Please ask for: Nikki Stocks Telephone: 01482 613421 Fax: 01482 613110 Email: [email protected] Text phone: 01482 300349 Date: Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Dear Councillor,

Northern Area Committee

The next meeting of the Northern Area Committee will be held at 18:00 on Thursday, 05 March 2015 in The Orchard Centre, Orchard Park Road, Hull, HU6 9BX.

The Agenda for the meeting is attached and reports are enclosed where relevant.

Please Note: It is likely that the public, (including the Press) will be excluded from the meeting during discussions of exempt items since they involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as describe in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.

Yours faithfully,

Democratic Services Officer for the Chief Executive

Town Clerk Services, , The Guildhall, AlfredPage Gelder 1 of 72 Street, Hull, HU1 2AA DX: 11934 HULL 1 Tel: 01482 300300

Northern Area Committee

To: Membership: Councillors S Bayes, J Conner, T Geraghty, J Korczak Fields, K Mathieson, D McCobb and S Wilson.

Officers: Jane Price, Assistant City Manager (Neighbourhoods) Ken Upshall, Community Manager for Northern & North Carr Nikki Stocks, Democratic Services Officer (x5)

Public Set: Reference Library

Alerts: Councillor J Hewitt, Portfolio Holder for Customer and Neighbourhood Services Chief Executives Office, City Council Councillor A Bell, Leader of the Majority Opposition Guildhall Reception Press Office Group Secretariats Tom Clay, Political Assistant Viking Radio – [email protected] Post – [email protected] & [email protected] & [email protected] Radio Humberside – [email protected] Hull Daily Mail – [email protected] & [email protected] KCFM Radio – [email protected]

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Northern Area Committee

18:00 on Thursday, 05 March 2015

The Orchard Centre, Orchard Park Road, Hull, HU6 9BX


1 Apologies

To receive apologies for those Members who are unable to attend the meeting.

2 Declarations of Interest To remind Members of the need to record the existence and nature of any Personal and Discloseable Pecuniary interest in items on the agenda, in accordance with the Member Code of Conduct.

Members Code of Conduct - Part D1 of the Constitution)

3 Minutes of the meeting held on 22nd January 2015 7 - 16 To approve the minutes as a true and correct record.

4 Public Questions There will be a period of no more than 15 minutes during which written questions may be submitted by members of the public. Unwritten questions will be taken only at the discretion of the Chair. Questions will be answered at the meeting if possible, otherwise written replies will be sent. If required, decisions will be taken under the relevant agenda item below. As the agenda is to be considered in accordance with the Council's formal committee procedures rather than a public forum, the public present will not be able to participate in the Committee's discussions on the following items. Matters may be raised further at Forums.


Page 3 of 72

5 Policing Update To update Members on key and current issues within the Northern area.

6 Thomas Ferens Academy 17 - 20 To provide an update on the outcomes of action taken to address issues raised in the Ofsted inspection (June 2014) and subsequent HMI monitoring visit (October 2014).

7 Flood Alleviation Scheme Cottingham & Orchard Park 21 - 26 To update the Committee on the progress of the Cottingham and Orchard Park Flood Alleviation Scheme (COPFAS) and explain the impacts upon Orchard Park.

8 Housing Regeneration Projects 27 - 30 To provide an update on key and current issues projects within the Northern area.

9 Street Cleansing and Grounds Maintenance 31 - 34 To provide an overview and update of the street cleansing and grounds maintenance programme in the Northern area.

10 Access to Parkstone Road 35 - 36 This paper informs Members of access arrangements to and from Parkstone Road and likely issues of opening another gap in the central reserve on Beverley Road.

11 Northern Area Neighbourhood Management Update 37 - 40 To update Members on key and current issues in the Northern Area.

12 Northern Area Funds 41 - 64 To update Members on the ward Budget Revenue and Capital unallocated funds remaining for 2014/15 for each ward, provide details of decisions taken for 2014/15. This report also informs Members of S106 monies available in University Ward and seeks Members views on the use of these monies.

13 Resolution List 65 - 70 To provide an update on outstanding actions as identified by the Committee.

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14 Northern Area Committee Work Programme 71 - 72 To provide an update on the Committee future Work Programme and identify any further issues for consideration.


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Page 6 of 72 Northern Area Committee

22nd January, 2014

PRESENT:- Councillor J. I. Korczak Fields (Deputy Chair – in the Chair), Councillor S. J. Bayes, Councillor T. Geraghty, Councillor K. E. Mathieson and Councillor D. J. McCobb. IN ATTENDANCE:- J. Price (Assistant City Manager – Neighbourhoods), K. Upshall (Community Manager – Northern and North Carr) and P. Rawcliffe (Democratic Services Officer). B. Cooper, K. Stewart, J. Nicholson and E. Jones (Men in Sheds) – minute 55. C. Clixby (Neighbourhood Nuisance Team Leader) – minute 57. N. Lowe (Partnership Manager – Community Safety) – minute 58. S. Henley (Asset Management Development and Design – Streetscene) – minutes 60 and 61. M. Walker (Public Service Control Room Manager) – minute 62. N. Harne (Assistant City Manager – Housing Strategy and Renewal) – minute 63. K. Parker (Project Support Manager) – minute 64. L. Holmes (Landlord Services Manager (North)) – minute 65. APOLOGIES:- Councillor J. Conner and Councillor S. Wilson.

Minute Description/Decision Action No. By/Deadline PROCEDURAL ITEMS 52 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST

No declarations of interest were made in respect of the items that follow below.


Agreed - That the minutes of the meeting of this Committee, held on 27th November, 2014, having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the Chair.


The Democratic Services Officer reported that no

Page 7 of 72 written questions had been received.

Agreed – That the report be noted.

NON-EXEMPT ITEMS 55 MEN IN SHEDS – PRESENTATION (c) Assistant City Manager - B. Cooper, K. Stewart, J. Nicholson and E. Jones Neighbourhoods (Men in Sheds) attended for this item and gave a presentation on the Men in Sheds movement. The movement had developed to provide a sense of purpose following the loss of a man’s work role, status, workmates or income. It allowed men to come together around practical tasks in a designated place or workshop. Men in Sheds (Hull) sought the support of the Committee, particularly with regards to a lease to use the Northern Pavilion on Oak Road Playing Fields.

Discussion took place around the progress of the discussions with officers of the Council, and how the Committee could assist Men in Sheds (Hull) in achieving its aims.

Agreed –

a) That the presentation be received with thanks;

b) that the Men in Sheds (Hull) project be supported in principle, and

c) that the Area Team, and other relevant officers of the City Council, continue to work with Men in Sheds (Hull) in developing an appropriate lease for the use of the Northern Pavilion on Oak Road Playing Fields.

56 NORTH MOOR NATURE AREA Assistant City Manager - The City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager Neighbourhoods submitted a briefing note which updated the Committee on the work of the Northern Area Team and partners in developing a plan for the North Moor Nature Area. The plan would complement current use and would also create environmental opportunities in the future, for the benefit of the community.

Page 8 of 72 Agreed - That the briefing note be received.

57 CURRENT CHANGES TO ANTI SOCIAL Citysafe and BEHAVIOUR LEGISLATION Early Intervention The Citysafe and Early Intervention Manager Manager submitted a briefing paper which updated the Committee on current changes to anti social behaviour legislation.

Discussion took place around the flexibility of the legislation and the effect, if any, the new legislation would have on partnership working.

Agreed - That the briefing note be received.

58 STRENGTHENING THE CORPORATE (a-f) City PARENTING ROLE Children Safeguarding The City Children Safeguarding Manager submitted Manager a report which sought to raise awareness of the role of the Corporate Parent and to gain formal commitment from the Northern Area Committee to respond to the Pledge for looked after children and care leavers in their Area.

Discussion took place around the breakdown of the information contained within the report to an Area level.

Agreed -

a) That the report be noted;

b) that the members of the Northern Area Committee act as ambassadors for looked after children and care leavers and raise any issues highlighted within their Area with the Corporate Parenting Board;

c) that the Northern Area Committee considers the implications and impact on looked after children and care leavers when making decisions;

d) that the Northern Area Committee receives a looked after children annual report, including feedback from the Young Voices Influencing Care Group (Hull’s Children in Care Council);

Page 9 of 72

e) that (i) the members of the Northern Area Committee who are also Local Authority School Governors are aware of the looked after children population and Designated Teacher in their school and ensures that any identified issues are raised with the Virtual School Head, and (ii) that School Governors receive regular feedback, to be reported to the Area Committee, on how the Pupil Premium for Looked after Children is being used, and

f) that a progress report on this matter be submitted to a meeting of this Committee later in the calendar year.

59 THOMAS FERENS ACADEMY (a-b) City Learning and The City Learning and Skills Manager submitted a Skills Manager briefing paper which updated the Committee on the Thomas Ferens Academy in relation to the outcomes from actions taken to address the issues raised in the Ofsted Inspection in June, 2014, and the subsequent Her Majesty’s Inspectorate monitoring visit in October, 2014.

Agreed -

a) That, as the presenting officer was unable to attend the meeting, consideration of the briefing paper be deferred to the next meeting of the Committee due to take place on 26th February, 2015, and

b) that the briefing paper be updated to include any issues arising during the period of deferral.


The City Streetscene Manager submitted a report which detailed the objections that had been received in response to the recently advertised proposal to introduce double yellow line, no waiting at any time, parking restrictions on parts of 21st Avenue; 23rd Avenue, and Endike Lane.

Page 10 of 72 Discussion took place around the details of the revised parking scheme following the receipt of the objections on the original scheme, and the process for advertising the revised scheme.

Agreed - That Option 4, detailed at paragraph 6.4 of the report, be agreed, and the revised scheme be advertised.

61 STREETSCENE SERVICE – HIGHWAYS REPORT (a-b) City Streetscene The City Streetscene Manager submitted a briefing Manager paper which gave details of the progress of the highway related projects and schemes, together with anticipated dates for completion and costs, in the Northern Area.

Discussion took place around the specific schemes that were not included in the briefing paper.

