NexxPhase appreciates the opportunity to become a part of the State of *HRUJLD¶VWHFKQRORJ\ IXWXUHThe Georgia Technology Authority is structuring its supplier contracts and business relationships in a manner that allows each agency to make best-fit infrastructure decisions that derive from sound technical and business guidance from a trusted partner in GTA that harvests technology options that combine foresight, economy, versatility, and, primarily, pinpoint functionality that delivers measurable business outcomes.

NexxPhase understands the GTA and partner agency objectives and needs, and we believe that our array of applications coalesces precisely with your stated objectives.

:KDW\RX¶UHORRNLQJ IRULVemblematic of what the greater enterprise contact center marketplace something we deal with every day. We welcome you to challenge us. NexxPhase will step forward.

GTA and the agencies of government in the State of Georgia are intensively seeking solutions that drive down costs, increase efficiency of operation, and provide constituents immediate and meaningful issue closure through innovations and self-service.

$VWKHVWDWHRI*HRUJLD¶VWUXHSDUWQHU1H[[3KDVHZLOOHQWHULQWR DVKDUHGPLVVLRQ WRGHOLYHU top-flight solutions that provide the state continuing opportunities to achieve cost-savings: x NexxPhase pricing versatility aligns fully with your pricing objectives outlined in the SURJUDP¶VVWDWHPHQWRIZRUN -C Solution Document §6.1 x :HZRQ¶WVWRSfine-tuning our solutions to yield additional savings throughout the life of each engagement x AND, we will guarantee our results (see our 2-E RFQ statement of work). %\PRVWRIWKHWHFKQRORJLHVWKHVWDWHXVHVZLOOEHSURYLVLRQHGDVDVHUYLFHRQDQ³DVQHHGHG´EDVLV and used only as long as they are viable. The cost of services will be reasonable, and payments will be timed to consumption. The state will be able to quickly pivot from one service to another.


As a true Software as a Service (SaaS) Supplier, we are judged on our performance and capability every day by demanding commercial partners,IDFXVWRPHULVQ¶WKDSS\IRUDQ\UHDVRQWKH\OHDYHFor that reason, \RXFDQEHDVVXUHGWKDWZH¶OOVWD\RQWRSRIWKHODtHVWWHFKQRORJ\ DQGLQGXVWU\ ³EHVWSUDFWLFHV´ Also, since agencies may compete among up to threHYHQGRUVLW¶VXSWRXVWRSURYLGHWKHODWHVW technology coupled with the best people at the lowest cost.

:HFDQOHW\RX³WU\EHIRUH\RXEX\´LQWZRZD\V)LUVWZHFDQVHWXSD³VDQGER[´ZKHUH\RXFDQSOD\ with the system and get used to it. Second, we can set up a trial for 25 ± 50 seats, where you have live agents taking calls, without impacting the systems you have today. Citizens and companies will conduct a larger percentage of business online. A fisherman heading to his favorite fishing pond will be able to use his mobile device to renew his fishing license. The skier headed for the lake can renew his boat registration. The driver headed out on vacation who notices that her vehicle tag has expired can renew her tag online and have the receipt on her phone in case she is stopped by a traffic authority. (Georgia Enterprise IT Plan 2020)

When the Georgia Enterprise IT plan talks about mobile technology, you have to go beyond the mobile properties of the phone, and look to the other capabilities of smartphones, Web access, chat, email, video chat and more will be second nature to all of us in a few years. And NexxPhase has it now.

Security will be a constant concern to the state as attacks on its information systems increase in number and sophistication. As the need to provide citizens with greater access grows, so will the challenges of keeping their private information safe and secure. (Georgia Enterprise IT Plan 2020)

Information security is our critical focus:HWU\127WRVWRUHDQ\GDWDRQRXUVHUYHUV:H¶GSUHIHUWR KDQGOHWKHWUDQVDFWLRQEXWOHWWKHGDWDEDVHZH¶UHXSGDWLQJUHVLGHRQ\RXUpremises7KDWVDLGZH¶UH3&, certified, and expect FedRAMP certification in the next year.

Improve Contact Center Service Platform / Solutions (GTA H CC CANDIDATE RE VI EW SESSIONS) ± Move current GTA customers for Contact Center services to a new contract vehicle that enables the customer to work directly with the Service Provider and to have a choice of platforms and solutions.

We are eager to join, and to lead, a roster of top-tier suppliers, none of which can afford to rest on past success nor cease to improve our quality and performance standards and cost efficiencies.

Enable Efficient Transition (GTA HCC CANDIDATE REVIEW SESSIONS) ± Enable the transition of customers on the current Nortel/Avaya platform before the end of 2014 (and the end of platform support). At-Risk Agency to be fully transitioned to a new platform as soon as possible

NexxPhase engineers implementation for effectiveness and efficiency. Our approach to implementation is proactive and responsive, planned to exacting detail and fully transparent to the state through regularly scheduled and as-needed communication and interaction and an overarching Executive Summary Report which will establish a detailed record of the entire project.

With an Atlanta base of operations, the NexxPhase executive team will remain close to and fully engaged with all efforts and progress surrounding NexxPhase support for the GTA Hosted Contact Center and will pledge all available resources and WDOHQW WRHQVXUHWKHSURJUDP¶V continuing successful execution. We are committed to our service to the Georgia Technology Authority. NexxPhase believes that together with GTA, we can establish a model of public sector technology acquisition and deployment that can stand as a model to be emulated by other states and jurisdictions.

Respectfully submitted,

Craig J. Mento CEO, NexxPhase Incorporated! !"#$%&'()"*+,#-#%.(/01+#$&1.( ( 2"334+'5"6(788(/11'*+9",1(:;8( <#-01&#,(=#*09",1(

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The Ne xxPhase hosted Customer Inte raction Platform (Cx M ) is a compre hensive, scalable and fe ature rich SaaS platform for ope rating large scale contact center environments.

Ne xxPhase allows its customer to rapidly scale up or scale down based on the need of the agency, or e nte rprise. NexxPhase works closely with its customers to understand scalability re quire ments, se asonal adjustme nts, and pote ntial e mergency scenarios, to provide a fle xible and affordable solution.

The Ne xxPhase platform is a multi-te nant platform. Custome rs can e asily segment or share agents and program data base d on the needs and business processes inhe rent in e ach agencies operational mode l.

The Ne xxPhase platform is fully re dundant. In addition to the inhe re nt re dundancy of the platform, Ne xxPhase maintains mirrore d data ce nte rs in Atlanta, GA and Dallas, T X for business continuity and disaster re covery purposes.

Ne xxPhase supports VoIP (SIP) and T D M communications. The NexxPhase platform is a native SIP platform, but e asily accommodates T D M services via carrie r-grade T D M gateways located in e ach of its data ce nters. NexxPhase agents may select either hard or softphone deployments. The Ne xxPhase softphone is a small windows, M acintosh or Linux application that re quires little des ktop overhead.

Ne xxPhase is headquarte red in Atlanta, GA, and most Ne xxPhase support staff me mbe rs are also locate d in Georgia. All NexxPhase support staff me mbe rs are located in the USA.

Ne xxPhase supports H CC seats in e ither traditional contact ce nter loc ations or re mote teleworkers. Ne xxPhase is able to extend the same functionality to e ach worke r, the only re quire ment is broadband ip conne ctivity.

Ne xxPhase e ncourages its customers to execute their own administrative functions. M oves, Adds, and Changes (M AC) work is work that can be comple ted by traine d customer staff, or the Ne xxPhase service desk. No additional charge is applie d for customers who wish to maintain the ir own administrative te ams to execute M A C work.

Ne xxPhase provides the capability to disposition calls inhe rently within a browse r desktop, or via API integration to contact center enable existing C R M or other customer applications.

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Ne xxPhase e mploys an imple me ntation methodology that integrates agency designees into the long- te rm support plan. This allows close integration of age ncy support infrastructures to the Ne xxPhase support team to streamline the support of desktop systems. (

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( The NexxPhase platform includes a comprehensive A CD solution built on top of the NexxPhase routing engine. This delive rs an out-of-the-box multi-channel custome r inte raction environment. Supported channels include email, chat, social media, voice, fax, and more. The NexxPhase platform includes the ability to create and deploy simple or complex IVR solutions.

NexxPhase offe rs comprehensive contact routing including queue -based, skill-based, role- based, cost-based, and custom routing paramete r definitions. Because the NexxPhase C X M is based on an application environment, it is not limited by traditional A CD routing restrictions. Features like web-based click-to-call, virtual queuing, web or queue-based call backs are easily implemented through the NexxPhase solution, and those features are included at no additional charge.

NexxPhase provides the option to all of its custome rs to do their own moves, adds and changes (M A C) work ± including adding and removing use rs, modifying queues (gate open/close), and adjusting time of day routing. NexxPhase supports G TA requested features like adjustable wrap times, forced calls to agents, customizable agent whispe r features, unlimited not ready (AUX) and available codes. !"#$%&'$()***+,--+******.*(/( ,&0123$-&41561$-24127( >(#?(@A(

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NexxPhase is extremely flexible in its ability to create effective call delive ry models, being able to adapt its routing strategy to custome r requirements rathe r than force custome rs to adopt a limited routing strategy. For example, NexxPhase custome rs regularly employ pooled agent queues that may span widely deployed geographically dive rse contact cente rs, and @ Home agents/remote worke r populations.

Real-time management of contact cente r resources is a key conce rn for those se rvicing the needs of the public. Whethe r that involves maintaining real-time schedule adhe rence (R TA), KPI threshold management, or the logging in and logging out of agents, NexxPhase can support these key agent management requirements.


"#$%&'!(!)!*'++,-./'!0'.1!2#3'!4./-56.&7!8+.391'! ! In cases whe re CR M integration is required, NexxPhase has existing integrations to leading CRM systems such as RightNow technologies, and othe r CR M and social networking systems. The NexxPhase platform is unique among Cloud-based A CD offe rings because it comes bundled with its open integration toolkit, which can consume web se rvices and APIs directly, streamlining the integration process to off-the-shelf and in- house CR M tools.


