Supermarina I 1 Supermarina I The First Part of the Mediterranean War June 1940 - June 1941 by John D. Gresham and Mike Markowitz edited by Larry Bond published by The Admiralty Trilogy Group Copyright ©1995, 2014 by the Admiralty Trilogy Group, LLC and John D. Gresham and Mike Markowitz. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. Made in the USA. No part of this game may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the pub- lisher. Command at Sea is a registered Trademark by Larry Bond, Christoper Carlson, and Edward Kettler for their WW II tactical naval wargame. The designers of Command at Sea and Supermarina are prepared to answer questions about play of the game system. They can be reached in care of the Admiralty Trilogy Group at
[email protected]. Visit their website at www.admiraltytril- This version of Supermarina I has been updated to include all corrections from errata through 5 April 2021, and adjust- Samplements made to be compatible with the Command at Sea 4th edition rules and the Fleet series of filedata annexes. Cover: Two Italian Cavour class battleships as seen from the quarterdeck of an Italian Spica class torpedo boat. (Luce Photo Agency from the collection of Larry Bond, colorized by Irootoko_jr). 2 Supermarina I Foreword The Romans called it Mare Nostrum, “Our Sea.” When the Kingdom of Italy emerged as a unified nation in 1870, it inherited this attitude, along with a great naval tradition forged by seafaring city states like Genoa and Venice.