Index I: Subjects

This index covers all the buildings treated in Rubens's publication entitled Palazzi di Genova (two series) as well as the material relevant to the book itself: preparatory drawings, engravings (by Nicolaes Ryckemans) and proof impressions.

The first series (1622; later called Palazzi Antichi; 72 plates) contains 12 buildings (palaces and villas) in the following sequence, in alphabetical order:

A Palazzo Carrega Cataldi (Nos.1-8) B Villa Giustiniani Cambiaso (Nos.9-13 and 70) C Villa Spinola di San Pietro (Nos.14-19 and 71) D Villa Grimaldi 'Fortezza' (Nos.20-28 and 71) E Villa Pallavicino delle Peschiere (Nos.29-34) F Palazzo Spinola (Nos.35-42 and 71-72) G Palazzo Interiano Pallavicini (Nos.43-48) H Villa Grimaldi Sauli (Nos.49-52) I Palazzo Rostan Raggio (Nos.53-60 and 71) K Palazzo Lercari Parodi (Nos.61-66) - Palazzo Tursi (Nos.67,69 and 72) Palazzo Cambiaso (Nos.68-69

The second series (undated; later called Palazzi Moderni; 67 plates) contains 23 buildings (palaces and churches) in the following sequence:

I Palazzo Doria (Nos.73-75) II Palazzo Gambaro (Nos.76-78) III Palazzo Balbi Senarega (Nos.79-81) IV Palazzo Franzone (Nos.82-84) V Palazzo del Melograno (Nos.85-87) VI Palazzo di G.B. Grimaldi (Nos.88-90) VII Palazzo Durazzo Pallavicini (Nos.91-93) VIII Palazzo della Meridiana (Nos.94—96) IX Palazzo Podestà (Nos.97-99) X Palazzo Cattaneo Adorno (Nos.100-102) XI Palazzo Campanella (Nos.103-105) XII Palazzo di Cipriano Pallavicino (Nos.106-108) XIII Palazzo Centurione (Nos.109-111) XIV Palazzo Doria Spinola (Nos.112-114) XV Palazzo dell'Acquedotto de Ferrari Galliera (Nos.115-117) XVI Palazzo Spinola (Nos.118-120) XVII Palazzo Di Negro (Nos.121-123) XVIII Palazzo Lomellini Patrone (Nos.124-126) XIX Palazzo Rovere (Nos.l 27-129) XX S. Siro (Nos. 130-131) XXI SS. Annunziata del Vastato (Nos.132-133) XXII S. Maria Assunta in Carignano (Nos.134-135) XXIII SS. Ambrogio e Andrea (Nos.136-139)

This index consists of two parts:

A All material relevant to the book B The material, in alphabetical order, focusing on the individual buildings


Index I.A: The Production of the Publication

Dedication ('A1 illustriss Signor...', fol. 2r) (only in Palazzi Antichi: 17,22,27-28, 30,40-41,45,52,57,62, the Palazzi Antichi): 17,19, 39, 253-254 63-74,84,90,91,92,95,98,99,105,106,108, (Appendix lA),fig.a 111, 113-114,117-183 Editions: 17,19,20, 22,41, 50-51, 111, 263 (Appendix Palazzi Moderni: 19,24,28,30,31,41,42-51 (date: 50- III) 51), 57,62-63,82,83,90, 111, 114-116,184-252 Foreword ('Al benigno lettore', fol. 3r) (only in the Privilege (only in the Palazzi Antichi, No.l): 18,117; Palazzi Antichi): 17,18,41,51-55,91, 98,254- fig l 256 (Appendix 1.2); fig.b Type (letter type): 18 Imprimatur ('Censura', fol.3v) (only in the Palazzi Antichi): 17, 256-257 (Appendix 1.3); ßg.c


Of the 137 drawings originally used for this publication, 122 are at present preserved in the RIBA, London; all of them are anonymous (Italian, various hands) and alien to Rubens's workshop; they carry annotations, some of them in Rubens's hand (or presumably so).

Compass points or pinpricks (only in the Palazzi Moderni: 42,44,49; Nos.73a, 75a, 91a, 97a, Palazzi Antichi): 40, 63, 66 99a, 103a, 105a, 112a, 136a Corrections on pasted-down paper: 40, 66 Watermarks: (and passim) Palazzi Antichi: 67; Nos.4a, 8a, 14a, 18a, 23a, Flaps with additional information mounted onto 24a/25a, 28a, 33a/34a, 44a, 48a, 51a, 61a drawings (only in the Palazzi Antichi): 40, 68; Palazzi Moderni: Nos. 79a, 97a Nos. 18a, 21a, 27a, 36a, 37a, 54a, 55a; ßgs.35, 36, 3S; 44, 45, 47; 77, 78; 82, S3; 123, 223 ENGRAVINGS General: 21,22, 25,39,41,42,57-58, 61-62 Palazzi Antichi: 18,22, 25, 40-41,58, 60, 61, General: 20, 24, 41, 51 63-74, 79-81, 84, 90 Palazzi Antichi: 18,19-20, 22,27,41 Palazzi Moderni: 19,20,42-49, 59, 82, 91 Palazzi Moderni: 19-20, 22, 46-51, 59-60 Inscriptions (including lettering and numbering): Inscriptions: 111 43,111,112 Palazzi Antichi: 2 2 ,41,61 Palazzi Antichi: 41, 62, 67-69,81 Palazzi Moderni: 23, 41,49 Palazzi Moderni: 42,43-44, Proof impressions: 11 surviving proof impressions Inscriptions by Rubens: 112 of the Palazzi Moderni (with hand-written Palazzi Antichi: 41, 91, 112,117-119,123,126,129- annotations: hand unidentified) are kept in 130,133-135,139-140,144-145,148,150-151, the Print Room of the Rijksmuseum, 155,161-163,167-169,182 Amsterdam (all of them showing façade Palazzi Moderni: 42,44,48,112,184,187,190-191, elevations): 49-50; Nos.75b, 102b, 105b, 195,196-197,199, 208, 211,214, 216,228-229, 108b, 111b, 114b, 117b, 120b, 123b, 126b, 239 129b; figs. 160, 220,227,241,249,256,267, Lost drawings (15 are missing): 57, 60,61, 111; 273, 67a, 68a, 69a, 78a, 84a, 93a, 96a, Inscriptions: 49 117a, 126a, 129a, 133a, 135a, 137a, 139a Watermark: No. 216b Recto / Verso Sheets (only in the Palazzi Antichi): 40, Scale indications: 40 57, 64-66; Nos.lla/70a, 12a/13a, 19a/17a, Palazzi Antichi: 61; Nos.2,9,14,21,29,36,43,54, 24a/25a, 26a/27a, 31a/32a, 33a/34a, 61, 67, 68 38a/39a, 41a/42a, 46a/47a, 56a/57a, Palazzi Moderni: 46-48, 73, 75, 79, 82, 85,88,91, 94, 58a/59a, 65a/66a 97,99,100,103,105,106,109,112,114,115, Scale indications: 118,121,124,127,130,132,134,136,137 Palazzi Antichi: 64, 67; Nos.2a, 9a, 14a, 21a, 29a, Watermarks: 50 36a, 43a, 52a, 54a, 61a


Index I.B: Churches, palaces and villas in the Palazzi di Genova [For the addresses of the individual buildings, see pp.13-16; alternative names for the palaces and villas are listed in Index III, under .]

CHURCHES Façade elevation, proof impression, 117b: 226; fig-249

SS. AMBROGIO E ANDREA, Nos.136-139 PALAZZO BALBI SENAREGA, Nos.79-81 (Palazzi (Palazzi Moderni, XXIII): 28,32,33,34,35,42,43,49, Moderni, III): 2 9 ,4 2 ,4 3 ,45, 62,112,114,190-194,197; 5 7 ,5 9 ,116,247-252; cat. ills..61-62; figs..284-289 cat. ills.35-37; figs.168-173 Ground plan, engraving, No.136: 248; fig.284 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.79:190; Ground plan, drawing, No,136a: 248; ßg.285 fig-168 Façade elevation, engraving, No.137:248; fig-286 Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.79a: 190-191; Façade elevation, drawing (lost), No.l37a: 248 fig-169 Cross section, engraving, No.138: 248; fig.288 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.80:191; fig.170 Cross section, drawing, No.l38a: 248; fig-289 Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.80a: 191; fig-171 Longitudinal section, engraving, No.139:248; fig-287 Façade elevation, engraving, No.81:191; fig-172 Longitudinal section, drawing (lost), No.l39a: 249 Façade elevation, drawing, No.81a: 191; figs. 173, 290a SS. ANNUNZIATA DEL VASTATO, Nos.132-133 (.Palazzi Moderni, XXI): 30, 32, 42, 43, 57, 59,116, 240- PALAZZO CAMBIASO, Nos.68 (Palazzi Antichi, in 244; cat. ills.51,56-58; figs.278-280 fine; see also No.69, below, under Miscellanea)-. 28, Ground plan, engraving, No.132:240; fig.278 32, 38,57,61,62,67,68,69, 75,76,77,82,114,121, Ground plan, drawing, No.l32a: 240-241; fig-279 149,171,173,177-181,188; cat. ills.29-32; figs.148,149 Façade elevation, engraving, No.133: 241; fig.280 Façade elevation, engraving, N o.68:177; fig.148 Façade elevation, drawing (lost), No.l33a: 241 Façade elevation, drawing (lost), No.68a: 178

