Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW Records of Patrick Wall MP 1890-1992

Accession number: 1993/25

Historical Background/Biographical Background: Patrick Henry Bligh Wall was born in Cheshire on 19 October 1916, the son of Henry Benedict Wall and Gladys Eleanor Finney. He was educated at Downside School, Bath. In 1935 he was commissioned in the , training to become a specialist in naval gunnery. During the Second World War, he served on various vessels, including Iron Duke, Valiant and Malaya, between 1940 and 1943. From 1943 to 1945 he served in RN support craft, with the United States Navy and then with the Royal Marine Commandos. He was awarded both the Military Cross and the US Legion of Merit in 1945. After the war he studied at the Royal Naval Staff College and the Joint Services Staff College, and was a staff instructor at the School of Combined Operations between 1946 and 1948. His last appointment afloat was in HMS Vanguard in 1949. He retired as a Major in 1950 in order to concentrate on a political career. However he remained a Reservist, commanding 47 Commando, Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve, from 1951 until its disbandment in 1956. He was awarded the Volunteer Reserve Decoration (VRD) in 1957. His involvement in naval affairs was continued for many years through his work with the City of Sea Scout and Sea Cadet organisations, and the Sea Scout Committee.

He contested the Cleveland constituency for the Conservative Party in the general election of 1951, and again at a bye-election the following year. He was subsequently elected for the Haltemprice Division of Hull (later of East ) at a bye-election in February 1954, which in 1983 became the constituency, where he remained MP until his retirement in 1987. In Parliament he served as Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture, and Food between 1955 and 1957, and then to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, January 1958 - December 1959. Thereafter, as a leading back-bencher, Sir Patrick served on numerous Parliamentary and Conservative Party committees, of which the most important were: President of the Yorkshire Area Young Conservatives (1955 - 1960), Chairman of the Mediterranean Group of the Conservative Commonwealth Council (1954 - 1967), Chairman of the Conservative Parliamentary East and Central Africa Committee (1956 - 1959), Vice Chairman of the Conservative Commonwealth Affairs Committee (1960 - 1968), Vice Chairman of the Conservative Overseas Bureau (1963 - 1973), and Vice Chairman of the Conservative Defence Committee (1965 - 1971). He was a member of the Select Committee on Defence, 1980 - 1983. He was also Chairman of the Conservative Fisheries Committee (1962 - 1983), the All Party Fisheries Committee, and of the Africa Committee of the Conservative Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee. He was a Committee member of the Monday Club, and its Chairman between 1978 and 1980. He was also Chairman of: the Africa Centre (1961 - 1965); Joint East and Central Africa Board (1965 - 1975); Conservative Southern Africa Group (1970 - 1978); Conservative Africa Sub Committee (1979 - 1983); and the Royal Marines Parliamentary Group (1956 - 1987). In 1964 he founded the 92 Committee, following a meeting of MPs at his London home (92 Cheyne Walk) who desired to 'keep the Conservative Party Conservative'. This was disbanded in 1984.

Sir Patrick was Vice Chairman of the British Section of the Inter Parliamentary Union (1974 - 1984) and Chairman of the British Bahrain, British Maltese, British and British Taiwan Groups. He represented Britain at the 17th General Assembly of the United Nations in 1962. He was leader of the British Delegation to the North Atlantic Assembly (1979 - 1987), Chairman of the NAA's Military Committee (1977 - 1981), Vice President and then President of the NAA (1983 - 1985) and Chairman of the NAA's Conservative / Christian

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Democrat Group (1977 - 1987). He was a member of the Defence Committee of the Western European Union and Council of Europe (1972 - 1973).

As a politician he specialised in the problems of the Mediterranean countries, the Middle East, and of East, Central and Southern Africa, travelling widely and frequently in those areas and beyond. He visited Africa over 20 times, sometimes for several months at a time. His particular parliamentary subject interests were defence, the industry, and Commonwealth and foreign affairs.

In addition to this national and international career, Sir Patrick was also involved in local government, both as a member of Westminster City Council between 1953 and 1962, and as Vice President of the Urban District Councils Association, 1965 - 1974.

Outside the political field, he was President of the British UFO Society, Vice President of the British Sub Aqua Club (1955 - 1987) and became a Fellow of the Institute of Journalists in 1989. A Roman Catholic, he founded and chaired the Pro Fide movement in 1970. This national body has numerous high level national and international contacts.

Sir Patrick has produced numerous books and articles during his long career, including: The Royal Marine Pocket Book (6 vols.) (1944), Student power (1968), Defence policy (1969), Overseas aid (1969), The Soviet maritime threat (1973) and various editions of The southern oceans and the security of the free world. His many articles have dealt with subjects ranging from defence and religion to . In the late 1950s he devised Commentapes, a series of taped commentaries on Commonwealth issues, and attempted to launch it as a commercial venture.

In addition to the above activities, Sir Patrick was a keen yachtsman, and a qualified pilot and parachutist, as well as being an enthusiastic marine diver. He also had a passionate interest in building model ships and aeroplanes, possessing some 6000 specimens by late 1992. These were placed on loan in the Museum of Army Transport at Beverley in February 1993.

Sir Patrick was knighted for his political services in 1981. He had earlier been made a Knight of the Sovereign Order of Malta, and was created a Freeman of Beverley in 1989. When not travelling, he found time during his retirement to build up a collection of exotic birds at his Brantinghamthorpe home, including parrots and peacocks. He suffered a severe stroke in September 1992, and moved into a home for retired army officers in Sussex. He married Sheila Elizabeth Putnam on 19 November 1953 and had one daughter, Rosemary, born in 1955. Sir Patrick died in May 1998.

Custodial history: Donated by Sir Patrick Wall, Brantinghamthorpe, via his daughter, Mrs Rosemary Normand, March 1993.

Description: Patrick Wall's archive is extraordinarily comprehensive and well-organised and the cataloguing process has followed entirely the original structure and subject classifications, which were preserved on transfer to Hull University Archives. A large amount of weeding of the collection has been undertaken, both at Brantinghamthorpe before transfer, and during the cataloguing process.

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Political papers

Diaries Patrick Wall's diaries begin in May 1950 with his first attempts to secure a prospective parliamentary candidature. These are not diaries as such, so much as compilations of papers documenting his political activities. There is therefore a large amount of overlap between the diaries, which number 341 volumes in total, and the rest of the archive. The original chronological sequence has been retained. The majority of the volumes include parliamentary questions, speeches, articles, letters to the press, and radio and television broadcasts, all by Patrick Wall, as well as invitations to political and social events. Publications from the Conservative Political Centre, papers on the , the budget, the Queen's speech and the Navy estimates, and records of the 92 Committee also feature in a large number of the diaries.

The following topics are also covered by individual volumes: 1951 general election, fought by Patrick Wall as prospective Conservative candidate for Cleveland, with transcripts of party election broadcasts; Cleveland bye election, 1952; Haltemprice bye election, 1954, at which he was elected Conservative MP; his maiden speech, 9 March 1954; 1955 general election; numerous overseas visits and conferences, beginning with the Middle East and , 1955/56; 1959 general election; 17th session of the United Nations General Assembly, October - December 1962; Profumo affair, 1963; 1964 general election; Conservative Party leadership election, 1965; Rhodesian question, particularly from the mid-1960s; 1966 general election, including samples of election literature for the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Parties; Fishing Vessels Grants Scheme, March 1967; minutes of the Select Committee on Agriculture, 1966 - 1967; sea fisheries grants, 1967; attack on Patrick Wall and his wife at Leeds University, May 1968 and disturbances at Warwick and York Universities, June & November 1968; banning of Patrick Wall from Lancaster and Sussex Universities, May 1969 & February 1970; trawlermen's strike, 1970; theological dispute with Norman St. John Stevas, early 1970; aid for Malta, 1970; 1970 general election; aid to Lesotho, 1970; television programme, Man alive, 25 November 1970; North Atlantic Assembly and its committees, from 1971; Pro Fide movement, from November 1970; 'the Troubles' in , March 1972; Council of Europe Consultative Assembly, 1973 - 1975; Assembly of the Western European Union, from 1974 - 1977; winding up of the Joint Africa Board, July 1974; 1974 general election; Conservative Party leadership election, 1975; referendum on membership of the European Economic Community, July 1975; International Fishing Forum, 1977; 1979 general election; United States Presidential election, 1980; opening of Bridge, 17 July 1981; Navy cuts, 1981; 1983 general election; issue of Sunday trading, 1986; Patrick Wall's retirement from Parliament at 1987 general election.

Of the large amount of correspondence which is included, there are letters from Sir Winston Churchill MP, Anthony Eden MP, John Profumo MP, Rab Butler MP, Harold MacMillan MP, Edward Heath MP, James Callaghan MP, Sir Roy Welensky, Sir Alec Douglas Home MP, Lord Carrington, President Lyndon B Johnson, William Whitelaw MP, Harold Wilson MP, MP, Chief Leabua Jonathan, Francis Pym MP, Margaret Thatcher MP, Archbishop Basil Hume, Douglas Hurd MP, Michael Heseltine MP, Geoffrey Howe MP and Norman Tebbit MP.

Constituency cases and correspondence The earliest evidence of Patrick Wall's constituency caseload comes in the form of a constituents case book for 1954 - 1955, which lists constituents alphabetically, with the subject of each case [U DPW/2/1]. There are also complete sets of lists of cases for 1954 to 1984, as well as for non - constituency cases for 1958 - 1984 [U DPW/2/2-3]. The survival of

Page 3 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW the constituency correspondence itself is unusually patchy; there is good coverage of 1970, followed by a gap until 1979, when the series continues for the period up until his retirement from Parliament. For each of these surviving years, corresponding non - constituency case correspondence is also available. Some of the correspondence has been arranged into numbered cases, but a large proportion remains in unsorted bundles. Topics which produced a large amount of correspondence include: Yorkshire Derwent Water Bill, 1970; the campaign for a footbridge over the A63 at North Ferriby, 1970; Rhodesian public servants, 1970; De La Pole Hospital enquiry, 1979 - 1980; Wildlife and Countryside Bill, 1981; the contract for the RAF basic trainer aircraft, 1985 [U DPW/2/10; 15; 18-19; 30; 42; 64]. However the majority of issues which raised extensive local concern are catalogued under the local issues series.

Local issues This series covers the entire period of Patrick Wall's parliamentary career. His relations with the various local authorities in the East Yorkshire area are well documented, with 56 files of correspondence and minutes of meetings with East Riding County Council (1957 - 1974); County Council (1974 - 1983); Beverley Borough Council (1958 - 1985); Beverley Rural District Council (1961 - 1973); and Haltemprice Urban District Council (1959 - 1973) [U DPW/3/1-56]. Correspondence about plans for local government reorganisation in the region dates from the early 1950s and also covers the major reforms which resulted in the abolition of East Yorkshire as an administrative unit with effect from 1974 [U DPW/3/57- 63]. Election literature issued by Conservative candidates is available for various local elections in the 1970s and 1980s [U DPW/3/64-72]. Humberside County Council Conservative Group held regular meetings with the county's Conservative MPs from 1974 onwards, and minutes of these meetings, with related correspondence and papers for discussion are available until 1987 [U DPW/3/73-83]. Some files include similar material for meetings between Humberside County Council and the county's MPs.

The issues which arose during his term as MP are listed alphabetically by subject and by organisation. A useful series of files on Hull Docks during the 1970s provides much evidence on industrial relations from the employers' perspective, including during the national dock strike in summer 1970 [U DPW/3/93-98]. The campaign to prevent the closure of the Hull to Scarborough railway line is covered by four files over the ten year period from 1966 [U DPW/3/99-102]. The long history of plans to build a bridge across the River Humber, which finally opened in 1981, can be found in ten files of correspondence [U DPW/3/103-112]. These include a special issue of the journal Perspective: East Yorkshire, about the Humber region, with related correspondence with the Editor, Alan Plater, dating from late 1966 [U DPW/3/104]. Correspondence with the Humber Pilots Society concerning government policy towards pilotage in the 1980s forms four files, with associated background papers [U DPW/3/113-116]. There is a detailed series of files of correspondence and maps relating to roads in the region, particularly Beverley and proposals for a bypass for the town in the 1960s and 1970s [U DPW/3/128-141]. The problem of the disposal of trade effluent from the local leather industry is well documented by correspondence with such companies as Richard Hodgson & Son Ltd., and the British Leather Federation, in the late 1960s [U DPW/3/144-151]. Finally there are several files about the question of an airport for Yorkshire, including correspondence about the civil air services operated from the Hawker Siddeley plant at Brough and RAF Leconfield [U DPW/3/155-161].

The local organisations whose concerns were either taken up by or raised with Patrick Wall include: Beverley Grammar School, regarding its future within the local secondary education system (1964 - 1974) [U DPW/3/167-174]; Beverley Minster and the campaign to preserve the open space along its southern edge (1980 - 1982) [U DPW/3/175-178]; Blackburn Aircraft

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Ltd., later Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd., then British Aerospace, about nationalisation, redundancies and the production of the HS146 aircraft (1958 - 1984) [U DPW/3/179-187]; the National Union of Farmers: Yorkshire East Riding County Branch, which held regular meetings with Patrick Wall (1955 - 1986) [U DPW/3/198-212]; the Ramblers' Association: East Yorkshire and Derwent Area (1962 - 1976) [U DPW/3/216-219]; local teachers' unions (1955 - 1976) [U DPW/3/220-231]; the , mainly regarding the severe budget cuts imposed on the University in the early 1980s (1960 - 1986) [U DPW/3/232-244]; and Yorkshire Regional Health Authority, particularly the future of Beverley Westwood Hospital (1973 - 1987) [U DPW/3/249-253].

Subject files These cover the topics which Patrick Wall was particularly interested in or involved with during his parliamentary career. The series are arranged in alphabetical order. The majority of files contain correspondence and background papers, although there is material of more variety and significance in the series on agriculture, defence, education, elections, fisheries, immigration and Roman Catholicism, which are summarised below.

Agriculture This series of files was mainly accumulated during Patrick Wall's term as Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, during 1955 - 1957. There are also minutes and related papers of the Conservative Party Parliamentary Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee (1955 - 1959), and correspondence, reports and memoranda of the Select Committee on Agriculture (1966 - 1969) [U DPW/4/96-100 & 111- 116]. Other topics include the annual agricultural price review, animal welfare and various Acts of Parliament [U DPW/4/4-18; 75-92; 59-60, 65-67, 71-74, 95, 101, 103-104, 117-119].

Defence The defence files reflect Patrick Wall's sustained involvement in this area, covering 1954 to 1991. Useful topics include parliamentary debates on the annual defence estimates, 1966 - 1986, with many gaps [U DPW/7/76-91], and defence policy regarding the Indian Ocean area [U DPW/7/123-131]. A series of background papers and correspondence has been gathered on each branch of the British armed forces [U DPW/7/133-224]. Of the defence organisations with which he was involved, the most important are: the North Atlantic Assembly, the Select Committee on Defence and the Western European Union [which form separate series at U DPW/41, U DPW/43 and U DPW/45]. However the general defence series also includes files for: the British Atlantic Committee / European Atlantic Group, 1961 - 1987 [U DPW/7/248-261]; the Conservative Parliamentary Committee for Defence, 1965 - 1977 [U DPW/7/265-275]; the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), 1954 - 1988 [U DPW/7/295-324].

Education A large proportion of these files are devoted to individual Higher Education institutions and the student unrest which occurred during visits made by Patrick Wall (often as a Monday Club speaker) during 1968 to 1970. There are three files covering the most violent of these incidents at Leeds University in April 1968, when both Patrick Wall and his wife were physically attacked [U DPW/9/41-43]. Key papers on student unrest have also been assembled and correspondence about such organisations as the Radical Student Alliance and the Revolutionary Socialist Student Federation is available [U DPW/9/38-39; 52; 54]. Various files relate to the work of the Monday Club Universities' Group and its investigations into violence and student union funding [U DPW/9/47, 74, 83-85].

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Elections Files of correspondence and posters, leaflets and election addresses issued by Patrick Wall are available for each of the elections which he fought, from his first unsuccessful campaign in Cleveland in the 1951 general election to the last election before he stepped down from Parliament, the 1983 general election. Nationally-produced Conservative election materials can also be found, as well as photographs of Patrick Wall and his family campaigning in the 1970 general election [U DPW/10/63]. The most well-documented of his campaigns are the 1959, 1964 and 1974 general elections. For the latter, copies of both the Conservative and Labour Party manifestos are available [U DPW/10/70 & 72]. A significant amount of material is also contained in his political diaries, particularly information about canvassing, public speaking and broadcasting [U DPW/1].

Fisheries This is an interest which spanned Patrick Wall's whole political career and resulted in the accumulation of over 200 files. These focus on the fishing industry in Hull, as well as the European framework of the Common Fisheries Policy and the impact of national legislation, grants and subsidy schemes. There is extensive material on the dispute with Iceland over fishing limits, known as the Cod War, particularly for the early 1970s [U DPW/13/124-138]. Memoranda and newsletters issued by the employers' organisation, the British Trawlers' Federation, date from the late 1950s and cover a range of issues, including the 1970 trawlermen's strike and the Cod War [U DPW/13/12-22, 198, 131, 134-138 and dispersed throughout the series]. Minutes and correspondence of the Fisheries Sub Committee of the Conservative Party Parliamentary Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee are available for 1967 to 1980 [U DPW/13/53-64] . There are also papers for the Select Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries Sub Committee, 1967 - 1969, United Nations Law of the Sea Conferences held during the 1970s, and meetings of the Hull Fishing Industry Joint Committee in the early 1980s [U DPW/13/188-189; 200-209; 117 & 123].

Immigration A large proportion of the files in this series date from the mid to late 1960s, during a period of controversy about immigration and Government legislation in this area. Of particular note are transcripts of speeches by Enoch Powell, including his 'Rivers of blood' speech in April 1968, the replies to Patrick Wall's letters to in summer 1969 about the treatment of British citizens born abroad, and individual files on the Commonwealth Immigrants Bill 1968 and the Race Relations Bill 1968 [U DPW/17/4, 29, 33-34 & 55; 10-11; 9; 68].

Roman Catholicism The most important material within this series is that covering the creation and development of the Catholic lay movement, Pro Fide ['for the faith'], of which Patrick Wall was the founder. There are several files documenting the process of gathering support prior to forming the movement, during summer 1970, including the original manifesto, 'A voice for the silent majority', by Patrick Wall [U DPW/26/1-8]. As Chairman, he sat on the National Advisory Committee (later the National Council), for which there are minutes from October 1970 until September 1991, and compiled annual and progress reports [U DPW/26/12-13 & 57; 15]. There is extensive correspondence, especially with the Honorary Secretary EW Wade [U DPW/26/22-27]. Other correspondents include Cardinal Basil Hume and Rev. Fr. JW Flanagan, of the Catholic Priests' Association [U DPW/26/33; 37-39]. Transcripts of speeches on Roman Catholic affairs by Patrick Wall are available, as well as a number of Pro Fide publications, focussing on its concerns with catechetics and the crisis in the Church [U DPW/26/18-19; 76-87]. Files covering other Catholic organisations accompany the Pro Fide papers; they include the Catholic Institute for International Relations, the Catholic Union of

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Great Britain, Catholics United for the Faith, the Order of Christian Unity, and Pro Fide et Ecclesia [U DPW/26/111-114; 116-121; 122-124; 132-139; 141-143].

Youth This small series includes three files of correspondence, reports and notes relating to Patrick Wall's Private Member's Bill, Partnership in Youth Service, 1983 [U DPW/36/1-3].

Organisations As an MP, Patrick Wall was a member of a number of political organisations, both in an informal and official capacity. Significant series of papers are available for several rightwing pressure groups with which he was associated throughout his political career, as well as government and inter-governmental bodies specialising in defence matters, namely the Select Committee on Defence, the North Atlantic Assembly and the Western European Union.

92 Committee The records of the 92 Committee, an internal Conservative Party pressure group, have been filed chronologically and comprise correspondence, lists of members of the group and of Conservative Party committees (with annotations indicating 92 Committee members). The files date from its formation in 1964 at a dinner at 92 Cheyne Walk. A ts. history of the Committee over a twenty year period is also available, produced by Patrick Wall after stepping down as Chairman in 1984 [U DPW/37/22].

Monday Club There are some 76 files relating to the activities of the Monday Club amongst Patrick Wall's papers. The earliest material dates from 1961. They are particularly important for the mid to late 1960s, during which period the Club was very active in opposing the end of colonial rule in Africa and campaigning against the sanctions imposed on Southern Rhodesia. As well as minutes of the Executive Committee, Council, and Annual General Meetings, correspondence, reports, notices of meetings and memoranda, there are specific files on: the Chairman and Chairman's Sub-Committee; the National Organiser; Hull and Humberside Branch; the External (later Foreign) Affairs Group; and the Universities Group. Publications include factsheets, policy papers and pamphlets on immigration and race relations.

North Atlantic Assembly Spanning both the 1970s and the 1980s, this series of almost 700 files is one of the largest in the collection. It begins those files which cover the work of the Assembly's annual sessions, from the 16th session held in November 1970 in The Hague, to the 36th session held in November 1990 in London (with some gaps for the late 1980s) [U DPW/41/1-88]. The files include agenda, minutes of proceedings and reports of sittings, minutes of various Committees, lists of texts adopted, transcripts of speeches, budgets and reports. The best documented sessions are the 28th (London, November 1982), 30th (Brussels, November 1984) and 32nd (Istanbul, November 1986). These are followed by a similar but less extensive run of files for the Assembly's spring meetings, beginning with the meeting held in Brussels in 1973, through to that held in Paris in 1990 [U DPW/41/92-123].

Records of the work of various Committees, as well as published reports, are held, including: Civilian Affairs Committee, 1984-1991; Defence and Security Committee, 1989-1991; Drafting Committee, 1982 & 1991; Economic Committee, 1973-1991; Education, Cultural Affairs and Information Committee, 1981 & 1984; Military Committee, 1971-1989, including annual military tours, 1972-1986; Political Committee, 1970-1991; Scientific and Technical Committee, 1981-1991; and Standing Committee, 1973-1992 [U DPW/41/126-372]. There is

Page 7 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW a small number of files for Special Committees on Nuclear Weapons [in Europe], 1980-1981 & 1986, and Nuclear [later Alliance] Strategy and Arms Control, 1985-1991 [U DPW/41/373- 382], followed by more extensive records of the following Sub Committees: Advanced Technology and Technology Transfer, 1985; ASW, 1980-1981; Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1989; Confidence and Security Building Measures, 1989; Conventional Defence in Europe, 1983-1988; Cooperation in Research and Development, 1988-1989; Defence Cooperation in Europe, 1974-1989, including visits, 1977-1987; Eastern Europe, 1987-1989; Economic Cooperation, 1985-1986; Energy Supplies, 1974-1975; Free Flow of Information and People, 1981-1988; Future of the Armed Forces, 1991; Manpower and Personnel Issues, 1979-1981; Mediterranean Basin, 1991; Mutual Balanced Force Reduction, 1972-1974; Northern Flank, 1971-1986; Out of Area Challenges to the Security of the Alliance, 1983-1986; Public Information on Defence and Security, 1987-1989; Southern Flank [later Region], 1974-1986; Soviet Maritime Threat, 1971-1972; Successor Generation, 1984-1985; Transatlantic Trade Relations, 1988-1989; and Terrorism, 1987 [U DPW/41/383- 497].

During the period of Patrick Wall's Presidency of the Assembly, 1983 to 1985, he accumulated a useful series of files which includes documentation of his meetings with the Secretary General of NATO, as well as with the governments of various member states [U DPW/41/498-530].

The remainder of the series comprises general files, arranged chronologically and by type of record (such as budgets, or reports); and subject files, arranged alphabetically. The most significant of these are: files relating to the Christian Democrat and Conservative Group in the Assembly, 1977-1987; records of the meetings in Hawaii of the Pacific Caucus of Parliamentarians, 1984-1986; proceedings of conferences and seminars held under the 'Rose Roth' initiative, 1992; files on SALT II [Strategic Arms Limitation Talks], 1978-1979; and files containing draft chapters of a report on 'The Soviet maritime threat' written by Patrick Wall for the Assembly, 1972 [U DPW/41/632-640; 661-667; 671-674; 675-680; 685-693].

Select Committee on Defence Files documenting the meetings of the Select Committee cover the period of Patrick Wall's membership, 1980 - 1983. The files include programmes of inquiries, agenda, lists of witnesses, evidence submitted, informal minutes, minutes of evidence, correspondence, reports and memoranda. In particular there are 15 files covering the inquiry into the handling of public and press information during the Falklands conflict, which the Committee began in mid-1982 [U DPW/43/22-36]. Other significant topics covered include: the work of the D- notices Sub-Committee; the 1980 Defence White Paper and the annual defence estimates; government policy on the strategic nuclear deterrent, including Trident; and defence visits made by the Committee both within the UK and overseas [U DPW/43/15; 16 & 19-21; 46-50; 52-69].

Western European Union These files date mainly from the early to mid 1970s, when Patrick Wall sat on the Committee on Defence Questions and Armaments. The work of the Committee is covered by 22 files of minutes, correspondence and reports, including draft papers by Patrick Wall for inclusion in a WEU report, Standardisation of European missile production (1975) [U DPW/45/12-26]. There are also minutes and official reports of sittings of the Assembly of the WEU, covering its 18th to 21st ordinary sessions for 1972 - 1975, and minutes and accounts of the Committee on Budgetary Affairs for 1973 - 1974 [U DPW/45/1-9; 10-11].

World Anti Communist League

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Four files of correspondence with Ku Cheng - Kang, Honorary Chair of WACL, an alliance of anti-communist groups based in Taiwan, are available. These files span 1981 to 1986 and include correspondence with leading members of the League's British chapter, the British Anti-Communist Council, namely Peter Dally and Jill Knight MP [U DPW/47/1-4]. There is also one file of correspondence with Andrew Smith, Executive Director at the (which became the British chapter of WACL in 1985) [U DPW/47/5]. The file includes publicity leaflets for a front organisation known as Conservative Students.

Places files

Africa Patrick Wall's African papers form one of the largest series within the collection and contain some of the most important material for researchers. The series includes records of several organisations relating to Africa, as well as reports of visits to the continent and other writings by Patrick Wall, and extensive correspondence. Researchers are also advised to consult the series of visits files [U DPW/64], which contains much useful material on his travels in Africa.

There are 32 files covering the establishment and early work of the Africa Centre, from its origins as a Committee of the Sword of the Spirit in the late 1950s [U DPW/48/1-32]. These include minutes, annual reports, accounts and correspondence, as well as files on the Future of Africa conferences organised in 1958 and 1961, and the seminars held in Tanganyika and Northern Rhodesia in 1960 and 1961. Parliamentary relations with South Africa are covered by seven files for the Anglo South Africa Parliamentary Group, 1969 - 1987, and there are also four files covering the work of the Conservative Party Policy Group on Southern Africa during the 1970s, including reports of visits to the region by members [U DPW/48/46-52; 54- 57]. Patrick Wall's involvement in the Anglo Rhodesian Society dates from the mid 1960s, and there are minutes and correspondence for the period up to his resignation in 1970, as well as three files about the Peace with Rhodesia meetings held in early 1967 [U DPW/48/60- 74]. The papers of the Joint East and Central African Board date from the early 1950s and include useful reports on the region and transcripts of addresses to Board meetings by colonial officials [U DPW/48/75-110]. A series of annual reports and accounts are available, with minutes and correspondence, including about the change of name to the Joint Africa Board in 1965. A short history composed in 1974 by the last Secretary, S Stanley Smith can be found in file U DPW/48/96.

The extent of Patrick Wall's contacts with Africa, particularly East and Southern Africa, are revealed by the fact that there are over 550 files in this series covering individual countries. His files on Basutoland, later Lesotho, comprise correspondence with successive Paramount Chiefs, Constantine Bereng Seeiso and Motlotlehe Moshoeshoe II (who later became King of independent Lesotho), as well as Chief Leabua Jonathan, the first Prime Minister of Lesotho [U DPW/48/142-157]. The files cover the transition to independence in 1966 and the political unrest which followed Chief Leabua's refusal to recognise the results of the 1965 general election. Patrick Wall's correspondence with politicians in Mauritius dates mainly from the early 1960s and includes Jules Koenig of the Parti Mauricien and Sir Seewosagur Ramgoolam, the first Prime Minister after independence [U DPW/48/436-446]. File DPW/48/442 includes a envelope of black and white photographs of an anti-independence rally, probably held in Port Louis in April 1965.

The Portugese colonies of Angola and are covered by 18 files from 1961 onwards, mainly of correspondence, but also including factsheets about Angolan independence movements (UNITA, FNLA/GRAE, and MPLA) from the mid 1970s and a photocopied dossier of papers about UNITA, including UNITA communiques and

Page 9 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW correspondence, dating from 1980 [U DPW/48/454-470]. There is a similar amount of material for South West Africa, later Namibia, particularly briefs for British delegations to Inter Parliamentary Union conferences and correspondence, spanning the 1960s to the late 1980s [U DPW/48/557-572]. In particular there is a copy of the 1978 manifesto of the SWAPO- Democrats and a report of a meeting at the House of Commons between Conservative MPs and Andreas Shipanga of SWAPO (D) in November 1981 [U DPW/48/567 & 566]. A small series of files on Tanganyika in the period leading up to independence in 1961 includes correspondence with Julius Nyerere, who became its first Prime Minister [U DPW/48/584- 590].

By far the greatest number of files (almost 200) cover Rhodesia, beginning in the early 1950s with the Central African Federation (Nyasaland, Northern Rhodesia and Southern Rhodesia) [U DPW/48/161-346]. An outstanding source for the period 1960 to 1972 is Patrick Wall's correspondence with Sir Roy Welensky (comprising 83 TLS), which covers the dissolution of the Federation in 1963 (of which Sir Roy was the last Prime Minister), the secession of Nyasaland, the constitution of Northern Rhodesia, the election of as Prime Minister in Southern Rhodesia, the Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI), and subsequent relations between Southern Rhodesia and the [U DPW/48/161-164]. There are useful files of background papers and correspondence on economic and political developments within the Federation, as well as the respective constitutions of Nyasaland and Northern Rhodesia. These include the notes of a meeting between Patrick Wall and Dr Hastings Banda in May 1958 [U DPW/48/194]. The incorporation of the Barotseland Protectorate into Northern Rhodesia in 1964 is covered by three files [U DPW/48/214, 216- 217]. Another important source is Patrick Wall's correspondence with successive Southern Rhodesian Prime Ministers (mainly Winston Field), President Clifford Dupont and other politicians, during the 1960s and 1970s [U DPW/48/229-235 & 260]. There are however only 2 TLS from Ian Smith. The history of Southern Rhodesia is particularly well documented for the late 1960s, with coverage of UDI, the imposition of sanctions, the various attempts at a settlement and debates about British policy.

The two other states in which Patrick Wall had a sustained interest were Kenya and South Africa [U DPW/48/363-434; 475-556]. Those files relating to Kenya date from the mid 1950s and are especially useful for the period leading up to independence in 1963. Correspondence and background papers are available on a variety of subjects, including the Mau Mau rebellion, overseas funding of Kenyan political parties, the constitution after independence, the Somali question, and compensation and pensions for East African civil servants and European ex-patriate farmers following independence [U DPW/48/366; 384 & 391; 382, 388 & 390; 389 & 391; 411-415; 416-434]. The earliest material on South Africa is also from the mid 1950s, comprising correspondence with South African politicians, including Helen Suzman and Catherine Taylor. The introduction of the General Law Amendment Act, the Rivonia Trials and the United Nations conference on sanctions are some of the more significant topics on which files were accumulated in the early 1960s [U DPW/48/484; 487; 486 & 488]. General files of correspondence and articles by Patrick Wall cover the period up to December 1990, and there is also a small series covering defence issues (the supply of arms to South Africa), and materials produced by the South Africa Education Project in 1972, with related correspondence and a report by Patrick Wall [U DPW/48/549-553; 554-556].

Individual files of significance include the following: correspondence with the Foreign Office about the dispute between the United Nations and the Katanga government in the Congo, 1961; correspondence with constituents about the famine in Ethiopia in 1984/85; correspondence with constituents about the American bombing of Libya in April 1986;

Page 10 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW correspondence about the expulsions from after the 1971 coup by General [U DPW/48/347; 357; 435; 600].

Commonwealth Whilst general files on topics such as overseas aid, economic development and pensions for overseas civil servants are to be found here, files on specific Commonwealth states are located in other series, primarily amongst the African papers. Particularly useful are the records of the Commonwealth Migration Council, 1952 to 1964; a collection of Conservative Commonwealth Council papers, nos. 1-305, covering 1953 to 1975; minutes, papers and the 1967 report of the latter's Commonwealth Policy Study Group; records of the Expanding Commonwealth Group, 1955 to 1964, including draft pamphlets and papers by Patrick Wall; and records of the Policy Committee on the Commonwealth and the Colonies from the late 1950s [U DPW/51/44-53; 59-64; 65-72; 74-97; 117-119]. There are also files documenting Patrick Wall's Commentapes, a series of taped commentaries on Commonwealth issues which he devised and launched in the late 1950s [U DPW/51/22-35].

Far East Amongst the files for such countries as Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, and Taiwan, are records of the British Committee for Vietnamese Refugees, 1975-1981, the British Committee for Free Vietnam, 1978-1984, and the British Movement for Freedom and Peace in Vietnam, 1971-1972 [U DPW/55/56-57; 58-61; 62].

Malta Amongst almost 80 files of correspondence, background papers and reports of visits by Patrick Wall, are specific series on the Church and the state, the constitution, the dockyard and political affairs, in the period leading up to the achievement of independence in 1964, as well as records of the Friends of Malta GC during the 1960s [U DPW/58/44-48; 49-52; 53-56; 59 & 63-67; 71-79].

Middle East There are over 100 files covering different states in the Middle East, including , Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, from the early 1950s onwards. Also available are general files containing papers of the Conservative Commonwealth Council, and correspondence and reports about conflicts in the region in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The most significant material relates to Egypt (1953 - 1979), particularly the Suez canal dispute and the subsequent sequestration of British assets [U DPW/59/34-66].

Visits This comprehensive series of files contains reports and related material for all the countries visited and conferences attended by Patrick Wall from 1953 until 1992, as well as records produced by a number of international bodies of which he was a member. The files on visits to individual countries or regions are arranged chronologically by date of visit and are accompanied by a ts. list of visits, covering up to the late 1980s [U DPW/64/1]. The pattern of his visits reveals his political interests and specialisms; particularly notable is the amount of material documenting the many occasions on which he travelled throughout East, Central and Southern Africa, and to a lesser extent, the Far East, the Middle East and the United States of America. These files are most useful for the 1950s and 1960s, when many African states were undergoing the transition to independence, as they often contain detailed reports of the political situation and correspondence with local contacts and politicians, as well as articles by Patrick Wall and background papers collected during the visits. Visits to Rhodesia and South Africa are well covered, complementing the series of African papers [U DPW/48].

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Also included are visits to various European countries to attend annual conferences of Conservative and Christian Democratic parties [U DPW/64/70, 75-76, 92-94, 136, 162-165].

Material of particular interest includes: reports on the referendum campaign in Malta, February 1956 [U DPW/64/5]; correspondence with Michael Scott of the Africa Bureau about events in Kasama and Luwingu districts of Northern Rhodesia, 1957 [DPW/64/14]; documents issued by the Parti Mauricien, late 1950s [U DPW/64/23]; correspondence and notes of meetings with South African politicians, late 1958 [U DPW/64/27-28]; circa 100 black and white photographs of East, Central and Southern Africa, mainly in the 1960s [U DPW/64/37, 59, 100, 119-121]; notes of a meeting with the Colonial Secretary, Reginald Maudling MP, 9 January 1962 [U DPW/64/52]; correspondence with Chief Leabua Jonathan, Prime Minister of Lesotho, early 1970 [U DPW/64/120-121]; files on annual visits to Northern Ireland by the Conservative Party Defence Committee, 1971 and 1974-1976 [U DPW/134- 135, 148, & 153-154]; file on visit to Taiwan, January 1981, to attend World Freedom Day celebrations organised by the World Anti Communist League [U DPW/64/161].

Those files on conferences are arranged alphabetically by the organising body and include papers for the following: the 2nd and 3rd All African People's Conferences held in Tunis and Cairo, 1960 and 1961 [U DPW/64/208-212]; the Association for Cooperation of Democratic Countries, including a speech by Ronald Reagan to its 1980 conference [U DPW/64/214]; the Inter American Symposium, August 1979, including a paper by Patrick Wall [U DPW/64/224- 227]; and a joint conference of the Summit Council for World Peace, the World Media Association and the Association for the Unity of Latin America, held in Moscow in April 1990 under the auspices of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon [U DPW/64/234].

Records of sessions of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe, held in Strasbourg, cover the period of Patrick Wall's membership, 1973 to 1975, and comprise orders of business, lists of delegates, minutes of proceedings, reports, opinions, resolutions and texts adopted [U DPW/64/236-247]. There are also more limited records for two special committees attended by Patrick Wall, the Committee on Agriculture and the Committee on Non Member Countries [U DPW/64/248-250; 251].

Files covering Patrick Wall's work as a British delegate to conferences of the Inter Parliamentary Union (and leader of the delegation, 1974-1984) are extensive and begin with the spring meeting held in April 1966 in Canberra, Australia. The files contain background briefs for the British delegation, lists of delegates, speeches, resolutions, memoranda, reports and summary records of plenary sessions [U DPW/64/252-328]. There are also papers consulted and produced by the various IPU committees which sat during the conferences, including: Economic and Social Committee, April 1966 [U DPW/64/252]; Committee on Non Self Governing Territories, September/October 1966 [U DPW/64/262]; Parliamentary and Judicial Committee, April 1967 [U DPW/64/263 & 266]; Committee on Political Questions, International Security and Disarmament, April 1967 - September 1982 [U DPW/64/264, 276, 278, 284, 288, 303 & 306]. There is a series of seven files documenting the IVth Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) held in Brussels in May 1980, including two submission folders of documents under discussion [U DPW/64/294-295]. Also of note amongst the files about the 1975 spring meeting in Colombo are the reports and correspondence resulting from an investigation into conditions on British-owned tea estates in Sri Lanka [U DPW/64/279-283]. Records of the work of the British Group of the IPU cover 1958 to 1982 and include minutes of meetings [U DPW/64/310-328].

The final noteworthy section of the visits series is that relating to the XVIIth session of the United Nations General Assembly, which Patrick Wall attended as British representative in

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October - December 1962. The majority of files cover the discussions of the main assembly on financial and personnel matters, and debates of the 4th Committee on Non Self Governing Territories, Basutoland, the Portuguese territories, Southern Rhodesia, South West Africa, Swaziland and neo-colonialism (including the allegations of British vested interests in Africa made by Rev. Michael Scott) [U DPW/64/349-364; 370-385].

Writings Patrick Wall's writings fall naturally into several categories, from books to letters to the press. Drafts and published editions of the Royal Marine Pocket Book (1944) are catalogued as part of his military papers [U DPW/69/136-154]. There are 17 files of drafts, correspondence, proofs and book reviews of successive editions of The southern oceans and the security of the free world (1975-1978), which Patrick Wall edited and contributed to [U DPW/65/1-17]. Correspondence and draft chapters for a book on parliamentary democracy, in collaboration with Peter Dally (of Intelligence Digest) and Allan Brownfeld date from 1978-1979 [U DPW/65/19-21]. An unusual item is the complete carbon copy typescript of a novel by Dermott Kydd about the land transfer scheme in Kenya, dating from the late 1970s [U DPW/65/26]. Patrick Wall's published pamphlets date from the late 1960s and early 1970s and cover defence and the Soviet maritime threat [U DPW/65/28-31]. The remainder of this series comprises files and bound copies of articles, reports and letters to the press, spanning almost four decades of political commentary.

Military papers Patrick Wall assembled the bulk of his military papers into binders, forming an integral and complete series for 1935 to 1950. The series begins with 14 volumes of course notes covering his training as Second Lieutenant, January 1935 to April 1937, following which there are seven volumes relating to his service on board HMS Devonshire, which formed part of the Mediterranean Fleet [U DPW/69/1-14; 15-21]. His subsequent work as an instructor of naval gunnery, both on board HMS Excellent and at RM Barracks, Eastney, is documented by 15 volumes of course notes [U DPW/69/22-36]. His first experience of active service following the outbreak of war was as Gunnery Officer on HMS Iron Duke, for which there are only two volumes [U DPW/69/37-38. Binders 43 to 50 cover the period July 1941 to September 1943, which he spent as Officer Commanding Royal Marine Detachment and 2nd Gunnery Officer on board the battleship HMS Valiant, as part of the Eastern Mediterranean Fleet, the Eastern Fleet and the naval forces supporting the Allied landings in southern Italy. In the final months leading up to D-Day, he was based at the Assault Gunnery School on board HMS Turtle, for which there are three volumes of papers mainly about landing craft [U DPW/69/51-53]. Binder 54 covers his role in Operation Overlord, on attachment to the United States Navy, whilst binders 56 to 58 relate to 48 RM Commando, of which he became 2nd-in-Command, and which was involved in the invasion of northern Europe. After the war, he studied at both the Royal Naval Staff College and the Joint Services Staff College, accumulating 13 volumes of course notes, as well as reports and maps for two major military exercises [U DPW/69/59-61, 80-84, 85-89 & 92]. Between 1946 and 1948, he was a staff instructor at the newly established School of Combined Operations and binders 64 to 79 comprise his training materials and lectures. There is one volume covering what was to be his last naval appointment, on HMS Vanguard, before entering the Royal Marine Office, for which there are six volumes of administrative papers [U DPW/69/93; 90-91 & 94-97]. Finally, 13 files document the training of 47 Commando, Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve, which Patrick Wall commanded following his retirement from the Royal Marines in 1950, until the Commando was disbanded in 1957 [U DPW/69/98-110].

As well as this main series, his military papers also include the following: a miscellaneous collection of gunnery and other orders, mainly issued on board HMS Valiant, (1940 - 1943);

Page 13 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW various military reports and publications, including particularly Combined Operations Handbooks for 1945 and 1946; and drafts and published editions of the Royal Marine Pocket Book, volumes 1 - 6, which Patrick Wall produced in 1944 [U DPW/69/111-119; 120-135; 136-154]. There are over 100 military editions of Ordnance Survey and other maps, and nautical charts, of most interest being those of the coastal defences of northern France in 1943 and 1944, including a number specifically relating to the planning of Operation Overlord and the landings on the Omaha beach area [U DPW/69/155-264].

Personal papers

Financial, property and legal papers Patrick Wall's personal financial papers date from after his retirement from the Royal Marines and comprise files of correspondence with his accountants (1950 - 1988), bank (1951 - 1990) and stock brokers (1950 - 1990) [U DPW/71]. The series relates closely to his property and legal papers. There are some 40 files relating to the various properties owned by Sir Patrick, namely his three successive London residences, 63 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, 92 Cheyne Walk, and 8 Westminster Gardens, Marsham Street, as well as his constituency home in East Yorkshire, Brantinghamthorpe, and a plot of land near Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia [U DPW/72/1-40]. The files include correspondence about the sale and purchase of the properties, as well as architectural plans, and records of residents' associations for 8 Westminster Gardens. For 92 Cheyne Walk, there are 3 files detailing his unsuccessful attempts to fund a renewal of the lease, which involved protracted correspondence with the trustees of the estate of his maternal uncle, Oswald J Finney [U DPW/72/19-21]. His relationship with the trustees lasted over 40 years, until the death of Oswald Finney's wife Josa and the distribution of the estate in 1983. As a result he accumulated 23 files of correspondence, legal case papers (from His Britannic Majesty's Consular Court for Egypt, which had jurisdiction over Alexandria, where Oswald Finney's property was held), reports, memoranda, accounts, copy wills and other documents [U DPW/72/41-64]. The sequestration of British assets in Egypt is the subject of two files in this series covering 1976 - 1984, as well as 16 files in the series on the Middle East, for the period from 1956 [U DPW/59/45-60]. There are also files covering the following family estates, which Patrick Wall helped to administer after their deaths: his cousin James Finney, his aunt May Finney, his uncle Harold Finney, his mother Gladys Wall and his brother Oswald Wall [U DPW/72/65; 66- 68; 69; 70-72; 73]. Oswald Wall's file includes a report of his military activities in Europe in 1944 - 1945, both as a Prisoner of War and after his escape.

London Sea Scouts and Sea Cadets The records of Patrick Wall's involvement in sea scouting cover the late 1940s to the late 1960s, during which period he was active in the 35th Sea Scouts and the City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. The administration of the Sea Scout Group is documented by minutes of Group Council, 1949 - 1957, Group Committee, 1956 - 1958, and the Troop in Council, 1948 - 1950 [U DPW/73/1-11]. There are also some useful compilations of material about scouting activities and events over the period 1946 - 1947, including for the Senior Troop [U DPW/73/50-64 & 73-87]. The files on the Sea Cadet Unit are less extensive and mainly comprise correspondence for the period from its establishment in 1954 until Patrick Wall's retirment as Commanding Officer in late 1958 [U DPW/75].

It was however as Area County Commissioner (Sea Scouts) that he undertook more significant work. In this role he became involved in a number of sea scouting organisations. There are minutes, including of conferences and AGMs, for the London Scout Council, 1950 - 1965, and for the London Sea Scout Committee, 1949 - 1965 [U DPW/78/1-8; 13-18]. Also for the London Sea Scout Committee, extensive correspondence, Admiralty inspection

Page 14 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW reports and annual census returns of Sea Scout Groups are accompanied by files on the following topics: boats, bye - laws and events, including the International Patrol Camp, 1955, and the Jamboree Indaba Moot, 1957 [U DPW/78/21-26, 36-44; 45-46; 47-50; 51-60; 62-64; 71-84; 94-96; 97-106]. Records are available for Group Scout Masters' Conferences, 1961 - 1965 [U DPW/78/86-90]. London Training Team material mainly covers the annual Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course, 1950 - 1965 [U DPW/78/141/155]. The establishment and operation of the London Sea Scout (later Sailing) Base is covered by 34 files [U DPW/78/163-196], and there are also files on the Discovery Committee, the London Sailing Project and the London Scout and Guide Underwater Association [U DPW/78/197-204; 78/205-221; U DPW/79].

Photographs There is a large collection of family photographs, mainly of the Finney family (Patrick Wall's maternal ancestors). Many individual portrait photographs of Patrick Wall's parents, Henry Benedict Wall and Gladys Eleanor Finney, his aunt, May Finney, and his brother Oswald Wall, as well as of Patrick Wall himself, have survived [U DPW/84/1-57]. Both Oswald and Patrick Wall are photographed as children and during their military service in the Second World War. Patrick Wall himself began taking photographs in the early 1930s and kept a voluminous series of wallets and binders of negatives and black and white prints which ends in mid-1963 [U DPW/84/81-176]. These include, amongst many routine family and scouting shots, the D-Day landings in Normandy, 6 June 1944, the invasion of northern Europe, 1945, election campaigns and visits to Africa. Hundreds of negatives of liners and warships dating from the 1930s are also available, along with a volume of prints of the interior and exterior of 3 Rue Rollo, Alexandria, pre-war home of Oswald and Josa Finney [U DPW/84/206-217; 219].

Arrangement Political Papers: U DPW/1 Diaries, 1950 - 1992 U DPW/2 Constituency cases and correspondence, 1954 - 1986 U DPW/3 Local issues, 1955 - 1991 U DPW/4 - 36 Subject files, 1950 - 1991 U DPW/37 - 47 Organisations, 1949 - 1992 U DPW/48 - 63 Place files, 1943 - 1990 U DPW/64 Visits, 1953 - 1992 U DPW/65 Writings, 1953 - 1992 U DPW/66 Miscellaneous correspondence and speeches, 1946 - 1980 U DPW/67 Posters, 1952 - 1963 U DPW/68 Publications, 1946 - 1967 U DPW/69 Military papers, 1910 - 1959

Personal Papers: U DPW/70 Correspondence, 1935 - 1991 U DPW/71 Financial papers, 1949 - 1991 U DPW/72 Property and legal papers, 1909 - 1990 U DPW/73 - 80 Organisations, 1943 - 1990 U DPW/81 - 83 Interests, 1948 - 1991 U DPW/84 Photographs, 1890 - 1984 U DPW/85 Schoolbooks, 1930 - 1935 U DPW/86 Papers of Gladys Wall, 1905 - 1944 U DPW/87 Papers of Oswald Wall, 1921 - 1948 U DPW/88 Miscellaneous, 1919 - 1970

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Extent: 129.5 linear metres

Finding aids: Entry in Modern political papers subject guide

Access conditions: Some of the records in this collection contain sensitive personal information. In accordance with data protection legislation, records containing sensitive personal information are not available for public inspection for 75 years if the information relates to adults, or 100 years if the information relates to children. In some circumstances access may be granted for research purposes. To request access or for further information please contact [email protected].

Access to all other material will be granted to any accredited reader.

Copyright: Mrs Rosemary Normand

Language: English

U DPW/1 Diaries 1950-1992

U DPW/1/1 Binder. 'Political History'. Notes, cuttings and c. 1950 collected pamphlets on British Governments and political issues, from December 1918 - February 1950

1 file

U DPW/1/2 Binder. 'ABC 1'. Notes, cuttings and collected 1950-1952 pamphlets on subjects in alphabetical order. Agriculture - Education

1 file

U DPW/1/3 Binder. 'ABC 2'. Notes, cuttings and collected 1950-1952 pamphlets on subjects in alphabetical order. Europe - Korea

1 file

U DPW/1/4 Binder. 'ABC 3'. Notes, cuttings and collected 1950-1952 pamphlets on subjects in alphabetical order. Liberals - USA

1 file

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U DPW/1/5 Binder. 'Apprenticeship May 1950 - Sep. 1951'. May 1950-Sep Including notes from courses at Swinton 1951 Conservative College and correspondence about Patrick Wall's attempt to secure a prospective parliamentary candidature

1 file

U DPW/1/6 Binder. 'General Election 1951 no. 1'. Papers 1951 about Patrick Wall's election campaign in the Cleveland constituency. Including:

a) Standard letter from Winston Churchill MP to the electors of Cleveland, 6 October 1951 1 file

U DPW/1/7 Binder. 'General Election 1951 no. 2'. Papers 1951 about Patrick Wall's election campaign in the Cleveland constituency, including correspondence from Conservative and Unionist Central Office and transcripts of party election broadcasts (all parties)

1 file

U DPW/1/8 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1951 - Aug. 1952'. Papers Nov 1951-Aug about Patrick Wall's renewed attempts to secure a 1952 prospective parliamentary candidature

1 file

U DPW/1/9 Binder. 'Cleveland bye election 1952'. Papers 1952 about Patrick Wall's election campaign, including photographs, and artwork and final versions of election posters

1 file

U DPW/1/10 Binder. 'Cleveland bye election 1952'. Papers 1952 about Patrick Wall's election campaign Including:

a) Correspondence with Arthur Palmer (Labour candidate) disputing election tactics (2), 20 - 22 October 1952 b) Photocopy letter from Winston Churchill [in original envelope], 20 October 1952 1 file

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U DPW/1/11 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1952 - Jan. 1954'. Papers Nov 1952-Jan about Patrick Wall's renewed attempts to secure a 1954 prospective parliamentary candidature

1 file

U DPW/1/12 Binder. 'Haltemprice bye election Jan. - Feb. 1954 Jan-Feb 1954 no.1'. Papers about Patrick Wall's election campaign, including photographs. Including:

a) Letters (1 photocopy) from Winston Churchill MP (2), 4 February & 6 February 1954 1 file

U DPW/1/13 Binder. 'Haltemprice bye election Jan. - Feb. 1954 Jan-Feb 1954 no. 2'. Papers about Patrick Wall's election campaign, including poster and election literature

1 file

U DPW/1/14 Binder. 'Politics Feb. - July 1954'. Notes, cuttings, Feb-Jul 1954 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Transcript and various drafts of Patrick Wall's maiden speech, 9 March 1954 1 file

U DPW/1/15 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Dec. 1954'. Notes, cuttings, Aug-Dec 1954 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/16 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - May 1955'. Notes, cuttings, Jan-May 1955 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career, with notes on Egypt, Cyprus and Malta

1 file

U DPW/1/17 Binder. 'General Election 1955'. Notes, cuttings, 1955 correspondence and collected memorabilia about the general election and Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Letter from Anthony Eden MP, 7 May 1955 1 file

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U DPW/1/18 Binder. 'Politics June - Sep. 1955'. Notes, cuttings, Jun-Sep 1955 correspondence, photographs and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/19 Binder. 'Politics Oct. - Dec. 1955'. Notes, cuttings, Oct-Dec 1955 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers and photographs about his visit to Iraq as part of the British delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union, 10 - 20 December 1955

1 file

U DPW/1/20 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - Feb. 1956'. Notes, cuttings, Jan-Feb 1956 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers and photographs about his visit to Beruit, Jerusalem and Cyprus, December 1955 - January 1956

1 file

U DPW/1/21 Binder. 'Politics Mar. - Apr. 1956'. Notes, cuttings, Mar-Apr 1956 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers and photographs about his visit to Malta, February 1956

1 file

U DPW/1/22 Binder. ['Politics Apr. - May 1956']. Notes, Apr-May 1956 cuttings, correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/23 Binder. 'Politics May - July 1956'. Notes, cuttings, May-Jul 1956 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

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U DPW/1/24 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Oct. 1956'. Notes, cuttings, Aug-Oct 1956 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. Including:

a) Transcript of 'Broadcast to the nation' by Anthony Eden MP, 3 November 1956 b) Transcript of broadcast by Selwyn Lloyd MP, 7 November 1956 1 file

U DPW/1/25 Binder. 'Politics Nov. - Dec. 1956'. Notes, cuttings, Nov-Dec 1956 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/26 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - Feb. 1957'. Notes, cuttings, Jan-Feb 1957 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/27 Binder. 'Mar. - Apr. 1957'. Correspondence, notes Mar-Apr 1957 and photographs about Patrick Wall's lecture tour of the United States of America

1 file

U DPW/1/28 Binder. 'Politics May 1957'. Notes, cuttings, May 1957 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) List of British UFO sightings, January - May 1957 1 file

U DPW/1/29 Binder. 'Politics June - Aug. 1957'. Notes, cuttings, Jun-Aug 1957 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

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U DPW/1/30 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Sep. 1957 Fed'. Papers Aug-Sep 1957 and photographs about Patrick Wall's visit to Rhodesia Including:

a) Letter from the Provincial President and Provincial Secretary of the Nyasaland African Congress, 3 September 1957 1 file

U DPW/1/31 Binder. 'Politics Sep. 1957 Fed'. Papers and Sep 1957 photographs about Patrick Wall's visit to Rhodesia

1 file

U DPW/1/32 Binder. 'Politics Sep. - Oct. 1957 Fed'. Papers and Sep-Oct 1957 photographs about Patrick Wall's visit to Rhodesia, Kenya and Uganda, September - October 1957 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The franchise for federal elections in Rhodesia and Nyasaland', [3 September 1957 ?] 1 file

U DPW/1/33 Binder. 'Politics Sep. - Oct. 1957'. Notes, cuttings, Sep-Oct 1957 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers and photographs about visits by Patrick Wall to Greece and Cyprus, October 1957 Including:

a) Report on British parliamentary delegation's visit to Rhodesia and Nyasaland, August - September 1957 1 file

U DPW/1/34 Binder. 'Politics Nov. - Dec. 1957'. Notes, cuttings, Nov-Dec 1957 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Letter from Christopher Soames MP, 3 December 1957 b) Article. 'We must be honest about partnership', Patrick Wall, 'Central African Examiner', pp. 13 - 14, 7 December 1957 1 file

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U DPW/1/35 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - Feb. 1958'. Notes, cuttings, Jan-Feb 1958 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Transcripts of BBC broadcasts in which Patrick Wall participated - 'Calling ', 19 January & 2 March 1958 1 file

U DPW/1/36 Binder. 'Politics Mar. - Apr. 1958'. Notes, cuttings, Mar-Apr 1958 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/37 Binder. 'Politics Apr. - May 1958'. Notes, cuttings, Apr-May 1958 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/38 Binder. 'Politics June 1958'. Notes, cuttings, Jun 1958 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Map of Icelandic fishing limits, [June 1958] 1 file

U DPW/1/39 Binder. 'Politics July - Aug. 1958'. Notes, cuttings, Jul-Aug 1958 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/40 Binder. 'Politics Sep. - Nov. 1958'. Notes, cuttings, Sep-Nov 1958 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/41 Binder. 'Politics Nov. - Dec. 1958'. Notes, cuttings, Nov-Dec 1958 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

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U DPW/1/42 Binder. 'Politics Dec. '58 - Jan. '59'. Notes, Dec 1958-Jan cuttings, correspondence and collected 1959 memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers and photographs about his visits to Africa, Mauritius and Malta, December 1958 - January 1959 Including:

a) Photocopy letter from John Profumo MP, 24 November 1958 b) Photocopy note from Rab Butler MP, 27 January 1959 c) Photocopy note from Harold Macmillan MP, 27 January 1959 d) Photocopy note from Edward Heath MP, 31 January 1959 1 file

U DPW/1/43 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - Feb. 1959'. Notes, cuttings, Jan-Feb 1959 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated - 'Commentary: the Central African Federation', 25 February 1959 1 file

U DPW/1/44 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1959'. Notes, cuttings, Mar 1959 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated - 'Matters of Moment', 12 March 1959 1 file

U DPW/1/45 Binder. 'Politics Apr. - May 1959'. Notes, cuttings, Apr-May 1959 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/46 Binder. 'Politics June 1959'. Notes, cuttings, Jun 1959 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

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U DPW/1/47 Binder. 'Politics July - Aug. 1959'. Notes, cuttings, Jul-Aug 1959 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy letter from James Callaghan MP, 23 July 1959 b) Letter from Sir Roy Welensky, 11 July 1959 1 file

U DPW/1/48 Binder. 'General Election Sep. - Oct. 1959'. Notes, Sep-Oct 1959 cuttings, correspondence, election literature and collected memorabilia Including:

a) Letter from Harold Macmillan MP, 18 September 1959 1 file

U DPW/1/49 Binder. 'Politics Oct. - Nov. 1959'. Notes, cuttings, Oct-Nov 1959 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Sir Harry Hylton - Foster, Speaker of the House of Commons, 23 October 1959 1 file

U DPW/1/50 Binder. 'Politics Nov. - Dec. 1959'. Notes, cuttings, Nov-Dec 1959 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Letters from Derek Heathcoat Amory MP, 2 & 22 December 1959 b) Letter from Alan Lennox-Boyd MP, 1 December 1959 c) Transcript of ITV broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- 'This Week', 10 December 1959 1 file

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U DPW/1/51 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - Feb. 1960'. Notes, cuttings, Jan 1959-Feb correspondence and collected memorabilia about 1960 Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Letter from Sir Harry Hylton - Foster, Speaker of the House of Commons, 7 January 1960 b) Photocopy letter from Sir Roy Welensky, 26 January 1960 1 file

U DPW/1/52 Binder. 'Politics Mar. - Apr. 1960'. Notes, cuttings, Mar-Apr 1960 correspondence, photographs and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Letters (1 photocopy) from John Profumo MP, 9 February & 5 May 1960 b) Photocopy programme from the opening of the parliament of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 28 March 1960 c) Transcript of an address by Harold Macmillan MP to both Houses of Parliament of the Union of South Africa, 3 February 1960 d) Programme from the ceremonial opening of the Basutoland National Council, 12 March 1960 e) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to the Middle East and East and Central Africa, March - April 1960 f) Photocopy note from Rab Butler MP, 11 May 1960 1 file

U DPW/1/53 Binder. 'Politics May 1960'. Notes, cuttings, May 1960 correspondence, photographs and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated - 'At Home and Abroad', 3 May 1960 b) Photocopy letter from Sir Alec Douglas Home, 12 May 1960 1 file

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U DPW/1/54 Binder. 'Politics June 1960'. Notes, cuttings, Jun 1960 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Letter from Sir Harry Hylton - Foster, Speaker of the House of Commons, 5 July 1960 1 file

U DPW/1/55 Binder. 'Politics July 1960'. Notes, cuttings, Jul 1960 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/56 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Sep. 1960'. Papers and Aug-Sep 1960 photographs about Patrick Wall's visit to Africa and Cyprus Including:

a) Transcript of a radio message from Pope John XXIII to the people of Africa, 5 June 1960 1 file

U DPW/1/57 Binder. 'Politics Oct. 1960'. Notes, cuttings, Oct 1960 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/58 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1960'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1960 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Sir Roy Welensky, 30 November 1960 b) 'Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Southern Rhodesia', 22 - 23 November 1960 1 file

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U DPW/1/59 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1960'. Papers about a visit Dec 1960 by Patrick Wall to Rhodesia, Nyasaland and Kenya, including photographs, report of visit and related correspondence Including:

a) Letter to Mrs Wall from Sir Roy Welensky, 6 December 1960 b) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated - 'Ten O'clock', 14 December 1969 1 file

U DPW/1/60 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - Feb. 1961'. Notes, cuttings, Jan-Feb 1961 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Malta, January 1961 1 file

U DPW/1/61 Binder. 'Politics Feb. 1961'. Notes, cuttings, Feb 1961 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Transcript of a statement by a Northern Rhodesian Mineworkers' Union delegation, 11 February 1961 1 file

U DPW/1/62 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1961'. Notes, cuttings, Mar 1961 correspondence, photographs and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Report by Patrick Wall on the third All African Peoples' Conference, 25 - 30 March 1961 b) Letter from Rab Butler MP, 26 April 1961 c) Letter from Sir Alec Douglas Home, 11 May 1961 1 file

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U DPW/1/63 Binder. 'Politics Apr. - May 1961'. Notes, cuttings, Apr-May 1961 correspondence, photographs and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Southern, Central and East Africa, April - May 1961 1 file

U DPW/1/64 Binder. 'Politics June 1961'. Notes, cuttings, Jun 1961 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/65 Binder. 'Politics July 1961'. Notes, cuttings, Jul 1961 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/66 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Sep. 1961'. Notes, cuttings, Aug-Sep 1961 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the seventh Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, September 1961 Including:

a) Letter from Alan Lennox-Boyd MP, 20 July 1961 1 file

U DPW/1/67 Binder. 'Politics Oct. 1961'. Notes, cuttings, Oct 1961 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/68 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1961'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1961 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

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U DPW/1/69 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1961'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1961 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers and photographs about his visit to several African states, including Tanganyika, , Kenya and Sudan, December 1961

1 file

U DPW/1/70 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - Feb. 1962'. Notes, cuttings, Jan-Feb 1962 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/71 Binder. 'Politics Feb. - Mar. 1962'. Notes, cuttings, Feb-Mar 1962 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Britain and Angola: the attitude of the British government', Patrick Wall, London Institute of Race Relations, no date b) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- 'Ten O'clock', 28 February 1962 1 file

U DPW/1/72 Binder. 'Politics Apr. 1962'. Notes, cuttings, Apr 1962 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Note from Lord Carrington, 4 April 1962 1 file

U DPW/1/73 Binder. 'Politics May - June 1962'. Notes, cuttings, May-Jun 1962 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Africa, May - June 1962 b) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- 'Ten O'clock', 26 June 1962 1 file

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U DPW/1/74 Binder. 'Politics July 1962'. Notes, cuttings, Jul 1962 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Note from Rab Butler MP, 10 August 1962 1 file

U DPW/1/75 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Sep. 1962'. Notes, cuttings, Aug-Sep 1962 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the 17th session of the United Nations General Assembly, October - December 1962 Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Sir Alec Douglas Home, 7 August 1962 b) Scribbled note from Sir Alec Douglas Home, no date 1 file

U DPW/1/76 Binder. 'Politics Oct. 1962 UN'. Notes, cuttings, Oct 1962 correspondence and collected memorabilia about the United Nations General Assembly Including:

a) Transcript of speech given by Patrick Wall to the General Assembly, 17 October 1962 b) Transcript of speech given by Sir Alec Douglas Home to the Pilgrims of the United States, 1 October 1962 c) Notes about a United Nations report on Southern Rhodesia, 3 October & 6 November 1962 1 file

U DPW/1/77 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1962 UN'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1962 correspondence and collected memorabilia about the United Nations General Assembly Including:

a) Letter from Rab Butler MP, 16 November 1962 1 file

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U DPW/1/78 Binder. 'Politics Nov. - Dec. 1962 UN'. Notes, Nov-Dec 1962 cuttings, correspondence and collected memorabilia about the United Nations General Assembly, including transcripts of statements made by Patrick Wall to various United Nations committees

1 file

U DPW/1/79 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1962'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1962 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/80 Binder. 'Politics Jan. 1963'. Notes, cuttings, Jan 1963 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Transcript of an address by Patrick Wall to the Council of the Joint East and Central African Board, 22 January 1963 b) Article. 'United Nations: success or failure?', Patrick Wall, 'The Tablet', pp. 4 - 6, 5 January 1963 1 file

U DPW/1/81 Binder. 'Politics Feb. 1963'. Notes, cuttings, Feb 1963 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Central and Eastern Africa, February 1963 1 file

U DPW/1/82 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1963'. Notes, cuttings, Mar 1963 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- 'People and Politics', 13 March 1963 1 file

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U DPW/1/83 Binder. 'Politics Apr. 1963'. Notes, cuttings, Apr 1963 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- 'Ten O'clock', 9 April 1963 b)Transcript of Anglia TV broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated - 'Arena', 5 April 1963 1 file

U DPW/1/84 Binder. 'Politics Apr. cont. 1963'. Notes, cuttings, Apr 1963 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/85 Binder. 'Politics May 1963'. Notes, cuttings, May 1963 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/86 Binder. 'Politics June - July 1963'. Notes, cuttings, Jun-Jul 1963 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career, including ts. comments made by Patrick Wall, and letters, about the Profumo affair, June 1963

1 file

U DPW/1/87 Binder. 'Politics July - Aug. 1963'. Notes, cuttings, Jul-Aug 1963 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Memorandum from the Barotseland Conference, 18 July 1963 b) Letter from Sir Alec Douglas Home, 2 August 1963 1 file

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U DPW/1/88 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Oct. 1963'. Notes, cuttings, Aug-Oct 1963 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Letter from Ronald Ngala, President of the Kenyan African Democratic Union, 3 October 1963 b) Photocopy note from Sir Alec Douglas Home, 21 October 1963 c) Photocopy note from Rab Butler MP, 28 October 1963 1 file

U DPW/1/89 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1963'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1963 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about Kenyan independence Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The Humble Petition of Ngwenyama Sobhuza II CBE, Paramount Chief of Swaziland', [19 November 1963] b) Ts. article. 'The Independence of Southern Rhodesia', Patrick Wall, no date c) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated - 'Ten O'clock', 28 November 1963 d) Letter from Christopher Soames MP, 10 November 1963 1 file

U DPW/1/90 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1963'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1963 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- 'Ten O'clock', 17 December 1963 1 file

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U DPW/1/91 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - Feb. 1964'. Notes, cuttings, Jan-Feb 1964 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'On which side of the barricades? Time for decision', Patrick Wall, 'Yorkshire Post', 16 January 1964 b) Report by Patrick Wall on a visit to Aden and Saudi Arabia, January 1964 c) Letter from Evan Campbell, High Commissioner of Southern Rhodesia, 21 January 1964 d) Ts. article. 'Aden awakens', Patrick Wall, published as 'Aden needs the British' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 20 February 1964 e) Ts. article. 'In deep waters', Patrick Wall, published as 'Fishing limits: restoring law on the high seas' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 25 February 1964 f) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- 'Conference', 25 February 1964 1 file

U DPW/1/92 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1964'. Notes, cuttings, Mar 1964 correspondence, photographs and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'The next move in Rhodesia', Patrick Wall, ['Yorkshire Post', 6 March 1964] 1 file

U DPW/1/93 Binder. 'Politics Apr. 1964'. Notes, cuttings, Apr 1964 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- 'Ten O'clock', 13 April 1964 1 file

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U DPW/1/94 Binder. 'Politics Apr. - May 1964'. Notes, cuttings, Apr-May 1964 correspondence, photographs and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about his visit to Southern Rhodesia, May 1964 Including:

a) Press release by Patrick Wall about Southern Rhodesia and Southern Africa, 27 April 1964 b) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to East and Central Africa, May - June 1964 1 file

U DPW/1/95 Binder. 'Politics June 1964'. Notes, cuttings, Jun 1964 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about Patrick Wall's visit to Tanganyika, Zanzibar and Kenya, June 1964 Including:

a) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- 'Ten O'clock', 25 June 1964 b) Ts. article. 'The Chinese threat to Africa', Patrick Wall, ' of Malta', 25 June 1964 1 file

U DPW/1/96 Binder. 'Politics July 1964'. Notes, cuttings, Jul 1964 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the meeting of Commonwealth Prime Ministers, London, July 1964 Including:

a) 'Memorandum by the Southern Rhodesian Chiefs'. Written following Patrick Wall's meeting with Chiefs Mabigwa Kumalo, Simon Sigola and Kagisa, 3 July 1964 1 file

U DPW/1/97 Binder. 'Politics July 1964'. Notes, cuttings, Jul 1964 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

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U DPW/1/98 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Oct. 1964'. Notes, cuttings, Aug-Oct 1964 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about Patrick Wall's visit to Malta, September 1964 Including:

a) Ts. article. 'A European nation joins the Commonwealth', Patrick Wall, published as 'Independent Malta' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 21 September 1964 1 file

U DPW/1/99 Binder. 'Politics General Election 1964'. Notes, 1964 cuttings, correspondence, election literature and collected memorabilia about the general election and Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/100 Binder. 'Politics Oct. - Nov. 1964'. Notes, cuttings, Oct-Nov 1964 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the opening of the African Centre by Kenneth Kaunda, 18 November 1964 Including:

a) Transcripts of BBC broadcasts in which Patrick Wall participated- 'Ten O'clock', 21 October & 18 November 1964 b) Ts. article. 'War against the whites?', Patrick Wall, 'Yorkshire Post', 25 November 1964 1 file

U DPW/1/101 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1964'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1964 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Notes on Patrick Wall's talk with Oscar Kambona, Tanzanian Minister of External Affairs, 5 December 1964 1 file

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U DPW/1/102 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - Feb. 1965'. Notes, cuttings, Jan-Feb 1965 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With photocopy papers about the state funeral of Sir Winston Churchill, 30 January 1965 Including:

a) Notes. 'Defence discussion with German CDU [Christian Democratic Union] MP's', no date 1 file

U DPW/1/103 Binder. 'Politics Feb. - Mar. 1965'. Notes, cuttings, Feb-Mar 1965 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Choice for Britain: the United States of Europe', Patrick Wall, published as 'Should Britain merge with the USA?' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 17 February 1965 b) Transcript of a speech about immigration given by Patrick Wall to the Central Council meeting of the National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations, 5 - 6 March 1965 c) 'Report on South Africa, South West Africa and High Commission Territories', March 1965 d) 'Report on British and American policies towards Rhodesia, Zambia, Malawi, Angola and Mozambique', March 1965 1 file

U DPW/1/104 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1965'. Notes, cuttings, Mar 1965 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the 13th Christian Democratic Union conference in Dusseldorf, March 1965 Including:

a) Photocopy note from William Whitelaw MP, 2 March 1965 b) 'Report by Lady Emmet on the return visit to the Swiss Conservative Party, accompanied by Mr Wall and Mr Milne, 18 - 21 March 1965' c) 'Notes on discussions with the leaders of the Catholic Conservative Party of Switzerland', March 1965 d) Letter from Sir Alec Douglas Home, 28 March 1965 e) Ts. article. 'A day in the life of a Member of Parliament', Patrick Wall, 'Young Farmer', no date 1 file

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U DPW/1/105 Binder. 'Politics Apr. - May 1965'. Notes, cuttings, Apr-May 1965 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about Patrick Wall's tour of the United States of America, April - June 1965

1 file

U DPW/1/106 Binder. 'Politics May - June 1965 USA'. Notes, May-Jun 1965 cuttings, correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's tour of the United States of America, with report of visit Including:

a) Ts. 'Commonwealth migration', Conservative Commonwealth Council, 1965 b) Photocopy letter from President Lyndon B Johnson (with original envelope), 22 June 1965 1 file

U DPW/1/107 Binder. 'Politics June - July 1965'. Notes, cuttings, Jun-Jul 1965 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the 700th anniversary of Parliament Including:

a) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated - 'Conference', 29 June 1965 b) Letter from William Whitelaw MP, 13 July 1965 1 file

U DPW/1/108 Binder. 'Politics July - Aug. 1965'. Notes, cuttings, Jul-Aug 1965 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the Conservative Party leadership election Including:

a) Letter from William Whitelaw MP, 9 July 1965 b) Transcript of statement made by Sir Alec Douglas-Home, 22 July 1965 c) Letter from Sir Alec Douglas-Home MP, 29 July 1965 d) Photocopy letter from Edward Heath MP, 6 September 1965 e) Letter from William Whitelaw MP, 5 August 1965 1 file

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U DPW/1/109 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Sep. 1965'. Notes, cuttings, Aug-Sep 1965 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'America today', Patrick Wall, published as 'Threat from the East' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 20 August 1965 b) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Gibraltar, August - September 1965 c) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- 'Ten O'clock', 7 September 1965 d) Ts. article. 'As British as Gibraltar', Patrick Wall, published as 'Time runs out on the rock' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 24 September 1965 1 file

U DPW/1/110 Binder. 'Politics Oct. 1965'. Notes, cuttings, Oct 1965 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy note from Edward Heath MP, 7 October 1965 b) 'Rhodesian independence negotiations'. Press statement from the government of Rhodesia, 12 October 1965 1 file

U DPW/1/111 Binder. 'Politics Oct. 1965'. Notes, cuttings, Oct 1965 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- 'Ten O'clock', 19 October 1965 b) Ts. article. 'Has World War Three begun?', Patrick Wall, 'New Tory', [November 1965?] 1 file

U DPW/1/112 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1965'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1965 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

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U DPW/1/113 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1965'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1965 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the situation in Rhodesia

1 file

U DPW/1/114 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1965'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1965 correspondence, photographs and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy note from Edward Heath MP, 26 November 1965 b) Photocopy note from Harold Wilson MP, 30 November 1965 c) 'A plea for peace'- pastoral instruction of the Catholic bishops of Rhodesia, 20 November 1965 1 file

U DPW/1/115 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1965'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1965 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Rhodesia- what next?', Patrick Wall, 'Yorkshire Post', 2 December 1965 b) Transcript of the 'Reply by the Right Hon. Edward Heath, MBE, MP, Leader of the Opposition, to the Prime Minister's ministerial broadcast on Rhodesia', 1 December 1965 c) Photocopy letter from Ian Smith, 3 December 1965 d) Transcripts of broadcasts from Zambian radio, November - December 1965 e) Papers about the 17th Congress of European Christian Democrats, Taormina, Italy, December 1965 f) Transcript of an address by Ian Smith about Rhodesia's reaction to financial sanctions, 8 December 1965 g) Letter from William Whitelaw MP, 7 December 1965 1 file

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U DPW/1/116 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1965'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1965 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article on Rhodesia by Lord Lambton (untitled), no date b) Letter from Enoch Powell MP, 1 December 1965 c) Copy of letter from Harold Wilson MP, 20 January 1966 1 file

U DPW/1/117 Binder. 'Politics Jan. 1966'. Notes, cuttings, Jan 1966 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Article. 'Is South Africa really a defence 'must'', Patrick Wall, 'Perspective', pp. 3 - 7, January 1966 b) 'Memorandum presented to the British Members of Parliament on the fact finding mission to Rhodesia, January 1966' c) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to South Africa, Swaziland and Rhodesia, January 1966 1 file

U DPW/1/118 Binder. 'Politics Feb. 1966'. Notes, cuttings, Feb 1966 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Article. 'Rhodesia: a personal view', Ian Smith, 'Punch', pp. 110 - 112, 26 January 1966 b) Article. 'Rhodesia: the Conservative view', Edward Heath, 'Punch', pp. 146 - 149, 2 February 1966 c) Ts. article. 'Rhodesia - negotiation or war?', by Patrick Wall, published as 'How sanctions are hitting Africa' in 'Time and Tide', pp. 13 - 14, 3 - 9 February 1966 1 file

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U DPW/1/119 Binder. 'Politics Feb. - Mar. 1966'. Notes, cuttings, Feb-Mar 1966 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Activities of the Zambian Broadcasting Corporation: Britain's part in the incitement of murder, arson, sabotage and destruction in Rhodesia', Rhodesian Government, February 1966 1 file

U DPW/1/120 Binder. 'Politics General Election 1966'. Notes, Mar 1966 cuttings, correspondence, photographs and collected memorabilia about the general election and Patrick Wall's political career. With Conservative, Labour and Liberal Party election literature Including:

a) Transcript of 'an address by the Rhodesian Minister of Information, Immigration and Tourism, Mr J.H. Howman, to Salisbury West Rotary Club', 1 March 1966 c) 'Rhodesian Independence Bond', purchased for Patrick Wall by an anonymous Rhodesian resident 1 file

U DPW/1/121 Binder. 'Politics Apr. 1966 FE'. Notes, cuttings, Apr 1966 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's trip to the Far East. With papers about the meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Canberra Including:

a) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to the Far East, Australia and the United States of America, April 1966 b) Transcript of an address by Secretary General U Thant, to the United Nations Association of the United Kingdom, 28 April 1966 1 file

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U DPW/1/122 Binder. 'Politics May 1966'. Notes, cuttings, May 1966 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about Patrick Wall's visit to Angola and Mozambique, May 1966 Including:

a) Ts. article. 'The Asian cauldron', Patrick Wall, 'Yorkshire Post', 24 May 1966 1 file

U DPW/1/123 Binder. 'Politics June 1966'. Notes, cuttings, Jun 1966 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Transcript of 'The presidential address to the Associated Chambers of Commerce of Rhodesia annual general meeting', 8 June 1966 b) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Angola, Mozambique and Rhodesia, May - June 1966 c) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Central Africa, May 1966 d) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- 'The World and Rhodesia', 16 June 1966 e) Ts. article. 'Portugal in Africa', Patrick Wall, published as 'Portugal still stands firm in Africa' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 28 May 1966 1 file

U DPW/1/124 Binder. 'Politics July 1966'. Notes, cuttings, Jul 1966 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Rhodesia: why the talks must succeed', Patrick Wall, 'Yorkshire Post', 1 July 1966 b) 'Final communique of the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' meeting in Lagos', January 1966 1 file

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U DPW/1/125 Binder. 'Politics July 1966'. Notes, cuttings, Jul 1966 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) 'Angola and Mozambique'. Transcript of talk given by Patrick Wall to the Anglo-Portuguese Society at the Dorchester Hotel, 26 July 1966 1 file

U DPW/1/126 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Sep. 1966'. Notes, cuttings, Aug-Sep 1966 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Note from Enoch Powell MP, 20 July 1966 b) Letter from Harold Wilson MP, 8 August 1966 c) 'Final communique of the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' meeting, London 1966' 1 file

U DPW/1/127 Binder. 'Politics Sep. - Oct. 1966'. Notes, cuttings, Sep-Oct 1966 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the Inter-Parliamentary Conference in Teheran Including:

a) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Finland, 14 - 18 September 1966 b) 'Delegation visit to Finnish right wing parties'. Report by Lady Emmet, 15 - 17 September 1966 c) Photocopy letter from Lord Salisbury, 4 October 1966 1 file

U DPW/1/128 Binder. 'Politics Oct. - Nov. 1966'. Notes, cuttings, Oct-Nov 1966 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

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U DPW/1/129 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1966'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1966 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about United Nations General Assembly resolution on Rhodesia Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Rhodesian realities', by Patrick Wall, published as 'A time for compromise' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 24 November 1966 1 file

U DPW/1/130 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1966'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1966 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) 'Memorandum on Rhodesia', September 1966 1 file

U DPW/1/131 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1966'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1966 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- 'The World Today', 15 December 1966 b) United Nations Security Council resolution on Southern Rhodesia, December 1966 1 file

U DPW/1/132 Binder. 'Politics Jan. 1967'. Notes, cuttings, Jan 1967 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the Friends of Rhodesia rally in Trafalgar Square, 15 January 1967 Including:

a) Article. 'Failure to compromise: what next?', Patrick Wall, published as 'Failure to compromise: now Britain is paying the price' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 2 January 1967 1 file

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U DPW/1/133 Binder. 'Politics Feb. 1967'. Notes, cuttings, Feb 1967 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Atlantic Union', Patrick Wall, 'Starboard', February 1967 b) Letter from William Whitelaw MP, 24 January 1967 1 file

U DPW/1/134 Binder. 'Politics Feb. - Mar. 1967'. Notes, cuttings, Feb-Mar 1967 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) 'What is wrong with Britain?'. Transcript of speech by Patrick Wall, February 1967 1 file

U DPW/1/135 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1967'. Notes, cuttings, Mar 1967 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the Fishing Vessels Grants Scheme and meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Palma, Majorca Including:

a) Transcript of speech given by Patrick Wall to the Newman Association 'teach-in', 13 March 1967 1 file

U DPW/1/136 Binder. 'Politics Apr. 1967'. Notes, cuttings, Apr 1967 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Minutes from the Select Committee on Agriculture, Session 1966 - 1967 b) Letter from George Younger MP, 13 April 1967 1 file

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U DPW/1/137 Binder. 'Politics May 1967'. Notes, cuttings, May 1967 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Paper by Patrick Wall. 'The strategic importance of the Mediterranean, with special reference to Gibraltar, Malta and Cyprus', circulated to the Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas Council, April 1967 1 file

U DPW/1/138 Binder. 'Politics June 1967'. Notes, cuttings, Jun 1967 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the Annual Congress of the Swedish Conservative Party Including:

a) Ts. article. 'The Common Market', Patrick Wall, 'Starboard', June 1967 b) Minutes from the Select Committee on Agriculture, Session 1966 - 1967 1 file

U DPW/1/139 Binder. 'Politics July 1967'. Notes, cuttings, Jul 1967 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Note from Norman St. John-Stevas MP, 26 July 1967 b) Photocopy letter from Edward Heath MP, 17 July 1967 1 file

U DPW/1/140 Binder. 'Politics July - Sep. 1967'. Notes, cuttings, Jul-Sep 1967 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about sea fisheries grants, student 'pirate' radio and his trip to Southern Africa, September - October 1967 Including:

a) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- 'The World Today', 26 July 1967 b) 'Memorandum on the situation in Rhodesia' (marked 'secret'), no date 1 file

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U DPW/1/141 Binder. 'Politics Sep. - Oct. 1967'. Notes, cuttings, Sep-Oct 1967 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With articles by Patrick Wall about Rhodesia and papers about the Anglo - Rhodesian Society Annual General Meeting, 26 October 1967 Including:

a) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Southern Africa, September - October 1967 b) Photocopy letter from Edward Heath MP, 24 October 1967 c) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- 'The World Today', 20 October 1967 1 file

U DPW/1/142 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1967'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1967 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/143 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1967'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1967 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Edward Heath MP, 7 January 1968 1 file

U DPW/1/144 Binder. 'Politics Jan. 1968'. Notes, cuttings, Jan 1968 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Harold Wilson MP, 31 January 1968 b) Letters from William Whitelaw MP, 31 January & 29 February 1968 1 file

U DPW/1/145 Binder. 'Politics Feb. 1968'. Notes, cuttings, Feb 1968 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'White Africans', Patrick Wall, published as 'The tortoise and the hare' in 'The Tablet', pp. 172 - 173, 24 February 1968 1 file

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U DPW/1/146 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1968'. Notes, cuttings, Mar 1968 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Letter from Reginald Maudling MP, 20 February 1968 b) Letter from Enoch Powell MP, 13 March 1968 1 file

U DPW/1/147 Binder. 'Politics Mar. - Apr. 1968'. Notes, cuttings, Mar-Apr 1968 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With ts. untitled articles by Patrick Wall, for publication in 'The Tablet' Including:

a) Transcript of Enoch Powell's 'River of blood' speech, given at the annual general meeting of the West Midlands Area Conservative Political Centre, 20 April 1968 b) Letter from Enoch Powell MP, 22 April 1968 c) 'Report on a visit to the services in Germany, April 1968' d) Ts. article. 'The British political parties and Rhodesia', Patrick Wall, published by Argus Press in Rhodesian newspapers, [May 1968?] 1 file

U DPW/1/148 Binder. 'Politics May 1968'. Notes, cuttings, May 1968 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about an attack on Patrick Wall and his wife at Leeds University, May 1968

1 file

U DPW/1/149 Binder. 'Politics May 1968'. Notes, cuttings, May 1968 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about attack on Patrick Wall and his wife at Leeds University Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Britain's maritime role', Patrick Wall, published as 'Why Britain still needs sea power' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 15 May 1968 1 file

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U DPW/1/150 Binder. 'Politics June 1968'. Notes, cuttings, Jun 1968 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about attack on Patrick Wall and his wife at Leeds University, May 1968, and the controversy surrounding his visit to Warwick University, June 1968

1 file

U DPW/1/151 Binder. 'Politics July 1968'. Notes, cuttings, Jul 1968 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about race issues Including:

a) Report from the Select Committee on Agriculture, Session 1967 - 1968 1 file

U DPW/1/152 Binder. 'Politics July - Sep. 1968'. Notes, cuttings, Jul-Sep 1968 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about his visit to Swaziland, South Africa and Rhodesia, September - October 1968 Including:

a) Article. 'Whither Rhodesia?', Patrick Wall, 'The Tablet', 27 July 1968 b) United Nations Security Council proceedings on Czechoslovakia, 21 - 23 August 1968 c) Letter from James Prior MP, 11 September 1968 d) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Southern Africa, September - October 1968 1 file

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U DPW/1/153 Binder. 'Politics Oct. 1968'. Notes, cuttings, Oct 1968 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Rhodesia: the end of the road', Patrick Wall, published as 'All quiet on the Zambesi front' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 10 October 1968 b) Pamphlet. 'Student power', Patrick Wall, (Monday Club), no date c) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- 'Ten O'clock', 22 October 1968 d) Photocopy ts. transcript of letter from a 'Son of Zimbabwe' threatening Patrick Wall's life, 3 September 1968 1 file

U DPW/1/154 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1968'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1968 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about student riot at York University during a speech by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/1/155 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1968'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1968 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the British Atlantic Committee visit to Paris

1 file

U DPW/1/156 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1968'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1968 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Student power?', Patrick Wall, 'Yorkshire Post', 28 December 1968 1 file

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U DPW/1/157 Binder. 'Politics Jan. 1969'. Notes, cuttings, Jan 1969 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'The powder keg of the Middle East', Patrick Wall, 'Yorkshire Post', 16 January 1969 b) 'Final communique of the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' meeting', 7 - 15 January 1969 1 file

U DPW/1/158 Binder. 'Politics Feb. 1969'. Notes, cuttings, Feb 1969 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Report from the Select Committee on Agriculture, Session 1968 - 1969 b) Photocopy letter from Sir Roy Welensky, 10 February 1969 1 file

U DPW/1/159 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1969'. Notes, cuttings, Mar 1969 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Dr David Owen MP, 2 April 1969 b) 'British defence policy in the 1970s- an appreciation'. Report for the Monday Club Foreign Affairs and Defence Group, prepared by Patrick Wall, March 1969 1 file

U DPW/1/160 Binder. 'Politics Apr. 1969'. Notes, cuttings, Apr 1969 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

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U DPW/1/161 Binder. 'Politics May 1969'. Notes, cuttings, May 1969 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the Conservative Rally, 1969, and the banning of Patrick Wall from speaking at Lancaster University, May 1969 Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Francis Pym MP, 6 May 1969 1 file

U DPW/1/162 Binder. 'Politics June - July 1969'. Notes, cuttings, Jun-Jul 1969 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With newspaper articles by Patrick Wall Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Goodbye Rhodesia', Patrick Wall, published as 'The flag that gives a parting wave', in the 'Yorkshire Post', 27 June 1969 b) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Malta, June - July 1969 c) Photocopy letter from Norman Lamont, 3 August 1969 1 file

U DPW/1/163 Binder. 'Politics July - Sep. 1969'. Notes, cuttings, Jul-Sep 1969 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers and photographs about a British parliamentary delegation visit to the Far East, September 1969 Including:

a) Article. 'Malta: more than an island in the sun', Patrick Wall, 'Yorkshire Post', 7 August 1969 b) Photocopy article. 'What is wrong with the Navy?', Patrick Wall, August 1969 c) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to the Far East, September 1969 d) Letter from Edward Heath MP, 11 November 1969 1 file

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U DPW/1/164 Binder. 'Politics Oct. 1969'. Notes, cuttings, Oct 1969 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including: a) Photocopy article. 'Britain's maritime strategy', Patrick Wall, 'The Navy Yearbook', 1970, pp. 7 - 16 b) Article. 'How to deal with the Ultra Left', Patrick Wall, University of Hull 'Conservative Association Yearbook', 1969 - 1970 c) Ts. article. 'Victory in Vietnam', Patrick Wall, published as 'Whose victory is Viet Nam?' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 10 October 1969 d) Photocopy letter from William Whitelaw MP, 20 October 1969 e) Note from Reginald Maudling MP, 7 August 1969 1 file

U DPW/1/165 Binder. 'Politics Oct. - Nov. 1969'. Notes, cuttings, Oct-Nov 1969 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy article. 'The war in Vietnam', Patrick Wall, 'Navy', [pp. 394 - 195?], November 1969 b) Notes from William Whitelaw MP, 12 & 19 November 1969 c) Ts. article. 'Britain in retreat', Patrick Wall, published as 'Time to halt this retreat' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 21 November 1969 1 file

U DPW/1/166 Binder. 'Politics Nov. - Dec. 1969'. Notes, cuttings, Nov-Dec 1969 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/167 Binder. 'Politics Jan. 1970'. Notes, cuttings, Jan 1970 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Letter from Edward Heath MP, 19 January 1970 b) Article. 'British influence in the Indian Ocean', Patrick Wall, 'Natal Mercury', 14 January 1970 c) Article. 'Whither the Tories?', Patrick Wall, 'The City Press', 15 January 1970 1 file

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U DPW/1/168 Binder. 'Politics Feb. 1970'. Notes, cuttings, Feb 1970 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the trawlermen's strike, April 1970, theological dispute between Patrick Wall and Norman St. John - Stevas MP, February - March 1970, and the banning of Patrick Wall from speaking at Sussex Union, February 1970 Including:

a) Letter from Edward Heath MP, 6 February 1970 1 file

U DPW/1/169 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1970'. Notes, cuttings, Mar 1970 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Letter from Edward Heath MP, 9 March 1970 b) Photocopy letter from Roy MP, 3 April 1970 c) Note from Sir Alec Douglas Home, 24 March 1970 1 file

U DPW/1/170 Binder. 'Politics Apr. 1970'. Notes, cuttings, Apr 1970 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about meeting of Inter-Parliamentary Union, Monaco, and aid to Malta Including:

a) Article. 'To whom is Wilson being loyal by cementing the Southern Africa stalemate?', Patrick Wall, 'Birmingham Post', 23 April 1970 b) Ts. article. 'Dangers of a biased aid policy', Patrick Wall, reworked and published as 'Malta: is this the price of loyalty?' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 27 April 1970 c) Letter from Edward Heath MP, 1 May 1970 1 file

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U DPW/1/171 Binder. 'Politics May 1970 GE'. Notes, cuttings, May 1970 correspondence, photographs and collected memorabilia about the general election and Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about his visit to South Africa and general election campaign Including:

a) Letter from Leabua Johnathan, Prime Minister of Lesotho, 23 June 1970 b) Report by Patrick Wall on his trip to Southern Africa, 1970 1 file

U DPW/1/172 Binder. 'Politics June 1970 GE'. Notes, cuttings, Jun 1970 correspondence and collected memorabilia about the general election and Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- '24 Hours', 23 June 1970 1 file

U DPW/1/173 Binder. 'Politics July 1970'. Notes, cuttings, Jul 1970 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- 'The World Today', 21 July 1970 1 file

U DPW/1/174 Binder. 'Politics July - Aug. 1970'. Notes, cuttings, Jul-Aug 1970 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about aid to Lesotho Including:

a) 'United Peoples' Party [of Zambia] Constitution', no date b) Ts. article. 'The Conservatives and Southern Africa', Patrick Wall, published as 'Britain's role in Africa' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 24 July 1970 c) Letter from Sir Alec Douglas Home, 31 July 1970 1 file

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U DPW/1/175 Binder. 'Politics Sep. - Oct. 1970'. Notes, cuttings, Sep-Oct 1970 correspondence, photographs and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about a British parliamentary delegation to the Gulf, September 1970, visit to Korea by Patrick Wall, September 1970 and meeting of Inter-Parliamentary Union, The Hague Including:

a) Letter from Sir Alec Douglas Home, 13 October 1970 b) 'Crisis in the Church'. Transcript of speech delivered by Patrick Wall to the Annual General Meeting of the Catholic Evidence Guild, 27 September 1970 1 file

U DPW/1/176 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1970'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1970 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about a British parliamentary delegation visit to the North Atlantic Assembly, and 'Man Alive: the end of the dialogue', television programme by the BBC, 25 November 1970 Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Jeffrey Archer MP, 4 November 1970 b) Letter from Sir Alec Douglas-Home MP, 8 November 1970 1 file

U DPW/1/177 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1970'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1970 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/178 Binder. 'Politics Jan. 1971'. Notes, cuttings, Jan 1971 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Conservative defence policy', Patrick Wall, no date b) Ts. article. 'The Gulf: where Britain walks a tightrope', Patrick Wall, 'Yorkshire Post', 15 January 1971 1 file

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U DPW/1/179 Binder. 'Politics Feb. 1971'. Notes, cuttings, Feb 1971 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Francis Pym MP, 5 February 1971 b) Photocopy letter from Edward Heath MP, 22 February 1971 1 file

U DPW/1/180 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1971'. Notes, cuttings, Mar 1971 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Do Conservatives believe in defence?', Patrick Wall, published as 'Do the Tories believe in defence?' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 1 March 1971 1 file

U DPW/1/181 Binder. 'Politics Apr. - May 1971'. Notes, cuttings, Apr-May 1971 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about Patrick Wall's visit to Angola, Mozambique, Southern Africa and Rhodesia, May 1971, and about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Letter from Sir Alec Douglas Home, 8 April 1971 b) Letter from Francis Pym MP, 9 February 1971 1 file

U DPW/1/182 Binder. 'Politics June 1971'. Notes, cuttings, Jun 1971 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about Pro Fide rally, Brighton Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Portugal's fight in Africa', Patrick Wall, published as 'What Portugal has achieved' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 3 June 1971 1 file

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U DPW/1/183 Binder. 'Politics July 1971'. Notes, cuttings, Jul 1971 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy ts. article. 'Rhodesia: the last chance?', Patrick Wall, published as 'What chance of Rhodesian settlement?' by Forum World Features, July 1971 b) Photocopy ts. article. 'South Africa: evolution or revolution?', Patrick Wall, published as 'Evolution not revolution' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 13 July 1971 1 file

U DPW/1/184 Binder. 'Politics July - Sep. 1971'. Notes, cuttings, Jul-Sep 1971 correspondence, photographs and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy ts. article. 'Freedom fighters or terrorists', Patrick Wall, published as 'Guerrilla activity in Southern Africa' by Forum World Features, 14 August 1971 b) Photocopy ts. article. 'Australian arguments', Patrick Wall, no date c) Letter from Norman St. John-Stevas MP, 11 October 1971 1 file

U DPW/1/185 Binder. 'Politics Sep. - Oct. 1971'. Notes, cuttings, Sep-Oct 1971 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the 17th Annual Session of the North Atlantic Assembly, Ottawa

1 file

U DPW/1/186 Binder. 'Politics Oct. - Nov. 1971'. Notes, cuttings, Oct-Nov 1971 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated - 'The World Today', 26 October 1971 b) Article. 'The Portuguese in Angola and Mozambique', Patrick Wall, 'Portugal', pp. 4 - 5, September 1971 1 file

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U DPW/1/187 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1971'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1971 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the annual conference of the Danish Conservative Party, November 1971

1 file

U DPW/1/188 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1971'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1971 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy ts. article. 'Rhodesia: a fair settlement?', Patrick Wall, published as 'Rhodesia: triumph or tragedy?' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 2 December 1971 b) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Ulster, 13 - 15 December 1971 1 file

U DPW/1/189 Binder. 'Politics Jan. 1972'. Notes, cuttings, Jan 1972 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about various committees of the North Atlantic Assembly, and articles by Patrick Wall Including:

a) Photocopy of a report on a NATO sub committee visit to Portugal and the USA, 21 - 27 January 1972 b) Photocopy ts. article. 'NATO's open backdoor', Patrick Wall, no date 1 file

U DPW/1/190 Binder. 'Politics Feb. 1972'. Notes, cuttings, Feb 1972 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/191 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1972'. Notes, cuttings, Mar 1972 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the Troubles in Northern Ireland

1 file

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U DPW/1/192 Binder. 'Politics Apr. 1972'. Notes, cuttings, Apr 1972 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about meeting of Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference, Yaounde, Cameroon Including:

a) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Iceland, 13 - 17 April 1972 1 file

U DPW/1/193 Binder. 'Politics May 1972'. Notes, cuttings, May 1972 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about various committees of the North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

U DPW/1/194 Binder. 'Politics June 1972'. Notes, cuttings, Jun 1972 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about various North Atlantic Assembly committees Including:

a) 'The Soviet maritime threat'. Draft working paper by Patrick Wall for the North Atlantic Assembly, no date (See also DPW/1/196) b) Ts. article. 'War in the Atlantic', Patrick Wall, published as 'Atlantic cod war in the offing' in Forum World Features, 24 June 1972 1 file

U DPW/1/195 Binder. 'Politics July - Aug. 1972'. Notes, cuttings, Jul-Aug 1972 correspondence, photographs and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Military Committee tour of the United States of America, July 1972, and about the contract Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 29 September 1972 b) Ts. article. 'British defence policy under the Conservatives', Patrick Wall, no date 1 file

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U DPW/1/196 Binder. 'Politics Sep. - Oct. 1972'. Notes, cuttings, Sep-Oct 1972 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about meeting of Inter-Parliamentary Union, Rome, September 1972 Including:

a) Letter from Francis Pym MP, 11 September 1972 b) 'Working paper on the Soviet maritime threat'. Presented by Patrick Wall to the North Atlantic Assembly, September 1972 (See also DPW/1/194) 1 file

U DPW/1/197 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1972'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1972 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the meeting of the North Atlantic Assembly, Bonn Including:

a) Photocopy article. 'NATO's future', Patrick Wall, 'To the Point', pp. 44 - 45, 9 September 1972 1 file

U DPW/1/198 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1972'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1972 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/199 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - Feb. 1973'. Notes, cuttings, Jan-Feb 1973 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Rhodesia and South Africa, January - February 1973 b) Article. 'Soviet sea power: a threat to Europe's supply routes', Patrick Wall, Forum World Features, [February 1972?] c) Pamphlet. 'Europe's backdoor: the Soviet maritime threat', Patrick Wall, (Monday Club), no date 1 file

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U DPW/1/200 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1973'. Notes, cuttings, Mar 1973 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Military Committee Including:

a) Photocopy letters from Francis Pym MP, 23 February & 24 March 1973 1 file

U DPW/1/201 Binder. 'Politics Apr. 1973'. Notes, cuttings, Apr 1973 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the House of Commons parliamentary delegation visit to the Portuguese National Assembly Including:

a) Photocopy article. 'Saclant's mission and the gaping void: a commentary on Western fall-short in naval cover in the South Atlantic and Indian Ocean', Patrick Wall, 'Navy International', pp. 9 - 10, April 1973 b) Letter from Ian Gilmour MP, 8 May 1973 1 file

U DPW/1/202 Binder. 'Politics May 1973'. Notes, cuttings, May 1973 correspondence, photographs and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the Council of Europe Consultative Assembly, and various committees of the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Letter from Sir Alec Douglas Home, 14 May 1973 b) Draft Minutes of the Western European Union Committee on Defence Questions and Armaments, 4 May 1973 1 file

U DPW/1/203 Binder. 'Politics June 1973'. Notes, cuttings, Jun 1973 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Iceland, 3 - 5 June 1973 b) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Malta, 14 - 18 June 1973 1 file

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U DPW/1/204 Binder. 'Politics July 1973'. Notes, cuttings, Jul 1973 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the construction of the Humber Bridge Including:

a) Photocopy note from Sir Alec Douglas Home, 17 July 1973 b) Letter from Ian Gilmour MP, 31 July 1973 1 file

U DPW/1/205 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Oct. 1973'. Notes, cuttings, Aug-Oct 1973 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the Council of Europe Consultative Assembly, September - October 1973 Including:

a) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to the Far East, August - September 1973 c) Photocopy ts. article. 'Detente or disintegration?', Patrick Wall, published as 'Walking the plank of detente' in 'To the Point', p. 40, 6 October 1973 1 file

U DPW/1/206 Binder. 'Politics Oct. - Nov. 1973'. Notes, cuttings, Oct-Nov 1973 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about various committees of the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Photocopy ts. article. 'Portugal's role in countering the Soviet maritime threat', Patrick Wall, 'Portugal', pp. 5 - 6, November 1973 b) Photocopy card from Teddy Kennedy Jr., containing note from his father, Ted, no date c) Photocopy ts. article. 'The two Chinas: the key to the Pacific', Patrick Wall, published as 'The numbers game' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 30 November 1973 1 file

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U DPW/1/207 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1973'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1973 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Letter from Francis Pym MP, 8 December 1973 b) Article. 'NATO looks to the future, conscious of dangers inherent in disunity', Patrick Wall, Forum World Features, [December 1973?] 1 file

U DPW/1/208 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - Feb. 1974'. Notes, cuttings, Jan-Feb 1974 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the Council of Europe Consultative Assembly, January 1974 Including:

a) Letter from Lord Carrington, 16 January 1974 b) Letter from Enoch Powell MP, 15 January 1974 1 file

U DPW/1/209 Binder. 'Politics Feb. 1974 GE'. Notes, cuttings, Feb 1974 correspondence and collected memorabilia about the general election and Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the assembly of the Western European Union, January 1974 Including:

a) Ts. article. 'NATO looks ahead', Patrick Wall, 'Defence', pp. 98 - 101, March 1974 b) Report, and other material, about the Western European Union Defence Committee visit to the United States of America, March 1974 1 file

U DPW/1/210 Binder. 'Politics Mar - Apr 1974'. Notes, cuttings, Mar-Apr 1974 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Draft report on a visit to NATO, Brussels, 29 - 30 April 1974 1 file

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U DPW/1/211 Binder. 'Politics May 1974'. Notes, cuttings, May 1974 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe and 7th meeting of the British Atlantic Committee Including:

a) Photocopy ts. article. 'Will the West wake up in time?', Patrick Wall, published as 'Time to turn the ocean's tide' in 'To the Point', p. 31, 4 May 1974 1 file

U DPW/1/212 Binder. 'Politics June 1974'. Notes, cuttings, Jun 1974 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Photocopy ts. article. 'The effect of double standards on maritime strategy', Patrick Wall, 'The Phoenix', pp. 13 - 16, no date b) Transcript of BBC broadcast in which Patrick Wall participated- 'The World Today', 25 June 1974 1 file

U DPW/1/213 Binder. 'Politics July 1974'. Notes, cuttings, Jul 1974 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the winding up of the Joint Africa Board Including:

a) Photocopy letter from James Callaghan MP, 21 June 1974 b) Note from Sir Alec Douglas Home, 27 June 1974 1 file

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U DPW/1/214 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Sep. 1974'. Notes, cuttings, Aug -Sep 1974 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the Council of Europe Consultative Assembly, August 1974, and the general election campaign Including:

a) Letter from [Charles Crosland, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland?], 30 October 1974 b) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Ulster, 6 - 7 August 1974 c) Ts. article. 'The achievement of the army in Ulster', Patrick Wall, no date d) Letter from Edward Heath MP, 12 September 1974 1 file

U DPW/1/215 Binder. 'Politics Sep. - Nov. GE'. Notes, cuttings, Sep-Nov 1974 correspondence and collected memorabilia about the general election and Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Letter from William Whitelaw MP, 23 September 1974 1 file

U DPW/1/216 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1974'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1974 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

U DPW/1/217 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1974'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1974 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the Assembly of the Western European Union, November 1974 Including:

a) Photocopy article. 'The Beating of the bombers', Patrick Wall, 'To the Point', p.21, 21 December 1974 1 file

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U DPW/1/218 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - Feb. 1975'. Notes, cuttings, Jan-Feb 1975 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the Conservative Party leadership election, and the Assembly of the Western European Union, February 1975, and articles by Patrick Wall Including:

a) Photocopy ts. article. 'The Republic of Malta', Patrick Wall, no date b) Article. 'Pressure in white Africa', Patrick Wall, the 'Yorkshire Post', 29 January 1975 c) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Rhodesia and Southern Africa, January - February 1975 e) Photocopy letters from Margaret Thatcher MP, 24 February, 11 March & 14 March 1975 1 file

U DPW/1/219 Binder. 'Politics Mar. - Apr. 1975'. Notes, cuttings, Mar-Apr 1975 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about North Atlantic Assembly Southern Flank Sub Committee visit to Washington, March 1975, and meeting of Inter-Parliamentary Union, Sri Lanka, April 1975 Including:

a) Ts. article. 'China in Africa', Patrick Wall, published as 'The struggle for Africa' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 31 March 1975 b) Ts. article. 'The price of a cup of tea', Patrick Wall, circa 1975 1 file

U DPW/1/220 Binder. 'Politics Apr. - May 1975'. Notes, cuttings, Apr-May 1975 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and the Assembly of the Western European Union Including:

a) Photocopy note from Harold Wilson MP, 27 June 1975 1 file

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U DPW/1/221 Binder. 'Politics May 1975'. Notes, cuttings, May 1975 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly and the Assembly of the Western European Union

1 file

U DPW/1/222 Binder. 'Politics June - July 1975'. Notes, cuttings, Jun-Jul 1975 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the referendum on the European Economic Community and the North Atlantic Assembly Southern Flank Sub Committee visit to Naples, June 1975 Including: a) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 9 July 1975 1 file

U DPW/1/223 Binder. 'Politics July - Aug. 1975'. Notes, cuttings, Jul-Aug 1975 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) 'Southern Africa Group minority report', Patrick Wall, 1 August 1975 1 file

U DPW/1/224 Binder. 'Politics Sep. 1975'. Notes, cuttings, Sep 1975 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about meeting of Inter-Parliamentary Union, London Including:

a) Ts. speech made to the Inter Parliamentary Union Conference by Patrick Wall, as acting leader of the British Delegation, [September 1975] b) Ts. article. 'A report on Ulster', Patrick Wall, published as 'Force and democracy' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 23 September 1975 1 file

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U DPW/1/225 Binder. 'Politics Sep. - Oct. 1975'. Notes, cuttings, Sep-Oct 1975 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Southern Africa and the danger to the West', Patrick Wall, no date 1 file

U DPW/1/226 Binder. 'Politics Oct. 1975'. Notes, cuttings, Oct 1975 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 13 November 1975 b) Letter from Bill Rodgers MP, 22 October 1975 1 file

U DPW/1/227 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1975'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1975 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Letter from the Prime Minister of Iceland, 17 November 1975 1 file

U DPW/1/228 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1975'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1975 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 15 December 1975 1 file

U DPW/1/229 Binder. 'Politics Jan. 1976'. Notes, cuttings, Jan 1976 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Article. 'The vulnerability of the West in the southern hemisphere', Patrick Wall, unknown publication, no date b) Photocopy article. 'Carving up the British Isles', Patrick Wall, 'To the Point', p.23, 30 January 1976 1 file

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U DPW/1/230 Binder. 'Politics Feb. 1976'. Notes, cuttings, Feb 1976 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) 'Report on the visit of the Sub Committee on European Defence Cooperation to the United States, December 15 - 19 1975' b) Letter form Bill Rodgers MP, 20 February 1976 c) Photocopy letters from Margaret Thatcher MP, 13 February 1976 & no date d) Photocopy ts. article. 'Angola and the start of World War Four', Patrick Wall, published as 'The fourth World War' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 25 February 1976 1 file

U DPW/1/231 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1976'. Notes, cuttings, Mar 1976 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about North Atlantic Assembly visit to Canada and the United States of America, March - April 1976 Including:

a) Photocopy note from Margaret Thatcher MP, 3 March 1976 b) Photocopy letter from Basil Hume, Archbishop of Westminster, February 1976 c) Note from James Callaghan MP, 24 March 1976 1 file

U DPW/1/232 Binder. 'Politics Apr. - May 1976'. Notes, cuttings, Apr-May 1976 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about meeting of Inter-Parliamentary Union, Mexico, April 1976, and photocopied ts. articles by Patrick Wall Including:

a) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Ulster, 7 - 8 April 1976 1 file

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U DPW/1/233 Binder. 'Politics May 1976'. Notes, cuttings, May 1976 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Photocopy ts. article. 'A European view of the conflict in Southern Africa', Patrick Wall, no date 1 file

U DPW/1/234 Binder. 'Politics June 1976'. Notes, cuttings, Jun 1976 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'The future of the fishing industry', Patrick Wall, June 1976 b) Letter from [the Prime Minister of Iceland?], 27 June 1975 1 file

U DPW/1/235 Binder. 'Politics July - Sep. 1976'. Notes, cuttings, Jul-Sep 1976 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Letter from Francis Pym MP, 1 July 1976 b) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Southern Africa, August - September 1976 c) Ts. article. 'A race for independence in Namibia', Patrick Wall, published as 'Race for Namibia' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 9 September 1976 1 file

U DPW/1/236 Binder. 'Politics Sep. - Oct. 1976'. Notes, cuttings, Sep-Oct 1976 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about meeting of Inter-Parliamentary Union, Madrid Including: a) Ts. article. 'Rhodesia: the end of the road?', Patrick Wall, published as 'The end of Rhodesia' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 25 October 1976 1 file

U DPW/1/237 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1976'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1976 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

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U DPW/1/238 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1976'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1976 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Can standardisation succeed?', Patrick Wall, 'Defence', pp. 681 - 683, December 1976 b) Ts. article. 'NATO's parliamentarians sound a note of alarm', Patrick Wall published as 'Where NATO must not drop its guard' in 'To the Point', p.10, 20 December 1976 1 file

U DPW/1/239 Binder. 'Politics Jan. 1977'. Notes, cuttings, Jan 1977 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the visit of the North Atlantic Assembly Sub Committee on Defence to the United States of America Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 27 January 1977 1 file

U DPW/1/240 Binder. 'Politics Feb. 1977'. Notes, cuttings, Feb 1977 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 10 February 1977 b) 'Report on a visit to the EEC, 23 - 24 February 1977' 1 file

U DPW/1/241 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1977'. Notes, cuttings, Mar 1977 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the Assembly of the Western European Union, January 1977 Including:

a) Photocopy article. 'The North Atlantic Assembly and the dangers of confronting the alliance', Patrick Wall, 'Navy International', pp. 14 - 15 March 1977 b) 'Memo[randum] on Conservative policy on Southern Africa', no date 1 file

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U DPW/1/242 Binder. 'Politics Mar. - Apr. 1977'. Notes, cuttings, Mar-Apr 1977 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly and meeting of Inter- Parliamentary Union, Canberra, April 1977 Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 23 March 1977, and note, 24 March 1977 1 file

U DPW/1/243 Binder. 'Politics Apr.-May 1977'. Notes, cuttings, Apr -May 1977 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the International Fishing Forum and the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Australasia, April 1977 b) Letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 24 May 1977 c) Ts. article by Patrick Wall. 'Suicide of the West', no date 1 file

U DPW/1/244 Binder. 'Politics June 1977'. Notes, cuttings, Jun 1977 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/245 Binder. 'Politics July 1977'. Notes, cuttings, Jul 1977 correspondence, photographs and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Defence memorandum. 'Central front in Europe', 11 July 1977 b) Letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 27 July 1977 c) Ts. article. 'The Work of the CIIR [Catholic Institute of International Relations]', Patrick Wall, 'The Catholic Herald', no date 1 file

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U DPW/1/246 Binder. 'Politics July - Aug. 1977'. Notes, cuttings, Jul-Aug 1977 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly tour of the United States of America, August 1977 Including:

a) Photocopy ts. article. 'The battle of Rhodesia', Patrick Wall, published as 'Black and white Rhodesia resists the red regime' in the 'Yorkshire Post', 9 August 1977 1 file

U DPW/1/247 Binder. 'Politics Sep. - Oct. 1977'. Notes, cuttings, Sep-Oct 1977 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the 121st session of the Council of the Inter- Parliamentary Union, September 1977, and the North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

U DPW/1/248 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1977'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1977 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 12 November 1977 b) Article. 'Pro-Fide- seven years after', Patrick Wall, [1977] 1 file

U DPW/1/249 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1977'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1977 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy article. 'NATO's parliament', Patrick Wall, 'Navy International', pp. 36 - 40, December 1977 b) Photocopy ts. notes by Patrick Wall. 'Southern Africa', 1977 c) Ts. paper. 'The present state of the world balance of power', Patrick Wall for the Foreign Affairs Research Institute, December 1977 1 file

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U DPW/1/250 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - Feb. 1978'. Notes, cuttings, Jan-Feb 1978 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Photocopy ts. article. 'Standardisation- the need for a two way street', Patrick Wall, 'Brassey's Defence Yearbook', pp. 171 - 186 [1977?] b) Ts. article. 'The battle for resources', Patrick Wall, no date 1 file

U DPW/1/251 Binder. 'Politics Feb. - Mar. 1978'. Notes, cuttings, Feb-Mar 1978 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly, and visit to RM Eastney by Royal Marines Parliamentary Group Including:

a) Letter from Basil Hume, Archbishop of Westminster, 23 July 1978 b) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Norway and Denmark, 27 February - 2 March 1978 1 file

U DPW/1/252 Binder. 'Politics Mar. - Apr. 1978'. Notes, cuttings, Mar-Apr 1978 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/253 Binder. 'Politics May 1978'. Notes, cuttings, May 1978 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Report of the North Atlantic Assembly', Patrick Wall, 'The Naval Review', pp. 116 - 119, no date b) Letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 17 May 1978 1 file

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U DPW/1/254 Binder. 'Politics June 1978'. Notes, cuttings, Jun 1978 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. paper. 'Soviet strategy and NATO defence', Patrick Wall, for the Foreign Affairs Research Institute, August 1978 b) Letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 28 June 1978 c) Report by Patrick Wall on the 'Sealink Symposium', 19 - 22 June 1978 1 file

U DPW/1/255 Binder. 'Politics July - Aug. 1978'. Notes, cuttings, Jul-Aug 1978 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/256 Binder. 'Politics Sep. - Oct. 1978'. Notes, cuttings, Sep-Oct 1978 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Report on the North Atlantic Assembly military tour to the northern flank, 17 - 29 September 1978 b) Ts. article. 'The Rhodesian tragedy', Patrick Wall, no date c) Report on a visit of the North Atlantic Assembly Sub Committee on the Northern Flank to Norfolk and Washington, 23 - 26 October 1978 d) Letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 15 November 1978 1 file

U DPW/1/257 Binder. 'Politics Nov. - Dec. 1978'. Notes, cuttings, Nov-Dec 1978 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

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U DPW/1/258 Binder. 'Politics Jan. 1979'. Notes, cuttings, Jan 1979 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Defence Cooperation Sub Committee visit to Washington and Orlando, January - February 1979 Including:

a) Ts. article. 'SALT II' [Strategic Arms Limitation Talks], Patrick Wall, published as 'What SALT II may achieve' in 'To the Point', p. 23, 19 January 1979 1 file

U DPW/1/259 Binder. 'Politics Feb. 1979'. Notes, cuttings, Feb 1979 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/260 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1979'. Notes, cuttings, Mar 1979 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the meeting of the North Atlantic Assembly Standing Committee in Athens, March - April 1979

1 file

U DPW/1/261 Binder. 'Politics Apr. - May 1979 GE'. Notes, Apr-May 1979 cuttings, correspondence and collected memorabilia about the general election and Patrick Wall's political career. With letters from various people appointed to government office Including: a) Ts. article. 'The work of the North Atlantic Assembly in 1978', Patrick Wall, 'Navy International', pp. 47 - 49, April 1979 1 file

U DPW/1/262 Binder. 'Politics May 1979'. Notes, cuttings, May 1979 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

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U DPW/1/263 Binder. 'Politics June 1979'. Notes, cuttings, Jun 1979 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With photocopied ts. articles by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/1/264 Binder. 'Politics July 1979'. Notes, cuttings, Jul 1979 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'The way of the world: politics and religion', Patrick Wall, no date 1 file

U DPW/1/265 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Oct. 1979'. Notes, cuttings, Aug-Oct 1979 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With ts. articles by Patrick Wall Including:

a) Letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 14 September 1979 & 'Sunday' b) Transcript of Patrick Wall's 'Presentation to the United StatesSenate Foreign Relations Committee on SALT' [Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty], 10 September 1979 c) Photocopy letters from Francis Pym MP, 27 September, 12 November & 28 November 1979 d) Photocopy letter from Douglas Hurd MP, 3 October 1979 e) Report on the visit of the Northern Flank Sub Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly to Denmark and Germany, 10 - 12 October 1979 1 file

U DPW/1/266 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1979'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1979 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

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U DPW/1/267 Binder. 'Politics Nov. - Dec. 1979'. Notes, cuttings, Nov-Dec 1979 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Letter from Francis Pym MP, 8 January 1980 b) Letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 5 December 1979 1 file

U DPW/1/268 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - Feb. 1980'. Notes, cuttings, Jan-Feb 1979 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Ts. article. 'The Lancaster House Conference and after', Patrick Wall, 'Intelligence Digest', pp. 1 - 2, 1 January 1980 b) Report on the visit of the North Atlantic Assembly Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation to the United States of America, 26 January - 1 February 1980 c) Letter from Francis Pym MP, 28 February 1980 d) Ts. article. 'The North Atlantic Assembly 1979', Patrick Wall, 'Navy International', pp. 89 - 92, February 1980 e) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to South Africa and Namibia, 11 - 27 February 1980, and related correspondence 1 file

U DPW/1/269 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1980'. Notes, cuttings, Mar 1980 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Ts. article. 'United States reaction to the present crisis', Patrick Wall, 'Intelligence Digest', pp. 7 - 8, 1 March 1980 1 file

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U DPW/1/270 Binder. 'Politics Apr. 1980'. Notes, cuttings, Apr 1980 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With ts. articles by Patrick Wall Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 28 May 1980 1 file

U DPW/1/271 Binder. 'Politics May 1980'. Notes, cuttings, May 1980 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference on CSCE [Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe], Brussels Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Why citizens band radio is a must', Patrick Wall, no date b) Ts. article. 'The southern oceans and the threat to the free world', Patrick Wall, no date c) Ts. article. 'Will Soviet sea power defeat NATO?', Patrick Wall, no date 1 file

U DPW/1/272 Binder. 'Politics June 1980'. Notes, cuttings, Jun 1980 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 27 June 1980 b) Letter from Lord Hailsham, 1 July 1980 c) Photocopy letter from George Thomas, Speaker of the House of Commons, 30 June 1980 1 file

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U DPW/1/273 Binder. 'Politics July 1980'. Notes, cuttings, Jul 1980 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'World War Three', Patrick Wall, 'The Third World War: how close are we?' in 'Defence', pp. 497 - 498, July 1980 b) Ts. article. The battle for resources', Patrick Wall, published as 'South Africa: resource linch- pin' in 'Navy International', pp. 419 - 421, July 1980 1 file

U DPW/1/274 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Sep. 1980'. Notes, cuttings, Aug-Sep 1980 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With ts. articles by Patrick Wall Including: a) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to the Far East, July - August 1980 b) Photocopy letters from Margaret Thatcher MP, 29 September & 14 November 1980 c) Photocopy letter from Francis Pym MP, 25 September 1980 d) Photocopy letters from Douglas Hurd MP, 8 & 17 October 1980 e) Report on the North Atlantic Assembly's military tour to the United States of America, August - September 1980 1 file

U DPW/1/275 Binder. 'Politics Oct. - Nov. 1980'. Notes, cuttings, Oct-Nov 1980 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the American Presidential election

1 file

U DPW/1/276 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1980'. Notes, cuttings, Nov 1980 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the 26th Annual Session of the North Atlantic Assembly, Brussels Including:

a) Transcript of speech given by Patrick Wall to the Plenary Session of the North Atlantic Assembly in Brussels, November 1980 1 file

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U DPW/1/277 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1980'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1980 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/278 Binder. 'Politics Jan. 1981'. Notes, cuttings, Jan 1981 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Taiwan, 18 - 24 January 1981 b) 'Report on a visit of the Defence Cooperation Sub Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly to the United States, 25 - 31 January 1981' c) Note from Margaret Thatcher MP, 4 February 1981 1 file

U DPW/1/279 Binder. 'Politics Feb. 1981'. Notes, cuttings, Feb 1981 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy article. 'North Atlantic Assembly 1980', Patrick Wall, 'Navy International', pp. 78 - 80, February 1981 b) Ts. article. 'What the world expects from the Reagan administration', Patrick Wall, ['Human Events'], no date c) Ts. article. 'The Canadian conundrum', Patrick Wall, 'Intelligence Digest', pp. 4 - 5, 1 February 1981 1 file

U DPW/1/280 Binder. 'Politics Mar. - Apr. 1981'. Notes, cuttings, Mar-Apr 1981 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With ts. articles by Patrick Wall and papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Photocopy note from John Prescott MP, 10 March 1981 1 file

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U DPW/1/281 Binder. 'Politics Apr. - May 1981'. Notes, cuttings, Apr-May 1981 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With ts. articles by Patrick Wall Including:

a) Report on 'Exercise Shapex', 7 - 8 May 1981 b) Photocopy letter from John Nott MP, 15 May 1981 1 file

U DPW/1/282 Binder. 'Politics May - June 1981'. Notes, cuttings, May-Jun 1981 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the spring session of the North Atlantic Assembly, Venice, May 1981, and ts. articles by Patrick Wall Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 10 June 1981 b) Report on the visit of the Anti Submarine Warfare Sub Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly to Washington, 17 - 19 June 1981 1 file

U DPW/1/283 Binder. 'Politics June - July 1981'. Notes, cuttings, Jun-Jul 1981 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Photocopy note from Norman Tebbit MP, no date b) Report on a visit to Devon Port Dockyard, 30 June 1981 c) Photocopy article. 'A standard NATO torpedo', Patrick Wall, 'Navy International', pp. 545 - 546, September 1981 1 file

U DPW/1/284 Binder. 'Politics July 1981'. Notes, cuttings, Jul 1981 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the Monday Club's condemnation of Navy cuts and the opening of the Humber Bridge

1 file

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U DPW/1/285 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Oct. 1981'. Notes, cuttings, Aug-Oct 1981 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With ts. articles by Patrick Wall and papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Report on the North Atlantic Assembly's military tour to Canada, 16 - 28 August 1981 1 file

U DPW/1/286 Binder. 'Politics Oct. - Nov. 1981'. Notes, cuttings, Oct-Nov 1981 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With articles by Patrick Wall Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 2 November 1981 b) 'Report on a visit to Germany' [with the House of Commons Defence Committee], 26 - 30 October 1981 c) Notes on a meeting between the British Select Committee on Defence and the Senate Armed Services Committee, 1 - 2 November 1981 1 file

U DPW/1/287 Binder. 'Politics Nov. - Dec. 1981'. Notes, cuttings, Nov-Dec 1981 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/288 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1981'. Notes, cuttings, Dec 1981 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

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U DPW/1/289 Binder. 'Politics Jan. 1982'. Notes, cuttings, Jan 1982 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'President Reagan's first year: a European view', Patrick Wall, 'Sea Power', pp. 33 - 39, January 1982 b) Photocopy note from Margaret Thatcher MP, 18 January 1982 c) 'Report on a visit to the United States of America of the North Atlantic Assembly Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation, January 1982' 1 file

U DPW/1/290 Binder. 'Politics Feb. 1982'. Notes, cuttings, Feb 1982 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Progress in arms cooperation', Patrick Wall, 'Intelligence Digest', pp. 3 - 4, 1 February 1982 b) Note from Margaret Thatcher MP, 18 February 1982 1 file

U DPW/1/291 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1982'. Notes, cuttings, Mar 1982 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Soviet military power', Patrick Wall, 'Defence', pp. 98 - 100, March 1982 b) Photocopy article. 'North Atlantic Assembly 1981 report', Patrick Wall, 'Navy International', pp. 912 - 914, March 1982 c) Report on the visit of the Select Committee on Defence to the French Defence Committee, 22 - 26 March 1982 1 file

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U DPW/1/292 Binder. 'Politics Apr. 1982'. Notes, cuttings, Apr 1982 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'NATO: the way ahead', Patrick Wall, published as 'What lies ahead for NATO?' in 'Defence and Foreign Affairs', pp. 60 - 61, April 1982 b) Note from Francis Pym MP, 10 April 1982 c) Note from John Nott MP, no date 1 file

U DPW/1/293 Binder. 'Politics May 1982'. Notes, May 1982 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Plenary Session, Madeira Including:

a) Ts. article. 'The and the Falkland Islands', Patrick Wall, no date 1 file

U DPW/1/294 Binder. 'Politics June 1982'. Notes, Jun 1982 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Lessons from the Falklands', [by Patrick Wall?], 'Intelligence Digest', pp. 2 - 3, June 1982 b) Report on 'Exercise Sealink', Annapolis, 13 - 18 June 1982 c) Report on the visit of the Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation of the North Atlantic Assembly to the United States of America, 16 - 19 June 1982 d) Letter from John Nott MP, 6 July 1982 1 file

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U DPW/1/295 Binder. 'Politics July 1982'. Notes, Jul 1982 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Report on a visit of the Select Committee on Defence to Washington, Tokyo and Hong Kong, 28 June - 14 July 1982 b) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 4 August 1982 1 file

U DPW/1/296 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Oct. 1982'. Notes, Aug-Oct 1982 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With articles by Patrick Wall and papers about a 'Conference on the lessons of the South Atlantic War', September 1982 Including:

a) Photocopy article. 'The importance of NATO's northern flank', Patrick Wall, 'Sea Power', pp. 20 - 30, September 1982 1 file

U DPW/1/297 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1982'. Notes, Nov 1982 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers from the 28th Annual Session of the North Atlantic Assembly, London Including:

a) Transcript of speech given by Margaret Thatcher at the opening ceremony of the 28th Annual Session of the North Atlantic Assembly, 17 November 1982 1 file

U DPW/1/298 Binder. 'Politics Nov. - Dec. 1982'. Notes, Nov-Dec 1982 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Letter from John Nott MP, 22 November 1982 b) Photocopy ts. article. 'NATO 1982 - 1983', Patrick Wall, published as 'NATO: both sides have their troubles' in 'Sea Power', pp. 53 - 60, no date 1 file

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U DPW/1/299 Binder. 'Politics Jan. 1983'. Notes, Jan 1983 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) 'Report on a visit to the USA by the Defence Cooperation Sub Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly, 23 - 29 January 1983' b) Photocopy letters from Michael Heseltine MP, 19 January & 21 February 1983 c) Photocopy letter from Douglas Hurd MP, 17 February 1983 1 file

U DPW/1/300 Binder. 'Politics Feb. 1983'. Notes, Feb 1983 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/301 Binder. 'Politics Mar, 1983'. Notes, Mar 1983 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Report to the Prime Minister from Patrick Wall about the North Atlantic Assembly, 1982 1 file

U DPW/1/302 Binder. 'Politics Apr. - May 1983'. Notes, Apr-May 1983 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With letters of condolence and obituaries on the death of Sheila Wall Including:

a) Note from Margaret Thatcher MP, 13 April 1983 1 file

U DPW/1/303 Binder. 'Politics June 1983 GE'. Notes, Jun 1983 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about the general election and Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly and letters from various members of the Government

1 file

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U DPW/1/304 Binder. 'Politics July 1983'. Notes, Jul 1983 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

U DPW/1/305 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Oct. 1983'. Notes, Aug-Oct 1983 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Report on a North Atlantic Assembly tour of the Atlantic area, 1983 1 file

U DPW/1/306 Binder. 'Politics Oct. - Nov. 1983'. Notes, Oct-Nov 1983 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Report about the North Atlantic Assembly 1983, addressed to the Prime Minister, 14 November 1983 b) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 6 December 1983 c) Photocopy letter from Michael Heseltine MP, 25 November 1983 1 file

U DPW/1/307 Binder. 'Politics Nov. - Dec. 1983'. Notes, Nov-Dec 1983 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career

1 file

U DPW/1/308 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - Feb. 1984'. Notes, Jan-Feb 1984 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Report on a visit of the Defence Cooperation Sub Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly to the USA, January 1984 b) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 19 March 1984 c) Photocopy letters from Michael Heseltine MP, 8 March & 11 April 1984 1 file

Page 90 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/1/309 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1984'. Notes, Mar 1984 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly and elections for the 92 Committee Including:

a) Report on a visit of the Defence Cooperation Sub Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly to France, March 1984 1 file

U DPW/1/310 Binder. 'Politics Apr. - May 1984'. Notes, Apr-May 1984 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Report on the 'Ditchley conference on the challenge of Soviet maritime activity', 27 - 29 April 1984 b) Photocopy letter from Geoffrey Howe MP, 19 June 1984 c) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Namibia and South Africa, 1 - 18 May 1984 1 file

U DPW/1/311 Binder. 'Politics June - July 1984.' Notes, Jun-Jul 1984 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Lessons from the D-Day landings in Normandy', Patrick Wall, published as 'The most important lesson: never again' in 'Sea Power', pp. 24 - 28, June 1984 b) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Spain, 5 - 8 June 1984 c) Report on 'Exercise Sealink', Annapolis, 11 - 14 June 1984 d) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, 19 June - 17 July 1984' e) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 26 July 1984 1 file

Page 91 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/1/312 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Oct. 1984'. Notes, Aug- Oct 1984 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including: a) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 3 October 1984 b) Report on the North Atlantic Assembly's military tour of the USA, 19 - 31 August 1984 c) 'Report on the [North Atlantic Assembly] Presidential visit to the French Government, 8 - 10 October 1984' 1 file

U DPW/1/313 Binder. 'Politics Oct. - Nov. 1984'. Notes, Oct-Nov 1984 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With articles by Patrick Wall and papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Photocopy article. 'NATO: from north of Norway to south of Simonstown', Patrick Wall, published in 'Sea Power', pp. 57 - 71, November 1984 1 file

U DPW/1/314 Binder. 'Politics Nov. - Dec. 1984' Notes, Nov-Dec 1984 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) 'Report on the [North Atlantic Assembly] Presidential visit to the Greek Government, 25 - 28 November 1984' 1 file

Page 92 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/1/315 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - Feb. 1985'. Notes, Jan-Feb 1985 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With ts. articles by Patrick Wall Including:

a) Report on the Pacific Parliamentary Caucus, Hawaii, 4 - 7 January 1985 b) Report on a meeting of the Defence Cooperation Sub Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly in the USA, 20 - 25 January 1985 c) 'Report on the [North Atlantic Assembly] Presidential visit to the United States Government, 28 - 29 January 1985' d) 'Report on the [North Atlantic Assembly] Presidential visit to the Canadian Government, 30 January - 1 February 1985' e) Report on the meeting of the Military and Political Committees of the North Atlantic Assembly, Brussels, 14 - 15 February 1985 1 file

U DPW/1/316 Binder. 'Politics Mar. 1985'. Notes, Mar 1985 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) 'Report on the [North Atlantic Assembly] Presidential visit to the German Government, 10 - 13 March 1985' b) Letter from Geoffrey Howe MP, 2 April 1985 c) 'Summary of Foreign Office seminar on South Africa, 26 March 1985' d) 'Report on the [North Atlantic Assembly] Presidential visit to the Portuguese Government, 28 March - 2 April 1985' 1 file

U DPW/1/317 Binder. 'Politics Apr. 1985'. Notes, Apr 1985 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Report on the visit of the Defence Cooperation Sub Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly to Portugal, 1 - 2 April 1985 b) Report on the North Atlantic Assembly Presidential visit to the British Government, 17 - 18 April 1985 1 file

Page 93 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/1/318 Binder. 'Politics May - June 1985'. Notes, May-Jun 1985 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including: a) 'Report on the second international round table conference on European defence', The Hague, 24 - 25 May 1985 1 file

U DPW/1/319 Binder. 'Politics July 1985'. Notes, Jul 1985 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy ts. article. 'The Strategic Defence Initiative', Patrick Wall, no date 1 file

U DPW/1/320 Binder. 'Politics Aug. - Sep. 1985'. Notes, Aug-Sep 1985 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Transcript article. 'The influence of sea power', Patrick Wall, no date b) Report on a North Atlantic Assembly military tour of the Northern Flank, 18 - 30 August 1985 c) Report on the North Atlantic Assembly Presidential visit to the Norwegian Government, 23 August 1985 d) Photocopy letter from Douglas Hurd MP, 19 September 1985 e) Note from Norman Tebbit MP, 20 September 1985 f) Note from John MacGregor MP, 23 September 1985 1 file

Page 94 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/1/321 Binder. 'Politics Oct. - Nov. 1986' [sic]. Notes, Oct-Nov 1985 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy note from Margaret Thatcher MP, 28 October 1985 b) Report on the Atlantic/Pacific seminar in San Francisco, 16 October 1985 c) Report on a visit to the Gamett Corporation, Phoenix, Arizona, 17 October 1985 d) Report on the visit of the Defence Cooperation Sub Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly to the Hague, 18 - 19 November 1985 1 file

U DPW/1/322 Binder. 'Politics Nov. - Dec. 1985'. Notes, Nov-Dec 1985 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Report about the North Atlantic Assembly, 1985 b) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 20 December 1985 1 file

U DPW/1/323 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - Feb. 1986'. Notes, Jan-Feb 1986 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy article. 'A European view of SDI [Strategic Defence Initiative]', Patrick Wall, 'Sea Power', pp. 40 - 43, January 1986 b) Report on the Pacific Parliamentary Caucus, Hawaii, 10 - 13 January 1986 c) Report on the meeting of the Defence Cooperation Sub Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly, 26 - 31 January 1986 d) Report on the visit of the Special Committee on Nuclear Strategy and Arms Control of the North Atlantic Assembly to Geneva, 12 - 15 February 1986 e) Report on the meeting of the Military Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly with the Supreme Allied Commanders, Brussels, 14 - 15 February 1986 f) Photocopy letter from George Younger MP, 16 April 1986 1 file

Page 95 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/1/324 Binder. 'Politics Mar. - Apr. 1986'. Notes, Mar-Apr 1986 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) 'Where is South Africa heading?' Report from the South African Embassy Conference, 19 - 20 March 1986 1 file

U DPW/1/325 Binder. 'Politics Apr. - May 1986'. Notes, Apr-May 1986 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the issue of Sunday trading Including:

a) Photocopy article. 'Europe holds its breath on G-R-H [Gramm - Rudman - Hollings]', Patrick Wall, 'Sea Power', pp. 56 - 70, April 1986 b) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 8 April 1986 c) Letter from Lord Hailsham, 29 April 1986 d) Letter from Geoffrey Howe MP, 27 March 1986, and note, 28 March 1986 e) Ts. article. 'Chemical bacteriological warfare', Patrick Wall, no date f) Report on the visit of the Committee on Nuclear Strategy and Arms Control of the North Atlantic Assembly to the USA, 13 - 16 May 1986 1 file

U DPW/1/326 Binder. 'Politics June 1986'. Notes, Jun 1986 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy article. 'US budget deficit reduction: the implications for defence', Patrick Wall, 'Defence', pp. 38 - 39, May 1986 1 file

Page 96 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/1/327 Binder. 'Politics July 1986'. Notes, Jul 1986 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Ts. article. 'The fall out from Chernobyl', Patrick Wall, 'Sea Power', pp. 24 - 26, July 1986 b) Report on the North Atlantic Assembly military tour of Canada, August 1986 1 file

U DPW/1/328 Binder. 'Politics Sep. -Oct. 1986'. Notes, Sep-Oct 1986 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Photocopy note from Enoch Powell MP, 23 October 1986 1 file

U DPW/1/329 Binder. 'Politics Nov. 1986'. Notes, Nov 1986 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Photocopy ts. article. 'Subversion, terrorism and treason', Patrick Wall, published as 'Citizens' lives and the peace of nations' in 'Sea Power', pp. 34 - 44, November 1986 b) Photocopy note from Norman Tebbit MP, 17 November 1986 1 file

U DPW/1/330 Binder. 'Politics Dec. 1986'. Notes, Dec 1986 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Report on a meeting of the Defence Cooperation Sub Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly, London, 8 - 11 December 1986 b) Report on the North Atlantic Assembly, 1986 1 file

Page 97 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/1/331 Binder. 'Politics Jan. - Feb. 1987'. Notes, Jan-Feb 1987 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career Including:

a) Report on the visit of the Defence Cooperation Sub Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly to the USA, 25 - 30 January 1987 1 file

U DPW/1/332 Binder. 'Politics Mar. - Apr. 1987'. Notes, Mar-Apr 1987 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With ts. articles by Patrick Wall Including:

a) Report by Patrick Wall on his visit to South Africa, March - April 1987 1 file

U DPW/1/333 Binder. 'Politics May - June 1987'. Notes, May-Jun 1987 correspondence, cuttings and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's political career. With papers about the North Atlantic Assembly Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 19 June 1987 1 file

U DPW/1/334 Binder. 'Retirement July - Dec. 1987'. Notes, Jul-Dec 1987 cuttings, correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's activities following his retirement from parliament Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Jeffrey Archer, August 1987 b) Report on a visit to Germany for the North Atlantic Assembly, 12 - 17 September 1987 1 file

Page 98 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/1/335 Binder. 'Retirement Jan. - June 1988'. Notes, Jan-Jun 1988 cuttings, correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's activities following his retirement from parliament Including:

a) Photocopy article. 'From Glasnost to euphoria: Europe after the INF [Intermediate range Nuclear Force] treaty', Patrick Wall, 'Sea Power', pp. 25 - 26, March 1988 b) Ts. article. 'NATO in the 1990's', Patrick Wall, 'Intelligence Digest', pp. 6 - 7, July 1988 1 file

U DPW/1/336 Binder. 'Retirement July - Dec. 1988'. Notes, Jul-Dec 1988 cuttings, correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's activities following his retirement from parliament. With papers about Patrick Wall's award of the Freedom of Beverley Including:

a) Letter from Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi, 23 February 1989 1 file

U DPW/1/337 Binder. 'Retirement Jan. - June 1989'. Notes, Jan-Jun 1989 cuttings, correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's activities following his retirement from parliament Including:

a) Ts. article. 'The Europeanisation of NATO', Patrick Wall, published as 'NATO: today- and tomorrow', in 'Sea Power', pp. 39 - 43, May 1989 b) Ts. article. 'The implications of the NATO summit', Patrick Wall, published as 'NATO takes arms initiative' in 'Intelligence Digest', 14 June 1989 1 file

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U DPW/1/338 Binder. 'Retirement June - Dec. 1989'. Notes, Jun-Dec 1989 cuttings, correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's activities following his retirement from parliament Including:

a) Ts. article. 'The EEC, NATO and the USA', Patrick Wall, published as 'Two summits and numerous questions' in 'Sea Power', pp. 35 - 37, September 1989 1 file

U DPW/1/339 Binder. 'Events Jan. - June 1990'. Notes, cuttings, Jan-Jun 1990 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's activities following his retirement from parliament Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Scenario for the year 2000', Patrick Wall, published as 'Scenario for the future' in 'Sea Power', February 1990 b) Photocopy letter from Sir Alec Douglas Home, 27 December 1989 c) Photocopy letter from Edward Heath MP, 28 February 1990 d) Report on the 'Conference on World Peace', Moscow, 9 - 13 April 1990 1 file

U DPW/1/340 Binder. 'Events July - Dec. 1990'. Notes, cuttings, Jul-Dec 1990 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's activities following his retirement from parliament Including:

a) Ts. article. 'The future of the Middle East', Patrick Wall, no date b) Report on the 36th Annual Session of the North Atlantic Assembly c) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 26 November 1990 d) Report on the private discussion meeting of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, 30 November 1990 1 file

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U DPW/1/341 Binder. 'Events 1990'. Notes, cuttings, 1990 correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's activities following his retirement from parliament Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Tom King MP, 3 October 1991 1 file

U DPW/1/342 Original bundle. '1992 for red diaries'. 1992 Notes, cuttings, correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's activities following his retirement from parliament. Including:

a) Letter from Norman Tebbit, 23 June 1992 b) Photocopy letter from Betty Boothroyd, Speaker of the House of Commons, 11 May 1992 1 bundle

U DPW/1/343 Original bundle. '1980's, 1990's for red diaries'. 1980-1990 Notes, cuttings, correspondence and collected memorabilia about Patrick Wall's activities following his retirement from parliament 1 bundle

U DPW/1/344 Desk diary 1956

1 volume

U DPW/1/345 Desk diary 1957

1 volume

U DPW/1/346 Desk diary 1957

1 volume

U DPW/1/347 Desk diary 1958

1 volume

U DPW/1/348 Desk diary 1959

1 volume

U DPW/1/349 Desk diary 1960

1 volume

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U DPW/1/350 Desk diary 1961

1 volume

U DPW/1/351 Desk diary 1962

1 volume

U DPW/1/352 Desk diary 1963

1 volume

U DPW/1/353 Desk diary 1964

1 volume

U DPW/1/354 Desk diary 1965

1 volume

U DPW/1/355 Desk diary 1967

1 volume

U DPW/1/356 Desk diary 1968

1 volume

U DPW/1/357 Desk diary 1969

1 volume

U DPW/1/358 Desk diary 1970

1 volume

U DPW/1/359 Desk diary 1971

1 volume

U DPW/1/360 Desk diary 1972

1 volume

U DPW/1/361 Desk diary 1973

1 volume

U DPW/1/362 Desk diary 1974

1 volume

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U DPW/1/363 Desk diary 1975

1 volume

U DPW/1/364 Desk diary 1976

1 volume

U DPW/1/365 Desk diary 1977

1 volume

U DPW/1/366 Desk diary 1978

1 volume

U DPW/1/367 Desk diary 1979

1 volume

U DPW/1/368 Desk diary 1980

1 volume

U DPW/1/369 Desk diary 1981

1 volume

U DPW/1/370 Desk diary 1982

1 volume

U DPW/1/371 Desk diary 1983

1 volume

U DPW/1/372 Desk diary 1984

1 volume

U DPW/1/373 Desk diary 1985

1 volume

U DPW/1/374 Desk diary 1986

1 volume

U DPW/1/375 Desk diary 1987

1 volume

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U DPW/1/376 Desk diary 1988

1 volume

U DPW/1/377 Desk diary 1989

1 volume

U DPW/1/378 Desk diary 1990

1 volume

U DPW/1/379 Desk diary 1991

1 volume

U DPW/1/380 File. Photocopied ms. lists of Patrick Wall's 1969-1980 parliamentary questions, speeches, broadcasting work, letters to the press, articles, visits, and constituency and other meetings

1 file

U DPW/1/381 Envelope. Ts. weekly programmes of Patrick Jan 1983-Dec Wall's activities 1984

1 item

U DPW/2 Constituency cases and correspondence 1954-1986

U DPW/2/1 Constituents case book. Listing constituents 1954-1955 alphabetically, with subject of case

1 item This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2031. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

Page 104 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/2/2 File. Constituency case lists 1954-1984

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2060. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/3 File. Non-constituency case lists 1958-1984

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2060. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/4 File. Constituency cases nos. 1 - 26, with list 1969-1970 (including cases carried forward from 1969)

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2046. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/5 File. Constituency cases nos. 27 - 57, with list 1970

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2046. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/6 File. Constituency cases nos. 58 - 78, with list 1970

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2046. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

Page 105 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/2/7 File. Constituency cases nos. 79 - 101, with list 1970 [cases 97 - 99 missing]

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2046. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/8 File. Constituency cases nos. 102 - 125 1970

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2046. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/9 File. Constituency cases nos. 127, 128 & 132 1970

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2046. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/10 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence, 1970 including file about the Yorkshire Derwent Water Bill

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2046. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

Page 106 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/2/11 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence 1970

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2046. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/12 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence 1970

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2046. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/13 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence 1970

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2046. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/14 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence 1970

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2046. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/15 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence, 1970 including a petition from the residents of North Ferriby about a footbridge over the A63

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2046. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

Page 107 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/2/16 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence 1970

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2046. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/17 File. Non-constituency cases nos. 1 - 13, with list 1970 of nos. 1 - 27

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2046. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/18 File. Non-constituency cases nos. 14 - 27, 1970 including file of Rhodesian cases

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2046. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/19 File. Unsorted non-constituency correspondence, 1970 including with Mr GI Brown about Rhodesian public servants

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2046. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

Page 108 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/2/20 File. Lists of constituency cases nos. 1 - 179 and 1979 non - constituency cases 1 - 21

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2055. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/21 File. Constituency cases nos. 1 - 50 1979

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2055. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/22 File. Constituency cases nos. 51 - 100 1979

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2055. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/23 File. Constituency cases nos. 101 - 150 1979

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2055. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/24 File. Constituency cases nos. 150 - 179 1979

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2055. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

Page 109 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/2/25 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence 1979-1980

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2056. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/26 File. Non - constituency cases nos. 1 - 31 1979

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2055. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/27 File. Unsorted non - constituency correspondence 1979-1980

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2056. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/28 File. Dead constituency cases extracted from 1979-1980 main series, nos. 111, 126, 170 & 172 for 1979 and 94, 97, 130, 141, 145-146, 148, 175-176, 178-185 & 188 for 1980

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2056. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

Page 110 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/2/29 File. Lists of constituency cases nos. 1 - 132 & 1 - 1980-1982 177, with copy legal papers in the case of Langdale v. Danby [disputed cottage in Elloughton]

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2058. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/30 File. Constituency cases nos. 1 - 25, including the 1980 De La Pole Hospital enquiry 1979 - 1980

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2056. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/31 File. Constituency cases nos. 26 - 75 1980

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2056. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/32 File. Constituency cases nos. 76 - 100 1980

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2056. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

Page 111 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/2/33 File. Constituency cases nos. 101 - 149 1980

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2056. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/34 File. Constituency cases nos. 150 - 187 1980

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2056. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/35 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence 1980

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2056. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/36 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence 1980

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2056. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/37 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence 1980

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2056. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

Page 112 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/2/38 File. Dead non - constituency cases extracted 1980 from main series, nos. 2-10 & 13-19

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2056. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/39 File. Unsorted non - constituency correspondence 1980

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2056. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/40 File. Lists of constituency cases nos. 1 - 108 and 1981 non-constituency cases 1 - 10

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2057. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/41 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence 1981

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2057. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

Page 113 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/2/42 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence, 1981 including a bundle about the Wildlife and Countryside Bill

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2057. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/43 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence 1981

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2057. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/44 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence 1981

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2057. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/45 File. Unsorted non - constituency correspondence 1981

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2057. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/46 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence 1982

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2058. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

Page 114 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/2/47 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence 1982

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2058. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/48 File. Unsorted non - constituency correspondence 1982

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2058. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/49 File. Unsorted non - constituency correspondence 1982

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2058. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/50 File. Constituency cases nos. 107 & 129 1983

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2059. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/51 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence 1983

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2059. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

Page 115 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/2/52 File. Unsorted constituency (and some non - 1983 constituency) correspondence

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2059. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/53 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence 1983

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2059. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/54 File. Unsorted constituency correspondence 1983

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2059. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/55 File. Non - constituency case no. 6 1983

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2059. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/56 File. Non - constituency cases nos. 7-10, 13-16, 1983 18-20 & 23-25

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2059. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

Page 116 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/2/57 File. Unsorted non - constituency correspondence 1983

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2059. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/58 File. Constituency cases nos. 1 - 13, with list 1985

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2061. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/59 File. Constituency cases nos. 18 - 20 1985

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2061. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/60 File. Constituency cases nos. 21 - 29 1985

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2061. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/61 File. Constituency cases nos. 30 - 39 1985

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2061. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

Page 117 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/2/62 File. Constituency cases nos. 41 - 55 1985

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2061. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/63 File. Constituency cases nos. 56 - 65 1985

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2061. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/64 File. Constituency cases nos. 67 - 75, including 1985 about the contract for the RAF basic trainer aircraft

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2061. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/65 File. Constituency cases nos. 76 - 98 1985

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2061. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/66 File. Constituency cases nos. 99 - 113 1985

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2061. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

Page 118 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/2/67 File. Constituency cases nos. 114 - 129 1985

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2061. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/68 File. Constituency cases nos. 130 - 143 1985

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2061. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/69 File. Constituency cases nos. 144 - 151 1985

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2061. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/70 File. Constituency cases nos. 152 - 160 1985

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2061. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/71 File. Constituency cases nos. 161 - 173 1985

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2061. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

Page 119 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/2/72 File. Non - constituency cases nos. 1 - 10 1985

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2061. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/73 File. Constituency cases nos. 2 - 17 1986

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2062. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/74 File. Constituency cases nos. 18 - 32 1986

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2062. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/75 File. Constituency cases nos. 33 - 47 1986

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2062. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/76 File. Constituency cases nos. 49 - 67 1986

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2062. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

Page 120 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/2/77 File. Constituency cases nos. 69 - 79 1986

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2062. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/78 File. Constituency cases nos. 80 - 93 1986

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2062. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/79 File. Constituency cases nos. 94 - 110 1986

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2062. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/80 File. Constituency cases nos. 111 - 120 1986

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2062. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/81 File. Constituency cases nos. 122 - 136 1986

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2062. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

Page 121 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/2/82 File. Non - constituency cases nos. 1 - 6, with list 1986 of cases 1 - 18

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2062. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/83 File. Non - constituency cases nos. 7 - 11 & 13 1986

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2062. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/2/84 File. Non - constituency cases nos. 14 - 18 1986

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2062. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/3 Local issues 1955-1991 3/1 - 56 Local authorities 3/57 - 63 Local government reorganisation 3/64 - 72 Local elections 3/73 - 83 Humberside County Council Conservative Group (and others) 3/84 - 161 Constituency issues 3/162 - 260 Local organisations 3/261 - 270 Miscellaneous

U DPW/3/1 Artificial file. East Riding County Council. Jul 1957-Jul Correspondence, including with Edward Heath 1974 and Harold Wilson, successive Prime Ministers, recommending the Council Clerk, Mr Whitley, for the honours list. With minutes of meetings with Council officers

1 file

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U DPW/3/2 File. East Riding County Council. Ts. Nov 1969 'Observations on the Humberside Feasibility Study Report on behalf of the East Riding County Council'

1 file

U DPW/3/3 File. Humberside County Council: meetings with Apr 1974-Nov Humberside MPs. Agenda, minutes, 1976 correspondence and papers for discussion, including budget for 1974/75 and Humberside Development Plan Scheme 1975

1 file

U DPW/3/4 File. Humberside County Council: meetings with Dec 1979-Apr Humberside MPs. Bound set of papers for 1980 discussion

1 file

U DPW/3/5 File. Humberside County Council: meetings with Feb-Dec 1982 Humberside MPs. Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/3/6 File. Humberside County Council: meetings with Aug 1982-Mar Humberside MPs. Minutes and correspondence 1983

1 file

U DPW/3/7 Artificial file. Humberside County Council. Jan 1974-Nov Correspondence and background papers 1976

1 file

U DPW/3/8 File. Humberside County Council. Mar-Jul 1974 Correspondence about increased rates

1 file

U DPW/3/9 File. Humberside County Council. Jan-Oct 1977 Correspondence and development area maps (2)

1 file

U DPW/3/10 File. Humberside County Council. Feb 1978-Sep Correspondence 1979

1 file

Page 123 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/3/11 File. Humberside County Council. Dec 1982-Nov Correspondence 1983

1 file

U DPW/3/12 File. Humberside County Council. Jan-Nov 1984 Correspondence and background papers

1 file

U DPW/3/13 File. Humberside County Council. Jan 1985-May Correspondence 1987

1 file

U DPW/3/14 File. Beverley Borough Council. Minutes of Jan 1958-Jan meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence 1960

1 file

U DPW/3/15 File. Beverley Borough Council. Minutes of Oct 1958-Jan meetings with Patrick Wall, and correspondence, 1961 including about sewerage disposal and the Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Bill

1 file

U DPW/3/16 File. Beverley Borough Council. Minutes of Jan 1962-Oct meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence 1963

1 file

U DPW/3/17 File. Beverley Borough Council. Minutes of Jan-Oct 1964 meetings with Patrick Wall, and correspondence, including about municipal car parks

1 file

U DPW/3/18 File. Beverley Borough Council. Minutes of 1965-1967 meetings with Patrick Wall, and correspondence with his agent, EW Shoebridge Including:

a) Ts. 'Local democracy: a plea for the elected representatives and the leaders who do so much to stimulate community life', Neville Hobson, Mayor of Beverley, circa 1965 1 file

Page 124 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/3/19 File. Beverley Borough Council. Minutes of Jan-Dec 1968 meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/3/20 File. Beverley Borough Council. Minutes of Jan 1969-Aug meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence 1970

1 file

U DPW/3/21 File. Beverley Borough Council. Minutes of Sep 1971-Jan meetings with Patrick Wall, and correspondence, 1973 including about the Housing Finance Bill and the reorganisation of water and sewerage services

1 file

U DPW/3/22 File. Beverley Borough Council. Minutes of Jun 1972-Nov meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence, 1974 including about local government reorganisation and the sale of council houses Including:

a) Conservative Party leaflets for Beverley Rural District Council and Beverley Borough Council elections (2), June 1973 & September 1974 1 file

U DPW/3/23 File. Beverley Borough Council. Minutes of Jun 1974-Jul meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence, 1975 including about the closure of Parkway Post Office, Cottingham and the development of land between Endyke Lane and Lane, Cottingham

1 file

U DPW/3/24 File. Beverley Borough Council. Minutes of Apr-Jun 1976 meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/3/25 File. Beverley Borough Council. Minutes of Oct 1976-Sep meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence, 1977 including about planning, postal services and the conferment of the freedom of the borough on George Odey

1 file

Page 125 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/3/26 File. Beverley Borough Council. Minutes of Oct 1976-Dec meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence 1977

1 file

U DPW/3/27 File. Beverley Borough Council. Minutes of Apr-Jun 1978 meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/3/28 File. Beverley Borough Council. Minutes of May-Jul 1979 meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/3/29 File. Beverley Borough Council. Minutes of Apr-Dec 1980 meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence, including about increased rates

1 file

U DPW/3/30 File. Beverley Borough Council. Minutes of Jan 1980-Nov meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence, 1982 including about planning, highways, dog licences and housing

1 file

U DPW/3/31 File. Beverley Borough Council. Agenda and Nov 1982-Jan minutes of meetings with Patrick Wall and 1983 correspondence, including about the Water Bill

1 file

U DPW/3/32 File. Beverley Borough Council. Agenda and Sep 1983 minutes of meetings with Patrick Wall, and papers for discussion

1 file

U DPW/3/33 File. Beverley Borough Council. Agenda and Dec 1984-Feb notes of meetings with Patrick Wall and 1985 correspondence

1 file

U DPW/3/34 File. Beverley Borough Council. Correspondence, Dec 1972-Sep including about home improvement grants and fair 1974 rents

1 file

Page 126 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/3/35 File. Beverley Borough Council. Correspondence, Nov 1974-Jun including about housing and planning cases 1975

1 file

U DPW/3/36 File. Beverley Borough Council. Correspondence, Oct 1975-Nov including about school transport, local government 1976 boundaries and Brickyard Lane, Melton

1 file

U DPW/3/37 File. Beverley Borough Council. Correspondence Nov 1974-Oct with constituents and local companies about the 1977 relocation of the Amstrong Equipment factory

1 file

U DPW/3/38 File. Beverley Borough Council. Correspondence, Jan-Jul 1978 including about the Inner Urban Areas Bill

1 file

U DPW/3/39 File. Beverley Borough Council. Correspondence, Jan 1980-Dec including about local government finance (Rate 1981 Support Grant and block grant)

1 file

U DPW/3/40 File. Beverley Borough Council. Correspondence, Nov 1984-Dec including about the Rate Support Grant, with 1985 agenda and minutes of the Executive Committee of Haltemprice and Beverley Conservative Association Including:

a) Ts. 'Mid term blues. A message from Patrick Wall MP', August 1985 1 file

U DPW/3/41 File. Beverley Rural District Council. Minutes of Jan-Jul 1961 meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/3/42 File. Beverley Rural District Council. Minutes of Mar 1962-Sep meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence 1963

1 file

Page 127 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/3/43 File. Beverley Rural District Council. Minutes of Apr-Nov 1964 meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/3/44 File. Beverley Rural District Council. Minutes of Aug-Nov 1966 meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence, including about sewerage disposal

1 file

U DPW/3/45 File. Beverley Rural District Council. Minutes of Jul-Dec 1969 meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence, including about sewerage disposal and the Royal Commission on Local Government

1 file

U DPW/3/46 File. Beverley Rural District Council. Minutes of Mar 1972-May meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence, 1973 including about the sale of council houses and civic events

1 file

U DPW/3/47 File. Beverley Rural District Council. Jan 1970-Oct Correspondence, including about local 1971 government reorganisation and drainage facilities

1 file

U DPW/3/48 File. Haltemprice Urban District Council. Minutes Jul 1959-Sep of meetings with Patrick Wall and 1961 correspondence, including about the regrouping of water undertakings

1 file

U DPW/3/49 File. Haltemprice Urban District Council. Minutes Feb 1961-Sep of meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence 1963

1 file

U DPW/3/50 File. Haltemprice Urban District Council. Minutes Feb 1964-Sep of meetings with Patrick Wall and 1965 correspondence, including about population statistics, rating of voluntary schools and brucellosis in cattle

1 file

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U DPW/3/51 File. Haltemprice Urban District Council. Minutes Aug 1966-Nov of meetings with Patrick Wall and 1967 correspondence, including about public health problems in Willerby

1 file

U DPW/3/52 File. Haltemprice Urban District Council. Minutes Jan 1968-Oct of meetings with Patrick Wall and 1969 correspondence, including about brucellosis in cattle

1 file

U DPW/3/53 File. Haltemprice Urban District Council. Minutes Sep 1970-Feb of meetings with Patrick Wall and 1972 correspondence, including about Haltemprice sports centre, the establishment of the National Railway Museum in York and the Housing Finance Bill

1 file

U DPW/3/54 File. Haltemprice Urban District Council. Minutes Jan-Sep 1972 of meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence, including about extensions to Cottingham Secondary School

1 file

U DPW/3/55 File. Haltemprice Urban District Council. Minutes Mar-May 1972 of meetings with Patrick Wall and correspondence, including about the sale of council houses

1 file

U DPW/3/56 File. Haltemprice Urban District Council. Nov 1972-Oct Correspondence, including about the sale of 1973 council houses and Haltemprice sports centre

1 file

U DPW/3/57 File. Local government reorganisation. Mar 1954-Jan Correspondence with Hull Municipal Association 1955 about proposals to alter the parliamentary constituencies in Hull and the

1 file

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U DPW/3/58 File. Local government reorganisation. Mar -Jul 1960 Correspondence with various local authorities in the East Riding of Yorkshire about proposals to extend the boundaries of the County Borough of Hull. With background paper from Conservative Research Department

1 file

U DPW/3/59 File. Local government reorganisation. Jan-Mar 1963 Correspondence with MPs and the Urban District Councils Association about the proposals of the Local Government Commission Including:

a) Ts. 'List of Councils adversely affected by the Local Government Commission's proposals', January 1963 1 file

U DPW/3/60 File. Local government reorganisation. Sep 1965-Jul Correspondence about proposals to alter the 1967 parliamentary constituencies in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire, and to extend the boundaries of the County Borough of Hull. With background papers Including:

a) Ts. 'Report of the Inspector appointed by the Minister of Housing and Local Government to hear objections to the Local Government Commission's proposals to extend the County Borough of Hull', JF Armer, 3 December 1965 1 file

U DPW/3/61 File. Local government reorganisation. Nov 1967-Sep Correspondence about proposals to alter the 1968 parliamentary constituencies in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire

1 file

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U DPW/3/62 File. Local government reorganisation. Aug 1970-Mar Correspondence with various local authorities in 1972 the East Riding of Yorkshire and the Department of the Environment about proposals for the creation of the county of Humberside. With papers issued by the East Riding County Council Including:

a) Ts. report. 'Local government reorganisation. White Paper of February 1971. Views of the East Riding County Council', April 1971 b) Map of the East Riding, with boundaries proposed by Haltemprice Urban District Council and population figures (scale 4 miles to 1''), September 1971 1 file

U DPW/3/63 File. Local government reorganisation. Dec 1971-Jul Correspondence with various local authorities in 1972 the East Riding of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, and the Department of the Environment about the establishment of the county of Humberside. With papers and publicity material issued by the East Riding County Council 1 file

U DPW/3/64 File. Hull North by-election, January 1966. Nov 1965-Jan Circulars from the Conservative Department and 1966 the Yorkshire Area Young Conservatives about the Conservative campaign

1 file

U DPW/3/65 File. Humberside County Council elections. Apr-Dec 1972 Election address and list of Conservative candidates

1 file

U DPW/3/66 File. Humberside County Council elections. Ts. Mar-Apr 1973 notes re. candidates for each ward, compiled by local Conservative Association agents, and list of election results in Humberside area, 1969 - 1972, with election leaflet for George Odey

1 file

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U DPW/3/67 File. Humberside County Council elections. Mar-May 1977 Election leaflet for Graham Stroud and Jim West, speech by Patrick Wall and ts. 'Candidates' clip- sheet: Go Conservative in May 1977'

1 file

U DPW/3/68 File. Humberside County Council elections. Nov 1980-Apr Conservative election leaflets and newsletters, 1981 with background papers issued by the Conservative Research Department and Conservative Central Office: Yorkshire Area

1 file

U DPW/3/69 File. Humberside County Council elections. Jun 1982-Apr Conservative election leaflets (including leaflet for 1983 Patrick Wall in 1979 general election), and correspondence with Haltemprice and Beverley Conservative Association

1 file

U DPW/3/70 File. Humberside County Council elections. Feb-Nov 1985 Correspondence, Conservative election leaflets, press releases and election manifesto

1 file

U DPW/3/71 Folder. Local elections 1987. Postal and proxy Dec 1986-Apr voting pack issued by Conservative Central Office, 1987 election and publicity materials about the National Health Service, defence, local government and agriculture, correspondence, and Humberside County Council Conservative Group press releases

1 file

U DPW/3/72 File. Beverley Borough Council elections. May 1976 Correspondence and election leaflets

1 file

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U DPW/3/73 File. Humberside County Council Conservative Jan 1974-Dec Group: meetings with Conservative MPs for 1976 Humberside. Agenda, minutes, papers for discussion, ms. notes and correspondence, including with Jeffrey Archer MP, David Roberts, of Conservative Central Office: Yorkshire Area, and Cllr. John Townend

1 file

U DPW/3/74 File. Humberside County Council Conservative Aug 1976-Dec Group: meetings with Conservative MPs for 1977 Humberside. Agenda, minutes, papers for discussion, ms. notes and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/3/75 File. Humberside County Council Conservative Jun 1977-Dec Group: meetings with Conservative MPs for 1978 Humberside. Agenda, minutes, papers for discussion, ms. notes and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/3/76 File. Humberside County Council Conservative Jan 1979-Mar Group: meetings with Conservative MPs and 1980 prospective parliamentary candidates for Humberside. Minutes and correspondence Also Humberside County Council: meetings with Humberside MPs. Correspondence and circulars 1 file

U DPW/3/77 File. Humberside County Council Conservative Aug-Dec 1981 Group: meetings with Conservative MPs for Humberside. Agenda, minutes, papers for discussion, ms. notes and correspondence Also Humberside County Council: meetings with Humberside MPs. Agenda, minutes, papers for discussion and correspondence 1 file

U DPW/3/78 File. Humberside County Council Conservative Apr-Jun 1982 Group: meetings with Conservative MPs for Humberside. Agenda, minutes, papers for discussion, ms. notes and correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/3/79 File. Humberside County Council Conservative Jan-Mar 1984 Group: meetings with Conservative MPs for Humberside. Agenda, minutes, papers for discussion, ms. notes and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/3/80 File. Humberside County Council Conservative Jun-Jul 1985 Group: meetings with Conservative MPs for Humberside. Agenda and papers for discussion

1 file

U DPW/3/81 Artificial file. Humberside County Council Apr 1986-Nov Conservative Group: meetings with Conservative 1987 MPs and MEP for Humberside. Agenda, minutes, papers for discussion, ms. notes, correspondence and press releases

1 file

U DPW/3/82 File. Yorkshire Group of Conservative MPs. Copy Jul 1970-Feb papers and correspondence from Honorary 1971 Secretary, John Spence MP, with minutes of meetings

1 file

U DPW/3/83 Artificial file. Yorkshire area Conservative Mar 1976-Jan organisations. Correspondence, agenda and 1987 minutes, annual reports and accounts mainly for Conservative Central Office: Yorkshire Area, National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations: Yorkshire Area, Yorkshire Area Finance and General Purposes Committee, Yorkshire Area Agricultural Advisory Committee, Humberside European Constituency Council, Haltemprice and Beverley Conservative Association

1 file

U DPW/3/84 File. Animals (Scientific Procedures) Bill. Apr 1985-Mar Correspondence with constituents 1986

1 file

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U DPW/3/85 File. Cancer screening. Correspondence with Apr-Jul 1986 constituents

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2062. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/3/86 File. Ferriby water meadows. Correspondence Jul 1986-May with constituents, mainly J Heppel, Secretary of 1987 Ferriby Conservation Society, and Beverley Borough Council, about a proposed housing development

1 file

U DPW/3/87 File. Flooding: Barrow Lane, . Jul-Aug 1982 Correspondence, reports and notes of meeting with the Yorkshire Water Authority

1 file

U DPW/3/88 File. Flooding: general. Correspondence with Dec 1983-Aug constituents, Beverley Borough Council and the 1985 Yorkshire Water Authority

1 file

U DPW/3/89 File. - railway line. Oct 1983-Mar Correspondence with Beverley Borough Council 1985 and British Rail East Divisional Manager about the proposal to close the line. With background papers

1 file

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U DPW/3/90 File. Gypsy sites. Correspondence with May 1972-Sep constituents, Haltemprice Urban District Council, 1974 East Riding County Council, the Department of the Environment and the Home Office, about sites at Middledyke Lane, Orchard Park estate, Hull and Sicey Lane, Dunswell Including:

a) Photocopy report of public inquiry into the East Riding County Council application for a gypsy site at Sicey Lane, Dunswell, KM Sargeant, September 1973 1 file

U DPW/3/91 File. Gypsy sites. Limited correspondence about Jul-Aug 1976 proposed site at Harland Way, Cottingham

1 file

U DPW/3/92 File. Gypsy sites. Limited correspondence about Jul-Sep 1982 proposed site next to Weel tip

1 file

U DPW/3/93 File. Hull Docks. Correspondence, especially with Sep 1970-Sep George Odey, about the National Ports Council 1973 inquiry into non-scheme ports and wharves, the national dock strike, and the impact of the 1967 Devlin Report. With Economic League leaflets and circulars about industrial unrest in the docks, and including file of correspondence about the Free Overside Delivery Bill

1 file

U DPW/3/94 File. Hull Docks. Correspondence, especially with Feb 1972-Nov George Odey and the Department of the 1974 Environment, about the industrial dispute Including:

a) Letter from James Johnson MP, circa 1972 b) Letter from Edward Heath, Prime Minister, 10 October 1972 1 file

U DPW/3/95 File. Hull Docks. Correspondence with MPs and Oct 1975-Feb the National Cold Storage Federation, about the 1976 Dock Work Regulation Bill and the extension of the National Dock Labour Scheme

1 file

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U DPW/3/96 File. Hull Docks. Correspondence about industrial Nov 1975-Nov relations 1976

1 file

U DPW/3/97 File. Hull Docks. Correspondence about industrial Mar-Jul 1979 relations, including the blacking of companies by the dockers Including:

a) Letter from Norman Fowler MP, Minister of Transport, 29 June 1979 1 file

U DPW/3/98 File. Hull Docks. Correspondence, especially with Jan-May 1981 Hull Chamber of Commerce, about port dues and the fishing landing facility at Hull Including:

a) Letter from Kenneth Clark, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Transport, 18 May 1981 1 file

U DPW/3/99 File. Hull - Scarborough railway line. Oct 1966-Oct Correspondence with local authorities, local MPs, 1969 British Rail Eastern Region and constituents, about the proposal by British Rail to close the line, with statements about the likely impact from local authorities

1 file

U DPW/3/100 File. Hull - Scarborough railway line. Nov 1966-Jul Correspondence about the decision of the 1972 Transport Minister to refuse consent for the closure of the line Including:

a) Maps (3) showing the East Riding rail network pre-Beeching, post-Beeching and if closure of the line went ahead, (scale 1:250,000), Town Planning Officer, , November 1966 1 file

U DPW/3/101 File. Hull - Scarborough railway line. Sep 1975-Nov Correspondence with North Wolds Borough 1976 Council about the proposal to close the line

1 file

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U DPW/3/102 File. Hull - Scarborough railway line. Dec 1976-Oct Correspondence with North Wolds Borough 1977 Council about the proposal to close the line

1 file

U DPW/3/103 File. Humber Bridge. Correspondence with the Feb 1955-Jun Humber Bridge Board, MPs, especially Harry 1965 Pursey MP, the Ministry of Transport, and Haltemprice Urban District Council, about proposals for a bridge Including:

a) File. 'Humber Bridge. Proposal in support by Haltemprice Urban District Council. Eastern Highway. Submitted to the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation, 6 June 1956'. Correspondence and notes of meeting, May - June 1956 1 file

U DPW/3/104 File. Humber Bridge. Correspondence and Mar 1965-Oct statements on the need for a bridge 1967 Including:

a) 'Perspective:East Yorkshire', Journal of the York and East Yorkshire Architectural Society. Special issue about the Humber region, with correspondence with Editor, Alan Plater, and follow- up issue, September - November 1966 1 file

U DPW/3/105 File. Humber Bridge. Correspondence about Jan-Apr 1967 hovercraft on the Humber

1 file

U DPW/3/106 File. Humber Bridge. Correspondence and papers Jul 1969-Dec about an autoduct scheme for crossing the 1972 Humber devised by RC Hebden

1 file

U DPW/3/107 File. Humber Bridge. Correspondence about the Oct 1972-Oct northern exit road, with Skidby Parish Council and 1973 the Department of the Environment, and about the Docks road, with the Department of the Environment

1 file

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U DPW/3/108 File. Humber Bridge. Correspondence Jan-Jul 1973 Including:

a) Folder. 'Humber Bridge. Substructure and towers contract. John Howard & Co. Ltd. A ceremony on the Hessle tower foundation to be performed by the Rt. Hon. John Peyton MP, Minster for Transport Industries, Monday 23 July 1973'. Includes black and white photographs of the anchorage sites on each bank, an artist's impression of the bridge and technical drawings, 1973 1 file

U DPW/3/109 File. Humber Bridge. Correspondence with James Jul 1975-Apr Johnson MP about a visit to the Humber Bridge 1977 works and papers about the future of the Humber Ferry

1 file

U DPW/3/110 Artificial file. Humber Bridge. Correspondence May 1978-Jun about bridge tolls and a commemorative stamp 1980

1 file

U DPW/3/111 Artificial file. Humber Bridge. Correspondence Feb 1981-Oct Including: 1983

a) Booklet. 'The Humberside connection. The Humber Bridge'. A commemorative handbook, Humberside County Council, [1982] 1 file

U DPW/3/112 File. Humber Bridge. Correspondence Jan-Jul 1985 Including:

a) Ts. 'Tolled estuarial crossings. Memorandum of evidence to the Transport Committee, House of Commons', Humber Bridge Board, January 1985 b) Folder. 'Humber Bridge. Facts and figures', Humberside County Council, July 1985 c) Plan. Humber Bridge northern approach road: proposed alignment, Humberside County Council Technical Services Department (scale 1:10,000), July 1985 1 file

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U DPW/3/113 File. Humber Pilots. Correspondence, especially Sep 1979-Feb with the Department of Transport and CC Wilkin of 1984 the Humber Pilots' Society, about government policy towards pilotage (severance scheme; byelaws; autonomous Humber Pilotage Authority; dispute with British Transport Docks Board). With background papers

1 file

U DPW/3/114 File. Humber Pilots. Correspondence about cuts in Jan-Dec 1985 pilots' pay following their transfer to Associated British Ports and the response of pilots' organisations to the Marine Pilotage Consultative Document

1 file

U DPW/3/115 File. Humber Pilots. Correspondence about the Feb 1986-Apr Pilotage Bill 1987 Including:

a) Ts. 'Trinity House proposals on the future of pilotage', February 1986 1 file

U DPW/3/116 File. Humber Pilots. Copy correspondence and Apr-May 1986 background papers nos. 1 - 7

1 file

U DPW/3/117 File. Licensing hours. Correspondence with May 1986-Jan constituents 1987

1 file

U DPW/3/118 File. Lockington rail disaster. Correspondence Jul-Dec 1986 with constituents, Lockington Parish Council, Val Taylor of Along the Line Action Group, the Department of Transport and British Rail East General Manager, about the dangers of automatic level crossings

1 file

U DPW/3/119 File. Motorcycle noise. Correspondence with Jun-Jul 1986 constituents

1 file

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U DPW/3/120 File. Pensions. Correspondence with constituents Jan-Mar 1986 about the payment of pensions via the Post Office

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2062. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/3/121 File. Pensions. Correspondence with constituents Feb-Apr 1986 and background papers about the increase in pensions

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2062. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/3/122 File. Police. Correspondence with constituents, Jan 1984-May and Cllr. Graham Stroud about 1987 the policing of Cottingham

1 file

U DPW/3/123 File. Radioactive waste. Correspondence with Sep 1985-Dec constituents, Humberside County Council 1986 (Humberside Against Nuclear Dumping campaign), the County Councils Coalition and other local authorities, about the proposal by NIREX to dump low level nuclear waste at Killingholme, South Humberside. With background papers

1 file

U DPW/3/124 File. Radioactive waste. Correspondence with Nov 1986-Feb constituents, Humberside County Council 1987 (Humberside Against Nuclear Dumping campaign), the County Councils Coalition and other local authorities, about the proposal by NIREX to dump low level nuclear waste at Killingholme, South Humberside. With publicity material issued by NIREX and the British Nuclear Forum

1 file

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U DPW/3/125 File. Railways. Correspondence with British Rail Jul 1973-May Eastern Region General and Divisional Managers 1974

1 file

U DPW/3/126 File. Railways. Correspondence with British Rail Apr-Jul 1979 Eastern Region General and Divisional Managers

1 file

U DPW/3/127 File. Railways. Correspondence with Sir Robert Oct 1986-Jan Reid, Chairman of the British Railways Board, 1987 about dining facilities on trains from Hull to London

1 file

U DPW/3/128 File. Roads. Correspondence with the Yorkshire Nov 1958-Oct Parish Councils Association, Richard Wood MP 1967 and the Minister of Transport, about speed limits in East Yorkshire villages

1 file

U DPW/3/129 File. Roads. Correspondence with East Riding Jan 1965-Jun County Council about road communications in the 1966 East Riding, with background papers

1 file

U DPW/3/130 File. Roads. Correspondence, especially with the Jun 1968-Jul British Roads Federation about road problems in 1969 Yorkshire and Humberside, with papers about a related conference in Leeds, July 1968

1 file

U DPW/3/131 File. Roads. Correspondence, especially with Lord Apr 1971-Dec Halifax, about road communications in the East 1972 Riding, including the M62

1 file

U DPW/3/132 File. Roads: Beswick. Correspondence with East Jan 1970-Apr Yorkshire Motor Services Ltd. and East Riding 1971 County Council about Beswick bypass and the withdrawal of direct bus services, and with East Riding Public Transport Development Council about rural transport

1 file

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U DPW/3/133 File. Roads: Beverley. Correspondence with East Nov 1960-Jun Riding County Council, Beverley Borough Council, 1961 George Odey and the Georgian Society for East Yorkshire, about a town map of Beverley and the proposal to build a bypass

1 file

U DPW/3/134 File. Roads: Beverley. Correspondence with Oct 1963-May constituents and Beverley Borough Council about 1967 the proposals to build a bypass and a roundabout around North Bar, as well as traffic congestion

1 file

U DPW/3/135 File. Roads: Beverley. Correspondence with East Feb 1970-Feb Riding County Council, Beverley Borough Council 1974 and the Department of the Environment (Michael Heseltine MP, Parliamentary Under - Secretary of State), about the proposal to build a bypass. With background papers and maps (2) 1 file

U DPW/3/136 File. Roads: Beverley. Correspondence with Apr 1973-Feb constituents, East Riding County Council and the 1979 Department of the Environment, about the route of the proposed bypass. With press notices, petition and maps of the possible routes (2) 1 file

U DPW/3/137 File. Roads: Beverley. Correspondence with East Dec 1964-Oct Riding County Council, Beverley Rural District 1970 Council, North Ferriby Parish Council, Capper Pass Ltd. and the Ministry of Transport (Michael Heseltine MP, Parliamentary Secretary), about traffic conditions at the junctions of Brickyard Lane and Gibson Lane with the A63 at North Ferriby and Melton. With background papers

1 file

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U DPW/3/138 File. Roads: Beverley. Correspondence with May 1969-Mar Beverley Borough Council, the Ministry of Housing 1971 and Local Government, and the Department of the Environment, about a scheme to realign Walkergate. With maps (2) Including:

a) File of copy documents produced by JE & M Peck, civil engineering and building consultants, in submission for a Planning Inquiry Commission into traffic problems in Beverley, May 1969 - March 1971 1 file

U DPW/3/139 File. Roads: Beverley. Correspondence and Dec 1971-Mar papers from the public inquiry into the proposed 1972 new road from Walkergate to Railway Street, and the new fire station Including:

a) 'Beverley heritage study: preliminary report for the Beverley Borough Council', Max Lock & Partners, December 1971 1 file

U DPW/3/140 File. Roads: Elloughton. Correspondence with Oct 1959-Feb constituents, Minister of Transport (Barbara Castle 1970 MP), local authorities, Elloughton Parish Council and local companies, including Blackburn Aircraft Ltd., about the need for a bypass. With local petition, black and white photograph of traffic accident and maps (5) Also correspondence about the proposed Beverley bypass, with map 1 file

U DPW/3/141 File. Roads: South Cave. Correspondence with Mar 1973-Mar constituents, East Riding County Council and the 1974 Department of the Environment, about the construction of the Balkholme to Caves section of the M62 and the widening of the A63 at South Cave

1 file

U DPW/3/142 File. Sunday Trading. Correspondence, mainly Feb 1985-May with constituents and the Keep Sunday Special 1986 campaign, regarding the proposed deregulation following the Auld Report

1 file

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U DPW/3/143 File. Sunday Trading. Correspondence with Nov 1986 constituents regarding the proposed deregulation following the Auld Report

1 file

U DPW/3/144 File. Trade effluent, disposal of. Correspondence Mar 1961-Dec with the British Leather Federation, Beverley 1966 Borough Council, George Odey, of Richard Hodgson & Son Ltd. and the Ministry of Housing and Local Government

1 file

U DPW/3/145 File. Trade effluent, disposal of. Correspondence Jan 1967-Jul with George Odey, of Richard Hodgson & Son 1969 Ltd., Beverley Borough Council, the Ministry of Housing and Local Government and Sir John Eden MP

1 file

U DPW/3/146 File. Trade effluent, disposal of. Correspondence Feb-Dec 1967 with the British Leather Federation, the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, MPs and George Odey, of Richard Hodgson & Son Ltd. With memoranda and circulars issued by the British Leather Federation, and reports of meetings between the latter, MPs and the Ministry of Housing and Local Government 1 file

U DPW/3/147 File. Trade effluent, disposal of. Correspondence Jan-Dec 1968 with the British Leather Federation and George Odey, of Richard Hodgson & Son Ltd.

