No. 1315 TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1950 Price 28.00 yen.

Court Rule No. 14 of 1947) shall partially be amend- SUPREME COURT RULE ed as follows : In the column for the territorial jurisdiction of Supreme Court Rule No. 24 Matsumoto Branch of Nagano District Court on the , * , August 15/1950 attached papers, "territorial, jurisdiction of Suwa Rule for Partial Amendments to the Rule con- Summary Court'* and "territorial jurisdiction of cerning Establishment X>f Branches of District Okaya Summary Court" shall be deleted; in the Courts and Family Courts shall be determined as column for the jurisdiction of Suwa Branch of follows : Nagano District Court, "Otsu (or B class)" shall Supreme Court read "Ko (or A class)"; in the column for the y Rule for Partial Amendments to the Rule territorial jurisdiction of Itami Branch of concerning Establishment of Branches, of District Court "territorial jurisdiction of Amagasaki District Courts and Family Courts Summary Court" shall be deleted; next to the The Rule concerning Establishment of Branches column for the same Branch, following one column of District Courts arid Family Courts (Supreme shall be added:

A m a g a s a k i B r a n ch $o f K o b e A m a g a s a k i S u m m a r y C o tir t D is tr ic t C o u r t A m a g a sa k i-s h i " O t su " o r (" B " ) N is h in o m iy a S u m m a ry C o u r t

in the column for the jurisdiction of Ichinomiya of Karatsu Branch of Saga District Court; in the Branch of District Court, Branch column for the territorial jurisdiction of Nayoro of Tsu District Court, ©gaki Branch of Gifu Dis- Branch of Asahikawa

M om b etsu -ch o , I M o m b etsu B ra n ch of A sa h i- M o m b etsu -g un , "O tsu " or (" B " ) k aw a D istrict C ou rt M o m b etsu S u m m a ry C o u rt H o kk a ido

conducted by the respective Court or Branch Supplementary Provisions : concerned. 1. The present Rule shall come into force as from President of the Supreme October 1, 1950. Court 2. The business about the cases which are, at the TANAKA Kotaro time of the enforcement of this Rule, pending at Matsumoto Branch of Nagano District Court, Kobe District Court, Itami Branch of Kobe District OFFICE ORDINANCE Court, Nagoya District Court, Tsu District Court, Gifu District Court, Saga foistrict*Court, Nayoro Attorney-General's Office Ordinance Branch of Asahikawa District Court ; Matsumoto No. 101 Branch of Nagano Family Court, Kobe Family August 15, 1950 Court, Itami Branch of Kobe Family Court, In accordance with the provisions of Art. 2 Nagoya Family Court, Tsu Family Court, Gifu par. 4 of the Public Procurator's Office Law (Law Family Court, Saga Family Court and Nayoro No. 61 of 1947), the Ordinance concerning the Es- Branch of Asahikawa Family Court shall be tablishment of the Branches of the District Public 1- Procurator's Offices corresponding to the Branches Partial Amendment to Regulation for t)f the District Courts and that of the Family Courts Control of Import Trade (Ministry of Justice Ordinance No. 42 of 1947) shall partially be amended as follows : Regulation pertaining to Control of Import Trade Attorney-General (Ministry of International Trade and Industry Or- dinance No. 77 of 1949) shall be hereby partially OHASHI Takeo amended as follows : The Ordinance shall be entitled as follows : In Article 7 paragraph 3, "proviso to Article 13 paragraph 9" shall be amended as "proviso to Rule for the Establishment of the Branches Article 13 paragraph 10"; the same paragraph of of the District Public Procurator'^ Office the same article shall be amended as paragraph 5; In the column of District Court Branch of the the succeeding paragraphs shall be moved down Annexed Table, **Kobe District Court, Itami accordingly and next to paragraph 2 of the same Branch" shall be amended as article, Ithe following two paragraphs shall fae "Kobe1 District Court, Itami Branch added. ,. and Kobe District Court, Amagasaki Branch 3 The bank, when required to re-deposit the "Asahikawa District Court, Nayoro Branch" as guarantee money at the Bank of Under the "Asahikawa District Court, Nayoro Branch " provision of Article 13 paragraph 3 of the Order, Asahikawa District Court, Mombetsu Branch, shall re-deposit the guarantee money at the Bank and in the column of Name of District Public Pro- of Japan upon reference under the provision of curator's Office Branch of the said Table,, "Kobe Article 5 of the Order and accompanied by a District Public Procurator's Office Itami Branch" document indicating matters relating to the re- shall be amended as depositing of the said guarantee money. "Kobe District Public Procurator's Office, Itami Kobe District Public Procurator's Office,Amagasaki 4 The term of re-depositing shall be the term as designated, within the period of twenty days, by Branch and "Asahikawa District ,Public Pro- the Minister of International Trade and Industry curator's Office, Nayoro Branch" as in the announcement as provided for} in Article s "Asahikawa District Public Procurator's Office, of the Order. % ^ Asahikawa District Public Procurator's Office, Next to Article 7, the following one article shall Mombet^Branch," and in ^e-column of Location be added : of District Public Procurator's^Office Branch of the (Exception of limitation on arrangement for said Table, *'Itami City" shall be amended as foreign means of payment) "ItamiAmagasakiCitv City " and "Nayoro-machi, Kamikawa- Article 7-(2). Any one desiring to obtain the per- mission of the Minister of International Trade gun, Hokkaido" as and Industry under the provision of Article 13-(2) "Nayoro-machi, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido " proviso to paragraph 1 or proviso to paragraphs JVIombetsu-machi, Mombetsu-gun, Hokkaido.. shall submit a document classifying reason there- for together with the import license. Supplementary Provision : 2 The Minister of International Trade and In- The present Ordinance shall come into force as dustry, in case he gives the permission of the from October 1, 1950. preceding paragraph, shall return to the applicant the import license with such statement thereon.

MINISTERIAL ORDINANCE Supplementary Provision : This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into force Ministry of International Trade and as from the day of its promulgation. Industry Ordinance No. 69 August 15, 1950 Ministry of Transportation Ordinance For the purpose of enforcement of the provisions No.60 of Article 13 paragraph 2 and Article 13-(2) of the Cabinet Order concerning Control of Import Trade August 15, 1950 (Cabinet Order No. 414 of 1949), the Regulations The Ministerial Ordinance for Partial* Amend- for Control of Import Trade shall be amended as ment to the Allocation Regulations of Petroleum follows : Products for Motor Vehicles shall be fixed as fol- , / Minister of International lows: Trade and Industry Minister of Transportation YOKOO Shigemi YAMAZAKI Takeshi

