CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1929. EIGHT PAGES VOLUME 24, NUMBER 30. m LICENSES. CELEBRATED GOLDEN %EDDING TUESDAY Team 6 ...... 73 41 114 Team 7 ...... 78 32 110 8DVERNENTTRA TORS M~rria~a lice~Yse.q have been issued DEFRDOUPLE Team 8 ...... 82 38 120 A88 ITY DEFEA[ED D. League. i ing persons: Previous Nov. David Somerville, 64, Akron; Lydia iD P[W FARN8HERE total 5 Total HURON Kramer, 53, Akron. Horace Brown, 55, Millington; Ma- Team 1 _..:...... 64 32 96 Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hicks Have Team 2 ...... 70 Cass City Grain Co.' and Rep. :ry Hammond, 55, Clio. 37 i07 iEdgerton Intercepted Two H. B. Elliston V. Biddle, 21, Deford; Wil- Resided in Novesta Twp. Team 3 ...... 53 35 88 i Passes and Planks Down Robertson Secure 12 fog Team 4 ...... 83 43 126 1 ing I. Bentley, 18, Deford. for Forty Years. Use of Local Farmers. Waiter Syring, 26, FairErove; Ma- Team 5 ...:...... 56 42 98 i Two Scores. ry Kaczmarek, 22, Bay City. Team 6 ...... 88 45 133 ; Theodore Earl Wescoat, 20, Vas- Comparatively speaking, it is not Team 7 ...... ~ ...... 81 19 100 t ° Through the efforts of the Cass 25 '89' Cass City defeated Harbor Beach, sar; Ita Mae Conley, 17, Vernon, given to many to enjoy half a cen- Team 8 ...... 64 City Grain. Co., assisted by E. C. i Huron County champs, here Friday Mich. tury together as husband and wife. It Robel~tsorr of Fostoria, representative i by a 19-0 score, dumping the Huron is a long span of life and those who in the state legislature from Tusco!a Icounty team from the leading" posi- are permitted to accomplish the jour- county, farmers in this community tion in the Upper Thumb Athletic As- ney with the perspective apparently will have the opportunity to secure W, g, ENIERTAINED sociation. unimpeded for perhaps many mile- government tractors for their fallORED tilt IN MR. AND MRS. WM. B. HICKS By virtue of this win, the locals go stones of contented, blissful travel, plowing. These were secured from into a tie with Caro for the leader- i are extremely favored and quite nat- the Federal Farm Board and 12 tract- NEIBHBSRINCLUBS ship. through a~,~ain"." They will spend two urally are the subjects of sincere and ors were shipped from Toledo, Ohio, WOANtE WEDDiN Cass City kicked off and a Harbor weeks at Shreveport, La., from Oct. enthusiaastic congratulations on the on Monday. One-half of these will Beach fumble gave them the ball in 30 to Nov. ii. V[R AI P, I, A part of their frien(ts and kinfolk. No Mrs. Tressa l~errill of Detroit be unloaded at Deford and the re- mid-field. Going off tackle and around more conspicuous an example of such mainder at Cass City. It is expected Actors' Antics Tickled Large Gave Interesting Address :end, the ball was advanced to the 20- a rare experience has come to the that.the tractors will arrive here thi~ Audiences at Home,Talent THUMB ROUND TABLE on "Drama." yard line and Gowen raced around the community's notice than that in which week end. EEIiN NDAY Ileft end to register the first score. Ed- Play Last Week. Mr. and Mrs. Win. B, Hick# of Deford The local organization interested izt MEETS HERE TUESDAY • _ " ]gerton's place kick for extra point • ~ . •were the principal figures. Their dr- this ,project is the Tuseola County Re p r e sen tatives' fro m 38 schoo 1s n"a State President, Mrs . J . K . Pet - ~rival at the golden cycle was most The main auditorium of the Pros-]was blocked. Score, Cass City 6, Har- Better Farming Association which Some folks like grand opera, others the three counties of the Thumb dis- tingill, Spoke on "Parent- happily celebrated on Tuesday, Nov. byterian Church was nearly filled t bor Beach 0. ~ was formed Monday night with Dan ~want jazz. Certain people enjoy the tritc are expected here Tuesday eve- m , ~ J, ]5, at the Hicks farm home, 31~ miles Tuesday afternoon when the Worn- I Harbor Beach received and carried Hennessy of Cass City as president ' drama, others must have their musi- ieacner lvlovemen~ fan's Study Club entertained women's ]the ball welt past mid-field on a fiat and Geo. McIntyre of Deford as sec-cal comedies. One class demands high southea~st of Deford, which is a mile clubs of Kingston, Gagetown, Owen-[zone pass that the locals could not ning, Nov. 12, at a meeting of the ~ " from. the place where Mr. and Mrs. I dale, Elkton and the Wixson, Van stop. With the Beachers from rotary-treasurer. !art, another hankers for burlesque, Thumb Round Table. -~ Farrffers desiring to use these tract-but all of them troop together to the The...... banquet will be served by I The^ ~D .... ~ ~,~~^~" .... ~ ~ ...... "~on IHicks settled . when they came to No-. Winkle and Twentieth Century Clubs Cass City's 20 yard line to start the ors are required to pay a $5.00 freight same playhouse when given the op- members or ~ne ~tome ~conomics. de-I nero...... an en3oyame meeting M on d ay vesta township 40 years ago. Their lot Caro. It is estimated about two second quarter, Edgerton picked off and expense charge and 10 cents an portunity to see and laugh at a home partment of the Cass City Schools ...... m ..... he lSOn, Archie Hicks, now resides on the ihundred ladies were present, fiat pass and romped 85 yards to acre as a field man or service charge. Itatent show in which 75 men expose unoer...... ~ne managemen~ or ±VilSS Jar- l ...evemng . wnen~ --. over • ~uu . ...e~ a~ ..~ !farm and in late years his parents The guest of honor was Mrs. Tressa t score the second touchdown. Reagh For example, if a farmer desires to !themselves in the glare of the foot- n oski instructor in that department 'nlg'n scnom aum~orlum and listened ~o have lived in the village of Deford. IMerrill, of Detroit, State Chairman!plunged for the point. Score, Cass iwo~ 'selections...... Dy ~ne girls Vgiee ciuDi~~'~a most...... profitable program. IMUSiCallos The color scheme throughout the of Drama, who delivered an address City 13, Harbor Beach 0. plow 25 acres, the cost, outside of lights to parade and prance in various _~ .... ~. ~.~ ~.. ~^~^~. .... i numDers mcm(~eo ~wo voca so , spacious rooms of the farm residence ' " e 1 u y [ ~,f'a -aft" "1-'~__l_ .c._ A'I ~l XT'-..__.'__'._,, ~^ ] kerosene and the operator s tim, stages of male, female and infantile allu .~t l~ttlll~...... IY.tlb. IIVi%VIILU ¢~r~ barry ±v~e ~ac~ ~o um v~rgm~a ~mlwas in white and gold for the golden l °n "Drama." The speaker advocated I Harbor Beach~ tried another pas.~ would be $7.50. . ,,numoers .iUITllsneo Dy lOCal ~aien~ . on ,I,,~ ~omewnere ~..... a vmcexr_-__ ~v~ ~a~q'n-" ~ g b-.v : Tuesday. Before a bank of ithe use of drama in Sunday School late in this quarter. Edgerton again • Several farmers have already signed [ ~ne evening's program. Supt.. Mills. ,iVilSSI ...... ve~a t~ixDy, accompanied oy ~ [work in presenting lessons for chil- intercepted a wide pass and ran, this up for the tractor service and the i Such was the "Womanless Wed- of the Sandusky Schools is president ] ...... i autumn leaves and tall baskets of!dre n love to act. You have to choose i time 60 yards, for his second score. ding" sponsored by the Cass City I . .~ . . . . . l ivlrs: ivic±Namee a~ ~ne piano, gnu a prospects are that it will be a popu-iParent Teachers Association and wit- ~nonlr~Voi ~ne farS0Cle~y fho ~von~n~gnu is securing" a ~piano . solo by Miss. Eleanor McCal- ~white and gold chrysanthemums in, our Ia s as ou do our books, she iGowen s place kick for the point was ~ ...... ~. 1 , the living room, the and groom ~y P y Y Y 1dr movement her~. Farmers maY'nessed at the high school auditorium ~~ I The speaker of the evening, Mrs. J. '°f 50 years ago took their places a~ !said. At the conclusion of her talk ~again tow. Score, Cass City 19, Hat- use the tractors in the order in which last Thursday and Friday nights by ' lure" ' ; Mrs. Merrill conducted a sample los-ibor Beach 0. they sign up for them, but no farm-!large audiences which included the F| |~| ~|~ ~|I~i|FF~ ~K. Pettingill of Lansing, state P. T. !Mrs. Carless of Kingston played !son in drama illustrating the proper Harbor Beach tried desperately to er is permitted to use a tractor more wives, sweethearts, children, grand- ~ ~| ~ ~|~[~~ IA. president, took as her subject :Lohengrin's Wedding March. Here iways to bred{he, relax and walk and lovercome this lead in the second half than four days at a time if there are children, sisters, cousins and aunts of Llkli~IL.NI|U ~|~l|lt.L~ "Parent-Teacher Movement." Mrs. the nuptial vows were again spoken others on the waiting" list. the fellows on the stage, together a~ n ~il~ n n i'~ ~i ~ t ¢~ ~ ~ ~ Pettingill summed up the parent- !atused.highRev.nOOncarless,and thepastorfUll ringof theServiCeDe-toin plays.Selectsuitable characters for parts acrossbUtalwaySthe doubleWerehaltedstripe.before getting More information regarding the use with a liberal sprinkling of other ~~~ ~|~| |~| | iteacher task in three steps~to know, :ford M. E. church, was the officiating Mrs. Clare Hagey, whose play Ca- Cass City got the breaks but the of these government tractors may be friends outside the relationship of the ~||~|L|~ ||||~L ~LL ,to do and to be. To Know---The par- clergyman. Mr. G. N. Loyst, a broth-.:titled "Second Place" won first prize Huron County champs fought a game secured if farmers 'will consult the actors. The gross receipts were ap- i ent-teacher people first should know'~ r ,,v ~.~ ~;~ . ~,~ ~ ~,ow .~, r-in a contest sponsored by the State and dogged fight. It was one of the Deford or Cass City branches of the proximately $550.00. • the child, second they should know t ...... A ,~ h~ ...... i~ ~a Federation of Women s Clubs, w a , best games of the year and the ma- qass City Grain Co, While the audience laughed, the Mrs. Charlotte Martin. Came to i the community, third, they should the honor to be the -'roomsman so presen[ and she and ±vlr~. Dat~e3~ roon team looked the best of the sea- players suffered, especially those who Elkland Twp. from Oakland know the curriculum. To Do--Parent-...... I Mr~ Fr~A Marri *++ ^~ ~ ..r~+.... , ,~ both of Detroit, presented the play son. Blocking was good, although the submitted to female attire. Consider teachers' tasks should be continulng. ]relae.iv~ af Mr Hiok ...... hr~A .... ~A for the pleasure of the guests. . . tackling leaves lots to be desired. " the pain of manly feet doubled up in County in 1871. • Second, they should not overlap. Tho bVa .... e~r~A oharmin~ ~n ~o,~al The music of the afternoon ,co~s~ In the league, two games remain 69 DEER LICENSES ,size 6 ladies' shoes; imagine the em- Third, they should center on the ~l ...... ~i ~ -~e~- ...... ~:-~ ~ ..... ~-~ ..~ri^r ~ ~ ed- ol'" communiw "" sing'ing" ...... leu uy Mrs .; for the local team, Bad Axe and So- ibarrassment of slipping shoulder child and the schdol. To Be--They '". ~~h~,,o~ ~ ~ ham~oe"~"~ 1~ ,~f o~lA~ ...... ohr~r~an~ha- 15. rinney, ~w~-'--= ~m,~,~.... ~^~ ~"-s *he~ Girls-.. bewaing. Caro also has two games~ ...... ~ ~ " Sixty-ni~e licenses to hunt deer straps, sagging silk hose, and other Mrs. Charlotte Martin, a pioneer, m:~t he the thin~s thev trv to teaoh I...... ~ ..... ~ ...... ~ lilgn ~cnool uiee uiuu u± uvvx...... *~-r~- s Sebewaing and Vassar. Should both resident of Elkland township, passed~ ...... - ~mums. rime nas ueai~ gently w~n ...... , ...... have been issued by County Clerk Guy idainty unmentionables; think of the 'their children to be, such as citizen- a~_ _~ a~.~ ,~ ...... , ..... voices airec-cea Dy iwlss otgemw unu teams win their games, a tie will on- ~,~. • " Ormes in the last ten days to the fol- danger of high heels and the torture away at the home of her daughter, I ship. She pictured the P. T. A. as a !~...... ~nu ivirb.+~ ~IxicNs .... ~gnu ...... uobn ~lOOKeCt ,~a vocal solos by Miss Veda Bixby, ac- sue, and if either team loses, the lowing persons: !of scratching ear-rings and tight-fit- .~[rs. J. H. Bohnsack, in Cass City, on,.....i small child with one hand reached out ._earsi ~ ...... ~ i corn P anied b y .....Mrs R A McNamee other becomes champ of the Thumb. M~llington Albert Holmes, R. :ting wigs. These distressing circum- i Wednesday, Oct. 30, at the age of 80 n nd the other hand to I~ , I At the close of the program ~e Cass City meets Sebewaing today 'vears. She had been ill less than a i t° the pare t a ~ The table in the dining . " . . erved b- the rece~- Frank Squires, Win. E. Hanlin, Frank ~stances emphasized the manly for- I~he teacher and all three climbing" 'roo~ wa ~ m-d ^ ~'e--*iful wit ~" a lar "~ ~resnmen~s were s y _ ~- and a hard fought game is in the Bird, Delos Reynolds, Otto Kowitz, i titude of the lady impersonators. week. Funeral services were held ]Mrs. Pettingill ended her talk by gf=¢- ~,ramid~w;~d~n~i ~c2ke as a ~ cente%~- ~tion committee, assist.ed by mernbei~s offing'. Albert H. Cobb, Thos. Pennington, C. / There were only two rehearsals be- 'Saturday afternoon at the Bohnsack~ v.~ . ~ . . of the program committee, ivirs. ~. o. residence. Rev. M. E. Munger of.: Turn to page 4. piece. This was done in white and ...... a---and Mrs A E. Bishop, ~Robt. Conway, John C~. fore the first night's presentation but ~nlgnG ivirs. ~. o. ixn pp • - • without question no other home tal- Saginaw officiated, assisted by Roy. ~i gold and surmounted by two golden C. Atwc"^11 v~oueed tea. . tl CASS CITY MARKETS. ~leason, Fred E. Church. C. W. Lyman of Cass City. Interment doves. Here the bridal party was I . Ca~0~Guy G. Hill, L. B. Dodge, ent play in years has contained ~:o John Austin, H. J'. Curry, A. F. Clark, many laughs and so much merriment. was made in Elklancl cemetery. THIEVES LOOTED seated at one o'clock, while guests I On Tuesday evening the Woman's November 7, 1929. ~ilber Salgat~ Mildred G. Stone. Charlotte Martin was born May UNIONVILLE STORE were placed at small tables through- i Study Club were guests of the Twen- Turn to page 5. 16, 1849, in Highland, Oakland coun-i out the rooms. An elaborate four-:tieth Century Club of Caro at the Buying Price~ Fostoria~Clarence Fowler. i ty, Michigan, her parents being Hen-~ course luncheon was served by three home of Mrs. Robt. Park, Jr. Thirty-Mixed wheat, bu ...... 1.06 Colling~Cecil Radcliff. . i ry and Eunice Bush. On Jan. 1, 1866, Thieves made way with merchan- daughters and six daughters-in-law of Oats Gagetown ~ Alvin Beach, Frank dise valued between $400 and $500 Mr.and Mrs. Hicks and the dexterity two ladies of Cass City attended ...... Rye, bu ...... : 4289 ~treeter, Wallace Laurie, Normala Em- i she was married to George Martin, from the John Beatenhead general and facility of the servers brough't : who had risked his life for four yearls . Upon the invitation of Mrs. J. L. Corn, shelled, bu. (56 lbs) ...... 1.00 mons, Clayton Emmons, Daniel POTATOAND ORN ~. store at Unionville early Tuesday/out many expressions of laudation Cathcart, the next meeting of the club Peas, bu ...... 1.80 ~Va~aghn, Pearl Emmons. in the War of the Rebellion. morning, but made no attempt to from the guests ...... 6.75 She was a woman whose deeds ]on Nov. 19 will be held at her home Beans, cwt. Cff~s City--Richard Karr, Stanley open the safe. This is the fourth Robert Brown presided as chairman on North Seeger Street. Mrs. Cath- Dark red "kidney beans, cwt ...... 9.00 Turner, D. ,E. Turner, Wm. N. Harri- HOW H[R[NDV. 14 speak loud. Her life was one long time in five years that thieves have at a short program following the cart will give a lecture of her trave!~ Light red kidney beans, c~c. 8.50 son, C. A. Seekings, Geo. Seeley, Win. sacrifice to her husband and her chil- broken into this store. "...... dren. What she sought was not for Turn to page 8. in Europe during the past summer. I Barley, ewt ...... 1.40 Wright, herself but for them, and their lives : Officers are investigating the rob- ' There will also be music and the re-.Buckwheat, cwt ...... 1.'75 Fairgrove'Ed Aymer, O. L. Otis, Will Be Held in Connection with bery and it is understood thy have i sponse will be "The Best Book I Read I Butter, per pound ...... 45 Walter Dawson, Everett Starkey, La- November Meeting of Corn- speak for her "W~ho, being dead, yet secured fingerprints and clues thag ' v~rn Bloomfield, Win. H. Bell, Harold tiveth." She was the product of that may lead to the arrest of the person ~R[AT INT[REST I|~IN in 1929." ' ,IEggs' per dozen ...... 45 (f, Profit, Clyde C. Jameson, John A. J m!unity Club. pioneer life which has given the ha- or persons responsible for the theft: ~ Cattle ...... 6 9 Hogs, weight ...... 8~/~ • Hunter, Arthur French, Wm. Bennett, ! tion much of the goodness and great- Entrance was forced by breaking COMING FARM SALE. Calves, live weight ...... 13 ;t~arl Randall, Fred R. Wright, How- Ernest L. Anthony, head of the "ard ~. Luther, Dave Black. I After five years on a farm near Clothing and provfsions composed the \ I ] [EI roi or ~Unionville--Herbert Ross, John dairy department of Michigan State .White Lake, Oakland county, where loot. In the three previous robberies " ~ ~ ~ ~ C.W. Holler has sold his farm 5 Hens' ...... 13 21 miles east and 1 mile south of Cass Hides 5 M;arker, Arthur Armbruster, Theo K. College, will be the principal speaker her three oldest children were born, similar articles were stolen. ~5hmidt, Karl W. Black, Ernest Luth-at the November meeting of the she followed the wishes of her hus- City and will sell his live stock and Cass City Community Club which will band and came with him to a farm Mrs. Bell M. Waters of Lure implements at auction on Monday, er~,Peter Westerby. ~ Akron~Geo. McPherson, S. D. be held at the high school auditorium in the woods of Elkland township, 22 CHILDREN AT Re-elected'President of Soy- Nov. 11. T. B. Tyrell is the auctioneer Then there is the forest range r who next Thursday evening, the 14th, i four miles north of Cass City, and and a free lunch will b~ served at applied \to the government for a pen- , Matthews, Jay Landon, Elmer Ziegler. commencing at 7:30 p. m. there passed through all the vicissi- FIRST COMMUNION enth District Union. noon. Full particulars are printed on sion after being gassed by a skunk.