
International Labour Conference 13 Provisional Record Ninety-first Session, Geneva, 2003

Twelfth (special) sitting Thursday, 12 June 2003, 3.10 p.m. Presidents: Mr Wamalwa, Mr. Wojcik

REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL Officers of the Conference. The Officers of the ON THE SITUATION OF WORKERS Conference decided to make these arrangements in OF THE OCCUPIED ARAB TERRITORIES: the interest of consistency, objectivity, and of respecting DISCUSSION the legitimate interest of all concerned. They are entirely in accordance with the decisions taken at The PRESIDENT — I call to order this special previous special sittings, and contribute again to the sitting of the Conference to examine the Director- success of this important undertaking. General’s Report on the situation of workers in the Regarding possible requests for right of reply occupied Arab territories. during this sitting, I should like to inform you that a Before giving the floor to the first speaker on my delegate may only avail himself of the right of reply list, I would like to make a few remarks. The sitting is on a specific point in a speech in which his Govern- held following the decision taken by the Selection ment has been implicated. This right of reply will be Committee adoption, at the request of the Governing granted once only in each case at the end of the sitting. Body, on 3 June 2003. The decision appeared in the This means that the general limit of two minutes, de- first report of the Selection Committee which was cided at the beginning of the Conference for exercis- published in Provisional Record No. 3. ing the right of reply, will not be multipliable by the I am fully aware of how sensitive many of us are to number of statements to which the speaker wants to an issue of such grave concern, the more so in view of reply, it has been understood that the President may, if the most recent tragic events in the region. May I reit- time permits, allow this limit to be somewhat ex- erate, however, that as I stressed at the second sitting ceeded if the reply relates to a large number of state- of this Conference, the debates of the International ments. I should like to add that it is not necessary to Labour Conference must not encroach on what is be- stop the debates by calling a point of order when actu- ing discussed by the Security Council and the General ally requesting the right of reply. As I also mentioned Assembly of the in New York, which in the second sitting, if a delegate feels that there is a have responsibility for political decisions, and of the need to respond to a particular comment, then he or United Nations Charter. she must inform the President of the Conference by I do believe that we can contribute greatly to allevi- coming to the podium, and advising the Clerk of his or ating the suffering of the population in the region, and her intention. The right of reply will be at the discre- that our discussion might facilitate the efforts of the tion of the President, who, assisted by the Clerk, will international community to provide concrete assis- agree with the delegation concerned, on a time which tance to the people concerned. As the Director- the reply may be made. General says in his Report, social dialogue is a pre- If a delegate feels that a point of order should be requisite of lasting peace, and its only through meaningful called, with a view to respect of the Standing Orders, dialogue that the conflict may be defused and overall or on a question of general order, he should do so political, economic and social conditions in the region from the floor. improved. I am counting on each speaker to bring constructive Original Arabic: Mr. KHATIB (Minister of Labour, elements to this debate. While we are required to Palestine) — I had the opportunity a few days ago to exchange our views openly, all speakers should abide explain the relationship between poverty and unem- by parliamentary language and avoid comments or ployment, which were mentioned in the Report of the attacks of a personal nature. Our aim must be to iden- Director-General as being particularly evident in the tify measures that may assist the workers concerned. case of Palestine, and mentioned the fact that the pov- Thank you for your understanding. The sitting will be erty rate in Palestine has reached 67 per cent, while held in accordance with the rules applicable to the dis- the unemployment rate covers one-third to half the cussion of the Director-General’s Report, including manpower, and per capita income has decreased by the restriction on speaking time to five minutes. This half. restriction was clearly announced in the Daily Bulle- And today, in the same context, I would like to tin and is particularly important due to the large place before you the reasons which explain the fact number of speakers who wish to be accommodated. that this unprecedented unemployment, and this I would therefore ask you to respect it especially increasing poverty were not the result of wrong eco- closely. nomic policies nor the result of failure to exploit re- I would also like to inform the Conference of sources, or obstinate failure to implement the recom- certain arrangements concerning the sitting, which mendations of the World Bank, or the International are part of the prerogative of the President and the Monetary Fund, but are the result of deliberate

13/1 policies, planned and carried out by the Israeli Gov- of this opportunity to say that if wants to forge ernment in its attempt to punish the Palestinian ahead with this mentality of solving the problem by people and its leadership, for their insistence on ob- force, then this is only going to lead to further reaction taining their legitimate rights, confirmed by interna- and to further hostility and hatred. But, at the same tional legitimacy, including putting an end to occupa- time, if Israel is really seeking peace and security and tion and establishment of a state and the right to a normal life, the Arabs have opened the door for that return. through the Arab initiative which enables Israel to But before I go into details of these policies and carry out its objectives in return for putting an end their impact, I would like to emphasize the fact that to the occupation of Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese this forum is not the appropriate place for propa- territory, and to pave the way for establishing a State ganda, although this is important, but it is the forum of Palestine with its capital in , and by through which we try to carry out a responsible and solving the refugee problem on the basis of United constructive discussion about problems mentioned by Nations Assembly resolution 194. But Israel has fully the Director-General concerning the status of work- rejected this initiative. ers in occupied territories, of which he underlined the The Director-General of the ILO has shown inter- seriousness and the need for a solution. est in the conditions of workers in the occupied Arab We expect this session to enable the International territories by sending a high level fact-finding delega- Labour Organization and the countries concerned, as tion which submitted its report this year. The report well as other international organizations, to adopt the shows positive developments, in keeping with the necessary policies and measures after drafting recom- growing risks and increasing suffering of those work- mendations that address this problem. Therefore we, ers. Therefore, I would like to thank the Director- the delegation of Palestine, hope that we will be able to General and to thank the members of the mission for come to an agreement on what must be done to reduce their efforts in producing their report, which reflects poverty and unemployment, in a practical manner. the minimum of what is actually being suffered by the There is no doubt that the real solution for all forms Palestinian people and workers. of suffering rests with a political solution based on in- The report has succeeded in giving a picture of the ternational legitimacy which calls for an end to occu- basic and fundamental aspects of the Israeli occupa- pation. In this context we have welcomed the efforts tion policies, the fact that these policies run contrary exerted by the Quartet, and activation of the Ameri- to international law, and that these occupation poli- can efforts, as well as the road map. But it has become cies are responsible for the deterioration of the unem- increasingly clear that the presence of an Israeli Gov- ployment and poverty situation in Palestine. ernment which is not seeking peace in the first place, In spite of that, the report could probably show but implements a political ideology which is in full more sensitivity in future vis-à-vis certain aspects of contradiction with the international legitimacy on the the terminology used. It is not possible to use the term basis of which these diplomatic efforts were based. security operations (on page 3) to describe the Israeli This constitutes the main obstacle to these efforts. aggressions which are condemned by the report, and Israel is trying to justify its intransigence by violence, which are responsible for the suffering of the Palestin- or what it calls , ignoring the fact that the ian people. The same goes for the use of the term, current mutual violence comes within the context of Operation Defensive Shield. This is in addition to the Israeli occupation, be it Israeli violence which some other observations, most of which are contained aims at establishing the occupation and expanding the in a paper presented in the name of the Arab group settlement, or the Palestinian violence which aims at to the Director-General. ending this occupation. We have always called upon In conclusion, this session is called upon to lay everybody to spare civilians in this violent conflict, down mechanisms to convince or oblige Israel at least and we continue to criticize every action which targets to stop and rescind the measures and policies which civilians, but we also hold the Israeli occupation and are mentioned in the report as violations of interna- its practices, responsible for the suffering of civilians tional law and as causes for this phenomenon of pov- on both sides, because all this suffering stems from the erty and unemployment. It would be useful in this occupation and its consequences. respect for the Director-General to consider the Israel has so far confiscated half the occupied terri- possibility of establishing a permanent committee tories and by means of violence has established four stemming from the Conference to follow up the imple- hundred settlements. All these settlements are being mentation of its previous recommendations and resolu- constantly expanded, and thus it has turned the major- tions and its future decisions in this regard. Until this ity of the rural manpower into workers working in takes place we would like, in conclusion, to reiterate our Israel. When Israel started its war against the Pales- call to all countries and organizations to contribute to tinian people in September 2000, it closed the door to the financing of the programmes of the Palestinian those workers and made them unemployed, exposing Fund for Employment and Social Protection, which will their families to famine. constitute the main mechanism intended to alleviate the With the dawn of the new millennium, Israel has suffering of Palestinian workers. tried to bring back the policy of separating walls. Now that the Wall has been demolished, Israel has Mr. PERETZ (Workers’ delegate, Israel) — Two started to build its walls of racial segregation, which is years ago I stood here before you when the Israeli- an extension of the policy of constant confiscation of Palestinian confrontation was at its peak. land and establishment of the occupation. The confis- I stood here expressing pain for the high costs in cation of thousands of donums of agricultural land has bloodshed paid by the two peoples. I stood here and raised unemployment to 75 per cent in these areas. cried the cry of families who have lost their dear ones In spite of all this, the Palestinian people have been because I knew just how much these victims could able to hold firm and to absorb all this destruction and have been together with us in life, continuing to build, the systematic blockade. I would like to avail myself continuing to love, continuing to dream.

13/2 I knew that, ultimately, there is no alternative other We will be committed and will continue to believe than to return to the negotiating table. in peace for the children of the Middle East and for For two years and eight months I have been longing the children of the entire world. for an end to the war and the grim atmosphere in our region, and have hoped for a return to the path of Original Arabic: Mr. GUIDER (representative, negotiation and reconciliation. Arab Labour Organization) — In the name of God, Last week at the Aqaba Summit, the Israeli and the Merciful, the Compassionate! May the peace of Palestinian Prime Ministers stood along side the King God be with you. of and the President of the United States and Today, we are meeting as is customary in this special committed themselves to accepting the road map, a sitting in order to discuss the Report of the Director- timetable at the end of which a Palestinian State will General on the situation of workers of the occupied be established, existing peacefully and securely next Arab territories. Despite the importance of this spe- to the State of Israel. cial sitting, I would like to point out that such special Nobody should fool themselves — it is clear to us sittings have never produced any specific measures all that the battle for peace is often more difficult that would help the individuals in these territories than the war itself. This is because the price of peace who are suffering from racism and discrimination. will be very steep, since many groups will do every- One might therefore wonder whether these sittings thing to foil this process. are of any use. But since I am addressing you today, I To my great sorrow, yesterday, fanatics and mur- feel duty-bound to make certain comments on the derers got on a bus filled with innocent civilians: Report of the high-level mission fielded by the Direc- workers, housewives, children and old people who tor-General of the ILO to examine the situation of the were on their way back home, but who did not get workers of the occupied Arab territories, including home. These murderers who got on the bus are doing the Golan and the Shebaa Farms. everything they can to murder the hope for peace. Since the Israeli Government, as usual, has delayed I share the cry of the families and wish recovery for the issuing of visas, the mission completed its work all the wounded. just before the holding of this Conference. This means I want to tell you that I live with my family in Sderot, that in turn there is a delay in the distribution of this the city of peace, which is on the border of Gaza. Report for it to be considered. Accordingly, we pro- My city is attacked every day by missiles that fall pose that the Governing Body of the International inside the city, in people’s back yards. Naturally, these Labour Office take a decision establishing March as salvos against innocent people require a response by the date for this mission. The ILO could then, by the the Israeli army. end of March, produce a report based on the informa- I, who served as the Mayor of Sderot and influ- tion supplied, and the mission should be cancelled if enced its inhabitants towards peace and coexistence, Israeli occupying authorities fail to grant the neces- must return home and ask my people not to lose hope, sary facilities by the set date. since those who lose hope for peace enable the mur- Furthermore, I am very surprised — as are all those derers to win. who have read this Report — at some of the terms Those who want to defeat the murderers, the fa- used, which deliberately hide concealed meanings, for natics and the terrorists must continue searching with all instance, the “Palestinian population in the territories their strength for any means to continue negotiations. under Israeli control” and the “Arab population of Today, the road map is the document that we must the Golan” or the “Druze community”. These are im- implement for the benefit of all our peoples. moral attempts to distort reality, for the I understand that you expect me to fight against the are at home in their own territory, as are the Syrians in closures that prevent Palestinian workers from entering their own territory in the Golan. Israel, to make a living with dignity. But neither I, nor any The Report neglects to mention the legal status of of you sitting here today, can take the risk that among East Jerusalem, which was specifically highlighted in those thousands of workers is concealed a terrorist fa- previous reports. The Report does not mention the natic on a mission of mass murder and destruction. attempt by Israel to impose its laws and rules on After the horrible pictures of the dead, we know the Golan and in the occupied territories, the estab- today that it is the terrorists who are to blame for the lishment of settlements and the confiscation of land, Palestinians continuing without work and without which runs counter to international law. Neither does hope. it mention the fact that Israel bears responsibility for The Palestinians are not our enemies; terrorism is, the deterioration of the social situation because of its fanaticism is. It has been said before that the worst military aggression and collective punishment. peace is better than the best war. I would also like to give you some figures that are I believe this to be true; I know this to be true. quite revealing of the situation in the Arab occupied Therefore I call on you, my colleague, Shaher Saed, territories. Loss of human life from September 2000 Head of the Palestinian General Federation of Trade to May 2003 numbers more than 3,000 martyrs, 30 per Unions, and all the heads of trade unions in the Arab cent of whom are children and 20 per cent elderly States, to denounce terror and violence. people and women. In attacks on doctors and nurses, In spite of everything, I call on the members of the more than 250 nurses and doctors have been killed, as ILO Conference and the members of the ICFTU to well as ambulance drivers. The injured amount to unite and jointly demand that the leaders of the 44,000, 20 per cent of whom are totally disabled. A Middle East and the leaders of the entire world con- total of 500,000 dunums of land have been destroyed, tinue to support the road map to and give a real 700,000 trees uprooted, 40,000 houses destroyed, chance for peace. and 700,000 people are now unemployed — a rate of We, who deal daily with human rights, have no right 65 per cent. to lose hope, as those who lose hope resemble a dead The intransigence of Israel, which continues its human being. policy of collective punishment, closures, road blocks,

13/3 and restrictions on movement is the main reason for ment) — Malaysia has the honour and pleasure to the deterioration of the situation of Arab and Pales- speak on behalf of the member States of the Non- tinians citizens, which has led to an overall deteriora- Aligned Movement (NAM) at this special sitting tion in the lives of people and their families. on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab terri- The Arab-Israeli conflict is an historical one: if one tories. looks back into history one finds the balance of power The Non-Aligned Movement is concerned that, ac- on a global scale. cording to the Report of the Director-General, The We cannot but see that there is no genuine will to situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories, find a solution, the aim being to perpetuate the crisis tabled in this session, the situation of the workers and and manage it. Crisis management is difficult, but not their families has worsened. According to the Report, dangerous as long as essential requirements are met: human security, rights at work, incomes, access to em- namely to ensure the security of Israel. That is a fact; ployment and social protection are under constant but there is a historical reality that has held true threat. throughout human history: oppressors — whether The Non-Aligned Movement is dismayed at the individuals or nations — always reach the end of their deepening economic and social crisis in the occupied life, however long it may be. Arab territories and the severe restrictions on the movement of persons and goods within those territo- Mr. T. KRIEKOUKIS (Government delegate, ries, which have resulted in a drastic decline in Greece, speaking on behalf of the ) — I consumption, income and employment levels. It is am honoured to speak on behalf of the European even more disturbing to learn that 60 per cent of the Union. The acceding countries (Cyprus, the Czech population in the occupied Arab territories live on an Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, income of less than US$2.15 per day. Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia) and the To further add to their miseries, workers and their associated countries (Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey) families live in constant fear of the possible physical, have aligned themselves to this statement. Iceland, economic and social consequences of the Israeli occu- Norway and Switzerland have also expressed their pation. Violence occurs daily and at any time, causing wish to align themselves to the statement. severe psychological stress. If this continues to be the The European Union welcomes the Report of the scenario, we can sadly conclude that the future of Director-General, The situation of workers of the oc- Palestinian people remains bleak. cupied Arab territories, and it wishes to reiterate its The plight of the Palestinian people has always support for the ILO’s efforts for the implementation been an issue of concern to the Non-Aligned Move- of the enhanced programme of technical cooperation. ment. At the thirteenth NAM summit in Kuala It is still a matter of great concern for the European Lumpur, Malaysia, in February 2003, the NAM Heads Union that during the period covered by this Report, of State and Government strongly condemned the there has been a marked deterioration in the situation systematic human rights violations and the reported of workers in the occupied territories. The closures war crimes that have been committed by the Israeli have had a negative effect regarding employment and occupying forces against the Palestinian people. They income security and the poverty rate is increasing. condemned, in particular, the wanton destruction of The European Union wishes to affirm its readiness homes, infrastructure and agricultural lands; and the to assist in the process of job creation and economic imposition of collective punishments on the entire reconstruction in the region. Thus, it places strong Palestinian population, including severe restrictions emphasis on the promotion of the enhanced on the movement of persons and goods, which has re- programme of technical cooperation, especially for sulted in socio-economic debilitation of the Palestin- the establishment and running of the Palestinian ian people amounting to a dire humanitarian crisis. Fund for Employment and Social Protection, as set The Heads of State and Government also empha- out by the Palestinian National Report, the creation sized that the main danger to the realization of of a much needed system of social protection, as the national rights of the Palestinian people and the well as the promotion of a platform for constructive achievement of a peaceful solution comes from colo- dialogue for labour issues between Palestinians and nization by settlers. This has been going on in the Israelis. occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusa- We believe that the ILO’s role in this matter is of lem, since 1967, through land confiscation, settlement crucial importance. The European Union wishes to building and transfer of Israeli nationals to the occu- emphasize its commitment towards peace-building in pied territory. The Heads of State and Government, the Middle East. The European Union reiterates the stressed that this policy, with all the measures that it importance of the Quartet’s road map for the re- entailed, must be immediately stopped and reversed. establishment of a positive political perspective in the The Non-Aligned Movement welcomes the efforts region and calls on both parties to seize the opportu- of the ILO, through its technical cooperation nity offered to put the Middle East process back on programme and capacity-building projects, to assist track. Both parties must do their utmost to ensure the the Palestinian people. However, the plight of the swift implementation of the road map. Palestinian people could only be improved through a Visible and clear actions by both parties are im- political solution involving the establishment of an perative in order to restore hope and promote stabil- independent and sovereign State of Palestine. In Kuala ity in the Middle East. It is crucial that parallel Lumpur, the NAM Heads of State and Government progress be made in the political, economic and secu- reiterated their commitment to the achievement of rity fields. Time is of the essence. Concrete action and peaceful solutions to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. results are needed — now. They reaffirmed their support for the rights of the Palestinian people to national independence and the Mr. SHAHARUDIN (Government delegate, Malay- exercise of sovereignty in their State, Palestine, with sia, speaking on behalf of the Non-Aligned Move- Jerusalem as it capital. They welcomed, in this regard,