1 file

U DPW/3/148 File. Trade effluent, disposal of. Correspondence Apr 1968-Feb with the National Farmers' Union 1969 Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'Memorandum from the National Farmers' Union. Farm effluents problem: an analysis', 19 July 1968 1 file

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U DPW/3/149 File. Trade effluent, disposal of. Correspondence Apr 1968-Dec with the British Leather Federation, the British 1969 Paper and Board Makers Association and the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, including about the Working Party on Sewerage Disposal. With memoranda and circulars issued by the British Leather Federation

1 file

U DPW/3/150 File. Trade effluent, disposal of. Correspondence May-Oct 1968 with the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, local companies and local authorities

1 file

U DPW/3/151 File. Trade effluent, disposal of. Correspondence Oct 1969-Jul with the British Leather Federation, the 1970 Confederation of British Industry and George Odey, of Richard Hodgson & Son Ltd.

1 file

U DPW/3/152 File. Weel tip. Correspondence with constituents 1986 and Beverley Borough Council about the proposed extension of the tip and its impact on a neighbouring farm

1 file

U DPW/3/153 File. Welton traffic problems. Correspondence Dec 1979-Mar with Welton Parish Council and Humberside 1981 County Council about the impact on Welton of traffic from the Humber Bridge. With background papers

1 file

U DPW/3/154 File. Wildlife and Countryside Act (Amendment) Jan-Apr 1985 Bill. Correspondence with constituents

1 file

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U DPW/3/155 File. Yorkshire airport. Circular letters, annual Dec 1962-Jan report and balance sheet, press release and 1965 report of meeting at York, 13 May 1964, of Yorkshire Airport Development Association Including:

a) 'A preliminary report for the Yorkshire Airport Development Association on the need for a study of air transport and airport development in Yorkshire and the North East', AH Stratford, December 1962 1 file

U DPW/3/156 File. Yorkshire airport. Correspondence with Jan 1966-Jun Autair International Airways Ltd. about its air 1968 service from the Hawker Siddeley airfield at Brough. With bundle of reports and maps about the Commission of Inquiry into a third London airport and its relationship into the need for a regional airport based at Goole / Thorne

1 file

U DPW/3/157 File. Yorkshire airport. Correspondence with Mar-May 1968 constituents about the closure of the airfield at Brough Including:

a) 'Air services for Hull and Humberside. Report on questionnaire of firms and organisations', Humberside Promotion Group, March/April 1968 1 file

U DPW/3/158 File. Yorkshire airport. Correspondence with local Jul 1968-Aug authorities and the Ministry of Defence about the 1969 use of RAF Leconfield for civil aviation purposes

1 file

U DPW/3/159 File. Yorkshire airport. Correspondence with Oct 1970-Dec Beverley Rural District Council and circular letters 1972 from the Yorkshire Airport Action Committee, the Leeds - Bradford Association for the Control of Airport Noise and the Yorkshire Airport Development Association

1 file

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U DPW/3/160 File. Yorkshire airport. Correspondence with Mar 1975-Jun Beverley Borough Council, the Ministry of 1976 Defence, constituents and local companies about the withdrawal of the RAF from Leconfield airfield and proposals for its development as a regional civilian airport or an Army School of Transport

1 file

U DPW/3/161 File. Yorkshire airport. Annual report and press Dec 1975-Feb release of the Yorkshire and 1976 Development Association

1 file

U DPW/3/162 File. Anglia Televsion. Correspondence, Jun-Sep 1970 especially with Lord Aylestone of Television Authority and Brian Connell of Anglia Television, about proposals to stop the company from broadcasting from the Belmont transmitter. With background papers 1 file

U DPW/3/163 File. Anglia Televsion. Correspondence, Jul 1970-Dec especially with Lord Aylestone of the Independent 1972 Television Authority and Brian Connell of Anglia Television, about proposals to stop the company from broadcasting from the Belmont transmitter. With background papers, and maps (3) of the Anglia Television area and the impact of the changes 1 file

U DPW/3/164 File. Anglia Televsion. Correspondence, Nov 1972-Aug especially with Lord Aylestone of the Independent 1973 Television Authority, Brian Connell of Anglia Television and Sir Stewart Crawford, Committee on Broadcasting Coverage, about proposals to stop the company from broadcasting from the Belmont transmitter and the parliamentary campaign against them. With background papers 1 file

U DPW/3/165 File. Anglia Televsion. Correspondence, Jan-Jul 1974 especially with Jeffrey Archer MP and Anglia Television, about proposals to stop the company from broadcasting from the Belmont transmitter. With press releases 1 file

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U DPW/3/166 Artificial file. Beverley and District Civic Society. Oct 1961-Oct Correspondence, including about the 1984 establishment of the Society, October 1961, programmes, annual reports and accounts, AGM papers, and reports about roads, buildings and development issues in Beverley

1 file

U DPW/3/167 File. Beverley Grammar School. Correspondence Jun 1964-Dec with constituents and East Riding County Council, 1966 about secondary education in Beverley, selection procedures for grammar schools and the future of Beverley Grammar School

1 file

U DPW/3/168 File. Beverley Grammar School. Correspondence May 1964-May with the school, East Riding County Council, the 1968 Department of Education and Science (Shirley Williams MP, Secretary of State) and KA Macmahon, about proposals for a sixth form college and the future of the Grammar School. With reports and memoranda issued by the school governors and headmaster, and press releases from the Department of Education 1 file

U DPW/3/169 File. Beverley Grammar School. Correspondence Jul-Dec 1970 with KA Macmahon and the Department of Education and Science (Margaret Thatcher MP, Secretary of State) about secondary education in Beverley, proposals for a sixth form college and the future of the Grammar School

1 file

U DPW/3/170 File. Beverley Grammar School. Correspondence Jan-Nov 1971 with constituents, local teachers, councillors, KA Macmahon and the Department of Education and Science (Margaret Thatcher MP, Secretary of State), about secondary education in Beverley and the future of the Grammar School

1 file

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U DPW/3/171 File. Beverley Grammar School. Correspondence Dec 1971-Mar with the school and the Department of Education 1973 and Science about the future of the Grammar School

1 file

U DPW/3/172 File. Beverley Grammar School. Correspondence Feb-Oct 1973 with the school, constituents, East Riding County Council and the Department of Education and Science, about the future of the Grammar School

1 file

U DPW/3/173 File. Beverley Grammar School. Correspondence Mar-Dec 1973 with the school, George Odey and the Department of Education and Science (Margaret Thatcher MP, Secretary of State), about the future of the Grammar School

1 file

U DPW/3/174 File. Beverley Grammar School: key papers. May 1966-Apr Correspondence with the school, East Riding 1974 County Council and the Deparment of Education and Science, about selection procedures and the future of the Grammar School. With speech by Patrick Wall in House of Commons and proposals by school governors

1 file

U DPW/3/175 File. Beverley Minster. Friends of Beverley Minster 1974-1989 annual reports, and publicity material about the restoration appeal

1 file

U DPW/3/176 File. Beverley Minster. Correspondence with Oct-Dec 1980 Beverley Borough Council, the Department of the Environment, Richard Wilson, Mary Mumby and the St. Andrew Street Development Cooperative, about the campaign to preserve the open space to the south of the Minster. With annotated photocopied papers and press cuttings forwarded by Richard Wilson 1 file

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U DPW/3/177 File. Beverley Minster. Correspondence with Nov 1980-Nov Beverley Borough Council, the Department of the 1981 Environment, Richard Wilson, Mary Mumby, TB Liddle and Ivan and Elisabeth Hall and the St. Andrew Street Development Cooperative, about the campaign to preserve the open space to the south of the Minster

1 file

U DPW/3/178 File. Beverley Minster. Correspondence with May 1981-Dec Beverley Borough Council, the Department of the 1982 Environment, Richard Wilson, Mary Mumby, TB Liddle and Ivan and Elisabeth Hall, George Odey, Patrick Cormack MP, John Wilton - Ely, the Parliamentary Commissioner, Sir Cecil Clothier and the St. Andrew Street Development Cooperative, about the campaign to preserve the open space to the south of the Minster. With annotated photocopied papers and press cuttings forwarded by Richard Wilson

1 file

U DPW/3/179 File. Blackburn Aircraft Ltd. Correspondence with Jan 1958-Feb Director, Cpt. EDG Lewin, and Chairman and 1959 Managing Director, Eric Turner, about the NA39 aircraft Including:

a) Directors' report and accounts, 31 March 1959 1 file

U DPW/3/180 File. Blackburn Aircraft Ltd. Correspondence with Aug-Sep 1962 MGK Byrne, Sales Manager (limited)

1 file

U DPW/3/181 File. Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd. Oct 1965-Jan Correspondence about the supply of aircraft to 1968 South Africa (limited)

1 file

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U DPW/3/182 File. Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd. Oct 1974-May Correspondence, especially with MGK Byrne, 1975 Sales Manager, DR Smith, Chair of the Joint Unions Committee, and Dick Cosens, Chair of the Action Committee for European Aerospace. With papers about the proposal to nationalise the company, the workload and production of the HS146 aircraft, especially from the HS146 Joint Trade Union Coordinating Committee

1 file

U DPW/3/183 File. Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd. Jan-Oct 1976 Correspondence, especially with JE Smith, Secretary of the Joint Shop Stewards Works Committee and James Johnson MP, about the proposal to nationalise the company. With statements by the trade unions and managers

1 file

U DPW/3/184 File. Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd. Jan-Apr 1977 Correspondence and papers relating to a working party on British Aerospace and proposed redundancies

1 file

U DPW/3/185 File. Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd. Jun 1978-Aug Correspondence 1979 Including:

a) Letter from Norman Tebbit MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department of Trade, 4 July 1979 1 file

U DPW/3/186 File. British Aerospace. Correspondence, mainly Mar 1982-Oct about the closure of the site at Holme on Spalding 1985 Moor

1 file

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U DPW/3/187 File. British Aerospace. Correspondence with W Apr 1982-Mar Ashton, Secretary of the Joint Unions Committee 1984 and managers in the Dynamics Group and Aircraft Group. With brochures and background papers about the RAF basic trainer aircraft, Sea Eagle missiles, Airbus A320 and the P110 combat aircraft

1 file

U DPW/3/188 File. British Leather Federation. Correspondence Jan 1972-Feb about the threat to the domestic industry from 1977 imports of leather goods and the attempt by Friends of the Earth to ban imports of sperm whale products. With memoranda on hide supplies and prices

1 file

U DPW/3/189 File. British Leather Federation. Correspondence Feb-Mar 1978 about the threatened closure of Beverley tannery, owned by British Tanners Products Ltd. Including:

a) Letter from Gerald Kaufman MP, Minister, Department of Trade and Industry, 13 March 1978 1 file

U DPW/3/190 File. British Leather Federation. Correspondence, Sep 1978-Jul also with Hodgson Tanning Products Ltd. and 1979 British Tanners Products Ltd., about the state of the British leather industry and imports of sperm whale oil

1 file

U DPW/3/191 File. Capper Pass & Son Ltd. Correspondence Dec 1971-Jul with Capper Pass, constituents, Beverley Rural 1973 District Council and the Department of the Environment, about pollution on the north bank of the Humber. With report by Medical Officer of Health

1 file

U DPW/3/192 File. Group Ltd. Correspondence and Sep-Dec 1975 notes about the company's future

1 file

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U DPW/3/193 File. Humberside College of Higher Education. Apr-Aug 1986 Correspondence about the proposed closure of initial teacher training at the College, with background papers

1 file

U DPW/3/194 File. Humberside European Forum. Agenda and Oct 1985-Oct minutes of meetings, with correspondence 1986

1 file

U DPW/3/195 File. Miscellaneous clubs and societies. Nov 1966-Aug Correspondence, AGM papers, annual reports 1967 and accounts, and membership cards for Yorkshire Farm Machinery Preservation Society, Young Conservatives (Willerby and Kirkella), local cricket clubs, Beverley Conservative Club and Beverley Male Voice Choir

1 file

U DPW/3/196 Artificial file. Miscellaneous clubs and societies. Feb 1973-Jul Correspondence, circulars, AGM papers, annual 1978 reports and accounts, and membership cards for Yorkshire Farm Machinery Preservation Society, local cricket clubs, Friends of Beverley Minster and the National Trust for the Welfare of the Elderly

1 file

U DPW/3/197 Artificial file. Miscellaneous clubs and societies. Feb 1980-Mar Correspondence, AGM papers, annual reports 1987 and accounts, and publicity material for Yorkshire Farm Machinery Preservation Society, Beverley Conservative Club, the Wilberforce Council for Human Rights, Beverley and District Civic Society, Hull Civic Society and Help! Conservation Action Group

1 file

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U DPW/3/198 File. National Union of Farmers: Yorkshire East Jul 1955-Sep Riding County Branch. Original bundles (10) of 1959 correspondence, background papers and notes of meetings with Patrick Wall. Also correspondence, including with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, about farm visits by Patrick Wall, the Milk (Special Designation) Order and the Yorkshire Ploughing and Hedgecutting Society

1 file

U DPW/3/199 File. National Union of Farmers: Yorkshire East Jul 1959-Mar Riding County Branch. Original bundles (2) of 1960 correspondence, background papers and notes of meetings with Patrick Wall. Also general correspondence, including with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

1 file

U DPW/3/200 File. National Union of Farmers: Yorkshire East Jan-Nov 1961 Riding County Branch. Original bundle of correspondence, background papers and notes of meeting with Patrick Wall. Also general correspondence, including with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

1 file

U DPW/3/201 File. National Union of Farmers: Yorkshire East Jan 1962-Apr Riding County Branch. Correspondence with JC 1963 Fletcher, County Secretary, about the Pig Industry Development Authority and meeting with Patrick Wall. With background papers

1 file

U DPW/3/202 File. National Union of Farmers: Yorkshire East Apr-Jun 1963 Riding County Branch. Correspondence with JC Fletcher, County Secretary, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, report of meeting with Patrick Wall and background papers

1 file

U DPW/3/203 File. National Union of Farmers: Yorkshire East Jan-Oct 1964 Riding County Branch. Correspondence with JC Fletcher, County Secretary, notes and report of meeting with Patrick Wall and background papers

1 file

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U DPW/3/204 File. National Union of Farmers: Yorkshire East Feb-Oct 1965 Riding County Branch. Correspondence with JC Fletcher, County Secretary, and notes and report of meeting with Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/3/205 File. National Union of Farmers: Yorkshire East Nov 1968-Nov Riding County Branch. Correspondence, ms. 1969 notes and annual report

1 file

U DPW/3/206 File. National Union of Farmers: Yorkshire East Feb 1970-Mar Riding County Branch. Correspondence with JC 1971 Fletcher, County Secretary

1 file

U DPW/3/207 File. National Union of Farmers: Yorkshire East Oct 1972-Nov Riding County Branch. Correspondence with JC 1974 Fletcher and G Jamieson, successive County Secretaries, and the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. With press releases, background papers and notes of meeting with Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/3/208 File. National Union of Farmers: Yorkshire East Oct 1975-Dec Riding County Branch. Correspondence with G 1977 Jamieson, County Secretary. With press releases and background papers

1 file

U DPW/3/209 File. National Union of Farmers: Yorkshire East Jun 1979 Riding County Branch. Limited correspondence and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/3/210 File. National Union of Farmers: Yorkshire East Jan-May 1980 Riding County Branch. Correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/3/211 File. National Union of Farmers: Yorkshire East Mar-Oct 1981 Riding County Branch. Correspondence about farm visits by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/3/212 Artificial file. National Union of Farmers: Yorkshire Jul 1982-Jul East Riding County Branch. Correspondence, ms. 1986 notes, press releases and background papers

1 file

U DPW/3/213 File. Needler Developments Ltd. Correspondence, Dec 1968-Aug papers and plans (4) regarding an appeal against 1970 the decision to refuse planning permission for a housing development

1 file

U DPW/3/214 File. Phoenix Shipbuilders Ltd. Correspondence Jun 1977- Apr with Development Management International Ltd. 1978 about the future of the shipyard. With copy correspondence forwarded by RC Moorhouse & Co., solicitors

1 file

U DPW/3/215 File. Phoenix Shipbuilders Ltd. Correspondence Jun 1977-May with the Department of Trade, the Ministry of 1979 Overseas Development, Mimilon Ltd., the Department of Industry, and the Receiver, WG Mackay, about the future of the shipyard. With copy correspondence forwarded by RC Moorhouse & Co., solicitors

1 file

U DPW/3/216 File. Ramblers' Association: East Yorkshire and Sep 1962-Oct Derwent Area. Correspondence with D 1968 Rubinstein, Honorary Secretary, constituents and East Riding County Council, especially about the Wolds Way and public rights of way. With annual report and accounts

1 file

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U DPW/3/217 File. Ramblers' Association: East Yorkshire and Jul 1969-Mar Derwent Area. Correspondence with D 1972 Rubinstein, Honorary Secretary, especially about the Wolds Way. With agenda, minutes, and annual reports and accounts

1 file

U DPW/3/218 File. Ramblers' Association: East Yorkshire and Jan 1972-Jan Derwent Area. Correspondence, agenda for 1974 AGMs and annual reports and accounts

1 file

U DPW/3/219 File. Ramblers' Association: East Yorkshire and Jan-Mar 1976 Derwent Area. Correspondence, new constitution, minutes and annual report and accounts

1 file

U DPW/3/220 File. Teachers' unions. Circular letters and Mar 1955-Jul memoranda issued by the National Union of 1957 Teachers, the National Association of Schoolmasters, and the National Union of Women Teachers, about education and local finance. With backgroundpapers issued by the Conservative Research Department

1 file

U DPW/3/221 File. Teachers' unions. Correspondence with local Feb-Oct 1963 teachers, including representatives of the National Union of Teachers, about the Remuneration of Teachers Bill. With background papers

1 file

U DPW/3/222 File. Teachers' unions. Correspondence (limited) Oct-Dec 1964 with local teachers, especially RH Thompson, President, East Riding (South) Teachers' Association (National Union of Teachers)

1 file

U DPW/3/223 File. Teachers' unions. Correspondence (limited) Mar 1967 with local parliamentary correspondents of the East Riding (South) Teachers' Association (National Union of Teachers)

1 file

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U DPW/3/224 File. Teachers' unions. Correspondence with local Mar-Apr 1969 teachers and the Conservative Research Department about the Burnham Committee on teachers' salaries. With leaflets issued by the National Association of Schoolmasters

1 file

U DPW/3/225 File. Teachers' unions. Correspondence with the Apr-Oct 1970 General Secretary of Hull & District Schoolmasters' Association about salary restructuring, and with a local teacher about his resignation from the National Union of Teachers

1 file

U DPW/3/226 File. Teachers' unions. Correspondence with the Feb-Sep 1971 General Secretary of Hull & District Schoolmasters' Association and the Honorary Secretary of the East Riding Teachers' Association about teachers' pay. With notes of meeting with the National Union of Teachers and leaflets issued by the National Association of Schoolmasters

1 file

U DPW/3/227 File. Teachers' unions. Correspondence with the May-Aug 1972 General Secretary of Hull & District Schoolmasters Association and other local teachers about pensions, and notes of meeting with the National Union of Teachers

1 file

U DPW/3/228 File. Teachers' unions. Correspondence with the Jan 1973-Jun General Secretary of Hull & District 1974 Schoolmasters Association and Honorary Secretary of Humberside Federation of Schoolmasters

1 file

U DPW/3/229 File. Teachers' unions. Correspondence with local Feb-Mar 1976 representatives of the National Union of Teachers, the National Associaton of Schoolmasters and the Headmasters' Association, about the establishment of a committee involving Patrick Wall to liaise with teachers' organisations

1 file

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U DPW/3/230 File. Teachers' unions. Correspondence with local May-Jul 1978 unions, local teachers and parents about cuts in education spending by Humberside County Council and dispute with the National Union of Teachers. With County Council circulars and ts. speech by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/3/231 File. Teachers' unions. Correspondence with Feb 1985-May constituents and local teachers about the 1987 teachers' pay dispute, with circular letters from the Secretary of State for Education, Sir Keith Joseph

1 file

U DPW/3/232 File. University of Hull. Correspondence with the Jan 1960-Feb Presidents of the students' union and the 1961 Conservative Association respectively Including:

a) Letter from Cdr. Harry Pursey MP, 9 January 1960 1 file

U DPW/3/233 File. University of Hull. Conservative Association Dec 1968 Year Book no.1

1 file

U DPW/3/234 File. University of Hull. Correspondence with the Sep 1971-Dec President of the students' union, P Morris, about a 1972 police raid on a student bookshop in Leeds, and with FW Stephenson, Department of Electronic Engineering, about student representation on Senate Including:

a) Ts. report. 'Objections to the proposed amendment to the statutes of the University of Hull to provide for the representation of 9 students on the Senate', J Dunning Davies, AG Martin, and FW Stephenson, circa 1972 1 file

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U DPW/3/235 File. University of Hull. Correspondence with Nov 1971-Jan successive Vice Chancellors, SR Dennison and 1973 Sir Brynmor Jones, the Department of Health and Social Security, Kevin McNamara MP and James Johnson MP, about the establishment of a medical school at the university Including:

a) Brochure. 'A Medical School for Hull. A report prepared by the Foundation Committee for the proposed Medical School for the University of Hull', November 1971 1 file

U DPW/3/236 File. University of Hull. Correspondence with the Oct 1974-Dec President and other officials of the students' 1976 union, the Registrar, FT Mattison, and of Education

1 file

U DPW/3/237 File. University of Hull. Limited correspondence, Jan 1978-Dec including with the Deputy President of the 1980 students' union Including:

a) Memorandum from the Vice Chancellor, SR Dennison, about university investment policy towards South Africa, 25 January 1978 1 file

U DPW/3/238 File. University of Hull. Correspondence with the Mar 1981-Jan Vice Chancellor, Sir Roy Marshall, members of 1982 academic staff and constituents about budget cuts. With background papers Also limited correspondence about the amendment to the Remuneration of Teachers Act 1965 1 file

U DPW/3/239 File. University of Hull. Correspondence with the Apr 1981-Jun Vice Chancellor, Sir Roy Marshall, academic staff 1982 and the Association of University Teachers about budget cuts. With background papers for a meeting between the University and local MPs

1 file

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U DPW/3/240 File. University of Hull. Correspondence with the Jun-Jul 1981 Vice Chancellor, Sir Roy Marshall, members of academic staff and constituents about budget cuts. With background papers

1 file

U DPW/3/241 File. University of Hull. Limited correspondence, Apr-May 1983 including with the Vice Chancellor, Sir Roy Marshall, about a retrospective fine imposed by the University Grants Committee

1 file

U DPW/3/242 File. University of Hull. Correspondence, including Mar-Oct 1984 about a meeting between the University and local MPs on the future of higher education, with background papers

1 file

U DPW/3/243 File. University of Hull. Correspondence with Jan-Jun 1986 constituents and students about student grants, accommodation, and eligibility for social security

1 file

U DPW/3/244 File. University of Hull and Humberside College of Nov 1985-Jun Higher Education. Correspondence with academic 1986 staff and the Association of University Teachers about cuts in university funding and lobbying of Parliament and meeting of Humberside MPs with the Chairman of the University Grants Committee, Sir Peter Swinnerton Dyer. With background papers

1 file

U DPW/3/245 File. Yorkshire and Humberside Development Jun-Sep 1970 Association. Correspondence, especially with ER Curtis, Chair of the Steering Committee, about the establishment of the Association, originally known as the North Humberside Development Association. With minutes of the Steering Committee and reports

1 file

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U DPW/3/246 File. Yorkshire and Humberside Development Sep 1970-Jun Association. Correspondence, especially with ER 1971 Curtis, Chair of the Steering Committee, about the establishment of the Association, originally known as the North Humberside Development Association. With minutes of the Steering Committee and reports

1 file

U DPW/3/247 Artificial file. Yorkshire and Humberside May 1973-Nov Development Association. Limited 1974 correspondence and papers about the establishment of the Association under its new name, minutes and briefs for House of Commons debate on Yorkshire and Humberside

1 file

U DPW/3/248 File. Yorkshire and Humberside Development Feb 1976-1982 Association. Correspondence, minutes of AGMs and annual reports

1 file

U DPW/3/249 File. Yorkshire Regional Health Authority. Dec 1973-Jul Correspondence, with minutes of meeting 1975 between Health Authority and Yorkshire Mps Also Humberside Area Health Authority correspondence 1 file

U DPW/3/250 File. Yorkshire Regional Health Authority. Feb 1977 Regional strategy plan for 1977 - 1986

1 file

U DPW/3/251 File. Yorkshire Regional Health Authority. Feb 1978-Nov Correspondence 1979 Also Humberside Area Health Authority financial projections for Hull District 1979 - 1983 and strategy plan for 1978 - 1988 1 file

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U DPW/3/252 File. Yorkshire Regional Health Authority. Apr 1980-Dec Correspondence with constituents, including 1981 Richard Wilson, National Health Service staff and managers, local authorities and councillors, including Cllr. HP Flynn, and Dr Gerard Vaughan, Minister for Health, about the proposal to create a single North Humberside health district. With proposals for restructuring health services submitted by the Regional Health Authority and petition in favour of an East Yorkshire Health Authority and the retention of surgery facilities at Beverley Westwood Hospital

1 file

U DPW/3/253 File. Yorkshire Regional Health Authority. Mar-Apr 1981 Correspondence with constituents about the rundown of services at Beverley Westwood Hospital, including petitions and standard letters of protest about the reorganisation of the National Health Service

1 file

U DPW/3/254 Artificial file. East Yorkshire Health Authority. May 1982-Jul Correspondence 1985 Also Hull Health Authority operational programme 1983 - 1984 and forward programme 1984 - 1985 1 file

U DPW/3/255 File. East Yorkshire Health Authority. Dec 1985-May Correspondence about the future of Beverley 1987 Westwood Hospital, hospital cuts and closures generally, and the new hospital at

1 file

U DPW/3/256 File. East Yorkshire Health Authority. Sep 1986-Mar Correspondence 1987 Also Humberside Ambulance Service operational programme 1987 - 1988 and forward programme 1988 - 1989 1 file

U DPW/3/257 File. Yorkshire Water Authority. Correspondence May-Jul 1974 about the increase in water rates

1 file

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U DPW/3/258 File. Yorkshire Water Authority. Correspondence Jan-Dec 1980 with constituents and the Department of the Environment about water rates and metering

1 file

U DPW/3/259 File. Yorkshire Water Authority. Correspondence Dec 1980-Oct with constituents about the supplementary rate 1981 demand by Humberside County Council, water rates and metering

1 file

U DPW/3/260 File. Yorkshire Water Authority. Correspondence Feb-Sep 1986 with constituents about water privatisation.

1 file

U DPW/3/261 Artificial file. Miscellaneous: Beverley. Jun 1978-Nov Correspondence with constituents 1982 Including:

a) Briefing document no.1. Proposed new Museum of Military Transport, September 1982 1 file

U DPW/3/262 File. Miscellaneous: Beverley. Correspondence Feb 1983-Dec with constituents, including about a public meeting 1984 in Hessle about a traffic scheme Including:

a) Briefing document no.2. The new Museum of Army Transport, Beverley, April 1983 1 file

U DPW/3/263 File. Miscellaneous: Beverley. Correspondence Jan 1986-May with constituents about local schools 1987

1 file

U DPW/3/264 Artificial file. Miscellaneous: Hull. Sep 1959-Jun Correspondence, especially with the local 1961 business community and the Director of the ' Journal' about its first issue

1 file

U DPW/3/265 File. Miscellaneous: Hull. Correspondence Aug 1965-Feb 1966 1 file

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U DPW/3/266 File. Miscellaneous: Hull. Correspondence and Jan-Nov 1968 background papers about local government

1 file

U DPW/3/267 Artificial file. Miscellaneous: Hull. Nov 1971-Dec Correspondence, including with Hull City Council 1974 about capital expenditure projects, and Hull and East Riding Festival of Light Including:

a) 'Blueprint', nos. 1 - 4, published by Central Hull Conservative Association, Avenue and Botanic wards (4), January 1973 - April 1974 1 file

U DPW/3/268 Artificial file. Miscellaneous: Hull. Correspondence Dec 1975-Jun 1984 1 file

U DPW/3/269 File. Miscellaneous: Humberside. Dec 1965-Dec Correspondence 1981

1 file

U DPW/3/270 File. Miscellaneous: Humberside. Jan-Mar 1982 Correspondence, especially about a European Regional Development Fund conference, Hull

1 file

U DPW/4 Agriculture 1954-1989

U DPW/4/1 File. Agriculture correspondence, 1955 Oct-Nov 1955

1 file

U DPW/4/2 File. Agriculture correspondence, 1956. With ms. Jan-Oct 1956 notes

1 file

U DPW/4/3 File. Agriculture correspondence, 1957. With ts. Nov 1956-Oct 'Programme of Ministers' engagements' 1957

1 file

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U DPW/4/4 File. Agricultural price review, 1954. Ms. notes Mar 1954 and 'Farm price review and agricultural policy', Conservative Party research paper

1 file

U DPW/4/5 File. Agricultural price review, 1955. Ts. 'Annual Mar 1955 review and determination of guarantees 1955', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/4/6 File. Agricultural price review, 1956. Programme Feb 1956-Oct of engagements for the Minister of Agriculture, 1957 Fisheries and Food, Conservative Party research papers, press notices, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/4/7 File. Agricultural price review, 1957. Ts. about May 1957 reactions to the review

1 file

U DPW/4/8 File. Agricultural price review, 1958. Ts. and ms. Mar-Apr 1958 notes Including:

a) Minutes of Conservative Party Parliamentary Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee, 25 March 1958 1 file

U DPW/4/9 File. Agricultural price review, 1959. Ms. notes 1959

1 file

U DPW/4/10 File. Agricultural price review, 1960. Mar-May 1960 Correspondence, ts. notes and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/4/11 File. Agricultural price review, 1963. Mar-Apr 1963 Correspondence, ms. notes and 'Annual price review 1963', Conservative Party research paper

1 file

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U DPW/4/12 File. Agricultural price review, 1964. Leaflet and Mar 1964 Conservative Party research paper

1 file

U DPW/4/13 File. Agricultural price review, 1965. Mar-Aug 1965 Correspondence, ts. notes and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/4/14 File. Agricultural price review, 1966. '1966 Farm Mar 1966 price review', Conservative Party research paper

1 file

U DPW/4/15 File. Agricultural price review, 1967. Letter and Dec 1966-Mar Conservative Party research papers 1967

1 file

U DPW/4/16 File. Agricultural price review, 1969. Letter, press Mar 1969 release and '1969 Farm price review', Conservative Party research paper

1 file

U DPW/4/17 File. Agricultural price review, 1971. Press Mar 1971 releases and '1971 Farm price review', Conservative Party research paper

1 file

U DPW/4/18 File. Agricultural price review. Ts. 'Annual review Mar 1971 1971. Interim import levy schemes', Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

1 file

U DPW/4/19 File. Agriculture, 1955. Ts. notes, press releases, Oct 1954-Dec memoranda and Conservative Party research 1955 papers Including:

a) Minutes of Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Liaison Committee (3), July 1955 - December 1955 1 file

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U DPW/4/20 File. Agriculture, 1955. Conservative Party Feb-Dec 1955 research papers and publicity material

1 file

U DPW/4/21 File. Agriculture, 1956. Correspondence, Sep 1955-Jan memoranda, reports, press releases and ts. notes 1957 Including:

a) Minutes of Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Liaison Officers Committee, 19 October 1956 1 file

U DPW/4/22 File. Agriculture, 1956. Correspondence, ts. Jan-Aug 1956 speech, 'Opposition motion on agriculture, 30 April 1956', Conservative Party research paper and programme for visit by Soviet agricultural delegation headed by the Minister of Agriculture, July 1956

1 file

U DPW/4/23 File. Agriculture. Correspondence, reports and Apr 1956-Dec Conservative Party research papers 1964 Including:

a) Minutes of Conservative Party Parliamentary Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee, 17 December 1963 1 file

U DPW/4/24 File. Agriculture, 1957. Correspondence, ts. notes, Jan-Jul 1957 press releases, reports, memoranda and staff seniority lists Including:

a) Minutes of Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Liaison Officers Committee, 3 April 1957 1 file

U DPW/4/25 File. Agriculture, 1958. Ms. notes, report, Jan-Oct 1958 correspondence, press releases and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

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U DPW/4/26 File. Agriculture, 1959. Correspondence, Feb-Dec 1959 statement by National Farmers' Union regarding Royal Commission on Common Land and 'Pigs', Conservative Party research paper

1 file

U DPW/4/27 File. Agriculture, 1960. Correspondence, ms. and Feb 1959-Mar ts. notes 1960

1 file

U DPW/4/28 File. Agriculture, 1961. Correspondence Nov 1960-Oct 1961 1 file

U DPW/4/29 File. Agriculture. Correspondence and leaflets Jun 1961-Nov regarding legislation 1962

1 file

U DPW/4/30 File. Agriculture, 1964. Correspondence, press Jan-Dec 1964 releases, Conservative Party research papers and memorandum Including:

a) Minutes of Conservative Party Parliamentary Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee (5), January 1964 - December 1964 1 file

U DPW/4/31 File. Agriculture, 1965. Ts. notes, correspondence Nov 1964-Oct and press release 1965 Including:

a) Minutes of Conservative Party Parliamentary Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee, 10 November 1964 1 file

U DPW/4/32 File. Agriculture, 1966. Correspondence, ts. notes May-Oct 1966 and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/4/33 File. Agriculture, 1967. Correspondence, press Feb-Dec 1967 releases, Conservative Party research papers and memorandum

1 file

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U DPW/4/34 File. Agriculture, 1968. Correspondence, press Jan-Dec 1968 releases, ms. notes and report

1 file

U DPW/4/35 File. Agriculture, 1969. Correspondence, reports, Jan-Dec 1969 press releases, ms. notes and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/4/36 File. Agriculture, 1970. Reports and Conservative Jan-Mar 1970 Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/4/37 File. Agriculture post-General Election, 1970. Oct-Nov 1970 Correspondence, press releases, ts. notes and Conservative Party research papers Including:

a) Minutes of Conservative Party Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee, 10 November 1970 1 file

U DPW/4/38 File. Agriculture, 1971. Correspondence, ts. notes Mar-Dec 1971 and press release

1 file

U DPW/4/39 File. Agriculture, 1972. Correspondence, Feb 1970-Dec newsheets, press release, report and 1972 Conservative Party research papers Including:

a) Minutes of Agriculture Committee, 7 March 1972 1 file

U DPW/4/40 File. Agriculture, 1973. Correspondence, press Jan-May 1973 release Including:

a) '2 - minute News Review', no. 1, Economic League, 1973 1 file

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U DPW/4/41 File. Agriculture, 1974. Correspondence, Dec 1973-Dec newsheets, press releases, ms. and ts. notes 1974

1 file

U DPW/4/42 File. Agriculture, 1975. Correspondence, ts. notes Oct 1974-Mar and press release 1975

1 file

U DPW/4/43 File. Agriculture, 1975. Correspondence, Mar-Nov 1975 newsheets and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/4/44 File. Agriculture, 1976. Correspondence, ts. notes, Feb-Dec 1976 reports, Conservative Party research papers and press release

1 file

U DPW/4/45 File. Agriculture, 1977. Correspondence and Feb-Dec 1977 reports

1 file

U DPW/4/46 File. Agriculture, 1978. Correspondence, reports, Nov 1977-Apr press releases, ms. notes and Conservative Party 1978 research papers

1 file

U DPW/4/47 File. Agriculture, 1978. Correspondence Oct 1978-Jun 1979 1 file

U DPW/4/48 File. Agriculture, 1979. Correspondence, ms. Sep 1978-Jun notes and press release 1979 Including:

a) Ts. 'Address to the Parliamentary and Scientific Dr Michael R Turner, Director - General, the British Nutrition Foundation. Nutrition, health and food supply', 12 December 1978 b) 'Briefing note on the Agricultural Price Agreement', Conservative Party Research Department, 28 June 1979 1 file

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U DPW/4/49 File. Agriculture, 1979. Correspondence, report Dec 1978-Dec and memorandum 1979

1 file

U DPW/4/50 File. Agriculture, 1980. Correspondence, press Nov 1979-Nov releases, Conservative Party research papers, ts. 1980 and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/4/51 File. Agriculture, 1981. Correspondence, press Jan-Dec 1981 releases and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/4/52 File. Agriculture, 1982. Correspondence and Feb-Nov 1982 Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/4/53 File. Agriculture, 1983. Correspondence, press Jan-Nov 1983 releases, Conservative Party research papers and report

1 file

U DPW/4/54 File. Agriculture, 1984. Correspondence, report, Mar-Dec 1984 press releases, ts. notes and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/4/55 File. Agriculture, 1985. Correspondence and Jan-Nov 1985 reports

1 file

U DPW/4/56 File. Agriculture, 1986. Correspondence Oct 1985-Aug 1986 1 file

U DPW/4/57 File. Agriculture, 1987. Conservative Party Dec 1986-Mar 'Members' Briefs' circulars 1987

1 file

U DPW/4/58 File. Agriculture, 1989. Letter about development 1989 of the countryside in Lancashire

1 file

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U DPW/4/59 File. Agriculture Act, 1958. Correspondence and Mar-Nov 1958 ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/4/60 File. Agriculture Act, 1965. Correspondence, ts. Jun-Dec 1965 speech, ts. notes and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/4/61 File. Agriculture, Conservative Party Policy, 1955. Jan-Dec 1955 Press releases and ts. speech

1 file

U DPW/4/62 File. Agriculture, Conservative Party policy, 1956. Jul 1954-Dec Correspondence, ts. notes, press releases and 1956 Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/4/63 File. Agriculture, Conservative Party Policy, 1957. 1957 Conservative Party research paper and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/4/64 File. Agriculture, Conservative Party Policy. Apr 1958-Sep Conservative Party research papers and ts. 1959 speech

1 file

U DPW/4/65 File. Agriculture (Improvement of Roads) Bill. Ms. Nov 1955 and ts. notes. [See also DPW/4/118]

1 file

U DPW/4/66 File. Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Bill. Ts. 1956 notes

1 file

U DPW/4/67 File. Agriculture, parliamentary debates. 1956-Dec 1957 Correspondence and ts. notes Including:

a) File. Agriculture Bill. Ts. notes, May 1957 1 file

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U DPW/4/68 File. Agriculture. Ts. parliamentary questions Nov 1955-Feb 1956 1 file

U DPW/4/69 File. Agriculture. Correspondence and ts. Feb-Dec 1956 parliamentary questions

1 file

U DPW/4/70 File. Agriculture. Ts. parliamentary questions and Feb-Dec 1957 answers Including:

a) Minutes of Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Liaison Committee, 25 October 1957 1 file

U DPW/4/71 File. Agriculture (Safety, Health and Welfare 1956 Provisions) Bill. Ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/4/72 File. Agriculture (Safety, Health and Welfare Feb-Mar 1956 Provisions) Bill: House of Commons - Committee stage. Correspondence, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/4/73 File. Agriculture (Silo Subsidies) Bill. Ts. notes Nov 1956 and memorandum

1 file

U DPW/4/74 File. Agriculture (Small Farmer) Act, 1959. Aug 1958-Mar Conservative Party research papers and report 1959 from Conservative Party Parliamentary Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee, Small Farmers Sub - Committee

1 file

U DPW/4/75 File. Animal welfare. Correspondence, reports and Jan 1965-Jul ts. notes 1966 Including:

a) Minutes of Conservative Party Parliamentary Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee, 14 December 1965 1 file

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U DPW/4/76 File. Animal welfare, 1967. Correspondence, Jan- Jul 1967 newsheets, ts. notes and press release

1 file

U DPW/4/77 File. Animal welfare, 1968. Correspondence and Apr-Nov 1968 ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/4/78 File. Animal welfare, 1969. Correspondence, Feb-Oct 1969 reports and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/4/79 File. Animal welfare, 1970. Letter from National Jan 1970 Farmers' Union about the Animals Bill

1 file

U DPW/4/80 File. Animal welfare, 1971. Correspondence, ts. Jan-Dec 1971 notes and reports

1 file

U DPW/4/81 File. Animal welfare, 1972. Correspondence and Nov 1971-Nov newsheets 1972

1 file

U DPW/4/82 File. Animal welfare, 1973. Correspondence, Jun 1972-Oct reports, ts. notes and newsheets 1973

1 file

U DPW/4/83 File. Animal welfare. Correspondence and reports Jan 1975-Oct Including: 1976

a) Minutes of the Parliamentary Animal Welfare Group, 21 January 1976 1 file

U DPW/4/84 File. Animal welfare, 1978 - 1979. Jul 1977-Feb Correspondence and ts. notes 1979

1 file

U DPW/4/85 File. Animal welfare 1979. Correspondence Jan-Nov 1979

1 file

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U DPW/4/86 File. Animal welfare, 1981. Correspondence and Jun-Dec 1981 reports Including:

a) Minutes of Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, General Committee, 23 June 1981 1 file

U DPW/4/87 File. Animal welfare, 1982. Correspondence Mar-Nov 1982

1 file

U DPW/4/88 File. Animal welfare, 1983. Correspondence, Feb-Oct 1983 memorandum and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/4/89 File. Animal welfare, 1984. Correspondence and Jan-Dec 1984 reports

1 file

U DPW/4/90 File. Animal welfare, 1985. Correspondence and Jan 1985-Feb reports 1986

1 file

U DPW/4/91 File. Animal welfare, 1986. Correspondence, ts. Apr-Jun 1986 notes Including:

a) '2 - minute News Review', no. 6, Economic League, 1986 1 file

U DPW/4/92 File. Animal welfare, 1987. Correspondence and 1987 report

1 file

U DPW/4/93 File. British Egg Marketing Scheme May 1954-Dec Correspondence, press releases, ts. and ms. 1956 notes 1 file

U DPW/4/94 File. British Egg Marketing Scheme: debate on Jan-Dec 1956 affirmative resolution. Ts. notes and press release 1 file

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U DPW/4/95 File. Conservation of Seals Bill. Correspondence Jun-Jul 1970

1 file

U DPW/4/96 File. Conservative Party Parliamentary Jul-Nov 1955 Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee. Minutes, notices of meetings, press releases, ms. and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/4/97 File. Conservative Party Parliamentary Jan-Dec 1956 Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee, 1956. Ms. notes, Conservative Party research papers, minutes and notices of meetings

1 file

U DPW/4/98 File. Conservative Party Parliamentary Dec 1956-Dec Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee. 1957 Minutes, notices of meetings and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/4/99 File. Conservative Party Parliamentary Dec 1957-Dec Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee, 1958. 1958 Minutes, notices of meetings, ms. notes and letter Including:

a) Minutes of joint meeting of the Trade and Industry Committee and the Agriculture Committee (2), May 1958 b) Minutes of the Fisheries Sub-Committee, 19 February 1958 1 file

U DPW/4/100 File. Conservative Party Parliamentary Nov 1958-Nov Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee, 1959. 1959 Minutes, notices of meetings, memorandum and Conservative Party research paper Including:

a) Minutes of a joint meeting of the Agriculture and Housing and Local Government Committees, 24 November 1959 1 file

U DPW/4/101 File. Hill Farming Bill. Memoranda and ts. notes Jun-Oct 1956

1 file

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U DPW/4/102 File. Horticultural marketing. Ts. notes and press Aug 1955-Jul releases 1956

1 file

U DPW/4/103 File. Horticulture Bill, 1959. Correspondence, Feb-Nov 1959 memorandum and report Including:

a) Minutes of Conservative Party Parliamentary Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee, Horticulture Sub-Committee (2), March 1959 1 file

U DPW/4/104 File. Horticulture, 1960. Correspondence Feb-Dec 1960 regarding the Horticulture Bill and the Covent Garden Market Bill

1 file

U DPW/4/105 File. Horticulture, 1964. Letter and official journal 1964 from National Allotments and Gardens Society Ltd. and Village Produce Associations and statement about the Army Light Helicopter competition

1 file

U DPW/4/106 File. Horticulture, 1966. Letter about the 1966 Committee of Inquiry into Allotments and ts. about gardeners

1 file

U DPW/4/107 File. Horticulture. Press release from National Mar 1971 Farmers' Union

1 file

U DPW/4/108 File. Horticulture. Correspondence, also regarding Feb 1975-Apr forestry 1976

1 file

U DPW/4/109 File. Long term assurances for agriculture. Nov-Dec 1956 Correspondence, ts. notes, press releases and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

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U DPW/4/110 File. Potatoes. 'Agricultural Marketing Act, 1958. Feb 1962 Proposed amendments to the Potato Marketing Scheme, 1955. Report by Sir George Paterson, OBE, on the Public Inquiry into objections'

1 file

U DPW/4/111 File. Select Committee on Agriculture. Dec 1966-Jul Correspondence, reports and memoranda 1968

1 file

U DPW/4/112 File. Select Committee on Agriculture, 1968 - Dec 1966-Feb 1969. Correspondence, reports and memoranda 1969

1 file

U DPW/4/113 File. Select Committee on Agriculture, Common Feb-Aug 1967 Market, 1967. Correspondence, ts. notes and reports

1 file

U DPW/4/114 File. Select Committee on Agriculture, Common Jul 1967 Market, 1966 - 1967. Correspondence, ts. notes, memoranda and report Including:

a) File. Ms. notes, correspondence, report and ts. 'Select Committee on Agriculture. Summary of evidence', February 1967 - June 1967 1 file

U DPW/4/115 File. Select Committee on Agriculture, 1968 - Jan 1968-Jul 1969. Correspondence, press release, reports and 1969 ts. notes Including:

a) Minutes of evidence from the Select Committee on Agriculture, 10 July 1968 1 file

U DPW/4/116 File. Select Committee on Agriculture, Horticulture Jun-Oct 1968 Sub - Committee. Correspondence, reports and memoranda

1 file

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U DPW/4/117 File. Slaughterhouses Bill. Correspondence, ts. Nov 1957-Mar draft speeches and ts. notes 1958

1 file

U DPW/4/118 File. Sugar and Agriculture (Improvement of Oct 1955 Roads) Bills. Memoranda. [See also DPW/4/65]

1 file

U DPW/4/119 File. Sugar Bill. Ts. notes 1956

1 file

U DPW/4/120 File. Supplementary estimates, 1955 - 1956. Feb 1956 Correspondence and ts. notes about the finance of agriculture

1 file

U DPW/4/121 File. Welfare Foods, 1959. Ts. notes and Feb-Apr 1959 correspondence

1 file

U DPW/5 Communism 1977-1987

U DPW/5/1 File. Communism. Ts. notes, newsletters from the Feb 1977-Dec Economic League and Common Cause reports 1980

1 file

U DPW/5/2 File. Communism. Correspondence, ts. notes, Jun 1980-Dec newsletters from the Economic League and 'On 1981 target', Intelligence Publications, vol. 11, no. 25, 14 June 1980

1 file

U DPW/5/3 File. Communism. Newsletters from the Economic Nov 1981-Nov League and Common Cause report 1982 Including:

a) 'Discussion- 37', pre-Congress discussion journal, no. 1, Communist Party of Great Britain's National Congress, 1981 1 file

Page 181 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/5/4 File. Communism. Newsletters from the Economic Feb-Dec 1983 League

1 file

U DPW/5/5 File. Communism. Newsletters from the Economic Jan-Aug 1984 League, including 'Special report. Ruthless, cunning and contemptuous. Political manipulators of the miner', with July issue

1 file

U DPW/5/6 File. Communism. Newsletters from the Economic Feb-Sep 1985 League, including 'Special report. Reid savages Scargill', with February issue, and promotional leaflet, Centre for Research into Communist Economies

1 file

U DPW/5/7 File. Communism. Correspondence, ts. notes and Jul 1986-Jun newsletters from the Economic League, including 1987 'Revolutionaries today. Part I - introduction' and 'Revolutionaries today. Part VIII - Animal Liberation'

1 file

U DPW/6 Conservative Party policy 1963-1987

U DPW/6/1 File. Conservative policy, 1964. Publications Jun 1963-Apr issued by Conservative Central Office, 1964 Conservative Research Department, Labour Party and Freedom Group

1 file

U DPW/6/2 File. Conservative policy, 1965. Correspondence, Feb -Sep 1965 transcript of speech by Sir Alec Douglas - Home, publications issued by Conservative Central Office and Conservative Political Centre, and report by Young Conservatives Working Group

1 file

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U DPW/6/3 File. Conservative policy, 1966. Correspondence, Jul 1966-Mar publications issued by National Party, University 1969 of Bradford Conservative Association, Monday Club, Conservative Political Centre and Conservative Research Department, and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/6/4 File. Conservative policy, 1967. Correspondence, Jan 1967-Jan publications issued by Lancaster University 1968 Conservative Association and Noel Armstrong, and report, 'Conservative Policy Study Groups. Parliamentary membership at 1 December 1967', Conservative Research Department

1 file

U DPW/6/5 File. Conservative policy, 1968. Correspondence, Jan 1968-Jan ts. notes, Conservative Party central funds 1969 accounts, ts. statement by Lord Carrington, 'Weekend Talking Points', and report, 'Conservative Policy Study Groups. Parliamentary membership at 12 December 1968', Conservative Research Department

1 file

U DPW/6/6 File. Conservative policy, 1969. Publicity material Mar-Oct 1969 for the 'Powell for Premier' campaign, publications issued by Conservative Political Centre, correspondence and Conservative Party central funds accounts

1 file

U DPW/6/7 File. Conservative policy, 1970. Publications Jan-Dec 1970 issued by Conservative Central Office, correspondence (limited), Conservative Party central funds accounts and ts. statement of Conservative policy on Wales

1 file

U DPW/6/8 File. Conservative policy, 1971. Correspondence Jun-Dec 1971 and briefing notes about the Party Conference, 'Weekend Talking Points', ts. statement by Edward Heath, transcript of Radio Four 'World at one' interview with James Prior MP, and Conservative Party central funds accounts

1 file

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U DPW/6/9 File. Conservative policy, 1972. Report, list of May 1968-Nov members, rules and standing orders, and minutes 1972 of Executive Committee of National Union of Conservative Associations, with transcript of speech to Executive Committee by Lord Chelmer. Also correspondence, 'Weekend Talking Points', Conservative Party central funds accounts, transcripts of speeches by Prime Minister and photocopy letter to 'Daily Telegraph' by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/6/10 File. Conservative policy, 1973. 'Weekend Talking Mar-Nov 1973 Points', National Front statement of policy, Conservative Party central funds accounts, correspondence and ts. notes Including:

a) File. 'Daily Telegraph letter, October 1973'. Press cuttings and related correspondence 1 file

U DPW/6/11 File. Conservative policy, 1974. Conservative Jan-Dec 1974 Party central funds accounts, correspondence, text of lecture by Edward Heath, and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/6/12 File. Conservative policy, 1975. Correspondence, May-Dec 1975 publications issued by Yorkshire Area Young Conservatives, transcript of Party Conference speech by Margaret Thatcher and Conservative Party central funds accounts

1 file

U DPW/6/13 File. Conservative policy, 1975. Correspondence Jul-Sep 1975

1 file

U DPW/6/14 File. Conservative policy, 1976. Conservative Sep 1975-Dec Central Office national campaign newsletter, 1976 pamphlets and campaign pack, correspondence, publications issued by Wessex Area Young Conservatives and National Union of Conservative Associations, annual report of Conservative Central Office and ts. notes

1 file

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U DPW/6/15 File. Conservative policy, 1977. Publications Jan 1976-Nov issued by Conservative Central Office and 1977 Conservative Research Department, ts. notes, correspondence about election campaign, annual report of Conservative Central Office and transcript of Party Conference speech by Margaret Thatcher

1 file

U DPW/6/16 File. Conservative policy, 1978. Circulars, Sep 1977-Jun Conservative Central Office national campaign 78 1978 campaign pack and transcript of speech by Margaret Thatcher

1 file

U DPW/6/17 File. Conservative policy, 1978. Correspondence, Nov 1978-Jan annual report of Conservative Central Office, 1979 press release and ts. statement

1 file

U DPW/6/18 File. Conservative policy, 1979. Correspondence, Jan 1976-Aug newsletter of Conservative Political Centre, 1979 Conservative Research Department papers, and ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/6/19 File. Conservative policy, 1980. Publications and Nov 1976-Oct background papers issued by Conservative Party, 1980 Conservative Research Department and Conservative Political Centre, correspondence, annual report of Conservative Central Office and memorandum of the Salisbury Group

1 file

U DPW/6/20 File. Conservative policy, 1981. Correspondence, Mar 1981-Nov newsletters issued by Conservative Party and 1982 British Chilean Council, and transcript of speech to Parliamentary Media Committee by Chairman of Allen, Brady & Marsh Ltd.

1 file

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U DPW/6/21 File. Conservative policy, 1981. Publications and Jan 1970-Dec background papers issued by Conservative Party, 1981 Conservative Political Centre and Conservative Research Department, correspondence and 'Impact 80s' campaign pack

1 file

U DPW/6/22 File. Conservative policy, 1982. Publications and Oct 1979-Nov background papers issued by Conservative 1982 Research Department and Conservative Action for Electoral Reform, ts. notes and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/6/23 File. Conservative policy, 1983. Publicity material Jul 1982-Dec for Federation of Conservative Students, 1983 newsletter of the 300 Group, Conservative Research Department background paper and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/6/24 File. Conservative policy, 1984. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1984 Conservative Research Department background papers, publicity material for Federation of Conservative Students, 'Capitalist Worker' (journal of Young Monday Club) and Common Cause report on 'Democracy and extremism'

1 file

U DPW/6/25 File. Conservative policy, 1985. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1985 including open letter from Tom King MP, publications and background papers issued by Conservative Party and Conservative Research Department, and report of inquiry into Federation of Conservative Students

1 file

U DPW/6/26 File. Conservative policy (Thatcherism), 1986. Jan-Dec 1986 Correspondence, publications and background papers issued by Conservative Research Department, Young Conservative Foundation and Lt. Col. Dr. Stewart Allward, and ms. notes of speeches by Patrick Wall

1 file

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U DPW/6/27 File. Conservative policy, 1987. Correspondence, Jan-Nov 1987 Conservative Research Department background paper and newsletters of Conservative Medical Society

1 file

U DPW/6/28 File. Conservative principles, 1966 - 1967. Mar 1966-Mar Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes of speeches 1967 by Patrick Wall, publications issued by Tory Northern Thought and John Marples MP, ts. 'An English national party' and transcript of Granada television programme, 'State of the nation: 2', 9 November 1966

1 file

U DPW/6/29 File. Conservative principles, 1969 - 1970. May 1968-Mar Correspondence, publications issued by Greater 1970 London Area Young Conservatives and Monday Club, transcript of speech by Patrick Wall, memorandum on Conservative Party policy and draft article, 'Whither the Tories?', by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/6/30 File. Conservative principles, 1979. Feb-Nov 1979 Correspondence, pamphlet issued by Conservative Research Department, and transcript of Party Conference speech by Margaret Thatcher

1 file

U DPW/6/31 File. Conservative Research Department 'Briefing Dec 1974-Jun Notes', with limited correspondence 1977

1 file

U DPW/6/32 File. Conservative Party leadership. Jun 1974-Jan Correspondence, ts. 'The Conservative 1975 leadership' and press cutting of letter to 'Daily Telegraph' by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/6/33 File. 'Daily Telegraph letter, August/September Feb 1970-Nov 1972'. Press cuttings and related correspondence 1972 about Conservative policy

1 file

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U DPW/7 Defence 1954-1991 7/1 - 45 General files 7/46 - 52 Articles by Patrick Wall 7/53 - 58 Background papers 7/59 - 61 Correspondence 7/62 - 130 Defence policy 7/131 - 222 British armed forces 7/223 - 236 Other armed forces 7/237 - 242 Weapons 7/243 - 245 Conferences 7/246 - 324 Defence organisations

U DPW/7/1 File. Defence 1955. Ts. notes of the conservative Mar-Apr 1955 parliamentary committee on defence regarding navy estimates and national service

1 file

U DPW/7/2 File. Defence 1957. Conservative and Unionist Feb-Apr 1957 Central Office leaflet, background papers about Defence White Paper and ts. statements of the International Committee of Mothers

1 file

U DPW/7/3 File. Defence 1958. Ms. notes, ts. summary of Jan-Feb 1958 Defence White Paper and Conservative Political Centre briefing notes

1 file

U DPW/7/4 File. Defence 1960. Conservative and Unionist Feb-Jun 1960 Central Office leaflet and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/5 File. Defence 1961. Conservative and Unionist Oct 1961-Jan Central Office leaflet, programme of 1962 demonstration of weapons and equipment at Fighting Vehicles Research and Development Establishment, ts. draft and cutting of letter to 'The Times' by Patrick Wall

1 file

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U DPW/7/6 File. Defence 1963. Labour and Conservative 1962-1963 Party 'Talking Points', Conservative Research Department paper and press cutting of letter to 'The Times' from Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/7/7 File. Defence 1964. Ts. notes, Conservative Jan-Dec 1964 Research Department papers, Labour Party leaflet and correspondence (limited)

1 file

U DPW/7/8 File. Defence 1966. Conservative Commonwealth Jan-Jul 1966 and Overseas Council ts. notes, correspondence, ts. draft editorial for 'Viewpoint', Labour Party leaflets and Conservative Research Department paper

1 file

U DPW/7/9 File. Defence 1967. Correspondence and Jan-Oct 1967 newsletter

1 file

U DPW/7/10 File. Defence 1968. Correspondence (limited) Mar-Jul 1968

1 file

U DPW/7/11 File. Defence 1968. Ms. notes, transcript of Nov-Dec 1968 conference debate regarding overseas officers and defence, correspondence and article

1 file

U DPW/7/12 File. Defence 1969. Conservative Research Jan-Dec 1969 Department papers, correspondence, ts. notes, National Board of Incomes opinion survey of men leaving HM Forces, ts. speeches and ts. paper on 'British defence policy in the 1970s' by Patrick Wall

1 file

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U DPW/7/13 File. Defence 1970. Western European Union Feb 1969-Nov information document, correspondence, ms. 1970 notes, Air League memorandum, ts. statement on defence, Conservative Research Department papers and ts. paper, 'British defence policy in the 1970s - an appreciation' by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/7/14 File. Defence 1970. Ms. notes, correspondence, Dec 1969-Apr Air League newsletter, and letter to 'Navy' from 1970 Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/7/15 File. Defence 1971. Correspondence, Mar-Dec 1971 Conservative Research Department paper, programme of meetings at House of Commons and article on 'Conservative defence policy' by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/7/16 File. Defence 1972. Parliamentary questions, Mar-Jul 1972 correspondence, press cutting of letter to 'The Times' from Patrick Wall, Monday Club fact sheet and Conservative Political Centre leaflets

1 file

U DPW/7/17 File. Defence 1973. Conservative Central Office May 1971-Aug press release, correspondence, ts. papers about 1973 nuclear war. ms. notes and Conservative Research Department pamphlet

1 file

U DPW/7/18 File. Defence 1973. Conservative Research Jan 1973-Apr Department papers, British Atlantic Committee 1974 agenda, minutes and report, correspondence and ts. statement on defence spending

1 file

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U DPW/7/19 File. Defence 1974. Conservative Research Mar-Nov 1974 Department papers, ms. and ts. notes, written parliamentary questions, correspondence, Conservative Political Centre leaflet, minutes of British Atlantic Committee, and ts. draft and published version of Monday Club pamphlet, 'Thoughts on defence'

1 file

U DPW/7/20 File. Defence 1975. Ts. speeches, Mar-Dec 1975 correspondence, NATO final resolution, press cutting of letter to 'The Times' from Patrick Wall, and Conservative Research Department paper and pamphlets

1 file

U DPW/7/21 File. Defence 1976. Conservative Research Jan-Nov 1976 Department paper, Foreign Affairs Research Institute papers, North Atlantic Assembly recommendation, ts. notes, correspondence, ts. speeches and Conservative Political Centre and Greater London Young Conservatives pamphlets

1 file

U DPW/7/22 File. Defence 1977. Transcripts of addresses by Jul 1975-Aug Patrick Wall, Foreign Affairs Research Institute 1977 paper, correspondence, Conservative Party press releases and briefing notes, ms. and ts. notes, ts. draft Monday Club fact sheet, ts. draft article by Patrick Wall, ts. draft report of North Atlantic Assembly Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation in Europe and memorandum

1 file

U DPW/7/23 File. Defence 1977. Correspondence, ts. paper, Mar-Dec 1977 Conservative Party press releases, letters to Editor of 'Air Pictorial' from Patrick Wall and Foreign Affairs Research Institute paper

1 file

U DPW/7/24 File. Defence 1978. Ms. and ts. notes, Jan-Jul 1978 correspondence, ts. speeches and ts. paper on defence standardisation adjournment debate

1 file

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U DPW/7/25 File. Defence 1980. List of articles by Patrick Wall, 1978-Sep 1980 1970 - 1980, North Atlantic Assembly reports, ts. draft articles and reports by Patrick Wall, Foreign Affairs Research Institute, Conservative Research Department and Institute on Strategic Trade papers, ms. and ts. notes, and ts. addresses and interview

1 file

U DPW/7/26 File. Defence 1979 - 1980. Ms. notes, Monday Jul 1978-May Club policy paper, North Atlantic Assembly 1979 resolution, ts. speeches, Conservative Research Department, Foreign Affairs Research Institute and Institute on Strategic Trade papers, ts. draft article by Patrick Wall and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/27 File. Defence 1980. Institute of Strategic Trade Dec 1979-Mar and Foreign Affairs Research Institute papers, 1980 correspondence, and ts. draft articles and ts. presentation to United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/7/28 File. Defence 1980. International Communication Jan-Dec 1980 Agency official texts, British Aerospace press release, correspondence, papers of the Foreign Affairs Research Institute, the Centre for Strategic Studies and the Institute of Strategic trade, press cutting of letter to 'The Times' by Patrick Wall and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/29 File. Defence 1980. Ts. background notes, report, Jul-Dec 1980 Foreign Affairs Research Institute and Conservative Research Department papers, correspondence and ts. briefing paper, Association of Jewish Ex -Service Men and Women

1 file

U DPW/7/30 File. Defence 1980. Correspondence, ms. notes Jul-Aug 1980 and Conservative Party briefing notes

1 file

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U DPW/7/31 File. Defence 1981. Foreign Affairs Research 1979-1982 Institute papers, International Communications Agency official texts, speakers notes of Youth for Multilateral Disarmament, British Atlantic Committee report, ts. and ms. notes, correspondence, newsletter and ts. draft paper / article by Patrick Wall. With file regarding 1981 debate on defence estimates

1 file

U DPW/7/32 File. Defence 1981. Correspondence, Dec 1980-Jun International Communications Agency official 1981 texts, British Aerospace press release, National Council for Civil Defence policy document, Foreign Affairs Research Institute papers and minutes of British Atlantic Committee council meeting

1 file

U DPW/7/33 File. Defence 1981. Correspondence, British May-Dec 1981 Atlantic Committee newsletter and accounts, International Communications Agency official texts, ts. notes and press release

1 file

U DPW/7/34 File. Defence 1982. Correspondence, reports. May 1981-Dec notices of meetings and minutes of British Atlantic 1982 Committee, ts. addresses and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/35 File. Defence. Ms. and ts. notes, correspondence 1982-1983 and report

1 file

U DPW/7/36 File. Defence 1982. Ms. notes, correspondence, Feb-Dec 1982 International Communications Agency official texts, Foreign Affairs Research Institute paper and newsletters

1 file

U DPW/7/37 File. Defence 1982. Ts. address, circular letters Jun-Oct 1982 and Conservative Party briefing note

1 file

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U DPW/7/38 File. Defence 1983. Conference brochure, Jan 1982-Jul correspondence, newsletters, Conservative 1984 Political Centre leaflet, background papers and press release

1 file

U DPW/7/39 File. Defence 1984. Memorandum, Oct 1983-Dec correspondence, newsletters, reports, 1984 parliamentary briefings and International Communications Agency official text

1 file

U DPW/7/40 File. Defence 1985. Conservative Research Jan-Oct 1985 Department paper, CND parliamentary briefing, International Communications Agency official text, correspondence, bulletin of Institute for the Study of Conflict and brief of 'Defence begins at home' movement

1 file

U DPW/7/41 File. Defence 1986. Conservative Party briefing Jan-Jul 1986 notes, correspondence, papers of Conservative Research Department and Scientific Policy Research Unit and International Communication Agency official text

1 file

U DPW/7/42 File. Defence 1986. Letter regarding Nimrod and Aug-Dec 1986 International Communications Agency official text

1 file

U DPW/7/43 File. Defence 1987. Council for Arms Control Oct 1986-Oct bulletin, report, International Communications 1987 Agency Official text and letter

1 file

U DPW/7/44 File. Defence 1989. Correspondence and bulletin Feb-Aug 1989 of Conservative Medical Society

1 file

U DPW/7/45 File. Defence 1991. Newsletter and publicity 1991 material of Civil Assistance movement

1 file

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U DPW/7/46 File. 'Brassey's armed forces year book'. Feb 1963-Nov Correspondence, ts. notes, and ts. and ms. drafts 1967 of entries by Patrick Wall, 'Parliamentary control of military expenditure', 'The Navy we need' and 'The missile in sea warfare'

1 file

U DPW/7/47 File. Defence articles. Ms. and ts. drafts and 1971-1979 photocopies of publised versions

1 file

U DPW/7/48 File. Defence articles. Ms. and ts. drafts and 1973-1979 photocopies of publised versions

1 file

U DPW/7/49 File. Defence articles. Ms. and ts. drafts and 1979-1989 photocopies of publised versions

1 file

U DPW/7/50 File. 'Recent articles: defence'. Ts. and Jun 1979-Feb photocopied articles by Patrick Wall, with list of 1982 articles published in 1981, and related correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/51 File. 'Navy'. Articles, 'What's wrong with the Aug-Nov 1969 Navy?' and 'The war in Vietnam', with ts. and ms. drafts and notes

1 file

U DPW/7/52 File. 'Defence paper'. Correspondence regarding 1967-Nov 1968 Monday Club essay, 'Deployment of UK forces, ts. notes and background papers and report of Arizonans for National Security

1 file

U DPW/7/53 File. Background papers: defence 1976. Jul 1967-Mar Conservative Political Centre, Conservative 1975 Research Department and Monday Club pamphlets, with ts. draft of latter, ts. and ms. notes, correspondence, and transcripts of speeches, reports and articles by Patrick Wall

1 file

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U DPW/7/54 File. Background papers: defence 1977 - 1979. 1968 -1979 Foreign Affairs Research Institute papers, ts. article by Patrick Wall, ts. draft Monday Club fact sheets, memorandum, Conservative Research Department papers, reports, and ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/55 File. Background papers: defence 1980. Ts. and Nov 1978 -May ms. notes, Conservative Research Department, 1980 Foreign Affairs Research Institute, International Communications Agency, Congressional Budget Office and Institute of Strategic Trade papers, report and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/56 File. Background papers: defence 1980. Ms. Mar-Jun 1980 notes, correspondence, Conservative Research Department, International Communications Agency and Foreign Affairs Research Institute papers, Defence Council report and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/57 File. Background papers: defence 1982. May 1981-Oct International Communications Agency and 1982 Monday Club and other background papers, ts. and ms. notes, press cutting, articles by Patrick Wall and file of 'NORTHAG / LEANTAG' information

1 file

U DPW/7/58 File. Background papers: defence 1984. Dec 1983-Oct International Communications Agency official 1984 texts, transcripts of speeches and Conservative Party briefing notes

1 file

U DPW/7/59 File. Defence correspondence. Correspondence Dec 1962-Mar regarding letter to 'The Times' by Patrick Wall, 23 1963 December 1961

1 file

U DPW/7/60 File. Defence correspondence 1977. Jan-Jul 1977 Correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/7/61 File. Defence correspondence 1978. Feb 1978-Jan Correspondence 1979

1 file

U DPW/7/62 File. Arms control 1982. International Jun 1981-Dec Communications Agency official text, ts. 1982 speeches, correspondence, ts. United Nations background notes and press release

1 file

U DPW/7/63 File. Arms control 1983. International Nov 1982-Dec Communications Agency official texts, 1983 Conservative Party briefing notes, correspondence, report, Conservative Research Department and Foreign Affairs Research Institute papers, newsletters and ts. speeches

1 file

U DPW/7/64 File. Arms control 1985. Ts. speech, CND briefing Jan-Dec 1985 paper, International Communications Agency official texts, bulletins of Council for Arms Control, ts. notes, correspondence, ts. lecture and report

1 file

U DPW/7/65 File. Arms control 1986. Press releases, Jan-Nov 1986 International Communication Agency official texts, bulletins of Council for Arms Control, correspondence and newsletter

1 file

U DPW/7/66 File. Arms control 1986. International Feb-Dec 1986 Communication Agency official texts and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/67 Artificial file. Arms control. Bulletins of Council for Jan-Nov 1987 Arms Control, CND defence briefing, Conservative Party briefing notes and correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/7/68 File. Arms talks 1984. Press release, International Jan-Dec 1984 Communication Agency official texts, bulletins of Council for Arms Control, conference programme and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/69 File. 'The church and the bomb'. Correspondence, Nov 1980-Aug Church of report andrecommendations, 1984 and Conservative Research Department paper

1 file

U DPW/7/70 File. 'Christian approach [to defence]'. Jun 1966-Aug Correspondence, ts. speech, ts. notes of British 1967 Council of Churches, ms. and ts. notes and ts. papers of conference on Christian approaches to defence

1 file

U DPW/7/71 Ms. notebook. 'Civil defence' 20th cent.

1 item

U DPW/7/72 File. Civil defence 1981. Newsletters and leaflet of Sep 1981-May National Council for Civil Defence, and 1982 correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/73 File. Civil defence 1983. Ts. reports, newsletter, Jan 1983-Aug ts. notes and legal opinion on civil defence 1986 regulations

1 file

U DPW/7/74 File. Conference on Security and Cooperation in Nov-Dec 1980 Europe. International Communication Agency official texts regarding Madrid review of CSCE and Helsinki accords

1 file

U DPW/7/75 File. Defence cuts, 1966. Conservative Research Jul 1966 Department paper

1 file

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U DPW/7/76 File. Defence cuts, 1967. Ms. notes and letter Apr 1967

1 file

U DPW/7/77 File. Defence cuts, January 1968. Conservative Jan 1968 Research Department paper, Monday Club press release and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/78 File. Defence cuts, July 1968. Conservative Jul 1968 Research Department paper, notes on meeting of Conservative Party Defence Committee officers, ts. speech and Air League paper

1 file

U DPW/7/79 File. Defence cuts, 1975. Articles, ts. notes of Dec 1974-Dec Conservative Party Defence Committee, 1975 Conservative Research Department papers, ts. notes, ts. statement and photocopied article by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/7/80 File. Defence cuts, 1976. Ms. notes, Jan-Dec 1976 correspondence and press cutting

1 file

U DPW/7/81 File. 'Defence debate - February 1967'. Ts. notes, Feb-Mar 1967 Conservative Research Department paper and Labour Party pamphlet

1 file

U DPW/7/82 File. 'Defence debate - July 1967'. Ts. notes, ts. Jul 1967 paper regarding RAF resources and Conservative Research Department paper

1 file

U DPW/7/83 File. 'Defence debate - November 1967'. Nov 1967 Conservative Research Department papers and ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/7/84 File. 'Defence debate 1968'. Conservative Feb-Mar 1968 Research Department papers and ts. address by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/7/85 File. 'Defence debate 1971'. Ms. and ts. notes, Sep 1970-Mar written parliamentary question and Monday Club 1971 pamphlet on aviation policy

1 file

U DPW/7/86 File. 'Defence debate 1972'. Ms. notes, Feb 1972 correspondence and Conservative Research Department paper

1 file

U DPW/7/87 File. 'Defence debate 1985'. Ms. notes, Apr 1984-Jun correspondence, ts. notes and North Atlantic 1985 Assembly reports

1 file

U DPW/7/88 File. 'Defence debate 1986'. Ms. notes, Jun 1986 Conservative Research Department paper, correspondence and CND parliamentary briefing

1 file

U DPW/7/89 File. 'Monday Club defence pamphlet'. Pamphlet, 17 Feb-15 Dec 'British defence policy in the 1970s', with ts. and 1969 ms. drafts, press cutting, correspondence and fact sheet

1 file

U DPW/7/90 File. 'Defence estimates'. Press releases, written Nov-Dec 1980 parliamentary question and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/91 File. Defence personnel. Correspondence Jan 1968

1 file

U DPW/7/92 File. 'Defence reorganisation'. Conservative Party Jun-Jul 1963 'Talking Point' and letter

1 file

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U DPW/7/93 File. 'Defence review'. Correspondence, ms. and Feb-Mar 1966 ts. notes and ts. paper, 'The maritime aspect of the 1966 Defence White Paper'

1 file

U DPW/7/94 File. 'Defence (Transfer of Functions) Bill'. Ts. and Nov 1963-Mar ms. notes 1964

1 file

U DPW/7/95 File. Detente. Ts. speeches, ts. statement, draft 1975-1976 United Nations declaration and ts. notes, all relating to conference on non - proliferation treaty

1 file

U DPW/7/96 File. Disarmament 1954. Conservative Party Apr 1954 'Talking Point'

1 file

U DPW/7/97 File. Disarmament 1958. Ts. paper about Jan 1958 thermonuclear reactions

1 file

U DPW/7/98 File. Disarmament 1959. Memorandum, letter and Sep 1959 text of Conservative Party broadcast

1 file

U DPW/7/99 File. Disarmament 1961. Ts. notes, statements Mar 1961 and resolutions of 7th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference

1 file

U DPW/7/100 File. Disarmament 1962. Conservative Research Jan-Dec 1962 Department papers and discussion notes, correspondence and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/101 File. Disarmament 1963 - 1964. Conservative Sep 1963-1964 Research Department papers, ts. notes, ts. address to Geneva Disarmament Conference, and Conservative and Labour Party leaflets

1 file

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U DPW/7/102 File. Disarmament 1966 - 1967. Report of Jun 1966-May International Assembly on Nuclear Weapons, ts. 1967 notes, British Council of Churches conference papers and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/103 File. Disarmament 1968. Correspondence, draft 1967-Apr 1968 non - proliferation treaty and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/104 File. Disarmament: United Nations General Oct-Dec 1962 Assembly, 17th session. Agenda, reports and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/105 File. 'Labour defence cuts'. Ministry of Defence Mar-Dec 1974 booklet, ts. statement, Conservative Research Department paper and Labour Party press releases

1 file

U DPW/7/106 File. 'Labour defence policy'. Ts. article, 'The Feb 1987 insecurity of Labour's defence' by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/7/107 File. 'Mutual Balanced Force Reduction'. Ts. 1972-1976 conference notes, North Atlantic Assembly reports and ts. notes, and briefing papers

1 file

U DPW/7/108 File. 'Mutual Balanced Force Reduction'. North Jul 1972-Oct Atlantic Assembly reports, ts. address, article by 1974 Patrick Wall, ts. and ms. notes, Atlantic Council conference paper and Adelphi paper

1 file

U DPW/7/109 File. 'Mutual Balanced Force Reduction'. North 1977-1979 Atlantic Assembly report and Foreign Affairs Research Institute paper

1 file

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U DPW/7/110 File. 'Multilateral forces'. Adelphi paper, ms. notes Mar-Oct 1964 and reports

1 file

U DPW/7/111 File. Nuclear tests. Conservative Party 'Talking Oct 1961-Aug Points' and statement of Medical Research 1963 Council

1 file

U DPW/7/112 File. Nuclear war 1981. Foreign Affairs Research Jul-Dec 1981 Institute paper and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/113 File. Nuclear war 1982. Ministry of Defence and Aug-Nov 1982 Foreign Office pamphlets, ts. speech, International Communication Agency official text and report on 2nd special United Nations session on disarmament

1 file

U DPW/7/114 File. Nuclear war 1982. Correspondence, Jan 1982-Dec International Communications Agency official 1983 texts, CND leaflet, newsletters and ts. speech

1 file

U DPW/7/115 File. Nuclear war 1983. Reports of Joint Feb-Dec 1983 Committee on the Medical Effect of Nuclear War, Conservative Medical Society and Medical Directors Association, correspondence, and Conservative Party and CND briefing notes

1 file

U DPW/7/116 File. Nuclear war 1984. Pamphlets and papers Jan-Oct 1984 about conference of Scientists Against Nuclear War, and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/117 File. 'Post - Helsinki agreement'. North Atlantic Jul 1975-Oct Assembly reports, Foreign Affairs Research 1977 Institute papers, correspondence, newsletters and ts. notes

1 file

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U DPW/7/118 File. SALT [Strategic Arms Limitation Talks]. Ts. Oct 1970-Apr briefing paper, Atlantic Education Trust pamphlet 1975 and International Press Service notes

1 file

U DPW/7/119 File. SALT [Strategic Arms Limitation Talks] II. Mar 1978-Oct Correspondence, International Communications 1979 Agency official texts, articles by Patrick Wall, ts. speeches and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/120 File 'Baghdad pact'. Conservative Commonwealth Feb 1956-Jul Council and Conservative Party background 1958 papers and Royal Institute of International Affairs memorandum

1 file

U DPW/7/121 File. The Gulf. Conservative Commonwealth and Jan 1972 Overseas Council background papers, article by Patrick Wall and ts. report of visit

1 file

U DPW/7/122 File. Indian Ocean 1966. Ms. notes, Apr-Aug 1966 correspondence, Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas Council background paper and ts. draft articles by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/7/123 File. Indian Ocean 1968. Correspondence Oct-Dec 1968

1 file

U DPW/7/124 File. Indian Ocean 1969. Correspondence, ts. Feb-Nov 1969 paper and ts. report

1 file

U DPW/7/125 File. Indian Ocean 1970. Correspondence, ts. Aug 1969-Dec reports of overseas visits and ms. notes 1970

1 file

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U DPW/7/126 File. Indian Ocean 1971 - 1972. Correspondence, Nov 1970-Jul ts. papers, ts. and ms. notes, and ts. speech by 1972 Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/7/127 File. Indian Ocean 1974. Reports, ts. article, May-Dec 1974 correspondence and ts. speeches

1 file

U DPW/7/128 File. Indian Ocean 1975 - 1976. Ts. speeches by Nov 1974-Oct Patrick Wall, correspondence, Conservative 1976 Research Department paper, ts. notes and letter to Editor of 'Air Power' from Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/7/129 File. Indian Ocean - 1977 & 1979. Ts. notes, 1977-1979 correspondence, Foreign Affairs Research Institute papers and ts. paper on SHAPEX 1977

1 file

U DPW/7/130 File. Middle East. Ms. notes, Conservative Apr 1966-Nov Commonwealth and Overseas Council research 1967 notes, correspondence and Monday Club fact sheets

1 file

U DPW/7/131 File. Armed forces pay. Conservative Research Jan-Jun 1978 Department papers, correspondence, ts. speeches and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/132 File. Army 1958 - 1960. Ts. draft letter about army 1958-1960 pay rises, programmes of demonstration by Royal Armoured Corps, and of parliamentary visit to Fighting Vehicles Research Development Establishment, and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/133 File. Army 1961 - 1962. Ts. notes, Conservative Jul 1961-Sep Party 'Talking Point', Conservative Research 1962 Department papers, programmes for visit by MPs to of the Rhine and correspondence

1 file

Page 205 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/134 File. Army 1965. Correspondence, Conservative Jul-Aug 1965 Research Department paper and reply to written parliamentary question

1 file

U DPW/7/135 File. Army 1966. Conservative Research May-Dec 1966 Department papers, including about the Gurkha brigade (with draft and related correspondence)

1 file

U DPW/7/136 File. Army 1967. Correspondence and May-Nov 1967 Conservative Research Department paper

1 file

U DPW/7/137 File. Army 1968. Correspondence (limited) Feb-Oct 1968

1 file

U DPW/7/138 File. Army 1969. Correspondence and Jan-Nov 1969 Conservative Research Department paper

1 file

U DPW/7/139 File. Army 1970. Press release, correspondence, Oct 1969-Nov Conservative Research Department papers and 1970 ts. report on visit to Far East

1 file

U DPW/7/140 File. Army 1971. Correspondence and programme May-Sep 1971 of recruitment tour by 13th / 18th Royal Hussars in Yorkshire

1 file

U DPW/7/141 File. Army 1975 - 1976. Ts. notes regarding 1975-1976 defence review, correspondence, and Foreign Affairs Research Institute papers

1 file

U DPW/7/142 File. Army 1982 - 1983. Correspondence Sep 1982-Jul 1983 1 file

Page 206 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/143 File. Army 1985. Correspondence and Ministry of Mar-Nov 1985 Defence paper

1 file

U DPW/7/144 File. 'Army reorganisation study group - 1967'. Ms. Jun 1967-May notes, Conservative Research Department 1968 papers, ts. report and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/145 File. British Army of the Rhine. Correspondence Nov-Dec 1986 and report of visit by Lords and MPs

1 file

U DPW/7/146 File. Royal Air Force 1955. Minutes of Feb 1955 Conservative Party Defence Committee, Air Sub Committee

1 file

U DPW/7/147 File. Royal Air Force 1957. Letter and ts. Jan-Nov 1957 statements about Royal Auxiliary Air Force fighter squadrons, and minutes of Conservative Party Defence Committee Air Sub Committee, and joint meeting with Civil Aviation Committee

1 file

U DPW/7/148 File. Royal Air Force 1963. Correspondence and Apr-Jul 1963 programmes of parliamentary visits

1 file

U DPW/7/149 File. Royal Air Force 1965. Correspondence, Jan-Apr 1965 Conservative Research Department papers, ts. statement, and Conservative and Labour Party 'Talking Points'

1 file

U DPW/7/150 File. Royal Air Force 1966. Ts. speech and May-Jul 1966 Conservative Research Department paper

1 file

Page 207 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/151 File. Royal Air Force 1969. Correspondence, Air Feb-Nov 1969 League annual report and Conservative Research Department papers

1 file

U DPW/7/152 File. Royal Air Force 1970. Draft Monday Club Jan-Nov 1970 report on aviation policy, correspondence and Conservative Research Department paper

1 file

U DPW/7/153 File. Royal Air Force 1971. Correspondence, ts. Apr-Oct 1971 notes and pamphlet

1 file

U DPW/7/154 File. Royal Air Force 1973. Air League Mar-Aug 1973 newsletters, correspondence, British Aircraft Corporation memorandum and Conservative Research Department paper

1 file

U DPW/7/155 File. Royal Air Force 1974. Ms. notes, ts. paper of Apr-Nov 1974 British Aircraft Corporation, and Air League newsletter, annual report and accounts, and review of activities

1 file

U DPW/7/156 File. Royal Air Force 1976. Article and ts. papers Jan-Nov 1976

1 file

U DPW/7/157 File. Royal Air Force 1977 - 1978. Jan 1977-Aug Correspondence, ms. notes and ts. extracts from 1978 speech to Air League

1 file

U DPW/7/158 File. Royal Air Force 1980. Correspondence, ts. Nov 1979-Jan notes and written parliamentary question 1981

1 file

U DPW/7/159 File. Royal Air Force 1982. Correspondence and Feb-Mar 1982 ts. notes

1 file

Page 208 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/160 File. Royal Air Force 1983. Correspondence and May-Oct 1983 written parliamentary question

1 file

U DPW/7/161 File. Royal Air Force 1984. Correspondence Mar-Apr 1984 (limited)

1 file

U DPW/7/162 File. Royal Air Force 1985. Correspondence Aug-Nov 1985 (limited)

1 file

U DPW/7/163 File. Royal Air Force 1986. Letter and Westland Dec 1986 helicopters annual results

1 file

U DPW/7/164 File. Royal Marines. Correspondence, ts. article Dec 1958-Feb and ts. notes 1968

1 file

U DPW/7/165 File. Royal Marines. Correspondence Feb 1960-Oct 1961 1 file

U DPW/7/166 File. Royal Marines. Correspondence May 1962-May 1965 1 file

U DPW/7/167 File. Royal Marines. Correspondence Jan 1963-Nov 1964 1 file

U DPW/7/168 File. Royal Marines. Correspondence Mar 1963-Aug 1964 1 file

U DPW/7/169 File. Royal Marines. Correspondence, Recruiting Dec 1964-Sep Team programme, ts. notes, newsletter and 1965 agenda of Royal Marines Sailing Club

1 file

U DPW/7/170 File. Royal Marines. Correspondence Feb 1968-Jan 1974 1 file

Page 209 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/171 File. Royal Marines. Correspondence Mar 1982-Jul 1983 1 file

U DPW/7/172 File. Royal Marines Parliamentary Group. Nov 1972-Apr Correspondence, membership lists and ms. notes 1978

1 file

U DPW/7/173 File. Royal Marines Parliamentary Group. Jun 1978-Apr Correspondence and membership lists 1980

1 file

U DPW/7/174 File. Royal Marines Parliamentary Group. Apr-Jul 1980 Correspondence and membership lists

1 file

U DPW/7/175 File. Royal Marines Parliamentary Group. May 1980-Aug Correspondence 1982

1 file

U DPW/7/176 File. Royal Marines Parliamentary Group. Feb-Jul 1985 Membership list and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/177 File. Royal Navy 1954. Correspondence and Apr-Dec 1954 minutes of Conservative Parliamentary Committee for Defence

1 file

U DPW/7/178 File. Royal Navy 1955. Correspondence Jan-Dec 1955

1 file

U DPW/7/179 File. Royal Navy 1956. Report of Conservative Apr-Jul 1956 Parliamentary Committee for Defence: Navy Sub Committee, ts. notes, correspondence, Navy League leaflets and programme for the presentation of colours at RMS Eastney

1 file

U DPW/7/180 File. Royal Navy 1957. Correspondence and ts. Mar-May 1957 notes

1 file

Page 210 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/181 File. Royal Navy 1958. Correspondence, ts. notes Feb-Mar 1958 and Navy League leaflet

1 file

U DPW/7/182 File. Royal Navy 1959. Conservative Reasearch Jan-Sep 1959 Department background notes, press cutting of letter to 'The Times' from Patrick Wall, correspondence and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/183 File. Royal Navy 1961. Correspondence Mar 1960-Nov 1961 1 file

U DPW/7/184 File. Royal Navy 1962 - 1963. Ts. Navy League Aug 1962-May statement and correspondence 1963

1 file

U DPW/7/185 File. 'Royal Navy 1964. Ts. newsletter, Jul 1963-Oct correspondence and ts. notes 1964

1 file

U DPW/7/186 File. Royal Navy 1965. Ts. articles and Mar-Oct 1965 correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/187 File. Royal Navy 1966. Correspondence, Royal Sep 1964-Nov Navy information pack, newsletters, ts. speech, ts. 1966 paper and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/188 File. Royal Navy 1967. Navy League annual Feb-Aug 1967 report, correspondence and Conservative Research Department paper

1 file

U DPW/7/189 File. Royal Navy 1968. Correspondence and ts. Feb-Dec 1968 paper

1 file

Page 211 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/190 File. Royal Navy 1969. Correspondence, Feb-Nov 1969 newsletters, ts. paper, Royal Marines open day programme, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/191 File. Royal Navy 1970. Correspondence and Feb 1968-Nov newsletters 1970

1 file

U DPW/7/192 File. Royal Navy 1971. HMS Ark Royal Jan-Nov 1971 information pack, correspondence, Royal Marines Association programme and newsletter, and membership list of Royal Marine Officers dinner club

1 file

U DPW/7/193 File. Royal Navy 1972. Correspondence, ts. notes Jan-Oct 1972 and ts. papers

1 file

U DPW/7/194 File. Royal Navy 1973. Correspondence, Mar 1972-Aug newsletter, ts. script of Royal Navy presentation 1973 tour 1972, and Royal Marine Officers dinner club AGM minutes and membership list

1 file

U DPW/7/195 File. Royal Navy 1974. Ms. notes, Royal Marine Oct 1973-Dec Officers dinner club minutes and membership list, 1974 ts. script of Royal Navy presentation tour 1974, press cutting, newsletters and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/196 File. Royal Navy 1975. Ts. notes and speech, Feb 1968-Dec correspondence, research papers and newsletters 1975

1 file

U DPW/7/197 File. Royal Navy 1976. Ts. and ms. notes, Jan-Nov 1976 correspondence, ts. lecture paper and Royal Marines Association newsletter

1 file

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U DPW/7/198 File. Royal Navy 1977. Correspondence, ts. Sep 1976-Feb papers, ts. speech, ts. and ms. notes 1978

1 file

U DPW/7/199 File. Royal Navy 1978. Ts. notes, Sep 1975-Jul correspondence, ts. speech, draft papers, Foreign 1979 Affairs Research Institute background papers, plans and brochure regarding the Flower project, and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/200 File. Royal Navy 1980. Correspondence, ts. notes Jan-Aug 1980 regarding the Flower project and United States Naval Institute annual report

1 file

U DPW/7/201 File. Royal Navy 1980. Correspondence, plans May-Dec 1980 and ts. notes regarding the Sirus pocket destroyer and press release

1 file

U DPW/7/202 File. Royal Navy 1981. Submission of Portsmouth Jan 1980-Aug City Council to the Royal Dockyards Review, 1981 correspondence, ts. papers and reports, minutes of Royal Marine Officers dinner club, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/203 File. Royal Navy 1982. Correspondence, ts. Sep 1981-Nov papers, press release, ts. notes and ts. draft 1982 reports

1 file

U DPW/7/204 File. 'Naval defence 1982'. Correspondence, 1982 reports, ts. and ms. notes, and ts. speech Including:

a) File. 'Naval forces information. 1981 - 1982'. Ts. notes on the French Fleet 1 file

Page 213 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/205 File. Royal Navy 1983. Correspondence, Sep 1982-Dec Merchant Navy and Airline Officers Association 1983 memorandum, press cutting, Greenwich Forum pamphlet and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/206 File. Royal Navy 1984. Correspondence, ts. paper Dec 1983-Dec and ts. statement to United States House Armed 1984 Services Committee

1 file

U DPW/7/207 File. Royal Navy 1985. Correspondence, ts. Jan-Dec 1985 briefing notes, Royal Marine Officers dinner club minutes and statement of accounts, and British Maritime League newsletter

1 file

U DPW/7/208 File. Royal Navy 1986. Ts. notes, correspondence Jan-Aug 1986 and ts. speech

1 file

U DPW/7/209 File. Royal Navy 1988. Newsletter, press release, Mar-Nov 1988 Royal Marine Officers dinner club minutes and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/210 File. Royal Navy 1989. Correspondence and Mar-Dec 1989 Royal Marine Officers dinner club minutes

1 file

U DPW/7/211 Artificial file. Royal Navy. Ts. report, 'A new type 20th cent. of warship for the Royal Navy' by WDG Blundell

1 file

U DPW/7/212 File. 'Navy and aircraft carrier'. Correspondence Dec 1969-Apr and ts. paper, 'British maritime strategy in the 1970 1970s'

1 file

U DPW/7/213 File. 'Navy background papers 1977 - 1982'. Jan 1977-Jan Correspondence, ts. papers and reports 1982

1 file

Page 214 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/214 File. 'Navy estimates debate 1967'. Ts. and ms. Feb-Mar 1967 notes, and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/215 File. 'Navy estimates 1968'. Correspondence, and Mar-Jul 1968 ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/216 File. 'Navy estimates 1969'. Correspondence, ts. Feb-Apr 1969 notes and Conservative Research Department paper

1 file

U DPW/7/217 File. 'Navy debate 1970'. Ts. paper with ms. draft, Apr 1969-May Conservative Research Department papers, ms. 1970 notes and letter

1 file

U DPW/7/218 File. 'Navy estimates 1978'. Ts. and ms. drafts of 1978 paper, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/219 File. 'Fleet Air Arm 1969'. Correspondence and ts. Feb-Nov 1969 notes

1 file

U DPW/7/220 File. 'Nuclear power - Royal Navy'. Dec 1958-May Correspondence 1960

1 file

U DPW/7/221 File. 'Submarines'. Ms. and ts. drafts of 'The Feb 1970 armament of fleet submarines' and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/222 File. Territorial Army 1965 - 1966. Conservative Dec 1965-Jan Party 'Talking Point', correspondence and 1966 Conservative Research Department paper

1 file

Page 215 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/223 File. Soviet forces 1974. Report on Russian Oct-Nov 1974 equipment, ts. speech and statistics of NATO and Soviet forces

1 file

U DPW/7/224 File. Soviet forces 1976. Correspondence, ts. Feb-Mar 1976 paper and Foreign Affairs Research Institute papers

1 file

U DPW/7/225 File. Soviet forces 1977. Foreign Affairs Research 1977 Institute papers

1 file

U DPW/7/226 File. Soviet forces 1978. Ms. and ts. notes 1978 regarding the Soviet Navy

1 file

U DPW/7/227 File. Soviet forces 1980 - 1981. Conference Aug 1980-Sep programme of Association for the Cooperation of 1981 Democratic Countries, Heritage Foundation newsletter, Foreign Affairs Research Institute paper, International Communications Agency official text, and ms. and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/228 File. Soviet forces 1982. Foreign Affairs Research Mar-Apr 1982 Institute paper and International Communications Agency official texts

1 file

U DPW/7/229 File. United States forces 1974 - 1975. Ms. notes, Dec 1974-May ts. speeches and ts. paper 1975

1 file

U DPW/7/230 File. United States forces 1976 - 1977. Foreign Dec 1976-Jun Affairs Research Institute paper, correspondence 1977 and ts. speech

1 file

Page 216 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/231 File. United States forces 1980. Pamphlet of 1978-1980 Defence Sub Committee, Republican Advisory Council on National Security and International Affairs, ts. speech, Heritage Foundation press releases, International Communication Agency official texts, Foreign Affairs Research Institute papers and American Defence Preparedness Association bulletins

1 file

U DPW/7/232 File. United States forces 1981. International 1981-1982 Communications Agency official texts, Foreign Affairs Research Institute papers and ts. extracts from evidence given by Casper Weinberger to United States House Armed Services Committee

1 file

U DPW/7/233 File. United States forces 1982. International Jul 1981-Sep Communications Agency official texts, letter and 1982 ts. paper

1 file

U DPW/7/234 File. United States forces 1983. International Aug-Dec 1983 Communications agency official text and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/235 File. United States forces 1985. Ts. speech, May-Dec 1985 International Communications Agency official text and newsletter

1 file

U DPW/7/236 File. United States forces 1986. International Feb-Jun 1986 Communications Agency official texts and article by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/7/237 File. 'HMS Eagle 1972'. Correspondence, ts. Jan-Apr 1972 paper and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/238 File. 'Service hovercraft 1971'. Correspondence Jul-Dec 1971

1 file

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U DPW/7/239 File. Missiles 1965 - 1966. Western European 1965-1966 Union report by Duncan Sandys, Adelphi paper no.22 by Sir John Slessor and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/240 File. Missiles 1967 - 1968. Ts. notes, Oct 1967-Mar correspondence, American Security Council 1968 newsletter, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/241 File. Nuclear deterrent. Conservative Central Apr 1957-Apr Office leaflets, Conservative Research 1967 Department papers and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/242 File. Strategic Defence Initiative. Foreign Affairs 1981-1986 Research Institute paper, ms. andts. notes, ts. paper, correspondence, North Atlantic Assembly reports, ts. speech and articles by Patrick Wall, and CND parliamentary briefings

1 file

U DPW/7/243 File. Conference on Security and Cooperation in Dec 1971-Jul Europe. Council of Europe memorandum, 1975 Conservative Research Department paper, Western European Union brief, 'The proposed European Security Conference, 1954 - 1971', correspondence, ts. notes and Hungarian Embassy pamphlet

1 file

U DPW/7/244 File. Greenwich Forum conference on 'Britain and Feb 1973-Apr the sea'. Ts. conference papers and reports, 1975 correspondence and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/245 File. Greenwich Forum. Reports of meetings at Jan 1977-Jul House of Lords, ts. conference papers on 'Europe 1981 and the sea' and correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/7/246 File. British Atlantic Committee. Correspondence, Jan 1961-Dec report and resolutions 1964

1 file

U DPW/7/247 File. British Atlantic Committee 1966. 1965-1966 Correspondence and ts. report

1 file

U DPW/7/248 File. British Atlantic Committee, 1966 - 1967. Sep 1966-Nov Correspondence, memorandum, minutes of AGM, 1967 resolution and ts. report

1 file

U DPW/7/249 File. British Atlantic Committee 1970. Jan 1970-Jul Correspondence, programme, ts. notes and 1971 minutes

1 file

U DPW/7/250 File. British Atlantic Committee 1971. Annual Jan-Dec 1971 report, ts. correspondence, agenda, resolution, income and expenditure account, and minutes of AGM

1 file

U DPW/7/251 File. British Atlantic Committee 1972. Newsletter, Jan-Dec 1972 correspondence, reports, resolution, minutes of AGM, agenda, accounts, ts. notes and annual report of Navy League

1 file

U DPW/7/252 File. British Atlantic Committee 1973. Agenda, Dec 1972-Nov report, minutes of Council and AGMs, accounts, 1974 resolutions, correspondence and ts. speeches

1 file

U DPW/7/253 File. European Atlantic Group 1974. Jun 1972-Jun Correspondence, minutes of AGM, balance sheet 1974 and report

1 file

Page 219 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/254 File. British Atlantic Committee 1979. Oct-Nov 1979 Correspondence, agenda, balance sheet and accounts, newsletter and minutes of Council

1 file

U DPW/7/255 File. British Atlantic Committee & European Oct 1979-Jul Atlantic Group 1981. Minutes of Council and 1981 AGM, newsletters and agenda, correspondence, NATO resolution, and annual report and balance sheet

1 file

U DPW/7/256 File. British Atlantic Committee & European Dec 1981-Aug Atlantic Group 1982. Minutes of AGM and 1982 newsletter, annual report and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/257 File. British Atlantic Committee & European Dec 1982-Dec Atlantic Group 1983. Minutes, mainly of AGMs, 1983 correspondence, ts. notes, newsletter, balance sheet and accounts and report

1 file

U DPW/7/258 File. British Atlantic Committee 1984. Newsletter, Feb-Dec 1984 correspondence, agenda, balance sheet and accounts, and minutes of Council and of Parliamentary Maritime Group

1 file

U DPW/7/259 File. British Atlantic Committee & European Apr 1986-Dec Atlantic Group 1986. Agenda, minutes of AGMs, 1987 balance sheet and accounts, newsletter, reports and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/260 File. British Maritime League 1983. Nov 1982-Sep Correspondence, reports and newsletters 1983

1 file

U DPW/7/261 File. British Maritime League & Parliamentary Feb-Sep 1986 Maritime Group 1986. Newsletter, annual report, correspondence and press release

1 file

Page 220 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/262 File. British Maritime League & Parliamentary Mar 1985-Oct Maritime Group 1987. Circular letters, reports, 1987 newsletter, memorandum for House of Commons Transport Committee and minutes

1 file

U DPW/7/263 File. Conservative Parliamentary Committee for Nov 1965-Jan Defence. Correspondence, Conservative 1967 Research Department papers, ts. questions and minutes

1 file

U DPW/7/264 File. Conservative Parliamentary Committee for Dec 1966-Dec Defence. Ts. notes, correspondence, press 1967 release, ts. speech and minutes

1 file

U DPW/7/265 File. Conservative Parliamentary Committee for Jan-Nov 1968 Defence. Ts. notes of committee officers' meetings, correspondence, press release and Conservative Research Department paper

1 file

U DPW/7/266 File. Conservative Parliamentary Committee for Dec 1968-Jul Defence. Ts. notes of committee officers' 1969 meetings, Conservative Research Department paper and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/267 File. Conservative Parliamentary Committee for Nov 1971-May Defence. Correspondence and ts. notes of 1972 committee officers' meetings

1 file

U DPW/7/268 File. Conservative Parliamentary Committee for Jan 1973-Oct Defence. Ts. notes, correspondence, 1975 Conservative Research Department papers, press release and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/269 File. Conservative Parliamentary Committee for Feb-Apr 1977 Defence. Correspondence

1 file

Page 221 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/270 File. Conservative Parliamentary Committee for Nov 1959 Defence: Navy Sub Committee 1959. Minutes, membership list and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/271 File. Conservative Parliamentary Committee for Nov 1959-Jan Defence: Navy Sub Committee 1960. Minutes, 1961 correspondence and ts. notes regarding visits

1 file

U DPW/7/272 File. Conservative Parliamentary Committee for Nov 1960-Nov Defence: Navy Sub Committee 1961. 1961 Correspondence, minutes, ts. statement on defence estimates and report

1 file

U DPW/7/273 File. Conservative Parliamentary Committee for Jul 1966-Mar Defence: Nuclear Sub Committee. Report on visit 1967 to installations, correspondence and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/274 File. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 1981. Jun-Nov 1981 Correspondence, Conservative Research Department papers, ts. speakers' notes, World Disarmament Corps, Pax Christi and Common Cause pamphlets and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/275 File. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 1982. Sep 1981-Dec Correspondence, minutes of British Atlantic 1982 Committee, Common Cause leaflets, Federation of Conservative Students publicity material, transcript of Labour Party broadcast, ts. statement, ts. and ms. notes and ts.paper

1 file

U DPW/7/276 File. 'Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament key Jan 1982-Mar papers'. Correspondence, parliamentary briefing, 1985 ts. address, Conservative Research Department papers and ts. notes

1 file

Page 222 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/277 File. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 1983. Jan-Dec 1983 Correspondence, Coalition of Peace through Security publicity material, CND, Ministry of Defence, Foreign Office and Common Cause pamphlets, bulletin of Council for Arms Control and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/278 File. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 1984. Apr-Nov 1984 Women and Families for Defence and CND pamphlets, newsletters, correspondence, and parliamentary briefing

1 file

U DPW/7/279 File. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 1985. Jan-Dec 1985 Correspondence and parliamentary briefings

1 file

U DPW/7/280 File. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 1986. May 1986 Correspondence, parliamentary briefings and Women and Families for Defence leaflet

1 file

U DPW/7/281 File. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 1987. Jan 1986-Sep Correspondence with CND, Mothers for Peace, 1987 Families for Defence and International Institute for Peaceful Change

1 file

U DPW/7/282 File. Institute for Strategic Studies and Military 1964-May 1974 Commentators Circle. Chairman's reports, accounts, correspondence and minutes

1 file

U DPW/7/283 File. Miscellaneous defence organisations: Jan 1960-Feb including British Atlantic Committee and Navy 1977 League. Correspondence, ts. notes, ts. speech, minutes, resolutions, reports, accounts and newsletter

1 file

Page 223 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/284 File. Miscellaneous defence organisations: Feb 1972-Oct including International Institute for Strategic 1977 Studies and British Atlantic Committee. Chairman's report and accounts, correspondence, resolution, agenda, accounts, newsletter and minutes

1 file

U DPW/7/285 File. Miscellaneous defence organisations: Jan 1973-Mar including British Atlantic Committee, Navy League 1976 and Air League. Correspondence, minutes, accounts, resolutions, reports and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/286 File. Miscellaneous defence organisations: Mar 1978-Sep including British Atlantic Committee. 1979 Correspondence, ts. notes, accounts, minutes and newsletter

1 file

U DPW/7/287 File. Miscellaneous defence organisations: Feb-Dec 1978 including British Atlantic Committee, and Institute for Strategic Studies. Correspondence, minutes, newsletter, resolutions, report and accounts

1 file

U DPW/7/288 File. Miscellaneous defence organisations: May 1979-Nov including British Atlantic Committee, North Atlantic 1980 Assembly and Western European Union. Correspondence, accounts, agenda, ts. notes, minutes, reports and resolutions

1 file

U DPW/7/289 File. Miscellaneous defence organisations: British Dec 1980 Atlantic Committee. Ts. notes and minutes

1 file

U DPW/7/290 File. Miscellaneous defence organisations: Dec 1984-Sep including British Atlantic Committee, 1985 Parliamentary Maritime Group and International Institute of Strategic Studies. Newsletters, correspondence, minutes and briefing notes

1 file

Page 224 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/291 File. Miscellaneous defence organisations: Jan-Nov 1989 including British Maritime League. Newsletters, correspondence, annual report and Monday Club paper

1 file

U DPW/7/292 File. Miscellaneous defence organisations: Jan-Nov 1990 including Naval Photograph Club, 49 Commando Royal Marines Association, Military Commentators Circle, Women and Families for Defence and British Maritime League. Circular letters, annual report, minutes and newsletters

1 file

U DPW/7/293 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1958 - Apr 1954-Dec 1960. Correspondence, ts. notes, Conservative 1959 Research Department paper, ts. speech, and leaflet and speech about 5th anniversary

1 file

U DPW/7/294 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1962. Aug-Sep 1962 Correspondence and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/295 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1963. Dec 1962-Oct Correspondence, British Atlantic Committee 1963 agendas and resolution, ts. speeches, reports, ts. notes and ts. statement

1 file

U DPW/7/296 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1964 - Sep 1964-Oct 1965. Ts. speech, background notes, 1965 correspondence and ts. paper, 'The future of the Atlantic Alliance'

1 file

U DPW/7/297 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1966. Jul 1965-Jul Correspondence, British Atlantic Committee 1966 paper, 'The British survey', and reports

1 file

Page 225 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/298 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1967. Nov 1965-Feb Correspondence, report, ts. notes and 1967 Conservative Research Department paper

1 file

U DPW/7/299 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1968. Mar-Dec 1968 British Atlantic Committee report, correspondence and press release

1 file

U DPW/7/300 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1969. Nov 1968-Jan Correspondence, ts. notes, report and 1970 Conservative Research Department paper

1 file

U DPW/7/301 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1970. 21 Jan 1970 NATO pamphlet and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/7/302 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1971. Feb-Sep 1971 Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/303 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1972. Apr 1965-Dec Articles 1972 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The British survey. A short guide to NATO', British Society for International Understanding, [1972] 1 file

U DPW/7/304 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1973. May-Aug 1973 Atlantic Treaty Association and Western European Union pamphlets, correspondence and ts. paper

1 file

U DPW/7/305 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1974. Feb 1973-Jul Newsletter, North Atlantic Assembly, Western 1974 European Union and Council of Europe reports and papers, ts. and ms. notes, ts. speech, Centre for Defence Information pamphlets, ts. articles and Conservative Research Department paper

1 file

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U DPW/7/306 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1974. Feb 1974-Jun Atlantic Education Trust pamphlet, North Atlantic 1975 Assembly reports and paper, ts. and ms. notes and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/307 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1975. Nov 1974-Oct Correspondence, ts. notes, North Atlantic 1975 Assembly reports and papers, ts. speeches and Western European Union information document

1 file

U DPW/7/308 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1976. Dec 1975-Nov Correspondence, Foreign Affairs Research 1976 Institute papers, ts. articles, ts. notes, North Atlantic Assembly papers, minutes and reports, and transcript of television broadcast

1 file

U DPW/7/309 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1977. Jan-Aug 1977 Foreign Affairs Research Institute papers, reports, ts. speeches, correspondence, ts. articles, correspondence and minutes of British Atlantic Committee

1 file

U DPW/7/310 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1977. Ts. Dec 1977 articles and Foreign Affairs Research Institute paper

1 file

U DPW/7/311 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1978. Ts. Jan 1977-Apr articles and papers by Patrick Wall, ts. and ms. 1979 notes, North Atlantic Assembly papers and report, and Foreign Affairs Research Institute papers

1 file

U DPW/7/312 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1979. Mar-Sep 1979 North Atlantic Assembly papers, correspondence, minutes of British Atlantic Council, Western European Union paper and ts. report

1 file

Page 227 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/313 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1980. 1979-1980 Foreign Affairs Research Institute papers, International Communications Agency official text and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/7/314 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1981. Jan-Dec 1981 Correspondence, newsletters, International Communications Agency official texts, North Atlantic Assembly reports, ts. speech, Conservative Party briefing notes and ts. article

1 file

U DPW/7/315 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1982. Nov 1981-Nov Newsletters, North Atlantic Assembly reports, ts. 1982 articles and International Communication Agency official texts

1 file

U DPW/7/316 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1983. Nov 1982-Dec Correspondence, North Atlantic Assembly reports 1983 and International Communications Agency official texts

1 file

U DPW/7/317 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1984. Apr-Nov 1984 Correspondence, newsletters and ts. papers

1 file

U DPW/7/318 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1985. Ts. Jan-Dec 1985 reports, correspondence, ts. speeches, Foreign and Commonwealth Office background notes, International Communications Agency official text and articles

1 file

U DPW/7/319 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1986. Ts. Oct 1985-Dec speeches, press release, correspondence, 1986 International Communications Agency official text and ts. report

1 file

Page 228 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/7/320 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1987 - Apr 1987-Aug 1988. Correspondence, newsletters, NATO 1988 pamphlet, and Centre for Strategic and International Studies and Atlantic Institute for International Affairs papers

1 file

U DPW/7/321 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Defence Jan-Aug 1976 Policy [Sub Committee of Conservative Parliamentary Committee for Defence]. Correspondence, report, agenda and minutes, with ms. and ts. drafts, and Foreign Affairs Research Institute papers

1 file

U DPW/7/322 File. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation defence. Jul 1981 Royal College of Defence Studies course paper, 'Proposed improvements for the defence of NATO's Northern Flank', submitted by Brig. Gen. Andrew G Christie, Canadian Forces

1 file

U DPW/7/323 File. Navy League. Article, with ts. and ms. drafts, Feb 1968-Nov for 'Navy League Annual', correspondence, ts. 1969 paper, and Monday Club fact sheet

1 file

U DPW/7/324 File. Women and Families for Defence. Circular Feb 1986-Jul letters 1989

1 file

U DPW/8 Devolution 1973-1979

U DPW/8/1 File. Conservative Action for Electoral Reform. Sep 1974 Correspondence, reports and press release

1 file

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U DPW/8/2 File. Devolution. Correspondence, ms. and ts. Jun 1974-Apr notes 1978 Including:

a) Ts. 'The Conservative commitment to a Scottish Assembly', Conservative Research Department Briefing Note, no. 44, 9 December 1976 1 file

U DPW/8/3 File. Devolution. Correspondence, ms. and ts. Aug 1973-Mar notes 1979 Including:

a) Ts. 'Royal Commission on the Constitution (Kilbrandon Report)', Conservative Research Department, 1 November 1973 b) Ts. 'The disunited kingdom', Patrick Wall MP, [1975] 1 file

U DPW/9 Education 1952-1985

U DPW/9/1 File. Bradford University. Correspondence about a Jun 1968-Oct visit by Patrick Wall and unrest by leftwing 1969 students Including:

a) 'The Right Approach', University of Bradford Conservative Association, vol. 2, no. 3 and 'Freshers' Conference Edition', [1968 - 1969] 1 file

U DPW/9/2 File. Cambridge University. Correspondence Jan 1969-Jan 1970 1 file

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U DPW/9/3 File. Conservative Party policy. Correspondence 1959 Including:

a) Ts. 'Conservative policy on comprehensive schools', Conservative Research Department, 18 March 1959 b) Ts. 'General Election 1959. Questions of policy. National Union of Teachers' questions to candidates', Conservative and Unionist Central Office, no. 46, 24 September 1959 c) Ts. 'General Election 1959. Questions of policy. Questionnaire from National Union of Women Teachers', Conservative and Unionist Central Office, no. 60, 29 September 1959 1 file

U DPW/9/4 File. Conservative Party Policy. Correspondence Jul 1964-Jan Including: 1971

a) 'Report on pre-school and primary education', National Advisory Committee on Education, [1970] b) 'Report on higher and further education', National Advisory Committee on Education, [1970] 1 file

U DPW/9/5 File. Democratic Alliance. Correspondence Oct 1969-Aug Including: 1970

a) 'Democratic Alliance News', no. 1, September 1970 b) 'Current Information Digest', (5), no. 2 - no. 7, 19 January 1970 - August / September 1970 1 file

U DPW/9/6 File. Durham University. Correspondence about Dec 1968 national university unrest

1 file

U DPW/9/7 File. Education Bill, 1959. Correspondence, ts. Nov 1957-Jun and ms. notes about financial provision for 1959 building work at voluntary schools Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Voluntary Secondary Schools. The Catholic case for increased grant', Catholic Council for England and Wales, May 1959 1 file

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U DPW/9/8 File. Education Bill. Correspondence about Local Jan 1960-Nov Education Authority grants to university students, 1961 parental choice and the payment of fees for children attending independent schools

1 file

U DPW/9/9 File. Education: general, 1961. Ts. and ms. notes Jul 1961

1 file

U DPW/9/10 File. Education: general. Correspondence and ts. Aug 1961-Nov notes 1962 Including:

a) 'The Educational Newsletter', College of Preceptors, no. 102, November 1962 1 file

U DPW/9/11 File. Education: general, 1963. Conservative Party Jun-Nov 1963 research papers Including:

a) 'The Educational Newsletter', College of Preceptors, no. 106, June 1963 1 file

U DPW/9/12 File. Education: general, 1964. Correspondence Jan-Nov 1964 and leaflets Including:

a) 'The Educational Newsletter', College of Preceptors (2), nos. 111 - 113, January - March 1964 1 file

U DPW/9/13 File. Education: general, 1965. Correspondence Dec 1964-Feb Including: 1965

a) 'The Educational Newsletter', College of Preceptors (2), nos. 116 - 117, January - February 1965 b) Ts. speech to the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, 'Teaching of science in schools, with particular regard to the future application of science', Sir Graham Savage, 15 December 1964 c) Ts. undelivered speech to the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, 'Science teaching in schools', William G Rhodes, 15 December 1964 1 file

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U DPW/9/14 File. Education: general. Correspondence about Nov-Dec 1967 the teaching of party politics in schools

1 file

U DPW/9/15 File. Education: general, 1969. Correspondence Jul-Nov 1969 and ms. notes Including:

a) Ts. 'Teachers' salaries dispute', Conservative Research Department, 27 November 1969 b) Pamphlet. 'Danger! This service is alive!', Young Volunteer Force Foundation, [1969] 1 file

U DPW/9/16 File. Education: general, 1970. Correspondence 1969-1970 and ts. notes about educational welfare and school book expenditure

1 file

U DPW/9/17 File. Education: general, 1972. Correspondence Jun-Sep 1972 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Raising the school leaving age', National Association of Schoolmasters, [1972] b) Ts. 'Speech by Secretary of State for Education and Science to Association of Education Committees', 23 June 1972 1 file

U DPW/9/18 File. Education: general, 1973. Correspondence Dec 1972-Jun and leaflet about secondary school expansion 1973 Including:

a) Ts. 'Education: progress report by Mrs Margaret Thatcher on the White Paper 'Education: a framework for expansion'', 22 June 1973 b) Ts. 'Education: a framework for expansion', Conservative Research Department, 8 December 1972 1 file

U DPW/9/19 File. Education: general, 1974. Correspondence Dec 1972-Aug and reports 1974 Including:

a) Ts. 'Supply day debate- education 3 July 1974', Conservative Research Department, 1 July 1974 1 file

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U DPW/9/20 File. Education: general, 1975. Correspondence Oct-Nov 1975 and reports Including:

a) Ts. 'Labour's economics in education', Conservative Research Department, 20 October 1975 1 file

U DPW/9/21 File. Education: general, 1976. Correspondence 1976 and ts. amendments made by the House of Lords to the Education Bill

1 file

U DPW/9/22 File. Education: general, 1977. Correspondence Feb-Jul 1977 and reports Including:

a) Report. 'Educating our children. Four subjects for debate', Department of Education and Science, [1977] b) Pamphlet. 'This is a community? An address to the National Union of Teachers National Education Conference', 1977, Sir Alex Smith, [1977] 1 file

U DPW/9/23 File. Education: general, 1978. Correspondence Nov 1978-Jun Including: 1979

a) Ts. 'Education Bill 1979', Conservative Research Department, 18 June 1979 1 file

U DPW/9/24 File. Education: general, 1979. Correspondence Nov-Dec 1979 about the Education (no. 2) Bill, Schools Milk and Meals

1 file

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U DPW/9/25 File. Education: general, 1980. Correspondence Oct 1979-Dec and ts. notes 1980 Including:

a) Ts. Conservative Research Department publications (4) about tuition fees for overseas students and the assisted places scheme, 5 November 1979 - 29 October 1980 b) Ts. 'Estimates debate- education', Conservative Research Department, 'Scots Tory Briefing', no. 2, 23 June 1980 1 file

U DPW/9/26 File. Education, 1981. Letters Jul-Nov 1981

1 file

U DPW/9/27 File. Education: general, 1982. Correspondence Jan-Nov 1982 and reports

1 file

U DPW/9/28 File. Education: general, 1983. Correspondence, Nov 1982-Oct reports and press release 1983

1 file

U DPW/9/29 File. Education: general, 1984. Correspondence Jan-Sep 1984 and reports Including:

a) Ts. 'Raising standards in education', Conservative Research Department Briefing Note, no. 1, 12 January 1984 1 file

U DPW/9/30 File. Education: general, 1985. Correspondence Feb 1983-Aug and ts. notes 1985

1 file

U DPW/9/31 File. Essex University. Correspondence about a Jun 1968-Mar visit by Patrick Wall and the question of free 1969 speech

1 file

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U DPW/9/32 File. Federation of Conservative Students. Jan-Mar 1970 Correspondence Including:

a) Programme for the Annual Conference at the University of , 23 - 26 March 1970 1 file

U DPW/9/33 File. Foreign universities, 1970. Correspondence Mar-Nov 1970 about student unrest

1 file

U DPW/9/34 File. Guildford School of Art. Correspondence, Nov 1968-Mar notes and reports about student unrest 1969

1 file

U DPW/9/35 File. Hull University. Correspondence about a visit Jun 1968-Mar by Patrick Wall and student unrest 1970

1 file

U DPW/9/36 File. Independent secondary schools Sep-Nov 1973 Including:

a) Ts. speech. 'Education, liberty and the free society', Norman St John Stevas MP, to the Headmasters' Conference, Cambridge, 26 September 1973 b) Ts. speech, 'The significance of the direct grant schools. Variety and choice in a free society', Norman St John Stevas MP to Merchant Taylors' School, Liverpool, 1 November 1973 1 file

U DPW/9/37 File. Kent University. Correspondence about a May 1968 visit by Patrick Wall and student unrest

1 file

U DPW/9/38 File. 'Key papers 1'. Unrest in higher education Mar 1968-Jan 1969 1 file

U DPW/9/39 File. 'Key papers 2'. Unrest in higher education 1968-1978

1 file

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U DPW/9/40 File. Lancaster and Liverpool Universities. Oct 1968-May Correspondence about visits by Patrick Wall and 1969 student unrest

1 file

U DPW/9/41 File. 'Leeds University key letters'. Apr 1968-Dec Correspondence about a visit by Patrick Wall and 1969 student unrest

1 file

U DPW/9/42 File. Leeds University. Correspondence about May-Aug 1968 Patrick Wall's visit received after the event

1 file

U DPW/9/43 File. Leeds University. Correspondence and May 1968-Mar student propaganda against Patrick Wall after his 1969 visit

1 file

U DPW/9/44 File. London School of Economics. Jan-Aug 1969 Correspondence about student unrest

1 file

U DPW/9/45 File. London University. Correspondence Nov 1968-Mar 1970 1 file

U DPW/9/46 File. Manchester University. Letter from May 1968 Manchester University's Socialist Society detailing their General Policy Statement

1 file

U DPW/9/47 File. Monday Club Universities' Group. May 1968-Sep Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes, promotional 1970 material and minutes

1 file

U DPW/9/48 File. National Union of Students. Correspondence Feb-Mar 1968 about student grants

1 file

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U DPW/9/49 File. Newcastle University. Correspondence about Dec 1968 a visit by Patrick Wall and student unrest

1 file

U DPW/9/50 File. Portsmouth College of Technology. Feb 1968-Mar Correspondence about a visit by Patrick Wall and 1969 student unrest

1 file

U DPW/9/51 File. Public schools. Correspondence and ts. Sep 1966-Feb report of the Friends of the Girls' Public Day 1967 School Trust Autumn meeting 1966

1 file

U DPW/9/52 File. Radical Student Alliance. Correspondence 1970 and promotional material

1 file

U DPW/9/53 File. Revolutionary movements. Correspondence Jul 1965-May and ts. notes about extreme leftwing organisations 1969

1 file

U DPW/9/54 File. Revolutionary Socialist Student Federation. 1969 Correspondence, reports and leaflet

1 file

U DPW/9/55 File. Robbins Report on Higher Education. Oct 1963-Feb Correspondence and reports 1964

1 file

U DPW/9/56 File. Salford University. Correspondence about a Feb 1970 visit by Patrick Wall and student unrest

1 file

U DPW/9/57 File. Schools. Circulars from teaching unions on 1952-Nov 1960 the education of girls, equal pay and conditions in schools, correspondence and ts. notes Including:

a) Minutes of the Conservative Parliamentary Education Committee, 14 July 1958 1 file

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U DPW/9/58 File. Schools. Correspondence and press Jan 1967-Sep releases 1970

1 file

U DPW/9/59 File. Schools: key papers. Ts. and ms. notes Feb 1969-Sep Including: 1970

a) Ts. 'Subversion in schools', Patrick Wall MP, with ms. notes, [1970] 1 file

U DPW/9/60 There is no file at this reference, see DPW/9/57 n.d.

1 file

U DPW/9/61 File. Scotland. Correspondence about the Sep-Nov 1968 University of Strathclyde and the Lieutenant Colonel Colin Mitchell's Rectorial campaign, Glasgow University

1 file

U DPW/9/62 File. Secondary education. Correspondence and Aug 1968-Dec reports 1969

1 file

U DPW/9/63 File. Secondary schools. Correspondence and ts. Nov 1968-Aug notes about student unrest 1970 Including:

a) Ts. 'Subversion in schools', Patrick Wall MP, with ms. notes, [1970] b) Ts. speech by Patrick Wall in Anlaby, 19 July [1970] 1 file

U DPW/9/64 File. Secondary schools, 1970. Correspondence Mar 1970 and reports

1 file

U DPW/9/65 File. Secondary schools, 1971. Correspondence Jan 1971 and publications

1 file

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U DPW/9/66 File. Secondary schools. Correspondence about Feb-Oct 1973 reorganisation

1 file

U DPW/9/67 File. Secondary schools, 1976. Correspondence Aug 1975-Jun and ts. notes 1976 Including:

a) Ts. speech, 'Conservatives and Comprehensives', Norman St John Stevas MP, to the Conservative National Advisory Committee on Education, 19 June [1976] 1 file

U DPW/9/68 File. Secondary school reorganisation. Dec 1964-Nov Correspondence 1965 Including:

a) Ts. 'Conservative policy towards reorganisation of secondary education as stated by the Right Honourable Sir Edward Boyle, in speeches at the Central Council of the National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations on 6 March 1965 and at the [Conservative] Party Conference on 14 October 1965. And a statement on secondary education prepared by the Education Sub Committee of the Conservative Party National Advisory Committee on Local Government', Local Government Department, Conservative Central Office, November 1965 1 file

U DPW/9/69 File. Secondary school reorganisation. Nov 1965-Oct Correspondence and reports 1966

1 file

U DPW/9/70 File. Sheffield University. Correspondence about a Oct-Nov 1968 visit by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/9/71 File. Southampton University. Correspondence Mar 1968-Mar about a visit by Patrick Wall and student unrest 1970

1 file

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U DPW/9/72 File. Student grants. Correspondence about Oct-Dec 1960 parental means test Including:

a) Ts. 'Awards to students in England and Wales', Conservative Research Department, 13 December 1960 1 file

U DPW/9/73 File. Student grants. Correspondence, press Dec 1970-Mar release and reports 1971

1 file

U DPW/9/74 File. Student grants. Correspondence Nov 1984-Feb 1985 1 file

U DPW/9/75 File. 'Student Power' pamphlet (Monday Club). Jul 1968-Feb Correspondence, press release, ts. and ms. notes 1969 and published version of pamphlet, with ms. and ts. drafts

1 file

U DPW/9/76 File. Students, 1970. Correspondence and leaflets Jan 1970-Jan 1971 1 file

U DPW/9/77 File. Students. Correspondence, memorandum, Dec 1970-Jul press release, and ms. and ts. notes about 1971 student unrest, and National Union of Students membership and finance Including:

a) Minutes of Monday Club Universities' Group, 27 June 1971 1 file

U DPW/9/78 File. Students, 1972. Correspondence about Oct 1972-Dec unrest and the imprisonment of school students in 1973 Northern Ireland

1 file

U DPW/9/79 There is no file at this reference, see DPW/9/78 n.d.