~ Joe Pillon. Following a custom of former tudes of that pioneer life with which --~- : /page 7. The Pathfinder. Mayville~W. A. Duncan. years, this meeting will be in the in- the older members of this corn- During the morning service Sunday When the 49th annual convention ! ...... '- Kingston~Geo. F. Jeffrey. terest of the bozs and girls engaged munity are so well acquainted. She at St. Pancratius church, 22 children of the Woman's Christian Temper- WILL EXHIBIT AT SHOW Mt. Clemens~F. E. Stone. in livestock club work in this com- CLEVELAND Silverwood--Frank T. Chanting, Joe Turn" to page 5. made their first communion and three ance Union of the s~venth district munity. Willis Campbell, club leader, = converts were taken into the church, opened Wednesday, Oct. 30, . for a , ~3banting. and a few members of the club are P.ontiae~Harvey Green. At the close of the meeting, all were two-day session in the Caro M. E. scheduled four short talks. ~Deel4er--W. C. Hyatt. LOCAL RED CROSS invited to the recently improved base- church, a good interest was shown by At this time, members of the club QUOTA IS $100.00 ment of the church where a breakfast the large attendance.~The church was will be presented with trophies, med- was served to a company of 150 peo- made beautiful for the occasion by 16" YEAt~ OLD COW IS als and about $1,500.00 in checks ple. The basement completed las~ ferns and flowers. which is the amount the boys and , ~." MOTHER OF 18TH CALF The quota for the Cass City unit in week has a dining room 15 by 30 feet Mrs. Bell M: Waters of Lum, dis- girls have won as prizes at county the membership drive for the Red in size, a kitchen 13 by 20 and a trict president, presided in a pleasing J :and state fairs. Money awarded on Cross is $100.00. 9ayments may be cloak room 15 b$ 15 feet. manner. Interesting talks, reports of Richard Bayley, Elmwood township exhibits at the Cass City Fair was di- made at either local bank. A canvas directors, and demonstrations were f~rmer, is th e owner of a 16 year old ,ided among dub members directly of the town will be made during the c.~w which has given birth to eighteen ~after the local fair. campaign which begins on Armistice BOY SCOUT NOTES. given: A discussion of narcotics from ' the viewpoint of a physician was led calves. Tuesday, Nov. 5, this Grade t The potato and corn show spon- Day and concludes Thanksgiving Day. The n4w enroll)nent of the Boy by Dr. Geo. Bates of Kingston; of an Durham cow became the mother of sored by the Livestock Club will be for the third time. Six held in ,connection with this meeting Scouts already shows 26 members, educator, by County School Commisr ~ years ago, the first twins were born 'of the Community Club. FIRST DEBATE HERE Several others are coming in. The isioner B. H. McComb; of a preacher, ON FRIDAY, NOV. 15 boy who does not attend the meetings by Rev. E. W. Kuhlman of the Caro "and three years later the second pair M. E. church, and an address on "The 0f calves arrived. The cow was six- weakens the .report of his own patrol. ,teen years old the first day of June. i BONNIBERK FARMS Six boys, With the Scoutmaster~ Unprivileged Chhd" was given by Dr. One of the first debates of the ~went to the woods and founda very R. L. Dixon of the Michigan Farm i WIN MANY PRIZES Michigan High School Debating secluded spot in which to erect a wig- Colony. All held the close attention "" ,LETTING OF SEBEwAING League this year will be held at Cass :wam for over-night hikes. The frame- ~f the audience, Mrs. Stella B. Roben %%, . I Claud Mitchell and Clarence Bul- City Friday evening, Nov. 15, at work v~'as erected, and plans are be- Turn to page 4. DRAIN IS DELAYED lock of the Bonniberk Farms in E~:- eight o'clock. Carsonville and Cass ing laid for a self supporting bridge / g~een township won $306.00 in prizes City are the participants, Cass City across the river at this spot. ~' -Bec~ase of the illness of Conrad on a $440.00 classification, on their upholding the affirmative on the sub- George Landane, District Boy VOLLEYBALL SCORES. • Mueller, Tuscola county drain com-!Berkshire swine at the exposition at ject, "Resolved: That a Judge or Scout executive of the Bay City dis- '-- ' missioner, and the fact that two of Dallas, Texas. Awards won included Board of Judges Be Substituted for trict, and Jack A. Krier, Field Boy Team 1 captained by Glen Wright the special commissioners appointed 1st on aged boar, 2nd on senior year- :the Jury in all State and Municipal Scout executive, attended the Cass in League A and Team 6 led by Jim ~ in Huron county are disqualified, the ;ling, 1st and 2nd on junior yearling, Trials in Michigan." City Boy Scout meeting Monda~r eve-Milligan in League B are still at the The above illustration shows Jim husbandry at Michigaan State Col- letting of the Sebewaing River Drain ilst and 2nd on boar pig, 1st on top in number of points won in volley- Milligan and his prize Aberdeen An- logo, this steer is the best Michigan The debate will be held in the high fling at the Baptist church. Both men iball. The scores to date: gus steer, Perfection Quality, which club steer Mr. Freeman has ever ahd Branches has been delayed. It breeders' young herd, 1st on young school auditorium. Cass City Schools gave very interesting talks to the he will exhibit at the Cleveland handled. was planned to let this contract in iherd, 1st on produce, 1st on get, 1st will be represented by Joanna Sand- boys. The boys are planning to build A. League. December, but it probably will be l on aged sow, 1st and 2nd on senior ham, Bernita Taylor and Horace Pin- ~ Junior Livestock Show on Nov. 25, 26 Perfection Quality was declared the yearling, 1st on junior yearling, 1st ney. This team is coached by Miss a wigwam in the woods. Previous Nov. and 27, as one of Michigan's repro- state Champion steer in club work at early next. spring before the drain will on senior sow pig, 1st, 3rd and 4th on .be. sold. Florence Lewis of the high school total 5 Total sentatives, the Michigan State Fair last Septem- Special commissioners from the two junior sow pig, senior champion boar faculty. Miss Taylor was on the team I Spoof--I understand that Flubdub Team 1 83 45 128 Jim is a member of the Cass City ber. Jim Milligan is the only boy in counties will again be appointed to land all champions in sows. last season: The other two members is a pretty slick lawyer. Team 2 ...... 77 30 107 Livestock Club and says that Perfec- the state who has a record of showing c}e,tel~mine damages to land owners. The boys say it has been cold in had their first experience in this work I Piffle--Yes, he is so slick : he can T~e~m 3 ...... 75 36 111 tion Quality is the best steer he h~s a state chan4~i0n club steer four Mr. Mueller, physicians say, will be Texas and they are anxious to get in a practice debate with a Saginaw I appeal from his wife to his mother- Team 4 ...... 64 15 79 ever fitted. According to Vern Free- times at the state fair. confined to his bed two months, back to Michigan and get "warmed team here last evening. !in-law.--The Pathfinder. ~:~eam 5 ...... 70 25 105 man, assistant professor of animal Turn to page four. PAGE TWO CASS CITY CHRONICLE Cass City, Michigan, Friday, Nov. 8, 1929.

" , " [ Mr. and Mrs. Witkowski of Detroit Ibewaing visited the Grant Sunday :very poor dancers and there ft.' was SHABBONA. sorry to hear that he is in a serious true Heroism • | ...... ~ ~ lcame on Saturday to visit at the Ischool. He is the president of the all ways a getting under mine. condition at the home of his mother, Heroism is tile brilliant triumph oI ]r ~,~r~ !., ~ iJos. Polheber home. IWestern District convention and it is Wensday~The teecher ast what Mrs. Walter Hyatt visited her sis- Mrs. H. C. Hammond, near Capac. tile Solll over the flesh, that is [o say L , ~~ ~a~ r,~,,e~ i Several from here attended the I his duty to visit the different Sunday ws a Cenntenial and when Jake held ter at Mr. Clemens from Sunday to George Smith has his house wired (,re; fear; feat of poverty, (d suffer- ~ ~~]~r]~e/~* l"Womanless Wedding" on Thursday Ischools. He taught the Komjoynus S. up his hand she sed well Jake what WedfiesdaY. for electric lights. ing, of calumny, el illness, of loneli- ~ ~ ~'~ ..... ~ land Friday nights at Cass City. S. class and they appreciated it very is it and he sed A cenntenial is a Win. Coulter has moved back to his ness and ~,f ,!eatt~ There is no real I Mr ~ ~r ...... much as their teacher was absen + piety with,m~ heroism Heroism is , .ana lvi s. tu. ~laaie were sur- _ ~" wirm with a large amt. of legs and farm, north of here. Radio to Find Oil • ~,. ..,~ M~o T.o,~ Tvo of DetrmtI~;,~" ,,~ ~.;3 .... ;~+ ~ .~,,..+ aa T h e next convention" will" be held a~~" all so ft. and is most genrelly all the dazzling and gl~w!ous conceptioD The Loomis l{fi(li(~ (.ollege says that were week-end guests of Mr. Tyo s i friends, w~th a shower. Many pretty the Grant church and the date will be ways called a 1000 legged wirm. Mr. and Mrs. James Cooley enter- ot" C()llPag¢'.-- i tenr3 Frederic Amie! radio waves, using rellected sound parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Tyo. ]gifts were received and a nice lun- announces m~er. Thirsday--They has ben robers in rained Mrs. Cooley's sisterand hus- (1821-1881) "'.lournal" town so las mite I tuk my sixty 8 cts. band, Mr. and Mrs. Ingles, of Ponti- waves as rec(wde(l (m a .seismograph, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Striffler and,lcheon was served. ~~ ' are used quite successfully in locating , and hid it in my stocken and throwed ac last week. son; Delmar, were dinner~ guests_ oft ....Mrs Jos Poleber returned to• her ' NOVESTA. Oil, or rathe~ the Sal! d,)mes under ] Tcok Name From Alcohol it in the corner careless, and then • Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Neville have Mr.. and Mrs. Charles Southworth a them e on Thursday after visiting two --- which oil is generally'hnmd, l)ynamite Bay rum. it real, ~- lll;t(le from the layed awake ½ the nite watching the returned to their home here from I ysm~on ~unaay. Iweeks with her sister in Chicago. A.J. Woolley is making extensive explosions are emoloye(t for obtainin~ berries of the West In(lian bay tree. improvemeP&a in his cow har~, ~}!f' ~OHP,(] ~V:!VOf~ ~!r. and lV[rs~ A H. Higgms an, ii o_~ ~}ie A. & F. store ~or the past year. the munney. Wirk for 0. ttles of |l,e berries were first discov- grandson, Kenneth Higgins, spent brother, John Marsh, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Bridges were Mrs. Bishop of near Bad Axe is ered. rum--tt~e eheat)est alcohol-- Sunday at the home of Mrs. Higgins' Wain Evo of Caro had a wreck on Care callers on Thursday of last week. visiting her daughter, Mrs. DunCan Crcd,:t's Real Meaning •brother, C. A. Cowan, at Bay City. was used Hence "'bay rum." Sunday night, smashing their Dodffe A. J. Ferguson and Arthur Hender- STONE SCHOOL NOTES. Waun. Credil is llt~l St, Illlll II i! l l'ilde COUP" Mrs. Waiter McCool entertained on car. son visited friends in Saginaw on ., Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jones and daugh- tesy exten(le(t you as ii is an index Sunday, Mrs. Samuel MeCool and Mr. The Cass City Grain Co. is expect- Sunday. L. B. Blackmer, Teacher. ter of Clarkston are visiting the lat- of your eha.ra(.ter. Wlwn . mercham Prolific Ants and Mrs. Albert Nyes of Flint and ing 12 government tractors this week. The Ladies' Aid Society of the ter's pareni~s, Mr. and Mrs. Owen iS willing l~ "'trust" y,m. it simply q;he white ant ol the tropical coun- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Read and two We are all very interested in a Several farmers expect to be plowing Church of Christ had a quilting bee story which Mr. Blackmer is reading Smith. means lhal l~e is willin.a t~ discount try is declared t(, lay more eggs than daughters of Cass City. in the near future. at the ,home of Mr. and Mrs. Roland to us. It is "The Call of the Wild" by~ Mr. and Mrs. James Chapman of your rel)Ulation for honesty and in ar~y other inse(.L its record being 85.- Rev. and Mrs. William Curtis at- Bruce on Wednesday, Oct. 30. Jack London Memphis and Malcolm Chapman of tegrity.-- Gri~ 4()0 eaeb day durii~ the ,~ensan. tended the Huron County Ministerial Miss Ethel Moore and~Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Collins of Avoca -- " I Detroit visited their brother an~ Association meeting at Harbor Beach James Sangster Grant were Sun- and Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Collins spent The 0. S. B. C. decided in a meet-I.uncle John Chapman Thursda- of ing last week that we would bu" ' v , .. ~. . Monday. A dinner was held at noon day visitors at the home of Mr. and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . , , ...... Y Harry Severance entertained his S. some song: DOOKS, a DOOK :[or c/nrls~ • and a conference in the afternoon. Mrs. R. E. Bruce. " Charles Cunningham. ' -:S. class of the M..E. church at his Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dunham of Miss Madeline Burse visited from mas program, and a picture for our home on Wednesday evenfng, Oct. 30. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Potter have schoolroom. We have ordered "The Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Parrott and: Royal Oak spent Wednesday in Cass moved into part of the James Mc- Friday until Sunday with friends in Golden Book of Favorite Songs" and i cha'Idren of FIint visfted re'latives City. Mrs. Dunham's mother, Mrs. Kinnon house. • Care. Ernest Ferguson is driving a Chev- the picture "Sir Galahad" by Watts. here SEnday. Eliza Sehwaderer, who had spent a Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Curtis were rolet coach. We have some money left for our I Art Kerbyson of Flin£ and Mr-~. week at Royal Oak, returned to her business callers at Cass City on treasury. home here with them. . i Frank Kerbyson and daughter of La- " ~ Wednesday. We were sorry when two of our peer werg..supper guests Sunday eve- Mrs. George Burbridge of Detroit Miss Caroline Field of Care and pupils, Margaret and Gerald Moore, ~ing at Ernest HyatVs home. spent from Thursday until Monday at SLATS DIARY. Miss Lucile Field of Pontiac spent left our school. I The friends of Clarence LesKe" are the W. O. Stafford home. Mrs. Bur- the week-end with their parents, Mr. BY ROSS FARQUHAR bridge is a sister of the late Mrs. and Mrs. John Field. Stafford. Mrs. Burbridge and W. O. Friday--are little home was very Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sole were din- Stafford spent a few days the first of discomfable this evning to the Jr. the week with relatives at Flushing. ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ashcroft of Decker Sun- member of are famly IT COSTS LESS TO DRESS WELL AT The members of the Ca~s City day. when I got home frum Methodist church and the Bethel D skool this p. m. on church will spend a social evening at Henry Sweet and son, Edmond, of the Cass City church tonight (Fri- Pontiac visited relatives here over the acct. of sum Grades I beyond aJmyt ng yon have day). A short program and a report week-end. got witch diddent meat Berman's--Kingston from the building committee will be Mr. and Mrs. Gee. MacArthur vis- with ma's a proval. She ever k own at: its price given and light refreshments served. ited Sunday at the home of Charles seamed to think that The large number of new customers that we bare proves that: my avridge wassent The high school girls at the Metho- Henderson of East Novesta. the people of this community are taking advanfage of the oppor- War ch the Pontiac Big Six on the open road ~revea~g near high enuff and she •dist Sunday school organized their Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kilgore are tunity to dress well at a lower cost than they have:, been fn the, h'abi:t: top speeds such as no other car in its field can match. got news about sevraI class Sunday morning and the follow- entertaining for a few days Mrs. of paying. D merits I got all so. See it leap eagerly ahead at a green llght ~accelerating ing officers were eIeeted: President, Kilgore's sisters and nephews, Mrs. dont see why with unrivaled snap and spirit .... Pontiac is equally Catherine Bailey; vice president, Mil- Liltian Smith, Mrs. Myrtle Bolton But I she READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. dred Karr; secretary-treasurer, De- and two sons, Cart and Harold, all of shud ought to wirry Just think of buying a high grade, coat of' All: Whet' B'roadU far ahead of its fidd in stamina and lkmg life, due about my grades I am Ioris Sandham. Mrs. Guy Reneh is Pontiac. cloth, well lined with Charmeutex Satin, trimmed~ wi~:h ~an- to many wear-resisting features such as crankcase the 1 witch has got ~o their teacher. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Webster visited suffer by falyure. churan Wolf Collar and Cuffs at $25.00. This ~is ~jhsg wl~a~ you ventilation which prevents dilution of engine oil~ Miss Madeline Muck of Colwood at Bay City Wednesday. •Saterday~I thor we can get here in all sizes from 14 to 46. Other' coa~/s- prfced' from" positive full pressure lubrlcatio~ at all speeds--and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest May and was all set to go to the $16.75 to $58.00. the Harmonic Balancer which, counteracts torsional J. Striffter. Mr. and Mrs. Strittler and daughter, Edna, of Caro, Grant Hart- pitcher show tonite, pa and me was a their guest had dinner at Bad Axe. wick of Flint, Miss Lueile Field of vibration in the crankshaft .... Come in today. going to the show wile ma went to a Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ashley, Mr. and Pontiac, Miss Thressa Curtis and Learn how easily you caxx own and enjoy the finest Comitty meating but when pa found New arrivals this week feature the Modified~ Silhouette, in~ new Mrs. Arthur Ashley and two children, Keith Homer, were Sunday visitors colors, also plenty of the favored browns and black. Air si'zes: car the market affords at its low price. Alva and Mark, of Mr. Morris spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua out it was a tawky p~tcher he wood- ent go because he sed he cuddent from 14 to 52 priced .from $10.00 to $16.75. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis. Pontiac Big Six, $745 to $895, f . O* b. Pont~c~ Mich., pl~ delivery charges. sleep when they was a tawking.. So Bumpers, spring covers and Lovejoy shock absorbers regular equipment M. C. Wentworth. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Floyd Carpenter, employed at Flint, at slight extra cost. General Motors Time Payment Plan available at we stayed home and I hit the hay Ashley remained to spand some time is spending a week with his family SPORT DRESSES minimum rate. erly becos I can't stay awake' jus~ with their daughter, Mrs. Wentworth. here. In Jersey, Covert and Wool Crepes, all sizes' from Y4' re 4!4~, Consider the delivered price as well as the tfst (f .o. b .) price when comparing Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sole were busi- thinken about a pitcher. priced at $1O.0O. A special group of Cloth Dresses in" sizes: 14~ '~uton~ob~le values . . . Oakland-Pontlac delivered prices include only Word has been received of the authorized charges for freight and delivery and the ci~rge for arty ~di- ness callers at Care Friday. Sunday~They was a new kid fn are to 38, priced at $5.95. t~nal acce~sorf~ ~.fvuar~©f~ag desired. death of Mrs. M. J. Sanford, a for- Mrs. Bessie Holt of Farming spent class at Sundy skooI today and he mer resident of Cass City. Mrs. San- from Saturday until Monday with looks to me like he is a tuff bird m~d ford passed away October 26 at her SPORT SKIRTS her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mal- we diddent play enny joaks on him home in Lansing. She leaves besides in the new longer lengths at $4.95. colm. yet till we no a little more about his WILLY BROS. Cass City her husband, four daughters and one Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sherk attended dispasishun. son. The Sanfords lived for a number CLOTHING DEPARTMENT church services at Kingston Sunday Munday~Pa was leckshering me of years on a farm three miles south The Greatest Overcoat Values ever offered; priced from $I6:51)i evening. tonite becuz I ben in a rite. He sed to $24.50. of Cass City. whenever you get mad you must try Mrs. Earl Watch of Fenton spent Complete stock of Boys' Overcoats for all ages:from,~3;to~ I'8L The Past Noble Grands Club met Thursday with her aunt, Mrs. Gee. not to Say ennything mean rmr s~nq~e Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. McArthur. a lick. But if you dent say enny thing PONTIAC George West and with Mrs. West E. R. Bruce has exchanged his vil- mean nor soke sum buddy why it ~aaa) and Mrs. J. A. Cole as hostesses. lage property with John Walk for his proves that you are not mad. Berman's De t. Store Fourteen members were present and Teusday--About a ½ a dozen of us farm property, one mile south of the KINGSTON, MICH. enjoyed a social afternoon. A chop Village. was envited down to Blisterses house PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS suey supper was served. The Decem- Miss Esther Boughan of the tenth tonite and et pop corn and apples on Store open evenings~Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. ber meeting will be held at the home grade conducted school in the lower acct. it was his berthday and I tryed of Mrs. A. A. Rieker with Mrs. Rick- 2-Door Sedate room Tuesday forenoon during the ab- to dance with the girls but they was ~. o. b. PorLtiac, Micklgar~ er and Mrs. Grant Van Winkle as sence of the teacher, Mrs. Stella Mor- hostesses. risen. I' 'rl .... A number of friends and neighbors Mrs. Frank Hegler and Mr. and surprised Mrs. George Russell at Mrs. Fred Ball were Sunday visitors her home Thursday when they walked with Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher of Cass in to spend the evening. The sur- City. prise was in honor of the birthdays of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bade of Romeo Mrs. Russell and her daughter, Miss spent Thursday and Friday with Mr. Our otto" QUALITY, SERVICE AND PRICE! Erma. The time was spent in cards and Mrs. Fred Ball. and dancing and a pot-luck supper was served. Those from out of town -who were present were Mr. and Mrs. ELKLAND. Harry Parcel and son, Stewart, Mrs. Tillie Parcel, son, Carl, and daugh- Mrs. Chas. Wedow of Walled Lake fer, Alice, all of Caro. spent one day last week with Mrn. Y(m'll Never KnowThere Claude Root. A. H. Shier is on the sick list this week, a DIFYEREN'C { DEFORD 1 Mrs. Delbert Profit and daughter, Betty Jean, are spending a week Unfil You H ve Tr ed One Mr. and Mrs. Max Agar of Caro with relatives in Detroit. stayed Saturday night with Mr. Robt. Wright of Pontiac is spend-. VER notice how quickly you learn to Keep Agar's uncle, Benj. Gage. mg some time at the Claude Root E from using a sore muscle? You do it with- Mr. and Mrs. John Clark spent fro.m home and repainting Jacob HeIwig"s Friday until Tuesday with their house. out thinking after the first few twitches. daughter, Mrs. Blanche Lamb, at To: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Profit and daughter, Berniece, and °Howard Het- ledo, Ohio. The same thing happens with underwear. The Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Gage spent wig accompanied Mrs. Samuel Kirks kind that doesn't fit just right soon causes un- Sunday in Pontiac with their son, who to her home in Pontiac Saturday, re- Specials for Week Nov. 9 to 15 has been ill for some time. turning here Sunday. conscious adjustme~'s in your every movement. The Bethel Ladies' Aid will meet Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woodruff and IODINE SALT NAPOLEON PINK with Mrs. A. H. Maharg on Thurs- family of Pontiac spent Sunday at day, Nov. 14, for dinner and work. But the minute you put on a Peninsular--man, ...... 8C ...... 18C the Clarence Chadwick home. John Brown and son, Edward, are what a relief! The soft fabrics give gently with Mrs. Cypher is spending the week building a new hen house for Angus LIGHT HOUSE COFFEE, ~ LA FRANCE with her son at Flint. the muscles, then come back to shape. Elasticity McLachlan and Sdn...... 49c 8c Josephine Clark is visiting her sis- in the shoulder keeps the back from pulIi~g. ter, Mrs. Max Agar, at Caro this RESCUE. And it prevents uncomfortable wrinkles under SHREDDED WHEAT BEAN HOLE BEANS, week. o-- ...... - ...... t]'~e arms or around your waist...... 10C 23c Mrs. Geo. Martin, who has been Mrs. Gilbert Tebeau and Mrs. Kath- HOMINY very ill, is on the gain at this writing. ryn Fay were Gagetown business cal- BIG 4 SOAP 37 Wear a Peninsular Union . We'll promi~ Mrs. Win. Kelley spent Friday lers last Thursday, ...... 10C I0 BARS " C with her mother in Mayville. you a fit~up and down and across. Compare Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mellendorf and DILL PICKLES 19C HY-CLASS TOILET Mr. and Mrs. L. Vanderkooy and children attended "the "Womanless its ~asy comfort, then if you don't like it, we'll - CAN ...... , ...... TISSUE, 4 ROLLS ...... 19 c family spent Sunday in Kingston. Wedding" at C~ss City Friday eve- buy it back from you. Cyrus Pugh and Otto Buekweitz of nihg. Pontiac called at the Benj. Gage home Mr. and Mrs. Claude Martin and on Wednesday ni~'ht of last week. children attended the funeral of the Saturday Fruit Specials Basil Kelley and Thad Reburry former's aunt, Mrs. Charlotte Mar- tin, in Cass City Saturday afternoon. PENINsuLAR were home over the week-end.. BLUE AND GOLD LABEL CRANBERRIES HEAD LETTUCE Harley Kelley spent Monday help- A number~ of the Grant Leaguers ...... 34e 3 HEADS FOR ...... ing his brother, Jesse, to erect a ce- attended the League rally at Elkton UNION 23e Friday evdning. ment wall under his garage. Other Members of the Peninsular Family are: Charles Wikenson of Grand Rapids Miss Ardis Russell of O~endale i GRAPE FRUIT, 3 FOR ...... C spent Sunday and Monday with the was a week-end guest of Miss Vera Hosiery, Leather Coats, Sheep Skin Lined • 29 c Sanson family. MacCallum. Coats, Flannel Shirts, Dress Shift~ 252 SUNKIST ORANGES --- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Webster enter- Wm. Ashmore, jr., and Mr. and PER DOZEN ...... ~ C -- ...... 19c = tained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Gil- Mrs. John Combs were business cal- bert Olds and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rus- lers in Bad Axe last Thursday. CANADIAN RUTABAGAS 8e LARGE CELERY sell, all of Metamora. Jesse Putman was busy .hauling Gage &:Haven 3 LBS ...... 9e /? Mrs. F. Green of Kingston spent beans for Roy Powell to Greenleaf on The Store on the Corner from Wednesday Until Friday with Saturday an d Monday afternoon. Cass City her daughter, Mrs. L. Vanderkooy. William Diebel and daughter of Se- Cass City, Michigan, Friday, Nov. 8; 1929. CANS CITY CHRONICLE PAGE THREE • ]D~.~of~,~ _ ,~=,~' Orville Gardner and Mzss Emma Mr and Mrs. A• A. Ricker and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs M ~ Kennev were I r• and Mrs• Jos. Frutchey and Mr• i Mrs• S+ D. Mclntyre Detroit aL~ atak ~,~Jak ~V ~ • . . • .... " " " ~ . . of .... | a a-~ ~ 7 ~ Slelcher of Detroit were guests o~ O.W. Nlque spent Tuesday with rela- callers in Saginaw Thursday, ]and Mrs. A• D• Mclntyre of Saginaw Ispent Friday and Saturday at the ~,~,~n~x~'w~m~v~o~. | ~.~-~.l~tl'~-fll['$'_,___. | Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buehrly over ti~es in Flint. ° Frederick Brown left Saturda,~ "~o |spent ~ Friday evening in, Cuss City ....home of her parents, Mr and Mrs P / a , . , I A Fri'z Resident Dentist ~,~ ~~'~~~ the week-end• Mrs. A. Doerr left Saturday tolatt~end Cleary Business College at,, nd attended the play, The Woman- S• McGregory• Mrs• I. D. McCoy ac- ...... "' " " ' r,_._ ~ .... " v*r~ ~i~L~ta'~L~ ~ ~ V~IK~%I~ Mr . a nd M rs. William" " ' G. M oore spend a ....few days w~th" her daughter, ~Ypsflantl t ross we~mng at the High School~companiedI her sister, Mrs • McIntyre, Vlttc~ over DUrl~tt ~ ~rug ~bu/~,. ¥~ ~ ~ " " au i • " • ...... ,~1,,;, ~,...... +...... h~, +.... t ~--~---- ...... --~ left Thursday to spend a few days. Mrs. Norman Fisher, in Detroit• .~ Mrs• Clvde Peter~o_~n and M~-~ R~-./ d torIum, to Detroit Saturday• " of work + ~u~ _~a ~.~ ,~ ...... w th their daughter, Mrs. Alex Sin- Mrs. .R• A• Rich of Deckerville ]era, both of Flint, spent Thursday t ~,~ ..... ~" • . *,1-. ,**,u m,~. ~uuo *x*ttue o± xmcr~er clair at Marle% .... - ...... ' ...... i s~ent Frida-. i- ÷^--'- ' ' ~ ~• spent from Friday unu~ weonesoay lw~n lwr. ano lv, rs. anorew tsarnes• | _ ! P. A. SCHENCK, D. D.S. , v , ,~ ",~'~"',4., . I Miss Goldie Wilson and Miss Grace with her mother, Mrs. Hugh McColl. k Mr and Mrs Ray Boughton and | ~ ~ | • ±wr. anct Mrs. ivl. 13• ~tarl:l: were cat- Bea r , • " • " • ® Dentmt. l~ +~ c,,~ ...... _~_ I ch we e week-end guests at the! Mrs Anna Patterson s division of]two children of Detroit spent Sunday | ~~.= ~ A_._ -- - ~ 1_ __ __ ~_ _ | Graduate of the University of Mich- *...... s ..... ounuay. ]home of Miss Wilson's brother, Ma-!the ~Iethodist Aid met Wednesday |at the homes of Homer Hower an~_t | ~ ~ ~ 1-~ ~ ~ i i"l ~ ~ ql= ~2~ | it an. Office in Sheridan Bldg., Cuss!+ Mrs. Hannah McKim. left. Tuesdaylson Wilson, at Ubly. land Thursday afternoons at Mrs. Pa(-/Glen Tuckey. • | ,IL {~tLOLI[~,I ll~,~ ,~. ][1.~J{~lL LIt ~ | City, Mich. ~o spena a Iew weeks in ~nnu I Mrs. Charles Wilsey and Mrs. M. [terson's home and spent the time | Mr and Mrs Herbert Bi~ham and | ...... , ,~

...... ,+ ...... L,+~+2~ +.If,L+2 .L/+.L_ .~+L+++ ++L_+~+.+ +'+:+~.... i++ ~+, ...... :++++::+++++ ,: ...... ;:? ...... ++ '+" .... ~ .... i'~ `+ ':a~ ...... +"" ...... ' .... m ...... 5L_AL 2++2_27 _L ...... +++/ m J[* ]L$. LilY'U1, ill.U. + + O*/+ VYt>&g k.glIIE;I+ lit ~Jg++ Ulb~ k~UliUggtV. Wlbll bnelr son ano orocner, ++uar+ a,r+~ ~ ~ T ~ ~# r~o÷~+e vimi+od iBio.ham'm mimfor M,o Iov~am ]2~ Wo~" | I _ o , + . . . ,,.,..~ ...... , ...... - = FRIDA V AND °AT*'RDA ...... Surgery and Roentgenology. Mrs. Myrtle McLellan of Detroit Wilsey, at Lansing. l Mr and Mrs G A Tindale over the I son, at Port Huron. + | i __~_~u_ ___ ~, ~_uv. ~ aixu u. | Office in• Pleasant Home Hospital." 's).P ent Sund ay w i th Miss" Eleanorl ~ Dr. and Mrs. M• M. Wlckware• of iweek-end.I " Miss: "Dorothy " Tindale• of t Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Benkelman, st., | ...... MILTON SILLS 1N ~ Phone, Office 96; Residence 47. Bigelow. tDetroit and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. ICass City and Miss Inez Maurer of twerP guests at the home of their | Tl'][]2~ {_Jl~A~][-I | Mrs. C. L• Robinson and Mrs. A. H. I Knapp were guests of Mr. and Mrs. !Reese accom!oanied her to Detroit on/daughter, Mrs. J. E. Pease, at Raven- | WITH THELMA TODD | SHELDON B. YOUNG, M.D. Kinnaird were caro visitors Saturday IA. A. Hitchcock at Romeo Sunday. !Sunday to sl~end a few days there. Ina over the week-end. | Crash of steel a~ainst steel as two t~ains meet in a head on col | +" Cuss City, Mich. afternoon. + ] Mr. and Mrs. Howard Law and Mrs. Catherine McLean, R. a. Me- Mr. and Mrs. George Southworth | lision. Out of the steaming- wreckage he dragged the limp body of the Telephone--No.- 80 ....Mr and Mrs C W. Corp'ion of ~as_I~" 'children of Ro--alx Oak were Sunda~...... ~e~n, m,u~ An~u~ ~ McLean of Stratl~.-~lana...... cniiaren, Jaonaid and Dorothy, of. | girl..... he hated.,,Big ~smashin~ scenes--Glorifying the unsung heroes of | 'sar visited Mr Cornran'~ h~nfho~ ~ I~uests of Mrs Law's mother Mrs (..... A.t ..... o ~o,k e-d ~uests a+ I ~an ~uis u.ispo, tJaiilornia, spen* | the raiiroao, une of Milton Sill's most powerful roles a. McPHAIL A. + Corpron, Sunday. /Lydia Starr and other Cuss City rela- the Claude Karr home. Mr. and Mrs. I several days this week at the home of | .. Comedy, "PINK PAJAMAS." Color Classics, "Little Vagabond." ! Funeral Director, I 'Mr and Mrs Grant Von "~xr;~+.;.. Itives. .. I C Scott, who had spent two Weeks l Mrs" Southworth's parents, Mr. and | !u ano zo cents. | Lady Assistant spent" Saturday and Sunday with rel t Mr and Mrs M E Kenney and with relatives in Strathroy, returned M~ivWi- nD- S triffler. | SUNDAY AND MONDAY, NOV 10 AND 11 | Phone No 182 "Cuss City +atives at Muskegon : Isons," Jack and "Clare,'Mr and Mrs ito Cuss City with them Friday. Imet'~n No. 4 of the Methodist Aid | - JOHN GILBERT ERNEST TORRENCE MA " | ...... !~ Mr and Mr p~t M ,~ , ~Win. Martus spent Sunday with" Mr.~" t Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Higgins and t ~ esday evening at the. home | , , RY NOLAN | ...... L ...... s. .3cDermo~2 o, lI{enne~,s ~arents Mr and Mrs John ) .... a~, ~#~--~+~, Hi~i-~ and Mr I°f Mrs" Albert Gallagher with Mrs. | THREE OUTSTANDING STARS IN | KINAFF & DOUGLA~ + ~aglnaw were weeK-eno guests oI ivir __ ~ i+ ' " " " :~ ...... , ...... ~,~, ~'", " I Galla~ho~ ~nd M~ p~,+ wr~r-^~.~+. • . • - " !and Mrs Claude Karr " Kenney, at Flint. and Mrs. Robert Spaven attended a • ~"...... '"...... "Y' D Funeral Directors and Licensed Em-. • - [ ) ...... , Ior, as hostesses. The evening w~s J ESERT NIGHTS ] • ) • Mr and Mrs A Laken dau hter /mr~noay runner ~rioay a~ ~ne home • • " + , . . . balmers. Mrs. Knapp, Lady Assistant! Levi DeLong returned Thursday l .... • ~ ... , , ug .} ;^~ a~. .~ ~r ~ ~o-" Pric ~ a + ~xford t spent in sewing and refreshments | Stars give powerful performance, gripping tale of love and re- with license. Night and day calls re- fro• m a six weeks ' visit with relatives~)~e~y, anti son, ~recterlcK, oi 13el;rolx;;~+ ,,± m~," a,u ~,~ ~ " .~. v...... ~ ~ "-" ~" twere served. ~, venge in Torrid African Desert. Added attraction on the stage-- m, crave" promot attentmn." City" ohone, in Rid getown, On t an "o . I visited friends in town Sunday ....Mrs I, Tne ...... runner was m nonor oI ~ne 5u~:nl ~ ...... ______-_ _ | Mr. and Mrs. Emile• Spatz .,,- m person ,, in• H~gh. Class Singing. • and | ...... ~,,~ ...... JLaken is better known to Cuss City imrtn~ay o~ oames w. taiggins oI I,~ r~ . ,~ | Comedy. They have appeared in the principal theaters in Europe and . "---~ M;?~an'~m~irsrSH~lno~;e~a~ksg:nt°Wwaena e Ifriends as Lela Lee. IRochester, father of A. H. Higgins bore lnroats: | America. Also big favorites at Saginaw Fair. No doubt many of you ..... " : ...... " .... " ~ , ' t ~_.... ~ .... ~ .... -+.~ ++_~ +...... and Mrs. Price. There is one othert | have heard them over the air. A great treat in store for you; dont | ~eal r~s~a~e ana rife and Automobile ~ay '..i~y Callers ~unaay I uu.y .,.c.,~,, ~,v~, wu-- +tab~ .w~e__~ ~...... t ~__~- ~'~____'._ 1 miss them Insurance Mr ...... ~" . . . )that his sister-in-law, Mrs William! °augn~er, ~iiss ivia~le niggins wno) L~O[| t uarg-ie ~ • | • I s. ~aran ~v~cweoo en~er~aine~l A Reneh and her two sisters are in ilives with her father. She was also I | SUNDAY--Matinee, 3:00 P.M. Nights, 7:30 9:30 P.M. 15 and 35c | CASS CITY, MICH. her brother, Archie McPhee, of De-Ith e Alm-'h L...... among the guests at the dinner. a OSpl~a£ as ~ne resul~ oi a ~ I This Doctor's Prescription Gives | --~ g | ~~ troit over the week-end. ) ...... * ) ...... | TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12-13, BARGAIN NIGHT~.. | au~omomm accioent ~/ t~UlcKer, ~e~er Kellei + R. N. McCULLOUGH Mrs Walter Milli~;an s-,ent from } ...... | CHARLIE MURRAY IN | AITCTIONEE~ ',m.... ~ ...... ~ ~^~']- ~ -,~_ _~2 I Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Turner and ...... Don't suffer the pain and discomfort i | ...... r ...... , DO YOUR DUTY ANI~ ttgA~aq~b~r/~ DI~ALNit+ ,;~ ~ ua~ an(t ue~roi~. ~nied by Mrs. Turner's parents, Mr Hi~ins--"Gifts That Last" seription Thoxine guaranteed ] Giggles, chuckles and roars. Chartie Murray in a hilarious .._, a. ++ ~.