The bottom line is this: There is no defense against an incoming missile for the people of the United States. We're supporting Israel. We're supporting other countries to defend themselves, but we're not supporting the United States. And sooner or later, we've got to deploy a system that can do that. I would rather be too early than be too late.

ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH: And Sen. Kyl, what about the costs, the cost issue? Do you take the, the Congressional Budget Office figures as possible, that this is what it would cost?

SEN. KYL: No. There are a lot of problems with the CBO study. It's a very difficult and confusing study to understand. But I think your, your preliminary story had it about right. They say that it would cost between ten and fourteen billion dollars on the initial phase, and then they say that if you later wanted to provide the kind of space system that was described in the story but our bill leaves that totally up to the President. So we're not proposing that at this point, that the cost could be much higher. The cost in that event would run probably about thirty to thirty-five billion dollars. But this now would be paid for over a period of maybe fifteen or twenty years, so we're not talking about a significant amount in any given year.

[Ed's note: Tell that to someone who is starving in America or who works for the minimum wage or below the minimum wage. Moreover, if they had listened to the President when John F. Kennedy was in office, then none of this would be necessary.]

ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH: Sen. Levin, what about that point about amending the missile treaty, that the United States could move forward slowly, try to amend, and then pull out, if necessary?

SEN. LEVIN: Well, the bill does not say just let's negotiate a possible amendment. The bill very clearly in Section 4 says that we shall develop a national missile defense which shall achieve the initial operating capability by the end of 2003. It's there in black and white, as is Gen. Shalikashvili's letter which makes it clear that not only does he oppose the Dole bill but that all of the joint chiefs oppose it and the commanders in the field oppose the Dole bill because it will reduce the security of the United States by undermining agreements with Russia which have permitted us to reduce the number of nuclear weapons which exist in this world.

ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH: Sen. Kyl, do you think that that opposition, as you said, you think it's political, you think that all of those people in the military are opposed just for--just because they're being pressured by, by the White House?

SEN. KYL: First of all, Carl held up the letter. Here's the letter. It doesn't say a word about defeating the Dole bill. Those words are not in the letter. The fact is that Gen. Shalikashvili wrote a very carefully worded letter because this President says we're going to oppose the Dole bill. And so he wrote a very carefully worded letter, never mentions the Dole bill, says, well, now there could be some problems if the United States begins to take some action that would offend the Russians, but I want to make two quick points here again. No. 1, the ABM Treaty, itself, has a provision for renegotiation and even withdrawal if it's in our national interest. That's not a breach of the treaty. That's recognizing our legal ability to withdraw from the treaty if we so choose. And secondly, I find it a remarkable argument that if we offend the Russians by defending ourselves, they will violate the START I Treaty, they'll stop withdrawing--or drawing down their nuclear warheads, and because they'll violate a treaty in response to our actions to defend ourselves, that therefore we shouldn't take those actions. That's a remarkable argument. It's like the old appeasement arguments of the Cold War. We know now that peace through strength is what wins for the United States, and I think that's the appropriate action when we're talking about the lives of American citizens.

SEN. LEVIN: Can I quote from this letter?


SEN. LEVIN: Sen. Kyl says it never mentions the Dole bill. It starts off to Sen. Nunn by saying, "In response to your recent letter on The Defend America Act of 1996," so when Sen. Kyl says it never mentions the Dole bill, it starts by responding to Sen. Nunn's inquiry about the Dole bill and secondly, it says, "I am concerned that failure of either START initiative will result--I am concerned"--this is Gen. Shalikashvili, who is the top military man in this country, "I am concerned that failure of either START initiative will result in Russian retention of hundreds or even thousands more nuclear weapons, thereby increasing both the costs and risks that we may face." Now Gen. Shalikashvili may take orders from the President, but when it comes to expressing personal opinions--and we've asked them for personal opinions--he is committed to give us what, in his view, is the way in which America can be more secure. We have asked the top military leadership of this country how can we be more secure with their approach, which is supported by the administration or by this unilateral rejection of the ABM Treaty which has allowed the reduction of thousands of nuclear warheads. He opts very strongly for the so-called three plus three approach and is opposed to the Dole bill.

ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH: What about that, Sen. Kyl, just briefly?

SEN. KYL: What I should have said is not that the letter didn't mention the Dole bill but it never urges a rejection or a vote or expresses opposition to the Dole bill. That would be the correct characterization. Again, all of the Joint Chiefs and the military people serving under Ronald Reagan and George Bush took the position that I take. They follow the orders of the commander in chief. That's what they're supposed to do. I have no problem with that. The day that we let the Russians' attitude dictate our national defenses is the day that we fail to provide adequately to protect our people.

SEN. LEVIN: We should run our own.

SEN. KYL: To have Russians say that they'll violate a treaty if we take action to protect ourselves, then I say that that shows the treaty isn't working.

SEN. LEVIN: We agree on one--we agree on one thing.

ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH: I want to ask both of you, what is the status of the bill now?

SEN. LEVIN: Well, it may or may not come up for another cloture vote, but we agree on one thing.


SEN. LEVIN: We should ask is what's in our security interest, that is clear. We agree on that. The question, though, is what is in our security interest and undermining a treaty, a treaty which has contributed to it does not contribute to our security interest, and--but the status of the bill, it's still pending or could pend again. Whether or not there will be another cloture vote will depend upon whether Sen. Dole thinks that it contributes to his political campaign or not.

SEN. KYL: Just briefly to explain, a cloture vote would enable us to begin taking up the bill so we could debate it and eventually have a vote on it. The vote that was taken today even though we got 53 votes in support of our position, we didn't get 60 votes, and as a result, we're not able to take the bill up, debate it, and have a vote on it. And I would note that this is not a political position of Bob Dole, even though he is the primary supporter of it. The reason that we had to take this bill up separately is that when this matter was put in the defense authorization bill last year, the President vetoed the defense authorization bill just because it had in it the provision that would protect American people from ballistic missile attack. We had to take that provision out in order to get him to sign the bill and bring it up separately. And as we found out today, the Democrats in the Senate won't even let us take it up--

ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH: Gentlemen, that's all the time we have. Thank you very much.

[Ed's note: We can't afford this program and it is not needed either. That is not my opinion. That is the reality. Further, the office is not needed either.]

Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO)

Number 37, July 1995 Ballistic Missile Defense

The Need for a National Debate Robert Joseph and Keith Payne

Conclusions Note:

Consensus on Theater Missile Defense There is a strong consensus in the United States concerning the need for active defenses against theater ballistic missiles, defined as missiles with a range of 3,500 km or less. This consensus was forged in the Gulf War, when Iraq launched conventionally-armed missiles at Israel and Saudi Arabia one striking a U.S. barracks, causing one-quarter of the U.S. combat fatalities of the conflict. Iraqi missiles were derived from the 1950's-vintage Scud-B missiles previously provided by the Soviet Union. The political and military utility of even these relatively crude missiles was not lost on other states who would use force to achieve their own territorial and political objectives.

[Ed's note: The reason Iraq fired missiles at Israel is because Iraq hates Israel. Someone will need to tell me why they fired missiles at Saudi Arabia if they did. Question everything!]

Developments since Desert Storm have confirmed that states seeking NBC weapons also seek increasingly capable ballistic missiles as their delivery system of choice. For example, Iran and Pakistan reportedly have been provided Chinese technology for M-9 and/ or M-11 missiles. North Korea has flight tested the 1000+ km-range No Dong-1, a missile with the potential to carry NBC warheads, and may have concluded agreements to provide the No Dong to Iran, Libya and Syria. Indeed, according to unofficial sources, the delivery of No-Dong missiles to Iran may already have begun. Such transfers could have profound implications for stability in the Middle East and Persian Gulf areas of vital U.S. interest.

[Ed's note: Yes, oil and having peace so they can exploit human beings in terms of labor.]

The Gulf experience and the accelerating pace of missile proliferation have demonstrated the need for a robust theater missile defense capability. As a result, the United States has initiated a number of programs to protect U.S. forces and allies from ballistic missile attack. The "core" TMD programs of the U.S. effort include: (1) improvements to PATRIOT (PAC-3) and the new ERINT missile for point defense; (2) THAAD for wide-area theater defense; and (3) AEGIS/SM-2 Block IVA for tactical missile defense from the sea.

In addition to these core TMD programs, the Clinton Administration has recently declared the much more capable Navy Upper Tier system described as an "advanced concept" for "extensive theater-wide protection" to be compliant with the ABM Treaty. However, as discussed below, it is not clear how substantially this system (as well as THAAD) has been "dumbed-down" to make it compatible with the Administration's view of the Treaty.

[Ed's note: Remember Clinton is a Bilderberger and Trilateral Commission member and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, all aspects of the Shadow government. See first edition of True Democracy if you haven't read it.] Divergence on National Missile Defense

The consensus on TMD does not exist on national missile defense. In fact, differences on the central issue of defending the U.S. homeland from ballistic missile attack are stark, influenced by widely contrasting perceptions of the threat and the relevance of traditional arms control, specifically the ABM Treaty, in the post Cold War environment.

Those who oppose initiating an NMD deployment program begin with the premise that, presently, no proliferant state has the capability to strike U.S. territory with ballistic missiles. Furthermore, they contend that the emergence of such a threat in the near or mid-term is very unlikely. Therefore, given defense budgetary constraints, the United States need not and should not now pursue NMD. Moreover, NMD critics argue that if a missile threat does emerge, the United States will be able to deter attacks on its territory through its conventional superiority and, if necessary, its nuclear offensive forces, as it did during the decades of the Cold War. In fact, opponents believe NMD would undermine deference and lead to a new U.S.-Russian nuclear offensive arms race.

In contrast, NMD advocates point to the proliferation of ballistic missile programs in countries hostile to the United States. They cite, for example, the North Korean development of two new multistage missiles. Then-Director of Central Intelligence, James Wails, publicly acknowledged these North Korean missiles, and noted that they could pose a threat to "all of Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, much of the Pacific area, and even most of Russia." Indeed, according to a more recent statement by then-Deputy Secretary of Defense John Dutch, one of these missiles, the Taipei Dong 2, will have the potential to strike portions of the United States. According to public testimony by intelligence officials, these missiles could be operational within three to five years. If the Taipei Dong 2 has intercontinental potential, is operational in five years and armed with NBC warheads, an NMD deployment program must be initiated now if the United States is to escape the prospect of vulnerability to North Korean missile threats. Moreover, given the North's record of selling missiles and technologies to other rogue states, the United States could become vulnerable to unprecedented coercion. In this context, Libya has declared its intent to acquire missiles with which to threaten the U.S. homeland.

[Ed's note: We don't have proof that this is what Libya would do. Furthermore, Libya would know that they would be disseminated if they did try anything. That country and all small countries only have weapons as a defense against the United States. That, in fact, is why Cuba armed themselves before the Bay of Pigs. That's the only reason they did.]

These and other emerging threats (e.g., the possible sale of Russian SS-25s as space launch vehicles) make NMD essential. NMD proponents reject as a Cold War nostrum the notion that missile defenses would undermine deterrence. Indeed, they insist that NMD would both contribute to deterrence and provide an important hedge against the increased potential for deterrence failure in the post-Cold War era. Deterrence policies must be supplemented by NMD because the conditions necessary for deterrence mutual familiarity, understanding, communication, etc. are less likely to pertain in the existing strategic environment than in the bipolar structure of the past.

The absence of an effective NMD may undercut the ability of the United States to deter regional aggressors armed with long-range missiles. Such aggressor states may well judge U.S. deterrence as incredible because of the aggressors ability to launch retaliatory NBC missile attacks on U.S. cities. Because the regional aggressor would question the willingness of U.S. leaders to risk possible missile attacks against U.S. territory, regional deterrence would be weakened. NMD is therefore essential to establish the credibility of U.S. regional deterrence policies. Evolution of the BMD Program

Reflective of these fundamentally different views are the divergent approaches on NMD taken by the Bush and Clinton Administrations. In early 1991, following the demise of the Soviet empire, President Bush reoriented the SDI program from defending against a Soviet first strike to protecting against limited ballistic missile attacks. Two events later that year validated this shift in focus. First, as stated earlier, ballistic missiles played a major role in the strategy of the Gulf conflict. Second, the attempted coup in the Soviet Union raised concerns regarding command and control of the Soviet strategic arsenal. The redesigned program called Global Protection Against Limited Strikes (GPALS) envisioned deployment by the end of the decade of space- based sensors and both theater missile defenses and ground-based strategic defense interceptors (to be followed by space-based interceptors). The number of interceptors was to be limited to assuage concerns that defenses would undermine U.S.-Soviet strategic stability. In this context, the Bush Administration made clear that the level of strategic defenses deployed would not undercut the credibility of the Soviet offensive strategic force.

[Ed's note: The Gulf War was just another deceit levied upon the innocent American people so the elites would reap billions of taxpayer dollars.]

Consistent with this shift in the U.S. program, Soviet and then Russian leaders acknowledged the need to protect against ballistic missile proliferation through strengthened active defenses. Indeed, in January 1992 President Yeltsin called for "a global system for protection of the world community" from the missile and NBC proliferation threat. Building on the expressed desire of both the U.S. and Russia to work together to meet a common threat, Bush and Yeltsin established a high level group to develop a concept for a joint defense system and to identify areas for cooperation. Between June and September, the group made progress in such areas as the possibility of sharing early warning information. However, with the election defeat of President Bush, this effort came to an end.

The Clinton Administration, soon after assuming office, initiated a series of national security policy reviews, including the Departement of Defense Bottom-Up Review to assess overall defense requirements. The BUR recommendations on missile defenses: (1) assigned first priority to theater missile defenses and regional threats; (2) downgraded the priority for TMD, changing the focus from an acquisition program to a technology demonstration/readiness program; and (3) gave third priority to an advanced technologies program, designed to develop and demonstrate high payoff technologies for TMD and NMD. Consistent with these recommendations, the SDIO was renamed BMDO, and restructured to focus almost exclusively on theater missile defenses.

Downgrading the NMD program to "a hedge against a greater long range missile threat" reflected a relatively benign view of the threat. The probability of a deliberate attack on the United States by Russia or China was assessed to be "extremely low," and the likelihood of an accidental or unauthorized launch was described as "unlikely." Although not excluded, the possibility of a limited ballistic missile threat to the United States from a third country "sometime in the first decade of the next century" was not considered urgent or even sufficiently significant to require an National Missile Defense (NMD) deployment program. The NMD programs in progress were either cut back (e.g., space-based sensors) or killed (e.g., space-based interceptors). Other programs, such as ground-based NMD interceptors and radars, were reduced and slowed. Funding for the advanced technologies program was also severely reduced, impacting directly on advanced capabilities such as the boost-phase interceptor. With the Republican victory in November 1994, the positions of the Clinton Administration on BMD have come under increased attack. Pointing to missile threats from North Korea, Iraq and Iran, Hill leaders have rejected the Administration's approach to both theater and national missile defense. On TMD, Congress has objected to negotiations which are seen as placing restrictions on U.S. technologies which will reduce the effectiveness and raise the costs of U.S. TMD systems. On NMD, Congress has called for a renewed commitment to effective national missile defenses and the Senate has directed the deployment of a multiple-site ND system by 2003.

The Future of the ABM Treaty

Paralleling its reorientation of the BMD program from SDI to GALS, the Bush Administration revised its position on the ABM Treaty. Although describing the 1972 Treaty as an outdated relic of the Cold War, the Administration indicated a willingness to accept limits on the deployment of strategic defenses, thereby agreeing that the Treaty could remain in effect if amended to meet the security requirements of the post Cold War period, including the need to counter the missile threat.

In the fall of 1992, the Bush Administration proposed in the Standing Consultative Commission (SCC) a series of formal amendments to the ABM Treaty that would have:

*eliminated restrictions on development and testing of ABM systems and components; *eliminated restrictions on radars and sensors; *eliminated restrictions on the transfer of ABM systems and technologies; and *permitted additional ABM deployment sites, as well as additional launchers and interceptors.

The Bush Administration proposed to clarify the demarcation line between ABM and non-ABM systems by establishing a demonstrated, verifiable standard based on the of the target in actual tests involving interceptor missiles. If the target exceeded the established limit, the tested system would be considered strategic and, therefore, bound by the restrictions of the ABM Treaty. In this way, consistent with the original intent of the Treaty, development, testing and deployment of TMD systems would not be impeded.

The position of the Clinton Administration on the Treaty was radically different from that of its predecessor. Referring to the ABM Treaty as "the bedrock of strategic stability," the Clinton Administration took a number of actions to strengthen the "viability and effectiveness" of the Treaty, including:

* withdrawing the amendments to the Treaty proposed by the Bush Administration; * advocating the multilateralization of the Treaty, making it much more difficult to amend the Treaty in the future; and * "affirming" the "narrow" interpretation of the Treaty. On demarcation, although initially adopting the position of the Bush Administration, the Clinton Administration has agreed to place additional restrictions on the development, testing and deployment of TMD systems. In short, the ABM Treaty was made the center-piece of the new Administration's arms control policy.

Following the November 1994 elections, the Clinton Administration's position on demarcation became a focal point for Congressional objections to the shift in U.S. policy on the ABM Treaty in general. The new Hill leadership expressed its firm opposition to the additional restrictions on defensive technologies which the Administration has either accepted or proposed in the SCC negotiations. Moreover, Congress has criticized as inadequate the Administration's consultations on these negotiations, as well as on the issue of multilateralization. More broadly, Hill leaders have questioned the basic relevance of the ABM Treaty in today's security environment a world in which the Soviet Union no longer exists, in which the logic of the Cold War no longer applies, and in which the foreseeable ballistic missile threats to the United States require effective missile defenses.

The Clinton Administration, caught between congressional pressure and Russian intransigence, has avoided reconvening the SCC, moving the negotiations to higher diplomatic levels, culminating in the May Summit in Moscow. The Joint Statement from the Summit, while described by the Administration as moving in the direction of Congress, is still viewed as inconsistent with the concerns of, and positions advocated by Hill leaders. The statement enshrines the Treaty as the "cornerstone" of U.S.-Russian relations and commits the parties to a set of "basic principles" to guide demarcation negotiations.

Far from resolving the contentious issues, the Summit "principles" have been criticized as merely serving to commit the United States to further negotiations before deploying treaty-compliant TAD systems. For example, the principle that TAD systems "must not lead to violation or circumvention of the ABM Treaty" commits the U.S. to negotiations in which it must respond to hypothetical concerns Moscow may choose to raise not about what U.S. TAD programs are but about what they might theoretically become. On the basis of past experience with Soviet negotiators who are now Russian negotiators critics have predicted endless filibusters over specious concerns designed to prevent decisive action essential to develop and deploy the defenses the United States needs.

[Ed's note: Remember this is not defense; it's aggression.]

Department of Energy

You may be wondering why this department is in this section. I'll tell you. In addition to what the Web site from which the documentation came for the Shadow Government, the various presidential administrations don't want to do research into wind and solar power. They are too intent on maintaining oil, coal, and nuclear for energy.

On December 26, 1994 in Los Angeles, I met the secretary of the professor who has the solution to the nuclear waste problem. She told me that the United States arrested him because he did and placed him in jail. If anyone knows how to find this professor, please contact me because I lost the business card the secretary gave me. I contacted every engineering school in the United States to try to locate him but was unsuccessful. The only person who gave me help was one head of one school who told me, "Yes, this is a political issue."

If you think about this, you will understand that the waste is placed where minorities live. They are subject to harm because of that fact. Therefore, not only must we find the solution to the nuclear waste problem, we must develop wind and solar power too.

Coal mining kills. A close family friend's father died at a very young age because he was a coal miner in Ohio. Additionally, Native Americans stress that Mother Earth should not be disturbed. They are correct; she shouldn't be disturbed.

All the funding which now is concentrated in evil goals needs to be redirected to positive goals. Thank you.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories LLNL Human Genome Center In the past two years, the goals of the Human Genome Center have undergone a dramatic evolution. This change is the result of several factors both intrinsic and extrinsic to the Human Genome Initiative. They include: 1) the successful completion of the first phase goal of the Center, namely a high-resolution, sequence-ready map of human chromosome 19; 2) advances in DNA sequencing that allowed us to accelerate scaling this operation; 3) the development of a strategic plan for the Biology and Biotechnology Research Program which integrates our resources and strengths in genomics with programs in DNA repair, individual susceptibility, structural biology, and microbial biotechnology; and 4) the formation of a Joint Genome Institute for the Department of Energy with its three Genome Centers at Livermore, Berkeley, and Los Alamos as anchors.

In the last year, the primary emphasis of our Livermore Center activities has been on high-throughput sequencing, shotgun sequencing technology development, and functional genomics. To provide resources for future functional studies, we have focused our sequencing efforts on two areas: genomic regions containing DNA repair genes and human chromosome 19. Utilizing our high-resolution, bacterial clone-based map of human chromosome 19, we have generated over 3.4 Mb of genomic sequence targeted to selected regions of biological interest. This chromosome is GC-rich (and thus, potentially gene-rich) and contains a large number of clustered gene families, several of which are targets for genomic sequencing. Sequence analysis of a variety of regions from chromosome 19 indicate that it is indeed gene-rich, even in regions expected to be gene-poor due to a paucity of genetic markers. This makes it an attractive target for gene-finding studies employing the complementary genomic and full- length cDNA sequencing approaches.

In addition to genomic sequence, over 50 complementary DNA clones (cDNAs) from genes on human chromosome 19 were fully sequenced and submitted to public sequence databases. We have expanded the basis of the LLNL-based I.M.A.G.E. Consortium, an effort to characterize the transcribed human genome, through interactions with numerous collaborators (in particular, Washington University - Merck) such that the clone collection is now the largest public collection of sequenced cDNA clones, with over 500,000 arrayed clones, over 500,000 sequences in public databases, and over 15,000 mapped cDNAs.

Our entire database structure has been redesigned to handle genomic information from any species and to make a more user-friendly WEB page interface. A sequence tracking system has been established and a more generic process control system is being developed. We have focused our instrumentation efforts on two technologies. The first is a high-density, fluorescence-based hybridization system that will allow us to screen any genome rapidly and efficiently, thereby eliminating the use of radioactivity. We are also developing the next generation DNA sequencing instrument based upon a unique Livermore design of 96- and 384-lane rigid microchannels. The 96-channel system will undergo beta-test this year.

Web page maintained by BBRP Webmaster [email protected] UCRL-MI-117984

[Ed's Note: If you visit the section of my Web site which says "Trilateral Commission members" you will see the names of human genome heads of companies. This is why this War Department company has "undergone a dramatic evolution." But why are they using genome technology for war? Why have war? Instead put the money to use for positive goals like improving the quality of life with technology which will solve human genetic conditions.

It is my understanding that the powers that be want to shorten life, not lengthen it because that way they won't exhaust the social security trust fund. We have a better plan. We will bring manufacturing back to America's shores so the tax base is broadened therefore most countries on earth will have manufacturing instead of only a few.

The vast majority of manufacturing plants have departed America for cheaper labor exploiting the labor force in Third World countries. See the Did You Know section of this edition for more documentation on that travesty of justice.]

Sandia National Laboratories-West (SNL-W)

Sandia/Calif. Web Site ------Who we are, what we do

Sandia is a national security laboratory operated for the U.S. Department of Energy by the Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Co. We design all non-nuclear components for the nation¹s nuclear weapons, perform a wide variety of energy research and development projects, and work on assignments that respond to national security threats ‹ both military and economic. We encourage and seek partnerships with appropriate U.S. industry and government groups to collaborate on emerging technologies that support our mission.

------Sandia Vision Helping our nation secure a peaceful and free world through technology.


In addition to what the beginning of the Shadow government states about Sandia National Laboratories- West which contradicts what Sandia's Web site states, there is that National Security issue again. National Security has achieved wars, AIDS, famine, illegal drugs, and other illnesses which the government doesn't want to solve. That doesn't sound like security for a nation to me and I imagine it doesn't to you either.

Since I place far more credence in the work of Dr. Boylan than I do in the statement of Sandia's Web site formulators, we need to close down Sandia National Laboratories. I will defer to all of you, however. You may know more about this company than I do

Idaho National Engineering Laboratories (INEL) http:// INEL by Gary Sedun Client: Idaho National Engineering Laboratories, Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA

ASA, in association with Inuktun Services, has recently designed, fabricated and delivered the above project IN ONLY 19 WEEKS. The system includes a tethered articulated duct/pipe robot and surface control system. The robot incorporates three short segments which enables travel around 90 degree bends in 8"=20 circular ducts. The control station gives the operator high resolution images from the robot's cameras and provides two joysticks for control of the robot's 4 tracks. Overlaid on the camera images are displays from the various system sensors. The Scope of Work included all design, assembly, testing, delivery and training.

The ROBOT is comprised of:

The FRONT SEGMENT consists of:

Two tracks, an electronics can and a camera pan and tilt unit. Incorporated into these units are:

- a forward facing high definition camera, - a lighting system, a solid state gyroscope, - a radiation sensor (hard beta and gamma) and - a sampling arm for taking specimens.

The MIDDLE SEGMENT houses the main vehicle microprocessor, telemetry electronics and robot tip & tilt sensors.

The REAR SEGMENT consists of: Two tracks, a power conditioning system, a rear facing camera, rear facing lights and the tether connection. The CONTROL STATION incorporates:

An OPERATOR DISPLAY, which shows various information including; - the selected camera view - the Vehicle segment positions - the camera pan and tilt orientation - the Vehicle tip, tilt and direction - an artificial horizon - the temperature of internal components

All displays and associated icons can be turned off, minimized or moved on the screen.

The OPERATOR CONTROLS, which include; - separate joysticks for the front and rear tracks - emergency on/off switch - camera select switch - pan and tilt controls - light intensity switches for all three sets of lights - cruise control on/off switch - slave rear tracks to front tracks on/off switch

The MAIN CONTROL COMPUTER is a VME based system utilizing a 68000 series processor and associated I/O and interface cards. All control programs in the Control Station are Written in "C" using VxWorks, a real time Operating System. The vehicle microprocessors are written in a combination of C and assembly language.


In April of 1995 ASA was awarded a contract by INEL (Idaho National Engineering Laboratory) to upgrade their Duct Inspection Robot's Electronics. This system was originally designed and built jointly by ASA and Inuktun. INEL required the electronics package inside the Duct Inspection Robot to be revised to achieve two major goals; to be easily expandable in the future and to control a new device that INEL had designed. This device mechanically changes the angle of the Robot's tracks so as to accommodate the different diameters of pipe encountered while navigating the Duct system. Previously the tracks were held at fixed angles by replaceable brackets.

The new electronics package contains 8 networked microprocessors communicating over the I=B2C bus. These are configured as one master processor and seven slave processors. The microprocessor selected for this purpose was the PIC16c73 just released by Microchip. The rear segment contains the master processor, which exchanges RS485 commands from, and status information to, the supervisor over the tether. The master then communicates this information to/from the appropriate slaves. A slave microprocessor located in each of the four tracks provides PWM control of the track's motor and provides temperature feedback. The center segment of the robot's body contains two more slave processors. One is responsible for changing the angle of the tracks and reading various feedback devices such as the roll and pitch sensors. The other integrates the rate gyro signal providing direction of travel information and counts pulses from the radiation sensor. The final slave processor is located in the front 'camera' can and is responsible for the panning and tilting of the camera head, the motion of the manipulator arm, the camera's iris control and pan/tilt feedback information. Each slave processor on the I=B2C bus has a unique 'address' which the master processor uses to communicate with it. New devices can be easily added to the system by suitably programming a PIC16c73 or related processor, giving it an as yet unused address and plugging it into one to the spare communications ports on the exterior of the robot. The master software would then be slightly modified to talk to the new device. Apart from the design and assembly of the new device, only minor software changes need to be made in order to accommodate it.

ASA Scope of Supply:

- System Concept and Design for all robot electronics and entire Control Station. - System Mechanical, Electrical and Software Engineering for above. - Fabrication Supervision and Assembly. - System Testing and Site Installation.

Project Completed : 1994 & 1995(Control Upgrade)

To view ASA's Web Page for this project (and other ASA custom automation projects) go to:

To view the Web Page for this project produced by INEL go to: http://

Send inquiries to the address below: [email protected] (Garry Sedun, President) Or phone us at (604)-656-2002 (Canada) and ask for Garry Sedun

Shall we have this company manufacture products for home consumption? That will lead to competition and that will bring prices down. That's what the elites don't want. Everything is leaning toward monopoly. That raises prices. The reason why retail stores such as Wal-Mart can lower their prices now is because the labor costs are so horribly low that the people cannot live on that wage in countries such as the People's Republic of China (Red China).

Sandia National Laboritories (SNL)

When doing a search on my default search engine, one item stated "Microelectronics and Photonics at Sandia. Content is not to be used in publications, presentations, or commercial endeavors without permission. Please address comments to memsinfo@

Sandia compiles 1,000 technical documents per year for the U.S. Department of Energy. Many are "available to the public." It's clickable by going to their Web site which is and scrolling down to the bottom and clicking on Questions and Comments.

If you refer back to what Dr. Boylan stated on this company, you will see that there is nothing. This is due to the fact that they are concealing information which they don't want us to know.

If I had asked their permission to publish this for you to read, they would not have granted it any more than mainstream newspapers have granted me permission. Since we know what the Department of Energy represents which is part of the Shadow Government and this is listed as part of the Shadow Governmemt, we need to demand that no funding be granted unless they open up their facility to all people because it's clear that they don't want you to know what they are engaged in doing.

Phillips Air Force Laboratory

Which is sequestered on Kirtland Air Force Base/Sandia Military Reservation, and conduct the translation of theoretical and experimental nuclear and Star Wars weapons research done at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories into practical, working weapons), Albuquerque, New Mexico.

That's all they do so since we will have no more war, they need to stop doing what they are doing. There will be no more funding for it.

Tonopah Test Range

Sandia National Laboratories Department of Energy weapons testing facility for operatinally testing Star Wars weapons in realistic target situations, and is adjacent to classified stealth and cloaked aerospace craft and United States-UFO bases at the Groom Lake [USA/DOE/CIA] Base [Area 51] and Papoose Lake Base [S-4], Nevada Test Site/Nellis AFB Range, Tonopah, Nevada.

One doesn't need to test when there will be no more war.

Haystack (Buttes) USAF Laboratory, Edwards AFB, CA A 30 levels deep, extreme security facility reportedly engaged in alien technology retro- engineering.

Retro-engineering is defined as analysis of existing components or assemblies normally but this description is centered on "aliens" so could it be that this definition of retro- engineering pertains to human beings?

Many people claim that they see UFOs while the military denies them catagorically. I suspect that the military is deceiving us.

If we discontinue the funding of this aspect of Edwards AFB, then we should obtain the truth. Moreover, when, not if, we do what President Kennedy wanted to do, then we will find out a multitude of information.

Los Alamos National Laboratories

The premier research lab for nuclear, subatomic particle, high magnetic field, exometallurgical, exobiological and other exotic technologies research, Los Alamos County, New Mexico according to Dr. Boylan.

Let's analyze this, shall we? We know that Los Alamos produced the A Bomb, the bombs that discemated Nagasaki and Hiroshima and we know that this facility is part of the Shadow Government so we can imagine that most if not all of what this facility does is harmful. Correct? Despite all this, I would defer to those who are knowledgeable regarding technology and engineering to guide us because it may just be possible to use this technology to produce peaceful applications.

Here is some information which was obtained from a search:

Quantum Computation/Cryptography at Los Alamos

"Where a calculator on the Eniac is equipped with 18000 vacuum tubes and weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1000 tubes and weigh only 1 1/2 tons" Popular Mechanics, March 1949

This Homepage will give you an overview of the work done at Los Alamos on Quantum Computation and Cryptography as well as related links.

The idea of quantum computation and cryptography is to use the laws of quantum mechanics for either computing or exchange secrets messages. Using quantum mechanics instead of classical mechanics has huge advantages but also some drawbacks. Quantum mechanics makes the applications much more powerful but at the same time much more fragile against noise. To learn more about this browse around!


New - New - New Experimental Quantum Error Correction Quantum error correction is required to compensate for the fragility of the state of a quantum computer. We report the first experimental implementations of quantum error correction and confirm the expected state stabilization. A precise study of the decay behavior is studied in alanine and a full implemetation of error correction protocol is implemented in trichloroethylene. In NMR computing, however, a net improvement in the signal-to-noise would require very high polarization. The experiment implemented the 3-bit code for phase errors in liquid state state NMR. Quantum Teleportation. Quantum mechanics provides spectacular new information processing abilities. One of the most unexpected is a procedure called quantum teleportation suggested by Bennet et al. that allows the quantum state of a system to be transported from one location to another, without moving through the intervening space. We have implemented the full quantum teleportation operation over inter- atomic distances using liquid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The inclusion of the final stage enables for the first time a teleportation implementation which may be used as a subroutine in larger quantum computations, or for quantum communication. Our experiment also demonstrates the use of quantum process tomography , a procedure to completely characterize the dynamics of a quantum system. Finally, we demonstrate a controlled exploitation of decoherence as a tool to assist in the performance of an experiment.


This Homepage is updated by Raymond Laflamme [email protected] Manny Knill [email protected]

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Area 51/Groom Lake (USAF/DOE/CIA) Base and S-4 (Papoose Lake Base)

Ultra-secure "non-existent" deployment bases where extremely classified aerospace vehicles are tested and operational flown, including the Aurora hypersonic spyplane, the Black Manta [TR-3A] stealth fighter follow-on to the F-117A, the Pumpkinseed hyper- speed unmanned aerospace reconnaissance vehicle, and several variants of anti- gravitational craft (U.S.-UFOs).

We all know that quotation marks around a term means just the opposite of what it purports so we know that these bases do exist. Are we to support with U.S. taxes spyplanes which encourage a kind of Cold War? I believe that you would concur that we should not. HOT SITES

U. S. Special Forces Command Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, Florida, along with it Western U.S. Headquarters, Special Forces Command, beale AFB, Marysville, California, coordinating:

U.S. Army Delta Forces (Green Berets) U.S. Navy SEALs (Black Berets), Coronado, California USAF Blue light (Red Berets) Strike Force

We know that there was at least one Green Beret who assassinated President Kennedy (see First edition of True Democracy, Winter, 2001) so we can extrapolate from that as well as from the fact that these forces are in the Shadow Government that they all must be evil. Moreover, more and more is being exposed that the military is deliberately mind controled so we need to end these programs. They serve no purpose except to further the goals of the elite.

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) which coordinates the application of latest scientific finding to the development of new generations of weapons.

This says it all -- weapons. Wouldn't it be better to put this money to good use? This could be raising social security rates, SSI, and SSDI for people who are so poor that they must eat dog food.

Retired people complain about the ceiling being only $30,000 before one must file an income tax return and pay taxes. These are people who have worked all their lives and paid taxes diligently. Shall we give them some hope? After all, David Rockefeller doesn't pay one penny in income taxes.

The Jason Group

Elite weapons application scientists, developing cutting-edge science weapons for DARPA, and operating under the cover of the Mitre Corporation.

What they are doing is developing genetics for war and operating in relative secrecy.

They don't deserve to exist. The money which is spent on this project could be put to use in a much more productive manner. Human Genome Project

October 7, 1997

The MITRE Corporation JASON Program Office 1820 Dolley Madison Blvd McLean, Virginia 22102 (703) 883-6997

Study Leader: S. Koonin

Contributors Include: S. Block J. Cornwall W. Dally F. Dyson N. Fortson G. Joyce H. J. Kimble N. Lewis C. Max T. Prince R. Schwitters P. Weinberger W. H. Woodin



1.1 Overview of the Human Genome Project 1.2 Challenges for the Project 1.2.1 The complexity of genomic data 1.2.2 The state of technology 1.2.3 The pace of sequencing 1.2.4 The cost of sequencing 1.2.5 Project coordination 1.3 Study charge 1.4 Recommendations 1.4.1 General recommendations 1.4.2 Technology recommendations 1.4.3 Quality recommendations 1.4.4 Informatics recommendations


2.1 Improvements of present genomics technology 2.1.1 Electrophoresis improvements and an ABI users group 2.1.2 Algorithms 2.2 DOE's mission for advanced sequencing technology 2.2.1 Institutional barriers to advanced technology development 2.2.2 Purposes of advanced sequencing technology 2.3 Specific advanced technologies 2.3.1 Single-molecule sequencing 2.3.2 Mass-spectrometric sequencing 2.3.3 Hybridization arrays


3.1 Quality requirements 3.1.1 The diversity of quality requirements 3.1.2 Accuracy required for assembly 3.2 Verification protocols 3.2.1 Restriction enzyme verification of sequence accuracy 3.2.2 Hybridization arrays for sequence verification 3.2.3 Implementation of verification protocols 3.3 Assessing and improving present techniques 3.3.1 A systems approach is required 3.3.2 Gold standards for measuring sequence accuracy 3.3.3 Quality issues pertaining to sequencing templates


4.1 Introduction 4.2 Databases 4.2.1 User issues 4.2.2 Modularity and standards 4.2.3 Scaling and storage 4.2.4 Archiving raw data 4.2.5 Measures of success 4.3 Sociological issues

Aquarius Group

UFO Technology application scientists, reportedly working under the guidance of the Dolphin Society, an elite gourp of scientists privy to extremely classified science and technology findings. http//

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has several Geosynchronous Orbiting Environmental Satellites (GOES) in orbit watching the Earth's weather and environment. On November 21, 1999, at 14:45Z hours our satellites caught an amazing photo of a UFO at an estimated hundred miles above the Earth off the coast of the state of Washington.

The University of Colorado also keeps these photos on file for reference. One of the satellites is designed to pick up water vapor or clouds from space. When Russel Kirchner caught sight of the UFO in the display he zoomed in and could see the steam coming off a UFO. It was of the type identified as a large Mother Ship. The possibility of the object image being caused by a computer error was discussed and ruled out. Similar photos taken on June 8, 1995, over South America have also been widely distributed. Philip Imbrogno studied this case and NOAA explained the image was a "moon shadow UFO."

This UFO was present for only a few minutes and is not seen in images taken prior or afterwards. The UFO has structure, windows, and radiates heat in the infrared spectrum. Thanks to Russel Kirchner. http://

Defense Science Board which serves as the Defense Department's intermediary between weapons needs and the physical sciences.

From their Web site:


WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301-3140 December 31, 1987


The attached final report of the Defense Science Board Summer Study on Technology Base Management was prepared under the Chairmanship of Dr. John M. Deutch. This study focused on two main issues: 1) how effective is DoD's Technology Base program at producing technology options for various users and operations; and 2) how effectively is new technology being transitioned to the field. The Study Group evaluated the management of DoD's Technology Base program including the processes by which resource allocation decisions are made.

The principal findings of this study are as follows:

1. Over the long term, the leadership and vitality of the U. S., both economically and militarily, depend extraordinarily on the quality and vision of the program of basic research. In recent years, DoD's research program has been reduced in perceived importance in favor of large development programs, with their high visibility and insatiable demand for more financial resources. Where once the Office of the Secretary of Defense exerted a centralized point of unified leadership and budgetary authority and control for the 6.1 program, the Study Group is concerned that now the 6.1 program lacks top management attention.

2. This nation has long been well served by its defense laboratories. The quality of the DoD laboratories and their technical leadership are of supreme importance to DoD. The Study Group is greatly concerned about the quality of many DoD laboratories and believes that their problems will likely worsen in the future. The Group is also greatly concerned about the technical competence of the personnel who manage DoD's Technology Base program.

3. Finally, the Study Group found the Defense Department seriously deficient in its ability to rapidly transition technology into systems and products. This situation is a primary contributor to the growing crisis in military competition as Soviet weapons system performance approaches and, in some cases, exceeds that of U.S. and Allied forces.

Specific recommendations are made by the Study Group to address the problems identified:

* For the DoD basic research program, the Under Secretary for Acquisition should delegate his Acquisition Executive leadership to an individual with his staff. This individual should be vested with full authority and responsibility for the integration and execution of 6.1 program as a corporate asset. * For improving the DoD laboratories, three recommendations are made, two outlining DoD-wide changes (expanding the NOSC/NWC personnel demonstration to all DoD laboratories and directing minimum five-year assignments for laboratory/technical directors) and the third suggesting Service laboratory demonstration projects which embody more radical changes. * To deal with the technology transition problem, the Study Group recommends that budget category 6.3A be revitalized and focused on the transition of technology through Advanced Technology Transition Demonstrations.

As noted in John Deutch's forwarding letter, the Services have expressed concern over several Of these recommendations. We have received comments from the Services and have incorporated appropriate changes into the attached final report.

I believe that the implementation Of these recommendations will strengthen the management of DoD's Technology Base. I recommend that you review the Executive Summary and take necessary actions to implement these recommendations.

Charles A Fowler[s] Chairman ------

[Ed's note: People have to abandon this notion that the department is defense because it isn't defending America, it is the aggressor so this claim that it has to protect National Security, it misinformation. In addition to it protecting the elite it is wasting taxpayer dollars, money which could save lives instead of destroy them.

The money which now is used for war and weapons could be devoted to peacetime applications. Shall we do that? Defense Nuclear Agency

Currently concentrating on fusion powered, high energy particle beam, X-ray laser, and EM forcefield weapons development and deployment.

Abandon the weapons and use the technology for the advancement of mankind instead. This technology could be converted to beneficial uses instead of destructive uses.

U. S. Space Command

Space War Headquarters for operating "the next war, which will be fought in space", Falcon AFB, Colorado. Not if we have anything to say about it it won't. This is what they are gearing up to do with the Star Wars program.

According to Claude Manor, a Kennedy Assassination researcher for 34 years, President Kennedy wanted a Joint Mission to the moon with the Soviet Union to help ease Cold War tensions. However, Mr. Manor stated, NASA and the military completely disagreed with him. They felt that whomever got to space first and learned to live there could control the world.

Who should control space? The democratically elected leader of the nation, not the military or NASA which is part of the Shadow Government. The space program would benefit mankind but the war which will ensue if the people don't come together to control the "selected" "leader" who sits in the White House now will destroy mankind.

Many people believe that there are extraterrestrials. They would suffer immeasurably if they were attacked just as the Vietnamese and so many others have suffered so we must prevent this atrocity. The elite don't need to make money from atrocities in space.

North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) operating the nuclear survivable space surveillance and war command center deep inside Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

In the event of a nuclear holocaust, that nuclear waste would last 450,000 years. No one lives that long so the mentality that this envisions is a waste of taxpayer dollars and needs to be abolished. Moreover, the current powers that be deliberately don't instigate a nuclear war because they know that none of them would survive either.

These people are smart. They wouldn't do anything that would jeopardise their lives, or would they? Stay available everyone. Don't leave me after the first year. There is so much more to learn about the elites.

Air Force Office of Space Systems whch coordinates the development of future technology for operating and fighting in space.

If this Web site in which this information was housed didn't exist, one would think that I was inventing this information but you know I am not because this is Dr. Boylan's work, the work of a genius in my humble opinion.

How anyone could sacrifice the poor and destitute of the United States of America to fight in space ought to be sacrificed themselves because the reality is that they want to do this. Let them be poor and destitute and see how they feel. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) which operates covert space defense, ET research, and space weapons compartments, in addition to manned Shuttle and unmanned scientific satellite launches.

Some of what NASA does is beneficial. What is not beneficial is the spy satellites which monitor decent human beings' actions. The cell phone that you use is monitored by these satellites. Moreover, what gives NASA the right to perform ET research and have space weapons compartments. In my humble opinion, they have no right.

We need to promote the positive aspects of NASA while we end the destructive aspects.

NASA's Ames Research Center which conducts the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Project, Exobiology (alien life forms) Division, and "Human Factors" (PSY-Warfare Division), Sunnyvale, California.

Aug. 15, 2001

John Bluck

NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Sunnyvale, California Phone: 650/604-5026 or 650/604-9000 e-mail: [email protected]

NASA PAO on duty NASA Newsroom, Jacksonville Naval Air Station, FL Phone: 904/542-3846 E-mail: [email protected]



Learning how to increase the warning time before Atlantic hurricanes make landfall is a goal of some100 U.S. researchers from NASA and other agencies who will a begin a 5-week campaign on Aug. 16.

Airborne researchers will fly above, around and through these weather monsters, and also will use satellites, balloons, unpiloted aircraft and ground-based instruments to gather hurricane data. Scientists from five NASA centers, several government agencies and 10 universities are cooperating to study tropical storms that erupt in the Atlantic Ocean.

"The Ames Earth Science Project Office is coordinating and managing the overall project," said Steve Hipskind, project manager at NASA¹s Ames Research Center in California¹s Silicon Valley. Called the Fourth Convection And Moisture EXperiment (CAMEX-4), the scientific campaign begins Aug. 16 with a Œmedia day¹ for journalists at Jacksonville Naval Air Station, FL. The project is scheduled to last until Sept. 24.

A major campaign goal is to produce more accurate hurricane predictions of storm landfall to decrease the size of coastal evacuations and to increase warning time. Researchers also are striving to reduce landfall track and intensity forecast errors and improve precipitation forecasts to enable more accurate inland flooding predictions.

"We will be making measurements in hurricanes with the NASA DC-8 and ER-2 aircraft out of Jacksonville Naval Air Station, FL," Hipskind said. "In addition, we will be flying a low-altitude uninhabited aerial vehicle (drone airplane), the Aerosonde. There will be ground instrumentation (several large weather radar and balloon soundings), as well as a large theoretical and satellite science team. Our collaborators include the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Air Force ŒHurricane Hunters,¹ both of which provide operational aircraft reconnaissance in hurricanes, as well as the NOAA Hurricane Research Division and the United States Weather Research Program." The National Science Foundation is providing researchers from the National Center for Atmospheric Research for the campaign.

Mike Craig of Ames is sharing project management responsibility with Hipskind. Craig is doing much of the planning with Hipskind and taking the field lead for the second half of the deployment. The large team of researchers will select hurricanes and study them as they approach landfall in the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico and along the East Coast of the United States. Aircraft operations will be within a 1,725-mile radius (2,760 km) of Jacksonville.

CAMEX-4 is focussed on the study of hurricane development, tracking, intensification and landfall impacts using NASA-funded aircraft and surface remote instruments. When possible, scientists will compare and validate measurements with coincident observations from the QuikSCAT, Terra and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellites. This study will yield high spacial and temporal information of hurricane structure, dynamics and motion. Scientists want to capture two complete "snapshots" of a hurricane.

The resulting data -- when analyzed within the context of more traditional aircraft, satellite and ground- based radar observations -- should provide additional insight to hurricane modelers and forecasters who strive to improve hurricane predictions. NASA Ames is responsible for assuring the airworthiness and flight safety of the remotely piloted Aerosonde aircraft, and the overall operational readiness and collaborative agreements for all of the participating aircraft, according to Hipskind. Each Aerosonde weighs about 30 pounds (less than 15 kg) and will fly between 500 feet and 1,500 feet (150 m - 450 m) in the hurricane¹s winds to gather data and send it back to researchers. Should one of the tiny uninhabited aircraft be sucked up to higher altitudes, controllers would send a signal to destroy it to avoid a collision with another aircraft.

"Ames also has participating scientists," Hipskind said. "Paul Bui is the principal investigator for the meteorological measurement system for the DC-8 aircraft, and Lenny Pfister is the co-investigator on both Paul's experiment, as well as a NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Pasadena, CA) laser hygrometer on the DC-8." A hygrometer is an instrument that measures humidity in the air.