Agreed -

a) That, with the addition of (i) the work at the Beverley Road/ Lane junction, and (ii) the installation of crossovers on Bentley Grove, the briefing paper be noted, and

b) that for future highways schemes, any residents that could be affected by individual schemes, be made aware of any issues, such as access to particular streets; diversionary routes, and the effect on public transport, as soon as possible, and that information be updated as and when changes to those arrangements take place.

62 ORCHARD PARK CCTV PROJECT City Streetscene Manager The City Streetscene Manager submitted a briefing paper which updated the Committee on the progress of the Orchard Park Estate CCTV Project Plan.

Discussion took place around the number of cameras mentioned in the report that were currently operational; the rationale behind moving the cameras, and whether the cost of the scheme would be justified with a reduction in crime and disorder in the Northern Area.

Page 11 of 72 Agreed - That the report be amended to include details of (i) the number of cameras in the Northern Area that were currently operational; (ii) the impact this has had on crime and disorder, and (iii) the justification for moving cameras to new locations and whether this would represent value for money in reducing crime and disorder, and proposals be discussed with ward members prior to the next meeting of this Committee.

63 HOUSING REGENERATION PROJECTS Assistant City Manager – The Assistant City Manager – Housing Strategy and Housing Renewal submitted a briefing paper which updated Strategy and the Committee on the Neighbourhood Renewal Renewal projects in the Orchard Park and Greenwood Ward. Regeneration activities across the City were focussed in the Council’s priority renewal areas. These areas included Newington and St. Andrew’s; the Holderness Road Corridor including the Preston Road and Ings areas; Orchard Park; North , and the City Centre.

The briefing paper outlined the progress made within the Orchard Park and Greenwood area; included an update on developments currently on site, and new programmes being brought forward as a result of successful funding bids. The briefing paper also summarised the approach being taken by the Housing Strategy and Renewal Section to secure additional funding and build upon the progress made to date.

Discussion took place around Highcourt and Dibsdane multi storey blocks; the Green Deal Partnership, and the recent funding regime change.

Agreed - That the report be noted.

64 NORTH HULL HOUSING ACTION TRUST (HAT) (a-c) City CAPITAL RECEIPTS Neighbourhoods and Housing The City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager Manager submitted a briefing paper which detailed the North Hull Housing Action Trust (HAT) capital receipt ring- fencing arrangements which supported the future management of those funds.

Discussion took place around the boundary of the

Page 12 of 72 HAT area where the capital receipts could be spent; the types of properties taken into account in the calculation of the split between wards, and the types of scheme that the receipts could support.

Agreed -

a) That the briefing paper be noted;

b) that a map of the Area detailing the properties that this applied to be produced, and

c) that a further report, detailing suggestions of where this money could be spent, including environmental and safety projects, be submitted to the meeting of this Committee due to take place on 26th April, 2015.

65 NORTHERN AREA HOUSING PERFORMANCE – City OCTOBER, 2014 Neighbourhoods and Housing The City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager Manager submitted a briefing paper which detailed the performance of the Northern Landlord Services and the Housing Investment Team for the period ending 30th November, 2014.

Discussion took place around the re-let times for properties; rent areas; gas repairs and servicing, and gas safety certificates for dwellings, within the Northern Area.

Agreed - That the briefing paper be noted.

66 NORTHERN AREA NEIGHBOURHOOD Assistant City MANAGEMENT UPDATE Manager - Neighbourhoods The City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager submitted a briefing note which provided the Committee with an update on ward activity across the Northern Area.

Agreed – That the briefing note be received.

67 NORTHERN AREA FUNDS Assistant City Manager - The City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager Neighbourhoods submitted a briefing note which updated the Committee on the Ward Budget Revenue and Page 13 of 72 Capital unallocated funds remaining for 2014/15 for each ward. It also provided details of all decisions taken during 2014/15 for each ward, from the 1st April, 2014, to 12th January, 2015. Details of the Revenue budget were included in Appendix 1 of the report, while the Capital budget was detailed in Appendix 2 of the report.

Agreed –

a) That the budget balance for each Ward for the year 2014/15, be noted;

b) that there were no new applications to be considered by this Committee be noted, and

c) that the decisions taken by each Ward from 1st April, 2014, to 12th January, 2015, be noted.

68 RESOLUTION LIST (a-b) Nikki Stocks, The Democratic Services Officer submitted a list of (c) Assistant actions that had been agreed at previous meetings. City Manager - Members commented on the progress of the actions Neighbourhoods contained within the Resolution List.

Agreed –

a) That with the deletion of minutes 49(b) and (c); 50(b); 51; 22(b); 31(b) and (c); 9, and 127, the Resolution List be agreed;

b) that, in relation to minute 39(b), when the resident has received a formal response from the Assistant City Manager (Transport and Asset Management), the matter be deleted from the Resolution List, and

c) that, in anticipation of his leaving the employ of the Council at the end of the month after 36 years service, the gratitude and thanks of this Committee be passed to Mr. Ian Dale.


The Democratic Services Officer submitted the Committee’s Work Programme for the 2014/15 Municipal Year.

Page 14 of 72

Agreed - That the Work Programme be noted.


City Learning and Skills Manager submitted a report which recommended appointments to Authority Governor vacancies on school governing bodies.

Agreed - That the report be noted.


Agreed - That, in accordance with the provisions of Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public (including the Press) be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business, minute 72, on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, information relating to an individual, and that the public interest test in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.

72 LOCAL AUTHORITY GOVERNOR (a-b) City APPLICATIONS Learning and Skills Manager City Learning and Skills Manager referred to minute 70 above and submitted the exempt appendix which included details of the applicants for Authority Governor vacancies on school governing bodies.

Discussion took place around the availability of feedback on the suitability of individual governors, if those governors had applied to be reappointed.

Agreed -

a) That Mr. David Haycock be reappointed as a Local Authority Governor for the Macmillan Nursery, and

b) that in future reports of this nature, dealing with the reappointment of Local Authority Governors, comments regarding such things as previous performance and meeting Page 15 of 72 attendance statistics for the individual(s), be included.

Start - 6.00 p.m. Finish - 7.50 p.m.

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Briefing Paper to the Northern Area Committee Wards:

January 2014

Thomas Ferens Academy

Briefing Paper of the City Learning and Skills Manager

1. Purpose of the Paper and Summary

1.1 To provide updated information on Thomas Ferens Academy concerning the outcomes from actions taken to address the issues raised in the Ofsted inspection (June 2014) of Thomas Ferens Academy and the subsequent HMI monitoring visit (October 2014)

2. Background

2.1 The Academy was subject to a full section 5 inspection 17/18 June 2014, when it was judged to require special measures

2.2 The key priorities for improvement identified by Ofsted are:

2.2.1 Swiftly improve the quality of all teaching so that it is at least consistently good and enables all groups of students to make rapid improvements in achievement, especially in English and mathematics, 2.2.2 Swiftly improve students’ behaviour and safety, including their attendance, by developing effective practices 2.2.3 Rapidly improve the impact of leaders and managers at all levels, including governors

2.3 In October 2014 the Academy received a monitoring visit carried out by HMI which reported positively on the actions taken since 01 September 2014 when the partnership with Sirius Academy began.

3. Issues for Consideration

3.1 Improved outcomes from the actions taken to address the issues raised in the inspection of Thomas Ferens Academy can be evidenced in the areas outlined below.

Author: Page 17 of 72 Status: Date: 14/01/2015 Page 1 of 3 3.2 LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT, including effective use of data Strategies employed have resulted in  Sponsor’s statement of action judged ‘fit for purpose’  Academy’s improvement plans judged ‘fit for purpose’  Governors’ action plan is ensuring governors receive better information and are therefore better able to hold senior leaders to account  Appointment of an Assistant Vice Principal to lead on Teaching and Learning

3.5 QUALITY OF TEACHING AND LEARNING Strategies employed have resulted in  A 26% increase in good or better teaching between the September review and the review undertaken on 01 - 02 December 2015

3.6 BEHAVIOUR & SAFETY, including attendance Strategies employed have resulted in  Attendance steadily improving to 92%  Improvement in behaviour with only 1 permanent exclusion since September 2014  Fixed period exclusions falling dramatically to 70% less than the same time last year  Punctuality improving  Increasing student voice engagement with over 40% of students showing a very positive attitude to learning and over 60 students applying to support the anti-bullying initiatives

3.7 ACHIEVEMENT OF PUPILS Strategies employed have resulted in  Currently 40% students are on track to achieve the Gold Standard  Improved literacy skills for 15f students in Y7 who participated in a project linked with the KC stadium. As a result of the successful outcomes this project will be repeated with a second group of targeted students  Pupil Premium action plan is ensuring that the achievement of students supported by the pupil premium improves

3.8 CONSULTATION WITH PARENTS / CARERS Following the publication of the final letter regarding the HMI monitoring visit parents / carers were invited to attend a meeting at the academy on Thursday 27 November 2014. Parent / carers were encouraged to give their views. Issues raised by those present were:  Curriculum time for English and mathematics in year 7 and year 8  Reassurance that students at the academy have access to the full breadth of the curriculum  Accuracy of assessment levels  Punctuality  Arrangements for maintaining future support for the academy

Parents welcomed the enhanced engagement with the community which they had noted and expressed their thanks for the support which had been brought in.

Author: Page 18 of 72 Status: Date: 14/01/2015 Page 2 of 3

4. Next steps

4.1 To keep the views expressed by parents under regular review

4.2 To carry out a two-day review on 04-05 February 2015 to monitor progress since the December review

4.3 To launch a programme to move those staff currently delivering ‘good’ practice (grade 2) to grade 1

4.4 To deliver classroom management / behaviour training to individual staff and to departments where a need has been identified

Vanessa Harvey-Samuel, City Learning and Skills Manager

Contact Officer: Jan Campbell Telephone No. : 616123

Officer Interests: None

Background Documents: - None

Jan Campbell Standards and Improvement Officer (Secondary Lead) January 2014

Author: Page 19 of 72 Status: Date: 14/01/2015 Page 3 of 3

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Briefing Paper to the Northern Area Committee Wards: Orchard Park and Greenwood, University, 5th March 2015 Beverley

Cottingham and Orchard Park Flood Alleviation Scheme- update on progress

Briefing Paper on behalf of the City Planning Manager

1. Purpose of the Paper and Summary

1.1 The purpose of the paper is to update the committee on the progress of the Cottingham and Orchard Park Flood Alleviation Scheme (COPFAS) and explain the impacts on Orchard Park.

