Volume 3 Issue 10 CHF5/€5

A Monthly Guide to Living in Basel July / August 2015


Dear Basel Life Readers: As we come to the end of our third volume, we want to extend our heartfelt grati- tude to those of you who have taken the time to share with us how much Basel July/August 2015 Volume 3 Issue 10 Life Magazine has enriched your lives. Whether you are here long term or only for a short stay, we are bringing you Basel Life Magazine to help you make the TABLE OF CONTENTS most of your time in this culturally rich and vibrant city—and from all accounts, we are succeeding! Feature Event: Happy 724th Birthday, Switzerland! 4-5 Basel is ripe with activities, entertainment, culture, and fun this summer. Whether you simply want to relax with a gentle float down the Rhein, exercise in one of Basel’s beautiful parks, watch a movie under the stars by the Münster or Events in Basel: July/August 2015 6-9 from the comfort of your car in a drive-in theater, listen to a concert on a float- ing stage on the Rhein, enjoy a theater performance in the park, discover new Fun Outings: Beyond Basel 10-11 microbreweries at a beer market, or take in one of the many blues and jazz bands playing in the city streets this summer, there is something for everyone!

Summer Special: Local Castles 12-14 Summer would not be the same in Basel without its one-of-a-kind Basel Tattoo shows, not to mention its multitude of festivals. They feature dragon boats or bicycles, take you back to Roman or medieval times, or bring you international Calendar: July / August 2015 15-18 stars at the countless fabulous music festivals in Basel and beyond. Want to venture outside of the city? Why not discover Switzerland’s beauti- Swissness in a Nutshell: The Swiss Cross 19 ful landscape with a combination train–bicycling tour, visit one of the fab- ulous castles situated picturesquely throughout the country, or watch in awe as the planes fly overhead at the International Airshow in Dittingen this Workshops, Tours, and Education 20-21 August? Also in August you can watch the athletes compete at the beach volleyball tournament in Barfüsserplatz, partake in the beautiful Bruggelauf bridge run, visit the old city gates, or watch an oldtimer car parade in the city Sports and Recreation 22-24 center. Learn all about why and how the Swiss celebrate their national holiday on August 1, join in the Bastille Day celebrations in neighboring , or indulge Get Going!: Summer Swimming in Basel 25 at one of Germany’s fabulous wine festivals. Wishing you safe and happy fun whatever you choose to do this summer! Did You Know? 26-27 Christine Christine Pesold Special Feature: Summer Music Festivals 2015 28-29 Editor-in-Chief [email protected] Entertainment: Night on the Town 30-31

COVER: The statue shown on this month’s cover, which you can find on the Kleinbasel Ticket Office: Get Your Tickets Now! back page side of Mittlere Brücke, is called “Helvetia on a journey” and was created by Swiss sculptor Bettina Eichin in 1980. It represents the allegorical figure of Helvetia that since Mark Your Calendar: September 2015 back page the 17th century serves as a symbol of the Swiss Confederacy. She was named after the official Latin name for Switzerland, Confoederatio Helvetica, which in turn was derived from the tribe of the Helvetians who first settled in this region. Illustrations of Basel Life Magazine Staff: the Helvetia today are found mainly on the 1- and 2-Franc and 50-Rappen coins, but the name is used for anything from hotels and insurances to fraternities and sports Editor-in-Chief: Christine Pesold clubs. Eichin herself wrote about the statue: “One day, Helvetia leaves Advertising & Subscription Manager / Editor: Susanne Hiller the 2-Franc coin, mingles with the Art Director: people, and starts a long journey. Her Jon Hoefer travels also take her to Basel. After

front cover photo: © alexandra mizrahi (www.mizrahiphotography.com) an exhausting walk through the city, she puts down her shield, lance, and For more information about subscribing or advertising – please contact us: suitcase, places her cloak over the [email protected] www.facebook.com/basellifemagazine railing, rests, and looks contempla- www.basellife.com tively down-river over the Rhein.”

BASEL LIFE MAGAZINE / BASEL FAMILY GmbH © Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. It is our goal to provide valuable, timely information to our readers. The opinions expressed in the articles in this magazine are those of the contributing authors and do not reflect those of other members of the editorial staff and of any organizations or agencies distributing this magazine. Though we make every attempt to provide accurate information, we cannot be held respon- sible if any event is cancelled, postponed, or modified. We encourage readers to contact the event organizers or their websites to obtain the most current event information. Please note: No part of this periodical may be duplicated in any fashion, or redistributed in any written language, without permission from the executive staff at Basel Family GmbH. If you have any questions, contact Basel Family GmbH staff at: [email protected].

2 Basel Life Magazine / www.basellife.com photo credit: © jon hoefer July/August 2015 3 Feature Event

historical text from 1470/1474, but without a date. Subsequently, a Despite the uncertainty regarding its historical veracity, the Swiss historian in the middle of the 16th century dated the oath to Rütli-Schwur is deeply embedded in Swiss folklore as a symbol of the November 8, 1307, and it was considered founding of the confederation. Artistic repre- the birth hour of the Swiss confederation sentations of the three “Eidgenossen” (oath Happy 724th Birthday, until the late 19th century, when the move- takers) abound throughout Switzerland, and ment to recognize the charter from 1291 as in fact, in German the as a whole the founding document gained momentum. are still often referred to as “Eidgenossen.” The issue is muddled even further by the The Rütli meadow itself was bought by the Switzerland! fact that the Rütli-Schwur features promi- Schweizerische Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft nently in Friedrich Schiller’s play “William (Swiss Society for the Common Good) in 1859 Tell,” where it includes Tell—in all likeli- to preserve it as a historical site and was hood an entirely fictional figure—as one of later turned over to the government as an the three men taking the oath. inalienable gift.

areas, but are also very crowded. Afterwards, the party contin- ues on both sides of the river as well as on the stretch between Schifflände and Marktplatz until about 02:00.

Celebrations in Bruderholz—August 1 Basel’s official National Day celebration since 1979 takes place at the base of the water tower in Bruderholz. The grounds open at 18:00, and the ringing of the bells of Tituskirche at 19:50 marks Celebrating Swiss National Day the beginning of an evening of celebration with traditional and modern music and dance groups, other entertainment, lighting of Swiss National Day is typically celebrated at the community a bonfire, and ending with a big fireworks display at 22:15 (they level, with local festivals, parades, music, speeches, bonfires, fire- have a specially reserved area where you can set off After 1291, similar charters were signed between other cantons, and Swiss National Day Celebrations works, singing of the national anthem, and the like. Private homes your own fireworks). Visit their website for over the centuries, additional cantons joined the pact between the The Schweizer Bundesfeiertag (Swiss National Day) is celebrated as well as public buildings are decorated with flags, and you will a complete schedule of the evening’s original three, ultimately leading to today’s nation. Because the annually on August 1. It is actually the only secular federal holiday that find many party supplies featuring the Swiss Cross in all stores events; all are welcome. development of Switzerland was such a long process (only in 1815 is celebrated on the same day in the entire country; all other national weeks in advance. There is no official central event, although a cer- did it acquire today’s borders), it wasn’t until after the formation of http://bundesfeierbasel.ch holidays are of a religious nature. This means that on August 1, all emony commemorating the Rütli-Schwur and the inception of the the current federal state in 1848 that an official “founding date” was companies, stores, banks, and offices are closed and public transport confederation has been held at the Rütli meadow on August 1 even considered. This eventually happened in 1891, on the occasion will run on a holiday schedule. However, in Basel the celebration of- since 1942, often with keynote speeches delivered by high-ranking Riehen of the 600th anniversary of the signing of the original charter, and in ficially starts the evening before. But before we summarize the actual public personalities. Also, throughout Switzerland church bells that year, August 1 was first celebrated as a national holiday. At the August 1 celebrations in this area, let’s take a brief look at the history behind the will be ringing at 20:00. time, however, it was not a regular annual holiday. Only from 1899 Sarasin Park is the location for the National Day celebration Swiss National Day. Many people also have their private barbecue parties and/or onwards was August 1 regularly considered the Swiss National Day— in the municipality of Riehen. Starting at 18:00, there will be an fireworks. For a couple of days before the holiday, anybody and it was still a regular working day, distinguished only by the ring- extensive program for children and families, with food and enter- can and will buy their own private fireworks, which are set off What Happened on August 1? ing of church bells in the evening. It would take almost another 100 tainment from 19:00-22:00, the singing of the national anthem and throughout the evening, outside of the organized public fireworks. years until August 1 was declared a federal holiday that is observed a fireworks display at 22:30, and a party and dance atmosphere The short answer to this question is—prob- (For information on what types of fireworks you can buy and what nationwide. After an initiative was launched in 1991, 83.8% of voters ap- until midnight. ably nothing special. The origins of the precautions to consider, see the July/August 2014 issue of Basel proved the motion in a referendum on September 26, 1993. As a result, Swiss National Day reach back to the end Life Magazine in the archives at www.basellife.com.) Check with www.riehen.ch/node/9687 the Swiss federal constitution was amended to include a paragraph of the 13th century, when all of Switzerland your local Gemeinde (town offices) to find out what holiday-related naming August 1 as “Bundesfeiertag,” and it was celebrated as such was part of the Holy . Part of the events may be happening in your community. Below you will find for the first time in 1994. Bruch on the Farm Swiss territory belonged directly to the Emperor some information on the celebrations in Basel and Riehen, which August 1 (particularly the mountain passes across the Alps), others belonged already begin on July 31. to various noble dynasties, such as the Habsburg dynasty that con- What Does the Rütli-Schwur In a more recent August 1 tradi- trolled large parts of German-speaking Switzerland and Austria, or to Have to Do With Anything? tion, many farms around Swit- Basel the Church. In addition, some city states were relatively independent. Again, the answer to this question zerland open their doors on All in all, it was a rather unsettled situation, with various parties vying is—probably nothing. The Rütli- Celebrations on the Rhein—July 31 this day from 9:00-13:00, invit- for control over various Swiss territories, which was further exacer- Schwur is a legendary oath sup- In Basel, each year more than ing the public to come and en- bated by the death of Emperor Rudolf I (who belonged to the Habsburg posedly untertaken by the leaders 120,000 people come into town on joy a brunch consisting of their dynasty) in 1291 and the uncertainty about his successor. of Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden the eve of the Swiss National Day fresh breads, milk, cheeses, meats, fruits, cereals, and other fine In this situation, the people living in the mountain valleys of Uri, on the Rütli meadow above the to celebrate along the Rhein. They products. You can also visit the farms, buy their fresh products, Schwyz, and Unterwalden drew up a written agreement to ensure the Vierwaldstättersee (Lake Lu- watch the water sports events and see first-hand just how much work goes into the making of the peace and to support each other in all respects, including defense cerne) to form a union against and other spectacular highlights farm-fresh goods. This is an event beloved by the Swiss, with many against attacks from the outside. Similar agreements (most likely often the Habsburg rulers. However, held on the Rhein, visit the over participating farms and over 150,000 visitors each year. Cost is verbal) are thought to have existed before, but this charter, which was whether such an oath was ever 90 festival stands along the banks CHF20-35 per person. To make a reservation, go to their website signed “in the early days of August” 1291 is the oldest one that is clear- undertaken on this site and by of the river, listen to music on various stages, and admire the and click on “Brunch-Suche,” then select a farm in the canton of ly documented, and as such is now considered the founding document these participants is entirely un- spectacular fireworks display at 23:00. These official fireworks your choice. Places are limited and reservations can be made by of what eventually was to become the Swiss Confederation. Today, the clear, as is whether this has any- will be launched from barges on the Rhein, near Mittlere Brücke. phone or by email directly to the farm of your choice until July 30. document is exhibited at the archives of the Bundesbriefmuseum thing to do with the 1291 charter. Therefore, areas near or on the bridge make for great viewing www.brunch.ch (Museum of Swiss Charters of Confederation) in Schwyz. The oath was first mentioned in a

4 Basel Life Magazine / www.basellife.com photo credits: © alexandra mizrahi, © wikipedia, © stephen oliver (rhein fireworks) July/August 2015 5 Events in Basel: July / August 2015

