
MARINE PROGRESS SERIES Published March 31 Mar Ecol Prog Ser

Defenses of Caribbean against predators. 11. Assays with sea stars

Brett Waddell, Joseph R. Pawlik*

Biological Sciences and Center for Marine Science Research, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-3297, USA

ABSTRACT: Sea stars are dominant predators in many manne habitats, and spongivory by sea stars has been documented from polar seas to the tropics. Feeding assays of whole tissue and artificial foods containing organic extracts, spicules, and spiculated of sponges were performed with the Caribbean sea stars Ech~nasterechinophorus (from the Bahamas) and sentus (from , USA) to determine whether secondary metabolites or skeletal constituents affect feeding by sea stars. Whole tissue assays of 6 species of mangrove sponges yielded similar preference hierarchies for both sea star species: for E. echinophorus, Tedania ignis = Haliclona hogarthi? Ircinia felix = Dysidea etheria > Chondrilla nucula = Chondrosia collectn'x; for E. sentus. T. ignis = H. hogarthi > I. feliu = D. etheria = C. nucula = C. collectriu. Whole tissue assays of 5 specles of reef sponges yielded identical hierarchies for both E echinophorus and E sentus: Geodia neptuni > Callyspongia vaginaljs > = Ectyoplasia ferox = Agelas clathrodes Crude organic extracts of the same 6 mangrove sponge specles were assayed, and only the crude organic extracts of Dysidea etheria deterred feeding by E. echinophorus. Extracts of I. felix, which consistently deterred both and hermit crabs in previous studies, did not deter E. echinophorus. Extracts of the same reef sponge spe- cies were assayed, and only A. clathrodes, E. ferox, and A. compressa deterred feeding by E. echinophorus. In whole tissue assays with E. sentus of chemically non-defended species (sponges that ylelded organic extracts palatable to E. echinophorus) from both reef and mangrove habitats, all spe- cles were consistently preferred over C. nucula. The preferences of E, sentus for chemically non- defended species did not correlate with sponge nutritional or skeletal content, suggesting that other characteristics of these sponges influence sea star preferences. Spicules from 5 species of reef sponges (G. neptuni. C. vaginalis, A. clathrodes, E. ferox, and A. compressa) and 3 species of mangrove sponges (T ignis, H. hogarthi, and C. nucula), and whole sponge skeleton from 4 species of mangrove sponges (T ignis. I. felix, C. nucula, and C. collectrix) did not deter feeding by E. echinophorus. These results, when considered with the data from previous studies employing fishes and hermit crab assays, further illustrate the importance of secondary metabolites as antipredatory defenses for Caribbean sponges.

KEY WORDS: Sponge. . Sea star Chemical defense . Caribbean . Chemlcal ecology

INTRODUCTION et al. (1974) reported that spongivory by the sea stars Perknaster fuscus antarcticus and con- Sea stars often play a significant role as predators in spicuus limited the abundance of the dominant space- marine ecosystems (Feder & Christiansen 1966, Jangoux competitor in the sponge at McMurdo 1982). Spongivory has been reported for many species of Sound, Antarctica (see McClintock & Baker 1998).Pre- sea stars (reviewed in Sloan 1980). Predation by sea stars dation during the summer months by the North Atlantic may affect sponge distributions in some systems. Dayton sea star sanguinolenta was shown to weaken the tissue of the finger sponges Isodictya spp. in the Gulf - of Maine, leading to increased tissue loss when high 'Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] wave action occ.urred in the fall and winter (Sheild &

O Inter-Research 2000 Resale of full article not permitted 134 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 195: 133-144, 2000