S. MARIA ASSUNTA IN CARIGNANO, Nos.134- PALAZZO CAMPANELLA, Nos.103-105 (Palazzi 135 (Palazzi Moderni, XXII): 28,32, 38,42,43, 57, 59, Moderni, XI): 23,42,43,49,63, 76, 7 9 ,115, 213-215; 72, 73,107,116,138,244-247; cat. ills.59-60; figs.214-221 figs.281-283 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.103: 213; Ground plan, engraving, No.134: 244; fig.282 fig-214 Ground plan, drawing, No.l34a: 244; fig.283 Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.l03a: 213; Façade elevation, engraving, No.135: 245; fig-281 fig-215 Façade elevation, drawing (lost), No.l35a: 245 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.104: 213; fig-216 S. SIRO, Nos.130-131 (Palazzi Moderni, XX): 28,42, Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.l04a: 213-214; 43, 59,112,116, 236-239; cat. ills.54-55; figs.274-277 fig-217 Ground plan, engraving, No.130: 236; fig.274 Façade elevation, engraving, No.105:214; fig.218 Ground plan, drawing, No.l30a: 236; fig-275 Façade elevation, drawing, No.l05a: 214; figs.219, Façade elevation, engraving, No.131: 239; fig.276 221 Façade elevation, drawing, No.131 a: 239; figs.277, Façade elevation, proof impression, No.l05b: 214; 290b fig-220

PALAZZO CARREGA CATALDI, Nos.1-8 (Palazzi PALACES Antichi, A): 38,41,57,62,68,69,75, 77,112,113,117- PALAZZO DELL'ACQUEDOTTO DE FERRARI 1 22,176,180,201; cat. ills.1-2; figs.1-15 GALLIERA, Nos.115-117 (Palazzi Moderni, XV): 23, Plan of the cellar: engraving, No.l: 117,fig.l 24, 38, 42,43, 45, 49, 57, 6 3 ,115, 226-227; cat. ///.52; Plan of the cellar: drawing (lost), 117 figs.244-249 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.2: \\7;fig.2 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.115: 226; Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.2a: 117; fig.3 fig.244 Plan of the main floor, engraving, N o.3:117; fig.4 Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.ll5a: 226; Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.3a: 118; fig.5 fig-245 Plan of the mezzanine, engraving, N o.4:118; fig.6 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No. 116:226; Plan of the mezzanine, drawing, No.4a: 67; 118; fig.7 fig-246 Plan of the attic, engraving, N o.5:118; fig.8 Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.llóa: 226; Plan of the attic, drawing, No.5a: 118; fig.9 fig-247 Façade elevation, engraving, N o.6:118; fig.10 Façade elevation, engraving, No.117: 226; fig.248 Façade elevation, drawing, No.6a: 81,118; fig.ll Façade elevation, drawing (lost), No.ll7a: 226 Cross section, engraving, N o.7:118; fig.12


Cross section, drawing, No.7a: 118-119; ßg.13 Plan of the main floor, drawing, N o.ll3a: 221; Longitudinal section, engraving, N o.8:119; fig-14 fig-238 Longitudinal section, drawing, No.8a: 67,119; Façade elevation, engraving, No.U4: 221-222; fig-15 fig-239 Façade elevation, drawing. No.114a: 222; flgs.240, PALAZZO CATTANEO ADORNO, Nos.100-102 242, 243 (.Palazzi Moderni, X): 42,43,49,63,112,115, 210-213, Façade elevation, proof impression, No.114b: 222; 216; cat. ill.44; figs.208-213 fig-241 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.100: 211; fig-208 PALAZZO DORIA TURSI, No.67 (Palazzi Antichi, Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.lOOa: 211; in fine; see also Nos.69 and 72, below, under fig-209 Miscellanea): 28,32,38,57, 61,62,67, 68, 69, 75,76, Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.101: 211; 77, 82,114,121,149,171,173,177-181,188; fig.210 cat. ills.29-32; figs.147,149,153 Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.lOla: 211; Elevation of one half of the façade, engraving, fig-2U No.67:172-173; flg.147 Façade elevation, engraving, No.102: 211; fig-212 Elevation of one half of the façade, drawing (lost), Façade elevation, drawing, No.l02a: 211-212; fig.213 No.67a: 173 Façade elevation, proof impression, No.l02b: 212 PALAZZO DURAZZO PALLAVICINI, Nos.91-93 PALAZZO CENTURIONE, Nos.109-111 (Palazzi (Palazzi Moderni, VII): 29,38,42, 43,44,45, 57,62, Moderni, XIII): 23,42,43,48,49,59, 63,115,216, 218- 115,194, 200-203; cat. ills.38-39; figs.192-196 220; cat. ill.45; flgs.229-234 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.91: 200; Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.109: 219; fig-192 flg-229 Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.91a: 200-201; Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.l09a: 219; fig-193 fig-230 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.92: 201 ; fig.194 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.110; 210; Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.92a: 201; flg.195 fig-231 Façade elevation, engraving, No.93: 201; fig-196 Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.UOa; 219; Façade elevation, drawing (lost), No.93a: 201 fig-232 Façade elevation, engraving, N o.lll: 219; flg.233 PALAZZO FRANZONE, Nos.82-84 (Palazzi Façade elevation, drawing, No.llla: 219 flg.234 Moderni, IV): 42, 43, 51, 57, 62,114,194-196; Façade elevation, proof impression, No.Ulb: 49-50, figs.192-196 219 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.82: 200; fig-192 PALAZZO DORIA, Nos.73-75 {Palazzi Moderni, I): Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.82a: 200-201; 23, 24, 42, 43, 46, 49, 51, 62, 76, 77, 78,114, 163, 166, fig-193 171,184-187,197; cat. ill33; flgs.155-161 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.83: 201 ; fig.194 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, N o.73:184; Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.83a: 201; fig.195 fig-155 Façade elevation, engraving, No.84: 201 ; flg.196 Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.73a: 184; Façade elevation, drawing (lost), No.84a: 201 fig-156 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.74: 184; fig.157 PALAZZO GAMBARO, Nos.76-78 (Palazzi Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.74a: 184-185; Moderni, II): 42, 43,57, 62,114,187-190; cat. ill34; fig-158 figs.162-167 Façade elevation, engraving, N o.75:185; flg.159 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, N o.76:187; Façade elevation, drawing, No.75a: 185; fig-161 fig-162 Façade elevation, proof impression, No.75b: 185; Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.76a: 187; fig.160 fig-163 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.77: 187; PALAZZO DORIA SPINOLA, Nos.112-114 (.Palazzi fig-164 Moderni, XIV): 28,39,42,43,49,50,51,62,63, 73, Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.77a: 187-188; 115,176, 207, 218, 220-225; cat. ills.47-50; figs.235-243 fig-165 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.112: 221; Façade elevation, engraving, N o.78:188: flgs.166,167 fig-235 Façade elevation, drawing (lost), No.78a: 188 Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.ll2a: 221; fig-236 PALAZZO DI G.B. GRIMALDI, Nos.88-90 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.113: 221; (Palazzi Moderni, VI): 42, 43, 49, 62,115,198-200; fig-237 flgs.186-191


