CHINA STUDY JOURNAL CHINA DESK Churches Together in Britain and Ireland churches. ìogether IN BRITAIN ANO IREIAND® China Study Journal Spring/Summer 2011 Editorial Address: China Desk, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, 39 Eccleston Square, London SW1V 1BX Email:
[email protected] ISSN 0956-4314 Cover: Nial Smith Design, from: Shen Zhou (1427-1509), Poet on a Mountain Top, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Album leaf mounted as a hand scroll, ink and water colour on paper, silk mount, image 15 Vi x 23 % inches (38.74 x 60.33cm). © The Nelson-Arkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri. Purchase: Nelson Trust, 46-51/2. Photograph by Robert Newcombe. Layout by raspberryhmac - Contents Section I Articles 5 CASS work group Report on an in-house survey of Chinese 7 Christianity Caroline Fielder Meeting social need through charity: religious 27 contributions in China A new exploration of religious participation in 53 social services - a project research report on the Liaoning Province Catholic Social Service Center Gao Shining & He Guanghu The Central Problem of Christianity in Today's 71 China and some Proposed Solutions Section II Documentation 89 Managing Editor: Lawrence Braschi Translators: Caroline Fielder, Lawrence Braschi Abbreviations ANS : Amity News Service (HK) CASS : Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing) CCBC : Chinese Catholic Bishops' Conference CCC : China Christian Council CCPA : Chinese Catholic Patriodc Association CM : China Muslim (Journal) CPPCC : Chinese People's Consultative Conference FY : Fa Yin (Journal of the Chinese Buddhist Assoc.) SCMP : South China Morning Post(HK) SE : Sunday Examiner (HK) TF : Tian Feng (Journal of the China Christian Council) TSPM : Three-Self Patriotic Movement UCAN : Union of Catholic Asian News ZENIT : Catholic News Agency ZGDJ : China Taoism (Journal) ZGTZJ : Catholic Church in China (Journal of Chinese Catholic Church) Note: the term lianghui is used in this journal to refer to the joint committees of the TSPM and CCC.