Witman 1993). In the Caribbean, sponge feeding by the naster (= Othilia) sentus. Assays of whole sponge tissue common sea star Oreasterreticulatushas been proposed from mangrove and reef sponges were performed to to prevent storm-displaced reef sponge fragments from determine the preferences of Echinaster spp, for these colonizing seagrass beds (Wulff 1995). Spongivory sponges. Assays of sponge crude organic extracts, by several species of Caribbean sea stars, including spicules, and whole sponge skeleton were performed Echinaster echinophorus (Ferguson 1969), 0. reticulatus to determine whether any of these characteristics influ- (Thomas 1960, Scheibling 1982, Wulff 1995), and Echi- ence sea star preferences. naster sentus (Hendler et al. 1995) has been reported, but no study to date has investigated whether sponge antipredatory defenses influence the feeding prefer- MATERIALS AND METHODS ences of these spongivorous sea stars. Tropical marine sponges are rich in secondary Experimental design. Assays of Caribbean sponges metabolites (Scheuer 1990, Faulkner 1998), and pun- were performed with individuals of Echinaster echino- fied sponge secondary metabolites have been shown phorus collected from cuts in the back-reef mangrove to possess antifeedant properties (Pawlik et al. 1988, habitat at Sweetings Cay, Bahamas, and of Echinaster Paul 1992, Pawlik 1993, Albrizio et al. 1995). Crude sentus collected from the mangrove habitat adjacent to organic extracts of Caribbean sponges deter feeding Blackwater Sound near Key Largo, Florida, USA in by the generalist reef Thalassoma bifasciatum May to October 1996, 1997). Echinaster spp. were col- (Pawlik et al. 1995) and by the common reef hermit lected only in mangroves in these areas, but they also crab Paguristes punticeps (Waddell & Pawlik 2000, in inhabit Caribbean reefs (Clarke & Downey 1992), so it this issue). Skeletal components of sponges have also is relevant to test preferences of Echinaster spp. for been proposed to deter feeding by potential sponge both mangrove and reef sponges. Sea stars were main- predators. Inorganic siliceous spicules have been hy- tained in tanks of flowing seawater, and fed ad libitum pothesized to provide physical defense by irritating the on the sponge Hymeniacidon heliophila, but were not mouthparts and guts of predators (Randall & Hartman fed 1 to 2 d before performing a feeding assay. Pair- 1968, Hartman 1981, Wainwright et al. 1982). How- wise assays of whole sponge tissue of 6 species of man- ever, spongivores such as fishes (Randall & Hartman grove sponges (Tedania ignis, Dysidea etheria, Hali- 1968, Dunlap & Pawlik 1996, 1998), turtles (Meylan clona hogarthi, Ircinia felix, Chondrilla nucula, and 1988), and sea urchins (Blerenheide et al. 1993) con- Chondrosia collectrix) and 5 species of reef sponges sumed spicules without apparent ill effects, and spi- (Callyspongia vaginalis, Geodia neptuni,Amphimedon cules were found to be nondeterrent to generalist compressa, Ecytoplasia ferox, and Agelas clathrodes) predatory reef fishes (Chanas & Pawlik 1995, 1996) were performed to determine and compare feeding and to hermit crabs (Waddell & Pawlik 2000). The in- preferences for both E. echinophorus and E. sentus ternal skeleton of sponges made of the proteinaceous within these 2 groups of sponges. Pairwise assays of fibers called spongin is also proposed to protect organic extracts from the same 2 groups of sponges sponges from predation because it is hard to digest, were performed with E. echinophorus, with the hy- thereby potentially reducing the nutritional quality of pothesis that similar preference hierarchies for whole the sponge (Bjorndal 1990, Meylan 1990). However, tissues and organic extracts would indicate that sec- whole sponge skeleton embedded in an artificial food ondary metabolites affect feeding preferences of E. matrix did not deter feeding by generalist predatory echinophorus, while different preference hierarchies fishes (Chanas & Pawlik 1996) or by hermit crabs would suggest that other factors determine feeding (Waddell & Pawlik 2000). In studies of spongivory preferences. Assays of organic extracts, spicules, and by Antarctic sea stars, sponge secondary metabolites whole sponge skeleton were tested versus untreated affected feeding preferences of sea stars, while spic- controls to determine how each of these sponge con- ules and indigestible protein present in sponge tissue stituents affects feeding by E, echinophorus. Whole did not (Dayton et al. 1974, McClintock 1987, McClin- tissue assays of chemically undefended mangrove and tock et al. 1994), presumably because sea stars can reef sponges (as determined by assays with E. echino- digest away the cellular material of sponges, leaving phorus of foods contaming organic extracts versus con- behind the indigestible skeleton (Dayton et al. 1974, trol foods) were performed with E. sentus to investi- Wulff 1995). gate whether feeding preferences for these sponges To determine whether sponge secondary metabo- are affected by either nutritional content or skeletal lites or sponge skeletal components (spicules and pro- components. Each sea star was used only once in each teinaceous spongin) affect feeding by sea stars, assays type of assay for each comparison. were performed with the spongivorous Caribbean sea Whole tissue assays. Whole tissue assays were per- stars Echinaster (= Othilia) echinophorus and Echi- formed at the National Undersea Research Center in Waddell & Pawlik: Sponge defenses against sea stars 135

