CONCURS Qui Som INTERNACIONAL MassanaOrgue 2018 CONTACTE Dedicat a Francisco Correa de Arauxo Associació Amics dels Orgues de les Valls d’Andorra
[email protected] Qui Som 5-6 d’octubre Concurs internacional d’orgue, participants internacionals ORGANITZA: PATROCINA: AMB LAINTERNACIONAL COL·LABORACIÓ DE: AMB EL SUPORT DE: 22 MassanaOrgue 2018 23 32 CONTACTE Dedicat a Francisco Correa de Arauxo Associació Amics dels Orgues de les Valls d’Andorra
[email protected] 5-6 d’octubre 2nd InternationalConcurs internacional d’orgue, Organ participants Competition internacionals dedicated to ANTONIO SOLER 22 23 4-5th of October 2019. la Massana, Principality of Andorra The II International Organ Competition, dedicated to the composer ANTONIO SOLER (1729-1783), will be held in the parish of the Massana of the Principality of Andorra between 4-5 October 2019. This church has since 2007 a beautiful instrument built in Tordesillas by the organ workshop of Joaquin Lois. ___________________ Program 1st Round * th th 1) A work of iberian music (16 -17 centuries). Recommended composers: Antonio de Cabezón, Manuel Rodrigues Coelho, Francisco Correa de Arauxo, Pablo Bruna, Antonio Soler 2) A work of (chose one): Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, Georg Muffat, or Girolamo Frescobaldi. 3) A work of Johann Sebastian Bach: a movement of a trio sonata, a prelude or a fugue. (*) pre-selection on video (wmv, mpg. o .mov. Max. 20’) The name of the candidates should not appear on the video. The jury will favorably rate the program selections that prove to be suited for a competition. nd 2 Round (face-to-face) 1) 6 candidates will be selected.