13/4 the universally supported vision of two States, Israel like to express our thanks to the International Labour and Palestine, living side by side within secure and Office and the Director-General, Mr. Juan Somavia, recognized borders. The Heads of State and Govern- for the efforts exerted in order to prepare the Report ment also expressed their support for the efforts of presented to us on the situation of Arab workers in the Quartet in resolving the Palestinian issue and Palestine and other occupied Arab territories. But we encouraged it to proceed speedily with the implemen- would have liked that this Report to have reached us tation of its road map. much earlier, to have given time to the delegations While a particular solution to the present issue is participating in this Conference to read it before com- being worked out, the Palestinian workers and their ing to Geneva. families deserve to be assured of their basic economic Examination of this Report shows the magnitude rights as much as workers elsewhere in the world. In of suffering and hardship experienced by the Arab this regard, the Non-Aligned Movement would like people under occupation in Palestine, in the Syrian to encourage the ILO to continue its social dialogue Golan and the Lebanon. Such suffering has taken to prepare the ground for the many reforms that are many forms in practices contravening international required to bring about economic recovery, protect law, international labour standards and the most basic Palestinian workers’ rights at work and provide them of human rights such as the right to movement, the with productive and remunerative employment and right to work and the right to life. protection. The Report has presented a sample of those practices, such as closures, collective punishment, Mr. SOODHUN (Minister of Labour and Industrial imposition of severe restrictions on the movement of Relations, Mauritius) — I am making this statement on goods and people, the construction of a security wall, behalf of all the national tripartite delegations of the building of settlements and destruction of homes and African Union. economic establishments, killing of civilians and other At the outset, I wish to associate myself with the forms of inhuman suffering, and this at a time charac- statement made by Malaysia on behalf of the Non- terized by the defence of human rights and freedoms. Aligned Movement. I also wish to thank the Director- These practices have led to the deterioration of General for his Report and the Appendix thereto, the economic and social situation in the occupied concerning the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories. The Report notes many features Arab territories. His assessment of the situation is fac- of the situation, such as a drop in per capita income tual and objective and, therefore, should be treated increased unemployment and a high incidence of with the credibility it deserves. poverty. The issue before us today is a matter of concern for From this forum we express our support for the the international community as a whole and not Palestinian workers and people and for workers in the merely to the Middle East Region. other occupied Arab territories, and we call urgently At its meeting of April 2003, the Labour and Social on the Organization and other actors in the interna- Affairs Commission of the African Union considered tional community to act swiftly and firmly to put an this issue, on the basis of a report submitted by a end to this suffering. We call for respect for human national delegation, and adopted a decision on Pales- rights for all without discrimination, selectivity and tine. The decision calls, inter alia, for the immediate double standards, and for the application of interna- cessation of acts committed against the Palestinian tional labour standards to all, so that they do not lose people and workers, such as the economic blockade, their viability and credibility. curfews, and demolition of houses and infrastructure. In the Report, there are certain paragraphs and The decision also requests fulfilment of the obligation designations which are not compatible with interna- towards the Palestinian workers, namely the removal tional law and even with the resolution adopted by the of restrictions on entry and exit from Palestinian terri- International Labour Conference in 1980, which is the tories, as well as freedom of movement of workers, legal basis for the annual report by the Director- raw materials and goods in the occupied territories. General on this topic. The title of this Report is: “The It also requests the Arab Labour Organization to situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories”, pursue its efforts to protect the rights of Palestinian but the wording of the 1980 resolution was “the situa- workers and employers throughout the occupied tion of Arab workers in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories, in accordance with the Commission’s Arab territories”. Furthermore a large part of the previous decision on the matter. Finally, the decision Report (paragraphs 58-61) is devoted to the “impact calls for collaboration with the ILO and other re- of the crisis, on the Israeli economy”, while that gional and international trading institutions. question is not part of the annual reports as stated in The Labour and Social Affairs Commission of the the 1980 resolution. Furthermore, many parts of the African Union hereby reiterates, in no uncertain report (such as paragraphs 107 and 108) stress that the terms, its stand on this issue. While there seem to economic recession and the deteriorated security situ- be some developments for a peaceful solution to the ation also concerns most and not only the occupied Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we wish, in the light of the Arab territories. But those paragraphs do not suggest Director-General’s Report, to reiterate the calls made that the cause of this crisis is the occupation by Israel. in various meetings for a constructive dialogue among The countries of the Maghreb and other Arab all the parties concerned to ease the presently unten- countries have endeavoured to ensure the success of able situation of Palestinian workers and their fami- the peace process and reiterated at the last Arab Sum- lies and, furthermore, to improve the overall political mit at Sharm el-Sheikh, that peace is a strategic choice and socio-economic conditions in the Middle East. and they are still working in order to establish a just and comprehensive peace on the basis declared at the Original Arabic: Mr. NEFFATI (Minister of Social Conference, namely the application of resolu- Affairs and Solidarity, Tunisia, speaking on behalf of tions by international organizations and of the Secu- the Arab Maghreb Union) — At the outset we would rity Council, in accordance with the principle of land

13/5 for peace, in such a way as to ensure the withdrawal of Arab territories gives us a clear picture of the situa- Israel from all occupied Arab territories. There can tion prevailing in these territories. During various be no hope for peace except by ending occupation and missions to Gaza and the many delega- the restoration of rights tions of our Organization sadly came up with the same We share with the Director-General his hope that findings. the road map would give an impetus to political nego- We completely endorse the statement in the tiations and create an opportunity to bring about preface of the report that the present situation is peace in the region. untenable and cannot be allowed to continue. Allow On the other hand, we support efforts by the Inter- me, however, to stress the gap which exists between national Labour Organization to offer technical assis- the analysis of the situation in the Report and the tance to the social partners in Palestine, and we call relatively feeble ability of the ILO so far to alter for this assistance to be intensified and to be delivered the course of events. swiftly. Let us hope that the new resources made available At the same time, we look forward for a larger role will allow for real progress. It is by forging links for the ILO, this Organization which represents the between all participants who wish to escape from world’s conscience and which calls for providing de- this hellish cycle of violence by trying to promote cent work for all and for respect for basic principles rapprochement that it will be possible to pick up the and rights in the area of labour. thread of dialogue and give peace a real chance. We consider that this Organization is capable of The social partners and the trade union movement in acting more effectively to serve peace in the area particular must support this goal. through sustained and determined efforts aimed at The broad thrust of the Director-General’s Report getting Israel to respect international labour stan- seems to bear this out, as does the request to the ILO dards and cease serious violations of human rights. to propose the basis for a dialogue on labour ques- The Organization demonstrated its capacity to under- tions between Palestinians and Israelis. My organiza- take this role when it stood firmly against the apart- tion intends to continue its advocacy of dialogue for heid regime in South Africa. peace. We believe that the best way to study the annual report by the Director-General on the situation of Original Arabic: Ms. AL-JABI (Minister of Social Arab workers in Palestine and other occupied Arab Affairs and Labour, Syrian Arab Republic) — The territories is not by holding special sittings, but by appendix to the Director-General’s Report concern- forming a committee within the International Labour ing the situation of workers of the occupied Arab ter- Conference which meets annually for as long as the ritories this year is much more detailed than last year Israeli occupation remains. While calling for the for- and has taken into account the observations which mation of such a committee we hope that all the good we had made previously. This attention paid by the efforts aimed at the achievement of just and compre- Director-General is appreciated by us, but we have hensive peace in the area will succeed and that there- to give a more complete picture of the reality in the fore there will be no need for special sittings or a spe- occupied Arab territories. cial committee. I would like to concentrate on the situation in the occupied Syrian Golan. There are a number of Original French: Mr. JOUBIER (Workers’ adviser observations which should be taken into account, and and substitute delegate, France) — Our discussion is we have submitted a memo to the Director-General once again taking place against a backdrop of a huge and he has approved them in an official letter, and upsurge in tension in the region, just when it appeared promised that these things will be taken into account that there was a glimmer of hope for peace. in future. For this we express to him our appreciation. I would like to reiterate, on behalf of my organiza- Since Israel occupied these territories on 5 June tion, the General Confederation of Labour, our utter 1967 and expelled the Syrians citizens by force, condemnation of any terrorist act, whether it is perpe- uprooting them from their villages in the Syrian trated by suicide bombers, or the Israeli army. At a Golan and obliging them to seek refuge elsewhere. It time when the Palestinian Prime Minister, Mahmoud has pursued its policy of aggression and inhuman acts Abbas, is calling for an end to the armed intifada and against Syrian Arab citizens who have continued to for continued opposition to occupation through live under occupation and who have been subjected peaceful means, it is vital that the Israeli Government to different forms of oppression, contrary to interna- cease the helicopter raids, shellings and summary kill- tional law and to resolutions adopted by the United ings which are merely undermining the prospects for Nations General Assembly and Security Council, in any peaceful settlement. Let us hope that the process flagrant violation of the Charter of the United begun by the road map proposed by the Quartet can Nations and the principles of humanitarian law. be pursued. This presupposes, of course, that it is fully The policy pursued by Israel has been condemned accepted and applied by both parties. It would then in the four corners of the globe, and resolutions set in train a process which would break the cycle of Nos. 242, 338 and 425, which obliged it to withdraw occupation, violence and repression. from all the territories occupied since 1967, have been By stressing that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict violated by Israel. Neither has it respected Security could not be settled by military force, the Palestinian Council resolution No. 474, which considered Israel’s Prime Minister last week clearly heralded what might decision to impose its laws and jurisdiction on Syrian be a new era. Let us hope that the door is not slammed Golan to be null and void, and demanded that Israel shut again. But this new era will not bear fruit unless it cease its actions against Syrian citizens. Israel has also is rapidly reflected in an improvement in the living ignored the resolutions of the General Assembly and conditions of the Palestinian people. the Commission on Human Rights, along with the This year, yet again, the Report of the Director- resolutions of other international organizations General on the situation of workers of the occupied including ILO.

13/6 We are fully aware of the fact that these resolutions in 1967. An independent Palestinian State must be es- are all well known to the international community tablished, with Jerusalem as its capital, and the resolu- and, alas, I do not have time to list them here today. tions of the Security Council must be implemented, We have mentioned this however in the annual report since it is perfectly clear that occupation is the worst which we presented to the Director-General, which form of terrorism. also contains a description of the situation in the Syr- We call upon the ILO to establish a permanent ian Golan under Israeli occupation: the absence of committee to ensure monitoring of the situation of healthcare and the suppression of the Syrian Arab Arab workers in Palestine and the other occupied curriculum, in addition to unfair fiscal policy towards Arab territories and to provide them with technical Syrian citizens. As regards the conditions of workers and financial assistance. in the Golan, they are part of the general suffering of Finally, I would like to underline the financial bur- the Syrian citizens under Israeli occupation. The suf- den shouldered by Syria as a result of this occupation, ferings of the workers in the occupied Syrian Golan since Syria devotes a large part of its budget to this have been described in previous reports, and this situ- matter, which necessarily affects the implementation ation continues, along with new actions. of social and economic development plans intended Israel’s policy against the workers in the Golan can to improve the level of income of the population. be summed up as follows: the policy is aimed at not allowing them any employment opportunities, failing Lord BRETT (Workers’ delegate, United Kingdom) to pay their wages, arbitrary dismissal of Syrian work- — This debate, in the present situation, I believe, ers in the Golan, continual discrimination between demands cool heads and not hot words. Arabs and Israeli workers, and a policy of arrest and The General Council of the Trades Union Con- detention of citizens and different forms of repression gress has continued to follow events in the Middle because of national positions against the occupation. East with great concern and has paid increasing atten- Finally, there is the policy of settlement which is tion to the problems facing Palestinian workers and being pursued by Israel. This policy is based on the the devastating effects of the Israeli occupation of confiscation of land and water in the occupied Golan, Palestine on their freedom and well-being. We have and the number of settlers has increased, whilst the been distressed and disturbed by the appalling cycle existing settlements have been expanded. There are of violence, including violence against innocent civil- about 40 Israeli settlements in the Golan which have ians, perpetrated by Palestinian terrorist groups on been established on the ruins of Arab villages the one hand, and by the Israeli Defence Force on the destroyed by the occupying forces. other. We agree with that terrorism As regards the appendix to the Director-General’s is the targeting of innocent civilians, regardless of the Report, we would like to make some remarks and to status of the perpetrators. repeat our thanks to the representative of the Arab The TUC has long and deep friendships with both Labour Organization for his assistance. the and the Palestine General Federation In footnote (1) on page 1, the text does not mention of Trade Unions (PGFTU). Although our General the fact that Israel is violating Security Council reso- Council was forced to postpone a visit to Palestine lution No. 479 in its declaration. It also talks of “the and Israel in April this year, we hope to be able to Golan inhabitants” instead of designating them as make that visit in the near future, and we continue Syrian Arab citizens in the occupied Golan. Similarly, to be in regular contact with both organizations. on page 8, the items “indigenous Arab population” We had the great privilege at our last Congress to and “Druze inhabitants” are used in paragraphs 39 welcome as our guest our friend, Shaher Sae’d, Gen- and 40 respectively, whereas in fact what is referred to eral Secretary of the PGFTU. In his address to our is the occupation of Syrian territory, and not the terri- Congress, he explained the effects of illegal occupa- tory of one part or another of the Syrian population. tion, unending curfew, school and university closures, On page 8, paragraph 41, it says that the report sub- water shortages, the destruction of homes and olive mitted by the Syriayn Minister of Labour and Social groves, border closures, the violence against and Affairs includes a phrase which states that “only Is- harassment of those who do not have permission to raeli citizens are allowed to form trade unions”. This cross and even the killing of those who cross without reference is incorrect. Such a phrase has never been permission. The result of border closures on the em- used by a responsible official, since we are talking ployment and income of the working families of Pal- here about settlers and occupiers, not about citizens. estine — and thus on its stability and on attempts to There is an evident distortion which is contrary to the ensure a universal consensus for peace — has been reality of the occupation. devastating. These themes, and the severe conse- On page 35, under the heading “Meetings in the quences for the Israeli economy of the cost of military Golan”, it refers to “members of the Arab commu- operations in the occupied territories and of the sui- nity”, whereas in fact the mission held meetings with cide attacks, are well reflected in the Director- Syrian Arab citizens from the Golan, the true owners General’s report. Israeli workers, too, are suffering of the territory. deeply, not only from the terrorist violence, but also We call upon the international community, through from the recession that violence and occupation entail. the International Labour Organization, to put an im- The Director-General proposes four areas of ILO mediate end to the Israeli occupation, its attempt to action to address the needs of the social partners in expand its settlements, violations of the human rights Palestine: helping the authority in its reform agenda of the population, the imposing of an economic block- and the establishment of statehood; cooperating with ade, the demolition of houses, and the destruction of the Ministry of Labour and with the social partner or- infrastructure and agricultural land. ganizations to become fully functioning institutions in The establishment of a lasting peace is extremely a democratic state; providing technical assistance for important for the stability and security of the region. the Palestinian Fund for Employment and Social Israel must withdraw from all the territories occupied Protection; and assisting in the creation of a system of

13/7 social protection. We agree with those proposals. The pation imposes circumstances that are unfavourable TUC General Council welcomed the creation of the for any development of the standard of living and Fund and urges all member States to contribute to it. working conditions. Like last year, the mission Of course, both Israel and Palestine need a peace concluded this was an untenable situation that must dividend to promote investment and growth. Above be remedied. that, they just need peace — peace with security, We agree with the Director-General that the peace with justice, peace in line with United Nations economic and social crisis has deteriorated in the resolutions, and peace in two free and independent occupied territories and there are restrictions on states. movement of people and goods both within the occu- We hope that the road map may provide a kick- pied territories and between them and Israel. This has start to the renewal of the peace process. We recog- led to a spectacular drop in revenue, in consumption, nize the divisions within both Israel and Palestine. We and in employment, as well as an unprecedented con- recognize that building trust is a necessity and that traction in economic activity, be it in production, diverging from the road map — for example on trade, or investment. Unemployment in some Pales- the question of the illegal settlements, which must end tinian regions is at more than 80 per cent. if Palestine is to be a viable and secure geographical The Arab workers of the Golan still suffer discrimi- entity — will not help us down the road the map nation in the use of land, water resources, agriculture, suggests. education, employment, and building permits. They The events of the past 48 hours, with the attempted are deprived of their right to choose their own profes- of senior political leaders, sion, trade union rights and freedom of association throws doubts, in our view, upon the Israeli rights. Government’s sincerity in this regard, but it no way These are violations and practices that run counter justifies the horror of the latest bus bomb atrocity. to recognized labour standards and also run counter Instead, we recognize that the new Palestinian to the International Covenants on Civil and Political Prime Minister needs to be empowered and sup- Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights ported if he is to be able to convince the extremist and the other international instruments of the United groups that peace and a two-state solution is better Nations, the ILO, the International Committee of the than a war which can never be won. There are no sus- Red Cross, and other non-governmental organiza- tainable military solutions to political problems — tions. and that is a lesson that we have learned in the United The Israeli occupation and colonization has a very Kingdom from our own long and bitter experience in significant negative effect on the lives of workers and Northern Ireland. employers in the occupied Arab territories and it is If you want peace, you must talk peace. You must unthinkable that the international community might empower and not undermine the interlocutors at the not face its responsibilities in terms of putting an end conference table so that they can bring their people to this inhuman situation. with them. The TUC has recommitted itself explicitly While we recognize the efforts made by the ILO this year to the cause of a just and lasting peace with to put an end to this situation, we urge the Organiza- security, full statehood and independence for both Is- tion, pursuant to the principles and objectives of rael and Palestine. We remain ready to contribute to its Constitution and the Declaration of Philadelphia, that process in any way that would be helpful and in to increase and enhance its technical cooperation any way that is acceptable to our Israeli and Palestin- programme in the occupied Palestinian territories, ian sister trade union confederations. with a view to creating an Palestinian Fund for We believe, too, that the ILO is one of the best- Employment and Social Protection and to call on placed organizations to support confidence building donor countries, as soon as possible, to support par- between the social partners and the parties in the ticular programmes aimed at certain professional region. groups, such as the disabled. We would also like to ask donors to give their assistance to all these projects. Original Arabic: Mr. EL AMAWY (Minister of There are measures that should be taken by the Manpower and Immigration, ) — In the Name ILO in the very near future. A special bulletin should of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate! On behalf be published on the current special sitting which of the delegation of Egypt, I would like to express our should be widely circulated on the ILO’s web site in appreciation to the Director-General of the Interna- all the working languages of the Organization. tional Labour Office for having sent a high-level mis- In addition, a standing committee should be set up sion to enquire into the situation of workers of the by the Conference to consider the situation of social occupied Arab territories and Palestine. We would partners in the occupied territories and in the Golan like to pay homage to the work of the mission, which Heights. Furthermore, an item should be included accomplished its task despite the difficulties. on the agenda of the November 2003 session of the The decision by the 91st Session of the Conference Governing Body of the ILO in order to look into this to hold this special sitting to discuss the situation of issue and all related matters. workers of the occupied Arab territories is a follow- Egypt supports all efforts to reactivate the Middle up to all the other occasions on which the issue has East peace process and the road map, and affirms been discussed and reflects the concern of the Organi- that, whilst awaiting for these efforts to achieve the zation about the difficult situation of these workers. desired results, it is necessary to use all possible The Director-General spoke about the deteriora- means to improve the lot of Arab workers in the occu- tion of the economic and social situation of Arab pied territories, not only from a moral, humanitarian workers and their families in the occupied Arab terri- or civilizational perspective, but also to prevent the tories as a result of Israeli policies and practices situation from exploding and to restore an atmo- against the Palestinian people, who only wish to claim sphere that will be a step forward on the road towards their legitimate human and national rights. The occu- peace.

