Index I: Subjects This index covers all the buildings treated in Rubens's publication entitled Palazzi di Genova (two series) as well as the material relevant to the book itself: preparatory drawings, engravings (by Nicolaes Ryckemans) and proof impressions. The first series (1622; later called Palazzi Antichi; 72 plates) contains 12 buildings (palaces and villas) in the following seQuence, in alphabetical order: A Palazzo Carrega Cataldi (Nos.1-8) B Villa Giustiniani Cambiaso (Nos.9-13 and 70) C Villa Spinola di San Pietro (Nos.14-19 and 71) D Villa Grimaldi 'Fortezza' (Nos.20-28 and 71) E Villa Pallavicino delle Peschiere (Nos.29-34) F Palazzo Spinola (Nos.35-42 and 71-72) G Palazzo Interiano Pallavicini (Nos.43-48) H Villa Grimaldi Sauli (Nos.49-52) I Palazzo Rostan Raggio (Nos.53-60 and 71) K Palazzo Lercari Parodi (Nos.61-66) - Palazzo Doria Tursi (Nos.67,69 and 72) Palazzo Cambiaso (Nos.68-69 The second series (undated; later called Palazzi Moderni; 67 plates) contains 23 buildings (palaces and churches) in the following seQuence: I Palazzo Doria (Nos.73-75) II Palazzo Gambaro (Nos.76-78) III Palazzo Balbi Senarega (Nos.79-81) IV Palazzo Franzone (Nos.82-84) V Palazzo del Melograno (Nos.85-87) VI Palazzo di G.B. Grimaldi (Nos.88-90) VII Palazzo Durazzo Pallavicini (Nos.91-93) VIII Palazzo della Meridiana (Nos.94—96) IX Palazzo Podestà (Nos.97-99) X Palazzo Cattaneo Adorno (Nos.100-102) XI Palazzo Campanella (Nos.103-105) XII Palazzo di Cipriano Pallavicino (Nos.106-108) XIII Palazzo Centurione (Nos.109-111) XIV Palazzo Doria Spinola (Nos.112-114) XV Palazzo dell'AcQuedotto de Ferrari Galliera (Nos.115-117) XVI Palazzo Spinola (Nos.118-120) XVII Palazzo Di Negro (Nos.121-123) XVIII Palazzo Lomellini Patrone (Nos.124-126) XIX Palazzo Rovere (Nos.l 27-129) XX S. Siro (Nos. 130-131) XXI SS. Annunziata del Vastato (Nos.132-133) XXII S. Maria Assunta in Carignano (Nos.134-135) XXIII SS. Ambrogio e Andrea (Nos.136-139) This index consists of two parts: A All material relevant to the book B The material, in alphabetical order, focusing on the individual buildings 295 INDEX I: SUBJECTS Index I.A: The Production of the Publication Dedication ('A1 illustriss Signor...', fol. 2r) (only in Palazzi Antichi: 17,22,27-28, 30,40-41,45,52,57,62, the Palazzi Antichi): 17,19, 39, 253-254 63-74,84,90,91,92,95,98,99,105,106,108, (Appendix lA),fig.a 111, 113-114,117-183 Editions: 17,19,20, 22,41, 50-51, 111, 263 (Appendix Palazzi Moderni: 19,24,28,30,31,41,42-51 (date: 50- III) 51), 57,62-63,82,83,90, 111, 114-116,184-252 Foreword ('Al benigno lettore', fol. 3r) (only in the Privilege (only in the Palazzi Antichi, No.l): 18,117; Palazzi Antichi): 17,18,41,51-55,91, 98,254- fig l 256 (Appendix 1.2); fig.b Type (letter type): 18 Imprimatur ('Censura', fol.3v) (only in the Palazzi Antichi): 17, 256-257 (Appendix 1.3); ßg.c DRAWINGS Of the 137 drawings originally used for this publication, 122 are at present preserved