Bui¹s experiment includes three major systems on the DC-8 airplane that normally flies at a medium altitude between 20,000 ft. and 40,000 ft. ( 6,000 m - 12,000 m). The systems will measure air velocity to give scientists a three-dimensional picture of wind directions. Bui also will provide extremely accurate temperature measurements, critical to understanding details of hurricane cloud formation.

While remote sensing of the hurricane environment is the primary objective of CAMEX-4, separate flights will study thunderstorm structure, precipitation systems and atmospheric water vapor profiles. The objective of these flights is to improve precipitation estimates from microwave instruments, particularly to validate NASA satellite measurements.

The NASA Earth Science Enterprise sponsors CAMEX-4. More CAMEX-4 information is on the Internet at: http:// and


To receive Ames press releases via email, send an email with the word "subscribe" in subject line to: [email protected] To unsubscribe, send an email to: [email protected] with "unsubscribe" in subject line. Also, the NASA Ames Public Affairs Home Page at URL, includes press releases and JPEG images in AP Leaf Desk format minus embedded captions.

Send comments to the Ames Communication Branch Page Design by Jonas Dino NASA Responsible Official: John Bluck

[Editor's note: Much of what NASA does is very beneficial to mankind, however, I question why hurricanes are on the increase. I suspect that it has something to do with global warming. When we get rid of global warming, then I suspect that the amount and/or severity of hurricanes will decrease causing less destruction of property and human life.

In terms of SETI, this is a destructive action by the Ames Research Center and needs to be disbanded. Extraterrestrial life is peaceful, not warlike as our elite and much of our military personnel are.]

For the simple reason that this research center is under the jurisdiction of the War Department of the Shadow Government, we have to stop this. This is just the same as committing atrocities to human beings on the earth. There is no difference.

Extraterrestrial life is just as precious as human life on the earth. If these employees can't understand that then they need to be reconditioned because we can learn from other people who come from other planets if we treat them with dignity and respect. Any planetary traveler who arrives on earth has come a long, long way. We need to welcome them not abuse them. They have intelligence far beyond ours.

Project Cold Empire SDI Weapons Research - Classified

This is so secret that there is nothing in two searches on it. We'll just have to wait until the archives of the CIA are opened.

Project Snowbird

Pseudo-UFO's used as misinformation. This says it all.

Project Aquarius UFO research - Classified

The Ice Documents Press Conference

Formated By CammoDude 09-01-99 ------

National Press Club Washington, D.C. Presented by: Mr. Dale Goudie and Mr. Christian Lambright June 25, 1987

NOTE: The following is the text of the press conference prepared and presented by Mr. Dale Goudie and Mr. Christian Lambright, including referenced documents and related articles as attachments. Readers should keep in mind that the following information is based on verified documents and bears no connection, association or relationship whatever to the unverified "MJ-12" documents.


June 25, 1987 Washington, D.C. Press Conference, National Press Club Opening Statements on Project Aquarius and Incidents at Kirtland AFB

We came to Washington, D.C. on a direct challenge that had been made on a National Television Network as to the authenticity of newly released information by the National Security Agency (NSA) concerning Project Aquarius; and other documents released via Freedom of Information Act requests which would indicate that a Project Aquarius truly exists.

The reason we made a point of this is because the American People were told on a National Television Network that these projects never did exist. The public was told this based on a single request to the United Stated Air Force regarding these projects and the Air Force's subsequent denial of their existence.

What initially brought our attention to Project Aquarius was from a 17 November 1980 Telex for AFOSI only, Attachment A, basically stating that a Project Aquarius existed. This document also revealed that several other government agencies, led by NASA, actively investigates legitimate sightings through covert cover. The document goes on to say, "the official US Government policy and results of Project Aquarius is still classified Top Secret with no dissemination outside of official intelligence channels and with restricted access to MJ Twelve."

Five years later our attention was drawn, through a request to the National Security Agency (NSA), to the fact that Project Aquarius was found to be genuine. This document is dated 3 March 1986, serial #: J9014B, attachment B, and which states in part "Please be advised that Project Aquarius does not deal with unidentified aerial objects." We refer to this document as the "Ice Document" because this is the document that broke the ice for the first time acknowledging that a Project Aquarius does exist.

The next document we received from the National Security Agency is dated 15 April 1986, Serial #: J9014C, attachment C, and which states "Project Aquarius is classified Top Secret." The document goes on to say "This document is classified because its disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security." These two newly released documents were put on CUFON a year ago, at the end of April 1986. CUFON stands for Computer UFO Network, which is a free international telecommunications system for factual information concerning only the subject matter of unidentified flying objects.

The next document that came to our attention and which we found very important, is a document from the National Security Agency (NSA) dated 27 January 1987, Serial #: Q4-072-87, attachment D, and it is to the Honorable John Glenn, United States Senate and which states in part the subject of paragraph 4, "Project Aquarius , has been the subject of numerous Freedom Of Information Act requests. Apparently there is or was an Air Force Project by that name which dealt with UFO's. Consequently, there is also an NSA National Security Agency project by that name. The NSA project does not deal with UFO's." from these documents alone, obviously we are not being told the truth. And for the first time we recognize that Project Aquarius does deal with UFO's. And remember, the Telex for AFOSI only was dated November 17, 1980.

The next document that you will see is the one that focussed our attention on the serious realty that UAO's (Unidentified Aerial Objects) sometimes referred to as UFO's (Unidentified Flying Objects) are landing on top strategic military installations. This document is dated 2-9 September 1980 from AFOSI Det, Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, see attachment E. Source and evaluation Major Ernest E. Edwards. This incident took place at Kirtland Air Force Base on the 8th of August, 1980. Three security police assigned to 1608 SPS, KAFB, NM, on duty inside the Manzano weapons storage area sighted an unidentified light in the air that travelled from north to south over the Coyote Canyon area of the Department of Defense Restricted Test Range on KAFB, NM. Please remember that this unidentified light was sighted at 11:50 p.m. on the 8th of August.

30 minutes later on August 9th, another sighting took place. At approximately 0020 hours, (12:20 a.m.) a guardsman was driving east on the Coyote Canyon access road on a building check of an alarmed structure. As he approached the structure he observed a bright light near the ground behind the structure. He also observed an object he first thought was a helicopter. But after driving closer he observed a "round disk-shaped object." He attempted to radio for a backup patrol but his radio would not work.

As he approached the disk-shaped object on foot armed with a shotgun the disk-shaped object took off on a vertical direction at a high rate of speed. The guard was a former helicopter mechanic in the U.S. Army and "stated the disk-shaped object he observed was not a helicopter."

On the 8th of September, 1980 it was learned from Sandia Security that another security guard observed th object land near the alarmed structure during the first week of August, but did not report it until later for fear of harassment. The two alarmed structures located within the area contained HQ CR 44 material. The following evening, August 10th, 1980, a New Mexico State Patrolman sighted an aerial object land in the Manzanos between Belen and Albuquerque, in NM. The patrolman reported the sighting to Kirtland Air Force Base Command Post, who later referred the patrolman to the AFOSI District 17. AFOSI District 17 advised the patrolman to make a report through his own agency. On the 11th of August, 1980 the Kirtland Information Office advised the patrolman that the United Stated Air Force no longer investigates such sightings unless they occur on a Base.

On the 13th of August, 1980 a maintenance officer for Kirtland Air Force Base reported that RADAR approach control equipment and scanner RADAR were inoperative due to high frequency jamming from an unknown cause "which was later determined to be of possible hostile frequency jamming." Total blackout of the entire RADAR approach systems to include "Albuquerque Airport which is a civilian airport "and was in effect between 1630-2215 hours, which in civilian time is 4:30 p.m. to 10:15 p.m., a total time of 5 hours and 45 minutes. This would mean that all RADARs were out, "civilian and military for that time period." Also, RADAR approach control back-up systems were inoperative.

On the same day Defense Nuclear Agency Radio frequency monitors determined by vector analysis that the interference was being sent from an area (V-90 degrees or due east). On DAF map coordinates E- 28.6. The area was located northwest of "Coyote Canyon Test Range." It was later determined that no land-based agency could disclose any information that could have caused such interference.

At 2216 hours, (10:16 p.m.), all RADAR equipment returned to normal operation without further incident. The conclusions to the whole incident were that the possibility of hostile intelligence jamming could not be ruled out, but at the same time, it was not concluded that the reported landings and sightings of these aerial objects held any significance to the possible hostile jamming.

It should be obvious to anyone who takes the time to read the material that is available today concerning these incidents at Kirtland Air Force Base that landings did take place of Unauthorized Aerial Objects, (UAO's), that were not part of any government agency or any military agency of the United States of America. It should also be obvious that, taking all these documents and this incident into consideration, there is a cover-up by certain agencies of the United States Government concerning these Unauthorized Aerial Objects, (UAO's), commonly referred to as UFO's, Unidentified Flying Objects.

It is our contention that the people of the United States have a right to know. If, as stated, these UFO's pose no threat, then why are we denied information concerning the investigations by these agencies doing the research and investigations, which is ongoing today. Since these objects are real, as documentation has proven, according to our own military sources, and remember that a great deal of documentation is from police officers, doctors, trained observers, and scientists. It is long past the time when we should be treated as first-class citizens and given the information that will enable intelligent people to understand what is happening in our own skies. One should also note here that these are not isolated incidents. For instance, in 1980, we have knowledge that a landing of an aerial object took place at Bentwaters, an American Air Force Base in England, where security soldiers have come forward and testified as to the authenticity of this landing, and went so far as to say that they were threatened if they were to reveal this information.

Also in 1980, two women, Betty Cash and Vickie Landrum, ages 51 and 57, and a small boy by the name of Colby Landrum, age 7, referred to as the Cash-Landrum Case and which took place in Texas. The women and the child witnessed an Unauthorized Aerial Object, (UAO), or referred to as UFO, was being pursued by 20 military helicopters. Subsequently, the witnesses were badly burned by some type of radiation and are suffering from those effects to this day. Some of the effects were 50% loss of hair, sores that would not heal, and last but not least, "cancer."

Again, in 1975, a landing took place of an Unauthorized Aerial Object, (UAO), on two different nights at Loring Air Force Base. We were told that these were nothing more than mysterious helicopters landing on a Top Strategic Air Command Base, we were also told that 106 jets were scrambled out to pursue these Unauthorized Aerial Objects. The jets could not overtake these objects. One must note here that these were RADAR-visual sightings, in other words, visually seeing the objects and picking them up on RADAR at the same time. These mysterious Unauthorized Aerial Objects, (UAO's), also hovered over missile silos and were visually seen once again and RADAR confirmed.

These unauthorized aerial objects UAO's were pursued for well over a two-week period and were chased half way across the United States and lower Canada, please note this case is on Air Force documents.

We think, we have demonstrated here today that certain government agencies and certain military agencies have been, and still are, in the Unidentified Flying Objects UFO business, or as we UFO Information Services, call them "Unauthorized Aerial Objects UAO's.

There are many moral issues here as well as technical issues. Many Americans have lost their credibility by standing up in the first place, as an honest American, and reporting their close range sightings. Also, there are military officers who have come forth with their sighting information and have been passed over, or had to retire, or forced to resign as a result of relating their sighting or sightings. It would seem that it is time that some people in the government must stand up and start being responsible for what they have been elected to do and that is, first and foremost, to tell the truth. "How does a free society base good and honest decisions on incorrect and/or no information. That does not work in a democracy."

What we are also trying to achieve here today is to have responsible senators and congressmen approve "Congressional Hearings" in this matter and to subpoena certain members of the military and agencies mentioned in some of these documents to come forward and testify as to these landings on or near military installations.

Please see attachment F, which shows that we documented some of this material May 8, 1987 in the Seattle Times relating to Project Aquarius. We also documented some of this same material concerning Project Aquarius on the Larry King Show on CNN on May 14, 1987 where the challenge to the authenticity of Project Aquarius and the military involvement was first made.

It was in June of 1985 that we first became completely aware of the significance of the 1980 incidents at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico. While we had heard mention of these incidents prior to this time it was not until we obtained copies of the documents maintained by AFOSI that we began to focus our attention and efforts on uncovering what facts we could relating to what are referred to as the "Kirtland incidents". However, while the AFOSI documents and their relation to Project Aquarius is the principal topic of discussion it should be pointed out that the events described in the original Complaint Form filed by Special Agent Richard Doty were not the only incidents to have taken place near Kirtland Air Force Base.

One of the difficulties with information or documents obtained through Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) is that these items do not come with instructions on how to interpret them. In going over documents which we have been able to obtain it has proven to be a necessary habit to go over each one many times. As a result we have found that quite often seemingly insignificant details can take on new meaning, and this, along with the slow process of gathering information via FOIA requests, has provided most of the substantiation for the validity of the documents and the topic of this conference.

Given that the original Complaint Form detailing the incidents near Kirtland AFB is a genuine document and that this form bears a notation indicating threats directed towards nuclear resources, why is there no documentation indicating any investigation or intelligence report on these events? When security personnel report such threats and their reports are seemingly ignored by the principal headquarters in Washington then serious questions need to be raised concerning our national defense and security. Department of Defense regulations cited in HQ CR 44 specifically direct responsible commanders to actively investigate such threats, however, we are left to believe that in this instance no one did anything. Richard Doty has stated that he submitted a much more complete follow-up report but AFOSI headquarters claims they never received it.

Shortly after receiving the AFOSI documents we obtained a copy of what is commonly referred to as the "Aquarius document" or "NASA telex". This is the allegedly genuine document which outlines the analysis of several photographic images of unidentified aerial objects as well as 8mm motion picture film footage, while this document also details several specific revelations about purported Air Force and NASA activities it becomes related to the Kirtland incidents specifically because of the mention of the name Bennewitz. What has become the most significant aspect of this allegedly genuine document is the indication that a project Aquarius exists which in some way relates to the subject of UFOs. The existence of a project Aquarius has since been proven. Since this document surfaced, to our knowledge no one has obtained a clear admission that this document, as it is, is in fact genuine. But for obvious reasons this should come as no surprise. As no one in any of the military or government agencies we have contacted seemed willing or able to verify this. We spent the next year learning as much as we could about all the various names, abbreviations, and references involved in it. The items which we found to be the most revealing were the references to the 7602 AINTELG, HQ CR 44, S/WNINTEL, Project Aquarius, and NASA. It was while trying to obtain information on the 7602 AINTELG that we first became aware of possible involvement by the National Security Agency. Though we did learn that the 7602 AINTELG (now the Air Force Special Activities Center) is a part of the Air Force Intelligence Service we were having some difficulty obtaining satisfactory responses to our FOIA requests. It was during this time period in a conversation with a knowledgeable acquaintance that we were told the 7602 AINTELG was a "branch of the NSA"!

Partially as a result of this revelation we then addressed our first letter to the NSA requesting information on four items including any and all information on Project Aquarius. Subsequently, and after several letters, we were informed that NSA does have a project named Aquarius, that it is classified Top Secret, and that no information on it would be released to us. In the months after this, and in the process of searching for the original source of this document, we happened upon what we feel was a significant discovery. We have been told that the commonly circulated copy of this document contains two changes from the original. One of these changes as well as why these changes were made we do no know. However, the second change as it was told to us is that the reference to NASA originally reads "NSA". Based on our experiences we believe this is true. Inasmuch as we were told that 7602 AINTELG is affiliated with NSA, that NSA is named in the original version of this document, and that NSA has admitted to having a project entitled Aquarius, we believe it would be reasonable to conclude that NSA is involved.

Recently, in response to a letter from Senator John Glenn, seems to have revealed that the Air Force has or had a project Aquarius which does deal with UFOs. Whether this a simple fingerpointing or not we are still trying to find out, however, at this point we strongly believe that based on the available evidence any reasonable person would have to conclude that there are serious questions here which need to be answered. There is more than enough evidence to prove that truly unidentified objects, such as those reported in the Kirtland incidents, do exist and it is well past the time that the responsible parties in the government and military were called upon to answer for having kept this truth from the American public. -- [Editor's note: Senator John Glenn is an original member of the Trilateral Commission. See 1st edition- True Democracy (La verdad sobre la democracia) .]

Documents and Articles (below): Statement Made By Howard E. Goldfluss, OMNI June, 1987

A. For AFOSI Only Telex

B. NSA Chadwick Letter J9014B

C. NSA Wetzel Letter J9014C

D. NSA Letter To John Glenn By Wetzel Q4-072-87

E. Kirtland AFB - Alleged Sightings Of Unidentified Aerial Lights Possible Hostile Intelligence Intercept Incident

F. Seattle Times article, May 8, 1987 Weekend Australian article, June 27 - 28, 1987 USA TODAY article, June 28, 1987 Press conference background and D. Goudie letter to P. Klass


Statement Made By Howard E. Goldfluss, Acting Justice, Supreme Court, State of New York,

Source: OMNI June 1987

I was as skeptical as the next fellow about unidentified flying objects. My legal training required evidence to prove the existence of UFOs. None was forthcoming, except for the typical tabloid headlines (I was sexually assaulted by a Martian) found at supermarket checkout counters. But what was laughable has now become serious. Solid evidence does exist to erase the skepticism. Before this evidence emerged, I believed the Air Force, the Central Intelligence Agency, and every other government agency that insisted UFOs were a myth. I would have continued to accept this government pronouncement forever had it not been for the passage of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Congress enacted this law because it felt that the government as keeping too many facts from public inspection. This concern was certainly justified. Thanks to the FOIA, we now know that Uncle Sam has been sitting on evidence that UFOs do exist and that very substantial people have seen them. The most revealing information is found in Air Intelligence Division Study (A.I.D.S.) 203. Following are some of the references found within:

* White Sands, New Mexico, June 29, 1947. Three scientists sighted a large, wingless disc or sphere moving horizontally.

* Portland, Oregon, July 7, 1947. Five police officers sighted a varying number of similar discs flying over different sections of the city.

* Andrews Field, Maryland, November 18, 1948. Reserve pilots Lieutenant Kenwood Jackson, Lieutenant Glen Stalker, and Lieutenant Henry Combs encountered a lighted UFO circling at 17,000 feet. They described the object as an oblong ball with one light, no wings, and no exhaust flame.

If I could still doubt the sanity or sobriety of the observers already mentioned, an inspection of Air Intelligence Report 1R-193-55, dated October 15, 1955, would have to be the convincer. The report was compiled after interviews with Senator Richard Russell of Georgia, then chairman of the Armed Forces Committee of the Senate; Lieutenant Colonel E. V. Hathaway, a staff officer assigned to the committee; and Reuben Efron, a committee consultant. On October 4, 1955, at 7:10 P.M., after departing by train from the USSR, all three observed two flying discs taking off almost vertically--one minute apart.

What we ultimately seek in the courts is the truth. If even a portion of the facts is suppressed, the truth will not emerge. How could I or any judge reach a proper decision on the issue of UFOs when the testimony of responsible and credible witnesses has never been heard?

We have now heard the other side of the case. We had been led to believe that only charlatans, drunks, fools, or psychopaths observed the phenomenon. We now know that many of those witnesses were responsible, credible, and respected people, most of whom were technologically trained. We now have reason to consider the subject of UFO; in light of strong evidence heretofore suppressed.


HOWARD E. GOLDFLUSS, Acting Justice, Supreme Court, State of New York, and author of the book "The Judgement"


17 NOV 1980



Ref: Request for photo imagery interpretation your message 292030Z October 1980. Subject Case NR: 8017D93-126 HQ CR 44

1. Subject Negatives/Film Were Analyzed By HQ Ivt And 7602 Aintelg, It And The Following Results Were Found:

A. Negative #1: Deplicting C-5A Aircraft on approach and streaking Unidentified Areal Object in the lower right portion of film. Film found to be unaltered. Size differential was not consistant with size of aircraft. Conclusion: Inconclusive

B. Negative #2: Deplicting cylinder shaped Unidentified Aerial Object in upper portion of photo. Film found to be unaltered. Film showed onject to be consistant with field depth and consistant with relative size of fixed objects. Conclusion: Legitimate negative of Unidentified Aerial Object. Bolton / Reinfeld method did not reveal visible markings on object. C. Negative #3: Deplicting irrgular sharped Unidentified Aerial Object in seven frames of 8MM Film. Because of the size and apparent speed of object no further classification or conclusion could be drawn. Film shown to be unaltered.

D. 34 inches of 8MM Film: Deplicting apparent colored object moving in front of still camera. Film found to be unaltered. Spectography revealed colors to be basic prism features. Depth analysis revealed object to be within 152MMof camera. Object was not consistant with relative size of fixed objects observed for several seconds in film. Conclusion: Inconclusive.

E. Original negative deplicting Unidentified Object: Film found to be unaltered. Because of lack of fixed object in film, no depth analysis could be performed. Bolton, Reinfelf method revealed object to be saucer shaped, approximate diameter 37 feet. Object contained a trilateral insignia on the lower portion of object. Conclusion: Legitimate negative of Unidentified Aerial Object.

2. Reference your request for further information regarding HQ CR 44, The following is provided: Capt. Grace 7602 Aintelg, INS contacted and related following: (S/Wintel) USAF no longer publicly active in UFO research, however USAF still has interest in all UFO Sightings over USAF inatallation/test ranges. Several other government agebcies, lead by NASA, Actively investigates legitimate sightings through covert cover. (S/Wintel/FSA) one such cover is UFO reporting center, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, Rockville, Maryland 20852. NASA Filters results of sightings to appropriate military departments with intrest in that particular sighting. The official US Government Policy and results of Project Aquarius is still classified Top Secret with no dissemination outside official intelligence channels and with restricted access to "MJ Twelve". Case in Bennewitz is being monitored by NASA, INS, who request all future evidence be forwarded to them thru AFOSI, IVOE.

4. Reference your request for technical assistance. Because of a chance of public disclosure, no knowledgable peronnel with SPA will be provided. Continue to receive assistance from individuals mentioned in your message, Miller, Fugate. Because of the sensitivity of case, request they be thoroughly debriefed at regular intervals.


BTS NNNS Downgrade 17NOV2020

National Security Agency Central Security Service Fort George G. Meade, Maryland 20755-6000

Serial: J9014B

02 MAR 1986

This is in response to your letter of 20 February 1986 in which you stated that, regarding your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information on Project Aquarius, you are interested in Aquarius as it pertains to unidentified aerial objects. Please be advised that Project Aquarius does not deal with unidentified aerial objects. We, therefore, have no information to provide to you on the subject.

In your letter you also ask for information on Projects Sigma and Snowbird. The FOIA provides that a person has a right of access to federal agency records, except to the extent that such records are protected from disclosure by one of nine exemptions. It does not require that an agency answer questions. As I mentioned in my letter of 20 February, Sigma and Snowbird are not NSA projects; we, therefore, have no information to give you on these topics.

Since you indicate in your letter that you will not be paying the $15,000.00 fee to search for records pertaining to Aquarius, this response completes our action on your request.


(signed) DENNIS C. CHADWICK Chief Information Policy


National Security Agency Central Security Service Fort George G. Meade, Maryland 20755-6000

Serial: J9014C

15 APR 1986

This responds to your letter of 7 March 1986 in which you further narrowed your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records pertaining to Project Aquarius.

The document located in response to your request as stated in your 7 March letter has been reviewed by this Agency as required by the FOIA and has been found to be currently and properly classified in accordance with Executive Order 12356. This document meets the criteria for classification as set forth in subparagraphs 2, 4, and 8 of section 1.3 and remains classified TOP SECRET as provided in section 1.1 of Executive Order 12356. The document is classified because its disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security. Because the document is currently and properly classified, it is exempt from disclosure pursuant to the first exemption of the FOIA (5 U.S.C. section 552(b) (1)).

In addition, this Agency is authorized by various statues to protect certain information concerning its activities. We have determined that such information exists in this document. Accordingly, those portions are also exempt from disclosure pursuant to the third exemption of the FOIA which provides for the withholding of information specifically protected from disclosure by statute. The specific statutes applicable in this case are Title 18 U.S. Code 798; Title 50 U.S. Code 403(d) (3); and Section 6, Public Law 86-36 (50 U.S. Code 402 "note").

No portion of the information is reasonably segregable.

Since your request has been denied, you are hereby advised of this Agency's appeal procedures.

Any person denied access to information may, within 45 days after notification of the denial, file an appeal to the NSA/CSS Freedom of Information Act Appeal Authority. The appeal shall be in writing addressed to the NSA/CSS FOIA Appeal Authority, National Security Agency, Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-6000. The appeal shall reference the initial denial of access and shall contain, in sufficient detail and particularity, the grounds upon which the requester believes release of the information is required. The NSA/CSS Appeal Authority shall respond to the appeal within 20 working days after receipt.

In your letter, you take exception to the amount requested by this Agency for manpower and computer search fees to process your original request for all information on Project Aquarius. Please be advised that NSA search and duplication fees are computed in accordance with guidance promulgated in sections 6-201 and 6-202 of Dod Directive 5400.7-R


JULIA B. WETZEL Director of Policy


National Security Agency Central Security Service Fort George G. Meade. Maryland 20755 - 6000

Serial: Q4-072-87

27 January 1987

The Honorable John Glenn United States Senate ATTN: Mr. Mark Frondorf SH-503 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Glenn:

This responds to your letter of 7 January 1987 on behalf of your constituent, Mr. Clifford E. Stone ( Enclosure 1 ).

The National Security Agency (NSA) has received numerous Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests for information pertaining to UFO incidents. Our records show that Mr. Stone has submitted six such requests over the past 7 years. One of those requests was for the information mentioned in paragraph 2 of his letter to you, the UFO incident at RAF Woodbridge Base. In our 1 February 1984 response to Mr. Stone ( Enclosure 2 ), we notified him that the estimated manpower and computer search costs involved in locating records responsive to his requests were $250.00. We advised him that, upon receipt of half that amount, a search would be made. Mr. Stone did not respond to our letter.

Regarding the information in paragraph 1 of Mr. Stone's letter, we have no record of receiving an FOIA request for documents dealing with a UFO destruction of a Cuban MiG-23.

Paragraph 3 of his letter ask for NSA analysis of the document he attached. It appears to be an Air Force document. The project names which are referenced, Sigma and Snowbird, are not NSA projects. We have no knowledge of the information contained in the document.

The subject of paragraph 4, project Aquarius, has been the subject of numerous FOIA requests. Apparently there is or was an Air Force project by that name which dealt with UFO's. Coincidentally, there is also an NSA project by that name. The NSA project does not deal with UFO's. We believe that the confusion on this issue results from an FOIA requests submitted by another person with interest in UFOs, Mr. Christian Lambright.

(page 2) Serial: Q4-072-87

Mr. Lambright requested all information on the NSA project Aquarius, apparently believing that the project pertains to UFOs. We advised Mr. Lambright that our project does not deal with UFOs. He then requested records revealing the "goal" of Aquarius, and we withheld the document because it is classified. We have reason to believe that our final response to Mr. Lambright, denying him access to the records, has been disseminated within a circle of those interested in UFOs and that subsequently a misunderstanding has developed regarding NSA, Aquarius and UFOs.

In responding to general FOIA requests for UFO information, certain documents have been withheld from the public pursuant to the first and third exemptions of the FOIA. The first exemption provides for the protection of information which is currently and properly classified in accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 12356. The third exemption protects information from disclosure by statute. The statutes applicable in this case are 50 U.S.C. 402 note ( Public Law 86-36, Section 6), 50 U.S.C. 403(d) (3) and 18 U.S.C. 798. This Agency's decision to protect those records has been upheld by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

We hope that the information being provided to you will be of help to Mr. Stone.

Sincerely, (signed) JULIA B. WETZEL Director Of Policy


Secret Complaint Form Administrative Data KIRTLAND AFB, NM, 8 Aug-3 Sep 80 2 - 9 Sept 80 1200 Alleged Sightings of Unidentified Aerial Lights in Restricted Test Range.

AFOSI Det 1700, Kirtland AFB, NM Received in person. Evaluated by Major Ernest E. Edwards residence or business address phone Commander, 1608 SPS, Manzano Kirtland AFB, NM 4-7516 CR 44 applies

Summary Of Information:

1. On 2 Sept 1980, Source related on the 8th of August 1980, three Security Policemen assigned to 1608 SPS, KAFB, NM, on duty inside the Manzano Weapons Storage Area sighted an unidentified light in the air that traveled from North to South over the Coyote Canyon area of the Department of Defense Restricted Test Range on KAFB, New Mexico. The Security Policemen identified as: Ssgt Stephen Ferenz, Area Supervisor, ATC Martin W. Rist and Amn Anthony D. Frazier, were later interviewed separately by SOURCE and all three related the same statement; at approximately 2350 hours., while on duty in Charlie Sector, East Side of Manzano, the three observed a very bright light in the sky approximately 3 miles North-North East of their position. The light traveled with great speed and stopped suddenly in the sky over Coyote Canyon. The three first thought the object was a helicopter, however, after observing the strange aerial maneuvers (stop and go), they felt a helicopter couldn't have performed such skills. The light landed in the Coyote Canyon area. Sometime later, three witnessed the light take off and leave proceeding straight up at a high speed and disappear.

2. Central Security Control (CSC) inside Manzano, contacted Sandia Security, who conducts frequent building checks on two alarmed structures in area. They advised that a patrol was already in the area and would investigate.

3. On the 11th of August 1980, RUSS CURTIS, Sandia Security, advised that on the 9th of August 1980, a Sandia Security Guard, (who wishes his name not be divulged for fear of harassment), related the following: At approximately 0020 hrs., he was driving east on the Coyote Canyon access road on a routine building check of an alarmed structure. As he approached the structure he observed a bright light near the ground behind the structure. He also observed an object he first thought was a helicopter. But after driving closer, he observed a round disk shaped object. He attempted to radio for back up patrol but his radio would not work. As he approached the object on foot armed with a shotgun, the object took off in a vertical direction at a high rate of speed. The guard was a former helicopter mechanic in the U.S. Army and stated the object he observed was not a helicopter.

4. SOURCE advised on the 22nd of August 1980, three other security policemen observed the same


Date Forwarded HQ AFOSI 10 Aug 80 AFOSI Form


Date Type Or Printed Name Of Special Agent Sept 80 Richard C Doty, SA /s/ Richard C. Doty

District File No: 8017D93-0/29


Continued From Complaint Form 1, DTD 9 Sept 80 aerial phenomena described by the first three. Again the object landed in Coyote Canyon. They did not see the object take off.

5. Coyote Canyon is part of a large restricted test range used by the Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Sandia Laboratories, Defense Nuclear Agency and the Department of Energy. The range was formerly patrolled by Sandia Security, however, they only conduct building checks there now.

6. On the10th of August 1980, a New Mexico State Patrolman sighted an aerial object land in the Manzano's between Belen and Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Patrolman reported the sighting to the Kirtland AFB Command Post, who later referred the patrolman to the AFOSI Dist 17. AFOSI Dist 17 advised the patrolman to make a report through his own agency. On the 11th of August 1980, the Kirtland Public Information office advised the patrolman the USAF no longer investigates such sighting unless they occur on a USAF base.

7. WRITER contacted all the agencies who utilized the test range and it was learned no aerial tests are conducted in the Coyote Canyon area. Only ground tests are conducted.

8. On the 8th of September 1980, WRITER learned from Sandia Security that another Security guard observed a object land near an alarmed structure sometime during the first week of August, but did not report it until just recently for fear of harassment.

9. The two alarmed structures located within the area contain HQ CR 44 material.

Complaint Form Administrative Data Date Time 14th August 1980 0730 KIRTLAND Air Force Base, New Mexico 13th August 1980, Possible Hostile Intelligence Intercept Incident, PLACE Frequency Jamming. AFOSI District 17, BID, KIRTLAND Air Force Base, New Mexico

Source And Evaluation 1960th Communication Officer RESIDENCE OR BUSINESS ADDRESS 1960 COMMSq KAFB, New Mexico

PHONE 4-5098


Remarks Summary Of Information

1. On the13th August 1980, 1960 COMMSq Maintenance Officer reported RADAR Approach Control equipment and scanner radar inoperative due to high frequency jamming from an unknown cause. Total blackout of entire RADAR approach system to include Albuquerque Airport was in effect between 1630- 2215 hrs. radar Approach Control back up system also were inoperative.

2. On the 13th August 1980, Defense Nuclear Agency Radio Frequency Monitors determined, by vector analysis, the interference was being sent from an area (V-90 degrees or due East). On DAF map coordinates E-28.6. The area was located NW of Coyote Canyon Test area. It was first thought that Sandia Laboratory, which utilizes the test range was responsible. However, after a careful check, it was later determined that no tests were being conducted in the canyon area. Department of Energy, Air Force Weapons Laboratory and DNA were contacted but assured that their agencies were not responsible.

3. On the 13th August 1980, Base Security Police conducted a physical check of the area but because of the mountainous terrain, a thorough check could not be completed at that time. A later foot search failed to disclose anything that could have caused the interference.

4. On the 13th August 1980, at 22:16 hrs., all RADAR equipment returned to normal operation without further incident.

5. CONCLUSION: The presence of hostile intelligence jamming cannot be ruled out. Although no evidence would suggest this, the method has been used in the past. Communication maintenance specialists cannot explain how such interference could cause the radar equipment to become totally inoperative. Neither could they suggest the type or range of the interference signal. DNA frequency monitors reported the interference beam was wide spread and a type unknown to their electronical equipment. Further checks of the area was being conducted by Technical Services, AFOSI.

6. High command interest item. Briefings requested IAW AFOSIR 124-4 be completed at HQ AFOSI/IVOE. HQ CR 44 and 51 items.

From Seattle Times, May 8, 1987

60,000 Sightings Can't Be Wrong, Seattleite Insists By Peter Lewis, Times Staff Reporter

In their most commonly reported form, the aliens have large heads and stand 3 1/2 to 4 feet tall. Their enormous eyes rest under a transparent helmet. Clad in jumpsuits adorned with insignias, the humanoids walk in sure, positive movements.

Far Out?

Maybe so, but that's where they probably come from.

And Seattle resident Dale Goudie has talked to people who say they've seen them.

Goudie has spent the last 14 years researching UFO's and using the Freedom of Information Act to collect federal documents that he contends prove UFO's exist.

The official position of the U.S. Air Force, for example, is that it got out of the UFO business when Project Bluebook ended in 1969. But Goudie says the Bluebook was succeeded by Project Aquarius.

Since 1942, there have been an estimated 60,000 UFO sightings in the United States alone and only 5 percent of sightings are actually reported, Goudie says. Feeding characteristics of the 60,000 sightings into a computer, 250 different shapes emerged, suggesting to Goudie that there may be more than one species involved in UFO's.

"The bottom line is: Don't believe me, but do read what is available" says Goudie, who has dedicated a room in his home to countless files and papers on UFO's.

"The real problem is, no one wants to take the responsibility of telling the American public this (UFOs) is real."

Consider a series of once-classified material on Project Aquarius:

An Air Force document dated Nov. 17 1980, from the Office of Special Investigations at Rolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. to OSI at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico refers to a "request for photo imagery interpretation."

Other papers indicate that the request stemmed from a series of "alleged sightings of unidentified aerial lights" over the Manzano Weapons Storage Area at Kirtland between August 8th and September 3, 1980.

An analysis of at least two pictures of the sightings concluded that the film was unaltered and that they were "legitimate negative(s) if (an) unidentified aerial object," according to the November 17, 1980, document. Of the two confirmed sightings, one "contained a trilateral insignia on the lower portion of object...."

The document also states:

"The official U.S. government policy and results of Project Aquarius is still classified top secret with no dissemination outside official intelligence channels .... Because of a chance of public disclosure, no knowledgeable personnel with SPA (it's not clear if SPA stands for Special Project Aquarius, or something else) will be provided...."

But another Air Force document dated January 25, 1983, says "possible unauthorized release of classified material" cast doubt on the authenticity of the November 17, 1980, document. The later document says the earlier one included nonexistent offices and officers, it sought to discredit the validity of the purported imagery interpretation.

When a Freedom of Information Act request letter dated February 20, 1986, sought information on Project Aquarius, the National Security Agency responded, in part, with a letter dated March 3, 1986:

"Please be advised that Project Aquarius does not deal with unidentified aerial objects. We, therefore, have no information to provide you on the subject."

But when U.S. Sen. John Glenn wrote the National Security Agency on January 7 of this year on behalf of a constituent who was having trouble getting responses to Freedom of Information requests about Project Aquarius, the reply letter, dated January 27, said in part:

"Apparently there is or was an Air Force project by that name which dealt with UFOs. Coincidentally, there is also an NSA project by that name. The NSA project does not deal with UFOs...."

It is Goudie's contention that the responses about Project Aquarius demonstrate the government is saying one thing and doing another. He theorized that the government is reluctant to admit the existence of even one UFO because as soon as it does, it fears opening the door to mass hysteria.

Spokesmen for the Pentagon, the Air Force and the National Security Agency either declined comment or denied that any government agency is actively investigating UFO's.

The Air Force quit studying UFOs in 1969 after a $500,000 study conducted by the University of Colorado concluded that "UFO phenomena do not offer a fruitful field in which to look for major scientific discoveries," according to Captain Jay DeFrank.

DeFrank noted that in 1977, President Carter asked the National Aeronautic and Space Administration to look into the possibility of resuming active investigation of UFOs.

This is the same man who in 1973, when he was governor of Georgia, said, "I don't laugh at people anymore when they say they have seen UFOs because I've seen one myself."

NASA spokesman Dave Garrett recalls that agency's response to the president: "We said, "Thank you, but no thank you." We have never been in the business."

De Goudie, a 45-year-old freelance ad man and former TV talk-show producer, is not deterred by the government's stance. Two years ago, he established a computerized UFO bulletin board - CUFON (for Computer UFO Network) - that has more than 1,400 members. It spits out information, free of charge, to anyone with a computer and a modem.

He also runs UFP Information Service International, a global network of UFO sightings, and Puget Sound Aerial Phenomena Research Inc.

None of these enterprises, he says, is a moneymaking operation. Goudie says he and others like him have been helped in their many Freedom of Information Act requests by military personnel who want the public to know about UFOs, but who can't afford to be named.

Many of the documents he's obtained indicate that "suspicious unknown air activity" has occurred at top- security military installations where nuclear weapon are stored. The documents relating to UFOs dropping in on Air Force bases have been published elsewhere - and professional skeptics such as Philip Klass, an editor with "Aviation Week & Space Technology," have written books debunking the authenticity of those and other sightings.

But Goudie notes the government itself has never volunteered any information, much less any explanations, about UFOs at military bases.

"You can explain anything away," says Goudie, referring to Klass and the other debunkers, "But these aren't solid answers."

Goudie also says he has consulted with "optical physicists" who have performed "video-negative photoanalysis" of video tapes of UFOs to substantiate that the objects are not of this earth.

Goudie also says he has interviewed about 40 people over the years who claim to have been abducted by UFOs. All occurred in rural areas, including some episodes outside Redmond, in Maple Valley and north of Seattle. He thinks about three-fourths of them are telling the truth.

In many cases, the victims have suffered physical scars that they didn't have before their encounter, Goudie says. "I've tried to get these people to come forward. They don't want anything to do with newspapers. They're scared to death of losing their jobs..."

Considering the threat to national security and the risk to civilians, Goudie believes the government has an obligation to be more forthcoming.

You don't have to look to faraway places for physical evidence of UFOs, according to Goudie. He has a videotape of an object flying over Tacoma in 1982, enhanced by a process known as "video negative photo analysis" which allows the viewers to see vertical and horizontal lines within what Goudie calls "the plasma" that covers the true shape within. He expects the video to air on Sunday's Town Meeting" on KOMO.

Television, specifically a Dick Cavett shoe that aired in 1973, stated Goudie's preoccupation with UFOs. He's since appeared on CNN's Larry King Show and CBS-TV network news shows, among others.

He has spent countless hours and dollars pursuing UFOs.

His goal, he says, is to see the subject become an area of serious scientific inquiry.

"I'm doing it because I think people deserve the facts, and no one's taking the time to do it."

Paper : The Weekend Australian, June 27 - 28, 1987 Reporter: Christopher Hanson in Washington D.C. Title : UFOs Swooped Over US Bases

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have been swooping over United States military bases, causing concern in the Defense Department, according to government documents released yesterday by a group of UFO researchers.

The president of the Seattle based UFO Information Service Mr. Dale Goudie, said the Defense Department documents, released on the eve of a three-day conference on UFOs at American University in Washington DC, were provided to him under the Freedom of Information Act.

One US Air Force document, dated September 9 1980, describes the sighting of UFOs by security guards at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico the month before. It said three guards, interviewed separately, each described an "unidentified light in the air" that swooped over a weapons storage area just before midnight on August 8 1980.

It "travelled with great speed and stoped suddenly in the sky". The three first thought the object was a helicopter. However, after observing the strange aerial manoeuvres (stop and go), they felt a helicopter couldn't have performed such skills... they witnessed the light take off and leave proceeding straight up at a high rate of speed, the document said.

( Secret ) Thirty minutes later, it said, another guard reported seeing a similar craft at a nearby military research station. "After driving closer, he observed a round disc-shaped object he approached on foot armed with a shotgun, the object took off in a vertical direction at a high rate of speed. The guard was a former helicopter mechanic in the US Army and stated the object was not a helicopter."

Mr. Goudie said the reported New Mexico incident was one of many at US military bases, but he provided no further documentation. Another document released by the group, dated November 17 1980, said film taken of UFOs travelling at high speed appeared to be authentic and referred to a top secret Project Aquarius that investigated UFOs.

Mr. Goudie said the Air Force, which gave him the document, could not vouch for its authenticity. His group was hunting that up. The document had evidently been in official files. He released a January 27, 1987 letter referring to Project Aquarius sent to Senator John Glenn, an Ohio Democrat, by the National Security Agency (NSA). Reuters

By Bill Cox FLORIDA TODAY - and - USA TODAY Newspapers June 28, 1987

Accusations fly as "ufologists" air concerns


"Information is available to anyone who knows what to ask for. I think the records are compelling, and yet most Americans aren't even informed about it."

- Dale Goudie, UFO Information Service

WASHINGTON DC - Two million people watched two mammoth unidentified flying objects cruising at low altitudes between Argentina and Chile on the afternoon of Aug.17, 1985. Soil and vegetation samples underwent significant biochemical changes following a UFO landing at Trans en Provence, France, on Feb.8, 1981

After cataloguing nearly 6,000 UFO's over 40 years the Italian government in 1984 directed its Air Force to keep a lid on the investigations. Such claims were made here Saturday by UFO investigators from around the planet as the International Symposium on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena entered its second day. The meeting, at the American University, drew more then 400 people, along with representatives of an assortment of media, including Penthouse magazine, the Voice of America, Strange Magazine, and Omni magazine.

The Soviet news agency Tass, WKSG-FM in Detroit and the People's Daily newspaper of China registered to hear international speakers from as far away as Australia and Great Britain accuse their resective governments of UFO cover-ups. Mr. Dale Goudie of Seattle Washington, displaying documents that report on Air Force investigation of a purported UFO landing at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico in 1980, asserted he was getting support from a handful of congressional leaders to conduct hearings on the phenomenon. We are not going after these things as UFO's" Goudie said, distributing documents that he obtained through the Freedom Of Information Act and that were compiled by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. Goudie said,"We'er going after it as a National Security Problem," If these bases were indeed penetrated -- as they apparently were -- then NSA (National Security Agency ) should have "interpreted that as an Aggressive Act, as an act of War."

" This information is available to anyone who knows what to ask for," Goudie said. "I think the records are compelling, and yet most Americans aren't even informed about it. For some reason, the mass media is reluctant to pursue this thing and I don't understand why. Tom Dooley of San Antonio, who said he worked for the NSA from 1978 to 1982, also voiced concern over the alleged UFO penetrations of Kirtland. "Yes, it does disturb me," he said. Not because there were necessarily these UFO's that got in but because it means that anything could get away with something like that.

Dooley said the NSA isn't involved with collecting UFO data. I'm sure if they were so concerned about flying saucers, they would have said something to me about it, he said I was a founding secretary for the Fund For UFO Research back in 1978. I made no secrets about it. I even had bumper stickers pasted on my locker.

The premise at the symposium this weekend has been that UFOs do exist. In paying homage to the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a former Air Force investigator and UFO skeptic-turned-believe, Temple University historian David Jacobs said Hynek's death last year marking the end of an era. If a new era is emerging in "ufology" -the study of UFO's -it is concerned with the recent and prevalent accounts of people having been abducted for short periods by alien beings, some say. "Now, we're in a situation of looking back at the external characteristics of the phenomenon we've compiled over 40 years, and looking ahead to the motiv-ations of the intelligence behind the phenomenon," Jacobs said. We are on the verge of an intellectual breakthrough of incalculable....importance.

For Zhang Yunwen, a Washington D.C. correspondent for China's People's Daily, the UFO symposium was too good a story to pass up. "No I have no information on attitudes of our government on the UFO's," Zhang said. I don't think our government is involved. But I do believe readers in China are interested in this. It's not religious, it's not superstitous - it's a mystery. You can be skeptical about this, but I think there are quite a few good sightings which need some kind of research.

Mr. Klass issued the challenge which resulted in the above press conference on The Larry King Show, CNN Network, when he appeared with Mr. Goudie, May 14, 1987.

Upon his return to Seattle, Mr. Goudie called CNN asking them to mediate the challenge and inform Mr. Klass that Mr. Goudie accepted the challenge. Mr. Klass subsequently called Mr. Goudie to discuss this matter. The June 3, 1987 letter from Mr. Goudie to Mr. Klass reproduced on the following page confirmed the content of that telephene call. A Postal Service return receipt was signed June 8, 1987 by Mr. Klass.

Mr. Klass did not show up for the press conference. However he did appear on The Sonya Live Show, CNN Network, the day following the press conference with Mr. Goudie. Mr. Klass would not talk about the information released at the press conference, nor has he done so to this day.

Mr. Goudie was also interviewed on the CBS Radio Network News the evening of the press conference, as well as subsequently making various other television and radio appearances.

Mr. Philip J. Klass June 3, 1987 404 N St. Southwest Washington, D.C. 20024

Dear Mr. Klass: This is in response to our telephone conversation wherein you requested confirmation concerning the press conference which is going to be held in Washington D.C. on Thursday, June 25th at 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon at the National Press Club in the Zenger Room.

The press conference will focus on the alleged cover up by certain agencies of the United States Government with regard to the reality of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's) or Unauthorized Aerial Objects (UAO's) and I will not say that you are sponsoring the Press Conference, as you requested.

All documentation will be distributed to the members of the press a few minutes before the press conference begins; and shall also be distributed to any other individuals who attend, Senator John Glenn's material will also be part of this package, as was mentioned on the Larry King show on the CNN News Network May 14, 1987.

If I can be of further service to you, please do not hesitate to call or write.


Dale D. Goudie


Development and deployment of WW III [space war] command, control, communication and intelligence satellites.

Case closed. No war in space.

Project Tacit Rainbow Stealth drones/pseudo-UFO's

According to Dr. Boylan this is Space War, command, control, communication, and intelligence satellites.

Let's get rid of this which is what millions of people want to do.

