University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Alamogordo News, 1900-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-14-1909 Alamogordo News, 10-14-1909 Alamogordo Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Alamogordo Print. Co.. "Alamogordo News, 10-14-1909." (1909). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alamogordo News, 1900-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. taú Ti)e Official Newspaper of tljs People of Otero County. VOL. XIII. No. 4::. ALAMOUOBDO. NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 14 IMt. BRICE 5 CENTS ILFiLEBILU IS S:i:i3 TEsTtOEíibi? f" S ThblioGive,1:M1!n-mti,,1tOi.- jg.j t aud Resources 'is? A I WE Ab8,ei ,twn Meeting m m .... - - - - Rn mi Teacher's uposiiiOBi October 19 9. Go; ranMDt V.1I u es Alfilerüh As 30th, Otero County is being well Mr. Dur.n took (ood Assji-tuieii- t Forage Phut on Spring Bai ge FIT FOÜ The Valley section of the Otero represented al the fair, this a eel; STQ9i of Uttrco Products to Fair Co. Teachers at Albuquerque, the products I Association will Uncle is studying hold a meeting in the Alamogor-- ! San tlow tin furnished i. the foiiou in- - par New Mexico has Greater Resources. Less Il The Allvi',urrin Journal .ir: I High iistribatioa an the l ibjts of Al 00 School Building, Oct 80, j.