The Registers of the Parish of Howden, Co. York

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The Registers of the Parish of Howden, Co. York THE LT'^RSKY BRIGHAM YOUKG L^JIVERSITV PROVO. UTAH Do Hot Circulate Zbc publications OF THE l^otkebire jpaiieb IReoietet Society. IDoL 48. 306ueb to tbe Subscribcre for tbe l!?eat 1913. THE YORKSHIRE PRINTING CO., LTD., HULL ROAD, YORK. C5 THE PARISH REGISTERS HOWDEN. 1 725-1 770. Transcribed and Edited by G. E. WEDDALL PRINTED PRIVATELY FOR THE YORKSHIRE PARISH REGISTER SOCIETY, 1913. THE LTBRARY BitlGHAM Y01Jl^.G L'l^JlVBRSrnB PROVO, UTAH PREFACE. Herein are printed the contents of the 4th, 5th, and 6th Book of the Howden Registers. The 4th Book contains 42 paper leaves, 16J inches by 6 inches, in a brown paper covering. Some of the leaves are much frayed. It records Baptisms, Burials, and Marriages to 1746. Book No. 5 measures 15f inches by 8| inches, is bound in cloth, and contains 102 parchment leaves, of which 39 are blank. The Binding is torn in several places. The Book contains the Baptisms and Burials at Howden from 1746 to 1775, and the Baptisms and Burials at Barmby on the Marsh and Laxton from 1763 to 1778; also the Marriages at Howden from 1746 to June, 1754. Book No. 6 contains printed forms for Banns and Marriages, and 48 leaves, \6h inches by lOf inches, were utihzed. The binding was in a parchment cover, which is now quite loose, so that some of the Registers may have been lost. They embrace the period from 1754 to June, 1770. The thanks of the Society were due to the Reverend G. M. L. Rees, the late Vicar of Howden, for permission to copy these Registers. G. E. W. CONTENTS. PAGES Baptisms lto26 Marriages 26 to 38 Burials 38 to 74 Burial Fees, &c. 74 Baptisms 75 to 107 Baptisms at Barmby 107 to 111 Burials at Barmby Ill to 113 Baptisms AT Laxton 115 to 119 Burials AT Laxton 119 to 121 Burials at Howden 121 to 154 Marriages at Howden - - . - 154 to 176 Index of Persons 177 to 207 Index of Places 208 to 209 HOWDEN REGISTERS. BOOK IV. Baptisms— 1725. Nov. Will., S. to Will. Nickelson, of Howden. — Mary, D. to Will. Jube, of Howden. — Sarah, D. to Jo"- Watkinson, of Cotness. — Sarah, D. to Robert Orton, of Howden, Dec. 2. Sarah, d. to Water bumber (Bulmer), of Aselbey. 2 Ann, d. to Robert Green, of Aselbey, 2 Sarah, d. to Jon. dun, of thorp. Jan. 4 Sarah, d. to George Skot, of bolkam. — 5 Richard, S. to Richard Cuniworth, of Howden. — 7 Ann, D. to Robert Jackson, of Howden. — 8 Tho., S. to Will. Bradley, of Howden. — 8 Mary, D. to Will. Bradley, of Howden. — lO Jon., S. to Jon. Smith, of Saltmarsh. — lO Jane, D. to Will. Cowloum, of Yokfleet. — — An, D. to Thomas Hardey, of Skelton. — An, D. to Jo"- bulmer, of Howden. Feb. 8. Martha, D. to Robert Man, of Howden. — 8 , D. to Thomas Peares, of Skelton. — — Mary, D. to Jon. Barker, of Barmbey. Mar. Will., S. to Thomas Nutbrown. — Dorety, D. to Richard Stevenson, of Skelton. — Ann, D. to Thomas Young, of Asellbey. Baptisms— 1726. Apr. Robert, son to Robert Woad, of Laxton. — Sarah, d. to George Milner, of