1 file

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U DPW/9/80 File. Students, 1974. Correspondence about the Mar 1974-Feb student grant system and the Youth and 1975 Community Bill, 1974

1 file

U DPW/9/81 File. Students, 1976. Correspondence, report and Feb-Nov 1976 press release about the National Union of Students and survey of student opinions

1 file

U DPW/9/82 File. Students, 1977. Anonymous report on Mar 1977 student maintenance grants

1 file

U DPW/9/83 File. 'Students, key papers 1968 - 1969'. Jul 1965-Feb Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes 1969

1 file

U DPW/9/84 File. 'Students, key papers 1970 - 1971'. Feb 1967-Oct Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes 1968

1 file

U DPW/9/85 File. Students' Union finance, 1971. Jan 1971-Jan Correspondence, ms. notes, reports and 1972 memoranda Including:

a) Minutes of the Monday Club Universities' Group Representatives, 27 November 1971 1 file

U DPW/9/86 File. Student unrest. Correspondence and ts. and Oct 1968-Oct ms. notes 1972 Including:

a) Speech by Patrick Wall to the Annual General Meeting of the Monday Club Universities' Group, 27 November [1971] 1 file

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U DPW/9/87 File. Student violence and union funding. 1971-1973 Correspondence Including:

a) Ts. 'Who's getting at our kids?', Sam Swerling, for the Monday Club Home Affairs Committee, [1973] 1 file

U DPW/9/88 File. Sussex University. Correspondence and Oct 1968-Mar press release about a visit by Patrick Wall and 1970 student unrest Including:

a) Ts. speech by Patrick Wall about the University of Sussex Union's decision to prevent him from speaking at the University, 27 February [1970] 1 file

U DPW/9/89 File. Teachers, 1960. Correspondence and Jan-Jun 1960 memoranda from the National Union of Teachers and the National Union of Women Teachers about the profession

1 file

U DPW/9/90 File. Teachers. Correspondence, ts. notes, Feb-Oct 1961 memoranda and press releases Including:

a) Ts. 'Teachers' salaries and the Burnham Committee', Conservative Research Department, 3 October 1961 b) Ts. Extract from speech about teachers' salaries, Sir David Eccles, Minister of Education at the Annual Conference of the Association of Municipal Corporations, 27 September 1961 1 file

U DPW/9/91 File. Teachers. Correspondence about salary Jun-Dec 1966 awards Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Twenty young teachers', National Union of Teachers, November 1966 1 file

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U DPW/9/92 File. Teachers, 1970. Correspondence and ms. Jan-Dec 1970 notes about salary awards Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Teachers' salaries', National Union of Teachers Campaign brief 7, [1970] b) Pamphlet. 'The undergraduate view of teaching. A report on a survey conducted by the Assistant Masters Association', [1970] 1 file

U DPW/9/93 File. Teachers, 1972. Correspondence, report and Mar-Dec 1972 memorandum Including:

a) Ts. Mrs Thatcher's speech to the National Union of Teachers about salary awards, 4 April 1972 1 file

U DPW/9/94 File. Teachers, 1974. Correspondence about Feb 1973-Jul salary awards and conditions 1974 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Room for change. A report on teachers and their place of work', Assistant Masters Association, [1974] 1 file

U DPW/9/95 File. Teachers, 1976. Correspondence, ts. notes Oct 1975-Jun and memorandum about teaching standards and 1976 employment prospects

1 file

U DPW/9/96 File. Teachers, 1981. Correspondence about Jan-Jul 1981 salary awards

1 file

U DPW/9/97 File. Teachers, 1982. Correspondence and Feb-Oct 1982 reports

1 file

U DPW/9/98 File. Teachers, 1984. Correspondence about Oct-Dec 1984 teachers' pensions and the position of teachers in further and higher education

1 file

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U DPW/9/99 File. Teachers, 1985. Correspondence about Jan-Oct 1985 corporal punishment, the campaign against sea dumping, Post Office closures and the Water Fluoridation Bill

1 file

U DPW/9/100 File. Teachers' Superannuation Bill. Feb 1954-Oct Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes 1955 Including:

a) Ts. 'Teachers' superannuation', Conservative Research Department, May 1954 b) Ts. 'Teachers' superannuation', Conservative Research Department, 21 October 1955 1 file

U DPW/9/101 File. Universities. Ts. 'General Election 1959. Sep 1959 Questions of policy. Rating of charities report - universities', Conservative and Unionist Central Office

1 file

U DPW/9/102 File. Universities. Correspondence about Nov 1961-Sep university funding levels 1962

1 file

U DPW/9/103 File. Universities, 1964. Correspondence and Jan-Oct 1964 statements about expansion and adult education

1 file

U DPW/9/104 File. Universities, 1965. Correspondence about Feb-Dec 1965 teachers' salaries and means tested maintenance grants for university students

1 file

U DPW/9/105 File. Universities, 1966. Correspondence and Feb-Jul 1966 report about university discipline and national insurance contributions payable by students

1 file

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U DPW/9/106 File. Universities, 1967. Correspondence and Jan-May 1967 announcements about an increase in overseas students' fees and the cost of accommodation at Loughborough University of Technology

1 file

U DPW/9/107 File. Universities 1970. Correspondence, reports, Feb 1966-Oct financial papers and ts. notes about student 1970 unrest Including:

a) Ts. Constitution of the Students' Union, [no date] 1 file

U DPW/9/108 File. Universities. Correspondence about students Dec 1971-Jun 1972 1 file

U DPW/9/109 File. Universities, 1973. Correspondence about Jan-Mar 1973 student maintenance grants

1 file

U DPW/9/110 File. Universities, 1974. Correspondence and 1974 statements about the Open University, postgraduate study and teacher training

1 file

U DPW/9/111 File. Universities, 1981. Correspondence, press Mar-Nov 1981 releases and Conservative Party briefing paper on student loans, Student Union finance and overseas students

1 file

U DPW/9/112 File. Universities, 1982. Correspondence, report Mar 1981-Nov and press release about finance 1982 Including:

a) File. 'University cuts'. Correspondence, November 1981 - February 1982 b) Ts. Address to the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee by Dr Edward Parkes, Chairman of the University Grants Committee, about the position of universities in the 1980s, 20 July 1982 1 file

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U DPW/9/113 File. Universities,. Correspondence Dec 1982-Dec 1983 1 file

U DPW/9/114 File. Universities, 1984. Correspondence and Aug-Oct 1984 reports Including:

a) Annual report of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom, 1983 / 1984, September 1984 1 file

U DPW/9/115 File. Universities, 1985. Correspondence about Feb-Dec 1985 freedom of speech, expansion and links with industry

1 file

U DPW/9/116 File. University authorities. Correspondence and Oct 1968-Mar news statement 1970

1 file

U DPW/9/117 File. University students. Correspondence and ts. Nov 1970-Apr and ms. notes about student unrest 1971

1 file

U DPW/9/118 File. University unrest. Ts. notes Jan 1969-Jan Including: 1970

a) Speech by Patrick Wall in Anlaby, East Yorkshire, 15 June [1969] 1 file

U DPW/9/119 File. University unrest. Correspondence and ts. Apr 1966-Jul and ms. notes 1970

1 file

U DPW/9/120 File. University unrest. Correspondence and Sep 1966-Dec articles by Patrick Wall 1968

1 file

U DPW/9/121 File. University unrest. Correspondence Mar 1968-Mar 1970 1 file

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U DPW/9/122 File. University unrest. Correspondence and ts. Mar 1968-Mar notes 1970

1 file

U DPW/9/123 File. University of Wales Conservative Jan-Feb 1970 Association. Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/9/124 File. Violence. Correspondence and ts. notes Feb 1967-Jul about extremist organisations 1970

1 file

U DPW/9/125 File. Violence. Correspondence, press release Oct 1968-Feb and ts. notes about demonstrations 1970

1 file

U DPW/9/126 File. Voluntary schools, 1956. Correspondence, Nov 1955-Aug memorandum and ts. and ms. notes about Roman 1956 Catholic schools

1 file

U DPW/9/127 File. Voluntary Schools, 1957. Correspondence, Jul 1956-Jan memorandum and ts. and ms. notes about Roman 1958 Catholic schools

1 file

U DPW/9/128 File. Voluntary Schools, 1958. Correspondence Oct 1957-Jun and ts. and ms. notes about Roman Catholic 1958 schools Including:

a) Minutes of the Conservative Parliamentary Education Committee (2), February - June 1958 b) Annual report. Archdiocese of Westminster, Central School Fund, 1957 1 file

U DPW/9/129 File. Warwick University. Correspondence and ts. Oct 1967-Mar notes about a visit by Patrick Wall and student 1970 unrest

1 file

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U DPW/9/130 File. York University. Correspondence with the Aug 1967-Dec Conservative Association and Monday Club, 1969 including about a visit by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/10 Elections 1950-1987

U DPW/10/1 File. Election flyers for general and bye - elections 1951-1970 for Cleveland and Haltemprice constituencies

1 file

U DPW/10/2 File. General election, 1951. Correspondence May-Oct 1950

1 file

U DPW/10/3 File. General election, 1951. Correspondence, Sep-Oct 1951 telegrams, leaflets, ms. and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/10/4 File. General election, 1951. Correspondence, Sep-Dec 1951 telegrams and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/10/5 File. General election, 1951. Correspondence, Oct 1951 leaflets, ms. and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/10/6 File. General election, 1951. Correspondence Oct 1951-Apr regarding Cleveland constituency 1952

1 file

U DPW/10/7 File. Cleveland bye-election. Correspondence, ts. Oct 1951-Oct campaign timetable, posters, leaflets, ms. and ts. 1952 notes Including: a) Ts. 'Conservative Recruiting Campaign, 1952'. Bulletin no. 5, 17 October 1952 1 file

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U DPW/10/8 File. Cleveland bye-election, 1952. Jul-Dec 1952 Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes Including:

a) File. Telegrams, letters and draft programme of public meetings in support of Patrick Wall, September - November 1952 1 file

U DPW/10/9 File. Cleveland bye-election, 1952. Sep-Oct 1952 Correspondence, leaflets, flyers, ms. and ts. notes Including:

a) Ts. speech by Anthony Eden MP regarding British success under the Conservative government, 8 September 1952 1 file

U DPW/10/10 File. Cleveland bye - election, 1952. Sep 1952-Jul Correspondence, telegrams and ms. notes 1954

1 file

U DPW/10/11 File. London County Council election, 1952. Feb 1951-Jul Correspondence, leaflets, memoranda, ts. and 1953 ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/10/12 File. Haltemprice bye-election, 1954. Oct 1953-Mar Correspondence and telegrams 1954

1 file

U DPW/10/13 File. Haltemprice bye-election, 1954. Dec 1953-Dec Correspondence, leaflets, ms. and ts. notes 1954 Including:

a) Ts. 'Conservative Party Parliamentary Finance, Trade and Industry Committee. Note on Japanese Trade Agreement', Conservative Party Research Department, 4 December 1954 b) Ts. Cottingham Parish Magazine, February 1954 1 file

U DPW/10/14 File. Haltemprice bye-election, 1954. Jan-Feb 1954 Correspondence, telegrams, leaflets, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/10/15 File. Haltemprice bye-election, 1954. Jan-Mar 1954 Correspondence and telegrams

1 file

U DPW/10/16 File. Haltemprice bye-election, 1954. Jan-Apr 1954 Correspondence and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/10/17 File. General election, 1955: invitations. Feb-Dec 1954 Correspondence and ms. notes Including:

a) Minutes of the Annual County Conference, East Riding County, British Legion, 13 November 1954 1 file

U DPW/10/18 File. General election, 1955. Correspondence, Apr 1954-Dec telegrams and invitations 1955

1 file

U DPW/10/19 File. General election, 1955: invitations. Dec 1954-Jul Correspondence, ms. notes and ts. 'Diary 1955 arrangements for the coming months', December 1954 - March 1955

1 file

U DPW/10/20 File. General election, 1955. Correspondence, Mar-May 1955 telegrams, ms. and ts. notes Including:

a) Minutes of Conservative Party Parliamentary, Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee, 26 April 1955 b) Wallet. 'General Election, 26 May 1955. United for peace and progress. Folder of samples of publicity and propaganda material', Conservative and Unionist Central Office, May 1955 1 file

U DPW/10/21 File. General election, 1955. Correspondence, ts. May-Jun 1955 notes and leaflets Including:

a) Ts. 'The choice is clear', Patrick Wall, with ms. notes (3), 1955 1 file

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U DPW/10/22 File. General election, 1955. Correspondence and May-Jun 1955 telegrams

1 file

U DPW/10/23 File. General election, 1955. Ts. 'Questions of Apr-May 1955 policy', Conservative Party Research Department, with serial list and index (3)

1 file

U DPW/10/24 File. General election, 1955. Ts. notes, ts 'General May 1955 Election 1955 Sound Broadcast' nos. 1 - 9 and ts. 'General Election 1955 Television Broadcast' nos. 1 - 7

1 file

U DPW/10/25 File. General election, 1959. Correspondence, Jun 1956-Nov telegrams, leaflets and ms. notes 1959 Including:

a) Ts. 'General election, 1959. Questions of policy. United Nations Association Questionnaires', Conservative and Unionist Central Office, 16 September 1959 1 file

U DPW/10/26 File. General election, 1959. Anti - Labour Party Oct 1958-Oct correspondence, leaflets, Conservative Party 1959 research papers and press release

1 file

U DPW/10/27 File. General election, 1959. Ms. notes, Jul-Oct 1959 Conservative Party leaflets and 'Weekend Talking Point', no. 290, Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/10/28 File. General election, 1959. Correspondence, Sep-Oct 1959 telegrams and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/10/29 File. General election, 1959. Ts. and ms. notes for Sep-Oct 1959 election addresses

1 file

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U DPW/10/30 File. General election, 1959. Ts. notes, leaflets Sep-Oct 1959 and press release

1 file

U DPW/10/31 File. General election, 1959. Correspondence and Aug-Oct 1959 memoranda from Conservative and Unionist Central Office and Yorkshire Area Office

1 file

U DPW/10/32 File. General election, 1959. Ts. 'Questions of Sep-Oct 1959 policy', Conservative Party Research Department, with serial order list and index (2)

1 file

U DPW/10/33 File. General election, 1959. 'The next five years. Feb 1954-Oct Folder of samples of publicity and propaganda 1959 materials', Conservative and Unionist Central Office, including one Labour Party leaflet

1 file

U DPW/10/34 File. General election, 1959. Brief on Labour Party Aug-Oct 1959 election tactics, Conservative Research Department and transcripts of Labour Party general election broadcasts

1 file

U DPW/10/35 File. General election, 1959. Correspondence, ts. Sep-Oct 1959 and ms. notes about television coverage

1 file

U DPW/10/36 File. General election, 1959. Conservative Party Sep-Oct 1959 election leaflets and transcript broadcasts

1 file

U DPW/10/37 File. General election, 1959. Transcripts of Liberal Feb 1958-Oct Party general election broadcasts and 1959 Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/10/38 File. General election, 1959. Ts. 'Polling Day Oct 1959 Tour', Haltemprice constituency

1 file

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U DPW/10/39 File. General election, 1959. Ts. 'Gallup election Sep 1959 handbook - 1959'. Prepared for the 'News Chronicle'

1 file

U DPW/10/40 File. General election, 1964. Correspondence Jul-Oct 1964

1 file

U DPW/10/41 File. General election papers 1964. Conservative Nov 1963-Oct Party research papers, leaflets, correspondence 1964 and press release

1 file

U DPW/10/42 File. General election, 1964. Leaflets, ts. notes, Sep-Oct 1964 press releases, correspondence and ts. speech extracts Including:

a) Ts. 'What the election is about', Patrick Wall, [September 1964] b) Ts. 'Adoption speech of Mr Patrick Wall, Conservative candidate for Haltemprice and Beverley', with ms. notes (2), 25 September 1964 1 file

U DPW/10/43 File. General election, 1964. Correspondence and Sep-Oct 1964 reports

1 file

U DPW/10/44 File. General election, 1964. Correspondence and Sep-Dec 1964 telegrams

1 file

U DPW/10/45 File. General election, 1964. Correspondence and Sep-Oct 1964 memoranda from Conservative and Unionist Central Office

1 file

U DPW/10/46 File. General election, 1964. Ts. memoranda from Sep 1964-Mar Conservative Party Research Department 1966 suggesting questions to be put to Labour and Liberal candidates

1 file

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U DPW/10/47 File. General election, 1964. Ts. 'Questions of Sep-Oct 1964 policy', Conservative Party Research Department, with serial order list and index

1 file

U DPW/10/48 File. General election, 1964. Ts. Conservative Jun-Oct 1964 Party Brief on policy and ts. speech notes

1 file

U DPW/10/49 File. General election, 1964. Press releases and Sep-Oct 1964 transcripts of Conservative, Labour and Liberal party broadcasts

1 file

U DPW/10/50 File. General election, 1964. Leaflets from 1954-1964 Conservative, Labour and Liberal parties and 'Weekend Talking Point', no. 444, Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/10/51 File. General election, 1964. Conservative Party 1964 leaflets (5)

1 file

U DPW/10/52 File. General election, 1964. Ts. National Opinion Mar-Oct 1964 Poll results and ts. 'County Council elections, 1964. Summary of results'

1 file

U DPW/10/53 File. General election, 1964. Correspondence, Dec 1962-Sep reports and memoranda regarding Haltemprice 1964 constituency, with ms. notes regarding previous general election campaigns

1 file

U DPW/10/54 File. General election, 1966. Circular letters, ts. Jan-Mar 1966 speech notes, Conservative Party leaflets, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/10/55 File. General election, 1966. Correspondence and Mar-May 1966 telegrams

1 file

U DPW/10/56 File. General election, 1966. Correspondence, ms. Mar 1966 notes and Conservative Party election leaflets

1 file

U DPW/10/57 File. General election, 1966. Correspondence and Mar 1966 memoranda from Conservative and Unionist Central Office Including:

a) Transcript of Liberal Party election broadcast, 21 March 1966 1 file

U DPW/10/58 File. General election, 1966. Letter from Mar 1966 Conservative and Unionist Central Office and ts. 'Questions of policy', Conservative Party Research Department, with serial order list and index

1 file

U DPW/10/59 File. General election, 1966. Press releases and Feb-Mar 1966 transcripts of Conservative, Liberal, Labour and Communist party broadcasts Including:

a) Ts. 'Labour and cooperative funds', Conservative Party Research Department, 7 March 1966 1 file

U DPW/10/60 File. General election, 1966. Pamphlets 'The Mar 1966 Conservative goal. A call to action', Edward Heath MP and 'Food for thought for Conservative MPs', D R Stewart Allward

1 file

U DPW/10/61 File. General election, 1970. Correspondence and Apr-Jun 1970 leaflets

1 file

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U DPW/10/62 File. General election, 1970. Correspondence, May-Jun 1970 reports, press releases, ms. notes and Conservative Party election leaflets Including:

a) Record. 'Campaign', by Edward Heath MP, 1970 1 file

U DPW/10/63 File. General election, 1970. Correspondence, ms. Jun-Jul 1970 notes and Conservative Party leaflets Including:

a) Photographs (5). 'Vote Wall', featuring Patrick, Sheila and Rosemary Wall, [June 1970] 1 file

U DPW/10/64 File. General election, 1970. Correspondence Jun-Jul 1970

1 file

U DPW/10/65 File. General election, 1970. Memoranda and May-Jun 1970 letter from Conservative and Unionist Central Office

1 file

U DPW/10/66 File. General election, 1970. Ts. 'Questions of May-Jun 1970 policy', Conservative Party Research Department, with serial order list and index (4)

1 file

U DPW/10/67 File. General election, 1970. Transcripts of May-Jun 1970 Conservative, Labour and Liberal party television and radio broadcasts Including:

a) Ts. 'The Liberals. A spent farce', Conservative Party Research Department, 27 May 1970 1 file

U DPW/10/68 File. General election, 1970. Pamphlet, 'Make life 1968-1970 better', Conservative Party Research Department and Patrick Wall's election leaflets (2)

1 file

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U DPW/10/69 File. General election, February 1974. Mar 1973-Apr Correspondence and ms. notes 1974 Including:

a) File. Correspondence, March 1973 - April 1974 1 file

U DPW/10/70 File. General election, February 1974. Jan-Feb 1974 Correspondence, reports, ms. notes and Conservative Party leaflets Including:

a) Ts. 'Firm action for a fair Britain. The Conservative manifesto', 1974, Conservative Party, [February] 1974 b) Ts. 'Prices', Conservative Party Research Department, 18 February 1974 1 file

U DPW/10/71 File. General election, February 1974. Jan-Feb 1974 Correspondence and Patrick Wall's election leaflets (2)

1 file

U DPW/10/72 File. General election, February 1974. Ts. notes Feb 1974 and election leaflets Including:

a) Ts. 'The Labour Party manifesto, 1974', Labour Party, with ms. notes, [February 1974] 1 file

U DPW/10/73 File. General election, February 1974. Feb 1974 Memoranda from Conservative and Unionist Central Office

1 file

U DPW/10/74 File. General election, February 1974. Ts. Feb 1974 'Questions of Policy', Conservative Party Research Department, with serial order list and index Including:

a) Ts. 'Liberal policy', Conservative Party Research Department Reference Brief, February 1974 1 file

Page 258 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/10/75 File. General election, February 1974. 'Campaign Feb 1974 guide, 1974', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/10/76 File. General election, October 1974. 1974 Correspondence and reports

1 file

U DPW/10/77 File. General election, October 1974. Feb-Oct 1974 Correspondence, reports, press releases and Conservative Party research papers Including: a) '2 - Minute News Review', no. 13, Economic League, 1 July 1974 1 file

U DPW/10/78 File. General election, October 1974. Mar-Sep 1974 Correspondence and a Conservative Party leaflet

1 file

U DPW/10/79 File. General election, October 1974. Mar-Oct 1974 Correspondence and ms. notes Including:

a) Ts. 'The writing is on the wall', Commander Hyde C Burton, August 1974 1 file

U DPW/10/80 File. General election, October 1974. Jul-Nov 1974 Correspondence, memoranda, press releases, reports, ms. notes, Conservative Party leaflets and research papers

1 file

U DPW/10/81 File. General election, October 1974. Sep-Oct 1974 Correspondence, leaflets, ms. and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/10/82 File. General election, October 1974. Sep-Nov 1974 Correspondence and Conservative Party leaflets

1 file

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U DPW/10/83 File. General election, October 1974. Ts. Sep-Oct 1974 'Questions of Policy', Conservative Party Research Department, with serial order list and index (3)

1 file

U DPW/10/84 File. General election, 1979. Correspondence, Nov 1974-Sep press releases, Conservative Party research 1978 papers and leaflets, ms. and ts. notes Including:

a) Ts. 'Monday Club Facts Sheet. Defence', Monday Club, July 1978 1 file

U DPW/10/85 File. General election, 1979. Correspondence and Mar-May 1979 Conservative Party leaflets Including:

a) Ts. 'Tory challenge. Election supplement', Monday Club, April 1979 1 file

U DPW/10/86 File. General election, 1979. Circular letters Mar-May 1979

1 file

U DPW/10/87 File. General election, 1979. Correspondence, ms. Apr-Jun 1979 notes, election leaflets and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/10/88 File. General election, 1979. Correspondence, Apr 1979 reports, ms. notes and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/10/89 File. General election, 1979. Correspondence and Mar-Apr 1979 memoranda from Conservative and Unionist Central Office

1 file

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U DPW/10/90 File. General election, 1979. Correspondence, Mar-Apr 1979 press releases and ts. Conservative Party research papers, including 'Questions of policy' and the 1979 manifesto

1 file

U DPW/10/91 File. General election, 1979. Conservative Party May 1978-Apr Briefing Notes and ts. 'Monday Club Facts Sheet. 1979 Africa'

1 file

U DPW/10/92 File. General election, 1983. Correspondence Mar-Jun 1983

1 file

U DPW/10/93 File. General election, 1983. Correspondence, ts. Mar-Jun 1983 notes and Conservative Party leaflets

1 file

U DPW/10/94 File. General election, 1983. Correspondence, ms. Apr-Jun 1983 notes and pamphlet, Speakers' notes 1983, Conservative Research Department

1 file

U DPW/10/95 File. General election, 1983. Correspondence, May-Jun 1983 reports, Conservative Party research papers and leaflets

1 file

U DPW/10/96 File. General election, 1983. Correspondence Jun-Jul 1983

1 file

U DPW/10/97 File. General election, 1983. Letter, ms. notes and Jun 1983 Conservative Party leaflet promoting Philip Goodhart, candidate for Beckenham

1 file

U DPW/10/98 File. General election, 1983. Memoranda from May-Jun 1983 Conservative and Unionist Central Office and ts. 'Daily Notes Supplement', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

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U DPW/10/99 File. General election, 1983. Ts. 'Questions of May-Jun 1983 policy', Conservative Party Research Department, with subject index

1 file

U DPW/10/100 File. General election, 1983. Patrick Wall's Jun 1983 election leaflets, with drafts

1 file

U DPW/10/101 File. General election, 1983. Correspondence, ms. Apr-May 1983 and ts. notes regarding Haltemprice constituency

1 file

U DPW/10/102 File. General election, 1987. Correspondence Dec 1986-Aug 1987 1 file

U DPW/10/103 File. General election, 1987. Correspondence and Feb-Aug 1987 ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/10/104 Artificial file. General election, 1987. Mar-May 1987 Correspondence, ms. notes, Conservative Party research papers and Monday Club leaflets

1 file

U DPW/10/105 File. General election, 1987. Wallet, '1987 Briefing Jun 1987 Pack', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/11 Energy 1972-1987

U DPW/11/1 Artificial file. Energy. Background papers covering Jan 1972-Feb the coal and nuclear industries, and 1987 correspondence, including with constitutents about the Windscale (later Sellafield) nuclear reprocessing plant

1 file

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U DPW/11/2 File. Miners' strike. Background papers from Jan-Mar 1972 Conservative Research Deparment, Conservative Central Office and the National Coal Board

1 file

U DPW/11/3 File. Miners' strike. Background papers from 1973-1974 Conservative Research Department and Monday Club, and Economic League leaflets

1 file

U DPW/12 Finance and economics 1954-1987

U DPW/12/1 File. Budget, 1954. Correspondence from Hull Apr-Jun 1954 Retail Association, Hull and District Off Licence Holders Protection Association and Hull and District Chamber of Trade, ms. notes, Conservative Party 'Weekend Talking Point', financial statement 1954 - 1955 and copy of resolutions to be moved in Committee of Ways and Means by Chancellor of the Exchequer, 6 April 1954

1 file

U DPW/12/2 File. Budget, 1955. Financial statement for 1955 - Apr 1955 1956, with ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/12/3 File. Budget, 1957. Conservative Party 'Weekend Apr 1957 Talking Points' and Conservative Political Centre leaflet

1 file

U DPW/12/4 File. Pre-budget, 1958. Statement by President of Mar-May 1958 European Commission to European Parliament, Commonwealth and Industries Association bulletin and ts. notes regarding meeting of MPs concerning tax on cinema entertainment

1 file

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U DPW/12/5 File. Budget, 1958. Copy of resolutions to be Apr-May 1958 moved in Committee of Ways and Means by Chancellor of the Exchequer, 15 April 1958, Conservative Political Centre pamphlet and Conservative Party 'Talking Points'

1 file

U DPW/12/6 File. Pre - budget, 1959. Ts. notes regarding 1959 winding up speech in the 1959 budget debate

1 file

U DPW/12/7 File. Budget, 1961. Conservative Party 'Talking Apr-May 1961 Point' and Conservative Political Centre leaflets

1 file

U DPW/12/8 File. Budget, 1962. Tanganyika Information Jan-Apr 1962 Services budget survey 1962 - 1963, Labour and Conservative Party 'Talking Points', Conservative Party leaflets and copy of resolutions to be moved in Committee of Ways and Means by Chancellor of the Exchequer, 9 April 1962

1 file

U DPW/12/9 File. Budget: 1963. Labour and Conservative 1963 Party 'Talking Points'

1 file

U DPW/12/10 File. Budget, 1964. Conservative party 'Weekend Apr 1964 Talking Point'

1 file

U DPW/12/11 File. Budget, 1965. Aims of Industry pamphlet Apr-Jun 1965 regarding 1965 Finance Act, British Information Services notes, ts. notes regarding 1965 Finance Bill, Labour and Conservative Party 'Talking Points', Conservative Political Centre leaflet, ms. notes, memoranda of the Association of Unit Trust Managers and Leeds Incorporated Chamber of Commerce and correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/12/12 File. Budget, 1966. Conservative and Labour Feb-Jun 1966 Party 'Talking Points', circulars and memoranda, especially about the Selective Employment Tax

1 file

U DPW/12/13 File. Budget, 1969. Conservative Party 'Talking Feb-Jul 1969 Points', circulars and memoranda, including representations by the Confederation of British Industry to the Chancellor of the Exchequer

1 file

U DPW/12/14 Artificial file. Mini budget, 1970 and budget, 1971. Oct 1970-Apr Conservative Party 'Talking Points', background 1971 papers and representations by the Confederation of British Industry to the Chancellor of the Exchequer

1 file

U DPW/12/15 Artificial file. Budgets, 1972 and 1973. Mar 1972-Mar Conservative Party 'Talking Points' and 1973 representations by the Confederation of British Industry to the Chancellor of the Exchequer

1 file

U DPW/12/16 Artificial file. Budgets, 1976 and 1977. Circulars, Dec 1976-Jul memoranda and Conservative Research 1977 Department briefing note

1 file

U DPW/12/17 File. Budget, 1978. Circulars, and Conservative Apr-Jun 1978 Research Department briefing notes and journal, 'Politics Today', no. 8, 1 May 1978

1 file

U DPW/12/18 Artificial file. Budgets, 1980 and 1981. Circulars, Mar 1980-Apr memoranda, constituency correspondence and 1981 Conservative Research Department journal, 'Politics Today', no. 6, 6 April 1981

1 file

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U DPW/12/19 File. Budget, 1982. Conservative research papers, Apr 1980-Nov memorandum from the British Tourist Authority, 1982 House of Commons Library research paper and parliamentary briefs of the Confederation of British Industry

1 file

U DPW/12/20 File. Budget, 1983. Conservative Party research Jan 1983-Nov papers, financial statement and budget report, 1984 letters from the Small Business Bureau, Institute of Directors submission to the Chancellor and parliamentary brief, Confederation of British Industry

1 file

U DPW/12/21 File. Budget, 1984. Conservative Party research Jan-Nov 1984 papers, correspondence regarding the Confederation of British Industry, friendly societies and the National Union of Licensed Victuallers, TUC tax recommendations, Merchant Navy and Airline Officers Association pamphlet and press releases of the Inland Revenue, the Treasury, Bank of England and the Departments of Transport and National Savings

1 file

U DPW/12/22 File. Budget, 1985. Equal Opportunities Jan-Apr 1985 Commission briefing paper, correspondence regarding the Confederation of British Industry and pensions, ts. parliamentary brief and background papers and press releases of the Treasury, Inland Revenue, HM Customs and Excise and the Departments of Health and Social Security, Employment, and Education and Science

1 file

U DPW/12/23 File. Budget, 1987. Conservative Research Feb 1987 Department and British Chamber of Commerce briefing papers

1 file

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U DPW/12/24 File. Economics. Conservative Party 'Talking Mar 1958-Nov Points', press releases of the Council on Prices 1959 and Conservative Central Office

1 file

U DPW/12/25 File. Economics, 1960. Conservative Party Nov 1959-Aug 'Talking Points', Conservative Research 1960 Department briefing and pamphlet, and circular

1 file

U DPW/12/26 File. Economics, 1961. Conservative Political Jan-Dec 1961 Centre pamphlet, 'Prices and Jobs. A diagram of the home economy', Conservative Party 'Talking Points', circulars and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/12/27 File. Economics, 1962. Correspondence, 1961-1962 memorandum of the Amateur Boxing Association regarding income tax, Conservative and Labour Party 'Talking Points' and Conservative Party leaflet

1 file

U DPW/12/28 File. Economics, 1963. Barclays Bank Intelligence May-Dec 1963 Department leaflets, a Conservative Party research paper and Labour Party 'Talking Points'

1 file

U DPW/12/29 File. Economics, 1964. Conservative and Labour Feb-Jul 1964 Party 'Talking Points', Conservative Party leaflets and Barclays Bank Intelligence Department leaflet

1 file

U DPW/12/30 File. Economics, 1965. Barclays Bank 'Review', Feb 1965-Feb Aims for Industry press release and study 1966 regarding the National Board for Prices and Incomes, Labour Party 'Talking Point', Treasury economic report for 1964, Conservative Party leaflets, pamphlets of the British Road Federation, the International Freedom Academy and the Salvation Army, and correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/12/31 File. Economics, 1967. Labour Party 'Talking Jan-Oct 1967 Points', Conservative Research Department briefing, leaflets, transcript of Prime Minister's speech on education, 8 July 1967, ts. 'The British economy', by RBM Levick, circulars and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/12/32 File. Economics, 1968. Conservative Party Jan 1968-Jan 'Talking Point', leaflets, circulars and memoranda, 1969 including Economic Study Association paper no.1

1 file

U DPW/12/33 File. Economics, 1969 and 1970. Memoranda, Feb 1969-Oct circulars, correspondence and Conservative 1970 Political Centre briefings

1 file

U DPW/12/34 File. Economics, 1971 and 1972. Conservative Feb 1971-Nov Party 'Talking Points', Conservative Research 1972 Department briefings and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/12/35 File. Economics, 1973. Conservative Party Mar-Dec 1973 'Talking Points', Conservative Research Department briefing and Conservative Political Centre monthly report

1 file

U DPW/12/36 File. Economics, 1974. Circulars, memoranda, Dec 1973-Nov background papers, especially about the energy 1974 crisis, and ts. lectures

1 file

U DPW/12/37 File. Economics, 1975. Circulars and memoranda Feb-Apr 1975

1 file

U DPW/12/38 File. Economics, 1976. Circulars and Feb-Dec 1976 Conservative Research Department briefings

1 file

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U DPW/12/39 File. Economics, 1977 and 1978. Conservative Oct 1977-Jul Political Centre and Conservative Research 1978 Department briefings, circulars and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/12/40 File. Economics, 1979. Conservative Research Jun-Nov 1979 Department briefings and journal, 'Politics Today', no. 18, 19 November 1979, and circulars

1 file

U DPW/12/41 File. Economics, 1980. Conservative Research Nov 1979-Dec Department briefings (monthly current economic 1980 indicators) and circulars

1 file

U DPW/12/42 File. Economics, 1981. Conservative Research Jan-Dec 1981 Department briefings, circulars and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/12/43 File. Economy, 1982. Conservative Party research Mar 1979-Aug papers and circulars 1982

1 file

U DPW/12/44 File. Economy, 1983. Conservative Party research Jan 1982-Nov papers, correspondence regarding the Institute of 1983 Directors, the United Road Transport Union and the British Chamber of Commerce, and newsletter of the Economic League

1 file

U DPW/12/45 File. Economy, 1984. Conservative Party research Jan-Nov 1984 papers, correspondence and parliamentary brief of the Institute of Directors and Conservative Party members' briefing paper

1 file

U DPW/12/46 File. Economy, 1985. House of Commons Library Jan-Nov 1985 research paper, Conservative Party members' briefing paper and letter (TLS) from Nigel Lawson

1 file

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U DPW/12/47 File. Economy, 1986. Newsletter of the Anglo - Jan-Nov 1985 German Foundation, Conservative Party members' briefing paper, correspondence regarding the North Atlantic Assembly, the Economic League and the National Book Committee, House of Commons Library research note regarding taxation and Monday Club policy papers

1 file

U DPW/12/48 File. Finance, 1956. Bulletins of the Treasury Aug 1955-Jan Information Division, Empire Industries 1956 Association and British Empire League

1 file

U DPW/12/49 File. Finance, 1957. Conservative Party 'Weekend Aug-Nov 1957 Talking Point', correspondence, article regarding inflation and pamphlet, 'The new political economy', by Bruno Rimini

1 file

U DPW/12/50 File. Finance, 1958. Ms. notes, Treasury Sep-Nov 1957 information department bulletin and Conservative Party research paper

1 file

U DPW/12/51 File. Finance, 1959. Ms. notes and financial Apr 1959 statement for 1959 - 1960

1 file

U DPW/12/52 File. Finance, 1961. Leaflet of the Duodecimal Jun 1961 Society of Great Britain and ts. briefing paper regarding the Finance Bill

1 file

U DPW/12/53 File. Finance, 1963. Barclays Bank 'Review', Jan-Nov 1963 memorandum of the Young Conservatives regarding taxation and open letter to MPs

1 file

U DPW/12/54 File. Finance, 1964. Labour Party 'Talking Points' 1964 and Barclays Bank 'Review'

1 file

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U DPW/12/55 File. Finance, 1964 (post election). Barclays Bank Oct 1964-Jan Intelligence Department leaflet, memorandum 1965 regarding decimal coinage, Conservative Political Centre leaflet, Conservative and Labour Party 'Talking Points', Conservative Party leaflet, British Employers Confederation bulletin, Aims for Industry study regarding taxation and industrial costs in the United Kingdom, and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/12/56 File. Finance, 1965. Institute of Company Jan-Jul 1965 Accountants pamphlet regarding capital gains, Labour Party 'Talking Point', correspondence, memoranda to the Chancellor of the Exchequer from the Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants and the British Road Federation

1 file

U DPW/12/57 File. Finance, 1966. Circulars and memoranda Jan-Dec 1966

1 file

U DPW/12/58 File. Finance, 1967. Conservative Party 'Talking Jan-Jun 1967 Points', circulars and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/12/59 File. Finance, 1968 and 1969. Conservative Party Jun 1968-Jul 'Talking Points', circulars and memoranda, 1969 especially about the Selective Employment Tax

1 file

U DPW/12/60 File. Finance, 1971. Conservative Political Centre Feb-Aug 1971 briefing, circulars and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/12/61 File. Finance, 1972. Conservative Party 'Talking Jan-Nov 1972 Points', Conservative Political Centre leaflet, Conservative Research Department briefings, circulars and memoranda

1 file

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U DPW/12/62 File. Finance, 1973. Conservative Party 'Talking Jul 1973 Points', Conservative Research Department briefing, circulars and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/12/63 File. Finance, 1974. Conservative Research Apr-Nov 1974 Department and Conservative Political Centre briefings, circulars and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/12/64 File. Finance, 1975 and 1976. Conservative Feb 1975-Jun Research Department briefing, circulars and 1976 memoranda

1 file

U DPW/12/65 File. Finance, 1978. Conservative Research Jun-Jul 1978 Department briefing, circulars and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/12/66 File. Finance, 1979. Conservative Research May-Jul 1979 Department briefing, circulars and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/12/67 File. Finance, 1980. Conservative Research Nov 1979-Nov Department briefing, circulars and memoranda 1980

1 file

U DPW/12/68 File. Finance, 1981. Conservative Research Jan-Dec 1981 Department and Conservative Political Centre briefings, circulars and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/12/69 File. Finance, 1982. Conservative Party research Jun 1981-Nov papers, correspondence regarding state pensions, 1982 the Finance Bill, interest rates, banking and VAT, and House of Commons Library research paper

1 file

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U DPW/12/70 File. Finance, 1983. Conservative Party research Jan 1982-Dec papers, correspondence regarding charities and 1983 VAT, the Parliamentary Control of Expenditure Bill, motor tax, the National Union of Teachers in further and higher education and pensions, reports on capital underspending in the public sector and taxation, House of Commons Library research papers and financial statements of the Hong Kong government

1 file

U DPW/12/71 File. Finance, 1984. Memorandum from the Royal Oct 1983-Jan Institution of Chartered Surveyors, 1985 correspondence regarding charities, government debt, banking, tax on home improvements and friendly societies, parliamentary briefing papers of the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Institute of Directors, and press releases of the British Insurance Association and HM Customs

1 file

U DPW/12/72 File. Finance, 1985. Conservative Party members' Jan-Dec 1985 briefing note, correspondence regarding VAT on books, the Free of Probate Bill, stamp duty, charities and rates, Equal Opportunities Commission and Institute of Directors briefing papers, press release of the Workplace Nurseries Campaign, lecture by president of Insurance Institute of London, and address by chairman of the Stock Exchange

1 file

U DPW/12/73 File. Finance, 1986. Pamphlet of the Wine and Dec 1985-Jun Spirits Association, correspondence regarding the 1986 Department of Trade and Industry, Capital Income Brokers Ltd., VAT and the Financial Services Bill, consultation document regarding life assurance and unit trusts, Equal Opportunities Commission press release and Conservative Party research paper

1 file

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U DPW/12/74 File. Finance, 1987. Correspondence regarding Nov 1979-Mar oils and fats tax, TI Group and Mohamed Al 1987 Fayed, ts. papers regarding Al Fayed's finances, press releases of the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Department of Trade and Industry, Conservative Party members' briefing note and Conservative Party research paper

1 file

U DPW/12/75 File. Finance Bill 1958 part I. Purchase tax 19-21 May 1958 clauses. Ms. notes, ts. copies of clauses, schedules and amendments

1 file

U DPW/12/76 File. Finance Bill 1958 part II. Customs and Excise 12 Jun 1958 clauses. Ts. copies of clauses 3 - 6, amendments and list of debates

1 file

U DPW/12/77 File. Finance Bill 1958 part III. Income tax clauses 17-18 Jun 1958 12 - 19. Ts. copies of clauses and amendments

1 file

U DPW/12/78 File. Finance Bill 1958 part IV. Clauses 20 - 34. 18 Jun-1 Jul Amendments and ts. copies of clauses 1958

1 file

U DPW/12/79 File. 'Finance Bill (not called)'. Ts. copies of 1958 clauses at committee stage

1 file

U DPW/12/80 File. Finance Bill 1958. Ts. copies of clauses, 2 Jul 1958 amendments and notes regarding new clauses

1 file

U DPW/12/81 File. Finance Bill 1958: report stage. Copy of the 15 Jul 1958 bill with amendments

1 file

U DPW/12/82 File. Finance Bill 1959. Ts. notes regarding new 1959 clauses, ts. copies of clauses and amendments

1 file

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U DPW/12/83 File. Finance Bill 1959. Ts. copies of clauses, 15 Apr-11 May amendments and ts. notes 1959

1 file

U DPW/12/84 File. Finance Bill 1959. Amendments, ts. notes on 15 Jun-7 Jul new clauses and ts. copies of clauses 1959

1 file

U DPW/12/85 File. Finance Bill 1959. Correspondence, ts. 18-30 Jun 1959 copies of clauses, amendments and reports

1 file

U DPW/12/86 File. Finance Committee. Reports of meetings and Mar 1958-Nov ms. notes 1959

1 file

U DPW/12/87 File. Finance debates. Background papers Oct 1957-Nov 1958 1 file

U DPW/12/88 File. 'Incomes policy after the pay pause'. Mar 1961-Dec Memoranda to the Chancellor of the Exchequer 1962 from the British Leather Federation and the Glacier Project regarding national payment policy, Conservative Political Centre leaflets, Conservative 'Weekend Talking Points', research paper and leaflet, correspondence, Productivity Council pamphlet and articles from 'The Times'

1 file

U DPW/12/89 File. Inflation. Conservative Party 'Talking Points', Jan-Jun 1973 Conservative Research Department briefing, circulars and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/12/90 File. 'Stage II 1973 [price freeze]'. Conservative Apr-Dec 1973 Party 'Talking Points', ms. notes, background papers about energy, circulars and memoranda

1 file

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U DPW/12/91 File. 'Treasury correspondence'. Correspondence Apr 1958-Oct including regarding the Finance Bill, Friendly 1959 Societies, the International Monetary Fund and unit trusts

1 file

U DPW/12/92 File. VAT on books. Correspondence, petition and Oct 1984-Apr reports on the effects of VAT on newspapers and 1985 magazines

1 file

U DPW/13 Fisheries 1950-1985

U DPW/13/1 File. Fisheries correspondence, 1954. Also Sep 1950-Nov includes ts. notes and photographs of ship, 1954 Kingston Topaz, September 1950

1 file

U DPW/13/2 File. Fisheries correspondence, 1955 Nov 1954-Nov 1955 1 file

U DPW/13/3 File. Fisheries correspondence, 1960. Also Dec 1959-Jan includes ts. notes 1961

1 file

U DPW/13/4 File. Fisheries correspondence, 1961 Feb-Nov 1961

1 file

U DPW/13/5 File. Fisheries correspondence, 1962 - 1963 Feb 1961-May 1963 1 file

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U DPW/13/6 File. All Party Fisheries Sub Committee, Jan 1979-Sep Conservative Party Agriculture, Fisheries and 1980 Food Committee 1980. Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes, and minutes of meetings with Fish Producers' Organisations Including:

a) Letter from Alan Beith MP, 21 January 1980 b) Report. 'MAFF [Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food] informal ideas as to the future of inshore fisheries regulation', Association of Sea Fisheries Committees of England and Wales, [21 January 1980] 1 file

U DPW/13/7 File. Background papers. Correspondence and ts. 1950-1955 notes Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The dispute with Iceland. Memorandum submitted to the Council of Europe by the government of the United Kingdom', May 1955 b) Pamphlet. 'Problems of the continental shelf, reprinted from Revue Egyptienne de Droit International', 1950 1 file

U DPW/13/8 File. Background papers. Correspondence, Jun 1958-Aug memoranda, ts. notes and reports 1969 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Fish: an antiquated industry', Fabian Tract 380, 3 March 1968 b) Pamphlet. 'The political economy of fisheries, from nationalism to internationalism', R H Barback, University of Hull inaugural lecture, 1966 1 file

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U DPW/13/9 File. Background papers. Correspondence, ms. Mar 1976-Jul notes, memoranda, 'News from the British 1980 Industry', and press releases Including:

a) 'Draft council resolution concerning the introduction of fishing plans, submitted by the UK to the European Economic Community Fisheries Council', 23 - 24 November 1978 b) 'Fisheries brief. Debate on the adjournment, Thursday 15 June 1976', Conservative Research Department, 12 June 1978 c) 'Fisheries and the European Economic Community. The present position', Conservative Research Department, 30 December 1977 d) House of Commons Research Division background paper on whaling, July 1980 e) Maps of European Economic Community quota areas, 24 February 1977 & 14 April 1977 1 file

U DPW/13/10 File. Beam trawling. Correspondence Jan 1974-Mar 1976 1 file

U DPW/13/11 File. British Trawlers' Federation. Correspondence Nov 1956-Apr and ts. notes 1958

1 file

U DPW/13/12 File. British Trawlers' Federation 1963. Sep 1961-Jul Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes 1963

1 file

U DPW/13/13 File. British Trawlers' Federation 1967. Mar 1967-Jan Memoranda 1968

1 file

U DPW/13/14 File. British Trawlers' Federation 1968. Jan-Dec 1968 Memoranda and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/13/15 File. British Trawlers' Federation 1968. Apr-Jun 1968 Memoranda

1 file

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U DPW/13/16 File. British Trawlers' Federation 1969. Dec 1968-Aug Memoranda 1969 Including:

a) 'White Fish Authority, Economics Research Unit. Quarterly Bulletin', no. 4, January - March 1969 1 file

U DPW/13/17 File. British Trawlers' Federation 1969. Feb 1969-Jan Memoranda 1970

1 file

U DPW/13/18 File. British Trawlers' Federation 1970. Aug 1969-Dec Memoranda 1970

1 file

U DPW/13/19 File. Common Fisheries Policy 1977. British Jun 1976-Jan Fishing Federation memoranda, correspondence, 1978 ms. notes, 'News from the British Trawling Industry', and ts. notes Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The Greenwich Forum. The 200 miles exclusive fisheries limit. How is the government to meet its extended obligations afloat? Report of a meeting at the House of Lords, 29 November 1976', January 1977 b) 'Supplementary fish brief', Conservative Research Department, 18 January 1977 1 file

U DPW/13/20 File. Common Fisheries Policy 1978. Nov 1976-Sep Correspondence, 'News from the British Trawling 1978 Industry', press releases and ts. notes Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Fisheries of the European Community', White Fish Authority, December 1977 b) 'Report on a visit to the European Economic Community, 23 - 24 February 1977', ?Patrick Wall, ? 1 file

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U DPW/13/21 File. Common Fisheries Policy 1979. Nov 1978-Aug Correspondence and 'News from the British 1979 Trawling Industry'

1 file

U DPW/13/22 File. Common Fisheries Policy 1980. 1979-1981 Correspondence, European Communities Commission press releases, ms. notes and 'News from the British Trawling Industry' Including:

a) Folder. 'Comprehensive programme of assistance in the development and management of fisheries in economic zones', Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, [1979?] 1 file

U DPW/13/23 Artificial file. Debates 1955 - 1956. Apr 1954-Nov Correspondence, ms. notes, memorandum and 1956 press release Including:

a) 'Draft note relating to a proposed small ports marketing scheme under Section 6 of the Sea Fish Industry Act 1951', White Fish Authority, 22 January 1954 b) 'Brief. Opposition motion on agriculture, 30 April 1956', Conservative Research Department, 27 April 1956 1 file

U DPW/13/24 File. Debates 1968. British Trawlers' Federation May 1968 memoranda and ms. notes Including:

a) Statement to the Sub Committee on Fisheries established by the Select Committee on Agriculture, by the British Trawlers' Federation, 13 May 1968 1 file

U DPW/13/25 File. Deep Sea Fleet. Correspondence, ms. and Apr 1979-Nov ts. notes and press release 1983

1 file

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U DPW/13/26 File. Deep Water Building Subsidies. Jul 1965-Mar Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes 1966 Including:

a) 'Aide memoire on grants and loans', 10 October 1965 1 file

U DPW/13/27 File. Distant Water Fishing Scheme. Mar 1955-Aug Correspondence and annual reports of the British 1956 Fishing Industry Distant Water Trawlers Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Report on the British fishing industry. Distant water trawlers', 1955, with covering letter, 11 May 1956 b) Minutes of a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the White Fish Authority, held 17 March 1955 1 file

U DPW/13/28 File. Dock charges. Ms. notes c.1953 Including:

a) Extract from draft of 'The British Transport Commission (Hull Docks) Charges Scheme 195-' 1 file

U DPW/13/29 File. European Economic Community fisheries. Feb-Dec 1966 Translations of Icelandic press articles

1 file

U DPW/13/30 File. European Economic Community fisheries. Jul-Dec 1970 British Trawlers' Federation memoranda, correspondence and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/13/31 File. European Economic Community fisheries. Dec 1970-Aug British Trawlers' Federation memoranda, 1971 correspondence, Fisheries Organisation Society newsletter and ms. notes Including:

a) Transcript of a speech given by Patrick Wall about British entry to the European Economic Community, 26 June [1971] 1 file

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U DPW/13/32 File. European Economic Community Fisheries. Jan 1971-Jan British Trawlers' Federation memoranda and ms. 1972 notes Including:

a) Traced map of British fishing limits b) Petition in favour of preserving a 12 mile inshore fishing limit, [1971?] 1 file

U DPW/13/33 File. European Economic Community fisheries. Jun 1971-Jun British Trawlers' Federation memoranda, 1972 correspondence and Fisheries Organisation Society memoranda

1 file

U DPW/13/34 File. European Economic Community fisheries. Jan-Dec 1972 British Trawlers' Federation memoranda Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'A short guide to the Common Fisheries Policy of the EEC', Fisheries Organisation Society Ltd., June 1972 b) Report. 'Shetland fishing and the EEC at 24 January 1972', Shetland Fishermen's Association, January 1972 1 file

U DPW/13/35 File. European Economic Community fisheries. Jan 1976-Dec Conservative Research Department notes, 1981 correspondence, explanatory memoranda and amendments for European Economic Community regulations, ms. notes Including:

a) 'Guidelines for the review of the common organisation of the market in fishery products (Regulation (European Economic Community) no. 100/76 of 16 January 1976 (1))', communication from the Commission to the Council, Brussels, 15 September 1980 b) Pamphlet. S[cottish] F[ishermen's] O[rganisation] Report no. 1, October 1979 1 file

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U DPW/13/36 File. European Economic Community fisheries. Dec 1982-Feb Correspondence, draft legislation (on subjects 1984 including allocation of fish stock shares, conservation of fishery resources, fishing activity in member states' waters, fish stocks; Norwegian fishing resources, prices), United Nations information releases

1 file

U DPW/13/37 File. European Fisheries Conference 1963/4. Nov 1963-Jul Correspondence and ms. notes 1964 Including:

a) Minutes of the meeting of the Conservative Party Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee, Fisheries Sub Committee, held 10 June 1964 1 file

U DPW/13/38 File. European Fisheries Conference 1974. Jan-Sep 1974 Correspondence and ms. notes Including:

a) Papers about Fishing Industry Meeting, Civil Service College, Ascot, 28 - 29 January 1974 b) Report. 'White Fish Authority Industrial Development Unit, technical report no. 101, exploratory voyage' by D E T Swanella, January 1974 1 file

U DPW/13/39 File. European Free Trade Association. Jul 1959-Jul Correspondence 1960 Including:

a) Report. 'Background information setting out some of the commercial implications of the European Free Trade Association (outer seven) Convention as it affects the British trawling industry', issued on behalf of the British Trawlers' Federation Ltd., 28 June 1960 1 file

U DPW/13/40 File. Faroese dispute. Correspondence Sep 1963-Jul 1964 1 file

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U DPW/13/41 File. Fisheries 1958. Correspondence, press Dec 1957-Oct notices, and ts. notes on the White Fish Subsidy 1958 Scheme Including:

a) Minutes of the meeting of the Conservative Party Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee, Fisheries Sub Committee, held 26 March 1958 b) Pamphlet. 'The trawlermen courageous'. Reprinted from 'The Times', 9 October 1958, with additional illustrations 1 file

U DPW/13/42 File. Fisheries 1964 - 1965. Correspondence, Aug 1963-Apr translations from Icelandic press articles, and ts. 1965 notes

1 file

U DPW/13/43 File. Fisheries 1967. British Trawlers' Federation Nov 1966-Jan memoranda, correspondence, ms. notes and 1968 translations of Icelandic press articles Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'White Fish Authority research and development progress report', 1967 b) 'White Fish Authority Research and Development Bulletin', nos. 22-24, November 1966 - April 1967 1 file

U DPW/13/44 File. Fisheries 1968. British Trawlers' Federation Mar-Dec 1968 memoranda and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/13/45 Artificial file. Fisheries 1970. British Trawlers' Sep-Dec 1970 Federation memoranda, correspondence and ms. notes Including:

a) Report on Europe, prepared by John Firth for OSAFEG [the Orkney and Shetland Agricultural and Fishing Export Group], 24 October - 7 November 1970 1 file

U DPW/13/46 File. Fisheries 1971. British Trawlers' Federation Jan-Dec 1971 memoranda, correspondence, and ts. notes

1 file

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U DPW/13/47 File. Fisheries 1972. British Trawlers' Federation Jan-Dec 1972 memoranda, correspondence, Fisheries Organisation Society newsletter

1 file

U DPW/13/48 File. Fisheries 1979. Correspondence, Fisheries Nov 1978-Sep Organisation Society newsletters, 'News from the 1979 British Trawling Industry' and news releases

1 file

U DPW/13/49 File. Fisheries 1981. Conservative Research Jan 1981-Jul Department, correspondence, ms. and ts. notes, 1982 and 'News from the British Trawling Industry' Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The need for adequate hake, monk, megrim and nephros norvegicous quotas for the United Kingdom', Celtic Management and Training Ltd., September 1981 b) Ts. speech. 'The danger from world communism', Patrick Wall, on 'World Freedom Day', 1981 1 file

U DPW/13/50 File. Fisheries 1983. Conservative Research Dec 1981-Feb Department papers, correspondence, and ms. 1984 notes Including:

a) Report. 'Prospects for development of school and centre, Humberside College of Higher Education', for the School of Fisheries Studies Seminar, 16 December 1983 1 file

U DPW/13/51 File. Fisheries 1984. Correspondence, ts. notes Jan 1982-Jul and papers for the meeting of the [Hull] Fishing 1984 Industry Joint Committee, 10 February 1984 Including:

a) 'Discussion paper for purposes of meetings with Members of Parliament, London, 25 January 1984', Scottish Fishermen's Federation 1 file

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U DPW/13/52 File. 'Fisheries broadcast'. British Trawlers' Sep-Dec 1968 Federation memoranda, correspondence, notes and comments about BBC Panorama programme on fishing safety, with transcript

1 file

U DPW/13/53 File. Fisheries Sub Committee, Conservative Apr-Jul 1959 Party Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee 1959. Correspondence, minutes and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/13/54 File. Fisheries Sub Committee, Conservative May 1966-Apr Party Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee 1967 1967. Correspondence and minutes

1 file

U DPW/13/55 File. Fisheries Sub Committee, Conservative May 1966-Mar Party Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee 1969 1968. Correspondence and minutes

1 file

U DPW/13/56 File. Fisheries Sub Committee, Conservative Jul 1969-Mar Party Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee 1970 1970. Correspondence and minutes

1 file

U DPW/13/57 File. Fisheries Sub Committee, Conservative Mar-Nov 1971 Party Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee 1971 - 1972. Correspondence Including:

a) Photocopy of ts. article. 'The Common Fisheries Policy of the six: a tentative British view of its application to a community of ten', Austen Laing, Director General of the British Trawlers' Federation, 5 March 1971 1 file

U DPW/13/58 File. Fisheries Sub Committee, Conservative Apr-Dec 1973 Party Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee 1973. Correspondence, ms. notes, press notices, Scottish Trawlers' Federation memoranda

1 file

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U DPW/13/59 File. Fisheries Sub Committee, Conservative Oct 1972-Jun Party Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee 1975 1974. Correspondence, ms. notes, United Nations information releases

1 file

U DPW/13/60 File. Fisheries Sub Committee, Conservative Nov 1969-Feb Party Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee 1976 1975. Correspondence, press releases Including:

a) 'Report of the Fisheries Policy Study Group', 28 November 1969 1 file

U DPW/13/61 File. Fisheries Sub Committee, Conservative Oct 1975-Nov Party Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee 1976 1976. Correspondence, press releases and ts. notes Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Proposals for a United Kingdom fisheries policy', British United Trawlers Ltd., January 1976, with covering letter, 12 January 1976 b) Pamphlet. 'When the boat comes in. A report by the North of England Development Council spotlighting the heavy road tax burden now being imposed on the inshore fishermen operating from in the county of Cleveland', February 1976, with covering letter, 13 February 1976 c) Note from Francis Pym MP, 15 March [1976] 1 file

U DPW/13/62 File. Fisheries Sub Committee, Conservative Dec 1976-Dec Party Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee 1977 1977. Correspondence and ms. notes Including:

a) 'Document for discussion prepared by the European Economic Community Commission for Agriculture and Fisheries for the International Fishing Forum', circa 1977 1 file

U DPW/13/63 File. Fisheries Sub Committee, Conservative Jan-May 1978 Party Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee 1978. Correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/13/64 File. Fisheries Sub Committee, Conservative Apr 1977-Jul Party Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee 1980 1980. Correspondence, minutes, and ms. and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/13/65 File. Fisheries: general 1959. Correspondence Oct 1958-Dec Including: 1959

a) Emergency issue of 'Fish Traders' Gazette', 18 July 1959 b) Emergency issue of 'Fishing News', 17 July 1959 1 file

U DPW/13/66 File. Fisheries: general 1968. British Trawlers' Dec 1966-Dec Federation memoranda, correspondence and ts. 1968 notes

1 file

U DPW/13/67 File. Fisheries: general 1969. British Trawlers' Jan-Nov 1969 Federation memoranda, correspondence and ts. notes Including:

a) Report. 'Analysis of the results of conventional distant water vessels at Humberside in 1968 and the outlook for 1969', Fisheries Economic Research Unit, 13 January 1969 1 file

U DPW/13/68 File. Fisheries: general 1970. Correspondence Feb 1967-Dec 1970 1 file

U DPW/13/69 File. Fisheries: general 1973. British Trawlers' Nov 1972-Dec Federation memoranda, correspondence, 1973 Fisheries Organisation Society newsletters, press notices and ts. notes

1 file

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U DPW/13/70 File. Fisheries: general 1974. British Trawlers' Oct 1973-Dec Federation memoranda, correspondence, 1974 Fisheries Organisation Society newsletters Including:

a) Report. 'The position of whaling in the Japanese economy', Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd., 14 June 1974 b) Pamphlet. 'Fishing ports in the UK', J J Waterman, Torry Advisory Note no. 63, circa 1973 1 file

U DPW/13/71 File. Fisheries: general 1975. British Trawlers' Jan 1975-Apr Federation memoranda, correspondence, press 1976 releases, papers about the Royal Society of Arts conference on the development of , 10 June 1975, Fisheries Organisation Society newsletter, ms. and ts. notes, 'News from the British Trawling Industry', and translations of Icelandic press articles Including:

a) 'Memorandum on the current crisis in the fishing industry as it affects the Scottish trawler fleet', Scottish Trawlers' Federation, 5 February 1975 1 file

U DPW/13/72 File. Fisheries: general 1976. British Fishing Dec 1975-Dec Federation memoranda, correspondence, 'News 1976 from the British Trawling Industry' and translations of Icelandic press articles Including:

a) Annual report for the year ended 31 December 1975, Herring Industry Board, June 1976 b) Pamphlet. 'The production of fish meal and oil - an essential part of the UK fisheries policy', Association of Fish Meal Manufacturers, April 1976, with covering letter, May 1976 c) Report. 'Fishery management. A brief summary of the fishery management aspect in the evolution of a fishery policy', Anglo-Scottish Fish Producers' Organisation Ltd., March 1976 d) Ts. speech given by Edward Bishop MP at the opening of the International Whaling Committee meeting, Waldorf Hotel, London, 21 June 1976 1 file

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U DPW/13/73 File. Fisheries: general 1976. British Fishing Jan-Dec 1976 Federation memoranda, correspondence and ms. notes Including:

a) Ts. article. 'The future of the fishing industry', Patrick Wall, for the 'Yorkshire Post', 17 June 1976 1 file

U DPW/13/74 File. Fisheries: general 1977. Correspondence, Apr 1976-Feb Fisheries Organisation Society newsletters, ms. 1978 notes, 'News from the British Trawling Industry', and translations of Icelandic press articles Including:

a) Agenda for the annual general meeting of the Fisheries Organisation Society Ltd., held 23 November 1977 1 file

U DPW/13/75 File. Fisheries: general 1978. Correspondence, Dec 1977-Aug Fisheries Organisation Society newsletters, ms. 1978 and ts. notes, and 'News from the British Trawling Industry'

1 file

U DPW/13/76 File. Fisheries: general 1979. Memoranda and Oct 1978-Nov United Nations information releases 1979 Including:

a) Agenda for the annual general meeting of the Fisheries Organisation Society Ltd., held 30 November 1978 1 file

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U DPW/13/77 File. Fisheries: general 1980. Correspondence, Nov 1978-Jul 'News from the British Trawling Industry' and ts. 1981 notes Including:

a) Pamphlet. Lists details of landings in UK by Icelandic fishing vessels, September 1980 b) Pamphlet. 'Consultation paper on the review of inland and coastal fisheries in England and Wales', Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Welsh Office, July 1981 c) Pamphlet. 'White Fish Authority Fishery Economics Research Unit supplies bulletin' no. 2, 1980 1 file

U DPW/13/78 File. Fish: general 1981. Correspondence, 'News Dec 1978-Aug from the British Trawling Industry', press releases 1981 and United Nations information releases Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'A practical industrial fisheries unit', Humberside County Council, circa 1981 b) Pamphlet. Lists details of landings in the UK by Icelandic fishing vessels, January - December 1980 c) Pamphlet. 'A workshop for the management of national fishery development programmes', held by the White Fish Authority at the University of Hull, 6 - 17 July 1981 d) Foreign and Commonwealth Office background brief on Soviet fishing around Africa, February 1981 1 file

U DPW/13/79 File. Fisheries: general 1981. Correspondence, Jan 1980-Dec ms. notes, memoranda, 'News from the British 1981 Trawling Industry', press releases and papers about meetings of the [Hull] Fishing Industry Joint Committee Including:

a) Pamphlet. Lists details of landings in the UK by Icelandic fishing vessels, January - December 1980 b) Report. 'The marketing of fish. Commentary by the chairman of the White Fish Authority', 31 August 1981 1 file

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U DPW/13/80 File. Fisheries: general 1982. Correspondence, Feb 1981-Dec papers about the Fonds d'Intervention et 1982 d'Organisation des Marches des Produits de la Peche Maritime et de la Conchyliculture [in French, about maritime fishing products and shell fish breeding], and papers about the National Federation of Fish Fryers and UK Federation of Fish Producers' Organisations Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Fisheries report no. 67. Effects of the English north east coast salmon fisheries on Scottish salmon catches', E C E Potter and R Swain, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Directorate of Fisheries Research, 1982 b) Note from Alan Beith MP, 3 February 1982 1 file

U DPW/13/81 File. Fisheries: general 1982. Ms. notes and Dec 1981-Nov United Nations information releases 1983 Including:

a) 'Backgrounder. A United Nations assessment project study- The Law of the Sea Treaty: Can the US afford not to sign?', 7 June 1982 b) Annual report, Sea Fisheries Training Council, 1981 - 1982 1 file

U DPW/13/82 File. Fisheries: general 1983. Correspondence, Jun-Aug 1983 ms. and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/13/83 File. Fisheries: general 1983. Correspondence, Apr 1982-Dec ms. notes,and press releases 1983 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Study of the fishery', Sea Fish Industry Authority Report no. MD475, April 1982 b) Letter from John MacGregor MP, 2 December 1983 c) Letter from Austin Mitchell MP, 20 January 1983 d) Note from John Prescott MP, 4 February 1983 1 file

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U DPW/13/84 File. Fisheries: general 1984. Correspondence, ts. Aug 1983-Nov notes, papers about meetings of the [Hull] Fishing 1984 Industry Joint Committee, and papers about the National Federation of Fish Fryers

1 file

U DPW/13/85 File. Fisheries: general 1985. Correspondence Jan-Feb 1985 and memorandum

1 file

U DPW/13/86 File. Fisheries Grants March 1968. Feb-Mar 1968 Correspondence, ms. notes and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/13/87 File. Fisheries Grants July 1968. Correspondence, Mar-Jul 1968 British Trawlers' Federation memoranda and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/13/88 File. 'Fisheries Lobby'. Correspondence, ms. Dec 1981-Mar notes, 'News from the British Trawling Industry' 1982 and ts. notes Including:

a) 'Submission by the Scottish Fishermen's Federation to the Rt. Hon. George Younger MP, Secretary of State for Scotland, for additional temporary financial assistance for the Scottish shore fishing industry', February 1982 1 file

U DPW/13/89 File. 'Fisheries Order 1967'. Ms. notes and ts. Dec 1965-Apr speech on Fishing Vessels (Acquisition and 1967 Improvement) Grants Scheme

1 file

U DPW/13/90 File. Fisheries Policy Study Group. Drafts of Feb 1967-Apr report, minutes, British Trawlers' Federation 1970 memorandum, correspondence, ms. and ts. notes

1 file

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U DPW/13/91 File. Fisheries Policy Committee, Conservative Apr 1975-Apr Party. Report, minutes, correspondence, ms. and 1978 ts. notes, and 'News from the British Trawling Industry' Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The fishing industry on Humberside', D C Gill, Director of Planning, Humberside County Council, 8 December 1975 b) Letters from Francis Pym MP, 27 January 1976, 3 February 1976, 26 February & 6 July 1976 c) Minutes of the meeting of the European Policy Committee, held 19 April 1978 1 file

U DPW/13/92 File. Fish Farming 1977 - 1979. Correspondence Mar 1977-Jul and ts. notes 1979

1 file

U DPW/13/93 File. Fish Farming 1980. Correspondence Mar-Jul 1980

1 file

U DPW/13/94 File. Fish Fryers Campaign [against high prices]. 1953-1955 Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes and news releases

1 file

U DPW/13/95 File. Fishing industry 1961. Press notices Mar-Apr 1961 Including:

a) 'Broad outline of speech by the President of the British Trawlers' Federation, Mr J R Cobley CBE, at the Silver Cod Banquet, Fishmongers' Hall, 21 March 1961' 1 file

U DPW/13/96 File. Fishing industry 1962. Correspondence, Mar-Jul 1962 translations of Icelandic press reports and ts. notes

1 file

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U DPW/13/97 File. Fishing industry 1963. Translations of Dec 1961-Jun Icelandic press articles 1963 Including:

a) Annual report, Fisheries Organisation Society Ltd., year ended 31 December 1962 1 file

U DPW/13/98 File. Fish Producers' Organisations. Nov 1979-Jul Correspondence, ms. notes and 'News from the 1980 British Trawling Industry' Including:

a) Letter form Alan Beith MP, 8 February 1980 b) Minutes of the meeting of the Conservative Party Back Bench Fisheries Sub Committee, held 5 March 1980 c) 'Revision of the Common Fisheries Policy', a paper by Michael Berendt, Fisheries Liaison Officer of the European Commission Office in London, at the Conference on Technology and Challenges of the World's New Fisheries Regime', 10 June 1980 d) 'Hull fishing industry submission to Her Majesty's Government for assistance', January 1980 e) 'Submission by Scottish Fishermen's Federation to Rt. Hon. George Younger MP, Secretary of State for Scotland, for further financial assistance for the Scottish fishing industry', 24 June 1980 1 file

U DPW/13/99 File. Fleck Report [on the fishing industry] 1960 - Jul 1957-Mar 1961. Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes 1961 Including:

a) Minutes of the meeting of the Conservative Party Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee, Fisheries Sub Committee, held 2 July 1957 (marked 'secret') 1 file

U DPW/13/100 File. Foreign fisheries 1968. British Trawlers' Jan-Aug 1968 Federation memoranda, news releases and translations of Icelandic press articles

1 file

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U DPW/13/101 File. Foreign fisheries 1969. British Trawlers' Nov 1968-Dec Federation memoranda, ms. notes, and 1969 translations of Icelandic press articles

1 file

U DPW/13/102 File. Foreign fisheries 1970. Translations of Mar-Jun 1970 Icelandic press articles

1 file

U DPW/13/103 File. Hull fisheries 1957. British Trawlers' Feb-May 1957 Federation memoranda and press statements, and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/13/104 File. Hull fisheries 1961. Letter, ms. and ts. notes Jan-Sep 1961

1 file

U DPW/13/105 File. Hull fisheries 1962. Correspondence and ts. Aug 1961-Dec notes 1962 Including:

a) 'Memorandum submitted by the British Trawlers' Federation Ltd. to the (Rochdale) committee of inquiry into the major ports of Great Britain. St Andrew's (Fish) Dock, Hull', 18 August 1961 1 file

U DPW/13/106 Artificial file. Hull fisheries 1963 - 1965. Jun 1963-Nov Correspondence and ts. notes 1965 Including:

a) Report of the committee of inquiry into the major ports, 30 June 1963 (marked 'confidential') 1 file

U DPW/13/107 Artificial file. Hull fisheries 1966 - 1967. Sep 1966-Jul Correspondence, British Trawlers' Federation 1967 memorandum and ts. notes Including:

a) Memorandum from the Hull Association of Fish Meal Manufacturers re. 'Assistance to the Fishing Industry', the sixth report from the Estimates Committee, circa 20 June 1967 1 file

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U DPW/13/108 File. Hull fisheries 1968. British Trawlers' Nov 1967-Oct Federation memoranda, correspondence and ts. 1968 notes

1 file

U DPW/13/109 File. Hull fisheries 1969. British Trawlers' Dec 1968-Aug Federation memorandum, correspondence and ts. 1969 notes

1 file

U DPW/13/110 Artificial file. Hull fisheries 1970 - 1971. Feb 1970-Dec Correspondence 1971

1 file

U DPW/13/111 File. Hull fisheries 1972. British Trawlers' Mar-Dec 1972 Federation memorandum and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/13/112 File. Hull fisheries 1973. Correspondence Jan-Oct 1973 Including:

a) File. 'Fish Dock', January - October 1973 1 file

U DPW/13/113 File. Hull fisheries 1974. Correspondence Feb-Aug 1974 Including:

a) Service sheet for memorial service in memory of those who lost their lives on the Hull trawler 'Gaul', 14 March 1974 1 file

U DPW/13/114 File. Hull fisheries 1975. Correspondence and ms. Oct-Dec 1975 notes

1 file

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U DPW/13/115 File. Hull fisheries 1976. Correspondence Apr-Dec 1976 Including:

a) File. 'The fishing industry. Its economic significance in the Yorkshire and Humberside ports. A report prepared by the research group of the Yorkshire and Humberside Economic Planning Board', June 1976 (marked 'not for publication') (NB. A revised version of this report is contained in DPW/13/121) b) Pamphlet. 'The Humberside fishing industry. Report for HM Government', Yorkshire and Humberside Economic Planning Board, 11 June 1976 (with covering letter from John Silken MP, 25 June 1976) 1 file

U DPW/13/116 File. Hull fisheries 1979. Correspondence, ms. Sep 1978-Sep notes, 'News from the British Trawling Industry' 1979 and papers about the Humberside Centre for Fisheries Education and Training

1 file

U DPW/13/117 File. Hull fisheries 1982. Correspondence, papers Sep 1981-Nov about meetings of the [Hull] Fishing Industry Joint 1982 Committee and press releases Including:

a) Pamphlet. Lists details of landings in UK by Icelandic fishing vessels, January - December 1981 (with covering letter, 9 February 1982) b) Pamphlet. 'Albert and William Wright Docks, Hull. Report on the inquiry held', Ian A N Irvine, September 1981 1 file

U DPW/13/118 Artificial file. Hull: general. Correspondence, ts. Feb 1957-Aug notes and promotional leaflets for Humberside 1958 ports (Goole, , Hull, Immingham) produced by the Docks and Inland Waterways Executive

1 file

U DPW/13/119 File. Humber fisheries 1981. Correspondence May-Dec 1981

1 file

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U DPW/13/120 File. Humber fisheries 1984. Letter Jun-Dec 1984 Including:

a) Report: 'Study of fishing industry at Hull and Grimsby. Phase 2: strategies and options', The Urwick Group, 19 June 1984 1 file

U DPW/13/121 File. Humber ports 1977. Correspondence, ts. Nov 1975-Feb notes 1978 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Grimsby. Its future as THE major fishing port'. Joint statement by Grimsby Borough Council, Grimsby Owners' Association and Grimsby Fish Merchants' Association Ltd., July 1977 b) Draft proposal. 'TGWU policy statement on decasualisation of the fishing industry', November 1975 c) Folder. 'The fishing industry. Its economic significance in the Yorkshire and Humberside ports'. Report prepared by the Research Group of the Yorkshire and Humberside Economic Planning Board, June 1976, revised May 1977 (NB. This is a revised version of the report contained in DPW/13/115) 1 file

U DPW/13/122 File. Humber ports 1978. Correspondence Jan-Jun 1978 Including:

a) Letter from John Prescott, 24 May 1978 1 file

U DPW/13/123 File. Humber ports 1980. Correspondence, News Jan-Oct 1980 from the British Trawling Industry and minutes of meetings of the [Hull] Fishing Industry Joint Committee Including:

a) 'Note of a joint meeting held between representatives of the Hull fishing industry and other interested parties and the Federation of Icelandic Fishing Vessel Owners', held 2 May 1980 1 file

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U DPW/13/124 File. Iceland background papers. Press releases Sep 1954-Feb and translations of Icelandic press articles 1961 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The Icelandic dispute in perspective'. Reprinted from 'The Oxford Lawyer', [1959?] b) Pamphlet. 'The Icelandic effort for fisheries conservation. Memorandum submitted to the Council of Europe by the Government of Iceland', September 1954 c) Pamphlet. 'Towards a West European fisheries community', British Trawlers' Federation Ltd., December 1960 1 file

U DPW/13/125 File. Iceland background papers. British Trawlers' Dec 1971-Apr Federation memoranda, ms. and ts. notes 1972

1 file

U DPW/13/126 File. Icelandic dispute 1956. Correspondence, Oct 1955-Nov press releases and papers about discussions held 1956 with the Council for the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation

1 file

U DPW/13/127 File. Icelandic dispute 1958. Ms. and ts. notes, Feb 1955-Dec translations of Icelandic press articles and papers 1958 about fishing issues raised at the Conservative Party Conference Including:

a) 'British Trawlers' Federation. List of points made by the President at luncheon with members of the Parliamentary Fisheries Sub Committee, 5 November 1958' b) Pamphlet. 'The British survey'. Articles on 'The Law of the Sea' and 'Fishing dispute with Iceland', October 1958 c) Pamphlet. 'The right to fish the high seas', British Trawlers' Federation, November 1958 d) Posters of bar charts indicating the amount of fish caught by British and Icelandic boats, no date 1 file

U DPW/13/128 File. Icelandic dispute 1959. Correspondence, ms. Dec 1958-Dec notes and translations of Icelandic press articles 1959

1 file

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U DPW/13/129 File. Icelandic dispute 1960. Translations of Jan 1960-Jan Icelandic press articles 1961

1 file

U DPW/13/130 File. Icelandic dispute 1961. Translations of Jan-Nov 1961 Icelandic press articles

1 file

U DPW/13/131 File. Icelandic dispute 1971. British Trawlers' Jul-Nov 1971 Federation memoranda and correspondence Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Fisheries jurisdiction in Iceland', [the Icelandic fishing industry?], July 1971 1 file

U DPW/13/132 File. Icelandic dispute 1972. British Trawlers' Jun 1971-May Federation memoranda, correspondence and ms. 1972 notes Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Fisheries jurisdiction in Iceland', Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Reykjavik, February 1972 b) Pamphlet. 'Iceland and the Law of the Sea', Government of Iceland, 1972 c) Report. 'Shetland fishing and European Economic Community III', John Firth, Shetland Fishermen's Association, 20 February 1972 1 file

U DPW/13/133 Files Icelandic dispute 1972 - 1973. Dec 1971-Sep Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes, press 1973 releases and United Nations information releases Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Another Cod War?', Patrick Wall, [April 1972] b) Photocopy article. 'Atlantic 'Cod War' in the offing. Dispute a possible threat to NATO defence plans', Patrick Wall, in 'Forum World Features', 24 June 1972 c) 'Report on a visit to Iceland', Patrick Wall, 13 - 17 April 1972 2 files

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U DPW/13/134 File. Icelandic dispute 1973. British Trawlers' Mar 1972-Aug Federation memoranda, correspondence, 1973 telegrams and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/13/135 File. Icelandic dispute 1973. British Trawlers' Jun 1972-May Federation memoranda, correspondence, ms. and 1973 ts. notes Including:

a) Transcript of speech delivered by Ingvar Hallgrimsson, Director of the Marine Research Institute, Reykjavik, 4 August 1972 1 file

U DPW/13/136 File. Icelandic dispute 1973. British Trawlers' Mar-Dec 1973 Federation memoranda, correspondence, press release and translations of Icelandic press articles

1 file

U DPW/13/137 File. Icelandic dispute 1975. British Trawlers' Aug 1975-Jan Federation memoranda, correspondence, press 1976 releases and translations of Icelandic press articles Including:

a) Note from Reginald Maudling MP, 10 November 1975 1 file

U DPW/13/138 File. Icelandic dispute 1976. British Trawlers' Jul 1972-Dec Federation memorandum, correspondence, ms. 1976 and ts. notes, News from the British Trawling Industry, press releases, and translations of Icelandic press articles Including:

a) 'Report of conclusions reached by Icelandic UK scientists on the state of the Icelandic cod stock', circa 1976 b) 'Speaking brief for Mr Crosland's speech at Grimsby', [16 October 1975?] c) Ts. speech made by Patrick Wall at Melton about the fishing and aircraft industries , 6 February [1976] d) Conservative Research Department brief on the UK - Icelandic fisheries dispute, 15 January 1976 1 file

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U DPW/13/139 File. Import Duties Order, November 1968. British Oct-Dec 1968 Trawlers' Federation memoranda, correspondence, ms. and ts. notes, and press releases

1 file

U DPW/13/140 File. Industrial Reorganisation Corporation. British Sep 1968-Jul Trawlers' Federation memoranda and 1969 correspondence

1 file

U DPW/13/141 Artificial file. Inshore fisheries. Correspondence, 1964-1968 ts. notes and British Trawlers' Federation memoranda

1 file

U DPW/13/142 File. Inshore fisheries. Correspondence, Fisheries Nov 1969-Nov Organisation Society newsletters, agenda and 1970 minutes of AGMs and associate membership certificate

1 file

U DPW/13/143 File. Inshore fisheries 1974. British Trawlers' Mar-Jul 1974 Federation memorandum, correspondence and ts. notes Including:

a) Minutes of the meeting of the North and North Eastern Federation of Inshore Fishermen, held 2 March 1974 1 file

U DPW/13/144 File. Inshore fisheries 1975. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1975 Fisheries Organisation Society newsletters and press notices Including:

a) Ts. chairman's speech, given at the Shellfish Association Dinner, 14 July 1975 b) Copy letter from Margaret Thatcher, 15 December 1975 1 file

U DPW/13/145 File. Inshore fisheries 1977. Correspondence Nov 1972-Jan 1978 1 file

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U DPW/13/146 File. Inshore fishermen 1962. Correspondence Nov 1961-Aug and press releases 1962 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Yorkshire Coast Resorts Chambers of Trade ( - Scarborough - - Bridlington - ) Joint Action Committee. A report of foreign trawler activity in British coastal waters', 1962 (NB. A different version of this report appears in DPW/13/147) 1 file

U DPW/13/147 File. Inshore fishermen 1963. Correspondence Sep 1961-Jun and ts. notes 1964 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The Territorial Sea', United Kingdom Information Service, Canada, September 1961 b) Pamphlet. 'Yorkshire Coast Resorts Chambers of Trade (Whitby - Scarborough - Filey - Bridlington - Hornsea) Joint Action Committee. A report of foreign trawler activity in British coastal waters', 1962 (NB. A different version of this report appears in DPW/13/146) 1 file

U DPW/13/148 File. Legislation, fisheries 1975. Correspondence, Dec 1974-Dec ms. and ts. notes, memoranda and translations 1975 from Norwegian press articles

1 file

U DPW/13/149 File. Legislation, fisheries 1976. British Fishing Feb- Dec 1976 Federation memoranda, correspondence and ms. notes Including:

a) 'Brief for the fisheries debate on Monday 5 April 1976' 1 file

U DPW/13/150 File. Legislation, fisheries 1977. Conservative Dec 1976-Feb Research Department briefs, correspondence, 1978 European Economic Community draft legislation, ms. and ts. notes, and memoranda

1 file

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U DPW/13/151 File. Legislation, fisheries 1978. Correspondence, Feb-Jul 1978 ms. and ts. notes, and 'News from the British Trawling Industry Including:

a) Agenda for the annual general meeting of the National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations, held 22 April 1978 b) Notes for the fisheries meeting of the European Policy Committee, 19 April 1978 c) Ts. speech. 'Towards a common fisheries policy', Ian C Wood, Managing Director of the John Wood Group (Aberdeen) Limited, to the Eurofish Seminar, Brussels, June 1978 1 file

U DPW/13/152 File. Legislation, fisheries 1978. Correspondence, Aug-Nov 1978 ms. notes, miscellaneous draft Statutory Instruments and press notices

1 file

U DPW/13/153 File. Legislation, fisheries 1979. Correspondence Oct 1978-Jul and ts. notes 1979

1 file

U DPW/13/154 File. Limits, fishing 1962. Correspondence, ms. Jan-Jul 1962 and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/13/155 File. Limits, fishing 1964. Correspondence, ms. Mar 1948-Jun and ts. notes, press releases and translations 1964 from Icelandic press articles

1 file

U DPW/13/156 File. Limits, fishing 1965. Correspondence and Jan-Dec 1965 translations from Icelandic press articles

1 file

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U DPW/13/157 File. Limits, fishing 1976. British Fishing Jan 1972-Dec Federation memoranda, Conservative Research 1976 Department notes, correspondence, 'News from the British Trawling Federation' and press releases Including:

a) 'Text of statement made to the Council of Ministers in Brussels by the Right Hon. Roy Hattersley MP, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs', 4 May [1976] 1 file

U DPW/13/158 File. Lobsters. Correspondence and ts. notes c.1959-Jul 1966 Including:

a) Minutes of the meeting of the Conservative Party Fisheries Sub Committee, held 22 June 1966, (draft copy, marked 'confidential') 1 file

U DPW/13/159 File. Lost Trawlers. Correspondence and ts. notes Jan-May 1955

1 file

U DPW/13/160 File. Lost Trawlers. British Trawlers' Federation Jun-Nov 1966 memoranda, correspondence, ms. and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/13/161 File. Meetings 1963. Correspondence and ms. May-Aug 1963 notes

1 file

U DPW/13/162 File. Meetings 1965. Correspondence, including Jun 1963-Aug with Sir Martin Redmayne MP, and ts. notes 1965

1 file

U DPW/13/163 File. Merchants. Correspondence and ms. notes May-Jun 1954

1 file

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U DPW/13/164 File. Merchants. Correspondence, ms. and ts. Apr-Aug 1963 notes Including:

a) Minutes of a meeting between the British Trawlers' Federation and the Joint Parliamentary Fisheries Sub Committee, Conservative Party Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee, held 7 May 1963 1 file

U DPW/13/165 File. Merchant Shipping Act 1969. British Nov-Dec 1969 Trawlers' Federation memoranda, correspondence, ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/13/166 File. Minimum Price Scheme 1965 - 1966. Jun 1965-Jun Correspondence, ms. and ts.notes, press releases 1967 and papers about distant water vessels development scheme, November 1966 Including:

a) 'Submissions of the British Trawlers' Federation Ltd. to the Sub Committee on Building and Natural Resources of the Estimates Committee of the House of Commons', 12 July 1966 1 file

U DPW/13/167 File. Minimum Price Scheme 1967. Dec 1966-May Correspondence 1967 Including:

a) 'Draft of the White Fish Authority (Minimum Prices) Scheme 196-', 8 February 1967 1 file

U DPW/13/168 File. Minimum Price Scheme 1968 - 1970. British Jul 1968-Sep Trawlers' Federation memoranda and 1970 correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/13/169 File. 'Minister's visit 1954'. Correspondence, ms. Oct 1953-Jan and ts. notes about visit by D Heathcoat Amory, 1955 Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, to Hull Including:

a) Ts. notes. 'Interpretation of current problems and thoughts affecting the fishing industry in Hull', Patrick Wall, 27 September 1954 1 file

U DPW/13/170 Artificial file. Miscellaneous. Programmes of Jan-Nov 1956 meetings for the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

1 file

U DPW/13/171 File. National Dock Labour Board 1973 - 1974. May 1972-Feb Correspondence, papers about meetings of the 1975 Grimsby and Immingham Board of the National Dock Labour Board and ts. notes Including:

a) Minutes of the meeting of the Anglo-Scottish Fish Producers' Organisation, held 29 November 1974 b) Minutes of the meeting between the local board of the National Dock Labour Board and Grimsby Inshore Fishermen's Group, held 6 December 1974 1 file

U DPW/13/172 File. National Federation of Fishermen's Jun-Dec 1983 Organisations. Correspondence, memorandum, ms. and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/13/173 File. Parliamentary questions. Tss. of questions, Feb-Jun 1956 answers and related notes

1 file

U DPW/13/174 File. Parliamentary questions. Tss. of questions, Feb-Jul 1957 answers and related notes

1 file

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U DPW/13/175 File. Protection, fisheries. British Trawlers' Aug 1971- Mar Federation memorandum, correspondence and 1972 information sheets

1 file

U DPW/13/176 File. Protection, fisheries. British Fishing Feb 1977-Nov Federation memorandum and correspondence 1979

1 file

U DPW/13/177 File. Safety [of trawlers] Committee. British Jan1967-Nov Trawlers' Federation memoranda, 1968 correspondence and ts. notes Including: a) Letter from Bill Rodgers MP, 28 February 1969 1 file

U DPW/13/178 File. Salmon 1965. Correspondence and Apr-Aug 1965 memoranda

1 file

U DPW/13/179 File. Salmon 1966 - 1967. Correspondence, ms. Jun 1966-Jul and ts. notes 1967 Including:

a) Minutes of the meeting of the Conservative Party Parliamentary Fisheries Sub Committee, held 23 June 1966 b) 'Minutes of the meeting held at BFSS Headquarters, 137 Victoria Street, London, SW1 on 23 June 1966, to discuss the Irish fish disease' 1 file

U DPW/13/180 File. Salmon. British Trawlers' Federation Jun-Dec 1972 memorandum and letter

1 file

U DPW/13/181 File. Scottish pelagic fish. Correspondence, 1982-1983 information sheets, ms. and ts. notes Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Scottish Pelagic Fishermen's Association. The first 50 years', [1982] 1 file

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U DPW/13/182 File. Sea Fisheries Bill, November 1968. British Jul 1966-Nov Trawlers' Federation memoranda, ms.and ts. 1968 notes Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'White Fish Authority research and development progress report', 1968 1 file

U DPW/13/183 File. Sea Fisheries Order March 1969. British Jan-May 1969 Trawlers' Federation memoranda and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/13/184 File. Sea Fish Industries Bill 1951. Ts. notes Jan 1951

1 file

U DPW/13/185 File. Sea Fish Industry Bill 1959. Correspondence Oct 1959-Jan and ms. notes 1960

1 file

U DPW/13/186 File. Sea Fish Industries Bill. Correspondence, Oct 1961-May ms. and ts. notes 1962

1 file

U DPW/13/187 File. Seals, Conservation of, Bill. Correspondence, Jan 1968-Feb ms. and ts. notes, and reports 1970 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Sealing in UK and Canadian waters', Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, with covering circular, 17 January 1968 1 file

U DPW/13/188 File. Select Committee on Agriculture: Fisheries Apr-Jun 1967 Sub Committee. Correspondence, ms. notes, memoranda and press releases Including:

a) 'Statement of evidence to the Select Committee on Agriculture. The British trawling industry and accession to the European Economic Community', British Trawlers' Federation, 7 June 1967 1 file

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U DPW/13/189 File. Select Committee on Agriculture: Fisheries Mar 1968-Nov Sub Committee. Correspondence, draft reports, 1969 ms. notes and memoranda Including:

a) Ts. article about White Fish Authority, technical development and the fishing industry, circa 1969 1 file

U DPW/13/190 File. Skippers. Correspondence with individual May 1954-Jan skippers and ms. notes 1955

1 file

U DPW/13/191 File. Subsidies debate. Background notes Jul 1957 Including:

a) Ts. 'Minister's Speech. Introduction of White Fish and Herring Subsidy Schemes', 25 July 1957 b) Ts. 'Speech to the fishery members of the Conservative Party [on the White Fish and Herring Subsidy Scheme]', [by Patrick Wall?], [1957] 1 file

U DPW/13/192 File. Subsidies 1962. Correspondence, ms. and May-Jul 1962 ts. notes Including:

a) 'Notes for meeting between representatives of the British Trawlers' Federation and Members of Parliament..., House of Commons, on Wednesday, 11 July 1962' 1 file

U DPW/13/193 File. Subsidies 1965. Press notices and ts. notes 1964-1965

1 file

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U DPW/13/194 File. Subsidies 1966. Correspondence, ms. and Oct 1965-Aug ts. notes 1966 Including:

a) 'Aide memoire on grants and loans', 8 October 1965 b) Pamphlet. 'White Fish Authority. Research and development progress report', 1966 c) Minutes of the meeting of the Conservative Party Parliamentary Fisheries Sub Committee, held 22 June 1966 d) Ts. notes on meetings with J Cobley, M Hellyer, A Laing and R Matthews, 12 - 16 July 1966 1 file

U DPW/13/195 File. Subsidies 1967. Memoranda, May-Aug 1967 correspondence, ms. and ts. notes Including:

a) Annual report, British Trawlers' Federation, 1966 1 file

U DPW/13/196 File. Subsidies 1968. British Trawlers' Federation Jun-Jul 1968 memoranda, ms. notes and press release Including:

a) Minutes of the meeting of the Conservative Party Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Committee, Fisheries Sub Committee, held 16 July 1968 b) Ts. speech about the fishing industry, Patrick Wall, Hessle, 29 June [1968] 1 file

U DPW/13/197 File. Subsidies 1971. Correspondence, ms. and May-Nov 1971 ts. notes, and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/13/198 File. Trawlermen's strike. British Trawlers' Feb-Apr 1970 Federation memoranda and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/13/199 File. Unions. Letter and ms. notes about meeting Apr-Jul 1954 with Transport and General Workers' Union and National Union of General and Municipal Workers

1 file

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U DPW/13/200 File. United Nations Law of the Sea Conference. Mar 1958-May Correspondence and translations of Icelandic 1959 press articles

1 file

U DPW/13/201 File. United Nations Law of the Sea Conference. 1959-1960 Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes, press release and translations of Icelandic press articles Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Towards a fisheries settlement', British Trawlers' Federation, [1959?] b) Transcript of a statement made by Bjarni Benediktsson on Reykjavik Radio, 29 April 1960 1 file

U DPW/13/202 File. United Nations Law of the Sea Conference. Oct 1967-Nov Correspondence, ms. notes, memoranda about 1971 environmental protection and exploration of the sea

1 file

U DPW/13/203 File. United Nations Law of the Sea Conference Aug 1972-Dec 1973. British Trawlers' Federation memoranda, 1973 letter, ms. and ts. notes, and United Nations information releases Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Fish and ships', Lawrence Reed MP, Bow Group occasional paper, June 1973 b) Pamphlet. 'World survey: The law of the sea', Atlantic Education Trust, March 1973 1 file

U DPW/13/204 File. United Nations Law of the Sea Conference Aug 1972-Dec 1974. British Trawlers' Federation memoranda, 1974 correspondence, ms. and ts. notes, press releases, and United Nations information releases Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The third United Nations Law of the Sea Conference. Consultations with non - governmental organisations and individuals on British policy at the conference, Church House, 15 May 1974', June 1974 b) 'Memorandum on the Law of the Sea. Proposals for Her Majesty's Government', World Development Movement, May 1974 1 file

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U DPW/13/205 File. United Nations Law of the Sea Conference Oct 1974-Jun 1975 - 1976. Correspondence, press releases, 1977 translations of Icelandic press articles, United Nations information releases and notes of speeches by Hon. Romeo Leblanc, Canadian Minister of State (Fisheries)

1 file

U DPW/13/206 File. United Nations Law of the Sea Conference. Sep 1975-Jul Conservative Research Department notes, 1978 correspondence, ms. and ts. notes, papers about the Law of the Sea Policy Group, and United Nations information releases

1 file

U DPW/13/207 File. United Nations Law of the Sea Conference. Aug 1976-Jul Correspondence, ms. notes and United Nations 1977 information releases Including:

a) 'Law of the Sea Policy Group progress report', 25 May 1977 1 file

U DPW/13/208 File. United Nations Law of the Sea Conference Sep 1978-Sep 1978. Correspondence and United Nations 1980 information releases

1 file

U DPW/13/209 File. United Nations Law of the Sea Conference 1982 1982. Correspondence Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Law of the Sea Treaty. Some critical questions for the UK', Simon Webley, Institute for European Defence and Strategic Studies occasional paper no. 3, 1982 1 file

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U DPW/13/210 File. Vessels Safety Provisions Bill. British Jan-May 1970 Trawlers' Federation memoranda and correspondence Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Trials of de-icing equipment on Boston Phantom', White Fish Authority Industrial Development Unit technical memorandum no. 52 (with covering letter, 10 April 1970 1 file

U DPW/13/211 File. 'Visit 1967'. Correspondence and ms. notes Apr-Aug 1967 about visit to Hull and Grimsby by Joint Parliamentary Fisheries Sub Committee Including:

a) Letters from James Johnson MP, 11 April 1967, 17 April 1967 & 17 July 1967 b) Letters from James Prior MP, 3 May 1967, 22 May 1957 & 29 June 1967 1 file

U DPW/13/212 File. White Fish Authority. Correspondence and 1953-1955 ms. notes Including:

a) File. 'White Fish Authority publicity campaign 1954 - 55', [1953?] 1 file

U DPW/13/213 File. White Fish Authority. Correspondence and Mar-Oct 1954 ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/13/214 File. White Fish Authority. Correspondence, May-Jun 1957 memoranda and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/13/215 File. White Fish Authority. Correspondence Aug-Oct 1963 Including:

a) File. 'White Fish Authority. Statistical information relating to the United Kingdom white fish industry', September 1963 1 file

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U DPW/13/216 File. White Fish Authority. Correspondence, ms. Feb 1969-Apr and ts. notes, including about meetings between 1970 the Cattle Food Trades Association and the White Fish Authority, and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/13/217 File. White Fish Authority: White Fish and Herring 1957 Industries Bill. Press notice, ts. notes and file of briefs for second reading

1 file

U DPW/13/218 File. White Fish and Herring Industry. Jan-Jul 1961 Correspondence, press releases and ts. notes Including:

a) Notes by the British Trawlers' Federation on the Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Fishing Industry, 26 May 1961 1 file

U DPW/13/219 File. White Fish Authority Levy. Correspondence, Jan-Oct 1956 ms. and ts. notes Including:

a) 'Memorandum relating to White Fish Authority (General Levy) (Amendment) Regulations 1956 (S I 1956, no. 1061)', 19 October 1956 1 file

U DPW/13/220 File. White Fish Authority Levy. Correspondence, Aug 1962-Jul ms. and ts. notes, and translations from Icelandic 1963 press articles

1 file

U DPW/13/221 File. White Fish Authority Publicity Scheme. Jan 1969-Apr British Trawlers' Federation memoranda, 1970 correspondence and ts. notes Including:

a) Letters from James Johnson MP, 10 February 1969 & 26 June 1969 1 file

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U DPW/13/222 File. White Fish Subsidies. Correspondence, ms. Dec 1955-Feb and ts. notes, and memorandum 1957 Including:

a) File. 'White Fish Subsidy Debate', July 1956 1 file

U DPW/13/223 File. White Fish and Herring Subsidy Scheme Jul 1957 affirmative resolution debate. Ts. briefs from the Scottish Home Department

1 file

U DPW/13/224 File. White Fish Subsidies. Correspondence and Jul 1964 ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/14 Health 1955-1986

U DPW/14/1 File. Health Service, 1955 - 1959. Apr 1955-Jul Correspondence, memorandum, ts. notes and 1959 Conservative Party research papers regarding mental health, prescription charges, the pharmaceutical industry, the Dentists' Bill and the Clean Air Bill Including:

a) Minutes of the Conservative Party Health and Social Security Committee, 2 July 1957 1 file

U DPW/14/2 File. Health Service, 1960. Correspondence and Jan-Nov 1960 report regarding the National Health Service superannuation scheme and the ability of private patients to obtain drugs and appliances through the National Health Service

1 file

U DPW/14/3 File. Health, 1961 - 1962. Correspondence, ts. Feb 1961-Jul notes and press release regarding the National 1962 Health Service

1 file

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U DPW/14/4 File. Health, 1963. Reports and press release Apr-May 1963 Including:

a) Ts. 'Health and welfare', Conservative Research Department, 17 April 1963 1 file

U DPW/14/5 File. Health, 1964. Correspondence and reports Oct 1963-Dec Including: 1964 a) Ts. 'Dentists' remuneration', Conservative Research Department, 17 October 1963 b) Ts. 'The hospital plans revised', Conservative Research Department, 14 May 1964 1 file

U DPW/14/6 File. Health, 1966. Correspondence, reports and Nov 1964-Jan ts. notes regarding the National Health Service 1966 and water fluoridation

1 file

U DPW/14/7 File. Health, 1966. Correspondence, ms. notes Nov 1965-Nov and press release regarding the National Health 1966 Service, abortion law reform and homosexuality

1 file

U DPW/14/8 File. Health, 1967. Press releases regarding 1967-Oct 1968 research into hospital efficiency and the Junior Hospital Doctors Association right to negotiation on behalf of its members, and letters about organ surgery

1 file

U DPW/14/9 File. Health, 1969. Correspondence and press Mar-Dec 1969 releases regarding the National Health Service

1 file

U DPW/14/10 File. Health, 1970. Correspondence, press Jan-Jul 1970 releases and ms. notes regarding the National Health Service

1 file

U DPW/14/11 File. Health, 1971. Correspondence, reports and Dec 1970-Dec ts. notes regarding the National Health Service 1971

1 file

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U DPW/14/12 File. Health, 1972. Correspondence, press Jan-Dec 1972 releases and reports regarding drug abuse, the use of thalidomide and the care of mentally handicapped people

1 file

U DPW/14/13 File. Health, 1973. Correspondence, reports and Jan-Jul 1973 ts. notes regarding the National Health Service Reorganisation Bill and free television licences for retired pensioners

1 file

U DPW/14/14 File. Health, 1974. Correspondence, press release Dec 1973-Nov and report regarding mental health, hospital bed 1974 shortages, pay awards and working conditions Including:

a) Ts. Address to the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, given by Sir John Gray, regarding the Medical Research Council's management of research related to medicine, 29 October 1974 b) Ts. Address to the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, General Committee, given by Dr O P W Robinson, regarding the safety and screening of new drugs, 11 December 1973 1 file

U DPW/14/15 File. Health, 1975. Correspondence regarding Feb-Aug 1975 National Health Service finances

1 file

U DPW/14/16 File. Health, 1975 - 1976. Correspondence, press May 1975-Dec releases and ts. notes 1976 Including:

a) Ts. 'Labour and the National Health Service', Conservative Research Department Briefing Note, 11 December 1975 1 file

U DPW/14/17 File. Health, 1977. Correspondence and reports Feb-Oct 1977 regarding disabled people, water fluoridation, national insurance contributions and preventative medicine

1 file

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U DPW/14/18 File. Health, 1978. Correspondence and ts. notes Mar 1974-Nov regarding the organisation of the National Health 1978 Service and the Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Bill

1 file

U DPW/14/19 File. Health, 1978. Correspondence and ts. notes Mar-Sep 1978 regarding computerisation of medical records, car seat belts and laws governing the use of drugs Including:

a) Ts. 'The Social Services', Conservative Research Department Briefing Note, no. 24, 13 July 1978 b) Ts. 'The National Health Service', Conservative Research Department, 17 April 1978 1 file

U DPW/14/20 File. Health, 1980. Correspondence, press Jan 1979-Nov releases and report 1980 Including: a) Ts. 'Brief for the debate on the structure and management of the National Health Service on 27 October 1980', Conservative Research Department paper, 22 October 1980 1 file

U DPW/14/21 File. Health, 1981. Reports, correspondence, ms. Feb 1981-Oct notes and Conservative Party research papers 1982 regarding the National Health Service, health and safety at work, tobacco advertising and industrial relations legislation regarding the International Transport Workers' Federation

1 file

U DPW/14/22 File. Health, 1982. Correspondence, ts. notes and Jan-Nov 1982 press releases regarding National Health Service salary awards, baby milk formula, care in the community and the Invalid Care Allowance Including:

a) Ts. 'The National Health Service', Conservative Research Department paper, 20 July 1982 b) Ts. Conservative Research Department Briefing Notes, nos. 19 and 24 regarding the National Health Service (2), 19 May & 23 June 1982 1 file

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U DPW/14/23 File. Health, 1983. Correspondence, ms. notes, Jan-Dec 1983 reports and press release Including:

a) Ts. Conservative Research Department Briefing Notes, nos. 17 and 30, regarding the National Health Service (2), 5 May & 6 October 1983 1 file

U DPW/14/24 File. Health, 1984. Correspondence, press Jan-Nov 1984 releases and memorandum regarding the National Health Service, private medicine, the Health and Social Security Bill, the Medical Act 1983 (Amendment) Bill and water fluoridation

1 file

U DPW/14/25 File. Health, 1985. Correspondence, press Jan 1985-Feb releases, ts. notes and report 1986 Including:

a) File. 'Water fluoridation'. Correspondence, January - February 1985 b) Ts. 'Nurses and midwives pay', Conservative Research Department Brief, 6 June 1985 1 file

U DPW/14/26 File. Health and hospitals, 1986. Correspondence, Jul 1985-Jul press releases and report regarding the National 1986 Health Service, the National Health Service (Amendment) Bill, the Crown Immunity Bill (Amendment to the Food Act 1984) and water fluoridation

1 file

U DPW/14/27 File. New pharmacy contract. Correspondence Oct 1985-Apr regarding the procedure for chemists to obtain 1986 National Health Service dispensing licences

1 file

U DPW/14/28 File. Nurses, 1962. Correspondence, ts. and ms. Mar-May 1962 notes and Conservative Party research papers regarding salary claims

1 file

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U DPW/14/29 File. Restriction of drugs available on the National Nov 1984-Jun Health Service. Correspondence, reports, ts. and 1985 ms. notes Including:

a) Ts. 'The limited list proposals', Conservative Research Department brief, 21 February 1985 1 file

U DPW/15 Home affairs and police 1954-1987

U DPW/15/1 File. British Standard Time. Correspondence Oct-Dec 1970

1 file

U DPW/15/2 File. Decimalisation. Correspondence and reports Jan-Mar 1967

1 file

U DPW/15/3 File. Gambling. Correspondence, reports and ms. Sep 1968-Jan notes 1970

1 file

U DPW/15/4 File. Home affairs. Correspondence, ts. speech Nov 1954-Dec notes and ts. 'The Offices Bill', Conservative Party 1959 Research Department

1 file

U DPW/15/5 File. Home affairs: general, 1960. May-Dec 1960 Correspondence, Conservative Party research papers, report and memorandum

1 file

U DPW/15/6 File. Home affairs: firemen, 1961. May-Jul 1961 Correspondence and statement submitted by the Fire Brigades Union and the National Association of Fire Officers regarding the case for a committee of enquiry into the Fire Service

1 file

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U DPW/15/7 File. Home affairs: general, 1962'. Mar-Dec 1962 Correspondence, reports, memorandum and ts. 'Prison sentences passed on six members of the Committee of 100', Conservative Party research paper

1 file

U DPW/15/8 File. Home affairs, 1963. Correspondence Jan-Feb 1963 regarding the Animals (Cruel Poisons) Bill

1 file

U DPW/15/9 File. Home affairs, 1964. Correspondence Mar-Dec 1964

1 file

U DPW/15/10 File. Home affairs, 1965. Correspondence and Feb 1964 report

1 file

U DPW/15/11 File. Home affairs, 1966. Correspondence and Mar-Nov 1966 report

1 file

U DPW/15/12 File. Home affairs. Correspondence Nov-Dec 1967

1 file

U DPW/15/13 File. Home affairs, 1970. Correspondence and Jul-Dec 1970 memorandum

1 file

U DPW/15/14 File. Home affairs, 1971. Letter and report Jan 1971 regarding the Younger Committee on Privacy

1 file

U DPW/15/15 File. Home affairs, 1973. Correspondence May-Oct 1973

1 file

U DPW/15/16 File. Home affairs, 1974. Correspondence, report 1973-1974 and ts. 'Towards a fair deal for women', Conservative Party research paper

1 file

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U DPW/15/17 File. Home affairs, 1975. Correspondence and Feb-May 1975 report

1 file

U DPW/15/18 File. Home affairs, 1977. Correspondence and Jan-Jun 1977 reports

1 file

U DPW/15/19 File. Home affairs, 1978. Correspondence Apr-Jun 1978

1 file

U DPW/15/20 File. Home affairs, 1979. Correspondence and Feb-Dec 1979 reports

1 file

U DPW/15/21 File. Home affairs, 1980. Correspondence and May 1979-Dec report 1980

1 file

U DPW/15/22 File. Home affairs. Correspondence and Jan 1981-Mar Conservative Party Briefing Notes 1982

1 file

U DPW/15/23 File. Home affairs, 1981. Correspondence and Dec 1981 report

1 file

U DPW/15/24 File. Home affairs. Correspondence and report Nov 1983-Feb 1984 1 file

U DPW/15/25 File. Home affairs and local government. Sep 1978-Jul Correspondence and reports 1979

1 file

U DPW/15/26 File. 'Horror comics'. Correspondence Nov 1954-Feb 1955 1 file

U DPW/15/27 File. Police. Conservative Party publications (2) Jun 1963

1 file

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U DPW/15/28 File. Police. Letters regarding capital punishment Nov 1966-Aug (2) and transcript of BBC television programme, 1968 'Cause for concern: equal before the law'

1 file

U DPW/15/29 File. Police, 1969. Correspondence Mar 1969

1 file

U DPW/15/30 File. Police, 1970. Correspondence Feb-Oct 1970

1 file

U DPW/15/31 File. Police, 1973. Letters and ms. notes Dec 1972-Oct 1973 1 file

U DPW/15/32 File. Police. Correspondence, report on police Apr 1973-Jun reform and Conservative Party research paper, 1974 'Action against crime'

1 file

U DPW/15/33 File. Police, 1976. Correspondence, report and 1975-1976 Monday Club factsheet, 'What is communism?'

1 file

U DPW/15/34 File. Police, 1978. Letter and report May 1978

1 file

U DPW/15/35 File. Police, 1980. Correspondence May-Oct 1980

1 file

U DPW/15/36 File. Police, 1981. Correspondence Jul-Nov 1981

1 file

U DPW/15/37 File. Police, 1982. Letter, press release, Common May-Nov 1982 Cause report, 'The left and the police', and ts. 'Police and Criminal Evidence Bill, 2nd Reading, 30 November 1982', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

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U DPW/15/38 File. Police, 1983. Correspondence, press release Mar-Nov 1983 and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/15/39 File. Police, 1986. Common Cause reports, 'The Jul 1986-Oct anti - police campaign: silly or sinister?' and 1987 'Pressures on 'The thin blue line'', correspondence, ts. parliamentary question and Monday Club publication, 'The right wingery option'

1 file

U DPW/15/40 File. Police Bill. Correspondence and report Dec 1975

1 file

U DPW/15/41 File. Police Pay. Correspondence, report and ms. Feb-Nov 1976 notes Including:

a) Ts. Speech by Patrick Wall in Welton, East Yorkshire, 19 February [1976] 1 file

U DPW/16 Housing 1954-1987

U DPW/16/1 File. Housing. Correspondence, background Oct 1954-Mar papers from the Conservative Research 1965 Department and Conservative Party leaflets

1 file

U DPW/16/2 File. Housing. Background papers from the May 1970-Jun Conservative Research Department 1978

1 file

U DPW/16/3 File. Housing. Correspondence and limited Jul 1982-Jul background papers 1987

1 file

U DPW/17 Immigration and race relations 1956-1986

Page 326 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/17/1 File. Background papers, 1964 - 1966. Nov 1964-Oct Correspondence, ms. notes, ts. notes 1966 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The victims speak. A comment on the White Paper and general racial situation in the United Kingdom', Indian Workers' Commission, November 1965 b) Transcripts of speeches [by Patrick Wall?] about immigration, [1966?] 1 file

U DPW/17/2 File. Background papers, 1966 - 1967. 1965-1968 Correspondence, ms. notes, ts. notes Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Race and civilisation', Monitor [1967] b) Pamphlet. 'Race relations and the engineering industry', Ivan Hattingh, Engineering Employers' Federation (with covering press release, 7 December 1967 c) Letter from Roy Jenkins MP, 1 August 1967 d) Ts. article. 'Immigration', [? Patrick Wall, sent to the 'Yorkshire Post'], 1965 1 file

U DPW/17/3 File. Background papers, 1968. Memorandum, Oct 1967-Nov ms. notes, ts. notes 1968 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Immigration and racial harmony', transcript of speech made by Edward Heath MP at public meeting at St George's Hall, York, 20 September 1968 b) Pamphlet. 'Race without rancour. A re- examination of race and immigration problems', William Deedes MP, August 1968 1 file

U DPW/17/4 File. Background Papers, 1969. Leaflets and ms. Oct 1968-Jul notes 1969 Including:

a) Transcript of speech about immigration by Enoch Powell MP at public meeting in the Wulfrun Hall, Wolverhampton, 9 June 1969 b) Transcript of speech about immigration by Enoch Powell MP to a Conservative rally at St George's Hall, Bradford, 18 July 1969 1 file

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U DPW/17/5 File. Black Power, 1967. Correspondence and ts. Jun-Aug 1967 notes about the case of Colin Jordan, imprisoned under the Race relations Act

1 file

U DPW/17/6 File. Black Power, 1968. Ts. notes about Black 1967-1968 Power movements, including Caribbean Workers' Movement, Racial Adjustment Society, Universal Coloured People's Association

1 file

U DPW/17/7 File. British entry. Correspondence, ms. and ts. Oct 1967-Jul notes 1968

1 file

U DPW/17/8 File. Commonwealth immigrants, 1967. Aug 1967-Jan Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes 1968

1 file

U DPW/17/9 File. Commonwealth Immigrants Bill 1968. Ts. Feb-Jul 1968 notes

1 file

U DPW/17/10 File. 'Daily Telegraph' letters, August 1969. Jun 1969-Jul Correspondence about Patrick Wall's letters 1970 regarding the treatment of British people born abroad

1 file

U DPW/17/11 File. 'Daily Telegraph' letters, summer 1969. Aug 1969-Dec Correspondence about Patrick Wall's letters 1970 regarding the treatment of British people born abroad

1 file

U DPW/17/12 File. East African Asians. Correspondence Feb-Mar 1970

1 file

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U DPW/17/13 File. East African immigration. Transcripts of Feb-Feb 1968 broadcasts by the South African Broadcasting Corporation, 'Indian Exodus from Kenya' and 'Indians in Kenya, Britain and South Africa'

1 file

U DPW/17/14 File. Immigration,1961. Correspondence, Jul 1961-Nov Conservative Political Centre leaflets, and press 1962 release Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Legal curbs on racial incitement. Legislation in other countries', British Section of the World Jewish Congress (with covering circular, November 1962) b) 'Gallup' poll on attitudes to coloured immigrants, August 1961 c) Minutes of the joint meeting of the Home Office Affairs and the Commonwealth Committees, held 6 July 1961 1 file

U DPW/17/15 File. Immigration, 1962. Correspondence, Nov 1961-Feb circulars and ms. notes 1962

1 file

U DPW/17/16 File. Immigration. Circulars, Conservative Political Jul 1962-Sep Centre papers, correspondence, ms. notes, 1965 papers about the Campaign Against Racial Discrimination and ts. notes Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Immigration. The incredible folly', John Sanders, Chairman of the Birmingham Immigration Control Association, May 1965 b) Typescript of speech by Sir Alec Douglas- Home MP, 3 February 1965 1 file

U DPW/17/17 File. Immigration, 1963. Ts. notes Jan-May 1963

1 file

U DPW/17/18 File. Immigration, 1964. Correspondence and ts. Dec 1963-Dec notes 1964

1 file

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U DPW/17/19 File. Immigration, 1965. Correspondence, leaflets Nov 1964-May and ts. notes 1965 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'New Nation' vol. 3 no. 2, National Student Press, February 1965 1 file

U DPW/17/20 File. Immigration, 1965. Correspondence, ms. Feb-Apr 1965 notes, papers about preparations for conference of Conservative Commonwealth Council

1 file

U DPW/17/21 File. Immigration, 1965. Correspondence, Mar-Oct 1965 pamphlets and ts. notes Including:

a) Note from Edward Heath MP, 4 May 1965 1 file

U DPW/17/22 File. Immigration, 1966. Correspondence, Sep 1963-Dec memoranda, pamphlets and ts. notes 1966 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The biology of the race problem', Wesley Critz George, Professor of Histology and Embryology, 'The race issue', pamphlet 12, September 1963 b) Ts. article. 'Problems of immigration', Patrick Wall, [1966?] 1 file

U DPW/17/23 File. Immigration, 1967. Pamphlets, papers about 1966-1967 Political and Economic Planning Report on Racial Discrimination in England, and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/17/24 File. Immigration, 1967. Pamphlets and ts. notes Oct 1966-Dec 1967 1 file

U DPW/17/25 File. Immigration, 1968. Leaflet and ms. notes 1968

1 file

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U DPW/17/26 File. Immigration. Correspondence and ms. notes Oct-Dec 1968 Including:

a) Ts. article. 'Who goes home?', G K Young, 8 December 1968 1 file

U DPW/17/27 File. Immigration, 1969. Papers from the Racial 1967-1969 Preservation Society and photocopy ts. notes Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Man's racial nature', H B Isherwood, Racial Preservation Society (with covering circulars) [1967?] 1 file

U DPW/17/28 File. Immigration. Correspondence, Institute of Oct 1968-Jul Race relations briefing paper, leaflets, Racial 1969 Preservation Society monthly bulletins, ts. notes Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Commonwealth cooperation - fantasy or reality? A three point plan proposed concerning citizenship and migration within the Commonwealth', Committee on United Kingdom Citizenship, January 1969 b) Pamphlet. 'How the Race Relations Act affects personnel', members of the Edinburgh group of the Institute of Personnel Management, [1969] c) Transcript of speech by Edward Heath MP, 25 January 1969 1 file

U DPW/17/29 File. Immigration, 1970. Correspondence, leaflets 1970 and pamphlets Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Religion and the racial controversy', H B Isherwood, Racial Preservation Society, 1970 b) Draft paper read by Enoch Powell MP to the conference of the Institute of Population Registration, 1 May 1970 c) Extract of speech by Enoch Powell MP to the Group 5 Young Conservative conference, 17 January 1970 1 file

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U DPW/17/30 File. Immigration, 1970 - 1971. Conservative Mar 1968-Feb Research Department briefs and pamphlets, ms. 1974 and ts. notes Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Control of Commonwealth immigration. An analysis and summary of the evidence taken by the Select Committee on Race Relations and Immigration, 1969 - 70', Arthur Bottomly MP and Sir George Sinclair MP, Runnymede Trust, October 1970 b) Pamphlet. 'Illegal immigration and the law. A Runnymede Trust briefing paper', July 1973 c) Pamphlet. 'Immigration and race relations. A reference guide for candidates', Runnymede Trust, February 1974 1 file

U DPW/17/31 File. Immigration, 1971. Correspondence and Jun 1969-Feb leaflets 1972

1 file

U DPW/17/32 File. Immigration, 1971. Leaflets and publications 1971 by the Runnymede Trust

1 file

U DPW/17/33 File. Immigration, 1972. Leaflets, news release, Jun 1970-Nov Runnymede Trust background paper and ts. notes 1972 Including:

a) Transcript of speech by Enoch Powell MP to the Monday Club Universities Group, 18 November 1972 1 file

U DPW/17/34 File. Immigration, 1972. Correspondence Feb-Dec 1972 Including:

a) File. Commonwealth immigration, October - December 1972 b) Extract of speech by Enoch Powell MP at the joint dinner of the Oxford University Conservative Club and the Monday Club of Oxford University, 5 February 1972 1 file

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U DPW/17/35 File. Immigration, 1973. Correspondence, leaflets, Nov 1972-Nov press releases and ts. notes 1973

1 file

U DPW/17/36 File. Immigration, 1974. Correspondence, leaflets Jan 1974-Jan and papers about the Runnymede Trust 1975

1 file

U DPW/17/37 File. Immigration, 1976. Conservative Research May-Sep 1976 Department briefing note, correspondence, leaflets and press release Including:

a) Extract of a speech by William Whitelaw MP to the Leicester City Conservative Federation, 17 September 1976 b) Letters from William Whitelaw MP, 28 June & 27 July 1976 1 file

U DPW/17/38 File. Immigration, 1977. Correspondence and Dec 1976-Dec Runnymede Trust bulletins 1977

1 file

U DPW/17/39 File. Immigration, 1978. Runnymede Trust briefing Jan-Sep 1978 papers and bulletins, and press release Including:

a) Extract of speech by William Whitelaw MP, in reply to the debate on immigration and race relations, at the Central Council annual meeting, Leicester, 7 April 1978 1 file

U DPW/17/40 File. Immigration, 1978. Correspondence, leaflets, Oct 1978-Jun papers about the Runnymede Trust and ts. notes 1979 Including:

a) 'Policy statement on the right of settlement in Britain of the spouses of British citizens', Equal Opportunities Commission, [July 1979 ?] 1 file

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U DPW/17/41 File. Immigration, 1979. Correspondence, leaflets, Jul 1979-Jan and Runnymede Trust briefing papers and 1980 bulletins Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Immigrant children- a code for their protection', UK Association for the International Year of the Child, 25 September 1979 1 file

U DPW/17/42 File. Immigration, 1980. Correspondence, press Nov 1979-Nov release, Runnymede Trust bulletins and ts. notes 1980

1 file

U DPW/17/43 File. Immigration, 1981. Correspondence, papers Aug 1978-Dec about the Runnymede Trust 1981

1 file

U DPW/17/44 File. Immigration, 1982. Conservative Research Dec 1981-Nov Department brief, correspondence 1982 Including:

a) Address. 'Britain's Berlin Wall', Rev. Dr. Ashton Gibson, to the Welsh, Irish, Scottish and English Society, 23 January 1982 1 file

U DPW/17/45 File. Immigration, 1984. Papers about the May 1984 threatened deportation of Muhammed Idrish

1 file

U DPW/17/46 File. Immigration, 1985. Papers about the Jul 1985 Immigration Widows Campaign Including:

a) Ts. 'Changes in immigration rules'. Conservative Research Department brief for debate in House of Commons on 23 July 1985 1 file

U DPW/17/47 File. Immigration, 1986 (visas). Correspondence Apr-Nov 1986 and ts. notes

1 file

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U DPW/17/48 File. Immigration Bill 1971. Correspondence, 1971 papers by the Catholic Institute for International Relations about the Bill, and ts. notes Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The Immigration Bill: How does it affect you and your family?' Conservative Central Office, [1971] b) Pamphlet. 'Race and jobs. 71 questions answered on immigration, race relations and the Race Relations Act', Runnymede Industrial Unit, 1971 1 file

U DPW/17/49 File. Immigration correspondence, 1967 Dec 1966-Aug 1967 1 file

U DPW/17/50 File. Immigration correspondence, 1968. With ts. Feb-Aug 1968 notes

1 file

U DPW/17/51 File. Immigration correspondence, 1968. With Nov-Dec 1968 leaflets and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/17/52 File. Institute of Race Relations, 1958. Ts. Jun 1956-Mar 'Summaries of press news and comment from 1958 Central and South Africa and Kenya', produced by the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Race relations Department

1 file

U DPW/17/53 File. Institute of Race Relations, 1960. Ts. Apr 1958-Mar 'Summaries of press news and comment from 1960 Central and South Africa and Kenya', produced by the Institute of Race Relations

1 file

U DPW/17/54 File. Integration. Correspondence and May-Jun 1970 Runnymede Trust briefing paper

1 file

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U DPW/17/55 File. Enoch Powell's speech, April 1968. Apr-May 1968 Correspondence and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/17/56 File. Race 1963 - 1965. Pamphlets and ts. notes Nov 1962-Mar Including: 1964

a) Ts. article. 'Dangers ahead', Patrick Wall b) 'Text of a statement [about South West Africa] made by Mr Patrick Wall MP to the [United Nations] Fourth Committee on Monday, November 12 1962' c) Transcript of address. 'Threat to world peace', HLT Taswell, South African accredited diplomatic representative to the Lions Club, Que Que, Southern Rhodesia, 3 August 1963 d) Transcript of speech by Kanyama Chiume, Nyasaland Minister of Education, Information and Social Development, 1 June 1963 1 file

U DPW/17/57 File. Race relations, 1973. Correspondence, Dec 1972-Dec Runnymede Trust bulletins and ts. notes 1973 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The case and the course. A treatise on black studies', Sam Morris, Committee on Black Studies, 1973 1 file

U DPW/17/58 File. Race relations, 1975. Correspondence and Apr-Dec 1975 Runnymede Trust bulletins Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The white man's paper on race discrimination', London Anti Immigration Standing Committee, Autumn 1975 1 file

U DPW/17/59 File. Race relations, 1976. Correspondence, Jan 1976-Sep Runnymede Trust briefing papers, bulletins and 1977 press releases Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The Race Relations Bill and ethnic minority participation', Community Relations Commission (with covering circular), May 1976 1 file

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U DPW/17/60 File. Race relations, 1976. Correspondence, Jun-Dec 1976 leaflets and Runnymede Trust bulletins

1 file

U DPW/17/61 File. Race relations, 1978. Runnymede Trust Jan-Jun 1978 bulletins

1 file

U DPW/17/62 File. Race relations, 1979. Letter and Runnymede Nov-Dec 1979 Trust bulletin

1 file

U DPW/17/63 File. Race relations, 1980. Correspondence and Feb-Oct 1980 Runnymede Trust bulletins Including:

a) Pamphlet. '1981 Census: Why the ethnic question is vital', Commission for Racial Equality, March 1980 1 file

U DPW/17/64 File. Race relations, 1981. Correspondence and Jan-Dec 1981 Runnymede Trust bulletins Including:

a) Conservative Research Department brief for the debate on the Scarman Inquiry on the Brixton disorders, 9 December 1981 1 file

U DPW/17/65 File. Race relations, 1982. Correspondence and Mar 1980-Sep leaflets 1982

1 file

U DPW/17/66 File. Race relations, 1984. Correspondence, Mar-Jun 1984 leaflet and United Nations information release

1 file

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U DPW/17/67 File. Race relations, 1985. Leaflets and papers Dec 1982-Nov about case of Ray Honeyford, Bradford 1985 headmaster Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The Anti Apartheid Movement in Britain' (claiming Communist influence over the movement), December 1982 1 file

U DPW/17/68 File. Race Relations Bill 1968. Correspondence, Mar-Jul 1968 leaflets and ts. notes Including:

a) Report. 'Race Relations Bill. Second reading briefing', Equal Rights, 14 April 1968 1 file

U DPW/17/69 File. Race Relations Board. Correspondence and Jun 1969-Dec Runnymede Trust bulletins 1970

1 file

U DPW/17/70 File. Ugandan Asians. Correspondence, leaflets, Aug-Dec 1972 Runnymede Trust publications, and United Nations information release

1 file

U DPW/18 Industry 1957-1987

U DPW/18/1 File. Film Industry. Correspondence and ts. Jan-Apr 1959 'Submission to the Chancellor of the Exchequer by the All Industry Tax Committee of the Film Industry'

1 file

U DPW/18/2 File. Industry. Correspondence, press release and Oct 1957-Jul Conservative Party research papers 1959

1 file

U DPW/18/3 File. Industry and trade unions, 1960. Letter, ts. Dec 1960-Jan notes and annual report, Commonwealth and 1961 Empire Industries Association, 1959

1 file

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U DPW/18/4 File. Industry. Correspondence, report and Feb 1961-Dec 'Weekend Talking Point' nos. 421 - 422, 1963 Conservative Research Department

1 file

U DPW/18/5 File. Industry, 1965. Correspondence, press Feb 1965-Feb releases and ts. notes 1966

1 file

U DPW/18/6 File. Industry, 1966. Correspondence, press Mar-Jul 1966 releases, memorandum and ts. 'Presidential Address by H Hodgson, to the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants'

1 file

U DPW/18/7 File. Industry, 1967. Correspondence, press Feb-Nov 1967 releases and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/18/8 File. Industry, 1968. Correspondence, press Jun 1967-Nov release and 'Weekend Talking Point' no. 611, 1968 Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/18/9 File. Industry, 1969. Correspondence, press Feb-Oct 1969 releases and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/18/10 File. Industry, 1970. Correspondence, press Sep 1970-Apr releases, ts. notes and tss. 'The electrician's 1971 dispute (II)' and 'Steel closures', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/18/11 File. Industry, 1972. Correspondence, reports, Feb-Nov 1972 press releases and 'Weekend Talking Point' no. 762, Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/18/12 File. Industry, 1973. Correspondence, reports, Sep-Oct 1973 press release and memorandum

1 file

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U DPW/18/13 File. Industry, 1974. Correspondence, Jan-Nov 1974 Conservative Party research papers, press releases and reports

1 file

U DPW/18/14 File. Industry, 1975. Correspondence, press Jan-Jul 1975 releases, memorandum and report Including:

a) Ts. 'Address to the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee by Mr Gilbert Hunt', 15 July 1975 1 file

U DPW/18/15 File. Industry, 1976. Correspondence, reports, May 1975-Dec press releases and memorandum 1976

1 file

U DPW/18/16 File. Industry, 1977. Correspondence, ts. notes Jan-Nov 1977 and press releases

1 file

U DPW/18/17 File. Industry, 1978. Correspondence, reports and Dec 1977-Dec press releases 1978

1 file

U DPW/18/18 File. Industry, 1979. Correspondence, press Jan-Mar 1979 releases and report

1 file

U DPW/18/19 File. Industry, 1979. Press release and Nov 1979 correspondence

1 file

U DPW/18/20 File. Industry, 1980. Correspondence, press Jun 1979-Dec releases, Conservative Party research papers, ts. 1980 speeches, ts. notes and report

1 file

U DPW/18/21 File. Industry, 1981. Correspondence, reports and Feb-Nov 1981 ts. 'Energy price to industry', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

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U DPW/18/22 File. Industry, 1982. Correspondence, reports and Aug-Oct 1982 press release

1 file

U DPW/18/23 File. Industry, 1983 - 1984. Correspondence, Apr 1982-Jul press releases, reports, ms. notes, ts. 'Shop 1984 Hours Bill', Conservative Party Research Department and Yorkshire and Humberside CBI's 'Aide - memoire for MPs'

1 file

U DPW/18/24 File. Industry, 1985. Correspondence, press Dec 1984-Feb releases, reports and ts. notes 1986

1 file

U DPW/18/25 File. Industry, 1985. Letter, ts. notes and Common Apr-Dec 1985 Cause reports (2)

1 file

U DPW/18/26 File. Industry, 1986. Correspondence, press Apr 1983-Aug releases, reports and ts. notes 1986

1 file

U DPW/18/27 File. Industry, 1987. Correspondence, reports and Jan-May 1987 press releases

1 file

U DPW/18/28 File. Investment and privatisation. Jun 1984-Dec Correspondence, reports and press releases 1986 Including:

a) Leaflet. Monday Club Policy Paper regarding privatisation, September 1986 b)Ts. 'White Paper, privatisation of the water authorities in England and Wales', Conservative Party Research Department Brief, 5 February 1986 1 file

U DPW/18/29 File. Lloyd's Bill, 1981. Correspondence Feb-Mar 1981

1 file

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U DPW/18/30 File. Monopolies, 1962 - 1963. Correspondence, Feb 1962-Mar ts. notes and Conservative Party research papers 1963

1 file

U DPW/18/31 File. Nationalisation, 1959. Correspondence and 1959 Conservative Party publications Including:

a) Ts. 'Backdoor nationalisation', Conservative Party Research Department, 28 July 1959 1 file

U DPW/18/32 File. Nationalisation, 1964. Correspondence, Nov 1963-Oct press releases and ts. notes 1964

1 file

U DPW/18/33 File. Nationalisation. Press releases and ts. notes Mar 1965-Nov 1966 1 file

U DPW/18/34 File. Nationalisation. Correspondence, press Apr 1965-Mar releases and ts. notes 1966

1 file

U DPW/18/35 File. Nationalisation, 1967. Correspondence and Jan-Jul 1967 'Weekend Talking Point' no. 591, Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/18/36 File. Nationalisation, 1968. Correspondence, 1968-1969 Conservative Party research papers, ts. notes and press releases from Aims of Industry

1 file

U DPW/18/37 File. Nationalised industries, 1978. Aug-Sep 1978 Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/18/38 File. Strikes. Correspondence, press statements May 1958-Jul and Conservative Party publications regarding the 1959 railway, London Bus and printing workers disputes

1 file

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U DPW/18/39 File. Strikes. Correspondence, press release and Jan-Mar 1979 ts. parliamentary questions

1 file

U DPW/18/40 File. Strikes. Correspondence, press releases and Jan 1979 ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/18/41 File. Unemployment. Conservative Party research Dec 1962-Feb papers 1963

1 file

U DPW/19 Land 1964-1976

U DPW/19/1 File. Land acquisition. Correspondence and Mar-Aug 1964 Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/19/2 File. Land acquisition. Correspondence, press Feb-Nov 1965 release, memorandum and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/19/3 File. Land Commission Bill. Correspondence, Nov 1965-Nov reports, Conservative Party research papers, 1967 press release and 'Three - way contact', Conservative Contact Programme

1 file

U DPW/19/4 File. Land. Correspondence, reports and Apr 1975-Mar Conservative Party research papers regarding the 1976 Development Land Tax Bill and the Community Land Bill

1 file

U DPW/20 Law, crime and security 1956-1989

U DPW/20/1 File. Capital punishment, 1956. Correspondence Jan -Feb 1956

1 file

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U DPW/20/2 File. Capital punishment, 1969. Correspondence Oct-Dec 1969 and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/20/3 File. Crime and punishment, 1959 - 1960. Dec 1959-Feb Correspondence and ts. 'Some facts about crime 1960 and penal reform', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/20/4 File. Crime and punishment. Correspondence and Dec 1959-Nov Conservative Party research papers 1961

1 file

U DPW/20/5 File. Crime and punishment. Correspondence Jan -Jul 1976

1 file

U DPW/20/6 File. Crime. Correspondence, report and ts. 'New Feb 1981-Dec measures to tackle crime', Conservative Party 1982 Research Department Briefing Note, no. 41

1 file

U DPW/20/7 File. Crime, 1983 - 1984. Photocopy ts. 'A strategy Oct 1983-Jun to fight crime', Conservative Party Research 1984 Department Briefing Note, no. 32 and letter regarding organised crime

1 file

U DPW/20/8 File. Crime and punishment, 1989. Common Jan 1989 Cause report, 'A plague for our time (violence and crime)'

1 file

U DPW/20/9 File. House Buyers Bill. Correspondence Dec 1983

1 file

U DPW/20/10 File. Law. Conservative Party research papers Sep 1963-Jun 1964 1 file

U DPW/20/11 File. Law, 1966. Correspondence Dec 1966

1 file

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U DPW/20/12 File. Law, 1970. Correspondence Apr-Jul 1970

1 file

U DPW/20/13 File. Law, 1971. Correspondence and memoranda 1971

1 file

U DPW/20/14 File. Law, 1972. Letter and statement Oct 1959-May 1972 1 file

U DPW/20/15 File. Law, 1974. Correspondence, ts. notes, Nov 1972-Nov reports and memorandum 1974

1 file

U DPW/20/16 File. Law, 1975 - 1976. Correspondence, ts. notes Jul 1975-Feb and Conservative Party research papers 1976

1 file

U DPW/20/17 File. Law, 1977. Correspondence and press Jan-Oct 1977 releases

1 file

U DPW/20/18 File. Law. Correspondence Nov 1978-Jul 1980 1 file

U DPW/20/19 File. Law, 1981. Correspondence, reports and ts. Jun-Nov 1981 'Brief for Supply Day Debate on law and order', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/20/20 File. Law, 1982. Correspondence, reports and Apr 1981-Dec Conservative Party research papers 1982

1 file

U DPW/20/21 File. Law and order, 1970. Correspondence and Feb-Apr 1970 ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/20/22 File. Law and order, 1972. Correspondence, Apr 1972-Oct reports and ts. notes 1973

1 file

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U DPW/20/23 File. Law and order, 1983. Correspondence, ms. Feb-Dec 1983 notes, report and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/20/24 File. Law and order, 1985. Correspondence, Jun-Dec 1985 Conservative Party research papers and press release

1 file

U DPW/20/25 File. Law and order, 1986. Correspondence and Oct 1985-Nov reports 1986

1 file

U DPW/20/26 File. Law and order, 1987. Correspondence Apr-May 1987

1 file

U DPW/20/27 File. Law, police and crime. Correspondence and May 1978-Jun report 1979

1 file

U DPW/20/28 File. Law, police and crime. Correspondence and Oct 1978-Dec reports 1979

1 file

U DPW/20/29 File. Punishment, 1967. Correspondence Oct 1967

1 file

U DPW/20/30 File. Security, 1973. Reports Jan-Dec 1973

1 file

U DPW/20/31 File. Security, 1974. Correspondence, press Jan-Dec 1974 releases and reports

1 file

U DPW/20/32 File. Security, 1975 - 1976. Correspondence and Jan 1975-Jan reports 1977

1 file

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U DPW/20/33 File. Security, 1979. Correspondence, reports and Jan-Dec 1979 ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/20/34 File. Security, 1981. Correspondence, ms. notes, Jan-Jul 1981 reports and ts. speech notes

1 file

U DPW/20/35 File. Security, 1984. Correspondence, press Mar 1981-Jun releases and Conservative Party research papers 1984

1 file

U DPW/20/36 File. Security, 1985. Correspondence, press Feb 1985-Jan release, report and ts. 'Mr Clive Ponting and the 1986 'General Belgrano affair'', Conservative Party Members' Brief, no. 6

1 file

U DPW/20/37 File. Security, 1986. Letter and report from the Dec 1986 Booth Report Implementation Campaign regarding family law reform

1 file

U DPW/20/38 File. Security (Terrorism), 1987. Correspondence, Jul 1986-Mar reports and press release 1987

1 file

U DPW/20/39 File. Subversion. Reports Nov 1975-Dec 1977 1 file

U DPW/20/40 File. Subversion. Reports, press release and ts. Aug 1976-Sep 'The Communist Party and leftwing extremist 1979 groups', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/20/41 File. Subversion, 1978. Correspondence, ms. Dec 1977-Jan notes, ts. speech and reports 1979

1 file

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U DPW/20/42 File. Subversion, 1980. Common Cause reports, Feb 1980 'Communists behind the scenes and Images of Britain, true and false'

1 file

U DPW/21 Libraries 1962-1976

U DPW/21/1 File. Public Libraries and Museums Bill. 1962-May 1964 Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes Including:

a) 'Libraries, free-for-all?', A P Herbert, Institute of Economic Affairs, inscribed 'to Patrick Wall with salutes from Alan Patrick Herbert', 1962 1 file

U DPW/21/2 File. Public Lending Right of Libraries and Child Oct 1969-Oct Benefit Regulations. Correspondence and reports 1976

1 file

U DPW/22 Local government 1957-1987

U DPW/22/1 File. Hunt Committee Report. Letter regarding the Jun 1969 'intermediate areas' highlighted in the report

1 file

U DPW/22/2 File. Local authorities, 1986. Correspondence, Nov 1985-Sep reports and Conservative Party research papers 1986

1 file

U DPW/22/3 File. Local government, 1961 - 1962. Apr 1960-Jun Correspondence, ts. notes, reports and 1962 Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/22/4 File. Local government, 1965. Correspondence Feb-Apr 1965 and ts. notes

1 file

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U DPW/22/5 File. Local government, 1966. Correspondence, Dec 1965-Sep reports and press releases 1966

1 file

U DPW/22/6 File. Local government, 1967. Report from the May 1967 District Auditors' Society regarding Local Authority Building Departments

1 file

U DPW/22/7 File. Local government, 1968. Correspondence, May-Dec 1968 Conservative Party advice note, and postcard and 'Three - way Contact', Conservative Contact Programme

1 file

U DPW/22/8 File. Local government, 1969. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1969 memorandum and reports

1 file

U DPW/22/9 File. Local government, 1970. Correspondence Nov-Dec 1970 and ts. notes regarding reform of the rating system

1 file

U DPW/22/10 File. Local government, 1971. Ts. 'Local Apr 1971 government elections, 1971, England and Wales', Conservative Central office, detailing results

1 file

U DPW/22/11 File. Local government, 1972. Correspondence, Aug-Oct 1972 reports and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/22/12 File. Local government, 1973. Correspondence, Jan-Nov 1973 reports and memorandum regarding the Local Government Bill, Water Bill and the Heavy Commercial Vehicles (Controls and Regulations) Bill

1 file

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U DPW/22/13 File. Local government, 1977. Letter and ts. 'Local 1977 rates...a viable alternative', Cllr. Brian Costello, Monday Club, inscribed 'with compliments Brian Costello'

1 file

U DPW/22/14 File. Local government, 1978. Correspondence, Dec 1977-May report and ts. 'Debate on the rate support grant 1978 order 1977', Conservative Research Department

1 file

U DPW/22/15 File. Local government, 1981. Correspondence, Dec 1980-Dec reports, ts. notes and press release 1981 Including:

a) Minutes of Humberside County Council, 28 January 1981 b) Minutes of Humberside County Council Policy and Resources Committee (Budget Meeting), 13 February 1981 1 file

U DPW/22/16 File. Local government, 1982. Correspondence, Dec 1980-Nov ms. notes, reports and Conservative Party 1982 research papers

1 file

U DPW/22/17 File. Local government, 1983. Correspondence, Jan 1982-Jan reports and press releases 1984 Including:

a) File. Sex Equality Bill. Correspondence and Conservative Party research papers, November 1983 - December 1983 b) File. Sunday trading. Correspondence, reports and Conservative Party research papers, December 1982 - October 1983 1 file

U DPW/22/18 File. Local government. Correspondence, reports, Jan 1983-Dec press release and Conservative Party research 1984 papers Including:

a) File. 'Rating, 1983'. Correspondence, reports and Conservative Party research papers 1 file

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U DPW/22/19 File. Local government, 1985. Correspondence, Feb 1985-Jul reports, ts. notes, press releases and 1986 Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/22/20 File. Local government, 1987. Correspondence Mar-May 1987 and reports

1 file

U DPW/22/21 File. Local Government Bill [funding and Jan 1957-Dec reorganisation]. Correspondence, memorandum, 1959 Conservative Party research papers, reports, ms. and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/22/22 File. Local Government Bill, 1972. Oct 1969-Jul Correspondence, reports, memorandum and 1972 press releases

1 file

U DPW/22/23 File. Local Government, Planning and Land (no. Jan-Dec 1980 2) Bill. Correspondence, memorandum, press releases and ts. 'The rate support grant for England and Wales 1981 - 1982', Conservative Research Department Briefing Note, no. 48

1 file

U DPW/22/24 File. Local government reform. Correspondence, Dec 1973-Nov reports, press releases and ts. 'Debate on the 1974 motion for the adjournment on 20 November 1974. Rates', Conservative Research Department

1 file

U DPW/22/25 File. Local government reform. Correspondence, Feb 1975-Dec reports, press release, Conservative Research 1976 Department background papers, and ts. addresses to the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee

1 file

U DPW/22/26 File. Local government rates reform. Apr-Dec 1979 Correspondence and reports

1 file

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U DPW/22/27 File. Maud Report of the Royal Commission on Jun-Nov 1969 Local Government, background papers. Correspondence, reports and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/22/28 File. Maud Report of the Royal Commission on Jul-Dec 1969 Local Government in England. Correspondence and reports

1 file

U DPW/22/29 File. Maud Report of the Royal Commission on Jan-Feb 1970 Local Government in England. Correspondence and reports

1 file

U DPW/22/30 File. Rating and Valuation Bill. Correspondence, Nov 1960-Feb memorandum, ms. and ts. notes and minutes of 1961 Urban District Councils Association meeting

1 file

U DPW/23 Overseas development 1963-1986

U DPW/23/1 File. Overseas aid pamphlet. Correspondence, ts. Feb-Dec 1969 and ms. versions of the pamphlet, with alterations, by Patrick Wall MP and Simon Kay (Monday Club, October 1969)

1 file

U DPW/23/2 File. Overseas aid pamphlet. Correspondence, Feb 1969-Apr ms. notes, ts. and ms. versions of the pamphlet, 1970 with alterations, including the second, revised edition, by Patrick Wall MP and Simon Kay (Monday Club, October 1969 and January 1970) Including:

a) Ts. 'Aid for development fact sheet', Ministry of Overseas Development no. 3, July 1969 b) Ts. 'Newly published figures for aid in 1978', Overseas Development Institute, 17 August 1969 1 file

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U DPW/23/3 File. Overseas development. Ms. and ts. notes Feb 1963-Aug Including: 1965

a) Ts. 'Neo-colonialism- the threat to investment and private enterprise in Africa', Patrick Wall, 4 February 1963 b) Ts. 'Background to the problem of the haves and the have nots', Patrick Wall, August 1965 1 file

U DPW/23/4 File. Overseas aid. Correspondence, briefing Apr 1964-Sep papers and reports 1981

1 file

U DPW/23/5 File. Overseas development. Correspondence, Feb-Aug 1965 reports, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/23/6 File. Overseas development. Ts. factsheets and Sep 1965-May Conservative Party research paper 1966

1 file

U DPW/23/7 File. Overseas development. Ts. reports by Jan-Feb 1966 Patrick Wall following a visit to South Africa, Swaziland and Rhodesia

1 file

U DPW/23/8 File. Overseas development. Ts. notes and Jul 1966-Jan bulletins of Overseas Development Institute and 1968 UNCTAD [United Nations Conference on Trade and Development]

1 file

U DPW/23/9 File. Overseas development. Ts. reports and letter Feb-Nov 1967

1 file

U DPW/23/10 File. Overseas development. Ts. 'Aid for Oct-Nov 1967 development fact sheet', Ministry of Overseas Development, nos. 1, 2, 4, 6 - 9, 11

1 file

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U DPW/23/11 File. Overseas development. Ts. 'Aid for Feb-Mar 1968 development fact sheet', Ministry of Overseas Development, nos. 5, 10, 12

1 file

U DPW/23/12 File. Overseas development. Ts. notes, reports, Sep-Dec 1968 letter and ts. 'Aid for development fact sheet', Ministry of Overseas Development, nos. 1 - 3 Including:

a) Ts. 'Briefing paper. Aid coordination', Overseas Development Institute, [no date] 1 file

U DPW/23/13 File. Overseas development. Correspondence, ts. Nov 1964-Dec and ms. notes 1969

1 file

U DPW/23/14 File. Overseas development. Ts. 'Aid for Jan-Dec 1969 development fact sheet', Ministry of Overseas Development, nos. 2, 4 - 18

1 file

U DPW/23/15 File. Overseas development, 1970. Jan-Nov 1970 Correspondence Including:

a) Ts. 'Conservative aid policy', Overseas Development Institute, 29 October 1970 1 file

U DPW/23/16 File. Overseas development. Ts. 'Aid for Jan-Dec 1970 development fact sheet', Ministry of Overseas Development, nos. 1 - 4, 7, 8, 10 and Overseas Development Administration, nos. 1 and 6

1 file

U DPW/23/17 File. Overseas development, 1971. Press Jan-Dec 1971 releases, correspondence and factsheets

1 file

U DPW/23/18 File. Overseas development. Ts. 'Aid for Feb-Dec 1971 development fact sheet', Overseas Development Administration, nos. 2, 3, 5 - 13, 15, 16, 18 - 20

1 file

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U DPW/23/19 File. Overseas development. Ts. 'Aid for Jan-Dec 1972 development fact sheet', Overseas Development Administration, nos. 1, 7 - 9, 14 - 21

1 file

U DPW/23/20 File. Overseas development: United Nations Feb-Jun 1972 Conference on Trade and Development III [UNCTAD]. Correspondence, reports and press releases Including:

a) Ts. 'Spur Special', Weekly News Bulletin on UNCTAD III, nos. 1 - 8, April 1972 - June 1972 1 file

U DPW/23/21 File. Overseas development. Ts. briefs for the Mar-Oct 1972 Inter-Parliamentary Union conference and ts. 'The European Summit and the Third World: A note by the Overseas Development Institute'

1 file

U DPW/23/22 File. Overseas development. Correspondence and Nov 1972-Dec ts. 'Aid for development fact sheet', Overseas 1973 Development Administration, nos. 1, 2, 5 - 7, 9, 11 - 13, 16, 17, 19 Including:

a) Ts. 'Conservative Parliamentary Party meetings on European Economic Community issues', Conservative Party Research Department, 22 1972 1 file

U DPW/23/23 File. Overseas aid. Correspondence, ts. notes, Oct 1973-Aug reports and ts. 'Aid for development fact sheet', 1975 Ministry of Overseas Development, nos. 1 - 5, 7 - 23, Overseas Development Administration, nos. 2, 3, 10 - 15, 18, 20 - 23

1 file

U DPW/23/24 File. Overseas aid. Press releases and ts. briefing Jul-Dec 1975 papers

1 file

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U DPW/23/25 File. Overseas aid. Press releases, briefing Jan-Aug 1976 papers and ts. 'Aid for development fact sheet', Ministry of Overseas Development, nos. 1 - 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 19, 23, 24

1 file

U DPW/23/26 File. Overseas aid. Correspondence, reports and Jan 1973-May ts. 'Aid for development fact sheet', Ministry of 1977 Overseas Development, nos. 2, 4, 6, 11, 14, 17, 22

1 file

U DPW/23/27 File. Overseas development. Ts. 'Urgent decisions Apr 1978-Jul needed on north - south issues' European 1979 Communities Commission Background Report and pamphlet, 'Contact', UK Standing Conference on the United Nations Second Development Decade

1 file

U DPW/23/28 File. Overseas aid. Ts. 'Overseas Development Oct-Dec 1978 Institute briefing paper', nos. 4 and 5

1 file

U DPW/23/29 File. Overseas aid. Ts. 'Overseas Development Feb-Mar 1979 Institute briefing paper', no. 1 and 'Contact Brief: overseas aid', Conservative Party Political Centre

1 file

U DPW/23/30 File. Overseas aid. Correspondence, Overseas Mar-Nov 1980 Development Institute briefing papers and report

1 file

U DPW/23/31 File. Overseas aid. Briefing papers and ts. Dec 1981-Dec 'Overseas development', Conservative Party 1982 Research Department

1 file

U DPW/23/32 File. Overseas aid. Overseas Development May-Sep 1983 Institute briefing papers and report

1 file

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U DPW/23/33 File. Overseas development. Overseas Dec 1983 Development Institute briefing paper and announcement of discussion meetings during January and February 1984

1 file

U DPW/23/34 File. Overseas development. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1984 briefing papers and press release

1 file

U DPW/23/35 File. Overseas development. Briefing papers, Jan-Dec 1985 correspondence and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/23/36 File. Overseas development. Correspondence and Oct 1985-Dec briefing papers 1986

1 file

U DPW/24 Permissive society 1954-1987

U DPW/24/1 File. Abortion Bill, 1966 - 1967. Correspondence, Apr 1966-Dec reports, ms. and ts. notes 1967

1 file

U DPW/24/2 File. Abortion, 1968. Letter and 'The Bulletin', Apr-May 1968 Society for the Protection of Unborn Children

1 file

U DPW/24/3 File. Abortion, 1969. Correspondence and 'The Jun-Jul 1969 Bulletin', no. 3, Society for the Protection of Unborn Children

1 file

U DPW/24/4 File. Abortion, 1970. Correspondence, reports and 1970 'The Bulletin', no. 4, Society for the Protection of Unborn Children

1 file

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U DPW/24/5 File. Abortion, 1971. Correspondence, reports and Apr-Jul 1971 'Human Rights Bulletin', Human Rights

1 file

U DPW/24/6 File. Abortion, 1972. Correspondence, press Mar-Oct 1972 release and report

1 file

U DPW/24/7 File. Abortion, 1973. Correspondence and reports Jan-Dec 1973

1 file

U DPW/24/8 File. Abortion. Correspondence and reports Jan 1975-Feb 1977 1 file

U DPW/24/9 File. Abortion, 1977. Correspondence and reports Feb-Dec 1977

1 file

U DPW/24/10 File. Abortion, 1978. Correspondence and reports Feb-Jul 1978

1 file

U DPW/24/11 File. Abortion. Correspondence and report Sep 1978-Sep 1979 1 file

U DPW/24/12 File. Abortion, 1979. Correspondence and reports Mar-Nov 1979

1 file

U DPW/24/13 File. Abortion (Corrie Bill), 1979 - 1980. Sep 1979-Jun Correspondence. 1980 Also correspondence regarding Humber pilots 1 file

U DPW/24/14 File. Abortion, 1982. Correspondence Feb-Nov 1982

1 file

U DPW/24/15 File. Abortion, 1982. Correspondence, report and Mar-Nov 1982 newspaper, 'Human Concern', Society for the Protection of Unborn Children

1 file

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U DPW/24/16 File. Abortion, 1983. Correspondence and reports Jan-Oct 1983

1 file

U DPW/24/17 File. Abortion, 1984. Correspondence, ts. Jun-Nov 1984 'Submission to Government inquiry into human fertilisation and embryology', LIFE and 'Life news', LIFE Including:

a) Minutes of the All-Party Parliamentary Pro - Life Group, 18 July 1984 1 file

U DPW/24/18 File. Abortion, 1985. Letters and ts. reports Jan 1985-Jul 1986 1 file

U DPW/24/19 File. Abortion and birth control, 1986. Mar-Dec 1986 Correspondence, press release, information pack, 'Learn about life', LIFE and ts. 'Pro - Life Parliamentary Monitor', Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, July 1986

1 file

U DPW/24/20 File. Abortion review, 1986. Correspondence Nov 1984-Nov Including: 1986

a) File. 'Standard letters'. Letters and petition for the protection of the human embryo, February 1985 b) File. 'Winston Churchill Bill (Amendment to the Obscene Publications Act)'. Correspondence, January - November 1986 c) File. 'Hargreaves Private Member's Bill. Protection of Unborn Children'. Correspondence, February 1985 - June 1986 d) File. 'Enoch Powell's Bill. Protection of the Unborn Child'. Correspondence and reports, November 1984 - August 1985 1 file

U DPW/24/21 File. Divorce law. Correspondence and 'Three - Nov 1967-Jul way contact', Conservative Political Centre 1969

1 file

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U DPW/24/22 File. Permissive society, 1969. Correspondence, 1969 reports and pamphlet, 'The speech by the Honourable Ronald Reagan, Governor of California, at the Institute of Directors annual conference, Royal Albert Hall, London, 1969', Institute of Directors, London

1 file

U DPW/24/23 File. Permissive society, 1970. Correspondence Apr-Oct 1970 and ts. 'Viewpoint', Viewpoint

1 file

U DPW/24/24 File. Permissive society, 1971. Correspondence Jan-Nov 1971

1 file

U DPW/24/25 File. Permissive society, 1974. Correspondence Dec 1973-Dec and reports 1974

1 file

U DPW/24/26 File. Permissive society, 1975 - 1976. Ts. report 1975 'Evidence for the Royal Commission on Standards of Conduct in Public Life', Aims of Industry, and press release from the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children

1 file

U DPW/24/27 File. Permissive society, 1978. Correspondence, Jan 1978-Jul reports and petition against increasing 1979 permissiveness in society

1 file

U DPW/24/28 File. Permissive society, 1980. Correspondence Oct 1979-Dec and reports 1980

1 file

U DPW/24/29 File. Permissive society, abortion, 1981. Apr-Sep 1981 Correspondence and reports

1 file

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U DPW/24/30 File. Permissive society, 1982. Correspondence Jul 1981-Nov and report 1982 Including:

a) Common Cause report. 'Devolutionary socialism and ''sexual politics''', no. 7, July 1981 1 file

U DPW/24/31 File. Permissive society, 1985. Correspondence Jan 1984-Nov and reports 1985

1 file

U DPW/24/32 File. Permissive society, 1986. Correspondence, Mar 1986-Jan report and broadsheet 'Open Mind', Conservative 1987 Group for Homosexual Equality, nos. 1 & 2

1 file

U DPW/24/33 File. Permissive society, 1987. Correspondence, Nov 1986-Nov reports and briefing papers 1987

1 file

U DPW/24/34 File. Sexual Offences [No. 2 Bill], 1966 - 1967. Mar 1966-Jul Correspondence 1967

1 file

U DPW/24/35 File. Sunday Entertainments Bill, 1968. Dec 1967-May Correspondence, ts. notes and pamphlet, 'The 1968 medical aspect of Sabbath observance', Professor D MacCullum Blair

1 file

U DPW/24/36 File. Sunday Entertainments Bill, 1969. Jan-May 1969 Correspondence and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/24/37 File. Thorsen film. Correspondence, ms. notes, Aug 1976-Jan reports, ts. and ms. draft speeches regarding 1977 Jorgen Thorsen's film of the fictional sex life of Jesus Christ Including:

a) File. 'The sex life of Jesus Christ'. Correspondence, September 1976 - October 1976 1 file

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U DPW/24/38 File. Wolfenden Committee. Correspondence and Apr 1954-Nov reports regarding homosexual offences and 1958 prostitution

1 file

U DPW/25 Press, radio and television 1954-1989

U DPW/25/1 File. Annan Report on broadcasting. Ts. report May-Jul 1977 'Submission to the Home Secretary on the Annan Report on the future of broadcasting', Association of Independent Radio Contractors Ltd. and ts. statement regarding the Annan Report

1 file

U DPW/25/2 File. Broadcasting, 1971. Correspondence and Dec 1970-Dec reports 1971

1 file

U DPW/25/3 File. Broadcasting, 1972. Correspondence, Mar-Dec 1972 reports and press releases Including:

a) Minutes of the Conservative Broadcasting and Communications Committee (5), March - June 1972 1 file

U DPW/25/4 File. Broadcasting, 1973. Correspondence, Feb-Dec 1973 reports and press releases Including:

a) Ts. 'Debate on Independent Broadcasting Authority', Conservative Party Research Department, 27 April 1973 1 file

U DPW/25/5 File. Broadcasting, 1974. Letters, press releases Jan-Jun 1974 and reports

1 file

U DPW/25/6 File. Broadcasting, 1975 - 1976. Correspondence, Dec 1974-Jun reports, press release and ts. briefing paper 1976

1 file

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U DPW/25/7 File. Broadcasting, 1977. Letters, press releases May-Dec 1977 and memorandum

1 file

U DPW/25/8 File. Broadcasting, 1978. Correspondence and Mar 1976-Apr reports 1978 Including:

a) File. CB radio. Correspondence and ms. notes, March 1976 - December 1977 1 file

U DPW/25/9 File. Broadcasting, 1979. Letter, memorandum 1979 and factsheet 'The broadcasting of Parliament. A few facts and figures about the BBC's broadcasting of Parliament during 1978'

1 file

U DPW/25/10 File. Broadcasting, 1980. Correspondence, ts. Feb-Sep 1980 briefing papers and reports

1 file

U DPW/25/11 File. Broadcasting, 1981. Correspondence, Feb-Dec 1981 reports and briefing notes

1 file

U DPW/25/12 File. Broadcasting, 1982. Correspondence, Dec 1980-Dec reports and press releases 1982

1 file

U DPW/25/13 File. Broadcasting, 1983. Correspondence, Dec 1982-Nov reports, factsheets, press release and ts. briefing 1983 paper

1 file

U DPW/25/14 File. Broadcasting, 1989. Common Cause report Jun 1989 no.6, 'Government and the media'

1 file

U DPW/25/15 File. Press, 1962 - 1965. Letter, Conservative 1962-1964 Party research papers and reports

1 file

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U DPW/25/16 File. Press, 1969. Correspondence and ts. notes Jul-Nov 1969

1 file

U DPW/25/17 File. Press, 1979. Correspondence, press release, Oct 1978-Jul pamphlet and ts. address regarding press 1979 freedom

1 file

U DPW/25/18 File. Press, 1979. Correspondence and reports Jan-Mar 1979

1 file

U DPW/25/19 File. Press, 1983. Correspondence, briefing Feb-Nov 1983 papers and ts. statements

1 file

U DPW/25/20 File. Press, 1984. Correspondence, press release Jan-Oct 1984 and ts. briefing paper

1 file

U DPW/25/21 File. Press, 1985. Letters and '2 - minute News May-Oct 1985 Review', Economic League, nos. 5 and 12

1 file

U DPW/25/22 File. Radio and television, 1960 - 1965. Feb 1961-Jan Correspondence, statements, ts. notes and 1966 Conservative Party research papers Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Public opinion and the Pilkington Committee, Sunday Times', [1963] 1 file

U DPW/25/23 File. Radio and television, 1966. Letters and Feb-Jun 1966 memorandum

1 file

U DPW/25/24 File. Radio and television, 1967. Correspondence Jan-Jun 1967 and ts. statements

1 file

U DPW/25/25 File. Radio and television, 1968. Correspondence 1968

1 file

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U DPW/25/26 File. Radio and television, 1969. Correspondence, Feb-Nov 1969 press releases, memorandum and report

1 file

U DPW/25/27 File. Radio and television, 1970. Letters, report Oct 1969-Jul and ts. briefing paper 1970

1 file

U DPW/25/28 File. Radio and television, 1984. Correspondence, Feb 1984-Sep reports, factsheets and press release 1985

1 file

U DPW/25/29 File. Radio and television, 1985. Correspondence, Nov 1984-Feb press release and Common Cause reports 1986 'Espionage and the media and Crisis at the BBC'

1 file

U DPW/25/30 File. Television Bill. Ts. statement from the 1954 Popular Television Committee and ts. 'Television Bill', Conservative Party research paper

1 file

U DPW/25/31 File. Television broadcasting. Correspondence, Nov 1984-Jan reports and press release 1987 Including:

a) Ts. 'The Peacock Report', Conservative Party Research Department Brief, 6 July 1986 b) Ts. 'CBC Newsletter', Christian Broadcasting Campaign, Autumn 1986 1 file

U DPW/26 Roman Catholicism 1958-1991 1 - 87 Pro Fide movement 88 - 146 Other Roman Catholic organisations 147 - 159 Roman Catholic Church 160 - 170 Religous education 171 - 174 Church of England 175 Church of Scientology 176 - 192 Religion

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U DPW/26/1 File. 'CUF [Catholics United for Faith]. The start'. Aug 1969-Aug Correspondence regarding the need to establish a 1970 new Catholic lay organisation

1 file

U DPW/26/2 File. 'CUF [Catholics United for Faith]. First letter'. 31 Jul-16 Aug Two versions of first circular letter sent by Patrick 1970 Wall to potential supporters of a new Catholic lay organisation, with lists of those approached

1 file

U DPW/26/3 File. 'CUF [Catholics United for Faith]. Second Aug-Sep 1970 letter'. Second circular letter sent by Patrick Wall to respondents of letter dated 25 August 1970, with replies to second letter Including:

a) Leaflets on abortion, euthanasia and humanism, The Lamp Society (16), circa 1970 1 file

U DPW/26/4 File. 'CUF [Catholics United for Faith]'. Third 12 Sep 1970 circular letter sent by Patrick Wall to respondents of second letter, with lists of supporters

1 file

U DPW/26/5 File. Circular letter to supporters from Patrick Wall Oct 1970 regarding the establishment of Pro Fide by the Advisory Committee on 20 October 1970

1 file

U DPW/26/6 File. 'CUF [Catholics United for Faith]. Replies and Jul-Oct 1970 addresses'. Correspondence with supporters of a new Catholic lay organisation

1 file

U DPW/26/7 File. Correspondence with MPs regarding the Sep 1970-Jul establishment of Pro Fide 1971

1 file

U DPW/26/8 File. 'CUF [Catholics United for Faith]. Manifesto'. Oct 1970 Drafts and final version of Pro Fide manifesto, 'A voice for the silent majority', by Patrick Wall

1 file

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U DPW/26/9 File. 'Early meetings 1971'. Correspondence Aug 1970-Jan regarding the establishment of Pro Fide, mainly 1971 with members of the National Advisory Committee. Including drafts of publicity material and list of members

1 file

U DPW/26/10 File. Lists of addresses of members and c.1971 supporters of Pro Fide

1 file

U DPW/26/11 File. Lists of members of National Advisory May 1971 Committee, with agenda of meetings and correspondence with EW Wade, Honorary Secretary

1 file

U DPW/26/12 File. Minutes of Pro Fide National Advisory 20 Oct 1970-15 Committee26/ National Council meetings, nos. 1 - Oct 1974 22

1 file

U DPW/26/13 File. Minutes of Pro Fide National Council 1974-1989 meetings, nos. 23 - 63 [with gaps] Including:

a) Draft manifesto, Pro Fide, circa 1973 b) Fifth annual report, Pro Fide, April 1977 c) Ts. list of Monday Club Executive Committee members, branches and officers, 1979 - 1980 d) Ts. list of members of Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas Council: Central and Southern Africa Group Committee, no date 1 file

U DPW/26/14 File. 'Next meeting'. Agenda and papers for May-Oct 1979 meeting of Pro Fide National Council, 13 November 1979, mainly comprising correspondence with Mgr. Bernard Kenney, Private Secretary to the Apostolic Delegate

1 file

Page 367 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/26/15 File. Annual reports (nos. 1 - 3) and progress Dec 1970-Jun reports by Chairman of Pro Fide, Patrick Wall 1972 (nos. 1 - 4)

1 file

U DPW/26/16 Ts. Directors' report for the year ended 13 June Jun 1974 1974, Pro Fide Ltd.