13/8 Mr. LEVY (Government delegate, Israel) — While rather the time to let the parties rebuild the necessary travelling back from their workplace yesterday trust ever so slowly, in spite of the difficulties caused evening 16 innocent Israelis, young and old, men and by the strong opposition to the peace process from the women, were massacred by Hamas terrorists on a Palestinian side and by suicide bombers whose targets public bus in Jerusalem. Over 100 were injured, some are not only Israelis but the peace process itself? Is of them gravely. This is just the recent toll of suicide this not the time to allow the parties to get together in bombings, following a genuine attempt by Israeli and a spirit of confidence-building, rather than blasting Palestinian leaders to move the region from conflict one side because a certain group in this hall considers to peace. that it commands an automatic majority? Last Sunday, 8 June, at 5 a.m. the first working The Israeli Prime Minister confirmed at the summit day on the first week after two meetings between in Aqaba on 4 June that Israel has lent its strong sup- Prime Ministers Sharon and Abou Mazen and a port to President Bush’s vision expressed on 24 June three-way summit with President Bush in Aquaba, Is- 2002, of two States, Israel and a Palestinian State, rael decided to take a risk and increase the number living side by side in peace and security. The Israeli of permits issued to Palestinian workers coming Government welcomes the opportunity to renew into Israel on a daily basis to 35,000 every day. As direct negotiations according to the steps set out in 15,000 workers lined up to enter Israel from Gaza at the “road map” which it has adopted. The Prime the area’s checkpoint, three Palestinian terrorists, Minister has emphasized that it is in Israel’s interest from three different groups (, Hamas and that the Palestinians govern themselves in their own Islamic Jihad) infiltrated the line of workers. After State: A democratic Palestinian State, fully at peace 7,000 workers had passed through the checkpoint, the with Israel, which will promote the long-term security three terrorists jumped the fence to a nearby Israeli and well-being of Israel as a Jewish State. He has also post and opened fire, killing three Israelis and wound- emphasized, however, that there can be no peace ing four others before they were finally subdued. The without the abandonment and elimination of terror- entry of the remaining 8,000 workers into Israel ism and violence, and has pledged to work together through that checkpoint was stopped. with the Palestinians and other States to fight these Is it not clear who in actual fact is working against phenomena. the interests of the Palestinian workers? Clearly, radi- Before the current unrest began, there were cals in the Palestinian camp are trying to sabotage not 120,000 Palestinians employed in Israel. The remit- only the daily livelihood of their brethren, but the tances of Palestinian workers employed in Israel peace process itself. Can Israel continue to take risks contributed 32 per cent to Palestinian GNP before and increase the number of Palestinian workers enter- September 2000. Palestinian workers enjoyed, in ing Israel daily in the face of such abuse? addition to wages, the same social rights as Israeli This is not the first case, nor is it an isolated one. employees, including pension rights, paid vacation, Palestinian terrorist groups attacked industrial zones sick leave, accident insurance and other benefits. at Neveh Shalom, at Erez, Atarot and the Karni Before the riots, employment in the territories had Passage, areas upon which many Palestinian workers, improved to a great extent. The rate of unemploy- merchants and businessmen depend for their liveli- ment had been lowered by almost 50 per cent. The hoods and daily employment. The attacks have atmosphere of peace attracted many investors from included shootings, ramming, setting explosive various parts of the world. Alongside the industrial charges, throwing hand grenades and similar violent parks of Erez and Atarot, a new industrial park in acts, resulting in many Israelis and Palestinians being Gaza became operational. Preparations were under killed and wounded. way for the creation of new industrial areas. Trade My Government opposes, and has always opposed, between both sides grew extensively. As a result, the this special sitting. This kind of sitting blatantly Palestinian GNP grew by eight per cent in 1998 and discriminates against a member State of the United seven per cent in 1999. It is important to note that Nations, contributes to the politicization of the because of the improved security situation at the time, agency and will contribute neither to the thematic there were hardly any days of closure between 1998 work of this Conference, nor to the well being of the and the start of the unrest in 2000. All those positive workers in the area. This discussion, regarding only trends came to a halt at the beginning of the riots. one people in the world and their claims, is the worst Regrettably, one of the first groups in Palestinian soci- manifestation of singling out a particular country, ety to be hurt by the violence initiated by the Palestin- Israel. Dozens of conflicts spanning entire continents ian Authority was the workers. The deteriorating are now taking place around the world. Millions of security situation in the area, fuelled by incitement, people around the world subsist on less than US$2 a forced the Government of Israel, which, like any day. Indeed, the figure was 2.8 billion in 1999, accord- other Government, is first and foremost responsible ing to the Director-General’s Report on Working out for the security of its own citizens, to take measures to of poverty prepared by the ILO for this session. Yet minimize the risk of potential terrorist acts by Pales- only the Palestinian situation is deemed to merit a tinian radicals. This situation brought about a signifi- special debate, even though they are the largest cant decrease in the number of Palestinians who were recipient of aid per capita in the world. employed in Israel. This is not a debate on labour issues, and such Suffering is not only felt by Palestinians. Some politicization weakens the credibility of the organiza- might be surprised that Israelis are suffering as well. tion that conducts it. Israelis and Palestinians are We are burying our dead — over 800, if we include trying to re-stitch the fragile fabric of confidence. The yesterday’s victims; all victims of terrorism, car new Palestinian Prime Minister, having just formed bombs, sniper attacks, ambushes along the roadways. his Government is coming to Jerusalem to meet with In hospitals we are treating our wounded, victims Israeli Prime Minister Sharon for the first time. Is this of continuous terrorist attacks. And even those who the time to engage in one-sided resolutions? Is it not have suffered no physical injury have sustained

13/9 mental and psychological wounds. People are afraid to The ICFTU, with affiliates in both Palestine, the ride the buses because suicide bombers board those PGFTU, and Israel, the Histadrut, believes that it has buses, having been brainwashed by fundamentalist a particular opportunity and responsibility to meet zealots to blow themselves up along with innocent the challenges raised in the Director-General’s civilians. Report, and, above all, the challenge of peace. The young are afraid of frequenting clubs. Israeli With the acceptance of the road map, the ICFTU, Jews and Arabs are fearful when entering a restau- together with the PGFTU and the Histadrut, has rant, or attending a wedding ceremony. Not only did called on leaders on both sides to take the bold steps the economy of the Palestinian Authority suffer set- necessary to achieve this peace. backs and loss of revenues as a result of the rioting, The Report before us reflects the spirit of optimism the Israeli economy has been facing major hardships and opportunity that the road map has brought. But, as a result of the same riots, as the Director-General’s as we know, since the Report was written, we have all Report clearly indicates. witnessed the renewed cycle of violence which, with The Report on the situation of workers of the occu- almost sickening inevitability, is the reaction of those pied Palestinian territories and this debate itself whose aim is to sabotage peace. We condemn them. ignore the Palestinian violence: Israel’s response is They will not easily be forgiven. taking place in a vacuum, five suicide bombers did not We look forward to the ILO being able to redirect blow themselves up in Jerusalem, Hebron and Afula its efforts from the imperative of providing basically in May 2003 alone, not to mention yesterday’s trag- humanitarian assistance towards activities which can edy, Israel’s defensive reactions occur without any contribute centrally to promoting just and sustainable provocation. The security, life and health of Israelis development in the territories. The Report explains are not considered to count. persuasively exactly what the ILO’s role can and Every year we are treated to a series of eloquent should be in institution-building and in addressing the speeches and one-sided resolutions. I wonder why those specific and serious issues affecting Palestinian work- who speak with such apparent conviction about the ers and their trade unions. It rightly and particularly plight of the Palestinians has yet contributed to the alle- stresses the problems faced by those amongst them viation of their plight. The focus in the ILO should be who have worked, or still do work, in Israel. As and on technical cooperation between Israelis and Palestin- when Palestinians and Israelis travel the route set out ians under the auspices of the ILO, which has the neces- in the road map, the ILO can and must accompany sary expertise to work with both parties for the further- them, within the international community’s overall ance of those goals. Indeed, during the visit of the mission commitment, and make its own and unique contribu- we made concrete proposals for technical cooperation tion to deepening democracy, building peace and between the two sides under the auspices of the ILO. bringing social justice. In conclusion, I must say that this debate will con- But, for this to happen, we will all need to convert tribute nothing to the welfare of Palestinian or Israeli our solidarity, our rhetoric and our commitment into employees. The way to move ahead has been pointed material support. The ICFTU has consistently backed out in the recent summit in Aqaba: ending violence, the creation of a Palestinian fund for employment and creating confidence, working together to rebuild social protection and we express our satisfaction that understanding, trust and the peace process itself. this has now been formally established. Our affiliates Only when violence, extremist rhetoric and terrorism around the world have called on their governments to are abandoned will Palestinians and Israelis be able contribute to the fund so that the potential of this to build bridges for the future, create employment, Organization can be fully realized to the benefit of improve both their economies and work together Palestinian working families. towards the noble goals to which all Members of the The ICFTU’s constant interaction with our Pales- ILO aspire. tinian and our Israeli affiliates show just how deeply each feels that its members are victims of a conflict Mr. RYDER (representative, International Confed- that they do not want and for which others are respon- eration of Free Trade Unions) — The International sible. Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTW) wel- The PGFTU has played a remarkable and admi- comes the Report presented by the Director-General rable role in maintaining basic services to members in as an objective analysis of the situation of workers of circumstances in which normal working life and trade the occupied Arab territories and for its contribution union activity has become virtually impossible. It has to fixing and advancing the important role that the also spoken out courageously against violence and for ILO can play in line with its mandate and its responsi- peace and claimed the ground of independent worker bilities in this area. representation, which is central to state-building The Report provides a portrayal of a deepening in Palestine. The ICFTU expresses its continuing tragedy, of two peoples whose futures are inextricably solidarity and support for its struggle. intertwined, locked in terrible and deadly conflict. Histadrut, whose representative has spoken before And there is a single over-riding obvious conclusion me, finds its members also paying the price of the con- that we must all draw from it. That the situation of flict, as the Israeli economy has gone into its deepest working families — above all Palestinian, but also recession ever and the Government has reacted with Israeli — depends crucially on putting an end to draconian proposals for anti-worker measures. The the conflict. It is striking indeed just how closely the ICFTU equally expresses its solidarity with the conditions of workers vary with the intensity of struggle of Histadrut in defence of worker rights and the conflict. The Report records a stabilization in interests. economic and social conditions in recent months, as The conclusion of our debate is really very simple. levels of violence had eased. But this is at levels which It is, indeed, universal. Working people always pay condemn Palestinians to massive poverty, and place the heaviest price in war and in conflicts. They have decent work and decent lives well beyond their reach. the most to gain from the dividend that peace would

13/10 bring and their common interests as workers must ian workers to the will and wishes of the occupation always prevail across the contours of confrontation, authority, which requires Palestinian workers to be however insurmountable they may sometimes seem submissive and to cooperate with the occupation au- to be. thorities in exchange for freedom of movement and If the road map is followed, it would lead to the wages. The same thing applies to granting the Palestin- creation of a sovereign Palestinian State existing in ian authority the tax benefits of Palestinian workers, peaceful and secure coexistence with Israel within a which is tied to impossible political conditions. This is a defined timeframe. It would make a reality of our compulsory action imposed on Palestinian workers, in vision of welcoming the State of Palestine, its employ- contravention of all international labour legislation. ers, and its free trade unions into full membership When the Report talks about capacity building at here at the ILO. At the ICFTU, we want to see this workers’ and employers’ organizations, it mentions happen as soon as possible. We will work for this. We three main challenges facing Palestinian organiza- will oppose those who want to stop it and we urge all tions, one of which is democratic representation. The others to join with us and with the ILO in what is one ILO is right when it considers democratic representa- of the truly historic endeavours of our time. tion as the cornerstone for the success of any true at- tempts to achieve economic or social goals. But the Original Arabic: Mr. ALFARARGI (representa- Report should have mentioned that democratic rep- tive, League of Arab States) — I am pleased and resentation requires freedom — there cannot be any honoured to address you in the name of the League practice of democracy without freedom. of Arab States. I salute the social partners for their We are back once again at the question of who is determination to hold this special sitting in order to depriving the other of freedom? Assuredly, the occu- discuss the Report of the Director-General, The situa- pation forces are the main reason. Support for the tion of workers of the occupied Arab territories. Palestinian people, workers and employers in the oc- While I appreciate this effort, I would like to ex- cupied territories is urgently needed. To be effective, press some remarks before this distinguished gather- action must be taken at the same time to remove the ing. Many parts of the Report of the Director-General causes which have brought the entire region to this describe the situation of workers and employers in situation, and can be simply summed up in ending the Palestine as a result of occupation. These are disas- occupation of the Palestinian territory, the Syrian trous conditions in the full sense of the word and not Golan and the Shabba Farms in Lebanon. near-disastrous, as described by the report. There is no need for any evidence for it because we know it Original French: Mr. THYS (representative, World through the media every day. But the question is how Confederation of Labour) — Once again, the World long these conditions and the policy of destruction, Confederation of Labour (WCL) feels the need to use closure, exile and starvation, stubbornly exercised by this democratic forum to repeat its position and to call the Israeli occupation authorities — how long will on the ILO to bear it in mind when defining its poli- these policies and conditions continue? cies and activities with regard to the issue of living and We do express our appreciation for the good and working conditions in occupied Palestine. sincere desire of the International Labour Organiza- The World Confederation of Labour is very much tion to contribute to ease the suffering of Arab work- concerned by the deterioration in the living condi- ers in occupied Arab territories but readers of the tions of the Palestinian people and workers. The eco- Report will notice that there seems to be a sort of psy- nomic strangulation of the Palestinian territories chological terrorism which prevents calling things by caused, inter alia, by the closure of frontiers, curfews their proper names as recognized by the international and the existence of so many checkpoints, is leading community and international organizations. It is not a to hunger and despair. In fact, it appears that the level question of Palestinian/Israeli dispute which led to in- of unemployment has gone up, that 62 per cent of the stability in the region. Why does the Report not state population is living on less than $2.15 per day, and that things explicitly and use the terms recognized by the more than 63 per cent of the population of Palestine is international community regarding the reality of living on external humanitarian aid. the situation, which is that the conflict is between an The WCL is also very concerned by the occupation occupying force, Israel, and a people suffering under policy and by the violence and destruction that has that occupation, the Palestinian people. spread throughout occupied Palestinian territories. Most unfortunately, the Report could not avoid an This situation has gone on for too long. From attack, attempt to reconcile contradictions and so it ad- to reprisal, from reprisal to attack, it has become al- dresses the social partners as if the matter were an most impossible to stop the vicious circle. Too many unimportant dispute between two equal partners, and children have paid the price of this conflict with their therefore it talks about the tragic situation of Arab lives. We should not forget that more than 80 per cent workers and the consequences of the policy of occu- of these children are Palestinians killed by the occu- pation of destruction for the infrastructure, and then pying forces. it asks the Palestinians to cooperate with occupation The WCL repeats its rejection of all kinds of authorities in order to resolve problems over which violence, wherever it comes from. We reject suicide they have no control. So, in other words, how can attacks as much as the that are carried people who are under occupation face the Israeli mili- out “legally” by a State. The WCL is still convinced tary machine, equipped with the most modern tools of that the main cause of the violence and the suffering war and destruction, which destroys its livelihood and of the people and workers of Palestine is the continu- makes life impossible for them. ous violation of the United Nations resolutions which When it talks about the economic situation in provide for the right of the Palestine people to their Israel, the Report attempts to link it to the conditions own sovereign state and territory. of Arab workers, as if the prosperity of the Israeli At the moment, we are once again speaking of a economy is dependent on the submission of Palestin- hope of achieving peace. The road map is on

13/11 everyone’s lips. The WCL hopes that this initiative, treatment different from all others. It has become a the objective of which is to create a Palestinian State forum for political diatribe, rather than a constructive and to put an end within two years to the lengthy discussion of what the ILO can do to help improve the conflict between Israel and Palestine, will in fact yield situation of Palestinian workers. results, despite recent events. Although it offers no The ILO should focus its efforts on expanding its answers to many issues which are key to the Palestin- technical cooperation programme in the region. This ians, this road map does have the merit of existing and is the area in which we can make a real difference. we welcome it. Nonetheless, we would like to recall These special sittings are an anachronism and should that the essential ingredients for achieving a fair and be discontinued once and for all. The Director- lasting peace are real political will and a conviction General’s Report is an objective and compelling de- that people have a right to self-determination, respect scription of the dire economic and social crisis facing for resolutions and the abandonment of the double Palestinian workers and their families. Clearly, the standards policy which is so clearly visible in this part need for ILO assistance has never been greater. I am of the world. Furthermore, we still think that the de- pleased to note that US$1.4 million has already been ployment of a peace force led by the United Nations allocated from the ILO’s cash surplus to support the to guarantee respect for the United Nations resolu- establishment of a Palestinian Fund for Employment tions is more necessary than ever. No other force led and Social Protection, and other components of by any country should take over this task, which is a the enhanced programme of technical cooperation matter for the United Nations. the Director-General proposed at this Conference The United Nations agencies have a crucial role to last year. play in this part of the world. The WCL appreciates We believe this programme represents a clear and the importance attached by the ILO to the difficult technically sound strategy for addressing labour prob- and necessary task of unravelling the Israeli-Palestin- lems on the West Bank and Gaza. Meanwhile, we are ian conflict. The WCL therefore congratulates the increasing our own assistance to the region, by adding ILO on the efforts it has put into the enhanced US$50 million to the US$75 million already provided programme of technical cooperation for the occupied this year for rebuilding infrastructure, creating jobs, Palestinian territories, particularly with regard to the supporting civil society institutions and other pro- strengthening of labour institutions, which help Pales- grammes that contribute directly toward improving tinians to find decent work and to support their families. the lives of Palestinian workers and their families. Social dialogue is no doubt an important part of This is a moment of promise for the cause of peace nation building. Workers’ organizations will therefore in the Middle East, with the potential for unity against have to continue not only to meet the humanitarian terror, the birth of a new Palestinian nation and needs of workers, but above all, will have to work as broader peace among peoples of the region. Achieving social partners in their own right, by acting as spokes- these goals will require courage and vision on every persons for the aspirations of Palestinian workers side. As President Bush said last week: “The Holy and their families in forums for social dialogue which Land must be shared between the State of Palestine will have to be strengthened or set up. To do this, it and the State of Israel living at peace with each other is necessary to build the capacities of all workers’ and every other nation of the Middle East.” organizations. The ILO has a small, but significant role to play in The WCL is a strong advocate for pluralism, bringing this about, and we should devote all of our democracy and justice. This is why the WCL calls on efforts to this end. the ILO to take into account all of the trade union organizations that have been recognized by the Pales- Mr. SMITH (Government adviser and substitute tinian Authority in all of the technical assistance and delegate, Australia) — We have read with concern the cooperation programmes implemented in occupied Director-General’s latest Report on the situation of Palestine. The recognition of trade union pluralism has workers of the occupied Arab territories. to start within this respectable forum that is the ILO. We thank the ILO officials involved for their work. The WCL calls on the ILO to intervene with a view The Report highlights the fact that the troubles which to putting an end to the illegal practice of deducting began in September 2000 have had a terribly adverse one per cent of the salary of Palestinians working affect on the lives and livelihoods of Arabs and Israelis in Israel. For reasons of justice, we also think that all alike. deductions on salaries should be given to Palestinian Australia supports the ILO’s technical cooperation organizations. activities in the region described in the Report, and I would like to conclude, like the conclusion of the we associate ourselves fully with the detailed state- Report, by quoting a passage from the Declaration of ments which have been made in the last two sessions Philadelphia which states that “poverty anywhere of the Governing Body on behalf of the and constitutes a danger to prosperity everywhere”. Pacific Group. We particularly urge the Office to take To remove this risk, the WCL calls for a redoubling an inclusive approach in its work to encourage and of efforts to fight against poverty, but also for a just support dialogue on labour issues between the Pales- and lasting peace between Palestine and Israel. This is tinians and Israelis. Notwithstanding this, we agree an absolutely essential prerequisite for peace in this with the comment in paragraph 47 that “genuine part of the world, and can only happen if Israel with- recovery will require a set of conditions that only a draws from all of the territories which it has illegally political settlement can provide”. In this context, I and unjustly occupied. repeat the comments which we made when a special sitting on this issue was last held in 2001. While we of Mr. LEVINE (Government delegate, United States) course support, in an appropriate forum, consider- — The United States takes the position today, as it has ation of the technical issues discussed in the Report in previous years, that it is inappropriate to hold this and of other issues within the ILO’s mandate, we are special sitting. It singles out one member State for concerned that debating political issues in the Inter-