Project Timberwind Nuclear powered space vehicles or spacecraft

WHAT'S NEW by Robert L. Park FRIDAY, 5 APRIL 1991 WASHINGTON, DC 1. SECRET DEVELOPMENT OF NUCLEAR ROCKET FOR STAR WARS DISCLOSED! Last fall, Congress eliminated the directed energy weapons budget account from the SDI program (WN 19 Oct 90) , but Congress didn't even know about a "black" program to develop a nuclear rocket to launch such weapons into space. Since orbiting weapons would be vulnerable, the idea was to employ "pop-up" weapons to counter a missile attack. That's not simple. Chemical lasers, for example, would require many tons of fuel. The "solution" was to undertake development of a nuclear rocket engine with a very high specific . Project "Timberwind" is based on a particle bed reactor using tiny uranium carbide pellets as fuel. The pellets would be used to heat hydrogen propellents. Nuclear rocket engines are not a new idea; NASA abandoned efforts to develop such an engine in 1972 because it needed the funds for the space shuttle. An NRC panel recommended a year ago (WN 2 Mar 90) that the program be revived as part of a Moon/Mars mission. The problem is safety.

2. RAIN OF TERROR: SHOULD NUCLEAR REACTORS BE KEPT OUT OF ORBIT? In 1978, a Soviet radar satellite, powered by a 3-kw reactor, re- entered the Earth's atmosphere over Canada, scattering highly radioactive debris over 40,000 square miles of tundra, yet the SDI program was supporting development of a 100-kw nuclear reactor to supply electrical power for spaced-based defenses. Star Wars plans called for hundreds of the SP-100 reactors. But the useful lifetime of untended reactors is only about seven years; then they would have to be replaced. The spent reactors, of course, would still be there--if we're lucky. It is the spent reactors that are most dangerous, because of the build- up of fusion products over their operating lifetime. It is generally thought that the risk of using reactors to supply power for interplanetary missions is acceptable, particularly if they are launched cold. The use of nuclear engines for the upper stages of rockets on interplanetary missions also seems reasonable, but the idea of using them to transport objects into orbit is nuts. The revelation should give impetus to Rep. George Brown's call for a moratorium on nuclear power in Earth orbit (WN 10 Feb 89).

3. IT'S THE LIBRARIANS VS. ROBERT MAXWELL AND MARTIN MARIETTA! Well, why not? They took on the FBI in the infamous "library awareness" case and won. Now they are backing the Information Dissemination Equity Act (IDEA) which offers single-point access to federal electronic databases at cost to most subscribers or free through the depository library program. At present this electronic information is very expensive, since private vendors have arranged exclusive contracts to sell information collected at taxpayer expense: Martin Marietta sells USDA data; Robert Maxwell, the British publishing magnate, puts out the GAO's US Legislative History Collection. Asked how IDEA relates to Sen. Gore's "information superhighway," a spokesperson for the American Library Association said, "This is the filling station." Robert L. Park (202) 232-0189 The American Physical Society

[Editor's note: After extensive search, I was unable to ascertain whether or not the American Library Association "won" their lawsuit against the FBI. I did locate the entire first edition of True Democracy on a Google search which incorporated the following terms: "American Library Association," "FBI," "Library Awareness"]

Project Code EVA Space walk based technology

There is no other information than this. Project Cobra Mist SDI energy-beam (plasmoid?) weapon research

No weapons needed for space wars. Let space be utilized for peace.

Project Cold Witness SDI weapons - Classified


February in Peterborough saw our local Hammick's Bookshop inviting a handful of authors along to talk. The difference being that theses writers came from the distinctly left-side of the field.

The first was Robert Temple who back in the mid 'seventies first released his book, 'The Sirius Mystery' This set out his theory concerning Aliens bringing knowledge to Earth around 5000 B.C. As the book has been re-published, his talk was about this. His slide-show started with pictures of the Dogon people of Mali and their view of Sirius as related to their religion. Then came a crash-course in Astronomy, (including super-dense matter) and Heroditus.

Much is made in his book of the Merfolk that supposedly brought the Alien knowledge and built the Great Pyramids, (as that is what Aliens do). These I felt could be seen as composite creatures, a common outgrowth of Animism. And a social view could be derived from the waters associated with births being linked to the birth of ancient societies.

What I did find interesting was the portion on Geodetic Mysteries - the positioning of various sacred sites around the Eastern Mediterranean. What is also intriguing is that in Peterborough we have a massive bas-relief depicting, amongst others, Oannes, (a Babylonian deity); Nu-Kunas, Fu-Hsi and Quipu, (Chinese water spirits); and from Greece Minerva and the ship the Argo surrounded by Dolphins. All of which feature in Temple's book, though this carving dates from the early 'sixties. (Though my friend Kelly says the carvings are actually Dagon, Deep-Ones, Yog-Sothoth and other Cthuloid characters).

The following week a much smaller audience gathered to hear Jenny Randles talk about her book, 'UFO Crash Landing', about a series of reported sightings at Rendlesham Forrest in Suffolk. Through her slide- show she explained how she became involved in the mystery in January 1981. The story of the sightings the previous Christmas included dead dogs and Englishmen, a courting couple and even a travelling salesman. Though what he was selling at Xmas remains un-revealed. In those woods, American Airmen claim they met not Teddy Bears but something far stranger. To give her her due Ms. Randles points out the inconsistencies in the story and did show pictures of objects from around the world that were first unidentified, but after research proved to be ejected aircraft fuel or even an out-of-focus road sign.

Her own theory of what was going on relates to a Top Secret American N.S.A. base nearby at . This was involved first with Project Cold Witness, (an over-the-horizon radar system) and then Project Cobra Mist, (which expanded the former into an SDI weapon). This Jenny believes was used to bring down an expiring Soviet satellite. This, in part, was backed up by a member of the audience who, when in the military, was involved with training Special Forces (S.A.S. & S.B.S.) in the area. The last of the writers, a few days latter, was Andrew Collins, promoting his tome 'Gods of Eden'. His slide-show presented a theory that the Great Pyramids were built by Ancient Egyptians after several centuries of perfecting the art by building lesser Pyramids. A radical concept, with no Aliens or Atlanteans in sight. Beneath the Sphinx though, he believes, there is a cavern, The Hall of Records, predicted by the psychic Edgar Casey. Interestingly, it is his Foundation that sponsors much of the archaeological investigations in that area. Something the professionals are not keen to talk about. This Hall of Records Andrew believes is referred to in the Edfu Building Texts and other ancient Papyri. He theorises this is evidence of a pre-dynastic culture which later migrated to Kurdistan. This latter part was covered in his earlier book 'Ashes of Angels'.

All in all, three writers who were both interesting and thought provoking. While I did not agree with everything - some presented contradicting ideas - I enjoyed these talks and I would recommend anyone to at least hear them out. Keep an open, if sceptical, mind.

Reviewed by Kaz Rathgar

Weapons Industry Stanford Research Institute, Inc.

An Intelligence contractor involved in psychotronic, para-psychological and PSY-WAR research.

Do we need to enlarge on this endeavor? It is nothing less than psychological war.

A T & T

Sandia Labs, Bell Labs, etc. Star Wars weapons research and NSA telephone/satellite communications interception facilitation.

With little doubt, these satellites are used to monitor people who have cell phones. This is an invasion of privacy and needs to end. Additionally, weapons research is not needed at all. The technology and experience of scientists must be better utilized for peace time applications instead of war.

RAND Corporation

CIA-front involved in intelligence projects, weapons development, and underground bases development.

Additionally, a Major at the Department of Defense stated to me unequivocally that a Rand study documented that Depleted Uranium is "harmless." This after one of the Department of Defense's own people admitted that depleted uranium is extremely harmful. Western Europe is very angry at former President Bill Clinton for instigating the war in Kosovo because depleted uranium was used there setting up the contraction of leukemia in Italians, Dutch, Belgians, and Portuguese at least. The French press didn't indicate that any Frenchmen had contracted the disease but they may have by now.

To develop weapons is unnecessary. The infrastructure, quality of life in not only the United States but the rest of the world is sacrificed because voluminous amounts of money are devoted to weapons. They don't solve problems; they perpetuate them.

Underground bases are completely unnecessary. They are only developed for the elite and the leaders. And for what purpose? To keep them alive while the rest of us die.

Edgerton, Germhausen & Greer Corporation

NSA/DOE contractor involved in Star Wars weapons development, fusion applications, and security for Area 51 and nuclear installations, etc.

It's not my intention to have people loose their employment. It is my intention, however, to end war. Weapons are only made for one reason-war. Let's have the people convert to peace time applications and save their jobs instead of maintaining the secrecy of this company which is engaged in war production.

Wackenhut Corporation

(NSA/CIA/DOE cut-out contractor) involved in contract security operations for Top Secret Ultra and Black Budget surface and underground military reservations, such as Area S-4 (U.S. UFO base), Nevada and Sandia National Labs, (Star Wars weapons base, New Mexico) and, reportedly, "dirty jobs" for CIA and Defense Intelligence Agencies.

As published previously, Wackenhut builds prisons too. Let's see if we can't force the Wackenhut Corporation to achieve constructive goals because none of this is constructive; it's only destructive.

by John Connolly Additional reporting by Erzc Reguly, Margie Sloan and Wendell Smith SPY Magazine - Volume 6 Sept 1992 from TheCatBirdSeat Website

What? A big private company - one with a board of former CIA, FBI and Pentagon officials; one in charge of protecting Nuclear-Weapons facilities, nuclear reactors, the Alaskan oil pipeline and more than a dozen American embassies abroad; one with long-standing ties to a radical ring-wing organization; one with 30,000 men and women under arms - secretly helped IRAQ in its effort to obtain sophisticated weapons?

And fueled unrest in Venezuela?

This is all the plot of a new best-selling thriller, right? Or the ravings of some overheated conspiracy buff, right?



In the WINTER OF 1990, David Ramirez, a 24 year-old member of the Special Investigations Division of the Wackenhut Corporation, was sent by his superiors on an unusual mission.

Ramirez a former Marine Corps sergeant based in Miami, was told to fly immediately to San Antonio along with three other members of SID-a unit, known as founder and chairman George Wackenhut’s "private FBI," that provided executive protection and conducted undercover investigations and sting operations. Once they arrived, they rented two gray Ford Tauruses and drove four hours to a desolate town on the Mexican border called Eagle Pass.

There, just after dark, they met two truck drivers who had been flown in from Houston. Inside a nearby warehouse was an 18 -wheel tractor-trailer, which the two truck drivers and the four Wackenhut agents in their rented cars were supposed to transport to Chicago. "My instructions were very clear," Ramirez recalls. "Do not look into the trailer, secure it, and make sure it safely gets to Chicago." It went without saying that no one else was supposed to look in the trailer, either, which is why the Wackenhut men were armed with fully loaded Remington 870 pump-action shotguns.

The convoy drove for 30 hours straight, stopping only for gas and food. Even then, one of the Wackenhut agents had to stay with the truck, standing by one of the cars, its trunk open, shotgun within easy reach. "Whenever we stopped, I bought a shot glass with the name of the town on it," Ramirez recalls. "I have glasses from Oklahoma City, Kansas City, St. Louis." A little before 5:00 on the morning of the third day, they delivered the trailer to a practically empty warehouse outside Chicago.

A burly man who had been waiting for them on the loading dock told them to take off the locks and go home, and that was that. They were on a plane back to Miami that afternoon. Later Ramirez’s superiors told him-as they told other SID agents about similar midnight runs-that the trucks contained $40 million worth of food stamps. After considering the secrecy, the way the team was assembled and the orders not to stop or open the truck, Ramirez decided he didn’t believe that explanation.

Neither do we. One reason is simple: A Department of Agriculture official simply denies that food stamps are shipped that way. "Someone is blowing smoke," he says.

Another reason is that after a six-month investigation, in the course of which we spoke to more than 300 people, we believe we know what the truck did contain-equipment necessary for the manufacture of chemical weapons - and where it was headed: to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. And the Wackenhut Corporation - a publicly traded company with strong ties to the CIA and federal contracts worth $200 million a year - was making sure Saddam would be getting his equipment intact.

The question is why.

In 1954, George Wackenhut, then a 34-year old former FBI agent, joined up with three other former FBI agents to open a company in Miami called Special Agent Investigators Inc. The partnership was neither successful nor harmonious - George once knocked partner Ed Dubois unconscious to end a disagreement over the direction the company would take - and in 1958, George bought out his partners.

However capable Wackenhut’s detectives may have been at their work, George Wackenhut had two personal attributes that were instrumental in the company’s growth.

First, he got along exceptionally well with important politicians.

He was a close ally of Florida governor Claude Kirk, who hired him to combat organized crime in the state; and was also friends with Senator George Smathers, an intimate of John F. Kennedy’s.

It was Smathers who provided Wackenhut with his big break when the senator’s law firm helped the company find a loophole in the Pinkerton law, the 1893 federal statute that had made it a crime for an employee of a private detective agency to do work for the government.

Smathers’s firm set up a wholly owned subsidiary of Wackenhut that provided only guards, not detectives. Shortly thereafter, Wackenhut received multimillion-dollar contracts from the government to guard Cape Canaveral and the Nevada nuclear-bomb test site, the first of many extremely lucrative federal contracts that have sustained the company to this day.

The second thing that helped make George Wackenhut successful was that he was, and is, a hard-line right-winger. He was able to profit from his beliefs by building up dossiers on Americans suspected of being Communists or merely left-leaning-"subversives and sympathizers," as he put it-and selling the information to interested parties.

According to Frank Donner, the author of "Age of Surveillance", the Wackenhut Corporation maintained and updated its files even after the McCarthyite hysteria had ebbed, adding the names of antiwar protesters and civil-rights demonstrators to its list of "derogatory types."

By 1965, Wackenhut was boasting to potential investors that the company maintained files on 2.5 million suspected dissidents-one in 46 American adults then living. In 1966, after acquiring the private files of Karl Barslaag; a former staff member of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, Wackenhut could confidently maintain that with more than 4 million names, it had the largest privately held file on suspected dissidents in America.

In 1975, after Congress investigated companies that had private files, Wackenhut gave its files to the now-defunct anti-Communist Church League of America of Wheaton, Illinois. That organization had worked closely with the red squads of big-city police departments, particularly in New York and L.A., spying on suspected sympathizers; George Wackenhut was personal friends with the League’s leaders, and was a major contributor to the group. To be sure, after giving the League its files, Wackenhut reserved the right to use them for its clients and friends.

Wackenhut had gone public in 1965 ; George Wackenhut retained 54 percent of the company. Between his salary and dividends, his annual compensation approaches $2 million a year, sufficient for him to live in a $20 million castle in Coral Gables, Florida, complete with a moat and 18 full-time servants. Today the company is the third-largest investigative security firm in the country, with offices throughout the United States and in 39 foreign countries. It is not possible to overstate the special relationship Wackenhut enjoys with the federal government. It is close. When it comes to security matters, Wackenhut in many respects "is" the government. In 1991, a third of the company’s $600- million in revenues came from the federal government, and another large chunk from companies that themselves work for the government, such as Westinghouse.

Wackenhut is the largest single company supplying security to U.S. embassies overseas; several of the 13 embassies it guards have been in important hotbeds of espionage, such as Chile, Greece and El Salvador.

It also guards nearly all the most strategic government facilities in the U.S., including the Alaskan oil pipeline, the Hanford nuclear-waste facility, the Savannah River plutonium plant and the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Wackenhut maintains an especially close relationship with the federal government in other ways as well.

While early boards of directors included such prominent personalities of the political right as Captain Eddie Rickenbacker; General Mark Clark and Ralph E. Davis, a John Birch Society leader, current and recent members of the board have included much of the country’s recent national-security directorate: • former FBI director Clarence Kelley • former Defense secretary and former CIA deputy director Frank Carlucci • former Defense Intelligence Agency director General Joseph Carroll • former U.S. Secret Service director James J. Rowley • former Marine commandant P. X. Kelley • acting chairman of President Bush’s foreign- intelligence advisory board and former CIA deputy director Admiral Bobby Ray Inman Before his appointment as Reagan’s CIA director, the late William Casey was Wackenhut’s outside legal counsel.

The company has 30,000 armed employees on its payroll. We wanted to know more about this special relationship; but the government was not forthcoming. Repeated requests to the Department of Energy for an explanation of how one company got the security contracts for nearly all of America’s most strategic installations have gone unanswered.

Similarly, efforts to get the State Department to explain whether embassy contracts were awarded arbitrarily or through competitive bidding were fruitless; essentially, the State Department said, "Some of both."

Wackenhut’s competitors - who, understandably, asked not to be quoted by name - have their own version. "All those contracts;" said one security-firm executive, "are just another way to pay Wackenhut for their clandestine help." And what is the nature of that help? "It is known throughout the industry," said retired FBI special agent William Hinshaw, "that if you want a dirty job done, call Wackenhut." We met George Wackenhut in his swanky, muy macho offices in Coral Gables.

The rooms are paneled in a dark, rich rosewood, accented with gray-blue stone. The main office is dominated by Wackenhut’s 12-foot-long desk and a pair of chairs shaped like elephants - "Republican chairs," he calls them-complete with real tusks, which, the old man says with some amusement, tend to stick his visitors.

The highlight of the usual collection of pictures and awards is the Republican presidential exhibit: an autographed photo of Wackenhut shaking hands with George Bush (whom Wackenhut, according to a former associate, used to call "that pinko") as well as framed photos of Presidents Reagan, Nixon and Bush, each accompanied by a handwritten note.

The chairman looks every inch the comfortable Florida septuagenarian. The day we spoke, his clothing ranged across the color spectrum from baby blue to light baby blue, and he wore a lot of jewelry - a huge gold watch on a thick gold band, two massive gold rings.

But Wackenhut was, at 72, quick and tough in his responses. Near the end of our two-and-a-half hour interview, when asked if his company was an arm of the CIA, he snapped, "No!"

Of course, this may just be a matter of semantics.

We have spoken to numerous experts, including current and former CIA agents and analysts, current and former agents of the Drug Enforcement Administration and current and former Wackenhut executives and employees, all of whom have said that in the mid-197O’s, after the Senate Intelligence Committee’s revelations of the CIA’s covert and sometimes illegal overseas operations, the agency and Wackenhut grew very, very close.

Those revelations had forced the CIA to do a housecleaning, and it became CIA policy that certain kinds of activities would no longer officially be performed. But that didn’t always mean that the need or the desire to undertake such operations disappeared.

And that’s where Wackenhut came in.

Our sources confirm that Wackenhut has had a long-standing relationship with the CIA, and that it has deepened over the last decade or so. Bruce Berckmans, who was assigned to the CIA station in Mexico City, left the agency in January 1975 (putatively) to become a Wackenhut international-operations vice president.

Berckmans, who left Wackenhut in 1981, told SPY that he has seen a formal proposal George Wackenhut submitted to the CIA to allow the agency to use Wackenhut offices throughout the world as fronts for CIA activities.

Kichard Babayan, who says he was a CIA contract employee and is currently in jail awaiting trial on fraud and racketeering charges, has been cooperating with federal and congressional investigators looking into illegal shipments of nuclear-and-chemical-weapons - making supplies to Iraq. "Wackenhut has been used by the CIA and other intelligence agencies for years," he told SPY. "When they [the CIA] need cover, Wackenhut is there to provide it for them." Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau was said to have rebuffed Wackenhut’s effort in the 1980’s to purchase a weapons propellant manufacturer in Quebec with the remark "We just got rid of the CIA - we don’t want them back."

Phillip Agee, the left-wing former CIA agent who wrote an expose’ of the agency in 1975, told us, "I don’t have the slightest doubt that the CIA and Wackenhut overlap."

There is also testimony from people who are not convicts, renegades or Canadians.

William Corbett, a terrorism expert who spent 18 years as a CIA analyst and is now an ABC News consultant based in Europe, confirmed the relationship between Wackenhut and the agency. "For years Wackenhut has been involved with the CIA and other intelligence organizations, including the DEA," he told SPY. "Wackenhut would allow the CIA to occupy positions within the company [in order to carry out] clandestine operations." He also said that Wackenhut would supply intelligence agencies with information, and that it was compensated for this- "in a quid pro quo arrangement," Corbett says - with government contracts worth billions of dollars over the years.

We have uncovered considerable evidence that Wackenhut carried the CIA’s water in fighting Communist encroachment in Central America in the 1980s (that is to say, during the Reagan administration when the CIA director was former Wackenhut lawyer William Casey, the late who had a proclivity for extralegal and illegal anti-Communist covert operations such as Iran-contra).

In 1981, Berckmans, the CIA agent turned Wackenhut vice president, joined with other senior Wackenhut executives to form the company’s Special Projects Division. It was this division that linked up with ex-CIA man John Phillip Nichols, who had taken over the Cabazon Indian reservation in California, as we described in a previous article ["Badlands," April 1992], in pursuit of a scheme to manufacture explosives, poison gas and biological weapons - and then, by virtue of the tribe’s status as a sovereign nation, to export the weapons to the contras.

This maneuver was designed to evade congressional prohibitions against the U.S. government’s helping the contras. Indeed, in an interview with SPY, Eden Pastora, the contras’ famous Commander Zero, who had been spotted at a test of some night-vision goggles at a firing range near the Cabazon reservation in the company of Nichols and a Wackenhut executive, offhandedly identified that executive, A. Robert Frye, as "the man from the CIA."

(In a subsequent conversation he denied knowing Frye at all; of course, in that same talk he quite unbelievably denied having ever been a contra.)

In addition to attempted weapons supply, Wackenhut seems to have been involved in Central America in other ways. Ernesto Bermudez who was Wackenhut’s director of international operations from 1987 to ’89, admitted to SPY that during 1985 and ’86 he ran Wackenhut’s operations in El Salvador, where he was in charge of 1,500 men.

When asked what 1 ,500 men were doing for Wackenhut in El Salvador, Bermudez replied coyly, "Things."

Pressed, he elaborated: "Things you wouldn’t want your mother to know about."

It’s worth noting that Wackenhut’s annual revenues from government contracts--the alleged reward for cooperation in the government’s clandestine activities - increased by 150 million, a 45 percent jump, while Ronald Reagan was in office. "You’ve done an awful lot of research, George Wackenhut said to me as I was leaving. "How would you like to run all our New York operations?" If that was the extent of Wackenhut’s possible involvement in a government agency’s attempt to circumvent the law, then we might dismiss it as an interesting footnote to the overheated, cowboy anti- Communist 1980s.

However, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida has been conducting an investigation into the illegal export of dual-use technology-that is, seemingly innocuous technology that can also be used to make nuclear weapons to Iraq and Libya. And SPY has learned that Wackenhut’s name has come up in the federal investigation, but not at present as a target.

Between 1987 and ’89, three companies in the United States received investments from an Iraqi architect named Ihsan Barbouti. The colorful Barbouti owned an engineering company in Frankfort that had a $552 million contract to build airfields in Iraq. He also admitted having designed Mu’ammar Qaddafi’s infamous German-built chemical- weapons plant in Rabta, Libya.

According to an attorney for one of the companies in which Barbouti invested, the architect owned $100 million worth of real estate and oil-drilling equipment in Texas and Oklahoma.

He may also be dead, there being reports that he died of heart failure in Hospital in London on July 1, 1990, his 63rd birthday. Barbouti, however, had faked his death once before, in 1969, after the Ba’ath takeover in Iraq which brought Saddam Hussein to power as the second-in-command. That time, Barbouti escaped Iraq; resurfacing several years later in Lebanon and Libya. There are no reports that he is living in - or, according to other reports, in a CIA safe house in Florida.

Those reports can be considered no better than rumor; what follows, though, is fact.

As reported on ABC’s "" last year, the three companies in which Barbouti invested were TK-7 of Oklahoma City, which makes a fuel additive; Pipeline Recovery Systems of Dallas, which makes an anti- corrosive chemical that preserves pipes; and Product Ingredient Technology of Boca Raton, which makes food flavorings. None of these companies was looking to do business with Iraq; Barbouti sought them out.

Why was he interested? • because TK-7 had formulas that could extend the range of jet aircraft and liquid-fueled missiles such as the SCUD • because Pipeline Recovery knows how to coat pipes to make them usable in nuclear reactors and chemical-weapons plants • because one of the by- products in making cherry flavoring is ferric ferrocyanide, a chemical that’s used to manufacture hydrogen cyanide, which can penetrate gas masks and protective clothing Hydrogen cyanide was used by Saddam Hussein against the Kurds in the Iran-Iraq war.

Barbouti was more than a passive investor, and soon he began pressuring the companies to ship not only their products but also their manufacturing technology to corporations he owned in Europe, on which, he told the businessmen, it would be sent to Libya and Iraq.

In doing so, Barbouti was attempting to violate the law. • First, the U.S. forbade sending anything to Libya, which was embargoed as a terrorist nation • Second, the U.S. specified that material of this sort must be sent to its final destination, not to an intermediate locale, where the U.S. would risk losing control of its distribution According to former CIA contract employee Richard Babayan, in late 1989 Barbouti met in London with Ibrahim Sabawai, Saddam Hussein’s half brother and European head of Iraqi intelligence, who grew excited about the work Pipeline Recovery was doing and called for the company’s technology to be rushed to Iraq, so that it could be in place by early 1990.

And the owner of TK-7 swears that Barbouti told him he was developing an atom device for Qaddafi that would be used against the U.S. in retaliation for the 1986 U.S. air strike against Libya.

Barbouri also wanted the ferrocyanide from Product Ingredient.

Assisting Barbouti with these investments was New Orleans exporter Don Seaton, business associate of Richard Secord, the right-wing U.S. Army general turned war profiteer who was so deeply enmeshed in the Iran-contra affair.

It was Secord who connected Barbouti with Wackenhut.

Barbouti met with Secord in Florida on several occasions, and phone records show that several calls were placed from Barbouti’s office to Secord’s private number in McLean, Virginia; Secord has acknowledged knowing Barbouti. He is currently a partner of Washington businessman James Tully (who is the man who leaked Bill Clinton’s draft-dodge letter to ABC) and Jack Brennan, a former Marine Corps colonel and longtime aide to Richard Nixon both in the White House and in exile.

Brennan has gone back to the White House, where he works as a director of administrative operations in President Bush’s office. He refused to return repeated calls from SPY.

Interestingly, Brennan and Tully had previously been involved in a $181 million business deal to supply uniforms to the Iraqi army. Oddly, they arranged to have the uniforms manufactured in Nicolae Ceaucescu’s Romania.

The partners in that deal were former U.S. attorney general and Watergate felon John Mitchell and Sarkis Soghanalian, a Turkish-born Lebanese citizen.

Soghanalian, who has been credited with being Saddam Hussein’s leading arms procurer and with introducing the demonic weapons inventor Gerald Bull to the Iraqis, is currently serving a six-year sentence in federal prison in Miami for the illegal sale of 103 military helicopters to Iraq.

According to former Wackenhut agent David Ramirez, the company considered Soghanalian "a very valuable client."

Unfortunately for Barbouti, none of the companies in which he made investments was willing to ship its products or technology to his European divisions. That, however, doesn’t necessarily mean that he didn’t get some of what he wanted.

In 1990, 2,000 gallons of ferrocyanide were found to be missing from the cherry-flavor factory in Boca Raton. Where it went is a mystery; Peter Kawaja, who was the head of security for all of Barbouti’s U.S. investments, told SPY, "We were never burglarized, but that stuff didn’t walk out by itself." What does all this have to do with Wackenhut?

Lots: According to Louis Champon, the owner of Product Ingredient Technology, it was Wackenhut that guarded his Boca Raton plant, a fact confirmed by Murray Levine, a Wackenhut vice president.

Champon also says, and Wackenhut also confirms, that the security for the plant consisted of one unarmed guard. While a Wackenhut spokesperson maintains that this was the only job they were doing for Barbouti, he also says that they were never paid, that Barbouti stiffed them.

This does not seem true. SPY has obtained four checks from Barbouti to Wackenhut. All were written within ten days in 1990: • one on March 27 for $168.89 • one on March 28 for $24,828.07 • another on April 5 for $756 • the last on April 6 for $40,116.25 We asked Richard Kneip, Wackenhut’s senior vice president for corporate planning, to explain why a single guard was worth $66,000 a year; Kneip was at a loss to do so. He was similarly at a loss to explain a fifth check, from another Barbouti company to Wackenhut’s travel-service division in 1987, almost two years before Wackenhut has acknowledged providing security for the Boca Raton plant .

Two former CIA operatives, separately interviewed, have the explanation.

Charles Hayes, who describes himself as "a CIA asset " says Wackenhut was helping Barbouti ship chemicals to Iraq. "Supplying Iraq was originally a good idea," he maintains, "but then it got out of hand. Wackenhut was just in it for the money." Richard Babayan the former CIA contract employee, confirmed Hayes’s account.

He says that Wackenhut’s relationship with Barbouti existed before the Boca Raton plant opened: "Barbouti was placed in the hands of Secord by the CIA, and Secord called in Wackenhut to handle security and travel and protection for Barbouti and his export plans." Wackenhut, Babayan says was working for the CIA in helping Barbouti ship the chemical-and-nuclear- weapons-making equipment first to Texas, then to Chicago, and then to Baltimore to be shipped overseas. All of which makes the story of the midnight convoy ride of David Ramirez, recounted at the beginning of this article rather less mysterious. SPY has learned that this shipment is now the subject of a joint USDA-Customs investigation.

When we asked George Wackenhut what was being shipped from Eagle Pass to Chicago, the sharp, straightforward chairman at first claimed they were protecting an unnamed executive. He then directed an aide to get back to me.

Two days later, Richard Kneip did, repeating the tale that had been passed on to David Ramirez - that the trucks contained food stamps. We told him that we had spoken to a Department of Agriculture official, who informed us that food stamps are shipped from Chicago to outlying areas, never the other way around, and that food stamps, unlike money, are used once and then destroyed.

All Kneip would say then was, "We do not reveal the names of our clients."

Wackenhut’s connection to the CIA and to other government agencies raises several troubling questions: • First, is the CIA using Wackenhut to conduct operations that it has been forbidden to undertake? • Second, is the White House or some other party in the executive branch working through Wackenhut to conduct operations that it doesn’t want Congress to know about? • Third, has Wackenhut’s cozy relationship with the government given it a feeling of security-or worse, an outright knowledge of sensitive or embarrassing information-that allows the company to believe that it can conduct itself as though it were above the law? A congressional investigation into Wackenhut’s activities in the Alyeska affair last November began to shed some light on Wackenhut’s way of doing business; clearly it’s time for Congress to investigate just how far Wackenhut’s other tentacles extend.

AND WHO OWN’S WAKENHUT? • The #1 institutional stockholder is Britain’s Barclays Global Investors International (a key member of the Committee of 300).

• Other top stockholders (as if 03/31/01) include: o Zurich Scudder o Goldman Sachs o Merrill Lynch o Deutsche Bankers Trust

• And top purchasers (for the quarter ending 03/31/01) included: o AXA o Nomura Securities o Harvard University o Ohio State Public Employees Retirement System by Ed Encho 2009 from OpEdNews Website

Editor’s Note: On Monday, 2 February 2009, OEN premieres Ed Encho’s newest update of his investigative series, “Main Core, PROMIS and the Shadow Government (Pt. 3) far below, which brings to the forefront recent revelations on the expansion of the US government’s surveillance apparatus and the stolen technology that makes it all possible.

On the heels of NSA whistleblower Russell Tice allegations of a government intelligence community that has crossed the line and trashed the Constitution, Ed Encho covers a span of investigations throughout the years that reads like a Tom Clancy suspense thriller. OEN is republishing Part I and Part II. You will want to catch up.

Part 1 January 31, 2009 “Over the last two weeks I have encountered just such an apocalyptic situation, where I and the Department of Justice have been asked to be part of something that is fundamentally wrong.” (Excerpt from Deputy Attorney General James Comey’s draft letter of resignation to President Bush, dated March 16, 2004, which Comey did not in the end send.)

"Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimeters inside your skull" (George Orwell: 1984)

I: Main Core and PROMIS

Suppose that the United States Government, or more likely an unaccountable privatized intelligence colossus empowered by the reaction to the 9/11 attacks and fueled by the rampant cronyism of a system long ago gone rotten had a surveillance tool capable of peering into the most private aspects of American lives on a whim. Now suppose that the new growth industry of a previously unthinkable futuristic police state was already in place, fully operational and has been online and has actively been being utilized for domestic spying for years before those two airplanes slammed into the World Trade Center.

The 'terrorist' attacks were used as the justification for every unconstitutional reigning in of civil liberties ever since that heinous September morning seven years ago when the reset button was hit on two and a quarter centuries of American history and we all stepped forth into the brave new world of perpetual war, fear, suspicion and vengeance into a parallel reality in a place that would come to be known as The Homeland.

What if this surveillance industrial complex was in possession of a database that was so large and so powerful that not only could it instantly process and retrieve the most minute or intimate aspects of a citizen’s lives but was also able to utilize extremely sophisticated artificial intelligence capabilities to actually predict likely patterns of future behavior.

Such a huge database would be able to use cutting edge technology funded with taxpayer dollars and awarded to unaccountable private corporations largely through ‘business as usual’ no bid contracts to create the most invasive tool of oppression this country has ever seen. This database would rely on software that was capable of performing social network analysis based on block modeling technology to monitor all forms of electronic communications, all internet searches, all debit and credit card transactions, all travel arrangements, all library records, all bank activity and all telephone records.

It would then be able to use the data to not only find links between persons who already know and interact with each other but to categorize each individual into a particular group that possess similar behavioral and purchasing habits. These groups could then be further divided into subgroups and further analyzed in order to determine under some loosely defined and largely unknown guidelines whether they could potentially represent a threat.

While all of this may sound like some sort of futuristic dystopian nightmare straight out of Philip K. Dick’s Minority Report and "Precrime" it is very real and it goes by the name of Main Core.

For example, if you are selling a bicycle and run an advertisement in your local newspaper and you happen to receive a call from a Muhammad who is interested in your bicycle and Muhammad happens to have certain friends who have relationships with an organization that is determined by some unknown criteria to be a potential terrorist organization then the call that you received from Muhammad would then in all likelihood place you in the database and subject to an increased level of scrutiny at best and at worst in jeopardy of being picked up and held indefinitely without any sort of judicial review.

This technology is being used today absent any form of legitimate oversight, with a Constitution that has been eviscerated by the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil, a vast gulag network of top secret prisons and 'detention facilities' and the decidedly anti-American new phenomenon of state sanctioned torture.

Throw in an overworked, systematically dumbed-down populace that has been propagandized by the corrupt institution that is the corporate media machine with it's clever use of fear and loathing and scientific development of advanced mind control techniques who despite the infinite wisdom of our forefathers would gladly sacrifice their liberty for the any sort of temporary safety (no matter that it is fleeting) and there exists today in 'The Homeland' a perfect Petri-dish for an authoritarian fascist society.

It is though a very sophisticated form of fascism unlike more outwardly obvious regimes that we have known in the past.

Author Bertram Gross published a book back in 1980 that was entitled Friendly Fascism, Jim Garrison once said that "fascism would come to America in the name of national security", and author Kevin Phillips in his 1983 book Post-Conservative America warned of the potential of an "apple pie authoritarianism" and a coming society in which: "the Star Spangled Benner would wave with greater frequency and over many more parades; increased surveillance would crack down on urban outbreaks and extreme political dissidents". This very accurately describes post 9/11 America where any semblance of reason has been abandoned for cheap flag-waving pimped off as patriotism, criticism of authority has made into potential treason by the highly paid shills for neoconservative doctrine, sloganeering and demagoguery have replaced discourse, critical thinking is becoming extinct and just as George Orwell so accurately predicted Big Brother is now watching over us, protecting us and ensuring that we understand that war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.

But I digress...

Main Core has received attention in two 2008 articles, one a piece by investigative journalist Christopher Ketcham entitled The Last Roundup (which also looks at Continuity of Government programs but more on that in a little while) and Tim Shorrock entitled Exposing Bush’s Historic Abuse of Power. Both articles tie Main Core to the now legendary PROMIS software, an extremely advanced program designed to aid federal prosecutors in case management tracking. PROMIS could pull and put together a wide range of data from disparate sources into a single record.

The PROMIS software was created by INSLAW Inc., a company owned by a former NSA intelligence officer named William Hamilton. PROMIS was to have been licensed to the U.S. government in the early 1980’s before the technology boom became widespread but was then stolen by the seamy officials in Ronald Reagan’s Justice Department.

The software was modified for espionage purposes to include a ‘back door’ that could be used for spying on those that it was sold to and in a detail that should be especially relevant with the economic crisis that threatens to crash the global financial system, the software could also be used to track in real time (in order to manipulate?) stock market transactions, once can certainly speculate as to how such a tool could have contributed to an economic catastrophe as we are now facing if it were used for such a thing.

It is important to keep in mind the period when PROMIS was stolen in the early 1980's and the fact that the technology boom was still years in the future which should give one an idea to just how far advanced and therefore how important that it was to those who would use it in order to promote a sinister agenda.

Mr. Shorock's piece goes into the relationship between PROMIS and Main Core in some detail: According to William Hamilton, a former NSA intelligence officer who left the agency in the 1970s, that description sounded a lot like Main Core, which he first heard about in detail in 1992. Hamilton, who is the president of Inslaw Inc., a computer services firm with many clients in government and the private sector, says there are strong indications that the Bush administration's domestic surveillance operations use Main Core.

Hamilton's company Inslaw is widely respected in the law enforcement community for creating a program called the Prosecutors' Management Information System, or PROMIS. It keeps track of criminal investigations through a powerful search engine that can quickly access all stored data components of a case, from the name of the initial investigators to the telephone numbers of key suspects.

PROMIS, also widely used in the insurance industry, can also sort through other databases fast, with results showing up almost instantly. "It operates just like Google," Hamilton told me in an interview in his Washington office in May. Since the late 1980s, Inslaw has been involved in a legal dispute over its claim that Justice Department officials in the Reagan administration appropriated the PROMIS software. Hamilton claims that Reagan officials gave PROMIS to the NSA and the CIA, which then adapted the software - and its outstanding ability to search other databases - to manage intelligence operations and track financial transactions.

Over the years, Hamilton has employed prominent lawyers to pursue the case, including Elliot Richardson, the former attorney general and secretary of defense who died in 1999, and C. Boyden Gray, the former White House counsel to President George H.W. Bush. The dispute has never been settled. But based on the long-running case, Hamilton says he believes U.S. intelligence uses PROMIS as the primary software for searching the Main Core database.

Hamilton was first told about the connection between PROMIS and Main Core in the spring of 1992 by a U.S. intelligence official, and again in 1995 by a former NSA official.

In July 2001, Hamilton says, he discussed his case with retired Adm. Dan Murphy, a former military advisor to Elliot Richardson who later served under President George H.W. Bush as deputy director of the CIA. Murphy, who died shortly after his meeting with Hamilton, did not specifically mention Main Core.

But he informed Hamilton that the NSA's use of PROMIS involved something, "so seriously wrong that money alone cannot cure the problem," Hamilton told me. He added, "I believe in retrospect that Murphy was alluding to Main Core." Hamilton also provided copies of letters that Richardson and Gray sent to U.S. intelligence officials and the Justice Department on Inslaw's behalf alleging that the NSA and the CIA had appropriated PROMIS for intelligence use.

Hamilton says James B. Comey's congressional testimony in May 2007, in which he described a hospitalized John Ashcroft's dramatic standoff with senior Bush officials Alberto Gonzales and Andrew Card, was another illuminating moment. "It was then that we [at Inslaw] started hearing again about the Main Core derivative of PROMIS for spying on Americans," he told me. Through a former senior Justice Department official with more than 25 years of government experience, Salon has learned of a high-level former national security official who reportedly has firsthand knowledge of the U.S. government's use of Main Core. The official worked as a senior intelligence analyst for a large domestic law enforcement agency inside the Bush White House. He would not agree to an interview.

But according to the former Justice Department official, the former intelligence analyst told her that while stationed at the White House after the 9/11 attacks, one day he accidentally walked into a restricted room and came across a computer system that was logged on to what he recognized to be the Main Core database.

When she mentioned the specific name of the top-secret system during their conversation, she recalled, "He turned white as a sheet." An article in Radar magazine in May, citing three unnamed former government officials, reported that, "8 million Americans are now listed in Main Core as potentially suspect" and, in the event of a national emergency, "could be subject to everything from heightened surveillance and tracking to direct questioning and even detention." The INSLAW/PROMIS story reached deep into the darkest bowels of an increasingly secretive and malevolent National Security State that had manifested itself in, • the Reagan administration • the arms for hostages ‘October Surprise’ deal that sank Jimmy Carter's bid for re- election leading to the Reagan-Bush hostile takeover of America • Iran-Contra , BCCI, media manipulation (see Robert Parry’s excellent special report for Consortium News entitled Iran Contra’s 'lost chapter') • Oliver North’s swashbuckling adventures with C.O.G., drugs for guns and subversion of Congress all were components of Reagan’s government, a government that he hypocritically railed against for its intrusiveness and yet presided over while the shadow government that would rise again with the Supreme Court installation of George W. Bush as president with many of the key operatives of Reagan and George H.W. Bush’s dark shops of oppression being given key positions in this brazenly lawless administration that has brought America to the brink of fascism. Many of these hard-liners remain in place throughout the bureaucracy in order to do whatever is necessary to preserve the power of the shadow government.

Ketcham's The Last Roundup is particularly of interest in that he examines the now infamous 2004 visit of Bush administration officials Alberto Gonzalez and Andrew Card to the hospital room of Attorney General John Ashcroft who had been stricken with pancreatitis after acting A.G. James Comey refused to sign off on the reauthorization of what was an illegal surveillance program related to Continuity of Government.

The story is fascinating in that it not only illustrated the length to which the Bush-Cheney junta would go to in order to keep their dirty little programs in place but also for the high speed chase through the streets of Washington and the race up the hospital stairs that Comey engaged in to beat Gonzalez and Card to the sedated Ashcroft to take advantage of a sick man, when John Ashcroft actually comes out looking like a heroic figure it becomes very apparent of just how grossly un-American that this flagrantly criminal administration truly is.

James Comey went on to give testimony to Congress over the hospital room showdown and more details are available from blogger Glenn Greenwald in his piece entitled What illegal "things" was the government doing in 2001-2004? and in Barton Gellman's book Angler and excerpts were published in the Washington Post which part one and part two can be read for more information on the back story behind the surveillance reauthorization.

Murray Waas also has done a story on whether former Attorney General Gonzalez created a set of falsified notes to provide a cover story for what occurred while trying to bully Comey and Ashcroft into signing off on the obviously illegal surveillance program.

Excerpts from Ketcham's story are chilling: According to a senior government official who served with high-level security clearances in five administrations, "There exists a database of Americans, who, often for the slightest and most trivial reason, are considered unfriendly, and who, in a time of panic, might be incarcerated. The database can identify and locate perceived 'enemies of the state' almost instantaneously." He and other sources tell Radar that the database is sometimes referred to by the code name Main Core. One knowledgeable source claims that 8 million Americans are now listed in Main Core as potentially suspect. In the event of a national emergency, these people could be subject to everything from heightened surveillance and tracking to direct questioning and possibly even detention. Of course, federal law is somewhat vague as to what might constitute a "national emergency."

Executive orders issued over the past three decades define it as a, "natural disaster, military attack, [or] technological or other emergency," while Department of Defense documents include eventualities like "riots, acts of violence, insurrections, unlawful obstructions or assemblages, [and] disorder prejudicial to public law and order." According to one news report, even "national opposition to U.S. military invasion abroad" could be a trigger.

Let's imagine a harrowing scenario: coordinated bombings in several American cities culminating in a major blast—say, a suitcase nuke—in New York City. Thousands of civilians are dead. Commerce is paralyzed. A state of emergency is declared by the president. Continuity of Governance plans that were developed during the Cold War and aggressively revised since 9/11 go into effect.

Surviving government officials are shuttled to protected underground complexes carved into the hills of Maryland, Virginia, and . Power shifts to a "parallel government" that consists of scores of secretly pre-selected officials. (As far back as the 1980s, Donald Rumsfeld, then CEO of a pharmaceutical company, and Dick Cheney, then a congressman from Wyoming, were slated to step into key positions during a declared emergency.)

The executive branch is the sole and absolute seat of authority, with Congress and the judiciary relegated to advisory roles at best. The country becomes, within a matter of hours, a police state.

And –

Under law, during a national emergency, FEMA and its parent organization, the Department of Homeland Security, would be empowered to seize private and public property, all forms of transport, and all food supplies. The agency could dispatch military commanders to run state and local governments, and it could order the arrest of citizens without a warrant, holding them without trial for as long as the acting government deems necessary.

From the comfortable perspective of peaceful times, such behavior by the government may seem far- fetched. But it was not so very long ago that FDR ordered 120,000 Japanese Americans—everyone from infants to the elderly—be held in detention camps for the duration of World War II. This is widely regarded as a shameful moment in U.S. history, a lesson learned.

But a long trail of federal documents indicates that the possibility of large-scale detention has never quite been abandoned by federal authorities. Around the time of the 1968 race riots, for instance, a paper drawn up at the U.S. Army War College detailed plans for rounding up millions of "militants" and "American negroes," who were to be held at "assembly centers or relocation camps."

In the late 1980s, the Austin American-Statesman and other publications reported the existence of 10 detention camp sites on military facilities nationwide, where hundreds of thousands of people could be held in the event of domestic political upheaval. More such facilities were commissioned in 2006, when Kellogg Brown & Root—then a subsidiary of Halliburton—was handed a $385 million contract to establish "temporary detention and processing capabilities" for the Department of Homeland Security.

The contract is short on details, stating only that the facilities would be used for, "an emergency influx of immigrants, or to support the rapid development of new programs." Just what those "new programs" might be is not specified.

In the days after our hypothetical terror attack, events might play out like this: With the population gripped by fear and anger, authorities undertake unprecedented actions in the name of public safety. Officials at the Department of Homeland Security begin actively scrutinizing people who—for a tremendously broad set of reasons—have been flagged in Main Core as potential domestic threats.

Some of these individuals might receive a letter or a phone call, others a request to register with local authorities. Still others might hear a knock on the door and find police or armed soldiers outside. In some instances, the authorities might just ask a few questions. Other suspects might be arrested and escorted to federal holding facilities, where they could be detained without counsel until the state of emergency is no longer in effect.

Despite the departure of the Bush regime, martial law is a very serious possibility with it having now been established that the executive branch can exercise dictatorial powers during a "catastrophic emergency" (as put forth in the Bush administration's NSPD-51) which is defined as, "any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy or government functions". With events unfolding as they currently are it is especially troubling to note that the "economy" is one of the criteria that would trigger the declaration of martial law, the current economic crisis along with the lack of will to do what it takes to make corrections rather than bailing out and essentially giving amnesty to the Wall Street looters who are responsible for it only guarantees that the collapse when it does come will be much more devastating.

An article in The Army Times that was published last fall reveals that as of October troop deployments will include 'Homeland' duty under the command of NORTHCOM. Assignments will allow for an increased public visibility (translation: getting Americans used to seeing troops on the streets) and will have a stated purpose as follows: "They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack." If action by the military (and the unaccountable mercenaries from privatized 'security' firms like Blackwater) is decided to be merited by the unitary executive and a state of martial law declared then what exactly is going to happen to those "8 million" names that Ketcham writes of as "potentially suspect" who are in the Main Core database?

