AnnuAl RepoRt 2013 ContentS NISSAN MOTOR COMPANY ANNuAl RePORT 2013 01 contents ContentS This annual report presents the results of Nissan Motor Company's business activities for fiscal 2012. It is also provides an opportunity for investors to deepen their understanding of the Nissan management Viewing this Report team. President and CEO Carlos Ghosn and other executives share their vision of Nissan's philosophy and the direction the company is heading today. this annual report is an interactive pDf. You can use the navigation tabs and buttons to access the information you need. l Section Tabs contents corporate face time management messages 02 vIsION 17 Ev TOPICs click the tabs to jump to the top page of each section. 03 MIssION 18 FIsCAL 2012 sALEs PERFORMANCE 04 kEy FIGuREs 20 FIsCAL 2013 sALEs OuTLOOk l Navigation Buttons l Link Buttons 05 Technology 21 NEW TECHNOLOGIEs IN FIsCAL 2013 go back one page Jump to linked page 06 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTs 22 AWARDs RECEIvED IN FIsCAL 2012 return to previously viewed page Jump to information on the web 23 FIsCAL 2012 FINANCIAL REvIEW 27 FINANCIAL sTATEMENTs go forward one page 09 MEssAGE FROM THE CEO 12 MEssAGE FROM THE COO 14 MEssAGE FROM THE CFO 30 EXECuTIvEs 31 CORPORATE GOvERNANCE ■ Financial Data ■ For further information, please contact: to obtain more detailed financial information, nissan motor co., Ltd. investor relations Department please visit our ir website. 1-1, takashima 1-chome, nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 16 ABOuT THE MID-TERM PLAN website 220-8686, Japan tel: 81 (0)45-523-5520 ■ this annual report contains forward-looking statements on fax: 81 (0)45-523-5770 nissan’s plans and targets, and related operating investment, e-mail:
[email protected] product planning and production targets.