2. Background

2.1 The concept of COPFAS came from the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and subsequent Surface Water Management Plan produced by Hull City Council following the June 2007 surface water flooding. The plan identified that a considerable amount of flooding in Hull occurred due to overland flows from areas to the west and north of the city filling the land drainage, sewers, flooding streets and properties. The scheme involves intercepting the flooding in a series of attenuation lagoons situated along the predicted line of the overland flows. The flows will be stored in the lagoons and discharged at a restricted rate once the flooding has gone. The purpose of this is to increase the amount of capacity in the existing sewers, predominantly the Orchard Park Extension sewer, and the Cottingham Branch sewer. This would enable rain falling directly on the city to be able to discharge into the sewers rather than overflowing onto roads and into houses.

2.2 A large integrated catchment model for the hydrology has been produced which includes Yorkshire Water systems, to ensure that the location and levels for when the storage lagoons are used can be determined. The lagoons can be used to provide the maximum storage in a flood but continue to keep flows in the sewers as existing in normal conditions. This is important as the sewers are combined taking both foul and surface water. Due to the lack of gradient in the city additional flow in the sewers is required to move on the foul to prevent stagnation and odour.

2.3 Council is delivering the scheme in partnership with Hull City Council and the Environment Agency. The cost is £22million; £13million of this is Author: R Glossop Page 21 of 72 Status: Final Date: 25/02/2015 Page 1 of 3 central government funding in the form of Flood Defence Grant in Aid (FDGiA), administered by the Environment Agency. £9million is from Local Growth Funding (LGF) administered by the Local Enterprise Partnership and Hull City Council as the Accountable Body. The scheme will reduce flood risk for approximately 4255 properties in the Cottingham and Orchard Park area directly; however, general benefits on the infrastructure are likely to be wider. 70% of the 4255 properties are within the Orchard Park area.

3. Issues for Consideration

3.1 The location of the flood storage area at Orchard Park needs to fit in with the requirements of the community and future plans for the area. Modelling work has been undertaken, which included the work Hull City Council did as part of the aqua greens feasibility for the Surface Water Management Plan. This has looked at the location and size of storage required to obtain the most flood benefits for the least cost and provided the greatest cost beneficial option. An attached drawing shows where this location is.

3.2 The modelling work has shown that to get the scheme to an appropriate standard of protection 337,000mᵌ of flood storage is required. The location of this storage has to be in the areas in the flow path of the flood water. The reason that an appropriate standard of protection is required is because this will influence the cost of insurance. Insurance companies use a 1 in 75 year standard of protection. For tidal and river flooding this area has this protection so is considered low risk but it’s the surface water flooding which has resulted in insurance premiums becoming either unaffordable or including large excesses. It is not possible to find this amount of land for flood storage within Hull City Council’s boundary.

3.3 An additional restriction on the location for the storage at Orchard Park is the Source Protection Zone maps. These maps indicate where restrictions are in place in order to protect the aquifers and ground water used for drinking water. The Environment Agency’s Ground Water team produce these maps and act as the regulator to prevent contamination. These maps were updated and the zones have increased in this area. The reason for the update was a request from Government to ensure zones were adequately mapped for the purpose of excluding areas suitable for fracking.

3.4 The existence of the Source Protection Zone does not rule out the storage of water in these areas but there are restrictions and requirements on the construction of any such facility. An appropriate liner must be used to ensure that water stored on the surface cannot percolate through. This is usually the use of puddle clay, which can increase costs significantly if there is no suitable material in the vicinity of the scheme.

3.5 Planning permission for the scheme would be granted by East Riding of Yorkshire Council with Hull City Council as a consultee on the planning application. Much of the land in the area concerned is in Hull City Council ownership. The future maintenance of any scheme in this area needs proper consideration to ensure that Hull City Council is not committed to this without the revenue funding. However as the land to be

Author: R Glossop Page 22 of 72 Status: Final Date: 25/02/2015 Page 2 of 3 maintained is entirely within the East Riding of Yorkshire Council they would be expected to fund the majority of the revenue costs.

3.6 The cost of £22million is been met entirely through funding external to the council (FDGiA and LGF). Any objection to the principle of COPFAS could threaten this funding. The cost for Hull City Council is one of resourcing with it being met from within the existing resources in the Flood Risk Planning team.

4. Next steps

4.1 The Flood Risk Planning team are interested in feedback on the indicative location of the flood storage lagoon adjacent to Orchard Park. Work will continue with the project delivery team at East Riding of Yorkshire to ensure that delivery of the scheme is in accordance with the requirements of the community.

Alex Codd City Planning Manager

Contact Officer: Rachel Glossop- Flood Risk Planning Manager Telephone No. : 01482 612129

Officer Interests: None

Background Documents: - Drawing No. D577/SK/001

Author: R Glossop Page 23 of 72 Status: Final Date: 25/02/2015 Page 3 of 3

Page 24 of 72 Und Track Pickhill N Cherry Trees

Drain D577/SK/001

MP .75 Drain

Drain Ground

El Sub Sta 1





Dane Park





Pond North Moor


Playing Fields The Swallows

MP .5

13 Drain 28


FB 3





Burnbrae 3.0m Drain





Path (um)


Recreation Ground


3.9m 2.4m


20 Cycle Trail Park 49


6 4

40 16a

North Moor 2


Recreation Ground 1


6 1



Three Ways







1 to 8

34 MILL BECK Cottingham and Orchard Park

Lyndale 31 LANE Flood Alleviation Scheme

1 COPFAS OP Lagoon Option 1 10 Nigel Leighton Environment and Neighbourhood Services

3 Sketch - Orchard Park Lagoon

MP 0.25 Page 25 of 72 Option 1

Drain 1 NTS 14.01.2015 DCW ACAD D577/SK/001

Page 26 of 72

Briefing Paper to: Date: Wards:

Northern Area Committee 26th February Orchard Park and 2015 Greenwood, University and Beverley. Housing Regeneration Projects

Briefing Paper of the Assistant City Manager, Housing Strategy and Renewal

1. Purpose of the Briefing Paper

1.1. The purpose of this briefing paper is to update Members of Northern Area Committee on the Neighbourhood Renewal projects in the Orchard Park and Greenwood ward.

2. Main Body of the Report

2.1. Regeneration activities across the city are focussed in the Council’s priority renewal areas. These areas include Newington and St Andrew’s, the Holderness Road Corridor including the Preston Road and Ings areas, Orchard Park, North Bransholme and the City Centre.

2.2. This briefing paper outlines the progress made within the Orchard Park and Greenwood area, including an update on developments currently on site and new programmes being brought forward as a result of successful funding bids. The report also summarises the approach being taken by the Housing Strategy and Renewal section to secure additional funding and build upon the progress made to date.

3. New Build development

Homethorpe – 52 affordable units (16 units HCC and 36 units Riverside) – Wates Contractor

3.1. The first phase of homes is nearing completion, the first residents have moved into the Riverside Homes in the north western section of the site, works are progressing well to facilitate completion in March with the Council flats now scheduled for handover on the 23rd March 2015.

3.2. The scheme has been hit with a number of delaying factors with the most recent being the poor performance of utility companies in installing meters to properties. This has adversely affected the final sign off of homes and delayed handovers. This is something that is being experienced on all of the sites in the City.

Page 27 of 72 Mildane, Dane Park, Isledane – 178 affordable units – Out to tender for Contractor

3.3. HCC were successful in being awarded funding from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) to deliver 178 affordable units on Orchard Park as part of the Affordable Homes Programme 2015-2018.

3.4. Housing Strategy and Renewal are currently finalising the appointment of a partner to progress the schemes following a competitive tendering programme to deliver 178 units across the Orchard Park area. The main sites for these units to be delivered on are as follows;

 Milldane  Isledane  Dane Park Road

3.5. The tender outlined the following with regard to phasing and unit mix for the start of this programme;

Phase 1 Unit Breakdown

 38 x 1 bed roomed flats

 8 x 1 bed roomed houses

 38 x 2 bed roomed houses

Phase 2 Unit Breakdown

 32 x 1 bed roomed flats

 10 x 1 bed houses

 52 x 2 bed houses

3.6. With respect to timescales for the above programme following the tender process and appointment we anticipate starting on site with Phase 1 in Summer 2015 and then with Phase 2 Summer 2016.

4. Demolition


4.1 The demolition of Highcourt is progressing well, the appointed contractor, Robinson & Birdsell, have confirmed that the date for demolition is the 8th March 2015.

Page 28 of 72 Gorthorpe

4.2 Negotiations are ongoing with the telecommunications equipment operators who currently have a lease for an area of the roof. Current indications are that the operators will remove their equipment from the roof of Gorthorpe in spring 2015, this will allow for a demolition contractor be procured and ultimately demolition to occur in early Autumn 2015.

5. Local Labour and Supply Chain

Wates/Riverside – 52 units – Homethorpe

5.1. There is a target of 60% HU based labour within the development and contract with Riverside and Wates respectively, at the present time the scheme is only achieving 47% and this has been raised as a breach of contract with both partners.

5.2. There are positives on the site in that 17% of the workforce is in the local HU6 area and 4 apprenticeships have been created by the programme of works in addition to 2 safeguarded and 3 employed in the supply chain as a direct result of orders placed by Wates.

6 Empty Homes Schemes

6.1 Dibsdane The 18 unit scheme at Dibsdane, funded under Empty homes round 2 through the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), is almost complete. The internal works are complete and the external environmental works will be completed in February 2015. There have been issues with the statutory services and is expected that the units will now be ready for letting in March 2015

6.2 Greenwood Avenue Flats Above Shops Three flats above shops are being refurbished as part of the HCA funded programme. The shops below are also being refurbished at the same time funded through the ‘spend to save’ scheme. Works are almost complete and the properties will be ready for letting in March 2015.

