Secretary for Justice visits District (with photos) ******************************************************

The Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC, visited Kwun Tong today (October 17) to see the latest developments in the district.

Accompanied by the Chairman of Council, Mr Bunny Chan, and the District Officer (Kwun Tong), Mr Gilford law, Mr Yuen visited the Po Leung Kuk Lau Chan Siu Po District Elderly Community Centre at Tak Tin Estate, and chatted with elderly participants in the centre's activities.

The centre organises a variety of activities including counselling, health care and classes for elderly people aged 60 or above with the aim of ensuring they live a healthy and active life, as well as looking after their medical, social and individual needs.

Mr Yuen then went to the Energizing East Office (EKEO) located at the promenade in Hoi Bun Road, where he was briefed on the latest development of the visionary Energizing Kowloon East project.

Launched in 2012 by the Development Bureau, the project aims to expedite the transformation of Kowloon East, including the former Kai Tak Airport and the Kwun Tong and Business Areas into an attractive, alternative central business district to support 's economic development. Accompanied by the Head of the EKEO, Mr Raymond Lee, Mr Yuen toured the sites of the "Fly the Flyover01" and Kwun Tong Promenade.

Before concluding his visit, Mr Yuen met with members of Kwun Tong District Council and exchanged views on a range of community issues.

Ends/Thursday, October 17, 2013