múltunk JOURNAL OF POLITICAL HISTORY MMemoryemory andand MMemorializationemorialization ooff WWWIWI iinn EEasternastern andand SSoutheasternoutheastern EEuropeurope SSpecialpecial issueissue EEditeddited byby GGÁBORÁBOR EEGRYGRY [ 2016 ] ADVISORY BOARD Agárdi Péter, Baráth Magdolna, Barta Róbert, Bayer József, Stefano Bottoni, Holly Case, Feitl István, Harsányi Iván, Hubai László, Izsák Lajos, Johancsik János, Krausz Tamás, Martin Mevius, Ormos Mária, Palasik Mária, Pritz Pál, Rainer M. János, Ripp Zoltán, Romsics Ignác, A. Sajti Enikő, Sipos Balázs, Sipos Péter, Székely Gábor (elnök), Valuch Tibor, Varga Zsuzsanna, Vida István EDITORIAL BOARD Takács Róbert (editor in chief), Egry Gábor, Fiziker Róbert, Ignácz Károly, Standeisky Éva, Szívós Erika FOUNDING EDITOR IN CHIEF Sipos Levente († 2015) ADDRESS: H-1054 Budapest, Alkotmány u. 2. www.multunk.hu Tel./fax: 311-4866 · E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Published by Napvilág Kiadó Kft. Responsible for publishing: executive director of Napvilág Kiadó INDEX 25 700 ISSN 0864-960X The front page: Albanian and Turkish children play „storming the Lovcen mountain” in Scutari, 1916. Österreichisches Staatsarchiv, Kriegsarchiv, Bildersammlung Supporters Co-founded by Foundation the Europe for Citizens Programme for Political History of the European Union Múltunk Foundation Table of contents Aleksandar R. Miletić: 1914 Revisited. Commemoration of the WWI centenary in Serbia ......... 5 András Joó: The Origins and Legacy of World War I. An (Austro-)Hungarian Perspective