FACTS & FIGURES THE PORTS OF BREMEN AND BREMERHAVEN The Senator for Free Economic Affairs, Hanseatic City Labour and Ports of Bremen 1 xxx | FACTS & FIGURES 2017 INQUIRIES AND SUGGESTIONS FRAGENABOUT UND THE ANREGUNGEN LATEST STATISTICS ZU AKTUELLEN STATISTIKEN The figures for the ports of Bremen are Derpublished Senator für by Wirtschaft, the Senator forMartina Economic Ferreira ArbeitAffairs, und HäfenLabour and Ports, inReferat this case 31 - Hafenwirtschaftthe und ZweiteDepartment Schlachtpforte of Port 3 Economy,-infrastruktur, Infrastructure, Schifffahrt 28195 Bremen Tel.: +49 (0) 421 361-8206 www.wirtschaft.bremen.deShipping. bremenports GmbHFax: & +49 Co. (0) KG 421 496-8206 is responsible for port infrastructureE-Mail: Martina.Ferreira@WAH. The contact data is stated on thebremen.de back cover of this publication. Dr. Iven Krämer Referatsleiter - Hafenwirtschaft und -infrastruktur, Schifffahrt Tel.: +49 (0) 421 361-8206 Fax: +49 (0) 421 496-8206 E-Mail: Iven.Kraemer@WAH. bremen.de Jörg Lattner Referat 31 - Hafenwirtschaft und -infrastruktur, Schifffahrt Tel.: +49 (0) 421 361-2208 THE PORTS OF BREMENFax: +49 (0)AND 421 496-2208 E-Mail:
[email protected] BREMERHAVEN men.de IN FACTS AND FIGURES 2 FACTS & FIGURES 2017 | Introduction DEAR READERS OF THE FACTS & FUGURES 2017 How many seagoing vessels called CONTENT at the ports in 2017? How has con- tainer throughput developed over the past five years? What types of Shipping and Freight Traffic 6 cargo are handled at Bremen‘s Container Throughput 20 ports which consistsing of the port Automobile Throughput 28 group Bremen and Bremerhaven? Cruise Shipping 32 The annual Facts & Figures Inland Barges 36 brochure provides details of the seagoing vessels and Container Hinterland Traffic 40 seaborne freight handled Vessels Draughts 43 at the ports.