

Volume 15 • Issue 9 • Sept. 2008 Liberal Media Are Nearly Worshipping Obama, 92 Minutes for Barack vs. 8.5 Minutes for McCain The coverage given to leftist Demo- tilted, with more than 34 minutes of crat Barack Obama’s presidential run Obama coverage during the July 20-27 MRC Headquarters • Alexandria, Va proves that the liberal media are “in trip. McCain’s seven-day trip garnered the tank” for him and will do almost a piddling 10 seconds from CBS, a anything to help get him into the White ridiculously lopsided 200-to-1 disparity. INSIDE House. It is obvious and embarrassing for ABC’s World News with Charles a media who claim to be objective and Gibson gave Obama nearly as much PAGE 3 non-partisan — liberal media is indeed a coverage as CBS (about 33 minutes), or MRC Report Warned of redundancy. roughly 15 times more Liberal Media Downplaying Financial Time Bomb of A perfect case in attention than they Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac point was Obama’s eight- provided McCain’s trip — 3 Years Ago! day trip to the Middle (slightly more than two East and Europe in late minutes). PAGE 4 July to shore-up his lack NBC’s Nightly News Bits & Pieces: of foreign policy bona spent nearly 25 minutes Happy Commies! fi des. The liberal media, covering Obama, or Washington Post Propaganda, through their coverage, about four times more Dan Rather’s Latest tuned the event into than they gave McCain Conspiracy, Olbermann Unloads on the a traveling love fest. back in March (a little 2nd Amendment NBC’s , in over six minutes). fact, described Obama’s In addition to the PAGE 6 meeting with French grossly lopsided airtime Barack is No Reagan President Nicolas Sarkozy given to Obama’s trip, as “a love fest.” the examples of liberal PAGES 7 Analyzing the news of those eight days, media bias were countless. Some of MRC in the News the Media Research Center produced a the coverage gems of near-worship for report that showed the networks — ABC, Obama by the media include: PAGE 8 CBS, and NBC, which reach more than 40 ● After the fi rst day of Obama’s How You Can Help the MRC million Americans daily — gave a total of trip on July 19, ABC, CBS, and NBC Fight Liberal Media Bias 92 minutes of coverage to Obama. Yet repeatedly highlighted the Democratic when Republican John McCain made a presidential candidate signing auto- similar trip abroad in March, the media graphs and playing basketball at a elite gave him only 8.5 minutes of gym fi lled with U.S. troops. As ABC’s coverage. relayed, “At a local gym That’s right: 92 minutes for the someone handed him a basketball and he liberal Democratic golden boy and 8.5 promptly sank a shot from way outside minutes for the Republican guy. More the paint. He made it look easy.” than 10 times the airtime for Obama ● The next night, NBC Nightly News’ than McCain. That seems fair, doesn’t admired Obama’s need to it? No liberal bias here? walk on a “diplomatic and political As the MRC documented, the CBS tight rope, trying to balance his role as Evening News was the most obviously Continued on page 2 The 2 Watchdog SEPTEMBER 2008

Continued from page 1 a U.S. senator versus that of a presidential candidate” ● On the July 25 Early Show, CBS’s Mark Phillips before heralding: “His words tonight are reverberating swooned over the Berlin speech. “There is a bit of a from the war fronts in Afghanistan and Iraq to the morning-after feeling here in Berlin after what they’re Pentagon.” calling the ‘Obama show.’ But if the intent of this trip ● NBC’s David Gregory claimed that Iraqi Prime was to raise Barack Obama’s foreign profi le, it could Minister Nouri Al-Maliki’s suggestion of a U.S. troop hardly have been raised any higher. …The stage could withdrawal by 2010 “validated” Obama’s position and not have been bigger. The 200,000-plus crowd confi rmed thus refuted any notion of Obama’s his rock star status, and his more foreign policy “naiveté.” cooperative sounding rhetoric was ● On July 23, ’s what the crowd wanted to hear.” Cynthia McFadden condescendingly Phillips — no surprise — did not report compared McCain to an envious that free beer and live rock music younger sibling when it came to were offered prior to the speech to media coverage: “Now, if you have bring in that big crowd. a younger sibling, you can probably But the American people are on to relate to what Senator John McCain this leftist press. They know they are has been going through this week. not getting objective news. They know Whatever he does, everybody the liberal media are cheerleading for seems to be talking about the new Obama. The week of Obama’s trip, kid in town.” McFadden’s colleague ABC’s Diane Sawyer gleefully reported on Rasmussen Reports and Fox News/ David Wright then did a segment July 19 about Obama’s basketball skills, Opinion Dynamics ran separate polls on McCain with this introduction: sinking “a shot from way outside the paint. about what Americans think of the He made it look easy.” “Pity the poor Straight Talk Express. media and Obama. Rasmussen found While Barack Obama is off globe- on July 21 that 49 percent think the trotting, grabbing all that high- media will slant their coverage in an profi le, high-octane attention, explicit attempt to help Obama get we’re here on the tarmac in elected, while only 14 percent think Allentown, Pennsylvania. … Do you they will do the same for McCain. [McCain] kind of feel like you’re Three days later, the Fox poll going to be stuck playing defense showed that “67 percent of the from now until November?” respondents think most media ● On July 24, the networks members want Obama to win. Just all led with Obama’s speech in 11 percent think most in the media Berlin. Charles Gibson teased are for McCain.” ABC’s newscast: “In a city steeped On the July 24 World News with Charles Those numbers echo what the in history, before a massive crowd, Gibson, ABC featured a German man who MRC documented in its report on the hailed Obama as “my new messiah.” the candidate calls on the world slanted coverage: the liberal media to tear down this generation’s are little more than propagandists walls.” ABC also featured a for the Obama campaign. Those German man who hailed Obama as numbers also re-confi rm the mission “my new messiah.” NBC’s Brian of the MRC to document and expose Williams oozed to Obama: “When liberal media bias. an American politician comes to The MRC is getting the message Berlin, we’ve had some iconic out, thanks to your generous help. utterances in the past. We’ve And the American people are not as had ‘ich bin ein.’ We’ve had ‘Mr. malleable as the media might think. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.’ But it is a constant struggle and we Is the phraseology that you would must carry on — ever forward! On NBC’s Nightly News, anchor Brian like remembered, ‘people of Yours truly, Berlin, people of the world, this is Williams equated the language of Obama’s our moment, this is our time’?” Berlin speech with that of Presidents Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy. ● In a related example, the Associated Press ran a story on July 22 touting Obama’s Brent Bozell “susperstar charisma” meeting “German adoration” Founder and President with a promise to “redeem” America. The SEPTEMBER 2008 Watchdog 3

MRC Report Warned of Liberal Media Downplaying Financial Time Bomb of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — 3 Years Ago!

