EXTENSIONS of REMARKS June 5, 1973 Establish a Freedom of Information Com­ Providing for the Printing of Committee Hear­ 236

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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS June 5, 1973 Establish a Freedom of Information Com­ Providing for the Printing of Committee Hear­ 236 18190 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 5, 1973 establish a Freedom of Information Com­ providing for the printing of committee hear­ 236. Also, memorial of the Legislature of mission, and to further amend the Freedom ings establishing a National Institute of Ed­ the State of Louisiana, requesting the Con­ of Information Act; to the Committee on ucation; to the Committee on House Ad­ gress to propose an amendment to the Con­ Government Operations. ministration. stitution of the United States to guarantee H.R. 8400. A blll to encourage the move­ By Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia: the right of the unborn human to life ment in interstate and ~oreign commerce of H. Con. Res. 234. Concurrent resolution ex­ throughout its development; to the Com­ recycled and recyclable materials and to re­ pressing the sense of Congress regarding the mittee on the Judiciary. duce the quantities of solid waste materials conservation of gasoline; to the Committee 237. Also, memorial of the Legislature of in commerce which cannot be recycled or do on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. the State of New Jersey, requesting the Con­ not contain available recycled materials, and By Mrs. GRASSO (for herself, Mr. BI­ gress to propose an amendment to the Con­ for other purposes; to the Committee on In­ ESTER, and Mr. RIEGLE): stitution of the United States to effectuate terstate and Foreign Commerce. H. Con. Res. 235. Concurrent resolution ex­ protection of unborn humans; to the Com­ By Mr. SMITH of Iowa: pressing the opposition of the Congress to mittee on the Judiciary. H.R. 8401. A blll to provide for public certain measures for the curtailment of bene­ 238. Also, memorial of the Legislature of financing of the campaign of candidates for fits under the medicare and medicaid pro­ the State of New Hampshire, requesting the the Office of the President and Vice Presi­ grams: to the Committee on Ways and Means. Congress to call a convention for the pur­ dent of the United States; to the Committee By Mr. O'NEILL (for himself and Mr. pose of proposing an amendment to the on House Administration. GERALD R. FORD): Constitution of the United States permitting By Mr. CHARLES H. WILSON of Cali­ H. Con. Res. 236. Concurrent resolution de­ voluntary prayer in public schools; to the fornia: claring the 21 days from Flag Day to Inde­ Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 8402. A blll to provide for the com­ pendence Day as a period to Honor America; 239. Also, memorial of the Legislature of pensation of perons injured by certain crimi­ to the Committee on the Judiciary. the State of New Hampshire, relative to Na­ nal acts, to make grants to States for the By Mr. RINALDO: tional Service Life Insurance for veterans; payment of such compensation, and for other H. Con. Res. 237. Concurrent resolution au­ to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. puposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary. thorizing and directing the Joint Study Com­ 2401. Also, memorial of the Legislature of By Mr. FASCELL (for himself, Mr. mittee on Budget Control to report legisla­ the State of Oklahoma, relative to changes PEPPER, Mr. LEHMAN, and Mr. BEN­ tion to the Congress no later than June 1, in Veterans' Administration disability rat­ NETT): 1973, providing procedures for Jmproving ings; to the Committee on Veterans• Affairs. H.R. 8403. A blll to authorize the Secre­ congressional control of budgetary outlay and tary of the Navy to convey water supply receipt totals, the operation of a limitation facilities in the Florida Keys to the Florida on expenditures and net lending commenc­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Keys Aqueduot Authority; to the Committee ing with the fiscal year beginning July 1, Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private on Armed Services. 1973, and for limiting the authority of the By Mr. REID: President to impound or otherwise withhold bills and resolutions were introduced and H.R. 8404. A bill to establish a national funds authorized and appropriated by the severally referred as follows: program for research, development, and Congress; to the Committee on Rules. By Mrs. CHISHOLM: demonstration in tfuels and energy and for By Mr. TREEN (for himself and Mrs. H.R. 8405. A bill for the relief of Mr. the coordination and financial supplementa­ BoGGs): Matthias Thomas; to the Committee on the t ion of Federal energy research and develop­ H. Con. Res. 238. Concurrent resolution re­ Judiciary. ment; to establish development corporations lating to the U.S. fishing industry; to the By Mr. GINN: to demonstrate technologies for shale oil Committee on Merchant Marine and Fish­ H.R. 8406. A bill for the relief of