162 THE JAPANESE EMPffiE, 1930

Index to Advertisers

Page (A) Page Komatsu Selsakusho ••••••••••••••...... •...... 82-8 Ahrens. H. & Co., Nachf ...... 127 Kokusal Steamship Co...... •...... 82-8 Anzen Jidosha.:' Kabushikl Kalsha ...... 82-3 Kumamoto' Electrio Co. 82-3 Ambassador Hotel 114-5 Asano Cement <;0. 92-3 {L) (B) Loudon. James 82-3

Bayer Meister Lucius Yakuhin G. K ...... 164-6 (M) Becker & Co...... 0 •••••••• •••• .0 ••••••••••••• 0 ••••• 154-5

Bosswell. J. G. . .. : ...... •...... 82-3 Manchu;ia Dock Co. • •••••••••••••:- '.' ••••••••••• 0 • 0 •• 0 0 ••••• 92-3

Brewer, C. &:. Co...... ~ ...... 98-9 MeiJI Kogyo, KoK. ••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••. 0 •• 0 ••• 0 • 0 • 82-8

Brunner Mond & Co.•••.•.•...... •.•...... 128 Meljl Seito ...... •... 0 0 •••• 0 •••••••• " •••••••• 0 0 •••• 0 ••• 0 •••• 92-3

Burmeister &:. Waln. Ltd...... 162 Mikado, The, Ltd...... 0 ••••••••••••• 0 ••• 82-8

Mitsui Bank ...... 0 ••••••••• 0 •• , •• 0 • :0 • 0 0 •••• 0 • o' 0 • 0 •••••••••• 62-8

Mitsui Gomei Kalaha. .... 00. 0 ...... 0 0 0 ••• Front Fly page

(D) Mltsubisbi Goshl Kaisha ...... 0 ...... 0 0 •• 00 ••• Back Fly page llUyajlma Hotel •...•...... •••...... •...••.•..•..•.....•....• 112-3 Dal Ichl Raw Silk Co...... •...... ••••••••....•...... 154-5 Dal Nippon Selto ...... •...... •...... 92-3 Dunlop Rubber Co...... ••...... •.....• 136-1 (N)

Nlchibel Kogyo Kaiaha .•....•..•.....•...... 0 ••• 0 •• 0 •••• 92-8

(E) Nippon Electric Power Co. • .•.. -•.....•.•••.. 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 0 •••••••• ti2-8

Nippon Petroleum Co...... 0 0 •• 0 ••• 0 0 0 •••• 0 0 0 0 0.' • 0 •••• 82-8 . Eagle Hotel . .- ...... •...... •...... •...... • 112-3 Nippon Sbaryo K.K. •..•. 0 ••••••• 0 • • i •••••• 0 0 •• 0.0 •• 0.000 •••• 114-6 Eastman Kodak Cb...... •...... • 162 Nippon Well DrlllingCo••.•.•••.•.... :-'~"""" 0 •••• 00.0 •••• 62-8

Nippon Yusen Kaisha :••••••••..... ,,' ...... '0"" 0- ••••••••••• -t .....J..,..' (F) .. ' (0) Fairmou"nt &. Mark Hopkins Hotel ...... 114-5 Ojl Sel.hl 92-3 Ferguson. R.o K.. Co. : ...... •...... : ...... 154-5 Okura GumJ ...... _ ...... "...... - 52-53 Fuji Seishi K.K...... ••..•.....•.•....••.....•...... 92-3 Osaki Metal Works ...... 112-3

Fujikura Eleotric Wire Co...... 114-6 00.. ' Fuji Sariroku Eleetric Railway Co...... •••...... 92-3 (S) (G) Saji Co. 114-6 , , Sanyo Gomei Kalaba...... •...... •...... ••.• 62-3 GadeUus &. Co., Ltd. 138-9 Shlmizu-Gumi 62-3 Gen~raJ. Electric ...... •...... 154-5 Smidth F. L., & Co•...... "'\0" 154-6 General Motors ~ ...... Back cover, 98-9 Sulze! Brothers .....••..••...... 0 ••••••••••••••••••• 126 Goodyear Tire Co...... •...... •...•...•...... 119 • (T) (H)