While the liberal media railed endlessly — and within Enron and Fannie Mae, the networks focused still do — about the 2001 Enron scandal and tried to on the private company, Enron, over Fannie Mae by pin the blame on greedy capitalists and President a margin of 3,017-to-37, as BMI reported. That’s Bush, they studiously avoided the brewing fi nancial more than 85-to-one. mess with the government-sponsored Fannie Mae That’s no surprise, as Fannie’s CEO from 1999 and Freddie Mac — a scandal that is now going to to 2004 was Franklin Raines, the director of the cost taxpayers at least $25 billion to bail out. Offi ce of Management and Budget under President Back in 2005, the MRC’s Business & Media Institute Bill Clinton. Raines was forced to take “early re- (BMI) published a Special Report that exposed how tirement” as the scandal unrolled and, in April 2008, the networks — ABC, CBS, and NBC, ordered by a federal court to pay back millions in which reach more than 40 million fi nes and relinquished benefi ts. Americans every day — were largely Raines was also giving hous- ignoring the Fannie Mae problem ing and mortgage policy advice (and later reports touched on to the Barack Obama campaign Freddie Mac.) until the Fannie scandal fi nally In “Government-Sponsored hit the networks. Jamie Gorelick, Enron: Billion Dollar Scandal a former Clinton administration Not Ready for Primetime,” offi cial, is on the list of possible the BMI report explained how attorneys general in an Obama Fannie Mae is a “government administration — Gorelick was a sponsored enterprise,” charter- vice chairman of Fannie Mae. ed by Congress to help provide James Johnson, a former chairman mortgages for fi rst-time home- of Fannie Mae, was tapped by the buyers and minorities — that it is Obama campaign in June to help a politically correct enterprise select potential vice presidential with connections that go deep candidates. But after some ex- into the Democratic Party, MRC’s 2005 report on biased liberal posure for his connection to some which explains why the liberal media coverage of Fannie Mae scandal Countrywide loans, Johnson resigned networks were ignoring it. from the campaign. The Wall Street Journal kept tabs on the story This is all related to the liberal as did, to some extent, The Washington Post. But networks appalling lack of coverage of the Fannie they were the exceptions. While the BMI report and Freddie scandals. Yet even with Enron well out went out in 2005 and got a lot of attention on of the picture in the fi rst six months of 2008, the conservative talk radio and other conservative story was the same. outlets, another report should have garnered the Problems at Fannie and Freddie loomed amid a networks’ attention. housing crisis and the networks mentioned Enron The Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight offi ce more than twice as often as Fannie and Freddie warned in 2006 about the “façade” Fannie Mae had combined, as the MRC’s Business & Media Institute created between 1998 and 2004 to make itself appear continued to document. to be a “best in class” institution. It went on to detail The liberal media were covering for their friends. the “earnings manipulation” and “mismanagement” The MRC documented and exposed the networks’ that was, at that point, responsible for $10.6 billion running interference three years ago and kept on of losses, “and ill-gotten bonuses in the hundreds of top of the story and the bias, until the $25 billion millions of dollars.” bailout fi nally hit the president’s desk on July 30. But the liberals at ABC, CBS, and NBC still didn’t Not bad for an outfi t with relatively few employees want to talk about it. At the peak of scandals and a small budget. Goliath, meet David.

To read this special report in its entirety, please visit: The 4 Watchdog SEPTEMBER 2008

As for the evening network news viewers, 70 percent “who watch CBS’s Katie Couric every day plan to vote for Obama, as do 71 percent of the daily viewers of ABC’s Charles Gibson, and 67 percent of those Bits & Pieces watching NBC’s .” For contrast, the survey found that 87 percent of Fox News Channel view- Happy Commies! Washington Post-aganda ers “say they are likely to vote for NBC Today co-host It should come as no surprise John McCain” with only 9 percent of went to Communist China to cover that Washington Post business col- Fox watchers backing Obama. the Olympics and gleefully report- umnist Steven Pearlstein won the ed on Aug. 5 that “a recent poll” 2008 Pulitzer Prize for commentary. showed the Chinese were much His liberal ideology refl ects the Pu- Conspiratorial Again happier than Americans, when com- litzer committee’s political lean- Going into the 2006 elections, pared to U.S. polls. “There’s a re- ings. Typical was Pearlstein’s Aug. 1 CBS Evening News anchor Katie cent poll that said some very high column, “Wave Goodbye to the In- Couric implied that oil companies percentage of the people in China visible Hand,” in which he lectured were somehow conspiring to lower are happy with their lot in life,” that “it is not the protectionists of gas prices to help get Republicans crowed Lauer. “Something around the AFL-CIO or CNN who are primar- elected. Two years later — with gas 80 percent. You compare that to ily to blame for the erosion of pub- polls in the