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Inte ractions that can be completed by NexxPhase IVR inte ractive will typically save 80- 90% ove r the cost of a live agent. NexxPhase IVR applications work in conjunction with A C D and CRM systems by providing announcements to the calle r, collecting information, and providing a contextually accurate response. Announcements can be recorded or synthesized Text-to-Speech (TTS). Information can be collected as D TM F WRXFKWRQHV Ã  RU$XWRPDWLF 6SHHFK5HFRJQLWLRQ $65 7KURXJK IVR systems programming (scripting), our IVR applications provide an inte rface for calle rs' input of additional information to assist in routing the call to an appropriate agent or the automatic delive ry of requested information.

Because NexxPhase includes a comprehensive Studio application, complex integrations to CR M or othe r ope rational database driven systems are easily accomplished and quick to production.

While our professional se rvices team can help the state design meaningful apps, as well as suggest othe r ways to collect data or provide self-se rvice options ± NexxPhase provides the

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capability for authorized use rs to make changes to the IVR system for situations like se rvice outages, eme rgency weathe r, and business problems.

Like all components of the NexxPhase solution, redundancy capability for IVR is included in the platform.


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The NexxPhase Custome r Inte raction M anage r has the most powe rful reporting engine in the industry. Our clients can choose from nume rous standard reports, or gene rate their own customized reports to fulfill their analytics objectives. NexxPhase can drive web- based dashboards, traditional contact cente r wall boards, provide ad-hoc reporting, and scheduled reporting delive red in many diffe rent formats. All reporting is cloud-based, and all unde r agency control.



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In addition to our standard reports, NexxPhase employs a three stage strategy for delive ring advanced comprehensive reporting and analytics:

x Data Warehouse ± An on-line Oracle Data Repository maintains and populates with real-WLPH GDWD IURP RXU ³VWDW VHUYHU´ WHFKQRORJ\  7KLV VWUXFWXUHG UHSRVLWRU\ maintains data indefinitely and is able to be fully customized to support unified custome r reporting requirements, storing business data alongside traditional contact cente r metrics in a secure environment. x Business Intelligence ± NexxPhase allows partne rs unparalleled access to their data models, providing the ability to slice and dice the data to create relevant reporting, not limiting use to preconfigured reports. NexxPhase enables the creation of easy- to-use dashboards, and fully web-accessible reporting.



x Analytics ± NexxPhase goes beyond just reporting, allowing for trend analysis, exte rnal data ove rlays, and data visualization.

Additionally, NexxPhase can delive r desktop ticke rs that pass custom data directly to the agent or supe rvisor desktops. This ticke r runs as an agent on the workstation and delive rs tailored data to the agent, as well as custom messages7!



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Basic ± includes voice recording for all queues up to 100%. Auditors can listen to recordings online, or export and review them outside the platform. The basic option is included in the base platform and provides a web-based inte rface for searching, retrieving and playing call recordings!" ""


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Advanced ± Through our relationship with VPI, NexxPhase provides a comprehensive call logging (100% recording) and quality monitoring platform for those requiring advanced Quality and Pe rformance M anagement. In addition to the basic features, NexxPhase is able to offe r the following capabilities as a cloud-based se rvice:

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The Empowe r suite of products from VPI provides full-time recording of audio and associated data attributes from all significant telephony systems via a variety of efficient, proven methods that delive r value quickly. Audio, data, and screen recordings can be stored on removable or network-based media for pre-defined pe riod of time, afte r which


the system trigge rs automated purging. ! Based on rules defined by authorized business use rs, the system can automatically select any numbe r of recorded inte ractions and schedule/assign them for evaluation, automatically selecting the most appropriate evaluation form according to call type. Evaluators can then be automatically notified about these recordings in their queue for Q A review. Based on Q A scores awarded to CSRs and uncove red knowledge gaps, the system can automatically trigge r the delive ry of pe rsonalized e Learning content. Agents and supe rvisors may be provided with real or near-real time views of their pe rformance statistics in Web or desktop based ticke rs ± their size, selection of data and layout is use r- customizable.


! "#$%&'!(!ʹ!)'*+*,-'.!/,00!&'1&#'2,0!,3.!-45$!#31'&6,4'! Access to recordings and evaluations is provided to clients via secure Web based inte rface. Gove rnments may access recordings, evaluation inte rface and reports directly, via a use r !"#$%&'$()***+,--+******.*(/( ,&0123$-&41561$-24127( >?(#@(AB(

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profile that points to a custom portal with relevant inte rface tools. M ore detailed information on the Empowe r suite is included in the Enhanced Quality M anagement requirement (section 3.1) !


2.5.1 Customer Surveys

NexxPhase delive rs automatically gene rated post-inte raction custome r satisfaction surveys. Phone inte raction surveys are delive red by an IVR inte raction following a completed call. Surveys following Chat inte ractions are delive red by an automated Chat script. Email and web inte ractions are followed up with email survey. Responses are scored and correlated with call recordings or records of chat, email, or web inte ractions supporting bette r decisions, analytics, reporting, ope rations quality processes, and ultimately improved custome r satisfaction.

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2.6.1 Toll-Free service requirements

NexxPhase will comply with the requirement to provide toll free services on a per-minute and inclusive per-seat basis in our pricing modelB(

2.6.2 Trunking Requirements

NexxPhase as a matte r of best practice maintains a policy of ze ro call-blocking. NexxPhase will work with the requisite agency and agencies to calculate max anticipated volumes and provide trunking that will exceed that calculation by a factor of 2X. Additionally, NexxPhase employs multiple carrie rs to delive r this se rvice, resulting in inhe rent resiliency and unsurpassed call delive ry. This architectural ove r-build is delive red as part of the base NexxPhase se rvice, and does not result in any extra charge to our custome rs.

2.6.3 Data network requirements

NexxPhase allows multiple network connectivity options. In the case that the State elects to provide access to existing State protected networks for se rvice delive ry, NexxPhase proposes connecting to the State network at a pee r point via private Network (M PLS) via one its available carrie rs (A TT, Centurylink, TWTelecom, Windstream) In the event this !"#$%&'$()***+,--+******.*(/( ,&0123$-&41561$-24127( >?(#@(?A(

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option is unavailable, NexxPhase recommends M PLS private network connectivity for call cente rs. As a third tie r connectivity method, NexxPhase allows Inte rnet connectivity to access the se rvicing platform. Inte rnet-based connectivity must be executed through ipsec VPN methods. NexxPhase also recommends inte rnet-based backup as a low-cost business continuity option to private network (M PLS) connectivity.

For @home agents/remote teleworke rs, NexxPhase provides the ability to connect to the NexxPhase platform via SSL VPN. (Cisco Anywhe re)

NexxPhase carefully monitors available bandwidth requirements and call quality scoring in real time on a 24/7/365 basis. The NexxPhase network management system (N M S) monitors and measures network bandwidth, system pe rformance and ope rating environments, and maintains real-time M OS scoring on call quality.

2.6.4 VPN / Security for Transport

NexxPhase will accommodate all State security requirements. NexxPhase has significant expe rience in managing secure network connectivity for custome r inte raction se rvice delive ry, and will meet or exceed all State requirements.


2.6.5 Call Recording

2.6.1 Call Recording


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Ne xxPhase will provide the Empower Suite from VPI to address this re quirement. Key fe atures of Empowe r Suite include the following:

x VPI re cords 100 percent (or any desired ratio) of call and data inte ractions in high-volume , single or multi-site environments of any size . O ur clie nts de te rmine what to re tain, for how long, and on which storage de vice by imple me nting fle xible , inte llige nt business rules. x VPI unifies re cording from any numbe r of audio and data sources and locations ± T D M and VoIP te le phony audio as a standard, while e mploye e des ktop scre e n re cording, e mail, and We b chat are optional. x VPI offe rs ce ntralize d access and administration via se cure We b-based inte rface ± authorize d use rs can quickly and e asily access call re cordings and associate d data, and cre ate , re vie w and se nd re ports. x VPI guards clie nt data from unauthorize d access with granular use r and data se curity rules, compre he nsive audit trails, and e nd-to- e nd and A ES 256 e ncryption with ke y manage me nt. Eve ry call within the VPI application is wate rmarke d in re al time to e nsure authe nticity x VPI is integrate d in robust, fault-tole rant configurations for uninte rrupte d Interaction recordings can be quickly accessed and visualized to identify pe rformance and disaste r re cove ry. DQGMXPS WRLPSRUWDQW FDOOHYHQWVYLD93,¶V:HELQWHUIDFH(

Re porting Tools

93,¶V(PSRZHU6XLWHRIIHUVDQDUUD\RIUHSRUWLQJWRROVWKDWGHSLFWFXVWRPHULQWHUDFWLRQV me aningfully± both as the y are today and as the y tre nd over time . Clients can quickly re cognize and accurate ly inte rpre t call volumes, inbound and outbound traffic pe aks, call handling times, workload distribution among individual front line e mployees and te ams, and othe r critical patte rns.

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x Navigation from high le ve l ove rvie w down to individual re cordings, instant se arches, and agile filte ring e nables clie nts to e asily se arch, locate , playback and share re cordings and data. x Re ports, charts and he at maps afford rapid and e fficie nt call patte rns analysis. Improv e Se rvice Q uality and Custome r Expe rie nce

Whe the r or not clie nts use a formalize d quality e valuation process, VPI C APT UR E allows them to monitor and improve the customer service quality de livered by onsite or re mote employees.

Clie nts Can:

x M onitor live calls across multiple locations ZLWK93,¶VUHDO-time streaming We b technology. x Locate coachable calls re cordings for playback dire ctly from a varie ty of standard re ports. x Le verage best practice/re prese ntational calls for training ± re cordings are highly portable in standard formats and small file sizes.