That Main Core and PROMIS are linked raises some extremely provocative questions in regards to intent on the subversion of the Constitution and the overthrow of the legitimate government by a shadow government using the Continuity of Government infrastructure.

Ketcham also references a massive 1993 piece for Wired Magazine entitled The INSLAW Octopus that none other than the infamous rogue operative Lt. Col. Oliver North was using PROMIS for illegal surveillance purposes:

Lt. Col. Oliver North also may have been using the program. According to several intelligence community sources, PROMIS was in use at a 6,100-square-foot command center built on the sixth floor of the Justice Department. According to both a contractor who helped design the center and information disclosed during the Iran-Contra hearings, Oliver North had a similar, but smaller, White House operations room that was connected by computer link to the DOJ's command center.

Using the computers in his command center, North tracked dissidents and potential troublemakers within the United States as part of a domestic emergency preparedness program, commissioned under Reagan's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), according to sources and published reports. Using PROMIS, sources point out, North could have drawn up lists of anyone ever arrested for a political protest, for example, or anyone who had ever refused to pay their taxes.

Compared to PROMIS, Richard Nixon's enemies list or Sen. Joe McCarthy's blacklist look downright crude. This operation was so sensitive that when Rep. Jack Brooks asked North about it during the Iran-Contra hearings, the hearing was immediately suspended pending an executive (secret) conference. When the hearings were reconvened, the issue of North's FEMA dealings was dropped.

North’s involvement with Continuity of Government programs including REX 84 has long been known and while Col. North no longer is active in such programs (at least not to the knowledge of anyone) a larger part of the C.O.G./shadow government infrastructure continued to breed in darkness and secrecy and on that most glorious day for American fascism, 9/11/2001 went live under the guidance of one of its most ardent and longtime architects, former Vice President Richard B. Cheney.

The secrets of Main Core, PROMIS and other variations of the monstrous tools of an out of control shadow government are the veritable crown jewels of the police state and every effort has and will continue to be vigorously employed to stifle any investigations through the official channels.

Is there really any doubt that these surveillance systems aren't being used for raw political purposes and for blackmail? How much serious opposition did the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil meet in their systematic dismantling of the Constitution over the past eight years? How much of it will the Obama administration undo?

In the ongoing exploitation of the 'terrorist' attacks of 9/11 that have been used to justify each and every incursion on American civil liberties and thugs like Dick Cheney and David Addington acting as the muscle for the shadow government (as is evident in the stories linked to above) the footfalls of those little cat feet grow louder and louder.

Now if PROMIS was being used by Colonel North as a part of Rex 84 back in the 1980's when the Continuity of Government plans were being tweaked, FEMA being set up for the eventual incorporation into the Department of Homeland Security and financial transactions as well as communications already being monitored what does that say about the current state in which we all find ourselves in?

Every new police state measure has been implemented largely after being conceived in secrecy under the premise of 'national security' and NSPD-51 has allowed for the executive branch to issue a declaration of martial law under which the roundup of dissidents for detention (or worse) will be conducted. And this has all been non-reviewable by Congress, a supposedly (at least according to the Constitution) a co-equal branch of government.

When a Congressman named Peter DeFazio was last year denied access to the NSPD-51/C.O.G. plans by the Bush administration it was yet another example of what has been a disturbing pattern.

The Main Core list of potential 'enemies of the state', the assignment of troops to NORTHCOM, the ongoing frantic efforts of the neocons to launch a war with Iran, the threat of the Cheney cabal being further exposed, the deteriorating economy and the growing public anger at government along with a loss of faith in public institutions all add up to something very dark that is about to come to fruition after decades of planning.

None of this is about terrorism at all, it never has been. It is all about the implementation of a fascist style dictatorship in America.

It is imperative that it be brought to light now that there is a window of opportunity and a new administration, the police state and the illegal surveillance system must be dismantled and our intelligence system be put under honest and principled oversight.

Part 2 1 February 2009

Spy Satellite Photo by Christian Meichtry "In a very real and terrifying sense, our Government is the CIA and the Pentagon, with Congress reduced to a debating society. Of course, you can't spot this trend to fascism by casually looking around. You can't look for such familiar signs as the swastika, because they won't be there.

We won't build Dachaus and Auschwitzes; the clever manipulation of the mass media is creating a concentration camp of the mind that promises to be far more effective in keeping the populace in line." -Earling Carothers 'Jim' Garrison

I: The Shadow Government

To say that the 'terrorist' attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon were an incredible boon to the shadow government and its long running agenda would be quite the understatement. Never before in American history has this particular element been so visible and brazen than in the aftermath of 9/11 which has since become the ultimate trump card to be played against the forces of reason, judiciousness and the rule of law.

The frenzied spree to dismantle the republic and reinterpret the Constitution to implement the fascist police state that would suppress the domestic populace while the business of expanding the empire abroad has gone on unabated for over seven years now.

The ascendance of the shadow government into the open began on that morning and the events have been instrumental in allowing for every outrageous violation of civil liberties, international law and the very bedrock principle upon which civilized societies are built being habeas corpus. America is now known worldwide as a torture state, a pariah and a rogue nation to be hated and feared and is ruled by an imperial presidency or as it is formerly known a Unitary Executive (translation: dictator).

The current state of affairs are primarily due to the policies of the cabal of one Richard B. Cheney, the most powerful Vice President in history as well as a longtime shadow government figure who activated Continuity of Government on the morning of 9/11.

Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld who have been collaborators in a war against the basic tenets of American Constitutional democracy since their days together in the Ford administration were active participants in Continuity of Government throughout the Reagan years and afterwards. With C.O.G. being highly secretive it is not widely known due to a lack of official media coverage of the programs so few questions have been asked, no oversight exists and it has been a useful place for a renegade cabal with an acute distaste for democratic principles.

One of the most often referenced pieces on this was James Mann's 2004 piece for the Atlantic Magazine entitled The Armageddon Plan.

Another shadow government figure who would later become instrumental in the transformation of America into the fascistic Homeland is one David Addington, Cheney's crackerjack legal mind and longtime hatchetman who has along with others such as John Yoo (a man who once said that the president had the legal authority to crush a child's testicles were it deemed necessary) have toiled to change the law of the nation into something dark and foreign.

In Addington's world there is legitimacy to engage in illegal (at least until now) domestic spying, abduction and detention without trial, torture both physical and mental (a horrifying example is that of Jose Padilla, an American citizen who would be the precedent for future actions against other Americans) who was imprisoned and psychologically destroyed through the application of mind control techniques straight out of the infamous CIA program MKULTRA to the point where his mental capacities were that of "a piece of furniture".

Padilla was not only a precedent setter but also a warning of what the government could do to a person deemed to be a 'terrorist' or 'terrorist sympathizer', the definitions of which are intentionally vague for a very terrifying reason.

David Addington, more than once referred to as Cheney's Cheney was a key player in the implementation of the shadow government infrastructure now that it has come out from under the cover of darkness in the post-9/11 era.

Jane Meyer of the New Yorker speaks of their relationship in the following interview from which I excerpt a piece from here:

How did David Addington get to know Vice-President Cheney, and how long have they worked together?

They met on Capitol Hill in the mid-eighties, when Cheney was a Republican congressman from Wyoming and Addington was a young staff lawyer working for the House Intelligence and Foreign Affairs committees.

So they have worked together for about two decades. Their partnership was cemented when they worked together on the Minority Report on the Iran-Contra affair. Both Addington and Cheney took the idiosyncratic position that it was Congress, not President Reagan, that was in the wrong.

This view reflected the opinion, held by both men, that the executive branch should run foreign policy, to a great extent unimpeded by Congress. It's a recurring theme-pushing the limits of executive power and sidestepping Congress-in their partnership. One example is their position that the President, as Commander-in-Chief in times of war, had the inherent authority to ignore the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which Congress passed in an effort to make sure that Presidents don't violate citizens' right to privacy by spying on them without warrants.

After meeting and working together in Congress, Cheney and Addington continued their partnership at the Pentagon, where, during the Presidency of George H. W. Bush, Cheney was Secretary of Defense and Addington was his special assistant and, later, general counsel. There, Addington was known as a powerhouse, a stickler who controlled access to Cheney and marked up others' memos in red felt- tipped pen, returning the memos for rewrites that would make them sharper-and more protective of executive power.

At the Pentagon, the two exhibited a similar pessimism about world affairs, in particular about the possibility that Mikhail Gorbachev represented true change, and also an unusually deep interest in "continuity of government" planning-how the government survives in the event of a doomsday attack.

Addington kept the constitutional provisions for Presidential succession in his pocket at all times, a colleague told me. Addington is still largely a mystery man but his connections to Continuity of Government during the Reagan era are documented as well as his ties to Cheney. Another common denominator is the Iran- Contra affair, Addington was a big player in it as well as most of the current crop of neocons who returned to power under Bush II.

Addington also is connected to spook master and former CIA head William 'Bill' Casey (a man whose history and past associations is a veritable almanac of American fascism dating from WWII through the Reagan years and who played a key role in the theft of the PROMIS software) through The Lawless Group (named for CIA operative Richard Lawless, a close associate of Casey).

Sidney Blumenthal's article for Salon entitled The Sad decline of Michael Mukasey provides some additional background on Mr. Addington: Addington's dominion over the law - controlling the writing of the president's executive orders and the memos from OLC, the office of the White House counsel and the carefully placed network of general counsels throughout the federal government's departments and agencies - is a well-established and central aspect of Cheney's power.

Addington has been indispensable to the vice president since he served as his counsel on the joint congressional committee investigating the Iran-Contra scandal, when Cheney was the ranking minority member. In that capacity, Addington wrote, under Cheney's signature, the notorious minority report that was an early clarion call for the imperial presidency.

Addington and Cheney's report decried Congress for its "hysteria" over the Iran-Contra scandal, which involved the selling of missiles to Iran to finance arms for the Nicaraguan Contras against explicit congressional legislation. The Constitution, they argued, "leaves little, if any doubt that the president was expected to have the primary role of conducting the foreign policy of the United States." They added: "Congressional actions to limit the president in this area therefore should be reviewed with a considerable degree of skepticism. If they interfere with the core presidential foreign policy functions, they should be struck down." The Cheney minority report was the doctrinal basis for the Bush presidency: the unitary executive, the commander in chief ruling in wartime by fiat and, ultimately, torture being defined as whatever the president, not the Geneva Conventions, said it was. Addington's authorship of the Cheney Iran-Contra report was largely overlooked until fairly recently, but his deeper connection to that scandal and its resonance have received little attention.

In the 1980s, Addington, then in his 20s, served as deputy counsel to CIA director William Casey, the moving force behind the Iran-Contra affair and the most powerful figure in the Reagan administration after the president. Along with other hotshots in the counsel's office, Addington was part of what became known within the agency as the "Lawless Group," named after Richard Lawless, a CIA operative who was a close assistant to Casey, according to a former senior CIA official.

After Casey's death, Rep. Dick Cheney co-opted the "Lawless Group," putting its members in key positions when he was secretary of defense during the first Bush administration and vice president in the second. (Lawless, for example, after working as Jeb Bush's business partner, served as deputy undersecretary of defense, retiring this past April.) "A lot of the decisions on Iran-Contra were signed off by the counsel's office," a longtime senior CIA official told me. "It was not a renegade operation. It had lawyers, just like now. Everything they were doing was run by the general counsel's office and Addington was deputy. You may draw your own conclusions, as the Russians say." In fact, the role of the counsel's office surfaced in the trial of Alan Fiers, the CIA agent in charge of the Central American Task Force, who pleaded guilty to misleading Congress.

But that role was never investigated or ever really reported. "These guys don't like the mainstream CIA. In fact, they hate it," the CIA official explained.

"They don't like information unless it fits what they want to hear. They hate the CIA because the CIA tells them what they don't want to hear. They want assessments that prove ideological points. They are looking for simplistic answers to complicated issues. They inhabit a make-believe world of moving up into perceived areas of expertise. It's the same guys; they all resurface when Republicans are back in power. It's the same group. It's a system. The similarities are amazing in all these wars we've been dragged into." That 9/11 enabled Cheney, Addington and the rest of the neocons to brutally enforce their long planned agenda and has served as the basis for all that has changed since that day there remains a truly legitimate question as to what their role or knowledge of those attacks may have been.

It has been a matter of intense debate in the alternative media as to what level of involvement that this cabal may have had in ensuring that the attacks took place (stay away from the Bush Did It canard which is only a straw man), they did after all write in a document for the Project For A New American Century (PNAC) entitled Rebuilding America's Defenses of the need for a "New Pearl Harbor" in order for the public to accept their radical doctrine and there never has been a legitimate investigation of 9/11 free of conflicts of interest and with full subpoena power so as to ask the serious questions in a public forum about the event that hit the reset button on over two and a quarter centuries of American history and the subsequent implementation of a fascist infrastructure.

In a fairly recent article that I wrote entitled 9/11: Cover for a Coup d'Etat?, I mused as to whether the 'terrorist' attacks merely provided cover for an Edward Luttwak style coup d'etat to be piggybacked on top of the incidents using the Continuity of Government infrastructure.

The massive USA PATRIOT Act was already awaiting a rollout and there is the still lingering question of who was really behind the Anthrax attacks that were directed at those who were in positions to stop its implementation. 9/11 would be consistent with historical black operations and false flag attacks and the festering disregard for American democracy by those who assumed control in the aftermath is widely known but I am not going to revisit that in this particular writing other than to ask the obvious question of Cui Bono?

Whether 9/11 was indeed a coup by an alliance between the shadow government along with rogue elements of foreign intelligence services is of less importance than the consistent pattern of below the surface influence and interactions of non-elected government officials and foreign and domestic criminal elements.

Author and researcher Professor Peter Dale Scott refers to a "Deep State" and I would refer readers of this article to one of his entitled 9/11, Deep State Violence and the Hope of Internet Politics in which Professor Scott provides an in depth look into not only the deep state but asks serious questions about whether Continuity of Government was implemented in the aftermath of 9/11.

I excerpt the following from this piece: In my book The Road to 9/11, I have argued that there has existed, at least since World War Two if not earlier, an analogous American deep state, also combining intelligence officials with elements from the drug-trafficking underworld. I also pointed to recent decades of collaboration between the U.S. deep state and al-Qaeda, a terrorist underworld whose drug-trafficking activities have been played down in the 9/11 Commission Report and the mainstream U.S. media. The book referenced by Professor Scott is The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire and the Future of America and it is an essential read for those seeking to understand America as it exists today.

II: Pictures of the Homeland

That the United States of America has nearly completed the tragic transition to a fascist form of government becomes more apparent with each passing day and each additional outrage and the cancer has so thoroughly metastasized there is little hope that a new regime in Washington is going to be able to bring it to a halt.

Whether it be the hijacking of the financial system by the Wall Street banking cartel that is abetted by yet another capitulation by a quisling Congress, more evidence of the desecration of privacy rights by a surveillance industrial complex run amok, the alarming and ongoing militarizing of the nation's police, the assignment of combat hardened troops to domestic duty (with a mandate to quell civil unrest despite the now for all intents and purposes rendered irrelevant the Posse Comitatus Act ) or the constantly morphing and open ended definition of what exactly constitutes being a 'terrorist' to name only a few of the more alarming changes to the republic, those who are able to recognize such things as what they truly are should be increasingly aware that the dreaded and ubiquitous pejorative of conspiracy theorist is (as it always has been) one gigantic sick joke.

The pushback against President Obama for announcing the planned closure of the Gitmo torture gulag by the neocon embeds in the media has been significant.

As the saying goes, if you put a frog into a pot of boiling water it will react by jumping out immediately, but if you put that same frog into a pot of lukewarm water and then very slowly increase the temperature of the burner on the stove upon which it sits, that frog will stay in the pot until it becomes soup. My fellow Americans, that frog is us and the parallel reality that is so essential for the transformation of a state from one of benevolent democracy to one of totalitarianism as set forth by Hannah Arendt, is in the final stages of being swapped out.

The apple pie authoritarianism becomes more entrenched, political discourse has been reduced to nothing more than demagoguery, lies (either outright or more commonly, through omission) clever and highly sophisticated propaganda, race-baiting, fear-mongering and all delivered through a corrupted and complicit corporate media machine and the celebrity shills that it employs as barkers in the carnival of immorality and perversion that is the shell of American now known as the Homeland.

In the run-up to the election, millions of little plastic pieces of vile filth (that hew to the established storylines formerly established as an example in one Julius Streicher's publication Der Sturmer) in the form of a DVD version of a deceitful and meticulously designed and professionally produced (in order to evoke a proper emotional response from certain credulous or otherwise mentally unstable fringe elements) propaganda film Obsession - Radical Islam's War Against the West and sponsored by a well-funded, shadowy front group were mass distributed (28 million) in many of the nation's newspapers and specifically in swing states in advance of the coming election.

The obvious intent was to generate fear and hatred and to manufacture consent as well as swing the election to McCain. It worked to perfection as Muslim children were gassed in the nursery of a Dayton, Ohio mosque just after the Obsession DVD was distributed locally.

Of course in the land of Orwellian newspeak it wasn't ruled an act of domestic terrorism.

For that matter, neither was Kristallnacht in a certain European closing society that eerily parallels what has been going on in the post 9/11 'Homeland' although it is far more subtle for the original prototype was far too ostentatious to endure for very long.

The Republican presidential campaign of John McCain (once again reverting to true form in his opposition to the stimulus) and the shrill, strident kewpie doll Sarah Palin used political rallies to whip up fear and loathing among the worst fringe elements of society, inciting largely angry and easily duped supporters into shouting "terrorist", "off with his head" and even "kill him" in reference to Obama who has been the victim of a long-running, highly coordinated, well financed campaign to paint him as a Manchurian Candidate, a secret Muslim, a terrorist collaborator and a wolf in sheep's clothing.

This sort of sentiment continues to be encouraged by extremist fifth columnists and will only fester more as the economy deteriorates and scapegoats are manufactured. Multi-millionaire fascist demagogue Rush Limbaugh (a modern day Father Charles Coughlin) has become a defacto spokesman for the GOP and will continue to foment hatred amidst those most susceptible.

The more paranoid elements are already being whipped into a frenzy over Obama's second swearing in (the first was botched by Federalist Society stooge Chief Justice John Roberts) in that he didn't place his hand on a bible, and of course the dirty little rumors that Obama was not born in the U.S. continue to be circulated.

Such vitriolic rallies became veritable lynch mobs and have merely gone underground now that the people have spoken. In a time of an unprecedented domestic economic crisis that already has Americans on the edge are extremely dangerous and will inevitably lead to violence – of course this may be the intent as it is consistent with more traditional versions of fascism.

In his study The Authoritarians, Bob Altemeyer identified a certain demographic segment of any society that are hard-wired for serving authoritarians, susceptible to demagogy and subservient to perceived authority figures.

This particular part of a population is essential to supporting totalitarian figures who rise to power during troubled times and offer simple answers to complex problems, they are essential components of any fascist regime and their near psychotic fervor can be channeled to the point where they are nothing more than automatons or tools to the dangerous leaders of mass movements.

Such behavior was on full display at many Sarah Palin rallies and it wouldn't take much to turn such gatherings into staging grounds for organized pogroms that could then be unleashed when the time is right.

It certainly brings to mind George Orwell's 1984, but then these are truly the times which Orwell so brilliantly prophesied, Oceania has always been at war and always will be at war, for that is what we are and all that we shall ever be in the land of the shadow government.

No fascist system can for long exist without a certain die-hard percentage of the population who can be mobilized as shock troops, don't ask questions and are full of resentment and hatred, only seeking a strong leader on a white horse with simple answers to complex problems and who will point them in the direction of those who can be easily scapegoated.

History always repeats but it never repeats exactly.

Yesteryear's Juden are today's liberals. "The preparations for Hate Week were in full swing, and the staffs of all the Ministries were working overtime. Processions, meetings, military parades, lectures, waxworks, displays, film shows, tele- screen programs all had to be organized; stands had to be erected, effigies built, slogans coined, songs written, rumors circulated, photographs faked..". -George Orwell The ramming through of the Wall Street bailout (TARP), the financial equivalent of the USA Patriot Act in that it placed unaccountable power in a Treasury Department that has become an occupied colony of Goldman Sachs despite a huge public outcry is another indication of just how much power has been transferred into the executive branch.

The usual rubber-stamping by a corrupt and (very likely threatened and blackmailed) Congress was a foregone conclusion in the land of sham elections and an increasingly tyrannical government (Martial Law in USA? - The Death of Democracy).

The passage of this monstrosity was allegedly aided by a threat of martial law, this according to Representative Brad Sherman of California (below video).

Former President George W. Bush took to the television airwaves to once again sow fear over an economic Armageddon and also what could be perceived as an implied threat of martial law in the language "America could slip into a financial panic and a distressing scenario would unfold."

One could speculate that the "distressing scenario" which Bush mentioned could activate conditions as set forth in NSPD-51 in order to deal with domestic unrest due to bank holidays, food shortages and any sort of uprising as a result of the financial collapse.

Main Core would be utilized to produce the lists of those among the millions already deemed to be suspect and prone to 'subversive' behavior, the 3rd Infantry Division's 1st Combat Team already in place stateside would be required to 'maintain the necessary order' (augmented by Blackwater and other private mercenaries of course) and the roundups and internments would begin.

It was an eerie déjà vu moment in which America was transported back to 2002 and 2003 with the apocalyptic conjecture of smoking guns as mushroom clouds, phantom weapons of mass destruction, sleeper cells, biological weapon spewing gliders that could transverse the ocean and an evil dictator who was a "new Hitler".

III: Some Historical Context

The United States has had a history of influential groups and individuals that have a serious fascist bent.

Some of the most powerful bankers and industrialists of the Great Depression era did plot a coup d'etat (The Business Plot) in order to topple the hated Franklin D. Roosevelt, but were thwarted when the man who they attempted to recruit to lead it, former Marine Corps General Smedley D. Butler instead exposed them to Congress.

So shocking was this that the media of that era closed ranks to protect the traitors and erase the ugly blight from our sanitized version of history. It was no secret that Italian dictator Benito Mussolini (once featured in a fawning puff piece in Fortune Magazine) and even Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had ardent American admirers and influential supporters who were enthralled with their highly efficient, corporate friendly authoritarian states and their ability to propagandize the masses and crush labor unions.

A trusted servant of robber barons and financial oligarchs named Prescott Bush, a man whose lineage would include two future U.S. Presidents actually engaged in doing business with the Nazis until the Union Banking Corporation was shut down by FDR under the Trading With the Enemy Act.

The OSS and later the CIA actively recruited Nazis and assimilated Hitler's Eastern European intelligence arm, The Gehlen Organization ostensibly to fight communism.

Many top Nazi scientists and intelligence operatives including many who were full blown war criminals were allowed entry into the U.S. under Operation Paperclip after the WW II had ended, they were then assimilated into what would become the military industrial complex as rocket scientists, psychiatrists and medical 'experts' (whose labs were the Nazi concentration camps where gruesome medical experiments were performed on human prisoners, I note that similar amnesty was given to Japanese war criminals who participated in the infamous Unit 731) whose wartime experience with mind control and torture techniques would be of use to the CIA.

Some former Nazis were allowed to migrate to Central and South America where they established expatriate communities and joined forces with U.S. sponsored fascists to crush leftist democratic movements in the most brutal of manner all under the cover of defeating communism.

Former Nazis played key roles in the carrying out of the wet work of the American empire in Latin America, notably Argentina and their influence would set the precedent for the unimaginable cruelty and repression that would later be used in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Pinochet's Chile as well as much later in Iraq.

Klaus Barbie aka the Butcher of Lyons was one of the more notable names and is a perfect example of an asset being used to further American interests in the southern cone, Barbie was a key part of the 'Cocaine Coup'.

The corrupting influence that was asserted on intelligence, the military and deep state movers and shakers by such a close affiliation with Nazi war criminals and the inevitable damage done in terms of moral authority is as difficult to fathom as it is extremely disturbing but that is a story for another time.

So as not to overly dwell on the Nazi connection (the amount of material on it is voluminous) I do want to comment that it shows the depths to which the National Security State will go in order to ensure its own perpetuation and ability to lay down with wolves so that the real power structure in this country is allowed to function with ruthless, Machiavellian precision in that exists just below the façade of legitimate public and private institutions in the United States.

The Cold War gave the intelligence apparatus and the military industrial complex the cover that was needed in order to build the infrastructure of an extra-Constitutional government.

Almost from the very inception of the CIA the United States became involved in the assassinations and overthrow of legitimate democratically supported governments all undertaken for big business and to crush resistance to western capitalism. The obvious Nazi influence manifested itself in the extreme cruelty of the methods used to expand the empire and death squads were sanctioned, torture was widespread to the extent that it was even taught at the far-right School of the Americas and the agency participated in sadistic and immoral mind control experimentation programs such as the notorious MKULTRA.

It is of the utmost importance to understand the root of evil that is the Central Intelligence Agency that was put together by the American capitalist elite in the aftermath of World War II to act as a Gestapo for Wall Street and business interests not confined to the spheres of legality.

I would like to make reference to a that summarizes this much better than I could ever hope to do in a well documented story How the CIA Created a Ruling, Corporate Overclass in America that is a must read for everyone who really is serious about going at the existing order.

The cover of darkness allows for the breeding of mutations and the CIA itself eventually was able to reconfigure into compartmentalized factions, some of the more militant joined forces with organized crime, extreme right-wing groups, and elements of the military and foreign intelligence services to carry out clandestine and black ops domestically.

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy for all of the research, investigations and time elapsed has never truly been solved and it is highly likely that a Secret Team (to use the term of L. Fletcher Prouty) may have been involved in the assassination, a moment in our history after which everything changed. Kennedy dared to challenge the power structure when he spoke of: "...a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence - on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.

It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations." Many presume that this was directed at communism, the era was the height of the Cold War but the speech was in the aftermath of the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, a botched overthrow of Fidel Castro for which the more extreme elements of the military, the fascist right, the CIA, organized crime and big business interests that were thrown out of Cuba after the revolution blamed Kennedy for undermining.

Kennedy had made very dangerous and mortal enemies and further inflamed matters when he threatened to "splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds" and ousted director Allen Dulles, a man who was a major factor in the post WW II alliance with the Nazis and Operation Paperclip as well as a member of Wall Street law firm Sullivan and Cromwell, a representative of anti New Deal American fascists as well as an alleged broker of business deals with the Nazi regime. Ironically (or maybe not) Allen Dulles would later become a member of the Warren Commission that gave legitimacy to the Lee Harvey Oswald as lone nut conspiracy theory while ignoring the larger picture.

I reference the Kennedy assassination not to go into it at any great length but that it, like the later assassinations of Robert Kennedy and the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr were all coordinated actions of the shadow government to remove opponents of the rising American fascist state.

There have throughout the years been millions upon millions of pages written by those who have investigated (and provided cover to the official conspiracy story of) the Kennedy assassination and yet there is still no real answer to what exactly happened but the reason why is the real key.

I would like to note that some attention should be paid to the out of print book by Carl Oglesby, The Yankee and Cowboy War which looks into warring factions and examines at length the JFK assassination, the implausibility of Oswald and the story of Jack Ruby who never was able to tell his story cryptically implored Chief Justice Warren that unless he was able to be taken out of Dallas and to Washington to personally speak to President Lyndon B. Johnson that: "....Consequently, a whole new form of government is going to take over our country, and I know I won't live to see you another time." Peter Dale Scott who has himself done an immense amount of research on the JFK assassination puts it like this in his aforementioned essay 9/11, Deep State Violence and the Hope of Internet Politics has this to say about America and the failure to come to terms with the murder of John F. Kennedy: Recent history has seen a number of such events, such as the assassination of John F. Kennedy, that are so inexplicable by the public notions of American politics that most Americans tend not even to think of them. Instead most accept the official surface explanations for them, even if they suspect these are not true.

Or if others say they believe that "Oswald acted alone," they may do so in the same comforting but irrational state of mind that believes God will reward the righteous and punish the wicked. Kennedy's death paved the way for the military industrial complex (that President Eisenhower ominously warned of in his farewell speech) to escalate the Vietnam War and declare war on the American public who dissented with the immorality of that damned war and took to the streets in protest.

Their efforts would shake the very foundations of this nation's corrupted institutions, terrify the ruling elite classes and create a climate where any means necessary to control domestic unrest would be utilized lest the existing order be toppled.

IV: The Reagan Years

As I wrote in part one of this ongoing series, the recent articles Christopher Ketcham entitled The Last Roundup and Tim Shorrock's Exposing Bush's Historic Abuse of Power are both about the massive database Main Core and how it relates to Continuity of Government programs. It is encouraging to see that there is now more being written about this subject by more well known and influential figures than this humble blogger.

Author James Bamford's new book on the NSA entitled The Shadow Factory is drawing a good deal of attention already on just how much that Americans have been spied on by our own government, the rogue neocon occupying faction as well as Israeli elements working alone and in conjunction with domestic interests (but much more on that in part four of this series).

Arch-conservative John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute (instrumental in funding Paula Jones' lawsuit against President Clinton) wrote two articles on the shadow government which shows that the immense danger of this transcends the trivialities of partisan politics.

I excerpt a small piece from Mr. Whitehead below: What is the bottom line here? We are, for all intents and purposes, one terrorist attack away from having a full-fledged authoritarian state emerge from the shadows, at which time democratic government will be dissolved and the country will be ruled by an unelected bureaucracy. And because so much of this shadow government remains under wraps, there is much we don't know about it. Yet that does not diminish the threat it poses to democratic government.

In his 1961 Farewell Address to the Nation, Dwight D. Eisenhower tried to warn us that a nefarious military-industrial complex had emerged in America. "The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist," he said. Eisenhower realized that after World War II, America had become a national security state that operated largely in secret and answered to practically no one. It is heartening to see this most critical of subjects being examined at last for if the relentless drive towards an American fascist government is not at the very minimum slowed, then nothing else is really going to matter is it?

But I digress.... As I previously stated, this particular administration of an ubiquitous, personable, uninquisitive, (and eventually doddering) longtime pitchman for the American brand of hard right fascism was a veritable devil's playground for those who more than dabbled in concocting dangerous plans in the darkness that could be put into use against all perceived enemies of America, both foreign and domestic, and during which a lot of cash could be made on the side.

Reagan was backed by longtime spook, fixer and former CIA chief George Herbert Walker Bush who used the office of the Vice President as a fertile launching ground to lay the groundwork for what his son would so effectively preside over as the "unitary executive" with the necessary muscle provided by Dick Cheney and the neocons who found a friendly incubator for their decidedly radical anti-American ideas during the Reagan administration.

Reagan's White House was a front for: • cowboys: o Lt. Oliver Colonel North o Richard Secord o John Poindexter o William Casey o John Negroponte • neocon connivers: o Elliot Abrams o Michael Ledeen o Paul Wolfowitz o I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby o Richard Perle o Douglas Feith • Continuity Of Government leaders: o Dick Cheney o Edwin Meese o Donald Rumsfeld o David Addington among others.... Most of the veteran shadow government operators went on to become influential players in the Bush- Cheney administration where they have worked to ensure that their plans would reach fruition.

It was during the Reagan administration that Earl Brian, a crony of Ed Meese assisted in the theft and distribution of the enhanced version of INSLAW's PROMIS software and it was put to good use by among others Colonel Oliver North who used it in conjunction with his REX 84 program to track and monitor potential dissidents or opponents who could be rounded up when and if the time was deemed necessary.

Similarly such operations were already on the books in Operation Cable Splicer and Operation Garden Plot.

PROMIS was also distributed and used by foreign intelligence services such as the Mossad according to the Gordon Thomas book Gideon's Spies. Israel has always proved a useful cutout for shadow government black ops such as Iran Contra and the Bamford book looks at the role of Israel in the ongoing illegal spying of the Bush regime.

Both Shorrock's and Ketcham's pieces link Main Core to PROMIS which provides the link through C.O.G. to the shadow government itself which was at it's most visible during the Reagan years.

North ran the REX 84 program out of FEMA to plan for the mass roundup and detention of American citizens, allegedly targeting about 400,000 'illegal aliens' (brown skinned people always seem to make for good scapegoats and cover for secretive government operations), with Cable Splicer and Garden Plot as prototypes the current administration has launched a similar program called Operation Falcon, a potential test run to fill up those detention facilities that Haliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root were awarded a $385 million contract for?

If so you can rest assured that Main Core will be able to generate the pickup lists for such an operation. The camps were justified in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina as being necessary for illegal immigrant roundups, temporary housing facilities for displaced victims of natural disasters and for other unspecified "new programs".

Maureen Farrell wrote the definitive piece on this for Buzzflash in 2006 entitled Detention Camp Jitters.

I only wish that I was making this stuff up but it is far more advanced than we know.

I reference breaking news by Ellen Brown on the mysterious Wackenhut prison buses that were sighted in the Arizona desert; I will address this in more detail in the next installment.

V: Conclusion Our cities have turned into jungles And corruption is stranglin' the land The police force is watching the people And the people just can't understand We don't know how to mind our own business 'Cause the whole worlds got to be just like us Now we are fighting a war over there No matter who's the winner We can't pay the cost 'Cause there's a monster on the loose It's got our heads into a noose And it just sits there watching -Monster (Steppenwolf) America post-9/11 has been a period of triumph for the shadow government. The ascendance has now been nearly completed; the transformation for all intents and purposes is likely now irreversible.

The surveillance grids have been locked into place, the Constitution altered forever, the opposition cowed and nullified, the media matrix impenetrable, the Congress rendered irrelevant, the public brainwashed and the military on alert to move against the citizenry domestically (when the order is given. As they say in the financial world, the gains have been locked in.

Despite the banishment of Bush-Cheney there will likely be no real restoration of what has been lost nor will there be any serious type of accountability, fascism and militarism are now as American as apple pie. Certainly there will be cosmetic changes, President Obama has already announced Guantanamo Bay will be closed, it's just become too much of a symbol of all that has gone wrong.

Torture has also been denounced by Obama and the CIA black prisons have been ordered to be shut down but with a deeply entrenched renegade shadow government it is likely that the ghost planes will continue their rendition routes to black sites abroad (albeit covertly) and that private surveillance and intelligence outfits will continue to receive government funding and mercenary armies like those of the infamous Blackwater will continue to grow stronger. While Tim Shorrock in his Salon piece "Exposing Bush's Historic Abuse of Power" writes of rumors of a potential series of Congressional investigations: The proposal for a Church Committee-style investigation emerged from talks between civil liberties advocates and aides to Democratic leaders in Congress, according to sources involved. (Pelosi's and Conyers' offices both declined to comment.)

Looking forward to 2009, when both Congress and the White House may well be controlled by Democrats, the idea is to have Congress appoint an investigative body to discover the full extent of what the Bush White House did in the war on terror to undermine the Constitution and U.S. and international laws.

The goal would be to implement government reforms aimed at preventing future abuses - and perhaps to bring accountability for wrongdoing by Bush officials. "If we know this much about torture, rendition, secret prisons and warrantless wiretapping despite the administration's attempts to stonewall, then imagine what we don't know," says a senior Democratic congressional aide who is familiar with the proposal and has been involved in several high-profile congressional investigations.

"You have to go back to the McCarthy era to find this level of abuse," says Barry Steinhardt, the director of the Program on Technology and Liberty for the American Civil Liberties Union. "Because the Bush administration has been so opaque, we don't know [the extent of] what laws have been violated." The parameters for an investigation were outlined in a seven-page memo, written after the former member of the Church Committee met for discussions with the ACLU, the Center for Democracy and Technology, Common Cause and other watchdog groups.

Key issues to investigate, those involved say, would include the National Security Agency's domestic surveillance activities; the Central Intelligence Agency's use of extraordinary rendition and torture against terrorist suspects; and the U.S. government's extensive use of military assets - including satellites, Pentagon intelligence agencies and U2 surveillance planes - for a vast spying apparatus that could be used against the American people.

Specifically, the ACLU and other groups want to know how the NSA's use of databases and data mining may have meshed with other domestic intelligence activities, such as the U.S. government's extensive use of no-fly lists and the Treasury Department's list of "specially designated global terrorists" to identify potential suspects.

As of mid-July, says Steinhardt, the no-fly list includes more than 1 million records corresponding to more than 400,000 names. If those people really represent terrorist threats, he says, "our cities would be ablaze." A deeper investigation into intelligence abuses should focus on how these lists feed on each other, Steinhardt says, as well as the government's "inexorable trend towards treating everyone as a suspect." "It's not just the 'Terrorist Surveillance Program,'" agrees Gregory T. Nojeim from the Center for Democracy and Technology, referring to the Bush administration's misleading name for the NSA's warrantless wiretapping program.

"We need a broad investigation on the way all the moving parts fit together. It seems like we're always looking at little chunks and missing the big picture." A prime area of inquiry for a sweeping new investigation would be the Bush administration's alleged use of a top-secret database to guide its domestic surveillance. Dating back to the 1980s and known to government insiders as "Main Core," the database reportedly collects and stores - without warrants or court orders - the names and detailed data of Americans considered being threats to national security.

And - Getting a full picture on Bush's intelligence programs, however, will almost certainly require any sweeping new investigation to have a scope that would inoculate it against charges of partisanship.

During one recent discussion on Capitol Hill, according to a participant, a senior aide to Speaker Pelosi was asked for Pelosi's views on a proposal to expand the investigation to past administrations, including those of Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush. "The question was, how far back in time would we have to go to make this credible?" the participant in the meeting recalled. However given the inability of the Congress to do anything to provide a check on the monstrous abuses of the Bush-Cheney regime (and those shadow government activities that preceded it) it is highly unlikely that any legitimate, official review along the lines of the Church Committee will ever occur.

If there is any sort of an investigation I would think that it would be a dog and pony show whitewash along the lines of the Warren Commission or the Kean-Hamilton 9/11 Commission, both of which served to do nothing other than provide the façade of an investigation while protecting those implicated from having their criminality exposed in the interests of national security and to continue to provide cover for the existing established order.

In their true feckless manner the Democrats are already deferring to their more openly fascist cohorts in the first days of the new administration which does not bode well for the future.

Too much damage has already been done and too many stand to face not only criminal charges but also charges of outright treason if the sort of sweeping investigation that is required to get into the real systemic rot is undertaken.

Part 3 2 February 2009

Photo by Steve Rhodes


With the long overdue departure of the Bush administration from the White House it is the hope many that the myriad of transgressions against the Constitution and the people of America will begin to seep out into the public domain. It took a remarkably short time.

The day after the helicopter hauled ole George away like so much rubbish a major story broke. In an astonishing shot across the bow directed at the shadow government the first significant whistleblower has already come out with a story (once again ignored by the corporate media) and delivered a devastating blow to the premise that the massive illegal domestic spying programs of the Bush administration were undertaken in order to protect America from terrorism in the aftermath of September 11th, 2001.

Former NSA analyst Russell Tice during two recent interviews on MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann (pt 1, pt 2 far above) confirmed that the Bush-Cheney-Rove phony war on terror was as people like myself have always strongly suspected in actuality a war on America itself.

According to the patriotic Mr. Tice the targets of the domestic spying included news organizations and journalists and that the surveillance for specific targets was not limited to professional matters alone, they were spied on 24/7. "The National Security Agency had access to all Americans' communications," he said. "Faxes, phone calls and their computer communications. ... They monitored all communications." Tice said the NSA analyzed metadata to determine which communication would be collected. Offering a hypothetical example, he said if the agency determined that terrorists communicate in brief, two- minute phone calls, the NSA might program its systems to record all such calls, invading the privacy of anyone prone to telephonic succinctness.

Tice was involved in only a small part of the project, that involved trying to "harpoon fish from an airplane."

He said he was told to monitor certain groups in order to eliminate them as suspects for more intense targeting. Those groups, he said, were U.S. journalists and news agencies.

But rather than excluding the news organizations from monitoring, he discovered that the NSA was collecting the organizations' communications 24 hours a day year round. "It made no sense," he said. Tice did not identify the reporters or organizations allegedly targeted.

Olbermann asked if this means there's a file somewhere containing every e-mail and phone conversation these reporters ever had with sources, editors and family members. "If it was involved in this specific avenue of collection, it would be everything, yes." Tice answered. (Excerpted from Wired's Kim Zetter's blog) The Tice interviews followed another former insider speaking out on the gross illegality of the Bush administration programs, a former DOJ employee named Thomas Tamm was featured in a Newsweek magazine cover story by Michael Isikoff entitled The Fed Who Blew the Whistle from which I excerpt the following: In the spring of 2004, Tamm had just finished a yearlong stint at a Justice Department unit handling wiretaps of suspected terrorists and spies—a unit so sensitive that employees are required to put their hands through a biometric scanner to check their fingerprints upon entering.

While there, Tamm stumbled upon the existence of a highly classified National Security Agency program that seemed to be eavesdropping on U.S. citizens. The unit had special rules that appeared to be hiding the NSA activities from a panel of federal judges who are required to approve such surveillance. When Tamm started asking questions, his supervisors told him to drop the subject.

He says one volunteered that "the program" (as it was commonly called within the office) was "probably illegal." The name of the program was Stellar Wind and please pay particular attention to this next excerpted piece from Isikoff's story: The NSA, with the secret cooperation of U.S. telecommunications companies, had begun collecting vast amounts of information about the phone and e-mail records of American citizens. Separately, the NSA was also able to access, for the first time, massive volumes of personal financial records—such as credit-card transactions, wire transfers and bank withdrawals—that were being reported to the Treasury Department by financial institutions.

These included millions of "suspicious-activity reports," or SARS, according to two former Treasury officials who declined to be identified talking about sensitive programs. (It was one such report that tipped FBI agents to former New York governor Eliot Spitzer's use of prostitutes.)

These records were fed into NSA supercomputers for the purpose of "data mining"—looking for links or patterns that might (or might not) suggest terrorist activity. This latest glimpse beneath the facade at the massive, secretive and highly illegal surveillance campaign against the American people is an outrage. Given the proclivity of those who run the system in this country to exert raw power to advance their own agendas it is no leap in logic that journalists alone were the only group targeted.

There remains the question of whether blackmail, especially sexual blackmail is routinely used as a tool to keep government and media officials from not straying too far from the dirty business of imperialism and financial chicanery of the sort that has brought the economy to its knees.

I personally found the media spectacle of the fortuitously timed prostitution bust of former New York Governor Elliot Spitzer who incidentally had just announced his intention to declare war on the banksters and their accomplices in the Bush White House in a February 14, 2008 Washington Post piece entitled Predatory Lenders Partner in Crime to be extremely suspicious.

The rogue Bush regime and the NSA have been using their big lie of the war on terror as an excuse to scrutinize credit card use and Spitzer would have been an obvious target as is indicated by the above excerpt from the Newsweek story.

It also makes skeptics such as myself wonder whether the witch hunt to impeach former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich may at least in part be attributed to his threat to suspend state business with Bank of America, 'Blago' was arrested the day afterwards.

In light of the Tice revelations as well as an already long and extremely sordid history of U.S. government surveillance into the activities of dissidents and reporters that predated the Bush regime, we also need to ask some very serious questions of a much more troubling and nefarious nature. For example, how does such spying tie into not only the manipulation of the news but the now standard lack of spine from the Democratic congress when it comes to prosecuting the Bush administration criminals?

Notorious fixer Karl Rove has already announced his intent to defy yet another subpoena for his testimony that was to have been delivered on Monday in front of the House Judiciary Committee. As of this writing, John Conyers has once again caved and the date has now been pushed into February and likely will soon disappear down the same memory hole where similar attempts to enforce the law have been flushed. Intense political pressure, threats of unemployment in a time of economic crisis and potentially embarrassing sexual acts subject to blackmail are all entirely made possible by the rampant unaccountability of the domestic spying programs, but are there measures that go far beyond just the spiking of stories, the discrediting or the ruining of careers alone?

Think back to the vicious institutionalized slander directed former San Jose Mercury News reporter Gary Webb for example for his Dark Alliance series. The savagery with which Webb was taken down by the establishment was stunning and it ultimately resulted in his suicide, a broken and haunted man who only dared to try to tell the truth.

There is a long trail of untimely demises of investigative journalists and other insiders whose knowledge represents a threat to very existence of the shadow government and those who it as a matter of routine does business with in order to avoid legitimate channels.

Perhaps the most terrifying of all question is exactly what actions do end up being taken in order to prevent the, • exposure of widespread criminal activity • systemic grand scale fraud • extra-constitutional black operations that have been conducted for decades Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen wrote of an NSA database that was at one time named FIRSTFRUITS that was maintained to engage in surveillance against journalists and that was renamed after its discovery.

Some of the names in this database allegedly included: • Christiane Amanpour • Seymour Hersh • James Bamford • James Risen • Madsen himself According to chatter in the blogosphere that were it not consistent with the historical trail of dead bodies could easily be dismissed as paranoia and disinformation.

One story floating around the internet mentioned an unnamed NSA security officer allegedly mused about ‘just killing’ troublesome bloggers.

This may be a product of paranoia (one would think paranoia would be a natural state in a land of fear and loathing such as that which the United States has become post 9/11) but there is great progress currently being made by internet researchers and such reputed threats should not simply be waved off as the rantings of tin foil hatters or the favorite of all pejoratives directed at those who dare to ask inconvenient questions, conspiracy theorists.

The fact that the alternative media and many bloggers are slowly starting to put the pieces together one can only reasonably suspect that such behavior scares the living hell out of the establishment, and after all, there is a history of that sort of thing. While this is not a comprehensive list the Committee to Protect Journalists keeps a database to track the prematurely deceased in a most dangerous profession.

The bizarre absence of any reporting of this very serious violation of civil liberties has received absolutely no coverage in the corporatized, mainstream pocket media.

This is unconscionable that there is apparently no interest in exposing these crimes, especially considering that those targeted could actually save their own hides (and perhaps instill some dignity) by outing this program. It's a sad testament to the state of today's 'journalism' that is shameful by comparison to that of days of yore when reporters were intrepid souls determined to speak the truth to power.

Writer Eric Alterman puts it spot on in his recent Center for American Progress piece entitled Think Again - Spying on Journalists? Why the Silence? when he notes the lack of intestinal fortitude in the mainstream media:

Clearly something deeply disturbing lurks beneath these revelations, and with Bush gone from office, it’s hard to understand just what is preventing journalists from seeking the truth about this program more energetically. The only thing they have to fear is fear itself.

This sad state of affairs brings to mind the following: When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a communist. When they locked up the social democrats, I remained silent; I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists, I did not speak out; I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews, I remained silent; I was not a Jew.

When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out. - Pastor Martin Niemöller And the silence by those tasked by the First Amendment’s now quaint and antiquated imbuing upon them a responsibility for a free press as an essential check on authoritarianism is deafening in its absence.

Quislings, cowards and public relations flacks seem to be the one thing that our journalism schools never failed to produce over the past several decades, feckless and spineless careerists with neither a sense of honor nor of their place as defenders of precious liberty.

There shall be no refuge for the weasels nor the rats in the end therefore their mass abrogation of their chosen profession along with their acute absence of courage is even more damnable for when the time comes they will perhaps live to lament that they did not speak out when they had the chance.