Key Largo, in three 575 1 outdoor fiberglass tanks pro- which sponge was chosen. The sea star was placed vided with constantly flowing seawater from the adja- between the 2 sponges with 1 arm extended toward, cent boat canal. Sponges were collected from either but not touching, each sponge. After 1 h, the choice the reefs or mangrove swamps and maintained in 1 of each sea star was recorded. Feeding behavior was tank. Small pieces (approx. 2 cm X 2 cm X 2 cm) of defined as the sea star being motionless with its central sponge tissue were cut from the colonies with a scalpel disk centered over some portion of the sponge. to minimize tissue damage. When possible, areas that Whether each sea star had its gut everted was also re- protruded from the sponge colony were used so that corded. Results of preferences for each pair of sponges most of the piece removed was covered with intact were analyzed by a 2-tailed binomial test (Sokal & ectoderm. The sponge pieces were held in flowing sea- Rohlf 1981). Sea stars that did not choose either sponge water for >l to 2 h prior to assaying to minimize the were not used in statistical analyses. Feeding prefer- chance that the sea stars were feeding in response to ence hierarchies were inferred from the results. an exudate of freshly cut sponge. Extract and skeletal assays. Assays of sponge ex- Individuals of either Echinaster echinophorus or E. tracts and sponge skeletal components were per- seiltus were held in one of several plastic dishes (12 cm formed at the wet laboratory of the University of North diam., 5 cm deep) connected to frames of PVC pipe Carolina at Wilmington at Wrightsville Beach, NC, that kept the dishes floating near the tops of the fiber- USA. Specimens of Echinaster echinophorus were glass tanks. A pair of sponges was placed in the bottom maintained in 155 1 aquaria with a constant flow of of the dish, held in place by small plastic cable ties with sand-filtered seawater. Each was divided the cut side of the sponge facing down. The position of into 5 cells with 1 sea star in each cell. Crude organic the sponges was alternated between dishes to prevent extracts were isolated by sequentially extracting chemotaxic responses by the sea stars from affecting sponge tissue in methanol and 1 : 1 methano1:dichloro-

m 2 4

T.ionis H. hooarthr T isnis I febx O T rsnis D. etheria T iqnts C. nucula

L8 1 '2 ;m -W & m 8 m 2 4 4 16 0 15 4 11 18 O T iqnis C coilectnx H hogarthi I fein O H hogarlhi D ethena H hoqarthi C nucula .-

m 8 m 2 4 0 O H. hoqarthi C, collectrix I, felrx D othena l. feiix C,nucula I. fehx C. collectnx

8 16aI Ti=Hh?lf=De>Cn=Cc L ::;Yi11 12 ::L L 8 m % 4r 13 o ;;L10 0 0 g D. etheria C. nucula D. etheria C. coilectrix O C. nucuia C coi~ectrix

Fig. 1. Aquarium feeding assays using the sea star Echinaster echjnophorus offered whole tissue of the mangrove sponges Teda- nia jgnis (Ti), Dysidea etheria (De), Haliclona hogarthi (Hh), Ircinia felix (If),Chondrilla nucula (Cn), and Chondrosia collectrix (Cc). Bars represent number of sea stars exhibiting feeding behavior. Numbers in bars represent number of sea stars with gut everted (see 'Materials and methods'). n = number of sea stars used in assay (number of sea stars used in statistical analyses). p-values calculated by 2-tailed binomial tests. P < ND = sample size too small to calculate p-value. Preference hierarchy inferred from pairwise test is given at lower right 136 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 195: 133- 144, 2000

.! .! l\ ::*;:; 1 S p 12 Im d Z 10 73 16

O G. neptuni C. vag~nalrs G. neptun~ A. clethrodes G. neptun~ A, compressa G. neptun~ E ferox

.!ce ~~~~~~~~~~~~


I4 z0 0 C. vaginalis A. clathrodes C. vaginalis A compressa C. vaginalis E. ferox A. compressa E. ferox