VPI foste rs user efficie ncy

1H[[3KDVH93,¶VRSHQVWDQGDUGVUHFRUGLQJWHFKQRORJ\LVGHVLJQHGWRLQFRUSRUDWHFKDQJHDQGPHHWV the associated challenges with many options providing for fast and cost-effe ctive re configurations in orde r to satisfy changes in the legislative/regulatory e nvironment, incre ased or changeable capacity, ne w geographic distribution of clie nt e mployee teams, or changes between centralize d and distribute d ope ration.

x B uilt on ope n standards and se rvice orie nte d archite cture , VPI C APT UR E grants the fle xibility to grow and e volve in orde r to adapt to changing constitue nt and policy e nvironme nts and e xpe ctations. x Access VPI syste ms dire ctly or transpare ntly via age ncy othe r business or te lephony applications ± ope n APIs e nable any le ve l of customization and integration.

x VPI C APT UR E le ve rages ope n archite cture and is platform inde pe nde nt ± it can reside se cure ly be hind age ncy fire walls and synchronize with establishe d ne twork ope rations !"#$%&'$()***+,--+******.*(/( ,&0123$-&41561$-24127( :>(#?(@A(

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Ne xxPhase/VPI Q uality establishes a Foundation for Q uality M anage ment and Pe rformance O ptimization

Re cordings of customer inte ractions contain a vast amount of inte lligence about clie nt processes, customer satisfaction, front-line employee performance , service e nhancements opportunities, and continual process improvement

x With the VPI quality manage me nt module , Ne xxPhase partne rs be ne fit from instant, automate d de live ry of call re cordings for e valuation and training, acce le rating contact ce nte r pe rformanFH DQG RSHUDWLRQDO HIIHFWLYHQHVV E\ DGGLQJ 93,¶V LQWHJUDWHG 93, PE R F O R M A NC E module. This module delivers real-time insights to front-line e mploye es and manage rs via We b-base d score cards, drill-through re ports, and re al-time des ktop ticke rs. x Integrate d modules for scre e n re cording and analytics, We b-base d quality assurance , e le ctronic coaching, ce ntralize d messaging, pe rformance manage me nt, contact ce nte r analytics, and othe r functions multiply age ncy opportunities to incre ase se rvice improve me nt.

Call ce nter age nts have the most profound influe nce on constituent experience, operational costs, and the attainme nt of se rvice level compliance . However, these employees rare ly re ceive enough me aningful de velopment and fe e dback, which e xposes call center e nterprises to ris k inconsistent se rvice, high attrition, incre ased costs, and low morale . Ne xxPhase maximizes agent fe edback opportunities and e nables agency partne rs to objectively evaluate agent behaviors, provide critical and time ly fe e dback, support and boost service quality improve ment, and cultivate constituent satisfaction. NexxPhase/VPI Q U AL I T Y enables agency partne rs e nhance the impact and R O I of a FOLHQW¶VFDOOTXDOLW\PRQLWRULQJSURFHVVHVDQGVLJQLILFDQWO\LPSURYHWKHHIIHFWLYHQHVVDQGHIILFLHQF\ of consituent inte ractions.

x 93,0D[LPL]HVWKH9DOXHRIDQ$JHQF\¶V5HFRUGHG&RQVWLWXHQW,QWHUDFWLRQV x VPI Q U A L I T Y integrates se amlessly with VPI C APT UR E ± our re cording solution - e nabling age ncies to e ffe ctive ly and se cure ly capture all important custome r inte ractions, including T D M Voice , VoIP, and e mploye e des ktop scre e ns. x VPI Automatically Se le cts and De live rs Calls for Q uality Evaluation

With improve d ope rational e fficie ncies gained through VPI Q U A L I T Y, client e valuators and manage rs have more time and resources available to address strategic and mission critical business goals. VPI Q U A L I T Y automatically se lects and de livers an obje ctive, random sampling of !"#$%&'$()***+,--+******.*(/( ,&0123$-&41561$-24127( ::(#>(?@(

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x Ide ntification and tagging of coachable calls for e valuation ± e valuate or schedule high-value calls for e valuation dire ctly from call se arch results and multiple drill-through re ports. x Imple me ntation of rules to automatically tag calls for e valuation, such as per-agent quota or call attributes. x Automatically manage the e valuation sche dule ± HYDOXDWRUV UHFHLYH ³WR-GR´ OLVWV RUJDQL]HG E\ assignment dates and due dates, with the appropriate !"#$%&'()*'+,-'.$/0"12'3&454/6&7'"81&%9/:&' e valuation form alre ady associate d with the call/scre e n re cordings.

Age ncies Can Easily Access and Score Interactions from Anywhe re with Inte rne t Access

With access from age ncy desktops via We b interface to we ll-designed quality e valuation forms and SURFHVVHV1H[[3KDVHFXVWRPHUVFDQHIILFLHQWO\DQGREMHFWLYHO\DVVHVVWKHTXDOLW\RIFOLHQW¶V individual constitue nt interactions while simultaneously discovering significant proble ms, issues, tre nds, and opportunities ± vital information that supports the successful e xecution of age ncy program missions. NexxPhase/VPI Q U A LI T Y provides contact centers with fle xibility to customize e valuation forms and tailor processes to conform to program goals and obje ctives.

Ne xxPhase/VPI Q ualit\¶V*UDSKLFDO,QWHUIDFHDOORZVDJHQFLHVWR focus on call flow or I VR s kills, while rating any numbe r of call handling compe tencies and adding comme nts that pe rtain to the e valuation or othe r issues re quiring atte ntion.

We b-base d access to a unifie d inte rface for e valuation and playback of synchronize d call and scre en re cordings supports a s treamlined e valuation process.

The success of a contact ce nter quality improve me nt plan de pe nds on a cle ar unde rstanding of HPSOR\HHV¶VWUHQJWKVZHDNQHVVHVDQGLPSUove ment opportunities and are as on which to focus training and coaching e fforts. NexxPhase/VPI Q U A L IT Y SLQSRLQWVFKDUDFWHULVWLFVRIDJHQWV¶ !"#$%&'$()***+,--+******.*(/( ,&0123$-&41561$-24127( :>(#?(@A(

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be haviors by bre aking them down into s kill-sets, such as communications, call handling, te chnical, product knowle dge, compliance , etc. These skill sets may be tracke d, compare d between agents and WHDPVVFKHGXOHGIRUDXWRPDWLFQRWLILFDWLRQVRI³RXWOLHUV´WKDWUHTXLUHDGGLWLRQDODWWHQWLRQDQG use d as triggers for automate d de livery of messages to agents.

Age nt Coaching and T raining

VPI Coaching puts knowle dge in the hands of those who ne ed it, pre cisely whe n the y need it the most. This tightly integrate d system delivers training conte nt and messages to agents just in time to improve the ir e fficie ncy and e nhance productivity. Contact centers that use VPI Coaching have be tte r traine d, motivated, and e mpowered agents, which invariably results in improve d customer satisfaction, re tention, advocacy, and profitability.

A highly e ffe ctive alte rnative to traditional le arning, e lectronic coaching can also be imple mented to FRPSOHPHQWFOLHQW¶VFXUUHQWWUDLQLQJSURJUDPVVPI Coaching has be en designed specifically to me e t the needs of contact center operations managers and traine rs who are re quire d to constantly improve age nt performance ± giving the m the tools to distribute on-going training in a productive e nvironme nt.

M aximize the Success of Each Age nt and Supe rvisor

x VPI de live rs re le vant, custom conte nt to age nts just in time for ne w campaigns, such as training flashes, quizze s, e Le arning courses, e ducational tips, e xamples of best practices calls, compliance bulle tins, and pre -shift announce me nts x Skills-based agent training e nsures progressive agent de velopme nt, from basic to advance d s kills

De liver Courses Based on Rules or Classroom Assignments

x Rules-base d, thin-clie nt distribution syste m manages the de live ry of training conte nt to age nts, groups of age nts, and manage rs across multiple sites, and accessible via customize d We b pages or des ktop dashboards x Le verages integration with se veral workforce management systems to automate the de livery of training base d on work and shift sche dules to maximize productive age nt uptime

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x B usiness rules may be de fine d to trigge r the de live ry of training mate rials base d on pe rformance me trics thresholds x Class room training option gives the le arning administrator full control of course assignme nts

C re ate or Import T raining Conte nt

x T raining conte nt and me thodology adhe res to ope n-standards, SC O R M -compliant archite cture x Intuitive content cre ation and testing tools for e asy in-house and 3rd party authoring x Advance d conte nt manage me nt for hie rarchical and custom tag-base d conte nt categorization and inte llige nt distribution x T rack Le arning Progress

x Assessme nt tool e nables quizzes to be e asily e mbe dde d or linke d to course mate rial x T racking capability allows manage rs and traine rs to quickly me asure if training was vie wed and unde rstood x Consolidate d, K PI-corre late d re ports me asure the results of coaching and training, associating K PIs with courses to track the impact of spe cific training conte nt on age nt pe rformance

M aximize T raining Impact with Targe ted Course Delivery

VPI Coaching HQDEOHVRXUFOLHQWWRVHQGWDUJHWHGWUDLQLQJFRQWHQWWRFOLHQW¶VDJHQWV7KHPDWHULDOLV customize d based on age nt skills and distribute d whe n it is most relevant ± LPSURYLQJHDFKDJHQW¶V opportunity for success. The software allows for e asy content creation and testing, and our clie nt FDQDOVRLQFOXGHFOLHQW¶VH[LVWLQJRUQHZUGSDUW\FRQWHQW&RXUVHFRQWHQWFan be organize d and inte llige ntly distributed to agents and manage rs, e ither individually or as a group. T raining can be assigned manually in a class room setting or de livered automatically to custom We b pages or age nt des ktop dashboards based on business rules such as pe rformance results or schedules.