Mission possible? Bee Day at Tierpark Lange Erlen subsidized, there is no fee and no registration required; children ages Until October 4 July 4 3-14 can simply show up and enjoy a wide range of activities, crafts, sports, workshops, and play equipment. While the children are guided What do we understand by The Bienenzüchterverein Basel (Bee- and helped through all activities, younger kids cannot be dropped off the term “mission”? The reli- keeper’s Society) is inviting the public like in a camp and supervision is the parent’s responsibility. There gious mapping of the world? to Lange Erlen Tierpark from 14:00-16:00 will be a canteen on site where kids can buy drinks and food at fam- To mark the occasion of the to learn about bees and the production of ily-friendly prices. To find out more, go to their website and click on 200th anniversary of the honey. In the Bienenhaus (bee house) at the “Kinder-Ferien-Städte,” then on “Sommer.” Basel Mission, the Museum Erlebnishof of the park, you get to see at close der Kulturen Basel will be range how the honeycomb is expertly removed and spun www.robi-spiel-aktionen.ch hosting an exhibition entitled to recover the honey; kids are encouraged to help. There will be lots “Mission possible? The Basel of interesting information about bees and the beekeeping profes- Mission Collection—Reflect- sion, as well as fine honeys to taste. Admission to the park and to this ing Cultural Encounters.” event is free. You can also enjoy a fine Z’morge (breakfast) in a relaxed The goal of this exhibition is atmosphere. to shed some light on the life www.erlen-verein.ch and work of the missionaries abroad. The exhibit takes you on a journey through Ghana, Children’s Theater in Park im Grünen India, China, Cameroon, July 4 – August 16 and Indonesia—former Ba- For the six weeks of school holiday, the children’s theater, Theater sel Mission work areas— Arlecchino, is performing the story of “Schatzinsle,” (Treasure is- Basel Tattoo—Shows illustrating the missionaries’ tasks land), a story of buccaneers and buried gold that takes would-be trea- July 17-25 and highlighting successes as well as failures. The purpose of the ob- sure hunters on an adventure filled with pirates, mutinies, schooners, jects collected by the missionaries was to render “an authentic picture The Basel Tattoo, the world’s second-largest and one of the most spec- tropical islands, parrots, and of course a treasure. This play for the of the conditions abroad, especially of the religious condition of foreign tacular open-air tattoos, will be celebrating its 10th anniversary this whole family will be presented daily in the arena at Park im Grünen peoples.” year with a very special show. For nine days, the area around Kaserne (Grün 80) at 15:00 and 17:00, except for the Swiss National Day on Au- Marlene Dumas in the Evening will be transformed into a stage for drum corps from all corners of www.mkb.ch gust 1. Admission is free; no reservation is required, and you are free July 10 the world, including bands from royal houses, that put on spectacular to come and go as you please. Shows will be cancelled in case of bad shows with drumming, original choreography, lights, costumes, and Zoo Night weather; confirm by calling 061-331-6856 after 13:00. On this evening, the Fondation Beyeler will be open from 18:00-21:00 colors. Audiences will be haunted by the Scottish-Highlands sounds for an evening visit of the exhibit featuring the works of South African July 3 www.theater-arlecchino.ch of the Massed Pipes & Drums, moved by world-famous catchy tunes, artist Marlene Dumas. Her art centers on the human figure and on rocked by classics of pop and rock history, and impressed by military- Each summer, the Basel Zoo stays open late one night for the “Zolli- themes such as identity, humanity, love, and death. This retrospec- style music performed while the musicians march in complicated pat- Nacht.” They promise an exciting evening for the whole family to ob- Jugend Circus Basilisk tive includes paintings and drawings from all phases of her career, terns. This year’s edition of the Basel Tattoo again promises to be a serve and learn about the animals, with specialists on hand and many including works that have never been shown in public before, and is July 5-16 spectacular event with a total of 21 bands from England, Scotland, stations set up to provide exciting information about their behavior, as the most comprehensive in Europe to date. Entrance is CHF25, free Ireland, South Africa, the United States, Canada, New Zealand, and well as tours and activities for the whole family. The newly opened zoo The Jugend Circus Basilisk is for those up to age 25. restaurant will feature surprise culinary specialties starting at 19:00 a circus school for young Ba- Switzerland as well as places as far away as Oman and Korea! There www.fondationbeyeler.ch are a total of 15 shows at Kaserne during this year’s festival. You can and live jazz music starting at 20:00. The Zoo Night runs from 17:00 sel acrobats ages 7-17 who still get tickets through their online ticket shop, via Ticketcorner, or at until midnight, with a reduced entrance fee starting at 17:00. train several times per week. Each summer, they put on the Basel Tattoo Shop at Schneidergasse 27 in Basel. Family special: www.zoobasel.ch Claramattenfest an end-of-year show in Children up to age 9 can see the shows at 17:30 for free, but need a July 10-12 ticket; tickets for children up to age 16 get a 50% discount. But buy which the students can show All are welcome to Claramattpark for three days of family fun, food, your tickets soon as they sell out fast! For more information about the off their talents. The new drink, and music. This neighborhood festival will start with a blues various bands and the Tattoo in general, go to their website. program this year will take the audience on a more than band on Friday night; New Orleans-style jazz music on Saturday www.baseltattoo.ch 2-hour artistic time travel starting at 17:00; and more music, dancing, and fun for the whole with acts such as floor acro- family on Sunday. There will be many food and drink stands serving Basel Tattoo—Children’s Day batics, unicycle, artistic cy- food from all over the world, as well as plenty of activities and equip- ment to the kids busy while you share a beer with your friends. July 18 cle, vertical silk, trapeze, aerial hoop, juggling, as well as small and large trampolines. Shows will take place at the Rosental www.claramattefescht.ch From 14:00, children can come to the Tattoo arena at Kaserne and Anlage by the Messeplatz; entrance is free but they request a nominal meet musicians from the Tattoo, learn about the music and the fee of CHF10 per person or CHF30 per family to cover their expenses. shows, try their feet at a few of the dance routines, and try their hands So why not take the family and support the efforts of Basel’s future Kids’ Tram Riddle Fun at some of the instruments—including the bag-pipes! This event circus stars? July 15, 22, 29, and August 5 was very popular last year, attracting over 1,000 kids. For more in- formation on this free event, see http://baseltattoo.ch/baseltattoo/ www.circusbasilisk.ch The Basel public libraries (GGG Stadtbibliothek Basel) and Thalia bookstore are once again presenting this fun hour-long tram ride for basel-tattoo-kindertag.html. ATAK. The Miracle of Berlin kids ages 8-12, called “Kinderrätselspass im Drämmli” (Fun on the July 3 – October 25 Children’s Holiday City tram with riddles for kids). On this ride, kids will be given riddles to Basel Tattoo—Parade Berlin-based cartoonist ATAK (Georg Barber, *1967) trained as a July 6 – August 14 solve that will test their observation skills. The participants will meet July 25 sign writer and graphic designer in the former German Democratic Kinder Ferien Stadt (children’s holiday city) is a free children’s para- at 14:00 in the library Schmiedenhof (Im Schmiedenhof 10, Basel) For a final highlight of the 2015 Basel Tattoo, about 25 bands with Republic, where he moved in punk circles as a young man. His dream- dise provided by Robi-Spiel-Aktionen at various locations in town from and after the tram journey, they will go to the children’s corner in some 1,000 musicians, together with additional musicians in vari- like, imaginative, and colorful paintings, some of them in large 14:00-18:00, Monday to Friday. During the 1st and 2nd week of the the bookshop Thalia from around 15:30-16:00. Because the number ous groups and 400 helpers, will be marching through the center of format, explore the boundaries between cartoon and art. At the holidays, you will find them at Kannenfeldpark, during the 3rd and 4th of places is limited, free tickets can be obtained in the library Basel, starting at 14:00. This event is free, wonderful, and crowded! Cartoonmuseum, ATAK will show representative works and enter into week they will be set up at Margarethenpark, in the 5th week they will Schmiedenhof or at Thalia. Parents are not supposed to take part in For more information on the route and the participating groups, visit a dialogue with the museum collection. be at Letziplatz and Dalbenloch St. Albantal, and during the 6th week the tram ride. http://baseltattoo.ch/baseltattoo/basel-tattoo-parade.html. www.cartoonmuseum.ch at the Wettsteinanlage in Riehen. As this wonderful offer is highly www.stadtbibliothekbasel.ch

6 Basel Life Magazine / www.basellife.com photo credit: © basel tattoo, © museum der kulturen basel (ganesha, indien,1856), © ATAK (Georg Barber), © circus basilisk, © “teacher,” marlene dumas (photo: peter cox) July/August 2015 7 Events in Basel: July / August 2015 (continued)

FahrAwaY Zirkusspektakel Circus Monti Römerfest 2015 July 26 August 12-23 August 29-30 Set up at the Dreispitz, Station Circus features various circus acts The Circus Monti is the pinacle of a very special, incomparable experi- Every year, on the last weekend of August, the ancient Roman town of Augusta Raurica throughout the year. The FahrAwaY circus will be presenting their ence for many circus spectators: modern and innovative, but still very comes alive for tens of thousands of visitors to experience. From 10:00-19:00 on Satur- small circus filled with outdoor aerial acrobatics, diabolo, and tight- charming. They will be celebrating their 31st year with a new produc- day and 10:00-17:00 on Sunday, more than 500 actors will participate in the reenactment rope walking to moving music. There is no reservation necessary; sim- tion. For the first time, Marie-Josée Gauthier from the École Natio- of gladiator combats and wagon races or perform as dancers, peddlers, musicians, and ply show up and pay as you like; the show will start at 18:00. nale de Cirque de Montréal will be conceptualizing and directing the craftsmen of all kinds. Families can watch the many shows and events as well as partici- www.stationcircus.ch production. They will be pitching their tent at the Rosentalanlage near pate in a variety of activities, including grinding grain on stone or making bread over fire; the Messeplatz in Basel. Check out their official website and click on see how clothing and other goods were made; and even dress like ancient Romans. Many “Tournéeplan 2015” to get a full listing of show times and locations. activities are geared especially towards kids, including pony rides and coin minting, and Jazz Concert at the Tinguely Museum www.circus-monti.ch they can spend time in the Roman salon to get their hair and make-up done like in Roman July 31 and August 28 times. It is a fun and educational weekend filled with great hands-on learning opportuni- Under the heading Roche ‘n’ Jazz, top jazz performers are giving ties for people of all ages. Fondation Beyeler’s Summerfest concerts in the space dedicated to the current exhibition at the Tinguely Getting There: The festival is quite crowded and parking is scarce, so taking public trans- Museum from 16:00-18:00 on the last Friday of every month, provid- August 15 port is highly recommended. You can reach Augusta Raurica from Basel by train (take the ing a musical highlight and a point of focus. July’s concert features The Fondation Beyeler is inviting everyone for their summer festival on S1 from the SBB, direction Frick/Laufenburg to Kaiseraugst) or by bus (take bus 81 from the Hendricksen–Gisler Duo. The concert is free with admission to the this Saturday from 18:00-22:00. The program includes a free concert in Aeschenplatz, direction Liestal/Reigoldswil to Augst) (www.aagl.ch). It is a 10-minute museum. Berower Park; art; short tours; workshops for adults, teens, and kids; walk from the bus stop, just follow the crowd! www.tinguely.ch museum games; as well as food and drink. The event is presented in Tickets: You can purchase 1-day or 2-day tickets; 1-day tickets are CHF18 for adults, collaboration with the Cultural Office of Riehen and costs only CHF10 CHF13 for kids ages 6-17, or CHF55 for the whole family; 2-day tickets are CHF30 for for the entire event, which includes entrance to the museum. No adults, CHF20 for kids, and CHF100 for the whole family. Tickets can be purchased at the Dragonboat Festival Basel registration is required. gate or by pre-booking on www.ticketcorner.ch. Your entrance ticket also covers your August 1 www.beyeler.com return fare on public transport in the Nordwestschweiz (TNW) region. The Wasserfahrverein in Birsfelden will be the location for this festival Visit their German-only website to get more information about this wonderful Roman filled with dragonboat fun races, food, dance, workshops, and a raffle. Tag der Stadttore (Day of City Gates) festival weekend and to download the flyer with the full weekend program, which will be You can register a team or simply come to watch the races and join the available from the beginning of July. festivities; the fun-run starts at 10:00. August 22 www.roemerfest.ch www.dragonboatfestivalbasel.ch Basel, which was once a fortified city, still retains three of its orig- inal city gates: the Spalentor, St. Klosterbergfest Jazz Brunch Tension Festival Johanns Tor, and St. Alban Tor. August 28-30 August 29 August 1 Once per year, these city gates, This annual festival helps raise money On the last Saturday of each month, the No. 2 Brasserie at Volkshaus as well as the remaining Pul- The Tension Festival with its roughly 3,000 visitors is the biggest elec- and awareness for the less fortunate Basel presents a rich breakfast from Marc Arnold’s kitchen, accompa- verturm (powder tower) by the tronic music festival in northwestern Switzerland. For this event, the children of Brazil. Many tents and stag- nied by live jazz from Eric Gilson and guests. Breakfast starts at 10:30 Waisenhaus (orphanage) near most famous interna- es offer a variety of ethnic foods, goods, and reservations are recommended at 061-690-9310. the Wettsteinbrücke are open tional artists of this mu- and music. It takes place along the to the public. Several clubs and http://volkshaus-basel.ch sical style will perform Klosterberg, up to Elisabethen Kirche Fasnacht cliques host these days at the indoor and out- (church). The church itself will host a with food, entertainment, period door venue at St. Jakobs- great children’s program, including Flohmarkt auf dem Dach (Fleamarket on the roof) music, and loads of informa- halle. The lineup this shows, arts and craft activities, and a August 30 tion about the history and func- year is impressive with, terrific slide that runs from the top of the church to the bottom. This tion of the towers. There also This flea market and collectors’ among others, the god- wonderful street festival will run on Friday from 18:00-03:00, Saturday will be guided tours of the towers. Entrance is free; simply go to their fair is the largest in northwest father of Techno Sven from 11:00-03:00, and Sunday from 11:00-18:00. Väth, Ilario Alicante, and the king of the charts and Youtube, Oliver website (from the beginning of July) for details of the day’s events at Switzerland, with about 200 www.klosterbergfest.ch Koletzki. Doors open at 12:00, minimum age is 18. There will be finger each of the towers. stands and 10,000 visitors. It will be held on the roof of the Inte- foods and drinks for purchase. Day tickets are CHF43.35 and day-plus- www.stadttorebasel.ch night-session tickets are CHF64.50; they can be purchased through Beer Market rio in Pratteln from 8:30-16:00. Here you can find antiques, ap- www.starticket.ch. August 29 Oldtimer Car Parade pliances, arts and crafts, stamps, camping, electronics, garden, house- www.tension-festival.ch Beer lovers beware! Basel will be hosting its third annual Biermarkt, hold, children’s clothes and games, agriculture, motorcycle clothing, August 26 where beer lovers can spend a wonderful afternoon/evening (16:00- musical instruments, optical equipment, plants, collectibles, jewelry, Quartier Circus Bruderholz Are you a fan of classic oldtimer and vintage cars? Then be sure not 22:00) tasting various types of beer from 15 local micro-breweries. watches, games, sports, bicycles, tools, and so much more. to miss “RAID,” the 19th Concours D’Élégance (elegance competition). Dark, albino, whisky ale, pale ale, smoked, strong, wheat, …—what- www.flohmarktaufdemdach.ch August 7-14 For the lovers of old cars, this is a feast for the eyes that this year will ever your fancy, there will be pints (or actually liters) for every taste. A Every summer, the Quartier Circus Bruderholz presents their circus by start in the circular courtyard of the Messe Basel. Beginning at 12:30, number of food stands and kids for kids. This circus started over 30 years ago, with three broth- each car will drive over a podium and do a lap in the circular courtyard an attractive beer-garden Family Day—Farmer’s Olympic Games ers who spent the summer in their garden in Bruderholz, producing to the cheering applause of onlookers. Around 15:00, the parade heads setting also help to make a small circus act to present to their friends. It has since developed to the center of town, with an exhibition of the cars on Freie Strasse. this an enjoyable out- August 30 into a large-scale circus where kids ages 7-18 can showcase their For two hours, you can look at and admire the cars up close as well ing with friends. Located Have you always wanted to milk a cow or throw around a sack of hay? acts, including acrobatics, juggling, diabolo, high wire, and much more. as meet their owners, who will be more than happy to talk about their at Vogesenplatz near the At the Farmer’s Olympic Games at Park im Grünen you can try out They now have over 200 members as well as a small orchestra. Shows treasures. Around 17:15, the cars will stylishly be led by modern pace Bahnhof St. Johann, the these and other entertaining disciplines for the whole family. Musical are presented nightly at 20:00 (Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday at cars down the red carpet for a slow parade through Marktplatz, where beer market can easily be entertainment will be provided by the Regio Six Jazzband, and at the 18:00). Additional matinées take place at 15:00 on August 9, 11, and 13. they will be scrutinized by a panel of judges. For the first time, the reached by public trans- Restaurant Seegarten you can get a delicious breakfast of bread baked Entrance is free, although donations after the show are accepted. Visit prizes will be handed out at the Marktplatz at 18:00, before the cars will port with trams number 1, in a wood-fired oven, butter, jam, dried meat, and cheese for CHF12.50 their website for more information about this special circus. head back to the Messe Basel for a special dinner for the car owners. 2, 6, 8, 14, 16, and 21. per person. www.qcb.ch www.raid.ch www.baslerbiermarkt.ch www.parkimgruenen.ch