Fig 2. Aquarium feeding assays using the sea star Echi- it,0 4 1naster echinophorus offered whole tissue of the reef z sponges Callyspongia vaginalis (CV).Geodia neptuni (Gn), O o];L E. ferox A. clathmdes A. clathrodes A. cow- Amphimedon compressa (Aco), Agelas clathrodes (Acl), and Ectyoplasia ferox (Ef). Bars represent number of sea stars exhibiting feeding behavior. Numbers in bars represent number of sea stars with gut everted (see 'Materials and methods'). N = number of sea stars used in assay (number of sea stars used in statistical analyses). P-values calculated by 2-tailed binomial tests. P c ND = sample size too small to calculate p-value. Preference hierarchy inferred from pairwise test is given at lower right methane for 12 to 24 h each, filtering the combined and gut eversion by E. echinophorus were recorded for extracts through diatomaceous earth, and drying off each sponge extract, and results were analyzed by a the solvents by rotary evaporation and vacuum con- 2-tailed binomial test. Feeding preference hierarchies centration. Spicules were obtained by completely oxi- were inferred from the results and were compared to dizing sponge tissue with household bleach (5.25% preference hierarchies for whole t~ssueassays. sodium hypochlorite). Whole sponge skeleton (spongin Assays of foods containing organic extracts, spicules, + spicules) was isolated by extracting and lightly and spiculated spongin, each against control foods, bleaching lyophilized sponge tissue as described in were performed to determine whether any of these Chanas & Pawlik (1996). sponge characteristics deter feeding by Echinaster Pairwise assays of crude organic extracts of reef and echinophorus. Organic extracts, spicules, and whole mangrove sponges were performed with Echinaster sponge skeleton were incorporated into foods as de- echinophorus. Extracts were incorporated into artificial scribed in Waddell & Pawlik (2000), and assays were food using the screen-based feeding assay of Hay et al. run and analyzed as described earlier. (1994).The artificial food was a mixture of lyophilized, powdered squid mantle and carrageenan that approx- imates the mean protein content of sponge tissue RESULTS (see Waddell & Patvlik 2000). A screen strip with food patches from the pair of sponges to be assayed, one on Assays of whole sponge tissue each end of the strip, was placed in a cell with an indi- vidual of E. echjnophorus. The sea star was placed on Pairwise assays of feeding preferences of Echinaster the screen with its central disk over the clear screen in echinophorus for mangrove sponges yielded a prefer- the middle and 1 arm extended out over each food ence hierarchy of Tedania ignis = Haliclona hogarthi? patch. Sea stars did not consume the food patches, but lrcinia felix = Dysidea etheria > Chondrilla nucula = did exhibit feeding behavior as described above, so a Chondrosia collectrix (Fig. 1). The relationship be- choice could be determined. After 1 h, feeding behavior tween the first 2 groups is unresolved because T ignis Waddell & Pawlik: Sponge defensesagainst sea stars 137


!-S ~~~~~~~~~12 4: 10 1 13 l5 z27 ~2; 1 g 0 T ignts H hoganb, T rgnis I. felix T. ignts D. etheria ]:;LT rgnis C. nucula

S O 7 ronis C collectnx H hooarthi I fe11x H hogarthi D ethena H hoqarthi C nucula

""a~*~i;~~;i~g 12 $ W4 p 0 H hooaflb C. colleclrix I. fe1:x D. ethena l felrx C. nucula l felix C. collectrix

0 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 J D, etheria C nucula D. ether~a C. collec~rrx LC. nucula C collectrrx Fig. 3. Aquarium feeding assays using the sea star Ecl~inastersentusoffered whole tissue of the mangrove spongesTedania ignis (Ti),Dysidea etheria (De),Haliclona hogarthi (Hh),Ircinia feh(If), Chondrilla nucula (Cn),and Chondrosia col1ectris (Cc) Bars represent number of sea stars exhibiting feeding behavior. Numbers in bars represent number of sea stars with gut everted (see 'Materials and methods').N = number of sea stars used in assay (numberof sea stars used in statistical analyses). P-valuescalcu- lated by 2-tailed binomial tests. P< ND = sample size too small to calculate p-value. Preference hierarchy inferred from pairwise test is given at lower right

r, l6 '::L;g 12 J;rI;Fi I 4 0 13 14 14 16 0 O C nepiunr C vaglnalrs G neptuni E ferox G neptuni A compressa G nepruni A clathrodes

0 * O C vaginalrs A clathrodes C #agrr;a/is E ferox C. vag1n3'1s A. compressa A compressa E ferox

Fig. 4. Aquarium feeding assays using the sea star Echj- naster sentus offered whole tissue of the reef sponges Callyspongia vaginalis (CV),Geodia neptunj (Gn),Amphi- 0 zziu4b 3 J rnedon cornpressa (Aco),Agelas clathrodes (Acl),and Ectyo- O A. cbthiodes A compress2 O E. ferox A. clathrodes plasia ferox (Ef) Bars represent number of sea stars exhibit- ing feeding behavior Numbers in bars represent number of sea stars with gut everted (see 'Materials and methods').N = number of sea stars used in assay (numberof sea stars used in statisti- cal analyses).P-values calculated by 2-tailed binomial tests. Preference hierarchy inferred from pairwise test is given at lower right 138 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 195: 133-144, 2000

