II 0. J. YEITER Used Car Bargains
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<»• * BLUE MARK NOTJCE • Ki.AU THE DATE OJV LABEL • A blue murk nround this nnticc * -s- Tf is the ditle your flUhsuription * is paid to. If your time is out you will cull your nttcntion to your J * II* address iabol, which shows that + * should renew jrt once. Please • • it's time 1o renew. • Ohscrve and ohlipe the publisher. A1STK) SUIX> VOLUME XXXVI LOWELL. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 29 1928 NO. 27 The Lowell Santa Claus Farm Fires Christmas Seal Am. Legion Girls Need in Vergennes Sale Now On Thanks You Your Help and Keene In Lowell Why Personal? The Free Fair staged lust The Lowull Santa Claus girls The fanm home of James Liud Thursday. Friday and Saturday lire getting busy ngain and the north ol Keene church was ChriBtmas Ib the one Beason of the year that nights proved to ibe the greatest work inaugurated here last year hurnud to the ground Monday af- success of any enW'rprise under- will be dujilicated, except that tur noon with most of its con- fails to respond to frock coats and high hats. taken by the Charles W. Clark the work done will be limited to tents, only the piano and a few It refuses to yield to stiff formaiity. If ever iPost of the American Legion. Lowull township. chairs, etc.. being saved. House there was a holiday that called for jovial The committee, Dr. Gutfredsen. The purpose of the movement and contents were partially in- George Hatch. Charles Knapp, is to bring real Christmas joy and sured. friendliness and good will, it is the Christmas 2 Walter Kropf and Joe Scott work- cheer into the lives of children A son, Harold, discovered the season. '' ed hard and enthusiastically, both who might otherwise be over- firt' i" the attic and it is supposed 1 'I . ... ... ... ' . ...... <' before and during the fair. looked by Santa Claus. the blaze started at the chimney. That can be the only possible explanation of The booths of the different Those who have been so for- Neighbors gathered quickly Th's wut,k thousands of tiny the extreme popularity of Look^ Christmas Lowell merchants were all very tunate as to be able to provide and did all that could be done ships, each measuring less than Chanksgiping 1,11 ro,n Gift Line. For weeks we have been laying ';! artistic and many were most in- for their own can greatly en- to save the furnishings and the ""'h f P^ow to stern, will teresting. Warner & Scott's hance their own Christmas pleas- adjacent farm buildings. be launched on the first leg of Gifts aside—this is commendable because ! j booth was judged the best by the ure by sharing in a measure with ThL' family is living temporar- voyages that eventually will the better part of our Gift Line is composed 11 committee. the children of others not so for- % "the neighboring old Keiui- carry them to all parts of Michi- e ,!r huust ntl 1 08 for re of one item each—this insures Peraonality. Season Jteam A. H. Stormzand, in charge of tunate, or of children who have BH ' « l' " - gan. 1,uiltlin Representing the Ship o f the boxing contests arranged been orphaned, or are for any 6 already making, The shopper who exercises the most extreme How doet your Savings Account stand or !: I some well motifled bouts. reason in need. The work this' tuo1 Hh"*1 "nd garage at Health, and carrying on their The live turkey exhibit in year is sponsored by the Lowell Percy Read's farm home in Ver- mainsails a red double barred care in the selection of appropriate Christ- haven^t you one to feel thankful for? f charge (if Charles Knapp. Joe Woman's club and Mrs. Arthur gennes, burned to the ground cross, the shipf are the design im- mas gifts should shop at Look s early. Friday night, cause of lire is un- printed on the 11128 tuberculosis If not, start one with this bank today* j Scott. W. Smith and A. VerWise Armstrong is chairman of the | proved to be one of the popular committee in charge. known, but Mr. Read had just Christmas seals. Distribution of build it up steadily and feel thankful, not | attractions. Sixty people bag- Contributions may be given to (lr'vt'n his truck in only u short the seals through the mails will ged their Thanksgiving turkeys Mrs. Armstrong or left at 1hejtirat' before the lire was (liscov- be started by the Michigan Tuber- LOOK'S DRUG STORE only on Thanks^ivinf Day, but every day in here. Henry or Hodges stores. !orutl is thought the lire culosis association on Thanksgiv- the year. The country store operated by As was done last year The -Started from ignition from a ing day. One of the 10,000 Rexall Drug Stores G. Hatch and F. Smith, which Ledger will acknowledge all con- siu)rtBtl wire- ®he truck and The ships inconspicuously are contained much merchandise tnlbtions. The list so far is as ,ievur^ faran tools were destroy- their first trij) on the in- S < L S Batik + generously donated by Lowell f«followsi : ed. Loss is partially covered by ' ' ' envelopes, but on their inNUruucl; ^ business people was well patron- NorN m Borgerson ? 