1 item

U DPW/26/17 File. Pro Fide newsletters, vol. 1, nos. 1 - 5 Sep 1973-Sep 1975 1 file

U DPW/26/18 File. Transcripts of speeches by Patrick Wall on Mar 1967-May Roman Catholic issues and as Chairman of Pro 1978 Fide, including publicity notices for Pro Fide meetings and some correspondence

1 file

U DPW/26/19 File. Reports of Pro Fide meetings and rallies, with Jan 1971-Feb relative correspondence and transcripts of 1975 speeches made by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/26/20 File. Correspondence with members of the Pro Nov 1971-Nov Fide National Council, especially Miss KM Hobbs 1972 and Sir Geoffrey Hulton

1 file

U DPW/26/21 File. Correspondence with members of the Pro Feb 1973-Apr Fide National Council 1976 Including:

a) Letter from Patrick Cormack MP, 27 April 1976 1 file

U DPW/26/22 File. Correspondence with members of the Pro Sep 1975-Oct Fide National Council, EW Wade, Honorary 1977 Secretary and other Pro Fide supporters

1 file

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U DPW/26/23 File. Correspondence with E W Wade, Honorary Apr 1971-Dec Secretary of Pro Fide, and others, including 1972 agenda for National Council meetings and rules of management of Pro Fide Diocesan Councils

1 file

U DPW/26/24 File. Correspondence with EW Wade, Honorary Jul 1972-Feb Secretary, Pro Fide, and members of the National 1975 Council, including agenda and minutes of National Council meetings Including:

a) Ts. draft leaflet. 'An introduction to Pro Fide', issued by Pro Fide Council of Management, 1972 b) Ts. '72', regarding the establishment of the Catholic Youth Movement, circa 1972 1 file

U DPW/26/25 File. Correspondence with EW Wade, Honorary Jan 1975-Dec Secretary, Pro Fide, including circulars, agenda 1977 and papers for National Council meetings and correspondence with Editor of 'Catholic Herald', Stuart Reid

1 file

U DPW/26/26 File. Correspondence with EW Wade, Honorary Jan 1978-Apr Secretary, Pro Fide, including agenda, minutes 1979 and papers for National Council meetings

1 file

U DPW/26/27 File. Correspondence with Daniel Allen Griffiths, Aug 1972-Jan Honorary Treasurer and EW Wade, Honorary 1974 Secretary, regarding the financing of Pro Fide, Allen Griffiths' allegations against the Laity Commission and his dismissal as Treasurer

1 file

U DPW/26/28 File. Education Sub Committee, Pro Fide. Leaflets 1971-1974 and reports, with relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/26/29 File. Public Relations Sub Committee, Pro Fide. Sep 1971 Report of meetings on 7 July and 3 August for National Council meeting on 9 September

1 file

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U DPW/26/30 File. Regional groups, Pro Fide. Papers regarding Jan-Dec 1970 procedures for establishment, details of initial composition of regional groups and correspondence regarding the establishment of a group in the South East

1 file

U DPW/26/31 File. 'Teachers' Guild, Pro Fide. Circular letters Nov 1974-Apr from John Finigan, representative on National 1978 Council and correspondence with Honorary Secretary of Guild, Mrs E Murray Including:

a) Photocopy ts. pamphlet. 'Truth betrayed? The threat to our Catholic schools', John Beyer, John de Waal and Joanna Nash (Pro Fide), circa 1975 1 file

U DPW/26/32 File. Correspondence with the Vatican's Jul 1971-Feb Secretariat of State, regarding the Apostolic 1972 Blessing for Pro Fide

1 file

U DPW/26/33 File. Correspondence with Cardinal Basil Hume, Dec 1971-Jun Archbishop of Westminster, on behalf of Pro Fide 1975

1 file

U DPW/26/34 File. Correspondence with Roman Catholic Sep 1971-Jun bishops, publicising the work of Pro Fide to the 1972 Catholic hierarchy

1 file

U DPW/26/35 File. Correspondence with Roman Catholic Jul 1972-Sep bishops, mainly Rt. Rev. Alan C Clark and Rt. 1974 Rev. BC Butler, on behalf of Pro Fide

1 file

U DPW/26/36 File. Correspondence with Roman Catholic priests Nov 1970-Jun on behalf of Pro Fide 1972

1 file

U DPW/26/37 File. Correspondence with Rev. Fr. JW Flanagan, Oct 1969-May Catholic Priests' Association 1972

1 file

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U DPW/26/38 File. Correspondence with Rev. Fr. JW Flanagan, Jan 1973-Aug Catholic Priests' Association, especially regarding 1975 the case of Fr. Daly

1 file

U DPW/26/39 File. Correspondence with Rev. Fr. JW Flanagan, Aug 1975-Feb Catholic Priests' Association, Rev. Fr. E Holloway 1977 and others regarding humanist attacks on Christian education

1 file

U DPW/26/40 File. Correspondence with Pro Fide supporters Mar 1970-Feb and Catholic organisations 1972

1 file

U DPW/26/41 File. Correspondence with Pro Fide supporters Mar 1972-Jan 1973 1 file

U DPW/26/42 File. Correspondence with Pro Fide supporters Sep 1972-Sep and Catholic organisations 1974

1 file

U DPW/26/43 File. Correspondence with Pro Fide supporters Jul 1973-Jan and Catholic organisations 1974

1 file

U DPW/26/44 File. Correspondence with Pro Fide supporters Jan 1974-Jan and Catholic organisations 1975

1 file

U DPW/26/45 File. Correspondence with Pro Fide supporters Apr-Dec 1975 and Catholic organisations Including:

a) Photocopy ms. notes of [? speech] by Patrick Wall, 'Crisis in Church and state', circa 1975 1 file

U DPW/26/46 File. Correspondence with Pro Fide supporters Jan-Aug 1975 and Catholic organisations

1 file

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U DPW/26/47 File. Correspondence with Pro Fide supporters Jan 1977-Jul and Catholic organisations 1979

1 file

U DPW/26/48 File. Correspondence with Pro Fide supporters, May 1978-Jan Catholic organisations and EW Wade, Honorary 1980 Secretary. Including agenda of National Council meetings

1 file

U DPW/26/49 File. Correspondence with Pro Fide supporters Jan-Nov 1980 and EW Wade, Honorary Secretary. Including agenda of National Council meetings

1 file

U DPW/26/50 File. Correspondence with Pro Fide supporters Jan-Nov 1981 and John Finigan, Honorary Secretary. Including agenda of National Council meetings and Pro Fide newsletters

1 file

U DPW/26/51 File. Correspondence with Pro Fide supporters Feb-Oct 1982 and John Finigan, Honorary Secretary. Including agenda of National Council meetings and Pro Fide newsletters Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Pro ecclesia et pontifice... A report on a meeting of concerned Catholics..., Porchester Hall, London', on 20th February 1982, 1982 b) Ts. 'God bless our Pope! A pamphlet commemorating the Papal visit to Great Britain in May 1982', Pro Fide, 1982 c) Pamphlet. 'Pro ecclesia et pontifice... A report on a meeting of concerned Catholics at the Guildhall, Preston, on 25th September 1982', 1982 1 file

Page 372 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/26/52 File. Correspondence with Pro Fide supporters May 1982-Dec and John Finigan, Honorary Secretary. Including 1983 agenda of National Council meetings and Pro Fide newsletters Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'God bless our Pope! Reflections of some homilies of His Holiness John Paul II', Joanna Bogle (Pro Fide26/ Apostolate of Catholic Truth), circa 1983 b) Pamphlet. 'The British Council of Churches: a warning', Bernard Smith (Pro Fide), circa 1983 1 file

U DPW/26/53 File. Correspondence with Pro Fide supporters Jan 1984-Feb and John Edwards, Secretary of Pro Fide Forum. 1985 Including agenda of National Council meetings and Pro Fide circulars Including:

a) Letter from Cardinal Basil Hume, Archbishop of Westminster, 13 July 1984 1 file

U DPW/26/54 File. Correspondence with Pro Fide supporters Feb-Dec 1985 and John Edwards, Secretary of Pro Fide Forum Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The universal mission of the successor of Peter', Mgr. Mario Oliveri (Pro Fide / Apostolate of Catholic Truth), September 1985 b) Ts. 'Report on the diocesan strategy outlined in 'The Clergy Review' issues of December 1984 - July 1985, on behalf of Pro Fide by Pro Fide Reports Committee', circa 1985 1 file

U DPW/26/55 File. Correspondence with Pro Fide supporters Jan 1986-Feb and John Edwards, Secretary of Pro Fide Forum. 1987 Including agenda of National Council meetings and Pro Fide newsletters

1 file

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U DPW/26/56 File. Correspondence with John Edwards, Feb 1987-Mar Secretary of Pro Fide Forum 1988 Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Patrick Wall announcing his decision not to stand for Parliament in the 1987 general election or as Chairman of Pro Fide, 8 June 1987 1 file

U DPW/26/57 File. Pro Fide newsletters and agenda of National Jan 1989-Jul Council meetings 1991

1 file

U DPW/26/58 File. Correspondence with the press, especially Oct 1967-Mar Tom Burns, Editor of 'The Tablet', Britons 1972 Publishing Co. and Hugh McGovern, Editor of 'The Voice'

1 file

U DPW/26/59 File. Letters by Patrick Wall published in 'The Aug 1968-Aug Times', 2 August 1968 and 29 May 1969, with 1969 relative correspondence about the reform of the Church

1 file

U DPW/26/60 File. Letter by Patrick Wall published in the Dec 1968-Mar 'Catholic Herald', 31 January 1969 and relative 1969 correspondence

1 file

U DPW/26/61 File. Correspondence with Catholic MPs, Jan -Aug 1969 regarding the activities of humanists in Parliament

1 file

U DPW/26/62 File. Correspondence regarding a letter to the Mar 1969 Pope from British Catholics, organised by Lt. Col. AJE Cranstoun

1 file

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U DPW/26/63 File. Letter by Patrick Wall published in the 'Daily Apr -May 1969 Telegraph', 19 April, and relative correspondence about traditional values Including:

a) Letter from J Garth Andrews, member of the National Front, 20 April 1969 1 file

U DPW/26/64 File. Correspondence regarding 'The wheat and May -Jul 1969 the cockle' by Fr. Gearon, with Tom Burns, Editor of 'The Tablet' and Fr. JW Flanagan of the Catholic Priests' Association

1 file

U DPW/26/65 File. Correspondence with Sister Wilson, Convent May -Jul 1969 of the Sacred Heart, Woldingham, including ts. 'The Dutch catechism' by [? Sister Wilson]

1 file

U DPW/26/66 File. Letter by Patrick Wall published in the 'Daily Jan -Feb 1970 Telegraph', 17 January, and relative correspondence about the liturgy of the mass

1 file

U DPW/26/67 File. Correspondence with Rev. HV Richards, Mar -Jun 1971 Principal of the Institute of Religious Education, Corpus Christi College, Oxford

1 file

U DPW/26/68 File. Correspondence with Charles Curran, Nov 1971-Feb Director General of the BBC and the Apostolic 1972 Delegation, London, regarding the '24 Hours' programme on 1 November 1971 on the Synod of Bishops in Rome, with transcript

1 file

U DPW/26/69 File. Correspondence and notes on the new (or Nov 1971 Dutch) catechism by Fr. Peter Flanagan

1 file

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U DPW/26/70 File. Correspondence with the International Dec 1972-Jan Justice and Peace Commission and the Laity 1978 Commission of the Catholic Church

1 file

U DPW/26/71 Correspondence regarding the broadcast by the May 1973 BBC of the film 'Confessional'

1 bundle

U DPW/26/72 File. Correspondence regarding the broadcast by Jul 1973-Feb BBC Television of Leonard Bernstein's 'Mass', 1974 July 1973

1 file

U DPW/26/73 File. Correspondence and papers regarding Jul 1973-Jan 'Choices in sex' by Quentin and Irene de la 1974 Bedoyere

1 file

U DPW/26/74 File. Correspondence regarding a service of Oct 1973-Jan commemoration of the Wiriyamu massacre, 1974 organised by the Catholic Institute for International Relations, 16 December 1973

1 file

U DPW/26/75 File. Correspondence regarding the Warnock Jan-Sep 1985 Report into experiments on human embryos

1 file

U DPW/26/76 File. Correspondence regarding Pro Fide study of Dec 1970-Feb catechetics and syllabuses and text books for 1972 Religious Education Including:

a) Ts. 'Doctrine in catechetics. An analysis', Pro Fide, circa 1971 b) Pamphlet. 'The international Catechetical Congress, Rome, September 20 - 24, 1971. What really happened', Pro Fide, circa 1971 c) Pamphlet. 'Pro Fide speaks out on catechetics', Pro Fide, circa 1971 1 file

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U DPW/26/77 File. Ms. and ts. lists entitled 'Crisis in the Church. Jun 1971 Events', covering 1965 - 1971 and Pro Fide pamphlet,'Crisis in the Church, with ts. draft

1 file

U DPW/26/78 Ts. draft pamphlet. 'Authority in the Catholic c.1973 Church - a dialogue with special reference to Humanae Vitae', Pro Fide

1 item

U DPW/26/79 File. Correspondence and pamphlets regarding Dec 1973-May 'The Church 2000. Recipe for ruin' (copy 1974 enclosed)

1 file

U DPW/26/80 Ts. 'A critical study of the agreement on the Apr 1974 doctrine of the minority published by the Anglican Roman Catholic Joint Commission', EW Wade (Pro Fide), with response from the Bishop of Leeds

1 bundle

U DPW/26/81 File. Miscellaneous drafts and final versions of Pro Nov 1974-Oct Fide publicity material by Patrick Wall 1975

1 file

U DPW/26/82 File. Correspondence and response by Pro Fide Jan 1976-Feb to 'A time for building. Report of the Joint Working 1978 Party on Pastoral Strategy' (copy enclosed)

1 file

U DPW/26/83 File. Discussion papers, notes, correspondence 1978-1980 and circulars regarding preparation for the National Pastoral Congress, 1980

1 file

U DPW/26/84 File. Correspondence and drafts of 'The Church - Mar-Nov 1979 challenge of the 80s. A handbook for Catholics taking part in discussions leading up to the National Pastoral Congress', 1980, Pro Fide

1 file

Page 377 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/26/85 File. Correspondence regarding the National Mar-Jun 1980 Pastoral Congress, 1980, with reports by Joanna Nash, Pro Fide delegate Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Congress report. The principal documents of the 1980 National Pastoral Congress of England and Wales', Catholic Truth Society, 1980 1 file

U DPW/26/86 Pamphlet. 'Bringing them up Catholics. A c.1985 consideration of educational guidance in human love', Rev. Fr. John Tracy, John Kelly and Joanna Bogle (Pro Fide)

1 item

U DPW/26/87 Ts. 'Report on the questions for consultation at the Nov 1985 Extraordinary Synod of Bishops in Rome, November 1985', Pro Fide Reports Committee

1 item This item is currently missing from our collections and cannot therefore be viewed at the present time U DPW/26/88 File. Christian (including Catholic) organisations. Mar 1970-Nov Correspondence, circulars and publicity leaflets 1974

1 file

U DPW/26/89 File. Christian (including Catholic) organisations. Nov 1974-Oct Correspondence, newsletters and publicity leaflets 1977

1 file

U DPW/26/90 File. Overseas Christian (including Catholic) Jan 1970-Apr organisations. Correspondence and circulars 1974 Including:

a) Ts. 'The place we put our faith into', H Lubomirski, [January 1971] 1 file

U DPW/26/91 File. Overseas Christian (including Catholic) Oct 1974-Nov organisations. Correspondence and newsletters 1975

1 file

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U DPW/26/92 File. Catholic organisations, 1976. Circulars Oct 1975-Oct 1976 1 file

U DPW/26/93 File. Catholic organisations, 1978. Oct 1977-Jul Correspondence and circulars, especially from the 1979 Order of Christian Unity, the Latin Mass Society, the Association for Latin Liturgy, and newsletters including 'The Defender' and 'Liverpool Newsletter'

1 file

U DPW/26/94 File. Catholic organisations, 1978. Circulars, 1977-1979 especially regarding the 1978 AGM of the Order of Christian Unity Including:

a) Ts. 'Aims and achievements 1967 - 1978. The report of the Executive Committee', Order of Christian Unity, 1978 1 file

U DPW/26/95 File. Catholic organisations, 1979. Circulars 1978-1979

1 file

U DPW/26/96 File. Catholic organisations, 1980. Circulars and Jan-Dec 1980 newsletters, especially 'Liverpool Newsletter'

1 file

U DPW/26/97 File. Catholic organisations, 1981. Circulars and Jun 1980-Nov newsletters, especially from the Latin Mass 1981 Society, the Association for Latin Liturgy and the Order of Christian Unity Including:

a) Annual report, Commission for International Justice and Peace, June 1980 1 file

U DPW/26/98 File. Catholic organisations, 1981. Jan-Dec 1981 Correspondence and newsletters, especially 'The Defender' and 'Liverpool Newsletter'

1 file

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U DPW/26/99 File. Catholic organisations, 1982. Circulars and Oct 1981-Oct newsletters, especially from the Latin Mass 1982 Society and the Association for Latin Liturgy

1 file

U DPW/26/100 File. Catholic organisations, 1982. Jan-Nov 1982 Correspondence and newsletters

1 file

U DPW/26/101 File. Catholic organisations, 1983. Circulars and Nov 1982-Feb newsletters, especially from the Latin Mass 1984 Society, the Association for Latin Liturgy and the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child Including:

a) Annual report, Converts' Aid Society, 1982 b) Ms. notes of speech by Patrick Wall to Hull Catholic Women's Luncheon Club on the 'Impact of the Pope's visit', 8 March 1983 1 file

U DPW/26/102 File. Catholic organisations, 1984. Circulars and Jan 1984-Jan newsletters, especially from the Society for the 1986 Protection of the Unborn Child and the Latin Mass Society

1 file

U DPW/26/103 File. Catholic organisations, 1985. Circulars and Jan-Nov 1985 newsletters, especially from the Christian Broadcasting Campaign

1 file

U DPW/26/104 File. Catholic organisations, 1986. Newsletters Feb 1986-Mar and some correspondence, especially from the 1987 Latin Mass Society, the Association for Latin Liturgy, 'Living Tradition' and the Christian Broadcasting Council of Great Britain

1 file

U DPW/26/105 File. Catholic organisations, 1987. Aug 1984-Dec Correspondence and newsletters, especially from 1987 the Latin Mass Society, 'Living Tradition', the Christian Broadcasting Council of Great Britain and the Jubilee campaign

1 file

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U DPW/26/106 File. Catholic organisations, 1988. Mar 1987-Dec Correspondence and newsletters, especially from 1988 the Latin Mass Society, the Association for Latin Liturgy and the Christian Broadcasting Campaign

1 file

U DPW/26/107 File. Catholic organisations, 1989. May 1988-Oct Correspondence and newsletters, especially from 1989 the Latin Mass Society and the Christian Broadcasting Council of Great Britain

1 file

U DPW/26/108 File. Catholic organisations, 1989. Feb-Nov 1989 Correspondence and newsletters, especially from the Latin Mass Society and the Christian Broadcasting Council of Great Britain

1 file

U DPW/26/109 File. Association for English Worship. 1975-1977 Correspondence regarding establishment of Association and circulars Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Conference report 1977. The role of the Church as custodian of our heritage', Dr Roy Strong (Association for English Worship), 1977 1 file

U DPW/26/110 File. Association for Latin Liturgy. Newsletters, Jun 1971-Nov transcripts of speeches made at Association 1976 meetings, correspondence and circulars

1 file

U DPW/26/111 File. Catholic Institute for International Relations. 1970-1972 Newsletters and annual reports

1 file

U DPW/26/112 File. Catholic Institute for International Relations. Mar 1971-Mar Correspondence with Mildred Neville, General 1972 Secretary, regarding Rhodesia

1 file

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U DPW/26/113 File. Catholic Institute for International Relations. Apr 1975-Oct Correspondence, especially copy correspondence 1979 with John Biggs Davison MP Including:

a) Annual report, Catholic Institute for International Relations, 1973 1 file

U DPW/26/114 File. Catholic Institute for International Relations. May 1976-Sep Correspondence, especially copy correspondence 1979 from John Biggs Davison MP Including:

a) Ts. 'The work of the CIIR', Patrick Wall, circa 1976 1 file

U DPW/26/115 File. Catholic Renewal Movement. Nov 1970-Jun Correspondence regarding relations with Pro Fide 1971 and journal, 'Christian Renewal'

1 file

U DPW/26/116 Annual reports and accounts of the Catholic Union 1956-1991 of Great Britain, nos. 78 - 112 [with gaps] (28)

1 file

U DPW/26/117 Balance sheet for year end 31 December 1979, Dec 1979 Catholic Union of Great Britain

1 file

U DPW/26/118 Minutes of AGM of the Catholic Union of Great 1966-1990 Britain [with gaps] (17)

1 file

U DPW/26/119 Pamphlet. 'The Council's Review Committee: Feb 1977 Report', Catholic Union of Great Britain

1 file

U DPW/26/120 Lists of members, Catholic Union of Great Britain Jul 1960-Feb (11) 1985

1 file

Page 382 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/26/121 Newsletter no. 8, Catholic Union of Great Britain Mar 1989

1 file

U DPW/26/122 File. Catholics United for the Faith. Jan 1970-Oct Correspondence, circulars and newsletters 1974

1 file

U DPW/26/123 File. Catholics United for the Faith. Jun 1972-Sep Correspondence, circulars and newsletters, with 1973 some press releases from Americans for a Christian Civilisation

1 file

U DPW/26/124 File. Catholics United for the Faith. Jun 1977-Mar Correspondence regarding relations with Pro Fide 1978

1 file

U DPW/26/125 File. 'The Defender' (newsletter edited by Noel Jul 1976-Sep and Monica King) 1977

1 file

U DPW/26/126 File. 'The Keys' (edited by Bernard Simmons). Nov 1970-Oct Correspondence regarding its status as 1977 mouthpiece of Pro Fide, with financial reports, internal memoranda and minutes of 'The Keys' Working Party

1 file

U DPW/26/127 File. 'The Keys' (edited by Bernard Simmons). Jan-Oct 1974 Correspondence with Rt. Rev. Alan Clark, Cardinal John Heenan, Archbishop of Westminster and D Murphy, regarding the refusal of Catholic Truth Society bookshops to sell 'The Keys' due to attacks on its Chair, Rt. Rev. Clark

1 file

U DPW/26/128 File. Latin Mass Society. Correspondence Nov 1971-Oct 1976 1 file

U DPW/26/129 File. Latin Mass Society. Newsletters and Nov 1979-Nov correspondence 1980

1 file

Page 383 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/26/130 File. Newman Association. Correspondence Mar-Aug 1967 regarding the Association's Teach - In, Westminster Hall, 13 March 1967, with notes and transcript of speech by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/26/131 File. Newman Association. Notes and transcript of Nov 1969 speech by Patrick Wall to the Association in London

1 file

U DPW/26/132 File. Order of Christian Unity. Correspondence May 1972-Dec and papers for AGMs 1974 Including:

a) Annual report and report of AGM, Order of Christian Unity, 1972 b) Information and rule book, 1973 c) Pamphlet. 'Crisis for essential ethics. Will Parliament promote or prevent ethical extremes?', Social Responsibility Series, Order of Christian Unity, 1974 1 file

U DPW/26/133 File. Order of Christian Unity. Correspondence, Nov 1974-Sep circulars and reports of AGMs 1977

1 file

U DPW/26/134 File. Order of Christian Unity. Correspondence Oct 1975-Jun with the Order and others regarding Religious 1977 Education

1 file

U DPW/26/135 File. Order of Christian Unity. Papers for AGM and Sep-Dec 1979 limited correspondence

1 file

U DPW/26/136 File. Order of Christian Unity. Papers for 1982 Jul 1981-Oct AGM 1982 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Christianity in the classroom. What future?', Lynn Murdoch (Order of Christian Unity), November 1981 1 file

Page 384 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/26/137 File. Order of Christian Unity. Papers for 1983 Apr-Oct 1983 AGM, with report

1 file

U DPW/26/138 File. Order of Christian Unity. Correspondence Mar-Nov 1984 and newsletters

1 file

U DPW/26/139 File. Order of Christian Unity. Papers for AGM Oct 1988

1 file

U DPW/26/140 File. Pax Christi (and the International Catholic Jun 1973-Dec Movement for Peace). Correspondence, including 1975 photocopy letters from Mgr. Bruce Kent

1 file

U DPW/26/141 File. Pro Fide et Ecclesia (formerly Nov 1971-Jan Rassemblement des Silencieux de l'Eglise). 1974 Correspondence, circulars and papers for and reports of European conferences. Including papers on the Charter of Neuberg, April 1972 and the establishment of PFE as an international federation of Catholic groups, April 1973

1 file

U DPW/26/142 File. Pro Fide et Ecclesia (formerly May-Jul 1974 Rassemblement des Silencieux de l'Eglise). Correspondence with M. Langalerie, Administrative Secretary, Paris

1 file

U DPW/26/143 File. Rassemblement des Silencieux de l'Eglise. Jun 1970-Nov Correspondence and papers for and reports of 1972 European conferences Including:

a) Ts. 'Monograph presented to the French Committee for the Unity of the Church. The development of faith and the crisis of the Church in traditional circles', [French], 12 June 1970 1 file

Page 385 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/26/144 Reports of Council of the Society of St. Augustine 1958-1973 of Canterbury to AGM, including accounts 1958 and 1971-1973 only 6 items

U DPW/26/145 Rules and lists of members of the Society of St. 1958-1965 Augustine of Canterbury

2 items

U DPW/26/146 File. World Council of Churches / British Council Oct 1972-Jul of Churches. Correspondence 1983

1 file

U DPW/26/147 File. Catholic Church, 1960. Correspondence 1959-1961 regarding the impact of the Rating and Valuation Bill on Catholic religious orders, including accounts for the Carmelite monastery of Thicket Priory, Thorganby, York

1 file

U DPW/26/148 File. Catholic Church, 1963. Correspondence Feb-Apr 1963

1 file

U DPW/26/149 File. Catholic Church, 1967. Correspondence Apr-Jun 1967

1 file

U DPW/26/150 File. Catholic Church, 1968. Correspondence Jan 1968-Aug 1969 1 file

U DPW/26/151 File. Catholic Church, 1973. Correspondence Jun 1972-Dec 1974 1 file

U DPW/26/152 File. Catholic Church, 1975 - 1976. Oct 1975-Aug Correspondence 1976

1 file

U DPW/26/153 File. Catholic Church, 1979. Correspondence Jul-Oct 1979

1 file

Page 386 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/26/154 File. Crisis in the Church. Letters by Patrick Wall Nov 1968-Aug to 'The Tablet', with relative correspondence 1969

1 file

U DPW/26/155 File. Crisis in the Church. Letters to the press by Nov 1968-Jan Patrick Wall and relative correspondence, 1971 including with the Catholic bishops Including:

a) Ms. and ts. notes of speech by Patrick Wall to the Catholic Evidence Guild on 'Crisis in the Church', 27 September 1970 1 file

U DPW/26/156 File. Crisis in the Church. Open letter by Patrick Feb-Mar 1970 Wall to Norman St. John Stevas, published in the 'Catholic Herald', 20 February, and relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/26/157 File. Crisis in the Church. Letters to the press by Jun 1973-1974 Patrick Wall and relative correspondence, including ts. summary of press reports on Catholic issues, 1972 - 1974

1 file

U DPW/26/158 File. Crisis in the Church. Photocopy notes of May 1978 speech by Patrick Wall on 'A Christian in politics', Woodhall, Wetherby, 20 May 1978

1 file

U DPW/26/159 Ms. notes regarding the crisis in the Church c.1989

1 bundle

U DPW/26/160 File. Catholic schools, 1960. Correspondence, 1959-1961 including with the Headmasters of St. Benedict's, Ealing, Downside, Bath and The Oratory School, Reading Including:

a) Ts. 'Recruitment of teachers and others for service overseas: a note on the Catholic contribution', Sword of the Spirit, circa 1961 1 file

Page 387 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/26/161 File. Catholic schools, 1963. Correspondence with Mar 1963 R Cunningham, Secretary of the Catholic Education Council

1 file

U DPW/26/162 File. Catholic education, 1965. Limited Jun 1965 correspondence with the Catholic Housing Aid Society

1 file

U DPW/26/163 File. Catholic schools, 1966. Correspondence with Feb-Nov 1966 R Cunningham, Secretary of the Catholic Education Council, with papers on the Education Bill

1 file

U DPW/26/164 File. Religious education, 1975 - 1976. Aug 1975-Jul Correspondence, notes and transcripts of 1977 speeches by Patrick Wall, as part of his local campaign in East Yorkshire to defend Religious Education from humanist attack

1 file

U DPW/26/165 File. Religious education. Correspondence and Nov 1975-Aug other papers 1977 Including:

a) Ts. 'Religious Education on the danger list', Rev. John Bradford, no date, b) Annual report, British Humanist Association, 1977, c) Ts. notes of speech by Patrick Wall on 'Save our Religious Education', 31 August 1977 1 file

U DPW/26/166 File. Religious education, 1978. Correspondence Sep 1977-Mar with Lynn Murdoch, Chair of Youth Religious 1978 Education Action Group and papers regarding the national coordination of Religious Education Centres

1 file

U DPW/26/167 File. Religious education, 1979. Correspondence Dec 1977-Jun 1979 1 file

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U DPW/26/168 File. Religious education, 1980. Correspondence Dec 1979-Feb 1980 1 file

U DPW/26/169 File. Catholic education, 1982. Correspondence Feb-Mar 1982 and minutes of third meeting of the John Paul Educational Association, 10 February 1982

1 file

U DPW/26/170 File. Catholic education, 1983. Correspondence Jan-Feb 1983

1 file

U DPW/26/171 File. Church of England, 1979/80. 1962 -1980 Correspondence and papers from interdenominational groups, including the Order of Christian Unity Including:

a) Ts. 'The Hans Kung case and its implications for Anglicans', James Rushbrook, 22 March 1980 1 file

U DPW/26/172 File. Church of England, 1981. Correspondence Nov 1980-Mar 1981 1 file

U DPW/26/173 File. Church of England, 1984. Limited Feb -Oct 1984 correspondence

1 file

U DPW/26/174 File. Church of England, 1986. Correspondence Nov 1985-Oct regarding the ordination of women 1986

1 file

U DPW/26/175 File. Church of Scientology. Correspondence Feb 1967-Jan 1984 1 file

U DPW/26/176 File. Religion, 1963. Papers regarding the Jul 1962-Jul 1963 Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963

1 file

U DPW/26/177 File. Religion, 1969. Correspondence Mar-Dec 1969

1 file

Page 389 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/26/178 File. Religion, 1969 - 1970. Correspondence, Jul 1969-Feb mainly with Bernard Simmons, Editor of 'The 1970 Keys'

1 file

U DPW/26/179 File. Religion, 1970. Correspondence Mar-Apr 1970

1 file

U DPW/26/180 File. Religion. Transcripts of speeches and other May 1971-Jul background papers 1973

1 file

U DPW/26/181 File. Religion, 1973. Correspondence with the May-Jun 1973 Churches Main Committee regarding VAT

1 file

U DPW/26/182 File. Religion, 1974. Correspondence Feb-Nov 1974

1 file

U DPW/26/183 File. Religion, 1976. Correspondence Mar-Jun 1976

1 file

U DPW/26/184 File. Religion, 1977. Correspondence Jan-May 1977

1 file

U DPW/26/185 File. Religion, 1978 - 1979. Correspondence and Apr 1978-Jul circulars 1981 Including:

a) Photocopy transcript of speech. 'Christians can be conservatives', John Biggs Davison MP, with covering letter, 1 November 1978 1 file

U DPW/26/186 File. Religion, 1979 - 1980. Correspondence Jan 1979-Dec Including: 1980

a) Letter from Rt. Rev. Derek Warlock, Archbishop of Liverpool, 5 June 1980 1 file

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U DPW/26/187 File. Religion, 1981. Correspondence Jul 1980-Nov Including: 1981

a) Letter from Cardinal Basil Hume, Archbishop of Westminster, 3 September 1980 1 file

U DPW/26/188 File. Religion, 1982. Correspondence, especially Jan-Nov 1982 with Miss SF Morrison

1 file

U DPW/26/189 File. Religion, 1983. Correspondence, especially Aug 1982-Nov with Miss SF Morrison 1983 Including:

a) Letter from Cardinal Basil Hume, Archbishop of Westminster, 21 January 1983 b) Entry form for Patrick Wall in German edition of 'Who's Who in the Catholic World', no date 1 file

U DPW/26/190 File. Religion, 1983. Correspondence with John May-Nov 1983 Davis of the Christian Broadcasting Campaign

1 file

U DPW/26/191 File. Religion, 1984. Correspondence Jan-Nov 1984

1 file

U DPW/26/192 File. Religion, 1985. Correspondence Feb 1984-Jul 1985 1 file

U DPW/27 Science 1973-1985

U DPW/27/1 File. Science. Background papers (2) 1973-1985

1 file

U DPW/28 Social security 1954-1987

U DPW/28/1 File. Pensions. Correspondence, ts. and ms. Oct 1954-Oct notes 1955

1 file

Page 391 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/28/2 File. Pensions. Correspondence, Conservative Feb-Nov 1957 Party research papers and press release

1 file

U DPW/28/3 File. Pensions. Conservative Party research May 1957-Nov papers 1958

1 file

U DPW/28/4 File. Pensions. Correspondence, Conservative Nov 1957-Sep Party research papers and leaflets 1959

1 file

U DPW/28/5 File. Pensions. Correspondence, Conservative Nov 1960-Dec Party research papers and leaflets 1962

1 file

U DPW/28/6 File. Pensions. Memorandum and Conservative Jan-May 1963 Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/28/7 File. Pensions. Letters and Conservative Party Feb-Jul 1965 research papers

1 file

U DPW/28/8 File. Pensions and National Insurance. Letters Mar 1956-Jun and Conservative Party research papers 1959

1 file

U DPW/28/9 File. Pensions and insurance. Correspondence, Apr 1963-Jun Conservative Party research papers and leaflets 1964

1 file

U DPW/28/10 File. Pensions and insurance. Correspondence, Apr-Sep 1966 ts. statements, ts. notes and 'Weekend Talking Point' no. 531, Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/28/11 File. Social security. Letters and Conservative Feb-Apr 1967 Party research papers

1 file

Page 392 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/28/12 File. Social security. Correspondence and Feb-Nov 1968 Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/28/13 File. Social security. Letters and 'Three - way Feb-Dec 1969 contact', Conservative Political Centre

1 file

U DPW/28/14 File. Social security. Letters, reports, Conservative Jan-Nov 1970 Party research papers and press release

1 file

U DPW/28/15 File. Social security. Letters and ts. 'Getting the Apr-Nov 1971 right social priorities', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/28/16 File. Social security. Letters, Conservative Party Jan-Dec 1972 research papers and ts. speech extracts by Sir Keith Joseph MP

1 file

U DPW/28/17 File. Social security. Letters, reports, Conservative Jan-Jul 1973 Party research papers and press release

1 file

U DPW/28/18 File. Social security. Letters, reports, Conservative Jan-Nov 1974 Party research papers and press releases

1 file

U DPW/28/19 File. Social security. Letters, reports and ts. 'One - Apr-Dec 1975 Parent families', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/28/20 File. Social security. Letters, Conservative Party May 1975-Dec research papers, reports and memorandum 1976

1 file

U DPW/28/21 File. Social security. Correspondence Jan-Dec 1977

1 file

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U DPW/28/22 File. Social security. Correspondence, reports, ts. Oct 1977-Jul briefing notes and ts. notices of meetings of the All 1979 - Party Group for Pensioners Including:

a) Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, 22 February 1978 b) Ts. Speech by the Prime Minister, James Callaghan MP, at the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee annual lunch, London, 22 February 1978 1 file

U DPW/28/23 File. Social security. Letters and ts. statements Jan-Nov 1979 Including:

a) Minutes of the All-Party Group for Pensioners (2), February 1979 1 file

U DPW/28/24 File. Social security. Letters and ts. newsletter Feb-Oct 1980

1 file

U DPW/28/25 File. Social security. Letters, ts. financial Dec 1980-Nov statements, ts. notes, press releases, 1981 Conservative Party research papers and Common Cause report, 'Why worry about the welfare state'

1 file

U DPW/28/26 File. Social security. Letters, Conservative Party Oct 1980-Dec research papers and ts. 'Campaign Note', 1982 Disablement Income Group

1 file

U DPW/28/27 File. Social security. Letters, Conservative Party Feb 1982-Dec research papers, ts. briefing paper and ts. 1983 factsheet

1 file

U DPW/28/28 File. Social security. Correspondence, Feb-Dec 1984 Conservative Party research papers, press releases, ts. bulletins and briefing papers

1 file

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U DPW/28/29 File. Social security. Letters, Conservative Party Nov 1984-Dec research papers and ts. briefing papers 1985 Including:

a) File. Tax on pension schemes. Correspondence and reports, November 1984 - April 1985 1 file

U DPW/28/30 File. Social security. Letters, press releases and Nov 1984-Oct ts. briefing papers 1986

1 file

U DPW/28/31 File. Social security. Letters, reports and press Oct 1984-May release 1987 Including:

a) File. Overseas pensions. Correspondence, October 1984 - May 1987 1 file

U DPW/28/32 File. State pensions scheme. Correspondence, Nov 1969 press release and 'Weekend Talking Point' no. 682, Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/28/33 File. State pensions scheme. Ts. notes regarding Jan 1970 the Crossman Pension Scheme

1 file

U DPW/29 Sport 1970-1974

U DPW/29/1 File. Sport. Correspondence May 1970-Nov 1974 1 file

U DPW/30 Trade 1961-1984

U DPW/30/1 File. Trade. Correspondence with various Apr-Aug 1961 manufacturers and background paper

1 file

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U DPW/30/2 File. Trade. Tss. (3) on the history of international c.1964-Mar 1966 trade, covering January 1955 to February 1966, by RBM Levick

1 file

U DPW/30/3 File. Trade. Background papers from the Jan 1981-May Conservative Research Department and 1984 correspondence

1 file

U DPW/31 Trade unions and employment 1958-1988

U DPW/31/1 File. Employment, 1976 and 1979. Conservative Nov 1976-Jul Research Department and Conservative Political 1979 Centre briefings, correspondence and circulars

1 file

U DPW/31/2 File. Employment, 1980. Conservative Research Feb-Nov 1980 Department and Conservative Political Centre briefings, correspondence and circulars

1 file

U DPW/31/3 File. Employment, 1981. Conservative Research Feb-Dec 1981 Department briefings, correspondence and circulars

1 file

U DPW/31/4 File. Employment, 1982. Conservative Research Jan-Jul 1982 Department and Conservative Political Centre briefings, and circulars

1 file

U DPW/31/5 File. Employment, 1983. Circulars and Jan-Apr 1983 memoranda, including ts. 'Unemployment: an exercise in assistez - faire government', GAB Andrew

1 file

U DPW/31/6 File. Employment, 1984. Circulars and Feb-May 1984 Conservative Research Department briefings

1 file

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U DPW/31/7 File. Employment, 1985 and 1986. Circulars and Jan 1985-Jun memoranda 1986

1 file

U DPW/31/8 File. Industrial Relations Bill 1970. Conservative Apr 1970-Jan Party 'Talking Points', Conservative Political 1971 Centre briefing, circulars and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/31/9 File. Industrial Relations Bill 1971. Conservative Dec 1970-Jun Party 'Talking Points', Conservative Research 1971 Department briefing, ms. notes, Conservative Central Office pamphlet, circulars and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/31/10 File. Labour, 1968 - 1970. Circulars and Nov 1968-Apr memoranda 1970

1 file

U DPW/31/11 File. Labour, 1971. Correspondence, circulars, Sep 1970-Nov Conservative Party 'Talking Points' and 1971 Conservative Research Department briefing Including:

a) Ts. statement issued by 'Shop stewards committee', Hull Docks, listing individuals who broke the dockworkers' strike in Hull, no date 1 file

U DPW/31/12 File. Labour, 1972. Conservative Party 'Talking Oct 1971-Mar Points' and Conservative Research Department 1972 briefings

1 file

U DPW/31/13 File. Labour and industrial relations, 1973. Feb-Jun 1973 Conservative Party 'Talking Point', Conservative Research Department briefings, circulars and memoranda

1 file

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U DPW/31/14 File. Industrial relations, 1979 - 1980. Letters Feb 1979-Apr Including: 1980

a) Ts. 'Picketing', Conservative Party Research Department, 12 July 1979 b) Ts. 'This British madness', Rev Dr E Simpson Baird, [February 1979] c) Pamphlet. 'Solving the union problem is the key to Britain's recovery. A speech given to the Bow Group at the House of Commons', Sir Keith Joseph MP, 5 February 1979 1 file

U DPW/31/15 File. Industrial relations, 1982. Report and letter Aug 1981-Jul regarding pay disputes 1982

1 file

U DPW/31/16 File. Picketing. Conservative Research May 1973-Jan Department briefings and circulars 1976

1 file

U DPW/31/17 File. Trade unions. Circulars and Conservative May 1958-Aug Party 'Talking Points' 1964

1 file

U DPW/31/18 File. Trade unions, 1966. Conservative Political May 1965-Oct Centre briefing, circulars and memoranda 1966 Including:

a) Ts. 'Memorandum of evidence to the Royal Commission on Trade Unions and Employers' Associations by the Inns of Court Conservative and Unionist Society', February 1966 1 file

U DPW/31/19 File. Trade unions, 1967. Conservative Party Dec 1967 'Talking Point', circulars and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/31/20 File. Trade unions, 1968. Conservative Political Jul-Nov 1968 Centre briefing, circulars and memoranda

1 file

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U DPW/31/21 File. Trade unions, 1969. Conservative Research Jan 1969-Jan Department briefing and circulars 1970

1 file

U DPW/31/22 File. Trade unions, 1971 - 1973. Circulars Jun 1971-Feb 1973 1 file

U DPW/31/23 File. Trade unions, 1974. Circulars and Jan-Jul 1974 Conservative Research Department briefings

1 file

U DPW/31/24 File. Trade unions, 1975 and 1976. Circulars and Nov 1975-Mar Conservative Research Department briefings 1976

1 file

U DPW/31/25 File. Trade unions, 1977 and 1978. Circulars and 1977-1978 memoranda

1 file

U DPW/31/26 File. Trade unions, 1980. Letters, reports, circular, Feb-Sep 1980 Conservative Research Department briefing and press release

1 file

U DPW/31/27 File. Trade unions, 1981. Letters, ts. articles, Feb-Nov 1981 circular, Conservative Research Department briefing and reports

1 file

U DPW/31/28 File. Trade unions, 1982. Letters, reports, circular Feb 1980-Nov and Conservative Party research papers 1982

1 file

U DPW/31/29 File. Trade unions, 1983. Reports and Apr-Oct 1983 Conservative Research Department briefing

1 file

U DPW/31/30 File. Trade unions. Correspondence, reports, Nov 1983-Nov circulars and Conservative Research Department 1984 briefing

1 file

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U DPW/31/31 File. Trade unions, 1985. Correspondence, report Apr 1985-Feb and circular 1986

1 file

U DPW/31/32 File. Trade unions, 1986. Letters, reports, circulars Apr 1985-Sep and Conservative Party Research Department 1986 briefing

1 file

U DPW/31/33 File. Trade unions, 1987. Letters, reports and Nov 1986-May Conservative Party Research Department briefing 1987

1 file

U DPW/31/34 File. Trade unions. Common Cause report, Dec 1988 'Trades unions and 1992' (special report)

1 file

U DPW/32 Transport: Aviation 1957-1987

U DPW/32/1 File. Aircraft industry. Correspondence, reports Dec 1985-Feb and press release 1987

1 file

U DPW/32/2 Artificial file. Airports, 1967 - 1969. Ts. notes and 1967-1969 ts. newsletters, British Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise

1 file

U DPW/32/4 Artificial file. Airports, 1970 - 1974. 1969-1974 Correspondence, briefing paper, report, press release, newsletter, British Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise, and ts. 'The case for Maplin', Conservative Party Central Office

1 file

U DPW/32/5 Artificial file. Airports, 1979 - 1982. Letters, ts. Jun 1978-Sep statements, report and ts. notes 1982

1 file

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U DPW/32/6 File. Air transport, 1981. Letters, ts. newsletters, Jan-Sep 1981 ts. statements and press release

1 file

U DPW/32/7 File. Air transport, 1983. Letters, reports, ts. Dec 1982-Jan statements and press release 1984

1 file

U DPW/32/8 File. Air transport, 1984. Correspondence, ts. May-Dec 1984 notes, press releases, report and memorandum

1 file

U DPW/32/9 File. Air transport, 1985. Correspondence, reports Jan-Dec 1985 and press releases

1 file

U DPW/32/10 File. Air transport. Correspondence, press Jul 1985-May releases and ts. briefing paper 1987

1 file

U DPW/32/11 File. Aviation, 1966. Letters, press releases, ts. Nov 1965-Nov statements and ts. notes 1966

1 file

U DPW/32/12 File. Aviation, 1967. Letters, ts. notes and ts. Mar-Dec 1967 statements

1 file

U DPW/32/13 File. Aviation. Correspondence, ts. statements, Jan 1970-Aug memorandum and newsletter, British Association 1971 for the Control of Aircraft Noise

1 file

U DPW/32/14 File. Aviation, 1970. Press releases, ts. briefing Sep-Dec 1970 paper, memorandum and ts. 'BAC311, European A300B and American Lockheed 1011 airbuses', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

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U DPW/32/15 File. Aviation, 1977. Correspondence, ts. notes, Jan-Nov 1977 ts. statements and press release

1 file

U DPW/32/16 File. Civil aviation, 1957 - 1958. Ts. notes, letter Oct 1957-Nov and ts. speech by Lieutenant General the Lord 1958 Weeks at Mansion House, London Including:

a) Minutes of the Conservative Parliamentary Civil Aviation Committee (2), February - November 1958 1 file

U DPW/32/17 File. Civil aviation, 1964. Conservative Party Jul 1964-Jan research papers, press releases and letter 1965

1 file

U DPW/32/18 File. Civil aviation, 1970. Correspondence, Nov 1969-Aug reports, press releases, ts. and ms. notes 1970

1 file

U DPW/32/19 File. Civil aviation, 1971. Letters and press Feb-Aug 1971 release

1 file

U DPW/32/20 File. Civil aviation, 1972. Letters and press Jan-Oct 1972 release

1 file

U DPW/32/21 File. Civil aviation, 1973. Letters and ts. Jan-Nov 1973 statements

1 file

U DPW/32/22 File. Civil aviation, 1974. Ts. statements from Jan-Dec 1974 British Airways and letter

1 file

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U DPW/32/23 File. Civil aviation, 1975. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1975 reports, press releases, ts. statements and ts. briefing paper Including:

a) Ts. Address by Sir George Edwards, Chairman and Managing Director of the British Aircraft Corporation, to the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, 10 December 1974 1 file

U DPW/32/24 File. Civil aviation, 1976. Letters, ts. statements Feb-Dec 1976 and press release

1 file

U DPW/32/25 File. Civil aviation, 1978. Letters, ts. statements, Apr 1978-Jul press release and ts. speech by Lord Beswick, 1979 Chairman of British Aerospace, at the 'Financial Times' World Aerospace Conference, 30 August 1978

1 file

U DPW/32/26 File. Civil aviation, 1979. Letters and ts. Dec 1978-Nov statements 1979

1 file

U DPW/32/27 File. Civil aviation, 1980. Letters, press releases, Oct 1979-Nov ts. statements and ts. briefing paper 1980

1 file

U DPW/32/28 File. Civil aviation, 1981. Ts. statement from Jul 1981 British Airways regarding dispute with pilots

1 file

U DPW/32/29 File. Civil aviation, 1982. Letters, press releases, Feb-Sep 1982 ts. statements and report

1 file

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U DPW/32/30 File. Civil aviation: nationalisation. Ts. notes, Feb 1975-Apr press releases and report 1976 Including:

a) Ts. 'Nationalisation of the aircraft industry- notes for speakers', Conservative Party Research Department, 7 April 1975 1 file

U DPW/32/31 File. Concorde, 1971. Correspondence, ts. Feb-Aug 1971 newsletters, press release and report

1 file

U DPW/32/32 File. Concorde, 1972. Correspondence and ts. May-Jul 1972 statements

1 file

U DPW/32/33 File. Concorde, 1974. Correspondence, ts. Feb-Jul 1974 bulletins, ts. statements and press release

1 file

U DPW/32/35 File. Concorde, 1975 - 1977. Correspondence, ts. Jan 1975-Mar statements and press release 1977

1 file

U DPW/32/36 File. Third London Airport. Correspondence, Dec 1970-Mar reports, ts. statements and briefing papers, press 1971 release and memorandum

1 file

U DPW/32/37 File. Third London Airport. Letters and reports May-Dec 1979

1 file

U DPW/32/38 File. Upper Heyford airspace, restriction of. Letters Jan 1986

1 file

U DPW/32/39 File. Westland Helicopters. Letters, reports, press Nov 1981-Feb release, ts. and ms. notes 1986

1 file

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U DPW/32/40 File. Westland Helicopters. Correspondence and Dec 1985-Feb pamphlet 1986

1 file

U DPW/33 Transport: General, road and rail 1954-1989

U DPW/33/1 File. Channel Tunnel. Letters and press releases Feb-Oct 1986 Including:

a) Ts. 'Procedural Motion on the Channel Tunnel Bill', Conservative Party Research Department, 2 June 1986 1 file

U DPW/33/2 Artificial file. Railways, 1960 - 1961. Conservative Mar 1960-Jan Party research papers, letter and ts. note 1961 regarding modernisation and reorganisation

1 file

U DPW/33/3 File. Railways, 1962. Press releases, Mar-Dec 1962 Conservative Party research papers and ts. address by Dr R Beeching, Chairman, British Transport Commission, to the Annual Conference of the Institute of Directors

1 file

U DPW/33/4 File. Railways, 1963. Letters, ts. policy statements Apr-Jul 1963 and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/33/5 Artificial file. Railways, 1967 - 1970. Letters, ts. Jan 1967-Jul statement and report 1970

1 file

U DPW/33/6 Artificial file. Rail, 1971 - 1972. Letters, reports Jun 1971-Jan and press release 1973

1 file

U DPW/33/7 File. Rail, 1973. Letters, reports, ts. notes, ts. May-Dec 1973 statements and pamphlet regarding a rail crossing of the English Channel

1 file

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U DPW/33/8 File. Rail, 1974. Letters and press release Nov 1973-Jul 1974 1 file

U DPW/33/9 File. Rail, 1975. Letters and press release Aug-Dec 1975

1 file

U DPW/33/10 File. Rail, 1976. Correspondence, ts. briefing Mar-Aug 1976 paper and press release

1 file

U DPW/33/11 File. Rail, 1978. Letters, ts. statements and press Mar-Nov 1978 release

1 file

U DPW/33/12 File. Rail, 1980. Letters and ts. statement Jan-Jul 1980

1 file

U DPW/33/13 File. Rail, 1981. Correspondence and press Mar-Nov 1981 release

1 file

U DPW/33/14 File. Rail, 1982. Letters and Conservative Party Jan 1982-Feb Briefing Notes 1983

1 file

U DPW/33/15 File. Rail transport, 1983. Letters, Conservative Jan-Nov 1983 Party research papers and ts. statements

1 file

U DPW/33/16 File. Rail transport, 1984. Letters and ts. 'British Mar-Sep 1984 Rail', Conservative Party Briefing Note, no. 29

1 file

U DPW/33/17 File. Rail transport, 1985. Letters, press releases, Jan 1985-Dec and reports on the Channel Tunnel and the Hull to 1986 Scarborough railway line

1 file

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U DPW/33/18 File. Rail, 1987. Correspondence, report and ts. Jan-Feb 1987 statement regarding the Channel Tunnel

1 file

U DPW/33/19 File. Railworkers' pay dispute. Letters and Apr-May 1972 Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/33/20 File. Road transport, 1954. Ts. notes and Feb-Sep 1954 memorandum

1 file

U DPW/33/21 File. Road transport, 1958 - 1959. Jul 1957-Jun Correspondence, ms. notes and press statement 1959 Including:

a) Ts. 'The Government's road programme', Conservative Party Research Department, 4 March 1958 1 file

U DPW/33/22 File. Road transport, 1960. Conservative Party Jun-Jul 1960 research papers

2 items

U DPW/33/23 File. Roads. Correspondence Apr 1961-Sep 1962 1 file

U DPW/33/24 File. Road transport. Correspondence, reports and Jul 1963-Mar ms. notes regarding road safety and parking 1964 meters

1 file

U DPW/33/25 Artificial file. Roads, 1963 - 1964. Letters, policy Oct 1963-Nov statement from the British Roads Federation, 1964 Conservative Party research papers and memorandum

1 file

U DPW/33/26 File. Roads, 1965. Letters Dec 1964-Oct 1965 1 file

Page 407 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/33/27 File. Roads, 1966. Crrespondence, ts. Feb-Nov 1966 newsletters, ts. statements and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/33/28 File. Roads, 1967. Letters, memoranda, press Feb-Dec 1967 releases, ts. newsletter and ts. report

1 file

U DPW/33/29 File. Roads, 1968. Letters, memorandum and ts. Jun 1967-Apr 'The breathalyser test', Conservative Party 1968 Research Department Including:

a) Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the House of Commons Motor Club, 14 June 1967 1 file

U DPW/33/30 File. Roads, 1969. Correspondence, press release Jan-May 1969 and memorandum

1 file

U DPW/33/31 File. Roads, 1970. Letters, report, press release Dec 1969-Nov and memorandum 1970

1 file

U DPW/33/32 File. Roads, 1971. Correspondence Jul-Dec 1971

1 file

U DPW/33/33 File. Roads, 1972. Letters and ms. parliamentary Oct-Nov 1972 question submitted by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/33/34 File. Roads, 1973. Correspondence, ts. notes, Jan-Dec 1973 report and press release

1 file

U DPW/33/35 File. Roads, 1974. Letters, ts. notes and ts. Feb-Nov 1974 statements

1 file

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U DPW/33/36 File. Roads, 1975. Ts. notes, letters, reports and Jan-Nov 1975 leaflet, 'Contact Brief. Transport and roads', Conservative Political Centre

1 file

U DPW/33/37 File. Roads, 1976. Correspondence, reports, ts. Feb-Dec 1976 notes and press releases

1 file

U DPW/33/38 File. Roads, 1978. Letters, press releases, ts. Nov 1974-Jul statements, memorandum and ts. briefing papers 1979 Including:

a) Ts. 'The N[ational]E[nterprise]B[oard] and British Leyland', Conservative Party Research Department Briefing Note, no. 12a, 13 April 1978 1 file

U DPW/33/39 File. Roads, 1979. Letters, ts. briefing notes, press Oct 1978-Dec releases, ts. newsletter and ts. parliamentary 1979 question

1 file

U DPW/33/40 File. Roads, 1980. Letters, press releases and ts. Sep 1979-Nov briefing notes 1980

1 file

U DPW/33/41 File. Roads, 1981. Letters, ts. briefing papers, Dec 1980-Dec reports, press releases and memorandum 1981

1 file

U DPW/33/42 File. Roads, 1982. Letters, ts. briefing papers, Feb 1980-Nov Conservative Party research papers, report and 1982 press release

1 file

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U DPW/33/43 File. Road transport, 1983. Letters, reports, press May 1981-Oct releases and ts. briefing papers 1983 Including:

a) Minutes of a meeting between the Minister for Home Affairs and the Environment and Glasgow District Council, 20 June 1983 b) Ts. 'The summer finance bill', Conservative Party Briefing Note, no. 24, 7 July 1983 1 file

U DPW/33/44 File. Road transport, 1984. Correspondence, ts. Jan-Dec 1984 briefing paper, ts. notes and press release

1 file

U DPW/33/45 File. Road transport, 1985. Letters, reports, Feb 1985-Feb Conservative Party research papers and press 1986 release Including:

a) File. Transport Bill, 1985. Correspondence, April - May 1985 1 file

U DPW/33/46 File. Road transport, 1986. Letters, ts. notes and Mar-Nov 1986 press releases

1 file

U DPW/33/47 File. Roads, 1987. Letters and press release Jan 1981-Apr 1987 1 file

U DPW/33/48 File. Roads, 1987. Letter and press release Mar 1987 regarding the revised Highway Code

1 file

U DPW/33/49 File. Road, 1989. Letter, pamphlet and ts. Feb 1989 'Statutory Instruments' regarding road casualties

1 file

U DPW/33/50 File. Traffic penalties. Ms. notes and May-Jun 1963 correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/33/51 File. Transport, 1967. Ts. report by RBM Levick Apr 1967

1 file

U DPW/33/52 File. Transport, 1975. Letter and pamphlets from Feb 1975 the National Council on Inland Transport (2)

1 file

U DPW/33/53 File. Transport Bill, 1962. Correspondence, ts. Nov 1961-Feb notes and memorandum 1962 Including:

a) Ts. 'Brief on the Transport Bill', Conservative Party Research Department, 15 November 1961 1 file

U DPW/33/54 File. Transport Bill, 1967 - 1968. Correspondence, Jul 1967-May press releases, ts. notes and Conservative Party 1968 research papers Including:

a) Minutes of the Transport Bill Action Committee, 29 January 1968 1 file

U DPW/33/55 File. Transport, general road and rail, 1955. Jan-Oct 1955 Letters

1 file

U DPW/33/56 File. Transport, general road and rail, 1955. Mar-Nov 1955 Letters, memorandum and ts. notes Including:

a) Minutes of the Conservative Parliamentary Civil Aviation Committee (3), March - November 1955 1 file

U DPW/33/57 File. Transport, general 1956. Letter and ts. Nov 1956 statement of policy from the Society for the Reinvigoration of Unremunerative Branch Lines in the United Kingdom

1 file

U DPW/33/58 File. Transport, general 1960. Report, ts. and ms. May-Dec 1960 notes

1 file

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U DPW/33/59 File. Transport, general 1961. Correspondence, Jan 1961 memorandum, ts. and ms. notes Including:

a) Ts. 'Debate on the Transport White Paper', Conservative Party Research Department, 25 January 1961 1 file

U DPW/33/60 File. Transport, general 1963. Ts. 'A balanced Mar 1963 transport policy', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/33/61 File. Transport, general 1964. Ts. notes regarding 1964 report on links across the English Channel

1 file

U DPW/33/62 File. Transport, general road and rail, 1968. Letter, Nov 1968 memorandum and ts. newsletter

1 file

U DPW/33/63 File. Transport, general 1973. Correspondence, Jun 1972-Jul report, ts. notes, ts. policy statement and press 1973 release

1 file

U DPW/33/64 File. Transport, general 1976. Letters, reports and Feb-Dec 1976 ts. notes Including:

a) Ts. 'Debate on transport policy', Conservative Party Research Department, 3 November 1976 1 file

U DPW/33/65 File. Transport, general, 1980. Letters, ts. notes Jan-Dec 1980 and press release

1 file

U DPW/33/66 File. Transport, general 1982. Ts. briefing notes Feb 1982

1 file

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U DPW/33/67 File. Transport policy, 1977. Reports, ts. briefing Apr-Jun 1977 paper, ts. statement and press release

1 file

U DPW/34 Transport: Inland waterways 1955-1978

U DPW/34/1 File. Canals and inland waterways, 1955. Feb-Dec 1955 Correspondence, ts. reports, ms. notes and memorandum Including:

a) Ts. 'Canals and Inland Waterways Sub - Committee', Conservative Party Research Department, 24 November 1955 1 file

U DPW/34/2 File. Canals and inland waterways, 1956. Letters Jan-Aug 1956 and ts. 'British Transport Commission (no. 2) Bill', with ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/34/3 File. Inland waterways, 1958. Correspondence, ts. Jul 1957-Nov reports and press release 1958

1 file

U DPW/34/4 File. Canals and inland waterways, 1959. Apr-Dec 1959 Correspondence, ms. notes and ts. newsletter

1 file

U DPW/34/5 File. Inland waterways, 1960. Correspondence Dec 1959-Nov and ts. report 1960

1 file

U DPW/34/6 File. Inland waterways. Correspondence and ts. Nov 1960-May reports 1963

1 file

U DPW/34/7 File. Inland waterways, 1964. Letters and ts. Apr-May 1964 magazine

1 file

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U DPW/34/8 File. Inland waterways, 1966. Correspondence, ts. Apr-Nov 1966 statement, ms. notes and report

1 file

U DPW/34/9 File. Inland waterways, 1967. Letters, pamphlets May 1966-Feb and memorandum 1967

1 file

U DPW/34/10 File. Inland waterways. Correspondence and Jul-Oct 1966 pamphlet, 'The Inland Waterways Association: bulletin', 77

1 file

U DPW/34/11 File. Inland waterways, 1968. Correspondence Apr-Dec 1968 and ts. briefing papers

1 file

U DPW/34/12 File. Inland waterways, 1969. Correspondence Apr-Oct 1969 and ts. newsheets

1 file

U DPW/34/13 File. Inland waterways, 1970. Correspondence, Dec 1969-Nov reports and ts. newsletters 1970

1 file

U DPW/34/14 File. Inland waterways. Correspondence, Dec 1969-Jun pamphlets and ts. newsletter 1971

1 file

U DPW/34/15 File. Inland waterways. Correspondence and ts. Jan 1971-Nov notes 1972

1 file

U DPW/34/16 File. Inland waterways. Correspondence, press Apr 1974-Jun releases, report and memorandum 1978

1 file

U DPW/34/17 File. Transport on Water Association. Constitution, Jul 1975-Jul minutes, directors' reports and correspondence 1978

1 file

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U DPW/35 Transport: Shipping 1955-1987

U DPW/35/1 File. Docks and harbours. Letters and ts. briefing Nov 1963-Mar notes 1964

1 file

U DPW/35/2 File. Dock strike. Letters, ms. and ts. notes Jun-Jul 1970 Including:

a) Ts. 'Weekend Talking Point. The Dock Strike', Conservative Party Research Department, no. 708, 25 July 1970 1 file

U DPW/35/3 File. Flags of convenience. Correspondence, ts. Feb-Mar 1958 resolution and ts. speeches

1 file

U DPW/35/4 File. Hovercraft. Correspondence and ts. notes 1968

1 file

U DPW/35/5 File. Industrial relations. Conservative Party Jul-Aug 1972 research papers

1 file

U DPW/35/6 File. Merchant Navy. Correspondence, ts. and ms. Nov 1976-Apr notes 1978

1 file

U DPW/35/7 File. Nuclear propulsion (merchant ships). Letters Jul-Dec 1959 and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/35/8 File. Nuclear propulsion (merchant ships). Nov 1960-Jan Correspondence and ts. report 1961

1 file

U DPW/35/9 File. Nuclear propulsion. Correspondence, ms. Aug 1960-Jul and ts. notes 1961

1 file

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U DPW/35/10 File. Nuclear propulsion. Correspondence, ts. and Jan-Sep 1965 ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/35/11 File. Nuclear propulsion. Correspondence Jul 1966-Feb 1967 1 file

U DPW/35/12 File. Nuclear propulsion. Correspondence and Jun 1969-Jan report 1970

1 file

U DPW/35/13 File. Nuclear propulsion. Correspondence and Sep-Oct 1970 research papers

1 file

U DPW/35/14 File. Ports and docks. Correspondence Nov 1963

1 file

U DPW/35/15 File. Ports and docks. Letters and report Oct 1979-Jan 1980 1 file

U DPW/35/16 Artificial file. Ports and harbours. Letters, report Aug 1966-Jun and ts. statement 1969

1 file

U DPW/35/17 File. Ports and harbours. Correspondence, ts. Dec 1969-Mar report and press release 1970

1 file

U DPW/35/18 File. Ports and harbours. Letter and report 1973 regarding the Maplin Development Bill

1 file

U DPW/35/19 File. Ports and harbours. Correspondence and ts. May 1975-Jul notes 1976 Including:

a) Ts. 'Dock Work Regulation Bill', Conservative Party Research Department, 9 February 1976 1 file

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U DPW/35/20 Artificial file. Shipbuilding. Press releases, Feb 1967-Oct pamphlet, ms. notes and letter regarding aid to 1968 shipbuilders in development areas

1 file

U DPW/35/21 File. Shipbuilding. Correspondence, ts. paper and Oct-Nov 1972 ts. address

1 file

U DPW/35/22 Artificial file. Shipbuilding. Ts. notes, letters, press Oct 1974-Dec release and reports 1975

1 file

U DPW/35/23 File. Shipbuilding. Correspondence and ts. notes May 1975-Feb Including: 1980

a) Ts. 'Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries Bill. Debate on Lords Amendment', Conservative Party Research Department, 10 November 1976 1 file

U DPW/35/24 Artificial file. Shipping. Correspondence, ts. Feb 1955-Mar resolution, pamphlet and press release 1960

1 file

U DPW/35/25 File. Shipping industry. Correspondence, ts. Jan-Nov 1961 speeches and press release

1 file

U DPW/35/26 File. Shipping industry. Correspondence, ts. Feb-Apr 1962 notes, ts. resolutions and ts. speeches

1 file

U DPW/35/27 File. Shipping industry. Correspondence, ts. Nov 1962-Jul statement and ts. report 1963

1 file

U DPW/35/28 File. Shipping industry. Correspondence Dec 1963-Jan 1964 1 file

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U DPW/35/29 File. Shipping. Letters, ts. resolutions from the Feb 1965-Jun Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom, ts. 1966 statement and memorandum

1 file

U DPW/35/30 Artificial file. Shipping. Correspondence, report Feb 1970-Mar from the Chamber of Shipping of the United 1975 Kingdom, ts. notes, press release and Presidential Address, from the General Council of British Shipping

1 file

U DPW/35/31 Artificial file. Shipping. Letters, ts. notes, press May 1977-Jun releases and ts. background papers 1979

1 file

U DPW/35/32 File. Shipping. Correspondence, ts. briefing paper Feb-Oct 1979 and ts. Conservative Party research paper regarding the Shipbuilding Bill

1 file

U DPW/35/33 Artificial file. Shipping. Letters, reports, press Oct 1979-Dec releases and ts. newsletters 1981 Including:

a) Ts. 'Flags of convenience', Conservative Party Research Department, 2 July 1981 1 file

U DPW/35/34 Artificial file. Shipping. Letters, report, newsletter Feb-Dec 1982 and ts. briefing papers

1 file

U DPW/35/35 File. Shipping. Correspondence, ts. notes, briefing Feb-Dec 1983 papers and newsletters

1 file

U DPW/35/36 File. Shipping. Letters and reports Oct 1983-Jun 1985 1 file

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U DPW/35/37 File. Shipping. Correspondence, ts. briefing May 1984-Feb papers and ms. notes 1986 Including:

a) File. Seamen. Correspondence, May 1984 - March 1985 1 file

U DPW/35/38 Artificial file. Shipping. Letters, press releases and Apr 1986-May newsletter 1987

1 file

U DPW/35/39 File. Upper Clyde shipbuilders. Ms. parliamentary Jun 1971-Mar questions and tss. 'Upper Clyde Shipbuilders' and 1972 'Government help for the Upper Clyde', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/36 Youth 1959-1987

U DPW/36/1 File. Partnership in Youth Service Bill [Private 1982-Nov 1983 Members' Bill by Patrick Wall]. Correspondence, reports and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/36/2 File. Partnership in Youth Service Bill [Private Jun-Dec 1983 Members' Bill by Patrick Wall]. Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/36/3 File. Partnership in Youth Service Bill [Private Oct-Nov 1983 Members' Bill by Patrick Wall]. Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/36/4 File. Youth organisations. Correspondence, ts. Jul 1960-Jun notes and reports 1967

1 file

U DPW/36/5 File. Youth. Conservative Party research papers Sep-Nov 1959

2 items

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U DPW/36/6 File. Youth. Correspondence, reports and Feb 1960-Nov Conservative Party research papers 1962 Including:

a) Minutes of National Council of YMCAs (Inc.), Botley Work Group, 19 October 1962 1 file

U DPW/36/7 File. Youth. Conservative Party research papers Sep 1962-Jun 1964 1 file

U DPW/36/8 File. Youth. Reports and ts. notes 1965

1 file

U DPW/36/9 File. Youth. Correspondence Oct 1966

1 file

U DPW/36/10 File. Youth. Correspondence, ts. notes and Oct 1968-Mar memorandum regarding the Children and Young 1969 Persons' Bill

1 file

U DPW/36/11 File. Youth. Correspondence and reports Apr-Dec 1971 regarding the National Voluntary Civil Aid Service and Young Volunteer Force

1 file

U DPW/36/12 File. Youth. Correspondence regarding the Youth Oct 1979-Jun and Community Bill 1980

1 file

U DPW/36/13 File. Youth. '2 - minute News Review', no. 3, Mar 1981 Economic League

1 file

U DPW/36/14 File. Youth. Correspondence and ms. notes Dec 1982-Oct Including: 1983

a) Ts. 'Debate on the Youth Training Scheme, on a Motion for the Adjournment', Conservative Research Department, 31 January 1983 1 file

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U DPW/36/15 File. Youth. Correspondence and reports Jan-Nov 1984

1 file

U DPW/36/16 File. Youth. Correspondence, press release and Mar-Oct 1985 reports

1 file

U DPW/36/17 File. Youth. Correspondence and press releases May 1986-Feb 1987 1 file

U DPW/37 92 Committee 1964-1984

U DPW/37/1 File. 92 Committee, 1964. Memorandum outlining Oct 1963-Dec the Group's activities, correspondence, ts. list of 1964 members, lists of members of Conservative Party committees and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/37/2 File. 92 Committee, 1965. Correspondence, ts. list Nov 1964-Dec of members, lists of members of Conservative 1965 Party committees, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/37/3 File. 92 Committee, 1966. Correspondence, ts. list Dec 1965-Mar of members, lists of members of Conservative 1967 Party committees, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/37/4 File. 92 Committee, 1967. Correspondence, ts. Feb-Dec 1967 and ms. notes, ts. list of members, lists of members of Conservative Party committees and press release

1 file

U DPW/37/5 File. 92 Committee, 1968. Correspondence, ts. list Nov 1967-Nov of members, lists of members of Conservative 1968 Party committees, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/37/6 File. 92 Committee, 1969. Correspondence, ts. list Apr-Dec 1969 of members, lists of members of Conservative Party committees, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/37/7 File. 92 Committee, 1970. Correspondence, lists Mar-Dec 1970 of members of Conservative Party committees, ms. and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/37/8 File. 92 Committee, 1971. Correspondence, ms. Nov 1970-Aug notes, memorandum, ts. and ms. lists of members 1971 and lists of members of Conservative Party committees

1 file

U DPW/37/9 File. 92 Committee, 1972. Correspondence, ts. list Nov-Dec 1972 of members and lists of members of Conservative Party committees

1 file

U DPW/37/10 File. 92 Committee, 1973. Correspondence, ts. May 1972-Nov list of members and lists of members of 1973 Conservative Party committees

1 file

U DPW/37/11 File. 92 Committee, 1974. Correspondence, ts. list Nov 1973-Oct of members, lists of members of Conservative 1974 Party committees, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/37/12 File. 92 Committee, 1975. Correspondence, ts. May-Nov 1975 lists of members, lists of members of Conservative Party committees and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/37/13 File. 92 Committee, 1976. Letters and ts. notes Jan-Feb 1976

1 file

U DPW/37/14 File. 92 Committee, 1977. Correspondence and Jul-Nov 1977 ts. notes

1 file

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U DPW/37/15 File. 92 Committee, 1978. Correspondence, ts. Dec 1977-Nov lists of members, lists of members of Conservative 1978 Party committees, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/37/16 File. 92 Committee, 1979. Correspondence, ts. Nov 1978-May lists of members, lists of members of Conservative 1980 Party committees, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/37/17 File. 92 Committee, 1980. Correspondence, ts. Jul 1979-Feb lists of members, lists of members of Conservative 1981 Party committees, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/37/18 File. 92 Committee, 1981. Correspondence, ts. Mar 1981-Apr lists of members, lists of members of Conservative 1982 Party committees, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/37/19 File. 92 Committee, 1982. Correspondence, ts. Apr 1982-Feb lists of members, lists of members of Conservative 1983 Party committees, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/37/20 File. 92 Committee, 1983. Correspondence, ts. Feb-Nov 1983 lists of members, lists of members of Conservative Party committees, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/37/21 File. 92 Committee, 1984: election of Chairman Mar-May 1984 and Steering Committee members. Correspondence, ts. lists of members, lists of members of Conservative Party committees, ms. notes and completed ballot papers

1 file

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U DPW/37/22 File. 92 Committee, history of. Letters, ts. notes 1964-1981 and ts. lists of members Including:

a) Ts. 'The 92 Committee, 1964 - 1984' by Patrick Wall, with ms. alterations and a ms. draft copy, [1984] 1 file

U DPW/38 Commonwealth Parliamentary Association 1957-1981

U DPW/38/1 File. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. Nov 1957-Nov Correspondence 1960

1 file

U DPW/38/2 File. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. Mar 1961-Nov Correspondence, ts. notes, memoranda, notices 1962 of meetings and minutes of Executive Committee

1 file

U DPW/38/3 File. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Apr-Jun 1961 1961. Correspondence, ts. lists of members of Executive Committee and notice of meeting

1 file

U DPW/38/4 File. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. May 1962-Nov Correspondence, notices of meetings, ts. notes, 1963 memoranda and minutes of Executive Committee

1 file

U DPW/38/5 File. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. Jul 1963-Nov Correspondence, ts. newsletters, notices of 1964 meetings, ts. notes and minutes of Executive Committee

1 file

U DPW/38/6 File. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Jan-Jul 1965 1965. Correspondence, ts. newsletters, and ms. and ts. notes

1 file

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U DPW/38/7 File. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Sep 1965-Jul 1966. Ts. newsletters, circular letters and ts. notes 1967

1 file

U DPW/38/8 File. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. Apr-Dec 1968 Correspondence, notices of meetings, ts. notes and minutes of Executive Committee

1 file

U DPW/38/9 File. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. Feb-Apr 1971 Correspondence and ts. notes regarding seminars and visits

1 file

U DPW/38/10 File. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. Mar 1973-May Correspondence, ts. notes and notice of meeting 1974

1 file

U DPW/38/11 File. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. Jul 1978 Circular letter and ts. report

1 file

U DPW/38/12 File. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. Oct 1980-Jun Correspondence, ts. notes and notice of meeting 1981

1 file

U DPW/38/13 File. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Nov 1959-Sep conference, 1961. Ts. notes, constitution and 1961 related discussion papers, notice and minutes of general meeting, 4 November 1959 Including:

a) Ts. Annual report of General Council of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, 1960 - 1961, [August] 1961 1 file

U DPW/38/14 File. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Apr 1960-Sep conference, 1961. 'United Kingdom delegation, 1961 briefs I'. Ts. briefing papers

1 file

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U DPW/38/15 File. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association May-Sep 1961 conference, 1961. 'United Kingdom delegation, briefs II'. Programme, lists of delegates, conference diary and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/39 Conservative Overseas Bureau 1962-1976

U DPW/39/1 File. Conservative Overseas Bureau. Feb 1962-Jul Correspondence, committee minutes, circulars 1963 and reports of visits to Christian Democratic party conferences in Europe

1 file

U DPW/39/2 File. League for Self Determination of Peoples. Mar 1963-Jan Correspondence, background papers, reports, ms. 1967 notes and papers for Round Table conferences

1 file

U DPW/39/3 File. Conservative Overseas Bureau. Jul 1963-Dec Correspondence, committee minutes, circulars 1964 and reports of visits to Christian Democratic party conferences in Europe

1 file

U DPW/39/4 File. Conservative Overseas Bureau. Dec 1964-Dec Correspondence, committee minutes, circulars 1965 and reports produced by the Executive Committee of the Nouvelles Equipes Internationales (International Union of Christian Democrats), June 1965 Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'Notes on discussions with the leaders of the Catholic Conservative Party of Switzerland', Patrick Wall, circa 1965 b) Carbon copy ts. 'Visit to 13th CDU [Christian Democratic Union] conference in Dusseldorf, March 1965', Patrick Wall, [March 1965] c) Carbon copy ts. 'Impressions of the pre-election CDU [Christian Democratic Union conference at Dusseldorf, 28th - 30th March 1965', Baroness Emmet, 31 March 1965 1 file

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U DPW/39/5 File. Conservative Overseas Bureau. Jun-Jul 1965 Correspondence and ms. notes Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'NEI [Nouvelles Equipes Internationales] meeting in Brussels 28th June 1965', Baroness Emmet, [June 1965] 1 file

U DPW/39/6 File. Conservative Overseas Bureau. Jan 1966-Jul Correspondence, circulars, committee minutes, 1967 ms. notes and reports of visits to Christian Democratic party conferences in Europe

1 file

U DPW/39/7 File. Conservative Overseas Bureau. Jul-Dec 1967 Correspondence, committee minutes, circulars and reports of visits to Christian Democratic party conferences in Europe

1 file

U DPW/39/8 File. Conservative Overseas Bureau. Jan-Nov 1968 Correspondence, committee minutes, circulars and reports of visits to Christian Democratic party conferences in Europe

1 file

U DPW/39/9 File. Inter Party visit by French Conservative Nov 1968-Jan Party, January 1969. Correspondence and ms. 1969 notes Including:

a) Ts. 'Commission on Foreign Policy. National defence' [in French], Diomede Catroux, no date 1 file

U DPW/39/10 File. Conservative Overseas Bureau. Nov 1968-Nov Correspondence, committee minutes, circulars, 1969 reports of visits to Christian Democratic party conferences in Europe and programme of Inter Party Conference, May 1969

1 file

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U DPW/39/11 Artificial file. Conservative Overseas Bureau. Jan 1970-Nov Correspondence, committee minutes, circulars 1972 and reports of visits to Christian Democratic party conferences in Europe

1 file

U DPW/39/12 Artificial file. Conservative Commonwealth and Jan 1975-Jul Overseas Council. Agenda and minutes of 1976 Executive Committee, with papers for discussion

1 file

U DPW/40 Monday Club 1961-1989

U DPW/40/1 File. Monday Club, 1963. Correspondence, Nov 1961-Feb notices of meetings, minutes of Executive 1964 Committee and General Meeting, ms. and ts. notes Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Conservatism lost? Conservatism regained', Monday Club, with draft ms. and ts. versions, [1963] 1 file

U DPW/40/2 File. Monday Club, 1964. Correspondence, Nov 1963-Dec reports, notices of meetings, minutes of Executive 1964 Committee, Executive Council, Council and AGM, memoranda and ms. notes Including:

a) Ts. 'Automation', Monday Club Industrial and Labour Relations Group, May 1964 1 file

U DPW/40/3 File. Monday Club, 1965. Correspondence, ts. Dec 1964-Aug notes, notices of meetings, minutes of Executive 1965 Council, Council and AGM, report and memorandum

1 file

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U DPW/40/4 File. Monday Club, 1965. Correspondence, 1965 reports, ts. notes and notices of meetings, and minutes of Executive Council and Council Including:

a) Minutes of Monday Club Rhodesia Emergency Committee, 17 November 1965 b) Ts. 'The role of subversion in foreign affairs', Foreign Affairs Study Group, Monday Club, 1965 1 file

U DPW/40/5 File. Monday Club, 1966. Correspondence, Feb 1965-Dec notices of meetings, minutes of Executive 1966 Committee, ms. and ts. notes Including:

a) Minutes of Monday Club Rhodesia Emergency Committee, 12 December 1966 b) Minutes of Watching Committee, 30 November [1966] 1 file

U DPW/40/6 File. Monday Club, 1967. Correspondence, Jan 1967-Jan notices of meetings, minutes of Executive Council, 1968 ts. and ms. notes Including:

a) Minutes of Monday Club Rhodesia Emergency Committee meetings (2), January - February 1967 1 file

U DPW/40/7 File. Monday Club, 1968. Correspondence, ts. 1965-Jan 1969 notes, notices of meetings and minutes of Executive Council Including:

a) Minutes of Rally Committee meeting, 4 June 1968 b) Ts. 'Monday Club facts sheet, no. 4 - Students', with ms. versions, November 1968 1 file

U DPW/40/8 File. Monday Club, 1969. Correspondence, Sep 1967-Aug notices of meetings, minutes of Executive Council, 1969 ms. and ts. notes

1 file

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U DPW/40/9 File. Monday Club, 1969. Correspondence, ts. Jun-Dec 1969 notes, notices of meetings and minutes of Executive Council Including:

a) Ts. 'No mean city', Alan Smith, regarding Conservative Party policy for social services, [1969] 1 file

U DPW/40/10 File. Monday Club, 1970. Correspondence, Apr 1969-Sep notices of meetings, minutes of Executive Council 1971 and AGM, ts. notes and press releases Including:

a) Minutes of General Assembly of the British Association of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, 24 June 1970 1 file

U DPW/40/11 File. Monday Club, 1971. Correspondence, Jan 1970-Dec reports, ts. and ms. notes, notices of meetings, 1971 minutes of Executive Council and Monday Club in Parliament meetings, and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/40/12 File. Monday Club, 1972. Correspondence, Jan 1971-Dec notices of meetings, minutes of Executive Council 1972 and Monday Club Universities Group, ts. notes, reports, press releases and memoranda Including:

a) Minutes of meeting of Officers and Executive Committee of the Inter - Parliamentary Union, British Group, 15 December 1971 b) Ts. Annual report of Essex Monday Club, April 1972 c) Ts. 'Who's getting at our kids?', Sam Swerling, [1972] 1 file

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U DPW/40/13 File. Monday Club, 1973. Correspondence, Nov 1972-Nov reports, ts. notes, notices of meetings, minutes of 1973 Executive Council and Special General Meeting, and memoranda Including:

a) Minutes of General Committee of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, 13 March 1973 b) Pamphlet. 'The Monday Club. A danger to British democracy', published in the public interest, [1973] c) Ts. 'Monday Club, a survey of events', Monday Club, [September 1973] d) Ts. Speech by Patrick Wall to the Northern area Monday Club at Newcastle, 3 November 1972 e) Ts. 'Report by a Sub Committee of the Executive Council set up to enquire into the organisation and structure of the Monday Club and to make recommendations', (2), December 1972 - February 1973 1 file

U DPW/40/14 File. Monday Club, 1974. Correspondence, ts. Oct 1973-Dec notes, notices of meetings, minutes of Executive 1974 Council and reports Including:

a) Ts. 'Right reason. A Monday Club policy document', Monday Club, 14 January 1974 b) Carbon copy ts. 'The proportional representation issue', Brian Costello, with covering letter, 2 December 1974 1 file

U DPW/40/15 File. Monday Club, 1975. Correspondence, Jul 1974-Jun minutes of Executive Council, ts. notes and 1975 reports Including:

a) Ts. Annual report 1974 - 1975, Monday Club, April 1975 b) Ts photocopy. 'What is communism? A Monday Club fact sheet', Monday Club, July 1975 1 file

U DPW/40/16 File. Monday Club, 1976. Correspondence, Jan 1975-Jun notices of meetings, minutes of Executive Council, 1977 ts. notes and reports

1 file

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U DPW/40/17 File. Monday Club. Correspondence, notices of May-Jun 1976 meetings, ts. and ms. notes and ts. 'Monday Club manifesto', with ms. and ts. drafts

1 file

U DPW/40/18 File. Monday Club, 1977. Letters, ts. notes, Dec 1976-Dec notices of meetings and minutes of Executive 1977 Council Including:

a) Ts. 'European institutions. The law and the direction of unity', Monday Club European Policy Group Paper, July 1977 1 file

U DPW/40/19 File. Monday Club, 1978. Correspondence Feb-Dec 1978

1 file

U DPW/40/20 File. Monday Club. Correspondence, reports, Mar 1978-Nov notices of meetings, minutes of Executive 1980 Committee, Finance Committee, Women's Group Committee, and Branch Chairman's Conference, memoranda, ts. and ms. notes Including:

a) Minutes of AGM of Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, 24 November 1979 b) Ts. 'The Lusaka package. Settlement or sell out?', Monday Club Policy Paper, August 1979 c) Pamphlet. 'Towards industrial sanity', Monday Club, and ts. draft with ms. alterations, October 1979 d) Ts. Speech by Patrick Wall at Monday Club Conference in Taunton, 16 June 1979 e) Ts. 'Let's not wreck our fishing fleets', Monday Club, October 1980 f) Ts. 'Industrial prosperity and employment opportunities for all', Monday Club, October 1980 1 file

U DPW/40/21 File. Monday Club. Letters May 1976-Nov 1979 1 file

U DPW/40/23 File. Monday Club, 1981. Correspondence, Apr 1978-Jul reports and notices of meetings 1981

1 file

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U DPW/40/24 Artificial bundle. Monday Club. Correspondence, Sep 1981-Jan reports, ts. policy papers and ts. notes 1986

1 bundle

U DPW/40/25 File. Monday Club, 1982. Letters, ts. policy Mar-Oct 1982 papers, ts. reports and notices of meetings

1 file

U DPW/40/26 File. Monday Club, 1983. Correspondence, Nov 1982-Oct reports, notices of meetings and ts. policy papers 1983

1 file

U DPW/40/27 File. Monday Club, 1984. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1984 reports, ts. policy papers and notices of meetings

1 file

U DPW/40/28 File. Monday Club, 1986. Letter, ts. Chairman's May 1985-Jun address and policy paper regarding taxation 1986

1 file

U DPW/40/29 File. Monday Club, 1987. Correspondence, Mar 1985-Nov reports and leaflets 1987

1 file

U DPW/40/30 File. Monday Club, 1988. Letters, ts. policy Jan 1988-Apr papers, reports, ts. notes and notices of meetings 1989

1 file

U DPW/40/31 File. Monday Club, 1989. Letters, notices of Jul 1987-Oct meetings, ts. Chairman's address and ts. policy 1991 papers

1 file

U DPW/40/32 File. Monday Club: Chairman. Correspondence Jun 1978-Apr and financial papers from the Chairman 1980 Including:

a) File. 'Political Officer and National Organiser'. Letters and report regarding the post, February - March 1980 1 file

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U DPW/40/33 File. Monday Club: Chairman's Sub Committee. Feb 1978-Oct Correspondence, financial papers, memorandum, 1979 ts. and ms. notes, and minutes of Executive Council and Women's Group Committee

1 file

U DPW/40/34 File. Monday Club: Executive Council. Letters, Jan 1975-Dec minutes, reports, notices of meetings, press 1978 releases, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/40/35 File. Monday Club: Executive Council. Minutes, Dec 1978-Nov notices of meetings, reports, press releases, ms. 1979 and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/40/36 File. Monday Club: conferences, 1978. May 1976-Nov Correspondence, ts. and ms. notes 1978

1 file

U DPW/40/37 File. Monday Club: conferences, 1979. Nov 1978-Dec Correspondence, press releases, memorandum, 1979 ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/40/38 File. Monday Club: National Organiser. Feb 1978-Jul Correspondence, ts. notes and reports 1979

1 file

U DPW/40/39 File. Monday Club: Hull and Humberside branch. May 1976-Jan Correspondence, ts. policy papers, ts. and ms. 1979 notes

1 file

U DPW/40/40 File. Yorkshire Monday Club. Correspondence Mar 1988-May 1989 1 file

U DPW/40/41 File. Monday Club: branches. Correspondence, Dec 1977-Mar reports, ms. and ts. notes 1980

1 file

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U DPW/40/42 File. Monday Club expansion. Correspondence, May 1976-May ms. notes and report 1979

1 file

U DPW/40/43 File. Monday Club: External Affairs Group. Jan 1967-Jan Correspondence, notices of meetings, ts. and ms. 1968 notes, and minutes of Executive Council Including:

a) Ts. 'Monday Club fact sheet no. 1- Vietnam', August 1967 b) Ts. 'Draft notes for a Monday Club pamphlet on aid', [July] 1967 1 file

U DPW/40/44 File. Monday Club: Foreign Affairs Group. Jul 1967-Sep Correspondence about membership 1972

1 file

U DPW/40/45 File. Monday Club: Foreign Affairs Group. Mar-Oct 1968 Correspondence and ms. notes Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Russia and the world', Monday Club Defence Study Group, with ts. draft, [1968] 1 file

U DPW/40/46 File. Monday Club: Foreign Affairs Group. Jan 1969-Nov Correspondence, ts. and ms. notes 1970

1 file

U DPW/40/47 File. Monday Club: Universities Group. Dec 1970-Dec Correspondence, ts. notes, reports, memorandum 1972 and minutes Including:

a) Minutes of a United Nations Parliamentary Group Executive Committee meeting, 5 July 1972 b) Ts. Speech by Patrick Wall to the Annual General Meeting of the Monday Club Universities Group at Oxford, 27 November 1971 1 file

U DPW/40/48 File. Monday Club: Universities Group. Dec 1972-Oct Correspondence 1973

1 file

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U DPW/40/49 File. Monday Club: groups. Correspondence, Oct 1978-Oct notices of meetings, reports, ts. notes and minutes 1979 of Women's Group

1 file

U DPW/40/50 File. Monday Club: finance. Correspondence and Nov 1978-Feb memoranda 1980

1 file

U DPW/40/51 File. Monday Club: lecture notes. Ts. policy Jul 1975-Nov papers, ts. fact sheets, ts. notes and press 1978 releases

1 file

U DPW/40/52 File. Monday Club: membership candidates. Oct 1974-Jul Correspondence, ts. and ms. notes 1978

1 file

U DPW/40/53 File. Monday Club: membership candidates. May-Aug 1978 Correspondence, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/40/54 File. Monday Club: press'. Ts. statements and 1978-1980 press releases

1 file

U DPW/40/55 File. BBC pamphlet, Monday Club. Aug 1967-Aug Correspondence, ms. notes and ts. draft 1968

1 file

U DPW/40/56 File. Immigration pamphlet, Monday Club. Dec 1968-Jan Correspondence and ts. sections of the pamphlet 1969 Including:

a) Ts. 'Who goes home? Immigration and repatriation', Geo. K Young, with ms. notes, January 1969 b) Ts. 'Facts sheet no. 5. Denationalisation', Monday Club, January 1969 1 file

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U DPW/40/57 File. Industrial relations pamphlet, Monday Club. Feb-Nov 1979 Correspondence and pamphlet, 'Towards industrial sanity', Monday Club

1 file

U DPW/40/58 File. Monday Club fact sheets. Factsheets and Aug 1967-Mar letters with some draft copies 1979

1 file

U DPW/40/59 File. Monday Club policy papers. Letters, ts. policy May 1978-Jan papers, press releases, ts. and ms. notes 1979

1 file

U DPW/40/60 File. Monday Club publications. Letters (2) Jan 1979 regarding a future publication

1 file

U DPW/40/61 Leaflet. 'Keep the Socialists out campaign. The Mar 1987 insanity of Labour's defence policy', Monday Club

1 item

U DPW/40/62 Leaflet. 'Keep the Socialists out campaign. Apr 1987 Unmasking the alliance', Monday Club

1 item

U DPW/40/63 Leaflet. 'Keep the Socialists out campaign. Labour Apr 1987 councils in action - 1', Monday Club

1 item

U DPW/40/64 Leaflet. 'Keep the Socialists out campaign. The May 1987 regeneration of Britain', Monday Club

1 item

U DPW/40/65 Report. 'Signpost to salvation. A Monday Club Sep 1974 discussion document on some key issues for the forthcoming election and beyond', Monday Club

1 item

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U DPW/40/66 Pamphlet. 'Monday Club policy paper. Education May 1985 and the multi - racial society', Monday Club Immigration and Race Relations Policy Committee, no. IR4

1 item

U DPW/40/67 Pamphlet. 'Monday Club policy paper. ''Race Oct 1986 relations'' - the eleventh hour', Monday Club Immigration and Race Relations Policy Committee, no. IR6

1 item

U DPW/40/68 Pamphlet. 'Monday Club policy paper. Gorbachev Jul 1987 and the road to perpetual peace', Monday Club Defence Policy Committee, no. DEF2

1 item

U DPW/40/69 Pamphlet. 'Monday Club policy paper. Ultra vires Mar-Apr 1988 payments and students' unions', Monday Club, with two letters from the Honorary Treasurer and Director regarding forthcoming events

1 item

U DPW/40/70 Pamphlet. 'Monday Club policy papers. The Oct 1988 National Health Service: Breaking the monopoly', Monday Club Health Policy Committee, no. H1

1 item

U DPW/40/71 Pamphlet. 'Monday Club discussion paper. The Oct 1988 United Nations organisation', Monday Club Foreign Affairs Policy Committee, no. FA4

1 item

U DPW/40/72 Circular letter from Sam Swerling, Deputy 14 Jul 1978 Chairman, Monday Club, regarding publications

1 item

U DPW/40/73 Circular letter from David E Storey, Chairman, May 1985 Monday Club, regarding the publication of a tabloid newspaper

1 item

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U DPW/40/74 Flyer from the Kensal Press promoting Monday c.1985 Club's new publication 'The cross of Saint Patrick. The catholic unionist tradition in Ireland', by John Biggs - Davison and George Chowdharay - Best

1 item

U DPW/40/75 Flyer from Monday Club promoting a new c.1985 publication, 'Refugees from ', by George Miller

1 item

U DPW/41 North Atlantic Assembly 1970-1992 41/1 - 125 Annual sessions, meetings and tours 41/126 - 373 Committees 41/374 - 383 Special Committees 41/384 - 499 Sub Committees 41/500 - 532 Presidential papers 41/533 - 627 General files 41/628 - 701 Subject files

U DPW/41/1 File. North Atlantic Assembly, 16th session, The Aug-Nov 1970 Hague, November 1970. List of delegates, correspondence, programmes, agenda, minutes of Political and Military Committees, reports, ts. and ms. notes, memorandum, ts. statements, newsletter, information documents and working paper

1 file

U DPW/41/2 File. North Atlantic Assembly 16th session, The Nov 1970 Hague, November 1970. Reports of 1st and 2nd sittings and transcript of opening speech by President, Hon. Wayne L Hay

1 file

U DPW/41/3 File. North Atlantic Assembly 17th session, Oct 1970-May Ottawa, September 1971. Newsletter, agenda, 1971 reports, recommendations and resolutions

1 file

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U DPW/41/4 File. North Atlantic Assembly 17th session, Nov 1970-May Ottawa, September 1971. Newsletter, agenda, 1971 minutes of Military Committee, texts adopted by 16th session, military tour programme, ts. statement, ms. notes, reports and comments by Secretary General of NATO

1 file

U DPW/41/5 File. North Atlantic Assembly 17th session, Jan-Oct 1971 Ottawa, September 1971. List of delegates, programmes, agenda, minutes of Military Political, Education, Cultural Affairs and Information, and Scientific and Technical Committees, list of texts adopted, ms. and ts. notes, and reports

1 file

U DPW/41/6 File. North Atlantic Assembly 17th session, May-Sep 1971 Ottawa, September 1971. Minutes of proceedings and official report of 1st sitting, correspondence, reports, budget and Treasurer's report, and ts. briefing notes

1 file

U DPW/41/7 File. North Atlantic Assembly 18th session, Bonn, May-Dec 1972 November 1972. Minutes of Sub Committee on Soviet Maritime Threat, list of delegates, agenda, official report of 2nd sitting, ms. notes, correspondence, reports, recommendations and article

1 file

U DPW/41/8 File. North Atlantic Assembly 18th session, Bonn, Jul-Nov 1972 November 1972. Official report of 1st sitting, transcripts of speeches, newsletter, agenda, resolutions, information document, reports and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/9 Booklet of texts adopted by 18th session, North Nov 1972 Atlantic Assembly, Bonn

1 item

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U DPW/41/10 File. North Atlantic Assembly 18th session, Bonn, Dec 1972-Jan November 1972. List of texts adopted, official 1973 report of 3rd sitting, minutes of Military and Political Committees, and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/11 File. North Atlantic Assembly 19th session, May 1972-1973 Ankara, October 1973. Ms. notes, reports and draft programme

1 file

U DPW/41/12 File. North Atlantic Assembly 19th session, Jun 1972-Oct Ankara, October 1973. Correspondence, list of 1973 national delegations, minutes and official reports of 1st sitting, ts. and ms. notes, programme, minutes of Military Committee, report, transcript of speech by Secretary General of NATO, list of texts adopted by Economic Committee

1 file

U DPW/41/13 File. North Atlantic Assembly 19th session, Oct 1973-Feb Ankara, October 1973. List of documents edited 1974 by Assembly, newsletter, official reports of sittings, list of texts adopted, rules of procedure, transcript of opening speech by President, Sir John Peel MP, and minutes of Scientific and Technical, Political, Economic, and Education, Cultural Affairs and Information Committees

1 file

U DPW/41/14 Official programme and invitations, 19th session, Oct 1973 North Atlantic Assembly, Ankara

1 item

U DPW/41/15 File. North Atlantic Assembly 20th session, Jan-Nov 1974 London, 1974. Programmes, ms. notes, list of delegates and handbook

1 file

U DPW/41/16 File. North Atlantic Assembly 21st session, Jan-Sep 1975 Copenhagen, September 1975. List of documents edited by Assembly and list of participants

1 file

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U DPW/41/17 File. North Atlantic Assembly 21st session, Sep 1975 Copenhagen, September 1975. Programmes, transcripts of opening speeches, minutes and official report, and reports of Secretary General and Treasurer

1 file

U DPW/41/18 File. North Atlantic Assembly 22nd session, May-Dec 1976 Williamsburg, Virginia, November 1976. List of texts adopted, correspondence, minutes of Military Committee, recommendation, ts. and ms. notes and amendments to revised draft report 'The security of the alliance', by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/19 File. North Atlantic Assembly 22nd session, Jun-Nov 1976 Williamsburg, Virginia, November 1976. Correspondence, list of delegations, ms. notes, programmes, minutes of proceedings, official reports of sittings, summaries of draft reports, ts. statements, lists of texts adopted by committees, reports, ts. guidance notes, budget, bulletin and general reports of committees

1 file

U DPW/41/20 Official programme and general information, 22nd Nov 1976 session, North Atlantic Assembly Williamsburg, Virginia

1 item

U DPW/41/21 File. North Atlantic Assembly 23rd session, Paris, May-Sep 1977 September 1977. Correspondence, lists of delegations, programme, draft budget, Treasurer's report, minutes of proceedings, official reports of sittings, recommendations, resolutions, lists of texts adopted by committees and bulletin

1 file

U DPW/41/22 File. North Atlantic Assembly 23rd session, Paris, Sep 1977 September 1977. Correspondence and ts. guidance notes

1 file

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U DPW/41/23 Report of United States delegation on 23rd Sep 1977 session, North Atlantic Assembly, Paris

1 item

U DPW/41/24 File. North Atlantic Assembly 24th session, May 1977-Nov Lisbon, November 1978. List of guests of honour, 1978 correspondence, calendar of events, programmes, agenda, minutes of Standing Committee, transcripts of speeches, reports and lists of texts adopted 1972 - 1976

1 file

U DPW/41/25 Official programme, 24th session, North Atlantic Nov 1978 Assembly, Lisbon

1 item

U DPW/41/26 List of texts adopted at 24th session, North Nov 1978 Atlantic Assembly, Lisbon

1 item

U DPW/41/27 File. North Atlantic Assembly 24th session, Nov 1978 Lisbon, November 1978. List of national delegations, including biographies

1 file

U DPW/41/28 File. North Atlantic Assembly 24th session, 1977-1978 Lisbon, November 1978. Ts. note on plenary procedure, ms. notes, draft budget for 1979, report and accounts, lists of texts adopted by committees, transcripts of opening speeches, orders of the day, and minutes of proceedings and official report of 1st sitting

1 file

U DPW/41/29 List of national delegations, 25th session, North Oct 1979 Atlantic Assembly, Ottawa

1 item

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U DPW/41/30 File. North Atlantic Assembly 25th session, Apr-Oct 1979 Ottawa, October 1979. Programmes, agenda, ms. notes, list of guests of honour, summaries of draft reports, reports and ts. statements regarding Rhodesia

1 file

U DPW/41/31 File. North Atlantic Assembly 25th session, Aug-Oct 1979 Ottawa, October 1979. Calendar of events, programme, reports, information document and paper on plans for art exhibition to celebrate 30 years of the Atlantic community

1 file

U DPW/41/32 Pamphlet. Report of United States delegation, Feb 1980 25th session, North Atlantic Assembly, Ottawa, October 1979

1 item

U DPW/41/33 Pamphlet. Texts adopted, 25th session, North Feb 1980 Atlantic Assembly, Ottawa, October 1979

1 item

U DPW/41/34 File. North Atlantic Assembly 25th session, Oct 1979 Ottawa, October 1979. Plenary procedures, transcript of speech by Patrick Wall in plenary session, minutes of proceedings and official reports of sittings, background report, lists of texts presented and adopted by committees, ms. resolutions and notes

1 file

U DPW/41/35 File. North Atlantic Assembly 26th session, Jan 1980-Jan Brussels, November 1980. Lists of delegates, 1981 members of Standing Committee and officers of committees, official reports of sittings, correspondence, list of documents edited by Assembly, minutes of Drafting and Standing Committees, and calendar of events

1 file

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U DPW/41/36 File. North Atlantic Assembly 26th session, Feb-Nov 1980 Brussels, November 1980. Correspondence, ms. notes, programmes, transcript of speech by Acting President, Wilfred Martens, summaries of draft reports and newsletter

1 file

U DPW/41/37 List of delegations, with biographical notes, 26th Nov 1980 session, North Atlantic Assembly, Brussels

1 item

U DPW/41/38 File. North Atlantic Assembly 26th session, Nov 1980-1981 Brussels, November 1980. Official programme and records of hearings in United States Congress

1 file

U DPW/41/39 File. North Atlantic Assembly 26th session, Oct-Nov 1980 Brussels, November 1980. Resolutions and amendments, official report, list of texts adopted by Military Committee, correspondence, programme and transcripts of speeches

1 file

U DPW/41/40 File. North Atlantic Assembly 27th session, Mar-Oct 1981 Munich, October 1981. Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes, list of British observers and programme

1 file

U DPW/41/41 File. North Atlantic Assembly 27th session, May-Oct 1981 Munich, October 1981. List of national delegations, official programme and general information, invitations and reports

1 file

U DPW/41/42 File. North Atlantic Assembly 27th session, Sep-Oct 1981 Munich, October 1981. Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes, list of British observers and programme

1 file

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U DPW/41/43 File. North Atlantic Assembly 27th session, Sep-Oct 1981 Munich, October 1981. Orders of the day, lists of texts presented by Committees, amendments, official reports, transcripts of speeches, including President, Hon. Jack Brooks, and ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/44 Texts adopted and addresses, 27th annual Oct 1981 session, North Atlantic Assembly, Munich

1 item

U DPW/41/45 File. North Atlantic Assembly 28th session, Dec 1979-Sep London, November 1982. Correspondence about 1982 preliminary arrangements, newsletter and list of Committee reports

1 file

U DPW/41/46 File. North Atlantic Assembly 28th session, Jun 1982-Jan London, November 1982. Correspondence and 1983 minutes of Political and Military Committees

1 file

U DPW/41/47 File. North Atlantic Assembly 28th session, Jul-Nov 1982 London, November 1982. Events diary, ms. notes, correspondence, list of delegation leaders, ms. and ts. drafts of paper 'Consensus, public support and the future of the alliance; Is NATO still valid?', by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/48 File. North Atlantic Assembly 28th session, Aug-Nov 1982 London, November 1982. Lists of delegates and participants, correspondence, programmes, agenda and list of subjects for discussion at Committee meetings

1 file

U DPW/41/49 List of national delegations, 28th session, North Nov 1982 Atlantic Assembly, London

1 item

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U DPW/41/50 File. North Atlantic Assembly 28th session, Nov 1982 London, November 1982. Correspondence, file labelled 'British delegation leader' containing ts. notes for Patrick Wall, and ts. guidance notes

1 file

U DPW/41/51 File. North Atlantic Assembly 28th session, Nov 1982 London, November 1982. Programme, transcript of speech by Margaret Thatcher at opening ceremony and ts. draft, 'The Falkland Islands campaign - lessons for NATO' by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/52 File. North Atlantic Assembly 28th session, Nov 1982-Jan London, November 1982. Correspondence and 1983 official reports of sittings

1 file

U DPW/41/53 File. North Atlantic Assembly 28th session, Nov 1982 London, November 1982. Programme, reports, resolution and ts. paper for plenary session, 'Is NATO still valid?'

1 file

U DPW/41/54 Texts adopted by 28th session, North Atlantic Dec 1982 Assembly, London

1 item

U DPW/41/55 File. North Atlantic Assembly 28th session, Nov 1982 London, November 1982. Lists of texts presented by Committees, resolution and amendments, Treasurer's report, list of participants, minutes of proceedings, transcript of speech by President, Hon. Jack Brooks, and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/56 File. North Atlantic Assembly 29th session, The Aug-Oct 1983 Hague, October 1983. Programmes, calendar of events, correspondence, list of subjects to be discussed and ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/41/57 File. North Atlantic Assembly 29th session, The Sep-Oct 1983 Hague, October 1983. Correspondence, list of participants and programme for NATO symposium and exposition on 'NATO and western Europe'

1 file

U DPW/41/58 File. North Atlantic Assembly 29th session, The Oct-Nov 1983 Hague, October 1983. Programme, correspondence, official reports of sittings, minutes of Political and Military Committees, and calendar of events

1 file

U DPW/41/59 File. North Atlantic Assembly 29th session, The Oct 1983 Hague, October 1983. Ts. guidance notes

1 file

U DPW/41/60 File. North Atlantic Assembly 30th session, Jul-Nov 1984 Brussels, November 1984. Correspondence, reports of Military Committee, ts. notes, list of members of Standing and Sub Committees, and Committee officers, press cutting of letter to 'The Times' by Patrick Wall and ts. draft, 'The strength and weakness of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation'

1 file

U DPW/41/61 File. North Atlantic Assembly 30th session, Jul-Dec 1984 Brussels, November 1984. Correspondence, programmes, list of subjects for discussion and ts. papers regarding space technology

1 file

U DPW/41/62 File. North Atlantic Assembly 30th session, Nov-Dec 1984 Brussels, November 1984. Report of Military Committee, policy recommendations, correspondence and ts. article 'The strengths and weaknesses of NATO' by Patrick Wall

1 file

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U DPW/41/63 File. North Atlantic Assembly 30th session, Nov 1984-Feb Brussels, November 1984. Correspondence, list of 1985 participants at Political and Military Committee meetings, ts. President's notes, programmes, transcripts of speeches and calendar of events

1 file

U DPW/41/64 List of national delegations, with biographical Nov 1984 notes, 30th session, North Atlantic Assembly, Brussels

1 item

U DPW/41/65 File. North Atlantic Assembly 30th session, Nov 1984 Brussels, November 1984. Ts. and ms. notes, ts. President's notes, lists of participants, lists of texts presented by Committees, recommendations, resolution, correspondence, Treasurer's report, draft budget, report and accounts for financial year 1983, transcripts of speeches at opening ceremony, including by President, Patrick Wall, and minutes and official reports of sittings

1 file

U DPW/41/66 File. North Atlantic Assembly 30th session, Dec 1984 Brussels, November 1984. Policy recommendations, official reports of sittings, and minutes of Military and Political Committees

1 file

U DPW/41/67 File. North Atlantic Assembly 31st session, San Mar-Oct 1985 Francisco, October 1985. Correspondence and newsletters

1 file

U DPW/41/68 File. North Atlantic Assembly 31st session, San Jun-Oct 1985 Francisco, October 1985. Correspondence, ts. notes, programmes, reports of Military and Political committees, transcripts of speeches and ts. comments by Foreign Office on draft reports

1 file

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U DPW/41/69 File. North Atlantic Assembly 31st session, San Sep-Oct 1985 Francisco, October 1985. Official report of plenary session, summaries of draft reports, list of subjects for discussion, lists of texts presented by Committees, general reports of Committees and Sub Committees, and transcript of speech

1 file

U DPW/41/70 File. North Atlantic Assembly 31st session, San Jul-Dec 1985 Francisco, October 1985. Minutes of proceedings and official report of plenary session, budget for financial year 1986, list of British members of Committees, agenda, report by Secretary General, resolutions and amendments, lists of texts presented by Committees and transcript of speech

1 file

U DPW/41/71 File. North Atlantic Assembly 31st session, San Oct-Dec 1985 Francisco, October 1985. Correspondence, minutes and official reports of sittings, minutes of proceedings of special plenary session, minutes of Drafting, Standing and Military Committees, policy recommendations, transcript of speech and ts. report by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/72 File. North Atlantic Assembly 31st session, San Oct 1985 Francisco, October 1985. Correspondence, official report, lists of texts presented by Committees, ts. President's notes, resolution and amendments, ms. notes, report of Special Committee on Nuclear Weapons and transcripts of speeches, including by President, Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/73 File. North Atlantic Assembly 32nd session, Apr-Nov 1986 Istanbul, November 1986. Programme and general information, correspondence, newsletters and calendar of events

1 file

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U DPW/41/74 File. North Atlantic Assembly 32nd session, Jul-Nov 1986 Istanbul, November 1986. Report of Political Committee, calendar of events, correspondence, newsletter, programme and list of subjects for discussion

1 file

U DPW/41/75 File. North Atlantic Assembly 32nd session, Sep-Nov 1986 Istanbul, November 1986. Resolutions and amendments, lists of texts presented by Committees, minutes of 1st sitting, newsletter, correspondence and special issue of 'Foreign Policy', for 32nd session

1 file

U DPW/41/76 File. North Atlantic Assembly 32nd session, Oct 1986-Feb Istanbul, November 1986. Correspondence, 1987 minutes of opening ceremony and plenary session, summaries of draft reports and official reports of sittings

1 file

U DPW/41/77 File. North Atlantic Assembly 32nd session, Oct-Nov 1986 Istanbul, November 1986. Programmes, North Atlantic Assembly art exhibition guide, correspondence, agenda and resolution

1 file

U DPW/41/78 Policy recommendations, 32nd session, North Nov 1986 Atlantic Assembly, Istanbul

1 item

U DPW/41/79 File. North Atlantic Assembly 32nd session, Nov-Dec 1986 Istanbul, November 1986. Statistics on NATO defences, and minutes of Political and Military Committees

1 file

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U DPW/41/80 File. North Atlantic Assembly 32nd session, Nov-Dec 1986 Istanbul, November 1986. Correspondence, programme, resolutions, lists of texts presented by Committees, minutes of 1st sitting, reports, list of participants and transcripts of speeches, including by President, Charles Mathias

1 file

U DPW/41/81 File. North Atlantic Assembly 32nd session, Nov 1986 Istanbul, November 1986. Correspondence, list of British committee members, transcripts of speeches, including by President, Charles Mathias, agenda of Drafting Committee and lists of texts adopted by Committees

1 file

U DPW/41/82 List of national delegations, 32nd session, North Nov 1986 Atlantic Assembly, Istanbul

1 item

U DPW/41/83 File. North Atlantic Assembly 35th session, Rome, Jan-Oct 1989 October 1989. Correspondence, programmes, draft agenda, report, draft Treasurer's report, draft budget for financial year 1990, conference paper and minutes of Standing Committee

1 file

U DPW/41/84 File. North Atlantic Assembly 35th session, Rome, Mar-Nov 1989 October 1989. Correspondence, minutes of Standing Committee, ts. and ms. notes, reports, list of subjects for discussion, list of participants, Presidential address and report on visit to Soviet Union, lists of texts presented by Committees, and draft resolutions and amendments

1 file

U DPW/41/85 File. North Atlantic Assembly 35th session, Rome, Jan-Oct 1989 October 1989. Summaries of draft reports, reports of Civilian Affairs, Defence and Security, Economic, Political and Scientific and Technical Committees and Pacific Forum report, 'Organising for sustained economic growth and security'

1 file

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U DPW/41/86 Official programme and general information, 36th Nov 1990 session, North Atlantic Assembly, London

1 item

U DPW/41/87 Artificial file. North Atlantic Assembly 36th Nov 1990 session, London, November 1990. Lists of national delegations and observers, texts presented by Committees, amendments to resolution, procedure for plenary session, draft budget for financial year 1991, NATO press releases and transcript of speech by President, Patrick Duffy

1 file

U DPW/41/88 File. North Atlantic Assembly Bureau meeting, Nov 1983-Jan Washington, January 1984. Correspondence, ts. 1984 and ms. notes, agenda and transcript of speech

1 file

U DPW/41/89 File. North Atlantic Assembly Bureau meeting, Jan 1984-Jan Hawaii, January 1985. Correspondence, agenda, 1985 summary of meeting and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/90 File. North Atlantic Assembly Bureau meeting, Oct 1986 Paris, October 1986. Ts. and ms. drafts of report of meeting and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/91 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Jan-Jun 1973 Brussels, 1973. Newsletters, rules of procedure and membership list of British delegation

1 file

U DPW/41/92 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Oct 1973-Sep Washington, 1974. Correspondence, 1974 recommendations, programmes, list of texts adopted at 19th session, administration guide, report of Sub Committee on European Defence Cooperation, agenda of Scientific and Technical Committee, minutes of Economic Committee and Western European Union report

1 file

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U DPW/41/93 Artificial file. North Atlantic Assembly spring Oct 1977-Jun meeting, Brussels, 1978. Budgets, 1978 correspondence, agenda, reports of Military Committee and ts. chairman's notes for Military Committee meeting

1 file

U DPW/41/94 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, May-Oct 1979 Athens, 1979. Correspondence, agenda, and minutes of Standing Committee

1 file

U DPW/41/95 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Apr-Jun 1980 Luxembourg, 1980. Correspondence, progress report on art exhibition with contributions from member countries, programme, list of delegates, invitations, ms. notes and ts. guidance notes

1 file

U DPW/41/96 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Dec 1980-May Venice, 1981. Correspondence, programmes, 1981 agenda, calendar of events, newsletter and reports of Committees

1 file

U DPW/41/97 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Mar-May 1981 Venice, 1981. Programme, lists of delegates and committee members, agenda, correspondence, ts. chairman's notes, ms. notes and report of Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation

1 file

U DPW/41/98 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, May 1981 Venice, 1981. Ts. guidance notes and Committee reports

1 file

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U DPW/41/99 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, May-Jun 1981 Venice, 1981. Correspondence, minutes of proceedings and official report of special plenary session, calendar of events, information document, ms. notes, programme for visit of Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation to Hamburg, Echenforde and Kiel, and minutes of Military and Standing Committees

1 file

U DPW/41/100 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Jan-Jul 1982 Madeira, 1982. Correspondence, ms. notes, list of British delegates, agenda and list of North Atlantic Assembly meetings 1970 - 1982

1 file

U DPW/41/101 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Feb-May 1982 Madeira, 1982. Ts. notes, programmes, newsletter, minutes of Standing Committee, and reports of Military and Political committees

1 file

U DPW/41/102 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Apr-May 1982 Madeira, 1982. Programmes, correspondence, report of Military Committee, lists of participants, resolution, invitations, ms. notes, orders of the day, photograph of Patrick and Sheila Wall, and ts. draft, 'The Falkland Islands: negotiations for a peaceful settlement'

1 file

U DPW/41/103 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Apr-Jul 1982 Madeira, 1982. Correspondence, minutes and official report of plenary session, minutes of Political, Military, and Standing Committees, and Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation, resolution, bulletin, draft budget and reports

1 file

U DPW/41/104 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Apr-Oct 1983 Copenhagen, 1983. Correspondence, programmes, list of subjects for discussion, agenda, reports and transcript of speech by Acting President, Patrick Wall

1 file

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U DPW/41/105 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, May-Jun 1983 Copenhagen, 1983. Programme, ts. and ms. notes, list of participants, transcripts of speeches, including by President, Peter Courterier, and reports

1 file

U DPW/41/106 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, May-Jun 1983 Copenhagen, 1983. Programmes, agenda, list of subjects for discussion and paper, 'Manpower issues for NATO. Recruitment, retention, reserves'

1 file

U DPW/41/107 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Mar 1983-Nov Copenhagen, 1983 Information document, 1984 minutes of Military, Political and Standing Committees, reports of Military Committee and Sub Committees, correspondence, NATO document and official report of spring plenary session

1 file

U DPW/41/108 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Jan-May 1984 Luxembourg, 1984. Agenda, list of subjects for discussion, calendar of events, correspondence, ts. notes, list of British members of committees, minutes of Standing Commitee, and reports of Military and Political Committees and Special Committee on Nuclear Weapons in Europe

1 file

U DPW/41/109 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Mar-May 1984 Luxembourg, 1984. Newsletter, correspondence, ts. President's notes and agenda

1 file

U DPW/41/110 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, May 1984 Luxembourg, 1984. Programmes, ms. notes, invitations, list of participants, ts. President's notes and transcript of speech

1 file

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U DPW/41/111 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Jan 1981-May Stuttgart, 1985. Orders of the day, resolution, 1985 programmes, invitations, ts. notes, correspondence, list of British committee members and observers, paper, 'Nuclear weapons in England', and transcript of speech

1 file

U DPW/41/112 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Jan-May 1985 Stuttgart, 1985. Ms. and ts. notes, correspondence, agenda, ts. and ms. drafts of speeches, including by President, Patrick Wall, to plenary session, and ts. draft reports

1 file

U DPW/41/113 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Mar-Aug 1985 Stuttgart, 1985. Programme, correspondence, minutes, ms. notes, annual report and policy recommendations, and minutes of Military Committee

1 file

U DPW/41/114 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Apr-May 1985 Stuttgart, 1985. List of subjects for discussion, resolution and report by Sub Committee on Out of Area Challenges to the Security of the Alliance

1 file

U DPW/41/115 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Apr-May 1985 Stuttgart, 1985. Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/116 Colour photograph. Patrick Wall with group, 1985 [Stuttgart, May 1985]

1 item

U DPW/41/117 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, May 1985 Stuttgart, 1985. Ts. President's notes, transcript of speech by President, Patrick Wall, resolution, programme and ts. notes

1 file

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U DPW/41/118 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Mar-Jul 1986 Stuttgart, 1985. Correspondence, calendar of events, newsletters, list of participants, minutes of Military Committee and report of Special Committee on Nuclear Strategy and Arms Control

1 file

U DPW/41/119 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, Mar-Jun 1986 Luxembourg, 1986. Correspondence, list of subjects for discussion, programme, resolution, minutes and official report of plenary session, and minutes of Standing and Political Committees

1 file

U DPW/41/120 File. North Atlantic Assembly spring meeting, May 1986 Luxembourg, 1986. Programme, correspondence, calendar of events, transcript of speech by President, Charles Mathias, and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/121 Session guide book, North Atlantic Assembly 1987 spring meeting, Quebec

1 volume

U DPW/41/122 Artificial file. North Atlantic Assembly spring Mar 1989-Mar meeting, Paris, 1990. Draft programme, reports 1990 and discussion papers regarding aspects of East - West security and the future of the North Atlantic Assembly, transcripts of speeches and Western European Union Assembly papers

1 file

U DPW/41/123 Policy recommendations, North Atlantic Assembly Nov 1991 spring session, Rotterdam and 37th annual session, Madrid

1 item

U DPW/41/124 File. North Atlantic Assembly tour of United States Jul 1977 of America, August 1977. List of participants

1 file

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U DPW/41/125 File. North Atlantic Assembly tour of Atlantic area, Oct 1983 August - September 1983. Ms. draft and ts. reports

1 file

U DPW/41/126 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Civilian Affairs Apr-May 1985 Committee, Stuttgart, May 1985. Agenda and reports, including of Sub Committees on the Free Flow of Information and People, and the Successor Generation

1 file

U DPW/41/127 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Civilian Affairs Jun-Oct 1985 Committee, San Francisco, October 1985. Agenda, minutes, including of previous meeting, reports, recommendation and resolution

1 file

U DPW/41/128 General report on the public and the alliance, Nov 1984 Civilian Affairs Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/129 General report on informing the public on defence Oct 1985 and security, Civilian Affairs Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/130 Interim report of Sub Committee on Public Nov 1986 Information, Civilian Affairs Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/131 Report of Sub Committee on the Free Flow of Nov 1986 Information and People, Civilian Affairs Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/132 General report on NATO's public relations Nov 1986 problems, Civilian Affairs Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

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U DPW/41/133 General reports on NATO and public opnion, Sep 1987-Oct Civilian Affairs Committee, North Atlantic 1989 Assembly

3 items

U DPW/41/134 Special report on civil protection, Civilian Affairs Oct 1989 Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/135 1990 reports, Civilian Affairs Committee, North Nov 1990 Atlantic Assembly

1 bundle

U DPW/41/136 1991 reports, Civilian Affairs Committee, North Oct 1991 Atlantic Assembly

1 bundle

U DPW/41/137 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Defence and Nov 1990 Security Committee, London, November 1990. Agenda and papers for discussion

1 file

U DPW/41/138 General report on Alliance security, Defence and Oct 1989 Security Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/139 1990 reports, Defence and Security Committee, Nov 1990 North Atlantic Assembly

1 bundle

U DPW/41/140 1991 reports, Defence and Security Committee, Oct 1991 North Atlantic Assembly

1 bundle

U DPW/41/141 Draft general report on Alliance security in a Oct 1991 profound evolutionary period, Defence and Security Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

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U DPW/41/142 Draft interim report of Working Group on Northern Oct 1991 Security, Defence and Security Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/143 Draft interim report on redefining and building Oct 1991 security institutions in Europe, Sub Committee on Defence and Security Cooperation between Europe and North America, Defence and Security Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/144 File. North Atlantic Committee: Drafting 1982 Committee. Lists of texts presented and adopted by Committees and draft resolutions

1 file

U DPW/41/145 Minutes, Drafting Committee, North Atlantic Nov 1991 Assembly, Madrid, October 1991

1 bundle

U DPW/41/146 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Economic Jul-Oct 1973 committee, Ankara, October 1973. Ts. notes, correspondence, newsletter, agenda, reports and information document

1 file

U DPW/41/147 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Economic Oct 1983-May Committee, Luxembourg, May 1984. Agenda, 1984 minutes, including of previous meetings, and reports

1 file

U DPW/41/148 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Economic Jun-Nov 1984 Committee, Brussels, November 1984. Correspondence, resolutions, agenda, minutes and reports

1 file

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U DPW/41/149 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Economic Nov 1984-May Committee, Stuttgart, May 1985. Agenda, 1985 minutes, including of previous meetings, comments of Secretary General of NATO, information document and report

1 file

U DPW/41/150 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Economic Jun-Oct 1985 Committee, San Francisco, October 1985. Agenda, minutes, report of Sub Committee on Economic Cooperation, resolutions and summaries of draft reports

1 file

U DPW/41/151 General reports (7) on the economics of Atlantic Oct 1979-Nov security, Economic Committee, North Atlantic 1988 Assembly

1 bundle

U DPW/41/152 General report on Soviet economic reform: Oct 1989 problems and perspectives, Economic Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/153 Report on energy challenges facing the Atlantic Oct 1981 alliance, Economic Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/154 1990 reports, Economic Committee, North Atlantic Nov 1990 Assembly

1 bundle

U DPW/41/155 1991 reports, Economic Committee, North Atlantic Oct 1991 Assembly

1 bundle

U DPW/41/156 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Education, Cultural Apr-May 1984 Affairs and Information Committee, Luxembourg, May 1984. Agenda and reports, including of Sub Committee on the Successor Generation

1 file

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U DPW/41/157 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Education, Cultural Nov 1984 Affairs and Information Committee, Brussels, November 1984. Recommendations, resolutions, reports and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/158 General report, Education, Cultural Affairs and Oct 1981 Information Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/159 Report of Working Group, Education, Cultural Oct 1981 Affairs and Information Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/160 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Aug 1971-Jul Ottawa, September 1971. Correspondence, 1972 information document, reports, transcript of speech and ts. draft paper 'NATO's open backdoor' by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/161 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Oct 1971-Mar Ottawa, September 1971. Agenda, minutes and 1972 reports

1 file

U DPW/41/162 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Feb-Nov 1972 Bonn, November 1972. Agenda, minutes of previous meeting, reports, recommendations, information documents, transcript of speech and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/163 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, May-Oct 1973 Ankara, October 1973. Agenda, minutes of previous meeting, reports, including of Sub Committee on Mutual Balanced Force Reduction, recommendation and ts. notes

1 file

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U DPW/41/164 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Sep 1973-May Ankara, October 1973. Agenda, minutes, reports, 1974 including of Sub Committees on Mutual Balanced Force Reduction, and Energy Supplies, comments of Secretary General of NATO, information document and list of texts adopted at 19th session

1 file

U DPW/41/165 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Jul-Nov 1974 London, November 1974. Draft agenda, minutes of previous meeting, recommendations, reports, including of Sub Committee on Mutual Balanced Force Reduction, resolution, information document and ts. paper 'Beyond d tente' by Edward Kennedy

1 file

U DPW/41/166 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Nov 1974-May Brussels, May 1975. Agenda, reports, including of 1975 Sub Committees on Mutual Balanced Force Reduction, and Energy Supplies, information document, list of texts adopted at 20th session, comments by Secretary General of NATO and programme

1 file

U DPW/41/167 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Sep 1975 Copenhagen, September 1975. List of texts adopted, resolution and reports, including of Sub Committees on Mutual Balanced Force Reduction, and Energy Supplies

1 file

U DPW/41/168 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Sep 1975-May Copenhagen, September 1975. Minutes, report, 1976 programme, list of texts adopted at 21st session and comments of Secretary General of NATO

1 file

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U DPW/41/169 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, May 1976 Brussels, May 1976. Agenda, ms. notes, ts. speaker's notes, correspondence, reports, including of Sub Committees on Mutual Balanced Force Reduction, European Defence Cooperation, and the Problems of the Southern Flank, and list of national delegations

1 file

U DPW/41/170 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Nov 1976 Williamsburg, Virginia, November 1976. Reports (and drafts), including of Sub Committees on the Southern Region, Mutual Balanced Force Reduction, and European Defence Cooperation, and recommendations

1 file

U DPW/41/171 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Dec 1976-May SHAPE, May 1977. Agenda, minutes of previous 1977 meeting, comments of Secretary General of NATO and reports, including of Sub Committees on European Defence Cooperation and Mutual Balanced Force Reduction

1 file

U DPW/41/172 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, May-Sep 1977 SHAPE, May 1977. Resolution, recommendations, agenda, minutes and reports, including of Sub Committees on European Defence Cooperation, and Mutual Balanced Force Reduction

1 file

U DPW/41/173 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, May 1977-Feb SHAPE, May 1977. Correspondence, ts. notes, 1978 draft reports and list of texts adopted

1 file

U DPW/41/174 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Sep 1977 Paris, September 1977. Agenda, resolution, summaries of draft reports and reports, including of Sub Committee on Southern Flank

1 file

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U DPW/41/175 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Sep 1977 Paris, September 1977. Lists of texts adopted by Military and Political Committees, agenda, ms. notes, resolutions, amendments, correspondence and draft report of NATO military tour of United States of America

1 file

U DPW/41/176 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Oct 1977-May Brussels, May 1978. Reports, including of Sub 1978 Committees on the Northern Region, and Defence Cooperation, and list of texts adopted by North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

U DPW/41/177 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Feb-Dec 1978 Brussels, May 1978. Minutes of proceedings of 24th session, report, programme, ms. notes, agenda, correspondence and bulletin of Education, Cultural Affairs and Information Committee

1 file

U DPW/41/178 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, May-Dec 1978 Lisbon, November 1978. Correspondence, report of Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation, agenda, ms. notes, newsletter, summaries of draft reports, list of British delegates and programme

1 file

U DPW/41/179 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Jun-Nov 1978 Lisbon, November 1978. Agenda, minutes of previous meeting and reports, including of Sub Committee on the Northern Region

1 file

U DPW/41/180 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Jun-Nov 1978 Lisbon, November 1978. Resolutions, ms. notes, agenda, minutes of previous meeting, reports, including of Sub Committees on the Northern Region, and Mutual Balanced Force Reduction, recommendations and list of texts adopted

1 file

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U DPW/41/181 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Jul 1978-Feb Lisbon, November 1978. Minutes of Standing 1979 Committee, correspondence, reports, including of Sub Committee on Mutual Balanced Force Reduction, bulletin of Education, Cultural Affairs and Information Committee, ts. guidance notes, programme, resolution and amendments

1 file

U DPW/41/182 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Nov 1978-May Oslo, May 1979. Ts. chairman's notes, agenda, 1979 minutes of previous meeting, reports, including of Sub Committees on the Northern Region, and Mutual Balanced Force Reduction, ms. notes, comments of Secretary General of NATO and list of texts adopted at 24th session

1 file

U DPW/41/183 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Jan-May 1979 Oslo, May 1979. Calendar of events, agenda, correspondence, reports, including of Political Committee and Sub Committees on Defence Cooperation, and Detente, comments of Secretary General of NATO and ts. guidance notes

1 file

U DPW/41/184 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, May 1979 Oslo, May 1979. Agenda and reports, including of Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation

1 file

U DPW/41/185 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Mar-Oct 1979 Ottawa, October 1979. Agenda, chairman's notes, minutes of previous meeting, draft reports and texts adopted at 24th session

1 file

U DPW/41/186 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Jun-Oct 1979 Ottawa, October 1979. Agenda, minutes of previous meeting, reports, including of Sub Committees on Defence Cooperation, and the Northern Region, and summaries of draft reports

1 file

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U DPW/41/187 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Oct 1979-Jun Luxembourg, June 1980. Agenda, minutes of 1980 previous meeting, reports, list of texts adopted at 25th session, and comments of Secretary General of NATO

1 file

U DPW/41/188 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Nov 1979-Jun Luxembourg, June 1980. Agenda, minutes of 1980 previous meeting, reports, including of Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation, list of texts adopted at 25th session, ts. chairman's notes and guidance notes, and comments of Secretary General of NATO

1 file

U DPW/41/189 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Jun-Nov 1980 Brussels, November 1980. List of texts presented by Committee, ms. notes, agenda, ts. chairman's notes, minutes of previous meeting, recommendation, ts. guidance notes, amendments and reports

1 file

U DPW/41/190 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Oct-Nov 1980 Brussels, November 1980. Agenda, minutes, recommendation, resolution and reports

1 file

U DPW/41/191 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Nov 1980-May Venice, May 1981. Agenda, minutes of previous 1981 meeting, reports, list of texts adopted by 26th session and comments of Secretary General

1 file

U DPW/41/192 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Jun-Sep 1981 Venice, May 1981. Agenda, minutes, reports and summaries of draft reports

1 file

U DPW/41/193 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Sep-Oct 1981 Munich, October 1981. Agenda, draft recommendation and minutes

1 file

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U DPW/41/194 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Sep-Oct 1981 Munich, October 1981. Ts. chairman's notes, agenda, ms. notes, resolutions, correspondence, report, transcript of speech and list of members of committees

1 file

U DPW/41/195 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Oct 1981-May Madeira, May 1982. Agenda, minutes of previous 1982 meeting, programme, list of texts adopted by 27th session and report

1 file

U DPW/41/196 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Oct 1982 London, November 1982. Ms. notes, resolutions, agenda and report of Sub Committee on the Southern Region

1 file

U DPW/41/197 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Oct-Nov 1982 London, November 1982. Agenda and reports, including of Special Committee on Nuclear Weapons in Europe

1 file

U DPW/41/198 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Dec 1982-Jun London, November 1982. Minutes, 1983 correspondence, reports, including of Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation and comments of Secretary General of NATO

1 file

U DPW/41/199 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Jun 1983 Copenhagen, June 1983. Agenda and reports, including of Sub Committees on Conventional Defence in Europe, and Defence Cooperation, and Economic Committee

1 file

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U DPW/41/200 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Jul-Oct 1983 The Hague, October 1983. Agenda, minutes of previous meeting, resolutions, recommendation, reports, including of Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation, and summaries of draft reports

1 file

U DPW/41/201 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Mar-May 1984 Luxembourg, May 1984. Agenda, comments of Secretary General of NATO, reports, including of Sub Committees on Conventional Defence in Europe, and Defence Cooperation, and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/202 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Nov 1984 Brussels, November 1984. Agenda, reports, including of Sub Committee on Conventional Defence in Europe, and resolutions

1 file

U DPW/41/203 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Dec 1984-Apr Stuttgart, May 1985. Reports, including of Sub 1985 Committees on Defence Cooperation, and Conventional Defence in Europe, and Special Committee on Nuclear Weapons, and policy recommendations 1984

1 file

U DPW/41/204 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Jun-Oct 1985 San Fransisco, October 1985. Agenda, minutes of previous meeting and report of Special Committee on Nuclear Weapons

1 file

U DPW/41/205 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Nov 1985-May Brussels, February 1986. Agenda, comments of 1986 Secretary General of NATO, reports, including of Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation, and Special Committee on Arms Control, ms. notes, information document and minutes, including of previous meeting

1 file

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U DPW/41/206 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Feb-Apr 1986 Supreme Allied Commanders, Brussels, February 1986. Correspondence, minutes, ms. draft and final report, ms. notes, list of participants and programme

1 file

U DPW/41/207 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee, Jun-Nov 1986 Istanbul, November 1986. Agenda, ms. notes, resolutions, amendments, minutes of previous meeting, article, reports, including of Special Committee on Nuclear Strategy and Arms Control, and Sub Committee on Conventional Defence, and summaries of draft reports

1 file

U DPW/41/208 File. North Atlantic Assembly: European Defence Jan-Mar 1985 Cooperation Forum, Bonn, March 1985. Ts. and ms. drafts of summary of meeting, correspondence, ts. notes, transcripts of speeches, and report

1 file

U DPW/41/209 North Atlantic Assembly Military Committee Nov 1972-Sep reports presented by Patrick Wall (14), including 1979 on the Security of the alliance, Defence of North Sea energy resources, Standardisation of tactical missiles, Protection of oil rigs, and the Soviet maritime threat

1 bundle

U DPW/41/210 File. North Atlantic Assembly Military Committee Oct 1973 report, 1973. Correspondence, ms. notes, list of texts adopted, recommendations, resolutions of Committee of Nine and reports, including by Economic Committee

1 file

U DPW/41/211 File. North Atlantic Assembly Military Committee Apr-Dec 1974 report, 1974. Amendments, briefing paper, minutes, agenda, list of texts adopted, ms. notes, correspondence, reports, transcripts of speeches, ts. background papers, and ms. and ts. drafts

1 file1 file

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U DPW/41/212 File. North Atlantic Assembly military committee Apr-Jul 1974 report, 1974. Correspondence, ms. notes, declaration on Atlantic relations, list of Sub Committees, agenda and reports, including of Political Committee, Sub Committee on European Defence Cooperation and Committee on Nine

1 file

U DPW/41/213 Draft general report on the security of the alliance, Sep 1975 Military Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/214 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee Oct-Nov 1976 report, 1976. Agenda, reports, including of Sub Committees on the Southern Region, and Mutual Balanced Force Reduction, ts. guidance notes, ms. notes, recommendations, resolutions and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/215 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Military Committee Nov 1976 report, 1976. Agenda, reports (and drafts), ts. guidance notes, information document, correspondence, recommendations, resolutions, remarks of Vice - President, ms. notes, list of speakers, amendments, list of texts adopted and transcript of speech

1 file

U DPW/41/216 File. North Atlantic Assembly Military Committee May-Nov 1977 report, 1977. Correspondence, ms. notes, list of texts adopted, report, ts. notes, resolution and recommendations

1 file

U DPW/41/217 General report on the security of the alliance: the Oct 1979 role of nuclear weapons, Military Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/218 General reports (4) on alliance security in the Oct 1981-Nov 1980s, Military Committee, North Atlantic 1986 Assembly

1 bundle

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U DPW/41/219 General report on the future of arms control: Oct 1985 compliance and verification issues, Military Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/220 General report on alliance security: NATO - Sep 1987 Warsaw Pact military balance - nuclear arms control after Reykjavik, Military Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/221 General report on alliance security: Towards Nov 1988 conventional stability in Europe - the United States maritime strategy and crisis at sea, Military Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/222 Report on the negotiations on the mutual Nov 1989 reduction of forces and armaments and associated measure in Central Europe, Military Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/223 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, August Jan-Aug 1972 1972. Correspondence, ts. notes, photograph of battleship, list of participants, with biographical notes, itineraries, invitations, programme for visit to naval supply centre and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/224 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, August Jul-Sep 1972 1972. Notebooks, programmes and itineraries, correspondence, parliamentary question, ts. briefing notes, ms. notes and photograph of aircraft

1 file

U DPW/41/225 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, August Jul-Aug 1972 1972. Information booklet, visitors' booklet for United States Army Command and letter

1 file

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U DPW/41/226 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, August 1976-1977 1977. Ts. draft report, list of texts adopted by Assembly in 1976, correspondence and list of members of Standing Committee and officers of committees

1 file

U DPW/41/227 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, August Jan-Sep 1977 1977. Correspondence, ts. draft report, draft programme and list of participants

1 file

U DPW/41/228 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, August Sep 1977 1977. Ms. notes, correspondence, amended draft report and notebook

1 file

U DPW/41/229 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, Feb-Oct 1978 September 1978. Correspondence, ts. information documents, ts and ms. notes, programme and ts. papers

1 file

U DPW/41/230 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, Sep-Dec 1978 September 1978. Correspondence, biographical notes of participants, and programmes for visits to Norway and Iceland

1 file

U DPW/41/231 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, August Jul 1978-Aug - September 1980. Ms. notes, ts. information 1980 document, correspondence, draft report and report on Soviet military capabilities

1 file

U DPW/41/232 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, August Jun-Oct 1980 - September 1980. Itineraries and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/233 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, August Mar 1980-Aug 1981. Correspondence, itinerary and ms. notes 1981

1 file

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U DPW/41/234 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, August Dec 1980-Aug 1981. Correspondence and programme 1981

1 file

U DPW/41/235 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, August Aug 1981 1981. Correspondence and ts. 'An appreciation from the Kremlin prepared by Admiral - Marshall Wallinsk for the new leaders of the USSR'

1 file

U DPW/41/236 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, August Aug 1981 1981. Ts. draft report, list of participants, programme and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/237 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, Atlantic 1983 bases, 1983. Ts. draft report

1 file

U DPW/41/238 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, Jan-Oct 1983 Washington, 1983. Programmes, correspondence, ms. notes, reports, and biographical notes of participants

1 file

U DPW/41/239 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, HQ Aug-Nov 1983 Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia. Programmes, ts. notes, press cutting, correspondence and transcript of television interview with Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/240 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, Aug 1983 Canada, 1983. Ms. notes, programmes and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/241 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, Sep 1983 Reykjavik, 1983. Itinerary, invitation and ms. note

1 file

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U DPW/41/242 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, The 1983 Azores, 1983. Ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/243 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, The Sep 1983 Iberlant, 1983. Ts. notes, programme and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/244 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, Sep 1983 Northwood, 1983. Programme, correspondence, ms. notes and list of delegates

1 file

U DPW/41/245 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, Brest, Sep 1983 1983. Ms. notes, invitation and press cutting

1 file

U DPW/41/246 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, August Mar-Sep 1984 1984. Ms. notes, programmes, biographical notes of participants, correspondence and calendar of events

1 file

U DPW/41/247 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, August Jun 1984-Jan 1984. Correspondence, programmes, and ms. 1985 and ts. draft reports

1 file

U DPW/41/248 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, August Aug 1984 1984 Correspondence, itinerary and agenda

1 file

U DPW/41/249 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, August Jan 1983-Oct 1986. Correspondence, programmes, ts. 'National 1986 defence briefings', biographical notes of delegates, ts. background papers and list of members of Standing and Sub Committees

1 file

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U DPW/41/250 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, August Jun-Sep 1986 1986. Ts. draft report, correspondence and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/251 File. North Atlantic Assembly military tour, August Aug 1986 1986. Ts. and ms. drafts of, ts. briefing notes, programme, lists of delegates and secretariat

1 file

U DPW/41/252 File. North Atlantic Assembly: 'Other committees'. Oct-Nov 1982 Correspondence, agenda, reports, information document and resolution of Scientific and Technical, Education, Cultural Affairs and Information, and Economic Committees

1 file

U DPW/41/253 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Nov 1970-May The Hague, November 1970. Agenda, minutes, 1971 ms. notes, ts. statements, working paper, report and press release

1 file

U DPW/41/254 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Oct 1971-Apr Brussels, May 1972. Agenda, minutes and reports 1972

1 file

U DPW/41/255 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Feb-Nov 1972 Bonn, November 1972. Agenda, minutes of previous meeting, recommendations, memorandum, correspondence, reports, including of Committee of Nine, and information document

1 file

U DPW/41/256 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Oct 1972-Oct Brussels, May 1973. Agenda, minutes of previous 1973 meeting, ts. background notes, reports and transcript of speech

1 file

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U DPW/41/257 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee. May 1974 Comments of Secretary General of NATO and reports of Committee of Nine

1 file

U DPW/41/258 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, May 1975 Brussels, May 1975. Agenda, minutes and reports

1 file

U DPW/41/259 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, May-Sep 1975 Brussels, May 1975. List of texts adopted, agenda, minutes, resolutions, report, appendix to report of Economic Committee, transcript of speech and summaries of draft reports

1 file

U DPW/41/260 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Sep 1975 Copenhagen, September 1975. List of texts adopted, recommendations, ts. guidance notes and agenda

1 file

U DPW/41/261 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Sep 1975-May Brussels, May 1976. Agenda, minutes of previous 1976 meeting and reports, including of Sub Committee on Detente

1 file

U DPW/41/262 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Sep 1977 Paris, September 1977. List of texts adopted, resolutions, agenda and reports

1 file

U DPW/41/263 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Sep 1977-May Brussels, May 1978. Agenda, minutes of previous 1978 meeting, comments of Secretary General of NATO, recommendations and reports, including of Sub Committees on Detente, and the Northern Region

1 file

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U DPW/41/264 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Apr-Jun 1978 Brussels, May 1978. Minutes, programme of plenary session and report

1 file

U DPW/41/265 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Jul-Dec 1978 Lisbon, November 1978. Newsletters, calendar of events, minutes, corrigendum to minutes, draft agenda and draft reports

1 file

U DPW/41/266 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Dec 1978-May Oslo, May 1979. Agenda, minutes of previous 1979 meeting, list of texts adopted at 24th session and reports, including of Sub Committees on Detente, and the Northern Region

1 file

U DPW/41/267 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, May-Oct 1979 Ottawa, October 1979. Correspondence, agenda and reports, including of Sub Committee on Detente

1 file

U DPW/41/268 File. List of texts adopted and draft resolutions of c.1985 Political Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

U DPW/41/269 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, May-Jun 1980 Luxembourg, June 1980. Ts guidance notes, ms. notes, resolutions, orders of the day and report

1 file

U DPW/41/270 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Oct 1980-Nov Brussels, November 1980. Agenda, ts. guidance 1981 notes, resolution and reports, including of Sub Committee on the Southern Region

1 file

U DPW/41/271 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Apr 1981-May Venice, May 1981. Agenda and reports, including 1982 of Sub Committee on the Southern Region

1 file

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U DPW/41/272 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Jun 1981 Venice, May 1981. Minutes

1 file

U DPW/41/273 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Oct 1981 Munich, October 1981. Minutes

1 file

U DPW/41/274 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Oct 1981 Munich, October 1981. Agenda and ts. guidance notes

1 file

U DPW/41/275 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Dec 1982-Jun London, November 1982. Agenda, minutes, 1983 information document and reports, including of Sub Committee on the Southern Region

1 file

U DPW/41/276 File. 'North Atlantic Assembly: Political May-Oct 1983 Committee, The Hague, October 1983. Agenda, resolutions and summary account of meeting of Sub Committee on the Southern Region

1 file

U DPW/41/277 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, May 1984 Luxembourg, May 1984. Agenda

1 file

U DPW/41/278 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Nov 1984 Brussels, November 1984. Recommendation, resolutions, agenda and reports, including of Sub Committees on the Southern Region, and Out of Area Challenges to the Security of the Alliance

1 file

U DPW/41/279 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Dec 1984-May Stuttgart, May 1985. Agenda, minutes of previous 1985 meeting, and reports, including of Sub Committee on the Southern Region and Special Committee on Nuclear Weapons

1 file

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U DPW/41/280 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political and Military Feb-Mar 1985 Committees, Brussels, February 1985. Ts. and ms. drafts of report, programme, list of participants, minutes and Western European Union information document

1 file

U DPW/41/281 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, May 1985-May San Francisco, October 1985. Minutes, 1986 programme, correspondence, list of official visits by President to NATO capitals, transcripts of speeches by President, Patrick Wall, comments of Secretary General of NATO, newsletter and list of documents edited by Assembly

1 file

U DPW/41/282 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Jun-Oct 1985 San Francisco, October 1985. Agenda, minutes of previous meeting and reports of Sub Committees on the Southern Region, Out of Area Challenges to the Security of the Alliance

1 file

U DPW/41/283 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Nov 1985-May Luxembourg, May 1986. Agenda, ts. notes, 1986 resolution, minutes of previous meetings, ms. notes, annual report and policy recommendations, 1985 and reports, including of Working Group on Terrorism, Sub Committee on Out of Area Challenges to the Security of the Alliance, and Special Committee on Nuclear Strategy and Arms Control

1 file

U DPW/41/284 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Mar 1986 Brussels, Feburary 1986. Minutes

1 file

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U DPW/41/285 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Jun-Nov 1986 Istanbul, November 1986. Ts. notes, agenda, minutes of previous meeting, reports, including of Working Group on Terrorism, Sub Committee on the Southern Region, and Special Committee on Nuclear Strategy and Arms Control, resolutions and summaries of draft reports

1 file

U DPW/41/286 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Political Committee, Nov 1990 London, November 1990. Draft agenda and papers for discussion

1 file

U DPW/41/287 Annual general reports on alliance political Nov 1980-Nov developments, Political Committee, North Atlantic 1986 Assembly

7 items

U DPW/41/288 Final report of Working Group on Terrorism, North Feb 1987 Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/289 General report on challenges to the alliance: Sep 1987 northern security - the Gorbachev era, Political Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/290 Special report on confidence building measures : Nov 1988 next steps for stability and security, Political Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/291 General report on alliance political developments Nov 1988 in 1987 - 1988: arms control, bases, the Gulf, Political Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/292 Special report on global challenges and the Oct 1989 alliance: broadening traditional security definitions, Political Committee, North Atlantic Alliance

1 item

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U DPW/41/293 General report, and appendix, on Soviet foreign Oct 1989 policy under Gorbachev, Political Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/294 1990 reports, Political Committee, North Atlantic Nov 1990 Assembly

1 bundle

U DPW/41/295 Draft general report on NATO after the Soviet Oct 1991 Union, Political Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/296 1991 reports, Political Committee, North Atlantic Oct 1991 Assembly

1 bundle

U DPW/41/297 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Scientific and Oct 1983-May Technical Committee, Luxembourg May 1984. 1984 Agenda, minutes of previous meetings, comments of Secretary General of NATO and reports, including of Sub Committee on Advanced Technology and Technology Transfer

1 file

U DPW/41/298 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Scientific and Jun-Nov 1984 Technical Committee, Brussels November 1984. Agenda, minutes of previous meeting, resolutions, reports, including of Sub Committee on Advanced Technology and Technology Transfer, and summaries of draft reports

1 file

U DPW/41/299 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Scientific and Dec 1984-May Technical committee, Stuttgart, May 1985. 1985 Resolution, agenda, minutes of previous meeting, reports, including of Sub Committee on Advanced Technology and Technology Transfer, comments of Secretary General of NATO and policy recommendations

1 file

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U DPW/41/300 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Scientific and Jun-Oct 1985 Technical Committee, San Francisco, October 1985. Agenda, minutes, information document, resolution and reports

1 file

U DPW/41/301 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Scientific and Nov 1990 Technical Committee. Draft agenda and documents relating to the environment

1 file

U DPW/41/302 Report on the work of the NATO Committee on Oct 1981 the Challenges of Modern Society in 1981, Scientific and Technical Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/303 Annual general reports (3), Scientific and Oct 1981-Oct Technical Committee, North Atlantic Assembly 1985

1 bundle

U DPW/41/304 Reports on the exploitation of space, Scientific Oct 1985-Nov and Technical Committee, North Atlantic 1986 Assembly

2 items

U DPW/41/305 General report on strategic defence technology Nov 1986 issues, Scientific and Technical Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/306 General report on East-West scientific Nov 1986 cooperation, the Chernobyl accident and nuclear waste, Scientific and Technical Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/307 General report on Soviet science, strategic Sep 1987 defence and nuclear safety, Scientific and Technical Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

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U DPW/41/308 General report on East-West scientific and Nov 1988 technical cooperation, space policy, spin-off from the SDI and renewable energy, Scientific and Technical Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/309 Special reports on emerging technology and Nov 1988-Oct defence, Scientific and Technical Committee, 1991 North Atlantic Assembly

3 items

U DPW/41/310 Reports of Working Group on Nuclear Safety and Nov 1988-Oct Non-proliferation, Scientific and Technical 1989 Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

2 items

U DPW/41/311 General report on verification technology for arms Oct 1989 control, Scientific and Technical Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/312 Special report on global environment change, Oct 1989 Scientific and Technical Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/313 1990 reports, Scientific and Technical Committee, 1990 North Atlantic Assembly

1 bundle

U DPW/41/314 1991 reports, Scientific and Technical Committee, Oct 1991 North Atlantic Assembly

1 bundle

U DPW/41/315 Membership list, Standing Committee, and officers 1973 of committees, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

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U DPW/41/316 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Jun 1976-Mar Committee, Reykjavik, April 1977. 1977 Correspondence, programmes, minutes of previous meeting, draft budget, ts. notes, agenda and ts. reports

1 file

U DPW/41/317 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Jun 1976-May Committee, Reykjavik, April 1977. Agenda, 1977 minutes, newsletter, report and comments of Secretary General of NATO, draft budgets, financial regulations, statute of personnel, rules of procedure, texts adopted by Assembly, 1976, ts. and ms. notes and calendar of events

1 file

U DPW/41/318 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Jul 1976-Mar Committee, Reykjavik, April 1977. List of 1977 participants, agenda, balance sheets, minutes of previous meeting, report of Secretary General of NATO, correspondence, report and accounts, analysis of texts adopted by Assembly, ts. notes and calendar of events

1 file

U DPW/41/319 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Mar 1977-Sep Committee, Paris, September 1977. Agenda, 1978 minutes, ts. notes, reports of Secretary General of NATO, newsletter, draft budgets, Treasurer's report, background papers, rules on committees and letter

1 file

U DPW/41/320 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Aug-Sep 1977 Committee, Paris, September 1977. Correspondence, agenda, and ts. notes regarding renewal of national delegations and observer participation in SHAPE exercises

1 file

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U DPW/41/321 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Oct 1977-Mar Committee, Paris, September 1977. Agenda, 1978 minutes of previous meeting and of Drafting Committee, report of Secretary General of NATO, ms. notes, correspondence, ts. notes on finances, balance sheets, calendar of events, bulletin of Education, Cultural Affairs and Information Committee, list of texts adopted, newsletter and ts. background papers

1 file

U DPW/41/322 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Oct 1977-Apr Committee, Washington, March 1978. Minutes, 1978 agenda, ms. notes, ts. background papers, correspondence and membership list

1 file

U DPW/41/323 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Feb-Nov 1978 Committee, Lisbon, November 1978. Correspondence, ms. notes, lists of texts adopted by committees, agenda, ts. notes on information programme of Assembly and tour of northern region

1 file

U DPW/41/324 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Oct 1974-Nov Committee, Lisbon, November 1978. Agenda, 1978 budget, programmes, correspondence, report of Secretary General of NATO, rules relating to committees, calendar of events, Assembly handbook, budget, financial papers, and transcript of speech

1 file

U DPW/41/325 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing May-Nov 1978 Committee, Lisbon, November 1978. Agenda, minutes of previous meeting, report of Secretary General of NATO, bulletin, draft budget, Treasurer's report and calendar of events

1 file

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U DPW/41/326 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Oct 1978-Mar Committee, Athens, March 1979. Ms. notes, 1979 agenda, correspondence, minutes of previous meeting, report of Secretary General of NATO, newsletters, membership lists, list of texts adopted at 24th session, report and accounts, 1978, and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/327 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Jan-May 1979 Committee, Oslo, May 1979. Ms. programmes, agenda, ms. notes, minutes, report and comments of Secretary General of NATO, bulletin, draft budget, correspondence, and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/328 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Apr-Oct 1979 Committee, Ottawa, October 1979. Calendar of events, agenda, minutes, ts. notes, reports of Secretary General of NATO, Treasurer and Economic Committee, bulletins, correspondence and list of committee officers

1 file

U DPW/41/329 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing May-Oct 1979 Committee, Ottawa, October 1979. Correspondence, agenda, rules of procedure, ms. and ts. notes, report and programme

1 file

U DPW/41/330 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Jul-Dec 1979 Committee, Ottawa, October 1979. Minutes, including of Political Committee, correspondence, reports, including of Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation, official report of Assembly sitting, list of texts at adopted 25th session and bulletin

1 file

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U DPW/41/331 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Oct 1979-Mar Committee, Ottawa, October 1979. 1980 Correspondence, ms. notes, agenda, minutes of previous meeting, report of Secretary General of NATO, newsletters, list of texts adopted at 25th session, report and accounts, calendar of events and Sub Committee membership list

1 file

U DPW/41/332 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Jan-Jun 1980 Committee, Luxembourg, June 1980. Correspondence, calendars of events, draft budget for financial year 1981, resolutions and amendments regarding Afghanistan, reports, including of Political Committee and Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation, minutes of Military Committee, ms. notes, programme of committee meetings and official report of plenary session

1 file

U DPW/41/333 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Feb-Mar 1980 Committee, March 1980. Correspondence, programme and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/334 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Mar-Jun 1980 Committee, Luxembourg, June 1980. Agenda, programme, correspondence, minutes, report of Secretary General of NATO, newsletter and draft budget

1 file

U DPW/41/335 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Apr-Nov 1980 Committee, Brussels, November 1980. Correspondence, minutes, programmes, reports of Secretary General of NATO and Treasurer, draft budget, ms. notes and Sub Committee membership list

1 file

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U DPW/41/336 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing May-Nov 1980 Committee, Brussels, November 1980. Correspondence, list of texts adopted at 26th session, calendar of events, ms. notes, agenda and report on Tokyo meetings of Assembly delegation with Japanese officials

1 file

U DPW/41/337 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Dec 1980-Oct Committee, Washington, March 1981. 1981 Correspondence, lists of texts adopted at 27th session, presented by Special Committee on Nuclear Weapons and Political Committee, and adopted by Military Committee, memorandum, ts. and ms. notes and report of Political Committee

1 file

U DPW/41/338 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Jan-Mar 1981 Committee, Washington, March 1981. Correspondence, agenda, minutes of previous meeting, report and comments of Secretary General of NATO, report and accounts, calendar of events, ts. and ms. notes, and information document

1 file

U DPW/41/339 Artificial file. SEA LINK 86 symposium, SACLANT Apr-Aug 1986 (Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic), Annapolis, USA, June 1986. Ms. notes, list of delegates, administrative brochure and programme, correspondence, reports, report of symposium, and collected transcripts of papers

1 file

U DPW/41/340 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Apr-Oct 1981 Committee, Munich, October 1981. Agenda, lists of texts adopted by committee, ts. and ms. notes, correspondence, programme, reports of Secretary General of NATO and Treasurer, draft budget for financial year 1982 and calendar of events

1 file

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U DPW/41/341 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Jul 1981-Mar Committee, Jersey, March 1982. 1982 Correspondence, agenda, list of subjects for discussion and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/342 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Oct 1981-Mar Committee, Jersey, March 1982. Agenda, list of 1982 participants, programmes, minutes of previous meeting, report and comments of Secretary General of NATO, Treasurer's report, budget, ts. notes and calendar of events

1 file

U DPW/41/343 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Mar 1982 Committee, Jersey, March 1982. Programme, correspondence, agenda, information document and calendar of events

1 file

U DPW/41/344 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Apr-May 1982 Committee, Madeira, May 1982. Correspondence, agenda, list of participants, minutes of previous meeting, reports of Secretary General of NATO, draft budget, ms. and ts. notes, and calendar of events

1 file

U DPW/41/345 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing May-Nov 1982 Committee, London, November 1982. Agenda, minutes of previous meeting, summaries of draft reports, reports of Secretary General of NATO and Treasurer, draft budget, ts. notes, calendar of events and list of mandates of committee officers

1 file

U DPW/41/346 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Jul-Nov 1982 Committee. Agenda, correspondence, list of members of Sub Committees and participants in annual tour, ts. notes and list of Assembly activities

1 file

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U DPW/41/347 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Nov 1982-Mar Committee, Paris, March 1983. Programmes, list 1983 of participants, agenda, minutes of previous meeting, ts. notes, reports and comments of Secretary General of NATO, balance sheets, budget, calendar of events, list of texts adopted, report and accounts for financial year 1982 and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/348 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Dec 1982-Mar Committee, Paris, March 1983. Agenda, 1983 correspondence, balance sheet, and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/349 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Feb-May 1983 Committee, Paris, March 1983. Agenda, ts. notes and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/350 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing May-Jun 1983 Committee, Copenhagen, June 1983. List of participants, minutes of previous meeting, ts. notes, report of Secretary General of NATO, draft budget, calendar of events, ms. notes, programme and agenda

1 file

U DPW/41/351 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Jun-Oct 1983 Committee, The Hague, October 1983. Agenda, ts. President's notes, minutes of previous meeting, summaries of draft reports, reports of Secretary General of NATO and Treasurer, information documents, ts. notes, correspondence, draft budget and calendar of events

1 file

U DPW/41/352 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Jul-Oct 1983 Committee, The Hague, October 1983. Ts. notes, agenda, list of Assembly sessions and Standing Committee meetings since 1968, calendar of events and correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/41/353 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Aug-Oct 1983 Committee, The Hague, October 1983. Ts. notes, programme, correspondence, agenda, calendar of events, report of Secretary General of NATO and list of national delegations

1 file

U DPW/41/354 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Nov 1983-Apr Committee, Reykjavik, April 1984. Programmes, 1984 ms. notes, correspondence, ts. President's notes, agenda, minutes of previous meeting, list of texts adopted, report of Secretary General of NATO, report and accounts, list of Patrick Wall's visits abroad and list of participants

1 file

U DPW/41/355 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Feb-Apr 1984 Committee, Reykjavik, April 1984. Programme, agenda, ts. notes, correspondence, recommendations, calendar of events, annexes to report and accounts for financial year 1983

1 file

U DPW/41/356 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Mar-Apr 1984 Committee, Reykjavik, April 1984. Correspondence, programme, ms. notes, statement by Secretary General of NATO and United States Information Service paper

1 file

U DPW/41/357 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Apr 1984 Committee, Reykjavik, April 1984. Rules of procedure, invitations, ts. notes, itinerary and reprint of 'NATO Review' no. 1

1 file

U DPW/41/358 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing May 1984 Committee, Luxembourg, May 1984. Ts. President's notes, draft budget, report and accounts for financial year 1983, ts. notes, calendar of events and programme

1 file

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U DPW/41/359 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing May-Nov 1984 Committee, Brussels, November 1984. Ts. President's notes, list of participants, agenda, minutes of previous meeting, reports of Secretary General of NATO and Treasurer, ts. notes, draft budget, calendar of events, correspondence and list of texts adopted by committees

1 file

U DPW/41/360 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Nov 1984-Mar Committee, The Azores, January 1985. 1985 Newsletters, a genda, invitations, ms. notes, list of participants, report and accounts for financial year 1984, correspondence and reports, including of inaugural meeting of Pacific Caucus, and Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation

1 file

U DPW/41/361 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Dec 1984-Mar Committee, Lisbon, March 1985. Programmes, 1985 ms. notes, ts. President's notes, list of participants, agenda, minutes of previous meetings, annual report and policy recommendations, report and comments of Secretary General of NATO, ts. notes, report and accounts for financial year 1984, calendar of events and newsletters

1 file

U DPW/41/362 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Feb-Mar 1985 Committee, Lisbon, March 1985. Correspondence, transcript of speech and programmes

1 file

U DPW/41/363 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Jun-Oct 1985 Committee, San Francisco, October 1985. Programme, agenda, list of texts adopted by committees, resolution, ts. notes, minutes of previous meeting, reports of Secretary General of NATO and Treasurer, ts. President's notes, newsletter, list of official visits by President to NATO capitals, draft budget and calendar of events

1 file

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U DPW/41/364 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Jan-Mar 1986 Committee, Roeros, Norway, March 1986. Correspondence, ts. notes, calendar of events, programmes and report of Secretary General of NATO

1 file

U DPW/41/365 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Nov 1985-Mar Committee, Roeros, Norway, March 1986. Ms. 1986 notes, agenda, list of participants, minutes of previous meeting, comments and report of Secretary General of NATO, annual report and policy recommendations, 1985, calendar of events, newsletter, balance sheet and accounts, ts. notes, programmes and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/366 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Jan-Jul 1986 Committee, Roeros, Norway, March 1986. Correspondence, agenda, minutes and programmes

1 file

U DPW/41/367 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Mar-May 1986 Committee, Luxembourg, May 1986. List of participants, minutes of previous meeting, agenda, correspondence, comments of Secretary General of NATO, ms. notes, draft budget for financial year 1987, calendar of events and programme

1 file

U DPW/41/368 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing May-Nov 1986 Committee, Istanbul, November 1986. Agenda, correspondence, minutes of previous meeting, ts. notes, resolution, calendar of events, programmes, draft budget for financial year 1987 and Treasurer's report

1 file

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U DPW/41/369 Artificial file. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing May 1990-Apr Committee, London, November 1990. Budget for 1991 financial year 1991, draft agenda for meeting of national delegations, draft programme for spring meeting, correspondence, resolutions, position paper on creation of parliamentary assembly for Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, minutes, including of previous meetings and of Drafting Committee, report of Sub Committee on the Future of the Armed Forces, press releases and draft programme for 36th session

1 file

U DPW/41/370 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Nov 1990 Committee, London, November 1990. Draft agenda and papers for discussion

1 file

U DPW/41/371 Artificial file. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Apr 1991-Jun Committee, Florida, April 1991 & Alberta, May 1992 1992. Ts. notes on 2nd North Atlantic Assembly - Soviet Conference on Security and Cooperation, correspondence, minutes, draft budgets for financial years 1992 and 1993, draft agenda, programme of sessions and meetings, reports, and balance sheet and accounts for financial year 1990

1 file

U DPW/41/372 Artificial file. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Sep-Oct 1991 Committee, Madrid, October 1991. Correspondence, agenda, minutes, ts. notes, programme and list of renewal of mandates of officers of Assembly

1 file

U DPW/41/373 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Standing Nov 1991-Apr Committee, Luxembourg, April 1992. List of 1992 Standing Committee members, officers of committees and members of Sub Committees, draft agenda, budget for financial year 1992, draft programmes, Treasurer's report and balance sheet and accounts at 31 December 1991, with annexes

1 file

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U DPW/41/374 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Special Committee Dec 1980-Oct on Nuclear Weapons in Europe. Correspondence 1981 about formation of Committee, agenda, ts. background notes and interim report

1 file

U DPW/41/375 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Special Committee Mar-Jul 1981 on Nuclear Weapons in Europe. Correspondence, list of participants and programme of visit, ts. notes, ts. paper and transcript of speech

1 file

U DPW/41/376 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Special Committee Oct 1985-May on Nuclear Strategy and Arms Control, Geneva, 1986 February 1986. Reports, correspondence, ts. notes and ts. background papers

1 file

U DPW/41/377 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Special Committee Feb-Jul 1986 on Nuclear Strategy and Arms Control, Geneva, February 1986. Correspondence and ts. and ms. drafts of report of visit to Geneva

1 file

U DPW/41/378 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Special Committee May-Jun 1986 on Nuclear Strategy and Arms Control. Correspondence, programmes, agenda, ms. notes and ts. draft report of visit to United States of America

1 file

U DPW/41/379 Interim report of Special Committee on Nuclear Nov 1986 Strategy and Arms Control, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/380 Interim report of Special Committee on Nuclear Sep 1987 Strategy and Arms Control, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

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U DPW/41/381 Interim report of Special Committee on Alliance Oct 1989 Strategy and Arms Control, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/382 1990 report of Special Committee on Alliance Nov 1990 Strategy and Arms Control

1 item

U DPW/41/383 1991 report of Special Committee on Alliance Oct 1991 Strategy and Arms Control

1 item

U DPW/41/384 Interim reports of Sub Committee on Advanced Oct 1985-Sep Technology and Technology Transfer 1987

3 items

U DPW/41/385 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Feb-Oct 1980 Anti Submarine Warfare. Correspondence, guest list, programme, ms. notes, minutes of Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation, agenda, reports and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/386 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Feb-May 1980 Anti Submarine Warfare. Correspondence, report of visit to United States of America and calendar of events

1 file

U DPW/41/387 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Mar 1980-Sep Anti Submarine Warfare. Reports, including of 1981 visits to Italy, United States of America, United Kingdom and France, correspondence, programme and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/388 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Oct-Nov 1980 Anti Submarine Warfare. Correspondence, ts. and ms. drafts of report of visit to United Kingdom and France, programme and ts. background notes

1 file

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U DPW/41/389 Report on NATO Anti Submarine Warfare: Nov 1980 strategy, requirements and the need for cooperation, Sub Committee on Anti Submarine Warfare, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/390 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jun-Jul 1981 Anti Submarine Warfare. Ts. and ms. drafts of report of visit to Germany, ts. briefing notes and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/391 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jun -Jul 1981 Anti Submarine Warfare. Report (and ts. draft) of visit to United States of America, ms. notes, correspondence, agenda and proceedings of Conference on Cooperative Security and Defence Assistance, American Defence Preparedness Association

1 file

U DPW/41/392 Report of Sub Committee on the Conference on Oct 1989 Security and Cooperation in Europe, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/393 Interim report of Sub Committee on Confidence Oct 1989 and Security Building Measures, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/394 Interim reports of Sub Committee on Conventional Nov 1983-Nov Defence in Europe, North Atlantic Assembly 1984

2 items

U DPW/41/395 Interim and final reports on new strategies and Nov 1986-Sep operational concepts, Sub Committee on 1987 Conventional Defence in Europe, North Atlantic Assembly

2 items

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U DPW/41/396 Interim reports on new patterns of European Nov 1988 security collaboration, Sub Committee on Conventional Defence in Europe, North Atlantic Assembly

2 items

U DPW/41/397 Interim reports of Sub Committee on Cooperation Nov 1988-Oct in Research and Development, North Atlantic 1989 Assembly

2 items

U DPW/41/398 Report of visit to Soviet Union, September 1989, Oct 1989 Sub Committee on Cooperation in Research and Development, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/399 Notebook. Notes relating to North Atlantic 20th cent. Assembly Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation in Europe and laser technology, and the future of NATO

1 item

U DPW/41/400 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Nov 1974-Sep Defence Cooperation in Europe. Reports, 1975 correspondence, ts. and ms. notes, notebooks and information document

1 file

U DPW/41/401 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Oct 1975-Sep Defence Cooperation in Europe. Ts. and ms. 1976 notes, ts. draft reports and papers by Patrick Wall, minutes, ts. statements on standardisation, correspondence, Centre for Strategic and International Studies papers and summary of visit to Canada and United States of America

1 file

U DPW/41/402 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Dec 1975-Apr Defence Cooperation in Europe. Correspondence 1976 regarding Patrick Wall's report of visit to United States of America, with ms. draft and ts. report

1 file

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U DPW/41/403 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Dec 1975-Feb Defence Cooperation in Europe. Correspondence, 1980 reports, summary accounts, minutes, 1978 - 1980, information document, papers about Western European Union symposium on European armaments policy and ts. reports of visits to United States of America, Canada and Italy

1 file

U DPW/41/404 File. North Atlantic Assembly Sub Committee on Mar 1976 Defence Cooperation in Europe. United States Senate reports of proceedings and notebook

1 file

U DPW/41/405 File. North Atlantic Assembly Sub Committee on Nov 1976-Jan Defence Cooperation in Europe. Ts. statements, 1979 reports, including by Patrick Wall, ts. and ms. notes, transcript of speech and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/406 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Feb -Nov 1977 Defence Cooperation in Europe. Ms. notes, agenda, resolution, reports and papers, including by Patrick Wall, correspondence, ts. statements and papers about Western European Union symposium on European armaments policy

1 file

U DPW/41/407 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Apr 1977-Apr Defence Cooperation in Europe. Correspondence, 1978 eports, bulletin of Education, Cultural Affairs and Information Committee, ms. notes, research paper, ts. statement, programme, minutes of Military Committee, resolution and recommendation

1 file

U DPW/41/408 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Dec 1977-Apr Defence Cooperation in Europe. Ts. and ms. 1978 notes, reports, information document, correspondence and minutes

1 file

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U DPW/41/409 File. 'Duplicate reports defence co-operation'. Jan-Apr 1978 Reports of meetings (including ms. and ts. drafts), and information document

1 file

U DPW/41/410 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jan-Aug 1978 Defence Cooperation in Europe. Reports, correspondence, ts. statement, European Parliament papers and transcript of speech

1 file

U DPW/41/411 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jul-Dec 1978 Defence Cooperation in Europe. List of texts adopted at 24th session, correspondence, Western European Union reports and article by Patrick

1 file

U DPW/41/412 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Oct 1978-Feb Defence Cooperation in Europe. Letter and report 1982 of United States Defence Nuclear Agency

1 file

U DPW/41/413 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Nov 1978-Oct Defence Cooperation in Europe. Ms. notes, 1979 summary accounts and documents for meeting with United States House of Representatives Special Sub Committee on NATO Standardisation, Interoperability and Readiness, papers and reports, including by Patrick Wall, correspondence, ts. statement and papers about Western European Union symposium on European armaments policy

1 file

U DPW/41/414 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Dec 1978-Jan Defence Cooperation in Europe. Ts. briefing, 1980 summary account of meetings, and article by Patrick Wall

1 file

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U DPW/41/415 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Mar-May 1979 Defence Cooperation in Europe. Correspondence and ts. draft paper by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/416 Report of International Conference on Defence Jan-Feb 1980 Cooperation, American Defence Preparedness Association

1 item

U DPW/41/417 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Oct 1980-Nov Defence Cooperation in Europe. Ts. reports of 1982 visits to the United States of America, Japan, Hong Kong, the Netherlands and Germany, and plenary session in Madeira, ts. and ms. notes, correspondence, programme, review of activities 1973 - 1981, transcript of speech and paper on Western European Union colloquy on international aeronautical policy

1 file

U DPW/41/418 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Nov 1980-Dec Defence Cooperation in Europe. Correspondence, 1981 ts. notes, report on visit to Germany by Sub Committee on Anti Submarine Warfare and article by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/419 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jul 1981-May Defence Cooperation in Europe. Correspondence 1982

1 file

U DPW/41/420 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jul-Sep 1982 Defence Cooperation in Europe. Annex to report, report outline of Task Group on Defence Standardisation, and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/421 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Oct 1982-Nov Defence Cooperation in Europe. Correspondence 1986 and article

1 file

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U DPW/41/422 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jan 1983-Apr Defence Cooperation in Europe. Correspondence, 1984 including letters from Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Michael Hesletine MP, and reports

1 file

U DPW/41/423 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Nov 1983 Defence Cooperation in Europe. Correspondence, ts. and ms. notes, and biographies of members of Sub Committee

1 file

U DPW/41/424 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Dec 1984-Nov Defence Cooperation in Europe. Independent 1985 European programme group papers, ts. draft reports, correspondence and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/425 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Dec 1986-Jan Defence Cooperation in Europe. Correspondence 1987 and ts. draft report of meeting

1 file

U DPW/41/426 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Feb-Apr 1987 Defence Cooperation in Europe.. Ms. notes, programmes, list of participants, agenda, correspondence and ts. briefing notes

1 file

U DPW/41/427 Report of on the implications of technology for the Nov 1982 battlefield, Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation in Europe, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/428 Reports and interim reports of Sub Committee on Nov 1983-Sep Defence Cooperation in Europe, North Atlantic 1987 Assembly

5 items

U DPW/41/429 Reports on burden sharing in the alliance, Sub Nov 1988-Oct Committee on Defence Cooperation in Europe, 1989 North Atlantic Assembly

2 items

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U DPW/41/430 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Dec 1976-Feb Defence Cooperation in Europe visit to United 1977 States of America, January 1977. Reports, notebook, correspondence, ts. research papers, list of participants, agenda and Western European Union papers

1 file

U DPW/41/431 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jan 1978-Feb Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United 1979 States of America, January - February 1979. Itinerary, correspondence, reports of visit and of meeting of Transatlantic Policy Panel, agenda, ms. notes, and ts. statements for meeting with Committee of NATO RSI

1 file

U DPW/41/432 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Oct-Nov 1979 Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United States of America, October - November 1979. Correspondence, ts. briefing document, newsletter, ms. notes, agenda and report of visit

1 file

U DPW/41/433 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Dec 1979-Mar Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United 1980 States of America, January - February 1980. Correspondence, ms. notes, notebooks and ts. draft reports

1 file

U DPW/41/434 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jul 1980-Feb Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United 1981 States of America, January 1981. Correspondence, ms. notes, itinerary, report of visit and information paper

1 file

U DPW/41/435 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Oct 1981-Jan Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United 1982 States of America, January 1982. Correspondence, agenda, list of articles by Patrick Wall, 1981 and ts. papers by Patrick Wall

1 file

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U DPW/41/436 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jan 1982 Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United States of America, January 1982. Correspondence, ms. notes and agenda

1 file

U DPW/41/437 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jan 1982 Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United States of America, January 1982. Ts. notes and ts. drafts of report and summary of visit

1 file

U DPW/41/438 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jan-Mar 1982 Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United States of America, January 1982. Report of visit and relative correspondence, and ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/439 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Apr 1982 Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to the Netherlands, April 1982. Ms. notes, ts. draft report of visit and attendance list

1 file

U DPW/41/440 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Dec 1981-Jun Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United 1982 States of America, June 1982. Itinerary, agenda, membership list, reports of United States Senate, copies of United States legislation, correspondence, information documents and amendments

1 file

U DPW/41/441 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on May-Jul 1982 Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United States of America, June 1982. Ts. draft report of visit, correspondence and ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/41/442 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Nov 1982-Feb Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United 1983 States of America, January 1983. Correspondence and report of visit

1 file

U DPW/41/443 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Dec 1982-Jan Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United 1983 States of America, January 1983. Correspondence and agenda

1 file

U DPW/41/444 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Dec 1982-Jan Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United 1983 States of America, January 1983. Lists of participants, correspondence, agenda, programmes, and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/445 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Dec 1982-Jun Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United 1983 States of America, January 1983. Correspondence, report of visit (with ts. and ms. drafts), ms. notes and programme

1 file

U DPW/41/446 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Nov-Dec 1983 Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to London and Brussels, November 1983. Ts. draft report of visit, correspondence, programme and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/447 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Nov 1983-Jan Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United 1984 States of America, January 1984. Letter, calendar of events and ts. draft paper by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/448 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jan-Apr 1984 Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United States of America, January 1984. Ms. and ts. drafts of report of visit and correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/41/449 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jan-Apr 1984 Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United States of America, January 1984. Correspondence, programmes, agenda, ms. notes, United States Defense Department directive, list of participants, ts. notes, and ts. draft report of visit

1 file

U DPW/41/450 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Feb-Jun 1984 Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to France, March 1984. Correspondence, programme, ms. notes and ms. and ts. drafts of report of visit

1 file

U DPW/41/451 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Mar-Apr 1984 Defence Cooperation in Europe, visits, 1984. Correspondence about report of tour of United States of America and Atlantic area

1 file

U DPW/41/452 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Oct 1984-Nov Defence Cooperation in Europe, visits, 1985. Ts. 1985 background notes, correspondence and ts. and ms. draft reports of visits to the Garret Corporation, The Hague, Portugal, United States of America, and of seminar in Bonn

1 file

U DPW/41/453 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Aug 1985-Jun Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United 1986 States of America, January 1986. Agenda, programmes, correspondence and report

1 file

U DPW/41/454 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jan 1986 Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United States of America, January 1986. Ts. and ms. notes, correspondence, agenda, programme, and ts. and ms. draft reports of visit

1 file

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U DPW/41/455 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jan-Apr 1986 Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United States of America, January 1986. Correspondence, ms. notes and ts. draft report of visit

1 file

U DPW/41/456 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Sep 1986-Apr Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United 1987 States of America, January 1987. Programmes, correspondence, ms. notes, list of participants and ts. draft report of visit

1 file

U DPW/41/457 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jan-Dec 1986 Defence Cooperation in Europe, visit to United States of America, February 1987. Correspondence, ts. notes and programmes

1 file

U DPW/41/458 Interim reports of Sub Committee on Eastern Sep 1987-Oct Europe, North Atlantic Assembly 1989

3 items

U DPW/41/459 Interim and final reports of Sub Committee on Oct 1985-Nov Economic Cooperation, North Atlantic Assembly 1986

2 items

U DPW/41/460 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Joint Sub Feb-Oct 1974 Committee on Energy Supplies. Reports, including of Scientific and Technical Committee, minutes, and information document

1 file

U DPW/41/461 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Joint Sub Feb-Aug 1975 Committee on Energy Supplies. Ts. background paper, minutes of meeting with Sub Committee on Economic Relations with Member Countries of the Alliance, correspondence, ms. and ts. drafts of report of visit to Canada and membership list

1 file

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U DPW/41/462 Reports of Sub Committee on the Free Flow of Oct 1981-Nov Information and People, North Atlantic Assembly 1988

3 items

U DPW/41/463 Special report on human rights in Turkey, Sub Nov 1984 Committee on the Free Flow of Information and People, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/464 Report on Helsinki ten years on, Sub Committee Oct 1985 on the Free Flow of Information and People, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/465 Draft interim report of Sub Committee on the Oct 1991 Future of the Armed Forces, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/466 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Nov 1980-Oct Manpower and Personnel Issues. Ts. guidance 1981 notes, ms. notes, correspondence and reports

1 file

U DPW/41/467 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Dec 1979-Oct Manpower and Personnel Issues. 1980 Correspondence, minutes, ts. paper, membership list, manpower statistics and reports

1 file

U DPW/41/468 Draft and interim reports (2) on manpower issues Nov 1980-Oct for NATO: motivation and mobilisation, Sub 1981 Committee on Manpower and Personnel Issues, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/469 Draft interim report of Sub Committee on the Oct 1991 Mediterranean Basin, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

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U DPW/41/470 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Dec 1972-Mar Mutual Balanced Force Reduction. 1973 Correspondence, agenda, minutes of Military Committee and background paper

1 file

U DPW/41/471 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Dec 1972-Mar Mutual Balanced Force Reduction. Minutes, 1973 report, ms. notes, agenda, correspondence, membership list and order adopted by Military Committee

1 file

U DPW/41/472 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Mar 1973-May Mutual Balanced Force Reduction. Information 1974 document, correspondence, minutes of Military Committee, ts. background notes, reports and ts. draft paper by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/473 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Nov 1971-Jul the Northern Flank. Minutes, correspondence, 1972 reports (including ts. drafts), ms. notes and agenda

1 file

U DPW/41/474 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Nov 1972-Mar the Northern Flank. Ms. notes, correspondence, 1978 ts. and ms. drafts of report of visit to Norway and Denmark, programmes, reports and ts. briefing notes

1 file

U DPW/41/475 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Dec 1977-Feb the Northern Flank. Notebook, correspondence, 1979 reports, including of visits to Norway, Denmark, Scotland and United States of America, and of military tour 1978

1 file

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U DPW/41/476 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Feb-Oct 1978 the Northern Flank. Ms. notes, programme, correspondence, reports, including of visit to Iceland, Greenland and London, draft papers by Patrick Wall and list of members

1 file

U DPW/41/477 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jul 1978 the Northern Flank. Ms. notes, agenda, correspondence and report of visit to Iceland, Greenland and London

1 file

U DPW/41/478 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Nov 1978-Oct the Northern Flank. Correspondence, membership 1979 list, ms. notes, reports and article by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/479 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Oct 1979 the Northern Flank. Ms. notes, ts. briefing notes and ts. paper about visit to Schleswig - Holstein, Germany

1 file

U DPW/41/480 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Nov 1984-Jun the Northern Flank. Report and transcript of 1985 speech by Michael Heseltine MP

1 file

U DPW/41/481 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jul-Aug 1985 the Northern Flank tour, August 1985. Correspondence, ts. and ms. notes, programmes and biographical notes of participants

1 file

U DPW/41/482 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Aug-Sep 1985 the Northern Flank tour, August 1985. Ms. and ts. drafts, and final report of tour, and article

1 file

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U DPW/41/483 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Aug-Oct 1985 the Northern Flank tour, August 1985. Correspondence, text of briefing by Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs and newsletter

1 file

U DPW/41/484 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Sep 1986 the Northern Flank. Ts. and ms. notes, list of participants, biographical notes, correspondence, ts. draft report and transcript of speech by Patrick Wall, International Security Council Conference on the Security of the Northern Flank Baltic Approaches

1 file

U DPW/41/485 Interim and final reports (4) of Sub Committee on Nov 1983-May Out of Area Challenges to the Security of the 1986 Alliance, North Atlantic Assembly

4 items

U DPW/41/486 Interim reports of Sub Committee on Public Sep 1987-Oct Information on Defence and Security, North 1989 Atlantic Assembly, covering the Netherlands, Turkey and Canada; Norway, United States of America, Federal Republic of Germany and Denmark; and France, United Kingdom and Spain

3 items

U DPW/41/487 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Dec 1974-Aug the Southern Flank. Reports, including of visit to 1975 United States of America and of Political Committee, information document, correspondence, draft statement, notebook and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/488 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Oct 1975-May the Southern Flank. Draft report and 1976 correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/489 Interim reports on Turkey, Sub Committee on the Nov 1980-Oct Southern Region, North Atlantic Assembly 1981

2 items

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U DPW/41/490 Interim report on Greece, Sub Committee on the Nov 1980 Southern Region, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/491 Interim and final reports (6) of Sub Committee on Nov 1982-Nov the Southern Region, North Atlantic Assembly 1986

1 bundle

U DPW/41/492 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Mar 1971-Feb the Soviet Maritime Threat. Minutes, 1972 correspondence, ms. notes, and ts. and ms. drafts of report of visit to Portugal and United States of America

1 file

U DPW/41/493 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Apr 1971-Jun the Soviet Maritime Threat. Correspondence, 1972 report of meeting, ts. draft papers, ts. notes and notebook

1 file

U DPW/41/494 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Oct 1971-Jul the Soviet Maritime Threat. Ts. notes, minutes, 1972 agenda, ts. draft paper by Patrick Wall, correspondence and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/495 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Sub Committee on Jun-Sep 1972 the Soviet Maritime Threat. Agenda, working paper by Patrick Wall, with review and suggested alterations, correspondence, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/496 Reports of Sub Committee on the Successor Nov 1984-Oct Generation, North Atlantic Assembly 1985

2 items

U DPW/41/497 Interim report of Sub Committee on Transatlantic Nov 1988 Trade Relations, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

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U DPW/41/498 Interim report on a critical period for international Oct 1989 trade: 1992 - Europe and the Alliance, Sub Committee on Transatlantic Trade Relations, North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/499 Interim report of Sub Committee on Terrorism, Sep 1987 North Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/500 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential Feb-Sep 1979 Committee. Ts. statements by members of Assembly for United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing on SALT II, including ts. and ms. draft presentations by Patrick Wall, statistics of GNP of NATO members, correspondence. ts. and ms. notes, ts. copy of SALT treaty and ts. background papers

1 file

U DPW/41/501 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Acting President. May-Sep 1983 Correspondence, ts. notes, calendar of events, programmes, agenda, report and ms. notes Including:

a) File. 'Meeting of the President with the Secretary General'. Agenda, correspondence and ts. background notes 1 file

U DPW/41/502 File. North Atlantic Assembly: President, The Jul-Oct 1983 Hague, October 1983. Correspondence, ts. President's notes, lists of texts presented by committees to plenary session, resolutions, lists of texts adopted by committees, ms. notes, list of members of Standing Committee, transcripts of speeches, including draft of Presidential speech by Patrick Wall and agenda

1 file

U DPW/41/503 File. North Atlantic Assembly: President. Aug 1983-Mar Correspondence, calendar of events, 1984 programmes, ts. notes and ts. draft report of visit by Sub Committee on Out of Area NATO Operations

1 file

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U DPW/41/504 File. North Atlantic Assembly: President. Jul 1983-Oct Correspondence, newsletters, calendar of events, 1984 programmes, membership lists of Standing and Sub Committees, ts. notes and memorandum

1 file

U DPW/41/505 File. North Atlantic Assembly: President. Aug 1983-Jul Assembly handbook, 3rd edition, correspondence 1984 and transcript (and draft) of address by Patrick Wall for opening of 29th session, The Hague, October 1983

1 file

U DPW/41/506 File. North Atlantic Assembly: President. Oct 1983-Dec Correspondence, calendars of events, ts. notes, 1984 newsletters, agenda, ts. background papers, reports and accounts for financial year 1983

1 file

U DPW/41/507 File. North Atlantic Assembly: President. Ts. and Nov 1983-Sep ms. notes, itinerary, correspondence and ts. draft 1984 reports, about meeting with NATO Secretary General, September 1984

