OFFICIAL GAZETTE ENGLISH GOVERNMENT PRINTING AGENCY }[ EDITIONJ BZ.H-4H-ftZrt-B H=i No. 1315 TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1950 Price 28.00 yen. Court Rule No. 14 of 1947) shall partially be amend- SUPREME COURT RULE ed as follows : In the column for the territorial jurisdiction of Supreme Court Rule No. 24 Matsumoto Branch of Nagano District Court on the , * , August 15/1950 attached papers, "territorial, jurisdiction of Suwa Rule for Partial Amendments to the Rule con- Summary Court'* and "territorial jurisdiction of cerning Establishment X>f Branches of District Okaya Summary Court" shall be deleted; in the Courts and Family Courts shall be determined as column for the jurisdiction of Suwa Branch of follows : Nagano District Court, "Otsu (or B class)" shall Supreme Court read "Ko (or A class)"; in the column for the y Rule for Partial Amendments to the Rule territorial jurisdiction of Itami Branch of Kobe concerning Establishment of Branches, of District Court "territorial jurisdiction of Amagasaki District Courts and Family Courts Summary Court" shall be deleted; next to the The Rule concerning Establishment of Branches column for the same Branch, following one column of District Courts arid Family Courts (Supreme shall be added: A m a g a s a k i B r a n ch $o f K o b e A m a g a s a k i S u m m a r y C o tir t D is tr ic t C o u r t A m a g a sa k i-s h i " O t su " o r (" B " ) N is h in o m iy a S u m m a ry C o u r t in the column for the jurisdiction of Ichinomiya of Karatsu Branch of Saga District Court; in the Branch of Nagoya District Court, Yokkaichi Branch column for the territorial jurisdiction of Nayoro of Tsu District Court, ©gaki Branch of Gifu Dis- Branch of Asahikawa <District Court, "territorial trict Court and Karatsu Branch of Saga District Court, "Otsu (or B class)" shall read "Ko (or A jurisdiction of Mombetsu Summary Court" shall be class) " ; "territorial jurisdiction of Imari Summary deleted, and next to the column for the same Court" shall be added to the territorial jurisdiction Branch, following one column shall be added: M om b etsu -ch o , I M o m b etsu B ra n ch of A sa h i- M o m b etsu -g un , "O tsu " or (" B " ) k aw a D istrict C ou rt M o m b etsu S u m m a ry C o u rt H o kk a ido conducted by the respective Court or Branch Supplementary Provisions : concerned. 1. The present Rule shall come into force as from President of the Supreme October 1, 1950. Court 2. The business about the cases which are, at the TANAKA Kotaro time of the enforcement of this Rule, pending at Matsumoto Branch of Nagano District Court, Kobe District Court, Itami Branch of Kobe District OFFICE ORDINANCE Court, Nagoya District Court, Tsu District Court, Gifu District Court, Saga foistrict*Court, Nayoro Attorney-General's Office Ordinance Branch of Asahikawa District Court ; Matsumoto No. 101 Branch of Nagano Family Court, Kobe Family August 15, 1950 Court, Itami Branch of Kobe Family Court, In accordance with the provisions of Art. 2 Nagoya Family Court, Tsu Family Court, Gifu par. 4 of the Public Procurator's Office Law (Law Family Court, Saga Family Court and Nayoro No. 61 of 1947), the Ordinance concerning the Es- Branch of Asahikawa Family Court shall be tablishment of the Branches of the District Public 1- Procurator's Offices corresponding to the Branches Partial Amendment to Regulation for t)f the District Courts and that of the Family Courts Control of Import Trade (Ministry of Justice Ordinance No. 42 of 1947) shall partially be amended as follows : Regulation pertaining to Control of Import Trade Attorney-General (Ministry of International Trade and Industry Or- dinance No. 77 of 1949) shall be hereby partially OHASHI Takeo amended as follows : The Ordinance shall be entitled as follows : In Article 7 paragraph 3, "proviso to Article 13 paragraph 9" shall be amended as "proviso to Rule for the Establishment of the Branches Article 13 paragraph 10"; the same paragraph of of the District Public Procurator'^ Office the same article shall be amended as paragraph 5; In the column of District Court Branch of the the succeeding paragraphs shall be moved down Annexed Table, **Kobe District Court, Itami accordingly and next to paragraph 2 of the same Branch" shall be amended as article, Ithe following two paragraphs shall fae "Kobe1 District Court, Itami Branch added. ,. and Kobe District Court, Amagasaki Branch 3 The bank, when required to re-deposit the "Asahikawa District Court, Nayoro Branch" as guarantee money at the Bank of Japan Under the "Asahikawa District Court, Nayoro Branch " provision of Article 13 paragraph 3 of the Order, Asahikawa District Court, Mombetsu Branch, shall re-deposit the guarantee money at the Bank and in the column of Name of District Public Pro- of Japan upon reference under the provision of curator's Office Branch of the said Table,, "Kobe Article 5 of the Order and accompanied by a District Public Procurator's Office Itami Branch" document indicating matters relating to the re- shall be