Wallowa County, Oregon and Environs
Moving On By Winona Johnson Holloway J; ~tnn,I ~M ;r= ·~ - ;}/-~ _?~ lq?7 Moving On by WinonaJohnson Holloway ©1989 Shadow Butte Press Live Oak, California All rights reserved included the right to reproduce this book or parts thereof in any form Cover picture courtesy of Alice Mccully Printed by "The Printer" in Davis, California, U.S.A. I I dedicate this book to Merritt Louis Holloway, whose genes have mixed with mine to produce our own line of descendants, now in its fourth generation. Thank you Merritt for having such interesting ancestors. Thank you for our adventurous life together. II Our past is not a dead past. It is still alive in little pockets and trickles to surprise us in places still to be found. How lucky are those who have perceived it- a spark that shines within us dimly-to tell us who we are and why and how. We know better where we are going, if we know from whence we came. WJH III Grover and Zora Johnson and family, 1926 Front: Zora, Grace, Joe, Tom, Maybeth, Grover Rear: Winona, Dorofy, Ellen, Mildred IV Moving On Contents Chapter 1 Others came before me ............................................................................ 1 Chapter 2 The world is full of a number of things ................................................. 15 Chapter 3 That was the time that was, a time that will not come again ............... 39 Chapter 4 Of fun and foibles ................................................................................ 71 Chapter 5 As the twig is bent, the tree's inclined ................................................... 87 Chapter 6 Making do ............................................................................................ 103 Chapter 7 On my own .......................................................................................... 125 Chapter 8 In which we try it out there in the big world ...........................................
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