Klaipedos universitetas Lietuvos istorijos institutas Vilniaus universitetas

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Skiriama lonG Puzino 1OO-meCio jubiliejui


VILNIUS 2005 UDK 902/904(474.5) Li-227

Redaktoriq kolegija: • Algirdas Girininkas (ats. redaktorius ir sudarytojas) (Lietuvos istorijos institutas) Rimantas J ankauskas (Vilniaus universitetas) Vytautas Kazakevicius (Lietuvos istorijos institutas) Mykolas Michelbertas (Vilniaus universitetas) - Evalds Mugurevics (Latvijos universiteto Latvijos istorijos institutas) Vytautas Urbanavicius (Pilill tyrimo centras "Lietuvos pilys'j Gintautas Zabiela (Lietuvos istorijos institutas)

v Vladas Zulkus (KJaipedos universitetas)

v Jurgita Zukauskaite (ats. sekretore) (LietlLVos istorijos institutas)

ISSN 0207-8694 © Lietuvos iSlorijos instilutas, 2005 ISBN 9986-23-124-8 © Straipsni4 au loriai, 2005 L1ETUYOS ARCHEOLOGIJA. 2005. T. 29, p. 9-10. ISSN 0207-8694 PROFESIONALIOS ARCH EOLOGUOS P DININ LIETUVOJE


Lietuva turi daug ryski Ll asmenybiLL, susijusiLl su lvai­ kontekste, bet ir tautos kulturos bei sav«s, kaip tautos da­ riomis mokslo, meno, kulturos sakomis. Viena is j4 - prof. lies, identifikavime. J. Puzinas priesistores l110ksl'llaike dr. Jonas Puzinas, kuriam buvo lemta padeti Lietuvos ar­ istorijos mokslu, kuris turi tarnauti visuomenes, ukio sis­ cheologijos l11okslo pagrindus, pim1ajam formuoti Lietuvos tel1111 ir dvasinio pasaulio pazinimui. 1. Puzino mokslo ti­ archeologijos l110ksl'l ivairiomis kryptimis. Mokslininkas riamasis darbas, kuris buvo vainikuotas studija "Naujausill XX a. ketvirtojo desimtmecio begyje sugebejo ne tik pats proistorinill tyrinejim1l duol11enys" (Senove, 1938. T. IV), suvokti eW'opini archeologijos supratil11q, bet ir suformuoti buvo ir iki siolei isliko reiksl11ingu kelrodziu tolesniems pirm~'l archeolog4 mokyklq, nuo kurios prasidejo akade­ proistores tyrinejimams. Siame darbe buvo susisteminti mines Lietuvos priesistores studijos. visi iki to laiko vykdyti archeologiniai tyrinejimai, pirm'l Lietuvos archeologijos pagrindai buvo suforl11uoti kart'l issamiai pateikta archeologinill dirbini4 tipologija, greitai ir vienumetu mokslininkui veikiant ivairiol11is kryp­ nustatyta pricsistores chronologija, sutvarkyta archeolo­ timis. Griz«s is Heidelbergo, J. Puzinas pasinere i mokslo gijos tenninija. Desimtys reiksmingll mokslini4 straips­ tiriam~l darbq, Priesistorinio skyriaus formavim'l ir pir­ niLL, dalyvavimas tarptautinese mokslinese konferencijose mosios profesionalios archeologines ekspozicijos paren­ bei archeologinese ekspedicijose buvo iseities taskas, ku­ gim'l Vytauto Didziojo kultliros l11uziejuje, archeologijos riuo Lietuvos priesistores tyrimai mokslininko deka iejo l pagrind4 destym'l Kauno Vytauto Didziojo universitete. europini kontekst'l. Sios trys pagrindines veiklos kryptys tgalino priesistores J. Puzino spausdintll ir rankrasCiuose islikusi4 tem4 moksl'l tapti Iygiaverciu kitoms mokslo sakoms Lietuvoje. diapazonas gana platus, 0 tai rodo mokslininko kaip as­ J. Puzino priesistores tyril11uose buvo kelial110s tuo menybes intelekt'l. Be archeologijos, mokslininkas daug metu labai svarbios problemos ir temos, susijusios su Lie­ rase Lietuvos istorijos, lingvistikos, etnologijos, medici­ tuvos archeologijai iskylanciais tikslais ir l11etodais. Tai nos istorijos, kulturos, svietimo bei politikos klausimais. balt4 protevynes, atskifll archeologini4laikotarpi4 issky­ Reiksmingi 1. Puzino biografiniai darbai apie Teodor'l rimas, kulturine raida priesistoriniais laikais, regionine Narbutq, Liudvik'l Ksyvicki, Tad'l Daugirdq, Petr'l Avizo­ priesistore, priesistores istoriografija ir tyrinetll pal11inklll ni. J. Puzin'l galime laikyti ir enciklopedininku, nes jis bu­ medziagos spausdinimas. 1. Puzino metodologine ir teori­ vo vienas pagrindini4 Bostone leistos enciklopedijos ne priesistorines archeologijos koncepcija susiforl11avo dar redaktori4· Studlj4 Heidelberge metu. Tai pastebima is 1931 m. para­ J. Puzinas, budamas profesionaliosios Lietuvos arche­ syto straipsnio "Priesistorine archeologija ir jos tyrimo me­ ologijos mokslo pradininkas, netapo siauru kabinetiniu todai", kuriame isdestomi svarbiausi archeologijos ll10kslo mokslininku. Jis populiarino archeologij'l gretindamas j'l tikslai, akcentuojal11a jo svarba ne tik zll10nijos pazinil110 su istorija, lingvistika, kultura, netgi menu. 10 ALGIRDAS GIRfNINKAS