was preferred over D. etheria, but not over I. felix, tissue: Tedania ignis = Ircinia felix? Chondrosia col- while H. hogarthi was preferred over I. felix, but not lectrix = Chondrilla nucula = Haliclona hogarthi > over D. etheria. All 4 were preferred over C. nucula and Dysidea etheria (Fig. 5). I. felix, C. collectrix, and C. C. collectrix. Similar assays for reef sponges yielded a nucula all ranked higher than in the whole tissue hier- preference hierarchy of Geodia neptuni r Callyspon- archy, while H, hogarthi and D, etheria ranked lower. gia vaginalis > Amphimedon compressa = Ectyoplasia The relationship between the first 2 groups is unre- ferox = Agelas clathrodes (Fig. 2). G. neptuni was solved because T ignis was preferred over H. hogarthi preferred over all other species, and C. vaginalis was and C. collectrix, but not over C. nucula, while I. felix preferred over all other species except G. neptuni. was preferred over H. hogarthi and C. nucula, but not Pairwise assays with Echinaster sentus yielded simi- over C. collectrix. All species were preferred over D. lar results. Assays of mangrove sponges yielded a hier- e th eria. archy of Tedania ignis = Haliclona hogarthi > Ircinia Pairwise assays with Echmaster echinophorus of crude felix = Dysidea etheria = Chondrrlla nucula = Chon- organic extracts of reef sponges yielded a preference hi- drosia collectrix, with T. ignis and H. hogarthi being erarchy very similar to that for whole sponge tissue: Ge- preferred over all other species (Fig. 3). Assays of reef odia neptuni = Callyspongia vaginalis > Amphimedon sponges yielded a preference hierarchy identical to compressa = Ectyoplasia ferox > Agelas clathrodes (Fig. that for E. echinophorus (Fig. 4). 6). G. neptuni and C. vaginalis were preferred over all other species, while all species were preferred over A. clathrodes. In assays of crude organic extracts of man- Assays of crude organic extracts grove sponges versus control foods, only the extract of Dysidea etheria significantly deterred feeding by Pairwise assays with Echinaster echinophorus of crude E. echinophorus (Fig. 7).For reef sponges, extracts of A. organic extracts of mangrove sponges yielded a pref- compressa, E. ferox, and A. dathrodes all significantly de- erence hierarchy different than that for whole sponge terred feeding by E. echinophorus (Fig. 8).

g 12 p-m "l 4 l4 16 g 0 0 T ignis I. felix T. ignis C. collectnx T. ignis -C nucula T. lgnis H. hogarthi

r; '2 W 8 i4 10 16 19 15 g.!::E 0 0 T. Jgns D. etheria I. felix C. coflectrix I. felix C. nucula I. fellx H. hogarth~ m ;;g-J;;m :[F] n=22(20) .j.czm 12 W 8 m % 4 ;lm;[n g 0 ::Ll. feiix D, ether~a :!LC,nucula C. collectnx O H. hogarthi C. collectiix O H. hogarthr C. nucula m p < 0.001 Ti = If? CC = Cn = Hh > De

m tj 8 I 0 C co/lectrix D. etherfa C,nucula D. efhena H, hoganhi D efherla

Fig. 5. Aquanum feeding assays using the sea star Echinaster echinophorus offered foods containing crude organic extracts of the mangrove sponges Tedania ignis (Ti). Dysidea etheria (De), Haliclona hogarthi (Hh), Ircinia felix (If), ChondriUa nucula (Cn),and Chondrosia coUectriu (Cc). Bars represent number of sea stars exhibiting feeding behavior. Numbers in bars represent number of sea stars with gut everted (see 'Materials and methods'). N = number of sea stars used in assay (number of sea stars used in statistical analyses). P-values calculated by 2-tailed binomial tests. Preference hierarchy inferred from pairwise test is given at lower right Waddell & Pawlik Sponge defenses against sea stars 139

" G neptunr C vagrnalrs U G neptunr E ferox G neptuni A compressa V G neptun~ A clathrodes

C. vagrnalrs E, ferox C. vagrnalrs A. compressa C vaginalrs A. clathrodes V A compressa E ferox

V n=18(16) 2 12

L? 5 8 m Fig. 6. Aquarium feeding assays using the sea star Echj- 20 4 l&J 4 naster echinophorus offered foods containing crude organic extracts of the reef sponges Callyspong~avagj- 0 0 A. compressa A. clathrodes E. ferox A, clathrodes nalis (CV),Geodia neptuni (Gn), Amphimedon com- pressa (Aco), Agelas clathrodes (Acl), and Ectyoplas~a ferox (Ef). Bars represent number of sea stars exhibiting feed~ngbehavior. Numbers in bars represent number of sea stars with gut everted (see 'Materials and methods'). N = number of sea stars used in assay (number of sea stars used in statistical analy- ses). P-values calculated by 2-tailed binomial tests. Preference hierarchy inferred from pairwise test is given at lower rlght