7. Conclusion

7.1 Housing Strategy and Renewal continues to focus on the delivery of our ambitious housing programme across the city.

7.2 All of our new build schemes continue to progress well and we are working with our partners to maintain this good progress.

Page 29 of 72 7.3 In addition, we continue to look at bringing forward new developments alongside new lead developer partners.

7.4 The successful procurement of partners has given greater certainty to our future programmes.

Nicholas Harne Assistant City Manager, Housing Strategy and Renewal

Page 30 of 72

Briefing to the Northern Area Committee Wards – Beverley, 26 February 15 Orchard Park & Greenwood and University

Street Cleansing and Grounds Maintenance – Northern Area

Briefing of the City Streetscene Manager

1. Purpose of the Briefing Paper and Summary

1.1 To provide an overview and update of the street cleansing and grounds maintenance programme in Northern Area.

2. Introduction

2.1 This briefing is to provide an operational overview of the street cleansing and grounds maintenance service.

2.2 Streetscene are currently redeveloping the street cleansing and grounds maintenance operations.

3. Street Cleansing

3.1 It is proposed that the street cleansing service will operate on a zoned basis, 7 days per week. This will include all dedicated zone resources working in one zone per day.

3.2 The city will be split into 15 zones, and the geographical areas for these zones are the same for street cleansing and grounds maintenance

3.3 The city centre and arterial roads are excluded from the zones and will have a dedicated resource, 7 days a week.

3.4 The city centre will have extended operating hours in line with the Purple Flag criteria.

3.5 There will be a “back up” resource dedicated to school runs, shop fronts, hot spot areas and service requests. These will be cleaned daily.

3.6 The shift pattern and schedules are currently being developed and are going through consultation with the Trade Unions, and is proposed to start in April 15. Page 31 of 72 1

3.7 Fly-tipping, cycle tracks and on-request tasks (needles, dead animals, etc.) will remain the same.

3.8 Future developments within the street cleansing schedules will naturally encompass the seasonal trends, and these will be discussed with Ward Members, where requested.

3.9 The new schedules will be shared with members, when finalised.

4. Grounds Maintenance

4.1 Grounds maintenance will operate over 5 days, Monday to Friday.

4.2 The triple grass cutting and mobile teams will work on a zonal basis, using the same principal as street cleansing with all resources working in that zone then moving on to the next zone the following day.

4.3 The other grounds maintenance tasks (high amenity, marking out, city centre and communal areas) will have dedicated crews to carry out this work. These will not work on a zonal basis, due to the spread across the city.

4.4 There are back up crews, if required, to cover grass cutting during periods of wet weather.

5. Community Groups

5.1 Streetscene will work with the Area Committee and Ward Members to support community involvement, where there is interest, and coordinate/adapt operational response accordingly to assist in the clearance of litter and leaves, and grounds maintenance tasks.

5.2 Streetscene will arrange meetings with Ward Members to discuss community clean-ups of litter.

6. Summary

6.1 Officers from Streetscene will attend Ward Members meetings to discuss the street cleansing and grounds maintenance zones in detail, if requested.

6.2 After an initial monitoring period of the new schedules, it is proposed to give residents access to the new schedules, so they know what day their street is due to be cleaned or when the grass will be cut.

Andy Burton City Streetscene Manager

Contact Officers: Adam McArthur, Streetscene Services

Telephone No: 318536 Page 32 of 72 2 Background Documents – None

Page 33 of 72 3

Page 34 of 72

Briefing Paper to the Northern Area Committee Wards: Beverley

5 March 2015

Access to Parkstone Road

Briefing Paper of the of Head of Service City Streetscene Manager on behalf of Corporate Director for City Services

1. Purpose of the Paper and Summary

1.1 This paper informs Members of access arrangements to and from Parkstone Road and likely issues of opening another gap in the central reserve on Beverley Road.

2. Background

2.1 In response to a referral from Planning Committee in relation to the proposed housing development on the site of the Wheelhouse public house, access to Parkstone Road was raised with the view of creating an additional gap in the in the central reservation of Beverley Road. Currently, this is a left in and out off Beverley Road with those travelling northbound and wishing to turn right having to proceed to the gap in the central reserve 30m (100ft) to the north of Parkstone Road. Those wishing to turn right onto Beverely Road must first turn left and ‘U’ turn at the Sutton Road / Greenwood Avenue junction, a total additional distance of less than 400m (1/4 mile). Parkstone Road is a short cu-de-sac 260m (850ft) long serving 55 residential properties, a primary school and the former public house.

3. Issues for Consideration

3.1 Alternative access – there is only one alternative access arrangement which is to create a new gap in the central reserve immediately adjacent to Parkstone Road. This would entail the provision of a deceleration lane for northbound traffic and the likelihood of the removal of the existing gap and five or six mature trees. This would reduce the journey distance and time for a small numbers of drivers. The estimated cost is £31,000 plus any utility companies’ service diversion works that could be substantial given that there are several major Kingston Communication cables in the central reservation. A further 15% fees would be added too.

Author: Sheila Henley Page 35 of 72 Status: Date: 25/02/2015 Page 1 of 2

3.2 Safety – In the last ten years there have been just three recorded injury accidents in the vicinity of the Parkstone Road / Beverley Road junction and the existing central reserve gap. Only one involved a turning manoeuvre into or out of Parkstone Road, indicating that the current layout is relatively safe. There is a risk that creating a new gap directly opposite Parkstone Road could lead to an increase in vehicle conflicts as some drivers may be tempted to try and cross the southbound lane of Beverley Road when there is insufficient time in the face of oncoming traffic. This situation does not arise with the current layout as drivers must turn left and join a flow of traffic and will consequently tend to allow themselves more time to execute the manoeuvre.

4. Next steps

4.1 There does not appear to be any advantage to providing a gap other than to save on some journey distance and times for right turners. It may create a safety hazard and would also be costly to implement. Accordingly, it is suggested that the proposal is not taken forward

Andy Burton City Streetscene Manager

Contact Officer : Sheila Henley Telephone No. : 01482 616552

Officer Interests: None

Background Documents: - None

Author: Sheila Henley Page 36 of 72 Status: Date: 25/02/2015 Page 2 of 2 Page 1 25/02/2015

Briefing Note to the Northern Area Committee 5 March 2015

Northern Area Neighbourhood Management Update

Briefing Note of the City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager

1. Purpose of the Briefing Note and Summary

1.1 To provide an update to the Northern Area Committee on ward activity across the Area.

2. Beverley ward update


2.1 A grit bin has been installed on Parkstone Road in response to requests from residents.

2.2 The ‘3-2-1’ running routes have been established on Oak Road park. There is a shorter loop (0.5 miles) around the lake and another longer one via the sports field (1 mile), both routes start from the Beresford Avenue end of the park.

Progress Updates

2.3 Drawings and plans for replanting of the flower beds to the corner of Beresford Avenue and Beverley Road have been forwarded by the Horticultural Officer to ward members for consideration.

2.4 Highways for carriageway improvements on Fleet Estate to be funded from Beverley Ward CIB Capital around 15K. This work represents a continuation of the scheme previously implemented.

2.5 Riverside Community Centre have worked with the Neighbourhood Co- ordinators to complete the required fire risk assessment. A detailed assessment of the association will be completed by the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator after discussion with the Association Chair.

Page 37 of 72 Date: 25/02/2015 Page 1 of 4 Page 2 25/02/2015

Future plans

2.6 Hull and District Anglers Association are continuing to work to their service level agreement and develop the fishing on the site. They are planning some summer events which will include Oak Road fishing lake along with their other 19 fisheries across the area.

2.7 Oak Road boathouse is now empty and the City of Hull Rowing club have successfully relocated to East Park. By the end of 2014, the membership of the club had increased to 35 which represents a 600% increase, 66% of the membership being female. The popular ‘Learn to Row’ courses have been provided (with a waiting list for ‘Learn to Row’ courses in 2015) .Rowing has now become a regular activity at East Park at weekends.

2.8 The Community Payback team have been requested to return to complete additional projects in the ward.

2.9 Streetcare have been requested to support a community litter pick in the Queensway area.

3.0 Orchard Park and Greenwood ward update


3.1 The City of Hull Boxing Club have been granted £40,000 from the Orchard Park and Greenwood ward Community Initiatives budget towards the cost of refurbishment of the former Housing office on Orchard Park Road. A grant of £244,500 has already been secured from Sport from the Inspired Communities fund. The building work is due to start when Heron Frozen food vacate the premises later on this year. The refurbished premises will provide a boxing ring and gym which can be used for training events.

3.2 The winning team of ‘Operation Lifestyle’ are from the Orchard Park and Greenwood ward. The team have completed a project to support young people who have suffered bereavement. Their prize is a week’s holiday in Florida.

Progress updates

3.3 Work is ongoing on a draft master plan and map for the North Moor nature area. Both the master plan and map are near to completion. The local community will be consulted on the plans in the near future. Any

Page 38 of 72 Date: 25/02/2015 Page 2 of 4 Page 3 25/02/2015

plans will need the support and agreement of the Woodland Trust who lease the site from the Council.

3.4 The first phase of work on the new shops next to the Orchard Centre is nearing completion. There will be a public open space and additional car parking.

3.5 Work is ongoing to demolish the Highcourt block. The demolition contractors have held meetings and informed residents in the exclusion zone area. Arrangements are in place for residents who will need to leave their homes on the day of the demolition.

3.6 North Hull Community Association and the Thorpes Hub have been working with the Neighbourhood Co-ordinators on their Fire Risk assessment and community centre review.

Future plans

3.6 Work is due to begin on the Extra Care Housing development on Hall Road. Extra Care Housing is a way to help people to live independently but with care and support if needed. Around 60 two bedroom homes will be built in this development.

3.7 A bus based ward forum will be held on March 9th. The Orchard Park and Greenwood ward Councillors, Northern Area team along with the Police, Neighbourhood Nuisance team and Hull Warmzone will be in attendance.

