This Document Is Communicated . to Governments for Gfidentia
This document is communicated . to Governments for gfidentia: information in view of the fact that it, has not il been • msidered by the Advisory Committee on Traffic in Ifiom an Other Dangerous Drugs. Communicated to the Council and the Members of the League.] C . 3 1 7 . M . 2 1 3 . 1937.XI. [O.C.S.300 (e).\ Geneva, July 1st, 1937. LEAGUE OF NATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC IN OPIUM AND OTHER DANGEROUS DRUGS SUMMARY OF ILLICIT TRANSACTIONS AND SEIZURES r e p o r te d to the secretariat of the league of nations BETWEEN APRIL 1s t AND JUNE 30t h , 1937 — 2 — PART I. CASES REPORTED IN PREVIOUS SUMMARIES IN REGARD T O WHICH FURTHER INFORMATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED. No. 443. — Seizure of Morphine at Hamburg, November 1931. Del Gracio Case. Reference : The French Government reports (May 29th, 1937) that Auguste C.511.M.251.1932.XI Del Gracio, a warrant for whose arrest was issued by the Public [O.C.294(fr)], page 12; Prosecutor, Hamburg, with a view to his subsequent extradition, for O.C.S.41 and 290. narcotic drug traffic, was arrested in Paris by the French authorities on October 29th. 1936. Del Gracio has been and may still be in touch 33215/157 Rosenbaum, 27707/387. with the international traffickers Abouissac, Eliopoulos, Joseph and Gabriel Schwartz, Astras, etc. No. 1736. Export of 1,500 kg. of Raw Opium from Turkey during the Third Quarter of 1934, destined for Sa’udi Arabia. Reference : The Turkish Permanent Delegation, Geneva, reported (September C.430.M.221.1935.XI 14th, 1936) that from the enquiries made by the Turkish authorities, [O.C.294(y)j, page 12; it would appear that the shipment in question was made on September C.
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