Le verage Integrated Systems to Customize T raining

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A ke y component of VPI E M PO WE R SUI T E, VPI Coaching is part of a tightly integrate d, modular suite of best-of-breed workforce optimization solutions. Virtually all of the solutions HQDEOHDJHQFLHVWRDFKLHYHVLJQLILFDQWH[SRQHQWLDOYDOXHIURPFOLHQW¶VVPI Coaching software . For H[DPSOHWKHVXLWH¶VSRZHUIXOSHUIRUPDQFHDQDO\WLFVV\VWHPVFDQDXWRPDWLFDOO\LGHQWLI\FDOO re cordings that re present the best and worst customer-agent interactions, which can the n be e mbe dded in training mate rials. With the integrated workforce manage me nt system, agencies can e nsure that training is sche duled for the most appropriate times, in orde r to maximize productive uptime and minimize se rvice level impact. Integrated with age nt e valuation software , agents can see their most recent e valuation results on the ir dashboards as soon as the y be come available . They can the n imme diately participate in actions to improve, rathe r than wait for we e ks for a face-to-face with the ir supe rvisor.

x T racking the Impact of T raining on Pe rformance :LWKWKHV\VWHP¶VEXLOW-in assessment tools agencies can e asily me asure and track the results of clie nt training and its impact on group or individual pe rformance . For a granular assessment, training progress may be associated with spe cific K PIs. Use authoring tools to create quizzes that imme diate ly me asure the full e xtent of age nt compre hension and the re tention of age ncy training conte nt. VPI Coaching provides detailed re porting, allowing agencies to e asily track training usage DQGWHVWVFRUHV7KHV\VWHP¶VFRQVROLGDWHGSHUIRUPDQFHDQGFRDFKLQJUHSRUWVPDNHLWHDV\IRU ope rations manage rs to measure the impact of the ir training initiatives on improved agent pe rformance .

Rapid R O I and Low Cost of O wne rship

Improve Pe rformance

x Enhance d constitue nt e xpe rie nce , improve d se rvice de live ry, and incre ase d custome r se rvice quality resulting from be tte r traine d and informe d age nts x )HZHU´ORVWRSSRUWXQLWLHV´GXHWRWhe automatic delivery of training whe n age nts are unde r- pe rforming x Incre ase d custome r satisfaction, first call resolution, and advocacy with highe r le ve ls of se rvice

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Re duce Costs

x De cre ase d training de live ry costs x De cre ase d age nt turnove r as a result of the ir incre ase d confide nce and improve d pe rformance x Incre ase d first call resolution x M ore e fficie nt use of training time and resources x Re duction of ramp-up time for ne w campaigns and ne w age nts as a result of prese nting training conte nt on-line x Re duce d numbe r of age nts se nt back for class room re -training

Incre ase Agent Productivity

x Continuous pe rformance improve me nts with automatic de live ry of targe te d training to unde r-pe rforming age nts x Efficie nt, e mpowe re d age nts re ce iving e fficie nt de live ry of ne w information x Faste r resolution of escalations (

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NexxLinx has selected the Pipkins Vantage Point product as its solution to the workforce management requirement detailed in this request.

Vantage Point uses an , which is fully OD B C compliant, the data can be inte rfaced with and can import from and export files to othe r systems. This means, for example, your data can inte rface with payroll and human resources software, compute r telephony integration software, voice recording, predictive dialing systems and advanced call cente r software, such as telephony and business pe rformance metrics. This includes Inte ractive Voice Response scheduling and C TI (Compute r-Telephony Integration).

1H[[/LQ[ZLOO FRQILJXUH WKHV\VWHPGXULQJ LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ ZLWK WKHJRYHUQPHQW¶VXQLTXH call cente r information, business rules, and load any available data. This is the information !"#$%&'$()***+,--+******.*(/( ,&0123$-&41561$-24127( :>(#?(@A(

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used by the system to gene rate forecast and schedules. This diagram shows the relationships between these data elements.

NexxLinx offe rs two forms of scheduling. A rules-based scheduling option and a roste r based scheduling option. The rules based option offe rs eight rules that can be used to gene rate a schedule. Schedule rules that must be defined for each staff membe r are: x Team Eligibilities - the Se rving Teams the staff membe r may be scheduled to. You can ente r a priority you want to assign to the se rving team for the agent. x Attendance Cycle Hours - the numbe r of hours the staff membe r is to work each wee k x Cycle Paramete rs - the numbe r of days in a wee k the staff membe r may be scheduled to an attendance x Attendances - the numbe r of hours the staff membe r is to be in the building each day including any unpaid time. x Hours of Availability - the hours of the day in which the staff membe r's schedule may occur, such as Earliest Start/Latest Finish times or Earliest Start/Latest Start times. You can define availability as eithe r the agent must work on the specified day of the wee k or the agent may or may not be assigned to work on the specified day of the wee k. x Intraday Assignments - the breaks, lunches and othe r non-Se rving Team intraday activities the staff membe r is to be schedule to each day of the wee k.

Vantage Point provides complete support for multi-media and skill-based routing HQYLURQPHQWV ZLWK SDWHQWHG6NLOO6HQVHŒ6FKHGXOLQJ WHFKQRORJ\6NLOO6HQVHLVWKH !"#$%&'$()***+,--+******.*(/( ,&0123$-&41561$-24127( :>(#?(@A(

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culmination of skill-base routing and skill-set scheduling capabilities that have been designed into Vantage Point since its inception, and in use in the call cente r industry for years.

Schedule optimization occurs for each day of the wee k, based upon agent eligibilities and talents. Systems that do not support daily availability rules for agents must produce the same schedule for each day of the wee k without variance, and cannot support daily schedule optimization.

Roste rs create fixed schedules that can be used ove r an extended pe riod. Roste ring can be used for fixed scheduling, schedule bids, dete rmining additional positions, optimal scheduling and Gene rate Schedules and Supplement with Roste rs.

Vantage Point promotes modeling and scenarios. The forecasted calls offe red, forecasted Ave rage Handling Time, and A CD queue-to-se rving-team skill group mappings are used to dete rmine the optimum numbe r and mix of employees required to achieve the use r-defined queue se rvice levels during each time inte rval. This calculation directly provides the correct numbe r of staff to be scheduled in each se rving team, which is important in a call

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cente r that uses skill-based routing. You can specify a default daily se rvice objective for each individual queue.

The requirements and se rvice forecasting function contains a technologically innovative algorithm called M e rlang. M e rlang improves upon the traditional Erlang-C by eliminating the assumptions that queues are infinitely long, calle rs neve r abandon the queue, and agents must be dedicated to a single queue. M e rlang equations offe r the following advanced features that are not available from software packages that use Erlang-C: x Correct modeling of queue sizes - allows for the prediction and limiting of the numbe r and pe rcent of busies. x M odeling calle r abandon rates - allows for the prediction and limiting of the numbe r and pe rcent of abandons. x Calls handled, a complement of busies and abandons, can be used as a se rvice level type. x Occupancy is calculated, and caps on it may be taken into account when dete rmining agent requirements. x The traditional way of expressing a se rvice level as a pe rcent answe red within a given time is provided, along with pe rcent calls answe red, maximum pe rcent busies, maximum pe rcent abandons, and maximum ave rage speed of answe r. Results are more accurate than what is produced from the Erlang-C equations due to the modeling of the effect of busies and abandons on the call volume. x Accounts for indirectly occupied time of agents (bathroom breaks, supe rvisor que ries, etc.). x Account for retries of both busies and abandons. x Accounts for skill group queue assignments, queue priorities, and ove rflow.

The statistics reports available in Vantage Point are: 1. Call Cente r Statistics shows actual data or forecasts for queues or se rving teams for a date and time range. 2. Forecast to Actuals. 3. Requirements to Actuals. 4. A Deviation report provides various views into the staffing levels required as dete rmined by the requirements gene ration process, as well as the numbe r of agents scheduled, or provided to meet these requirements pe r Se rving Team. 5. M onitor Provided Report displays a graph or spreadsheet that compares Actual Provided vs. Scheduled Provided vs. Staff Required statistics for each selected Se rving Team/Event or Event Type. 6. M onitor Statistics can contrast and compare forecast data and Actuals data for queue statistics, 7. Agent Statistics Report shows the statistics of agents by WD U. 8. The Custom Queue Statistics Report shows Custom Queue Statistics by WD U. !"#$%&'$()***+,--+******.*(/( ,&0123$-&41561$-24127( >?(#@(A?(

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9. The Custom Se rving Team Statistics Report shows Custom Se rving Team Statistics by WD U.

Vantage Point has comprehensive visualization capabilities. These reports display in graph and spreadsheet format: Forecast to Actuals Statistics Comparison Report, I ntraday Forecasting, Intraday Requirements, M onitor Statistics, Ope rations Analysis, Requirements to Actuals Statistics Comparison Report, and M onitor Provided Report.

Vantage Point offe rs comprehensive real time adhe rence capabilities. Real Time Adhe rence that provides timely information as to the whe reabouts of staff membe rs, as provided by the A CD. This information includes login and logout events, indirectly occupied time, and call handling statistics for staff membe rs. This information may be scheduled to be sent to Vantage Point at specified inte rvals, or Vantage Point may be configured to request adhe rence information at specified inte rvals.

Real-Time Agent Adhe rence Global is a graphical adhe rence monitoring system that reduces the time and expense required to track schedule compliance for multi-site contact cente rs. R TA Global centralizes the monitoring process by displaying adhe rence levels for each cente r on a single color-coded map and allowing point-and-click drilldown to individual sites, enabling system-wide ove rview by a single analyst.

R TA Global allows adhe rence violations at any contact cente r in the network to be LQVWDQWO\ VSRWWHGDQGLQYHVWLJDWHGZLWK DFOLFNIURP DPDSWKDWSRUWUD\V HDFKFHQWHU¶V location and its compliance levels graphically instead of through text-heavy reports.

These tools reduce ove rhead for multi-site contact cente r ope rations by enabling a single, centrally located analyst to ove rsee adhe rence monitoring for all sites. The designated analyst can monitor all contact cente r facilities from a single screen and ale rt local cente rs to compliance problems, eliminating the need for local monitoring as well as freeing local cente r supe rvisors to focus on othe r activities.

R TA Global complements R TA PLUS for single-site contact cente rs. In addition to providing graphical monitoring of agent adhe rence via color-coded avatars arranged in the same seating patte rn as the agents themselves, R TA PLUS allows supe rvisors to modify schedules as well as gene rate reports from the adhe rence monitoring screen with a click. Supe rvisors can log changes such as sick days or early releases, view agent schedules, send popup and email messages, and produce reports without switching screens.