x2 i. Ministerial Ordinance for Partial Amend- Transportation Bureau" shall be amended as "the ment to the Allocation Regulations of governor of To, Do, Fu or prefecture." Petroleum Products for Motor Vehicles In Article 7 paragraph 1, "the chief of Land The Allocation Regulations of Petroleum Products Transportation Bureau" shall be amended as "gov- for Motor Vehicles (Ministry of Transportation ernor of To, Do, Fu or*prefecture", and after Ordinance No. 64 of 1949) shall be partially amend- paragraph 3 in the same Article, the following one ed as follows: paragraph shall be added : The following one paragraph shall be added after 4 Any person registered shall, when the registra- Article 1 paragraph 3: tion is cancelled, without delay return the sticker to the governor of To, Do, Fu or prefecture , 4 In this Order, "general eligible persons*' shall having jurisdiction. mean, among those persons coming under items 1 and 2 mentioned hereunder, those persons In Article 8 paragraph 1, "Director of Land using motor vehicles which passed the vehicle Transportation Bureau" shall be amended as "the inspection provided for in the Road Transporta- governor of To, Do, Fu or prefecture" and in par. tion Law (Law No. 191 of 1947), and which has 2 of the same Article "chief of Land Transporta- been registered. "Emergent eligible persons*' tion Bureau" shall be amended as "Governor of k~ 'shall mean those persons possessing the Registra- To, Do, Fu or prefecture". In Article 9, "the chief of Land Transportation tion of Motor Vehicle as well as Quarter Master Bureau shall examine the Application for Alloca- Petroleum Permit, and "eligible persons" shall tion", shall be amended as "the governor of To, meangeneral eligible persons as well as emergent eligible persons : Do, Fu or prefecture shall examine the Application for Allocation, and in accordance with the standard (1) Any person other than those to whom the House Registration Law (Law No. 224 of 1947) of allocation to be decided by the chief of Land 'Transportation Bureau for each period of allocation shall apply and shall have permanent domicile, in consideration of transportation and fuel situa- any person with Japanese nationality as well as tion." nationality other than Japan, or a juridical person established under foreign laws ; In Article 10 paragraphs 1 and 2, and Article ll paragraph 2, "the chief of Land Transportation <2) Any persons in possession of convertible account in'accordance with the Cabinet Order Bureau" shall be amended as "the governor of To, Do, Fu or prefecture.'* concerning Convertible Account (Cabinet Order No. 192 of 1950), or foreign exchange record Articles 12, 13 and 14 shall be made Articles 15, note in accordance with the Foreign Exchange 16 and 17 respectively, and after Article ll, the Control Law (Cabinet Order No. 203 of 1950). following three Articles shall be added : "^ In Article 2 paragraph 1, "the chief of the Land (Card of Eligibility) Transportation Bureau having jurisdiction" (to be Article 12. Any eligible person desiring to consume referred to hereinafter as "chief of the Land petroleum products for motor vehicle used by Transportation Bureau")* shall be amended as him, may obtain delivery of the card of eligibili- "the Governor of To, Do, Fu or prefecture having ty, per vehicle, from the governor of To, Do, Fu jurisdiction." or prefecture having jurisdiction, (in the case In Article 3, "the chief of the Land Transporta- of emergent eligible person, from the governor tion Bureau shall decide the number of motor of To, Do, Fu or prefecture having jurisdiction vehicles to be registered after investigating into over the principal locality where the motor vehicle the transportation as well as fuel situation, and is used; this shall apply in all cases herein- ^within the limit thereof", shall be amended as "the after). -governor of To, Do, Fu or prefecture shall, in ac- 2 Any person desiring to obtain the delivery of cordance with the registration standard to be de- the card of eligibility shall submit to the governor cided by the chief of Land Transportation Bureau of To, Do, Fu or prefecture having jurisdiction, for each period of registration in consideration of the application for delivery of the card' of "T transportation and fuel situation." eligibility provided for in Form No. 6 and besides, In Article 6 paragraph ,1, "the chief of Land shall present a document proving his eligibility. -3- 3 When the application in the preceding paragraph Do, Fu or prefecture having jurisdiction the has been made, the governor of To, Do, Fu or Application for Special (emergent) Allocation of prefecture shall, after confirming the eligibility, Petroleum Products for Motor Vehicles provided deliver per vehicle to the applicant the card of for in Form No. 8 (to be referred to as applica- eligibility provided for in Form No. 7.. tion for special (emergent) allocation) on which 4 To those who have obtained the delivery of the the certification is made by foreign exchange card of eligibility, the provisions of Articles 2 to bank to the effect that the required foreign cur* 7 inclusive shall not apply. rency has been converted into Japanese yen, and 5 The period of validity of the card.of,eligibility present the card of eligibility. shall be one year from the date of delivery there- 4 The governor of To? Do, Fu or prefecture shall of. make special (emergent) allocation in accordance 6 Any person to whom the card of eligibility has with the allocation standard fixed by the Minister been delivered, when he has ceased to be qualified of Transportation, when the application in the therefor, shall, without delay, return the card of preceding paragraph has been made. eligibility to the governor of To, Do, Fu or pre- 5 When the governor of To, Do, Fu or prefecture fecture having jurisdiction. has made the special (emergent) allocation, he 7 Any person to whom the card of eligibility has shall deliver, par card of eligibility, the ration been delivered, when there has been any altera- book of petroleum products for motor vehicles tion in the items of entry in the card of eligi- provided for in Form No. 9 (to be referred to bility, shall, without delay, notify to the governor hereinafter as "ration book"). of To, Do, Fu or prefecture having jurisdiction 6 Those persons who have obtained the delivery to that effect, and obtain, in exchange for this of a ration book may not obtain next special card of eligibility delivery of new card of eligi- (emergent) allocation unless after the elapse of bility. / two months from the date of delivery of the (General Allocation to General Eligible Persons) ration book in question (except those cases when Article 13. The provisions of Articles 8 to ll in- the Minister of Transportation has given specific clusive shall apply mutatis mutandis to general approval), and moreover, unless in exchange for eligible person who has obtained the delivery of the used ration book. the card of eligibility. In this case, in Article 8 In Article 16, after "allocation certificate and paragraph 1 item 1, "who has obtained registra- consumption certificate'*, "or ration book" shall be tion" shall read as "general eligible person who added, and "the chief of Land Transportation has obtained the card of eligibility." Bureau" shall be amended as"governor of To, Do (Special Allocation and Emergent Allocation) Fu or prefecture." Article 14. General eligible persons who have ob- In Article 17, "sticker, allocation certificate and tained the card of eligibility may obtain special consumption certificate" shall be amended as allocation of petroleum products for motor vehi- "sticker, allocation certificate, consumption certifi- cles besides in conformity with the provisions of cate, card of eligibility and ration book." the preceding Article. 2 Emergent eligible persons who have obtained Supplementary Provisions : the card of eligibility shall obtain the allocation 1. This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into of petroleum products for motor vehicles for force as from September 1, 1950; provided, how- emergent use. ever, that the amended provisions of Article 12 3 Any person who has obtained the card of eligi- shall come into force as from August 15, 1950. bility, when he desires to obtain the allocation 2. The special (emergent) allocation made before referred to in the preceding two paragraphs (to the enforcement of this Ministerial Ordinance be referred to as "special (emergent) allocation shall be deemed as having been ma£e in accord- hereinafter), shall submit to the governor of To, ance with this Ministerial Ordinance. -4- Form No, 6


/Card No. Date Delivered



Date *_

1. Name:_ _Nationality : Local Address :

Office Address :

2* Firm Name:

Foreign Address : (Street) (City) (Cou ntry) |297 mm. Business :

3. Assigned Quarter Master:_

Registration No. of Motor Vehicle.^

No. of Quarter Master Petroleum Permit.^

4. Vehicle: (Make) "(Body) (Year)

Engine No._ _Plate No. Registration No.

5. I hereby swear that the above statement is true and correct.

/ Signed :_

Remarks : 1. Item No. 2 shall be entered exclusively by general -eligible persons. 2. Item No. 3 shall be exclusively entered by emergent eligible persons.

•E•E•E210 mm.--

g Form No. 7 1. (Face) (a) For general eligible persons

t '"" '" "" liW ~ ^ - "- r^ T^ C A & D O F E L IG I B I L I T Y

C a r d N o . D a te D e liv e r e d :.::::.:・: m A d d r e s s fe -: w f i S ig n a tu r * ,;. i I V e h ic le ":・:・.・' ( B o x

M I N I S T R Y T R A N c R T T I O N


(b) For emergent eligible persons

k C A R D O F E L I G I B I L I T Y

( E M E R G E N C E ) C a r d N o . D a t e D e l iv e r e d N a m e A d d r e s s : ". ・'.'.・・・; :.: S ig n a t u r e V e h i c l e " :* :;・ :・:・:・・..・ > l . a k ) ( B ( Y e a r ) R e g i s t r a t > '・:& :<」・・ :.'.'・ l a t i o . T h i s c a r ::& x D i r e s 」 」 * m t t =fi c e ¥ s S *SB.:t:・f・ .2.8> *3$ ::*g :S:. V :.M・ ・・8・:8.8a: ・8::8・2 :・3.・.8・:] :」 ? l: ! ・g e

M I N I S T R Y 0 T R A R T T I O N

2. (Back)


D a t e B o o k N o .

21 . : ; .

2 . P I 3 .

4 .

5 .

6 .

7 . .

8 .

9 .

1 0 .

l l .

1 2 .

-6- Form No. 8

MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION Book No. Card No. Date Delivered. (PLEASE PRINT) APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL (EMERGENT) ALLOCATION OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS , FOR MOTOR VEHICLES Date. 1. Name: '._ : 1210 mm, 2. No. of the Card of Eligibility: ^__ ; t. 3. I hereby swear that the POL Ration Book delivered will be used only for motor vehicles mentioned in the Card of Eligibility. Signed: h W e c e r t i f y t h a t t h e r e q u i r e d f o r e ig n c u r r e n c y h a s b e e n c o n v e r t e d t o J a p a n e s e Y e n a t t h is B a n k . N a m e a n d S e a l o f B a n k . C le r k i n c h a r g e .

. 148.5mm. -

Form No. 9 Ration book cover Petroleum products ration certificate (Length 83 mm.) (Breadth..182 mm.) 1. Cover of ration book (Face) a. For general eligible persons White letters on Cobaltic ground


b. For emergent eligible persons White letters on Red ground


7- 2. Ration book coyer (Back) B lack lette rs o n W h ite grou n d

/ N O T IC E

1. T h is b oo k h as n o m on etary v alu e. It is m erely a p erm it to pu rch ase p etrole um p rod u cts un d er ex istin g reg ulatio n s. 2 . T h is b ook sh a ll b e ca rr ied a t all tim es w h e n m oto r veh icle is u sed . 3. T h e d eliv ery of a n ew B O O K sh a ll b e ef e cted afte r the lap se of tw o m on th s fro m th e d eliv ery of th is B O O K a n d in ex ch a ng e fo r th is B O O K .

&. Petroleum products ration certificate (Face) Black letters on White ground

P E T R O L E U M P R O D U C T S R A T IO N C E R T IF IC A T E R a tion B oo k N o . , " D a te issu ed : V e h icle N o . N am e : S ign a tu re A d d re ss A gen t S ign a tu re Issu in g O ffi ce

Jァ O fi c ia l C on cern e d

4. Petroleum products ration certificate (Back) a. For general eligible persons Black letters on White ground

NOTICE 1. POL shall be available only when showing this certificate and in exchange for the coupon contained. 2. Coupons shall become invalid if detached from the Ration Book. 3. Neither this Ration Book nor POL acquired thereby shall be transferable. 4. Gasoline coupons consist of 30 pieces of 5 gallons gasoline, 15 pieces of 10 gallons gasoline while lubricating oil coupons consist of 15 pieces of 1 quart oil, 3 pieces of 5 quarts oil.

b. For emergent eligible persons Black letters on White ground


1. POL shall be available only when showing this certificate and in exchange for the coupon contained. ' 2. Coupons shall become invalid if detached from the Ration Book. 3. Neither this Ration Book nor POL acquired thereby shall be transferable. 4. Gasoline coupons of 6 pieces of 5 gallons gasoline, 2 pieces of 10 gallons gasoline while lubricating oil coupons consist of 5 pieces of 1 quart oil.