+, ~ ,.,,~+ a+ a., " ~ " ...... called , .... ,,., . t ivir. and Mrs. Warren Wood have land Mrs John Medcalf of Ellin~" m to reheve with the very first swallow laugh lest The funny cop is at tt again Funny + And how~ That s !~arm sates a• speciatt:yo- l~a~es may'moved• . into the George . Jackson hou.qe~ )+.~{wt ...... r...,.~.--,~,~{~++.... **,~ ~.wo~ ,***~,uv~ ...... ~uncaay.g~t ~ e + Gargles and• salves• • are too slow and i~} ~ "Do Your bury "" " " .... h% 7 dZL%cs+Ec %C jo c . ,ust off from West Mare Street. { ~r ,+ + o~, A R+rthdav C.~ft they do reheve, 't lS usually only tern- ) Sixth chapter "QUEEN O~ THE NORTH WOODS." I0c. • . ~vsr. ano iv±rs ~ l-1 ±vior an anct - • +. . . - City. ! ..... • • ".++ g + [daughter, M~ss Norma, and Miss Ma- Thoxme has a double aet~on--~t re- ~ THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, NOV+ 14-15. son, i~lcnaz(t, o~ beiieville spent 7he |rl.on Reagh attended the reception If you are planning to heves the soreness and goes d!rect to ) COLLEGE LOVE TURNBULL BROS lweek-end with relatives in Cass City. tgiven at the Bemis Bentley home at ~;-.^ ~. .... ;#+ n the internal cause. It contains no " Jma. A~ehoneers• ' Bill• I+ Mr. and M~s...Ben, K~rton• and [Deford Friday. mght. m. honor+ of Mr. ~v~. .~ ,~ ~..~ .n her harmful ~rugs, and is• safe...... and pleas- ~| Red hot youth+ aflame on the campus. A foot bali ~,ame~ that will. ~ ex~-iono~ -- Youth abilit- daughter, Elaine, were Sunday a'uests land Mrs E Piddle blrLhdav, may we ask that ant for the whole family. There ~s. ~ thrill you to the core, Sorority partms, fratermty dances, road house + ~.~, e ..... + ' ~ ~f M- ~.~ ~-~ ~.~a ~;o.~" ~'~ ~,~. l _. "" ...... ~ . nothing better to stop coughing due to affairs that will amaze you. We sell anything anywhere, tf you ~4 ~ ...... ~"...... Y! ±v,r. and Mrs. James Gill and two come nero ana +irritated throats Just ask for Thox- ~ See George Lewis Doroth,~ Gulliver ChurchiI1 Ross H ' o,, t, re~. • inspee~ • . " ~ ~, , g , . ~, ayden don..... t employ us, we both lose mon_~. ~ ~lehfldren, of Saginaw were visitors on ~**~^ uc**a"~'~l~'~l**~*~** ~,~o~,~,.,~,, ,,,me lne; put up ready for use in 35c; 60c Stevenson in the hottest film that ever sizzled on the+ screen• Write for dates and instructions to ; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Southworth o~ ,Saturday .at the home of Mrs. Jessie ~ v and $1.00 bottles. Money back if not | Comedy, "A Day's Pleasure" News Reel Deckerville, Mich. Phone 56--15. iLakeville spent Sunday with Mrs. Pettit. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Prifer of dainty Jewelry we have ar- relieved. Sold by Burke s and all other | Benefit Home Economic'Club, 20 and 30 cents ' | ...... i Southworth's mother, Mrs Mary Flint were also ~uests from Saturda ...... good drug stores.--Advertisement 3. | ~" " " o ~ rangea ior j us~ sucn an oc- r Brock. morning until Monday. Mr. and l~rs. Carl Almer enter- The Woman's Missionary Society o2 easion. • ...... ~~ rained Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Alber~ the Methodist church will meet Fri- Scholask of Detroit. Mrs. Almer and !day, Nov. 15, with Mrs. L. I. Wood. A. Ho HIGGINS three children accompanied them ~o !Mrs.. Harriet Dodge is the leader. Jeweler and Optometrist , For. Quality . m ] Detroit Sunday, spending a few days This is the thank-offering day and a i in that city. i pot-luck supper will be held. Low Prices and. Good Service A&P Stores have

New Medicine Quickly Ended • Severe Rheumatism, Also AF g R Kidney Troubles. A fine, smooth mellow apple butter that's deUcious on biscuits, toast and in many other "I was trying constantly to find ways. [t is really a quality food as comparison with others will Drove. something to relieve me of severe at- tacks of inflammatory rheumatism," said Mr. Sam Aboohamad, 14427 East Jefferson avenue, Detroit, Michigan. Quart .@ Jar "My limbs would swell; sometimes, in +++++++++++++++++++

: : ~: Evaporated Evaporated

Made,nthetruehomema~ell per ~7 ~ Lb. :Per 2@'@ Lb. --"

fruit and sugar. A genuine ...I ~ ~__ rgggg ' @1+ II 54 Size--S~_et and Juicy "+"+' :'+''" +xg@e Ton a, oe+ Mr. Sam Aboohamad. ili.:.:-)iiiiii~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::~.. '::i:::iiiiiii::iiiiI APRICOTS No. 1 size can 13c SCOT TtSSUE 3 rolls 25c fact, the swelling would spread to my ~~~":?~:i:i'$i:~:i ":':" .:'~" ... "" "i:i:[{ I! ~W*@~ ~@~:~}~ 6 ~us ~~ Good Quality, New Pack entire body, and I suffered terrible NUTLEY OLEO .... Ib 15c ] Genuine Nancy Halls ...... agony. During the past few months SARD][NES In Oit can 5c my kidneys, also, caused me trouble. No. 2 Size • , Sleep !--that was unknown to me. ]1 Celery ' 3 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE lb 33c "The first three bottles of Konjola DILL PICKLES qt jar 19c greatly reduced the swelling and re- lieved the pain. I continued with this Raspberry ii cans medicine and today I am a well man...... @e The rheumatism is gone and the kid- new troubles have been corrected. [t has irfcreased my appetite, I am gain- Carrots 2 Fo, o ing in weight, and feel 100 per cent Loganberry better in every way." lge pkg Konjola is sold in Cuss City, Mich. II + ...... "...... " Rinso X9 + at Burke's Drug Store, and by all the best druggists in all towns throughout this entire section+--Ad- vertisement. 19;,o,, 1 ' ' re e eat 1:@ ° OUTWIT FATIGUE, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE AND DIZZINESS. Avoid paralysis and nerve trouble rUTT| FRIJi+-N WHITE HOUSE MILK 4 c'2~'., 29c in advanced years. Do it with San Quaker ¢ , Yak Pills for the kidneys. They give 'LAYE R CAK PORK & BEANS Maia 4 can,, 29C ease to the stomach, antiseptic to the WALDORF TOILET TISSUE 4 rolls 19c bowels and vegetable when used to Two layers prevent 95% of all diseases arising French"'The Choice o* the Middle West." Lb ...... 42e "FELS-NAPTHA SOAP 10 bars 49c from intestinal trouble. Sold at large Burke's Drug; Store.--Advertisement. PUMPKIN New Pack 3 .... 25c icing• PEANUT BUTTER 1-1b pail 19c ,,'~j • :,: Jewel Foley Pills Sweet Drinking Santos Coffee. + A diuretic stimulan~ 35c for t~e i~lney= + ++i:: Soda Craeke ~~+ + N.B. C, " 29+ zegulate that scant~, burning o~ too f,e- Country Club quent urinal flow, to a steady, normal,. Steel Cut. Percolator Ground. Whole Bean. secretion. Lisdess, Lb.•.•...... 45+ over-tired, ache¥ feelings, dull headache, nervousness, backache and rheumatic Flour Velvet Cake & Pastry 51bbag 29* pains give way to vigorous health and a zest for life. Men and women every- where use them and recommend them. Large Chocolate Chocolate Golden SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Prunes Pecans Raisins Dates Sold Everywhere Choice California An attractiveCake Lunc]aeo;+ Fancy t~asins--Choeolat e '.;o:.,,t :'v Clu b--Fancy TRE : TE& Covered hnported 17c 29c "22c 15c L. I. Wood & Co. Burke's Drug Store. Per Pound Per Pound Per Pound Per Package PAGE FOUR CASS CITY CHRONICLE Cass City, Michigan, ~Friday, Nov. 8, 192~,

CASS CITY CHRONICLE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steers were stock Club. Both of these are Short- Birthplace of Icebergs Published Weekly. visitors in Detroit over the week-end. Still Wrangling horns. Willis Campbell, local club! Tile source of probably all ~he ice. The Tri-County Chronicle and Cass Charles Lee of Ann Arbor was a iD leader, will have charge of the Tusco- I bergs of the Arctic and sub-Arctic is City Enterprise consolidated Apr. 20, guest at the Mrs. Agnes Cooley home la group, jGreenland. Most of the icebergs are 1906. Monday night. Steers from Kentucky, Indiana, i formed on the western slope and are Mrs. A. B. Parmalee and son, Ohio and Michigan are eligible to larger than those that are formed on All Subscriptions Are Payable in Vern, of Pontiac spent Tuesday with show at cleveland. Prizes offered are.l the eastern slope. They drift across Advance. Mr. and Mrs. Sire Bardwell. Fair,l" gale -- for the best three from one county, the entrance ()f gaflin bay and Davi~ In Michigan--One year, $1.75; six Mr. and Mrs. Everett Miles of De- best three from one state, state cham- strait to the lml)ra(lor coast. Here, g ~T[RN N~VSPAPI~ UNION a pion and grand champion. Jim Milli-, they are caught by the l.abrador cur- months, $1.00. troit spent Saturday and Sunday Outside Michigan -- In United with their mother, Mrs. O. E. Niles. gan's steer placed second in a class of I rent and drift slowly somhward. States, one year, $2.0Q:; In Canada, WINTER VEGETABLES 65 at Cleveland last year. I one year, $2.50. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fitzgerald have Perfection Quality will be sold at i rented the Emmons house on the Cor- Cleveland and thesale weight will be ~ Gift, l~.~isap~!ied ner of Houghton and Grant streets. "We can be cooked in so many dif- Advertising rates made known on ferent ways," said Mrs. Potato. around 1,100 Pounds. Anyone desiring I For iI W,HII(I hHvP I~eetl better tha~ a~Mica;ion. Entered as second class matter born Sunday, Nov. 3, to Mr, and Mrs. family, "'if only people would take the ;to Cleveland on Nov. 22 will be wel-no5% w)id .f all yeas-n--rather than, Apr. 27, 1906, at the post office at A. W. Weaver (Laura Striffier) of trouble." loomed at the Milligan farm. i that he slmuld employ the gifts of Cass City, Michigan, under the Act Flint. I i Providence to the destruction of his of Congress of March 3, 1879. "Who is going to botI.@ about a Lawrence Copland, who has spent Squash?" asked Mr. Potato proudly. Advertise it m the Chronicle. I neighbor.--Q,intillan. H. F. Lenzner, Publisher. two weeks with relatives at Cass "i'm sure I don't know why not," City, returned Sunday to his home in said Mrs'. Squash. Detroit. "Oh well," said the Carrots, "what Mr. and Mrs. George Muetener and can one expect from the Squash fam- daughter, Marilyn, of Saginaw spent ily? Sunday with Mrs. Muetener's father, "5:hey're ~ not considered the ~':(~t M. Seeger. ~vonderful food in the world by :~:y- body, whether they are cooked ,no Mrs. Sadie Phelps returned ,to her way or the other." home in Detroit Sunday after spend- "And who thinks so much o~ the ing two weeks with her daughter, Carrots?" asked Mrs. Squash. Mrs. D. Heron. "The rabbits," said the Carrots land nine children were driving south ~r. and Mrs. Jos. Meredith and haughtily.."They think more of the 'on the shore read Sunday, Sept. 8, two children of Pontiac were week: cacrots than of anything else, HAPPENNB8 IHE when a car driven by Susalla, it is end guests at the home of Mr. and "The little dears," ended the Car- said, ran into the Schroeder car and Burt Gowen was a business caller Mrs. Dan McClorey. rots happily. killed Mr. Schroeder. At the inquest in Pontiac and Flint Tuesday. "You're quite right, Carrots," said Mrs. Fred Sullwold of Detroit was NEIGHBORINGIDWN ,it developed that the accident was the Apples. "But think of us. Mrs. Lavina Clark of Detroit is a guest Sunday in the homes of her l unavoidable as far as Mr. Schroeder cousins, Mrs. Joseph Benkelman and "We're the ones to be thought spending the -week with Mrs. john about." was concerned but no blame was at- Gray. -- Mrs. H. F. Lenzner. Carefully Selected from Inter- "And why?" asked Mr. Potato. For tached by the jury. A short time la- Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bliss spent esting Exchanges for Chroni- Miss Frances Middleton spent the l~e wanted to have all the attention ter a warrant for Mr. Susalla's arrest Sunday and Monday with relatives in week-end with her father~ B. L. Mid- himself. cle Readers. was sworn Out by prosecuting attor- Pontiac. Miss Audrey Bliss visited in dleton, in Pontiac. "Because we can be stewed, we (}m ney Guyeau and he was arrested and Pontiac Saturday and Sunday. ,bail in the sum of $2,500 was posted Mrs. C. P. Miller of Detroit came be baked, we can be made into pud- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Helwig of Pon-::~ A club of old time Tuscola County for his appearance in court at this Friday to spend a few days with her dings, pies and tarts. tiac spent Saturday and Sunday at residents is in process of organization fall term of court. The criminal sister, Mrs. C. D. Striffier. "Potatoes can just be potatoes, the home of Mr. Helwig's grandpar- that's all." in Detroit and the first get-~0gether charge is negligent homicide. The Miss Frances Abbot of Detroit vis- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Murphy. "Welle. that's enough," said Mrs. I'~ takes place at the Masonic Temple, civil suit for damages was filed by ited her mother, Mrs. Mary Abbot, tato. 34 E. Buena Vista Avenue, Highland Paul Woodworth, attorney for the ad- from Sunday until Wednesday. The Brotherhood of the Baptist church met Wednesday evening at the "Yes," said Mr. Potato, "we can be Park, on Friday, Nov. 8, at eigh~ 'ministrator.--Harbor Beach Times. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Champion and home of John Sehaas. The ladies met fried or boiled or baked, and we can o'clock. The purpose of this club ~s two children of St. Louis spent from the same evening" with Mrs. W. Ewaid. be stewed, too. purely social and there will be danc- GREAT INTEREST IN Friday until Sunday in Cass City. "What is more than anytlgng, we ing, cards, and of course, plenty of THE W. C. T. U. MEET Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Belknap, daugh- can be mqshedo We're simply (telN lvisiting. Admission will be nominal Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker and two ter, Norma, and granddaughter, Mar- children of Pontiac were Sunday cious then." and O. K. Janes of Detroit, is in pos- Concluded from first page. garet Miller, of Mayville were Sun- "~Vell," said the Apples, "we don't session of full details. The dub will guests of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Par- day callers at the home of Mr. and of Big Rapids, president of the State ker. think It's much of an honor to b~ be known as the "Tuscola County Mrs. John Gray. mashed. Not much. :W. C. T. U., was present to give helo Club." ' on various problems and her address Mrs. Mary Abbot, who has spent Mrs. Win. Smith, Mrs. Caroline "As if anything thought it fine to several weeks at Mr. Clemens, re- Miss Vera I. King, grade 10, Mar- on Thursday morning was inspiring. Yietter and Miss Bertha Yietter, all be mashed. That shows you are not lotto high school, won first place in turned to her home in Cass City last so fine as we are." On Wednesday evening, welcome It of Harbor Beach, were visitora Simply MUST the Edison essay contest, put on for addresses were given by the village week. Wednesday of Mrs. Yietter's brother, "Ha, ha," chuckled Mrs. Se~uash, as Thumb district high school pupils in president, O. E. Zemke; from the Mrs. John May and Mrs. Earl Win. Akerman, and other relatives. she rolled to one side. connection with Port Huron's Edison Douglas spent from Wednesday until Mr. Potato had been very rude to churches, by Rev. N. D. Braby; from Samuel Champion and daughter, Golden Jubilee celebration. She will the local unions and clubs, by Mrs. C. Friday evening with relatives at Mrs. Lyle Bardwell, spent Tuesday Mrs. Squash and she was glad to receive a year's scholarship to Port Be Better IW. Arms. The response was given by Gasoline hear him being snubbed for a change° Stockbridge. and Wednesday with relatives in To- Huron Junior college. "You see," continued the Api~les, i Mrs. Dora Rapley of Pt. Huron. Mu- Miss Helen Hower, who is attend- Ohio. Mrs. Samuel Champion, who Roland O. Kern, prosecuting attor- "we can be eaten for breakfa.~I as !sical numbers were given by Roy. A. Gasoline preference here, as elsewhere ing business college in Detroit, spent has spent some time with her sister, ney, was chosen president of the new- C. De Vries, both vocal and on his Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank King, in Toledo, returned ly organized Exchange club of Caro musical saw; Miss Jean Purdy, a throughout Michigan and Ontario, has Mrs. Homer Hower. home with them Wednesday. at a dinner at Hotel Montague, Fri- 'whistling solo; an auto harp selec- gone overwhelmingly White Star. Mr. and Mrs. John Whale and Mrs. Chas. Wright returned home day, when the dub was formally tion by Mrs. Mabel Hunter of King'- daughter, Edna, spent Sunday with from Detroit Saturday where she and launched. Other officials of the dub ston; several selections by the Caro Our mounting totals for each month tell their daughter and sister, Mrs. Duane Mr. Wright were called earlier in the are: Vice presidents, H. H. Purdy, L. ,high school orchestra. State Presi- the whole story. Geister, at Decker. week by the serious illness of their A. Hooper, Rev. H. W. Kuhlman; sec- '~dent, Mrs. Rob#n, gave greetings Mr. and Mrs. Henry McConkey of daughter, Mrs. A. J. McKinley. Mr. retary-treasurer, H. L. Davis; board ~rom the state organization and Hon. These records can be based only on Wright returned home several days of control, one year, Guy N. Ormes Gagetown have moved into .the house I,Louis C. Cramton gave the address just vacated by Mr. and Mrs, ~, ,W. before. Mrs. McKinley is much im- and John 5~aelaehlan; for six months, l of the evening. He spoke of the work MERIT. White Star Petroleum; products Holmes on West Main street. proved. t A. L. Adams, Dr, W, P, Petrie, Dr. R. ,of prohibition nationally, and said simply MUST BE BETTER. IB,1 Howlett;. serg'eant~at~arms~ James Mrs. Agnes ~Cooley entertained on The Cass City Nazarene Young" t that in his campaigns throughout the Sunday, Mr. arm Mrs. Sherman Per- People's Society met at the home of ~country last year prohibition was the Trust the verdict of your friends and ry of Casevil]e and Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Misses Gladys and Irma Wentwortl~ ] According to School Commissioner '~chief interest. He gave statistics to neighbors! In effect, they say to you to- ~N. H. Sparling, there are 245 teach- thur Cooley and childrer/ of Owen- on Friday evening. A number from i prove that prohibition was succeeding day: dale. the Gagetown Society also attended, t ers employed in the rural and town in bettering condftions. makin~ ~ total of about 50, Following schools of Huron county. The town On Thursday morning, an impres: ~rs, Kate Walker of Springfield~ 1 "Buy these White Star products with full ~smon, g'ame~ were en- schools employ 125 teachers, of whom sire demonstration on Sabbath obser- :ill.