Howden. May. Jane, d. to Elias Garton, of Howden. — Joseway, S. to Richard Andrew, of barmby, June. Sarah, d. to Mr. William Melenton, of Howden. — Hanah, d. to Robert Boden, of Skelton. July. Elizebeth, d. to Will. Burton, of Howden. — Elizebeth, d. to Richard English, of Howden. Aug. Ackreed, s. to Dolah Preston, of howden. — Elizbeth, d. to Jon. bradlah, of barmbey. — Will., S. to Jon. Andrew, of barmbey. — Henery, S. to Will. Martindale, of barmbey. — Ann & Elener, d. to Robert Breslah, of Howden, — Ann, d. to Mathew Esenwod, of Knedlinton. 2 HOWDEN REGISTERS. Baptisms— 1726 (Continued). Sept. Robert Crosby, of howden, was crisened in the 17 year of his age. — Jane, d. to Robert Feathey, of howden, was crisened in the 12 year of hir age. — 5. Jon., S. to Jon. Stion, of howden. — 7. Sam, S. to Peter Kemp, of Est Linton. — Peter, S. to Lenard thorp, of howden, in the 14 year of his age. Cresened the 7 of September. — II. Mary, D. to James Spens, of Howden. — II. Jon., S. to Joseph Wharrey, of howden. — II. Mary, D. to Mathew Bell, of howden, — II. Jon., son to Jon. barnet, of kilpin. Jon., s. to Jon. Waterhouse, of Aselbey, was cresened in the 35*'' year of his age, 15 day of Sepf- — 15. Jon., S. to Jon. Bortwhisel, of bouh, in y^ 4 year of his age. — 22. Mary, D. to Will. Masterman, of howden. — 22. Will., S. to Will. Winter, of Aselbey. — 22. Ann, D. to John Green, of Aselbey. — 22. Mary, d. to Edward Vose, of howden. — 23. Esabel, d. to Nickellus English, of howden. Oct. 2. Tho: S. to Mickell Pait, of howden. — 10. Jon., S. to Tho. Smart, of Laxton. — 14 d. to Peeter Russum, of howden. — 18. Elsebeth, d. to Mi""- Benson, of howden. — 20. Mary, d. to Abram dowson, of howden Nov. Will., S. to Mi""- Custer, of howden. — 21. Jon., S. to Jon. Collison, of howden. — 22. Will., S. to Will. Reet, of howden. — 26 to Will. Armaytage, of Saltmarshe. — Mary, D. to thomas Leper, of barmbev. Dec d. to Jon. Crooks [.? .5r^^/^5], of Aselbey. — .... d. to Will. Wainman, of howden. — Elizebeth, d. to Charles Cowlom, of howden. Jan. II. Mary, d. to M'- Robert Moson, of Catness. — .... d. to Thomas Aucock, of Aselby. — 14. Will., S. to Thomas Stader, of thorp. Baptisms— 1726. Feb'-- I. Robert, S. to Will. Snarr, of Skelton. — 6 S. to M""- Thomas Watson, of howden. — 18. Will. & Robert, sons to Will. Rudd. of Kilpin. — 19 S. to Jon. Goodgson, of Laxton. — 20 S. to Edmond Walker, of Howden. Baptisms— 1726-7. ^lar- 14 S. to Jon. briges, of howden, — 15. Elizabeth. D. to Robert feriman, of Howden. — 16 d. to Robert hesah, of Laxton. — 27 to Robert Standeland, of howden. •7-31. Abraham, son to Thomas El^nd^ gf barnell hoi, HOWDEN REGISTERS. ^ Baptisms— 1727. Apr. 9 Son to William Thompson, Saltmarsh. — II D. Tho. Armstrong, Thorp. — 16 D. to Robt. Perrot, of Yokefleet. — 20. Ann, D. to James York, of Howden (christn'd Hannah, but thro mistake registerd Ann). — 26. ... to John Smith, Saltmarsh. — 27 John Green, Asselby. — 27 Hall, Asselby. May 16. Mary, D. to Rob'- Johnson, of Asselby. — 16. John, S. to John Dunn, of Thorp. — 