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LARGE CRUSTACEANS of the HUDSON RIVER ESTUARY U.S.Fish & Wildlife Service CRAYFISH BLUE CRAB National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration SHORE SHRIMP WHITE-FINGERED MUD CRAB Canadian Register of Marine Species Photo by Eric Lind SAND SHRIMP SCUD (AMPHIPOD) LARGE CRUSTACEANS of the HUDSON RIVER ESTUARY BLUE CRAB CRAYFISH What is it? Callinectes sapidus is a crustacean What is it? a crustacean; many species in How big is it? shell up to 7 in. across the infra-order Astacidea What does it eat? fish, plants, insect larvae, How big is it? about 2-4 in. long worms, smaller crustaceans, mollusks, snails, What does it eat? aquatic plants, algae, & dead organisms insect larvae, worms, tadpoles, tiny fish, & Where does it live? rivers, marshes, dead organisms estuaries, bays; fresh & salt water Where does it live? streams, rivers, ponds, What is its life cycle? hatches from egg in lakes, marshes; fresh water salt water as planktonic zoea larva; What is its life cycle? hatches from egg; eventually molts into megalops larva, then grows by molting; looks like adult after two into a tiny adult crab molts WHITE-FINGERED MUD CRAB SHORE SHRIMP What is it? Rhithropanopeus harrisii is a What is it? a crustacean; several species in crustacean genus Palaemonetes How big is it? shell up to ¾ in. across How big is it? up to 2 in. long What does it eat? detritus, algae, smaller What does it eat? detritus, algae, smaller crustaceans, worms, & bivalves crustaceans, worms Where does it live? rivers, marshes, Where does it live? rivers, marshes, estuaries; bays; fresh & brackish water estuaries, bays; brackish & salt water What is its life cycle? hatches from egg as What is its life cycle? hatches from egg; planktonic zoea larva; eventually molts into goes through several planktonic larval stages megalops larva, then into a tiny adult crab before settling to the bottom as a tiny adult shrimp SCUD (AMPHIPOD) SAND SHRIMP What is it? Crangon septemspinosa is a What is it? a crustacean; many species in crustacean the order Amphipoda, suborder Gammaridea How big is it? up to 2¾ in. long How big is it? less than ½ in. long What does it eat? detritus, algae, worms, What does it eat? detritus, algae, smaller smaller crustaceans, fish larvae crustaceans, worms Where does it live? rivers, marshes, Where does it live? streams, rivers, ponds, estuaries, bays; brackish & salt water lakes, marshes, estuaries, bays, ocean; What is its life cycle? hatches from egg; fresh & salt water goes through several planktonic larval stages What is its life cycle? hatches from egg; before settling to the bottom as a tiny adult hatchling looks like tiny adult shrimp LARGE CRUSTACEANS of the HUDSON RIVER ESTUARY .
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