Labai reiksmingu faktu 1. Puzino akademineje plot­ riaus dekano pareigas. Cia jis intensyviai dirbo ir moks­ meje reiketlt laikyti tai, kad mokslininkas sukiire savo ar­ lini darbq. Dirbdamas sunkiomis sqlygomis parase ne­ cheologin(( mokyklq. Trys zymieji pokario Lietuvos mazai straipsniLt "Ledynai ir pinnLtiLl zmoniLt pasirodymas archeologai - R. lablonskyte-Rimantiene, R. Yolkaite-Ku­ Lietuvoje", "AnkstYVlljLt Lietuvos gyventojLl kultiiros ir likauskiene, P. Kulikauskas ir pasaulyje isgarsinusi Lietu­ tautybes klausimas", "Mazosios Lietuvos proistores bruo­ vos priesistor(( bei kultiirq M. Aiseikaite-Gimbutiene - hi", kurie veliau buvo isspausdinti "Yilties", "AidLt" lei­ baige savo archeologines studijas pas prof. 10nq Puzinq. diniuose. Yiena is prof. 1. Puzino 1110kinillR. Yolkaite-Kulikauskie­ Labai reiksmingas indelis Lietuvos muziejininkysteje ne raso: " ... Dabar prisikelusioje nepriklausomoje Lietuvo­ buvo J. Puzino originaliai irengta priesistores ekspozicija je mes, vyresniosios kartos archeologai, buv(( Profesoriaus Yytauto Didziojo kultiiros muziejuje, kur visuomenei pir­ mokiniai, galil11e jau atvirai didziuotis savo Mokytoju, mq kartq buvo pateikta Lietuvos priesistore, atspindejusi davusiu mums pagrindus tada dar labai nepopuliarioje muziejuje sukauptLt ir is kitlt muziejLt depozito teisemis archeologijos srityje ... " (Yolkaite- Kulikauskiene R. Lie­ gautlt archeologiniLt eksponatll chronologijq ir tipologijq. tuvos archeologijos ugdytojas II Lietuvos 1110kslas, 1995. Gyvendamas emigracijoje 1. Puzinas jautesi atitriik((s T. III, kn. 7, p. 144). Visiems auksciau minetiems 1. Puzi­ nuo akademinio darbo, taciau ir ten biidamas, atplestas no mokiniams teko klausyti profesoriaus paskaitLl. los bu­ nuo tiriamojo objekto saltiniLt - archeologijos paminklLt ir vo idomios ir metodiskai paruostos, daznai skaitol11os medziagos, sugebejo paruosti daug vertingLl darbtL tarp jll muziejuje, tiesiogiai prie archeologinill radiniLt. Studentai "Sveksnos krasto proistore", "Sveksnos kraStas Baltijos ruose referatus, skirtus archeologiniLt radiniLt analizei bei pajiirio archeologiniLt tyrinejimllsviesoje", "Siiduva nau­ kultiiriniams procesams, vykusiems visoje Europoje. Pla­ jausill archeologiniLt tyrinejimLt sviesoje", "ZanavykLtkras­ ciau susipazinti su archeologijajo klausytojai galejo isvy­ to proistore" ir kt. Yisi jo darbai paremti giliai pazintais kose prie archeologiniLt paminklll ar dalyvaudami jLt proistores saltiniais ir parasyti grazia, kaip jo paties tyrinejimuose. Todel buvo galima mokinius sudominti ir M. Dauksos "Postiles" vertimas, lietuviLt kalba. patraukti tolesnems priesistores studijoms. 1. Puzinui tai Nors mokslininkas daugiausia demesio emigracijoje sekmingai pavyko igyvendinti. 10 skaitomose paskaitose skyre moksliniam darbui, taCiau JAY lietuviq iseivijos ivai­ plaCiausiai buvo aptariamas priesistorines Lietuvos ir Pa­ riose organizacijose plaCiai dirbo visuomenini darbq. J. Pu­ baltijo regionas, taciau tarp destomll dalykll buvo ir "In­ zinas buvo Filadelfijos lietuviLt bendruomenes pinnininkas, doeuropieciLt protevyne", "Yikingai Pabaltijy", "Europos dirbo Pasaulio lietuvill bendruomenes Kultiiros tarybos pir­ prosenoves metmenys" bei kiti kursai, kuriuose atsispindi mininku, Lietuvos laisves komitete, buvo Pedagoginio li­ Rytll Pabaltijo ir Yakaflt Europos regionuose proistoriniais tuanistikos instituto rektorius, Amerikos lietuvill laikais vyk(( sudetingi procesai. bibliotekos leidyklos pirmininkas, vadovavo antrajam 1. Puzinui studijos Yokietijoje padejo sekmingai ple­ mokslo ir kiirybos simpoziumui, suorganizavo III Lietu­ toti akademini darb<\., dirbant Hamburgo-Pinnebergo uni­ yilt kultiiros kongresq. versitete. Cia pasireiske jo ne tik kaip mokslininko, Visa lietuviLt iseivija, kaip ir jo mokiniai Lietuvoje, pedagogo, bet ir kaip organizatoriaus gabumai. lsteigus profesorilliaiko tauria, humaniska asmenybe, 0 tarp Lie­ universitet<\., 1. Puzinas tapo jo archeologijos profesoriu­ tuvos archeologLt mokslininkas visada Iiks profesionalios mi ir kartu dirbo administracijoje, eidamas lietuviLt sky- Lietuvos archeologijos pradininkas.