Takaya Code Book .•... 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 • • • • • • • • • • • 114-5 Healing, L . .T•• &: Co. 136-1 Tobatta Foundry Co...... , ...... :.0 •••••••••• 0 •••••• 0 •• 62-3 Heckmann ...... 154-5 Tobo Denryoku ...... •.•••. , ..•.••••••••..•...... •. , •••• 92-3 Hirosbima Gas and Electric Co...... 116 Tokyo AluminUm Jukosho ...... , ...... 116 Tokyo Gas Co...... ••...... •....•...... , ...... •..... 116

Toyo Dengyo K..K...... 0 ••••••••••••••• 82-3 (1) Toyo Kogyosha •..•.•.....•....•••..•.•.•...... ' 82-3

Ik'E'ga.i Iron Works ...... 114-5 DUes. C., &. Co...... 138-9 (U) Imperial Rail"'ays ...... 112-3 Union Oll Co. 136-1

linlversal P1et~~~ '~:~~'~.' .~~: 0 :~:~::::: :::::::::::::::::::: 154-5 (K) KagDshlma Electric Co...... 82-3 (W) - Kamefuku Hotel ...... , ...... 112-3 Kanegafuchi Spinning Co...... 114-5 WeaUnghouse Eleebie Co. of ..... , ...•...•...... 136-7 8!-3 Wilhelm, Otto ...... ~ .... ;.-;.-;-;~~.-.- •• --.- ...... _ .. ___ . ______154-5 Kanto Hydro-elec£i.lCComp:l·~Y· ~ : : '. ~ ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : . : : : : : : ~ ~ ~ : 8%-3 Karafuto KOg}'o K. K...... 92-~ _.-...... -. --lit'i~-jI,·':''!,>llr'''!!'::..-..s.... c.. ! .... ----. ~.~.;" .. ~''=''='r.''!.''::'".~~~~7:-~'''':.~.=: •..•. : ..•••• 1112-3 (Y) .. , ...... -...... 98-' Yasuc!a Bank Koerting & Co...... : ...... ~""" . 62-1 138-9 Yokogawa Bridge Works • 0 .-:-...... ;-.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8%-1

January.25, 193O. Eddtw: SOMETARO SHEBA. ~"3L.-JJ:: "'.a ~"3L.-JJ::+3La .-.-=*. •• . THE JAPANESE EMPIRE, 1930

• •

KOJW< 1'ftnoB: Small Give a Kodak OIld ehic, but Iar8" eDOUgh to be • th0r­ for year-round enjoyment oughly depeodable pic>­ tun>-maker. Anybod;r caD give it with uaur­ Next year and in years that fol­ ...... """"- 0Il7 girl or woman will wear it low, joy without end will come with pride. _ from this season's gift Kodaks. Joy to youngsters and grown-ups alike, for everybody can partake of the pleasure and thrills that will alwaYs abide in pictures. And now, Kodaks have a new appeaL They're here in alluring colors I You have your pick of severalloyely shades, all of them strictly in style ... Even the low­ priced Brownie has the added at­ traction of color. -·Gift Kodaks this year will be p""""", K""... : CJri.KOIWi:: Simp\est welcomed with doubled delight. Simple. reliable. of home mo'lie csmeru. ond .....utiful. a Firat c:hoi


