Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42530-8 — Under Caesar's Sword Edited by Daniel Philpott , Timothy Samuel Shah Index More Information

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Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42530-8 — Under Caesar's Sword Edited by Daniel Philpott , Timothy Samuel Shah Index More Information Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42530-8 — Under Caesar's Sword Edited by Daniel Philpott , Timothy Samuel Shah Index More Information Index al-Abadi, Haider, 39 African Union Mission in Somalia Abdelati, Rabie, 97 (AMISOM), 75 Abdollahi, Rasoul, 137 Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 136 Abducted in Iraq: A Priest in Baghdad, Ahmadis, 378, 382 37 aid neutrality, 474, 482 Abdullah (king of Saudi Arabia), 159 Aid to the Church in Need, 463, 465, 487 Abdullah, Abdul Aziz bin, 148 Aikman, David, 347, 352 Abdullah II (king of Jordan), 47 Akinola, Peter, 20 Abedini, Saeed, 140 Al-Azhar, 58 academic dialogue in Pakistan, 251 Alderstein, Yitzchok, 130 accommodation strategies Aleksei (patriarch of Moscow), 196 in China, 348, 354 Alencherry, George, 275 in Sri Lanka, 285 Aleppo, Syria, 40, 45 of Western Christians, 445 Ali, Suryadharma, 382, 384 ACCORD, 444 Alito, Samuel, 441 ACT Alliance, 465, 473 All India Catholic Union (AICU), 270 Ad Scapulam (Tertullian), 18 All India Christian Council (AICC), 270 Adaktusson, Lars, 466, 487 All Pakistan Minorities Alliance (APMA), 2, ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief 254 Agency), 185 Allen, John, 396, 421 Advisory Council of Heads of Protestant Allende, Salvador, 403 Churches of Russia, 225 Alliance Defending Freedom, 443 advocacy Alliance Defending Freedom International religious freedom advocacy by Christian (ADF), 273 TANs, 483 alliance with authoritarians, 60 in Vietnam and Laos, 324, 330 All-Union Council of Evangelical Christian- Afghanistan Baptists, 209 blasphemy, 242 Al-Monitor’s The Pulse of the Middle East, 52 kidnapping and forced conversion, 241 Al-Mushir, 252 political landscape, 236, 240 al-Shabaab, 70, 73 religious demographics, 231 Christian persecution by, 76 Afkham, Marzieh, 136 origins of, 74 Alaq, Michael, 36 responses to persecution by, 89 501 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42530-8 — Under Caesar's Sword Edited by Daniel Philpott , Timothy Samuel Shah Index More Information 502 Index Ambon violence (Indonesia), 373, 374, 387 Ba’ath Party, 36 Ameruni, Mehdi, 137 Babroudi, Hormoz Aslani, 154 Amirizadeh, Marziyeh, 138 Baghdad, Iraq, 56 al-Amri, Hamoud bin Saleh, 143 al-Baghdadi, Abu Bakr, 38, 67 animism, 316 Bahadur, Dewan, 248 Ansar al Sharia, 110 Ballin, Camillo, 144 apolitical stance, 181 Baloch, Umar, 238 Apologia (Tertullian), 18 Bangura, Zaomab, 38 Apostolic Reformation, 406 Bannon, Steve, 426 “Arab Spring”, 69 Barber, Matthew, 35, 36, 37, 44, 46, 48, 51, Central Asian response to, 170 52, 56 Egypt, Christian response in, 104, 124 Barrett, David, 231 Gaza, Christian response in, 113, 124 Bartella, Iraq, 55 Libya, Christian response in, 108, 124 Bashir, Omar, 82, 97, 100 architectural protest in Pakistan, 256 Bashiri, Shahin, 137 armed resistance, 19 “The Basic Viewpoint and Policy on Armenian Apostolic Church, 181 the Religious Question during Our Armenian Christians in Iran, 134 Country’s Socialist Period” (CCP), Arns, Paulo Evaristo, 398 341 Arora, Tehmina, 273 basij militia, 155 ARPA Canada, 453 Bauman, Chad M., 7, 9, 17, 23, 24, 28 Ashafa, Muhammad, 20 chapter by, 259 al-Assad, Bashar, 15, 40, 44, 45, 61, 476 Bay of Pigs invasion, 402 al-Assad, Hafez, 40, 61 Bazi, Douglas al, 480 association strategies, 4 Beauvois, Xavier, 450, 451 by country, 12 Beckwith, Francis, 452 intensity of persecution and, 26 beheading of mainline denominations, 23 of Coptic Christians in Libya, 58, 110 as proactive, 15 in Saudi Arabia, 148 Assyrian Christians Beijing Shouwang Church, 352 in Iran, 134 Belgium, 438 ISIS attacks on, 43 Beltran, Arnel, 144 tension with Kurds, 53 Belz, Mindy, 59 Assyrian Confederation of Europe, 54 Benedict XVI (pope), 435, 449, 455 atheist indoctrination and propaganda in Bennett, Andrew, 487 China, 340 Betkolia, Yonathan, 151 Athenagoras of Athens, 18 betrayal of Christian TANs by non-Christians, at-risk youth programs in Russia, 216 482 Audo, Antoine, 30, 42, 48, 60 Betto, Frei, 404 Augustine (saint), 59 Bhagwat, Mohan, 262 authoritarian states Bhatti, Nazir S., 231, 240 alliance with, as response to Bhatti, Paul, 2, 16, 29, 254 persecution, 60 Bhatti, Shahbaz, 1, 16, 18, 29, 244, 254 Christian persecution in, 5 Bibi, Asia, 243, 244 church ententes with, 122 Bibi, Shama, 243 Ayariga, Matthew, 58 bin Laden, Osama, 236 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42530-8 — Under Caesar's Sword Edited by Daniel Philpott , Timothy Samuel Shah Index More Information Index 503 Bipartite Commission, 399 Carlson-Thies, Stanley, 443, 444, 448, 453, “Bishops Conference of the Catholic Church 454 in China”, 338 Cassidy, Bill, 