13/12 national Labour Organization, a technical body of the instrument of pressure, giving the Israeli authorities United Nations, is unhelpful. the impression that they are better supported in nego- Australia has warmly welcomed the recent release tiations on the road map, which will lead them to de- of the road map to peace, and we have called repeat- mand from the massacred and occupied Palestinians edly on the two sides to redouble their efforts to bring that which they cannot give. the conflict to an end. As the Australian Foreign The road map has demanded a lot of the Palestinian Minister said last month, no one can afford more people. They were even required to remove President squandered opportunities or squandered lives. from the equation and to choose a new We welcome the acceptance by both sides of the Prime Minister. road map, and are encouraged by the strong support We have serious misgivings as to whether the objec- received from the international community for tive of Washington and might not be to the road map, but note that debates such as these are change the rules of the game in order to undermine unlikely to help the process. the Palestinian political culture created over the past For these reasons, we have not felt able to support 50 years to resist occupation, a national project the holding of this special sitting, and in attending unique in its democratic, sovereign, independent and have decided to place these concerns on the record. secular content. This liberating political project has merited the support of the forces of peace the world Original Portuguese: Mr. ALVES TRINDADE over and was embodied by the United Nations, princi- (Workers’ adviser and substitute delegate, Portugal) — pally in Security Council resolutions Nos. 242 and 338. On the social, labour, political and humanitarian situ- Despite all these doubts and dangers, the Palestine ation in Palestine, in particular that of Palestinian people once again shows that it is willing to be engaged workers, the in Palestine submit- in direct talks with Israel and willing to meet the first ted by the Quartet of the United States, the Russian requirements of the road map. Federation, the United Nations and the European Every opportunity to solve the conflict and establish Union could be a decisive factor in moving towards an independent Palestinian State should be taken up. peace, but one should note that the Palestinians once However, new ways have to be found for Israelis and again accepted the negotiation path while it took the Palestinians to live together peacefully, while not Tel Aviv Government a further month to make up its undermining the will and the rights of the Palestinian mind and express its willingness to negotiate. people to live in freedom and in full sovereignty. As The implementation of this peace plan means that President Arafat himself said, only the Palestinian Israel has to accept the setting up of a Palestinian people can determine their own political future. This State by the year 2005 but the road to this is fraught is why we should redouble our efforts to achieve with many obstacles. The road map timetable shows peace in solidarity with the Palestinian people. They that the more difficult aspects of solving this conflict, need our support even more urgently at this complex such as the settlements issue, the genuine sovereignty point in their heroic history of resistance and struggle. of Palestine within its boundaries, the , and the return of around 4 million Pales- Original French: Mr. CAMARA (Government del- tinian refugees will only be debated in the third phase egate, Senegal, speaking on behalf of the Member of the road map, which means that these decisive mat- States of the Organisation of Islamic Conference) — ters will involve a much more lengthy decision than The adoption on 24 June 1980 at the 66th Session of would be desirable. This is precisely the issue that the International Labour Conference of a resolution on causes us to have serious misgivings about the road the implications of the Israeli settlements in Palestine map, since it does not establish as its main objective and other occupied Arab territories, in connection the end of Israel’s 37 year illegal occupation of the with the situation of Arab workers, is a solid basis for West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem. the regular examination, without complacency, of the Furthermore, the plan only requires Israel to draw situation of workers in the occupied Arab territories. back its occupying military forces to the areas it occu- In fact, paragraph 6 of that resolution establishes pied in September 2000, that is to say at the beginning a mechanism whereby the Director-General must of the and to halt new building, so all give an annual account of the development of the the settlements that were established before Septem- situation. ber 2000 and even up to March 2001 can stay in place. For the second consecutive year, the Report that If you examine what the Special Rapporteur to we have before us is based on the results of a high- the United Nations said at the end of May on the situ- level mission that the Director-General sent to the ation you will see how clearly linked the Israeli occu- occupied Arab territories, in particular to Palestine pation and the were. He said that the Iraq and the Golan. situation had been used by the Israeli authorities to On behalf of the Member States of the step up violations of Palestinian rights, by demolish- Organisation of the Islamic Conference, I would ing more houses, confiscating more land and destroy- like to thank the Director-General for his efforts ing more commercial establishments than in the last and to encourage him to continue in this direction two years. The Rapporteur himself said that the road because this will help to keep this question in the map “is not sufficient” to solve the Palestinian and spotlight. Middle Eastern problems. He upheld the fact that the I would also like to welcome the fact that once only possible solution was to put an end to the occu- again we have the opportunity to examine the situa- pation and to have the Israeli troops effect a complete tion of Arab workers in the occupied territories in a withdrawal from the occupied territories with the full special debate on this subject. dismantling of the settlements, and then to send a pro- In paragraph 107, the Director-General’s Report tection force in immediately to protect the Palestinians. says that “during the period covered by the Report The large numbers of American troops sent to Iraq there has been a further marked deterioration in the during and after the war there act as a powerful situation in the occupied Arab territories” and this

13/13 remark alone is enough to make us realize how and other legitimate elements — including the serious the situation has become. interests of the workers — cannot be guaranteed. Three factors are behind this trend: the phenom- Moreover, the security of workers is also threatened enon of closures, the construction of the separation as a result of constant tragic events. This scenario wall and military incursions. violates the fundamental principles of the ILO Con- On the matter of closures the Report says “the stitution and the Declaration of Philadelphia as immediate impact of the closures is felt in a drastic well as international labour standards. Therefore, it increase in the resources and time spent on travel — triggers worldwide concern. much of it wasted queueing at checkpoints”. The Government of China calls upon the parties Furthermore, these closures lead to a “feeling of concerned to seize current opportunities and co- insecurity among Palestinian workers” and “violence operate actively with the international community to occurs daily and at any time”. As for the separation stop the violence and resume peace talks as soon as wall, its immediate effect will be that “12,000 Palestin- possible. Only in this way can the workers’ legitimate ians will be physically separated from the remainder rights in the occupied territories be effectively of the occupied territories,” with everything that safeguarded. The ILO should, within its jurisdiction, implies in the denial of the fundamental right to work. do its utmost to widely protect its technical Finally, on the matter of military incursions, the assistants, help workers in the occupied Arab terri- Report mentions in paragraph 28 mentions that they tories to improve their working and living have lead to the demolition of more than 120 compa- conditions, and commit itself to decent work in this nies over the last few months, which means the aboli- region. tion of so many jobs as well, the source of individual and collective livelihoods. Original Arabic: Mr. AOUN (Government del- As you can see, this picture is far from being idyllic, egate, Lebanon) — I would like at the outset to on the contrary it reflects the highly precarious express my objection to the practice seen here in the situation in which Arab workers live in the occupied plenary sessions over the past few days, of interrupt- territories in Palestine and the Golan. ing speakers in the general debate when they talk The ILO, as an organization which defends social about the Israeli occupation, under the pretext that justice, must react, hence the point of the debate there is a special sitting devoted to this purpose. This today, which should serve as a guide for future action forum, the forum of the United Nations and this by the Director-General. The road map now supplies a venue, the Palais des Nations is the headquarters of new framework for political dialogue and will be able to the United Nations, should not prevent any organiza- facilitate the implementation of ILO measures. tion or individual from condemning the occupation of We mention in this respect the Director-General’s these territories. The United Nations was established recognition of the important role of the ILO in pro- in the first place in order to consecrate the freedom viding “technical assistance to institutional reforms in and independence of people to work for the downfall the labour, employment and social protection fields”. of imperialism and occupation everywhere, in order While waiting for the initiatives resulting from the to build and consolidate world peace. Is it not enough road map to achieve success, we must attach great im- that the United Nations has issued more than 500 reso- portance to the effective activation of the Palestinian lutions against the Israeli occupation of Palestine and Fund for Employment and Social Protection. the occupied Arab territories, none of which has been In this respect the Organization of Islamic Confer- implemented? The Israeli occupation was based on ences demands that all actors concerned meet to- the Zionist settlers’ scheme which was to be achieved gether as soon as possible, because this is a necessary through the military expansion, killing, plundering stage in trying to accelerate the activation of the and deportation of the owners of the land and bring- Fund. ing Zionist immigrants from all parts of the world to In conclusion, I would like to reaffirm the principle settle in Palestine and in the Syrian Arab Golan and set out in paragraph I(c) of the Declaration of Phila- the south of Lebanon. delphia and rightly mentioned again in paragraph 108 Occupation is the most atrocious crime against hu- of the Director-General’s Report: “Poverty anywhere man civilization, against the United Nations Charter, constitutes a danger to prosperity everywhere.” We and against the human rights laws. It is condemned in can deduce from this that the prosperity of Israel is all international forums, particularly those which intrinsically linked to an improvement in the situation raise the banner and the slogan of the United Nations. of Palestinian and other workers in the occupied terri- The special sitting devoted to the situation of work- tories, something that can only occur if there is mutual ers in the occupied Arab territories was organized as a respect, and respect for the right to life, which also in- preliminary cultural contribution by the tripartite cludes the right to decent work in normal political constituents, through the ILO. Their contribution has conditions. That can only be accomplished by Israel’s been to unmask the practices of the Israeli occupation total withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories. of Palestine and the occupied Arab territories, and particularly its violation of international labour stan- Original Chinese: Mr. LIU (Government adviser dards, international law and its decisions pertaining to and substitute delegate, China) — We are currently at the legitimacy of the Palestine State. a crossroads. On one hand, the international commu- The ILO is therefore called upon to go beyond the nity involved in the Middle East peace process has requirements of the routine report of its mission, and witnessed positive progress, on the other hand, not to confine itself to a special sitting, which does not violence and conflicts continue, and this has taken lead to any result. A permanent committee should be a heavy toll and led to financial losses. We are very set up to follow-up on the consequences of the occu- concerned about this situation. pation of the occupied Arab territories, along the The Government of China has discovered that em- lines of the special permanent committee established ployment, salaries, working conditions, social security to follow-up on the struggle against racial discrimina-

13/14 tion in South Africa, which continued its work until urges all parties to take advantage of the current the downfall of the apartheid system in South Africa. momentum and pursue the path to peace. We also We call upon the Director-General to issue a encourage the ILO to adjust its programmes, as conclusion on the special report of the special sitting, appropriate, in the context of new developments. along the lines of all other special sittings held during a session of the International Labour Conference. Original Arabic: Mr. DAHLAN (Employers’ del- The Report of the Director-General, while objec- egate, Saudi Arabia) — On the basis of the fundamen- tive as regards statistics and figures, nevertheless, tal principles and rights of the International Labour because of the national rights consecrated by the deci- Organization, and in conformity with the Constitu- sions of international legitimacy, has tended to ignore tion of the Organization and international labour law, or obliterate the identity of the land and the identity I feel, unfortunately, that certain rights are being of its lawful owners, the Arab Palestinians and violated or disregarded and certain international Syrians. labour standards are not being applied. Furthermore, The Report has insisted for many years on describing the economy is not growing and there are people who the Syrians and Palestinians as the original inhabitants. are capable of working and producing, but they are If it does this, it has to describe the Israelis as being prevented from doing so. colonists, who have been brought from all parts of Lands have been burnt, crops have dried and up the world in order to occupy the Syrian Golan and and produce has been left in storage because it cannot Palestine and settled there. be taken to market. Above all, there is a lack of peace The three parties in Israel — Government, employ- which is what we are seeking so that we can work, in ers and workers — are occupiers, and their roles rein- accordance with international resolutions and on the force one another in enhancing the settler expansion basis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and military occupation. But they have to remember, and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles the Arab region in history has witnessed many and Rights at Work, 1998. occupations, and all have come to an end. They have These are the main features of the Report of the to know that the road map, whether they accept it or Director-General, The situation of workers of the reject it, is not going to obliterate the map of Pales- occupied Arab territories. We are all trying to achieve tine, from the sea to the river, and will not obstruct the a just peace for the Palestinian and for the Israelis and right to return. to promote justice and equality for these two peoples, International and regional peace will not be and we would like to ensure peace in one of the achieved unless this peace is just and comprehensive holiest parts of the world. and based on respect for the legitimate national rights The employers in the Arab world is looking for- of peoples. ward to being able to work and cooperate with the International Labour Organization in order to make Mr. FERGUSON (Government adviser and substi- the fundamental principles a reality and to ensure the tute delegate, Canada) — Canada is speaking in this rights of employers and workers in the occupied Arab special sitting, because we hope that our discussion territories. We reject and condemn the terrorist acts, here can make some contribution to the problems even if they are a reaction to unjustified action. We faced by Palestinian workers. That is the role of would like to help those who are looking for peace to the ILO and that should be our objective here today. achieve it. Inappropriate references to matters which do not Let us use all of our resources to achieve peace and belong to this forum will serve neither the mandate to build a strong economy. Let us use our full poten- of this particular organization, nor the interests of the tial, in order to create two states, a Palestinian one Middle East peace process. and an Israeli one, which will complement each other. Canada thanks the Director-General and the ILO Let us work with the international organizations in secretariat for their Report on the situation of Pales- order to attain the goals that we have set. tinian workers. We reiterate Canada’s strong support Let us also recall and commend the honesty of the for the efforts of the ILO within the purview of its Report of the Director-General, The situation of mandate to contribute to addressing this important workers of the occupied Arab territories. Let us also issue. We also commend the concrete projects of the call on the Director-General to double efforts and to ILO enhanced technical cooperation programme to devote funds, for technical cooperation in this region. build the capacity of Palestinian workers, employers Let us support the Palestinian Fund for Employment and the Ministry of Labour to address current prob- and Social Protection in order to help Palestinian lems. The creation or reform of solid institutions to workers. This is a good occasion to call on donor improve the economic and social environment in the countries to increase their support for this Fund, territories is key to the sustainable overall develop- which has no parallel in other organizations. Let us ment of the region. work in order to alleviate the suffering of a people Canada is pleased that the ILO’s programme has that is unable to enjoy the basic right to work and enjoyed the fullest cooperation of all parties on both particularly to decent work. sides, as well as that of the other major United Nations organizations and the World Bank. We Original Arabic: Mr. HIJJAWI (Employers’ repre- welcome this collective effort to increase opportuni- sentative, Palestine) — This special sitting is being ties for employment creation and to eliminate child held at a time in which the Palestinian people is labour. We continue to support drawing on the ILO experiencing extremely difficult conditions, which surplus to finance this important programme. call for solidarity on the part of the international com- Like others, Canada has welcomed the road map munity in order to help the Palestinians to overcome and called on all parties to take steps towards its their plight and rebuild the infrastructure destroyed by implementation. In this regard, we welcome recent, the Israeli military machine, which has destroyed positive indications and actions from all sides. Canada people, property and houses in order to crush the

13/15 Palestinian economy which had started to grow under reconstruct our economic and social enterprises and the Palestinian authority. work peacefully, free from occupation and Israeli Many Palestinian and other investors had contrib- settlement, in an independent Palestinian State with uted to building a national economy, together with the its capital in Jerusalem. employers who have been living on our ancestral land throughout the years of occupation. This led to Mr. EDSTRÖM (Workers’ delegate, Sweden) — economic growth which reached 6.5 per cent in 1995, Let me first say that we deeply deplore the recent acts as well as providing employment opportunities and of violence from both sides which constitute obstacles reducing unemployment in the year 2000. In that year to true and effective peace negotiations and where more growth was registered in all areas of life in innocent people are being killed. Palestine, particularly in the economy. Many infra- This year’s Report from the Director-General on structure projects were completed, such as power the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territo- stations, extraction of natural gas, the airport and to ries can only be described as a Report showing a situ- post facilities, sewers and other projects. ation that has worsened since last year. And the In addition international cooperation was imple- Director-General makes the same conclusion as mented at the regional level. This economic growth last year: the situation is untenable and must not be was accompanied by social development, but all this allowed to continue. has been destroyed since September 2001 by the The ILO’s technical cooperation with the Palestin- Israeli military forces and their aggression against ian tripartite constituents is under way, in the form of the Palestinian people. programmes with the Federation of Palestinian The impact of this aggression has been unprec- Chambers of Commerce, with the Palestine General edented: destruction of land, confiscation of large ar- Federation of Trade Unions and the Ministry of eas in order to build settlements, a drop in sales of Labour of the Palestinian Authority. And the techni- 47 per cent with ensuing bankruptcy and reduction cal setting of the Palestinian Fund for Employment of cash flows in all productive enterprises. As a result, and Social Protection has now been completed. But there has been a rise in the cost of production and this the funding is missing. The recently held meeting in has prevented enterprises from honouring their Jerusalem with the donor society has had a very mod- commitments, reducing production capacity to 50 per est result so far. cent compared to 86 per cent before September 2000. The Swedish workers already last December, asked Competitiveness also declined because of the rising our Government to contribute to the Fund and the cost of transport and communication as a result of decision is still awaited. From our contacts and coop- closures of cities and villages. The cost of raw materi- eration with our brothers and sisters in the PGFTU als rose by 26 per cent, which made it impossible we know of their positive evaluation of the idea of the to import directly and forced Palestinian producers to Fund, but they are eagerly waiting for it not only to resort to Israeli intermediaries in order to meet their come in place but also to get the necessary economic production requirements. means. In addition Israeli checkpoints, prevented im- The Director-General highlights four major orien- ported goods from reaching the occupied territories tations to the ones already expressed in last year’s and this led to an increase in the cost of these goods of Report. None of them are new, merely a slightly dif- 46 per cent. Unemployment reached its highest level ferent way of expressing the same ones. The Swedish ever: 60 per cent of the workforce lost their jobs as a workers support the goals of the ILO work in Pales- result of workers being prevented from going to their tine. We believe that the promotion of human secu- workplaces either in Israel or in the territories be- rity, rights of work, incomes, access to employment cause of closures and military checkpoints. and social protection are essential tasks for the ILO Per capita income declined with a higher incidence programme. of poverty (people living on less than $2 a day), In today’s Palestine the workers are denied jobs, and this led to a reduction in the volume of imports security, income and social protection. We cannot and and exports and as a result, a drop in GDP, accompa- must not accept the rise in absolute poverty for the nied by a decline in industry, tourism, agriculture and Palestinian workers in the last year. We have also seen construction. Assessing the damage caused by Israeli a dramatic economic deterioration in Israel with very aggression in Palestinian areas is very difficult, since negative effects on the Israeli workers. the destruction perpetrated by Israel does not cease In our contacts with Histadrut, we know their need so long as the occupation continues. for assistance and support to fight the negative effects We ask all States of the world to make every effort of the declining economy on the workers’ situation. to end the Israeli aggression against Palestinian The need for capacity building of the social part- people, and help the Palestinians to rebuild their own ners in Palestine is crucial, both to promote social dia- country and live in peace and free from occupation. logue as well as to give professional service to their We hope that all the efforts that are made will lead members. They must reach a status and capacity as also to support for the Palestinian private sector, by labour market institutions also capable to participate improving working conditions and social protection in and contribute to economic recovery, social devel- for workers, and by creating jobs. An investment fund opment and working conditions. should be set up to help the sector, and to support en- The Swedish labour movement is heavily engaged terprises. This could supply working capital in support in contributing our part to promote this to happen. of those firms, so that they could adjust to the new We have very recently started a capacity-building conditions. This could take the form of subsidies or project with the PGFTU. We hope this will be of help loans on favourable terms. for them to participate in tripartite policy dialogue In conclusion, I would like to express my thanks to and for democratic representation of the Palestinian donor countries and donor organizations which con- workers. We welcome the PGFTU affiliation to the tinue to offer support to our people so that we could ICFTU last December and hope this will enhance

13/16 the capacity of the PGFTU to improve its structures the Compassionate! The Director-General’s Report and administration as well as their capacity to in- regarding workers in the occupied territories, which crease and serve their membership. rests on article 29 of the ILO Constitution, once again We believe that in spite of the present situation of puts global wisdom to the test. This Report clearly occupation and total lack of employment and rights of testifies to the violation, of the basic and vital rights of the Palestinian workers, the emphasis must be put on the oppressed Palestinian people and the non-compli- the role and capacity of the social partners in a future ance of the Israeli racist regime with United Nations Palestinian State. This is why the ILO fund is needed resolutions, the ILO Constitution and its core and what the programmes coming out as a result of Conventions. The International Labour Organization donor funding must specialize in. None of the other has a brilliant record in the area of combating injus- 30 ongoing multilateral programmes for this region tice and has made many efforts to champion global are focusing on the strengthening of tripartism or humanitarian causes, for example by combating have the capacity to do so. That is the work of the apartheid. In recent years the ILO has been exploring ILO. and promoting new mechanisms to improve account- ability and monitor compliance with obligations and Original Spanish: Ms. LAU VALDES (Govern- has been placing greater emphasis on the realization ment delegate, Cuba) — The situation of the workers of core Conventions. in the occupied Arab territories has been decried on In the current situation, Palestinian workers are many occasions within this Organization, and it is facing tremendous challenges. Not only to their truly unsustainable. This is why this special sitting is a historical rights, but also the very right to the exist- timely and important venue for international debate ence of a nation with centuries of history has been until such time as this problem is solved. It is unac- flagrantly violated. We should be more than alarmed ceptable that the workers of the Arab and Palestinian to read the passage in the Director-General’s Report occupied territories illegally occupied by Israel should where he asserts that “there has been a further still be the victims of the grave situation that has been marked deterioration in the situation in the occupied imposed upon them, and which in practice deprives Arab territories. Human security, rights at work, them of the right to live because of attacks, insecurity, incomes, access to employment and social protection poverty and lack of assistance, among other things. are under constant threat”. We appreciate the prepa- We therefore support all efforts, from whatever ration of such a report by the Director-General and quarter, provided they include and stipulate recogni- the secretariat in view of the military and political tion of the Palestinian State and condemn Israeli atmosphere in the Middle East region. aggression against this people. Palestine is a symbol of modern, militaristic hege- The closure of the and the West Bank by mony over, and the oppression of, a nation. Nowa- Israel has meant that tens of thousands of Arab and days, all workers in the occupied territories, be they Palestinian workers are denied jobs, social protection, Muslims, Christians or Jews, have all equally suffered any form of income, and their very livelihood, which the effects of oppression. We have gathered in this obviously inevitably increases poverty and suffering, august Organization to try, through collective efforts as there can be no question of other labour rights, and common sense, to take steps to resolve this crisis which are non-existent or simply not feasible in these and thus be rationally accountable to the just claims of circumstances. Palestinian workers and the Palestinian nation. We This situation has paralysed the Palestinian would like to emphasize the need for all member economy and, increased unemployment, the inci- States to support the Director-General and his poli- dence of poverty and the lack of social protection and cies in this connection. It is therefore imperative that constitutes an ongoing violation of the fundamental we do not forget the Palestinian people and that we principles and rights at work that the ILO promotes, pay due attention to their troubles. as well as other rights. Freedom of movement within Palestine, of health Mr. AHMED (Workers’ delegate, Pakistan) — On workers and paramedics has been hampered and behalf of the Workers’ delegation of Pakistan, I take curtailed, which not only seriously affects, work the opportunity to convey our appreciation for the and labour rights, but, prevents essential medical decision of the Governing Body to place this item on services from being provided to save lives. the agenda, and to commend the Report of the Director- The ILO must continue to pay attention to this General, which highlights the human, social and sensitive and distressing problem, and support the economic suffering of the people living in the occu- only possible solution for the workers of the Arab and pied Arab territories. Palestinian territories. On the first page, the Director-General acknowl- This delegation demands this solution, namely the edges that in the occupied Arab territories in general, cessation of the occupation of the Arab and Palestine and the West Bank and Gaza in particular, the territories by Israel, and recognition of the Palestinian economic and social protection of the workers and State. These people should enjoy the legitimate and their families has worsened. The Report goes on inalienable right to self-determination. Until such to refer to the “unprecedented” drop in per capita time as all the occupied Arab territories are returned, income. As a result of the cumulative drop, per including the Syrian Golan, there can be no just peace capita income in 2002 was 47.7 per cent of that in for these peoples, nor will their workers be able to 1999. exercise their rights. Paragraph 56 of the Report highlights the World Bank estimate of the incidence of poverty in the occu- (Mr. Wojcik takes the Chair.) pied Arab territories, based on a poverty threshold of US$2.15 per day per person. The data indicate that Mr. HEFDAHTAN (Government delegate, Islamic the proportion of the population living below the Republic of Iran) — In the name of God, the Merciful, poverty line trebled between 1999-2002.

