Life and Worship
LIFE AND WORSHIP: A PRACTICAL THEOLOGICAL INQUIRY INTO THE ACTIVITIES OF THE PERTH ASIAN CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY By GAIL SMIT Submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY In the subject PRACTICAL THEOLOGY At the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA PROMOTER: PROF. DR. JACQUES P J THERON NOVEMBER 2009 Declaration Student Number: 434 6874 I declare that “LIFE AND WORSHIP: A PRACTICAL THEOLOGICAL INQUIRY INTO THE ACTIVITIES OF THE PERTH ASIAN CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY” is my own work and that all the sources I have used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledged by means of complete references. Gail Smit November 2009 [i] KEY TERMS New Life City Church, Asian Christian Church, wall-less church, House Churches, Post- Christian, Western church, Paul Hattaway, Brother Yun, The Great Commission, church growth, founder members, first-generation Christians, Christian education, worship, conversion growth, Joshua-Life, Twelve Stones. [ii] ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis is in partial fulfilment of my calling by God to be a watchman over His house, an intercessor for the lost and those suffering in His service. This study is in His service for His glory to be revealed to all the nations. Thank you to my promoter, Prof Jacques Theron, for his expertise and encouragement. Thank you for being patient with my computer illiteracy. To my dear, wonderful husband, Hennie Smit, who has stood by me throughout this study, encouraging me in my work and supporting me every step of the way. Thank you that you live Jesus in all facets of your life. Thank you to our daughters, Bronwyn and Genevieve who have been patient with me even while they too are full time students.
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