Thieme: Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Animals
Index Page numbers in bold indicate references in figures. A Abducent nerve (VI) 521, 524, 528, Acetabulum 122, 243, 246, 247, Alar 550–551, 554, 560, 611, 615 247–250, 749 – canal 79 Abaxial 26 Abductor muscle/s 47 Acetylcholinase 65 – cartilages 398,402 – – 202 collateral ligament 200 201, , – of thigh 288, 292 Acetylcholine 44, 64–65, 581 –– ossification 730 204 Ablatio retinae 697 Achilles tendon 296–297, 302 – fold 402 – digital Abnormal behaviour 699 Acinous glands 67 – foramen 110, 115, 129–130, 626 –– 667 artery 665, Abomasal velum 361 Acoustic – ligament 130 –– 668 nerves Abomasopexy 715 – area 536 , 556 – notch 110 –– 667 veins Abomasum 360, 362, 366, 367, 378, – organs 524 Albino animals 697 – dorsal proper artery of fourth 720–721 – radiation 536 Albugineous tunic 660 digit 657, – blood supply 369 Acquired reflexes 63 – of penis 443, 446 – palmar – displacement 367, 715 Acrocoracohumeral ligament 750 – of testis 433 –– digital veins 665 – perigastric ring of arteries 370 Acromion 171, 173–174, 190 Albumen (egg white) 766 –– ligament of proximal interphalan- – projection onto lateral body wall 743 – fracture 727 Alpha cells 596 202 geal joint Absolute dullness 746 Acropodium 181, 244,259 Alular –– proper artery 727 Absorption of substances 67 ACTH (adrenocorticotropic – digit 748 –– proper artery of fourth digit Accessory hormone) 36, 588 – remiges 778, 778 660 657, – axillary lymph node 505, 507 Actin filaments 44 Alveolar –– proper nerve 727 – carpal bone 173, 182, 182–183,184, Adamantine 339 – border of mandible 90, 92 ––
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