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Vantage Point can compare and analyze projected work ve rsus actual work. The re are seve ral statistics reports that help analyze this data. 1. Forecast to Actuals can contrast and compare forecast data and queue Actuals. 2. Requirements to Actuals report can contrast and compare staffing requirements and Se rving Team Actuals. 3. The Deviation report provides various views into the staffing levels required as dete rmined by the requirements gene ration process, as well as the numbe r of agents scheduled, or provided to meet these requirements pe r Se rving Team.


This method of assessing a schedule's accuracy offe rs two advantages: x Because the diffe rences are squared before summed, staffing excesses and deficiencies do not cancel each othe r as they would if they we re simply added. x The relationship between staff numbe rs and quality of se rvice is non-linear, and is best represented by the squaring function. For example, as 2 squared is 4, the Schedule r regards a staffing deficiency of 2 as being 4 times as bad as a deficiency of 1. This is a fair reflection of the expected reduction in se rvice.

The scheduling process examines the requirements and the availability of the selected staff membe rs, and produces duties for those staff membe rs based upon the rules of attendance and availability for each staff membe r. The Schedule r will match the duties produced with the requirements during each time step inte rval of each day. The Schedule r attempts to fit the expected need exactly.

Vantage Point provides complete support for multi-media and skill-based routing envLURQPHQWV ZLWK SDWHQWHG6NLOO6HQVHŒ6FKHGXOLQJ WHFKQRORJ\6NLOO6HQVHLVWKH culmination of skill-base routing and skill-set scheduling capabilities that have been designed into Vantage Point since its inception, and in use in the call cente r industry for years.


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The Se rvice Provide r has expe rtise implementing and integrating the following ente rprise - class CR M products:

x Oracle C X (RightNow) x Oracle CR M On-Demand x x NetSuite x ZenDesk x Siebel

All of the software products listed above are available as Software-as-a-Se rvice (SaaS), and they can easily integrate into a robust software environment by utilizing a numbe r of standard integration techniques: Web Se rvices, SO AP, Restful, X M L, PHP, SQ L/R O Q L, and .N ET.

The Se rvice Provide r has integrated the Oracle C X (RightNow) CR M into the Connect for Health software environment which includes the following integration touch points:

x A CD / C TI / IVR Systems (Telephony) x Oracle C X ! Oracle C X Agent Desktop ! Oracle C X Custome r Portal x Healthcare M anagement Systems ! hCentive ! Healthation x Document M anagement Systems ! OnBase x Oracle Ente rprise Se rvice Bus x Ente rprise Data Warehouse

Using the integration techniques listed above (Web Se rvices, SO AP, R ESTful, X M L, PHP, SQ L/R O Q L, and .N ET.) providing the following functionality:

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x Applicant record core data is synchronized and stored in real time to the Oracle C X contact database. x Ancillary applicant record data is displayed in the Oracle C X Agent Desktop. x Outbound E-mails sent to the custome r are sent to onBase Document M anagement for unified record storage. x Enrollment Records are synchronized on a pe riodic basis to the Oracle C X system so that post-enrollment surveys can be sent automatically from the CR M . x E-mails from selected M icrosoft Exchange e-mail addresses are integrated into the Oracle C X system and dropped into Se rvice Cente r work queues. x M assive data tables are synchronized daily to the Ente rprise Data Warehouse to enable cross-system reporting.

x Provider should have the capability to migrate existing CRM data into a replacement o ption.

Data migration from an existing CR M platform would be pe rformed using ETL (Extract- Transform-Load) best-practices:

x Extract ! Data would be reviewed and some data would be chosen for migration. ! Primary and secondary keys would be identified for data that has multiple join relationships ! The data would be extracted into flattened data files, and primary and second join keys would be included in the extract. x Transform ! Using the data above, a relevant data model would be built in the CR M system. ! The data sets described above would likely need to be changed to match the nuances of the relevant data model. ! Afte r the alte rations above, a set of transformed data model files would be produced. x Load ! Using Web Se rvices, the transformed data model files would be pushed into the relevant data model in the new CR M system. ! Primary and Secondary join keys would be identified, and cross-table joins would be pe rformed in the system natively. !"#$%&'$()***+,--+******.*(/( ,&0123$-&41561$-24127( >?(#@(AB(

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! Afte r the load, selected fields would be indexed in an indexing table to improve search and reporting pe rformance.



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The Ne xxPhase team has extensive experience in successful transitions of call ce nter services from pre vious vendors as we ll as establishing ne w programs. Upon award of the contract, Ne xxPhase will imme diate ly begin work on a Proje ct M anagement Plan. O ur Proje ct Plan is a base line that will guide the e ntire proje ct. Throughout the proje ct life cycle, the plan and its supporting docume nts will be update d to re fle ct changes and de cisions made , and will be resubmitted to customer age ncies for approval at appropriate points. O ur te am will work closely with the State to discuss and develop ne cessary proje ct plan updates. Strong communication be tween our program manage r, State program re presentative, and othe r key pe rsonnel in both organizations is critical to the continued success of the proje ct.

Ne xx Linx will provide setup and transition se rvices to install, manage and maintain its hosted contact ce nter service in e ach are a as re quire d by the State :

1. Within 7 days ide ntify to the State a ce rtifie d proje ct manager to work with the re le vant e ntities to successfully de liver hosted contact center services pursuant to our se rvice de livery me thodology.

2. All contact ce nter functionality including, but not limite d to, all call, auto-atte ndant, and I VR scripting, call flows, message announcements, telephone instrume nts and softphone capability including prope r se tup to accept skills based routing, de fault routing, trunk-to-trunk routing, take-back±and-transfer, transfe rs, all que ues, external route points, and DNIS numbe rs.

3. All compute rs and conne ctivity to re quired State we b sites and databases.

4. Supe rvisor workstations installed with Ne xxPhase provided software .

5. Se tup s kills based routing including s kill levels of CSRs. This will re quire that Ne xxPhase inte rface with the appropriate State resources.

6. De velop and imple me nt a plan to transition in-scope access numbe rs including toll and toll fre e se rvices, and any othe UVSHFLILHGQXPEHUVIURP$JHQF\&XVWRPHUV¶FXUUHQW Se rvice Provider.

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7. Work with the te lecommunications vendor or appropriate State resource to provide ite ms such as IP Addresses for the installation of M PLS circuits over the private IP ne twork, M PLS circuits, routers, and mode ms to facilitate connectivity.

8. Provide access through NexxPhase Fire walls for the purposes of trouble resolution and testing call routing strategies.

9. Conne ct all circuits to pre mise equipment. Work with appropriate ve ndors or inte rnal resources to test and turn-up circuits.

10. Work with the te lecom vendors and the State to pe rform failove r testing of the ve ndor installe d MPLS circuits, route rs, etc. Part of this e ffort includes a docume nted disaster re covery proce dure.

11. Pe rform User Acceptance Testing of all hardware , software , I VRs, and circuits installe d for the imple me ntation of this contract.

12. Ensure that all logs are imme diately available for re view and troubleshooting.

13. Install and test C T I and Softphone transfe r te chnology and capability.

14. Provide All C T I integration re quired.

15. Install and test re cording solution.

16. Install and test WF M solution

17. Ensure connectivity to all State services

18. De velop, imple ment and maintain call routing proce dures defining how calls are re ce ived and allocate d across multiple centers, and within contact ce nters, how calls are distribute d to que ues, how numbe rs are managed, how age nts are s killed, as we ll as change control proce dures for these parame te rs.

19. Final use r acce ptance testing and de livery of plan for production life cycle manage me nt.

O nce the contract is awarde d, the Proje ct Manager will schedule launch status calls which will thoroughly walk through e ach step of the de tailed proje ct plan and time line to be discussed both inte rnally and with the appropriate age ncy resources. Each step will be update d to indicate if it is on-time or de laye d, along with the assigned owne r. For any ste p that is de termine d to be delaye d ± mitigation and escalations will be ide ntifie d and tracke d. Identification will also be de termine d if the step is critical or non-critical to the launch start date . !"#$%&'$()***+,--+******.*(/( ,&0123$-&41561$-24127( >?(#@(AB(

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O ur goal is to offe r se rvice execution that is on time , error fre e and within budge t. During the imple me ntation process that will span ~90 days, all parts of the proje ct are re viewed with ke y team PHPEHUVIURPHDFKGLVFLSOLQHZLWKLQ1H[[3KDVHDQGWKHDJHQF\¶VWHDPRQQROHVVWKDQDZHHNO\ basis. The launch and transition to the final Ne xxPhase operations and support te ams is handle d so that the re is no communication disconnect. The proactive steps that we take to diminish transition proble ms are :

‡ Unde rstand all age ncy re quire ments at the outset of the re lationship


‡ C re ate and use a proje ct plan

‡ Communicate ofte n and e ffe ctively

‡ B e an e ffe ctive partne r



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1H[[3KDVHDVDSDUWQHU LQ*7$¶VVXFFHVVLVFRPPLWWHG to the highest quality of se rvice, best practices, and support. This document is to provide an ove rview of our Training and support program to our Custome r.

Training Program:

Our agent training program is designed for:

1. Agents Our comprehensive Agent Training includes

a. Agent Desktop thru which they handle work items (phone call, email, chat) b. Login to Agent Desktop and Soft Phone c. Logging into Work Queue d. Handling work items (phone call, email, chat) e. Transfe rring Call f. Confe rence Call g. Work Status

2. Supe rvisor We train Supe rvisors all facet of our Contact Cente r that would help their day-to-day management. Training includes

a. All features of Agent b. M onitoring Queue c. M onitoring Agents d. Assigning and Reassigning work items

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e. Coaching and Barging f. Reporting g. Reaching out Contact Cente r Solution Support

3. Train the Traine r :HKDYHDYHU\HIIHFWLYHFRPSUHKHQVLYH³7UDLQ WKH7UDLQHU´ SURJUDP WKDWHPSRZHUV Custome r Traine r to conduct ongoing training, new Agent/Supe rvisor training, trouble shooting, assisting and resolving day-to-day simple question or request from Agent/Supe rvisor. Training program includes

a. All feature of Agent b. All feature of Supe rvisor c. Simple trouble shooting technic d. Reaching out Contact Cente r Solution Support

Onsite Training:

We depute our highly qualified Traine r to conduct Onsite training during:

1. Implementation and launch During Implementation our Traine r would be On Site to conduct training to Agents, 6XSHUYLVRUVDQG&XVWRPHU¶V7UDLQHUV

2. Expansion and/or New Cente r deployment We assist our Custome r growth and could depute our Traine r Onsite when Custome r open new cente r or add new seats to existing cente r.