1 file

U DPW/41/508 File. North Atlantic Assembly: President. Ts. May 1984-May notes, agenda, programmes of Presidential visits, 1985 correspondence and dossiers of notes of conversations between Secretary General of NATO and Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/509 File. North Atlantic Assembly: President. Nov 1984-Nov Correspondence, ts. and ms. notes, ms. draft of 1985 Presidential address to 31st session, San Francisco, October 1985 and transcript of speech

1 file

U DPW/41/510 File. North Atlantic Assembly: President. Ts. notes Dec 1984 of meeting with NATO Deputy Secretary General

1 file

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U DPW/41/511 Artificial file. North Atlantic Assembly: President. Jan-Mar 1985 Letter and transcript of meetings held by Patrick Wall, January 1985

1 file

U DPW/41/512 File. North Atlantic Assembly: President. Jun-Oct 1985 Correspondence about visit to London by Sub Committee on Advanced Technology and Technology Transfer, with programme

1 file

U DPW/41/513 File. North Atlantic Assembly: President. Ts. Oct 1985 President's notes and lists of texts presented by committees at 31st session, San Francisco, October 1985

1 file

U DPW/41/514 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential visit to Jun-Nov 1979 United States of America, 1979. Correspondence and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/515 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential visits. Nov 1983-Apr Programmes, correspondence and ts. draft 1985 reports of meetings with Secretary General of NATO and governments of Spain, United Kingdom, Portugal, Germany, Canada, United States of America, Greece, Turkey, France and Belgium

1 file

U DPW/41/516 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential visits. Mar 1984-Sep Ts. and ms. notes, itinerary, programmes, 1985 correspondence and lists of official visits to NATO capitals

1 file

U DPW/41/517 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential Nov 1983-Apr meeting with Belgian government, March 1984. 1984 Correspondence, programme, ts. notes and report of visit

1 file

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U DPW/41/518 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential Apr-Jul 1984 meeting with Spanish government, June 1984. Ts. report, ts. draft paper for discussion, correspondence and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/519 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential visit to Jul 1984 Brussels, July 1984. Itinerary, ts. notes and list of topics for discussion

1 file

U DPW/41/520 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential Jan-Oct 1984 meeting with French government, October 1984. Correspondence, itineraries, lists of suggested discussion subjects, and ts. and ms. drafts of report of meeting

1 file

U DPW/41/521 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential Feb-Nov 1984 meeting with Turkish government, October 1984. Ts. report, correspondence, itinerary, invitations and report by Education, Cultural Affairs and Information Committee

1 file

U DPW/41/522 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential Nov-Dec 1984 meeting with Greek government, November 1984. Correspondence, report (with ms. draft) of meeting, and ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/523 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential Feb 1984 meeting with Canadian government, January 1985. Ts. and ms. drafts of report of meeting, correspondence, programmes, transcript of speech to Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association and Canadian defence estimates 1984/85

1 file

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U DPW/41/524 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential Jan 1985 meeting with the United States government, January 1985. Ts. and ms. drafts of report of meeting

1 file

U DPW/41/525 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential Mar-Apr 1985 meeting with German government, March 1985. Correspondence, ts. and ms. drafts of report of meeting and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/526 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential Mar-Apr 1985 meeting with Portugese government, March - April 1985. Ms. notes, ts. draft report of meeting, programmes and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/527 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential Mar-May 1985 meeting with British government, April 1985. Correspondence, ts. and ms. drafts of report of meeting and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/528 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential visit to May-Jun 1985 the Netherlands, June 1985. Ts. draft report of visit, programmes, ts. and ms. notes, and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/529 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential visit to May-Jul 1985 Brussels, July 1985. Ts. report of visit, programmes, press cutting, ms. notes, ts. draft paper, correspondence, list of mandates of North Atlantic Assembly officers and ts. notes

1 file

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U DPW/41/530 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential visit to May-Oct 1985 United States of America, July - August 1985. Programmes, calendar of events and report (with ts. draft) of visit Including:

a) Photocopy minutes of Standing Committee and of joint meeting with committee chairmen and general rapporteurs, Stuttgart, 19 May 1985 1 file

U DPW/41/531 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential visit to Aug-Sep 1985 Norway and Denmark, August 1985. Ts. report of visit, summary report and report of military tour of northern flank, and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/532 File. North Atlantic Assembly: Presidential visit to Jul 1986-Feb South Africa, March 1987. Correspondence, 1987 report and newsletter

1 file

U DPW/41/533 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1971 - 1972. 1971-1972 Correspondence, newsletter, policy statement, list of texts adopted at 17th session, comments of Secretary General of NATO and information documents

1 file

U DPW/41/534 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1972. Newsletter, Feb-May 1972 agenda, correspondence and reports of Economic, and Scientific and Technical committees

1 file

U DPW/41/535 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1972 - 1973. Ts. Jul 1972-May draft paper by Patrick Wall, correspondence, ts. 1973 notes, and reports of Military and Political Committees

1 file

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U DPW/41/536 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1972 - 1973 List of Dec 1972-May texts adopted at 8th session, comments of 1973 Secretary General of NATO, ms. notes, resolution of Political Committee, and papers, minutes, reports and ts. statements of Military Committee

1 file

U DPW/41/537 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1973 - 1974. Oct 1973-Oct Correspondence, official report of 2nd sitting of 1974 19th session, ts. comments on report, 'Problems of the alliance', ts. and ms. notes, and ts. and ms. draft of report by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/538 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1974. Newsletter, Jan-Nov 1974 correspondence, ms. notes, list of delegates, ts. NATO briefing notes, agenda, comments of Secretary General of NATO and follow-up reports by committees on report of Committee of Nine, list of documents edited by Assembly, official report of 1st sitting of 20th session, reports, including of Scientific and Technical, Military, and Political Committees, minutes of Political, and Education, Cultural Affairs and Information Committees, and transcript of speech

1 file

U DPW/41/539 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1974. Reports, 1974-1975 programme, lists of texts adopted by committees, correspondence, texts adopted at 20th session, minutes and official reports of sittings of 20th session, minutes of Military and Political Committees, resolutions, recommendations, list of participants and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/540 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1974. Reports of Oct 1974-Apr Military, Political, and Economic Committees, list 1975 of texts adopted by Assembly, comments of Secretary General of NATO, and replies of Council and report, Western European Union 20th session

1 file

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U DPW/41/541 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1975. Minutes of Mar-Sep 1975 Military Committee, information document, recommendations, resolutions, agenda, reports, including of Political Committee, Sub Committee on the Northern Flank and Patrick Wall, and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/542 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1975. Dec 1974-Jul Correspondence, ts. and ms. notes, list of 1975 delegates, newsletter, information document and transcript of address by Military Committee to Assembly

1 file

U DPW/41/543 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1976 - 1977. Sep 1975-Jun Correspondence, ms. notes, ms. and ts. drafts of 1976 Military Committee report, minutes of Military and Political Committees, reports by Patrick Wall and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/544 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1976 - 1977. Oct 1976-Jul Correspondence, newsletters, calendar of events, 1977 minutes of Standing, Military and Political Committees, list of documents edited by Assembly, budget, comments of Secretary General of NATO, reports, including of Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation, article by Patrick Wall and ts. guidance notes

1 file

U DPW/41/545 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1977. Apr-Jul 1977 Correspondence, memorandum, ts. notes, programmes, list of participants of tour of United States of America and report

1 file

U DPW/41/546 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1977. Apr-Sep 1977 Correspondence, agenda, programmes, ts. and ms. notes, Treasurer's remarks and report, budget, press release and reports

1 file

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U DPW/41/547 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1977 - 1978. Oct 1977-Dec Correspondence, programmes of committee 1978 meetings, and minutes of Political and Standing Committees

1 file

U DPW/41/548 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1977 - 1978. Nov 1977-May Correspondence, calendar of events, ms. notes, 1978 list of reports, list of United Kingdom delegates, lists of documents edited by Assembly, newsletter and order of business for 24th session, Western European Union

1 file

U DPW/41/549 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1978. May-Sep 1978 Correspondence, information document, ts. notes and transcripts of speeches

1 file

U DPW/41/550 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1978. Dec-Dec 1978 Correspondence and ts. page from report

1 file

U DPW/41/551 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1978 - 1979. List of 9 Jun 1978-Mar documents edited by Assembly 1978, newsletter, 1979 and question and written answer from Lord President of the Council

1 file

U DPW/41/552 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1978 - 1985. May 1978-Dec Reports, correspondence, list of texts adopted at 1985 26th session, and minutes and report of Atlantic Institute of International Affairs

1 file

U DPW/41/553 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1979. Summary May 1979 account of organisational meeting of Presidential Working Group on Arms Control and report

1 file

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U DPW/41/554 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1979. Jul-Dec 1979 Correspondence, resolution, recommendations, ms. notes, lists of reports, committee members and texts adopted by committees, ms. draft speech, newsletter, minutes of Military Committee, official report of hearing of United States House of Representatives, and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/555 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1979 - 1980. Oct 1979-Jun Newsletters, resolution, calendar of events, 1980 correspondence, minutes of Standing Committee, reports of Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation and Western European Union, and comments of Secretary General of NATO

1 file

U DPW/41/556 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1980. Newsletters Apr 1980-1981

1 file

U DPW/41/557 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1980 - 1982. Jul 1980-Jul Correspondence, lists of United Kingdom 1982 delegates, officers of committees and committee members, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/558 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1981. Aug-Dec 1981 Correspondence, newsletter, ts. and ms. notes, minutes of Standing Committee and joint meeting with Drafting Committee, and calendar of events

1 file

U DPW/41/559 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1982. Report of Jan-Dec 1982 activities in 1981 by Patrick Wall, with related correspondence and programmes

1 file

U DPW/41/560 Artificial file. North Atlantic Assembly 1983. List of Jan-Jun 1983 members of Standing Committee and officers of committees, correspondence, ts. background notes, calendar of events, newsletters, transcript of speech and minutes of proceedings

1 file

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U DPW/41/561 Artificial file. North Atlantic Assembly 1983 - 1986. Mar 1983-Nov Correspondence, calendar of events, President's 1986 programme, report of activities in 1982 by Patrick Wall and newsletter

1 file

U DPW/41/562 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1985. Newsletter, Oct 1984-Dec report of activities in 1984 - 1985 by Patrick Wall, 1985 related correspondence, and transcript of Presidential speech by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/563 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1985. Invitations to Feb 1985 meetings and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/564 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1986. Feb 1986-Jul Correspondence, reports (and drafts), including of 1987 Scientific and Technical, Political, and Military Committees, and Sub Committee on Advanced Technology and Technology Transfer, programmes, minutes of Scientific and Technical, Civilian Affairs, and Economic Committees, questionnaire, calendar of events, draft budget for financial year 1987, newsletter, list of members of Standing Committee, Sub Committees and officers of committees and 'NATO Review'

1 file

U DPW/41/565 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1986. May 1986-Jan Correspondence, budget for financial year 1987, 1987 press release, newsletters, policy recommendations, calendar of events, draft report and transcript of speech

1 file

U DPW/41/566 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1986. Jun 1985-Mar Correspondence, calendar of events, programmes 1986 and budget financial year 1986 Including:

a) Letter from Margaret Thatcher, 20 December 1985 1 file

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U DPW/41/567 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1986. Programme, Oct 1986 ms. notes, correspondence, draft budget for financial year 1987, agenda and reports

1 file

U DPW/41/568 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1987. Minutes of Mar 1987-Dec 33rd session, and of Political, Military, Standing 1988 and Drafting Committees, reports of Western European Union and Special Committee on Nuclear Strategy and Arms Control, ms. notes, programmes, press release, transcript of speech and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/569 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1987. Letters from Jun 1983-Oct Patrick Wall regarding military influence in 1987 parliament, reports, including of Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation, ts. paper and article, both by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/570 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1988. Report, list of Sep 1987-Dec members of Standing and Sub Committees and 1988 officers of committees, correspondence, reports of Western European Union and ts. papers submitted for report on NATO in the 1990s

1 file

U DPW/41/571 File. North Atlantic Assembly 1990. Jan-Apr 1990 Correspondence, ts. paper, report, balance sheet and accounts for financial year 1989, budget for 1990, list of financial contributions, and draft programme and agenda for Standing Committee

1 file

U DPW/41/572 Artificial file. North Atlantic Assembly 1991. Report May-Jul 1991 of President, correspondence, resolution, minutes of Standing Committee and list of members of Standing and Sub Committees and officers of committees

1 file

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U DPW/41/573 File. North Atlantic Assembly: articles by Patrick Jan 1971-Jan Wall. With ts. drafts, list of articles and Monday 1973 Club pamphlet

1 file

U DPW/41/574 File. North Atlantic Assembly: articles by Patrick Jul 1978-Apr Wall on standardisation. With ts. and ms. notes, 1982 ms. and ts. drafts, correspondence, Monday Club policy paper, fact sheet and Conservative Research Department briefing note

1 file

U DPW/41/575 File. North Atlantic Assembly: articles by Patrick Nov 1980-Aug Wall. Ts. drafts, with correspondence, ts. and ms. 1982 notes

1 file

U DPW/41/576 File. North Atlantic Assembly: articles by Patrick Aug 1983 Wall. Ts. drafts, with correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/577 Ts. list of published articles by Patrick Wall on 1989-1990 North Atlantic Assembly and related defence issues

1 item

U DPW/41/578 File. North Atlantic Assembly: budget. Nov 1980-Jun Correspondence, draft budget, and report and 1981 accounts for financial year 1980

1 file

U DPW/41/579 File. North Atlantic Assembly: budget. Sep 1981-Feb Correspondence regarding United Kingdom 1982 contributions, budget for financial year 1982, Treasurer's draft report to plenary session, and report and accounts for financial year 1980

1 file

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U DPW/41/580 File. North Atlantic Assembly: budget. Nov 1981-Mar Correspondence, including letters from Malcolm 1984 Rifkind and Geoffrey Howe about United Kingdom contributions, and budgets for financial years 1983 - 1984

1 file

U DPW/41/581 File. North Atlantic Assembly: budget. Apr 1983-Jun Correspondence and draft budgets for financial 1985 years 1984 - 1986

1 file

U DPW/41/582 Draft budget for the financial year 1992 May 1991

1 item

U DPW/41/583 File. Bulletins, North Atlantic Assembly Apr 1979-Aug 1985 1 file

U DPW/41/584 Bulletins on Report on developments relative to Jul 1981-Dec the humanitarian provisions of the Final Act of the 1986 Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, nos. 21 - 26, 30, 31, 33, 35/36, 41 & 42, North Atlantic Assembly

1 bundle

U DPW/41/585 File. North Atlantic Assembly: committee guidance Nov 1977-Nov notes, November 1978. With transcript of lecture 1978 by Dr David Owen

1 file

U DPW/41/586 File. North Atlantic Assembly: committee guidance May 1978 notes, May 1978. With letter

1 file

U DPW/41/588 File. North Atlantic Assembly: correspondence. Sep 1975-Oct With programmes, ts. research notes, newsletter, 1976 summaries of draft reports, comments of Secretary General of NATO and list of texts adopted 1975

1 file

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U DPW/41/589 File. North Atlantic Assembly: correspondence. Sep 1976-Jul With budget for financial year 1980, and report 1980 and accounts for financial year 1979

1 file

U DPW/41/590 File. North Atlantic Assembly: correspondence. Jul 1977-Jul With programme 1978

1 file

U DPW/41/591 File. North Atlantic Assembly: correspondence. Nov 1978-Jul With itinerary for tour of central region, 1979 membership lists of committees and United Kingdom delegation, ms. notes and programmes

1 file

U DPW/41/592 File. North Atlantic Assembly: correspondence Dec 1980-Feb 1981 1 file

U DPW/41/593 File. North Atlantic Assembly: correspondence. Dec 1985-Dec With NATO press releases, agenda, calendar of 1986 events, programmes, bulletins, comments of Secretary General of NATO and list of documents edited by Assembly, 1985

1 file

U DPW/41/594 File. North Atlantic Assembly: correspondence. Mar-Jun 1987 With calendar of events and press release

1 file

U DPW/41/595 NATO handbook Feb 1976

1 item

U DPW/41/596 North Atlantic Assembly handbook 1984

1 item

U DPW/41/597 File. North Atlantic Assembly: membership lists for Jul 1979-May committees 1980

1 file

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U DPW/41/598 File. North Atlantic Assembly: membership lists for Jan-Feb 1981 committees. With correspondence and calendar of events

1 file

U DPW/41/599 File. North Atlantic Assembly: membership lists for Sep 1983-Feb committees. With summaries of draft reports, ts. 1986 paper and calendar of events

1 file

U DPW/41/600 'North Atlantic Assembly News', nos. 36, 38, 39, Jan 1981-Jul 41 & 44 1983

5 items

U DPW/41/601 Annual reports (including either texts adopted or 1982-1986 policy recommendations), North Atlantic Assembly

4 items

U DPW/41/602 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1973. Ts. 1972-Nov 1973 guidance notes, Western European Union reports, Council of Europe report and ts. statement

1 file

U DPW/41/603 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1972 - Nov 1972-May 1979. With list of sessions (and of Western 1979 European Union sessions)

1 file

U DPW/41/604 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1974. May-Nov 1974 Including of Military Committee

1 file

U DPW/41/605 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1975. Apr-May 1975 Including of Sub Committees on Defence Cooperation in Europe, and Southern Flank

1 file

U DPW/41/606 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1975. Draft Sep 1975 reports and papers, including of Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation in Europe, Western European Union report and ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/41/607 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1976. Jan 1976-May Including of Military Committee. With minutes of 1977 Sub Committee on Defence Cooperation in Europe

1 file

U DPW/41/608 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1977 - 1977-1978 1978. Ts. drafts of reports, including of Sub Committee on the Northern Flank

1 file

U DPW/41/609 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1977 - Sep 1977-Jul 1981. Including of Joint Sub Committee on the 1981 Northern Region and the Security of the Alliance. With correspondence, ts. notes, summary account of Presidential Working Group on Arms Control and minutes of Military Committee

1 file

U DPW/41/610 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1978. With Mar 1978-Apr ts. drafts of reports, including of Sub Committee 1979 on the Northern Flank, correspondence, ms. notes and ts. briefing notes

1 file

U DPW/41/611 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1979 - Jul 1979-Oct 1980. Including of United States House of 1980 Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs

1 file

U DPW/41/612 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1980. Oct-Nov 1980 Including of Economic, and Scientific and Technical Committees, and Sub Committees on Genetic Manipulation, and Energy Sources and Uses within the Atlantic Community

1 file

U DPW/41/613 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1980. Ts. Dec 1980 and ms. drafts of report of activities in 1979 - 1980 by Patrick Wall, correspondence and ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/41/614 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1981 (1). Feb-Sep 1981 Including of Sub Committees on Anti Submarine Warfare, and Manpower and Personnel Issues

1 file

U DPW/41/615 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1981 (2). Jul 1981-Jan With ts. and ms. notes, correspondence and 1982 programmes

1 file

U DPW/41/616 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1981 - Jul 1981-May 1982. Ts. and ms. draft reports and papers 1982

1 file

U DPW/41/617 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1982 - Apr 1982-May 1984. With agenda, minutes and papers of 1984 Standing Committee, ts. President's notes, correspondence and list of texts adopted at 28th session

1 file

U DPW/41/618 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1983. Jan-Oct 1983 Including of Military and Political Committees, and of Sub Committee on the Southern Region. With bulletins, correspondence, calendar of events, list of texts adopted at 29th session and minutes of Economic Committee

1 file

U DPW/41/619 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1983. With Jan-Sep 1983 correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/620 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1983. Mar 1983-Mar Including of Sub Committee on Defence 1984 Cooperation in Europe. With list of texts adopted at 29th session and transcript of speech by Patrick Wall

1 file

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U DPW/41/621 File. North Atlantic Assembly: report to Prime Nov-Dec 1983 Minister, 1983. With correspondence Including:

a) Letter from Margaret Thatcher, 6 December 1983 1 file

U DPW/41/622 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1984. With Jan-Jun 1984 correspondence, including letters from Margaret Thatcher and Michael Heseltine

1 file

U DPW/41/623 File. North Atlantic Assembly: reports, 1986 Dec 1986

1 file

U DPW/41/624 Ts.list of reports by Patrick Wall, 1955 - 1989 1989

1 item

U DPW/41/625 Draft report by Treasurer to plenary session, North Oct 1991 Atlantic Assembly

1 item

U DPW/41/626 Published papers, North Atlantic Assembly 1979-1991

14 items

U DPW/41/627 Rules of procedure, North Atlantic Assembly 1975-1987

4 items

U DPW/41/628 File. 'Abshire meeting, February 1986'. Nov 1985-Feb Correspondence and papers given at conference 1986 on 'High technology, economic growth and alliance security: an agenda for the future', Brussels

1 file

U DPW/41/629 File. Atlantic Institute. Correspondence regarding Dec 1978-Feb joint meeting with North Atlantic Assembly, with 1979 North Atlantic Assembly reports and papers

1 file

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U DPW/41/630 File. Australia. Correspondence regarding offer to Feb 1980-Jun Australian parliament to send observers to North 1981 Atlantic Assembly

1 file

U DPW/41/631 File. Background papers. Ms. notes, Conservative Oct 1968-Nov Political Centre papers, ts. statement, papers 1971 about Atlantic security, and proceedings of conference on 'Maritime strategy in the 1970s', Southampton, 1968

1 file

U DPW/41/632 File. Background papers. Ts. draft paper, 'The Sep 1971-Feb outflanking of NATO to the East', ts. notes on oil 1972 production, list of particulars of vessels in South African waters and the Cape of Good Hope

1 file

U DPW/41/633 File. 'Bombing'. Copy letters about bombing of Apr 1985 International Secretariat, North Atlantic Assembly, Brussels

1 file

U DPW/41/634 File. Christian Democrat and Conservative Group, Oct 1973-Jul 1977 - 1978. Correspondence and minutes. With 1979 list of members of Standing and Sub Committees, and committee officers, ts. and ms. notes, and report of Military Committee, North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

U DPW/41/635 File. Christian Democrat and Conservative Group, Nov 1975-Oct 1979. Correspondence. With agenda, summaries 1979 of draft reports, lists of members of Standing and Sub Committees, and committees officers, calendar of events and newsletters, North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

U DPW/41/636 File. Christian Democrat and Conservative Group. Dec 1979-Nov Agenda. With ms. notes, correspondence, list of 1980 mandates of committee officers and resolution, North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

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U DPW/41/637 File. Christian Democrat and Conservative Group. Mar 1981-Nov Agenda, correspondence and ts. notes. With 1982 programme for 27th session, list of subjects for discussion, summaries of draft reports and list of members of Standing and Sub Committees, and committee officers, North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

U DPW/41/638 File. Christian Democrat and Conservative Group. Jan 1983 Agenda. With committee membership lists and list of mandates of officers of Standing and Sub Committees, North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

U DPW/41/639 File. Christian Democrat and Conservative Group. Sep 1983-May Agenda, correspondence and ts. notes. With 1985 resolutions of Special Committee on Nuclear Weapons, list of mandates of officers and list of members of Standing and Sub Committees, and officers of committees, North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

U DPW/41/640 File. Christian Democrat and Conservative Group. Oct 1984 Agenda. With list of renewal of mandates of officers of North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

U DPW/41/641 File. Christian Democrat and Conservative Group, Dec 1985-Jan 1986. Correspondence, ms. notes and agenda. 1987 With lists of members of Standing and Sub Committees and officers of committees, North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

U DPW/41/642 File. Christian Democrat and Conservative Group. Dec 1986-Feb Correspondence about nominations for chairman 1987 and agenda. With list of members of Standing and Sub Committees and officers of committees

1 file

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U DPW/41/643 File. North Atlantic Assembly United Kingdom Jul 1979-Jul delegation. Administration guides, 1981 correspondence, committee membership lists, ms. notes and report on activities in 1979 and 1980 by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/644 File. North Atlantic Assembly United Kingdom Feb 1983-Feb delegation, 1983. Correspondence, calendars of 1984 events, list of committee members, programmes, administration guide and ts. notes Including:

a) Letter from Margaret Thatcher, 30 March 1983 1 file

U DPW/41/645 File. North Atlantic Assembly United Kingdom Feb 1983-Jun delegation, 1983. Correspondence, calendar of 1984 events, Assembly handbook (photocopy), list of British members of committees and agenda of Christian Democrat and Conservative Group

1 file

U DPW/41/646 File. North Atlantic Assembly United Kingdom Mar-Dec 1984 delegation, 1984. Correspondence, report, list of British members of committees, ts. notes, ts. guidance notes, programmes and list of members of Standing and Sub Committees and officers of committees

1 file

U DPW/41/647 File. North Atlantic Assembly United Kingdom Dec 1984-Nov delegation, 1985. Correspondence and 1985 programmes

1 file

U DPW/41/648 File. North Atlantic Assembly United Kingdom Sep 1984-Dec delegation, 1986. List of members of committees, 1986 programmes and summaries of draft reports of 22nd session, correspondence, ts. background paper and comments of Foreign Office on committee reports

1 file

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U DPW/41/649 File. North Atlantic Assembly events. List of British Jan-Oct 1985 members of committees, calendar of events, correspondence, agenda of Standing Committee, programme , ts. notes and list of members of Standing and Sub Committees and officers of committees

1 file

U DPW/41/650 File. 'House of Lords and House of Commons Jan 1982-Jan Defence Committee visits'. Ts. reports by Patrick 1987 Wall, list of letters received on Sheila Wall's death, correspondence, including letter from Margaret Thatcher, and transcript of Presidential address, San Francisco, October 1985

1 file

U DPW/41/651 File. 'House of Commons Commission on Dec 1982-Mar conference attendance allowances'. Ts. and ms. 1983 notes, correspondence, ts. report on activities of Assembly in 1982 by Patrick Wall and list of texts adopted

1 file

U DPW/41/652 Report. 'Common Concerns. Report of the Tokyo 1980 meeting of a North Atlantic Assembly delegation with Japanese officials, 14 - 17 May 1980'

1 item

U DPW/41/653 File. 'Japan': seminar on common interests, Oct-Nov 1982 problems and perspectives, London. Correspondence, list of participants, agenda, ms. notes, transcript of speech, and list of delegates to 28th session of North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

U DPW/41/654 File. 'Maritime Study Group'. Ts. and ms. notes, Dec 1967-Jan ts. draft papers and transcript of speech 1968

1 file

U DPW/41/655 File. 'National prayer breakfast'. Pamphlets, Jan-Feb 1984 correspondence, briefing notes, ts. draft report and ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/41/656 File. 'The future of NATO'. Ts. and ms. draft Sep 1971-Apr papers and photocopied articles by Patrick Wall, 1972 ms. notes and report of Political Committee

1 file

U DPW/41/657 Pamphlet. 'Spanish accession to NATO. Mar 1982 Arguments, facts and figures'

1 item

U DPW/41/658 Pamphlet. 'Diminishing the nuclear threat. NATO's Feb 1984 defence and new technology'

1 item

U DPW/41/659 File. North Atlantic Assembly: NATO Committee. Mar-May 1987 Ms. notes, memorandum, ts. notes and background papers

1 file

U DPW/41/660 File. 'North Sea oil'. Correspondence, ms. notes, Jan 1974-Apr Greenwich Forum Conservative membership list, 1975 report, background paper and transcript of seminar

1 file

U DPW/41/661 File. 'North Sea oil'. Ts. notes, ts. and ms. drafts of Feb-Nov 1975 paper, correspondence, Greenwich Forum papers, reports of Military and Economic Committees, North Atlantic Assembly and information document by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/662 File. 'North Sea oil'. Progress report by Patrick Nov 1976 Wall, ts. notes, list of texts adopted, recommendation and seminar paper

1 file

U DPW/41/663 File. Pacific Caucus of Parliamentarians, Hawaii, Jan 1984-Mar January 1985. Correspondence, reports, agenda, 1985 ts. notes and conference summary

1 file

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U DPW/41/664 File. Pacific Caucus of Parliamentarians, Hawaii, Jan 1985 January 1985. Ts. summary of comments made during meeting, ts. report (with draft) by Patrick Wall, ms. notes and official report of inaugural meeting

1 file

U DPW/41/665 Report on Atlantic - Pacific seminar, San 16 Oct 1985 Francisco

1 item

U DPW/41/666 File. Pacific Caucus of Parliamentarians, Hawaii, Jan 1985-Mar January 1986. Correspondence and calendar of 1986 events

1 file

U DPW/41/667 File. Pacific Caucus of Parliamentarians, Hawaii, Sep 1985-Jan January 1986. Correspondence, summary report, 1986 agenda, 'Pacific Forum Quarterly' vol. III no 1, programme and ms. and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/41/668 File. Pacific Caucus of Parliamentarians, Hawaii, Jan-Jun 1986 January 1986. Report of 2nd meeting, agenda, and ts. and ms. drafts of report by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/669 File. Pacific Caucus of Parliamentarians, Hawaii, Jan 1986 January 1986. Ms. draft paper and article by Patrick Wall, ts. report and biographical notes of participants

1 file

U DPW/41/670 File. 'Procurement'. Correspondence, ts. briefing Dec 1982-Feb papers and ms. notes 1983

1 file

U DPW/41/671 File. 'Procurement'. Correspondence, report of Jun-Oct 1983 Defence Science Board Task Force, United States Defense Department and transcript of speech

1 file

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U DPW/41/672 File. North Atlantic Assembly restructuring. Ms. Mar-Jun 1975 notes, budget summaries, ts. guidance notes, reports, including of Western European Union, summary record, agenda and minutes

1 file

U DPW/41/673 Proceedings of seminar on parliamentary Jan 1992 oversight and control of defence policy, expenditure and military forces, Brussels, July 1991, organised by North Atlantic Assembly with participation of parliamentarians from Eastern and Central Europe as part of the 'Rose - Roth' initiative

1 item

U DPW/41/674 Proceedings of seminar on Baltic security Mar 1992 requirements, Vilnius, Lithuania, December 1991, sponsored by North Atlantic Assembly and Parliament of Lithuania as part of the 'Rose Roth' initiative

1 item

U DPW/41/675 Proceedings of seminar on defence conversion, Apr 1992 Copenhagen, Denmark, January 1992, sponsored by North Atlantic Assembly and the Folketing as part of the 'Rose Roth' initiative

1 item

U DPW/41/676 Proceedings of special North Atlantic Assembly Apr 1992 interparliamentary conference on European security and the Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Brussels, February 1992, organised as part of the 'Rose Roth' initiative

1 item

U DPW/41/677 File. SALT II [Strategic Arms Limitation Talks]. 1978-1979 Correspondence, report, ts. background paper, transcripts of speeches, including by Patrick Wall, and ts. copy of treaty between United States of America and Soviet Union on the limitation of strategic offensive arms

1 file

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U DPW/41/678 File. SALT II [Strategic Arms Limitation Talks]. Jan-Sep 1979 Letter, ts. reports and background papers

1 file

U DPW/41/679 File. SALT II [Strategic Arms Limitation Talks]. Feb 1979-Jan Correspondence, report of United States Senate, 1980 agenda of North Atlantic Assembly Military Committee agenda and article by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/680 File. SALT II [Strategic Arms Limitation Talks]. Ms. Apr-Jul 1979 notes, background papers, memorandum and statistics on nuclear canon vehicles

1 file

U DPW/41/681 File. SALT II [Strategic Arms Limitation Talks]. Sep 1979 Schedule of meeting of North Atlantic Assembly Presidential Working Group on Arms Control, report, ms. notes, and ts. draft presentation to United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/682 Artficial file. SALT II [Strategic Arms Limitation Oct 1979 Talks]. Transcripts of speeches and ts. list of 'Proposed amendments to the SALT II treaty filed with the Senate Documents Room'

1 file

U DPW/41/683 File. Secretariat, North Atlantic Assembly. Jul 1980-Jul Correspondence and calendar of events 1981

1 file

U DPW/41/684 File. 'Secretaries of national delegations'. Agenda Jun-Oct 1985 and minutes of meeting, Stuttgart, May 1985

1 file

U DPW/41/685 File. Soviet Navy. Statistics, particulars of Soviet 1970-1973 warships and reports

1 file

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U DPW/41/686 File. Soviet Navy. Ts. notes, black and white 1972 photographs of ships and submarines, briefing papers and North Atlantic Assembly recommendations and resolutions

1 file

U DPW/41/687 File. 'Soviet naval expansion'. Ts. drafts of c.1972 chapters 1 and 2, 'Military observations on Soviet naval expansion' and 'Soviet naval expansion outside NATO boundaries', for report on 'The Soviet maritime threat' by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/41/688 File. 'Soviet naval expansion'. Ts. draft of chapter Jan 1972 3, 'The Soviet threat to the SACLANT area', for report on 'The Soviet maritime threat' by Patrick Wall and transcript of interview by Admiral Charles Duncan

1 file

U DPW/41/689 File. 'Soviet naval expansion'. Ts. draft of chapter May 1972 4, 'The Mediterranean', for report on 'The Soviet maritime threat' by Patrick Wall, and report of visit to Italy by Sub Committee on the Soviet Maritime Threat

1 file

U DPW/41/690 File. 'Soviet naval expansion'. Ts. draft of chapter May-Jul 1972 5, 'The outflanking of NATO to the East', for report on 'The Soviet maritime threat' by Patrick Wall, correspondence, amendments and notes

1 file

U DPW/41/691 File. 'Soviet naval expansion'. Ts. draft of chapter 1972 6, 'The danger of NATO being outflanked to the South', for report on 'The Soviet maritime threat' by Patrick Wall, shipping list, annexes and ts. notes regarding Cape of Good Hope

1 file

U DPW/41/692 File. 'Soviet naval expansion'. Ts. draft 1972 appendices, 'Major Soviet warships', for report on 'The Soviet maritime threat' by Patrick Wall

1 file

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U DPW/41/693 File. 'Soviet naval expansion'. Ts. and ms. drafts Feb-May 1972 of report, and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/41/694 File. 'Soviet naval expansion'. Ts. and ms. drafts Jun-Nov 1972 of report on 'The Soviet maritime threat' by Patrick Wall, with recommendations, agenda, correspondence and draft working paper

1 file

U DPW/41/695 File. 'Soviet naval expansion'. Correspondence Oct 1972-Jan regarding report on 'The Soviet maritime threat', 1973 by Patrick Wall, for the North Atlantic Assembly

1 file

U DPW/41/696 File. NATO standardisation. Transcript of speech, Feb 1976-Aug correspondence, background paper, newsletters 1979 of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, United States Defence Department reports and text of presentations to North Atlantic Assembly on advanced medium range air to air missiles

1 file

U DPW/41/697 File. United States of America. Correspondence Dec 1977-Mar about visits and Rosemary Wall's employment 1978 with the Republican Party

1 file

U DPW/41/698 File. United States of America. Correspondence Jun 1980-Sep about visit and ms. notes 1981

1 file

U DPW/41/699 File. United States of America. Correspondence, Jan 1980-Mar background papers and ms. notes 1982

1 file

U DPW/41/700 File. United States of America. Correspondence Oct 1981-Feb about speaking tour and ms. notes 1982

1 file

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U DPW/41/701 File. United States House of Representatives. Sep 1978 Records of hearings before Sub Committee on Europe and the Middle East of Committee on International Relations

1 file

U DPW/42 Parliamentary groups: 1955 - 1988 1955-1988

U DPW/42/1 File. British American Parliamentary Group. Jul 1958-Jun Correspondence, notices of meetings, minutes of 1965 AGMs and annual reports

1 file

U DPW/42/2 File. British American Parliamentary Group. Nov 1970-Apr Letters, notices of meetings, minutes of AGMs 1976 and annual report for 1970 - 1971

1 file

U DPW/42/3 File. British Portuguese Parliamentary Group. Nov 1983-Apr Correspondence, ts. lists of members and ms. 1987 notes

1 file

U DPW/42/4 File. Parliamentary groups. Correspondence, May 1959-Nov notices of meetings and minutes for the Anglo 1969 Ethiopian Group, Anglo Mauritian Society, Anglo Nigerian Parliamentary Group, Anglo Portuguese Group, Anglo Soviet Parliamentary Group, Anglo Spanish Parliamentary Group, Anglo Taiwan Parliamentary Group, Anglo Turkish Parliamentary Group, Baden Powell Scout Guild Houses of Parliament branch, British American Parliamentary Group, House of Commons Motor Club, proposed Parliamentary Flying Club and the United Nations Parliamentary Group

1 file

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U DPW/42/5 File. Parliamentary groups. Correspondence, Jan 1963-Oct notices of meetings, minutes and ts. accounts for 1965 the Anglo Italian Parliamentary Group, Anglo Portuguese Parliamentary Group, House of Commons Motor Club and the United Nations Parliamentary Group

1 file

U DPW/42/6 File. Parliamentary groups. Correspondence, Apr 1965-May notices of meetings, minutes and ts. accounts 1967 regarding the Anglo Italian Parliamentary Group, Anglo Portuguese Parliamentary Group, British American Parliamentary Group, House of Commons Motor Club and the United Nations Parliamentary Group

1 file

U DPW/42/7 File. Parliamentary groups. Correspondence and Feb-Dec 1967 notice of meeting for the Anglo Italian Parliamentary Group, Anglo Portuguese Parliamentary Group, Anglo Spanish Group, Anglo Turkish Group, British American Parliamentary Group, Motorway League and United Nations Parliamentary Group

1 file

U DPW/42/8 File. Parliamentary groups. Correspondence, Apr 1967-Nov notices of meetings, minutes and ts. notes for the 1968 Anglo Icelandic Parliamentary Group, Anglo Italian Parliamentary Group, Anglo Jordanian Parliamentary Group, Anglo Kuwait Parliamentary Group, Anglo Mauritian Parliamentary Group, Anglo Spanish Parliamentary Group, British American Parliamentary Group, United Nations Parliamentary Group and UK Falkland Islands All Party Group

1 file

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U DPW/42/9 File. Parliamentary groups. Minutes, letters and Jan 1970-Mar circulars for the Anglo Australian Parliamentary 1971 Group, Anglo Ethiopian Parliamentary Group, Anglo Icelandic Parliamentary Group, Anglo Israeli Parliamentary Group, Anglo Italian Parliamentary Group, Anglo Jordanian Parliamentary Group, Anglo Kuwait Parliamentary Group, Anglo Lebanese Parliamentary Group, Anglo Malagasy Parliamentary Group, Anglo Mauritian Society, Anglo Portuguese Parliamentary Group, Anglo Somali Society, Anglo Soviet Parliamentary Group, Anglo Swiss Parliamentary Group and Anglo Taiwan Parliamentary Group

1 file

U DPW/42/10 File. Parliamentary groups. Correspondence, Feb 1970-May notices of meetings and ts. list of members for the 1972 Anglo Italian Parliamentary Group, United Nations Parliamentary Group, Anglo Korean Society and Anglo Somali Society

1 file

U DPW/42/11 File. Parliamentary groups. Correspondence and Feb 1971-Sep ts. lists of members 1979

1 file

U DPW/42/12 File. Parliamentary groups. Ts. lists of members Feb 1971-Jun and circulars for the Anglo Bahraini Parliamentary 1983 Group, Anglo Korean Parliamentary Group, Anglo Maltese Parliamentary Group, Anglo Portuguese Parliamentary Group, Anglo South African Parliamentary Group, Anglo Taiwan Parliamentary Group, and from Ambassadors and High Commissioners from Southern Africa

1 file

U DPW/42/13 File. Parliamentary groups. Correspondence, May 1971-Dec notices of meetings and ts. accounts for the Anglo 1973 Iranian Parliamentary Group, Anglo Nigerian Parliamentary Group, Anglo Spanish Parliamentary Group, Baden Powell Scout Guild Houses of Parliament Branch, Parliamentary Animal Welfare Group and United Nations Parliamentary Group

1 file

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U DPW/42/14 File. Parliamentary groups. Correspondence, Jan 1974-Jun notices of meetings and minutes for the Anglo - 1975 Iranian Parliamentary Group, Anglo Mauritian Society, Anglo Swiss Parliamentary Group, United Nations Parliamentary Group and United Nations Association

1 file

U DPW/42/15 File. Parliamentary groups. Correspondence, Jan 1978-Nov notices of meetings, minutes and ts. notes for the 1979 Anglo Bahraini Group, Anglo Maltese Parliamentary Group, Anglo Mauritius Society, British American Parliamentary Group, British Malta Parliamentary Group, Franco British Parliamentary Group, House of Lords All Party UFO Study Group, Scout Association Parliamentary Branch, United Nations Parliamentary Group and Watching Committee on Rhodesia

1 file

U DPW/42/16 File. Parliamentary groups. Correspondence, Mar 1980-Mar notices of meetings, minutes, programmes, ms. 1986 and ts. notes for the Anglo Korean Group, British American Group, British Malta Group, British Portuguese Group, British South Africa Group, British Taiwan Group, British Turkish Group, European Atlantic Group, European Southern Africa Committee and Franco British Parliamentary Relations Committee

1 file

U DPW/42/17 File. Parliamentary groups. Correspondence, ts. Dec 1980-Jun lists of members, notices of meetings and minutes 1988 for the All Party Turkey and Tourism Group, Anglo Bahraini Parliamentary Group, Anglo South Africa Parliamentary Group, Anglo Taiwan Parliamentary Group, British Association Sovereign Military Order of Malta, British Korean Parliamentary Group, British Maltese Parliamentary Group, British Portuguese Parliamentary Group, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Free Chinese Centre, Friends of Israel Educational Trust, Inter-Parliamentary Union British Group, Parliamentary Information Technology Committee and United Nations Parliamentary Group

1 file

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U DPW/42/18 File. Parliamentary groups. Correspondence, Nov 1980-Oct notices of meetings, minutes, press releases, ts. 1982 and ms. notes for the All Party Hong Kong Group, Anglo Jordanian Society, Anglo South Africa Parliamentary Group, British American Parliamentary Group, British Bahrain Parliamentary Group, British Korean Parliamentary Group, British Malta Parliamentary Group, British Portuguese Party Group, British Taiwan Parliamentary Group, Conservative Action for Electoral Reform Parliamentary Group, Conservative Foreign Affairs Committee African Sub Committee, Economic Affairs Support Group, Foreign Affairs Research Institute, Free Chinese Centre, Parliamentary Information Technology Committee, Imperial Society of Knights Bachelor and United Nations Parliamentary Group

1 file

U DPW/42/19 File. Parliamentary groups. Correspondence and Nov 1983-Apr ms. notes for the British Greek All Party Group, 1986 British Portuguese All Party Group and British Taiwan Parliamentary Group

1 file

U DPW/42/20 File. Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, Feb 1955-Jul 1955 - 1959. Correspondence, ts. speeches, ts. 1959 addresses, reports, ts. accounts, notices of meetings and minutes of General Committee and AGMs

1 file

U DPW/42/21 File. Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, Nov 1959-Aug 1960 - 1964. Ts. addresses, ts. notes, ts. 1964 accounts, notices of meetings and minutes of AGMs

1 file

U DPW/42/22 File. Parliamentary and Scientific Committee. Ts. Feb 1965-Dec addresses, reports, ts. accounts, notices of 1969 meetings, minutes of General Committee and AGMs, and memorandum

1 file

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U DPW/42/23 File. Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, Jan 1970-Nov 1970 - 1972. Reports, ts. addresses, notices of 1973 meetings, minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting, General Committee and AGMs, and ts. accounts

1 file

U DPW/42/24 File. Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, Dec 1972-Feb 1973 - 1975. Ts. addresses, notices of meetings, 1976 minutes of General Committee and AGMs, and reports

1 file

U DPW/42/25 File. Parliamentary and Scientific Committee. Ts. Mar 1976-Jul addresses, ts. speeches, notices of meetings, 1977 minutes of General Committee and AGMs, and letter

1 file

U DPW/42/26 File. Parliamentary and Scientific Committee. 1976-1979 Letters, minutes, ts. addresses, notices of meetings and ts. accounts

1 file

U DPW/42/27 File. Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, Feb 1979-May 1979 - 1980. Circular letters, ts. addresses, 1980 notices of meetings, minutes and ts. accounts

1 file

U DPW/42/28 File. Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, Nov 1979-Dec 1980. Circular letters, notices of meetings, 1980 minutes and ms. notes Also for the All Party Information Technology Committee, Anglo Maltese Parliamentary Group and Parliamentary Computer Forum 1 file

U DPW/42/29 File. Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, Jan-Nov 1981 1981. Notices of meetings, ts. addresses and minutes

1 file

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U DPW/42/30 File. Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, Mar 1981-Jul 1982. Circular letters, ts. accounts, minutes and 1982 notices of meetings

1 file

U DPW/42/31 File. Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, Mar 1982-Jun 1983. Circular letters, notices of meetings, 1983 minutes of AGM and General Committee, and ts. accounts Also for Parliamentary Information Technology Committee 1 file

U DPW/42/32 File. Parliamentary and Scientific Committee. Mar 1983-Nov Circular letters, notices of meetings, ts. accounts 1985 and minutes

1 file

U DPW/42/33 File. Parliamentary and Scientific Committee. Jan 1986-Mar Circular letters, notices of meetings, minutes, ts. 1987 accounts and report

1 file

U DPW/42/34 File. Parliamentary Committees, 1980. Jan 1979-Jan Correspondence, ts. notes, accounts and 1981 newsletters

1 file

U DPW/42/35 File. Parliamentary Committees, 1981. Dec 1980-May Correspondence, notices of meetings, minutes of 1981 Parliamentary Information Technology Committee Council and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/42/36 File. Royal Marines Parliamentary Group, 1980 - Nov 1978-Jan 1983. Correspondence, ts. lists of members, ts. 1984 and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/42/37 File. Royal Marines Parliamentary Group. Circular Dec 1980-Dec letters and minutes of Diners Club AGM 1987

1 file

Page 550 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/42/38 File. Royal Marines Parliamentary Group. Letters Oct 1981-May and ts. lists of members 1988

1 file

U DPW/42/39 File. Royal Marines Parliamentary Group, 1984 - Oct 1984-Dec 1985. Correspondence 1985

1 file

U DPW/43 Select Committee on Defence 1969-1983

U DPW/43/1 File. Select Committee on Defence, 1980. Jun 1979-Jan Agenda, correspondence, lists of witnesses, 1981 programmes for inquiries, ts. notes regarding strategic nuclear weapons, D notice system and RAF pilot training, reports, including of Public Accounts Committee, informal minutes and transcript of lecture Including:

a) Letter. Margaret Thatcher to Bruce George, regarding successor to Polaris, 14 November 1979 1 file

U DPW/43/2 File. Select Committee on Defence, 1981. Dec 1980-Jul Correspondence, press releases, programmes of 1981 inquiries, agenda, ts. evidence, memoranda, ts. notes, informal minutes, lists of witnesses, and reports, including of study group on the status of the Royal Ordnance factories

1 file

U DPW/43/3 File. Select Committee on Defence, July 1981. Dec 1979-Jul Correspondence, ts. notes, press releases, 1981 programmes, ts. evidence, memoranda, informal minutes, minutes of evidence on Royal dockyards and papers relating to suggested subjects for inquiry

1 file

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U DPW/43/4 File. Select Committee on Defence, December Dec 1969-Dec 1981. Correspondence, lists of witnesses, ts. 1981 notes, ts. draft report, 'A visit to DOAE', agenda, informal minutes and ts. evidence Including:

a) Downey report, chapters 1 and 13, December 1969 1 file

U DPW/43/5 File. Select Committee on Defence, January 1982. Dec 1981-Jan List of witnesses, correspondence, informal 1982 minutes, minutes of evidence and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/43/6 File. Select Committee on Defence, February Feb 1980-Feb 1982. Correspondence, agenda, ts. notes and 1982 evidence, memoranda, programmes, informal minutes, minutes of evidence and lists of witnesses

1 file

U DPW/43/7 File. Select Committee on Defence, March 1982. Jan-Mar 1982 Correspondence, reports, ts. notes, Ministry of Defence memoranda, agenda, lists of witnesses, informal minutes and ts. evidence

1 file

U DPW/43/8 File. Select Committee on Defence, April 1982. Mar-May 1982 Correspondence, programmes, ts. notes, agenda, ts. evidence, lists of witnesses, informal minutes, ts. draft chairman's special report and report of committee visit to France

1 file

U DPW/43/9 File. Select Committee on Defence, May 1982. Nov 1981-May Correspondence, memoranda, ts. notes, 1982 programmes, press releases, informal minutes and ts. draft chairman's report

1 file

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U DPW/43/10 File. Select Committee on Defence, June 1982. Mar-Jun 1982 Ts. draft of chairman's special report, correspondence, agenda, minutes of evidence and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/43/11 File. Select Committee on Defence, June 1982. Apr-Jul 1982 Correspondence, programme, agenda, informal minutes, minutes of evidence, ts. draft chairman's report and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/43/12 File. Select Committee on Defence, October 1982. Mar-Oct 1982 Programme, correspondence, ts. and ms. notes, list of witnesses, agenda, informal minutes and minutes of evidence submitted to inquiry into the handling of press and public information during the Falklands conflict Including:

a) Transcript of 'Panorama', regarding the press and the Falklands conflict, broadcast 18 October 1982 1 file

U DPW/43/13 File. Select Committee on Defence: ammunition Dec 1979-Jun for British Army of the Rhine. Ts. notes, 1980 correspondence, press releases, programmes, amendments to chairman's draft report, 'Ammunition storage for British Forces in Germany', Ministry of Defence memorandum, list of witnesses, informal minutes and minutes of evidence

1 file

U DPW/43/14 File. Select Committee on Defence: cuts. Ms. Jan-Mar 1981 notes, ts. evidence regarding defence cuts, defence estimates 1980 - 1981, lists of witnesses, agenda and correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/43/15 File. Select Committee on Defence: D notices Sub 1962-1980 Committee. Ts. committee papers, reports, with amendments and revised drafts, ts. evidence regarding the D notice system, correspondence, lists of witnesses, informal minutes, minutes of evidence, ms. notes and ts. briefing notes

1 file

U DPW/43/16 File. Select Committee on Defence: Defence Mar-Apr 1980 White Paper. Reports, informal minutes, minutes of evidence, Foreign and Commonwealth Office background paper, supply estimates 1980 - 1981, correspondence, agenda, lists of witnesses and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/43/17 File. Select Committee on Defence: Royal Jun-Jul 1981 dockyards. Ministry of Defence memoranda and press releases, ms. notes, ts. evidence, minutes of evidence, correspondence, lists of witnesses, ts. draft report and consultative document

1 file

U DPW/43/18 File. Select Committee on Defence: Devonport 30 Jun 1981 dockyard, June 1981. Ts. report of visit

1 file

U DPW/43/19 File. Select Committee on Defence: winter Nov 1982-Feb supplementary estimates. Ts. notes, Ministry of 1983 Defence memoranda, ts. evidence, informal minutes, minutes of evidence and programme

1 file

U DPW/43/20 File. Select Committee on Defence: winter Nov-Dec 1982 supplementary estimates. Defence estimates, ts. briefing notes, list of witnesses and supply estimates 1982 - 1983

1 file

U DPW/43/21 File. Select Committee on Defence: estimates. 22 May 1984 First report of the committee, session 1983 - 1984, 'Statement on the defence estimates 1984'

1 file

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U DPW/43/22 File. Select Committee on Defence: inquiry into Dec 1981-Nov the handling of public and press information 1982 during the Falklands conflict. Correspondence, Ministry of Defence memoranda, informal minutes, ts. background notes, written evidence, minutes of evidence, summary of published information and report of visit to United States of America, Japan and Hong Kong

1 file

U DPW/43/23 File. Select Committee on Defence: inquiry into Mar-Sep 1982 the handling of public and press information during the Falklands conflict. Correspondence, written evidence, ts. notes, articles, ts. statements and transcript of broadcast by Radio Atlantico del Sur

1 file

U DPW/43/24 File. Select Committee on Defence: inquiry into Apr-Jul 1982 the handling of public and press information during the Falklands conflict. Photocopied press reports regarding the Falklands conflict and inquiry and transcripts of telex reports by Max Hastings from the Falkland Islands

1 file

U DPW/43/25 File. Select Committee on Defence: inquiry into Apr-Jul 1982 the handling of public and press information during the Falklands conflict. Programmes, correspondence, an agenda, ts. research notes, correspondence, memoranda, press releases and informal minutes

1 file

U DPW/43/26 File. Select Committee on Defence: inquiry into Jun 1983 the handling of public and press information during the Falklands conflict. Press cuttings regarding the committee report and correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/43/27 File. Select Committee on Defence: inquiry into Jul 1982 the handling of public and press information during the Falklands conflict. Minutes of evidence, ts. notes and evidence submitted by the BBC and ITV

1 file

U DPW/43/28 File. Select Committee on Defence: inquiry into Jul-Nov 1982 the handling of public and press information during the Falklands conflict. Correspondence, agenda, ts. background notes, press cuttings, informal minutes, minutes of evidence and ts. draft chairman's report

1 file

U DPW/43/29 File. Select Committee on Defence: inquiry into Jul 1982 the handling of public and press information during the Falklands conflict. List of evidence received and ts. evidence submitted by members of the press

1 file

U DPW/43/30 File. Select Committee on Defence: inquiry into Jul-Sep 1982 the handling of public and press information during the Falklands conflict. Correspondence, minutes of evidence, press releases and articles regarding the Navy

1 file

U DPW/43/31 File. Select Committee on Defence: inquiry into Jul 1982 the handling of public and press information during the Falklands conflict. Ts. notes, ts. evidence submitted by newspaper editors and defence correspondents and minutes of evidence

1 file

U DPW/43/32 File. Select Committee on Defence: inquiry into Jul-Dec 1982 the handling of public and press information during the Falklands conflict. Agenda, programme, correspondence, minutes of evidence, Ministry of Defence press releases, ts. briefing notes and memoranda

1 file

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U DPW/43/33 File. Select Committee on Defence: inquiry into Jul 1982 the handling of public and press information during the Falklands conflict. Ts. evidence submitted by Michael Nicolson and Brian Hanrahan, minutes of evidence, and ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/43/34 File. Select Committee on Defence: inquiry into Sep-Oct 1982 the handling of public and press information during the Falklands conflict. Correspondence, agenda, ts. briefing notes, ms. notes, draft interim report, memorandum and press notices

1 file

U DPW/43/35 File. Select Committee on Defence: inquiry into Nov-Dec 1982 the handling of public and press information during the Falklands conflict. Draft chairman's report and amendments, agenda and informal minutes

1 file

U DPW/43/36 File. Select Committee on Defence: inquiry into Dec 1982-May the handling of public and press information 1983 during the Falklands conflict. Correspondence, informal minutes, ts. briefing notes, lists of witnesses, written evidence, agenda and minutes of evidence. With ts. notes and correspondence regarding committee visit to Greece

1 file

U DPW/43/37 File. Falklands Islands, 1982. Draft report to the Sep 1981-Aug UK branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary 1982 Association on the CPA (UK) delegation to the Falkland Islands and correspondence regarding the Falklands conflict

1 file

U DPW/43/38 File. Falkland Islands, 1983. Correspondence and Feb-Dec 1983 newsletters

1 file

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U DPW/43/39 File. Falklands Islands conference: lessons of the Jul-Sep 1982 South Atlantic war. List of participating countries, programmes, correspondence, ts. notes on speakers, ts. drafts and transcripts of addresses, 'The Falkland Islands campaign - lessons for NATO' and 'The Falkland Islands campaign - information management', article and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/43/40 File. Select Committee on Defence: Ministry of 1974-Nov 1981 Defence organisation and procurement. Ts. notes, correspondence, press releases, memoranda, ts. draft reports of visits, programmes, informal minutes, minutes of evidence and list of witnesses

1 file

U DPW/43/41 File. Select Committee on Defence: Pilot Selection May-Jun 1980 and Training Sub Committee. Correspondence, ts. notes, programmes of visits, lists of witnesses, informal minutes, minutes of evidence, report, with revised copy and observations, Ministry of Defence press releases and ts. briefing papers

1 file

U DPW/43/42 File. Select Committee on Defence: Pilot Selection Jun 1980-Feb and Training Sub Committee. Correspondence, ts. 1981 notes, ts. evidence, minutes of evidence, press releases, list of witnesses, ms. notes, programmes of visits to RAF stations and Ministry of Defence memoranda

1 file

U DPW/43/43 File. Select Committee on Defence: Nov 1982 recommendations. Agenda, correspondence, Foreign Affairs Research Institute paper and briefing notes for session on action on committee recommendations

1 file

U DPW/43/44 File. Select Committee on Defence: joint meetings Oct-Dec 1981 with United States Senate Armed Services Committee, 1 - 2 November 1981. Correspondence, lists of participants, agenda, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/43/45 File. Select Committee on Defence: Sting Ray. Jul 1978-Aug Reports, including of Public Accounts Committee, 1981 ts. notes, correspondence, ts. evidence, minutes of evidence, agenda, list of witnesses and Ministry of Defence memorandum

1 file

U DPW/43/46 File. Select Committee on Defence: strategic 1980 nuclear deterrent. Ts. evidence on government policy, correspondence, reports, including ts. draft and amendments of first special committee report, ts. and ms. notes, lists of witnesses, agenda, minutes of evidence, programmes and Ministry of Defence and International Institute of Strategic Studies memoranda

1 file

U DPW/43/47 File. Select Committee on Defence: strategic Mar-May 1981 nuclear deterrent. Reports, including drafts of chairman's report, correspondence, agenda, ts. evidence, minutes of evidence and articles

1 file

U DPW/43/48 File. Select Committee on Defence: strategic Jan 1979-Oct nuclear deterrent. Correspondence, Ministry of 1980 Defence and Foreign and Commonwealth Office memoranda, Ministry of Defence press releases, list of witnesses, ts. evidence, minutes of evidence, agenda, programmes, ts. notes, reports, including of Expenditure Committee, and papers relating to Polaris missiles

1 file

U DPW/43/49 Files. Select Committee on Defence: Trident. Dec 1980-Jun Order paper, ms. and ts. notes, including 'The 1981 British strategic nuclear deterrent for debate 3 March 1981' and summary of evidence

1 file

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U DPW/43/50 File. Select Committee on Defence: Trident. Ts. Oct 1981-Mar briefing notes, list of witnesses, correspondence, 1982 programmes, ms. notes, 'Defence open government' document on 'The UK Trident programme', minutes of evidence on strategic nuclear weapons policy, agenda and press cutting of letter to The Times by Patrick Wall, 11 March 1982

1 file

U DPW/43/51 File. Select Committee on Defence: inquiry into May 1982-May positive vetting. Ts. briefing notes, questions for 1983 witnesses, correspondence, agenda, ts. notes, written evidence, informal minutes, minutes of evidence and special report

1 file

U DPW/43/52 File. Select Committee on Defence. Reports May 1976-Nov (including ts. drafts) of committee visits, ts. 1980 evidence, minutes of evidence of Expenditure Committee, programmes, correspondence and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/43/53 File. Select Committee on Defence: visits, 1980. Nov 1980 Ms. notes, ts. evidence and programmes for visits to Vickers Shipbuilding and Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldermaston

1 file

U DPW/43/54 File. Select Committee on Defence: visits, 1980. 26 Nov 1980 Ts. notes on Rosyth dockyard and Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldermaston

1 file

U DPW/43/55 File. Select Committee on Defence. Programmes Jul 1980-Dec of inquiries and visits to the United States of 1982 America, Japan and Hong Kong, correspondence and ts. notes

1 file

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U DPW/43/56 File. Select Committee on Defence: visits, China. May-Jul 1982 Ts. and ms. notes, constitution of People's Republic of China, ts. paper, 'Can the Chinese experiment succeed?', and correspondence regarding the committee's visit to Hong Kong

1 file

U DPW/43/57 File. Select Committee on Defence: visits, Far Jun-Jul 1982 East. Ts. report, 'A visit to Washington, Tokyo and Hong Kong', ms. notes and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/43/58 File. Select Committee on Defence: visits, France. Jan-Mar 1982 Lists of participants, programmes, correspondence and ts. background notes

1 file

U DPW/43/59 File. Select Committee on Defence: visits, France. Mar-Jun 1982 Ts. draft report, 'A visit of the Select Committee on Defence to the French Defence Committee', ts. background notes, ms. notes and list of participants

1 file

U DPW/43/60 File. Select Committee on Defence: visits, Sep 1980-Dec Germany. Ts. summary of visit to the German 1981 Bundestag, ts. evidence, ts. notes, correspondence and reports

1 file

U DPW/43/61 File. Select Committee on Defence: visits, Oct 1981 Germany. Programmes, correspondence and ts. notes regarding the armoured infantry brigade

1 file

U DPW/43/62 File. Select Committee on Defence: visits, Oct 1981-Feb Germany. Chairman's draft report, 'Allied forces in 1982 Germany', with amendments, ms. notes, correspondence, ts. report of visit and programme

1 file

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U DPW/43/63 File. Select Committee on Defence: visits, Hong Oct 1980-Jul Kong. Correspondence, programme, ts. 1982 background notes, pamphlets regarding illegal immigration and Hong Kong government newsletter

1 file

U DPW/43/64 File. Select Committee on Defence: visits, Hong Jun 1982-Apr Kong. Second report of committee on 'British 1983 forces in Hong Kong', with ts. drafts and amendments, correspondence, informal minutes, agenda and ts. briefing notes for session of evidence

1 file

U DPW/43/65 File. Select Committee on Defence: visits, Japan. 1981-Aug 1982 Ts. briefing notes, correspondence, programmes, information pamphlets and transcript of speech by Senator Sam Nunn, 'Japan - US open forum'

1 file

U DPW/43/66 File. Select Committee on Defence: visits, Jun 1981 Northwood. Ts. and ms. notes, and ts. and ms. drafts of report of visit

1 file

U DPW/43/67 File. Select Committee on Defence: visits, Feb-Jul 1982 Washington, United States of America. Ms. notes, ts. briefing notes, programmes, agenda and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/43/68 File. Select Committee on Defence: visits, United Jun 1981-Jun States of America. Correspondence and ts. 1982 briefing notes

1 file

U DPW/43/69 File. Select Committee on Defence: visits, United Jun-Aug 1982 States of America and Far East. Correspondence and ts. draft report on visit to Washington, Tokyo and Hong Kong

1 file

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U DPW/43/70 File. Select Committee on Defence: weapons Apr-May 1981 procurement. Papers regarding defence estimates 1981, correspondence, ts. and ms. notes, ts. evidence on Defence White Paper, lists of witnesses, ts. drafts of second report of committee, with amendments, minutes of evidence and statement on defence estimates, with annotations

1 file

U DPW/43/71 File. Select Committee on Defence: weapons Jun 1982 procurement. Agenda, ms. notes, minutes of evidence, briefing paper on Defence White Paper and statement by Secretary of State about publication of statement on defence estimates

1 file

U DPW/44 United Nations 1956-1971

U DPW/44/1 Artificial file. United Nations. Correspondence, ts. Mar 1956-1961 notes and Conservative Party research paper

1 file

U DPW/44/2 File. United Nations, 1962. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1962 press releases, Conservative Party research papers, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/44/3 File. United Nations, 1963. Letters and ts. Jan 1963-Dec background paper, 'The immorality of the United 1964 Nations', prepared for Cambridge University United Nations Association conference

1 file

U DPW/44/4 File. United Nations, 1965. Correspondence, Jan-May 1965 press release and ts. report

1 file

U DPW/44/5 File. United Nations, 1967. Correspondence Mar 1967

1 file

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U DPW/44/6 Artificial file. United Nations, 1968 - 1971. Press Oct 1968-Oct release, letters, minutes of United Nations 1971 Parliamentary Group AGM and Executive Committee, and ts. speech by Edward Heath, MP, Prime Minister, to United Nations General Assembly

1 file

U DPW/44/7 Artificial file. United Nations. Ts. and ms. notes on Nov 1962-Dec Africa, with other background papers 1964

1 file

U DPW/44/8 File. 'United Nations General Assembly, lecture Nov 1962-Apr notes'. Ts. notes, ts. statements and letter 1964

1 file

U DPW/44/9 File. United Nations finances. Ms. and ts. notes 1962-1964 and letter

1 file

U DPW/44/10 File. United Nations reform. Conservative Party Dec 1961-Dec research papers, ts. and ms. notes 1964

1 file

U DPW/45 Western European Union 1971-1982

U DPW/45/1 File. Western European Union Assembly: 18th Jun 1971-Dec ordinary session. Minutes and official reports of 1972 sittings, 18th annual report to the Council of the Assembly, agenda and minutes of Committee on Defence Questions and Armaments, and report 'The future organisation of Western defence'

1 file

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U DPW/45/2 File. Western European Union Assembly: 19th Jan-Jun 1973 ordinary session, part I. Correspondence, UK committee nominations, official reports and minutes of sittings, replies of Council, orders of the day and reports Including:

a) Transcript of address, J Luns, Secretary General of NATO to Western European Union Assembly, Paris, 21 June 1973 1 file

U DPW/45/3 File. Western European Union Assembly: 19th Jun-Nov 1973 ordinary session, part II. Official reports and minutes of sittings, recommendations, agenda, ts. guidance notes, delegations lists, supplementary budget for financial year 1973 and reports

1 file

U DPW/45/4 File. Western European Union Assembly: visit to Oct 1973-Mar United States, February 1974. Correspondence, 1974 programmes, agenda, collected adopted texts, recommendations, ms. and ts. notes, and transcripts of testimonies before United States Congress. With minutes of Committees on Budgetary Affairs and Administration, and Defence Questions and Armaments Including:

a) Transcript of speech, Queen Elizabeth II to Parliament, 12 March 1974 1 file

U DPW/45/5 File. Western European Union Assembly: 20th Dec 1973-Dec ordinary session, part I. Official reports and 1974 minutes of sittings, minutes of Committee on Defence Questions and Armaments, correspondence, agenda, bulletins nos. 106 - 112, 116 & 117, recommendations, reports, ts. guidance notes, lists of delegates and texts adopted, and ts. notes

1 file

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U DPW/45/6 File. Western European Union Assembly: 20th Sep-Dec 1974 ordinary session, part II. Correspondence, agenda and minutes of sittings, reports, ts. notes and amendments Including:

a) Transcript of speech by Harold Wilson at the North Atlantic Assembly, London, November 1974 1 file

U DPW/45/7 File. Western European Union Assembly: 21st Oct 1974-May ordinary session, part I. Annual report of council, 1975 opinions on budgets for financial years 1974 and 1975, correspondence, reports, collected texts of Committee on Relations with Parliaments, agenda, programmes, and minutes and official report of sitting

1 file

U DPW/45/8 File. Western European Union Assembly: 21st Nov 1974-May ordinary session, part I. Correspondence, 1975 programme of work, orders of business, official reports of sittings, ts. guidance notes, reports, replies to council and minutes of Committee on Defence Questions and Armaments Including:

a) Transcript of speech to the Assembly by its President, Bonn, 26 May 1975 1 file

U DPW/45/9 List of texts adopted and brief account of 22nd Dec 1976 ordinary session, part II, Western European Union Assembly

1 item

U DPW/45/10 File. Western European Union: Committee on 1973-1974 Budgetary Affairs and Administration. Correspondence, agenda, minutes, ts. notes, budgets and opinions for financial years 1973 & 1974

1 file

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U DPW/45/11 File. Western European Union: Committee on Mar-Jun 1974 Budgetary Affairs and Administration. Draft opinion on budget for financial year 1974, ts. notes, accounts of Assembly for financial year 1973, agenda, minutes and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/45/12 File. Western European Union: Committee on Aug 1972-Jun Defence Questions and Armaments. Ms. notes, 1973 reports, programmes, agenda, summary records, and information documents

1 file

U DPW/45/13 File. Western European Union: Committee on Jan-May 1973 Defence Questions and Armaments. Programmes, correspondence, agenda, minutes, reports, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/45/14 File. Western European Union: Committee on May-Jun 1973 Defence Questions and Armaments. Programmes of work, summary records, agenda, minutes and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/45/15 File. Western European Union: Committee on Jun-Nov 1973 Defence Questions and Armaments. Correspondence, resolutions, programmes of work, agenda, minutes, ts. notes, reports and official report of sitting of Assembly, 19th session

1 file

U DPW/45/16 File. Western European Union: Committee on Jan-Jun 1974 Defence Questions and Armaments. Correspondence, agenda, minutes, summary reports of meetings and transcript of speech by General de Maiziere to the committee, and minutes of SHAPE

1 file

U DPW/45/17 File. Western European Union: Committee on Feb-May 1974 Defence Questions and Armaments. Agenda, minutes and reports

1 file

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U DPW/45/18 File. Western European Union: Committee on Mar-Dec 1974 Defence Questions and Armaments. Ms. notebook, draft and final report and background notes of visit to United States of America

1 file

U DPW/45/19 File. Western European Union: Committee on May 1974-Aug Defence Questions and Armaments. Report of 1976 meetings and administration guide

1 file

U DPW/45/20 File. Western European Union: Committee on Jul-Dec 1974 Defence Questions and Armaments. Correspondence, programme, minutes, press release regarding Greece and Turkey and background notes

1 file

U DPW/45/21 File. Western European Union: Committee on Aug-Dec 1974 Defence Questions and Armaments. Summary record, bulletins nos. 113 - 115 and transcripts of briefing and discussion at HQ Central army group and of address by Major General Farrar-Hockley

1 file

U DPW/45/22 File. Western European Union: Committee on Oct-Dec 1974 Defence Questions and Armaments. Correspondence, agenda, minutes, ms. notes, reports, programmes and information document

1 file

U DPW/45/23 File. Western European Union: Committee on Dec 1974-Feb Defence Questions and Armaments. Agenda, 1975 minutes, ms. notes and information document

1 file

U DPW/45/24 File. Western European Union: Committee on Feb-Jun 1975 Defence Questions and Armaments. Correspondence regarding meetings, programmes, agenda, minutes, ts. notes and programme of work

1 file

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U DPW/45/25 File. Western European Union: Committee on Feb-Apr 1975 Defence Questions and Armaments. Correspondence and reports

1 file

U DPW/45/26 File. Western European Union: Committee on Mar-Apr 1975 Defence Questions and Armaments. Memoranda, agenda, minutes, bulletins nos. 120 - 123, and reports

1 file

U DPW/45/27 File. Western European Union: European Jan 1978-Dec Armaments Policy Symposium. Official record, ts. 1979 lecture notes, resolutions, ms. notes, reports, North Atlantic Assembly recommendations, list of texts adopted at 25th session, programme and list of chairmen of working groups

1 file

U DPW/45/28 Report of European Aeronautical Policy Colloquy, Feb 1976 Toulouse, by Committee on Scientific, Technical and Aerospace Questions, Western European Union

1 item

U DPW/45/29 File. Western European Union: Committee on Feb 1982 Scientific, Technical and Aerospace Questions. Programme and official record of Colloquy on International Aeronautical Consortia, list of participants and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/45/30 File. British Aircraft Corporation and Hawker Jan-Feb 1975 Siddeley presentations to the Western European Union. Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/45/31 File. Missiles. Correspondence, ts. and ms. 1974 particulars of missiles and ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/45/32 File. Missiles. Correspondence, programme of Jan-Nov 1974 work and minutes of Committee on Defence Questions and Armaments, ms. and ts. notes, and information document

1 file

U DPW/45/33 File. Missiles: visits. Correspondence, reports, Feb 1974-Feb agenda and programme of work of Committee on 1975 Defence Questions and Armaments, ts. and ms. notes, summary record of discussions

1 file

U DPW/45/34 File. Missiles. Correspondence, ts. and ms. notes, Dec 1974-Apr particulars of missiles, programme of work of 1975 Committee on Defence Questions and Armaments, and ms. and ts. drafts of 'Production of missiles in Europe', chapter 5 of Western European Union report on 'Standardisation of European missile production' by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/45/35 File. Missiles. Corrected copies of 'Production of Jun 1975 missiles in Europe', chapter 5 of Western European Union report on 'Standardisation of European missile production', by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/45/36 File. Missiles. Correspondence, ms. and ts. drafts Apr-Nov 1975 of paper, 'Standardisation of missiles' by Patrick Wall, ms. and ts. notes, and reports

1 file

U DPW/46 Westminster City Council 1949-1972

U DPW/46/1 File. 'Kensington redevelopment'. Mar 1962-Mar Correspondence, minutes and agenda papers 1964

1 file

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U DPW/46/2 File. Pitt Street Settlement, Peckham, London. Dec 1963-Jun Correspondence, annual reports, notices, agenda 1972 and minutes of meetings of Board of Control, Pitt Street Settlement

1 file

U DPW/46/3 File. Westminster City Council. Correspondence, Sep 1949-Dec ms. notes, memorandum, report and leaflets for 1954 the election held on 7 May 1953

1 file

U DPW/46/4 File. Westminster City Council. Correspondence, Apr 1953-Jun minutes, reports, financial papers and agenda 1962 papers

1 file

U DPW/46/5 File. Westminster City Council. Correspondence Feb 1955-Dec 1956 1 file

U DPW/46/6 File. Westminster City Council election. Letters, ts. Apr-Jun 1956 notes, ts. declaration of the results, campaign leaflets and guidance notes

1 file

U DPW/46/7 File. Westminster City Council. Correspondence, Apr 1957-Jul ts. notes, report, notices and agenda of meetings 1960

1 file

U DPW/46/8 File. Westminster City Council. Correspondence Jan 1962-Jun and minutes 1963

1 file

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U DPW/47 World Anti-Communist League 1981-1987 This series comprises four files of correspondence with Ku Cheng - Kang, Honorary Chair of WACL, an alliance of anti-Communist groups based in Taiwan. These files span 1981 to 1986 and include correspondence with leading members of the League's British chapter, the British Anti- Communist Council, namely Peter Dally and Jill Knight MP. Patrick Wall acted as President of the Council. There is also one file of correspondence with Andrew Smith, Executive Director at the Western Goals Institute (which became the British chapter of WACL in 1985). Western Goals acted as a 'bridging organisation' for extreme right international parties into the Conservative Party and the file includes publicity leaflets for a front organisation known as Conservative Students.

U DPW/47/1 File. World Anti Communist League. Dec 1981-Oct Correspondence with Mrs Roland de Peel, 1982 variously Secretary of the Civil Alliance Movement, the British Committee for Free Viet Nam and the Civil Assistance Association; Peter Dally, Chair of the British Anti Communist Council (UK Chapter of WACL); Ku Cheng - Kang, Honorary Chair of WACL, Taiwan; and Jill Knight MP, Secretary General of the British Anti Communist Council

1 file

U DPW/47/2 File. World Anti Communist League. Feb-Dec 1983 Correspondence with Peter Dally, Chair of the British Anti Communist Council (UK Chapter of WACL); Ku Cheng-Kang, Honorary Chair of WACL, Taiwan; and Mrs Roland de Peel, variously Secretary of the Civil Alliance Movement, the British Committee for Free Viet Nam and the Civil Assistance Association

1 file

U DPW/47/3 File. World Anti Communist League. Mar-Dec 1984 Correspondence, mainly with Ku Cheng - Kang, Honorary Chair of WACL, Taiwan

1 file

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U DPW/47/4 File. World Anti Communist League. Mar 1985-Jul Correspondence, mainly with Ku Cheng - Kang, 1986 Honorary Chair of WACL, Taiwan; and Peter Dally, Chair of the British Anti Communist Council (UK Chapter of WACL)

1 file

U DPW/47/5 File. Western Goals Institute. Correspondence Jun 1986-Nov with Andrew Smith, Executive Director. With 1987 publicity leaflets and stickers for a Western Goals front organisation, Conservative Students

1 file

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U DPW/48 Africa 1953-1990 48/1 - 32 Africa Centre 48/33 - 37 Anglo Mauritian Society 48/38 - 45 Anglo Somali Society 48/46 - 52 Anglo South African Parliamentary Group 48/53 Capricorn Africa Society 48/54 - 57 Conservative Party Policy Group on Southern Africa 48/58 Council for African British Relations 48/59 Council for Aid to African Students 48/60 - 74 Friends of Rhodesia (later Anglo Rhodesian Society) 48/75 - 110 Joint East and Central African Board (later Joint Africa Board) 48/111 - 112 Watching Committee on Rhodesia 48/113 - 120 Writings 48/121 - 137 Africa: general 48/138 - 141 Africa: communism 48/142 - 149 Basutoland 48/150 - 157 Lesotho 48/158 - 159 Bechuanaland 48/160 Botswana 48/161 - 193 Central African Federation 48/194 - 202 Nyasaland 48/203 Malawi 48/204 - 219 Northern Rhodesia 48/220 - 228 Zambia 48/229 - 343 Southern Rhodesia 48/344 - 346 Zimbabwe 48/347 - 351 Congo 48/352 - 353 East Africa 48/354 - 357 Ethiopia 48/358 French Union 48/359 Gambia 48/360 Ghana 48/361 Gold Coast 48/362 High Commission Territories 48/363 - 434 Kenya 48/435 Libya 48/436 - 446 Mauritius 48/447 - 453 Nigeria 48/454 - 460 Portugese territories 48/461 - 468 Angola 48/469 - 470 Mozambique 48/471 Seychelles 48/472 Page 574 of 1019 Sierra Leone 48/473 - 474 Somalia 48/475 - 556 South Africa 48/557 - 564 South West Africa 48/565 - 572 Namibia 48/573 - 578 Sudan 48/579 - 583 Swaziland 48/584 - 590 Tanganyika 48/591 Zanzibar 48/592 - 594 Tanzania 48/595 Transkei 48/596 - 601 Uganda

This series of files includes records of several organisations relating to Africa, as well as reports of visits to the continent and other writings by Patrick Wall, and extensive correspondence. There is considerable overlap with the series of visits files [DPW/64] and his political writings [DPW/65]. Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/48/1 File. Africa Centre. Correspondence with, and Dec 1957-Dec regarding, the Sword of the Spirit and its Africa 1959 Committee, with leaflets Including:

a) Annual report, Sword of the Spirit, 1959/1960 1 file

U DPW/48/2 File. Africa Centre. Correspondence, reports, Apr 1958-Nov memoranda and other papers regarding the 1962 establishment of the Africa Centre by the Africa Committee of Sword of the Spririt, especially the attempts to obtain premises Including: a) Ts. report of the conference of missionary orders and Catholic societies regarding the Encyclical Fidei Donum on 'The future of Africa', 26-27 March 1958, Africa Committee of the Sword of the Spirit, 26 April 1958 b) Ts. draft trust deed for the establishment of the Africa Centre Trust, 1959 c) Ts. draft 'First minutes of the Council of the Africa Centre Limited held at --- on ---day the --- 1961' d) Memorandum and articles of association of the Africa Centre Limited, incorporated 21 February 1961 1 file

U DPW/48/3 File. Africa Centre. Correspondence with, and Dec 1959-Nov regarding, the Sword of the Spirit and its Africa 1961 Committee Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'The Africa Office', drafted by Patrick Wall for the AGM in June 1960 b) Annual report, Sword of the Spirit, 1960/1961 1 file

U DPW/48/4 File. Africa Centre. Correspondence with Margaret Feb-Nov 1962 Feeney, Secretary of the Centre, with publicity material about teaching in Africa Including:

a) 21st anniversary report of the Sword of the Spirit, 1961/1962 1 file

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U DPW/48/5 File. Africa Centre. Correspondence and minutes Sep 1962-Dec of Council of Management and AGM 1963 Including:

a) Annual report, Sword of the Spirit, 1962/1963 b) 2nd annual report of the Africa Centre, with draft, January 1962 - March 1963 c) Ts. 'The Africa Centre. An interim report', Geoffrey Fox, Resident Campaign Director, 8 August 1963 d) Ts. 'The Africa Centre. 1963. A survey report', Geoffrey Fox, Resident Campaign Director, 18 September 1963 e) Ts. 'Draft letter to all members of the Africa Committee', regarding the Africa Centre, Patrick Wall, circa December 1963 1 file

U DPW/48/6 File. Africa Centre. Circulars (3) regarding its Oct 1962-Nov establishment, and its premises, Hinsley House 1963

1 file

U DPW/48/7 File. Africa Centre. Correspondence, agenda and Jan 1964-Nov minutes of Steering Committee, Council of 1965 Management, Fundraising Committee, AGM, Finance and General Purposes Committee and staff meetings, and progress reports Including:

a) Annual report, with draft, Africa Centre, 1963/1964 b) Annual report, East West Friendship Council, 1963/1964 c) Annual report, Catholic Institute for International Relations, 1964/1965 1 file

U DPW/48/8 File. Africa Centre. Correspondence regarding Feb 1964-Oct meetings 1965

1 file

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U DPW/48/9 File. Africa Centre. Correspondence Apr-Jul 1964 Including:

a) Annual report, Sword of the Spirit, 1963/1964 b) Ts. draft. 'The Africa Centre. Staff: distribution of resources', AN Allott, April 1964 c) Carbon copy ts. draft memorandum. 'Relations between the Africa Centre and Sword of the Spirit', J Ciano, C Edwards, PBH Wall and AN Allott, 21 July 1964 d) Estimated income and expenditure per annum of the Africa Centre, as of October 1964 1 file

U DPW/48/10 File. Africa Centre. Leaflets regarding meetings May-Dec 1965 and other activities Including:

a) Circular letter regarding the change of name from Sword of the Spirit to the Catholic Institute for International Relations, Margaret Feeney, General Secretary, 25 May 1965 1 file

U DPW/48/11 File. Africa Centre. Leaflets regarding meetings, Feb 1966-Feb Hinsley House newsletters, minutes of AGM, 1967 progress report and limited correspondence Including:

a) Annual report, Catholic Institute for International Relations, 1965/1966 1 file

U DPW/48/12 File. Africa Centre. Leaflets regarding meetings, Dec 1966-Dec Hinsley House newsletters, minutes of AGM, 1967 limited correspondence and newsletters of the Catholic Institute for International Relations Including:

a) Ts. 'The Africa Centre. Progress and prospects', circa 1967 b) Annual report, Catholic Institute for International Relations, October 1967 1 file

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U DPW/48/13 File. Africa Centre. Leaflets regarding meetings, Jan-Dec 1968 accounts, correspondence with Margaret Feeney, General Secretary, regarding the political orientation of the Centre, and newsletters of the Catholic Institute for International Relations Including:

a) Catholic Overseas Fund for Overseas Development report on operations for 1967 b) Annual report, Catholic Institute for International Relations, 1968 1 file

U DPW/48/14 File. Africa Centre. Minutes of AGM, Nov 1968-Jun correspondence, including with the Catholic 1969 Institute for International Relations, and newsletters from the Institute Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Africa Centre 1968' (progress report), 1968 1 file

U DPW/48/15 File. Africa Centre. Minutes of AGM, Jun 1969-Jul correspondence with Rt. Hon. the Earl of Perth 1970 regarding the political orientation of the Centre, newsletters of the Catholic Institute for International Relations Including:

a) Annual report, Catholic Institute for International Relations, 1969 1 file

U DPW/48/16 File. Africa Centre. Papers for AGMs, including Mar 1973-Nov agenda and minutes, with reports 1979

1 file

U DPW/48/17 File. Africa Centre appeal. Accounts, Dec 1962-Jul correspondence, minutes of Council of 1965 Management and progress reports regarding appeal for funds for conversion of Hinsley House Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'Submission for a grant from the Nuffield Foundation. The Africa Centre, Hinsley House, Covent Garden', circa 1964 1 file

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U DPW/48/18 File. Africa Centre appeal. Correspondence, Jul 1963-Apr especially circular letters to MPs appealing for 1964 funds for conversion of Hinsley House Including:

a) Brochure. 'The Africa Centre. Development campaign' 1963 - 1964, 1964 1 file

U DPW/48/19 File. Africa Centre appeal. Minutes of Council of May 1964-Feb Management and Finance and General Purposes 1965 Committee and accounts Including:

a) Report. 'The Africa Centre. Resident Campaign Director's final report', Lt. Col. BE Hazelton of Hooker Craigmyle and Co. Ltd., 26 May 1964 1 file

U DPW/48/20 File. Africa Centre. Correspondence with Rt. Rev. Dec 1963-Apr Cyril Cowderoy, Bishop of Southwark 1965

1 file

U DPW/48/21 File. Africa Centre. Hinsley House newsletter nos. Dec 1963-Dec 1 - 11 1964

1 file

U DPW/48/22 File. Africa Centre. Hinsley House newsletters Feb-Dec 1965 nos. 12 - 20 Including:

a) Ts. 'The Africa Centre: a brief report 1964/1965', Margaret Feeney, August 1965 1 file

U DPW/48/23 File. Future of Africa Conference, 1958. Jan 1958-Mar Correspondence, reports, ts. and ms. notes, and 1959 ts. papers for conference of missionary orders and Catholic societies regarding the Encyclical Fidei Donum on 'The future of Africa', organised by the Africa Committee of Sword of the Spirit, 26 - 27 March, London

1 file

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U DPW/48/24 File. Future of Africa conference 1958. Mar-Apr 1958 Background papers, notes of discussions and report of the conference of missionary orders and Catholic societies regarding the Encyclical Fidei Donum on 'The future of Africa', organised by the Africa Committee of Sword of the Spirit, 26 - 27 March, London

1 file

U DPW/48/25 File. Future of Africa conference 1961. 1959-Nov 1961 Background papers, notes of discussions, programme, list of delegates and report of conference regarding 'The Church and Africa', organised by the Africa Committee of Sword of the Spirit and the Africa Centre, 20 - 21 November, London Including:

a) Annual report, Catholic Committee for Overseas Students, 1959/1960 b) Ts. 'A report from the Africa Committee of the Sword of the Spirit. The future of Africa conference', October 1961 1 file

U DPW/48/26 File. Tanganyika seminar 1960. Correspondence Mar-Jul 1960 regarding seminar on 'A Christian way of life' organised by the Africa Office of Sword of the Spirit, 4 - 14 August

1 file

U DPW/48/27 File. Tanganyika seminars 1960 and 1961. Aug 1960-May Programme, list of delegates, notes and reports of 1961 talks, and report of seminar on 'A Christian way of life', 4 - 14 August; programme and notes of talks from 'A seminar on political and social responsibility', 21 - 22 May, Dar-es-Salaam, both organised by the Africa Office of Sword of the Spirit Including:

a) Exercise book of notes made by Patrick Wall during the first seminar, 1960 1 file

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U DPW/48/28 File. Northern Rhodesia seminar 1961. Draft Feb-Jun 1961 report and administrative correspondence regarding seminar on 'The Christian in the world', organised by the Africa Committee of Sword of the Spirit, 25 April - 2 May, Kitwe

1 file

U DPW/48/29 File. Northern Rhodesia seminar 1961. Apr-May 1961 Programme, list of delegates, notes and reports of talks (including opening address by Patrick Wall) and report of seminar on 'The Christian in the world', 25 April - 2 May, Kitwe; programme, list of delegates, notes and reports of talks (including opening address by Patrick Wall) from seminar for priests and religious leaders, 3 - 5 May, Kitwe, both organised by the Africa Committee of Sword of the Spirit Including:

a) Ts. 'Kitwe. Northern Rhodesia', anonymous, circa 1961 1 file

U DPW/48/30 File. Future of Africa conference 1965. Jan-Apr 1965 Conference papers and correspondence regarding the Conservative Commonwealth Council conference on the future of Africa Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'A nation outward bound and some thoughts on aid to Africa', Kitzbuhel, January 1965 1 file

U DPW/48/31 File. Ditchley Foundation conference on British Mar 1965 and American policies towards Southern and Central Africa, 5 - 8 March. Programme, list of delegates, draft report of Group B on economic and social problems, and trade, aid and development, and brochure from conference centre

1 file

U DPW/48/32 File. Ditchley Foundation conference on British Mar 1965 and American policies towards Southern and Central Africa, 5 - 8 March. Conference report

1 file

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U DPW/48/33 File. Anglo Mauritian Society. Correspondence, Nov 1963-Feb agenda of Council and AGM, accounts, rules and 1967 circulars

1 file

U DPW/48/34 File. Anglo Mauritian Society. Circulars and Jun-Nov 1967 agenda of Committee

1 file

U DPW/48/35 File. Anglo Mauritian Society. Agenda and Jan-Jun 1968 minutes of Council, circulars, correspondence with James Johnson MP, Chair, and accounts

1 file

U DPW/48/36 File. Anglo Mauritian Society. Correspondence May-Nov 1973 with Honorary Secretary and minutes of Extraordinary AGM

1 file

U DPW/48/37 File. Anglo Mauritian Society. Circulars Jan-Nov 1974

1 file

U DPW/48/38 File. Anglo Somali Society. Correspondence with Nov 1962-Oct Honorary Secretary, notice of AGM, lists of 1966 members, constitution and ts. of talk by Dr IM Lewis on development

1 file

U DPW/48/39 File. Anglo Somali Society. Agenda and minutes Apr-Nov 1967 of Council, circulars and notice of AGM

1 file

U DPW/48/40 File. Anglo Somali Society. Correspondence with Nov 1967-Apr Honorary Secretary, minutes of Council and list of 1968 members

1 file

U DPW/48/41 File. Anglo Somali Society. Constitution and list of Apr 1971 members

1 file

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U DPW/48/42 File. Anglo Somali Society. Constitution and list of Apr 1972 members

1 file

U DPW/48/43 File. Anglo Somali Society. Constitution and list of Apr-Jun 1973 members, circulars, background papers and minutes of AGM

1 file

U DPW/48/44 File. Anglo Somali Society. Correspondence with Mar-Apr 1974 Honorary Secretary about subscription to the Society and the pro - Soviet attitude of the Somali government

1 file

U DPW/48/45 File. Anglo Somali Parliamentary Group. Mar 1979 Correspondence with Louis Fitzgibbon about attempts to establish such a group

1 file

U DPW/48/46 File. Anglo South African Parliamentary Group. Apr 1969-Dec Correspondence regarding visits by South African 1977 politicians to London and dinners arranged for the South African Ambassador, and with JJH Victor, Secretary to the Houses of Parliament, , regarding relations with the House of Commons. Also includes lists of members of Group

1 file

U DPW/48/47 File. Anglo South African Parliamentary Group. Oct 1975-Dec Correspondence with members of Group and with 1977 AJ McIlroy, 'Daily Telegraph'

1 file

U DPW/48/48 File. Anglo South African Parliamentary Group. Nov 1977-Dec Correspondence, including with politicians in 1978 Europe and Australia, ts. speeches by Peter Peterson (German politician) regarding German aid to Africa, declarations of principles on policy towards South Africa by German and Belgian politicians and lists of members of Group

1 file

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U DPW/48/49 File. Anglo South African Parliamentary Group. Aug 1978-Feb Correspondence with various African 1980 Ambassadors regarding Patrick Wall's election as chair of Africa Sub Committee of the Conservative Party Foreign Affairs Committee, and with Sir Nicholas Bonsor MP and other members of the Group. Also includes lists of members of the Group

1 file

U DPW/48/50 File. Anglo South African Parliamentary Group. Nov 1979-Oct Correspondence and lists of members Also Africa 1980 Sub Committee, Conservative Foreign Affairs Committee correspondence

1 file

U DPW/48/51 File. British South African Parliamentary Group. Feb 1982-Sep Correspondence and ts. lists of members 1985

1 file

U DPW/48/52 File. British South African Parliamentary Group. Nov 1986-May Correspondence and ts. lists of members 1987

1 file

U DPW/48/53 File. Capricorn Africa Society. Newsletters, Jun 1956-Dec leaflets and limited correspondence 1960 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The Capricorn Contract', with ts. drafts, 1956 b) Leaflet advertising conference on nationhood, Nairobi, Kenya, 8 - 12 April 1958 1 file

U DPW/48/54 File. Conservative Party Policy Group on Southern Feb 1970-Jan Africa. Correspondence with Miles Hudson of the 1971 Conservative Research Department, George Mason of the United Kingdom South Africa Trade Association Ltd. and others, with agenda and minutes of the Group Including:

a) Ts. under discussion. 'Policy on Southern Africa in the 1970s' (3), [July 1970] 1 file

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U DPW/48/55 File. Conservative Party Policy Group on Southern Jan-Jul 1975 Africa. Correspondence, papers and notes by Patrick Wall, covering Rhodesia, the Simonstown Agreement, South West Africa and South Africa (defence issues) Including:

a) Ts. 'Report on a visit to Rhodesia, South Africa and South West Africa, January - February 1975', Patrick Wall, 29 February 1975 1 file

U DPW/48/56 File. Conservative Party Policy Group on Southern Jun 1975-Nov Africa. Reports of meetings, correspondence and 1976 policy and background papers, including many reports on South Africa, Rhodesia, Angola, the Transkei, Namibia and the Simonstown Agreement Including:

a) Ts. 'Southern Africa. Report by the Conservative Party Policy Group', chaired by Peter Blaker MP and marked 'Confidential. Copy no.7', July 1976 1 file

U DPW/48/57 File. Conservative Party Policy Group on Southern Nov 1977-Nov Africa. Correspondence with MPs, reports of 1980 meetings (especially regarding sport and South Africa), and notices, agenda and minutes of the European Southern Africa Committee Including:

a) Ts. 'South West Africa / Namibia. Report on a visit by Mr Peter Blaker and Charles Morrison 12th and 13th April 1978', 1978 b) Ts. 'Rhodesia. Report on a visit by Peter Blaker and Charles Morrison 15th to 19th April 1978', 1978 c) Ts. 'Report on the visit to South Africa by Peter Blaker and Charles Morrison', May 1978 1 file

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U DPW/48/58 File. Council for African British Relations. Nov 1961-Jul Correspondence regarding the establishment of 1966 the Council, constitution, lists of members, agenda and minutes of Executive Committee and AGMs, papers regarding the organisation of the 1st World Festival of Negro Arts, 1 - 24 April 1966, and regarding an educational cruise to West Africa

1 file

U DPW/48/59 File. Council for Aid to African Students. Annual Sep 1962-Jul reports, accounts, correspondence, AGM papers 1975 and papers produced by Working Party on a United Kingdom Council for Overseas Students Affairs

1 file

U DPW/48/60 File. Friends of Rhodesia. Agenda, minutes of Feb 1964-Jan Executive Committee and Management 1965 Committee, correspondence with Duncan Macgregor, Honorary Secretary, and reports Including:

a) File. 'Mr Patrick Wall. Management Committee meeting 19 January 1965. Friends of Rhodesia', including agenda and draft constitutions of Friends of Rhodesia and Anglo Rhodesian Society 1 file

U DPW/48/61 File. Anglo Rhodesian Society. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1965 agenda and minutes of Council, Executive Committee and Management Committee, constitution, and accounts Including:

a) Minutes of 1st AGM of Friends of Rhodesia, 10 June 1956 1 file

U DPW/48/62 File. Anglo Rhodesian Society. Correspondence, Dec 1965-Dec including with TP Lawler, Honorary Secretary, and 1966 Harold Soref, circulars, agenda and minutes of Council, Executive Committee and AGMs, accounts, lists of branches, correspondence with local branches and local newsletters

1 file

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U DPW/48/63 File. Anglo Rhodesian Society. Correspondence, Jan-Jul 1966 including with the Congress National Union of Rhodesia, and circulars, regarding the CNUR's petition, with blank copy of petition Including:

a) Letters from Lord Salisbury (2), 9 & 17 June 1966 1 file

U DPW/48/64 File. Anglo Rhodesian Society. Correspondence, Sep 1966-Mar including with TP Lawler, Honorary Secretary, 1967 information bulletins, circulars, and agenda and minutes of Council and Executive Committee

1 file

U DPW/48/65 File. Anglo Rhodesian Society. Correspondence, Dec 1966-Dec including with TP Lawler, Honorary Secretary, and 1967 Edward du Cann MP, newsletters, agenda and minutes of Council, Executive Committee and Sub Committees, circulars, policy statements, annual report, accounts, background papers, AGM papers, draft constitution and plan for a settlement in Rhodesia

1 file

U DPW/48/66 File. Anglo Rhodesian Society. Correspondence, Dec 1967-Dec including with TP Lawler, Honorary Secretary, 1968 agenda and minutes of Council and Executive Committee, circulars, leaflets, AGM papers, accounts and regional newsletters

1 file

U DPW/48/67 File. Anglo Rhodesian Society. Circulars, Apr 1967-Oct correspondence, AGM papers, annual report and 1969 accounts, speakers' notes, ts. speech notes and background papers Including:

a) Script of Yorkshire Television programme 'The reporters no. 2: Rhodesia', no date b) Photocopy ts. 'Whither Rhodesia?', Patrick Wall [?], no date c) Ts. itinerary, and summary and recommendations, of visit to Southern Africa, September - October 1967, Patrick Wall, October 1967 1 file

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U DPW/48/68 File. Anglo Rhodesian Society. Correspondence, Oct 1968-Sep including with TP Lawler, Honorary Secretary, 1969 agenda and minutes of Council and Executive Committee, and circulars Including:

a) Minutes of United Kingdom branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, 17 December 1968 1 file

U DPW/48/69 File. Anglo Rhodesian Society. Circulars, AGM Oct 1969-Oct papers, annual report, minutes of Council and 1971 Executive Committee, and correspondence with JE Barley, TP Lawler and Lord Salisbury about Patrick Wall's resignation as President of Hull Branch of the Society

1 file

U DPW/48/70 File. Anglo Rhodesian Society. Correspondence May-Jun 1970 about Patrick Wall's resignation from the Society

1 file

U DPW/48/71 File. Peace with Rhodesia meeting, Trafalgar Dec 1966-Apr Square, 15 January 1967. Correspondence, 1967 including with MPs and Lords, ms. and ts. drafts of Patrick Wall's speech to the meeting, and publicity leaflets. Organised by the Anglo Rhodesian Society

1 file

U DPW/48/72 File. Peace with Rhodesia meeting, Bradford, 7 Jan-May 1967 April 1967. Correspondence, ts. drafts of Patrick Wall's speech to the meeting, and publicity leaflets and posters. Organised by the Anglo Rhodesian Society

1 file

U DPW/48/73 File. Peace with Rhodesia meeting, Glasgow, 23 Jan-Jun 1967 June 1967. Correspondence, including with MPs such as Teddy Taylor and Edward du Cann, and ts. speech by Patrick Wall to the meeting. Organised by the Anglo Rhodesian Society

1 file

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U DPW/48/74 File. Anglo Rhodesian Society. Minutes of Mar-Jun 1980 Council, correspondence, notices of meetings and ts. notes on the structure of the society Including:

a) Minutes of the Anglo-Zimbabwe Society inaugural meeting, 16 April 1980 1 file

U DPW/48/75 File. Joint East and Central African Board. 1953-Nov 1954 Reports (mainly about the Carpenter Committee on African Wages and the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya), minutes of Executive Committee and AGM, correspondence with Secretary, Philip Broadbent, minutes of joint meetings between the East and Central Africa Sub Committee of the Parliamentary Commonwealth Affairs Committee and the East and Central Africa Group of the Conservative Commonwealth Council Including:

a) Annual report and accounts, with ts. draft, JECAB, 1953 b) Pamphlet. 'An address by the Rt. Hon. Oliver Lyttleton DSO, MC, MP, at the 30th AGM of the Joint East and Central African Board', 1954 1 file

U DPW/48/76 File. Joint East and Central African Board. 1954-1956 Reports (mainly about the development of Tanganyika, report of the East African Royal Commission, the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and training for service overseas), agenda and minutes of Executive Committee and AGM, and correspondence, including about Bantu education in South Africa Including:

a) Annual report and accounts, with ts. draft, JECAB, 1954 b) Ts. draft annual report, JECAB, 1955 1 file

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U DPW/48/77 File. Joint East and Central African Board. 1955-1957 Reports (mainly about the state of emergency and the Mau Mau in Kenya, Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, colonialism, parliamentary delegation from Uganda, copper mining in Northern Rhodesia and the development of Tanganyika), minutes of Council, Executive Committee and AGM Including:

a) Annual report and accounts, JECAB, 1955 b) Ts. 'Note of Sir Roy Welensky's address at a special meeting', House of Lords, 2 May 1956 1 file

U DPW/48/78 File. Joint East and Central African Board. Mar-Nov 1957 Reports (mainly about the development of East Africa, capital investment in East and Central Africa, public education and propaganda about Africa, the advancement of Africans in East and Central Africa), addresses by colonial officials to JECAB, minutes of Council, Executive Committee and AGM Including:

a) Printed memorandum and articles of association of the Joint East and Central Africa Board. Incorporated 27 March 1926 and reprinted with new articles of association, 1957 b) Ts. 'Note on Council meetings', September 1957 1 file

U DPW/48/79 File. Joint East and Central African Board. Nov 1957-Dec Reports, correspondence, agenda and minutes of 1958 Council and Executive Committee Including:

a) Ts. draft annual report and accounts, JECAB, 1957 1 file

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U DPW/48/80 File. Joint East and Central African Board. Dec 1958-Jun Reports (mainly about housing for Africans, the 1959 Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and Southern Rhodesia), addresses to JECAB by colonial officials, agenda and minutes of Council and Executive Committee, and correspondence Including:

a) Annual report and accounts, with ts. draft, JECAB, December 1958 b) Pamphlet. 'Race relations in commerce and industry', JECAB, 1959 1 file

U DPW/48/81 File. Joint East and Central African Board. Sep 1959-Jul Reports (mainly about the Monckton Commission, 1960 the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Northern Rhodesia and JECAB policy), addresses to JECAB by colonial officials, correspondence with Secretary, Philip Broadbent, agenda and minutes of Council, Executive Committee and AGM Including:

a) Annual report and accounts, JECAB, 1959 1 file

U DPW/48/82 File. Joint East and Central African Board. 1960-1961 Reports (mainly about Kenya, the Commonwealth and the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland), addresses to JECAB by colonial officials, correspondence with Secretary, Philip Broadbent, and agenda and minutes of Council and Executive Committee Including:

a) Ts. draft annual report and accounts, JECAB, 1960 1 file

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U DPW/48/83 File. Joint East and Central African Board. 1961-1962 Reports (mainly about the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Kenya and the National Parks in Tanganyika), addresses to JECAB by colonial officials, correspondence with Secretary, Philip Broadbent, and agenda and minutes of Council and Executive Committee Including:

a) Ts. draft annual report and accounts, JECAB, 1961 1 file

U DPW/48/84 File. Joint East and Central African Board. Dec 1962-Mar Reports (mainly about the Federation of Rhodesia 1964 and Nyasaland, Kenya and the National Parks in Tanganyika), addresses to JECAB by colonial officials, correspondence with Secretary, Philip Broadbent, and agenda and minutes of Council and Executive Committee Including:

a) Ts. draft annual report and accounts, JECAB, 1962 1 file

U DPW/48/85 File. Joint East and Central African Board. Dec 1963-Dec Reports (mainly about the Federation of Rhodesia 1964 and Nyasaland, Kenya and the National Parks in Tanganyika), addresses to JECAB by colonial officials, correspondence with Secretary, Philip Broadbent, and agenda and minutes of Council and Executive Committee Including:

a) Ts. draft annual report and accounts, JECAB, 1963 b) Report, with supplementary report, of mutiny in 1st Battalion Tanganyika Rifles, on 20 January 1964, Lt. Col. RSN Mans MBE, 22 & 26 January 1964 1 file

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U DPW/48/86 File. Joint Africa Board. Agenda and minutes of Dec 1964-Sep Council, Executive Committee and AGM, and 1965 correspondence with African politicians and about the future of the Board Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'The value of Commonwealth preference today', [1965] b) Ts. draft annual report and accounts, JAB, December 1964 c) Ts. 'Policy in the Indian Ocean', prepared for the 1965 Conservative Commonwealth Council by Charles Corry, Sir Olaf Carse, Russell Hanson and Maurice Zinkin, April 1965 d) Ts. 'The future of Africa', prepared for the 1965 Conservative Commonwealth Conference by Sir John Fletcher Cooke MP, John Cordle MP, Jeremy Francis, Marjorie Juta, George Nicholson, CE Owen, Norman Pannell and Patrick Wall, April 1965 e) Ts. 'British private investment in East Africa: answers to a questionnaire', Federation of British Industry, Overseas Development Institute and Dulverton Trust, 7 April 1965 f) Ts. speech. 'Future of the Joint Board', Patrick Wall, June 1965 g) Ts. and carbon copy ts. draft Chairman's letter no.78 regarding Patrick Wall's appointment as Chairman as of July 1965, 18 August 1965 1 file

U DPW/48/87 File. Joint East and Central African Board. Jul-Dec 1965 Reports (mainly about the loss of East African members of JECAB, Rhodesia, the Tan-Zam railway project and investment in East Africa), addresses to JECAB by colonial officials, agenda and minutes of Council, Executive Committee and AGM, and correspondence with Secretary, Philip Broadbent, and Executive Committee, regarding the change of name to the Joint Africa Board

1 file

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U DPW/48/88 File. Joint Africa Board. Reports (mainly about Dec 1965-Dec Rhodesia), addresses to JAB by colonial officials, 1966 agenda and minutes of Council, Executive Committee and AGM, and correspondence about the future of the Board Including:

a) Annual report and accounts, with ts. draft, JAB, December 1965 b) Ts. 'Policy and work of the Joint Africa Board', circa 1966 c) Ts. 'The Orange River Project', H Oliver, (JAB), 1966 d) Ts. report of 'Chairman's visit to South Africa, Swaziland and Rhodesia', Patrick Wall, January 1966 e) Ts. Chairman's letter no. 80, Patrick Wall, 15 August 1966 1 file

U DPW/48/89 File. Joint Africa Board. Reports (mainly about the Jan-Apr 1966 South African protectorates), addresses to JAB by colonial officials, agenda and minutes of Council, Executive Committee and AGM Including:

a) Ts. Chairman's letter no. 79, Patrick Wall, 24 March 1966 b) Ts. 'Report on a visit to the Far East, Australia and the USA', Patrick Wall, April 1966 1 file

U DPW/48/90 File. Joint Africa Board. Reports, agenda and 1966-1968 minutes of Council, Executive Committee and AGM, and correspondence with Secretary, S Stanley Smith, including about EF Schumacher's ideas on intermediate technology, and regarding Rhodesia Including:

a) Ts. draft annual reports and accounts, JAB, 1966 b) Chairman's letters nos. 81 & 82, 10 January & 11 December 1967 1 file

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U DPW/48/91 File. Joint Africa Board. Reports, agenda and 1967-1968 minutes of Council, Executive Committee and AGM, correspondence regarding a visit by South African politicians, a counter Vietnam demonstration organised by the Monday Club and with JM Morten, Secretary, Rhodesia Tobacco Association Including:

a) Ts. draft annual report and accounts, JAB, 1967 b) Letters from Sir Alec Douglas Home (2), 1 March & 24 April 1968 c) Carbon copy ts. report. 'General comments following a visit to Southern Africa, 13 - 27 November 1968, JE Robson, Managing Director, Samuel Osborn Overseas Ltd.', 9 December 1968 1 file

U DPW/48/92 File. Joint Africa Board. Reports, agenda and Aug 1968-Oct minutes of Council, Executive Committee and 1969 AGM, and correspondence with Secretary, Stanley Stanley - Smith Including:

a) Ts. draft annual report and accounts, JAB, 1968 b) Carbon copy ts. Chairman's Letter no. 83, 27 January 1969 c) Letter to Sir Roy Welensky [not sent ?], 6 February 1969 1 file

U DPW/48/93 File. Joint Africa Board. Agenda and minutes of 1969-1970 Council, Executive Committee and AGM, and correspondence with Secretary, Stanley Stanley - Smith Including:

a) Ts. draft annual report and accounts, JAB, 1969 b) Ts. 'Report on a visit to South Africa and Lesotho, May 1970', Patrick Wall, June 1970 1 file

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U DPW/48/94 File. Joint Africa Board. Addresses to JAB by 1970-1971 colonial officials, agenda and minutes of Council, Executive Committee and AGM, and correspondence with Secretary, Stanley Stanley - Smith Including:

a) Ts. draft annual report and accounts, JAB, 1970 b) Ts. 'Report on Southern Africa, April - May 1971. Patrick Wall MP', covering Angola, Mozambique, South West Africa, South Africa and Rhodesia, and especially concerning the development of guerilla forces by African nationalist organisations, 27 May 1971 c) Draft statement by Patrick Wall about the Rhodesian settlement and the work of the Joint Africa Board, December 1971 1 file

U DPW/48/95 File. Joint Africa Board. Agenda and minutes of 1971-1972 Council and Executive Committee, and correspondence about the future of the Board, including with Rhodesian businesspeople Including:

a) Ts. draft annual report and accounts, 1971 1 file

U DPW/48/96 File. Joint Africa Board. Agenda and minutes of Nov 1972-Sep Council and Executive Committee, and 1974 correspondence about the winding up of the Board in July 1974 Including:

a) Annual report and accounts, JAB, 1972 b) Ts. report of Patrick Wall's visit to Rhodesia and South Africa in January and February 1973, 30 March 1973 c) Letter from Sir Alec Douglas Home, Foreign Office, 19 July 1973 d) Photocopy letter from James Callaghan MP, Foreign Office, 21 June 1974 e) Ts. 'History of the Joint Africa Board', S Stanley Smith, Secretary, July 1974 1 file

U DPW/48/97 Pamphlet. Annual report 1957 (including 1957 accounts), Joint East and Central Africa Board

1 item

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U DPW/48/98 Pamphlet. Annual report 1960 (including 1960 accounts), Joint East and Central Africa Board

1 item

U DPW/48/99 Pamphlet. Annual report 1961 (including 1961 accounts), Joint East and Central Africa Board

1 item

U DPW/48/100 Pamphlet. Annual report 1962 (including 1962 accounts), Joint East and Central Africa Board

1 item

U DPW/48/101 Pamphlet. Annual report 1963 (including 1963 accounts), Joint East and Central Africa Board

1 item

U DPW/48/102 Pamphlet. Annual report 1964 (including 1964 accounts), Joint East and Central Africa Board

1 item

U DPW/48/103 Pamphlet. Annual meeting 1958 (minutes of 1958 AGM), Joint East and Central Africa Board

1 item

U DPW/48/104 Pamphlet. Annual meeting 1960 (minutes of 1960 AGM), Joint East and Central Africa Board

1 item

U DPW/48/105 Pamphlet. Annual meeting 1961 (minutes of 1961 AGM), Joint East and Central Africa Board

1 item

U DPW/48/106 Pamphlet. Annual meeting 1962 (minutes of 1962 AGM), Joint East and Central Africa Board

1 item

U DPW/48/107 Pamphlet. Annual meeting 1963 (minutes of 1963 AGM), Joint East and Central Africa Board

1 item

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U DPW/48/108 Pamphlet. Annual meeting 1964 (minutes of 1964 AGM), Joint East and Central Africa Board

1 item

U DPW/48/109 File. Joint Africa Board. Miscellaneous ms. notes c.1969-Jan 1970 for newsletters and reports

1 file

U DPW/48/110 File. Joint East and Central African Board. Ts. 1958 draft of pamphlet, 'Race relations in industry and commerce', by Earl de la Warr, background papers and minutes of Race Relations Sub Committee, 10 July

1 file

U DPW/48/111 File. Watching Committee on Rhodesia. May 1973-Dec Correspondence with members (MPs and Lords), 1977 including Teddy Taylor MP, Reginald Maudling MP and the Marquess of Salisbury, lists of members, and minutes

1 file

U DPW/48/112 File. Watching Committee on Rhodesia. Dec 1977-Nov Correspondence with members (MPs and Lords), 1979 including the Marquess of Salisbury, lists of members, minutes and circulars and letters from John Hutchinson Including:

a) Ts. 'For Rhodesia', John Hutchinson, circa 1978 b) Photocopy letter from Ian Douglas Smith, Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia, 30 October 1978 1 file

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U DPW/48/113 Filing case. Photocopy ts. reports of visits to Africa 1957-1980 made by Patrick Wall. Covering:

South Africa, 1958 - 1980 South West Africa, later Namibia, 1971 - 1980 Angola, 1962 - 1971 Mozambique, 1962 - 1966 Basutoland, later Lesotho, 1959 - 1970 Swaziland and Botswana, 1964 - 1968 Southern Rhodesia, later Zimbabwe, 1957 - 1980 Central African Federation, 1957 - 1963 Northern Rhodesia, 1957 - 1963 Nyasaland, 1957 - 1963 Kenya, 1957 - 1964 Uganda, 1957 - 1961 Tanganyika, later Tanzania, 1959 - 1964 [Duplicate copies of many of these reports can be found in the files for individual states] 1 file

U DPW/48/114 File. 'Mr Wall's memoranda'. Ts. reports of visits to Apr 1960-Jun Africa, the Middle and Far East, Australia and 1975 America made by Patrick Wall, and reports on African issues for the Joint East and Central African Board, covering Angola; Mozambique; Rhodesia; Far East; Australia; United States; East and Central Africa; Aden; Saudi Arabia; foreign policy; Kenya; United Nations; neo - colonialism; Sudan; Southern Africa; Third All African People's Congress, Cairo, 1961; Middle East. With relative correspondence Including:

a) Letter from Stanley Stanley-Smith, Executive Director, Commonwealth Producers' Organisation, about the disposal of the file, 18 June 1975 [Duplicate copies of many of these reports can be found in the files for individual states] 1 file

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U DPW/48/115 File. Ms. notes and ts. versions of speeches and 1960-1972 articles on Southern Africa by Patrick Wall, covering Africa in 1960; Central Africa; evolution or revolution in South Africa; future of Africa; Rhodesian settlement; expulsions from Tanzania; visit to South Africa, Swaziland and Rhodesia. With list of visits abroad during 1953 - 1967, lists of African coups d'etat, lists of South Africa contacts and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/48/116 File. Ts. and published versions of articles on 1971-1987 Africa by Patrick Wall, covering apartheid; Rhodesia; Africa and the world; Conservatives and Africa; South Africa; Communist threat both in Southern Africa and generally; sea routes and the North Atlantic Alliance; the suicide of the West; Soviet strategy and nuclear defence; Namibia; Zimbabwe; Middle East. With limited relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/48/117 File. Ms., ts. and published versions of articles, Aug 1973-Apr mainly about Africa, by Patrick Wall, covering 1976 change in Southern Africa; South Africa; maritime strategy; radicals within the Catholic church; Portugal and the Soviet maritime threat; Angola and a fourth [sic] world war. With relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/48/118 File. 'Beverley Guardian'. Ms. and ts. articles by Oct 1974-Jun Patrick Wall, covering democracy; Common 1975 Market and the referendum; small business; the self - employed; change in Africa. With relative correspondence with Editor, JA Barrett

1 file

U DPW/48/119 File. 'Forum World Features'. Ms., ts. and Jun 1971-Feb published versions of articles by Patrick Wall, 1975 covering NATO; Soviet sea power; the 'Cod War'; guerilla activity in Southern Africa; Rhodesian settlement. With relative correspondence with Editors, Brian Crozier and Alan Brown

1 file

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U DPW/48/120 File. SPS (Study of Plural Societies), Holland. May 1970-Dec Correspondence with Editor, Dr WA Veenhoven, 1971 regarding Patrick Wall's article on African tribalism

1 file

U DPW/48/121 Artificial file. Africa. Background papers produced Apr 1954-May by Groups and Sub Groups of the Conservative 1959 Commonwealth Council, covering anti - colonialism and human rights; Anglo - South African economic relations; Commonwealth communications

1 file

U DPW/48/122 File. Africa. Correspondence, lists of contacts in Nov 1959-Dec Africa and of MPs interested in African affairs, and 1966 details of reception organised by Patrick Wall in 1959 Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'Conservative MPs and East and Central Africa', Gerald Sayers, 17 November 1959 1 file

U DPW/48/123 File. Africa. Ts. reports of visits to Africa by Patrick Apr-Oct 1960 Wall, covering East, Central and Southern Africa, as well as Cyprus and the Middle East, and article about Commonwealth development

1 file

U DPW/48/124 File. Africa. Ts. articles by Patrick Wall on policy in Mar-Apr 1961 Africa, and Communism and Africa, with relative correspondence and press handout of address regarding Commonwealth and Africa

1 file

U DPW/48/125 File. Africa. Ts. report of visit to Central and Jun 1961-Jul Southern Africa by Patrick Wall and 1962 correspondence, especially regarding attempt to organise supper party for a group of African nationalists, July 1961

1 file

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U DPW/48/126 File. Africa. Letters to the press and articles by Jun-Nov 1964 Patrick Wall on the Communist threat in Africa and black nationalist rule

1 file

U DPW/48/127 Artificial file. Africa. Correspondence and Jan-Jul 1965 memorandum issued by the Joint East and Central Africa Board on corporation tax

1 file

U DPW/48/128 File. Africa. Ts. articles about and reports of visits Feb 1973-Oct to Southern Africa by Patrick Wall, covering 1976 Namibia; Rhodesia; South Africa. With correspondence, ms. notes and lists of contacts in South Africa

1 file

U DPW/48/129 File. Africa. Background papers and circulars 1973-1980 issued by the Foreign AffairsResearch Institute, the South African Embassy, 'Letter from the Cape', Robert Letts Jones and the Conservative Party Policy Group on Southern Africa Including:

a) Ts. 'Report on defence visits to South Africa, 8 - 11 April 1973', Lord Orr-Ewing, 27 April 1973 1 file

U DPW/48/130 File. Africa. Background papers Apr 1973-Apr 1974 1 file

U DPW/48/131 File. Africa. Correspondence regarding the Nov 1975-Nov political orientation of the Africa Centre and report 1976 of visit by Patrick Wall to Southern Africa

1 file

U DPW/48/132 File. Africa. Correspondence, circulars and Mar 1976-Nov background papers 1977

1 file

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U DPW/48/133 File. Africa. Ts. articles on Southern Africa, 1976-1977 including by Patrick Wall Including:

a) Ts. report of a journey from South Africa to Morocco by land made by a group of [? Roman Catholics], circa 1977 1 file

U DPW/48/134 File. Africa. Information bulletins from the Namibia 1977-1981 Information Service, with relative correspondence, background papers issued by the Foreign Affairs Research Institute, the South Africa Foundation and the Conservative Research Department, mainly about the Communist threat in Africa

1 file

U DPW/48/135 File. Africa. Miscellaneous, including ts. speech by Jan 1979-Apr Patrick Wall on Labour foreign policy and Monday 1980 Club factsheet

1 file

U DPW/48/136 File. Africa. Correspondence, including with 1980-1983 Mildred Neville of the Catholic Institute for International Relations and Mrs AE Barfield about immigration Including:

a) Offprint. 'Conflict in Southern Africa', Patrick Wall, 'Conflict', vol. 2, no. 1, 1980 1 file

U DPW/48/137 File. Africa. Correspondence with constituents Oct 1984-Jan regarding aid to the Third World, the famine in 1985 Ethiopia and US aggression in Including:

a) Letter from Malcolm Rifkind MP, Foreign Secretary, 19 November 1984 b) Ts. 'Note on the European Community Aid Programme', with covering letter, 27 November 1984 c) Letter from Timothy Raison MP, Overseas Development Minister, 14 January 1985 1 file

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U DPW/48/138 File. Africa: Communism. Background papers Dec 1963-1977 issued by the Conservative Research Department and Foreign Affairs Research Institute, and correspondence with Sir Oliver Crosthwaite Eyre MP about the paper 'The Communist danger in the African continent', by Colonel Butler

1 file

U DPW/48/139 File. Africa: Communism. Background papers 1976-1978 issued by the Foreign Affairs Research Institute and papers for the Institute of Strategic Studies Symposium on 'The strategic importance of the south Atlantic Ocean', 15 September 1977

1 file

U DPW/48/140 File. Africa: Communism. Correspondence about 1977 double standards in foreign affairs, and background papers by Robert Letts Jones and the Foreign Affairs Research Institute

1 file

U DPW/48/141 File. Africa: Communism. Correspondence Dec 1977-Feb 1978 1 file

U DPW/48/142 File. Basutoland. Correspondence, including with Jan 1957-Aug Chief Leabua Jonathan, Paramount Chief 1960 Constantine Bereng Seeiso, JD Des Rosiers, Bishop of Maseru and Resident Commissioner of Basutoland

1 file

U DPW/48/143 File. Basutoland. Correspondence, including with Oct 1960-Oct Paramount Chief Constantine Bereng Seeiso and 1961 Chief Leabua Jonathan Including:

a) Ts. constitution of the League of Thaka Tsa 'Mesa - Mohloane, no date b) Ts. 'Address of the annual conference of the Basuto National Party', 22 January 1961 c) Carbon copy ts. manifesto of the Basuto National Party, [February 1961] 1 file

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U DPW/48/144 File. Basutoland. Correspondence, including with Jan-Dec 1962 Patrick Duncan, regarding his attempt to gain residence in the country, the Colonial Office, Paramount Chief Motlotlehe Moshoeshoe II and Chief Leabua Jonathan

1 file

U DPW/48/145 File. Basutoland. Correspondence Jan-Oct 1963

1 file

U DPW/48/146 File. Basutoland. Correspondence with Paramount Mar-Jul 1964 Chief Motlotlehe Moshoeshoe II, and background papers

1 file

U DPW/48/147 File. Basutoland. Correspondence, including with May 1964-Oct Chief Leabua Jonathan and Paramount Chief 1965 Motlotlehe Moshoeshoe II

1 file

U DPW/48/148 File. Basutoland. Correspondence, including with Jan-Dec 1966 Paramount Chief Motlotlehe Moshoeshoe II and James Hennessey

1 file

U DPW/48/149 File. Basutoland. Pius XII University College, Apr 1960-Jul Roma. Correspondence with the Colonial Office, 1963 later the Commonwealth Relations Office, the College Rector and Denis Hurley, Archbishop of Durban. With reports and memoranda Including:

a) Ts. 'Universities in Africa: 1960- the prospects for WUS. A report on WUS Secretariat visits', World University Service, July 1960 b) Ts. 'Report on visit to Pius XII College, Roma, Basutoland', circa 1961 1 file

U DPW/48/150 File. Lesotho. Correspondence, including with Jul-Nov 1966 Prime Minister Leabua Jonathan and King Motlotlehe Moshoeshoe II, with ms. and ts. notes of speech in the Commons by Patrick Wall

1 file

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U DPW/48/151 File. Lesotho. Correspondence, including with Apr 1967-Mar Prime Minister Leabua Jonathan and James 1969 Hennessey Including:

a) Ts. 'The new nations of South Africa', Marjorie Juta, Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas Council: Southern Africa Sub Group, April 1967 1 file

U DPW/48/152 File. Lesotho. Correspondence, including with Feb-Nov 1970 Prime Minister Leabua Jonathan and King Motlotlehe Moshoeshoe II, and press releases issued by the Lesotho mounted police Including:

a) Ts. 'Violence achieves nothing. An account of events leading to disturbances at Letseng-la- draal, Lesotho', no date b) Photocopy ts. letter to Edward Heath, Prime Minister, 5 February 1970 c) Photocopy ts. 'Report on a visit to South Africa and Lesotho, May 1970', Patrick Wall, June 1970 1 file

U DPW/48/153 File. Lesotho. Correspondence Feb-Apr 1970 Including:

a) Photocopy ts. aide memoire about British recognition of the Leabua government, no date b) Photocopy ts. letter from Leabua Jonathan to Judith Hart, Minister of Overseas Development, 6 March 1970 1 file

U DPW/48/154 File. Lesotho. Correspondence with Prime Dec 1970-Dec Minister Leabua Jonathan, Sir Alec Douglas 1971 Home, Foreign Secretary and the High Commissioner, with press releases issued by the Lesotho mounted police

1 file

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U DPW/48/155 File. Lesotho. Correspondence, including with the Jul 1970-Dec High Commissioner and Prime Minister Leabua 1972 Jonathan, with press releases issued by the Lesotho mounted police Including:

a) Ts. 'Searchlight on Basutoland', RBM Levick, circa 1970 1 file

U DPW/48/156 File. Lesotho. Correspondence, including with the Apr 1973-Jul High Commissioner and Prime Minister Leabua 1979 Jonathan Including:

a) Ts. statement by Prime Minister on the proposed reopening of the Interim National Assembly, 3 April 1973 1 file

U DPW/48/157 File. Lesotho. Limited correspondence Oct 1981

1 file

U DPW/48/158 File. Bechuanaland. Letters Feb 1958-Apr Including: 1963

a) Ts. 'Statement by Tshekedi Khama in support of the motion tabled by Mr Russell England, no date b) Carbon copy ts. 'Notes on a meeting with Rasabelai Kgmane, Tshekedi Khama and Seretse Khama', 18 February 1958 1 file

U DPW/48/159 File. Bechuanaland. Correspondence and ts. and Jun-Aug 1966 ms. notes on the independence of Botswana

1 file

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U DPW/48/160 File. Botswana. Correspondence with Prime Sep 1969-Dec Minister of Swaziland, MJ Dlamini 1972 Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'Botswana. Weak link in the security of Southern Africa', Geoffrey Stewart Smith MP, no date b) Ts. 'Statement by the President of the Republic of Botswana, His Excellency Seretse Khama, in the general debate at the 24th session of the United Nations General Assembly', 24 September 1969 1 file

U DPW/48/161 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence 26 Aug 1960-20 with Federal Prime Minister, Sir Roy Welensky, Oct 1961 comprising 17 TLS and carbon copy ts. replies from Patrick Wall. Covering the Monckton Commission; future of the Federation; secession of Nyasaland; British opinion; Southern Rhodesian constitution; negotiations with Duncan Sandys MP; Northern Rhodesian constitution; new Secretary of State for the Colonies, Reginald Maudling MP

1 file

U DPW/48/162 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence 27 Dec 1961-6 with Federal Prime Minister, Sir Roy Welensky, Nov 1962 comprising 7 TLS and carbon copy ts. replies from Patrick Wall. Covering Kenya; constitutional proposals for Northern Rhodesia; African politics

1 file

U DPW/48/163 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence 4 Jan-19 Dec with Federal Prime Minister, Sir Roy Welensky, 1963 comprising 17 TLS and carbon copy ts. replies from Patrick Wall. Covering the future of the Federation; negotiations with Rab Butler MP; break - up of the Federation; Falls Conference; independence of Southern Rhodesia; role of Prime Minister Winston Field. With press releases of Welensky's speeches

1 file

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U DPW/48/164 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence 8 Jan 1964-20 with Federal Prime Minister, Sir Roy Welensky, Jul 1972 comprising 42 TLS and carbon copy ts. replies from Patrick Wall. Covering role of Prime Minister Winston Field; relations with South Africa; election of Ian Smith as Prime Minister; Unilateral Declaration of Independence; attitude of Conservative Party; Zambia; Anglo Rhodesian Society; Labour government

1 file

U DPW/48/165 Artificial file. Central African Federation. Aug 1953-Jul Background papers mainly issued by the 1956 Conservative Commonwealth Council East and Central Africa Group and Central Africa Sub Group, as well as the Joint East and Central African Board. Covering British development projects; the economy; transport; the Moffat Resolutions on racial discrimination; the franchise; immigration; colour bar in the Northern Rhodesian copper belt; development of African society in Southern Rhodesia; trends in Nyasaland

1 file

U DPW/48/166 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence Jun-Dec 1956 with P McDonagh and HAF Rumbold, Commonwealth Relations Office, about the Kariba Hydro Electric Scheme, with memoranda

1 file

U DPW/48/167 File. Central African Federation. Background Apr 1957-Feb papers issued by the Conservative Research 1961 Department, the Rhodesia and Nyasaland Committee, Patrick Wall and the Conservative Commonwealth Council Central Africa Sub Group. With ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/48/168 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence Aug-Dec 1957 and background papers issued by the Bow Group, the Joint East and Central African Board, the Conservative Commonwealth Council Central Africa Sub Group, GH Baxter, the Commonwealth Relations Office, and the International Association of Southern Rhodesia. Covering the Federal Constitutional Amendment Bill and the Federal Electoral Bill Including:

a) Ts. 'Report on a visit to East and Central Africa and Cyprus, August - October 1957', Patrick Wall, 1957 1 file

U DPW/48/169 File. Central African Federation. Ts. constitutional Nov 1957-Mar proposals, circulars and ms. notes 1961 Including:

a) Ts. 'Statement on the Constitutional Review of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland', Conservative Commonwealth Council, 1 December 1960 1 file

U DPW/48/170 File. Central African Federation. Background Dec 1957-Dec papers and relative correspondence, especially 1958 from GH Baxter of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Committee, about the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Election Bill

1 file

U DPW/48/171 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence Jan 1958-Feb 1959 1 file

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U DPW/48/172 File. Central African Federation. Background Apr 1958-Mar papers, issued by the Conservative 1963 Commonwealth Council, Conservative Research Department and the Federal government, with ms. notes Including:

a) Letter from DLS Nairn MP, forwarding carbon copy ts. 'Report on my visit to Southern Rhodesia', 31 October 1958 b) Ts. 'Report on a visit to Central and Eastern Africa, February 1963', Patrick Wall, 27 March 1963 1 file

U DPW/48/173 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence, Nov 1958-Dec including with HD Wightwick MP, 'Catholic Herald', 1959 Brigadier Lucas Phillips, RM Cleveland and Winston Field MP Including:

a) Ts. address to Royal African Society. 'The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. The chances of its succeeding and the dangers of its disintegrating', Harvey Grenfell, 28 January 1959 1 file

U DPW/48/174 File. Central African Federation. Background Dec 1958-Oct papers issued by the Bow Group, Conservative 1959 Central Office, Joint East and Central African Board, British Council of Churches and Philip Mason, with ms. notes. Covering the Mason Plan and racial discrimination

1 file

U DPW/48/175 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence Oct 1959-May and circulars issued by the Conservative 1963 Commonwealth Council, the Africa Office of Sword of the Spirit, Archbishop of Salisbury and the Southern Rhodesian Ministry of Justice

1 file

U DPW/48/176 File. Central African Federation. Ms. notes, Dec 1959-Jan correspondence and background papers issued 1960 by GH Baxter, Rhodesia and Nyasaland Committee, covering the Monckton Commission

1 file

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U DPW/48/177 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence Mar 1959-Jan and ts. proposals from HD Wightwick (MP for 1960 Salisbury South), on behalf of the Dominion Party, about the political system of Central Africa Including:

a) Ts. 'The future of Rhodesia and Nyasaland', about the Dominion Party plan for a Central African Alliance, Conservative Research Department, 9 March 1959 1 file

U DPW/48/178 File. Central African Federation. Newsletters Jan-Feb 1960 issued by the Central Africa Party Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Principles and Federal policy', Central Africa Party, no date b) Ts. draft Southern Rhodesia territorial policy, Central Africa Party, 10 February 1960 1 file

U DPW/48/179 File. Central African Federation. Background Jan-Dec 1960 papers issued by the Conservative Commonwealth Council, the British Council of Churches and Interform (Great Britain) Ltd. With limited correspondence Including:

a) Ts. 'Notes on meeting with Mr Winston Field, the Opposition Leader in the Federal Parliament, Saturday 16 January 1960', [January 1960] b) Carbon copy ts. minutes of Conservative Party Commonwealth Affairs Committee meeting attended by Sir Roy Welensky, 13 July [1960] 1 file

U DPW/48/180 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1960 including with MPs Including:

a) Letter from Sir Alec Douglas Home, Foreign Secretary, 3 August 1960 1 file

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U DPW/48/181 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence, Jul 1960-Apr including with Harold MacMillan, Prime Minister, 1961 Iain Macleod, Colonial Secretary, MPs, Lords, GH Baxter of the Rhodesia and Nyasaland Committee, and Alec Douglas Home, Foreign Secretary. Covering meetings of the Commonwealth Affairs Committee and the Conservative Commonwealth Council East and Central Africa Sub Group. With background papers

1 file

U DPW/48/182 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence, Jul 1960-Dec including with Julian Greenfield, Minister of Law, 1961 Voice and Vision Ltd., Reginald Mauldling MP, Home Secretary, Sir Archibald James, Lord Alport, UK High Commissioner in Salisbury, Iain Macleod, Colonial Secretary

1 file

U DPW/48/183 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence Dec 1960-Nov 1961 1 file

U DPW/48/184 File. Central African Federation. Ts. articles on Dec 1960-Feb policy towards the Federation and reports of visits 1963 to Africa by Patrick Wall and others. Covering East Africa, Southern Africa, Kenya and Sudan, in addition to the Federation

1 file

U DPW/48/185 File. Central African Federation. Background Feb-Dec 1961 papers and press statements, including from the UK High Commissioner and GH Baxter, Rhodesia and Nyasaland Committee, with correspondence Including:

a) Ts. 'Is the African ready for cooperation?', WB Dawson, 24 April 1961 1 file

U DPW/48/186 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence, Jan 1962-Jan including with Southern Rhodesian Ministry of 1963 Home Affairs, Raymond Bryne, Sir Archibald James, and the UK High Commissioner. With minutes of the Watching Committee on Rhodesia

1 file

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U DPW/48/187 File. Central African Federation. Background Feb-Dec 1962 papers, including speeches by Sir Roy Welensky about the future of the Federation. With minutes of Watching Committee on Rhodesia Including:

a) Ts. 'Britain's power to legislate for the secession of a territory from the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. The constitutional conventions', 19 December 1962 1 file

U DPW/48/188 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence, Nov 1962-Dec including with Julian Greenfield, and ms. notes 1963 Including:

a) Letter from Rab Butler, First Secretary of State, 8 July 1963 1 file

U DPW/48/189 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence, Feb-Jun 1963 including with Voice and Vision Ltd., Gordon Dashwood, Ian Wilson, Speaker of the Federal Assembly, and Raymond Bryne, about employees of the Assembly, their pensions and compensation. With background papers

1 file

U DPW/48/190 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence Sep 1963-Apr with Coward, Chance & Co. (solicitors), 1964 background papers, memoranda, including from the Northern Rhodesian Civil Servants' Association, and photocopy government circulars

1 file

U DPW/48/191 File. Central African Federation. Miscellaneous Oct 1963-Feb circulars 1964 Including:

a) Ts. speech by Gordon Dashwood to Conservative Association, 22 November 1963 b) Pamphlet. 'Sir Roy Welensky's farewell to the Federal Assembly', 9 December 1963 1 file

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U DPW/48/192 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence, Nov-Dec 1963 prospectus and notices of issue of Government Stock (Central African Federation), and background papers, including from the Federal Treasury

1 file

U DPW/48/193 File. Central African Federation. Correspondence Feb-Apr 1966 and circulars about pensions for ex - federal civil servants

1 file

U DPW/48/194 Artificial file. Nyasaland. Correspondence and ms. Jan-Dec 1958 notes Including: a) Ts. summary of address by Sir Robert Armitage, Governor of Nyasaland, to the Joint East and Central African Board, 22 April 1958 b) Ts. notes of meeting between Patrick Wall and Dr Hastings Banda, 12 May 1958 c) Ts. 'Report on Nyasaland Constitution and proposals for changes by the Nyasaland Asian Convention', 17 September 1958 d) Ts. Nyasaland African Congress newsletter, nos. 1 - 3, October - December 1958 1 file

U DPW/48/195 Artificial file. Nyasaland. Correspondence, ms. Mar-Dec 1959 notes on the Devlin Report and background papers

1 file

U DPW/48/196 Artificial file. Nyasaland. Correspondence and Jan-Dec 1960 background papers issued by the Bow Group and the Rhodesia and Nyasaland Committee

1 file

U DPW/48/197 Artificial file. Nyasaland. Correspondence, Dec 1960-Nov including with Iain Macleod, Colonial Secretary, 1962 ms. notes and background paper from the Rhodesia and Nyasaland Committee

1 file

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U DPW/48/198 File. Nyasaland. Ms. notes, statistics of violent Mar-Oct 1963 incidents and correspondence, including with John Ness of the Settlers and Residents Association of Nyasaland, and Rab Butler, First Secretary of State

1 file

U DPW/48/199 Artificial file. Nyasaland. Correspondence Jun-Dec 1963 Including:

a) Ts. 'Dossier on Dr Banda', circa 1963 1 file

U DPW/48/200 File. Nyasaland. Correspondence, including with Jul-Dec 1963 the Colonial Office and Rab Butler, First Secretary of State, JM Greenfield, Minister of Law, and John Ness of the Settlers and Residents Association of Nyasaland Including:

a) Ts. speech notes. 'Law and order in Nyasaland', Patrick Wall, 20 November 1963 1 file

U DPW/48/201 File. Nyasaland. Correspondence with John Ness Nov 1963-Jan of the Settlers and Residents Association of 1964 Nyasaland and the Commonwealth Relations Office

1 file

U DPW/48/202 Artificial file. Nyasaland. Correspondence and Feb-Jul 1964 background papers from Mbadwa, Council of Nyasaland Citizens

1 file

U DPW/48/203 File. Malawi. Correspondence with US Nov 1970-Dec Ambassador to Malawi, William Burdett, and ts. 1974 and photocopy article, 'Stooge or saviour', by Patrick Wall (review of 'Banda' by Philip Short)

1 file

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U DPW/48/204 File. Northern Rhodesia. Ms. and ts. notes, Mar 1958-Jan especially for Commons debate on constitution, 1959 background memoranda issued by Rhodesia and Nyasaland Committee, the Joint East and Central African Board and others

1 file

U DPW/48/205 File. Northern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Jul-Dec 1958 including with John Roberts and Godwin Lewanika

1 file

U DPW/48/206 File. Northern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1959 including with John Roberts, Maizna Chona and D Thynne Ingram

1 file

U DPW/48/207 File. Northern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1960 including to Kenneth Kaunda Including:

a) Ts. bulletin on the Congo, United National Independence Party, 1960 b) Ts. address by John Roberts to the Congress of the Northern Rhodesian Division of the United Federal Party, 7 August 1960 1 file

U DPW/48/208 File. Northern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1961 including with Solomon Kalulu and Maizna Chona of the United National Independence Party, and Lawrence Katilungu of the African National Congress Including:

a) Letter from Lord Hotham, 27 March 1961 1 file

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U DPW/48/209 File. Northern Rhodesia. Background memoranda Jan-Jul 1961 issued by the Rhodesia and Nyasaland Committee and others, texts of speeches by Sir Roy Welensky, Federal Prime Minister, JM Greenfield MP and Edgar Whitehead, Northern Rhodesian Prime Minister, and ts. notes of speech by Patrick Wall in Commons debate Including:

a) Ts. 'Constitutional proposals and policies', United National Independence Party, February 1961 b) Ts. 'Report of Southern Rhodesia Constitutional Conference', Duncan Sandys MP, 7 February 1961 1 file

U DPW/48/210 File. Northern Rhodesia. Correspondence, ms. Feb-Jun 1961 notes and background papers about the constitution Including:

a) Ts. speech by RG Dashwood to the Eastern Area Conference of the Young Conservatives, 'Federation by consent', March 1961 1 file

U DPW/48/211 File. Northern Rhodesia. Background memoranda Jun-Dec 1961 issued by the Rhodesia and Nyasaland Committee and others Including:

a) Sample copy of 'Voice of UNIP', special issue about the visit by Kenneth Kaunda to the Northern provinces of Northern Rhodesia, no date 1 file

U DPW/48/212 File. Northern Rhodesia. Correspondence Jan-Nov 1962 Including:

a) Black and white photograph of flag of United National Independence Party, no date 1 file

U DPW/48/213 File. Northern Rhodesia. Circulars and ts. Jan 1962 addresses by Godwin Lewanika MP, son of the late King Lewanika of Barotseland

1 file

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U DPW/48/214 File. Northern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Jun 1962-Dec including with FM Bennett MP, Bill Clifford and 1963 John Hawkins Including:

a) Letter from Rab Butler MP, 22 June 1962 b) Ts. about the future of the press in Africa, John Connell, 5 February 1963 c) Photocopy ts. 'Winds out of Africa'. Address by CB Randall to the African Affairs Society of America, 3 April 1963 1 file

U DPW/48/215 File. Northern Rhodesia. Correspondence with Jul 1962-Dec John Hawkins and Bill Clifford 1963

1 file

U DPW/48/216 File. Northern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Apr 1963-Jan including with Godwin Lewanika MP and LKS 1964 Wilson, memoranda and constitutional proposals about the incorporation of Barotseland Protectorate into Northern Rhodesia Including:

a) Letter from Lord Salisbury, 20 July 1963 1 file

U DPW/48/217 File. Northern Rhodesia. Correspondence Jan-Oct 1964

1 file

U DPW/48/218 File. Northern Rhodesia. Correspondence and ms. Apr 1964-Oct and ts. notes about Barotseland Protectorate 1966

1 file

U DPW/48/219 File. Northern Rhodesia. Correspondence with Aug-Sep 1964 Limeuda Sibaudi about the future of Barotseland Protectorate

1 file

U DPW/48/220 File. Zambia. Correspondence Dec 1964-Sep 1965 1 file

U DPW/48/221 File. Zambia. Correspondence Dec 1965-Aug 1966 1 file

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U DPW/48/222 File. Zambia. Correspondence Mar-Dec 1967

1 file

U DPW/48/223 File. Zambia. Correspondence Feb-Nov 1968

1 file

U DPW/48/224 File. Zambia. Correspondence Jan 1969-Jan 1970 1 file

U DPW/48/225 File. Zambia. Correspondence Sep 1970-Jun Including: 1971

a) Ts. 'Details of exchanges between President Kaunda of Zambia and Prime Minister Vorster of South Africa', 29 April 1971 b) Photocopy ts. aide memoire from Permanent Representative of the Republic of Zambia to the United Nations, Ambassador Vernon Mwaanga, 16 June 1971 1 file

U DPW/48/226 File. Zambia. Correspondence Jan-Dec 1973

1 file

U DPW/48/227 File. Zambia. Correspondence, including with MPs Jul 1975-Mar Winston Churchill and David Ennals 1976

1 file

U DPW/48/228 File. Zambia. Correspondence (limited) Jan-Jun 1978

1 file

U DPW/48/229 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence with Jan-Dec 1962 Prime Minister, Sir Edgar Whitehead, comprising 2 TLS, RM Cleveland (Southern Rhodesian MP), Home Office and others Including:

a) Letter from Rab Butler MP, First Secretary of State, 6 September 1962 1 file

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U DPW/48/230 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence with Dec 1962-Apr Prime Minister, Winston Field, comprising 9 TLS 1964 and 1 ALS, with carbon copy ts. replies from Patrick Wall. Covering Southern Rhodesian request for independence; backbench Conservative opinion; pressure on British government; Falls Conference; Rhodesia and Nyasaland Bill; resignation as Prime Minister; Commonwealth Prime Ministers Conference

1 file

U DPW/48/231 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence with Jan-Dec 1966 Prime Minister, Ian Smith, including 1 TLS, about the Wilson government, and with others

1 file

U DPW/48/232 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence with Jan 1967-Jan Prime Minister, Ian Smith, via his Private 1969 Secretary, LR Thompson, and with Sir Alec Douglas Home, WR Whaley, Chairman of the Constitutional Commission, and others

1 file

U DPW/48/233 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence with Jun 1970-May President, Clifford Dupont, comprising 10 TLS, 1973 with carbon copy ts. replies from Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/48/234 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Dec 1967-Dec including with David Smith, Deputy Prime Minister 1975 and officials at the Foreign Ministry

1 file

U DPW/48/235 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence with Dec 1977-Dec David Smith, Finance Minister, and PK van der 1979 Byl, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. With minutes of Council of Anglo Rhodesian Society Including:

a) Ts. 'Notes on talks in Salisbury, Rhodesia, March 1978', Harry Grenfell, 20 March 1978 1 file

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U DPW/48/236 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence with Oct 1965-Sep Evan Campbell 1975

1 file

U DPW/48/237 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence with Sir Jan 1967-Jan Frederick Crawford 1968

1 file

U DPW/48/238 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence with BJ Dec 1977-Aug Lennox, President of the Public Services 1979 Association Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'The payment of pensions of Rhodesian civil servants after independence', Public Services Association, 1977 1 file

U DPW/48/239 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence with May 1966-May Albert Levitt 1967 Including:

a) Ts. 'Proposal for a proclamation for the temporary government of Rhodesia', Albert Levitt, 29 May 1966 1 file

U DPW/48/240 File. Southern Rhodesia. Background papers Mar 1956-Oct issued by the Conservative Commonwealth 1957 Council Central Africa Group about the Central African Federation; Southern Rhodesia; Kenya Including:

a) Ts. 'Report on a visit to East and Central Africa and Cyprus, August - October 1957', [Patrick Wall ?], circa 1957 1 file

U DPW/48/241 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Jan-Oct 1958 including with RM Cleveland MP and Gerry Cleveland

1 file

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U DPW/48/242 Artificial file. Southern Rhodesia. Jun 1958-Dec Correspondence, including with RM Cleveland 1959 MP, and background papers issued by the Rhodesia and Nyasaland Committee, the Joint East and Central African Board and the Conservative Commonwealth Council

1 file

U DPW/48/243 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, ms. Feb 1960-Jan notes, background papers on constitutional 1967 proposals and photocopy cuttings from 'Yorkshire Post' of articles by Patrick Wall Including:

a) Ts. 'Rhodesia- synopsis of a lecture by B Hutton Williams', September 1965 b) Ts. 'Report on a fact finding tour by Mr Miles Hudson of the Conservative Research Department to South Africa, Rhodesia, Zambia and Kenya in October 1966', Miles Hudson, [October 1966] 1 file

U DPW/48/244 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Jan-Nov 1960 including with Private Secretary to Prime Minister, Sir Edgar Whitehead, RM Cleveland MP and Dr Bernard Chidzero

1 file

U DPW/48/245 File. Southern Rhodesia. Background papers, ms. Nov 1960-Jun notes, ts. speeches by Patrick Wall, press 1961 statements issued by Rhodesia House and correspondence about a new constitution

1 file

U DPW/48/246 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Dec 1960-Dec including with RM Cleveland MP, Alan Lloyd and L 1961 Dozois, Rector of Pius XII College, Basutoland, about Christopher Mushonga

1 file

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U DPW/48/247 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence and Apr-Dec 1961 background papers about the new constitution and the referendum, issued by Rhodesia House, the Rhodesia and Nyasaland Committee and the Southern Rhodesia Information Service

1 file

U DPW/48/248 File. Southern Rhodesia. Press releases issued Sep-Nov 1962 by the High Commissioner for Rhodesia and Nyasaland and the British Embassy in Washington, about the Zimbabwe African People's Union and the Defence and Aid Fund

1 file

U DPW/48/249 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Sep 1962-Sep 1963 1 file

U DPW/48/250 File. Southern Rhodesia. Circulars and texts of Nov 1962-Jan speeches issued by the High Commissioner for 1963 Rhodesia and Nyasaland

1 file

U DPW/48/251 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence with Jan-Apr 1963 MPs and others about a motion for discussion in the Commons on Southern Rhodesia and its right to independence. With lists of MPs and ts. text of motion

1 file

U DPW/48/252 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, and Feb-Apr 1963 press statements by Patrick Wall, the Monday Club, Prime Minister, Winston Field, Central African Office, and the Conservative Commonwealth Council East and Central Africa Group, about the dissolution of the Federation and Southern Rhodesian independence

1 file

U DPW/48/253 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence and Mar-Jul 1963 circulars issued by the Southern Rhodesia Information Service Including:

a) Letter from Lord Salisbury, 9 July 1963 1 file

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U DPW/48/254 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence and list Mar-Dec 1963 of signatories to Commons motion on the independence of Southern Rhodesia Including:

a) Photocopy ts. minutes of the Watching Committee on Rhodesia, 8 May 1963 1 file

U DPW/48/255 File. Southern Rhodesia. Background papers and Apr-Aug 1963 circulars issued by the Southern Rhodesia Information Service

1 file

U DPW/48/256 File. Southern Rhodesia. Policy statements and Apr-Sep 1963 background papers issued by the Zimbabwe African National Union, and papers about the trial of Joshuah Nkomo and others regarding disturbances on 9 February 1963

1 file

U DPW/48/257 File. Southern Rhodesia. Background papers and Jun 1963 circulars issued by the Southern Rhodesia Information Service and the High Commissioner for Rhodesia and Nyasaland, including statements by Prime Minister Winston Field

1 file

U DPW/48/258 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence with Apr-Dec 1963 Rab Butler, First Secretary of State, Central African Office, and Raymond Bryne, and with the Conservative Research Department and Granville Roberts (Great Britain South Africa Co.) about the visit by John Udal MP to Rhodesia Including:

a) Letter from Lord Hotham, 17 April 1963 1 file

U DPW/48/259 File. Southern Rhodesia. Articles for the Nov 1963-Nov 'Yorkshire Post' by Patrick Wall, with ms. notes 1964

1 file

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U DPW/48/260 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Dec 1963-Nov including with Clifford Dupont MP, Evan Campbell, 1965 Prime Minister Ian Smith (1 TLS and via Private Secretary, J Crawford), Marquess of Salisbury and Sir Archibald James

1 file

U DPW/48/261 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1964 including with Raymond Bryne, the Rhodesia Front, the Southern Rhodesia Christian Group and Sir Thomas Chegwidden Including:

a) Ts. poem. 'The sell-out', LMH [?], no date b) Carbon copy letter of introduction for Archie Levin, from Sir Roy Welensky, 20 March 1964 1 file

U DPW/48/262 Artificial file. Southern Rhodesia. Feb 1964-Aug Correspondence, ts. background data and 1965 information about Rhodesia, including list of British MPs who visited Rhodesia during 1961 - 1964 Including:

a) Black and white photographs of Rev. Ndabanini Sithole, Zimbabwe African National Union, in China (4), circa 1964 b) Ts. 'Ode to Britain', circa 1964 c) Ts. 'Report on a Rhodesian visit: January 1964', John Udal MP, 7 February 1964 d) Ts. 'Notes on tribal pyschology and tribal structure', Southern Rhodesia Information Service, 29 September 1964 e) Ts. letter to 'The Times', Patrick Wall, 4 August 1965 1 file

U DPW/48/263 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Jan-Oct 1965 Including:

a) Annotated and amended copy of Kenyan constitution, for use in a Southern Rhodesian Confederation, no date 1 file

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U DPW/48/264 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, mainly Jun 1965-Jan about the Unilateral Declaration of Independence 1966 and sanctions, with copy transcripts of radio broadcasts

1 file

U DPW/48/265 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, ms. Jul 1965-Feb and ts. notes and background papers 1966 Including:

a) Photocopy ts. minutes of a panel of the Confederation of British Industry Committee on Rhodesia, 2 February 1966 1 file

U DPW/48/266 Artificial file. Southern Rhodesia. Aug-Dec 1965 Correspondence, ts. notes, mainly about sanctions, bank orders and British policy, and background papers Including:

a) Photocopy notes of a Monday Club emergency meeting on Rhodesia, 22 November 1965 b) Circular letter about the Rhodesian crisis by Patrick Wall, 7 December 1965 1 file

U DPW/48/267 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Oct-Dec 1965

1 file

U DPW/48/268 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence with Nov-Dec 1965 the Conservative front bench, including Edward du Cann MP, Party Chairman, William Whitelaw MP, and Edward Heath MP, about Patrick Wall's Rhodesia correspondence.