that say lic support” for free trade. only about 25 percent of Americans No, “the blame lies squarely with are, what’s the root of their happi- a business community that continues ness here?” to support Republican politicians who Lauer later also claimed that the refuse to raise the taxes and spend “average citizen” in China might the money necessary to provide the agree with “the ideology of a pro- economic safety net for American test” against Chinese government workers that a free-market economy policies but “at this particular time has not, and will not, provide.” The Pulitzer-toting Pearlstein neglected say, ‘No, you’re not gonna spoil On the Chris Matthews Show, Dan our party, it’s inappropriate’” at to mention that liberal Democrat “Conspiracy” Rather warns viewers to the Olympics. Lauer, no surprise, politicians have controlled Congress watch for a drop in oil prices to help did not mention that the Chinese — and the nation’s purse — for most elect John McCain of the last 60 years. prices at historic highs and Demo- crats controlling Congress — Dan Obama Backers Rather, the former (and disgraced) More than 63 percent of the peo- anchor of the CBS Evening News, ple who watch ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, told the Chris Matthews Show that and MSNBC plan to vote for liberal oil fi rms would, again, magical- Democrat Barack Obama for presi- ly lower prices to help the GOP. dent, according to an Aug. 6 Ras- “Things to watch — with the thought mussen Reports survey. That makes in mind that many people vote their sense, given that the networks and pocketbooks when it comes to vot- CNN pump out liberal news ‘round ing for president — price of oil,” NBC’s Matt Lauer asks a Communist the clock. For those who watch Chinese offi cial why the Chinese are said Rather in a sinister tone. reportedly “happier” than Americans. CNN, the poll found that 65 percent “The price of oil has been high. “plan to vote for the Democratic The people who can affect the price government is responsible for kill- candidate versus 26 percent who in- of oil would prefer a Republican ing more than 65 million of its own tend to go for the Republican. Simi- presidential candidate. Watch the people, waging genocide in Tibet, larly, MSNBC watchers plan to vote price of oil. If it goes down, which and brutally enforcing a one-child- for Obama over McCain 63 percent it may very well, it could help John per-couple policy. to 30 percent.” McCain quite a bit.” The SEPTEMBER 2008 Watchdog 5

Gibson Panics candidates, according to a report by Like Couric and Rather, ABC’s Investor’s Business Daily. For exam- Charles Gibson, anchor of the World ple, the numbers show NBC Univer- News, is looking at the November sal employees are the most eager givers to the Democrats, racking up elections and casting as dark a $104,184 in contributions this elec- pall as possible — in this case, the tion cycle, compared to just $3,150 economy. On the July 15 broadcast, to Republican candidates. Gibson intoned: “Markets are gyrat- Overall, so far, federal re- ing, infl ation is rising, banks are cords show journalists have given closing. Consumer pessimism is at $225,563 to Democrats and only an all-time high.” Actually, only one $16,298 to Republicans. Two-hun- MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann rails on the July 30 Countdown show that Supreme bank has closed. dred thirty-fi ve journalists donated Gibson continued, “We are go- Court Justice Antonin Scalia doesn’t to Democrats, just 20 gave to Re- understand the 2nd Amendment. ing to devote a large part of our publicans — a margin greater than the purposes of forming a state mi- broadcast tonight to the economy 10-to-1. An even greater disparity, litia, you’re entitled to keep and because the news each day seems 20-to-1, exists between the num- bear arms. Obviously, those would unrelentingly bad.” Gibson then, ber of journalists who donated to have to be the kind of arms in use turning to ABC’s selected “experts,” Barack Obama and John McCain. wondered: “Tell me where people All in all, more evidence that the in 1791, when the Bill of Rights was go now to make sure their money is “news” media elite are in the tank passed: the musket, the wheel-lock, safe. With stocks down, you think for liberals and Democrats. the fl int lock, the 13th century Chi- the safest place to go is in the bank, nese hand cannon. Stuff like that. and now we’re told that there could “Scalia simply decided that the be a lot of bank failures. So where do Olbermann Unloads militia part of the Second Amend- you put your money that you know MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann railed ment is some sort of quaint anach- it’s safe? Under the mattress?” against Supreme Court Justice An- ronism that he could happily ignore. tonin Scalia as “a clown” because And there’s the beautiful thing of his majority ruling on the consti- about our country — they say any- Media Money tutional right to own a gun. Despite body can grow up to be a Supreme People who work for the major the “NRA and right-wing organiza- Court justice. And in Antonin Scalia, media are making campaign dona- tions,” the issue is simple, coun- there’s your proof, and tonight’s tions overwhelmingly to Democratic tered Olbermann on July 30. “For ‘Worst Person in the World’!”