2 »M) - second voyages, to b»- made in *********** tl w,!t,ks WWW W"1 VWWI* VV WV VVVf VVVT lized. Glen Itarnes !.... •» (m "" Preceding Christmas. INGLE MABODfi BAYS they will be prominently dis*. • 1~^ J J* W | • The Auxiliary ladies sold cof- Mrs. W. Stone 1.(10 He wouldn't wonder but may played upon the backs of envel- * A B J. J nk. JL_J • • fee, sandwiches, hot-dogs and Charles Cook I.IMi be Providence permitting, if there «>pes and on a variety- of other* doughnuts at their booth and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Johnson r»tn0 . i • . sweet cider was on sale down Contributions for the Santa ™ ^innu^ nuieting ofjarticles^ •J- Our Motto-Service and Quality stairs. Glaus Girls' fund must all be in the good old Lowell Board of Purchasers Of the seals ham-, in * ELECTRIC RADIO The first night found a large by Saturday. Dec. la. Trade some time next week, the twenty-ont yer.rs that they * I and eager crowd in the hall and Nothing ollicial and this is all on have been sold in Michigan, de- + Complete with Cabinet | things were in full swing early in his own; but this is just a hint vised a number of novel uses for • I the evening, unusual for a first Caution to that faithful old Ed. may be them. The penny stickers are % | fair night. The Lowell High around with the tickets on short now found to decorate gift J $99.00 School orchestra played many Oil Land notice pretty soon and the boys packages, theater programs, club • {flue selections and later in the had better get their short change notices, monthly bills, pay en- • Only ONE Available I j evening a boxing match between Leasers ready. velopes, restaurant menus, pa- % 4 j the AVepman brothers was the The Ledger has been requested pens, and magazines. MRS. AVERS RECOVERING. | attraction. Friday night anoth- to warn Lowell vicinity land- Mrs. Lewis Ayers, who is at FOREMAN FARM JUDGING % er large crowd attended. State owners against signing oil leases Stocking's Luwrunw hos ,itul CONTEST AWARDS. • j Commander Conlon. of Grand for strangers unless 'cornpeteirtlv » - Lansing, is • doinp aS Wt!,l 88 (,oul(l bt Mrs. Leo Bowland wins SO ! Rapids addressed the people and advised as to the conditions in ' ed. recovering from the severe chicks offered in "production —— praised the Lowell Post highly the papers they are asked to injuries sustained by her in the judging by head character" con- W. J. Gibson's Cash Market 1 for being one of the lirst in the sign. Level-headed business automobile collision recorded in l,'sl at Legion Fair. state to have a HH)9r membership. people say that at least some of The Market Where Your Children Get Hen No. 8. with production of i The boxing bout this evening was the leases submitted for signature " T ~' the Same Service You Do. Mr. Ayers. who has so far re- ''ggs was the best individual A Spirit to Emulate between Elmer Layer and Irving will tie up a man's rights on his covered from the hurts received the contest. Mrs. Rowland | I Wqpman. own land for a period of ten at the same time as to be able to scored ailhT. in estimating to an The record crowd came Satur- years and he has no redress, The PilgrimE found liberty because they f tinU: 1o egg the number of eggs actually day night and packed the hall unless it be in an expensive b.w- ^ T " ^ ' Sun(lay ; und Mrs bt nNon produced. Mrs. Bowland has to the doors from early in the suit with uncertain results. T - ' - Bought it. They won independence because ,,f , ckst n v,8rts the option of selecting either 30 j evening until midnight. Finally—Sign no papers until • » ; - ^ sister W U 8 W White Leghorn or 30 Barred they fought for it. They grew strong because There were two boxing bouts you know—under competent ad- ' Bock chickens for delivery next i on the program the first between vice—what you are signing. Look NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF Spring. they were thrifty and they eBtablished StaufTer and Reed and the second before you leap. LOWELL TOWNSHIP. The following contestants anelj j between Layer and Bullock.