8 Basel Life Magazine / www.basellife.com photo credits: © tension, © wikipedia (st. johann), © tillate.ch (klosterbergfest), © biermarket, © susanne schenker (römerfest) July/August 2015 9 Fun Outings: Beyond Basel

Wine Festival Freiburg, Germany July 2-7 The area in southwestern Germany called Baden is the country’s third-largest wine-producing region, with ap- proximately 40,000 acres of vineyards situated on the eastern banks of the Rhein. It is actually the warmest grape-growing region of Germany, producing wines that are more full-bodied and higher in alcohol than wines from its other regions. As the terrain and geographical location is quite similar to that of neighboring , France, on the opposite bank of the Rhein, many of the grapes that do well in Baden are of the same varieties for which the Alsace region is renowned. These include the Grauburgunder (Pinot Gris), Weissburgunder (Pinot Blanc), Spätburgunder (Pinot Noir), Gewürztraminer, Sil- International Airshow vaner, and to a lesser extent, Riesling. In addition to these Dittingen, BL grape varieties, you will also find some that are more August 22 and 23 commonly found in Switzerland, such as Müller-Thurgau The Internationale Dittinger Flugtage are held every two years at and Gutedel (known as Chasselas in Switzerland). the Flugplatz Dittingen, about 20km south of Basel. There will be A great occasion to discover these wines from Baden is at the annual Freiburger Weinfest, which is normally held at the beginning of July. For the old and new aircrafts of all kinds, including a F/A-18 Hornet, 2 festival, the center of the beautiful old town of Freiburg is turned into a giant festival ground, with numerous stalls that represent different winer- Beech 18, a DC-3, Super Puma military helicopters, an Antonov ies and wine cooperatives of the region lining the squares and surrounding the town’s picturesque cathedral. You can also get to know the Baden AN-2, a Grumman TBF Avenger Standard Torpedo bomber, and cuisine with gastronomy that is sure to compliment the wine lists. You can drift through the festival and allow your senses to guide you, or you can many more, flying in classic formations or in solo displays. So if download the festival flyer and visit select wineries and restaurateurs from the list. You can order and/or import wines that you discover—you can you or one of yours is a fan of flight and aircrafts, this is a must-see find information on the duty-free allowances for alcohol import into Switzerland in event. You can buy tickets for this event online for CHF30 for adults the “Did You Know?”section in this issue. Freiburg can be reached by car in about and CHF15 for kids ages 6-16 (kids under 6 are free). Family tickets one hour from Basel and there are a number of parking garages in the city, albeit are also available for CHF65 per family, which includes two parents very full on such occasions. Freiburg can also easily be reached by train from Basel and their own children (however, these can only be purchased on Badischer Bahnhof to Freiburg (Breisgau) Hauptbahnhof (40 minutes), followed site). You can also reserve your parking ticket online for CHF5; note by a 15-minute walk to the festival grounds or a short ride in a bicycle-taxi. The that to encourage car-pooling, cars with four or more passengers festival takes place Monday-Friday from 17:00-24:00, Saturday from 15:00-24:00, on board can park for free. Flugplatz Dittingen is about 30 minutes and Sunday from 12:00-24:00. from Basel and can be reached by car by taking the main road H18 www.weinfest.freiburg.de direction Délémont and exiting shortly after Zwingen, following the signs to the airfield. It can also be reached by public transporta- tion by taking the train from the Basel SBB to Laufen, then bus 119 Medieval Spectaculum Bastille Day Celebrations direction Dittingen Dorf. From there you can walk to the airfield in about 20 minutes. Weil am Rhein, Germany July 14 www.flugtage.ch July 4 and 5 Two weeks before the Swiss celebrate their National Day (Schweizer Bundesfeier), France also celebrates its National Day, la Fête Natio- If you are fascinated by the Mid- nale, also known as Bastille Day. It commemorates both the beginning dle Ages, this festival is for you! of the French Revolution with the storming of the Bastille fortress and DEGUSTHA Medieval Spectaculum® is the prison on July 14, 1789, and the Fête de la Fédération, which celebrated Bartenheim, Alsace largest traveling medieval cul- the unity of the French people on July 14, 1790. Bastille Day celebrates ture festival in the world. They August 28-31 French culture throughout the country, with many large-scale public travel throughout Germany and If you enjoy or would like to explore wines and specialty foods from events, including a military parade on the Champs Élysées in Paris as set up camp almost every week- the neighboring region of Alsace, why not visit the 28th edition of well as communal meals, dances, parties, and fireworks. Each town end from late April to early Oc- the DEGUSTHA? At this four-day fair you can taste and discover has its own traditions and celebrations. Those in the neighboring com- tober. For the second time this wines, brandies, and other spirits, as well as Alsatian specialty munities of Huningue and St. Lou- year, the festival will be held just foods, such as cheeses, spices, oils, olives, delicatessen meats, is also include fireworks, which across the border in Weil am vinegars, baked goods, and much more. You can top off your visit you can see from Basel. So point Rhein. About 2,500 participants with a great seafood meal or try some regional dishes. There is no your attention towards the French in up to 1,000 tents, booths, and obligation to buy; you can come simply to taste or to place an order border and enjoy the spectacular installations will transport their guests into the world of the Middle straight from the producer— see the “Did You Know?” section of displays or make a trip to other Ages. The festival offers a unique atmosphere with a fantastic and di- this issue for information on the duty-free allowances for alcohol towns in Alsace on this day and ex- verse entertainment program and many artisans, merchants, knights, import into Switzerland. This year’s DEGUSTHA will be held at the perience the festivities first-hand. mercenaries, archers, squires, princes, noble ladies, servants, maids, Complex Loisirs ADO-KART in Bartenheim, approximately 15 min- Note that as this is a National craftsmen, traders, musicians, jesters, jugglers, artists, scholars, and utes from Basel by car; if you choose to drive, be sure to designate Holiday, all stores and businesses many more performers in imaginative and high medieval garb and ar- a sober driver. Entrance to this event is 10; however, you can re- will be closed; for a full schedule € mor taking guests back to the 13th century. Entertainment highlights ceive a free entrance card for two people by going to their website, of events in many Alsatian towns include stage shows, music concerts, breath-taking knight battles, clicking on “Invitations,” and filling your name, city, and email. One on or around July 14, visit www. fire-shows, a huge medieval market, and much more. For times, costs, of the exhibitors will send your free invitation to your email address jds.fr/agenda/manifestations/14- and participants, go to their (German-only) website. within 10 minutes. juillet-2015-la-fete-nationale-en- www.spectaculum.de alsace-2359_DE. www.degustha.fr

10 Basel Life Magazine / www.basellife.com photo credits: © freiburger weinfest, © medieval spectaculum, © popsugar.com (paris), © gronemann (air show) July/August 2015 11 Summer Special: Local Castles

Lords and Ladies, Knights and Minstrels mer, and fall holidays, where the kids can explore the with their or boat from Montreux or Villeneuve), or after a scenic walk along the parents while solving riddles and discovering hidden corners. lake shores (4 km from Montreux, 2 km from Villeneuve). Summer is a great time for trips in Switzerland and neighboring Directions: Take Swiss motorway A1 to Brugg and then follow the Opening Hours: Open daily except for January 1 and December 25. Germany and France, particularly if you have visitors from out of brown signs to Habsburg. Opening hours vary by month; check their website for details. town. There is so much to do or see in the three-country region! Particularly for history buffs and families Opening Hours: From April to October, the castle/museum and res- Cost: Tickets are CHF12.50 for adults, CHF10.50 for students, CHF6.00 with children, the many castles and ruins in the taurant are open Monday-Saturday from 10:00-23:30 and Sunday from for children ages 6-16, and CHF29.00 for families. area may make attractive destinations. 10:00-21:30. From November to March, opening hours are Wednesday- www.chillon.ch/en/index.cfm Saturday from 11:00-22:00 and Sunday from 11:00-21:00. You don’t have to venture far to come across smaller castles and ruins. Take, for ex- Cost: Access to the castle and museum is free. ample, the moated castle in Bottmin- www.schlosshabsburg.ch FRANCE gen, which now serves as a restaurant, Château du Haut-Koenigsbourg or the the ruins above Dornach, Aesch, or Pratteln. But if you travel a bit farther, Orschwiller you can visit some truly beautiful and The Château du Haut-Koenigsbourg is picturesquely situated on the historically significant castles. hillside of the Vosges mountains above the Alsatian town of Orschwiller, overlooking the Alsatian plain and Rhein valley. It was built in the 12th century by the House of from Swabia, but later passed through several other hands. After robber barons used the castle in the 15th century, it was destroyed for the first time, but then rebuilt grander than before. During the Thirty-Years War, the castle was be- sieged by Swedish troops, who eventually conquered and burned it in 1633. After that, the castle lay in ruins for more than 200 years before it was declared a historical monument and purchased by the town of Sélestat. But it wasn’t the French who restored the castle to its pres- SWITZERLAND Directions: By car, take Swiss motorway A3 towards Zürich and ent-day state: After Alsace was annexed by the Germans in 1871, it then A1 towards to exit , then follow the signs to the ultimately was the last German Emperor, Wilhelm II, who decided to parking areas. By public transport, take the train to Lenzburg, then restore the castle as a symbolic marker of his empire. (In 2005, when a Lenzburg, either walk directly to the castle (20-30 minutes) or take the bus to storm knocked down a copper eagle located on top of the main tower, Kronenplatz or Schlossparkplatz and walk to the castle from there Château de Chillon they found a scroll with text drafted by the Emperor in which he pro- Lenzburg Castle is a beautifully (10-15 minutes). claimed his imperial power and German greatness.) From 1900-1908, Montreux, Vaud maintained medieval castle sceni- Opening Hours: Open April 1 to October 31 from 10:00-17:00 every extensive renovations that were as historically accurate as possible at cally situated on a hill overlooking day except Mondays. The Château de Chillon, located on a rocky island in Lake Geneva, just the time restored for the most part the castle’s appearance as it was in the town of the same name. It likely the 15th century. Cost: CHF14 for adults, CHF10 for students up to age 26, CHF8 for kids outside of Montreux, is one of the most beautifully maintained—and was built in the late 11th century by ages 4-16. Discounts for families are available. most scenically situated—castles in Switzerland. The origins of the A visit to the Château du Haut-Koenigsbourg is interesting at any time the Counts of Lenzburg, but after the last of the counts died without castle date back at least to the middle of the 12th century, when it was of the year, as you can explore the furnished living quarters, including www.schloss-lenzburg.ch/en/ heirs in 1173 it changed ownership frequently. Thus, it belonged to vari- acquired by the Counts of Savoy, who at the time controlled the im- the Emperor’s and Empress’s chambers, and workshops or admire the ous noble families (including the Habsburg dynasty); representatives of portant trade route along the lake. The House of Savoy subsequently collection of medieval weapons. You also shouldn’t miss the climb up the Bernese rulers; the Canton of Aargau; and various private owners, Habsburg expanded their influence over most of what today is French-speaking the towers of the for a spectacular view of the Alsatian plain including the family of famous writer Frank Wedekind and several rich Habsburg, Aargau Switzerland, including two important passes across the Alps that en- and Vosges mountains or a visit to the lovingly recreated medieval gar- American families. In 1956, the castle was acquired by the city of Lenz- sured trade between Italy and northwestern Europe. To govern these den. They offer self-guided tours in a variety of languages; guided tours burg and Canton Aargau, which have opened it to the public. This castle, which you can vast territories, the Savoy family moved like nomads between numer- are available regularly in French, German, and English. Because the castle was used as a private residence until about 60 years see when you drive along ous castles, often taking most of the furniture and equipment with them Directions: By car, take the French motorway A35 north to exit 17 ago, its buildings and interiors have been well maintained, allowing you Swiss motorway A3 from and leaving the unused castles rather bare. In the 16th century, the (Kintzheim) or 18 (St. Hippolyte), then follow N59 via Liepvre. By public to gain a wonderful insight into life in centuries past. The inner court- Basel towards Zürich, is Bernese conquered Chillon, using it as a fortress, arsenal, and prison transport, take the train to Sélestat, then catch the shuttle bus from the yard is surrounded by a variety of buildings, including a knight’s hall, of interest not so much for for more than 260 years, before it became property of the newly formed train station to the castle (check their website for a schedule) towers, keep, and bailiff’s residence, as well as beautifully maintained the structure itself, but for Canton Vaud in 1803. Later, artists and visitors alike became enthralled Opening Hours: The castle is open year-round except for January gardens. You can learn about life from the to the 19th cen- its historical significance. with the beautiful castle, like Lord Byron, who wrote his famous poem 1, May 1, December 25, and Mondays in winter. Opening hours vary tury; peek into the castle’s kitchen, living rooms, and bedrooms; or As the name implies, it is “The Prisoner of Chillon” about it. Since the end of the 19th century according to month; check their website for details. visit two original prison cells from the 17th century. The kids can play the originating seat of the extensive efforts to restore this historical monument have ensured its dress-up, do crafts, and learn about knights and damsels in the special , which current beautifully maintained state. Cost: Tickets are €9 for adults, €5 for children ages 6-17. children’s museum or they can look for Fauchi, the baby dragon. The from its small roots in rural Switzerland grew into one of the most You can visit the castle on your own or on one of the many guided tours. www.haut-koenigsbourg.fr/en museum also organizes numerous special events throughout the year, important imperial and royal dynasties in Europe. Through its various Walk along the fortifications; stroll through the courtyards; admire including music concerts, open-air theater, Renaissance dance work- branches, the House of Habsburg ruled most of central and southern the great halls with marvelous views of the lake; and see the living shops, a children’s festival (Fauchi’s birthday) on August 23, and a large Europe at some point in history, and the dynasty still exists today. Not quarters with their original wall decorations (such as murals includ- medieval market on September 18-20. much of this illustrious history is reflected in the Habsburg, however. ing a camel and gazelle) and period furniture, including the traveling The castle is thought to have been built in the early 11th century. The chests the Savoy counts used to move their household. Underground, Habsburg family only lived in the castle until the early part of the 13th the original prison cells right above the water level still leave a chill- century, when they moved first to nearby Brugg and then later to Aus- ing impression. Children can get a special treasure map to help them tria because their old seat was no longer representative enough for explore the castle, guided by the little dragon mascot, Drako. They also them. After that, the Habsburg frequently changed ownership, until it organize workshops for kids during the Easter and fall holidays, as well became property of Canton Aargau in 1804. as a variety of family and cultural events throughout the year (eg, Au- Today, only the main building is still intact and houses a restaurant gust 1 tournament, treasure hunt, scary night in October, and medieval as well as a museum that provides information both on the history of Christmas market). the building and on the Habsburg dynasty. They also offer public tours Directions: Chillon is located south of Montreux; you can reach it by car for adults as well as special activities for kids during the spring, sum- (there is a large parking lot by the castle), public transport (bus no. 201