■ White House reporters are not liberal bellows Helen Thomas, “Hell no! I’m Minibits dying to fi nd another liberal to open their mouths. Where are they?” ■ “It’s not only Obama’s youth, eloquence and energy that have stolen hearts across the Atlantic,” swoons the AP, “Obama has raised expectations of a chance for the nation to redeem itself in the role that Europe has loved, respected and relied upon.” ■ The NYT’s Allessandra Stanley rejects charges of pro-Obama bias with this explanation: “Mr. Obama’s weeklong tour of war zones and foreign capitals is noteworthy because it is so unusual to see a presidential candidate act so presidential overseas.” ■ NBC’s prods Al Gore: “How can you, given the passion that you feel about this issue, turn down the idea that you could be in the administration as a Vice President or as an energy czar or as both?” ■ NYT’s Linda Greenhouse, with a straight face, claims, “President Clinton played to the center, not the left, in selecting Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer.” ■ NBC labels Jesse Helms an “outspoken ultra-rightist” but waxes about Howard Metzenbaum as a “populist” who “always fought for the little guy.” ■ ABC’s Robin Roberts complains: “Why is Senator McCain abroad when Americans are focused on the economy here at home and losing jobs, more and more jobs.” ■ CBS’s Katie Couric sees bias now: “However you feel about CBS anchor Katie Couric complains her politics, I feel that Senator Clinton received some of the most unfair, hostile coverage that I’ve ever seen.” ■ And TIME’s former Washington Bureau Chief Margaret Carlson pens, “If got “unfair, hostile there’s anything we need to rescue us from the last eight years, it’s brains, good judgment and coverage” from the experience. Obama has the fi rst two. Gore has all three.” media. The 6 Watchdog SEPTEMBER 2008

L. Brent Bozell III’s • July 29, 2008 • Nationally Syndicated Column

Barack’s No Reagan declared: “People of the world Newsweek’s love for Barack Obama knows no – look at Berlin, where a wall bounds. After Obama’s speech in Berlin, Newsweek came down, a continent came published a headline that suggests an editor who’s together, and history proved spent six days drunk on a merry-go-round: “Obama’s that there is no challenge too Reagan Moment.” That deserves the Lloyd Bentsen great for a world that stands as retort: “I knew Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan was a one…. If we could win a battle friend of mine. Barack Obama is no Ronald Reagan.” of ideas against the communists, we can stand with The Newsweek piece sneered that while Obama the vast majority of Muslims who reject the extremism and John Kennedy spoke to more than a hundred that leads to hate instead of hope.” thousand people, Reagan spoke to a much smaller No adoring anchorman dared to ask: Who, precisely, audience, “only about 20,000,” and they were Senator Obama, is the “we” who won a battle of ideas outnumbered by leftist protesters the night before. against communism? Who was the “we” who dared to They recalled, “Even some of Reagan’s aides were insist that liberty was the superior ideal, that “Freedom embarrassed by the ‘tear down this wall’ line thinking is the victor,” and to demand that the walls of Soviet it was too provocative or grandiose.” Newsweek would tyranny should fall? It was not America as a whole. concede only that “Reagan understood stagecraft,” It was certainly not Europe as a whole. To publicly and communism’s fall “made his words prescient.” declare such a bold wish for an end to the Soviet In other words, the Gipper was a showboat who empire, to denounce the Berlin Wall as a “scar” across got lucky. Berlin, and a “gash of barbed