
Major Items of Discussion at the 18th Meeting of the 3rd Term District Council (Full Council) dated 7.9.2010

Management Scheme for the Display of Roadside Non-commercial Publicity Materials

Representatives of the Lands Department (LandsD), Transport Department (TD), Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, and the District Officer (Kwun Tong) joined discussion on this item.

2. The LandsD representative made responses to Councillors’ enquiries and views on various issues such as the purpose of the Management Scheme, spot borrowing arrangements, paid activities, enquiries/complaints raised by individual Councillors, data on the distribution of designated spots at districts, 30m safety zone, law enforcement actions, consultation process and the provision of management scheme for the display of roadside commercial publicity materials.

3. The Chairman concluded that this was an initial consultation and Councillors would be consulted again on the details of the scheme in due course.

Development and Beautification of Kwun Tong Waterfront Promenade

4. Representatives of the Transport and Housing Bureau (THB) and Marine Department (MD) attended the meeting. The THB representative presented details of the plan to decommission Kwun Tong Public Cargo Working Area (PCWA) at the end of July 2011 to make way for the development of Kwun Tong Promenade. To facilitate the closure of the PCWA, MD launched a voluntary relocation scheme in October 2008. Since the launching of the

1 scheme, four operators had relocated to other PCWAs and continued their operations while applications of six other operators were being processed. There was still adequate vacant berthing space at other PCWAs to accommodate the affected waste paper recyclers. MD and the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) had strived to encourage other operators to relocate to vacant berths at other PCWAs and continue their operations. The Government would explore feasible options to solve the problem with the operators concerned.

5. The THB representative also made responses to Councillors’ enquiries and views on various issues such as the decommissioning of the PCWA, removal of the 12 waste paper recyclers, remaining vacant berths, and the Government’s response actions on the possible refusal of voluntary relocation of the 12 waste paper recyclers.

6. The Chairman informed the meeting that the following motion was received:

“The Council (KTDC) urges the Government to recover the 700-metre section of the Kwun Tong Public Cargo Working Area on schedule to commence construction of the Kwun Tong Promenade (Phase 2) as soon as possible and to provide the public with more open space.”

7. After voting, the motion was adopted with 30 Councillors voted for, 0 voted against and 0 abstained.

Kowloon East Cluster Annual Plan 2010/11

8. Representatives of the United Christian Hospital (UCH) and East Cluster attended the meeting and made responses to Councillors’ enquiries and views on various issues such as cancer services, waiting time at specialist out-patient clinics, evening clinic services, outreach medical consultation services for homes for the aged, monitoring mechanism on

2 discharged mental patients, and the proposed hospital at Area.

9. The Chairman summed up that KTDC would like the Government to endorse the extension of UCH as soon as possible. The motion adopted at the last meeting had been replayed to the Food and Health Bureau for consideration and follow-up actions.

Kwun Tong and Sau Mau Ping Districts Annual Policing Plan for 2010 - Half-yearly Progress Report

10. The paper was endorsed.

“2010 Kwun Tong Festival” Programme Details and Budget Estimates

11. The paper was presented and endorsed.

Public Housing Development at Anderson Road

12. Representatives of the Housing Department, Architectural Services Department, Civil Engineering and Development Department and TD attended the meeting and made responses to Councillors’ enquiries and views on various issues such as the plot ratio of 7.5, traffic and road planning, proposals on polyclinics, community workshops, school network, inter-departmental co-operation, and the Sau Mau Ping Community Complex.

13. The Chairman hoped that the departments concerned could take into account Councillors’ views on the overall layout, traffic flow, living environment, and future development of the 40 hectares of land in parallel with the quarry. It was also hoped that the development could be well-planned in order to meet the increased traffic flow in future and offer a pleasant living environment to the public.


Matters on District Minor Works

14. The paper was presented and endorsed.

Any Other Business

(1) Standard Chartered Marathon 2011

15. Ms. SO Lai-chun reported that the Marathon would be held on 20 February 2011. She invited Councillors to take active part in the event.

(2) Letter from EPD to Seek KTDC’s Co-operation in Organizing Promotional Activities on Good Food Waste Management Practices in the District

16. The meeting agreed to refer this item to the Environment and Hygiene Committee for follow-up actions.

(3) Pay Rise for Staff Employed under the District Council Funds

17. The Secretary reported that the Home Affairs Department had decided to approve a pay rise of 0.56% for full-time contract staff with a monthly salary of $48,670 or below, and 1.6% for those with a monthly salary of $48,670 or above. The pay rise would take effect from 1.9.2010. These pay adjustments would be applicable to contract staff employed under the Kwun Tong District Council Funds.

Kwun Tong District Council Secretariat November 2010