12 Basel Life Magazine / www.basellife.com photo credit: tourism images for: ©lenzburg castle, © , © château de chillon, © hervé colson (haut koenigsbourg) July/August 2015 13 Summer Special: Local Castles (continued)

is freely accessible year round and also includes a restaurant. The Oberburg is only accessible during certain opening hours. It in- cludes several towers that you can climb up for fantastic views of the surrounding area, as well as a small museum. You can also use the castle as a great starting point for many hikes into the southern-most region of the Black Forest. In addition, the castle host several events in the summer months, including a jazz festival (Jazz auf der Burg) in June and an open-air theater festival (Burgfestspiele Rötteln) in the summer. www.burgfestspiele-roetteln.de Directions: Take German motorway A98 to exit Lörrach Mitte. Go towards Lörrach-Haagen, then follow the signs. Opening Hours: The Unterburg is freely accessible year-round. The Oberburg and the museum are open daily from mid-March to the end GERMANY of October from 10:00-18:00; from November to mid-March they are open Sundays from 11:00-16:00. Burgruine Rötteln Cost: Admission is €2.50 for adults, €1 for children ages 6-14. Lörrach www.burgruine-roetteln.de When you go towards Lörrach on the German motorway A98, you see the impressive ruins of the Rötteln castle spread out along a hillside. It is one of the largest castle ruins in southern Germany, extending This article offers a brief overview of some of our favorite castles in 300m in North-South direction. The castle was built in the 11th centu- Switzerland and the neighboring countries. But there are so many more ry by the feudal family of the same name and was in use for more than to choose from! The following websites provide information on many 600 years. During that time, it changed ownership numerous times, others to help you select a wonderful destination for your next outing. was expanded and altered, and suffered extensive damage during both the big Basel earthquake of 1356 and the Thirty-Years War. It was Switzerland: www.myswitzerland.com/en-ch/interests/ destroyed to a large extent on June 29, 1678, shortly before the end of excursion-summer/historical-switzerland/castles-palaces.html the Franco-Dutch War. After that, the ruins were used as a source of building stones as well as storage area for wines from the region and Germany (State of Baden-Württemberg): www.schloesser-und- administrative buildings. The ruins have been protected and partially gaerten.de/en/our-monuments/castles/ restored since the middle of the 19th century. France (Alsace): www.tourisme-alsace.com/en/the-land-of- The castle is divided into two sections—the older Oberburg (upper castles/ castle) and the younger Unterburg (lower castle). The Unterburg

14 Basel Life Magazine / www.basellife.com photo credit: rötteln castle © alexandra mizrahi Ongoing Events inJuly

July 3–October 25 Cartoonmuseum, Basel Until October 4 Museum derKulturen Basel Until September 6 Fondation Beyeler, Riehen ATAK. TheMiracle ofBerlin Mission Possible? Marlene DumasExhibit

July 2015 26 Stimmenfestival Aqua-Rhythm Stimmenfestival Aqua-Rhythm Stimmenfestival Aqua-Rhythm Claramattenfest Stimmenfestival 19 12 5 JUNE 28 Calendar Key: (for more information refer to thissection) Entertainment The LionKing Blue BallsFestival Live atSunset Tour—Marlene DumasExhibit Outdoor Yoga Basel Tattoo—Show Children’s TheaterinPark The LionKing Outdoor Yoga FahrAwaY Zirkusspektakel Children’s TheaterinPark The LionKing Moon andStars Live atSunset Montreux JazzFestival Outdoor Yoga Jugend Circus Basilisk Children’s TheaterinPark The LionKing Montreux JazzFestival /Live atSunset ofSounds Stars Paddling Trial Class Outdoor Yoga /Aqua-Rhythm Medieval Spectaculum FestivalWine inFreiburg Jugend Circus Basilisk Children’s TheaterinPark Special Feature: MusicFestivals Workshops, Tours, andEducation Get FitThisSummer(GsünderBasel) Sports andRecreation Fun Outings:Beyond Basel Basel Events Feature Event SUNDAY

27 Stimmenfestival Zumba Aqua-Rhythm Zumba Aqua-Rhythm Stimmenfestival Stimmenfestival Police: Important Numbers: 20 13 6 Blue BallsFestival Spring undGump Basel Tattoo—Show Children’s Holiday City Children’s TheaterinPark Monday NightSkate Spring undGump Children’s Holiday City Children’s TheaterinPark Moon andStars Live atSunset Montreux JazzFestival Singing Workshop Monday NightSkate Spring undGump Aqua-Rhythm /Zumba Children’s Holiday City Jugend Circus Basilisk Children’s TheaterinPark Live atSunset Montreux JazzFestival Archeology Workshops for Kids Spring undGump Aqua-Rhythm /Zumba FestivalWine inFreiburg Children’s Holiday City Jugend Circus Basilisk Children’s TheaterinPark Child /Teen Hotline: Poison Center: Ambulance: A HandinNeed: Fire Department: SOS: 112 MONDAY 147 145 144 143 118 117 28 Stimmenfestival Gymnastics 21 14 7 RheinGroup Swim Gymnastics Stimmenfestival Stimmenfestival The LionKing Blue BallsFestival Rhein Group Swim Basel Tattoo—Show Children’s Holiday City Children’s TheaterinPark Concerts ontheRhein The LionKing Tour attheBotanicalGarden Children’s Holiday City Children’s TheaterinPark The LionKing Moon andStars Live atSunset Montreux JazzFestival Tour attheBotanicalGarden Gymnastics /RheinGroup Swim Bastille Day Celebrations Children’s Holiday City Jugend Circus Basilisk Children’s TheaterinPark Marc Anthony The LionKing Montreux JazzFestival /Live atSunset Tour attheBotanicalGarden Archeology Workshops for Kids Gymnastics /RheinGroup Swim FestivalWine inFreiburg Children’s Holiday City Jugend Circus Basilisk Children’s TheaterinPark TUESDAY Pilates 29LY Stimmenfestival 22 15 8 Stimmenfestival Pilates

Concerts ontheRhein The LionKing Generations Moving Tai Chi Moving Erlenmatt Fitness inthePark Kids’ Tram RiddleFun Children’s Holiday City Children’s TheaterinPark The LionKing Blue BallsFestival Generations Moving /Tai Chi Moving Erlenmatt/Pilates Fitness inthePark Basel Tattoo—Show Kids’ Tram RiddleFun Children’s Holiday City Children’s TheaterinPark The LionKing Live atSunset/MoonandStars Montreux JazzFestival Archeology Workshops for Kids Generations Moving /Tai Chi Moving Erlenmatt/Pilates Fitness inthePark Children’s Holiday City Jugend Circus Basilisk Children’s TheaterinPark The LionKing Tai Chi Moving Erlenmatt Fitness inthePark Melissa Etheridge The LionKing Live atSunset/MoonandStars Montreux JazzFestival Stimmenfestival Generations Moving Tai Chi Moving Erlenmatt/Pilates Fitness inthePark Kids’ Tram RiddleFun Children’s Holiday City Jugend Circus Basilisk Children’s TheaterinPark 1 WEDNESDAY 30 Stimmenfestival Aqua-Rhythm 16 9 Summerstage Stimmenfestival Stimmenfestival Move2Music Aqua-Rhythm Aqua-Rhythm 23 Stimmenfestival Aqua-Rhythm The LionKing Blue BallsFestival Talk—Koyo Kouoh Tai Chi Basel Tattoo—Show Children’s Holiday City Children’s TheaterinPark The LionKing Live atSunset/MoonandStars Montreux JazzFestival Archeology Workshops for Kids Spring undGump/Tai Chi Aqua-Rhythm /Move2Music Children’s Holiday City Jugend Circus Basilisk Children’s TheaterinPark The LionKing ofSounds Stars Moonlight Swim Tai Chi Spring undGump FestivalWine inFreiburg Concerts ontheRhein The LionKing Tai Chi Children’s Holiday City Children’s TheaterinPark The LionKing Moon andStars Live atSunset Montreux JazzFestival Tai Chi Children’s Holiday City Jugend Circus Basilisk Children’s TheaterinPark THURSDAY 31 HILLCHILL Stimmenfestival Stimmenfestival Stimmenfestival Stimmenfestival Claramattenfest 17 10 24 Drive-in Cinema Summer BluesinBasel The LionKing Live atSunset Montreux JazzFestival ofSounds Stars St.Johannspark Storytelling FestivalWine inFreiburg Zoo Night Drive-in Cinema The LionKing Blue BallsFestival Basel Tattoo—Show Children’s Holiday City Children’s TheaterinPark Concerts ontheRhein The LionKing Jazz ConcertatTinguely Children’s Holiday City Children’s TheaterinPark Fireworks ontheRhein Drive-in Cinema The LionKing Blue BallsFestival Moon andStars Live atSunset Montreux JazzFestival Basel Tattoo—Show Children’s Holiday City Children’s TheaterinPark Drive-in Cinema The LionKing /SummerstageMoon andStars Montreux JazzFestival /Live atSunset Archeology Workshops for Kids Marlene DumasEvening Children’s Holiday City Jugend Circus Basilisk Children’s TheaterinPark FRIDAY www.basellife.com AUG 1 Stimmenfestival Stimmenfestival Summerstage Stimmenfestival Claramattenfest 18 11 25 Drive-in Cinema The LionKing Blue BallsFestival Basel Tattoo—Parade Basel Tattoo—Show Children’s TheaterinPark Concerts ontheRhein The LionKing Library—Drop-inMaker Workshop Beach Volleyball Tournament Tension Festival Dragonboat Festival Basel Brunch ontheFarm National Day Celebrations Dance Night Drive-in Cinema The LionKing Blue BallsFestival Moon andStars Live atSunset Montreux JazzFestival Basel Tattoo—Children’s Day Basel Tattoo—Show Children’s TheaterinPark George Benson Drive-in Cinema The LionKing Moon andStars Live atSunset Montreux JazzFestival Jugend Circus Basilisk Children’s TheaterinPark Drive-in Cinema The LionKing Live atSunset HILLCHILL /Montreux JazzFestival ofSounds/StimmenfestivalStars Library—Drop-inMaker Workshop Tour—Basel andAmerica Medieval Spectaculum FestivalWine inFreiburg Children’s TheaterinPark Bee Day atLange Erlen SATURDAY illustrations: © bergli books July/August 2015 19 Workshops, Tours, and Education in Basel