EI. The MARK of B. & W. on a DIESEL ENGINE is a UJarranty of . BURMEISTER & WAINJS Superiority in Gngine Performance, W,.eliability, Simplicity and Gconomy. ,-----~------.------• The World'. TOlIDII8'e of Japaneae Ship. with MaiD Auxiliary Dieael Enginea of FULL POWERED DIESEL MOTOR STEEL SHIPS' BURMEISTER & WAIN TYPE: of Over 2,000 Grou Tomu: Gr. Tons Gr. Tons Aao,ding to lJoytt. Daily Indu ofJUJf. 90th, 1929. i" .n1ia Akagisan Maru ...... 4.700 Hie Maru ...... *11.000 Shikisan.Maru ...... 4.615 ...... *11.000 TOTAL: 812 SHIPS-5.187.084 Gr. Tons, of these are enginecl Koyasan Maru •.•••••.• 2.000 Kurenai Maru ..•••••••••. 1,550 with B. .. W. TYPE. 398 SHlPS-2.437.019 Gr. Ton.. KurarnaS8D Maru ...... 2.000 Sydney Maru ...... 5.300 The D_ largest group of this total are engineel Taje' 105 SHIPS-761,731 Gr. Ton.. Tatsutasan Maru ...... 2.000 Brisbane Maru ...... ·5.300 Hakubasan Maru ...... 6.500 Taihei Maru .; ...... §S.8"O Hakonesan Maru ...... 6.650 Tensan Maru ...... 2.750 Per October let, 1929. the total number of B.... W. type Motor· Asuka Maru ...... 7.600 Sensan Maru ...... 2.750 shipe i. 485 ships aggregating 2.681.430 Gr. Tons, 3.664,961 D. W. Chichibu Maru ...... 16.750 Konsan Maru ...... 2.750 Tons, propelleel by 1,728.877 HP. of B.... W. main Dieoe1 engines. ...... •11,000 Ronsan Maru ...... 2,150 Under construction or in order are more than 152 B & W. * U1Idn _Ii.... § a sisll1' shiP is ..... conslructi.... tJIPI' motorships aggregating more tban 94l,419 Gr. Tons, 1,140.730 In addition there are 3 ships aggregating about 12.000 Gr. D. W. Tons, 746.388 H.P. of a & W. main engines. Tons in order for Japanese shipownera. In addition bereto are more than 111.000 H.P. of B. ... W. marine '-______====_~D~iese~l~en~gin~ .. for auxi\iaries, etc. under cOnstruction or in order. THERE ARE REASONS WHY B. & W. represents Enonnoua Much More Tonnage, Far Higher Powered Marine Diesel Enginea, Far More Advanced and Qualified Poaition for New Construction Than Any Other Type. I. Always Abreast of the Development. Is Always More Economical and Durable. B• & W• Givea Belter Return on the Invealment. Any New Design of B. & W. Diesel Engine Put on the Market Is Furtl,ter More Satiafactory. B. & W. Have Thirty Yean Experience in Diesel Engine Building and Are the Pioneers of the Large Marine Dieael Enginea. TheBe ReaBonB Inclade B. & W. DieBel EngineB in a Superior ClUB of lte.I,.

New Motor driven passenger and cargo liners are B. & W. Diesel engined when the owners desire to combine the u'moat in economy with the highest degree of safety and comfort for passengers and despatch of cargo. Motor driven Tramp ships are almost exclusively B. & W. Diesel engined because such cargo ships muat sutVe tong time witiJ... out overhauJ, often far away from p~rts having repairing facilities. Under such hard c. nditions a & W. Diesel engines have I',uven their superior maintenance of perfonnance and simplicity and economy compared to any other type.

B. .. W. have deli.. ered more than 1.000 .tatio.....,. Dieoe1 -.in.... The ouperiorilJ' of B. .. W ••tatio.....,. Dieoe1 -gin.. io wammtecl by the fact that B. .. W • .,.._ ..... deoip 10 prl rip.lly the AIDe for marine aDd atationary eJl8ia,ea. Becauae Jll&l"iDe emce ia the harder aenice. aDd B. & W. are the auperior marine DieIel ensin., the7 ani eqaaU,. eaperior STATIONARY DIESEL ENGINES.