~ I~ ~p~ndirtg ~ome time t~ ~as~ confidence. They perform best for us. joyed by all, after which apples and 45 have degrees from various colleges. ,vance was given. Mrs. L. A. Heide- (Ji~y to ,be near her fathe~¢, i~ieha~d An addition to the Huron county candy were served as refreshments. A Box With Bright Red Tomatoes. mann, president of Caro union, was They'll perform best for you." Lutze, who is a patient at M~i'ris f court house to cost approximately made a life member by her husband, The Woman's Ml~ion~al'y '~helety of Hospital, fruit, we can be eaten for lunch as $6,000 was authorized by the board L. A. Heidemann. the EvangeliCal eh~/'ch "will hold their The~ea~ ¢lt~ (]}~h~e wi[1 hold its dessert, and we can be eaten for sup- of supervisors in session at Bad Axe. Officers elected for next year are as Novembei' )~!g%tlhk at the home of per as a vegetable, or almost any way agX~ ~.eetlh~-I at the home of Mr. and • ~ .~ Work on the structure is to start as follows: President, Mrs. Bell M. Wa- Mrs, ~:fi[am Schwegler on Friday, they phm to use us." ~fg. Walter Schell Friday evening, soon as plans can be agreed upon. ters of Lure; corresponding secretary, CASS CITY OIL AND NB~. i5. The leader ~is Mrs. S. C. "Now potatoes are vegetables and Nov. 15. Officers will be installed at The new part will be erected at the Mrs. Genie Martin of Deford; record- Striffier and the topic "Expansion of ~othing else. You never heard of a this meeting. rear of the present building and will ing secretary, Mrs. C. S. Bates of the East and the South." This is mite potato pudding, did you? \Vl~y, even house the office of the prosecuting Clark Helwig~ Maurice Joos and the t~ingston; treasurer, Mrs. C. M. GAS CO, box opening and all members are Mrs. Squash can be made into a pie." attorney and the register of deeds. Misses Laura Jaus, Helen ~attle and "Of course Mrs. Squash was very Burkholder of St. Clair; vice president urged to come and bring their mite These offices are now in rented rooms Laverne Battle were dinner guests happy now. And the Apples con- at large, Mrs. Florence Harmer of White Star Motor Fuels and Lubricants that cost the county more than $I,000 Sunday of Rev. and M~. C. F. Smith boxes. 1 tinued talking. Dryden. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ricker enter- a year. The present court house was ...... ~t Kilmanagh. "What delicious pies we make! We tained over the week-end, Mr. and constructed in 1857 and was the first are the favorite pies of the world! WILL EXHIBIT AT THE Mrs. Frank Dillman and son, Mrs. Warner McVicar, Mr. and Mrs. building" in Bad Axe. George, and Robert Dillman of De- "Think of that for a distinction! CLEVELAND SHOW Archie McVicar and Mrs. Gertrude Mayvillle has organized an Ex- .=, troit and Miss Esther Dillman of Some people like mince pie, some like Ricker, all of Detroit. Other Sunday pumpkin pie, others enjoy squash pie, chage Club With the following offi- Ypsilanti spent the week-end with guests were Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Par- cers: President, F. W. Holbrook; sec- Concluded from first page. relatives in Cass City. or lemon pie, but almost every one A group of three steers will be ker and daughter, Freda, of Grant; likes apple pie. retary, D. C. Stubbs; treasurer, W. F. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Henry and Mr. picked to represent Tuscola county at Grist Screenings Mr. and Mrs. George Ricker and "To think of being an apple pi~I Sherk. and Mrs. Walter Sehell attended the the Cleveland show this month. Two Published Every Friday daughter, Beryl, and Mr. and Mrs. It's a wonderful thought. And we Suit in the sum of $25,000 has been \ funeral of Mrs. Henry's cousin, Mel- other steers in this group besides Per- Charles Ricker of Owendale. can be eaten just as we are, too! entered in the Huron county court ]fection Quality are Golden Minstrel Vot. 5. November 8, 1929. Number 13. vin Keeler, 13 year old son of Mr. and A pot-luck dinner was enjoyed Sun- "No one could eat a raw potato." against Edward L, Susalla, Minden Mrs. John Keeler, at North Branch City, by James L. Burgess adminis- l also Owned by Jim Milligan, and Gol- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy That would be too horrible !" Published in the in- body is renewed every We were talking yes- Monday. Now just at that moment tile cook trator of the estate of Anthony den Gladiator, owned by Audley Hor- Allen. Those who attended were Mrs. terest of the People of seven years, I can't be terday to a lady who Mrs. E. F. Kreiman and Mr. and came down in the cellar to PiCk out Schroeder. Mr. Schroeder and wife nor, a member of the Cass City Live- Frank Dillman, George and Robert Cass City and vicinity the same woman you says that her husband Mrs. J. A. Ippel of Saginaw and Mr. the winter vegetables she would want Dillman, all of Detroit, Miss Esther by the married." has never forgotten to and Mrs. D. H. McColl and son, Dillman of Ypsilanti, and Mrs. I. K. for dinner. Husband--"I've been mail a letter she's giv- Elkland Roller Mills Hugh, of Greenleaf were Sunday Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reid, Mr. "Well," said she to herself, "it's suspecting that for en him. We'll bet she guests of Mrs. Hugh McColl at tbe and Mrs. Fred Smith,~Mr. and Mrs. nice to get something from the hot- Roy Taylor, Editor -some time." forgot to give it to him. G. W. Landon home. John Dillman, Frank Dillman, Mrs. house once in a while. There is no way of Mr. and Mrs. John Zinnecker enter- Harriett Boyes and daughter, Miss "I get so sick of these everlasting It is a wise father now who maintains a dis- checking the formula of Use Figaro Smoked winter vegetables and apples that we tained Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Marjorie. creet silence in the a mixed feed after it Salt, the easiest and Whitener of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. keep in the cellar. It's nice to havo presence of his sons on has once been mixed. best way to smoke and Frank Weldon, Miss Mabel McKichan, OVER 200 AT P. T. A. a few tomatoes for a change." the subject of his own The chemist can tell, cure meat. Down she put a box with bright red Hazen Peter and Mr. and Mrs. Fred MEETING MONDAY youthful Hallowe'en with a microscope, Cooper and children of Kingston. tomatoes--just from the hot-house. pranks. what materials have Yesterday a fellow Announcements have been received "Well." said the Vegetables, "how- $OL 'ING been used, but he can't in here dated a check Concluded from fi~st page. do-you-do ?" Breed, weed,° and tell how much has been Of the birth of a l~ttle son to Mr. and for 1928. Evidently he ing Arthur Guiterman's ppem "To "We're very superior," said tLe To- feed are the three fac- used. Mrs. Harry Moore of Plattsburg, New hasn't been writing Any Child." matoes. 9 tors in profitable poul- Purina feeds get re- many checks this year. York. He has been named Howard sults and that's what Clear-eyed and grave, you look me "And why shouldn't you be?" asked try raising. After ta- Croft. Mrs. Moore will be remembered TRY your hand at solving one of the six king care of the breed- count. through and through Mr. Potato. "You have been in a hot- Someone took Frank in Cass City as Miss Irene Croft. -li- BOND ELECTRIC Picture-Puzzles!. Each ing and the culling too Andknow me as I am, not as I seem. house, spoiled and petted. You'0 be Lenzner's "Lot for Mr. and Mrs. G. W! London spent picture represents a word and the prizes will go many people neglect Household hint says sale" sign, but Frank The masks I wear may cheat the queer if you weren't superior, what from Saturday until Tuesday in to those contestants who submit the most appro- the feeding. Feed Pu- table scraps can be found the sign and is world, not you. with s~n and warmth to give yo~ a rina Poultry Chows to converted into many Kalamazoo and Detroit. At Kalama- fine color." priate and expressive solutions. thankful that they left What I have do~e the coldly-wise may make poultry really things. Including di- the holes in the ground zoo, they attended a rural carriers' But the Carrots and Potatoes fo.R profitable. vorces. meeting and in Detroit a conference deem for if they had taken Noble or paltry, weighing good or that they realIy were the most i~n- l@ooooo them, he 5ouldn't have of the officers of the National Car- 9 * You can raise better ill; portent of all the winter vegetables~, The father of twins used the sign any more. riers' Association. ~, Do you think they were right? is always proud. Puts calves cheaper on Pu: Buyers and sellers: Let them mete Miss Thelma Barnes was a delight- on heirs, you might rina Calf Chow. and dole, V P ;:?' i say. You can lower the ful hostess to several friends at her You Mustn't, Teacher l/ '°-"27,?oo. 1 Appraising gauds and tokens as they ~st Prize. s2OO0 I~ ;.o~,o,,%-/2)I~¢o.... °?oae, l Why is it that just cost of producing milk home on South Seeger street at a will, Teacher---" tf you do not get your los~ Purina Lay Chow, a as you get around to by ;feeding a good sup- Hallowe'en party Thursday evening. But all unconsciously, you see the sons better I wiIl have to write a let- 2nd Prize *1000 ! or ~e 7 'U o~ wonderful mash at the place where you plement along with The guests came in masquerade cos- soul. ter to 5,our father. three dollars per bag. decide you can save a your home grains. We tumes and Spent the time in games. Can you believe in me, in me who IAttle Mary--Please, teacher, you little money--the chil- sell the Wayneand Pu- A Hallowe'en lhnch was served. must shouldn't write to my father, 'cause There's a girl in this dren always need some rina supplements and iSurely worth orkingfor. M~;. and Mrs. R. N. McCullough 1Be humbly schooled by you before I my mamma doesn't like to have town who says there's new shoes ? they do lower the cost nothing she hates of producing milk. and Mr. and Mrs.' John West had asI teack? women writin' to papa. worse than throwing Let us furnish you guests over the week-end, Mr. and I k__ You smile the smile of childhood's away letters. Well, it's with the best in lump Mrs. Walter Buckner and J. W. Stir- perfect trust; The Process paid some girls to save and range coat. Elkland Roller ton of Detroit and J. D. Stirton of I I am not all unworthy.e May I reach Teacher--Now, Jane, please tell us 'era. Mills ) Elkton. J. D. stirton remained and !Again the stainless peaks of April's how forests become petrified. Will have another Phone No. 15 • / spent several days the first of the l prime ? Jan~e--Well, it must be the wind N. Bigelow Sons Our Weakly Joke. car of Purina Chows week with his daughter, Mrs. McCul- Put your small hand in mine and help t!:.~ comes along and makes the Wife-- If the human first of next week. Cass City, Mich. ]o?gh. 1 me climb. trees rock. i

4 Cass City, Michigan, Friday, Nov. 8, 1929. CASS CITY CHRONICLE PAGE FIVE . SCORED HIT IN" they were incited to and succeeded in Great American Seaman F~U~T AND OTHER NICE SUNDAES AT HOME ]in the securing of those advantages. Unique Dam Progress Turkey "WOMANLESS WEDDING" David G. Farragut. famous Amer. /Mrs. Martin's place in the hearts of The Marath.n dam is near the vil. Turks no longer name 'children," as lage of Marathon, in Greece. It is the old Tin'ks did, for the wives and ican seaman, was tmr~i at Knoxville. Concluded from first page. Iher family and her friends will nev- a solid concrete wall, but this dam followers of the Prophet. The An- Tenn., on July 51 180]. He was the The cast included the following tal- er be filled nor her memory sup- is the only mosaic, marble-faced dam atolian city of Konia wins the prize first mm to he given lhe rank of ad. planted by another. ent: All survive her save her husband, in the world. When completed the for "modernization" with the I)estowal miral in the United Slates navy. He Butler ...... Guy Landon who died in 1913, and her eldest reservoir will have a capacity of upon a boy. bahy of the name of "Rail entered the navy at "he age of nine t Puneh Girls ...... Vic Barnes daughter, Anna, (Mrs. John Doerr), 4~,000,000 cubic meters (rf water. road." He was horn on a train. years. I John Goodail who passed away in 19~4. The ehil- ~resent Takers ...... Keith Mc.Conkey :dren who survive are Frank Martin I George Cole of Beauley, Raymond Martin and | Weeping Mother ...... Ashton Tindale Mrs. J. H. Bohnsaek of Cass City, Comforting Father ...... Fred Bigelow Mrs. M. L. Billings of Ann Arbor, e ,~ ~ ~: ~'~..) : ...... ; i;ia:~ k.~.ii~[~)£;k;il T ! Andrew Bigeiow Martin of Bay City and Mrs. J. tl. Ikey Rossenstein ...... Bruce Brown Scott of Detroit. Ureaiesi Old Maid Aunt ...... Audley Rawson i Bride's Grandfather ...... Cecil Brown i Bride's Grandmother ...... Frank Reid HOSPITAL NOTES. •Charlie Chaplin ...... Clem Tyo Uncle from Wilmot ...... Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D...... Robert MeNamee Keating, underwent an operation for !Aunt from Wilmot ...... Alex Henry removal of tonsils and adenoids Mon- Radi0 Develapmenl! ~Twin Sisters ...... Morley Smith day. Alvin Murawski of Port Austin was I Glenn Wright .Fritz Kreisler ...... Clarence Burr operated on Monday for removal of ,Mary Pickford ...... Meredith Auten tonsils and adenoids. To experience the real marvel of "Face- Groom's Haughty Mother ...... Mrs. Edward .sandusky of Bad to-Face Realism" of the new Sparton Axe entered the hospital Monday and t ...... Mile Ragan Groom"s Haughty Father ...... Dr. Fritz l underwent a sei4ons operation for ap- EQUASONNE instruments you must sit Icz Cream Makes Fine Foundation fo~ Sundae. ,Fashion Plate ...... Virgil Logan pendicitis Tuesday morning. Mrs. Louise Pass%w of Pigeon was before them and actually FEEL this (:P:rparcd by the United States Department "ice cream sandwich." The eggs in a !Harry Lauder ...... Arthur Atwell brought to the hospital early Tuesday of Agrieultnre.) custard ice cream are excellent for the Sis Hopkins ...... Warren Wood amazing new quality. To describe it is like The children enjoy pretending the) morning and was operated on for re- children, supplementing tile other nu- Thomas Edison ...... Roy Taylor are having something at home that moval of gali bladder because of gall trying to put into words the "something" tritious ingredients of the ice cream Mrs. Edison ...... Charles Robinson has lirst been sampled elsewhere. Thl I stones and gall bladder abscess. by adding to the day's supply of vita- i Country Cousin ...... Audley Kinnair, t that distinguishes the art of the master i(leq ()f a "sundae" at home suggests mines and minerals, i Pat O'Grady ...... Butt Elliott Other patients at the hospital are all the joys of the soda fountain ~V~th musician. It is in FEELING .... not in The bureau of home economics gives :Rome O Grady ...... Walden Trueb Mrs. George Wagner and George none of the (tistrqction of nearby tray~ tl~e following diFections for making it: .Kentucky Colonel ...... R. Vanderkooy Qule. sound alone. Every light and shadow ef of candy and chewing gum. French Vanilla ~ce Cream. His Lady ...... H. Mahargl Fren('h vanilla or custard ice cream !Annie Laurie ...... Walter Mann I HOLBROOK. personality that the artist puts into mu- is particularly good as g foundatio~ i quart ndlk ~,~ cup sugar for any sort of fruit "sundae," with ~,§ pint double cream % tsp. salt: i Henpeeked Husband .... Stanley Striffler A.E. Hoover, A. P. Ballard and G. sic comes to you. We invite you to call. i His Devoted Wife ...... •Fred Smith sweetened crushed fresh fruit served 4 eggs 1~/~ t,s,!o, vanilla I~President Hoover ...... S PetersonIR.. Ridly, who were elected delegates over it, such as sn'awberries, raspb(.r- Prepare as for cust~qrd by pin, ring Mrs. Hoover ..... : ...... Mack Little to the Michigan Milk Producers' As- SPARTON RADIO ries or fresh peaches, according to th,. some of the heated milk into {l~e ligb{. j Negro Mammy ...... Lester Bailey sociation, attended the convention at season. Chocolate or butterscotch 1~ beaten eggs and ~hea cooking ~he !Baby Sister ...... Frank Cranick Lansing last week. sauce, maI)le sirnp or honey may also "Radio's Richest Voice" milk and eggs with the sugar and salt Rastus ...... Donald Sehell be used with french vanilla ice cream in a double boiler ~n~it ~he custard Sarah...... George MeInl:yre Tragedy. or sundaes. This is a good ice cream. coats the spoon. Cool, add :the double 1 i Flapper of 1929 ...... Glen MeCullough And here lies the man too, to serve with pies "a la mode," cream, mix wen and freeze. Village School Mama ...... Dugald Krug Still, white and cold which means simply pie with a dip of For the freezing mixture ,use one General Pershing ...... Roland Johnson Who in the bEnfold test May & Douglas vanilta ice cream on top. It~ can ~e part of salt to 4 to (3 parts of ice. Turn Colonel Lindbergh..~rederick Brown used wittr sp(mge cake to make an the crank slowly (luring freezing. Didn'~ :say "Old Gold'"! Theda Bara ...... ~. Ivan Niergarth --The Paihfinder. ,Madame Schumann-Heink ...... the omelet in ~he pan and la~ it o~t ...... Dr. I. D. MeCov ;~OOKING OMELETS onto a hot platter. 