II: NIGHT AND FOG “Death Solves All Problems, No Man, No Problem” - Joseph Stalin The National Security State has a history of silencing those who would speak out and especially reporters deemed to have become a nuisance. This is done either through intense pressure brought down on media corporations through organized harassment of sponsors, brutal coordinated smear campaigns much like the one that took down the aforementioned Gary Webb or when all else fails, the reporters often just happen to turn up mysteriously dead.

The list of ‘suicides’ and accidents is a long one and in the view of the ruthless psychopaths who both run and profit from a high-tech snooping network seems to be that any means are to be undertaken to keep their games going even if it ultimately results in termination with extreme prejudice.

I believe that I will have to put together a list myself but when I just started writing down names off the top of my head of strange deaths I came up with over thirty right off the bat.

The ugly truth is that none of these police state powers are being used to protect the United States from foreign enemies, terrorism or any other excuse that is being made in order to get Americans to submit their rights. It is all in the name of power, money and to protect the interests of the oligarchy and the power elite who run the establishment and it needs to be stopped because it is out of control.

Take the strange case of Danny Casolaro for example...

Perhaps the closest to get at the truth about PROMIS and how it was an integral piece of the shadow government was investigative journalist Danny Casolaro. Casolaro had been working on research for a book on a shadowy transnational power group that seemed to run through the postwar era and had connections to many of the major scandals including Iran-Contra, BCCI, the Nugan Hand Bank, international drug cartels, weapons dealers and intelligence operatives in not only the U.S. government but internationally as well.

Casolaro dubbed this group, one that largely rose out of a ‘dirty old boy network’ of the OSS/CIA out of the ashes of World War II as The Octopus.

Casolaro began to become aware of the more sinister aspects of what Professor Peter Dale Scott refers to as the deep state but is more commonly known as either the shadow government, the parallel government and even arguably the permanent government while investigating the theft of the PROMIS software from the Inslaw corporation.

On Saturday, August 10, 1991 a maid at a Martinsburg, West Virginia Sheraton Inn was horrified to find the nude body of Joseph Daniel Casolaro in the bathtub, the victim of an apparent ‘suicide’. It was by accounts a particularly grisly scene and a strangely violent ‘suicide’ with both of his wrists slashed deeply multiple times with a razor blade.

There was a very short and impersonal note, blood splattered on the tile walls and a pair of bloody towels that were shoved under the sink away from the bathtub.

Strange circumstances followed in the aftermath of the discovery of Danny Casolaro’s corpse in a blood filled bathtub. His body was hastily taken away and embalmed (making any subsequent autopsy much more difficult) before family members were officially notified (a violation of state law by accounts) and room 517 had been professionally cleaned thereby removing critical evidence prior to any sort of thorough forensic investigation could be performed.

Compounding doubts about the official ‘suicide’ story are contradictory statements made by friends and family that Casolaro was NOT suicidal at all but was actually quite exited over the prospect of publishing his book on the findings of his investigative work, even to the extent that he had scheduled a party to celebrate. He was in the final stages of nailing down the story of the century and had gone to West Virginia in search of the evidence that would prove his theory, make the connection to PROMIS and ‘bring back the head of the octopus’.

The sudden ending (yet another hotel room 'suicide') was especially suspicious because when the body was discovered, his files were missing.

In addition to the shadowy players in the global arms and narcotics trades the Octopus also appeared to have had as tentacles rogue elements of U.S. intelligence Casolaro found connections to not only Iran-Contra but also BCCI, the Nugan Hand bank, the October Surprise, money launderers and organized crime as well as a continuous thread of involvement in dirty dealings both domestically and abroad.

The roots of this milieu of malevolence stretched back to the post World War II era when a collection of spooks, corrupt bureaucrats and extremist right wing ideologues began to operate as a faction within the intelligence apparatus, a state upon themselves to profit financially while engaging in the darks forms of clandestine activities and black operations.

Author Joel Bainerman in his 1992 book entitled The Crimes of a President wrote the following (some of this ostensibly quoting William Hamilton of Inslaw as well as a 1991 story from the St. Louis Dispatch) that has a very good description on Casolaro's theory: “Casolaro had discovered a common denominator to the theft of Inslaw’s software and other recent scandals” says Hamilton who worked very closely with Casolaro right up to his death in helping him to uncover the dirty dealing behind the theft of Inslaw’s software. A group of individuals trained in covert intelligence operations and aligned with the U.S. political leadership who were allegedly profiting from each of these scandals.

These veterans of U.S. covert intelligence operations had also allegedly been selling pirated copies of Inslaw’s software to foreign intelligence and law enforcement agencies and funneling the funds through BCCI. Casolaro believed that some of the profits from these illegal sales made their way into a slush fund used for political payoffs and covert intelligence operations not authorized by congress.

Danny Casolaro is far from the only one to whom mysterious death had befallen after their investigative work got them too close to the real power structure or presented an obstacle to its need for the cloak of secrecy.

Too many rising politicians, uncooperative politicians and judges, hostile witnesses, whistle blowers and reporters have met with no small number of strange and untimely deaths often attributed to accidents (small plane crashes in particular), ‘suicides’( a good deal of them in hotel rooms), sudden heart attacks or seizures (many in people with no history of such problems) and random acts of extreme violence that go unsolved by authorities.

In addition to Casolaro, other suspicious deaths of investigators of this particular nexus of evil include Financial Times reporter Anson Ng, reportedly a friend of Casolaro who was found dead from a gunshot wound in his Guatemala City apartment where he was reportedly working on a story related to BCCI and to try to interview a guy named Jimmy Hughes who according to the writer Rodney Stitch had information regarding shady dealings at the Cabazon Indian Reservation near Palm Springs, CA as well as Jonathan Moyle whose body was found hanging in a closet in a Santiago hotel room where he had been investigating the CIA and the arms trade.

Joel Bainerman also noted in his book that the Cabazon Indian Reservation where the PROMIS software was allegedly modified for espionage purposes by a very interesting character, a technical genius named Michael Riconosciuto to include the ‘back door’ feature (to allow for secret access) was in fact a “CIA cutout”.

The government contracting firm Wackenhut, a Florida based corporation alleged to have been involved in sensitive 'private security' matters (Blackwater before Blackwater) was involved at the time in a joint-venture with the Cabazon tribe to use the sovereign land status of the reservation to work on a variety of endeavors including the development and testing of arms including a fuel air explosive, biochemical warfare agents and other armaments that could be provided to third world regimes, primarily to right wing governments in Latin America.

The Cabazon Indian Reservation was allegedly transformed into veritable spook nest as well as a staging ground for covert military industrial complex purposes. Wackenhut incidentally is back in the news (or at least the alternative media) with Ellen Brown's recent story about the mysterious prison buses spotted in Arizona so they are still a player and a big one at that.

I would venture to speculate that the truth about Wackenhut Corporation and its longtime involvement in the prison industrial complex that has become so very, very lucrative to this fascist society is something that deserves one hell of a good deal of scrutiny.


Interestingly enough there was a local news investigation in the Palm Springs area in 2008 that had focused on the 2005 multiple murder-suicide of Riverside County District Attorney Investigator David McGowan and five members of his family.

As the series continued questions began to arise on whether McGowan had been digging a bit too deeply into a cold case file regarding a 1981 triple murder on the Cabazon Reservation that had ties to the covert activities that Danny Casolaro was investigating.

Subsequent installments in the KESQ series by news reporter Nathan Baca began to ask questions about PROMIS as well as the other mysterious activities at the reservation and began to delve into the 1981 murders of tribal leader Fred Alvarez who resisted those behind the Cabazon-Wackenhut joint venture as well as two friends.

An interview was conducted with the daughter of one of the victims who is to this day seeking justice for the murder of her father Ralph Boger.

Rachel Begley (her website is called desertfae) very accurately described what has been going on at Cabazon as follows: "I'm more shocked than anything. I had no idea these things were going on. Most of America doesn't know these things are going on," said Begley. "It's still going on to this day. It's a big web of corruption." The series ended abruptly in October after an installment that began to delve into whether other local Indian tribes may have been involved in dealings with Wackenhut and mentioned “an experimental electromagnetic weapon called a "railgun" as being one of the projects. That the KESQ story has not continued is disappointing but certainly not surprising given the history of what has happened to those digging too deeply into affairs involving the PROMIS software - I would hope that it will eventually be resumed.

In my own opinion, I would suspect that fear may a motivating factor in the suspension of this series, especially after the detective who had been investigating the case stated that he: "doesn't want to continue on the case based on the number of people who have met an untimely demise while doing so". Who knows, I hope that that isn't the case and that a new installment will be forthcoming in the near future, as a concerned American it is extremely important that it at some point continue because Mr. Baca is onto something BIG.

Now, since I feel that it is particularly relevant I am posting an email from said detective to an unnamed third party who he was seeking advice from and specifically for the comments of said detective that I have highlighted that should send a chill up the spine of all who read this:

----- Original Message ----- From: X To: X Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 1:44 PM Subject: Alvarez Triple Homicide

Hello X My name is X and I'm with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department. I'm a homicide detective assigned to the cold case division. The Alvarez triple homicide was assigned to me a couple of months ago.

For the past two months I have reviewed nearly a thousand documents of police reports, and spent many hours browsing the Internet for additional sources of information. As I am sure you can imagine, I feel a bit like Alice in Wonderland after falling down the rabbit hole. I no longer have a complete grasp on the real world.

You should know first off, that I am an experienced investigator with 18 years on the Sheriff's Dept. and I consider myself pretty intuitive when it comes to filtering out the BS. After my first review of the police reports in this case, I wasn't sure why it remained unsolved for over 26 years. All of the players were identified and the Modus Operandi seemed to be well established. I couldn't understand why every few years the case was suddenly dropped and put back on the shelf.

That's when Rachel Begley introduced me to the rabbit hole. After the countless hours I have now spent on her website and the numerous other conspiracy theorists websites, I'm having a very difficult time sifting through the BS.

I have also spent much time on your website and I have found your investigations impressive and your opinions refreshing. That is why I am writing to you now. I do not make it a habit of talking to journalists about open homicide investigations, however, it appears you are much more educated about this particular case than I am.

I know you are very busy and I understand the Alvarez triple homicide is a very small part of the Octopus, but I would be very interested in spending any time with you that you have available, in order to get some perspective on what I've read.

Just so you understand where I am in this case. I am currently preparing a review and summary for my Sergeant. My conclusion will be that I do not wish to continue investigating this case, based on the number of people who have met an untimely demise while doing so.

My actions in this matter go against everything I believe in, and this case is very difficult for me to walk away from, especially with the allegations that involve the deaths of Investigator Dave McGowan and his family. But I am conceding to a higher power (my wife) and trying to give her some peace of mind. I cannot look her in the eyes and tell her that I am willing to risk the life of my family by pursuing this.

I am interested in your opinion. Am I just another lamb to the slaughter? Is the Puppet Master pulling my strings via Rachel Begley? Is this just a simple case of murder by Jimmy Hughes at the direction of John P. Nichols, or is it really much more than that?

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you,

Detective X RSO - Central Homicide (951) X desk (951) X cell

IV: Conclusion

It is with the hope of this humble blogger that this series as well as other damning information such as that put forth by Mr. Tice, Mr. Tamm and other patriotic Americans who have risked all (and at times paid with their careers and lives) all in order to get the truth out will encourage others to do the same.

It is long past time to bring attention to the history of grossly immoral and criminal acts that have been perpetrated against the people of the United States by the very institutions that are supposed to be protecting us. It is imperative that others begin to work independently (and together whenever possible) to mount their own investigations into how the government has been weaponized by a pack of fascist thugs so that they may reap the benefits at the expense of those who are not connected to an elitist ruling class that is hell bent on maintaining the status quo.

Danny Casolaro did not have the most powerful tool against injustice and corruption available while he was alive, the internet was only in its nascent stages and had he the ability that we enjoy due to advances in technology he may very well still be alive and the criminal usurpers of our democracy and violators of our constitution could be where they belong – in prison.

It is my hope that one with more influence, internal knowledge and resources than I have at my disposal begin to not only do very serious investigative work but to also petition the new administration of President Barack Obama for the following: 1. An immediate cessation of all illegal, unconstitutional surveillance and data-mining that has been ongoing against law abiding American citizens.

2. The creation of an independent investigative body along the lines of the Church Committee imbued with sweeping powers to investigate abuses of intelligence both within the government as well as with private contractors who have collaborated in crimes against the republic and its citizens.

3. A case by case federal investigation into ALL suspicious deaths of reporters and other individuals either directly or indirectly involved in the investigation of what has been done with the PROMIS software, NSA spying and Continuity of Government programs. Especially now that it has been revealed that the NSA has been actively spying on journalists and news organizations.

4. A restoration of the rule of law as a bulwark against tyranny as was intended by our founding fathers who having full knowledge of how unaccountable despots behave risked all to lay the foundation of a free society where the highest ideals of liberty can be enjoyed by all.

5. In iron tight regulatory system to ensure that such flagrant abuses of power never be allowed to occur again in the future. The cloak of secrecy needs to be removed and all government must be open to the scrutiny of those who it is supposed to serve.

6. The prosecution to the full extent of the law of those who are currently or who have in the past been involved in any criminal activity in relation to the aforementioned. Truly, nothing else will suffice if we are to have any credibility as a nation based on laws.

by Mark A. Lecuyer from TheCatBirdSeat Website from AlienExistence Website


The history of Wackenhut Corporation is best described from its own literature.

An outdated letter of introduction typed on Wackenhut letterhead once sent to prospective clients provided me with the following profile:


"Wackenhut Corporation had its beginnings in 1954, when George R. Wackenhut and three other former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation formed a company in Miami, Special Agent Investigators, to provide investigative services to business and industry.

"The approach was so well received that a second company was formed in 1955 to apply the same philosophy to physical security problems. In 1958 the companies were combined under the name of Wackenhut Corporation, a Florida company. From the outset, George Wackenhut was President and chief executive officer of the enterprise. Wackenhut established its headquarters in Coral Gables, Florida in 1960, extending its physical security operations to the United States government through formation of a wholly-owned subsidiary, Wackenhut Services, Incorporated. This was done in order to comply with federal statute prohibiting the government from contracting with companies which furnish investigative or detective services.

"In 1962, Wackenhut operations extended from Florida to California and Hawaii. On January 1, 1966, the company became international with offices in Caracas, Venezuela, through half ownership of an affiliate.

"The Wackenhut Corporation became public in 1966 with over-the-counter stock sales and joined the American Stock Exchange in 1967. Through acquisitions of subsidiaries and affiliates, now totaling more than 20, and expansion of it contracts into numerous territories and foreign countries, the Wackenhut Corporation has grown into one of the world’s largest security and investigative firms.

"In 1978 acquisition of NUSAC, a Virginia company providing technical and consulting services to the nuclear industry, brought Wackenhut into the fields of environment and energy management. In 1979, Wackenhut acquired Stellar Systems, Inc., a California company specializing in outdoor electronic security.

"The executive makeup of the company reflects the stress Mr. Wackenhut placed on professional leadership. The Wackenhut Corporation is guided by executives and managers with extensive backgrounds in the FBI and other military, governmental and private security and investigative fields.

"The principle business of the company is furnishing security and complete investigative services and systems to business, industry and professional clients, and to various agencies of the U.S. Government.

"Through a wholly-owned subsidiary, Wackenhut Electronic Systems Corporation, the company develops and produces sophisticated computerized security systems to complement its guard services.

"Major clients of Wackenhut’s investigative services are the insurance industry and financial interests. These services include insurance inspections, corporate acquisition surveys, personnel background reports, preemployment screening, polygraph examinations and general criminal, fraud and arson investigations.

"The wide variety of services offered by Wackenhut Corporation also includes guard and electronic security for banks, office buildings, apartments, industrial complexes and other physical structures; training programs in English and foreign languages to apply Wackenhut procedures to individual clients needs; fire, safety and protective patrols; rescue and first aid services; emergency support programs tailored to labor-management disputes, and pre-departure screening programs widely used by airports and airlines. "The company now has some 20,000 employees and maintains close to 100 offices and facilities with operations spread across the United States and extending into Canada, the United Kingdom, Western Europe, the Middle East, Indonesia, Central and South America and the Caribbean..." ON THE SURFACE, Wackenhut Corporation seemed innocuous enough, but through documents later obtained from Michael Riconosciuto, I learned there was another, darker side to Wackenhut operations, at the Cabazon Indian reservation near Indio, California.

Because Indian reservations are sovereign nations and do not come under federal jurisdiction, Wackenhut International had formed a partnership and entered into a business venture with the Cabazon Indians to produce high-tech arms and explosives for export to third-world countries. This maneuver was designed to evade congressional prohibitions against U.S. weapons being shipped to the Contras and middle eastern countries.

In the early 1980’s, Dr. John Nichols, the Cabazon tribal administrator, obtained a department of Defense secret facility clearance for the reservation to conduct various research projects. Nichols then approached Wackenhut with an elaborate "joint venture" proposal to manufacture 120mm combustible cartridge cases, 9mm machine pistols, laser-sighted assault weapons, sniper rifles and portable rocket systems on the Cabazon reservation and in Latin America. At one point, he even sought to develop biological weapons.

Again, through Michael Riconosciuto’s files, I later obtained interoffice memorandums and correspondence relating to biological technology.... Meanwhile, in 1980, Dr. John Nichols obtained the blueprints to Crown Prince Fahd’s palace in Tiaf, Saudi Arabia, and drafted a plan to provide security for the palace.

The Saudis were interested enough to conduct a background check on the Cabazons.

Mohammad Jameel Hashem, consul of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington, D.C., wrote former South Dakota Senator James Abourezk at his offices in Washington D.C. and noted, "According to our black list for companies, the Cabazon Band of Mission Indians/Cabazon Trading Company and Wackenhut International are not included." Translated, that meant that neither the Cabazons or Wackenhut were Jewish-run enterprises....

Danny Casolaro’s body was found at 12:30 p.m. in a blood-filled bath tub by a hotel maid who called the Martinsburg police.

The body contained three deep cuts on the right wrist and seven on the left wrist, made by a single edge razor blade, the kind used to scrape windows or open packages. At the bottom of the bath-water was an empty Milwaukee beer can, a paper glass coaster, the razor blade and two white plastic trash bags, the kind used in wastepaper baskets.

On the desk in the hotel room was an empty mead composition notebook with one page torn out and a suicide note which read: "To those who I love the most, please forgive me for the worst possible thing I could have done. Most of all, I’m sorry to my son. I know deep down inside that God will let me in." There were no other papers, folders, documents of any sort, nor any briefcase found in the room.

Danny’s wallet was intact, stuffed with credit cards. The body was removed from the tub by Lieutenant Dave Brining from the Martinsburg fire department, and his wife, Sandra, a nurse who works in the hospital emergency room. The couple, who often moonlighted as coroners, took the body to the Brown Funeral Home where they conducted an examination. Charles Brown then decided to embalm the body that night and go home, rather than come back to work the next day, Sunday.

No one in Danny Casolaro’s family had been notified of his death at that time, nor had they requested the body be embalmed. When Casolaro’s family learned of the death, they insisted it was not a suicide and called for an autopsy and an investigation.

Though the body had already been embalmed, an autopsy was performed at the West Virginia University Hospital by a Dr. Frost. The findings indicated that no struggle had taken place because there were no recent bruises on the body. The drugs found in Casolaro’s urine, blood and tissue samples were in minute amounts but they were also unexplainable by his brother, Tony, who is a medical doctor.

According to Tony Casolaro, Danny did not take drugs or have any prescriptions for the drug traces of Hydrocodone and Tricyclic antidepressant that were found in the body. No pill boxes or written prescriptions were found. Dr. Casolaro searched through his brother’s Blue Cross records and found no record of the prescriptions or doctor visits. . . .

On August 6, 1991, Casolaro’s housekeeper, Olga, helped Danny pack a black leather tote bag. She remembered he also packed a thick sheaf of papers into a dark brown or black briefcase. She asked him what he had put into the briefcase and he replied, "I have all my papers ..."

He had been typing for two days, and as he left the house, he said, "Wish me luck. I’ll see you in a couple of days."

By August 9th, Casolaro’s friends were alarmed. None had heard from him and Olga was receiving threatening phone calls at Danny’s home. On Saturday, August 10th, Olga received another call, a man’s voice said, "You son of a bitch. You’re dead."

After learning of Danny’s death, Olga recalled seeing Danny sitting in the kitchen on August 5th with a, "heavy man ... wearing a dark suit. He was a dark man with black hair he turned towards the door, I saw he was dark-skinned. I told police maybe he could be from India." At 3:00 p.m. on Friday, the day before Danny’s death, Bill Turner, a friend and confidante, met Danny in the parking lot of the Sheraton Hotel to deliver some papers to him. The papers allegedly consisted of two sealed packages which Turner had been keeping in his safe at home for Danny, and a packet of Hughes Aircraft papers which belonged to Turner.

Danny had appeared exuberant to most of his friends before his death, noting that he was about to "wrap up" his investigation of The Octopus. Casolaro was trying to prove that the alleged theft of the Inslaw computer program, PROMIS, was related to the October Surprise scandal, the Iran-Contra affair and the collapse of BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International).

Turner later admitted to police that he had indeed met with Danny on August 9th, but at that time he refused to specify what time and would not describe what was in the papers he delivered to Danny. I later learned that Turner had been investigating discrepancies involving his former employer, Hughes Aircraft Company.

The documents he had delivered from his safe to Danny had been sealed, with Casolaro’s name written across the seal, and he claimed not to have known what they contained. Nevertheless, it is feasible to assume that Turner may have known who Danny was preparing to meet that evening at the Martinsburg Hotel because, for reasons of his own, Turner apparently wanted Danny to show the Hughes Aircraft documents to whoever he was meeting with.

Turner later noted to reporters that he was "scared shitless" about information he had seen connecting Ollie North and BCCI. "I saw papers from Danny that connected back through the Keating Five and Silverado [the failed Denver S & L where Neil Bush had been an officer]," he said. To his friend, Ben Mason, Danny showed a 22-point outline for his book. Included in the information he shared with Mason were papers referring to Iran-Contra arms deals.

Photocopies of checks made out for $1 million and $4 million drawn on BCCI accounts held for Adnan Khashoggi, an international arms merchant and factotum for the House of Saud, and by Manucher Ghorbanifar, an arms dealer and Iran-Contra middleman, were presented. "The last sheet," noted Mason, "was a passport of some guy named Ibrahim." Casolaro had emphasized that Ibrahim had made a big deal of showing him (Casolaro) his "Egyptian" passport. "Ibrahim" was obviously the informant whom Olga, Casolaro’s housekeeper, had seen sitting in the kitchen with Danny on August 5th.

Hassan Ali Ibrahim Ali, born in 1928, was later identified as the manager of Sitico, an alleged Iraqi front company for arms purchases. Casolaro had obtained these papers from Bob Bickel, who in turn obtained them from October Surprise source Richard Brenneke.

Ari BenMenasche, a self proclaimed Israeli military intelligence officer, was responsible for the tipoff to an obscure Lebanese magazine about what later became known as the Iran-Contra scandal. After Casolaro’s death, Menasche called Bill Hamilton, the president of Inslaw Company and creator of the PROMISE software. (Hamilton had been in daily contact with Casolaro until about a week prior to his death).

Menasche claimed that two FBI agents from Lexington, Kentucky, had embarked on a trip to Martinsburg to meet Casolaroas part of their investigation of the sale of the PROMISE software to Israel and other intelligence agencies. Ben Menasche told Hamilton that one of the FBI agents, E.B. Cartinhour, was disaffected because his superiors had refused to indict high Reagan officials for their role in the October Surprise. Ben Menasche claimed the agents were prepared to give Casolaro proof that the FBI was illegally using PROMISE software....

Casolaro was also investigating Colonel Bo Gritz’s expose of CIA drug trafficking, and had requested to meet with a former police officer who had information on Laotian warlord Kuhn Sa’s Golden Triangle drug trade proposal to the U.S. He had learned through a Sacramento Bee newspaper article, dated June 2, 1990 that Patrick Moriarty, the Red Devil fireworks magnate convicted of laundering political contributions and bribing city officials in Sacramento, had been subpoenaed to testify on behalf of Gritz at his trial in Las Vegas where he was tried for using a false passport. Gritz was acquitted of the charges....

Moriarty’s lawyer, Jan Lawrence Handzlik, told the Bee that Moriarty had paid Gritz to make business trips to China, Singapore and other parts of Asia. Gritz said his business trip to Asia in July 1989 was for the purpose of negotiating an oil interest that he and Moriarty had set up between the People’s Republic of China and Indonesia.

It is noteworthy that Patrick Moriarty is the longtime (30 years) partner of Marshall Riconosciuto, Michael Riconosciuto’s father. They owned several California businesses together, two of which were Hercules Research Corporation, of which Michael was a partner, and Pyrotronics Corporation.

Casolaro at one time considered the title of "Indio" for the book he was writing about "The Octopus."

His death occurred just days before he planned to visit the Cabazon Indian reservation near Indio, California. Though his notes did not divulge what role the Cabazons may have had in the conspiracy, Casolaro listed Dr. John Phillip Nichols, the Cabazon administrator, as a former CIA agent.

A source of information which Danny may have read is entitled, "DARK VICTORY, Ronald Reagan, MCA, and the Mob," by Dan E. Moldea. Moldea named this unholy alliance "The Octopus" in his book. Numerous publications reporting on Casolaro’s death corroborated that one of his sources included Michael Riconosciuto, a "44-year-old former high-tech scientist who had connections with Wackenhut Corporation ..."

What brought Casolaro to Riconosciuto was an affidavit signed by Riconosciuto claiming that when he worked on the Wackenhut-Cabazon project, he was given a copy of the Inslaw software by Earl Brian for modification. Riconosciuto also swore that Peter Videnieks, a Justice Department official associated with the Inslaw contract, had visited the Wackenhut-Cabazon project with Earl Brian.

Earl Brian was a businessman and Edwin Meese crony who served in Governor Ronald Reagan’s cabinet in California. The $6 million in software stolen from William and Nancy Hamilton, co-owners of Inslaw Company, was allegedly sold by the Justice Department through Earl Brian to raise off-the-books money for covert government operations.

On May 18, 1990, Riconosciuto had called the Hamiltons and informed them that the Inslaw case was connected to the October Surprise affair.

Riconosciuto claimed that he and Earl Brian had traveled to Iran in 1980 and paid $40 million to Iranian officials to persuade them NOT to release the hostages before the presidential election in which Reagan became president of the United States.

Riconosciuto’s information created a domino effect in Washington D.C., opening numerous investigations and causing a media blitz. At that time, Casolaro headed the Hamilton’s private investigation of the theft of their software and he had regular communication with Riconosciuto.

Former U.S. Attorney General Elliott Richardson, the Hamilton’s attorney, subsequently sent Riconosciuto an affidavit to sign, to be filed by Inslaw in federal court in connection with Inslaw’s pending Motion for Limited Discovery.

The affidavit, Case No. 8500070, entered into court records, resulted in Riconosciuto’s arrest within days. It read as follows: "I Michael J. Riconosciuto, being duly sworn, do hereby state as follows:

"(1) During the early 1980’s, I served as the Director of Research for a joint venture between the Wackenhut Corporation of Coral Gables, Florida, and the Cabazon Band of Indians of Indio, California. The joint venture was located on the Cabazon reservation.

"(2) The Wackenhut-Cabazon joint venture sought to develop and/or manufacture certain materials that are used in military and national security operations, including night vision goggles, machine guns, fuel- air explosives, and biological and chemical warfare weapons.

"(3) The Cabazon Band of Indians are a sovereign nation. The sovereign immunity that is accorded the Cabazons as a consequence of this fact made it feasible to pursue on the reservation the development and/or manufacture of materials whose development or manufacture would be subject to stringent controls off the reservation. As a minority group, the Cabazon Indians also provided the Wackenhut Corporation with an enhanced ability to obtain federal contracts through the 8A Set Aside Program, and in connection with Government-owned contractor-operated (GOCO) facilities.

"(4) The Wackenhut-Cabazon joint venture was intended to support the needs of a number of foreign governments and forces, including forces and governments in Central America and the Middle East. The Contras in Nicaragua represented one of the most important priorities for the joint venture.

"(5) The Wackenhut-Cabazon joint venture maintained close liaison with certain elements of the United States Government, including representatives of intelligence, military and law enforcement agencies. "(6) Among the frequent visitors to the Wackenhut-Cabazon joint venture were Peter Videnieks of the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C., and a close associate of Videnieks by the name of Earl W. Brian. Brian is a private businessman who lives in Maryland and who has maintained close ties with the U.S. intelligence community for many years.

"(7) In connection with my work for Wackenhut, I engaged in some software development and modification work in 1983 and 1984 on the proprietary PROMIS computer software product. The copy of PROMIS on which I worked came from the U.S. Department of Justice. Earl W. Brian made it available to me through Wackenhut after acquiring it from Peter Videnieks, who was then a Department of Justice contracting official with responsibility for the PROMIS software. I performed the modifications to PROMIS in Indio, California; Silver Spring, Maryland; and Miami, Florida.

"(8) The purpose of the PROMIS software modifications that I made in 1983 and 1984 was to support a plan for the implementation of PROMIS in law enforcement and intelligence agencies worldwide. Earl W. Brian was spearheading the plan for this worldwide use of the PROMISE computer software.

"(9) Some of the modifications that I made were specifically designed to facilitate the implementation of PROMIS within two agencies of the Government of Canada; the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS). Earl W. Brian would check with me from time to time to make certain that the work would be completed in time to satisfy the schedule for the RCMP and CSIS implementations of PROMIS.

"(10) The proprietary version of PROMIS, as modified by me, was, in fact, implemented in both the RCMP and the CSIS in Canada. It was my understanding that Earl W. Brian had sold this version of PROMIS to the Government of Canada.

"(11) In February 1991, I had a telephone conversation with Peter Videnieks, then still employed by the U.S. Department of Justice. Videnicks attempted during this telephone conversation to persuade me not to cooperate with an independent investigation of the government’s piracy of Inslaw’s proprietary PROMIS software being conducted by the Committee on the Judiciary of the U.S. House of Representatives.

"(12) Videnieks stated that I would be rewarded for a decision not to cooperate with the House Judiciary Committee investigation. Videnieks forecasted an immediate and favorable resolution of a protracted child custody dispute being prosecuted against my wife by her former husband, if I were to decide not to cooperate with the House Judiciary Committee investigation.

"(13) Videnieks also outlined specific punishments that I could expect to receive from the U.S. Department of Justice if I cooperate with the House Judiciary Committee’s investigation.

"(14) One punishment that Videnieks outlined was the future inclusion of me and my father in a criminal prosecution of certain business associates of mine in Orange County, California, in connection with the operation of a savings and loan institution in Orange County. By way of underscoring his power to influence such decisions at the U.S. Department of Justice, Videnieks informed me of the indictment of these business associates prior to the time when that indictment was unsealed and made public.

"(15) Another punishment that Videnieks threatened against me if I cooperate with the House Judiciary Committee is prosecution by the U.S. Department of Justice for perjury. Videnieks warned me that credible witnesses would come forward to contradict any damaging claims that I made in testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, and that I would subsequently be prosecuted for perjury by the U.S. Department of Justice for my testimony before the House Judiciary Committee." . . .

It is necessary to digress here to disclose the magnitude of the apparent government cover-up relative to Riconosciuto’s case.

About two weeks before Riconosciuto’s trial began, I had received a call from Michael asking me to contact Brian Leighton, a former assistant U.S. Attorney in Fresno, whom Michael claimed to have provided information to. Michael was lining up his ducks. Essentially his defense rested on his ability to prove he worked for the U.S. government in intelligence operations, but his lawyer was behind schedule in making the contacts.

Brian Leighton had been instrumental in prosecuting 29 members of a drug/arms organization called "The Company." The Company had been written up in the San Francisco Chronicle on April 28, 1982 under the heading "Story of Spies, Stolen Arms and Drugs."

According to reporter Bill Wallace, The Company consisted of (quote), "about 300 members, many of them former military men or ex-police officers with nearly $30 million worth of assets, including planes, ships and real estate."

The article went on to say that "federal drug agents said the organization had imported billions of dollars worth of narcotics from Latin America, and was also involved in gunrunning and mercenary operations." Specialized military equipment consisting of nine infrared sniper-scopes, a television camera for taking pictures in darkness, 1500 rounds of small arms tracer ammunition for night combat, a five-foot remote- control helicopter, and secret components from the radar unit of a Sidewinder guided missile were stolen from the U.S. Naval Weapons Station at China Lake in the Mojave Desert.

Federal agents said some of the stolen equipment was going to be used to make electronic equipment for drug smugglers and some was traded to drug suppliers in Columbia. Twenty-nine members of the Company were indicted by the Fresno federal grand jury in 1981. Amongst those indicted was Andrew "Drew" Thornton, 40, a former narcotics officer.

On September 13, 1985, the Los Angeles Times published the story of Thornton’s death, entitled, "Former Narcotics Officer Parachutes Out of Plane, Dies with 77 Pounds of Cocaine."

The article said Thornton was indicted in 1981 for "allegedly flying a plane to South America for a reputed drug ring known as ’The Company’ . . ." Thornton’s mysterious death was discussed at length in a book written by Sally Denton entitled, "The Blue Grass Conspiracy."

Part of The Company was headquartered in Lexington, Kentucky. Prosecutors in Lexington, Fresno, California (Brian Leighton), and Miami, Florida were working together in a joint effort to bring down The Company.

The San Francisco Chronicle noted that in January, 1982, Gene Berry, a state prosecutor in Charlotte Harbor, Florida, was shot in the face as he answered his door. Police subsequently arrested Bonnie Kelly as Berry’s murderer. Bonnie’s husband, Mike McClure Kelly, was a suspected member of The Company who later pleaded guilty in the Fresno, California case.

In Michael Riconosciuto’s documents, I discovered a letter dated March 24, 1982, written on Cabazon letterhead to Michael McClure at Hercules Corporation from Art Welmas, President of the Cabazon Band of Indians. Copies (cc:) were also noted to Marshall Riconosciuto and Michael Riconosciuto. The letter complimented McClure’s competence in presenting a clear and lucid explanation of a power pack under development at Hercules. . . .

Throughout Michael’s documents, I found references to Michael McClure and Bonnie Lynne G. Kelly. Michael’s code word for Mike McClure was "Gopher." Journalist Danny Casolaro had been communicating regularly with Michael Riconosciuto and obviously learned about The Company.

It is not to be overlooked that coincidentally or not, Ari BenMenashe (a former Israeli intelligence agent who lived in Lexington, Kentucky) told Bill Hamilton that two Lexington FBI agents had been enroute to meet with Danny at the Martinsburg Hotel on the day of his death. The Company was headquartered in Lexington.

Danny was not meeting with the FBI relative to PROMIS, he was preparing to turn over drug trafficking information on The Company.... "The Company was originally out of Lexington, Kentucky and Mena, Arkansas. Brian Leighton was the assistant U.S. Attorney who was the most effective person in formulating a strategy in the Justice Department to go after these people.

"We recognized what they were, for what they were, at that time, and there were a few ATF guys down in Los Angeles that recognized them for what they were, OK? Here was a group of over 300 people, most of them ex-law enforcement and ex-military, ex-intelligence people involved in a major drug and smuggling operation. And they were involved in compromising activities. The bottom line was espionage.

"And all Leighton served to do was vaccinate the group against further penetration. Just hardened them. And all the major sources that were developed from inside turned up dead. A federal judge in Texas turned up dead.

" ... This is a nasty bunch of people. And they’re still alive and well. Now where that dovetails into my current situation, is in 1984 I was involved with Robert Booth Nichols who owns Meridian Arms Corporation and is a principle in F.I.D.C.O., First Intercontinental Development Corporation. The CEO of FIDCO is George Pender and Bob Maheu was Vice President ...

"FIDCO was an NSC [National Security Council] corporate cutout. FIDCO was created to be the corporate vehicle to secure the financing for the reconstruction of the cities of Beirut and Damour in Lebanon. And they were working out of an office in Nicosia, Cyprus.

" ... And here I got involved with a group of people that were all high profile and should have been above reproach. FIDCO had a companion company called Euramae Trading which operated throughout the Middle East. I came in contact with the PROMISE software (unintelligible). Euramae had a distribution contract with several Arab countries and I was asked to evaluate the hardware platforms they had chosen. That was IBM/AS400 stuff ...

" ... That had come from IBM Tel Aviv but it came through a cutout, Link Systems, because they couldn’t deal directly with the Arabs.

"And I came across a guy named Michael T. Hurley and I thought he worked for the State Department but it turned out he was in-country attaché for the DEA in Nicosia, Cyprus. [Nicosia is the capital of the island of Cyprus, off the coast of Lebanon]. Now, the DEA had no real presence in Lebanon. Neither did anybody else, including the Israelis. They had their usual network of contacts but it was very ineffective. The only way to penetrate that situation, was to get into the drug trade.

"Euramae got into the drug trade and I was told that it was a fully sanctioned NSC directed operation, which it turns out that it was ... All those operations were bonafide and all the people who were in them were definitely key government people, although they were not who they said they were.

"They all worked for different agencies other than was stated. Probably part of the normal disinformation that goes with that. And I was technical advisor for FIDCO and we had auspices through the government of Lebanon to get in and out of Lebanon. "But as far as going to the eastern part of Lebanon, unless you were connected with the drug trade, your chances were slim coming out unscathed ... They built a network throughout the Bekaa Valley, and [Robert Booth] Nichols ... he is under Harold Okimoto from the Hawaiian Islands.

"Harold Okimoto was represented to me as being an intelligence person, which he is. He has worked under the auspices of Frank Carlucci for years. [Carlucci was former CIA-deputy director and former Defense secretary].

"Apparently Harold performed services for the U.S. government during World War II. He’s of Japanese ancestry. I guess he was rewarded for services well done.

" ... Harold operates through a company called Island Tobacco Corporation. He has contracts for all the condiments at all the casinos in Atlantic City, in Reno, in Vegas, in Macao, China ... he’s got contacts in Honolulu, the Orient ... a couple of Jews he knows in Bangkok ... and there is a casino, no a city about 15 miles north of Beirut that Harold has his fingers in.

"When FIDCO was wheeling and dealing on financing for the reconstruction of the infrastructure of Beirut, they were making sweetheart deals with Syrian mobsters and the brother of the president of Syria, Hafez Assad.

" ... The intelligence people in their infinite wisdom decided to capitalize on the longstanding battle between Rifat Assad and his group and the Jafaar family. Selectively they were backing both people, but they were also playing them off against one another, developing networks. They got a bunch of prominent Syrians thoroughly compromised and they were in tow in the intelligence game. And they had people that could get me in and out of the Bekaa Valley, even out of certain areas of Syria.

"From an intelligence standpoint, it was a success. But to maintain the credibility of those intelligence operations the heroin had to flow. To make it real. And the stuff was starting to accumulate in a warehouse outside of Larnaca.

"I personally was in a warehouse where Hurley and George Pender and George Marcobie (phonetic spelling) told me there was upwards of twenty-two tons. And even though it was packaged for shipment, the smell of it in that closed warehouse was overpowering. You know, white heroin like that has a certain odor because of the way it’s processed.

"They had authorization for what they called ’controlled deliveries’ into the United States. And they would target certain cities and then follow the stuff out, ostensibly unmasking the network and conducting prosecutions.

"However, the operation became perverted at the U.S. end of the pipeline. Controlled heroin shipments were doubled, sometimes tripled, and only one third of the heroin was returned to the DEA.

"At a certain transfer point at the airport in Larnaca, the excess baggage from the original controlled delivery would be allowed to go through. I was given the names of the narcotics people who were handling that. But there were a couple of agents who were on the up and up, and they had suspicions.

"An intelligence agent who worked with DIA is now deceased. His name was Tony Asmar and he got on to the operation early on, and started going toe to toe with Hurley [DEA]. He died in a bomb blast and it was ascribed to terrorists. And it actually was terrorists who did it, but his cover was deliberately blown. Myself and others suspected Hurley and Bob Nichols and Glen Shockley were responsible for that ... "

"You need to understand that the airport in Lebanon was closed down. I took the ferry from Larnaca to Jounieb. Now Jounieb was slightly south of where the casino city was and the casino city was intact. Beirut was a nightmare, and so was Damour, because the PLO destroyed the infrastructure by burrowing bunkers, and there was no water, electricity or phones. It was a combat zone. "The Syrian mob controlled the Casino du Liban in a little city north of Beirut. It was used as a front by narcotics people. Island Tobacco, owned by Harold Okimoto, sells all the cigarettes there. Now, I could give you the names of the families. They pitted them off against one another. F.I.D.C.O. was to finance the reconstruction of the infrastructure of the cities of Beirut and Damour. Deals were cut as to who got what concessions. There were certain families, like the ElJorr family that had to be placated. And there was Rifat Assad and his group.

"Tony Asmar figured out what was going on with Hurley, that they were shipping ’noncontrolled’ loads of heroin back to the U.S... They killed Tony..."

"What were the names of the people you were working for over there?," I asked. Michael’s time was always limited on the phone.

"Ok, there was a man named Maurice Ganem. He had a relative, either a brother or a cousin, who is a senior DEA official with Michael Hurley. I can’t remember his name right now. Anyways, Maurice was agency, you know, in country, in Lebanon. And Maurice and I and George Pender worked together."

"Which agency? CIA or DEA?," I asked.

"CIA." Michael continued. " ... And then there was Danny Habib. Danny Habib and Bob Nichols worked out of Cario (phonetic spelling) and Italy."

"And Bob was NSA or ..." "No, Bob was NSC at that time."

"George Pender and Bob Clark were the high level contacts on all of this. Bob Clark got drummed out because he was clean. And McFarland then took over, OK?"

"Uh huh."

"So, it was George Pender and McFarland and Michael McManus [Assistant to President Reagan at the White House]."

I asked, "What was your involvement with that particular operation?"

"I handled communications protocol. All the communications and financial transactions. If I could get my records on line I could show all the money flows, everything."

Michael called back later that day and we continued our conversation. He was intent on talking to someone in FinCen (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network). " ... The keystone cops are working on my defense. You know it’s really an ordeal. Have you talked to R.J. again?"

"No Mike, he’s not giving much information."

"Listen, tell him that not only am I willing to polygraph, but I need some expert help and I think he needs some expert help. In the league we’re playing in, the only guys we can get that have the where-with-all are with FinCen. That stands for Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Get me a technical guy that speaks my language."

"Alright, Mike ..."

"I’m talking about Swift Chips. That stands for Clearing House Interbank Payment System, Ok?"


"I’m mad, OK?" "Uh huh."

"I’m real mad. The government has all my files and records. They’ve got all of my optical storage disks. Each of those optical storages, 130 of them, contains 20,000 plus pages. They jacked me around so bad ..."

"Mike ..."

" ... Get an expert that speaks my language, and I’ll tell him everything I know and he can do so much damage, they won’t need my testimony or anything else."

"Mike, everything you know about what?"

"Tell R.J. it goes all the way back to the Cayman Islands and the Bahamas and Castle Bank. Norm Caspar ... Resorts International Bank..."

"How’d you get this stuff?"

"I handled the money for them, OK?"

"For who?"

" ... For the Wackenhut people. For Norm Caspar who was a Wackenhut employee during all of this. Now, there was the Workers Bank in Columbia. I can’t pronounce the Spanish name for it, I just know it as Workers Bank. I set up their virtual dead-drops ..."

"What’s that?"

"It’s a way to get around A.C.H. reconciliations on a daily basis. It’ll take an expert, you know, I can’t even talk to a normal human being about this ..."


" ... And the bottom line here is Bob Nichols and Gilbert Rodriguez, Michael Abbell, whose now an attorney in D.C., but he was with the criminal section of the Justice Department and Harold Okimoto, and Jose Londodo, and Glenn Shockley are all in bed together. (Three years after this conversation, Michael Abbell was indicted for laundering money for the Cali Cartel).

"Now Ted Gunderson ..."

"Mike, have you got any paperwork on that?"

"Now, wait a minute. Gunderson was physically with me when Wayne Reeder, Peter Zokosky and his wife and several of Wayne Reeder’s lieutenants, Bob Nichols and his wife, Harold Okimoto, George Pender, Deborah Pender, Dill Pender, and myself were all together ..."

" ... Where?"

" ... At Wayne Reeders country club, golf club, in Indio, California. And Bob discussed openly in front of Ted Gunderson and myself and everyone present bragged about Glenn Shockley and Jose Londono having 3,500 soldiers. It’s now almost double that ..."

"What does that mean? What are the soldiers?"

Mike: "R.J. will know what it means." "Alright. OK."

"This took place in 1983. I have correspondence on the things we were doing. But I was in fear of my life because Bob was starting to act irrational. The guy was getting drunk all the time, waving a gun out of the car window, shooting in the air, you know, just really doing a mind trip on me. I’ve been on the run ever since ..."

"Mike, what are you going to provide to FinCen?"

"I’m going to show them how these boys handled the life blood of the cash flow on a day to day basis. I’m going to unmask the whole operation...."

"Anything specific on Robert Booth Nichols?"

Mike: "Nichols is Harold Okimoto’s godson. He’s also Renee Hanner’s (phonetic sp.) boy, and Wolfgang Fosog’s (phonetic sp.) boy."

" ... And who are they?"

"The FinCen people will know. There’s also Octon Potnar."

"Alright. Well, if I’m going to play around with this, I don’t want to be in the dark ... I could end up like Danny. I’ve got to know what I’m dealing with."

"If you get the right guy at FinCen, he’ll jump at this, OK? We’ve got to start right now. We’re talking about some time getting things up and rolling to where we’re fluid and flexible and functional in their system internationally. They’ll be able to watch the daily transactions ..." Michael continued to request of R.J. that he be connected with someone "trustworthy" at FinCen, to no avail. He also requested to be placed into a Witness Protection Program, again offering to assemble his computer equipment in a secret location and provide FinCen with a day by day view of Mob (and MCA Corporation) illegal banking transactions.

According to Michael, before his arrest, he had been handling gold transfers, money laundering, "virtual dead drops," altered ACH daily reconciliations and other transactions for various underworld figures including Robert Booth Nichols, Harold Okimoto, George Pender, Wayne Reeder, Michael A. McManus, Norm Caspar, Gilbert Rodriguez, Jose Londono, Glen Shockley, and others.

Michael continued to call and give me tape-recorded (at his request) messages to pass on to R.J. The man accepted the messages, but they just went down the big, black hole and never emerged again.

One message in particular later became significant to me. The message from Michael to R.J. went as follows: (Quote) "There are three dozen C130’s down at the Firebird Lake Airstrip on the Gila Indian Reservation in Arizona. Check out J & G Aviation, it’s an FBO. The Fresno Company is alive and well down there.

"The real activity is not at Mirana, it’s at Firebird Lake Airstrip. Other airlines operating at Firebird are Beigert, Macavia International, Pacific Air Express, Evergreen and Southern Air.

"Question to R.J.: How much cocaine or heroin can be transported in a C130? Do you want the C130, or do you want the guys who orchestrate it?

"Do a matrix link analysis, then sit down and pick the targets. Otherwise, you will tip off the others and the proof will dry up.... The message continued regarding Robert Booth Nichols: "Bob Nichols runs Glen Shockley. Glen Shockley runs Jose Londono. I [Michael] sat with Bob Nichols and Mike Abbell. Bob handed him $50,000 cash to handle an internal affairs investigation that the Justice Department conducted which would have led to the extradition of Gilbert and Miguel Rodriguez and Jose Londono.

