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Jennie & Graham Ratcliffe Our Chairman, Steve Read, about the Birth of the Royal Baby. Page 4 The Royal Baby Edition Volume 12 Issue 8 Business Name Serving the British Community in Vienna August 2013 The BCA News Inside A RIGHT ROYAL BRUNCH! The BBBCCCAAA News By Wolfgang Geissler athryn, Jennie and Graham Ratcliffe have K done it again! With incredible effort and the Section 1 3-23 great skills of UN-Chef Kathryn in a right royal setting in their gardens in Korneuburg we Calendar & Programme celebrated the birth of HRH. Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge. Section 2 24-33 More in the Supplement Classified PUB NIGHT Theatre News Graham, Steve Read, Kathryn and By Wolfgang Geissler Jennie Ratcliffe (from left to right) Important Information Rainer’s Walking Tour in Contact Details July Announcements By Wolfgang Geissler Supplement The BCA News NEW Our Chairman, Steve Read and Vice Chairman. July’s Pub night, hosted by Christine Consular Kaslatter, was well attended and as A lively “performance” in front of always attracted newcomers to our Corner the Karlskirche! gathering We are pleased to Entertainment, Spirituality and More in the Supplement announce that as from History: Rainer’s Walking Tour includes all these components and 3rd Joint Heurigen Evening August the British more! July saw us at the Karlskirche Consulate in Vienna and for a late, late Lunch at the A great evening at the will be writing a monthly nearby Gastwirtschaft Herlitschka. “Buschenschank Wolff” column in this saw familiar faces! Newsletter called More in the Supplement “Consular Corner”, selecting a different More in the Supplement theme every month starting with “Life Alex Highton in Concert Certificates”. At Schloss Orth am Traunsee. Alex with a fan! More in the More in the Supplement Supplement The BCA News IMPRESSUM The BCA News Newsletter and Programme for The British Community Association of Vienna Serving the British Community in Vienna since 2001 _________________________________________ Chairman: Steve Read [email protected] Editor: Wolfgang Geissler BCA Publicity (Editorial, Programme, Public Relations & Advertising) [email protected] BCA Event Coordinator If you wish to organise an event or regular activity or inform us of an English language/British event that may be of interest to the membership please contact Maureen (Mo) Haigh: [email protected] BCA Publicity If you have items to sell, are in search of information, wish to publish an article or photographs please contact Wolfgang Geissler: [email protected] BCA Membership For questions relating to membership fees, directory entries or to introduce a new member please contact Jennie Ratcliffe: [email protected] If paying for your Membership by Netbanking please put your Full Name in Purpose Column. Unicredit Bank Austria: Account Number 01364707800 BLZ 12000 IBAN: AT31 1100 0013 6470 7800 BIC: BKAUATWW. The fees are as follows: Single €10 / Couple/Family € 20 Circulation: 150 copies (July 2013) Editor’s Note We welcome contributions to The BCA News. If you want to publish an article or a photo report please send them to me at [email protected]. Please send Photographs as jpgs. The copy deadline for contributions as well as programme events for the September edition is Wednesday, 28th August. Volume 12 Issue 8 2 August 2013 The BCA News August 2013 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 29 July 30 July 31 July 1 August 2 3 4 Walking Concert by the Walking Group Sailing on the Pleyel Group Alte Donau Museum 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Walking Pub Night Walking Rainer’s Group Group Sailing on the Walking Tour Alte Donau 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Walking Walking Mariä Group Group. Himmelfahrt Sailing on the Alte Donau 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Walking Walking Group Sailing on the Group Alte Donau Men’s Beisl Tour 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 September Walking Group Walking Group Sailing on the Alter Donau If the weather on St. Lawrence Day (10th) and St. Bartholomew Day (24th) is nice and pleasant then there will be a beautiful autumn. Ist es zu Laurenzi (10.) und Bartholomäi (24.) schön und heiter, folgt ein schöner Herbst. Volume 12 Issue 8 3 August 2013 The BCA News Steve Read; CHAIRMAN BCA-VIENNA The Royal Baby: On behalf of the BCA - It with great pleasure that we announce, and welcome the arrival of Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge the new-born son to William and Katherine, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. May he live a long and healthy life. In honour of Prince George, the BCA enjoyed a wonderful day of Celebration on Saturday 27th at the home of Jennie, Graham, and Kathryn Ratcliffe. Around 40 BCA Members