Plan of the ground floor, engraving, N o.88:198; Plan of the main floor, engraving, No. 125: 233; fig .1 8 6 fig-265 Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.88a: 198-199; Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.l25a: 233; fig-187 fig-266 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.89:199;fig-188 Façade elevation, engraving, No.126:233; fig-267 Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.89a: 199;fig,189 Façade elevation, drawing (lost), No,126a: 234 Façade elevation, engraving, No.90:199;fig.l90 Façade elevation, proof impression, No.l26b: 234 Façade elevation, drawing, No.90a: 199; fig. 191 PALAZZO DEL MELOGRANO, Nos.85-87 PALAZZO INTERIANO PALLAVICINI, Nos.43-48 (Palazzi Moderni, V): 4 2 ,4 3 ,4 6 ,6 2 ,114,196-198, 209; (Palazzi Antichi, G): 23,58, 62, 64,67,68, 69,80,112, figs.180-185 114,149-154; cat. ills.14-16-, figs.96-107 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, N o.85:196; Plan of the ground floor, engraving, N o.43:150; fig-180 fig-86 Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.85a: 196; Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.43a: 150; fig-181 fig-87 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.86:197; fig-182 Plan of the first floor, engraving, No.44:150; fig .98 Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.86a: 197; fig-183 Plan of the first floor, drawing, No.44a: 67,150; Façade elevation, engraving, N o.87:197; fig-184 fig-88 Façade elevation, drawing, No.87a: 197; fig-185 Plan of the second floor, engraving, N o.45:150; fig-100 PALAZZO DELLA MERIDIANA, Nos.94-96 Plan of the second floor, drawing, No.45a: 150-151, (Palazzi Moderni, Vili): 23,28,29,42,43,44, 57, 62, fig-101 6 3 ,7 3 ,115,138,176,203-207, 218, 222; cat. ills.40,42; Façade elevation, engraving, N o.46:151 ;fig,102 figs.197-201 Façade elevation, drawing, No.46a: 151; fig-103 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.94: 203; Cross section, engraving, No.47:151; fig-104 fig-198 Cross section, drawing, No.47a: 151; fig-105 Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.94a: 203; Cross section, engraving, N o.48:151; fig-106 fig-199 Cross section, drawing, No.48a: 67,151 ; fig-107 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.95: 203; fig-200 Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.95a: 203; fig-201 PALAZZO LERCARI PARODI, Nos.61-66 Façade elevation, engraving, No.96: 204; fig-197 (Palazzi Antichi, K): 2 7 ,2 8 ,5 8 ,6 2 ,6 4 ,6 7 ,7 9 ,1 1 2 ,114, Façade elevation, drawing (lost), No.96: 204 156,167-172; cat. ills.23-25; figs.135-146 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, N o.61:167; PALAZZO DI NEGRO, Nos.121-123 fig-135 (Palazzi Moderni, XVII): 24,42,43,45,48,49,57, 60, Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.61a: 67,167; 6 3 ,116,163, 233-234; figs.257-262 fig-136 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.121: Plan of the first floor, engraving, N o.62:168; fig-137 230-231; fig. 257 Plan of the first floor, drawing, No.62a: 168; fig-138 Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.l21a: 231; Plan of the second floor, engraving, N o.63:168; fig-258 fig-139 Plan of the first floor, engraving, No.122: 231 ; Plan of the second floor, drawing, No.63a: 168; fig-259 fig-140 Plan of the first floor, drawing, No.122a: 231; fig-260 Elevation of the street façade, engraving, N o.64:168; Façade elevation, engraving, No.123: 231; fig-261 fig-141 Façade elevation, drawing, No.123a: 231; fig-262 Elevation of the street façade, drawing, No.64a: 168; Façade elevation, proof impression, No.123b: 231 fig-142 Longitudinal section, engraving, N o.65:168; PALAZZO DI CIPRIANO PALLAVICINO, fig-143 Nos.106-108 (Palazzi Moderni, XII): 23,28,38,42, 43, Longitudinal section, drawing, No.65a: 168; fig.144 47,49, 59,63,115, 215-218, 219; cat. iHs.45-46; Longitudinal section, engraving, No.66:168; fig. 145 figs.222-228 Longitudinal section, drawing, No.66a: 168; fig-146 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.106: 215; fig-222 PALAZZO LOMELLINI PATRONE, Nos.124-126 Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.l06a: 216; (Palazzi Moderni, XVIII): 24,42,43,45,48,49, 57,60, fig-223 6 3 ,116, 163, 233-234; figs.263-267 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.107: 216; Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.124: 233; fig-224 fig-263 Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.l07a: 216; Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.l24a: 233; fig-225 fig-264 Façade elevation, engraving, No.108: 216; fig-226


Façade elevation, drawing, No.l08a: 216;fig.228 Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.36a: 144; Façade elevation, proof impression, No. 108b: 216; figs.77,78 fig.227 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.37:144;fig.81 Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.37a: 144-145; PALAZZO PODESTÀ, Nos.97-99 (Palazzi Moderni, figs.82,83 IX): 32, 42, 43,47-48, 62, 63, 74,115,149, 163, 207- Façade elevation, engraving, No.38:145; flg.86 210; cat. ill.43; ftgs.202-207 Façade elevation, drawing, No.38a: 145; flg.87 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.97: 208; Cross section, engraving, No.39:145;flg-88 fig-202 Cross section, drawing, No.39a: 145; flg-89 Plan of the ground ßoor, drawing, No.97a: 208; Cross section, engraving, No.40:145; fig.90 fig.203 Cross section, drawing, No.40a: 145; flg.91 Plan of the main ßoor, engraving, No.98: 208; ßg.204 Longitudinal section, engraving, No.41:145; flg.92 Plan of the main ßoor, drawing, No.98a: 208; fig-205 Longitudinal section, drawing, No.41a: 148; flg.93 Façade elevation, engraving, No.99: 208; ßg.206 Longitudinal section, engraving, N o.42:148; flg.94 Façade elevation, drawing, No.99a: 208-209; ßg.207 Longitudinal section, drawing, No.42a: 148; flg.95 PALAZZO ROSTAN RAGGIO, Nos.53-60 (Palazzi PALAZZO SPINOLA, Nos.118-120 (Palazzi Antichi, I; see also No.71, below, under Miscellanea): Moderni, XVI): 23, 38,42, 43, 48, 49, 63,115, 228-230; 23, 40, 60, 62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 73, 76, 78,114,161-167, cat. ill.52; flgs.250-256 171,185,197,209, 234; cat. ills.20-22; figs.116-134,152 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.118: 228; Plan of the cellar, engraving, No.53:161; ßg. 116 flg.250 Plan of the cellar, drawing, No.53a: 161; ßg.117 Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.118a: 228; Plan of the ground ßoor, engraving, N o.54:161; fig-251 fig.118 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.119: 228; Plan of the ground ßoor, drawing, No.54a: 161-162; fig-252 ß g .m Plan of the main floor, drawing, N o.ll9a: 228; Plan of the main ßoor, engraving, N o.55:162; ßg.120 fig-253 Plan of the main ßoor, drawing, No.55a; figs.121-123 Façade elevation, engraving, No.120: 228; fig-254 Façade elevation, engraving, No.56: 162; fig.125 Façade elevation, drawing, No.l20a: 228-229; Façade elevation, drawing, No.56a: 162; ßg.126 figs.256,290c Cross section, engraving, No.57: 162; ßg-127 Façade elevation, proof impression, No. 120b: 229; Cross section, drawing, No.57a: 162; fig.128 fig-255 Longitudinal section, engraving, No.58:162-163; fig.129 Longitudinal section, drawing, No.58a: 163; ßg.130 Longitudinal section, engraving, No.59: 163; ßg.131 VILLAS Longitudinal section, drawing, No.59a: 163; ßg.132 VILLA GIUSTINIANI CAMBIASO, Nos.9-13 and Cross section, engraving, No.60: 163; ßg.133 70 (Palazzi Antichi, B): 27,28,30,41,44,46,62,63,64, Cross section, drawing, No.60a: 163; ßg.134 66,67,68,69,70,71, 72, 73,75,112,113,122-128,130, PALAZZO ROVERE, Nos.127-129 (Palazzi Moderni, 136,142,157,176, 216; cat. ills.3-6; figs.16-25,151,152 XIX): 23,43,48,49,57, 60,63,116, 234-236; ßgs.268-273 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.9: 122; fig.16 Plan of the ground ßoor, engraving, No.127: 234; Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.9a: 66, 73, fig-268 122-123; fig.17 Plan of the ground ßoor, drawing, No. 127a: 235; Plan of the main floor, engraving, N o.10:123; fig.18 fig.269 Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.lOa: 73,123; Plan of the main ßoor, engraving, No.128: 235; ßg.270 fig-19 Plan of the main ßoor, drawing, No.l28a: 235; ßg.271 Façade elevation, engraving, N o.ll: 123; fig.20 Façade elevation, engraving, No.129: 235; ßg-272 Façade elevation, drawing, No.lla: 69, 73,81,123; Façade elevation, drawing (lost), No.129a: 235 fig-21 Façade elevation, proof impression, No.l29b: 235; Longitudinal section, engraving, No.12:64,123; fig-22 ßg.273 Longitudinal section, drawing, No,12a: 64, 73,123; fig-25 PALAZZO SPINOLA, Nos.35-42 (Palazzi Antichi, F; Longitudinal section, engraving, No.13:64,123; fig.24 see also Nos.71-72, below, under Miscellanea): 38,40, Longitudinal section, drawing, No.l3a: 64, 73,123, 58, 62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 71, 76, 80,113,143-149; 126; fig.25 cat. ills.12-13;ßgs.74-95,252,253 Plan and elevation of the staircase, engraving, No.70: Plan of the cellar, engraving, No.35:144; ßg.74 182; fig.150 Plan of the cellar, drawing, No.35a: 144; fig.75 Plan and elevation of the staircase, drawing, No.70a: Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.36:144;flg.76 182; fig.151