4. University Ward Update


4.1 After two public consultation meetings and one site meeting have taken place with residents and stakeholders regarding a traffic regulation order for 21st and 23rd Avenue. A revised scheme was presented to January Northern Area Committee and agreed, this revised scheme will now be progressed by the Highways.

4.2 Two new Victoriana bins are to be installed, one near to the roundabout (Hall Road/Cottingham Road) and the other to be installed at the junction of Hall Road and Inglemire Lane.

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4.3 Thanks to the University ward Councillors approving £800 from the ward budget, the Marist Sports club have benefited from an improved car park surface.

4.4 A new crossover has been installed adjacent to 226 Cranbrook Avenue to improve safety and access.

Progress updates

4.5 NPS have been instructed to undertake the King George V feasibility study for the development of a playground for 8-13 year olds and the extension of the skating bowl at King George 5th Playing Field.

4.6 Installation of bollards is expected imminently adjacent to 193 Cranbrook Avenue, preventing further damage to grass verges.

Future plans

4.7 A bus based ward forum is planned for the 16th March. The bus will start off at Endike Lane (Shops, opposite the Endike Methodist Church) - 10 to 10.45 and it will then go to the following locations: Westgarth Avenue (Near bungalows) 11 - 11.30, Marton Grove (near the Quadrant shops) 11.45 - 12.30, University outside Middleton Hall, Cottingham Road Entrance. 12.45 to 1.30, Lord Nelson, Car Park, Endike Lane/Cranbrook Avenue. 1.45 to 2.30 and The Greenway Primary School, side of school, 15th Avenue. 2.40 - 3.15.

4.8 The King George V development will require the allocation of Section 106 monies to be committed from University ward. This is an agenda item for this meeting on the area funds report.

Laura Carr City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager

Contact Officer: Sue Rahman, Neighbourhood Co-ordinator Telephone No. : (01482) 331995 Officer interests: None Background Documents: None

Page 40 of 72 Date: 25/02/2015 Page 4 of 4

Briefing Note to the Wards: Beverley, Northern Area Committee Orchard Park and Greenwood, 5 March 2015 University

Northern Area Funds

Report of the City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager

1. Purpose of the Report

1.1 To update Members on the Ward Budget Revenue and Capital unallocated funds remaining for 2014/15 for each ward.

1.2 The provide details of all decisions taken for 2014/15 for each ward from the 1 April 2014 to 12 January 2015 at (Appendix 1 Revenue) and (Appendix 2 Capital)

1.3 To inform members of S106 monies available in University ward and to seek members views on the use of these monies.

2. Recommendations

2.1 That the budget balance for each Ward for year 2014/ 2015 be noted.

2.2 There are no new applications to be considered by the Area Committee

2.3 That Members note the decisions taken by each ward from the 1 April 2014 to 13 February 2015

2.4 That members agree the use of S106 monies available in University ward as described in 5.4

This is not a Key Decision.

Page 41 of 72 5

3. Introduction

3.1 The process for considering applications was determined by this Committee on 20 July 2011 (minute 29 refers). The process for considering applications was amended as follows by this Committee on 25 September 2014 (minute 37 Ward Budget Decision Making) recommendations contained in 2.1 and 2.2 were Agreed:-

That the Assistant City Manager (Neighbourhoods) be authorised to approve all applications for funding from the Ward Budgets following consultation with the relevant ward members, except:

a) where applications relate to more than one ward, or

b) where unanimous agreement cannot be reached by relevant ward councillors, in which cases the application will be submitted to the relevant Area Committee for consideration.

That a briefing note is submitted to every other Area Committee meeting setting out decisions made under delegated powers and advising members of amounts available to spend.

4. Issues for Consideration

4.1 Ward Budget

The rules which allow Hull City Council to make funding available for the Ward Budget are contained within Section 2 of the Localism Act 2011 (the “General Power”). This provision gives local authorities the power to do anything that an individual might do subject to the boundaries contained in Sections 2 and 3.

The Ward Budget is allocated per Ward on the agreed basis, and is devolved to the Area Committee for their determination of its allocation to individuals/ groups.

Application is made via application forms, which are specifically designed to take into consideration all the probable risks involved in allocating funding.

The Members consider approving the applications whilst taking into consideration that some of the applications have been made year on year for a similar or identical project. Members may wish to consider those applications that are `new’ as a priority before looking at repeat applications, unless that repeat application is seen as part of a continuing and/or vital project.

Page 42 of 72 6

4.2 Beverley Ward

Fund Unallocated Funds remaining 2014/15

Revenue £5,031.93

Capital £10,318.60

Orchard Park and Greenwood Ward

Fund Unallocated Funds remaining 2014/15

Revenue £4,263.62

Capital £1,453.15

University Ward

Fund Unallocated Funds remaining 2014/15

Revenue £3,720.03

Capital £1,872.73

The tables at paragraph 4.2 however, are inclusive of all (both previous Area Committee decisions and those delegated to members) from all funding applications, up to and including the.

5. Section 106 funds

5.1 That S106 monies available in the vicinity of 332-362 Cottingham Road in the University ward, Application Number 12606F (Legal file Reference 79585/141) to be used by 16/06/2020 a total of £55,513.60, of which £50,538.60 is for provision or enhancement of open space and/or playspace in the vicinity; £4,975 towards playspace.

Page 43 of 72 7 5.2 That S106 monies available in the vicinity of 3 Owston Park, south side in the University ward, Application Number 31038 (Legal file Reference 79585/194) to be used by 25/10/2023 a total of £10,115, For open space and play space provision within the vicinity. To be used within 10 years of receipt.

5.3 That both S106 monies (Application numbers 12606F and 31038) available ( a total of £65,629.60, be allocated to contribute to the phase 2 regeneration project on King George V PF for the provision of a skatepark bowl, adjacent to the current skatepark thus extending the existing skatepark. In addition for play equipment for 8-13 year olds in close proximity to the skatepark and Adizone.

5.4 The Northern Area Committee previously agreed on the 7 June 2010 to allocate S106 monies to a skate park, under 7’s play area and footpath a total of £125,786.36 as a contribution to regenerate King George V Playing Fields with a further contribution from ward budgets for a project budget of £201,036. This project was completed in 2013 by NPS () Ltd with PBS as construction contractor.

5.5 It was always planned to develop phase 2 as a skate park extension and playground for 8-13 year olds as there is no such provision on site. The site has been surveyed and a earth mound prepared for the site of the skatepark bowl (similar to East Park).The total project outline is detailed in Appendix 3, a total project cost of £102,886.28

6. Council’s Aims and Objectives

6.1 The use of the Ward Budget Fund is to finance schemes within local neighbourhoods for the betterment of local communities. This contributes to the Council’s aims and objectives insofar as they are consistent with published local action plans and Area priorities.


7.1 Planning Services’ officers recommend approval of this project based on the use of s106 planning obligation contributions relating to the sites in question. The project for skate park expansion is within close proximity to both the planning approvals, will enhance and extend the use of the existing skate park and works sought are in line with the legal agreement requirements for both public open space and play provision. The use of £65,629.60 from s106 along with other sources serving young people is further supported, especially if such aspirations have been expressed through local consultation. However, caution is required in terms of future maintenance liabilities falling on the Council, as the East Park skate bowl has required significant further funds to make it operational.

Page 44 of 72 8 8. Monitoring Officer Assurance Statement

8.1 The suggested use of the s 106 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 agreements monies would appear appropriate.

9. Section 151 Officer Assurance Statement

9.1 The Section 151 Officer notes the report and has no further comments.

10. Comments of the Head of Human Resources

10.1 The City HR Manager notes the recommendations of this report.

11. Comments of Overview and Scrutiny

11.1 This report has not been subject to pre-decision scrutiny. (Ref. Sc Sc4366).

12. Conclusions and next steps

12.1 That Members note the Northern Ward Budget position for 2014/15

12.2 Members make recommendations on the use of the S106 monies now available in University ward

Laura Carr City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager

Officer contact: Ken Upshall 331951

Officer interests: None

Appendix 1 Ward Budget 2014/15 Revenue Appendix 2 Ward Budget 2014/15 Capital Appendix 3 King George V PF Project Outline, Section 106 Planning Obligations Pro- Forma

Background Documents:

Application forms with supporting documents

Page 45 of 72 9

Author: Name: Ken Upshall Service Area: Customer Services Contact Details: 331951 Background Papers Northern Ward Budgets 2014/15 spreadsheets. Area application forms, S106 allocations spreadsheet Is this a Key Decision: No If yes, is it in the Forward Plan? N/A Will further decisions be required? No If yes please outline the timetable Is this report proposing an amendment to the No budget or policy framework? Have the financial (including capital N/A implications been agreed with the Head of Corporate Planning and Finance? Have value for money considerations been N.A accounted for? Has the report been approved by the relevant Yes CST/HoS? Has the relevant Cabinet Member been N/A consulted and any comments documented? Has Overview and Scrutiny been consulted? N/A Have Area Committees been consulted? Yes Have the legal implications been agreed with N/A the Head of Legal and Democratic Services? Are there any procurement/commercial N/A issues/implications? Have communication issues been cleared by N/A Communications and Marketing? Has an Equalities Impact Assessment been N/A carried out in relation to the subject of the report? Are there any equalities and diversity No implications? Are there any community safety implications? Yes Has regard been paid to Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act? Are there any environmental and climate No change issues/sustainability implications? Are there any Health and Safety implications? No Are there any human rights implications? No How does this report contribute to The report contains financial Council/LAA/Area priorities information and funding applications from the Area Teams as appropriate, partners, community and voluntary groups to undertake activities to contribute towards the priorities.