Lithuania has a lot of outstanding personalities related cognitive purpose but also for the identification of oneself with different science, art and culture spheres. One of them as the part of the nation. 1. Puzinas considered prehistory is Professor Doctor Jonas Puzinas who laid the fundamentals as history science, which must serve the cognition of the of the Lithuanian archaeology, who first formed up the society, economic systems and spiritual world. 1. Puzinas' Lithuanian archaeology in different directions. During the research which was finalised by the publication "The Data 4th decade of the 20th century the scientist managed not ofthe latest prohistoric explorations" (Senove, 1938. T. IV) only to grasp the European conception of archaeology, but was and still is a significant signpost for further explorations also to establish the first school of archaeologists, where of the prehistory. In this work the author systemised all the the academic studies of the Lithuanian prehistory were archaeological explorations, presented the typology of the started. archaeological artefacts for the first time, established the The basics of the Lithuanian archaeology were formed chronology of the prehistory and systemised the quickly and at the same time participating in different tern1inology of archaeology. Tens of significant scientific spheres. Having returned from Heidelberg, J. Puzinas un­ articles, paliicipation in international scientific conferences dertook his research, as well as started the formation of and archaeological expeditions made the contribution that (he Prehistory Department and the organization of the first the explorations of the Lithuanian prehistory were included exposition of the professional archaeology in the Vytautas into the European context thanks to J. Puzinas. Magnus Culture Museum. At the same time he lectured on The range of the articles by 1. Puzinas, both published the basics of archaeology at Vytautas Magnus University. or in manuscript, is rather wide. This evidenced 1. Puzinas' These three main activities made the prehistory science high intelligence. Besides archaeology, 1. Puzinas wrote equal to other sciences in Lithuania. many articles on Lithuanian histoty, linguistics, ethnology, In explorations of prehistory 1. Puzinas raised urgent medicine history, culture, education and politics. Signi­ issues and themes of that time were raised. They were ficant works by J. Puzinas are the biographies about related with the purposes and methods of the Lithuanian Teodoras Narbutas, Ludwik Krzyvicki, Tadas Daugirdas, archaeology, such as segregation of the Baits and separate Petras Avizonis. J. Puzinas can also be considered an archaeological periods, the cultural development in encyclopaedist, as he was one of the chief editors of the prehistoric times, the regional prehistory, the historiography encyclopaedia, published in Boston. of the prehistory and publishing of the materials from Being the pioneer of the professional Lithuanian explores sites. J. Puzinas' methodological and theoretical archaeology, J. Puzinas popularised archaeology while conception of the prehistoric archaeology was formed comparing it with history, I inguistics, culture and even ali. during his studies in Heidelberg. This is noticed in his Significant accomplishment in 1. Puzinas' academic article written in 1931, "Prehistoric archaeology and its activities is the establishment ofthe Archaeology School. exploration methods" where the key purposes of Three famous archaeologists of the postwar period, archaeology were set, and also the importance of R. Jablonskyte-Rimantiene, R. Volkaite-Kulikauskiene and archaeology was emphasised not only as serving for the P. Kulikauskas, and M. Alseikaite-Gimbutiene, who 12 ALGIRDAS GIRINlNKAS propagated the Lithuanian prehistory and culture in the minor", which were later published in the newspapers world, finished