amended as depositing of the said guarantee money. "Kobe District Public Procurator's Office, Itami Kobe District Public Procurator's Office,Amagasaki 4 The term of re-depositing shall be the term as designated, within the period of twenty days, by Branch and "Asahikawa District ,Public Pro- the Minister of International Trade and Industry curator's Office, Nayoro Branch" as in the announcement as provided for} in Article s "Asahikawa District Public Procurator's Office, of the Order. % ^ Asahikawa District Public Procurator's Office, Next to Article 7, the following one article shall Mombet^Branch," and in ^e-column of Location be added : of District Public Procurator's^Office Branch of the (Exception of limitation on arrangement for said Table, *'Itami City" shall be amended as foreign means of payment) "ItamiAmagasakiCitv City " and "Nayoro-machi, Kamikawa- Article 7-(2). Any one desiring to obtain the per- mission of the Minister of International Trade gun, Hokkaido" as and Industry under the provision of Article 13-(2) "Nayoro-machi, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido " proviso to paragraph 1 or proviso to paragraphs JVIombetsu-machi, Mombetsu-gun, Hokkaido.. shall submit a document classifying reason there- for together with the import license. Supplementary Provision : 2 The Minister of International Trade and In- The present Ordinance shall come into force as dustry, in case he gives the permission of the from October 1, 1950. preceding paragraph, shall return to the applicant the import license with such statement thereon. MINISTERIAL ORDINANCE Supplementary Provision : This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into force Ministry of International Trade and as from the day of its promulgation. Industry Ordinance No. 69 August 15, 1950 Ministry of Transportation Ordinance For the purpose of enforcement of the provisions No.60 of Article 13 paragraph 2 and Article 13-(2) of the Cabinet Order concerning Control of Import Trade August 15, 1950 (Cabinet Order No. 414 of 1949), the Regulations The Ministerial Ordinance for Partial* Amend- for Control of Import Trade shall be amended as ment to the Allocation Regulations of Petroleum follows : Products for Motor Vehicles shall be fixed as fol- , / Minister of International lows: Trade and Industry Minister of Transportation YOKOO Shigemi YAMAZAKI Takeshi x2 i. Ministerial Ordinance for Partial Amend- Transportation Bureau" shall be amended as "the ment to the Allocation Regulations of governor of To, Do, Fu or prefecture." Petroleum Products for Motor Vehicles In Article 7 paragraph 1, "the chief of Land The Allocation Regulations of Petroleum Products Transportation Bureau" shall be amended as "gov- for Motor Vehicles (Ministry of Transportation ernor of To, Do, Fu or*prefecture", and after Ordinance No. 64 of 1949) shall be partially amend- paragraph 3 in the same Article, the following one ed as follows: paragraph shall be added : The following one paragraph shall be added after 4 Any person registered shall, when the registra- Article 1 paragraph 3: tion is cancelled, without delay return the sticker to the governor of To, Do, Fu or prefecture , 4 In this Order, "general eligible persons*' shall having jurisdiction. mean, among those persons coming under items 1 and 2 mentioned hereunder, those persons In Article 8 paragraph 1, "Director of Land using motor vehicles which passed the vehicle Transportation Bureau" shall be amended as "the inspection provided for in the Road Transporta- governor of To, Do, Fu or prefecture" and in par. tion Law (Law No. 191 of 1947), and which has 2 of the same Article "chief of Land Transporta- been registered. "Emergent eligible persons*' tion Bureau" shall be amended as "Governor of k~ 'shall mean those persons possessing the Registra- To, Do, Fu or prefecture". In Article 9, "the chief of Land Transportation tion of Motor Vehicle as well as Quarter Master Bureau shall examine the Application for Alloca- Petroleum Permit, and "eligible persons" shall tion", shall be amended as "the governor of To, meangeneral eligible persons as well as emergent eligible persons : Do, Fu or prefecture shall examine the Application for Allocation, and in accordance with the standard (1) Any person other than those to whom the House Registration Law (Law No. 224 of 1947) of allocation to be decided by the chief of Land 'Transportation Bureau for each period of allocation shall apply and shall have permanent domicile, in consideration of transportation and fuel situa- any person with Japanese nationality as well as tion." nationality other than Japan, or a juridical person established under foreign laws ; In Article 10 paragraphs 1 and 2, and Article ll paragraph 2, "the chief of Land Transportation <2) Any persons in possession of convertible account in'accordance with the Cabinet Order Bureau" shall be amended as "the governor of To, Do, Fu or prefecture.'* concerning Convertible Account (Cabinet Order No.
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