3. New Feature Update When we have major upgrade and new additional feature/integration to our Contact Cente r Solution, our Traine r would be onsite to train the new features

4. Pe riodic ongoing refreshe r training as desired and requested by Custome r Refreshe r training may be needed for Traine r and Supe rvisor to increase their productivity.

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Remote Live Training:

We also conduct Training Program from remote via WebEx for

1. Ongoing refreshe r training 2. New Feature Update 3. New Agent training


We provide Training mate rials and Refe rence Document thru our online Portal to our Custome r. Training and Refe rence mate rials are segregated and grouped by Agent, Supe rvisor, and M anagement. For each, the mate rials are furthe r broken down to individual features. Easy navigation and search feature are built in the e -training portalC( (




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NexxPhase Availability and Support Se rvices Ove rview

NexxPhase, as a committed partne r for success, is committed to the highest quality of se rvice, best practices, and support. Our objective is to provide a se rvice that is available 99.9% outside of required maintenance windows and responding professionally to support LVVXHVZKLOHFRQVLVWHQWO\H[FHHGLQJRXUFXVWRPHUV¶H[SHFWDWLRQV7KLVGRFXPHQW SURYLGHV an ove rview of NexxPhase¶DSSURDFK WR7HFKQLFDO VXSSRUW DQG0DLQWHQDQFHSUDFWLFHV

Support and M aintenance

NexxPhase provides support se rvices to G TA and its Agencies through its technical support organization. Support se rvices include pe riodic preventative maintenance se rvices for the NexxPhase platform and software, Help Desk se rvices (Tie r-1) providing telephone, email and chat support for gene ral questions and reporting incidents, Tie r-2 and Tie r-3

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technical support in response to pe rformance affecting incidents, and Professional Se rvices support providing development and customization se rvices specific to G TA and its Agencies.

M aintenance Practices

NexxPhase pe rforms system maintenance typically on a wee kly basis or pe riodically when inte rim releases of software are require d to correct known problems. The maintenance window is planned to require less than one (1) hour including updating, ve rifying and UHVWDUWLQJ DIIHFWHGVHUYHUVDQGUHODWHGFRPPXQLFDWLRQV 1H[[3KDVH¶FRPPLWPHQW WR*7$ and its Agencies to limits maintenance windows to one (1) hour pe r calendar wee k and requires a monthly coordination of G TA and NexxPhase maintenance schedules.

Help Desk Se rvices

NexxPhase provides Help Desk se rvices on a 24 x 7 basis. Help Desk agents are located at US Contact Cente rs and managed by NexxPhase Enginee rs. Help Desk agents are trained by NexxPhase to take calls, ente r trouble tickets, and ensure prope r communication is established with custome rs. G TA and its Agencies will be provided with a Help Desk Welcome Lette r with phone, email, chat, on-line access details and escalation procedure and contact list. Staffing schedules will ensure Help Desk Agents are available during all 3 shifts 7 days pe r wee k. Staffing will be increased as necessary based on call volumes.

Trouble Ticket Reporting and Assignment

The NexxPhase On-line Trouble Ticket Reporting System supports the processes of custome r ve rification, issue description and seve rity dete rmination, trouble ticket entry, ticket distribution, assignment, custome r confirmation, and automatic escalation communications. Tickets, othe r than routine Tie r-1 requests, are assigned to Tie r-2 pe rsonnel based on issue seve rity and supe rvised by the Client Se rvices M anage r. The ticket system:

y M onitors ticket seve rity level, assignment, acceptance, and notification events and timing y Initiates automatic time rs for notifications based on issue seve rity y Automatically sends no-assignment notifications according to an escalation schedule

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y Automatically sends no-acceptance notifications according to an escalation schedule y Automatically sends ticket acceptance notifications to the client independent of phone tickets previously numbe red and assigned while the client was reporting the incident y Automatically sends no-client verification notifications emails according to escalation schedule y Automatically sends notification reminders (prompts) to ensure client updates are provided by Client Se rvices and/or Tie r 2 during the restoral process according to the seve rity schedule NexxPhase Help Desk and Escalation Procedures

Help Desk.

All Incidents, including issues regarding site support se rvices, problems with telephony, email, chat and network connectivity, will be reported to the NexxPhase help desk (the ³+HOS'HVN´ 8SRQQRWLILFDWLRQ RIDQ\,QFLGHQt, a ticket will be opened, normal seve rity procedures will be followed and the ticket assigned. If the Incident is related to the Host Call Cente r Se rvices, the ticket will be assigned to a NexxPhase technician. If the problem is related to an Incident caused by the Custome r System, the ticket will be assigned as custome r owned and normal escalation procedures will be followed. An auto response will be sent from the Help Desk with a ticket numbe r. Once the ticket has been resolved, an e - mail will be sent detailing actions.

Escalation Procedures

If the issue is urgent and a response is not received from the Help Desk within 5 minutes afte r the issue was reported, the second level contacts list, consist of designated Senior Enginee rs/Administrators, would be provided in the Help Desk Welcome Lette r package.

If the issue is urgent and a response is not received from Help Desk within the following designated times afte r the issue was reported, the executive level contacts list would be provided in the Help Desk Welcome Lette r package. Typically,

30 minutes ± Tie r 1 120 minutes ± Tie r 2 240 minutes ± Tie r 3

Executive Escalation Executive Escalation Executive Escalation

Director/VP Level Sr. VP/CIO/C TO CIO/C EO

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Incident Definition and Resolution Practices

Incident Notification and Classification

In the event that Custome r becomes aware of an Incident impacting the Hosted Contact Cente r Se rvices, Custome r shall provide notice of the Incident to NexxPhase. In the event that NexxPhase becomes aware of an Incident impacting the Hosted Contact Cente r Se rvices, NexxPhase will notify Custome r of the Incident within the time pe riod for initial acknowledgment as set forth in Incident Notification, Response Time and Solution M atrix Table. Each Incident shall be initially classified by Custome r in good faith in accordance with the Incident descriptions set forth. NexxPhase shall respond to and resolve Incidents based on the seve rity level in accordance with Incident Notification, Response Time and Solution M atrix Table.

Incident Notification, Response and Solution Times The initial notification for an Incident or potential Incident shall mean the earlie r of (i) the time Custome r notifies NexxPhase of an Incident or potential Incident, which notification may be via email or telephone call to the Help Desk, or (ii) the time NexxPhase became aware of an Incident. NexxPhase will correct Incidents in accordance with the agreed te rms by the time frames described in Incident Notification, Response Time and Solution M atrix Table below for each respective Incident Seve rity Level provided below. NexxPhase will provide acknowledgements of Incidents and potential Incidents reported by Custome r and provide updates to Custome r regarding the status of Incidents in accordance with the following table.

Table: Incident Notification, Response Time and Solution M atrix

NexxPhase Incident S eve rity C rite ria Response NexxPhase Updates and Resolution Times Level Times

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NexxPhase Incident S eve rity C rite ria Response NexxPhase Updates and Resolution Times Level Times

Updates: Eve ry hour. The Hosted Contact C ente r S e rvices or C ustome r Resolution: NexxPhase will provide resources ± S ystem as a whole is not O pe rative. 1 C ritical 30 Minutes on a 24x7 continuous basis to find, test and End Use rs cannot access the C ustome r S e rvices. deploy an acceptable workaround or

pe rmanent fix.

Impacts production/live envi ronment or test envi ronment.

In a test envi ronment, causes a se rious impact on development activity (e.g. causes integration work to be blocked or delays completion of final system testing). Updates: Eve ry four (4) hours. 2 ± S eve re In production/live envi ronment, causes a se rious 2 Hours Resolution: NexxPhase will find, test and impact on business ope rations of C ustome r (e.g., deploy an acceptable workaround or call processing alte red in such a way as to degrade pe rmanent fix within 8 hours. se rvice quality or handling of business data). Alte rnately, causes a se rious impact on business ope rations of a se rvice provide r due to the accumulated impact on C ustome r.

Inte rmittent disruption of se rvice.

Impacts production/live envi ronment or test envi ronment.

In lab envi ronment, causes a minor impact on Updates: Daily during normal business development activity. hours. ± 3 Major In production/live envi ronment, causes a minor 8 Hours Resolution: NexxPhase will find, test, and impact on business ope rations of C ustome r (e.g., deploy a workaround or pe rmanent fix within minimal degradation of call processing or handling 24 hours. of business data). Alte rnately, causes a minor impact on business ope rations of a se rvice provide r due to the accumulated impact on C ustome r.

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NexxPhase Incident S eve rity C rite ria Response NexxPhase Updates and Resolution Times Level Times

Impacts production/live envi ronment or test envi ronment.

In test envi ronment, causes little or no impact on NexxPhase will provide a workaround or development activity. pe rmanent fix within ten (10) Business Days 4 ± Low 1 business day In production/live envi ronment causes little or no afte r receipt of a reasonably detailed Incident impact on business ope rations of C ustome r. description. Alte rnately, causes little or no impact on business ope rations of a se rvice provide r due to the accumulated impact on C ustome r.

Client Se rvices

NexxPhase assigns a Client Se rvices M anage r to each custome r. Client Se rvices M anage rs provide post-implementation support, day-to-day ope rations ove rsight, custome r advocacy, and act as a first point of contact for custome r issues if needed.

Support Se rvices

NexxPhase Tie r-2 support group is staffed by eight (8) software and communications specialists managed by a Sr. Enginee r of NexxPhase. The Tie r-2 support group provides expe rtise in platform hardwa re and software ope ration, support, maintenance and programming in addition to custome r specific applications and communication arrangements. The group is on-site during business hours and at least two (2) membe rs of the staff are on-call during second and third shift. The Tie r-2 staff is also responsible status communications with custome rs during issue resolution and for Tie r-3 escalations.

