PLAYING THE BASS BASS THE PLAYING WITH THREE LEFT HANDS WILL CARRUTHERS ‘ Will Carruthers’ Playing The Bass With Three Left Hands is at the least the funniest rock memoir since Andrew Matheson’s Sick on You. Carruthers is a wonderfully droll narrator and the book is effectively a series of well-wrought comic set pieces’ Uncut, 9/10 Cover Playing the Bass.indd 1 25-8-2016 13:16:35 Playing the Bass with Th ree Left Hands I can confi rm that should you ever fi nd yourself on stage play- ing the bass guitar with tree left hands, it is usually he one in the middle that is the real one. Th e other two are probably phantoms. Playing the Bass with Th ree Left Hands tells the story of one of the most infl uential, revered and ultimately demented British bands of the 1980s, Spacemen 3. In classic rock n roll style they split up on the brink of their major breakthrough. As the decade turned sour and acid house hit the news, Rug- by’s fi nest imploded spectacularly, with Jason Pierce (aka Jason Spaceman) and Pete Kember (aka Sonic Boom) going their se- parate ways. Here, Will Carruthers tells the whole sorry story and the segue into Spirtualized in one of the funniest and most memorable memoirs committed to the page. Specifi cs Playing the Bass with Th ree Left Hands was published in Septem- ber 2016 by Faber Social 308 pages Agency Michaël Roumen: T: + 31 6 42136212 E:
[email protected] Oscar van Gelderen: T: + 31 6 46096823 E:
[email protected] Will Carruthers Playing the Bass with Th ree Left Hands Lebowski Agency, 2016 © Will Carruthers, 2016 © Lebowski Agency, Amsterdam 2016 Cover design: Peter de Lange Photograph of the author: © Fransesca Sara Cauli Typesetting: Crius Group, Hulshout Lebowski Publishers is an imprint of Overamstel Publishers bv All rights reserved.