Basel and America—Tour Basel on Independence Day Tour of the Marlene Dumas Exhibit Harvesting Workshop July 4 July 19 and August 16 Starts August 26 Basel and America have always shared a special relationship. America, and espe- From 15:00-16:00, the Fondation Beyeler will be giving a public tour In this workshop, kids ages 7-12 will cially the United States, have always influenced Basel, not to mention Europe. But in English of the temporary exhibit of the works of South African harvest, cook, process, and experiment interestingly, the reverse is also true. On this July 4 Independence Day walking tour, artist Marlene Dumas. Her art centers on the human figure and on with different materials and edibles you will find out how the Basel region has influenced the United States. You will themes such as identity, humanity, love, and death. This retrospec- from our daily lives. Kids will paint with learn how Ken Kersey’s novel “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” came about, what tive includes paintings and drawings from all phases of her career, aromas and make dyes from flowers, is behind “Operation Artichoke,” how California’s capital Sacramento was founded, including works that have never been shown in public before, and is earth, moss, and other things. They will why America is called “America”—and what Basel has to do with all of these. If you the most comprehensive in Europe to date. Admission to the museum experiment with all of their senses, note want to better understand these relationships, as well as hear stories about the is CHF25 for adults (CHF50 for the whole family with Familienpass), their discoveries in their own laboratory notebooks, and create ob- prominent Basel banker who survived the sinking of the Titanic, come on this tour CHF6 for kids ages 11-19, and free for kids under age 11. The tour jects with packing materials that will be displayed. The workshops lead by the popular Benoît Hilber. During the stroll through the old streets of Basel, costs an additional CHF7. will take place on five consecutive Wednesday afternoons from 14:00- Hilber will tell all kinds of stories, scandals, and beautiful anecdotes. The tour is in www.fondationbeyeler.ch 17:00 and one Saturday from 10:00-14:00; cost is CHF100. German and will start at the main portal of the Basler Münster at 10:30 and end at www.kwerk.ch Marktplatz at 12:00. Cost is CHF20 for adults and CHF10 for kids ages 10-16. Spaces are limited, so it would be best to reserve your spot online by July 3 at 18:00. You can join on the spot on a first-come-first-served basis if spaces are available. Soap-Box Car Workshop www.visitbasel.ch August 26 If you and your child would like to help build a soap-box car for the Inferno Summer Camps for Kids Evening Tours at the Botanical Garden soap-box car race that will take place in September, Robi-Spiel-Aktionen is If you will be in Basel this summer and would like to keep your kids July 7, 14, 28, and August 18 inviting you to become part of the “Robi- busy, various providers offer a wide range of day camps for all age Tuesday evenings from April to September, specialists of the Bota- Team-Kisten.” Bring your creative ideas to Robi groups, from sports such as tennis, acrobatics, swimming, canoeing, nischer Garten der Universität Basel (Botanical Garden of the Uni- Bachgraben at Felsplattenstrasse 11, from 14:30-17:00. There is no and soccer to creative arts such as pottery, painting, and cooking; versity of Basel) will be giving 1-hour tours in German on a variety of cost or registration; simply show up. For more information, contact there are even camping and away trips to various destinations. For a topics. The tours start at 17:00 and again at 18:30. Meeting place is them at [email protected]. large list of camps to choose from week by week, you can look up our at the fountain at the corner of the Institutsgebäude (institute build- Talk—Koyo Kouoh: The Multiple Forms of Designing the June issue of Basel Life Magazine (www.basellife.com) in the archives www.robi-spiel-aktionen.ch ing). Cost is free but donations are accepted. The tour on July 7 is Social and register now! entitled “Tierische Winzlinge in unseren Gärten” (Animal midgets in July 23 our gardens); the topic on July 14 is “Von der Atacamawüste bis in Storytelling in St. Johannspark die Antarktis—Pflanzen Chiles” (From the Atacama Desert to the Ant- Koyo Kouoh is founder and director of the Raw Material Company, arctic—the plants of Chile); the topic on July 28 is “Datteln, Kokos & a mobile exhibition space for art and discourse in Dakar. Kouoh will July 3 Carnaubawachs—alles von der Palme” (Dates, coconut & carnauba discuss her understanding of social design and elaborate on how the The Jukibu Intercultural Library is inviting all story lovers to the tent wax—everything from the palm tree); and the topic on August 18 is Raw Material Company and similar centers for contemporary art in in St. Johannspark from 15:00-17:00 to listen to stories. This activity “Koriander, Kümmel und Schierling—Vielfalt der Doldenblütler” (Co- Africa are setting social and political transformations in motion. As is ideal for toddlers with their parents. For a current list of events at riander, caraway, and hemlock—the variety of apiaceae). a curator specializing in photography, video, and public installations, the library please visit their website. she is extremely well acquainted with the contemporary art scene https://botgarten.unibas.ch/veranstaltungen/index.php www.jukibu.ch in Africa and creates international exhibition projects. This English- language talk will take place at the Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Singing Workshop Rhein, Germany, at 18:00; admission is free. Maker Library—Drop-in Workshop July 13 www.design-museum.de July 4 and August 1 If you would like to sing a variety As a part of the exhibition “Maker Library Network,” young designers of songs from various cultures Kids Art Camps will be working publicly in the Vitra Design Museum Gallery. Visitors in a group setting, then come August 3-7 of all ages are invited to take part and join in the process of creating to the Igelsaal in Kannenfeld new designs. This English-language workshop will take place at the Park to sing under the direction Art Centro offers five ateliers of creative expression using various Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein, Germany, starting at 12:00; of voice teacher Alain Briccola. techniques, including painting outdoors with water colors and acryl- admission is free. Sessions run from 16:30-17:45 ics on canvas. These workshops are for kids ages 4-7 (9:00-11:00) and www.design-museum.de for singers over age 60, 18:00- 8-12 (13:00-15:30) at the old Warteck brewery in Basel (Burgweg 15). 19:15 for singers over age 40, and 19:30-21:00 for singers under A class for teenagers can be added upon request. To register, contact age 40. No registration necessary, simply show up and bring a CHF5 Kohlene Hendrickson at [email protected]. Archeology Workshops for Kids Augusta Raurica participation fee. www.kohlene.com/workshops July 6-10 www.kannenfeld.ch Augst, Baselland The Archäologische Bodenforschung Local and Expat Conversation The archeological ruins of this Roman settlement, only 20 minutes (Archeological Ground Research) Ba- Book Workshop at the Jukibu from Basel, are still continually being excavated to uncover life as it sel-Stadt is inviting kids ages 6-12 to August 19 was in Roman times. In addition to the ruins you can visit, the site dive into the fascinating world of ar- July 13-17 The GGG Ausländerberatung, an organization that helps foreigners in also houses a museum that displays the artifacts discovered here; a cheology. In these 3-hour workshops The Jukibu Intercultural Library will be hosting Leporellokids and Basel, organizes these ”Stammtische”—regular informal discussions theater with occasional concerts, plays, and other events; and an ani- (Monday to Friday from 9:00-12:00 or from 14:00-17:00) kids can dig “The Book of Beasts” by Edith Nesbit, a summer holiday course where between locals and newcomers to Basel that already have a reason- mal park that is open year-round to the public. From May to October, and do research as archeologists—they make discoveries, identify ob- kids ages 8-12 are invited to read, sketch, draw, and design their own able knowledge of German. The aim is to help locals and foreigners Augusta Raurica is also hosting a variety of workshops and activi- jects, and solve puzzles. Meeting point is at the info office “Murus Gal- scroll with illustrator Elena Pini and her colleagues. The course will understand each other and learn to live together in harmony. The ties for families to get fun hands-on experience while learning about licus“ at Rittergasse 4 in Basel; cost is CHF5. You can register directly run from 9:30-11:30 daily for five days; cost is CHF15 for all five ses- Stammtisch takes place at Café zum Isaak (Münsterplatz 16) at 19:30. life in Roman times. For a full description and schedule of these ac- online; note that you need to use more than one registration form if sion (CHF10 for Jukibu library-card holders). Registration forms are If you would like to attend, you need to register online for “Stammtisch tivities, check out our May 2015 issue of Basel Life Magazine in our registering more than one child. available at the library. für Deutschsprechende” up until one week before; cost is free. archives at www.basellife.com. www.archaeologie.bs.ch www.jukibu.ch www.ggg-ab.ch/stammtisch.html www.augustaraurica.ch

20 Basel Life Magazine / www.basellife.com photo credits: © archäologische bodenforschung, © antoine tempé (koyo kouoh), © jon hoefer, © susanne schenker (römerfest) July/August 2015 21 Sports and Recreation