wire, concrete, dog runs, This is nothing more than Newsweek’s continuing and guard towers” was seen by the international left, campaign to rewrite history. Back in 1987, Newsweek and the Democrats, and the press corps here at home was not prescient. They came to bury Reagan’s as undiplomatic saber-rattling. It was, to quote the speech as a desperate gesture of a crumbling lame- Hillary Clintons of the world, “cowboy diplomacy.” duck presidency ruined by Iran-contra. Their story Barack Obama is an arrogant pretender to a on his trip began: “Ronald Reagan wasn’t the only throne he has not earned. He wanted to stand at the lame duck at the economic summit in Venice last Brandenburg Gate like Reagan, grasping desperately week, and he wasn’t the only allied leader to nod off for a chance to look presidential. But he hasn’t in any when the proceedings turned soporifi c.” way demonstrated Reagan’s resolve against America’s Newsweek chronicled Reagan’s woes, then enemies. Instead, this power-hungry newbie has stood declared how only Mikhail Gorbachev could restore in about seven different places in the last four years luster to the old man: “It is the ultimate paradox of on the primary controversy of our time. Reagan’s lifelong opposition to all things communist In 2002, he opposed the Iraq war from his pews of that a U.S.-Soviet arms agreement and a third his America-deserved-9/11 church. In 2004, he stood summit with Gorbachev offer the best, and perhaps staunchly and very temporarily by John Kerry’s vote for last, hope for reinvigorating his presidency.” They war. In 2006, he calculated that the best way to win saw Reagan with a foolish career of “opposition to the Democratic nomination was to play kissy-kissy with all things communist” turning to Gorbachev as his Code Pink and channel’s demand that the savior, and painted Gorbachev as more persuasive president acknowledge all was lost in Iraq. Now, having and attractive to Europe. The magazine geniuses at defeated all those Democratic suckers who voted for the time seemed to adore Gorby as if he were.... war, he’s developing yet another position, that the Barack Obama. success of the surge means that he didn’t have to be At least Newsweek in 1987 (but not in 2008) right about the surge or anything else, that the country chronicled what Reagan told the pro-Soviet protesters is now ready for a rapid withdrawal of forces. there at the end of his speech: “I wonder if they have Ronald Reagan was willing to endure an entire ever asked themselves that if they should have the career being mocked by the press and the political kind of government they apparently seek, no one intelligentsia for standing fi rmly in one bunker of a would ever be able to do what they’re doing again.” war of ideas. Barack Obama has demonstrated only But Reagan’s rhetorical daring in his time marks one cause, one idea he consistently believes in. Its why Obama’s Berlin remarks sounded so phony. He name is Barack Obama. The SEPTEMBER 2008 Watchdog 7

WCBM, Baltimore, MD, July 8, 18 KMED, Medford, OR, July 11, 18 KCAA, Los Angeles, CA, July 8, 21 WDUN, Atlanta, GA, July 9 KRCN, Denver, CO, July 9, Aug. 1 WTKF, Greenville, NC, July 3, 11 KRMS, Osage Beach, MO, July 18 in the WCOJ, Weschester, PA, July 14 MRC News WZNZ, Jacksonville, FL, July 2 WLQV, Ferndale, MI, July 10 The experts at the Media Research KFNN, Phoenix, AZ, July 17 Center are interviewed almost every KFYV, Ventura, CA, July 30 WBEZ, Chicago, IL, July 7, 11 day on stories of national importance, WOR, New York, NY, July 7 often reaching millions of Americans KAAY, Little Rock, AR, June 30, July 7, 14 daily. They provide analysis and com- WFLA, Tallahassee, FL, July 1 mentary on radio, TV, the