'John D. Rockerfeller ...... IN VARIOUS WAYS Omelets with different names are ...... sear Hendrick simply variations of plain oinelets, Mrs. Rockerfeller ...... Cliff Seeord made by adding chopped ingredients i Galli-Curci ...... Erwin Kereher Secret of Success ~s in Using to the egg mixture before it is cooked Henry Ford ...... John May i Mrs. Ford ...... Edward Corpron Moderate, Even Heat. or spread over half of the cooked omelet before it is folded and turned Ushers ...... :o..... Watson Spaven onto the platter. Chopped fried ham Glenn Folkert (Prepared by the United States Department F olkert's Barg aln" Store of Agriculture.) or bacon, grated cheese, or a cooked Raymond McCullough The secret of making a good omelet vegetable such as peas, mushrooms Harold McGrath Cass C i ty, Michigan. of any kind is the same secret that or asparagus, or a combination o.f Best Man ...... Fred Pinney applies to .all successful Cooking of chopped onion, green pepper, celery, !Bishop ...... Chet Graham WE BEAT ALL COMPETITION INCLUDING MAIL ORDER HOUSES AND CHAIN STORES eggs and dishes in which eggs pre- and parsley delicately fried in butter, ...... Ben Benkelman dominate: Cook slowly at moderate, are some suggestions for variations of Frank Haven even heat, says the bureau of home plain omelet. Sweet omelets spread Bob McConkey economics of the United States De- with jelly and containing sugar i,n J. Hadselt partment of Agriculture. The basic the egg mixture, are sometimes served Maid of Honor ...... Grant Patterson Shoes-Rubbers Matron of Honor ...... Cameron Wallace Piece Goods ingredients for any kind of omelet ~ for dessert. are the same: One egg for each per- i Flower Girls ...... A. J. Knapp New New Stock Just son, one tablespoonful of milk for SUMMER SQUASH OF ' William Martus Save 25% to 40 % each egg, and salt to taste: Beat the iRing Bearer ...... Emery Lounsbury Arrived • egg yolks and whites separately for DELICATE FLAVOR Bride ...... Jacob Spencer Percale, per yard_ ..... 1@ a flvffy omelet; beat them together Groom ...... Ernest Schwaderer for a flat omelet. I Train Bearer ...... Robert Warner Prints, per yard ...... 17c MEN'S To make a fluffy omelet for an av- Especially Delicious When I Fall HEAVY RED SOLED erage family use from four to six Seasoned With Butter° ELKLAND PIONEER Ginghams, per yd ..... 17e eggs. Add as many tablespoonfuls of RUBBERS ANSWERS FINAL CALL milk as you have eggs. If preferred, (Pzepared by the ,U.r~ite4 States Department Shirting Madras the milk may be heated. It will of Agriculture.~ Concluded from first page. $1.25 cook the yolks slightly when it is ~mmg, tender, summer squash, be per yard._ ' .... 29e Style reared a family of eight children to added hot and give the mixture a it yellow or white and called crook- a manhood and a womanhood which Sateens, per yd ...... 25c smoother consistency. Or, one-half neck or cymling, is of delicate flavor, BOYS' HEAVY RUBBERS is a credit not only to themselves cup of hot white sauce of medium especially when seasoned liberally Linen Toweling with butter before serving. ~t need but most emphatically so to her. 79c not be watery if properly cooked. A woman who with mere begin- per yd ...... 19c Dresses ~i'~::::,,'~'::::::::::*~,,~~i~i~i!i~i~i~i~i~i!!i!~i~iii~!ii!!~i~iii~i~i~i~ii!~i~i~iii~{~i~i~i!i~.~.~iiii~i~!~i!~i! Below are two .recipes from the bu- nings of an education in a back- reau of home economics for prepar- l woods school has given such a ros- Fancy Rayons, MEN'S RURBER BOOTS ing summer squash. Summer squash ter of good citizens and sterling per yd ...... 39c may also be sliced, dipped in flour or I characters to the world has accom- egg and bread crumbs, and ~ried as plished that which words can scarce- Peter Pan, per yd .... 39e $2.89 eggplant is fried, or baked, or steamed ly cover. These children were edu- in a regular steamer or a colander cated not alone in common school, 81-in. Sheeting, yd.__ 49e LADIES' OVERSHOES over hot water. When cooked in any but, in high school, normal school ,4 5 $3.00 value of these ways without added water a~d state university and this task Pillow Tubing, yd ..... 29e the full flavor of the squash is fe- was accomplished with but the re- tained and the texture is more saris sources of a pioneer farm behind REMNANT 98c "::ii~;N~L factory to many people than when her. It was by her fervent admoni- L/ the squash is boiled, drained, and tion and stern determination that BUNDLES MEN'S served mashed. HIGH TOP SHOES Casserole Squash. !0 yards in bund!e Special vl,^~° Sale on 2 quarts dfced sum- 1 cup butterei mer squash crumbs Per Bundle 3 tbs. melted' butter 2 tsp. salt 36-inch MEN'S HEAVY $4.95 i ii!?iiiiiiiiiiiiiiill ,:: aA tsp. pepper 59c Select young, tender, summer OUTING UNIONSUITS NEW squash, wash, cut into small cubes, ASSORTMENT OF fuming the Omelet Out. SILK DRAPERY put into a greased baking dish, sea- FLANNEL $1.50 quality MEN'S WORK SHOES thickness added to four egg yolkswill son with salt and pepper and sprin- CLOTH make a largeromelet with more body. kle the buttered crumbs on top, Put Light or Dark --Our Price-- Fold the yolk mixture gradually and on the cover of the dish and cook in $1.00 value $2.95 carefully into~the stiffly beaten whites a moderate oven for about one hour. 98 c SUIT containing the salt--one fourth lea- When the squash is tender remove Per Yard 15c LADIES' NEW SHOES spoonful of salt for each four eggs. the lid and let the crumbs become 39c Have ready and hot a smooth lmavy golden brown before serving. onmlet pan containing one tablespoon- Panned Squash. $2.95 ful or a little more of butter and l~h quarts diced 1~.~ tsp. salt NOTIONS pour the. egg mixture into the pan. summer squash ~N tsp. pepper 3 tbs. butter I000 PAIRS OF The mnelet can be cooked in three Thread 3 for ...... 10c LADIES', MEN'S AND different ways, but in any case start Select young, tender squash w~sh " LITTLE JOE " it on top of the stove at moderate well, and remove the tips from each Yarn, 2 for ...... 5e CHILDREN'S SHOES heat. If a small-sized gas or oil burn- end. Dice the squash in % inch : LUMP ' ~er is used, move the pan about so pieces, leaving the skin on unless it ,.- .,.- Snap Fasteners, 2 for 5c to close out at that the omelet will cook around the is very tough. Melt the butter in a Shoe Laces, 2 for ...... 5c $1.00 PR. edge at the same rate as in th6 cen- skillet until slightly brown, put in the : MODOC LUMP : squash, sprip, k]e with salt and pep- . o ter. As soon as the omelet has 6 ? Braids, 2 for ...... 5c per, cover and cook for ten or fif- browned slightly on the bottom, place ® ? Darning Cotton, GIRLS' WINTER COATS -~ it in a moderate oven (350 degrees teen minutes at medium heat. Re- i CHESTNUT AND , Fahrenheit) and bake for ten minutes move the cover and cook a little Or, continue the cooking on top of longer for the liquid to evaporate. , FURNACE . 3 ...... 10c $2°95 $3.95 the stove until the mixture sets, awl Serve hot. place r.n(ler a low 1)roiler flame flw i HARD COAL ,~ two or three minutes. Or, if pre- Joy of Feeling Fit i Baby Mitts 10e ferred, c()ver the pan (]urh~g the whole, The joy of fieeling fit physically Is I ' ' 2 C BOYS' period and so cook tim top of the reflected in a clearer and more useful i POCAHONTAS , Children s Bloomers 5 SHEEPSKIN COATS ~ omelet with steam. When the omelet mind. is done ('re:t~e it throug~ tile center You may ,'cad -rod study forever, but •; AND COKE ?. I~-~ ~ , $6 00 Coats--Our Price " ? fold it over with a spatuln, and roll you come to no more important it onto a hot platter without attempt- truthful conclusions than these two: Coal Prices are advancing. - Wok ...... 49, Be d Blanket Sale $3.95 ing 2o lift it fro:n the p:m. Pour over 1. Take care of your body (eat and Better place your order ...... 10c, 15c, 19c, 25c fP 31 W/g'~ ~--~ the .reeler melted butter containing exercise properly), and your mind now for your winter supply. & finely em parsley and serve at ()nee. wi!l improve. ! G ov s i 0c to 9~r~ ~ I.D , MEN S For a flat omelet heat the eggs wit!~ 2. Work hard; and be polite and one tal)lesi)o(mful of milk for ea(.h fair, and your condition in the world | Men's Outing Night nar ,,air " ~, N~, EACH e~','~ and salt to taste. ['(nlr a thin lay- will improve. Ca88 Cily Grain ! Shirts_= ...... $1.00 v'- v ~O.~O er of the mixture into ,~ lint b',~ttere:l No pills, tablets, lotions, philoso- Phone 61-2. omele~ pan and,cook ,dowly and even- phies, will do ":~ flinch for you as the ly. ~¢hen brown on the bottom tel? simple formula I have outlined. ~o,,o.*o,.o,oo..o..o..o..o..o..o..o..o,.o..o..O,oOo.®,.~..o*.~..o,.$,*$..~ PAGE SiX CASS CITY CHRONICLE Cass City, Michigan, Friday, Nov. 8, 1929o

.~ ITuesday afternoon at the Cass City daughter of Bay City visited last Mr. and Mrs. Roy Strong and spent last week with h~r mother, Mrs. GAGETOWN I lPresbyterian church, to hear Mrs. lweek with the farmer's parents, Mr. daughter returned to Bay City after C. Woodruff. ¢. o!. ITressa Merrill of Detroit, state chair- and Mrs. John Strong. spending a week at the T. Lounsbury Chas. Martin's father of Hemans is • ,man of the Division of Drama. 1 The intermediate room of the public home. H. P. Woolman accompanied reported very low. The regular meeting of the P T A I ...... ; ". ~1 Miss Pauline Hunter of Detroit school presented a Tuesday evening" them to spend a week. Mr• and Mrs• Marsh of Onaway are wm oe on ~ov ±~ rne ~onowm~ ~ .... at the Methodist church. Proceeds Harold Evans is driving a new visiting Mrs. Marsh's brother, Chas• Armistice..... ~ay program" " Will" .... De gl v e n : //spent ..... Sunday w~th her mother, Mrs. iwil 1 be to open a course in sewing and Chevrolet ear. Martin, and family. Milkm aker- • ~negting It" ."~.nun~" er " manual training'. Richard Karr shot a wild goose on .... Pres., Mrs. Beach tdal)e~V~O°nOd2 f ~tt~°~n:sS~teUr;- { A. Whidden has been among the Jos. Barrons moved Mark Gemmill Prayer ...... Rev. Gordon Grinnell Y ~ Y " sick folks. Saturday, the first of the season. to Pontiac Sunday. There will be an address on Armistice! Mrs. Geo. Carolan has been among I Earle Russell, Miss Martha Clara Mr. and Mrs. K. Meddaugh an,.1 Mr• and Mrs. Wm. Moulton spent Means Moneymaker! Day. I the sick folks. " land Miss Edith Miller spent Sunday family of Caro spent Sunday at the Sunday with their son, O. W. Maul- Reports on Famo~ts Generals of Miss Martha Clara and Mrs. Grace with the latter's sister, Mrs. Roy Wm. Simmons home. ton, and family of Caro. World War: ~ I Clara are clerking at the Gagetown Wisher, at Flint. W. Staley and B. Turner of Caro [ Ray Ashcroft is home from Pontiac.

i ~ ...... ~ ~.~.... .~,~.~"~"~'°~'-~Bradley .,_~,'~ Gen..-t ,.,Foeh . "...... i...Margaret ...... Murphy : ...... ~v£rs.~';' '£~ IVIosacK, " "~' WhO' ~'" :is "~'7"~living Wll;n~*:'~'"~ nee.... Detroit spent Sunday with- Mr_ and home Monday. Si/verwoo2 cai~le5 on Mrs• E. V. Ev- ben: mmg ...... t~nes~er tiamysz ...... dairy feed made and recommended by the Michigan "~ n ~ fire " " Lee Wallac l aaugn~er~ ~wrs. oas. oonnson, o~ tJe- Mrs. L. L. McGinn. E. A. Livingston and Lloyd Reagh ans Friday. •. t,e .,,Jo ~;. .... :;"';~:i;" e Itroit, was reported very ill Monday. Lloyd McGinn is confined to his spent Monday in Sandusky in behalf Farm Bureau. We carry in stock roem, tn lylanaer s lyle a ...... Floyd Hawkins of Harbor Beach Mrs Ira Hool] Eight of Mrs, Peter Bartholomy's home with a severe cold. of the Farm Bureau. I spent Sunday in town. I'rogr£fm)~om grades idrili') - -~ li'rieli(ts went with well filled baskets I Mr. and Mrs. Jos. quinn were Bay Misses Gladys and Emma Lenzner Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stone and chil- 32% PROTEIN ' : ...... Mrs Secorl t° celebrate her birthday Saturday, iCity callers Saturday. and Frank Lenzner of Cass City were dren of Saginaw called on Mrs. Chas. Three"a'et"piaY "~7~°;-'~a~h " I Misses Ptaelan and Miss Lucile Bar-I Mr. and Mrs. A. Nutt, Mr. and Mrs. callers at the Win. H. Simmons home i Ferguson last Friday. i A. 0. Woood were callers in Cass Sunday. 24% PROTEIN 1 Borrowing"...."..Seven in the Cast ltholomy were Caro callers Saturday• tCity Friday evening. While driving to Caro to work at i !the sugar factory last Wednesday I Closing Song~ i Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kerr, daughter, j Mrs. ~d. ~i~ehor will attend the morning, Ben and dos. Kerposki and 16% PROTEIN Mrs, Catherine Freeman wilt be Eleanor, and Miss Phoebe Kerr of conference ~o~ ~oltng p~ople at Fair- wILMOT. Milton Woodruff narrowly escaped i Royal Oak spent Sunday with Mr. hostess Wednesday evening to the l gro;e Saturday. Two add~e~se~ will I death, when the car in which they Clarence Chadwick of Deford has A feed for every need of the Thumb district Woman's Study Club with the follow- and Mrs. S. B. Calley. be given by Bernard Coggan of Lan- were driving at high speed, struck started drilling a well for Wm. Pen- ing program: R011 call, "One thing The Eastern Stars enjoyed a mas- i slng, business manager of the Michi- loose gravel and turned over twice. dairyman. We shall be glad to give you any informa- gan Council of Religious Edueaation• fold. that helped me most in Mrs. Strittler's querade dance in their dining room i The car was badly broken up, but the In the afternoon, he will speak on tion you desire on this excellent product. talk on interior decorating." "What i Friday evening. Mrs• Mary Hartt is visiting her '!boys escaped with some cuts and "The Call for Creative Leadership in > Makes Home Attraction," Henrietta Thursday, the annual business daughter; Mrs• Claud Upper, of De- i bruises. The Kerposki boys were able Our Churches" and in the evening, Hemerick. Questions on Mrs. Strif- meeting of the Methodist Ladies' Aid, troit. to return to work the next morning. '"A Year's Program for the Youth of tler's talk, Cora Purdy. "Furniture ~will be held. Election of officers will Mrs. Burr Barton left Sunday for a Young Woodruff was not able to go Tuscola County." A banquet will be Periods that Harmonize," Edith Mill- take place after dinner is served. four weeks' visit with her sister in back until Sunday• Farm Produce Co. served at six o'clock with Mrs. Ed. er. Critic's report, Mrs. McFall. Plans for their annual bazaar and Detroit. i Chas. Ferguson has bought the Fischer as toastmaster. Phone 54. Mrs. Dick~ Karr entertained on '.chicken supper will made Mou!ton property in town. Mr. Maul- be at this Mr. and Mrs. Clinton A. Ware, Rev. Mr• and Mrs. Harry Woodruff of Wednesday afternoon of this week !time. ton has not decided just where he and Mrs. Olin L. Randall and babies Pontiac spent Sunday evening with Mesdames Geo. Munro, Geo. Purdy,'l , . i will go yet. - ' I St. Agatha s school entertained at a and Miss Myrtle Shannahan, all of the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mose~. Karr, Hugh Karr and James~. rxamowe...... en aress-up parry ' wean e,s- Chas. Woodruff. i'urdy The hostess planned a pro-1 • Lake City, were Sunday guests at the • • . . . day evening. They had as guests ~he homes of Mr. and Mrs• N. E• Walro Mrs. Mark Gemmill and children i Advertise it in the Chronicle. Advertise it in the Chronicle. Advertise it in the Chronicle. gram of stitch and chatter, prmmpaI ...... - , ..... ~mmm ~raaers o~ ~ne pUDIlC scnoot. ly the la~er. Luncneon was serveq~ of Gagetown, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. , ' i, a t five oc' lo c.k [ Mrs . Pete Bartholomy entertained Ware of Cass City and Mrs. Olive ' I at a quilting party, Mrs. A. a. Bur- Randall of Caro. The tired but happy Mrs. Jack Evans and daughter, Le- ~ ...... i .... " ~ ~ ...... ~o~on, ~wrs. ~• ~. ~a~ey an(, ~wrs° ~o.u, company returned to Lake City Mon- v na, v~s~ea rosy week w~th Mrs. ±vl,-iHigh. Luncheon served by the hos- day morning. Clinton Ware, a for- na RusselI. !tess. mer Cass City man, is well pleased John F. Fournier and daughter, Mrs. A. Creguer entertained on with his work as clerk in a general Helen, were in Detroit Saturday. Wednesday the following at a quilting store where he has been employed for Joe and Gordon Helenboldt of Flint party: Mesdames Hugh Karr, George the past three months. are visiting their sister, Mrs. Ed Munro, Nose Karr, A• J. Burdon and Fischer. •as. L. Purdy. A two-course dinner ELKLAND-ELNWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sellers of Rich- was served at six o'clock. mond spent Saturday with the latter's Mr. and Mrs. Henry McConkey are TOWN LINE sister, Miss Edith Miller, and Sunday moving to their residence in Cass Mr. and Mrs. T. Lounsbury and Mr. at their cottage at Rose Island. City. They will be very much missed and Mrs. Roy Strong and daughter Avon Yost, 19 year old son of Mr. indeed. visited at Mrs. Noble's home in Grind- and Mrs. Louis Yost, left Thursday for Mr. and Mrs. James Murray (nee atone City the latter part of the week. Chicago where he will enter the avla- rena Crawford) of Millington an- Mrs. Geo. Seeley has blood poison- tion school for the United States Na- nounce the arrival of a son, Jimmie. vy• ing in her arm. The Misses Phelan entertained at a D. Burton of Gagetown visited at A large birthday dinner party was Hallowe'en party Thursday evening given Daniel Mullen recently at the for the kiddies of the neighborhood. the Chas. Seekings home Sunday. home of his daughter, Mrs. Leo Bar- Hallowe'en party at the public Ira Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Geo• Dodge tholomy. t school Wednesday. and daughter, Leila, of Detroit spent Gagetown high school's football Miss Roberta Wills gave a Hal- the week end at the Harold Evans team defeated Cass City's secoud lowe'en party of 26 schoolmates at home. team by a score of 12-6 in a practice her home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Win. O'Dell and fam- game on Monday, Oct. 28. Miss Nina Munro of Owosso spent iiy spent the week end in Detroiot. A number of, the Woman's Study !the week-end at her parental home Mr. and Mrs. R. Karr and Mrs. E. Club attended Guest Day of the Wo- ! here• Butler spent Sunday near Bay City man's Study Club of Cass City on ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Strong aad with Mrs. B's sister.