Summer Swim Classes for Kids Rowing Trial Afternoon August 3-14 August 15 and 16 If you have difficulty fitting swimming lessons into your winter sched- The Basler Ruder-Club (Basel Rowing Club) is inviting youth ages 12- ule, why not enroll the kids into 2-week intensive lessons in the sum- 15 for a rowing try-out on the third weekend of August from 14:00- mertime? Schwimmschule A-Z offers classes for kids ages 4 and up 16:00. The Basler Ruder-Club is located at Grenzacherstrasse 536 in at the Naturbad Riehen (www.naturbadriehen.ch) from August 3-14. Riehen, near the Grenzacher Zoll (border). You can contact them at There are seven different levels of classes designated by animals [email protected]; try-outs are free. (Krebs, Seepferd, Frosch, Pinguin, Tintenfisch, Krokodil, and Eis- www.basler-ruder-club.ch bär). Register by phone at 079-758-2288 or by email at schwimm-a-z@ bluewin.ch; classes cost CHF50 (not including entrance to the pool). The Basel Sports Department offers the same seven levels of swim classes for kids ages 5-13 in several outdoor and indoor pools around Basel daily during the same two weeks (10 lessons), irrespective of Bikefestival Basel where. Last but not least, catch the “Radball & Kunstrad” presenta- weather. Registration for these classes is open until July 3. Classes August 15 and 16 tions, a sort of artistic acrobatics on bikes that require speed, accu- cost CHF50 for kids who live in Basel-Stadt and CHF70 for kids who racy, body contact, balance, elegance, and synchronized movements. live in Baselland. You need to indicate your desired level and three For the 20th year, Basel will be hosting this festival for fans of bicycle Whatever your interests in bicycles, come to the “Schänzli”-Arena preferred classes (pool and time); however, you are not guaranteed racing and stunts as well as for bicycle enthusiasts in general who near St. Jakob—Europe’s largest bike arena—for a weekend of bike your desired slot as spaces are limited and classes fill up quickly. Go like to witness the energy of cycling. Spread over two days, the Bike- fun! Entrance is free. to their website and fill out the registration form directly online at festival Basel will host various cycling events, including the final race For those who would like to jump on the saddle themselves, the fes- www.ed-bs.ch/jfs/sport/sportangebote/kinder-und- of the BMC Racing Cup and thus the last chance for European, World, tival also includes the BLKB Bike Challenge on Saturday, August 15. jugendliche/sommer-schwimmkurse/anmeldung-sommer- and Olympic champions to win points. This event is not a race but a tour in which neither timing nor ranking schwimmkurse-2015. Note that the classes at St. Jakob offer aqua- jogging for adults at the same time! To register for aqua-jogging, Another thrilling event to watch is the EBM Minidrome, where profes- is important, but first and foremost the joy of biking. With four differ- ent routes that range from 26 km to 110 km and correspond to the bik- go to the website and click on “Information und Anmeldeformular sional cyclists race around a small, oval, slanted track, creating an Aqua-Jogging 2015” to download the registration form and send it exciting buzz of speed, centrifugal forces, and the inevitable competi- ers’ abilities, as well as spectacular views, this event aims to motivate large sections of the population to engage in sports while discovering to Sportangebote, Grenzacherstrasse 405, 4058 Basel (registration tion. If you prefer jumps and stunts, then don’t miss the Pepita Dirt deadline for Aqua-Jogging is July 24). Jump Show with the best tricks at Bikefestival Basel. Here, world- Basel’s beautiful surrounds. Visit their website to see a map of the class athletes will have you holding your breath as they defy grav- different tours and register online to participate; registration costs www.ed-bs.ch/jfs/sport/sportangebote/kinder-und- ity with their jumps. The obstacles are newly designed and combined range from CHF30-50, with an additional fee for late registration. jugendliche/sommer-schwimmkurse each year to set the highest standard for adrenaline junkies every- www.bikefestival-basel.ch Basler Bruggelauf (The Basel Bridge Run) Skateboard School August 16 August 8 and 22 The Basler Bruggelauf is so named because the course leads across Get Fit This Summer! Monday Night Skate seven bridges over the Rhein and Birs. Kids, teens, families, recre- If you would like your kids to July 13 and 27, August 10 ational runners, and elite runners are all invited to participate in the The organization Gsünder Basel (Healthier Basel) will be offering a learn to skateboard, you can and 24 10th edition of this run whose motto is “Mitmachen ist wichtiger als range of fitness classes this summer. In a great indoor location at sign them up for skateboard Gewinnen” (Participating is more important than winning)! Aeschenplatz, you can enroll in Pilates, aroha, yoga, early-bird yoga, If you are a fairly good in- school. Classes are held ev- polarity yoga, and power fitness with weights (table tennis is also line skater and would like ery second Saturday from The event features several runs of various lengths. The longest one available at the Unispital). Classes start in early July and end in mid- to participate in a long skate 13:00-14:30 for kids ages 5 is the actual Bruggelauf, with a total of 16.1km (10 miles); it includes August; cost is only CHF120. Register now directly on their website at with a large group of people, and up. Kids are divided into two rounds around the old town as well as the circuit along the Rhein, www.gsuenderbasel.ch/sommerkurse to reserve your spot. this might be for you! Every groups from beginners to and there are several age categories for this run for both men and If you prefer to exercise outdoors with other people, Gsünder Basel also second Monday evening, you experienced and learn bal- women. Those who feel they are not up to the challenge of the full organizes various classes in the beautiful parks of the Basel region to can come to Theodorskirch- ance, coordination, strength, jumps, tricks, and techniques to improve Bruggelauf can register for one of the shorter circuits, including an keep you fit this summer. These classes are free of charge and no reg- platz and join hundreds of crash safety. There is a minimum of 4 kids and a maximum of 30 kids intermediate 6.0km run consisting of two loops through the old town istration is necessary—simply show up and join in! There are two pro- other skaters on a prede- per lesson and each lesson costs CHF20. You can register online under and a 3.0km “beginners” run with only one loop through the old town. grams: Spring und Gump, which is ideal for the whole family, and Aktiv! termined guided route. The “Anmeldung” or contact Corey Tschudin at [email protected]. In a separate category, teens ages 13-17 will follow the same 3.0km skate begins at 20:00 and loop around the old town. Finally, kids ages 6-12 can participate in a Im Sommer, ideally suited for adults. For a complete list of classes, www.skateboardschool.ch times, and parks, visit their website or check out the June 2015 issue of ends around 21:45, warm-up starts at 19:00. Be sure to wear the 1.2km run along the Rhein. All runs start and end on the Kleinbasel Basel Life Magazine in our archives at www.basellife.com. proper safety equipment! These skates are not intended for begin- side of the Rhein at Kaserne at 10:30, except for the kids’ run, which ners! In case of bad weather, the decision to cancel will be made at Acrobatics Summer Classes starts at 12:30. The ceremony to announce the winners will com- www.gsuenderbasel.ch 18:00; notification by SMS. For more info, visit their website and be August 10-14 mence at 13:00, so be sure to stick around and enjoy the festivities. sure to click on Basel (this site is in German, French, and English). There will be many tents set up with food, music, and more. Whether your child is completely new at acrobatics or wants to im- Paddling Trial Class www.nightskate.ch prove certain techniques, the Acroballet Center offers one-week Registration: You can register online for any category of the Brugge- July 5 and August 15 classes in August where each child’s training will be based on their lauf until Wednesday, August 12, at http://baslerbruggelauf.ch/der- individual level and wishes. Classes will take place in their large stu- lauf/anmeldung/. The 16.1km Bruggelauf costs CHF35, the 6.0km In this one-time trial lesson you can try out stand-up paddling (SUP), Beach Volleyball Tournament kayaking, Canadier, and canoeing—alone or in pairs; sitting, kneel- dio equipped with a variety of equipment, mats, foam elements, a intermediate run costs CHF25, the 3.0km beginners’ and teenagers’ ing, standing; using a paddle or double-paddling; Eskimo; and more. August 1-4 TumblTrack, and an Airtrack. Kids ages 4-6 will learn basic floor ac- run costs CHF10, and the 1.2km children’s run is free. Late registra- Trial classes are from 13:00-17:00 (July 5) or 14:00-18:00 (August 15). The Coop Beachtour, the highest national robatics from 9:00-10:30 and kids ages 7-16 will learn floor, partner, tions will be accepted on Saturday, August 15, from 17:30-19:30, and Meeting place is the Birskopf on the Basel side (left side if you are tournament series in Switzerland, will take and aerial acrobatics from 10:40-12:40. There are also more intensive on Sunday, August 16, from 8:30-10:00 in the gymnasium at Kaserne looking in the direction of the river’s flow). Bring personal equipment place at Barfüsserplatz for the 19th time. classes for kids ages 7 and up to learn floor, partner, and aerial ac- (Turnhalle Kaserne) for an additional late fee of CHF5. Note that kids (bathing suit, t-shirt, sunscreen, shoes that can get wet); everything From Saturday to Tuesday, visitors will be robatics from 10:40-16:30, which includes a lunch break provided by can late register until 12:00 on the day of the race. else (paddle equipment, boats, life jackets, etc.) will be provided. spoiled with beach volleyball at its best as the center. Costs for the classes are CHF160, CHF220, and CHF460, Start Numbers: Number bibs will be handed out at the Kaserne on Knowing how to swim is a pre-requisite. Cost is CHF15 for adults and Switzerland’s top teams compete agains pro- respectively. All classes will end with a demonstration to family and August 15 from 17:30-19:30, as well as on August 16 starting at 8:30. CHF10 for kids up to age 16; there are only 30 spaces available, so beach volleyball teams from around the world friends on the last day. Register for your spot directly online, by email The bibs are equipped with data chips that will calculate the time. register quickly directly online. for four days to win the tournament in Basel. to [email protected], or by calling them at 061-271-4405. Be sure to return these at the end of the race to avoid a charge. www.globepaddler.ch http://basel.coopbeachtour.ch www.acroballet.ch/de/aktuell/ferienkurse.html http://baslerbruggelauf.ch/

22 Basel Life Magazine / www.basellife.com photo credits: © maasewerd (bike festival), © mns, © coop beachtour, © basler bruggelauf July/August 2015 23 Sports and Recreation (continued) Get Going!

Familien Spieltreff (Family Play-Meet) and female U20/23 categories. There will be a number of sprints Swimming in the Rhein August 18 and 25 (from 100m-800m), runs (1500m and 5000m), hurdles (110m and 400m), long jump, high jump, pole vault, shot put, disc, javelin, and hammer If swimming in a natural body of water is more appealing to you than On Tuesday evenings from 17:00-19:00, kids, teens, and families are throw. To participate in a given discipline, you must have achieved a a swimming pool, then try a swim (or rather a float) down the Rhein. invited to play4you to discover a variety of activities, such as juggling, minimum standard, which can be found at www.oldboysbasel.ch/files/ trick yo-yo, stacking, diabolo, kiwido, and more, as well as numer- The water temperature is a refreshing 18-23°C during the summer ausschreibungen/2015/2015-08-29_SM_U23-U20_Limiten.pdf. The ous classic and modern games. Most games are self-explanatory, but months (the daily temperature is displayed on a sign located on the registration fee is CHF20 per discipline. To learn more about this there is always a friendly staff on hand to show, explain, and even play competition, you can contact Franz Frey at 061-911-9241 or 079-415- Rhein near Kaserne), and the water quality is measured sporadi- with you. Entrance costs CHF8 for kids, CHF12 for adults, and CHF25 1443, send an e-mail to [email protected], or go to their website. cally with generally good results. (For information about water test- for families; discounts with Familienpass. In der Ziegelei, Atelier T25 in Oberwil, Hohestrasse 134. www.oldboysbasel.ch ing, go to www.kantonslabor-bs.ch.) www.play4you.ch/agenda Where to Swim Cycling Classes for Beginners FC BASEL SCHEDULE SUMMER 2015 As the Rhein is a major shipping route, it is important to only swim in Starts August 26 SUMMER SWIMMING IN BASEL the almost 2km of permissible swimming lanes within the Basel city limits, most of which are found on the Kleinbasel side. The permissible These courses organized by Gsünder Basel (Healthier Basel) are for FC Basel 1893 (Fussball / Soccer) On a warm and sunny summer day, there is no better way to beat the swimming lane on the Kleinbasel side begins at the small, rocky beach adults who have never learned to ride a bicycle. In a safe environ- Red: Home Game @ St. Jakob Stadion area located just below the Schwarzwaldbrücke, next to the Tinguely ment, students will learn the balance and coordination needed for heat than by enjoying a nice dip in cool water. Situated on the banks of the museum, and continues almost all the way to the Dreirosenbrücke. riding and turning. The courses included five classes of 2 hours each. Rhein and home to beautiful outdoor public swimming pools, the city of Date Time Home Team Guests There are several places along the way where it is relatively easy to en- If the learners progress quickly enough, they will be taken on short Basel has no shortage of opportunities for water fun. Whether you want to ter and exit the water. For families with younger swimmers, it is recom- tours on city streets with little traffic. The classes take place either Sun., July 19 13:45 FC Basel 1893 FC Vaduz take your toddler for some splashy fun at the local paddling pool, let your mended to exit just before or shortly after the Johanniterbrücke. The at the Verkehrsgarten Erlenmatt from 9:00-11:00 on five consecutive Sat., July 25 20:00 Grasshopper Club FC Basel 1893 entire float takes around 15-20 minutes, but you can enter or exit at any Wednesdays or at the Verkehrsgarten Wasgenring from 18:00-20:00 teens blow off some steam on the slides or test their nerves on the diving Sat., Aug. 1 15:00 FC Basel 1893 FC Sion point along the way.—There are only two smaller permissible swim- on five consecutive Thursdays. Courses start the fourth week of Au- boards, enjoy a romantic night swim by candlelight, or leisurely float down ming lanes on the Grossbasel side of the Rhein. The first one starts just gust and cost only CHF65 for all five classes. To register, call 061-551- Sat., Aug. 8 20:00 FC Luzern FC Basel 1893 the Rhein, the possibilities are plentiful. below the Schwarzwaldbrücke and ends shortly before the Münster, 0120 or go to their website and look for “Velofahrkurse für Erwach- Wed., Aug. 12 19:45 FC Basel 1893 FC Thun and the second one starts just below the Klingental Fähre and ends sene” (bicycle riding classes for adults). Sat., Aug. 22 N/A FC Lugano FC Basel 1893 Outdoor Pools in the Basel Area shortly before the St.Johann. To download an English-language flyer www.gsuenderbasel.ch Sun., Aug. 30 16:00 FC Basel 1893 FC Zürich with important swimming guidelines and a map of the safe swimming Outdoor Pools in Basel lanes, go to www.polizei.bs.ch/verkehr/rhein/schwimmen-im-rhein. Prices range from CHF20-75 for adults in regular seating. Children ages Swiss Youth Track-and-Field Championship The city of Basel has three main outdoor swim parks (Gartenbäder): html and click on “Guidelines for swimmers in the .” 6-16 receive a discount of 25% in the regular seating areas. There is a August 29 and 30 St. Jakob, Eglisee, and Bachgraben. These large parks are equipped special area for families and young adults (up to age 22) with slightly with several pools for serious swimmers, non-swimmers, children, Group Swimming The Leichtathletik-Sektion (Track-and-Field Division) of Old Boys lower prices. For more information on seats and pricing, visit their website: and divers, as well as slides, playgrounds, beach volleyball, table Basel will be organizing a track-and-field competition for both male www.fcb.ch/de-ch/stadion/stadionplan-preise#preise. As it is not recommended to swim alone, the Sports Department Basel- tennis, restaurants, and much more. They are wonderful places for Stadt organizes a free “group float” at 17:45 every Tuesday in July and families to spend a lazy warm day. The regular season ends on Sep- August, for participants of all ages. Simply show up at Solitude Park un- tember 13, with the exception of St. Jakob with its heated outdoor pool, derneath the Tinguely Museum. In the event of iffy weather, you can call which should remain open until September 27, weather permitting. 061-267-5740 to hear if the event will still be taking place. To learn more, www.jfs.bs.ch/fuer-sportlerinnen-und-sportler/sportanlagen/gar- go to www.ed-bs.ch/jfs/sport/sportangebote/fuer-alle/begleitetes- tenbaeder.html. rheinschwimmen.