"Bob Nichols told me [Michael] that it was necessary to ’crowbar’ the investigation because they were ’intelligence people.’

"Michael wanted to hand The Company and Bob Nichols over to FinCen in exchange for entry into the Witness Protection Program, but nothing was forthcoming from R.J. It was two years before I learned who Mike Abbell, Gilbert Rodriguez and Jose Londono were. Abbell had worked in the criminal division of the Justice Department, according to Bill Hamilton. Hamilton added that, to his knowledge, Abbell had left the DOJ in 1982 and went directly into the Bogota, Colombia law offices of Kaplan and Russin.

A member of our loosely coalesced investigative team, George Williamson, a former San Francisco Chronicle reporter, obtained Abbell’s background from library directories: From 1973 to 1979 Abbell was staff assistant to the Assistant U.S. Attorney General. From 1979 to 1981 he was the Director of the Office of International Affairs of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice.

After leaving the Department of Justice in 1982, Abbell became counsel at the law firm of Kaplan, Russin and Becchi, with offices in San Francisco, California Bogota, Colombia Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic Bangkok, Thailand Tapai, Taiwan New York Madrid, Spain and Miami, Florida.

As of this writing, Abbell was listed as working in his own firm with a partner named Bruno Ristau (Ristau and Abbell) in Washington D.C. Ristau was also formerly with the law firm of Kaplan, Russin and Becchi. And from 1958 to 1963 he was an attorney in the Internal Security Division and Civil Division of the Department of Justice. . . .

A TIME magazine article, dated July 4, 1994, described Gilbert Rodriguez as a "leader of the Cali [Columbian drug] cartel, which controls 80% of the world’s cocaine trade." The newly elected president of Columbia, Ernesto Samper Pizano, was accused of taking $3.7 million in campaign funds from Rodriguez, which in effect, put Samper in league with Colombia’s drug lords.

Three audio tapes of conversations between Rodriguez and Samper’s campaign manager, Santiago Medina, had been handed over to U.S. State Department officials before the election, but nothing was done.

DEA officials were furious, stating to TIME that, "No one did anything. They [the State Department] allowed this travesty to take place. Everybody, including the U.S. government, is participating in this coverup."

The State Department responded, "We can’t interfere with elections." I pulled out a book from a dusty corner of my library entitled, "Cocaine Politics" by Peter Dale Scott and Jonathan Marshall, and looked up the name Gilbert Rodriguez. • On page 83, Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela and Jose Santacruz Londono were mentioned as part of the early leadership of the Cali cartel. • On page 88 it was noted that the "Calibased Ocampo and Gilberto Rodriguez had been the principal targets of a major DEA Centac investigtion that resulted in indictments of Rodriguez in Los Angeles and New York in 1978." At that time, President Jimmy Carter’s Human Rights foreign policy in Latin America distanced the CIA under Stansfield Turner (later a Wackenhut Board Director) from any death-squad interdiction.

The Carter administration was also reportedly reluctant to go after Ocampo because of its determination in 1977 to sign a Panama Canal treaty with General Torrijos, even though Torrijos and family members were heavily involved at the highest levels of the world cocaine trade.

The Cali cartel, described in a 1983 Customs report, laundered its profits through Miami banks, one of which was Northside Bank of Miami, owned by Gilberto Rodriguez. Rodriguez popped up again as the leader of a delegation to the "cocaine summit conference" in Panama City in the early 1980’s.

Yet, Rodriguez’s name was subsequently removed from DEA reports under the Ronald Reagan administration. In fact, according to disgruntled DEA agents, some of whom suspected they were stumbling into a CIA connection, the case was never pursued past the indictment level and the Centac 21 task force was totally dismantled when Reagan and Bush came to office. . . .

On Monday, August 5th, "Riconosciuto called Bill Hamilton from his jail in Tacoma. He wanted some information about a former Justice Department attorney [Mike Abbell], and warned Hamilton that getting the information might be dangerous. Hamilton called Casolaro to help him find out about the attorney.

"That same day, Danny called Bob Bickel to say that he was "getting close to the source, and he would soon go to Martinsburg and bring back the head of the Octopus." • Tuesday, August 6: Casolaro had been typing steadily since Monday, and by afternoon, he’d finished. Olga, his housekeeper, helped him pack a leather tote bag. She also remembered him packing a thick sheaf of papers into a dark brown or black briefcase. Danny walked out the door saying, "I have all my papers ... Wish me luck. I’ll see you in a couple of days." That was the last time Olga saw Casolaro alive.

• Wednesday, August 7: According to Inslaw records, Casolaro called the Hamilton in the afternoon, and was put on hold. Before Hamilton could get free, he had hung up. At some time on that same day, Riconosciuto called Hamilton again to ask for the information about the Justice Department lawyer [Mike Abbell]. Hamilton called Casolaro, but he had already left for Martinsburg.

• Thursday, August 8: Casolaro called Danielle Stalling and asked her to set up appointments for him the next week with a former police officer, now employed as a private investigator, to learn more about the Laotian warlord Kuhn Sa’s proposed Golden Triangle drug trade.

• Friday, August 9: By now Hamilton was starting to worry. I talk to Danny everyday," Hamilton said. "I had never [gone without speaking to him for so long] before, so I called Bob Nichols in Los Angeles and asked whether he had heard from Danny recently."

Nichols told Hamilton "Yes," he had spoken with Danny late Monday night [August 5th] and he had been "euphoric." Nichols told Hamilton he (Nichols) was taking off for Europe that evening.

It was at that point that Olga, Danny’s housekeeper, received four or five threatening phone calls. The first was about 9 a.m., a man’s voice, in good English, said, "I will cut his [Danny’s] body and throw it to the sharks.

"About a half hour later, another call came in. "Drop dead," the man’s voice said.

• Saturday, August 10: At 12:30 that afternoon, a maid knocked on the door of room 517 at the Sheraton Martinsburg Inn. Nobody answered, so she used her passkey to open the door; though it had both a security bolt and a chain lock on the inside, neither one was attached. When she glanced into the bathroom, she saw a lot of blood on the tile floor and screamed. Another hotel maid came into the bathroom and saw a man’s nude body lying in the blood-filled tub. There was blood not only on the tile floor but splattered up onto the wall above the tub as well. The police were called to the scene.

• At 8:30 p.m. that night, unaware that Danny’s body had been found, Olga, Danny’s housekeeper, returned to Casolaro’s house to look for him. The phone rang. A man’s voice said, "You son of a bitch. You’re dead."

• It was not until Monday, August 12, that authorities notified family and friends that Danny Casolaro was dead. . . . Just days before his death, Danny had planned to visit the reservation. In his notes were cryptic references to slow-acting brain viruses like Mad Cow Disease, which could be used against targeted people by slipping the virus into meat pies.

Riconosciuto told Rosenbaum that Danny was "concerned" that he may have been a target of this virus. "That was one of the reasons he [Danny] had such an obsession with this story. He felt he had been hit by these people." . . . Danny’s girlfriend, Wendy Weaver, had been present at one of the meetings at the Four Seasons Hotel bar when Nichols issued the warning: "You don’t know how bad this guy Riconosciuto is ... he might not get you today, he might not get you next month. He might get you two years from now. If you say anything against him he will kill you." Nichols repeated the warning several times, said Weaver. "At least five times." Weaver described Nichols as "very charming, very handsome," but said "it [the meeting] was a weird night, so weird." Another friend of Danny’s met Nichols at a luncheon at Clyde’s in Tysons Corner where Nichols allegedly informed them that he had just been asked to become "minister of state security" on the island of Dominica.

Reportedly, the island was going to be transformed into a CIA base. The friend, who spoke to Rosenbaum on condition of anonymity, said Nichols was "very slick, very civilized-appearing" ... "oozing intrigue," but he added that he had never witnessed a performance like the one that ensued.

After lunch Danny had pulled his friend aside and showed him a purported FBI wiretap summary on Nichols. The summary was part of FBI agent Thomas Gates’s affidavit in Nichols’ slander suit against him. The summary linked Nichols to the Yakuza and to the Gambino crime family as a money launderer.

Danny’s friend had been shocked. "You just put me in a meeting with this man and didn’t tell me what the hell why didn’t you tell me before?," he asked Danny. Danny said he wanted to see how Nichols would react. The friend told Rosenbaum, "In other words, he gaffed me with a hook and tossed me in the water to see if the Octopus would move!" Danny HAD in fact been receiving death threats on the phone. One threat reported by his housekeeper, "You’re dead, you son of a bitch," which came hours AFTER Danny’s body had been found, ruled out Danny himself as a possible source of the threats. And his prophesy to his brother, Tony Casolaro, "If anything happens to me it won’t be an accident," made it unmistakably clear that Danny did, indeed, feel threatened.

Nevertheless, Danny appeared upbeat to most of the people he talked to prior to his death. Dr. Tony Casolaro, a specialist in pulmonary medicine, told Vanity Fair that he didn’t believe his brother committed suicide because Danny was so excited and upbeat about his investigation on that last Monday when he saw him.

The autopsy examination of Danny’s brain had revealed possible symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis, but friends and family dismissed this as irrelevant because Danny had never complained of symptoms or, to their knowledge, known of the disease, if he had it.

Tony was also troubled by a number of facts, one of which was Danny’s current papers and files which he took to West Virginia were missing from his motel room. His body had been embalmed even before family members were notified of the death, and the motel room had been commercially cleaned before any type of investigation, other than a cursory look at the death scene by police, could occur.

In his Vanity Fair article, Ron Rosenbaum wrote that he had obtained one of Casolaro’s surviving notebooks and found mentioned under the heading of August 6, four days before Danny’s death, the name "Gilberto." It read: "Bill Hamilton August 6. MR ... also brought up ’Gilberto.’" Rosenbaum did not speculate publicly who Gilberto might be, but it was obviously Gilberto Rodriguez, head of the Cali Cartel, at that time deeply involved with Michael Abbell, formerly of the Department of Justice.

A dozen or so drafts of Casolaro’s proposed manuscript along with notes and phone bills had been sent to the Western Historical Manuscript Collection at the University of Missouri by his brother, Dr. Tony Casolaro. Tony Casolaro had sent the material to the University because, at one time, the IRE (Investigative Reporters and Editors) Association, headquartered at the University, had researched the fatal car-bombing of reporter Don Bolles in Arizona.

Bolles had been researching a mob-connected gold smuggling operation in that state. Through Tracy Barnett at IRE, I learned that a graduate student at the University had been assigned to catalog all Danny’s material for eventual insertion into a data base. In contacting the graduate student, who by then (September 1994) worked for ABC in Houston, Texas, I learned that few if any journalists had inquired about the notes.

But, interestingly, Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney Steve Zipperstein from Los Angeles, working for the Department of Justice, had requested copies of Danny’s NOTES, but declined Danny’s phone records. The graduate student noted that the notes and drafts of Danny’s proposed manuscript focused on a Cabal of intelligence people who, originally consisting of numerous names, were subsequently narrowed down to about eight. One of those names was Glen Shockley. Shockley, of course, was listed on the Board of Directors of F.I.D.C.O. along with Robert Booth Nichols.

Shockley was also a corporate partner in Meridian International Logistics, headed by Nichols. Shockley was also a CIA-contract employee (according to several sources) who allegedly "ran Jose Londono" of the Cali Cartel. This according to Riconosciuto’s taped interview with government agents while negotiating for Witness Protection.

I purchased everything of any significance pertaining to Danny’s writings and documents, including the FBI wire tap summaries which corroborated everything I had learned to date.

In reviewing the summaries, it became apparent that the FBI had inadvertently stumbled onto a CIA drug trafficking operation which included high ranking La Cosa Nostra figures, the Gambino crime family and the Japanese Yakuza.

One affidavit in support of an application to intercept wire communications over the telephone listed names of those to be intercepted: Robert Booth Nichols, Eugene Giaquinto (then President of MCA Corporation Entertainment Division, and corporate partner with Nichols in Meridian International Logistics), Angelo Commito, Edward Sciandra, Michael Del Gaizo, Joseph Garofalo, and others.

The purpose of the interceptions was to determine "source, type and quantity of narcotics/controlled substances, methods and means of delivery, and the source of funding for purchasing of narcotics/controlled substances."

The intercepted conversations read like a "Who’s Who" of organized crime. It was also apparent that Eugene Giaquinto enjoyed a special relationship with John Gotti. Ann Klenk, a long time friend of Danny Casolaro’s and former associate of Washington D.C. columnist Jack Anderson, held all his personal notes which were not sent to the University.

In a September 14, 1994 phone interview, she noted that the last time she talked to Danny, that last Monday before his death, he told her he’d cracked the Inslaw case. I asked her, "Do you think he resolved that?"

Ann responded, "Oh, yes. I KNOW he did. He TOLD me he did. He said, ’Ann, I broke Inslaw.’ And I said, ’Geez, Danny that’s great!’ But, I never asked him what he found because he was very despondent about it. He said, ’You can have it. You and Jack [Anderson] can have the story. I don’t even want it.’"

Ann said Danny was disgusted and related their last conversation: "I said, ’Danny, you worked on this [so long] and now you don’t want it?’ He said, ’It’s just a little piece of the puzzle anyway.’ See, Inslaw led him into this, but Danny quickly became more involved with the drug aspects ... with the CIA- aspects, with the Wackenhut aspects."

I said, "I know what you mean, because I followed the same trail." Danny’s proposed drafts and notes obtained from Western Historical Manuscript Collection at University of Missouri revealed information never published in mainstream media.

Typewritten and handwritten lists of contacts included names and telephone numbers of Ted Gunderson, Raymond Lavas, Robert Nichols, Peter Zokosky, Bob Bickel, Fahim Safar, Earl Brian, Peter Dale Scott, Art Welmus, John Vanderwerker, Jack Blum, Dr. Harry Fair, Bill Hamilton, Bob Parry, Bill McCoy, and numerous others.

Most of Danny’s drafts focused on the Southeast Asian heroin connection, CIA drug money used to finance the Contras, and the ability of terrorists to send missiles containing dangerous chemicals and biological diseases into the U.S.

One typewritten draft, entitled, "Behold A Pale Horse," described an "international cabal [in Southern California] whose freelance services covered parochial political intrigue, espionage, sophisticated weapon technologies that included biotoxins, drug trafficking, money laundering and murder-for-hire."

According to Danny, the cabal continues today, "its origins spawned thirty years ago in the shadow of the Cold War." . . .

Within six months of Casolaro’s death, Riconosciuto was again attempting to trade information in exchange for entry into a Witness Protection Program. But this time, instead of using Casolaro or Bill Hamilton, he was using me to make the contacts.

At Riconosciuto’s request, I contacted a man whom I will identify as N.B. at the BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms) in San Francisco. Michael had advised me to call this agent because the BATF was "Treasury Department" as was FinCen.

I set up the phone meeting and Riconosciuto called the San Francisco BATF collect, as scheduled. N.B. listened attentively to Michael, then ran a check on him through the departmental computer system. Shortly thereafter, I received an unnerving phone call.

N.B. advised me in strong terms to "get out of this" while I still could. He said I would end up getting subpoenaed as a witness if I didn’t discontinue my investigation. He added that sometimes people got killed or committed suicide when they got involved with Michael Riconosciuto or Robert Booth Nichols...

Through one of Michael’s contacts, I was able to obtain the corporate documents on F.I.D.C.O. Corporation (First Intercontinental Development Corporation). This formidable organization lead me straight to the head of The Octopus.

The Board of Directors of FIDCO consisted of the following principles: (1) Robert Maheu, Sr, Vice President, Director former FBI agent, former CEO of Howard Hughes Operations, senior consultant to Leisure Industries.

(2) Michael A. McManus, Director, Vice President and General Counsel to FIDCO former Assistant to the President [Reagan] of the United States at the White House in Washington D.C.

(3) Robert Booth Nichols, Director, Sr. Vice President and Chairman of Investment Committee Chief Executive Officer of R.B.N. Companies, International, a holding company for manufacturing and development of high technology electronics, real estate development, construction and international finance.

(4) George K. Pender, Director former Director of Pacific Ocean area of Burns & Roe, Inc., an international engineering & construction corporation with active projects on all seven continents of the world. Senior engineer consultant to Burns & Roe, Inc.

(5) Kenneth A. Roe, Director Chairman and President of Burns & Roe, Inc., International engineers and Constructors, a family corporation owned by Kenneth Roe and family. Major current project of the company is the engineering design and construction of the U.S.A. Fast Breeder Nuclear Reactor Plant in conjunction with Westinghouse Electric Corporation which is responsible for the nuclear system supply of steam. Construction value of present business backlog of Burns & Roe, Inc. is in e Manager access of six billion U.S. dollar.

(6) Frances T. Fox, Vice President and Director former General of L.A. International Airport, former Director of Aviation for Howard Hughes Nevada operations, now called Summa Corporation, City Manager of San Jose, California.

(7) Clint W. Murchison, Jr. Director Owner of the Dallas Cowboys NFL football team.

(8) William M. Pender, Director and Sr. Vice President licensed contractor, State of California.

(9) Glen R. Shockley, Director Consultant to Fortune 500 Companies in business management. Internationally known as financial consultant in funding. The list of directors was accompanied by a letter dated January 11, 1983 on FIDCO letterhead originating out of Santa Monica, California addressed to Robert Booth Nichols in Marina Del Rey, California. The letter, signed by George K. Pender, briefly referenced a copy of a resolution resulting from a meeting of the Board of Directors of FIDCO.

On April 13, 1983, Robert Booth Nichols wrote a letter to Joseph F. Preloznik in Madison, Wisconsin, outlining proposed arms projects, one of which was to build a two story building of approximately 7500 square feet with concrete walls and floors to house the "R & D position."

(I later found the R & D facility referenced in a 1981 Wackenhut Interoffice memorandum as a companion facility to Wackenhut to be constructed on the Cabazon Indian reservation for the assembly of shell casings, propellants, war heads, fuses, combustible cartridge cases and other weapons systems). . . .

If in fact, F.I.D.C.O. was a vehicle of The Octopus, then the tentacles of its Board of Directors lead straight to the head. Clint Murchison, Jr. of Dallas, Texas was the son of Clint Murchison, Sr. who, according to Dick Russell, author of the book, "The Man Who Knew Too Much," (pp. 521-523) was cut from the same political cloth as H.L. Hunt. . . .

Wrote Russell: "Back in 1951, after General Douglas MacArthur was relieved of his Korean command by President Truman, H.L. Hunt accompanied MacArthur on a flight to Texas for a speaking tour. Hunt and Murchison were the chief organizers of the pro-MacArthur forces in Texas.

They would always remember the general standing bareheaded in front of the Alamo, urging removal of the ’burden of taxation’ from enterprising men like themselves, charging that such restraints were imposed by ’those who seek to convert us to a form of socialistic endeavor, leading directly to the path of Communist slavery.’" According to Russell, Hunt went on to set up a MacArthur-for-president headquarters in Chicago, spending $150,000 of his own money on the general’s reluctant 1952 campaign, which eventually fell apart as MacArthur adopted the strident rhetoric of the right wing. "Still, connections were made," wrote Russell, "Charles Willoughby, for example, was a regular part of the MacArthur-Hunt entourage and undoubtedly was acquainted with Murchison as well." Both [the Hunts and the Murchisons] cultivated not only powerful people on the far right, but also J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, organized crime figures, and Lyndon Johnson, whose rise to power emanated directly from his friends in Texas oil. "Like Hunt, Murchison was an ardent supporter of Senator Joseph McCarthy’s anticommunist crusade. McCarthy came often to the exclusive hotel that Murchson opened in La Jolla, California, in the early 1950’s. So did Richard Nixon and J. Edgar Hoover.

"In 1961, after Nixon had lost the presidential election to JFK the previous year, Murchison sold Nixon a lot in Beverly Hills for only $35,000 a lot Murchison had financed through a Hoffa loan which Nixon sold two years later for $86,000. When Hoover visited the (Murchison) Hotel Del Charro, as he did every summer between 1953 and 1959, Murchison picked up his tab. That amounted to about $19,000 of free vacations for the FBI Director over those years.

Whether Hoover knew it or not, almost 20 percent of the Murchison Oil Lease Company in Oklahoma was then owned by Gerardo Catena, chief lieutenant to the Genovese crime family.

By the autumn of 1963, a major scandal was brewing around Bobby Baker, whom Vice President Lyndon Johnson had made secretary of the Senate Democrats in 1955, when LBJ was majority leader. LBJ called Baker "my strong right arm, the last man I see at night, the first I see in the morning."

On October 8, 1963 Baker was forced to resign, as a Senate investigation of his outside business activities began producing sensational testimony on numerous questionable deals. "Baker’s deals were tightly interwoven with the Murchison family and the Mob," wrote Dick Russell.

"What first attracted the attention of Senate investigators was a lawsuit brought against Baker in 1963 by his associates in a vending company, alleging that he failed to live up to certain bargains. Those associates were, for the most part, Las Vegas gamblers; one of them, Edward Levinson, was a lieutenant of Florida mobster Meyer Lansky, whose Fremont Hotel in Vegas was financed through a Hoffa loan.

"Baker, it later turned out, did considerable business with the Mob in Las Vegas, Chicago, Louisiana, and the Caribbean. Through Baker, Levinson had also gotten to know Clint Murchison."

"Clint Murchison, Jr. [listed on the Board of Directors of FIDCO] tried to persuade the Senate Rules Committee in 1964 that his own real estate dealings with Jimmy Hoffa in Florida were ’hardly relevant’ to the Baker investigation." Robert Maheu (Senior Vice President and Director of F.I.D.C.O.), was also mentioned in Russell’s book, "The Man Who Knew Too Much," (pp. 190).

Wrote Russell: "Back in 1960, with then vice president Richard Nixon serving as the White House’s liaison to the CIA’s Cuban operations, the CIA had initiated its long series of assassination attempts against Castro.

The ’cutouts’ in the operation started with Las Vegas billionaire Howard Hughes’s right-hand man, Robert Maheu, who got in touch with organized-crime leaders Sam Giancana, Johnny Rosselli, and Santos Trafficante, Jr.

"They in turn enlisted the direct assistance of Cuban exiles ..."

October 20, 1991 from WatunietMagweten Website

California researcher Michael Lindemann, founder of ’The 20/20 Group’ gave a lecture before a large crowd of interested investigators which seems to confirm other sources.

Mr. Lindemann began his address by saying: "How many of your saw the program on CBS Network on May 17th (1991) called ’ABDUCTION’? It was narrated by James Earl Jones. It was really quite a remarkable program, it took the subject of abduction absolutely seriously. This was prime time network, CBS. Of course FOX (network) has done a number of other programs and there have been some outstanding UFO segments on ’UNSOLVED MYSTERIES’. But last night, maybe even a little more remarkable than the FOX 1-hour special, was what came on the news right after. Because in the Fox Network news program that followed in the 10 o’clock segment there was a hard news story about the allegation that the United States government is ’doing business’ with greys. I have never seen anything like it... it was a very impressive indication of the way in which this subject is suddenly becoming O.K. to talk about. That says to me there has been a switch ’at the top’...

"In our conversation today I use two terms... and the first of these terms is ’government’. We speak of the government as if it is a single thing. It is hardly that. It is actually a hodge-podge of... power- struggling people, but I would like to break it up into two main categories, and that is: 1) The government that we consider to be our duly constituted, our elected and appointed representatives who attempt as best they can to run a semblance of order or Federal government which follows the dictates of the constitution of the United States. The constitution is, after all, a darn good piece of paper, it is one of the best ever written... If only our government were capable of behaving in even... a resemblance of what is intended in the constitution, probably few of us would have a great deal to gripe about...

"Now that they’ve failed to do that is not only because they are fallible humans, but also because they are undermined by another government. There is indeed another government operating and that government has immense power and operates primarily behind the scenes. And some other researchers have called it the ’secret government’, some have called it the ’high cabal’. And it is a group of people, a very elite group, non-elected, self- appointed people who guide the evolution of (government) policy from behind the scenes. These are people who transcend partisan politics, indeed who transcend the rule of law, and have no thought whatsoever toward the dictates of the constitution.

“These are people who regard themselves as the only true guardians or crafters of geo-political reality. And they regard us, indeed they regard elected officials as ‘mere mortals’. These people are the self- appointed ‘OLYMPIANS’. They have done many things in the name of an agenda which is their own, that we would consider appalling and reprehensible. Indeed things that are criminal, but they’re more than criminal because they have sapped and usurped the rights and privileges and the possibilities of our future. These people are running a king of ‘end game’ right now. They are trying to determine how ‘they’ will survive the end time. Whether that end time comes as a kind of biblical apocalypse or... as the catastrophic collapse of the environment... the (so-called) ‘population bomb’ and all the other things.. whether it comes as a collapse of the banking- system which looks to be only days away, or the collapse of the rest of the world’s economy - there are many things that could get us.

“And these people in effect are building their own version of ‘Noah’s Ark’. And that ‘Noah’s Ark’ they’re building is underground. Underground bases, indeed all over the world, but particularly here in the United States. Huge underground bases that have actually festooned the underground geography of our continent in a way that would probably stun and shock you. But they even have an underground government, because you see when the government topside is no longer functional because a nuclear bomb lands on Capital Hill, or whether it comes simply because the chaos has reached a point where they must abandon ship, there is preparation as there has been for decades for continuity of government, all the computers, all the personnel are currently in place and operating around the clock.

Yes, they are there friends, we have another government in waiting, a government that you never authorized, that you never said we would pay for, that has cost a CALLOSAL FORTUNE, but it’s there underground, ready to take over. And indeed, here in our area, I have focused on the Lancaster (CA) area as an example of one of the many... but even in Lancaster in particular, we know for certain are huge underground bases. These are not only places where incredible research is underway but also places where people will go to live when the ‘bleep’ hits the blades as they say. And, these are places that are capable of supporting on an ongoing basis some tens of thousands of people. And so across the country it may be possible to ‘save’ an ‘elect’ remnant of some hundreds of thousands of people who will be the ‘cream’ of the civilization that is meant to survive the apocalypse or the downfall... or whatever it is that’s out there getting us. ‘Mere mortals’ will have to fend for themselves.

The expectation is, part of the end game is, (that those on the surface) will eventually fight each other into a draw or will die of exhaustion or starvation or brutality. And that eventually the ‘mere mortals’ will (destroy) themselves and rid the world of excess population, so that the ‘cream’, the ‘remnant’ will come forward and claim their ‘rightful’ place... I must say that there is an immense amount of evidence which does support this exact scenario.

“Let’s talk about the term ‘aliens’, because there are those who claim that there are ‘aliens’ among us... There are at least... three kinds of aliens represented in the evidence available to us... (he explains these as those presently inhabiting other planetary bodies such as the greys; those hidden among us such as human-like beings who inhabit underground, undersea and in some cases other-planetary regions yet who often walk unnoticed in our societies; and paraphysical entities who inhabit another ‘dimension’ other than the one we see with our physical sight - Branton) And I think the evidence is very strong that there is a profound ‘alien’ presence among us... these are people who are here, beings who are here, in large numbers...

“But there is this government that has known about the alien presence for a long time, a government that has been playing an ‘end game’. A government that has an agenda of concealment and control, that is operated by terror. In Lancaster, that agenda of concealment and control is what I call the ‘Lancaster Syndrome’. It produces strange distortions in many peoples lives...

“First let me tell you about a man who sits today in Pierce County jail outside of Tacoma, Washington. This man’s name is Michael Riconosciuto.” Lindemann states that Riconosciuto formerly worked for a corporation called Wackenhut which provides special security protection for high-security areas such as the Nevada Test Site. Michael R. claims that the real reason he was sent to jail was because he swore out an affidavit against the Dept. of Justice. In that affidavit he explained that the U.S. Dept of Justice had ‘swindled’ the private company INSLAW out of a proprietary software called PROMIS. This software was a database designed to track special groups of people according to various characteristics. It was a very powerful, very capable database. INSLAW developed this in the early 1980’s and took it to the Dept. of Justice thinking it would be a good law enforcement software. The Dept. of Justice would be most useful in helping to track terrorists and other troublemakers. They realized that if they could get control of the software, according to Michael R., they could sell it to other countries and make huge profits. “So the Dept. of Justice allegedly made a deal with the INSLAW Corp. for an exclusive on the PROMIS software, and then they drove INSLAW into bankruptcy by refusing to pay. Lindemann continues:

“The amazing thing is that they were caught. And in 1988 BARONS magazine in the April 4th (1991) issue... contained this fairly astonishing piece of news: ‘Presiding judge in the bankruptcy hearing was judge George Basing.’ According to BARONS, Judge Basing had found that the justice dept. had personally propelled INSLAW into bankruptcy in an effort to steal it PROMIS software through ‘Trickery, deceit and fraud.’ On Feb. 2, 1988, Basing ordered the justice dept. to pay INSLAW about 6.8 million dollars (no doubt to be ultimately financed by the friendly American taxpayer - Branton). He postponed at that time a decision on punitive damages which could run as high as $25,000,000. And as it happens, all of that is all in appeal. The justice dept. was not at all pleased with that ruling. It does state that justice is in a sorry state in America. If you didn’t know that already, I hope this helps you to understand.” Michael was responsible for doing the modifications on the PROMIS software before selling that software to the Canadian government after it was ‘stolen’ from INSLAW, and so he had an inside track on this information. “He explained,” Lindemann continues, “that the Dept. of Justice, among other things, prevailed on him in Feb. of this year (1991) not to offer his information in the ongoing lawsuit. One Dept. of Justice official by the name of Peter Videnicks state that if he would cooperate with this request they could promise him certain benefits...” including an assurance given by a Dept. of Justice employee of a favorable outcome in a prolonged custody battle between Michael R. and his ex-wife. According to Michael R., the Dept., of Justice “’...also outlined specific punishments that I could expect to receive... if I did cooperate with the House Judiciary Committee!’ “Now this is just an indicator,” Lindemann states, “that the Dept. of Justice definitely has it’s own idea of the meaning of justice.” Michael Riconosciuto went ahead and swore out an affidavit against the Justice Dept. alleging grand larceny against the INSLAW Corp. Lindemann stated that none of the threatened punishments ever came about as they found an easier way to frame him, “that is, they busted (framed) him for drugs, and now he sits facing a possible life sentence in the Pierce Co. Jail. But because of that he’s very, very scared because he knows now that these guys will take-him-out whenever they darn well feel like it. And so he’s talking, he’s talking in every way he can... In particular we wanted to ask Michael R. something about some of the things going on at the underground bases. I’d like to read you just a little bit of what Michael Riconosciuto told us recently about that. I asked him, what did he know about the underground bases in the Lancaster area. I’m going to quote now our conversation: “He said, ‘Well, there’s extensive stuff in... I call it the ‘Edwards position’, and then at Nellis over in Nevada, and at the Nevada Test Site.’ Then he went on to say, ‘Last summer I had a group of guys bagging a whole bunch of files and records, and some equipment out of Wackenhut and they had a helicopter loaded to the nuts and they got shot down before they could get out of there.’

“I don’t know how many of you noticed,’ Lindemann continues, “but there was an article in the LOS ANGELES TIMES, the 24th of July of this year - FATAL COPTER CRASH AT THE NUCLEAR TEST SITE PROBED. This was the most serious accident which had ever occurred in the history of the Test Site. Five people were killed when this helicopter went down, and the FAA and the DOE and the National Transportation and safety board all converged on the Nuclear Test Site to figure out what brought this copter down. But you may be ASSURED that they will never tell you because it was SHOT down by Wackenhut, and it contained two pilots and 3 Wackenhut personnel according to the article in the L.A. TIMES.

“I said, ‘I heard about that. Are you saying that that was a group of, let’s say, renegades from the inside who were trying to bolt for the blue and WACKENHUT shot them down? Is that your allegation?’ And he said, “’Yep!’ “And I said, ‘Is there anything more that you can say about this?’ He said: “’Not on the phone.’ “I said, ‘Were you aware of that before it happened?’ “He said, ‘Yes. I told a handful of people that we were hoping to get a big stash of stuff out of there.’ “I said, ‘Were they trying to get out of Nellis?’ “He said, ‘No, not Nellis, off the Nuclear Test Site.’ “And the information they were trying to get out, what did it pertain to?’ “And he said, ‘Guess! I don’t even want to talk about it. The worst!’ “And I said, ‘The very worst. hugh?’ “And he said, ‘yep’. “Now I don’t know of the ‘very worst,’ do you? I mean I’m not really sure, but it seemed to me, judging from other things that we had talked with Mike about and some of the other things that we’ve heard from witnesses in the underground bases... the ‘very worst’ could be one of two main possibilities in my book... The very worst #1) - Really nasty, scary alien stuff. The very worst #2) - Really nasty, scary bio- tech... bio-engineering stuff. There’s all kinds of genetic engineering, some of which has to do with the ‘creation’ of biological warfare agents, some of which has to do with the ‘creation’ of strange bacteria, and perhaps new strains of chimpanzees and (perhaps) people. There are very, very weird experiments going on, and I thought, ‘O.K., fine, maybe one or the other of those things.’

“But our conversation continued and it leaned in one direction so let’s just see what he had to say next. “I said, ‘One of your associates seemed to indicate that there was technology operating that would have the appearance of flying saucers, but be absolutely terrestrial. Can you comment on that?’

“And he said, ‘Sure, we had some propulsion devices that were, let’s say, rather astounding.’ “I said, ‘Is this stuff operational?’ And he said ‘Oh, yes, it’s operational.’ “I said, ‘O.K., so there are vehicles. Would you say that they belonged in the arsenal, or are they part of a sort of gee- whiz lunatic fringe of science?’

“And he said, ‘Oh no, they’re part of the arsenal. It’s not lunatic fringe stuff, it’s all well-funded, it’s all very real. I’ve worked on portions of it, I’ve worked on teams that have worked on this stuff, and I’ve seen with my own eyes. The only thing that I have been shielded from, is any REAL (alien) contact. That I’ve never been brought directly in contact with, in fact, that part has been minimized to me.’

(According to many, a malevolent race of non-human ‘alien’ entities tied-in with the secret government are the TRUE motivators behind many of the control scenarios against mankind, and that many in the secret government have ‘sold’ themselves and their services to this invading army and act as a type of ‘fifth column’, in exchange for certain ‘physical’ benefits - Branton).

“And I said to him, ‘In the way you’ve said that, I get the impression that you assume that there are extraterrestrials (i.e. ‘aliens’) around.’

“And he said, ‘I have no direct knowledge of that, O.K.? That’s all. There’s alot of strange technology, there’s alot of extra-heavy security, O.K.? Anybody who breeches a certain point of security is instantly dead or disappears.

“I said, ‘Are you saying that given all the other indiscretions you’ve shown over the years, that this one would be worst?’ “And he said, ‘Yes, I would say so.’

“I said, ‘really?’ “He said. ‘Yes, Yes! It’s like those people who were leaving the Nuclear Test Site, they were summarily blown out of the sky.’ “Now, Michael knew (he was talking on a prison telephone - his phone was tapped) indeed, that people who talk too loud, in too much detail about the actual ‘alien’ situation are liable to run into severe problems. Being that he’s already in prison and a sitting duck, he’s obviously very careful with his words. But we have talked with some other people who have been more forthright about what they have actually seen in the underground bases. “One of our sources is a construction worker. He came out of Vietnam, he was a very decorated Special Forces soldier. Among other things he got the Congressional Medal of Honor. And because he was special forces in the Vietnamese war, when he came back stateside he was offered all kinds of bizarre jobs in top security. He felt that those would be too restrictive so he went into construction instead. But because of his military record he had an inside track on a security clearance. He wound up doing construction in the underground bases.

“Now you see, the underground installations are built just like a building is built. You know, you’ve got to do electrical conduit, you’ve got to paint the walls! Whose going to do it? It’s not going to be the Secretary of Defense. It’s going to be a guy like our guy! It’s going to be like this fellow whose got a Congressional Medal of honor and now does special electrical conduiting underground. So he’s told us what he saw.

“There’s a facility called Haystack Butte, it’s on the Edwards (AFB) reservation... (Note: At this point Lindemann shows the audience a map of the area encompassing Edwards AFB, the city of Lancaster and Palmdale to the south - which is the sight of 542 where the B-2 bomber is assembled and alot of other secret aircraft. All of the major aircraft and aerospace companies are located in this area, among other places. It also showed the Tehachapi facility west of Lancaster, nicknamed the ‘ Hill’, which is administered by Northrup and which is rumored by some to house underground ‘disk’ hangers for wingless aircraft built by the Secret-Government-Military-Industrial establishment. In the southeast corner of Lindemann’s map the Tejon ranch was visible, which is a large cattle ranch that goes up into the Tehachapi range to the southeast of Bakersfield, California. He also pointed out an extensive underground facility maintained by MacDonnell Douglas, and the Helendale Facility administered by Lockheed. In this same general area is Haystack Butte which is ‘jointly’ administered, with North American Rockwell involved as well - Branton).

“So what we have here is a situation where you’ve got our major aerospace companies heavily implicated. I mean this is what is meant by the Military-Industrial Complex. These companies are HEAVILY implicated in super, super secret projects, and at the very top they’re all cooperating together. All the ‘bidding wars’ and every thing that you see are like mid-level smoke and mirrors. But at the very top we’re talking about projects that are conducted by all these different people pooling their resources, pooling their information, and indeed pooling their money, which comes in incredible profusion from the Black Budget.

“How many of you have seen the book ‘BLANK CHECK’?... It is not a UFO book. I strongly recommend that you read the book ‘BLANK CHECK’ so that you can understand something about how these projects are funded without your say so, indeed without the sayso of Congress. Most citizens don’t know for example that the National Security Act of 1947 made it illegal to ever say how much money is spent on the CIA. Indeed all of our tremendous alphabet soup collection of Intelligence Agencies. Whether your talking about the CIA, or the NRO, or the NSA or the DIA, etc., all of them are in the same category.

"You cannot say how much these things cost. All you can do if you want to find out is add-up the numbers on the Budget (which is presently at a deficit of well over 4 TRILLION dollars - Branton) that aren’t assigned to anything that actually means anything. There are these huge categories that have tens of billions of dollars in them that say nothing but ’Special Projects...’ And every year the Congress dutifully passes this bloated budget that has some $300,000,000,000 or more with HUGE chunks of cash labeled like that - ’Special Projects,’ ’Unusual Stuff.’ - Ten billion dollars. O.K., well where does the ’unusual stuff’ money go? Well, it DOES go to ’unusual stuff’, that’s for sure, and one of the places it goes is that it goes into the underground bases. Indeed TIM said recently since the publication of his book (BLANK CHECK)... MORE Black Budget money goes into underground bases than ANY OTHER kind of work.

"Now I don’t believe that 35 billion, which is the approximate size of the black budget money that you can find by analyzing the budget, I don’t think that comes CLOSE to the real figure because there is absolutely unequivocal evidence that a great deal of additional money was generated in other ways, such as the surreptitious running of guns and drugs. And one wonderful example of that is coming to light with the B.C.C.I. scandal which I hope you’ve heard of... a number of very high- ranking American officials are caught in the undertow of the BCCI tidal wave... Even though these guys are tying to pull ’fast ones’ on an immense scale they are getting caught. These things don’t always work. Indeed they are very, very vulnerable. Indeed this whole ’end game’ is very vulnerable and that’s why they feel it requires such secrecy. The American people wouldn’t stand for this stuff if they had the information, and that’s the reason why we have to get the information out and take it seriously because it really is a matter of our money and our future that’s being mortgaged here. "But my friend who worked in the underground bases, who was doing sheetrock was down on, he thinks, approximately the 30th level underground... these bases are perhaps 30-35 stories deep (’ground- scrapers’ as opposed to a ’sky-scrapers’ - Branton). As I say they are not just mine shafts, these are huge, giant facilities... many city blocks in circumference, able to house tens of thousands of people. One of them, the YANO Facility (we’re told... by the county fire dept. director, the county fire dept. chief who had to go in there to look at a minor fire infraction) there’s a 400-car parking lot on the 1st level of the YANO Facility, but cars never come in and out, those are the cars that they use INSIDE.

"O.K., so... a very interesting situation down there. Our guy was doing sheetrock on the 30th floor, maybe the 30th floor, underground. He and his crew are working on a wall and right over here is an elevator door. The elevator door opens and, a kind of reflex action you look, and he saw three ’guys’. Two of them, human engineers that he’s seen before. And between them a ’guy’ that stood about 8 to 8 1/2 feet tall. Green skin, reptilian features, extra-long arms, wearing a lab coat, holding a clip-board.

"...I tend to believe that story because, first of all because we have other stories like it, but more importantly because he walked off that job that very day. And he was getting paid a GREAT deal of money... If your basically a sheetrock kind of guy, if you can do sheetrock in a place like that then you get paid way more than standard sheetrock wages, you can count on it.

"So, he walked off that job. His buddy on that same crew turned into an alcoholic shortly after. This is an extremely upsetting thing. You know, it wasn’t like this alien jumped out and bit his head off or anything, it was just standing there for a few minutes, the doors closed. He has a feeling that that elevator was malfunctioning, otherwise he never would have seen that except by accident.

"In another incident though... at the China Lake Naval Weapons Station, up here at China Lake... near Ridgequest... they were working there on the China Lake Naval Weapons Station and walked by a hanger... They walked by a hanger as they were headed for their trucks to leave for the day. And they had parked their trucks in an unusual place, a place they didn’t normally park, because it was an extremely hot day and they wanted to keep the trucks out of the sun. So the Security had given them permission to park the trucks in a place that wasn’t normal. So they walked by a hanger that they didn’t normally walk by, and they looked in, just kind of glanced in, and saw inside a couple of grays working on something. And of course they were, you know, astonished... And an MP came running over and said: ’Hey, you can’t be here!

What are you doing here?’ And they said: ’Well, Security said we could park our trucks here.’ And (the Security Guard) says: ’Well that’s fine, but you get out of here because you’ll get yourself killed!’ So they left. But one of the young guys on that crew couldn’t leave well enough alone. The guy we’ve been talking to said, ’Look, I know what you saw, I know what I saw. I know what we saw at Haystack (Butte), it’s all for real, I know what’s going on, but don’t be a stupid jerk. Leave it alone!’

"This kid didn’t leave it alone, and very shortly thereafter he was booted off the base, and three months later he was dead under mysterious circumstances. Now of course we can’t say that he died ’because’ of this. There’s a disturbing pattern of people dying however when they see things they’re not supposed to... Michael Riconosciuto makes it very clear in his statement to us that if you go past a certain point your dead or disappear, just like that. We’ve heard that time and time again. Indeed there are a great many people on the ’inside’ who are making it clear that they would love to flee, people like these people that apparently were blown out of the sky, the Wackenhut garbage. These are trained (mercenaries) who have seen things they cannot stand, things that turn their stomach, things that make them want to grab evidence and flee for their lives. And they were blown out of the sky, probably by something equivalent to a stinger missile or something like that. And there are lots of people who want to get out.

"Just an example of the way these people talk, one of them said to us, ’I would trade my $100,000.00 a year salary for a job at McDonald’s if I could get out alive. There’s a certain despair there, a certain feeling of entrapment. You see there are the people who know what’s going on and who have created this agenda and have ’bought-into’ it entirely, they are enrolled in it, and they believe that they are indeed the ’Olympians’. They have to employ lots of normal humans like us to do the sheetrocking, to do the grubwork, and those people are in a very bizarre catch-22, because they are given the promise of a salary that they never believed possible. You know... they’re going to paint walls all day and they’re going to take down a hundred grand a year, this is unusual.

That’s the up-side of the deal. The down side of the deal is (you know, and they make it very clear)... all these people who get these high security clearances are subjected to INCREDIBLY intimidating indoctrination and intimidation processes... they really do subject these people to tremendous pressure, tremendous intimidation, indeed they do inflict great violence on people (on whom) they ’need’ to. They make ’examples’ of people..." In one sense, there is a growing division taking place between the Constitutionalists of America and the ’Alien’ controlled segments within the underground bases. This would also include their human ’pawns’ who will apparently do anything, even murder their fellow man, in order to continue receiving the technological ’benefits’ from their alien masters, to whom they have ’sold’ themselves and whose agenda of control and subversion they are serving, whether knowing or unknowingly.

by Ellen Brown January 22, 2009 from WebOfDebt Website

Ellen Brown developed her research skills as an attorney practicing civil litigation in Los Angeles. In Web of Debt, her latest book, she turns those skills to an analysis of the Federal Reserve and “the money trust.” She shows how this private cartel has usurped the power to create money from the people themselves, and how we the people can get it back.

Her earlier books focused on the pharmaceutical cartel that gets its power from “the money trust.” Her eleven books include Forbidden Medicine, Nature’s Pharmacy (co-authored with Dr. Lynne Walker), and The Key to Ultimate Health (co-authored with Dr. Richard Hansen).

Her websites are and

On a recent visit to Tucson, where I was invited to give a presentation on monetary reform, I was disturbed by a story of strange goings on in the desert. A little over a year ago, it seems, a new industrial facility sprang up on the edge of town. It was in a remote industrial zone and appeared to be a bus depot.

The new enterprise was surrounded by an imposing security fence and bore no outward signs identifying its services. However, it soon became apparent that the compound was in the business of outfitting a fleet of prison buses.

Thirty or so secondhand city buses were being reconfigured with prison bars in the windows and a coat of fresh paint bearing the “Wackenhut G4S” logo on the side.

The new Wackenhut operation is shrouded in mystery.

It has been running its fleet of empty prison buses night and day, apparently logging miles on a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) contract. Multiple buses can be seen driving all over town and even on remote desert back roads. Oddly, except for the driver and one escort guard seated in front, these buses appear to be empty.

Wackenhut Services was founded by George Wackenhut in 1954 to provide prison guard services to state and federal governments. Wackenhut Services is now owned by the Danish corporation G4S.

Observers originally thought that the purpose of the new Wackenhut operation was to outfit prison buses to be distributed in other parts of the country.

But it soon became apparent that none of the buses was leaving the Tucson depot. Recently, a passerby observed what appeared to be a training operation there. In what seemed to be strange activity for 10:30 PM on a Saturday night, the depot yard was fully illuminated, the entire fleet of buses was up and running, and drivers and guards were scrambling around the yard.

The question is, what were they training for?

Wackenhut has never officially announced itself to the community, and the local news media have never mentioned its presence. Hiring has been discreetly conducted via the Internet, and an apathetic general public has taken little notice. Among the few who have noticed, one theory is that the prison bus depot is simply infrastructure for border security.

But if so, • Where are the illegal aliens? • Why are these buses always empty? • What is the alleged justification for burning thousands of gallons of diesel fuel to run thirty decrepit, smoking buses night and day without passengers? There is another interesting piece to this puzzle.

On the desolate plain between Phoenix and Tucson is a tiny town called Florence, Arizona, which features a population consisting largely of prisoners. For decades, Florence has been the home of two of the largest county and federal prisons in the state; and in 2007, a vast new DHS prison was built there as well. Like the Wackenhut buses, this shiny new facility, which literally disappears into the horizon, has gone unannounced and unnoticed by the general public.

A new facility for imprisoning illegal aliens? It is hard to imagine such expensive infrastructure being built for that purpose when U.S. policy has been to simply return illegals to their home countries.