VILLA GRIMALDI 'FORTEZZA', Nos.20-28 Cross section, engraving, No.32:140; fig.68 (Palazzi Antichi, D; see also No.71, below, under Cross section, drawing, No.32a: 140; fig-69 Miscellanea): 23,28,39,40,41,62,64,66,67, 68, 69, Longitudinal section, engraving, N o.33:140; fig-70 70, 73,75,76,112,113,133-138,204,205; cat. ill.9; Longitudinal section, drawing, No.33a: 67,140; figs.41-61,152 fig-71 Plan of the cellar, engraving, No.20:133; fig.41 Longitudinal section, engraving, N o.34:140; fig.72 Plan of the cellar, drawing, No.20a: 133; fig-42 Longitudinal section, drawing, No.34a: 67,140; Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.21:133; fig-43 fig-73 Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.21a: 133-134; figs.44,45,47 VILLA SPINOLA DI SAN PIETRO, Nos.14-19 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.22:134; fig.48 (Palazzi Antichi, C; see also No.71, below, under Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.22a: 134; fig-49 Miscellanea): 28,40,41,62,64,65,66,67,68,69,113, Façade elevation, engraving, No.23:134; fig.50 126-133; cat. ills.7-8; figs.26-40,152 Façade elevation, drawing, No.23a: 67,81,134; fig51 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No. 14:129; Cross section, engraving, N o.24:134; fig.52 fig-26 Cross section, drawing, No.24a: 67,134; fig.53 Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.l4a: 67,129; Cross section, engraving, N o.25:134; fig.54 fig-27 Cross section, drawing, No.25a: 67,135; fig.55 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.15:129; fig.28 Longitudinal section, engraving, No.26:135; fig-56 Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.l5a: 129; fig.29 Longitudinal section, drawing, No.26a: 66,135; flg.57 Façade elevation, engraving, No.16:129; fig.30 Longitudinal section, engraving, No.27:135; fig-58 Façade elevation, drawing, No.16a: 66,81,129-130; Longitudinal section, drawing, No.27a: 66,135; fig-31 flg.59 Cross section, engraving, No.17:130; fig-32 Longitudinal section, engraving, No.28:135; fig.60 Cross section, drawing, No.l7a: 130; fig-33 Longitudinal section, drawing, No.28a: 67,135-136; Longitudinal section, engraving, No.18:130; fig-34 8 fig.61 Longitudinal section, drawing, No.l a: 67,130; figs.35,36,38 VILLA GRIMALDI SAULI, Nos.49-52 (Palazzi Cross section, engraving, No.19: 65,130; fig.39 Antichi, H): 28,41,62, 63,67,70, 72,112,114,138, Cross section, drawing, No.l9a: 65,130; fig.40 154-161,169,171; cat. ills.17-19; figs.108-115

Plan of the ground floor, engraving, N o.49:154; MISCELLANEA fig-108 Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.49a: 73, Plans of the vestibules of the Palazzo Doria Tursi and 154-155; fig. 109 Palazzo Cambiaso, engraving, N o.69:182; Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.50:155; fig-149 Plans of the vestibules of the Palazzo Doria Tursi and Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.50a: 73,155; Palazzo Cambiaso, drawing (lost), No.69a: fig-111 182 Elevation of the courtyard façade, engraving, No.51: Details of the plans and elevations of the Villa Spinola 155; fig-112 di San Pietro (C) and Villa Grimaldi 'Fortezza' Elevation of the courtyard façade, drawing, No.51a: (D) and of the Palazzo Spinola (F) and Palazzo 67, 73,81,155; fig.113 Roslan Raggio (I), engraving, No.71; 46,68, Elevation of the street façade, engraving, No.52:155; 130,133,135,144,161,162,182; fig.152 and fig-114 figs.37,46,84,85,123 Elevation of the street façade, drawing, No.52a: 73, Details of the plans and elevations of the Villa Spinola 155-, figs.115,154 di San Pietro (C) and Villa Grimaldi 'Fortezza' (D) and of the Palazzo Spinola (F) and Palazzo VILLA PALLAVICINO DELLE PESCHIERE, Rostan Raggio (I), drawings, No.71a (paper Nos.29-34 (Palazzi Antichi, E): 28,38,41, 51,58,61, flaps on Nos.l8a, 21a, 27a, 37a, 54a and 55a): 62,64,65,67,68,69,73,75, 77,113,119,139-143; 130,133,135,144,161,162,183; figs.36,38, cat. ills.10-11-, figs.62-73 45,47,83,119,122,124 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, N o.29:139; Plan of the mezzanine floor of the Palazzo Spinola (F) fig. 62 and detail of the façade elevation of the Palazzo Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.29a: 139; fig.63 Doria Tursi, engraving, No.72:40,68,144, Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.30:139; fig.64 183; fig-153 and figs.79-80 Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.30a: 139; fig.65 Plan of the mezzanine floor of the Palazzo Spinola (F) Façade elevation, engraving, N o.31:139; fig.66 and detail of the façade elevation of the Palazzo Façade elevation, drawing, No.31a: 69,81,140; Doria Tursi, drawings, No.72a (paper flaps fig-87 on No.36a and a lost drawing): 183; fig-78

301 Index II: Other Works by or after Rubens mentioned in the Text

The following abbreviations are used throughout this index: C - cartoon; D - drawing; E - engraving or etching; P - painting; S - oil sketch; T - tapestry


Judith beheading Holofernes (‘Large Judith') E Antwerp, Jesuit Church: ceiling paintings, 85 (by C. Galle) 92 The Flight of Lot and his Daughters from Sodom E MYTHOLOGY (by L. Vorsterman) 258, 259 Susanna and the Elders E (by L. Vorsterman) 258, The Death of Adonis P (Paris, private collection) 34 259 The Battle of the Amazons E (by L. Vorsterman) 258, 259

NEW TESTAMENT AND RELATED Hercules and Omphale P (Paris, Musée du Louvre) 34 Juno and Argus ('The Death of Argus') P (Cologne, SUBJECTS Wallraf-Richartz-Museum) 38,45 The Circumcision of Christ P (Genoa, S. Ambrogio Perseus and Andromeda P (St. Petersburg, Hermitage) [Gesù]) 28, 33,34,35, 249,250 90 The Holy Family with St. Elisabeth and the Infant John Perseus and Andromeda see Architecture and the Baptist E (by Vorsterman) 258, 259 Sculpture: Rubens's House Return from the Flight into Egypt E (by L. Vorsterman) 258,259 ALLEGORY AND SCENES

Neuburg, Jesuit Church: altar paintings 86 FROM LITERATURE The Last Judgement ('Creat') P (Munich, The Horrors of War P (Florence, Palazzo Pitti) 105 Alte Pinakothek) The Nativity P (Munich, Alte Pinakothek) The Descent of the Holy Spirit P (Munich, HISTORY Alte Pinakothek) St. Ambrosius and the Emperor Theodosius P (Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum) 35 SAINTS Decius Mus Series SS (various locations, some lost); St. Francis of receiving the Stigmata E (by PP (Vaduz, Liechtenstein Collection), TT L. Vorsterman) 258,259 (various locations) 35,36 The Miracles of St. Ignatius of Loyola P (Genoa, Henry IV Series 99 S. Ambrogio [Gesù]) 34, 35,249, 250 Medici series 94,256 The Martyrdom of St. Laurence E (by L. Vorsterman) Whitehall Ceiling Series (‘Banqueting House') 107 257

St. Michael striking down the Rebellious Angels E (by PORTRAITS L. Vorsterman) 258, 259 Agostino Doria P (whereabouts unknown, Antwerp, Jesuit Church: altar paintings 85 presumably lost) 33,36,37 The Miracles of St. Ignatius of Loyola P (Vienna, Agostino Doria and his family P (whereabouts Kunsthistorisches Museum) unknown, presumably lost) 37 The Miracles of St. Francis Xavier P (Vienna, Giancarlo Doria on Horseback P (Genoa, Galleria Kunsthistorisches Museum) Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola) 36 , Oratorians' Church (Santa Maria in Vallicella Cardinal Giovanni Doria P (United Kingdom, [Chiesa Nuova]) 33, 37 private collection) 36 The Madonna of Vallicella adored by Saints P Paolo-Agostino Doria P (whereabouts unknown, (in situ) presumably lost) 37 St. Gregory the Great, Maurus and Papianus P Equestrian portraits painted for Genoese patricians (in situ) (according to G. Baglione, Vite, Rome, 1649) St. Dominila, Nereus and Achilleus P (in situ) 33,34


Ginevra Grillo P (whereabouts unknown, Nativity of the Virgin (stucco relief by Pietro presumably lost) 37 Castelli after Rubens) 86 Lady in a White Dress (Brigida Spinola Doria or Designs for parts of the exterior decoration 86 Caterina Grimaldi or Maria Serra Pallavicino?) Rubens's House (Rubenshuis, Antwerp) 24, 87-90, P (Kingston Lacy, Dorset, Bankes 108 Collection) 33, 34, 37 Engravings by Jacobus Harrewijn (after Nicolo Pallavicino P (United Kingdom, private J. van Croes) text ills. 13,14 collection, on loan to Cambridge, Arcaded wall between courtyard and garden Fitzwilliam Museum) 34,36 (Main portal) text ills. 13,15 Brigida Spinola Doria P (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, Samuel H. Kress Collection) Studio façade on the courtyard (with its decoration) text ill. 14 [lower centre], 17 33,34,36,37 Garden Pavilion (Loggia) text ills. 14,19 Veronica Spinola Doria (?) P (Karlsruhe, Staatliche Perseus and Andromeda, outdoor painting on Kunsthalle) 37 canvas 90, text ill. 14 Marchesa Bianca Spinola Imperiale with her Niece (?) P (Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie) 34 W ORKS AFTER THE ANTIQUE