1 file

U DPW/48/269 File. Southern Rhodesia. Photocopies of letters Nov-Dec 1965 from Rhodesian contacts, about the Unilateral Declaration of Independence and sanctions, for circulation to the Conservative front bench Including:

a) Ts. 'A synopsis of the Rhodesian scene by the Directors and shareholders of Baldwin Robison (Private) Ltd.', 24 November 1965 1 file

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U DPW/48/270 File. Southern Rhodesia. 'Important letters', Nov-Dec 1965 including from Catherine Taylor (South African politician), Gerald Sparrow, John Franks, Harold Soref, Elizabeth Bower, Evan Campbell, Joan [?] Rapp and Vernon Barmby

1 file

U DPW/48/271 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence about Nov 1965-Feb the Unilateral Declaration of Independence and 1966 sanctions

1 file

U DPW/48/272 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Nov 1965-Oct 1966 1 file

U DPW/48/273 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence about Dec 1965-Aug censorship of letters from Rhodesia 1966

1 file

U DPW/48/274 File. Southern Rhodesia. Ts. 'Rhodesia: historical Dec 1965-Aug background', RBM Levick, in 9 instalments, 1974 covering 1890 - 1974

1 file

U DPW/48/275 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, press Jan-Apr 1966 statements issued by the Rhodesia Ministry of Information, circulars from the Anglo Rhodesian Society and ts. speech notes Including:

a) Ts. 'I promise to pay', Edward Sheldon, circa 1966 b) Photocopy ts. Questions of Policy no. 4, 'General election 1966: Rhodesia', Conservative Research Department, 8 March 1966 c) Ts. 'Rhodesian now- some impressions of Rhodesia after four months of UDI and sanctions', Richard Humble, [April 1966] 1 file

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U DPW/48/276 File. Southern Rhodesia. Background papers, and Jan-Jun 1966 ms. and ts. notes Including:

a) Ts. 'Report on a visit to South Africa, Swaziland and Rhodesia, January 1966', Patrick Wall, January 1966 b) Ts. 'Report on a visit to Angola, Mozambique and Rhodesia, May - June 1966', Patrick Wall, June 1966 c) Carbon copy ts. 'Portugal in Africa', Patrick Wall, June 1966 1 file

U DPW/48/277 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Jan-Sep 1966

1 file

U DPW/48/278 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Jan 1966-Jan Including: 1967

a) Black and white photographs of atrocities committed by the Mau Mau (6), no date 1 file

U DPW/48/279 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Feb 1966-Jan 1967 1 file

U DPW/48/280 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence and Mar-Jul 1966 press statements issued by the Rhodesia Ministry of Information Including:

a) Leaflet issued by the British National Party, June 1966 1 file

U DPW/48/281 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Mar-Aug 1966

1 file

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U DPW/48/282 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Mar-Oct 1966 including about the Zambian Broadcasting Corporation, ts. speeches by Patrick Wall and reports of Conference of Commonwealth Prime Ministers Including:

a) Photocopy transcript from broadcast of '24 hours' television programme, 18 June 1966 b) Ts. 'Report on visit to Rhodesia May 11th - 29th, 1966, to Sir De Villiers Graaff MP. Submitted by Mrs Catherine Taylor MP', with covering letter, 19 August 1966 c) Ts. brief on Rhodesia for British delegation to Inter Parliamentary Union conference, September - October 1966 1 file

U DPW/48/283 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Mar 1966-Jan statistics and Rhodesia Ministry of Information fact 1967 sheet

1 file

U DPW/48/284 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Sep 1966-Dec 1967 1 file

U DPW/48/285 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Oct 1966-Dec 1967 1 file

U DPW/48/286 Artificial file. Southern Rhodesia. Nov 1966-Jan Correspondence, press statements issued by 1967 Rhodesia Ministry of Information, ms. and ts. notes, including of meetings on board HMS Tiger and for speeches by Patrick Wall, and cuttings from the 'Yorkshire Post' of articles by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/48/287 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, ms. Nov 1966-Nov speech notes, background papers and statements 1971 issued by Prime Minister Ian Smith Including:

a) Ts. 'Report on Southern Africa, April - May 1971', Patrick Wall, 27 May 1971 1 file

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U DPW/48/288 File. Southern Rhodesia. Background papers, Dec 1966-Jan press statements and fact sheets issued by the 1967 Rhodesia Ministry of Information and ts. speech notes Including:

a) Leaflet. 'Peace with Rhodesia. Campaign for resumption of talks', circa 1966 1 file

U DPW/48/289 File. Southern Rhodesia. Ms. and ts. daily c.1967 chronology of the Rhodesian crisis, covering 1963 - 1967

1 file

U DPW/48/290 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence with Jan-Apr 1967 the BBC and others about the 'Spotlight' programme, 'The choice for Rhodesia', broadcast on schools television, 12 January. With script

1 file

U DPW/48/291 File. Southern Rhodesia. Ms. and ts. notes, and Feb-May 1967 circulars issued by the Independence League Including:

a) Ts. 'Rhodesia- the failure of government policy', Miles Hudson, 18 April 1967 1 file

U DPW/48/292 Artificial file. Southern Rhodesia. Background Mar-May 1967 papers, issued by the Conservative Research Department and others (mainly about sanctions), ts. speech notes and Independence League circulars Including:

a) Ts. 'Rhodesia today. An address given by Major Hadden Paton to the Anglo Rhodesian Society (County of Hertford Branch)', 23 April 1967 1 file

U DPW/48/293 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence and Mar-Jun 1967 circulars issued by the Independence League Including:

a) Ts. 'Rhodesia', Lord Barnby, 8 March 1967 1 file

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U DPW/48/294 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, ms. Apr 1967-Mar and ts. notes, leaflets and circulars 1970 Including:

a) Letter from Lord Salisbury, 13 March 1970 1 file

U DPW/48/295 Artificial file. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Jun-Oct 1967 and circulars issued by the Anglo Rhodesian Society and the Independence League Including:

a) Leaflet. 'Britain's responsibility refuted. A statement by the Prime Minister, the Hon. I D Smith in the Rhodesian Parliament, 20th September 1967', [September 1967] b) Ts. 'Report on a visit to Southern Africa in September - October 1967', Patrick Wall, October 1967 1 file

U DPW/48/296 Artificial file. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Oct-Dec 1967 and circulars issued by the Anglo Rhodesian Society and the Independence League Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. speech by Patrick Wall to Conservative Party conference, 1967 b) Leaflet, Anti Apartheid Movement, circa 1967 1 file

U DPW/48/297 File. Southern Rhodesia. Independence League Dec 1967-Feb circulars, photocopy cutting from 'The Tablet' of 1968 article by Patrick Wall and drafts of statement by the Anglo Rhodesian Society about decision of Rhodesian Supreme Court Including:

a) Poster and sticker. 'UN hands off Rhodesia', Monday Club, circa 1967 1 file

U DPW/48/298 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Dec 1967-Dec including with the Foreign Office, Ruth Schindler, 1968 SF Brice and SA Wright

1 file

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U DPW/48/299 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1968 including with SA Wright Including:

a) Ts. poem. 'Old Harold's daughter', Jean Banerly [?], November 1968 1 file

U DPW/48/300 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, ts. Mar 1968 speech notes, background papers, Independence League circulars and Rhodesian government statements about the execution of three Africans for murder

1 file

U DPW/48/301 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, mainly Oct 1967-Jun about the execution of three Africans for murder 1968 and subsequent debate in the House of Commons Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. poems in support of Ian Smith and the Unilateral Declaration of Independence, entitled 'Rhodesian sonnets', James Fell, October 1967 1 file

U DPW/48/302 Artificial file. Southern Rhodesia. Background Apr-Dec 1968 papers, and leaflets advertising political meetings Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'Whither Rhodesia?', Patrick Wall, [for publication in 'The Tablet'], 22 July 1968 b) Photocopy ts. minutes of Watching Committee on Rhodesia, 18 December 1968 1 file

U DPW/48/303 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Oct 1968-Mar including with Torrance McMicking, Arthur Blair, 1969 Editor of 'The Stamp Magazine', and Harold Lever MP, Financial Secretary to The Treasury, about the confiscation of Rhodesian stamps from dealers

1 file

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U DPW/48/304 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Dec 1968-Jan including with JH Howman MP, and background 1970 papers Including:

a) Script of Yorkshire Television programme, 'The Reporters no. 2: Rhodesia', 12 December 1968 b) Letter from Sir Roy Welensky, 28 January 1969 1 file

U DPW/48/305 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, with ts. Jan-Aug 1970 speech by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/48/306 Artificial file. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Mar-May 1970 with F Stockwell, Director of the Monday Club, and Bernard Levin Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'Rhodesia 1970', [? Patrick Wall, 1970] b) Ts. brief on Rhodesia for British delegation to the Inter - Parliamentary Union conference, March - April 1970, March 1970 1 file

U DPW/48/307 Artificial file. Southern Rhodesia. Circulars issued Mar-May 1970 by the Anglo Rhodesian Society and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/48/308 Artificial file. Southern Rhodesia. May-Dec 1970 Correspondence, including with SA Wright

1 file

U DPW/48/309 File. Southern Rhodesia. Circulars issued by the May 1970-Apr Anglo Rhodesian Society 1972 Including:

a) Ts. Questions of Policy no. 2, 'General election 1970: Rhodesia', Conservative Research Department, 27 May 1970 b) Photocopy ts. article. 'Rhodesia- the last chance?', Patrick Wall, 29 June 1971 c) Ts. brief on Rhodesia for British delegation to Inter-Parliamentary Union conference, October 1970, [September 1970] 1 file

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U DPW/48/310 File. Southern Rhodesia. Responses to letter by Aug-Sep 1970 Patrick Wall in 'Daily Telegraph', 25 August, with Patrick Wall's replies

1 file

U DPW/48/311 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Dec 1970-Dec including with SA Wright 1971 Including:

a) Letter from Sir Alec Douglas Home, 21 April 1971 1 file

U DPW/48/312 File. Southern Rhodesia. Photocopy cuttings, tss. Sep-Dec 1971 and ms. drafts of articles by Patrick Wall on the Rhodesian settlement, published in the 'Yorkshire Post', 'Natal Mercury' and 'Contemporary Review'. With relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/48/313 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence with Nov 1971-Apr MPs regarding the creation of a working group to 1972 consider the Pearce Report, ms. notes, background papers and circulars issued by the Anglo Rhodesian Society and the Centre Party Including:

a) Letter from Sir Roy Welensky, 24 November 1971 b) Ts. brief on Rhodesia for British Group attending the Inter - Parliamentary Union spring conference, 3 - 9 April 1972, [March 1972] 1 file

U DPW/48/314 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, ms. Nov 1971-Jun notes and background papers issued by the 1972 Institute of Directors, the House of Commons Library and the Conservative Research Department about the Pearce Commission

1 file

U DPW/48/315 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Dec 1971-Nov including with the Department of Trade and 1972 Industry, and circulars, annual report, minutes of AGM and accounts issued by Anglo Rhodesian Society

1 file

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U DPW/48/316 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Jan-Nov 1972

1 file

U DPW/48/317 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Aug 1972-Mar 1975 1 file

U DPW/48/318 File. Southern Rhodesia. Ms. notes and carbon Oct-Nov 1972 copy ts. of speech for Commons debate on sanctions, correspondence with MPs about letter to 'The Times' by Patrick Wall, including Teddy Taylor and Enoch Powell, and lists of MPs

1 file

U DPW/48/319 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Nov 1972-Jan 1974 1 file

U DPW/48/320 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, ms. Feb-Nov 1973 speech notes for Commons debate on sanctions and ts. speech notes on South Africa, Iceland, oil and Portugal Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'Rhodesia- solution at last?', Patrick Wall, [for publication in the 'Yorkshire Post'], 15 March 1973 1 file

U DPW/48/321 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence and Feb-Dec 1974 ms. notes Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'Majority rule- why?', Major General HW Hudson Johnson, no date b) Christmas card from Sir Roy Welensky, December 1974 1 file

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U DPW/48/322 File. Southern Rhodesia. Background papers from Nov 1974-Apr the Foreign Office, the Conservative Research 1980 Department, the Rhodesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Anglo Rhodesian Society and the Inter-Parliamentary Union. With correspondence Including:

a) Ts. 'Rhodesia' [pp.7 - 30 only], Patrick Wall, no date b) Ts. 'The Rhodesian tragedy', Patrick Wall [for publication in the 'Yorkshire Post'], May 1978 1 file

U DPW/48/323 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Dec 1974-Dec 1976 1 file

U DPW/48/324 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, ms. Apr 1975-Dec and ts. notes, ts. speeches by Patrick Wall, briefs 1976 on Rhodesia for Inter-Parliamentary Union conferences, circulars issued by the Rhodesian Promotion Council and the Candour League of Rhodesia, and annual report, petition and circulars of the Anglo Rhodesian Society

1 file

U DPW/48/325 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence May 1975-Jan 1976 1 file

U DPW/48/326 File. Southern Rhodesia. Ms. and carbon copy ts. Jul-Oct 1975 speech notes for Commons debate on sanctions, and leaflets, accounts and circulars issued by the Anglo Rhodesian Society

1 file

U DPW/48/327 File. Southern Rhodesia. Photocopy Oct 1975-Nov correspondence, ms. and ts. speech notes 1976 Including:

a) Ts. 'Ian Smith interview', Robert Letts Jones, no date b) Minutes of 12th AGM of Anglo Rhodesian Society, 2 November 1976 1 file

U DPW/48/328 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Feb-May 1976

1 file

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U DPW/48/329 File. Southern Rhodesia. Background papers by Apr-Jun 1976 Robert Letts Jones about guerilla warfare Including:

a) Ms. and ts. of 'Operations in Rhodesia', Patrick Wall, no date b) Photocopy ts. speech. 'Rhodesia', Patrick Wall, 13 April 1976 1 file

U DPW/48/330 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Jun 1976-Oct circulars issued by the Anglo Rhodesian Society 1977 and background papers Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'Rhodesia. Background to the Kissinger blackmail', anonymous, 29 September 1976 b) Photocopy ts. 'Report on a visit to Rhodesia, 30 March - 6 April 1977 by Michael Latham MP', 12 April 1977 1 file

U DPW/48/331 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence and Nov 1976-Oct background papers 1977 Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'After the Geneva Conference- a bloodbath?', Patrick Wall, no date b) Ts. 'Rhodesia. Towards a settlement. Report of the Rhodesia Research Group', Cambridge University Conservative Association, 1977 1 file

U DPW/48/332 Artificial file. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Aug 1977-Jan Including: 1978

a) Ts. speech to Chelsea Young Conservatives by John Davies MP, 14 December 1977 1 file

U DPW/48/333 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Sep 1977-Dec circulars issued by the Anglo Rhodesian Society 1978 and photocopy ts. speeches about the general election

1 file

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U DPW/48/334 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Oct 1977-Dec including with NJB Mutuma, London 1978 representative of Zimbabwe United People's Organisation, leaflets issued by the Christian League of Southern Africa, and minutes and circulars issued by the Anglo Rhodesian Society Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'The problem of Southern Africa', Patrick Wall [?], no date b) Ms. draft of article. 'The Rhodesian tragedy', Patrick Wall, no date c) Ts. chronology of Rhodesian history to 1978, circa 1978 1 file

U DPW/48/335 File. Southern Rhodesia. Background papers May 1978-Dec issued by the Foreign Office, the Foreign Affairs 1979 Research Institute, the Conservative Research Department and the US Embassy

1 file

U DPW/48/336 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Nov 1978-May circulars issued by the Anglo Rhodesian Society, 1979 background papers, and photocopy reports on the Rhodesian elections by US delegations Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'For black Zimbabwean traitors, this is a time of crisis and decision', Eddison JM Zvobgo, Zimbabwe African National Union, 13 November 1978 b) Photocopy ts. 'Interim notes on the revised plans for the conquest of Rhodesia by Marxist forces', 8 December 1978 c) Photocopy ts. report. 'The April 1979 Rhodesian election. Summary of a report by an all-party British parliamentary delegation to Washington, 26 - 28 March 1979', Lord Avebury, Peter Bottomley MP and Bruce Grocott MP, 26 March 1979 1 file

U DPW/48/337 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Dec 1978-Aug including with John Hutchinson and D Mukome, 1979 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1 file

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U DPW/48/338 File. Southern Rhodesia. Background papers, Feb-Nov 1979 minutes and circulars issued by the Anglo- Rhodesian Society and limited correspondence Including:

a) Ts. poem about immigration, circa 1979 1 file

U DPW/48/339 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, ms. Feb-Dec 1979 notes on index cards and circulars issued by the Anglo Rhodesian Society

1 file

U DPW/48/340 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence, Jun 1979-Oct circulars issued by the Anglo Rhodesian Society 1980 and minutes of the Anglo Zimbabwe Society

1 file

U DPW/48/341 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence and Jul-Dec 1979 Monday Club policy paper

1 file

U DPW/48/342 File. Southern Rhodesia. Background papers and Jan-Mar 1980 circulars issued by the International Defence and Aid Fund, and the Christian League of Southern Africa Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'Foreign Office betrayal of Rhodesia: some background facts', no date 1 file

U DPW/48/343 File. Southern Rhodesia. Correspondence Jan-Jul 1980

1 file

U DPW/48/344 File. Zimbabwe. Correspondence May-Nov 1980 Including:

a) Ts. 'Goodbye Rhodesia- welcome Zimbabwe', Patrick Wall, [May 1980] 1 file

U DPW/48/345 File. Zimbabwe. Minutes of the Anglo Zimbabwe Jan-Dec 1981 Society, correspondence and accounts, and general correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/48/346 File. Zimbabwe. Correspondence, including with May 1982-Jan the Rhodesian Christian Group and Cranley 1984 Onslow MP, and leaflets about state visits issued by the Zimbabwe Department of Information Including:

a) Letter from Sir Roy Welensky, 8 July 1983 1 file

U DPW/48/347 File. Congo. Correspondence with the Foreign Jun-Oct 1961 Office and statements by Sir Roy Welensky and others, about the dispute between the United Nations and the Katanga government in Elisabethville Including:

a) Letters from Edward Heath, Lord Privy Seal (2), 26 September & 13 October 1961 b) Letter from Lord Salisbury, 13 October 1961 1 file

U DPW/48/348 File. Congo. Ts. 'The Congo. Appendix (page 50): c.1961 summary of the events leading up to the first attack on Katanga by United Nations troops', RBM Levick

1 file

U DPW/48/349 File. Congo. Correspondence Feb-Sep 1963 Including:

a) Ts. 'Brief no. 9, item no. 5, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. The situation in the Congo', [September] 1963 1 file

U DPW/48/350 File. Congo. Minutes, circulars and resolutions of Jan-Jun 1965 the Congo Committee

1 file

U DPW/48/351 File. Congo. Correspondence, and ts. 'The Congo: Jul 1969 recent history (continued)', RBM Levick

1 file

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U DPW/48/352 File. East Africa. Background papers about Mar 1956-Apr transport, the franchise, trade unions and 1958 education, issued by the Conservative Commonwealth Council East and Central Africa Group, the Joint East and Central African Board and John Sylvester

1 file

U DPW/48/353 File. East Africa. Correspondence, ms. notes and Apr 1960-Dec background papers 1961 Including:

a) Ts. report of visit to East Africa, August 1960, Patrick Wall, [August 1960] b) Ts. 'East Africa: return to sanity? Some historical facts and forward-looking statements made by responsible leaders between 1946 and 1958' RBM Levick, March 1961 c) Ts. 'Overseas Development Institute East African tour. Report by the Director', William Clark, 31 December 1961 1 file

U DPW/48/354 File. Ethiopia. Correspondence, mainly with BTG Feb 1961-Jul Chidzero, about Southern Rhodesia and the 1962 United Nations

1 file

U DPW/48/355 File. Ethiopia. Correspondence, mainly with War Jun 1977-Jan on Want 1978

1 file

U DPW/48/356 File. Ethiopia. Circular letters and background Sep 1982-Nov papers from the Front for the Liberation of Eritrea 1983 and the Relief Society of Tigray

1 file

U DPW/48/357 File. Ethiopia. Correspondence with constituents Dec 1984-Aug about the famine 1985 Including:

a) Ts. report. 'The plight of the Eritreans', Eritrean Relief Committee, August 1985 1 file

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U DPW/48/358 File. French Union. Correspondence with Mlle. Feb-Jun 1960 Solange Tribalat, Association Parliamentaire Europe Afrique, Paris Contains material in French, with English translations 1 file

U DPW/48/359 File. Gambia. Letter and background paper Nov 1964

1 file

U DPW/48/360 Artificial file. Ghana. Correspondence, including Feb 1957-Mar with MPs, Office of High Commissioner for Ghana, 1983 Richard Taylor and Sir Nicholas Bonsor MP, publicity material about the launch of the United Kingdom Branch of the Convention People's Party and background papers

1 file

U DPW/48/361 File. Gold Coast. Correspondence and May 1955-Dec background papers 1956

1 file

U DPW/48/362 File. High Commission Territories. Nov 1961-Jan Correspondence, mainly with Peter Thomas MP 1964

1 file

U DPW/48/363 File. Kenya. Ts. notes of a meeting with Joseph 20th cent. Kenyatta of the Kenya African National Union and report of a tour of Kenya

1 file

U DPW/48/364 File. Kenya. Background papers about African Nov-Dec 1953 coffee growers, letters of introduction for Patrick Wall's visit to Kenya, with itinerary and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/48/365 File. Kenya. Correspondence Jun 1954-Jun Including: 1955

a) Pamphlet. Itinerary of visit by East African administrators to and the East Riding, 13 - 24 June 1954, organised by the British Council, [June 1954] 1 file

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U DPW/48/366 File. Kenya. Correspondence with Kenyan police Dec 1954-May officers, mainly Insp. JH Meester and NF Harris 1955 MLC, about the Mau Mau Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. draft. 'The situation in Kenya (general guide for propaganda overseas), no date 1 file

U DPW/48/367 File. Kenya. Correspondence and ms. speech Feb 1955-Feb notes 1957 Including:

a) Ts. 'Kenya. Memorandum on allegations published by Miss Eileen Fletcher on conditions in prisons and camps', 16 February 1955 b) Ts. 'Report on my period of employment in the Community Development Department of the Kenya government', Eileen Fletcher, July 1956 1 file

U DPW/48/368 Artificial file. Kenya. Background papers and ms. Apr 1955-Feb and ts. notes, mainly about new constitution 1958

1 file

U DPW/48/369 File. Kenya. Correspondence Jan 1957-Jan 1959 1 file

U DPW/48/370 File. Kenya. Background papers, statistics and Jun 1958-Feb press statements about prison camps 1959 Including:

a) Ts. 'Further memorandum on allegations published by Miss Eileen Fletcher on conditions in prisons and camps', post - 1955 1 file

U DPW/48/371 File. Kenya. Ts. and ms. notes, correspondence Jun 1958-1963 and carbon copy ts. biographies of members of the government and Legislative Council Including:

a) Ts. 'African Elected Members' Organisation. Our pledge, our goals and our constitutional proposals', 27 June 1958 b) Ts. 'KANU memorandum', JS Gichuru, Kenya African National Union, 20 June 1961 1 file

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U DPW/48/372 File. Kenya. Correspondence Feb-Dec 1959

1 file

U DPW/48/373 File. Kenya. Background papers, ms. notes and Apr 1959-Feb ts. speech about the constitution 1960

1 file

U DPW/48/374 File. Kenya. Correspondence, including with Jan-Nov 1960 Reggie Alexander and WB Havelock, about the establishment of the New Kenya Party

1 file

U DPW/48/375 Artificial file. Kenya. Background papers and press Apr-Oct 1960 statements by James Gichuru, President of the Kenya African National Union Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'A Conservative looks at Kenya or Kenya as seen from Westminster', Patrick Wall [?], no date 1 file

U DPW/48/376 File. Kenya. Correspondence with MPs, including Jun-Jul 1960 Iain Macleod, Colonial Secretary, and ms. notes, about a Commons meeting on the future of Kenya, 21 June

1 file

U DPW/48/377 File. Kenya. Correspondence about the Jun 1960-May Protectorate of Kenya 1963 Including:

a) Ts. 'Memorandum regarding the Protectorate of Kenya', W Havelock, 2 June 1960 1 file

U DPW/48/378 File. Kenya. Correspondence, including with Iain Jul 1960-Dec Macleod, Colonial Secretary, about the case of 1961 Joseph Murumbi Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'Survey of the current political and economic position in East Africa - October 1960', Stuart Hamilton, [October 1960] 1 file

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U DPW/48/379 Artificial file. Kenya. Memoranda, press May-Jun 1961 statements and other papers about meetings between the Colonial Secretary, representatives of the colonial government and of the Kenya African National Union

1 file

U DPW/48/380 File. Kenya. Correspondence, mainly with RP May 1961-Mar Cleasby, petitions and background papers about 1962 the Protectorate of Kenya after independence

1 file

U DPW/48/381 File. Kenya. Correspondence, ms. notes, 'Kenya Sep 1961-Feb Liaison' newsletters, circulars, memoranda issued 1962 by the Kenya African National Union and background papers

1 file

U DPW/48/382 File. Kenya. Correspondence, including copy Nov 1961-Mar correspondence with Reginald Maudling MP, and 1962 'Kenya Liaison' newsletters, about constitutional talks

1 file

U DPW/48/383 File. Kenya. Background papers and Jan-Mar 1962 correspondence Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'Kenya at the crossroads', Patrick Wall, no date 1 file

U DPW/48/384 File. Kenya. Correspondence about the Jan-Jul 1962 establishment of a bank account in London to channel secret funds from British business to Kenya, to support the activities of moderate politicians

1 file

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U DPW/48/385 File. Kenya. Correspondence, including with RS Jan-Nov 1962 Alexander and Bruce McKenzie about political developments, with the Foreign Office about the persecution of Christians in southern Sudan, and with the Colonial Office about financial support for Lady Thorp, widow of the late Governor of the Seychelles

1 file

U DPW/48/386 Artificial file. Kenya. Correspondence with MPs Jan-Dec 1962 and speech notes for Commons debate on Kenya Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'Notes on meeting with the Colonial Secretary, Reginald Maudling MP, 9 January 1962', Patrick Wall, [January 1962] b) Photocopy minutes of Watching Committee on Rhodesia, 27 November 1962 1 file

U DPW/48/387 File. Kenya. Correspondence, including photocopy Mar 1962-Apr memoranda and letters to the Colonial Secretary 1963 from the Kenya African Democratic Union, and 'Kenya Liaison' newsletters Including:

a) Ts. 'Kenya', Patrick Wall, 23 April 1963 1 file

U DPW/48/388 File. Kenya. Correspondence, 'Kenya Liaison' Apr 1962-Jan newsletters and background paper about the 1963 constitution

1 file

U DPW/48/389 File. Kenya. Correspondence and ms. notes about Apr 1962-Jul the Somali question 1963 Including:

a) Ts. copy of memorandum to Duncan Sandys MP, Colonial Secretary, from the Northern Province People's Party, the Northern Frontier Democratic Party and the People's National League, 26 February 1963 1 file

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U DPW/48/390 File. Kenya. Correspondence, 'Kenya Liaison' May-Nov 1962 newsletters and background paper about the constitution

1 file

U DPW/48/391 File. Kenya. Correspondence about the general Aug 1962-Sep election, overseas funding of the Kenya African 1963 National Union and the Somali question, mainly with Richard Slaughter, Duncan Sandys MP, WB Havelock and John Reid

1 file

U DPW/48/392 File. Kenya. Ms. notes, copy correspondence of Apr-Nov 1963 FM Bennett MP with Duncan Sandys MP, and ts. speech notes for Commons debate on Kenya Independence Bill Including:

a) Ts. 'A new British dominion', RBM Levick, 7 June 1963 1 file

U DPW/48/393 File. Kenya. Correspondence Nov 1963-Dec 1964 1 file

U DPW/48/394 File. Kenya. Correspondence, including about the Jan-Dec 1964 deportation of British journalists from Kenya, with cuttings Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. notes by Elizabeth Owen about unrest in Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Kenya and Uganda, January 1964 1 file

U DPW/48/395 Artificial file. Kenya. Correspondence Jan-Nov 1965 Including:

a) Ts. 'The integration of the world under British government: what about it?', RBM Levick, [March 1965] 1 file

U DPW/48/396 File. Kenya. Correspondence Sep 1965-Jun 1966 1 file

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U DPW/48/397 File. Kenya. Correspondence and background Jan-Nov 1967 papers

1 file

U DPW/48/398 File. Kenya. Trumper memorandum on Stamp May-Jul 1967 Purchase Programme, with relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/48/399 File. Kenya. Correspondence, ms. notes, Jul-Aug 1967 memoranda and reports about the expulsion of British citizens from Kenya

1 file

U DPW/48/400 File. Kenya. Correspondence, including with the Aug 1967-Dec Ministry of Defence and Lord Wedgwood 1968

1 file

U DPW/48/401 File. Kenya. Correspondence, including with the Dec 1967-Jun Ministry of Defence and the Overseas Pensioners 1968 Association, about the devaluation of overseas pensions

1 file

U DPW/48/402 File. Kenya. Correspondence about new Oct 1968-Jul exchange regulations in East Africa prohibiting the 1969 transfer of funds to South Africa

1 file

U DPW/48/403 File. Kenya. Correspondence Jan-Oct 1969

1 file

U DPW/48/404 Artificial file. Kenya. Correspondence, including Mar 1970-Nov with Richard Wood, Minister of Overseas 1972 Development

1 file

U DPW/48/405 File. Kenya. Correspondence Mar-Sep 1973 Including:

a) Letter from Enoch Powell MP, 7 May 1973 1 file

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U DPW/48/406 File. Kenya. Correspondence Jan-Oct 1974

1 file

U DPW/48/407 File. Kenya. Correspondence Nov-Dec 1976 Including:

a) Ts. 'Searchlight on Kenya's Northern Frontier District', RBM Levick, May 1966 1 file

U DPW/48/408 Artificial file. Kenya. Correspondence Dec 1977-Feb 1983 1 file

U DPW/48/409 File. Kenya. Association for the Promotion of Sep 1959-Dec Industries in East Africa. Correspondence with EJ 1961 Hollister, memorandum and articles of association, constitution, list of members, newsletters, policy statement, annual report, balance sheet and minutes of Council, Executive Committee and AGM

1 file

U DPW/48/410 File. Kenya. Association for the Promotion of Jan 1962-Mar Industries in East Africa. Correspondence with EJ 1964 Hollister and TW Tyrell, and minutes of Executive Committee and Extraordinary General Meeting Including:

a) Ts. 'Trends in the economy of East Africa', Prof. P Newman, with report of discussion at AGM, 19 March 1964 1 file

U DPW/48/411 File. Kenya. East African civil servants. May 1960-Sep Correspondence, including with the East Africa 1961 and Rhodesia European Staff Association, the Staff Side Central Whitley Council (Kenya) and the Tanganyika Civil Servants Association, and memoranda

1 file

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U DPW/48/412 File. Kenya. East African civil servants. Sep 1961-Jan Correspondence, including with East African 1962 Airways European Staff Association, East African Railways and Harbours European Staff Association, and background papers issued by the Staff Side Central Whitley Council Including:

a) Ts. 'Report on a visit to East Africa and the Sudan, December 1961', Patrick Wall, January 1962 1 file

U DPW/48/413 File. Kenya. East African civil servants. Jan-Apr 1962 Correspondence,including with the Civil Service Association of Kenya, about compensation and pensions for those whose posts were Africanised, with memoranda and proposals

1 file

U DPW/48/414 File. Kenya. East African civil servants. Jan-Apr 1962 Correspondence, including with the Staff Side Central Whitley Council and the Overseas Pensioners' Association, about the implementation of the compensation scheme for officers in the East African Common Services Organisation, with ts. speech notes

1 file

U DPW/48/415 File. Kenya. East African civil servants. Feb 1962-Nov Correspondence, especially with RH Stannard, 1963 President of the East African Railways and Harbours European Staff Association, and R Fernandes, President of the Civil Service Association of Kenya

1 file

U DPW/48/416 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence, including Dec 1959-Jul with members of the Farmers' Club and Iain 1961 Macleod, Colonial Secretary, background papers issued by the Kenya National Farmers Union and ts. representations made by joint delegations made to the Colonial Secretary on behalf of the European community in Kenya

1 file

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U DPW/48/417 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence, including Jun 1960-Aug with the Minister for Overseas Development, 1966 background papers issued by the Kenya National Farmers Union, ts. notes of meetings and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/48/418 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence about land Mar 1962-Jul development and settlement, ms. notes, 'Kenya 1963 Liaison' newsletters, and memoranda Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'Memorandum on agricultural land in Kenya', Patrick Wall, 27 March 1962 1 file

U DPW/48/419 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence, including Oct 1962-Dec with Duncan Sandys MP and Kenyan farmers 1963 Including:

a) File. '22nd October 1963. Details of the case of the ex - servicemen farming in Kenya under the European Agricultural Settlement Board Scheme'. Papers and carbon copy letter to Duncan Sandys MP, [October 1963] 1 file

U DPW/48/420 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence, including Feb-Dec 1964 with the British Legion, Bruce McKenzie and the Kenya National Farmers Union, ts. reports on the position of ex-servicemen in East Africa, and ts. speech notes for Commons debate Including:

a) Letter from Lord Salisbury, 28 November 1964 1 file

U DPW/48/421 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence with Feb-Dec 1965 Kenyan farmers and background papers

1 file

U DPW/48/422 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence about Apr-Nov 1965 compassionate cases

1 file

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U DPW/48/423 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence, including Jul 1965-Jul with the Minister for Overseas Development, 1967 about compassionate cases

1 file

U DPW/48/424 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence about the Dec 1965-Feb financial provision made by the British government 1967 to purchase farms in compassionate cases, including with the Minister for Overseas Development

1 file

U DPW/48/425 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence with Jan-Dec 1966 Kenyan farmers

1 file

U DPW/48/426 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence, including Feb 1966-Dec with Reginald Prentice MP, Lord Wedgwood and 1967 other MPs, and Kenyan farmers

1 file

U DPW/48/427 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence with Mar 1966-Nov Kenyan farmers 1967

1 file

U DPW/48/428 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence, including Oct 1966-Aug with the Minister for Overseas Development, ms. 1968 notes, ts. speech notes and background papers, about the purchase of European farms

1 file

U DPW/48/429 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence, including Aug 1967-Oct with the Minister for Overseas Development, 1968 about land purchase

1 file

U DPW/48/430 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence and Jul 1967-May background papers by DH Kydd 1969

1 file

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U DPW/48/431 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence, including Feb 1970-Jul with Kenyan farmers, the Minister for Overseas 1971 Development and SD Whetham, and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/48/432 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence and May 1970-Nov background papers 1971

1 file

U DPW/48/433 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence Nov 1971-Apr 1972 1 file

U DPW/48/434 File. Kenya. Farmers. Correspondence, including Aug 1972-Mar with Kenyan farmers, Minister for Overseas 1977 Development, Dermott Kydd and SD Whetham Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'Memorandum on land transfer', SD Whetham, Chair, Land Transfer Committee, Kenya National Farmers Union, 13 November 1972 1 file

U DPW/48/435 File. Libya. Correspondence with constituents Mar 1956-May about the American bombing of Libya, with 1986 statement by Patrick Wall in support of American action, and Conservative Party members' briefs nos. 13 & 14 Including:

a) Ts. 'Libya', Conservative Commonwealth Council Mediterranean Sub Group, March 1956 b) Correspondence about a delegation from the Libyan parliament, December 1958 1 file

U DPW/48/436 File. Mauritius. Background papers issued mainly Oct 1954-Oct by the Conservative Commonwealth Council 1963 South Atlantic Sub Group and limited correspondence Including:

a) Pamphlet. Party programme of the Parti Mauricien, Jules Koenig, no date [French] 1 file

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U DPW/48/437 File. Mauritius. Correspondence, including with Apr 1957-Jul Jules Koenig, S Ramgoolan, the Colonial Office 1960 and the Conservative Research Department, about the Mauritian elections and the visit by Mauritian ministers to London

1 file

U DPW/48/438 File. Mauritius. Correspondence, including with Jan-Jul 1961 the Colonial Office, Jules Koenig and leaders of the Tamil United Party and the Muslim Action Committee, about the Mauritius Constitutional Conference and the Mauritian Legislative Council Including:

a) Ts. 'Mauritius and its problems. Rights of minority communities trampled upon', with ts. addendum, Parti Mauricien, circa 1961 1 file

U DPW/48/439 File. Mauritius. Correspondence about the case of Feb-Jul 1961 Muhammad Hussain Malik and a cocktail party organised by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/48/440 File. Mauritius. Correspondence, including with Sir Nov 1961-Sep Tufton Beamish MP, the Colonial Office, Jules 1962 Koenig and Jean Marcel Orange

1 file

U DPW/48/441 File. Mauritius. Correspondence, including with Jan 1963-Dec Jules Koenig and Seewosagur Ramgoolam, and 1964 with James Johnson MP about the establishment of an Anglo Mauritian Society (with the AMS rules)

1 file

U DPW/48/442 File. Mauritius. Correspondence, including with LR Jan-Nov 1965 Devienne, Minister of Development, and Sir Seewosagur Ramgoolam, Prime Minister Including:

a) Envelope containing black and white photographs (11) of an anti-independence rally in [? Port Louis], Mauritius, [April 1965] 1 file

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U DPW/48/443 File. Mauritius. Correspondence, including with R May-Dec 1966 Devienne, Minister of Finance, and background paper

1 file

U DPW/48/444 File. Mauritius. Correspondence, including with Jan-Nov 1967 the Commonwealth Office and Sir Seewosagur Ramgoolam, Prime Minister

1 file

U DPW/48/445 File. Mauritius. Correspondence with the Nov 1967-Aug Commonwealth Office, ms. and ts. notes and ts. 1970 speech for Commons debate on Mauritian Independence Bill

1 file

U DPW/48/446 File. Mauritius. Correspondence Jun 1976-Oct 1978 1 file

U DPW/48/447 File. Nigeria. Correspondence, including with Jan 1955-Oct Michael Morrissey, Editor of 'The Independent' 1960 (Ibadan) and background papers issued by the Conservative Commonwealth Council West Africa Group

1 file

U DPW/48/448 File. Nigeria. Correspondence about Chief Feb-Apr 1963 Enahoro and background papers about treason trials in Lagos

1 file

U DPW/48/449 File. Nigeria. Correspondence (limited), including Apr-Jul 1965 with British High Commissioner in Lagos

1 file

U DPW/48/450 File. Nigeria. Correspondence, including with Jun 1966-Jan Major PC Obi, NAF, and background paper 1968

1 file

U DPW/48/451 File. Nigeria. Correspondence about the Biafran Apr-Aug 1968 war, background papers and circulars

1 file

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U DPW/48/452 File. Nigeria. Correspondence about the Biafran Oct-Dec 1968 war and background papers

1 file

U DPW/48/453 Artificial file. Nigeria. Correspondence and Jan 1969-Jan background papers 1970 Including:

a) Constitution of the United Nigeria Group, 27 March 1969 b) Ts. 'The Nigerian civil war', Sir Miles Clifford, United Nigeria Group, circa 1969 c) Ts. 'Impression of my visit to Nigeria and Liberia', Rt. Hon. Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe, former President of Nigeria, 28 August 1969 d) Ts. 'Origins of the Nigerian civil war', Rt. Hon. Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe, former President of Nigeria, circa 1969 1 file

U DPW/48/454 File. Portugese territories. Background papers Jun 1961-Dec issued by the Portugese Embassy, London 1962

1 file

U DPW/48/455 File. Portugese territories. Correspondence with Sep 1964-Sep Portugese Ambassador and Anthony Allfrey 1966 Including:

a) Ts. speech. 'Angola and Mozambique', Patrick Wall, 26 July 1966 b) Ts. 'Setting Africa aflame', John Biggs Davison MP, in 'Features and News from behind the Iron Curtain' special feature no. 531, 7 September 1966 1 file

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U DPW/48/456 File. Portugese territories. Correspondence, Jul 1967-Sep including with Anthony Allfrey, Portugese 1968 Ambassador and John Biggs Davison MP Including:

a) Ts. play. 'Song of the Lusitanian bogey', Peter Weiss, translated by Lee Baxandall, with carbon copy ts. comments by Anthony Allfrey, no date b) Photocopy ts. 'Basil Davidson's talk to the Africa Centre on 9 March 1967', Patrick Orr, [March 1967] c) Photocopy note of 'Meeting with Dr Eduardo Mondlane at the Kensington Court Hotel, 12 July 1967', Patrick Orr, 13 July 1967 1 file

U DPW/48/457 File. Portugese territories. Correspondence, Feb-Dec 1969 including with the Portugese Ambassador and Anthony Allfrey

1 file

U DPW/48/458 File. Portugese territories. Correspondence Feb-Dec 1970 Including:

a) Spiral bound volume comprising curriculum vitae and press reviews of Anthony R Thomas, film producer, circa 1970 1 file

U DPW/48/459 File. Portugese territories. Correspondence Jun-Nov 1971 Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'Freedom fighters or terrorists? Myth and reality in Southern Africa', Patrick Wall, 27 July 1971 b) Photocopy ts. 'Portugal's fight in Africa', Patrick Wall (compiled after third visit to Angola and Mozambique), circa 1971 1 file

U DPW/48/460 File. Portugese territories. Correspondence, Aug 1971-Dec including with the Portugese Ambassador 1972

1 file

U DPW/48/461 File. Angola. Correspondence, including with Jun-Nov 1961 constituents, about atrocities in Angola, with circulars and background papers

1 file

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U DPW/48/462 File. Angola. Correspondence about article by Oct 1961-Jan Patrick Wall, 'Britain and Angola: the attitude of 1962 the British government', produced for the Institute of Race Relations symposium. With carbon copy ts. and proof of article

1 file

U DPW/48/463 File. Angola. Correspondence, including with Jul-Oct 1962 Anthony Allfrey and Col. JS Medina

1 file

U DPW/48/464 File. Angola. Miscellaneous 1974-1976 Including:

a) Factsheets about the Uniaco Nacional Para a Independencia Total de Angola (UNITA), the Frente Nacional de Liberta cao de Angola / Governo Revolucionario de Angola no Exilio (FNLA/GRAE) and the Movimento Popular Para a Liberta cao de Angola (MPLA) (3), August - October 1975 b) Ts. 'Angola and the start of World War 4 [sic]', Patrick Wall, circa 1976 1 file

U DPW/48/465 File. Angola. Correspondence and background Jan-Mar 1976 papers Including:

a) Letter from Reginald Maudling MP, 8 March 1976 1 file

U DPW/48/466 File. Angola. Correspondence, including with Jun 1976-Jan Michael Chapman about his book, 'Angola's red 1977 dawn', and background papers Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'Note of conversation with Dr Sangumba, Foreign Minister of UNITA, 17 November 1976', Peter Blaker MP, [November 1976] 1 file

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U DPW/48/467 File. Angola. Correspondence about a World in Mar 1979-1981 Action programme on Angola, letters from the European representative and the President of the FNLA, and background paper

1 file

U DPW/48/468 File. Angola. Photocopied dossier of documents, 1980 press cuttings and articles about UNITA, including UNITA communiques and correspondence, covering 1978 - 1980

1 file

U DPW/48/469 File. Mozambique. Correspondence, notes and Jan-Aug 1973 reports about an alleged massacre and government collusion in the event

1 file

U DPW/48/470 Artificial file. Mozambique. Correspondence, Mar 1975-Feb background papers and ts. brief on Mozambique 1978 and Angola for British delegation to Inter- Parliamentary Union conference, March - April 1975

1 file

U DPW/48/471 File. The Seychelles. Correspondence with David Aug 1960-Oct Joubert, including about the Communist threat to 1984 the islands, with background paper

1 file

U DPW/48/472 File. Sierra Leone. Correspondence with Mr and Apr-May 1967 Mrs Naughton, about the recognition of the military government

1 file

U DPW/48/473 Artificial file. Somalia. Correspondence, including Apr 1958-Nov about the visit by Somali chiefs and elders to 1961 Britain (including the East Riding), June 1959, with programme, and Patrick Wall's visit, March 1960. With background papers issued by the Conservative Commonwealth Council Mediterranean Sub Group and ts. addresses to the Joint East and Central Africa Board

1 file

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U DPW/48/474 Artificial file. Somalia. Correspondence, agenda Sep 1966-Oct and minutes of the Anglo Somali Society and 1967 memoranda issued by the Conservative Research Department about sanctions against Rhodesia and the referendum in French Somaliland

1 file

U DPW/48/475 File. Somalia. Correspondence with SA Khadir, Mar 1969-Aug about aid to Somalia 1970

1 file

U DPW/48/476 File. South Africa. Correspondence, mainly with May 1956-Mar Marjorie Juta, background papers and minutes of 1961 the Conservative Commonwealth Council Including:

a) Circular letter from the International Commission of Jurists about the founding meeting of Justice, 9 January 1957 1 file

U DPW/48/477 File. South Africa. Correspondence and Nov 1959-Sep documents issued by South African political 1962 parties Including:

a) Ts. 'The Progressive Party of South Africa. Main principles and policies adopted at inaugural congress, 13 - 14 November 1959', [November 1959] b) Ts. 'Apartheid: the United Kingdom vote at the United Nations', Gilbert Longden MP, 7 January 1960 c) Carbon copy ts. statement. 'United Party and race relations', Sir de Villiers Graaff, 1 November 1960 1 file

U DPW/48/478 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Jul 1959-Dec Helen Suzman, Catherine Taylor, EF Jeal (United 1960 Party) and Marjorie Juta Including:

a) Letter from Canon L John Collins, 25 November 1959 b) Carbon copy ts. report of visit to Basutoland, Patrick Wall, early 1960 c) Letter from Sir de Villiers Graaff, 21 July 1960 1 file

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U DPW/48/479 File. South Africa. Correspondence, mainly with Dec 1960-Dec Helen Suzman, Catherine Taylor (and other 1961 members of the Progressive Party), the South Africa United Front and the Conservative Commonwealth Council, about the case of political refugees Collingwood August and Gordon Xhallie. With background papers

1 file

U DPW/48/480 File. South Africa. Ms. article, 'Britain and the Feb-Apr 1961 Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland', Patrick Wall, with relative correspondence with NAG Caley, Editor of 'The Forum'

1 file

U DPW/48/481 Artificial file. South Africa. Correspondence, Mar-Jun 1961 background papers, ms. speech notes, and circulars, minutes and report of the Consultative Committee of Catholic Action

1 file

U DPW/48/482 File. South Africa. Background papers, speech 1961-1967 notes, correspondence, and statistics of imports and exports for 1961

1 file

U DPW/48/483 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Nov 1961-Nov Molly Weiss, Rev. Denis Hurley, Archbishop of 1962 Durban, Patrick Duncan and Helen Suzman

1 file

U DPW/48/484 File. South Africa. Correspondence and Jan-Jun 1962 background papers about the General Law Amendment Act

1 file

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U DPW/48/485 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Nov 1962-Oct Michael North, Helen Suzman, Lt. Col. FWH 1963 Sawyer, John Rhodes, Prince Motlotlehi Moshoeshoe, Paramount Chief of Basutoland, Rev. Denis Hurley, Archbishop of Durban, Patrick Duncan, the South Africa Foundation and Amnesty International, about filming in South West Africa and Basutoland, and the case of political refugees Gordon Xhallie and Collingwood August

1 file

U DPW/48/486 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Feb 1963-Dec Michael North, Harold Wright, Amnesty 1964 International, constituents and academic staff at Hull University, about the United Nations resolution on the Treason Trials and the conference on sanctions, 14 - 17 April 1964

1 file

U DPW/48/487 File. South Africa. Background papers Feb-Jul 1964 Including:

a) Ts. 'On trial for their lives. The accused at Rivonia', Mary Benson, Africa Bureau. Submission to the United Nations Special Committee on the Policies of Apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa, 11 March 1964 1 file

U DPW/48/488 File. South Africa. Ts. papers submitted to the Apr 1964 conference on sanctions, 14 - 17 April, by the Conference Steering Committee, Peter Calvorcoressi, DHN Johnson, William Gutteridge, Brian Lapping, Per Hakkerup, GDN Worswick, Elliott Zupnick, RN Bostock, Roger Opie, JD Marvin, Colin Legum and A Maizels

1 file

U DPW/48/489 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Jan-Dec 1965 Catherine Taylor, Sir Hamilton Kerr and Dr William Frend, circulars about the establishment of the Britain South Africa Forum and background papers

1 file

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U DPW/48/490 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Jan-Dec 1966 Catherine Taylor, Patrick Duncan and Michael North Including:

a) Ts. 'Talk on South Africa to Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas Council Africa Groups at 32 Smith Square, 6 October 1966', Patrick Wall, [October 1966] 1 file

U DPW/48/491 File. South Africa. Annual reports of the Britain Jan 1966-Apr South Africa Forum and background papers 1967 Including:

a) Ts. 'Report on a visit to South Africa, Swaziland and Rhodesia, January 1966', Patrick Wall, January 1966 b) Black and white photograph of painting by Ronald Harrison of Cape Town, entitled 'Black Christ', no date 1 file

U DPW/48/492 File. South Africa. Correspondence, and ms. and Jan-Feb 1967 ts. speech notes for Commons debate on the Simonstown Agreement

1 file

U DPW/48/493 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Jan-Dec 1967 Catherine Taylor, the United Kingdom South Africa Trade Association and the Britain South Africa Forum, mainly about the BBC programme '90 days' on Ruth First

1 file

U DPW/48/494 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Jan 1967-Jan Catherine Taylor 1969

1 file

U DPW/48/495 File. South Africa. Correspondence, and Britain Dec 1967-Oct and South Africa Forum newsletters, annual report 1968 and accounts, and circulars

1 file

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U DPW/48/496 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Feb 1968-Oct Catherine Taylor and Helen Suzman, letters from 1969 MPs, programme for visit by Mayor of Cape Town, October 1969 and notices of meetings of Anglo South African Parliamentary Group

1 file

U DPW/48/497 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Mar 1968-Jan Catherine Taylor 1970

1 file

U DPW/48/498 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including Jan-Nov 1969 'Letters from the Cape', and Britain and South Africa Forum newsletters and circulars Including:

a) Ts. 'South Africa and its problems', GW Sneesby, no date 1 file

U DPW/48/499 File. South Africa. Correspondence with MPs and May-Jul 1969 the United Kingdom South Africa Trade Association, ts. speech and ms. notes for House of Commons debate on trade with South Africa

1 file

U DPW/48/500 File. South Africa. Correspondence mainly about Nov 1969-Jul the cancelled South African cricket tour, and ts. 1970 speech Including:

a) Ts. report on the AGM of the Anti Apartheid Movement, 26 October 1969, by Common Cause Ltd., 7 November 1969 1 file

U DPW/48/501 File. South Africa. Background papers, 'Letters Dec 1969-Jul from the Cape', and Britain and South Africa 1970 Forum newsletters, circulars and annual report Including:

a) Ts. 'Report on a visit to South Africa and Lesotho, May 1970', Patrick Wall, June 1970 1 file

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U DPW/48/502 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with 1969-Dec 1970 Catherine Taylor. About complaints of political bias against South Africa by the BBC, Patrick Wall's appearance on 'Man alive' to discuss the South African film 'The end of the dialogue'; and his resignation from the Anglo Rhodesian Society Including:

a) Annual report, Chibero College of Agriculture, Rhodesia, 1968/69 b) Christmas card from Sir Roy Welensky, circa 1970 c) Letter from Sir de Villiers Graaff, 7 May 1970 1 file

U DPW/48/503 File. South Africa. Ms. notes, ms. and carbon copy Feb-Nov 1970 ts. drafts and offprint of article, 'Apartheid', by Patrick Wall, published in 'Solon' (Right Wing Journal of Philosophy, Politics and Morals). With relative correspondence, with Sir Anthony Meyer MP, Director of 'Solon', and Dr D Rhodie, Director of Information, South African Embassy

1 file

U DPW/48/504 File. South Africa. Circulars and 'Letters from the Jun 1970-Jan Cape' 1971

1 file

U DPW/48/505 File. South Africa. Correspondence, 'Letters from Jun 1970-Nov the Cape', and Britain South Africa Forum 1971 newsletters, and annual report and accounts Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'South Africa: evolution or revolution', Patrick Wall, no date b) Ts. report on a visit to South Africa, May 1971, Patrick Wall [?], with chronology of opposition to apartheid, circa 1971 1 file

U DPW/48/506 File. South Africa. Correspondence and ts. Nov 1970-Apr speeches 1971

1 file

U DPW/48/507 File. South Africa. Correspondence Dec 1970-Nov 1971 1 file

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U DPW/48/508 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Jan-Nov 1972 Catherine Taylor and Most Rev. Denis Hurley, Archbishop of Durban, 'Letters from the Cape', and Britain South Africa Forum newsletters Including:

a) Ts. 'Investments in South Africa', World Council of Churches', August 1972 1 file

U DPW/48/509 File. South Africa. Correspondence Feb-Nov 1972 Including:

a) Letters (2) from Chief M Gatshe Buthelezi, 6 & 17 November 1972 1 file

U DPW/48/510 File. South Africa. Correspondence, 'Letters from Dec 1972-Dec the Cape', and Britain and South Africa Forum 1973 newsletters Including:

a) Ts. 'South Africa and the oil problem', South Africa Foundation, no date b) Ts. 'Sharpeville. An account of events on 21 March 1960', Rudolf Gruber, no date c) Ts. 'The answer to penetration is counter - penetration', Brigadier Michael Calvert, about the Communist threat in Africa, January 1973 1 file

U DPW/48/511 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including Dec 1972-Jan carbon copy letters to Catherine Taylor, Helen 1974 Suzman and Sir de Villiers Graaff Including:

a) Letter from Jeremy Thorpe MP, 15 May 1973 1 file

U DPW/48/512 File. South Africa. Ms. notes on wages of black Apr-May 1973 workers Including:

a) Ts. 'Black wages and employment in South Africa', South Africa Foundation, April 1973 b) Ts. speech by John Biffen MP, 13 April 1973 1 file

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U DPW/48/513 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Dec 1973-Sep Catherine Taylor, 'Letters from the Cape' and 1974 Britain South Africa Forum newsletters Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'The importance of South Africa in international affairs', Patrick Wall [?], no date 1 file

U DPW/48/514 File. South Africa. Correspondence Oct-Nov 1974

1 file

U DPW/48/515 File. South Africa. Correspondence, 'Letter from Nov 1974-Dec the Cape' and ts. speeches 1975 Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'Press statement issued by Mrs Catherine Taylor, 29th January 1975, Cape Town, Heerengracht Hotel', about the establishment of a cross party secretariat, January 1975 1 file

U DPW/48/516 File. South Africa. Correspondence Dec 1974-Jan 1976 1 file

U DPW/48/517 File. South Africa. Photocopy ts. speeches about Jun 1975-Dec Africa and the Communist threat, and interviews 1976 with African leaders, Prime Minister Vorster, President Kaunda, Prime Minister Ian Smith and Joshua Nkomo of the African National Congress

1 file

U DPW/48/518 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Dec 1975-Oct Catherine Taylor and Jan S Marais, and ts. 1977 speech Including:

a) Letter from Harold Wilson, 17 November 1976 1 file

U DPW/48/519 File. South Africa. Background papers, including Mar-Nov 1976 about the South Africa Foundation, and 'Letters from the Cape'

1 file

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U DPW/48/520 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Sep 1976-Oct E Rydbeck, and about Patrick Wall's speech on 1977 the White Paper on Defence, March 1977

1 file

U DPW/48/521 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Nov 1976-Dec E Rydbeck, Vice Admiral J Johnson, South 1977 African navy, 'Letters from the Cape', ts. speech and background papers Including:

a) Photocopy letter from Margaret Thatcher MP, 10 February 1977 b) Photocopy ts. 'Report on a visit to South Africa by Peter Joynes and Rob Shepherd of the Conservative Research Department from 30th May to 11th June 1977', 29 June 1977 c) Photocopy ts. letter to the 'Daily Telegraph' condemning the death of Steve Biko, Patrick Wall, 23 November 1977 1 file

U DPW/48/522 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Oct 1977-Dec E Rydbeck, 'Letters from the Cape' and ts. speech 1978 Including:

a) Ts. 'Notes on the proposals to restore the financial prosperity, political stability and international leadership of Great Britain when the Conservative Party assumes power', KAH Adams, of Adams, Ripley & Duerr, 28 December 1977 1 file

U DPW/48/523 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Dec 1977-Jul E Rydbeck and Catherine Taylor, and 'Letters 1979 from the Cape' Including:

a) Ts. 'The problem of Southern Africa', Patrick Wall [?], no date 1 file

U DPW/48/524 File. South Africa. Correspondence, 'Letters from Jan 1978-1979 the Cape' and ts. speech Including:

a) Script of 'A leader of the few', about General Jan Smuts, by Andrew Sinclair and Tal Productions, Timon Films Ltd., 1979 1 file

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U DPW/48/525 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Sep 1978-Dec E Rydbeck, and 'Letters from the Cape' 1979

1 file

U DPW/48/526 File. South Africa. Correspondence, 'Letters from Dec 1978-Aug the Cape' and circulars issued by the South 1979 African Embassy Including:

a) Ts. outline of [? film production] about the Afrikaaner trek and Ian Kruger, by Ian Sinclair and Tal Productions, 1979 1 file

U DPW/48/527 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Jan-Aug 1980 the South African Embassy, and 'Letters from the Cape'

1 file

U DPW/48/528 File. South Africa. Background papers Jan-Nov 1980 Including:

a) Ts. 'Evidence submitted to the Commission of Inquiry on the constitution', Inkatha, National Cultural Liberation Movement, 16 January 1980 b) Ts. 'The changing political context within which such matters as homeland consolidation and a constellation of Southern African states must be considered', Hon. OD Dhlomo, Inkatha, 17 January 1980 1 file

U DPW/48/529 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Jun-Dec 1980 E Rydbeck and the South African Embassy, and 'Letters from the Cape'

1 file

U DPW/48/530 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Jan-Dec 1981 E Rydbeck and the South African Embassy, and 'Letters from the Cape'

1 file

U DPW/48/531 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Feb-Aug 1981 E Rydbeck, 'Letters from the Cape' and background paper

1 file

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U DPW/48/532 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Apr-Dec 1981 E Rydbeck, and 'Letters from the Cape'

1 file

U DPW/48/533 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Jul 1981-Sep E Rydbeck, members of the Great Britain South 1982 Africa Group and the South African Embassy, 'Letters from the Cape' and background paper

1 file

U DPW/48/534 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Jan-Nov 1982 E Rydbeck and the South African Embassy, and 'Letters from the Cape'

1 file

U DPW/48/535 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Oct 1982-Jun E Rydbeck, PDF Cleaver, and the South African 1984 Embassy, and 'Letters from the Cape'

1 file

U DPW/48/536 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Nov 1983-Dec E Rydbeck, PDF Cleaver, PD McDonagh, John 1984 Carlisle MP, and Neil MacFarlane MP, and 'Letters from the Cape'

1 file

U DPW/48/537 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Dec 1983-Feb E Rydbeck, John Carlisle MP, and Neil 1985 MacFarlane MP, ts. speeches, programme of visit to Britain by Leon Wessels, National Party MP and 'Letters from the Cape'

1 file

U DPW/48/538 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Jan-Dec 1985 E Rydbeck, 'Letters from the Cape', and ts. speeches Including:

a) Photocopy of 'Rivonia: Operation Mayibue. A review of the Rivonia trial', Hon. HHW de Villiers (Afrikaanse Pers-Boekhandel, 1964), [1985] 1 file

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U DPW/48/539 File. South Africa. Correspondence Mar-Nov 1985

1 file

U DPW/48/540 File. South Africa. Correspondence regarding Aug-Sep 1985 Patrick Wall's letter to the 'Daily Telegraph', 21 August, about President PW Botha and apartheid

1 file

U DPW/48/541 File. South Africa. Correspondence, ts. speech Sep 1985-Dec and background papers 1986 Including:

a) Ts. 'South Africa and human rights. A way between apartheid and revolution', International Society for Human Rights, September 1985 1 file

U DPW/48/542 File. South Africa. Correspondence, background Jan-Nov 1986 papers, including from the South African Sports Office, and ts. speeches Including:

a) Ts. 'Bloody confrontation or constructive compromise', about Southern Africa, David Atkinson MP, Paul Howell MP and Sir Fergus Montgomery MP, no date b) Letter from Lynda Chalker MP, Foreign Office, 24 February 1986 c) Letter from Geoffrey Howe MP, Foreign Secretary, 6 August 1986 1 file

U DPW/48/543 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Apr-Jul 1986 E Rydbeck, 'Letter from the Cape', and Early Day Motion petitions

1 file

U DPW/48/544 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Jun-Nov 1986 constituents about sanctions Including:

a) Letter from Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi, of Inkatha, 16 September 1986 1 file

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U DPW/48/545 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Jan-Nov 1987 DHV Buckle and E Rydbeck, 'Letters from the Cape', and papers from Nicholas Winterton MP about death threats received by German Ministers from SWAPO Including:

a) Letter from Lynda Chalker MP, Foreign Office, 15 May 1987 1 file

U DPW/48/546 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Dec 1987-Mar DHV Buckle and E Rydbeck, 'Letters from the 1989 Cape' and ts. speeches

1 file

U DPW/48/547 File. South Africa. Correspondence, including with Jan-Dec 1989 DHV Buckle and E Rydbeck, 'Letters from the Cape' and circulars

1 file

U DPW/48/548 File. South Africa. Correspondence about Nelson Jan-Dec 1990 Mandela's release from prison, including with DHV Buckle, 'Letters from the Cape', and press releases from the De Beers Centenary AG, Anglo American Corporation and De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd.

1 file

U DPW/48/549 File. South Africa: defence. Correspondence Oct-Nov 1964 (limited) with Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd. and others about the supply of Buccaneer aircraft to South Africa

1 file

U DPW/48/550 File. South Africa: defence. Background papers, Oct 1967-Feb including pamphlets by Patrick Wall, in 1973 collaboration with other MPs, on British defence policy and the Communist threat Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'The Gulf', report of a visit to the Middle East by Patrick Wall, circa 1972 b) Photocopy ts. 'South Africa 18 January -12 February 1973', report of a visit by [? Patrick Wall], [February 1973] 1 file

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U DPW/48/551 File. South Africa: defence. Correspondence, Dec 1967-Jan especially about the impact of an arms embargo 1968 on South Africa on the exports of Rose, Downs and Thompson Including:

a) Ts. 'Arms for South Africa', Conservative Research Department, 12 December 1967 1 file

U DPW/48/552 File. South Africa: defence. Correspondence, and Jan 1970-Jun ms. and ts. speech notes 1971

1 file

U DPW/48/553 File. South Africa: defence. Background papers, Apr 1972-1976 including brief on arms to South Africa for British delegation to Inter-Parliamentary Union conference, April 1972

1 file

U DPW/48/554 File. South Africa Education Project. Circular Mar-Oct 1972 letters and course materials for teachers about South Africa, Rhodesia and the Portugese colonies; correspondence, mainly with Margaret Thatcher MP, Minister for Education, and Department of Education and Science; and report on the project by Patrick Wall Including:

a) Annual report, Liberation (incorporating the Movement for Colonial Freedom), April 1972 1 file

U DPW/48/555 Box of black and white slides issued by the South c.1972 Africa Education Project, covering the history of the region; resistance in South Africa; conditions in South Africa; the Portugese territories; and international and defence matters. With explanatory booklet

26 items

U DPW/48/556 Reel to reel audiotape. South Africa Education c.1972 Project. Comprising interviews with Basil Davidson, Antonio de Figueiredo and Jean Middleton, plus extracts from speeches by National Party politicians

1 item

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U DPW/48/557 File. South West Africa. Ts. statements to the Nov 1962 Fourth Committee of the United Nations by Rev. Michael Scott and Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/48/558 File. South West Africa. Brief on South West May-Sep 1966 Africa for British delegation to Inter-Parliamentary Union conference, September - October 1966, and other background papers

1 file

U DPW/48/559 File. South West Africa. Background papers and Jan-Nov 1971 ms. notes about the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on South West Africa

1 file

U DPW/48/560 File. South West Africa. Correspondence, ts. Nov 1971 notes and chronology

1 file

U DPW/48/561 File. South West Africa. Correspondence and brief Feb-Jun 1972 on South West Africa for British delegation to Inter-Parliamentary Union conference, April 1972

1 file

U DPW/48/562 File. South West Africa. Background papers, Mar 1975-Mar including from the Conservative Research 1977 Department, briefs for Inter-Parliamentary Union conferences, statements, reports, and correspondence with the Secretary to the Turnhalle Conference, B Marais Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'A race for independence in Namibia', Patrick Wall, circa 1976 1 file

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U DPW/48/563 File. South West Africa. Correspondence, Jan 1977-Nov background papers, ms. and ts. speeches, papers 1978 for Inter-Parliamentary Union conference, September 1977 Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'Final concept- accepted by the constitutional conference on 18 March 1977. Petition for the establishment of an interim government', no date 1 file

U DPW/48/564 File. South West Africa. Correspondence, Nov 1977-Mar background papers, and press statements from 1979 the South African Embassy Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Torture- a cancer in our society', Catholic Institute for International Relations and the British Council of Churches, with relative correspondence, no date 1 file

U DPW/48/565 Artificial file. Namibia. Photocopy texts of Jan 1979-May statements issued by the South African Embassy 1980 about SWAPO, with relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/48/566 File. Namibia. Articles and notes by Patrick Wall, May 1978-Dec and relative correspondence with journal / 1980 newspaper editors; correspondence with Sir Trevor Lloyd Hughes of Namibia Information Service and circulars Including:

a) Ts. 'The SWAPO (D) manifesto', [May 1978] 1 file

U DPW/48/567 File. Namibia. Correspondence, including with Sir Feb-Nov 1981 Trevor Lloyd Hughes, Namibia Information Service circulars and background paper Including:

a) Ts. report of a meeting at the House of Commons, 10 November 1981, between John Biggs Davison MP, John Corrie MP, Michael Colvin MP and Andreas Shipanga of SWAPO- Democrats, 11 November 1981 1 file

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U DPW/48/568 File. Namibia. Correspondence, including with Sir Jan-Dec 1982 Trevor Lloyd Hughes, and Namibia Information Service circulars

1 file

U DPW/48/569 File. Namibia. Correspondence, including with Jan 1983-Nov Patrick Watson and MPs, and Namibia 1984 Information Service circulars

1 file

U DPW/48/570 File. Namibia. Correspondence and Namibia Mar-Dec 1984 Information Service circulars Including:

a) Photocopy letter to Paul Lusaka, President of the General Assembly of the United Nations, and covering letter to Javier Perez de Cuellar, Secretary General, from the Multi Party Conference of South West Africa/Namibia, no date 1 file

U DPW/48/571 File. Namibia. Correspondence and Namibia Feb-Nov 1985 Information Service circulars Including:

a) Photocopy circular letter from Nicholas Winterton MP and Michael Brown MP, Chair and Secretary of the All Party Namibia Group, 3 April 1985 1 file

U DPW/48/572 File. Namibia. Correspondence, including with Jan 1986-Apr Patrick Watson of the Namibia Office, Lynda 1987 Chalker MP, Nicholas Winterton MP, Foundation Western Europe - Southern Africa, Michael Brown MP and Geoffrey Howe MP. With circulars Including:

a) Ts. 'Report on a visit to Namibia 9 March - 16 March 1986', John Osborn MP, William Shelton MP, Christopher Murphy MP and John Blackburn MP, March 1986 1 file

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U DPW/48/573 File. Sudan. Correspondence with John Udal Oct 1955-Sep about the revolt in Southern Sudan and 1957 background papers

1 file

U DPW/48/574 File. Sudan. Correspondence, including with the c.1958-Feb 1963 Foreign Office, John Udal and John Donald, about Sudanese refugees Including:

a) Ts. 'The problem of the Southern Sudan', Sudan African Closed Districts National Union', circa 1958 1 file

U DPW/48/575 File. Sudan. Correspondence, mainly with Sir May 1962-Jul Edwin Chapman Andrews and the Apostolic 1963 Delegate, about the Sudanese Missionary Societies Act 1962

1 file

U DPW/48/576 File. Sudan. Correspondence and reports about Jul 1963-Jan religious persecution in Southern Sudan, including 1965 a meeting of the Conservative Commonwealth Council with members of the Sudan African National Union

1 file

U DPW/48/577 File. Sudan. Ts. reports issued by Southern Jan-Mar 1967 Sudan Information Service

1 file

U DPW/48/578 File. Sudan. Ts. newsletters, 'The Voice of the Nov 1968-Apr Nile' (formerly 'Voice of Southern Sudan'), and 1970 limited correspondence

1 file

U DPW/48/579 File. Swaziland. Correspondence, including with Oct 1961-Oct RCG Clarke of Slaughter & May, Polycarp 1964 Dlamini, and CF Todd, about the Swazi constitution, and with DC Edwards of Courtaulds Ltd. about the Usutu Pulp Co. With background papers, mainly issued by the Africa Bureau

1 file

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U DPW/48/580 File. Swaziland. Correspondence with Polycarp Sep 1965-Oct Dlamini of the Swaziland Legislative Council, and 1966 ms. notes Including:

a) Ts. 'Report on a visit to South Africa, Swaziland and Rhodesia, January 1966', Patrick Wall, January 1966 1 file

U DPW/48/581 File. Swaziland. Correspondence between RCG Feb-Jul 1968 Clarke of Slaughter & May, Patrick Wall and Sir John Foster, with ms. notes on the Swaziland Independence Bill

1 file

U DPW/48/582 File. Swaziland. Correspondence with Prime Feb-Dec 1968 Minister, MJ Dlamini, and background papers on the land question by CF Todd

1 file

U DPW/48/583 File. Swaziland. Correspondence including with Oct 1968-Dec Prime Minister MJ Dlamini and the High 1975 Commissioner for Swaziland

1 file

U DPW/48/584 File. Tanganyika. Background papers Jul 1957-Jun Including: 1958

a) Ts. 'Policy statement of the United Tanganyika Party', [September] 1957 1 file

U DPW/48/585 File. Tanganyika. Correspondence, including with Nov 1957-Aug Ivor Bayldon 1958

1 file

U DPW/48/586 File. Tanganyika. Correspondence, mainly with Jan-Dec 1959 Julius Nyerere

1 file

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U DPW/48/587 File. Tanganyika. Correspondence Jan 1960-Aug Including: 1961

a) Ts. list of leading personalities in Tanganyika, no date b) Ts. biography of Laurian Rugambwa, Cardinal Designate, Africa Office, Sword of the Spirit, no date 1 file

U DPW/48/588 File. Tanganyika. Correspondence with Iain Jul-Dec 1961 Macleod, Colonial Office, and Prime Minister, Julius Nyerere Including:

a) Ts. 'Oxford Committee for Famine Relief. Famine situation in Tanganyika', TF Betts, 20 October 1961 1 file

U DPW/48/589 File. Tanganyika. Correspondence about Patrick Nov-Dec 1961 Wall's attendance at independence celebrations as a British parliamentary representative Including:

a) Black and white photographs (23) of Tanganyika, including Dar es Salaam, with ts. list of 'Tanganyika in pictures', Tanganyika Information Service, no date b) Letter from Alec Douglas Home, Foreign Secretary, 24 November 1961 1 file

U DPW/48/590 File. Tanganyika. Correspondence Jan-Dec 1962

1 file

U DPW/48/591 File. Zanzibar. Correspondence, including about Jan-Jul 1964 mutinies in the armed forces

1 file

U DPW/48/592 Artificial file. Tanzania. Correspondence and May 1964-Mar background papers, mainly about the Tanzania 1967 African National Union

1 file

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U DPW/48/593 File. Tanzania. Correspondence, including about Dec 1968-Sep the work of Amnesty International, and with the 1972 Tanganyika Farmers' Association

1 file

U DPW/48/594 File. Tanzania. Correspondence about the Bigwa Jan-Sep 1978 Sisters' Secondary School, Morogoro

1 file

U DPW/48/595 Artificial file. The Transkei. Correspondence and Nov 1963-May background papers 1978

1 file

U DPW/48/596 Artificial file. Uganda. Correspondence, including Jun 1954-Jan circular letters from Semakula Mulumba, Republic 1960 of the Bataka (Elders of Uganda)

1 file

U DPW/48/597 File. Uganda. Correspondence, including with Sir Dec 1960-Nov Amar Maini and Iain Macleod, Colonial Secretary 1961

1 file

U DPW/48/598 File. Uganda. Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes, Jan-Oct 1962 and background papers

1 file

U DPW/48/599 File. Uganda. Correspondence, including with Sir Oct 1962-Oct Amar Maini 1967

1 file

U DPW/48/600 File. Uganda. Correspondence, including with the Feb 1971-May Foreign Office and Tom Stacey, Prospective 1977 Parliamentary Candidate for Putney, about the expulsions from Uganda

1 file

U DPW/48/601 File. Uganda. Letter and background papers from Aug-Oct 1981 Edward Lubega

1 file

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U DPW/49 Asia 1956-1988

U DPW/49/1 File. Bangladesh. Letters, ts. reports and press Apr 1971-Mar releases 1973

1 file

U DPW/49/2 File. Goa. Ts. papers, ts. statements and letter Dec 1961-Jan 1962 1 file

U DPW/49/3 File. India. Letters, press releases, Conservative Jul 1956-Feb Commonwealth Council papers and ts. address 1960

1 file

U DPW/49/4 File. India. Correspondence, Conservative Mar 1961-Mar Commonwealth Council papers and ts. report 1962

1 file

U DPW/49/5 File. India, 1963. Correspondence and Feb-Dec 1963 Conservative Commonwealth Council paper

1 file

U DPW/49/6 File. India, 1965. Incomplete ts. report 'The 1965 integration of the world under British Government: What about it?', by RBM Levick, relating to India

1 file

U DPW/49/7 File. India, 1966. Correspondence, ts. reports, ms. Feb-Jun 1966 notes and ts. parliamentary question and answer

1 file

U DPW/49/8 File. India, 1967. Ts. parliamentary questions, Mar-Nov 1967 Conservative Commonwealth Council paper, and letter with enclosed pamphlet

1 file

U DPW/49/9 File. India. Correspondence Jan 1968-Dec 1969 1 file

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U DPW/49/10 File. India, 1971. Correspondence and press Jul 1970-Aug releases 1971

1 file

U DPW/49/11 File. India. Letters, ts. briefing paper and ts. 'Aid Oct 1971-Oct for Development factsheets', Foreign and 1975 Commonwealth Office, Overseas Development Administration

1 file

U DPW/49/12 File. India. Letters, ts. statements and ts. reports Jan 1980-Nov 1988 1 file

U DPW/49/13 File. Indo-Pakistan war. Letter, ts. report, press 1964-1965 release and Conservative Party Research Department paper

1 file

U DPW/49/14 File. Pakistan. Correspondence, ts. reports and ts. Mar 1962-Dec Conservative Commonwealth Council paper 1969

1 file

U DPW/49/15 File. Pakistan. Correspondence, ts. briefing paper, 1971-1981 ts. newsletter, memorandum, ms. notes and Conservative Party Research Department paper

1 file

U DPW/49/16 File. Pakistan. Letters May 1983-Apr 1986 1 file

U DPW/49/17 File. Ceylon. Correspondence Apr-May 1962

1 file

U DPW/49/18 File. Ceylon. Letters, ts. notes, ts. newsletters and 1962-Oct 1963 ts. report

1 file

U DPW/49/19 File. Ceylon. Correspondence, ts. notes, ts. Jan-Dec 1964 parliamentary question and ts. newsletter

1 file

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U DPW/49/20 File. Sri Lanka. Correspondence Sep-Dec 1975

1 file

U DPW/49/21 File. Sri Lanka. Letter and ts. report Feb-May 1985

1 file

U DPW/50 Australasia 1953-1986

U DPW/50/1 File. Antarctica. Correspondence, memorandum Dec 1956-Nov and ts. report 1966

1 file

U DPW/50/2 File. Australia, 1964. Correspondence and ts. Jul 1964-Jan reports 1965

1 file

U DPW/50/3 File. Australia, 1965. Ts. reports and letter Jan-Jul 1965

1 file

U DPW/50/4 File. Australia. Correspondence and ts. reports Apr 1958-Jan 1967 1 file

U DPW/50/5 File. Australia, 1967. Correspondence, ts. reports, Jan 1967-Jan ts. parliamentary question and answer and ts. 1968 Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas Council paper

1 file

U DPW/50/6 File. Australia, 1968. Correspondence, ts. reports Dec 1967-Nov and Conservative Party Research Department 1968 papers

1 file

U DPW/50/7 File. Australia. Correspondence Dec 1968-Jul 1970 1 file

U DPW/50/8 File. Australia, 1969. Correspondence and ts. Jan 1969-Jan reports 1970

1 file

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U DPW/50/9 File. Australia, 1971. Correspondence and ts. Nov 1970-Dec newsletter 1971

1 file

U DPW/50/10 File. Australia, 1972. Correspondence Nov 1971-Feb 1972 1 file

U DPW/50/11 File. Australia, 1973. Correspondence Oct 1972-Sep 1973 1 file

U DPW/50/12 File. Australia. Letter and ts. prayer 1976

1 file

U DPW/50/13 File. Australia, 1978. Letters and address by RV Jan-Jun 1978 Garland, Australian MP

1 file

U DPW/50/14 File. Australia, 1979. Correspondence and Sep 1978-Oct pamphlet also regarding independence for the 1979 Gilbert Islands

1 file

U DPW/50/15 File. Australia, 1982. Correspondence Oct 1982

1 file

U DPW/50/16 File. Australia. Letters and press releases Apr 1985-Feb 1986 1 file

U DPW/50/17 File. Fiji. Ts. statements, ts. resolution and ts. May-Dec 1966 parliamentary question

1 file

U DPW/50/18 File. New Zealand. Correspondence and ts. Feb 1962-Jul reports 1980

1 file

U DPW/50/19 File. Pacific Islands. Conservative Commonwealth 1953-Oct 1980 Council papers and correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/51 Commonwealth 1951-1982 Files on many Commonwealth states can be found in the series of African papers [DPW/48]

U DPW/51/1 File. Africa. Correspondence and ts. newsletters May 1980-Nov 1982 1 file

U DPW/51/2 File. Africa. Letters and ms. notes Jul 1981-Oct 1982 1 file

U DPW/51/3 File. British Commonwealth Alliance. May 1969-Jun Correspondence and reports 1971

1 file

U DPW/51/4 File. Colonial Office memoranda Apr 1951-Nov Including: 1960

a) Ts. 'The future of the Overseas Food Corporation', Conservative Research Department, October 1954 1 file

U DPW/51/5 File. Colonial Office. Memoranda and Apr 1957-Nov correspondence 1959

1 file

U DPW/51/6 File. Colonial Office. Memoranda and Apr 1960-Apr correspondence 1963

1 file

U DPW/51/7 File. Colonial Office. Background papers (2) Oct 1964-May 1966 1 file

U DPW/51/8 File. Commonwealth. Ts. notes and ts. 'The future Sep 1961-Jun of the Commonwealth Affairs Committee', 1968 Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/51/9 File. Commonwealth, 1963. Correspondence, Oct-Dec 1963 memoranda and ts. notes

1 file

Page 686 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/51/10 File. Commonwealth, 1964. Correspondence, Feb 1964-Jan reports, memoranda, Conservative Party 1965 Research papers and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/51/11 File. Commonwealth, 1966. Correspondence, ms. Jan 1965-Nov and ts. notes 1966 Including:

a) Minutes of Commonwealth Migration Council Annual General Meeting, 16 March 1966 1 file

U DPW/51/12 File. Commonwealth, 1967. Correspondence, ts. Dec 1964-Sep notes, Conservative Commonwealth Council 1967 reports and ts. parliamentary questions

1 file

U DPW/51/13 File. Commonwealth, 1968. Correspondence and Feb-Mar 1968 ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/51/14 File. Commonwealth, 1969. Correspondence Oct 1968-Nov 1969 1 file

U DPW/51/15 File. Commonwealth, 1970. Correspondence and Sep 1968-Oct report 1970

1 file

U DPW/51/16 File. Commonwealth aid. Letters and Apr-Jun 1961 Conservative Commonwealth Council paper

1 file

U DPW/51/17 File. Commonwealth aid, 1967. Correspondence, Apr 1966-Nov ts. notes, ts. parliamentary questions and 1967 answers, and Overseas Development Institute briefing papers

1 file

U DPW/51/18 File. Commonwealth aid, 1968. Correspondence, Mar-Dec 1968 reports and Overseas Development Institute papers

1 file

Page 687 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/51/19 File. Commonwealth aid, 1969. Ministry of Jan-Jul 1969 Overseas Development factsheets, ts. parliamentary question and answer and ts. brief 'Overseas Resources Development Bill', Overseas Development Institute

1 file

U DPW/51/20 File. Commonwealth: background papers. Ts. May 1957-Apr notes and Conservative Party research papers 1964

1 file

U DPW/51/21 File. Commonwealth Civil Service pensions. Nov 1959-Sep Correspondence and memorandum 1961

1 file

U DPW/51/22 File. Commonwealth Commentapes. Jul 1957-Aug Correspondence and ms. notes 1958

1 file

U DPW/51/23 File. Commonwealth Commentapes. Jul 1958-Jul Correspondence, accounts, artwork, ts. and ms. 1959 notes and ts. transcript of the first report

1 file

U DPW/51/24 File. Commonwealth Commentapes. Jul 1959-Sep Correspondence, ms. notes and bank statements 1961

1 file

U DPW/51/25 File. Commonwealth Commentapes: adverts. Jul-Oct 1958 Correspondence, cuttings, ms. notes and ts. drafts

1 file

U DPW/51/26 File. Commonwealth Commentapes: criticism. Jun-Dec 1958 Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/51/27 File. Commonwealth Commentapes: enquiries. Jul-Nov 1958 Correspondence

1 file

Page 688 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/51/28 File. Commonwealth Commentapes, no. 1, Africa, Jan-Mar 1958 1958. Correspondence, ms. notes and ts. transcripts with alterations and drafts

1 file

U DPW/51/29 File. Commonwealth Commentapes, no. 2, Africa, Feb 1958 1958. Ts. transcripts with alterations and drafts

1 file

U DPW/51/30 File. Commonwealth Commentapes, no. 3, Africa, Feb-Apr 1958 1958. Ts. transcripts with alterations, letter, ms. and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/51/31 File. Commonwealth Commentapes, no. 4, Africa, May 1958 1958. Ts. and ms. transcripts, ms. notes and letter

1 file

U DPW/51/32 File. Commonwealth Commentapes. Jul 1957-Jun Correspondence, ms. notes and ts. transcripts of 1958 Commentape no. 2, USA, with alterations and drafts

1 file

U DPW/51/33 File. Commonwealth Commentapes, first report, May-Jul 1958 1958. Letters, ms. notes and ts. first report

1 file

U DPW/51/34 File. Commonwealth Commentapes, second Jan 1957-Aug report. Ms. draft, ms. and ts. notes 1958

1 file

U DPW/51/35 File. Commonwealth Commentapes, third report, Mar-Aug 1958 1958. Correspondence and ms. notes

1 file

Page 689 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/51/36 File. Commonwealth economic development, Nov 1955-May 1955 - 1960. Ts. speeches, letter, ts. 1961 parliamentary questions, and minutes of Joint Meeting of the Conservative Commonwealth Council and Commonwealth Development and Economic Sub - Committee

1 file

U DPW/51/37 File. Commonwealth economic development, Apr-Jul 1963 1963. Ts. notes, notice of meeting and minutes of Conservative Commonwealth Council, Commonwealth Development Group meeting

1 file

U DPW/51/38 File. Commonwealth development, 1964. Jan-Dec 1964 Correspondence, Conservative Party research papers, ts. address, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/51/39 File. Commonwealth development, 1965. Feb-Dec 1965 Correspondence, reports, Conservative Party research paper and Conservative Commonwealth Council paper

1 file

U DPW/51/40 File. Commonwealth development, 1966. Letter Nov 1966 and ts. factsheets

1 file

U DPW/51/41 File. Commonwealth economic development. May 1967 Letter and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/51/42 File. Commonwealth economic development. Mar-Jul 1972 Correspondence and background papers

1 file

U DPW/51/43 File. Commonwealth education. Correspondence Jan-Jun 1969 and memoranda

1 file

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U DPW/51/44 File. Commonwealth Migration Council. Letters, Oct 1952-Jul notices of meetings, minutes of AGM and reports 1956

1 file

U DPW/51/45 File. Commonwealth Migration Council and Mar 1953-Dec Empire Settlement Bill. Correspondence, reports, 1959 minutes of Executive Committee and AGM, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/51/46 File. Commonwealth Migration Council, 1957. May-Nov 1957 Correspondence, reports, notices of meetings and minutes of Executive Committee and AGM

1 file

U DPW/51/47 File. Commonwealth Migration Council, 1958. Nov 1957-Dec Correspondence, reports, notices of meetings, 1958 minutes of Executive Committee and AGM, and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/51/48 File. Commonwealth Migration Council, 1959. Jan-Feb 1959 Minutes, notices of meetings and reports

1 file

U DPW/51/49 File. Commonwealth Migration Council, 1960. Jan 1960-Oct Minutes, correspondence, reports and notices of 1961 meetings

1 file

U DPW/51/50 File. Commonwealth Migration Council, 1961. Jul-Nov 1961 Correspondence, minutes and report

1 file

U DPW/51/51 File. Commonwealth Migration Council, 1962. Jun 1961-Dec Correspondence, reports, notices of meetings, 1962 minutes of Executive Committee and AGM, ts. addresses and ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/51/52 File. Commonwealth Migration Council, 1963. Feb 1963-Mar Correspondence, notices of meetings, minutes of 1964 Executive Committee and reports

1 file

U DPW/51/53 File. Commonwealth Migration Council, 1964. Nov 1963-Nov Correspondence, reports, notices of meetings and 1964 minutes of Executive Committee and AGM

1 file

U DPW/51/54 Artificial file. Commonwealth Office. Ts. 'Notes on Aug 1966-Apr dependent territories' (3 versions) 1967

1 file

U DPW/51/55 File. Commonwealth organisation. May 1959-Aug Correspondence, Conservative Party research 1963 papers, ts. speeches, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/51/56 File. Commonwealth Purpose Group, 1962. Jan 1962-Feb Letters, minutes of Steering Committee and ts. 1963 reports

1 file

U DPW/51/57 File. Commonwealth: small territories. Letter, ms. Feb 1956-Jan notes and ts. 'The smaller territories. Definition of', 1960 Sir Hilary Blood

1 file

U DPW/51/58 File. Conservative Commonwealth Council Oct 1954-Jun Papers. Including drafts, correspondence and ms. 1968 notes

1 file

U DPW/51/59 File. Conservative Commonwealth Council Aug 1953-Mar Papers, nos. 1 - 49 1961

1 file

U DPW/51/60 File. Conservative Commonwealth Council Nov 1955-Apr Papers, nos. 50 - 99 1957

1 file

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U DPW/51/61 File. Conservative Commonwealth Council Jan 1957-Feb Papers, nos. 100 - 149 1959

1 file

U DPW/51/62 File. Conservative Commonwealth Council Mar 1959-Mar Papers, nos. 150 - 199 1962

1 file

U DPW/51/63 File. Conservative Commonwealth Council Mar 1962-Mar Papers, nos. 200 - 293 1973

1 file

U DPW/51/64 File. Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas Aug 1972-Mar Council Papers, nos. 294 - 305 Also papers for 1975 British Commonwealth Alliance, including minutes of AGM

1 file

U DPW/51/65 File. Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas 1964-Feb 1966 Council, Commonwealth Policy Study Group. Ts. papers, ms. notes and letter regarding political and defence issues

1 file

U DPW/51/66 File. Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas Dec 1964-Feb Council, Commonwealth Policy Study Group. Ts. 1966 papers

1 file

U DPW/51/67 File. Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas Jun 1965-Oct Council, Commonwealth Policy Study Group. 1966 Minutes, correspondence, notices of meetings, report, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/51/68 File. Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas Aug 1965-Feb Council, Commonwealth Policy Study Group. Ts. 1966 papers

1 file

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U DPW/51/69 File. Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas Aug 1965-Jul Council, Commonwealth Policy Study Group. Ts. 1966 draft papers and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/51/70 File. Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas Apr 1966-Jan Council, Commonwealth Policy Study Group 1967 Report. Ts. draft extracts, correspondence, minutes and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/51/71 File. Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas Jan-Feb 1967 Council, Commonwealth Policy Study Group Report. Draft report, with ms. annotations and additional ts. extracts, letters and minutes

1 file

U DPW/51/72 File. Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas Mar-Oct 1967 Council, Commonwealth Policy Study Group Report. Numbered copies (2) of final report issued to Patrick Wall, with covering letters

1 file

U DPW/51/73 File. Dar Es Salaam Club. Correspondence Dec 1963-Feb 1964 1 file

U DPW/51/74 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group, 1956. Apr 1955-Dec Correspondence, ts. speeches, notices of 1956 meetings, minutes, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/51/75 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group. Jun 1956-Dec Correspondence 1957

1 file

U DPW/51/76 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group, 1957. Dec 1956-Dec Correspondence, minutes, draft pamphlets, ts. 1957 addresses, notices of meetings, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

Page 694 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/51/77 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group. Jan 1957-Dec Correspondence, ts. papers and notices of 1959 meetings

1 file

U DPW/51/78 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group. Ts. and Mar 1957 ms. notes regarding Afro - Asian members of the Commonwealth

1 file

U DPW/51/79 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group. Ts. Dec 1957-Nov papers, correspondence and ms. notes 1958

1 file

U DPW/51/80 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group, 1958. Dec 1957-Jan Correspondence, minutes, ts. accounts, notices of 1959 meetings and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/51/81 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group, 1959. Jan-Dec 1959 Correspondence, minutes, notices of meetings, ms. notes and ts. papers, including by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/51/82 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group, 1960. Dec 1959-Feb Minutes, letters, notices of meetings and 1961 memorandum

1 file

U DPW/51/83 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group, 1961. Jan-Nov 1961 Minutes, notices of meetings and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/51/84 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group, 1962. Dec 1961-Jul Letters, minutes and ts. papers 1962

1 file

U DPW/51/85 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group, 1964. Dec 1963-Jun Letters 1964

1 file

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U DPW/51/86 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group: Africa. Feb-Jun 1960 Correspondence, minutes, ts. papers, notices of meetings and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/51/87 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group, Economic May-Nov 1958 Committee. Letters, reports, notice of meeting and minutes Also papers for Commonwealth Unity Group 1 file

U DPW/51/88 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group: status of Jul 1959-May Cyprus. Correspondence, memoranda, ms. notes 1960 and ts. papers

1 file

U DPW/51/89 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group pamphlets. Jun-Oct 1956 Letter, minutes and pamphlet, 'The expanding Commonwealth', with draft copies

1 file

U DPW/51/90 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group pamphlets. Jul-Aug 1957 Letters and drafts of pamphlets, 'Expand - or decay?' and 'The third interest'

1 file

U DPW/51/91 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group pamphlets. Aug 1959-Mar Letters, ts. papers, ts. drafts and printed version of 1961 pamphlet, 'Expanding obligation'

1 file

U DPW/51/92 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group pamphlets. Jul-Sep 1958 Letter, press release, drafts and printed version of pamphlet, 'Expanding opportunity'

1 file

U DPW/51/93 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group papers. Dec 1957-Sep Letters, ms. notes, ts. papers, drafts and final 1959 version of 'Immediate constitutional problems' by Patrick Wall

1 file

Page 696 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/51/94 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group papers. Apr-May 1958 Letters, ms. notes and ts. papers for 'Organisation of the Commonwealth' by Patrick Wall.

1 file

U DPW/51/95 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group papers. Dec 1957 Ts. drafts and final version of 'Political considerations' by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/51/96 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group papers. Mar-Apr 1958 Correspondence, ms. notes and ts. papers for 'Structure of the Commonwealth' and 'Organisation of the Commonwealth' by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/51/97 File. Expanding Commonwealth Group policy Aug 1959-Jul papers. Ts. papers, minutes, correspondence and 1962 ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/51/98 File. Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Civil May-Aug 1964 Servants. Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/51/99 File. Ghana pensioners. Correspondence and ms. Dec 1963-Aug notes 1964

1 file

U DPW/51/100 File. Lindley, John. Correspondence about the Oct 1955-Nov Social and Public Administration course for 1963 Overseas Students at South Devon Technical College, Torquay

1 file

U DPW/51/101 File. Lindley, John. Correspondence about the Apr 1958-Jan Social and Public Administration course for 1964 Overseas Students at South Devon Technical College, Torquay

1 file

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U DPW/51/102 File. Lindley, John. Correspondence about the Feb 1961-Feb Social and Public Administration course for 1962 Overseas Students at South Devon Technical College, Torquay

1 file

U DPW/51/103 File. Lindley, John. Correspondence about the Sep 1963-Jul Social and Public Administration course for 1971 Overseas Students at South Devon Technical College, Torquay

1 file

U DPW/51/104 File. Lindley, John. Correspondence about the Nov 1958-Dec Social and Public Administration course for 1972 Overseas Students at South Devon Technical College, Torquay

1 file

U DPW/51/105 File. Northern Rhodesia Civil Servants Aug-Aug 1965 Association. Correspondence, ts. parliamentary questions, ts. reports and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/51/106 File. Nyasaland Civil Service. Correspondence, ts. Apr-Aug 1964 notes and ts. parliamentary questions

1 file

U DPW/51/107 File. Overseas Civil Servants. Correspondence, May 1960-Jul ts. reports, press releases, ts. and ms. notes, and 1961 minutes of Overseas Service Committee

1 file

U DPW/51/108 File. Overseas Civil Servants, Pensioners' Jun 1960-Jul Associations. Correspondence, press release, ms. 1962 notes and memorandum

1 file

U DPW/51/109 File. Overseas Civil Service Pensions. Feb 1954-Jul Correspondence and articles from 'New 1963 Commonwealth' by Bernard Braine MP

1 file

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U DPW/51/110 File. Overseas pensioners. Correspondence, ts. Jan 1964-Dec parliamentary questions, ms. notes and ts. 1965 statements

1 file

U DPW/51/111 File. Overseas pensioners. Correspondence Sep-Oct 1964

1 file

U DPW/51/112 File. Overseas pensioners. Ts. proposed 1965 parliamentary questions

1 file

U DPW/51/113 File. Overseas pensioners. Correspondence Feb 1966-Jul 1967 1 file

U DPW/51/114 File. Overseas pensioners. Correspondence, ts. Dec 1965-Nov and ms. notes 1968

1 file

U DPW/51/115 File. Overseas pensioners. Correspondence Feb-May 1971

1 file

U DPW/51/116 File. Overseas students' fees. Letters, ts. notes, Jan-May 1967 Conservative Party research papers and ts. parliamentary questions

1 file

U DPW/51/117 File. Policy Committee on the Commonwealth and Jul 1958-Apr the Colonies. Correspondence, minutes, reports, 1960 ts. notes and draft pamphlet, 'Wind of change', Conservative Political Centre

1 file

U DPW/51/118 File. Policy Committee on the Commonwealth and Nov 1958-Apr the Colonies, Economic Sub Committee. Minutes, 1959 reports and notices of meetings

1 file1 file

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U DPW/51/119 File. Policy Committee on the Commonwealth and Jul 1958-Apr the Colonies, Political Sub Committee. 1959 Correspondence, minutes, notices of meetings, reports and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/51/120 File. Zambia Civil Servants Association. Sep 1963-Mar Correspondence and ms. notes 1966

1 file

U DPW/51/121 File. Zanzibar Civil Servants. Correspondence Feb-May 1964

1 file

U DPW/52 Cyprus 1954-1985

U DPW/52/1 File. Cyprus. Conservative Commonwealth 1954-1964 Council papers

1 file

U DPW/52/2 File. Cyprus. Ts. papers, Conservative Party Apr 1954-Jun research papers and ms. notes 1976

1 file

U DPW/52/3 File. Cyprus, 1955. Correspondence, ts. reports, Jan 1955-Feb press release, ts. and ms. notes 1956

1 file

U DPW/52/4 File. Cyprus: Greek case, 1955. Correspondence, Jan-Jul 1955 ms. notes and ts. reports

1 file

U DPW/52/5 File. Cyprus: Turkish case, 1955. Press releases, Oct 1954-Nov ms. notes, ts. report and letter 1955

1 file

U DPW/52/6 File. Cyprus: proposals for a Federal Scheme. Jul 1955-Jan Correspondence and ts. notes 1958

1 file

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U DPW/52/7 File. Cyprus, 1956. Correspondence, ts. papers, Dec 1954-Dec ms. notes and ts. reports by Patrick Wall 1956

1 file

U DPW/52/8 File. Cyprus, 1956. Ms. notes, letter and ts. article Jan 1956 'The Middle East and Cyprus' by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/52/9 File. Cyprus: Greek case, 1956. Correspondence, Jun-Oct 1956 reports and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/52/10 File. Cyprus: Turkish case, 1956. Feb 1956-Oct Correspondence, press releases, ts. reports and 1956 ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/52/11 File. Cyprus: American propaganda. Circular Sep 1956-Jun letters and ts. notes 1958

1 file

U DPW/52/12 File. Cyprus, 1957. Correspondence Sep 1956-Dec 1957 1 file

U DPW/52/13 File. Cyprus, 1957. Ts. Conservative Feb-Jul 1957 Commonwealth Council papers

1 file

U DPW/52/14 File. Cyprus. Ts. reports May-Sep 1957

1 file

U DPW/52/15 File. Cyprus: Greek case, 1957. Letters, Feb-Sep 1957 memoranda, ts. reports and Conservative Commonwealth Council papers

1 file

U DPW/52/16 File. Cyprus: United Nations debate, 1957. Ts. Dec 1957 reports and speeches

1 file

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U DPW/52/17 File. Cyprus, 1958. Correspondence Feb-Dec 1958

1 file

U DPW/52/18 File. Cyprus. Ts. papers and ms. notes Mar 1958-Apr 1959 1 file

U DPW/52/19 File. Cyprus, 1959. Conservative Commonwealth Feb 1958-Dec Council papers, Conservative Party research 1959 papers, letter and ts. 'Constitutional position of the Republic of Cyprus' by Patrick Wall for the Expanding Commonwealth Group

1 file

U DPW/52/20 File. Cyprus, 1959. Correspondence Aug 1958-Jul 1959 1 file

U DPW/52/21 File. Cyprus: British residents, 1959. May-Jul 1959 Correspondence, ts. reports and ms. notes

1 file This item is currently missing from our collections and cannot therefore be viewed at the present time U DPW/52/22 File. Spinney's (Cyprus) 1949 Limited. Feb 1959-Apr Correspondence 1962

1 file This item is currently missing from our collections and cannot therefore be viewed at the present time U DPW/52/23 File. Cyprus, 1960. Correspondence May 1959-Dec 1960 1 file This item is currently missing from our collections and cannot therefore be viewed at the present time U DPW/52/24 File. Cyprus: settlement. Correspondence, Oct 1959-Jul Conservative Party research paper, ms. and ts. 1960 notes

1 file This item is currently missing from our collections and cannot therefore be viewed at the present time

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U DPW/52/25 File. Cyprus. Correspondence Feb 1961-Feb 1963 1 file This item is currently missing from our collections and cannot therefore be viewed at the present time U DPW/52/26 File. Cyprus. Correspondence, ts. reports, ts. Apr-May 1964 notes and press release

1 file

U DPW/52/27 File. Cyprus, 1965. Correspondence and ms. Feb 1964-Feb notes 1966 Including:

a) Minutes of Friends of Malta GC Annual General Meeting, 16 July 1964 1 file

U DPW/52/28 Artificial file. Cyprus, 1966 - 1969. 1966-1969 Correspondence, Christmas card, ts. report and ts. note

1 file

U DPW/52/29 Artificial file. Cyprus, 1972 & 1974. Mar 1972-Nov Correspondence, ts. briefing paper and ts. 1974 address by Archbishop Makarious, President of the Republic of Cyprus, to the General Assembly of the United Nations

1 file

U DPW/52/30 File. Cyprus, 1975. Correspondence Oct -Nov 1975

1 file

U DPW/52/31 Artificial file. Cyprus, 1976 - 1977. Letters, reports Feb 1975-Jan and ts. notes 1977

1 file

U DPW/52/32 File. Cyprus, 1984. Letter, ts. newsletter and Jan-Jul 1984 briefing paper

1 file

U DPW/52/33 File. Cyprus, 1985. Letters, ts. resolutions and ts. Jan-Jul 1985 statement

1 file

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U DPW/53 Europe 1955-1988

U DPW/53/1 File. Denmark. Correspondence Jan 1988

1 file

U DPW/53/2 File. Finland. Correspondence and ts. reports Oct 1966-Dec Including: 1969

a) Ts. 'Report of a visit to Finland 14th - 18th September 1966', by Patrick Wall, October 1966 1 file

U DPW/53/3 File. France, 1969. Correspondence Jan-Aug 1969

1 file

U DPW/53/4 File. France, 1970. Letters Mar-Apr 1970

1 file

U DPW/53/5 File. Iceland. Correspondence and ts. notes Mar 1964-Dec 1974 1 file

U DPW/53/6 File. Portugal. Ts. reports and letter Jun 1955-Oct 1961 1 file

U DPW/53/7 File. Portugal. Ts. reports and letter Feb-Jun 1962

1 file

U DPW/53/8 File. Portugal. Letters with enclosed publications Apr 1963-May 1964 1 file

U DPW/53/9 File. Portugal. Correspondence and ts. speech by Jun-Dec 1965 Dr Oliveira Salazar, Prime Minister of Portugal

1 file

U DPW/53/10 File. Portugal. Correspondence, ts. report, ts. and Mar-Sep 1966 ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/53/11 File. Portugal. Correspondence Jul-Dec 1967

1 file

U DPW/53/12 File. Portugal. Correspondence and ts. draft Dec 1967-Mar publication by Dean Acheson regarding the Third 1968 World

1 file

U DPW/53/13 File. Portugal. Correspondence Feb-Dec 1969

1 file

U DPW/53/14 File. Portugal. Correspondence Jun 1970-Dec 1971 1 file

U DPW/53/15 File. Portugal. Correspondence and ts. report 1972-Dec 1973 [French]

1 file

U DPW/53/16 File. Portugal. Correspondence, press releases Nov 1973-Dec and ts. report 1974

1 file

U DPW/53/17 File. Portugal. Ts. report and ms. report by Patrick 1975 Wall

1 file

U DPW/53/18 File. Portugal. Correspondence and ts. report Sep 1975-Jun 1977 1 file

U DPW/53/19 File. Portugal. Letters and press releases Dec 1981-Sep 1987 1 file

U DPW/53/20 File. Scandinavia. Correspondence and ts. Oct 1979-Apr newsletters 1980

1 file

U DPW/54 European Economic Community 1956-1986

Page 705 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/54/1 File. 'Britain and the European communities. Jul-Oct 1971 Briefing material for the parliamentary debate on the Common Market, July 1971', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/54/2 File. European Common Market, British Jun-Aug 1961 negotiations. Letters and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/54/3 File. European Common Market, British Jun-Aug 1962 negotiations. Ms. notes and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/54/4 File. European Common Market. Correspondence Aug 1961-Dec with those against 1962

1 file

U DPW/54/5 File. European Common Market. Correspondence Aug-Nov 1961 with those in favour, Conservative Party research papers, ts. report and transcript speech by Peter Thorneycroft MP

1 file

U DPW/54/6 File. European Common Market and the Aug 1961-Sep Commonwealth. Conservative Commonwealth 1962 Council papers, correspondence, ms. notes and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/54/7 File. European Economic Community. Letters and Jul-Oct 1960 Conservative Party research paper

1 file

U DPW/54/8 File. European Economic Community. Jun 1961-Nov Correspondence 1962

1 file

Page 706 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/54/9 File. European Economic Community, 1965. Mar-Apr 1965 Correspondence and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/54/10 File. European Economic Community, 1966. Oct 1965-Nov Reports, ts. research papers, ts. notes and letter 1966

1 file

U DPW/54/11 File. European Economic Community, 1967. Apr 1966-Oct Conservative Party research papers, letters, ts. 1967 reports, ts. notes and Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas Council papers

1 file

U DPW/54/12 File. European Economic Community, 1968. 1968 Correspondence and ts. report 'Britain and Europe', by South Young Conservatives and Tavistock Branch Young Conservatives

1 file

U DPW/54/13 File. European Economic Community, 1969. Mar-Dec 1969 Letters, press release and Conservative Party research paper

1 file

U DPW/54/14 File. European Economic Community, 1970. Jan-Jul 1970 Correspondence and reports Including:

a) Minutes of Atlantic Free Trade Area Group meetings (3), February 1970 - May 1970 1 file

U DPW/54/15 File. European Economic Community, 1970. Apr-Oct 1970 Correspondence, reports and Conservative Party research papers Including:

a) Minutes of Atlantic Free Trade Area Group meeting, 15 April 1970 1 file

Page 707 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/54/16 File. European Economic Community, 1971. Jan-May 1971 Correspondence and Conservative Party research paper

1 file

U DPW/54/17 File. European Economic Community, 1971. Jan-Sep 1971 Letters, memoranda, reports and Conservative Party leaflets

1 file

U DPW/54/18 File. European Economic Community, 1971. Jan-Sep 1971 Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/54/19 File. European Economic Community, 1971. May-Dec 1971 Correspondence, ts. notes and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/54/20 File. European Economic Community, 1971. Jun-Aug 1971 Correspondence, reports, Conservative Party research papers and leaflets

1 file

U DPW/54/21 File. European Economic Community, 1971. Jun-Oct 1971 Letters, reports, press releases, ms. notes, Conservative Party research papers and leaflets

1 file

U DPW/54/22 File. European Economic Community, 1971. Aug-Dec 1971 Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/54/23 File. European Economic Community, 1971. Mar 1966-Nov Letters, reports, Conservative Party research 1971 papers, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/54/24 File. European Economic Community, 1972. Oct 1971-Oct Correspondence, reports, Conservative Party 1972 research papers and press releases

1 file

Page 708 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/54/25 File. European Economic Community, 1972. May 1970-Aug Letters, reports and press release 1972 Including:

a) Minutes of the European Movement's Annual General Meeting, 19 July 1972 1 file

U DPW/54/26 File. European Economic Community, 1973. Jan-Apr 1973 Letter, press release and accompanying report Including:

a) Minutes of a Conservative Group for Europe General Meeting, 19 February 1973 1 file

U DPW/54/27 File. European Economic Community, 1973. Feb-Dec 1973 Letters, press releases, ts. notes and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/54/28 File. European Economic Community. May 1973 Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/54/29 File. European Economic Community, 1973. May-Sep 1973 Letters, ts. notes and pamphlet

1 file

U DPW/54/30 File. European Economic Community, 1974. Mar-Nov 1974 Letters and Conservative Party Briefing Note, 'Food, agriculture and taxes'

1 file

U DPW/54/31 File. European Economic Community, 1976. Feb-Jul 1976 Letters and ts. 'Direct elections to the European Parliament', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/54/32 File. European Economic Community, 1976. Jul-Dec 1976 Letters and ts. notes

1 file

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U DPW/54/33 File. European Economic Community, 1977. Jan-Oct 1977 European Communities Commission press releases, ts. reports, ts. speech by Anthony Crosland MP and pamphlet

1 file

U DPW/54/34 File. European Economic Community, 1977. Ts. May-Jul 1977 notes, letter, press release and report

1 file

U DPW/54/35 File. European Economic Community, 1977. May-Nov 1977 Correspondence, ts. reports, Conservative Party research papers and press releases

1 file

U DPW/54/36 File. European Economic Community, 1978. Jan-Jul 1978 Correspondence, ts. reports, press releases and Conservative Party research paper

1 file

U DPW/54/37 File. European Economic Community, 1978. Aug-Dec 1978 Letters, ts. reports, press releases and Conservative Party research paper

1 file

U DPW/54/38 File. European Economic Community, 1979. Dec 1978-Aug Letters, reports, press releases, ts. and ms. notes 1979

1 file

U DPW/54/39 File. European Economic Community, 1980. Oct 1979-Jul Correspondence, ts. reports, press releases, ms. 1980 notes and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/54/40 File. European Economic Community, 1981. Ts. Apr-May 1981 reports and letter

1 file

U DPW/54/41 File. European Economic Community, 1982. Feb-Sep 1982 Correspondence, reports and press releases

1 file

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U DPW/54/42 File. European Economic Community, 1983. Mar-Dec 1983 Correspondence, memorandum and Conservative Party research paper

1 file

U DPW/54/43 File. European Economic Community, 1984. Jun 1983-Jun Letters, Conservative Party research papers and 1984 ts. notes Including:

a) File. European elections. Letters, ts. programme of events for Richard Battersby, Conservative candidate for Humberside, and Conservative Party election leaflets, June 1983 - June 1984 1 file

U DPW/54/44 File. European Economic Community, 1985. Mar-Nov 1985 Press releases, ts. reports and ts. briefing papers

1 file

U DPW/54/45 File. European Economic Community, 1986. Jan-Jul 1986 Letters, press releases, ts. reports and memorandum

1 file

U DPW/54/46 File. European Economic Community. Reports Jan 1961-Dec and Conservative Party research papers on 1962 agriculture

1 file

U DPW/54/47 File. European Economic Community: Common Mar-May 1977 Agricultural Policy. Reports and letter

1 file

U DPW/54/48 File. European Economic Community background Jun 1961-Dec papers. Conservative Party research papers 1962

1 file

U DPW/54/49 File. European Economic Community background Apr 1963-Jul papers. Ts. briefing papers and letters 1972

1 file

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U DPW/54/50 File. European Economic Community: breakdown Feb 1983 of Brussels talks regarding British entry. Memorandum and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/54/51 File. European Economic Community: Dec 1971-Apr Conservative Parliamentary Agriculture 1972 Committee. Research papers, notices of meetings, minutes and letter

1 file

U DPW/54/52 File. European Economic Community final Aug 1962-Jan negotiations. Conservative Party research papers, 1963 ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/54/53 File. European Economic Community Nov 1966-Jan negotiations. Ts. and ms. notes 1967

1 file

U DPW/54/54 File. European Economic Community May 1978-May parliamentary elections, 1979. Letters, ms. notes 1979 and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/54/55 File. European Economic Community Jun 1989 parliamentary elections, 1989. Ms. notes, Conservative and Labour Party election leaflets and letter

1 file

U DPW/54/56 File. European Economic Community Feb-Mar 1972 parliamentary meetings. Correspondence, ms. notes and Conservative Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/54/57 File. European Economic Community referendum. Nov 1974-Sep Correspondence, press releases, memorandum, 1975 Conservative Party research papers and leaflets

1 file

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U DPW/54/58 File. European Economic Community referendum. Apr-Jun 1975 Correspondence, ts. briefing papers, press releases, ms. notes, Conservative Party research papers and leaflets Including: a) Minutes of Humberside in Europe meetings (2), April [1975] 1 file

U DPW/54/59 File. European Economic Community: sovereignty Jan-Jul 1962 and religion. Conservative Party research papers and letter

1 file

U DPW/54/60 File. European Free Trade Area. Letters, ts. notes, Nov 1956-Aug Conservative Party research papers and 1957 memorandum

1 file

U DPW/54/61 File. European Free Trade Area. Conservative Jan-Oct 1958 Party research papers

1 file

U DPW/54/62 File. European Free Trade Area. Letters, Jul-Nov 1959 memoranda, Conservative Party research papers and ts. statement

1 file

U DPW/54/63 File. European Free Trade Association. Ts. May 1965 communiqu issued at European Free Trade Association Council Meeting, 24 May 1965

1 file

U DPW/54/64 File. European Free Trade Association. Jul-Nov 1968 Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/54/65 File. North Atlantic Free Trade Association. Aug 1966-Dec Correspondence, press releases, ms. and ts. 1967 notes

1 file

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U DPW/54/66 File. North Atlantic Free Trade Association. Jan-May 1967 Correspondence and ms. notes Including:

a) Ts. 'Conservative principles', by Patrick Wall, February 1967 b) Ts. 'Atlantic Union', with drafts, by Patrick Wall, February 1967 1 file

U DPW/54/67 File. North Atlantic Free Trade Association. Mar 1967-Aug Correspondence, ts. papers, press releases, ts. 1968 notes, ms. notes, Conservative Party research papers and ts. speeches from 'Beyond the Kennedy round' conference

1 file

U DPW/54/68 File. North Atlantic Free Trade Association. Apr-Oct 1968 Correspondence, ms. notes, briefing paper and papers regarding 'Beyond the Kennedy round' conference

1 file

U DPW/54/69 File. North Atlantic Free Trade Association. Jan-Nov 1969 Correspondence, ts. notes and minutes of the Parliamentary Atlantic Free Trade Area Group

1 file

U DPW/55 Far East 1946-1989

U DPW/55/1 File. Afghanistan. Ts. report and ts. Conservative Apr-Nov 1955 Commonwealth Council report

1 file

U DPW/55/2 File. Afghanistan. Reports Sep 1978-Feb 1979 1 file

U DPW/55/3 File. Afghanistan, 1980. Reports and letter Jan-Oct 1980

1 file

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U DPW/55/4 File. Afghanistan, 1987. Letters, ts. report and Jan-Oct 1987 magazines

1 file

U DPW/55/5 File. Burmah Oil Company, War Damage Bill. Jan-May 1965 Correspondence, ts. reports, ts. aide memoirs, ts. statements, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/55/6 File. . Letters, ts. notes and ts. reports 1972-1981

1 file

U DPW/55/7 File. Hong Kong. Letters, ts. notes and May 1955-Aug Conservative Commonwealth Council paper 1964

1 file

U DPW/55/8 File. Hong Kong. Letter and ts. newsletters 1965-1966

1 file

U DPW/55/9 File. Hong Kong, 1979. Letters, ts. briefs and ts. 1976-1979 statement

1 file

U DPW/55/10 File. Hong Kong, 1980. Letters, ts. statements and Mar-Dec 1980 report of visit by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/55/11 File. Hong Kong, 1981. Letters, ts. report and ts. Jul 1980-Jul speech 1981

1 file

U DPW/55/12 File. Hong Kong, 1982. Letters, ts. statements and Mar-Sep 1982 reports

1 file

U DPW/55/13 File. Hong Kong, 1983. Letters, ts. reports and ts. Dec 1982-Dec speech 1983

1 file

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U DPW/55/14 File. Hong Kong, 1984. Correspondence, ts. Mar-Dec 1984 statements and ts. speeches

1 file

U DPW/55/15 File. Hong Kong, 1985. Correspondence and Nov 1984-Jan reports 1985

1 file

U DPW/55/16 File. Hong Kong, 1986. Correspondence, ts. Dec 1985-Sep statements, ts. speeches and ts. parliamentary 1986 questions Including:

a) Ts. 'Hong Kong nationality', Conservative Party Research Department Brief, 8 May 1986 1 file

U DPW/55/17 File. Indonesia. Correspondence and ts. reports 1962-1965

1 file

U DPW/55/18 File. Indonesia. Correspondence and ts. report Mar-Jul 1966

1 file

U DPW/55/19 File. Korea. Correspondence, ts. briefing paper Jan 1971-Dec and ts. report 1973

1 file

U DPW/55/20 File. Korea. Correspondence Jul 1974-1975

1 file

U DPW/55/21 File. Korea. Correspondence Nov 1975-Oct 1977 1 file

U DPW/55/22 File. Korea, 1978. Letter and details of Korean Feb 1978 delegation to London

1 file

U DPW/55/23 File. Korea. Correspondence Sep 1980-Aug 1982 1 file

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U DPW/55/24 File. Korea. Letters Aug 1984-May 1986 1 file

U DPW/55/25 File. Korea. Correspondence Jul 1986-Jun 1987 1 file

U DPW/55/26 File. Malaya. Conservative Commonwealth Mar 1954-Jun Council papers, Conservative Party Research 1956 Department papers, memorandum and Central Office of Information factsheet

1 file

U DPW/55/27 File. Malaya. Correspondence, ts. notes and Nov 1954-Jul memorandum 1957

1 file

U DPW/55/28 Artificial file. Malaya. Ts. reports, letter and ts. Jan 1962-Apr 'Greater Malaysia', Conservative Commonwealth 1963 Council paper

1 file

U DPW/55/29 File. Malaysia, 1967. Ts. 'Report on a fact finding Oct 1967 tour by Mr Miles Hudson of the Conservative Research Department to India, Singapore, Western Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawah and Indonesia from 17th September to 15th October 1967'

1 file

U DPW/55/30 File. Malaysia, 1969. Correspondence May 1969

1 file

U DPW/55/31 File. Malaysia, 1977 - 1978. Correspondence and Aug 1977-Sep ts. report 1978

1 file

U DPW/55/32 File. Malaysia. Correspondence Jul 1980

1 file

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U DPW/55/33 Artificial file. Singapore. Ms. and ts. notes, letters 1957-1967 and ts. parliamentary questions

1 file

U DPW/55/34 File. Singapore, 1969. Correspondence and ts. Oct 1969-Jan 'Report on a visit to the Far East, September 1970 1969', Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/55/35 File. Singapore, 1971. Correspondence, ts. Jul-Dec 1971 speeches and press releases

1 file

U DPW/55/36 File. Singapore, 1972. Correspondence and ts. Dec 1971-Jul speeches 1972

1 file

U DPW/55/37 File. Singapore, 1973. Correspondence May-Oct 1973

1 file

U DPW/55/38 File. Singapore. Correspondence, ts. addresses Jan 1974-Jan and press release 1975

1 file

U DPW/55/39 File. Singapore. Correspondence Aug-Sep 1977

1 file

U DPW/55/40 File. Anglo - Taiwan Parliamentary Group. Apr 1970-Sep Correspondence, ts. lists of members, ms. notes 1981 and ts. reports including by Patrick Wall following visits to the Far East

1 file

U DPW/55/41 File. Anglo - Taiwan Parliamentary Group. Oct 1970-Jun Correspondence, ms. and ts. notes and ts. lists of 1979 members

1 file

U DPW/55/42 File. British - Taiwan Parliamentary Group. Nov 1980-Oct Correspondence, ts. lists and ms. notes 1984

1 file

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U DPW/55/43 File. British - Taiwan Parliamentary Group, cases. Jun 1985-Nov Correspondence and ts. list 1986

1 file

U DPW/55/44 File. Taiwan. Correspondence and press releases Nov 1971-Oct also re. teacher training in British colleges of 1972 education Including:

a) Ts. report. 'The two Chinas- the key to the Pacific', by Patrick Wall, [no date] 1 file

U DPW/55/45 File. Taiwan. Correspondence, press releases, Oct 1972-Dec memoranda and ms. notes 1975

1 file

U DPW/55/46 File. Taiwan and Hong Kong. Correspondence, ts. Mar 1975-Mar notes and ts. parliamentary questions 1977

1 file

U DPW/55/47 Artificial file. Taiwan. Telegrams, correspondence Jun 1978-Jan and ts. list 1985

1 file

U DPW/55/48 File. Taiwan, 1979. Correspondence Jan-Aug 1979

1 file

U DPW/55/49 File. Taiwan. Correspondence and ms. notes Nov 1979-Sep Including: 1981

a) Ts. 'Report on a visit to Taiwan R.O.C., 18th - 24th January 1981', by Patrick Wall, January 1981 1 file

U DPW/55/50 File. Taiwan. Letters, ts. lists and press release Nov 1980-Sep 1985 1 file

U DPW/55/51 File. Taiwan. Correspondence, ts. reports and ms. Dec 1982-Oct notes 1986

1 file

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U DPW/55/52 File. Taiwan. Letters and press release 1984-1989

1 file

U DPW/55/53 Artificial file. Taiwan. Correspondence, ms. notes May 1985-Nov and ts. lists 1987

1 file

U DPW/55/54 File. Thailand. Correspondence Dec 1961-Apr 1982 1 file

U DPW/55/55 File. Tibet. Correspondence and ts. reports Nov 1959-May 1979 1 file

U DPW/55/56 File. British Committee for Vietnamese Refugees. Mar 1975-Dec Minutes of General Meetings, correspondence, ts. 1978 reports, ts. parliamentary questions, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/55/57 File. British Committee for Vietnamese Refugees. Jan 1978-Jul Minutes of General Meetings, correspondence, ts. 1981 parliamentary questions, ts. newsletters, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/55/58 File. British Committee for Free Vietnam. Nov 1978-Aug Correspondence, ts. European Parliamentary 1984 questions, ts. report, ts. and ms. notes, minutes of British Committee for Vietnamese Refugees committee and general meetings and minutes of Vietnam Demonstration Committee meetings

1 file

U DPW/55/59 File. British Committee for Free Vietnam. Nov 1980-Jan Correspondence, ts. reports and notice of meeting 1982 and minutes of British Committee for Vietnamese Refugees committee meeting

1 file

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U DPW/55/60 File. British Committee for Free Vietnam. Sep 1946-Dec Correspondence, ts. reports, notices of meetings, 1983 ts. statements, press releases, ms. notes, minutes of British Committee for Vietnamese Refugees committee meeting and of Friends of Malta G.C. Council meeting

1 file

U DPW/55/61 File. British Committee for Free Vietnam, Laos, Jun 1982-Dec Cambodia. Correspondence, ts. reports, notices of 1984 meetings, press release, memorandum and ts. newsletter

1 file

U DPW/55/62 File. British Movement for Freedom and Peace in Nov 1971-Nov Vietnam. Correspondence, ts. newsletters, notice 1972 of meeting and minutes of Executive Committee meetings

1 file

U DPW/55/63 File. Vietnam. Correspondence, ms. notes and ts. Apr-Oct 1966 report

1 file

U DPW/55/64 File. Vietnam. Letters and ts. reports Feb-Jul 1965

1 file

U DPW/55/65 File. Vietnam, 1966. Ts. statements, ts. briefing Feb 1966-Jan paper, press release and ts. 'Vietnam debate: 7th 1967 July 1966. Background information', Conservative Party Research Department paper

1 file

U DPW/55/66 File. Vietnam, 1967. Correspondence, press Dec 1966-Dec releases and ts. notes 1967

1 file

U DPW/55/67 File. Vietnam, 1968. Correspondence, ts. Feb-Nov 1968 statements and ts. newsletter

1 file

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U DPW/55/68 File. Vietnam, 1969. Correspondence, ts. Aug 1967-Oct newsletters, ts. Monday Club factsheet, and part 1969 of ts. report on Vietnam by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/55/69 File. Vietnam, 1970. Correspondence, ts. briefing Jan 1970-Jul papers and ms. notes 1971

1 file

U DPW/55/70 File. Vietnam, 1972. Correspondence, ts. briefing Oct 1971-Nov papers and ts. notes 1972

1 file

U DPW/55/71 File. Vietnam, 1974. Correspondence and press Jan-Dec 1974 release

1 file

U DPW/55/72 Artificial file. Vietnam. Letter, ts. report, ts. Jan 1975-Dec parliamentary questions and notice of meeting 1978

1 file

U DPW/55/73 Artificial file. Vietnam. Letters, ts. report, ts. 1979-1987 parliamentary questions, ts. proposals for United States of America foreign policy within the region and ts. report from the Free Vietnam Front

1 file

U DPW/56 Gibraltar 1955-1984

U DPW/56/1 File. Gibraltar. Letters and ts. draft report Oct 1955-Dec 1964 1 file

U DPW/56/2 File. Gibraltar 1965. Correspondence Dec 1964-Jan 1966 1 file

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U DPW/56/3 File. Gibraltar. Correspondence, ts. statements Feb 1965-Aug and ms. notes 1966 Including:

a) Minutes of Constitution Committee meeting, 2 May 1966 1 file

U DPW/56/4 File. Gibraltar 1965. Letters, report, ms. and ts. Sep-Dec 1965 notes

1 file

U DPW/56/5 File. Gibraltar. Ts. speech, letter, ts. statement Oct 1965-Jul and ms. notes 1966

1 file

U DPW/56/6 File. Gibraltar 1966. Correspondence Nov 1965-Aug 1966 1 file

U DPW/56/7 File. Gibraltar. Correspondence, ms. notes and Apr-Nov 1966 Conservative Commonwealth Council paper Including:

a) Minutes of Constitution Committee meeting, 19 April 1966 1 file

U DPW/56/8 File. Gibraltar. Correspondence Aug 1966

1 file

U DPW/56/9 File. Gibraltar 1967. Correspondence Jul 1966-Aug 1967 1 file

U DPW/56/10 File. Gibraltar 1967. Letters, ts. reports, press Oct 1965-Jul releases, ts. parliamentary questions and ms. 1967 notes

1 file

U DPW/56/11 File. Gibraltar 1967. Correspondence and ts. Apr 1966-Nov papers 1967

1 file

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U DPW/56/12 File. Gibraltar 1968. Correspondence and ts. Jul 1967-Jul notes 1968

1 file

U DPW/56/13 File. Gibraltar 1968. Correspondence and ts. May-Jul 1968 notes

1 file

U DPW/56/14 File. Gibraltar 1968. Correspondence Aug-Dec 1968

1 file

U DPW/56/15 File. Gibraltar 1969. Correspondence, ms. and ts. Feb 1968-Nov notes 1969

1 file

U DPW/56/16 File. Gibraltar 1970. Letters, ms. notes, ts. Mar-Nov 1970 parliamentary questions, ts. briefing paper and press release

1 file

U DPW/56/17 File. Gibraltar 1971. Correspondence, ts. notes, Sep 1970-Nov press release and ts. speech by Gibraltar's Chief 1971 Minister

1 file

U DPW/56/18 File. Gibraltar 1972. Correspondence, press Sep 1971-Sep releases, ms. notes and ts. briefing paper 1972

1 file

U DPW/56/19 File. Gibraltar 1974. Correspondence Aug 1973-Jul 1974 1 file

U DPW/56/20 File. Gibraltar 1976. Correspondence, ts. Jun-Dec 1976 parliamentary questions, ms. notes, ts. report and memorandum

1 file

U DPW/56/21 File. Gibraltar 1976. Correspondence Oct-Dec 1976

1 file

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U DPW/56/22 File. Gibraltar. Correspondence, ts. and ms. notes Dec 1976-Nov 1977 1 file

U DPW/56/23 File. Gibraltar. Correspondence Mar-Nov 1977

1 file

U DPW/56/24 File. Gibraltar 1980. Correspondence, ts. notes Apr-Jul 1980 and press release

1 file

U DPW/56/25 File. Gibraltar. Correspondence, ms. notes, press Jul 1980-Jun release and memorandum 1981

1 file

U DPW/56/26 File. Gibraltar 1982. Correspondence and Aug 1981-Jul memorandum 1982

1 file

U DPW/56/27 File. Gibraltar 1984. Correspondence Nov-Dec 1984

1 file

U DPW/56/28 File. Gibraltar. Background papers (I) Dec 1960-Jul 1968 1 file

U DPW/56/29 File. Gibraltar. Background papers (II) Sep 1965-Mar 1968 1 file

U DPW/56/30 File. Gibraltar blockade. Ms. notes and ts. report Mar-Sep 1965 by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/56/31 File. Gibraltar: British Nationality Bill. Nov 1980-Nov Correspondence 1981

1 file

U DPW/56/32 Artificial file. Gibraltar. Conservative 1950-1959 Commonwealth Council Papers, including regarding education in Malta

1 file

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U DPW/57 Ireland 1961-1976

U DPW/57/1 Artificial file. Ireland. Letters, ts. notes and Aug 1961-Sep memorandum 1963

1 file

U DPW/57/2 File. Ireland, 1964. Letters Mar-Jun 1964

1 file

U DPW/57/3 File. Ireland, 1965. Letters and ts. notes May-Oct 1965

1 file

U DPW/57/4 Artificial file. Ireland, 1966 - 1967. Jan 1966-1967 Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/57/5 File. Ireland. Minutes of a Joint Meeting of the Apr 1976-May Northern Ireland and Defence Committees, letter 1978 and ts. statement regarding extradition

1 file

U DPW/58 Malta 1943-1986

U DPW/58/1 File. Malta. Correspondence Jan 1956-Jul 1959 1 file

U DPW/58/2 File. Malta. Correspondence Oct 1960-Jan 1961 1 file

U DPW/58/3 File. Malta. Correspondence Dec 1960-Nov 1961 1 file

U DPW/58/4 File. Malta. Correspondence Aug 1961-Jan 1963 1 file

U DPW/58/5 File. Malta. Correspondence Jul 1962-Dec 1963 1 file

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U DPW/58/6 File. Malta. Correspondence Jan 1963-Dec 1964 1 file

U DPW/58/7 File. Malta. Ts. reports, correspondence and ms. May 1945-Nov notes 1963

1 file

U DPW/58/8 File. Malta. Conservative Commonwealth Council Mar 1956-Apr papers and ms. notes 1964

1 file

U DPW/58/9 File. Malta, 1957. Correspondence, ms. notes and Apr-Nov 1957 ts. reports

1 file

U DPW/58/10 File. Malta, 1958. Correspondence and ts. reports Feb-Dec 1958

1 file

U DPW/58/11 Bundle. Malta. Conservative Commonwealth 1958-1959 Council papers (3)

1 file

U DPW/58/12 File. Malta, 1960. Correspondence and ms. notes Feb 1959-Jan 1961 1 file

U DPW/58/13 File. Malta. Correspondence and Conservative Apr 1959-Apr Commonwealth Council papers 1961

1 file

U DPW/58/14 File. Malta. Correspondence, ms. notes and ts. Jul 1960-Jun report 1961

1 file

U DPW/58/15 File. Malta, 1962. Ts. reports, letter, ms. notes and Apr-Sep 1962 memorandum

1 file

U DPW/58/16 File. Malta, 1963. Conservative Commonwealth 1963 Council paper and ts. draft article

1 file

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U DPW/58/17 File. Malta. Correspondence, reports, receipts, ts. Mar-Aug 1963 and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/58/18 File. Malta, 1965. Correspondence and ms. notes Jan-Sep 1965 Including:

a) Ts. 'Malta's future as seen through British eyes', Patrick Wall MP, [1965] 1 file

U DPW/58/19 File. Malta, 1966. Correspondence Nov 1965-Sep 1966 1 file

U DPW/58/20 File. Malta, 1967. Correspondence, ts. notes, ts. Sep 1966-Aug statements, ts. newsletters, ts. parliamentary 1967 questions and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/58/21 File. Malta, 1968. Letters, ts. newsletters and ts. Jan 1968-Jan addresses 1969

1 file

U DPW/58/22 File. Malta, 1969. Correspondence, ts. Jan 1969-Jan newsletters, ms. notes and ts. parliamentary 1970 questions Including:

a) Ts. 'Report on a visit to Malta, June - July 1969', Patrick Wall (2), July 1969 1 file

U DPW/58/23 File. Malta, 1970. Correspondence, ts. Jul 1969-Oct newsletters, ts. papers, ts. parliamentary 1970 questions and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/58/24 File. Malta, 1970. Correspondence, ts. newsletter, Nov 1969-Dec ts. and ms. notes 1970 Including:

a) Ts. 'Malta', Conservative Party Research Department, 31 January 1967 1 file

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U DPW/58/25 File. Malta. Correspondence, ts. newsletters, ts. Nov 1969-Mar statement and minutes of of Friends of Malta GC 1972 Council meeting

1 file

U DPW/58/26 File. Malta, 1971. Correspondence, ts. Dec 1970-Dec newsletters, notices and minutes of Friends of 1971 Malta GC Council meeting, press releases and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/58/27 File. Malta, 1972. Correspondence, ts. newsletters Aug 1971-Oct and minutes of Friends of Malta GC Council 1972 meeting and AGM

1 file

U DPW/58/28 File. Malta, 1973. Correspondence, ts. Jun 1972-Nov newsletters, and notices and minutes of Friends of 1973 Malta GC Council meetings Including:

a) Ts. photocopy. 'Report on a visit to Malta, 14th to 18th June 1973', Patrick Wall, July 1973 1 file

U DPW/58/29 File. Malta, 1974. Correspondence, ts. Apr 1965-Dec newsletters, and notices and minutes of Friends of 1974 Malta GC Council meeting and AGMs

1 file

U DPW/58/30 File. Malta. Correspondence, ts. notes, ts. Feb 1974-Jan newsletters and minutes of Friends of Malta GC 1977 Council meetings and AGM

1 file

U DPW/58/31 File. Malta, 1977. Correspondence, ts. newsletters Jan 1976-Sep and minutes of Friends of Malta GC Council 1977 meetings

1 file

U DPW/58/32 File. Malta. Correspondence, ts. newsletters and Oct 1977-Jul minutes of Friends of Malta GC Council meeting 1978

1 file

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U DPW/58/33 File. Malta, 1978. Letter regarding Malta and Dec 1978 Northern Ireland

1 file

U DPW/58/34 File. Malta, 1979. Correspondence, ts. list, ts. Jul-Nov 1979 'British Culture Association Statute' and minutes of Friends of Malta GC Council meeting

1 file

U DPW/58/35 File. Malta, 1980. Correspondence, ts. newsletters Dec 1979-Oct and minutes of Friends of Malta GC Council 1980 meeting

1 file

U DPW/58/36 File. Malta, 1981. Correspondence, ts. lists, ts. Jul 1980-Nov reports, ts. newsletters, ms. notes and minutes of 1981 Friends of Malta GC Council meetings

1 file

U DPW/58/37 File. Malta, 1982. Letters and ts. report Apr-Aug 1982

1 file

U DPW/58/38 File. Malta, 1983. Letters, ts. newsletters and Nov 1982-Sep minutes of Friends of Malta GC Council meeting 1983

1 file

U DPW/58/39 File. Malta, 1984. Letters Feb-Oct 1984

1 file

U DPW/58/40 File. Malta. Correspondence and minutes of Jan 1984-Feb Friends of Malta GC Council meetings 1986

1 file

U DPW/58/41 File. Malta: background papers. Correspondence, Jan 1959-Apr ts. papers and ms. notes 1964

1 file

U DPW/58/42 File. Malta cases. Correspondence and ts. notes Apr 1953-Nov 1957 1 file

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U DPW/58/43 File. Malta: attacks on the Church. Ts. reports, ts. May 1952-Jan notes and memorandum 1959

1 file

U DPW/58/44 File. Malta: Church and State, 1955. Mar-Oct 1955 Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/58/45 File. Malta: Church and State, 1956. May-Nov 1956 Correspondence and ts. reports

1 file

U DPW/58/46 File. Malta: Church and State, 1957. Dec 1956-Feb Correspondence 1957

1 file

U DPW/58/47 File. Malta: Church and State, 1961. Oct-Dec 1961 Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/58/48 File. Malta: Church and State, 1964. Aug 1963-Sep Correspondence and ts. papers 1964

1 file

U DPW/58/49 File. Malta: future constitution. Correspondence, Oct 1958-Jan memoranda, ts. and ms. notes 1961

1 file

U DPW/58/50 File. Malta: constitution, 1961. Correspondence Feb-Nov 1961 and ts. reports

1 file

U DPW/58/51 File. Malta: constitution. Correspondence, ms. Jul-Aug 1963 notes and ts. report

1 file

U DPW/58/52 File. Malta: constitution, 1964'. Correspondence, Sep 1963-Mar ts. reports, photographs and ts. resolutions 1964

1 file

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U DPW/58/53 File. Malta dockyard, 1960 - 1961. Nov 1960-Jun Correspondence, ms. notes and ts. reports 1961

1 file

U DPW/58/54 File. Malta dockyard, 1962. Correspondence, Aug 1960-Mar press releases and ms. notes 1962

1 file

U DPW/58/55 File. Malta dockyard, 1963. Letters, reports, press Feb 1962-May releases and ms. notes 1963

1 file

U DPW/58/56 File. Malta dockyard. Correspondence and ts. Jan-Nov 1964 statement

1 file

U DPW/58/57 File. Malta: economy. Correspondence and ms. Aug 1962-Dec notes 1963

1 file

U DPW/58/58 File. Malta: economy. Ts. report 'Economic Jan-Apr 1964 adaptation and development in Malta. Prepared for the Government of Malta', Wolfgang F Stolper, Rune E R Hellberg and Sten Ove Callender appointed under the United Nations Programme of Technical Assistance, with letter

1 file

U DPW/58/59 File. Malta: elections, 1962. Correspondence, ms. Dec 1959-Feb notes and photographs of electoral documents 1962

1 file

U DPW/58/60 File. Malta: industry. Correspondence, ms. notes Jul 1960-Jul and ts. report 1961

1 file

U DPW/58/61 File. Malta: Labour Party. Ts. reports and ms. Sep 1949-Jan notes 1959

1 file

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U DPW/58/62 File. Malta: newspaper articles. Correspondence Jan-Mar 1961 and ts. articles

1 file

U DPW/58/63 File. Malta: political affairs and constitutional Apr 1943-Dec reform. Correspondence and ts. reports 1954

1 file

U DPW/58/64 File. Malta: political affairs. Correspondence, ts. Aug 1944-Sep reports, photographs of documents and ms. notes 1955

1 file

U DPW/58/65 File. Malta: political affairs. Correspondence, ms. Oct 1952-Nov notes and ts. research papers 1956

1 file

U DPW/58/66 File. Malta: political affairs, 1958. Letters, ms. Feb-Sep 1958 notes, memorandum, and ts. reports

1 file

U DPW/58/67 File. Malta: referendum and independence. Mar-Oct 1964 Correspondence, ts. papers and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/58/68 File. Malta: visit by Patrick Wall, January 1961. Jan-Feb 1961 Correspondence and ts. report of visit

1 file

U DPW/58/69 File. Malta: visit by Patrick Wall, June 1963. Feb-Jul 1963 Correspondence and ts. report of visit

1 file

U DPW/58/70 File. British - Malta Parliamentary Group. Dec 1980-Jun Correspondence, ts. lists of members, ts. 1984 newsletter, report and minutes of Friends of Malta G.C. Council meeting

1 file

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U DPW/58/71 File. Friends of Malta GC, 1963. Correspondence, May-Nov 1963 notices and minutes of Council meetings and ts. reports Including:

a) Memorandum and Articles of Association of Friends of Malta GC, 5 July 1963 1 file

U DPW/58/72 File. Friends of Malta GC. Correspondence, ts. Jul 1963-Jan reports, notices and minutes of Council meetings, 1965 ts. balance sheets and ts. news bulletins

1 file

U DPW/58/73 File. Friends of Malta GC, 1965. Correspondence, Jul 1964-Dec notices and minutes of Council meetings, ts. 1965 reports, ts. news bulletins and ts. balance sheet

1 file

U DPW/58/74 File. Friends of Malta GC, 1966. Correspondence, Mar-Dec 1966 notices and minutes of Council meetings, ts. news bulletins, ts. reports and ts. balance sheet

1 file

U DPW/58/75 File. Friends of Malta GC, 1967. Correspondence, Dec 1966-Nov notices and minutes of Council meetings, ts. news 1967 bulletins, ts. report and ts. balance sheet

1 file

U DPW/58/76 File. Friends of Malta GC, 1967. Correspondence Jul 1967

1 file

U DPW/58/77 File. Friends of Malta GC, 1968. Correspondence, Oct 1967-Jan notices of meetings, ts. reports, ts. news bulletins 1969 and ts. balance sheets

1 file

U DPW/58/78 File. Friends of Malta GC, 1968 - 1970. Oct 1968-Aug Correspondence, ts. reports, notices and minutes 1970 of Council meetings and AGM, and ts. newsletters

1 file

Page 734 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/58/79 File. Friends of Malta GC. Minutes of Council Jun 1985-Oct meetings, circulars, annual reports and 1988 newsletters

1 file

U DPW/59 Middle East 1952-1989

U DPW/59/1 File. Middle East. Conservative Commonwealth Sep 1954-Mar Council papers 1959

1 file

U DPW/59/2 File. Middle East. Correspondence and ms. notes Nov 1954-Mar Including: 1957

a) Ts. 'Conservative Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee debate on Middle East Affairs, Tuesday November 2 1954', Conservative Party Research Department, 1 November 1954 1 file

U DPW/59/3 File. Middle East. Letters, ts. reports and Dec 1954-Nov Conservative Commonwealth Council paper 1956

1 file

U DPW/59/4 File. Middle East. Conservative Commonwealth Apr 1957-Mar Council papers and Conservative Party research 1959 paper on Nile waters, and the crisis in Lebanon and Jordan

1 file

U DPW/59/5 Bundle. Middle East. Conservative Nov 1957-Mar Commonwealth Council papers including about 1963 Gibraltar and Cyprus

1 file

U DPW/59/6 File. Middle East. Ms. notes and Conservative Jul 1958-Sep Commonwealth Council papers 1965

1 file

U DPW/59/7 File. Middle East, 1969. Correspondence and ts. Jan-Dec 1969 reports

1 file

Page 735 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/59/8 File. Middle East, 1970. Ts. reports, letter and Nov 1969-Apr memorandum 1972

1 file

U DPW/59/9 File. Middle East. Correspondence and ts. reports Aug 1976-Dec 1978 1 file

U DPW/59/10 File. Middle Eastern oil. Letters, Conservative Feb 1955-May Commonwealth Council papers, ms. notes and ts. 1958 reports

1 file

U DPW/59/11 File. Middle Eastern oil. Correspondence and Jun 1960-Jan Conservative Commonwealth Council papers 1967

1 file

U DPW/59/12 File. Middle Eastern oil. Letters, ts. reports and ts. Dec 1973-Nov briefing paper 1980 Including:

a) Ts. 'Speech on the Middle East given by Mr Patrick Wall MP, The Chairman of the Military Committee to the Plenary Session of the North Atlantic Assembly in Brussels', November 1980 1 file

U DPW/59/13 File. Middle East War. Ts. briefing papers Aug 1952-Jul 1957 1 file

U DPW/59/14 File. Middle East War. Letters, press releases, ts. May-Jun 1967 statement and ts. extracts of speech by Edward Heath MP

1 file

U DPW/59/15 File. Middle East War. Letters, ts. statement, Jun-Jul 1967 press release, ms. notes and memorandum

1 file

U DPW/59/16 File. Middle East War, 1969. Correspondence and Jan-Mar 1969 press release

1 file

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U DPW/59/17 File. Middle East War, 1970. Ts. reports, letter, ts. Nov 1967-Sep briefing paper and ts. Conservative 1970 Commonwealth and Overseas Council paper

1 file

U DPW/59/18 File. Middle East War, 1971. Ts. reports and ts. Oct-Dec 1971 'Prime Minister Golda Meirs speech to the Knesset on 26 October 1971'

1 file

U DPW/59/19 File. Middle East War. Letter, ts. report, ts. Oct 1973 statement and Conservative Party research paper Including:

a) File. Embargo on arms sales to Israel. Correspondence, October 1973 1 file

U DPW/59/20 File. Middle East War, 1973. Letters, ts. reports, Oct-Dec 1973 ms. notes, press release and ts. speeches including one by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/59/21 File. Middle East War. Correspondence and ts. Nov 1967-Jul briefing papers 1976

1 file

U DPW/59/22 File. Aden. Letters and ts. Conservative Apr 1956-Jul Commonwealth Council papers 1959

1 file

U DPW/59/23 File. Aden. Correspondence, ts. reports, ms. Sep 1956-Dec notes, United Nations resolution and Conservative 1963 Commonwealth Council paper

1 file

U DPW/59/24 File. Aden, 1964. Correspondence, memorandum Feb-Dec 1964 and photocopy article by Patrick Wall from the 'Yorkshire Post' Including:

a) Ts. 'Report on a visit to Aden and Saudi Arabia, January 1964', Patrick Wall, 1 February 1964 1 file

Page 737 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/59/25 File. Aden, 1965. Correspondence, ms. notes, ts. Jan-Oct 1965 reports and ts. statement

1 file

U DPW/59/26 File. Aden, 1966. Ts. report, memorandum and ts. 1966 Conservative Commonwealth Council paper

1 file

U DPW/59/27 File. Aden. Ts. reports, ms. notes, letter, ts. Jun 1966-Dec Conservative Commonwealth Council paper and 1967 Monday Club factsheets (also covering Vietnam) Including:

a) Minutes of Commonwealth Affairs Committee, 27 June 1966 1 file

U DPW/59/28 File. Aden, 1967. Correspondence and ms. notes Mar-Nov 1967

1 file

U DPW/59/29 File. Arabian peninsular. Correspondence, ts. Nov 1956-Nov notes and Conservative Commonwealth Council 1959 papers

1 file

U DPW/59/30 File. Arabian peninsular. Correspondence, Jan 1958-Apr Conservative Commonwealth Council papers, ms. 1964 and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/59/31 File. Bahrain. Correspondence and ts. reports 1956-1963

1 file

U DPW/59/32 File. Bahrain. Correspondence Jan 1966-Jan 1968 1 file

U DPW/59/33 File. Bahrain. Correspondence 1972-1979

1 file

U DPW/59/34 File. Egypt. Correspondence and ms. notes Oct 1954-Nov 1955 1 file

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U DPW/59/35 File. Egypt. Correspondence and Conservative Dec 1956-Feb Commonwealth Council papers 1959

1 file

U DPW/59/36 File. Egypt, 1957. Letters and Conservative Nov 1953-Jun Commonwealth Council papers 1957

1 file

U DPW/59/37 File. Egypt, 1960. Correspondence May 1960

1 file

U DPW/59/38 File. Egypt, 1961. Correspondence Jul-Aug 1961

1 file

U DPW/59/39 File. Egypt. Letters and publications from the Aug 1981-Jul Committee on Peace, Democracy and 1982 Development in Egypt

1 file

U DPW/59/40 File. Egypt: Anglo - Egyptian agreement. Apr 1954-Jun Correspondence, pamphlet, ts. and ms. notes 1956

1 file

U DPW/59/41 File. Egypt: canal zone. Correspondence Aug-Nov 1955

1 file

U DPW/59/42 File. Egypt: canal zone. Correspondence Aug 1955-Jul 1956 1 file

U DPW/59/43 File. Egypt: finance. Correspondence Jan-May 1966

1 file

U DPW/59/44 File. Egypt: Nile Waters. Conservative Apr 1957-Mar Commonwealth Council papers 1959

1 file

U DPW/59/45 File. Egypt: sequestration. Correspondence, Jul 1956-Jan memoranda, ts. and ms. notes 1965

1 file

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U DPW/59/46 File. Egypt: sequestration. Correspondence, ts. Nov 1956-Jun and ms. notes 1958

1 file

U DPW/59/47 File. Egypt: sequestration. Letter, ts. statement Mar 1959 and ts. speech by the Chancellor of the Exchequer

1 file

U DPW/59/48 File. Egypt: sequestration. Letters, ts. and ms. Jun-Dec 1960 notes

1 file

U DPW/59/49 File. Egypt: sequestration. Correspondence, Oct 1960-Dec memorandum, ts. and ms. notes 1961

1 file

U DPW/59/50 File. Egypt: sequestration. Correspondence, ts. Dec 1960-Dec notes and memoranda 1962

1 file

U DPW/59/51 File. Egypt: sequestration. Correspondence, ts. Dec 1962-Dec and ms. notes, memorandum and ts. report 1965

1 file

U DPW/59/52 File. Egypt: sequestration. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1963 memoranda, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/59/53 File. Egypt: sequestration. Correspondence May 1963-Sep 1964 1 file

U DPW/59/54 File. Egypt: sequestration. Correspondence and Feb-Dec 1967 ms. notes Including:

a) Minutes of meeting of the Consultative Committee (Egypt) and officials of the Foreign Office, 5 April 1967 1 file

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U DPW/59/55 File. Egypt: sequestration. Correspondence and Jan-Nov 1968 ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/59/56 File. Egypt: sequestration. Correspondence and Apr 1968-Sep ms. notes 1969

1 file

U DPW/59/57 File. Egypt: sequestration. Correspondence, ts. May-Nov 1971 and ms. notes and ts. parliamentary question and answer

1 file

U DPW/59/58 File. Egypt: sequestration. Correspondence and Jan 1972-Dec ms. notes 1973

1 file

U DPW/59/59 File. Egypt: sequestration. Correspondence Mar 1974-Mar 1975 1 file

U DPW/59/60 File. Egypt: sequestration. Correspondence, Oct 1977-Jul memorandum, ts. and ms. notes 1979

1 file

U DPW/59/61 File. Egypt: Suez Canal nationalisation. Letters, ts. Aug 1956-Sep statements, ts. notes and ts. newsletter 1956

1 file

U DPW/59/62 File. Egypt: Suez Canal occupation. Ts. speech Sep-Oct 1956 extracts and ts. Conservative Party Research Department paper

1 file

U DPW/59/63 File. Egypt: Suez Canal: Anglo - French action. Nov 1956 Conservative Party research papers, ts. notes, letter and press release

1 file

U DPW/59/64 File. Egypt: Suez Canal: Anglo - French action. Nov 1956-Dec Letters, ms. notes and ts. statement 1956

1 file

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U DPW/59/65 File. Egypt: Suez Canal. Correspondence Oct-Dec 1956

1 file

U DPW/59/66 File. Egypt: Suez Canal. Ts. 'General election Sep 1959 1959, Questions of Policy, Suez', Conservative Party

1 file

U DPW/59/67 File. Iran and Iraq. Ts. statements, letters and Oct 1985-Jan press releases from the People's Mojahedin of 1987 Iran

1 file

U DPW/59/68 File. Iraq: visit. Letters, photographs, ts. reports, Jul 1952-Feb ms. notes and ts. Conservative Commonwealth 1956 Council paper Including:

a) Ts. 'Report on the Middle East', by Patrick Wall, with ms. alterations (2), 26 February 1956 1 file

U DPW/59/69 File. Iraq. Letters, ts. reports and Conservative Jan 1956-Jul Commonwealth Council paper 1958

1 file

U DPW/59/70 File. Iraq. Correspondence and ts. programme of Feb 1956-Mar arrangements for party of visiting Iraqi officials 1958

1 file

U DPW/59/71 File. Iraq: Houses of Parliament. Correspondence Apr 1956-Jul and ms. notes 1960

1 file

U DPW/59/72 File. Iraq. Correspondence and ts. report Jun 1960-Apr 1963 1 file

U DPW/59/73 File. Iraq. Letters and ts. reports Jun 1981-Oct 1984 1 file

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U DPW/59/74 File. Israel. Ts. Conservative Commonwealth Nov 1955-May Council paper, ts. statement, ts. and ms. notes 1956

1 file

U DPW/59/75 File. Israel. Correspondence, ms. notes, ts. report Feb 1956-Sep and ts. Conservative Commonwealth Council 1958 paper

1 file

U DPW/59/76 File. Israel. Letters and ts. reports Jun 1960-Aug 1964 1 file

U DPW/59/77 File. Israel. Ts. reports 1969

1 file

U DPW/59/78 File. Israel. Correspondence and ts. reports Jan 1971-Sep 1973 1 file

U DPW/59/79 File. Israel. Correspondence, ts. report and ts. Mar-Aug 1971 address

1 file

U DPW/59/80 File. Israel, 1974. Correspondence and ts. reports Nov 1974

1 file

U DPW/59/81 File. Israel, 1975. Correspondence and ts. report Feb-Jul 1975

1 file

U DPW/59/82 File. Israel, 1976. Letters and ts. briefing papers Nov 1967-Oct 1976 1 file

U DPW/59/83 File. Israel, 1977. Correspondence and ts. Jan-Jun 1977 statements including about South Africa

1 file

U DPW/59/84 File. Israel, 1979. Letters May 1979

1 file

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U DPW/59/85 File. Israel, 1980. Letters, ts. reports and ts. Jan-Sep 1980 speech

1 file

U DPW/59/86 File. Israel, 1981. Correspondence, ts. reports, ts. Jan-Dec 1981 press releases and ts. addresses

1 file

U DPW/59/87 File. Israel, 1982. Correspondence, ts. addresses, Jan-Nov 1982 ts. briefing papers and ts. statements

1 file

U DPW/59/88 File. Israel, 1983. Ts. reports Oct 1982-Jul 1983 1 file

U DPW/59/89 File. Israel, 1984. Ts. statements Jan-Dec 1984

1 file

U DPW/59/90 File. Israel, 1985. Ts. statements Mar-Oct 1985

1 file

U DPW/59/91 File. Israel, 1986. Ts. address and briefing papers Jan-Mar 1986

1 file

U DPW/59/92 File. Jordan. Ts. reports and correspondence Mar 1956-Jun 1971 1 file

U DPW/59/93 File. Kuwait. Correspondence, ts. statements and 1959-1971 ts. report

1 file

U DPW/59/94 File. Lebanon. Letters and ts. reports Feb 1964-Jun Including: 1978

a) Ts. Notes on the main points discussed at a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee, 27 January 1976 1 file

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U DPW/59/95 File. Lebanon. Ts. reports, letters and notice of Apr 1982-Jun meeting 1989

1 file

U DPW/59/96 File. Oman. Ts. United Nations General Assembly Mar 1959-Dec reports and Conservative Commonwealth Council 1962 paper

1 file

U DPW/59/97 File. Oman. Correspondence Jul 1973-Dec 1977 1 file

U DPW/59/98 File. Palestine Liberation Organisation. Ts. reports Jan 1978-Jan and ms. notes 1980

1 file

U DPW/59/99 File. Palestine Liberation Organisation. Ts. reports Apr-Oct 1981

1 file

U DPW/59/100 File. Palestine Liberation Organisation. Ts. reports Apr 1981-Oct and press release 1981

1 file

U DPW/59/101 File. Persian Gulf. Ms. notes and Conservative Jan-Mar 1967 Commonwealth and Overseas Council papers

1 file

U DPW/59/102 File. Persian Gulf. Ms. notes and Conservative Aug-Nov 1969 Commonwealth and Overseas Council papers

1 file

U DPW/59/103 File. Persian Gulf. Letters and ts. report on visit by Sep-Nov 1970 Patrick Wall

1 file

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U DPW/59/104 File. Persian Gulf. Correspondence and Dec 1970-May Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas 1971 Council paper Including:

a) Ts. 'The Persian Gulf -stay of quit?', by Patrick Wall, with ts. and ms. drafts, [1971] b) Ts. 'The Gulf by Patrick Wall MP, who has recently returned from a visit to the Middle East', [1971] 1 file

U DPW/59/105 File. Persian Gulf, 1971. Correspondence Feb-Mar 1971

1 file

U DPW/59/106 File. Qatar. Correspondence Aug 1985

1 file

U DPW/59/107 File. Saudi Arabia. Correspondence, ts. notes and Nov 1956-Mar ts. Conservative Commonwealth Council paper 1978

1 file

U DPW/59/108 File. Saudi Arabia. Correspondence and ts. notes Nov 1980-Oct Including: 1986

a) Ts. 'Speech on the Middle East given by Mr Patrick Wall, MP, the Chairman of the Military Committee to the Plenary Session of the North Atlantic Assembly in Brussels', November 1980 1 file

U DPW/59/109 File. Syria and Lebanon. Ms. notes, ts. reports Jun 1958-Jan and letters 1985

1 file

U DPW/59/110 File. United Arab Republic. Letters, ts. report and Mar 1961-Aug ms. notes 1969

1 file

U DPW/59/111 File. United Arab Republic. Correspondence, ts. Jun 1965-Nov parliamentary question and answer and ts. speech 1969

1 file

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U DPW/59/112 File. Yemen. Correspondence and ts. Feb 1963-Apr Conservative Commonwealth Council paper 1964

1 file

U DPW/59/113 File. Yemen, 1965. Press release and ts. report May-Oct 1965

1 file

U DPW/59/114 File. Yemen, 1967. Letters, press releases and ts. Jan 1967-Feb statement 1968

1 file

U DPW/60 North America 1955-1987

U DPW/60/1 File. Canada. Correspondence and Conservative May 1955-Dec Commonwealth Council papers 1963 Including:

a) Minutes of Conservative Party Commonwealth Affairs Committee meeting, 13 July 1959 1 file

U DPW/60/2 File. Canada. Correspondence Nov 1966-Jan 1967 1 file

U DPW/60/3 File. Canada. Correspondence and Conservative Feb 1967-Aug Commonwealth Council paper 1968

1 file

U DPW/60/4 File. Canada. Correspondence and ts. reports Dec 1968-Feb 1971 1 file

U DPW/60/5 File. Canada. Correspondence Jan 1972-Dec 1976 1 file

U DPW/60/6 File. Canada. Correspondence Jun 1977-Aug 1978 1 file

U DPW/60/7 File. Canada. Correspondence, ts. briefing Aug-Dec 1980 papers, ts. memorandum, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/60/8 File. Canada. Correspondence and ts. reports Jun 1978-Dec 1981 1 file

U DPW/60/9 File. Canada. Correspondence, ts. statements, ts. Oct 1980-Nov reports and ts. briefing papers 1981

1 file

U DPW/60/10 File. Canada. Correspondence, ts. reports, ms. Nov 1980-Nov notes and ts. briefing paper 1982

1 file

U DPW/60/11 File. Canada. Correspondence, memoranda and Nov 1981-Oct press release 1982 Including:

a) Ts. 'The Canadian constitution', Conservative Party Research Department, 12 February 1982 1 file

U DPW/60/12 File. United States of America. Correspondence Apr 1957-Sep 1961 1 file

U DPW/60/13 File. United States of America. Correspondence Jan-Jul 1962

1 file

U DPW/60/14 File. United States of America. Correspondence Feb 1963-Nov 1964 1 file1 file

U DPW/60/15 File. United States of America. Correspondence, Oct 1963-Oct mainly with Anthony Harrigan 1964

1 file

U DPW/60/16 File. United States of America. Correspondence Jan 1965-Dec 1966 1 file

U DPW/60/17 File. United States of America. Correspondence Jul-Dec 1965

1 file

U DPW/60/18 File. United States of America. Correspondence Dec 1966-Dec 1967 1 file

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U DPW/60/19 File. United States of America. Correspondence Jan 1967-Dec 1968 1 file

U DPW/60/20 File. United States of America. Correspondence Dec 1968-Nov 1969 1 file

U DPW/60/21 File. United States of America. Correspondence Dec 1969-Dec 1970 1 file

U DPW/60/22 File. United States of America. Correspondence Mar 1972-Sep 1973 1 file1 file

U DPW/60/23 File. United States of America. Correspondence Feb 1974-Oct 1976 1 file

U DPW/60/24 File. United States of America. Correspondence Nov 1976-Aug 1977 1 file

U DPW/60/25 File. United States of America. Correspondence Jul 1979-Jul 1981 1 file

U DPW/60/26 File. United States of America. Correspondence Feb 1983-Dec 1984 1 file

U DPW/60/27 File. Anglo - American relations. Correspondence, Dec 1956-Apr Conservative Party Research Department 1961 publication and ts. reference paper

1 file

U DPW/60/28 File. United States of America: proposed visits. Sep 1967-Jan Correspondence 1970

1 file

U DPW/60/29 File. United States of America: armed forces Jul-Aug 1969 deserters. Correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/60/30 File. United States of America: armed forces 1970 deserters. Letter, ms. and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/60/31 Artificial file. United States of America. Ts. reports, Nov 1956-Nov ms. and ts. notes and Conservative Party 1959 Research Department publication

1 file

U DPW/60/32 File. United States of America. Correspondence Mar 1967-Jun and ts. notes 1972

1 file

U DPW/60/33 File. United States of America. Letters Nov-Dec 1971

1 file

U DPW/60/34 File. United States of America. Correspondence Nov 1972-Sep 1973 1 file

U DPW/60/35 Artificial file. United States of America. Jul 1974-Sep Correspondence, press extracts, letter and press 1975 release

1 file

U DPW/60/36 File. United States of America. Letters, press Jul 1976-May release and ts. leaflet 1977

1 file

U DPW/60/37 File. United States of America. Correspondence, Feb 1977-May ts. resolutions and ts. report 1978

1 file

U DPW/60/38 File. United States of America. Correspondence Sep 1977-Dec and ts. notes 1978

1 file

U DPW/60/39 File. United States of America. Correspondence, Mar 1976-Jul ms. and ts. notes 1979

1 file

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U DPW/60/40 File. United States of America. Correspondence Jul 1966-Nov and ts. reports 1980 Including:

a) Ts. 'Peace or war?', by Patrick Wall, Chairman of the Military Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly, November 1980 b) File. 'Con West'. Correspondence and ts. paper regarding Con West (Citizens for a Convention of the Western Democracies), February 1980 - June 1980 1 file

U DPW/60/41 File. United States of America. Correspondence, Mar 1980-Nov ts. addresses and ts. report 1981

1 file

U DPW/60/42 File. United States of America. Correspondence Feb-Nov 1982 and ts. reports

1 file

U DPW/60/43 File. United States of America. Letters, ts. reports, Nov 1982-Dec press release and ts. address 1983

1 file

U DPW/60/44 File. United States of America. Correspondence Jan-Dec 1984 predominantly with Arizonans for National Security Inc.

