FIRE on CHINAMEN Hove Circle Strong Box Into New York, April 4.— ^Another.^Years
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NBTPRBSSRUN 'Av e r a g e DAniT ciROPLATiox OF THE EVENING H E R A ia for the itumtli of Merch, 1827 4 , 9 9 6 CROOKS CRACK Papers Preparing THEATERSAFES, For Snyder Trial G E T N ^E W A R D FIRE ON CHINAMEN Hove Circle Strong Box Into New York, April 4.— ^Another.^years. A network of leased wire is murder trial— the Snyder case is being Y in Into the basement of the Queens county ’courthouse for use Day’s Deyelopments Three Wounded, One Fatal Auditorinm, Open One In about to make its bid for front page of the hundred or more newspaper In Qiina’s Situation space in the newspapers of the na reporters. ly— Reds Lead Attackersr Rialto, But Find No Money tion. Typical Family * It opens next Monday in Long The Snyder trial hasn’t the big Island City, and is replete with the names of the Thaw and Leopold- OPEN CONFLICT betjyeen the Chi Sailors Use Riot Guns; \ In Either, elements that make a great news Loeb cases and lacks the mystery nese and foreign troops has been story— the bored young wife, the that arrested the public mind ,)n renewed and the situation in the prosaic middle aged husband, the Hall-Mills murders but the upper Yangtze valley again ap Several More British Gun pears serious. Burglars who entered two thea subnrban town cocktail parties, the personalities involved in it are so typical of democratic American life AMERICAN SAILORS are reported ters here Saturdaj- night got noth “ man in the case,’’ illicit love, de boats Arrive on Scene; that Interest in the case is certain to have fired on Chinese mobs at ception, plotting, murder and_now, Chunking and reports received In ing but hard work for their pains. the impending threat of the electric to be widespread.and sustained. The safe at the Circle theater Shanghai state that the Japanese chair for the defendants. They are There was Snyder, the hardworking ONLY “ EXERCISE”— That was the government’s explanation when our Devil Dogs came' ashore from have been forced to drop sheila Japanese Soldiers Fight which they moved 100 feet from Mrs. Ruth Snyder and her para husband and father, Gray, the the watchful American warships'and transports, anch ored off Shanghai to parade through the streets of the upon Hankow after serious disor the office to the orchestra pit, con mour, Henry Judd Gray, accused of young married salesman and Mrs. international concession to the race course. Here they are tramping along a Shanghai street. ders there, during which there Chinese Mob. tained nothing of value and It was beating the woman’s husband, Al Snyder, the housewife and mother' was open fightiqg between the bert Snyder, an art editor, to death experiencing the “ urge” of this reported at the Rialto that no val Japanese and the..ChInese. The with an iron window weight In the restless age. latest unofficial dispatches to Washlngton, April 4.— American uables were taken by the cracks Remarkable Woman ’ WARE THE BATHTUB men. dead of the night. Shanghai state that the Hankow bluejackets clashed with Chinese Blue Ribbon Jury Then, too, Mrs. Snyder, the focal WHO CHICAGO disorders were renewed, necessi Entrance to the Circle theater attackers at Chunking, opening fire was gained through a skylight Steps were being taken today by figure in the tragedy, is one of the tating shelling. which gives on the grldwork back- the authorities to draw a blue rib most remarkable women ever held IS VERY DANGEROUS BEGINS IN W ’ MOBS OF LOOTERS and agitators with rot guns, which resulted In the stage, it Is thought. No windows or bon panel from which might be on a murder charge- She hasn’t TO BE W IL D E are reported to have clashed with wounding of three Chinese, Admir broken down although Gray is on British forces at Shashi. doors in the Rialto were opened selected “ a burning Jury”— a jury al C. S .Williams, commanding the of high intelligence free from sen the verge of collapse. She is now UNITED STATES CONSUL LOCK and it is believed that the burglars Asiatic fleet, advised the Navy De in the latter theater hid In the timentality and with no scruples planning how she will dress and act HART at Hankow has reported to the legation at Peking that all building until the show was over against capital punishment and the a,t the trial. She occupies her time Heads List of Hazardous A T ^ O N S Former Pastor Unfrocked In partment today. electric hair for the woman as well in her cell culling the style maga Americans at Hankow have The Americans, were part of an and then started to work. ^ sought safety aboard American The safe at the Circle theater as the