BOOK ILLUSTRATIONS AND The Gem Book 94-97 TITLE-PAGES Gemma Tiberiana D (Antwerp, Stedelijk Prentenkabinet), E (anonymous) 94,95 Illustrations to Philip Rubens, Electorum Libri II EE 92 Gemma Augustaea D (Lübeck, Sankt Annen- Illustrations to Vita Beati P. Ignatii Loïolae EE 92 Museum), E (anonymous) 94,95 Claudius and Messalina D (Berlin, Staatliche ARCHITECTURE AND SCULPTURE Museen, Kupferstichkabinett) 96 Twelve Famous Greek and Roman Men EE (various Antwerp, Jesuit Church engravers) 97 Two Angels blowing Trumpets DD (New York, Pierpont Morgan Library) 85 A Cartouche supported by Cherubs D (London, ART-THEORETICAL NOTEBOOK British Museum) 85 Design for the High Altar D (Vienna, Albertina) 85 Lost original ('Pocketbook') including essays De Figuris Humanis, De Imitatione Statuarum, Design for the decorated ceiling of the Chapel of the Virgin D (Vienna, Albertina) 85 De Pueris 94,97,109 Design for the street face of the Tower D (London, Copy (? by Van Dyck) Antwerp Sketchbook Sir John Soane's Museum) 86 (Chatsworth, The Duke of Devonshire) 97 Copy: MS Johnson (London, Courtauld Institute Neuburg, Jesuit Church [Church of Our Lady] Galleries, Princes Gate Collection) 97 Designs for two large stucco reliefs on the west Copy: MS de Ganay (formerly Paris, Marquis wall of the side aisles 86 J.L. de Ganay) 97 Nativity of the Virgin D (USA, private collection) Copy (publication of the MS de Ganay): Ch.-A. 86 Jombert (ed.), Théorie de la figure humaine Ascension of the Virgin D (unknown) 86 (1773), engravings by P. Aveline 97

303 Index III: Names and Places

This index lists names of artists and artisans (painters, architects, stonemasons, carpenters, etc.), collectors, patrons and owners of the buildings discussed, as well as other historical figures. Buildings are listed under the name of the cities. Names of buildings printed in italics and marked with a letter or a roman numeral in bold are those which appear in the Palazzi di Genova, for which see Index I. Alternative names for some of these palaces and villas (indicated by inverted commas) are listed in the present index under Genoa and are followed by the names used here (one and the same name may at times have been used for several different buildings). Under the names of Genoese families reference is also made to the palaces and villas they have owned at one time or another; for individual members of a family the particular building(s) they commissioned to be built are mentioned.

Adorno family: see Palazzo Cattaneo Adorno (X) Bellori, Giovanni Pietro 21,34 Adorno, Filippo 212 Benso, Giulio 241 Adorno, Giovanni Battista 211,212 Bergamasco: see Castello, Giovanni Battista Aggio, Jacopo de 197 Berlendis, C. cat. ill. 57 Agiscalo, Agostino 136 Berlin Aicardo, Giovanni 194,199, 220; cat. ill. 36 Kunstbibliothek 247 Albert, Archduke of 18, 101, 103, 108, 256 Staatliche Museen, Kupferstichkabinett 96 Alberti 71 Berthelot, Guillaume 99, 260, 261 Alessi, Galeazzo 17, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 63, 68- Bertollo family: see Palazzo Franzone (IV) 74, 75, 78, 81,113,116,119,126,127,128, Beyerlinck, Laurent 17, 18, 256, 257 136, 138,143,148,156,157,169,176,178, Bianchi, Pompeo 74,180 179,188, 218, 245, 246, 247 Bianco, Bartolomeo 29, 44, 194, 196,197, 201, 202; Alexander the Great 109 cat. ill. 39 Ammanati, Bartolomeo 256 Bie, Jacob de 38 Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, Prentenkabinet 49, Boissard, Jean-Jacques 55 111, 219, 222, 226, 229, 231, 234, 235 Bonfadio, Jacopo 156 Ansaldo, Giovanni Andrea 132, 241 Boni, Giacomo Antonio 198 Antwerp Borromini, Francesco 89 Jesuit Church 86, 254, 255, 256 Boulle, André Charles 97 Officina Plantiniana (Plantin-Moretus) 18 Bramante, Donato 56, 218 Rubens House: see Index II Brant, Jan 100 Stedelijk Prentenkabinet 95 Brant, Isabella 100 Apelles 109 Brignole family: see Palazzo di G.B. Grimaldi (VI) Arkstée 20,263 Brignoli, Alessandro de 75 Brosse, Salomon de 94, 99,256, 260 Brusco, Giacomo text ills. 2, 4 Baglione, Giovanni 34 Brussels, Jesuit Church 254, 255,256 Bagnolo, Villa Pisani 127 Bussi, Aurelio 204, 207 Balbi family 31,32 See also: Palazzo Balbi Senarega (III); Palazzo Durazzo Pallavicini (VII) Cabio, Antonio de 225 Balbi, Bartolomeo 38 Calvi brothers 58 Balbi, Francesco Maria 194 Calvi, Aurelio 153 Balbi, Giacomo 45,114,190,191,192,194; Palazzo Calvi, Benedetto 15 Balbi Senarega (III) Calvi, Felice, 154 Balbi, Giovanni Agostino 38, 44, 45, 115, 194, 200, Calvi, Lazzaro 149,169,205,223 201; Palazzo Durazzo Pallavicini (VII) Calvi, Pantaleo 149,154,223 Balbi, Giovanni Battista 38 Cambiaso family: Palazzo Cambiaso (No.68); Palazzo Balbi, Pantaleo 45,114,190,191,192,194; Palazzo Centurione (XIII); Palazzo Gambaro (II); Villa Balbi Senarega (III) Giustiniani Cambiaso (B) Baldinucci, Filippo 90 Cambiaso, Domenico Pasquale 160; cat. ill. 19 Bankes collection: see Kingston Lacy Cambiaso, Luca 30, 70,128,137,138,161,169, Barabino, Carlo 59, 240, 243 185,205, 207,214,223 Barbaro, Daniele 86 Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum 34


Campanella family: see Palazzo Campanella (XI) Cosimo I de' Medici 173,177 Canevaro, Matteo 240 Croes, J. van text ills. 13,14 Cantone, Battista 220 Cantone, Bernardo 70,74, 75,76,77, 78,128,136,, 209, 222, De Ferrari: see Ferrari 223,225,245,250 De Franchi: see Franchi Cantone, Pietro Filippo 220 De Mari: see Mari Caprarola, Palazzo Farnese 54, 254,255,256 Descamps, Jean Baptiste 20,21, 263 Carabio, Antonio da 136,137,138,148,176 Deynen (Deynum), Guilliam van 37 Carleton, Sir Dudley 35,87,92 Diana, Giacomo de 176 Carlone, Antonio 216 Di Negro: see Negro Carlone, Battista 176 Doria family 30, 32, 39; see also: Palazzo Doria Carlone, Giacomo 78,166 (Pal.Mod. I); Palazzo Doria Spinola (XIV); Carlone, Gioanetto 173 Palazzo Doria Tursi (No. 67) Carlone, Giovanni 79,132,249 Doria, Agostino 33, 36-37 Carlone, Giovanni Battista 190,239, 241,249 Doria, Andrea 29, 62,176 Carlone, Michele 216 Doria, Antonio 42,115,221, 222,223, 225; Carlone, Taddeo 169,171,176, 243 Palazzo Doria Spinola (XIV) Carona, Andrea 137 Doria, Carlo 176,177 Carena, Battista 137 Doria, Giacomo Massimiliano 36 Carrega family: see Palazzo Carrega Cataldi (A) Doria, Giannetti 176 Carrega, Giacomo Filippo 121 Doria, Giovan Carlo 36, 37,82 Carzolo, Bartolomeo 214 Doria, Giovanni, Cardinal 36 Casareto family: see Palazzo del Melograno (V) Doria, Giovanni Andrea 78,176,177 Casella, Francesco 152 Doria, Giovanni Battista 176 Castello, Bernardo 81,132,149,161 Doria, Giovanni Stefano 176 Castello, Giovanni Battista (il Bergamasco) Doria, Nicola 148 30,70, 77, 78, 79,119,121,128,136, Doria, Paolo Agostino 37, 204, 205, 209, Ducerceau, Jacques Androuet 51,52 214, 223 Du Maurier 262 Castello, Valerio 194 Dupuy, Pierre 33,96,105 Cataldi family: see Palazzo Carrega Cataldi (A) Durazzo family: see Palazzo Durazzo Cattaneo family: see Palazzo Cattaneo Adorno (X) Pallavicini (VII) Cattaneo di Beiforte family: see Palazzo di Durazzo, Marcello 202 G.B. Grimaldi (VI) Du Vair, chancellor 94 Cattaneo, Franco 35,36 Dyck, Anthony van 45,97 Caus, Salomon de 53 Centurione family 32,240; see also: Palazzo Centurione (XIII); Palazzo Inleriano Elsheimer, Adam 258,259 Pallavicini (G); Palazzo Podestà (IX) Escorial 53,176 Centurione, Adamo 77, 219, 220, 241 Evelyn, John 50,106 Centurione, Battista 115, 219; Palazzo Centurione (XIII) Centurione, Domenico 74 Farnese, Cardinal Alessandro [11 256 Centurione, Luigi 115,209 Farnese, Cardinal Alessandro [21 256 Charles V, Emperor 29, 219 Félibien, André 21 Chatsworth, Devonshire Collection 97 Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria 89 Chiabrera, Gabriello 81,149 Ferdinand II, Emperor 102 Chieppio, Annibale 37 Ferrandino, Alessandro 220 Christina, Queen of Sweden 34 Ferrari, Gregorio de 194, 220 Cibo, Leonardo 74 Ferrari, Lorenzo De 121, 229, 249 Cobergher, Wenzel 108 Fiasella, Domenico 234 Codex Coner 55,56 Florence Cologne, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum 38 Palazzo Pitti 54,105,254, 255, 256 Compareti, Andrea 220 S. Lorenzo 127,128 Cornare, Alvise 53,84 Uffizi, Gabinetto dei Disegni 82-83,127; Corradi, Pietro Antonio 194 cat. ill. 60; text ills. 5, 6 Cortona, Pietro da 89 Forlani, Gaspare 121