16 0 .-c 0cn 12 0 L0 8 cn a a, cn z0 4

O T iqn~s D. ethena H. hoqailhr I. felrx C. nucula C collectnx C,vag~nalrs G,neptunr A. compressa A clathrodes E ferox Fig. 7. Aquarium feeding assays using the seastar Echinaster echinophorus offered foods containing crude organic extracts Fig. 8. Aquarium feeding assays usli-rg the sea star Echinaster of mangrove sponges versus control gels. Bars represent echinophorus offered crude organic extracts of reef sponges number of sea stars exhibiting feeding behavior. Numbers in versus control gels. Bars represent number of sea stars ex- bars represent number of sea stars with gut everted (see hibiting feeding behavior. Numbers in bars represent number 'Materials and methods'). N = number of sea stars used in as- of sea stars with gut everted (see 'Materials and methods') N say (number of sea stars used in statistical analyses). P-values = number of sea stars used in assay (number of sea stars used calculated by 2-tailed binomial tests. See Table 1 for full in statistical analyses). P-values calculated by 2-tailed bino- species names mial tests. See Table 1 for full species names Mar Ecol Prog Ser 195: 133-144, 2000

Assays of spicules and whole sponge 0 Control Treated skeleton l6 r In assays of spicule treated foods versus control foods, spicules from 3 species of p c 0.815 p < 0.815 p < 1.000 mangrove sponges (Tedania ignis, Hali- clona hogarthi, and Chondrilla nucula) and from 5 species of reef sponges (Geodia neptuni, Callyspongia vaginalis, Amphi- rnedon compressa, Ectyoplasia ferox, and Agelas clathrodes) did not deter feeding by Echinaster echinophorus (Fig. 9). In assays of whole sponge skeleton (spicules +spongin) from 4 species of man- grove sponges (Tedania ignis, Ircinia felix, Chondrilla nucula, and Chondrosia collec- trix), feeding by Echinaster echinophorus was not significantly reduced compared to control foods (Fig. 10). + ++a$,g g p 8 8 $ ,& ,& (8 , 4 \..9 G' W v p' 'ci + Assays of chemically undefended sponges Fig. 9. Aquarium feeding assays using the sea star Echinaster echinophorus offered foods containing a natural concentration of sponge spicules versus The 3 species of mangrove sponges control foods. Bars represent number of sea stars exhibiting feeding behav- that yielded extracts that, on average, en- ior. Numbers in bars represent number of sea stars with gut everted (see 'Materials and methods'). N = number of sea stars used in assay (number hanced feeding in assays with Echinaster of sea stars used in statistical analyses). P-values calculated by 2-tailed bino- echinophorus (Tedania ignis, Haliclona miaI tests. See Table 1 for full species names hogarthi, and Chondrilla nucula; Fig. 7) and 2 species of reef sponges that yielded nondeterrent extracts (Geodia neptuni and Callyspongia vaginalis; Fig. 8)were subjected to whole tissue assays with E, sentus with the resulting prefer- 0 Control Treated 1 ence hierarchy: G. neptuni = T. ignis = C. vaginalis? H. hogarthi > C. nucula (Fig. 11). The relationship between the first 2 groups is unresolved because G. neptuni was preferred over H. hogarthi, while T. ignis and C. vaginalis were not. All sponge species were preferred over C. nucula by E. sentus.


This study provides further evidence that chemical defenses are an important antipredatory strategy of Caribbean sponges and that sponge skeletal com- ponents do not serve an antipredatory function. The T. ignis I. felix C. collectrix C. nucula Caribbean sea stars Echinaster echinophorus and Echi- naster sentus prefer the reef sponges Geodia neptuni A:ig. 10. Aquarium feeding assays using the sea star Echi- naster echinophorus offered foods containing a natural con- and Callyspongia vaginalis and avoid feeding on Am- centration of whole sponge skeleton versus control foods. phimedon compressa, Ectyoplasia ferox, and Agelas Bars represent number of sea stars exhibiting feeding behav- clathrodes (Figs. 2 & 4). Pairwise assays using E. ior. Numbers in bars represent number of sea stars with gut echinophorus of foods containing organic extracts of everted (see 'Materials and methods'). N = nurnber of sea stars used in assay (number of sea stars used in statistical reef sponges produced the same feeding preference analyses). P-values calculated by 2-tailed binomial tests. See hierarchy (Fig. 6), and the organic extracts of A. com- Table 1 tor full species names pressa, E. ferox, and A. clathrodes deterred feeding Waddell & Pawlik: Sponge defenses against sea stars 141