• ...%,_ • ....,...

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Case City, Michigan, Friday, Nov. 8, 1929. CASS CITY CHRONICLE PAGE SEVEN brilliant young student, had deliber- ately chosen the ministry as his life we~ve got to get in others to take their minister to them properly. But I did KINGSTON-NOVESTA l afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrsl Electrocuted Fi,h work. She tossed him a scant re- places. Now you see how we're fixed. keep hoping." Lewis Retherford. Selecting for experiment a well- spect' for that choice, which, althoagh We like you, first-rate, but we've got "You must keep on hoping," pleaded TOWN LINE Mrs. Wm. Schirmer and son, Billy, stocked pool some two acres in ex- it accorded him a high mark for to work for the church, first and last'. Miriam. Little Marion Osburn has been on of Romeo spent the week-end at the tent, representatives of a Munster. G II c IE character, in no way entitled him i,o a Well, we waited, and hoped you Would "They like Hiram," continued their the sick list for a week. home of Mr. and Mrs. Hazen Warn._r. Westphalia electrical firm pulled permanent place in her plans for the get over it. We wrote to the doctors, father. "They evidently want him." IMrs. Emily Warner went home with slowly through the water a copper family's future. Being a seminary and they say you've not got much "Oh, no," gasped Marjory. "Not Robert Horner has a new roof on them for a few weeks' visit. wire carrying an alternating 220-volt his residence which looks fine. The I[ILILA man, with special study at Oxford, he chance-L-not one 'in a hundred. You're Hiram, father. Not in your church." current, attached to a wood float. In work was done by Care parties. I Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Hicks, jr., of a short tithe over three hundredweight would begin ~ perhaps at a thousand all run down, and you need a long "I like him myself," said her father ]Flint, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kelley and dollars, or twelve hundred if he was rest--maybe a year, maybe two years gently. "Better him than~some Mr. and Mrs. John Pringle and chit- t son, Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mor- of carp and 50 pounds of pike rose V lucky, and would progress upward, ~to build you up." others." t dren were Care callers Saturday. risen of Deford and Mr. and Mrs. unc.onseious to tho ~urfnce. slowly, perhaps as far as two ~thou- "But perhaps an operation it would But Marjory shook her head pas- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rethefford "~'v'm. Hicks and family and Mr. and sand, twenty-five hundred, possibly~ be expensive, but~" sionately. "No, no,:' she whispered. and son, Arleen, were Sunday after- Mrs. Maurice Large of Pontiac were GLYCERIN MIX REMOVES noon ":isitoi-~ :.f ?~{, ;~:,d 5{r~..~ J.A,..:, i vis~ors 3un(!ay of i~r, and Mrs. Ar- by Ethel Hueston married, he would instantly, according They just talked about that to cheer Ginger hurried back with the "Dis- ~esnerford o£ Care. Ichie Hicks. to time-honored Methodist parsonage cipline." you up. An operat'ion wouldn't do any Mr. and Mrs. Fred Best and daugh- I Lewis Retherford was in Lansing • Simple glycerin, buckt~0rn bark, statistics as figured by Ginger, become "Find it, Miriam. You're up on saline, etc., as mixed i Adlerika, good. Your eyes are just plain Worn ter of Orion and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Friday of last week as a delegate to possessed of a minimum of three chil. out. You'll all worn out--that's the indexes." Parrish and children of Cass City acts on BOTH upper and )wer bow- the meeting" of the Milk Producers' el, removing poisons )u never dren. straight of it." Miriam deftly turned to the index, were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Illustrations by Association. thought were there and ~ i.~ch caused Small good would be one of his es- referred to section 341, hurried down Osburn Sunday afternoon. "I see." gas and other stomach t iable. Just Irwin Myers tate go the impoverished and needy to paragraph 2, and read aloud. Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Vampell were "Well, we talked it over with the Mr. and Mrs. Lue O'Rourke of Pon.- business callers at Cass City Satur- ONE spoonful relieves 2~AS, sour Tollivers. Encouraging him was a " 'The annuity claim of a Retired district' superintendent, find he hadn't tiac visited Sunday at the home of day. stomach, sick headache m !! constipa- deliberate throwing away of their one a word to say against you, Brother, Minister shall be not less than one- Mr. and Mrs. Hazen Warner. tion. Don't take medicine v hich cleans resource..It was the willful choking of Lloyd Osburn moved his family to Co~pyrigl~t, by Bobbs :Merrill Co. nor any of us either for that matter. seventieth (1-70) of the average sal- Keith Homer of Flint is spending only PART of bowels, but let Adleri- Marlette Wednesday. WNU Service their oil well. It was the burning of But you~:~see how it is. The 'new ary, house rent excluded, of the effec- a couple of weeks at his home here. ka give you a REAL cleaning anal Harold Lee of Marlette was a Town see how good you feel! It ~ill sur- their liberty bonds. Ginger reconnoi- church and all. So he said he would tive members of his Conference who Mr. and Mrs. Perry Sadler and ba- tered carefully. She did more than rec- are Pastors or District Superintend- Line caller Sunday afternoon. vl~e'rtSe you! Burke's Drug Store.~Ad- CHAPTER VI fix it up at [he conference this fall, by spent Sunday at Pt. aux Barques. isement 6 onnoiter. She hounded. She was all- and they'll retire you according to the ents, multiplied by the number of his Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper and present, all-pervasive, ' all-observing. years of service in the effective rela- books I don't know just how it is, Son, Jean, of Marlette were Sunday Advertise it in the Chronicle. Life is no bower of roses for the If Marjory and the young minister but they pay you right along, and tion, including two years on trial, as schemer of schemes. Ellen Tolliver inclined for a stroll in the. moonligl~t, it's all down in the 'Discipline.' And a member of an Annual Conference of was not' the first to make that discov- Ginger inclined also. If they sat in you'll get' a good long rest, and we'll the Methodist Episcopal Church--'" ery in actual experience. There could the shade of the ramblers on the get in some fresh young chap to draw "Mercy," interrupted Ginger. "Iris be no possible question but that she veranda, Ginger sat with them, bored, the crowds and fill up the new geometry. We'll have to wait till but unyielding. had figured the family future along church." Horace comes home." the most pleasant as well as profit- Had she washed disties all these "But but it's father's the new "Why, it's very simple," explained able lines, and yet it grew increasing- years merely to save the fair hands church is," gasped Ginger, unable to her father. 'One seventieth of the ly difficult fo hold her recalcitrant of Marjory for the dishes of Hiram end'ure the dead silence that hung so salary of our conference---we are not subjects to the designated stars. Take Buckworth and a minimum of three? blackly over the little group. ; a very rich one, you know--is twenty- Miriam, the sensible twin, for in- The attic saw little of Ellen Tolliver Joplin Westbury turned on her one dollars. Multiply that by--" stance, frivoling away the precious during these days. She met the post- sharply, evidently glad of a chance "X~darling, you forgot x," inter- hours of her life out at Pay Dirt in man, thanked him warmly for the to switch the tide of his talk from rupted Ginger again. the company of a mere can grocer. letfers he gave her, and flew to the the stricken minister. "No, Ellen, it's "X is the number of years one has And it was not merely that she did attic. The dimes crashed into the not your father's church. It's not our been preaching. My x is twenty- those things, she enjoyed the doing. dolls' trunk, and Ginger retuI'ned to church, It's God's." three. Multiply twenty-one dollars by That was the painful side of the situ- her veranda vigil. Ginger wilted suddenly. "Yes," she twenty-three years, and it comes ~'o ation. I In a way considerable disappoint- four hundred and eighty-three dollars. And there was Marjory. Hiram assented. "Yes, of course. I wish we I meat attended the accumulation of But we have not quite enough money remained a pleasant' and I funds for the blind. Rarely did she could let God run it." :Buckworth in our treasury to meet the claims in SAM[ PRESCRIPTmON 'I comradely member of the household, I receive more than five contributions in "Ellen," reproved her father ~;ently. full, so the pro rata reduction would cheerfully paying ten of his fifteen a day, a stingy fifty cents. Lovely "I'm sorry~I didn't mean~'* she allow me about three hundred and HE WROTE iN 1892 Q dollars into the general coffer every daughters cannot be sent to finishing stammered nervously. twenty dollars a year° Approximate- week. and obviously counting this schools, shabby parsonages cannot be "Yes, never mind. We know you ~- z- -:~ - . -~ , =- : :~:_ _~! ~ ly twenty-five dollars a month. That not so much a hardship as a privilege. done over, suffering eyes cannot be meant nothing wrong. You are quite When Dr. Caldwell startexl ~o practice will hardly support a family." Miss Jenkins liked him, Mr. Tolliver operated on by expensive surgeons, right, of course, Brot'her Westbury. medicine, back in 1875, the needs for "Oh, dearest, you have supported BE READY FOB WJ TE I laxative were not aa great a~ today. liked him, the members of the church upon a paltry five dimes a day. Not It is all true. A bliml man would only us long enough," said Miriam. "It' is People lived normal lives, ate plain, liked him. All the young daughters of that Ginger frowned upon her re- be an encumbrance--in a new church our turn now." You will soon need to place your heat- wholesome food, and got plenty of fresh all the influential members developed ceipts, far from it. It was only that like that. I should have resigned be- "Why, father, with your twenty-five air. But even that early there were a strange assiduity along lines of re- she had hoped so greatly, fore but I kept hoping I would re- ing units for the winter in full opera- drastic physics and purges for the relief ligious activity. On the surface, In the three weeks of Mr. Tolliver's cover. And I had my family--" a month, and my~er prospects~ of constipation which Dr. Caldwell did things seemed to progress with a idleness in the country, he had ac- "Oh, you'll be taken care of, Broth- Why, darling, we'll be~simply~jake." tion. Have you ordered the coal you will not believe were good for human beings. At eleven o'clock, Eddy Jackson sweet serenity which should have been quired a thick coat of unaccustomed er Tolliver, don't you worry. You The prescription for constipation that came with Hiram Buckworth and the highly satisfactory to everybody con- tan, and five full pounds in weight, won't be allowed to suffer, you nor need? If not better phone 51 R 2 today he used early in his practice, and which two men listened in silence as they he put in drug stores in 1892 under the cerned. wit.h such an increase of strength, on- your family either. Just you remem- told them, as indifferently as they and let us deliver what you will require. name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, But Ginger Ella. casting about her thusiasm, and ambition, that he was ber that. It's all down in the 'Dis- could, of the purport of the special is a liquid vegetable remedy, intended with keen eyes that saw everything, inclined to feel ashamed of his con- cipline.' The conference will take meeting. for women, children Bald elderly people, and a keen mind that suspected even tinued idleness. Word from town that care of you." Lumber Dept. ~nd they need just such ~ mild, safe more, knew intuitively that all was a special committee from the official "How soon~ When do you---" "So that's what it was," Eddy said bowel stimulant. not well, not in die church, where board wished to meet him at the par. "Well, now, Brother, we figured we soberly. "I was afratd of it." This prescription has proven its worth were heard vague murmurings, in- sonage on Thursday evening for a dis- would just keep you right along until "They needn't offer me your church," ~nd is now the largest selling liquid laxative. It has won .the confidence of definite suggestions, and were seen cussion of important church matters, conference, on full salary and every- said Hiram Buckworth stoutly. "I wouldn't accept it for any considers- people who needed it to get relief from strange and significant looks; nor in gave him real pleasure, thing. And you can just rest up in F rm ProduceCompany aeadaches, biliousness, flatulence,~indi. the parsonage itself, where Hiram Eddy Jackson drove him in, with the country, and let this young Buck- flea--either financial or spiritual." ~estion~ loss of appetite azad sleep~ bad Case City, Michigan Buckworth looked too often, and too Miriam, and feeling, with his usual worth do the preaching. We like him Marjory glowed at him. "Unless," he ~reat:b dyspepsia, colds, fevers. At your long, upon the slender white hands tact, that the family would like to be first' rate. And we want you to preach added reflectively, "unless they would itruggist, ar wri~ "Syrup Pepsha," of Marjory Tolliver. This was a bad alone for a few hours of intimate re- the dedication, we're sbsolutely unan- make some arrangement to let -as both Dept. BB, ]Kon~ic~lle, Zllinoi~, for fre~ sign, one of ~he very worst. Hiram union, he pleaded important business, imous on that nobody but you for the work along together, and use me as Buckworth was good looking. Marjory and left them, promising to return for dedication, for as you might say, it's your assistant'--until your eyes are had always been man-mad. The situ- them at eleven o'clock. And after your church. That is,~you understand. restored." ation held all sorts of horrible possi- their modest supper, they sat, the you raised the money and all." "You couldn't work as my assistant, bilities. Ginger renewed her vigilance. three girls and their father, in the "Yes, I see. Thank you very much." Hiram. You are too good a man for I=Iiram Buckworth, good looking, pleasant old living room and waited Awkwardly, the t'rustee made his that. And I couldn't even assist you @ for the coming of the committee, good-bye and hui'ried away. He did ~blind as I am." "They want that last two t'housand not look back. Miriam walked with "I don't believe the church as a 4Vote/s raised," said their father, smiling, him to the door, shook hands with whole will stand for it," Eddy Jack- "and so do I. But I am sure the poe- him. She even smiled. Then she son broke out', finally. "Old 5op has pie will contribute it of the own free slipped hack and joined the hushed just talked them into this. And I'll Iv DiSOH, -a LENOX will, in gratifude, on the day of the little group. bet I can talk them out of it. I say ~ dedication." "F-father," begged Ginger, in an we just walk out on them and start' . ~-- Presently came Joplin Westbury, anguished tone. "don't be shocked a church of our own. They migh~ a[[ll IIC i011 ae :// C),), z ~. alone, ill at ease, but obviously a man please don't. Remember what t'he keep most of the money, but we'd take (/ ~ with his mind made up. doctors said." most of the religion." (/ ~"Well, Brother Tolliver," he said, He put out his hand to her, with "An affectionate thought'," smiled / "it's good to see you again. You are a sad smile, and she crushed it be- Mr. TollJver. "But not a very Chris- looking better. Eyes any stronger?" tween both of hers. tian one. No, Eddy, this is the thing Having sold my farm, I will sell the following items at the farm, "I think so, yes, I am sure of ig. I "You see. there is no hope," he said. a minister accepts, and does not ~_~~ feel much better. What hour was ap- "They were only pretending that I fight." 5 miles east and I mile south of Cass City, on pointe~ for the meeting? Isn't the had ,~ ch:mce." "Put up your sword, Peter," quoted I rest of the committee late? .... No. fad~er." contradicted Miriam Ginger softly. "WEE, as a maCter of fact, the rest sweetly. "No. they were not pretend- "Well, if worst comes to worst," de- do vf-ifT!t]~O ]lOdrl' of[]l~ of the committee is not coming. Broth- ing. They said you had a chance, and clared the young man, "I'll move the ~/m-tomm disuicZ~eara# er Dawes was called out of town on they meant it. They said the only whole gang of you out to Pay Dirt. public huild&#adopa~mont business late this afternoon, and way was for you to become so strong 3'gore3' and~ho~gr~ l/'Ol'~ Brother Maclden is in bed with an and well that your eyes also would Monday, .11 elWd~fFO, r/l L/'lO ~0]3"5 Of attack of acuCe indigestion. Not that grow strpng and well. They did not tho o/t~ I believe a word of it myself. They deceive you. You did have you have COMMENCING AT TEN 0 CLOCK /" ~:~ AND UPWM~B just backed out, that's all." got a chance. I asked them a dozen "Is the meeting postponed, then?" times, and they told me honestly." Black horse 12 years old, weight 1000 lbs. Oliver riding cultivator M'ADI$ONAVE.N£AR~:RAN',~C,I'J~Ctl,~OA~#~"Well, no. You see, I was tl~e chair- "And as far as money goes," cried man anyhow, and I can do as well Ginger. more cheerily, "I have quite a Bay mare 8 years old, weight 1100 lbs. One-horse cultivator • without the committee. We'll just few little secrets of my own. It is have it out by ourselves." two months till conference. By that Jersey cow 6 years old, due April 5 0ne-horse sugar beet cultivator The girls rose quickly. "We'll run time, ol~t d'~rling, I shall probably be Holstein cow 6 years old, due Feb, 3 upstairs if you will excuse us," said able to t.hke care of you myself." Land roller Miriam. He snarled at her ao-ain. "Dear Holstein cow 8 years old, pasture bred "No. don't go," said ,loplin West- Ellen," he said gendy. "If only these Keystone hay loader bury quickly, evidently not at all de-, slim little hands could carry out the Holstein cow 8 years old, pasture bred • ~ siring to be left alone with his gentle, kindly projects of ~hat eager little Wagon unseeing pasger. "You stay right heqrt we should never want for much Roan Durham heifer 3 years old here. It's a family matter, as you in this world." John Deere 4-row beet, bean and corn Red Durham cow, 5 yrs. old and calf drill with fertilizer attachment, right out in the open.' I mean I am quite sure--" The 6 calves ~Mr. Tolliver sat very still, a rigid disclosure of her hopes trembled at nearly new -~ fi~ure against the faded blue velvet the tip of her tongue her eyes grew 8 yearling heifers About 18 tons good mixed hay of the big chair, his head bent for- rapt and luminous~ But her sisters, ward. so used to her daring d~:eams, and Yearling Holstein bull 18 acres bean straw "You see, we had u meeting of the her extravagant promises, paid small official board Monday night." heed. Their thoughts were upon the 8 yearling steers 300 shocks corn sordid reality of the present moment "You did! Why, I couId have come and its disappointment. 8 2-year-old heifers, pasture bred in for it." 50 bu. barley DON'T suffer headaches, or any of "Well, we just had it by ourselves. "It's a good thing the wedding is 7 2-year-old steers 300 bu. oats those pains that Bayer Aspirin can In fact we've had several. Well, over," said Marjory. "Helen would never have gone, if she had sus- end in a hurry l Physicians prescribe there's no use beating about the bush," pected this." Set doubIe harness 50 bu. Victory seed oats it, and approve its free use, for it continued the embarrassed official. "Boarding Mr. Buckworth wiIl heIp ~How's the Private Business Coming OIiver No. 98 walking plow 75 hens :~'~"~ does not affect the heart. Every drug- "You see, Brother Tolliver, that while out quite a little," said Miriam. "As Along? "~ Eddy Asked i,n, a Low gist has it, but don't fail to ask the all our people like you, and Iike your for us, as long as we stay at Pay Dirt, Voice. druggist for Bayer. And don't take work--like your whole family, in fact we're simply gorging om'seIves among my but the box that says Bayer, with ~still~ Well, you can see that a the fleshpots of Egypt." and instalT you f~ the, rab~ And we~I he word genuine printed in red: blind man can't run a church~not start ~ farmers' spiritual union." Free Lunch at oon rightly not a fine new church like Ginger shook the rapture from her Laughing at that~ they walked slow- this one of ours. Now that we've pu~ eyes, closed her teeth firmly upon her l'y out the, flagstor~e p~tth ~o the, curB. TERMsAll sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount, 12 so much money into this new church, secret. The time had not come for "How's the, private business coming we've got to get in the crowds to filI her triumphaI pronouncement. alongf" Eddy asker [n~ ~ low voice. months' time on good approved endorsed notes at 7 per cent interest. it up, and heIp pay th.e expenses. And "WelI, as Old Jop says---" she began.. " "Ellen !" "Itather slowly, fn the face of' such a blind man--" "I mean Brother Westbury. E d@ an. emergency as: this. '~ Ginger ElIa Mr. ToIliver did not move. "Yes, Jackson calls him Oid Jop~ Welt, as sighed: "I may have to~ forge an- Brother Westbury. Go on," he said he says, the conference will :'ake care otl~er Ifnk or so." gently. of us. What will we get, father? To be'continued. C: W. HELL-SR, Prop. "Well, you see how it is. And Where is the 'Dis cipiine?" Let's, [oot~ since the Congregationalists have it up." Wood ~nd ~ Cotton Fiber Aspirin is started to hold meetings of their ow~ She ran upstairs for the book. While wood fiber is stronger when. T. g. Tyrell, Auctioneer Cass City State Bank, Clerk BayerthetradeManufacturemark of fn, the, Odd Fellows' hall, they've taken "I should have resigned," said her it is dry, cotton is stronger when it, ~f Monoacetlcactdeste~ of S$1tc:~licae£¢~ ~bout" a 4ozen of our good: payers, and ~father drearily. "I knew I could.' no~ is wet. PAGE EIGHT CASS CITY CHRONICLE Cass City, Michigan, Friday, Nov. 8, 1929.