1 file

U DPW/60/45 File. United States of America. Correspondence Feb-Sep 1984

1 file

U DPW/60/46 File. United States of America. Letters and ts. Jan-May 1985 briefing paper

1 file

U DPW/60/47 File. United States of America. Correspondence, Jul-Dec 1985 ts. reports, ts. briefing papers and press release

1 file

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U DPW/60/48 File. United States of America. Letters, ts. reports, Aug 1985-Jun ts. speech and memorandum 1987

1 file

U DPW/60/49 File. United States of America. Correspondence, Mar 1986-Nov ts. reports and ts. briefing papers 1987

1 file

U DPW/61 Northern Ireland 1968-1988

U DPW/61/1 File. Ulster, 1968. Correspondence and reports Oct-Nov 1968

1 file

U DPW/61/2 File. Ulster, 1969. Correspondence, reports and Jan-Dec 1969 press releases

1 file

U DPW/61/3 File. Ulster, 1970. Correspondence, reports, ms. Jan-Nov 1970 and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/61/4 File. Ulster, 1971. Correspondence and reports 1971

1 file

U DPW/61/5 File. Ulster, 1971 (2). Correspondence and report Oct 1970-Dec Including: 1971

a) Ts. 'Northern Ireland: A background note', Conservative Party Research Department, 24 March 1971 1 file

U DPW/61/6 File. Ulster, 1971. Correspondence and reports Mar-Sep 1971

1 file

U DPW/61/7 File. Ulster: key papers. Correspondence, ts. Mar 1971-Mar notes, reports and ts. speeches 1972

1 file

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U DPW/61/8 File. Ulster papers. Correspondence, reports, ts. Mar 1971-Jun and ms. notes 1973 Including:

a) Ts. 'The achievement of the army in Ulster', Patrick Wall, [1972] b) Ts. 'Northern Ireland', Conservative Party Research Department, 5 April 1972 1 file

U DPW/61/9 File. Ulster, 1972. Correspondence, reports, press Dec 1971-Mar release, ms. and ts. notes 1972

1 file

U DPW/61/10 File. Ulster, 1972. Correspondence and reports Feb-Apr 1972 Including:

a) Ts. 'The Lancer', 16th / 5th, The Queen's Royal Lancers (2), March - April 1972 1 file

U DPW/61/11 File. Ulster, 1972. Correspondence, reports and Feb-Aug 1972 ms. notes Including:

a) Ts. 'The Lancer', 16th / 5th, The Queen's Royal Lancers, July 1972 1 file

U DPW/61/12 File. Ulster, 1972. Correspondence, reports and Mar-Aug 1972 press statement Including:

a) Ts. 'The Lancer', 16th / 5th, The Queen's Royal Lancers, August 1972 1 file

U DPW/61/13 File. Ulster, 1972. Correspondence, press Mar 1972-Jan releases and reports 1973 Including:

a) Ts. 'Detention of terrorists (Northern Ireland) Order 1972', Conservative Party Research Department, 8 December 1972 b) Ts. 'The Lancer', 16th / 5th, The Queen's Royal Lancers (6), May 1972 - January 1973 1 file

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U DPW/61/14 File. Ulster, 1973. Correspondence, ms. notes and Nov 1972-Mar memoranda 1973

1 file

U DPW/61/15 File. Ulster, 1973. Correspondence and Dec 1972-May Conservative Party research papers 1973 Including:

a) Ts. 'The Lancer', 16th / 5th, The Queen's Royal Lancers (4), February - May 1973 1 file

U DPW/61/16 File. Ulster, 1973. Correspondence and report Dec 1972-Dec Including: 1973

a) Ts. 'The Lancer', 16th / 5th, The Queen's Royal Lancers (3), October - December 1973 1 file

U DPW/61/17 File. Ulster, 1973. Correspondence Apr-Sep 1973 Including:

a) Ts. 'Weekend Talking Point', Conservative Party Research Department, no. 824, 8 September 1973 b) Ts. 'The Lancer', 16th / 5th, The Queen's Royal Lancers (3), July 1973 - September 1973 1 file

U DPW/61/18 File. Ulster. Correspondence Jan-May 1974 Including:

a) Ts. 'Address for World Peace Day 1974', given by Rev Cahal B Daly, Bishop of Ardagh and Clonmacnois, 1 January 1974 b) Ts. 'The Lancer', 16th / 5th, The Queen's Royal Lancers (3), January 1974 - May 1974 1 file

U DPW/61/19 File. Ulster. Correspondence, statements and Jun-Dec 1974 report, including about fisheries and the Monday Club Universities Group Including:

a) Ts. 'The Lancer', 16th / 5th, The Queen's Royal Lancers (3), June - September 1974 b) Minutes of the Northern Ireland Committee [Conservative Party], (2), November 1974 1 file

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U DPW/61/20 File. Ulster, 1975. Correspondence, reports, ms. Dec 1971-Dec and ts. notes 1975 Including:

a) Minutes of the Parliamentary Northern Ireland Committee (23), January - December 1975 b) Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Northern Ireland Committee to meet a delegation from the Unionist Party of Northern Ireland, 16 February 1975 1 file

U DPW/61/21 File. Ulster, 1976. Correspondence, reports and Jan-Dec 1976 press releases Including:

a) Minutes of the Northern Ireland Committee (12), January - April 1976 b) Minutes of a Joint Meeting of the Northern Ireland Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee, 4 May 1976 1 file

U DPW/61/22 File. Ulster, 1977. Correspondence and press Apr-Dec 1977 releases Including:

a) Ts. Speech by Enoch Powell, MP, regarding Northern Ireland, 4 October 1977 b) Ts. 'Northern Ireland', Conservative Party Briefing Note, no. 14, 28 April 1977 1 file

U DPW/61/23 File. Ulster, 1978. Correspondence, Conservative Feb-Jul 1978 Party research papers, memorandum and press release Including:

a) Ts. 'Extract from a speech by the Taoiseach, Mr J Lynch TD, on the Adjournment of the Dail', 28 June 1978 1 file

U DPW/61/24 File. Ulster. Newsletter from Northern Ireland Mar-Jun 1979 Abroad and letter from Community of the Peace People

1 file

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U DPW/61/25 File. Ulster, 1979. Correspondence, reports and Jun-Nov 1979 ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/61/26 File. Ulster. Letter and pamphlet from the Oct 1979 Commission for International Justice and Peace regarding Bishop Cahal Daly's address at a Conference organised by the Commission

1 file

U DPW/61/27 File. Ulster. Report and Conservative Party Dec 1980-Nov Briefing Notes (2) 1982

1 file

U DPW/61/28 File. Northern Ireland, 1981. Correspondence, Feb-Nov 1981 reports, ts. and ms. notes Including:

a) Ts. 'The economic problems of Northern Ireland', Conservative Party Research Department, 17 March 1981 1 file

U DPW/61/29 File. Ulster, 1981. ts. 'A call to conscience Aug 1981 concerning the state of violence in Northern Ireland', by J Gyte, Companion of the Ark of Lanza Del Vasta regarding his proposed fast to draw attention to the plight of Northern Ireland's citizens

1 file

U DPW/61/30 File. Ulster, 1982. correspondence, ts. notes and Oct 1980-Nov Conservative Party research papers 1982

1 file

U DPW/61/31 File. Northern Ireland, 1984. Correspondence, May-Nov 1984 statement and ts. 'Northern Ireland. Debate on Irish Forum Report and related matters', Conservative Party research paper

1 file

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U DPW/61/32 File. Northern Ireland, 1985. Ts. 'Workers' Nov 1985 Weekly', vol. 2, no. 563 and ts. 'The Equal Citizen', no. 1

1 file

U DPW/61/33 File. Ulster, 1986. Press release and ts. statement Jan-Mar 1986 regarding the Anglo - Irish Intergovernmental Conference and ts. supplement to 'Approaches', no. 92

1 file

U DPW/61/34 File. Northern Ireland, 1987. Letter from the Police Feb 1987-May Federation for Northern Ireland regarding Police 1988 (Northern Ireland) Order 1986, complaints and discipline procedure, and Common Cause reports

1 file

U DPW/62 South Atlantic 1958-1984

U DPW/62/1 File. Falkland Islands. Conservative 1958-1969 Commonwealth Council papers

1 file

U DPW/62/2 File. Falkland Islands. Letters, press release and Feb-Dec 1968 ts. report Including:

a) Minutes. Extracts of meeting of Legislative Council, 20 May 1968 1 file

U DPW/62/3 File. Falkland Islands. Postcard, map and ts. 1969-1974 notes

1 file

U DPW/62/4 File. Falkland Islands. Correspondence, ts. notes Apr 1975-Oct and ts. report 1976

1 file

U DPW/62/5 File. Falkland Islands. Correspondence and ts. Feb-Dec 1977 statements

1 file

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U DPW/62/6 File. Falkland Islands. Correspondence and ts. May 1977-Oct reports 1978

1 file

U DPW/62/7 File. Falkland Islands. Correspondence and ms. Nov 1979-Oct notes 1981

1 file

U DPW/62/8 File. Falkland Islands. Correspondence and ts. Apr-Jun 1982 reports

1 file

U DPW/62/9 File. Falkland Islands. Letter and ts. 'Briefing Apr-Nov 1982 Note', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/62/10 File. Falkland Islands. Correspondence and ts. Jan-Jun 1983 'Briefing Note', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

U DPW/62/11 File. Falkland Islands. Letters and ts. reports May 1983-May 1984 1 file

U DPW/62/12 File. Falkland Islands campaign. Correspondence, Apr-Nov 1982 ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/62/13 File. Falkland Islands campaign. Correspondence, Apr 1982 ms. notes and memorandum

1 file

U DPW/62/14 File. Falkland Islands campaign. Correspondence, May 1982 ts. reports and ts. statements

1 file

U DPW/62/15 File. Falkland Islands campaign. Letter, ts. report Jun 1982 and ts. 'Briefing Note', Conservative Party Research Department

1 file

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U DPW/62/16 File. Falkland Islands campaign. Correspondence Aug 1982

1 file

U DPW/62/17 File. Falkland Islands campaign. Ms. notes, letter May-Aug 1982 and ts. addresses and reports by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/62/18 File. Falkland Islands campaign: key papers. 1982 Letters, ts. reports, including by Patrick Wall, ms. notes, ts. 'Briefing Note', Conservative Party Research Department and ts. speech by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/62/19 File. St. Helena. Ts. report by the Conservative Oct 1960 Commonwealth Council South Atlantic and Indian Oceans Sub Group

1 file

U DPW/63 West Indies 1953-1984

U DPW/63/1 File. Bahamas. Correspondence, ts. notes, ts. Feb 1967-Jan address and memorandum 1973

1 file

U DPW/63/2 File. British Guiana. Correspondence, ts. reports Oct-Nov 1963 and press release

1 file

U DPW/63/3 File. British Guiana. Letters, ts. reports and ts. Apr-Jul 1964 statements

1 file

U DPW/63/4 File. British Guiana. Ts. reports and ts. address Jul-Oct 1965

1 file

U DPW/63/5 File. Caribbean, the. Ts. parliamentary questions, Sep 1965-Oct ms. notes. ts. report, ts. briefing paper and press 1967 release

1 file

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U DPW/63/6 File. Cuba. Ts. reports, press releases, ts. Jul 1961-Dec address and Conservative Party Research paper 1962

1 file

U DPW/63/7 File. Cuba. Correspondence, ts. reports and 1962-1987 Conservative Commonwealth Council paper

1 file

U DPW/63/8 File. Grenada. Letters Jan 1982-Jun 1984 1 file

U DPW/63/9 File. Haiti. Ts. reports 1965

1 file

U DPW/63/10 File. West Indies Federation. Conservative Apr 1954-Apr Commonwealth Council papers, Conservative 1967 Party Research Department papers, letter and memorandum

1 file

U DPW/64 Visits 1953-1992 This series of files contains reports and related material for all the countries visited and conferences attended by Patrick Wall, as well as records produced by a number of international bodies of which he was a member. There is considerable overlap with his African papers [DPW/48] and his political diaries [DPW/1] and writings [DPW/65] 64/1 - 207 Countries (arranged by date of visit) 64/208 - 235 Conferences (arranged alphabetically) 64/236 - 251 Council of Europe 64/252 - 328 Inter - Parliamentary Union 64/329 - 339 SEA LINK 64/340 - 346 SHAPEX 64/347 - 398 United Nations General Assembly

U DPW/64/1 Ts. list of visits abroad made by Patrick Wall, c.1990 covering up to the late 1980s

1 item

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U DPW/64/2 Notebook. [? Kenya, December 1953] c.1953 Including:

a) Letter from June Howard, Executive Officer, 'The Voice of Kenya', 15 December 1953 1 item

U DPW/64/3 File. Egypt, January 1955. Report of visit, Aug 1954-Jan correspondence, including with Foreign Office, 1955 Colonial Office and embassies, and itinerary

1 file

U DPW/64/4 File. Middle East (Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt), Sep 1954-Feb December 1955. Report of visit, correspondence, 1956 including with Foreign Office, Colonial Office and embassies, itinerary and background papers issued by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, and the Conservative Commonwealth Council Middle East Sub Group

1 file

U DPW/64/5 File. Malta, February 1956. Reports by Patrick Feb 1956 Wall on referendum campaign and background paper issued by the Conservative Commonwealth Council Mediterranean Sub Group

1 file

U DPW/64/6 File. United States of America, March - April 1957. Jan-Apr 1957 Correspondence, including with Foreign Office, MPs, Foreign Policy Association and W Farquhar of Chase Manhattan Bank. With biographical information on Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/64/7 Notebook. United States of America, March - April Mar-Apr 1957 1957. Comprising diary, with itinerary and addresses of contacts

1 item

U DPW/64/8 Notebook. United States of America, March - April Mar-Apr 1957 1957. Used as account book, with ms. notes


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U DPW/64/9 File. United States of America, March - April 1957. Mar-Apr 1957 Correspondence, including with Frances J Pratt, Director of Speakers' Bureau, Foreign Policy Association, itinerary and press cuttings

1 file

U DPW/64/10 File. United States of America, March - April 1957. Mar-May 1957 Report and article about lecture tour, itinerary, article about Patrick Wall's entry into politics, outline lecture on British policy towards the Middle East, and background papers issued by the Conservative Overseas Bureau

1 file

U DPW/64/11 File. United States of America, March - April 1957. Mar-Aug 1957 Correspondence, including with American contacts, Foreign Policy Association, MPs and wife, Sheila Wall, itinerary, financial statement, press cuttings and ms. notes Including:

a) Certified copy of Patrick Wall's birth certificate, 24 January 1957 b) Black and white photograph of Patrick Wall with Richard Lloyd and Dale Wheelwright, member and President of Northeastern University International Relations Club, March 1957 1 file

U DPW/64/12 File. Central African Federation, August - 1953-1957 September 1957. Correspondence and background papers issued by the Colonial Development Corporation and the Conservative Commonwealth Council Central Africa Sub Group

1 file

U DPW/64/13 File. Central African Federation, August - Apr-Oct 1957 September 1957. Correspondence, especially with JG Lockhart of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and JP McDonagh, itinerary and leaflets from the Universities' Mission to Central Africa

1 file

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U DPW/64/14 File. Central African Federation, August - Jun-Dec 1957 September 1957. Correspondence, including with Rev. Michael Scott of the Africa Bureau, about events in the Kasama and Luwingu districts of Northern Rhodesia

1 file

U DPW/64/15 Notebooks. Central African Federation, August - Aug-Sep 1957 September 1957. Used as diaries

3 items

U DPW/64/16 Souvenir diary. 'Tour of the Federation of Aug-Sep 1957 Rhodesia and Nyasaland by a delegation from the United Kingdom branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, 25 August - 26 September 1957'. Used by Patrick Wall

1 item

U DPW/64/17 File. Central African Federation, August - Oct-Nov 1957 September 1957. Drafts and final report of tour by Commonwealth Parliamentary Association delegation, with relative correspondence and carbon copy ts. daily record

1 file

U DPW/64/18 File. Central African Federation, August - Oct 1957 September 1957. Drafts and pamphlet version of report of tour by Commonwealth Parliamentary Association delegation

1 file

U DPW/64/19 File. Central African Federation, August - May-Nov 1957 September 1957. Drafts of article, 'Political problems of the Federation', and relative correspondence with the Editor of 'New Commonwealth'

1 file

U DPW/64/20 File. Central African Federation, August - Sep-Dec 1957 September 1957. Article, 'The future of the Federation', and relative correspondence with the Editor of the 'Central African Examiner'

1 file

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U DPW/64/21 File. Central African Federation, August - Nov-Dec 1957 September 1957. Articles and cuttings about the visit, constitutional problems, race relations and the Church within the Federation, and relative correspondence with the Editor of 'The Tablet'

1 file

U DPW/64/22 File. East Africa and Cyprus, September - October Oct 1957 1957. Ts. daily record of visit and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/64/23 File. East and Central Africa, December 1958 - Aug 1957-Mar January 1959. Correspondence, including with the 1959 Mauritius branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, and Captain Guy Rochecouste of Le Parti Mauricien, constitution, statement of policy and bulletins of Le Parti Mauricien, rules of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Mauritius, and ts. 'Trade unionism in Mauritius'

1 file

U DPW/64/24 File. East and Central Africa, December 1958 - Aug 1958-Jan January 1959. Correspondence relating to visit to 1959 Rhodesia, including with RM Cleveland and JR Franks Including:

a) Black and white photograph taken on board a yacht, no date b) Newsletter no.5, United Rhodesia Party, 23 December 1958 1 file

U DPW/64/25 File. East and Central Africa, December 1958 - Nov-Dec 1958 January 1959. Correspondence relating to visit to Basutoland

1 file

U DPW/64/26 File. East and Central Africa, December 1958 - Nov-Dec 1958 January 1959. Correspondence relating to visit to Kenya, and ms. notes of [? speech] by Patrick Wall on Britain, Africa and the Commonwealth

1 file

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U DPW/64/27 File. East and Central Africa, December 1958 - Nov 1958-Feb January 1959. Correspondence relating to visit to 1959 South Africa, including the British High Commissioner, Catherine Taylor MP, James Finney, the Archbishops of Cape Town and Durban and Sir de Villiers Graaff MP

1 file

U DPW/64/28 File. East and Central Africa, December 1958 - Dec 1958 January 1959. Notebook containing details of political parties and Patrick Wall's meetings (including with Helen Suzman MP), whilst in South Africa

1 file

U DPW/64/29 Envelope. East and Central Africa, December Dec 1958-Jan 1958 - January 1959. Carbon copy ts. daily record 1959 of visit

1 item

U DPW/64/30 File. East and Central Africa, December 1958 - Jan 1959 January 1959. Notepad covering the countries visited, report of visit and relative correspondence, and itinerary

1 file

U DPW/64/31 File. Malta, January 1959. Report by Patrick Wall Dec 1958-Jan about direct rule by the Governor of the colony, 1959 with relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/64/32 File. East and Central Africa, and the Middle East, Dec 1959-Mar March - April 1960. Correspondence with contacts 1960 in Basutoland Including:

a) Leaflet. Opening of first session of Basutoland National Council as a legislative assembly, 12 March 1960 1 file

U DPW/64/33 File. East and Central Africa, and the Middle East, Dec 1959-Mar March - April 1960. Correspondence with contacts 1960 in Kenya, including Major Frank Sprott

1 file

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U DPW/64/34 File. East and Central Africa, and the Middle East, Dec 1959-May March - April 1960. Correspondence with contacts 1960 in South Africa, including Catherine Taylor MP, Helen Suzman MP and Marjorie Juta

1 file

U DPW/64/35 File. East and Central Africa, and the Middle East, Dec 1959-May March - April 1960. Correspondence with contacts 1960 in the Central African Federation, including JR Franks

1 file

U DPW/64/36 File. East and Central Africa, and the Middle East, Jan-May 1960 March - April 1960. Correspondence with contacts Aden, Bahrain and Dubai

1 file

U DPW/64/37 File. East and Central Africa, and the Middle East, Feb-May 1960 March - April 1960. Correspondence with contacts in Tanganyika, including GL Allaway and Julius Nyerere Including:

a) Envelope of black and white photographs of Tanganyika, its people, landscape and wildlife, with list, circa 1960 1 file

U DPW/64/38 File. East and Central Africa, and the Middle East, Jan-Feb 1960 March - April 1960. Correspondence, including with MPs and Margaret Feeney, and itinerary

1 file

U DPW/64/39 File. East and Central Africa, and the Middle East, Feb-May 1960 March - April 1960. Draft and final report of visit, with relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/64/40 File. East and Central Africa, and the Middle East, Mar-Apr 1960 March - April 1960. Ts. daily record of visit, with notebooks (3)

1 file

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U DPW/64/41 File. East and Central Africa, and the Middle East, Feb-May 1960 March - April 1960. Draft articles about Africa, with relative correspondence with the Editor of the 'Yorkshire Post' and cuttings

1 file

U DPW/64/42 File. East and Central Africa, and the Middle East, May 1960 March - April 1960. Draft articles about Africa, with versions published in 'The Tablet', and relative correspondence with James Bishop of 'The Times'

1 file

U DPW/64/43 File. East Africa and Cyprus, August 1960. Aug 1960 Programme, list of participants, details of discussion groups, notebooks and ms. notes, ts. daily record and relative correspondence, regarding seminar on 'The Christian way of life', Africa Committee of the Sword of the Spirit, Tanganyika

1 file

U DPW/64/44 File. East Africa and Cyprus, August 1960. Report Aug 1960 of visit, with relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/64/45 File. Central African Federation and Kenya, Nov-Dec 1960 November - December 1960. Correspondence Including:

a) Ts. essay about the ideal democratic parliamentary system, Mr Byerley, no date b) Carbon copy ts. 'Intimidation in Nyasaland', Patrick Wall, circa 1960 1 file

U DPW/64/46 File. Central African Federation and Kenya, Nov-Dec 1960 November - December 1960. Carbon copy ts. daily record of visit, with notebooks (3)

1 file

U DPW/64/47 File. Central African Federation and Kenya, Dec 1960-Jan November - December 1960. Report of visit, with 1961 relative correspondence, and memorandum on the future of East and Central Africa

1 file

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U DPW/64/48 File. Central African Federation and Kenya, Dec 1960 November - December 1960. Cuttings of articles about the Central African Federation published in the 'Daily Telegraph', 'Yorkshire Post' and 'Catholic Herald'

1 file

U DPW/64/49 File. Malta, January 1961. Ts. daily record of visit, Jan 1961 with notebook Including:

a) Envelope of black and white photographs [of Malta ?] (4), circa 1961 1 file

U DPW/64/50 File. South, Central and East Africa, April - May Apr-Jun 1961 1961. Correspondence, notebook and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/64/51 File. South, Central and East Africa, April - May Jun 1961 1961. Report of visit, with relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/64/52 File. East Africa and the Sudan, December 1961. Nov 1961-Feb Correspondence 1965 Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'Notes on meeting with Colonial Secretary, Rt. Hon. Reginald Maudling MP, Tuesday 9 January 1962', Patrick Wall, [January 1962] 1 file

U DPW/64/53 File. East Africa and the Sudan, December 1961. Dec 1961 Carbon copy ts. daily record of visit

1 file

U DPW/64/54 Notebook. East Africa and the Sudan, December Dec 1961 1961

1 item

U DPW/64/55 File. East Africa and the Sudan, December 1961. Jan 1962 Report of visit, with relative correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/64/56 File. East Africa and the Sudan, December 1961. Jan-Mar 1962 Articles for publication in the 'Yorkshire Post', 'The Tablet' and the 'Sunday Times', with relative correspondence and cuttings

1 file

U DPW/64/57 File. Central African Federation, Portuguese Mar-Sep 1962 territories and South Africa, May - June 1962. Correspondence Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'Topics of the psychosocial programme of the Portuguese Army in Angola', Mario Pirelli, 27 April 1962 1 file

U DPW/64/58 File. Central African Federation, Portuguese Apr-Jun 1962 territories and South Africa, May - June 1962. Correspondence and ms. list of contacts

1 file

U DPW/64/59 File. Central African Federation, Portugese May-Jun 1962 territories and South Africa, May - June 1962. Carbon copy ts. daily record of visit Including:

a) Envelope of black and white photographs (circa 70) of the ports, industries, cities, wildlife and landscape of the region [not labelled], circa 1962 1 file

U DPW/64/60 Notebook. Central African Federation, Portugese May-Jun 1962 territories and South Africa, May - June 1962

1 item

U DPW/64/61 File. Central African Federation, Portugese Jun-Jul 1962 territories and South Africa, May - June 1962. Draft and final report of visit, with relative correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/64/62 File. Central African Federation, Portugese Apr-Sep 1962 territories and South Africa, May - June 1962. Drafts and articles for publication in the 'Rand Mail', 'New Commonwealth' and the 'Yorkshire Post', with relative correspondence with Editors and cuttings

1 file

U DPW/64/63 File. East and Central Africa, February 1963. May 1962-Feb Correspondence, notebook, and background 1963 papers issued by the government of the Central African Federation Including:

a) Letter from Winston Field, Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia, 6 February 1963 1 file

U DPW/64/64 File. East and Central Africa, February 1963. Mar-Apr 1963 Report of visit, ms. notes and ts. about Kenya

1 file

U DPW/64/65 File. East and Central Africa, February 1963. Draft Mar-May 1963 and article, 'The Rhodesian crisis', and relative correspondence with Editors

1 file

U DPW/64/66 File. Middle East (Aden, Saudi Arabia), January Jan 1964 1964. Correspondence, programme, background papers and biographies of key figures in Aden Including:

a) Handmade portfolio of factsheets about the economic development of Aden, South Arabia and their federation, circa 1964 1 file

U DPW/64/67 File. Middle East (Aden, Saudi Arabia), January Jan-Feb 1964 1964. Correspondence and itinerary Including:

a) Black and white photographs of visit by British MPs (including Patrick Wall) to Saudi Arabia (9), January 1964 1 file

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U DPW/64/68 Notebook. Middle East (Aden, Saudi Arabia), Jan-Feb 1964 January - February 1964

1 item

U DPW/64/69 File. Middle East (Aden, Saudi Arabia), January Feb 1964 1964. Report of visit, with relative correspondence, ts. 'A desert struggle' and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/64/70 File. Germany, March 1964. Report of visit to Mar-Apr 1964 attend 12th conference of the Christian Democratic Union in Hannover, correspondence, and CDU programme and policy documents Including:

a) Ts. speech by Federal Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ludwig Erhard, 16 March 1964 b) Conference bulletin. '12. Bundesparteitag. CDU. Hannover 1964', 1964 [CDU and conference documents in German] 1 file

U DPW/64/71 File. France, May 1964. Programme of NATO Jan-May 1964 study tour to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) in Paris, correspondence (especially with the British Atlantic Committee), notebook, ts. daily record of tour, maps and diagrams about NATO, and NATO briefings Including:

a) Black and white photograph of members of the British Atlantic Committee, including Patrick Wall, at SHAPE, Paris, 12 May 1964 1 file

U DPW/64/72 File. East and Central Africa, May - June 1964. May-Jul 1964 Correspondence, itinerary, ms. notes and notebook (covering June)

1 file

U DPW/64/73 File. East and Central Africa, May - June 1964. May-Jun 1964 Drafts and final report of visit, with relative correspondence, notebook (covering May) and ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/64/74 File. Malta, September 1964. Report of visit to Sep 1964 attend independence celebrations, correspondence, programme and commemorative stamps

1 file

U DPW/64/75 File. Switzerland, March 1965. Correspondence, Feb-Mar 1965 notebook of visit by Conservative Party delegation Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'Notes on discussions with the leaders of the Catholic Conservative Party of Switzerland', Patrick Wall, [March 1965] 1 file

U DPW/64/76 File. Germany, March 1965. Report of visit to Mar-Sep 1965 attend 13th conference of Christian Democratic Union in Dusseldorf, and correspondence Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'Defence discussion with German CDU [Christian Democratic Union] MPs', no date 1 file

U DPW/64/77 File. United States of America, April - June 1965. Oct 1959-Feb Correspondence, especially with organisers of 1963 lecture tour, the English Speaking Union

1 file

U DPW/64/78 File. United States of America, April - June 1965. Jan 1963-May Correspondence, especially with organisers of 1965 lecture tour, the English Speaking Union, and itinerary Including:

a) Unidentified colour photograph, January 1965 1 file

U DPW/64/79 File. United States of America, April - June 1965. Mar 1965-Mar Correspondence, especially with organisers of 1966 lecture tour, the English Speaking Union, and itinerary

1 file

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U DPW/64/80 File. United States of America, April - June 1965. May 1963-Oct Correspondence, notebook, list of contacts, 1965 programme of lecture tour and lecture notes about South Africa, defence and NATO

1 file

U DPW/64/81 Envelope of colour photographs of Patrick and Aug 1965 Sheila Wall on holiday in the United States of America

16 items

U DPW/64/82 File. Gibraltar, August - September 1965. Report Aug-Sep 1965 of visit, with relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/64/83 File. Southern Africa (South Africa, Swaziland, Jan 1965-Mar Rhodesia), January 1966. Correspondence, 1966 background papers, ts. daily record and report of visit

1 file

U DPW/64/84 File. Southern Africa (South Africa, Swaziland, Jul 1965-Jan Rhodesia), January 1966. Correspondence 1966

1 file

U DPW/64/85 Notebook. Southern Africa (South Africa, Jan 1966 Swaziland, Rhodesia), January 1966

1 file

U DPW/64/86 File. Southern Africa (South Africa, Swaziland, Jan 1966 Rhodesia), January 1966. Report of visit, prepared as Chairman of the Joint East and Central Africa Board, with correspondence and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/64/87 Artificial file. France, February 1966. Draft and Feb 1966 final report of visit to Paris for talks with UNR [French political party] representatives, itinerary and notebook

1 file

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U DPW/64/88 File. Central Africa (Angola, Mozambique, Aug 1965-Nov Rhodesia), May - June 1966. Correspondence 1966 relating to visit to Angola and Mozambique, including with Sheila Wall

1 file

U DPW/64/89 File. Central Africa (Angola, Mozambique, May 1966 Rhodesia), May - June 1966. Carbon copy ts. daily record of visit to Rhodesia

1 file

U DPW/64/90 Notebooks. Central Africa (Angola, Mozambique, May-Jun 1966 Rhodesia), May - June 1966

2 volumes

U DPW/64/91 Ts. full and edited versions of report of visit to May-Jun 1966 Central Africa (Angola, Mozambique, Rhodesia), May - June 1966, with list of recipients and relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/64/92 File. Finland, September 1966. Background Aug 1965-Sep papers, biographies of Finnish politicians and 1966 limited correspondence

1 file

U DPW/64/93 File. Finland, September 1966. Programme, Sep-Oct 1966 notebook, limited correspondence, and reports of meeting between Conservative Party delegation and Finnish Conservatives by both Patrick Wall and Lady Emmet

1 file

U DPW/64/94 File. Sweden, June 1967. Correspondence, report May-Jun 1967 of visit to attend Annual Congress of the Swedish Conservative Party, programme, notebook and ts. 'The Conservative Party in Sweden'

1 file

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U DPW/64/95 File. Southern Africa (Rhodesia, Botswana, Feb-Aug 1967 Swaziland, Lesotho, South Africa), September - October 1967. Correspondence, ts. and ms. notes about Rhodesia

1 file

U DPW/64/96 File. Southern Africa (Rhodesia, Botswana, Feb-Nov 1967 Swaziland, Lesotho, South Africa), September - October 1967. Correspondence and programme

1 file

U DPW/64/97 File. Southern Africa (Rhodesia, Botswana, Sep 1967 Swaziland, Lesotho, South Africa), September - October 1967. Memorandum on the situtation in Rhodesia, relative correspondence (including with George Thomson MP, Reginald Maudling MP, Sir Alec Douglas - Home MP and Duncan Sandys MP), and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/64/98 Notebooks. Southern Africa (Rhodesia, Botswana, Sep-Oct 1967 Swaziland, Lesotho, South Africa), September - October 1967

3 volumes

U DPW/64/99 Black and white photograph of Patrick Wall in Sep 1967 Cape Town, South Africa

1 file

U DPW/64/100 File. Southern Africa (Rhodesia, Botswana, c.1967 Swaziland, Lesotho, South Africa), September - October 1967. Black and white photographs (6) of industries, cities and townships in South Africa

1 file

U DPW/64/101 File. Southern Africa (Rhodesia, Botswana, Oct 1967 Swaziland, Lesotho, South Africa), September - October 1967. Ts. daily record of visit

1 file

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U DPW/64/102 File. Southern Africa (Rhodesia, Botswana, Oct 1967 Swaziland, Lesotho, South Africa), September - October 1967. Report of visit, with list of recipients

1 file

U DPW/64/103 File. Southern Africa (Rhodesia, Botswana, Oct-Nov 1967 Swaziland, Lesotho, South Africa), September - October 1967. Drafts of report of visit (as DPW/64/102), with relative correspondence and itinerary

1 file

U DPW/64/104 File. Southern Africa (Rhodesia, Botswana, Oct 1967 Swaziland, Lesotho, South Africa), September - October 1967. Confidential version of report of visit, with list of recipients

1 file

U DPW/64/105 File. Southern Africa (Rhodesia, Botswana, Aug-Nov 1967 Swaziland, Lesotho, South Africa), September - October 1967. Articles published in the British and Southern African press, with relative correspondence with Editors, especially of the 'Natal Mercury', and cuttings

1 file

U DPW/64/106 File. Southern Africa (Rhodesia, Botswana, Oct 1967 Swaziland, Lesotho, South Africa), September - October 1967. Drafts and articles published in the British press, with relative correspondence with Editors and cuttings

1 file

U DPW/64/107 File. Germany, April 1968. Correspondence Mar-Oct 1968 (including with Merlyn Rees MP), report of visit by parliamentary delegation to the British Army of the Rhine, official programme and notebook Including:

a) Folder. Joint Headquarters Rheindalen, including detailed itinerary and black and white photographs (5), featuring Patrick Wall, [April 1968] 1 file

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U DPW/64/108 File. Portugal, May 1968. Correspondence Apr-Jun 1968

1 file

U DPW/64/109 File. Southern Africa, September - October 1968. Jul-Oct 1968 Correspondence, programme and commemorative brochures for the independence celebrations in Swaziland, text of speech by Patrick Wall and draft report of visit

1 file

U DPW/64/110 File. Southern Africa, September - October 1968. Jul-Nov 1968 Correspondence, including from recipients of report of visit Including:

a) Ts. 'Copy of Yellow Paper. Republican constitution of Rhodesia. Joint proposals of the Caucus Sub Committee and the Divisional Chairmen's Committee', 4 July 1968 1 file

U DPW/64/111 File. Southern Africa, September - October 1968. Sep 1968 Ts. daily record of visit [incomplete], with notebook

1 file

U DPW/64/112 File. Southern Africa, September - October 1968. Oct 1968 Report of visit, with list of recipients

1 file

U DPW/64/113 File. France, November 1968. Correspondence, Nov-Dec 1968 report of visit to Paris by British Atlantic Committee, ms. notes, and aide memoire and leaflet about the Committee

1 file

U DPW/64/114 File. Malta, June - July 1969. Correspondence, Jun-Nov 1969 drafts and final version of report of visit, and drafts of articles about Rhodesia and the Mediterranean

1 file

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U DPW/64/115 File. Far East, September 1969. Correspondence Apr 1967-Sep and programme of visit by parliamentary 1970 delegation to South Vietnam, with background papers about the Vietnam War

1 file

U DPW/64/116 File. Far East, September 1969. Correspondence Jul 1969-Jan and programme of visit by parliamentary 1970 delegation to the Royal Air Force in Singapore

1 file

U DPW/64/117 File. Far East, September 1969. Drafts and final Aug-Dec 1969 report of visit, with relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/64/118 File. Far East, September 1969. Draft articles on Sep-Dec 1969 Vietnam published in the 'Yorkshire Post', with ms./ts. notes, relative correspondence with Editor and cuttings

1 file

U DPW/64/119 File. South Africa and Lesotho, May 1970. Mar-Jun 1970 Correspondence (including with Ministers, MPs, and British Embassy in Pretoria), and ms. notes Including:

a) Black and white photographs (10), featuring Patrick Wall in South Africa, [May 1970] 1 file

U DPW/64/120 File. South Africa and Lesotho, May 1970. May-Jun 1970 Correspondence (including with Chief Leabua Jonathan, Ministers and MPs), press releases issued by the Lesotho Mounted Police and background papers Including:

a) Black and white photographs (5), some featuring Patrick Wall, [June 1970] b) Black and white photograph of Patrick Wall and Chief Leabua Jonathan, signed by the latter, with press cutting, May 1970 1 file

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U DPW/64/121 File. South Africa and Lesotho, May 1970. May-Jul 1970 Correspondence, including with Chief Leabua Jonathan, and press releases issued by the Lesotho Mounted Police Including:

a) Black and white photographs (4), [May 1970] 1 file

U DPW/64/122 File. South Africa and Lesotho, May 1970. Carbon May 1970 copy ts. daily record of visit

1 file

U DPW/64/123 File. South Africa and Lesotho, May 1970. Draft May-Jul 1970 and final report of visit, with relative correspondence and notebook

1 file

U DPW/64/124 File. Middle East, September 1970. Aug-Nov 1970 Correspondence, draft and final version of report of visit to British forces in the Gulf states Including:

a) Leaflet. '2 Squadron Royal Corps of Transport centenary 1870 - 1970', enclosing black and white photograph from Major SSN Grundy, [September 1970] b) Black and white photographs (10), featuring Patrick Wall, [September 1970] 1 file

U DPW/64/125 Notebook. Middle East, September 1970 Sep 1970-Jun Reverse: Unidentified defence-related visit, June 1976 1976 1 item

U DPW/64/126 File. Far East (South Korea), September 1970. Jul-Nov 1970 Correspondence, especially with the Korean Embassy

1 file

U DPW/64/127 Envelope. Portugal, April 1971. Ts. daily record of Apr 1971 visit [in 3 parts]

1 item

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U DPW/64/128 File. Southern Africa (South Africa, South West Dec 1969-Sep Africa, Rhodesia), April - May 1971. 1971 Correspondence, including with Sir Roy Welensky, Catherine Taylor MP, Anthony Allfrey and the Portuguese Ambassador

1 file

U DPW/64/129 File. Southern Africa (South Africa, South West Mar-Apr 1971 Africa, Rhodesia), April - May 1971. Correspondence, ms. notes, report on South West Africa and draft speech on Britain's role in Africa

1 file

U DPW/64/130 File. Southern Africa (South Africa, South West Apr-May 1971 Africa, Rhodesia), April - May 1971. Correspondence relating to visit to Rhodesia

1 file

U DPW/64/131 File. Southern Africa (South Africa, South West Apr-Dec 1971 Africa, Rhodesia), April - May 1971. Correspondence, article, 'Freedom fighters or terrorists? Myth and reality in Southern Africa', draft, English and Portuguese versions of speech

1 file

U DPW/64/132 File. Southern Africa (South Africa, South West May 1971-Aug Africa, Rhodesia), April - May 1971. Drafts and 1971 final version of report of visit, with relative correspondence (including Sir Roy Welensky and Sir Alec Douglas - Home) and notebooks (2)

1 file

U DPW/64/133 File. Southern Africa (South Africa, South West Apr-Nov 1971 Africa, Rhodesia), April - May 1971. Drafts and articles for the press, with relative correspondence with Editors and cuttings

1 file

U DPW/64/134 File. Northern Ireland, December 1971. Aug-Dec 1971 Correspondence (including with the Ministry of Defence and John Biggs Davison MP), notebook and ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/64/135 File. Northern Ireland, December 1971. Draft and Dec 1971 final version of report of visit by Conservative Party Defence Committee, with relative correspondence, and drafts of article, 'The situation in Ulster'

1 file

U DPW/64/136 File. Norway, March 1972. Correspondence, Nov 1971-May notebook, list of delegates and report of visit to 1972 attend conference of Norwegian Conservative Party Including:

a) Ts. photocopy report. 'Danish Conservative Party's conference 1971', Patrick Wall, 16 November 1971 b) Colour photograph of Bodo, Norway, March 1972 1 file

U DPW/64/137 File. Iceland, April 1972. Correspondence, Jul 1971-Aug especially with Petur Gudjonsson, the Foreign 1972 Office and the British Trawlers' Federation Ltd., notebook and report of visit

1 file

U DPW/64/138 File. Iceland, April 1972. Correspondence, Apr-Jul 1972 especially with Petur Gudjonsson, the Foreign Office and the British Trawlers' Federation Ltd., and articles about the Cod War Including:

a) Letter about fishing limits from the Scottish National Party in Iceland, 30 April 1972 1 file

U DPW/64/139 File. Iceland, April 1972. Drafts and articles about May 1972 Iceland and the Cod War, and drafts of report of visit

1 file

U DPW/64/140 File. Rhodesia and South Africa, January - Aug 1972-Jan February 1973. Correspondence relating to visit to 1973 Rhodesia, ms. notes and background paper

1 file

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U DPW/64/141 File. Rhodesia and South Africa, January - Oct 1972-Feb February 1973. Correspondence 1973 Including:

a) Ts. 'United Party's Federation of South African Peoples' [English and Afrikaans], 10 November 1972 1 file

U DPW/64/142 File. Rhodesia and South Africa, January - Sep 1972-Sep February 1973. Ts. daily record of visit, notebook, 1973 drafts and final report of visit, with relative correspondence, and articles, 'Africa and the world', and 'Rhodesia - solution at last?' Including:

a) Black and white photographs (4) of wall chart recording shipping traffic at South African ports, with statistics, January 1973 1 file

U DPW/64/143 File. Portugal, April 1973. Correspondence, ms. Sep 1972-Jul notes and background papers issued by the 1973 Portuguese Embassy Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Europe's back door. The Soviet maritime threat', Patrick Wall (Monday Club), circa 1973 1 file

U DPW/64/144 File. Cyprus, May 1973. Correspondence with Oct 1972-May Ministry of Defence about visit to the Royal 1973 Marines stationed in the Mediterranean

1 file

U DPW/64/145 File. Iceland, June 1973. Report of visit, with Jun-Jul 1973 relative correspondence, and draft and article, 'Where Iceland goes wrong', published in the 'Yorkshire Post'

1 file

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U DPW/64/146 File. Far East (Taiwan, Hong Kong), August - Aug 1973-Jan September 1973. Correspondence, especially with 1974 Cheng Nam Sang, Director of the Free Chinese Centre, and MPs, notebook and ms. notes, draft and report of visit, and biographies of Chinese nationalists

1 file

U DPW/64/147 File. Far East (Taiwan, Hong Kong), August - Aug-Sep 1973 September 1973. Ts. daily record of visit

1 file

U DPW/64/148 File. Northern Ireland, August 1974. Notebook, Aug-Sep 1974 draft and final report of visit by Conservative Party Defence Committee, with relative correspondence, and draft and article, 'The achievement of the Army in Ulster'

1 file

U DPW/64/149 File. Southern Africa (Rhodesia, South Africa, Feb 1974-Jan South West Africa), January - February 1975. 1975 Correspondence, ms. notes, background papers and drafts of speech to the Chichester Club

1 file

U DPW/64/150 File. Southern Africa (Rhodesia, South Africa, Mar 1974-Mar South West Africa), January - February 1975. 1975 Correspondence, especially with ER Campbell, itinerary, invitation and programme for state opening of South African Parliament, reports of meetings between Prime Minister Vorster and representatives of the black and Indian communities Including: a) Ts. 'Words of appreciation on behalf of blacks of South Africa by the Hon. Prince M Gatsha Buthelezi', on the award of the Organisation of African Unity merit award to the late Chief Albert Luthuli, 10 December 1974 b) Photocopy ts. 'Detente in Southern Africa', MG Buthelezi, 22 January 1975 c) Ts. 'International relations in Southern Africa', Prof. CF Nieuwoudt, no date

Contains material in Afrikaans 1 file

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U DPW/64/151 File. Southern Africa (Rhodesia, South Africa, Jan-Apr 1975 South West Africa), January - February 1975. Draft and final report of visit, with relative correspondence, itinerary and notebooks (2)

1 file

U DPW/64/152 File. Southern Africa (Rhodesia, South Africa, Jan-Feb 1975 South West Africa), January - February 1975. Ts. daily record of visit

1 file

U DPW/64/153 File. Northern Ireland, August 1975. Drafts and Aug-Sep 1975 final report of visit by Conservative Party Defence Committee, programme, cutting of article, 'Force and democracy', and background paper Including:

a) Photocopy graph showing level of sectarian incidents over the period 1 August to 30 September in 1973, 1974 and 1975, circa 1975 1 file

U DPW/64/154 File. Northern Ireland, April 1976. Feb-Apr 1976 Correspondence, notebook, background papers, and draft and final report of visit by Conservative Party Defence Committee

1 file

U DPW/64/155 File. Southern Africa (South Africa, Rhodesia), May-Sep 1976 August - September 1976. Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/64/156 File. Southern Africa (South Africa, Rhodesia), May-Oct 1976 August - September 1976. Correspondence, programme and notebooks (2)

1 file

U DPW/64/157 File. Southern Africa (South Africa, Rhodesia), Aug-Sep 1976 August - September 1976. Ts. daily record of visit

1 file

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U DPW/64/158 File. Southern Africa (South Africa, Rhodesia), Aug-Dec 1976 August - September 1976. Draft and final report of visit, with relative correspondence, itineraries, draft articles and cuttings

1 file

U DPW/64/159 File. Southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia), Jun 1979-Mar February 1980. Correspondence, ms. notes, 1980 background papers, leaflets issued by the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance, draft chronology of Namibian history, itinerary, programmes and report of visit

1 file

U DPW/64/160 File. Far East, July - August 1980. May-Oct 1980 Correspondence, especially with the Free Chinese Centre and MPs, programme, and draft and final report of visit by parliamentary delegation

1 file

U DPW/64/161 File. Taiwan, January 1981. Draft, full and edited Oct 1980-Jan versions of report of visit to attend the World 1981 Freedom Day celebrations organised by the World Anti Communist League. With programme, World Freedom Day handbook and background papers, speech by Patrick Wall and correspondence, especially with Dr Ku Cheng - Kang, Honorary Chairman of WACL, and Mrs Roland de Peel, Secretary of the British Committee for Free Vietnam

1 file

U DPW/64/162 File. Spain, February 1981. Handbook, papers, Feb 1981 speeches, newsletter, constitution and voting papers issued for the Alianza Popular's 4th National Congress in Madrid Contains material in Spanish 1 file

U DPW/64/163 File. Spain, February 1981. Drafts and final report Dec 1980-Feb of visit to attend conference of the Alianza 1981 Popular, with relative correspondence, especially with Sir John Rodgers

1 file

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U DPW/64/164 File. Spain, February 1982. Programme, papers, Feb 1982 speeches and voting papers issued for the Alianza Popular's 5th National Congress in Madrid Contains material in Spanish 1 file

U DPW/64/165 File. Spain, February 1982. Report of visit to Feb-Mar 1982 attend conference of the Alianza Popular, with relative correspondence, and speech to conference by Cuesta Robledo Contains material in Spanish 1 file

U DPW/64/166 File. Queen Elizabeth II cruise, December 1983 - May 1983-Jan January 1984. Correspondence, itinerary and 1984 report of cruise

1 file

U DPW/64/167 Envelope. South Africa and Namibia, May 1984. May 1983-Feb Background papers about Soweto township 1984 Contains material in Afrikaans 1 item

U DPW/64/168 File. South Africa and Namibia, May 1984. Mar-May 1984 Speeches by Mangosuthu G Buthelezi, President of Inkatha and Chief Minister of KwaZulu, including addresses to the KwaZulu Legislative Assembly

1 file

U DPW/64/169 File. South Africa and Namibia, May 1984. May 1984 Itinerary and programmes

1 file

U DPW/64/170 File. South Africa and Namibia, May 1984. Draft Apr-Jul 1984 report of visit and relative correspondence, including letters to Margaret Thatcher MP and Geoffrey Howe MP Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'Bill of Fundamental Rights and Objectives', Multi Party Conference: Political Committee, Windhoek, Namibia, 18 April 1984 1 file

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U DPW/64/171 File. South Africa and Namibia, May 1984. May-Jun 1984 Itinerary, notebook and corrected copy of report of visit

1 file

U DPW/64/172 File. South Africa and Namibia, May 1984. Report May-Jun 1984 of visit, with covering letters

1 file

U DPW/64/173 File. Far East (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore), Dec 1983-Jun June - July 1984. Background papers about 1984 Taiwan

1 file

U DPW/64/174 File. Far East (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore), May-Jun 1984 June - July 1984. Background papers about Hong Kong

1 file

U DPW/64/175 File. Far East (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore), Feb 1983-Aug June - July 1984. Programme of visit by British 1984 parliamentary delegation, correspondence, especially with Taiwanese politicians, notebook, and Foreign Office briefs on Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore

1 file

U DPW/64/176 File. Far East (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore), Jul 1984 June - July 1984. Draft and final notes of visit to Taiwan

1 file

U DPW/64/177 File. Far East (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore), Jul 1984 June - July 1984. Correspondence and draft report of visit

1 file

U DPW/64/178 File. Far East (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore), Jul-Aug 1984 June - July 1984. Correspondence about report of visit

1 file

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U DPW/64/179 File. World tour: Hong Kong, December 1984. Jul-Dec 1984 Correspondence, itineraries and background papers

1 file

U DPW/64/180 File. World tour: California, USA, January 1985. Jun 1984-Jan Correspondence 1985

1 file

U DPW/64/181 File. World tour: Washington, USA, January 1985. Aug 1984-Jan Correspondence 1985

1 file

U DPW/64/182 File. World tour: New York, USA, February 1985. Nov 1984-Feb Correspondence 1985

1 file

U DPW/64/183 File. Egypt, December 1985 - January 1986. Jun 1984-Mar Itinerary, correspondence and report of Nile cruise 1986

1 file

U DPW/64/184 File. Germany, October 1986. Programme, Oct-Dec 1986 correspondence, ms. notes and report of visit to Berlin and the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR) by the House of Lords All Party Defence Committee

1 file

U DPW/64/185 File. South Africa, March - April 1987. Jan-Apr 1987 Correspondence Including:

a) Ts. 'Some considerations on the South African political issue', Leon Kok, 24 February 1987 1 file

U DPW/64/186 File. South Africa, March - April 1987. Mar-Apr 1987 Correspondence and programmes

1 file

U DPW/64/187 File. South Africa, March - April 1987. Notebook, Mar-Apr 1987 draft, corrected copy and final report of visit

1 file

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U DPW/64/188 File. South Africa, March - April 1987. Report of Mar-Apr 1987 visit, with summary and relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/64/189 File. Germany, September 1987. Jun-Sep 1987 Correspondence, programme, ms. notes and draft report of visit

1 file

U DPW/64/190 File. Germany, September 1987. Report of visit Sep 1987

1 file

U DPW/64/191 File. Panama Canal, October 1987. May-Nov 1987 Correspondence and report of cruise

1 file

U DPW/64/192 File. Southern United States of America, Feb 1987-Mar December 1987 - March 1988. Correspondence 1988 and itineraries

1 file

U DPW/64/193 File. Southern United States of America, Mar 1987-Mar December 1987 - March 1988. Correspondence 1988

1 file

U DPW/64/194 File. Southern United States of America, Dec 1987-Mar December 1987 - March 1988. Ms. log of tour 1988

1 file

U DPW/64/195 File. Southern United States of America, May 1988 December 1987 - March 1988. Report of tour

1 file

U DPW/64/196 File. Germany, May - June 1988. Report of Rhine Jun 1988 cruise

1 file

U DPW/64/197 File. Malta, October 1988. Correspondence and May-Oct 1988 ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/64/198 File. World tour, February - April 1989. Jan-Mar 1989 Correspondence and itineraries for visit to Australia

1 file

U DPW/64/199 File. World tour, February - April 1989. Feb-Apr 1989 Correspondence about air safari trip in Australia, draft report on visit to Australia, and draft and final report of world tour

1 file

U DPW/64/200 File. Cruise, July 1989. Report (and summary) of Aug 1989 cruise

1 file

U DPW/64/201 File. United States, February - March 1990. May 1989-Feb Correspondence 1990

1 file

U DPW/64/202 File. Mediterranean, August 1990. Report of Jan-Aug 1990 cruise

1 file

U DPW/64/203 File. Round trip to Latin America, January 1991 Oct 1990-Mar [cancelled]. Correspondence with contacts in the 1991 United States

1 file

U DPW/64/204 File. South America, February - March 1991. Mar 1991 Report of cruise

1 file

U DPW/64/205 File. Canary Islands and Tenerife, July - August Aug 1991 1991. Report of visit

1 file

U DPW/64/206 File. South Africa, March 1992. Correspondence Jan 1991-Apr 1992 1 file

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U DPW/64/207 File South Africa, March 1992. Ms. notes and draft Mar 1992 and final report of visit

1 file

U DPW/64/208 File. 2nd All African People's Conference, Tunis, Jan-Feb 1960 Tunisia, January 1960. List of members of Steering Committee, statutes, and list of delegates and observers Including:

a) Ts. 'Cross currents at Tunis', John Udal MP, Conservative Research Department, 8 February 1960 1 file

U DPW/64/209 File. 3rd All African People's Conference, Cairo, Mar 1961 Egypt, March 1961. Correspondence, (including Sir Alec Douglas Home MP and Iain Macleod MP), list of observers, speeches, resolutions, notebook, report on conference issued by Colonial Office, and leaflets issued by the American Committee on Africa

1 file

U DPW/64/210 Original bundle. 3rd All African People's Mar 1961 Conference, Cairo, Egypt, March 1961. Resolutions, messages of support, speeches, lists of observers and delegates, and background papers Including:

a) Ts. report of Steering Committee meeting, Dar Es Dalaam, Tanganyika, 26 - 30 January 1961 1 bundle

U DPW/64/211 File. 3rd All African People's Conference, Cairo, Mar-Apr 1961 Egypt, March 1961. Speeches, resolutions and report of conference (by Patrick Wall)

1 file

U DPW/64/212 File. 3rd All African People's Conference, Cairo, Mar-Apr 1961 Egypt, March 1961. Reports of conference, with relative correspondence, including with Sir Alec Douglas Home MP, James Callaghan MP, Iain Macleod MP and Rab Butler MP

1 file

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U DPW/64/213 File. 2nd Annual Conference of the Association for Feb-Jul 1979 Cooperation of Democratic Countries, Leeds Castle, Kent, 11 - 13 May 1979. Correspondence, programme, papers, and ms. notes Including:

a) Ts. draft. 'The struggle for freedom. A British contribution towards the formulation of a grand strategy for the defence of the Free World. A memorandum presented to select governments of the non-Communist nations by the Foreign Affairs Research Institute', July 1979 1 file

U DPW/64/214 File. Conference of the Association for Mar-Apr 1980 Cooperation of Democratic Countries on Soviet aggression and the Western response, Washington, USA, 17 - 18 April 1980. Correspondence, speeches (including by Ronald Reagan) and draft paper on 'The southern oceans and the security of the free world' (by Patrick Wall)

1 file

U DPW/64/215 File. 34th Round Table of the Association pour Feb-Mar 1980 l'Etude des Problemes de l'Europe, Royal United Services Institute, London, 13 - 14 March 1980. Correspondence, list of participants, programme, papers, ms. notes, information about the AEPE and summary of debate by Pierre Uri

1 file

U DPW/64/216 File. Association Parliamentaire Europe - Afrique. Oct 1960-Jun Correspondence with Duncan Curtis, Assistant 1961 General Secretary, Council of Europe, and Remy Montagne, President, APEA, about a meeting

1 file

U DPW/64/217 File. 2nd International Round Table Conference Jan-May 1985 on European defence, Atlantic Committee, The Hague, the Netherlands, 24 - 25 May 1985. Programme, list of participants, correspondence, ms. notes and papers

1 file

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U DPW/64/218 File. 2nd International Round Table Conference May 1985 on European defence, Atlantic Committee, The Hague, the Netherlands, 24 - 25 May 1985. Report of conference (by Patrick Wall)

1 file

U DPW/64/219 File. 17th Congress of Christian Democrat Parties Dec 1964-Jan in Europe, Taormina, Italy, December 1965. 1966 Correspondence, itinerary, programme, provisional list of participants, speeches, notebook, report of visit and documents issued by the Centre International Democrate - Chretien d'Etudes et de Documentation

1 file

U DPW/64/220 File. Ditchley Foundation Legislators' Conference Mar-Apr 1980 on NATO, its authority and future, 11 - 13 April 1980. Programme, agenda, list of participants and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/64/221 File. Ditchley Foundation Conference on the Jan-Jul 1984 challenge of Soviet maritime activity, 27 - 29 April 1984. Correspondence, programme, list of participants, ms. notes, reports of Group A on strategic consequences, Group B on merchant shipping and Group C on political consequences, and draft and final report of conference (by Patrick Wall)

1 file

U DPW/64/222 File. Conference on the strategic role of Southern Jun 1977 Africa's raw material resources, Foreign Affairs Institute, Hamburg, Germany, 2 -5 June 1977. Correspondence, programme, list of delegates, papers and curriculum vitae of lecturers

1 file

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U DPW/64/223 File. Foreign Office seminar on South Africa, Nov 1984-Apr London, 26 March 1985. Report of seminar, with 1985 summary, ms. notes and relative correspondence Including:

a) Ts. 'Report on the Presidential visit to the Greek Government, 25 - 28 November 1984', Patrick Wall, November 1984 1 file

U DPW/64/224 File. Inter-American Symposium, Washington, Jun-Aug 1979 USA, 19 - 24 August 1979. Correspondence, leaflet and paper, 'The security of the Atlantic Ocean. A British view' (by Patrick Wall)

1 file

U DPW/64/225 File. Inter - American Symposium, Washington, Aug 1979 USA, 19 - 24 August 1979. Drafts of Patrick Wall's paper, as DPW/64/224

1 file

U DPW/64/226 File. Inter - American Symposium, Washington, Aug 1979 USA, 19 - 24 August 1979. Papers, with ms. notes and programme

1 file

U DPW/64/227 Booklet. 'Free World security and the South 1979 Atlantic', collected papers given at the Inter - American Symposium (Council for Inter - American Security / Institute of American Relations)

1 item

U DPW/64/228 File. International Security Council. Papers given Jul 1986-Sep at symposium on 'Security of the northern flank 1986 and the Baltic approaches', Copenhagen, 21-23 September 1986. With correspondence and list of participants

1 file

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U DPW/64/229 File. International Security Council. Jan 1988-Aug Correspondence with Dr Joseph Churba, 1991 President. With introductory leaflet and reports, including of meeting on 'NATO and the changing geopolitical environment', Brussels, 27 March 1991

1 file

U DPW/64/230 File. International Security Council. Papers given Jun 1989-Jan at a Conference on the Transatlantic Commission 1990 on a Changing Alliance, Washington, 7-8 November 1989. With conference report, statement about the conference, ts. and ms. notes, and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/64/231 File. Conference on Namibia and human rights, Sep 1985-Mar International Society for Human Rights, London, 1986 27 March 1986. Correspondence, programme, biographies of speakers, background papers Including:

a) Ts. 'South Africa and human rights. A way between apartheid and revolution', Iwan Agrusow and Ndabezinhle Musa, International Society for Human Rights, September 1985 b) Ts. speech. 'The protection of human rights in Namibia', F. Jariretundu Kozonguizi, Minister in the Transitional Government of National Unity, March 1986 1 file

U DPW/64/232 File. Ship preservation conference, the Maritime Sep-Nov 1987 Trust, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, 17 November 1987. Programme, list of participants, correspondence, papers and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/64/233 File. Conference, 'Where is South Africa Feb-Mar 1986 heading?', South African Embassy, London, 19 - 20 March 1986. Correspondence, programme, papers, biographies of speakers, background papers, ms. notes and report of conference

1 file

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U DPW/64/234 File. Joint conference of the Summit Council for Apr-May 1990 World Peace, the World Media Association and the Association for the Unity of Latin America, Moscow, USSR, April 1990. Programme, correspondence, list of speakers, papers (including by Patrick Wall) and ms. notes Including:

a) Booklet. 'Challenges and opportunities for world peace' (report of conference of the Summit Council for World Peace, Seoul, Korea, May - June 1987), 1990 b) Pamphlet. 'True unification and one world. Founder's address, Reverend Sun Myung Moon...', Summit Council for World Peace, 10 April 1990 1 file

U DPW/64/235 File. Conference on The challenge of change: the Oct-Nov 1984 western economies and the Atlantic relationship, United States Mission to NATO, Brussels, Belgium, 16 - 17 November 1984. Programme, list of participants, correspondence, papers, biographies of speakers and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/64/236 File. Council of Europe: Consultative Assembly. Jan-Feb 1973 24th Ordinary Session Part III, Strasbourg, France, January 1973. Orders of business, minutes of proceedings, official reports, special reports, opinions, resolutions, press releases, guidance documents, texts adopted at the session and relative correspondence Including:

a) 'Interparliamentary Conference on European Cooperation and Security, Helsinki, 26 to 31 January 1973. Summary', 19 February 1973 1 file

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U DPW/64/237 File. Council of Europe: Consultative Assembly. Aug 1972-May 25th Ordinary Session Part I, Strasbourg, France, 1973 May 1973. Orders of business, minutes of proceedings, official reports, special reports, opinions, resolutions, press releases, guidance documents, texts adopted at the session, Assembly list, list of national delegations and relative correspondence Including folder of agenda, minutes and reports relating to the work of the Committee on European Non-Member Countries, May 1973 1 file

U DPW/64/238 File. Council of Europe: Consultative Assembly. Apr-Sep 1973 25th Ordinary Session Part I, Strasbourg, France, May 1973. Orders of business, minutes of proceedings, official reports, special reports, opinions, resolutions, press releases, guidance documents, texts adopted at the session, list of national delegations and relative correspondence Including Ts. 'Reunion de membres du Congres des Etats-Unis et d'une delegation du Parlament Europeen', European Parliament, 9 May 1973 1 file

U DPW/64/239 File. Council of Europe: Consultative Assembly. Jun-Oct 1973 25th Ordinary Session Part II, Strasbourg, France, September - October 1973. Orders of business, minutes of proceedings, official reports, special reports, opinions, resolutions, press releases, guidance documents, texts adopted at the session and relative correspondence Including:

a) Minutes of meeting of Committee on European Non-Member Countries, Munich, 6 - 7 September 1973 1 file

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U DPW/64/240 File. Council of Europe: Consultative Assembly. Jul-Oct 1973 25th Ordinary Session Part II, Strasbourg, France, September - October 1973. Orders of business, minutes of proceedings, official reports, special reports, opinions, resolutions, press releases, guidance documents, texts adopted at the session, circulars and relative correspondence Including:

a) 'Statutory report. Communication on the activities of the Committee of Ministers, 30 April - 17 August 1973', 10 September 1973 1 file

U DPW/64/241 File. Council of Europe: Consultative Assembly. Dec 1973-Dec 25th Ordinary Session Part III, Strasbourg, 1974 France, January 1974. Orders of business, minutes of proceedings, official reports, special reports, opinions, resolutions, press releases, guidance documents, texts adopted at the session, list of national delegations and relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/64/242 File. Council of Europe: Consultative Assembly. Jan-May 1974 26th Ordinary Session Part I, Strasbourg, France, May 1974. Orders of business, minutes of proceedings, official reports, special reports, opinions, resolutions, press releases, guidance documents, texts adopted at the session, lists of committee members, list of national delegations and relative correspondence Including:

a) Ts. 'Communication from the Secretary General of the Council of Europe on consultative status to be granted to international non - governmental organisations', 24 April 1974 b) Ts. 'Appointment of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe', 29 April 1974 c) Ts. 'Ceremonial sitting to mark the 25th anniversary of the Council of Europe', 6 May 1974 1 file

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U DPW/64/243 File. Council of Europe: Consultative Assembly. Apr 1974-1975 26th Ordinary Session Part I, Strasbourg, France, May 1974. Orders of business, minutes of proceedings, official reports, special reports, opinions, resolutions, press releases, guidance documents, texts adopted at the session, list of national delegations, circulars and relative correspondence Including:

a) Charter of the Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe, 1975 1 file

U DPW/64/244 File. Council of Europe: Consultative Assembly. Jun-Nov 1974 26th Ordinary Session Part II, Strasbourg, France, September - October 1974. Orders of business, minutes of proceedings, official reports, special reports, opinions, resolutions, press releases, guidance documents, texts adopted at the session, circulars and relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/64/245 File. Council of Europe: Consultative Assembly. Sep 1974-Feb 26th Ordinary Session Part III, Strasbourg, 1975 France, January 1975. Orders of business, minutes of proceedings, official reports, special reports, opinions, resolutions, press releases, guidance documents, texts adopted at the session, circulars and relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/64/246 File. Council of Europe: Consultative Assembly. Dec 1974-Apr 27th Ordinary Session Part I, Strasbourg, France, 1975 April 1975. Orders of business, minutes of proceedings, official reports, special reports, opinions, resolutions, press releases, guidance documents, texts adopted at the session, speeches, ms. notes of speeches by Patrick Wall, circulars, lists of committee members and relative correspondence Including 'Statutory report. Communication on the activities of the Committee of Ministers', 4 April 1974 1 file

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U DPW/64/247 File. Council of Europe: Consultative Assembly. Jun-Oct 1975 27th Ordinary Session Part II, Strasbourg, France, October 1975. Orders of business, minutes of proceedings, official reports, special reports, opinions, resolutions, press releases, guidance documents, texts adopted at the session, circulars and relative correspondence Including: a) 'Statutory report. Communication on the activities of the Committee of Ministers', 9 September 1975 b) Papers regarding the 1st Convention of the Authorities of European Peripheral Regions, Galway, Ireland, October 1975 1 file

U DPW/64/248 File. Council of Europe: Committee on Agriculture, May 1971-Jun Malta, June 1973. Programme, agenda, list of 1973 delegates, speeches, minutes, reports, resolutions, and press statements

1 file

U DPW/64/249 File. Council of Europe: Committee on Agriculture, Jun-Jul 1973 Malta, June 1973. Draft and final report of visit

1 file

U DPW/64/250 File. Council of Europe: Committee on Agriculture, Dec 1972-May including Sub Committees on Fisheries and on 1974 Relations with the FAO. Agenda, minutes, reports, memoranda, circulars, and relative correspondence for meetings spanning January 1973 - May 1974. Includes some Consultative Assembly reports

1 file

U DPW/64/251 File. Council of Europe: Committee on European Aug 1973-Mar Non Member Countries. Agenda, minutes, reports, 1975 circulars and relative correspondence for meetings spanning September 1973 - April 1975 Also Council of Europe: Joint Enlarged Committee. Agenda, resolutions, recommendations and relative correspondence, especially regarding Cyprus, for meeting on 29 November 1974 1 file

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U DPW/64/252 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Canberra, Oct 1965-Apr Australia, April 1966. Papers consulted and 1966 produced by the Economic and Social Committee, including memoranda submitted by national delegations. With background briefs for British delegation Including:

a) Memorandum on nationalism and internationalism submitted by the British delegation to the Committee on Political Questions, International Security and Disarmament, January 1966 b) Folder of six Australian commemorative decimal coins, 14 February 1966 1 file

U DPW/64/253 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Canberra, Jan-Mar 1966 Australia, April 1966. Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/64/254 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Canberra, Apr-May 1966 Australia, April 1966. Correspondence, itinerary, list of delegates and draft reports of meeting by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/64/255 Notebook. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Canberra, Apr 1966 Australia, April 1966

1 item

U DPW/64/256 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Canberra, Apr 1966 Australia, April 1966. Report of visit to the Far East, Australia and the United States of America

1 file

U DPW/64/257 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Teheran, Iran, Jun-Oct 1966 September - October 1966. Correspondence, memoranda, circulars, lists of delegates, speeches, resolutions, decisions and summary record of plenary sessions

1 file

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U DPW/64/258 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Teheran, Iran, Jul-Oct 1966 September - October 1966. Correspondence, list of British delegation, notebook, resolutions and report of meeting by Patrick Wall Including:

a) Booklet of four commemorative stamps, [September 1966] b) Black and white photographs (5), featuring Patrick Wall, [October 1966] 1 file

U DPW/64/259 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Teheran, Iran, Sep 1966 September - October 1966. Background briefs for British delegation

1 file

U DPW/64/260 Pamphlet. Programme of Inter-Parliamentary Sep 1966 Union, Teheran, Iran, September - October 1966

1 item

U DPW/64/261 Booklet. Preliminary documents: agenda, draft 1966 resolutions, reports, Inter-Parliamentary Union, Teheran, Iran, September - October 1966

1 item

U DPW/64/262 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Teheran, Iran, Nov 1961-Apr September - October 1966. Papers consulted and 1967 produced by the Committee on Non Self Governing Territories, including records of the United Nations General Assembly, mainly about neo - colonialism. With ms. notes, limited correspondence and ts. statements of British policy on the future of each of its dependent territories

1 file

U DPW/64/263 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Palma, Majorca, Jan 1966-Mar April 1967. Papers consulted and produced by the 1967 Parliamentary and Judicial Committee, including memoranda submitted by national delegations, mainly about methods of upholding the constitution and civil rights. With background briefs for British delegation

1 file

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U DPW/64/264 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Palma, Majorca, Nov 1966-Mar April 1967. Correspondence, work programme for 1967 study committees, background briefs for British delegation and records of the United Nations First Committee consulted by the Committee on Political Questions, International Security and Disarmament

1 file

U DPW/64/265 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Palma, Majorca, Oct 1966-Apr April 1967. Programmes, correspondence, list of 1967 delegates, speeches, memoranda and circulars. With reports of previous conference, September - October 1966

1 file

U DPW/64/266 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Palma, Majorca, Dec 1966-Apr April 1967. Timetable, memoranda, circulars, draft 1967 resolutions, ms. notes and report of Committee on Non - Self - Governing Territories. With minutes of meeting of Committee at previous conference, 2 October 1966

1 file

U DPW/64/267 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Monte Carlo, Dec 1969-Apr Monaco, March - April 1970. Discussion papers 1970 and resolutions, with ms. notes, mainly about the exploitation of the sea bed, and some correspondence Including:

a) Minutes of the Parliamentary Group for World Government, 15 December 1969 b) Minutes of the Committee on Sea Bed Resources, House of Commons, 27 January 1970 1 file

U DPW/64/268 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Monte Carlo, Jan-Mar 1970 Monaco, March - April 1970. List of delegates, information leaflet for delegates, background briefs for British delegation, and ms. notes

1 file

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U DPW/64/269 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Monte Carlo, Feb-Apr 1970 Monaco, March - April 1970. Draft resolutions on regional security, ms. notes, background briefs for British delegation and report of meeting by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/64/270 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, The Hague, the Jan-Oct 1970 Netherlands, October 1970. Draft resolutions, mainly about regional security, summary records of plenary sessions, background briefs for British delegation, ms. notes and drafts of speech by Patrick Wall on regional security Including:

a) Minutes of the Committee on Political Questions, International Security and Disarmament, 4 November 1969, New Dehli, 9 January 1970 b) Booklet. Preliminary documents: agenda, draft resolutions, reports, Inter-Parliamentary Union, 1970 1 file

U DPW/64/271 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, The Hague, the Jun-Oct 1970 Netherlands, October 1970. Conference handbook, provisional programme, provisional list of delegates, draft resolutions, summary records of plenary sessions, and background briefs for British delegation Including:

a) Ts. report. 'Action taken on the decision adopted by the 106th session of the Inter- Parliamentary Council concerning judicial measures to be taken for effectively safeguarding the freedom and security of national and international civil air communications', Secretary General, 29 September 1970 1 file

U DPW/64/272 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, The Hague, the Jul-Oct 1970 Netherlands, October 1970. Correspondence, draft resolutions, ms. notes and speech by Patrick Wall on regional security Including:

a) Booklet of commemorative stamps, [October 1970] 1 file

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U DPW/64/273 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Yaounde, Jul 1967-Apr Cameroon, April 1972. Correspondence, 1972 background briefs for British delegation, minutes of meeting of British delegation prior to conference, ms. notes and discussion papers Including:

a) Black and white photograph of [? President of Cameroon], [April 1972] 1 file

U DPW/64/274 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Yaounde, Dec 1971-Apr Cameroon, April 1972. Notebook and background 1972 briefs for British delegation

1 file

U DPW/64/275 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Yaounde, Feb-Apr 1972 Cameroon, April 1972. Draft resolutions, discussion papers, background briefs for British delegation, and ms. notes Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'Notes on Cameroon and leading personalities', [April 1972] 1 file

U DPW/64/276 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Rome, Italy, Apr-Sep 1972 September 1972. Conference handbook, provisional list of delegates, correspondence, notebook, minutes of meeting of British delegation prior to conference and minutes of Committee on Political Questions, International Security and Disarmament at Yaounde conference Including:

a) Booklet. Preliminary documents: agenda, draft resolutions, reports, Inter-Parliamentary Union, 1972 b) Ms. draft report. 'NATO Military Committee tour, USA, 10 - 21 July 1972', Patrick Wall, 8 August 1972 1 file

U DPW/64/277 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Rome, Italy, Jun-Sep 1972 September 1972. Agenda, draft resolutions, lists of delegates, background briefs for British delegation, summary records of plenary sessions and speeches to plenary session on disarmament

1 file

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U DPW/64/278 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Colombo, Sri Jan-Apr 1975 Lanka, March - April 1975. Conference handbook, list of delegates, correspondence, programme of work, ms. notes, background briefs for British delegation, minutes of the Committee on Political Questions, International Security and Disarmament, with draft resolutions and memoranda submitted by national delegations Including:

a) Ts. 'IInd Inter-Parliamentary Conference on European Cooperation and Security, Belgrade, 31 January - 6 February 1975. Further inter- parliamentary activities in the field of cooperation and security in Europe. Extracts from the conference papers', 25 February 1975 1 file

U DPW/64/279 File. Investigation into tea estates in Sri Lanka. Feb-Apr 1975 Correspondence, background papers on tea workers, reports of visits to tea estates by British MPs, script of 'World in Action programme', 'The price of a cup of tea', and relative report by Patrick Wall, and drafts and final report of visit to Iran and Sri Lanka

1 file

U DPW/64/280 File. Investigation into tea estates in Sri Lanka. 1973-1975 Correspondence, including Brooke Bond Liebig Ltd. and Anglo Ceylon & General Estates Co. Ltd., completed questionnaires on the Sri Lankan tea estates owned by the latter companies, script of World in Action programme, 'Tea: the deadly cost', and background report on the affair Including:

a) Report. 'Plantation youth and the economy of Sri Lanka', Ceylon Workers Congress, 1973 b) Copy circular letter from Sir Frederic Bennett MP, about the work of the Unison Committee for Action in monitoring the threat of leftwing extremism, 10 April 1975 1 file

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U DPW/64/281 File. Investigation into tea estates in Sri Lanka. Mar-Apr 1975 Reports of visits to tea estates by British MPs, including Patrick Wall Including:

a) Photocopy ts. 'Sri Lanka tea estates. Investigation into conditions on British-owned tea estates in Sri Lanka carried out by the British delegation to the 1975 Spring Conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union held in Colombo', WT Williams MP, 22 April 1975 1 file

U DPW/64/282 File. Investigation into tea estates in Sri Lanka. Mar-May 1975 Correspondence Including:

a) Ts. draft and pamphlet. 'Sri Lanka tea estates: an investigation into conditions on British-owned tea estates in Sri Lanka carried out by a group of British MPs', Department of Trade, HMSO, 1975 1 file

U DPW/64/283 File. Investigation into tea estates in Sri Lanka. Mar-May 1975 Correspondence and report of Inter-Parliamentary Union meeting in Colombo Including:

a) Ts. 'Sri Lanka tea estates. Supplementary notes to the MPs' report into conditions on British- owned tea estates in Sri Lanka...', Christopher Bearman, Catholic Institute for International Relations, [May 1975] 1 file

U DPW/64/284 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, London, May-Oct 1975 September 1975. Conference handbook, correspondence, lists of delegates, minutes of meetings of British delegation and background briefs, draft resolutions, speeches and minutes of the Committee on Political Questions, International Security and Disarmament and ms. notes Including: a) Booklet. Preliminary documents: agenda, draft resolutions, reports, Inter - Parliamentary Union, 1975 b) Booklet. Resolutions, nominations, elections, Inter-Parliamentary Union, 1975 1 file

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U DPW/64/285 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, London, Sep 1975 September 1975. Draft resolutions and amendments, reports, and summary records of plenary sessions

1 file

U DPW/64/286 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Mexico City, Oct 1975-Apr Mexico, April - May 1976. Correspondence, 1976 including with Edward Heath MP, programme, background briefs for British delegation and reports Including:

a) Folder. 'Survey of world economic issues', comprising background papers, circa 1976 1 file

U DPW/64/287 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Mexico City, Mar-Apr 1976 Mexico, April - May 1976. Correspondence, lists of delegates, conference handbook, agenda, draft resolutions, reports and memoranda, background briefs for British delegation, rules of the British Group of the IPU and ms. notes Including:

a) Report. 'Final recommendations of the Helsinki consultations', 1973 1 file

U DPW/64/288 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Madrid, Spain, Apr-Dec 1976 September - October 1976. Conference handbook, list of delegates, programme, agenda, draft resolutions, reports, summary records of plenary sessions, and minutes of Inter- Parliamentary Council and Committee on Political Questions, International Security and Disarmament, both dating from spring conference Including:

a) Booklet. Preliminary documents: agenda, draft resolutions, reports, Inter-Parliamentary Union, 1976 1 file

U DPW/64/289 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Canberra, Jun 1976-Apr Australia, April 1977. Correspondence 1977

1 file

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U DPW/64/290 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Canberra, Mar-Apr 1977 Australia, April 1977. Correspondence, conference handbook, lists of delegates, draft resolutions, reports, memoranda, speeches, background briefs for British delegation and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/64/291 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Sofia, Bulgaria, May-Sep 1977 September 1977. Conference handbook, programme of work, draft resolutions, reports, summary records of plenary sessions, background briefs for British delegation, and minutes of Inter- Parliamentary Council and Economic and Social Committee, both dating from spring conference

1 file

U DPW/64/292 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Sofia, Bulgaria, Sep 1977 September 1977. Correspondence and circulars regarding meeting of '9+' group of European IPU, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 September 1977

1 file

U DPW/64/293 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union visits to Austria Mar-Apr 1980 and Poland. Correspondence and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/64/294 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union IVth Conference Aug 1975-May on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), 1980 Brussels, Belgium, May 1980. 'Submission folder' of papers under discussion Including:

a) Report of meeting of parliamentarians attending 34th Session of the United Nations General Assembly on behalf of the Inter - Parliamentary Union, 2 November 1979 1 file

U DPW/64/295 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union IVth Conference Nov 1979-Apr on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), 1980 Brussels, Belgium, May 1980. 'Submission folder' of papers under discussion

1 file

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U DPW/64/296 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union IVth Conference Sep 1979-Aug on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), 1980 Brussels, Belgium, May 1980. Conference handbook, list of participants, draft resolutions, reports and correspondence, mainly about Soviet Jewry Including:

a) 'Report on developments relative to the humanitarian provisions of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe', 'The Bulletin' no.14, North Atlantic Assembly, 1 October - 31 December 1979 b) Ts. 'Summary account of meeting of Working Group on preparation for the Madrid CSCE Review Conference, held at NATO Headquarters in Brussels on 24 March 1980', North Atlantic Assembly Political Committee, April 1980 1 file

U DPW/64/297 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union IVth Conference Mar-May 1980 on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Brussels, Belgium, May 1980. Agenda, draft resolutions, background briefs for British delegation, and ms. notes and drafts of speech to plenary session by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/64/298 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union IVth Conference May 1980 on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Brussels, Belgium, May 1980. Draft resolutions, memoranda and ms. notes for meetings of Working Party and Committee 1

1 file

U DPW/64/299 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union IVth Conference May 1980 on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Brussels, Belgium, May 1980. Draft resolutions, memoranda and ms. notes for meeting of '9+' group of European IPU regarding NATO

1 file

U DPW/64/300 Ts. report of Inter-Parliamentary Union IVth 20 May 1980 Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Brussels, Belgium, May 1980

1 item

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U DPW/64/301 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Lagos, Nigeria, Nov 1981-Apr April 1982. Agenda, correspondence, minutes and 1982 other papers relating to briefing meeting for British delegation, February 1982

1 file

U DPW/64/302 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Lagos, Nigeria, Nov 1981-Apr April 1982. Provisional list of delegates, 1982 conference handbook, draft resolutions, speeches and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/64/303 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Lagos, Nigeria, Mar-May 1982 April 1982. Correspondence, ms. notes, speeches and draft resolutions and memoranda submitted by national delegations to Committee on Political Questions, International Security and Disarmament

1 file

U DPW/64/304 Booklet. Preliminary documents: agenda, draft 1982 resolutions, reports, Inter-Parliamentary Union, Rome, Italy, September 1982

1 item

U DPW/64/305 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Rome, Italy, Feb-Sep 1982 September 1982. Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/64/306 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Rome, Italy, May-Sep 1982 September 1982. Correspondence, agenda, minutes, draft resolutions, list of British delegation and papers consulted by the Committee on Political Questions, International Security and Disarmament

1 file

U DPW/64/307 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Rome, Italy, Jul-Sep 1982 September 1982. Provisional list of delegates, draft resolutions, speeches and ms. notes Including colour photograph of Patrick Wall meeting the Pope, [September 1982] 1 file

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U DPW/64/308 Pamphlet. Programme, Inter-Parliamentary Union, Sep 1982 Rome, Italy, September 1982

1 item

U DPW/64/309 Conference handbook, Inter-Parliamentary Union, Sep 1982 Rome, Italy, September 1982

1 item

U DPW/64/310 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. Mar 1958-Apr Circular letters, notices and minutes of AGMs and 1962 ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/64/311 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. May 1964-Dec Correspondence, ts. notes, notices and minutes of 1965 meetings of Officers, Executive Committee and AGM, and ts. accounts

1 file

U DPW/64/312 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. Jun 1965-Jan Letters, reports, notices and minutes of meetings 1967 of Officers and Executive Committee, and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/64/313 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. May 1966-Dec Correspondence, notices and minutes of meetings 1967 of Officers, Executive Committee and AGM, and reports

1 file

U DPW/64/314 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. Dec 1967-May Letters, ts. notes, notices and minutes of meetings 1968 of Officers and Executive Committee, and report Including:

a) Minutes of Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, United Kingdom branch Executive Committee meeting, 5 March 1968 1 file

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U DPW/64/315 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. Feb-Jul 1969 Correspondence, notices and minutes of meetings of Officers and Executive Committee, and report

1 file

U DPW/64/316 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. Jul-Dec 1969 Reports, and notice and minutes of meetings of Officers and Executive Committee

1 file

U DPW/64/317 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. Dec 1969-Dec Correspondence, notices and minutes of meetings 1970 of Officers and Executive Committee, ts. notes, ts. accounts and report

1 file

U DPW/64/318 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. Feb 1970-Dec Correspondence, notices and minutes of meetings 1972 of Officers and Executive Committee, reports and ts. bulletin

1 file

U DPW/64/319 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. Feb-Dec 1973 Correspondence, minutes of meeting of Officers and Executive Committee, ts. accounts and report

1 file

U DPW/64/320 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. Jan-Dec 1974 Correspondence, notices and minutes of meetings of Officers and Executive Committee, reports and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/64/321 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. Dec 1974-Feb Letters, notices and minutes of meetings of 1977 Officers and Executive Committee, and report Including:

a) Minutes of Committee on Political Questions, International Security and Disarmament, 2 - 5 April 1975 1 file

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U DPW/64/322 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. Jan 1977-Jul Correspondence, notice and minutes of meetings 1978 of Officers and Executive Committee, ts. notes, report and ts. accounts

1 file

U DPW/64/323 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. Feb-Dec 1978 Correspondence, ts. accounts, reports, notice and minutes of meetings of Officers and Executive Committee, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/64/324 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. Nov 1978-Jul Correspondence, ts. accounts, notices and 1979 minutes of meetings of Officers and Executive Committee, programmes for visits, reports, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/64/325 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. Jul 1978-May Letters, minutes of meetings of Officers and 1980 Executive Committee, ts. notes and memoranda Including:

a) Minutes of [Beverley and Haltemprice Conservative] Divisional Annual General Meeting, 5 April 1979 1 file

U DPW/64/326 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. Mar-Dec 1980 Correspondence, notices and minutes of Executive Committee and reports

1 file

U DPW/64/327 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. Feb-Nov 1981 Correspondence, notices of meetings and report

1 file

U DPW/64/328 File. Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group. 1976-Oct 1982 Correspondence, notices and minutes of Executive Committee, ts. notes, reports and ts. accounts

1 file

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U DPW/64/329 Administrative brochure for SEA LINK 75 1975 symposium, SACLANT (Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic), Annapolis, USA, June 1975. With list of delegates

1 item

U DPW/64/330 Ring binder containing agenda and information Jun 1975 leaflets for SEA LINK 75 symposium, SACLANT (Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic), Annapolis, USA, June 1975

1 file

U DPW/64/331 Notebook Jun-Jul 1975 Used to record:

a) SEA LINK 75 symposium, SACLANT (Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic), Annapolis, USA, June 1975 b) ATA seminar on the security of North Sea oil, Greenwich, 27 June 1975 c) North Atlantic Assembly Joint Sub Committee on Energy Supplies, Ottawa, Canada, July 1975 1 volume

U DPW/64/332 Ts. papers given at SEA LINK 75 symposium, Nov 1975 SACLANT (Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic), Annapolis, USA, June 1975

1 bundle

U DPW/64/333 File. SEA LINK 78 symposium, SACLANT Jan 1976-Jun (Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic), Annapolis, 1978 USA, June 1978. Administrative brochure, correspondence, (relating to both SEA LINK 78 and North Atlantic Assembly business), and ts. summary of papers Including:

a) Ts. 'Defence White Paper 1975/1976 on the security of the Federal Republic of Germany and on the development of the Federal Armed Forces. Highlights and excerpts', Defence Ministry, Federal Republic of Germany, 20 January 1976 b) Administrative guide for members of the United Kingdom delegation to the North Atlantic Assembly, March 1976 c) 'North Atlantic Assembly News', no.23, March 1976 1 file

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U DPW/64/334 File. SEA LINK 80 symposium, SACLANT Apr-Jun 1980 (Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic), Annapolis, USA, June 1980. Programme brochure, administrative brochure, list of delegates and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/64/335 File. SEA LINK 82 symposium, SACLANT May 1979-Jun (Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic), Annapolis, 1982 USA, June 1982. Administrative brochure, list of delegates, correspondence, papers and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/64/336 File. SEA LINK 84 symposium, SACLANT Feb-Jun 1984 (Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic), Annapolis, USA, June 1984. Administrative brochure, programme, list of delegates, correspondence, and draft and final report of symposium Including:

a) Booklet. 'Soviet military power 1984', United States Defence Department, April 1984 1 file

U DPW/64/337 Notebook. SEA LINK 84 symposium, SACLANT May 1984 (Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic), Annapolis, USA, June 1984. With programme

1 item

U DPW/64/338 Booklet. Papers given at SEA LINK 84 Sep 1984 symposium, SACLANT (Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic), Annapolis, USA, June 1984

1 item

U DPW/64/340 File. SHAPEX 77, Supreme Headquarters Allied Dec 1976-May Powers Europe, Brussels, Belgium, May 1977. 1977 Programme, correspondence, attendance list, circulars and papers

1 file

U DPW/64/341 File. SHAPEX 79, Supreme Headquarters Allied Nov 1978-May Powers Europe, Brussels, Belgium, May 1979. 1979 Programme, correspondence, attendance lists, circulars and staff directory of SHAPE

1 file

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U DPW/64/342 File. SHAPEX 81, Supreme Headquarters Allied Apr-May 1981 Powers Europe, Brussels, Belgium, May 1981. Programme, administrative brochure, circulars, attendance lists, staff directory of SHAPE and notebook

1 file

U DPW/64/343 File. SHAPEX 81, Supreme Headquarters Allied Aug 1981 Powers Europe, Brussels, Belgium, May 1981. Draft and final report of exercise

1 file

U DPW/64/344 File. SHAPEX 83, Supreme Headquarters Allied 1982-1983 Powers Europe, Brussels, Belgium, May 1983. Attendance list and staff directory of SHAPE Including:

a) Booklet. 'NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Force comparisons', NATO Information Service, 1982 b) Booklet. 'Soviet military power 1983', United States Defence Department, March 1983 1 file

U DPW/64/345 File. SHAPEX 83, Supreme Headquarters Allied Jan-May 1983 Powers Europe, Brussels, Belgium, May 1983. Administrative brochure, correspondence, attendance list and circulars

1 file

U DPW/64/346 File. SHAPEX 83, Supreme Headquarters Allied Sep 1983 Powers Europe, Brussels, Belgium, May 1983. Draft and final report of exercise, with ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/64/347 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth Oct-Dec 1962 session. Lists of membership of the Special Political Committee, and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Committees, with information bulletin of the UN Secretariat

1 file

U DPW/64/348 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 18 Sep-14 Dec session. 'Journal of the United Nations', nos. 2984 1962 - 3048

1 file

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U DPW/64/349 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 22 Aug-2 Nov session. Papers re. agenda item 32: UN 1962 Emergency Force, including costs estimates and Secretary General's report

1 file

U DPW/64/350 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 12 Oct-11 Dec session. Papers re. agenda item 32: UN 1962 Emergency Force, mainly supplementary cost estimates for Rwanda and Urundi. With telegrams from UK Mission to Foreign Office

1 file

U DPW/64/351 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 22 Oct 1962 session. Statement of Secretary General re. agenda item 34: Financial implications of the UN Development Decade

1 file

U DPW/64/352 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 25 Jun-13 Dec session. Papers re. agenda item 60: financial 1962 reports and accounts for year ended 31 December 1961, including Trust Funds and Special Accounts, United Nations Children's Fund, United Nations Relief and Works Agency, and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

1 file

U DPW/64/353 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 24 Sep-14 Nov session. Papers re. agenda item 61: 1962 supplementary estimates for 1962

1 file

U DPW/64/354 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 6 Sep-7 Dec session. Papers re. agenda items 61 & 62: 1962 supplementary estimates for 1962 and budget estimates for 1963

1 file

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U DPW/64/355 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 2 Aug-12 Dec session. Papers re. agenda item 62: budget 1962 estimates for 1963, including file of papers on salaries and wages and file of speeches and draft statements made by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/64/356 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 15 Nov- 4 Dec session. Papers re. agenda item 62: budget 1962 estimates for 1963 (Working Capital Fund)

1 file

U DPW/64/357 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 5 Dec 1962 session. Papers re. agenda item 63: UN operations in the Congo (press release only)

1 file

U DPW/64/358 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth Jan-Dec 1962 session. Papers re. agenda item 64: Advisory opinion of the International Commission of Jurists on the financial obligations of member states, with speeches, including by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/64/359 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 18 Sep-13 Dec session. Papers re. agenda item 67: Scale of 1962 assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the Committee on Contributions

1 file

U DPW/64/360 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 2 Aug-5 Dec session. Papers re. agenda item 69: 1962 Administrative and budgetary coordination of the UN with the Specialised Agencies and with the International Atomic Energy Agency

1 file

U DPW/64/361 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 15 Oct-23 Nov session. Papers re. agenda item 70: Personnel 1962 questions, with speeches, including by Patrick Wall

1 file

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U DPW/64/362 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 13-28 Nov 1962 session. Papers re. agenda item 70: Personnel questions. With file of telegrams from UK Mission to Foreign Office

1 file

U DPW/64/363 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 16 Oct-11 Dec session. Papers re. agenda item on economic and 1962 technical assistance

1 file

U DPW/64/364 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 24 Oct-15 Nov session. Papers re. agenda item on UN 1962 Programme of Technical Cooperation: role of resident representative. With telegrams from UK Mission to Foreign Office

1 file

U DPW/64/365 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 20 Sep-12 Dec session. Reports on debates of Plenary Meetings, 1962 compiled by UK Mission

1 file

U DPW/64/366 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 10 Oct-12 Dec session. Reports on debates of 1st Committee 1962 meetings, compiled by UK Mission

1 file

U DPW/64/367 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 11 Oct-8 Dec session. Reports on debates of 2nd Committee 1962 meetings compiled by UK Mission

1 file

U DPW/64/368 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 23 Oct-12 Dec session. Reports on debates of 3rd Committee 1962 meetings, compiled by UK Mission

1 file

U DPW/64/369 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 25 Oct-1 Nov session. Papers for discussion by 3rd Committee 1962 re. racial discrimination

1 file

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U DPW/64/370 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 24 Sep-13 Dec session. Papers for discussion by 4th Committee 1962 re. Non Self Governing Territories. With telegrams from UK Mission to Foreign Office

1 file

U DPW/64/371 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 16 Oct-10 Dec session. Summary reports of proceedings of 4th 1962 Committee meetings, issued as press releases

1 file

U DPW/64/372 Original bundle. United Nations: General 1 Nov-13 Dec Assembly, XVIIth session. Provisional summary 1962 records of 4th Committee meetings re. Non Self Governing Territories

1 bundle

U DPW/64/373 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 9 Nov-10 Dec session. Papers re. 4th Committee debate on 1962 Basutoland, including statement by Patrick Wall. With telegrams from UK Mission to Foreign Office

1 file

U DPW/64/374 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 14 Oct-30 Nov session. Papers re. 4th Committee debate on 1962 colonialism. With telegram from UK Mission to Foreign Office

1 file

U DPW/64/375 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 8 Apr-13 Dec session. Papers re. 4th Committee debate on the 1962 Portuguese Territories, including from the Movement for the Defence of the Interests of Angola (MDIA). With reports on debates compiled by UK Mission

1 file

U DPW/64/376 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth Oct 1962 session. Papers re. 4th Committee debate on Southern Rhodesia

1 file

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U DPW/64/377 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 2-31 Oct 1962 session. Papers re. 4th Committee debate on Southern Rhodesia

1 file

U DPW/64/378 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 2 Oct-4 Dec session. Papers re. 4th Committee debate on 1962 Southern Rhodesia Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. memorandum on the position in Central Africa November 1962 - December 1963, Patrick Wall, 5 November 1962 1 file

U DPW/64/379 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 14 Sep-11 Dec session. Papers re. 4th Committee debate on 1962 South West Africa, including statement by Patrick Wall. With reports on debates compiled by UK Mission

1 file

U DPW/64/380 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 20 Sep 1962 session. Papers re. 4th Committee debate on South West Africa

1 file

U DPW/64/381 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 4-6 Dec 1962 session. Papers re. 4th Committee debate on Swaziland, including statement about apartheid by Patrick Wall. With telegrams from UK Mission to Foreign Office

1 file

U DPW/64/382 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 4 Oct-14 Nov session. Statements to 4th Committee following 1962 Patrick Wall's reply to allegations by Rev. Michael Scott of British military and financial interests in maintaining the status quo in Central and Southern Africa

1 file

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U DPW/64/383 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth Nov 1962-May session. Correspondence with Sir Keith Acutt, 1963 Anglo American Corporation of South Africa, and Harry Grenfell, British South Africa Company, about allegations made to 4th Committee by Rev. Michael Scott of British military and financial interests in maintaining the status quo in Central and Southern Africa. With miscellaneous papers

1 file

U DPW/64/384 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth Nov 1962-Sep session. Memorandum by Patrick Wall on 'Neo - 1963 colonialism - the threat to investment and private enterprise in Africa', with relative correspondence with contacts in the City, civil service and Foreign Office

1 file

U DPW/64/385 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 17 Oct-11 Dec session. Ts. speeches to 4th and 5th Committees 1962 made by Patrick Wall as UK representative of the UN General Assembly. Covering the Portuguese Territories, Basutoland, Swaziland, financial obligations of member states, personnel questions, South West Africa and budget estimates for 1963

1 file

U DPW/64/386 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 1 Oct-10 Dec session. Reports on debates of 5th Committee 1962 meetings, compiled by UK Mission

1 file

U DPW/64/387 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 27 Sep 1962-2 session. Provisional summary records of 5th Jan 1963 Committee meetings

1 file

U DPW/64/388 Original bundle. United Nations: General 1 Oct-11 Dec Assembly, XVIIth session. Summary reports of 1962 proceedings of 5th Committee meetings, issued as press releases

1 bundle

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U DPW/64/389 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth Sep-Dec 1962 session. Membership lists of 5th Committee and drafts of statement on budget estimates for 1963 by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/64/390 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 22 Oct-12 Dec session. Reports on debates of 6th Committee 1962 meetings, compiled by UK Mission

1 file

U DPW/64/391 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 8 Oct-22 Nov session. Papers for discussion by Special Political 1962 Committee. With reports on debates compiled by UK Mission

1 file

U DPW/64/392 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth 7 Nov-12 Dec session. Reports on debates of Special Political 1962 Committee meetings, compiled by UK Mission

1 file

U DPW/64/393 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth Aug 1962-May session. Correspondence, especially with Private 1963 Secretary, Sheila Wall and Sir Frederick Hervey Bathurst of the English Speaking Union. With ms. diary and cuttings of speeches by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/64/394 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth Oct-Dec 1962 session. Ts. daily record of visit

1 file

U DPW/64/395 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth Oct-Dec 1962 session. Reports by Patrick Wall on UN debates, including Southern Rhodesia, Kenya, Africa in general and UN finances

1 file

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U DPW/64/396 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth Mar 1963 session. Report by Patrick Wall, with conclusions and recommendations, appendix on the financial state of the UN and covering letter to MPs and Ministers

1 file

U DPW/64/397 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth Mar-Apr 1963 session. Correspondence with MPs and Ministers regarding report by Patrick Wall (as DPW/64/396)

1 file

U DPW/64/398 File. United Nations: General Assembly, XVIIth Nov 1962-Jan session. Draft articles about the UN, especially its 1963 finances and Africa, for publication in the 'Yorkshire Post' and 'The Tablet', with cuttings

1 file

U DPW/65 Writings 1953-1992 65/1 - 26 Books 65/27 - 31 Pamphlets and papers 65/32 - 143 Articles, reports and letters to the press

U DPW/65/1 File. 'The Indian Ocean and the threat to the West' 1973-1974 (Stacey International, 1975). Draft foreword and chapter by Patrick Wall, editor, with limited correspondence and related articles, also by Wall

1 file

U DPW/65/2 File. 'The Indian Ocean and the threat to the West' Mar 1974-Jun (Stacey International, 1975). Draft foreward and 1976 chapters, with proofs and correspondence with contributors, publishers and sponsors, the Institute for Strategic Studies, University of Pretoria Including:

a) Report. 'The security of the Cape oil route', Institute for the Study of Conflict, March 1974 1 file

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U DPW/65/3 File. 'The Indian Ocean and the threat to the West' Apr-Dec 1975 ed. Patrick Wall (Stacey International, 1975). Photocopy book reviews and correspondence with recipients of book, and of 'Prelude to detente', Patrick Wall (Stacey International, 1975)

1 file

U DPW/65/4 File. 'The southern oceans and the threat to the Feb 1976-Aug West', ed. Patrick Wall (Stacey International, 1977 1977). Correspondence with contributors

1 file

U DPW/65/6 File. 'The southern oceans and the threat to the Jun-Nov 1976 West', ed. Patrick Wall (Stacey International, 1977). Ts. draft chapters and relative correspondence with contributors

1 file

U DPW/65/7 Binder. 'The southern oceans and the threat to the 1976-1977 West', ed. Patrick Wall (Stacey International, 1977). Ts. draft chapters and foreword, including by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/65/8 Binder. 'The southern oceans and the threat to the 1976-1977 West', ed. Patrick Wall (Stacey International, 1977). Ts. draft chapters, including by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/65/9 Binder. 'The southern oceans and the threat to the 1976-1977 West', ed. Patrick Wall (Stacey International, 1977). Ts. draft chapters, and summary and conclusion by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/65/10 Binder. 'The southern oceans and the threat to the 1976-1977 West', ed. Patrick Wall (Stacey International, 1977). Ts. draft chapters

1 file

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U DPW/65/11 File. 'The southern oceans and the threat to the 1976-1977 West', ed. Patrick Wall (Stacey International, 1977). Ts. draft chapters, with introductory chapter, and summary and conclusions by Patrick Wall Including:

a) Envelope. Black and white photographs (6) documenting terrorism in Southern Rhodesia, Rhodesian Ministry of Information, no date 1 file

U DPW/65/12 File. 'The southern oceans and the threat to the 1976-1977 West', ed. Patrick Wall (Stacey International, 1977). Ms. and ts. drafts of Patrick Wall's introductory chapter

1 file

U DPW/65/13 File. 'The southern oceans and the threat to the 1977 West', ed. Patrick Wall (Stacey International, 1977). Ts. biographies of contributors, with drafts of foreword, and summary and conclusions by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/65/14 File. 'The southern oceans and the threat to the Jun-Aug 1977 West', ed. Patrick Wall (Stacey International, 1977). Proofs of chapters and relative correspondence with publishers

1 file

U DPW/65/15 File. 'The southern oceans and the threat to the Apr-Jul 1977 West', ed. Patrick Wall (Stacey International, 1977). Drafts and proofs of chapters, ms. notes and correspondence with publishers

1 file

U DPW/65/16 File. 'The southern oceans and the threat to the Nov 1977-Apr West', ed. Patrick Wall (Stacey International, 1978 1977). Correspondence with recipients of book

1 file

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U DPW/65/17 File. 'The southern oceans and the security of the Mar-Aug 1978 free world', ed. Patrick Wall (Stacey International, 1978). Book reviews and correspondence with recipients of book

1 file

U DPW/65/18 File. 'Prelude to detente', Patrick Wall (Stacey Feb-May 1975 International, 1975). Ms. drafts, copy of published version, and correspondence with publishers and recipients of book

1 file

U DPW/65/19 File. Intelligence Digest. Photocopy world reports, Apr 1978-Jan including articles by Patrick Wall (many without 1980 attribution), with ms., ts. and photocopy ts. drafts and relative correspondence with Editor, Peter Dally. Also correspondence about collaboration on a book about British and American parliamentary democracy

1 file

U DPW/65/20 File. 'Intelligence Digest'. Ms., carbon copy ts. and Jan 1978-Aug photocopy ts. draft chapters of book by Patrick 1979 Wall, Peter Dally and Allan Brownfeld about British and American parliamentary democracy, with relative correspondence Including:

a) Ts. 'Draft report on the parliamentary role in the formulation and execution of national defence policy', Philip Goodhart, North Atlantic Assembly Military Committee, November 1978 1 file

U DPW/65/21 File. 'Intelligence Digest'. Photocopy ts. draft c.1979 chapters of book by Patrick Wall, Peter Dally and Allan Brownfeld about British and American parliamentary democracy

1 file

U DPW/65/22 File. 'Guerilla book'. Limited correspondence and Sep 1971-Apr tss. 'Rhodesia: sequence of events. Chapter 9: 1973 Terrorism' and 'East Africa: return to sanity?', RBM Levick

1 file

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U DPW/65/23 File. 'Guerilla book'. Ms. and ts. notes, and 1972 background papers about guerilla organisations and operations in Africa

1 file

U DPW/65/24 File. 'Guerilla book'. Ms. and ts. lists of coups 1976 d'etats in Africa, 1847 - 1975

1 file

U DPW/65/25 File. 'Guerilla book'. Ms. notes and Aug-Nov 1976 correspondence about coups d'etats in Africa and investment in Africa

1 file

U DPW/65/26 File. 'Landmarks', Dermott Kydd. Correspondence Feb 1976-Nov about the publication of his novel about the land 1979 transfer scheme in Kenya, with complete carbon copy ts. Including:

a) Carbon copy ts. 'Suggestions for a land transfer scheme in Rhodesia', Dermott Kydd, May 1977 1 file

U DPW/65/27 File. 'Policy in the Indian Ocean area' Feb-Nov 1965 (Conservative Commonwealth Council, April 1965). Ms. and ts. drafts of conference paper, correspondence and background papers

1 file

U DPW/65/28 File. 'Red fleet off Suez', Patrick Wall MP, Douglas Nov 1968-Jan Dodds Parker MP, Morgan Giles MP, Philip 1969 Goodhart MP & Eldon Griffiths MP (Conservative Political Centre, 1969). Drafts, published pamphlet and background papers

1 file

U DPW/65/29 File. 'East of Suez', Patrick Wall et al. Feb-Nov 1969 (Conservative Political Centre, 1969). Ts. drafts, published pamphlet, correspondence and minutes of meeting of authors, 11 March 1969

1 file

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U DPW/65/30 File. 'Europe's back door. The Soviet maritime May 1972-Apr threat', Patrick Wall (Monday Club, 1973). Ms. and 1973 ts. drafts, published pamphlet and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/65/31 File. 'In defence of peace: defence planning in the Aug 1972-Feb seventies', Patrick Wall MP, Sir John Peel MP, 1973 Philip Goodhart MP, Rear Admiral Morgan Giles, Major General Jack d'Avigdor Goldsmid MP, John Wilkinson MP & Lieutenant Colonel JEL Corbyn (Conservative Political Centre, 1973). Draft chapters and proofs of pamphlet, correspondence and minutes of the Conservative Defence Committee Policy Group

1 file

U DPW/65/32 Complete ts. list of articles written and published c.1990 by Patrick Wall, covering 1970 to 1990, plus earlier version covering 1971 to 1978 and lists of articles on Africa, defence and various subjects (5)

1 bundle

U DPW/65/33 File. Correspondence with editors about the Aug 1969-Feb publication of articles 1981

1 file

U DPW/65/34 File. Correspondence with editors, including Peter 1981-1982 Dally of 'Intelligence Digest', about the publication of articles

1 file

U DPW/65/35 File. Correspondence with editors about the Apr 1984-Apr publication of articles 1985

1 file

U DPW/65/36 File. Articles and reports on defence , with Dec 1965-Oct background papers and correspondence 1969

1 file

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U DPW/65/37 File. Articles and reports on Conservative defence 1971 policy, Rhodesia, industrial relations and Ireland

1 file

U DPW/65/38 File. Articles and reports on defence, NATO, the 1972 Cod War and Ireland

1 file

U DPW/65/39 File. Articles and reports on defence, NATO, the 1973 Cod War and China

1 file

U DPW/65/40 File. Articles and reports on defence, NATO, 1974 religion, Ireland and the Communist Party

1 file

U DPW/65/41 File. Articles and reports on defence, Africa, 1975 NATO, international affairs and devolution

1 file

U DPW/65/42 File. Articles and reports on defence and NATO 1975

1 file

U DPW/65/43 File. Articles and reports on defence, NATO, 1976 religion, the Cod War and Margaret Thatcher MP

1 file

U DPW/65/44 File. Articles and reports on defence, NATO, 1977 South Africa and Rhodesia

1 file

U DPW/65/45 File. Articles and reports on defence and NATO 1977

1 file

U DPW/65/46 File. Articles and reports on international affairs, 1977-1981 defence, religion, NATO, South Africa, Rhodesia and CB radio

1 file

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U DPW/65/47 File. Articles and reports on defence and NATO 1978

1 file

U DPW/65/48 File. Articles and reports on defence and NATO 1978

1 file

U DPW/65/49 File. Articles and reports on defence, NATO, 1978 Rhodesia and Vietnam

1 file

U DPW/65/50 File. Articles and reports on defence, NATO, 1979 international affairs and Africa

1 file

U DPW/65/51 File. Articles and reports on defence, NATO and 1979 Rhodesia

1 file

U DPW/65/52 File. Articles and reports on defence, NATO, 1979 South Africa and the Monday Club

1 file

U DPW/65/53 File. Reports (with covering letters) on defence, 1979-1982 NATO and overseas visits

1 file

U DPW/65/54 File. Reports (with covering letters) on defence, 1980 NATO and overseas visits

1 file

U DPW/65/55 File. Reports (with covering letters) on defence 1980 and NATO

1 file

U DPW/65/56 File. Articles and reports on defence, NATO, 1980 South Africa and Rhodesia

1 file

U DPW/65/57 File. Articles on Africa and defence 1980

1 file

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U DPW/65/58 File. Articles and reports on South Africa, 1980-1981 international affairs and NATO

1 file

U DPW/65/59 File. Articles on defence, NATO, Canada, Social 1980-1982 Democratic Party and President Reagan

1 file

U DPW/65/60 File. Articles and reports on NATO , with 1980-1983 correspondence

1 file

U DPW/65/61 File. Reports (with covering letters) on defence, 1981 NATO and overseas visits. With ts. lists of visits, 1979 - 1982 and of meetings of North Atlantic Assembly, 1970 - 1982 Including:

a) Photocopy ts. letter to Ian Gow MP about Conservative 'Wets' in the Cabinet and defence policy, 29 December 1980 1 file

U DPW/65/62 File. Articles and reports on defence, NATO, 1981 international affairs, domestic affairs, Africa and religion

1 file

U DPW/65/63 File. Articles and reports on defence, NATO and 1981 domestic politics

1 file

U DPW/65/64 File. Articles and reports on defence, Africa, and 1981 the Social Democratic Party

1 file

U DPW/65/65 File. Articles and reports on Canada, religion, 1981 Spain, NATO, the United States of America and Zimbabwe

1 file

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U DPW/65/66 File. Articles and reports on defence, Southern 1981-1982 Africa, China and NATO, with relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/65/67 File. Articles and reports on defence, NATO and 1981-1982 Spain, with relative correspondence and ts. list of reports, 1955 - 1982

1 file

U DPW/65/68 File. Articles and reports on NATO, international 1982 affairs and the Falklands War

1 file

U DPW/65/69 File. Articles and reports on NATO, defence and 1982 Namibia

1 file

U DPW/65/70 File. Articles, reports and letters to the press on 1982 the Falklands War, NATO and China

1 file

U DPW/65/71 File. Articles and reports on NATO and defence 1983

1 file

U DPW/65/72 File. Articles and reports (with covering letters) on 1983-1985 NATO and defence

1 file

U DPW/65/73 File. Articles and reports on NATO, defence, the 1984 D-Day landings, Spain and Hong Kong

1 file

U DPW/65/74 File. Articles on defence and NATO, with 1984-1985 correspondence with editors

1 file

U DPW/65/75 File. Reports (with covering letters) on NATO 1984-1985

1 file

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U DPW/65/76 File. Reports (with covering letters) on defence 1985 and NATO

1 file

U DPW/65/77 File. Articles and reports on international affairs, 1985 defence, NATO and arms control

1 file

U DPW/65/78 File. Articles and reports on NATO and defence 1985

1 file

U DPW/65/79 File. Articles and reports on NATO and defence 1985

1 file

U DPW/65/80 File. Articles and reports (with covering letters) on 1985-1986 NATO, overseas visits, defence and Africa

1 file

U DPW/65/81 File. Articles and reports on defence, NATO, 1986 terrorism and arms control

1 file

U DPW/65/82 File. Articles and reports on terrorism, Chernobyl 1986 nuclear disaster, chemical warfare, NATO and defence, with relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/65/83 File. Articles and reports on NATO and defence 1986

1 file

U DPW/65/84 File. Articles and reports on NATO, defence, 1987 South Africa, the British general election and Mikhail Gorbachev

1 file

U DPW/65/85 File. Articles and reports on defence, international 1987 affairs, South Africa and the British general election

1 file

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U DPW/65/86 File. Articles and reports on NATO and defence 1988

1 file

U DPW/65/87 File. Articles and reports on NATO, defence and 1988-1992 international affairs, with relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/65/88 File. Reports on NATO and round the world trip 1989

1 file

U DPW/65/89 File. Reports on defence, NATO and the World 1990 Conference for Peace, Moscow

1 file

U DPW/65/90 File. Argus South African Newspapers Ltd. 1967-1970 Articles on Rhodesia, defence and the Middle East, and relative correspondence with editors

1 file

U DPW/65/91 File. 'Defence'. Articles and relative 1971-1973 correspondence with editor

1 file

U DPW/65/92 File. 'Defence'. Articles and relative 1972-1977 correspondence with editor

1 file

U DPW/65/93 File. Foreign Affairs Research Institute. 1977-1978 Background papers

1 file

U DPW/65/94 File. 'Navy International'. Articles and relative 1970-1977 correspondence with editor

1 file

U DPW/65/95 File. 'Strategic Review'. Articles and relative 1970-1977 correspondence with editor

1 file

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U DPW/65/96 File. 'The Times' and 'Daily Telegraph'. Articles 1972-1978 and relative correspondence with editors

1 file

U DPW/65/97 File. 'To the Point'. Articles and relative 1971-1977 correspondence with editor

1 file

U DPW/65/98 File. 'Yorkshire Post'. Articles and relative 1971-1977 correspondence with editor

1 file

U DPW/65/99 Original bundle. Africa. Articles 1970-1975

1 bundle

U DPW/65/100 File. Africa. Articles, with ts. list 1970-1978

1 file

U DPW/65/101 File. Africa. Articles 1975-1980

1 file

U DPW/65/102 File. CB radio. Articles 1980-1983

1 file

U DPW/65/103 File. Cod War. Articles 1972-1976

1 file

U DPW/65/104 File. Politics. Articles 1974-1987

1 file

U DPW/65/105 File. Religion. Articles 1974-1981

1 file

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U DPW/65/106 File. Letters to the press and some articles, with 1953-1959 relative correspondence Including:

a) Election address. Westminster City Council, Hamlet of Knightsbridge ward, Patrick Wall and others, 1956 b) 'The Review', Haltemprice and Beverley Conservative and Unionist Association, vol. 7, no. 18, May 1959 1 file

U DPW/65/107 File. Letters to the press 1956

1 file

U DPW/65/108 File. Letters to the press, with list and relative 1957 correspondence

1 file

U DPW/65/109 File. Letters to the press 1958-1959

1 file

U DPW/65/110 File. Letters to the press and articles, with relative 1959-1960 correspondence

1 file

U DPW/65/111 File. Letters to the press and articles 1961-1965

1 file

U DPW/65/112 File. Letters to the press and articles 1964-1970

1 file

U DPW/65/113 Binder. 'Book 1. Reports 1955/60', with list of Jan 1955-Dec contents. Covering visits abroad and to 1960 conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/114 Binder. 'Book 2. Reports 1961/62', with list of Jan 1961-Dec contents. Covering visits abroad and to 1962 conferences

1 file

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U DPW/65/115 Binder. 'Book 3. Reports 1963/66', with list of Feb 1963-Oct contents. Covering visits abroad and to 1966 conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/116 Binder. 'Book 4. Reports 1967/71', with list of Sep 1967-Nov contents. Covering visits abroad and to 1971 conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/117 Binder. 'Book 5. Reports 1972/3', with list of Jan 1972-Sep contents. Covering visits abroad and to 1973 conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/118 Binder. 'Book 6. Reports 1974/75', with list of Apr 1974-Jun contents. Covering visits abroad and to 1975 conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/119 Binder. 'Book 7. Reports 1975/76', with list of Jun 1975-Sep contents. Covering visits abroad and to 1976 conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/120 Binder. 'Book 8. Reports 1976/77', with list of Nov 1976-Dec contents. Covering visits abroad and to 1977 conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/121 Binder. 'Book 9. Reports 1977/78', with list of Dec 1977-Apr contents. Covering visits abroad and to 1978 conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/122 Binder. 'Book 10. Reports 1978', with list of Jun-Oct 1978 contents. Covering visits abroad and to conferences

1 file

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U DPW/65/123 Binder. 'Book 11. Reports 1978/79', with list of Dec 1978-May contents. Covering visits abroad and to 1979 conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/124 Binder. 'Book 12. Reports 1979', with list of May-Oct 1979 contents. Covering visits abroad and to conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/125 Binder. 'Book 13. Reports 1979/80', with list of Oct 1979-Jun contents. Covering visits abroad and to 1980 conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/126 Binder. 'Book 14. Reports 1980', with list of Jul-Oct 1980 contents. Covering visits abroad and to conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/127 Binder. 'Book 15. Reports 1980/81', with list of Nov 1980-Jan contents. Covering visits abroad and to 1981 conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/128 Binder. 'Book 16. Reports 1981', with list of Mar-Aug 1981 contents. Covering visits abroad and to conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/129 Binder. 'Book 17. Reports 1981', with list of Sep 1981-Jan contents. Covering visits abroad and to 1982 conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/130 Binder. 'Book 18. Reports 1982', with list of Jan-Jun 1982 contents. Covering visits abroad and to conferences

1 file

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U DPW/65/131 Binder. 'Book 19. Reports 1983', with list of Jun 1982-Mar contents. Covering visits abroad and to 1983 conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/132 Binder. 'Book 20. Reports 1983', with list of Jan-Nov 1983 contents. Covering visits abroad and to conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/133 Binder. 'Book 21. Reports 1984', with list of Jan-Jun 1984 contents. Covering visits abroad and to conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/134 Binder. 'Book 22. Reports 1984', with list of Jun-Dec 1984 contents. Covering visits abroad and to conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/135 Binder. 'Book 23. Reports 1985', with list of Jan-Nov 1985 contents. Covering visits abroad and to conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/136 Binder. 'Book 24. Reports 1985', with list of Feb-Jun 1985 contents. Covering visits abroad and to conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/137 Binder. 'Book 25. Reports 1985', with list of May-Oct 1985 contents. Covering visits abroad and to conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/138 Binder. 'Book 26. Reports 1985/86', with list of Nov 1985-Jan contents. Covering visits abroad and to 1986 conferences

1 file

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U DPW/65/139 Binder. 'Book 27. Reports 1986', with list of Feb-May 1986 contents. Covering visits abroad and to conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/140 Binder. 'Book 28. Reports 1986', with list of May-Aug 1986 contents. Covering visits abroad and to conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/141 Binder. 'Book 29. Reports 1986/87', with list of Oct 1986-Sep contents. Covering visits abroad and to 1987 conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/142 Binder. 'Book 30. Reports 1988', with list of Dec 1987-Nov contents. Covering visits abroad and to 1990 conferences

1 file

U DPW/65/143 File. Letters to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Dec 1980-Dec MP, accompanying various reports [not enclosed], 1986 with some replies

1 file

U DPW/66 Miscellaneous correspondence and speeches 1946-1980

U DPW/66/1 Letters about Patrick Wall's interest in entering 12 Oct 1946-28 politics Jan 1948 a) From Charles Mott-Radclyffe MP to Gladys Wall b) From Private Secretary to Charles Mott- Radclyffe MP to Patrick Wall 2 items

U DPW/66/2 File. 'Punch'. Correspondence about Patrick Feb-Oct 1967 Wall's writ for libel against 'Punch' for publishing a satirical article portraying him as racist, anti - semitic and homophobic ('Thunder on the Right', 25 January 1967). With draft statement of case presented in the High Court (1967W no.887)

1 file

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U DPW/66/3 File. Correspondence with Dr Kitty Little, with Apr 1975-Aug photocopy cuttings and papers about British 1977 relations with the Soviet Union

1 file

U DPW/66/4 File. Correspondence with Dr Kitty Little, with Jan-Oct 1980 photocopy cuttings and papers about the British government and Rhodesia Including:

a) Ts. 'Where and how will the new jobs be created: All Party brainstorming session', 3 July 1979 1 file

U DPW/66/5 File. Correspondence about political and religious Jan 1978-May dissidents in the Soviet Union 1984

1 file

U DPW/66/6 File. Correspondence about meetings, debates 1968 and other events in which Patrick Wall participated, with speech notes

1 file

U DPW/66/7 File. Correspondence about meetings, debates 1970 and other events in which Patrick Wall participated

1 file

U DPW/66/8 File. Correspondence about meetings, debates 1970 and other events in which Patrick Wall participated

1 file

U DPW/66/9 File. Correspondence about meetings, debates 1971 and other events in which Patrick Wall participated

1 file

U DPW/66/10 File. Correspondence about meetings, debates 1972 and other events in which Patrick Wall participated

1 file

U DPW/66/11 File. Correspondence about meetings, debates 1973 and other events in which Patrick Wall participated

1 file

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U DPW/66/12 File. Correspondence about meetings, debates 1974 and other events in which Patrick Wall participated

1 file

U DPW/66/13 File. Correspondence about meetings, debates 1975 and other events in which Patrick Wall participated

1 file

U DPW/66/14 File. Ts. speeches by Patrick Wall 1981

1 file

U DPW/66/15 File. Ts. speeches by Patrick Wall 1982

1 file

U DPW/66/16 File. Ts. speeches by Patrick Wall 1983

1 file

U DPW/67 Posters 1952-1963

U DPW/67/1 Colour poster. 'Less snoopers'. Printed by PT c.1952 Munn, election agent to Patrick Wall

1 item

U DPW/67/2 Colour poster. '6 years of socialism. £2,000 million c.1952 foreign aid', featuring caricature of Clement Attlee. Printed by PT Munn, election agent to Patrick Wall

1 item

U DPW/67/3 Colour poster. 'Full speed ahead with the c.1954 Conservatives', with list of achievements in government. Printed by EW Shoebridge, election agent to Patrick Wall

1 item

U DPW/67/4 Colour poster. 'We say an alternative government c.1954 would mean the danger of...' [dangers illustrated]. Printed by EW Shoebridge, election agent to Patrick Wall

1 item

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U DPW/67/5 Colour poster. 'Whose finger on the trigger?', c.1954 about defence against Soviet attack. Printed by EW Shoebridge, election agent to Patrick Wall

1 item

U DPW/67/6 Colour poster. 'Conservatives keep their c.1955 promises', with list of achievements over three years in government

1 item

U DPW/67/7 Colour poster. 'Polling day 26th May. Vote for Wall c.1955 the Conservative candidate. Haltemprice'

1 item

U DPW/67/8 Colour poster. 'Rights of trade unions given by c.1955 Tory governments', covering legislation from 1825 - 1919. Printed by Mills & Rockleys

1 item

U DPW/67/9 Colour poster. 'Agriculture. Index of production', c.1956 covering 1939 - 1956, with illustrations

1 item

U DPW/67/10 Colour poster. 'Straight talk and action. Keep c.1963 ahead with the Conservatives', featuring photograph of Party Leader, Sir Alec Douglas Home

1 item

U DPW/68 Publications 1946-1967

U DPW/68/1 Pamphlet. 'The Party organisation' (Conservative May 1947 & Unionist Central Office organisation series no.1, rev'd. ed.)

1 item

U DPW/68/2 Pamphlet. 'The Party organisation' (Conservative Jan 1961 & Unionist Central Office organisation series no.1, rev'd. ed.)

1 item

Page 845 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/68/3 Pamphlet. 'Duties of officers' (Conservative & Feb 1948 Unionist Central Office organisation series no.2, rev'd. ed.)

1 item

U DPW/68/4 Pamphlet. 'Duties of officers and committee Jun 1958 members' (Conservative & Unionist Central Office organisation series no.2, rev'd. ed.)

1 item

U DPW/68/5 Pamphlet. 'Model rules' (Conservative & Unionist Apr 1949 Central Office organisation series no.3, rev'd. ed.)

1 item

U DPW/68/6 Pamphlet. 'Model rules' (Conservative & Unionist Apr 1956 Central Office organisation series no.3, rev'd. ed.)

1 item

U DPW/68/7 Pamphlet. 'Procedure at business meetings' Jan 1946 (Conservative & Unionist Central Office organisation series no.4, rev'd. ed.)

1 item

U DPW/68/8 Pamphlet. 'Constituency finance' (Conservative & Feb 1946 Unionist Central Office organisation series no.6)

1 item

U DPW/68/9 Pamphlet. 'Electoral registration' (Conservative & Mar 1950 Unionist Central Office organisation series no.7, rev'd. ed.)

1 item

U DPW/68/10 Pamphlet. 'Organisation of indoor and outdoor Feb 1948 meetings' (Conservative & Unionist Central Office organisation series no.8, rev'd. ed.)

1 item

U DPW/68/11 Pamphlet. 'The voluntary worker and the party Apr 1950 organisation' (Conservative & Unionist Central Office organisation series no.9, rev'd. ed.)

1 item

Page 846 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/68/12 Pamphlet. 'Local government and the Party Aug 1950 organisation' (Conservative & Unionist Central Office no.10, rev'd. ed.)

1 item

U DPW/68/13 Pamphlet. 'The Young Britons Organisation' May 1949 (Conservative & Unionist Central Office organisation series no.11)

1 item

U DPW/68/14 Pamphlet. 'Notes on procedure for the adoption of 20th cent. Conservative candidates in England and Wales' (Conservative & Unionist Central Office)

1 item

U DPW/68/15 Pamphlet. 'Brighter branch meetings' c.1951 (Conservative & Unionist Central Office)

1 item

U DPW/68/16 Pamphlet. 'Canvassing: an outline of five lectures Jan 1951 with notes on the revision group method of instruction' (Conservative & Unionist Central Office, rev'd. ed.)

1 item

U DPW/68/17 Pamphlet. 'Money raising methods for c.1952 constituency associations and branches' (Conservative & Unionist Central Office)

1 item

U DPW/68/18 Pamphlet. 'Canvassing sketches. Introductory May 1952 note' (Conservative & Unionist Central Office)

1 item

U DPW/68/19 Pamphlet. 'Conservative trade union organisation' 17 Feb 1953 (Conservative & Unionist Central Office)

1 item

U DPW/68/20 Pamphlet. 'Talking on television and radio' Oct 1957 (Conservative & Unionist Central Office)

1 item

Page 847 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/68/21 Volume. 'Conservative agent', Arthur Fawcett 1967 (National Society of Conservative & Unionist agents)

1 volume

U DPW/69 Military papers 1910-1959 69/1 - 14, 39 - 42, 59 - 61, 63, Military training courses 85 - 89 69/15 - 58, 93 Military service 69/62 Intelligence work 69/64 - 79 Lectures and teaching materials 69/80 - 84, 92 Military exercises 69/90 - 91, 94 - 97 Royal Marine Office 69/98 - 110 Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve 69/111 - 119 Orders 69/120 - 135 Military reports and publications 69/136 - 154 'Royal Marine Pocket Book' 69/155 - 264 Military maps 69/265 - 303 Files, notes and miscellaneous

U DPW/69/1 Binder volume 1. 'Second Lieutenant's courses 1. Jan 1935-Aug Course A. RM Depot Deal: Parade. Course B (I). 1936 RMSAS [Small Arms School] Browndown: SA [Small Arms]. Course B(ii). Fort Screasdon: Tactics'

1 volume

U DPW/69/2 Binder volume 2. 'Second Lieutenant's courses 2. Aug-Sep 1935 Course C. Eastney: Pre - Naval Gunnery'

1 volume

U DPW/69/3 Binder volume 3. 'Second Lieutenant's courses 3. c.1935 Course D. Navigation House: Navigation. 'Iron Duke': Seamanship'

1 volume

Page 848 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/69/4 Binder volume 4. 'Second Lieutenant's courses 4. c.1935 Course H. 'Vernon': Torpedo; Electricity'

1 volume

U DPW/69/5 Binder volume 5. 'Second Lieutenant's courses 5. c.1935 Course G. 'Excellent': FC [Fire Control] & DS [Director & Sights]; HA [High Angle] Control'

1 volume

U DPW/69/6 Binder volume 6. 'Second Lieutenant's courses 6. 1936 Course G. 'Excellent': Hyd. [Hydraulics] & S [Stripping]; R/F [Range Finder]; Amn. [Ammunition]; GG [General Gunnery]'

1 volume

U DPW/69/7 Binder volume 7. 'Second Lieutenant's courses 7. 1937-1938 Course F. RM Depot Deal: Tactics'

1 volume

U DPW/69/8 Binder volume 8. 'Second Lieutenant's courses 8. Jun 1936-Feb Course F. RM Depot Deal: Sigs. [Signals]; 1937 Training for war; San. [Sanitation] & Hyg. [Hygiene]; Fd. Eng. [Field Engineering]; Appreciations; TEWTs [?]'

1 volume

U DPW/69/9 Binder volume 9. 'Second Lieutenant's courses 9. Sep-Oct 1936 Course F. RM Depot Deal: Strategy; Military history (Shenandoah Valley. Great War. Palestine campaign)'

1 volume

U DPW/69/10 Binder volume 10. 'Second Lieutenant's courses Dec 1936 10. Course F. RM Depot Deal: Palestine campaign; Imperial policing and duties in aid; MNBDO [?]; Combined Operations

1 volume

U DPW/69/11 Binder volume 11. 'Second Lieutenant's courses 1936-1937 11. Course F. RM Depot Deal: Imperial and foreign affairs; Imperial military geography'

1 volume

Page 849 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/69/12 Binder volume 12. 'Second Lieutenant's courses Sep 1936-Jan 12. Course F. RM Depot Deal: Military writing; 1937 Military law

1 volume

U DPW/69/13 Binder volume 13. 'Second Lieutenant's courses Feb-May 1937 13. Course I. Chatham: Administration 1'

1 volume

U DPW/69/14 Binder volume 14. 'Second Lieutenant's courses Feb-May 1937 14. Course I. Chatham: Administration 2; Signals'

1 volume

U DPW/69/15 Binder volume 15. 'HMS Devonshire 1. Nov 1936-Oct Detachment duties; Training 1' 1938

1 volume

U DPW/69/16 Binder volume 16. 'HMS Devonshire 2. Training 2' Jun 1936-Mar 1941 1 volume

U DPW/69/17 Binder volume 17. 'HMS Devonshire 3. Training 3; Jun 1937-Aug Military topography' 1938

1 volume

U DPW/69/18 Binder volume 18. 'HMS Devonshire 4. Gunnery' Jul 1937-Oct 1938 1 volume

U DPW/69/19 Binder volume 19. 'HMS Devonshire 5. Dec 1936-Sep Candidates 1' 1938 Contains confidential personal details 1 volume

U DPW/69/20 Binder volume 20. 'HMS Devonshire 6. Jan-Mar 1938 Candidates 2' Contains confidential personal details 1 volume

U DPW/69/21 Binder volume 21. 'HMS Devonshire 7. Sport' Jun 1937-Jul 1938 1 volume

Page 850 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/69/22 Binder volume 22. 'HMS Excellent. Long course 1938-1940 G1: Theory'

1 volume

U DPW/69/23 Binder volume 23. 'HMS Excellent. Long course c.1938 G2: FC [Fire Control]; A1 [?]'

1 volume

U DPW/69/24 Binder volume 24. 'HMS Excellent. Long course Apr 1937-Jan G3: FC [Fire Control]; A3 [?]' 1939

1 volume

U DPW/69/25 Binder volume 25. 'HMS Excellent. Long course c.1938 G4: D [Director] & S 1 [Sights]'

1 volume

U DPW/69/26 Binder volume 26. 'HMS Excellent. Long course Mar 1936-May G5: D [Director] & S 2 [Sights]' 1938

1 volume

U DPW/69/27 Binder volume 27. 'HMS Excellent. Long course c.1938 G6: LRHA 1 [Long Range High Angle]'

1 volume

U DPW/69/28 Binder volume 28. 'HMS Excellent. Long course c.1938 G7: LRHA 2 [Long Range High Angle]; CRHA [Close Range High Angle]'

1 volume

U DPW/69/29 Binder volume 29. 'HMS Excellent. Long course Jun 1939 G8: Electrics'

1 volume

U DPW/69/30 Binder volume 30. 'HMS Excellent. Long course Sep 1934-Apr G9: Hyd. [Hydraulics] & S 1 [Stripping]' 1937

1 volume

U DPW/69/31 Binder volume 31. 'HMS Excellent. Long course 1939 G10: Hyd. [Hydraulics] & S 2 [Stripping]'

1 volume

Page 851 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/69/32 Binder volume 32. 'HMS Excellent. Long course May 1936-Feb G11: RF [Range Finder]; RDF [Range Direction 1939 Finding]'

1 volume

U DPW/69/33 Binder volume 33. 'HMS Excellent. Long course 1939 G12: Ammunition'

1 volume

U DPW/69/34 Binder volume 34. 'HMS Excellent. Long course Jun 1938-Jul G13: General gunnery 1' 1943

1 volume

U DPW/69/35 Binder volume 35. 'HMS Excellent. Long course c.1938 G14: General gunnery 2'

1 volume

U DPW/69/36 Binder volume 36. 'Sea Service Battery, Eastney' Sep 1939-Apr 1941 1 volume

U DPW/69/37 Binder volume 37. 'HMS Iron Duke 1. General' Jan 1939-Apr 1941 1 volume

U DPW/69/38 Binder volume 38. 'HMS Iron Duke 2. Training'. Jul 1940-Mar Includes 'Instructors' class books' (2), May - 1941 December 1940

1 volume

U DPW/69/39 Binder volume 39. 'Military training 1' c.1941

1 volume

U DPW/69/40 Binder volume 40. 'Military training 2' Dec 1942-Aug 1944 1 volume

U DPW/69/41 Binder volume 41. 'Military training 3' Sep 1942-Sep 1943 1 volume

U DPW/69/42 Binder volume 42. 'Military training 4, Eastney and 1944 Passage'

1 volume

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U DPW/69/43 Binder volume 43. 'HMS Valiant 1. Ship and Sep 1941-Oct gunnery orders' 1943

1 volume

U DPW/69/44 Binder volume 44. 'HMS Valiant 2. Gunnery Mar-Dec 1942 programmes'

1 volume

U DPW/69/45 Binder volume 45. 'HMS Valiant 3. Det. Apr 1942-Oct [Detachment] standing orders; stores and clothing 1943

1 volume

U DPW/69/46 Binder volume 46. 'HMS Valiant 4. Military training Apr 1940-Feb 1; old commission' 1942

1 volume

U DPW/69/47 Binder volume 47. 'HMS Valiant 5. Military training Apr 1940-Dec 2; Old and new commissions' 1943

1 volume

U DPW/69/48 Binder volume 48. 'HMS Valiant 6. Military training Nov 1941-Sep 3; New commission' 1943

1 volume

U DPW/69/49 Binder volume 49. 'HMS Valiant 7. Military training Mar-Aug 1942 4; Precis RMTM [? Royal Marines Training Manual]; Candidates'

1 volume

U DPW/69/50 Binder volume 50. 'HMS Valiant 8. Intelligence; Dec 1941-Nov Sport' 1942

1 volume

U DPW/69/51 Binder volume 51. 'Assault Gunnery School 1. Dec 1943-May General; LCG(L) [Landing Craft Gun]' 1944

1 volume

Page 853 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/69/52 Binder volume 52. 'Assault Gunnery School 2. Jan-Jul 1944 LCT(R) [Landing Craft Tank]; LCT(A) [Landing Craft Tank]; Reports'. With black and white photographs (2) of landing craft sinking after bombardment during the Walcheren landings, November 1944

1 volume

U DPW/69/53 Binder volume 53. 'Assault Gunnery School 3. Jan-Oct 1944 Correspondence; Exercises'

1 volume

U DPW/69/54 Binder volume 54. 'USN [United States Navy] & 4 Feb-Jul 1944 Commando Brigade. Omaha, Operation Overlord'

1 volume

U DPW/69/55 Binder volume 55. 'Assault Firing Establishment. Feb-Dec 1944 Correspondence; Range; LCG(M) [Landing Craft Gun]; Military training orders; Parachute training'

1 volume

U DPW/69/56 Binder volume 56. '48 RM Commando 1. Nominal Dec 1944-May lists; Operational orders' 1945

1 volume

U DPW/69/57 Binder volume 57. '48 RM Commando 2. Orders; Oct 1944-Jul Ammunition; Transport; Training 1945

1 volume

U DPW/69/58 Binder volume 58. '48 RM Commando 3. W Dec 1944-Aug [Welfare] & E [Entertainments] Comm. 1945 [Committee]; Sports; RCs [Roman Catholics]; Military law; 46 RM Commando.' Includes ts. history of 48 (RM) Commando during Second World War

1 volume

U DPW/69/59 Binder volume 59. 'Royal Naval College. Naval Aug 1945 staff course 1'. Includes carbon copy ts. record of Patrick Wall's service in the Royal Navy, January 1935 - January 1945

1 volume

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U DPW/69/60 Binder volume 60. 'Royal Naval College. Naval Aug-Oct 1945 staff course 2'

1 volume

U DPW/69/61 Binder volume 61. 'Royal Naval College. Naval Oct 1945 staff course 3'

1 volume

U DPW/69/62 Binder volume 62. 'Combined Operations Nov 1943-Jul Headquarters. Intelligence Section' 1946

1 volume

U DPW/69/63 Binder volume 63. 'Royal Air Force. Panshanger: Dec 1945-Jan Elementary flying course. Cambridge: Auster 1946 course' Including:

a) File. 'Fighter Command training syllabus for no.43 (Air OP [airborne operations]) OTU [? Operational Training Unit]', no date 1 volume

U DPW/69/64 Binder volume 64. 'School of Combined Apr-Oct 1946 Operations [Fremington, North Devon]. Opening of school; Battlefield tour; Study programmes; SCO organisation and administration; Library; Films

1 volume

U DPW/69/65 Binder volume 65. 'School of Combined Mar 1946-Jul Operations [Fremington, North Devon] 2. 1947 Introduction; Historical; Royal Navy'

1 volume

U DPW/69/66 Binder volume 66. 'School of Combined Oct 1946-Jul Operations [Fremington, North Devon] 3. Naval 1947 aviation; Royal Marines; Army; Royal Air Force; Airborne operations'

1 volume

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U DPW/69/67 Binder volume 67. 'School of Combined Aug 1943-Feb Operations [Fremington, North Devon] 4. Landing 1948 ships; Naval Assault Group; Transport amphibians'

1 volume

U DPW/69/68 Binder volume 68. 'School of Combined Apr-Aug 1945 Operations [Fremington, North Devon] 5. Support craft and support amphibians'

1 volume

U DPW/69/69 Binder volume 69. 'School of Combined Jun 1945-Jul Operations [Fremington, North Devon] 6. Planning 1947 and preparation; Intelligence'

1 volume

U DPW/69/70 Binder volume 70. 'School of Combined Oct 1945-May Operations [Fremington, North Devon] 7. Beach 1947 intelligence; Training, mounting, communications'

1 volume

U DPW/69/71 Binder volume 71. 'School of Combined Dec 1945-Aug Operations [Fremington, North Devon] 8. The 1947 assault'

1 volume

U DPW/69/72 Binder volume 72. 'School of Combined Jul 1945-Jul Operations [Fremington, North Devon] 9. Support' 1947

1 volume

U DPW/69/73 Binder volume 73. 'School of Combined Apr 1945-Jun Operations [Fremington, North Devon] 10. 1947 Support ctd.; Defence against C. OPs. [Combined Operations]'

1 volume

U DPW/69/74 Binder volume 74. 'School of Combined Oct 1946-Apr Operations [Fremington, North Devon] 11. Beach 1947 organisation; Landing tables; Ferry control'

1 volume

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U DPW/69/75 Binder volume 75. 'School of Combined Sep 1944-Jul Operations [Fremington, North Devon] 12. 1947 Raiding'. Includes histories of the Royal Marine Commandos

1 volume

U DPW/69/76 Binder volume 76. 'School of Combined Sep 1944-May Operations [Fremington, North Devon] 13. United 1947 States operations and techniques'

1 volume

U DPW/69/77 Binder volume 77. 'School of Combined Apr 1942-Jul Operations [Fremington, North Devon] 14. Enemy 1947 controlled operations; Future operations; Radar; Exercises'

1 volume

U DPW/69/78 Binder volume 78. 'School of Combined Jul 1946-Aug Operations [Fremington, North Devon] 15. 1947 Courses'

1 volume

U DPW/69/79 Binder volume 79. 'School of Combined Sep 1946-May Operations [Fremington, North Devon] 16. Outside 1947 lectures [given by Patrick Wall]

1 volume

U DPW/69/80 Binder volume 80. 'HMS Excellent. Refresher Sep 1946-May course; Exercise Spearhead; Planning and 1947 administration'

1 volume

U DPW/69/81 Binder volume 81. 'Exercise Spearhead [5 - 10 May 1947 May 1947] items 1-8', including printed list of items and maps. Organised by the Staff College, Camberley

1 volume

U DPW/69/82 Binder volume 82. 'Exercise Spearhead [5 - 10 May 1947 May 1947] items 9-18', including maps. Organised by the Staff College, Camberley

1 volume

Page 857 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/69/83 Binder volume 83. 'Exercise Spearhead [5 - 10 May 1947 May 1947] items 19-30', including maps. Organised by the Staff College, Camberley

1 volume

U DPW/69/84 Binder volume 84. 'Miscellaneous data [about Oct 1946-May Exercise Spearhead, 5 - 10 May 1947]' 1947 Including:

a) Pamphlet [damaged]. 'War Office. Exercise Spearhead. Topographical study. Central Italy', [May 1947] 1 volume

U DPW/69/85 Binder volume 85. 'Joint Services Staff College 1. Jul 1947-Feb Programmes; Org[anisation] of defence; Service 1948 Ministries; Dominions and US [United States] organisation; Supreme Command; Comd. [Command] and staff org[anisation]' Including:

a) Report. 'British Army organisation', Joint Staff Services College, [1947] 1 volume

U DPW/69/86 Binder volume 86. 'Joint Services Staff College 2. Aug 1947-Jan Planning etc.; Sinews of war; Future war; British 1948 strategy; Service writing'

1 volume

U DPW/69/87 Binder volume 87. 'Joint Services Staff College 3. Sep-Oct 1947 Sea - air warfare; Land - air warfare'

1 volume

U DPW/69/88 Binder volume 88. 'Joint Services Staff College 4. Oct-Nov 1947 Defence of the home base; Combined Operations; Movt. [movement] and maint. [maintenance] of Expeditionary Force; Army in battle'

1 volume

U DPW/69/89 Binder volume 89. 'Joint Services Staff College 5. Sep-Dec 1947 Exercises'

1 volume

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U DPW/69/90 Binder volume 90. 'Royal Marine Office 1. Sep 1946-Apr Officers', NCOs' [Non Commissioned Officers] and 1949 recruits' training'

1 volume

U DPW/69/91 Binder volume 91. 'Royal Marine Office 2. Oct 1946-Oct Training, general and RMFVR [Royal Marine 1948 Forces Volunteer Reserve]

1 volume

U DPW/69/92 Box file. 'War Office. Exercise Bamboo. Maps Aug 1943-May [nos. 1-15]. Staff College, Camberley, 24 - 29 May 1948 1948' Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Conventional symbols for use by photographic interpreters', Air Ministry, August 1943 b) Pamphlet. 'Spearhead. Order of battle', May 1947 c) Pamphlet. 'Spearhead. Topographical study. Central Italy. Air and ground photographs', May 1947 d) Envelope of black and white passport photographs of Patrick Wall in various disguises (32), no date [All badly damaged] 1 file

U DPW/69/93 Binder volume 93. 'HMS Vanguard [Royal Marines May-Aug 1948 Detachment] 1' Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Turret gun drill for 15 inch twin mark I/N RP12 mountings, HMS Vanguard', 30 July 1948 1 volume

U DPW/69/94 Binder. 'RMO [Royal Marine Office] 1. Policy' Jun 1947-Jun 1950 1 file

U DPW/69/95 Binder. 'RMO [Royal Marine Office] 2. Jan 1949-Sep Org[anisation] and numbers' 1950

1 file

U DPW/69/96 Binder. 'RMO [Royal Marine Office] 3. Training' Sep 1948-Jun 1950 1 file

Page 859 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/69/97 Binder. 'RMO [Royal Marine Office] 4. Reports' May 1948-Jul 1950 1 file

U DPW/69/98 File. Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve Jun 1950-Jul 1951. Correspondence, memoranda, reports, 1951 orders and minutes about the annual training of Tom Hunter Commando, commanded by Patrick Wall, at RM Commando School, Bickleigh, Devon Including:

a) Black and white photograph of exercise, and related cuttings from local press (3), July 1951 1 file

U DPW/69/99 File. Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve Feb-Sep 1952 1952. Correspondence, memoranda, reports, orders and minutes about the annual training of 47 Commando, commanded by Patrick Wall, at RM Commando School, Bickleigh, Devon Including:

a) Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). ?South Devon, 1947 b) Envelope of black and white aerial photographs (17) of the Devon coastline, [1952] c) Black and white photograph of 47 Commando, [1952] 1 file

U DPW/69/100 File. Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve Jan 1952-Jul 1953. Correspondence, memoranda, reports, 1953 orders and minutes about the training of 47 Commando, commanded by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/69/101 File. Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve Sep 1953-Jul 1954. Correspondence, memoranda, reports, 1955 orders and minutes about the training of 47 Commando, commanded by Patrick Wall

1 file

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U DPW/69/102 File. Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve Jan-Dec 1955 1955 (1). Correspondence, memoranda, reports, orders and minutes about the training of 47 Commando, commanded by Patrick Wall Including:

a) Ordnance Survey maps (2) (1'' : 1 mile). Cape Wrath and Aldershot. War Office, 1950 & 1951 1 file

U DPW/69/103 File. Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve Jan 1952-Dec 1955 (2). Correspondence, memoranda, reports, 1955 orders and minutes about the training of 47 Commando, commanded by Patrick Wall Including:

a) Ts. 'History of 47 (RM) Commando', covering August 1943 to January 1946 1 file

U DPW/69/104 File. Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve Jan 1952-Jan 1956. Correspondence, memoranda, reports, 1957 orders and minutes about the training of 47 Commando, commanded by Patrick Wall, and correspondence about the disbandment of 47 Commando

1 file

U DPW/69/105 File. Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve. 1947-1953 Background papers, instructor's notes, correspondence, syllabus, training programmes and ms. notes for 47 Commando Officers' training course, Royal Marines Officers School Including:

a) Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). Exeter. War Office, 1947 1 file

U DPW/69/106 File. Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve. Aug-Nov 1953 Correspondence, memoranda, reports, training programmes and nominal lists of participants for 47 Commando Officers' training course, Royal Marines Officers School

1 file

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U DPW/69/107 File. Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve. May 1949-Feb Lecture and training notes on raiding, amphibious 1955 operations and cliff assaults, Royal Marines Commando School Including:

a) Ts. first draft of Combined Operations pamphlet 10a, 'The organisation, employment and training of Commandos', December 1950 b) Ts. first draft of Combined Operations pamphlet 10b, 'Amphibious raids', November 1949 1 file

U DPW/69/108 File. Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve: Feb 1952-Jan mobilisation state. Memoranda, reports, lists of 1955 Officers, mobilisation lists, correspondence and background paper

1 file

U DPW/69/109 File. Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve. Mar 1955-Jan Routine orders 1959

1 file

U DPW/69/110 File. Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve (City Jan 1951-Feb of London). Correspondence, including about 1959 Patrick Wall's retirement from the RMFVR, October 1958, circulars, lists of Officers and recruitment pamphlet about the RMFVR

1 file

U DPW/69/111 File. Gunnery orders and instructions, 'HMS Iron 1 May 1940 Duke'

1 file

U DPW/69/112 File. Ts. 'Royal Marines, 'HMS Valiant'. Royal 26 Jul 1942 Marine Detachment Orders, 'HMS Valiant', 26 July 1942, Sgd. PHB Wall, Cpt. RM, OC Detmt. [Officer Commanding Detachment], Approved LH Ashmore, Cpt. RN'. Labelled 'Commander's copy'

1 file

U DPW/69/113 File. Memoranda issued by Captain, 'HMS 1942-1943 Valiant', received by Patrick Wall as Captain, Royal Marines

1 file

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U DPW/69/114 File. Standing orders issued by Captain and c.1942 Commander, [? 'HMS Valiant'], received by Patrick Wall as Officer Commanding Royal Marines Detachment

1 file

U DPW/69/115 File. Gunnery orders and instructions, 'HMS c.1942 Valiant'

1 file

U DPW/69/116 File. Temporary gunnery memoranda issued by Dec 1941-Jul Lieutenant Commander, 'HMS Valiant', to Patrick 1943 Wall, as Captain, Royal Marines

1 file

U DPW/69/117 Ts. orders by Lt. Col. Martin Price DS RM, 25 Jun 1945 commanding 48 (RM) Commando

1 bundle

U DPW/69/118 Ts. Standing orders, Royal Marine Forces 9 Dec 1948 Volunteer Reserve Centre, Glasgow. Compiled by Patrick Wall, Royal Marine Office, with covering letter

1 bundle

U DPW/69/119 Ts. 'Royal Marines routine orders nos. 266 - 269', 30 May 1949 Lieutenant General Sir Leslie Hollis, Commandant General

1 bundle

U DPW/69/120 Report. 'Illustrations of the modern Japanese Jul 1942 Army', Military Intelligence Directorate, General Headquarters, India. Stamped 'Fleet Royal Marine Office: Eastern Fleet 19 November 1942'

1 item

U DPW/69/121 Pamphlet. 'Popular guide to the German Army Nov 1943 no.1. The German Armoured Division (Panzer Division) and the German Motorised Division (Panzer Grenadier Division)', War Office

1 item

Page 863 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/69/122 Pamphlet. 'Popular guide to the German Army Apr 1944 no.2. The German Infantry Division', War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/123 File. 'Combined Operations Headquarters Special Feb 1945 Observer Party. Report no.2 on German coastal defences in the Ostend Dieppe area', Combined Operations Headquarters, with photographic illustrations

1 file

U DPW/69/124 File. Ts. pamphlet. 'Beach defences illustrated', c.1945 covering wartime defences mounted by Japan along the Myebon peninsular, Burma, and by Germany around Lancresse Bay, Guernsey. Including black and white photographs (32)

1 file

U DPW/69/125 File. 'German Headquarters Staffs'. Comprising c.1945 carbon copy ts. report, 'Formation and Unit Headquarters Staffs of the German Army' (including illustrations and photographs); and carbon copy ts. transcription of captured German report, 'Counter - action to Kharkov fake trial' and of covering letter to Major Rice, Combined Operations Headquarters

1 file

U DPW/69/126 Pamphlet. 'Royal Marine training for the war c.1945 against Japan', Eastern Warfare School

1 item

U DPW/69/127 Volume. 'Beach organisation and maintenance of 1945 the Long Range Assault in the Far East (provisional)', Combined Operations pamphlet no.2a

1 volume

U DPW/69/128 Volume. 'Naval planning of Combined Operations', 1946 Combined Operations Handbook no.1b

1 volume

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U DPW/69/129 Volume. 'The naval navigational aspect of 1946 Combined Operations', Combined Operations Handbook no.3a

1 volume

U DPW/69/130 Ts. 'Army planning of Combined Operations', Jul 1946 Combined Operations Handbook no.10

1 item

U DPW/69/131 Volume. 'Beach intelligence', Combined 1946 Operations Handbook no.12a

1 volume

U DPW/69/132 Volume. 'Pink list. Corrected to 5pm 7 October 9 Oct 1946 1946', Operations Division, Naval Staff, The Admiralty [School of Combined Operations copy]

1 volume

U DPW/69/133 File. Ts. draft of 'Minor landing craft handbook', Jan-Jul 1947 with relative correspondence and ts. lecture 6, School of Combined Operations, 'Landing ships and craft'

1 file

U DPW/69/134 Volume. 'War Office Exercise. Bamboo. Staff 1948 College, Camberley, 24 - 29 May 1948'. Background information, with loose inserted papers (4)

1 volume

U DPW/69/135 Volume. 'War Office Exercise. Bamboo. Report. 1948 Topography and climate. Staff College, Camberley, 24 - 29 May 1948'

1 volume

U DPW/69/136 Agreement between (1) Patrick Wall and (2) Gale 11 Jul 1945 and Polden, Publishers, to publish 'Royal Marines Pocket Book'

1 item

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U DPW/69/137 File. Ts. draft of 'Royal Marines Pocket Book 1: 1943-1944 Initial training', Major PHB Wall MC RM and Lt. GAM Ritson RM (Gale and Polden, 1945). With black and white photograph of Royal Marines

1 file

U DPW/69/138 File. Proofs of 'Royal Marines Pocket Book 1: Oct 1943-Apr Initial training' and 3: 'Running a Detachment 1946 afloat; Duties of the Officers of the Watch; Naval law; Military law'. With ms. and ts. drafts or notes and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/69/139 Pamphlet. 'Royal Marines Pocket Book 1: Initial 1945 training', Major PHB Wall MC RM and Lt. GAM Ritson RM (Gale and Polden, 1945)

1 item

U DPW/69/140 File. Ts. draft of 'Royal Marines Pocket Book 2: c.1945 Organisation', Major PHB Wall MC RM and Lt. GAM Ritson RM (Gale and Polden, 1945), with index

1 file

U DPW/69/141 Pamphlet. 'Royal Marines Pocket Book 2: 1945 Organisation', Major PHB Wall MC RM and Lt. GAM Ritson RM (Gale and Polden, 1945)

1 item

U DPW/69/142 File. Ts. draft of 'Royal Marines Pocket Book 3: c.1945 Running a Detachment afloat; Duties of the Officers of the Watch; Naval law; Military law', Major PHB Wall MC RM and Lt. GAM Ritson RM (Gale and Polden, 1945)

1 file

U DPW/69/143 Pamphlet. 'Royal Marines Pocket Book 3: 1945 Running a Detachment afloat; Duties of the Officers of the Watch; Naval law; Military law', Major PHB Wall MC RM and Lt. GAM Ritson RM (Gale and Polden, 1945)

1 item

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U DPW/69/144 File. Carbon copy ts. draft of pamphlet. 'The Royal Oct 1949-Jan Marine Detachment afloat, revision of Royal 1950 Marines Pocket Book 3', by Major BW de Courcy Ireland RM, with relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/69/145 Ts. pamphlet. 'The Royal Marine Detachment Dec 1949 afloat', revision of 'Royal Marines Pocket Book 3', by Major BW de Courcy Ireland RM

1 item

U DPW/69/146 File. Ts. draft of 'Royal Marines Pocket Book 4: c.1945 Seamanship training', Major PHB Wall MC RM and Lt. GAM Ritson RM (Gale and Polden, 1945)

1 file

U DPW/69/147 File. Diagrams for inclusion in 'Royal Marines c.1945 Pocket Book 4: Seamanship training', Major PHB Wall MC RM and Lt. GAM Ritson RM (Gale and Polden, 1945)

1 file

U DPW/69/148 Pamphlet. 'Royal Marines Pocket Book 4: 1945 Seamanship training', Major PHB Wall MC RM and Lt. GAM Ritson RM (Gale and Polden, 1945)

1 item

U DPW/69/149 File. Ts. draft pamphlet (official issue only). 'Royal c.1946 Marines Pocket Book 5: Naval training: naval gunnery; torpedoes and electricity'; landing operations, Major PHB Wall MC RM

1 file

U DPW/69/150 File. Ts. draft pamphlet (official issue only). 'Royal c.1946 Marines Pocket Book 6: Military training: small arms; field training; army signals; military topography; demolitions; mine - lifting; parachuting', Major PHB Wall MC RM

1 file

Page 867 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/69/151 File. 'Royal Marines Pocket Book'. Letters from Feb 1944-Feb publishers, Gale and Polden, and recipients of 1949 volumes. With carbon copy ts. amendments and additions to text

1 file

U DPW/69/152 File. 'Royal Marines Pocket Book'. Ms. and ts. 1946 amendments and additions to text

1 file

U DPW/69/153 File. 'Royal Marines Pocket Book'. Mar 1953-May Correspondence about re-issue of the manual, 1955 with diagrams and black and white photographs (30) for inclusion

1 file

U DPW/69/154 Black and white photographs [? for inclusion in Aug 1940-May 'Royal Marines Pocket Book'] 1950

10 items

U DPW/69/155 Ordnance Survey map (1'' :1 mile). Aldershot 1934 Command. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/156 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & 1932 Wales sheet 14: Darlington. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/157 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & 1942 Wales sheet 86: Cheviot Hills. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/158 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & 1940 Wales sheet 88: St. David's and Cardigan. War revision 1940. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/159 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & 1942 Wales sheet 95: Luton. Second war revision 1940. War Office

1 item

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U DPW/69/160 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & 1940 Wales sheet 96: Hertford and Bishop's Stortford. Second war revision 1940. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/161 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & 1940 Wales sheet 106: Watford. Second war revision 1940. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/162 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & 1938 Wales sheet 107: North East London and Epping Forest. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/163 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & 1940 Wales sheet 107: North East London and Epping Forest. War revision 1940. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/164 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & 1940 Wales sheet 114: Windsor. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/165 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & 1941 Wales sheet 114: Windsor. Second war revision 1940. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/166 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & 1940 Wales sheet 115: South East London and Sevenoaks. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/167 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & 1941 Wales sheet 115: South East London and Sevenoaks. Second war revision 1940. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/168 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & 1933 Wales sheet 117: East Kent. War Office

1 item

Page 869 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/69/169 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & 1940 Wales sheet 124: Guildford and Horsham. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/170 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & 1941 Wales sheet 125: Tunbridge Wells. Second war revision 1940. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/171 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & 1931 Wales sheet 132: Portsmouth and Southampton. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/172 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & c.1931 Wales sheet 133: Chichester and Worthing

1 item

U DPW/69/173 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & 1932 Wales sheet 134: Brighton and Eastbourne. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/174 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). England & 1941 Wales sheet 141: Bournemouth and Swanage. Second war revision 1940. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/175 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). Scotland 1940 sheet 80: Peebles and Galashiels. War revision 1940. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/176 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). Scotland 1940 sheet 81: Kelso. War revision 1940. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/177 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 1 mile). Scotland 1941 sheet 85: Hawick and Eskdale. War Office

1 item

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U DPW/69/178 Ordnance Survey map (1/4'' : 1 mile). England 1940 and Wales: sheet 8. Midlands. Grid/graticule edition. War revision 1940. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/179 Ordnance Survey map (1/4'' : 1 mile). England 1940 and Wales: sheet 9. East Anglia. Grid/graticule edition. War revision 1940. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/180 Ordnance Survey map (1/4'' : 1 mile). England 1910 and Wales: sheet 10. Covering London, south east England and the English Channel. Stamped 'Military Instructor. Depot, RM Deal, 12 Dec. '35'

1 item

U DPW/69/181 Ordnance Survey map (1/4'' : 1 mile). England c.1939 and Wales: sheet 11. England: south. Military edition

1 item

U DPW/69/182 Ordnance Survey map (1/4'' : 1 mile). England 1940 and Wales: sheet 11. England: south. Grid/graticule edition. War revision 1940. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/183 Ordnance Survey map (1/4'' : 1 mile). England 1940 and Wales: sheet 12. England: south east and London. Grid/graticule edition. War revision 1940. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/184 Ordnance Survey map (1/4'' : 1 mile). England 1940 and Wales: sheet 12. England: south east and London. Military edition. War revision 1940. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/185 Ordnance Survey map (1/4'' : 1 mile). England 1941 and Wales: sheet 12. England: south east and London. Second war revision 1941. War Office

1 item

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U DPW/69/186 Ordnance Survey map (1/4'' : 1 mile). Scotland: 1943 sheet 2. South west. Army / Air edition. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/187 Ordnance Survey map (1/2'' : 1 mile). Sheet 33. 1926 Salisbury, Winchester and Reading

1 item

U DPW/69/188 Ordnance Survey map (1:25,000). Great Britain: 1933 parts of sheets 50/18 SE, 53/18 SW, 53/16 NW, 50/16 NE. Camberley. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/189 Ordnance Survey map (1:25,000). Great Britain: c.1935 sheet 44/10 SW. Poole harbour, . Provisional edition. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/190 Ordnance Survey map (1:25,000). Great Britain: c.1935 sheet 44/10 SW. Poole harbour, Dorset. Second provisional edition. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/191 Ordnance Survey map (1:25,000). Great Britain: c.1935 sheet 44/10 NW. Poole, Dorset. Second provisional edition. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/192 Ordnance Survey map (1:25,000). Great Britain: c.1935 sheet 44/10 NE. Christchurch, Dorset. Second provisional edition. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/193 Ordnance Survey map (1'' : 10 miles). Great 1 Mar 1937 Britain: sheet 2. Royal Air Force edition

1 item

U DPW/69/194 Ordnance Survey map (6'' : 1 mile). Dorset: sheet 1937 LI SW

1 item

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U DPW/69/195 Ordnance Survey map (6'' : 1 mile). Dorset: sheet 1942 LI NW & NE

1 item

U DPW/69/196 Admiralty chart (1:14,600). England: south coast. 9 Jul 1943 Poole Bay. Hydrographic Department, The Admiralty

1 item

U DPW/69/197 Admiralty chart (1:37,500). England: south coast. 14 Jan 1944 Bournemouth to Swanage. Hydrographic Department, The Admiralty [annotated]

1 item

U DPW/69/198 Admiralty chart (1:20,000). England: south coast. 1944 The Solent - eastern part, including Spithead. Hydrographic Department, The Admiralty

1 item

U DPW/69/199 Admiralty chart (1:50,000). Channel Islands: 18 Feb 1944 Casquets to Cap de la Hague. Hydrographic Department, The Admiralty

1 item

U DPW/69/200 Admiralty chart (1:50,000). France: north coast. 18 Feb 1944 Flamanville to Cap Levi. Hydrographic Department, The Admiralty

1 item

U DPW/69/201 Admiralty chart (1:50,000). France: north coast. 18 Feb 1944 Cap Levi to Iles St. Marcouf. Hydrographic Department, The Admiralty

1 item

U DPW/69/202 Admiralty chart (1:50,000). France: north coast. 18 Feb 1944 Iles St. Marcouf to Cap Manvieux. Hydrographic Department, The Admiralty

1 item

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U DPW/69/203 Admiralty chart (1:50,000). France: north coast. 18 Feb 1944 Cap Manvieux to Dives. Hydrographic Department, The Admiralty

1 item

U DPW/69/204 Admiralty chart (1:50,000). France: north coast. 18 Feb 1944 Approaches to R. Seine. Hydrographic Department, The Admiralty

1 item

U DPW/69/205 Admiralty chart (1:50,000). France: north coast. 18 Feb 1944 Approaches to Fecamp. Hydrographic Department, The Admiralty

1 item

U DPW/69/206 Ordnance Survey map (1:250,000). France: sheet 1943 3a & 8. Cherbourg and Caen. Army/Air fourth edition. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/207 Ordnance Survey map (1:100,000). France: sheet 1943 6E. Cherbourg: Valognes. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/208 Map (1:25,000). France: sheet 40/16 NE. Dozule. Mar 1944 War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/209 Map (1:25,000). France: sheet 40/16 NW. Apr 1944 Ouistreham. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/210 Map (1:25,000). France: sheet 37/18 SW. Ryes: May 1944 defences

1 item

U DPW/69/211 Map (1:12,500). France: sheet 76. Isigny: May 1944 defences

1 item

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U DPW/69/212 Map (1:12,500). France: sheet 77. Grandcamp- May 1944 les-Bains: defences

1 item

U DPW/69/213 Map (1:12,500). France: sheet 78. St. Pierre-du- May 1944 Mont: defences

1 item

U DPW/69/214 Ordnance Survey map (1:1,000,000). Belgium and 1943 North East France: sheet 2. Ghent. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/215 Ordnance Survey map (1:1,000,000). Belgium and 1943 North East France: sheet 3. Antwerp. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/216 Ordnance Survey maps (1:25,000). Holland: 1944 sheets 4 SE, 5 SW, 10 NE, 11 NW, 10 SE and 11 SW pasted together. Covering Asperen, Tiel, Heusden, Kerkdriel, Drunen and Hertogenbosch

1 item

U DPW/69/217 Ordnance Survey maps (1:25,000). Holland: 1944 sheets 9 NW, 9 NE, 4 SW, 10 NW, 10 SW, 9 SE and 9 SW pasted together. Covering Strijen, Willernsdorp, Gorinchern, Almkerk, Oosterhout, Terheijden and Zevenbergen

1 item

U DPW/69/218 Ordnance Survey maps (1:25,000). Holland: Sep 1944 sheets 14 NW, 14 NE, 15 NW, 15 SW, 14 SE, 14 SW and 22 NE pasted together. Covering Middleburg, Kats, St. Maartensdijk, Yerseke, Goes, Vlissingen and Neuzen

1 item

U DPW/69/219 Ordnance Survey map (1:100,000). Holland: sheet 1944 4. Rotterdam. War Office

1 item

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U DPW/69/220 Ordnance Survey map (1:100, 000). Holland: 1943 sheet 5. 'S Hertogenbosch. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/221 Map (1 : 250,000). North West Europe: sheet ?. Jun 1944 Le Havre - Amiens. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/222 Map (1:250,000). North West Europe: sheet 2A Jun 1944 and 3A. Walcheren and Amsterdam. Army / Air edition

1 item

U DPW/69/223 Ordnance Survey map (1:250,000). Germany: 1943 sheet M53. Magdeburg. Army / Air edition. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/224 Ordnance Survey map (1:250,000). Germany: 1943 sheet N53. Berlin. Army / Air edition. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/225 Ordnance Survey maps [no scale identified]. 1944 Germany: four sheets pasted together [no refs. identified]. Covering Muenster, Osnabrueck and Bielefeld. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/226 Ordnance Survey map (1:1,000,000). Europe: 1940 sheet north N33. Berlin. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/227 Ordnance Survey map (1:1,000,000). Europe: Dec 1943 sheet north N32 and part of N31. Amsterdam - Hamburg. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/228 Ordnance Survey map (1:1,000,000). Europe: Dec 1943 sheet north M32 and part of M31. Bruxelles [Brussels] - Frankfurt. Army / Air edition. War Office

1 item

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U DPW/69/229 Ordnance Survey map (1:1,000,000). Europe: Dec 1943 sheet north M33. Wien [Vienna]. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/230 Volume. 'Booklet F. France. North coast. [...] Feb 1944 Coastal silhouette from Port-en-Bessin to St. Laurent...', ISTD [?]

1 volume

U DPW/69/231 Volume. 'Booklet G. France. North coast. [...] 1 Jan 1944 Coastal silhouette from St. Honorine-des-Pertes to Grandcamp-les-Bains', ISTD [?]