Internet, in WSAU, Wausau, WI, July 2, 9 WMUZ, Detroit, MI, July 10, 29 magazines, books and in newspapers, 1700 San Diego, July 9 always striving to help restore political WEPM, Martinsburg, WV, July 28 balance to the major media. Some of WRVC, Huntington, WV, July 30 the MRC’s latest media appearances WBIG, Aurora, IL, July 31 WICC, Bridgeport, CT, Aug. 1 include the following: Editor Terry Jeffrey WJPF, Carterville, IL, July 31 analyzes the potential VP picks of KXYL, Brownwood, TX, July 8, Aug. 1 candidates John McCain and Barack ~ PARTIAL LISTING Televison Obama on CNN’s The Situation Room. CBN: NewsWatch, July 22, 29, 30 FBN: Your World with Neil Cavuto, Print July 11, 16, 22, Aug. 1 Investor’s Business Daily, July 7, 17 Fox Business Network: July 25 Washington Times, July 1,8, 10, 17, 30, 31 FNC: Fox & Friends, July 3, 18 Human Events, July 9, 15 The O’Reilly Factor, July 2 Austin-American Statesman, July 11 Just In with Laura Ingraham, Minneapolis Star-Tribune, July 11 Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, July 2 July 2 Tri-City Herald, July 17 Special Report with Brit Hume Desert Dispatch, July 2 July 2 Appeal Democrat, July 16 Fox News Live, July 7 Detroit Free Press, July 8 WORLD magazine, July 30, Aug. 9 Hannity & Colmes, July 18 On Fox & Friends, MRC President Brent New York Times, Aug. 1 News Channel 8 Washington DC: July 18 Bozell explains how liberals in Congress Federal News, July 22 Washington Post, Aug. 4 plan to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine Los Angeles Times, July 18 Sinclair Broadcasting Group, July 18 to silence conservative talk radio. Financial Times, July 19 CNN: American Morning, July 23 Anchorage Times, July 24 The Situation Room, June 23, Variety, July 18 30, July 18, Aug. 4, 12 Detroit Free Press, July 13 MSNBC: Aug. 5 Austin American-Statesman, July 10 ~ PARTIAL LISTING Radio G. Gordon Liddy Show, July 17 Internet Janet Parshall’s America, July 21 Right Talk, July 2, July 9, Aug. 5 Martha Zoller Show, July 9, June 30, July 16, 18 Lars Larson Show, July 10 National Review Online, July 14 Dateline, July 10, July 17 MRC Communications Director Seton Faith Broadcasting, July 1 WorldNetDaily, July 11, 29 Thom Hartmann Show, July 15, 22 Motley discusses how the Obama Human Events Online, July 15 Drew Mariani Show, July 2, 28 campaign fi rst played “the race card” Church Report, July 15, 17 Right Balance, July 8, 10, 30 against John McCain, on Fox’s Your AlterNet, Aug. 5 Family News in Focus, July 17 World with Neil Cavuto., Aug. 5 American Family Radio, July 17, 28, Aug. 1, Aug. 5 Flipside Show, June 30, July 14 Yahoo! News, July 10, 17, 19 Wisconsin Public Audio, July 21 KKTX, Corpus Christi, TX, July 2, 9, 14 National Review Online, July 13, 15 Catholic Connection, July 7 WCHS, Charleston, WV, July 14 Enter Stage Right, Aug. 3 Catholic Channel-Sirius Radio, July 10 KBAR, Burley, ID, July 7, 10,15 Arkansas Online, July 16 NRA News, Aug. 1 KLIK, Jefferson City, MO, July 9, 15 Christian Newswire, Aug. 5 WIBA, Madison, WI, July 7 WDYT, Charlotte, NC, July 16, July 29 WIBC, Indianapolis, IN, July 18 WWTN, Nashville, TN, July 18 ~ PARTIAL LISTING How You Can Help the MRC Fight Liberal Media Bias JOIN US IN OUR MISSION OF TRUTH

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THE WATCHDOG (ISSN #1087-5077) is published monthly by the Media Research Center, a 501(c)3 non-profi t research and education organization. © 2008 Media Research Center, All Rights Reserved. L. Brent Bozell III, Founder and President • Michael Chapman, Editor Media Research Center • 325 South Patrick Street • Alexandria, Virginia 22314 • (703) 683-9733 • CREATING A MEDIA CULTURE IN AMERICA WHERE TRUTH AND LIBERTY FLOURISH