Forlani, Giuseppe 205, 207 SS. Annunziata di Portoria 241 Francart, Jacques 86, 108, 256 SS. Annunziata del Vastato (XXI) Franchi, Agostino de 74, 76, 209 S. Bartolomeo degli Armeni 141 Franchi, Geronimo de 74 S. Caterina 222, 225 Francklyn, Sir Thomas 21 S. Francesco 173,204 Franklin, Sr Tho. 21 S. Francesco del Guastato 241 Franzone family: see Palazzo Franzone (IV) S. Luca 45, 199 Franzone, Agostino 196 S. Maria Assunta in Carignano (XXII) Franzone, Tomaso 195, 196 S. Maria del Prato 241 Furttenbach, Joseph 81, 82,181; cat. ill. 32 S. Matteo 30, 39 S. Pietro in Banchi 30, 232 S. Siro (XX) Galle, Cornelis the Elder 92 SS. Vittore e Carlo 45 Galle, Theodoor 109 Theatine Order = S. Siro (XX) Gambaro family: see Palazzo Gambaro (II) Genoa: Palaces Gauthier, M.-P. cat. ills. 1 ,3 ,7 , 8, 11, 16-18, 20, 23, Palazzo dell'Acquedotto de Ferrari Galliera (XV) 34, 37, 4 2 ,49, 55 'Palazzo Adorno' = Palazzo Cattaneo Adorno (X) Gemma Tiberiana 94-95 Palazzo Balbi Senarega (III) Gemma Augustaea 94-95 'Palazzo Balbi' = Palazzo Durazzo Pallavicini (VII) Genoa Palazzo Bianco 23,29,167,205 Acccademia Ligustica di Belle Arti 160 'Palazzo Brignole' = Palazzo di G.B. Grimaldi (VI) Archivio di Stato 202; cat. ill. 39 'Palazzo Bruzzo' = Palazzo Rovere (XIX) Archivio Storico del Comune 167; cat. ills. 21, Palazzo Cambiaso (No. 68) 22,36 'Palazzo Cambiaso' = Palazzo Gambaro (II); Associazione Industriali = Palazzo Doria Palazzo Centurione (XIII); Villa Giustiniani (Pal. Mod. I) Cambiaso (B) Banca d'America e d'Italia = Palazzo Spinola (F) Palazzo Campanella (XI) Banco di Chiavari e della Riviera Ligure = Palazzo Carrega Cataldi (A) Palazzo Gambaro (II) 'Palazzo Casaretto' = Palazzo del Melograno (V) Banco di Napoli = Palazzo Cambiaso (No. 68) 'Palazzo Cataldi' = Palazzo Carrega Cataldi (A) Camera di Commercio = Palazzo Carrega Cataldi Palazzo Cattaneo Adorno (X) (A) Palazzo Centurione (XIII) Collezione topografica del Comune cat. ills. 19, 'Palazzo Centurione' = Palazzo Interiano 50 Pallavicini (G) Gabinetto Disegni, Palazzo Rosso 160 Palazzo Doria (Pal. Mod. I) Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola = Palazzo Palazzo Giuseppe Doria 37 Spinola (XVI) Palazzo Doria Pamphilj 29, 62, 73, 78 Istituto delle Dame del Sacro Cuore (formerly) = Palazzo Doria Spinola (XIV) Villa Spinola di San Pietro (C) Palazzo Doria Tursi (No. 67) Istituto Tecnico Commerciale 'Vittorio Emanuele Palazzo Ducale 32 11' = Palazzo Rostan Raggio (Pal. Ant. I) Palazzo Durazzo Pallavicini (VII) Loggia dei Mercanti 232 Palazzo di Agostino De Franchi 74, 76 Municipio = Palazzo Doria Tursi (No. 67) Palazzo di Geronimo De Franchi 74 Porta dell'Acquasola 222 Palazzo Franzone (IV) Prefettura = Palazzo Doria Spinola (XIV) Palazzo Gambaro (II) University = Palazzo Balbi Senarega (III); 'Palazzo Geraci' = Palazzo della Meridiana (Vili) Villa Giustiniani Cambiaso (B) 'Palazzo Giustiniani' = Palazzo Gambaro (II); Genoa: Churches and Convents Villa Giustiniani Cambiaso (B) Dìscalded Carmelites = SS. Annunziata del Palazzo di G.B. Grimaldi (VI) Vastato (XXI) 'Palazzo Grimaldi' = Palazzo Interiano Pallavicini Franciscans = SS. Annunziata del Vastato (XXI) (G); Palazzo della Meridiana (Vili); Gesù = SS. Ambrogio e Andrea (XXIII) Villa Grimaldi 'Fortezza' (D); Villa Grimaldi Jesuits = SS. Ambrogio e Andrea (XXIII) Sauli (H) Jesuits, casa professa 249 'Palazzo Gropallo' = Palazzo dell'Acquedotto de Jesuit colleges 45,192, 252; see also Palazzo Ferrari Galliera (XV) Doria Tursi (No. 67) Palazzo Imperiale 30, 39, 77 Minorites 241 'Palazzo Imperiale' = Palazzo Lercari Parodi (K) SS. Ambrogio e Andrea (XXIII) Palazzo Interiano Pallavicini (G)