13/17 Paragraph 25 acknowledges that the continuous The road map submitted by the Quartet and agreed military incursions into the Gaza Strip and the West to by the parties, based on the vision of full Palestin- Bank have led to repeated demonstrations against the ian statehood, and a lasting peace and state of normal- excessive use of force and extra-judicial killings, ity in which all States in the region will reside side by which have been deplored by the United Nations side, within secure and recognized boundaries, no Secretary-General. doubt constitutes an opportunity that should not be Social security funds have not been returned to the missed. Palestinian authority. Low wages and poor working We hope — and we appeal to the parties — to make conditions have been highlighted. All these matters use of this chance. We stand ready to support all require to be rectified, and this can only be done if efforts in that direction and to work together with there is a state of peace, independence and freedom all the parties concerned. of the people of Palestine and if they can live in peace Another feature of the Report of the Director- and dignity. General is that it reflects the importance and value of In this respect, we appreciate the technical coop- the interest and efforts of the ILO in defusing the situ- eration being offered by the ILO, and will continue ation. The cooperation of all parties, both Arab and to seek greater resources for employment, poverty Israeli, with the mission sent by the Director-General, alleviation, skill development, youth and gender demonstrates the confidence that the ILO enjoys in programmes, child labour and other issues, in order to its efforts. In this context, we hope that the conclu- improve the economic and social conditions of the sions of the ILO mission and its recommendations people of the occupied Arab territories. will contribute to the improvement of the overall We believe that an independent Palestinian State political, economic and social conditions in the and the return of all occupied Arab territories is region. These will help to improve the living conditions clearly a prerequisite for peace in the region and for of the Palestinians and to support the Palestinian the prosperity of its people. We therefore fully en- reform process. dorse the calls for justice, peace and freedom for the We therefore support the ILO technical coopera- people of Palestine, and urge the international com- tion programme for the occupied Arab territories munity to bring its full weight to bear on the situation comprising projects for capacity building of employ- so that peace, the dignity and freedom of the people ers’ and workers’ organizations and the Ministry of of Palestine, can be established in accordance with Labour, as well as the Palestinian Fund for Employ- United Nations resolutions. We believe, as this great ment and Social Protection, and the promotion of Organization acclaims in the Declaration of Philadel- social dialogue. phia, that all human beings, irrespective of race, In conformity with the road map, measures are colour or creed, have rights for their well-being and being taken to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Pal- their physical, spiritual and mental development in estine and the occupied territories and to improve the the spirit of freedom, dignity and economic security. living conditions of Palestinians, aimed at the resump- We therefore continue to support, not only the cause tion of normal economic activity. The market of peace and freedom for the Palestinian people, but economy will require effective cooperation of the also the technical cooperation assistance intended to actors of the international community. In this context, improve their economic well-being and alleviate their the ILO has a privileged role to play in helping to suffering. achieve the goals fixed by the road map. Social security in Palestine will constitute one of Mr. KURTTEKIN (Government delegate, Turkey) the major challenges. On the other hand, one of the — First, let me add my voice to those who have pillars of the new statehood will be the strengthening commended the Director-General, Mr. Somavia, for of the institutions for social dialogue between the the comprehensive, factual and thought-provoking social partners. The future success of the process will Appendix to his Report — The situation of workers of also depend on the extension of financial and techni- the occupied Arab territories. cal aid. The priority before us now is to change The Report paints a gloomy picture of the disas- the nature of the cooperation and to provide the trous conflict in which the two parties have been necessary long-term development assistance. The caught up. It also depicts once again the absolute need establishment of the Fund in this context is of vital im- to put an end to the vicious circle of violence and portance. We believe that all efforts should be made counter-violence. It is a clear reminder to us all, but to activate the Fund. Turkey, on its part, will explore first and foremost, to the parties to the conflict, that ways and means to extend technical assistance in the situation we have been witnessing for the last other programmes concerning social or labour life two-and-a-half years is a no-win situation, and that in Palestine. the move forward towards a viable peace will trans- form these unacceptable conditions into a win-win Mr. ZELLHOEFER (Workers’ delegate, United situation. States) — Once again I address this special sitting In this respect, Turkey welcomed the recent initia- in the hope that finally it will be the last one on this tive launched by the United States President, subject. Mr. Bush, to put an end to the Israeli-Palestinian The American labour movement, the AFL-CIO, clashes and to introduce peace, stability and welfare has consistently, over the years and today, expressed in the Middle East. We believe that the positive mes- its concern that these special sittings are not the place sages which came out from Sharm-el-Sheikh and the to debate issues that are, in reality, not in the compe- Aqaba Summit are strong indicators that the prob- tence and mandate of this specialized, tripartite lems in the region could be resolved through dialogue United Nations organization. and that peace is not unobtainable for the peoples of These special sittings really only undermine the the region who have suffered for so long in an envi- credibility and effectiveness of the ILO. Unfortu- ronment of clashes and instability. nately, there are some who would wish the ILO weak-

13/18 ened or worse, and we know that there are some who Further, due to the urgency of the matter, this intend the road map to peace to lead nowhere, or evidence of ILO ability means that the Organization worse. should continue to strengthen its role and keep While drawing borders and determining wider es- exploring ways in which it can make a difference in sential security issues are beyond the mandate of resolving a conflict situation while remaining true to this Organization, the ILO and its constituents are, its mandate. however, in the unique position to contribute to prac- Hence, it is only fitting for my delegation to join tical efforts in social and economic fields such as those previous speakers in expressing our appreciation to outlined in the Director-General’s Report. the Director-General and commending him for this We commend the Report as the ILO’s practical inspiring Report. contribution towards the wider road map that is It is especially significant since all the efforts and within the ILO’s mandate, and that it also challenges work undertaken in the course of compiling the the donor organizations to come forward and match Report were conducted under difficult circumstances. their commitments with tangible contributions. I would also like to support and associate myself The Report correctly concludes that the Israeli and with the statements of the delegations of Malaysia, Palestinian economies are very much dependent on speaking on behalf of the non-aligned movement, and each other. The ILO needs to intensify its efforts to of Senegal, speaking on behalf of the OIC. strengthen its technical cooperation advocating the In its preface, the Report refers to the hope of protection of workers and the promotion of decent many that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. work. At the time of the previous special sitting on the situ- Importantly, there must be other programmes to ation of workers and the occupied territories two build the capacity of the Palestinian General Federa- years ago, the Middle East peace process had broken tion of Trade Unions, indeed the capacities of the down some months before and the occupied Arab social partners and the Ministry of Labour in order, territories were experiencing an escalation of violence. to ensure that the ILO Declaration on Fundamental In fact, the Report states that the present situation Principles and Rights at Work will be a guiding tool in is as untenable as last year’s. It even reports a deterio- helping to create decent and sustainable jobs. ration in the situation. While the road map launched The programmes for labour, employment and at the Aqaba summit last week has raised hope for social protection, including the establishment of a Pal- peace, the recent resumption of violence has set back estinian Fund for Employment and Social Protection, these hopes. need the visible and tangible support of donor mem- Those opposing a peaceful solution to the problem ber countries and, of course, especially that of the are as strong as ever and, judging from the recent UNDP and the World Bank. events, the practice of using the might of a standing To support the road map as best we can requires army to bear on civilian targets has not been com- resources and, importantly, courage, vision and politi- pletely discarded. cal will. Recent developments, especially the missile attack The work of the ILO in promoting protection and by the Israeli forces, have cast a doubt on the commit- dignity of workers everywhere is now more important ment of Israel to implement the road map. Be that as than ever. In this context, and especially in the wider it may, the important thing here is that, regardless of surrounding region of the area being addressed in this how developments turn out in the near future, the sitting, it is a deeply unfortunate but very real fact that ILO’s increasing role will be crucial. there is a gaping absence of fundamental human and In our intervention during the previous special labour rights. sitting two years ago, my delegation emphasized the The International Confederation of Free Trade importance of implementing the ILO plan of action Unions, just the day before yesterday, released its and of maintaining close links through technical coop- annual survey of violations of trade union rights. That eration projects and to promote job creation and report noted that trade unions are not tolerated in safety at work. The technical cooperation for social many countries, are banned outright in three states, dialogue, capacity building of employers’ and work- and in others only a single union is permitted but it is ers’ organizations and the establishment of the Pales- kept under the strict control of the ruling party. tinian Fund for Employment and Social Protection In nearly every country, laws impose extensive deserve our support and special mention. constraints on trade union rights and activities. The Hence, it is heartening to learn that the programme resulting appalling poverty and lack of democracy has largely been implemented. This asserts to the are breeding grounds for extremism and escalating need for, and feasibility of, those projects as well as to violence. the commitment of all relevant sides to these efforts. Helping the development of democracy through More than that, I believe that we should support promoting fundamental human labour rights is the the further role of the ILO in assisting the Palestinian real underlying challenge for the ILO in the wider Authority and in technical cooperation on labour surrounding region. matters, as well as on the creation of a system of social protection. Mr. WISNUMURTI (Government delegate, Indo- In this connection, I would like to encourage nesia) — It is with great pleasure that my delegation commitment on the part of donor countries and insti- welcomes the Report of the Director-General on tutions, including the involvement of regional donors the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territo- and development funds in this process. ries. In its conclusions, the Report notes that the ILO It is the second consecutive report resulting from has been asked to contribute in the framework of in-depth missions and with implementable recom- the road map. This recognition certainly is a very wel- mendations, it confirms that the ILO can play a very come development. Indeed, the ILO has a legitimate constructive role in the territories. role to play in a number of fields in the occupied terri-

13/19 tories, experience of which can be significant for other LO-Norway has adopted clear resolutions and efforts at addressing problems in other conflict situa- practical measures showing our full support to the tions. Palestinian people and workers, including their right In line with its mandate, the ILO has a role in to establish their own independent Palestinian State aspects of human security, rights at work, access to in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and to have the employment and social protection. Success in those refugee problem solved, according to the United aspects in the occupied territories would help allevi- Nations General Assembly Resolution No. 194. ate the suffering and generally enhance the situation We demand respect for human and trade union of the many hundreds of thousands of workers in the rights, as established in international Conventions of occupied territories. Certainly, an end to the vicious the United Nations and the ILO. This includes the circle of violence and a real betterment of the living right of the Palestinian workers to travel to and from and working conditions in the territories cannot be their places of work in Israel and the occupied territo- achieved without a lasting political solution. ries and to practise their normal trade union activities. Hence, it is also important for all of us, especially This also puts an obligation on the Histadrut to secure those with real influence on the course of the road and defend the rights of the Palestinian workers. The map process to encourage and bring continued pres- PGFTU and the Histadrut have an important role to sure to bear on the parties involved. In the meantime, play in this extreme situation and should voice joint wholehearted and steady support towards the ILO is concern for the situation of the workers of the occu- needed to enable it to fulfil its important role, not only pied territories. in creating a situation more conducive to dialogue and I will conclude by saying that in spite of the many peaceful processes, but also to enhance its capability agreements signed between Israel and the Palestinian to assist in the establishment of the State of Palestine. Authority, in particular the Agreement, the prospects for peace are not good at present. Ms. LEKANG (Workers’ delegate, Norway) — On LO-Norway will, however, continue our efforts in behalf of the Norwegian Confederation of Trade supporting the peace process in the Middle East. We Unions, I would like to thank the Director-General believe that trade unions have a crucial role to play in for this most needed follow-up on the extreme situa- this process of trying to replace violence and terror- tion of Palestinian and Arab workers of the occupied ism with peace and dialogue. territories. We call upon the ILO and the international trade The Report resulting from the ILO mission pro- union movement to do its utmost to achieve this vides objectives and impartial information. There is, goal. however, a danger that the importance of the Report will be undermined if the Government of Israel does Mr. ZAINAL (Workers’ delegate, Malaysia) — not consider the proposals and recommendations. While we are gathered here discussing and deliberat- This tendency has been seen in the past and might ing on the situation in the occupied Arab territories explain the terrorism and continuous violation of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians, includ- international law taking place in the occupied Arab ing the old, handicapped, women, children are living territories. in poverty, political uncertainty and social exclusion. As shown in the Report, the policy of closure and Many innocent civilians have been killed, gravely collective punishment, the destruction of homes and injured, lost a limb, permanently disabled, young chil- fields and the colonisation of Palestinian territories dren have lost a parent, many women have lost a hus- have all led to a significant economic and social de- band, families have lost their sole breadwinners. cline, creating unemployment and serious poverty. Many workers have lost their jobs and those urgently Workers are physically prevented from getting to and needing employment cannot find any. from their jobs. They are prevented from collecting This is the kind of life that Palestinian workers and their wages, and are thus unable to feed their families their families do not deserve. Do they not deserve a properly. This is underlined by the World Bank’s esti- life of peace and security as members of a civil society mation of poverty in the occupied territories. The and service, comfort, prosperity and progress for data from the World Bank indicate that the share of themselves and their loved ones? Why should the the population living below the poverty line tripled children of Palestine, the citizens of tomorrow, between 1999 and 2002. Another United Nations be compelled to accept lives of social and economic report referred to in the Report estimates the popula- depression imposed on them today? tion below the poverty line in 2002 at 70 per cent in These are some of the important pointers which Gaza and 55 per cent in the West Bank. I hope this special sitting may wish to consider for In such a situation, it is almost impossible for the future action. trade unions to function properly. They are not able to Right from the day the Israeli forces occupied the collect dues, and union leaders are prevented by the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in September 2000, we Israeli police from visiting the different workplaces. have seen a marked escalation in the stress factors of The PGFTU is, however, doing a remarkable job in Israeli-Palestinian relations. This does not in any way feeding and assisting workers and their families. mean there has been any settlement whatsoever on Another factor making the situation even more the principle causes of Israeli-Palestinian conflict, extreme is the building of the so-called separation which began in the year 1940. wall in the West Bank. LO-Norway considers this an The Israeli-Palestinian accord, which was signed by unacceptable action. The wall will separate farmers the Palestinian President, Yasser Arafat, and former and villagers from their land, water resources and Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, granting Pales- markets, and serve to confiscate land used and needed tine sovereign rights over the West Bank and Gaza for farming. The land confiscated so far is estimated at Strip and the reconstruction of Palestine, has not been 1,150 hectares, with as many as 83,000 fruit and olive honoured by the Israeli leaders who succeeded Rabin trees uprooted. after his regrettable death.

13/20 We are certain to see the Palestinians being forced Palestinian state has been recognized by the Israeli to allow 60 years of peace in development slip away Government. from their hands, through no fault of their own. Two generations of Palestinians have grown up not Original Arabic: Mr. AZZOUZ (Workers’ delegate, even knowing what a peaceful life is all about, as they Syrian Arab Republic) — On behalf of the Syrian have not experienced it since they were born. The Government and people I would like to very warmly primary cause of the misery is a lack of understanding greet you. I would also like to thank the Director- on the part of perpetrators of the violence. The expec- General of the ILO and the mission of inquiry which tations and aspirations of the Palestinian people could has conducted its work in the occupied Arab territo- have been achieved. ries. There has been a dramatic rise in child labour in the Since 1967 Israel has occupied the Syrian Golan occupied Arab territories as these children have to Heights, part of my country. Despite Security Council work to support their families. It is sad to note that all resolutions 242 and 338, Israel decided to annex the this is happening in the midst of the ILO having Golan Heights in 1981. This was a unilateral decision. adopted Convention No. 182 in 1999. To eliminate the They resorted to force, in total contravention of inter- worst form of child labour, it is actively promoting this national law. cause through ILO/IPEC worldwide. Those who flout international law should not speak Zhere has been a proposed peace plan, or road map here within this Organization. Those who have taken to peace in the occupied territories. the floor here today are those who are rejecting the I do not know whether this road map is going to rule of international law. heaven or going to hell, because I have seen many We reject the annexation of the Golan, whose times many road maps lead nowhere and nothing is inhabitants have found themselves expelled from coming up concretely, nothing has been settled so far. their land and homes because they did not want to In any case, we hope that the recent three-way take Israeli nationality. In the Golan, settlements summit will bring about peace in Palestine and put an have taken a heavy toll in terms of loss of innocent end to the sporadic violence that has claimed the lives lives. Workers are denied the right to work. Skilled and limbs of hundreds and thousands of innocent workers have been unable to find jobs, denied this civilians. We feel the road map or any other peace very basic right, quite apart from the security plan will only be able to achieve its intended objective measures which deprive us of other fundamental if there is sincerity on the part of all parties concerned rights. This is the policy of fait accompli by means of to bring peace and stability to the region by respecting military force, by means of an imbalance in the region the sovereign rights of the Palestinian people. in favour of Israel. Israel has constantly flouted inter- Human and workers’ rights should take priority national law, international resolutions and agree- over narrow, sectarian interests, to achieve sustain- ments. Its policy involves the demolition of houses able development through social stability. and collective punishments. Israel tears down trees It is indeed a laudable initiative to bring the issue of and burns the land. These practices will not contribute occupied Arab territories to active public focus, to the establishment of peace in the region. particularly during the Conference; the setting up The international community has to act, and this is of the Palestinian Fund for Employment and Social what it has done since the Rogers Initiative in 1988, Protection is very timely. and of course the Madrid Conference in 1990. At the Apart from ILO assistance, we would also like to Beirut Summit in 2002, the Arabs presented an initia- see wealthy countries and people, particularly Middle tive, not counting of course the road map, which has East states and genuinely concerned individuals, been approved by the Arabs. donating generously to the social, financial, and After the Aqaba conference, Mr. Al-Rantissi was mental well-being of the Palestinian people, particu- the victim of a murder attempt when Israel wanted to larly children, demonstrating their duty of care for the expel him from southern Lebanon, although he was less fortunate. an innocent citizen who was and is struggling to The workers should be able to enjoy sustainable defend this legitimate cause. We have heard people development. They should be able to exercise the talk about the resistance and struggles of combatants fundamental right of association, and collective bar- who struggle all over the world to free themselves gaining in stability and security. from occupation. We have seen how combatants who The prevailing rate of joblessness in Palestine is a demand their rights and freedom and fight to get their cause of great concern to all of us. Job creation is an land back succeed in expelling the occupier by various important requirement that national Government has means, by attacking the occupier. So why are these to address as a matter of priority if their desire is to means, which are based on resistance, regarded as create peace and harmony. heroic actions when used by some, but regarded People of occupied Arab territories have suffered as terrorism when we use them? untold misery for far too long. The world recently The occupation of the Arab lands could well plunge witnessed dire social and economic concerns of armed our region into a hellish spiral of violence. This will aggression in Iraq. It is the right of the people of have a negative impact on plans for peace and on our Palestine and Israel to work and live in peace, economic prosperity. security, and harmony on their own. As regards the problem of unemployment, the Many people have said that this will be the last spe- International Labour Organization is one of the cial sitting. I have been sitting in this hall, I have been forums that are best placed to deal with this subject. a workers’ delegate for many years and I have not In view of the unemployment problem in our region, been speaking at this special sitting but this time I we must condemn all these practices. The land must stand firm, I say, because I can no longer stand what is be handed back to its owners. happening in Palestine. Many people are killed. I will Palestinian Arab citizens must enjoy their owner- continue to support special sittings always until the ship rights and their right to self-determination. The