Page 46 of 72 10 Author: Name: Ken Upshall Service Area: Customer Services Contact Details: 331951 Background Papers Northern Ward Budgets 2014/15 spreadsheets. Area application forms Is this a Key Decision: No If yes, is it in the Forward Plan? N/A Will further decisions be required? No If yes please outline the timetable Is this report proposing an amendment to the No budget or policy framework? Have the financial (including capital N/A implications been agreed with the Head of Corporate Planning and Finance? Have value for money considerations been N/A accounted for? Has the report been approved by the relevant Yes CST/HoS? Has the relevant Cabinet Member been N/A consulted and any comments documented? Has Overview and Scrutiny been consulted? N/A Have Area Committees been consulted? Yes Have the legal implications been agreed with N/A the Head of Legal and Democratic Services? Are there any procurement/commercial N/A issues/implications? Have communication issues been cleared by N/A Communications and Marketing? Has an Equalities Impact Assessment been N/A carried out in relation to the subject of the report? Are there any equalities and diversity No implications? Are there any community safety implications? Yes Has regard been paid to Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act? Are there any environmental and climate No change issues/sustainability implications? Are there any Health and Safety implications? No Are there any human rights implications? No How does this report contribute to The report contains financial Council/LAA/Area priorities information and funding applications from the Area Teams as appropriate, partners, community and voluntary groups to undertake activities to contribute towards the priorities.

Page 47 of 72 11

Page 48 of 72 Beverley - REVENUE CIB

Projects still current from previous years

Commitment Actual Spend Project Name of Approval brought forward per Oracle Outstanding Number organisation Project Details Date from prev year 14/15 Commitment

CIB 7-209 Northern Area Team Land registry search re ownership of land rear of Dunkeld Drive 18.01.11 5.00 5.00

CIB 7-288R Northern Area Team Land Ownership searches 19.12.12 100.00 100.00

CIB 7-289R Northern Area Team Land Ownership searches 2013 19.12.12 100.00 100.00

CIB 7-317R+C Northern Area Team Cycling seminars A/C 27.6.13 0.00 0.00

Humberside Police - CIB 10 - 8 Northern NPT Motor Project Activity - £428.57 requested 28.11.13 428.57 428.57 0.00

BEV/4 Northern Area Team BOYR Day programme 14/15 27.3.14 6,310.00 6,310.00 0.00 Northern Area Team - BEV/1 Highways Resurfacing on Trafalgar estate 27.3.14 4,432.71 4,432.71 0.00 0.00 Total Commitments from prev financial year 11,376.28 Projects 2014/15 - Transfer of underspend budget 2013/14 11,471.21 Budget to allocate 2014/15 5,524.00 Actual Spend Project Name of Approval Amount Awarded per Oracle Outstanding Number organisation Project Details Date £ (Commitment) 14/15 Commitment Beverley Ward BEV 001-REV Members Cycling on the Pavement Poster Competition 10.10.14 30.00 30.00 0.00 Beverley Ward BEV 002-REV Members Production of Calendars for Local Arthritis Group 23.10.14 100.00 100.00 Beverley Ward 2 x car park directional signs , Beverley Road, Oak Road Playing BEV 003-REV Members Fields 10.11.14 300.00 300.00 0.00 Beverley Ward BEV 004-REV Members Mobile Road Safety Signs - pull-up no cycling on footpath signs 27.1.15 157.00 157.00

Balance unallocated 14/15 4,937.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 5,031.93 Actual Oracle Spend 11,501.28 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 462.00 Page 49 of 72 Orchard Park & Greenwood Revenue CIB

Projects still current from previous years

Commitment Actual Name of Approval brought forward Spend per Outstanding Project Number organisation Project Details Date from prev year Oracle 14/15 Commitment

CIB 7-229 Northern Area Team Pitch markings for St John Fisher site 6.9.11 109.76 109.76 0.00 Maintance/up keep of zip wire at Shaw CIB 7-240 Northern Area Team Park. 5.1.12 75.24 75.24 Endike Community CIB12-4 Care Jubilee celebrations 29.6.12 150.00 150.00

CIB7-261R Northern Area Team Materials for the Wardens to use AC28.6.12 0.00 0.00 Paint and graffiti cleaning items for the CIB 7-285R Northern Area Team Wardens 5.12.12 294.91 294.91 Improvement to the grassed area in CIB 7-300R Northern Area Team Bainton Grove 11.3.13 1,500.00 1,500.00

CIB 7-302R Northern Area Team BOYRD's for 2013 11.3.13 2,391.00 2,391.00

Additional running costs for Pitch + Putt CIB 7-303R Northern Area Team Dane Park 11.3.13 4,284.00 4,284.00

Courts Community CIB 28-6 Assoc Blue Paint for line marking machine 4.6.13 1.21 1.21 0.00

CIB 7-317R+C Northern Area Team Cycling seminars A/C 27.6.13 0.00 0.00

Soil sampling to ascertain whether former PEPF bowling green would be CIB 7 - 324R Northern Area Team suitable for community growing project 30.09.13 809.90 809.90

Humberside Police - Motor Project Activity - £642.86 CIB 10 - 8 R Northern NPT requested 28.11.13 642.86 642.86 0.00

Courts Community CIB 28-4 R Association Provide pitch marking paint 25.11.13 281.50 106.12 175.38

Design and printing of colour newsletter CIB 7 - 326R Northern Area Team to be distributed November 2013. 25.11.13 205.00 205.00

CIB 7 - 327R Northern Area Team To provide a healthy eating workshop 09.12.13 90.00 90.00

Cutting back hedgerow - running along CIB 7 - 328R Northern Area Team Jipdane (former Sir Leo Schultz site) 27.01.14 30.00 30.00

OPEG/2 Northern Area Team Big Northern Event - family fun day 17.2.14 1,500.00 1,361.04 138.96

OPEG/3 Northern Area Team BOYRD's across the wards 17.2.14 3,000.00 3,000.00

CIB 7-33R Northern Area Team Community Safety Items 23.12.13 443.34 443.34 OPEG/4 R Thorpes Hub Thorpes Hub gym t shirts 14.3.14 300.00 300.00 0.00

OPEG/5R Northern Area Team Bring out your rubbish days 14.3.14 4,837.26 1,262.00 3,575.26

Total Commitments from prev financial year 20,945.98 Projects 2014/15 - Orchard Transfer of underspend budget 2013/14 20,702.72 Budget to allocate 2014/15 10,793.00

Amount Actual Name of Approval Awarded £ Spend per Outstanding Project Number organisation Project Details Date (Commitment) Oracle 14/15 Commitment OPGW 001-REV Thorpes Hub contribution towards trips 2.6.14 910.00 910.00 0.00 OPGW 002-REV Clowes Church Children and Families Project 0.00

Grant to purchase materials to improve OPGW 003-REV Rainbow Gardens area adjacent to Rainbow Garden 24.10.14 376.12 376.12 0.00 Contribution towards the costs of City of Hull Amateur converting the former Housing office OPGW 004-REV Boxing Club building 22.1.15 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00

Balance unallocated 14/15 4,506.88

Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 4,263.62

Actual Oracle Spend 5,069.11

Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 22,162.99

Page 50 of 72 University - REVENUE CIB

Projects still current from previous years Commitment brought Actual Spend Project Name of forward from per Oracle Outstanding Number organisation Project Details Approval Date prev year 14/15 Commitment Northern CIB 7-293R Area Team BOYRD for 2013 University Ward 17.12.12 2,717.58 2,717.58

improvements to carriageways in Northern University Ward 2013/14 - materials and CIB 7-307R Area Team labour costs 25.3.13 2,728.34 2,728.34 Northern CIB 7-317R+C Area Team Cycling seminars A/C 27.6.13 0.00 0.00

UN/1 Probe Target hardening in the University Ward 30.1.14 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 Humberside Police - Northern Motor Project Activity - £428.57 CIB 10 - 8 R NPT requested Northern UN/4 Area Team 11th Avenue Carriageway Improvements 30.1.14 N.A.C. 2,270.58 2,270.58 Route One - Humberside CIB 67-4R Police Spray Back Project 30.1.14 N.A.C. 300.00 300.00 Underspend 3,028.57 3,028.57

Total Commitments from prev financial year 12,545.07 Projects 2014/15 - Transfer of underspend budget 2013/14 12,625.00 Budget to allocate 2014/15 7,684.00 Amount Actual Spend Project Name of Awarded £ per Oracle Outstanding Number organisation Project Details Approval Date (Commitment) 14/15 Commitment

University Ward Beach and Fun Day Northern Activities, King George V Playing Fields UNIV 001-REV Area Team 28.8.14 30.7.14 1,538.00 1,226.36 311.64

Northern Marist Sports Field, Cranbrook Ave - UNIV 002-REV Area Team install heavy boulders 6.10.14 950.00 950.00 0.00 Northern UNIV 003-REV Area Team BOYRD'S x 2 12.11.14 1,262.00 1,262.00 0.00 Northern Area Team To provide a colour ward newsletter 293.00 293.00 0.00

Balance unallocated 14/15 3,641.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 3,720.93 Actual Oracle Spend 4,938.36

Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 11,649.71

Page 51 of 72

Page 52 of 72 Beverley - CAPITAL Ward Budget

Projects still current from previous years

Commitment Actual brought Spend per Name of Approval forward from Oracle Outstanding Project Number organisation Project Details Date prev year 14/15 Commitment CIB 7-313C Traffic Services Signage on Haworth Park 04/04/2014 350.00 350.00 Northern Area CIB 7-317R+C Team Cycling Seminars A/C 27.6.13 0.00 0.00 Northern Area Team/Northern The installation of gates at entrances to ten foot in CIB 7 326C Policing Team Sutton Road/Welwyn area. 31.10.13 8,100.00 12,814.00 -4,714.00 Northern Area Contribution to the resurfacing of Steeton Avenue CIB 7 - 328 C Team footpaths 31.10.13 6,200.00 6,200.00 0.00 Friends of Oak BEV/3 CAP Road Contribution to trim trail equipment 27.3.14 3,600.80 3,600.80

Northern Area BEV/2 CAP Team - Highways Contribution to Trafalgar Resurfacing 27.3.14 9,068.34 9,068.34 0.00

Total Commitments from prev financial year 27,319.14 Projects 2014/15 - Beverley Transfer of underspend budget 2013/14 23,564.74 Budget to allocate 2014/15 29,073.00 Amount Actual Awarded £ Spend per Name of Approval (Commitmen Oracle Outstanding Project Number organisation Project Details Date t) 14/15 Commitment Beverley Ward Continuation of Highway improvements on Trafalgar BEV 001-CAP Members Estate 3.2.15 15,000.00 15,000.00