L i0 L_12 WE 8 8 zd 0 G. neptunl -T ignis G. neptunr C. vag~nalrs T rgnrs C. vagrnalis G. neptuni H. hogarthi 20 ;;o, ;--J ;--J L r0 12 .;L1a 8 I 6 z 11 ;j-J,'sl0 0 G. neptunr C. nucula T. lgnis H. hogarthr T. ignis C. nucula C. vaginalis H. hogarthi

Fig. 11. Aquarium feeding assays using the sea star Echi- naster sentus offered whole tissue of sponge species that 4 'it did not yield chemically deterrent crude organic extracts. n l Mangrove sponges used were Tedania ignis (Ti), Hali- O C. vagmairs C. nucula H. hog C. nucura clona hogarthi (Hh), and Chondrilla nucula (Cn). Reef sponges used were Callyspongia vag~nahs(CV) and Geo- dia neptunj (Gn).Bars represent number of sea stars exhibiting feedlng behavior. Numbers on bars represent number of sea stars with gut everted (see 'Materials and methods'). N = number of sea stars used in assay (number of sea stars used in statistical analyses). P-values calculated by 2-tailed binomial tests. Preference hierarchy inferred from pairwise test is given at lower right

Fig. 12. Nutritional and skeletal content of chemically undefended reef sponges: Gn = Geodia nep- tuni, Ti = Tedania ignis, CV= Cally- spongia vaginalis. Hh= Haliclona hogarthi. Cn = Chondrilla nucula (R = reef habitat, M = mangrove habitat) Sponges are listed from left to right in decreasing of feeding preference of Echinaster sentusas determined from Fig. 11. Nutritional and skeletal content data adapted from Chanas & Paw- lik (1995). Protein, carbohydrate, , and spicule (ash) content taken directly from Chanas &Paw- lik (1995). Spongin content esti- mated as: dry weight - extract weight - spicule (ash)weight from Chanas & Pawlik (1995). Energy content of digestible tissue esti- mated as: (protein X 18.8 kJ g.') + (carbohydrate X 16.7 kJ g-l) + (lipid X 39.7 kJ g.'). All values reported as mg ml-' wet sponge t~ssue,except energy as kJ ml-' wet sponge tissue 142 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 195: 133-144,2000