Fraud and waste aside, this mysterious activity has sinister implications. Why the obvious secrecy?

Since the World Trade Center disaster in 2001, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has grown to monster proportions, claiming a projected $50 billion of the federal budget in 2009.

DHS includes the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which earned notoriety in 2005 for its gross mishandling of the Katrina disaster in New Orleans.

Al Martin, a retired naval intelligence officer and former contributor to the Presidential Council of Economic Advisors, has linked the remilitarization of FEMA to the civil unrest anticipated along with economic collapse.

He wrote in a November 2005 newsletter called “Behind the Scenes in the Beltway”: “FEMA is being upgraded as a federal agency, and upon passage of PATRIOT Act III, which contains the amendment to overturn posse comitatus, FEMA will be re-militarized, which will give the agency military police powers... Why is all of this being done? Why is the regime moving to a militarized police state and to a dictatorship?

It is because of what Comptroller General David Walker said, that after 2009, the ability of the United States to continue to service its debt becomes questionable.

Although the average citizen may not understand what that means, when the United States can no longer service its debt it collapses as an economic entity. We would be an economically collapsed state. The only way government can function and can maintain control in an economically collapsed state is through a military dictatorship.” 1 1. Al Martin, “FEMA, CILFs and State Security: Shocking Updates,” (November 28, 2005).

Of course, there may be another, more innocent explanation for all this.

But anyone living near one of these facilities should be asking to hear it. In the meantime, the ominous implications would seem to warrant exploring alternative sources of funding for the federal budget and the federal debt. There are other ways to deal with the national debt than relying on the waning appetites of the Chinese and the Japanese for U.S. securities.

Some innovative possibilities for funding both the federal debt and President Obama’s new economic stimulus package will be the subject of future articles.

Bechtel Corporation

CIA's main contractor for covert projects and experimental underground bases.

In addition to this, Bechtel is an engineering company which is noted for having friends in high places. In fact, there is a good book about Bechtel entitled, Friends In High Places authored by Laton McCartney. In it, Mr. McCartney states how Bechtel management influenced the CIA to depose the leader of Syria replacing him with the dictator in order to allow them to build a pipeline where they desired.

The previous Syrian leader wouldn't allow this so he was conveniently deposed.

Bechtel could do legitimate work saving employees' jobs. We have to make this company accountable to us. No company deserves to do covert projects or build underground bases. They're just not needed.

United Nuclear Corporation Military nuclear applications

The elite have everything backwards. Cheap goods are produced in countries such as China with workers starving there while billions of dollars are being spent to produce nonsense like nuclear applications instead of paying the workers a living wage and forcing companies like United Nuclear Corporation to develop peaceful applications in competition with other companies. This will lower prices for consumers because competition always does that.

The elites don't want competition because they know that prices will fall if there is competition ending the tremendous profit that they earn from labor. The elites want monopoly which drives prices up because when one has a monopoly they can charge whatever they want.

They must control the laws of nations so they can't be used to prevent the elites from obtaining enormous profit. They do this by superceding the national laws of nations with such schemes as NAFTA, GATT, and the newest scheme, FTAA which stands for Free Trade Area of the Americas.

Protesters have already begun serious protests over this potential disaster for workers. The demonstration in Toronto, Ontario, Canada this spring was over the FTAA. We must insure that the FTAA is never passed.

Tell your friends and loved ones that this is just another disaster that the elites are determined to pass. Will we allow that?

Walsh Construction Company Seems to take CIA projects contracts

If you don't already know this, President Kennedy wanted to disband the CIA. Therefore, this company will need to obtain contracts doing constructive endeavors. No more contracts for this agency. They'll be defunct.

Aerojet (Genstar Corporation)

Makes DSP-1 Star Wars battle satellites for the National Reconnaissance Office.

We need to find something else for them to do so the people who work there won't loose their jobs but no more Star Wars battle satellites need to be made because in the future, we will abandon Star Wars technology completely because this is what the people of the world desire.

Reynolds Electronic Engineering

Seems to undertake CIA and Department of Defense projects.

We'll know when there is no more Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense is severely curtailed.

Lear Aircraft Company Black budget technology

This is an interesting story about John Lear:

UFOs & Aliens by John Lear Unknown - Reformatted by Kidd 11/2000

During the late 1980's and early 1990's, John Lear, a Lockheed L- 1011 Captain and son of the famous inventor of the Lear Jet, started coming forward with some startling revelations concerning the subject of aerial phenomena and Unidentified Flying Objects. During his lecture at the 1989 MUFON conference in Las Vegas, titled 'UFO COVERUP, HISTORY AND CURRENT SITUATION' during which he spoke to an audience of over 400 of the nations leading UFOlogists, Lear made some startling comments.

One man who we will refer to extensively elsewhere claims to be a deep level intelligence operative within the U.S. Government who has access to some very sensitive and top secret information concerning the government's involvement with 'alien' studies. This individual, who refers to himself only as 'Commander X', made the following comments concerning John Lear and his possible intentions and motives for his outspokenness.

"...One can't help but be impressed with the name John Lear. After all, his father, William was the famous aviation pioneer who built the Lear Aircraft Company, which today holds down many defense contracts and employs thousands.

"Lear - the son - is also highly regarded in aviation circles, having flown a variety of over 150 test aircraft, and having won every award granted by the Federal Aviation Administration.

"Until a few years ago (early 1980's) John Lear had little or no interest in UFO's--he hadn't thought terribly much about the subject, which seemed 'way out' to him. Then he chanced to talk to a friend who had been stationed in England when a UFO touched down at a military complex there, and was seen by U.S. servicemen on duty--small creatures and all. Intrigued, Lear began asking around and found some of his former associates in the CIA--for whom he had flown a number of missions--willing to confirm that government leaders knew a great deal more about UFO's...then the public was being let on.

"Lear discovered to his utter amazement that the U.S. military actually possessed craft (ie. aerial craft of unknown origin - Branton), some of the vehicles were even in partially working order. Apparently, the Americans had initially gotten their hands on these... disk-shaped devices as far back as the late 1940's, upon recovery of a 'saucer' that the Nazi's had somehow captured during World War II. Apparently, some of the lethal 'death weapons' we subsequently developed were based on facets of this (recovered) technology.

"Furthermore, Lear believes that any number of flying discs 'fell' into our hands when they crashed in the southwest in the late 1940's and early 50's.

"Scattered around the various crash sites were the bodies of small humanoid beings, the EBE's. At least one alien was found still alive and he, along with his badly burned budies, were flown to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, home of the infamous 'Hanger 18'; this final destination, the so-called 'Blue Room', (is the one) which Senator Barry Goldwater has not even been permitted to penetrate.

"Lear's scenario also includes the suspicion that the government has made secret deals with the 'aliens', actually exchanging humans for advanced technological data. Supposedly, the government was to be provided with a list of those being abducted so they could maintain a vigil over them after their experience and make sure that they were not being harmed in any way. Unfortunately, the 'aliens' took advantage of the situation, taking away tens of thousands for God knows what purpose, and implanting small transmitters inside their brains (ie. of those who were fortunate enough to be abducted and RETURNED - Branton) which can be activated for some sinister 'mission' at some prearranged future moment...

"According to friend and foe alike, John Lear wears a variety of masks. Sometimes what he has to say lacks credibility, but just when you think you've caught him with his jump suit down, evidence pops up that what he has to say may not be so totally off the wall. For example, others with military connections have recently come forward to verify part of his amazing saga..."

[Editor's note: Those thousands of employees need to be put to work for peacetime applications because the people refuse to fund Black Budget technology now.]

Northrop Corporation

Makes U.S. anti-gravity craft, back-engineered from alien technology, near Lancaster, California

[Editor's note: Lancaster, California is in the city of Los Angeles.]

Why can't engineering be used for something other than weapons? Northrop is designated under the Weapons classification on the Shadow Government Web site. These people can advance science immeasurably if only they were given the chance.

Here is what the company statement states:

Company Profile Headquartered in Los Angeles, California, Northrop Grumman provides an array of world-class technologies and core competencies to military and commercial markets, principally as a leading defense electronics, systems integration, and information technology company that retains strong capabilities in military aircraft systems and modifications, commercial aircraft assemblies, and marine systems.

In demand as a prime contractor, principal subcontractor, partner, and preferred supplier, Northrop Grumman participates on many high-priority defense, commercial aerospace, and information technology programs in the United States and abroad. The Company's growth strategy is bolstered by a strong financial base, led by an experienced leadership team, and executed by a dedicated workforce.

Northrop Grumman is a broad-based enterprise that can meet the demands of both the defense and commercial aerospace environment and plays a major role in some of the world's most advanced weapons systems and technologies. The company is aligned in three business sectors to sharpen its collective focus in principal business areas, achieve operational efficiencies on a significant scale, and enhance its competitive position and opportunities for growth in the aerospace marketplace. The three business sectors are: the Integrated Systems Sector, based in Dallas, Texas; the Electronic Sensors and Systems Sector, headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland; and Logicon Inc., based in Herndon, Virginia.

The Electronic Sensors and Systems Sector (ES3)

This sector makes a wide variety of defense electronics and systems, airspace management systems, precision weapons, marine systems, space systems, and automation and information systems. These include fire control radars for the F-16 fighter aircraft, the F-22 air dominance fighter, and the Longbow Apache helicopter. Other key products include the AWACS airborne early warning radar and the Joint STARS air-to-ground surveillance radar sensor, as well as the Longbow Hellfire missile and BAT "brilliant" antiarmor submunition. ES3 also provides tactical military radars and countrywide air defense systems, plus airborne electronic countermeasures systems intended to jam enemy aircraft and weapons systems.

ES3 is a world leader in airspace management, having produced more than 460 civilian air traffic control systems in 12 countries. It also makes sophisticated undersea warfare systems, and naval propulsion and power generation systems. Additionally, it provides postal automation, image processing, material management, asset track and trace, and data communication capabilities for package delivery firms and government agencies.

Logicon Inc., a Northrop Grumman Company

This Northrop Grumman subsidiary is a leader in advanced information technologies, systems and services. Logicon plays a leading role in providing information technology services to the Federal government through its ANSWER and Millennia programs with the General Services Administration. Logicon is also part of a team working with the Internal Revenue Service to modernize the nation's tax system.

Logicon has extensive expertise in command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. It is the principal management support element for major weapons systems, such as the U.S. Navy's AEGIS, while also providing mission planning for the U.S. Navy, Air Force and Special Operations Command. Logicon provides base operations support for NASA's Kennedy Space Center, the Cape Canaveral Air Station and Patrick Air Force Base, among others. In addition, Logicon provides information technology services to commercial customers and to the other Northrop Grumman sectors.

The Integrated Systems Sector (ISS)

ISS is the prime contractor for the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (Joint STARS), the most advanced airborne targeting and battle management system in the world, and the U.S. Air Force's B-2 Spirit stealth bomber. It has a principal role in producing tactical aircraft such as the U.S. Navy's F/A- 18 Hornet strike fighter and the Joint Strike Fighter. It also produces the EA-6B Prowler electronic countermeasures aircraft, and is upgrading the E-2C Hawkeye early-warning aircraft. Northrop Grumman also is the world's largest independent supplier of commercial aerostructures, including fuselage and tail sections, doors, control surfaces, nacelles and thrust reversers for a variety of commercial and military aircraft.

The Litton Sector

Northrop Grumman's Litton Sector is the largest builder of non-nuclear ships for the U.S. Navy and designs, builds and overhauls surface ships for government and commercial customers worldwide. The Litton Sector is a leading provider of defense and commercial electronics technology, components and materials for customers worldwide.

Headquartered in Los Angeles, the sector has approximately 22,000 employees worldwide. It has two primary business areas: ship systems, and electronic components and materials.

Ship Systems - Amphibious assault ships - Ingalls Shipbuilding is the exclusive builder of the Wasp LHD Class; Avondale is the prime contractor for the San Antonio LPD 17 Class. Destroyers: Ingalls is one of two shipbuilders designing and producing the Arleigh Burke DDG 51 Class Aegis guided missile destroyers. Sealift Transport Ships: Avondale is building a series of T-AKR Ro/Ro Sealift ships for the U.S. Navy. Tankers: Avondale is building a series of double-hulled oil tankers. Cruise Ships: Ingalls is constructing the first major cruise ship built in the U.S. in more than 40 years as part of an $880 million contract with American Classic Voyages Company. Electronic Components & Materials - Electronics & Optical Interconnect Applications: complex, large, many-layered backplanes and assemblies; high-density electronic and optical connectors; microelectronic attachment materials, including solder spheres, precision wire and pastes; RF coaxial connectors and cable assemblies; electronic manufacturing services. Communications Materials: semi-insulating gallium arsenide wafers; advanced silicon carbide wafers; non-linear crystals for DWDM optical networks; laser crystals for medical and industrial applications. Motion Technology & Special Products: fiber optic rotary joints for medical, industrial, aerospace and military applications: fiber optic switches: fractional horsepower brushless motors; avionic instruments and displays; microwave antennas and components; cylindrical connectors for transportation, nuclear and entertainment industries; pressure swing and ceramic oxygen generators."

This company will have to be satisfied with manufacturing non-military goods.

Hughes Aircraft Classified projects compartment

We are in a transition in the world now. People are disgruntled with the way conditions are but so much is based on the military economy that it may be difficult to change. But change we must because otherwise, the planet and the people on it will continue to suffer.

If I may make a suggestion. End this compartment and create competition with the other airline manufacturers to lower the cost of building aircraft. That way new planes will be built which will be safe instead of risking older planes flying which may not be safe. In other words, no new funding for classified projects compartment. The taxpayers cannot afford this expense any longer.

Lockheed-Martin Corporation Black Budget aerospace projects

The same situation exists at Lockheed-Martin Corporation as does at Hughes Aircraft. Therefore, the same solution needs to be applied. McDonnell-Douglas Corporation Black Budget aerospace projects

This is the same situation so the same solution applies in this case.

BDM Corporation

CIA contractor, involved in UFO back-engineering and psychotronic projects, etc. When there is no more CIA because President Kennedy wanted to disband it and UFOs are acknowledged so the alien lives aren't abused with the psychotronicis administered harming those who are affected, then the intelligence of these employees can be put to use in constructive endeavors.

Let it be. General Electric Corporation Electronic warfare and weapons systems

Do American's tax payer dollars need to fund one of the most gigantic corporations for this especially given that their consumer products division is so productive? I don't think so.

Let's end it.

PSI-TECH Corporation

Involved in military/Intelligence applications of research into psychotronics, parapsychology, remote viewing, and contacting extra-terrestrial consciousness.

"Edward Dames [Major, Ret] was assigned for over two years to the U.S. Army Intelligence Unit that utilized Controlled Remove Viewing as a data collection too. Prior to his military retirement he founded Psi-Tech Corporation, a company now based in Beverly Hills, California, of which he is the president. Psi-Tech offers 'TRV' services for companies interested in find out out what the future holds, what their competition is doing, and what the 'best path' scenario will be. Mr. Dames offers TRV training to the public. He is extremely interested in using remote viewing for UFO and 'Future' research work and can often be seen in the media spotlight."

Please advise me if you want this invasion of privacy in your home. At the very least, American's tax dollars should not fund this company but you may want more than that. There's no doubt in my mind that extra-terrestrials would be grateful to end the invasion of their privacy also.

Let me know at [email protected]. Mark it PSI-Tech in the subject heading.

Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) "black projects" contractor, reportedly including psychic warfare There is no other word to describe this operation but evil. Psychic warfare diminishes the mind for ill gain.

We must end this aspect of this corporation. These people need to accomplish positive goals.

On their Web site they indicate that the company began in 1969 and that it is an employee based Fortune 500 company. This is not your mom and pop store. These are rich individuals even if they didn't begin that way. In 1969 they began with a consulting contract for Los Alamos and Brookhaven National Labs.

Strange Coincidence -- R e p t i l i a n s And The Montauk Experiment

For original Web site on which this rests see:

On the southeastern most tip of Long Island, lies the idyllic fishing hamlet of Montauk, New York. Quiet and sparsely inhabited during the cold, wind-strifed months of winter, the town's population swells each summer with the onslaught of tourists, fishermen and those fortunate to have season residence in this quaint seaside village. Many "day" visitors flock to see the historic landmark, the Montauk Lighthouse, commissioned by the "Father of Our Country", George Washington.

But there is a darker side of Montauk Point that many are unaware of. Within view of the famous lighthouse lies a derelict military facility, known as Camp Hero. A Sage Radar dish sits atop a tall, abandoned building in the distance. Records show Camp Hero was officially decommissioned and vacated by the US Air Force in 1969. It was reopened and operated without the sanction of the US Government, utilizing a fully verified and documented subterranean facility beneath the base. And it is here, many believe, the Montauk Project was able to carry on it's covert operations.

What Is The Montauk Project? According to Preston Nichols and Peter Moon, authors of "The Montauk Project: Experiments In Time", the Montauk Project "was a development and culmination of the phenomena encountered aboard the USS Eldridge in 1943." This is popularly known as the Philadelphia Experiment, a series of experiments conducted by by the U.S. Navy involving radar invisibility.

"According to these accounts," states Peter Moon," over three decades of secret research and applied technology ensued. Experiments were conducted that included electronic mind surveillance and the control of distinct populations. The climax of this work was reached at Montauk Point in 1983. It was at this point that the Montauk Project effectively ripped open a hole in space-time to 1943."

Allegations have been made of ongoing research and experimentation into psychotronics, electromagnetic mind control and the manipulation of space and time to allow for the successful transport of matter and energy into other dimensions through "portals" or time warps. These projects are reportedly being carried out by the combined efforts of clandestine units of the CIA, NSA, DARPA and other government agencies, military intelligence and corporations with strong defense-related ties.

A particle accelerator is claimed to be used for powering particle beam weapons and radar systems, as well as HAARP like transmissions of high powered radio frequencies into the ionosphere. There is purported evidence of additional particle accelerators at nearby locations. Brookhaven National Labs, a research facility on Plum Island, and a military facility at West Hampton Beach, have been mentioned as possible sites.

The Human Factor I have attempted to chronicle the numerous incidents, and subsequent research and investigations, that indicate my apparent personal involvement with the Montauk Project. The investigation is far from complete...for it appears the deeper we go, the more we unearth. I have determined it is more important to alert others of the REALITY of the Montauk Project and, in doing so, garner the assistance necessary to pursue the truth. While some details may seem innocuous, I include them in the event future verification is needed.

The Sands Of Time It was mid-September, 1994. It had been almost 25 years since I had visited Montauk, NY. As I stepped off the train, I wondered still, why I felt the need to go there. I was trying to come to terms with and reach some understanding of my apparent involvement with alien abductions. I was seeing Dr.Maurice Kouguell, PhD., a clinical psychologist specializing in hypnotherapy, to assist me in overcoming anxiety caused by these experiences.

At Montauk, the busy summer season had ended, and I looked forward to relaxing, doing some reading on the subject of alien abductions, and with any luck, finding some answers. I spent 4 days at Montauk. With each passing day, I got more and more depressed. I did not venture any further than a few blocks in either direction of my hotel. I couldn't wait to leave and returned home on Friday.

The next night, after falling asleep around midnight, I was abruptly awakened by the violent vibrating of my bed and my body. It felt as though I was hit by an earthquake. However, I suddenly sensed I was not alone. I was unable to see anything. I don't know if my eyes were open or not, but I could feel my body being pulled from the bed. I still remember how the sheet felt as my body was pulled across it. I tried to scream "Oh God", but it came out as a whisper. I screamed in my head,"No...I'm still awake". By this time, my hips were at the edge of the bed. I turned and tried to grab for the headboard, to drag myself back. That was the last thing I remembered before losing consciousness.

The next morning I remembered none of this. Later that evening, while talking to a friend on the phone, it suddenly came flooding back to me. I quickly finished the conversation, too upset to talk, and changed for bed. That's when I first noticed the 2 puncture marks on my left thigh. They were about 2 inches apart...midway between my knee and the top of my thigh.

I was determined to have a record of this latest physical manifestation of my experiences. At the time, I worked for Dr.D, an internist. I asked him to please look at these marks and to tell me if they were indeed puncture marks. He examined them and stated that they "appeared to be puncture marks", but they were "too symmetrical" and "how could I get them and not know how it happened?"

I decided it was time to tell him how it happened. After hearing my story, he recommended I see a psychiatrist. I made an appointment with a local doctor. I spent close to an hour telling Dr.S of my experiences. When I was finished, he advised me that he did not believe in the possibility that life existed elsewhere in the universe. I said that he was going to tell me I was suffering from night terrors and sleep paralysis. He concurred with that diagnosis. I asked him how it was possible to have puncture marks associated with this diagnosis. He had no answer. I then asked him if I was neurotic, psychotic or suffering from delusions. He said no. I stated, "Well maybe, just maybe, I am telling you the truth". Before I left his office, I told him at this point the best we could say, is that we had agreed to disagree. And I hoped we could have this conversation again 10 years from now. I eventually saw Dr.Kouguell concerning this episode. The puncture marks were still visible and I showed them to him.

Prior to this experience, I had related to Dr. Kouguell partial accounts of my encounters with a species I referred to as "the nasty ones". Even after regression, I was unable to get a clear image in my mind of their appearance. All I could draw was a picture that resembled a "fat plant leaf ". I also had a strange response to a silhouette image, and subsequent flash image, of an alien depicted in an episode of the "X- Files". I was terrified. The image was of a large, muscular being with pronounced, pointed ears.

While attending a UFO conference in New Jersey in March of 1995, I arrived late to a lecture and slide show being presented by Leah Haley. The slide show was already in progress when I took my seat. After just a few minutes, an image appeared on the screen which caused me to panic and become so anxious, I had to leave the room. The image she had drawn was of a reptilian being she had encountered during an abduction. It showed the same pointy ears I had seen on the "X-Files" episode. Later, I was to realize this is what I had drawn for Dr. Kouguell. The image of the "fat plant leaf " was the distinct shape of the alien's ears.

I had started to hear about a covert operation called the Montauk Project. I became very interested in learning more about it since I lived so close to Montauk. I read the 3 books written by Preston Nichols and had very uneasy feelings about this story. Why was I drawn to this place? Why did I feel the need to learn everything I could? In one of the books is a picture of Duncan Cameron. The face was so familiar to me...I knew I had had a conversation with him at some time..and then realized it had been telepathic! But I could not remember what the conversation had been about, nor when it had occurred.

Louise, a friend, and I were planning to attend a UFO conference in CT in October, 1995. I suggested that since she was driving up to NY to pick me up for the conference, why not come a few days early and we would explore at Montauk. She immediately agreed.

Upon arriving in Montauk, we checked in to our hotel room, and set off for Camp Hero. We tried different entrance points but all had security gates and signs posted stating no trespassing. We finally found access on a side road just before the Lighthouse. It was an area just south of the base, on the beach. The road we walked on ended at a parking area on a cliff overlooking the ocean. The radar dish was visible from this point, but was too far to hike to.

Louise felt very sick and uneasy there. For some reason, I was drawn to the cliff. I stood out there by the edge, just looking out over the beach and the ocean for about 10 minutes. I felt so drawn to this spot...why?... what possible reason could there be? I had never been there before. Why did I feel rooted to the spot? It was getting late and Louise and I wanted to try one more road before we called it a day.

Driving back toward the town, we turned in at Old Montauk Highway. According to the map we had, this road should go into Camp Hero. There was also notations on the map of areas where someone had "felt a void" and very ominous feelings.

While driving down the road, Louise and I both felt this "void". It was one of the strangest feelings I've ever felt. The only way I can describe it is the absence of feeling life, as if nothing lived in this space. I wish I could be more specific. Once past this void, the terrible, ominous feeling hit us very strongly. The road ended abruptly at a dead end. Louise wanted to go back to the hotel, but I insisted that I knew we were close to the radar dish and wanted to check around just a little.

I climbed over a pile of wood chips and went through some small brush. About a hundred feet into the brush the asphalt road continued. I followed it to a clearing and there it was, right in front of me...the radar dish. I went back to the car, where Louise was waiting and grabbed the video camera. I returned the same way, taping as I went along. After shooting the radar dish, I suddenly got an eerie feeling that I was being watched. The feeling was very strong and very frightening. I wanted to run back to the car, but I was afraid I would fall. I left as quickly as I could. Louise and I returned to the hotel.

We went to bed about midnight but I stayed up until approximately 1:30am reading. Sometime between 3:00 - 3:30am both of us were awakened by a loud noise. The smoke detector in our hotel room was going off and neither of us could reach it in order to turn it off. We finally contacted a hotel employee who advised us that the smoke detector was not run off a battery was connected directly to the room's electrical system. In order to shut it down, we should go to the fuse box located on the side of the closet wall and throw the switches until we found the one connected to it. We tried all of the switches to no avail. Even throwing the main switch, which cut power off to the entire room, did not shut down the smoke detector. A maintenance employee of the hotel came to our room and tried shutting down the electricity...the detector still continued. He finally had to pull the smoke detector from the wall and cut the wires in order to turn it off. The next day, we agreed that neither of us wanted to return to the base. We were both too frightened.

A couple of weeks later, I was scheduled to attend a UFO conference in Mobile AL. I went down a few days early to get away by myself a little. It was during this time that the flashbacks started. First, the face of the reptilian, close to mine, accompanied by a rasping sound. I knew the reptilian image was during my... rape? But when? where? I didn't have the answers. Then I saw an image of travelling in a military jeep, through tall grass and sand, over hills, soldiers wearing fatigues (brown/tan/black) and black berets. I had also recalled a memory of being submerged in some type of fluid...heavier than water. I kept hearing muffled sounds of people talking and remembered yelling, "I can't hear you." These flashbacks continued to me, but I couldn't remember any other details. It was during the period after my return from Mobile that I remembered a strange experience in Montauk in 1970. When questioned about periods of "missing time", I had always stated that I didn't have any. But I suddenly remembered that I had! For whatever reason, I had no recall of it until this time. During a visit to my aunt and uncle's campsite at Ditch Plains in Montauk, I was missing for 2-3 hours and my uncle remembered it! My recollection of the early part of that day had always been very clear. My memory of the later part of the day had always been vague and blurry.

I had an appointment with Dr.Kouguell that week and determined I should regress to that day in 1970 to see what really happened. I told Dr.Kouguell that I felt he should put me under as deeply as he could...he agreed.

The following text is my recollections while under hypnosis: 11/9/95 Session

We are driving in the car, on our way to Montauk. I'm sitting in the front seat with my mom. My brothers and sister are in the back seat. Daddy's at work. Mom is so happy we're going to Montauk. Uncle B is her half-brother ...they just met a couple of years ago, at the funeral of her natural father.

We arrive at Ditch Plains, the campsite they stay at in Montauk. I hang around for a little while, talking with everyone, then decide to change into my bathing suit (a two-piece) but put my cutoffs on over my bathing suit bottom. This is so boring. I'm going to look around the campsite

I walk towards the east a little way and after awhile I pass by a group of surfers camping there. One of them looks's M! F's older brother! I stop to say hello. M asks me if I've seen F yet, I tell him no. He says F is surfing right now, so I decide to walk down to the water and look for him. I sit on the sand at the shoreline, watching 5-6 surfers. Finally, I spot F. He is so beautiful! When he heads in from the water, I get up and start walking in his direction. I hope he notices me. As I get closer, he does. He calls out my name and waves. I walk over and we kiss hello. He asks what I'm doing in Montauk and I tell him. He asks if I'd like to take a walk in about an hour. He's got some things he has to do back at the campsite, can I meet him there? Sounds GREAT!

This hour is going so slow. I'm at the campsite with F and we start walking towards the east. We walk a little less than a mile. There's a cliff up ahead and we walk into the dunes to find a quiet spot. There's tall dune grass behind us. F's got a towel, so we sit down on that and start making- out. We end up laying down next to each other. He kisses so good.

Suddenly, I hear a loud buzzing sound, like alot of bees. I sit up and so does F. What is this? Something's not right! I look at F and he can hear it too. We lay down on our backs, still next to each other. Why am I doing this? We should run away! I try to yell to F that we should get out of there. But I can't talk...I can't move! I'm so scared...I want my mother!

It sounds like a car is coming...the sound gets closer, then stops. The buzzing is louder now. Even though I'm scared, my body acts like it's not. A man wearing a soldier uniform is looking down at me, standing on my left. On the right, is another soldier, he kicks F's leg. "He's out of it" he says. "Mike, you take him to the jeep" says the leader on my left. "Ok, Terry", says the guy on my right. There are 2 other guys with them, but I don't know their names. Terry is very tan, with dark hair and dark glasses. The others seem to be more fair. Mike and another guy pick up F and Mike carries him like the firemen do. Terry doesn't pick me up someone else does.

We're in the back seat of a jeep, traveling north, through the dunes and tall grass. There's a big hill up ahead. This is so weird! The hill is moving...just part of it. It looks like a door in the hill. It moves forward and then to my right. We drive in. There is another jeep parked on my left. Two other men in the same uniform with the black beret are inside. They all have rifles! I still can't talk, but my body does what they want. I'm helped from the jeep. F is between 2 guys and they are helping him walk. Terry and someone take me between them and I can walk, too. This place looks like a garage or something. We go through a door. It's bright in this hallway. We turn right. F is just ahead of me. At the next hallway, F keeps going straight with 2 guys, but we turn to the right and walk a few feet to an elevator door. Terry has a credit card and puts it in a slot next to the door. The slot is vertical and there are 2 lights above red, one green.

The door opens and we go inside,but there are no buttons to push. We're going down, then door opens and it's much darker here. And it smells a basement with a cesspool overflow problem. We turn right and go a few feet...then turn left. I'm so cold! There's a door on my left, Terry opens it. This room is so dark I can hardly see. There's almost no furniture in it. There's something that looks like a padded table. They help me on it and lay me down. Now I'm really cold. One guy says, "Do we just leave her here?", and Terry answers, "she's not going anywhere". They leave the room. I can't seem to move anything but my eyes. Why am I here? I don't like this. Over to my left, something moves. It's coming closer...I can see it better. OH MY GOD! It's a monster!

(Note: At this point I got so agitated and almost jumped from the recliner in Dr. K's office. My eyes flew open and I couldn't stop shaking and cringing. Dr.K calmed me down and I could continue.)

What I see is a creature about 6-7 ft tall. His ears are large and pointed at the top. His eyes are bright yellow-gold and seem to glow. He has pointy teeth and a large wrinkle on his forehead and he has a TAIL! He's coming towards me...I have never been so scared in my life. He comes to the foot of the table. He pulls off my shorts and bathing suit bottom... he pushes my legs open and pulls me down towards him. His face is so close to mine...I want to scream, but it's only in my head. I hear a raspy sound coming from him. He puts something inside me and I feel like I'm being ripped apart. He likes to see how terrified I gives him alot of pleasure. It hurts so much. I have to get away in my head to someplace safe. I go.

I don't know how long he does this, but when he is done, he goes back to the part of the room I first saw him in and then he is suddenly gone. The door never opens or anything. I don't know how long I lay here. Terry and another guy come through the door and dress me. They help me from the table and we leave the room. After I am brought back up the elevator, I am taken into another well-lit room. It reminds me of a doctor's examining room... except there are machines I don't recognize with lights and dials recessed in the wall above a counter area. There is a lot of stainless steel equipment. And a table covered in white. I am placed on that table and strapped down...including my head. I am terrified. I am left alone for what is probably just a few minutes...but it seems like hours.

A group of 5 -6 people come in the room. They are wearing white gowns and masks and hats that covered their heads. They are male, but I see at least one female. They are very busy. I don't know why.

My head is turned on it's side and taped to the table. I know this sounds strange, but a small portion of the area above and behind my right ear is shaved. My ear is pulled toward the front of my face and taped to it! Although I am immobilized and can't talk I am completely conscious!

Someone is writing something on the skin behind my ear. I remember someone is saying something about an "IV". And a man says, "Do you think she need's it?" Someone else says, "I wouldn't want to take a chance that she might wake up and start moving around". A few minutes later I feel a prick in my arm.

That's all I remember until I regained consciousness back on the dunes with F.

*Note: About 10 years ago, I developed what was thought to be an inflamed cyst behind my right ear. The doctor had to lance it to drain and remove it. As he broke the skin with the scalpel, something shot out. He examined it and said he had never seen anything like it. He said it was the size and shape of a bullet. He had to pack the hole it left with medicated gauze. Facing Reality The shock of what was revealed during hypnotic regression left me dazed and distraught. Was I losing my mind? How was something like this possible? Could I have fabricated such a detailed account while under hypnosis? These and many other troubling questions crowded my thoughts for days after the session.

A chance conversation with the relatives I had been visiting at Montauk that fateful day , left me even more unnerved. As I described the "door in the hill" I had viewed near a cliff, my cousin stated she had come upon an area very similar to what I depicted, while walking near the Lighthouse one afternoon. I knew then, with complete certainty, that I needed to find the "door in the hill" in order to provide myself with validation of this experience.

I returned to Montauk on Sunday, December 17, 1995 with my friend Bill, an investigator for MUFON, and his wife. Bill understood my intense need to find "the door in the hill" in order to come to grips with my memories of that fateful day 25 years ago. When we arrived at Montauk, we first went down Old Montauk Highway...the road Louise and I took at the end of our "tour". Bill asked me to let them know when I felt we were entering the "void". I felt it much stronger than I did the first time. I let him know when it ended and the ominous feeling began. At the end of the road, the wood chip pile visible on our last visit had been cleared away and the road opened again. It looked like an area of brush and trees had been cleared completely...very strange. I could not make myself get out of the car, my fear was that intense.

As we started back on the road in the direction from which we came, a police car drove past us. This seemed quite unusual as this road is isolated with no thru traffic. Had our arrival caused concern? Before we reached the "void" on our return trip, I suggested that Bill use the electromagnetic field detector he had brought to see if we got any readings. He gave it to me and asked that I let them know when I "felt" we were entering the void. I told them I felt it starting...a few seconds later, the light on the device went from green to amber. I said it was getting very strong...again maybe 3 seconds passed and the light went from amber to red. Then the device went crazy....flashing like a pinball machine! As we started to exit the void, I continued to give my "readings", confirmed by the device a few seconds later.

We drove to the main highway and pulled off in the rest area. The three of us were almost too shocked to speak. Bill confided that he had been very skeptical of my ability to "feel" this void when we started this trip. He was now completely convinced. We proceeded to the lighthouse and parked the car.

As we walked down a rocky path to the beach, we noticed a crude handwritten sign advising that an erosion control project was ongoing in that area. Recently placedboulders and cement slabs were evident. At this point, my "feelings" were at the most intense level I had ever felt. There was something about the placement of these of these boulders and slabs that wasn't "right". I was drawn to a point above the beach...a cliff jutting out over the sand.

We left the beach and walked up a hill towards the parking area Louise and I walked to our last visit. The whole time we were on the beach, I had the feeling we were being watched and I mentioned this to Bill. Just before we reached the parking area, I observed a man crouching in the brush on the top of a hill and I pointed him out to Bill. The man stood up and stared at us. Bill took out his camera and took his picture. The man crouched down again and eventually was lost from view. We did not encounter him again.

Only a few hundred feet from the hill was the parking area on the cliff. Looking to the west northwest, was Camp Hero. This was the vicinity my cousin stated seeing a door, similar to the one I had described. I looked around and saw what appeared to be a partial view of a stone and mortar wall. This had to be the door! I felt something about it, but I was confused... it just didn't seem right somehow. I remembered the hill being much higher and more pronounced. I started to wander away from Bill and his wife... going back toward the lighthouse. I was walking on the opposite side of the hill where we had spotted the man...closer to the ocean and the cliff.

I stopped every few yards and looked out over the ocean and tried to compare the image with what I had recalled. My feelings of helplessness and terror were very intense at this point. I continued to walk further back towards the lighthouse. Suddenly, I was standing in front of it...THE DOOR...exactly as I had remembered it! I shouted for Bill and his wife. They came and seemed stunned by what they saw. I started to cry, and everything I had bottled up for so long came out. It was such a relief. I now knew, with complete certainty, that my experience had been real. I was not losing my mind or imagining things.

Next to the door was a small opening that lead to a short tunnel. The end of the tunnel had been cemented over. On the ground, in front of the door, was a concrete circle, divided into equal parts including an equal section in the center of the circle. It was approximately 8-10 feet in diameter. There was a red fire hydrant next to it. Anchored from a utility pole on the other side of the hill, and almost completely outlining the circumference of the hill, stretched a thick, black electrical wire. This wire ended abruptly, tied to a bush. Looking over the cliff, wires running from inside the cliff, hung down about 10 feet and then snaked back inside the cliff. There were remnants of a structure or building at the top of the hill, above the door. Photographs were taken of the entire area from different angles.

As we departed the area, I spotted from the road, a section that seemed devoid of any trees or brush. While Bill waited on the road, while I climbed down into the thick brush, to investigate. Finally breaking clear, I found a large, circular area of what appeared to be dead, crushed grass, interspersed with taller clumps that looked as if they had been chopped or cut down. The trees that bordered this area also appeared dead. Hidden in a thicket of bushes, just to the west of the circle, was a group of large boulders, similar to those evident on the beach. The arrangement of the boulders immediately brought an image of "table and chairs" to my mind. Several trees next to the boulders had been uprooted completely. It was apparent that these boulders were not a natural formation, and had somehow been placed in this location. But how? and more important, why?

Further Validation Recently, I was able to view video tapes filmed by Preston Nichols, of the underground facilities at Montauk prior to them being sealed. They contained footage that he did NOT include on the videos produced for sale to the public. One of the cassettes contained footage of the bunker I brought into, what I have come to call my "door in the hill". I sat, as if in a trance, and viewed the familiar images on the screen...the large entrance area behind "the door"...the "bright hallway" (white) beyond the entrance area... small rooms located off the hallway. Although I remembered the hallway being longer, and a small alcove where an elevator had been located, it was possible that a wall had been constructed at what appeared to be the dead end. I had already confirmed the existence of an elevator in this location with a retired military intelligence officer familiar with Camp Hero's underground facilities during the period 1954- 58.

Here was further validation of my account! I should have been elated. Instead, I found myself sitting there quietly, a knot in my stomach, saying to myself, "My is REAL!" It doesn't seem to matter how much validation I receive...I don't want to believe what I know to be true.

Also while viewing these video tapes, I had a conscious recall of being contained in an isolation tank. This flashback included seeing a "face" of a person (human) familiar to me, and a telepathic conversation meant to calm and soothe me. During the conversation, he referred to me as "little one".

I met with Dr. Kouguell a few days later to explore this memory through hypnotic regression. From the moment he asked during the session if I was sure I wanted to look at this memory, a battle was waged in my mind. He asked me to indicate "yes" by slightly moving my right index finger. And try as hard as I could, I could not move it. Then he asked me to indicate "no" by slightly moving my right middle finger. It took all my power to hold it in place. I finally moved my right index finger ever so slightly. I had never had this experience while under hypnosis before.

I recalled being in a dark place...being afraid...floating in something that felt slightly heavier than water...feeling warm....and smelling peppermint or spearmint. He took me to a point before being in that place. I was laying naked on a table and had alot of wires attached to me, all over my body and my head. I saw "that doctor" in a white lab coat standing next to me. Then he took me to a point before I was there. I was home in my room (different home than now). I woke up and 2 men dressed in black clothes were in my room. I couldn't see anything of what they looked like. I asked where Joe and David were (my roommates). I was told they were sleeping. I was then given an injection and felt very sleepy. I was wrapped in a blanket and carried out the back door to a dark van (blue?). I was placed on the floor in the rear of the van and someone sat near me. The next thing I remember is feeling as if I were on a roller coaster. I don't know where I was taken or how long it took to get there. Suddenly, I was standing naked in front of a metal door, struggling with a soldier holding a rifle, while "that doctor" told me I "had to do this". I was sobbing , pleading with him not to "make me go back in there".

I couldn't continue with the session and Dr. Kouguell brought me back. I told him, as much as I wanted to remember what happened, I knew I wasn't ready yet to face it. Eventually, I knew I would have to.

An agonizing dilemma ensued. Conscious of my need to find the truth of my involvement, could I actually be unable to face it? What if my reluctance to explore this memory was being controlled by outside influences? And the battle continued to rage in my mind. Finally, I made the decision to continue...I had come too far to turn back now. I would face the truth and rely on my strength of conviction to overcome any obstacles.

Before we began the next regression, I related my observations on possible "blocks" of this memory to Dr.K. I suggested a deep-level trance might be needed to retrieve them.While under hypnosis, I started to "relive" this experience...

I am, once again, in a black enclosed area....struggling, afraid of drowning. Why do I have to be in this place? It scares me so much...I want to get out! I calm myself enough to float. The liquid feels heavier than water. It's warm and I smell something "minty". I can feel wires attached to me as I move my arms and legs slightly...on my chest and head, too. I stretch out my arms, trying to feel the walls that enclose me. On my right, my fingers trace the smooth surface, travelling upwards in an 'arc' above me. Floating...gentle motion...blackness all around...are my eyes open?....or are they closed? this 'blackness' I see only in my mind?

I can see movement...forms and shadows. Blackness lightens to dark gray. My friend is here and says, "Don't be afraid, little one. I will help you you...take my hand". Dark gray now turning to blue, like the sky ...white clouds. It feels like I'm flying. I can see a beautiful, lush hilltop,overlooking tranquil blue water. A large white building (a house?) with tall pillars and steps sits on top of the hill. A dirt road is nearby, and I can see a man, dressed in a short tunic, struggles to move a wooden cart. Scenes flashing...bright swirl of, red, deep purple and shades of brown and tan.

I see a rocky, mountainous area...dry like the desert, dusty. There are deep canyons...high cliffs. Scenes flashing....diving through the white foam of a dark blue wave. I am underwater, among the sea creatures. But it's light and I can see beautiful colors. There is a dark entrance to what looks like a cave among the hills and rocks. Scenes flashing...a desolate place...not a nice feeling...barren...lonely...cold...a place out of time. Time is not what we think. Each moment is happening now...on an endless 'loop'. We can enter the loops at many points...but should take care not to disrupt the loops. Past, present and future are happening simultaneously.

After the session, I discussed what I had retrieved with Dr. Kouguell. Although, I was filled with wonder and awe at what I had experienced, unable to be sure if it had happened in the past or present, I still felt I had not been given a "choice" about participating. Dr. K. mentioned the fact that I had willingly "taken" my friend's hand...wasn't that making a choice?

I explained my feelings using the following analogy....

If someone was dangling me by my feet off the 13th story of a building, threatening to drop me, and along comes a man on a flying carpet, offering to save that REALLY a choice? Or am I being coerced to follow a certain direction? After some discussion, I came to the understanding that I now have a choice. I'm able to jump from that "13 story building". I know I will not fall ! Financial Department Federal Reserve System

Cartel of private banks overseen by elite superwealthy financiers, such as the Rockefellers, Mellons, DuPonts, Rothschilds, etc., which dictates to the Government the flow of money, worth of money, and the interest rates.

According to the Kennedy assassination researcher, a man named Claude Manor, who researched the Kennedy assassination for 34 years, President Kennedy knew that the Federal Reserve Bank is a privately owned bank. John F. Kennedy was going to give the Treasury the power to issue Silver Certificates against Silver bullion, silver or any Standard Silver Dollars in the Tresury. The EO#11110 [Executive Order] could have prevented the National Debt. from getting to where it is today. The reason for this is obvious. If enough Silver Certificates are in circulation, they would eliminate the need for Federal Reserve notes. This is because the Silver Certificates are backed by Silver, and the Federal Reserve Notes are not backed by anything.

For this reason alone we must disband the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Reserve Notes and mandate either silver certificates or gold certificates to back the dollar now. This is better late than never as the elites would have it.

from MindControlForums Website

REAL ownership of the US Federal Reserve Bank. It is not owned by the American Government, never was. Seems to me that the REAL control of the United States is spelled out in these pages. Money from nothing and the planet for free.

Chart 1 - Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence - Published 1976

Chart 1 reveals the linear connection between the Rothschilds and the Bank of England, and the London banking houses which ultimately control the Federal Reserve Banks through their stockholdings of bank stock and their subsidiary firms in New York. The two principal Rothschild representatives in New York, J. P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. were the firms which set up the Jekyll Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act was drafted, who directed the subsequent successful campaign to have the plan enacted into law by Congress, and who purchased the controlling amounts of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914.

These firms had their principal officers appointed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory Council in 1914. In 1914 a few families (blood or business related) owning controlling stock in existing banks (such as in New York City) caused those banks to purchase controlling shares in the Federal Reserve regional banks.

Examination of the charts and text in the House Banking Committee Staff Report of August, 1976 and the current stockholders list of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks show this same family control.

N. M. Rothschild , London - Bank of England ______|______| | | J. Henry Schroder | Banking |Corp. | | Brown, Shipley - Morgan Grenfell - Lazard - | & Company & Company Brothers | | | | | ------| ------| | | | | | | | | Alex Brown - Brown Bros. - Lord Mantagu - Morgan et Cie -- Lazard ---| & Son | Harriman Norman | Paris Bros | | | / | N.Y. | | | | | | | | Governor, Bank | J.P. Morgan Co -- Lazard ---| | of England / N.Y. Morgan Freres | | 1924-1938 / Guaranty Co. Paris | | / Morgan Stanley Co. | / | / | \Schroder Bank | / | Hamburg/Berlin | / Drexel & Company / | / Philadelphia / | / / | / Lord Airlie | / / | / M. M. Warburg Chmn J. Henry Schroder | | Hamburg ------marr. Virginia F. Ryan | | | grand-daughter of Otto | | | Kahn of Kuhn Loeb Co. | | | | | | Lehman Brothers N.Y. ------Kuhn Loeb Co. N. Y. | | ------| | | | | | | | Lehman Brothers - Mont. Alabama Solomon Loeb Abraham Kuhn | | __|______|______Lehman-Stern, New Orleans Jacob Schiff/Theresa Loeb Nina Loeb/Paul Warburg ------| | | | | Mortimer Schiff James Paul Warburg ______|______/ | | | | | | Mayer Lehman | Emmanuel Lehman \ | | | \ Herbert Lehman Irving Lehman \ | | | \ Arthur Lehman \ Phillip Lehman John Schiff/Edith Brevoort Baker / | Present Chairman Lehman Bros / Robert Owen Lehman Kuhn Loeb - Granddaughter of / | George F. Baker | / | | / | | / Lehman Bros Kuhn Loeb (1980) | / | | / Thomas Fortune Ryan | | | | | | Federal Reserve Bank Of New York | | | | ______National City Bank N. Y. | | | | | National Bank of Commerce N.Y. --| | | \ | Hanover National Bank N.Y. \ | | \ | Chase National Bank N.Y. \ | | | | Shareholders - National City Bank - N.Y. | ------| | / James Stillman / Elsie m. William Rockefeller / Isabel m. Percy Rockefeller / William Rockefeller Shareholders - National Bank of Commerce N. Y. J. P. Morgan ------M.T. Pyne Equitable Life - J.P. Morgan Percy Pyne Mutual Life - J.P. Morgan J. W. Sterling H. P. Davison - J. P. Morgan NY Trust/NY Edison Mary W. Harriman Shearman & Sterling A.D. Jiullard - North British Merc. Ins. | Jacob Schiff | Thomas F. Ryan | Paul Warburg | Levi P. Morton - Guaranty Trust | J. P. Morgan | | Shareholders - First National Bank of N.Y. ------J.P. Morgan George F. Baker George F. Baker Jr. Edith Brevoort Baker US Congress - 1946-64 | | | | | Shareholders - Hanover National Bank N.Y. ------James Stillman William Rockefeller | | | | | Shareholders - Chase National Bank N.Y. ------George F. Baker

Chart 2 - Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence - Published 1983

The J. Henry Schroder Banking Company chart encompasses the entire history of the twentieth century, embracing as it does the program (Belgium Relief Commission) which provisioned Germany from 1915- 1918 and dissuaded Germany from seeking peace in 1916; financing Hitler in 1933 so as to make a Second World War possible; backing the Presidential campaign of Herbert Hoover ; and even at the present time, having two of its major executives of its subsidiary firm, Bechtel Corporation serving as Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State in the Reagan Administration.