Balance unallocated 14/15 14,073.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 10,318.60 Actual Oracle Spend 28,082.34 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 14,236.80 Page 53 of 72 Orchard Park & Greenwood - CAPITAL Ward Budget

Projects still current from previous years Commitment Actual Spend brought forward per Oracle Outstanding Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 14/15 Commitment

CIB 7-267C Northern Area Team Fencing, environmental work & signage to new parking site at Shaw Park A/c April 2012 2,530.00 225.00 2,305.00 Environmental works following on from Environmental Agency project on CIB 7-266c Northern Area Team Barmston Drain A/c April 2012 550.00 550.00 CIB 7-269C Northern Area Team Litter bins at various locations within the Ward 21.8.12 1,640.00 1,640.00 CIB 7-296C Northern Area Team Fishing Lake A/c Feb 2013 16,992.95 220.00 16,772.95 CIB 7-297C Northern Area Team Feasibility study for the fishing lake 31.1.13 3,200.00 3,200.00 CIB 7-304C Northern Area Team Environmental improvements to Dane Park 11.3.13 2,166.49 2,166.49

CIB 28-6C Courts Community Association Wheel line marking machine for pitches 4.6.13 0.80 0.80 CIB 7-317R+C Northern Area Team Cycling Seminars A/C 27.6.13 0.00 0.00 CIB 7 - 318C Northern Area Team Feasibility study for the MUGA pitch 27.1.14 2,431.26 2,252.92 178.34 OPEG/7C Northern Area Team MUGA pitch development 28.2.14 17,000.00 17,000.00 OPEG/8C Northern Area Team Fishing lake development 28.2.14 19,136.00 19,136.00 OPEG/9C Northern Area Team Improvement of sports facilities 28.2.14 15,068.00 15,068.00

Total Commitments from prev financial year 80,715.50 Projects 2014/15 - Orchard Park & Transfer of underspend budget 2013/14 80,878.45 Budget to allocate 2014/15 56,807.00 Actual Spend Amount Awarded per Oracle Outstanding Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 14/15 Commitment OPGW 001-CAP Probe Target Hardening 16.7.14 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00

OPGW 002-CAP Courts Community Association To purchase a mower to be used at John Fisher fields by the Association 28.11.14 3,699.00 3,699.00 OPGW 003-CAP Northern Area Team Ground level trampoline at Shaw Park 24.10.14 9,175.12 9,175.12

OPGW 004-CAP Northern Area Team Installation of 18 bollards to protect verges and associated works on Endike Lane 27.11.14 5,127.68 5,127.68 OPGW 005-CAP Thorpes Hub Community Centre Equipment 27.11.14 1,514.97 1,513.97 1.00 City of Hull Amateur Boxing OPGW 006-CAP Club Contribution towards the costs of converting the former Housing office building 22.1.15 35,000.00 35,000.00 0.00 Balance unallocated 14/15 1,290.23 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 1,453.18 Actual Oracle Spend 5,211.89 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 131,020.38

Page 54 of 72 University - CAPITAL Ward Budget

Projects still current from previous years

Commitment Actual Name of brought Spend per Project organisatio forward from Oracle Outstanding Number n Project Details Approval Date prev year 14/15 Commitment Northern CIB 7-170 Area Team Cranbrook Avenue traffic calming measures 01.03.2010 2,181.18 2,181.18 Northern King George V Park refurbishment Area Team 10.03.2011 2,371.29 2,371.29 Northern Additional funding for the improvements to carriageways UN/6 Area Team and footpaths in Uni Ward 13/14 6,772.16 2,581.04 4,191.12 Northern Feasibility study for King George V play area, skate park and CIB 7-241 Area Team BMX park 5.1.12 262.50 262.50 Northern CIB 7-275C Area Team Controlled Parking Zone on Inglemire Lane 17.10.12 500.00 500.00 Northern Consultation on traffic issues at Cottingham Roadf CIB 7-295C Area Team roundabout - parking bays A/C December 554.78 195.11 359.67 Northern Improvements to footpaths in the University Ward for CIB 7-306C Area Team 2013/14 A/C March 13 4,920.61 4,920.61 Northern CIB 7-317R+C Area Team Cycling Seminars A/C 27.6.13 0.00 0.00 Northern Area Catherine McAuley//St. Antony's Close Parking UN/5 Committee Scheme A/C 27.3.14 5,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 Northern UN/7 Area Team Woodcroft Avenue Extension of Double Yellow Lines A/C 27.3.14 0.00 0.00 Northern CIB 7-318C Area Team Pedestrian footpath on King George V PF A/C 27.6.13 3,550.00 3,550.00 0.00 Total Commitments from prev financial year 26,112.52 Projects 2014/15 - Transfer of underspend budget 2013/14 23,749.00 Budget to allocate 2014/15 40,444.00 Amount Actual Name of Awarded £ Spend per Project organisatio (Commitmen Oracle Outstanding Number n Project Details Approval Date t) 14/15 Commitment Northern Inglemire Lane/Beverley Road Junction - UNIV 001-CAP Area Team installation/continuation of Visi Rail 30.7.14 4,535.07 9,070.14 -4,535.07 Northern UNIV 002-CAP Area Team Installation of 2 x bollards - 193 Cranbrook Ave 28.10.14 626.00 626.00 Northern UNIV 003-CAP Area Team Traffic Regulation Order Woodcroft Avenue 18.12.14 3,800.00 3,800.00 Northern King George 5th Playing Fields - Extension of current skate UNIV 004-CAP Area Team park 3.2.15 27,246.68 27,246.68

Balance unallocated 14/15 4,236.25 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 1,872.73 Actual Oracle Spend 15,846.29 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 46,473.98

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Page 56 of 72 Appendix 3

King George V PF Project Outline Page 1 of 7 pages

Section 106 Planning Obligations Pro-Forma (to be used by Area Teams)

This pro-forma is to facilitate Area Committee’s (or others acting on their behalf) submitting requests for S106 funding and to enable Planning Services confirmation that proposed expenditure complies with the criteria set out in the Planning Obligations Protocol. The intention is to speed progress of delivering s106 funded projects and provide transparency in approach.

Parts A – C could be used is supporting Area Committee agreement about a project. Part D should be completed within 1 month of the decision and copies sent to Planning Obligations Officer. Part E is a report on project progress and copies should also be sent to the Planning Obligations Officer.

PART A – General CIL funded project details

General details Project description King George V Playing Fields – Skate park extension and play equipment for 8-13 year olds Project site location/ King George V Playing Fields adjacent to the existing skate park development (RHS) and the playground equipment (LHS)

Cost breakdown including fees Feasibility Study £3,200 (maximum)

Skate park extension Concrete skatebowl, Earth mounding Drainage connection Subtotal Design fees Contingency Skate Park total £55,947.28

Playground Equipment Purchase Construction Design Fees Contingency Playground Total £43,739

Project Estimate £102,886.28

S106 contributions sought S106 £65,629.60 = 63.8% including details of relevant planning consent/legal 332-362 Cottingham Road in the University ward, agreement (s) Application Number 12606F (Legal file Reference 79585/141) to be used by 16/06/2020 a total of £55,513.60, of which £50,538.60 is for provision or enhancement of open space and/or playspace in the vicinity; £4,975 towards playspace. Page 57 of 72 Appendix 3

King George V PF Project Outline Page 2 of 7 pages

S106 monies available in the vicinity of 3 Owston Park, south side in the University ward, Application Number 31038 (Legal file Reference 79585/194) to be used by 25/10/2023 a total of £10,115, For open space and play space provision within the vicinity. To be used within 10 years of receipt

Extent the project is reliant upon Leaders Contingency Fund £10,000 = 9.7%, subject to approval other sources of funding and what these are University Ward Budget (Capital) - £27,256.68 = 26.5%, committed from 2014/15

Extent the project conforms with To enhance existing open green space, play provision the criteria set out in the agreed improvement for 8-13 year olds, not currently available in the protocol neighbourhood. Any play provision enhancement will not encroach on the existing sports provision on site Compliance with local and See previous, phase 1 2012 national planning policy and guidance

Refer to any robust evidence to See previous, phase 1 2012 support the request for funds including if there is existing The Northern Area Committee agreed 7 June 2010 to allocate nearby provision or local deficits S106 monies to a skate park, under 7’s play area and footpath a or if some provision is met on- total of £125,786.36 as a contribution to regenerate King George site V Playing Fields with a further contribution from ward budgets or a project budget of £201,036. This project was completed in 2013 by NPS (Humber) Ltd with PBS as construction contractor.

It was always planned to develop phase 2 as a skate park extension and playground for 8-13 year olds as there is no such provision on site. The site has been surveyed and a earth mound prepared for the site of the skatepark bowl (similar to East Park). Suggest any evidence of existing The phase 1 skatepark development is well used diverting and additional demands and the youths from causing annoyance or committing ASB. It was extent to which existing always planned to build on this success with phase 2 when funds infrastructure can meet those were available demands

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King George V PF Project Outline Page 3 of 7 pages

PART B – Project details

Project Lead Officer/Person University ward Neighbourhood Coordinator

Project Summary (no more than 150 words) To create a skate park bowl that adjoins the existing skate park provision on site, an earth mound has already been created to denote the siting of the bowl.

To create a challenging, stimulating play area adjacent to the skate park and Adizone for 8-13 year olds as there is no such provision on site Infrastructure Provider/Service/Body making the The Northern Area Committee would agree and bid the Northern Area team would instruct NPS (Humber) Ltd, to design, procure and deliver the project following a robust and transparent procurement process, in line with Council policies and procedures Who will the project be delivered by? NPS (Humber) Ltd

Are other funds available (or could be made Leaders Contingency Fund £10,000 = 9.7% available) to fund the project and if so what are University Ward Budget (Capital) - £27,256.68 = these? Are other funds being sought to realise 26.5% the project and if so what are these?

Has a project or business plan been produced for No this scheme (attach copy if available) If your organisation/body is not the body with Land Manager Andrew Wilson Parks & Open statutory responsibility for the works proposed Spaces. have you sought agreement from the relevant statutory body? Provide details of what has Sport England to agree to the use of previous occurred or is anticipated. designated sports land for play and recreation. This process was undertaken to secure permission for phase 1 and phase 2 is within the footprint of the phase 1 agreement What problems are being resolved or addressed Youth Diversion Activities in delivering the project?