in the RIBA, London; all of them are anonymous (Italian, various hands) and alien to Rubens's workshop; they carry annotations, some of them in Rubens's hand (or presumably so). Compass points or pinpricks (only in the Palazzi Moderni: 42,44,49; Nos.73a, 75a, 91a, 97a, Palazzi Antichi): 40, 63, 66 99a, 103a, 105a, 112a, 136a Corrections on pasted-down paper: 40, 66 Watermarks: (and passim) Palazzi Antichi: 67; Nos.4a, 8a, 14a, 18a, 23a, Flaps with additional information mounted onto 24a/25a, 28a, 33a/34a, 44a, 48a, 51a, 61a drawings (only in the Palazzi Antichi): 40, 68; Palazzi Moderni: Nos. 79a, 97a Nos. 18a, 21a, 27a, 36a, 37a, 54a, 55a; ßgs.35, 36, 3S; 44, 45, 47; 77, 78; 82, S3; 123, 223 ENGRAVINGS General: 21,22, 25,39,41,42,57-58, 61-62 Palazzi Antichi: 18,22, 25, 40-41,58, 60, 61, General: 20, 24, 41, 51 63-74, 79-81, 84, 90 Palazzi Antichi: 18,19-20, 22,27,41 Palazzi Moderni: 19,20,42-49, 59, 82, 91 Palazzi Moderni: 19-20, 22, 46-51, 59-60 Inscriptions (including lettering and numbering): Inscriptions: 111 43,111,112 Palazzi Antichi: 2 2 ,41,61 Palazzi Antichi: 41, 62, 67-69,81 Palazzi Moderni: 23, 41,49 Palazzi Moderni: 42,43-44, Proof impressions: 11 surviving proof impressions Inscriptions by Rubens: 112 of the Palazzi Moderni (with hand-written Palazzi Antichi: 41, 91, 112,117-119,123,126,129- annotations: hand unidentified) are kept in 130,133-135,139-140,144-145,148,150-151, the Print Room of the Rijksmuseum, 155,161-163,167-169,182 Amsterdam (all of them showing façade Palazzi Moderni: 42,44,48,112,184,187,190-191, elevations): 49-50; Nos.75b, 102b, 105b, 195,196-197,199, 208, 211,214, 216,228-229, 108b, 111b, 114b, 117b, 120b, 123b, 126b, 239 129b; figs. 160, 220,227,241,249,256,267, Lost drawings (15 are missing): 57, 60,61, 111; 273 Nos.la, 67a, 68a, 69a, 78a, 84a, 93a, 96a, Inscriptions: 49 117a, 126a, 129a, 133a, 135a, 137a, 139a Watermark: No. 216b Recto / Verso Sheets (only in the Palazzi Antichi): 40, Scale indications: 40 57, 64-66; Nos.lla/70a, 12a/13a, 19a/17a, Palazzi Antichi: 61; Nos.2,9,14,21,29,36,43,54, 24a/25a, 26a/27a, 31a/32a, 33a/34a, 61, 67, 68 38a/39a, 41a/42a, 46a/47a, 56a/57a, Palazzi Moderni: 46-48, 73, 75, 79, 82, 85,88,91, 94, 58a/59a, 65a/66a 97,99,100,103,105,106,109,112,114,115, Scale indications: 118,121,124,127,130,132,134,136,137 Palazzi Antichi: 64, 67; Nos.2a, 9a, 14a, 21a, 29a, Watermarks: 50 36a, 43a, 52a, 54a, 61a 296 INDEX I: SUBJECTS Index I.B: Churches, palaces and villas in the Palazzi di Genova [For the addresses of the individual buildings, see pp.13-16; alternative names for the palaces and villas are listed in Index III, under Genoa.] CHURCHES Façade elevation, proof impression, 117b: 226; fig-249 SS. AMBROGIO E ANDREA, Nos.136-139 PALAZZO BALBI SENAREGA, Nos.79-81 (Palazzi (Palazzi Moderni, XXIII): 28,32,33,34,35,42,43,49, Moderni, III): 2 9 ,4 2 ,4 3 ,45, 62,112,114,190-194,197; 5 7 ,5 9 ,116,247-252; cat. ills..61-62; figs..284-289 