487 BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party), 260, 261, 262, caste distinctions in Pakistan, 230, 237, 255 263, 269, 271 Castro, Fidel, 401, 402, 403 blasphemy in Afghanistan, 242 Castro, Raúl, 406, 407 Blasphemy Law (Pakistan), 242, 243, 255 Catholic Bishops Conference, 338, 409, 412, Bodu Bala Sena, 281 417 Boko Haram, 70, 73, 99 see also Nigeria Catholic Bishops’ Conference of origins of, 74 India, 273 refugees from, 75 Catholic Bishops Conference of Vietnam, responses to persecution by, 82 331 Borji, Mansour, 150 Catholic Church Bougary, Eissa, 68 after Sinhalese–Tamil civil war, 292 Boutros, Deacon, 477 capacity for religious freedom advocacy, Brasil: Nunca Mais (Arns), 398 475 Brazil in Columbia, 408 military regimes in, 397 cooperation with evangelical and Pentecos- persecution versus defence of religious tal Christians in Sri Lanka, 292 freedom, 415 in Cuba, 401 responses to military repression, 399 in Mexico, 410 “bridging social capital”, 16 military regimes in Latin America, 396 Buck, Pearl S., 346 religious demographics in Latin Buddhism, favoritism in China, 339 see also America, 391 Sri Lanka religious freedom advocacy, 484 Buddist–Christian relationships in response to persecution in Central Sri Lanka, 286 Asia, 181 bureaucracy in Central Asian response to persecution in India, 270 republics, 170 strategy in Indonesia, 373 in Vietnam and Laos, 301, 320, 324 Caicedo, José María Torres, 393 women’s role in, 467, 476 Caldwell, Melissa, 217 Catholic Near East Welfare Canada Association, 465 cooperation strategies, 445 Catholic Patriotic Association (CPA), 337, eficacy of response strategies, 453 338, 342, 349, 350, 353 Latin America, compared, 424 Catholic Relief Services, 464, 473, 475, 479, legal strategies, 442, 444 490 Canadian Council of Christian Charities, Catholic Sabha, 271 453 Catholic University of America, 487, 488 Cardenal, Ernesto, 397 Catholic University of Erbil, 481 Cardus, 453 Catholic-Protestant relations in Latin Caritas, 183, 463, 464, 479 America, 411 Caritas International, 473 Cavish Development Foundation Caritas North Korea, 475 (CDF), 252 Caritas Pakistan, 254 Center for Public Justice, 453 Caritas Sri Lanka-SEDEC, 288 Central African Republic, 20 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42530-8 — Under Caesar's Sword Edited by Daniel Philpott , Timothy Samuel Shah Index More Information 504 Index Central Asian republics, 162 see also non-Orthodox communities’ strategies in Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Tajikistan; Central Asia, 175 Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan Christian Concern, 443 consequences of strategies for religious Christian Development Organization, freedom, 196 254 differences among republics, 162 Christian Institute, 443 history of Christianity in, 163 Christian Labour Association of Canada, 453 against “new Christians”, 173 Christian Leadership Alliance, 444 non-Orthodox communities’ strategies, 175 Christian Legal Society, 454 post-Soviet era, 169 Christian militias see also resistance Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) strate- in Iraq and Syria, 51 gies, 192 as response to persecution, 81 Soviet era, 167 Christian persecution targeting of evangelical and Pentecostal challenge of minorities in Middle East, 32 Christians, 24 by Christians, 469 Central Highlands (Vietnam) repression deinition of, 301 story, 312 experiential gap in West, 10 Chaplin, Shirley, 438 Latin America in global context of, 422 Chaplin, Vsevolod, 208 origins of Christianity, 468 Chardooli, Mona, 137 reasons for studying, 3 Charity Commission, 446 in “tenth parallel”, 9 Charney, Israel, 33 varieties of, 5 Chavara, Kuriakose Elias, 275 worldwide statistics, 130 Chiapas, Mexico, 412, 413 Christian persecution, responses to, 3 see China, 334 also names of speciic countries/regions; accommodation strategies, 348, 354 transnational advocacy networks atheist indoctrination and (TANs) propaganda, 340 association strategies, 15 consequences of responses for religious Christian militias, 81 freedom, 354 confrontation strategies, 17 cooperation strategies, 346, 353 creative pragmatism, 3, 28 economic punishment, 344 endurance (coping strategy), 79 growth of Christianity, 355 of evangelical and Pentecostal political landscape, 335 Christians, 23 political repression, 342 light, 80 resistance, 350, 354 government, appeal to, 80 responses to persecution, 346 intensity of persecution, 26 targeting of evangelical and Pentecostal international networks, appeal to, 81 Christians, 24 moderates of persecutors’ religion, appeal types of persecution, 340 to, 80 China Christian Council (CCC), 338, 347 nonviolence, 19 China Soul for Christ Foundation, 352 reactive to proactive responses, 11 Chinese Communist Party (CCP), 335, 341, success of, 27 342, 346, 353 survival strategies, 14 Christian Alliance for Orphans, 444 theology and, 22, 78, 92 Christian communities Christian political
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