archaeological studies at J. Puzinas' school. "Viltis" and "Aidai". One of 1. Puzinas' students, R. Volkaite-Kulikauskiene A very significant contribution to the Lithuanian wrote: " ... "Now in the restored independent Lithuania we, museology was the original exposition of the prehistory archaeologists of the elder generation, former 1. Puzinas' organized by J. Puzinas in the Vytautas Magnus Culture students, can boast openly our Teacher who gave us the Museum. Here people could get acquainted with the basics of the very unpopular archaeology at that times ... " Lithuanian prehistory for the first time. The exposition (Volkaite-Kulikauskiene R., Educator of the Lithuanian reflected the chronology and typology of the archaeological archaeology II Lietuvos mokslas, 1995. T, ill, kn. 7, p. 144). exhibits own by the museum and the other exhibits received All the above mentioned 1. Puzinas' students attended the from other museums as deposits. professor's lectures. The lectures were interesting and well In emigration 1. Puzinas felt alooffrom the academic methodically prepared, they were often read in the museum work, however while being apart from the sources of the by archaeological finds. His students wrote papers for the study - archaeological monuments and materials, he analysis of archaeological finds and cultural processes, managed to prepare a lot of valuable works such as taking place in all the Europe. In order to get more "Prohistory of Sveksna region", "Sveksna region in the information on archaeology, students could take part in archaeological explorations at the Baltic seacoast", "Latest excursions to archaeological monuments or participate in archaeological exploration in Suduva", "Prohistory of explorations. It was easy to interest students and to fascinate Zanavykai region" and others. All his works were based them with further prehistory studies. J. Puzinas knew how on very well-known prohistoric sources and written in the to do this. Though his lectures were mostly about the perfect as well as his translation of prehistoric Lithuania and Baltic region, also among the M. Dauksa's "Postile". subjects he lectured there were "Indo-European Pro- Native Though in emigration the scientist devoted most of Land", "Vikings in the Baltic region", "The European his time to his research works, he also participated prohistory" and other courses where complex processes actively in different organizations of the Lithuanian exile which took place in the Eastern Baltic region and in the in the USA. 1. Puzinas was the Chairman of the Lithuanian Western Europe at that times were reflected. Community in Philadelphia, and the Chairman of the The studies in Gellnany helped J. Puzinas to develop Culture Council of the World Lithuanian Community, also further the successful academic work having arrived at worked in the Lithuanian Liberation Committee, also - Pinneberg University. Here he showed up not he was the Rector of the Pedagogical Institute of only as scientist and educator, but also as an organizator. Lithuanistics, the Chairman of the USA Lithuanian Having established the University, J. Puzinas became the Library Publishing House; he headed the 2nd Science Archaeology Professor and at the same time he was the and Fiction Symposium and organized the 3rd Congress Dean of the Lithuanian Department. Here he also worked of the Lithuanian Culture. intensively on his research. Working under challenging All the Lithuanian emigrants, as well as J. Puzinas' conditions, he wrote a number of articles: "Glaciers and students in Lithuania, consider the Professor as a noble and the appearance of the first people in Lithuania", "Issue of humane personality, and among Lithuanian archaeologists the vulture and nationality of the early Lithuanian he will remain forever the pioneer of the Lithuanian inhabitants", "Features of the prohistory of the Lithuania archaeology.