29. Mary. D. to Rob*- Maskell, of Howden. June 6. Sarah, D. to John Harrison, of Howden. — 8. Theodosia, D. to M""- W^" Watson, of Howden. — 8. Mary, D. to Mark Burtwhisle, of Booth. — 26. John, S. to W"*- Dent, of Howden. — 26. Eliz., D. to Hamond Seymor, of Kilpin. July 3. Tho : S. to Timothy Corner, Knedlington. — 3. Joseph, S. to Sam. Coggrave, of Howden. — 4. William. S. to Nathanial Day, Howden. — 9. Mary, D. to Richard Conyworth, Howden. — 9. Marv. D. to W°- Cook, Howden. — 14. W^'S. to John Rainforth, Saltmarsh. — 16. Sarah, D. to John Mayson, of Balkholme. — 18. Grace, D. to Daniel Lowther, of Howden Dike. — 20. Sarah. D. to Benjamin Dowson, Howden. — 30. Andrew. S. to Tho. Palmer, of Laxton. — 3t. Eliz., D. to John Wilkinson, of Howden. Aug. Benjamin, S. to Geo. Carr. Yoakfleet. Sept. Anne, D. to John Jewet. of Saltmarsh. — Diana. D. to" Geo. " Kitchen, Skelton. — Anne, D. to Fran. Wheldrake. Balkholme. — Thomas, S. to W"- I,averick, Balkholme. — John. S. Rich''- Stather, Howden. — Ellis. S. to Arthur Drurey, of Howden. Oct. Eliz.. D. to Tho. Atkinson, Skelton. — Marv, D. to Jos. Bickerton. Howden. Nov. Anne, D. to Geo : Milner, Howden. — Geo., S. to Mat: Easenwood. Knedlington. — Eliz., D. to John Pear.«;on, Asleby. — Esther. D. tn Walter Bowmer. Asleby. Dec. 6. Jnshua. S. to M*"- James Mallison, Howden. — 18. John, S. to Tohn Rowley, Howden. Baptisms— 1727-8. Jan. 3. Thomas. S. to Tho. Hall, Howden. — 14. Rebeccah, D. to James Foreshore, of Skelton. — 16. Robt., S. to M"-- W«- Millington, Howden. — 18. John, Son to John Maram, of Kilpin. — 26. John Bovel, S. to John Bovel, Laxton. Feb. 27. Richard, S. to Elias Garton, Howden. 4 HOWDEN REGISTERS. Baptisms— 1727-28 (Continued). Mar. 5. Eliz: D. to Tho. Cook, Assleby. — 26. Sarah & Hannah, twin D.'s of W^- Man, of Howden. Apr. 5. Tho : S. to John Watterhouse, Assleby. — 9. John, S. to Francis Nusser, of Booth. — 16. Anne, D. to W"'- Pears, Howden. — 22. Anne, D. to W- Rob*- Spofforth, Howden. May 20. Anne, D. to W'"- Bradley, Howden. — 27. Anne, D. to Abraham Dowson, Howden. June 2. Sam: S. to Geo. Nelson, Howden. — 3. Hannah, D. to Chris : Bacon, Howden, Aug. 18. Sam"- S. to Sam"- Brooks, Howden. Sept. I. Sarah, D. to Tho. Cross, Yoakfleet. — 2. Stephen, S. to Steph : Cai.ster, Howden. — 8. ... S. to Tho: Robinson, Saltmarsh. — 26. Peter. S. to Peter Wilson, Assleby. — 29. Thomas, S. to John Peach, Assleby. — 29. ... S. to W""- Armitage, Saltmarsh. Oct. I. D. to John Smith, Saltmarsh. — I. ... S. to Michael Peart, Howden. — 22. David, S. to David Langton, Howden. — 22. Jane, D. to John Wilkinson, Howden. — 27. Mary, D. to John Good, Assleby. — 28. John, S. to John Briggs, Howden. Nov. 12. Eliz., D. to M''- Geo. Athorp, Howden. — 19. Robert, son to John Coll in son, Howden. — 20. Tho., S. to W'"- Winter, Asltby. — 24. Marg*- & Martha, twin D.'s of Rich''- Palmer, Asleby. Dec. 2. Tho : S. to Tho : Aisdale, Howden. — 9. Jane, D. to John Rhodes, Howden. — 10. Eleanor, D. to Ric**- English, Howden. — 31. John, S.
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