man. zines, writing poetry and reading Articles of Fumitore; armed forced from the U. S. gun The trial promises to be one of Conference Here, Ap warships there following the was moved from the office to the clash between the Japanese and boat Monacacy, which had been orchestra pit and was there broken the most sensational In recent (Continued on Page 8) National Gntldsmen Ready the Chinese. Peking reports state placed aboard the American steam open. The combination was smash Your Bed, Next. that ten Japanese were killed. ed apparently with a sledge. The pears For His Trial. er Chinan to protect It. The vessel For Expected Trouble To THE NATIONALIST ARMIES ara safe contained nothing but some U. S. IS BROKE now. reported to be moving north was attacked by Chinese Sampans, theater statements. 2 ,0 0 0 INSPECT NEW ward making steady advances. loaded with local agitators. Sawed Cash Bo.v Hartford, Conn., April 4.— Be Boston, Mass., April 4.— Guy JURY MAY QUIT ware the bathtub as the most haz morrow— Police to Use Three columns are advancing The ReporL At the Rialto the cashbox was Willis H^^IiQcs, former Methodist with Peking as their eventual opened by means of a saw. The ardous article of furniture. Admiral Williams report stated: MUNICIPAL BUILDING No Money Left to Pay Jurors pastor of New Bedford who was un goal. burglars evidently tried to break Of the accident claims paid dur Machine Gnus. MARSHAL CHANG TSO LIN in “ At Chunking, on April 2, it be-< the lock and, failing to do this, in Million Dollar Ford Libel frocked by the Southern New Eng came necessary for an armed guard ing the year,' 98 went to persons in Peking is reported to have re sawed the wood around it and Suit. land Methodist Episebp^ confer ceived advices that his troops from the American river gunboat opened the box. Some tickets were jured in bathtub/, according to the Chicago, April 4.— The last min ence last year at South Manchester, have administered a defeat to the Monacacy, which was on board the all the box contained and the Detroit, Mich., April 4.— An annual analysis of accidents for American steamer Chinan to use Handsome Structure Bright ute scramble tot votes in Chicago’s Conn., appeared for trial in Suf Nationalists and haver captured burglars left these. The motion pic extraordinary legal question 1926 revealed today by the Travel ■ Yen Cheng. riot guns to keep off Chinese Sam- ture booth was broken into but was raised in the million dol “powder-barrel” mayoralty cam folk Superior Crl.minal Cdvtjt today pons who were determined upon re ers Insurance Company. Forty-four on indictments bas^ ..:.^ohJr cfiafges SHANGHAI DISPATCHES state nothing in the room was disturbed. ened By Floral Pieces lar Ford-Sapiro libel suit to paign is expected to determine to that the dismissar of Chlang Kai venge because of unauthorized car When the theaters were opened persons were injured while getting preferred by Miss Antoinette Fortin, day by the possibility of a day whether or not the city will be Sbek is again reported from Han go bleng removed, due to the fact yesterday morning their managers strike on the part of Feder In or out o f bed while only 36 per former New Bedford tearooin wait that it was endangering the ship. controlled by National Guardsmen kow, hut there are no indications found the evldencea of the burg From Local Concerns. al Court Jury for its pay from sons were Injured by falling from ress. that the military leader intends Three Chinese were wounded, one lars. The Circle safe was standing Uncle Sam. the pu.'portedly dangerous step tomorrow morning when upwards Another case was on the'list and to accept his dismissal and-there probably fatally. A demonstra near the orchestra pit, its door Facing weeks of service ladder. of one million citizens begin to the ex-pastor was forced to wait for is every indication of a split with tion has been planned for today by his trial to begin. open and thecontents scattered Nearly two thousand local peo-, without u K h hope of being Football Accidents treak to the polls. in the Nationalist party. agitators in protest against the Miss Fortin, a pretty girl of nine \. about. All doors and windows in pie visited Manchester’s new Muni paid, there was a possibility Football is among the lowest of force used by authorities on March the theater were locked with the that the verdict might be all recreations charged with re The closing day of the campaign teen, was expeirti^tj^’^b^.-tbe,' star cipal building Saturday and Sun 31. The American consul is on e.xception of the skylight above tlja withheld Indefinitely by the sponsibility ■ for accldenta ■ being the bltter^i in ^th.e bistbfJ-‘"<^;.