were treated to a wonderful Coffee Morning start to the day followed by a 'Right-Royal- Lunch' of home-cooking master-class by the two ladies-of-the-house; and as always an extraordinary show of hospitality and thoughtfulness by them all. Thank you also of course to Graham for his extensive behind-the-scenes work and unending efforts to ensure everyone was made welcome and with their glasses always filled! Without doubt an amazing effort by 'Team Ratcliffe', to whom we extend out enormous gratitude. Steve Reid Volume 12 Issue 8 4 August 2013 The BCA News PUBLIC HOHOLIDAYSLIDAYS AUGUST TH THURSDAY, 15 AUGUST (THE ASSUMPTION OF OUR LADY) What’s on in August? Pub Night Tuesday, Flanagan’s Irish 6th August at Flanagan’s Irish Pub Pub 7 pm Schwarzenbergstra FIRST TUESDAY EVERY MONTH!!! sse 1-3 Vienna, 1st district Tram D, 2 to New Members Welcome! Schwarzenbergerpl atz, U1, U2, U4 Karlsplatz This is the BCA 's Shop Window! A chance for members to bring along friends and for new arrivals to try out the BCA. If you are able to attend it is a great way to catch up with old friends and to greet new friends. Meet in the “Post Office”, to the left as you enter. This month’s hosts: Jennie & Graham Ratcliffe . Please note that ALL the following events are ALWAYS for BCA members and their guests unless otherwise indicated! Volume 12 Issue 8 5 August 2013 The BCA News Concert by the Pleyel Museum in Ruppersthal- Grossweikersdorf Sunday, th 4 August 7 pm For those not basking on beaches in early August this would be a special opportunity to visit the birthplace of Ignaz Pleyel at Ruppersthal near Grossweikersdorf (about 16km beyond Stockerau) on the evening of Sunday August 4th. There will be an outdoor concert in the in the Pfarrgarten alongside the church starting at 7 pm. including music by Haydn and Beethoven, as well as by Pleyel himself. Refreshments will be served before and after the concert as well as in the interval. The cost will be modest – around 18 Euros and cheaper with a NÖ card (but not including refreshments). It would be helpful to have an advance indication of how many people might be interested in attending, but concert tickets should be ordered (for payment by 6pm on the day) from [email protected]. The ABICS organizer, David Kyd, will have a few spare seats from Tullnerfeld station via the 16.56 ex Westbahnhof, so anyone requiring a lift should contact him, on [email protected] or handy 0676/6367241. There is also a train from Franz Josef’s Bahnhof at 17.11, but the latest return on this route is 21.04. Last train back leaves Tullnerfeld at 22.03. In case of inclement weather the concert will be held in the church. For more details of the concert programme, and also on how to drive there see:- Not organised by the BCA IPG Pleyel-Museum – Getting there By automobile from Vienna: Take the A22 motorway to Stockerau (North off-ramp), then the B4 highway to Horn; at the 1st traffic light in Grossweikersdorf, turn left (follow brown Museum sign) past the railway station toward Ruppersthal By automobile from St. Pölten: Take the S33 motorway to Krems, then the S5 motorway to Kirchberg or Königsbrunn (follow brown Museum signs at the off-ramp) By rail: From the Franz-Josephs-Bahnhof (railway terminus) in Vienna with regional line R42 or from St. Pölten via Tulln to Grossweikersdorf, or from Krems to Kirchberg am Wagram (regional line R40). Pick-up at the railway stations can be made by prior arrangement! Volume 12 Issue 8 6 August 2013 The BCA News 188. Konzert Wie ein Kirtag vor 200 Jahren Date/Time: 4.8.2013, 19:00 City: Pfarrgarten Ruppersthal Artists: AUSFÜHRENDE KÜNSTLER: " Pleyel Harmonie" Historische Klarinetten: Peter Rabl, Christian Köll Naturhörner: Hermann Ebner, Peter Heckl Fagotte: Klaus Hubmann, Thomas Kiefer Kontrabass: Walter Bachkönig Volume 12 Issue 8 7 August 2013 The BCA News Program: Joseph Haydn (1732-1809): Marcia Es-Dur, Hob.:VII:6 Ignaz Joseph Pleyel (1757 Ruppersthal-1831 Paris): Partita, Es-Dur; Jubel Marsch- Polonese e Trio Georg Druschetzky(1745-1819): Variationen über den Chor: "Die Himmel erzählen" aus dem Oratorium "Die Schöpfung" von J.Haydn Georg Druschetzky / J.Haydn: Variationen über das Andante aus der Symphonie G-Dur, Hob I:81 Ignaz Joseph Pleyel Sextett für 2 Klarinetten, 2 Hörner und 2 Fagotte, Ben219 Volume 12 Issue 8 8 August 2013 The BCA News Poco Adagio - Allegro moderato - Andante Siciliano - Rondo Pause mit Buffet (Schmankerl und Weine aus dem Geburtsort von Ignaz Joseph Pleyel) Ignaz Joseph Pleyel: Parthia F -Dur für 2 Klarinetten, 2 Hörner und 2 Fagotte Allegro - Menuetto e Trio - Polonaise - Finale Ludwig van Beethoven(1770-1827): Sextett op.71, Es - Dur Adagio/Allegro - Adagio - Menuetto - Rondo Joseph Haydn/ Ignaz Joseph Pleyel: Divertimento B - Dur Hob.:II:46 Chorale St.
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