Palazzo Lercari Parodi (K) Giocondo, Fra 204; cat. ill. 41 Palazzo Lomellmi Patrone (XVIII) Gioiti, Antonio 152,218, 220, 227; cat. ills. 15,45, 'Palazzo Lomellino' = Palazzo Rostan Raggio 51 (Pal. Ant. I) Giudetti, Giacomo 75,78,148,166 'Palazzo (De) Mari' = Palazzo del Melograno (V); Giulio Romano 88 Palazzo della Meridiana (VIII) Giustiniani family: see Palazzo Gambaro (li); Palazzo di Nicolò de Marini 74 Villa Giustiniani Cambiaso (B) Palazzo del Melograno (V) Giustiniani, Luca 112,113,126,127,128; Palazzo della Meridiana (VIII) Villa Giustiniani Cambiaso (B) Palazzo Di Negro (XVII) Goltzius, Hendrik 93 Palazzo Negrone 152; cat. ill. 15 Gonzaga, Vicenzo, Duke of 32, 33, 34,39 Palazzo Tobia Negrone 82 Granges, Sr des 261, 262 'Palazzo Odero' = Palazzo della Meridiana (VIII) Grillo, Ginevra 37 'Palazzo Pallavicini' = Palazzo Interiano Grimaldi family 32,39,254; see also: Palazzo Pallavicini ( G ) ; Palazzo Podestà (IX )-, Villa di G.B. Grimaldi ( V I ) ; Palazzo Interiano Pallavicino delle Peschiere (E) Pallavicini ( G ) ; Palazzo della Meridiana 'Palazzo Agostino Pallavicino' = Palazzo ( V i l i ) ; Palazzo Spinola ( X V I ) ; Villa Cambiaso (No. 68) Grimaldi 'Fortezza' ( D ) ; Villa Grimaldi Palazzo di Cipriano Pallavicino (XII) Sauli (H) 'Palazzo Parodi' = Palazzo Lercari Parodi (K) Grimaldi Cebà family 240 'Palazzo Patrone' = Palazzo Lomellini Patrone Grimaldi, Ansaldo 138,156 (XVIII) Grimaldi, Carlo 19, 39, 253 Palazzo Podestà (IX) Grimaldi, Francesco 38, 42,115, 228,229; Palazzo 'Palazzo Pratolongo' = Palazzo di G.B. Grimaldi Spinola (XVI) (VI) Grimaldi, Geronimo 115 'Palazzo Raggio' = Palazzo Podestà (IX) Grimaldi, Giovan Battista 115,198,199; Palazzo Palazzo Rostan Raggio (Pal. Ant. I) di G.B. Grimaldi (VI) Palazzo Rovere (XIX) Grimaldi, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) q. 'Palazzo Saivago' = Palazzo Campanella (XI) Girolamo 37, 76,112,113,136,138, 204, 'Palazzo Saporiti' = Palazzo di Cipriano Pallavicino 205, 222; Villa Grimaldi 'Fortezza' (D) (XII) Grimaldi, Giovanni Battista q. Girolamo Cardinale 'Palazzo Sauli' = Villa Grimaldi Sauli (H) 114,138,156, 254; Villa Grimaldi Sauli (H) 'Palazzo Serra' = Palazzo Campanella ( X I ) ; Palazzo Grimaldi, Giovanni Battista q. Giovanni Giacomo della Meridiana ( V i l i ) 254 Palazzo Spinola (F) Grimaldi, Girolamo q. Giorgio 29,115,138, 204, Palazzo Spinola (XVI) 222; Palazzo della Meridiana ( V i l i ) Palazzo Spinola (Salita S. Caterina) 30 Grimaldi, Girolamo Cardinale q. Benedetto 138, 'Palazzo Spinola' = Palazzo Doria Spinola (XIV); 156, Palazzo Gambaro ( I I ) ; Villa Spinola di Grimaldi, Giulia 39 San Pietro (C) Grimaldi Cebà, Lazzaro 112,155,156 Palazzo Francesco de Ugarte 154 Grimaldi, Luca 29,167,173,177, 205, 209 Genoa and Surroundings: Villas Grimaldi, Luca q. Luca 39, 254 'Villa Cambiaso' = Villa Giustiniani Cambiaso (B) Grimaldi, Nicolo 32, 39,114,169,173,174,176; Villa Centurione 74 Palazzo Doria Tursi (No. 67) 'Villa ' = Palazzo Doria Pamphilj Grimaldi, Ottaviano 127 Villa Giustiniani Cambiaso (B) Grimaldi, Simone 180 Villa Grimaldi 'Fortezza' (D) Grimaldi, Tommaso 42,229 Villa Grimaldi Sauli (H) Guidobono, Bartolomeo 220 Villa Gropallo 82 Gropallo family: see Palazzo dell'Acquedotto Villa Imperiale Scassi 'Bellezza' 30, 39, 70,75, de Ferrari Galliera (XV) 76, 82; text ills. 11,12 Guidi, Loto 173 Villa Lercari Sauli 'Semplicità' 30, 75, 77 Guidoboni, Domenico 198 Villa Muratori 75, 76 Villa Pallavicino delle Peschiere (E) Villa Saluzzo Bombrini 82 Haarlem, Nieuwe Kerk 107 Villa Spinola di San Pietro (C) The Hague, Mauritshuis 106 Gentile family 240 Harrewijn, Jacobus 88, 90; text ills. 13,14 Gentile, Leonardo 185,209 Harvey, M.J, 21


Heidelberg, Palace Gardens 53 Lomellino, Francesco 214 Henri IV, King of 99 Lomellino, Giacomo 116,163, 233, 234, 241; Palazzo Herrera, Juan de 53 Lomellini Patrone (XVIII) Holbein, Hans 93 Lomellini, Lorenzo 241 Huygens, Constantijn 107-108 Lomellino, Nicolosio 115,149,163, 209; Palazzo Huyssens, Pieter 86 Podestà (IX) Lomellino, Stefano [1] 212 Lomellino, Stefano [2] 241 Imperiale family 39, 240; see also: Palazzo del Loménie, Henri-Auguste de 99,260 Melograno (V) London Imperiale, Gian Vincenzo 34, 39 Banqueting House 107 Imperiale, Giovanni Giacomo 82 Courtauld Galleries, Princes Gate Collection, 97 Imperiale, Ottavio 114,197,198; Palazzo del Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) 20, Melograno (V) 21, 22, 57, 66, 111, 127 (and all the drawings Imperiale, Vincenzo 30, 70, 74, 75, 76, 77,119, of the Palazzi di Genova) 180,209 Sir John Soane's Museum 86 Interiano family: see Palazzo Interiano Pallavicini Victoria and Albert Museum 216,218 (G) L'Orme, Philibert de 107 Interiano, Nicolò 80,114,152; Palazzo Interiano Louis XIII, King of France 94, 99 Pallavicini (G) Lugano, Antonio da 205 Interiano, Paolo Battista 80,114,152 Lurago, Giacomo 250 Invrea family 240 Lurago, Giovanni 77, 78,126,166,173,180,185 Isabella, Infanta 18,101,108, 256 Lurago, Rocco 174

Jesuits 28, (see also under Genoa) Madrid, Patrimonio Nacional 36 Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen 106 Mantegna, Andrea 93 Jombert, Charles Antoine 97 Mantua, Giulio Romano's House 88; text ill. 18 Jones, Inigo 107 Margaret, Duchess of Parma 66 Julius II, Pope 56 Mari (De) family: see Palazzo del Melograno (V); Palazzo della Meridiana (VIII) Marie de' Medici 94,99, 256 Kampen, Jacob 107 Maugis, Claude, Abbé de St Ambroise 99, 259,260 Karlsruhe, Staatliche Kunsthalle 37 Maurier: see Du Maurier Kingston Lacy, Bankes Collection 37 Medici family 256 see also: Cosimo I de'; Maria de' Merkus 20,263 Labacco, Antonio 52, 56 Meursius, Jacob 20,51,263 Lafreri, Antonio 56 Michelangelo Buonarotti 88-89,127,128 Leonardo da Vinci 97 Michele Fiammingo 45 Lercari family 31 ; see also: Palazzo Lercari Parodi Milan (K) Biblioteca Ambrosiana 72 Lercari, Franco 79,112,169; Palazzo Lercari Parodi Palazzo Castani 53 (K) Palazzo Marino 157,178,179 Lercari, Giovanni Battista 30, 75, 76 S. Maria presso S. Celso 72 Lercari, Megollo 132 Montorsoli, Giovanni Angelo 29,30 Lerrna, Duke of 102 Moretus, Balthasar 18,86,92,109 Lomellini (Lomellino) family 31, 32,240; see also: Moschino, Francesco 173 Palazzo Campanella (XI); Palazzo Lomellini Muggio, Pietro de 225 Patrone (XVIII); Palazzo Podestà (IX); Palazzo Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 156; Rostan Raggio (Pal. Ant. I) text ills. 7 ,8 Lomellini di Tabarca family 241 Lomellino, Baldassare 76, 79,115,148, 214; Palazzo Campanella (XI) Napels, Gesù Nuovo 250 Lomellino, Bartolomeo 76, 78,114,163,166,171, Negro (Di) family: see Palazzo Di Negro (XVII) 185,209,234; Palazzo Rostan Raggio Negro, Ambrogio Di 32,116, 232; Palazzo Di Negro (Pal. Ant. I) (XVII) Lomellino, Filippo 241 Negro, Orazio Di 77,116, 230,231,232