Outdoor Pool in Riehen Rheinschwimmen (August 18) The Naturbad (nature swimming pool) in Riehen is idyllically situated On the third Tuesday in August, every- on the edge of a country-park meadow. It resembles a natural lake or one is invited to float down the Rhein river, but the latest technology and a special water treatment plant en- together in an annual tradition called sure a consistently high water quality with a visual depth of at last two “Rheinschwimmen.” Thousands plunge meters. They offer a large toddlers’ wading pool with fun water games; into the water simultaneously, any- a special non-swimmers’ area with a beach, a slide, and a float; as well where along the permissible swim- as a separate diving pool. www.naturbadriehen.ch. ming lane on the Kleinbasel side, and let the current carry them downstream. Outdoor Pools near Basel All boat traffic is temporarily halted You can also find several outdoor pools in neighboring France (St. for this event, which starts at 18:00. Louis) and Germany (Lörrach, Weil am Rhein, and Grenzach-Whylen), Whether you participate or simply come to watch, this is an event worth as well as in surrounding Baselland, including Aesch-Pfeffingen, marking! In case of bad weather or high water it will be postponed to Arlesheim, Bettingen, Binningen, Bottmingen, Dornach, Gelterkin- August 25. All participants receive a commemorative medal. den, Laufen, Liestal, Pratteln, Reinach, Rheinfelden, and Sissach. www.rheinschwimmen.ch For a complete list of these pools and what they have to offer, check out the May 2014 issue of Basel Family Magazine in our archives at Bath Houses on the Rhein (Rheinbäder) www.basellife.com. Several platforms have been built over the Rhein on the Grossbasel side for lounging, sunbathing, or swimming in the river, with changing Moonlight Swim in Basel rooms and lockers that can be rented. The art nouveau Rhybadhysli On July 2 and August 29, the Gartenbad Bachgraben will be hosting a Breiti (near Breite) has two platforms for sunbathing, a shop, a res- Vollmondschwimmen (full moon swim) until 24:00, weather permitting. taurant, and a food kiosk; the historical Rhybadhysli Santihans near Swimming by candle- and moonlight is a unique experience. Restau- St. Johann offers a basin for swimmers and non-swimmers. Note that rant will be open on the upper level, as well as the kiosk and showers. these have no lifeguards on duty! www.badi-info.ch/bs/bachgraben.html www.badi-info.ch/bs/basel.html

24 Basel Life Magazine / www.basellife.com photo credits: © basel tourismus July/August 2015 25 Did You Know?

Sinfonieorchester Basel’s 2015-2016 Season Unveiled each of the 3 years. Note that renewing your 3-year card by July 31 will you can find special recommended trips and tours during the sum- only be a savings to you if your current 3-year card is not valid beyond mer time for reduced prices at www.sbb.ch/freizeitshop. The Halb- In August 2015, the Sinfonieorchester Basel (SOB) will start its new December 31, 2015. In all other cases, it is best to buy the 1-year card tax Abo and the GA (General Abo) can be applied for discounts on season—its last under the direction of its principal conductor Dennis after the expiration of your current card and renew it every 12 months. both train tickets and bike rentals, and combi tickets are especially Russell Davies and the last one before the Stadt-Casino closes for reno- advantageous. However, in the busier months, be sure to book your vations and expansions for 3 years, beginning in the summer of 2016. www.sbb.ch/en/travelcards-and-tickets/railpasses/half-fare- travelcard.html rental bike (www.rentabike.ch) before purchasing your train ticket. The concert programs for the coming season represent a lively dialogue To download a German brochure with all of the bike-rental stations, between past and present. Great classics of the symphonic orches- bicycle options, maps, and suggested bicycle tours, go to www.sbb. tral literature, like Symphony No. 3 by Johannes Brahms, Symphony Hassle-Free Cycling in Switzerland With Bike Rentals ch/bahnhof-services/auto-velo/mieten-und-ausleihen/mietvelo. No. 8 by Antonín Dvořák, Symphony No. 3 by Jean Sibelius, and Sympho- html and click on “Mietvelobroschüre” on the right side of the page. With over 10,000 kilometers of marked bicycle trails in Switzerland, ny No. 5 by Gustav Mahler, are contrasted by works from the collections cycling is a great way to experience this beautiful country. There are www.sbb.ch/mietvelo of the Paul Sacher Foundation, including pieces by Igor Stravinsky, Wi- 200 bike rental stations all over Switzerland with perfectly maintained told Lutosławski, Darius Milhaud, Bohuslav Martinů, Alberto Ginastera, rental bikes for the whole family, from country bikes and mountain Guided Tours Through and Hans Werner Henze. A special focus will be on contemporary music, bikes to e-bikes, tandems, Fatbikes, children’s bicycles, and trailers. with four world premieres and one Swiss premiere on the program. Par- Basel on a Vintage Tram Eighty such bike rental stations can be found directly at SBB train sta- ticular highlights are the topics concerts in honor of two special anni- tions, so you can travel comfortably by train to your destination, pick If you have guests coming to versaries for Pierre Boulez (90 years) and Alberto Ginastera (100 years). up your bikes, and go off on your adventure. In many cases, you can Basel this summer, why not In addition, the SOB will continue with its other successful concert even return your rental bikes at another train station! let them discover our quaint formats, which include three chamber-music Sunday matinees called There are various bike tours city from a completely differ- “Promenades” (in cooperation with Gare du Nord), four literary concerts and trails for everyone’s cali- ent perspective—by riding on in the series “Schwarz auf Weiss” at the Basel Papiermühle (Paper Mill), ber and needs: You can cycle one of Basel’s vintage 1920’s trams? The Basel Tourism office orga- the late-night “Cube Sessions” concerts in partnership with the Kup- around lakes, through farm- nizes such 1-hour city tours every Sunday (except on the day of the pel, and—new for this season—three cocktail concerts at the Salle Belle land, in the countryside, IWB marathon, held this year on September 27). On these tours, pas- Époque of the Hotel Les Trois Rois. The free open rehearsal visits during visit a national park, use sengers will discover the fascinating history of Basel from ancient to lunch time entitled “Punkt 12” were met with great enthusiasm, as were an e-bike over moun- modern times. Tours are in German and English and start at 10:30 and the annotated school concerts, and both programs will therefore be tains and glaciers, or 11:45 from the tram platform in front of the SBB train station. Price offered again in the coming season. For the youngest symphony-goers, go on a culinary ad- is CHF25 for adults and CHF12.50 for children. Reserve your place by the SOB has organized three “mini.musik” concerts that are aimed at venture with visits to calling 061-268-6868 or emailing them at [email protected], or simply stimulating children’s appreciation and understanding of music and wineries on your way. drop by one of the Basel Tourism offices at Barfüsserplatz or the SBB. instruments. Options abound and www.basel.com For a complete list of concerts, go to www.sinfonieorchesterbasel.ch/konzerte. Subscriptions for SOB concerts are available now at the Stadt-Casino or through their website at www.sinfonieorchesterbasel.ch/abonnements. There are several types of Abonnement (subscriptions): Abonnement A gives you tickets to 8 concerts, Abonnement B gives you tickets to 6 con- certs, and the Wahl-Abos allow you to choose 6 out of 8 concerts, or 4 out of 6 concerts, each with substantial savings over buying individual tickets. If you are a fan of the symphony, you may be interested in becoming a member of the Symphony Club, which is an open platform for all English speakers living in and around Basel who have an interest in classical music. The Club’s mission is to foster an environment in which new arrivals to Basel, along with seasoned long-term English-speaking residents, locals, and orchestra members can come together with their common en- thusiasm for classical music. Members will be offered exclusive packages this season and new opportunities to get together through a series of pre-concert talks (“Classical Conversations”) as well as after-concert mix-and-mingles. Members will receive a monthly newsletter in English via e-mail with information on all of the orchestra’s activities, rehearsals, events, and performances as well as the Club’s activities. Membership is open to all and is completely free; you can sign up on their website at www.sinfonieorchesterbasel.ch/symphonyclub.


Importing Alcohol Into Switzerland are pulled over, provide them with one of the two copies of the cus- toms declaration; if you have not declared your items, you have com- Any person 18 years of age or older is entitled to import alcohol into mitted a criminal offence. For more information on duty-free limits, Switzerland for private consumption or as a gift. Your duty-free limits go to www.ezv.admin.ch/zollinfo_privat/04342/04343/05761/index. are 5 liters of alcoholic beverages with less than 18% alcohol by vol- html?lang=en. ume plus 1 liter of alcoholic beverages with more than 18% alcohol by volume per person per day. If you wish to bring more than your allow- ance back into Switzerland, you may do so by declaring the amount Changes to the Halbtax Abo and paying a duty of CHF2 per liter (under 18%) or CHF15 per liter (above 18%) for the total amount, not just the amount over the limit. The Halbtax Abo (Half-Fare travel card) allows the holder to travel for If a border crossing is not staffed, it is your duty to fill in a “Customs half of the regular price on all trains, many trams and busses, as well declaration for tourist traffic” form provided at the border; Swiss cus- as most boats and gondolas around Switzerland (note that less expen- toms have installed so-called “decla- sive options like local tram/bus travel are discounted less than 50%). ration boxes” for this purpose. Fill in Therefore, if you do not own a car and/or travel frequently by tram, bus, and sign the form, place the original or train, purchase of this card can lead to significant savings for you. and the receipts for the listed items Until now you could purchase the Halbtax Abo for 1, 2, or 3 years at a in the appropriate slot, and retain the time, with a lower cost per year if you committed to the 2- or 3-year op- other two copies. A pay-in slip for tax tions. Starting mid-June of this year, the 2- and 3-year options will be and duty charged will be sent to you suspended and you will only be able to purchase 1-year Halbtax Abos. by mail. You can still be subjected to However, if you currently hold a 3-year Halbtax card that is valid un- inspections for up to 1 kilometer after til at least July 31, 2015, you can renew it for another 3 years before you have entered Switzerland! If you August 1, 2015, to again benefit from the savings of CHF25 per year for

26 Basel Life Magazine / www.basellife.com photo credits: © sinfonieorchesterbasel, © basel tourismus July/August 2015 27 Special Feature: Music Festivals Summer 2015

Line-up: Lionel Richie, Melissa Etheridge, Bob Dylan, 18:00, concerts are from 20:30-23:00, and Tickets: Tickets cost CHF50-150 and up and are Sophie Hunger, Patti Smith, Sinéad catering from some of Zürich’s finest available at www.ticketcorner.ch O’Connor, The Hooters, and many more restaurants will be available until 24:00. Website: www.blueballs.ch Tickets: Tickets cost €29-64 for individual concerts; Line-up: Gianna Nannini, Lionel Richie, Tom Odell, locations passes and combi-tickets are also ZZ Top, John Legend, Roxette, Anastacia, available at www.stimmen.com and more Name: Stars in Town Website: www.stimmen.com Tickets: Tickets are CHF60-260 and are available at www.starticket.ch Date: August 5-9 Website: www.liveatsunset.ch Location: , SH Name: HILLCHILL 2015 Distance from Basel: About 1½ hours by car; there is a large parking Date: July 3 and 4 garage under the fes- Location: Riehen, BS Name: Moon and Stars tival square itself. You Distance from Basel: About 10 minutes; can Date: July 8-18 can also take the train to Schaffhausen and be reached by taking Location: Locarno, TI reach the festival square in 10 minutes by bus 3, 4, or 6 (stop called Schützenhaus). tram 6 to “Fondation Distance from Basel: 3 Hours by car; best to Beyeler” and then take the train to Description: The festival takes place on the Herrenacker walking through the park entrance across Locarno, the venue is Square in the center of the old town of from the entrance to the Fondation Beyeler. about 500m from Schaffhausen; once used for jousting and Description: At this two-day open-air concert in the main station. tournaments in the Middle Ages, it is considered the most beautiful square in Sarasinpark in Riehen, various bands will Description: The concerts take place each evening on play from 17:00-24:00 on Friday and 16:00- German Switzerland. Weekday shows start Each summer, Switzerland is home to many open-air festivals featur- the Piazza Grande in the center of town. The at 18:30, Saturday’s main shows start at 24:00 on Saturday. Pay as you like—you get to venue, which accommodates about 12,000 ing world-renowned music acts of many different musical styles; this 17:30, and Sunday’s concerts start at 15:00. decide what it is worth to you to get onto the spectators, will open at 19:00, and concerts grounds! Late-night shows on Friday and Saturday summer is no exception. The following is not a comprehensive list, but begin at 20:30. start after 22:00. Line-up: Navel, Heisskalt, Johnny Rakete, Äl Jawala, includes the festivals closest to Basel, as well as some of the more Line-up: Sam Smith, John Legend, Roxette, Santana, Line-Up: Manfred Mann’s Earth Band, Lo & Leduc, Umse, and many more Stromae, Lenny Kravitz, Bob Dylan, Marina important distant ones. For most of these events parking is limited, so Passenger, John Butler Trio, James Gruntz, Tickets: Tickets are available at the entrance; pay and the Diamonds, Stress, and many more Sunrise Avenue, Pegasus, Bastian Baker, taking the train is recommended. The SBB offers special “Railaway-Kom- what you like! Tickets: Tickets cost CHF90.90 and up and are Marc Sway, and more bi” tickets or discounted train tickets to many of these festivals; simply Website: www.hillchill.ch available at www.ticketcorner.ch Tickets: Day passes cost CHF89 (CHF60 on Sunday) ask at your SBB ticket office. In addition, many festivals are sponsored Website: www.moonandstars.ch and are available at www.starticket.ch or www.ticketcorner.ch by Migros and you can get 20% off ticket prices by ordering them on the Name: Montreux Jazz Festival Website: www.starsintown.ch Migros website (www.migros.ch/cumulus-ticketshop) and input- Date: July 3-18 Name: Summerstage ting your Migros Cumulus number. Location: Montreux, VD Date: July 9-11 Name: Open Air Basel Distance from Basel: 2.5 Hours; best to go by Location: Park Im Grünen, Basel train as parking is Date: August 14 and 15 Name: Stars of Sounds 2015 Description: This is a three-day event limited. Special train with three acts on Location: Kaserne, Basel Date: July 2-5 discounts apply for the Thursday and Friday festival, and the train station is only a few Description: Open Air Basel offers Location: Murten, FR nights, and five acts on six different bands minutes’ walk from the festival site. Saturday. The venue opens at 17:30 on Distance from Basel: 1.5 Hours by car, or take playing over the course of two days, a water Description: Since 1967, the Montreux Jazz Festival has Thursday and Friday and at 15:30 on the train to Murten workshop for kids, and a free afternoon dance become a “must” for music fans in Saturday. Concert grounds can be reached party to Nomidance starting at 14:00. Description: Concerts will take place Switzerland and around the world, each by tram 14. on the festival grounds Line-up: Mark Lanegan Band, The Notwist, Little Dragon, year offering an impressive line-up of acts Line-up: Max Herre & Kahedi Radio Orchestra, right by the Murtensee (lake), Maribou State Live, Michael Kiwanuka, and Sohn from many different musical styles. There Katie Melua, We Invented Paris, Patent 5 minutes away from the center of the will be hundreds of paid and free concerts in Ochsner, Lo & Leduc, James Gruntz, and Tickets: One-day passes cost CHF35 and 2-day passes picturesque town. about 15 different venues, including concert more are CHF45; they can be purchased through Line-up: Seven, Katie Melua, John Newman, Death by halls, outdoor stages, boats, trains, two www.starticket.ch (CHF5 more if purchased Tickets: Tickets are CHF65-85 and are available at Chocolate, Roger Hodgson (formerly of palaces, a hotel, a castle, and many parks. on site) www.actnews.ch Supertramp), Anastacia, Bastian Baker, The Line-up: George Benson, Sinéad O’Connor, Jackson Baseballs, Lo & Leduc Browne, The Chemical Brothers, Tony Website: www.summerstage.ch Website: www.openairbs.ch Tickets: One-day tickets are available for each day and Bennett, Lady Gaga, Dianne Reeves, David cost CHF50.70-185.80, 2-day tickets (Thu+Fri) Sanborn, Jason Moran, Lionel Richie, Toto, Lenny Kravitz, Santana, Chick Corea, Herbie cost CHF145.80; tickets are available at Name: Blue Balls Festival Name: Zürich Openair www.ticketcorner.ch Hancock, Melody Gardot, and many more Date: July 17-25 Date: August 26-29 Website: www.starsofsounds.ch Tickets: Tickets are CHF41.20-286.90 and are available at www.montreuxjazzfestival.com Location: Luzern, LU Location: Zürich Website: www.montreuxjazzfestival.com Distance from Basel: 1 Hour Distance from Basel: 1 Hour Name: Stimmenfestival Description: This is one of Switzer- Description: The concerts with land’s largest and most around a dozen bands Date: July 2-26 renowned music and arts Name: Live at Sunset each day take place Location: Lörrach, Germany (and festivals, bringing together pop, blues, rock, at the festival grounds other locations in Date: July 3-19 jazz, soul, funk, and world music as well as at Glattbrugg/Rümlang, which open at 15:00 on Switzerland and France) Location: Zürich photography, art, video, film, and talk shows. Wednesday and Thursday, 14:00 on Friday, and Against the backdrop of the one-of-a-kind Distance from Basel: All locations within 45 13:00 on Saturday. Distance from Basel: 1 Hour; best to go by train scenery around the Vierwaldstättersee (Lake minutes from Basel and then take the tram or Lucerne), concerts take place on three differ- Line-Up: The Libertines, Seeed, Paul Kalkbrenner Skrillex, Description: This year marks the 22nd edition of the bus to Römerhof and the ent stages at the KKL (Kultur- und Kongress- Alt-J, Kasabian, Fatboy Slim, Bastille, hot chip, Stimmenfestival, a multi-country festival that Dolderbahn train up to the zentrum Luzern), the outdoor pavilion, and the and many more hosts numerous concerts featuring per- festival area at the top of the mountain. Schweizerhof hotel. formers from the national and international Tickets: You can buy day passes for 1 day (CHF92), 2 days Description: This top-class open-air festival takes place Line-Up: Anna Calvi & 21st Century Orchestra, Melody music scene, including Grammy-Award (CH146), 3 days (CH187), or 4 days (CHF218); in a scenic wooded area at Zürich’s Adlisberg, Gardot, Alex Hepburn, Jamie Cullum, Lianne winners and top stars of rock and pop music, tickets are available at www.starticket.ch with incredible views of the city and sunset La Havas, Aloe Blacc, Rodrigo Y Gabriela, and classical music, and jazz singing. (hence the name). The venue opens at many more Website: http://zurichopenair.ch