-8 •EA I .s

s tf a:

J _J HI til

o o U i a: a -5 ~ > h ' fe z

s s o o cc or 'Ll il. n a 61) m < I T s $ K 3 < : a < (a I Q O CVJ 1 v s

5 A


d d 3 o 5-K &fl JS en -a a "a

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O4 4)


•Ea 3 '->

-10- Ministry of Transportation Ordinance A' virtue of the provisions of Article 13 of the Mail No.61 Law (Lav/ No/ 165 of 1947), for Partial Amend- August 15, 1950 •E ments to the Regulations Governing the Rates of The Ministerial Ordinance for Partial Amend- Postage of Foreign Mails : ments to the Mercantile Marine School Regulations Minister of Postal Services , (Ministry of Transportation Ordinance No. 57 of TAMURA Bunkichi 1^49) is hereby determined as follows : President of Economic Minister of Transportation Stabilization Board YAMAZAKI Takeshi YOSHIDA Shigeru

Ministerial Ordinance for Partial Amend- Ordinance for Partial Amendments to the ments to the Mercantile Marine School Regulations Governing the Rates of Regulations Postage on Foreign Mails Article 26-(2) shall read as Article 26-(3), and Part of the Regulations Governing the Rates of next to Article 2(5 shall be added the following one Postage on Foreign Mails (Prime Minister's Office article : -and Ministry of Communications Ordinance No. 1 Article 26-(2). The Principal may, for those of 1948) shall be amended as follows: students who are deemed difficult to continue In Annexed Table No. 1, -612" shall be inserted learning for financial reasons, reduce or remit respectively in the columns 10, ll, 12, 13 arid 14 , the sum of school fee and boarding expenses, or under item "Formosa'\ y postpone the collection thereof in case an appli- cation therefor is made by them. Supplementary Provisions : This Ordinance shall come into force as from Supplementary Provision : the day of its promulgation. This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into force ;as from the day of its promulgation. BOARD ORDINANCE Ministry of Construction Ordinance No.32 Economic Stabilization Board Ordinance August 15, 1950 No.18 Ministry of Construction Ordinance No. 4 of 1948, August 15, 1950 subject: Designation of persons to conduct the The Enforcement Regulations for the Land and registration business of immovables under the House Rent Control Ordinance (Cabinet Ordinance jurisdiction of the Ministry of Construction, is No. 79 of 1946) shall partially be amended as fol- partially amended as follows : lows: Minister of Construction President of Economic MASUDA Kaneshichi Stabilization Board A. "Chief of Building & Repairs Division of the YOSHIDA Shigeru Special Construction Bureau" shall be amended as The following article shall be added prior to "Chief of Building and Repairs Division of the Article 1: Management and Superintendence Bureau'% and Article 1. The formula and standard which- the "Chief of Building and Repairs Branch Office" shall Director of Price Agency shall have to comply be added next to "Chief of tPrefectural (To, Do, with in designating the amount in place of the Fu, Ken) Construction Bureau." ceiling or authorized amount of house rent (here- inafter called the replacing amount), in accord- Supplementary Provision : ance with the provisions or" Article 5 paragraph This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into force 2 of the Land and House Rent Control Ordinance as from the day of its promulgation, and shall apply (hereinafter called the Ordinance), shall be as as from June 1> 1949. follows : 1. The replacing amount shall be designated for MINISTERIAL AND BOARD classes of cases where the ceiling or authorized amount of house rent is less than the tax and ORDINANCE land rent or the necessary expenses; 2. The replacing amount shall be determined Ministry of Postal Services and Economic summing up the amount equivalent to the land Stabilization Board Ordinance No. 7 rent, and the amount equivalent to the fixed August 15, 1950 assets tax as well as the necessary expenses "The following Ordinance shall be established, by at a fixed rate. -ll- Article 1 shall be made Article l-(2) and "the in Article 8-(2) shall be deleted. Land and House Rent Control Ordinance (herein- Supplementary Provision : after called the Ordinance)" shall be revised as "the Ordinance". This Ordinance shall come into force as from? the day of its promulgation. Supplementary Provision : The present Board Ordinance shall come into force as from the day of its promulgation. NOTIFICATIONS

Economic Stabilization Board Ordinance Prime Minister's Office Notification No.19 No. 251 August 15, 1950 August 15, 1950 The Enforcement Regulations for th^HPrice Con- The Fuji Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. (No. 22, trol Ordinance are partially amended as follows: 5-chome, Kitahama, Higashi-ku, Osaka) has been President of Economic ordered to-deliver the undermentioned Allied Nation- Stabilization Board al's Property in its custody to Mr. Ernest William* YOSHIDA Shigeru James (No. 21-1, Shioya-cho, Tarumi-ku, Kobe) by ''Transportation Business Law" and "National August 15, 1950, in accordance with Article 2 para- Railway Transportation Charges Law" in Article 8 graph 1 of the Ordinance on Returning, etc. of -J-4 shall be amended to "Transportation Business Law Allied National's Property in pursuance of the Im- (excluding Article 29)" and "National Railway perial Ordinance concerning Orders'to be issued in Transportation Charges Law (excluding cases Consequence of the Acceptance of the Potsdam provided for under Articles 8 and 9 and Article Declaration (Imperial Ordinance No. 294 of 1946) : 9-(2) paragraph 1 item(5)) " and "National Insurance Prime Minister Law for Forestry Fire" and paragraph 1 item (2) YOSHIDA Shigeru

Sort Quantity Site m< 1 Land HncL pool and\ 4 lots 3 tan4se 19 bu No. 195, 209, 210 and 212, Aza Takao, Shioya-cho, \bankarea J Tarumi-ku, Kobe-shi 2 Land (paddy-field) 16 lots 5 tan 26 bu No. 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207,. 208, 211, 213, 214, 215 and 217 same as above site 3 Land (forest) 2lots 1 cho5tan9se No. 209-1 and 209-5, same as above site 28 6w 4 Land (house-lot) 4 lots 3592 tsubo No. 196, 204, 209-6 and 209-7, same as above site 5 Land (forest) 12 lots 5c&o4 fow 9 se No. 513-1, 561-3, 561-3-1, 561-4, 561-4-1, 561-4-2, 12 6w 561-5, 561-6, 561-7, 561-8, 561-10 and 561-ll, Aza Mimbudani, Shioya-cho, Tarumi-ku, Kobe 6 Land (house-lot) 8 lots 1469 tsubo No..561-3-2, 561-3-3, 561-3-4, 561-3-5, 561-4-3, 561-4-4, 561-4-5 and 561-13, same as above site 7 Land (paddy-field) 5lots 1 tan3se No. 588, 589, 591, 592 and 595, Aza Shitanda,, Shioya-cho, Tarumi-ku, Kobe 8 Land (field) 1 lot 19 bu No. 593, same as above site 9 Land (forest) 16 lots 5 cho 6 tan 1se No. 605-3-1, 605-5-1, 605-5-2, 605-5-3, 605-5-4, 28 bu 605-6, 605-6-1, 605-7, 605-7-1, 605-7-2, 605-7-3, 605-10, 605-10-1, 605-ll, 605-ll-1 and 605-12, same as above site 10 Land (house-lot) 3 lots 1250 tsubo No. 605-10-2, 605-ll-2 and 605-12-1, same as above site 1% Land (farm) 3lots 1se27 bu No. 114-2, 126-3 and 127-3, Aza Nishinota, Shioya- cho, Tarumi-ku, Kobe 12 Land (house-lot) 5 lots 5748.21 tsubo " No. 115, 121-2, 121-3, 127-2 and 134-2, same as. above site 13 Land (farm) 5lots2tan7se No. 100-1, 101, 108-2, 109-2, and 110-2, Aza Taki- gahira, Shioya-cho, Tarumi-ku, Kobe 14 Land (house-lot) 1 lot 1941.46 tsubo No. 102-1, same as above site 15 Land (farm) 16lots 7 tan2 se 28bu No. 314-2, 316-1, 316-3, 316-4, 317-1, 317-3, 318-1, 318-3, 319-1, 320-1, 321, 323, 324, 342, 343 and 12- 364-3, Aza Tenjingahira, Shioya-cho, Tarumi-ku, A Kobe 16 Land (house-lot) 13 lots 4531.85 tsubo No. 304-2, 309-1, 309-2, 309-3, 313, 313-1, 314-1, 314-3, 316-2, 325-1, 325-2, 328-2 and 332-1, same as above site 17 Building 12 houses 548 tsubo No. 309-1, 316-1, 3X7-1, 319-1, 320-1, 323, 324, 325-1, 325-2 and 332-2, same as above site 18 Building 6 houses 163.9 tsubo No. 561-3-2, 561-4-2 and 561-4-5, Aza Mimbudani, Shioya-cho, Tarumi-ku, Kobe ** 19 Building 6 houses 198.97 tstibo No. 506-7-3, 605-7-3 and 605-10, Aza Shitanda, Shioya-cho, Tarumi-ku, Kobe 20 Building 1 house 14.6 tsubo No. 127-2, Aza Nishinoda, Shioya-cho, Tarumi-ku, Kobe 21 Building 4 houses 261.24 tsubo No. 500-1, 102 and 102-1, Aza Tokigahira, Shioya- cho,^Tarumi-ku, Kobe-shi 22 Building' 13 houses 539.7 tsubo No. 195, 209-1, 209-3 and 217, Aza Takao, Shioya- cho, Tarumi-ku, Kobe-shi 23 Movable 284 pieces c^o The Fuji Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. No. 22, 5-chome, Kitahama, Higashi-ku, Osaka