The head of the Bank of England since 1973, Sir Gordon Richardson, Governor of the Bank of England (controlled by the House of Rothschild) was chairman of J. Henry Schroder Wagg and Company of London from 1963-72, and director of J. Henry Schroder, New York and Schroder Banking Corporation, New York, as well as Lloyd's Bank of London, and Rolls Royce.

He maintains a residence on Sutton Place in New York City, and as head of "The London Connection," can be said to be the single most influential banker in the world.

J. Henry Schroder ------| | | Baron Rudolph Von Schroder Hamburg - 1858 - 1934 | | | Baron Bruno Von Schroder Hamburg - 1867 - 1940 F. C. Tiarks | 1874-1952 | | | marr. Emma Franziska | (Hamburg) Helmut B. Schroder J. Henry Schroder 1902 | Dir. Bank of England | Dir. Anglo-Iranian | Oil Company J. Henry Schroder Banking Company N.Y. | | J. Henry Schroder Trust Company N.Y. | | | ______|______| | Allen Dulles John Foster Dulles Sullivan & Cromwell Sullivan & Cromwell Director - CIA U. S. Secretary of State Rockefeller Foundation Prentiss Gray ------Belgian Relief Commission. Lord Airlie Chief Marine Transportation ------US Food Administration WW I Chairman; Virgina Fortune Manati Sugar Co. American & Ryan daughter of Otto Kahn British Continental Corp. of Kuhn,Loeb Co. | | M. E. Rionda | ------| Pres. Cuba Cane Sugar Co. | Manati Sugar Co. many other | sugar companies. ______| | | | | G. A. Zabriskie | ------| Emile Francoui Chmn U.S. Sugar Equalization | ------Board 1917-18; Pres Empire | Belgian Relief Commission. Kai Biscuit Co., Columbia Baking | Ping Coal Mines Tientsin Co. , Southern Baking Co. | Railroad,Congo Copper, La | | Banque Nationale de Belgique | | Suite 2000 42 Broadway, NY |______|______| | | | | | | | | | | | | Edgar Richard Julius H. Barnes Herbert Hoover ------Belgium Relief Comm. Belgium Relief Comm. Chmn Belgium Relief Com American Relief Commiss. Pres. Grain Corp. U.S. Food Admin. U.S. Food Admin. U.S. Food Admin. Sec of Commerce 1924-28 1918-24, Hazeltine Corp. 1917-18, C. B Pitney Kaiping Coal Mines | Bowes Corp, Manati Congo Copper, President | Sugar Corp. U.S. 1928-32

| |John Lowery Simpson |------| Sacramento,Calif Belgium Relief | Commission. U. S. Food Administration Baron Kurt Von Schroder Prentiss Gray Co. J. Henry Schroder ------Trust, Schroder-Rockefeller, Chmn Schroder Banking Corp. J.H. Stein Fin Commission, Bechtel International Bankhaus (Hitler's personal bank Co. Bechtel Co. (Casper Weinberger account) served on board of all Sec of Defense, George P. Schultz German subsidiaries of ITT . Sec of State (Reagan Admin.). Bank for International Settlements, | SS Senior Group Leader, | Himmler's Circle of Friends (Nazi Fund), | Deutsche Reichsbank, president | Schroder-Rockefeller & Co. , N.Y. ------Avery Rockefeller, J. Henry Schroder Banking Corp., Bechtel Co., Bechtel International Co. , Canadian Bechtel Company. | | Gordon Richardson ------Governor, Bank of England 1973 - PRESENT C. B. of J. Henry Schroder N.Y. Schroder Banking Co., New York, Lloyds Bank, Rolls Royce

Chart 3 ** Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence - - Published 1976

The David Rockefeller chart shows the link between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Standard Oil of Indiana, General Motors and Allied Chemical Corporation (Eugene Meyer family) and Equitable Life (J. P. Morgan).

DAVID ROCKEFELLER ------Chairman of the Board Chase Manhattan Corp | | ______|______Chase Manhattan Corp. | Officer & Director Interlocks|------|------| | | Private Investment Co. for America Allied Chemicals Corp. | | Firestone Tire & Rubber Company General Motors | | Orion Multinational Services Ltd. Rockefeller Family & Associates | | ASARCO. Inc Chrysler Corp. | | Southern Peru Copper Corp. Intl' Basic Economy Corp. | | Industrial Minerva Mexico S.A. R. H. Macy & Co. | | Continental Corp. Selected Risk Investments S.A. | | Honeywell Inc. Omega Fund, Inc. | | Northwest Airlines, Inc. Squibb Corporation | | Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Olin Foundation | | Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co (3M) Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. of NJ | | American Express Co. AT & T | | Hewlett Packard Pacific Northwestern Bell Co. | | FMC Corporation BeachviLime Ltd.(Beachville, Ontario) | | Utah Intl' Inc. Eveleth Expansion Company | | Exxon Corporation Fidelity Union Bancorporation | | International Nickel/Canada Cypress Woods Corporation | | Federated Capital Corporation Intl' Minerals & Chemical Corp. | | Equitable Life Assurance Soc U.S. Burlington Industries | | Federated Dept Stores Wachovia Corporation | | General Electric Jefferson Pilot Corporation | | Scott Paper Co. R. J. Reynolds Industries Inc. | | American Petroleum Institute United States Steel Corp. | | Richardson Merril Inc. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. | | May Department Stores Co. Norton-Simon Inc. | | Sperry Rand Corporation Stone-Webster Inc. | | San Salvador Development Company Standard Oil of Indiana

Chart 4 - Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence - Published 1976

This chart shows the interlocks between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, J. Henry Schroder Banking Corp., J. Henry Schroder Trust Co., Rockefeller Center, Inc., Equitable Life Assurance Society ( J.P. Morgan), and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

Alan Pifer, President Carnegie Corporation of New York ------| ------Carnegie Corporation Trustee Interlocks ------| | Rockefeller Center, Inc J. Henry Schroder Trust Company | | The Cabot Corporation Paul Revere Investors, Inc. | | Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Qualpeco, Inc. | Owens Corning Fiberglas | New England Telephone Co. | Fisher Scientific Company | Mellon National Corporation | Equitable Life Assurance Society | Twentieth Century Fox Corporation | J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation

Chart 5 - Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence - - Published 1976 This chart shows the link between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Brown Brothers Harriman, Sun Life Assurance Co. (N. M. Rothschild and Sons), and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Maurice F. Granville Chairman of The Board Texaco Incorporated Texaco Officer & Director Interlocks Liggett & Myers, Inc.

| L Arabian American Oil Company O St John d'el Ray Mining Co. Ltd. | | N Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. D National Steel Corporation | | O Brown Harriman & Intl' Banks Ltd. N Massey-Ferguson Ltd. | | American Express Mutual Life Insurance Co. | | N. American Express Intl' Banking Corp. M. Mass Mutual Income Investors Inc. | | Anaconda R United Services Life Ins. Co. | | O Rockefeller Foundation T Fairchild Industries | | H Owens-Corning Fiberglas S Blount, Inc. | | C National City Bank (Cleveland) H William Wrigley Jr. Co | | I Sun Life Assurance Co. L National Blvd. Bank of Chicago | | D General Reinsurance Lykes Youngstown Corporation | | General Electric (NBC) Inmount Corporation

Source: Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence. Staff Report, Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, August 1976.


. BOSTON - 600 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02106 * * Additional offices of these Banks are located at: . Lewiston, Maine 04240; Windsor Locks, Connecticut 06096; Cranford, New Jersey 07016; Jericho, New York 11753; Utica at Oriskany, New York 13424; Columbus, Ohio 43216; Columbia, South Carolina 29210; Charleston, West Virginia 25328; Des Moines, Iowa 50306; , Indiana 46204; and Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202. . NEW YORK * 33 Liberty Street (Federal Reserve P.O. Station), New York, New York 10045 . Buffalo Branch 160 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14202 (P.O. Box 961, Buffalo, New York 14240) . PHILADELPHIA Ten Independence Mall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 (P.O. Box 66, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19105) . CLEVELAND * 1455 East Sixth Street (P.O. Box 6387), Cleveland, Ohio 44101 Cincinnati Branch 150 East Fourth Street (P.O. Box 999), Cincinnati, Ohio 45201 . Pittsburgh Branch 717 Grant Street (P.O. Box 867), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 . RICHMOND * 701 East Byrd Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219 (P.O. Box 27622, Richmond, Virginia 23261) . Baltimore Branch 502 S. Sharp Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201 (P.O. Box 1378, Baltimore, Maryland 21203) . Charlotte Branch 401 South Tryon Street (P.O. Box 30248), Charlotte, North Carolina 28230 . Culpeper Communications and Records Center P.O. Drawer 20, Culpeper, Virginia 22701 . ATLANTA 104 Marietta Street, N.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30303 (P.O. Box 1731, Atlanta, Georgia 30301-1731) . Birmingham Branch 1801 Fifth Avenue, North, Birmingham, Alabama 35202 (P.O. Box C- 10447, Birmingham, Alabama 35283) . Jacksonville Branch 515 Julia Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32231 . Miami Branch 9100 Northwest 36th Street, Miami, Florida 33178 (P.O. Box 520847, Miami, Florida 33152) . Nashville Branch 301 Eighth Avenue, North, Nashville, Tennessee 37203 . New Orleans Branch 525 St. Charles Avenue (P.O. Box 61630), New Orleans, Louisiana 70161 . CHICAGO * 230 South LaSalle Street (P.O. Box 834), Chicago, Illinois 60690 . Detroit Branch 160 Fort Street, West (P.O. Box 1059), Detroit, Michigan 48231 . ST. LOUIS 411 Locust Street, St. Louis, Missouri 63102 (P.O. Box 442, St. Louis, Missouri 63166) . Little Rock Branch 325 West Capitol Avenue (P.O. Box 1261), Little Rock, Arkansas 72203 . Louisville Branch 410 South Fifth Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40201 (P.O. Box 32710, Louisville, Kentucky 40232) . Memphis Branch 200 North Main Street, Memphis, Tennessee 38103 (P.O. Box 407, Memphis, Tennessee 38101) . MINNEAPOLIS 250 Marquette Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55480 Helena Branch 400 North Park Avenue, Helena, Montana 59601 . KANSAS CITY 925 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri 64198 . Denver Branch 1020 16th Street, Denver, Colorado 80202 (Terminal Annex-P.O. Box 5228, Denver, Colorado 80217) . Oklahoma City Branch 226 Dean A. McGee Avenue (P.O. Box 25129), Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73125 . Omaha Branch 2201 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68102 (P.O. Box 3958, Omaha, Nebraska 68103) . DALLAS 400 South Akard Street (Station K), Dallas, Texas 75222 . El Paso Branch 301 East Main Street (P.O. Box 100), El Paso, Texas 79999 . Houston Branch 1701 San Jacinto Street, Houston, Texas 77002 (P.O. Box 2578, Houston, Texas 77252) . San Antonio Branch 126 East Nueva Street, San Antonio, Texas 78204 (P.O. Box 1471, San Antonio, Texas 78295) . SAN FRANCISCO 101 Market Street, San Francisco, California 94105 (P.O. Box 7702, San Francisco, California 94120) . Los Angeles Branch 950 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90015 (Terminal Annex-P.O. Box 2077, Los Angeles, California 90051) . Portland Branch 915 S.W. Stark Street, Portland, Oregon 97025 (P.O. Box 3436, Portland, Oregon 97208) . Salt Lake City Branch 120 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 (P.O. Box 30780, Salt Lake City, Utah 84125) . Seattle Branch 1015 Second Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98104 (P.O. Box 3567, Seattle, Washington 98124)


The rules of procedure of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System are published in the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 262 of Title 12, Banks and Banking.

CIA self-financing

The operation and/or control of much of the international drug trade in heroin, cocaine and marijuana, as well as "front" business enterprises as a source of cash for off-the- books covert operations, and the purchase of exotic munition and strategic bribe funds.

As publisher of True Democracy (La verdad sobre la democracia), I tried very hard to obtain permission to reprint two articles which Mike Ruppert published on his Web site regarding the CIA's connection with cocaine and heroin. However, he wanted payment for them stating to me that since I have obtained some subscribers, he is forced to charge me since it would be discriminatory to give me what he gives others who disseminate their published works at no charge.

The very fact, however, that Dr. Boylan states unequivocally that the CIA's "operation and/or control of much of the international drug trade in heroin, cocaine and marijuana" proves that they do.

Fortunately, since I proved to the entire world that President Kennedy wanted to disband the CIA, when we disband it, then we will end this practice too. See first edition, True Democracy (La verdad sobre la democracia).

Department of Justice self-financing

The use of confiscated money and valuables from "targets of investigation" to finance "special projects."

This aspect at least of this department should be renamed, The Department of Injustice because it causes justice to be denied. The very fact that Dr. Boylan placed it in the Shadow government indicates that it is illegal, immoral, and therefore, evil.

How many people have suffered because of this program which goes undetected in the mainstream press. When the Department of Justice broke up AT& T, which was a regulated monopoly which kept people's personal telephone bills at a reasonable rate, how many people were unable to keep their lifeline to the outside world with a telephone?

How secure can we feel when the Department of Justice files anti-trust action against companies who may not have done any wrongdoing, simply because of pressure to place funds in their coffers to fund "special projects?"

Special Forces self-financing

The self-use of confiscated money from covert military operations to fund other clandestine operations.

The Iran-Contra scandal is a perfect example of this. Fortunately, the mainstream press did publish this aspect of Top Secret history but information isn't sufficient when one has a government such as we have in the United States because it is clear that by publishing that scandal, they didn't end the atrocities which continue because the root of the problem was not pulled out from its secure place in the government. Therefore, that is what we have to do now with boycott.

Regular Features

Myth Breakers

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. This is so patently false that it's pathetic. Words are just as harmful as sticks and stones. In fact, words are just as harmful because this is psychological abuse. This fact is made clear in Dr. Susan Forward's book entitled Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life co-authored with Craig Buck

Many people think that all women who are battered die but this is not the reality. Only twenty per cent of women die. The other eighty per cent live.

The myth that Pit Bulls are vicious attackers is not necessarily true. Pit Bulls in reality are less of a threat than are German Shepherds. What causes this myth to have come into being is that some of these dogs are trained to be vicious by their owners. Pit Bulls are not born that way; they are sometimes conditioned to be vicious.

American prisons are bastions of atrocities; they compare to prisons in Third World countries.

Fifteen percent of those convicted of crime are innocent. The overwhelming majority of them are people of color; in fact a disproportionate percentage relative to the national population of the United States.

Freedom of speech only exists for those who don't seek to speak accurate information in the press. [There will be an entire edition of True Democracy on this concern next year.]

There's a myth in the African American community that white folks are racist. This is not necessarily true. More and more Caucasians are not racist with more asking what they can do to eradicate this scourge.

Did You Know? Part 1 Resource Center P.O. Box 2178 Silver City NM 88062-2178 Tel: 505-388-0208 Fax: 505-388-0619 E-mail: [email protected] AIFLD in Central America: Agents as Organizers. 1986. 76 pages. 2nd edition (1990) available for $5.95 from the Resource Center.

The Resource Center published two booklets on the same general topic, "AIFLD in Central America" and "Workers of the World Undermined." These deal with the international activities of organized American labor, principally the AFL-CIO. Their American Institute for Free Labor Development was linked to the CIA since it began in 1961. Today the AIFLD has been eclipsed by the Free Trade Union Institute, and the covert CIA links have been replaced with overt Congressional funding through the quasi-private cutout known as the National Endowment for Democracy. Both amount to the same thing -- a device for keeping foreign workers "free."

The Inter-Hemispheric Education Resource Center, founded in 1979, is a nonprofit research and policy institute with a full-time staff of five. The Resource Center specializes in Central American development issues and U.S. policy. They also track the many private and quasi-private organizations and religious groups, as well as the interlocking network of conservative personalities behind them,that emerged in the U.S. during the Reagan years. Write them for their publication list. ISBN 0-911213-11-2

Did You Know? Part 2

*Twenty two hundred children who were 14 or younger died from unintentional shootings averaging 11 children every month or one child every third day according to the National Center for Health Statistics. The U.S. leads the industrialized world. A 1997 study from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention found that for unintentional firearms-related deaths for children under 15 the rate in the U.S. was 9 times greater than in 25 other industrialized countries combined. Nearly 8 times that number were injured. According to JAMA which also stated that "most often involved handguns." Children as young as 3 can pull the trigger on most commercially available handguns."

36,000 Americans are killed by guns every year. Another source states that 10 children are killed by handguns every day.

[Editor's note: This is why there is a demand in the first edition of True Democracy which states "Manufacture all guns with a locking device which is child proof;" but most of the public schools do not have this unique historically accurate magazine because they like the status quo.]

Charles Keating's (Lincoln Savings & Loan president involved in the Savings & Loan fraud) daughter was the president of Opus Dei and Louis Freeh, spy decoy Bob Hanssen are members too as well as William Casey and Oliver North, according to my contact Brian Downing Quig who states, "If I remember correctly."

Some elite groups include The Knights of Malta, The Roman Club, and the Roundtables. There are many other exclusive societies but they weren't named. The Federalist Society is probably one of them.

Good organizations include Friends of the Earth, The Globalization Challenge Initiative, and the Third World Network. Also, according to one of my stauchest supporters the N.A.A.C.P. and the Urban League are bogus organizations. My experience with Amnesty International is very negative but there are other organizations whose people are very supportive.

The National Labor Committee in New York City is one of those which is very supportive. Here are some statistics which will inform you of the reality that they published:

In a report entitled, "Made in China" on page 2, "Recently we discovered Kathie Lee handbags being made for Wal-Mart at the Qin factory, where1,000 workers were being held under conditions of indentured servitude, forced to work 12 to 14 hours a day, seven days a week, with only one day off a month, while earning an average wage of 3 cents an hour. However, even after months of work, 46 percent of the workers surveyed earned nothing at all-in fact they owed money to the company. The workers were allowed out of the factory for just an hour and a half a day. The workers were fed two dismal meals a day and housed 16 people to one small, cramped dorm room. Many of the workers did not even have enough money to pay for bus fare to leave the factory to look for other work. And when the workers protested being forced to work from 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., seven days a week, for literally pennies an hour, 800 workers were fired."

In another section of this same report on page 16, it states, "the highest take home wage our researchers found in the factory was just 10 cents an hour" adding, "The workers are charged 560 rmb ($67.47 U.S.) for dorm and living expenses, which is an enormous amount...." Additionally, "In September and October, when the factory was producing Wal-Mart, the range of the workers wages varied wildly, but no one came even remotely close to making the already below-subsistence legal minimum wage of about 31 cents an hour, on which no one can possibly survive." But there is more. "U.S. companies are milking a system that does not allow for dissent and where anyone trying to form an independent union will be fired, arrested, and imprissoned for 5 to 8 years without a trial.

Just ask Liu Dingkui [page 4] about labor rights in China. He was arrested in January 1999 for organizing a demonstration of 500 steelworkers demanding back wages from the state-owned Peijiang Iron and Steel factory in Jiangyou City. He is now serving 1 1/2 years in a hard labor camp for 're-education.'" And, it that isn't bad enough, this from the same report on page 12, " Any attempt to organize an independent union would be met with firings, beatings, arrest and imprisonment, without trial for 5-8 years on a hard labor camp."

After I met the receptionist at this organization and read some of the literature that she provided me, I made her aware of information about which she wasn't aware previously. I told her that Jay Mazur who is one of their Directors at National Labor Committee is a member of the Trilateral Commission, the organization about which I exposed in the first edition of True Democracy because Mr. Mazur is a wolf in sheeps clothing. The Trilateral Commission co-opted a number of labor unions. That's why the minimum wage is so low in the United States. She thanked me. I asked her if he receives a salary from their organization. She assured me that he does not.

[Editor's note: This report is 107 pages long. To contact the National Labor Committee go to or 275 Seventh Avenue, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10001 USA. To boycott Wal- Mart won't solve the problem; it will just lay off Wal-Mart workers. We have to solve this problem by boycotting the states of the U.S. Congress for vacation until they pass legislation which will raise the minimum wage throughout the world so workers will get a decent living wage. For that, go to the first edition of True Democracy (La verdad sobre la democracia) "Winter 2001" and print out the Demand page which is the last page and send it to the Speaker of the House if you are in the United States. Tell everyone that you know to do the same. Then, tell the public schools, public libraries, colleges, and universities to do that too. Then, we will solve that problem. The root of the problem is the fact that the elite and the military are controlling everything now and nothing the individual companies do will stop them; only you will stop them. If you are in another country other than the United States you can either send that Demand page in the snail mail, fax it, or send it as an Email. The choice is yours because you have a choice now. In another report this organization gave me, it states that workers are being tortured who try to unionize.] Did You Know? Part 3

*Gabriel Wolff was an Israeli draft resister who spent 90 days in an Israeli prison because he refused to serve in the Occupied Territories. He stated that 40 per cent of potential soldiers claim mental illness in order to avoid serving in the military. Interview held on Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! program on WBAI, community supported radio station in which Amy Goodman herself has been assaulted, harassed, and forced to file a grievance in order to save her job because she speaks the truth. She filed the grievance prior to being assaulted. The assault was fairly recent.

*Members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) according to Trilateralism include: Madeline Albright Ken Alibek, works for Hadron, Inc. Yasser Arafat K. Rone Baldwin, President General Electric Michael Bloomberg CEO of Guicci CEO of Texaco CEO of U.S. Airways Chubias, Russian Mogul George M. Church, Professor of Genetics, Harvard University Bill Clinton Douglas N. Daft, President Coca-Cola Lone Dybkjaer Ken Dychtwald, Gerontologist, The Esalen Institute, Headquarters of The Human Potential Movement in California, Runs company: Age Wave Richard W. Edelman, CEO Edelman Public Relations Worldwide Michael J. Elliot, Editor of Newsweek International Bill Gates Stephan Götz-Richter-Website The Globalist Jörg Haider Allan G. Hasselfeld, Top Director, Hasbro (toys) William A. Hazeltine, CEO Human Genome Sciences David Heber, Professor, UC Berkeley Jane E. Henney, Head of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Charles O. Holliday, Jr. Chua Mui Hoong, Journalist The Straits Times-Singapore George Kailis, President MG Kailis Group, Australia Raymond E. Kendall, Secretary General of the International police force-INTEPOL Mogens Lykketoft, Danish Minister of Finance Gorän Lindahe, Head of AAB Jonathan Mann, CNN Rick Menell, CEO Anglovaal Mining Ltd. South Africa Shimon Perez President of ABB President of Bayer President of Nestlé President of Siemens President of SONY Jeffrey S. Quoss, Director, Thyssen Steel Poul Nyrup Rasmussen James J. Schiro, CEO of Price Waterhouse Cooper Klaus Schwab-Founder 1971 Vandana Shiva, Head of Third World Network & Chief of India's Foundation for Science Technology & Natural Resource Policy (She seems to be good, however, as she damned Monsanto) Ted Shrivers (JFK's nephew & Maria Shriver's brother) Peter Singer, Philosopher of Human Values Princeton University George Soros Terrez M. Thompson, Deputy Director of Communications Strategy and Global Communication at Coca- Cola Guy Verhofstadt, Prime Minister of Belgium

America's Concerns -- Part 1

This letter was sent Certified/ReturnReceipt with article number 7099 3220 0009 9958 9315 on July 1, 2001 to Ms. Sandra Feldman and confirmed delivered on July 9, 2001 with the signature of A.J. Humes whose signature was affixed that date.

P. O. Box 882 Lakebay, WA 98349-0882 July 1, 2001

Ms. Sandra Feldman President American Federation of Teachers 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW Washington DC 20001

Dear Ms. Feldman, As the publisher of True Democracy (La verdad sobre la democracia in Spanish), I had occasion to speak with a public school teacher who works in Tacoma, Washington. She informed me that the union is in with the government. It made perfect sense because not only have you never answered my letters in the past but two teachers were terminated because one tried to inculcate in her students in Brooklyn, NY a pride of their African heritage and her colleague was terminated because she supported her friend. No mention was made that the union attempted to save those teachers' jobs. I had a meeting with my local committee where I live now on May 22, 2001. There were teachers at that meeting because they are on that committee. They seemed interested in my message. They asked me, "Do you want us to teach the history? I said, "Yes, in high school." Everyone to whom I speak agrees with me that the little ones need to be taught the lessons that I have in the first edition on the page which makes my periodical unique-the Demand page- but only five superintendents subscribed when I sent them all a snail mail letter in 1999 with one superintendent desirous of subscribing but having no funds from which to send a Purchase Order. The rest didn't even though they could have afforded to in many cases because they like the status quo. The status quo is not good enough for us or for the rest of the world. True Democracy is world news or news which every nation needs because the United States is the world's hegemony now. People are dying overseas and in America because of our government and I do not tolerate it! At the meeting with the committee I told the teachers that they would be able to stay in their chosen profession until they determined they wanted to leave. Then, the next day I called and spoke with the secretary to ask her to advise the teachers that they wouldn't have to implement George W. Bush's tests. Then, in The New York Times in June, there was a New York Times headline which read, "Veteran 4th Grade Teachers Quit to Avoid Tests" leading me to believe that either the teachers had not been told what I said to the secretary or that there was some break in communication at some level. The man who sits in the White House is a common criminal. His family are common criminals. He was "selected" by the Supreme Court which broke the law. I know it and many people know it but what I know that many people in America don't know is Top Secret information. Only the people who've read the first edition know this information. It's been distributed since March, 2001 to international acclaim. People in Western Europe, Canada, and Australia as well as Argentina know so much that they know that I am telling the truth but I have even taught them. I have also taught Ph.D's so I am indeed very fortunate. This letter will be in the next edition of True Democracy in the "America's Concerns" section because it is a deep concern of mine. True Democracy empowers as no other publication does. It is accurate American history so it belongs in the public schools especially since the New Hampshire state Supreme Court ruled on April 2, 1999 that using property taxes to fund the public schools is unconstitutional.

Ms. Feldman July 1, 2001 Page 2 True Democracy will solve that problem because it will "totally fund the public schools for salaries and benefits with no strings, oversight, or obligations attached and with no attendance correlation." This was my solution to the problem stated by a superintendent in Montana who sent me a letter stating that he doesn't want the federal government meddling in his schools who also stated that the Washington DC schools are funded by the government and they are a disaster. The Canadian schools are funded by their government. They have excellent schools. The United States will have excellent schools too if only you will listen to me. Advise the teachers what I am publishing. It's free this year because I am giving the password which is the word freedom because True Democracy is only on my Web site. Then, we as an academic community will have the power to confront anyone who sits in the White House because the one who is there now is being disingenuous with his demand that the schools have to achieve certain scores on those tests in order to receive money from the federal government. He doesn't want to send that money. He will destroy the schools altogether because that is what the elite want. You may wonder who I am. There's a section on my Web site which is called "About Us." It is a little autobiographical sketch but in addition to that I am in three Who's Who. One of them, the International Biographical Centre in Cambridge, England is honoring me again late this year with inclusion in 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century which will be distributed to libraries world wide so I will not be an unknown any longer. The people of the world who know of my work are boycotting this country for vacation until the Congress carries out what the world demands. They will just maintain that boycott in ever increasing numbers with more demands every three months or March, June, September, and December. It is not my intention to destroy the economies of the states which people visit for vacation. It is my intention to stop the insanity which our government perpetuates. Then, people will return to visit the United States. When, not if, the public schools send the Demand page by the tens of thousands of copies to the Speaker of the House in the snail mail the Congress will realize that they can't maintain the deceits any longer and do what the people want, not the elite and not the military which according to now deceased Col. J. Fletcher Prouty "dwarfs the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergs." Then you will see positive change for the people of the entire world because when the Green Beret assassinated President Kennedy, they betrayed the entire world. They assassinated him because of what he wanted to do. We'll do it for him. Then, we'll have plenty of money for education. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

In peace and solidarity,


Arlene Johnson Publisher cc: Mr. Edward J. McElroy, AFT Secretary-Treasurer Mr. Nat La Cour, AFT Executive Vice President

[Editor's note: She never replied and neither did either of the two subordinates. If you have children or grandchildren in the public schools or any school, make them aware of this gift. True Democracy is free this year. Next year and thereafter, it will be very inexpensive for everyone. Some have already subscribed.]

America's Concerns -- Stem Cell Research


July 9, 2001

Christopher Reeve Responds to President Bush's Decision on Federal Funding for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research.

"President Bush's decision today to allow federal funding for human embryonic stem cell research on a limited basis is a step in the right direction. However, this political compromise may seriously hinder progress toward finding treatments and cures for a wide variety of diseases and disorders that affect 100 million Americans.

"By allowing scientists access even to 60 existing stem cell lines, the President is still limiting the pace and effectiveness of federally supported research. Scientists may need to use an unknown number of cell lines and should not be restricted to those that presently exist.

"Recent polls show that an overwhelming majority of Americans support research within the guidelines of the National Institutes of Health adopted during the Clinton Administration. Few issues enjoy broader bipartisan support in Congress. The Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation supports President Bush's appointment of an advisory council on stem cell research and welcomes the opportunity to serve on such a council.

"Because of the President's decision, it may now be up to Congress to enact legislation that will enable scientists to fully explore the potential of human embryonic stem cell research."

America's Concerns" - part 3


May we have a moment of silence for the four human beings, the Herrera family, who were mowed down dead by a drinking member of the New York City Police Department who was allegedly on his way to work after twelve hours of straight drinking? I strongly deny that my reaction to this latest assassination is knee-jerk -no, it is a brain, heart and gut reaction to our American heritage of insane color profiling.

The American Heritage Dictionary definition of "insanity" is: "persistent mental disorder or derangement." For white, usually Catholic (check the numbers out for yourself!) cops to continue to kill people of color and for us to continue to allow them for whatever reasons, to kill us and go unpunished, is a double-tiered insanity - a persistent mental derangement within the perpetrators and the entire population.

It is our theory, at the Institute for "Interracial" Harmony, Inc. (the quotation marks around the word 'interracial' are because the word has no meaning when we can acknowledge that there is only one race - the human race). The Institute is a not for profit 501 (c) 3 ethno-therapeutic activist organization, focused on racism/colorism as a mental health issue - founded and run by me and psychologist Dr. Mari Saunders, Ph.D., with the unstinting assistance of Judge Bruce McMarion Wright, among others. We understand that the basis of the psychopathology, the color striation within the society, the national pathological response to color and cultural differences, is the miseducation of the masses of human beings in America. They're still acting like the cradle of civilization was in bloody Europe instead of in Black Africa!

Mental illness is a worldwide issue, as a local newspaper headline recently stated: The Irish Now Face the Other Side of Immigration." Some Irish people said: "It's just that we don't know what to make of these Black people ... we don't understand them. We're, maybe, afraid of them. They're all the same. They're all Black, and we've never been used to colored people here."

But "sanity" is defined by the same American Heritage Dictionary as "soundness of judgment or reason." Soundness of judgment or reason must also involve the ability to assess what is real, not imaginary or pretended - what is actual. Any time you have millions of individuals engaged in what Dr. Frances Cress Welsing describes as "people activity" in areas of economics, education, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war - individuals not knowing, understanding, admitting or teaching that we are all descended from common ancestry - the beautiful, Black, Black, Black first humans on Earth, and that there's only one race (no "s" at the end of that word "race") - then what we have here is not only a failure to communicate, but indeed, a perfidious state of persistent, pervasive mental illness which affects not only so-called white people, but also people of color, be they Black, Brown, Red, Yellow or Olive skinned, like Anthony Miranda of the Latino Officers Association, Eric Adams of One Hundred Black Law Enforcers Who Care, and Charles Billups of the NYPD Guardians, who all refused to answer me when I confronted them on KSFM Radio - "Open Line," about the killing of Darnel Cisco and other people of color being a matter of the untreated racism/colorism within the police departments generally and the New York City Police Department in particular.

The use of obfuscatory terms like "races" or "racism" allows our society to get out from under accountability, for when such abstruse terminology is used, since the maleducated masses have only fuzzy or blurry ideas of what is really meant, killer cops, unfair judges, biased teachers, experimenting doctors, big corporation-paid scientists, politicians - in fact, the "system" generally - are all let off the hook; allowed to engage in dangerous denial of the major issue confronting entire societies; the question of color, not race. We must begin to speak in terms of color profiling, not 'racial' profiling! Let us tell it like it is! The use of the term "racism" is illogical; the concept of more than one race, bogus, unsubstantiated, disproved by recent DNA research, unreal, deranged, insane.

Let us begin, in a serious effort, to save our own lives; to bring sanity to society, to use language to help heal the mental illness of apartheid; the murderous treatment of humans on the basis of color and/or cultural differences.

The first step would be to call a spade a spade; repudiate Blumenbach's "multiracial" -thesis; renounce the use of meaningless words such as 'races,' 'racial,' 'interracial,' 'bi-racial,' 'trans-racial' or, as I recently heard the other day, "tri-racial" (Let's really get insane - "tri-racial!") We must begin to lead the whole of humanity away from war-making "pathological responses to color and cultural differences" (with all due respect to Sister Jean W. Dember of Afrikans United for Sanity Now! for coining so apt and functional a phrase). Words may not kill, but they sure do set the stage for killing. And killing, beating, judging, disrespecting, denying society's discrimination against human beings on the basis of color is insane, since all of us are African - although some of us are more or less "rinsed out" than others.

Who was it who said "The truth shall set you free?" Free as far as self determination is concerned; free as far as topnotch health is concerned, so that we can be mentally and physically fit for the struggle; free to get information which will save our lives - like the fact that AZT kills so-called AIDS patients, but if your body is properly alkaline, you won't get AIDS!

And if the United States of America, whose Census Department recently adopted the insane term of "multiracial" as a category in its questionnaire, refuses to pay up its dues to the United Nations, let them stay the hell away from the United Nations World Conference Against Racism, August 31 -September7, 2001, in Durban, South Africa!

America's Concerns Part 4


Research by Curtis Mullins

It is time for the community and parents in particular to look at what this psychopathic racist economic system capitalism has in store for us and our children, about whom this system has identified as criminals for the purpose of isolating our children from us and the rest of society. We are the descendants of slaves forced to come to America for free labor and sex.

We suffer from what is defined as "post slavery trauma syndrome". Our children are victims of this oppressive racist system and need our love, protection, and support.

The so called drug gang [Crime] syndrome can not be viewed in isolation or as a social phenomena. Crime must be viewed in its social, political and economic context to understand and identify its cause. The so-called criminal [experts] will not produce solutions to socioeconomic problems; to do so would eliminate their jobs! In reality they are the real burden on society, not our children.

The experts deliberately and consciously overlook known factors that cause crime and in the abstract are the responsible party. Racism, poverty and unemployment are only by-products of the problem, the number one problem is the socioeconomic system capitalism. In essence the experts create crimes for our children to commit, just to keep their jobs.

How do the experts find solutions to complex social problems? They don't, they create simplistic responses to stimuli they themselves can not identify, or even understand. Then they solicit the help of the so-called professionals who are just as ignorant of the problem as they the experts are. The experts and the professionals then come up with repressive programs and laws (George Bush's Justice Department's Weed and Seed program) and (Juvenile justice laws) that deny our children their legal rights as citizens and human beings. These experts place criminal labels on our children that identify them for life as criminals. This system gives racial criminal psychopaths power to define who we are and what is best for us and our children. In essence this system gives a mentally ill white racist society power to determine our children's future and our destiny.

This economic system under which we are governed is controlled by criminals and can not right itself, because the system is the primary source of the problem. Race, environment, economics, education, unemployment, stupidity and ignorance are factors in the crime equation. To even attempt to correct the problem necessitates looking at the inherent human contradictions in the system itself and the people who control it, and those experts and professionals who benefit from exploitation of the poor.

Oliver North, Jim Inhofe, George Bush, Ronald Reagan, Colin Powell are all millionaires now, not for any special contribution they made to humanity's progress, but for their alleged involvement in the international dope trade. They are only a few of a hundred thousand protected professional criminals who profit from and are responsible for drugs entering this country from overseas that destroyed three generations of our children. They were paid off with washed drug money to let drugs run free in our community. They are immune from prosecution and are protected by the Secret Service, the FBI, the military, white racist militia groups, and the police. These are only a few of the people who make, shape and enforce the laws their friends in Congress legislate to legitimize their own criminal behavior and activities.

Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George Bush are no different than the dope dealers Comrade Castro ran out of Cuba who now live in Florida and control the CIA's national drug distribution network in America and profit from our children's misery and suffering.

Theoretically the government is in existence to serve the people, but in reality it serves the largest criminal enterprise ever to exist in the history of the world. This government is the number one hindrance to humanity'sprogress. America is the number one dope dealer to the world, it causes the same problems, misery and pain wherever it goes: Africa, Europe, Asia, South and North America, the North Pole and the South Pole and Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The people who control this system are called "capitalist", they are .02% of the population and control . 98% of the world's wealth. The intelligence community trains, controls and manages the police and the military to protect and provide security for .02 % of the population and they are not subject to any laws!

The military and the police capitalize on social unrest and disorder which they plan and create, the most original planners are given prizes and promotions. Many members of Tulsa's F.O.P. (Federation of Police) are members of the K.K.K. and other racist organizations and some are responsible for many murders that go unsolved.

They murder black and poor people for sport, Harold Boyd Jr. and Edwin Vine; vengeance, Perry Stuart; and Sargeant Buckspan murdered Randy Smith for talking back to him, shot him once in the back and twice in his chest. Sargeant Buckspan was promoted to Detective after he murdered Randy Smith.

With unemployment in the Black community at 51% or more in Tulsa the so-called (Juvenile) crime problem becomes a destructive and negative manifestation for lack of opportunities for our youth, who have been miseducated by a racist school system controlled by the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce and the Mayor who operate it for profit not education, the schools in Oklahoma are not educational institutions, they are behavioral modification training centers.

The education system is designed to twist children's brains with illusions created to cause mental damage by psychologist and school counselors, who do not educate our children to survive in the community in which they live. Drugs in the hands of psychologists and counselors is related to mind manipulation and control of school children. These people do not know how to interface with our children.

Our children suffer from psychological trauma caused by 400 years of slavery and rape; they are depressed and deprived, resistant and difficult. Many of our youth understand how we came to be here, and how their mothers and fathers have been beaten down, insulted, disrespected and used; they know how we were brutalized, raped, tortured and murdered; and that Slavery is the reason we are as we are, and that we were forced to come to America for free labor.

As things now stand conditions will get diametrically worse before they get better. Our youth are the most depressed, and deprived. The most intelligent now resist government control to the point that the government his instituted repressive "special laws" for our youth, and have perfected "mind control behavior modification programs" in all of the schools to control them. The Violence Initiative Program identifies children as young as 4 years old who they say will probably commit a crime: thalamotomies (brain surgery), retlin/Prozac (medication), and the jail house (deprivation/torture).

Those that resist repression, slavery and genocide are the best that we have produced; they are being identified and when captured are mentally and physically tortured to brake their spirit or they are killed. Resentment and resistance to this invisible Nazi government is growing and well organized.

The juvenile gang anti-crime campaign being waged at the state and local level with federal funds is directed at these youth and is aimed at containing them with drugs, jail, and to prevent them from developing properly and organizing resistance to tyranny. Some are so well developed that they now hunt and assassinate corrupt police, agents and informants; all of our children are ours.

The fascist government's response to our children's rising consciousness comes through law enforcement agencies under the control of white racists. The federal government is providing funds to bolster local police departments with anti-gang training and weapons of all description for repression of the entire community. The intelligence community also make funds available for informants and agent provocateurs whom they infiltrate into local gangs to cause murder and violence.

The police place their agents in leadership positions in many of these gangs and direct criminal activities through them, most of them commit robbery and murder of their own people.

In North Tulsa, Oklahoma racist Skin Heads have ignorant black youth selling PCP mixed with a little bit of cocaine and baking soda, it is called blackcrack. Blackcrack was designed to create violent compulsive behavior that often result in the murder of close friends and relatives.

Intelligence agencies provide information gathering services that collect data on individuals and families and pass it on to centralized information banks where it is studied, classified, and filed. Family Court, Juvenile Court, Judges, Police officers, probation officers, parole officers, youth agencies, community organizations, employers, informants and social service suppliers feed the system with misinformation regarding African-American people. They do not treat members of death squads that robbed and murdered for the CIA in their national countries, killing their own people for fascist America.

Many of these people can not go back to their home until America overthrows the people's government there. Many are wanted for dope dealing on an international level and murdering their own people for the CIA. The CIA has placed many of these people in our community and given them property we have paid for, kicked us out, and put them in. This is taking place in Tulsa, Oklahoma today!

At the federal, state and local level we make no decisions, decisions are made for us by a racist status quo voter's Congress. Ironically, the state is mandated by law to rehabilitate and educate the people. What is happening in the schools is a horrendous injustice and threat to our very existence. Who are they rehabilitating and educating, and for what purpose?

All of our children are under the supervision of federal, state and municipal agencies that have secret agendas to destroy our children's minds to block our path to self determination. They are using neocolonialists from all over the world to hold us back, whereas we have helped everyone. It seems that everyone we have helped is helping them to keep us down!

The judicial system looks the other way while the police commit murder, and collect illegal information on legitimate citizens who have not committed any crime. They harass, photograph, intimidate, provoke and arrest people who have not broken any law. They threaten and treat the entire African American community in the United States of America as though we were criminals. The police practice fascist tactics in our community and it appears they have had the full backing of Congress and every President elected to office.

The CIA, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau Investigation, and local police facilitate the distribution of drugs by doing nothing to apprehend the real criminals responsible for international drug distribution.

Costa Rica banned Lt. Colonel Oliver North, U.S. Ambassador Lewis Tambs, former National Security Advisor John Poindexter, ex-CIA station Chief Joe Fernandez, and arms dealer Rickard Secord and may have indicted Oliver North for drug trafficking. Costa Rica stripped John Hull of citizenship. Oliver North ran for the United States Senate in Virginia and almost won.

Colin Powell sat at the National Security desk and saw Oliver North ship guns to Honduras on American, Israeli, and South African military aircraft. These guns were traded for cocaine that destroyed hundreds of thousands of our youth who became addicted and jailed. Colin Powel watched the cocaine enter the country on the same military planes and did nothing to stop it from entering our community.

He is now Michael Jordan's and Janet Jackson's mentor, and it is alleged that they have promised to give him millions of dollars. During the Iran/CONTRA investigation by the Senate, Colin Powell was not asked questions that would have implicated him and his boss, George Bush, in drug trafficking.

The Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency paid Colin Powell $5 million to keep quiet about their involvement in Panamanian drug trade and covered it with a book deal. Colin Powell was at the head of a spy network that gathered information on Black Panther Party members that resulted in death. During the 1980's he was promoted by the man who orchestrated the assassination of Patrice Lamumba in Congo, Frank Carlucci.

The propaganda tactics of the intelligence community are controlled by the Central intelligence Agency (CIA) and are aimed at instilling fear in the public mind in general and legitimize war against our youth and community in particular. The police are conducting anti-crime seminars that terrorize the public and blow out of proportion crime in the African American community. They have implemented "Block-Watch" programs to cultivate snitches, informants, and provocateurs in the hope of gaining the community's confidence, support and trust. Our youth are not fooled by these tactics, they know that it is the police and politicians that are the real criminals!

The murder of Edwin Vine by Tulsa Police on November 6, 1998, is a classic example of creating hysteria, the pig [pig means police officer] that murdered him is considered a hero in the racist community and is not charged with murder! Hysteria serves the police department's immediate goal to heighten public fear by focusing attention on the victim being responsible for his own death, and at the same time justifies the call for additional manpower and weaponry.

These are the facts and tactics of an occupation force and are part of the government's overall tactics and strategy for repressing our youth's rising consciousness.

It should make you sick to know that [a white racist] Judge determines what cases go before a Grand Jury, and that the Grand Jury system in Tulsa, Oklahoma is a travesty of justice.

We must remember: The role of law enforcement in Oklahoma is not to protect humanity but to protect totalilatarion government and maintain a local army equipped to quell any legal threat to illegal status quo rule.

The schools, the justice, and correctional systems as far as we are concerned are criminal institutions run by criminals. As legislators, criminal justice practitioners, police organizations, racist religious groups, neocolonialist community leaders, and lay people call for longer jail sentences for poor and African people and the changing of the youthful offender status to adult, we see additional problems developing and witness the advanced stages of a totalitarian dictatorship emerging under the cover and control of a white racist invisible government, the intelligence community.

The standing gang grand jury in Oklahoma City has the power to authorize the police to tape your private telephone conversations if the police think your child is a gang member. The police search African- American people and their homes in Tulsa, Oklahoma without search warrants; and convict people of capital crimes on hearsay (Anthony Kimbrough, sentenced to life accused of killing a pig (police officer).

These are the people who tape private telephone conversations, arrange billion dollar drug deals, jail, and kill our leaders and destroy progressive African American organizations (COINTELPRO =Counter Intelligence Program).

It is the responsibility of people in general and parents in particular to step forward and speak out against this madness being promoted by political criminals who are destroying our children and our community. Losing control of our children's development leaves us no control over our future.

For too long we have looked to a corrupt Church leadership, educators, social workers, politicians, the police and the criminal justice system for solutions to problems and guidance. They have not produced any solutions; they only produce confusion, death and more problems!

We must take control of the economic development and politics in our community to ensure our children's well being, education and survival!

In closing, if the federal government does not enforce and protect the Constitutional rights of African Americans, the descendents of Africans, forced to come to America for free labor and prostitution, the government will be in violation of its own Constitution, in effect the Constitution will be null and void!


Cockburn, Leslie. 1987. Out of Control. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press

Evanzz, Karl. 1992. The Judas Factor: The Plot To Kill Malcolm X. New York: Thunder Mouth Press.

Garvin, Glenn. 1992. Everybody Had His Own Gringo: The CIA and the Contras. Kirkus Associates, L.P.

New York Times. Report of the Congressional Committees in Investigating the Iran-Contra Affair with the Minority View. Random House 1988

Reference Number: 900428. "Costa Rica is not happy with drug smuggling through their country." Orange County Register, Orange County, California.

Risen, James. "CIA says it used Nicaraguan Rebels Accused of Drug Tie. New York Times. July 1998. A1

Wicker, Tom. Op-Ed "Dismisal of Iran-Contra Case Against John Poindexter not only would leave Oliver North as Real Scapegoat but also heighten suspicion that President Bush has much to hide." (S) December 19, 1989. A27