Nine Students Spend Week in Washington for Seminar
Ilf- liD Ught0 n Star VOL. LXVIH Houghton College, Houghton, NY 14744, February 20, 1976 No. 15 Nine Students Spend Week In Washington For Seminar Every year around the first of Feb- with senators, congressmen, and fed- quickly depart to make the brisk 3- ruary, a small and enthusiastic group eral bureaucrats on topics of current mile walk. The days included speak- 01 Houghton students packs its gear government concern. All but a few ers representing the Supreme Court, into the college's limousine ( alias '67 of the speakers at this year's seminar the commerce department, the state Ford stationwagon). After a quick were men and women with outspoken department, NASA, and the press. stop at the dining hall to pick up their and outstanding Christian testimonies, Most of the speakers emphasized the ration of bag lunches, they head south such as Senator Mark Hatfield, Con- fact that the issues which they are for a week of informative and chal- gressman John Conlan, Scientist Dr. deciding are extremely complex, and lenging seminars in the hub of the Betsey Ancker-Johnson, and many although they share a common faith nation, Washington, DC. oth/rs. in Christ, they do not always neces- This year nine students made the Participants from Houghton in the sarily share the same political view- February 2-6 program were: Hope point. trip to get an inside perspective on DiBasi, Paul Johnson, Rory Lake, Next a hasty lunch would be eaten how the United States Government Bob Suttmeier, Jim Priest, Tom at one of the government cafeterias, works.
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