Explain the community consultation that has See previous, in December 2012 a public occurred in devising the project meeting and youth focus groups at Respect and Route One events Scope and progress in accessing other local N/A there is scope within the University ward to funds from across ward boundaries? contribute the 26.5% of the total project from 14/15 Capital budget What are the consequences of not carrying out Increase in ASB e.g youths causing annoyance the project?

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King George V PF Project Outline Page 4 of 7 pages

Briefly describe how the scheme will help TBC support the ongoing development of the city, taking account of where the project has or is proposed to take place: it may help to set out linkages to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan and what other funding sources have been identified/explored. If CIL funding is not available what is the likelihood of funding from other sources within the next 5/10 years?

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King George V PF Project Outline Page 5 of 7 pages

PART C: Project delivery and timeframe

Project delivery milestones in outline including Start date April 2015, completion 31/3/16 anticipated completion date If scheme to be undertaken in next financial year Q1 Feasibility set out the outline Q1 – Q4 project plan Q2 Consultation Q3 Procurement of Contractor Q4 Construction If it’s necessary to undertake project NPS (Humber) Ltd have already carried out development work to address technical issues ground surveys in 2013 as part of the initial skate and establish costings then it may be park development appropriate to seek project development funds through a two-stage bid with funds allocated The project could be delivered within the over more than one year financial year 15/16 stage 1: feasibility/evaluation stage 2: implementation Provide details accordingly Please specify extent and responsibility for on- Within existing Parks & Open Spaces Repairs and going maintenance costs Maintenance budgets

What outcomes are anticipated at each 1. Project is technically possible and gains milestone planning consent 2. The community support the project through consultation with youth groups and neighbours 3. Designs and planning requirements are agreed within budget 4. The procurement process successfully appoints an approved contractor within the budgeted construction costs 5. The contractor has ability and capacity to construct the facility within timescales and budget 6. Technical sign off of completion and through testing of the facility to meet national standards, commissioning completed 7. Opening of the facility 8. Monitoring for 12 months, issue certificate xxxx Explain the risk management details including Low Risk - Use of NPS (Humber) Ltd for project how these can be addressed and/or mitigated delivery, development and management, using a along with any succession planning robust procurement process. To get local area buy in by ward members and the community

Low Risk – area not impinging on sports use, as

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King George V PF Project Outline Page 6 of 7 pages

lessons learned from Phase 1, the location of any equipment for older children needs careful consideration. Sport England will object to using any area which is or has the potential to be a pitch. The existing fenced Toddler play area only has enough space to add some additional Toddler equipment and it would be more appropriate to locate equipment for older children near the skate park and adizone. The area immediately south of the skate park was intended for future expansion for the skate bowl.

Low risk – as skate bowl built above ground level, one of the big considerations at KGVth is that the level of the bottom of the bowl could not be any lower than that of the lowest part of the skatepark . This is because we would not be able to drain it as it would be below the level of the existing drainage outlet. It would make sense to site it adjacent to the top of one of the existing half pipes.

PART D: Area Committee decision

Area Committee details Please provide details having completed the above first Date of decision Minute number Minute details

Issues raised during decision making

PART E: Project progress

Progress report detail Please supply information as needed (normally on quarter year basis) When did the project start and explain progress in relation to anticipated milestones Explain any challenges/difficulties encountered in delivering the project When was the project completed Page 62 of 72 Appendix 3

King George V PF Project Outline Page 7 of 7 pages

What underspend is there and how will this be used Please provide and photos/illustrations of the completed project

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Page 64 of 72 February 2015 Northern Area Committee Resolution List

Minute Resolution Officer Action/Response Outcome /Date

Actions from meeting held on 22.1.15

58 Stregthening the Corporate Parenting (22.1.15) Role

a) that the Northern Area Committee a-c. Added to Work Programme receives a looked after children annual report, including feedback from the Young Voices Influencing Care Group (Hull’s Children in Care Council);

b) that (i) the members of the Northern Area Committee who are also Local Authority School Governors are aware of the looked after children population and Designated Teacher in their school and ensures that any identified issues are raised with the Virtual School Head, and (ii) that School Governors receive regular feedback, to be reported to the Area Committee, on how the Pupil Premium for Looked after Children is being used, and

c) that a progress report on this matter be Members to determine timeline for submitted to a meeting of this reports Committee later in the calendar year.

59a-b THOMAS FERENS ACADEMY Jan Campbell On agenda March 2015 – move to (22.1.15) delete Agreed - Page 65 of 72 a) That, as the presenting officer was February 2015 unable to attend the meeting, consideration of the briefing paper be deferred to the next meeting of the Committee due to take place on 26th February, 2015, and

b) that the briefing paper be updated to include any issues arising during the period of deferral.

RELATED MINUTE 50c (22.1.15)


that, with regard to minute 31(b), a report, concerning the outcomes from actions taken to address the issues raised in Her Majesty’s Inspectorate’s inspection of Thomas Ferens Academy, be submitted to a future meeting of this Committee

62 ORCHARD PARK CCTV PROJECT City Streetscene A response including the ASB Move to delete (22.1.15) Manager report, data compendium and crime Agreed - That the report be amended to and disorder summary was include details of (i) the number of cameras circulated to Members on 23.2.15 in the Northern Area that were currently operational; (ii) the impact this has had on crime and disorder, and (iii) the justification for moving cameras to new locations and whether this would represent value for money in reducing crime and disorder, and proposals be discussed with ward members prior to the next meeting of this Committee. Page 66 of 72 64 c NORTH HULL HOUSING ACTION TRUST Katy Parker Added to agenda for 23.4.15 (22.1.15) (HAT) CAPITAL RECEIPTS February 2015

Agreed -that a further report, detailing suggestions of where this money could be spent, including environmental and safety projects, be submitted to the meeting of this Committee due to take place on 23rd April, 2015.


Agreed -

b.that in future reports of this nature, dealing with the reappointment of Local Authority Governors, comments regarding such things as previous performance and meeting attendance statistics for the individual(s), be included.

Outstanding Actions from previous meetings

49 (d) FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT UPDATE Flood Risk Response: The Project Board is move to delete Planning scheduled to meet on 13.1.15. The that a briefing note, detailing the progress of Manager item has been deferred to the next the flood alleviation plan for the Area be meeting to enable a fuller response submitted to the next meeting of this to be provided Committee. On agenda March 2015 – move to delete 50 (d) RESOLUTIONS LIST Sheila Henley, Ongoing. Anticipated for February move to delete meeting. that, with regard to minute 27(b), confirmation be sought as to when the requested briefing On agenda March 2015 – note to consider the options for access to Page 67 of 72 Parkstone Road through the central reservation on Beverley Road, would be submitted to the February 2015 Committee. Related minute 35 (25.09.14)


that Highways are requested to look at options to enable access to Parkstone Road from the central reservation of Beverley Road and that the scheme be added to the list of Highway requests.

23(a) NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICING UPDATE Jane Price/Ken The Area officers and PCSO’s are 25.09.14 Upshall working with the Sutton Rd residents That Inspector S Lamb is requested to on a bid to the Police and Crime provide a letter of support in relation to the Commissioner Fund, which is bid that has been submitted by Beverley supported by the local policing team. Ward Councillors for funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner towards a gating scheme 29 REGISTER OF UNADOPTED STREETS Sheila Henley 20.1.15 Due to resourcing issues 25.09.14 matter is ongoing that the feedback is provided to ward members following the completion of the review.

(9) Highcourt Demolition Programme G. Taylor Response received from G. Taylor Move to delete 26.6.14 27.8.14 The block is vacant and That Members receive further information therefore works are being undertaken off agenda to clarify: (i) what void repair to prepare the block for demolition works are currently outstanding in relation through strip out and therefore no to the properties identified for the remaining repairs are being progressed. The residents at Highcourt; (ii) whether KWL block is out to tender for demolition have been approached in order to prioritise currently and tender period closes 29th these works; (iii) whether consideration had Page 68 of 72August. been given to tenanted repairs; and (iv) at February 2015 what point the Regeneration Team seek tenders for the contracts.

(52) Waterlogging of Pitches at Oak Road 26.9.13. b. that feedback on the success of the “verti b. Andrew Wilson b. The “verti draining” was b. Monitor draining” due to be undertaken in October successfully completed at the end of 2013 be provided to the Committee. October. The process relieved local soil compaction and should improve surface water draining. The results will be monitored and if necessary the process repeated in early spring.

The drainage has greatly improved on the field compared to last year despite the recent weather. It is intended to repeat the verti draining in the late spring/early summer and to also programme the operation as an annual event for future years. (17.2.14.)

Page 69 of 72

Page 70 of 72 January 2015 Northern Area Committee Forward Report Programme 2014/15

Meeting Date Item By List of Supporting Documents

Annual Looked after Children report to inc feedback from YVIC and Vanessa Harvey Per minute 58e/f update on how pupil premium is being used Samuels/Geoff Dobbs (2015) Monthly Minutes of Previous Meeting Democratic Services Minutes Monthly Forward Report Programme Democratic Services Plan Monthly Resolution List Democratic Services List Monthly Area Funds Community Manager Report Monthly Area Director’s Update Area Director Briefing Note Half -Termly Thomas Ferens Academy Update Off agenda Fire and rescue Update Policing Update Waste and Open spaces quarterly update Off agenda When required Appointment of Authority Governors to Hull Schools David Beilsten Report

2014 2015 April NORTH HULL HOUSING ACTION TRUST (HAT) CAPITAL RECEIPTS - options for expenditure (per minute 64c)

July/Sept Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment – consultation Alex Codd (Stanbury Road – Beverley Ward) FUTURE MEETING – (to be determined)

2015 Corporate parenting progress report Nicky Lowe Per minute 58f to be presented later in 2015 Page 71 of 72 calendar year

2016 January 2015 June/July Interim Review of Article 4 Direction Alex Codd

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