Boundaries and Their Meanings in the History of the Netherlands Studies in Central European Histories
Boundaries and their Meanings in the History of the Netherlands Studies in Central European Histories Edited by Th omas A. Brady, Jr., University of California, Berkeley Roger Chickering, Georgetown University Editorial Board Steven Beller, Washington, D.C. Atina Grossmann, Columbia University Peter Hayes, Northwestern University Susan Karant-Nunn, University of Arizona Mary Lindemann, University of Miami David M. Luebke, University of Oregon H.C. Erik Midelfort, University of Virginia David Sabean, University of California, Los Angeles Jonathan Sperber, University of Missouri Jan de Vries, University of California, Berkeley VOLUME XLVIII Boundaries and their Meanings in the History of the Netherlands Edited by Benjamin Kaplan, Marybeth Carlson, Laura Cruz LEIDEN • BOSTON 2009 On the cover: Map VIII. E.i.2 ‘Leo Belgicus’ in Germania infeion. Pieter v.d. Keere, 1617. With kind permission of University Library Utrecht. Departments Special Collections. Th is book is printed on acid-free paper. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Boundaries and their meanings in the history of the Netherlands / edited by Benjamin Kaplan, Marybeth Carlson, Laura Cruz. p. cm. — (Studies in Central European histories ; 48) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-90-04-17637-9 (hbk. : alk. paper) 1. Netherlands—Historical geog- raphy. 2. Netherlands—Boundaries—History. 3. Boundaries—Social aspects— Netherlands—History. 4. Boundaries—Political aspects—Netherlands—History. 5. Netherlands—Historiography. 6. Netherlands—Colonies—History. I. Kaplan, Benjamin J. II. Carlson, Marybeth. III. Cruz, Laura, 1969– IV. Title. V. Series. DJ30.B68 2009 320.1’2—dc22 2009011372 Society for Netherlandic History Volume 2 ISSN 1547-1217 ISBN 978 9004 17637 9 Copyright 2009 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, Th e Netherlands.
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