by E. echinophorus relative to control foods (Fig. 8), ies of spongivory by Antarctic sea stars that found that demonstrating that chemical defenses determine feed- neither spicule content nor refractory spongin content ing preferences of E. echinophorus (and presumably E. affected sea star preferences (Dayton et al. 1974, Mc- sentus, because results of whole tissue assays were the Clintock 1987), because sea stars can digest away same for both species) for this group of reef sponges. sponge cellular material, leaving the skeleton intact For mangrove sponges, both E. echinophorus and E. (Dayton et al. 1974, Wulff 1995). sentus preferred Tedania ignis and Haliclona hogarthi The data in this study on preferences of Echinaster and avoided Chondrilla nucula and Chondrosia collec- spp. for Caribbean sponges agree with a study on trix (Figs. 1 & 3).For assays of foods containing organic spongivory by the Caribbean sea star reticu- extracts of mangrove sponges, however, E. echinopho- latus (Wulff 1995). Callyspongia vaginalis and Ircinia rus preferred foods containing extracts of T. ignis and felix were eaten by both Echinaster spp. and 0. reti- Ircinia felix and avoided those containing extracts of culatus, but Ectyoplasia ferox and Chondrilla nucula Dysidea etheria (Fig. 5).We frequently encountered E. were avoided. Amphimedon compressa was avoided echinophorus feeding on T. ignis in the field, and E. and Geodia neptuni was preferred by Echinaster spp., echinophorus preferentially fed on foods treated with while A. erina and A. rubens were avoided and a cryp- an extract of T. ignis over control foods. The extract of tic, white Geodia sp. was eaten by 0. reticulatus. No D. etheria deterred feeding by E. echinophorus relative other sponge genera were common to both studies. to control foods (Fig. ?), which explains the relatively These parallels suggest that similar factors influence low position of D. ethena in the whole tissue preference the feeding preferences of both Echinaster spp. and 0. hierarchy (Figs. 1 & 3). Extracts of C. nucula and C. col- reticulatus when feeding on Caribbean sponges. lectrix did not deter feedi.ng by E. echinophorus rela- The of chemical deterrence of sponge tive to control foods, so some factor besides chemical organic extracts against Echinaster spp. also agree defense must cause avoidance of these sponges by with studies of sponge chemical deterrence against Echinaster spp. (Fig. 7; see below). In assays with E. generalist reef fishes (Pawlik et al. 1995) and against sentus of chemically undefended sponges from both reef hermit crabs (Waddell & Pawlik 2000; Table 1). reefs and mangroves, G. neptuni was most preferred, Extracts of Amphimedon compressa, Ecfyoplasiaferox, while C. nucula was least preferred (Fig. 11).The pref- and Agelas clathrodes were deterrent to fish, hermit erences of E. sentus for chemically undefended crabs, and sea stars, while the extracts of Callyspongia sponges have no apparent relationship with the mean vaginalis were palatable to all 3 groups. Extracts of contents of soluble (non-refractory) protein, carbohy- Dysidea etheria were deterrent and those of Haliclona drate, lipid, energy, spicules, or insoluble protein for hogarthi were palatable to both fishes and sea stars. these sponges (Fig. 12). C. nucula ranks high among Further similarities between fish and hermit crab chemically undefended sponges in soluble protein, car- assays are discussed in Waddell & Pawlik (2000). It is bohydrate, lipid, and energy content, yet is the least reasonable to expect that the same secondary metabo- preferred food choice for E, sentus among chemically undefended sponges (Figs. l1 & 12).In studies of spon- Table 1. Comparison of deterrency of organic extracts of givory by Antarctic sea stars, sponges with extracts that Caribbean sponges to fishes Thalassoma b~fasciatum,hermit were toxic to goldfish when administered in suspension crabs Paguristes punticeps, and sea stars Echinaster echino- were typically avoided by sea stars, and preferences for phorus in aquarium feeding assays. + = consistently non- non-toxic species did not correlate with biochemical deterrent; - = consistently deterrent; V = variably deterrent; ND = no data for that predator species. Fish data taken from composition (McClintock 1987). McClintock (1987) sug- Pawlik et a1 (1995). Hermit crab data taken from Waddell gested that specific nutritional components of these & Pawlik (2000) sponges (i.e. vitamins, minerals, amino acids) may in- fluence sea star feeding preferences. The results of the Sponge Fish Crab Sea star present study suggest that some other characteristic of assay assay assay sponges may also affect feeding preferences of Echi- Agelas clathrodes - - naster spp. In the case of C. nucula (and probably C. Amphmedon compressa - V - collectrix),the rubbery, slippery texture of the sponge Callyspongia vaginalis + + + surface may deter feeding by sea stars. Chondrilla nucula V V + Chondroisa collectrix + ND + Neither spicules (Fig. 9) nor whole sponge skeleton Dysidea ethena ND - (Fig. 10) of Caribbean sponges deterred feeding by Ectyoplasia ferox - Echinaster echinophorus. It is also noteworthy that Geodia neptuni + V + Haliclona hogarthi + ND + Geodia neptuni, one of the most preferred species, was Ircinia felur - - + also highest in both spicule and spongin content Tedania ignls V ND t (Fig. 12). These results also agree with previous stud- Waddell & Pawlik: Sponge defenses against sea stars 143

lites are responsible for the antifeedant activity against Chanas B, Pawllk JR (1995) Defenses of Caribbean sponges all taxa of predators, because secondary metabolites against predatory reef fish. 11. Spicules, tissue toughness, are likely to be metabolically expensive (Paul 1992), and nutritional quality. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 12?:195-211 Chanas B, Pawlik JR (1996) Does the skeleton of a sponge and a sponge that could deter a diversity of predators provide a defense against predatory reef fish? Oecologia with 1 compound would gain an advantage in fitness 107:225-231 over one that needed to produce separate compounds Clark AM, Downey ME (1992) Starfishes of the Atlantic. to deter each predator. Algal secondary metabolites Chapman & Hall, London Dayton PK, Robilliard GA, Paine RT, Dayton LB (1974) have been shown to deter both fishes and sea urchins, Biological accomodation in the benthic community at for example, but not amphipods (Hay et al. 1988). McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. 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Editorial responsibility: Otto finne (Editor), Submitted: May 14, 1999; Accepted: October 13, 1999 Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany Proofs received from author(s): March 8, 2000