The 10 Most Common Toxicoses in Dogs
Toxicology Brief managing common poisonings in companion animals PEER-REVIEWED The 10 most common toxicoses in dogs Irina Meadows, DVM, and Sharon Gwaltney-Brant DVM, PhD ogs are usually exposed to potentially toxic house- Chocolate hold products and medications accidentally. But 2 Chocolate contains two types of Dsometimes well-intentioned owners unknowingly methylxanthine, theobromine and caf- give their dogs harmful products and medications. To help feine, with their amounts varying de- prepare you for patients with theses toxicoses, we com- pending on the type of chocolate. For piled this list of the 10 most common hazards to dogs, example, milk chocolate contains about based on the number of calls we have received at the 60 mg/oz methylxanthine, dark chocolate about 150 mg/oz, ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) between 2001 and baking chocolate about 450 mg/oz.3 and 2005.1 Clinical signs of chocolate ingestion range from GI upset to cardiovascular effects (e.g. tachycardia, hypertension or hy- Ibuprofen potension, arrhythmias) to CNS signs (e.g. agitation, pacing, hy- 1 Ibuprofen, a nonsteroidal anti- peractivity, tremors, seizures). The toxicity depends on the inflammatory drug with analgesic, anti- type of chocolate, the amount ingested, the size of the animal, inflammatory, and antipyretic effects,2 is and the animal’s sensitivity to methylxanthines. Mild stimula- available in a variety of strengths. The tion such as hyperactivity, agitation, and restlessness may most common over-the-counter occur in dogs ingesting around 20 mg/kg methylxanthine. strength is 200 mg, but the prescription-strength tablets can Cardiotoxicosis may occur in dogs ingesting 40 mg/kg, and contain up to 800 mg ibuprofen.
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