V "4 Local Finance Commission Notification First 10,000 No.10 Second 5 ,000 12 Third 1 ,000 30 August 15, 1950 100 300 In accordance with the provision of Article 1 Fourth 50 3,000 paragraph 1 of the Bicycle Race Law (Law No. 209 Fifth Sixth' 35 26.651 of 1948), the city which is authorized to hold the 30,000 bicycle race shall be designated as follows : Total Commissioner of Local Date of Drawing: October 24, 1950 Finance Commission Starting Date of Payment of Premiums : Novem- NOMURA Hideo ber 4, 1950 ^Yahata-shi Stamp Duties on Certificates of Savings : Certificates of savings shall be designated under the provision of Article 5 of the Law Ministry of Finance Notification No. 679 for Establishment of the Savings with Premi- August 15, 1950 ums and be exempted from stamp duties. In accordance with the provisions of Articles 3 and 5 of the Law for Establishment of the Savings, Ministry of Finance Notification No. 680 with Premiums (Law No. 143 of 1948), the details, A etc. of the "First Kibo Time Savings of the Ama- August 15, 1950 gasaki Credit Association" shall be determined as In accordance with the provisions of Articles 3 follows : ^and 5 of the Law for Establishment of the Savings Minister of Finance with Premiums (Law No. 143 of 1948), the details, IKEDA Hayatq etc. of the "Fifth Time Savings with Premiums of the Nagano Credit Association" shall be determined 1. Name: First Kibo Time Savings of the Ama- gasaki Credit Association as follows : Minister of Finance 2. Conditions: IKEDA Hayato (1) Term.of contract: 6 months (2) Amount of savings: ¥2,000 per contract 1. Name: Fifth Time Savings with Premiums of (3) Interest: None the Nagano Credit Association 3. Period for Handling: From August 18, 1950 to 2. Conditions: October 17, 1950 (1) Term of contract: 6 months 4. Premiums: One right of drawing shall be given (2) Amount of savings: ¥1,000 per contract •E to each contract and 30,000 rights of drawing (3) Interest: None make one set with the following premiums: 3. Period for Handling: From August 20, 1950 to October 20, 1950 Grade Premiums *-£* 4. Premiums: One right of drawing shall be given Special A ¥30,000 1 to each contract and 10,000 rights of drawing B 20,000 2 make one set with the following premiums: -13- G rad e P re m iu m s Nwu min bn einrgos f Ministry of Finance Notification No. 682 S p ec ia l ・ 10,000 August 15, 1950 F irst , 1,000 In accordance witn the provisions of Articles 3 S efco nd 500 and 5 of the Law for Establishment of the Savings T h ird 10 0 100 with Premiums (Law No. 143 of 1948), the details, F ou rth 35 1,00 0 etc. of the *'Seventh Fukufuku Time Deposit of the F ifth 18 8,89 3 Bank of Daishi" ^hall be determined as follows: T o tal . 10,000 Minister of Finance IKEDA Hayato 5 . D a te o f D raw in g : O cto b er 28, 1950 6. S tartin g: D a te o f P a vm en t of P rem iu m s : N o vp.i 1. Name: Seventh Fukufuku Time Deposit of the Bank of Daishi ber 6, -1950 2. Conditions: 7. Stamp Duties on Certificates of Savings : (1) Term of contract: 6months , < Certificates of savings shallY'be designated (2) Amount of deposit: ¥1,000 per contract under the provision of Article 5 of the Law (3) Interest:' None for Establishment of the Savings with Premi- 3. Period for Handling: 'From August 21, 1950 to ums and be exempted from stamp duties. October 7, 1950 4. Premiums : One right of drawing shall be given Ministry of Finance Notification No. 681 to each contract and 10,000 rights of drawing make one set and the following premiums . August IS, 1950 -I shall be given to per 30 sets, provided that In accordance with the provisions of Articles 3 the Special A Prize and B Prize is chosen and E> of the Law for Establishment of the Savings from among the First : with Premiums (Law No. 143 of 1948), the details, etc. of the "Sixth Ebisu Time Savings of the Izumi- Grade Premiums, Number of winnings otsu Credit Association" shall be determined as Special A Prize ¥100,000 ' 1 follows : B 1 0,000 4 Minister of Finance First 1 ,000 25 IKEDA Hayato Second 500 150 1. Name: Sixth EbisuTime Savings of the Izumi- Third 70 3,000 otsu Credit Association Fourth ' 25 120 ,000 2. Conditions: Fifth 17 176,820 (1) Term of contract: One year Total 300,000 (2) Amount of savings: ¥2,000 per contract Date of Drawing: October 21, 1950 (3) Interest: None ' - Starting Date of Payment of Premiums : Octo- 3. Period for Handling: From August 2(j, 1950 to ber 30, 1950 September 20, 1950 Stamp Duties on Certificates of Deposit : 4. Premiums: One right of drawing shall be given Certificates of deposit shall be designated to each contract and 1,000 rights of drawing under the provision of Article 5 of the Law make one set with the following premiums: for Establishment of the Savings with Premi- ums and be exempted from stamp duties. Grade P re m iu m s w in n in g s ・ 10 ,000 Special Ministry of Finance Notification No. 683 First 1 ,000 Second 500 August 15, 1950 Third 300 The Yasuda -Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. (No. 6, 1-chome, Ote-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) Fourth 100 50 Fifth 70 937 was ordered to deliver the undermentioned property to the Hongkong & Banking Corp. (No. 1, Total 1,000 Queen's Road, Victoria City, Hongkong, British) on Date of Drawing: October 1, 1950 March 30, 1950, in accordance with the provision Starting Date of Payment of Premiums: Octo- of Article 2 paragraph 1 of the Ordinance concern- ber 5, 1950 ing the Restitution of Allied Nation's Property Stamp Duties on Certificates of Savings : pursuant to the Imperial Ordinance concerning Certificates of savings shall be designated Orders to be issued in consequence of the Accept- under the provision of Article 5 of the Law ance of the Potsdam Declaration (Imperial Ordi- for Establishment of the Savings with Premi- nance No. 294 of 1946) : ums and be exempted from stamp duties. 1. Minister of Finance IKEDA Hayato -14- A Sun Insurance Office Ltd. ; Safe Custody Items Sort Quantity Location English documents pertaining to securities which 2 No. 6, 3-chome, Ote-machi,' Cfiiyoda- were in custody- ku, Tokyo Detailed list of Sterling bond issued- by the 1 do. Japanese Government (in English) English translation of Notification do. deposited bond issued by Deposit Office English translation of endorsement pertaining to do. Securities in custody

Ministry of Finance Notification No. 684 August 15^ 1950 It is hereby notified that the Yasuda Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. (No, 6, 1-chome, Ote-machi^ Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo), the Custodian of the following Allied Nation's Property belonging to or in the custody of branches in Japan of the Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp. (No. 1, Queen's Road,, Victoria-City, fiongkong British) was released on March 30, 1950, in accordance with the provision of Article 4 paragraph 2 of the Enforcement Rules of Enemy Property Administration Law (Imperial; > Ordinance No. 1179 of 1941) : Minister of Finance IKEDA Hayato Sun Insurance Office Ltd. ; Safe Custody Items Sort Quantity Location English documents pertaining to securities which No. 6? 1-chome, Ote-machi, Chiyoda- were in custody- ku, Tokyo Detailed list of Sterling bond issued by the ' do. Japanese Government (in English) English translation of Notification pertaining to do. deposited bond issued by Yokohama Deposit Office English translation of endorsement pertaining to do. Securities in custody

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Notification No. 244 August 15, 1950 A In accordance with the provision of Article 7 of Fertilizer Law (Law No. 127 of 1950) the follow- ing kinds of fertilizer were registered and registration certificates* thereof were delivered on July 25, 1950: Minister of Agriculture and Forestry HIROKAWA Kozen Registration Name of Fertilizers Amount of Guaranteed Name and Address Number Ingredients {%) of Producer SEI No. 175V 21.0 Ammonium sulphate Ammoniacal nitrogen 21.0 Tohoku Hiryo Co., Ltd. (Director: To- kutaro Taneda) 1, 1-chome, Ibarashi- ma, Akita-shi SE I N o. 176 20.9 20.9 SE I N o. 177 20.8 * 20.8 SEX N o. 178 20.7 20.7 SEI N o. 179 20.6 20.6 SE I N o. 180 23 L im e-nitrogen T otal nitrogen 23.0 T ohoku K ogyo C o., Ltd. (President : Y u- kio H am ada) 1-1, O m ote-K oji, Sendai- shi / -15- S E I N o . 181 22 22 .0 S E I N o . 182 21 2 1.0 S E I N o . 183 20 20 .0 S E I N o . 184 N issh in 20.6 A m m on iu m A m m o n ia cal n itroge n 20 .6 Nisshin Kagaku Kogyo sulp h a te Co., Ltd. (Director : Masaji Doi) 22, 5- chome, Kitahama, Higashi-ku, Osaka -SEI No. 185 Nisshin 20.7 Ammonium sulphate 20.7 SEI No. 186 20.8 20.8 SEI No. 187 20.9 ' 20.9 SEI No. 188 21.0 21.0 SEI No. 189 34.0 Granular Ammoniacal nitrogen 17.0 Ammonium sulphate Nitrate nitrogen 17.0 SEI No. 190 34.2 17.1 Nisshin Kagaku Kogyo 17.1 Co., Ltd. (President : Masaharu Doi) 22, 5-chome, Kitahama, Higashi-ku, Osaka S E I N o . 19 1 3 4 .4 1 7 .2 1 7 .2 S E I N o . 1 9 2 3 4 .6 1 7 .3 1 7 .3 S E I N o . 1 9 3 1 5 .0 C a lc iu m -s u p e r p h o sp h o r ic S o lu b le p h o s p h o r ic a c id 1 5 .0 a c id C o n ta in in g w a te rs o lu b le p h o s p h o r ic a c id 1 3 .0 S E I N o . 1 9 4 1 5 .5 1 5 .5 1 3 .0 S E I N o . 1 9 5 1 6 .0 1 6 .0 1 3 .0 S E I N o . 19 6 1 6 .5 1 6 .5 1 3 .5 S E I N o . 1 9 7 1 7 .0 1 7 .0 14 .0 S E I N o . 1 9 8 3 7 .5 17 .5 14 .5