1 volume

U DPW/69/232 Sketch maps of plans for the Normandy landings, 1944 Operation Overlord, labelled Appendices A-E [source unidentified]

5 items

U DPW/69/233 Nautical chart (1:7,920). 'Omaha Beach - East 21 Apr 1944 (Coleville-sur-Mer)', Commander Task Force 122

1 item

U DPW/69/234 Nautical chart (1:7,920). 'Omaha Beach - West 21 Apr 1944 (Vierville-sur-Mer)', Commander Task Force 122

1 item

U DPW/69/235 Map (1'' : 1 mile). 'Area C [covering Southampton]. 1 May 1944 Overlord general information map'. Sheet 3 of 5

1 item

U DPW/69/236 Illustrated view of coast from transport area: 14 May 1944 Omaha Beach area defences as of 14 May 1944. Labelled 'Appendix 1 to Annex A to Operation Order BB-44 - top secret - Neptune'

1 item

U DPW/69/237 Sketch map. Omaha Beach on the evening of D- 6 Jun 1944 Day

1 item

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U DPW/69/238 Map 'showing boundaries, objectives and enemy c.1941 dispositions as known to British forces. Annexure 1 to serial 2' (1:25,000). Sheet 62/28 NW. War Office Attached:

a) Sketch map 'showing enemy dispositions. Annexure 2' (1:12,500) b) Ts. 'Demonstration- the attack 31 October 1941. Serial 3' 1 item

U DPW/69/239 Ordnance Survey map (1:2,000,000). Africa: sheet 1938 North I 34-35 & H 34-35. Cyrenaica [Libya]. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/240 Map (1:125,000). East Africa: sheet 725. Apr 1942 Mombasa [Kenya], Zone H. Provisional edition. East Africa Survey Group

1 item

U DPW/69/241 Map (1:25,000). East Africa: sheet 785. Mombasa May 1942 [Kenya], Zone H. East Africa Survey Group

1 item

U DPW/69/242 Map (1:4,000,000). Eastern Europe. East Africa Mar 1943 Survey Group

1 item

U DPW/69/243 Ordnance Survey map (2'' : 1 mile). Malta and Feb 1943 Gozo: sheet 2. War Office

1 item

U DPW/69/244 Map (not to scale). Balkans. Army Bureau of c.1943 Current Affairs

1 item

U DPW/69/245 Map (1:6,000,000). 'War map of Eastern Europe', c.1940 revised edition. 'Art Graphic', Alexandria, Egypt

1 item

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U DPW/69/246 Map (1:20,000,000). Pacific Ocean. 'Art Graphic', c.1940 Alexandria, Egypt

1 item

U DPW/69/247 Map. 'Cape Times war map of the world', no.4, c.1939 second edition (Mercator's projection)

1 item

U DPW/69/248 Map (1'' : 57 miles). 'Daily Express war map of c.1940 Europe'

1 item

U DPW/69/249 Map (1'' : 36 miles). 'Daily Express war map of c.1940 Finland and Scandinavia'

1 item

U DPW/69/250 Map (1'' : 62 miles). 'Daily Express war map of the c.1940 Mediterranean, Italy, the Balkans and the Near East'

1 item

U DPW/69/251 Map (1'' : 50 miles). 'Daily Telegraph war map of c.1940 Western Europe'

1 item

U DPW/69/252 Map (1'' : 10 miles). 'Daily Telegraph war map of c.1940 the Western Front. War map no.2'

1 item

U DPW/69/253 Map (1'' : 52 miles). 'Daily Telegraph war map of c.1940 Finland and Scandanavia with the Baltic states. War map no.3'

1 item

U DPW/69/254 Map [no scale identified]. 'Daily Telegraph war 1940 map of Scandanavia. War map no.4'

1 item

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U DPW/69/255 Map (1'' : 100 miles). 'Daily Telegraph war map of c.1940 the Mediterranean and North Africa. War map no.5'

1 item

U DPW/69/256 Map [no scale identified]. 'Daily Telegraph war 1941 map of the Russian Front. War map no.6'

1 item

U DPW/69/257 Map (1'' : 100 miles). 'Daily Telegraph war map of c.1940 Europe with Africa and Russian Fronts. War map no.8'

1 item

U DPW/69/258 Map. 'The Davbar war map of Europe'. Davies & c.1940 Barrow, Durban, South Africa

1 item

U DPW/69/259 Map (1:35,000,000). Pacific Ocean. Military use. Feb 1943 'National Geographic Magazine'

1 item

U DPW/69/260 Map. 'News Chronicle map of Europe and the May 1939 Mediterranean', with pamphlet 'Guide to the strengths and resources of the powers'

1 item

U DPW/69/261 Map (1:7,250,000). 'War map of Europe', Philips 1943

1 item

U DPW/69/262 Folder of maps and diagrams [incomplete]. c.1943 'Wheaton's reference maps of the Far East. Invaluable for studying the war situation in Malaya, the Pacific, the East Indies'

1 cundle

Page 880 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/69/263 Original bundle. Printed extracts from 'Weekly 1941-1943 Intelligence Report' [issued for use within the Royal Navy by the Naval Intelligence Division], including maps, aerial photographs and photographs of German, Italian and Japanese ships and aircraft (c.305)

1 bundle

U DPW/69/264 Maps relating to Exercise Spearhead, 5 - 10 May Nov-Dec 1946 1947. Nos. 1 - 3, 6, and 8-9. Joint Intelligence Bureau

1 bundle

U DPW/69/265 Ts. notes about Royal Navy vessels, with pencil c.1935 sketches and spaces for photographs [missing]. Covering battleships, Nelson class, Royal Sovereign class, 'Queen Elizabeth', 'Iron Duke', 'Hood', 'Repulse', 'Tiger' and the aircraft carriers 'Eagle', 'Furious', 'Courageous', 'Argus' and 'Hermes'

1 bundle

U DPW/69/266 Carbon copy ts. lecture notes nos. 1 - 5. 'Tactical 1934-1935 training. B Company RMSF'

1 bundle

U DPW/69/267 File. RM Barracks, Eastney. Carbon copy ts. Feb 1935 notes of lecture and exercise on 'Civil disturbance'

1 file

U DPW/69/268 Bundle of permits and licences for naval and 1939-1949 military establishments (11)

1 bundle

U DPW/69/269 Bundle of ts. checklists for training in naval c.1935 gunnery

1 bundle

U DPW/69/270 Ts. tables outlining the formation of airborne, c.1942 armoured and infantry divisions

8 items

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U DPW/69/271 File. 'Long course, 1940. High Angle synopsis 14 Mar 1940 Part II', Instructional Production Section, 'HMS Excellent' [incomplete]

1 file

U DPW/69/272 Bundle. Carbon copy ts. lecture notes about battle Jul 1941-Aug drill, military topography and signal training, 'HMS 1943 Valiant' (12)

1 bundle

U DPW/69/273 File. 'Intelligence Library' [School of Combined 11 Feb 1943 Operations]. List of secret publications and ts. 'Notes on movement planning for Combined Operations (long sea voyage)', War Office

1 file

U DPW/69/274 File. Royal Naval Staff College. Carbon copy ts. Oct 1943-Feb notes of senior officers / ATS course 1944

1 file

U DPW/69/275 Exhibition display panels (24, 3 missing). Black c.1944 and white photographs with captions, entitled 'Royal Marines in the Great Offensive' [Operation Overlord]. Stamped 'Property of DED, Admiralty'

1 bundle

U DPW/69/276 File. Assault Gunnery School, 'HMS Turtle'. Apr-May 1944 Memorandum and letter from Patrick Wall as Chief Instructor

1 file

U DPW/69/277 File. 'Intelligence information'. Carbon copy tss. Jun 1944 'Strength and dispositon of German forces in north west Europe and southern France, 6 June 1944' and 'Brief summary of Yugoslavian affairs'

1 file

U DPW/69/278 File. 'Royal Marines lectures'. Ts. lectures given to Aug 1944-Sep public schools to encourage recruitment of 1945 officers, ts. and ms. notes and correspondence with headmasters

1 file

Page 882 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/69/279 File. Ts. notes on discipline, and pay and Mar-Apr 1945 allowances, prepared by 'O2E CDO GP' [48 (RM) Commando]

1 file

U DPW/69/280 File. Carbon copy ts. field return for 48 RM 1945 Commando: 1st Commando Brigade, and nominal lists

1 file

U DPW/69/281 File. Ms. draft and carbon copy ts. thesis, 'Do you 6 Oct 1945 consider that the San Francisco proposals for international security are the best that can be devised? If not, what alternatives do you suggest?', Patrick Wall, Royal Naval Staff College

1 file

U DPW/69/282 File. 'Royal Marines articles projected'. Ms. and ts. 1945-1946 articles and lectures by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/69/283 File. 'Publications'. Carbon copy ts. and proof Sep 1945-Feb 'Royal Marine post - war policy', Patrick Wall, in 1946 'Naval Review', with relative correspondence and carbon copy ts. report on the completion of the first staff officers course at the new School of Combined Operations

1 file

U DPW/69/284 File. 'Royal Marines papers'. Correspondence, list Nov 1945-Feb of public schools and sample lecture about the 1948 recruitment of officers, routine orders and papers about recruitment and training, with relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/69/285 File. Superintendent of Naval Gunnery, Royal Mar 1946-May Marines. Correspondence about refresher course 1947 for Royal Marines Gunnery Officers on board 'HMS Excellent' and the Gunnery Schools' reunion dinner

1 file

Page 883 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/69/286 File. Lists of Combined Operations undertaken c.1947 during the Second World War

1 file

U DPW/69/287 File. Letters, circulars and notes received and sent May 1946-Jul by Patrick Wall as Staff Officer Royal Marines, 1947 School of Combined Operations

1 file

U DPW/69/288 File. 'File E. School of Combined Operations. Oct 1946-Jul Communications in Combined Operations'. Ts. 1947 'Small scale raiding' and black and white prints of landing craft

1 file

U DPW/69/289 File. Ts. course notes on the future of Combined 1947 Operations, School of Combined Operations, and ts. lectures by Sir Henry Tizard and the First Sea Lord

1 file

U DPW/69/290 File. 'Advancement and promotion regulations'. 1947 Covering different branches of work in the Royal Marines

1 file

U DPW/69/291 Ts. scripts of demonstrations given as part of staff Jul 1947 courses at the School of Combined Operations (8)

1 bundle

U DPW/69/292 File. 'Joint Services Staff College. Second course. 6 Oct 1947 Army / Air Operations folder'. Ts. course notes

1 file

U DPW/69/293 Bundle. Ts. and ms. lists and diagrams of service c.1947 ministries and other related bodies

1 bundle

U DPW/69/294 Carbon copy ts. paper about the establishment of c.1948 the Inter Service Committee on Raiding Operations

1 item

Page 884 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/69/295 File. 'Combined Operations'. Carbon copy ts. 25 Feb 1948 memorandum from the Secretary of The Admiralty about the future of Combined Operations and landing craft

1 file

U DPW/69/296 Carbon copy ts. 'A paper on the future Motor 21 Jun 1948 Submersible Canoe', Lieutenant PG Davis RM

1 item

U DPW/69/297 Ts. 'Provisional drill for 5.25 inch mark 1 gun on c.1948 RPIO twin mark 1Y gun mounting (as fitted in 'HMS Vanguard')

1 item

U DPW/69/298 File. Post - war pay code. Memorandum on 13 Sep 1948 revised application

1 file

U DPW/69/299 Carbon copy ts. 'Royal Marines chemical warfare c.1949 and civil defence policy, arrangements and training'

1 item

U DPW/69/300 Printed 'Report of the Royal Marines. Review of 1948-1950 the year', for 1948 and 1950, with carbon copy ts. draft for 1949

1 itm

U DPW/69/301 File. 'Globe and Laurel' [Royal Marines magazine]. Jan 1949-Jan Correspondence and ts. draft articles. Also 1950 sample first issue of 'The Blue Band', magazine of the Royal Naval School of Music and the Royal Marines Band Service

1 file

U DPW/69/302 File. 'Schoolboys' Own Exhibition'. Nov 1949-Jan Correspondence and ts. interview with Patrick 1950 Wall, organiser of the naval stand

1 file

Page 885 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/69/303 File. Carbon copy ts. poems on war and other 20th cent. topics [author unidentified]

1 file

U DPW/70 Correspondence 1935-1991

U DPW/70/1 Original bundle of letters, postcards and telegrams Sep 1935-Feb to Patrick Wall from family and friends (45). 1937 Includes letters from mother Gladys Wall (6) and father Henry Benedict Wall (13), press cutting about 21st birthday party and circulars issued by Royal Marines

1 bundle

U DPW/70/2 Original bundle of letters, postcards, telegrams, Oct 1937-Aug Christmas cards and 21st birthday cards to Patrick 1940 Wall from family and friends (58) Includes letters from mother Gladys Wall (3) and uncle Oswald J Finney (1), aerogrammes issued by Nationalist Spain during Spanish Civil War (3), ms. lists (3) of Royal Navy ships sunk or damaged during the Second World War, ts. list of classes of Royal Navy ships with dates of construction, and programmes, press cuttings and ms. account of Royal Navy regatta, Alexandria, Egypt, October 1937. Contains material in French and Spanish 58 items

U DPW/70/3 Original bundle of letters to Patrick Wall from Oct 1945-Mar family and friends, mainly about the death of his 1949 brother Oswald, July 1948 (122). Includes letters from Oswald Wall (10) and black and white photographs (5)

1 bundle

U DPW/70/4 File. 'Runs ashore'. Correspondence about Royal Nov 1946-Dec Marines reunions organised by Patrick Wall 1947

1 file

U DPW/70/5 File. Letters to Patrick and Oswald Wall from Feb-Nov 1948 family and friends, about the death of their mother Gladys, February 1948

1 file

Page 886 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/70/6 File. Letters to Patrick Wall from friends and Jun 1949-Aug colleagues, including from Jos Meester about war 1950 crimes committed in the Netherlands, and ms. notes and circulars about course on Russia, at Ashridge College, Berkhamsted, attended by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/70/7 File. 'Party'. Letters received from guests invited to Aug-Sep 1950 a house - warming party at 63 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, London

1 file

U DPW/70/8 File. Personal correspondence Feb 1952-Sep 1955 1 file

U DPW/70/9 File. Personal correspondence 1980

1 file

U DPW/70/10 File. Personal correspondence 1980

1 file

U DPW/70/11 File. Personal correspondence 1981

1 file

U DPW/70/12 File. Personal correspondence 1981

1 file

U DPW/70/13 File. Personal correspondence 1982

1 file

U DPW/70/14 File. Personal correspondence 1982

1 file

U DPW/70/15 File. Personal correspondence 1983

1 file

U DPW/70/16 File. Personal correspondence 1984-1985

1 file

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U DPW/70/17 File. Personal correspondence 1987

1 file

U DPW/70/18 File. Personal correspondence 1988

1 file

U DPW/70/19 File. Personal correspondence 1988

1 file

U DPW/70/20 File. Personal correspondence 1989

1 file

U DPW/70/21 File. Personal correspondence 1990

1 file

U DPW/70/22 File. Personal correspondence 1990

1 file

U DPW/70/23 File. Personal correspondence 1990

1 file

U DPW/70/24 File. Personal correspondence 1991

1 file

U DPW/70/25 File. Personal correspondence 1991

1 file

U DPW/70/26 File. Correspondence with Hawk Films Ltd. about Jul 1970-Mar the filming of Stanley Kubrick's production of 'A 1971 Clockwork Orange' in the library at 92 Cheyne Walk, London Including:

a) Letter from Katharina Kubrick, daughter of Stanley Kubrick, 23 July 1970 1 file

U DPW/70/27 File. Correspondence about additions to the Jul-Oct 1987 monumental inscription on the Wall family grave at Windsor cemetery

1 file

Page 888 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/70/28 Address book. Contacts in Africa 1950-1959

1 item

U DPW/70/29 Original bundles (4). Ts. lists of addresses, L-Z, A, 1955-1985 M-O and S-W

1 bundle

U DPW/70/30 Original bundles (3). Ts. lists of addresses, A-K 1955-1985 and L-Z, with interleaved letters to Patrick Wall, 1975 - 1976

1 bundle

U DPW/70/31 File. Ts. lists of addresses, F-W, with interleaved 1955-1985 correspondence and notes of addresses

1 file

U DPW/70/32 File. Ts. lists of addresses, Y-Z and A-F, with 1955-1985 interleaved correspondence and notes of addresses

1 file

U DPW/71 Financial papers 1949-1991

U DPW/71/1 File. Service pay. Correspondence with The 1949-1950 Admiralty about Patrick Wall's final pay before retirement and his retirement pay

1 file

U DPW/71/2 Volume. Household account book, 'House. Capital Apr 1948-Sep expenses' [for 63 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, 1950 London]

1 volume

U DPW/71/3 File. Accountants 1950 - 1952. Correspondence 1950-1952 with Cash Stone & Co., with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/4 File. Accountants 1953. Correspondence with 1953 Cash Stone & Co., with tax statements

1 file

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U DPW/71/5 File. Accountants 1954. Correspondence with 1954 Cash Stone & Co., with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/6 File. Accountants 1955. Correspondence with 1955 Cash Stone & Co., with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/7 File. Accountants 1956. Correspondence with 1956 Cash Stone & Co., with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/8 File. Accountants 1957. Correspondence with 1957 Cash Stone & Co., with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/9 File. Accountants 1958. Correspondence with 1958 Cash Stone & Co., with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/10 File. Accountants 1959. Correspondence with 1959 Cash Stone & Co., with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/11 File. Accountants 1960. Correspondence with 1960 Cash Stone & Co., with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/12 File. Accountants 1961. Correspondence with 1961 Cash Stone & Co., with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/13 File. Accountants 1962. Correspondence with 1962 Cash Stone & Co., with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/14 File. Accountants 1963. Correspondence with 1963 Harmood Banner, Cash, Stone & Mounsey, with tax statements

1 file

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U DPW/71/15 File. Accountants 1964. Correspondence with 1964 Harmood Banner, Cash, Stone & Mounsey, with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/16 File. Accountants 1965. Correspondence with 1965 Harmood Banner, Cash, Stone & Mounsey, with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/17 File. Accountants 1966. Correspondence with 1966 Harmood Banner, Cash, Stone & Mounsey, with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/18 File. Accountants 1967. Correspondence with 1967 Harmood Banner & Co., with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/19 File. Accountants 1968. Correspondence with 1968 Harmood Banner & Co., with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/20 File. Accountants 1969. Correspondence with 1969 Harmood Banner & Co., with tax statements Also brokers 1969. Correspondence with GS Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments 1 file

U DPW/71/21 File. Accountants 1973 - 1978. Correspondence 1973-1978 with Brannan, White & Charlton, then Hope Agar & Co., with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/22 File. Bank 1951 - 1958. Correspondence with 1951-1958 Barclays Bank

1 file

U DPW/71/23 File. Bank 1959. Correspondence with Barclays 1959 Bank

1 file

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U DPW/71/24 File. Bank 1960 - 1961. Correspondence with 1960-1961 Barclays Bank and Jos Meester

1 file

U DPW/71/25 File. Bank 1962. Correspondence with Barclays 1962 Bank

1 file

U DPW/71/26 File. Bank 1963. Correspondence with Barclays 1963 Bank

1 file

U DPW/71/27 File. Bank 1964. Correspondence with Barclays 1964 Bank

1 file

U DPW/71/28 File. Bank 1965. Correspondence with Barclays 1965 Bank

1 file

U DPW/71/29 File. Bank 1966. Correspondence with Barclays 1966 Bank

1 file

U DPW/71/30 File. Bank 1967. Correspondence with Barclays 1967 Bank

1 file

U DPW/71/31 File. Bank 1968. Correspondence with Barclays 1968 Bank

1 file

U DPW/71/32 Original bundle. Brokers 1950 - 1952. 1950-1952 Correspondence with GS Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 bundle

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U DPW/71/33 File. Brokers 1953. Correspondence with GS 1953 Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/34 File. Brokers 1954. Correspondence with GS 1954 Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/35 File. Brokers 1955. Correspondence with GS 1955 Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/36 File. Brokers 1956. Correspondence with GS 1956 Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/37 File. Brokers 1957. Correspondence with GS 1957 Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/38 File. Brokers 1958. Correspondence with GS 1958 Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/39 File. Brokers 1958. Correspondence with GS 1958 Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/40 File. Brokers 1959. Correspondence with GS 1959 Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

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U DPW/71/41 File. Brokers 1960. Correspondence with GS 1960 Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/42 File. Brokers 1961. Correspondence with GS 1961 Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/43 File. Brokers 1962. Correspondence with GS 1962 Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/44 File. Brokers 1963. Correspondence with GS 1963 Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/45 File. Brokers 1964. Correspondence with GS 1964 Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/46 File. Brokers 1965. Correspondence with GS 1965 Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/47 File. Brokers 1966. Correspondence with GS 1966 Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/48 File. Brokers 1967. Correspondence with GS 1967-1968 Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

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U DPW/71/49 File. Brokers 1968. Correspondence with GS 1968 Herbert & Sons, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/50 File. Accounts 1970. Correspondence with 1970 Harmood Banner & Co., accountants, with tax statements, and GS Herbert & Sons, stock and share brokers, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/51 File. Accounts 1971. Correspondence with 1971 Harmood Banner & Co., accountants, with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/52 File. Accounts 1972. Correspondence with the 1972 Trustees of the estate of the late Oswald J Finney, Harmood Banner & Co., accountants, with tax statements, and GS Herbert & Sons, stock and share brokers, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/53 File. Accounts 1973. Correspondence with GS 1973 Herbert & Sons, stock and share brokers, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/54 File. Accounts 1974. Correspondence with 1974 Barclays Bank, GS Herbert & Sons, stock and share brokers, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments, and the Trustees of the estate of the late Oswald J Finney

1 file

U DPW/71/55 File. Accounts 1975. Correspondence with the 1975 Trustees of the late Oswald J Finney, Barclays Bank and the Aero Hydraulics Corporation about shares

1 file

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U DPW/71/56 File. Accounts 1976. Correspondence with Gerald 1976 Hodgson, Fuller & Co., stock brokers, with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments, and Barclays Bank

1 file

U DPW/71/57 File. Accounts 1977. Correspondence with Hope 1977 Agar & Co., accountants, with tax statements, and Barclays Bank. With lists of expenses as an MP, 1958 - 1982

1 file

U DPW/71/58 File. Accounts 1978. Correspondence with Hope 1978 Agar & Co., accountants, with tax statements, and Barclays Bank

1 file

U DPW/71/59 File. Accounts 1979. Correspondence with Hope 1979 Agar & Co., accountants, with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/60 File. Accounts 1980. Correspondence with Hope 1980 Agar & Co., accountants, with tax statements, Barclays Bank and Young, Jones & Patterson, solicitors

1 file

U DPW/71/61 File. Accounts 1981. Correspondence with Hope 1981 Agar & Co., accountants, with tax statements, Barclays Bank and Young, Jones, Hair & Co., solicitors

1 file

U DPW/71/62 File. Accounts 1982. Correspondence with Hope 1982 Agar & Co., accountants, with tax statements, Barclays Bank and the Trustees of the estate of the late Oswald J Finney

1 file

U DPW/71/63 File. Accounts 1983. Correspondence with Hope 1983 Agar & Co., accountants, with tax statements, and Barclays Bank

1 file

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U DPW/71/64 File. Accounts 1984. Correspondence with 1984 Barclays Bank and Lockings solicitors

1 file

U DPW/71/65 File. Accounts 1985. Correspondence with 1985 Barclays Bank

1 file

U DPW/71/66 File. Accounts 1986. Correspondence with 1986 Barclays Bank

1 file

U DPW/71/67 File. Accounts 1988. Correspondence with 1988 Barclays Bank

1 file

U DPW/71/68 File. Accountants 1984 - 1986. Correspondence 1984-1986 with Hope Agar Smallfield & Co., with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/69 File. Accountants 1984 - 1986. Correspondence 1987-1988 with Hope Agar & Co., with tax statements

1 file

U DPW/71/70 File. Bank, Jersey 1983. Correspondence with 1983 Barclays Bank, with certificates of confirmation of securities movements

1 file

U DPW/71/71 File. Bank, Jersey 1984. Correspondence with 1984 Barclays Bank, with certificates of confirmation of securities movements

1 file

U DPW/71/72 File. Bank, Jersey 1985. Correspondence with 1985 Barclays Bank, with certificates of confirmation of securities movements

1 file

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U DPW/71/73 File. Bank, Jersey 1986. Correspondence with 1986 Barclays Bank, with certificates of confirmation of securities movements Including:

a) Correspondence (5) with daughter, Mrs Rosemary Normand, and husband Paul Normand, about the purchase of property in Arundel, with prospectus and architectural plans (3), March 1986 1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2062. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/71/74 File. Bank, Jersey 1987. Correspondence with 1987 Barclays Bank, with certificates of confirmation of securities movements

1 file

U DPW/71/75 File. Bank, Jersey 1988. Correspondence with 1988 Barclays Bank

1 file

U DPW/71/76 File. Bank, Jersey 1989. Correspondence with 1989 Barclays Bank

1 file

U DPW/71/77 File. Bank, Jersey 1990. Correspondence with 1990 Barclays Bank

1 file

U DPW/71/78 File. Bank, London 1983. Correspondence with 1983 Barclays Bank, with certificates of confirmation of securities movements

1 file

U DPW/71/79 File. Bank, London 1984. Correspondence with 1984 Barclays Bank, with certificates of confirmation of securities movements

1 file

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U DPW/71/80 File. Bank, London 1985. Correspondence with 1985 Barclays Bank, with certificates of confirmation of securities movements

1 file

U DPW/71/81 File. Bank, London 1986. Correspondence with 1986 Barclays Bank

1 file

U DPW/71/82 File. Bank, London 1987. Correspondence with 1987 Barclays Bank, with certificates of confirmation of securities movements

1 file

U DPW/71/83 File. Bank, London 1988. Correspondence with 1988 Barclays Bank

1 file

U DPW/71/84 File. Bank, London 1989. Correspondence with 1989 Barclays Bank, with certificates of confirmation of securities movements

1 file

U DPW/71/85 File. Bank, London 1990. Correspondence with 1990 Barclays Bank, with certificates of confirmation of securities movements

1 file

U DPW/71/86 File. Investments 1984. Correspondence with AJ 1984 Bekhor & Co., with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/87 File. Investments 1985. Correspondence with AJ 1985 Bekhor & Co., with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/88 File. Investments 1986. Correspondence with AJ 1986 Bekhor & Co., with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

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U DPW/71/89 File. Investments 1987. Correspondence with AJ 1987 Bekhor & Co., with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/90 File. Investments 1988. Correspondence with AJ 1988 Bekhor & Co., Hesletine Moss & Co. and Shipley Brown Stockbroking Ltd., with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/91 File. Investments 1989. Correspondence with 1989 Shipley Brown Stockbroking Ltd., with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/92 File. Investments 1990. Correspondence with 1990 Shipley Brown Stockbroking Ltd., with statements about the sale of shares and valuations of investments

1 file

U DPW/71/93 File. Hambros Fund Managers (Channel Islands) Sep 1985-Oct Ltd. Correspondence about Patrick Wall's dollar 1987 holdings

1 file

U DPW/71/94 File. ICONI. Company information brochures and Sep 1989-May related correspondence about Industrial 1991 Consultants International, established by Paul Robinson, of which Patrick Wall acted as President

1 file

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U DPW/71/95 File. Paul Robinson. Correspondence mainly with Jan 1990-Sep Lockings solicitors about the bankruptcy of Patrick 1991 Wall's landlord at Brantinghamthorpe

1 file This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2067. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/72 Property and legal papers: 1909 - 1990 1909-1990 1 - 12 63 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, London 13 - 21 92 Cheyne Walk, London 22 - 35 8 Westminster Gardens, Marsham Street, London 36 Brantinghamthorpe, East Yorkshire 37 - 40 Idaho Farm, near Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia 41 - 64 Estate of Oswald J Finney 65 Estate of James Finney 66 - 68 Estate of May Finney 69 Estate of Harold Finney 70 - 72 Estate of Gladys Wall 73 Estate of Oswald Wall 74 - 76 Egypt

U DPW/72/1 File. 63 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, London. Apr-Nov 1948 Correspondence with solicitors and the Trustees of the estate of Oswald J Finney about the purchase of the leasehold of the property, with accounts

1 file

U DPW/72/2 File. 63 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, London. Mar 1948-Jan Correspondence with furniture depositories, with 1958 lists of Patrick Wall's furniture held and sold at auction

1 file

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U DPW/72/3 Volume. '63 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, Aug 1948 London SW1. Inventory and valuation ... prepared for the purposes of insurance for Major P H B Wall by Gurr Johns & Co. Ltd.'

1 volume

U DPW/72/4 File. 63 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, London. Apr-Dec 1948 Estimates and correspondence about the refit of the house

1 file

U DPW/72/5 File. 63 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, London. Feb 1949-Jan Estimates and correspondence about the refit of 1950 the house

1 file

U DPW/72/6 File. 63 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, London. Mar 1950-Oct Estimates and correspondence about the refit of 1951 the house Wwith plans of the kitchen refurbishment (4) 1 file

U DPW/72/7 File. 63 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, London. Nov 1949-Feb Correspondence with solicitors about a new lease, 1953 and with architects about proposed extensions to the property to create a 'Sun Room' and the layout of the roof garden With architectural plans (6) 1 file

U DPW/72/8 File. 63 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, London. Apr 1952-May Correspondence with the Editor of 'Ideal Home 1953 Magazine' about photographing the property, and advertisement of the property being available to let

1 file

U DPW/72/9 File. 63 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, London. Mar-May 1954 Estimates and correspondence about the refit of the house

1 file

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U DPW/72/10 File. 63 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, London. May 1956-Feb Correspondence with architect, estimates, 1957 invoices and architectural plans (2) for alterations to the property

1 file

U DPW/72/11 File. 63 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, London. Jul 1957-Dec Correspondence about the sale of the property, 1958 and estate agents' particulars of houses for sale in London, with relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/72/12 File. Houses Feb 1956-Apr Comprising: 1958

a) File. Correspondence and estate agents' particulars of houses for sale in London, including survey of 23 Cheyne Walk, February 1956 - April 1958 b) File. 15 Catherine Place. Correspondence, black and white photographs of interior (8) and report on the condition of the property, August 1956 - March 1958 1 file

U DPW/72/13 File. 92 Cheyne Walk, London. Correspondence Sep 1952-Jan with the existing lessees, Messrs. Harris senior 1959 and junior, and Clark, Patterson & Herring, solicitors, about the purchase of the leasehold of the property Including:

a) Assignment of leasehold premises, 92 Cheyne Walk, London. Between (1) Maude Jane Hutchison and Brenda Lucy Hutchison, and (2) Cinema News and Property Gazette Ltd. (business operated by Messrs. Harris), 22 September 1952 1 file

U DPW/72/14 File. 92 Cheyne Walk, London. Correspondence Sep-Nov 1958 with furniture depositories about removal

1 file

U DPW/72/15 File. 92 Cheyne Walk, London. Correspondence Nov 1958-Oct about the design of the garden 1959 With plans (2) 1 file

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U DPW/72/16 File. 92 Cheyne Walk, London. Correspondence Jul 1960-Nov with surveyors, Cadogan Estates Management 1965 and Colonel Sands about the party wall with 91 Cheyne Walk. Also correspondence about the trimming of trees and the garden wall

1 file

U DPW/72/17 File. 92 Cheyne Walk, London. Correspondence Aug 1960-Aug with surveyors, Cadogan Estates Management 1965 and Colonel Sands about the party walls with 91 and 96 Cheyne Walk With architectural plans (3) and legal agreement 1 file

U DPW/72/18 Original bundle. Correspondence with Seton Nov 1967-Feb Forbes Cockell, Greater London Councillor, and 1970 others, about the proposed West Cross route via Cheyne Walk

1 bundle

U DPW/72/19 File. 92 Cheyne Walk, London. Correspondence Feb-Sep 1970 with Cadogan Estates Management, Josa Finney, Tufnell & Partners, estate agents, and Young, Jones & Patterson, solicitors, about the end of the lease on the property and Patrick Wall's attempts to fund a renewal of the lease Including:

a) Photocopy lease of 92 Cheyne Walk, London. Between (1) Earl Cadogan and the Cadogan Settled Estates Company, and (2) Alfred Hutchison. With memoranda of transfer of lease first to Cinema News and Property Gazette Ltd., then to Patrick Wall, 27 June 1946, 17 August 1952 & 10 October 1958 1 file

U DPW/72/20 File. 92 Cheyne Walk, London. Correspondence Apr 1970-Jan with Josa Finney, the Trustees of the estate of 1971 Oswald J Finney and Young, Jones & Patterson, solicitors, about the end of the lease on the property and Patrick Wall's attempts to fund a renewal of the lease

1 file

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U DPW/72/21 File. 92 Cheyne Walk, London. Correspondence Feb 1970-May with Cadogan Estates Management, Debenham 1972 Tewson & Chinnocks, chartered surveyors, Lee & Pemberton, solicitors, and Philip Andrews & Co., chartered surveyors, about the claim against Patrick Wall for dilapidations to the property following the end of the lease, with photocopy schedule of dilapidations. Also some correspondence about attempts to fund a renewal of the lease

1 file

U DPW/72/22 File. 8 Westminster Gardens, Marsham Street, Mar 1970-Sep London. Correspondence with Holding and 1971 Management Ltd., Allsop & Co., chartered surveyors, Young, Jones & Patterson, solicitors, and Josa Finney, about the purchase of the leasehold of the flat, with architectural plans (3) Including:

a) Photocopy draft underlease of Flat 8, Westminster Gardens, Marsham Street, SW1. Between (1) Property Holding and Investment Trust, and Holding and Management Ltd., and (2) Patrick Wall, 1970 1 file

U DPW/72/23 File. Westminster Gardens Residents Association. Nov 1971-Nov Correspondence with members and Allsop & Co., 1976 chartered surveyors, list of residents, rules of association, Committee agenda, minutes, reports and accounts, and agenda and minutes of AGMs Also Marsham Court Leaseholders Association. Agenda of AGMs and annual reports 1 file

U DPW/72/24 File. Westminster Gardens Residents Association. Nov 1975-Mar Correspondence with members, Allsop & Co., 1980 chartered surveyors, and Folkard & Hayward, chartered surveyors, Committee agenda, minutes, reports and accounts, and agenda and minutes of AGMs Also Marsham Court Leaseholders Association. Agenda of AGMs and annual reports 1 file

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U DPW/72/25 File. Westminster Gardens Residents Association. Jul 1976-May Correspondence with members and Allsop & Co., 1979 chartered surveyors, Committee agenda, minutes, reports and accounts, and agenda and minutes of AGMs

1 file

U DPW/72/26 File. 8 Westminster Gardens, Marsham Street, 1980 London. Correspondence with Folkard & Hayward, chartered surveyors, with audited maintenance fund accounts

1 file

U DPW/72/27 File. 8 Westminster Gardens, Marsham Street, 1981 London. Correspondence with Folkard & Hayward, chartered surveyors, with audited maintenance fund accounts, and Westminster Gardens Residents Association

1 file

U DPW/72/28 File. 8 Westminster Gardens, Marsham Street, 1982 London. Correspondence with Folkard & Hayward, chartered surveyors, with audited maintenance fund accounts, and Westminster Gardens Residents Association

1 file

U DPW/72/29 File. 8 Westminster Gardens, Marsham Street, 1983 London. Correspondence with Holding and Management Ltd., Druce & Co., chartered surveyors, Westminster Gardens Residents Association and John Laing Construction Ltd.

1 file

U DPW/72/30 File. 8 Westminster Gardens, Marsham Street, 1984 London. Correspondence with Allsop & Co., chartered surveyors, Druce & Co., chartered surveyors, and Westminster Gardens Residents Association

1 file

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U DPW/72/31 File. 8 Westminster Gardens, Marsham Street, 1985 London. Correspondence with Druce & Co., chartered surveyors, with audited maintenance fund accounts

1 file

U DPW/72/32 File. 8 Westminster Gardens, Marsham Street, 1986 London. Correspondence with Druce & Co., chartered surveyors, with audited maintenance fund accounts

1 file

U DPW/72/33 File. 8 Westminster Gardens, Marsham Street, 1987 London. Correspondence with Druce & Co., chartered surveyors, with audited maintenance fund accounts

1 file

U DPW/72/34 File. 8 Westminster Gardens, Marsham Street, 1988 London. Correspondence with Druce & Co., chartered surveyors, with audited maintenance fund accounts

1 file

U DPW/72/35 File. 8 Westminster Gardens, Marsham Street, 1989 London. Correspondence with Druce & Co., chartered surveyors, with audited maintenance fund accounts

1 file

U DPW/72/36 File. Brantinghamthorpe. Correspondence with Aug 1955-Dec Hugh Vaux, architect, and J Atkin, builder, about 1956 the conversion of the flat at Brantinghamthorpe, and with Wylie, Patterson & Herring, solicitors, about the purchase of the leasehold of the property With architectural plans (9) 1 file

U DPW/72/37 File. Idaho Farm, near Salisbury, Southern Sep 1957-Jul Rhodesia. Correspondence with Ronald I Watson 1958 & Co., estate agents, Guest & Tanner, estate agents, and Mr JD Frowd, about the purchase of two plots of land on the farm

1 file

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U DPW/72/38 File. Idaho Farm, near Salisbury, Southern Dec 1958-Aug Rhodesia. Correspondence with Muriel Frowd, 1974 Norton Selous Rural Council and Road Council, Andre Hoffe, architect, and Ayers, Wilson & Partners, architects, mainly about the design of a house to be built on Patrick Wall's land

1 file

U DPW/72/39 File. Idaho Farm, near Salisbury, Southern Feb-Sep 1959 Rhodesia. Architectural plans of the proposed house to be built on Patrick Wall's land, Ayers Wilson & Partners, architects (4)

1 file

U DPW/72/40 File. Idaho Farm, near Salisbury, Southern Jul 1959-Feb Rhodesia. Correspondence with Ronald I Watson 1990 & Co., estate agents, Muriel Frowd, Dawn Taunton, Roy Harvey & Associates, Mr JR Groves and the Zimbabwe Banking Corporation Ltd., about Patrick Wall's attempts to build a house and then to sell the land With maps of Southern Rhodesia (2) and architectural plans (2) 1 file

U DPW/72/41 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Jul 1940-Mar with trustees, including case papers from His 1983 Britannic Majesty's Consular Court for Egypt regarding the trusts of Oswald Finney's will, copy will, and ts. summary of provisions of will and subsequent deeds of family agreement

1 file

U DPW/72/42 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Nov 1942-Mar with trustees and Perrott Fanner & Sims Marshall, 1955 solicitors, including case papers from His Britannic Majesty's Consular Court for Egypt regarding the distribution of the goods of Oswald Finney

1 file

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U DPW/72/43 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Aug 1943-Aug with trustees, beneficiaries, Barclays Bank, Wylie 1983 Patterson & Herring, solicitors, and Perrott Fanner & Sims Marshall, solicitors, including case papers from His Britannic Majesty's Consular Court for Egypt and copy will of Patrick Wall Some material in Italian 1 file

U DPW/72/44 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Apr 1945-Mar with beneficiaries, and with Perrott Fanner & Sims 1973 Marshall, solicitors, about the death of Oswald Wall, including copy will of Oswald Finney and copy deed of family arrangement between Josa Finney and beneficiaries

1 file

U DPW/72/45 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Dec 1955-Nov with trustees, memoranda and report on 1960 administration of estate to end September 1955

1 file

U DPW/72/46 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Jun 1956-Nov with trustees, beneficiaries, Allen & Overy, and 1958 Kemp, Chatteris & Co., chartered accountants, memoranda, and copy legal opinion and instructions to counsel

1 file

U DPW/72/47 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Ts. copies of Feb 1959-Feb circular letters from Patrick Wall to trustees and 1961 other beneficiaries

1 file

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U DPW/72/48 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Mar-Jul 1959 with trustees, beneficiaries and Clark Patterson & Herring, solicitors, about negotiations for a distribution scheme Including:

a) Ts. 'Conservative Parliamentary Finance Committee brief on the Anglo-Egyptian Financial Agreement', Conservative Research Department, 3 March 1959 b) Ts. 'Financial Agreement with the United Arab Republic. Statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the House of Commons, on Monday 2nd March 1959' 1 file

U DPW/72/49 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Mar 1959-Jan with trustees, beneficiaries and Clark Herring & 1960 Patterson, solicitors, about a draft scheme for distribution, with memorandum and reports

1 file

U DPW/72/50 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Jan-Jul 1960 with trustees and beneficiaries, with memoranda, about a pilot scheme for distribution and attempts to arrange a new deed of family agreement

1 file

U DPW/72/51 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Jul 1960-Jul with Clark Patterson & Herring, solicitors, about 1961 proposals for ending the trust

1 file

U DPW/72/52 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Sep 1960-Nov with trustees, beneficiaries and Clark Patterson & 1961 Herring, solicitors, with drafts of new deed of family agreement

1 file

U DPW/72/53 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Oct 1960-Nov with trustees, beneficiaries, Clark Patterson & 1966 Herring, solicitors, Wood & Sons, solicitors, and Josa Finney, about advances to Patrick Wall from the trust

1 file

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U DPW/72/54 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Aug 1961-Jul with trustees, beneficiaries, Clark Patterson & 1963 Herring, solicitors, about the trustees' decision on advances from the trust

1 file

U DPW/72/55 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Oct 1961-Jan with John MacSwiney (beneficiary) about his 1962 proposals for the trust

1 file

U DPW/72/56 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Aug 1962-Mar with trustees, Clark Patterson & Herring, solicitors, 1966 John MacSwiney and James Finney (beneficiaries) about the trust's financial statements

1 file

U DPW/72/57 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Consolidated Feb 1965-Sep balance sheets, income and expenditure 1973 accounts, statements of distribution of income and consolidated capital accounts, with limited correspondence and reports on trust fund

1 file

U DPW/72/58 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Dec 1966-Nov with trustees, beneficiaries, Clark Patterson & 1968 Herring, solicitors, and Wood & Sons, solicitors, with memorandum

1 file

U DPW/72/59 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Consolidated Sep 1981-May balance sheets, income and expenditure 1984 accounts, statements of distribution of income and consolidated capital accounts, correspondence with trustees and family tree of Oswald Finney

1 file

U DPW/72/60 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Apr 1972-Aug with trustees and Josa Finney 1980 Also some correspondence about estate of James Finney 1 file

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U DPW/72/61 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Jan 1975-Dec with Lockings solicitors about attempt to obtain a 1982 loan from the Lancashire and Yorkshire Reversionary Interest Co. Ltd., with incomplete copy will of Sheila Wall and report of meeting of beneficiaries of trust

1 file

U DPW/72/62 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Sep 1975-Oct with trustees, beneficiaries, Josa Finney, Young 1983 Jones Golding Patterson, solicitors, and Wood & Sons, solicitors, with minutes of meetings of beneficiaries and related papers, and valuations of estate

1 file

U DPW/72/63 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Ts. [Italian] and 27 May 1982 ms. [English] transcripts of will of Josa Sedmach Finney

1 file

U DPW/72/64 File. Estate of Oswald J Finney. Correspondence Feb 1983-May with trustees about the distribution of the estate 1984 following the death of the life tenant, Josa Finney, with accounts

1 file

U DPW/72/65 File. Estate of James Finney. Copy settlement Dec 1909-Dec between (1) James Finney, and (2) Charles 1947 McElroy Finney and Charles Edgar Finney, epitome of will and copy will, schedule of investments and financial statement

1 file

U DPW/72/66 File. Estate of May Finney. Correspondence with Jun 1954-Jan Wylie Patterson & Herring, solicitors, with copy 1957 will, financial statement and schedule of investments

1 file

U DPW/72/67 File. Estate of May Finney. Correspondence with Jul 1954-Nov family and friends about her illness 1955

1 file

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U DPW/72/68 File. Estate of May Finney. Correspondence from Feb-Oct 1955 family and friends about her illness and subsequent death

1 file

U DPW/72/69 File. Estate of Harold Finney. Correspondence Jul 1960-May with Wood & Sons, solicitors, and Sir George 1963 Rendel, Foreign Office, about compensation for assets lost in Egypt

1 file

U DPW/72/70 File. Estate of Gladys Wall. Correspondence with Apr 1937-Dec Yates & Co., solicitors, and John MacSwiney, with 1950 copy death certificate, copy will, certificate of probate, and valuation for probate Also financial statements of the estates of James Finney and the Misses Finney Including: a) Licence to assign estate and interest in Little Court, Bracknell, between (1) Mrs JW Pitkin, (2) Mrs EVG Astley and (3) Gladys Wall, 15 April 1937 1 file

U DPW/72/71 Volume. 'Little Court, Bracknell, Berkshire. Aug 1938-Oct Inventory and valuation...the property of Mrs HB 1954 Wall. Prepared for the purposes of insurance', Chinneck, Gardner & Corbet Ltd. With relative correspondence

1 volume

U DPW/72/72 Volume. 'Inventory of furniture, china, glass and 2 Mar 1944 effects at Little Court, Bracknell, the property of Mrs Wall', Messrs. Chancellors & Co., estate agents and auctioneers With pencil annotations

1 volume

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U DPW/72/73 File. Estate of Oswald Wall. Correspondence with May 1945-Jan Perrott Fanner & Sims Marshall, and Yates & Co., 1960 both solicitors, about Oswald Wall's emigration to Egypt, his death, his estate and the transfer of his body and effects to Great Britain. With letters of administration, legal opinion of EM Winterbotham about the trusts of the will of Oswald J Finney, and draft deed of covenant Including Report (one carbon and one ts. copy) to Regimental Adjutant, RHQ Irish Guards, about his activities since leaving 1st Battalion on 22 February 1944 and his application to return to Salzburg, Oswald Wall, with related correspondence, 28 May 1945. Includes material in Arabic 1 file

U DPW/72/74 File. Egypt. Correspondence, mainly with the Dec 1964-Sep Foreign Office and Foreign Secretary, Sir Alec 1978 Douglas Home, about the 1959 Financial Agreement with the United Arab Republic and the sequestration of property owned by British subjects in Egypt. With minutes of meetings held at the Foreign Office

1 file

U DPW/72/75 File. Egypt. Correspondence with HM Barker, Oct 1976-Mar Richard Luce MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary 1984 of State, Foreign Office, Lord Killearn, RV Mosseri and Geoffrey Johnson Smith MP, with related papers, about compensation for assets lost by British subjects in Egypt and the conversion rate for blocked bank accounts, 1978

1 file

U DPW/72/76 File. Egypt. Set I of copy papers and Sep 1976-Jun correspondence about the sequestration of British 1979 assets in Egypt

1 file

U DPW/73 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts 1943-1968

U DPW/73/1 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jul-Dec 1949 Minutes of Group Council

1 file

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U DPW/73/2 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jan-Dec 1950 Minutes of Group Council

1 file

U DPW/73/3 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jan-Nov 1951 Minutes of Group Council

1 file

U DPW/73/4 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jan-Dec 1952 Minutes of Group Council

1 file

U DPW/73/5 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jan-Dec 1953 Minutes of Group Council

1 file

U DPW/73/6 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Feb-Dec 1954 Minutes of Group Council

1 file

U DPW/73/7 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jan-Dec 1956 Minutes of Group Council

1 file

U DPW/73/8 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jan-Jul 1957 Minutes of Group Council, with some agenda and reports

1 file

U DPW/73/9 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Feb-Dec 1956 Minutes of Group Committee

1 file

U DPW/73/10 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jan 1957-Nov Minutes of Group Committee 1958 Including:

a) Minutes of meeting of Parents and Friends Association, 9 July 1957 1 file

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U DPW/73/11 Volume. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Mar 1948-Dec Minutes of Troop in Council, also known as Court 1950 of Honour

1 volume

U DPW/73/12 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Annual 1948-1958 financial statements, with some draft monthly statements, and agenda and minutes of Finance Committee, February 1957

1 file

U DPW/73/13 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts: Jul 1951-Dec finance. Correspondence, with some accounts 1956

1 file

U DPW/73/14 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts: May-Oct 1957 finance. Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/73/15 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jan-Dec 1957 Correspondence with Treasurer

1 file

U DPW/73/16 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts: grants Sep 1952-Feb from various charities. Correspondence 1957

1 file

U DPW/73/17 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts: Jan 1953-Dec Sunday Cinema Fund. Correspondence and 1957 accounts Including:

a) Undertaking signed by Group Scout Master to comply with conditions of award of London County Council grant for Sunday cinema entertainment, 5 April 1954 1 file

U DPW/73/18 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Oct 1954-Nov Correspondence with Hon. Appeals Secretary 1956

1 file

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U DPW/73/19 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Oct 1954-Nov Correspondence about warrants appointing 1956 scouters to various positions in Group Including:

a) Patrick Wall's warrant as Assistant District Commissioner for the City of Westminster, 12 May 1948 1 file

U DPW/73/20 File. City of Westminster Boy Scouts Association. Jul 1948-Jun Correspondence as Assistant District 1950 Commissioner

1 file

U DPW/73/21 File. City of Westminster Boy Scouts Association: Jan-Jul 1949 Westminster Scout Week, 23 - 30 April 1949. Correspondence, circulars, official programme, ts. article and poster

1 file

U DPW/73/22 File. City of Westminster Boy Scouts Association. 1951-1955 Correspondence as Assistant District Commissioner, with District newsletters, accounts and 1951 Year Book

1 file

U DPW/73/23 File. City of Westminster Boy Scouts Association. Dec 1955-Nov Correspondence as Assistant District 1956 Commissioner, with District newsletters

1 file

U DPW/73/24 File. City of Westminster Boy Scouts Association. Sep 1956-Feb Correspondence as Assistant District 1958 Commissioner

1 file

U DPW/73/25 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Nov 1949-Mar Correspondence with Council, including about 1955 Group chaplains

1 file

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U DPW/73/26 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Feb 1952-Dec Correspondence about Committee meetings 1955

1 file

U DPW/73/27 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Mar-Nov 1956 Correspondence about Committee meetings

1 file

U DPW/73/28 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jan 1957-May Correspondence about Committee meetings, with 1958 accounts for 1956/57 - 1957/58

1 file

U DPW/73/29 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Sep 1950-Dec Correspondence with Chairman 1955

1 file

U DPW/73/30 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Feb 1956-Nov Correspondence with Chairman 1956

1 file

U DPW/73/31 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Aug 1951-May Correspondence with Secretary 1956

1 file

U DPW/73/32 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Oct 1951-Apr Correspondence with Dennis Besant 1956

1 file

U DPW/73/33 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. May 1951-May Correspondence with Jos Meester 1956

1 file

U DPW/73/34 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Feb 1951-Feb Correspondence with scouters 1956

1 file

U DPW/73/35 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jun-Dec 1956 Correspondence with scouters

1 file

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U DPW/73/36 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jan 1956-Dec Correspondence with scouters, including circular 1958 letters about the future of the Group and newsletters

1 file

U DPW/73/37 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Mar 1956-Feb Correspondence, accounts and address list, 1958 relating to turnover of Group administration to new Group Scout Master and Treasurer

1 file

U DPW/73/38 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Nov 1951-Jul General correspondence 1953

1 file

U DPW/73/39 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jan 1952-Oct General correspondence 1956

1 file

U DPW/73/40 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jan 1957-Mar General correspondence 1958

1 file

U DPW/73/41 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Aug 1957-Oct General correspondence 1958

1 file

U DPW/73/42 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. c.1955 Address lists

1 file

U DPW/73/43 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts: May 1943-Jul headquarters. Correspondence about the Group's 1954 tenancy of rooms at 167 Millbank, with JB Jackson & Partners, heating, ventilation and combustion engineers, Messrs. Clutton, chartered surveyors, and HG Ivey, builder

1 file

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U DPW/73/44 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts: Abbey Jul 1948-1956 Community Association. Correspondence about joint membership of Association with Sea Cadet Unit, with annual reports and accounts, year book and constitution

1 file

U DPW/73/45 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts: Abbey Feb 1950-Sep Community Centre. Correspondence about use of 1955 the Centre, and other temporary premises

1 file

U DPW/73/46 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts: Tintern Feb 1954-Aug House, Abbots Manor estate. Correspondence, 1957 mainly with Westminster City Council, about the use of the store and its conversion as a new headquarters

1 file

U DPW/73/47 Register. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts c.1948

1 volume

U DPW/73/48 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Annual Mar 1951-Mar Group registration and census returns submitted 1957 to Boy Scouts Association

1 file

U DPW/73/49 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 1949-1957 Training competition quarterly returns submitted to City of Westminster Boy Scouts Association, with ms. 'Troop record' [list of members covering 1944 - 1955]

1 file

U DPW/73/50 Binder. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 1946-1949 'Group 1946 - 49'. Monthly programmes of activities, minutes of Group Council and Committee, correspondence, reports, newsletters and black and white photographs

1 file

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U DPW/73/51 Binder. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 1950-1951 'Group 1950 - 51'. Monthly programmes of activities, minutes of Group Council and Committee, correspondence, reports, newsletters and black and white photographs

1 file

U DPW/73/52 Binder. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 1952 'Group 1952'. Monthly programmes of activities, minutes of Group Council and Committee, correspondence, reports, newsletters and black and white photographs

1 file

U DPW/73/53 Binder. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 1953-1954 'Group 1953 - 54'. Monthly programmes of activities, minutes of Group Council and Committee, correspondence, reports, newsletters and black and white photographs

1 file

U DPW/73/54 Binder. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 1955 'Group 1955'. Monthly programmes of activities, minutes of Group Council and Committee, correspondence, reports, newsletters and black and white photographs

1 file

U DPW/73/55 Binder. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 1956 'Group 1956'. Monthly programmes of activities, minutes of Group Council and Committee, correspondence, reports, newsletters and black and white photographs

1 file

U DPW/73/56 Binder. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 1957 'Group 1957'. Monthly programmes of activities, minutes of Group Council and Committee, correspondence, reports, newsletters and black and white photographs

1 file

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U DPW/73/57 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 'Group Aug 1946-Jan events 1948'. Correspondence, programme and 1948 report of Admiralty inspection, and correspondence, circulars and brochures about scout camps

1 file

U DPW/73/58 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 'Group Apr 1948-Jul events 1950'. Correspondence, programme and 1952 report of Admiralty inspection, and correspondence, circulars and brochures about other events and scout camps, including the 'Daily Mirror' Festival Regatta

1 file

U DPW/73/59 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 'Group Mar-Dec 1952 events 1952'. Correspondence, programme and report of Admiralty inspection, and correspondence, circulars and brochures about other events and scout camps

1 file

U DPW/73/60 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 'Group Jan-Jul 1953 events 1953'. Correspondence, programme and report of Admiralty inspection, and correspondence, circulars and brochures about other events and scout camps

1 file

U DPW/73/61 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 'Group 1954 events 1954'. Correspondence, programme and report of Admiralty inspection, and correspondence, circulars and brochures about other events and scout camps

1 file

U DPW/73/62 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 'Group 1955 events 1955'. Correspondence, programme and report of Admiralty inspection, and correspondence, circulars and brochures about other events and scout camps

1 file

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U DPW/73/63 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 'Group Feb 1956-Jan events 1956'. Correspondence, programme and 1957 report of Admiralty inspection, list of events and correspondence, programme and booking form for Christmas pantomime

1 file

U DPW/73/64 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 'Group Jul-Nov 1957 events 1957'. Correspondence, programme and report of Admiralty inspection

1 file

U DPW/73/65 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Boats. Aug 1950-Jun Correspondence 1955

1 file

U DPW/73/66 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Boats. Apr 1955-Sep Correspondence with Parliamentary and Financial 1956 Secretary to The Admiralty about boats for sea scouts and cadets

1 file

U DPW/73/67 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Boats Feb 1951-Apr fitting out programme. Correspondence and 1954 accounts

1 file

U DPW/73/68 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Boat 1951-1957 certificates issued to Group by Boy Scouts Association

1 file

U DPW/73/69 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Charge 1950-1957 certificates issued to members of Group by Boy Scouts Association

1 file

U DPW/73/70 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. MTB Nov 1952-Sep [Motor Torpedo Boat]. Correspondence about loan 1955 of MTB to Group by The Admiralty

1 file

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U DPW/73/71 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. MTB Jun 1953-Jul [Motor Torpedo Boat] 743. Correspondence, 1956 including refit programmes

1 file

U DPW/73/72 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. MTB Oct-Dec 1956 [Motor Torpedo Boat] 743. Correspondence about MTB's transfer to Chelsea Yacht and Boat Company

1 file

U DPW/73/73 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jul-Oct 1956 Correspondence with Captain of 'HMS Hardy', namesake of 'T S Hardy'

1 file

U DPW/73/74 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Lists of 1955-1956 equipment and stores owned by Group

1 file

U DPW/73/75 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Mar 1948-Jun Summer camp, 1948. Correspondence, reports 1949 and accounts about visit to 1st Ordrup Troop, Denmark

1 file

U DPW/73/76 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Mar-Aug 1949 Summer camp, 1949. Correspondence, programme, nominal lists and reports about visit to the Netherlands

1 file

U DPW/73/77 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Apr 1949-Dec Summer camp, 1950. Correspondence, reports 1950 and accounts about visit by 1st Ordrup Troop, Denmark

1 file

U DPW/73/78 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Issues Jul 1953-Apr of 'The Wreck', with related correspondence and 1958 reports for publication compiled by Group Scout Master

1 file

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U DPW/73/79 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Cub Mar 1951-Oct pack. Correspondence with cubers 1955

1 file

U DPW/73/80 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Cub Jan 1953-Jul pack. Correspondence and address list 1954

1 file

U DPW/73/81 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Cub Jan 1955-Jul pack. Correspondence 1956

1 file

U DPW/73/82 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Cub Jan-Jun 1957 pack. Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/73/83 Binder. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 1948 'Seniors 1948: Senior Troop log'. Monthly programmes of activities, details of training and other activities, and black and white photographs

1 file

U DPW/73/84 Binder. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jan-Jun 1949 'Seniors 1949 (1): Senior Troop log'. Monthly programmes of activities, details of training and other activities, and black and white photographs

1 file

U DPW/73/85 Binder. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jul-Dec 1949 'Seniors 1949 (2): Senior Troop log'. Monthly programmes of activities, details of training and other activities, and black and white photographs

1 file

U DPW/73/86 Binder. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 1950 'Seniors 1950: Senior Troop log'. Monthly programmes of activities, details of training and other activities, and black and white photographs

1 file

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U DPW/73/87 Binder. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. 1949-1956 'Seniors 1951 - 7: Senior Troop log'. Monthly programmes of activities, details of training and other activities, and black and white photographs. With loose inserted papers

1 file

U DPW/73/88 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Senior 1949-1959 Troop admission forms (completed)

1 file

U DPW/73/89 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Apr 1951-Jan Correspondence with members of Senior Troop, 1956 with address list

1 file

U DPW/73/90 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. May 1951-Dec Correspondence with members of Senior Troop 1956

1 file

U DPW/73/91 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Feb-Dec 1956 Correspondence with members of Senior Troop

1 file

U DPW/73/92 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Sep 1956-Oct Correspondence with members of Senior Troop 1957

1 file

U DPW/73/93 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Rover Jun 1950-Sep service crew. Correspondence 1955

1 file

U DPW/73/94 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Rover Sep 1955-Feb crew. Correspondence 1958

1 file

U DPW/73/95 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Rover Jul 1950-Apr training crew. Correspondence with ex - members, 1956 A - J

1 file

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U DPW/73/96 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Rover Sep 1950-May training crew. Correspondence with ex - members, 1956 K - Z

1 file

U DPW/73/97 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Baden Dec 1951-Dec Powell Guild branch. Correspondence with 1956 Chairman

1 file

U DPW/73/98 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Baden Sep 1956-Jun Powell Guild branch. Correspondence with 1957 Chairman, with circulars, application forms, newsletter and programme

1 file

U DPW/73/99 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Baden Aug-Dec 1956 Powell Guild branch. Correspondence with members

1 file

U DPW/73/100 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Dec 1945-Apr Correspondence with scouters, scouts and ex - 1951 members of Group

1 file

U DPW/73/101 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Apr 1951-Dec Correspondence with ex - members of Group 1955

1 file

U DPW/73/102 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jul 1954-Jul Correspondence with ex - members of Group 1956

1 file

U DPW/73/103 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. May 1956-Mar Correspondence with ex - members of Group 1959

1 file

U DPW/73/104 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jan 1965-May Correspondence with ex - members of Group, with 1967 newsletters of other Scout Groups

1 file

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U DPW/73/105 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Sep 1962-May Correspondence with Chairman, Treasurer and 1963 others about the conflict between the Group and the Sea Cadet Unit

1 file

U DPW/73/106 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts Nov 1966-Mar Financial Support Committee. Agenda, minutes, 1968 accounts and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/73/107 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Black 1950-1965 and white photographs, with sheet of contact prints, Admiralty inspection programmes for 1959, 1963 & 1964, carbon copy ts. 'Westminster's young seamen' and leaflet appealing for funds

1 file

U DPW/73/108 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Oct 1946-Jul Correspondence with other Scout Groups and 1950 others outside the Group

1 file

U DPW/73/109 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Dec 1953 Correspondence with American scouters (limited)

1 file

U DPW/73/110 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jan 1951-Dec Correspondence with Danish scouters 1954

1 file

U DPW/73/111 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Jan 1951-Nov Correspondence with Dutch scouters 1953

1 file

U DPW/73/112 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Feb 1951-Jul Correspondence with French scouters, including 1955 black and white photographs (2)

1 file

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U DPW/73/113 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. Oct 1950-Jul Correspondence with City of London Sea Rangers 1956

1 file

U DPW/73/114 File. 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts. City of Jul 1952-Mar London Youth Committee. Correspondence, 1957 annual report, list of members and circulars

1 file

U DPW/73/115 File. Catholic Scouts Guild, later Advisory Council. 1950-1956 Executive Committee minutes, agenda and minutes of AGMs, annual reports, correspondence and Westminster CSG circulars Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'A Catholic scout's duty to God' (Catholic Scout Advisory Council, 1950) 1 file

U DPW/73/116 File. Catholic Scout Guild, later Advisory Council. Oct 1956-Apr Executive Committee minutes, agenda of AGMs, 1958 annual reports, correspondence and circulars

1 file

U DPW/73/117 File. North Devon Scouts. News bulletins, letters Nov 1946-Sep and miscellanea 1948

1 file

U DPW/73/118 File. 55th Westminster (War Office) Rover crew. Apr 1948-Jun Correspondence and newsletters 1957

1 file

U DPW/74 British Sub Aqua Club 1953-1979

U DPW/74/1 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence, ts. Nov 1953-Mar notes and report 1956

1 file

U DPW/74/2 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence, ts. Nov 1954-Oct and ms. notes 1963

1 file

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U DPW/74/3 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Letter and leaflet with 1957 membership application form

1 file

U DPW/74/4 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence, Oct 1959-Jan notices of meetings, minutes of General 1965 Committee, AGM and National Diving Committee, ts. notes and reports

1 file

U DPW/74/5 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence, May 1960-Oct reports, notices of meetings, minutes of General 1961 Committee, National Diving Committee, Branch Diving Officers meeting and meeting of branches, ts. and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/74/6 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1962 reports, notices of meetings and minutes of General Committee, Equipment Sub Committee, AGM, and World Congress of Underwater Activities Committee

1 file

U DPW/74/7 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence, Mar 1962-Jun notices of meetings, minutes of General 1963 Committee and Medical Advisory Panel, and reports

1 file

U DPW/74/8 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Letters, reports, ts. Mar 1963-Oct notes, notices of meetings and minutes of General 1964 Committee, AGMs, Team Training meeting and Diving Officers meeting

1 file

U DPW/74/9 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence, Jul 1964-Jan reports, notices of meetings, minutes of General 1966 Committee, AGM and Diving Officers meeting and ts. accounts

1 file

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U DPW/74/10 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence, ts. Oct 1965-Apr notes, notices of meetings, minutes of meetings 1967 and of National Diving Officers Conference and ts. accounts

1 file

U DPW/74/11 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence, Mar 1966-Nov reports, ts. notes, notices of meetings, minutes of 1967 General Committee, Diving Officers Conference and AGM and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/74/12 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Letters, ts. notes, Nov 1967-Aug notices of meetings and minutes of General 1968 Committee Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Norfed. News and Views', Northern Federation of the British Sub Aqua Club, no. 11, Spring 1968 1 file

U DPW/74/13 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence, ts. Aug 1968-Dec notes, notices of meetings and minutes of General 1969 Committee and Diving Officers Conference

1 file

U DPW/74/14 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1970 reports, ts. notes, notices of meetings and minutes of General Committee, National Diving Committee, National Committee and AGM Including:

a) 'Northern News and Views', Northern Federation of the British Sub Aqua Club, no. 16, June 1970 1 file

U DPW/74/15 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Letters, reports, Jan-Sep 1971 notices of meetings and minutes of General Committee Including:

a) 'Year book, 1972', British Sub Aqua Club, 1972 b) Ts. 'Newsheet', Royal Air Force Association of Sub Aqua Clubs, nos. 4 & 5, [1971] 1 file

Page 931 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/74/16 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence, Mar 1971-Dec reports, ts. notes, notices of meetings and minutes 1972 of Council and AGM Including:

a) Ts. 'Newsletter', Royal Air Force Association of Sub Aqua Clubs, no.8, July 1972 1 file

U DPW/74/17 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1973 notices of meetings, minutes of Council and National Diving Committee and reports

1 file

U DPW/74/18 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence, Mar 1973-Nov reports, notices of meetings and minutes of 1974 Council, National Diving Committee and AGMs

1 file

U DPW/74/19 Artificial file. British Sub Aqua Club. Aug-Sep 1974 Correspondence, reports and notice of meeting

1 file

U DPW/74/20 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence, Nov 1974-Jun reports, notices of meetings and minutes of 1975 Council and National Diving Committee

1 file

U DPW/74/21 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence, ts. Aug 1963-Oct notes, reports, notices of meetings and minutes of 1977 Council and National Diving Committee

1 file

U DPW/74/22 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence Sep 1975-May about relations with coastal fishermen 1977

1 file

Page 932 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/74/23 File. British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence, Aug 1954-Apr reports and ts. notes 1979 Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Branch list', British Sub Aqua Club, July 1978 b) Pamphlet. 'Interim diving handbook', British Sub Aqua Club' May 1955 c) Pamphlet. 'The British Sub Aqua Club Handbook 1954', British Sub Aqua Club, August 1954 [Predominantly 1977 - 1979] 1 file

U DPW/74/24 File. British Sub Aqua Club, London branch. Ts. Jun 1954-Jul newsletters, ts. notes and letter 1956

1 file

U DPW/74/25 File. British Sub Aqua Club, London branch. Dec 1957-Sep Correspondence and notices of meetings 1959

1 file

U DPW/75 City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit 1949-1959

U DPW/75/1 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Jun 1949-Jul Correspondence about the establishment of the 1954 Unit

1 file

U DPW/75/2 Minutes of City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit 3 Oct 1954-27 Committee Jan 1958

1 bundle

U DPW/75/3 Binder. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. 1954-1958 Programmes and reports of activities and training, with black and white photographs, and accounts

1 file

U DPW/75/4 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Sep 1954-Jun Quarterly returns 1958

1 file

Page 933 of 1019 Hull History Centre: U DPW

U DPW/75/5 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. 1955-1956 Individual application forms and Sea Cadet history sheets for Unit members, with list of members

1 file

U DPW/75/6 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Unit c.1955 nominal lists

1 file

U DPW/75/7 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Unit Jul 1954-Jan address lists 1957

1 file

U DPW/75/8 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Unit May 1952-Jan standing orders 1956

1 file

U DPW/75/9 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Jan-Feb 1958 Attendance lists for parades

1 file

U DPW/75/10 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Mar 1957-Sep Correspondence with Sea Cadet Corps 1959 Headquarters

1 file

U DPW/75/11 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. May-Dec 1957 Correspondence with Sea Cadet Corps Headquarters Including:

a) Printed bi-annual report. 'The Sea Cadet Corps. State of the Corps', Cpt. Eric Bush, Secretary to the Council, 1 December 1957 1 file

U DPW/75/12 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Jan 1954-Dec Circulars issued by London Area Officer, with 1955 correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/75/13 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Feb 1956-Jan Circulars issued by London Area Officer, with 1957 correspondence

1 file

U DPW/75/14 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Jan-Dec 1957 Circulars issued by London Area Officer, including papers for London Area Annual Commanding Officers' Conference, and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/75/15 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. May 1957-Apr Circulars issued by London Area Officer, with 1958 Area address list

1 file

U DPW/75/16 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Feb-Nov 1958 Circulars issued by London Area Officer and Sea Cadet Corps Headquarters

1 file

U DPW/75/17 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. May-Oct 1956 Correspondence with District Officer

1 file

U DPW/75/18 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Jan-Feb 1957 Correspondence with District Officer (limited)

1 file

U DPW/75/19 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Jan-Jul 1958 Circulars issued by Training Commander

1 file

U DPW/75/20 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Oct 1954-Dec Correspondence with Chairman 1955

1 file

U DPW/75/21 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Feb-Sep 1956 Correspondence with Chairman

1 file

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U DPW/75/22 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Jan 1957-Mar Correspondence about the posts of Chairman and 1958 Vice Chairman

1 file

U DPW/75/23 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Oct 1954-Nov Correspondence with officers 1955

1 file

U DPW/75/24 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Jan-Dec 1956 Correspondence with officers

1 file

U DPW/75/25 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Nov 1956-Aug Correspondence with officers 1957

1 file

U DPW/75/26 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Aug 1957-Mar Correspondence with officers 1958

1 file

U DPW/75/27 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Apr-Nov 1958 Correspondence with officers

1 file

U DPW/75/28 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Draft Jul 1956-Nov accounts, correspondence and minutes of Joint 1958 Finance Committee with 35th City of Westminster Sea Scouts

1 file

U DPW/75/29 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Boats. Dec 1954-May Correspondence, memoranda and forms 1958

1 file

U DPW/75/30 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Clothing Jul 1956-Feb returns. Correspondence 1960

1 file

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U DPW/75/31 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Dec 1955-Jan Courses. Correspondence, memoranda, circulars, 1958 reports, training report for 1956 and Unit nominal list, 1954 - 1956

1 file

U DPW/75/32 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Events. Oct 1957-Apr Correspondence 1958

1 file

U DPW/75/33 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Events. Apr-Jul 1958 Correspondence and circulars, with daily orders for 'TS Daring'

1 file

U DPW/75/34 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Nov 1954-May Promotions. Orders, correspondence, application 1957 forms and lists of discharges, transfers and advancements

1 file

U DPW/75/35 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Stores. Dec 1956-Apr Correspondence and lists of stores 1958

1 file

U DPW/75/36 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Training. Jan-Jul 1957 Daily routine sheets

1 file

U DPW/75/37 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Feb-May 1955 Correspondence with cadets

1 file

U DPW/75/38 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Jan-Dec 1956 Correspondence with cadets

1 file

U DPW/75/39 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Jul 1957-Nov Correspondence with cadets 1958

1 file

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U DPW/75/40 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Jan-Jun 1958 Correspondence about the discharge of cadets

1 file

U DPW/75/41 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Jan-Dec 1958 Correspondence about Patrick Wall's retirement as Commanding Officer, with Unit address list

1 file

U DPW/75/42 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. General Dec 1954-Dec correspondence 1955

1 file

U DPW/75/43 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. General Jan 1956-Apr correspondence 1958

1 file

U DPW/75/44 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. General Sep 1958-May correspondence and report of London Area 1960 Chairmen's Conference, 1959

1 file

U DPW/75/45 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Jun-Aug 1955 Correspondence and report of Admiralty inspection, 1955

1 file

U DPW/75/46 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Oct 1955-May Correspondence, programme and report of 1956 Admiralty inspection, 1956

1 file

U DPW/75/47 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Oct 1955-Jul Correspondence, programme and report of 1957 Admiralty inspection, 1957

1 file

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U DPW/75/48 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Mar 1958-Jun Correspondence, programme and report of 1959 Admiralty inspection, 1958, with reports of inspections of various London Sea Scout Groups and ts. 'Brief history of the [City of Westminster] Unit'

1 file

U DPW/75/49 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Cadet Dec 1957-Mar exercise with Sunbury and Walton Unit. 1958 Correspondence and memoranda

1 file

U DPW/75/50 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Apr 1955-Dec Correspondence about guardship received from 1958 The Admiralty

1 file

U DPW/75/51 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. May-Jul 1957 Correspondence and programme of christening ceremony for Unit guardship, 'TS Daring'

1 file

U DPW/75/52 Ts. 'TS Daring. Handbook', inscribed 24 Apr 1958 'Commanding Officer's copy', City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit

1 item

U DPW/75/53 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Jul 1956-May Correspondence with Captain of 'HMS Daring', 1957 namesake of 'TS Daring'

1 file

U DPW/75/54 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Jan 1957-Jan Correspondence about visit by Sea Cadets to 1958 'HMS Daring'

1 file

U DPW/75/55 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Watch c.1958 bills for 'TS Daring'

1 file

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U DPW/75/56 Ts. 'History of the [Sea Cadet] Corps. From its 15 Feb 1951 inception until 1946'

1 item

U DPW/75/57 File. City of Westminster Sea Cadet Unit. Nov 1955-Feb Correspondence with London Scottish Cadet 1958 Company

1 file

U DPW/76 Institute of Journalists 1975-1990

U DPW/76/1 File. Institute of Journalists. Correspondence, ts. May 1975-Aug newsletters, ts. and ms. notes 1977

1 file

U DPW/76/2 File. Institute of Journalists, Fleet Street District Dec 1976-Mar cocktail party. Correspondence, and ts. and ms. 1977 notes

1 file

U DPW/76/3 File. Institute of Journalists. Ts. notes and letters Jan-Feb 1977

1 file

U DPW/76/4 File. Institute of Journalists. Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1977 especially with RJ Farmer, General Secretary, and R Hill, District Secretary, circulars and minutes of AGM of Fleet Street District

1 file

U DPW/76/5 File. Institute of Journalists. Correspondence, Feb-Jul 1978 especially with RJ Farmer, General Secretary, R Hill, District Secretary, and MPs, circulars, and agenda and minutes of AGM of Fleet Street District

1 file

U DPW/76/6 File. Institute of Journalists, 1979. Jan-Sep 1979 Correspondence, ts. newsletters, and ms. and ts. notes

1 file

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U DPW/76/7 File. Institute of Journalists. Correspondence, Sep-Dec 1979 especially with R Hill, District Secretary, circulars, and agenda and minutes of AGM of Fleet Street District

1 file

U DPW/76/8 File. Institute of Journalists. Correspondence, Jan-Oct 1980 especially with MPs, and circulars

1 file

U DPW/76/9 File. Institute of Journalists. Correspondence with Feb-Sep 1981 MPs

1 file

U DPW/76/10 File. Institute of Journalists. Correspondence, Jan-Jun 1982 especially with RJ Farmer, General Secretary, and MPs

1 file

U DPW/76/11 File. Institute of Journalists. Circulars and agenda Jan-Dec 1983 of AGM of Fleet Street District

1 file

U DPW/76/12 File. Institute of Journalists. Correspondence, Jan-Jun 1984 especially with R Hill, Fleet Street District Secretary, and circulars

1 file

U DPW/76/13 File. Institute of Journalists. Correspondence and Jan 1985 circulars

1 file

U DPW/76/14 File. Institute of Journalists. Correspondence, Feb-May 1986 especially with RJ Farmer, General Secretary, and circulars

1 file

U DPW/76/15 File. Institute of Journalists. Correspondence and Jan-Sep 1987 circulars

1 file

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U DPW/76/16 File. Institute of Journalists. Correspondence, Oct 1988-Dec especially with Wynette Freedman, Secretary of 1990 Fleet Street Region

1 file

U DPW/77 Knights of Malta 1961-1992

U DPW/77/1 File. Knights of Malta, 1963. Correspondence Jan 1961-Jul 1963 1 file

U DPW/77/2 File. Knights of Malta. Correspondence, notices of Jun 1963-Nov meetings, ts. accounts, and minutes of British 1972 Association Sovereign Military Order of Malta General Assemblies and Extraordinary General Assembly

1 file

U DPW/77/3 File. Knights of Malta, 1973. Correspondence, ts. Sep 1963-Aug accounts, notice of meeting, and minutes of British 1973 Association Sovereign Military Order of Malta General Assembly Including:

a) Bond of agreement made by Patrick Wall on election to the British Association Sovereign Military Order of Malta, 10 September 1963 b) Deed of covenant made by Patrick Wall to the British Association Sovereign Military Order of Malta, 15 January 1970 1 file

U DPW/77/4 File. Knights of Malta, 1974. Letters, ts. accounts, Jan-Jun 1974 notice of meeting and minutes of British Association Sovereign Military Order of Malta Extraordinary General Assembly

1 file

U DPW/77/5 File. Knights of Malta, 1974 - 1976. Jun 1974-Dec Correspondence, ts. newsletters, ts. accounts, 1976 minutes of British Association Sovereign Military Order of Malta General Assemblies, and of Friends of Malta GC Council meeting and AGM

1 file

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U DPW/77/6 File. Knights of Malta, 1977. Correspondence, ts. May 1976-Oct newsletter and notice of meeting 1977

1 file

U DPW/77/7 File. Knights of Malta, 1978 - 1979. Letters, Jun 1977-Jun notices of meetings, ts. newsletters, minutes of 1979 British Association Sovereign Military Order of Malta Extraordinary General Assembly and General Assemblies, and of Friends of Malta GC Council meeting

1 file

U DPW/77/8 Artificial file. British Association Sovereign Military Jun 1979-Feb Order of Malta. Correspondence, ts. accounts, ts. 1989 newsletters and minutes of General Assemblies

1 file

U DPW/77/9 File. Knights of Malta, 1980. Letters, notice of Oct 1979-Jul meeting and minutes of British Association 1980 Sovereign Military Order of Malta General

1 file

U DPW/77/10 File. Knights of Malta. Letters, ts. newsletter, Dec 1979-Feb minutes of British Association Sovereign Military 1981 Order of Malta Extraordinary General Assembly, and of Friends of Malta General Council meeting

1 file

U DPW/77/11 File. Knights of Malta, 1981. Letters, ts. newsletter Jul 1980-Nov and minutes of Friends of Malta GC Council 1981

1 file

U DPW/77/12 File. Knights of Malta, 1982. Correspondence, ts. Oct 1981-Oct newsletters, notice of meeting, minutes of of 1982 British Association Sovereign Military Order of Malta General Assembly, and of Friends of Malta GC Council meeting

1 file

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U DPW/77/13 File. Knights of Malta, 1983. Correspondence, ts. Dec 1982-Dec newsletter, minutes of British Association 1983 Sovereign Military Order of Malta General Assembly, and of Friends of Malta GC Council meeting

1 file

U DPW/77/14 Artificial file. British Association Sovereign Military Apr 1983-Jun Order of Malta. Correspondence, ts. notes, ts. 1991 accounts and notice of meeting

1 file

U DPW/77/15 File. British Association Sovereign Military Order Jan-Jul 1986 of Malta, 1986. Letters, notice of meeting and minutes of General Assembly

1 file

U DPW/77/16 File. Knights of Malta. Correspondence and ts. Jan-Dec 1987 accounts

1 file

U DPW/77/17 Artificial file. British Association Sovereign Military Jun 1987-Feb Order of Malta. Correspondence and minutes of 1992 General Assembly

1 file

U DPW/77/18 File. British Association Sovereign Military Order Oct 1988-Dec of Malta, 1988 - 1989. Correspondence and 1989 minutes of General Assembly

1 file

U DPW/77/19 File. British Association Sovereign Military Order Feb 1982-Jun of Malta. Correspondence, ts. notes, ts. 1989 newsletter, ts. accounts and minutes of General Assembly

1 file

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U DPW/78 London Scout County 1947-1967 78/1 - 12 London Scout Council 78/13 - 133 London Sea Scout Committee 78/134 - 157 London Training Team 78/158 - 162 Greater London Sea Scout and Boating Committee 78/163 - 196 London Sea Scout (later Sailing) Base 78/197 - 204 Discovery Committee 78/205 - 221 London Sailing Project 78/222 - 224 Miscellaneous bodies

U DPW/78/1 Binder. London Scout Council. Correspondence, 1948-1956 minutes of London Training Team, annual reports, reports, circulars, details of training and other activities

1 file

U DPW/78/2 Binder. 'London Sea Scouts 1'. Correspondence, 1950-1957 minutes of London Scout Council quarterly conferences, London Sea Scout Committee, General Purposes Committee and Area County Commissioners' meetings, annual reports, reports, circulars, details of training and other activities

1 file

U DPW/78/3 File. London Scout Council. Minutes of quarterly Jan 1955-Mar meetings and AGMs, with accounts for year end 1965 31 March 1955 1956 & 1957 missing 1 file

U DPW/78/4 File. London Scout Council. Minutes of quarterly Mar 1957-Mar conferences, AGM, General Purposes Committee, 1958 London Sea Scout Committee and London Training Team, with circulars and accounts

1 file

U DPW/78/5 File. London Scout Council. Agenda, minutes and Mar 1950-Dec accounts of General Purposes Committee 1953

1 file

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U DPW/78/6 File. London Scout Council. Agenda, minutes and Jan 1954-Jan accounts of General Purposes Committee 1960

1 file

U DPW/78/7 File. London Scout Council. Agenda, minutes and Jan 1960-Mar accounts of General Purposes Committee 1965

1 file

U DPW/78/8 File. Greater London Central Scout County. Jul 1965-Mar Minutes of Council, General Purposes Committee, 1966 County Training Team and Conference, with correspondence and circulars Including:

a) Letter giving details of Patrick Wall's sea scout service, 1947 - 1965, March 1966 1 file

U DPW/78/9 File. Greater London Central Scout County. Nov 1965-May Minutes of Council, General Purposes Committee, 1967 County Training Team and Conference, with correspondence, circulars, newsletters and 1st annual report

1 file

U DPW/78/10 File. Greater London North Scout County. Minutes Jan 1965-May of Council, Executive Committee, County Team, 1967 District Commissioners and AGM, newsletters, correspondence, bye - laws and 1966 Year Book

1 file

U DPW/78/11 File. Greater London South Scout County. Jan-Dec 1965 Minutes of Executive Committee, General Purposes Committee, County Team and chaplains, correspondence, newsletters, bye - laws and circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/12 File. Greater London Scout Counties. Newsletters Aug 1965-Dec of North, South and South West Counties, with 1966 limited correspondence about Patrick Wall relinquishing his warrant as Area County Commissioner

1 file

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U DPW/78/13 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Agenda and Feb-Nov 1949 minutes, with correspondence of Greville Howard, Patrick Wall's predecessor as Area County Commissioner (Sea Scouts)

1 file

U DPW/78/14 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Agenda and Apr 1949-Apr minutes, correspondence and accounts 1957

1 file

U DPW/78/15 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Agenda and May 1958-Jul minutes, correspondence and accounts 1963

1 file

U DPW/78/16 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Agenda and Feb 1963-Mar minutes, including of half yearly conferences and 1965 AGMs, with correspondence and accounts

1 file

U DPW/78/17 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Agenda and Apr 1950-Oct minutes of half yearly and quarterly conferences 1954 and AGMs, with correspondence, circulars and lists of Groups attending

1 file

U DPW/78/18 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Agenda and Aug 1950-Nov minutes, accounts, correspondence and lists of 1964 members

1 file

U DPW/78/19 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Address lists 1950-1965

1 file

U DPW/78/20 File. Greater London Scout Counties. Address list, c.1965 'Greater London directory'

1 file

U DPW/78/21 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Apr 1950-Nov Correspondence with London County 1953 Commissioner, J Murray Napier, and others, with circulars and 1951 Year Book

1 file

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U DPW/78/22 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Mar 1954-Dec Correspondence with London County 1955 Commissioner, J Murray Napier, and others, with circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/23 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Apr 1956-Feb Correspondence with London County 1962 Commissioner, J Murray Napier, and others, with circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/24 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Jan 1961-Oct Correspondence with London County 1963 Commissioner, J Murray Napier, and others, with circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/25 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Sep 1963-Dec Correspondence with London County 1964 Commissioner, J Murray Napier, and others, with circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/26 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Apr 1950-Nov Correspondence with and circulars from Boy 1963 Scouts Association Headquarters, including about the loan of boats from The Admiralty and the production of a Sea Scout newsletter

1 file

U DPW/78/27 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Issues 1 - 31 Mar 1961-Nov of 'Sea Scout News', Training Department, Boy 1966 Scouts Association, with limited correspondence

1 file

U DPW/78/28 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Jul 1961-Nov Correspondence with and circulars from Boy 1964 Scouts Association Headquarters

1 file

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U DPW/78/29 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Circulars from Jan 1965-Jun and limited correspondence with Boy Scouts 1966 Association Headquarters

1 file

U DPW/78/30 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Feb-May 1954 Correspondence and ms. notes regarding Communist members of the Boy Scouts Association Including:

a) 'A challenge to scouting. The menace of Communist Party', Boy Scouts Association, [1954] 1 file

U DPW/78/31 Binder. 'London Sea Scouts 1'. Correspondence, 1948-1951 minutes, annual reports, reports, circulars, details of training and other activities

1 file

U DPW/78/32 Binder. 'London Sea Scouts 2'. Correspondence, 1948-1951 minutes, annual reports, reports, circulars, details of training and other activities, (including regattas and Admiralty inspections), charge certificates, conference papers, lists and talks

1 file

U DPW/78/33 Binder. 'London Sea Scouts 3'. Lists of staff and 1950-1953 London Sea Scouts census sheets by area and group

1 file

U DPW/78/34 Binder. 'London Sea Scouts 4'. Lists of staff and 1950-1953 London Sea Scouts census sheets by area and group

1 file

U DPW/78/35 File. London Sea Scout Committee. 1950-1955 Correspondence, circulars, ms. notes, address lists, list of attendance by Groups at events and forms

1 file

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U DPW/78/36 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Nov 1953-Oct Miscellaneous correspondence, 1954 1955

1 file

U DPW/78/37 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Dec 1955-Oct Miscellaneous correspondence, 1956 1956

1 file

U DPW/78/38 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Aug 1957-Feb Miscellaneous correspondence, 1957 1958

1 file

U DPW/78/39 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Jan-Dec 1958 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1958

1 file

U DPW/78/40 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Jan-Oct 1959 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1959

1 file

U DPW/78/41 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Mar 1960-Mar Miscellaneous correspondence, 1960. With 1961 newsletters

1 file

U DPW/78/42 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Dec 1960-Nov Miscellaneous correspondence, 1961 1961

1 file

U DPW/78/43 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Dec 1962-Aug Miscellaneous correspondence, 1963 1963

1 file

U DPW/78/44 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Mar 1963-Nov Miscellaneous correspondence, 1964 1964

1 file

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U DPW/78/45 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Admiralty 1951-Jan 1956 inspection reports for Sea Scout Groups, copied to Patrick Wall as Area County Commissioner, with related forms and correspondence, and annual lists of inspections

1 file

U DPW/78/46 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Admiralty Jan 1956-Jun inspection reports for Sea Scout Groups, copied 1965 to Patrick Wall as Area County Commissioner, with related forms and correspondence, and annual lists of inspections

1 file

U DPW/78/47 File. London Sea Scout Committee: annual 1953 census, 1950 - 1952. Statistical analysis of returns

1 file

U DPW/78/48 File. London Sea Scout Committee: annual 1954 census, 1954. Returns from Sea Scout Groups

1 file

U DPW/78/49 File. London Sea Scout Committee: annual 1955 census, 1955. Returns from Sea Scout Groups

1 file

U DPW/78/50 File. London Sea Scout Committee: annual Dec 1959-Jan census, 1960. Forms, related correspondence and 1960 summary table of census data

1 file

U DPW/78/51 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Boat Jan 1951-Apr Registrar. Charge certificates issued by Patrick 1955 Wall and relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/78/52 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Boat Apr 1956-Jul Registrar. Charge certificates issued by Patrick 1966 Wall and relative correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/78/53 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Boat 1951-1965 Registrar. Correspondence, circulars, and blank certificates and forms

1 file

U DPW/78/54 File. London Sea Scout Committee: boats, 1962. Jan-Dec 1962 Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/78/55 File. London Sea Scout Committee: boats, 1963. Feb 1962-Nov Correspondence 1963

1 file

U DPW/78/56 File. London Sea Scout Committee: boats, 1964. Aug-Dec 1964 Correspondence (limited)

1 file

U DPW/78/57 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Admiralty Jan 1952-Feb MTBs [Motorised Torpedo Boats] 1960

1 file

U DPW/78/58 File. London Sea Scout Committee: 'TS Hardy'. Nov 1953-Jul Correspondence and press cuttings about naming 1956 ceremony, mooring and refit

1 file

U DPW/78/59 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Home Jul 1959-Dec Counties gig. Correspondence 1960

1 file

U DPW/78/60 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Normanhurst. Apr 1954-Oct Correspondence 1956

1 file

U DPW/78/61 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Boys' Jul 1951-Dec Committee. Agenda and correspondence 1964

1 file

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U DPW/78/62 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Bye - laws Feb 1951-May Sub Committee. Minutes, correspondence, 1963 circulars, drafts, amendments and final versions of bye - laws issued in 1950, 1952 & 1955

1 file

U DPW/78/63 File. London Sea Scout Committee: bye - laws. Jun 1961-Mar Correspondence, circulars and bye - laws 1963

1 file

U DPW/78/64 File. London Sea Scout Committee: bye - laws. Apr 1963-Apr Correspondence and Boy Scouts Association 1965 boating rules

1 file

U DPW/78/65 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Coronation Jan-May 1953 celebrations. Minutes of Area County Commissioners meetings, correspondence, reports and circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/66 File. London Sea Scout Committee: cruise, June May-Jul 1954 1954. Correspondence and report on the loss of the whaler 'Terra Nova'

1 file

U DPW/78/67 File. London Sea Scout Committee: cruise, Aug-Sep 1963 August 1963. Correspondence and reports

1 file

U DPW/78/68 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Easter Sep 1959-Mar parade, 1960. Minutes of Operational Sub 1960 Committee [of Easter Parade Working Party, London Publicity Committee, Great Britain Travel and Holidays Association], correspondence and official programme

1 file

U DPW/78/69 File. London Sea Scout Committee: emergency Feb 1953-Jan organisation. Correspondence, ts. notes and 1959 returns from Groups

1 file

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U DPW/78/70 File. London Sea Scout Committee: emergency Jan 1961-Jan organisation. Correspondence and ts. notes 1965

1 file

U DPW/78/71 File. London Sea Scout Committee: events. Sep 1950-Nov Circulars and programmes 1954

1 file

U DPW/78/72 File. London Sea Scout Committee: events, 1951. Jan 1951 Programme and application forms for Senior Sea Scout weekend

1 file

U DPW/78/73 File. London Sea Scout Committee: events, 1952. Feb-Oct 1952 Programmes, correspondence and application forms for Senior Sea Scout and Sea Scout weekends

1 file

U DPW/78/74 File. London Sea Scout Committee: events, 1953. Feb-Nov 1953 Programmes, correspondence and application forms for Senior Sea Scout and Sea Scout weekends and for charge certificate course

1 file

U DPW/78/75 File. London Sea Scout Committee: events, 1956. Aug 1956-Sep Correspondence (limited) 1956

1 file

U DPW/78/76 File. London Sea Scout Committee: events, 1957. Oct 1956-Jan Correspondence 1957

1 file

U DPW/78/77 File. London Sea Scout Committee: events, 1958. Feb-Nov 1958 Correspondence (limited)

1 file

U DPW/78/78 File. London Sea Scout Committee: events, 1959. Mar 1958-Mar Correspondence and circulars 1960

1 file

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U DPW/78/79 File. London Sea Scout Committee: events, 1960. Nov 1959-May Correspondence and circulars 1960

1 file

U DPW/78/80 File. London Sea Scout Committee: events, 1961. Dec 1960-Oct Correspondence and circulars, including for AGM 1961

1 file

U DPW/78/81 File. London Sea Scout Committee: events, 1962. Jan-Sep 1962 Correspondence and circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/82 File. London Sea Scout Committee: events, 1963. Feb-Sep 1963 Correspondence and circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/83 File. London Sea Scout Committee: events, 1964. Dec 1963-Sep Correspondence 1964

1 file

U DPW/78/84 File. London Sea Scout Committee: events, 1965. Oct 1964-Jan Correspondence 1965

1 file

U DPW/78/85 File. London Sea Scout Committee: finance. Mar 1960-Mar Accounts and related correspondence 1964

1 file

U DPW/78/86 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Group Scout Oct 1960-Jan Masters' Conference 1961. Correspondence, 1962 programme, attendance forms and papers for discussion

1 file

U DPW/78/87 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Group Scout Jan 1962 Masters' Conference 1962. Correspondence, programme, attendance forms and papers for discussion

1 file

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U DPW/78/88 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Group Scout Jan-Feb 1963 Masters' Conference 1963. Correspondence, programme, attendance forms and papers for discussion

1 file

U DPW/78/89 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Group Scout Aug 1963-Feb Masters' Conference 1964. Correspondence, 1964 programme, attendance forms and papers for discussion

1 file

U DPW/78/90 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Group Scout Dec 1964-Jan Masters' Conference 1965. Correspondence, 1965 programme, attendance forms and papers for discussion

1 file

U DPW/78/91 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Papers Jan-Dec 1963 circulated by Patrick Wall as Area County Commissioner Sea Scouts (London)

1 file

U DPW/78/92 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Papers Jan-Mar 1964 circulated by Patrick Wall as Area County Commissioner Sea Scouts (London)

1 file

U DPW/78/93 File. London Sea Scout Committee. Papers Jan-Aug 1965 circulated by Patrick Wall as Area County Commissioner Sea Scouts (London)

1 file

U DPW/78/94 File. London Sea Scout Committee: International Feb-Nov 1951 Patrol Camp, September 1951. Minutes of Headquarters Committee and meetings of Area Sub Camp Leaders, correspondence, circulars, official brochure, programmes and daily orders

1 file

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U DPW/78/95 File. London Sea Scout Committee: International Feb-May 1955 Patrol Camp, August 1955. Minutes of meetings of Headquarters staff, and of the latter with Sub Camp Leaders

1 file

U DPW/78/96 File. London Sea Scout Committee: International Feb-Aug 1955 Patrol Camp, August 1955. Correspondence, circulars, accounts, official brochure and daily orders Including:

a) Letters (2) from Earl Mountbatten of Burma, 24 February & 4 March 1955 1 file

U DPW/78/97 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Jamboree Jun 1956-Jul Indaba Moot, August 1957. Correspondence with 1957 County officers and International Headquarters, Boy Scouts Association, and circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/98 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Jamboree Oct 1956-Aug Indaba Moot, August 1957. Circular letters to 1957 London Sea Scout JIM Troop, parents and Group Scout Masters

1 file

U DPW/78/99 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Jamboree Dec 1956-Jul Indaba Moot, August 1957. Correspondence, 1957 circulars and notes about London Sea Scout JIM Troop meetings

1 file

U DPW/78/100 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Jamboree Dec 1956-Aug Indaba Moot, August 1957. Correspondence 1957 about Sea Scout display at JIM

1 file

U DPW/78/101 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Jamboree 1957 Indaba Moot, August 1957. Lists of names and addresses of London Sea Scout JIM Troop

1 file

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U DPW/78/102 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Jamboree Feb-Jul 1957 Indaba Moot, August 1957. Correspondence about sub - aqua training for members of London Sea Scout JIM Troop

1 file

U DPW/78/103 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Jamboree Jul 1957-Nov Indaba Moot, August 1957. Accounts, with related 1960 correspondence and circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/104 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Jamboree Aug 1957 Indaba Moot, August 1957. Official programme and other handbooks and souvenir publications

1 file

U DPW/78/105 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Jamboree Jul-Aug 1957 Indaba Moot, August 1957. Ts. daily orders, Godollo camp, JIM

1 file

U DPW/78/106 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Jamboree Aug 1957 Indaba Moot, August 1957. Thank you letters sent to participants and report on performance of London Sea Scout JIM Troop by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/78/107 File. London Sea Scout Committee: meet, 1951. May-Jun 1951 Correspondence and application forms from Groups

1 file

U DPW/78/108 File. London Sea Scout Committee: meet, 1952. May 1952-Jun Correspondence and application forms from 1952 Groups

1 file

U DPW/78/109 File. London Sea Scout Committee: meet, 1953. Jan-Jun 1953 Correspondence and circulars

1 file

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U DPW/78/110 File. London Sea Scout Committee: meet, 1954. Mar 1954-Mar Correspondence and circulars 1955

1 file

U DPW/78/111 File. London Sea Scout Committee: meet, 1955. Mar-Nov 1955 Correspondence and circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/112 File. London Sea Scout Committee: meet, 1956. Apr-May 1956 Correspondence and circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/113 File. London Sea Scout Committee: meet, 1957. Mar 1956-Jun Correspondence and circulars 1957

1 file

U DPW/78/114 File. London Sea Scout Committee: meet, 1958. Mar-Nov 1958 Correspondence (limited)

1 file

U DPW/78/115 File. London Sea Scout Committee: meet, 1959. Nov 1958-Jun Correspondence and circulars 1959

1 file

U DPW/78/116 File. London Sea Scout Committee: meet, 1960. Jul 1959-Sep Correspondence and circulars 1960 Including:

a) Letter from Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Admiral of the Fleet, 7 June 1960 1 file

U DPW/78/117 File. London Sea Scout Committee: meet, 1961. Dec 1960-Sep Correspondence, circulars and programme 1961

1 file

U DPW/78/118 File. London Sea Scout Committee: meet, 1962. Dec 1961-May Correspondence, circulars and programme 1962

1 file

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U DPW/78/119 File. London Sea Scout Committee: meet, 1963. Sep 1962-Jun Correspondence 1963

1 file

U DPW/78/120 File. London Sea Scout Committee: moorings. Jun 1950-Feb Correspondence and lists 1962

1 file

U DPW/78/121 File. London Sea Scout Committee: moorings, Dec 1963-Dec 1964. Correspondence and lists 1964

1 file

U DPW/78/122 File. London Sea Scout Committee: moorings, Jan-Nov 1965 1965. Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/78/123 File. London Sea Scout Committee: moorings, Mar-Oct 1966 1966. Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/78/124 File. London Sea Scout Committee: national sea Dec 1966-Oct scout cruise, July 1967. Correspondence, 1967 information sheets, diagrams and forms

1 file

U DPW/78/125 File. London Sea Scout Committee: regatta, 1950. Aug-Sep 1950 Correspondence and circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/126 File. London Sea Scout Committee: regatta, 1951. Sep-Dec 1951 Correspondence and circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/127 File. London Sea Scout Committee: regatta, 1952. May 1952-Jan Correspondence and circulars 1953

1 file

U DPW/78/128 File. London Sea Scout Committee: regatta, 1953. Feb-Jul 1953 Correspondence, circulars and programme

1 file

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U DPW/78/129 File. London Sea Scout Committee: regatta, 1955. Feb-Nov 1955 Correspondence, circulars and programme

1 file

U DPW/78/130 File. London Sea Scout Committee: regattas, May 1956-Sep 1956 - 1963. Correspondence, circulars and 1963 programmes

1 file

U DPW/78/131 File. London Sea Scout Committee: regatta, 1964. Apr-Jul 1964 Correspondence and programme

1 file

U DPW/78/132 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Sea Ranger Mar-May 1960 and Sea Scout parade, May 1960. Correspondence and memorandum

1 file

U DPW/78/133 File. London Sea Scout Committee: Sea Rangers. Oct 1961-Jan Correspondence 1962

1 file

U DPW/78/134 File. London Training Team. Correspondence Dec 1947-Jun about Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course 1953 for Sea Scouts run by Patrick Wall, with test papers and sample answers

1 file

U DPW/78/135 File. London Training Team. Correspondence Nov 1948-Dec about Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course 1964 for Sea Scouts

1 file

U DPW/78/136 File. London Training Team. Agenda and minutes, Dec 1948-Feb papers for discussion about Wood Badge, 1965 correspondence, circulars and statistics

1 file

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U DPW/78/137 File. London Training Team: Gilwell Park. 1948-1965 Circulars and newsletters from Camp Chief, and correspondence about conferences and courses for Scouters

1 file

U DPW/78/138 File. London Training Team: technical courses. Mar 1952-Nov Correspondence, programmes, circulars, ms. 1958 notes and application forms for Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course

1 file

U DPW/78/139 File. London Training Team. Correspondence and Nov 1961-Sep circulars 1965

1 file

U DPW/78/140 File. London Training Team. Correspondence and Sep-Nov 1963 ms. notes about Senior Scouts course

1 file

U DPW/78/141 File. Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course for 1959 Sea Scouts. New syllabus, ms. notes and ts. 'Handbook of Wood Badge Preliminary Training for Sea Scouters', 2nd edition

1 file

U DPW/78/142 File. Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course for c.1960 Sea Scouts. Ms. course notes and sample application forms

1 file

U DPW/78/143 File. Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course for Mar 1950 Sea Scouts, March 1950. Programme

1 file

U DPW/78/144 File. Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course for Mar-Dec 1951 Sea Scouts, February 1951. Programme and correspondence

1 file

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U DPW/78/145 File. Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course for Feb-Apr 1952 Sea Scouts, February 1952. Correspondence

1 file

U DPW/78/146 File. Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course for Jan-Nov 1954 Sea Scouts, February 1954. Correspondence, programme, list of participants and report of course by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/78/147 File. Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course for Jan-Apr 1955 Sea Scouts, February 1955. Correspondence, programme, list of participants and report of course by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/78/148 File. Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course for Aug 1955-May Sea Scouts, February 1956. Correspondence and 1956 programme

1 file

U DPW/78/149 File. Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course for Oct-Dec 1956 Sea Scouts, October 1956. Correspondence, programme, list of participants and report of course by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/78/150 File. Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course for Sep 1957-Feb Sea Scouts, November 1957. Correspondence, 1958 programme, list of participants and report of course by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/78/151 File. Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course for Sep-Nov 1958 Sea Scouts, October 1958. Correspondence, programme, list of participants and report of course by Patrick Wall

1 file

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U DPW/78/152 File. Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course for Oct-Dec 1959 Sea Scouts, October - November 1959. Correspondence, programme, list of participants and report of course by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/78/153 File. Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course for Feb 1961-Feb Sea Scouts, February & November 1961. 1962 Correspondence, programme, list of participants and report of course by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/78/154 File. Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course for Jan-Sep 1964 Sea Scouts, February 1964. Correspondence, programme, list of participants and report of course by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/78/155 File. Wood Badge Preliminary Training Course for Oct 1965-Jan Sea Scouts, November 1965. Correspondence, 1966 programme, list of participants and report of course by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/78/156 File. Patrol Leaders' Course, October 1956. Jun-Oct 1956 Correspondence and programmes

1 file

U DPW/78/157 File. Patrol Leaders' Course, December 1956. Nov 1956-Mar Correspondence and programmes 1957

1 file

U DPW/78/158 File. 'Greater London plan'. Correspondence and Feb 1964-Apr minutes of Greater London Sea Scout Liaison 1965 Committee about the organisation of Scouting in London

1 file

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U DPW/78/159 File. 'County Commissioner's meeting, December Sep 1965-Mar 1965'. Correspondence, constitution of Greater 1966 London Sea Scout and Boating Committee and papers for discussion wtih County Commissioner about establishment and role of Committee

1 file

U DPW/78/160 File. Greater London Sea Scout and Boating Nov 1964-Feb Committee. Minutes, including of Greater London 1966 Sea Scout Liaison Committtee, and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/78/161 File. Greater London Sea Scout and Boating Feb-Jul 1966 Committee. Agenda and minutes, correspondence and circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/162 File. Greater London Sea Scout and Boating Mar 1966 Committee: bye - laws. Drafts and final version

1 file

U DPW/78/163 File. Thames Youth Venture. Correspondence, Jan 1951-Nov circulars, sketch maps, reports and list of 1955 members of Advisory Committee, about scheme for development of Sea Scout and youth base on River Thames

1 file

U DPW/78/164 File. London Sea Scout Base. Reports, Jul 1961-Jul correspondence and circulars about 1962 reorganisation of London Sea Scouts, London Mobile Training Team and formation of London Sea Scout Rover Service Crew

1 file

U DPW/78/165 File. London Sea Scout Base. Reports and Oct 1961-Sep correspondence, with architectural plan and black 1962 and white photographs (3) of site

1 file

U DPW/78/166 File. London Sea Scout Base. Correspondence Nov 1961-Mar 1962 1 file

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U DPW/78/167 File. London Sea Scout Base. Development plans, Mar 1962-Jul progress reports, circulars, nominal lists and 1964 correspondence

1 file

U DPW/78/168 File. London Sea Scout Base. Correspondence Apr 1962-Aug with landlords of site for Base, Holloway Brothers, 1964 157 Millbank Including architectural plans (3) and black and white photographs (8) of site 1 file

U DPW/78/169 File. London Sea Scout Base. Correspondence Aug-Nov 1963 and rosta for working parties

1 file

U DPW/78/170 File. London Sea Scout Base: open day. Sep-Oct 1963 Programme, list of attendees and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/78/171 File. London Sea Scout Base: official opening. Oct-Dec 1963 Press release, lists of attendees, correspondence and black and white photograph

1 file

U DPW/78/172 File. London Sea Scout Base: Committee, 1963. Jul-Nov 1963 Minutes, correspondence and application forms for London County Council grants

1 file

U DPW/78/173 File. London Sea Scout Base: Committee, 1964. Dec 1963-Nov Minutes, accounts, correspondence and circulars 1964

1 file

U DPW/78/174 File. London Sea Scout Base: Committee, 1965. May 1962-Dec Minutes, accounts and correspondence 1965

1 file

U DPW/78/175 File. London Sea Scout/Sailing Base: Committee, Aug 1965-May 1966. Minutes, accounts and correspondence 1966

1 file

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U DPW/78/176 File. London Sea Scout Base. Correspondence Dec 1964-Aug with the Trustees of the London Scout Council, 1966 with accounts, minutes and circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/177 File. London Sea Scout Base. Correspondence May 1962-Jan about finance, with accounts 1967

1 file

U DPW/78/178 File. London Sea Scout Base. Correspondence Nov 1962-Aug about obtaining grants, with accounts 1964

1 file

U DPW/78/179 File. London Sea Scout Base. Correspondence Jan 1963-Jul about obtaining grant from Thames Youth Venture 1966

1 file

U DPW/78/180 File. London Sea Scout Base. Correspondence Dec 1963-Apr about obtaining grant from Thames Youth Venture 1965

1 file

U DPW/78/181 File. London Sea Scout Base: training, 1963. Sep 1962-Dec Correspondence, training programmes and course 1963 details

1 file

U DPW/78/182 File. London Sea Scout Base: training, 1964. Jan 1963-Mar Monthly training programmes and circulars 1964

1 file

U DPW/78/183 File. London Sea Scout Base: training, 1965. Jan-Dec 1965 Training programmes, summaries of training, correspondence and circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/184 File. London Sea Scout Base: training, 1966. Jan-Dec 1966 Training programmes (limited)

1 file

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U DPW/78/185 File. London Sea Scout Base: training crew. Sep 1964-Sep Correspondence and nominal lists 1965

1 file

U DPW/78/186 File. London Sea Scout Base: personnel. Oct 1963-Nov Correspondence, circulars and nominal lists 1964

1 file

U DPW/78/187 File. London Sea Scout Base: watchkeepers. Jul 1964-May Correspondence, rotas and notes 1965

1 file

U DPW/78/188 File. London Sea Scout Base. Correspondence Dec 1963-Oct 1964 1 file

U DPW/78/189 File. London Sea Scout Base. Correspondence Jan 1965-Jan 1966 1 file

U DPW/78/190 File. London Sea Scout Base. Correspondence Mar 1964-May with Dawn Craft (Wroxham) 1965

1 file

U DPW/78/191 File. London Sea Scout Base. Correspondence Jan-Sep 1965 about boats, black and white photographs (3) and plan of gig

1 file

U DPW/78/192 File. London River Project. Correspondence and 1963-1966 annual reports

1 file

U DPW/78/193 File. London Sea Scout Base. Correspondence Feb-Nov 1964 about new temporary base

1 file

U DPW/78/194 File. London Sea Scout Base. Correspondence Mar 1964-Mar about new base 1966 With architectural plans (5) and planning application 1 file

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U DPW/78/195 File. London Sailing Base. Correspondence about Nov 1965-May clearance of old Sea Scout Base, minutes of 1966 Committee and list of equipment owned

1 file

U DPW/78/196 File. London Sailing Base. Correspondence about Mar-Sep 1966 loss of davits on loan from The Admiralty

1 file

U DPW/78/197 File. RRS Discovery. Correspondence about its Jun 1952-Mar future use by the Scout movement 1955

1 file

U DPW/78/198 File. Discovery Committee. Minutes, Mar 1960-Sep correspondence and circulars 1962

1 file

U DPW/78/199 File. Discovery Committee. Correspondence Jun 1961-Apr 1964 1 file

U DPW/78/200 File. Discovery Committee. Minutes and Apr 1963-Oct correspondence 1964

1 file

U DPW/78/201 File. Discovery Committee. Agenda and minutes, Jan 1965-Apr correspondence, circulars and reports 1966

1 file

U DPW/78/202 File. Discovery Committee. Accounts and related Jul 1961-Mar correspondence 1965

1 file

U DPW/78/203 File.. Discovery Committee. Correspondence Mar-Jul 1964 about use of 'HMS Discovery'

1 file

U DPW/78/204 File. Thames Training Scheme [Sub Committee of Dec 1965-Feb Discovery Committee]. Correspondence, minutes 1967 and accounts

1 file

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U DPW/78/205 File. London Sailing Project. Correspondence and Nov 1960-Feb notes of meeting establishing the Project 1961

1 file

U DPW/78/206 File. London Sailing Project. Minutes, reports, Jan 1961-Jan correspondence and circulars 1962

1 file

U DPW/78/207 File. London Sailing Project. Correspondence and Jan-Sep 1962 circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/208 File. London Sailing Project. Minutes and Oct 1962-May correspondence 1963

1 file

U DPW/78/209 File. London Sailing Project. Minutes, Jan-Dec 1963 correspondence and circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/210 File. London Sailing Project. Correspondence, Nov 1963-Dec circulars, annual report, accounts of Rona Trust, 1964 publicity brochure and black and white photographs of Rona and Lily Maid (2)

1 file

U DPW/78/211 File. London Sailing Project. Correspondence and Dec 1964-Jun circulars 1965

1 file

U DPW/78/212 File. London Sailing Project. Correspondence, Dec 1965-Feb circulars, publicity brochure and colour 1967 photograph of yacht

1 file

U DPW/78/213 File. London Sailing Project: Rona Trustees. Apr-Dec 1965 Correspondence and accounts of Rona Trust Settlement

1 file

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U DPW/78/214 File. London Sailing Project: Rona allocations. Jan-Dec 1964 Correspondence and circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/215 File. London Sailing Project: Rona allocations. Jan-Nov 1965 Correspondence and circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/216 File. London Sailing Project: Lily Maid allocations. Jan-Jul 1964 Correspondence and circulars

1 file

U DPW/78/217 File. London Sailing Project: Lily Maid allocations. Dec 1964-Apr Correspondence and circulars 1965

1 file

U DPW/78/218 File. Sail Training Association. Correspondence Sep-Nov 1965 and circulars about watchleaders from the London Sailing Project selected for schooner, 'Sir Winston Churchill', with press cuttings

1 file

U DPW/78/219 File. International Sail Training Race. Jan 1960-Jan Correspondence and circulars about London Sea 1961 Scout entry

1 file

U DPW/78/220 File. International Sail Training Race. Jan-Sep 1962 Correspondence and circulars about London Sea Scout entry

1 file

U DPW/78/221 File. International Sail Training Race. Sep 1962-Mar Correspondence and circulars about London Sea 1965 Scout entry

1 file

U DPW/78/222 File. 'What's next' newsletters for London Senior Jan 1949-Dec Scouts, nos. 30 - 62 1951

1 file

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U DPW/78/223 File. Kent, Solent, Surrey and Sussex Sea Scout Mar 1952-Feb Committees. Minutes, reports, correspondence, 1962 circulars and boating rules

1 file

U DPW/78/224 File. Area County Commissioners Sea Scouts Feb 1953-Jul (Home Counties). Minutes of meetings nos. 1 - 22, 1964 with related papers and correspondence Including:

a) Report. 'Sea Scouts' [about the relationship with the Scout movement as a whole], Patrick Wall, December 1959 1 file

U DPW/79 London Scout and Guide Underwater Association 1954-1966

U DPW/79/1 File. 35th Westminster Sea Scout Branch of the Oct 1954-Jul British Sub Aqua Club . Correspondence 1955

1 file

U DPW/79/2 File. 35th Westminster Sea Scout Branch of the Jul 1955-Jul British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence, circulars 1956 and minutes

1 file

U DPW/79/3 File. 35th Westminster Sea Scout Branch of the Nov 1956-Oct British Sub Aqua Club. Committee minutes and 1958 correspondence with the British Sub Aqua Club Including:

a) 'The Scout', vol. LII, no. 22, 30 November 1956 b) Exercise book. 'Log of weekend trip to Longridge camp, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, 14 - 16 December 1956' 1 file

U DPW/79/4 File. 35th Westminster Sea Scout Branch of the Oct 1957-Mar British Sub Aqua Club. Correspondence with the 1960 British Sub Aqua Club, agenda of AGM and ts. history of branch

1 file

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U DPW/79/5 File. 35th Westminster Sea Scout Branch of the Oct 1958-Apr British Sub Aqua Club: Skin Diving Camp. 1959 Correspondence, programme, report and press cuttings Including:

a) Pamphlet. 'Skin diving for boys', Wyndham Davies, no date 1 file

U DPW/79/6 File. 35th Westminster Sea Scout Branch of the Dec 1959-Mar British Sub Aqua Club: Skin Diving Camp. 1960 Correspondence, circulars and report about camp instructors' training

1 file

U DPW/79/7 File. 35th Westminster Sea Scout Branch of the Mar-Jun 1960 British Sub Aqua Club: Skin Diving Camp. Programme and correspondence

1 file

U DPW/79/8 File. London Scout and Guide Underwater Mar-Dec 1960 Association. Correspondence and newsletters

1 file

U DPW/79/9 File. London Scout and Guide Underwater May 1960-Nov Association. Correspondence, newsletters, 1961 circulars and 1st annual report

1 file

U DPW/79/10 File. London Scout and Guide Underwater Jan-Apr 1962 Association. Newsletter and circulars

1 file

U DPW/79/11 File. London Scout and Guide Underwater Feb-Jul 1963 Association. Correspondence about instructors' course held in Spain, including with the Anglo Spanish Aquatic Club

1 file

U DPW/79/12 File. London Scout and Guide Underwater Jan-Sep 1964 Association. Correspondence and committee minutes

1 file

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U DPW/79/13 File. London Scout and Guide Underwater Feb-Nov 1965 Association. Correspondence and information sheets

1 file

U DPW/79/14 File. London Scout and Guide Underwater May 1966 Association. Limited correspondence

1 file

U DPW/80 Royal Yacht Squadron 1960-1992

U DPW/80/1 Artificial file. Royal Yacht Squadron. Letters, Apr 1960-Jul accounts, notices and reports of meetings and ts. 1965 lists of members

1 file

U DPW/80/2 File. Royal Yacht Squadron. Letters, accounts, Feb 1966-Sep notices and reports of meetings and ts. list of 1967 members

1 file

U DPW/80/3 File. Royal Yacht Squadron. Correspondence, ts. Feb 1968-Aug lists of members, notices and report of meetings 1969

1 file

U DPW/80/4 File. Royal Yacht Squadron. Letters, notices and Feb-Jul 1970 report of meetings, and ts. list of members

1 file

U DPW/80/5 File. Royal Yacht Squadron. Letters, notices and Feb-Jul 1971 reports of meetings

1 file

U DPW/80/6 File. Royal Yacht Squadron. Letters, notice and Feb-Aug 1972 reports of meetings, and accounts

1 file

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U DPW/80/7 File. Royal Yacht Squadron. Correspondence, ts. May 1972-Aug lists of members, notices and reports of meetings, 1977 accounts and fixture list Including:

a) Ts. newsletter. Royal Naval Sailing Association, January 1976 1 file

U DPW/80/8 File. Royal Yacht Squadron. Letters, notices of May 1974-May meetings and ts. list of members 1975

1 file

U DPW/80/9 File. Royal Yacht Squadron. Accounts, Jan 1978-Aug correspondence, notices and reports of meetings 1979 and lists of members

1 file

U DPW/80/10 File. Royal Yacht Squadron. Correspondence, Feb-Sep 1980 circulars, ts. notes, notices and report of meetings, and accounts

1 file

U DPW/80/11 File. Royal Yacht Squadron. Circulars, ts. notes, Dec 1980-Aug accounts, notice and report of meeting 1981

1 file

U DPW/80/12 File. Royal Yacht Squadron. Circulars, reports of Jan-Sep 1982 meetings and ts. notes

1 file

U DPW/80/13 File. Royal Yacht Squadron. Correspondence, Jan-Nov 1983 circulars, ts. notes, notices and reports of meetings, accounts and published list of members

1 file

U DPW/80/14 File. Royal Yacht Squadron. Circulars, reports of Jan 1984-Jul meeting, accounts and published list of members 1985

1 file

U DPW/80/15 File. Royal Yacht Squadron. Circulars, notices and Jan-Sep 1986 reports of meetings, ts. notes and accounts

1 file

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U DPW/80/16 File. Royal Yacht Squadron. Circulars, reports of Jan-Nov 1987 meetings, ts. notes and accounts

1 file

U DPW/80/17 File. Royal Yacht Squadron. Circulars, reports of Feb-Dec 1988 meetings and accounts

1 file

U DPW/80/18 Artificial file. Royal Yacht Squadron. Notices and Feb 1990-May reports of meetings, list of members and accounts 1992

1 file

U DPW/81 CB Radio 1978-1987

U DPW/81/1 File. CB radio. Ts. notes, correspondence, Jul 1980-Dec newsletter and report regarding the legalisation of 1981 CB radio. Includes minutes of National Council for the Legalisation of CB Radio and the Advisory Committee on Radio Interference

1 file

U DPW/81/2 File. CB radio. Correspondence and ts. papers Feb 1981-Nov regarding the legalisation of CB radio and 1983 regulation issues, with ts. article 'The campaign for the legalisation of CB radio', by Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/81/3 File. CB radio 1981. Correspondence regarding Nov-Nov 1981 the legalisation of CB radio issues and petition regarding frequency allocation

1 file

U DPW/81/4 File. CB radio. Correspondence, National Council May-Nov 1982 for the Legalisation of CB Radio press releases and reports relating to the legalisation of CB radio and regulation issues

1 file

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U DPW/81/5 File. CB radio 1982. Correspondence, ts. paper Feb 1982-Oct and statement regarding CB radio legalisation and 1983 regulation issues. Also includes constitution and newsletter of REACT

1 file

U DPW/81/6 File. CB radio 1983/1984. Correspondence and Mar 1983-Apr written parliamentary questions regarding CB 1984 radio legislation, with press cutting of article 'The campaign for the legislation of CB radio', Patrick Wall, in 'CB Radio', April 1983

1 file

U DPW/81/7 File. CB radio 1984/1985. Correspondence May 1984-Feb regarding CB legislation and regulation, 1986 monitoring service brochure and Department of Trade and Industry information sheets

1 file

U DPW/81/8 File. CB radio 1986. Correspondence, minutes of Nov 1980-Apr the National Council for the Legalisation of CB 1987 Radio and parliamentary CB committee, written parliamentary questions, transcript of interview with Patrick Wall for 'On the side', ts. statement and ts. draft article 'The campaign for the legalisation of CB radio', Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/81/9 File. CB radio. Correspondence and monitoring Jun 1985-Jan service papers and study regarding short range 1987 radio

1 file

U DPW/81/10 File. CB radio 1987. Correspondence regarding Jan-May 1987 CB radio legislation and reports of the Association for British Citizens' Band

1 file

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U DPW/81/11 File. CB radio: national and parliamentary Sep 1978-Aug committees letters 1981. Correspondence and ts. 1981 and ms. background notes regarding the legalisation of CB radio. Also includes agenda and minutes of National Council for the Legalisation of CB Radio and reports regarding CB interference

1 file

U DPW/81/12 File. CB radio: letters. Correspondence regarding Jun 1979-Jun the legalisation of CB radio and report by 1981 Consumers' Association

1 file

U DPW/81/13 File. CB radio: letters. Correspondence and ts. Nov 1980-Oct notes regarding the legalisation of CB radio. Also 1981 includes report of proceedings of the Advisory Committee on Radio Interference

1 file

U DPW/81/14 File. CB radio: letters. Correspondence and ts. May-Dec 1981 and ms. background notes regarding the legalisation of CB radio. Also includes reports of the Directorate of Radio Technology and the Radio Users Association

1 file

U DPW/81/15 File. CB radio: letters 1982. Correspondence, Nov 1981-Nov newsletter and ts. notes regarding the legalisation 1982 of CB radio

1 file

U DPW/81/16 File. CB radio: correspondence with ministers Sep-Dec 1982 1982. Correspondence, House of Commons Library research notes, ms. notes and memorandum from the Directorate of Radio Technology

1 file

U DPW/81/17 File. CB radio: correspondence with ministers Nov 1982-Nov 1983. Correspondence, written parliamentary 1983 questions and House of Commons Library research notes regarding CB radio legislation

1 file

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U DPW/81/18 File. CB radio: letters 1983. Correspondence Dec 1982-Oct regarding CB legislation and regulation 1983

1 file

U DPW/81/19 File. Advisory Committee on Radio Interference. Aug 1980-Nov Correspondence, reports, minutes, discussion 1981 document and ts. background notes

1 file

U DPW/81/20 File. Advisory Committee on Radio Interference Jan 1979-Jun and National Council for the Legalisation of CB 1981 Radio. Agenda, minutes, correspondence, ts. background notes and report

1 file

U DPW/81/21 File. Advisory Committee on Radio Interference Mar 1980-Nov and National Council for the Legalisation of CB 1982 Radio. Correspondence, ts. and ms. notes, reports of the Communications Crisis Committee, minutes and ts. draft article 'Why citizens' radio is a must', Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/81/22 File. National Council for the Legalisation of CB Nov 1982-Dec Radio. Correspondence regarding CB legislation 1983 and associations, and interview for 'On the side'. Also includes minutes of the Citizens Band Council

1 file

U DPW/81/23 File. National Council for the Legalisation of CB Nov 1980 Radio. Response to the Home Office green paper regarding the legalisation of CB radio

1 file

U DPW/81/24 File. CB radio organisations. Correspondence, ts. Feb 1979-Jul submission to the Home Office, newsletters and 1981 proceedings of a meeting of the UK Citizens Band Campaign. Also includes papers of the CB Association and the Mobile Radio Users Association

1 file

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U DPW/81/25 File. CB radio firms. Correspondence, ts. notes, Feb 1979-Jun newsletter and information documents 1981

1 file

U DPW/81/26 File. CB radio: key papers 1979. Correspondence May-Dec 1979 and ms. notes regarding CB legislation and the CB parliamentary committee

1 file

U DPW/81/27 File. CB radio: key papers 1980. Home Office Nov 1979-Dec discussion document, Open channel and relative 1980 correspondence

1 file

U DPW/81/28 File. CB radio: key papers 1981. Correspondence, Feb 1981-Oct reports and written parliamentary questions 1982 regarding CB legislation. Also includes minutes of National Council for the Legalisation of CB Radio and the Advisory Committee on Radio Interference

1 file

U DPW/81/29 File. CB radio: key papers. Correspondence with Apr-Dec 1981 Tim Raison MP and William Whitelaw MP, ts. notes and draft report regarding CB legislation and regulation

1 file

U DPW/82 UFOs: 1955 - 1991 1955-1991

U DPW/82/1 File. UFOs. Correspondence about UFOs, Apr 1955-Aug including with Waveney Girvan of the British 1964 Flying Saucer Bureau, later the Flying Saucer Club, with rules, circulars and publicity material issued by the Bureau

1 file

U DPW/82/2 File. UFOs. Circulars from the London Feb-Sep 1960 Unidentified Flying Object Research Organisation and the British Interplanetary Society

1 file

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U DPW/82/3 File. UFOs. Correspondence about UFOs with Jun-Sep 1962 Waveney Girvan of the Flying Saucer Club and Julian Risdale MP, Air Ministry

1 file

U DPW/82/4 File. UFOs. Correspondence about UFOs, mainly Apr 1964-Jun with Waveney Girvan of the Flying Saucer Club, 1966 and background paper

1 file

U DPW/82/5 File. UFOs. Ts. 'NICAP Chronicles' (newsletters of Mar 1967-Aug the National Investigation Committee for Aerial 1968 Phenomena: Great Britain), with relative correspondence

1 file

U DPW/82/6 File. UFOs. Correspondence about UFOs, mainly Aug 1970-Oct with Julian Hennessey of the NICAP European 1972 Sub Committee [National Investigation Committee for Aerial Phenomena]

1 file

U DPW/82/7 File. UFOs. Correspondence about UFOs, mainly Nov 1979-Nov with the Earl of Clancarty regarding an All Party 1983 UFO Study Group

1 file

U DPW/82/8 File. British UFO Research Association. Dec 1987-Mar Correspondence with John Spencer, 'The Journal 1989 of Transient Aerial Phenomena' (3), and 'British UFO Research Association Bulletin' (4)

1 file

U DPW/82/9 File. British UFO Research Association: May 1989 international meeting, July 1989. General information sheets, 'MUFON Journal' nos. 258, 255, correspondence, 'UFO Times' nos. 2 - 4, programmes, abduction forum questionnaire, ts. notes and ts. and ms. drafts of opening speech by Patrick Wall

1 file

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U DPW/82/10 File. British UFO Research Association. 'UFO Jan-Nov 1990 Times' nos. 5 - 10

1 file

U DPW/82/11 File. British UFO Research Association. Jan-Nov 1990 Correspondence, minutes of the council of British UFO Research Association, ts. and ms. notes and ts. draft extracts from 'The UFO encyclopaedia' by John Spencer

1 file

U DPW/82/12 File. British UFO Research Association. Agenda, Apr 1989-Sep minutes, reports of the director of research and 1991 treasurer, annual report and accounts, 'MUFON UFO Journal' no. 253, UFO Times nos. 11, 12, 14, correspondence and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/82/13 Proceedings of Mutual UFO Network international Jul 1991 symposium, Chicago, Illinois

1 bundle

U DPW/82/14 File. UFOs. Correspondence regarding UFO Jun 1986-Feb sightings 1987

1 file

U DPW/82/15 File. UFO congress, Sheffield, August 1991. IF, 1989-Aug 1991 bulletin of Intruders Foundation, no. 1, 'MUFON UFO Journal' no. 278, 'UFO Times' no. 13, articles on UFO abduction phenomenon, correspondence, programme of 6th international congress, 'UFOs: the global view', ms. notes and British UFO Research Association annual report and statements of accounts 1989 - 1990

1 file

U DPW/83 Yachts 1948-1965

U DPW/83/1 File. House of Commons Yacht Club. Jul 1956-Jul 1957 Correspondence, ts. lists of members, ms. notes and minutes of officers' meetings

1 file

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U DPW/83/2 File. House of Commons Yacht Club. Mar-Oct 1959 Correspondence, ts. lists and ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/83/3 File. Humber Yawl Club and Royal Marines May 1956-Sep Sailing Club. Correspondence, circulars, ts. 1965 reports, notices and reports of meetings, minutes of AGMs, ts. accounts, ts. lists of members and fixture cards

1 file

U DPW/83/4 File. Lilliput. Correspondence about purchase, Oct 1950-Apr black and white photograph, and scale drawing 1952

1 file

U DPW/83/5 File. Lilliput. Correspondence, accounts, ms. Mar 1960-Mar notes and plans of Lilliput 1962 Including:

a) Black and white photographs of Lilliput (16), [no date] 1 file

U DPW/83/6 File. Lilliput. Correspondence about sale and ms. Apr 1961-Jan notes 1963 Including:

a) Black and white photographs of Lilliput (4), no date 1 file

U DPW/83/7 File. Lilliput: charter. Correspondence Apr-Aug 1954

1 file

U DPW/83/8 File. Lilliput: charter. Correspondence and ts. Mar-Jul 1957 notes Including:

a) Black and white photographs of Lilliput (12), no date 1 file

U DPW/83/9 File. Lilliput: charter and cruises. Correspondence Jan-Aug 1958 and memorandum of agreement

1 file

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U DPW/83/10 File. Lilliput: charter skipper. Correspondence, ms. Oct-Dec 1959 notes, pencil line drawing of parts of Lilliput and photograph

1 file

U DPW/83/11 File. Lilliput: charter. Correspondence Oct 1959-May 1960 1 file

U DPW/83/12 File. Lilliput: charter. Correspondence, ms. notes, Jan-Jun 1960 ms. drawings of Lilliput and blank memorandum of agreement

1 file

U DPW/83/13 File. Lilliput: charter skipper. Correspondence and Jan-Sep 1960 ms. notes

1 file

U DPW/83/14 File. Lilliput: charter. Correspondence, ms. notes Jan 1960-Feb and memorandum of agreement 1961

1 file

U DPW/83/15 File. Lilliput: charter and sale. Correspondence Mar 1960-Aug 1961 1 file

U DPW/83/16 File. Silver Wake. Correspondence about Oct 1948-Mar purchase, ms. notes and ts. reports 1950 Including:

a) Bill of sale between Patrick Wall (purchaser) and Gilbert McKee (vendor) for Silver Wake, 22 December 1948 1 file

U DPW/83/17 File. Silver Wake. Correspondence about Jan-Dec 1951 attempted sale and scale drawing of Silver Wake

1 file

U DPW/83/18 File. Silver Wake. Correspondence about charter Apr 1951-Mar and attempted sale, and scale drawing 1956

1 file

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U DPW/83/19 File. Silver Wake. Correspondence about Dec 1951-May attempted sale and ms. notes 1957

1 file

U DPW/83/20 Volume. Silver Wake. Correspondence, minutes Feb 1956-Mar of trustees meetings [vessel held in trust for use of 1957 Sea Scouts and Cadets] and ts. reports

1 volume

U DPW/83/21 File. Silver Wake. Correspondence about sale, Feb 1956-Dec ms. notes and minutes of trustees meetings 1957 [vessel held in trust for use of Sea Scouts and Cadets]

1 file

U DPW/83/22 File. Silver Wake. Correspondence about sale Nov 1957-Jun 1958 1 file

U DPW/83/23 File. Silver Wake. Correspondence about sale, Sep 1950-Apr accounts and scale drawings of Silver Wake 1958 Including:

a) Black and white photographs of Silver Wake, with some negatives (52), [no date] 1 file

U DPW/83/24 File. Summer cruise, Belgium and Holland. Jul-Sep 1955 Correspondence and ts. itinerary

1 file

U DPW/83/25 File. Viper. Correspondence about the sinking of Jul 1953-Jan the yacht, ms. notes and scale drawing 1962

1 file

U DPW/83/26 File. Yachthand. Correspondence about Sep 1948-Feb employment on Lilliput 1957

1 file

U DPW/83/27 File. Yachthand. Correspondence and routine Oct 1954-Jul maintenance sheets for Lilliput [Predominantly 1958 1957]

1 file

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U DPW/84 Photographs 1890-1984 84/1 - 80 Portrait photographs 84/79 - 218 Collections of negatives, contact prints and photographs 84/219 - 221 Photograph albums 84/222 Slides

U DPW/84/1 Sepia mounted photograph of [? May Finney] c.1900

1 photograph

U DPW/84/2 Sepia mounted photographs of [? James Finney] c.1904

2 photographs

U DPW/84/3 Black and white mounted photograph of marriage c.1907 of [? Henry Benedict Wall and Gladys Eleanor Finney] in Malaysia

1 photograph

U DPW/84/4 Black and white mounted photographs of wedding c.1907 group at marriage of [? Henry Benedict Wall and Gladys Eleanor Finney] in Malaysia

2 photographs

U DPW/84/5 Sepia and colour tinted mounted photographs of c.1907 [? Gladys Wall]

7 photographs

U DPW/84/6 Sepia mounted photographs of [? Henry Wall] c.1907

4 photographs

U DPW/84/7 Black and white mounted photograph of Ethel c.1907 Finney (later MacSwiney)

1 photograph

U DPW/84/8 Black and white mounted photographs of Father 1913 Oswald [Hu...blau]

2 photographs

U DPW/84/9 Black and white mounted photograph of man, 1914 inscribed 'To Gladys. J. [? Lancey] 1914'

1 photograph

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U DPW/84/10 Sepia mounted photograph of [? Gladys Wall with c.1916 Patrick Wall as a baby]

1 photograph

U DPW/84/11 Sepia mounted photograph of [? Patrick Wall as a c.1918 baby]

1 photograph

U DPW/84/12 Sepia mounted photograph of [? May Finney with c.1918 Patrick Wall as a baby]

1 photograph

U DPW/84/13 Sepia mounted photograph of [? May Finney] c.1918

1 photograph

U DPW/84/14 Black and white mounted photograph of young c.1925 woman, signed 'Hazel [? Lancey]'

1 photograph

U DPW/84/15 Black and white and sepia photographs of [? c.1925 Gladys Wall]

5 photographs

U DPW/84/16 Black and white mounted photographs of [? c.1919 Patrick Wall as a young child]

2 photographs

U DPW/84/17 Sepia mounted photographs of [? Patrick Wall as c.1920 a young child]

5 photographs

U DPW/84/18 Black and white mounted photograph of [? Patrick c.1922 Wall as a child] dressed in Red Indian costume

1 photograph

U DPW/84/19 Sepia mounted photograph of [? Patrick Wall as a c.1923 child]

1 photograph

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U DPW/84/20 Black and white mounted photographs of [? c.1924 Patrick Wall as a child]

6 photographs

U DPW/84/21 Black and white mounted photograph of [? Gladys c.1924 and Patrick Wall] by the sea

1 photograph

U DPW/84/22 Black and white mounted photograph of [? Patrick c.1926 Wall as a child]

1 photograph

U DPW/84/23 Black and white mounted photographs of Oswald c.1926 Wall as a young child

3 photographs

U DPW/84/24 Sepia mounted photograph of [? Patrick Wall as a c.1928 child]

1 photograph

U DPW/84/25 Sepia mounted photograph of [? Sheila Putnam c.1928 as a child]

1 photograph

U DPW/84/26 Black and white mounted photograph of Patrick c.1930 Wall as a teenager

1 photograph

U DPW/84/27 Black and white mounted photographs of Oswald c.1930 Wall as a child

3 photographs

U DPW/84/28 Black and white mounted photographs of the c.1930 Finney family, including Gladys Wall (nee Finney), Henry Wall, Patrick Wall, Oswald Wall, Oswald Finney and May Finney

3 photographs

U DPW/84/29 Black and white mounted photograph of Gladys c.1934 Wall in Switzerland

1 photograph

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U DPW/84/30 Sepia mounted photograph of Gladys Wall in c.1934 Egypt

1 photograph

U DPW/84/31 Black and white mounted photograph of rugby 1934-1935 team at Downside School, including Oswald Wall

1 photograph

U DPW/84/32 Black and white mounted photograph of hockey 1932 team at [? Downside School] including Oswald Wall

1 photograph

U DPW/84/33 Black and white mounted photographs of Officers 1937-1938 (including Patrick Wall) and crew on board 'HMS Devonshire'

14 photographs

U DPW/84/34 Black and white mounted photograph of pupils at 1939 Downside School, including Oswald Wall

1 photograph

U DPW/84/35 Black and white mounted photograph of Gladys c.1935 Wall

1 photograph

U DPW/84/36 Black and white photographs of Oswald Finney c.1935

2 photographs

U DPW/84/37 Black and white mounted photograph of a painting c.1935 of Josa Finney

1 photograph

U DPW/84/38 Black and white mounted photograps of Patrick c.1940 Wall in naval uniform

6 photographs

U DPW/84/39 Black and white mounted photograph and c.1945 negative of Patrick Wall in [? RM Commando uniform]

1 photograph

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U DPW/84/40 Black and white mounted photograph of [? c.1945 Combined Operations staff], including Patrick Wall

1 photograph

U DPW/84/41 Black and white mounted photographs of Oswald c.1940 Wall in army uniform

9 photographs

U DPW/84/42 Black and white photographs of Army battalion, c.1940 including Oswald Wall

2 photographs

U DPW/84/43 Black and white mounted photograph inscribed 28 Apr 1940 'Wishing Oswald Wall a Happy Christmas from some old friends of St. Peter's Boys' Club, Liverpool'

1 photograph

U DPW/84/44 Black and white mounted photograph of 'Sgt. R Sep 1940 Lewis' Brigade Squad. Potential Officers, September 1940', including Oswald Wall

1 photograph

U DPW/84/45 Black and white photograph of Henry Wall 1941

1 photograph

U DPW/84/46 Black and white photograph of Gladys Wall 1941

1 photograph

U DPW/84/47 Black and white mounted photographs of '3rd Jul 1943 Battalion Irish Guards July 1943', including Oswald Wall

3 photographs

U DPW/84/48 Black and white mounted photograph of 'Tony Jul 1948 aged 2 years'

1 photograph

U DPW/84/49 Black and white mounted photograph of [? Sheila c.1949 Putnam]

1 photograph

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U DPW/84/50 Black and white mounted photographs of [? Josa c.1949 Finney]

4 photographs

U DPW/84/51 Black and white proof photographs of Patrick Wall, Jul-Aug 1952 with covering letters

10 items

U DPW/84/52 Black and white and sepia photographs of Nov 1953 marriage of Patrick Henry Bligh Wall and Sheila Elizabeth Putnam

20 photographs

U DPW/84/53 Black and white proof photographs of Patrick Wall c.1957 during lecturing tour of United States of America

9 photographs

U DPW/84/54 Black and white mounted photograph of Patrick c.1960 and Rosemary Wall, [? after Rosemary's confirmation]

1 photograph

U DPW/84/55 Black and white mounted photograph of Patrick, c.1965 Sheila and Rosemary Wall, with [? Sheila's mother], at [? Delph House, Broadstone, Dorset]

1 photograph

U DPW/84/56 Black and white mounted photograph of c.1973 Rosemary Wall

1 photograph

U DPW/84/57 Black and white mounted photograph of c.1975 Rosemary Wall, with contact print

1 photograph

U DPW/84/58 Sepia mounted photographs of [? members of the 20th cent. Putnam family, possibly Sheila Wall's father] Photographer: Henry Wykes, Exeter 3 photographs

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U DPW/84/59 Black and white mounted photographs of young 20th cent. woman Photographer: Dorothy Wilding, London 2 photographs

U DPW/84/60 Black and white photographs of 1) young woman, 20th cent. and 2) girl, possibly daughter of 1) Photographer: Norman Parkinson, London 2 photographs

U DPW/84/61 Sepia mounted photographs of 1) young woman, 20th cent. 2) possibly same woman and baby, and 3) possibly same baby, slightly older Photographer: Rita Martin, London 2 photographs

U DPW/84/62 Black and white mounted photographs of 20th cent. individual girls, possibly sisters Photographer: Alban, Alexandria, Egypt 2 photographs

U DPW/84/63 Sepia mounted photograph of young man in army 20th cent. uniform Photographer: Kirks, Cowes, Isle of Wight 1 photograph

U DPW/84/64 Black and white mounted photograph of young 20th cent. man in army uniform Photographer: Fry & Son, London 1 photograph

U DPW/84/65 Black and white mounted photographs of 1) young 20th cent. boy, and 2) young man in army uniform, possibly as 1) Photographers: Val L'Estrange, London; Hugh Cecil, London 2 photographs

U DPW/84/66 Black and white mounted photograph of young 20th cent. woman Photographer: Hay Wrightson, London 1 photograph

U DPW/84/67 Black and white mounted photograph of young girl 20th cent. Photographer: Fred Spalding & Sons, Chelmsford 1 photograph

U DPW/84/68 Black and white mounted photographs of young 20th cent. woman Photographer: Olga Baswitz 2 photographs

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U DPW/84/69 Black and white photograph of Army regiment 20th cent.

1 photograph

U DPW/84/70 Black and white photograph of soldiers hoisting 20th cent. the British flag in [? the Middle East]

1 photograph

U DPW/84/71 Sepia mounted photograph of two girls 20th cent. Photographer: Medrington's, Liverpool 1 photograph

U DPW/84/72 Black and white mounted photograph of boy and 20th cent. girl, possibly brother and sister Photographer: Foulds & Hibberd, Liverpool and the north west 1 photograph

U DPW/84/73 Sepia photograph of young woman 20th cent.

1 photograph

U DPW/84/74 Black and white photographs of man in army 20th cent. uniform and on horseback

3 photographs

U DPW/84/75 Black and white photograph of man 20th cent. Photographer: Angus McKenzie 1 photograph

U DPW/84/76 Sepia reproduction of pencil drawing of young 20th cent. woman Photographer: Hay Wrightson, London 1 photograph

U DPW/84/77 Black and white mounted photograph of old man 20th cent.

1 photograph

U DPW/84/78 Sepia mounted photograph of painting of house 20th cent. Folded in half 1 photograph

U DPW/84/79 Sepia mounted photograph of miniature of woman 20th cent. Photographer: Esme Collings, London 1 photograph

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U DPW/84/80 Sepia and black and white mounted photographs 20th cent. of 1) baby, and 2) young boy, possibly as 1)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/81 Black and white photographs of Patrick Wall, 1925-1945 Oswald Wall, their father, Henry Wall and mother, Gladys Wall

21 photographs

U DPW/84/82 Wallet 1. Chateau D'Aux, Villous, Montrena and 1930-1938 Glion, Switzerland; the Wall family Photographs (87) and negatives (55) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/83 Wallet 2. Tinley Lodge, Hildenborough, Kent and 1930-1938 Sidmouth, Devon Photographs (22) and negatives (45) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/84 Wallet 3. Downside Abbey and School; ships' 1933 models; Lynton and Lynemouth, Devon Photographs (92) and negatives (45) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/85 Wallet 4. 'Viceroy of India' cruise, May - June 1932-1933 1932; journey to Madeira, February 1933; RMS Arundel Castle and 'RMMV Carnarvon Castle' Photographs (12) and negatives (141) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/86 Wallet 5. Strath Naver, Scotland; unidentified 1932-1933 subject Negatives 104 items

U DPW/84/87 Wallet 6. 'Homeric' Mediterranean cruise, June 1934-1935 1934; Egypt Photographs (8) and negatives (244) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/88 Wallet 7. Military service; family and friends, 1935-1936 including in Switzerland Photographs (42) and negatives (145) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/89 Wallet 8. General, including Patrick Wall's car; 1937 military service Photographs (17) and negatives (179) 1 bundle

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U DPW/84/90 Wallet 9. Military service 1938 Photographs (90) and negatives (80) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/91 Wallet 10. General, including family and friends 1938 Photographs (30) and negatives (110) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/92 Wallet 11. Military service; family and friends 1939 Photographs (14) and negatives (71) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/93 Wallet 12. Military service 1940 Negatives 22 items

U DPW/84/94 Wallet 13. General, including fellow officers in 1941 Portsmouth, Patrick Wall's car and family and friends; Durban, South Africa Negatives 101 items

U DPW/84/95 Wallet 14. Alexandria, Egypt; journey by sea; 1941-1942 Durban, South Africa Negatives 154 items

U DPW/84/96 Wallet 15. Kruger Park and Durban, South Africa; 1942-1943 Simonstown, Cape of Good Hope; Mombasa, Kenya Negatives 128 items

U DPW/84/97 Wallet 16. Military service, including Assault 1943-1944 Gunnery School and D-Day invasion of Normandy, France, 6 June 1944; the Wall family Photographs (52) and negatives (90) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/98 Wallet 17. Military service, including Bruges, 1945 Belgium, the Ruhr valley, Cologne and Berlin, Germany, and Walcheren Barracks, the Netherlands; the Wall family, including Patrick Wall's receipt of [? the US Legion of Merit] Photographs (14) and negatives (194) 1 bundle

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U DPW/84/99 Wallet 18. General, including the Wall family and 1946 Downside School; military service, including military parade Photographs (18) and negatives (72) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/100 Wallet 19. Normandy beaches, military graves and 1946-1947 Paris, France; Switzerland Photographs (27) and negatives (95) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/101 Wallet 20. General, including scouting activities; 1947 military service Photographs (28) and negatives (12) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/102 Wallet 21. General, including 63 Clabon Mews, 1948 Cadogan Square, London; scouting activities Photographs (4) and negatives (39) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/103 Wallet 22. Copenhagen, Denmark; military service 1948 Photographs (13) and negatives (28) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/104 Wallet 23. Amsterdam, Utrecht and the 1949 Netherlands; scouting activities Photographs (41) and negatives (47) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/105 Wallet 24. General; boats ('Silver Wake' and 1950 'Lilliput') Photographs (14) and negatives (22) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/106 Wallet 25. Scouting activities 1950 Photographs (136) and negatives (101) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/107 Wallet 26. Egypt 1950 Photographs (37) and negatives (179) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/108 Wallet 27. Rome, Italy. 1950 Photographs (60), with list, of notable buildings and monuments, and negatives (17) 1 bundle

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U DPW/84/109 Wallet 28. Election campaign offices in Redcar, 1951 Cleveland; scouting activities Photographs (20) and negatives (42) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/110 Wallet 29. Royal Marine Forces Volunteer 1951 Reserve; 47 Commando training Photographs (18) and negatives (58) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/111 Wallet 30. Paris, France 1951 Photographs (36) and negatives (63) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/112 Wallet 31. The Mediterranean, including 1952 archaeological remains in Greece Photographs (26) and negatives (179) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/113 Wallet 32. Various, including 47 Commando of 1952 Royal Marine Forces Volunteer Reserve, Patrick Wall's election posters, Cleveland and Lilliput; scouting activities Photographs (30) and negatives (132) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/114 Wallet 33. Various, including the Coronation; 1953 scouting activities Photographs (71) and negatives (108) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/115 Wallet 34. Journey by boat including River 1953 Medway, Kent, and River Loire, St. Malo, Paris, River Seine, Le Havre, Chalons sur Marne, Rhone, Anjou, Tarascon, Arles and Marseilles, France Photographs (59) and negatives (137) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/116 Wallet 35. Journey by boat including Antibes, 1953 Cannes, Villefranche, Monte Carlo, and San Marino, France, and Genoa and other unidentified ports, Italy Photographs (18) and negatives (45) 1 bundle

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U DPW/84/117 Wallet 36. Honeymoon, including journey through 1953 the Mediterranean to the Red Sea, East Africa and South Africa. Photographs (56) and negatives (151) Including: a) Booklet of photographs (10) of Lourenco Marques, Mozambique 1 bundle

U DPW/84/118 Wallet 37. Scouting activities; various 1954 Photographs (57) and negatives (60) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/119 Wallet 38. France 1954 Photographs (34) and negatives (84) 1 bundle

U DPW/84/120 Binder. 'Volume I [A1-20]'. Strips of black and Sep 1954-Aug white negatives and duplicate contact prints 1955 Labelled:

1-3) 'Lilliput' cruise, from the Mediterranean to Britain 4) 'Viper' (boat); Admiralty inspection of sea cadets 5-9) Middle East 10) Malta; Sea Scouts Preliminary Training Course; Sheila and Patrick Wall at 63 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, London 11) Sheila Wall in nursing home; Rosemary Wall as a newborn baby; Easter scout camp 12) Easter scout camp 13) Mrs Nunnes; Rosemary Wall's christening; Delph House, Broadstone, Dorset 14) Motorised Torpedo Boat; Rosemary Wall as a baby; Easter sea scout camp 15) Whitsun sea scout meet; 'Lilliput'; Sheila Wall 16) Sheila Wall with Rosemary as a baby; Delph House, Broadstone, Dorset; Brantinghamthorpe, East Yorkshire 17) Admiralty inspection of sea cadets; sea scout regatta 18) Hessle fete; Rosemary Wall as a baby; Brantinghamthorpe, East Yorkshire 19) Brantinghamthorpe, East Yorkshire; barbecue; International Patrol Camp 20) International Patrol Camp 1 bundle

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U DPW/84/121 Wallet 1 [A1-3]. Cruise in 'Lilliput' from the 1954 Mediterranean to Britain. Photographs (7)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/122 Wallet 2 [A4]. Photograph of roof garden at 63 Oct-Nov 1954 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, London

1 bundle

U DPW/84/123 Wallet 3 [A5-10]. Egypt; Cyprus; Malta. Dec 1954-Jan Photographs 1955

73 photographs

U DPW/84/124 Wallet 4 [A10-11]. Scouting activities; Sheila Wall Jan-Feb 1955 and Rosemary as a newborn baby

40 photographs

U DPW/84/125 Wallet 5 [A13-14]. Rosemary Wall's christening Apr 1955 and as a baby, Delph House, Broadstone, Dorset; Patrick Wall's general election campaign in Beverley, East Yorkshire. Photographs (28) and large reproduction of Patrick and Sheila Wall with Rosemary at her christening

1 bundle

U DPW/84/126 Wallet 6 [A15-16]. 'Lilliput' May-Jun 1955

2 photographs

U DPW/84/127 Wallet 7 [A17]. Scouting activities. Photographs Jun-Jul 1955 (6) and negatives (2)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/128 Wallet 8 [A18-19]. Hessle fete; Rosemary Wall as Jul-Aug 1955 a baby at Brantinghamthorpe, East Yorkshire. Photographs (6)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/129 Wallet 9 [A19-20]. Scouting activities. Aug 1955 Photographs (2)

1 bundle

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U DPW/84/130 Binder. 'Volume II [B1-20]'. Strips of black and Aug 1955-Jul white negatives and duplicate contact prints 1956 Labelled:

1-4) 'Lilliput cruise' to the Netherlands and Belgium 5) Rosemary Wall as a baby at Delph House, Broadstone, Dorset 6) 'HMS Coquette' 7) Rosemary Wall as a baby; car (known as 'bug') 8-14) Inter Parliamentary Union conference; Middle East 15) Rome, Italy; Malta referendum 16) Malta referendum; Rosemary Wall as a baby 17) Rovers' 'Arethusa'; Admiralty inspection of sea cadets 18) 'Viper'; Whitsun sea scout meet; Rosemary Wall as a baby; Newton Ferrers, Devon 19) Rosemary Wall as a baby; Brantinghamthorpe, East Yorkshire 20) Sea scout regatta; ? PBs; Yorkshire Young Conservatives' sports day 1 bundle

U DPW/84/131 Wallet 10 [B1-4]. Cruise in 'Lilliput' through Aug-Sep 1955 Belgium and the Netherlands. Photographs

19 photographs

U DPW/84/132 Wallet 11 [B5-6]. Rosemay Wall as a baby at Sep-Oct 1955 Delph House, Broadstone, Dorset; 'HMS Coquette'. Photographs

23 photographs

U DPW/84/133 Wallet 12 [B7]. Sheila Wall in a car (known as Nov 1955-Mar 'bug'); Rosemary Wall as a baby; a plate inscribed 1956 to 'Linnie. With every good wish from some of his friends in 48 Commando Royal Marines 7 October 1955'. Photographs (20)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/134 Wallet 13 [B8-14]. Middle East; Cyprus; Malta Dec 1955-Jan referendum. Photographs (17) 1956

1 bundle

U DPW/84/135 Wallet 14 [B15-16]. Rome, Italy. Photographs Jan-Feb 1956

6 photographs

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U DPW/84/136 Wallet 15 [B16]. Rosemary Wall as a baby. Feb-Mar 1956 Photographs

9 photographs

U DPW/84/137 Wallet 16 [B17]. 'Lilliput'; scouting activities. Apr-May 1956 Photographs

9 photographs

U DPW/84/138 Wallet 17 [B18]. Rosemay Wall as a baby at 63 May-Jun 1956 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, London; Viper. Photographs (7)

7 photographs

U DPW/84/139 Wallet 18 [B19]. Rosemay Wall as a baby at Jul 1956 Brantinghamthorpe, East Yorkshire; Patrick Wall. Photographs (9) and negative

1 bundle

U DPW/84/140 Wallet 19 [B20]. Yorkshire Young Conservatives' Jun-Jul 1956 sports day. Photographs

3 photographs

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U DPW/84/141 Binder. 'Volume III [C1-20]'. Strips of black and Jul 1956-Aug white negatives and duplicate contact prints 1957 Labelled:

1) Rosemary Wall as a baby; 'Viper'; British Sub Aqua Club, Lulworth Cove 2) 'Lilliput'; Deauville, France; Delph House, Broadstone, Dorset 3) Admiralty inspection of sea cadets; Sea Scouts Patrol Leaders' course; British Sub Aqua Club demonstration 4) Rosemary Wall as a baby; 'Lilliput'; Sea Scouts Preliminary Training Course; ? Vatican weekend 5) Musical show; Delph House, Broadstone, Dorset, at Christmas 6) Rosemary Wall as a baby 7-13) Trip to the United States of America 14) Easter sea scout camp; scout jamboree; Rosemary Wall as a baby 15) Admiralty inspection of sea cadets; Jamboree Indaba Moot; 63 Clabon Mews, Cadogan Square, London 16) Whitsun sea scout meet; Lord Mountbatten 17) Whitsun sea scout meet; 'Lilliput' and Ostend, Belgium 18) Ostend, Belgium; sea scout cruise; christening of RML [vessel] 19) RML [vessel]; sea scout regatta; Rosemary Wall as a baby 20) Jamboree Indaba Moot 1 bundle

U DPW/84/142 Wallet. Scouting activities. Photographs (27) 1956

1 bundle

U DPW/84/143 Wallet 20 [C1-2]. Viper. Photographs (2) Jun-Jul 1956

1 bundle

U DPW/84/144 Wallet 21 [C2]. 'Lilliput'; Deauville, France. Aug-Sep 1956 Photographs (??)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/145 Wallet 22 [C3]. Scouting activities; British Sub Sep 1956 Aqua Club demonstration. Photographs (11)

1 bundle

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U DPW/84/146 Wallet 23 [C4]. Scouting activities; 'Lilliput'; Sheila Oct-Nov 1956 Wall with Rosemary as a baby. Photographs (17)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/147 Wallet 24 [C5-6]. Scouting activities; Christmas at Dec 1956-Mar Delph House, Broadstone, Dorset, with Sheila 1957 Wall and Rosemary as a baby. Photographs

35 photographs

U DPW/84/148 Wallet 25 [C7-13]. Trip to the United States of Mar-Apr 1957 America. Photographs (16) and negative

1 bundle

U DPW/84/149 Wallet 26 [C14]. Scouting activities. Photographs 1957

7 photographs

U DPW/84/150 Wallet 27 [C14]. Rosemary Wall and 63 Clabon May 1957 Mews, Cadogan Square, London; on board a boat. Photographs

7 photographs

U DPW/84/151 Wallet 28 [C15]. Scouting activities; Royal Marine 1957 Forces Volunteer Reserve. Photographs

13 photographs

U DPW/84/152 Wallet 29 [C16-17]. Scouting activities. 1957 Photographs (17)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/153 Wallet 30 [C18]. Ostend, Belgium, including Sheila 1957 Wall and Rosemary. Photographs (14)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/154 Wallet 31 [C18]. Scouting activities. Photographs Jul 1957 (6)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/155 Wallet 32 [C19-D2]. Scouting activities. Aug 1957 Photographs (29)

1 bundle

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U DPW/84/156 Binder. 'Volume IV [D1-20]'. Strips of black and Aug-Oct 1957 white negatives and duplicate contact prints Labelled:

1-3) Jamboree Indaba Moot 4-16) Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Central African Federation 17-19) Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, East Africa 20) Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Greece 1 bundle

U DPW/84/157 Wallet 33 [D3-9]. Southern Rhodesia; Nyasaland. 1957 Photographs (13)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/158 Wallet 34 [D9-15]. Northern Rhodesia; Central 1957 African Federation. Photographs (23)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/159 Wallet 35 [D16-19]. East Africa; Greece; Cyprus. 1957 Photographs (7)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/160 Wallet 36 [D20]. Switzerland, including Patrick and 1957 Sheila Wall; scouting activities. Photographs (9)

1 bundle

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U DPW/84/161 Binder. 'Volume V [E1-20]'. Strips of black and Oct 1957-May white negatives and duplicate contact prints. Also 1959 includes loose strips of negatives (27) Labelled:

1) Switzerland; Admiralty inspection of sea cadets 2) Rosemary Wall at Delph House, Broadstone, Dorset 3) Rosemary Wall's birthday party 4) 'Silver Wake'; Easter sea scout camp; Rosemary Wall; fitting out 5) 'Lilliput'; Whitsun sea scout meet; 'Sceptre'; Downside School and Abbey 6) Sea scout regatta; Geoff Lee, with Rosemary Wall; Admiralty inspection of sea cadets; Deauville, France 7) 'Lilliput' journey from the Solent to Spithead 8) Shoreham; Sea Scouts Preliminary Training Course; Rosemary Wall; 92 Cheyne Walk, London 9) 92 Cheyne Walk, London; 'Viper'; Rhodesia 10) Cape Town and Hermanus, South Africa 11) Hermanus, Fairfield, Cape Town and Durban, South Africa 12) Johannesburg, South Africa; Maseru and Roma, Basutoland 13) Salisbury, Harare and Norton, Southern Rhodesia 14) Kariba Dam, Southern Rhodesia 15) Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia; Mauritius 16) Madagascar; Sprotts; Treetops 17) Treetops; Nairobi, Kenya 18) Nairobi, Kenya; Malta; 92 Cheyne Walk, London 19) Rosemary Wall's birthday party; boat house 20) 'Viper'; Rosemary Wall; 92 Cheyne Walk, London; Whitsun sea scout meet 1 bundle

U DPW/84/162 Wallet 38. Durban, South Africa; Mauritius; Dec 1958-Jan Rhodesia; East Africa; Malta. Photographs (33) 1959

1 bundle

U DPW/84/163 Wallet. Sheila and Rosemary Wall; 63 Clabon 1958 Mews, Cadogan Square, London; 'Lilliput'; scouting activities; Rosemary Wall's birthday; Sheila Wall making a speech. Photographs (36)

1 bundle

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U DPW/84/164 Wallet. Boats, including 'Lilliput'; Rosemary Wall; 1958 unidentified cyclist in London. Photographs (15) and negative

1 bundle

U DPW/84/165 Binder. 'Volume VI [F1-20]'. Strips of black and May 1959-Apr white negatives and duplicate contact prints. Also 1960 includes loose strips of negatives (26) Labelled:

1) Whitsun sea scout meet; Rochester, Kent; trip to St. Quentin, France 2) Trip to St. Quentin, France; Rosemary Wall; sea scout regatta 3) 92 Cheyne Walk, London; fishing ports visit; Duram Goolam 4) Jouney from Lyons to Bandol, France 5) French Riviera 6) Gulf of Genoa and Villefranche, France 7) Villefranche, France; Patrick Wall's general election campaign 8) Patrick Wall's general election campaign; Delph House, Broadstone, Dorset; Sea Scouts Preliminary Training Course 9) 92 Cheyne Walk, London 10) Cairo, Egypt 11) Saquara, Luxor and Karnak, Egypt 12) Karnak and Luxor, Egypt 13) City of the Dead, Egypt 14) Thebes and Alexandria, Egypt 15) Bahrain; Dubai 16) Trucial coast, Saudi Arabia 17) Aden; Hargeisa, Somaliland 18) Somaliland; Kenya; Tanganyika 19) Zanzibar; Southern Rhodesia 20) Kariba Dam, Southern Rhodesia 1 bundle

U DPW/84/166 Wallet 39. Scouting activities; 92 Cheyne Walk, 1959 London; Brantinghamthorpe, East Yorkshire, including Sheila Wall and Rosemary. Photographs (20)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/167 Wallet 40. Sheila Wall and Rosemary; scouting 1958-1959 activities; Grimsby fish docks, Lincolnshire. Photographs (23)

1 bundle

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U DPW/84/168 Wallet 41. Scouting activities; Patrick Wall's 1959 general election campaign; [? Patrick Wall in disguise]; Delph House, Broadstone, Dorset; the Mediterranean; France. Photographs (94) and negatives (7)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/169 Wallet. Scouting activities; Rosemary Wall. c.1960 Photographs (11)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/170 Wallet 42. Egypt. Photographs Mar-Apr 1960

2 photographs

U DPW/84/171 Wallet 43. France. Photographs (14) and negative 1960

1 bundle

U DPW/84/172 Binder. 'Volume VII [G1-20]'. Strips of black and Apr-Dec 1960 white negatives and duplicate contact prints Labelled:

1) Cape Town, South Africa 2) Basutoland; Durban, South Africa; Villefranche, France 3) London; East Yorkshire; Whitsun sea scout meet 4) Whitsun sea scout meet; East Yorkshire; scout regatta 5) London; Uganda; Tanganyika 6-8) Sword of the Spirit seminar, Mwanza, Tanganyika 9) Sword of the Spirit seminar, Mwanza, Tanganyika; Nairobi, Kenya; Sudan; Cyprus 10) Cyprus 11) Cyprus; Constantinople, Turkey 12-13) French Riviera 14) The Camarge, France 15) France; London 16) Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia; Kariba Dam and the Batonka, Southern Rhodesia 17) Kariba Dam and Victoria Falls, Southern Rhodesia 18) Victoria Falls and Mufilira, Southern Rhodesia 19) Mufilira and Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia 20) Southern Rhodesia; Nyasaland 1 bundle

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U DPW/84/173 Binder. 'Volume VIII [H1-20]'. Strips of black and Dec 1960-May white negatives and duplicate contact prints 1962 Labelled:

1) Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia; Nairobi, Kenya; London; Malta 2) Rosemary Wall's birthday; Cairo, Egypt 3) Cairo and Dashur, Egypt 4) Dashur, Saquara and Giza, Egypt; Brantinghamthorpe, East Yorkshire 5) Sword of the Spirit seminar, Kitwe, Northern Rhodesia 6) Northern Rhodesia; Southern Rhodesia; Johannesburg, South Africa 7) South Africa; Basutoland; Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia 8) Dar-es-salaam, Tanganyika; Mombasa, Kenya 9) Lilliput (boat); southern coast of England 10) Wedding; Viper (boat); independence of Tanganyika 11) Independence of Tanganyika 12) Zanzibar 13) Zanzibar; Mombasa, Kenya 14) Khartoum, Sudan 15) Lisbon, Portugal; Luanda, Angola 16) Mossamedes, Angola 17-19) Angola 20) Angola; Mozambique 1 bundle

U DPW/84/174 Wallet. Rosemary Wall; boat. Photographs (7) 1960-1965 Including:

a) Black and white photograph of Patrick, Sheila and Rosemary Wall at Brantinghamthorpe, East Yorkshire, produced for election literature, 1960s 1 bundle

U DPW/84/175 Wallet. Rosemary Wall's birthday. Photographs Mar 1961 (2)

1 bundle

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U DPW/84/176 Binder. 'Volume IX [I1-20]'. Strips of black and Jun 1962-Aug white negatives and duplicate contact prints 1963 Labelled:

1-3) Mozambique 4) Central African Federation; South Africa 5) South Africa 6) South Africa; 'RMS Transvaal Castle' 7) 'RMS Transvaal Castle'; Las Palmas, Canary Islands 8) Madeira; 'RMS Transvaal Castle'; London 9) New York, United States of America; Ottawa, Canada 10) Washington and New York, United States of America 11) New York and Virginia, United States of America 12) New York, United States of America 13) 92 Cheyne Walk, London; Southern Rhodesia 14) Southern Rhodesia; Kenya 15) 92 Cheyne Walk, London; Malta 16-18) Malta 19-20) Underwater swimming, Spain 1 bundle

U DPW/84/177 Wallet. Underwater swimming, Spain. Sep 1963 Photographs (9)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/178 Black and white photograph of Patrick and Sheila c.1955 Wall

1 photograph

U DPW/84/179 Black and white photograph of Patrick Wall c.1955

1 photograph

U DPW/84/180 Black and white postcard of Sheila Wall at [? c.1955 Brantinghamthorpe, East Yorkshire]

1 photograph

U DPW/84/181 Black and white photograph of Sheila and c.1962 Rosemary Wall with 3 other girls, outside a church

1 photograph

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U DPW/84/182 Wallet. Negatives (15) and colour photograph of Oct 1963 visit to Egypt

1 bundle

U DPW/84/183 Colour photograph of 92 Cheyne Walk, London Dec 1963

1 photograph

U DPW/84/184 Wallet. Colour photographs and negative of visit to Feb 1964 Aden and Saudi Arabia, including Patrick Wall in Arab dress

17 photographs

U DPW/84/185 Wallet. Colour photographs of visit to Rhodesia, Aug 1964 including Patrick Wall

15 photographs

U DPW/84/186 Black and white and colour photographs of c.1965 Rosemary Wall at a gymkhana

4 photographs

U DPW/84/187 Colour photographs of visit to Rhodesia, Jan-Jun 1966 Swaziland, Angola and Mozambique

6 photographs

U DPW/84/188 Colour photographs of visit to Australia May 1966

8 photographs

U DPW/84/189 Colour photographs of Rosemary Wall at ? c.1967 Brantinghamthorpe, East Yorkshire

2 photographs

U DPW/84/190 Colour photographs of visit to Majorca, including Apr 1967 Patrick Wall, during Inter-Parliamentary Union conference

3 photographs

U DPW/84/191 Strips of negatives (30) and contact prints (37) of c.1968 Sheila and Rosemary Wall, including at Delph House, Broadstone, Dorset, and anti - Vietnam War demonstration, Trafalgar Square, London

1 bundle

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U DPW/84/192 Colour photographs of visit by CODEL Northern Jul 1972 [...] Association delegation (including Patrick Wall) to Fort Monroe, Virginia, United States of America

2 photographs

U DPW/84/193 Colour photographs of Rosemary Wall at 8 c.1973 Westminster Gardens, London

3 photographs

U DPW/84/194 Colour photographs of visit to Sri Lankan tea 1975 estates by British MPs, including Patrick Wall, during Inter-Parliamentary Union conference

17 photographs

U DPW/84/195 Black and white photograph of Patrick Wall c.1975 making a speech to the Council of Europe Consultative Assembly

1 photograph

U DPW/84/196 Black and white photograph of Patrick Wall with c.1977 [group of unidentified men]

1 photograph

U DPW/84/197 Colour photograph of Patrick and Sheila Wall at 1977 Queen's Silver Jubilee celebrations

1 photograph

U DPW/84/198 Black and white photographs of Inter- Sep 1977 Parliamentary Union conference, Sofia, Bulgaria

6 photographs

U DPW/84/199 Colour photograph of participants in SEA LINK c.1978 symposium, SACLANT (Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic), Annapolis, United States of America

1 photograph

U DPW/84/200 Black and white photograph of Rosemary Wall c.1979 with friends during the Republican campaign for the United States Presidential elections

1 photograph

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U DPW/84/201 Sheets of contact prints (3), black and white and Jun 1980 colour photographs (17) and cutting of photograph from 'Yorkshire Post' of Rosemary Wall's marriage to Paul Normand. With colour photographs (3) of baby

1 bundle

U DPW/84/202 Black and white photographs of Patrick Wall after 1981 receipt of his knighthood, with Sheila Wall and Rosemary Normand (nee Wall)

2 photographs

U DPW/84/203 Colour photographs of Patrick Wall giving a 1981 speech to the World Anti Communist League's World Freedom Day celebrations, Taiwan

3 photographs

U DPW/84/204 Black and white and colour photographs of North c.1980 Atlantic Assembly meeting, including Patrick Wall

9 photographs

U DPW/84/205 Black and white photographs of ? meeting, c.1980 including Patrick Wall

5 photographs

U DPW/84/206 Colour and black and white photographs of visit by 1984 Patrick Wall to LTV Aerospace and Defence Co., Michigan, United States of America

9 photographs

U DPW/84/207 Wallet. Negatives (34) and photographs (8) of 1932-1935 liners

1 bundle

U DPW/84/208 Wallet. Photographs (21) and negatives (?) of 1936 liners

1 bundle

U DPW/84/209 Wallet. Negatives (2) of liners 1937-1938

1 bundle

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U DPW/84/210 Wallet. Negatives (41) of warships taken during 1932 cruise on board the 'Viceroy of India'

1 bundle

U DPW/84/211 Wallet. Negatives (21) of warships taken at 1933 Madeira and Strath Naver, Scotland (19)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/212 Wallet. Negatives (19) of warships taken during 1934-1935 cruise on board 'Homeric', 1934 and during trip to Egypt, 1935 (17), with photograph

1 bundle

U DPW/84/213 Wallet. Negatives (69) and photographs (2) of 1935 warships

1 bundle

U DPW/84/214 Wallet. Negatives (137) and photographs (2) of 1935-1937 warships taken during naval reviews in 1935 and 1937 (170)

1 bundle

U DPW/84/215 Wallet. Negatives (55) and photograph of 1936-1937 warships

1 bundle

U DPW/84/216 Wallet. Negatives (50) of warships 1938-1939

1 bundle

U DPW/84/217 Wallet. Photographs (12) of warships 1942-1943

12 photographs

U DPW/84/218 Original bundle. Black and white photographs (18) 1930-1938 of Royal Navy vessels, 1912 - 1936, with souvenir set of photographs (14) of the sinking of German vessels at Scapa Flow, 21 June 1919

1 bundle

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U DPW/84/219 Photograph album. Inscribed 'May A Finney'. c.1900 Comprising black and white photographs of family and friends, and places in Italy and Yorkshire. Many photographs are labelled and many are missing from their slots. Also with loose photographs (21) and negatives (18)

1 volume

U DPW/84/220 Volume. 'Oswald and Josa [Finney]. Their house, c.1935 Alexandria, Egypt'. Comprising black and white photographic prints of the interior and exterior of the house, including works of art owned by the Finneys

1 volume

U DPW/84/221 Photograph album. Inscribed 'With the Aug 1969 compliments of the House of Representatives of Viet - Nam'. Comprising black and white photographs of a parliamentary delegation to South Vietnam, including Patrick Wall. Also with loose black and white photographs (5) of the same delegation visiting RAF Changi, Singapore

1 volume

U DPW/84/222 Colour slides (128) of the interior and garden of 92 c.1965 Cheyne Walk, London

128 photographs

U DPW/85 Schoolbooks 1930-1935

U DPW/85/1 Volume. Chemistry notes. Patrick Wall c.1930

1 volume

U DPW/85/2 Volume. Chemistry notes. Patrick Wall c.1930

1 volume

U DPW/85/3 Volume. 'Chemistry note book, PHB Wall, 1932 - c.1932 193-' Reverse. 'Chemistry experiments, P Wall' 1 volume

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U DPW/85/4 Volume. 'Organic chemistry'. Patrick Wall [limited c.1930 notes]

1 volume

U DPW/85/5 Volume. 'Physics note book. PHB Wall' c.1930 Reverse. 'Experiments' [physics] 1 volume

U DPW/85/6 Volume. 'Electricity (cont.)'. Patrick Wall c.1930

1 volume

U DPW/85/7 Volume. 'PHB Wall. Lower Maths' c.1930

1 volume

U DPW/85/8 Binder. Maths notes. Patrick Wall c.1930

1 volume

U DPW/85/9 File. 'History notes. James I to the present day c.1934 1934', with index and revision notes. Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/85/10 File. History notes. Continuation from George IV c.1934 onwards. Patrick Wall

1 file

U DPW/85/11 Volume. History notes. Patrick Wall c.1934

1 volume

U DPW/86 Papers of Gladys Wall 1905-1944

U DPW/86/1 Original bundle of letters to Gladys Wall from Jan 1934-Nov various correspondents 1944

13 items

U DPW/86/2 Original bundle of letters to Gladys Wall from her Jan 1938-Mar son Patrick (37), with black and white photographs 1941 (8)

45 items

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U DPW/86/3 Original bundle of letters to Gladys Wall from her 1930-1940 son Oswald

27 items

U DPW/86/4 Address book, including interleaved letters to c.1940 Oswald Wall, January - June 1940

1 item

U DPW/86/5 Commonplace book of Gladys E Finney, entitled 1905 'England expects every man to do his duty. Gladys E Finney, , July 4th 05'. Ms. extracts from poems and essays, with cuttings

1 volume

U DPW/86/6 Notebook. Record of Oswald Wall's weight (from a 1921-1928 baby until seven years of age), with note of other events during his first year

1 item This item is currently missing from our collections and cannot therefore be viewed at the present time U DPW/86/7 Wallets (26) of negatives and black and white 1930-1945 photographs, including of family and friends, sons Oswald and Patrick Wall, and many sent by Oswald Wall whilst in the Army in the Middle East

1 bundle

U DPW/86/8 Bundle of black and white photographs, including 1935-1946 of family and friends, sons Oswald and Patrick Wall, and skiing in Switzerland

38 photographs

U DPW/86/9 Bundle of black and white photographs sent by c.1945 son Oswald Wall whilst in the Army in the Middle East, including many of Anzio Beach Head Cemetery

56 photographs

U DPW/86/10 Bundle of black and white photographs sent by c.1945 son Oswald Wall whilst in the Army in the Middle East (165)

165 items

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U DPW/87 Papers of Oswald Wall 1921-1948

U DPW/87/1 Birth certificate. Oswald Douglas Wade Wall. Born 18 Jul 1921 1 July 1921, Littlehampton, West Sussex

1 item

U DPW/87/2 Original bundle of letters, postcards and telegrams Jan 1934-Jan to Oswald Wall from family and friends. Includes 1938 letters from brother Patrick Wall

176 items

U DPW/87/3 Original bundle of letters to Oswald Wall from Jan 1936-Jan family and friends. Includes letters from mother 1939 Gladys Wall (6), uncle Oswald J Finney (3) and brother Patrick Wall (4)

190 items

U DPW/87/4 Original bundle of letters, postcards and telegrams Jul 1937-Jul 1939 to Oswald Wall from family and friends. Includes letters from mother Gladys Wall (31) and brother Patrick Wall (5)

156 items

U DPW/87/5 Original bundle of letters to Oswald Wall from Apr 1939-Jun family and friends. Includes letters from mother 1940 Gladys Wall (19), father Henry Benedict Wall (4), uncle Oswald J Finney (2) and brother Patrick Wall (1)

110 items

U DPW/87/6 Letters to Oswald Wall Jan-Apr 1948

3 items

U DPW/87/7 Address book, with interleaved letters to Oswald 1945-1948 Wall covering January 1946 - March 1948

1 volume

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U DPW/87/8 Binder. 'RI [Religious Instruction] notes. Set 1. 1938-1939 Dom Christopher Butler OSB, Christmas 1938 - Summer 1939. Also philosophical notes, Dom Iltyd'. Ts. and ms. notes by [? Oswald Wall]

1 file

U DPW/87/9 Binder. Ts. and ms. Religious Instruction notes by 1938-1939 [? Oswald Wall]

1 file

U DPW/87/10 Notebook. Ms. history notes by Oswald Wall c.1938

1 volume

U DPW/88 Miscellaneous 1919-1970

U DPW/88/1 File 1919-1943 a) Letter to Capt. HB Wall from the War Office, about his demobilisation from the Army, 8 December 1919 b) Letter from Henry Wall about his work as a mining engineer, with testimonial covering posts held 1899 to 1922 c) Prayer card on the death of Henry Benedict Wall, died Windsor, 14 September 1943 1 file

U DPW/88/2 'Sheila Elizabeth Putnam. Housewifery. May May 1932 1932. May Lane Cottage, Minehead, Somerset'

1 volume

U DPW/88/3 Membership card of the Minet-el-Bassal stock 1939-1943 exchange, Egypt, for Oswald J Finney of Alexandria Commercial Co. (SA)

1 item

U DPW/88/4 Souvenir publication celebrating the Olympic 1948 games, London

1 item

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U DPW/88/5 Order of service at the marriage of Patrick Henry 19 Nov 1953 Benedict Wall and Sheila Elizabeth Putnam, St. James Church, London

1 item

U DPW/88/6 Certificate of the freedom of the City of London, 26 Jun 1957 awarded to Patrick Wall

1 item

U DPW/88/7 School reports for Rosemary Wall at 2 Elvaston 1960-1963 Place, London SW7

5 items This item contains personal sensitive information and is not available for public inspection for 75 years until Jan 2039. This is in accordance with data protection legislation. If you have a query about access to this record please contact [email protected].

U DPW/88/8 School project. Rosemary Wall's account of 'A Apr 1970 holiday in Venice and Monte-Carlo', March - April 1970

1 item

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