13/21 Arabs have proved that they do respect the agree- State with Jerusalem as its capital, to provide all ments to which they are party and that they will fight Palestinians with a genuine home. only until their lands have been liberated. We welcome any initiative in this direction that The Syrian Arab Republic and the Kingdom of might bring a genuine solution but not a solution Jordan have proved this: When the Israeli forces which will lead to increased violence. Peace will not withdrew from these two countries, the war between be lasting if it is not just. Israel and those two countries was interrupted, de- In thanking the mission for this Report that it has spite the fact that Israel has constantly flouted these submitted, we would like to point out that during this agreements, unlike the Arabs. In southern Lebanon, visit to the occupied Arab territories it did not contact the national Lebanese resistance was able to expel the the General Union of Palestinian Workers, affiliated occupying military forces and it was then possible to to the World Federation of Trade Unions and the reconstruct Lebanon. International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions We call on all our friends in Europe, Africa, the (ICATU), which has waged a long and comprehen- United States and in Asia, we urge all trade unions sive historic struggle for the rights of Palestinian and all workers, to chant the slogan of peace. workers. We think that this is a serious mistake and We want everyone to combine all their forces to we hope that this omission will be corrected in future liberate the occupied Arab territories in Palestine, in ILO activities concerning the Palestinian situation. Iraq, in southern Lebanon and the Golan. In terms of further ILO action, we strongly support Peace will not come as long as the occupation the suggestion to establish a permanent body to fol- continues. low the situation of the occupied territories of Pales- tine and other Arab lands. This situation, which is Mr. ZHARIKOV (representative, World Federa- becoming daily more intolerable, is changing day by tion of Trade Unions) — I take opportunity to day and it is not enough that one mission of a few congratulate the Conference for deciding to hold this days’ duration is sent to monitor and to describe this sitting, to thank the ILO Director-General, Mr. Juan situation once a year. Somavia, for sending a high-level mission and to thank members of the mission for undertaking efforts Original French: Mr. DIOP (representative, Orga- to investigate the situation and to present this remark- nization of African Trade Union Unity) — The Organi- able Report. zation of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU) is Even through this Report was confined to describ- honoured to participate in this Special Session of the ing mainly the situation of Palestinian workers and 91st International Labour Conference dedicated to was prepared in a balanced manner, interviewing the the troubling situation of workers in the occupied occupied Palestinian side as well as the occupying au- Arab territories. On behalf of the African Trade thorities, and even though it was written with a visible Unions affiliated to the OATUU, I would like to attempt to exercise soft diplomatic language, it still thank the Governing Body for organizing this special represents the scenario of a modern-day horror film, a session. nightmare that is difficult to believe in its description The permanent criminal blockade imposed on the of present reality — reality in which one of today’s occupied territories has led to the unemployment of nations, the Palestinian nation, lives. the great majority of workers, who are prevented by Almost 2,000 Palestinians have been killed in less Israeli forces from making their way to the workplace than two and a half years, including 275 children and everyday. youths. In April this year alone, more than 5,000 Pal- My organization is deeply alarmed by the sad so- estinians were detained or imprisoned, according to cial, cultural and economic dimensions of this policy the Report. Hundreds of houses and enterprises were of occupation, and condemns the pursuit by Israel of demolished, leaving people homeless and without its policy of expansion and colonization, in flagrant work. The share of the population living below the violation of the pertinent United Nations resolutions, poverty line, tripled between 1999 and 2002. Part of notably Security Council resolution 1402, which calls the Palestinian population is “virtually encircled by a for withdrawal of Israel from Palestinian cities. fence and an eight-metre high-concrete wall ... includ- The OATUU urges the ILO, which has never ing a concrete wall, guard towers, electric fencing and ceased to represent the universal conscience, and large ditches, with buffer zones and patrol zones of which has always made decent work its central con- various depths”, and living in conditions equal to cern, to play a more effective role in promoting peace reservations for indigenous people, Bantustan or through constant efforts in its various areas of exper- concentration camps. We agree with the conclusions tise, so as to impress upon Israel the need to respect in the Report, that “the current disastrous, economic international labour standards and end violations of and social situation in the territories will not be im- human rights, including trade union rights. proved by a new labour law, no matter how progres- Has the ILO not demonstrated, even relatively by sive it may be”, because this is a situation of genocide recent past, that it can indeed play this role, by re- exercised over the Palestinian nation as a whole. sponding in the appropriate way when faced with We have to encourage the honourable work of the apartheid in South Africa and Namibia? The present ILO within its competence. And we have to say from situation in Palestine and in the other occupied Arab this rostrum, clearly and loudly, that to stop this geno- territories is a challenge to the international commu- cide a comprehensive solution is necessary. The nity, which has the right as never before to take deci- parameters of this solution have been well known for sive and direct action to put a definitive end to coer- decades. They have been defined in the respective cion, to genocide, and to the suffering which results United Nations Security Council resolutions calling from Israeli aggression against unarmed men, women, for the end to the illegal occupation by Israel of Arab the elderly and children, who, nevertheless, have lands in Palestine, Syria and the Golan, and parts of never wavered in their faith that theirs is a just Lebanon, and to establish a sovereign Palestinian cause.

13/22 The OATUU, my organization, remains convinced shelling the Palestinians and so they were also engag- that it is time to provide genuine and effective pros- ing in violence. I therefore call on the ILO to find pects for the future to the Palestinian people. We call solutions and to make Israel submit to international for the establishment of a Palestinian State, with law and international conventions. We must establish Jerusalem as its capital, in the West Bank and in Gaza, a Palestinian State with Al Quds as its capital. within the 4 June 1967 borders. There is no doubt that this State would live in peace and in good neighbourly Original Arabic: Mr. IBRAHIM ABDO (Employ- relations with the people of Israel. The only condition ers’ delegate, Egypt) — In the name of God, the which can bring peace to the Middle East is the with- Merciful, the Compassionate! The Union of Indus- drawal of Israel from Lebanon, Syria and Palestine. tries of Egypt thanks the ILO for having sent the So the OATUU appeals urgently to the international mission inquiry to the occupied Arab territories and community, to all women, to all men in the world who we deplore that the special report was published believe in peace and justice, to demand that the so late. We would have liked to receive it well before Sharon administration put an end to genocide and the Conference to have enough time to read its the confiscation of Arab lands. conclusions properly and to learn the facts within it. We urge the ILO to give greater attention to the As regards the substance and the details given in situation of workers in the occupied Arab territories. the report, we see that Israeli authorities continue to Furthermore, we hope that the ILO will work further perpetrate their practices of repression, expanding to strengthen the capacity of these workers to improve their settlements and contravening flagrantly the their living conditions, through training and further conventions and resolutions of the United Nations training programmes, and through the creation of and the 1999 Convention on the protection of civilians decent jobs. This is how the ILO can effectively in the time of war. This is also a non-respect of inter- participate in strengthening the peace process and national law. These practices are building into a development of the Middle East. vicious circle without precedent The rightful struggle of Palestinians for the grace of Moreover, Israel is not committed to a just and last- God will be crowned with success. Millions of African ing peace. Israel does not wish to submit to interna- workers behind me in the OATUU wish to express tional law and respect peace and security. In fact the their solidarity with the Palestinian people. Israeli authorities continue to build settlements in I would like to state in conclusion that my Organi- the Arab lands in order to make it Jewish land and to zation urges the International Labour Conference to deprive the Palestinians of the right to self-determina- set up an ad hoc committee similar to the Committee tion and create their own State. All of this, of course, on Apartheid so that we can closely examine all viola- is patent proof of the occupation by Israel which tions of human rights and trade union rights in the refuses to withdraw and makes it impossible to pursue Palestinian Arab territories. a peace process. Egypt and the Arab countries at the Summit in Original Arabic: Mr. ABU AL-RAGHEB (Em- Beirut in 2002 and the Sharm-el-Sheikh 2003 Summit ployers’ adviser and substitute delegate, Jordan) — In continued moving towards a just and universal peace, the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate! based on the references proposed on the initiative of Given that this Organization has a tripartite struc- King Abdullah II of Jordan at the Beirut Summit. ture, and that it sets out to create decent working There were two resolutions passed in previous conditions for the workers of the world, we must years which must be respected by Israel as interna- draw attention to the disastrous situation in the occu- tional law is included in these resolutions put forward pied Arab territories of Palestine, the Golan and by the international community. We thank the Direc- the Shebaa Farms in Lebanon, where people have not tor-General for his efforts and we wish cooperation to received justice, are deprived of their rights and are be strengthened between us, the Security Council, under the domination of the Israeli occupiers who and all of the institutions which are parties to this flout United Nations conventions and resolutions and operation. ILO decisions. We also wish to bring an end to Jewish immigra- The ILO should bring every conceivable kind of tion. We must place pressure on the Israeli authorities pressure to bear on the Israeli authorities to make to ensure that the Palestinian people regains its rights. them respect international law. People in the occu- Our federation calls for a strengthening of the Pales- pied Arab territories are living under the poverty line. tinian Fund for Labour and Protection which allows We have heard about this abject poverty; we have reconversion, retraining of workers and strengthening been talking about it for days. Alleviating its disas- of institutions, as well as providing assistance to trous effects is the responsibility of this Organization. women and children, and it helps unemployed people The situation has arisen as a result of excessively to find work. repressive measures by the Israeli authorities, which Finally, our Federation would like to see the estab- impose restrictions on the free circulation of persons lishment of a special Commission under the ILO to and goods, destroy factories, burn agricultural land, study on an annual basis this question of the situation impose restrictions on the freedoms of peoples and of workers and all citizens in Palestine and the other build settlements. They deprive citizens of their prop- occupied Arab territories. This is a subject of equal erty rights. They do not allow them to build houses importance to all others on the agenda, and this com- and all of this fuels unemployment, with the result mission must be set up since the mission has shown that breadwinners cannot feed and support their that the subject is a major one and it spoke of it last families, so they experience despair and frustration year when it discussed racial discrimination. and their families are dejected. What will become of these breadwinners? Ms. LUCERO (representative, Brotherhood of Yesterday, I was very sad to learn what happened in Asian Trade Unionists) — The World Confederation the Israeli bus. But two days ago the Israelis were of Labour and its regional body in Asia, the Brother-

13/23 hood of Asian Trade Unionists, wish to congratulate workers find themselves in a difficult situation. These the Director-General on his extensive Report and de- efforts are very worthy, and are nonetheless so for tailed analysis on the situation of workers of the occu- having had no positive effect because of the terrible pied Arab territories. Likewise we are thankful for state of the economy due to the closures that prevent this opportunity to give a brief commentary on this the free movement of workers, increasing unemploy- issue affecting Palestinian and Israeli workers and ment, which of course has resulted in an increase in their families. We share the renewed popular opti- poverty. mism that the road map proposed by the Quartet as a The indicators are all disastrous; we cannot in any recent attempt to pursue peace and development in way be optimistic, because the occupying authorities the region will succeed, despite negative observations, have a policy of arrogance and these practices will no sometimes misgivings, from some quarters. Let us doubt undermine all our efforts. give peace a chance and, eventually, development, The peace agreement is far from being fair and just; justice and prosperity. it does not guarantee the workers and the citizens During the recent ICATU-WCL Trade Union of Palestine their rights, their inalienable rights as Summit held in Damas, the final declaration calls on provided for by the resolutions, the right to return, the continued awareness of these tragic events in Pales- right to self-determination, the right to build an inde- tine to contribute to the establishment of peace in the pendent Palestinian State with Jerusalem as a capital, world, and to oppose the racist intentions giving rise the release of all those detained, and withdrawal to to the war of civilizations and the conflict between the line of 5 June 1967. Any peace agreement that religions, in order to put an end to the seats of tension does not guarantee these points would fail, and a just in the world, particularly in the Near East, by forcing and durable peace agreement must be accompanied Israel to comply with United Nations resolutions on by the will of the United Nations, without which all the Israeli withdrawal from all occupied Arab territo- agreements, all other attempts, risk fuelling a destruc- ries in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria. The Summit tive despair. reiterates its urgent demand to dismantle the colo- We urge the Director-General of the ILO to nies, to stop acts of violence against the Palestinian continue along the route of technical cooperation people, and to respect Palestinian institutions and under the special programme devoted to it, which will holy places. This will lead to the establishment of an help us to diminish poverty and to help the people of independent Palestinian State, whose capital Jerusa- Palestine. lem must not be annexed by the State of Israel. We hope therefore that the ILO will continue its The Summit affirms the necessity of eliminating all work in the most objective way possible, and with the weapons of mass destruction in the region. integrity that we have come to expect of it. We reiterate that our Organization has incessantly We believe that we should establish a standing affirmed the universal right to social, economic, committee to address the problems of the occupied political and cultural self determination, and the right Arab territories. of peoples to determine their own destiny, choose Finally, we would like at the next session of the their system of government, manage their own devel- Conference to be able to say that we have been able to opment and live in freedom. We uphold this vision attain this objective, the dream of all those who want and support the struggle for the creation, development peace. We must therefore join together in our efforts, and defence of economic, social, political and cultural to establish peace and stability. institutions which will ensure the full development of each and every person, directing its action towards Original Arabic: Mr. RASHED (Workers’ delegate, national authorities, international groupings and the Egypt) — In the name of God, the Merciful, the community of nations. Compassionate! Let us join in offering support to the initiative of First of all I would like to express, on behalf of the ILO and helping, however modestly, to ease the the General Union for Egyptian Labour Unions and situation of Palestinian workers and their families, on my own behalf, our thanks to the Governing Body and, as clearly stated by the Director-General, to of the ILO for holding this special sitting in order to “nurture hope and move ahead”. study the labour situation in Palestine and in the other occupied Arab territories, be it in Lebanon or the Original Arabic: Mr. AMAOUI (Workers’ delegate, Golan. Morocco) — I would have liked to take the floor In fact, this decision does not surprise us, because under better conditions, when justice prevailed the ILO is an organization whose mandate includes throughout the world and especially justice for the a noble, humanitarian mission and has always con- Palestinian people, that heroic people that have paid a fronted practices that fly in the face of the values and heavy price, that have had so many martyrs, so many principles of the rights of mankind. detained, so many widows, so many orphans, and in In fact, not so long ago, the ILO had to confront the course of their struggle against Jewish occupation. apartheid in South Africa and we have seen the suc- We see, however, that the situation in the occupied cess it had in helping to end that appalling system. territories is very disappointing. The efforts that have It is, in fact, most natural that the ILO has joined been made to change the infernal spiral in which the with the international community and with all the region is trapped have all failed. The closures and parties hoping for peace in condemning the brutal the policy of collective punishment are measures that practices carried out daily by the occupying forces undermine and damage all the initiatives that hope against workers and the Palestinian people in particu- to solve the problem and prevent the application of lar, but also in the occupied Arab territories. the United Nations resolutions. Indeed, the Israeli occupying forces have gone We are very grateful to the Director-General of the beyond all other forms of aggression used recently or ILO for his concerted efforts in the region and his in the past using all types of violence, oppression and attempts to reassign to the parties their roles when methods which varied between sanctions, embargoes,

13/24 blockades, the separation of Arab villages and cities, ian Persons in Time of War. The State of Israel is and even policies towards families, destroying homes violating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with families inside, uprooting trees, burning harvests and the Declaration of Philadelphia, an instrument and using planes and helicopters in barbaric attacks. which has been incorporated in the Constitution of All of this against a people whose only crime is to the International Labour Organization. The Israeli refuse the occupier and to aspire to a free life like all State is making a mockery of the resolution concern- the peoples of the world. ing the policy of discrimination, racism and violation Unfortunately, the occupying forces have been able of trade union freedoms and rights practised by the to take for themselves the mantle of the opposers of Israeli authorities in Palestine and in the other occu- terrorism and distort our heroic deeds by labelling pied Arab territories which was adopted by the ILO them terrorist acts. back in 1974 and which denounces the racist practices We know that violence engenders violence. The of Israel and the practices of the occupying authorities occupation itself is a culmination of aggression and against the workers of the occupied Arab territories, violence. in South Lebanon and the Golan. This very Confer- The report of the mission that the Director- ence has denounced the policy of confiscating land General sent this year to Palestine and the other occu- and the policy of depriving citizens of the natural pied Arab territories confirms the deterioration of resources of their country. the economic and social situation, including living As for the road map, the road map is a Zionist road standards. Unemployment is rising, and it has reached map in every respect. Indeed, it is a road map which levels never before seen. attempts to undermine all the efforts being made by If I were to criticize the report’s conclusions, that is those who wish to establish peace with this policy of that there are two peoples who are prisoners of a transfer. conflict that is leading directly to catastrophe, it Since 1948, more than 50,000 dunums of land have would be that this way of describing the situation does been burnt and more than 40,000 houses have been not recognize the occupation, and that occupation is, demolished, but the Israeli State is not content with in fact, at the root of all of the problems we face today. this. It has demolished shops, businesses and facto- If we do not end the occupation as soon as possible, ries: more than 5,000 have been destroyed and more this disastrous situation is going to continue. We will than 20,000 dunums of Palestinian land have been see an upsurge in the violence between the two confiscated in order to be “annexed” to Israel. More parties, there will no longer be stability or security than 60 per cent of the Palestinian working popula- and, what is contradictory is that the appeal for an end tion is unemployed. to the violence is directed only to the Palestinian What is more, more than 50 per cent of Palestinian people and the fact that the occupying State is the real citizens are poor. The towns and cities are encircled, culprit is forgotten. their citizens are trapped. Restrictions are imposed on If we pursue very carefully all the hopes for the workers’ freedom of movement and towns are block- road map to peace, which is meant to lead to an inde- aded The most basic labour rights are violated and all pendent Palestinian State in 2005, we ask all the same this makes a mockery of international conventions how these hopes are going to become a reality after and resolutions. the failures recently and in the past of the Oslo plan, The Apache helicopters are continuing to bombard the Mitchell Report and all the other peace plans that Palestinian citizens and this is resulting in the loss of have ended up buried alive as a result of Israel’s deter- human lives, the lives of men, women and children. mination to continue its occupation of the territories And all of this is happening under the eyes of the in Palestine, Syria or Lebanon. whole world and the eyes of an impassive interna- To conclude, I would like, from this podium, to tional community. A whole nation is suffering under appeal to the world, so that all forces, all peoples the yoke of the occupiers and this nation is denied who believe in human rights and peace show their the right to struggle, the right to resist. It is denied the solidarity to compel the occupying State to move right to create an independent State. It is denied the towards the road to peace and to accept international right to choose Jerusalem or Al-Quds, as its capital. forces to protect the Palestinian people from barba- This people has been engaged in a constant struggle rous Israeli practices, so that we can put a definitive and it is paying a heavy toll in order to guarantee its end to the occupation. dignity and freedom. It is paying for its sacrifices with I would like to appeal particularly to my friends in its blood and it is making these sacrifices on the altar all the workers’ organizations in all countries of its nationhood. throughout the world to condemn the occupation, This sacred land has been soiled by the occupying to participate in a campaign to boycott products from authorities. Is this not a people, is this not a nation Israel, so that we can ease the suffering of the Pales- which should enjoy international support and interna- tinian people and workers. tional legitimacy? Is this not a just and legitimate I also hope that the ILO will be able to set up a cause? Is this not a form of resistance which has noth- Palestinian Fund for Employment and Social Protec- ing whatsoever to do with terrorism. tion as soon as possible. When all is said and done, the conclusions of previous reports of the International Original Arabic: Mr. DJEMAM (representative, In- Labour Conference are still relevant today. ternational Confederation of Arab Trade Unions) — In fact, it is difficult to guarantee civil rights and The Palestinian People’s suffering under the Israeli liberties which encompass fundamental rights at occupationary is one of the worst things history has work, in the situation as it stands today. ever seen. The occupying forces with their murderous arms have imposed a blockade, destroyed houses, Original Arabic: Mr. GHOSN (Workers’ delegate, economic and social institutions in the territories Lebanon) — Israel is flouting the fourth Geneva which has paralyzed the Palestinian people and this Convention of 1949 relative to the protection of Civil- cannot be regarded other than as a flagrant violation