s E I N o . 19 9 1 8 .O C a lc iu m -s u p e r S o lu b le p h o sp h o r ic a c id 1 8 .0 Nisshin Kagaku Kogyo p h o s p h o r ic a c id C o n ta in in g w a te r s o lu b le Co., Ltd. (President : p h o s p h o r ic a c id 1 5 .0 Masaharu Doi) 22, 5-chome, KitaKama, Higashi-ku, Osaka SEI No. 200 5.0 Burnt pulverized potash Water soluble pottasium 5.0 (Director : Heizo Asa- alunite da) Asada Kagaku Kogyo Co., Ltd. 180, Miya-, Kashima-ku, Himeji-shi SEI No. 201 34.0 Moisture proof Ammoniacal nitrogen 17.0 Nippon Kasei Kogyo ammoniumnitrate Nitrate nitrogen 17.0 Co., Ltd. (Director: Tokiichiro Kuwada) 6-6, Nishi-ginza, Chu- o-ku, Tokyo 3EI No. 202 15.5 Calcium-superphosphoric- Soluble phosphoric acid *15.5 Amagasaki Hiryo Co., acid Containing watersoluble Ltd. (Director: Yo- phosphoric acid. 13.0 shiharu Kawashima) 3-191, Oiiden, Shibn- ya-ku, Tokyo SEI No, 203 16.0 16.0 13.0 -16 S E I N o . 2 0 4 1 6 .5 16.5 13.5 S E I N o . 2 0 5 1 7 .0 17.0 14.0 S E I N o . 2 0 6 1 7 .5 17.5 14.5 S E I N o * 2 0 7 1 8 .0 18.0 15.0 SEI No. 208 10.0Soluble manganic fertilizer Water soluble mangan 10.0 SEI No. 209 15.0 15.0 SEI No. 210 20.7 Ammonium sulphate Ammoniacal nitrogen 20.7 Nissan Kagaku Kogyo K. K. (Director : Hohe i Suematsu) 1-2, N ihombashi, Hon-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo SEI No. 211 15.0 Calcium-super phosphoric Soluble phosphoric acid 15.0 acid Containing watersoluble phosphoric acid 1 3 iO SEI No. 212 15.5 1 5 .5 y 1 3 .0 SEI No. 213 16.0 1 6 .0 13 .0 SEI No. 214, 16.5 1 6 .5 13 .5 SEI No. 215 17.0 1 7 .0 14 .0 SEI No. 216 17.5 1 7 .5 1 4 .5 SEI No. 217 Chiyoda Equthesized fertilizer Total nitrogen 1 9 .5 Containing ammonical >詛 nitrogen 1 9 .5 Soluble phosphoric acid 1 3 .5 Containing watersoluble phosphoric acid 1 2 .0 SEI No. 218 45.0 Urea Total nitrogen 4 5 .0 T o y o K o a t su K o g y o K . K . (D ir e c to r : Y u ji I s h ig e ) 2 -1 , N U io m - b a s h i, M u r o m a c h i, C h u o -k u , T o k y o

4 6 .0 SEI No. 219 SEI No. 220 20 Lime-nitrogen 2 0 .0 S h in -e ts u K a g a k u K o - gyo K.K. (Director: Junzo Kosaka) 2-1, 2, Marunouchi, Chi- yoda-ku, Tokyo SEI No. 221 21 21.0 SEI No. 222 22 22.0 SEI No. 223 23 23.0 SEI No. 224 20 20.0 Tohoku Denki Seitetsu K. K. (Director: Eizo Kamikichi) 631, 5-chome, Kami-osaki, Shinagawa-ku Tokyo S E I N o . 2 2 5 2 1 21.0 S E I N o . 2 2 6 2 2 22.0 S E I N o . 2 2 7 2 3 23.0 -17- S E I N o . 228 15.5 M a rck H o gyo ku S olub le p h osp h oric ac id 15.5 Niigata Ryusan K. K >. C alcium -su pe r p h osp ho ric a cid C on ta in in g w a ter-solble (Director: Kuniji p h osph o ric a cid 13.0 Osawa) 1686, Sekiya, Niigata-shI S E I N o , 229 '16 .O M a rck H og yok u 16.0 C alcium -su pe r p h osph o ric a cid ,, 13.0 S E I N o . 230 16 .5 M arck H ogy ok u 16 .5 13 .5 S E I N o . 231 17 .0 1 7.0 14.0 S E I N o . 232 20 .3 A m m o n iu m su lp h ate^ A m m on iac al n itroge n 20 .3 Mitsul Kagaku Kogya K. K^ (President: Yoshibumi Enomo- to) 1-1,' 2-chome, Nihombashi, Muro~ machi , Chuo-kii, Tokyo SEI No. 233 20.6 Ammonium sulphate 20.6 SEI No. 234 21 Fused phosphate Citric acid soluble Nippon Kagaku Kogya phosphoric acid 21.0 K. K. (Director; A Kanji Otsuka) 2Q0y f 9-ch'ome, Kameido- cho, Koto-ku, Tokyo SEI No. 235/ 21 21.0 K. K. Tekko-sha (President : Ryuichi Sanp) 4-8, S-chome^ Kyobashi, Chuo-ku,, Tokyo SEI No. 236 Jarocite Potash fertilizer Water soluble pottasium 6.0 Kokan Kogyo K- K. (Director: Hiroshi Watabe) 2-1, 1-cho- me, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo SEI No. 237 20.3 Ammonium sulphate Ammoniacal nitrogen 20.3 Miike Gosei K.K. (Director : Takeshi Miyarnae) 1, 2-cho- me, Nihombashi Muro-machi, Chuo- ku, Tokyo SEI No. 238 6% water solution of ammonia Ammoniacal nitrogen 5.0 Toyo Koatsu , Kogyo sulphate and ammonia Nitrate nitrogen 1.0 •EK.K. (Director: Yuji nitrate Ishige) 1, 2-chome, Nihombashi Muro- machi, Chuo-ku, To- kyo SEI No. 239 10.0 Manganic fertilizer Water soluble mangan 10.0 Masa Nakamura 178, Mukojima Suzaki- cho, Sumida-ku, To- kyo SEI No. 240 15.0 Calcium-super phosphoric Soluble phosphoric acid 15.0 Teikoku Kako K. K. acid Containing watersoluble (Director: Shizuo phosphoric acid 13.0 Nakano) 10, Funa- machi, Taisho-kuy Osaka SEI No. 241 15.5 15.5 13.0 SEI No. 242 16.0 16.0 13.0 -18- SEI No. 243 16.5 16.5 I 13.5 SEI No. 244 17.0 ' 17.0 14.0 SEI No. 245 17.5 17.5 14.5 SEI No. 246 13.0 18.0 15.0 SEI No. 247 18.5 18.5 15.5 SEI No. 248 19.0 19.0 16.0 SEI No. 249 19.5 19.5 16,5 SEI No. 250 20.0 20.0 17.0 SEI No. 251 Mixed fertilizer Total nitrogen 4.0 (Teikoku No. 4) Containing ammoniacal nitrogen 4.0 Total phosphoric acid 12.2 y Containing watersolubie phosphoric acid 12.0 Containing watersoluble phosphoric acid ll.2 SEI No. 252 Mixed fertilizer 5 .0 T e ik o k u K a k o K . K . (Teikoku No. 5) 5 .0 (D ir e c tp r : S h iz u o l l .4 N a k a m u r a ) 1 0 , F u - l l .2 n a -m a c h i, . T a is h o - 1 0 .5 k u , O s a k a

SEI No. 253 Mixed fertilizer 6 .0 (Teikoku No. 6) 6 .0 1 0 .7 1 0 .5 9 ,8

7 .0 SEI No. 254 Mixed fertilizer (Teikoku No. 7) 7 .0 1 0 .0 9 .7 9 .0

SEI No. 255 Mixed fertilizer 8 .0 (Teikoku No. 8) 8 .0 9 .2 9 .0 8 .4

1 0 .0 SEI No. 256 Mixed fertilizer (Teikoku No.. 10) 1 0 .0 7 .7 7 .5 7 .0

4 .0 SEI No. 257 Mixed fertilizer fTeikoku Kanzen No. 4) 4 .0 l l .2 l l .0 1 0 .2 T o ta l p o ta s s iu m 3 .0 C o n ta in in g w a t e r s o lu b le p o ta s s iu m 3 .0 -19- SEI No. 258 Mixed fertilizer T o ta l n itro gen 5.0 (Teikoku Kanzen No. 5) C on ta in in g am m o n ia ca l n itro ge n 5.0 T o tal p ho sp h o ric a cid 10.4 C on ta in in g solu b le p h osp h or ic ac id 10 .2 C on ta in in g w a terso lu b le p h osp h oric ac id 9 .5 T otal po ta ssiu m 3 .0 C o n ta in in g w a te&rsolu ble p ota ssium 3 .0 SEI No. 259 Mixed fertilizer 6.0 (Teikoku Kanzen No. 6) 6 .0 9 .7 9 .5 8 .8 3 .0 3.0 SEI No. 260 Mixed fertilizer 7.0 (Teikoku Kanzen No. 7) 7 .0 9 .0 8 .7 8.0 3.0 3 .0 SEI No. 261 Mixed fertilizer 8.0 (Teikoku Kanzen No. 8) 8.0 8.2 8 .0 7 .4 3 .0 3 .0 SEI No. 262 Mixed fertilizer 10.0 (Teikoku Kanzen No. 10) 10 .0 6 .7 6.5 6 ,0 3 .0 3 .0 SEI No. 263 Solid composed fertilizer A m m on iaca l n itro gen 5.0 Daiichi Ryoko K. K. No. 1 S olu ble p h osp h oric ac id 2 .2 (Director : Hideo W ater solub le p otassiu m 1.5 Keita) 64, Kichijo- in Ochiai-cho, Shi- mokyo-ku, SEI No. 264 5 .0 Asahi Hiryo K.K. 2 .2 (Director: Eitaro 1 .5 Sugiyama) 466, Fu- kuoka-cho, Takaina- tsu-shi, Kagawa-ken SEI No. 265 2*50 Ammonium chloride Ammoniacal nitrogen 25.0 Tokuyama Soda K. K. (Director: Joshin Kageyama) 8355, Tokuyama, Tokuya- ma-shi, Yamaguchi- ken SEI No. 266 20.0 Ammonium sulphate 20.0 Osaka Gasu K. K. (Director : Takejiro Iguchi) 1, 5-chome, -20- H ira n o-ch o , H igash i I k u , O sak a SEI No. 267 20.4 2 0.4 SEI No. 268 20.5 20 .5