Negrone, Giulio 35 Peiresc, Claude-Nicolas Fabri de 19,41,50,91,94, Neuburg a.d. Donau, Court Church 86 (see also 95,96,97,98,99,258-262 Index ID Perino del Vaga (Piero Buonaccorsi) 29,62 Nove, Pietro Maria de 78,180,185 Perolli, Battista 137,138 Peruzzi, Baldassare 56 Petel, Georg 46 Odero family: see Palazzo della Meridiana (VIII) Philandrier, Guillaume 86,156 Olivares, Duke of 102,104 Philip II, King of 29,39,101,102,173 Origone, Andrea 201 Philip 111, King of Spain 101,102,104 Orsolino, Battista 176 Philip IV, King of Spain 100,103 Orsolino, Giovanni 79,214 Piacenza, Palazzo Farnese 66 Orsolino, Pietro 188 Piles, Roger de 94 Orsolino, Taddeo 126 Pinelli family 240 Oxford, Worcester College 107 Piola, Domenico 190,194,198,220 Pitti, Luca 256 Podestà family: see Palazzo Podestà (IX) Pacas, Petrus: see Pecquius Podestà, Andrea 209 Palladio, Andrea 52, 53,66,84,107,127,128 Poggi, Giovanni Battista 37 Pallavicini (Pallavicino) family 31,32,38,77; see Ponzello, Domenico 76,173,174,176,245, 250 also Palazzo dell'Acquedotto de Ferrari Galliera Ponzello, Giovanni 75,76, 79,136,156,173,174, (XV); Palazzo Carrega Cataldi (A); Palazzo di 230 Cipriano Pallavicino (XII); Palazzo Durazzo Porta, Giangiacomo della 74 Pallavicini (VII); Palazzo Interiano Pallavicini Porta, Giovanni Giacomo 241 (G); Palazzo Podestà (IX); Palazzo Spinola Poussin, Nicolas 97 (XVI); Villa Pallavicino delle Peschiere (E) Pratolongo family: see Palazzo di G.B. Grimaldi (VI) Pallavicino, Agostino 32,38,75,76,77, 78,114,119, Pratt, Roger 107 121,149,178,179,180; Palazzo Cambiaso Puget, Pierre 190,239,243,245 (No. 68) Pallavicino, Ansaldo 239 Pallavicino, Babilano 115,217 Raggi (Raggio) family: see Palazzo Podestà (IX); Palla vicino, Battina 141 Palazzo Rostan Raggio (Pal.Ant. I) Pallavicino, Cesare 249 Raphael 71,93 Pallavicino, Cipriano 115,216,217; Palazzo Rayper family: see Palazzo di Cipriano Pallavicino di Cipriano Pallavicino (XII) (XII) Pallavicino, Fabrizio 82 Regensberg, Mr. 262 Pallavicino, Francesco 249 Reinhardt, R. cat. ills. 4,13,24 Pallavicino, Giulio 197,239,249 Requesens, Don Luis de 79 Palla vicino, Lelia 38 Resasco, G.B. 243 Pallavicino, Maddalena 38 Riario, Cardinal Raffaele 256 Pallavicino, Marcello 35,38,249,250 Riccio, Andrea 239 Palla vicino, Maria: see Serra Riccio, Bartolommeo 121 Pallavicino, Nicolò 34, 35,36,37, 38,249,250 Roderio, Antonio 121,156,250 Pallavicino, Tobia 38,75,77,113,119,121,122,127, Rodi, Astolfo 83 140,141,179,209; Palazzo Carrega Cataldi (A) Rome Palla vicino, Tommaso 23,45,115,226, 227; Palazzo Bramante's Tempietto 56 dell'Acquedotto de Ferrari Galliera (XV) Collegio Romano 250 Paracca: see Valsoldo Colosseum 55,56 Parent, Paul 259,260 Porta Pia 89; text ili. 16 Paris Palazzo Alberini 56 de Ganay Collection 97 Palazzo della Cancelleria 54, 254,255,256 Palais du Luxembourg 54,99, 254, 255, 256 Palazzo Caprini 56,218 Parodi family: see Palazzo Lercari Parodi (K) Palazzo Farnese 54,56,254,255,256 Parodi, Domenico 196 Palazzo Paolo Statio 56 Parodi, Filippo 198 Palazzo della Valle Capranica 127 Pasqualino, Pompeo 96 S. Maria in Vallicella 33,37 Patrone family: see Palazzo Lomellini Patrone (XVIII) St Peter's 53,56 Pecquius (Pacas), Petrus 100 Vatican Palace (cortile del Belvedere) 56 Villa d'Este 56


Villa Giulia 56, 89; text ill. 20 Sperling, Otto 87 Roos, Jan 45 Spinola family 32, 240; see also: Palazzo Campanella Rosinus, Johannes 55 (XI); Palazzo Cattaneo Adorno (X); Palazzo Rostan family: see Palazzo Rostan Raggio (Pat.Ant. I) Doria (Pal.Mod. I); Palazzo Franzone (TV); Rovere (della) family: see Palazzo Rovere (XIX) Palazzo Gambaro (II); Palazzo Spinola (F); Rovere, Clemente della 116,235; Palazzo Rovere Palazzo Spinola (XVI) (XIX) Spinola di Lerma family 223 Rovere, Giulio della 116,234,235 Spinola di Luccoli family 31, 77,195 Rubens, Albert 95 Spinola di San Pietro family: see Palazzo Doria Rubens, Nicolaes 35 Spinola (XIV); Villa Spinola di San Pietro (C) Rubens, Philip 92,109, 257 Spinola, Ambrogio 101,132 Ryckemans, Nicolaes 18,40, 51,111,117 Spinola, Andrea [ 1 ] 185 Spinola, Andrea [2] 187,188 Spinola, Angelo Giovanni 58, 76, 80,113,148; Salamanca, Antonio 53 Palazzo Spinola (F) Saluzzo family: see Palazzo Cattaneo Adorno (X) Spinola, Antonio 78 Saluzzo, Giacomo 82,115,211,212 Spinola, Aurelia 188 Saluzzo, Giovanni Francesco 82 Spinola, Battina 188 Salvago family: see Palazzo Campanella (XI) Spinola Doria, Brigida 34, 36, 37 Saivago, Enrico 115,213,214 Spinola, Claudio 239 Salvago, Lelia 215 Spinola, Cristoforo 214 Sandrart, Joachim von 46 Spinola, Daniele 77,114,195,196 San Fedele, Antonio da 75,180 Spinola, Ferdinando 143 Sangallo, Antonio da 53, 56, 71 Spinola, Giacomo 115, 212; Palazzo Cattaneo Sangallo, Antonio da (the Younger) 127 Adorno (X) Sangallo, Giuliano da 56 Spinola, Giambattista 'Il Valenza' 76, 77, 78,114, Sanmicheli, Michele 127 163,166,171,185,186,209; Palazzo Doria Santvoort, Lucrezia van 38 (Pal. Mod. I) Sauli family 32; see also: Palazzo del Melograno (V); Spinola, Gian Filippo 37 Villa Grimaldi Sauli (H); S. Maria Assunta iti Spinola, Giovanni: see also Angelo Giovanni Carignano (XXII) Spinola, Giovanni Battista [1] 42 Sauli, Agostino 126 Spinola, Giovanni Battista 12] 132,133 Sauli, Bendinello 32 , 245, 247 Spinola, Giovanni Domenico 156 Sauli, Giulio 83 Spinola, Giulio 149 Sauli, Mariettina 126 Spinola, Lazzaro 115, 212; Palazzo Cattaneo Adorno Sauli, Ottavio 114,196,197,198 (X) Savona, Nostra Signora della Misericordia 243 Spinola, Lorenzo 188 Scamozzi, Vincenzo 54, 86,107 Spinola, Maddalena [1] 249 Scassi family 212 Spinola, Maddalena [2] 254 Schickhardt, Heinrich 59,171,177,181; cat. ills. 25, Spinola, Maria 39,132, 254 28,31 Spinola, Nicolò [1] 114,195; Palazzo Franzone (IV) Scorticone, Domenico 241,243 Spinola, Nicolò [2] 42,114,184,187 Semino, Andrea 149,180,185 Spinola, Pantaleo 114,188; Palazzo Gambaro (II) Semino, Ottavio 75,169,180, 214, 215 Spinola, Paolo 75, 76 Senarega family: see Palazzo Balbi Senarega (III) Spinola, Paolo Battista 35 Serlio, Sebastiano 51, 52,68,84, 86,107,156,218; Spinola, Tommaso 30,148 text ills. 7, 8 Spinola, Veronica 37 Serra family 37,39, 240; see also Palazzo St Claire Baddeley, Welbore 21 Campanella (XI); Palazzo della Meridiana St Petersburg, Hermitage 90 (Vili) Stimmer, Tobias 93 Serra, Giacomo, Cardinal 37 Storaglio, Stefano 220 Serra Pallavicino, Maria 37 Stuttgart, Wiirttembergische Landesbibliothek Solari da Carona, Bernardino 126 cat. ills. 25,28,31 Solari da Chiona, Giovanni Domenico 121,176 Sustermans, Justus 105-106 Soprani, Raffaele 34, 46,106 Sottani, Andrea 239 Spazio, Bernardo 76,136,188, 225, 245 Tagliafichi, Andrea 166,202,214 Spazio, Giacomo 225 Ta varone, Lazzaro 149,212,229


Toledo, Alcazar 176 Vicenza, Palazzo Valmarana 53 Tolomei, Claudio 156 Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum 35 Trissino, Giangorgio 84 Vigardolo, Villa Valmarana 127 Vignola, Giacinto 66 Vignola, Giacomo Barozzi da 50,52,86,256; Ugarte, Francesco de 154 text ills. 9,10 Ulm, Furttenbach's House 81 Villalpando, Juan Bautista 86 Vincenzo Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua Vivaldi Pasqua family: see Palazzo Interiano Vaduz, Liechtenstein Collection 35,36 Pallavicini (G) Vair: see Du Vair Vitruvius 86,156,204 Valamarana, Counts of 53 Vorsterman, Lucas I 92,96,258,259 Valeriano, Giuseppe 116,249-250,252 Vallebona, Battista 201 Valmaggia, Martino da 250 Wael, Comelis de 45 Valsoldo, Gian Giacomo, Paracca da 141,185, 214 Wael, Lucas de 45 Vanelli, Donato 173 Wailly, Charles de 214,215 Vannone, Andrea 199,239,240 Wals, Goffredo 45 Varallo, Sacro Monte 72 Webb, John 107 Veen (Vaenius), Otto van 91,258,259 Wolfgang Wilhelm von Pfalz-Neuburg, Veen, Pieter van 19,91-92,94,258-259 Count Palatine 86 Verdussen, Cornelius 20,263 Verdussen, Hendrik 20,263 , Palazzo Bevilacqua 127 Zuniga, Balthasar de 102