PORT INFORMATION GUIDE BREMERHAVEN JUNE 2021 INITIATED BY IN ASSOCIATION WITH SUPPORTED BY PORT INFORMATION GUIDE • Source: Harbour Master Port of Bremerhaven • June, 2021 2 PORT OF BREMERHAVEN BREMERHAVEN UN Code: DEBRV Port ID: 20315 GENERAL INTRODUCTION This book has been written for Masters of seagoing vessels, shipping lines, publishers of nautical information and any other party that needs nautical information. LEGAL DISCLAIMER The Port Authority of Bremerhaven (Hansestadt Bremisches Hafenamt / HBH) makes every effort to make and maintain the contents of the Guidelines on Port Entry as up-to-date, accessible and complete as possible, but the correctness and completeness of these contents cannot be guaranteed. In case of any discrepancies or inconsistencies between the Guidelines and the applicable legislation, including the bye-laws, the latter will prevail. CONTACT PORT Hansestadt Bremisches Hafenamt Steubenstrasse 7b 27568 Bremerhaven Germany CONTACT PERSON FOR PORT INFORMATION Capt. Insa Kühle, Head of Port Operation
[email protected] WEBSITE OF THE PORT https://www.hbh.bremen.de/ WEBSITE OF THIS DOCUMENT http://www.hbh.bremen.de/sixcms/media.php/13/PORT-INFORMATION-GUIDE-Bremerhaven.pdf PORT INFORMATION GUIDE • Source: Harbour Master Port of Bremerhaven • June, 2021 3 TABLE OF CONTENT PORT INFORMATION GUIDE • Source: Harbour Master Port of Bremerhaven • June, 2021 4 TABLE OF CONTENT GENERAL INTRODUCTION 3 TABLE OF CONTENT 4 PART I INTRODUCTION, CONTACT INFORMATION AND REGULATION 1 FOREWORD HARBOUR MASTER 10 1.1 GENERAL