13/25 of human rights, of course, in flagrant violation of the Today, we all look forward to economic and social principles of the United Nations and the ILO. I would convergence through the transfer of technology and like to quote the resolution 947 of 1980 concerning the the implementation of human rights standards as a annual reports on the situation of Arab workers in means of protecting security and stability and ending Palestine and in the occupied Arab territories. That the isolation of millions of human beings. year, this Organization sent a mission to the territories We hope that in this situation, we, that is to say, to carry out a study; and we thank the ILO for that, Christian, Moslem and Jewish workers and employers but unfortunately, the mission should have gone to who demand lifelong human rights and a noble stan- the territories much earlier so that the Report could dard of living, might receive a reply. have been distributed much earlier to the participants Iranian employers are willing to act in keeping with of the Conference so that we could have examined the the decisions taken by the employers’ organizations reasons for the present situation. represented in the ILO and they are also ready to Equally, the Director-General’s Report on the sub- shoulder national and universal philanthropic respon- ject mentioned settlements in Palestine and the Golan sibilities. but the resolution 947 of the United Nation Security Globalization has weakened the tendency towards Council, quoted in the report, failed to refer to regionalization. We must create universal under- the freedom and rights of the workers in Palestine and standing by seeking points of convergence, eliminat- the invasion of Lebanon by the Israeli Army. So these ing the after effects of the “cold war” and trying to two resolutions are extremely important in our view, prevent potential harmful effects. and there is a further issue that we find extremely All of the members of the International Organiza- regrettable, the title of the Report is The situation of tion of Labour can fulfil this mission. workers of the occupied Arab territories, it should It is hoped that permanent employment will be have said of Palestine and of the occupied territories; established in all the countries of the world living these workers are the real owners of the land and we together in peace and friendship. cannot overlook that. In some paragraphs we have found mention of the inhabitants of the region and Original French: Ms. DIALLO (Workers’ delegate, their sufferings. The inhabitants are Arab citizens Guinea) —We are gathered here to discuss the Re- whose identity has been totally undermined. We port, The situation of workers of the occupied Arab would have wished all of this to be mentioned in territories and to reaffirm our solidarity with the an international document and we ask the Director- workers and people of Palestine. The Report General to set up a commission to study the issue as presented to us highlights the social and economic was done for apartheid in South Africa. degradation which prevails in Palestine, the main Finally, there will be no peace in this region without characteristics of which are repeated closures, daily the creation of a Palestinian state with Al Quds as its insecurity, the establishment of settlements, , and without an Israeli withdrawal from the construction of dividing walls, military incursions, Lebanese territory. Their resistance to occupation destruction and the loss of human life. is not terrorism it is a right. While the territories are Palestinian workers and their families are also invaded there will be resistance. First of all it is impor- confronted with increased unemployment, extreme tant for Israel to stop its own terrorist acts before poverty, frustration and despair. May I recall that asking others to do so. women and children are the most numerous and the most vulnerable victims, and they pay a high price in Mr. HAGH-BAYAN (Employers’ delegate, Islamic situations of war and conflict. Palestinian women Republic of Iran) — In the name of God, the Compas- have been suffering for years because they and their sionate and the Merciful! The Report of the families are on the frontline of death and poverty, and honourable Director-General of the ILO contains because, in a stifling economic context, they must a loud warning about the continuing suppression of invent and reinvent strategies in order to meet the human rights and the continuing ordeals that so many basic needs of their families and to feed their children, people endure throughout their lives. in order to nourish the future of a Palestine which The ups and downs of international relations and a their children represent. global economy bring about deplorable results in the As a female worker, and on behalf of the millions of form of growing unemployment and a widening rift women who are members of my trade union, the between countries. This special session has enabled us National Confederation of Guinean Workers (CNTG), to address these difficulties. The formal financial as well as the World Confederation of Labour (WCL), support for reconstruction and employment in the ter- I would like to reiterate that we cannot support the ritories is a positive, much appreciated initiative of fact that women and children continue to pay such a the honourable Chairman and secretariat of the high price in a conflict which they have neither chosen ILO. nor asked for. Neither can we agree to a policy, an It is to be hoped that this effort will be supported, infinitely variable policy, which is so strongly in force especially by the industrialized countries, and will in this part of the world. I would like to express be taken seriously by the Members. Once the our solidarity and support for Palestinian workers in programme is adopted, we hope that it receives general and to women workers in particular and to the support of the secretariat and is approved by the call on the ILO to take into account in its cooperation Governing body. programmes the needs of Palestinian women workers. Unfortunately, repeated and flagrant breaches of I would also like to take this opportunity to high- the Charter of the United Nations, the fundamental light the importance for the international community instruments of organizations and fundamental labour in general, and for the ILO in particular, to continue Conventions, coupled with legal chicanery and re- their efforts to compel the Israeli Government to pression have called the effectiveness of international respect the United Nations resolutions, and particu- agreements into question. larly those which stipulate the right of the Palestinian

13/26 people to a free and sovereign State. This is the only group can identify with it and voice its views and way we can lay the foundations of a just and lasting convictions. We can only call for peace, for respect for peace in the Middle East and in the world. the Palestinian people through a commitment by all While I congratulate the efforts made in preparing to end the violence and uphold justice, for there is no the Report on the existing situation in the occupied power, however mighty, that can crush a people deter- Arab territories and the efforts carried out by the mined to obtain its freedom. The Palestinian people’s ILO, we would urge the Office to continue its efforts aspirations for freedom cannot be crushed by force and appeal to workers throughout the world to or by weapons, but I am convinced that respect for strengthen their support and solidarity for Palestinian their rights and their territorial integrity, as well as workers. their dignity will bring lasting peace to this region of In conclusion, I would like to highlight the impor- the world. tance of the ILO’s role in resolving this conflict and in improving the living conditions of the Palestinian Original Chinese: Mr. LIU (Workers’ adviser and people. To do this, the ILO must work in partnership substitute delegate, China) — Thank your for giving with all actors — political, economic, social and me this opportunity to speak on this occasion. Today union. The ILO must bring together all trade unions it is our pleasure to meet during the Conference in programmes aimed at easing the suffering of the again. We are gathering here to discuss the issue of Palestinian people and at strengthening workers’ Palestine and to support the Palestinian people’s just organizations. Finally, I would like to reiterate the struggle for their legitimate rights and interests. Pales- fact that my organization condemns all violence and tine is at the core of the Middle East issue. It is all war. We advocate peace as the fruit of develop- the Palestinian people’s legitimate right to set up a ment, justice and democracy. I pray to God, the Palestinian State. Failure to find a fair and reasonable Compassionate, the Merciful, to help the Palestinian solution to the long-standing issue of Palestine will people in the occupied Arab territories. undermine the peace and development of the Middle East and even the world. Original French: Mr. AKOUETE (representative, For years, the ILO has made positive efforts to Democratic Organization of African Workers’ Trade solve the Palestine issue. Before the International Unions) — It is always with considerable emotion that Labour Conference takes place every year, the Direc- we take the floor to address the situation of workers tor-General of the ILO sends a high-level mission in the occupied Arab territories. We feel it all the to the occupied Arab territories and Israel to gain an more acutely because every day brings new violence, insight into the labour market, the employment situa- killings, injuries, and maimings, and the situation in tion of workers and their working and living condi- the territories is worsening. tions, as well as the role of the ILO in the occupied From the Report of the Director-General, The situ- territories. At the same time, at almost every session, ation of workers of the occupied Arab territories, it is delegates gather in this conference hall to discuss clear that the situation is far from brilliant and there the Palestinian issue and to show their support for has been no tangible progress over the past year. the justified struggle of the Palestinian people. But a Border closures and internal closures, the psycho- solution to the Palestinian issue has eluded us because logical, economic and social impact of the separation of the hard line of the Israeli Government. wall, the repeated military incursions, the construc- The Middle East peace process now has a new tion of settlements, targeted attacks and the situation opportunity. In the light of the road map, the inter- in the Golan — all this is a breeding ground for all national community has intensified its efforts in this sorts of the violations of the rights of Palestinian regard, and of Israel and Pales- workers. tine have held talks, although there is still violence The reality I have just described is nothing new, and between the two parties from time to time. we all know that many peace plans have been drawn The Middle East situation remains grave. We main- up with the assistance of the international community tain that the Israel-Palestine conflict is due mainly to and have failed or have not yielded the intended the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories by Is- results. rael. As a result, Palestine has been hit by economic The last peace plan, known as the road map, which recession and increasing unemployment, and the holds out hopes of a sustainable peace, may — if we working people have suffered enormously. The Re- are not careful — remain stillborn given the bloody port on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab events that occurred in the last two days in Israel and territories, submitted by the Director-General of the the occupied territories. ILO to the Conference, points out that the economic While it is true that the crisis has had an impact on and social situation in the territories was deteriorating the Israeli economy, it should be pointed out that the daily, with a rising level of poverty and unemployment Palestinian workers pay a heavier price. leading to an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. A Working conditions are extremely difficult because crisis situation has now been reached. Workers and of the border closures and repeated curfews. The their families live in constant fear of the possible social security system needs to be clear and objective, physical, economic and social consequences of occu- with the direct participation of Palestinian workers, pation. Violence occurs daily and at any time, creating and social dialogue needs to be ongoing with all the severe psychological stress. In our opinion, it is trade union partners. only when the Israeli Government withdraws its To that end, our organization, the African regional troops from the occupied territories and the Palestin- affiliate of the World Confederation of Labour, is ian people regain their legitimate rights, that the aware that violence can end only once the dignity and Palestine issue will be addressed in a fair and proper the territory of the Palestinian people have been way. restored and respected. It is also essential that the As sincere friends of the Arab countries, the road map be discussed with all factions, so that every Chinese trade unions and workers have always been

13/27 supportive of the just cause of the Palestinian people, aware that a process of dialogue, negotiation and and will continue to be so. consensus requires a certain loss of individual freedom We express our appreciation of the tangible role of in the hope of reaching a collective and social good. We the ILO in promoting democracy, protecting workers’ truly hope that this process gets under way and leads fundamental rights and interests, and promoting to popular, democratic and political solutions to the employment, as well as in combating poverty in the overall crisis affecting the occupied territories. occupied territories. We hope that the ILO will The initial results of the beginning of this month, continue to promote the peace process and strengthen which saw the freeing of Palestinian prisoners, and technical cooperation programmes in the occupied the commitment to withdraw from a number of territories, so as to improve the working conditions of settlements illegally built by Israel, with a view to the Palestinian workers and bring benefit to them and implementing the road map, give us a glimmer of to the people. hope that promises may become a reality, and that We are willing to strengthen consultation and one day the Holy Land may be shared between the cooperation with all the parties concerned, and will State of Palestine and the State of Israel, at peace with make common efforts to achieve a just solution to the one another. Middle East issue. Past history, such as the reconciliation between Germany and France, the process of reconciliation Original Spanish: Mr. PINZÓN SALAZAR (rep- between the Nicaraguan army and guerrillas, and resentative, Latin American Central of Workers) — I between El Salvador and Guatemala in Central congratulate the Director-General of the ILO for his America, gives us careful optimism for believing that Report on the situation of workers of the occupied the road map may be capable of leading to a brighter Arab territories. The examination of the situation by future for the occupied territories, which is why we the high-level mission is an excellent contribution, must continue to support these efforts. giving valuable information on the situation in which workers and people in the occupied territories live, Ms. BEN-HAIM ROSEN (representative, World and affording the 91st Session of the Conference an Jewish Congress) — As everyone present knows, this overall picture of this critical situation. debate takes place in a theatre of the absurd. No one I believe that the discussion during this special can doubt the good intentions and the professional- sitting will greatly contribute to our understanding, ism of the ILO, which is attempting in good faith to as well as extending support and solidarity to our apply its expertise and experience to resolve one of brothers and sisters living and suffering from this tragedy. the most intractable political problems of our time. In Latin America, we also suffered at the hands How does one promote efficient employment of invaders with a monopoly on power and weapons. practices, optimal employment conditions for an We know only too well that the biggest victims are organized workforce and a cohesive social environ- children, women and elderly persons. Therefore we ment to enable the tripartite approach that the ILO can only hope that the so-called road map will be symbolizes to facilitate a constructive effort to im- successful in achieving a fair, coherent and participa- prove the plight of the Arab workers in the territories, tory process, in which all sectors of the population in harmonious collaboration with their fellow workers and workers may have their say. Any imposed or and employers in Israel? A utopian dream, a realistic one-sided solution will have an irreversibly damaging perspective for arriving at a workable solution or effect. empty rhetoric? The data contained in the Report concerning Everyone is aware that today’s debate is part of the social deterioration: unemployment, health, educa- game in which there has to be one sitting devoted to tion, housing and the destruction of infrastructure, is Israel-bashing and spleen-venting in order to prevent appalling, and requires that we must all, especially the yet another futile resolution before the Conference United Nations and the ILO, continue supporting this being formulated and thereby further wasting the process, in order to overcome the enemies of truth resources of the ILO’s budget in the cynical abuse of and justice, and the advocates of irrationality and the Conference’s legitimate goals. death. As is also equally well-known, the political param- The road map must lead us to genuine dialogue, eters on which the authors of the Report rely are so that there can be a civilized agreement between highly questionable. As an example, the reference in Palestinians and Israelis to bring an end to violence, paragraph 26 of the Report cites the Special Rappor- so that reason and the will to live can be restored, teur to the United Nations Commission on Human because in war, there are no winners, only losers, and Rights in his so-called findings of March 2003. so that we can improve the lives of the 62 per cent of It is apparent from any objective examination of the population in the occupied territories living on the very terms of reference and the context of the just US$2.15 per day. Special Rapporteur’s report, and even from its very With regard to dialogue, the ILO has considerable title, that it is fundamentally flawed, totally one-sided expertise, as well as the capacity and quality to and irretrievably distorted. provide alternatives. Let us hope it can be successful The social and economic ethos of the founding in this regard. fathers of Israel is based on respect for workers’ Societies in conflict, especially radical elements rights, a desire to achieve high social standards and which support violence whatever the cost, badly need to maintain equilibrium between organized labour useful and independent advice, in order to help them and the legitimate entrepreneurial ambitions of the understand the special forces at work and to appreci- employers. Israel’s presence in the territories, follow- ate that they are responsible for shaping their own ing repeated wars of aggression in flagrant violation destiny. Hopefully, this may enable them to grasp of article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter in 1948, both the possibilities and limits to the process. There 1967 and 1973, results from its undoubted exercise are enormous challenges and all the actors must be of the inherent right of self-defence under article 51 of

13/28 the Charter. Israel was, and continues to be, ever killed in the occupation have become a daily routine ready to arrive at a definitive and just peace agree- in the streets of Gaza and the West Bank. There is not ment with its Arab neighbours, including the Arab a single Palestinian family that has not lost a member, population in the territories currently represented by or had one detained in an Israeli prison, or injured. the Palestinian authority, which, prior to the final However, we would have liked for the Report also Camp David round of negotiation in 2000, was placed to mention the international conventions relating to in the position of being able to control practically the occupied lands, and in particular the Forth Geneva entire population of the territories and covered 97 per Convention of 1949, for this constitutes a reference. cent of the disputed territories. This Convention prohibits collective penalties or ex- The Israeli authorities responsible for the adminis- pulsion and the destruction of property, and places tration in the disputed territories prior to the creation the occupying power under the obligation to provide of the Palestinian authority, handed over an elaborate for the food and basic needs of the occupied people. infrastructure of health care and social security the This year’s Report of the Director-General is en- like of which the inhabitants had never previously titled Working out of poverty. This Report mentions experienced, while introducing the concept of orga- that the world’s most poverty-stricken region is that nized labour and workers’ rights, which the ILO which is now under Israeli occupation. From Septem- legitimately, but perhaps with a sense of futility, ber 2002 to March 2003, economic losses totalled $12 continues to promote. billion, while GDP declined by 57 per cent. The The unfortunate reality is that reaping the dreadful Director-General mentions in his report that the harvest of 50 years of an ever-accelerating campaign cumulative drop in per capita income in 2002 is alarm- of racist hatred inculcated in successive generations of ingly high: it is now only 47 per cent of the 1999 level. schoolchildren and preached in mosques and taught Moreover, as a result of the closures, territories and in schools has brought about a situation in which the the prohibition for workers to cross the green line, as majority of the Arab inhabitants of the territories well as attempts to undermine the Palestine National support a publicly proclaimed policy aimed at the Authority, there has been an increase in unemploy- destruction of Israel as the State of the Jewish people. ment, estimated at some 41 per cent by the Director- While Israel and the Palestinian Authority under General’s Report while the Palestinian Central Abu-Mazen have accepted the principles of the road Bureau of Statistics places it at 60 percent. map to peace, it has been rejected by the terrorist Thus, marginalization and poverty are exacerbated coalition of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the El-Aksa by the occupation and have social and political reper- Brigade, demonstrated by their publicly announced cussions which only make the situation worse. responsibility for the recent treacherous assault at the According to the Director-General’s Report, Erez checkpoint and yesterday’s suicide bombing in 60 percent of Palestinians live below the poverty line, Jerusalem. i.e. on less than $2 per day. We can thus understand There can be little doubt that all people of good will the despair in which most of the population in the support the conclusions of the Report of the Director- occupied territories are living, particularly young General. Unfortunately, the closure of the territories people. and the security measures taken by Israel to which the Peace is a strategic choice, but real peace is based Report refers are a direct result of the unrestrained on justice and the right of peoples to self-determina- campaign of terror that has exploited the movement tion. of workers from the territories as a means of clandes- Of course we welcome the international commu- tinely introducing into Israel terrorist cells and nity’s efforts to assist the Palestinians, but we supplies of state-of-the-art explosive devices for the would like the ILO to strengthen its assistance. use of intended waves of suicide bombers. We would also like to strengthen the Palestinian Fund Terrorism, in fact, strikes at the heart of workers’ for Employment and Social Protection. Such assis- employment and social rights and those of their fami- tance remains limited because of the occupation. lies. The solution to this intractable problem must be Over the past two years Israel has destroyed every- found in a renewed and determined effort by the thing that Arab, European and international assis- legitimate political representatives of workers’ rights tance had provided. to extirpate terrorists from their midst and to return Therefore we must bring an end to the occupation. to the path of peace at the negotiating table of the This requires the full withdrawal of the occupying road map. forces from the West Bank, from East Jerusalem and from the Gaza Strip, as well as the Golan and the Original Arabic: Mr. JRAD (representative, Union Lebanese Sheba Farms. An independent Palestinian of Workers of the Arab Maghreb) — In the Name State must be established, with its capital Al Quds and of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate! First of all, it is essential for the parties to the conflict to respect I would like to thank the Director-General for his the agreements reached under the aegis of the inter- Report, The situation of workers of the occupied Arab national community. We must bring an end to the territories. This Report is rich in information and construction of settlements and to discrimination. All statistics which demonstrate the full extent of the of these practices must end. suffering of the people and the workers of Palestine, The ILO has a key role to play in laying the founda- as well as the Syrian workers of the occupied Golan. tions for peace in this region, which must enable all of The Report reviews all of the repressive practices the workers of the occupied Arab territories to regain of the occupying authorities, which have exacerbated their rights and freedom. the situation in the region, particularly in the occupied To this end, we would like to strengthen the Pales- Arab territories. Israel has subjected the territories to tinian Fund for Employment and Social Protection closures, confiscated houses, established settlements and set up a special commission to follow up on the and destroyed infrastructure. This is a daily reality for recommendation set forth in the Director-General’s the Palestinian people. Funeral processions of those Report, in order to assist efforts to alleviate the suffer-