ADVISE BUYING EWES CHURCH CALENDAR. l Preaching at 7:30. Theme, "A Love cloud on the horizon, the absence of in the political affairs of his town-:of Windsor, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. Mar- DURING FALL MONTHS at First-Sight That Held through One son of the bridal couple, George 'ship and county. For 20 •years, he ~shall Hicks of Wyoming , Ont., Mr. ill St. Pancratius Church~Services Courtship and ripened into Marriage." Hicks, who lives near Winnipeg and ;has been a school officer. Two years land Mrs. Robt. Brown of Carp, A. J. are held each Sunday morning at True love should be basic in the in- who was unable to be present at the he served as township treasurer, four 'Knapp of Cass City, and Mr. and Mrs. Recommendation that breeding terest of every home. celebration. The six sons and three lyears as supervisor, and three terms lPaul Buchman and daughter of Sagi- ewes be bought in October and No- 11 o'clock. IL Rev. Fr. Fitzpatrick, Pastor. Union prayer-meeting this week at daughters present concluded the pro-ias county drain commissioner, i naw. vember is made by the animal hus- I the Methodist church. The occasion gram with the song, "Abide with Me." Mr. and Mrs. Hicks are the parents i bandry department at Michigan State ~being the hearing of reports from the Mr. and Mrs. Hicks were the re-of ten children. They are John Hicks i Clothing Man Coming. College because ewes can usually be Salem Evangelical Chureh~Charles state convention of Religious Educa- cipients of many gifts from relatives ', of Hemans, Geo. Hicks of Wabagoo<~, I A little better each season. This obtained at a lower price during W. Lyman, minister. L I ti°n" J~%~¢~ and friends. ! Ont., Nelson Hicks of Flint, Win.! great Richman line Men's Suiting', those months and the buyer also has Bible school, Ed. Helwig, Supt., Wm. B. Hicks and Selina Loyst were !Hicl~s and Mrs. Elmer Collins of Ev-iTop Coat and Overcoatings bigger a larger number of ewes from which Sunday morning at 10:00. Classes PresbyQ?rian Church--Paul united in marriage at Essex Center, ~ergreen township, Benjamin Hicks of iand better than ever. Not one that to make his selection• taught by spiritual teachers. A place son Allured, Minister. Sunday, Ont., on Nov. 5, 1879, by the Rev. Mr. Flushing', Mrs. Jesse Kelley, Archie ~could be bought at retail for less than ] o : {.}o(iwi;.~ ,)i !i~e We:MeVam ;weddings ~] 3TORE soon. There will be an interesting cnmstancesT' program. of yesterday and today. Mrs. Robert Notice of Hearing Claims before "He can just about keep my daugh- Brown, who has been a close friend Court.-'State of Michigan, The Pro- N N ter in gloves." of the Hicks family for 40 years, paid bat~ Court for the County of Tuscola. Baptist Church-'Wflliam Curtis, tribute to the bride and groom. Mrs. N N , In the Matter of the "Then he deceived you as to his po- sition 2" Pastor. Preaching Sunday morning at Carless sang "The End of a Perfect N iN Estatt~ of William Shay, Deceased. "Well, ! remember he merely asked 10130. Theme, "Why Penitence?" Day" and the 100 guests present pro- EY'N G'P OCERY Notice is hereby given that ;t N N for i~er hand."--Stray Stories. Sunday school at 11:45. claimed it a wonderful day, indeed, iN months from th~ 31st day of October B. Y. P. U. at 6:30, in charge of the with its .ideal weather and the happy N A. D. 1929, have been allowed for Stewardship Commission. surroundings. There was but one N N creditors to present their claims THE EX-COOK P & G SOAm-4o: CHIPSO N against said deceased to said court for ~,~llllllll|ll,lllllllllllllllllltlllll~llillllll|ltllllllllllltlll IllllUl|lllll|llllllllllU I1 I I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1|1111llllllltlllllli N K examination and adjustment, and iN ,or by case ...... k[~e.~$e_~ ...... 21c N that all creditors of said deceased are J , i required to present their claims to [ Chronicle Liner a S WANSDOWNE; 28c LIGHT HOUSE •said churl, at the probate office, in ~mm~m~i~Dt~H~tD~t~ii~i~i~ii~i~H~i~t~ii~ ~qlHIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIImlIIIIII mlllllHI iiiiiiIiI1~1~ Cake Flour ...... 45e N the Village of Carp in said county, on RATErs--Liner of ~5 words or USED Brick at one cent a piece for iN or before the 4th day of March A. D. less, 25 cents each insertion. Over sale. J. S. Parrott. Phone 48 F 3-1. I~ EARLY VARIETX; PEAS~ MIRACLE WASHING 1930, and that said claims will be N 25 words, one cent a word for ll-8-1p ~] per can ...... oWo ...... Ire heard by said court on Tuesday, the 19c iN 4th 'day of March, A, D. 1930, at ~en each insertion. o'clock in the forenoon• SEVEN-ROOM residence and two N DUTCH CLEANSE K;--~c: 25e WHITE HOUSE SOAP N Dated October 31, A. D. 1929. BLACK MARE coil comh~g 2 years lots on Garfield Ave. for sale. N 3 for Per bar ...... 3e iN °GUY G. HILL, old for sale• Her damweighed I,- House is in good condition; hot wa- @ Judge of Probate. 500 and her sire a ton. Enqmre ef ter heating system. Known as Ed. N K. B. FLOUR .~' 11-8-3 u Guy Sweet, 3 miles, eas£ of Deford. • Brotherton property. A. &.Wallace, N 25 lb. sack ...... ~J~l} e Per Sa'ek ...... J[~ C N 11-8-2p ' Administrator. 11-1-2 N N I SAGINAW TIP MATCHES; STAR A MINCE MEAT 1 lc Order for Publication--Probate of FOR SALE--Shropshire ram lambs, i SEVEN pigs 6 weeks old for sale. N 6 boxes for ...... 23c Per can N Will.~State of Michigan, The Pro- ,-v $II to $14. Also MilIdng, Shorlhorn [ Walter Orlowski, on the Delling iN N bate Court for the County of Tuscola. yearling bulls. 5 miles soulh, 8~.~I farm, 4 miles west, I~,.~ south of SAUERKRAUT STAR A MOLASSES At a session of said Court, held at iN "Robinson's wife leaves him regular- east of Cass City. Corbett Purer- Cass City. lI-8-1p Large can ...... Per Can ...... 19e the Probate Office in the Village of ly every three or four months." !0e N Carp in said County, on the 28th day baugh, Snorer, Mich. Ii-l-2p "Isn't that what should be expected CABBAGE for sale• Jesse Bullock. ~r~ NICO CREPE TOILET ~ iN of October, A. D. 1929. of an ex-cook?" Present, Hon. Guy G. Hill, Judge GET OUR PRICES before seIIfng Phone 154 F 3-4. tl-8-t .~ PAPER~3 rolls for ...... 20e COCOANUT ...... i~) C N of Probate. your Thanksgiving poultry. Ricker @ ~n the Matter of the Admonition & Krahling, Cass Ci:ty. 11-1-4 FOR SALE or trade for stock, Ford- FRUIT JARS Listen, festive parties, son tractor with extra cut ouz 1 quart~per dozen ...... N Estate of John F. Copland, Deceased. Put this in your pouch. 70e George John Copland, having" filed Home is where the heart is, WANTED--Work, either, odd jobs or wheels; two-bottom plow; 14-in. 1- WE PAY CASH FOR CREAM AND iN his petition, praying that an instru- Not the grouch. steady work. PauI Wri'gh~• II-8-1 bottom OliSer plow; aIso a Star CAMPBELL'S SOUP N ment filed in said Court be admitted car. Samuel Putnam, R. R. 4, Carp, 3 for ...... 25e EGGS. to Probate as the last will and testa- Before and After / FARM FOR SALE--Joseph Bennett Mich. Moore Phane 941 R 1-2• [~ iN ment of said deceased and that ad- "The facial features plainly indica(e farm of 80 acres 6½ miles east o± 11-8-1- N ministration of said estate be granted character and disposition," said the Cass City, $2,500.00. Enqaire o:f NNNK NNNN]N NNNNNNNNNNNNN]NNINN]NIIi]NINNNNNN N N to The Pinney State Bank, Cass City, The Cass C~ty State Bank. 10-18- FOR SALE--Seasoned v¢ood for sale, Michigan, or some other suitable per- knowing one. "In selecting your wife, were you governed by her chin?" he mostly Beech and Maple tops. $2.50 .... " son. LOST between Cass City and Kirton's It Is Ordered, That the 20th day of asked. per cord. Charles Severance. 10- _ ...... Corners, a tire, mounted size 35x5. November, A. D. 1929, at ten a. m., at "No•" replied the timid soul, "but 1 25-tf ~ said Probate Office is hereby ap- have been ever since we were mar- Finder please leave at Chronicle of- pointed for hearing said petition. ried." rice and receive reward. 11-8-1 FOR SALE--One Holstein cow, due It Is Further Ordered, That public Dec. 15. One Holstein' cow, milk- notice thereof be gigen by publication WANTED--Farms exchanged for ing; has been fresh about 9 weeks. A Good Salesman of a copy hereof for three successive t city property. All business trans- A. B. C. Sales & Service. 11-8-tf "The Whole Family Read i It" weeks previous to said day of hearing "Why do you wear rubber gloves acted confidential• Charles Tupper, r in the Cass City Chronicle, a newspa- when cutting hair?" asked the custo- dealer in real estate, Croswel], THE CIDER MILL at C'ass City will per printed and circulated in said mer. Mich. References--Croswell, Peck run every Wednesday, Friday and County. t "For the purpose of keeping our or Sandusky Bank. 10-il-tf Saturday until further notice. Krug GUY G. HILL, !celebrated hair restorer from causing & Patterson• 10-25-tf Judge of Probate• hair to grow on my hands," replied FOR SALE--170-acre farm with A true copy. l the barber• Minta E. Hill, buildings at $10 an acre• A real QUANTITY of No. 1 mixed hay for As.. an advertising force, the country weekly Registrar of Probate. I He sold a bottle. bargain; good house; good land. sale. Enquire of Robert Warner, 11-1-3 Needed Protection The Cass City State Bank. 9-27-tf Phone. 106, Cass City. II-8- is regarded by many prominent manufacturers- I Sillycns--I never can understand INSU[~ANCE MEN' atc.ention T Dis-FOR SALE New feed grindsrfor as the leading medium in America. Ai'though I.why a chap shouldn't have more than trict managers wanted for our $2400. Two good second-hand there are still many who have not discovered its i one wife.... monthly accident and health depart- cook stoves at $15.00 and $30.00.. 1, Sinnycus--When you are older you merit--earnings $150.00 to $300.00 • One new Remington repeater shot possibilities it does hold a unique position among will realize that the law protects monthly. Write Commercial Casual- gun, $52.00 value cut to $42.00. One periodicals. A writer has listed a number of the I those wn0 are incapable of proteev ty Insurance Co., 600 Majestic Martin repeater at $15.00. One in, themselves.--S.vdney Bulletin. Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 11-8-1 electric washing amchine at a cut advantages of the community paper. His points Mother! .priCe of $90.00. This is a $115.00 follow: ° J Holding 'Em in Line .FOR SALE--80 head feeding steers, value. G. L. Hitchcock, Cass City. "However do you nfhnage to hold' 20 good dairy heifers 2 years old, II-8-2 Watch Child's Bowels your constituents in line?" 20 yearling heifers. Wallace '& "At one sitting the average reader scans all "By means of the social instinct," Schnepp, Owendale. 10-18-4 FOR SALE or rent, a seven-room <"California Fig Syrup".-is answered Ser~ator Sorghum. "Fo, r house with bath and furnace, on "the pages of the local paper. No other publication some mysterious reason everybody FOR RENT--Two five-room apart- West Pine St. Atso 120-acre farm has all its pages read as carefully by so large a Children's Harmless likes to shake hands."~Washington ments in Post Office Block. Well 5¾ miles north and ½ mile wesv, Star. heated at all times, with toilet, of Cass City,~known as the John H. percentage of its readers. bath and electricity. The Cass City Barnes farm. Enquire of Andrew .... Laxative WHICH DID HE DO? State Bank, Agent. 9-27-tf T. Barnes. 9-20-tf "There is no publieatiom that reaches so A BUICK House Car for sale. Inquire BOARDERS WANTEED -- Clean, many families in a given trade territory as does at Deford Garage. Phone I07 F 3-3. warm room and home cooking. J. Ben Gage. ' II-I-~* S. McCrea, one bloc}: east of depot, the local paper. No other is read by as many on Garfield Ave. Phone 105 R 4. people for each subscriber. The whole family MR. FARM RENTER--Why give 11-8-1p half of your production when you reads it. can buy an 80 acres aII under culti- THE CIDER MILL at Cass City will vation for onIy $800 down and bal- run every Wednesday, Friday and ance on easy terms only ½ mile Saturday until further notice• Krug "An advertisement in' the lOcal paper backs from High School and 1 mile north & Patterson. 10-25-tf of Cass City. This farm is being of- up the sales effort of the local retailer far more fered at a real bargain with fair THERE will be a pregram and box effectively than any other medium." buildings, partly under-drained and social on November 15 at 8:15 at best of land. Write F. L. Clark, Ca- the Bird school, 4 miles north and rp. 10-25-6 1½ miles east of Cass City• 11-8-1p For these reasons the country weekly is able Father (anent erring son)--"At last OLD Newspapers at 5c a bundle at WE WISH to thank our friends and to serve, not only its advertisers, but every we decided to give him all the rope the Chronicle Office• neighbors for their kindness during worthy cause for the betterment of the entire he wanted." Friend~"What did he the illness and death of our dear do--hang himself or quit smoking?" When your child is constipated, biI. ELLIoTT MOTOR Lines Schedule-- mother,° Mrs. Charlotte Martin. country. ious, has colic, feverish-breath, coated. Bus leaves Cass City fo~ Pon L The Family. tongue, or diarrhea, a teaspoonful ot Cause for Caution genuine "California Fig Syrup" sweet. Through all their years of married life tiac daily at 8:20 a. m. and 5:00 p. m., fast time. Bus leaves Cass City IN MEMORIAM--In loving memory ens the .stomach and promptly cleam He never uttered of my darling daughter, Marion the bowels of poisons, gases, bile, sour. One hasty word towards his wife; for Bad Axe at 11:40 a. m. and in, food and waste. Never cramps o~ Poor chap~he stuttered. 4:45 p. m. On Sunday (one bus Hack Snyder, who passed away one year ago today Oct. 22, 19281 overacts. Contains no narcotics o~ each way), leaves Cass City for 1 soothing drugs. Children love its de. Big Polar Problem Pontiac 4:05 p~ m. and leaves As we loved her I licious taste. °"1 suppose there are many problems Cass City for Bad Axe at 10:45 So we miss her Ask your druggist for,genuine "Cali. which Polar explorers seek to solve," p.m.* i In our memory she is near t fornia Fig Syrup" which has full di. said the unscientific man. t rections for babies and children ot Loved, remembered, longed for al- USE YOUR HOME PAF'ER .all ages, plainly printed on bottle "Yes." replied the traveler, "a great FOR SALE~About 7 tons A'lfalfa t ways, !I - , I1].t p.y." Mother! You must say California hay and t35 bus. oats. Harold F, :Bringing many a silent tear. "What is the most important one~" or you m,~y ge~ an imitatio~ fig syrul~ Jackson. ll-8-tf " t Her loving mother a~d sisters. I ...... "Getting back."