cat. ills.35-37; figs.168-173 Ground plan, engraving, No.136: 248; fig.284 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.79:190; Ground plan, drawing, No,136a: 248; ßg.285 fig-168 Façade elevation, engraving, No.137:248; fig-286 Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.79a: 190-191; Façade elevation, drawing (lost), No.l37a: 248 fig-169 Cross section, engraving, No.138: 248; fig.288 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.80:191; fig.170 Cross section, drawing, No.l38a: 248; fig-289 Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.80a: 191; fig-171 Longitudinal section, engraving, No.139:248; fig-287 Façade elevation, engraving, No.81:191; fig-172 Longitudinal section, drawing (lost), No.l39a: 249 Façade elevation, drawing, No.81a: 191; figs. 173, 290a SS. ANNUNZIATA DEL VASTATO, Nos.132-133 (.Palazzi Moderni, XXI): 30, 32, 42, 43, 57, 59,116, 240- PALAZZO CAMBIASO, Nos.68 (Palazzi Antichi, in 244; cat. ills.51,56-58; figs.278-280 fine; see also No.69, below, under Miscellanea)-. 28, Ground plan, engraving, No.132:240; fig.278 32, 38,57,61,62,67,68,69, 75,76,77,82,114,121, Ground plan, drawing, No.l32a: 240-241; fig-279 149,171,173,177-181,188; cat. ills.29-32; figs.148,149 Façade elevation, engraving, No.133: 241; fig.280 Façade elevation, engraving, N o.68:177; fig.148 Façade elevation, drawing (lost), No.l33a: 241 Façade elevation, drawing (lost), No.68a: 178 S. MARIA ASSUNTA IN CARIGNANO, Nos.134- PALAZZO CAMPANELLA, Nos.103-105 (Palazzi 135 (Palazzi Moderni, XXII): 28,32, 38,42,43, 57, 59, Moderni, XI): 23,42,43,49,63, 76, 7 9 ,115, 213-215; 72, 73,107,116,138,244-247; cat. ills.59-60; figs.214-221 figs.281-283 Plan of the ground floor, engraving, No.103: 213; Ground plan, engraving, No.134: 244; fig.282 fig-214 Ground plan, drawing, No.l34a: 244; fig.283 Plan of the ground floor, drawing, No.l03a: 213; Façade elevation, engraving, No.135: 245; fig-281 fig-215 Façade elevation, drawing (lost), No.l35a: 245 Plan of the main floor, engraving, No.104: 213; fig-216 S. SIRO, Nos.130-131 (Palazzi Moderni, XX): 28,42, Plan of the main floor, drawing, No.l04a: 213-214; 43, 59,112,116, 236-239; cat. ills.54-55; figs.274-277 fig-217 Ground plan, engraving, No.130: 236; fig.274 Façade elevation, engraving, No.105:214; fig.218 Ground plan, drawing, No.l30a: 236; fig-275 Façade elevation, drawing, No.l05a: 214; figs.219, Façade elevation, engraving, No.131: 239; fig.276 221 Façade elevation, drawing, No.131 a: 239; figs.277, Façade elevation, proof impression, No.l05b: 214; 290b fig-220 PALAZZO CARREGA CATALDI, Nos.1-8 (Palazzi PALACES Antichi, A): 38,41,57,62,68,69,75, 77,112,113,117- PALAZZO DELL'ACQUEDOTTO DE FERRARI 1 22,176,180,201; cat. ills.1-2; figs.1-15 GALLIERA, Nos.115-117 (Palazzi Moderni, XV): 23, Plan of the cellar: engraving, No.l: 117,fig.l 24, 38, 42,43, 45, 49, 57, 6 3 ,115, 226-227; cat.
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