B. ,. W. TYPES: Fou ....'",," or /w/Joslrok. Di..n engmu ",,/11 ai, or ai,/ea i..;«Ii.... Sing16 acting ""US f,om 25 HP. /0 5.000 H.P. Doubl. auing "";Is f,om 3.000 H.P. *' 25.000 H.P. FOR MARINE AS WELL AS STATIONARY PLANTS. ------_ .. _----._._---_._._------_._._---_._.--._----_ ... _--- Mitsui BUllan Kaiah., Ltd. S. H. Nyholm. Special Representative TOKYO & BURMEISTER WAIN, LTD. Mitsui Building, No. 3. Sole Licencees. Sole Agents ENGINEERS and SHIPBUILDERS, Room 518, in Japan for Marine Engine&. COPENHAGEN. DENMARK TOKYO ...... ,...... ,..",'"',""", ...... >j(: ~f~~""".·~~,.·#!: .·,.:"!~.;o;"~~~~!i'fil'~.. ,...,~:·f:-, :!Ir."... ~, ... .;:;J~:~-.q£,"~':f~.,...; ~~R'~."'".;..&-'-,'Y~.~.~~){(W~:iJ'I:~:~'i",!..~....:.~~ . _.• i ~.k· "bet" [-« ....·rI,·- ...'!!· .... ' we ,t! 'il wOi .... e ,,""*5It' ".'!Hiot ... t 3 Oi"-...erW ... - en +'it,,'" W" * . ;it. td'" 'ii' t $" 't' -; ) "L" ,~, i'-~~~""'~r'-~;>1""~:rn$'~""'-": y1·"-_:··I.~ry J'~>~.ron -~;rr~o~~.,... ..-: ... ~:~'.~I"'''fRl-,rw:l;'· -~',~ >t'\~·r~(. .'~~~,,~~)"i''':'/I·''\;";''r ::.~...... ;"~ ~/_ .. _.. ,. ._. ~ 6 " '~ ~ Il I '.~, "Asro.. ~' t MIlSUBISHIGeSHI K~ISH1\ ~ , ESt~USHED IN 1893 . Cdr. Add,. .~" IWASA~. TOIqO" ' i r'"'+,.'/" CA,PIT AL .------YeaUO,ooo,!.,OO '\ ,t:.",'M .•, ~ .', i'\. .. \' Hll04 OI/i.:.:-.ilf4l'Dnoachl, ,To1(yo "I .,1\, ~. C of' p_~ Bariaft KOYATA IWASAKI (PresicIent). JlaroII HlSAYA IWASAKI. Mf. HiKOYATA 'iwASAKI' , t ' ~~;;'~EPAR~~(c:onirolling Estates,& BWldings) , 0:: ~::;AsJ;;;;~;;~ .. I MlTSUBISHIZOSEN KABUSHIKI 'KAISHA MITSUBISHI KAIJO KASAl HOKEN t (MililUbiahi Shipbuilding &: EDgi~ Co., Lid.) , , KABUSHIK.I KAISHA .' , Ca/JI4 AddrIu,~"rWASAKISIP TOKYO" (Mitaubishl Marine & Fino Insurance eo. Ud,) , SHlP8UILDERS; ENGINE, BOILER &: MACHINERY MAKERS , CIIbI~ Add"" ,..... •• /1>/SURER TOKl'O"· .. Capital • • ;. T_,5O,000,OOO H ..d Office ::-MARUNOUCHI, TOKYO UNDERWRITERS FOR MARINE, FIRB, TRANSPORT. AUTOMOBILE. BURGLARY AND PERSONAL , Shlprarda, Docka & Engine Worko :--Nagasaki, . Hik""bIraa • Arma Workto :-H.psaki Research Laboratory :-Toqo . .ACClDENT INSURANCE , Capital .... -"rea &.000.000,- MITSUBISHI SEITETSU KAlSHA. LTD. Head Office :-MARUNOUCHI, TOKYO , (MiUlubhbl Iron & Steel Co,. LtcL)' Brancbeo and 1.genciea>:-Oeaka. Kobe, Lmdog, New Yal'l•• etr:; c.bI. Addrus :-"IWASA/([RON TOKYO:' . -- , MANUFACTURERS OF IRON AND STEEL, . Capital.. • T_ 25.000.000 ' . , " ""., '-' , t.· .~ .Head C:~~~~~:00~~~~OKYO T~~~~,~~!!s~!