13/29 ing of the Palestinian people while establishing justice struggle for an independent sovereign nation of Pales- and freedom. tine is a similar struggle. Therefore, we believe that a permanent ILO mission is the need of the hour, until Mr. MAHADEVAN (Workers’ adviser and substi- the basic issues are resolved in favour of the Palestin- tute delegate, India) — I speak at this special sitting on ian people as well as Palestinian workers. behalf of the entire trade union movement of India. What we have been witnessing in the occupied The Report of the Director-General, The situation Arab territories, as rightly pointed out in the conclu- of workers of the occupied Arab territories, based on a sions of the Director-General’s Report, is marked de- high-level mission, sheds a lot of light on the plight terioration in the situation, where human security, and deplorable conditions of workers, their families rights at work, income, access to employment and and dependents. It reveals that they are living in a social protection are under constant threat. catastrophic situation but still somehow struggle on. Many people are without work and, therefore, Of the four major orientations highlighted, the estab- without wages; neither is there any investment for lishment of statehood and cooperation so that work- productive purposes. The climate required for provid- ers’ and employers’ organizations can become fully ing work, investment and resource mobilization does functioning institutions within a democratic State are not exist. emphasized. In this connection, I would like to bring to the While closures remain the dominant feature of attention of this august body the fact that the Palestin- daily life in the occupied territories, in addition to ian workers’ legitimate right to work in Israel has time lost due to closures, workers and their families been consistently denied. We are told that the entitle- live in constant fear of the physical, economic and ments, as calculated by the Palestinian workers’ trade social consequences of occupation. Violence occurs unions, work out at approximately US$600 million, daily at any time, causing severe psychological stress. but they were thought to be settled at a meagre sum of The plight of Palestinians separated from resources US$6 million. We feel that the ILO should also use its by a physical barrier has been documented in the offices to see to it that the Palestinian workers are not press as “death by asphyxiation”. deprived of the legitimate amount. The construction of Israeli settlements in the occu- pied Arab territories has obviously remained a source Original Arabic: Mr. ANSARI (Workers’ adviser of contention all along. The confiscation of land and and substitute delegate, Islamic Republic of Iran) — In other infrastructural resources for the construction of the name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate! settlements and bypass roads that connect them to Allow me first of all to congratulate you on the Israel has been detrimental to the development of convening of this 91st Session of the ILO Conference, these lands and resources, thereby seriously affecting on behalf of the Iranian delegation. It is an honour the employment and livelihood of the local population, and a pleasure to address this distinguished gathering. who usually — and rightly so — reject compensation The International Labour Organization was founded if offered, for fear of this being construed as abdica- with the aim of participating in the achievement of a tion of their rights. universal and lasting peace. This great assembly can The Golan had been occupied by Israel since 1967 and must support the proposals put forward by the and was unilaterally annexed by Israel, a decision that countries of the world, particularly the Muslim was never recognized by the United Nations, and the countries and the free countries regarding security Security Council adopted resolution 497 calling on and protection of workers’ rights, especially in occu- Israel to rescind its decision. The Report of the Direc- pied Palestine. To do so, there must be coordination tor-General reveals that the economy of the occupied between the international trade union movement and territories has suffered a massive shock, resulting the Palestinian trade union movement, to solve the from the closures, restrictions and the like. problems facing the Palestinian workers and alleviate In the light of the foregoing, we believe that the the suffering of the people and workers of Palestine as answer to many issues is the most basic need to a result of the Zionist occupation. remove all settlements in the occupied Arab territo- There is no justification for violation of national ries and establish an independent nation of Palestine, sovereignty and the violation of the soil of the Muslim with Jerusalem as the capital. countries. Today we witness unilateral aggression The ILO assistance — technical or otherwise — against countries, in flagrant disregard of all interna- constitutes, amongst others, an important input in the tionally accepted rights and values. right direction. But the re-construction is losing its Today, more than ever, we have to try harder to dis- meaning and becoming less of a reality because re- charge our responsibilities in order to help the Pales- newed destruction is taking place side by side. Even tinian people to overcome these crises which they before the ink is dried on the recently proposed road face. We understand, of course, that the root of this map, violations to the very principles enshrined in the whole problem is Israel — Israel which refuses to ac- road map have been witnessed, including the recent cept any proposal for peace, repudiating all previous attempt to murder a respectful Hamas leader, to agreements with Palestine. Furthermore, Israel the dismay of all of us. Therefore, ending the illegal pursues a policy of threats and intimidation against occupation of all Arab territories is the most impor- the Muslim countries, from the Arab Maghreb in tant prerequisite towards the path of re-constructing north Africa to Iran and Syria. It behoves us to unite Palestine, ending once and for all the genocide of and to be alert in face of the expansionist Zionist Palestine. goals and policies, on one hand, and to help and Coming from India, the world’s biggest democracy, support the Palestinian people and other countries of we recall our struggle to throw off colonial rule for the region, on the other. several decades. We have also witnessed the glorious Today, we are dealing with specific issues. We are struggle of the peoples of Africa against Apartheid dealing, among other things, with the legitimate rights and its disastrous consequences for generations. The of the Palestinian people to self-determination. This is

13/30 one of the most important issues facing the Muslim importance, and we hope that the Fund will become peoples. operational in the shortest possible time. The sublime and exalted status of Jerusalem is not We request the Director-General to continue with restricted to Muslims alone. It is also a symbol of free- his efforts to address the critical condition of the dom and justice in the world. The Palestinian people workers of the occupied Arab territories. We also have the right to self-determination, and we must help hope that the donor community will continue its them to obtain those legitimate rights. financial support and assistance in the interests of The solution to the Palestine issue cannot be averting a humanitarian crisis in the region. achieved without the unanimous support of the inter- national community, for the realization of the legiti- Original French: Mr. DE PURY (representative, mate rights of all the people in Palestine, be they World Organization Against Torture) — The World Jewish, Christian or Muslim, and this on the basis Organization Against Torture, also know by the of democracy and with the assistance of the United French acronym OMCT, is above all a network of Nations. national and international non-governmental organi- zations which informs us about the most serious cases Mr. HOSSAIN (Government delegate, Bangladesh) of human rights’ violations. Of course these violations — This special sitting to examine the situation of the can harm the life and integrity of persons directly but workers of the occupied Arab territories is most they can also do so when, by attacking the economic, timely, as the situation of the workers in the region social and cultural rights of persons or sectors of the continues to deteriorate, assuming the proportions of population of a country, the State creates conditions a major humanitarian crisis. This sitting also reflects or allows conditions to be created which in turn are the concerns of the member States regarding the harmful to the life and integrity of the people who situation and their serious commitment to addressing are victims of them. the issue. Depending on the information received, the OMCT I thank the Director-General for his Report on makes urgent appeals to ensure that the largest possible the situation of workers in the occupied Arab territo- number of people or organizations apply to the ries, based on the findings of a high-level mission authorities involved, asking them to respect the rights to the region. The Report highlights the critical being violated. Obviously these appeals are useful and precarious condition of workers living in these items of information for the international community. territories. Unfortunately, in the Palestinian territories occu- Today’s debate gives us the opportunity to examine pied by Israel, despite the relatively small size of the the situation in the region, to take stock of what the population concerned, the number of cases submitted ILO has done to ease the conditions of the workers to us is very large, even taking into account the neces- and, more importantly, to chart a future course of sity of not saturating the networks in order to keep action for the ILO in terms of its mandate. them effective. The picture given in the Report is grave. Poverty in We have noted that in 2002 we made 19 urgent the occupied Arab territories is increasing at an appeals concerning the Israeli authorities and we alarming rate. Young people are being denied the op- have already made seven in 2003. Among these cases portunity to work, while the destruction of economic there is a litany of cases of arbitrary detentions and ill assets continues, resulting in the loss of jobs and treatment as well as summary executions but there is people being made homeless. People in the occupied also a high proportion of very special cases which are territories are living in a constant state of fear. The in fact unique in the world: the destruction of houses Israeli forces have continued their atrocities in total of the resident population; restrictions on movement disregard to human rights and with the utmost disre- within and outside one’s own territory; bans even spect for human life and dignity. In short, economic on wearing shoes, coats and carrying sandwiches and social conditions are worsening by the day in the imposed on workers who are authorized to go on to area. the other side of the demarcation line. We agree with the Director-General that this situa- And the Palestinians in the occupied territories tion is untenable and cannot be allowed to continue. are even banned from picking the olives from their We believe that a viable and lasting peace in the own olive trees, allegedly on the grounds that this will region is not possible until the legitimate rights of the protect them from possible aggression by the illegal Palestinian people are acknowledged and the Israeli settlers. In other words, the thousands of Israeli forces withdraw from the occupied territories, pursu- soldiers who are entrusted with the protection of ant to Security Council resolutions Nos. 242 and 338. the few hundred settlers, would not be able to prevent Bangladesh welcomes the road map, which envis- the latter from attacking the Palestinian farmers, and ages an independent, sovereign and democratic Pales- would therefore cause them to lose the fruit of their tine by 2005. Meetings such as the one held recently work — olives being the main agricultural product of at Aquaba can help the process of finding a just and the occupied territories. lasting peace in the region. These are only a few examples of the general We commend the efforts of the Director-General situation which is amply described in the Director- to implement the enhanced programme of technical General’s Report following the high-level mission to cooperation in the occupied territories. The ILO the area concerned. should continue its capacity-building efforts aimed at But the latter case shows clearly how the grounds the Palestine Labour Ministry, and the employers’ for a security policy can be converted into a pretext and workers’ organizations. for a policy of conquest in favour of one category of We also encourage the ILO’s efforts to facilitate the population and into systematic impoverishment dialogue among the social partners from both sides. of the other. Here we see a kind of an a contrario dem- In this regard, we believe the Palestinian Fund onstration of how accurate the Director-General’s for Employment and Social Protection is of critical Report is.

13/31 Abolish the possibility to work and you will create above the law. My second point is that we are tired of poverty. We also see that it is discrimination, the sub- hearing speeches in which Israel paints itself as the ject of this year’s Global Report, which is at the root victim. In fact, the victims are the people of Palestine, of all this misery and all this suffering. and the only solution is to put an end to this criminal The discriminatory aspect of Israel’s policy, which occupation. When the peace process seemed to give gives priority to Jews and penalizes non-Jews is the Palestinian people the possibility of finding a clearly established in the conclusions of the Commit- negotiated solution, we witnessed four very peaceful tee on the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights years. That is the only way to resolve the problem. adopted on 23 May 2003. However, the Palestinian people will never accept The consequences for work also emerged clearly occupation, especially an occupation which consists of from the Report. For those who live in Israel the un- daily murders of civilians, the destruction of homes, employment rate in 2002 was 10.5 per cent, all catego- and all the other atrocities mentioned in the Director- ries included, but among the Arabs it was 13.5 per General’s Report. The representative of Israel’s cent and even 15 per cent among the Bedouins. workers stated that Israel is forced to close its borders As for the occupied territories, the unemployment for security reasons. Israel cannot carry on having rate has reached the alarming figure of 50 per cent. its cake and eating it. It may close its borders, that is The unemployment figures, however, indicate its business, but it cannot, at the same time, close something different which in turn is pointed out by down our borders with other countries, especially the Director-General’s Report. The negative impact with Arab countries. If Israel wishes to close its of the security policy is being felt not only by the borders, let it do so, but it cannot continue to control Arabs, but by the whole population including the the Palestinian people, closing its cities and every area Israeli Jews. This is maybe one of the reasons why of residence. There is only one road to peace — very recently the Head of the Israeli Government namely to recognize the rights of the Palestinian surprised the world by recognizing reality. The occu- people, enshrined in international law, which means pation is harming the Palestinians just as it is harming ending occupation, setting up a Palestinian State and the Israelis. But the problems all result from the fact granting refugees the right of return. that there is a conflict, hence, there is only one solu- tion, and one only: to put an end to the conflict. Original Arabic: Ms. AL-JABI (Minister of Social World opinion is demanding this. The authorities Affairs and Labour, Syrian Arab Republic) — We who represent both parties to the conflict are also have an answer to the statement made by the repre- saying so these days. On this basis it becomes possible sentative of the . Defence of to negotiate and build peace. our lands, our rights, our people, our nation, our With peace it will also be possible then to get homes, our values and our beliefs is an honour in a people back to work in Palestine and in Israel to work world where those who violate the rights of others out of poverty. consider surrender as a victory and those who strike out against legitimacy denigrate the nobility of resis- The PRESIDENT (Mr. WOJCIK) — Three del- tance. The noble Palestinians decided in their egations have asked for the right of reply and I would intifada, or uprising, to defend their right to existence, like to remind them, that there is a time limit of two their right to life, their right to land, their right to minutes for the right of reply with the exception of a learn, their right to employment and to have a coun- reply to a large number of statements. The reply try. They have shed their blood to defend their land should abide by parliamentary language, and avoid even though they are homeless and landless. The comments of a personal nature. There is no right of same goes for our people in the occupied Golan and reply to the right of reply. in southern Lebanon. We are proud of all those The first speaker on my list is Minister Khatib free voices who today declared their support in the of Palestine, who wishes to respond to the speech of world for our people and their defence of our noble Mr. Peretz, Workers’ delegate from Israel. and just cause. The second speaker will be Minister Al-Jabi from The world will not remain silent in the face of the the Syrian Arab Republic who wishes to reply to the many massacres to which the children of the Palestin- intervention made by Mr. Levy, Government delegate ian nation have fallen like the children of the Golan of Israel. And the last speaker on my list is Mr. Levy plateau and southern Lebanon. The massacres of the Government delegate of Israel, who wishes to Deir-Yacine, Kaffar Kassem and other places such as respond on various interventions. I now give the floor , Tulkarem and Nablus are neither the first nor to Minister Khatib. the last perpetrated by the invader. All these massa- cres, violations, destruction of homes, confiscation of Original Arabic: Mr. KHATIB (Minister of Labour, land will not cease. Palestine) — First of all, I would like to express Today, thankfully, modern communications have my sincere thanks to all the representatives who enabled the world to be fully informed of the policies have spoken here, expressing their solidarity with the of the Israeli occupation authorities, which have Palestinian people and sympathy for Palestinian violated all UN resolutions. workers, or condemning the Israeli occupation and crimes. Mr. LEVY (Government delegate, Israel) — I wish I have three short comments to make. First of all, to respond to several themes raised by a number of the International Labour Organization organized this speakers this afternoon. special sitting and sent its mission to the occupied ter- Speakers mentioned closures, the inability of Pales- ritories because of the exceptional situation, namely tinian workers to enter on a daily basis as they did Israel’s continued violation of international law and of prior to the riots when 120,000 of them came to work the principles upheld by the United Nations and the in Israel daily. We would like very much to create ILO, which constitute an attempt to behave as if it was a situation again in which Palestinians can come into

13/32 Israel freely. In fact, we have tried to implement and view the goal of so-called ending the occupation is ease restrictions and allow increasing numbers of practically eliminating the State of Israel and Pales- Palestinian workers and merchants to enter Israel. tine would take its place as he said, extending from Alas, each time restrictions were lifted, the system sea to river. Is this the kind of policy which should be was abused, terrorists infiltrated into Israel in the heard in the confines of this hall of the ILO? guise of daily workers. Now I would like to remind the Lebanese delegate The case in point that I mentioned last Sunday that when speaking so eloquently about ills of occupa- when three terrorists came to a check point, at the tion he conveniently forgot to remind us about the time 15,000 workers from Gaza were about to enter occupation of Lebanon, his own country, by whom? Israel. The terrorists killed four Israelis and wounded by Syria since 1976. An occupation force of 20,000 others. Can anyone in this hall really expect Israel to Syrian soldiers is still stationed in Lebanon. Could abandon the safety of its citizens, allow the indiscrimi- the Lebanese delegate or the Syrian Minister name nate entry of Palestinians into Israel, as long as the the first Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon, or the current Palestinian authority does not live up to its responsi- one? Or are they unable to do so, because you do not bility to end incitement, curb terrorism and to put an nominate an ambassador to a region in your own end to such abuse. State. Some delegations have raised the issue of a The call of those who spoke about closures are mis- security fence being built by Israel. Israel was directed. They should be directed towards Palestinian compelled to consider various ways to defend herself radicals, who abuse the system and do not live up to against an onslaught of terrorism and an attempt of their responsibilities. Would any government in this groups to infiltrate. hall allow workers to enter its territory if a number of We heard 50 of you speaking against Israel all day, them had intentions of perpetrating massacres against so please listen carefully, I am going to speak about their citizens. you in a moment. So Israel was compelled to consider A second theme present in the statements of various ways to defend herself against an onslaught of several delegates, was a call to end the occupation. terrorism and an attempt to infiltrate suicide bombers Some speakers genuinely spoke about a desire for into her midst, taking the lives of innocent civilians. In peaceful settlement, regarding territories in dispute our view this fence represents the best preventive mea- between Israelis and Palestinians. In this reference, sure, to stop would-be terrorists in the absence of effec- Israel was ready to end the occupation. Our delega- tive undertakings on behalf of the Palestinian authority. tion came to Camp David in July 2000, presenting a Finally, I would like to address the distinguished Syrian comprehensive peace programme which would have Minister. She spoke eloquently and passionately effectively ended the occupation and peacefully about massacres; she omitted the massacre which the settled all outstanding issues. Syrians perpetrated against their own people in 1982, Why was this programme not adopted by the Pales- when the Syrian regime killed 15,000 of its own tinian authority? Why did Mr. Arafat reject it out of citizens. But in response to a statement on terrorism hand? Why did he order the beginning of the riots I would just like to briefly read you a list of ten which brought only suffering to Palestinians and names; they are the names of the ten major terrorist Israelis alike? In fact, the Minister who spoke before organizations in Damascus. Five of them are also on me testified to it himself, perhaps without noticing it the EU list of terrorist organizations, the Popular when he stated there were several years of quiet when Front of Palestine, the Popular Front for Liberation the peace process seemed to move ahead. So why did of Palestine General Command… they stop this peace process in order to start the riots? (As the speaker had extended the time limit, he was Once again, this last week there was an opportunity interrupted.) for Palestinians to move in that direction at the Aqaba Summit and Israel’s promise, enunciated by the Prime The PRESIDENT — We have come to the end of Minister, gives them an opportunity to further these our business today. In accordance with the decision goals peacefully. taken by the Governing Body at its 286th (March When other delegates spoke of an end to occupa- 2003) Session, it would be inappropriate to adopt any tion, they disclosed the true goal which was truly form of decision, or any formal conclusion, at the end enunciated in the Lebanese Government statement, of this special sitting. However, much of importance and greeted by some Arab delegations with applause. has been said, and I have no doubt that the action to He said, and I quote: the map of Palestine extending be taken by the ILO will be inspired by the many from the sea to river. For those of you in the hall who ideas put forward. I declare this special sitting closed. do not discern this precise meaning, the sea is the Mediterranean, the river is the Jordan River. In his (The Conference adjourned at 8.30 p.m.)


Page Twelfth (special) sitting: Report of the Director-General on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories: Discussion ...... 1 Speakers: Mr. Khatib, Mr. Peretz, Mr. Guider, Mr. Kriekoukis, Mr. Shaharudin, Mr. Soodhun, Mr. Neffati, Mr. Joubier, Ms. Al-Jabi, Lord Brett, Mr. El Amawy, Mr. Levy, Mr. Ryder, Mr. Alfarargi, Mr. Thys, Mr. Levine, Mr. Smith, Mr. Alves Trindade, Mr. Camara, Mr. Liu, Mr. Aoun, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Dahlan, Mr. Hijjawi, Mr. Edström, Ms. Lau Valdes, Mr. Hefdahtan, Mr. Ahmed, Mr. Kurttekin, Mr. Zellhoefer, Mr. Wisnumurti, Mr. Lekang, Mr. Zainal, Mr. Azzouz, Mr. Zharikov, Mr. Diop, Mr. Abu Al-Ragheb, Mr. Ibrahim Abdo, Ms. Lucero, Mr. Amaoui, Mr. Rashed, Mr. Ghosn, Mr. Djemam, Mr. Hagh-Bayan, Ms. Diallo, Mr. Akouete, Mr. Liu, Mr. Pinzón Salazar, Ms. Ben-Haim Rosen, Mr. Jrad, Mr. Mahadevan, Mr. Ansari, Mr. Hossain, Mr. De Pury

No. 13 – Friday 13 June 2003