28 Basel Life Magazine / www.basellife.com photo credits: © all photographs in this section are used with permission of each given event promoter. all rights reserved. July/August 2015 29

Entertainment: Night on the Town Dance Night Dance-Stream July 18 and August 8 August 15 “Tanznacht40” dance parties are for those who have at least 40 years Want to dance the night away in a stylish location? Dance-Stream Concerts on the Rhein under their belts. This event will take place at the Querfeld-Halle is held once per month at the Restaurant Hofmatt in Münchenstein July 28 – August 15 (Halle 8), Dornacherstrasse 192, Basel; the parties will run from from 20:00-02:00. Dance to the music of today, as well as to oldies “Im Fluss” is a series of concerts played every night on a large 21:00-03:00. The party on July 18 will be with DJ Ice, and the party on and styles like Latin, disco fox, standard, and more with DJ Bruno; stage floating near the Mittlere Brücke on the Kleinbasel August 8 will be with DJ Bruno; admission is CHF15. Friends, couples, entrance costs CHF15. side of the Rhein. Concerts start at 20:30 or 21:00 and singles are welcome. www.dance-stream.ch and usually last until about 22:00. The concerts are www.tanznacht40.ch free—simply find yourself a place to sit and enjoy the Basel’s Outdoor Jazz Fest atmosphere. Visit their website for a list of the bands. Open Air Cinema Basel August 21 www.imfluss.ch August 6-30 This year will mark the 32nd edition of the must-experience “Em Throughout the month of Bebbi sy Jazz”—the outdoor jazz event that takes place in Basel every August, the Münsterplatz year on a Friday night in late August. From 18:00 until about 01:00, will once again be trans- dozens of jazz groups, including street bands and choirs with over 500 formed into a large outdoor musicians and singers, will play on several stages set up throughout The Lion King Marc Anthony cinema, with an enormous the city’s center. The festival locations include the central post office, Until October 11 July 7 screen and proper seat- Marktplatz, Fischmarkt, Rümelinsplatz, Gerbergasse, Leonhards- ing. Salt Cinema (previously kirchplatz, Gemsberg, Heuberg, Spalenberg, and Nadelberg. All Enjoy the musical event of the year as Disney‘s original Broadway American-born singer, songwriter, and actor Marc Anthony is the Orange Cinema Basel) will concerts are free! Simply roam around town and stop and listen to musical “The Lion King” is in Switzerland for the first time! Immerse number 1 Latino star in the world. With countless American Music present evening movies for what you like. Various drink and food stands are set up around the city yourself in the colorful world of Africa and a touching story that moves Awards, Grammy Awards, gold and platinum albums, and number a 4-week stretch; there are center, making for a fun evening out. Tip: The event is very crowded, the hearts of people like no other. You will be enchanted by captivat- 1 hits on the Billboard charts, he is definitely a must-see for fans even specially designated family nights. You can buy your tickets on- so don’t bring a stroller! ing African rhythms, the warm spell of the Serengeti, and timeless of Latino music. As a part of his world tour, he will be playing six line or at the box office on the spot. Site and beer garden open at hits like “Circle of Life” and “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” by Elton engagements in Europe this summer, one of which will be at the www.embebbisyjazz.ch 19:00. Be sure to get there early as the seats are not numbered and John and Tim Rice. Experience the musical world success in its mag- Hallenstadion in Zürich on July 7. Tickets can be purchased through are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Note that the gas- nificent original English-version production at the Musical Theater Ticketcorner for CHF159.90-199.90; they are expected to sell out tronomy area closes just prior to the presentation of the movie. The Concert—Burleske Basel. Tickets range from CHF48-148. quickly, so act fast! program will be published on June 26, and tickets will go on sale as of August 26 and 27 www.thelionking.ch www.ticketcorner.ch July 20. Visit their website for more information on this event and for This first concert is a spectacular www.ticketcorner.ch a complete list of the movie dates and times. opener to the 2015-2016 season of George Benson www.saltcinema.ch/basel/basel.html the Sinfonieorchester Basel. It will feature three major works: Stravin- Summer Blues in Basel July 11 sky’s ballet score “Pétrouchka” George Benson is as versatile a musician as they get. Initially playing Königin Liebt Esel (Queen Loves Donkey) July 3 tells the story of the carnival pup- the ukulele, he started as a nightclub singer at 8 years old. Through- August 14 & 15 On this Friday evening, Kleinbasel will be pet Pétrouchka that together with out his career, he has played rock ’n’ roll, jazz, rocking blues, hard the location for the fourth outdoor Blues William Shakespeare’s turbulent romantic comedy “A Midsummer two others comes to life but after a bob, soul, pop, R & B, and country and western. He has worked Festival (4. Glaibasler Bluesfescht). There Night’s Dream” has always been one of his most frequently performed tumultuous relationship involving together with the likes of Miles Davis, Herbie Hancock, and Tony Ben- will be 22 bands playing on 7 stages in and works, inspiring playwrites, composers, and even cinematographers jealousy, fights, and murder ends up as a lifeless puppet once again. nett and has even played guitar on the Beatles album “Abbey Road.” around Claraplatz (Claraplatz, Volkshaus, Manor, Silberberg, Arbeits- to develop their own adaptations. Against the backdrop of the mag- Mozart’s “Strassburger Konzert” is a symbol of the strong relation- Don’t miss this legendary great who will be performing for one amt, Lindenberg, Waisenhaus), as well as another 7 groups taking nificent Roman ruins of Augusta Raurica, the Basel Chamber Orches- ship between the Sinfonieorchester Basel and the Strasburg Phil- night in Switzerland at the KKL Konzertsaal in Luzern, one hour from turns at 3 locations on Rheingasse. All concerts are free, just stroll tra will bring to life the enchanting music of Mendelssohn’s and Pur- harmonic Orchestra. The program is rounded out by ”Banpo,” a new Basel; tickets are CHF110.90-221.90. over and enjoy! Concerts are from 17:30-00:15; you can visit their cell’s interpretations of the story to accompany an Anglo-German text work by young Swiss composer Martin Jaggi. Inspired by the excava- website and click on “Programm” for a complete list of the times and www.ticketcorner.ch version of this comedy. The two performances will take place in the tion of the ruins of the Chinese village Banpo, the piece is an homage bands playing on the various stages. outdoor amphitheater at Augusta Raurica in Augst, starting at 20:00; to the Yangshao culture from the Neolithic period, the root of Chinese www.summerblues.ch Melissa Etheridge tickets are CHF49 for adults, half price for kids and students, and can civilization. The concert will take place at the Musiksaal of the Stadt- be purchased directly through their website. Casino Basel at 19:30. July 15 www.theater-augusta-raurica.ch/spielzeit-2015 www.sinfonieorchesterbasel.ch Drive-in Cinema All Blues will be bringing Melissa Etheridge to Switzerland this summer as a part of the “This is M.E. Tour.” One of the most char- July 3-25 ismatic and successful American musicians, sing- Want to be catapulted back in ers, and songwriters, she has won herself two time, into a world where you can Grammy Awards, an Oscar, and a star on the marvel at a 25m movie screen Hollywood Walk of Fame. Her newest album from the comfort of your car? “This is M.E.,” which was released earlier this Come and enjoy classic films, year and met with great enthusiasm in the cult films, and blockbusters, as music world, is filled with beautiful mel- well as culinary delicacies from odies, explicit and committed texts, the 50’s. Pretty girls on roller and her incomparable rough voice. skates will serve you cheeseburgers, hot dogs, and milkshakes, and Melissa Etheridge and her band boys will serve you popcorn at your car window. The drive-in cinema will be presenting her new album will be located in Pratteln, just a few meters past the Pratteln exit at the Kongresshaus in Zürich; from the A2 motorway. Check their website for a list of films, times, tickets are CHF65-120 and can and dates; many films are in English with German subtitles. Book your be bought through Ticketcorner, tickets directly online and save money with their movie & food combo. Die Post, Manor, and SBB. www.cinema-drive-in.ch www.allblues.ch

30 Basel Life Magazine / www.basellife.com photo credits: © james page (im fluss),© melissa etheridge, © tillate (ornage cinema), © sinfonieorchesterbasel July/August 2015 31 Contact us for more information about subscribing or advertising: [email protected] www.facebook.com/basellifemagazine A Monthly Guide to Living in Basel www.basellife.com © james page (im fluss)

Mark Your Calendar! September 2015 Highlights White Dinner Basel—Get Your > Youth Culture Festival September 4 and 5 Tickets Now! On September 11, Basel will host a one-of- > White Dinner Basel September 11 a-kind event—10,000 guests all dressed in white will be eating a self-catered dinner at > “Welcome to Basel” Information Evening September 15 1,250 tables decked in white linens between Marktplatz and Greifengasse in Kleinbasel, > “Basel for Newcomers” Tour September 19 accompanied by a variety of entertainment. If you would like to be one of these guests, > Auto Basel September 17-20 reserve your spot at one of the tables now, before they sell out. The event, which takes > Slow-up September 20 place regardless of weather, runs from 19:00-24:00 and helps to raise money for > Circus Nock September 22 – October 11 charitable causes. Visit their website for more information about the evening and > Squash Festival September 26 and 27 how to get your tickets. http://whitedinnerbasel.ch > IWB Basel Marathon September 27

Ticket Office: Get Your Tickets Now! Who Where When Tickets

Bryan Ferry Kongresshaus, Zürich September 12 www.ticketcorner.ch

Dave Matthews Band Hallenstadion, Zürich October 15 www.ticketcorner.ch

Deep Purple Hallenstadion, Zürich November 9 www.ticketcorner.ch

Simply Red St. Jakobshalle, Basel November 11 www.ticketcorner.ch

Thriller—Live Musical Theater, Basel November 17-22 www.ticketcorner.ch

Imagine Dragons Hallenstadion, Zürich November 24 www.ticketcorner.ch

Madonna Hallenstadion, Zürich December 12 www.ticketcorner.ch

How to Get Your Copy Basel Life Magazine is available by subscription. Simply fill out the online registration form on our website: www.basellife.com Individual copies can be purchased at: BIDER & TANNER Aeschenvorstadt 2, 4010 Basel (Bankverein) BASEL TOURISM At the SBB Train Station and in the Stadt-Casino at Barfüsserplatz