Class I Railroad Annual Report
OEEAA – R1 OMB Clearance No. 2140-0009 Expiration Date 12-31-2022 Class I Railroad Annual Report Norfolk Southern Combined Railroad Subsidiaries Three Commercial Place Norfolk, VA 23510-2191 Full name and address of reporting carrier Correct name and address if different than shown (Use mailing label on original, copy in full on duplicate) To the Surface Transportation Board For the Year Ending December 31, 2020 Road Initials: NS Rail Year: 2020 ANNUAL REPORT OF NORFOLK SOUTHERN COMBINED RAILROAD SUBSIDIARIES ("NS RAIL") TO THE SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2020 Name, official title, telephone number, and office address of officer in charge of correspondence with the Board regarding this report. (Name) Clyde H. "Jake" Allison Jr. (Title) Vice President and Controller (Telephone number) (757) 629-2680 (Area code) (Telephone number) (Office address) Three Commercial Place Norfolk, Virginia 23510-2191 (Street and number, city, state, and ZIP code) Railroad Annual Report R-1 NOTICE 1. This report is required for every class I railroad operating within the United States. Three copies of this Annual Report should be completed. Two of the copies must be filed with the Surface Transportation Board, Office of Economics, Environmental Analysis, and Administration, 395 E Street, S.W. Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20423, by March 31 of the year following that for which the report is made. One copy should be retained by the carrier. 2. Every inquiry must be definitely answered. Where the word "none" truly and completely states the fact, it should be given as the answer. If any inquiry is inapplicable, the words "not applicable" should be used.
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