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Notification No. 245 v August 15, 1950 In accordance with the provision of Article 7 of Fertilizer Law (Law No. 127 of 1950), the following kinds of fertilizer were registered and registration certificates thereof were delivered on July 31, 1950 : Minister of Agriculture and Forestry HIROKAWA Kozen Amount of Guaranteed Name and Address Registration Name of Fertilizers Number Ingredients {%)' of Producer SEI Noo 269 Ru brand Haigo (mixed) Total nitrogen 8.0 Saburo Tagi, (Direc- Kokonoe fertilizer Containing ammoniacal tor & Presient of K. nitrogen 7.7 K. Tagi Seishi-sho Total phosphoric acid 8.0 346, Beppu Beppu- Containing soluble cho, Kako-gun, Hyo- >~ phosphoric acid 6.6 go-ken Containing watersoluble phosphoric acid 6.0 SEI No. 270 Kanzen-Haigo (mixed) Total nitrogen 8.0 Kokonoe fertilizer (No. 1) Containing ammoniacal nitrogen 7.7 Total phosphoric acid 7.0 Containing soluble phosphoric acid 6.0 Containing watersoluble phosphoric acid 5.5 Total potassium 2.0 Containing watersoluble potassium 2.0 SEI No. 271 (No. 2) Total nitrogen 10.0* Containing ammoniacal nitrogen 9.7 Total phosphoric acid 5.0 Containing soluble phosphoric acid 4.0 Containing watersoluble phosphoric acid 3.2 Total potassium 4.0 Containing watersoluble potassium 4.0 SEI No, 272 Yo brand Haigo (mixed) Total nitrogen "5.0 Tagi fertilizer Containing ammoniacal nitrogen * 4.7 Total phosphoric acid 10.0 Containing soluble phosphoric acid 8.8 SEI No. 273 Chi brand Haigo (mixed) Total nitrogen 5.0 Tagi fertilizer Containing ammoniacal nitrogen 4.7 Total phosphoric acid 10.5 Containing soluble phosphoric acid 9.0 Containing watersoluble phosphoric acid 8.2 -21- SEI No. 274 "Hishita" brand Haige^ Total nitrogen 5.0 (mixed) No. 4 Containing ammoniacal nitrogen 4.7 Total phosphoric acid 10.0 Containing souble 7 phosphoric acid , ®.8 Containing watersoluble p h osp h o ric a cid 8 .0 SEI No. 275 N o . 5 T o ta l n itro gen 5.0 C on ta in in g a m m on iaca l n itro gen , , . .4.7 T o tal p h osp h oric ac id 10 .5 C o n ta in in g solub le p h osp h oric a cid 9 .0 C on ta in in g w a tersolu b l'e ph osph o ric a cid 8.2 SEI No. 276 20.6 A sa h i am m o n iu m , A m m o n la ca l n itrog en 2 0.6 Asahi Kasel Kogyo K. su lp h ate K. (Director : Bushu Kataoka) 1, Soze- cho, Kita-kti, Osaka SEI No. 277 P h a sph o -a m m on lu m T o ta l n itrog en 2 0.0 n itra te N o. '1 * C o n ta in in g a m m o n ia ca l n itro ge n . 10 .0 In clu d in g n itro gen o us n itrate 10.0

_ S o lu b le p h osp h oric ac id 8.0 SEI No. 278 N o. 2 T ota l n itrog en 2 0.0 In clu d in g a m m on iaca l n itrog en 10.0 In clu d in g n itro gen ous n itrate 10 .0 S o lu ble ph o sph o ric ac id 9 .0 SEI No. 279 N o . 3 T ota l n itro gen v 19 .0 In clu d in g am m o n ia ca l V n itro gen 9.5 In clud in g n itroge n ou s n itra te 9 .5 S olu ble p h osph o ric a cid 9 .0

SEI No. 280 N o . 5 , T o ta l n itrog en 17 .0 In clu d in g a m m o n iacal n itrog en 8.5 In clud in g n itrog en ou s n itra te 8.5 S olub le p h osph o ric a cid 9 .0

5EI No. 281 W a x -see d ca k e p ow der ; T o ta l n itrog en 6.2 Yoshio Noda, Director ca lc iu m n itra te a b so rptio n In clud in g n itro ge n ou s & President of Noda n itra te ' elk Kiro Kagaku Kogyo K. K. 425-44, Moto- mura, Fukushima- cho, Yame-gun, Fu- kuoka-ken 22- SE1 No. 282 Tomoe synthesized T o t a l n it ro g e n 6 .0 Aiichiro Fujiyama, fertilizer No. 1 In c lu d in g a m m o n ia c a l Director & President n itr o g e n 5 .0 of Nitto Kagaku S o lu b le p h o s p h o r ic a c id 9 .0 Kogyo K.K. 2, Kan- In c lu d in g w a te r s o lu b le da Tomiyama-cho, p h o s p h o r ic a c id 8 .0 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo W a te rs o lu b le p o ta s s iu m 3 .0 SEI No. 283 No. 2 T o ta l n it ro g e n 5 .0 In c lu d in g a m m o n ia c a l n it ro g e n 4 .0 S o lu b le p h o s p h o r ic a c id 9 .0 I n clu d in g w a t e r -so lu b le p h o s p h o r ic a c id 8 .0 W a te r -s o lu b le p o ta s s iu m 5 .0 SEI No. 284 No. 3 T o ta l n itr o g e n 5 .0 I n c lu d in g a ra m o n ia c a l n itr o g e n 4 .0 S o lu b le p h o s p h o r ic a c id 8 .0 I n c lu d in g w a t e r -s o lu B le p h o s p h o r ic a c id 7 .0 W a t e r -s o lu b t e p o ta s siu m 2 5 .0 SEI No. 285 20.6 ammonium sulphate. A m ra o n ia c a l n itr o g e n 2 0 .6 Gaiji Tanaka, Director & President^of Bes- shi Kogyo K. K. 2- 18, Marunouchi, Chi- yoda-ku, Tokyo SEI ISfo. 286 17.0 Fused phosphate Citric acid soluble Tominosuke Imai, phosphoric acid 17.Q Director & President of Hinode Kagaku Kogyo K.K. 2-8, Shiba Tamura-cho, Minato-ku, Tokyo SEI No. 287 7.0 nitrate potassium Nitrate nitrogen 7.0 Kan-ichi Moroi, Direc- tor & President of Chichibu Sement K. K. 1-2, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo SEINo. 288 20.3 Ammonium sulphate Ammoniacal nitrogen 20.3 Minori Tsukada, Di- rector & President of Toho Gasu K. K. 60, Sakurada-cho, Atsuta-ku, Nagoya- shi SEI No. 289 16 Fusedphosphate Citric acid soluble Shuichi Gata, Director phosphoric acid 16.0 & President of Kan- to Seiko K.K. 1-8, Nihombashi Horido- me-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo SEI No. 290 17 17.0 SEI No. 291 18 18.0 SEI No. 292 19 19.0 SEI No. 293 20 20.0

-23 Ministry of Telecommunications Notification No. 192 August 15, 1950/ The following radio telegraph sub-agencies have changed matters of its institutions as from the undermentioned dates : Minister of Telecommunications TAMURA Burikichi Matters Fornier Date of Name changed New alteration ' Heian-maru Radio Telegraph C a ll sign JN S B * JQ G U ' Ju n e 21, 1950 Sub-agency x Kari-Radio Telegraph Sub- JR S X JJM X agency Iroha-maru No. 1 Radio L o cation Iro h a-m a ru N o . 1 Iroh a -m aru N o . 1 Telegraph Sub-agency b elo n gin g to D aido be lo n gin g to D a id o S u is ^n C o ., L td . S u isa n K o gyo C o ., L td . Bandai-maru No. 1 Radio B an da i*m a ru N o . B a n da i-m aru N o. Telegraph Sub-agency 1 b elon gin g to 1 be lo n gin g to F U JIN A K A N A K A JIM A T o e- H a ch iro m o n Tokiwa-maru No. 2 Radio M o o re d Y a m a k a w a . S o to no u ra Telegraph Sub-agency h a rbo r Kikusui-maru No. 2 Radio L oca tio n K ik usu i-rn a ru N o . xK ik u su i:m a ru N o . M ay 29 , 1950 Telegraph Sub-agency 2 b elon g in g to 2 b elon g in g to' Y A M A Z A K I K a i- S A K A I K ik am ateu su k e Chiyo-maru No. 3 Radio M oo red N ag asak i S h im on o se k i Telegraph Sub-agency h a rb o r Koei-maru No. 3 Radio Tele- L o catio n K o ei-m aru N o . 3 , K o ei-m a ru N o . 3 graph Sub-agency b elon g in g to b elo n gin g to M A T S U Y A M A K O N D O N a oji m R ok u ta ro N om en clatu re M a tsu ya m ad a isa n K on d o D a isa n on T e le gra ph K o ei-m a ru K oe i-m a ru Ten-yo-maru No. 12 Radio C all sign JIIJ 4 JK H Q Telegraph Sub-agency Uguisu Radio Telegraph Sub- M o ored N ag asak i M o ji h a rb o r agency


JAPANESE NATIONAL RAILWAYS Japanese National Railways Notification No. 169 August 15, 1950 The following amendment shall be made to a part of "Name of Japanese National Railways Automobile Line" (Japanese T^itional Railways Notification No. 31 of June, 1949), and be put in force as from August 15, 1950: ' President of Japanese National Railways KAGAYAMA Yukio In the item of the Ungei Main Line in the part of the Ungei Line, "between Izumo-Imaichi and Bingo-Tokaichi" shall be amendment" as "Izumo-Imaichi and Bingo-Tokaichi, between Hiraiwa and Yoshida-machi". * Japanese National Railways Notification No. 170 August 15, 1950 As from August 15, 1950, a traffic service by the Japanese National Railways Motor Vehicles shall -24- be started between Hiraiwa and Yoshida-machi on the Ungei Line,' as follows: , President of Japanese National Railways KAGAYAMA Yukio 1. Station and Kilometerage. v Nameof Station Location Kilometerage Hiraiwa (existing station on the Ungei Line) Hiraiwa-Tenguiwa Tengu iwa Oaza Kawajiri, Yoshida-mura, Iishi- gun, Shimane Prefecture Tenguiwa-Nakoda Nakoda Oaza Furuta, Yoshida-mura, Iishi- gun, Shimane Prefecture Nakoda-Yogh ida-machi Yoshida-maclii Oaza Yoshida-machi, Yoshida-mura, Iishi-gun, Shimane Prefecture , 2. Scop of Service Only passenger traffic shall be handled at each stations listed in the preceding item.