Tie r-3 support is provided by five (5) NexxPhase platform support manage rs at 2 sites in Atlanta with additional programming and bug resolution support provided by an expe rience staff of ten (10).

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Professional Se rvices

Programming, application customization, and call-flow development se rvices are provided by NexxPhase Professional Se rvices organization. Each Professional Se rvices engagement is defined by a specific Statement of Work (SO W) and managed by specific Project M anage r. The Project M anagement staff is supported by an Atlanta and expe rienced staff of fifteen (15).

Availability and Support Se rvices Objectives

NexxPhase, as a committed partne r, is staffed in skills and pe rsonnel, equipped and configured for pe rformance and availability, and is organized and managed to ensure we meet our commitments professionally and responsively while we support G TA in fulfilling their Agencies se rvice commitments.


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NexxPhase has unde rtaken an aggressive role in support of protecting information assets and information systems from occurrences that could adve rsely impact their confidentiality, integrity or availability. Policies, standards and procedures play an important role in the effective implementation of ente rprise-wide information security programs and the success of the resulting security measures employed to protect information systems. Thus, NexxPhase must develop and promulgate formal, documented policies and procedures gove rning the minimum security requirements set forth and ensure their effective implementation.

Our minimum security requirements cove r nine security-related areas with regard to protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of gove rnment information systems and the information processed, stored, and transmitted by those systems. The security-related areas include: (i) access control; (ii) audit and accountability ; iii) configuration management; (iv) incident response; (v) maintenance; (vi) physical and environmental protection; (vii) risk assessment; (viii) system and communications protection; and (ix) system and information integrity. The nine areas represent a broad- based, balanced information security program that addresses the management, ope rational, and technical aspects of protecting State information and information systems.

NexxPhase will work with the State of Georgia to modify our existing security policy and change control processes to integrate tightly with the State to support an integrated security framework that effectively handles all access control decisions.


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$ ( 2-NexxPhase_HCC RFP Attachment4-A Pricing_Final.xlsx

Service Charges

Ref ID Service Charge Unit of Measure Recurring Period Charge 1 HCC Agent Seat (1-250 seats) single named agent monthly 76.30 2 HCC Agent Seat (251-500 seats) single named agent monthly !"#$% 3 HCC Agent Seat (501-1000 seats) single named agent monthly &'#&! 4 HCC Agent Seat (2001+ seats) single named agent monthly &$#'& 5 HCC Agent Seat (1001-2000 seats) single named agent monthly &(#)$ 6 HCC Work Force Management single named agent monthly Included 7 HCC Quality Management Seat/Distance Learning single named agent monthly 35.00 8 HCC Quality Management Seat single named agent monthly 34.00 9 HCC Enhanced Distance Learning single named agent monthly 11.04 10 Toll Free Services per minute monthly 0.0147 11 CRM single named agent monthly $35 - $150 12 Social Media Interaction single named agent monthly TBD 13 Enhanced IVR DTMF per minute 0.0299 14 Enhanced IVR DTMF + Directed Dialogue per minute 0.0441 15 SMS Short Code Hosting-Leasing Fees TBD TBD 17 SMS Text Message - Mobile Originated per message 0.0144 18 SMS Text Message - Mobile Terminated per message 0.018 19 Enhanced IVR Adaptive Solutions Usage per call 0.006 Enhanced IVR Adaptive Solutions Reporting & Data 20 monthly 2,750.00 Storage Bridged Outbound Call Usage - Assumes connection to 21 per minute of bridged time 0.0144 client provided TFN 22 My:Time Mobile Customer Service TBD TBD TBD 23 Mid Tier IVR Tuning Semi-Annual 21,400.00 24 Enhanced IVR Tuning Quarterly 32,100.00 SMS Fees TBD TBD TBD

1 - Service Charges Page 4 2-NexxPhase_HCC RFP Attachment4-A Pricing_Final.xlsx

One-Time Charges

Recurring Ref ID Service Charge Unit of Measure Charge Period 1 HCC Implementation per seat - standard per seat one-time $ 76.30 2 HCC Implementation per seat premium per seat one-time $ 95.59 HCC Implementation per Contact Center - 3 per HCC one-time $ 15,000 Standard HCC Implementation per Contact Center - 4 per HCC one-time $ 20,000 Premium 5 Nexxphone per license one-time $ 16 6 VoIP Hard Phone each one-time $ 200 7 Enhanced IVR DTMF - Basic Complexity per Application One-time $ 21,400 8 Enhanced IVR DTMF - Mid-Tier Complexity per Application One-time $ 36,380

9 Enhanced IVR DTMF + Directed Dialogue - Basic per Application One-time $ 42,800

Enhanced IVR IVR DTMF + Directed Dialogue - 10 per Application One-time $ 72,760 Mid-Tier 11 SMS Text Development per Application one-time $ 14,445 13 Enhanced IVR Adaptive Development per Application one-time $ 25,000 14 My:Time Mobile Customer Service TBD TBD TBD 15 NexxPhase HCC Agent Training (Per Center) Session As Needed 150.00 16 NexxPhase HCC Supervisor Training (Per Center) Session As Needed 150.00 17 WFM - Vendor Site Training (first user) Session As Needed 1,600.00 WFM - Vendor Site Training (per each subsequent 18 Session As Needed 1,000.00 user) WFM - Alternative Customer Premise Training (per 19 Session As Needed 5,500.00 session) WFM - Additional Web-based training (minimum 2 20 per hour As Needed 250.00 hrs.) Advanced Quality Mgmt. Webinar Training (Per 21 Session As Needed 4,500.00 Session) Alternative QMS Web-based training (minimum 2 22 per hour As Needed 250.00 hrs.)

2 - One Time Charges Page 5 2-NexxPhase_HCC RFP Attachment4-A Pricing_Final.xlsx

Rate Card Charges

Charge Charge Charge Ref ID Rate Card Charge per hour per week per month 1 Contact Center Consultant $ 238.70 $ 9,548 $ 38,192 2 Professional Trainer $ 165.00 $ 6,600 $ 26,400 3 Project Manager $ 271.54 $ 10,861 $ 43,446 4 CRM Architect $ 244.39 $ 9,775 $ 39,102 5 Professional Voice Recording - English $ 275.00 $ 11,000 $ 44,000 6 Professional Voice Recording - Spanish $ 385.00 $ 15,400 $ 61,600 7 IVR Professional Services $ 165.00 $ 6,600 $ 26,400

3 - Rate Card Charges Page 6 2-NexxPhase_HCC RFP Attachment4-A Pricing_Final.xlsx

Equipment Charges

Maintenance Ref ID Service Charge Unit of Measure Price Maintenance Period

1 VoIP Adapter (IAD) each N/A monthly

Cost is reflected in 2 VoIP Hard Phone each N/A annual the one time charge tab

4 - Equipment Charges Page 7 2-NexxPhase_HCC RFP Attachment4-A Pricing_Final.xlsx

Service Provider will provideService all assumptions Provider used Pricingin pricing theAssumptions Services, notating those assumptions which impact price. Price Impact Ref ID (Y/N) Description SERVICE CHARGES 1 N HCC Implementation per seat cost includes WFM 2 N HCC Implementation per seat premium includes basic seat plus quality management seat 10 Y Varies with Telco provider 11 Y Provided a price range because lack of specific CRM requirements 12 Y Anticipate may wish to integrate social media interaction during the life of this contract

ONE TIME CHARGES 15-22 Y Training requirements may vary based on headcount, program size, and geographical locations 7 Up to 4 menus and ask, Single Host Interface/transaction, Standard CTI, Single call- center transfer, and Basic Reports inclusive of call volume and host transaction reports 8 Up to 8 menus and ask, Single Host Interface/ 3 transaction, Standard CTI, Multiple call- center transfer, and Full Reports inclusive of call volume, host transaction and tasks and goals reports 9 Up to 4 menus and ask, Single Host Interface/transaction, Standard CTI, Single call- center transfer, and Basic Reports inclusive of call volume and host transaction reports. Plus Directed Dialogue 10 Up to 8 menus and ask, Single Host Interface/ 3 transaction, Standard CTI, Multiple call- center transfer, and Full Reports inclusive of call volume, host transaction and tasks and goals reports. Plus Directed Dialogue

RATE CARD ASSUMPTIONS 1-7 Y Number of hours required may very based on scope, scale, requirements and systems 15-22 Y 40 Hours per week 15-22 Y 160 hours per month

Equipment Charges 1 NexxPhase does not require VOIP adapter 2 Hard Phone pricing is reflected in one time charges

5 - Assumptions Page 8 Georgia Technology Authority NexxPhase_ HCC RFP Attachment 4-B Charges Definitions


1.0! Service Charges...... 5! 2.0! One-Time Charges...... 7! 3.0! Rate Card Charges ...... 9! 4.0! Equipment Charges...... 11!