William development, coal gasification development, eries. M. Starrs; to the Committee on the Judi­ advanced power cycle development, geo­ By Mr. WALSH: ciary. thermal steam development, and coal lique­ H. Con. Res. 239. Concurrent resolution ex­ By Mr. LEGGETT: faction development; to authorize and di­ pressing the sense of the Congress with re­ H.R. 8407. A bill for the relief of James U. rect the Secretary of the Interior to make spect to the sale or abandonment of certain Rollins; to the Committee on the Judiciary. mineral resources of the public lands avail­ railroad lines; to the Committee on Inter­ By Mr. SIKES: able for said development corporations; and state and Foreign Commerce. H.R. 8408. A bill to authorize the Secretary for other purposes; to the Committee on In­ of the Air Force to convey certain real prop­ terior and Insular Affairs. erty for use as a permanent site for the Air By Mr. BINGHAM (for himself, Mr. MEMORIALS Force Enlisted Men's, Widow's and Depend­ BERGLAND, Mrs. CHISHOLM, Mr. Under clause 4 of rule XXII, memorials ent's Home; to the Committee on Armed FRASER, Mr. MITCHELL Of Maryland, Services. Mr. RYAN, Mr. STARK, and Mr. WoN were presented and referred as follows: By Mr. WYATT: PAT): 231. By the SPEAKER: A memorial of the H.R. 8409. A bill for the relief of Michael H.J. Res. 596. Joint resolutiop proposing Legislature of the State of New Hampshire, Kwok-choi Kan; to the Committee on the an amendment to the Constitution of the relative to assistance to North Vietnam; to Judiciary. United States relating to the election of the the Committee on Foreign Affairs. President and Vice President; to the Com­ 232. Also, memorial of the Legislature of mittee on the Judiciary. the State of Utah, relative to the develop­ PETITIONS, ETC. By Mr. CULVER (tfor himself and Mr. ment of southern Utah; to the Committee RAILSBACK) : on Interior and Insular Affairs. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions H.J. Res. 597. Joint resolution authorizing 233. Also, memorial of the Legislature of and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk the President to proclaim June 17, 1973, as a the State of California, relative to family and referred as follows: day of commemoration of the opening of the planning research and services; to the Com­ 231. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the city upper Mississippi River by Jacques Marquette mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. council, Malden, Mass. rela.tive to the Boston and Louis Joliet in 1673; to the Committee 234. Also, memorial of the General Assem­ Naval Shipyard; to the Committee on Armed on the Judiciary. bly of the State of Connecticut, relative to Services. By Mr. PERKINS: an investigation of abuse of process by a 232. Also, petition of the city council, H.J. Res. 598. Joint resolution to authorize Federal grand jury and the Department of Fresno, Calif.; relative to categorical com­ the President to designate the period from Justice in the case of the "Fort Worth Five"; munity development programs; to the Com­ March 3, 1974, through March 9, 1974, as to the Committee on the Judiciary. mittee on Banking and Currency. "National Nutrition Week"; to the Commit­ 235. Also, memorial of the Legislature of 233. Also, petition of International In­ tee on the Judiciary. the State of Florida, relative to amnesty stitute of Municipal Clerks, Pasadena, Calif.; By Mr. BRADEMAS: for deserters and draft evaders; to the Com­ relative to elections; to the Committee on H. Con. Res. 233. Concurrent resolution mittee on the Judiciary. House Administration. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PRAYER AND BIBLE READING IN the Nation's public schools has for a Senate are opened each day by prayer. THE NATION'S PUBLIC SCHOOLS decade been an issue of considerable con­ So is each session of the Supreme Court. troversy. I for one-and I have made my I hold that if recognition of a Higher HON. HERMAN E. TALMADGE position eminently clear on many oc­ Being that guides all of us and our Na­ OF GEORGIA casions-do believe the u.s. Supreme tion is good enough for Congress and the Court overstepped its authority and went highest court in the land, then it ought IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES beyond the meaning of the Constitution to be acceptable for schoolchildren. Tuesday, June 5, 1973 in denying voluntary prayer and reading There recently came to my attention Mr. TALMADGE. Mr. President, the of the Bible in public classrooms. a poem, written by Robert 0. Donovan, question of prayer and Bible reading in The House of Representatives and the a director and past president of an or- June 5, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 18191 ganization to restore prayer and Bible Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish A national treasure is involved in the case reading to schools, which eloquently Commission, and every other scientific of the Barge Canal-The Oklawaha River, a. uniquely beautiful, semitropical stream, states the case.
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