Japanese National Railways Notification No. 171 x August 15, 1950 The following amendment shall "be partially made to the notification covering Reduction of Pas- senger Fares for Disabled persons (JNR Notification No. 20 of February, 1950) : s President of Japanese National Railways KAGAYAMA Yukio The following will be inserted after item 1: * 1-2. Section applicable Between Stations on the Japanese National Railways, and Stations there- on and private lines with which interline traffic is maintained with the former. Minato-ku, Nagoya-shi, has applied for registration PUBLIC NOTICE of preservation of ownership of the land, building, structure, machinery and implements belonging to ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S OFFICE the said company at 13, Showa-machi, Minato-ku, Nagoya-shi for the purpose of creating a factory Factory Foundation foundation, any person who has a claim over the August 15, 1950 movable property that is to be included in the Whereas Tokyo Conduit K.K., 73, Minato-cho, aforesaid foundation or any creditor of seizure Kawasaki-shi, has applied for registration of alter- provisional seizure or provisional disposition of the ation of the inventory of the established factory abovementioned property, shall file his claim with foundation with intent to add to the said founda- this Office within thirty-two days from the day of tion the machinery and implements^ belonging to publication of this notice. the factory of the said company to the factory The inventory of the said foundation is available ioundation registered No. 35 of this Office, any per- at this Office for the inspection of the interested son who has a claim over the movable property parties. that is to be included in the aforesaid foundation Furusawa Branch Office, or any creditor of seizure, provisional seizure or Nagoya Legal Affairs Bureau provisional disposition of the abqvementioned prop- erty, shall file his claim with this Office within August 15, 1950 thirty-two days from the day of publication of this Whereas Nippon Kasei Chemical Industries, Ltd. notice. (Nippon Kasei Kogyo K.K.)> 6, 6-chome, Nishi- The inventory of the said foundation is available ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo has applied for registration at this Office for the inspection of the interested of preservation of ownership of the land, building, parties. structure, machinery, implements, etc. belonging to Kawasaki Branch Office, the Kurosaki Factory of the same Company located Yokohama District Legal Affairs Bureau at 2447-12 and 2447-13, Gotanshinkai, Fujita, Yaha- ta-shi, Fukuoka, for the purpose of creating a fac- August 15, 1950 tory foundation, any person who has a claim over Whereas Nagoya Zosen K.K., 13, Showa-machi, the movable property that is to be included in the -25- aforesaid foundation or any creditor of seizure, The inventory of the said foundation is available provisional seizure or provisional disposition,of the at this Office for the inspection of the interested abovementioned property, shall file his claim with parties. this Office within thirty-two days from the day of Kurosaki Branch Office, publication of this notice. Fukuoka Legal Affairs Bureau

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Registration of the Assignment of Copyright August, 1950

R eNDg iuassmtterrb aaoetrfiionn Twitloer ko f pDpuabetDelri facotarfetm iWooanfo n rcoker NAaumtheo ro f RPeugripsotrsaet ioofn RG ergoiusntrda tfioorn

sNe pot.. 5 2663,8 ,1 9a4.9 K(PCyaoormwta pk1le.o)tkeu FM eaby, 2351, 1199449 MSahtisguemh aortuo A scsiogpnymreignhtt o f Tcw horpeit yirniAgg shwstia gsn mfmoeran dte thboeisf-

in o ri e v ol.) tw e en th e follo w in g p erson s on F eb . 25 , 1949 : A ssign o r : S h igeh a ru M atsum oto . (328 K om ach i, K am ak u ra- sh i, K an a gaw a-k en ) A ssign ee : S h a k aii S h i- s o K en k y uk a i S h u p - p an -b u , re p resen ted b y H ik osab u ro Y a su d a , (c/o S a iw a i B u ild in g , U ch isa iw a i-ch o ,C H iyo d a-k u , T o k yo)

sNepot.. 5 2663,9 ,1 9a4.9 K(Pyaorwta 1k.o)k u FM eaby. 3251,, 19949 MS ha itgseuhm aomto A cssoipgynrmigehntt o f Tc hope y rAighssti g n mfoern t th oisf

(C om plete w r itin g w as m ad e b e - in on e v o l.) . tw een th e fo llo w in g p erson s on F eb . 25 , 1949 : A ssign o r : S h a k a i S h iso K en k yu k a i S h u p pa n -b u , rep re - sYBcehaunoistl,ude ddina gb. ,y C(HUch/ciokhi yoiossSdaaaiabiw-wukarauioi-,