RFP No. 98000-HCC-0000001097 Hosted Contact Center 4 of 11 ! Georgia Technology Authority


Service charges are those that the GTA Customer can expect to incur on a recurring basis (usually monthly) as part of receiving the services from the Service Provider (e.g. agent seat). ID Name of Charge Description of Entitlement 1 HCC Agent Seat (1-250 seats) Agent Call Delivery, Routing and Management for 1-250 seats 2 HCC Agent Seat (251-500 seats) Agent Call Delivery, Routing and Management for 251 -500 seats 3 HCC Agent Seat (501-1000 seats) Agent Call Delivery, Routing and Management for 501-1000 seats 4 HCC Agent Seat (1001-2000 seats) Agent Call Delivery, Routing and Management for 1001 -2000 seats 5 HCC Agent Seat (2001+ seats) Agent Call Delivery, Routing and Management for 2001 or more seats 6 HCC Work Force Management Workload Tracking, Scheduling, Forecasting and Adherence 7 Agent Quality Monitoring, recording and reporting bundled with remote learning HCC Quality Management management applications (both comprising Voice Print International quality Seat/Distance Learning management and training applications) 8 HCC Quality Management Seat Agent Quality Monitoring, recording and reporting 9 HCC Enhanced Distance Learning Remote learning 10 All per minute charges associated with toll free access and delivery to the contact Toll Free Services centers. 11 CRM Customer Relationship Management 12 Agent social media messaging delivery, routing, and management with pricing to be Social Media Interaction determined upon requirements definition. 13 Inbound / Outbound IVR Usage* per minute Enhanced IVR DTMF *Non-Client of Record (Non-COR) ± excludes Toll Free/Taxes/Charges *Client of Record (COR) ± includes Toll Free/Taxes/Surcharge 14 Inbound / Outbound IVR Usage* per minute Enhanced IVR DTMF + Directed *Non-Client of Record (Non-COR) ± excludes Toll Free/Taxes/Charges Dialogue *Client of Record (COR) ± includes Toll Free/Taxes/Surcharge 15 5 digit SMS short codes are assigned to enterprises and leased from the wireless carrier SMS Short Code Hosting-Leasing network on a monthly basis. Hosting and leasing fees are a pass-through from Contact Fees Solutions 16 SMS Text Message - Mobile SMS Text Message received per message Originated 17 SMS Text Message - Mobile SMS Text Message sent per message Terminated !"#$%&'(%)*+++,++++++---- .'/012%$'30450%$13016 5 of 11 % Georgia Technology Authority

18 Similar to the Random dedicated short code - Hosting Fee, this fee is an additional monthly fee charged in conjunction with the SMS Short Code Hosting-Leasing Shared Short Code - Hosting Fees Fees. Shared short codes can rarely be used, but where possible, the 5 digit short code can be shared by multiple enterprises in order to keep costs down. 19 Random dedicated short code - Additional monthly fee charged in conjunction with the SMS Short Code Hosting- Hosting Fees Leasing Fees. This fee is for a randomized, network assigned 5 digit short code. 20 Similar to the Random dedicated short code - Hosting Fee, this fee is an additional monthly fee charged in conjunction with the SMS Short Code Hosting-Leasing Vanity dedicated short code - Hosting Fees. This fee is for a specific 5 digit short code requested by the enterprise because Fees WKHOHWWHUVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKHGLJLWV VSHOODVSHFLILFZRUGVXFKDVWKHHQWHUSULVH¶s name. 21 Enhanced IVR Adaptive Solutions Adaptive personalization usage per call 22 Enhanced IVR Adaptive Solutions Service includes hosting and data center, reports, feature upgrades Reporting & Data Storage 23 Bridged Outbound Call Usage - Bridge outbound call per minute of bridged time. Assumes connection to client provided TFN 24 Service includes ‡ Hosting and data center, reports, feature upgrades and live agent support My:Time Mobile Customer Service ‡ Unlimited application / help button use, user alters from agents, location based services and second tier support 25 This fee applies to tuning speech applications to ensure that speech recognition is Mid Tier IVR Tuning DFFXUDWHO\FDSWXULQJDQGXQGHUVWDQGLQJ WKHFDOOHUV¶VSHHFK 26 This fee applies to a more in-depth effort in tuning speech applications to ensure that Enhanced IVR Tuning VSHHFKUHFRJQLWLRQ LVDFFXUDWHO\FDSWXULQJDQGXQGHUVWDQGLQJ WKHFDOOHUV¶VSHHFK 27 Training on the application and the any possible Optimization Portal enabled !"#$%$%& configuration.

!"#$%&'(%)*+++,++++++---- .'/012%$'30450%$13016 6 of 11 % Georgia Technology Authority


One-time charges are those that the GTA Customer can expect to incur only once, maybe as part of implementing the Services or as part of a change in Services (e.g. implementation charge). The table below should list all the one-time charges that GTA Customers may incur and describe the outcome they may expect as a result of each of those charges. ID Name of One-Time Charge Description of Outcome 1 HCC Implementation per seat - NexxPhase Hosted Customer Interaction Platform including Work Force Management per standard seat. 2 HCC Implementation per seat NexxPhase Hosted Customer Interaction Platform including Work Force Management Premium and Quality Management Seat/Distance Learning per seat. 3 HCC Implementation per Contact NexxPhase Hosted Customer Interaction Platform including Work Force Management per Center - Standard Contact Center 4 HCC Implementation per Contact NexxPhase Hosted Customer Interaction Platform including Work Force Management Center - Premium and Quality Management Seat/Distance Learning per Contact Center 5 A software program for making telephone calls over the Internet using a general purpose Zoiper Softphone computer, rather than using dedicated hardware desk phone. 6 VoIP Hard Phone 7 Setup* includes x User interface and application design x Up to 4 menus and asks x Single host interface / 1 transaction x Standard CTI Enhanced IVR DTMF - Basic x Single call-center transfer Complexity x Basic reports (IVR call volume and host transactions) x Development and test x Project management x Optimization Portal Web Management tool integration *Does not include professional voice recording or translation services (if applicable) 8 Setup* includes x User interface and application design Enhanced IVR DTMF - Mid-Tier x Up to 8 menus and asks Complexity x Single host interface / 3 transactions x Standard CTI x Multiple call-center transfer !"#$%&'(%)*+++,++++++---- .'/012%$'30450%$13016 7 of 11 % Georgia Technology Authority

x Full standard reports (IVR call volume, host transactions, tasks and goals reports) x Development and test x Project management x Optimization Portal Web Management tool integration *Does not include professional voice recording or translation services (if applicable) 9 Enhanced IVR DTMF + Directed Setup includes above IVR DTMF ± Basic Complexity and directed dialogue. Dialogue - Basic 10 Enhanced IVR DTMF + Directed Setup includes above IVR DTMF ± Mid-Tier Complexity and directed dialogue Dialogue - Mid-Tier 11 Setup includes SMS Text Development WAN connectivity shall be VPN or HTTP/s to the Georgia Technical Authority customer management systems. 12 13 SMS Carrier Provisioning Setup includes all necessary carrier and short-code provisioning 14 Enhanced IVR Adaptive Setup includes 60 day post-activation consulting engagement with recommendations and Development setup based on analysis of data collected. 15 Setup includes x Development of mobile customer service applications depending on need. My:Time Mobile Customer Service x Each application consists of a front end interface installed on an end users phone or web link and a backend integration development to drive the front end. x CRM integration depending on need. 16 Training on the application and the any possible Optimization Portal enabled Training configuration.

!"#$%&'(%)*+++,++++++---- .'/012%$'30450%$13016 8 of 11 % Georgia Technology Authority


Rate Card charges are costs for professional services. GTA expects that in most cases no professional services will be required for the use of the Services, and as such the use of these professional services should be seen as entirely optional. The professional services detailed below must be associated with the delivery of the Services; general professional services (e.g. project management) may not supplied under any agreement that may be awarded as an outcome of this RFP. ID Professional Service Description of Professional Service 1 Provide subject matter expertise in contact center operations and project management. 8+ years of experience in contact center operations. Analyze, document, and prepare client ready deliverables for contact center assessments, CRM requirements definition, CRM Contact Center Consultant assessments and call center technology strategy and implementation. Functions as the Call Center Consultant to client management and staff. Develop and take ownership of the project management plan and execution. 2 Professional Trainer 3 Oversee project delivery and liaison with client on CRM technical and business solutions. Experience using RUP, waterfall, Agile development methodologies. Experience in enterprise system integration methods or architecture. Demonstrates ability to provide coaching, and mentoring a technical staff. Develop technical solutions to business Project Manager problems using leading CRM platforms. Serve as technical lead on cross-functional professional services team. Develop, maintain, support, and enhance existing customizations. Lead and participate in joint requirements and design sessions with users, business analysts, and admins. 4 Lead architectural solution design and development with clients and technical staff for Oracle RightNow. CRM packages can also include Oracle CX,, and MS Dynamics. Ability to develop innovative technical solutions to complex business problems. Consult and provide guidance to customers in the design and implementation or CRM platforms. Serve as the technical expert on consulting teams to design CRM solution architectures. Collaborate with engineers and business consultants to design CRM Architect solutions which correctly address business problems and provide sufficient technical detail to drive the proposed solution. Understand the impact and risks of technology solutions and their relevancy to business goals. Maintain an in-depth knowledge of current CX technology trends and its applicability internally and to customers. Must be expert in LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) technologies. Strong experience with .NET and/or Java application development. Experience with enterprise data integration using batch and web services, including XML-RPC, REST, or SOAP. !"#$%&'(%)*+++,++++++---- .'/012%$'30450%$13016 9 of 11 % Georgia Technology Authority

5 NexxPhase maintains a contractual relationship with a professional voice talent service to provide voice recordings. When new voice recordings are required, NexxPhase transmits files via email that include the text to be recorded and a description of any special Professional Voice Recording - instructions (i.e. cadence, etc.). Voice recordings are returned in a .wav file format that is English compatible with the NexxPhase platform. Based on the quantity of messages to be recorded, this process is typically completed within two business days. The process can be expedited in emergency situations. The effort for the voice talent service is time based and billed on an hourly rate. 6 Professional Voice Recording - Same as for English but also includes translation services from English to Spanish. Spanish 7 For IVR Professional Services, a dedicated Project Manager is assigned to manage delivery, from inception to production roll-out and post-production support. The Project Manager is responsible for planning and tracking all project tasks in Microsoft Project. The project plan will be shared with the Client throughout the lifetime of the project.

The enhanced IVR delivery process spans the full lifecycle of an application from inception to post production activities and is focused on improving usability and increasing functionality. Professional Services include: IVR Professional Services x Project Setup and Management x Requirement Definition x Solution Architecture and Design x Development x Testing and Tuning x Release Preparation x Deployment x Monitoring x Continuous Improvement .

!"#$%&'(%)*+++,++++++---- .'/012%$'30450%$13016 10 of 11 % Georgia Technology Authority


GTA assumes and desires a solution where all equipment, software, licenses and materials are included in the Services. However, if there is optional equipment that the Service Provider would like to highlight for GTA Customer potential use, that equipment should be identified here. ID Name of Equipment Charge Description 1 VoIP Adapter (IAD) 2 VoIP Hard Phone 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

!"#$%&'(%)*+++,++++++---- .'/012%$'30450%$13016 11 of 11 %