Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Paleobotany)
PLANT DIVERSITY-II (PTERIDOPHYTES, GYMNOSPERMS AND PALEOBOTANY) UNIT I: PTERIDOPHYTES General characters, Reimer’s classification (1954). Telome concept. Sporangium development – Eusporangiate type and Leptosporangiate type. Apogamy, Apospory, Heterospory and Seed habit. Detailed account on stellar evolution. UNIT II: Brief account of the morphology, structure and reproduction of the major groups- Psilophytopsida, Psilotopsida, Lycopsida, Sphenopsida and Pteropsida. (Individual type stydy is not necessary). Economic importance of Gymnoperms. UNIT III: GYMNOSPERMS General characters – Classification of Gymnosperms (Sporne, 1965), Orgin and Phylogeny of Gymnosperms, Gymnosperms compared with Pteridophytes and Angiosperms- Economic Importance of Gymnosperms. UNIT IV: A general account of distribution, morphology, anatomy, reproduction and life cycle of the following major groups – Cycadopsida (Pteridospermales, Bennettitales, Pentaxylales, Cycadales) Coniferopsida (Cordaitales, Coniferales, Ginkgoales) and Gnetopsida (Gneales). UNIT V: PALEOBOTANY Concept of Paleobotany= Geological time scale- Fossil- Fossilization- Compressions, Incrustation, Casts, Molds, Petrifactions, Compactions and Caol balls. Detailed study of the fossil forms- Pteridophytes: Lepidodendron, Calamites. Gymnosperms: Lyginopteris, Cordaites. Role of fossil in oil exploration and coa excavation, Paleopaynology. Prepared by: Unit I and II 1. Dr. A.Pauline Fathima Mary, Guest Lecturer in Botany K. N. Govt. Arts College(W), Auto., Thanjavur. Unit III and IV 1. Dr. S.Gandhimathi, Guest Lecturer in Botany, K. N. Govt. Arts College(W), Auto., Thanjavur. Unit V: 1. Dr. G.Santhi, Head and Assistant professor of Botany, K. N. Govt. Arts College(W), Auto., Thanjavur. Reference: 1. Rashid, A, (2007), An Introduction to Peridophytes- Vikas Publications, New Delhi. 2. Sporne, K.R. (1975). The Morphology of Pteridophytes, London. 3. Coultar, J. M. and Chamberin, C, J. (1976). Morphology of Gymnosperms.
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