TAp roseksisygson.)e eIn:*c . (18V ikE iansgt Y S.,t .U, N.S e.Aw .)Y o rk 17 ,

Ministry of Education COMPANIES AND OTHERS company was dissolved on April 5, 1950, in accord- Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) ance with the decision made at the special general July 29, 1950 meeting. Accordingly, the creditors to this com- Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned pany are requested to report their claims within -26- two months from the day following publication of Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) the first notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the March 1, 1950 aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned l iquidation. company was dissolved on February 15, 1950, in Yugeri Kaisha Tanaka-ya Fujin Kutsu-ten accordance with the decision made at the stock- Liquidator : Zirokichi Tanaka holders* general meeting. Accordingly, the credi- 825, 1-chome, Tsunohazu, Shinjuku-ku, tors to this company are requested to report their Tokyo claims within two months from the day of publica- tion of this notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the July 31, 1950 liquidation. Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Yamada Un-yu K.K. company was dissolved on July 24, 1950, in accord- Liquidator : Tasaburo Yamada ance with the decision made at the general meet- 9, 3-chome, Kita-ajikawa-ddri, Kono- ing of stuffs. hana-ku, Osaka •E Failing any claim to be submitted within two months from the day publication of this notice, Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) the credits to this company shall be excluded from July 24; 1950 the liquidation. Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Yugen Kaisha Tomoeya Shokai company was dissolved on July ll, 1950, in accord- Liquidator : Eiichi Mitsushima ance with the decision made at the stockholders' 1418, Ichiba-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama general meeting. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are requested to report their claims with- Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) in two months from the day following publication August 8, 1950 of the first notice. Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Failing any claim to be submitted within the company was dissolved on June 25, 1950, in accord- aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the ance with the decision made at the extraordinary liquidation. c general meeting of shareholders. The creditors to K.K. Yoshimi Shoten this company are requested to report their claims Liquidator : Shoho Yoshimi within two months from the day following publica- •E 247, Shoshoi-machi, Ebisugawa-noboru, tion of this first notice. Karasumaru-dori, Nakakyo-ku, Kyoto Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) liquidation. July 5, 1950 Kokusai Kanko Bussan K.K. Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Liquidator : Hajime Yoshizawa company was dissolved on June 20, 1950, in accord- 77, Nishikubo-cho, Hodogaya-ku, ance with the decision made at the stockholders* Yokoham a general meeting. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are requested to report their claims with- Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) in two months from the day following publication July 8, 1950 of the first notice. Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Failing any claim to be submitted within the company was dissolved on June 30, 1950, in accord- aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the ance with the decision made at the stockholders* liquidation. general meeting. Accordingly, the creditors to this Fukusuke Kyoto-fu Hambai K.K. company are requested to report their claims with- Liquidator : Muneo Yasuda in two months from the day of publication of the 42, Murasakino Nishino-machi, first notice. Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) liquidation. v August 10, 1950 San-yo Kaiun K.K. Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Liquidator : Keinosuke Shibukawa company was dissolved on July 28, 1950, in accord- 5-2, 3-chome, Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, ance with the decisionmade at the special stock- Osaka holders' general meeting. Accordingly, the credi- tors to this company are requested to report their -27- claims within two months from the day of publica- said date, it shall be excluded from the liquidation. tion of the first notice. Liquidator Office of Fertilizer Distribution Failing any claim to be submitted within the Public Corporation aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the Liquidator : Tatsuyoshi Hayashida liquidation. 10, 1-chome, Kanda Sakuma-cho, Kawayo Kpno K.K. Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Liquidators : Suegoro Kawasaki Kiichi Takii Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) Hidezo Nakanishi 12-1, Koaza Hattambayashi, Oaza August 15, 1950 Okukaiinji, Nagaoka-machi, Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Otokuni-gun, Kyoto company was dissolved on June 30, 1950, in accord-, ance with the approved adjustment plan. Accord- ingly, the creditors to this company are requested Notice re Capital Reduction to report their claims within two months from the August 15, 1950 day of publication of the first notice. Notice is hereby given that at the stockholders' Failing any claim to be submitted within the ^general meeting of the undermentioned company aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the iield on August 1, 1950, it was decided that the liquidation. total amount of the capital of ¥500,000 should* be Nihon Nizukuri K.K. --7 reduced to ¥200,000. Liquidators : Eiichi Kato Those who have objections to the aforesaid capi- Soicjii Yamamoto * tal reduction are requested to notify to that effect 20, 2-chome, Fukagawa, Koto-ku, within two months from the day of publication of Tokyo this notice. x Ishizuka Shoji K.K. Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) President & Director : July 15, 1950 Tomimatsu Okochi Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned 1227, 6-bancho, Kami-okawamae-dori, company was dissolved on June 25, 1950, in accord- Niigata-shi ance with the decision made at the stockholders' general meeting held on the same day. According- ly, the creditors to this company are requested to Notice re Dissolution (1st Notice) report their claims within two months from the August 1, 1950 day following publication of this notice. Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Failing any claim to be submitted within the company was dissolved on July 31, 1950, in accord- aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the ance with the decision made at the members* gen- liquidation. eral meeting.' Accordingly, the creditors to this Fukusuke Saitama-ken Hambai K.K. company are requested to report their claims with- Liquidator : Kazumi Abe in two months from the day of publication of this 245, Oaza Shinobu, Gyoda-shi notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the liquidation. August 2, 1950 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Atami Shokuniku Yugen Kaisha company was dissolved on July 15, 1950, in accord- 887-2, Atami, Atami-shi ance with the decision made at the stockholders* general meeting held on the said day. Accordingly, Notice re Dissolution and Calling for Claims the creditors to this company are requested to re- port their claims within two months from the day (3rd Notice) following publication pf this notice. August 15, 1950 Failing any claim to be submitted within the Notice Is hereby given that the undermentioned aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the Public Corporation was dissolved on August 1, 1950, liquidation. in accordance with the provision of Fertilizer Dis- K.K. Suzuki Seisaku-sho tribution Public Corporation Order. Accordingly, Representative Liquidator : the creditors to this Public Corporation are request- Kintaro Suzuki ed to report their claims by October 10, 1950. 13, 3-chome, Takaita-nishi, Fuse-shi Failing any claim to be submitted by the afore- -28- Failing any claim to be submitted withinx the- Notice re Dissolution and Calling for Claims aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the (3rd Notice) liquidation. August 7, 1950 Tokyo Slide Fastener Yugen Kaisha Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned, Liquidator: Toru Miyano company was dissolved on August 1, 1950, in ac- 159, 2-chome, Shibasaki-cho, Tachikawa- cordance with the approved reorganization plan. shi, Tokyo-To Accordingly, the creditors to this contpany are re- quested to report their claims within two months Notice re Dissolution (1st Notice) from the day following publication of this notice. August 1, 1950 Failing any claim to be submitted within the Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the company was dissolved on July 31, 1950. Ac- liquidation. cordingly, the creditors to this company ,are re- s Kurashiki Kikai Kogyo K.K. quested to report their claims within two months Liquidator : Kaniesaburo Inukai from the day of publication of this notice. 650-1, Asahi-machi, Kurashiki-shi Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) liquidation. July 15, 1950 Ichinomiya Shoken K.K. Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned , Liquidator: Meiji Nagasaka company was dissolved on June 25, 1950, in accord- 27, 1-chome, Inari-cho, Ichinomiya-shi, ance with the decision made at the stockholders* Aichi-ken general meeting held on the same day. According- ly, the creditors to this company are requested Notice re Amalgamation of Companies to report their claims within two months from the August 1, 1950 day following publication of this notice. Notice is hereby given that at the stockholders" Failing any claim to be submitted within the general meetings of the undermentioned companies aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the respectively held on July 31, 1950, it was decided liquidation. that A company should be merged with B company Fukusuke Tokyo-Fu Hambai K.K. and the former continue to exist and the latter be Liquidator : Seiji Hirai dissolved on the effectuation of the said amalgama- 3-1, 2-chome, Nihombashi Kodemma- tion- cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo In this connection, any creditor who has objec- tion to the above decision is requested to report to Notice re Capital Reduction that effect to the company concerned within two July 14, 1950 months from the day of publication of this notice. Notice is hereby given that at the members' (A) Kyodo Insatsu Seihon K.K. general meeting of the undermentioned company- 1572, Midori-machi, held on July 13, 1950, it was decided that the total Hiroshima-shij amount of the capital of ¥300,000 should be reduc- (B) Kyodo Tosho KJEC. ed to ¥200,000. 1576, Midori-machi, Any creditor who has objection to the aforesaid Hiroshima-shi decision is requested to notify the company to that Reorganization Notice effect within two months from the day of publica- tion of this notice. July 20, 1950 Yugen Kaisha Shinko Yofukuten Notice is hereby given that at the members" 15, 5-chome, Kamizawa-dori, general meeting held on July 15, 1950, it was decid- Hyogo-ku, Kobe-shi ed to reorganize its constitution of a limited liabil- ity company to be incorporated as a joint-stock Notice re Dissolution (1st Notice) company. Any creditor who has objection to the said deci- July 26, 1950 sion is requested to notify the company to that Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned effect within two from the day following publication company was dissolved on July 26, 1950, in accord- of this notice. ance with the decision made at the members* gen- Yugen Kaisha Tsujikyu Shoten eral meeting held on July 25, 1950. Accordingly, Representative Director : the creditors to this company are requested to re- Kyuhei Tsujimoto port their claims within two months from the day 1, Hishiya-machi, Otsu-shi of publication of this notice. -29 Failing any claim to be submitted within the Notice re Capital Reduction aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the August 15, 1950 liquidation, Notice is hereby given that at the members* gen- Fukui-ken Gomu Hakimono Oroshi K.K. eral meeting of the undermentioned company held Liquidator : Sukezo Katabashi on July 10, 1950, it was decided that the total 10, Sannomaru-rnachi, Fukui-shi amount of the capital of ¥650,000 should be reduc- ed to ¥450,000. Notice re Dissolution (1st Notice) Any creditor who has objection to the aforesaid decision is requested to notify the company to that August 15, 1950 effect within two months from the day of publica- Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned association was dissolved on June 30, 1950, in ac- tion of this notice. Yugen Kaisha Maruya Shoten cordance with the decision rriade at the general 13, Suna-machi, Toyama-shi meeting. Accordingly, the creditors to this asso- ciation are requested to report their claims within Notice re pissolution (1st Notice) two months from the day following publication of this notice. August 10, 1950 Failing^any claim to be submitted within the Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the company was dissolved on July 31, 1950, in accord- liquidation. i ance with the decision made at the stockholders* Shadan-hojin Kenkyu Shizai Kyokai general meeting held on the same day. According- Liquidator : Shiro Masui ly, the creditors to this company are requested to 2-3, Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku, report their claims within two months from the Tokyo day following publication of this notice.

Notice on tlie Decision of Sale of Dissolved Organizations' Properties Decision of the 134th Sale notified in the Official Gazette of July 1 was made as follows: 1. Properties sold & their selling prices: (4) Building 33.00 tsubo ¥55,000 5.00v ( 5 ) Braiding 75.40 100.000 (Floor space) ( 6 ) B u ild in g 4 0 ,2 0 137 ,000 L a n d . 1 8 .5 6 1 3 .2 0 4 2 5 .2 7 1 3 .4 4 3 9 .5 9 5 1 .0 0 / 8 ) B u ild in g 3 1 .0 5 218,000 (F lo o r s p a c e ) ( 9 ) 4 0 .5 0 300 ,000 8 .2 5 L a n d 1 58 .2 7 ( 15 ) 1 6 2 .8 0 200 ,500 < 1 6 ) B u ild in g , 10 8 ,8 7 5 448, 500 L a n d 2 5 1 .8 7 < 1 7 ) B u ild in g 6 .0 0 73,000 L a n d 5 9 .l l (R o a d o f jo in t o w n e r sh ip ) 8 1 .2 0 (P u r c h a s e r 's s h a re , 1 /6 ) (1 8 ) B u ild in g 2 1 .0 0 150,000 L a n d 8 9 .6 5 (R o a d o f jo in t o w n e r s h ip ) 8 1 .2 0 (P u r c h a s e r 's s h a re , 1 /6 ) < 2 0 ) L a n d 8 6 .94 60 ,900 (R o a d o f jo in t o w n e r s h ip ) 8 1 .2 0 (P u rc h a s e r 's s h a r e , 1/6 )

-30- (21) Land , 100.94 70,658 ,, (Road of joint ownership) 81.20 ,* .(Purchaser's share, 1/6) (23) ' Land 95.76 90,000 2. Purchasers: (4), (5) TAKEO Town 5605-1, Takeo, Takeo-machi, Kinujima-gun, Saga-ken (6) IMARI Town 20, Imari-machi, Nishi-matsuura-gun, Saga-ken (8) ARITA Police Union 1781, Arita-machi, 9> >> (ll), (23) KIHARA Shigeo 36, Akamatsu-cho, Saga-shi (15), (16) Saga Prefectural Town-Village Association 36, (17) SASAKI Yasuo

>> > >> (18) UOZUMI Motoo /

i> ft ft (20) YOSftlTAKE Sueichi. 4282, Takatsuhara, Kashima-machi, Fujitsu-gun, Saga-ken (21) YAMAGUCHI Masamoto 36, Akamatsu-cho, Saga-shi Decision of the 135th Sale notified in the Official Gazette of 4 July was made as follows: 1. Properties soltj & their selling prices: (5) Abacus, etc. 7 descriptions , ¥150 \(6) Telephone right 1 5,000 (7) - 1 5,000 2. Purchasers: (5) HAYASHI Shigeo 1585, Ogawa, Kurinao-mura, Kawage-gun, Mie-ken (6), (7) GOTO Kichigoro 54, I^umi, Jonan-nxura, Kuwana-gun, Mie-ken The Sales Commission of the Dissolved Organizations' Properties