~~:;:::m i '. GENERAL BANKING ANDEXC~GEBUSINESS·,. ' MITSUBI~HI SOKO KABUSHIKI KAISHA/ Capital • •• yea 100.000.000 • (Mitsub,.hi Warebou... Co., Ltd) ~ .' , , "" , . Head Office ;-MARUNOUCHl, TOKYO C!" Addr... :--~·IWASAKlS01C .0«1'0" i '. ' ' f LANDING. SHIPPING AND FORWARDING AGEN; • \ Briuu:bc:.:-Tokyo. Osaka. Ko~ . , .Otarv,' '.-. · STEVEDORES: WHARFINGERS; CUSTOM, ( , ". Sban~b.i. London, New Yorll, .' BROKERS; WAREHOUSEMEN -., ....",," '-- "'-, , .---'--.----,-"-. f~ Capital ••• Y ... 10.000,000 £ . Head offiCe :-MARUNOUCHI, TOKYO MITSUBISHI KOKUKI KABUSHIKi KAlSHA IIraDch.-:-Tokyo, ~ , o.ar..; K-. Moll ,. (Mitsllbi.hl Aircraft eo. Lt4.~ , . c.bIo Add,...:-"IWASAKlAlR TOKYO'" . . t MITSUBISHI SHOJI KAISHA, LTD. MANUFACTURERS OF AIRCRAFT, AJ;:RO·ENGINES" t.,' . (Mitsubisbl Tradi.., Co. Ltd) . AERONAUTICAL ARMS, AUTOMOBILES" ETC, I Qo6It TOKYO" A""-:-"/wASAKlSAL Capital '. • • 1,000.000 lMPORTERll AND EXPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS, Yea . COMMISSION MERCHANn\, BR~ SHIP OWNERS Reed Office :-MA1mNOOCHJ, TOKYO i,,: Capital • • • Yea 15,0,00,000 ,r· . Hoad Office ,...MARUNOUCHI,. TOKYO , , Bruch.. &: Agenein :-(Home) KeeluD£ Kobe. Ku.... Moll. · lfqua!d, Nagoya. o..k.. Otaro, Saaebe, Seoul, 'takow. Yoko­ - ~ , tf ham.. em. (0y_.. 1 Chinwangtao, Dair..... Hankow, Harb~ t H""atroa.. 1oodoa, L,.",.. Mukd.... New York, Paris, SaD MlTSUBISHI ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ~ Pnnciaco, Seattle, ShaOjl!hai. SinpPDNo SoerabaJa. SydDey, COMPANY, LTD. t~ T-.u., 1'IioJtao. Vancouv .... etc.. , . AJld.... ,....." IWASAKlLEC TOKYO" · , c.w.. , ~ . MITSUBISHI KOGYO KAISHA,LTD. MANUFACTURERS OF GENERA;rORs, MOTORS. TRANS. .'" (Mi,.biobl Minin, Co., Ltd.)'. • FORMERS, OTHER ELE~RICAL MACHINERIES, AIR. Ca/JI4 Addroa ;-"/WASAKlMlN TOKYO" BRAKE APPARATUS &: DOOR CONTROL ENGINES PRODUCERS AND"SELLERS OF COAL, METALS AN ' c:.,IIaI • .. - '.~ 15.0ci0.000 OTJiEIl MINERALS i'?d Offic:e:-MARuNbuCHI, TOInO CaPiIaI" .. 00,000.000 • ¥. ' ...... Worb:-~N~cN""~ . HfOd OIIice....\wtUNOucm. TOKYO • -/ ' '\ ' Motal Mi... .,.-O ..... a_ 'I\nmo, Sado, Arab", )falrimjae, t" Akenobe, Yoohloka, pkara, KiIlte~ etc:. ~ , '/ \\ 't. Coal Min.. ,.....Takuhirna, BibDl, NIUIlUIIta, Ochl. ~ ~ ,. -~, ,-",' .,..,. "; ,- •.! - :~.~.~. Holt>. ltamiYJllllod•• Oyubarl, Aahibetau, etc. MITSUBlSHI TRUST COMPANY, LTD. M_Uurgical War'" Refineries &: Factorir-tatiYa"":Tokyo; Yokohama, Waka· • ~ _ Saklto, Km-atoa, Moji, Osaka, o.ar ... MW1II'UI, H·W..... Capital • - - Yea 30,~ , ~. Kusltinl. Sapporo, Aomwi, Fomoka_ SoncIai. Omiut... T--. Head 0I&c:e o-MARUNOUCHI, TOKYO r )ljip~ Saka~ Faabilri, Ejiri. etc. i MiAiDI and MetaIluqrjca\ LaboratorJ' ,.....Tokyo Brauch :-:-Oeaka

t ¥ 7 , t !est sa' 'on _'b-,' Uti's , . " ••' Wte • : .., I r ...t,"'.",td'"